2013 Annual Report
2013 Annual Report
The peak of excellence Annual Report 2013 Žito d.d Introduction 1 Introduction 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 1 BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPANY AND THE GROUP 5 2013 PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS 6 EVENTS FOLLOWING THE BALANCE SHEET DATE 13 INTRODUCTION BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD 14 REPORT OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD 15 MANAGEMENT AND GOVERNANCE 20 6.1 Bodies responsible for corporate governance 20 6.2 Corporate governance 24 6.2.1 Statement of compliance with the Corporate 24 Governance Code 6.2.2 F igures under the sixth paragraph of Article 70 of the Companies Act 28 6.2.3 Information on the functioning of the general meeting 30 6.3 Statement of management responsibility 2 Management report 7 ABOUT THE ŽITO GROUP 8 SHARES AND OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE 9 OPERATIONAL FRAMEWORK 9.1 Macroeconomic environment in 2013 and expectations in 2014 9.2 Development strategy 10 RISK MANAGEMENT 10.1 Operational risk 10.2 Financial risk 10.3 Strategic map of risk 11 ANALYSIS OF BUSINESS PERFORMANCE 11.1 Business operations 31 32 33 37 41 41 42 44 46 50 50 52 52 11.2 Equity and liabilities 11.3 Performance indicators and ratios 12 SALES AND MARKETING 12.1 Sales by sales area 12.2 Sales by Sales Pillars 12.3 Sales by Distribution Channels 13 PRODUCT SUPPLY 14INVESTMENTS 15 QUALITY CONTROL SYSTEM 16 PLANS FOR 2014 3 Sustainable development 55 57 60 60 63 67 69 71 72 73 75 76 79 79 17EMPLOYEES 18 SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT 18.1 Public relations 18.2 Social responsibility and sustainable development81 18.3 Sponsorships 83 19 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 84 4 Financial report 20 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 21 INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPANY 22 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 23 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 24 AUDITOR’S REPORT 25ADRESSES 86 87 101 102 121 173 176 1 Annual report 2013 / Introduction/ Introduction /44 1INTRODUCTION 1 Annual report 2013 / Introduction / 5 1 1 BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPANY AND THE GROUP The controlling company of the Žito Group is Žito, prehrambena industrija d.d. Abbreviated name: Žito d.d. Registered office: Šmartinska c. 154, 1529 Ljubljana tel. št.: (01) 5876 100 faks: (01) 5245 200 e-mail: info@zito.si Website: www.zito.si Registration number: 5391814 VAT number SI 81177879 Number and date of entry in court register: Srg 98/05123, 30 September 1998 Initial capital: 14.846.937 EUR Number of shares as of 31 Dec 2013: 355,792 no par-value shares Listing of shares and ticker symbol: Ljubljana Stock Exchange, official market, ZTOG President of the Management Board: Other members of the management board: Janez Bojc Peter Rajačič, Erik Žunič, Sandi Svoljšak President of the Supervisory Board: Deputy president of the Supervisory Board: Members of the Supervisory Board: Tomi Rumpf Maja Makovec Brenčič Adrijan Rožič, Milan Kneževič, Suzana Šimenc, Zenon Marn Principal lines of business: production of bakery, confectionery and milled products, frozen foods, candy, chewing gums, chocolate, biscuits, pasta, spices, teas, rice and retail As well as the controlling company, Žito d.d., the Žito Group (hereinafter also referred to as the Group) consists of affiliated companies in Slovenia and abroad. The organisation and activity of individual companies in the Žito Group are described in greater detail in Chapter 7. 1 Annual report 2013 / Introduction / 6 2 2013 PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS In 2013, the Žito Group faced challenging economic and market conditions, as well as a fall in purchasing power in Slovenia. GDP fell by 1.6 per cent and consumer spending fell by 3.5 per cent. Negative consumption trends were noticed in most export markets. We generated EUR 110.9 million in net sales revenue, EUR 3.1 million operating profit and EUR 2.2 million net profit. Compared to 2012, sales revenue declined by 0.3%, operating profit increased by 50.6 % and net profit by 464.9 %. If revenue from real property purchase in 2012 is considered, operating profit in 2013 fell by 42.7% in 2013 in comparison to 2012. Key performance indicators improved, including return on revenue, capital and assets, added value and EBITDA margin. In October 2013, Žito d.d. purchased 32,533 own shares at EUR 57.00 per share via its subsidiary Šumi nepremičnine d.o.o., fully owned by Žito d.d. With 3,046 own shares already owned by the parent company, the acquired own shares represented 10% of all issued shares. By signing an agreement on the sale of shares of Žito d.d. in October 2013, the sale of Žito d.d. began. A sales consortium including Modra zavarovalnica d.d., Slovenska odškodninska družba, d.d., KD Kapital, finančna družba, d.o.o., KD Skladi, družba za upravljanje d.o.o. and Adriatic Slovenica, d.d., was formed. The shareholders of Žito d.d. in this sales consortium own 50.7% of company's share capital. The sales procedure will be implemented with the assistance of a financial consultant. 1 Annual report 2013 / Introduction / 7 Key data on the operations of the Žito Group and company Žito d.d. in 2013 and 2012 in EUR Net sales revenue Žito Group Žito d.d. 2013 2012 Index 2013 2012 Index 110.860.622 111.173.210 99,7 103.725.655 103.329.181 100,4 Operating profit before amortisation (EBITDA) Revenue from revaluation of real property not considered 8.798.88 7.606.499 115,7 7.642.762 7.126.967 107,2 Revenue from revaluation of real property considered* 8.798.88 10.986.164 80,1 7.642.762 10.506.633 72,7 Revenue from revaluation of real property not considered 3.128.298 2.077.625 150,6 3.109.142 2.311.035 134,5 Revenue from revaluation of real property considered* 3.128.298 5.457.291 57,3 3.109.142 5.690.700 54,6 Net profit for the financial year 2.200.313 389.495 564,9 2.496.344 749.848 332,9 Net earnings of the majority owner 2.200.632 390.801 563,1 - - - Assets 117.520.759 120.486.241 97,5 120.477.458 120.868.445 99,7 Equity capital 70.222.776 69.151.746 101,5 73.958.279 71.506.944 103,4 Financial liabilities 22.115.321 27.252.084 81,2 23.536.312 29.119.843 80,8 Return on sales (ROS) 1,98 % 0,35 % 566,5 2,41 % 0,73 % 331,6 Return on equity (ROE) 3,16 % 0,56 % 562,6 3,43 % 1,05 % 327,7 Return on assets (ROA) 1,85 % 0,32 % 575,8 2,07 % 0,62 % 334,6 Revenue from revaluation of real property not considered 34.811.850 32.670.471 106,6 27.456.686 26.134.512 105,1 Revenue from revaluation of real property considered* 34.811.850 36.050.136 96,6 27.456.686 29.514.177 93,0 Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) Value added Added value per employee Revenue from revaluation of real property not considered 31.162 27.695 27.695 34.825 31.859 109,3 Revenue from revaluation of real property considered* 31.162 5.457.291 30.560 34.825 35.979 96,8 3.713.831 7.074.842 52,5 3.351.038 6.895.276 48,6 Number of employees as at 31 December 1.137 1.163 97,8 799 811 98,5 Average number of employees based on hours worked 1.117 1.180 94,7 788 820 96,1 Investments 1 Annual report 2013 / Introduction / 8 The financial statements have been compiled in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards. The method of calculating the indicators: – Return on sales (ROS): net profit for the financial year / net sales revenues Value added and value added per employee for the Žito Group in the period 2009-2013 – return on equity (ROE): net profit for the financial year / average value of shareholders’ equity 40.000.000 – return on assets (ROA): net profit for the financial year / average assets 35.000.000 – Added value per employee: (gross operating profit – costs of goods, materials and services – other operating expenses) / average number of employees based on hours worked 30.000.000 25.000.000 20.000.000 *In 2012, Žito d. d. changed the accounting policy for investment property from property valuation by purchase price to the method of valuation by fair value. Due to this, income from the revaluation of land plots in 2012 amounts to EUR 3,380 thousand. 15.000.000 Indicators (EBIT, EBITDA and added values) for 2012 in the remainder of this Annual Report for 2013 are calculated by not considering the effect of the revaluation of land plots, since this is a one-time event. 0 Net sales revenues and net sales revenues per employee for the Žito Group in the period 2009-2013 29.000 120.000.000 100.000.000 93.019 94.215 99.236 27.000 78.389 78.221 26.000 40.000.000 25.000 20.000.000 0 24.000 2009 2010 Net sales revenues 2011 2012 2013 23.000 Net sales revenues per employee 32.000 31.000 30.000 78.389 78.221 93.019 29.000 94.215 28.000 10.000.000 27.000 5.000.000 26.000 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 25.000 Value added per employee Value added EBITDA and share of EBITDA in the gross operating profit for the Žito Group in the period 2009-2013 12.000.000 9,6 % 10,4 % 12,0 % 7,7 % 10.000.000 8.000.000 80.000.000 60.000.000 28.000 99.236 6,8 % 7,8 % 10,0 % 8,0 % 6.000.000 6,0 % 4.000.000 4,0 % 2.000.000 2,0 % 0 2009 EBITDA 2010 2011 2012 2013 0,0% share of EBITDA in the gross operating profit 1 Annual report 2013 / Introduction / 9 Labour costs and share of labour costs in value added for the Žito Group in the period 2009-2013 25.000.000 72,7 % 20.000.000 68,9 % 70,2 % 70,1 % 10.000.000 5.000.000 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 40 % 70.000.000 76,0 % 60.000.000 74,0 % 50.000.000 72,0 % 40.000.000 70,0 % 30.000.000 66,0 % 20.000.000 10 % 64,0 % 10.000.000 5% 0 Net profit and return on equity for the Žito Group in the period 2009-2013 4,00 % 3,7 % 3,50 % 2.500.000 2.000.000 3,2 % 3,00 % 2,50 % 2,4 % 2,2 % 1.500.000 2,00 % 1,50 % 1.000.000 1,00 % 500.000 0 0,6 % 2009 Net profit 2010 2011 2012 Return on equity 0,50 % 2013 0,00 % 40 % 38 % 35 % 33 % 35 % 30 % 25 % 20 % 15 % 2009 Equity 3.000.000 39 % 78,0 % Share of labour value Labour costs 45 % 80.000.000 75,7 % 30.000.000 15.000.000 Changes in equity, net liabilities and leverage of the Žito Group in the period 2009-2013 2010 2011 Net liability 2012 2013 0% Leverage In 2013, the Žito Group recorded a 0.3% drop in total sales revenues, as well as 5.3% growth in revenue per employee. Due to an increase in operations, operating profit before amortisation (EBITDA), as well as return on equity (ROE) and added value, increased. Added value per employee increased by 12.6%. It should be mentioned here that the indicators related to employees take into consideration only employees in Žito, whose number has been decreasing for several years in a row. 1 Annual report 2013 / Introduction / 10 Important events and activities in the financial year Fire in the soup additives plant In January 2013, there was a fire in the soup additives plant at PC Intes Maribor. The fire destroyed the entire line for soup additives and equipment in the premises. Awards for quality Žito Group participated at the 13th expert evaluation of bread and bakery products in February 2013 under the auspices of the bakery and milling department of the Chamber of Agricultural and Food Enterprises. Among 64 reviewed samples from 19 companies participating at this evaluation, Žito Group won 13 golden awards. All 13 participating Žito's products won gold awards, i.e. Ajdov kruh z orehi, Stoletni kruh, Zlati hlebec, Srečkov črni kruh, Hribovc, Slovenc, Jelenov kruh, (the latter won a gold award for the thirteenth time in a row), Domači črni kruh, Gorenc polbeli and Pastirski črni kruh, cottage cheese burek and spinach burek; among the pasta type products, the Grande rolled noodles received a gold award. Decisions from the 19th meeting of shareholders of Žito d.d. of 10 June 2013 Constitution of reserves and division of distributable profit for 2012 a. In accordance with the decision of the Management Board, statutory reserves in the amount of EUR 166,734.18 and other reserves in the amount of EUR 629,515.49 are created on 31 December 2012; b. Distributable profit of Žito d. d. on 31 December 2012 thus amounted EUR 25,471,393.96; c. A part of the distributable profit in the amount of EUR 1,054,710.54 is distributed to the shareholders entered in the share register on the second working day after the general meeting, with dividends amounting to EUR 2.99 gross per share. Dividends are paid out to shareholders on 24 October 2013 in a fixed amount; d. The remainder of the distributable profit in the amount of EUR 24,416,683.42 is carried forward to the 2013 financial year as undistributed profit. 1 Annual report 2013 / Introduction / 11 Discharge of liability for 2012 Žito received seven Best Buy Awards The Management Board and Supervisory Board were granted discharge of liability for the financial year 2012. In the 2013/2014 Best Buy Award research conducted in Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Žito stands out as the leading provider of the best price and quality ratio for numerous products. Appointment of a certified auditor for the business year 2013 The audit company UHY Revizija in svetovanje, Vurnikova ulica 2, Ljubljana was named as the certified auditor for the financial year 2013 Opening of a renovated shop at Ljubljana market The International Certification Association from Switzerland (ICERTIAS) conducted an opinion poll in September 2013 about the best price-quality ratio of food and non-food products and services in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia. Žito received seven Best Buy Award medals. Opening of the freezer plant and new production line in Maribor Slovenian consumers believe that Zlato Polje rice, Zlato Polje grains and breakfast cereals, Maestro herbs, Žito rusks and grissini as well as fresh bakery products are products with the best price-quality ratio among all competitors and producers in the Slovenian market. In the Bosnian as well as Croatian markets (Croatia for the year 2012/2013), Zlato Polje rice won the Best Buy Award award under the category »Rice – the best price-quality ratio«, since it received the highest number of votes from respondents. A new line for bread and bakery products as well as a freezer plant for storing semi-baked products with a capacity of 1080 pallet slots was opened at PC Kruh pecivo in Maribor on 21 June 2013. The other top three products in additional categories in Slovenia include Šumi Bonboni, and in the salted sticks category, Žito ranked second. In the Best Buy Award 2013/2014 award in Bosnia, Žito's golden rusk ranked second in the »Rusk« category. Change of significant stake in company ownership Sale of financial investment in Mlinotest, change of ownership of Žito d.d. and change in the number of own shares On 20 June 2013 a renewed shop Arkade was opened at Ljubljana central market. The new image and content are the result of cooperation with the Association of Ecological Grain Processors and the Group of Ecological Fruit Producers. On 22 July 2013, the shareholder Fin Vita d.o.o. shareholder acquired 17,718 shares in Žito; thus on 30 September 2013 the company owned 40,838 shares of Žito, 11.48% of all Žito shares. Šumi nepremičnine d.o.o., completely owned by Žito d.d., on 9 October 2013 sold 597,162 shares of Mlinotest d.d. to Fin Vita d.o.o. at a mar- 1 Annual report 2013 / Introduction / 12 ket price of EUR 2.531 per share. On the day, Šumi nepremičnine d.o.o. company acquired 32,533 shares of Žito d.d. company from Fin Vita d.o.o. at a market price of EUR 57.00 per share, thus obtaining a 9.14% share in Žito d.d. Žito d.d. therefore has 3,046 own shares, and including 32,533 shares acquired by its affiliate Šumi nepremičnine d.o.o., this represents 10% of own shares. Signing the agreement on the joint sale of Žito d.d. shares Modra zavarovalnica, d.d., Slovenska odškodninska družba, d.d., KD Kapital, finančna družba, d.o.o., KD Skladi, družba za upravljanje d.o.o. and Adriatic Slovenica, d.d., which as shareholders own 180,401 registered no par value shares of Žito d.d., which is 50.7% of the company's share capital, signed an Agreement on 23 October 2013 on the joint sale of Žito d.d. shares. The signing parties will implement the sale procedure with the cooperation of a financial consultant. The entire sale procedure is coordinated by Slovenska odškodninska družba and KD Skladi. Confirmation of the business plan for 2014 On 11 December 2013, the Supervisory Board of Žito d.d. confirmed the Business Plan of the Žito Group and Žito d.d. for 2014, according to which the Žito Group plans to generate EUR 113.6 million in revenue, which amounts to 2% growth compared to 2013. Net profit is planned to amount to EUR 2.3 million, and the EBITDA margin at 7.7%. 1 Annual report 2013 / Introduction / 13 3 EVENTS FOLLOWING THE BALANCE SHEET DATE There were no events in the Žito Group following the date of the balance sheet, which should be revealed. 1 Annual report 2013 / Introduction / 14 4 INTRODUCTION BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD The year 2013 can be evaluated as successful. In a difficult economic situation, we managed to achieve better business results than in 2012. We are well aware of the fact that constant adaptation to the market situation is necessary for success, and we fulfil this condition, since it is reflected in the financial indicators of our operations. In 2013, the Group generated EUR 111 million in net Janez Bojc sales revenue, EUR 3.1 million in operating profit and EUR 2.2 million in net profit. In comparison to 2012, net profit increased by 455%, whereas the level of revenues remained unchanged. In the domestic market, we generated 84% of total sales revenue, and 16% on foreign markets, while the key operating indicators improved, including the return on revenues, capital and assets, added value and EBITDA margin. progress remains at the appropriate level. This is also proven by numerous We are proud of the fact that we are becoming a significant player at the regional level, especially in Austria, Italy, Germany and Croatia, where we managed to enter the markets with pre-baked breads. Buckwheat bread and rusks were the international bestsellers in 2013. Regional bestsellers include Zlato Polje rice types and milling products, Šumi bonbons and Maestro herbs. Other distribution channels were also opened in 2013, especially in the field of Horeca, and many contracts for representation with important principles have been signed. mony with the local environment is very important for us. Therefore, we Development still remains the driver of progress: new tastes, new products and new sales approaches differentiate us from our competition as well as justify and maintain our market positions. Motivated employees and loyal buyers prove that our orientation and focus on high quality, safety and awards – quality is proven by gold awards in this professional field – the best price-quality ratio is proven by the Best Buy award, reflecting the opinion of our buyers; innovation is proven by the Product of the Year awards, awarded by an independent expert committee; and the Trusted Brand title proves that we are trustworthy, since this title is awarded by our loyal buyers. Innovation in development must be supported with opportunities in production. In 2013, we successfully opened the new line for pre-baked breads and storage in Maribor, and we supplemented and upgraded our quality certificates, which rank Žito among the leading companies in food industry. The key achievements in the previous year also include organisational changes, which resulted in increasing efficiency and achieving greater focus on increasing profits. The conclusion of our connection with Mlinotest is also important, since by selling this financial investment, we withdrew from a takeover that has not been accepted on the local level for many years. Haractively participate in socially responsible projects locally and nationally. We succeeded in succeeding in many challenges. Therefore, we can be proud of our achievements. Growth, achieving business goals, seeking new opportunities, fulfilling the requirements and expectations of consumers and the dedicated work of our employees form an excellent basis for creating the success of Žito Group in 2014. Janez Bojc, President of the Management Board 1 Annual report 2013 / Introduction / 15 5 REPORT OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD Work of the supervisory board in 2013 • The Supervisory Board in 2013 had the following members: Tomi Rumpf (president), Maja Makovec Brenčič (deputy president), Adrijan Rožič, Milan Kneževič, Suzana Šimenc and Zenon Marn (members). It proposed UHY revizija in svetovanje d.o.o. as the auditor of the unconsolidated and consolidated business results for 2013, which was approved by the general assembly. • It confirmed the business plans of the Žito Group and Žito d.d. for 2014 Based on sales data and financial statements, the Supervisory Board constantly monitored the performance of the Žito Group and its individual companies throughout the entire year. It paid particular attention to the implementation of the strategy adopted in 2010, strategy 2015, which was amended in 2012, and current operations and investment plans related to the relocation and concentration of production. In addition to the issues mentioned above, the Supervisory Board also discussed a series of other items at its 2011 sessions. • It adopted the 2012 annual report of Žito d.d. and the Žito Group, together with the audit report, the report of the Supervisory Board's work in 2012 and the joint statement by the Management Board and Supervisory Board of Žito of compliance with the Corporate Governance Code. It submitted a proposal to the shareholders for the distribution of distributable profit and proposed that the Management Board and Supervisory Board be granted discharge of liability for the business year 2012. The proposals were accepted at the general meeting, with the exception of the distribution of distributable profit, as a counter-proposal for higher gross dividends was accepted. It also adopted a decision that shareholders must be enabled the provision of information regarding the transfer of property from Žito d.d. to Šumi nepremičnine d.o.o. in 2012. The members of the Supervisory Board also decided on the schedule of their work in 2014, confirmed the timetable and determined the provisional agendas of Supervisory Board sessions. Activities of the Supervisory Board The Supervisory Board monitored and supervised the operations of the Žito Group carefully and responsibly. It performed its role primarily by means of holding sessions. A total of seven regular and two correspondence sessions were held in 2013. Business operations were discussed throughout the entire year by means of annual and interim reports on the performance of Žito d.d. and its subsidiaries. The annual report for 2013 was also reviewed and approved by the audit committee. Two committees function within the Supervisory Board. The audit commission, which serves as expert support for the Supervisory Board, was established in the spring of 2009. It comprises three members – supervisory board members Adrijan Rožič, who is also the chairman of the commission, Tomi Rumpf and an external member, and Polona Pergar Guzaj, an experienced internal audit specialist and certified internal auditor (CIA). Following the compilation of the annual report and prior to related discussions within the supervisory board, the audit committee reviews the annual report in detail, interviews the auditor and, if necessary, holds talks with those respon- 1 Annual report 2013 / Introduction / 16 sible for individual processes. It also monitors the appropriateness of internal controls and risk management within the company. The commission met seven times in 2013. It reviewed the annual report and requested that the management provide some additional information and explanations related to the management of working capital, cost management - especially purchase costs - and the rate of return from individual buyers and groups of goods. It was also acquainted with the risk management policy of the Žito Group. The audit committee recommended that the Management Board take a more active approach to managing risks related to fluctuations in purchase prices (primarily of wheat). The committee proposed that the Supervisory Board confirm the annual reports of the Žito Group and Žito d. d., the auditor’s report and the report of the Supervisory Board for 2013. It agreed that the Supervisory Board propose a discharge of liability to the Management and Supervisory Board of Žito d. d. at the general meeting, and to appoint UHY revizija in svetovanje, d. o. o., Ljubljana, as the certified auditor for the financial year 2013. The human resources committee, comprising all members of the Supervisory Board and chaired by Suzana Šimenc, was established in the autumn of 2009. It met once in 2013. In 2013, the external member of the audit committee, Polona Pergar Guzaj, received EUR 5,742.43 for her work. There were no other costs of the Supervisory Board in the financial year in question that are not disclosed in the annual report. Assessment of the work of the Management and Supervisory Boards The work of the Supervisory Board and its committees in 2013 was performed in accordance with the statutory provisions, the Corporate Governance Code and other recommendations from Ljubljanska borza d.d., the operator of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange. All members of the Supervisory Board were conscientious and diligent in fulfilling the board’s main mission of maximising the value of the company, while taking into account its commercial and strategic objectives and its social responsibility. They regularly attended sessions, were actively involved in the Supervisory Board's work, and monitored the implementation of adopted decisions. Various opinions were expressed at sessions, which through constructive dialogue led to unanimous conclusions. All decisions by members of the Supervisory Board were independent of the shareholders and Management Board. No member excluded himself or herself from deciding on any specific resolutions owing to a conflict of interest. The diverse composition and high level of expertise of the Supervisory Board contributes to its successful functioning. The members of the Supervisory Board possess various degrees of knowledge and skill, covering a wide range of fields in which they remain well-briefed about and make decisions in. Because of the good mutual cooperation, they were able to make expert decisions in accordance with their statutory powers. We assess that the cooperation between the Management Board and Supervisory Board is good. The presidents of the Management 1 Annual report 2013 / Introduction / 17 Board and Supervisory Board also maintained regular contact in periods between sessions. The Management Board's reporting to the Supervisory Board enabled the latter to carry out its supervisory role adequately. The Management Board demonstrated the requisite frequency and quality in drawing up reports and in providing specific details with a bearing on the Žito Group's performance. The members of the Management Board also presented specific reports personally at Supervisory Board sessions, providing the necessary clarifications and reasoning. The commitment of all members of the Management Board to fulfilling the annual business plan and attaining strategic goals was high, and the results achieved were satisfactory given the current market situation. Review and approval of the annual report of Žito d.d. and the Žito Group for 2013, with the audit report The Supervisory Board has reviewed the submitted annual report for 2013, the report from the auditor UHY revizija in svetovanje and the report from the audit committee of the Supervisory Board for the period between 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2013. On the basis of a review of the audited annual report for 2013, the Supervisory Board has established: • that the annual report for 2013 was compiled in accordance with the Companies Act, the statute and the relevant accounting and reporting requirements; • that the annual report for 2013 contains all the formal and substantial parts of a company’s annual report required by the law and, consequently, all essential data required for making a decision on its acceptance; • that the annual report for 2013 also contains a report on an audit of the financial statements. It is clear from the auditor's report that the financial statements are a realistic and fair presentation of the financial situation, performance and cash flow of the Žito group and the company Žito d. d. The certified auditor issued a positive opinion on the report without reservations. The audited annual report for 2013 and the proposal from the Management Board for the use of distributable profit were discussed by the Supervisory Board on 22 April 2014. a) Annual report for 2013 – opinion on the auditor’s report, verification and approval of the annual report The audit of the annual report of the Žito Group and company Žito d.d. for 2013 (hereinafter referred to as: annual report for 2013) was carried out by UHY revizija in svetovanje d.o.o., Ljubljana. On 10 April 2014, the auditing company issued a positive opinion on the annual report for 2013. After reviewing the report, the Supervisory Board established that the annual report was reviewed by the audit committee and established: • that the annual report was compiled clearly and transparently, that it is a realistic and fair presentation of the assets and liabilities of the company, its financial situation and its performance; • that the annual report was compiled within the time limit determined by law and that it contains all the requisite elements in 1 Annual report 2013 / Introduction / 18 accordance with the Companies Act (Official Gazette of the RS, No. 42/06 with amendments; ZGD-1); • • • • that the disclosures in the financial statements are complete and do not differ from information available to members of the Supervisory Board; that the disclosures in the business part of the annual report are complete and do not differ from information available to members of the Supervisory Board; that the financial statements are in compliance with generally accepted accounting standards and follow the accounting guidelines in use; that the explanations of the financial statements contain all the information required under the Companies Act, and that they also contain all the important business events that took place after the end of the financial year 2013, as well as notes about the expected development of the company; • that the audit committee found no reduction in the independence of the external auditor, • that UHY revizija in svetovanje d.o.o. issued on 10 April 2014 an audit report in which it adequately described the purpose and scope of auditing and named the auditing standards employed. UHY revizija in svetovanje d.o.o. gave a positive opinion of the accounting report, without reservations, confirming that in all important aspects the financial statements of Žito d.d. Ljubljana and the Žito Group are a realistic and fair presentation of the financial situation of Žito d.d. and the Žito Group on 31 December 2013 and its performance and cash flow for the year. In the audit report, UHY revizija in svetovanje d.o.o. also gave a positive opinion on the compliance of the business report for the financial year 2013 with the audited financial reports; • that the external auditor performed the audit and made an audit report in accordance with the laws and professional rules and at the required level, which is why the audit committee has no remarks regarding this report; • that the annual report, together with the auditor's report, was submitted to the Supervisory Board, which is responsible for its confirmation. After reviewing the auditor’s report, the Supervisory Board states in accordance with the second paragraph of Article 282 of the Companies Act, that it has no remarks regarding the report and agrees with the conclusions in the report. In accordance with the second paragraph of Article 282 of the Companies Act, the Supervisory Board states that it confirms the annual report of Žito d. d. for 2013 and of the Žito Group for 2013 as it was presented. b) Proposal for the use of distributable profit The Supervisory Board was acquainted with a proposal from the Management Board for the use of distributable profit and the position of the audit commission on the proposal of the Management Board for profit sharing. The Supervisory Board established that the distribution of net profit was compliant with the Companies Act, that the proposal for the use of distributable profit includes all required data and that there are no reasons to challenge the proposed 1 Annual report 2013 / Introduction / 19 decision on the use of distributable profit under the provisions of the Companies Act.. The Supervisory Board supports the proposal of the Management Board of Žito d. d., and proposes to the general assembly of the company the use of distributable profit in the following way: a. Distributable profit of Žito d. d. on 31 December 2013 thus amounted to EUR 25,982,799.34. b. A part of the distributable profit in the amount of EUR 1,088,724.20 is distributed to the shareholders entered in the share register on the second working day after the general meeting, with dividends amounting to EUR 3.40 gross per share. Dividends are paid out to shareholders on 24.10.2014 in a fixed amount; c. The remainder of the distributable profit in the amount of EUR 24,984,075.14 is carried forward to the 2014 financial year as undistributed profit. The Supervisory Board also proposes to the general assembly that the Management Board and Supervisory Board be granted discharge from liability for the financial year 2013. Tomi Rumpf, President of the Supervisory Board 1 Annual report 2013 / Introduction / 20 6 MANAGEMENT AND GOVERNANCE 6.1 Bodies responsible for corporate governance The governance of the parent company Žito d.d. is carried out in accordance with the Companies Act, the Rules of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange, and the Company’s articles of association, bylaws and rules. The Corporate Governance Code also serves as an important guideline, and its provisions are applied almost in full. The exemptions are stated in the Statement of Compliance with the Corporate Governance Code, which is an integral part of the annual report. The Company has a two-tier system of governance: the Company is managed by the Management Board, while its operations are supervised by the Supervisory Board. The Management Board, Supervisory Board and general meeting of shareholders are the bodies responsible for corporate governance. General meeting of shareholders The general meeting is the body in which shareholders exercise their rights regarding corporate matters. It is typically convened by the management board on an annual basis. It may be convened at its own initiative, at the request of the Supervisory Board, or at the request of shareholders representing at least 5% of the Company's share capital. When a request is submitted, the Management Board must also be given arguments and reasoning in favour of convening a general meeting. The most important matters decided by the shareholders at the ordinary annual general meeting include the allocation and use of distributable profit, the discharge of liability to the Management Board and Supervi- sory Board for their work during the year, and the appointment of the auditor for the current year. All shareholders or their proxies may attend the general meeting after confirming their attendance in writing at least three days prior to the meeting. The convening of the general meeting and other important matters vital to holding a general meeting are set out in the Company’s articles of association, which are published on Žito d.d.'s website. The convening of a general meeting is announced on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange's SEOnet electronic information system, on the Company's website, and in the newspaper Finance, at least 30 days prior to the meeting. Shareholders who hold at least 5% of the Company’s share capital must be notified in writing of the convening of the general meeting , and must be given copies of the agenda and the working material. At the 17th ordinary general meeting, held on 10 June 2013, the shareholders discussed the 2012 Annual Report, and adopted resolutions on the use of the distributable profit, on the discharge of liability to the Management Board and Supervisory Board and on the appointment of the certified auditor for 2013. All the proposed resolutions were passed and there were no challenging motions. The resolutions are published on SEOnet and on Žito d.d.'s website. Supervisory Board The Supervisory Board of Žito d.d. comprises six members. Four members representing the shareholders’ interests are elected by 1 Annual report 2013 / Introduction / 21 the General Assembly; two members representing workers’ interests are elected by the works council, which then notifies the Management Board and General Assembly. Members of the Supervisory Board are appointed for a four-year term, with the possibility of reappointment. The president of the Supervisory Board draws up the board’s report, in which the main activities and actions of the Supervisory Board in the past year are described in detail. Žito d.d.’s Supervisory Board is convened at least six times annually, or more frequently if necessary. The convening of meetings and working methods of the Supervisory Board are set out in the Company’s articles of association and rules of procedure of the Supervisory Board. A total of seven regular and two correspondence sessions were held in 2013. Two committees function within the Supervisory Board. The audit committee comprises three members, two from the Supervisory Board and one external member. Every year, prior to the discussion of the annual report, the audit committee, which provides expert support to the Supervisory Board, reviews the annual report and holds talks with the auditor and those responsible for individual processes, as required. It also monitors the appropriateness of internal controls and risk management within the company. The human resources committee was established in autumn 2009, and comprises all members of the Supervisory Board. Supervisory Board members receive fixed attendance fees, and are also entitled to profit-sharing. .SUPER VISORY BOARD: Tomi Rumpf, President of the Supervisory Board Born in 1968. He is a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Upon entering his term of office, he was the director of Lipica Stud Farm and Lipica Turizem d.o.o. He currently works as the director of Perutnina Ptuj S, Srbac in Bosnia and Herzegovina. dr. Maja Makovec Brenčič, Member Born in 1969. Dr. Maja Makovec Brenčič is a professor of international business at the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana. She was appointed as the Vice Chancellor of the University of Ljubljana for the area of knowledge transfer. Adrijan Rožič, Member Born in 1960. An economics graduate, employed at Kapitalska družba d.d. as a capital investment manager. Milan Kneževič, Member Retired, born in 1938. He obtained his university education at the Biotechnical Faculty in Ljubljana and at the Faculty of Economics in Maribor. Before retiring, he held the position of President of the Management Board of Deželna Banka Slovenija bank for 15 years. Suzana Šimenc, Member (workers' representative) Born in 1969; she holds a Master's Degree in public administration and food technology. She has been employed at Žito since 1988 as a sales segment manager for public consumers. Zenon Marn, Member (workers' representative) He is 67 years of age and graduated as a food technology engineer. He has been employed at Žito since 1975, and is the head of the Šmartinska work unit. The term of office of three Supervisory Board members (Tomi Rumpf, Suzana Šimenc and Zenon Marn) expires in July 2014; the four-year term of office of Maja Makovec Brenčič ends in July 2015; Milan Kneževič's term of office ends in July 2016 and Adrijan Rožič's term of office ends in July 2017. 1 Annual report 2013 / Introduction / 22 Company management MANAGEMENT BOARD: The Management Board, which is appointed by the Supervisory Board, is responsible for the management of Žito d.d. It is appointed for a five-year term, with the possibility of unlimited reappointment. The Management Board comprises four members. The President of the Management Board started his 5-year mandate on 14 July 2012. The other three members of the Management Board started theirs on 17 May 2010. The Management Board manages Žito d. d. to the benefit of the Company, and is independent and liable for its actions, although key business decisions are made solely with the agreement of the Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board is informed of operations and significant events regularly and in good time. The Management Board’s positions on the strategic objectives of the Žito Group are coordinated with the Supervisory Board. In addition to any decision on an increase in the Company’s share capital, the articles of association also specify that the Management Board must obtain the Supervisory Board’s consent for any transactions exceeding 10% of the share capital. Remuneration, reimbursements and other benefits for members of the Management Board are set out in agreements concluded between the Supervisory Board and individual members of the Management Board. The rules determining the variable part of the salary for the Management Board are adopted by the Supervisory Board, which also determines bonuses for members of the Management Board. The remuneration system at Žito does not include remuneration in the form of stock options, shares or derivative financial instruments on shares. All remuneration, reimbursements and other benefits paid to members of the Management Board in 2013 are presented in the Accounting section in the notes on related party transactions. Janez Bojc Peter Rajačič Erik Žunič Sandi Svoljšak Janez Bojc, President of the Management Board An economics graduate, born in 1962. His career spans from the insurance industry, to banking, energy, trade and finally the food industry. He was the co-founder of Kmečka družba za upravljanje investicijskih skladov d.d., and for a longer period also the deputy director of KD Group; he also performed other functions within KD Group. Since 2008, he has been president of the management board of KD Kapital d.o.o.; since 2012 he has been the president of the bakery association at GZS and amember of the International Association of Plant Bakeries (AIBI) and the European Millers Association (EFMA). Peter Rajačič, Member of the Management Board responsible for marketing and logistics Born in Brežice in 1963. He graduated from the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana. He began his career at Astra ZT, and worked at Droga Kolinska prior to joining Žito. mag. Erik Žunič, Member of the Management Board responsible for accounting, finance and IT 1 Annual report 2013 / Introduction / 23 Born in Ljubljana in 1967. He graduated and completed his master’s degree at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana. He obtained his professional experience as an auditor at one of the four international investment giants and from working for Microsoft and the KD Group. Sandi Svoljšak, Member of the Management Board responsible for production and tehnical matters Born in Ljubljana in 1960. He graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Ljubljana, and began his career at Papirnica Goričane d.o.o. He has been employed at Žito d.d. since 1996. The heads of profit centres, managers of support services and directors of affiliated companies who are directly accountable to Žito d. d.’s Management Board provide professional support to the Board. The coordination and harmonisation activities among the profit centres and business processes take place at weekly or monthly meetings. The Management Board meets formally once a week, and more frequently if required. The success of individual activities is promoted through quarterly business conferences, and we search for answers to key strategic challenges in the future of Žito at a developmental conference that is held once a year. The marketing and sales departments also organise numerous other meetings and workshops, such as the Strategic Days where marketing, together with development, sales and production, defines the key strategic activities for a selected brand - annual meetings and quarterly reviews with distributors in foreign markets, and quarterly meetings with the operational management of key customers in Slovenia. Governance in the Group The Žito Group comprises the controlling company Žito d.d. and eight subsidiaries in Slovenia and abroad. All subsidiaries are fully owned by the controlling company, except Žito Maloprodaja d.o.o., where the 0.45% stake held by minority shareholders does not affect the uniform governance of the Group. Uniform rules of governance, organisation and operations apply to all companies. As the controlling company, Žito d. d. sets out the strategies and operational objectives for all Group companies and monitors the implementation of plans. All expert services are centralised at the parent company Žito d.d., except the technology-development service, where employees are responsible for the same business functions as the controlling company, Žito d. d., according to the principle of functional management. System of internal controls Quality accounting information is one of the foundations for taking responsible business decisions. The Management Board is responsible for ensuring accounting information. This is accomplished by upholding accounting standards, through relevant accounting guidelines, by applying a standardised accounting policy at the Žito Group level, by preparing timely and relevant data, reports and analyses, and through the regular annual supervision of the accounting process in auditing procedures. Risks are managed using internal controls, i.e. various strategies and procedures implemented at different levels. This ensures the efficiency and success of operations, the reliability of financial reporting and compliance with valid legislation and regulations. 1 Annual report 2013 / Introduction / 24 Financial controls are closely linked to IT controls, which ensure limits, and control access to the network, data and applications, as well as the completeness and accuracy of data collection and processing. The financial control department prepares regular periodic reports on individual business functions, providing users useful information for business decisions. Particular attention is given to sales figures, added value created, the productivity of production units and the financial statements. The financial statements are monitored by individual cost centres, which are combined into work units before being combined into product pillars. Organisational units are divided into cost centres and profit centres of responsibility. Expert administrative services and other support processes represent the former, while production and retail units make up the profit centres. External audit External auditing is conducted by a certified audit firm, which, in addition to the regular annual audit, also submits expert warnings and instructions to improve the internal control system and the management of all types of risk. The external audit for the Žito Group for 2013 was performed by the audit agency Uhy Revizija in svetovanje, d. o. o., Vurnikova ulica 2, Ljubljana, which audits the financial statements and annual reports in cooperation with the Žito Group. The cost of auditing the financial statements for the Žito Group for 2013 amounted to EUR 45,500. There were no other costs regarding audit agencies in 2013 6.2 Corporate governance 6.2.1. Statement of compliance with the Corporate Governance Code The Management Board and Supervisory Board of Žito d.d. hereby declare that in 2013 they abided by the provisions of the Corporate Governance Code, amendments to which were adopted on 8 December 2009, except for the provisions stated below. The Corporate Governance Code is publicly accessible on the website of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange at http://www.ljse.si. Chapter: CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK Code provision 1: The key objective of a public limited company engaged in a revenue generating business is to maximise the company’s value. This, as well as the company’s other objectives pursued in the course of business, such as the long-term creation of value for shareholders and the social and environmental aspects that ensure the sustainable development of its business, is stated in the company's articles of association. The Company's bodies constantly act in accordance with the key objective, i.e. the maximisation of the Company’s value for its customers, consumers, employees and owners. The Company's general objectives are specified in the medium-term and annual plans, while the strategic objectives can be found on the Company’s website and in annual reports. Code provision 2: The Management Board and Supervisory Board work together to draw up and adopt the corporate gover- 1 Annual report 2013 / Introduction / 25 nance policy, which sets out the key corporate governance strategies, taking into account the company's established long-term objectives. All stakeholders are briefed on the corporate governance policy through disclosures on the company's website. Code provision 2.1: In drawing up the corporate governance policy, the Management Board cooperates with the Supervisory Board, whereby it takes into account the company's development needs and its specificities, such as its size and area of business. The Supervisory Board participates by drawing up its own activities schedule for each financial year and by defining the issues to be dealt with. These include the required frequency and form of communication with the Management Board, the role of the Supervisory Board in the assessment of risk management systems, and the procedure for drawing up general meeting resolutions, particularly the proposed appointments of Supervisory Board members. In drawing up the corporate governance policy, the Management Board and Supervisory Board may make reference to other public documents. Code provision 2.2: The corporate governance policy is adopted for a specific future period and is updated as frequently as necessary to ensure its constant compliance with actual corporate governance strategies. It includes the date of the last update, and is accessible on the company's website. Žito d.d. has not drafted a corporate governance policy document. The Management Board manages the Company in accordance with valid legislation, the Corporate Governance Code and the values adopted by the Group as a whole. Chapter: RELATIONS WITH SHAREHOLDERS Code provision 4.2: The company encourages all major shareholders, institutional investors and the state, in particular, to publicly disclose their investment policy with respect to the stake they hold in the company concerned, i.e. their voting policy, the type and frequency of their engagement in the company's governance and the dynamics of their communication with the respective company's management or supervisory bodies. The company is considered to have called its shareholders to make such a disclosure pursuant to this recommendation if the convening of the general meeting includes the respective invitation. The Company's aim is for major shareholders to disclose their investment policy, but leaves this decision to shareholders. Chapter: SUPERVISORY BOARD Code provision 6.2: At least half of the Supervisory Board members should be independent with respect to electoral proposals drafted by the Supervisory Board. Supervisory Board members are deemed to be independent if they work and take decisions independently. Members are not deemed independent if they have close economic ties with the company, its Management Board or major shareholders. An independent member must inform the Supervisory Board of any fact that afffects his/her fulfilment of the independence criteria. The obligation to appoint independent members applies to both shareholders and works councils. 1 Annual report 2013 / Introduction / 26 The Company's Supervisory Board comprises three independent members and three members, who, either due to economic ties with major shareholders in one case, or economic ties with the company Žito d.d. in the two other cases (workers' representatives), are not independent. Code provision 6.3: When the Supervisory Board is established, the term of office of new members begins, and upon the appointment of special Supervisory Board committees, the president of the Supervisory Board ensures that newcomers receive an efficient introduction to the work of the board, whereby the Management Board provides organisational support. Upon, or immediately after its establishment, the Supervisory Board makes firm commitments with respect to its activities related to establishing and implementing key corporate governance instruments. The Supervisory Board draws up its position regarding the governance of the Company in the light of established strategies and business plans. Code provision 9: The Supervisory Board assesses its own composition at least once a year, taking into account potential conflicts of interest, the functioning of individual members and the Supervisory Board as a whole and its cooperation with the Management Board. In its assessment, the Supervisory Board also assesses the work of Supervisory Board committees. The Supervisory Board provides an assessment of its own work and its cooperation with the Management Board in the annual report of the Supervisory Board, but does not address individual members of the Supervisory Board. Potential disagreements and dilemmas regarding the appropriateness of an individual member's activities are resolved as they occur. Likewise, the Supervisory Board does not explicitly assess the contribution of self-assessment to changes in the functioning of the Supervisory Board, as it constantly strives to improve the fulfilment of its mission, i.e. to ensure responsible supervision and the monitoring of decision making in the interests of the company Žito d. d. Chapter: AUDIT AND SYSTEM OF INTERNAL CONTROLS Code provision 19: The company establishes an efficient system of internal controls, which fosters quality risk management. In cooperation with the audit committee, the company ensures substantive, periodic and impartial professional control of the working of the system of internal controls tailored to the company's business and scope of operations. Code provision 19.2: The audit committee offers professional support to the Supervisory Board in approving the annual internal audit plan, and ensures the continuous monitoring of risk management. Code provision 19.3: The company ensures that reports and findings from the internal audit department are available to members of the audit committee and the auditor of the company's financial statements. 1 Annual report 2013 / Introduction / 27 The establishment and supervision of the system of internal control is the responsibility of several expert services in the Žito Group, which has proved to date to be a sufficiently effective practice. Systematic internal control is conducted at the companies of the Žito Group that do business in Slovenia by means of a standardised accounting policy, a standardised controlling system, and information technology solutions. Subsidiaries operating in the rest of the world are monitored via their regular monthly reports. In 2014, Žito d. d. will improve oversight of risk management processes through the internal revision function. Chapter: TRANSPARENCY OF OPERATIONS Code provision 20.2: The company's management is responsible for drawing up and implementing a corporate communication strategy that prevents situations that foster insider securities trading (abuse of inside information). The company's management adopts a corporate communication rulebook. The Company has not adopted a document governing the rules of corporate communication with investors and the public. The basic requirements of public relations are laid down by law and stock exchange rules. Persons responsible for communication with the public work directly with the Management Board, thus enabling supervision of the flow of price-sensitive information. Code provision 20.3: The company lays down rules on restrictions on trade in the company’s shares, stipulating trading restrictions, temporal restrictions on trading (closed trading windows) and on ordering members of the company's bodies, as well as related persons, legal entities and other persons with access to inside information to disclose transactions in the company's shares and the shares of related companies. Restrictions and reporting on trading in the Company's shares by persons with access to inside information are governed by the Securities Market Agency's decision on special rules for reporting on inside information and investment recommendations. The Company has informed all persons with access to inside information with the decision and reporting obligations. These persons are recorded on a special list, while the management of inside information is also set out in employment contracts and other legal and internal regulations. Code provision 21.3: The company makes public announcements not only in Slovenian, but in a language of international finance, in which it also draws up its annual report. The Company's annual report is translated into English. Other public announcements are published only in Slovenian due to the low proportion of foreign shareholders. Interested potential investors can obtain information on operations in the annual reports, on the Company's website or by directly contacting Company representatives. Code provision 22.7: The company discloses the gross and net remuneration of each member of the Management Board and Supervisory Board. Such a disclosure is clear and comprehensible to an average investor, and in addition to content required by staute includes: an explanation of how the choice of performance criteria contributes to the company's long-term interests; an explanation of the methods applied to determine whether the performance criteria have been met; precise information on the deferment periods with regards to variable components of remuneration; information on the policy regarding termination payments, including the criteria conditioning termination payments and the amounts of termination payments; informa- 1 Annual report 2013 / Introduction / 28 tion with regards to vesting periods for share-based remuneration; information on the policy regarding the retention of shares after vesting; and information on the composition of peer groups that have been studied with respect to their remuneration policies in the course of setting up a remuneration policy in the company concerned. The Company published the earnings for each member of the Management Board and Supervisory Board separately. Given that this information is of a personal nature, we believe that more detailed disclosure of the aforementioned information, which is the subject of individual employment contracts, is unnecessary. The Corporate Governance Code is available on the website of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange at http://www.ljse.si. The Company will continue to comply with the recommendations of the code in the future. If it appears that the Company is unable to meet by any of the obligations under the Code, the Management Board and Supervisory Board will draw up a substantiated explanation. issued in dematerialised form and provide their holders with the right to take part in the management of the Company, the right to receive dividends and the right to an appropriate portion of residual assets following liquidation or bankruptcy. Restrictions on the transfer of shares All shares in the Company are freely transferable. Significant direct and indirect ownership of Žito d.d.'s securities There are five significant holders of Žito d.d. securities, i.e. having a qualifying holding, as defined by the Mergers and Acquisitions Act (a holding of more than 5%): Modra zavarovalnica d.d., Slovenska odškodninska družba d.d., Šumi nepremičnine d.o.o. (own shares), KD kapital d.o.o., KD Galileo, vzajemni sklad. Information on the number of shares and ownership stakes as at 31 December 2013 can be found in the section Shares and ownership structure. Holders of securities providing special controlling rights 6.2.2. Figures under the sixth paragraph of Article 70 of the Companies Act The Company has issued no securities that would provide special control rights. As a company obliged to apply the act governing mergers and acquisitions in accordance with the sixth paragraph of Article 70 of the Companies Act, Žito d.d. submits figures for the final day of the financial year and all the requisite notes. Employee share scheme Structure of capital The Company’s share capital is divided into 355,792 ordinary transferable registered no-par-value shares. All shares are of the same class. They are The Company has no employee share scheme. Restrictions related to voting rights There are no restrictions on voting rights. 1 Annual report 2013 / Introduction / 29 Agreements between shareholders that could result in a restriction on the transfer of shares or voting rights The Company is not aware of any agreements between shareholders that could result in the restriction of the transfer of shares or voting rights. Company rules • on the appointment and replacement of management or supervisory body members Management Board members are appointed by the Supervisory Board. Management Board members are appointed for a five-year term with the possibility of reappointment. Supervisory Board members undertake to select Management Board members responsibly and prudently. The Supervisory Board determines the candidate selection criteria and finds suitable candidates. If it has appropriate and suitable candidates at its disposal, it appoints the Management Board immediately at its session, or it may decide on a private or public tender for applications prior to appointment. In accordance with the Companies Act, the Supervisory Board may reappoint the Management Board up to one year prior to the end of its term of office. If the general meeting passes a vote of no confidence in the Management Board, the Supervisory Board must express its position on the dismissal of individual Management Board members immediately after the meeting. The aforementioned notwithstanding, the Supervisory Board may dismiss the Management Board at its own discretion for reasons prescribed by law. The Supervisory Board may appoint its individual members as deputies to replace a missing or unavailable Management Board member for a maximum of one year. Reappointment or extension of the term of office is permitted only if the entire term of office lasts no longer than one year. The Supervisory Board is obliged to inform the Management Board of its findings and opinions immediately when the latter inadequately exercises its powers, and to stipulate the earliest possible deadline for the Management Board to rectify the identified deficiencies. If the Management Board fails to achieve the expected results by the stipulated deadline, the Supervisory Board makes a decision to dismiss the Management Board members. The Supervisory Board comprises six members, of which four are elected by the Company’s general meeting by a majority vote of the shareholders in attendance, while the remaining two are elected by the works council. Supervisory Board members are appointed for a four-year term, and may be reappointed after their term of office expires. A resolution for the early dismissal of Supervisory Board members representing the shareholders must be passed with a three-quarters majority of the votes in attendance at the general meeting, while the conditions for dismissing the workers’ representatives on the Supervisory Board are determined by the works council in its general bylaw. • on amendments to the articles of association The general meeting decides on amendments to the articles of association with a three-quarters majority of the represented share capital. Authorisations of the members of the management, particularly with regard to issuing and purchasing own shares The authorisations of members of the management are defined in the section Management and governance. The Management Board has no special authorisations related to the issue or purchase of own shares. Material agreements that take effect, change or terminate on the basis of a change in control of the Company as a result of a public takeover bid The Company is not aware of any such agreements. Agreements between the Company and the members of its management or supervisory bodies or employees that foresee compensation should such persons, due to a bid as stipulated by the act governing mergers and acquisitions, resign, be dismissed without cause, or have their employment terminated In the event of resignation, the Management Board is not entitled to termination benefits, while the Management Board is entitled to 1 Annual report 2013 / Introduction / 30 termination benefits if a member is dismissed or his/her employment contract is terminated without cause. 6.2.3 Information on the functioning of the general meeting This information is found in the section Management and governance, under the item ‘Bodies responsible for corporate governance’. Janez Bojc, President of the Management Board Tomi Rumpf, President of the Supervisory Board 1 Annual report 2013 / Introduction / 31 6.3 Statement of management responsibility The Management Board is responsible for compiling the annual report to present a true and fair picture of the Company's financial position. In accordance with Article 60a of the Companies Act, the members of the Management Board and Supervisory Board of Žito d.d., Ljubljana hereby declare that the annual report of the Žito Group and Žito d.d. for 2013, including the governance statement, were compiled and published in accordance with the Companies Act, the Financial Instruments Market Act and the International Financial Reporting Standards. In accordance with Article 110 of the Financial Instruments Market Act, the Management Board of Žito d.d., comprising the president Janez Bojc and the other members, Peter Rajačič, Erik Žunič and Sandi Svoljšak, hereby declare that to the best of their knowledge: • the accounts of the Žito Group and Žito d.d. for 2013 were compiled in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards, and present a true and fair picture of the assets and liabilities, the financial position and the profit President of the Management Board Janez Bojc Member of the Management Board mag. Erik Žunič or loss of Žito d.d. and the other entities included in the consolidation as a whole; • the management report of the Žito Group and Žito d.d. includes a fair review of the development and performance of the Company’s business and its financial position, including a description of the principal risks to which the Company and any other entities included in the consolidation as a whole are exposed. The Management Board also declares that the financial statements of the Žito Group and Žito d.d. were prepared under the presumption of a continuation of operations, that the selected accounting guidelines were strictly applied and that eventual changes to the latter were disclosed. Moreover, the Management Board is responsible for undertaking measures to prevent and discover fraud and irregularities and to ensure the maintenance of the value of the property of Žito Group and Žito d.d. Member of the Management Board Peter Rajačič Member of the Management Board Sandi Svoljšak 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report 32 2MANAGEMENT REPORT 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 33 7 ABOUT THE ŽITO GROUP The Žito Group was organised as follows as at 31 December 2013: Šumi bonbon d.o.o., Ljubljana 100 % Žito Maloprodaja d.o.o., Ljubljana Žito d.d. 99,55 % Intes Storitve d.o.o., Maribor Žito nepremičnine d.o.o., Ljubljana 100 % 100 % Žito d.o.o., Beograd, Srbija Žito PI d.o.o.e.l., Skopje, Makedonija 100 % 100 % Šumi nepremičnine d.o.o., Ljubljana 100 % LD Žito d.o.o., Zagreb, Hrvaška 100 % 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 34 Management and activities by company in the Žito Group President of the Management Board/Director Core production activities or products Žito d.d. Janez Bojc Milling, baking, pastries, frozen foods, pasta, chocolate, sponge cakes, teas, herbs, spices, and rice, as well as the sale of goods for bakers and confectioners. Intes Storitve d.o.o. Mirjana Radić, pekarstvo Deputy Brigita Hočevar Baking bonboni in žvečilni gumi Šumi bonboni d.o.o. Miha Skubic Sweets and chewing gum Žito Maloprodaja d.o.o. Peter Rajačič Retail sales Company Žito, d. d. Šumi bonboni, d. o. o. Žito, d. d. is the controlling company of the Žito Group, established in 1947. In 1998, it was transformed into a public limited liability company. Following the mergers of several subsidiaries in 2006 and 2007, the Company has generated the majority of the Žito Group's revenue. With the exception of Šumi Bonboni d.o.o., which produces sweets and chewing gum, and Intes Storitve, which produces certain bakery products, all other production activities of the Žito Group are concentrated in the controlling company. Production at Šumi has enjoyed a long history, dating back to 1876 with the production of sweets and pastries, which was later expanded to include chewing gum. Over time, Žito Šumi d.o.o. was established. Following the relocation of production from Ljubljana to Krško in May 2008, its production activities were transferred to the newly established Šumi Bonboni d.o.o. In 2013, Žito d.d. generated EUR 103.7 million in sales revenue, or 0.4% more than in 2012. Net profit was EUR 2.5 million, 232.9% higher than in 2012. The company's capital on 31 December 2013 amounted to EUR 74.0 million. The Company had 799 employees at the end of 2013, which is 12 fewer than at the beginning of the year. Šumi Bonboni d.o.o. sells its products to two customers, Žito d.d. and Hitschler GmbH in Germany. In 2013, the company generated EUR 10.5 million in sales revenue, which is 8% less than in 2012. It also achieved EUR 45 thousand net profit, whereas in 2012 net profit amounted to EUR 55 thousand. The Company had 120 employees at the end of 2013, which is 3 fewer than at the beginning of the year. 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 35 Intes Storitve, d. o. o. Intes Storitve d.o.o.’s core activity is the production of poticas and certain bakery products. It also provides services for other companies in the group, such as the packaging and commissioning of products, maintenance and similar. The company has held the status of a disabled workers' company since 1996, and functions in accordance with the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Disabled Persons Act. The company generated sales revenue of EUR 4.0 million in 2013, which is 0.8 % more than in the previous year. The company had 137 employees at the end of 2013, which is 9 fewer than at the beginning of the year. 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 36 Žito Maloprodaja, d. o. o. ABC Agrohit d.o.o. was renamed Žito Maloprodaja d.o.o. in mid2010. In September of the same year, the retail sales activity, including employees, was transferred to the Company from Žito d.d. The company had 34 retail sales units at the end of the year. In 2013, it generated EUR 7.8 million in revenue, which is 2.3 % less than in 2012, and with a loss of EUR 71 thousand. In the previous year, it recorded a profit of EUR 291 thousand. The company had 81 employees at the end of 2013, which is 2 fewer than at the beginning of the year. Šumi Nepremičnine, d. o. o., and Žito Nepremičnine, d. o. o. The operations of Šumi Nepremičnine d.o.o. are linked solely to the letting of properties. Real property was rented by Šumi bonbon d.o.o. and Žito d.d. At the end of 2012, the property in Ljubljana – Šmartinska were transferred to Šumi nepremičnine d.o.o., which also charges rent for that property. At the end of 2012, financial investments in Mlinotest and Mlinopek were transferred to Šumi nepremičnine d.o.o. The financial investment in Mlinotest was sold in 2013. Žito Nepremičnine d.o.o. is currently dormant. LD Žito, d. o. o., Zagreb, Žito, d. o. o., Beograd and Žito, PI d. o. o. e. l., Skopje Until 2010, the companies were responsible for distribution in local markets. In 2010, the distribution function was transferred to a third-party distributor. Therefore, the activities of subsidiaries are limited to the collection of receivables and coordination between the distributor, the parent company and customers. At the end of 2013, these companies had no employees. 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 37 8 SHARES AND OWNERSHIP ZTOG share price 1 to 12 2013 regarding the SBITO trend (ind. 1 Jan 2013 = 100) On the last trading day of the year, Žito's share price was EUR 66.30, which is EUR 8.29 or 14.29% higher than at the beginning of the year. The Slovenian blue chip index in the same period gained 3.17% value. EUR 3.43 million turnover was made by trading with Žito shares in 2013, which comprises 1.15% of the turnover on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange securities market. 58,561 shares were traded, whereby 32,533 shares were traded in a block trade and 26,028 shares in 522 ordinary trades. 2.000 1.800 1.600 1.200 1.000 100 800 30 600 400 10 0 Promet v 000 EUR 1.400 50 Share trading on the official market The official ZTOG share price in 2013 was between EUR 48.70 and 72.00 per share. The lowest value was in October and the highest in mid-December. 80 70 110 Tečajaj v EUR The share capital of Žito d.d., totalling EUR 14,846,937.07, is divided into 355,792 no-par-value shares. Shares are listed on the official market of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange, with the ticker symbol ZTOG. All shares are of the same class: ordinary, freely transferable no-par-value shares. All shares, with the exception of treasury shares, carry one vote at the general meeting. Žito shares may be traded freely via brokerage houses and banks that are members of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange. 200 jan feb mar apr maj jun jul avg sep okt nov dec 0 ZTOG Source: Ljubljanska borza vrednostnih papirjev d.d. ZTOG share price and turnover in the organised securities market from 1 to 12 2013 / Turnover in 1000 EUR 130 120 110 100 90 80 jan feb mar apr maj jun ZTOG jul avg sep SBITOP Source: Ljubljanska borza vrednostnih papirjev d.d okt nov dec 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 38 Dividend policy Žito follows a policy of stable growth in dividends, which are paid once a year. The general meeting, which is typically convened at the end of May or in June, takes a decision on the proposed dividend amount. Dividends are then paid in October. Under the resolution of 10 June 2013, a gross dividend of EUR 2.99 per share was paid out for 2013, or EUR 0.21 less than in 2011. Figures regarding the value of and earnings per share (on a consolidated basis) The book value per share amounted to EUR 219.28 on 31 December 2013, a 11.87% increase compared to the situation on 31 December 2012, while profit per share reached EUR 6.37. 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 6,37 1,11 4,31 7,22 6,20 219,28 196,02 197,41 195,59 193,73 P/E ratio on the last day 10,4 52,4 19,7 12,9 12,9 P/B ratio on the last day 0,30 0,30 0,43 0,48 0,41 Official share price on the last day (in EUR) 66,30 58,01 85,00 93,10 79,90 Highest share price (in EUR) 72,00 85,00 113,00 102,00 94,50 Lowest share price (in EUR) 48,70 50,00 74,02 82,00 68,00 2,99 3,20 4,30 4,20 3,05 1.054.711 1.128.787 1.516.808 1.481.533 1.075.875 14,29 -31,75 -8,70 16,52 -10,07 5,64 4,57 4,06 4,77 3,39 Total return per share (in EUR) 19,93 -27,18 -4,64 21,29 -6,68 Market capitalisation (in EUR) 23.589.010 20.639.494 30.242.320 33.124.235 28.427.781 35.579 3.046 3.046 3.046 3.046 No. of issued shares on the last day 355.792 355.792 355.792 355.792 355.792 No. of shareholders on the last day 10.438 10.563 10.793 11.151 11.449 Net earnings per share (in EUR) Book value of 1 share on the last day (in EUR) Paid gross dividend per share (in EUR) Total paid dividends (in EUR) Return per share (in EUR) Dividend yield (in EUR) Number of treasury shares 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 39 Explanation of calculations: • Net earnings per share is the net profit of the majority owner in the period in question divided by the weighted average number of outstanding ordinary shares held by the majority shareholders. • The book value of one share is the ratio of the equity of the majority owners at the end of the period and the number of outstanding ordinary shares held by the majority owner at the end of the period. • The P/E ratio (Price-Earnings Ratio) is the ratio of the market price of one share on the final day of the period in question to the net earnings per share of the majority owner. • The P/B (Price-To-Book Ratio) ratio is the ratio of the price of one share on the final day of the period in question to the book value of the share. • Return per share is the ratio of the market price of one share on the final day of the period in question to the corresponding price on the final day of the previous period. • The dividend yield is the ratio of the gross dividend value to the share price on the ex-dividend date. • Total return per share is the sum of the return per share and the dividend return. • Market capitalisation is the multiple of the number of shares and the market price of one share on the final day of the period in question. • Paid gross dividend per share: paid gross dividend per share is the gross value of the dividend per share for the previous year paid in the year in question. Ownership structure of the Žito, d.d. company 31. 12. 2013 Number of shares Equity stake (%) 2012 Stake in voting rights in % Change, percentage points Equity stake (%) MODRA ZAVAROVALNICA, d.d. 53.268 15,0 16,6 15,0 0,0 SLOVENSKA ODŠKODNINSKA DRUŽBA, d.d. 43.636 12,3 13,6 12,3 0,0 KD KAPITAL d.o.o. 31.740 8,9 9,9 8,9 0,0 KD GALILEO 18.235 5,1 5,7 5,1 0,0 KD DIVIDENDNI, DELNIŠKI 16.186 4,5 5,1 5,9 -1,3 KD RASTKO, DELNIŠKI 12.220 3,4 3,8 3,3 0,1 ZVEZA BANK CELOVEC 7.495 2,1 2,3 1,4 0,7 TOWRA S.A. – SPF 5.414 1,5 1,7 1,5 0,0 ERSTE GROUP BANK AG, WIEN 4.712 1,3 1,5 1,1 0,2 BOJC JANEZ 4.617 1,3 1,4 1,3 0,0 122.690 34,5 38,3 43,3 -8,9 35.579 10,0 0,9 9,1 355.792 100,0 100,0 0,0 Slovenia 335.684 94,3 95,1 -1,0 Abroad 20.108 5,7 4,9 1,0 OTHER OWNERS TREASURY SHARES TOTAL 100,0 Country breakdown 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 40 55.5% of a total of 355.792 shares are owned by the ten largest shareholders. The number of treasury shares in 2013 increased to 10.0% of the total issue of shares. Management Board members owned 5.0% of all issued shares at the end of the year; Supervisory Board members did not own any shares. On 31 December 2013, the company had 10,438 shareholders. The number of shareholders in one year reduced by 1.18%. 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 41 9 OPERATIONAL FRAMEWORK 9.1 Macroeconomic environment in 2013 and expectations in 2014 Short-term indicators show that the global economy improved in the second half of 2013, while the situation in the Euro zone and Slovenia started improving in the final quarter of the year. The increase in industrial production of processing activities in November 2013 amounted 1.9% and was the highest in the period following March 2010. Despite this fact, Germany as the largest European economy achieved 0.5% growth, which was affected by local consumption and exports due to the continuing recession in some European and other countries. 1.7 per cent growth is expected in Germany this year. According to the latest predictions of the European Commission, economies will strengthen in all European countries, as well as those which are more vulnerable; however, growth rates will vary in most countries. The long-term consequences of the financial crisis cannot be eliminated overnight; the restoration of the economy will be fragile and gradual, and therefore, the expected growth rates are quite modest. 1.2% growth is expected in the Euro zone in 2014, and 1.8% growth in 2015. Positive economic activity indicators for Slovenia are shown in the continuing export growth. According to the predictions of the European Commission, GDP for Slovenia remains negative, by 1.6% in 2013 and 0.1% in 2014. The first assessments of the national statistical office show that GDP fell by 1.1%, which was influenced by the positive economic activity in the last quarter of the year. Added value in processing activities increased in the final quarter of 2013 by 2.1% after eight succesive drops. A change at the annual level is expected in 2015, when the economy will expand by 1.3%. The key reason for the slow recovery lies in delays in banking sector rehabilitation, the further credits of companies and continuedconsolidation of public finance, which will limit domestic demand. Measures to boost the economy and systematic restructuring of companies with promising business programmes are necessary. Private spending in 2013 was negative by 3.5% and in 2014 it still lags behind by 2%. The reduction in public spending in 2013 was estimated at -2.7% and in 2014 -1.6%. Slovenian exporters faces better predictions, mostly due to the improvement of the situation in global markets, and will stimulate economic activity. 2.9% growth in exports is estimated for 2013, and in 2014 this would increase to 3.8%. In 2014, exports should increase by 4.5%. Unemployment will remain high (around 11%). Similarly to other countries in the Euro zone, inflation in Slovenia in 2013 fell to 0.8%. This was mostly influenced by changes in taxation (increase in VAT, excise duties, other taxes). The situation in the labour market is still worsening. In eleven months in 2013, the average number of the active labour force reduced by 2.5% compared to the same period in 2012. Insolvency is still increasing: 2.4-times more legal entities with 7-times greater debt were indebted in comparison with 2008. The predictions for South East Europe are more promising. Negative growth (-0.7%) is predicted for Croatia, a new EU member, 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 42 only for 2013. In the following years, growth will gradually increase and stand at 1.2% growth in 2015. Expectations in other former Yugoslavian countries are even more optimistic, since Serbia will increase its 1.7% growth to 2% in 2015. In Montenegro, GDP growth is predicted to be 2% in 2013 and 3% in 2015; in Macedonia, this year's growth will be 2% and 2.8% in 2015. 9.2 Development strategy In November 2010, the Žito Group adopted the development strategy for the period from 2011 to 2015. The economic and market situation has drastically changed since before the crisis, when the strategy was prepared, as did prices of key raw materials, which is why at the end of 2012, the Management Board prepared, and the Supervisory Board approved, amendments to the Žito Group’s strategy until 2015. By the end of a five-year period, the Žito Group wishes to be one of the leading manufacturers of food products in Slovenia. The key guidelines of strategy implementation are: rationalisation of assets, cost-effectiveness, and market consolidation and growth. fewer brands in the future, but all brands will hold the first or second position in the Slovenian market. When amending the strategy, we paid special attention to activities, which we divided into: - central (baking, milling), - key (milling products, frozen programme, pasta, spices, rice, teas) and - non-strategic (sweets, chocolate). The key goals of the strategy are to achieve revenue growth again and to improve the profitability of the Žito Group by 2015. We plan further development with potential takeovers in central and key activities, and continue to seek new business solutions in non-strategic activities. In 2015, the operating revenue of the Žito Group will amount to at least EUR 115.2 million, and compared to 2012, they will increase by 3.5%. Growth will be achieved by organising the portfolio of products into key pillars – Bread, Contemporary Kitchen, Confectionery and Milling; focusing on the key pillars will also bring about a change in market position. Thus Žito expects to manage EBITDA is to rise to EUR 11.3 million by the end of the five-year period, thus representing 9.8% of revenue. To achieve the planned EBITDA margin, the Žito Group will work intensively on reducing the share of costs in revenues until 2015. The latter will be achieved by reducing the complexity of the organisation and portfolio, the concentration and automation of the production 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 43 process, and the optimisation of purchasing. Added value per employee will be increased and raised closer to the level of the most successful companies in the EU. Within its revenue, the Žito Group plans to considerably increase its export share. By 2015, the export share will represent more than one fifth of all revenue. Regarding foreign markets, Žito will concentrate on the markets of South East Europe, mainly on the markets in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo. They offer the most opportunities for an aggressive approach through distributors, connections with local manufacturers in production and development, acquisitions and connections with international dealers entering the markets of the region. 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 44 10 RISK MANAGEMENT Efficient risk management and swift responses to market conditions are indispensable for the company to successfully compete on global markets. Even when risks cannot be completely eliminated, efficient risk management may help reduce their consequences to an acceptable level. The Žito Group performs risk management through the centralised implementation of the development of the methodology of risk management, and the assessment and classification of individual risks in the Control Department, while individual risk management is the responsibility of individual profit centres or business functions. Risk management is the responsibility of organisational units, the regular activities of which are substantively connected primarily with a certain kind of risk. Business risks are managed in a decentralised manner, financial risks in a centralised manner. The process of risk management begins with a recognition of the causes of risks, an estimation of opportunities and threats, and of their consequences and the possibilities of taking action. The detected risks are assessed with the scale of their impact on the result and of the probability estimate that the impact will occur. Exposure to individual risks is evaluated with additional criteria, which enables the preparation of proposals and implementation of measures for risk management. The risks to which the Žito Group is exposed were redefined and, considering the potential extent of damage and possibility of its occurrence, a strategic map of risks was prepared. Risk area Description of risk Method of management Exposure 1.1. Realisation of development strategy probability and ability to realise medium-term goals, connected with external and internal factors an efficient and transparent business planning system, timely and relevant information for decision making, a system of management by objectives, and suitable human resources development 1.2 Food law risk of tightening the law in the field of food and of regulations for packaging labelling monitoring proposed law amendments and keeping packaging inventories as low as possible in order to carry out changes within the transitional periods 1.3 Material procurement possibility of interrupted (irregular, unsuitable) deliveries or uncompetitive prices analysing risks of individual suppliers, establishing partner relationships with suppliers, seeking alternative materials and suppliers, adjusting the scale of purchases to market conditions Significant 1.4 Sales risk of weakened competitiveness in individual markets preparation and implementation of marketing strategy, good relationships with strategic customers, seeking new customers and channels Significant Moderate Minor 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 45 Risk area Description of risk Method of management Exposure 1.5 Customer supply increase of fuel prices, risk of unsuitable deliveries or non-deliveries operational planning of distances, analysis of contract carriers and adoption of suitable measures in the case of improper business cooperation Moderate 1.6 Production unplanned shutdowns, interruptions or errors in production operation in accordance with quality management standards, business interruption insurance, regular preventive maintenance and measurements, anticipated measures in case of emergency Moderate 1.7 Product suitability risk of manufacturing and selling products that are unsuitable, of poor quality and harmful to health a built-in system of internal controls, performance according to the HACCP system, swift and appropriate response to complaints Moderate 1.8 Introduction of new products risk of not achieving the planned income upon the introduction of new products suitable preparation of business plans and project implementation, tight cooperation of key business processes (sales, marketing, development, production) Moderate 1.9 Employees risk of losing key personnel, lack of competent personnel systematic work with key personnel, human resources development, internal transfer of knowledge, measuring organisational culture and climate Minor 1.10 Occupational health and safety danger of accidents or injuries in the workplace verification of technological procedures, education of employees Minor 1.11 Information resources possibility of interruptions to business processes due to interruptions in the field of information resources regular maintenance and restoration of software and hardware, independent security checks and anticipated measures to eliminate interruptions 1.12 Loss of property danger of property being alienated or destroyed prepared assessments of endangerment and a protection plan, suitable insurance policies Minor 1.13 Environment danger of incidents with harmful effects on the environment preventive exercises and internal procedures prescribed for incidents Minor Moderate 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 46 10.1 Operational risks Operational risks include risks connected with the ability to ensure short-term and long-term operating revenues, manage business processes and maintain the value of assets. Realisation of development strategy The realisation of the development strategy refers to the probability of realising, and the ability to realise, medium-term goals. The risks are connected with exterior factors, such as seller's and buyer's markets, and with internal factors, such as the ability to adapt to changed conditions, the recognition and utilisation of market opportunities, and to internal process management. Risks are reduced by the formation and implementation of short-term measures: an efficient and transparent system of business planning, timely and reliable relevant information for decision making, a system of management by objectives, reduction of operating costs and elimination of unnecessary activities, and suitable human resources development. Food law Compared to the rest of the world, EU food policy is very restrictive. The legislation on genetically modified organisms includes high standards and demands for the safety of foodstuffs. The Žito Group does not produce genetically modified food. A regulation on the provision of food information to consumers is being prepared which and will contain significant changes in the field of food labelling, and regulations on authorised and unauthorised nutrition and health claims are being adopted in Europe. The risk is managed by monitoring the proposed legal amendments and keeping the packaging inventory as low as possible to carry out changes within the transitional periods. Raw material procurement We have recently witnessed great changes in the purchase market of raw material; prices have been inflating, speculative trading has been on the increase, and the availability of raw materials for individual manufacturers has become questionable. The risk of fluctuating strategic raw material prices has also been rising, and is assessed as high, as prices have become increasingly dependent on political and economic conditions, in addition to weather.. 2 Annual report 2013 / Introduction / 47 Strategic raw materials Impact on pre-tax profit or loss in 2013 wheat 44 % sugar 9% rice 7% durum semolina 4% rock candy syrup 3% cocoa butter 2% cocoa solids 2% Total 70 % Explanatory note: Calculation of the potential impact of a change in the purchase prices of strategic raw material of +/10 % on profit or loss before taxation The Group attempts to manage risks in this field by continuously monitoring developments in the markets of key raw materials, by monitoring the prices of strategic suppliers, by agreeing on fixed prices and by making major purchases in global commodity markets. Relationships with suppliers are based on competitiveness, but the Group is still trying to establish long-term partner relationships with them, which also ensures a suitable quality of raw materials and their timely delivery. The risk of a change in supply prices relates primarily to the threat of a rise in the supply prices of materials and services that the Group is unable to transfer to its customers by raising sales prices because of conditions in the market. Sales contracts with customers clearly define the timing of price increases, and the Žito Group has been attempting to utilise its size and assert its negotiating power to a greater extent. In the event of a forecast increase in supply prices as a result of developments in world markets or weather conditions, the Group makes a short-term increase in its inventories of the raw material in question, insofar as this is physically feasible and economically justified. Due to the unpredictable changes since the outbreak of the economic and financial crisis, the Group has mostly substituted long-term raw material purchases with short-term ones, thus making them regular. Sales Sales risks relate to competitiveness when selling products and services in individual markets and comprise the risk of suitable marketing strategy (brands, price and quality competitiveness of products, packaging etc.), the risk of the increased bargaining power of large dealers and commercial networks, and the risk of an increased market share among foreign discount dealers. The risks are reduced by the quality preparation and implementation of a marketing strategy based on a detailed product, customer and seller's market analysis. We nurture good relationships with strategic customers and intensively seek new customers and sales channels. An important distribution channel is our own retailing, which was shifted to the independent Žito maloprodaja d.o.o. company in 2010. In the future, we wish to open additional retail units and thus reduce our dependence on large dealers Customer supply With almost no exceptions, the Žito Group uses road transport, which is mainly influenced by oil prices. The transport of Žito 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 48 products to customers is generally carried out by contractual partners, and their contracts include the possibility of changes in transport prices upon changes in oil prices. Logistic risks are mitigated by the optimisation of travel routes, which reduces the number of kilometres travelled. Considering the complexity of distribution and the nature of the products (they need to be delivered quickly and, depending on the type of product, transported in three temperature regimes), non-delivery management is an important area. It is managed by operational planning and tight cooperation between individual business processes (sales– marketing–production). These processes are under our control. The number of non-deliveries in 2013 was in accordance with set objectives, as was their value. Production Production risks refer to interruptions to production processes. We manage these risks by means of our operational organisation, applying the ISO 9001:2008 quality management standard. By upgrading the system, the Group has also taken into account readiness guidelines for extraordinary circumstances, which facilitate continuous production in the event of specific events. A plan has been prepared for all such foreseen risks. Within the scope of production risks, special care is devoted to the functioning of key equipment, infrastructure (uninterrupted supply from energy sources), and to the availability of production capabilities. Production risk is higher in line production, and is managed by the competence of employees and regular production line maintenance. Product suitability In our line of business, the production of quality and safe product is particularly important, as they directly influence the health and well-being of people. We operate according to the HACCP food safety system. The food safety management system is a preventive system based on risk analysis. This enables the timely implementation of measures and controls to ensure fewer potentially harmful products in the market. Introduction of new products Development risks also include risks connected with achieving the planned profitability upon the introduction of new products. The risks are reduced by the suitable preparation of business plans, including market research and the anticipated strategy of introducing new products to the market, and in the implementation phase by a systematic and project approach, with regular monitoring of the achievement of goals, and defining corrective actions in cases of deviations. Employees Risks arising from human resources relate to the availability of suitable personnel. A continuous increase in competitiveness in buyer's markets, as well as the current economic crisis dictate a reduction of costs for employees and labour costs, which tightens the conditions for social dialogue. Thus greater attention has been paid to suitable and timely information provision, responses to questions and obscurities emerging among 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 49 employees regarding redundancies, creating a healthy working environment, and the problem of quality workers and experts leaving. Special attention is paid to key personnel by monitoring their education and development, by increasing their responsibilities in the workplace, and by encouraging them to take over new assignments and allocating them to new workplaces. Occupational health and safety The risk of workplace injuries is mitigated by the regular training of employees, primarily regarding occupational safety when using protective equipment and by investments in new equipment and upgrades. Information resources Information resources are individual information services and applications. Risks are associated with providing a standardised and compatible information system, with providing the continuous transfer of information and with maintenance and the appropriate security of information. These risks are managed by planning measures for specific types of disruptions in the functioning of the information system, a prescribed process for allocating user access and rights, an appropriate server and communication structure, the introduction of contemporary safety solutions, contractually-governed relations with outsourcers, and by the periodic maintenance and upgrading of software and hardware Loss of property The risk of loss of property refers to property risk management. This includes e.g. the possibilities of fires, burglaries, machine breakdowns and production failures. The Žito Group transfers key property risks to insurance companies, thus reducing its exposure to them. Environment The production activity of Žito is among those activities that are less burdening for the environment. The Žito Groups strives to achieve high ecological standards of operation, such as consistent waste separation and the use of environmentally friendly materials. In 2013, no event harmful to the environment occcured. 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 50 10.2 Financial Risks In accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), financial instruments are divided into market risks (interest rate risk and foreign exchange risk), credit risks and liquidity risks. Financial risks are monitored and managed by the Finance Department, while credit risk is monitored thoroughly Risk area by the Recovery Department, which reviews customers’ credit ratings, monitors the repayment of debts, and, if necessary, proposes limits on sales to specific customers. The chapter 'Goals and policies of risk management' in the accounting section specifies financial risks and their influence on Žito’s performance. Description of risk Method of management Exposure Credit risk risk of customers' non-payment restricting maximum exposure to individual customers, active receivables management, calculation of credit ratings Significant Foreign exchange risk possibility of loss due to unfavourable exchange rate fluctuations open position management, monitoring of financial markets, protection with the use of suitable financial instruments Moderate Interest rate risk possibility of loss due to unfavourable exchange rate fluctuations monitoring exchange rate fluctuations, negotiations with credit institutions Moderate Liquidity risk possibility of lack of liquid assets for servicing business and financial liabilities agreeing on lines of credit and planning cash flows in advance Moderate 10.3 Strategic map of risks The greatest attention is required by the risks highlighted in red according to the ratio between the probability of their occurrence and damage. The risks highlighted in yellow do not require as much attention, and the least dangerous risks are highlighted in green. 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 51 Extent of damage Type of risk Criterion Minor Up to EUR 50,000 Moderate Probability Significant EUR EUR 50,000– 250,000- 250,000 500,000 Very significant Above EUR 500,000 High Above 20% Medium Low Between 10 Between 5 and 20% and 10% Very low Below 5% 1 Business risks 1.1 Realisation of development strategy 1.2 Food law 1.3 Material procurement 1.4 Sales 1.5 Customer supply 1.6 Production 1.7 Product suitability 1.8 Introduction of new products 1.9 Employees 1.10 Occupational health and safety 1.11 Information resources 1.12 Loss of property 1.13 Environment 2 Financial risks 2.1 Credit risks 2.2 Foreign exchange risks 2.3 Interest rate risks 2.4 Liquidity risks In 2013, procurement risks saw the greatest increase, as they already had in 2012. Conditions in raw material markets remain very unpredictable, and prices of individual raw materials are reaching record levels. Due to speculative trading, natural disasters, a food crisis and social unrest provoked by high food prices and lack of raw material availability, raw materials have become the most important competitive advantage of companies in the global economy. 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 52 11 ANALYSIS OF BUSINESS PERFORMANCE 11.1 Business operations The audited consolidated annual financial statements were compiled in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). in thousand EUR Žito Group Žito d.d. 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 116.098 111.778 115.716 111.173 110.861 108.219 105.338 106.432 103.329 103.726 993 -1.313 147 -768 -139 1.956 -856 304 -704 -244 1.483 1.175 1.404 4.662 1.881 818 756 951 4.069 1.090 Gross operating profit 118.575 111.639 117.267 115.067 112.602 110.992 105.237 107.686 106.694 104.571 Costs of goods, materials and services 76.491 70.605 81.418 77.236 76.493 75.807 71.049 78.710 75.675 76.088 Labour costs 28.869 28.387 25.482 24.742 24.396 22.192 22.277 19.384 18.584 18.508 Write-offs 7.619 6.796 6.526 5.851 7.288 8.231 6.014 5.936 5.090 5.840 - amortisation 6.543 6.315 6.029 5.529 5.671 5.694 5.348 5.364 4.816 4.534 700 579 820 1.780 1.298 670 410 679 1.655 1.026 EBITDA 11.438 11.588 9.050 7.606 8.799 9.786 10.834 8.340 7.127 4.263 Operating profit or loss 4.895 5.273 3.021 5.457 3.128 4.092 5.486 2.976 5.691 3.109 113 155 147 267 675 397 443 361 434 827 Financial expenses 1.386 2.769 1.252 4.785 994 1.556 2.728 1.258 4.799 894 Net financial outcome -1.272 -2.614 -1.104 -4.518 -319 -1.159 -2.285 -897 -4.364 -68 Pre-tax profit or loss 3.623 2.658 1.917 940 2.809 2.933 3.201 2.079 1.326 3.042 925 539 0 279 331 855 539 0 279 284 Deferred taxes -1.040 426 -398 -271 -278 -138 -123 -412 -297 -261 Net profit or loss 1.659 2.546 1.519 389 2.200 1.940 2.540 1.667 750 2.496 Net profit or loss of majority shareholder 2.187 2.546 1.519 391 2.201 - - - - - Net sales revenue Change in the value of inventories Other operating revenue Other operating expenses Financial revenue Tax on profit 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 53 The Žito Group generated net sales revenue of EUR 110,861 thousand, which is 0.3% less than in 2012; 84 % of total sales revenue was generated in the domestic market, while 16% was generated in foreign markets. A detailed overview of sales results by individual programmes and markets is given in the Marketing section. Capitalised own products and other operating revenues amounted to EUR 1,881 thousand. Other operating revenues were significantly lower than in 2013, since EUR 3,380 thousand referred to the revaluation of real property at Ljubljana – Šmartinska. Other operating revenues mainly relate to compensation received for damages, gains on the sale of property, plant and equipment, and the reversal of provisions for severance pay and subsidies drawn. The operating expenses of the Žito Group totalled EUR 109,474 thousand, which is 0.1% less than in 2012. The ratio of operating costs to gross operating revenue was 97.2%, or 1.9 percentage points higher than in 2012. Most significant among operating expenses are the costs of goods, materials and services, which account for 67.9%. Labour costs accounted for 21.7%, depreciation and other write-offs 6.5%, and other operating expenses 1.2%. Žito Group – share of costs in gross operating profit 100 % 90 % 80 % 5,6 % 5,1 % 6,5 % 21,7 % 21,5 % 21,7 % 20,0 % 21,2 % 18,0 % 69,4 % 67,1 % 67,9 % 68,6 % 68,3 % 67,5 % 73,1 % 2010 2011 2012 2013 6,4 % 6,1 % 24,3 % 25,4 % 22,7 % 21,3 % 64,5 % 63,2 % 64,4 % 2009 70 % 60 % Žito d.d. – share of costs in gross operating profit 100 % 90 % 80 % 5,5 % 5,6 % 7,4 % 5,7 % 20,0 % 21,2 % 18,0 % 17,4 % 17,7 % 22,7 % 21,3 % 20,0 % 21,2 % 18,0 % 68,3 % 67,5 % 73,1 % 70,9 % 72,8 % 64,4 % 68,6 % 68,3 % 67,5 % 73,1 % 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 4,8 % 70 % 60 % 50 % 40 % 30 % 20 % 10 % 0% Costs of goods, material and services Labour costs Write - offs Other operating expenses The costs of goods, materials and services in the Žito Group amounted to EUR 76,493 thousand, 1.0% lower than in 2012. The costs of goods and materials rose by 0.6%, and costs of services were lower by 1.7%. Costs of legal and consulting services, rents, hired workers, insurances and municipal services increased the most. We were most successful in reducing marketing costs. Labour costs amounted to EUR 24.742 thousand and were 1.4% lower. The total number of employees was reduced by 26 or 2.2%, taking the Žito Group's workforce to 1,137 at the end of the year. 50 % 40 % 30 % 20 % 10 % 0% Costs of goods, material and services Labour costs Write - offs Other operating expenses Write-offs at the Žito Group level amounted to EUR 7,288 thousand, were 24.5% lower than in the previous year. EUR 5,671 thousand refer to amortisation, which increased by 2.6%. Other operating expenses are mostly provisions for lawsuits and contributions for construction land in the amount of EUR 1,298 thousand. 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 54 Consolidated earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation amounted to vEUR 8,799 thousand, which is 15.7% higher than in 2012 (other operating revenue from the revaluation of real property at Ljubljana – the Šmartinska location in the amount of EUR 3,380 thousand are not considered in the calculation for 2012). Such EBITDA represents a 7.8 per cent share of gross earnings and is 1.0% higher than in 2012. Consolidated EBIT amounted to EUR 3,128 thousand, 50.5% more than in 2012 (other operating revenue from the revaluation of real property at Ljubljana – Šmartinska location in the amount of EUR 3,380 thousand are not considered in the calculation for 2012). Žito Group – EBIT, profite before taxation and net profit or loss 6.000 4.000 2.000 0 2009 Financial expenses amount to EUR 994 thousand and are substantially lower than in 2011. The reason is the revaluation of the financial investments in Mlinotest and Mlinopek at the end of 2012. Pre-tax profit amounted to EUR 2,809 thousand, which is three times higher than in 2012. Net tax return amounted to EUR -647 thousand. It refers to to the abolition of deferred taxes (mainly to the utilisation of tax losses) and to tax on profit. In 2013, Žito Gropu created EUR 2,200 thousand net profit, or 464.9% more than in 2012. After the sale of minority stakes in Žito Šumi d.o.o. and Šumi bonbon d.o.o., the share of minority owners is minor and the profit of the majority shareholder is almost the same as the Group's profit. The Company generated a net profit of EUR 2,496 thousand in 2013, which is 232.9% more than in 2012. 2010 Profit of loss 2011 Profit before taxation 2012 2013 Net profit or loss Žito d.d. – EBIT, profite before taxation and net profit or loss 6.000 4.000 2.000 0 2009 Profit of loss 2010 2011 Profit before taxation 2012 2013 Net profit or loss 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 55 11.2 Equity and liabilities The balance sheet total of the Žito Group amounted to EUR 117,521 thousand on 31 December 2013, which was 2.5% less than at the end of the previous year. in thousand EUR Assets Long-term assets Žito Group 31 Dec 2013 in % Žito d.d. 31 Dec 2012 in % 31 Dec 2013 in % 31 Dec 2012 in % 65.782 56 70.834 59 62.310 52 64.018 53 57.289 49 60.055 50 41.464 34 43.440 36 Other long-term assets 8.493 7 10.780 9 20.846 17 20.578 17 Short-term assets 51.715 44 49.627 41 58.167 48 56.844 47 Inventories 15.791 13 18.159 15 13.628 11 16.147 13 Operating receivables 29.593 25 29.380 24 32.518 27 32.768 27 6.331 5 2.089 2 12.021 10 7.929 7 23 0 25 0 1 0 6 0 117.521 100 120.486 100 120.477 100 120.868 100 Fixed assets Other short-term assets Deferred costs and accrued revenues Assets Fixed assets representing 56.0% of assets in the structure declined by 7.1% compared to the previous year. Current assets represented 44.0% of assets and were 4.2% higher. Among the latter, inventories recorded the sharpest decline, of 13.0% or EUR 2,368 thousand. The key reason for the reduction of inventories is the fall in the prices of grains after the 2013 harvest. Assets intended for sale, cash assets and operating receivables increased by 0.7%. 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 56 in thousand EUR Liabilities Žito Group 31 Dec 2013 in % Žito d.d. 31 Dec 2012 in % 31 Dec 2013 in % 31 Dec 2012 in % Equity 70,223 60 69,152 57 73,958 61 71,507 59 Provisions 5,220 4 5,854 5 2,544 2 2,919 2 Liabilities 39,452 34 44,008 37 41,538 34 45,093 37 Long-term liabilities 2,160 2 8,900 7 2,160 2 8,900 7 Short-term liabilities 37,292 32 35,108 29 39,378 33 36,193 30 Financial liabilities 22,115 19 27,252 23 23,536 20 29,120 24 Operating liabilities 17,336 15 16,756 14 18,001 15 15,973 13 2,626 2 1,472 1 2,437 2 1,350 1 117,521 100 120,486 100 120,477 100 120,868 100 – by maturities: – by content: Accrued costs and deferred revenues Liabilities In the structure of equity and liabilities, capital represented 59.8%, which was 2.4% more than at the end of 2012. Provisions represented 4.4% of the balance sheet total and fell 10.9% in one year. Non-current and current liabilities stood at EUR 39,452 thousand, down 10.4% compared to the previous year. Financial liabilities of EUR 22,115 thousand comprise the majority. In comparison with the previous year, they fell by EUR 5,137 thousand or 18.8%. Operating liabilities amounted to EUR 17,336 thousand and were 3.5% higher than at the end of the previous year. 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 57 11.3 Kazalniki uspešnosti poslovanja Kazalniki uspešnosti poslovanja Skupina Žito Žito d.d. 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 EBITDA margin 9,6 % 10,4 % 7,7 % 6,8 % 7,8 % 8,8 % 10,3 % 7,7 % 6,7 % 4,1 % return on sales (ROS) 1,4 % 2,28 % 1,31 % 0,35 % 1,98 % 1,8 % 2,4 % 1,6 % 0,7 % 2,4 % return on equity (ROE) 2,4 % 3,70 % 2,19 % 0,56 % 3,16 % 2,8 % 3,6 % 2,3 % 1,0 % 3,4 % return on assets (ROA) 1,3 % 2,14 % 1,28 % 0,32 % 1,85 % 1,5 % 2,1 % 1,4 % 0,6 % 2,1 % added value (AV) in EUR million 41,9 40,5 35,0 32,7 34,8 34,5 33,8 28,3 26,0 27,5 AV per employee in EUR thousand 28,3 28,3 28,2 27,7 31,2 31,2 33,1 32,6 31,7 34,8 labour costs as a proportion of AV 68,9 % 70,2 % 72,7 % 75,7 % 70,1 % 64,3 % 66,0 % 68,5 % 71,5 % 67,4 % 106,3 82,2 77,3 89,8 82,8 102,5 79,4 75,5 87,7 78,8 days sales outstanding 70,4 76,3 81,9 91,3 93,3 81,7 89,9 100,8 113,0 113,7 days payables outstanding 57,4 57,4 53,5 59,5 65,3 53,7 56,4 53,2 60,6 70,0 Profitability indicators working capital management indicators days inventory outstanding Explanation of calculation: • days inventory outstanding: average inventories * 365/(production costs of sold products + purchase value of goods) • days sales outstanding: average trade receivables * 365/operating revenue • days payables outstanding: average trade payables * 365/costs of materials, goods and services In 2013, performance indicators were generally better than in 2012 and better than planned. Return on sales (ROS), return on equity (ROE) and return on assets (ROA) stood at 1.98%, 3.16% and 1.85%, respectively. year, when it amounted to EUR 32,670 thousand. Added value per employee amounted to EUR 31,162, which is 12.6% more than in 2012. The share of labour costs in value added decreased by 5.7% to 70.1%. In 2013, the Žito Group generated added value in the amount of EUR 34,812 thousand, which is 6.6% more than in the previous The effective management of working capital has become particularly important in the difficult economic conditions. The Žito 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 58 Group has taken numerous measures to improve the management of inventories and receivables, which is also reflected in the indicators. The Group's days inventory outstanding stood at 82.8 days; in a period of one year the fixed term reduced by 7 days. The financial crisis is also reflected in the stock of receivables. Days sales outstanding rose from 91.3 to 93.3 days. Some of the Group's customers faced liquidity problems, while the payment terms of some major customers were extended. Days payable outstanding grew to 65.3 days. Ratios Žito Group Žito d.d. 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Self-financing ratio 55,9 % 59,8 % 57,0 % 57,4 % 59,8 % 57,5 % 61,6 % 58,9 % 59,2 % 61,4 % Debt ratio 31,5 % 24,8 % 30,0 % 28,3 % 24,0 % 32,3 % 26,8 % 31,1 % 28,9 % 24,1 % Leverage 40,3 % 35,3 % 38,6 % 38,2 % 32,7 % 39,8 % 35,8 % 38,8 % 38,2 % 33,4 % Current ratio 1,31 1,38 1,26 1,41 1,39 1,43 1,50 1,36 1,57 1,48 Quick ratio 0,76 0,90 0,79 0,90 0,97 0,95 1,11 0,94 1,12 1,13 3,76 5,57 2,96 2,17 3,49 3,04 5,80 2,92 2,37 3,82 32,6 % 38,8 % -5,3 % -39,0 % 0,0 % 28,7 % 34,0 % -7,8 % 34,4 % 0,0 % Financing indicator Solvency indicators Credit worthiness indicator Interest coverage ratio Cash flow ratio Cash flows in operations/short-term liabilities Explanation of calculation: • Self-financing ratio: capital and reserves/liabilities • Debt ratio: financial liabilities/(financial liabilities + capital) • Leverage: net liabilities/(capital+ net liabilities) Net liabilities: financial liabilities + operating liabilities – cash • Current ratio: current assets/current liabilities • Quick ratio: (current assets –inventories/current liabilities) • Interest coverage ratio: EBIT/interest expenses 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 59 Less indebtedness and improved operations are the factors that had most influence on the financing indicators. In total, liabilities decreased by 10.4% in 2013. Financial liabilities decreased by 18.8%, while operating liabilities increased by 3.5%. In terms of maturity, the share of current liabilities is decreasing, while the share of long-term liabilities is increasing. The self-financing ratio increased to 59.8%. The debt ratio decreased to 24.0%. The leverage indicator decreased from 38.2 to 32.7%. The Žito Group is capable of regularly settling its liabilities, as confirmed by its liquidity ratios. The current ratio of 1.39 indicates that the immediate liquidation of all current assets (assuming all current assets are fully liquid) would more than cover all current liabilities. The quick ratio of 0.97 indicates that the immediate liquidation of all liquid assets and receivables would cover all current liabilities, 53.5% of which are liabilities to banks. The interest coverage ratio indicates to what extent EBIT can fall without jeopardising the repayment of interest. A higher indicator is more favourable for creditors. The Žito Group generated enough operating profit to settle its interest expenses. This indicator improved in 2013 compared with 2012, i.e. it amounted to 3.49. 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 60 12 SALES AND MARKETING 12.1 Sales by sales area Explanatory note: data on sales in Chapter 12 include invoiced realisation from product sales, but exclude additional discounts, super rebates and cash discounts, retail sales of merchandise and revenues from service sales; therefore, the data in this chapter differ from the data in the accounting section. In 2013, the Žito Group generated product sales of EUR 110.5 million, which is 0.4% less than in 2012. Growth in sales was achieved in exports and the EU market. On the domestic market, Žito Group sold EUR 92.3 million products, or EUR 0.9 million less than in 2012. The value of sales in the domestic market thus dropped by 1%. Žito Group sales per market in EUR thousand in thousand EUR Year 2013 Year 2012 Ind/2012 Slovenia 92.327 93.246 99,0 Exports 18.141 17.632 102,9 SE Evropa 6.572 7.058 93,1 Hitschler 4.899 5.459 89,7 EU 5.662 3.810 148,6 East and OCT* 1.008 1.306 77,2 110.468 110.878 99,6 TOTAL *OCT = Overseas Countries and Territories Share of sales revenues per markets in 2013 South-Eastern Evrope 6 % Slovenia 84 % Export 16 % Hitschler 4 % EU 5 % East and OCT* 1 % The Žito group generated 84% of total sales revenue in the domestic market, while 16% of revenue was generated in foreign markets. In total sales, the share of exports compared to 2012 grew by 0.5%. The highest share was in sales in SE European markets, followed by the EU market, with a 5.1% share in sales, and Hitschler territory with 4.4%. The remaining lesser part of export sales were accounted for by the East (Russia and Ukraine) and overseas countries (USA, Canada, and Israel). 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 61 Slovenia • consumers more frequently move from renowned brands to retailer’s brands, Deteriorating economic conditions also affected the performance of the Žito Group. • consumers actively monitor promotion activities and purchase products with reduced prices, • consumers change locations of purchase by shopping more in discount stores, • consumers go to smaller shops in order to avoid buying unnecessary things, • consumers make fewer purchases per month, • consumers buy only basic food and avoid buying »luxury« products. Economic trends worsened in 2013, especially in the last quarter of the year, when the decline in retail sales was the biggest in the past ten years, and was mostly reflected in food retail sales shops. According to SORS, real turnover in retail trade in food, beverages and tobacco compared to 2012 decreased by 4%. The year 2013 was additionally marked by the high prices of some raw materials and a further decrease in sales at merchandisers, where a reduction was noted for the fifth consecutive year, and the increase in sales in discount stores. In addition to the deteriorating economic situation, the following external factors had a negative impact on the sales volume of the Žito Group in Slovenia: • further strengthening and expansion of discount chains, • transformation of the strategies of existing retailers, • fall in purchasing power and higher unemployment. Limited consumer purchasing power, the reduction of the average value of the purchase basket and purchases in 2013 additionally impacted the modified consumption of final buyers. Consumers are increasingly feeling the impact of the economic downturn and as a result pay more attention to prices. Prudence and caution regarding purchases are reflected in the following actions: In the Slovenian market, the Žito Group generated sales revenue of EUR 92.3 million, which is EUR 0.9 million or 1% less than in 2012. The drop in sales was recorded in most groups of goods, with some exceptions. In baking, we faced a drop in sales among traditional retailers and consumers who are buying cheaper products. A lot of energy and attention was directed at the fieldwork and training of our sales staff. With the help of our customers, we were able to reduce the amount of unsold goods. Increased cooperation by sales team with other sectors within the company and the focus of the sales team on external environment was observed, based on more visits, intensive work with service personnel and the adjustment of activities to the final consumer of each key account. The focus of our entire sales team in Slovenia was set to each individual goal. In 2013, we decided to focus on strengthening our brands according to their individual strategies. We were also actively seeking 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 62 new sales channels and at the same time including production surpluses in the retail brand segment. New organisational structure of the Žito Group in the Slovenian market We partially changed the organisation of our sales team at the end of 2013, since we divided the joint department of public users and the Horeca into two departments, which now operate independently, but still homogenously and cooperatively. This organisation enables both departments to focus on their buyers, since they are 100% engaged in their respective fields, i.e. through managerial functions as well as sales teams in the field. In December 2013, we added a new department of agents which will enable the realisation of set goals with principals, for which agent contracts were signed in 2013. South-Eastern Europe SE Europe remains the most important export area of Žito Group, since we market our most significant brands there: Zlato Polje, Šumi, Krex and others. Worse economic situation, worse macroeconomic indicators, worse financial discipline and strong increase in the sale of retail brands impacted the drop of sales in this region. This mostly affected product groups such as rice, rusks and sweets, categories where traders intensively develop retail brands, which are intensively increasing in these markets. Hitschler Hitschler expected that in 2012 no new increase in sales would occur in 2013. Despite the initial prediction that the quantities from 2012 would not decline, in spring 2013 they decline by approx. 1900 tons. The main reduction was in mixed packaging for an important buyer for low-price orders, regarding which price negotiations continued into the second half of the year. Negotiations were successfully concluded and the result was a major order for 70 tons of new products from the soft fruit chewy candy group. The order was realised at the end of December. Soft fruit chewy candy is a new product in Hitschler's programme, which is quite well accepted and sales of which will increase in 2014. European Union The market of the European Union (excluding Hitschler GmbH) is our second most important export market which achieved considerable growth in 2013. The largest increase was noted in bread and bakery products, as well as durable bakery products (rusks). Despite strong competition in these markets, we are succeeding in the frozen bread segment so-called pre-baked products. Along with successful sales in 2013, we managed to conclude some important agreements with buyers, which will enable growth in 2014. Sweets remain an important segment in this area. Eastern Europe and Northern America In North America we noted an increase in the sale of durable bakery products and confectionery. In Eastern Europe, there was a large decrease due to the loss of an important buyer in the sweets segment.. 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 63 12.2 Sales by Sales Pillars Deleži stebrov v prodaji skupine Žito v letu 2013 Sales of the Žito Group by pillars, in thousand EUR +2 % 44.611 2012 45.293 2013 BREAD PILLAR 41 % +2 % CONTEMPORARY KITCHEN 26 % 28.080 28.556 -4 % 24.014 CONFECTIONERY 21 % 23.069 -6 % 14.331 MILLING 12 % BREAD PILLAR In terms of the scope of realisation, the Bread pillar still accounts for the largest share of Žito Group sales, and increased by 2% compared to 2012. The largest decrease was noted in the Milling pillar, which took a 12% share of total sales in 2013, while the Contemporary Kitchen pillar saw 2% growth in comparison with 2012. Sales in the onfectionery pillar in 2013 fell by 4%. SCONTEMPORARY CONFECTIONERY KITCHEN 13.496 MILLING Bread pillar Sales by product groups in the Bread pillar in 2013 Bread and bakery products 70 % Pastries 11 % Durable bakery products15 % Confectionery 2 % Sandwiches 2 % 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 64 The year 2013 was quite important for the Bread pillar. We launched our pre-baked products in international markets and kept the leading position in Slovenia. In 2013, we received 12 golden medals for quality from GZS; consumers gave the Best Buy Award to our fresh bakery programme, i.e. for the best price/quality ratio. Our goal in 2013 was to spread information about our best-selling breads, Jelen, Hribovc and Stoletni. This goal was achieved with intensive television and mailing communication about their key advantages and the connection with the Žito cover brand. We also successfully sold the buckwheat bread Ajdov kruh z orehi and the new Jelen wholegrain. When developing this kind of bread, we considered modern food trends that favour the consumption of wholegrain products rich in fibres; with a selected and carefully implemented technological procedure we ensured long-term freshness – a feature that is appreciated by consumers of all types of Jelen bread. The sale of pre-baked products and fine bakery products is on the rise, since consumers can get warm and fresh bread and bakery products; the smell of baked bread in the shop attracts people to purchase these products. Frozen semi-baked products enable sales in foreign markets, where we are especially interesting due to the originality of our products. We dedicated many developmental activities to this. We also prepared the Pizza štručka, Ječmenova štručka and a series of rustic bread rolls with an attractive cracked crust image. Baked products are mostly connected with holidays, which every year present a challenge where we can excel. The carnival season was traditionally characterised by our doughnuts. Slovenians ate more than 4 million doughnuts in that season. Fresh baked doughnuts attracted buyers to go to temporary bakeries in large shopping centres and key sales locati- ons in Slovenia. Valentine's Day and Gregorjevo feature hearts and birds. Easter and Christmas abounded with poticas, where we added our coconut potica, cherry cake and rolled nut cakes under our Žito brand. Such a fresh portfolio offered products for many Slovenian Christmas tables. The Kranjski burek, which attracted great interest and recognition due to the interesting combination of cottage cheese, sauerkraut and sausage, was also an important part of our development and activities in 2013. We also added two triangular pizzas to the fast-food range, which successfully refreshed the offer in this popular segment. We are very proud of taking the lead in toast bread, which together with bakery products and sandwiches is also included in Žito's corporate image. New spelt toast was added to the range of standard tastes, since its specific taste and balanced composition quickly acquired a circle of loyal buyers. We continued our activities involving tastings, campaigns and other softer tools for sales promotion. Special attention was devoted to activities at sales locations, where the fight for buyers is most intensive. Our joint promotion department in Žito Group is working intensively on improving the efficiency of activities at sales locations. With this approach, we preserve the presence of our promotion agents at sales locations, thus increasing the recognition and presence of our breads in comparison with the in-store bakeries of large retail chains. Emphasis was also given to special projects at certain retailers, such as ‘The Supplier Introduces Itself', 'Buy Slovenia', 'Slovenian Basket' and similar. We are continuing activities to educate sellers in fresh bakery departments at all large retail partners. Our sales presentation programme has been additionally upgraded with a motivation programme. 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 65 In 2013, we faced the challenge of the Croatian producer Mlinar coming to Slovenia, which established a chain of 15 stores in quite a short period, thus offering bread, bakery products and confectionery. Due to exceptional price conditions, they managed to enter some retail chains and other services providers like Petrol, where they wanted to destabilise the market, especially the sale of burek and bakery products. Žito's reply showed results at the end of the year, and with an aggressive approach through our product portfolio, quality, professionalism and exceptional service, we slowly turned the trends in our direction. Contemporary Kitchen pillar Sales by product groups in the Contemporary Kitchen pillar in 2013 Tea 22 % Herbs 15 % Pasta17 % Rice 15 % Frozen and refrigerated foods 13 % Milling products 15 % Cereals 3 % Zlato polje and Maestro were the also the main brands used at the Cooking Academy managed by Andrej Murko the winner of the famous Slovenian TV show (»Gostilna išče šefa«) in 2012. Various cooking workshops were organised in spring and autumn, which were very popular. We cooperated on the new TV show (»Gostilna išče šefa«), where we cooperated with the Tuš company and implemented communication activities at our sales locations. Teas 1001 Cvet also gained an advantage in comparison with their competition. Due to the cold winter, which was exceptionally successful for our Nordic team which we sponsor, our teas were also successful. After the successful renovation of the packaging, we also modernised communications ways, and surprised the market with unusual new tastes and a special New Year limited edition, thus putting the brand on the throne among teas in Slovenia. Some herbal teas were wrapped in bags for Horeca and we can now,enter them in this sales area, too. The frozen foods image was adapted to the corporate image of Žito, and we also added wholegrain dumplings. Consumers gave these the Product of the Year 2014 award. Pasta also received an award from GZS, with the gold award for quality going to rolled soup noodles. We also followed modern food trends by developing attractive wholegrain spelt noodles, thus offering a wholegrain product to numerous fans of this type of grain. We also refreshed the assortment of »durum« pasta with a new form of pasta. 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 66 Confectionary pillar Sales by product groups in the Confectionery pillar in 2013 Chocolate 31 % Sweets and chewing gum 52 % Pastries 9 % Cookies2 % Products for baking 6% 2013 was quite a demanding year for the confectionery segment. The pressure of discounts and competition remained strong, so our position in the sweets, chocolate and pastry sales segments even worsened. In the case of chocolate we focused on dark, cooking and rice chocolate, where we have a strong position and where the competition is less aggressive than in the case of hazeltnut and dairy products and chocolate with extras. Cooking chocolate was available in 400 g packaging; the Chef series was once againfeatures with the Gorenjka doll; in spring we refreshed the entire spring line. In the dark chocolate segment, we expanded the success of our dark chocolate by lowering the share of cocoa and cranberry as well as mint; the New Year limited edition included chocolate with smarties and special packaging that was designed by a design student; mini chocolates were added to the boxes of chocolates. In the case of pastry, we also launced chocolate slices, and a tasty jaffa cake, which was quite positively welcomed by consumers. We also refreshed our line of rolled cakes with three new tastes. A prize game was organised for hazelnut chocolate fans, which helped us increase sales in this segment. Rice chocolate fans entered the prize lottery for a trip to Bali. In the sweets segment, the achievement of goals in the markets of former Yugoslavia is most demanding, since we have still not managed to take the desired position in the market. Despite intensive development in the soft sweets segment, we were not able to compensate for the drop in sales of the traditionally strong segments of hard and caramel sweets. Prize games and campaigns slightly slowed the fall in sales, but did not stop it. We were very successful in developing chewing bonbons – we developed a new oily chewing candy for a foreign partner which received good responses from consumers. In development, we followed the trend of developing functional sweets. In the Herba chewing bonbons line, we added cranberry flavour with added extract of popular acai berries. Milling pillar Sales by product groups in the Milling pillar in 2013 Flour 81 % Feeding stuff and grains 14 % Additives and mixtures 4 % Yeast 1 % 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 67 As much as 80% of Žito Group sales in the Milling pillar is accounted for by flour, because it includes flour for everyday consumption and the repro products programme, i.e. the sale to bakeries and major flour consumers.The Milling pillar in 2013 saw a fall in sales, especially due to the opening of a flour providers market and great price aggressiveness from Hungary, Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria. We planned sales campaigns for the segment of flours for wider consumption in 2013 in an effort to preserve our market share and growth in quantities; however, this succeeded only partially. Acti- vities in the flour category focused on sales locations, where we noted a slight fall in demand and an increase in sales of flour retail brands. The fall in purchasing power was also reflected in this, normally untouchable category of products, where loyalty to brands has been quite solid. In the reproduction programme, we were forced to reduce the difference in prices due to exceptional price pressure from the competition, which resulted in reduced sales revenue. 12.3 Sales by Distribution Channels In comparison with 2012, Žito Group saw an increase in sales in some major retail chains in 2013, especially in the sales of products to discount chains and public users, as well as the Horeca segment. Retailers or retail companies comprise the most important sales channels for the Žito Group in Slovenia, accounting for a good three quarters of sales. In terms of sales value, Horeca and public users, repro products and our own retail sales follow. Žito Group sales realisation in the domestic market by distribution channels -1 % 68.698 2012 2013 67.850 +7 % 11.342 12.153 -6 % -9 % 3.141 Retailersi Horeca and public consumption 10.061 9.450 2.873 Retail sale Repro products 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 68 Retailers Žito's retail sales We sold EUR 68 million worth of products in retail chains in 2013, or 1% less than in 2012. The sales structure in large retail chains in 2013 recorded a drop in sales mostly at large sales sites, since sales in smaller shops increased. The largest drop in sales in retail chains was the consequence of the outflow of buyers to the discount shops segment as well as to sales locations of independent retailers. In the case of major key buyers and the major part of merchandise, we noted an increase in value sales, while quantities were at the same level as in 2012 or slightly increasing. This is mostly the result of price pressure and greater sales during special offers. This is because consumers are increasingly more rational when purchasing, and actively search for discounts and choose retail brands increasingly more often. In 2013, Žito's retail sales noted a decrease in sales and continued to lose its share in the total sales of Žito. Our own retailing is an important generator of liquid assets, an appropriate channel for selling goods of secondary quality and important for building the overall image of the company.. Horeca and public consumption We also noted that, as in 2012, the penetration of competitors through retailers like Lidl, Spar and Hofer, is relatively simple and fast, since they produce brand products and flour as repro products for them. In 2013, we also noticed that smaller bakeries are cutting production and that certain bakeries are planning to terminate it or take a different approach to offering bakery products. Financial discipline also worsened in 2013, which is most intensively reflected in minor purchases of repro products and materials. By monitoring receivables and preventing additional losses of income due to insolvency, we are trying to minimise this effect and preserve our role as a supplier for purchasers who have most difficulties with making payments. Both sales segments show an opportunity for additional growth and expansion, so we divided the Horeca sales channel and public consumption into two independent departments, with the goal of focusing the sales team and managing each individual sales channel. Both departments have four focused agents each, as well as heads. Sales in both segments remained stable in 2013 and progressed in accordance with expectations. Compared to last year, we recorded a 7% increase. We expect further growth in both segments, mostly due to the accession of the wide assortment of products of our principals, who will be actively included in sales in the first quarter of 2014. Repro products The year 2013 was quite turbulent for repro products, since there were some exceptional pressures on prices, mostly after the publication of the purchase prices of the most important material, wheat. The market responded quite aggressively to lower purchase prices, which was mostly noted at large buyers of repro products, which more often used providers from Eastern Europe, Croatia and Serbia. 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 69 13 PRODUCT SUPPLY The product supply chain includes purchasing, production, storage and transport processes. These are closely interconnected and their basic purpose is to meet needs and provide high-quality price-competitive products. Supply processes are being integrated and optimised, thereby strengthening their association with other functions. Responsiveness to market needs is being constantly optimised and costs reduced. The initial process in the supply chain is the purchase of raw materials, packaging and other goods. Supply must be on time and in accordance with the quality requirements applicable in the company. The management of purchase costs and their constant optimisation are becoming increasingly important. We are developing a strategy of partnerships with suppliers, and also inform key suppliers on our development directions. We operate in an increasingly competitive environment, with the result that the costs of material have the greatest effect on our market position. This is why operations in purchasing in 2013 were intensively oriented to the rationalisation of costs, simplification of processes and optimal planning. Considering the global situation in purchase markets, where there is quite a lot of speculative trading, we opted for an optimal strategy of purchasing strategic materials. We follow the markets and stock exchanges and also focus on strategic partnerships with suppliers. Due to unpredictable markets in materials, the changing prices of stock exchange materials and currency movements, purchase activities were focused on reducing purchase risks. We were unable to completely avoid price increases, even though we have a risk protection strategy in place. Negative impacts were noted in the field of various materials: cocoa, fats, dairy and meat products. We continued negotiations with local grain producers, and during harvest purchased more than 30% of our annual demand. When selecting contractual partners, we continue to cooperate with suppliers who are able to support the developmental process; at the same time we followed the process of buyer-oriented improvements, since buyers demand healthy, quality and safe food. Suppliers are selected and evaluated on the basis of selected criteria. We also periodically assess suppliers. The principles of quality, flexibility and responsiveness are observed in the field of the storage and distribution of products. On a daily basis, we supply approximately 2,800 sites, on a monthly basis 3,500 and on an annual basis 4,800. This is performed by contracted carriers who travel approximately 475,000 km per month. Due to their nature, products must be distributed quickly, and are transported in three temperature regimes (normal, refrigerated and deep-frozen). The refrigerated regime is used for the warehousing and distribution of pastries, fresh dough and similar products, while the deep-frozen programme demands special conditions during warehousing and transportation to customers at no higher than -18℃. Specialised vehicles (road tankers) are leased for the transportation of unpackaged flour. All vehicles are fitted for the transportation of foodstuffs, and we work in compliance with HACCP standards, which are regularly supervised. Durable products are warehoused in two distribution centres, in Ljubljana and Maribor (DC Maribor was closed in 2013), while fresh products are delivered directly from bakeries. 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 70 The prices of road tolls and other services increased in 2013. Increased costs were compensated for by shortening routes and reducing the number of kilometers. On highway routes, we increased the prices of transport by 5%. Because of the optimisation of distances, the average monthly number of kilometres travelled has been constantly falling for several years and in 2013 was below the previous year by 7.3%, or 454,841 km. We continued to reduce the number of non-deliveries, increase productivity in warehouses and centralise dispatch. The costs of transport increased in the Milling Pillar due to the closure of the mill in Ljubljana, since all shipments are sent from Maribor. Our main goal depends on merging supplies of durable products and fresh products. We were also active in centralising the supply of sandwiches and pastries in central Slovenia. We terminated the separate supply of frozen products and the supply of pastries and sandwiches in the Gorenjska region; we combined three routes in the Štajerska region and reduced the costs of movement in central Slovenia. Direct sales will be retained for the Natura and Bio programmes. With Mercator, we set up a new ordering sysem for fresh products and made agreements with Tuš regarding the supply of pre-baked products in the central warehouse. Our goal in logistics in 2013 was to reduce all costs, especially to reduce the costs of transport, and at the same time to improve services for buyers. We succeeded in achieving this goal by implementing numerous projects. 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 71 14 INVESTMENTS We successfully concluded the investment in PC Bread and the bakery in Maribor. We invested in modernising the line for producing pastries, automated bread and pastry freezing in the freezing tunnel, and continued and automated the packaging of frozen bread and pastries. By increasing the capacities of fresh and semi-baked frozen products production, we started an investment in a warehouse and distribution centre for frozen products at the same location (-20°C) of 1080 pallet slots. The investment was successfully concluded in the middle of the year. In this way, we ensured maximum supervision of the quality of products, from production to delivery to final buyers, and of planning optimal inventories. This investment will help us to increase our export capacities of frozen bread and pastries. We also invested in packaging toast and rusks. The new equipment enables the packaging of whole sliced loaves, as well as halves. Packaging bags can be closed by clips that enable opening and closing of the bag after use. The automatisatoin of slicing and packaging toast, and with the change in packaging technology, we took a large step towards increasing the competitiveness of packed sliced breads in the domestic market and enabling entry to foreign markets. In 2013, we successfully concluded the centralisation process of milling production at the Intes Maribor location by moving and modernising the equipment for packaging flour and additives. We also invested in the modernisation of production equipment at various locations. Some investment was dedicated to renovating production premises and to following the high demands of the International Food Standard and HACCP standards, as well as to increasing energy efficiency. Company/value in EUR 2013 2012 Indeks 3.351.038 6.895.276 49 317.835 155.590 204 3.633 9.614 38 Žito Maloprodaja d.o.o. 26.728 12.150 220 Šumi nepremičnine d.o.o. 14.597 2.212 660 3.713.831 7.074.842 52 Žito d.d. Šumi bonboni d.o.o. Intes Storitve d.o.o. Total Investments of Žito Group in 2009 2013 period In EUR million 8 in EUR milion The investment plan in 2013 was adapted to this period of crisis and the lower consumption of food products. EUR 3.7 million was intended for investments in 2013. We implemented key investments dedicated to improving the quality of products and increasing productivity. 6 4 2 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 72 15 QUALITY CONTROL SYSTEM In 2013, we continued to expand the scope of certification according to the IFS standard, version 6, for the Vič and Ribnica bakeries. This standard encompasses the demands of a significant buyer. We maintain 9 IFS certificates at the highest demand level, as well as the ISO 9001 quality system management standard. In autumn, we had several unannounced quality management controls regarding food safety. Our results were excellent, and we further strengthened our position as a reliable partner. In the field of special buyer demands, we maintained the HALAL and KOSHER certificates, as well as the BIO certificate. The scope of all three certificates was expanded with new products in 2013. We invested a lot of energy in training employees who work in contact with foods, in order to improve our system. We also intensified the supervision at entry of materials and packaging, as well as our demands to suppliers. The management system incorporated all novelties in the field of food safety management, new risks and legal demands, as well as analysis procedures. By further globalising our purchase market, the number of incidents is also increasing. We had to recall two products from the market. We also intensified our complaint management system in the field and exceeded the set goals in this area; in purchasing, we noted an increase in complaints regarding quality, which is confirmed by the efficiency of our entry control procedures. 2 Annual report 2013 / Management report/ 73 16 PLANS FOR 2014 On 11 December 2013, the Supervisory Board of the Žito Group approved the Business Plan of the Žito Group and Žito d.d. for 2014, according to which the Žito Group plans to generate more sales and profit. Net profit of EUR 2.3 million is planned. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) will amount to EUR 8.7 million, and the share of EBITDA in revenues will amount to 7.7%. Added value per employee will be EUR 28.8 thousand. Total planned growth in sales for the next year amounts to 1.8%, with the domestic market remaining at the 2013 level, and growth is planned in foreign markets. Sales growth will be the highest in the Confectionery pillar, amounting to 3.6%, and from 0.7% to 1.9 % in the other pillars. Higher sales are also expected in our own retail sales, where some new shops are planned to open. Material costs and the original costs of goods used will amount to EUR 57.1 million, which is 1.9% more than in 2013. The increase in these costs is most affected by the high prices of cocoa, dairy products, fats, herbs and packaging. The markets of Žito’s most important raw materials have stabilised in recent months, but prices remain very high. The planned wheat price in 2014 is slightly lower than the average purchase price in 2013. Planned sugar prices and prices of materials are somewhat lower than average purchase prices in 2013. EUR 5.4 million will be intended for investments. The largest investment will be for the setup of a freezing channel with continued freezing and automated packaging in the Vrhnika bakery. We are not planning any disinvestments that will significantly impact profit or loss in 2014. Our primary tasks in 2014 remain sales growth and strengthening the power of our own brands which, alongside further consolidation of production and rationalisation of resources, will have important effects in the form of higher profitability. The Žito Group will regulate insecure conditions in the market of raw materials with numerous measures, including new purchasing paths and optimising ordering from suppliers. 3 Annual report 2013/ Sustainable development 75 3 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 3 Annual report 2013 / Sustainable development / 76 17 EMPLOYEES The Žito Group had 1,137 employees as at 31 December 2013. The number decreased by 26 or 2.2% compared to the end of 2012. The proportion of temporary employees was 2.6%; all others are permanently employed. The Žito Group employed 14 new employees in 2013, while the employment of 40 employees terminated. Some departures were the result of retirement, while others were the result of the reorganisation and centralisation of business processes. Number of employees by individual company in the Žito Group as at 31 December 2013 company 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Difference Index Žito, d. d. 799 811 -12 98,5 Intes Storitve, d. o. o. 137 146 -9 93,8 Šumi bonboni, d. o. o. 120 123 -3 97,6 81 83 -2 97,6 1.137 1.163 -26 97,8 Žito Maloprodaja, d. o. o. TOTAL One of the more important tasks of the HR department is to optimise the occupancy of work positions, which is also managed by providing for the internal mobility of employees. This also creates career opportunities for individuals in the Group. Potential redundancies resulting from the rationalisation of work processes are resolved in a manner causing the least harm to employees and with natural wastage due to retirement. Conversely, we have occasionally noted a deficit in certain types of profile on the labour market. Bakers, food engineering assistants, forklift operators in cold storage, and maintenance workers are among the most sought-after personnel. During annual vacations and holidays, students worked part-time via student employment services. Workers were also occasionally employed via employment agencies, due to the frequent fluctuations in orders in the market. We employed an average of 61 of these types of worker per day, who performed ten thousand hours of work per month. The average age of employees is 45.5 years. The Group employs 52% women and 48% men. 3 Annual report 2013 / Sustainable development / 77 Structure of employees by level of education on 31 December 2013 Education Higher and postgraduate 13% General secondary 21% Vocational 41% Elementary or incompleted elementary 25% Most employees work in production, which is also reflected in the educational structure: two thirds of workers have vocational or lower education. Compared to the previous year, the educational structure did not change noticeably. Employee benefits As a benefit, all of our employees receive additional collective accident insurance, and those who are permanently employed also receive supplementary pension insurance. We have holiday facilities at four locations, which can be used by our employees and retired employees. In Žito, we are aware that the challenges of the modern age and global competition can only be faced with the assistance of competent and qualified workers and by providing continuity in key positions. Therefore, more and more resources are invested in knowledge and the development of all employees. The largest portion of this was spent on fees for professional seminars for key personnel and for training on occupational safety. In 2014, more funding and effort will be put into the development of human resources. By developing skills in the field of management and communication, we wish to contribute to a better working environment, to productive relationships, to encourage more teamwork among employees and to make them more goal-oriented, responsible and motivated to achieve common objectives. Occupational health and safety A high level of sick leave is a problem for the company, both in terms of providing wage compensation to absent employees and replacing absentees. Therefore, we stress the need for a safe working environment and health protection. We regularly identify factors that cause illnesses, such as poor working conditions – ergonomics, environmental concerns, occupational safety, etc. For all positions and technologies, we monitor the risk of accidents and injury to health, which are periodically assessed and maintained at an acceptable level by means of appropriate protective measures. 3 Annual report 2013 / Sustainable development / 78 In 2013, average sick leave (excluding maternity leave) was 5.7% and remained at the same level as in 2012. Comparison of sick leave in 2009–2013 7% 6% 5% 4% 2,5 % 3,2 % 2,3 % 2,7 % 2,7 % 3,3 % 3,7 % 3,1 % 3,0 % 3,0 % 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 3% 2% 1% 0% Sick leave costs for the company Sick leave costs for the ZZZS Due to the nature of the Group's operations, we have a relatively high number of disabled employees. The Žito Group employed 138 disabled persons at the end of 2013, which is 12.1% of employees. The proportion of disabled persons increased by one percentage point compared to 2012. Most cases of disability arise due to allergies to ingredients in production. The Group ensures that disabled persons are able to continue to work in their positions, and we respect the limitations set out in the medical advice they receive. We provide for the re-qualification of employees who are no longer able to do their job. Through extensive occupational safety programmes, the appropriate technical capacities and work organisation, we try to operate as preventively as possible to reduce the occurrence of disabling events. 3 Annual report 2013 / Sustainable development / 79 18 SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT 18.1 Public relations Communication is a process which is necessary for the existence of both companies and an individuals. It is an essential part of the life of any organisation, which enables the transfer of information, resolves and eliminates disagreements, co-designs the organisational culture and contributes to competitive advantages. Communication has long ceased to be only a matter of exchanging information on a subject, but rather a comprehensive building of relationships between individuals. The Žito Group also works on building relationships with all stakeholders. In 2013, one of the main activities involved comprehensive communication with employees, the media, suppliers, partners, owners and those who were indirectly or directly connected with all segments of our operations. Relations with employees The main communication tool in relations with the employees is our internal newsletter »Drobtinice«, whch was issued three times in 2013 in a printed version and twice in an electronic version. This newsletter combines key corporate information related to the operations of Žito Group, events that we participate in connection with our brands, product novelties, news from HR, current information regarding the economic situation and our industry, as well as an entertainment section. We continued to inform our employees via other internal channels: regular meetings and staff meetings, info boards and the intranet. These channels are intended for notifying employees on constant changes and novelties within current operations. In order to strengthen genuine interpersonal relations, we also introduced birthday congratulations, where the President of the Management Board of Žito Group congratulates employees by giving them a Gorenjka chocolate. The Management Board also issued personal gratitude notes attached to payslips at the end of the year. Two events characterised the year 2013 regarding relations with employees. The first was corporate in nature. In February 2013, the members of the Management Board of Žito Gropu held meetings with employees. They visited all seven Žito's profit centres and presented the strategy, operations and plans for the Žito Group. Employees were also able to ask questions about operations, and members answered them on-site. The other important event was a picnic with employees. The picnic took place instead of the traditional New Year’s party, which was cancelled due to cost cutting. In May 2013, we once again revived Žito's sport games and team building;1150 employees were invited and participation was higher than 50% despite the rain. We also continued our internal competition for all employees at bakeries, i.e. for the best idea for new breads and pastries. The best ideas were rewarded and realised. 3 Annual report 2013 / Sustainable development / 80 Relations with the media The media constitute one of the most important stakeholders, since they are the bridge between our company and our target audience. In 2013, we strove to proactively and constantly provide all information to the media. We notified them about our operations, product novelties, important milestones etc. At the end of 2013, we organised a breakfast with journalists, where the President of the Management Board and other members as well as the marketing director talked about operations in the current year. They presented the current economic situation and its impact on Žito Group's operations, as well as future plans and trends in the food industry. We were one of the main players in the food-processing industry, mostly from the aspect of material purchases (wheat, sugar, corn, cocoa) and the promotion of products of domestic origin. The year 2013 was also characterised by effective crisis communication management in cases of contracts with employees via agencies and in the case of the fires on the soup ball frying line in PC Bread and bakery in Maribor. As one of the key players in reporting, we took on a proactive role in communication and notified the public via the media on all adopted measures. We regularly updated our online media centre, which was also translated into English as part of the renovated corporate website. The website now contains all important information about the Žito Group. Relations with investors, shareholders and business partners Along with key communication activities with employees and the media, we also maintained regular communication with investors, shareholders and other business partners. We organised a festive event at the opening of our new production line and cooling plant at PC Bread and bakery for business partners and the media; for business partners and the local community, we organised a meeting celebrating the successful reduction of the noise caused in Melj by a Žito mill. We continue to have successful relations with investors and shareholders by notifying them about all business data via the SEOnet and the independent »Shareholders« section on our website. Public relations (about products) Regardless of how good and innovative our products are, they will not sell without good marketing activities. These can have the best effect if they are supported with regular communication activities, which are used to notify the media and other target groups. Within these activities implemented in 2013, we are especially proud of our new website for Žito Group's brands and our active communication with (potential) consumers via online social media (Facebook). Via our website, Facebook and press releases, we regularly informed the public on our new products and put great emphasis on the Best Buy award, as well as the other 13 awards for the best qualiy of bread, bakery products 3 Annual report 2013 / Sustainable development / 81 and pasta made in traditional evaluation of the bakery industry at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Slovenia. Because we wish to continue to raise consumer awareness about the importance of healthy food and the the advantages of fresh meals for families, we continued to promote a healthy lifestyle with the Zlato polje Cooking Academy project (cooking workshops with renowned chefs). We also renovated Žito's shop in Ljubljana (Plečnikove Arkade) in order to promote a healthy lifestyle and encourage buyers to buy locally produced food, since the shop offers products from Slovenian eco-farms. The project has become an example of best practice in successful cooperation between farms, producers and shops. The partnership with the TV show »Gostilna išče šefa« where competitors cooked with Žito's products was also excellent promotion. Visits to the production plant of Gorenjka chocolate in Lesce were also popular, since the visitors included representatives of various media as well as pupils from schools and kindergartens. We cooperated with Gorenjka on the organisation of the traditional Chocolate Festival in Radovljica. The only real Slovenian chocolage also received special attention internationally, winning the Gold Quill for the project »Sweet Messages by Gorenjka«, which was designed to celebrate the 90th anniversary of Gorenjka. Relations with consumers Sales success depends on many factors, the most important factor being a satisfied consumer. If the consumer is satisfied, they will spread the word about great products, thus preserving current and obtaining new customers. In performing all these activities, we did not forget our buyers, with whom we were establishing and maintaining relationships with individual brands in Žito’s portfolio via promotions of different products, prize competitions and communication on social networking sites. We regularly informed them (via the media and website) about recalls of products. We introduced Žito's portal on modern guidelines in nutrition, because we are well aware that consumers seeking information mostly on the internet (www.okuspodobrem.si). Twice a month, we also send news (»Dobro«) with useful advice for nutrition to more than 30,000 users. 18.2 Social responsibility and sustainable development Žito Group is committed to social responsibility and sustainable development in the environment in accordance with responsible operations. The key pillars of our social responsibility are sponsoring sport and cultural events with a touch of national significance; humanitarian activities concerning socially endangered families and children in need; ensuring sustainable 3 Annual report 2013 / Sustainable development / 82 development of the local environment in which we operate; and an ecologically friendly relationship towards the environment. in Maribor, so that they had a month of healthy meals, since the school promotes healthy nutrition. Our primary humanitarian and donor commitment in 2013 was, and will continue to be, helping children and families in socially challenged environments. In cooperation with the Slovenian Association of Friends of Youth (ZPM), we donated doughnuts to 10,000 children from socially deprived families. We also helped ZPM Moste-Polje at the 2nd Chocolate Festival in Radovljica by implementing the project “Punčka za botre” (Doll for Godfathers). We invited socially responsible companies and institutions to buy the Gorenjka doll – a mascot designed by Miki Muster 33 years ago. In this way, each company donated EUR 1000 to the “Botrstva” fund; the total contribution was EUR 6000. During the December holidays, Žito and its 30 shops all over Slovenia joined the charitable campaign “Kruh za prjatlja” (Bread for a Friend), where buyers were able to add some money to buy bread for those who cannot afford it. This campaign was upgraded with the traditional queen of holiday tables in Slovenia – potica. At the humanitarian event “Največja Lions sladica”, which was organised for the fourth year in a row in cooperation with Gorenjka and Cockta by the members of the Lions Club Forum Ljubljana, we collected funds that were then dedicated to the Blind and Partially Sighted Youth in Ljubljana. They purchased so-called small rooms for children, which the blind and partially sighted require to adapt to the environment. Within the scope of the humanitarian project “Podari nasmeh” organised by the Krog institute and dedicated to helping and supporting the rehabilitation of children from Bosnia and Herzegovina, we enabled an unforgettable experience in the chocolate plant for 20 children who visited Gorenjka. They visited the production plant and made their own chocolates; we also enabled sufficient stock of chocolate for their entire stay in Slovenia. Furthermore, we donated 500 kilograms of wholegrain Jelenov kruh bread to children of the Rozman Stane Elementary School We also did not forget about children who are often deprived of sweets at that time. We donated half a million Šumi bonbons to children in institutions, which received most votes during the donation competition. The donation was taken over at the traditional Christmas event in Ljubljana. With various donations we also supported cultural (Jasa Association), sport (women’s handball team Ajdovščina) and humanitarian associations (Lions Club Ljubljana Rožnik, Sonček Association). Throughout the year, we supported 14 social organisations, including Banko Hrane, Karitas Ljubljana and Maribor, Rdeči križ Ljubljana and Maribor, MDD Mehamet, Vincencijevo zvezo dobrote, ZPM Ljubljana Moste, Zavod Malči Beličeve, Zavod za usposabljanje Janez Levec, OŠ Toneta Čufarja Jesenice, OŠ Jakoba Aljaža Kranj, Društvo prostovoljcev Ljubljana and Center za usposabljanje, delo in varstvo Dolfke Boštjančič. 3 Annual report 2013 / Sustainable development / 83 18.3Sponsorships We support many events, including the Chocolate Festival, Slovenian Marketing Conference, Portorož Business Conference, Sempl and Ljubljana Festival. Last year, we dedicated our funds to IV Založba (police union) and the Slovenian Association of Small Shareholders. The Žito Group has been supporting athletes and sport events for many years, since they are an important inspiration for younger generations on how to live a healthy life. With our 1001 cvet brand we supported the successful Slovenian Nordic team as well as other clubs: - GT Team Rider, - Olimpija Hockey Club, - Rog Cycling Association, - Stand-up paddle surfer Manca Notar, - OK Planica, - Krka NM Women’s Handball Club - Slovenia’s Chess Association. The Group was also presented with sponsorship activities at the most important sport events, such as the ‘Zlata lisica’ Ski World Cup competition and each year’s final of the Ski Jumping World Cup in Planica. 3 Annual report 2013 / Sustainable development / 84 19 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION We implemented an expanded energy consumption review at all locations of the Žito Group.On the basis of this review, we will implement activities to increase energy efficiency, i.e. reduce the consumption of all energy, as well as increase the exploitation of excess energy or heat in production processes. In 2013, we stopped using oil for heating purposes and changed to natural gas at some locations. We will continue this process in 2014. Despite the increases in the prices of municipal services, we managed to decrease this item in 2013. Improved separation of waste also contributed to this, along with cost management. We introduced two fractions that are excluded at the source of origin. We supervise the distribution of waste to our ECO section and reject inappropriately separated waste. Improved separation of waste is also the consequence of the additional training of services providers and cooperation with providers of waste transport services. We rationalise our transport channels every year. We use various solutions, combine transport routes and terminate irrational supplies. In 2013, we will persist in keeping short purchase chains, where is deemed possible. These chains will be shortened in the case of Slovenian grain producers, as well as ordered bio production of grains. In this way, we respond to the demands of consumers and at the same time reduce loads on the environment due to shorter transportation and stimulating domestic bio production. Via the Association of Ecological Grain Processors, co-established by Žito, i.e. for the needs of own production of bio products, we will ensure 100% supply with bio grains. Due to increasing dome- stic sales of bio products and exports of bio products, in cooperation with consulting services, we are concluding new contracts with Slovenian farmers for approx. 100 hectares of land. We have concluded a contract for Slovenian ecological kamut and biological porridge. Based on ordered bio production we stimulated some dormant farmers, who have started planting biological grains. 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report 86 4 FINANCIAL REPORT 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 87 20 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 20.1 Consolidated financial statements of the Žito Group Consolidated income statement of the Žito Group Item 1. Net sales revenue Explanations 2013 2012 23.2 110.860.622 111.173.210 -138.883 -768.418 42.318 32.325 2. Change in value of inventories of goods and work in progress 3. Capitalised own products and services 4. Other operating revenues (including revaluation operating revenues) 23.3 1.838.281 4.629.700 5. Costs of goods, materials and services 23.4 -76.492.733 -77.236.485 6. Labour costs 23.5 -24.395.873 -24.741.575 7. Write-offs 23.6 -7.287.679 -5.851.270 8. Other operating expenses 23.7 -1.297.756 -1.780.195 9. Financial revenue from shares 23.8 216.929 47.863 10. Financial revenues from loans granted 23.9 21.640 9.604 11. Financial revenues from operating receivables 23.9 498.411 210.009 12. Financial expenses from impairments and write-offs of investments 23.10 0 -3.526.787 13. Financial expenses from financial liabilities 23.11 -896.672 -955.943 14. Financial expenses from operating liabilities 15. Profit or loss 16. Tax on profit 23.11 23.12 -159.372 2.809.234 -330.546 -302.367 939.669 -278.995 17. Deferred taxes 23.13 -278.375 -271.178 2.200.313 389.495 2.200.631 -318 390.801 -1.306 6,37 1,11 18. Net profit/loss Attributable to: Net profit of the Žito Group appertaining to ordinary shareholders Net profit of the Žito Group appertaining to minority shareholders Net earnings per share (EPS) Basic The accounting policies and notes are constituent parts of the consolidated financial statements. 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 88 Consolidated statement of comprehensive income of the Žito Group Item 2013 Net profit for the accounting period 2012 2.200.313 389.495 Revaluation of available-for-sale investments 119.192 267.982 Deferred tax -33.644 -48.237 87.858 248.411 85.548 219.745 2.310 28.666 2.288.171 637.906 Attributable to majority interests 2.288.489 639.212 Attributable to minority interests -318 Revaluation of available-for-sale investments, net amount Foreign currency translation reserve Other components of comprehensive income Total comprehensive income -1.306 The accounting policies and notes are constituent parts of the consolidated financial statements. Consolidated balance sheet of the Žito Group Item Explanations ASSETS 31. 12. 2013 31. 12. 2012 65.782.738 70.834.350 189.494 258.896 189.169 258.567 325 329 57.289.398 60.054.563 1. Land and buildings 39.052.289 40.214.497 2. Equipment 17.469.413 16.044.228 4. Property, plant and equipment under acquisition 372.364 3.563.683 5. Advances for property, plant and equipment 395.332 232.155 A. LONG–TERM ASSETS I. Intangible assets, and non-current deferred costs and accrued revenues 23.16 1. Long-term property rights 5. Other non-current deferred costs and accrued revenues II. Tangible fixed assets 23.17 III. Investment property 23.18 6.409.113 6.761.568 IV. Long-term financial investments 23.20 1.449.944 3.025.535 1.430.192 2.996.135 1. Investments in other undertakings 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 89 Item Explanations 2. Long-term loans V. Long-term operating receivables 23.20 2. Long-term trade receivables 3. Long-term operating receivables from others VI. Deferred tax receivables 23.13 B. CURRENT ASSETS 19.752 29.400 66.878 59.698 0 0 66.878 59.698 377.910 674.090 51.714.664 49.627.366 I. Assets (disposal groups) available for sale 23.21 930.383 723.012 II. Inventories 23.22 15.791.483 18.158.688 10.147.409 12.376.726 396.094 306.552 5.157.178 5.420.935 90.802 54.475 28.730 47.200 28.730 47.200 1. Materials 2. Work in progress 3. Products and merchandise 4. Advances for inventories III. Short-term financial investments 23.20 2. Short-term loans to others IV. Short–term operating receivables 23.23 2. Short-term trade receivables 3. Short-term operating receivables due from others V. Cash and cash equivalents 23.24 C. SHORT-TERM DEFERRED COSTS AND ACCRUED REVENUES TOTAL ASSETS 29.592.701 29.379.852 28.383.731 28.051.003 1.208.969 1.328.849 5.371.367 1.318.614 23.356 24.526 117.520.759 120.486.241 70.222.776 69.151.746 14.846.937 14.846.937 23.949.827 23.949.827 LIABILITIES A. CAPITAL I. Called-up capital 23.25 II. Capital reserves III. Profit reserves 10.049.472 8.192.780 IV. Own shares held in treasury (as a deduction item) -2.326.437 -472.056 V. Profit or loss brought forward and net profit for the financial year 23.919.490 22.936.000 -223.490 -309.038 VI. Revaluation surplus 23.26 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 90 Item Explanations VII. Minority interest capital 6.977 7.295 5.220.092 5.854.284 1. Provisions for pensions and similar liabilities 1.637.720 3.335.886 2. Other provisions 3.582.372 2.518.398 2.159.773 8.899.773 2.158.333 8.898.333 2.158.333 8.898.333 B. PROVISIONS AND NON-CURRENT ACCRUED COSTS AND DEFERRED REVENUES C. LONG-TERM LIABILITIES 23.27 23.28 I. Long–term financial liabilities 2. Long-term financial liabilities to banks II. Long-term operating liabilities 1.440 1.440 5. Long-term operating liabilities 1.440 1.440 37.291.961 35.107.989 19.956.988 18.353.751 19.954.500 18.351.263 2.488 2.488 17.334.973 16.754.238 14.214.751 13.163.018 73.610 719.145 3.046.612 2.872.075 D. SHORT-TERM LIABILITIES II. Short-term financial liabilities 23.28 2. Short-term financial liabilities to banks 4. Other short-term financial liabilities III. Short-term operating liabilities 23.29 2. Short-term trade payables 4. Short-term operating advance payables 5. Other short-term operating liabilities E. SHORT-TERM ACCRUED COSTS AND DEFERRED REVENUES 23.30 TOTAL AND LIABILITIES The accounting policies and notes are constituent parts of the consolidated financial statements. 2.626.156 1.472.448 117.520.759 120.486.241 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 91 Consolidated statement of cash flows Item 2013 2012 2.809.234 939.669 Net financing costs 658.103 898.476 Gain/loss on the disposal of fixed assets -44.323 -106.503 5.983.357 5.369.265 Adjustment to value of intangible assets 125.287 214.644 Adjustment of investment value 100.920 3.526.787 Strengthening investment property 161.085 -3.379.665 9.793.663 7.462.673 -623.081 937.691 Increase in inventories 2.367.204 1.093.938 Increase in operating liabilities and accrued costs and deferred revenues 2.065.556 1.572.870 Increase in provisions 1.263.132 -372.676 14.866.474 10.694.496 -241.538 0 -820.728 -956.988 13.804.207 9.737.508 Acquisitions of new property, plant and equipment, and investments -3.813.060 -6.799.324 Receipts from sale of property, plant and equipment, and investment 336.838 663.890 Acquisitions of intangible assets -55.885 -101.337 Interest received 21.640 0 Outflow for the acquisition of financial investments -2.500 0 1.598.710 0 Cash flow from operating activities Total pre-tax profit or loss Adjustments for: Adjustment to value of property, plant and equipment Profit from ordinary operations before changes in working capital Increase in receivables and deferred costs and accrued revenues Cash flow from operating activities Interest paid Corporate income tax paid Net cash flow from ordinary operations Cash flow from investing activities Inflow from disposal of financial investments 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 92 Item 2013 2012 216.929 47.863 -1.697.327 -6.188.908 Receipts from short-term loans 11.525.500 20.400.000 Repayments of short-term loans -16.662.263 -22.349.515 0 0 Dividends received from available-for-sale investments Net cash flow from investing activities Cash flow from financing activities Receipts from long-term loans Repayments of long-term loans Outflows for purchase of treasury shares Dividends paid out to majority shareholders Net cash flow from financing activities Net cash flow Cash and cash equivalents as at 1 January Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents The accounting policies and notes are constituent parts of the consolidated financial statements. 0 -761.667 -1.854.381 0 -1.062.983 -1.085.808 -8.054.127 -3.796.990 4.052.754 -248.390 1.318.614 1.567.004 5.371.368 1.318.614 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 93 Consolidated statement of changes in equity of the Žito Group In EUR Balance as of 31 Dec 2012 Share capital Capital reserves Profit reserves Own shares held in treasury Revaluation surplus Retained earnings Majority stake Minority stake Total equity 14,846,937 23,949,827 8,192,780 -472,056 -309,038 22,936,000 69,144,450 7,295 69,151,745 1,691,951 1,691,951 24,627,951 70,836,401 7,295 70,843,696 2,200,632 2,200,632 -318 2,200,314 85,548 0 87,858 85,548 2,200,632 2,288,490 Retroactive adjustments Balance as of 1 Jan 2013 14,846,937 23,949,827 8,192,780 -472,056 -309,038 Net profit or loss for the financial year Other comprehensive income Total comprehensive income for the year 2,310 0 0 2,310 Purchase of treasury shares 0 -1,854,381 Reserves for treasury shares 1,854,381 Dividends to shareholders (Note 23.15) 1,691,951 87,858 -318 2,288,172 -1,854,381 -1,854,381 -1,854,381 0 0 -1,054,711 -1,054,711 -1,054,711 Balance as at 31 Dec 2013 14,846,937 23,949,827 10,049,471 -2,326,437 -223,490 23,919,491 70,215,799 6,977 70,222,776 As of 31 Dec 2011 14,846,937 23,949,827 8,164,115 -472,056 -528,783 23,138,424 69,098,464 8,601 69,107,065 535,562 535,562 23,673,986 69,634,026 8,601 69,642,627 390,801 390,801 -1,306 389,495 219,745 0 248,410 390,801 639,211 -1,128,787 -1,128,787 22,936,000 69,144,450 Change of the accounting policy on 1 Jan 2012 Balance as of 1 Jan 2012 14,846,937 23,949,827 8,164,115 -472,056 -528,783 Net profit or loss for the financial year Other comprehensive income Total comprehensive income for the year 28,665 0 0 28,665 0 219,745 14,846,937 23,949,827 8,192,780 -472,056 -309,038 Dividends to shareholders Balance as of 31 Dec 2012 The accounting policies and notes are constituent parts of the consolidated financial statements. 535,562 248,410 -1,306 637,905 -1,128,787 7,295 69,151,745 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 94 20.2 Financial statements of Žito d.d. Income statement of Žito d.d. Item Explanations 2013 2012 23.2 103.725.655 103.329.181 -244.422 -703.578 42.318 32.325 1. Net sales revenue 2. Change in value of inventories of goods and work in progress 3. Capitalised own products and services 4. Other operating revenues (including revaluation operating revenues) 23.3 1.047.696 4.036.376 5. Costs of goods, materials and services 23.4 -76.088.178 -75.674.524 6. Labour costs 23.5 -18.507.773 -18.584.168 7. Write-offs 23.6 -5.839.771 -5.089.970 8. Other operating expenses 23.7 -1.026.382 -1.654.942 9. Financial revenue from shares 23.8 200.196 47.863 10. Financial revenues from loans granted 23.9 167.549 180.234 11. Financial revenues from operating receivables 23.9 451.331 206.386 12. Financial expenses from impairments and write-offs of investments 23.10 0 -3.526.787 13. Financial expenses from financial liabilities 23.11 -813.887 -974.600 14. Financial expenses from operating liabilities 23.11 -72.758 -297.495 3.041.572 1.326.300 15. Profit or loss 16. Tax on profit 23.12 -284.217 -278.995 17. Deferred taxes 23.13 -261.011 -297.457 2.496.343 749.848 18. Net profit/loss The accounting policies and notes are constituent parts of the financial statements 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 95 Statement of comprehensive income of Žito d.d. Item 2013 2012 2.496.344 749.848 Revaluation of available-for-sale investments 119.192 267.982 Deferred tax -33.644 -48.237 85.548 219.745 85.548 219.745 2.581.892 969.593 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 62,310,117 64,018,179 Net profit for the accounting period Revaluation of available-for-sale investments, net amount Other components of comprehensive income Total comprehensive income The accounting policies and notes are constituent parts of the financial statements Balance sheet of Žito d.d. Item Explanations ASSETS A. LONG–TERM ASSETS I. Intangible assets, and non-current deferred costs and accrued revenues 23.16 189,169 258,567 189,169 258,567 41,464,429 43,439,988 1. Land and buildings 25,249,534 25,944,006 2. Production plant and machinery 13,470,689 11,451,424 2,208,150 2,310,902 4. Property, plant and equipment under acquisition 353,414 3,559,799 5. Advances for property, plant and equipment 182,642 173,857 23.18 2,535,940 2,768,505 17,861,595 17,019,849 1. Investments in undertakings in the group 23.19 16,880,201 16,075,201 2. Investments in other undertakings 23.20 961,642 915,248 3. Long-term loans 23.20 19,752 29,400 1. Long-term property rights II. Tangible fixed assets 23.17 3. Other plant and equipment III. Investment property IV. Long-term financial investments 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 96 Item V. Long-term operating receivables Explanations 23.20 3. Long-term operating receivables from others VI. Deferred tax receivables 23.13 B. CURRENT ASSETS 62,083 55,836 62,083 55,836 196,901 475,434 58,166,717 56,844,408 I. Assets (disposal groups) available for sale 23.21 876,329 668,958 II. Inventories 23.22 13,628,308 16,147,389 8,843,392 11,107,733 1. Materials 2. Work in progress 135,520 111,873 4,569,364 4,878,769 80,032 49,014 6,621,294 6,345,240 2. Short-term loans 6,621,294 6,345,240 a) Short-term loans to group companies 6,592,564 6,298,040 28,730 47,200 32,518,020 32,767,578 3,416,441 3,993,873 28,212,070 27,785,426 3. Products and merchandise 4. Advances for inventories III. Short-term financial investments 23.20 b) Short-term loans to others IV. Short-term operating receivables 23.23 1. Short-term operating receivables from group companies 2. Short-term trade receivables 3. Short-term operating receivables due from others V. Cash and cash equivalents 23.24 C. SHORT-TERM DEFERRED COSTS AND ACCRUED REVENUES TOTAL ASSETS 889,509 988,279 4,522,766 915,243 624 5,858 120,477,459 120,868,445 73,958,279 71,506,944 14,846,937 14,846,937 23,949,827 23,949,827 9,874,262 8,019,881 -472,057 -472,057 LIABILITIES A. CAPITAL I. Called–up capital 23.25 II. Capital reserves III. Profit reserves IV. Own shares held in treasury (as a deduction item) 23.26 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 97 Item Explanations V. Profit or loss brought forward and net profit for the financial year 25,982,800 25,471,394 -223,490 -309,038 2,544,441 2,918,737 1. Provisions for pensions and similar liabilities 1,189,248 2,565,168 2. Other provisions 1,355,193 353,569 2,159,774 8,899,774 2,158,333 8,898,333 2,158,333 8,898,333 II. Long-term operating liabilities 1,440 1,440 5. Long-term operating liabilities 1,440 1,440 39,377,900 36,192,776 21,377,979 20,221,510 1,420,991 1,867,759 19,954,500 18,351,263 2,488 2,488 17,999,920 15,971,265 3,090,763 1,865,640 12,474,116 11,745,499 43,439 94,044 2,391,603 2,266,083 2,437,065 1,350,214 120,477,459 120,868,445 VI. Revaluation surplus B. PROVISIONS AND NON-CURRENT ACCRUED COSTS AND DEFERRED REVENUES C. LONG-TERM LIABILITIES 23.27 23.28 I. Long–term financial liabilities 2. Long-term financial liabilities to banks D. SHORT-TERM LIABILITIES II. Short-term financial liabilities 23.28 1. Short-term financial liabilities to group companies 2. Short-term financial liabilities to banks 4. Other short-term financial liabilities III. Short-term operating liabilities 23.29 1. Short-term operating liabilities to companies in the group 2. Short-term trade payables 4. Short-term operating advance payables 5. Other short-term operating liabilities D. CURRENT ACCRUED COSTS AND DEFERRED REVENUES TOTAL LIABILITIES The accounting policies and notes are constituent parts of the financial statements. 23.30 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 98 Statement of cash flows of Žito d.d. Item 2013 2012 3,041,686 1,326,300 Net financing costs 446,142 746,502 Gain/loss on the disposal of fixed assets -44,153 -106,318 5,034,085 4,653,073 125,287 214,644 0 0 3,526,787 -3,379,665 8,603,046 6,981,323 -1,163,746 -153,961 Change in inventories 2,519,082 991,013 Increase in operating liabilities and accrued costs and deferred revenues 2,914,836 2,682,485 658,075 70,653 13,531,293 10,571,513 Interest paid -241,538 -976,178 Corporate income tax paid -838,234 0 12,451,521 9,595,335 Acquisitions of new property, plant and equipment, and investments -3,621,217 -6,625,785 Receipts from sale of property, plant and equipment, and investment 296,921 663,590 Acquisitions of intangible assets -55,890 -101,337 Interest received 134,707 171,795 -354,125 -1,000 Receipts from loans granted 564,426 227,780 Dividends received from available-for-sale investments 200,196 47,863 -2,834,981 -5,617,094 Cash flow from operating activities Total pre-tax profit or loss Adjustments for: Adjustment to value of property, plant and equipment Adjustment to value of intangible assets Adjustment of investment value Strengthening investment property Profit from ordinary operations before changes in working capital Increase in receivables and deferred costs and accrued revenues Increase in provisions Cash flow from operating activities Net cash flow from ordinary operations Cash flow from investing activities Expenditures for loans granted Net cash flow from investing activities 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 99 Item 2013 2012 Receipts from short-term loans 11,716,229 20,400,000 Repayments of short-term loans -16,662,263 -22,349,515 Receipts from long-term loans 0 0 Repayments of long-term loans 0 -761,667 Dividends paid out to majority shareholders -1,062,983 -1,085,806 Net cash flow from financing activities -6,009,017 -3,796,988 3,607,522 181,253 915,243 733,990 4,522,765 915,243 Cash flow from financing activities Net cash flow Cash and cash equivalents as at 1 January Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents The accounting policies and notes are constituent parts of the financial statements 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 100 Izkaz gibanja kapitala Žito d.d. In EUR Balance as of 31 Dec 2012 Share capital Capital reserves Profit reserves Own shares held in treasury Revaluation surplus Retained earnings Total equity 14,846,937 23,949,827 8,019,880 -472,056 -309,038 25,471,394 71,506,945 924,153 924,153 14,846,937 23,949,827 8,019,880 -472,056 -309,038 26,395,547 72,431,097 0 0 0 0 0 -1,054,711 -1,054,711 -1,054,711 -1,054,711 2,496,343 2,581,891 2,496,343 2,496,343 Retroactive adjustments Balance as of 1 Jan 2013 Changes in equity – owner transactions Dividends to shareholders (Note 23.15) Total comprehensive income for the reporting period 0 0 0 0 85,548 Net profit or loss for the financial year 85,548 Change of surplus from revaluation of financial investments Changes in capital 0 0 Constitution of reserves for own shares and stakes from other capital components 1,854,381 0 0 1,854,381 85,548 -1,854,381 0 -1,854,381 0 Balance as at 31 Dec 2013 14,846,937 23,949,827 9,874,261 -472,056 -223,490 25,982,799 73,958,278 As of 31 Dec 2011 14,846,937 23,949,827 8,019,880 -472,056 -528,783 25,314,772 71,130,578 535,562 535,562 14,846,937 23,949,827 8,019,880 -472,056 -528,783 25,850,334 71,666,139 749,847 749,847 Change of the accounting policy on 1 Jan 2012 Balance as of 1 Jan 2012 Net profit or loss for the financial year Other comprehensive income Total comprehensive income for the year 219,745 0 0 0 0 219,745 Dividends to shareholders Balance as of 31 Dec 2012 14,846,937 23,949,827 8,019,880 The accounting policies and notes are constituent parts of the financial statements -472,056 -309,038 219,745 749,847 969,592 -1,128,787 -1,128,787 25,471,394 71,506,944 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 101 21 INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPANY The consolidated financial statements for the Žito Group and Žito d.d. for the year ending on 31 December 2013 were approved by the company's management on 7 April 2014. Žito d.d. is a public limited liability company founded in the Republic of Slovenia. The company’s shares are listed on the official market of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange. The Žito Group’s primary lines of business are: • bakery • pastries and desserts • frozen foods • milling • sponge cakes • biscuits • pasta • sweets and chewing gum • production of teas, rice and spices • whole- and retail sale. The composition of the Žito Group is as follows: Subsidiary Country Equity stake Intes Storitve d.o.o., Maribor Slovenia 100.00% Šumi Bonboni d.o.o., Ljubljana Slovenia 100.00% Žito maloprodaja d.o.o., Ljubljana Slovenia 99.55% Žito Nepremičnine d.o.o., Ljubljana Slovenia 100.00% Šumi Nepremičnine d.o.o., Ljubljana Slovenia 100.00% Croatia 100.00% Serbia 100.00% Macedonia 100.00% LD Žito d.o.o., Zagreb Žito Beograd d.o.o., Belgrade Žito PI d.o.o.e.l., Skopje 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 102 22 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Statement of compliance Changes to accounting policies The financial statements were prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and European Union and the interpretations issued by the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC). Companies in the Žito Group on 31 December 2013 adjusted the values of inventories which were on stock for more than 360 days. These are assumed to be of lower quality and/or partially obsolete; therefore, there is less probability of using them in production. The adjustment of value of inventories in 2013 in Žito d.d. amounted to EUR 190,665.10 and to EUR 242,367.87 in the Žito Group. At the balance sheet date, according to the endorsement process in the EU, there are no differences in the accounting policies of Žito d.d. and the Žito Group and between the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) used as adopted by the EU. The Company and the Group did not prematurely apply any new standard, as the use of the revised standards was not required in 2013. Žito d.d. partially modified the valuation of investment property, so that investment property owned by Žito d.d. and used by Žito Group are valued at purchase value, reduced by the calculated amortisation. Investment property not used by the group is valued at fair value, which is measured on the basis of market value on the date of the balance sheet. Standards and interpretations not yet in effect Basis of preparation The financial statements were prepared on a historical cost basis, except for available-for-sale assets and derivatives, which are disclosed at their fair value. The accounting policies used are identical to those used in previous years, with the exception of the newly adopted standards and interpretations which entered into force on 01.01.2013 and are given below. Compliance with the new standards and interpretations did not affect the financial position and operations of the Žito Group or Žito d.d. during the period in question. The new standards and interpretations stated below are not yet in effect and were not considered in the preparation of financial statements as of 31 Dec 2013. IFRS 10 Consolidated financial statements and IAS 27 (2011) Separate financial statements (Applies to annual accounting periods that commence on 1 January 2014; prior application is only possible in the case of the prior application of IFRS 11, IFRS 12, IAS 27 (2011) and IAS 28 (2011)). The standard is used retrospectively if there are any changes in the findings regarding operations. 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 103 For the execution of the control analysis, IFRS 10 predicts a unified model for all types of companies, including those which are currently considered as special-purpose companies in the scope of SOP-12. IFRS 10 introduces new requirements regarding the assessment of control and they differ from the existing requirements determined by IAS 27 (2008). According to the new model, the investor controls the recipient of the financial investment, if: • they are exposed or entitled to variable returns from involvement or the company in which they invest, • they have the option to affect the return in question on the basis of their control of the company in which they invest or of the recipient of the financial investment; • there is a connection between power and return. The modified standard also includes disclosure requirements and requirements regarding the preparation of consolidated financial statements (requirements are transferred from IAS 27 (2008)). The Group predicts that the new standard will not affect financial statements, because the assessment of the Group’s control of the current recipients of investments in accordance with the new standard will not affect preliminary findings regarding such control. IFRS 11 – Joint Agreements (Applies to annual accounting periods that commence on 1 January 2014. It is used retrospectively and is subject to transitional provisions. Prior application is possible only in the case of the prior application of IFRS 10, IFRS 12, IAS 27 (2011) and IAS 28 (2011)). IFRS 11, Joint Agreements, substitutes IAS 31, Interests in joint ventures. IFRS does not introduce substantial changes to the comprehensive definition of the arrangement, which is the subject of joint control, but does change the definition of control and, subsequently, joint control due to IFRS 10. The new standard defines two types of arrangement, each of which has its own accounting model: • Joint activity is a joint agreement whereby customers who control it together are entitled to assets and carry liabilities associated with the arrangement. • A joint venture is a joint arrangement whereby customers who control it together are entitled to net arrangement assets. IFRS has successfully relieved the provisions of IAS 31 (Jointly Controlled Entities) from cases where the holder of the joint agreement is separated from the other, and this separation has proved to be effective in some cases. These arrangements are to be handled similarly to jointly controlled assets/operations according to IAS 31 and are now called joint activities. In addition, the IAS 31 terminates the optional choice between the equity method and proportional consolidation. From now on, 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 104 the equity method is to be used in consolidated financial statements. The Group/Company predicts that the new standard will not affect financial statements, since it has no joint arrangements. IFRS 12 – Disclosure of Shareholdings in Other Companies (Applies to annual accounting periods that commence on 1 January 2014. It is used retrospectively and is subject to transitional provisions. Earlier application is permitted). IFRS 12 requires additional disclosures regarding important estimates and assumptions associated with determining types of shares in companies or arrangements, shares in subsidiary companies, in joint arrangements and in associated companies, as well as in unconsolidated structured companies. The group/Company predicts that the new standard will not substantially affect financial statements. ments relating to the preparation of consolidated financial statements, which have been incorporated into IFRS 10, Consolidated Financial Statements. The Company predicts that IAS 27 (2011) will not significantly affect financial statements, because accounting policies remain unchanged. IAS 28 (2011) – Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures (Applies to annual accounting periods that commence on 1 January 2014. It is used retrospectively. Prior application is possible only in the case of the prior application of IFRS 10, IFRS 11, IFRS 12 and IAS 27 (2011)). Amendments to IAS 28 (2008) include: • Associates and joint ventures held for sale: IFRS 5, Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations applies to an investment, or a portion of an investment, in an associate or a joint venture that meets the criteria to be classified as held for sale. For any retained portion of the investment that has not been classified as held for sale, the equity method is applied until the disposal of the portion held for sale. After disposal, any retained interest is accounted for using the equity method if the retained interest continues to be an associate or a joint venture. • Changes in interests held in associates and joint ventures: previously, IAS 28 (2008) and IAS 31 specified that the cessation of significant influence or joint control triggered the IAS 27 (2011) – Separate Financial Statements (Applies to annual accounting periods that commence on 1 January 2014; prior application is possible only in the case of the prior application of IFRS 10, IFRS 11, IFRS 12 and IAS 28 (2011). IAS 27 (2011) carries forward the existing accounting and disclosure requirements of IAS 27 (2008) for separate financial statements, with some minor clarifications. Moreover, the existing requirements of IAS 28 (2008) and IAS 31 for separate financial statements have been incorporated into IAS 27 (2011). The standard no longer addresses the principle of control and require- 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 105 remeasurement of any retained stake in all cases, even if significant influence was succeeded by joint control. IAS 28 (2011) now requires that the retained interest in the investment is not remeasured that in such scenarios. The Company predicts that this amendment will not significantly affect its financial statements. In 2012, the Group’s financial statements included the impairment of the investment in the subsidiary Mlinopek d. d. to the assessed fair value (along with the transfer of ownership to its subsidiary, Šumi Nepremičnine d.o.o). Amendment to IAS 32 – Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities (Applies to annual accounting periods that commence on 1 January 2014. It is used retrospectively. Earlier application is permitted; however, additional disclosures are required by Amendments to IFRS 7: Disclosures – Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities). The amendments do not introduce new rules on offsetting financial assets and liabilities, but clarify the offsetting criteria to address inconsistencies in their application. The amendments clarify that an entity currently has a legally enforceable right to offset if that right is: • not contingent on a future event; and • enforceable both in the normal course of business and in the event of rhe default, insolvency or bankruptcy of the entity and all counterparties. The company predicts that the amendment will not significantly affect its financial statements, since it does not conduct offsetting of financial assets and financial liabilities and does not enter into netting agreements. Basic policies The financial statements were compiled on a historical cost basis, other than assets measured at fair value through profit or loss, and available-for-sale assets measured at fair value. The financial statements are presented in euros. Significant accounting estimates Compiling financial statements requires the management to make specific estimates and assumptions affecting the carrying amount of the company’s assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent liabilities as at the balance sheet date, and of the income and expense amounts during the period ending on the balance sheet date. The management’s estimates include the following items: the amortisation/depreciation period and residual value of property, plant and equipment, and of intangible assets, adjustments to the value of inventories and doubtful receivables and litigious claims. Future developments and their effect cannot be determined with certainty. For this very reason, it is necessary to use judgments when making accounting estimates, as the estimates change with regard to new developments, experience and additional information, and as a result of a change in the business 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 106 environment in which the company operates. The actual results may differ from these estimates. through the onset or non-occurrence of events in the uncertain future, a factor the Companies in the Group cannot control. The principal estimates and assumptions as of the balance sheet date relating to future performance that could cause materially significant revisions in the carrying amount of assets and liabilities in the next financial year are cited below. The management of each company regularly undertakes reviews to establish whether a probable outflow of funds enabling economic benefits is possible. If such settlement becomes probable, the contingent liability is reclassified with a provision formed for it in the financial statements at the moment the degree of probability changes. Deferred tax receivables Deferred tax assets are recognised for all unutilised tax losses that are likely to be offset against future taxable earnings. The recognition of deferred tax assets requires significant estimates by the management with regard to the amount of future taxable earnings and future tax planning strategy. Provisions and contingent liabilities Significant management judgements In applying the accounting policies, in addition to providing an estimate of what has the most impact on the values in the financial statements, the management also make a judgement regarding the values of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets. The companies in the Group treat liabilities that have undetermined values and times of origin on the basis of a management estimate of the values and times of origin and the likelihood that an outflow of funds would be required to settle legal and indirect liabilities. In the judgement of the Group and the Company, no factors indicate a need to impair intangible assets/property or plant and equipment. A provision is recognised when companies have a present obligation as a result of past events and its settlement will thus likely require the outflow of economic factors, as well as when a reliable estimate of its amount is possible. The consolidated financial statements comprise the financial statements of Žito d.d. and its subsidiaries as at 31 December for each year. The financial statements of the subsidiaries are compiled for the same financial year as the financial statements of the parent company, using standardised accounting policies. If there are any inconsistencies in the accounting policies, the appropriate adjustments are made in the consolidated financial statements. Contingent liabilities are not recognised in the financial statements, because their actual existence will be confirmed only Basis of consolidation 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 107 All mutual positions and transactions, including unrealised gains deriving from mutual positions and transactions, are excluded in full. Consolidation begins for all subsidiaries on the day control is transferred to the Žito Group; conversely, the consolidation of a particular subsidiary ceases when control of the subsidiary is transferred from the Žito Group. Should the Žito Group lose control of a subsidiary during the year, the consolidated financial statements include the subsidiary’s results until the day that control of the subsidiary is relinquished. The minority interest represents the proportion of profit or loss and net assets that isnot attributable to the Žito Group, and is disclosed separately in the income statement and segregated from the equity of the majority owners in the item capital and reserves in the consolidated balance sheet. The acquisition of a minority interest is accounted for, in line with the entity approach, whereby the difference between the consideration and the carrying amount of net assets acquired is recognised as an equity transaction. TranslationConversion? of foreign currencies The consolidated financial statements are presented in euros (EUR), which is the functional and presentation currency used by the parent company and its subsidiaries in Slovenia. Transactions in foreign currency are initially recognised in the functional currency, and are recognised at the exchange rate on the day of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities in foreign currency are calculated at the exchange rate of the functional currency on the respective balance sheet date. All differences arising in the calculation of foreign currencies are recognised through profit or loss. Non-monetary assets and liabilities recognised at historical cost in foreign currency are calculated at the exchange rate as on the day of the transaction. Non-monetary assets and liabilities measured at fair value in foreign currency are calculated at the exchange rate when the fair value was determined. Positive and negative foreign exchange differences are recognised in the income statement in a net amount for the same types of item, unless separate disclosure is relevant. The functional currencies of the foreign subsidiaries are: • the Croatian kuna for LD Žito d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia • the convertible Serbian dinar for Žito d.o.o., Belgrade, Serbia, and • the Macedonian denar for Žito PI d.o.o.e.l., Skopje, Macedonia. The financial statements of the aforementioned subsidiaries are calculated into the presentation currency of the consolidated financial statements on the reporting date. The exchange rate on the reporting date is used for the balance sheet, while an average exchange rate over the entire financial year is used for the income statement. 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 108 Foreign exchange differences arising from the translation of the functional currency into the presentation currency are recognised directly in the statement of comprehensive income. Land, buildings and equipment Land is valued at original cost, minus any impairment. Buildings and equipment are valued at original cost, minus the accumulated depreciation and any impairment. The original cost of an item of property, plant and equipment includes its purchase price, import duties and non-refundable purchase levies, and all costs of making the asset fit for use, particularly delivery and installation costs. The original cost of an item of property, plant or equipment constructed or produced at the Company comprises the costs incurred by construction or production, and the indirectly attributable costs of construction or production. The original cost of an item of property, plant and equipment is apportioned among its parts if they are materially significant in terms of value, and have different useful lives and/or patterns of use relative to the total original cost. The rules for apportioning non-current assets into parts are based on the definition of parts of non-current assets with different useful lives and/or patterns of use. Subsequent expenditures in relation to property, plant and equipment adds to its original cost if it is a matter of replacement and/or it is likely that the future economic benefits will be higher than originally estimated. The useful life is reassessed at this point. In the event of subsequent expenditure on fully depreciated property, plant and equipment, the asset is recognised as a new asset with a new useful life. All other subsequent expenditure on property, plant and equipment is recognised as an expense when incurred. The Group charges depreciation on a straight-line basis, in accordance with the estimated useful life, as follows: Buildings: Plant and equipment: from 1.5% to 7% from 8.0% to 33.3% Items of property, plant and equipment under acquisition are recognised at original cost and are depreciated when they are fit for use. Property, plant and equipment are revalued for impairment loss when their carrying amount exceeds their recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is fair value minus selling costs, or the value in use. The estimation of value in use comprises the estimation of the future receipts and expenditure from the continuing use of the asset and its final disposal cash, discounted at an appropriate (pre-tax) rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risk specific to the asset. For an asset where the future cash flow depends on other assets in the particular cash-generating unit, the value in use is calculated on the basis of the future cash flow of that cash-generating unit. Losses arising on the basis of impairment are recognised as operating expenses. The de-recognition of land, buildings or equipment is effected when the asset is sold, or when economic benefits are no longer expected to accrue from the further use of the asset in question. Gains and losses from the de-recognition of an asset are included in profit or loss in the year when the asset in question is segregated or disposed of. Gains and losses from segregation or disposal are determined as 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 109 the difference between the selling price and the carrying amount of the asset. with it. Gains and losses from de-recognition are recognised in profit or loss in the year in which they arise. The residual value, useful life and depreciation method of individual assets are reviewed annually, and modified where necessary. Intangible assets Borrowing costs Stroški izposojanja so pripoznani v razdobju, na katerega se nanašajo. Investment property Investment properties are measured at fair value, which is measured based on the market value at the balance sheet date. An independent external appraiser with appropriately recognised qualifications and recent experience in allocating and classifying investment properties similar to the one in question evaluates the Group’s investment portfolio each year. If current prices in the active market cannot be determined, the value of the investment property is then determined with the help of the assessed value of leasing the property. Revenue from a lease is included in the total value of the investment on the basis of the assessed value of leasing it. When actual leasing deviates from the assessed value of leasing, this requires the implementation of appropriate adjustments to actual rental prices. The de-recognition of investment property is effected in the event of sale, or when the investment property is decommissioned and no future economic benefits will accrue in connection Neopredmetena sredstva, pridobljena posamezno, so pripoznana po nabavni vrednosti, medtem ko se neopredmetena sredstva, pridobljena na podlagi poslovnih združitev, pripoznajo po pošteni vrednosti na dan prevzema. Po začetem pripoznavanju se uporablja model nabavne vrednosti. Družba izkazuje neopredmetena sredstva z določljivimi dobami koristnosti. Obračunana amortizacija neopredmetenega sredstva je pripoznana v izkazu poslovnega izida. The amortisation rate is 20%. Intangible assets generated within the Company, other than development costs, are not capitalised. Costs represent an expense in the period in which they occur. Intangible assets are reviewed annually for impairment on an individual basis. The useful life of an individual intangible asset is assessed once a year, and adjusted as necessary. Gains and losses from segregation or disposal are determined as the difference between the selling price and the carrying amount of the asset. They are recognised as a gain or loss when the intangible asset is segregated or disposed of. Research and development costs Research costs are deemed expenses in the period, and are not recognised as an intangible asset. Development costs are reco- 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 110 gnised on the balance sheet as an intangible asset when economic benefits can be reasonably expected to flow in connection with an individual project. The original cost model is applied after the initial recognition of the development costs. The useful life is determined on the basis of the expected income that will flow in future years as a result of the capitalised project. Recoverable amount of non-current assets On the reporting date, it is assessed whether any factors indicate that non-current assets require impairment. If there is anindication of impairment, a formal estimate of the recoverable amount of the assets in question is drawn up. Should the carrying amount exceed the recoverable amount, the value of the asset is impaired to the recoverable amount of the asset or cash-generating unit in question. The recoverable amount is the greater of the fair value minus the selling costs of the asset or cash-generating unit in question, or the value in use. The value in use is determined by discounting expected future cash flows to the net present value, using a (pre-tax) discount rate that reflects the current market assessment of the time value of money and the risk specific to the asset. For an asset where the future cash flows depend on other assets in the particular cash-generating unit, value in use is calculated on the basis of the future cash flow of that cash-generating unit. Losses arising on the basis of impairment are recognised as revaluation operating expenses. Investments The company classifies investments into the following categories: financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, held-to- -maturity investments, available-for-sale investments, and loans and receivables. Classification depends on the purpose of acquisition. Recognition of financial assets The company initially recognises all investments at original cost, including the purchasing costs directly associated with purchase, other than investments in the fair value through the profit or loss category. Investments in the fair value through the profit or loss category are recognised at fair value (direct purchasing costs are not included in the original cost Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss These comprise assets held for trading, derivatives (other than those for hedge accounting), and other financial assets classified in this category under IAS 39. They are disclosed at fair value on the respective reporting date. Gains and losses on investments in fair value through the profit or loss category are recognised directly in profit or loss. The fair value of investments actively traded on regulated markets is determined in the amount of the published bid price in the stock exchange listing at the close of trading on the balance sheet date. For investments where the market price is not published on financial markets, the fair value is determined on the basis of a similar instrument, or on the basis of a valuation model in which the input data derive primarily from a functioning market. 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 111 The purchase and sale of individual investments included in the financial assets at fair value through the profit or loss category are recognised on the trading date, i.e. the day when the Company undertook to purchase or sell the asset in question. Held-to-maturity investments The company recognises non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments and a specific maturity as held-to-maturity investments if there is a positive intention and the ability to hold the investment to maturity. Investments that the company holds for an indeterminate time are not included in this category. Investments recognised as held-to-maturity investments are valued at amortised cost on the reporting date, using the effective interest method. The amortised cost is calculated by allocating the premium or discount at acquisition over the entire period until maturity. All gains and losses on investments valued at amortised cost are recognised in profit or loss (disposal, impairment or effects of amortisation of the discount/premium). Investments categorised as held-to-maturity are recognised on the settlement date Available-for-sale investments After initial recognition, all investments that the company categorises as available-for-sale investments are measured at fair value, or at original cost should it be impossible to reliably determine the fair value. Gains and losses on available-for-sale investments are recognised in the statement of comprehensive income as a net unrealised capital gain or loss from available-for-sale investments until the investment is sold or otherwise disposed of. The exceptions are impairment losses and increases or decreases in foreign exchange differences, which arise in items such as debt securities. The purchase and sale of individual investments included in the category of available-for-sale investments are recognised on the trading date, i.e. the day when the company undertook to purchase or sell the asset in question. Investments in subsidiaries and joint ventures The company values investments in subsidiaries at original cost minus any impairment. The company values investments in joint ventures at original cost. Naložbe v odvisne družbe in skupne podvige Družba vrednoti naložbe v odvisne družbe po nabavni vrednosti, zmanjšani za oslabitev. Naložbe v skupne podvige družba vrednoti po nabavni vrednosti. Loans and receivables Loans and receivables are financial assets with fixed or determinable payments not traded on a regulated market which the company has no intention of selling in the short term after acquisition. This category includes loans and receivables that the company acquires, and loans and receivables originating in 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 112 the company. Loans and receivables are measured at amortised cost, using the effective interest method. Investments categorised as loans and receivables are recognised on the settlement date. Impairment of available-for-sale financial assets Inventories of materials valued according to the FIFO method Work in progress and inventories of finished products valued according to direct costs of materials and labour, including a portion of general production costs on the basis of normal production The company verifies, at a minimum on the balance sheet date, whether financial assets or groups of financial assets show an indication of impairment. The net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, minus the estimated costs of completion and estimated selling costs. Available-for-sale financial assets are subject to impairment when there is objective evidence that the company will be unable to recover the original cost of the financial asset. In addition to the qualitative measurement of impairment, a materially significant or persistent decline in the fair value of the financial asset below its original cost is deemed to be objective evidence. The company considers a materially significant decline to have occurred when the fair value of a financial asset has fallen more than 40% from its weighted average purchase price. The company considers a persistent decline in the fair value of a financial asset to have occurred when the fair value of a financial asset has been below its weighted average purchase price for a period of more than nine months. Value adjustment of inventories Inventories Inventories are valued at purchase value or net realisable value. The value of inventories includes the original cost and other costs in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition. Inventories on stock for more than 360 days are considered to be of worse quality and/or partially out of date; therefore it is less likely that they will be used in production. Value adjustments are made at the end of year. The final write-off of inventories is confirmed by the management board. Considering experience from previous years, the management board determined the percentage of adjustment by considering the number of days of goods in stock, where the amounts of inventories write-offs are calculated as expenses and appropriate inventories' value adjustments. Adjustment stakes lie between 50 and 100%; the exception are spare parts, which are annually adjusted in the amount of 12.5% of their purchase value, which is the average amortisation rate for the fixed assets for which spare parts were purchased. Operating and other receivables Operating receivables are recognised at issued invoiced value, minus any adjustments to value. 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 113 The company and Group create a general adjustment to receivables in accordance with the following criteria: Maturity of receivables Percentage up to 3 months 3% from 3 to 6 months 40 % from 6 to 9 months 70 % from 9 to 12 months 95 % over 12 months 100 % Adjustments to the value of receivables from Group companies are created individually with respect to the assessed recoverability of the receivable (e.g. negative equity, assessment of future operations, etc.). Adjustments to the value of receivables from associates are created by applying the following percentage to unpaid overdue receivables: • Receivables overdue from 180 and 270 days: 3% • Receivables overdue from 270 and 360 days: 40% • 70% on receivables more than 360 days overdue or on the basis of individual assessment. The company and the Group exclude from the general adjustment the value of unpaid past due receivables from those customers for which it assesses that there is no doubt regarding the recoverability of the said receivables. This involves only a handful of our top Slovenian customers. Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents include cash in hand, freely available balances in bank accounts, and short-term deposits with a maturity of up to 3 months, where the risk of a change in fair value is minimal. Share capital The company’s share capital comprises subscribed shares. The directly attributable additional costs of issuing new shares, net of any tax effects, are presented as a deduction from equity. Should the Company acquire shares in the controlling company from another company, the consideration paid is disclosed in the item of own shares held in the treasury until the day when these shares are reissued, sold or retired. The consideration paid for treasury shares includes directly attributable transaction costs, net of any tax effects. Upon the subsequent sale or reissue of these shares, all the effects of the sale or reissue are included in equity. Borrowings received All borrowings received are initially recognised at fair value, minus the acquisition costs of the loan in question. After initial recognition, loans are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method through profit or loss. Acquisition costs and any discounts or premiums during acquisition are taken into consideration. Gains or losses in the elimination of such liabilities are recognised in profit or loss. 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 114 Provisions The Company recognises provisions when there is a present obligation (legal or indirect) as a result of a past event, and it is likely that in the settlement of the obligation there will be an outflow of resources yielding economic benefits, and a reliable estimate can be made of the obligation. The amount recognised as a provision is the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the existing obligation on the respective balance sheet date. When the time value of money is also materially significant, provisions are determined on the basis of discounted cash flows using a (pre-tax) discount rate that reflects the time value of money and, where appropriate, also incorporates any risk in the particular liability. If provisions are determined on the basis of discounted cash flows, increases in the net present value are recognised through the year as financial expenses. Where it is expected that all or part of the expenditure necessary to settle provisions will be refunded by other parties, the refund is recognised as a separate asset, but only if it is almost certain to be received. In this event, the provisioning costs are disclosed net of the expected refund. Employee benefits Employee benefits include wages and other benefits in accordance with the collective agreement. Contributions to the state pension fund, social security insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance are recognised as current costs in the period. The company recognises any future costs on the basis of the collective agreement in connection with employees. The aforementioned costs are recalculated on the basis of an actuarial method and are recognised throughout the period of employment to which the collective agreement relates. Financial and operational leasing Financial leasing is recognised when the vast majority of the risks and rewards of the subject of the lease are transferred to the company. Financial leasing is recognised in the balance sheet as an asset and as a debt in an amount that at the inception of the lease is equal to the fair value of the leased asset or the present value of the minimum lease payments, whichever is the lower. The lease payments are apportioned between financial expenses and the reduction of the outstanding debt. The financial expenses must be allocated to periods during the lease term, giving an effective interest rate for outstanding debt for each period. The financial expenses are recognised directly in profit or loss. Assets subject to finance leasing are depreciated over their estimated useful life, or over the finance lease term, whichever is the shorter. Operational leasing is leasing in which the lessor retains the vast majority of the risks and rewards associated with ownership of the particular subject of the lease. The Group recognises lease payments in profit or loss as an expense on a straight-line basis over the whole lease term. 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 115 Trade payables and other liabilitiesi • Rental income Rental income from investment property is recognised on a straight-line basis over the term of the individual lease agreement. • Government grants Government grants are recognised at fair value, but not until there is reasonable assurance that the company will receive the grant and that it will satisfy the conditions associated with the grant. Government grants are recognised strictly as revenue in the periods in which the costs that they are intended to cover arise. If the government grant relates to a specific asset, it is recognised as deferred income that the company recognises in profit or loss in the period of the expected useful life of the asset in equal annual instalments. Operating liabilities are disclosed at historical cost. Bookkeeping documents are the basis for their recognition. Revenue A revenue is recognised if it is likely that economic benefits will accrue and can be reliably measured. The following criteria must be met: • Revenues from the sale of products Revenues are recognised when significant risks and rewards associated with ownership of the goods have been transferred to the purchaser; the revenue can be reliably measured; it is likely that economic benefits will accrue to the undertaking; and the costs incurred in connection with the transactions can be reliably measured. Revenues are recognised in the contractually determined or agreed amounts, minus any trade discounts and volume rebates allowed by the entity. • Revenues from the sale of services Revenues from services rendered are recognised when the services have been rendered and there is no uncertainty as to settlement. • Interest Interest income is accounted for and recognised using the effective interest method. • Dividends Dividends are recognised when the company acquires the right to payment. Taxes • Tax on profit A liability or asset for current taxes for current or past periods is measured in the amount that the Company expects will be paid to, or recovered from, the tax authorities. Liabilities and assets for current taxes are measured on the basis of the tax rates (and tax regulations) applicable as at the balance sheet date. • Deferred taxes Deferred corporate income tax assets and liabilities are accounted for using the balance sheet liability method. Only deferred assets and liabilities arising from temporary differences are recognised. 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 116 A deferred tax asset is also recognised for unutilised tax losses and unutilised tax credits brought forward to the next period if it is likely that taxable earnings against which the unutilised tax losses and unutilised tax credits can be offset will be available in the future. The company forms deferred tax receivables from the impairment of receivables if it assesses they will be recognised based on tax regulations within a reasonable period. Deferred tax assets are reviewed on the balance sheet date and are impaired for the portion of the asset for which it can no longer be expected that appropriate taxable earnings against which the unutilised tax loss can be offset will be available in the future. Deferred tax liabilities and assets are measured on the basis of the tax rates expected to apply when the asset is realised or the liability paid. Tax rates (and tax regulations) applicable as at the balance sheet date are taken into consideration in this regard. Deferred taxes are recognised directly in the statement of comprehensive income, provided that the taxes relate to items recognised directly in the statement of comprehensive income. The company shows an offset of deferred tax assets and liabilities in its financial statements. De-recognition of financial instruments A financial asset is eliminated from statements when the risks and benefits associated with the financial instrument and control of the contractual rights attached to the financial instrument have been transferred. A financial liability is eliminated from statements when it has been repaid, has terminated or has become statute-barred. Cash flow statement The Group and company compile the statement of cash flows using the indirect method by adjusting net profit or loss for the effects of non-monetary transactions for all revenues and expenses and for accrued costs that will result in receipts or outflows in future operations, and for revenue and expense items linked to cash flows from investing and financing activities. 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 117 Eliminations and adjustments in consolidation Income satement Item 1. Net sales revenue - Revenue from services sold - Revenue from products sold 5. Costs of goods, materials and services Eliminations and adjustments 15,976,029 4,760,020 11,216,008 15,976,029 - Purchase value of goods sold 1,522,716 - Costs of materials 9,704,703 - Costs of services 4,748,610 7. Write-offs 206,226 - Amortisation 93,908 - Operating expenses from revaluation of intangible long-term assets and tangible fixed assets 112,318 10. Financial revenues from loans granted 166,054 - Financial revenue from loans made to companies in the group 166,054 13. Financial expenses from financial liabilities 166,054 - Financial expenses from loans received from companies in the group 166,054 18. Profit or loss 206,226 17. Deferred taxes 35,058 18. Net profit/loss 171,168 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 118 Balance sheet of the Žito Group ASSETS A. LONG-TERM ASSETS II. Tangible fixed assets 1. Land and buildings Eliminations and adjustments 18,941,334 -8,355,842 -8,391,426 - Land 1,112,366 - Buildings 7,279,060 2. Equipment III. Investment property 35,584 8,597,652 IV. Long-term financial investments 18,734,582 1. Investments in undertakings in the group 18,734,582 - Shares and stakes in companies in group 18,734,582 VI. Deferred tax receivables B. CURRENT ASSETS III. Short-term financial investments 2. Short-term loans - Short-term loans to companies in the group -35,058 14,676,590 8,013,555 -8,013,555 -8,013,555 IV. Short-term operating receivables 6,663,035 - Short-term operating receivables from group companies 6,655,772 - Short-term trade receivables C. SHORT-TERM DEFERRED COSTS AND ACCRUED REVENUES TOTAL ASSETS 7,263 -12,434 33,605,490 LIABILITIES A. EQUITY 16,950,819 I. Called-up capital 8,673,679 II. Capital reserves 7,820,955 III. Profit reserves 282,515 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 119 ASSETS Eliminations and adjustments IV. Own shares held in treasury (as a deduction item) 1,854,381 V. Profit or loss brought forward and net profit for the financial year -1,673,734 VII. Minority interest capital -6,977 D. SHORT-TERM LIABILITIES 16,666,703 II. Short-term financial liabilities - Short-term financial liabilities to group companies III. Short-term operating liabilities - Short-term operating liabilities to group companies E. SHORT-TERM ACCRUED COSTS AND DEFERRED REVENUES TOTAL LIABILITIES 8,013,555 8,013,555 8,653,147 8,653,147 -12,031 33,605,490 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 121 23 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 23.1 Reporting by business segment of the Žito Group Since the accounts include the financial statements and accompanying notes of the Group and the company, only the Group's operating segments are disclosed. An operating segment is a constituent component of the Group that engages in business activities from which it may earn revenues and incur expenses relating to transactions with other constituent components of the same group. The results of the operating segments are regularly reviewed by the Group's management staff, so that decisions can be made on the basis of those reviews regarding the resources that must be allocated to a specific segment and so that assessments can be made of the Group's performance. Owing to the lack of transparency caused by the sheer volume of data and the sensitivity thereof, the Group discloses data only at the macro level in the annual report. In compiling and presenting financial statements, the Group uses the following business segments: • Bread • Contemporary Kitchen • Confectionery • Milling • Other The “Bread” Segment: the highest share in revenues in the bread segment comes from breads and pastry, followed by bakery products such as toast and rusks; other products in this group are pastries, sandwiches and confectionery. The “Contemporary Kitchen” Segment: The Contemporary Kitchen pillar is the most varied segment, as it comprises teas and products used for cooking. Teas account for the highest proportion (20%), followed by equal proportions of pasta, frozen foods, rice and spices. Groats, grains, breakfast cereals and the bio-programme account for nearly one fifth of sales. The “Confectionery” Segment: This segment includes sweets and chewing gum, chocolate, sponge cakes and rolls, pastries and homemade biscuits. The “Milling” Segment: This is the most homogeneous segment. It includes flour, which accounts for the majority of sales, feed and grain, additives and mixtures, and yeast. Additional data regarding the geographical areas of the Žito Group and Žito d. d. are presented within the scope of section 23.2. The revenues shown in the presentation of geographical areas are based on the geographical locations of customers. Methodology: Direct expenses and revenues are determined by segments, general expenses (leadership and management) and other revenues, closely related to the business activities of the above-mentioned segments, are disclosed under section Other. 4 Business segments for 2013 Sales Revenues Sales Revenues - by segments TOTAL Change in inventories Other revenues Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 122 BREAD CONTEMPORARY CUISINE CONFECTIONERY MILLING RETAIL SALES 47,554,954 28,688,049 26,640,498 14,517,492 7,846,188 OTHER 1,589,471 TOTAL Elimination entries and Adjustments Consolidation 126,836,651 -15,976,029 110,860,622 3,360,761 3,003,267 1,345,040 14,109,877 0 725,355 22,544,301 -22,544,301 0 50,915,715 31,691,316 27,985,537 28,627,370 7,846,188 2,314,826 149,380,951 -38,520,329 110,860,622 54,287 -228,284 -7,649 42,177 0 -138,883 -0 587 464,259 789,481 140,510 68,673 21,387 393,809 1,878,118 2,482 -138,883 51,434,260 32,252,512 28,117,398 28,738,220 7,867,575 2,709,222 151,120,186 -38,517,847 1,880,600 1,861,918 1,788,965 5,287,354 1,068,031 5,334,873 15,276,328 -1,522,716 13,753,612 1 08 38,365 0 0 0 38,366 -38,366 0 9,877,536 11,594,508 12,081,346 15,064,810 191,485 669,347 49,479,032 -9,704,703 39,774,329 7,582,942 1,771,281 543,922 5,315,281 0 0 15,213,426 -15,213,426 0 10,847,285 3,596,088 3,140,302 2,233,952 981,929 6,908,180 27,707,736 -4,742,944 22,964,792 3,320,066 1,594,240 589,513 1,438,572 0 350,117 7,292,508 -7,292,508 0 Write-offs 2,697,671 947,576 1,295,796 777,217 13,919 1,298,140 7,030,319 257,360 7,287,679 Labour costs 9,010,781 2,795,047 3,837,982 870,309 1,418,224 6,463,530 24,395,873 0 24,395,873 TOTAL Costs and expenditures (without general expenditures): Cost of goods purchased Cost of goods purchased - by segments Cost of materials Cost of materials - by segments Cost of services Cost of services - by segments Other costs TOTAL (without general expenses) Operating profit (without allocation of general expenses) -64,814 160,254 33,798 62,294 29,144 9,807 1,001,791 1,297,089 668 1,297,756 45,358,454 24,121,504 26,876,874 26,797,317 7,950,237 16,626,291 147,730,677 -38,256,636 109,474,041 6,075,806 8,131,008 1,241,524 1,940,903 -82,662 3,389,510 -261,212 3,128,298 -13,917,069 Financial revenue 674,938 Financial expenses 994,002 Deferred taxes and taxes for the current period 608,921 Net profit 2,200,313 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 123 BREAD CONTEMPORARY CUISINE CONFECTIONERY 45,755,038 29,270,498 Sales Revenues - by segments 3,315,776 TOTAL 49,070,814 38,201 Business segments for 2012 Sales Revenues TOTAL Elimination entries and Adjustments Consolidation 1,182,979 126,947,162 -15,773,952 111,173,210 0 637,368 21,349,965 -21,349,965 0 8,027,375 1,820,347 148,297,126 -37,123,916 111,173,210 0 -5,05 -768,419 1 -768,418 MILLING RETAIL SALES OTHER 28,727,206 13,984,066 8,027,375 3,131,553 1,331,835 12,933,433 32,402,052 30,059,041 26,917,499 -314,480 -18,417 -468,673 0 Change in inventories Other revenues TOTAL 502,769 158,483 184,923 28,498 18,992 4,397,877 5,291,541 -629,516 4,662,025 49,611,784 32,246,054 30,225,546 26,477,323 8,046,367 6,213,174 152,820,249 -37,753,433 115,066,816 1,496,091 2,340,540 5,957,849 481,881 5,552,893 -17,898 15,811,356 -1,404,202 14,407,154 Costs and expenditures (without general expenditures): Cost of goods purchased Cost of goods purchased - by segments Cost of materials Cost of materials - by segments Cost of services Cost of services - by segments 3,436 9 45,234 0 0 0 48,679 -48,679 0 9,685,403 11,346,303 13,179,297 14,443,760 171,478 709,964 49,536,206 -10,078,276 39,457,930 7,479,587 1,907,943 509,243 4,429,859 0 0 14,326,633 -14,326,633 0 11,108,538 3,707,460 2,949,929 2,005,863 1,073,282 6,721,782 27,566,854 -4,195,454 23,371,400 3,254,721 1,759,574 703,152 930,007 0 327,2 6,974,654 -6,974,654 0 Write-offs 2,510,384 959,499 1,143,371 608,927 25,048 745,979 5,993,207 -141,937 5,851,270 Labour costs 9,268,956 2,970,479 4,187,034 1,108,062 1,579,349 6,256,508 25,370,387 -628,812 24,741,575 Other costs 137,161 50,095 69,644 113,152 13,953 1,394,833 1,778,837 1,358 1,780,195 44,944,277 25,041,902 28,744,752 24,121,511 8,416,003 16,138,368 147,406,812 -37,797,287 109,609,524 4,667,507 7,204,153 1,480,794 2,355,812 -369,636 126,947,162 5,413,437 43,854 5,457,291 TOTAL (without general expenses) Operating profit (without allocation of general expenses) Financial revenue Financial expenses Deferred taxes and taxes for the current period Net profit 267,476 4,785,097 550,173 389,495 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 124 23.2 Net sales revenue Net sales revenue – Žito Group In EUR 2013 2012 Domestic market 92,654,061 93,330,764 Foreign markets 18,206,561 17,842,446 12,225,103 9,349,464 5,981,458 8,492,982 110,860,622 111,173,210 1. Sales revenue in the EU market 2. Sales revenue in other foreign markets TOTAL In 2013, Žito Group generated 84% of its total sales revenue in the domestic market, of which EUR 109,780,666 came from the sale of products, goods and materials, and EUR 1,079,956 from the sale of services, including rental income of EUR 576,001. Net sales revenue – Žito d.d. In EUR 2013 2012 Domestic market 90,489,033 91,008,940 Foreign markets 13,236,622 12,320,241 1. Sales revenue in the EU market 0 0 2. Sales revenue in the EU market 7,261,430 3,827,260 3. Sales revenue in other foreign markets 5,975,193 8,492,981 103,725,655 103,329,181 TOTAL In 2013, the Group generated 87% of its total sales revenue in the domestic market, of which EUR 101,689,205 came from the sale of products, goods and materials, and EUR 2,036,449 from the sale of services, including rental income of EUR 1,269,292. 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 125 23.3 Other operating revenue Other operating revenue – Žito Group In EUR 2013 2012 749,473 88,025 44,323 381,751 Compensation received from insurers 707,740 75,700 Other operating revenue 187,635 3,240,825 Reversal of short-term accrued and deferred costs and revenue 145,857 568,069 3,251 275,328 1,838,281 4,629,700 2013 2012 124,462 29,767 44,153 381,566 702,154 31,636 40,995 3,478,488 Reversal of short-term accrued and deferred costs and revenue 135,931 114,919 TOTAL 1,047,697 4,036,376 Government grants Gain/loss on the disposal of fixed assets Recovery of written-off receivables TOTAL Other operating revenue – Žito d.d. In EUR Government grants Gain/loss on the disposal of fixed assets Compensation received from insurers Other operating revenue Government grants comprise export subsidies and non-repayable funds for co-financing capital expenditure. 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 126 23.4 Costs of goods, materials and services Costs of goods, materials and services – Žito Group In EUR 2013 2012 Original cost of goods and materials sold, and cost of materials used 53,527,941 53,865,085 Costs of services, of which: 22,964,792 23,371,400 1. Transportation costs 5,793,809 5,868,516 2. Advertising and similar costs 8,145,335 8,625,634 3. Current maintenance costs 1,368,094 1,377,675 4. Costs of production services 2,319,436 2,259,474 5. Rents 1,080,506 1,016,526 6. Employee-related costs 309,307 351,122 7. Costs of banking services and insurance costs 670,492 673,124 8. Costs of cleaning and municipal services 637,431 626,594 9. Costs of other services 2,640,382 2,572,736 TOTAL 76,492,733 77,236,485 2013 2012 Original cost of goods and materials sold, and cost of materials used 51,503,257 51,348,523 Costs of services, of which: 24,584,921 24,326,001 1. Transportation costs 5,789,073 5,865,134 2. Advertising and similar costs 8,148,410 8,635,682 3. Current maintenance costs 1,177,361 1,154,745 4. Costs of production services 3,664,005 3,590,928 5. Rents 1,337,588 708,316 6. Employee-related costs 280,734 312,977 7. Costs of banking services and insurance costs 600,992 602,313 8. Costs of cleaning and municipal services 512,099 482,138 9. Costs of other services 3,074,659 2,973,768 TOTAL 76,088,177 75,674,524 Costs of goods, materials and services – Žito d.d. In EUR 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 127 23.5 Labour costs Labour costs – Žito Group In EUR 2013 2012 17,041,944 17,344,445 Pension insurance costs 1,793,907 1,881,109 Other social security insurance costs 1,266,005 1,164,884 Other labour costs: 4,294,016 4,351,138 Meals 1,565,083 1,397,867 Transportation to work 1,157,688 1,249,574 Annual leave allowance 1,049,248 936,796 Provisions for business reasons, provisions for severance pay and jubilee awards 113,073 690,610 Other labour costs 408,923 76,291 24,395,872 24,741,575 2013 2012 13,029,556 13,212,811 1,354,265 1,394,968 969,638 995,833 3,154,315 2,980,555 1,122,486 982,863 Transportation to work 843,000 880,746 Annual leave allowance 733,068 644,722 86,017 415,299 369,743 56,925 18,507,773 18,584,167 Costs of wages and salaries TOTAL Labour costs – Žito d.d. In EUR Costs of wages and salaries Pension insurance costs Other social security insurance costs Other labour costs: Meals Provisions for business reasons, provisions for severance pay and jubilee awards Other labour costs TOTAL 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 128 23.6 Amortisation and write-offs Amortisation and write-offs – Žito Group In EUR 2013 2012 5,670,590 5,528,874 5,545,303 5,314,230 125,287 214,644 738,188 55,045 248,033 55,045 490,156 0 Operating expenses from the revaluation of operating current assets: 878,901 267,352 revaluation of receivables 349,824 17,739 529,077 249,613 7,287,679 5,851,270 2013 2012 4,533,620 4,815,933 4,408,333 4,601,289 125,287 214,644 625,752 51,784 247,915 51,784 377,838 0 Operating expenses from the revaluation of operating current assets: 680,399 222,253 revaluation of receivables 240,552 590 439,847 221,663 5,839,772 5,089,970 Amortisation: property plant and equipment and investment property intangible assets Operating expenses from the revaluation of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment: property, plant and equipment (write-offs of assets and losses on sales) tangible fixed assets (impairment) revaluation of inventories TOTAL Amortisation and write-offs – Žito d.d. In EUR Amortisation: property plant and equipment and investment property intangible assets Operating expenses from the revaluation of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment: property, plant and equipment (write-offs of assets and losses on sales) tangible fixed assets (impairment) revaluation of inventories TOTAL 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 129 23.7 Other operating expenses Other operating expenses – Žito Group In EUR 2013 2012 439,507 421,751 Donations 22,464 11,500 Damages 12,252 6,388 823,533 1,340,556 1,297,756 1,780,195 2013 2012 197,740 339,926 Donations 22,464 4,500 Damages 11,200 2,638 Charge for building land Other operating expenses TOTAL Other operating revenues – Žito d.d. In EUR Charge for building land Other operating expenses TOTAL 794,978 1,307,878 1,026,382 1,654,942 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 130 23.8 Financial revenue from shares Financial revenues from participating interests – Žito Group In EUR Dividends from other investments 2013 2012 197,005 47,863 Gains on the disposal of investments classified as available-for-sale 19,924 TOTAL 216,929 47,863 2013 2012 180,272 47,863 Gains on the disposal of investments classified as available-for-sale 19,924 0 TOTAL 200,196 47,863 Financial revenues from participating interests – Žito d.d. In EUR Dividends from other investments 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 131 23.9 Financial revenues from operating receivables Financial revenues from loans and operating receivables – Žito Group In EUR 2013 2012 21,640 9,604 21,640 9,604 a) Financial revenues from loans Interest to other entities Total b) Financial revenues from operating receivables Interest to other entities 498,411 210,009 Total 498,411 210,009 Total (a + b) 520,051 219,613 2013 2012 147,919 171,037 Interest to other entities 19,631 9,197 Total 167,549 180,234 Financial revenues from loans and operating receivables – Žito d.d. In EUR a) Financial revenues from loans Interest to entities in the group b) Financial revenues from operating receivables Interest to other entities 451,331 206,386 Total 451,331 206,386 Total (a + b) 618,880 386,620 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 132 23.1 Financial expenses from impairments and write-offs of investments Financial expenses from impairments and write-offs of investments – Žito Group V EUR 2013 2012 Revaluation financial expenses from financial investments finančni odhodki pri finančnih nalož- 0 3,526,787 Skupaj 0 3,526,787 2013 2012 Revaluation financial expenses from financial investments 0 3,526,787 Total 0 3,526,787 a) Financial expenses from impairments and write-offs of investments Financial expenses from impairments and write-offs of investments – Žito Group in EUR a) FInancial expenses from impairments and write-offs of investments 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 133 23.11 Financial expenses from financial and operating liabilities Financial expenses from financial and operating liabilities – Žito Group In EUR 2013 2012 787,419 955,943 109,253 896,672 0 955,943 68,750 296,659 Exchange rate differences 90,622 5,709 Total 159,372 302,367 1,056,044 1,258,310 2013 2012 18,135 29,531 787,419 945,069 a) Financial expenses from financial liabilities Interest on banks loans Expenses due to disposal of financial investments Total b) Financial expenses from operating liabilities Interest to other entities Total (a + b) Financial expenses from financial and operating liabilities – Žito d.d. In EUR a) Financial expenses from financial liabilities Interest to entities in the group Interest on banks loans Expenses due to disposal of financial investments Total 8,333 813,887 974,600 52,665 295,619 b) Financial expenses from operating liabilities Interest to other entities 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 134 Exchange rate differences 20,093 1,877 72,758 297,495 886,645 1,272,095 2013 2012 Tax in current year -330,546 -278,995 Deferred tax liabilities/receivables -278,375 -271,178 -608,921 -550,173 2013 2012 2,809,234 939,669 -477,570 -169,140 Deferred tax receivables -306,467 -289,972 Non-deductible expenses -146,436 -451,582 28,092 18,794 299,985 390,961 Total Total (a + b) 23.12 Income tax Income tax for the current year – Žito Group Tax expenses disclosed in the income statement, in EUR Income tax expenses reported in profit and loss Income tax for the current year – Žito Group Reconciliation of actual and calculated tax expenses, taking into account the effective tax rate, in EUR Pre-tax profit according to the IFRS Corporate income tax, taking into account prescribed tax rate (2013: 17%, 2012: 18%) Effect of the changed tax rate Tax relief utilised in current period Other Total income tax expenses Effective tax rate The retained unutilised tax losses as at 31 December 2013 amounted to EUR 2,106,544.87 -6,524 -49,233 -608,921 -550,173 22% 59% 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 135 Corporate income tax for the current year – Žito d.d. Tax expenses disclosed in the income statement, in EUR 2013 2012 Tax in current year -284,217 -278,995 Deferred tax liabilities/receivables -261,011 -297,457 -545,228 -576,452 2013 2012 3,041,573 1,326,300 -517,067 -238,734 Deferred tax receivables -291,427 -323,983 Non-deductible expenses -113,519 -400,510 30,416 26,526 Tax relief utilised in current period 207,834 348,198 Other 138,535 12,051 Total income tax expenses -545,228 -576,452 18% 43% Income tax expenses reported in profit and loss Corporate income tax for the current year – Žito d.d. Reconciliation of actual and calculated tax expenses, taking into account the effective tax rate, in EUR Pre-tax profit according to the IFRS Corporate income tax, taking into account prescribed tax rate (2013: 17%, 2012: 18%) Effect of the changed tax rate Effective tax rate 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 136 23.13 Deferred corporate income tax Deferred corporate income tax – Žito Group 31 Dec 2013 In EUR Deferred tax receivables Deferred tax liabilities 31 Dec 2012 Deferred tax receivables Tax losses brought forward 49,076 100,598 Non-current financial investments at fair value 66,753 84,275 Operating receivables Provisions and non-current accrued costs and deferred revenue Fixed assets Deferred tax receivables Deferred tax liabilities 2013 Effect on profit or loss Effect on capital 4,448 33,644 3,648 227,023 485,569 -317,882 35,058 35,058 377,910 674,090 Deferred tax liabilities Deferred tax recognised in profit or loss -278,375 Deferred income tax in revaluation of capital 33,644 Deferred corporate income tax – Žito d.d. 31 Dec 2013 In EUR Deferred tax receivables Deferred tax liabilities 31 Dec 2012 Deferred tax receivables Deferred tax liabilities 2013 Effect on profit or loss Effect on capital Tax losses brought forward (merger) Non-current financial investments at fair value 66,753 84,275 130,148 391,159 196,901 475,434 33,644 Operating receivables Provisions and non-current accrued costs and deferred Deferred tax receivables -261,011 Deferred tax liabilities Deferred tax recognised in profit or loss Deferred income tax in revaluation of capital -261,011 33,644 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 137 23.14 Net earnings per share (EPS) In EUR Net profit of the Žito Group appertaining to ordinary shareholders Weighted average number of ordinary shares for basic net earnings per share 2013 2012 2,200,631 390,801 345,259 352,746 6.37 1.11 Net earnings per share (EPS) 23.15 Dividends paid and proposed In EUR Declared and paid during the year Dividends on ordinary shares (total annual dividend) Dividend per share Proposed for approval at the annual general meeting The number of shares for dividends Dividend per share 2013 2012 Payment for 2012 Payment for 2011 1,054,711 1,128,787 2.99 3.2 Payment for 2013 Payment for 2013 320,213 352,746 3.4 1 The dividend proposed by the Management Board for distributable profit for 2013 was EUR 3.40 per share. 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 138 23.16 Intangible assets and long-term deferred costs and accrued revenues Intangible assets and non-current deferred costs and accrued revenues – Žito Group In EUR Purchase value on 1 Jan 2013 Long-term property rights Assets in acquisition Other non-current deferred costs and accrued revenues Total 2,115,955 0 2,695 2,118,650 New acquisitions 35,889 55,889 0 91,779 Disposals and reductions 59,596 35,889 0 95,485 Purchase value on 31 Dec 2013 2,092,249 20,000 2,695 2,114,944 Adjustment to value on 1 Jan 2013 1,857,388 0 2,366 1,859,754 Amortisation in current year 125,288 0 0 125,288 59,596 0 3 59,599 1,923,080 0 2,369 1,925,449 Carrying amount as at 1 Jan 2013 258,567 0 329 258,896 Carrying amount as at 31 Dec 2013 169,168 20,000 326 189,494 Disposals and reductions Adjustment to value as at 31 Dec 2013 Purchase value on 1 Jan 2012 2,119,948 2,736 2,122,684 New acquisitions 101,337 0 101,337 Disposals and reductions 105,330 41 105,371 2,115,955 2,695 2,118,650 1,748,074 214,644 2,366 0 1,750,440 214,644 -105,330 0 -105,330 1,857,388 2,366 1,859,754 Carrying amount as at 1 Jan 2012 371,874 370 372,244 Carrying amount as at 31 Dec 2012 258,567 329 258,896 Purchase value on 31 Dec 2012 Adjustment to value as at 1 Jan 2012 Amortisation in current year Disposals and reductions Adjustment to value as at 31 Dec 2012 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 139 Intangible assets and non-current deferred costs and accrued revenues – Žito d.d. Long-term property rights Assets in acquisition Other non-current deferred costs and accrued revenues Total 2,090,917 0 0 2,090,917 New acquisitions 35,889 55,889 0 91,779 Disposals and reductions 59,596 35,889 0 95,485 Purchase value on 31 Dec 2013 2,067,212 20,000 0 2,087,212 Adjustment to value on 1 Jan 2013 1,832,350 0 0 1,832,350 Amortisation in current year 125,288 0 0 125,288 59,596 0 0 59,596 1,898,042 0 0 1,898,042 Carrying amount as at 1 Jan 2013 258,567 0 0 258,567 Carrying amount as at 31 Dec 2013 169,169 20,000 0 189,169 In EUR Purchase value on 1 Jan 2013 Disposals and reductions Adjustment to value as at 31 Dec 2013 Purchase value on 1 Jan 2012 2,094,910 0 2,094,910 New acquisitions 101,337 0 101,337 Disposals and reductions 105,330 0 105,330 2,090,917 0 2,090,917 1,723,037 214,643 0 0 1,723,037 214,643 Purchase value on 31 Dec 2012 Adjustment to value as at 1 Jan 2012 Amortisation in current year Disposals and reductions -105,330 0 -105,330 1,832,350 0 1,832,350 Carrying amount as at 1 Jan 2012 371,873 0 371,873 Carrying amount as at 31 Dec 2012 258,567 0 258,567 Adjustment to value as at 31 Dec 2012 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 140 23.17 Tangible fixed assets Property, plant and equipment – Žito Group In EUR Purchase value on 1 Jan 2013 Acquisitions and increases Disposals Transfer among assets Purchase value on 31 Dec 2013 Land Buildings Production plant and other equipment Property, plant and equipment under acquisition Total 8,323,727 72,447,923 91,122,542 3,795,838 175,690,031 31,547 108,193 5,614,650 -3,028,142 2,726,249 405 115,042 2,479,352 0 2,594,799 32,293 0 0 0 32,293 8,322,576 72,441,075 94,257,840 767,696 175,789,187 0 Adjustment to value on 1 Jan 2013 0 40,557,154 75,078,313 0 115,635,467 Amortisation in current year 0 1,174,633 4,138,741 0 5,313,374 Disposals 0 20,425 2,428,627 0 2,449,051 Adjustment to value as at 31 Dec 2013 0 41,711,362 76,788,427 0 118,499,789 0 Carrying amount as at 1 Jan 2013 8,323,727 31,890,769 16,044,229 3,795,838 60,054,564 Carrying amount as at 31 Dec 2013 8,322,576 30,729,712 17,469,413 767,696 57,289,398 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 141 In EUR Purchase value on 1 Jan 2012 Transfer among assets* Purchase value on 1 Jan 2012 Acquisitions and increases Land Buildings Production plant and other equipment Property, plant and equipment under acquisition Total 9,119,978 74,550,674 93,282,315 1,333,628 178,286,595 -710,638 -3,959,589 379,445 0 -4,290,782 8,409,340 70,591,085 93,661,760 1,333,628 173,995,813 0 2,434,752 2,096,681 2,462,209 6,993,642 85,613 577,914 4,635,717 0 5,299,244 -182 0 -182 Disposals Adjustment for foreign exchange differences Purchase value on 31 Dec 2012 8,323,727 72,447,923 91,122,542 3,795,837 175,690,029 Adjustment to value as at 1 Jan 2012 0 42,249,638 75,392,077 0 117,641,715 Transfer among assets* 0 -2,550,737 0 -2,550,737 Adjustment to value as at 1 Jan 2012 0 39,698,901 75,392,077 0 115,090,978 Amortisation in current year 0 1,173,421 4,241,181 0 5,414,602 Disposals 0 315,168 4,554,945 0 4,870,113 Adjustment to value as at 31 Dec 2012 0 40,557,154 75,078,313 0 115,635,467 Carrying amount as at 1 Jan 2012 8,409,340 30,892,184 18,269,683 1,333,628 58,904,835 Carrying amount as at 31 Dec 2012 8,323,727 31,890,769 16,044,229 3,795,837 60,054,562 0 *Changes in the accounting principle as of 1 Jan 2012 and the transfer of a group of fixed assets reflect the changing value in fixed assets as of 1 Jan 2012. A mortgage is registered under application nos. 335, 344 and 814 in the cadastral community of Bežigrad and under application nos. 2369, 3206, 3318 and 1119 in the cadastral community of Tezno. The outstanding amount of the mortgage on 31 December 2013 is EUR 1,100,000. Under entry no. 617 in the cadastral municipality of Hraše, a mortgage has been entered, the outstanding amount of which is EUR 4,900,000, and under entry nos. 2363 in the cadastral municipality of Bežigrad and under entry no. 680 in the cadastral municipality of Tezno, a mortgage has been entered, the outstanding amount of which equals EUR 2,898,333. The total amount of mortgaged loans is EUR 8,898,333. The carrying amount of licensed property as of 31 December 2013 amounted to EUR 9,167,375. 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 142 Plant, property and equipment – Žito d.d. Land Buildings Production plant Other equipment Property, plant and equipment under acquisition Total 5,232,595 45,358,257 74,693,213 10,843,823 3,733,656 139,861,544 -745 79,307 4,815,735 664,713 -3,197,601 2,361,409 405 115,042 1,412,855 1,058,733 0 2,587,035 5,231,444 45,322,522 78,096,092 10,449,803 536,055 139,635,917 Adjustment to value on 1 Jan 2013 0 24,646,845 63,241,790 8,532,919 0 96,421,554 Amortisation in current year 0 678,011 2,777,088 736,241 0 4,191,340 Disposals 0 20,425 1,393,473 1,027,508 0 2,441,405 Adjustment to value as at 31 Dec 2013 0 25,304,431 64,625,405 8,241,652 0 98,171,489 Carrying amount as at 1 Jan 2013 5,232,595 20,711,412 11,451,423 2,310,904 3,733,656 43,439,990 Carrying amount as at 31 Dec 2013 5,231,444 20,018,091 13,470,688 2,208,150 536,055 41,464,429 Land Buildings Production plant Other equipment Property, plant and equipment under acquisition Total Purchase value on 31 Dec 2011 8,007,612 61,493,331 77,118,817 11,219,639 1,103,398 158,942,797 Transfer among assets -710,638 -3,959,589 7,296,974 57,533,742 77,118,817 11,219,639 1,103,398 154,272,570 2,376,930 1,114,882 636,327 2,630,258 6,758,397 2,064,379 14,552,415 3,540,486 1,012,143 0 21,169,423 5,232,595 45,358,257 74,693,213 10,843,823 3,733,656 139,861,544 Adjustment to value as at 31 Dec 0 36,930,745 63,904,804 8,712,673 0 109,548,222 Transfer among assets* 0 -2,550,737 0 -2,550,737 Adjustment to value as at 1 Jan 2012 0 34,380,008 0 106,997,485 In EUR Purchase value on 1 Jan 2013 Acquisitions and increases Disposals Purchase value on 31 Dec 2013 In EUR Purchase value on 1 Jan 2012 Acquisitions and increases Disposals Purchase value on 31 Dec 2012 -4,670,227 63,904,804 8,712,673 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 143 Amortisation in current year 0 1,064,486 2,842,031 795,142 0 4,701,659 Disposals 0 10,797,650 3,505,045 974,896 0 15,277,591 Adjustment to value as at 31 Dec 2012 0 24,646,844 63,241,790 8,532,919 0 96,421,553 Carrying amount as at 1 Jan 2012 7,296,974 23,153,734 13,214,013 2,506,966 1,103,398 47,275,085 Carrying amount as at 31 Dec 2012 5,232,595 20,711,413 11,451,423 2,310,904 3,733,656 43,439,991 * Changes in the accounting principle as of 1 Jan 2012 and the transfer of a group of fixed assets reflect the changing value in fixed assets as of 1 Jan 2012. A mortgage is registered under application nos. 335, 344 and 814 in the cadastral community of Bežigrad and under application nos. 2369, 3206, 3318 and 1119 in the cadastral community of Tezno. The outstanding amount of the mortgage on 31 December 2013 is EUR 1,100,000. Under entry no. 617 in the cadastral municipality of Hraše, a mortgage has been entered, the outstanding amount of which is EUR 4,900,000, and under entry nos. 2363 in the cadastral municipality of Bežigrad and under entry no. 680 in the cadastral municipality of Tezno, a mortgage has been entered, the outstanding amount of which equals EUR 2,898,333. The total amount of mortgaged loans is EUR 8,898,333. The carrying amount of licensed property as of 31 December 2013 amounted to EUR 9,167,375. 23.18 Investment property Investment property – Žito Group Investment property at fair value State on 1 Jan 2013 2012 6,761,568 3,429,428 5,286 Increases - acquisitions Decreases - disposals Decreases - impairments 208,545 112,318 0 -32,292 3,379,665 15,233 0 State on 1 Dec 6,409,113 6,761,568 Increases - acquisitions Requalification -36,878 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 144 Investment property – Žito d.d. Investment property at fair value State on 1 Jan 2013 2012 2,768,505 5,638,201 0 Increases - acquisitions Requalification -36,878 Increases - acquisitions Decreases - disposals Decreases - impairments 12,858 208,545 3,379,665 6,249,361 0 State on 1 Dec 2,535,940 2,768,505 23.19 Investments in subsidiaries The companies below are part of the Group, and are included in the consolidation. The equity holding is calculated from the point of view of Žito d. d. Company name Equity stake Share of votes Equity Profit or loss 99.55% 99.55% 1,564,175 -70,907 Intes Storitve d.o.o., Maribor 100% 100% 253,199 14,063 Šumi bonboni d.o.o., Ljubljana 100% 100% -846,446 45,332 Šumi nepremičnine d.o.o., Ljubljana 100% 100% 14,266,131 -34,679 Žito nepremičnine d.o.o., Ljubljana 100% 100% 8,897 -129 LD Žito Zagreb d.o.o., Ljubljana 100% 100% -1,917,960 -79,333 Žito d.o.o., Belgrade Žito PI d.o.o.e.l., Skopje 100% 100% 100% 100% -118,228 5,549 0 768 Žito maloprodaja d.o.o., Ljubljana Investments in subsidiaries were not impaired, as the Group assesses that there are no indications of impairment. 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 145 23.20Financial assets Financial assets – Žito Group In EUR 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 1,430,192 2,996,135 1,356,736 2,897,542 73,456 98,593 19,752 29,400 19,752 29,400 1. Long-term financial investments, excluding loans 0 0 Other shares and participating interests 0 0 28,730 47,200 28,730 47,200 1,478,674 3,072,735 Available-for-sale investments 1,356,736 2,897,542 Held-to-maturity investments 73,456 98,593 Loans granted 48,482 76,600 1,478,674 3,072,735 1. Long-term financial investments, excluding loans Other shares and stakes Other long-term financial investments 2. Long-term loans Long-term loans to others 2. Short-term loans Short-term loans to others Total investments TOTAL 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 146 Financial assets – Žito d.d. In EUR Shares and stakes in companies in the group 1. Long-term financial investments, excluding loans Other shares and stakes Other long-term financial investments 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 16,880,201 16,075,201 961,642 915,248 888,186 816,655 73,456 98,593 2. Long-term loans 19,752 29,400 Long-term loans to others 19,752 29,400 1. Long-term financial investments, excluding loans 0 0 Other shares and participating interests 0 0 6,621,294 6,345,240 6,592,564 6,298,040 28,730 47,200 24,482,890 23,365,089 16,880,201 16,075,201 Available-for-sale investments 888,186 816,655 Held-to-maturity investments 73,456 98,593 Loans granted 6,641,046 6,374,640 TOTAL 24,482,890 23,365,089 2. Short-term loans Short-term loans to undertakings in the group Short-term loans to others Total investments Investments in undertakings in the group at original cost 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 147 Available-for-sale financial investments – Žito Group In EUR 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Unquoted equity shares 573,404 136,393 Quoted shares 783,332 2,761,149 TOTAL 1,356,736 2,897,542 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 16,985,055 16,211,594 783,332 2,761,149 17,768,387 18,972,743 Available-for-sale financial investments – Žito d.d. In EUR Unquoted shares (including those of subsidiaries) Quoted shares TOTAL Available-for-sale financial investments comprise investments in ordinary shares; therefore, they have no determinate maturity or interest rate. Available-for-sale financial investments measured at fair value total EUR 783 thousand. Šumi nepremičnine d.o.o. company sold all its shares in Mlinotest d.d. in 2013. 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 148 Held-to-maturity investments – Žito Group In EUR 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Bonds 73,456 98,593 TOTAL 73,456 98,593 In EUR 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Bonds 73,456 98,593 TOTAL 73,456 98,593 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Land 100,100 151,620 Buildings 821,972 562,988 8,311 8,404 930,383 723,012 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 97,124 770,894 8,311 148,644 511,910 8,404 876,329 668,958 Held-to-maturity investments – Žito d.d. 23.21 Assets held for sale Carrying amount of assets held for sale – Žito Group In EUR Equipment TOTAL Carrying amount of assets held for sale – Žito d.d. In EUR Land Buildings Equipment TOTAL 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 149 Both Žito d.d. and Žito Group class assets that are not required in their business processes and that they therefore intend to sell as assets held for sale. They include land and buildings in Postojna, Metlika, Lovrenc, Ruše, Poljčane, and other minor buildings and equipment. The Company advertises all the assets via estate agents. 23.22 Inventories Inventories – Žito Group In EUR Materials Work in progress Products and merchandise Advances for inventories TOTAL The Group wrote off inventories of products and merchandise in the amount of EUR 286 thousand in 2013 due to obsolescence, compared with EUR 249 thousand 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 10,147,409 12,376,726 396,094 306,552 5,157,178 5,420,935 90,802 54,475 15,791,483 18,158,688 in the previous year. Due to new standards, the company adjusted the value of obsolete inventories (not older than 360 days), which amounted to EUR 242 thousand. Inventories – Žito d.d. In EUR Materials Work in progress Products and merchandise Advances for inventories TOTAL The company wrote off inventories of products and merchandise in the amount of EUR 249 thousand in 2013 due to obsolescence, compared with EUR 221 thousand in the previous year. Inventories were written off during the year. No inventories have been pledged as collateral. At the- 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 8,843,392 11,107,733 135,520 111,873 4,569,364 4,878,769 80,032 49,014 13,628,308 16,147,389 end of 2013, due to new standards, the company adjusted the value of obsolete inventories (not older than 360 days), which amounted to EUR 191 thousand. 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 150 23.23 Short-term operating receivables Operating receivables – Žito Group In EUR 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 25,287,950 25,999,491 Short-term receivables due from foreign customers 3,095,782 2,051,512 Short-term receivables from others 1,208,969 1,328,849 TOTAL 29,592,701 29,379,852 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 28,009,804 28,901,086 3,618,706 2,878,212 889,509 988,279 32,518,019 32,767,577 Short-term receivables due from domestic customers The Group disclosed expenses in the amount of EUR 350 thousand from the creation of value adjustments to receivables, compared with expenses of EUR 18 thousand in the previous year. Operating receivables – Žito d.d. In EUR Short-term receivables due from domestic customers Short-term receivables due from foreign customers Short-term receivables from others TOTAL The company disclosed expenses in the amount of EUR 240 thousand from the creation of adjustments to the value of trade receivables, compared with expenses of EUR 0.5 thousand in the previous year. Trade receivables are non-interest bearing. Short-term operating receivables due from Group companies at the end of the year reached EUR 3,416 thousand. Trade receivables in the amount of EUR 4,198 thousand are insured by property mortgage. 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 151 Change in the value adjustments of trade receivables Žito Group Žito d.d. 2013 2012 2013 2012 5,814,865 6,363,687 7,485,403 7,698,312 Increase 749,325 434,087 701,388 416,428 Reversal -450,216 -655,677 -450,216 -302,104 Write-offs -585,823 -327,233 -585,823 -327,233 State on 31 Dec 5,528,151 5,814,865 7,150,752 7,485,403 State on 1 Jan Age structure of trade receivables (in unadjusted amounts) – Žito Group In EUR Total Undue Up to 30 days 30-60 days 60-90 days 90-120 days More than 120 2013 33,907,823 19,090,875 4,656,200 307,302 51,086 63,110 9,739,250 2012 33,520,463 19,664,597 4,959,271 1,557,959 1,320,956 544,951 5,472,730 Age profile of trade receivables (in unadjusted amounts) – Žito d.d. In EUR Total Undue Up to 30 days 30-60 days 60-90 days 90-120 days More than 120 2013 38,712,509 20,239,297 4,662,506 487,922 197,145 178,811 12,946,828 2012 38,422,472 22,616,199 4,854,689 1,575,326 1,323,741 544,951 7,507,567 Žito d. d. and the Žito Group perform a value adjustment of trade receivables of the largest customers based on individual assessments. In 2013, Žito d. d. and the Žito Group did not perform new value adjustments of receivables under this item, as management assesses that these trade receivables will be paid in full. 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 152 23.24 Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents – Žito Group In EUR 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 5,371,367 1,318,614 5,371,367 1,318,614 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 4,522,766 915,243 4,522,766 915,243 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Issued share capital (ordinary shares) 14,846,937 14,846,937 Issued share capital (ordinary shares) Number in 2013 Number in 2012 355,792 355,792 0 0 355,792 355,792 2013 2012 As at 31 Dec (in EUR) 2,326,437 472,056 Number as at 31 Dec 35,579 3,046 Cash in transaction accounts at banks and cash in hand TOTAL Cash and cash equivalents – Žito d.d. In EUR Cash in transaction accounts at banks and cash in hand TOTAL 23.25 Called-up capital Called-up capital, in EUR As at 1 Jan Issued As at 31 Dec Own shares held in treasury 32,533 of 35,579 treasury shares are owned by Šumi nepremičnine d.o.o. 4 23.26 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 153 Profit reserves Profit reserves – Žito Group Legal reserves Reserves for treasury shares Treasury shares as deductible Statutory reserves Reserves for currency differences Other reserves from profit Total On 1 Jan 2013 Formation of other reserves from profit on the basis of the decision of MB and SB Currency differences 4,427,790 472,056 -472,056 166,734 172,900 2,953,299 7,720,723 0 1,854,381 -1,854,381 0 0 0 0 On 31 Dec 2013 4,427,790 In EUR 2,310 2,326,437 -2,326,437 166,734 2,310 175,210 2,953,299 7,723,034 Profit reserves – Žito d.d. In EUR On 1 Jan 2013 Formation of other reserves from profit on the basis of the decision of MB and SB Currency differences On 31 Dec 2013 Legal reserves Reserves for treasury shares Treasury shares as deductible Statutory reserves Other reserves from profit Total 4.427.790 472.056 -472.056 166.734 2.953.299 7.547.823 0 1.854.381 0 0 0 1.854.381 4.427.790 2.326.437 -472.056 166.734 2.953.299 0 9.402.204 The legal reserves have been created in accordance with the Companies Act, and may be used to cover losses under certain conditions. Legal reserves may not be distributed. Own shares held in treasury have been created in accordance with the Companies Act, and may not be distributed. The foreign currency conversion reserve, which is for foreign exchange differences arising from the conversion of the functional currency into the presentation currency, is recognised directly in equity until the moment that the subsidiary is sold, when the foreign exchange differences are transferred to profit or loss. Legal reserves may not be distributed. The company Žito d.d. generated EUR 2,496 thousand net profit in 2013. Žito d.d.’s distributable profit as at 31 Dec 2013 in the amount of EUR 25,983 thousand comprises the net profit for the current financial year in the amount of EUR 2,496 thousand and retained earnings in the amount of EUR 23,487 thousand. 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 154 23.27 Provisions and non-current accrued costs and deferred revenue Provisions and non-current accrued costs and deferred revenues – Žito Group Provisions for pensions and similar liabilities Other provisions and accrued costs and revenues Total Balance as of 1 Jan 2013 3,335,886 2,518,398 5,854,284 Newly created provisions 135,939 1,806,466 1,942,405 67,834 742,492 810,326 1,766,271 0 1,766,271 1,637,721 3,582,372 5,220,093 In EUR Utilised Reversal Balance as at 31 Dec 2013 Other provisions and non-current accrued costs and deferred revenues – Žito Group In EUR 2013 2012 Government grants for co-financing capital expenditure 2,421,850 1,893,826 Government grants for waived contributions for disabled workers’ company 1,160,522 624,572 3,582,372 2,518,398 TOTAL Provisions and non-current accrued costs and deferred revenues – Žito d.d. In EUR Provisions for pensions and similar liabilities Other provisions and accrued costs and revenues Total Balance as of 1 Jan 2013 2,565,168 353,569 2,918,737 Newly created provisions 99,423 1,126,086 1,225,508 Utilised 48,557 124,462 173,019 1,426,785 0 1,426,785 1,189,248 1,355,193 2,544,441 Reversal Balance as at 31 Dec 2013 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 155 Retirement and anniversary bonus provision Anniversary bonus and retirement provisions are provided to employees in accordance with Slovenian legislation. Employees who have been employed at least five years with an employer are entitled on retirement to the payment of a retirement bonus of two average monthly salaries in the Republic of Slovenia for the previous three months, or two average monthly salaries for the previous three months if this is more beneficial to the employee, i.e. in a single amount. Employees are also entitled to anniversary bonuses for every ten years of work with their last employer, i.e. in accordance with the law or collective agreement (EUR 460 for 10 years, EUR 689 for 20 years, EUR 919 for 30 years and EUR 919 for 40 years). Žito Group and Žito d.d. acquired the first actuarial calculations of provisions for retirement and anniversary bonuses in 2013. In accordance with the new IAS 19 standard (Employee benefits), Žito eliminated actuarial profits via equity (retained profits from previous years). The Group used this standard retrospectively in the current year by considering the standard's transitional provisions. The model anticipates real growth in salaries in the company by 0.00% per year, real growth in gross salaries in the Republic of Slovenia by 0.73% per year and real growth of the three-month average of gross salaries in the Republic of Slovenia by 0.75% per year. Other actuarial assumptions considered in the formation of provisions on 31 December 2013: Mortality tables SLO 00-02 Fluctuation (basic) Inflation Interest rate movements 6.00% p.a. 3.00% p.a. ECB Euro area AAA The basic employee fluctuation is 6% per year. Fluctuation reduces by age of employees: • 6.00% for employees to 35 years, • 4.00% for employees older than 45 years, • 2.00% for employees to 55 years, • 0.50% for employees older than 55 years. Technical IR for discount factor Curve IR + 5.00% Future growth of salaries in the RS Future real growth of salaries in the company 3.76% 0.00% p.a. 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 156 Žito Group Provisions for anniversary bonuses Provisions for retirement bonus Total 670,034 2,127,960 2,797,994 Payments in 2013 66,402 23,631 90,033 Costs of regular work 24,364 55,606 79,971 Costs of interests 12,947 43,021 55,968 141,129 1,065,051 1,206,180 499,815 1,137,905 1,637,720 Provisions for anniversary bonuses Provisions for retirement bonus Total 479,846 1,624,242 2,104,088 Payments in 2013 43,651 14,557 58,208 Costs of regular work 17,709 39,529 57,238 9,312 32,873 42,185 95,268 860,786 956,055 367,947 821,301 1,189,248 Balance as of 31 Dec 2012 Actuarial profit/loss Balance as at 31 Dec 2013 Žito d.d. Balance as of 31 Dec 2012 Costs of interests Actuarial profit/loss Balance as at 31 Dec 2013 On 1 January 2013, the company requalified the calculated annual leave and excessive hours from long-term provisions to short-term accrued expenses and deferred revenues. In Žito d.d., this amount was EUR 461 thousand; in the Žito Group the amount was EUR 538 thousand. 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 157 23.28 Non-current and current financial liabilities Financial liabilities – Žito Group Long-term In EUR Current Total 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 2,158,333 8,898,333 19,954,500 18,351,263 22,112,833 27,249,596 0 0 2,488 2,488 2,488 2,488 2,158,333 8,898,333 19,956,988 18,353,751 22,115,321 27,252,084 Financial liabilities to banks Other financial liabilities Total Loan maturities – Žito Group In EUR 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Up to 1 year 19,956,988 18,353,751 1 to 2 years 740,000 7,480,000 2 to 5 years 1,418,333 1,418,333 Total 22,115,321 27,252,084 Loan currencies – Žito Group 31 Dec 2013 (denomination) Financial liabilities to banks Other financial liabilities Total Relative breakdown by currency, in % 31 Dec 2012 (denomination) Financial liabilities to banks Other financial liabilities Total Relative breakdown by currency, in % EUR Total (in EUR) 22,112,833 22,112,833 2,488 2,488 22,115,321 22,115,321 100.00 100.00 EUR Total (in EUR) 27,249,596 27,249,596 2,488 2,488 27,252,084 27,252,084 100.00 100 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 158 Financial liabilities – Žito d.d. Long-term In EUR Current Total 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 2,158,333 8,898,333 19,954,500 18,351,263 22,112,833 27,249,596 0 0 1,420,991 1,867,759 1,420,991 1,867,759 0 0 2,488 2,488 2,488 2,488 2,158,333 8,898,333 21,377,979 20,221,510 23,536,313 29,119,843 Financial liabilities to banks Financial liabilities to undertakings in the group Other financial liabilities Total Loan maturities – Žito d.d. In EUR 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Up to 1 year 21,377,979 20,221,510 1 to 2 years 740,000 7,480,000 2 to 5 years 1,418,333 1,418,333 Total 23,536,313 29,119,843 Loan currencies – Žito d.d. 31 Dec 2013 (denomination) Financial liabilities to banks Financial liabilities to undertakings in the group Other financial liabilities Total Relative breakdown by currency, in % EUR Total (in EUR) 22,112,833 22,112,833 1,420,991 1,420,991 2,488 2,488 23,536,313 23,536,313 100.00 100.00 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 159 31 Dec 2012 (denomination) Financial liabilities to banks Financial liabilities to undertakings in the group Other financial liabilities Total Relative breakdown by currency, in % The loans have been secured with blank bills of exchange and mortgages on the company's real estate. The mortgage insu- EUR Total (in EUR) 27,249,596 27,249,596 1,867,759 1,867,759 2,488 2,488 29,119,843 29,119,843 100.00 100 rance on received loans is disclosed under fixed assets (section 23.17). 23.29 Short-term operating liabilities Operating liabilities – Žito Group In EUR Current trade payables to domestic suppliers Current trade payables to foreign suppliers Short-term operating advance payables 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 10,442,986 9,698,021 3,771,765 3,464,997 73,610 719,145 Other short-term operating liabilities 3,046,612 2,872,075 Total 17,334,973 16,754,238 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Current trade payables to suppliers in the group 3,090,763 1,865,640 Current trade payables to domestic suppliers 9,277,883 8,781,294 Current trade payables to foreign suppliers 3,196,233 2,964,205 43,439 94,044 Other short-term operating liabilities 2,391,603 2,266,083 Total 17,999,921 15,971,266 Operating liabilities – Žito d.d. In EUR Short-term operating advance payables 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 160 23.30 Accrued costs and deferred revenues Accrued costs and deferred revenues – Žito Group In EUR 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 2,596,674 1,451,731 29,482 20,717 2,626,156 1,472,448 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 2,407,584 1,329,497 29,482 20,717 2,437,065 1,350,214 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Commodities reserves 4,739,872 4,381,213 Foreign fixed assets 1,221,183 1,221,183 Mortgages 8,898,333 14,100,596 Claims 3,143,983 3,143,983 TOTAL 18,003,372 22,846,975 Accrued costs Short-term deferred revenues Total Accrued costs and deferred revenues – Žito d.d. In EUR Accrued costs Short-term deferred revenues Total 23.30 Legal disputes and other potential obligations Žito Group In EUR 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 161 Žito d.d. In EUR 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Commodities reserves 4,739,872 4,381,213 Foreign fixed assets 1,221,183 1,221,183 Mortgages 8,898,333 14,100,596 Claims 3,143,983 3,143,983 TOTAL 18,003,372 22,846,975 None of the arising liabilities fulfil the conditions for recognition under balance sheet items; therefore, Žito d. d. and the Žito Group do not expect any material consequences. Claims Operational leasing Provisions for contingent claims (or short-term accruals and deferrals under this heading) are formed on the basis of an assessment of their probable occurrence and following consultation with law professionals. The maturity dates of the liabilities cannot be determined. The costs of leasing for Žito d.d. were EUR 1,390,063 in 2013, and for the Žito Group EUR 1,080,492. Planned costs for 2014 are assessed to be identical to that of 2013, assuming that the contractual values do not change. Lease contracts are concluded for indefinite periods and cover the leasing of work clothing, business spaces and fixed assets. The total amount of claims against companies in the Žito Group is EUR 2,955 thousand. The total amount of claims against Žito d.d. is EUR 2,955 thousand. The Management Board of Žito d.d., on the basis of legal opinions, has assessed that EUR 1,680 thousand in provisions for claims (shown under short-term accruals and deferrals, state as at 31 Dec 2012 – EUR 1,270 thousand) will be formed. 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 162 23.32 Related party transactions Compensation of the Management Board, Supervisory Board and employees on individual contracts In EUR 2013 2012 604,125 486,596 Total compensation of employees on individual contracts 1,934,183 1,859,438 Total compensation of members of the Supervisory Board 81,400 86,421 Total compensation of members of the Management Board Total compensation of members of the Management Board Fixed earnings Reimbursement of costs Benefits Other Awards Total Janez Bojc 167,687 2,067 0 909 25,327 195,991 Erik Žunič 112,200 163 2,863 909 19,956 136,091 Sandi Svoljšak 111,599 74 2,299 909 19,956 134,837 Rajačič Peter 112,200 532 3,610 909 19,956 137,207 Total compensation of members of the Supervisory Board Meeting fees in EUR Tomi Rumf 17,723 Adrijan Rožič 12,557 Maja Makovec Brenčič 13,530 Kneževič Milan 12,530 Zenon Marn 12,530 Suzana Šimenc 12,530 Total 81,400 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 163 Management Board equity stakes Management Board equity stakes Number of shares Ownership share Janez Bojc 8,785 2.47% Erik Žunič 4,599 1.29% Sandi Svoljšak 2,811 0.79% Peter Rajačič 1,588 0.45% The stated shares owned by Janez Bojc also include the number of Žito d.d.'s shares in Jacobo d.o.o., which is fully owned by Janez Bojc. The company did not grant loans to members of the Management Board. Žito d.d. transactions with Group entities Interest on loans to controlled companies 2013 2012 0 0 TRANSACTIONS IN THE PERIOD, IN EUR Žito Šumi d.o.o., Ljubljana 0 0 Šumi bonboni d.o.o., Ljubljana Intes Storitve d.o.o., Maribor 101,609 118,169 Šumi nepremičnine d.o.o., Ljubljana 46,310 52,868 147,919 171,037 2013 2012 14,752 25,579 94 119 Total Interest on loans from controlled companies TRANSACTIONS IN THE PERIOD, IN EUR Žito maloprodaja d.o.o., Ljubljana Žito nepremičnine d.o.o., Ljubljana Intes Storitve d.o.o., Maribor Total 3,289 3,833 18,136 29,531 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 164 Interest on current trade receivables from controlled companies 2013 2012 33,308 24,522 8,657 3,591 Total 41,965 28,113 Interest on current trade receivables due to controlled companies 2013 2012 Žito nepremičnine d.o.o., Ljubljana 24 8 Intes Storitve d.o.o., Maribor 20 260 Žito maloprodaja d.o.o., Ljubljana 2,298 1,420 Total 2,342 1,688 Revenue from the sale of products and merchandise to controlled companies 2013 2012 575,106 628,262 3,314,326 483,414 389,506 3,612,387 4,517,693 4,485,307 2013 2012 Žito maloprodaja d.o.o., Ljubljana 311,510 362,683 Intes Storitve d.o.o., Maribor 240,531 219,288 Šumi bonboni d.o.o., Ljubljana 475,824 477,361 12,000 12,000 1,039,866 1,071,331 TRANSACTIONS IN THE PERIOD, IN EUR Šumi bonboni d.o.o., Ljubljana Šumi nepremičnine d.o.o., Ljubljana TRANSACTIONS IN THE PERIOD, IN EUR TRANSACTIONS IN THE PERIOD, IN EUR Intes Storitve d.o.o., Maribor Šumi bonboni d.o.o., Ljubljana Žito maloprodaja d.o.o., Ljubljana Total Revenue for services rendered to controlled companies TRANSACTIONS IN THE PERIOD, IN EUR Šumi nepremičnine d.o.o., Ljubljana Total 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 165 Expenses for services rendered by controlled companies 2013 2012 2,782,954 2,845,333 5,250 30,720 Šumi bonboni d.o.o., Ljubljana 10,353 15,177 Šumi nepremičnine d.o.o., Ljubljana 568,293 32,000 3,366,850 2,923,230 2013 2012 901,661 599,982 293 0 5,495,374 5,770,540 6,397,328 6,370,522 2013 2012 406,974 313,611 1,917,843 1,917,843 Žito Beograd d.o.o., Beograd 100,153 100,153 Žito maloprodaja d.o.o, Ljubljana 587,232 550,794 1,660,846 2,084,731 700,434 202,507 5,373,482 5,169,639 2013 2012 1,917,843 1,917,843 TRANSACTIONS IN THE PERIOD, IN EUR Intes Storitve d.o.o., Maribor Žito maloprodaja d.o.o., Ljubljana Total Cost of products and materials sold to the controlling company TRANSACTIONS IN THE PERIOD, IN EUR Intes Storitve d.o.o., Maribor Žito maloprodaja d.o.o, Ljubljana Šumi bonboni d.o.o., Ljubljana Total Outstanding operating receivables of the controlling company BALANCE AS AT 31 DEC In EUR Intes Storitve d.o.o., Maribor LD Žito d.o.o., Zagreb Šumi nepremičnine d.o.o., Ljubljana Šumi bonboni d.o.o., Ljubljana Total Adjustments to the receivables of the controlling company BALANCE AS AT 31 DEC In EUR LD Žito d.o.o., Zagreb 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 166 Žito Beograd d.o.o., Belgrade 100,153 100,153 2,017,996 2,017,996 2013 2012 1,778,280 1,109,984 Šumi bonboni d.o.o., Ljubljana 813,676 509,846 Žito maloprodaja d.o.o, Ljubljana 371,414 239,392 123,522 3,200 3,086,892 1,862,423 2013 2012 2,279,247 2,322,562 4,360,282 4,003,591 6,639,529 6,326,154 2013 2012 1,125,290 1,570,179 290,020 290,260 8,024 9,008 1,423,333 1,869,447 2013 2012 Šumi bonboni d.o.o., Ljubljana 0 300 Total 0 300 Total Outstanding operating liabilities of the non-controlling company BALANCE AS AT 31 DEC V EUR Intes Storitve d.o.o., Maribor Šumi nepremičnine d.o.o., Ljubljana Total Loans granted by the controlling company BALANCE AS AT 31 DEC In EUR Šumi bonboni d.o.o., Ljubljana Šumi nepremičnine d.o.o., Ljubljana Total Loans received by the controlling company (including interest) BALANCE AS AT 31 DEC In EUR Žito maloprodaja d.o.o, Ljubljana Intes Storitve d.o.o., Maribor Žito nepremičnine d.o.o, Ljubljana Total Sale and transfer of fixed assets to the controlling company TRANSACTIONS IN THE PERIOD, IN EUR 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 167 23.33 Risk management policies and objectives Financial risk management policies and objectives Rapid changes in the environment mean that the system for managing financial risks has become one of the most important factors in success. The timely recognition of risks that could lead to the impairment of assets or deterioration in the financial position and market position of Žito d. d. is thus of key importance. In order to make its financial operations more efficient, in 2004 the Group began consolidating financial operations in the areas of financing, relationships with banks, insurance, and receivables management. The Žito Group constantly strives to maintain stable operations, and to reduce individual risks to an acceptable level. The primary financial instruments recognised in the financial statements of the Company and the Group comprise cash and cash equivalents, operating receivables and other receivables, trade payables and other operating liabilities, financial invest- ments, and borrowings. The basic purpose of borrowing is to acquire the requisite financial assets for the operations of the company and the Group. In line with the adopted policy, the company and the Group did not trade derivatives in the 2013 and 2012 financial years. The Group and company likewise do not use financial instruments to hedge against fluctuations in raw material prices. The most significant types of risk associated with the financial instruments of the company and the Group are interest-rate risk, liquidity risk, currency risk and credit risk. The senior management regularly reviews and approves the policies for controlling the individual types of risk described below. RISK MANAGEMENT At the company and the Group we are aware that, in order to maintain continuity of operations, a business must always have sufficient equity at its disposal, as this provides a safety cushion for unforeseen changes in the value of assets and debts. Both the company and the Group monitor changes in equity by using a financial leverage indicator calculated as the ratio of net liabilities to the sum of total liabilities and total equity. For the company and the Group, net liabilities comprise borrowings, trade payables and other liabilities, minus the amount of cash. 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 168 Žito Group In EUR 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Borrowings and loans 22,116,762 27,252,084 Trade payables and other liabilities 19,961,129 18,226,686 Minus cash and short-term deposits 5,371,367 1,318,614 Net liabilities 36,706,524 44,160,156 Equity 70,222,776 69,151,746 Equity and net liabilities 106,929,300 113,311,902 34% 39% In EUR 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 Borrowings and loans 23,536,313 29,119,843 Trade payables and other liabilities 20,436,986 17,321,479 Minus cash and short-term deposits 4,522,766 915,243 Net liabilities 39,450,532 45,526,079 Equity 73,958,279 71,506,944 Equity and net liabilities 113,408,810 117,033,023 35% 39% Financial leverage indicator Žito d.d. Financial leverage indicator Žito d.d. and the Žito Group also have the following insurance policies: • fire insurance, • theft insurance, • general liability insurance, • manufacturer liability insurance, • insurance against damage to assets and inventories, • vehicle insurance and • insurance claims. 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 169 MARKET RISK (INTEREST AND CURRENCY RISK) Interest-rate risk is the risk of an adverse impact on the performance of the company and the Group from a change in market interest rates. The interest rate structures of balance-sheet asset and liability items are not matched, as the Žito Group holds more borrowings than interest-bearing investments. In the case of borrowings, the Group’s exposure to interest-rate risk is represented by an adverse movement (rise) in the Euribor. The Group estimates that the risk of a change in interest rates for Žito d. d. is moderate. The Management Board maintains regular contact with financial institutions, and monitors developments in international financial markets, thereby monitoring the expected movement of interest rates, exchange rates and ratios. Increase/decrease in basic interest rate points 2013 2012 Euribor 50 113.989 94.661 Euribor -50 -113.989 -94.661 LIQUIDITY RISK Liquidity risk is the risk associated with a shortage of available financial resources and the consequent inability on the part of the Group to settle its liabilities by the agreed deadlines. The Group assesses its risk of inability to pay as low, thanks to its effective cash management and good access to the requisite financial resources. The Group plans for and monitors liquidity on a daily, monthly and annual basis. Among the most important measures for ensuring good liquidity are the maintenance of a sound financial structure and the prudent management of receivables and liabilities, and the creation of appropriate liquidity reserves. The Company and the Group manage liquidity risk by monitoring liquid assets and liabilities, and the cash flow from operating activities. A short-term deficit is addressed by raising short-term loans at domestic banks, while short-term surpluses are placed in bank deposits. Moreover, a large portion of client payments are relatively predictable and stable. 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 170 Maturity breakdown of the Žito Group’s financial liabilities on 31 Dec 2013 and 31 Dec 2012 based on undiscounted contractual payments On demand Up to 3 months 3 to 12 months 1 to 5 years Over 5 years Total (in EUR) Loans and borrowing 0 6,463,742 14,082,809 2,200,313 0 22,746,864 Other financial and operating liabilities 0 3,120,222 Trade payables 0 14,214,751 Total 0 23,798,715 14,082,809 2,201,753 0 40,083,277 On demand Up to 3 months 3 to 12 months 1 to 5 years Over 5 years Total (in EUR) Loans and borrowing 0 9,136,898 9,805,389 9,556,810 0 28,499,097 Other financial and operating liabilities 0 3,591,220 0 1,440 0 3,592,660 Trade payables 0 13,163,018 0 0 0 13,163,018 Total 0 25,680,337 9,427,652 8,899,773 0 45,254,775 Year 2013 Year 2012 1,440 3,121,662 14,214,751 Maturity breakdown of Žito d.d.’s liabilities on 31 Dec 2013 and 31 Dec 2012 based on undiscounted contractual payments On demand Up to 3 months 3 to 12 months 1 to 5 years Loans and borrowing 0 7,898,553 14,082,809 Other financial and operating liabilities 0 2,435,042 Trade payables 0 15,564,879 Total 0 25,898,473 14,082,809 2,201,753 1,440 42,184,475 On demand Up to 3 months 3 to 12 months 1 to 5 years Over 5 years Total (in EUR) Loans and borrowing 0 11,013,295 9,805,389 9,556,810 0 30,375,494 Other financial and operating liabilities 0 2,360,127 0 1,440 0 2,361,567 Trade payables 0 13,611,139 0 0 0 13,611,139 Total 0 26,984,561 9,805,389 9,558,250 0 46,348,200 Year 2013 Year 2012 Over 5 years Total (in EUR) 2,200,313 0 24,181,674 1,440 1,440 2,437,922 15,564,879 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 171 CREDIT RISK Credit risk relates to a default in mutual obligations by business partners, and is greatest in transactions with foreign business partners. The Group mitigates this risk by signing annual contracts with its largest customers containing elements for securing receivables, and by reducing the level of receivables using chain and monthly compensation. It also mitigates risks through regular contact with business partners, and by reviewing their credit ratings and limiting exposure to individual business partners when necessary. In the domestic market, the Group also monitors all actual trade receivables and regularly monitors their age structure, and if required, also actively negotiates regarding the settlement of matured receivables. The Group especially monitors actual receivables from SMEs, where the risk of default is higher than for major customers. In foreign markets, the markets of SE Europe in particular, the Žito Group is highly exposed to credit risk. Its receivables from customers in this export region are secured with bank guarantees, or are subject to a limit. Where possible, agreements are also reached for payment in advance. A portion of the receivables are insured. The company and the Group assess credit risk as manageable, since the receivables management procedures are well-established. Thanks to regular reviews of due receivables, the exposure of the company and the Group to credit risk is low. In relation to other financial assets, such as cash, bank deposits and available-for-sale financial assets, the exposure of the company and the Group to credit risk comes primarily from the risk of default by the other party to the contract, the maximum exposure being the book value of the financial instruments in question. 23.34 Fair value of financial instruments The majority of investments classified in the group for sale are disclosed at their original values in the financial statements, except for investments in the shares of Zavarovalnica Triglav, which are shown at their fair value; receivables and loans are shown based on their paid values. Market values are used to calculate the fair value of available-for-sale financial assets. The Group assesses that no significant differences exist between the fair values and book values of financial instruments that are not shown at their fair value. Given that the majority of receivables, liabilities and loans are short term, the fair value of these financial instruments does not differ significantly from the book value. The fair value of cash, current assets and borrowings is calculated on the basis of the discounting of expected future cash flow to market prices. 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 172 Fair value hierarchy The following hierarchy was applied when recognising and disclosing the fair value of financial instruments through a valuation technique: 3. Category: other techniques for determining fair value on the basis of assumptions with a significant impact on fair value that are directly or indirectly in line with currently observable market transactions with the same instrument. 1. Category: determination of fair value on the basis of a quoted price on an active market, 2. Category: other techniques for determining fair value on the basis of assumptions with a significant impact on fair value that are directly or indirectly in line with currently observable market transactions with the same instrument, Assets measured at fair value, in EUR Available-for-sale financial assets Equity securities 1. Category 2. Category 3. Category 31 Dec 2013 783,332 0 0 31 Dec 2012 680,262 0 0 23.35 Events following the balance sheet date No other events after the balance sheet date 31 December 2013 occurred that could have a material impact on the company's financial statements or that would require disclosure in the Notes to the financial statements. 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 173 24 AUDITOR'S REPORT 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 174 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 176 25 ADRESSES Žito, d. d., prehrambena industrija Management: Šmartinska cesta 154 1529 Ljubljana Slovenija Telephone: (01) 5876 100 Fax: (01) 5404 175 President of the Management Board: Janez Bojc telefon: (01) 5876 240 e-mail: info@zito.si Member of the Management Board responsible for marketing and logistics: Web page: www.zito.si Peter Rajačič telefon: (01) 5876 249 Member of the Management Board responsible for accounting, finance and IT: Erik Žunič telefon: (01) 5876 240 Member of the Management Board responsible for production and technical matters: Sandi Svoljšak telefon: (01) 5876 240 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 177 Directors and heads of departments: Sales (Slovenia): Finance, Accounting and Controlling: Dominik Grbec Brigita Hočevar Krejan Telephone: (01) 5876 133 Telephone: (01) 5876 195 E-mail: dominik.grbec@zito.si E-mail: brigita.hocevar@zito.si Export Sales: Information Technology: Karmen Pangos Matjaž Kurent Telephone: (01) 5876 179 Telephone: (01) 5876 119 E-mail: karmen.pangos@zito.si E-mail: matjaz.kurent@zito.si Marketing: Development: Marja Feldin Mateja Modic Telephone: (01) 5876 125 Telephone: (01) 5876 190 E-mail: marja.feldin@zito.si E-mail: mateja.modic@zito.si Procurement: Quality System: Marta Zrimšek Jelka Podbevšek Rozman Telephone: (01) 5876 180 Telephone: (01) 5876 143 E-mail: marta.zrimsek@zito.si E-mail: jelka.podbevsek@zito.si Legal and General Affairs: Logistics: Zdravko Sančanin Gregor Bižal Telephone: (01) 5876 296 Telephone: (01) 5876 104 E-mail zdravko.sancanin@zito.si E-mail gregor.bizal@zito.si 4 Annual report 2013 / Financial report / 178 Profit Centres PC Intes PC Pekarna Vrhnika PC Žito Gorenjka Meljska cesta 19 Idrijska 21 Rožna dolina 8 2000 Maribor 1360 Vrhnika 4248 Lesce Telephone: (02) 2506 953 Telephone: (01) 7558 910 Telephone: (04) 5353 200 Fax: (02) 2506 941 Fax: (01) 7553 851 Fax (04) 5353 272 PC Dolenjske pekarne PC Kruh pecivo E-mail: gorenjka@zito.si Ločna 2 Jožice Flander 2 PC Gradišče 8000 Novo mesto 2000 Maribor Gradišče pri Materiji 51 Telephone: (07) 3930 742 Telephone: (02) 4503 200 6243 Obrov Fax: (07) 3930 775 Fax: (02) 4503 203 Telephone: (05) 6890 400 Fax: (05) 6890 430 Retail Sales Šumi bonboni, d. o. o. Intes Storitve, d. o. o. Žito Maloprodaja, d. o. o. Šumi nepremičnine, d. o. o. Šmartinska 154 Jožice Flander 2 Šmartinska 154 Šmartinska 154 1000 Ljubljana 2000 Maribor 1000 Ljubljana 1000 Ljubljana Telephone: (01) 5876 100 Telephone: (01) 5876 100 Telephone: (01) 5876 100 Telephone: (01) 5876 100 Fax: (01) 5404 175 Fax: (01) 5404 175 Fax: (01) 5404 175 Fax: (01) 5404 175 E-mail: info@zito.si E-mail: info@zito.si E-mail: info@zito.si E-mail: info@zito.si