book naturewood recipe
book naturewood recipe
Worldcom Public Relations Group New Year Greetings! 2014 One of the wonderful benefits Worldcom Public Relations Group provides is exposure to the many traditions, customs and flavors shared around the globe. And while we enjoy many cultural differences, one thing that binds us all is food and breaking bread with family and friends. The approaching end of the year is a special opportunity to celebrate friends, partners, clients, staff and family. We are grateful for work done together and hopeful for an even better year ahead. To celebrate, Worldcom developed this recipe book which illustrates typical seasonal dishes from various countries, gathered from our Worldcom partners around the globe. It is an example of how our global partnership can share truly local experiences. So from our tables around the world to yours. We wish you season’s greetings and a healthy, prosperous New Year. Managing Director WOLDCOM Public Relations Group NATIONAL recipes FROM Argentina Diez Infomedia Australia Wrights PR Austria Match Group Belgium InstiCOM Bulgaria Janev & Janev Canada Donoghue & Associates Czech Republic PRAM Consulting Finland Medita Communication France Yucatan Germany HBI Germany Komm.passion Hungary Próbakő Kommunikáció Italy Business Press Italy CBO Communication by Objectives Portugal CV&A Romania Media Pozitiv Russia Ya Corporation Serbia Blumen Group Spain (Canary Islands) Commarca Spain LF Channel Sweden Oxenstierna & Partners Thailand TQPR The Netherlands Wisse Kommunikatie UK Kaizo USA (Detroit) Hermanoff Public Relations USA (Houston) Ward Creative Communications USA (Minneapolis) PadillaCRT USA (New York) PadillaCRT USA (Philadelphia) Simon PR argentina C Spending Christmas and New Year in Argentina Christmas and New Year`s festivities are significant events for most Argentineans. It's time for family and friends reunions. The nights of December 24 and 31 are dates to share quality time with our family and affections gather together around tables covered with hearty food and wine as well as conversations that may last until the last hours of the day. Those are regular postcards in those days, which often continue the day after. When talking about food, Argentina has inherited much of its traditions of its European descendants, but given the high temperatures prevailing at that time of year, the customs have migrated to colder and lighter cuisine. Yet you’ll never miss the sweet bread and nougat on the table. Ingredients: Recipe makes 7 servings 1 1/2 kg Flank steak Salt Ground pepper Chili Powder Oregano 100 g Smoked bacon 4 Eggs (2 uncooked eggs and 2 boiled eggs) Grated cheese Garlic and Parsley 10 g Unflavored gelatin 1 Red Pepper Directions: 1. Season the flank steak with salt, pepper, chili powder and oregano. Cover with bacon slices. 2. Lightly beat eggs and add grated cheese, garlic and parsley until a paste forms. 3. Spread the mixture on the flank steak, sprinkle with gelatin. Add red pepper cut into thin slices and 2 boiled eggs cut into quarters. 4. Roll up the flank steak and wrap it tightly with plastic wrap, giving several turns. Then cover in foil. Stuffed Flank 5. Cook in boiling salted water for about an hour. 6. Set aside in the same water until properly cooled and then press it slightly. 01 argentina L Navidad y Año Nuevo en Argentina Preparación: Los festejos de Navidad y año nuevo son eventos importantes para los argentinos. Es momento de reuniones familiares y con amigos. La noche del 24 de diciembre y del 31, son fechas destinadas a reunirse con la familia, compartir con nuestros afectos el fin y comienzo de un nuevo año. Mesas cubiertas de abundante comida y charlas hasta largas horas de la noche, son postales constantes en esos días, que suelen continuar el día siguiente. Si de comida hablamos, la Argentina ha heredado gran parte de sus tradiciones de sus descendientes europeos pero dadas las altas temperaturas reinantes en esa época del año, las costumbres han migrado a comidas frías y no tan pesadas. Aun así nunca faltará el pan dulce y el turrón en la mesa. 1. Condimentar el matambre bien desgrasado, con sal, pimienta, ají molido y orégano. Cubrir con fetas de panceta. Ingredientes: Rinde 7 porciones Matambre 1 y 1/2 k Sal y pimienta Ají molido Orégano Panceta ahumada 100 g Huevos crudos 2 Queso rallado Ajo y perejil Gelatina sin sabor 10 g Ají morrón 1 Huevos duros 2 2. Batir ligeramente los huevos y agregarles queso rallado, ajo y perejil hasta formar una pasta, extenderla sobre el matambre, espolvorear con la gelatina, acomodar el ají cortado en tiras finas y los huevos duros cortados en cuartos. 3. Arrollar el matambre y envolverlo muy ajustado con papel film, dándole varias vueltas. Envolverlo luego en papel metalizado. 4. Cocinar en abundante agua hirviendo con sal durante 1 hora. Dejarlo enfriar en la misma agua y luego prensarlo ligeramente. Matambre Arrollado 01 australia I Ingredients: 50g butter 3 rashers middle bacon, rind removed, finely chopped 1/2 small brown onion, finely chopped 1/2 (70g) cup chopped unsalted macadamia nuts 1 large granny smith apple, peeled, finely chopped 1 1/4 cups fresh breadcrumbs 1/4 cup chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley leaves 2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh rosemary leaves 1.5kg rolled pork loin 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 teaspoons sea salt Apple sauce, to serve Directions: Step One Melt butter in a frying pan over medium-high heat. Add bacon and onion. Cook, stirring, for 3 to 4 minutes or until onion has softened. Add macadamias. Cook, stirring, for 5 to 7 minutes or until macadamias are golden. Remove from heat. Stir in apple, breadcrumbs, parsley and rosemary. Preheat barbecue on high with hood closed. Step Two Remove string from pork. Unroll. Place on a board, skin-side down. Slice crossways through the thickest part of the meat without cutting through to skin. Open pork out to form 1 large piece. Press stuffing, in a wide row, on cut side of loin. Roll up pork to enclose stuffing. Tie with kitchen string at 3cm intervals to secure. Rub with oil. Sprinkle with salt. Place in a large, disposable foil baking dish. Step Three Cook pork, with hood down, using indirect heat (see note), for 20 minutes. Reduce barbecue temperature to medium. Cook for 1 hour 30 minutes using indirect heat or until juices run clear when a skewer is inserted into centre. Remove pork. Cover with foil. Stand for 10 minutes. Slice and serve with apple sauce. Notes To use indirect heat, turn heat burners on one half of the barbecue to desired temperature. Place baking dish on unheated side of barbecue. You could also cook pork in a 220C/200C fan-forced oven for 20 minutes, then reduce heat to 180C/160C fan-forced and cook for 1 hour 15 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes. Barbecued Stuffed Pork Loin 02 austria T The classic season-openers are our traditional Christmas markets which open their gates at the beginning of December. They are extremely popular and also attract a lot of tourists from all over the world. Especially the christmas markets in Vienna and Salzburg are very romantic and picturesque – the historic town centers of both cities are a wonderful setting for the small wooden houses of the Christmas markets where little gifts, sweets and all kind of craftwork is sold. In Austria Christmas Yule will be celebrated traditionally in the evening of the 24th of december. The center of all family activites is - in almost every house - the C hristmas tree, illuminated with enlighted candles. After a feastful dinner the presents will be exchanged and glogg and Christmas cookies will be served. The most popular cookie is the "Vanillekipferl", which must not be missed on an Austrian cookie plate. Ingredients: 280 g Flour (glatt) 200 g Butter (not too cold) 100 g Walnuts (ground) 80 g Powdered Sugar 1 Teaspoon Vanilla Sugar Powdered Sugar (for coating) Vanilla Sugar (for coating) Directions: Mix all ingredients and knead/work it into a smooth dough. Form a dough-ball, wrap it with plastic wrap and let it rest for 2 hours. Heat the oven to 170 ºC (hot-air). Split the dough into several equally sized pieces and form rolls out of the dough. Each roll should be of approximately 1,5cm diameter. Cut each roll into small dough-pieces and form a Kipferl out of each piece. Put it on a baking paper-covered baking tray and bake it for approximately 15 minutes. Mix the powdered sugar and the vanilla sugar and coat the still hot Vanillekipferl with it. Vanilla Crescent Cookies 03 austria E Eingeläutet wird jedes Jahr die Weihnachtszeit mit den traditionellen Weihnachtsmärkten, die sich ab Anfang Dezember großer Beliebtheit erfreuen und die mittlerweile jedes Jahr Touristen aus der ganzen Welt vor allem nach Wien und Salzburg locken. Denn hier verbreiten der Glanz und die Lichter der Holzhäuschen , in denen Schmuck, kleine Geschenke und Leckereien verkauft werden, vor der Kulisse der historischen Altstadt eine ganz besonders romantische Atmosphäre . Das Weihnachtsfest selbst wird in Österreich traditionell am Abend des 24. Dezember gefeiert. Beinahe in jedem Haus oder jeder Wohnung ist der Christbaum mit seinen brennenden Kerzen stimmungsvoller Mittelpunkt der Familienfeier. Nach einem festlichen Essen werden die Geschenke verteilt und dazu Punsch getrunken und Weihnachtskekse gegessen. Die beliebteste Süßigkeit ist das Vanillekipfel, das auf keinem österreichischen Keksteller fehlen darf Zutaten: 280 g Mehl (glatt) 200 g Butter (zimmerwarm) 100 g Walnüsse (geriebene) 80 g Staubzucker 1 Pkg. Vanillezucker Staubzucker (zum Bestreuen) Vanillezucker (zum Bestreuen) Zubereitung: Für die Vanillekipferl alle Zutaten mischen und rasch zu einem geschmeidigen Teig kneten. Den Teig in Klarsichtfolie einschlagen und zwei Stunden rasten lassen. Das Backrohr auf 170 ºC Heißluft vorheizen. Den Teig mit einer Teigkarte in einige gleich große Teile abtrennen und daraus Rollen zu ca. 1,5 cm Durchmesser machen. Diese Stränge wiederum in kleine Stücke teilen und daraus Kipferln formen. Auf ein mit Backpapier ausgelegtes Blech legen und ca. 15 Minuten backen. Vanillezucker und Staubzucker vermischen und auf die noch heißen Vanillekipferln streuen. Vanillekipferl 03 belgium S Stews are very popular in Belgium, especially the combination meat and beer is popular. These dishes are ideal to cook for a big group of people, for example at Christmas, very much a family occasion. In Belgium Christmas is celebrated on the 24th of December, Christmas Eve, or the 25th of December, Christmas Day. The whole family gathers and gives presents to each other. Most families put up a Christmas tree. This tree, usually an evergreen conifer, is richly decorated with traditional ornaments such as Christmas balls, tinsel and little lights. As the Christmas period gets underway, everyone leaves their presents under the tree and they are handed out on the day of the festivities. Belgium has a rich beer culture. The Belgian beer landscape is internationally known for its quality and diversity. For this dish we recommend St. Bernardus Abt 12. This dark brown abbey beer with fruity accents is ideal to use in a stew and combines lovely with the sweetness of the plums. The St. Bernardus beer is brewed according to the same recipe as the Trappist Westvleteren, several times ranked as the best beer in the world. This beer is really hard to obtain since the monks only produce as much beer as needed to finance their community. The Abt 12 itself achieved a fourth place in this ranking. Ingredients for 4 people: 4 rabbit legs 250 g dried plums 2 slices old bread mustard 3 bottles St. Bernardus Abt 12 4 onions 2 sprigs fresh thyme 2 bay leaves 2 cloves 2 table spoons brown sugar 4 table spoons flour 1 dash of vinegar butter black pepper salt Directions: Season the rabbit on both sides with salt and freshly ground black pepper and cover them with a thin layer of flour. Melt the butter in a Dutch oven or large casserole. Brown the rabbit legs on both sides and put aside on a plate. Later on the meat will cook further in the sauce. In the meantime, chop the onions. As soon as the meat has a nice crust on both sides, remove it from the casserole. In the same casserole, sauté the onions and add some brown sugar to caramelise the onions. Cut the plums in large pieces. As soon as the onions are tender, add the meat, the plums, the thyme, the bay leaves and the cloves. Pour the St. Bernardus beer over the stew. To thicken the sauce, spread some mustard on the bread on put it on top of the stew. Put the lid on and let simmer for at least one hour on low temperature until the meat is fork tender. Taste the sauce and check if the meat is completely cooked. Add a little bit of vinegar to add some depth to the sauce. Add freshly ground black pepper and salt to taste. Belgians love “kroketjes”, these are small potato croquettes that can be compared with tater tots. To give this dish a festive touch, it is traditionally served with fresh croquettes or something similar such as Duchess potatoes. Rabbit with plums and a sauce with St. Bernardus beer 04 belgium S Stoofpotjes zijn erg populair in België, met name de combinatie vlees en bier doet het erg goed. Deze gerechten zijn ideaal om klaar te maken voor een groot gezelschap bijvoorbeeld met Kerstmis, het familiefeest bij uitstek. In België wordt Kerst gevierd op 24 december, kerstavond of op 25 december, kerstdag. De hele familie komt dan samen en er worden cadeautjes uitgedeeld. De meeste gezinnen zetten tijdens de deze periode een Kerstboom. Deze boom, meestal een spar, wordt rijkelijk versierd met kerstballen, slingers en lichtjes. In aanloop naar Kerstmis krijgen alle cadeautjes krijgen een plaatsje onder de boom en worden op de dag van het feest uitgedeeld. België heeft een rijke biercultuur. Het Belgische bierlandschap staat internationaal bekend om haar kwaliteit en diversiteit. Voor dit gerecht gebruiken we de St. Bernardus Abt 12. Dit donkerbruin abdijbier met fruitige toetsen is ideaal om te gebruiken in een stoofpot en combineert mooi met de zoete pruimen. Het St. Bernardusbier maakt gebruik van dezelfde receptuur als de Belgische trappist Westvleteren, meermaals verkozen tot beste bier ter wereld. De Abt 12 prijkte zelf al op de vierde plaats in deze rangschikking. Ingrediënten voor 4 personen: 4 konijnenbouten 250 g gedroogde pruimen, ontpit 2 sneetjes oud brood pittige mosterd 3 flesjes Sint-Bernardus Abt 12 4 uien 2 takjes tijm 2 blaadjes laurier 2 kruidnagels 2 eetlepels bruine suiker 4 eetlepels bloem 1 scheutje natuurazijn boter zwarte peper zout Bereiding: Kruid de stukken konijn langs beide kanten met zwarte peper van de molen en zout. Haal het vlees vervolgens door de bloem en schud de overtollige bloem er van af. Smelt een klont boter in een ruime stoofpot. Leg de stukken konijn in de pot en kleur ze aan in de boter. Het is de bedoeling om het vlees enkel even aan te korsten. Later zal het verder garen in de saus. Snipper ondertussen de uien fijn. Haal het vlees uit de pot zodra het aan beide zijden een goudbruin korstje heeft. Bak nu de uien aan in het aanbaksel van het vlees tot ze lichtbruin zijn. Voeg er dan de bruine suiker aan toe, zodat de uien wat karamelliseren. Snij de gedroogde pruimen in grove stukken. Zodra de uien goudbruin zijn, mag het vlees weer in de pot, samen met de pruimen, de tijm, de laurier en de kruidnagel. Overgiet vervolgens de stoofschotel met het Sint Bernardusbier. Om de saus te binden smeer je een beetje pittige mosterd op het brood. Leg de boterham boven op de saus met de mosterd naar onderen. Zet het deksel op de pot en laat minstens een uur sudderen op een laag vuur tot het vlees zacht is. Proef de saus en controleer of het vlees helemaal gaar is. Voeg een scheutje natuurazijn toe, dat geeft het gerecht wat meer diepte. Naar smaak kan je eventueel nog wat zwarte peper van de molen en zout toevoegen. Belgen zijn gek op aardappelkroketjes, die geven gerechten een feestelijke touch. Dit gerecht wordt dan ook traditioneel geserveerd met verse kroketjes of aanverwanten zoals pommes duchesses. Konijn met pruimen en saus van St. Bernardusbier 04 belgium L Les ragoûts sont très populaires en Belgique, et la combinaison de la viande et de la bière est particulièrement appréciée. Ces plats sont idéaux à préparer pour de grandes tablées, comme lors de Noël, la fête de famille par excellence. En Belgique, Noël est célébré le 24 décembre, la veille de Noël ou le 25 décembre, le jour même. Toute la famille se réunit et s’offre des cadeaux. Durant cette période, la plupart des familles décorent leur intérieur avec un arbre de Noël. Il s’agit généralement d’un sapin, qu’elles ornent généreusement de boules, de guirlandes et de lumières. A la veille de Noël, tous les cadeaux trouvent une place au pied du sapin et sont distribués lors du jour de fête. La Belgique se caractérise par une forte culture de la bière. Le paysage trappiste belge est mondialement connu pour sa qualité et sa diversité. Pour réaliser ce plat, la bière St Bernardus Abt 12 est idéale. Cette bière brune d’abbaye aux notes fruitées se marie parfaitement aux pruneaux doux. La bière St Bernardus utilise la même méthode de brassage que la trappiste belge Westvleteren, élue meilleure bière au monde à maintes reprises. La bière Abt 12 se place d’ailleurs à la quatrième position de ce classement. Temps de préparation: 120 minutes Ingrédients pour 4 personnes: Le lapin aux pruneaux : 4 cuisses de lapins 250g de pruneaux secs (éventuellement dénoyautés) 2 petites tranches de pain Moutarde piquante 3 bouteilles de bières (p.e. bière spéciale ou bière brune) 4 oignons 2 brins de thym 2 feuilles de laurier 2 clous de girofle 2 cuillères à soupe de sucre brun 4 cuillères à soupe de farine 1 filet de vinaigre nature Beurre Poivre Sel Préparation: Epicer les morceaux de lapins des deux côtés avec le moulin à poivre et un peu de sel, et les rouler ensuite dans la farine. Retirer l’excédent de farine en tapotant la viande. Faire chauffer une noix de beurre dans une grande casserole à feu moyen. Mettre les morceaux de lapin dans la casserole et les dorer dans le beurre. La viande doit simplement être saisie. Elle continuera sa cuisson dans la sauce ultérieurement. Peler les oignons et les couper en petits morceaux. Retirer la viande de la casserole une fois les deux côtés bien dorés. Faire revenir les oignons dans le jus de cuisson de la viande jusqu’à ce qu’ils brunissent. Ensuite, ajouter la cassonade et caraméliser les oignons. Couper grossièrement les pruneaux en morceaux. Une fois que les oignons sont biens dorés, mettre à nouveau la viande dans la casserole, avec les pruneaux, le thym, le laurier et les clous de girofle. Arroser le plat avec la bière St Bernardus. Pour lier la sauce, étaler un peu de moutarde sur le pain. Déposer la tranche sur le lapin (face imbibée sur la viande) et mettre le couvercle sur la casserole. Laisser mijoter le plat au moins une heure à feu doux. Goûter la sauce et contrôler la cuisson de la viande. Pour donner un peu plus de saveur supplémentaire, verser un filet de vinaigre dans la casserole. Selon le goût, assaisonner avec le moulin à poivre et le sel. Les Belges adorent les croquettes, qui donnent une note festive au plat. Ce plat est donc traditionnellement servi avec des croquettes ou des pommes duchesses. Lapin aux pruneaux à la sauce trappiste St.Bernardus 04 bulgaria I Ingredients for dough: 120g soft butter 1 egg 1 tsp sprig of fresh thyme 1/4 tsp salt 1/4 tsp baking powder 250 g flour way, but the vegetables are dried and made hard. Stir all ingredients for the filling in a bowl, without cheese. Add the cheese at the end. Ingredients for the filling: Brush lightly with oil pan pie. Roll out dough on a baking sheet lightly sprinkled with flour. The diameter of the circle should be slightly larger than the shape in order to shape the edge. Transfer the dough inside with the help of the paper, remove it and pierce with a fork. 250 g of cottage cheese from goat milk 250g sour cream 2 eggs 150g crumbled goat cheese salt to taste 1 tablespoon fresh oregano leaves Pour the filling over the dough. Arrange vegetable strips facing them alternate and overlap. Start from the end to the middle. You'll get great color spiral. Vegetables: Cheesecake serve slightly warm with a glass of cold white wine. Cheers! marrow carrot eggplant Directions: Mix the butter with the egg. Add the thyme. Sift flour with baking powder and salt. Pour it in the oil and quickly knead soft dough. If dough is sticky add a little more flour. Wrap it in foil and store in the refrigerator while you prepare the cheesecake. Cut the vegetables into thin long strips without them white. The easiest way to do this with a vegetable peeler or grater cutting chips. Blanch them for 1-2 minutes in boiling salted water and cool them immediately in a bowl of ice water. This will remain them raw, will maintain their freshness, but slightly plastic. You can leave them totally raw, but do not recommend it. Tried and in this Salty cheese cake Brush vegetables with a little olive oil and bake the dish in a preheated 180 * oven for about 40 minutes. 05 bulgaria П Продукти за тестото 120 г меко масло 1 яйце 1 с.л. листенца от прясна мащерка 1/4 ч.л. сол 1/4 ч.л. бакпулвер 250 г брашно Продукти за пълнежа 250 г извара от козе мляко 250 г заквасена сметана 2 яйца 150 г натрошено козе сирене сол на вкус 1 с.л. листенца пресен риган Зеленчуци тиквичка морков патладжан Приготвяне Разбъркайте маслото с яйцето на крем. Прибавете мащерката. Пресейте брашното с бакпулвера и солта. Сипете го в маслото и бързо омесете меко тесто. Ако тестото лепне добавете още малко брашно. Завийте го във фолио и го приберете в хладилника докато подготвите останалите неща за чийз кейка. Нарежете зеленчуците на тънки и дълги ленти без да ги белите. Най-лесно ще направите това с белачка за зеленчуци или с ренде за рязане на чипс. Бланширайте ги за 1-2 минути в кипяща подсолена вода и веднага ги охладете в купа с ледена вода. Така ще останат сурови, ще запазят свежестта си, но ще са леко пластични. Може да ги оставите напълно сурови, но не го препоръчвам. Опитах и по този начин, но зеленчуците се изсушават и стават твърди. В купа разбъркайте всички продукти за пълнежа без сиренето, което прибавете накрая. Намажете леко с масло тавичка за пай. Разточете тестото върху хартия за печене, леко поръсена с брашно. Диаметърът на кръга трябва да е малко по-голям от формата за да може да оформите ръб. Пренесете тестото вътре с помощтта на хартията, отстранете я и го надупчете с вилица. Солен чийз кейк Върху тестото излейте пълнежа. Наредете зеленчуковите ленти изправени като ги редувате и застъпвате. Започнете от края към средата. Ще получите чудесна цветна спирала. Намажете зеленчуците с малко зехтин и изпечете ястието в загрята на 180* фурна за около 40 минути. Сервирайте чийз кейка леко топъл с чаша студено бяло вино. Наздраве! 05 canada A A Christmas Day on some parts of Vancouver Island, British Columbia could include paddling a canoe in the morning and cross-country skiing in the afternoon. It starts with a hearty breakfast of crunchy granola. A half-cup of Salish Sea Special Granola with yogurt and fruit for breakfast makes a quick and nourishing beginning to that winter day or at any time of the year. The granola is organic and full of healthy nuts, seeds and fruits in a base of oats. Use your favourite nuts, seeds and dried fruit, or the ingredients that are available to you. Follow the recipe as a guide to proportions. Ingredients for a month's supply: 8 - 10 cups slow cooking organic oatmeal flakes (ours come from the Prairies) 5 cups of various nuts and seeds, organic if possible. Examples of nuts are: cashew nuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, pecans, almonds. Seeds could be raw pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds. Try a half cup of ground flax or hemp seeds to add to the nutrition. 2 cups dried fruits. We use Cowichan Valley cranberries, Lulu Island blueberries and raisins or chopped dates. 1/2 - 1 cup oil. We use canola, coconut oil or olive oil. Each of these are full of Omega 3 fatty acids. 1/2 cup lavender honey, or syrup. We use maple syrup. For sweeter granola, add more. 1 cup applesauce. Ours comes from the Okanagan Valley. 1 teaspoon vanilla Directions: Heat oil, sweetener, applesauce, and vanilla until mixture is on the point of boiling. Stir in the oatmeal, nuts and seeds and mix well. Spread the mixture on parchment covered cookie sheets Roast slowly in 250° to 300° Farenheit oven, mixing every 15 minutes until the mixture is golden brown (about half an hour). Cool. Once cool, add dried fruits and mix well. Store in an airtight container. It does not need to be refrigerated. Salish Sea Special Granola is also a creative and delicious Christmas present for active friends and relatives. This crunchy granola comes from Qualicum Beach, BC....a quaint little town on the coast of the Salish Sea. (The inland marine waters of British Columbia, contained by Vancouver Island and the Olympic Peninsula, were officially named the Salish Sea in 2010. ) It's a bit of an inside joke...but some Canadians who live in the rest of the country call British Columbians "the crunchy granola crowd" because they wear natural fabrics, eat organic food and are always talking about the environment. Salish Sea Special Granola a breakfast treat from the West Coast of Canada 06 C Czech Christmas Dinner Customs Czech Christmas dinner (December 24) is connected with a great number of different customs, rules and superstitions. Very few of them are still observed today, and for good reason. It must have been quite a challenge to put the dinner together and go through with it without a mistake if all the customs were to be followed! Here are three most common ones: The Cutting of the Apple – Foretelling the Future After Christmas dinner, every person present at the table cuts an apple in half (crosswise, from the stem down). Both halves are shown to everyone around the table. If the core is shaped as a star, it means that everyone will get together next year in happiness and health. A four-pointed cross is a bad omen and means that someone at the table will fall ill or die within a year. The Throwing of the Shoe – Foretelling Marriage An unmarried girl is supposed to throw a shoe over her shoulder and towards the door. If the shoe lands with the toe pointing towards the door, the girl will marry within a year. Fish Scales – Money and Wealth Fish scales should be placed under Christmas dinner plates or under the tablecloth to bring wealth to the house. Carrying a fish scale in a wallet all year will ensure that money will not run out. czech republic Č České vánoční zvyky Před štědrovečerní večeří se hlavně v minulosti udržovalo mnoho různých zvyků. Mnohé z nich už české rodiny dávno zapomněli a není ani divu – zapamatovat si tolik tradic a jejich významů není vůbec jednoduché. Na ukázku uvádíme tři nejběžnější, které přetrvaly dodnes: Věštění budoucnosti z rozkrojených jablek Po štědrovečerní večeři si každý rozkrojí jablko napůl (ve směru od stopky dolů). Objeví-li se uprostřed hvězdička, dotyčný bude v příštím roce šťastný, naopak křížek znamená nemoc či smrt. Házení pantoflem – naděje pro svobodné dívky Svobodné a nezadané dívky nezapomínají házet na Štědrý večer pantoflem. Postaví se zády ke dveřím, vezmou pantofel či jinou obuv a hodí ji za sebe. Pokud špička boty míří ke dveřím, příští rok se vdají a odejdou z domu, pokud ne, zůstanou další rok „na ocet“. Rybí šupiny zajistí bohatství Šupiny z vánoční ryby umístěné při štědrovečerní večeři pod ubrousky zajistí bohatství v domě. Pokud je navíc budete po celý následující rok nosit v peněžence, peníze se vás budou držet. 07 C czech republic Typical Czech Christmas Dinner Christmas Dinner is served after sunset on Christmas Eve (traditionally, it should not be served until after the first star has come out) and consists of carp and potato salad, sometimes preceded by mushroom, sauerkraut or fish soup. Christmas carp can supposedly be prepared a hundred different ways but the most favourite is definitely the fried one. Christmas carp is specially raised in manmade ponds and then sold from large tubs placed on the streets and town squares a few days before Christmas. You will not see this sight at any other time of the year. Some families keep their carp in the bathtub for several days as a temporary pet for their children. Dinner can be finished with dessert, such as apple strudel. A traditional Christmas bread called vánočka (similar to the Jewish challa) used to be a part of the Christmas dinner in the past but today it has largely lost its Christmas connotation and is available year-round. How to prepare fried carp with potato salad? Preparation time: 30 min Cooking time: 90 min Number of portions: 4 Ingredients for the carp: 4 pieces of carp weighing around 150 g each fine flour 2 eggs 2 tablespoons milk fat for frying breadcrumbs lemon, salt Ingredients for the potato salad: 1 kg potatoes 1/4 kg carrot 1/4 kg celery tin of peas of 200 g of frozen peas 150 g gherkins 4 – 6 spoons of mayonnaise vinegar, pepper, salt Directions: Sprinkle the carp with salt, dust in flour, then coat with whisked egg and milk mixture and breadcrumbs. Fry in fat on both sides until golden brown. Each helping should be served with a piece of lemon, potatoes or potato salad. Potato salad: Boil the unpeeled potatoes in salted water for around 15–20 minutes (according to the size of the potatoes) until soft. Leave to cool for a while, then peel and cut into cubes measuring roughly 1×1 cm. Peel the carrot and celery then boil in water with a pinch of salt and a dash of vinegar for around 10–15 minutes until soft, but not too soft. Leave to cool for a while then cut into very small pieces. Dice up the gherkins in a similar way – keep the brine they come in to finish off the salad. Defrost the peas (if using tinned, pour off the brine). Carefully mix together all the above ingredients, gradually adding mayonnaise and little of the brine from the gherkins. Season to taste. Fried Carp with Potato Salad 07 Š czech republic Typická česká štědrovečerní večeře Štědrovečerní večeře se v českých rodinách začíná podávat po západu slunce (podle tradice by neměla být servírována před východem první hvězdy). Tradiční menu tvoří kapr s bramborovým salátem, kterému může předcházet houbová, zelná nebo rybí polévka. Vánočního kapr se připravuje na různé způsoby, nejčastěji se ale setkáme se smaženým. Kapři pro vánoční účely se v České republice pěstují v umělých rybnících a před Vánocemi si je můžete koupit přímo na ulici, kde jsou umístěni ve velkých kádích. Některé rodiny si kupují kapra živého a ponechávají jej až do Vánoc ve vaně, z čehož mají radost hlavně děti. Typická štědrovečerní večeře bývá zakončena dezertem – může to být jablečný štrúdl, v minulosti bývala oblíbenější variantou vánočka (podobná židovskému pečivu chala), která už je ale dnes už dostupná celoročně. Jak připravíme smaženého kapra s bramborovým salátem? oba přípravy: 30 min Doba vaření: 90 min Počet porcí: 4 Ingredience na smaženého kapra: 4 kousky kapra po 150 g hladká mouka 2 vejce 2 lžíce mléka tuk na smažení citron strouhanka sůl Ingredience pro přípravu bramborového salátu: 1 kg brambor 1/4 kg mrkve 1/4 kg celeru plechovka hrášku nebo 200 g mraženého hrášku 150 g kyselých okurek 4 – 6 lžiček majonézy ocet, pepř, sůl Postup: Kousky kapra osolíme, obalíme v mouce, pak ve směsi z rozšlehaného vejce a mléka a nakonec ve strouhance. Obalené kousky kapra osmažíme na pánvi po obou stranách dozlatova. Každá porce se podává s kouskem citronu a bramborovým salátem. Bramborový salát: Brambory ve slupce vaříme doměkka v osolené vodě asi 15 - 20 minut (podle velikosti brambor). Po uvaření je necháme chvíli vychladnout, oloupeme je a nakrájíme na kostičky velké zhruba 1 × 1 cm. Oloupeme mrkev a celer a vaříme je ve vodě se špetkou soli a trochou octa asi 10-15 minut doměkka. Zeleninu necháme vychladnout, nakrájíme na kostičky a přidáme i nakrájené kyselé okurky. Všechny ingredience pečlivě zamícháme a nakonec přidáme kyselý nálev od okurek, majonézu a dochutíme pepřem a solí. smažený kapr s bramborovým salátem 07 finland T Traditional Karelian Pasties, or Karelian Pies, are often made from a thin rye crust, filled with rice porridge or mashed potatoes. Warm pasties are delicious with Egg butter spread (munavoi). Like Greek Feta cheese, Karelian pasties have Traditional Speciality Guaranteed (TSG) status in Europe. This recipe gives you 35–40 pasties. Ingredients: Rice filling 3 dl short grain (porridge) rice 5 dl water 50 grams butter 1 liter milk 2 tps salt Start with the rice filling or use leftover rice porridge. Boil the water in the saucepan. Add the rice and cook until the water is absorbed. Heat the milk and add it slowly to porridge. Stir frequently with (a wooden) spoon until the mixture is boiling, Reduce the heat to minimum, cover the kettle with a lid. Simmer at a low heat 40 minutes stirring all the time until cooked to a velvety, white porridge, which can be spread on pie disks. Add the butter and salt. Set aside to cool while you make the rye crusts: Dough 2,5 dl water 2 tps salt 1 dl white flour 4-5 dl rye flour 25 g butter (On hot pasties: 1 dl milk 0,5 dl melt butter) Stir the flours and the salt into water. Add the butter. Knead to a non-sticky dough. Form a bar on a well-floured baking board and cut it into 35-40 pieces. Roll pieces into small balls and then flatten them. Cover with plastic wrap to prevent drying. Sprinkle more rye flour onto the baking board . Use rolling pin to roll each piece to a very thin (1 mm) round disks, 10-15 cm in diameter - or use pasta machine to do this. Sprinkle some rye flour between the disks and cover the pile with plastic wrap. Spread with a knife a thin layer (1-2 tablespoon) rice porridge on center of each pie disk. Leave approximately 1 cm from the edges. Pinch with thumbs and forefingers to fold the edges of the crusts up to make an oval ridge. Start from center upwards, turn the disk and do the rest. Leave the center open (see picture). Place the pasties onto a baking tray. Bake for 15 minutes at 275 – 300 Celsius, until golden brown. Brush the hot pasties with melted butter and milk mixture. Cover the Carelian pasties with a kitchen towel to soften. Serve hot with egg butter. Egg butter 8 eggs 150 gr soft butter ½-1 tsp salt 1 tsp finely chopped or dry chives (optional) Boil eggs for 10 minutes. Cool them in cold water. Chop the eggs finely in a mixing bowl with fork. Add soft butter, the salt and optionally the finely chopped chives. Spread on hot Carelian pasties and enjoy. Karelian Pasties with Egg butter 08 finland P Perinteinen karjalanpiirakka leivotaan ohueen ruiskuoreen, täytteenä useimmiten riisiä tai perunaa. Karjalanpiirakalla on EU:n nimisuoja kuten esimerkiksi kreikkalaisella Feta-juustolla. Oheisesta ohjeesta syntyy piirakoita noin 35-40. Riisipuuro: Rice filling 3 dl puuroriisiä 5 dl vettä muutama nokare voita 1 litra maitoa 1,5 tl suolaa Täytteenä voidaan käyttää myös tähteeksi jäänyttä riisipuuroa. Lisää kiehuvaan veteen riisi ja keitä kunnes vesi on imeytynyt. Lisää puuroon pikku hiljaa kuumennettu maito, kiehauta koko ajan hämmentäen. Hauduta kannen alla miedolla lämmöllä noin 40 minuuttia. Sekoita välillä, ettei puuro pala pohjaan. Kypsä puuro on samettimaista, sopivan kiinteää piirakan täytteeksi. Lisää lopuksi suola ja voi. Jäähdytä. Taikina 2,5 dl vettä 2 tl suolaa 1 dl vehnäjauhoja 4-5 dl ruisjauhoja 25 g voita Päälle 0,5 dl maitoa 0,5 dl voisulaa Sekoita veteen suola ja jauhot. Lisää joukkoon voi ja alusta leivinpöydällä napakaksi taikinaksi. Sirottele leivinpöydälle ruisjauhoja, leivo taikina tangoksi ja leikkaa 35-40 osaan. Taputtele pyöreiksi kakkaroiksi. Lado kakkarat kulhoon ja peitä tuorekelmulla. Sirottele leivinpöydälle ruisjauhoja ja kauli kakkarat piirakkapulikalla ohuiksi (noin 1 mm) pyöreiksi kuoriksi, tai käytä pastakonetta. Halkaisija noin 10-15 cm. Sirottele kuorten väliin ruisjauhoja, pinoa kulhoon ja peitä tuorekelmulla. Levitä osa kuorista pöydälle, lisää jokaisen pohjan keskelle 1,5-2 ruokalusikallista jäähtynyttä puuroa. Levitä täyte veitsellä noin 1 cm päähän reunoista. Rypytä piirakka etusormien ja peukaloiden avulla: aloita keskeltä ja etene yläosaan, käännä piirakka toisin päin ja rypytä toinen puoli. Paista piirakat uunin keskitasossa 275-300 asteessa noin 15 minuuttia. Voitele kuumat piirakat lopuksi maito-voiseoksella. Peitä hetkeksi leivinliinalla. Tarjoile kuumina munavoin kera. Munavoi 8 munaa 150 g pehmeää voita 0,5-1 tl suolaa (1 tl hienoksi hakattua rakuunaa) Keitä munia 10 minuuttia. Jäähdytä kylmässä vedessä. Hienonna munat haarukalla. Lisää joukkoon pehmeä voi. Mausta suolalla ja halutessasi rakuunalla. Karjalanpiirakat ja munavoi 08 france I Ingredients (for 6 people): 400g of stale bread 1/2l of milk 2 eggs 150g of sugar 25g of butter (more or less) Vanilla sugar Rum (optional) Ingrédients (pour 6 personnes): 400g de pain rassis 1/2l de lait 2 œufs 150 g de sucre 25g de beurre (environ) Sucre vanillé Rhum (facultatif) Directions: Beat the milk with sugar and the 2 eggs. Add eventually a tablespoon of rum. Soak the 2 sides of each slice of bread in the mix. Melt the butter in a skillet (not too brown). Fry the slices of bread 1 or 2 minutes by side. Arrange on a plate and sprinkle the 2 sides with vanilla sugar. Préparation: Battre le lait sucré avec les œufs. Rajouter éventuellement une cuiller à soupe de rhum. Tremper chaque tartine dans le mélange des 2 côtés. Faire fondre le beurre dans la poêle (il ne doit pas être trop brun), faire dorer les tartines => les laisser cuire environ 1 à 2 minutes de chaque côté. Mettre sur un plat et sucrer des 2 côtés avec le sucre vanillé. Pain Perdu 09 Germany I Ingredients (for 4 servings): Zutaten (für 4 Portionen): Contains alcohol Preparation: 40 minutes Enthält Alkohol Zubereitungszeit: 40 Minuten For the zabaglione sauce: ½ bio lemon 2 eggs 100g sugar 250ml white wine (or apple juice) 1 tbsp starch 1 glass of white wine from yesterday Für die Weinschaumsoße: ½ Bio-Zitrone 2 Eier 100 Gramm Zucker 250 Milliliter Weißwein (oder Apfelsaft) 1 EL Speisestärke 1 Glas Weißwein vom Vortag For the Poor Knights: ½ package old white bread (about 300g) 2 eggs 200ml milk 2 packs vanilla sugar clarified butter (to roast) Für die Armen Ritter: ½ altes Kastenweißbrot (etwa 300 g) 2 Eier 200 Milliliter Milch 2 Päckchen Vanillezucker Butterschmalz (zum Braten) Poor Knights with zabaglione sauce Directions: Zubereitung: For the zabaglione: Rinse the lemon with hot water, dry it and chip the skin finely. Then squeeze the juice out of the lemon. Mix some chipped lemon skin, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and all the other ingredients in a mixing bowl. Whip the sauce at low heat until it is thick. Do not boil the sauce otherwise it will clot. Für die Weinschaumsoße: Spülen Sie die Zitrone heiß ab, tupfen Sie sie trocken und reiben Sie die Schale fein ab. Anschließend den Saft auspressen. Nun verrühren Sie etwas Zitronenschale, 2 TL Zitronensaft und die übrigen Zutaten in einem hohen Topf. Schlagen Sie dann die Soße bei kleiner Hitze so lange weiter bis die Soße dicklich wird. Die Soße sollte nicht kochen, sonst gerinnt sie. For the Poor Knights: Cut the white bread in thumb's width slices. After that whisk eggs, milk and vanilla sugar with a fork in a soup plate. Dip the whole slices in the mixture, let them drip shortly on paper towel and fry both sides in a pan with clarified butter until they become golden yellow. Let them drain on again on paper towel. Finally cut them diagonally and serve them hot with the zabaglione sauce. Für die Armen Ritter: Schneiden Sie das Weißbrot in 6 daumendicke Scheiben schneiden. Verquirlen Sie anschließend die Eier, die Milch und den Vanillezucker in einem tiefen Teller mit einer Gabel. Dann die Brotscheiben vollständig darin eintauchen, kurz abtropfen lassen und in einer Pfanne im heißen Butterschmalz von beiden Seiten goldgelb braten. Lassen Sie die Scheiben dann auf Küchenpapier erneut kurz abtropfen. Zum Schluss die Armen Ritter diagonal durchschneiden und noch heiß zusammen mit der Weinschaumsoße servieren. Arme Ritter mit Weinschaumsoße 10 Germany I German Holiday Traditions In Germany Christmas traditions vary by region. On Saint Nicholas' Day, the 6th of December, Saint Nicholas puts goodies in children's shoes. Sometimes St. Nicholas and his servant “Knecht Ruprecht” visit children in kindergarten, schools or at public events. They have to recite a short poem or sing a song in order to get sweets or a small gift. Before receiving, St. Nicholas looks up every child’s name in his great and wise book in order to clarify, whether the respective child has been kind and nice over the past year or not. Nice and kind children receive a gift, those who haven't behaved during the year get punished by Knecht Ruprecht. Usually he doesn't have much to do. He merely stands near St. Nicholas as a warning to be good and polite. This festival is for the most part a children's festival. In Germany the gift-giving on Christmas usually takes place on Christmas Eve. They are brought either by the “Weihnachtsmann”, a figure either resembling St. Nicholas or the American Santa Claus, or by the “Christkind”, a sprite-like child. After the gifts are opened the children often stay up as late as they like, often till the early hours of the morning. In most regions the Christmas Tree is first put up and decorated on the morning of the 24th. The gifts are then placed under the tree. Usually after Christmas Vespers in the church and an evening meal the father goes into the living room where the tree is standing, lights the candles and rings a little bell. Then the children are allowed to go into the candlelit room. The culinary feast either takes place at supper on Christmas Eve or on the first day of Christmas. Traditions vary from region to region and family to family – while some eat large meals with loads of different foods and dishes some others prefer simple and smaller meals. So you can visit one family and eat carp, roast or goose and then visit another and find cold potato salad combined with wiener-sausages. While Christmas Eve in most families is a rather private holiday with the core family coming together, Christmas Day and Boxing Day often involve the extended family circle. To celebrate New Year's Eve, usually there are parties. Germans toast the New Year with a glass of Sekt (German sparkling wine) or champagne. Afterwards everyone goes out to the street to light fireworks and congratulate neighbors. Another German custom is “Bleigießen” (pouring lead), which involves telling fortunes by the shapes made by molten lead dropped into cold water. A funny fact about the German New Year’s Eve is a part of television. Sind the early 70s several German television stations broadcast a short comedy play in English (recorded by West German television) entitled Dinner for One, which is usually not translated, synchronized or dubbed like the rest of the TV program. The sketch presents the 90th birthday of elderly upper-class Englishwoman Miss Sophie, who hosts a celebration dinner every year for her friends Mr Pommeroy, Mr Winterbottom, Sir Toby, and Admiral von Schneider. The problem is that due to Miss Sophie's considerable age, she has outlived all of her friends, and so her equally aged manservant James makes his way around the table, impersonating each of the guests in turn. Miss Sophie decides on appropriate drinks to accompany the menu – from sherry over wine to champagne and port served by James, who finds himself raising and emptying his glass four times per course. That takes its toll, increasingly noticeable in James's growing difficulty in pouring the drinks, telling wine glasses from vases of flowers, and refraining from bursting into song. Even before the alcohol begins to exert its influence, he keeps tripping up on the head of a tiger skin lying on the floor between the dinner table and the buffet, although on one occasion he surprises himself by avoiding it. Up to half of the population of Germany is likely to watch this sketch on a New Year’s Eve. 11 Germany I Ingredients for 4 dishes 500g potatoes 2 tablespoonful of butter (appr. 25g) 3 shallots 450g corned beef or salt meat 4 eggs 2 beetroots (pre-cooked) with juice 4 pickled cucumbers 4 fish (pickled herring, rollmop) salt pepper nutmeg Directions: Zutaten für 4 Personen 500g Kartoffeln 2 Esslöffel Butter (ca. 25g) 3 Schalotten 450g Corned Beef oder Pökelfleisch 4 Eier 2 Rote Bete (vorgekocht) mit Saft 4 saure Gurken 4 Fische (saurer Hering, Rollmops) Salz Pfeffer Muskatnuss (Arbeitszeit: ca. 45 Minuten) Kartoffeln waschen, schälen und in Salzwasser kochen. Später Wasser abgießen, etwas ausdampfen lassen, Butter zufügen, mit Salz und Muskat würzen und stampfen. In the meantime peel the shallots and cut them to cubes. Roast them gently in a pan. Add corned beef or salt meat and shred it carefully during the roasting. Afterwards add mashed potatoes and mix both roughly. Use cucumber and beetroot juice as well as salt and pepper to season to taste. In der Zwischenzeit die Schalotten pellen und in Würfel schneiden. Diese in einer Pfanne anbraten. Pökelfleisch oder Corned Beef zufügen und mit angehen lassen. Das Fleisch dabei vorsichtig zerkleinern, anschließend die gestampften Kartoffeln zufügen und grob vermengen. Mit etwas Gurken- und Rote Bete-Saft, Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken. Arrangement: First give the potatoe-meet-mass into a ring to create some sort of podium. Place the fried egg on it. Arrange cucumber slices, beetroot cubes and pickled herring next to it. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Enjoy your meal. Labskaus Zubereitung: (Working time: appr. 45 minutes) Wash potatoes, peel them and let them boil in salt-water. Decant water later, let potatoes cool off a bit, add butter, season to taste with salt and nutmeg and mash all together. Now fry eggs in a large pan, cut beetroots and cucumbers diagonally. Lobscouse Nun Eier in einer großen Pfanne braten, Rote Bete in Würfel und Gurke in Scheiben schneiden. Anrichten: Zuerst die Kartoffel-Fleisch-Masse in einen Ring geben, damit man ein eine Art Podest schafft. Darauf Spiegelei geben ausgestochen wurde. Gurkenscheiben, Rote Bete-Würfel und Rollmops. Mit Pfeffer würzen. Guten Appetit! 11 hungary I Christmas traditions in Hungary Directions: In Hungary children awaits Santa Claus on the morning of December 6th. They place their boots on the windowsill and Santa Claus hides sweets in them during the night. December 13th, the name day of Luca has several folk traditions. In Hungary, we celebrate name days not only birthdays. On the day of Luca people start making a chair from nature wood, which will be finished on the day before Christmas. (There is also a saying for something that is terrible slow, that it is being made slowly like Luca's chair). If someone steps on this chair in the church during the mass of Holy Night, he can see who the witch is. The day of Luca is the day of "love predictions" as well. In the evening girls used to cast lead in the backyard. The shape of the lead tells the occupation of their future love. The largest Christmas-tradition is the "Bethlehem play”. Some days before Christmas groups of boys go house-to-house with a model of the holy family. They perform a short play about the baby Jesus with songs and poems usually in costumes. Christmas in Hungary is celebrated over a 3-day period, from Christmas Eve (December 24) to December 26. We usually get the presents on Christmas Eve after the superb Xmas dinner. 1. Put the yolks in a mixing bowl; add 6 dkg of sugar and a pinch of salt, beat them with a hand mixer until they turn white 2. Add the milk, then the flour. Stir the mixture until it’s smooth. Add the orange and lemon peel. If you choose to, add the orange liquor, stir it. 3. Put the egg whites in a mixing bowl. Beat them to stiff peaks; add 2 dkg of sugar when you’re halfway there. Stir the peaks cautiously into the orangey posh. 4. Put the scraped vanilla seed in a mixing bowl; add the sugar powder to it. Put the hazelnuts in another bowl. If they are not roasted, roast them in a dry pan for a couple of minutes until they smell good. 5. Pre-warm the oven for 160°C. Take the cake pan (preferably one with 18 cm diameter), butter it. 6. Heat a little oil in a frying pan, put a ladle of butter in it and fry it on low flame. Prepare 8 pancakes. Fry one side of the pancake only. This dough is thicker than the normal pancake dough, spreads harder so you can help it spread using the back of the ladle. The pancakes are ready when the top isn’t fluid anymore – it’s a bit tight but still creamy and pitted. 7. Put the pancakes one by one in the buttered cake pan with their unfried sides to the top. Put a tablespoon of vanilla-sugar and roasted hazelnut between the layers. Put the last pancake in its place with the fried side to the top. Apply some pressure with a spatula to the pancakes’ top, to make it thicker. 8. Cover the cake pan with tin foil, put it in the oven and bake it for 15 minutes. 9. Put it on a tray, serve it warm with sugar powder sprinkled on its top. Ingredients (for 8 pancakes): 3 eggs, whites and yolks separated 6+2 dkg sugar 1 pinch of salt 3 dl milk 20 dkg flour half an orange’s skin, grated half a lemon’s skin, grated optional: 1 tablespoon of orange liquor 10 dkg sugar powder 1 vanilla seed, scraped out 15 roasted Turkish hazelnuts, rustically chopped 1 tablespoon soft butter for buttering the cake pan Hazelnut-vanilla pancakes 12 hungary A Karácsonyi szokások Magyarországon Előkészítés: A magyar gyerekek december 6-án reggel várják a Mikulást, aki éjszaka az ablakpárkányokra helyezett kiscsizmákba rejt el nekik édességeket. A december 13.-i Luca napjához számos népi hagyomány kötődik. Magyarországon a születésnapok mellett a névnapokat is megünnepeljük. Luca napján kezdődik a Luca-szék faragása, ami csak karácsony napján fejeződik be. (Van egy magyar mondás arra, hogy ami nagyon lassan készül el, az olyan, mint a Luca-széke.) Ha valaki a templomban karácsony estéjén feláll erre a székre, meglátja a boszorkányokat. Luca napja a szerelmi jóslatok napja is. Este a lányok ólmot öntöttek, és az ólom formája megmutatta nekik jövendőbelijük foglalkozását. A legnagyobb karácsonyi hagyomány a Betlehemes játék. A karácsony előtti napokban jelmezbe öltözött fiúcsoportok jártak házról-házra és énekeltek, verseltek a kisded Jézusról. A karácsony Magyarországon egy 3 napig tartó ünnepség, Szentestétől (december 24.) december 26-ig. Az ajándékokat december 24-én este kapjuk a kiváló karácsonyi vacsora után. 1.A tojások sárgáját elektromos kézi keverővel fehéredésig keverjük 6dkg cukorral és a csipet sóval. 2. Hozzáadjuk a tejet, elkeverjük. Hozzákeverjük a lisztet és csomómentesre keverjük. Belekeverjük a reszelt narancs- és citromhéjat, valamint ha használunk, a narancslikőrt, vagy a narancsvirágvizet. 3. A tojások fehérjét kemény habbá verjük, a 2 dkg cukrot csak akkor adjuk hozzá., amikor közepesen kemény. A habot óvatosan összeforgatjuk a tojásos-lisztes masszával. 4. Két tálkában kikészítjük a vaníliás porcukrot (a cukorhoz keverjük a vaníliarúd kikapart magjait) és a durvára tört, pirított török mogyorót. (Ha nem pirított, zsiradék nélkül, száraz serpenyőben néhány perc alatt illatosra pirítjuk) 5. A sütőt előmelegítjük 160C fokra. Előkészítünk és kivajazunk egy 18cm átmérőjű jénait, vagy tortaformát (vagy kb. akkorát, amekkora a palacsintasütőnk). 6. Palacsintasütőben kevés olajat forrósítunk, majd egy-egy merőkanálnyi tésztából, alacsony lángon, 8 darab palacsintát sütünk, úgy, hogy a palacsintáknak csak az egyik felét sütjük meg. Ez a tészta sűrűbb a hagyományos palacsintatésztánál, nehezebben oszlik el, a merőkanál hátával kicsit segíthetünk szétteríteni. Akkor van kész, amikor a teteje már nem folyós, kissé megszilárdult, de még krémes, és lyukacsos. 7. A palacsintákat a kivajazott formába tesszük, sületlen felükkel felfelé, és a rétegek közé 1-1 evőkanál vaníliás porcukrot, valamint pirított török mogyorót szórunk. Az utolsó palacsintát fejjel lefelé borítjuk a rétegekre. Tortalapáttal, vagy spatulával kissé lenyomkodjuk, hogy összeálljon. 8. Sütőbe tesszük, és alufóliával letakarva, kb. 15 perc alatt összesütjük. 9. Kiborítjuk, és porcukorral meghintve, langyosan tálaljuk. Hozzávalók (8 szelet): 3 tojás, szétválasztva 6+2dkg kristálycukor csipet só 3dl tej 20 dkg liszt 0,5 narancs reszelt héja 0,5 citrom reszelt héja opcionális: 1 evőkanál narancslikőr, vagy narancsvirágvíz 10dkg porcukor 1 vanília kikapart magja 15 pirított török mogyoró, durvára vágva 1 evőkanál puha vaj a sütőforma kikenéséhez Mogyorós-vaníliás csúsztatott palacsinta 12 Italy O Habits One of the nicest Christimas traditions is many Italian households around the Christmas holidays is the setting of a nativity scene along with the Christmas tree. This depiction of the birth of Jesus typically includes some grass, a small cave with statuettes representing Mary, Jospeh and infant Jesus along with an ox and donkey keeping. Outside the cave kids love to add statuettes of little animals and the Magi are then added on January 6th, representing the day when they bring presents to infant Jesus, on Epiphany day. Ingredients for the Saffron Risotto: butter 125 gr white wine: 1 glass cipolla 1 parmesan cheese: 150 gr (grated) saffron: a little broth: 1 liter rice: 350 gr Directions of Saffron Risotto (25 minutes): A typical dish of the Lombardy region, it is great also the day after! melt 80 gr of butter in a large pan add the finely sliced onion and cook until soft (but not browning) add the rice and stir with a wooden spoon until the rice is toasted then, add the white wine and increase heating let the wine be fully absorbed, always stirring add ½ glass of hot broth and stir until it’s fully absorbed, stirring frequently go ahead by adding ½ glass of broth at a time, stirring frequently until it’s fully cooked when cooked add the saffron dissolve in the rice pan melt the butter and grated parmesan to finish the Risotto And the following day, here is how to prepare “The Risotto Sautée” (10 minutes): melt some butter in a pan add the saffron risotto left over from the day before make the risotto a large, flat circle and let it cook in both sides until it’s toasted. Risotto sautée (or “The day after Risotto”) 13 I Italy Ingredienti (4 persone): burro 125 gr vino bianco: 1 bicchiere 1 cipolla grana padano: 150 gr (grattuggiato) zafferano: qualche pistillo brodo: 1 litro riso: 350 gr Preparazione del Risotto (tempo: 25 minuti) Piatto tipico della tradizione lombarda, è ottimo anche il giorno dopo! sciogliere 80 gr di burro in una casseruola unire la cipolla tritata finemente e farla imbiondire unire il riso, mescolando sempre con cucchiaio di legno e lasciar tostare il riso alzare la fiamma e unire il vino bianco lasciar evaporare e assorbire il vino aggiungere quindi 2 mestoli di bordo caldo, mescolando regolarmente fino ad assorbimento ripetere l’operazione fino alla cottura completa del riso, mescolando di frequente al termine della cottura sciogliere lo zafferano in poco brodo e unire al riso mantecare con il burro e il grana grattuggiato. E il giorno dopo, ecco come preparare il “Risotto al salto” (10 minuti): far sciogliere del burro in una casseruola unire il risotto allo zafferano avanzato dal giorno precedente appiattirlo, lasciarlo cuocere come una grande frittella fino a che diventa ben croccante e dorato. Risotto al salto (o “Risotto del giorno dopo”) 13 Italy T The Bread Cake, Torta Paesana, is a typical cake from Lombardy Region. It is a poor dessert, whose recipe is not exact and codified, as to do this cake you could use stale bread, milk and ingredients like cocoa powder, raisins, dry biscuits, depending on what you have at home in that moment. Ingredients: milk, 1 L stale bread sugar 200 gr pine nuts, 60 gr raisins, 100g amaretti, 100 gr eggs, 2 unsweetened cocoa powder, 50 gr Directions: pour the milk into a bowl add the stale bread into pieces to reach the absorption of milk let stand for 30 minutes stir the mixture and add sugar, pine nuts, raisins previously put to soak in warm water add crushed amaretti biscuits, eggs and finally the cocoa then pour the mixture into a baking pan and bake in preheated oven at 180 ° C for 45 minutes La torta paesana o torta di pane è un dolce di origine lombarda. È un dolce di estrazione povera pertanto non esiste una ricetta precisa e codificata poiché per realizzare questa torta si era soliti usare il pane vecchio e raffermo bagnato nel latte a cui poi venivano aggiunti cacao,uvette,pinoli,amaretti (o anche altri biscotti secchi) a seconda della disponibilità che si aveva al momento. Ingredienti: latte, 1 L pane raffermo zucchero 200 gr pinoli, 60 gr uvetta, 100 gr amaretti, 100 gr uova intere, 2 cacao amaro in polvere, 50 gr procedimento: versare il latte in una terrina aggiungere il pane raffermo a pezzi sino a raggiungere l’assorbimento del latte lasciare a riposo per 30 minuti mescolare il composto ed aggiungere lo zucchero, i pinoli, l’uvetta precedentemente messa in ammollo in acqua tiepida aggiungere gli amaretti sbriciolati, le uova ed infine il cacao quindi versare il composto in una teglia antiaderente e cuocere in forno caldo a 180° C per 45 minuti circa The Bread Cake Torta Paesana 14 Portugal I Christmas Traditions in Portugal In Portugal, family is at the center of Christmas traditions. These traditions are still mainly related to Catholicism, although in many families Baby Jesus has been replaced by Santa Claus. Either religious or profane, most Portuguese families spend Christmas at home together. Weeks before, houses and the fir tree are decorated with holly twigs and other ornaments such as bells, stars, balls, angels and Santa Claus. The assembly of the «Presépio» is one of the most known Christmas traditions in Portugal, although it is falling into disuse. After picking up moss for the base of the «Presépio», the family places on top of it clay figures representing the birth of Jesus. On the evening of December 24, there is a traditional Christmas Eve supper with boiled codfish, Portuguese sprouts, potatoes and boiled eggs, seasoned with Portuguese olive oil. Traditionally, this is also a very sweet night and there is a table with many types of desserts that is kept until the Epiphany, “Kings’ Day” (January, 6). The most traditional families spend hours in the kitchen baking “rabanadas” (a kind of French toast), “filhoses” (fried dough with sugar and cinnamon), “sonhos” (pumpkin fritters), “aletria” (sweet noodles), sweet rice pudding, eggs pudding and bolo-rei (a very rich fruit cake). There are also nuts and good wine. After supper on Christmas Eve the family exchange presents as a sign of affection and consideration. Depending on the habit of families, children open their presents at midnight or in the morning of the following day. Still on the 24th, after supper, there is the “Missa do Galo”, a midnight Mass named after a legend that says that a rooster sang at that hour to announce the birth of Jesus. The gastronomic bounty continues the following day, Christmas Day, when depending on the several regions of the country there is a dinner with several meats (turkey, piglet, kid goat and lamb), and in some regions of the country there is «roupa-velha» for lunch, a dish made with the leftovers of Christmas Eve supper. But this is also the happiest day for children, because it is on Christmas day that presents are usually opened. During Christmas vacation, which lasts for about three weeks, there are several activities for children and families such as Christmas movies, circus, and creative workshops, among other festivities. After Christmas, in January, it is time for the famous “Janeiras”, which is the gathering of small groups of friends with musical instruments who go through their neighborhoods knocking at doors and singing with the aim of receiving sweets, wine or money. 15 Portugal E As Tradições de Natal em Portugal Em Portugal, a família está no seio das tradições de Natal que, na sua grande maioria, continuam ligadas à religião católica, muito embora o Menino Jesus seja, em muitas famílias substituído pelo Pai Natal. Seja religioso ou pagão, a maioria das famílias portuguesas passa o Natal em casa com a sua família. Semanas antes, decoram-se as casas com ramos de azevinho e outros adornos, como sinos, estrelas, bolas, anjos e pais natais e o pinheiro. A montagem do presépio é uma das mais conhecidas tradições de Natal em Portugal, mesmo perdendo o seu fulgor. A família, depois de recolher musgo para a base do presépio, coloca neste figuras de barro representativas do nascimento do Menino Jesus. No dia 24 de Dezembro, véspera de Natal, à noite, celebra-se a consoada na qual, segundo a tradição, é servida uma ceia composta por bacalhau cozido, acompanhado por couves portuguesas, batata e ovos cozidos, tudo bem regado com um bom azeite português. Esta é também uma noite muito gulosa, onde existe uma mesa de doces variada sempre preparada até ao Dia dos Reis (6 de Janeiro). Nas famílias mais tradicionais são horas de trabalho na cozinha para confeccionar rabanadas, filhoses, sonhos, aletria, arroz-doce, pudim de ovos e bolo-rei. Há também frutos secos e bom vinho. Mas nesta noite não só se realiza a Ceia, mas também a troca de presentes entre os membros da família, uma forma de demonstração de afecto e consideração. Dependendo do hábito das famílias, as crianças ou abrem os presentes à meia-noite ou na manhã do dia seguinte. Ainda no dia 24, no final da ceia, há a Missa do Galo à meia-noite, cuja denominação se deve à lenda que dita que um galo cantou nessa hora para anunciar o nascimento de Jesus. A fartura gastronómica continua no dia seguinte, o Dia de Natal, no qual, consoante as regiões do país, há um jantar aprimorado com carnes diversas (peru, leitão, cabrito e cordeiro) e, em algumas zonas do país no almoço do dia 25 é servida a tradicional roupa-velha, feita com os restos da consoada do dia anterior. Mas este é também o dia de maior alegria para as crianças, já que é neste dia que há a habitual correria para junto do sapatinho para abrir as prendas. Durante as férias de Natal, cerca de três semanas, existem diversas actividades para as crianças e famílias como a estreia de filmes de Natal, espectáculos circenses, oficinas criativas, entre outras festividades. Passado o Natal, em Janeiro, têm lugar as famosas “Janeiras”, nas quais se reúnem pequenos grupos corais de amigos, munidos de instrumentos musicais, que percorrem as suas localidades, batendo às portas e entoando cânticos, com o intuito de receberem doces, vinho ou dinheiro. 15 R Portugal Roupa Velha has traditionally been a way to mix various unused ingredients to make a meal in the past. (4 people - 30m.) Ingredients: 2 pieces soaked cod 2 lbs. potatoes 4 leaves of kale 4 Eggs 6 tablespoons olive oil 4 cloves garlic A tradicional receita portuguesa de Roupa Velha, é uma forma de aproveitamento do bacalhau de consoada. (4 pessoas - 30m.) Ingredientes: 2 Postas de bacalhau encharcado 2Kg batatas 4 Folhas de Couve 4 Ovos 6 Colheres de sopa de azeite 4 Dentes de alho Directions: 1 Flay the cod into slices and cut the potatoes into small pieces along with the kale and eggs. 2 Place the cod, potatoes, kale, and eggs in a pot on the stove on medium for about 10-15 minutes. 3 Now heat the olive oil in a pan with the garlic cloves chopped and let them become brown. 4 Strain the water out of the pot, take the shells off the eggs, and place these ingredients into the pan and let it heat slowly, stirring occasionally. 5 Once it is ready, serve immediately and Enjoy! Instruções: 1 Desfaça o bacalhau em lascas e corte as batatas em pedaços pequenos bem como a couve e os ovos. 2 Coloque o bacalhau, as batatas, a couve e os ovos numa panela em lume brando e deixe coser entre 10 a 15 minutos. 3 Faça um refugado com azeite e alho numa panela até este estar alourado. 4 Junte as lacas de bacalhau, as batatas cortadas, bem como a couve e os ovos ao refugado e aqueça lentamente, mexendo ocasionalmente. 5 Bom apetite! Portuguese Roupa Velha 15 romania F First, even if it's not recycled food, we have to say we used the leftovers after we prepared "zacusca", a traditional vegetables mix recipe cooked by our grand-grandparents and kept in jars over the winter. Then, the "tajine" recipe is not by far a Romanian unique dish - it's rather Persian by origin, but it became international long time ago, in parts of Europe and North Africa (for example, in Cyprus is called "tavvan") We've chosen to combine the veggie tajine with couscous, so the entire dish is very very healty, as we used only natural ingredients, no meat, and no sunflower oil. The recipe is an "internal" adaptation in our agency Ingredients: 4 carrots, cut into chunks 4 small parsnips, or 2 eggplants, cut into chunks - we prefer the eggplants, by far 3 red onions, cut into wedges 2 red peppers, deseeded and cut into chunks 2 tbsp olive oil 1 tsp each ground cumin, paprika, cinnamon and mild chilli powder 400g can chopped tomatoes 2 small handfuls soft dried apricots 2 tsp honey Directions: 1. Heat oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6. Scatter the veg over a baking tray, drizzle with half the oil, season, then rub the oil over the veg with your hands to coat. Roast for 30 mins until tender and beginning to brown. 2. Meanwhile, fry the spices in the remaining oil for 1 min – they should sizzle and start to smell aromatic. Tip in the tomatoes, apricots, honey and a can of water. Simmer for 5 mins until the sauce is slightly reduced and the apricots plump, then stir in the veg and some seasoning. Serve with couscous. Now, the recipe for the original couscous. We could call it "Pomegranate and herbs couscous" Ingredients: 200g couscous (we've chosen organic couscous) 150g pack pomegranates seeds (we extracted them directly from a fresh fruit) a handful of chopped herbs (we used mint and coriander) 1 orange juiced 2 tbsp each of white wine vinegar and olive oil Directions: 1. Place the couscous in a shallow bowl, then pour over 200ml boiling water. Cover the bowl with cling film, then leave for 5 mins until the couscous has swelled up and absorbed all of the water. Ruffle with a fork to separate the grains, then stir through the pomegranate seeds and herbs. 2. Make a dressing by mixing together the orange juice, white wine vinegar and olive oil, then stir into the couscous. We totally avoided salt, to obtain a stronger mix of tastes between the sweet and sour in the couscous and the spicy sour in the tajine. Enjoy! 5 Veggies Tajine 16 romania C Tajine din 5 legume pe pat de cușcuș cu rodii Chiar dacă nu am folosit alimente reciclate, am folosit resturile rămase după pregătirea unei porții mari de zacuscă pe care am pus-o la păstrat pentru iarnă. “Tajine”, ce-i drept, nu e un preparat românesc, dar aduce mult cu tocănița cu legume. Aroma dulce, orientală si pe alocuri piperată, îi dă un gust neasteptat pentru o asemenea combinație, în special în cultura noastră, unde majoritatea felurilor principale sunt sărate sau acre, cu usoare tente iuți. Rețeta pentru “tajine” este de origine persană, dar a devenit internațională prin usurința preparării si spectaculozitatea gustului. În anumite părți ale Europei și în Africa de Nord este extrem de răspândită. În Cipru, de exemplu, se numește “tavvan”. Am ales să combinăm tajine-ul de legume cu cușcuș, ceea ce face ca întregul fel gătit să fie extrem de sănătos. Am folosit numai ingrediente naturale, ulei de măsline extravigin, fără nimic de origine animală adăugat prin fierbere sau prăjire. Rețeta este, desigur, o adaptare “internă” a agenție noastre Creativitatea se vede și în bucătărie, nu? Ingrediente: 4 morcovi, tăiați bucăți 4 rădcini pătrunjel sau 2 vinete tăiate bucăți – am preferat vinetele, deși am încercat și cu pătrunjel și gustul e foarte special 3 cepe roșii tăiate în sferturi 2 ardei roșii tăiați bucăți 2 linguri ulei de măsline extravirgin 1 linguriță chimion, paprika, scorțișoară și pudră de ardei iute (nu foarte iute) 400g roșii tăiate bucăți câteva caise deshidratate 2 linguri miere Preparare: 1. Preîncălziți cuptorul la 180C – gaz sau 200C electric. Presărați legumele într-o tavă de gătit sau vas iena. Puneți o lingură de ulei (noi am cam pus “la ochi”) și amestecați legumele cu mâna, astfel încât să “ungeți” superficial fiecare bucățică. Se țin la cuptor aprox. 30 min., până încep să prindă culoare și se înmoaie. După experiența noastră, cel mai bun “indicator” e ceapa – când devine un pic maro și foile exterioare încep să se spiraleze, e un semn că legumele sunt gata. 2. Între timp, înăbușiți mirodeniile în o lingură de ulei într-o tigaie (am folosit un wok mare, pentru că acolo urmează să vină și legumele din cuptor…!). Când mirodeniile încep să miroasă puternic, revărsați peste ele roșiile, mierea, caisele si o cană cu apă. Amestecați câteva minute până când lichidul scade ușor, apoi puneți și legumele. Amestecați până vi se pare că s-au pătruns un pic cu sosul și… gata! Acum, cușcușul. Ingrediente: Cușcuș cu rodie și ierburi 200g cușcuș (pentru un gust cât mai bun, am ales cușcuș organic) 150g semințe rodie (am ales semințele direct dintr-o rodie proaspătăt și gustul e fabulos!) Mentă și coriandru proaspete – o mână de frunze tăiate mărunt 1 portocală ½ lămâie ½ linguriță ulei de măsline extravirgin Preparare: . Puneți cușcușul într-un vas întins, apoi turnați cam 200 ml apă fiartă peste el. Acoperiți vasul cu folie și lăsați cușcușul cam 5 minute să absoarbă toată apa. Răscoliți-l apoi cu o furculiță, ca să se desprindă toate boabele unul de celălalt. Puneți în vas semințele de rodii și verdeața mărunțită. 2. Faceți un dressing din portocala stoarsă, jumătatea de lămâie și ulei. Amestecați cu cușcușul. Important: Am evitat sarea și în cușcuș și în tajine: amestecul și parfumul obținute sunt mult mai aromatice și mai puternice. Cușcușul e gata! Faceți un “pat” de cușcuș” în fiecare farfurie, apoi așezați peste el tajine, în porții nu foarte mari. Rețeta ar trebui să ajungă pentru 4 porții (din experiență, e mai mult de-atât!). Pofta bună! Tajine din 5 legume 16 russia I Ingredients: 2 salty herrings 5 boiled potatoes 1 bulb onion 2 boiled carrots 3 boiled eggs 2 boiled beets 250 gr. mayonnaise sauce Ингредиенты: 2 соленой сельди 5 отварных картофелин 1 репчатая луковица 2 отварные морковки 3 вареных яйца 2 отварные свеклы 250 гр. майонеза Зелень (для украшения) Directions: Put products into a big plat in layers. The first one is grated potatoes The second – cleaned and cut herring Third lay – cut onion And now the lay of mayonnaise sauce The firth lay is grated carrot The sixth – grated eggs The seventh – grated beet Finally grease the salad with mayonnaise sauce and decorate. Приготовление: Все выкладываем слоями на большое блюдо. Первый слой - тертый картофель. Второй слой - очищенная и порезанная кусочками селедка. Третий слой - порезанный кубиками лук. Затем слой майонеза. Пятый слой - тертая морковь. Шестой слой - тертые яйца. Седьмой слой - тертая свекла. Обмазываем салат майонезом, украшаем Herring in “shuba-coat” Селедка под шубой 17 serbia A (receipt from Belgrade restaurant ,,Gaj”) Ajvar (Serbian Cyrillic: ajвар; pronounced [ǎj.ʋaːr]) is a type of relish, made from red bell peppers. Traditionally, it is prepared in mid-autumn, when bell peppers ripe, conserved in glass jars, and consumed throughout as a salad, with meat or simply as a coat for breakfast, dinner or appetizer. Since, ajvar is vegetable food, it is usually served with warm bred, during the Christmas eve which is celebrated as a day of fasting by those devout Byzantine Christians. Ingredients: Receipt for app. 5-6 kg Pepper 12kg Vegetable oil 0,5l Vinegar 0,2l Salt, app 0,25kg Sugar 0,25kg Food preservatives (5gr of E211, 10 gr of K2S205) Directions: Bell pepper are roasted whole on a plate on an open fire, a plate of wood in a stove, or in an oven. The baked peppers must briefly rest in a closed dish, to allow them to cool and to allow the flesh to separate from the skin. Next, the skin is carefully peeled off and seeds removed. The peppers are then ground in a mill to get some fine mash. Finally, the mash is stewed for a couple of hours in large pots, with added sunflower oil,. Salt and vinegar, sugar, food preservatives are added at the end and the hot mash is poured directly into glass jars which are immediately sealed. For hot ajvar, some roasted chili peppers could be added. (po recepturi restorana ,,Gaj” Beograd) Tradicionalno, ajvar se pripema u jesen, kada sazrevaju i crvene paprike kao glavni sastojak. Čuva se u staklenim teglama i konzumira tokom zime. S obzirom na to da je ajvar postan, najčešće se služi tokom Badnje večeri, uz vruću pogaču. Potrebne namernice: Recept za 5-6 kilograma ajvara. Paprika 12kg Ulje 0.5l Sirće 0.2l So po želji, otprilike 0.25kg Šećer 0.25kg Konzervans 1kesica od 5 gr Vinobran 1kesica od 10 gr Priprema: Papriku oprati,ispeći (voditi računa da se ispeče površinski sloj,da bi kasnije mogla lako da se oljušti),stavi u posudu i pokrije krpom da se polako ohladi,zatim se oljušti,očisti od drške i semena i stavi u posudu sa rupama da se ocedi (ili plastični džak sa retkim pletenjem i u njemu može da se cedi paprika ,naravno džak treba okačiti da visi),kada se ocedi paprika se melje i stavlja u šerpu da se prži,naravno sipa se ulje.Na kraju kada je ajvar već upržen stavljaju se začini ,sirće,so,šećer,konzervans,vinobran i onda još desetak minuta se prži. Vruć ajvar sipa se u tegle i odmah zatvara. Ako neko voli ljuti ajvar, može se dodati i pečena ljuta papričica (po želji) tokom pripreme. Homemade Ajvar Domaći ajvar 18 Spain Canary Islands T This African recipe is made with lemon juice, hot peppers, olives, carrots, and other seasonings and ingredients. Feel free to use another type of hot pepper, if habaneros seem to hot. Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 45 minutes Total Time: 55 minutes Ingredients: 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice 4 large onions, thinly sliced Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste 1/8 teaspoon fresh habanero pepper, finely minced plus 1 habanero pepper pricked with a fork 1/4 cup plus 1 tablespoon peanut oil 1 chicken (2 1/2-3 1/2 lbs), cut in serving pieces 1/2 cup pimiento-stuffed olives 4 carrots, scraped and thinly sliced 1 tablespoon Dijon-style mustard Directions: In a large nonreactive bowl, prepare a marinade with the lemon juice, onions, salt, pepper, the 1/8 teaspoon minced chili and 1/4 cup of the peanut oil. Place the chicken pieces in the marinade, making sure they are all hours in the refrigerator. Preheat the broiler. Remove the chicken pieces, reserving the marinade, and place them in a shallow roasting pan. Broil them until they are lightly browned on both sides. Remove the onions from the marinade. Cook them slowly in the remaining 1 tablespoon oil in a flameproof 3-quart casserole or dutch oven until tender and translucent. Add the remaining marinade and heat through. When the liquid is thoroughly heated, add the broiled chicken pieces, the pricked chili, the olives, carrots, mustard and 1/2 cup water. Stir to mix well, then bring the yassa slowly to a boil. Lower the heat and simmer for about 20 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through. Serve hot over hot cooked white rice. Makes about 6 servings. This variation on the classic yassa theme uses carrots and pimiento-stuffed olives to create a rich chicken stew. You can double this recipe because yassa is even better the next day. It also freezes well. Yassa au poulet 19 I spain Ingredients: 6 scallops in their shells 2 onions medium size 200 grams Serrano ham diced into small cubes 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 pinches of paprika 1 small glass of white wine 1 tablespoon breadcrumbs 1 pinch black pepper 1 pinch of parsley 2 tablespoons cheese gratin Ingredientes: 6 vieiras con su concha 2 cebollas medianas 200 gramos jamón serrano picado en taquitos 2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva 2 pizcas de pimentón dulce 1 vasito de vino blanco 1 cucharada de pan rallado 1 pizca pimienta negra 1 pizca de perejil 2 cucharadas de queso para gratinar Directions: Preparacion: • Preheat oven to 200 degrees • Wash the scallops by having them about two hours in cold water with sea salt to loosen the sand. Change the water three or four times. • Separate the scallops from the shell. Dry the excess of water with paper towels. Clean the shells. • Chop the onion very small and poach it in two tablespoons of olive oil over medium heat for 15 minutes or until it looks golden brown. • Add the ham diced in small cubes and stir for a minute. • Add a glass of white wine, preferably the same to be drank with the scallops • When alcohol has evaporated, add the pinches of paprika and a pinch of pepper, and parsley to taste • Add the scallops carefully, cook for 2 minutes and let cool off the heat for 5 minutes • Fill the shells with a scallop and enough sauce, and cover with breadcrumbs and a layer of cheese gratin. • Introduce the tray in the oven. • Remove from the oven after 15 minutes or when the bread is golden and cheese is melted. • Precalentar el horno a 200 grados • Lavar bien las vieiras, teniéndolas aproximadamente dos horas en agua fría con sal gorda para que suelten la arena. Cambiar el agua tres o cuatro veces. • Separar las vieiras de la concha. Secar el exceso de agua con papel absorbente. Limpiar bien la concha. • Trocear la cebolla muy pequeña y la pochamos con las dos cucharadas de aceite de oliva, a fuego medio, durante 15 minutos o hasta que se aprecie un color dorado. • Añadir el jamón en taquitos muy pequeños y remover durante un minuto. • Añadir un vaso de vino blanco, preferentemente el que se va a beber en la comida • Cuando se haya evaporado el alcohol, echar las pizcas de pimentón y una pizca de pimienta, y perejil al gusto • Añadir las vieras con cuidado, cocinar durante 2 minutos y dejar reposar con el fuego apagado durante 5 minutos • Rellenamos las conchas con una vieira y suficiente sofrito, y la cubrimos con pan rallado y una capa de queso para gratinar • Introducimos la bandeja en el horno. • Sacarlas del horno a los 15 minutos o cuando el pan esté dorado y el queso derretido. Gratinated scallops Vieiras gratinadas 20 sweden T This is a very popular dish in Swedish holiday cooking. It's always present at Christmas but it's common at Easter too, or just as a late-night snack. It's salty but still sweet - Swedish anchovies are cured in a sweet brine and not very fishy. You really DO need those, there's no substitute, so I hope you have a Swedish grocery source somewhere near you (IKEA). Jansson's Temptation Ingredients for a month's supply: 4-5 medium potatoes, roughly grated 1 small can of Swedish flat anchovies (125 g) 1 large onion, thinly sliced salt, pepper Directions: Preheat the oven to 225°C. Mix the potatoes with the onions, and add a little bit of salt and pepper. Put half of the mix in a buttered oven proof dish. Top with all of the anchovies. Add the rest of the potatoes and onions. Drizzle over half of the cream, and put in the oven. After about twenty minutes, add the rest of the cream. Bake until it has some color - about twenty more minutes, so 40 minutes in total. 300 ml of heavy cream 4-5 mellanstora potatisar, grovt rivna 1 liten ask ansjovis (125 g) 1 stor gul lök, tunt skivad, salt, peppar 3 dl vispgrädde Sätt ugnen på 225°C. Blanda potatis och lök med lite salt och peppar, och lägg hälften i en smord ugnsform. Lägg på all ansjovis, och sen resten av potatis-lökmixen. Häll över hälften av grädden och baka i ca 20 minuter. Häll på resten av grädden och baka i ungefär 20 minuter till, tills den får färg och blir lite krispig på toppen. Janssons Frestelse 21 Thailand A April is the start of the Thai summer. Not only that, it is the hottest month of the year and it’s also the month that we celebrate our Thai new year, known as Songkran. Songkran isn’t just about its famous water festival, but it is also a time to refresh oneself, to turn over a new leaf, to start afresh. When it comes to food, there is a special dish served at this time of year, one of the most refreshing treats to be had in the Summer. This dish is not as popular or well-known as phad thai or tom yum kung, but it does have a significant role in Thai culture — Khao Chae. Originally a royal cuisine, a dish that was developed within a palace, or by a member of a royal family, it is now however a common Thai dish, found in various Thai restaurants, usually only in the month of April. The name derived from how it is served. “Khao” means rice, and “chae” means to immerse in water. The rice is first parboiled, making it chewier than usual, then served immersed in icy cold jasmine-scented water. What do we eat this with? A variety of mostly sweet side dishes, which include young peppers stuffed with minced pork, sweetened shredded beef or pork, glazed Chinese turnips, batter-fried kapi or shrimp paste, and more, depending on the “house” the recipe is passed down from. Unlike other Thai dishes, it is less flavorful and not at all spicy, so it is not a top favorite to many locals, but it definitely is an interesting dish for foreigners with a rather more delicate palate. So give it a try. It only comes once a year! 22 Thailand I Ingredients: Khao Chae Directions: 1 teaspoon alum Water 1 cup Old Rice (Old Rice or Khao Kao, is the Thai term for rice that is kept in the barn for a long time after the hulling process. This kind of rice is a little stickier than normal rice after it is cooked. It is used for Fried rice and this Khao Chae specifically.) If you cannot find Old Rice or Khao Kao, use normal Jasmine rice. 5 cups cold jasmine scented water Mix the alum in a bowl of water and soak the rice for at least 2-3 hours. Wash the rice well afterwards. This process helps to remove as much starch as possible so that the grains are shiny. Place the soaked rice and 1 cup of water in a 2-quart container, covered, and cook at High (600-700 Watts) for 5 minutes. Pour the rice into a metal sieve, wash and drain. Wrap the rice in a damp muslin cloth and put it in the steaming container. Pour ½ cup of water in the lower bowl and steam at High for 5 minutes. Serve it in bowls with crushed ice and pour cold jasmine scented water into the bowl. Khao Chae 22 Thailand I Ingredients: Stuffed Green Pepper 5 Prik yuak (pale green pepper) ¼ teaspoon chopped coriander root ½ teaspoon peppercorns 1 teaspoon chopped garlic ¼ cup ground pork 2 tablespoons chopped shrimp 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 teaspoon castor sugar 2 tablespoons cooking oil 1 egg, beaten Directions: Clean the Prik yuak and deseed them while leaving them whole. Pound coriander root, peppercorns and garlic and mix well with the pork and shrimp in a small mixing bowl. Season with soy sauce and sugar. Place this mixture in the Pirk yuak and then place the stuffed Prik Yuak in a one-quart shallow container. Microwave, covered, at High (600-700 Watts) for 2-3 minutes. Leave to cool. Heat the browning skillet in microwave oven at High for 3 minutes. Pour in cooking oil. Pour the beaten egg into a dispenser for making "Sweet Egg Drops". Move the dispenser backwards and forwards and criss-cross quickly so that a gold net is formed. Wrap the stuffed Prik Yuak with these nets. Khao Chae 22 The netherlands C Chocolate puffs from the city of ‘s-Hertogenbosch Ingredients: 1/3 cup of flour 1/3 cup of water 2 tablespoons of butter 1 egg, beaten Pinch of salt 1/2 cup of semi sweet chocolate chips 1 tablespoon of water 1/2 cup of whipping cream 2 tablespoons of sugar Heat the water and the butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a boil, then take off the stove. Add the flour and stir until it all comes together in a ball. Throw in the pinch of salt, stir in the egg and continue to stir until the dough has absorbed all the egg and is a homogenous whole. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, divide the dough in four (for smaller bollen) or in two (for good size ones) and place it on top of the parchment. Bake in an 375F/190C degree oven for about 20-25 minutes until puffy and golden. Cool on a rack. In the meantime, beat the whipping cream and the sugar until stiff texture. Fill a pastry bag with small tip and poke through the bottom of the cooled dough bol. Fill with whipped cream. Heat the chocolate chips and the tablespoon of water in the microwave (30 seconds on medium heat), stir until the chocolate has melted and the sauce has come together. Let it cool for about 10 minutes, then carefully take the cream-filled Bossche bol and dip, head first, into the chocolate. Cool in the fridge for about 20 minutes or until the chocolate is solid. Bossche bollen 23 The netherlands C Chocolade slagroomsoezen uit ‘s-Hertogenbosch Ingrediënten: 1/3 cup bloem 1/3 cup water 2 eetlepels roomboter 1 ei, geklopt Snufje zout 1/2 cup of melkchocolade chips 1 eetlepel water 1/2 cup slagroom 2 eetlepels suiker Verwarm de water en de boter in een pan op middelhoog vuur. Breng aan de kook, en neem de pan van het vuur. Voeg de bloem toe totdat er een deegbal ontstaat. Voeg het snufje zout toe en roer het ei erdoorheen. Blijf roeren totdat het deeg het ei helemaal heeft opgenomen en er een homogeen geheel ontstaat. Maak vier (voor kleinere bollen) of twee (voor grote bollen) deegballen op een met bakpapier beklede bakplaat. Bak ongeveer 20-25 minuten in de oven op 375F/190C graden, totdat de soezen gerezen en goudbruin zijn. Laat afkoelen op een keukenrek. Klop ondertussen de slagroom en suiker stijf. Vul een spuitzak met een klein glad spuitmondje, maak een gat onderin de soezen en vul ze. Verwarm vervolgens de chocolade chips met de eetlepel water in de magnetron (ongeveer 30 seconden op medium). Roer totdat de chocolade helemaal gesmolten is. Laat ongeveer 10 minuten afkoelen en dip daarna de Bossche bol in het chocolademengsel. Laat ongeveer 20 minuten in de koelkast opstijven totdat de chocolade uitgehard is. Bossche bollen 23 UK T This recipe is cooked in an slow-cooker/crock-pot but could easily be cooked in a conventional oven at a low temperature (140C for 2/3 hours.) Ingredients: As many sausages you need i.e. 12 sausages for 4 people, but make sure they are good quality, meaty sausages. Red onion Large apple or 2 smaller ones Tin of chopped tomatoes Tomato puree Red pepper (optional) Paprika Splash of red wine (optional) Stock cube (whatever you have) Dried oregano (or other herbs if not) Directions: Turn the slow-cooker on to medium whilst you prepare the ingredients. Put the sausages into the pot. Slice the onion into rings and put in the pot. Slice the pepper into strips and add. Core the apple, peel and slice into rings, not too thin, and add to the pot. In a separate bowl mix together a tin of chopped tomatoes,a tablespoon of paprika, a tablespoon of tomato purée. Add to this a crumbled stock cube and about 1/2 pint of boiling water. Sprinkle in some oregano, a dash of red wine and mix well. Pour over the sausages and stir gently to mix, pushing the sausages under the sauce as much as possible. Put the lid on and leave to cook for 5 to 7 hours. This is a very adaptable recipe and each time I make it, it turns out differently. If I have creme fraiche to use up, a spoonful stirred in just before serving gives a creamy flavour. Sometimes I put less tomato purée in and add a spoonful of fruit chutney instead. Different herbs give a different flavour and a dessert spoonful of whole grain mustard is tasty too. Experiment and enjoy! Whatever you do, serve with mashed potato. Slow-Cook Sausage Casserole 24 usa T Detroit This soft, vanilla-scented cake is topped with crunchy cinnamon streusel. Ingredients: Streusel 2/3 cup King Arthur Gluten-Free All-Purpose Baking Mix 1/2 cup brown sugar, packed 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 6 tablespoons butter Ingredients: Cake 1 1/2 cups King Arthur Gluten-Free All-Purpose Baking Mix 1/2 cup granulated sugar 1/4 cup melted butter or vegetable oil 2 large eggs 1/2 cup milk or buttermilk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Directions: 1) Preheat the oven to 350°F. Lightly grease a 9" square pan. 2) To make the streusel: Mix the baking mix, brown sugar, and cinnamon together until evenly blended. Work in the butter until evenly crumbly. Set aside. 3) To make the batter: Whisk the baking mix and sugar together. 4) Whisk the melted butter or oil, eggs, milk or buttermilk, and vanilla together. 5) Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients, stirring just until blended. 6) Spread the batter into the prepared pan. 7) Sprinkle the streusel uniformly over the batter, and lightly press some of it into the batter with your fingertips. Pretend you're gently pressing dimples into very soft clay. 8) Bake the cake until a cake tester inserted into the center comes out clean, and the middle springs back when pressed lightly, 22 to 26 minutes. Remove from the oven, and cool for 15 to 20 minutes before cutting into squares. 9) When completely cool, wrap well and store at room temperature for several days. Freeze for longer storage. Yield: 9 to 12 servings. Tips from our bakers To feed a crowd, bake in a 9" x 13" pan, increasing all ingredients by 1 1/2. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes. To prepare individual coffeecakes, lightly grease a 12-cup muffin pan or line it with lightly greased cupcake papers. Prepare the streusel and cake batter according to directions, and spoon the batter into the prepared muffin cups (a scant quarter cup is all you'll need in each cup). Sprinkle the streusel over the batter, dividing it evenly among the cups. Bake the cakes until a tester inserted into the center of one comes out clean, and the middle springs back when pressed lightly, 18 to 20 minutes. Cool for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a rack. Yield: 12 individual cakes. Gluten Free Cinnamon-Streusel Coffeecake made with baking mix 25 usa Houston P People in Texas have a lot of swagger. In fact, if you ask most Texans they’ll likely tell you the Lone Star State is its own country and then there is the rest of the United States. And, here in Texas, beef is king so Beef Brisket is often referred to as our “national” dish. There is no holiday, occasion or day of the week, including Christmas and New Year’s, where a Texan won’t put on a beef brisket to cook “low and slow”. Beef brisket is also a staple for Jewish holidays like Rosh Hashanah, with recipe varieties influenced from cultures worldwide. Typically Texans smoke their brisket, but since we recognize most folks out there won’t have a smoker in their backyards, as common in these parts as a kitchen stove, we’re providing an oven-roasted brisket recipe you all can enjoy. Y’all enjoy! Ingredients: Texas Oven Brisket Courtesy 5- to 6-pound fresh beef brisket, well trimmed (not corned beef) 1 cup barbecue sauce (your favorite) 1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce 1/4 cup liquid smoke 1 tablespoon garlic powder 2 teaspoons celery salt 2 teaspoons lemon pepper 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup chopped onion 1/2 water Directions: Before you prepare the brisket, remove it from the refrigerator far enough ahead of time to allow it to come to room temperature. Preheat oven to 275°F when ready to cook. In a very large Pyrex baking dish (allow room for extra juices to form while cooking), thoroughly mix all ingredients for sauce. Put the brisket in the baking dish, and turn it over once to coat it with the sauce. Seal the dish tightly with heavy-duty aluminum foil. Bake at 275°F for 5 to 7 hours (about 1 hour and 15 minutes per pound). Remove from oven and allow to rest for 1 hour before slicing. Slice across the grain, and serve with sauce. Makes 8 to 10 servings for most folks, about 4 to 5 for cowboys. Texas Oven Brisket 26 usa Minneapolis I Ingredients: ½ c. wild rice (more if you’d like) 6 strips of bacon 1 med. onion, chopped 1 can cream of potato soup 1 can cream of chicken soup 3 ½ soup cans of mike 1 cup grated American cheese (or sliced Velveeta) Optional: ½ c. meat of your choice (chicken works well) Optional: ¼ c. each, chopped carrots and celery Directions: Boil wild rice until clear/tender – approximately 1 hour. Drain. Brown bacon and sauté with onion. Combine in saucepan with rice. Add soups and milk, and stir well. Optional: Add chopped carrots, celery and cooked/chopped meat. Simmer for at least 10 minutes. Add cheese, stir well and serve. Wild Rice Soup 27 usa New York R 1 cup fresh blueberries 1 cup chocolate chips (dark, milk or white) Rinse blueberries, spread on paper towels and pat dry. Line a baking sheet with wax paper or parchment. In a small bowl or top of a double boiler, over barely simmering water, place chocolate; stir until melted. Remove bowl from hot water; gently fold in blueberries. Make clusters by spooning 4 or 5 warm chocolate-coated blueberries onto wax paper, placing them 1 inch apart. Or, spoon mixture into silicone candy molds. Refrigerate until firm, about 30 minutes. Transfer to an airtight container and refrigerate for up to three days. For gift presentation: place clusters in pleated paper candy cups and arrange in a box. Yield: 18 to 24 clusters For special occasions: Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day: Spoon heart-shaped mounds, each made with 3 chocolate-coated blueberries onto wax paper-covered sheet pan; chill. Makes about 30 mini-heart shapes. Christmas: Arrange chocolate-coated blueberries in wreath shapes or rounds. After the shapes have set, decorate with tube frosting or colored sugar. Hanukkah: Spray dreidel- or star-shaped cookie cutters with non-stick spray; place on wax paper. Using white chocolate-coated blueberries, fill each; chill until firm. Remove from cookie cutters and decorate. Hostess gift: Make or purchase small sugar cookies. Spoon a small amount of the blueberry-dark chocolate mixture on top of each cookie; allow to set. Blueberry-chocolate clusters 28 usa Philadelphia T Total Time: 15 min. Yield: 4 sandwiches Ingredients: Streusel Directions: 6 tablespoons Soya bean oil 1 large onion, sliced 24 ounces sliced rib eye or eye roll steak Cheese (store processed recommended); American or Provolone 4 crusty Italian Rolls Sweet green and red peppers, sauteed in oil (optional) Mushrooms sauteed in oil (optional) Ketchup Heat an iron skillet or a non-stick pan over medium heat and add 3 tablespoons of oil to the pan and saute the onions to desired doneness. Remove the onions and add the remaining oil and saute the slices of meat quickly on both sides. Melt the cheez whiz in a double boiler or in the microwave. Place 8 ounces of the meat into the rolls, add onions, and pour the store-processed cheese over top. Garnish with sweet peppers, mushrooms, ketchup. Put on the theme song to the first Rocky movie and enjoy. Pat’s King of Steaks Philadelphia Cheesesteak 29