A MATLAB Estimation of FUTO Solar PV Potential Using
A MATLAB Estimation of FUTO Solar PV Potential Using
AASCIT Journal of Energy 2015; 2(3): 16-28 Published online April 30,2015 (http://www.aascit.org/journal/energy) A MATLAB Estimation of FUTO Solar PV Potential Using Hottel and Liu Jordan Clear Sky Radiation Model F. N. Ugwoke1, K. O. Chilakpu2, G. N. Ezeh3, I. E. Achumba3, K. C. Okafor3 1 Keywords MATLAB, Solar Radiation, Average Peak, Photovoltaic Module, Daily Variations, Energy Resources Received: March 29, 2015 Revised: April 14, 2015 Accepted: April 15, 2015 Dept. of Computer Science, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Umuahia, Nigeria, Nigeria 2 Dept. of Agricultural Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria 3 Dept. of Electrical Electronic Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria Email address ndidi.ugwoke@gmail.com (F. N. Ugwoke), kchilakpu@yahoo.com (K. O. Chilakpu), ugoezeh2002@yahoo.com (G. N. Ezeh), ifeyinwaeucharia@yahoo.com (I. E. Achumba), arissyncline@yahoo.com (K. C. Okafor) Citation F. N. Ugwoke, K. O. Chilakpu, G. N. Ezeh, I. E. Achumba, K. C. Okafor. A MATLAB Estimation of FUTO Solar PV Potential Using Hottel and Liu Jordan Clear Sky Radiation Model. AASCIT Journal of Energy. Vol. 2, No. 3, 2015, pp. 16-28. Abstract The erratic supply of power as well as the depletion of fossil fuel on a worldwide basis has necessitated the use of alternative energy resources to meet up present day demand. There are various alternative energy resources amongst which solar energy is the most promising as it is readily available and the most reliable. This work used a MATLAB program to estimate the hourly solar radiation for 8hours (0900 – 1700 hours) daily in Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO) for the year 2014.This is based on the Hottel and Liu-Jordan clear sky radiation model. Daily Variations of hourly output power for every month were computed. Also, daily energy outputs and monthly energy outputs were determined. The chosen efficiency of photovoltaic module is 22%. Based on the analysis of clear sky solar radiation data and the daily variations, it was observed that daily peak output occurred between the hours of 1100 – 1300. It was observed that the month of March had the highest monthly output energy with a value of 40899.6237 Watts/Mtr2-Hr. December had the lowest output energy with a value of 35510.4480 Watts/Mtr2-Hr. A 99501 m2 area was determined to generate 20MW based on the average peak output power. An average yearly energy outputof456766.6570Wh equivalent to 1644.36 MJ per square meter (1kWh = 3600 kJ) was obtained. This was based on the analysis of all the monthly output energy values obtained. 1. Introduction Energy is required for a wide range of applications such as transportation, industrial applications, agricultural applications, domestic applications and office applications, [1]. The availability and accessibility of sufficient amount of energy can accelerate individual’s and nation’s development [1]. It could be inferred that the two main drivers for increase in the energy demand includes: growth in the world’s population and technoeconomic growth of the countries, particularly developing countries [2]. Increase in the above factors implies that the energy demands will increase proportionally. In the developing countries with abundant supply of affordable solar energy sources, there is 17 F. N. Ugwoke et al.: A MATLAB Estimation of FUTO Solar PV Potential Using Hottel and Liu Jordan Clear Sky Radiation Model need to use appropriate techniques to carry out an estimation analysis. This will help to ascertain the feasibility of power generation in a given environment. A brief discussion on solar energy prospects in Nigeria is presented next. 1.1. Prospects of Solar Energy Utilization Nigeria Solar energy is the most promising of all the renewable energy sources in view of its apparent limitless potential [3]. The sun is the most readily and widely available renewable energy source capable of meeting the energy needs of whole world. It can provide more power than any fossil fuel on the planet. The sun radiates its energy at the rate of about 3.8 x 1023 kW per second. Nigeria is one of the tropical countries of the world which lies approximately between 4o and 13o with landmass of 9.24 x 105 km2 enjoys an average daily sunshine of 6.25 hours, ranging between about 3.5 hours at the coastal areas and 9.0 hours at the far northern boundary. Nigeria receives about 4.851x 1012 kWh of energy per day from the sun [3]. Based on the land area of 924 x 103 km2 for the country and an average of 5.535kWh/m2/day, Nigeria has an average of 1.804 x 1015 kWh of incident solar energy annually. This annual solar energy insolation value is about 27 times the nation’s total conventional energy resources in energy units [3]. In other words, about 3.7% of the national land area is needed to be utilized in order to collect an amount of solar energy equal to the nation’s conventional energy reserve [3]. Figure 1. Map of Nigeria depicting solar radiation, (Source: www.solargis.info) Figure 2. Solar farm power plant in ELDI, Awka, 2014 AASCIT Journal of Energy 2015; 2(3): 16-28 From Figure 1, it can be deduced that the northern part of Nigeria receives the highest amount of solar energy in the excess of 1800kWh/m2 while the lowest value (800kWh/m2) is experienced in the Niger-delta. Solar electricity may be used for power supply to remote villages and locations not connected to the national grid. It may also be used to generate power for feeding into the national grid. Other areas of application of solar electricity include low and medium power application such as: water pumping, village electrification, local power supply for homes and businesses (see figure 2), traffic lighting and lighting of road signs, etc. 1.2. Constraints to Solar Utilization in Nigeria With all the obvious factors in favour of Nigeria being a country with abundant solar energy utilization prospects, the country has not experienced much advancement in this area. This is due to the fact that there are some factors that hinder the progress of solar technology utilization. Some of these factors are: i. High Cost Constraints: Solar panels in Nigeria are imported. The cost of importation and the cost of installation are very high. Solar technology has high upfront costs and low payback time. This is a major factor militating against its development in Nigeria. ii. Investor-Friendly Policies: The country as at present lacks policies that would attract investors in the field of solar technology. The independent power producers in Nigeria are either non-functional or are still concerned with producing power via conventional energy methods. iii. Low Technological know-How: As stated previously, the technical know-how is still lacking in Nigeria. Some other components are manufactured locally but most are imported. This research was carried out with a view of presenting renewable energy (in this case, solar energy) as a viable means of maximizing and increasing the efficiency of power generation and supply. This research used the Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO) Nigeria as the research testbed. Besides the base station estimation of PV data, there is need to use a computational approach in harnessing solar energy for the production of reliable and sustainable energy. An adaptation of related mathematical methods for estimation of solar radiation as well as carrying out analysis results for photovoltaic power generation capacity in FUTO will facilitate renewable energy research in tertiary institutions. 1.3. Research Contributions The main research contribution is to estimate the photovoltaic power potential of FUTO using the Hottel’s clear sky radiation models. This work will demonstrate that solar photovoltaic plants can serve as a means of improving power supply and sustainability. The work will increase awareness on the potentials of renewable energy sources that 18 abound in Nigeria using FUTO as a case study. 2. Related Works Several works on tilted surface radiation models were studied such as the isotropic model proposed by Liu and Jordan [4], anisotropic model by HDKR [5], Klucher [6], and Reindl et al [7], [8]. In these works, the predicted model results were based on the input data of sources concerned while using relevant datasets for comparative studies. According to [9], solar radiation data is described in terms of the total solar radiation, which is the summation of beam plus diffuse and ground reflected radiation. Most of the total radiation is measured on horizontal surfaces by local meteorological stations. It can be observed through satellites. But meteorological stations provide more perfect estimates since it holds the site specific characteristics. Besides, the solar conversion systems are tilted towards the sun in order to maximize the amount of solar radiation incident on PV module surface. The availability of recorded on tilted surfaces is very rare, therefore, the tilted surface radiation in most cases is calculated from horizontal surface by means of empirical models [10]. The work in [11], examined the performance of tilted surface solar radiation models for selection of estimated amount of solar radiation. The model results were evaluated on the basis of one-sample statistical test. In [12] an attempt was made to use clear sky radiation for predicting the average global solar radiation. Various regression analyses were applied to analyse and validate their results. This work leveraged existing works in [4],[11] and [12] to carry out its investigation in FUTO environment for possible solar plant deployment. 3. Methodology 3.1. Test Bed Description FUTO have several departments and faculties that needs power supply consistently, but to estimate the solar photovoltaic power generation potential in FUTO, the amount of solar radiation received by FUTO was determined for possible power generation. FUTO has latitude of 5.463 and an altitude of 90.91 m. The daily variations, daily energy output, average monthly energy and yearly energy outputs were found out and related graphs were plotted showing the variations in outputs in different seasons and times. Also, information on the peak energy output for different days of the month were used to calculate the average monthly peak output for a year and variations in monthly energy peak for the year was plotted. The average annual energy peak is also calculated and is used to estimate the potential of solar photovoltaic power generation and the area for a 20MW solar photovoltaic power generation scheme to be located in the FUTO. MATLAB scripting was used as a unique way of 19 F. N. Ugwoke et al.: A MATLAB Estimation of FUTO Solar PV Potential Using Hottel and Liu Jordan Clear Sky Radiation Model determining solar radiation since other similar works made use of information from sources such as meteorological stations, and geographical Information Systems. These sources can only offer limited measured data. Hence, Hottel and Liu-Jordan clear sky radiation model [4] was used in the determination of solar irradiance. The model was used due to the lack of readily available meteorological information on solar radiation for the area at the time of the study. Beside, the adapted models are close and offer accurate alternatives to actual measurement data. A program for the model was written in MATLAB and the radiation values were determined. In this case, the model was used to estimate the hourly solar radiation from 0900 to 1700 hours daily from January to December, 2014 in FUTO Bakassi Utility substation. The other reasons for choosing Hottel and LiuJordan Clear Sky Radiation model include: It is simple to use and does not involve rigorous calculations. Data necessary for the application of the model such as zenith angle and altitude are readily available. It provides a means of taking climate type into consideration. It does not require ambiguous atmospheric data which are not readily available in this location unlike some other models. It also provides a great degree of accuracy. One very important point to be noted in the application of this model is that it does not consider the effects of clouds and non-clear skies. Thus, clear skies were assumed for the estimation of the solar photovoltaic potential. noon. It varies seasonally due to tilt of the earth on its axis and its rotation around the sun. The Solar Constant (Gsc): This is the energy from the sun per unit time received on a surface perpendicular to the direction of propagation of radiation at mean earthsun distance outside the atmosphere [5]. Various experiments delivered various results but the World Radiation Center (WRC) has adopted a value of 1367W/m2 with an uncertainty order of 1% [5]. According to [12], considering FUTO environment let the atmospheric transmittance, Ʈb for beam radiation be given by Equ 1: Ʈb = ∗ + exp (1) = 0.4327 – 0.00821 (6 – A)2 ∗= (2) 0.5055 + 0.00595 (6.5 – A)2 (3) k* = 0.2711 + 0.01858 (2.5 – A)2 (4) A in the Equ 2 to 4, is the altitude in kilometers (km). The constants , and k for standard atmosphere with 23km visibility can be found by multiplying ∗ , ∗ and k*, which are given for altitudes less than 2.5km by Equ2 to 4 with the correction factors for the various climate types given in table 1 Table 1. Correction Factors For The various Climate Types Climate Type Tropical Midlatitude Summer Subarctic Summer Mid-latitude Winter R0 0.95 0.97 0.99 1.03 R1 0.98 0.99 0.99 1.01 Rk 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.00 3.2. Estimation of Clear Sky Solar Radiation In context, various terms used in the application of Hottel and Liu-Jordan models are described below: Beam Radiation (Gcb): The solar radiation received from the sun without having been scattered by atmosphere. It is also called direct radiation. Diffuse Radiation (Gcd): This is radiation received from the sun which has been scattered by atmospheric particles, clouds or reflected off some surfaces. Total Radiation (GT): This is the sum total of the beam (direct) and diffuse radiation. It is sometimes called global radiation. Irradiance: The rate at which solar radiation is incident on a particular surface per unit area. It is measured in Watts/Mtr2. Latitude (Φ): The angular position north or south of the equator. Zenith Angle (θZ): The angle between the vertical and line to the sun, that is, the angle of beam radiation on a horizontal surface. Hour Angle (H):It is the angular displacement of the sun east or west of the local meridian due to rotation of the earth on its axis through 150 per hour. It is positive in the afternoons and negative in the mornings. Declination (δ): The angular position of the sun at solar Using FUTO environment as a tropical climate type (as shown in table 1), = ∗ = ∗ ×R × R0 (5) (6) 1 k = k* × Rk (7) Now, θz is the zenith angle and Cos θzis given by: Cos θz = Sin Φ Sin δ + Cos Φ Cos δ Cos H (8) Where: Φ is the latitude of the area, δ is the declination angle and H is the hour angle. δ and H are given by: Declination angle, δ = 23.45 Sin (n– 81) Hour angle, H = 150 × (time – 12 noon) (9) (10) The clear sky beam normal radiation denoted by Gcnb, is then given as: Gcnb= Gon× Ʈb (11) Gon is the extraterrestrial radiation incident on a plane AASCIT Journal of Energy 2015; 2(3): 16-28 normal to the radiation on the nth day of the year and is given by: Gon = Gsc(1.000110 + 0.034221 cosB + 0.001280 sin B +0.000719 cos2B + 0.000077 sin 2B) (12) Where n is the day of the year, Gsc is the solar constant (= 1367W/m2) and B is given by B = (n – 1) 360/365 (13) From this, the clear sky beam horizontal radiation, Gcb(W/m2) is given by Equ (14) Gcb = Gon× Ʈb × Cos θz (14) The relationship between transmission coefficients for beam and diffuse radiation as given by Liu and Jordan is given byEqu (15). Ʈd = 0.271 – 0.294Ʈb (15) Whereζd is the transmission coefficient for diffuse radiation. From this, the clear-sky diffuse radiation, Gcd (W/m2) can be calculated by the Equ (16) Gcd = Gon × Ʈd × Cosθz (16) Finally, the clear-sky total solar radiation on a horizontal plane GT (W/m2) is calculated by summing up the clear-sky horizontal beam radiation and the clear-sky diffuse radiation. This is given by Equ (17) GT = Gcb + Gcd (17) 3.3. MATLAB M-File Computation Manual calculations for hourly radiation for the hours of 20 0900 to 1700 daily for the whole year can be very strenuous. To overcome this problem, the model derivations (Equ 1 to Equ 17) was written as an M-File program in MATLAB. It’s gives the value of solar radiation for every day of the year ranging from 0900 hours to 1700 hours. Thus, the solar radiation values were derived via MATLAB. They were also tabulated hourly for the whole number of days in the month and were multiplied by the efficiency chosen to derive the output power for each input value. The flowchart for the Hottel and Liu-Jordan model written as a MATLAB program is shown in Figure 3. The program and flowchart in figure 3 was used to estimate solar radiation at hourly intervals ranging from 0900 hours to 1700 hours, everyday for the year 2014.Based on Equ 2 to Equ 7, the values of , and k were represented by a0, a1and k respectively with ∗ , ∗ and k*computed at an altitude (A) of 0.09091km. However, tables of results for the first days of every month were captured. Total and average radiation taking hourly intervals from 0900 to 1700 hours daily for the 12 months were also determined. A sample of the tables from the month of January to December is shown in from tables 2 to 13. MATLAB implementations of the results computed by the program are provided in Fig 3. In analyzing the results obtained, daily variations for all the months are investigated and subsequently, the daily and monthly outputs for all the months were estimated. The daily variations are shown in tables 2 to 13.The average solar radiation in watts on an area of one square meter over a period of one hour is calculated as shown in the third column of the table. The daily energy output is the total of all the values gotten hourly for each day and the monthly energy output is calculated by multiplying the daily energy output by the number of days in the month. Table 2. Daily Variations of Solar Radiation for January, 2014 TIME (Hours) 0900 – 1000 1000 – 1100 1100 – 1200 1200 – 1300 1300 – 1400 1400 – 1500 1500 – 1600 1600 – 1700 AVERAGE OUTPUT POWER (Watts/Mtr2) 144.9499 176.4090 192.8601 192.8601 176.4090 144.9499 101.5575 51.9593 AVERAGE HOURLY OUTPUT ENERGY(Watts/Mtr2-Hr) 144.9499 176.4090 192.8601 192.8601 176.4090 144.9499 101.5575 51.9593 DAILY ENERGY OUTPUT (Watts/Mtr2-Hr) M0NTHLY ENERGY OUTPUT(Watts/Mtr2-Hr) 1181.9548 36640.5988 Table 3. Daily Variations of Solar Radiation for February, 2014 TIME (Hours) 0900 – 1000 1000 – 1100 1100 – 1200 1200 – 1300 1300 – 1400 1400 – 1500 1500 – 1600 1600 – 1700 AVERAGE OUTPUT POWER (Watts/Mtr2) 154.7838 187.4777 204.5527 204.5527 187.4777 154.7838 109.5877 57.5140 AVERAGE HOURLY OUTPUT ENERGY(Watts/Mtr2-Hr) 154.7838 187.4777 204.5527 204.5527 187.4777 154.7838 109.5877 57.5140 DAILY ENERGY OUTPUT (Watts/Mtr2-Hr) M0NTHLY ENERGY OUTPUT(Watts/Mtr2-Hr) 1260.7301 36561.1729 21 F. N. Ugwoke et al.: A MATLAB Estimation of FUTO Solar PV Potential Using Hottel and Liu Jordan Clear Sky Radiation Model Table 4. Daily Variations of Solar Radiation for March, 2014 TIME (Hours) 0900 – 1000 1000 – 1100 1100 – 1200 1200 – 1300 1300 – 1400 1400 – 1500 1500 – 1600 1600 – 1700 AVERAGE OUTPUT POWER (Watts/Mtr2) 162.1654 195.3337 212.6459 212.6459 195.3337 162.1654 116.1921 62.8606 AVERAGE HOURLY OUTPUT ENERGY(Watts/Mtr2-Hr) 162.1654 195.3337 212.6459 212.6459 195.3337 162.1654 116.1921 62.8606 DAILY ENERGY OUTPUT (Watts/Mtr2-Hr) M0NTHLY ENERGY OUTPUT(Watts/Mtr2-Hr) 1319.3427 40899.6237 Table 5. Daily Variations of Solar Radiation for April, 2014 TIME (Hours) 0900 – 1000 1000 – 1100 1100 – 1200 1200 – 1300 1300 – 1400 1400 – 1500 1500 – 1600 1600 – 1700 AVERAGE OUTPUT POWER (Watts/Mtr2) 161.4296 193.5768 210.3509 210.3509 193.5768 161.4296 116.8312 64.9120 AVERAGE HOURLY OUTPUTENERGY(Watts/Mtr2-Hr) 161.4296 193.5768 210.3509 210.3509 193.5768 161.4296 116.8312 64.9120 DAILYENERGY OUTPUT (Watts/Mtr2-Hr) M0NTHLY ENERGY OUTPUT(Watts/Mtr2-Hr) 1312.4578 39373.7340 Table 6. Daily Variations of Solar Radiation for May, 2014 TIME (Hours) 0900 – 1000 1000 – 1100 1100 – 1200 1200 – 1300 1300 – 1400 1400 – 1500 1500 – 1600 1600 – 1700 AVERAGE OUTPUT POWER (Watts/Mtr2) 154.9012 185.1948 201.0221 201.0221 185.1948 155.5569 112.8212 63.8401 AVERAGE HOURLY OUTPUT ENERGY(Watts/Mtr2-Hr) 154.9012 185.1948 201.0221 201.0221 185.1948 155.5569 112.8212 63.8401 DAILYENERGY OUTPUT (Watts/Mtr2-Hr) M0NTHLY ENERGY OUTPUT(Watts/Mtr2-Hr) 1259.5466 39045.9446 Table 7. Daily Variations of Solar Radiation for June, 2014 TIME (Hours) 0900 – 1000 1000 – 1100 1100 – 1200 1200 – 1300 1300 – 1400 1400 – 1500 1500 – 1600 1600 – 1700 AVERAGE OUTPUT POWER (Watts/Mtr2) 150.1519 179.3431 194.5804 194.5804 179.3431 150.1519 109.544 65.5456 AVERAGE HOURLY OUTPUT ENERGY(Watts/Mtr2-Hr) 150.1519 179.3431 194.5804 194.5804 179.3431 150.1519 109.5440 65.5456 DAILY ENERGY OUTPUT (Watts/Mtr2-Hr) M0NTHLY ENERGY OUTPUT(Watts/Mtr2-Hr) 1223.2404 36697.2120 Table 8. Daily Variations of Solar Radiation for July, 2014 TIME (Hours) 0900 – 1000 1000 – 1100 1100 – 1200 1200 – 1300 1300 – 1400 1400 – 1500 1500 – 1600 1600 – 1700 AVERAGE OUTPUT POWER (Watts/Mtr2) 151.9929 181.6499 197.1285 197.1285 181.6499 151.9929 110.8626 62.9604 AVERAGE HOURLY OUTPUT ENERGY(Watts/Mtr2-Hr) 151.9929 181.6499 197.1285 197.1285 181.6499 151.9929 110.8626 62.9604 DAILY ENERGY OUTPUT (Watts/Mtr2-Hr) M0NTHLY ENERGY OUTPUT(Watts/Mtr2-Hr) 1235.3656 38296.3336 AASCIT Journal of Energy 2015; 2(3): 16-28 22 Table 9. Daily Variations of Solar Radiation for August, 2014 TIME (Hours) 0900 – 1000 1000 – 1100 1100 – 1200 1200 – 1300 1300 – 1400 1400 – 1500 1500 – 1600 1600 – 1700 AVERAGE OUTPUT POWER (Watts/Mtr2) 157.8944 189.1110 205.4617 205.4617 189.1110 157.8944 114.5518 64.0454 AVERAGE HOURLY OUTPUT ENERGY(Watts/Mtr2-Hr) 157.8944 189.1110 205.4617 205.4617 189.1110 157.8944 114.5518 64.0454 DAILY ENERGY OUTPUT (Watts/Mtr2-Hr) M0NTHLY ENERGY OUTPUT(Watts/Mtr2-Hr) 1283.5315 39789.4757 Table 10. Daily Variations of Solar Radiation for September, 2014 TIME(Hours) 0900 – 1000 1000 – 1100 1100 – 1200 1200 – 1300 1300 – 1400 1400 – 1500 1500 – 1600 1600 – 1700 AVERAGE OUTPUT POWER (Watts/Mtr2) 160.4166 192.9408 209.9142 209.9142 192.9408 160.4166 115.4638 67.1604 AVERAGE HOURLY OUTPUT POWER(Watts/Mtr2-Hr) 160.4166 192.9408 209.9142 209.9142 192.9408 160.4166 115.4638 67.1604 DAILY ENERGY OUTPUT(Watts/Mtr2-Hr) M0NTHLY ENERGY OUTPUT(Watts/Mtr2-Hr) 1309.1675 39275.0264 Table 11. Daily Variations of Solar Radiation for October, 2014 TIME (Hours) 0900 – 1000 1000 – 1100 1100 – 1200 1200 – 1300 1300 – 1400 1400 – 1500 1500 – 1600 1600 – 1700 AVERAGE OUTPUT POWER (Watts/Mtr2) 155.1697 185.5635 204.5871 204.5871 185.5635 155.1697 110.2352 58.3411 AVERAGE HOURLY OUTPUT ENERGY(Watts/Mtr2-Hr) 155.1697 185.5635 204.5871 204.5871 185.5635 155.1697 110.2352 58.3411 DAILY ENERGY OUTPUT (Watts/Mtr2-Hr) M0NTHLY ENERGY OUTPUT(Watts/Mtr2-Hr) 1259.2169 39035.7239 Table 12. Daily Variations of Solar Radiation for November, 2014 TIME (Hours) 0900 – 1000 1000 – 1100 1100 – 1200 1200 – 1300 1300 – 1400 1400 – 1500 1500 – 1600 1600 – 1700 AVERAGE OUTPUT POWER (Watts/Mtr2) 145.8716 177.3822 191.0176 191.0176 177.3822 145.8716 102.4374 102.4374 AVERAGE HOURLY OUTPUT ENERGY(Watts/Mtr2-Hr) 145.8716 177.3822 191.0176 191.0176 177.3822 145.8716 102.4374 52.7014 DAILY ENERGY OUTPUT (Watts/Mtr2-Hr) M0NTHLY ENERGY OUTPUT(Watts/Mtr2-Hr) 1183.6816 35510.4480 Table 13. Daily Variations of Solar Radiation for December, 2014 TIME (Hours) 0900 – 1000 1000 – 1100 1100 – 1200 1200 – 1300 1300 – 1400 1400 – 1500 1500 – 1600 1600 – 1700 AVERAGE OUTPUT POWER (Watts/Mtr2) 140.8895 171.9118 187.9171 187.9171 171.9118 140.8894 98.3774 49.9072 AVERAGE HOURLY OUTPUT ENERGY(Watts/Mtr2-Hr) 140.8895 171.9118 187.9171 187.9171 171.9118 140.8894 98.3774 49.9072 DAILY ENERGY OUTPUT (Watts/Mtr2-Hr) M0NTHLY ENERGY OUTPUT(Watts/Mtr2-Hr) 1149.7214 35641.3630 23 F. N. Ugwoke et al.: A MATLAB Estimation of FUTO Solar PV Potential Using Hottel and Liu Jordan Clear Sky Radiation Model Fig. 3. MATLAB Algorithm for Estimating Hourly Total Radiation Using Hottel and Liu-Jordan Model The average monthly output energy is calculated by adding all the monthly outputs and dividing by the number of months. Finally, average yearly output energy is estimated by multiplying the average monthly output by the number of months in the year. This is shown in table 14. AASCIT Journal of Energy 2015; 2(3): 16-28 24 Table 14. Daily and Monthly Energy output, Avg Monthly and Yearly Energy Output for Jan to Dec, 2014 MONTHS DAILY SOLAR ENERGY OUTPUT(Watts/Mtr2-Hr) MONTHLY ENERGY OUTPUT (Watts/Mtr2-Hr) JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER 1181.9548 1260.7301 1319.3427 1312.4578 1259.5466 1223.2404 1235.3656 1283.5315 1309.1675 1259.2169 1183.6816 1149.7214 36640.5988 36561.1729 40899.6237 39373.7340 39045.9446 36697.2120 38296.3336 39789.4765 39275.0250 39035.7239 35641.3634 35510.4480 From the table shown previously, the average monthly energy output is estimated as 38063.8881 Watts/Mtr2-Hr and thus the average yearly energy output is given as AVERAGE MONTHLY ENERGY OUTPUT(Watts/Mtr2-Hr) AVERAGE YEARLY ENERGY OUTPUT (Watts/Mtr2-Hr) 38063.8881 456766.6570 456766.6570 Watts/Mtr2-Hr. The energy output is an indicator of how much electrical energy can be generated. Note that 1kWh = 3600kJ. Thus, Average yearly energy output = 456766.6570 ×3600000 = 1644359965.2 J = 1644.36MJ 1000 The peak values for the different months are shown in table 15 and the average peak value is used to estimate the area of the solar photovoltaic power generating plant by multiplying with the desired plant capacity. Table 15. Peak Variations, Average Peak Output and Proposed Capacity of the Plant. MONTH PEAK OUTPUT (Wp/M2) JANUARY 192.8601 FEBRUARY 204.5527 MARCH 212.6459 APRIL 210.3509 MAY 201.0221 JUNE 194.5804 JULY 197.1285 AUGUST 205.4617 SEPTEMBER 209.9142 OCTOBER 204.5871 NOVEMBER 191.0176 DECEMBER 187.9171 AVERAGE PEAK OUTPUT (Wp/M2) DESIRED PLANT CAPACITY(MWp) ESTIMATEDPV ARRAY AREA (M2) 201.0032 20MW 99501 Based on estimations and the solar radiation potential of 201.0032 Wp/m2, a typical 20MW plant would occupy an area of 99501m2. 4. Analysis and Discussion of Results 4.1. Analysis of Solar Radiation Data In this section, the tables1 to 15 were analyzed and discussed. Graphs were plotted considering time of peak output. The graphs showing the various daily variations are plotted as shown in fig 4 to 15 with the average hourly output power on the vertical axis and the corresponding time range on the horizontal axis. The values plotted in the graphs are provided in tables 1 – 12.The solar photovoltaic power potential in FUTO is estimated from data derived using the Hottel and Liu-Jordan clear sky radiation model as depicted in fig3. The effects of cloudy weather and non-clear skies are not included in the model application and estimation of the plant capacity. It can be easily seen from the graphs that the daily highest power output occurs within the time interval of 1100 – 1300 hours. This is due to the fact that the sun is almost perpendicular to the surface of the earth at noon. Solar radiation at midday is very high and consequently the output from the solar photovoltaic plant will be higher for this time interval than at other times. Thus, daily peak output from the proposed plant will occur at midday. The graphs have a parabolic shape with the lowest solar radiation occurring in time interval 1600 – 1700 hours. This is because the day is 25 F. N. Ugwoke et al.: A MATLAB Estimation of FUTO Solar PV Potential Using Hottel and Liu Jordan Clear Sky Radiation Model coming to an end and the sun begins to set. Hence, output from the solar plant within that time interval would be low. From the graphs in Fig 16-18, it can be seen that the highest energy output from the plant was recorded in the month of March with the value of 40899.6237Watts/Mtr2-Hr. This is because March is at the boundary between the rainy season and the dry season and is almost totally devoid of cloudy weather and non-clear skies. Hence, solar radiation is high in March. There is also a dip in May through July corresponding with the rainy season and cloudy weather experienced in those months. In August and Fig 4. Graph Showing Daily Variations for Jan, 2014 Fig 6. Graph Showing Daily Variations for April 2014 Fig 8. Graph Showing Daily Variations for June 2014 September, there is a rise in solar radiation output due to the break in the rainy season experienced in these months and the corresponding rise in solar radiation intensity. The Lowest output from the plant was recorded in the month of December with the value of 35510.4480Watts/Mtr2-Hras can be easily seen from the afore-mentioned graphs corresponding to. Actual data from past works on solar radiation in Owerri attests to the fact that the lowest radiation occurs in December and the highest in March. Hence, it is expected that more power will be produced in March and less power in December. Fig 5. Graph Showing Daily Variations for Feb.2014 Fig 7. Graph Showing Daily Variations for March 2014 Fig 9. Graph Showing Daily Variations for May 2014 AASCIT Journal of Energy 2015; 2(3): 16-28 Fig 10. Graph Showing Daily Variations for July 2014 Fig 11. Graph Showing Daily Variations for Aug, 2014 Fig 12. Graph Showing Daily Variations for Sept, 2014 Fig 13. Graph Showing Daily Variations for Oct, 2014 Fig 14. Graph Showing Daily Variations for Nov, 2014 Fig 15. Graph Showing Daily Variations for Dec, 2014 The corresponding graphs for the daily and monthly outputs are shown in fig 16 to18 Fig 16. Avg Daily Energy Outputs for Jan to Dec, 2014 Fig 17. Monthly Energy Outputs for Jan to Dec, 2014 26 27 F. N. Ugwoke et al.: A MATLAB Estimation of FUTO Solar PV Potential Using Hottel and Liu Jordan Clear Sky Radiation Model Fig 18. Graph Showing Peak Output Power Variations for January to December, 2014 4.2. Research Implications With clear skies, solar PV plant productivity is showed to offer satisfactory results. Also, with the monthly peaks considered, the average peak energy output is calculated and the possible plant capacity estimate is made. The best output from a photovoltaic power plant is obtained when the weather is clear and solar intensity is high. The higher the intensity of solar radiation, the higher the amount of power produced. The maximum peak output power was recorded in the month of March with the value of 212.645Wp/m2 while the least value was recorded in the month of December with the value of 187.917 Wp/m2. Actual measurements of meteorological data, their analysis and subsequent estimation of solar potential from the analysis may provide results that will vary with the results provided here by some percentage. This is due to the fact that actual measurements record the data under real and actual conditions as opposed to data used here which considered only clear-sky conditions. The methodology used in this analysis has been used by some other authors and engineers and is satisfactory for estimating the solar photovoltaic potential and plant capacity for an arbitrarily chosen area. 1300. This work demonstrates that solar photovoltaic plants can serve as a means of improving power supply and sustainability within tertiary institutions. With such estimations, an increase awareness on the potential of renewable energy sources that abound in Nigeria using FUTO as a case study will be achieved. Moreover, in a power challenged environment such as FUTO, solar power substitute offers a cost effective solution compared with solar chimney [13] and Space power solar systems [13]. However, the effects of environmental constraints such as power output drop caused by fall in irradiation as well as material reliability could still affect solar PV optimality. With the right tandem of PV array, optimal storage network and tightly coupled switching system, output stability will be achieved for the radiation datasets. This will form basis for a future work. The focus will be to develop an efficient Hybrid grid connected PV system that will significantly facilitate downtime in case of PV failure. References [1] Chetan Singh Solanki, “Solar Photovoltaic, fundamentals, technologies and applications, 2nd Edition, PHI learning, New Delhi, 2014. [2] Energy Information Administration,- International Energy Journal, 2005. [3] O. Awogbemi and C.A. Komolafe, “Potential for sustainable renewable energy development in Nigeria” Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 161-169, May 2011. [4] Liu, B.Y.H. and R.C. Jordan, 1963. The Long-term Spain. Energy Conversion and Management, Average Performance of Flat-Plate Solar Energy 46(13): 2075-2092. [5] Duffie, J.A. and W.A. Beckman, 2006. Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes. 3rd ed. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York, USA, pp: 1-928 [6] Klucher, T.M., 1979. Evaluation of Models to Predict Insolation on Tilted Surfaces. 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