Sergipe-Alagoas Basin
Sergipe-Alagoas Basin
Sergipe-Alagoas Basin Elaine Loureiro Geophysicist Superintendency of Block Delimitation Agenda • Location and Characterization • Infrastructure and Operacional Conditions • Exploration Overview • Tectonostratigraphic Evolution • Petroleum Systems • Plays • Area on offer • Final remarks Agenda • Location and Characterization • Infrastructure and Operacional Conditions • Exploration Overview • Tectonostratigraphic Evolution • Petroleum Systems • Plays • Area on offer • Final remarks Location and Characterization • Elongated in NE-SW direction with 350 km in extension and 35 km of width onshore PernambucoParaíba Basin • Total area: 44,370 Km² Maceió • Onshore area:12,620 km² •The onshore portion is classified as mature Aracaju Jacuípe Basin Sergipe-Alagoas Basin Location and Characterization Northern Boundary Maragogi High Pernambuco-Paraíba Basin Westhern Basement Distensional Faults Alagoas Sub-Basin Sergipe Sub-basin Southern Estância Platform and Vaza-Barris Faults Jacuípe Basin Boundary between subbasins Jaboatã-Penedo High (onshore and watershallow) Location and Characterization 25 Blocks in Alagoas Sub-basin Fazenda Guindaste Field Pilar Field Total Area: 733 km² Legend Capitals State Limits Sector Round 11 Blocks Sedimentary Basin Basement Location and Characterization Pernambuco Alagoas Recife Maceió SEAL T1 Sergipe Aracaju Legend Sector T1 R11 Blocks Sedimentary Basin Cities Production fields The block are in 9 alagoans municipalities Considering Maceió city, the population is greater than 1 million of inhabitants Agenda • Location and Characterization • Infrastructure and Operacional Conditions • Exploration Overview • Tectonostratigraphic Evolution • Petroleum Systems • Plays • Area on offer • Final remarks Infrastructure and Operacional 3 Refineries 3,821 km of pipelines UPGN - Lubnor Refinaria Lubnor UPGN - Guamaré I, II e III Gasoduto GasforRPCC CE 10 Natural Gas Processing Unit (NGPU) Processing capacity of natural gas in the region: 18.5 million m³/day RN PB Nordestão PE Gasalp AL Catu - Carmopólis BA SE UPGN - Pilar UPGN - Carmopólis UPGN - Atalaia Legenda Refinaria RLAM UPGN’s – Bahia, Catu e Candeias Capital Refineries NGPU Pipelines Source: Anuário Estatístico Brasileiro do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis, 2012 Infrastructure and Operacional Gasalp Legenda Highways Liquid Pipelines R11 Blocks Gas Pipelines Airports Capitals NGPU NGPU - Pilar T1 Sector Railways Ports Maceió Catu - Carmopólis UPGN Aracaju Porto de Maceió Source: Agenda • Location and Characterization • Infrastructure e Operacional Conditions • Exploration Overview • Tectonostratigraphic Evolution • Petroleum Systems • Plays • Area on offer • Final remarks Exploration Overview Discovery of Carmopólis Field (SE), with 1.7 Billion bbl of oil in place (onshore) 1935 1930 1957 1940 Geophysical surveys well 2AL 0001 AL (CNP) 1950 1960 1st commercial discovery of oil (1TM 0001 AL) 1963 1968 1970 Discovery of the Guaricema Field (SE) (offshore) Exploration Overview 1980 1990 Petroleum Law and creation of ANP Round 0 2000 R2 R4 R6 2008 2004 2005 1982 2002 1997 1998 2000 Discovery of Pilar Field (AL) with 230 millions bbl of oil in place onshore 2010 R7 R10 Available Data Exploratory wells offshore 3D public seismic 2D public seismic Exploratory wells onshore Alagoas Sub-basin 361 Exploration wells (332 onshore) Sergipe Sub-basin 762 Exploration wells (484 onshore) 38,715 km onshore 2D lines 55,107 km offshore 2D lines 1,155 km² onshore 3D surveys 8,278 km² offshore 3D surveys Exploratories Wells Wells in Sergipe Sub-basin Wells in Alagoas Sub-basin 50 30 45 40 25 Number of wells Number of wells 35 30 25 20 15 10 20 15 10 5 5 0 0 1956 1966 1976 1986 1996 2007 1940 1964 1974 1984 Year Year Onshore wells Offshore wells 1995 2006 Production and Development Fields Alagoas Sub-basin 18 Fields in Production/Development 17 onshore 1 offshore 10 Oil Producer 7 Gas Producer 1 Gas and Oil Producer Sergipe Sub-basin 37 Fields in Production/Development 28 onshore 9 offshore Development and Production Fields State Limits Sector Round 11 Blocks Sedimentary Basin Basement 35 Oil Producer 2 Gas and Oil Producer Evolution of the Total Reserve (onshore) Total Oil Reserve Total Reserve Petroleum (Onshore) 400 20% 350 The other basins 300 200 150 100 Total Gas Reserve 50 2012 2011 12000 2010 2009 10000 Year B m³ 8000 2000 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 0 2002 Sergipe Sub-basin 4000 2000 Alagoas Sub-basin 6000 2001 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 0 2000 MMbbl Sergipe-Alagoas Basin 80% 250 Year Source: Anuário Estatístico Brasileiro do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis, 2012 Accumulated Production (Oil) Production: 5 thousand bbl/day (dec/2012) Siririzinho 74 Millions bbl Riachuelo 44 Millons bbl Camorim 38 Millions bbl Guaricema 70 Millons bbl Pilar 46 Millions bbl Furado 24 Millons bbl Carmópolis 361 Millons bbl Caioba 35,5 Millions bbl Accumulated Production (Gas) Production:1,8 Million m3/day (dec/2012) Ananbé 204 Thousand m3 Furado 4 Billions m3 Cidade de São Miguel dos Campos 2 Billions m3 São Miguel dos Campos 2,5 Billions m3 Pilar 9 Billions m3 Tabuleiros dos Martins 117 Millions m3 Campo de Coqueiro Seco 26 Millions m3 Fazenda Pau Brasil 26 Millions m3 Blocks on Concession and Bidding Rounds 55 Blocks were granted in bidding rounds: R2, R4, R6, R7 and R10. Currently, 12 blocks are under concession, 3 of them are onshore. Operators onshore: Integral de Petróleo e Gás do Brasil S.A. Petrogal Legenda . Capital Development and Production Fields State Limits Sectors Round 11 Blocks Sedimentary Basin Basement Exploratory Blocks Round 2 Round 4 Round 6 Round 7 Round 10 Agenda • Location and Characterization • Infrastructure and Operacional Conditions • Exploration Overview • Tectonostratigraphic Evolution • Petroleum Systems • Plays • Area on offer • Final remarks Stratigraphic Evolution Sergipe Sub-basin Alagoas Sub-basin Drift Post-Rift Rift Pre-Rift Palaeozoic Sineclisis Campos Neto et al., 2007 Source: ANP/UFRN/FUNPEC, 2008 Stratigraphic Evolution Sergipe Sub-basin Alagoas Sub-basin Basement Proterozoic Sergipe Sub-basin Sergipana Belt Metamorphic Alagoas Sub-basin Pernambuco-Alagoas Massif Granitic Campos Neto et al., 2007 Source: ANP/UFRN/FUNPEC, 2008 Stratigraphic Evolution Sergipe Sub-basin Alagoas Sub-basin Palaeozoic Sineclisis Early Permian (Aracaré Fm) Desert and coastal Later Carboniferous (Batinga Fm) Glacial Campos Neto et al., 2007 Source: ANP/UFRN/FUNPEC, 2008 Stratigraphic Evolution Sergipe Sub-basin Alagoas Sub-basin Pre-Rift Jurassic to Eocretaceous Berriasian (Serraria Fm) Fluvial-lacustrine Later Jurassic (Bananeiras and Candeeiro Fms) Fluvial-deltaic/ Lacustrine Pre-Rift Unconformity (Mechanical Subsidence) Campos Neto et al., 2007 Source: ANP/UFRN/FUNPEC, 2008 Stratigraphic Evolution Sergipe Sub-basin Alagoas Sub-basin Rift Early Cretaceous Middle Aptian (Maceió Fm) Deltaic and Alluvial/Sabkha. Early Aptian (Fm. Poção e Coqueiro Seco) Fluvial, alluvial and lacustrine Neocomian to Barremian (Feliz Deserto, Penedo and Barra do Itiúba Fm ) Fluvial-deltaic and lacustrine Pre Neo-Alagoas Unconformity (South Atlantic opening) Campos Neto et al., 2007 Source: ANP/UFRN/FUNPEC, 2008 Stratigraphic Evolution Sergipe Sub-basin Alagoas Sub-basin Post-Rift Albian to Coniacian Sergipe Group Pre-Calumbi Unconformity Riachuelo and Cotinguiba Fm Campos Neto et al., 2007 Source: ANP/UFRN/FUNPEC, 2008 Stratigraphic Evolution Sergipe Sub-basin Alagoas Sub-basin Drift Santonian to Recent Piaçabuçu Group Marituba, Mosqueiro and Calumbi Fm Campos Neto et al., 2007 Source: ANP/UFRN/FUNPEC, 2008 Structural Maps Fazenda Guindaste Gravimetric Map Residual Bouguer Anomaly (mGal) Pilar Source: ANP/UFRN/FUNPEC, 2008 SE Structural Maps .Aracaju BA Magnetic Map Analitic Sinal Fazenda Guindaste (nT/m) .Salvador Pilar Source: ANP/UFRN/FUNPEC, 2008 Structural Maps Fazenda Guindaste Magnetic Map Tilt (Radians) Pilar Furado Source: ANP/UFRN/FUNPEC, 2008 Agenda • Location and Characterization • Infrastructure and Operacional Conditions • Exploration Overview • Tectonostratigraphic Evolution • Petroleum Systems • Plays • Area on offer • Final remarks Petroleum Systems Barra do Itiúba/Coqueiro Seco – Coqueiro Seco (.) Maceió (.) Fonte: ANP/UFRN/FUNPEC, 2008 Petroleum Systems Source Rock Generation Alagoas Sub-basin Middle to Early Aptian Maceió Fm TOC ~ 5%, high potencial oil and gas generator Neocomian to Barremian Barra de Itiúba and Coqueiro Seco Fm Shales of freshwater to brackish water TOC ~ 3%, high potencial generator and Kerogen Type I and II Campos Neto et al., 2007 Petroleum Systems Reservoir Rock Reservoirs Alagoas Sub-basin Aptian to Barremian Maceió, Penedo and Coqueiro Seco Fm Sinrift Sandstones Ø = 10% to 25% Jurassic to Neocomian Pre-Rift Sandstone Serraria Fm Good permoporosity Campos Neto et al., 2007 Petroleum Systems Seal Rock Alagoas Sub-basin Reservoirs Seals Shales of Barra do Itiúba and Coqueiro Seco Fm Aptian to Barremian Sinrift Sandstones Shales of Feliz Deserto and Barra do Itiúba Fm Jurassic to Neocomian Pre-Rift Sandstone Campos Neto et al., 2007 Petroleum Systems Traps and Migration Traps Domic features Horsts Basculation in the basement Normal faults NE Migration Carrier layers Permeable faults Lateral migration Source: ANP/UFRN/FUNPEC, 2008 Agenda • Location and Characterization • Infrastructure and Operacional Conditions • Exploration Overview • Tectonostratigraphic Evolution • Petroleum Systems • Plays • Area on offer • Final remarks Plays Summary Plays Late Jurassic Sandstones Neocomian Sandstones Barremian Sandstones and Carbonates Aptian Sandstones Main Plays Barremian Play Sandstones and carbonates Coqueiro Seco Fm and Morro do Chaves Mb Aptian Play Sandstones Maceió Fm Neocomian Play Sandstones Barra do Itiúba Fm Linhas 027-0164 0 Late Jurassic Play Sanstones Serraria Fm 40 Source: ANP/UFRN/FUNPEC, 2008 Barremian Sandstones A A’ Rifte Pré-rifte Embasamento 36°0'0"W 35°0'0"W 9°0'0"S Legenda . Capitais Campos em Des. ou Produção Limite Estadual Setor em Oferta R11 Blocos em Oferta R11 Bacia Sedimentar Embasamento A São Miguel dos Campos Field A’ 10°0'0"S Blocos Exploratórios Rodada 2 Rodada 4 Rodada 7 Rodada 10 Rodada 6 0 5 10 15 20 km 36°0'0"W 35°0'0"W Source: ANP/UFRN/FUNPEC, 2008 Barremian Sandstones and carbonates Geological Section of the Pilar Field A 36°0'0"W 35°0'0"W 9°0'0"S (Bizzi et al. 2003 - mod. de Borba, 1998) Anticline Legenda . Capitais Campos em Des. ou Produção Limite Estadual Setor em Oferta R11 Blocos em Oferta R11 Bacia Sedimentar Embasamento > 700 Reservoirs (gas and oil) Intensive faults Rift Tectonic Blocos Exploratórios A A’ Rodada 2 Rodada 4 Rodada 6 0 5 10 15 20 km 36°0'0"W 35°0'0"W Rodada 7 Rodada 10 A’ Aptian Sandstones 1FGT 0001 AL Fazenda Guindaste A A’ Line 0027-0358 Faults Aptian tops Barremian tops Basement Agenda • Location and Characterization • Infrastructure and Operacional Conditions • Exploration Overview • Tectonostratigraphic Evolution • Petroleum Systems • Plays • Area on offer • Final remarks Blocks on offer •SEAL-T1 Sector – Alagoas Sub-basin • 25 Blocks • Total Area ~ 733 km² • Block Area ~ 30 km² Legend Capitals State Limits Sector Round 11 Blocks Sedimentary Basin Basement SEAL T1 Wells in the Area Oil and gas shows Oil and gas shows Oil and gas shows throughout the length of the well Oil and gas shows Fazenda Guindaste Field has already produced gas in sandstones of Maceió Fm Data Package 266 km of 2D seismic surveys 11 wells Petroleum System Studies of Sergipe-Alagoas Basin - ANP/UFRN 2008 Gravimetry Exploration Opportunities Magnetic Map Tilt (Radians) Fonte: ANP/UFRN/FUNPEC, 2008 Exploration Opportunities SEAL-T1-72 Faults Aptian top Barremian top Basement 0027-0564 Line 0027-0359 Exploration Opportunities SEAL-T1-78 SEAL-T1-72 Fazenda Guindaste Field Line 0027-0678 Faults Aptian top Barremian top Basement Exploration Opportunities SEAL-T1-43 SEAL-T1-44 Line 0027-0562 Faults Aptian top Barremian top Basement Exploration Opportunities SEAL-T1-44 SEAL-T1-50 SEAL-T1-51 - 52 Fonte: ANP/UFRN/FUNPEC, 2008 Line 0027-0564 Faults Aptian top Barremian top Basement Speculative Resources (Gas) 1 well per VGIP 114 km² 2 Billions m3 97 Millions m3 *Logarithmic Mean per discovery* Area on offer 733 km² 1 well per 5 km² Drill 147 wells Reference Period 21 discoveries Risk 1:7 2002 to 2012 Contractual Aspects SSEAL-T1 SECTOR Exploratory Model Mature Number of Blocks 25 Area per block 30 km² Area on offer 733.16 km² Exploration Phase 5 years Exploratory Period 3+2 years Technical Qualification of the Operator C Minimum Bonus R$ 25,089.20 to R$ 51,599.73 Minimum Depth (Main Objective) Coqueiro Seco Fm Aptian Agenda • Location and Characterization • Infrastructure and Operacional Conditions • Exploration Overview • Tectonostratigraphic Evolution • Petroleum Systems • Plays • Area on offer • Final remarks Final Remarks Mature basin Active production of oil and gas in the northeast of Brazil Blocks offered and acquired by bidders in several rounds 20% of the onshore reserves of the country Infrastructure for the oil industry Efficient petroleum system and diversity of plays Adequate opportunities for small and medium-sized companies Reprocessing and non seismic methods are suggested National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Elaine Loureiro 57
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