Qualified engineering solutions


Qualified engineering solutions
Qualified engineering solutions
Project management / SiGeKo
Road construction
Public works
Hydraulic engineering
Water management
Urban water management
Waste management /
remediation of contaminated sites
Urban planning
Project development
Surveying / GIS
Environmental engineering . Engineering company . Planning company
Urban planning,
public works,
Urban water
Road construction,
surveying / GIS,
hydraulic engineering, project
Our promise of quality is to have always an eye for the
essential tasks and interests of our customers. This is in
the focus of our company today, as it has always been.
The company’s success story begins with its foundation
in 1957 in Korb, near Stuttgart, by Walter Heinrich, a
chartered engineer. Today the enterprise is managed by
the engineers Dr. Dietmar Heinrich, Dr. Huseyin Ibrahim
and Günter Littau.
Since its establishment, the company has expanded and today
it operates all over Germany, with offices in Hamburg, Freiberg
(Saxony) and Waiblingen (Baden-Wuerttemberg).
The bundling of the company’s know-how and the close cooperation of the independent company locations provide our
customers for synergies, which are so important for achieving
optimum solutions to the most complex problems.
This is why the engineering services we offer do not only cover
the whole range of blueprint planning and detail engineering,
but go far beyond. Our services range from experts’ reports,
inventories, feasibility studies and concepts to planning including site supervision and commissioning. If desired we can
realise schedule review, cost control as well as management
of complete projects.
In the range of process engineering, we offer staff training and
prepare failure plans. Also concerning applications for subsidies,
financial assistance and official regulations we are up to date.
We shall be pleased to advise you.
Entrusting all the tasks to Heinrich Consult will assure
comprehensive security in planning and execution in respect
of schedule and economic issues.
State-of-the-art knowledge is the profound basis of our work.
This is why we maintain the following memberships: ABV,
chambers of engineers in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Hamburg,
Hessen, Saxony, BDB, BWK, DVW, DWA, HTG, VBI, VDI, VSVI
and VUBIC.
Trust in our longtime experience, because Heinrich Consult
can be your partner for versatile problems.
»To see something often only needs
a change of perspective« Saint-Exupéry
Water management,
waste management,
project control / SiGeKo
(coordinator for safety
and health at work)
That is why Heinrich Consult is your
partner when planning, building and
environmental engineering are
Project management / SiGeKo (coordinator for safety and health at work)
Road construction
Traffic census
Traffic concepts
Planning of alignments
Design of the cross-section
Traffic signs and traffic
regulation plans
• Advice to the roads database
• OKSTRA - standardisation in
road and traffic issues
Public works
• Municipal drainage and
• Special buildings
• Pipeline construction
• Rainwater management
• Concepts for supplies and
• Examination of sewers /
Hydraulic engineering /
Water management
• Landscape ecology /
flood protection
• River development / renaturation / fish-pass
• Storage reservoirs and water
retention basins
• Flooding concepts
• Hydrol. measuring devices
• Automation / remote control
and process control technology
• New building and renovation
of hydraulic structures
• Treatment of rainwater
Urban water
• Sewage network information
• Sewage concepts
• Ecological, sustainable
sanitation concepts (Ecosan)
• Sewage treatment
• Sludge treatment
• Process control technology
• Measuring and control
• Water supply, recovery,
• Rainwater utilisation
• Process engineering
Landfill construction
Landfill gas utilisation
Waste management concepts
Landfill leachate treatment
Remediation of contaminated
• Recycling
• Composting
• Exhaust air treatment
Urban planning /
Project development
• Urban-sociological analysis
• Inventories of plants and
• Clarification of conflict potential
• Different options of realisation
• Urban development conceptions
• Development plans
• Zoning plans / land use
• Consolidation in building areas
• Site analyses
• Co-ordination of planning
application, financing and
building promotion
• Scheduling
• Due diligence of proceeds
• Overall infrastructure planning
• Fiduciary in all decision-making
Surveying / GIS
Waste management /
Remediation of
contaminated sites
Basic surveys
Structure surveys and recording
Engineering surveys
Topographic surveys
Digital topographic mapping
Inventory plans
Mass calculations
GPS measurements
damage assessment /
sewer remediation
Target specification
Collection of data and plans
System consultancy
Project management
Facility Management
Personnel assistance
User training
With us, your projects are in the best
possible and experienced hands.
Project management
SiGeKo (coordinator for safety and health at work)
Long-term partnerships are a guarantor for long-term success.
Our consultancy with independent and capable advice on
systems and constant project monitoring right from incoming
orders to their punctual accomplishment covers fulfilment as
a team of neutral advisers, taking into account all organizational,
technical and economic aspects.
With the introduction of the European Building Sites Regulation
of 1998, preventive working safety measures and co-operation
of contractors during planning and execution is considered
more stringently.
Expenditure on compliance with quality, costs, schedules as
well as co-ordination of specialised planners and companies
can be a major issue for large projects. With project control in
our hands, we assure the client optimum project management.
He is disburdened from personal obligations as principal and
can thus attend to his entrepreneurial tasks.
This is why we can perform your coordination tasks for safety
and health at work according to the european building sites
Road construction
Our driving force is known as
innovation and safety. The future
begins today. In the ideas we realise
on your behalf.
The services:
Traffic census
Traffic concepts
Planning of alignments
Design of the cross-section
Traffic signs and traffic
regulation plans
• Advice to the roads
database ASB
• OKSTRA - standardisation
in road and traffic issues
In addition to innovation and safety, environmental protection
and aesthetic considerations account for top priority in road
This ranges from planning of simple village roads, traffic calming
measures and classified roads of all types till to project
management. Our working focus is primarily on optimising
town-centre junctions and minimising area usage.
All our planning is based on ecological and economic
considerations, so that the most cost-effective solution for our
clients can already be established by comparing possible
options during preliminary planning.
Public works
Invisible engineering performance
leads to visible success.
The services:
• Municipal drainage and
• Special buildings
• Pipeline construction
• Rainwater management
• Concepts for supplies and
• Examination of sewers /
damage assessment /
sewer remediation
Public works include complex and future-oriented tasks.
The know-how of Heinrich Consult amassed with numerous
completed projects thus allows for reliable execution of
underground work planning.
In this way ecologically viable over-all concepts (turn-keysolutions) can be provided while maintaining the necessary
economics and preserving resources as far as possible.
With up-to-date service connections, through supply and
disposal concepts for new buildings to renovation of old
conduits, we offer all the services of pubic works, civil
engineering, including planning of inverted syphons also with
air cushion and stormwater storage basins. For sewers, we
provide special sewer databases which simplify the investigation
for information very much.
Share common aims, join forces: This
is what we mean by partnership.
Nature and environmental protection were always in relationship
with hydraulic engineering. Sensitive and imaginative planning,
especially in renaturation of water courses, use of abandoned
opencast pits and flood protection measures can ensure an
optimum integration of structures into the environment.
In the overall planning, the complete service from inventory
report to building supervision presents a standard line with
cost reduction potentials.
Hydraulic engineering and water management:
River-bank remediation: Flooding mostly occurs after prolonged
periods of heavy stormwater events. We all know the extent
this can reach. Adequate precautions can be taken with
automatic flood detention basins and river-bank remediation.
Think in partnership - act in a holistic
The services:
• Landscape ecology /
flood protection
• River development / renaturation / fish-pass
• Storage reservoirs and
water retention basins
• Flooding concepts
• Hydrol. measuring devices
• Automation / remote control
and process control
• New building and renovation of hydraulic structures
• Treatment of rainwater
Renaturation: The aim of renaturation is to return a water
course to its natural state. The prime objectives are the creation
of hydro-ecological conditions and the guarantee, that flood
protection needs are catered for.
Surface drainage: With the help of retention soil filters – a
hydraulic water management tool – stormwater runoff from
urban roads is stored and purified. The plant retains impact
loads and reduces the pollutants contained.
Hydrologic measuring instruments: Accurate knowledge of
current water levels is important, for example for the work of
automatic flood alarms. For this reason, level indicator stations
are installed in all relevant flowing waters which assure
automatic reading and continuous recording of the level and
make it easy to call these data via the network.
Urban water
Responsibility for our environment is
more than just a credo for us.
The services:
• Sewage network information systems
• Sewage concepts
• Ecological, sustainable sanitation concepts (Ecosan)
• Sewage treatment
• Sludge treatment
• Process control technology
• Measuring and control
• Water supply, recovery,
• Rainwater utilisation
• Process engineering
The range of services for Urban water management ranges
from drinking water supply to the treatment of industrial and
municipal waste water. To guarantee a sensible ecological and
economical concept, existing plants must be integrated in
Increasingly complicated processes are assisted by automation
making use of modern process control systems which meet the
demands of plant engineering and guarantee compliance with
effluent guidelines. Understanding the problems of waste
disposal enables us to integrate various options in planning,
which result in long-term cost benefits.
Waste management /
remedation of contaminated sites
From the throwaway society to the
recycling society – by means of
future-oriented concepts.
The services:
• Landfill construction
• Landfill gas utilisation
• Waste management concepts
• Landfill leachate treatment
• Remediation of contaminated sites
• Recycling
• Composting
• Exhaust air treatment
In recent decades, adequate significance has been attributed to
waste management according to its importance. By means of
innovative waste management concepts, the throwaway society
can be encouraged to become a recycling society. But no recycling
concept, how good it may be, will ever lead to waste management
without any residues.
Knowledge of potential hazards of landfills must lead to problem
solutions which reduce these hazards to an acceptable level.
We can offer comprehensive planning to include landfill gas usage
and leachate treatment as well as remedation of polluted areas.
Urban planning
Creativity is the basis of a successful
The services:
• Urban-sociological analyses
• Urban planning and social
evaluation and examination
of existing areas
• Description and clarification
of conflict potential
• Different methods of
• Urban development projects
• Development plans
• Land use planning
• Consolidation in building
Urban planning is always carried out for and in concert with
the people who live in the areas. Everyday requirements of the
infrastructure and Urban facilities must be integrated in the
plans in a modern manner. Quality of a plan is when the quality
is invisible, but when its consequences are discernible at the
same time.
Part of urban planning is to develop concepts allowing for urban
design and future development. A large measure of creativity,
sensitivity, know-how and progressive thinking ensures
successful realisation which we have introduced into many
ideas competitions.
Already in the planning stages of zoning and development
plans or utilisation analyses, we make use of all special
disciplines within our office to provide the customer with an
integrated plan and with all the advantages of comprehensive
Project development
Global thinking solves complex
The services:
• Site analyses, feasibility
• Co-ordination of planning
application, financing and
building promotion
• Scheduling
• Due diligence, calculation
of proceeds
• Over-all infrastructure
• Fiduciary in all decisionmaking
In project development, the technical, economic and legal
conditions are created which make the project possible.
From site and utilisation analyses to completion of the project,
including planning and support in the approval procedure,
Heinrich Consult acts as the principal’s fiduciary in all decisions.
The strategy of project development is, besides finding decisions
on the best engineering solution, to make the project to achieve
the most possible economic success.
This has been successfully realised in many projects by
interdisciplinary teamwork and the experience of Heinrich
Banks, private investors, industrial and commercial companies
and insolvence practitioners belong to our clients.
The basis of all planning.
The services:
• Basic surveys
• Structure surveys and
• Engineering surveys
• Topographic surveys
• Digital topographic mapping
• Inventory plans
• Mass calculations
• GPS measurements
All services in the field of basic surveys, structure and
engineering surveys are part of our daily work.
Besides the actual surveys, inventories are prepared and digital
topographic maps are drawn up in the survey departments.
This promotes synergies with further planning stages we
For nature conservation and conservation of resources, building
in existing structures attains more and more significance. For
this, up-to-date and detailed inventory control are absolutely
essential as a basis for planning.
Geographic information systems:
trend-setting, time-saving and precise
– that is how we define our GIS
The services:
Target specification
Collection of data and plans
System consultancy
Project management
Facility Management
Personnel assistance
User training
We create the basis for a perfect infrastructure management
using conventional plans and drawings. Thus, long and tedious
searches in files and archives are things of the past. One click,
and GIS, the geographic information system, immediately
visualises all individual data, for example cables and ducting
for services and drains or traffic facilities. More efficiency less efforts.
This new dimension of planning, administration, processing
and management in the field of infrastructure sets trends for
future technology. Every piece of information required is
available accurately and fast at a glance and classified according
to various criteria, e.g. the establishment of static values or
durability of materials.
In addition to the traditional methods of mapping electricity
supplies, which are using multiple dotted lines in diagrammatic
electricity supply plans, we successfully apply the “actual
multiple dotted-line” system called „Real-Mehrstrichverfahren“ ©.
This is planning safety at any scale, without reworking and with
only one set of data to store.
This is where you find us:
Dr.-Ing. Heinrich
Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH
Dr.-Ing. Heinrich
Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH
Dr.-Ing. Heinrich GmbH
Heinrich Consult Ltd.
Große Straße 124b
D-21075 Hamburg
Tel. +49 (0) 40 / 7 92 40 04
Fax +49 (0) 40 / 7 92 40 07
Zuger Straße 9
D-09599 Freiberg / Sachsen Tel. +49 (0) 37 31 / 35 38 - 0
Fax +49 (0) 37 31 / 35 38 - 90
Heerstraße 109
D-71332 Waiblingen Tel. +49 (0) 71 51 / 9 39 41-0
Fax +49 (0) 71 51 / 9 39 41-99
Çinar Sok. Park Towers 4A/ No.2
Gazi Magusa - Kıbrıs / Cyprus
Tel. +90 (0) 3 92 / 3 66 53 93
Faks +90 (0) 3 92 / 3 66 53 92
w w w . h e i n r i c h - c o n s u l t . com