the class of - Nazarene Theological Seminary
the class of - Nazarene Theological Seminary
NAZARENE THEOLOGICAL SEMNIARY MASTER OF ARTS IN MASTER OF ARTS IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION INTERCULTURAL STUDIES as of the 2011/2012 academic year, this degree program will be known as: maSter of artS in CHRISTIAN FORMATION & DISCIPLESHIP NOT PICTURED: trent d. JohnSon JASON R. DECKER** available for placement available for placement BRUCE J. NOFFSINGER the class of DOCTOR OF MINISTRY 2011 Senior pastor first church of the nazarene Buffalo, ny adrien-daVid roBichaUd Jeremy a. SmallWood** ryan S. StroUd*** chaplain (Spiritual care intervention) Sainte-Justine paediatric University hospital montreal, Quebec canada associate pastor Selinsgrove church of the nazarene Selinsgrove, pa available for placement caSSandra g. lara Kathryn a. rUcKer*** JAMES MATTHEW PRICE available for placement project Specialist nazarene compassionate ministries lenexa, KS assistant professor of christian education mount Vernon nazarene University mount Vernon, oh ***SUMMA CUM LAUDE | **MAGNA CUM LAUDE | *CUM LAUDE placement information current as of august 1, 2011. for more information regarding graduates available for placement, please contact the dean’s office: 800.831.3011, ext. 5412 or MASTER OF ARTS THEOLOGICAL STUDIES DUAL DEGREE NOT PICTURED: RICHARD M. LIANTONIO** ISAIAH L. BLEESE pursuing ph.d. in old testament pastor of teaching & discipleship lamoure church of the nazarene lamoure, nd MASTER OF DIVINITY / MNU MASTER OF ARTS IN COUNSELING learn more about this unique partnership between nazarene theological Seminary & midamerica nazarene UniVerSity ntS.edU/paStoral-coUnSeling-dUal-degree DARRELL R. JONES ORLANDO R. SERRANO STEPHEN L. SLACK Senior pastor grace evangelical church St. Joseph, mo district Superintendent Western latin american district church of the nazarene Santa fe Springs, ca PASTORAL RESEARCH PROJECT TOPIC: “developing a lay counseling ministry in the hispanic/latino church” pastor of adults Westlink christian church Wichita, KS PASTORAL RESEARCH PROJECT TOPIC: “the missio dei and the Being and Witness of grace evangelical church: congregational transformation through incarnational living in St. Joseph, mo” PASTORAL RESEARCH PROJECT TOPIC: “a mega church and Jesus’ fully devoted followers: Westlink christian church – Viewing the forest and trees together” CERTIFICATES & DIPLOMAS CERTIFICATE IN BIBLICAL LANGUAGES peter Benjamin Boeckel richard m. liantonio CERTIFICATE IN CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP Joshua W. Johnson CERTIFICATE IN CROSS-CULTURAL MINISTRY christopher r. cotton Joseph m. goodwin Jamie c. rubio CERTIFICATE IN EVANGELISM Jeremy l. Van Kley CERTIFICATE IN SPIRITUAL FORMATION Kristen m. Jones CERTIFICATE IN URBAN MINISTRIES cassandra g. lara certificateS and diplomaS complement our maSter’S degreeS. the purposes of these non-degree programs are: 1. to offer a substantial measure of graduate theological education to qualified persons who, for various reasons, cannot pursue a master’s degree; or marK m. elmore* MARC S. HARDY* MATTHEW M. SLATER* KEVIN G. SMITH** youth ministry coordinator north Star United methodist church liberty, mo available for placement 2. to provide certified ministry focus in conjunction with earning one of our master’s degrees. available for placement View a list of all our certificate & diploma programS at NTS.EDU/CERTIFICATES-AND-DIPLOMAS. NOT PICTURED: MASTER OF JAMES B. CHAPMAN* DIVINITY Pastor SonLight Church of the Nazarene Blain, MN SAMUEL APARACIO SUSAN C. ARMSTRONG*** BETH A. BLEADINGHEISER PETER BENJAMIN BOECKEL CHRISTOPHER L. BRANIGAN JOSHUA M. BROUGHTON Associate Pastor of Hispanic Ministries The Naz Church of the Nazarene Harrisonville, MO Worship Pastor Manteno Church of the Nazarene Manteno, IL Associate Pastor CrossPoint Community Church of the Nazarene Kansas City, MO Teaching Assistant & Online Instructor Nazarene Theological Seminary Kansas City, MO Available for Placement Lead Pastor “The Gathering” Wesleyan Church Wesley Chapel, FL SARAH J. BURTON* Available for Placement ALEXANDER S. BUTLER** RUSSELL WILLARD CERTAIN** AARON M. CHELIKOWSKY Pastor of Student Ministries Visalia Nazarene Church Visalia, CA Program Director/Youth Pastor Kansas City Urban Youth Center Kansas City, MO Associate Pastor of Administration & Discipleship First Church of the Nazarene Salina, KS MARK A. GRANGER* Chaplain Resident Fairview Southdale Hospital Edina, MN STEVEN GREGORY LEDBETTER Senior Pastor First Church of the Nazarene Poteau, OK EDWARD PEÑATE KATHERINE J. CHEPULIS CHRISTOPHER R. COTTON ELIZABETH M. CRISCUOLO MICHAEL FALGOUT** PHILIP FRIDAY DANIEL A. K. L. GOMIS JOSEPH M. GOODWIN* RYAN J. M. HANSARD Staff Chaplain Truman Medical Center Kansas City, MO Youth Pastor Living Hope Church of the Nazarene Olathe, KS Associate Pastor Binghamton First Church of the Nazarene Binghamton, NY Pastor / Associate Pastor Richmond / Canaan Hill Church of the Nazarene Richmond, MO / Lawson, MO Senior Pastor Risen Lamb Church of the Nazarene Kansas City, KS Senior Pastor First Church of the Nazarene Dakar, Senegal, Africa Available for Placement Associate Pastor “The Gathering” Wesleyan Church Wesley Chapel, FL VERYL D. HODGES Doctor of Osteopathy Jonesboro, AR Medical Advisor Nazarene Disaster Response DAVID J. HUTSKO JOSHUA W. JOHNSON Teaching Pastor Warren Woods Church of the Nazarene Warren, MI Senior Pastor Cornerstone Church of the Nazarene Santa Maria, CA Associate Pastor North Chicago Church of the Nazarene Chicago, IL JAMES M. ROACH* Family Ministry Director Lakeland Community Church Lee's Summit, MO BENJAMIN L. SCHOLL Resident Chaplain Geisinger Medical Center Philadelphia, PA RICHARD A. SHEWELL* KRISTEN M. JONES* JOSHUA W. JORGENSEN* DANIEL J. MAHAFFEY* JAMES ANDERSON MCGEE CHELSEA E. MILLER KASON L. OAKES MARK K. OLSON** KENNETH R. PAPENHAGEN, II DAVID WESLEY PHILLIPS* JOHNATHAN M. PICKENS** MATTHEW B. POLLOCK** Youth Pastor Bethany Church of the Nazarene Rumford, RI Senior Pastor Atwater Church of the Nazarene Atwater, CA Pastor of Worship and Creative Arts Buckhannon Church of the Nazarene Buckhannon, WV Lead Pastor Trinity Family Midtown Church of the Nazarene Kansas City, MO Available for Placement Interim Pastor/Youth Pastor Camp Creek Church of the Nazarene Taloga, OK Pastor Antioch Family Church of the Nazarene Antioch, CA Chaplain Heartland Hospice Toledo, OH Pastor to Families Jefferson City Church of the Nazarene Jefferson City, MO Associate Pastor for Youth and Families Shawnee Church of the Nazarene Shawnee, KS Student Ministries Pastor First Church of the Nazarene Lafayette, IN Youth Pastor First United Methodist Church Boise, ID AARON E. TIFFANY Associate Pastor First Church of the Nazarene Lovington, NM ROY L. RICHARDSON** JAMIE C. RUBIO WILSON D. RYLAND*** SUZANNE W. SHUGART WESLEY A. SNEED* NATHAN L. SNIDER DAVID J. SPAITE BRIAN D. TIMMER* JEREMY L. VAN KLEY** SARAH E. WEEMS* JAY D. WILSON* Pastor Hobart Church of the Nazarene Hobart, IN Cross Cultural Pastor Central Church of the Nazarene Lenexa, KS Associate Pastor to Young/Middle Adults First Church of the Nazarene Prescott, AZ Adjunct Professor Central Christian College of Kansas PRN Chaplain Associate/College Pastor First Church of the Nazarene Bowling Green, KY Youth Pastor Tempe Nazarene Church Tempe, AZ Available for Placement Connecting Pastor Olathe Christ Community Church of the Nazarene Olathe, KS Senior Pastor First Church of the Nazarene DeMotte, IN Director of Hospitality Trinity Family Midtown Love Wins Ministry Kansas City, MO Pastor to Elementary-Age Children First Church of the Nazarene Kansas City, MO NTS.EDU