The Spire - Covenant Presbyterian Church Jackson, MS Home


The Spire - Covenant Presbyterian Church Jackson, MS Home
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Spring 2013
The Spire
Women in Ministry
“Reaching Out to Our Community and Beyond”
Women’s Work Day
Inside this issue:
Come join us as in
fellowship as we work on
projects to spread Christ’s
love beyond our own
*Making no-sew tutus
for the Honduran
Notes from the Loft
Children’s News
Arts in Ministry:
Delight in the Lord
Youth News
From the Preschool
World Water Day: A
Missions Update
Handbells Schedule
Stephen Ministry
Easter Favorites
Free the Girls (WIM)
2. Honduras Mission
Trip Preparation:
*Knits Wits will be
making wash cloths
and assembling
hygiene packets
*Making headbands
and hair bows for the
Honduran girls
Koinonia Picnic
Meals on Wheels Saturday Drivers for April, May & June
Miscellaneous News
Senior Recognition Day
April, May & June
Church Events:
April, May & June
Call Me...Maybe? Okay,
Just Text Me!
Service Projects:
1. Church-wide Food
Drive for Stewpot
3. Preparing thank you
notes to be given to
the preschool
teachers and staff of
Covenant, lauding
them for their hard
work and service to
our church,
community and
4. “Free the Girls”
project to aid victims
of human trafficking.
Mike Wallace
Change IS in the air!
Saturday April 20th
Fellowship Hall
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Ages 6th grade - 100
Sherry Byrne
Sandy Cavett
Tina Crump
Tim Byrne
Chris Waddell
Alex Guidry
Bill Cook
Mike Wallace
Trey Weir
Gretchen Cook
Rusty Williard
Bill Hays
Randy Vessell
Jeff Weill
Linda Lambeth
Sara Kimmel
Slade Exley
Mary Lewis
Mike McNames
Louis Fuller
Jim Weems
Mary Louise Shaw
Christine Polk
Page 2
The Spire
Notes from the Loft:
A Call to Those Who Would Sing God’s Praises
Music fills the courts of heaven as heavenly beings praise our Lord and Creator (see
Revelations 14-15). When God created the world, the morning stars sang together and all the angels
shouted for joy (Job 38:7). The chief end of man is to Glorify God and enjoy Him forever
(Westminster Catechism). God created us in His own image, to be instruments of His praise. He gave
us the ability to sing and to make music with musical instruments that complement the voice.
Historically, music was an important part of the worship service in the temple, synagogue and family
worship. Groups of the Levitical tribes were designated as temple musicians and singers, offering
their praises to God (See 1 Chr 23:4; 1 Chr 6:31-21, 1 Chr 15:6, Neh 12:31). David had a gift of
music, providing soothing harp music to King Saul when the king was distraught. David
commissioned most of the instruments and songs for the temple services, and he wrote most of the
songs in Psalms, the longest book in the Bible.
Songs and poetry (the language of hymnody) were also means to help remember significant events,
blessings and warnings. The Song of Moses is a good example of this. [Exodus 15:1-18]
Read Ps. 98:1-9: Sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done marvelous things; his right hand and
his holy arm have worked salvation for him. The LORD has made his salvation known and revealed
his righteousness to the nations. He has remembered his love and his faithfulness to the house of
Israel; all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. Shout for joy to the LORD, all the
earth, burst into jubilant song with music; make music to the LORD with the harp, with the harp and
the sound of singing, with trumpets and the blast of the ram's horn-- shout for joy before the LORD,
the King. Let the sea resound, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. Let the rivers clap
their hands, let the mountains sing together for joy; let them sing before the LORD, for he comes to
judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples with equity.
God calls singers and musicians to sing for him and to him. If you are a singer, you are called to sing
for him! If you are an instrumentalist, you are called to play for him! If you would like to learn to
sing, we can help you.
At a previous ministry, a man, "Carter" with a deeply resonant voice approached me. He had played
clarinet in school but had never sung. He felt called to sing in the choir. During the first rehearsal, he
clearly felt lost. Further conversation revealed that hymns were generally too high for him to sing, and
that he was unsure of his voice and how to use it. With weekly coaching, Carolyn and I found the 5
notes he could match and sing well. With practice, he could eventually sing a full bass range! By
planning his part and reviewing it before rehearsal, he became a wonderful asset to the bass section
and brought joy to the Lord, to himself, to his family, to the choir, and to the congregation. 15
minutes each week turned a small gift into a big one.
Many at Covenant are musically talented far beyond "Carter". Yet "life" somehow seems to get in the
way of making a commitment to sing in the choirs at Covenant, and this includes those already
singing regularly in the choirs. Young couples cope with the realities of children, some who have just
entered the world. Some job descriptions require travel and long hours. Relationships sometimes need
lots and lots of TLC. Illnesses can have great impact. Still, in the midst of all of this is a clear call to
worship the Lord and praise Him through song.
Continued on next page.
The Spire
Page 3
Continued from page 3
Joining the choir is easy. Coming to rehearsals can be difficult, but there are ways to help those in
choirs who struggle to come regularly to rehearsals. Folders of music can be sent home with anthem
schedules. Practice CDs can be made where individual voice parts can be listened to and sung with, to
help singers learn their parts away from rehearsals. And the internet offers a host of websites where
anthems we are singing can be heard. Worshipping through song in choirs can require sacrifice, but it
doesn’t have to be so difficult as to walk away from opportunity to Glorify God.
There is a dedicated core of singers at Covenant, but there are so many "in the pews" that could join
their voices in worship. If you haven’t sung in the choirs at Covenant, join us. If you have sung, but
have fallen away, come back. At the end of your struggles with this issue may be the reality of
whether or not a choral tradition dedicated to the Lord that stretches millennia will continue as we
know it at Covenant.
In Christ,
Steve Sachs
Director of Music Ministries
Recently, Auburn Lambeth was inducted into the Decatur Boy’s High
School’s Sports Hall of Fame. He played football, basketball and baseball
and was named “All State.” Previously, Auburn was inducted into Davidson
College’s Sports Hall of Fame in 1993.
The Spire
Page 4
Children’s Ministry News...
“For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear
on the earth, the time of the singing of birds is come…”
Song of Solomon 2:11-12
As this is being written, we are observing Holy Week. What a joyous
time! The winter IS over, the flowers ARE appearing and the birds ARE
a beautiful choir. And we are celebrating our risen Savior!
Here’s a huge thank youto all of you who helped with Palm Sunday and
volunteered for our Eggstraordinary Egg Hunt. And another huge
thank you to all who donated candy and eggs. You are eggceptionally
Fourth, fifth and sixth grade girls are invited to spend a little time with
Melinda Ray, May 5, 2:00 p.m., at Melinda’s house “For Girls Only.”
You’ll receive an additional reminder, but mark your calendars for this
wonderful opportunity.
-Kathy Frye
“For Girls Only”
May 5th
2:00 p.m.
Melinda Ray’s House
It’s Coming...VBS 2013!!!
Kathy’s Corner...
Call the FBI, the CIA, the ATF, the NSA, the JPD
Oh, wait…
Q: What do you call a dog detective?
A: Sherlock Bones
It’s the VBS!
“Investigation Destination”
June 10-13
For this mission we need all operatives—
(and don’t think we can’t blow your cover)
Sign up in the atrium beginning April 14th or
contact chief agents Liz (601-720-8247) or
Maggie (601-355-4653).
Please save your newspapers.
Q: Who was the first underwater spy?
A: James Pond
Q: Why was the detective at the beach?
A: There was a crime wave.
Q: What do you call a detective who solves
crimes entirely by accident?
A: SheerLuck Holmes
Q: How do you describe an undercover frog?
A: Croak and dagger!
Page 5
The Spire
Delight in the Lord
By Abby Wiggins
“Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will act.”
Psalm 37:4-5
“He will act.”
What does it really mean to ‘delight’ in the Lord? Does it go
beyond just checking off things like church, bible study, and reading the
Bible? Is it an obvious thing, or something that is internal?
This passage of scripture holds a very special place in my heart.
About a year ago, I was searching for a job. College graduation was
looming on the horizon and all the roads I’d tried for employment
ended in rejection. The day I studied Psalm 37 happened to be a day
that I had been turned down for yet another job. I happened upon this
verse, and though I’d read it many times before, I stopped and reread it
over and over again. I asked myself how I could delight in the Lord
even in the midst of worry about a job. How do I commit my way to
the Lord when everything I’d tried slammed a door in my face?
When you begin to realize there is none but Jesus who can satisfy,
the desires of your heart begin to mold to the desires of the Father’s
heart. You want what HE has for your life which, oftentimes, is something radically different from what you had planned. Your desire
becomes to make the name of Jesus known in whatever way God
dictates. When you trust in the Lord fully, you know that He will care
for you. “He will act.” Our God is for us; no one can take Him away
from us.
Now, I’m not saying this is easy. Our walk with God isn’t a
sprint; it’s a marathon. He is faithful to finish the work that He started
in us, but on His time, not on ours. The more we press into Him, the
more we gain His qualities and characteristics. We trust him more as
time goes by if we spend time with Him and in His word.
I’ve been meditating on this scripture for a while. Breaking it
down, marinating in it, and really allowing the Lord to speak to me
through it. Give yourself some time to consider Psalm 37:4-5 and what
it really means to truly delight in the Lord.
The Spire
Page 6
Youth News...
There truly is no
experience quite like
setting out for Colorado
with a bus full of skicrazy Covenant youth!
Having been around for
two of these trips, I can
say with conviction that
you never know what’s
gonna happen. Two
years ago we had smooth
sailing all the way out to
Denver, only to have to
drive up a steep mountain
road in a nighttime
blizzard right at the end.
This time we had a great
drive across Texas, New
Mexico, and the southwestern corner of
Colorado before
descending into beautiful
Durango, Colorado. Sure
enough, we were not
there a whole day before
David Davison was
battling bronchitis,
Turner Davison was
down with altitude
sickness, and poor Mark
Husband, who had never
skied before, got a good
two hours on the slopes
before he fell and
separated his shoulder.
As always, God was good
in the midst of strange
circumstances and we
were able to get every-
body patched up. Everybody had a great time
skiing and enjoying the
other adventures God
brought us (which
included a trip to the
famed Big Texan Steak
Ranch in Amarillo, TX).
Praise God for the
adventures He gives us!
-Chris Jones
Youth Pictures from the Colorado Ski Trip!
“Praise God for the
adventures He gives
The Spire
Page 7
From the Preschool...
March was amazing—the preschool was so busy! The children had individual and
class pictures taken by Chris Grillis and the pictures are always beautiful!
Different Strokes came to the school to do Easter eggs or plates with all the
children who wanted to participate. Fun! 4’s and 5’s PJ Party Program, then
Spring Break—really fun! Easter egg hunts and holiday—and it is April. Whew!
April is a time for Spring Fever!! Units to study this month include: bugs, pond
life, farm animals, the zoo and plants/seeds.
We are looking forward to Preschool Sunday on April 21st. The Preschool is
invited to church and lunch on the grounds. The children will sing, say scripture
verses, and play bells.
“...Preschool Sunday on
April 21st. The
Preschool is invited to
church and lunch on
the grounds.”
The 3’s will have their Spring on April 26th and the teachers will have their
Spring Luncheon that same day.
May brings the year to a close with the 2’s “program.” The children sing some
of their favorite songs for the moms and dads. It is called a Tea Party
because we will have juice and cookies! The 2’s Tea Party will be the first
week of May. We will wrap up with a FUN WEEK for all ages full of fun games,
treats, and activities, then on to Kindergarten graduation mid-May. It will then
be time to close out yet another wonderful year with all of our friends!
Preschool Calendar for April and May
Upcoming events...
Spring Program (3’s)
Friday, April 26
Spring Program (2’s)
Wednesday, May 2 & Thursday, May 3
FUN WEEK—all ages
Week of May 6
Kindergarten Graduation
Monday, May 13
Last Day of School
Tuesday, May 14
Teacher Work Day
Wednesday, May 15
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The Spire
World Water Day—Covenant’s Thirst for Missions
By Bill Hays
You may have heard that several years ago, the United Nations designated March 22 as World Water Day,
to be observed globally in an effort to increase awareness of the world’s growing water crisis. Numerous
water ministry organizations join together on that date each year to call attention to the serious water
crises the world is facing, where millions suffer water-borne diseases and large numbers die each day.
During our regular services on March 17, you gave to a special offering in support of these efforts
through Living Waters for the World (LWW). I am pleased to announce that your offering amounted
to about $1,000 and will be used to effectively make clean water available to people throughout the
Consider these facts:
 780 million people lack access to safe drinking water.
 The effect of this alarming fact is that 3 million people each year die of water-related illness - and
most are children. Needless to say, water-related illness is the leading cause of death among children
throughout the world.
For the past 20 years, LWW has been meeting this crisis head on, with a water treatment system and a
learning process that is ideal for us in churches, health clinics, schools and orphanages throughout the
world. By providing a system that’s simple, sustainable and affordable, and by teaching local leaders to
lead health, hygiene and spiritual education among the community, LWW and its partners have been able
to help those in communities with contaminated water take ownership of making their own water clean
again. Today there have been over 500 LWW systems installed! And those systems operate in 24
countries around the world.
But systems and equipment are of little use without people to plan, install, and train others to operate
them. Therefore, in 2004, LWW began a training program called Clean Water U, where mission team
leaders come to learn how to install the water treatment system and how to train local leaders in the field.
Since then, over 1,500 volunteers have been trained from 38 states and 11 other countries.
Our own Slade and Susan Exley have long been pioneers in this program. Considering their involvement
in Honduras, it comes as no surprise that Covenant has installed over six water purification system
projects in that country. Several other
Salt & Light affiliated churches (Baptist
and Methodist) also joined us in this
effort. As a result, we have about 16
LWW water systems operating in our
Honduras areas.
And the most amazing part? This
appears to be just the beginning of
what the Holy Spirit has planned!
Celebrate and give thanks in joyful
response to what the Holy Spirit is
calling us to do and be as partners in all
our missions efforts. 
The Spire
Page 9
Bells Will Be Ringing…
By Susan Mayfield
Covenant’s handbell choirs will be very busy in April! Here is a listing of our times
and places, in case you would like to join us:
Sunday, April 7
Monday, April 8
Sunday, April 14
Evening Bells
Paul Gaudet
Paul Gaudet
Lakeland Healthcare
Magnolia Speech School
Covenant Worship Service
2:30 p.m.
12:00 p.m.
10:25 a.m.
Sunday, April 14
Monday, April 15
Monday, April 22
Evening Bells
Paul Gaudet
Paul Gaudet
Sunnybrook Estates
MS School for the Blind
Casey School
3:00 p.m.
12:15 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
Monday, April 22
Monday, April 29
Sunday, May 5
Evening Bells
Paul Gaudet
Evening Bells
Heritage House
Covenant Preschool
Covenant Worship Service
6:00 p.m.
12:15 p.m.
10:25 a.m.
We appreciate your support for this outreach ministry of our church.
Stressed? Discouraged? Lonely? Sad?
Don't Suffer Alone. Help Is Available.
Sometimes we fall into a trap where we think it's a sign of weakness to ask for help. So when we're
stressed, discouraged, lonely, or sad, we try to keep our struggles hidden and are reluctant to ask for
help. However, that's not God's plan. Galatians 6:2 says, "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the
law of Christ." God wants us to care for others--and allow others to care for us in our time of need.
If you're sad or struggling inside, don't suffer alone. Ask for help. We've got a team of Stephen
Ministers who are ready to provide confidential one-to-one care, encouragement, and support to help
you through a tough time. Find out more about Stephen Ministry by talking with one of our Stephen
Leaders: Tina Crump or Samantha Gowdy. Our Stephen Ministers are ready to bring God's love and
care into your life.
Page 10
The Spire
Easter Favorites
By Mary Leigh Furrh
Easter is the most holy day of the year - a time of rejoicing over the
resurrection of our Lord. We end the solemn observation of Lent
which leads to Holy Week with a day of celebration.
As with all holidays, food plays an important role at Easter. The
traditional main course selections are ham or lamb. Covenant Cupboard
has a good variety of each, including Roast Leg of Lamb on page 180
and Mary’s Homemade Honey Baked Ham on page 185 and listed
“Easter is the most holy day
of the year…”
Easter is a popular time for children to join their parents in the kitchen.
Covenant Cupboard has a whole chapter of children’s recipes including
such Easter favorites as Mr. McGregor’s Easter Nest Cake, Bunny
Biscuits, Resurrection Cookies and Teddy Bear Bread.
1 pre-cooked, spiral-sliced ham,
2 (5½ oz) cans crushed pineapple,
(approximately 7 lbs.)
1 (6-oz) jar honey
1 T. lemon juice
1 (16-oz) box dark brown sugar
Pkg of glaze that comes with ham
1 (10-oz) jar maraschino cherries,
drained and sliced
Coat ham with honey and rub in well. Let honey soak in for 5 minutes.
Rub honey into ham twice more, allowing 5 minutes after each rubbing
for honey to penetrate well. Mix together the brown sugar, cherries,
pineapple, and lemon juice. Add packaged glaze, prepared according to
directions. Place ham in oven bag; add pineapple mixture. Tie bag and
follow directions on box. Place in baking pan in preheated 350 degree
oven for 45 minutes.
April 14th
12:00 p.m.
Margaret Mitchell
Doris Brickell will bring us little known insights into Margaret Mitchell’s
private life because of her husband’s (Herschel)
family’s relationship with Mrs. Mitchell.
Page 11
The Spire
Free The Girls
We all have old bras in the back of the drawer
That suddenly seem not to fit any more.
Maidenform, Bali, Warner's, and Hanes:
One of our projects for April is to
collect used bras that will be
shipped internationally. Free the
Girls partners with safe house and
after-care facilities to provide an
opportunity for women rescued
from sex trafficking to earn a living
selling second-hand clothing while
going to school, getting healthy, and
caring for their families. The
women receive their starting
inventory as a donation and then
can buy more below wholesale.
Revenue from inventory sales
subsidizes the overseas rescue
If you do not have old bras to
donate, a financial contribution
toward shipping costs would be
most welcome. Make checks
payable to Women in Ministry and
write “Free the Girls” in the memo
Let's send them to help our sisters in chains!
Check out the thrift stores and ask every friend.
We want to have a whole box full to send.
Go to garage sales; search far and wide;
Let these girls know that we’re on their side!
Collect them with joy! Applaud and cheer!
We surely don't need those old things here.
Let's all celebrate with dancing and twirls
And declare with delight: Free the Girls!
Boxes will be placed around the church to receive your donations.
Thanks for your support!
Page 12
The Spire
The Koinonia Picnic will
be on Sunday, May 19th!
Join us for a great time of
food and fellowship!
Everyone is Invited!
“...good fellowship for
Everyone is invited! Bring
the kids for some outdoor
The church will provide
meat, bread and drinks.
There will be activities
available for the kiddos
and good fellowship for all.
Watch the bulletin for
more details. 
The Spire
Page 13
Miscellaneous News/Announcements...
Please note that we will not observe communion during the month of April.
However, every Sunday in May has been set aside to celebrate communion in
different ways! More details about these observances will be forthcoming.
April 24th will be the last night for Wednesday night activities.
Mom’s Minute will meet for one final time on Thursday, May 2nd in the fellowship
hall at 8:45.
There are plenty of opportunities for you to plug in and be involved! Please speak
with someone in the church to get more information about any activities you are
interested in; we are always looking for new volunteers!
See the calendar on our website ( to stay up-to-date
with happenings in and around the church.
Stay up-to-date!
Did You Know...
85% of plant life is
found in the ocean
Lemons contain more
sugar than
Goldfish can see both
infrared and
ultraviolet light
Hummingbirds are
the only birds that can
fly backwards
Ants stretch when
they wake up in the
The smallest bones
found in the human
body are in your ear
A jellyfish is 95%
Interesting, isn’t it? Plant
life, oceans, food,
humans, and animals
were all made by God.
Isn’t it amazing how
different and wonderfully
made we all are?
God said, “Let there be…
light, land, seas, plants,
stars, sun and moon,
creatures in the water,
birds in the air, every
living thing, and man
and woman.” Genesis 1
On Sunday, April 28th,
the church will have a
Senior Recognition and
Celebration! We promise
these children when they
are baptized that we will
pray for them, watch over
them, and encourage
them. This is the next
step in their future and
we need to continue to
support them. Please
remember to:
1. Pray for them daily.
2. Write Bible verses,
prayers, quotes, or
encouraging notes,
etc., on note cards
and return them to
the church office so
we will have a basket
full of cards to give
our seniors at their
3. Come to the church
on the 28th and
celebrate their
2013 Graduating Seniors:
Joshua Weill
James Weems
Hunter Johns
Jake Kimmel
Avery Burns
Susie Penman
Emily Watson
Sue Davis
Jackson Sykes
Stephanie Ganucheau
Diane Hughes
Kay Archer
Emily Gowdy
Jim Nix
Maison Lowery
Laurel Yelverton
Bo Yelverton
Georgia Dewey
Sarah Polk
Allen Cunningham
Libby Taylor
Joshua Weill
Todd Johns
Ellie Wallace
Sandi Commander
Kerk Mehrle
Billy Dewey
Jamie Watson
Jane Ashley Watson
Steve Ray
Kendall Furrh
Summer Furrh
Frank Hadden
John Rumbavage
Lula Vessell
Katelyn Dewey
Chris Sheffield
Dean C. Holder
Mary Furrh
Russ Sykes
Fred Cavett
Slade Exley
Larry Favreau
Lauren Favreau
Caroline Cavett
Lindy Sullenberger
Jeane Coulombe
Embry Hollowell
Rusty Williard
Jayne Jackson
Lisa Johns
Carson Hughes
Cookie Hughes
Lauren Yelverton
William Smith
Scott Magee
John Marshall
David Smith
Maggie Waddell
Alan Stallings
Sam Guidry
Ruth Emmerich
Suzanne Lampton
Price Waltman
Anne Shillinglaw
Willie Kroeze
Billy Dabbs
Benjamin Schobesberger
Dean Dabbs
Brooke Furrh
Cleve Brown
Calli Vinzant
Nicole Harwell
Matthew Coker
Madeleine Atwell
Jean Stanfield
Kirsten Shaw
David Davison
Genie Almand
Jeffie Carter
Elizabeth Mehrle
Melissa Lowery
Jack Cuthbert
Martha Blount
Minnie Lou Holland
Molly Shumate
Cindy Burton
Neal Gowdy
Henry Hadden
Mandy Landis
Cooper Walters
Sidney Lampton
Nathan Smith
Mackenzie Lowery
Toby Hughes
Martha Smith
Nancy Windham
Amy Sullenberger
John Walker
Auburn Lambeth
Sylvia McCandless
John Hollowell
Elizabeth McIlwain
Carolyn Sachs
Timothy Clark
Bill Mayfield
Leslie Coker
Mary Leigh Furrh
Lena Fuller
Sara Kimmel
Lauren Watson
Happy Birthday to everyone celebrating in April, May & June!
The Spire
Page 15
Special Events for April, May & June
1:30 p.m.
Memorial Service for Lillian Gayden Hays
4/12 10:00 a.m.
Session Packet Deadline
4/14 3:00 p.m.
Wedding Shower for Hannah Burton (Parlor)
4/15 7:00 p.m.
4/21 10:25 a.m.
Preschool Sunday (with lunch to follow worship service)
4/24 Last Wednesday Night for activities
4/26 10:45 a.m.
3-year-old Preschool Program (Sanctuary) “Spring Is In the Air”
4/27 3:00 p.m.
Violin Recital
4/28 10:25 a.m.
Senior Recognition Sunday (with lunch to follow worship service)
4/30 10:45 a.m.
2-year-old Tea Party
10:45 a.m.
2-year-old Tea Party
8:45 a.m.
Mom’s Minute (Fellowship Hall)
10:25 a.m.
Catechism Recognition
5/11 10:00 a.m.
3:00 p.m.
Duhs/Sachs Wedding
Fowler/Byrd Wedding & Reception
5/12 8:30 a.m.
5/19 12:00 p.m.
Koinonia Dinner Groups Annual Picnic on the Grounds (Everyone is invited!)
5/20 7:00 p.m.
5/27 Office Closed for Memorial Day
9:00 a.m.
MS Boychoir Board Meeting
9:00 a.m.
MS Boychoir Rehearsal (Fellowship Hall)
6:00 p.m.
Pittman/Strickland Wedding
5:00 p.m.
Kling/Burton Wedding
6/10 - 6/14
6/15 4:00 p.m.
Ohueri/West Wedding
6/17 7:00 p.m.
Covenant Presbyterian Church
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Call Me...Maybe? Okay, Just Text Me!
Celly is a text messaging
service, much like the
One Call Now service
that Covenant currently
uses. The difference is
that Celly uses short text
message blasts to send
information. If you have a
cell phone (and you can
receive text messages),
you can subscribe to Covenant’s “cell” by texting
@CPCMember to
It is also possible to sign
up for Celly using the
internet. Visit and follow
the directions.
The best part about using
Celly? You can join at no
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messaging rates apply via the
contract you have with your
cell phone carrier.) Your cell
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kept private; you need to
enter it only to receive
cell texts to your phone.
Celly users will never see
your phone number or
the phone numbers of
people you have invited.
And if you’d rather download the Celly app for
iPhone or Android, visit
the App store or market
on your smartphone and
search for Celly.
The office will receive
notifications each time
someone signs up for this
service. We will begin
using this service once
we’ve had twenty or more
members sign up. Look
for the opt-in/-out forms
in the coming weeks for
modes of receiving