2010ZCCR.Winter.web - Z Car Club Of Rochester


2010ZCCR.Winter.web - Z Car Club Of Rochester
Winter 2010
Inside this issue:
The PreZ SeZ
will finally lead to an overall champion,
complete with trophy and bragging
rights. Food and beverage provided of
By John Taddonio
Where did this year go? 2010 seems to
have just flown by and the Holiday Season
is just about here. ZCCR did a ton of things
this year that benefitted not only you the
members, but the community which we all
live in. Thanks you your generous efforts
and participation, the club was able to donate $5000 to two fine local charities, the
Breast Cancer Coalition and the Rochester/
Finger Lakes Eye & Tissue Bank. This figure was our all time single year high and
has brought our total charitiable donations
to just over $25,000 since the club's inception just 10 short years ago. It's a win/win
situation for all! We get to enjoy our common interest in the Z-Car and people in our
community get assistance they need. This
has been a club goal since day one and will
continue to be in the future.
NewZ & NoteZ:
* 2011 is on the horizon, and we have begun to put together our Events Calendar for
the year. Some familiar old events will
again return and some exciting new events
will make their debut. Among the events
 An overnight excursion to the Seneca/
Niagara Casino in Niagara Falls in February. Enjoy some great food, entertainment and wagering (should you so
desire). We are putting together a
group rate that will be too good to pass
A March weekend afternoon at a local
slot car track! Try your hand at high
performance cars that are a bit smaller
than the ones we drive in the summer
months! Enjoy elimination heats that
Next summer we will take a drive to one
of our nearby raceways to take in the
Saturday Night Drag Races. Come and
see what horsepower is all about!
Returning for encores in 2011 are:
American Hockey Excursion, ZCCR at
Frontier Field for a Rochester Red
Wings game, The classic Street Machines of Rochester Annual Car Show,
ZCCR Spring Swap Meet, ZCCR Birthday Picnic, Ontario Z Association Z
Fest, Annual Holiday Party and MANY,
MANY more surprises!
Continued on page 2-
The PreZ SeZ Cont’
The complete 2011 Events Calendar will be published on
the website after January 1, so look for it!
But what about ZCCR's BIGGEST event you say? You
know, the All Japanese Car Show Weekend? Well, I am
pleased to announce that we are expanding the format of
the event to enable it to grow into one of the biggest and
best in the region. The Jonathan Krenzer Memorial 4th
Annual All Import Car Show Weekend will be held on July
8-10, 2011. That's right, never one to rest on our laurels,
we are expanding the format of the car show to include
ALL import makes and models! By including fabulous import rides from every country around the world, we expect
the show to be the biggest and best ever! Once again, the
event will include a Friday evening kickoff party, Saturday
Car Show at the Elks Lodge in Webster, Saturday evening
dinner with entertainment and, for 2011, a Sunday Finger
Lakes Wine Cruise/Road Rally with stops along the way of
interest for everyone. We will continue to strive to make
this event our signature and a yearly attraction for all import car enthusiasts.
* We will be needing LOTS of volunteers to help out with
the AICS Weekend, so PLEASE step up to offer your assistance!
* If you would like to suggest a charity to benefit from the
AICS weekend, please send your nomination to the board
of directors for consideration. We only ask that it be a
charity to benefit our local community specifically.
n't even know that a Z-Car club existed in Rochester!
Please help to pass on information about ZCCR to any Z
owners you may run across. YOU are all the best diplomats for the club.
Enjoy a very safe and healthy Holiday Season with your
friends and family. Then on to 2011! Hop in, strap up and
Z Car Winter Storage
By John Taddonio
Yes, it’s that time again. When we call the driving
season to a close and put our Z-Cars to sleep for
the winter. Here’s how to properly store your car
so you can enjoy trouble free use for years to
Location and Misc.
Choose a location where you can check over the
Check security of location
Ensure you maintain adequate insurance coverage
for fire, theft, tree's crashing... etc.
Check for items that can fall on car, leak on car, or
cause other damage and resolve.
Ensure the location is flat, dry and well ventilated.
In choosing location for storage, remember that
moisture, rodents, and direct sunlight are the enemies, to varying degrees in different parts of the
Initial Car Prep. and Last Ride
Change oil and filter; do lube job.
Top up all fluids. Flush clutch and brake fluids if
they are dark.
Check that engine coolant has 50-50 mixture, or
that coolant is good for 35-below temperature.
Continued on page 4-
* 2011 brings us a change on your Board of Directors.
Long time board member and treasurer Scott Kozlowski
has decided to step down due to an increase in his work
responsibilities. Taking over the position of treasurer will
be Bob Mooney, one of ZCCR's founding fathers and past
board member. I would like to thank Scott for his fabulous
work and dedication to the club for these many years and
also welcome back Bob to the board room.
* Club membership remains stable with around 75 families.
Each year we lose some old friends and gain some new.
In my travels, I have encountered many Z owners that didPage 2
Welcome New Members
By Frank McGinley
ZCCR Membership Director
It seems like summer was a generation ago. All the snow
and cold has made it a memory. But the memories for
ZCCR are good ones. During the last driving season we
attended several local car shows and traveled to shows in
locations such as Canada, Carlisle, and Tennessee. We
shared ice creams, hamburgers, hot dogs and friendships
at the many cruise nights.
ZCCR honored our own tenth anniversary with a great
birthday summer cookout and pool party. Our 2010 All
Japanese Car Show was a tremendous success in our
new location at the Fairport/Webster Elks club.
Many members fought the cold and snow to attend our
recent holiday party at Mickey Finns. A great time was had
by all.
At each event there were more Z owners who found
ZCCR, discovered the camaraderie of the club, made new
friendships, and want to join in future club events. Please
read about these new ZCCR members and welcome them
to the ZCCR family when you see them.
Michael Blowers:
Michael and his 19 year old son live in Fairport. He came
to Fairport after living sometime in the Syracuse area
where he studied computer science and math at Suny
Potsdam and Syracuse U. Having always liked Western
New York it was a natural to relocate here.
Michael recently purchased his first Z. It’s a 2010, 370 Z in
Black Cherry. Having previously enjoyed other sporty vehicles like the Eagle Talen, the 2000 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, he was looking for another sports car. Top of his list
was a Nissan GTR, but reality brought him to the 370Z.
I asked “why did you decide to join ZCCR”. He said he has
been in many clubs in the past and they seem to be internet type. No socializing or attendance at events. Not what
he was looking for this time. He views ZCCR as a hands
on club. They participate in things. He likes the idea of
talking to people with the same interests and exchanging
ideas. He also enjoyed our Watkins Glen laps during the
All Japanese Car Show weekend.
Michael works at Xerox in Webster as a software developer.
When not working he enjoys electronics and taking things
apart and rebuilding them. He self proclaims the ability to
diagnose and repair most things. He also is an avid runner
having done many 5k runs and ½ marathons.
Online sales of items such as car parts is another hobby.
Michael can be reached at mblower1@rochester.rr.com
- Continued on page 10 -
Page 3
Z-Car Winter Storage Continued
Continued from page 2A day or two before storage, wash car and flush with
generous quantities of water: the undercarriage, behind inner front fender liners, inside rocker panels
(being sure that all drain holes are unblocked).
Clean all painted surfaces, use touch-up paint as
needed, and wax the exterior and door jams, under
the hood and trunk lid, and wheels.
Ride the brakes and clutch a bit to work out moisture.
Fill up gas and add gas treatment/stabilizer (that does
not contain alcohol).
Use rust prevention gel to spray and lube door hinges
and all latches and lock mechanisms.
Spray all the chrome pieces with rust prevention
spray. (Bumpers, moldings, door handles etc).
Spray your wheels and rims with rust prevention
spray. Dab a bit of rust prevention spray on any paint
Car Prep.
Place plastic sheeting/vapor barrier under car to prevent moisture from rising out of floor/ground into car.
When car is parked in storage location. Remove plugs
and crank engine at starter to flow oil through engine.
Use a rubber/vinyl cleaner-conditioner on all vinyl and
on rubber gaskets, seals, and other rubber parts.
Lubricate door window channels and tracks with silicon (on power windows, keep silicon away from electrical contacts and use white lithium in the metal
Stuff rags (or crumpled foil should foil rag-eating rodents) tightly into tailpipe in order to keep out rodents.
Tape a note to the steering wheel that reminds you to
unplug the pipes before trying to start in the spring.
Jack up car and store on blocks under the jack points;
this takes weight off springs, shocks, and tires. (but
don't let suspension hang! leave some weight on
(Alternative: Store car with at least 40 pounds of air in
tires, to minimize flat spotting of tires.)
Transmission in neutral and parking brake off. (Some
recommend that you also depress the clutch pedal by
using a stick between base of driver's seat and the
pedal; however, no one has seen a sticking clutch
pedal and some experts question whether you should
follow this step, which would put the linkage under
Open vents and windows or doors (slightly) to prevent
moisture build up.
You can buy a huge bag of desiccant gel from several
auto outlets, this is a bigger version of what they put
inside cameras when they ship. This absorbs excess
moisture in the air. Put them in a pie tin on the floor of
the car. Take them out about once a month and dry
them out in a warm oven (follow the instructions).
Page 4
Lift wipers and dust blades with talc.
Cover car with a breathable cloth cover (not plastic)
only if it will not be disturbed by wind and cause abrasion.
Where mice are a problem, a few mothballs placed in
the car will discourage the building of nests. (may stink
up car to, so placing moth balls under car on foil in
logical locations may be an alternative)
Disconnect battery and store it where temperature is
above freezing and NOT on a concrete floor. (Be sure
to record any radio code, which you will need to reenter when reconnecting battery.)
An alternative approach, at least with indoor storage,
is to leave battery in car and use a trickle charger set
at 2 amps, approximately once each month.
An even better approach is to use a timer on the
charger, set weekly. Best of all is use of an automatic
trickle charger, which is attached to the battery,
plugged in, and then forgotten.
It does NOT work to start the car up weekly or
monthly when it is in storage.
Monthly Checks
Check the floor under your car for signs of possible oil,
brake, fluid or coolant leaks
Check and top up as required - battery, coolant, brake
fluid and oil levels
Check tire pressures
Run car for at least 30min only if you have an air conditioner and run that for a few minutes. IMPORTANT!!!!! It is far better to let your car sit for four
or five months without starting it, than to start it
once a week, or once a month and let it sit for 10
minutes. NEVER start your car unless you plan on
driving it on the highway for at least 1/2 hour and
get it to full operating temp. Doing otherwise will
just load the engine and exhaust with moisture to
start rust etc. Plus the colder the day, the more mice/
cats etc like a nice warm engine to make home! However, keep in mind that the rubber O rings in the AC
system are lubricated with freon as the system
runs. Might be a good idea to take the car out during
a nice spell and run the ac or defroster for a half hour
or longer once or twice per season.
If your car has a manual transmission, depress the
clutch pedal several times
Depress the brake pedal several times
Turn steering wheel from side to side
Move your car so that each wheel revolves a few
times. (if on wheels) and store in different spot to prevent flat spots.
Putting Back in Service
Remove plugs and crank engine at starter to flow oil
through engine until a good and steady oil pressure.
This will take 45 seconds or so. Install plugs and away
you go.
Check for leaks and proper vehicle functioning.
Replace all fluids.
ZCCR 10th Anniversary Recap
By Mike Noonan:
Oh the places we’ve been! 10-years, really, ten-years … it’s official now, the Z Car Club of Rochester has been around as a vehicle for fun and excitement now for a full decade, isn’t that
grand! I was thinking long and hard about how we’ve prospered
where others have stood pat, how your club has thrived and who
it was that first made our meeting-up possible all these ten-years
A small cadre including Dave Palermo, Ron Whitlock, Bob
Mooney & Larry Wawrzyniak, all founding and continuous
members of the club, met one early Spring day (April 26th, 2000
to be precise) to formalize the process of creating an organization they hoped would provide an environment where their passion for Datsun & Nissan cars could be shared, respected and
grown. This get together was an outgrowth of discussions ongoing since the year before (and even earlier) when brilliant minds
began to ruminate about the possibility of bringing Z-car owners
together in a locally organized club-format right here in the Finger Lakes.
What occurred was a meeting of the minds amongst local Z Car
fanatics, fellows that years before had bought into the 240Z hype
that had swept the country back when they themselves were first
striking out to make their own mark in this world. They had a
dream which solidified into a goal that became a reality with
guidance from some friends operating then as ZANY (Z’s of
Albany New York).
Over a few months plans were laid to select a club name, to create an official structure with officers & board members, and to
chip away at a few modest events where birds of a feather could
congregate together and celebrate all things Z. By May that year
a plan was launched to hold a first of its kind picnic for the new
organization that summer, and in June current President John
Taddonio joined-up. Then came July 22nd, the date of that first
rally and picnic in the park (at Wadhams Lodge, Powdermill
Ponds Park in Pittsford to be exact), and the club was forming-
up nicely. Membership Director Frank McGinley came aboard
late that summer and he’s kept our records straight ever since.
From there things grew and grew right on up through today
where we find ourselves to be a strong vibrant organization full
of men & women that have really found their groove. To their
credit, some of our folks have been members since Y2K without
interruption. In addition to those mentioned previously we can
also count Bill Brackmann as a continuous 10-year ZCCR supporter. Behind these gentlemen in years of membership we’ve
got a solid core of drivers who will be achieving their personal
10-year milestones sometime in the next few driving seasons …
good for them for participating and contributing to the club environment, good for us in that we all benefit when the core group
remains strong and vibrant.
ZCCR, joining ranks with ZANY, pulled off an event that fall
which has morphed into several special things we do annually
now – the clubs held a fall festival right here in the Finger Lakes
with a wine cruise and a charity element, at that time benefiting
the first of many good causes we’ve supported. And just like at
our current big events, several friends from North of the border
joined-in representing OZC & TIZCC.
Continued on page 8Page 6
ZCCR 10th Anniversary Recap Continued
Continued from page 6-
they so freely share their summers with! The best news is we
have multiple gals in our ranks as Z-Car owners now and it’s
great to have their perspectives available to us as we start our
march towards the 50th Anniversary of “the Z”!
Mike Noonan, VP ZCCR, member (#69) since 2002 and thrilled
to have made your acquaintance.
Many things haven’t changed since Day-1 as you might have
expected, for instance we see the continuing need to organize
volunteers, to rustle-up supplies, to solicit new members and to
reach-out to nearby clubs to continue growing our relationships.
One thing we’ve learned however, Z-People are among the best
folks to be found, and that my friends assures us a great shot at
staying relevant and successful for yet another decade (after
which I expect to be recapping more ZCCR history once again)!
One quick sidebar note here; at the 2010 Holiday Party the
Board awarded 10th Anniversary certificates to our old-timers,
our tried & true charter members, the folks that launched the
club and who joined and stayed with us right from our first year
of existence. Most of our 10-year guy’s had been able to attend,
and their surprise in receiving the new award was delightful to
see … one comment rang true from all of them: they were enjoying their ride with the club, and to a man they were grateful the
women in their lives are so understanding of the garage-mistress
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Page 8
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Welcome New Members Cont.
Continued from page 3
Tom Bork:
Tom, his wife Lisa and two children, Adam age 13 and
Chelsea age 11, joined us at the 2010 All Japanese Car
Show. They also have an Alaskan Eskimo dog appropriately named “Snowball”.
Tom’s Z car is unique. The serial number HLS 0000008,
makes it one of the very first to be imported into the country. Tom always wanted a vintage racer. He also wanted
an old Datsun. However when he was looking, the Datsun
Z was not yet considered vintage. However when he
learned of the history of this car with the 08 number he
had to have it. It began its life as a Show car in the Chicago, New York loop and when it retired from the show
Route it was warehoused by Nissan. Nismo Motor sports
obtained it and it was sold to Bob Speckman. He campaigned it as an SCCA C-Production car. It was the first
240Z to complete the 24 Hours at Daytona finishing first in
its class. The car was pictured on a 1969 cover of Road
and Track Magazine.
Originally silver for the show loop, it is currently in its race
version of White, Blue and Green.
Tom is a pediatric Dentist in Greece, and Lisa writes mystery novels. Specify the “Broken Vows” series is her latest
group. Soon to be released is the book “For Richer for
When not working or dealing with his Z car, Tom enjoys
fishing, or racing. For example he races a Mazda protégée
in the Canadian Touring Series.
Tom can be reached at tbork95577@aol.com
Frederick Frank:
Frederick Frank and his wife Maryclaire live in painted
Post New York. They have three grown children Meaghan,
Gretchen and Kyle who are all in college.
Fred has enjoyed sports cars for some time having owned
a 71 Porsche 911, and a few Porsche 356’s. He currently
owns a BMW and an Audi.
Being an “Empty Nester” he decided he wanted a car to
tinker with. He came across a 76 280 Z from Tennessee in
good shape, no rust and required some but not too much
restoration. It has a couple of performance enhancements,
high compression pistons, more aggressive cam and an
MSD ignition.
Fred wants his car to be in top shape for the 2011 Nissan/
Datsun events at Watkins Glen, so he is busy working on
From the club he hopes to learn more about restoration,
gain some knowledge of Z car history and pick up some
additional technical information. He also looks forward to
swap meets of the future as he has a fair collection of Z
Fred is the General Manager at Dr. Frank’s Winery and
Maryclaire is an attorney, a town judge and works for the
state of New York.
When not working they both enjoy boating. Fred also enPage 10
joys some fishing and any type mechanical tinkering.
Maryclaire also likes swimming.
They can be reached at fredrfrank@aol.com
Don Harter Jr:
Don found ZCCR through some mutual friends, Mike Krenzer and Ron Bucci.
After talking with them he decided to join the club and register for the All Japanese Car Show weekend at the same
He and his wife Carolyn live in Hilton with their 22 year old
daughter Andrea.
Don always liked Z cars but did not own one until about 10
years ago when he purchased a 1979 280Z. The car is in
good shape after some restoration work by Don. He also
owns a 2003, 350Z that brought much enjoyment as he
rounded the curves at the Glen during our event. He said
“Driving the track is far superior to being a spectator as he
has always been in the past”. He can’t wait to do the laps
Don has been a Fireman at the Rochester Airport for 13
years and also been a volunteer fireman in Hilton for 27
years. As a fireman, the family has the perfect dog to
match his job, a Dalmatian named Daisy. Carolyn works
at Harris Interactive.
When not working, Don enjoys working out, and Carolyn
enjoys caring for her two horses.
Don can be reached at donharterjr@gmail.com.
Jeff Kendall:
Jeff Kendall found us at the Street Machine Show of
Rochester this year. His 1983 Black 280ZX was well represented in our long line of Z cars. Jeff is originally from the
Rochester area. He has a dog that is a dachshund named
“Nismo” He laughs and says it is his Dachshund Nismo
(Datsun Nismo).
Continued on page 12-
Welcome New Members Cont
Continued from page 10His Z car has been in the family since 1985. Originally it
belonged to his grandfather, Bud, then his dad Robert
and now it is his. He wanted to upscale it a bit and with
the blessing of Dad who sad Gramps would want you to
do what you want with it, he swapped the stock engine
for a Chevy 350 and changed the standard Blue body to
a custom Black version. Jeff is not new to customizing.
He and his dad run Model Tec, a machine shop that does
prototyping for companies such as GM and Kodak. He
has used his experience in the past to modify other vehicles. His favorites before the Z were lo riders and he has
transformed several trucks and mustangs into lo riders.
He enjoys tinkering with anything mechanical.
When not working on cars he can be found racing remote
controlled nitro methane boats. He has gone as far as
Ohio and South Carolina to race in this competitive sport.
Jeff looks forward to socializing with others in the club
and attending events and cruise nights.
Reach him at modeltec@rochester.rr.com.
Miguel Ortiz:
Miguel also joined us at the 2010 All Japanese car show.
He and his wife Vanessa and three children Jose age 15,
Govani age 7 and Yandel age 5 have a 2004 350Z in
Copper color. When asked why he bought his first Z car
he said “Liked the style and it was a little fast”.
Both he and his wife were originally from Puerto Rico and
moved to Rochester area in 1990.
Miguel joined the club to learn a little more about Z cars
and to socialize with other Z fanatics.
Together he and his wife own and operate “Miguel’s Auto
Sound” a stereo shop on Hudson Ave in Rochester.
When not working, Miguel is a body builder, who last year
took second place in the Rochester, New York State
body builder championship. Vanessa also enjoys working
They can be reached at vanessa1san@hotmail.com
James Picariello:
Please welcome James Picariello and his girlfriend, Jean,
to the ZCCR family. Jim lives in Rochester and has
grown children, Jonathan 20 and Lauren 22 who are
mostly out on their own.
He has always liked the 300ZX twin turbo, and found a
1995 California car that fit his liking. The car has about
120K miles and is in great condition. He did not need to
do any restoration type work and instead he has been
performing some modifications to improve the level of
driving fun. He has added racing brakes, improved the
suspension and tweaked the turbos.
Page 12
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Welcome New Members Cont
He had Mazda RX7’s for the past 20 years and is a member of the Finger Lakes SCCA. He has done some racing
around the cones in the RX7’s (where he realized “you do
go faster if you aren’t drifting”) and looks forward to some
more regimented track type experience with the 300ZX.
With the club he looks forward to socializing with people
having similar cars and learning more about the Z.
James has seen much of the world as he had active duty
in the Air Force as a captain, spending time in England,
Germany, other parts of Europe and Florida.
Jim is currently a medical data analyst for MVP Healthcare.
He sums up his desires as “I want to enjoy life”
He and Jean enjoy road trips, traveling to places like Toronto, or Florida, and also enjoy music and can be found
at classic rock concerts like Frampton, Metallica or Yes.
They can be reached at woo hoo46@yahoo.com.
Steve Price
Steve Price and his wife Billie live in Clarence, New York
with two of their three boys; 18 year old Dan, and 24 year
old Joel. Their third son, Jay, 27, lives in Fairport. Also
living at home is their dog Rusty a Beagle mix.
Steve recently purchased a 71 Datsun 240Z, silver in
color. He is not new to Z cars and or Datsun.
In his earlier years, back in the 70’s he owned a 72 240Z,
a 73 240Z and a 75 240Z. In the 80’s he enjoyed racing a
Datsun 510 at the Glen. He had lots of fun. In his words, I
was not taking first place nor was I in last place, but usually came up somewhere in the middle of the pack.
While he was racing the 510 sedan his wife Billie was
driving the kids around in her 510 wagon. Datsun was
well represented in this family.
The current Z car is a work in progress. He has already
done work on the floorboards, replaced the water pump
and brakes. At some time it will need paint, but he wants
to drive it. He hopes to have it out next season.
He found ZCCR through word of mouth and then looked
us up on zccr.net to gather more info.
He liked what he saw and joined. He hopes to socialize
with other Z owners, learn more about the cars and
restoration, discover best places to obtain parts and
attend events.
Steve works at Hahn Automotive in outside sales, and
Billie works at a Hyundai Dealership.
When not working they both enjoy golf.
They can be reached at sspnugen@aol.com
Tom Sonneville:
Tom, who lives in Williamson, attended our All Japanese Car Show arriving in the afternoon as a spectator.
His 1971 Silver 240Z was in the public parking lot.
I was invited to look the car over with Tom and learn
some of its history. It seems some 8 years ago he and
his son spent time at the vintage races at the Glen.
His son developed an interest in cars and wanted a
used Porsche. After some discussion and looking
around he decided to purchase the 71 Z instead. It was
more practical.
After several years of driving it, he set it aside in the
garage and it became a car for Dad to drive. Now Dad
has it. Tom describes the car as a little tricked out. It
has been lowered, has 4 wheel disk brakes, a roll bar,
improved suspension, nice wheels and tighter than
standard steering.
Tom has always been into cars and also owns a 72
Corvette and a 73 Caprice classic.
He is an Engineer at heart and has also been the General Manager at Victor Insulators and a sales manager
at a company out of Ohio that deals in minerals.
He considers himself currently “semi retired”.
When not working or spending time with his car collection, he can be found on Lake Ontario on one of his
Tom looks forward to talking about his Z with other
members of the club to discover more about Z car history and learn how and where to obtain parts for the
vintage Z.
Tom can be contacted at tsonneville@aol.com
Member’s Rides
First Name
Last Name
Car info
86 300ZX 2+2 Red
77 280Z Silver, 86 300ZXT Black
08 350Z , Red
71 Datsun 240Z Green
10 370Z Black Cherry
70 240Z White/Blue/Green
90 300ZX TT Red
83 280ZX Black
70 Dat 510 White, 68 1600 Race car , 84 300ZX T Blue
Harter Jr.
73 240Z Silver
90 300ZX Blue
94 300zx TT Green
90 300ZX Pearl Yellow, 90 300ZX TT Pearl Yellow
79 280ZX Red, 91 240SX, Red
90 300ZX Black
77 280Z 383 Stroker
84 300ZX Pewter, 78 280Z Red
03 350Z Grey
82 280ZX Copper/Orange
76 280Z Black
82 280ZX, Maroon
87 300ZX Red, 88 300ZX White
79 280ZX Brown, 03 350Z Brickyard
73 240Z, Silver
79 280ZX Gold
76 280Z Black, 78 280Z Green
83 280ZX Silver
70 240Z TBD
83 280ZX Hybrid Black
90 300ZX Red, 90 300ZX Conv Red, 79 280ZX Blk Pearl
87 300ZX Champagne
77 280Z Silver
73 240Z Red, 2004 G35 White, 83 280ZXT Burgundy
Page 14
- Continued on page 16 -
Member’s Rides Cont’
First Name
Last Name
Car info
81 280ZX 2+2, Burgundy/Silver
85 300ZX 2+2 Blue
72 240Z Maroon, 85 300ZX Red, 94 300ZX TT Red
83 280ZXT Grey
73 240 Z Grey, 77 280Z Red
John P.
Roberts, JR.
80 280ZX 10th Blk/gld, 72 240Z Persimmon, 77 280Z Green , 71 240Z Wht
82 280ZX T Black, 91 Olds Toro Trofeo
03 350Z, Copper
90 Black 300 ZX TT
73 240 Z White
90 300ZX, Silver
95 300ZX TT Green
72 240Z Orange
09 370 Z sport Pearl White
09 370 Z Blue
71 Datsun 240Z Silver
70 240 Z White
70 240z TBD (Yellow)
69 240 Z ,Red,White,Blue, Nissan GTR
74 260Z Leaf Green
81 280ZX White
06 350Z Sunset Lemans
83 280ZX Red, 08 350Z silver
06 350Z Gray Roadster
86 300ZX Black
74 260Z, Persimmon
71 Datsun 240Z Silver
93 300ZX TT, Black
03 350Z Brickyard
70 240Z Gold, 03 350Z Sunset Lemans, 87 300ZX Red
72 240Z Green
91 300ZX TT, PG Yellow
73 240Z Red
71 240Z TBD
86 300ZX White
77 280Z Light Blue
71 240 Z Red
73 240Z Blue
04 350Z Roadster, Daytona Blue
72 240 White, 75 280Z Orange, 04 350Z Blue, 90 300ZX TT Metalic Silver
188 Mt. Hope Ave.
Rochester, NY 14620
(585) 546-8646
Page 15
747 Buffalo Road
Rochester NY 14611
to revision, watch email and the website for latest updates)
January 16th
Amerks Hockey Game – 5 PM, $5.00/per person
February 20th
ZCCR at Fantasy Raceway, Max 32 tickets.
March 9th
Member meeting- Place TBD, SCCA Autocross Speaker
April 1st thru 3rd
Motor Mania at the Dome Center
April 10th
Skin and Steel – Dome Arena
April 24th
Watkins Glen Track Day
April 30th
SCCA Novice Autocross at R.I.T.
May 7th
Z School – Combination tech event, swap meet, etc.
May 20-21
Carlisle Car Show
June 12th
Street Machines of Rochester Car Show
June 18th
Red Wings Baseball Game – 7:00 Game Time
July 8th thru 10th
ZCCR All Import Car Show Weekend
July 30th
ZCCR at the drags, (Spencer or Lancaster Speedway)
August 13th
ZCCR Birthday Picnic/Cruise – Location TBD
August 20th
Ontario Z Car Club Car Show
September 9th thru 11th
Vintage Datsun Races-Watkins Glen
October 16th
ZCCR Fall Cruise/Colonial Belle
December 10th
ZCCR Christmas Party – Place TBD
Besroi Roofing & Siding
711 Emerson St.
Rochester, NY 14613
(585) 254-3800
Page 16
Z Car Club of Rochester www.ZCCR.net John Taddonio, Presi‐
dent 585‐261‐6491 zcarnut@hotmail.com The Z Car Club of Rochester is a non‐profit social organization whose goal is to preserve, enjoy and promote the line of Z Series sports cars as produced by Nissan under their Datsun & Nissan marquee’s 1969 to present. Every year, hosts a three day charity fundraising event which brings participants from all over the North‐
east US and nearby Canada. The centerpiece of the weekend is the Jonathan Krenzer Memorial All Import Car Show which now celebrates sports cars from around the world. A large portion of the car show is specifically dedicated to classic Datsun/Nissan vehicles, but all import marquee enthusiasts are welcome. In addition to the car show, partici‐
pants enjoy a kickoff party, Saturday evening banquet and a Sunday road rally with destinations such as Watkins Glen International raceway for laps. Proceeds from the charity fundraising weekend event are donated to worthy local causes, with donations of over $25,000 made to date. At the 2010 car show, in which 130 cars were shown with 2000 spectators in attendance, was pleased to present a one‐of‐a‐kind display of historic Datsun/Nissan vehicles. Included were: * 1969 Datsun 240Z HLS30‐00006, the oldest Z‐Car in existence. The first car to leave the factory in October 1969 for car show presentation. This is the originally green car that a model infamously sat on and dented, resulting in it be‐
ing removed from the car show circuit. It was then given to Bob Sharp for racing development. The car was success‐
fully campaigned as BSR #33 with Sharp driving and later as BSR #38 with Jim Fitzgerald at the wheel. It is now owned by Dr. Allan Robbins whose Sharpsite Motorsports has restored the car to its original racing trim. * 1969 Datsun 240Z HLS30‐00008. Also in the group of the first Z show cars sent to America in October 1969. This car was the first to be used for automotive press reviews and is believed to be the cover car of the January 1970 issue of Road & Track magazine. Later converted into an SCCA/IMSA race car, it became the first Z to complete the 24 hours of Daytona. Today it is owned, restored, and maintained by Dr. Tom Bork’s Doc B Racing of Rochester, NY and is still raced in vintage events. * 1969 Datsun 240Z HLS30‐00013, the first Z made available to the public for sale. Long considered the "missing link" to Z car history, the car was recently discovered in Connecticut after being in storage for over 30 years. The car had been lovingly preserved by its owner Rick Morgan since 1976 and it was a recent cover story of Nissan Sport maga‐
zine. * 1970 Datsun 240Z B.S.R. IMSA Car driven to the IMSA Championship by Sam Posey. * 1976 Datsun 620 Salt Flats truck. The new Land Speed Record holder at the East Coast Timing Association Nation‐
als. Set a new record in the F Class of 123.35 mph, shattering the old record of 119 mph. The Datsun will attempt in September 2011 to also set new world records in the E and G classes, thus becoming the first truck to hold records in three different classes. The truck was built/driven by Barry Brown and Jeff Benson of Riter Restorations in East Roch‐
ester NY. Engine built by Vinny Bedini of Bedini Motorsports. Both Brown and Bedini had formerly built some of the Bob Sharp Racing cars. * Custom 1970 Datsun 510 powered by the original Dodge Challenger drive‐train from Brock Yates' infamous first Cannonball Run car, custom show car winner many times over, including the NHRA Syracuse Regionals. * Several other race‐ready Datsun Zs that still compete to this day. On July 9th, 2011 expects these historic cars and more to again be on display at our next charity car show, along with a large collection of classic Datsun to brand‐new Nissan Z‐Cars. Total show participation is expected to reach 200+ vehicles as import cars of every marquee are now welcome to register. While event planning is ongoing now, marketing for this event speeds‐up in the Spring with the club’s cars being showcased once again at the April 1st – 3rd 2011 MotorMania Custom Car Show held annually in Rochester. See you there! Page 17
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6 North Main Street Fairport 14450
Page 18
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Spencerport, NY
John V. Sally Agency
782 Elmgrove Rd.
Rochester, NY 14624
Phone: (585) 429-7606
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Rochester, NY 14615-2928
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Rochester, NY 14621
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Page 19
From the dusty ZCCR archives!
Coming soon to the ZCCR.net website! As some of the more nostalgic members may have noticed, there are number of past newsletters available for your viewing pleasure posted on the ZCCR.net website. Soon there will be more! Our former president Mr. Dave
Palermo has graciously provided his prized collection of vintage newsletters for scanning. Look for them soon!
Page 20
Page 21
Page 22
John Taddonio
Vice President
Mike Noonan
Mike Krenzer
Newsletter Editor
Sam Hartley
Mike Yendrzeski
Treasurer Outgoing
Scott Kozlowski
Bob Anderson
Treasurer Incomming
Membership Director
Bob Mooney
Frank McGinley
“ZCCR NEWZ” is the official publication of the Z CAR CLUB OF ROCHESTER, a not for profit automobile club based in
Rochester, N.Y. It is distributed quarterly to ZCCR members, other clubs and to event participants. The title, format, all
articles and their content, photos and materials published in this newsletter are the property of ZCCR and may not be
used or reproduced without permission of the author and ZCCR. Opinions expressed herein are the sole responsibility of
the contributor and do not necessarily express the views of ZCCR. Please submit all contributions to the editor by mail or
electronically. All submissions are subject to review and/or editing to meet requirements for publication. ZCCR NEWZ is
published quarterly (January, April, July & October). Deadline for submissions is 14 days prior to first day of month of
issue. ZCCR is a non-profit automobile club based in Rochester, N.Y. dedicated to the enjoyment and preservation of
the Datsun/Nissan ZCar.
Annual dues are $45 for Full or $25 for Associate Membership. Contact Frank McGinley or any member for further details & available dues discounts.
SEND NEWSLETTER SUBMISSIONS AND QUESTIONS TO: Mike Noonan, Vice President, gotmoxz@frontiernet.net
For questions, to place ads or for further information on becoming a ZCCR sponsor, please contact John Taddonio, Club
For 1 year (4-Issue s) the cost is as follows:
Full page ad $150.00
1/2 page $100.00
1/4 page $75.00
Business card size ad $50.00
Newsletter created on an
Apple Computer
Thanks Woz!
Victoria M. Argento Attorney
LDR Char Pit
109 W. Commercial St.
East Rochester, NY 14445
(585) 383-0020
4753 Lake Ave.
Rochester, NY 14612
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