The Bateleur - Peace Parks Foundation
The Bateleur - Peace Parks Foundation
The Bateleur Private Bag X3015, Hoedspruit 1380, South Africa Telephone: +27 (0)15 793 7300 Fax: +27 (0)15 7937314 e-mail: October 20 1 5, Issue 5 KUDOS TO OUR DONORS, SUPPORTERS, PARTNERS AND TRAINING STAFF At the beginning of each year, it is always a daunting task when one considers the extent of training to be conducted at the Southern African Wildlife College and the costs that need to be covered. In most cases, the organisations and individuals – most of whom are from historically disadvantaged or marginalized communities - are unable to fund the training themselves with the onus being on the College to help support the skills development required if conservation and the protection of our wildlife is to succeed. In addition, the increased scope of training aligns with the ever-increasing needs of the conservation sector. Anti poaching field ranger training and community-based natural resource management training being a large component of the current training required. In the last issue we talked about the support received and the friendships created with our partners, donors and supporters who enable us not only to deliver on our mandate but to surpass various expectations. The College honestly cannot say thank you enough for this unwavering support. With the funding received we have been able to continue with Phase 11 of the College’s development, implement needs-based training programmes and new projects and, with the help of our partners provide assistance and technical support at various levels. Mr. Christoph Weber and Mrs. Bettina Weber, founders of Friends of African Wildlife, recently visited the College and were taken to see the Friends of African Wildlife and Sheldon Family Trust sponsored Bathawk as well as the new Field Ranger Training Camp facilities and K-9 Unit. Mr. and Mrs. Walhof thoroughly enjoyed their first visit the College where they were able to interact with some of the Field Ranger training students and take a flip in the Bathawk. The programmes, courses and projects funded this year include our Wildlife Management Qualification programmes, our learnership and skills development programmes, Community Based Natural Resource Management and Research projects, the Youth Access Bridging programme, the Enterprise Development programme and the Wildlife Guardian programme which includes field ranger training at various levels as well as our anti poaching aerial monitoring and patrol project, and more recently the anti poaching K-9 unit. Here mention must be made of GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit), NORHED (Norwegian Agency for Development) and USAID Southern Africa RESILIM Regional Resilience Training Partnership for their multi-year support of projects which fall within the Innovation, Development and Best Practice Unit, including the CBNRM and Research Units. In addition, we received funding to support the sustainable use and guiding programmes and the matched funding required for the National Treasury’s Jobs Fund 4 Project, which will see 257 people trained and deployed over two years. Here a huge thank must go to the Dioraphte Foundation, Tusk Trust, Friends of African Wildlife, Scott Dunn (via Tusk Trust) Timbavati Foundation, Timbavati Private Nature Reserve and MySchool MyPlanet Rhino Fund, together with other individual donors, for stepping in to assist us with the matched funding requirement. This will bring to over 1500, the number of people trained this year alone. Thanks to the valued and on-going support of the Rufford Foundation we have also been able to acquire a sorely needed new bus and, with the continued support of Avis, have had the use of two vehicles to assist with transport requirements. Our partners PPF, WWF, KfW and SAWCT continue to assist, guide and work alongside us so that we can meet our objectives and impact the greater goals, which will influence conservation and the socio economic development of the region. Organisations, trusts and foundations that this year pledged their support across various programmes and projects include those mentioned together with Aimpoint, African Parks, Afrisam, Bellingham Safaris, Dallas Safari Club, Distell, Global Conservation Corps, KfW Stiftung, First Rand Foundation’s Rand Merchant Bank Fund, MAVA Foundation (via PPF), Our Horn is NOT Medicine, Safari Club International Foundation, the Sheldon Family Trust and Transboundary Conservation Foundation. In addition, individuals such as Countess Sylvia Labia, Mr. Durcesio Mello, Mrs. Fanja Pon and Ms. Sommer Johnston have supported our Adopt-a-Student Legacy Campaign together with other individuals such as Mr. Brendan Goss, Mr. Amos Dukes, Ms. Kathryn Kircher, Ms. Lee-Anne Davis, Mr. Mark and Mrs. Lee Middleton, Mr. Michael Lawton, Mr. Rob Sowry, Mr. Chris and Mrs. Sharmain Hanekom, Mrs. BA Nicholson, SA Phipps and Mr. and Mrs. Walhof supporting the College’s Wildlife Guardian Programme and the Bathawk “eye in the sky anti poaching project. Our newly established anti poaching K9 unit is indebted to The Green Trust and WWF for providing the start up funding (see full article below) with other individuals including Mr. Parnis, Mr. Verreyne, Mr. Naylor, Mr. Jenkins, Mr. Naude, Mr. Karan, Mr. Kay, Ms. Blight, Changing Tides, Mr. Gold, and Mr. SW van Zyl pledging their support. Thanks must also be extended the donors that supported events held in Zurich and in the Mitchigan in the USA to raise funds for the College’s anti poaching units. With the year drawing to a close, we reflect on our achievements over the past year but moreover, we pay homage to those that continue to help and support us. Without you, we would not be able to continue to help shape the future of conservation in the region…. THANK YOU! Southern African Wildlife College Trust: A message of thanks We are delighted by the positive response we have received from you, our dependable and passionate partners in conservation. Our Annual Report with the new Pledge Brochure was distributed early in August 2015. This, together with the invaluable support of our Principal Founder Trustee, Countess Sylvia Labia who continues to support and highlight the excellent work being done by the Southern African Wildlife College - has been met with enthusiasm by the Trust’s loyal supporters. Over R150 000 has recently been pledged by individual donors who recognise the importance of their donation being invested wisely by the Trust. The funds generated will be utilised for the sole purpose of supporting wildlife management scholarships, bursaries and other activities which allow the College to carry out its mandate. In addition, some of our valued donors have supported the vital work being done by way of the College’s Wildlife Guardianship Programme to help combat wildlife crime and the current rhino poaching crisis. Other donors have indicated that they have included the Trust in their legacies. We would like to acknowledge this and express our sincere thanks. Investing in conservation in perpetuity via the Trust, provides future generations with the opportunity to enjoy our beautiful and uniquely rich natural heritage. A living legacy well worth considering. Some 70 corporates, trusts and foundations, who are long-term supporters of the Trust, have now also been approached, 20 of whom recently invited proposals for continued funding. We appreciate their renewed interest and look forward to the outcomes. Our AGM was also held early in August with the Trust celebrating 15 years since its inception, as well as good returns on its investments, thanks to WWF-SA who manage the Trust’s portfolio. Disbursements to support the work of the College have grown over the years, with a current “milestone” disbursement of R1-million having been approved by the Trustees this financial year. Every donation to the Trust since inception has made this special achievement possible. This is particularly pertinent given the growth experienced by the College over the past few years together with the fact that conservation in general is not well funded. You, through your donations to the Trust, have helped ensure that the custodians of Africa’s wildlife are properly trained to meet the challenges being faced in conservation today. For this we thank you! In closing, we wish all of the students at the College well in their final examinations, and look forward to the graduation of the Higher Education and Training, Wildlife Area Management students early in December 2015. Countess Sylvia Labia, SAWCT Principle Founder Trustee (top) and Mrs. Lesley Richardson, SAWCT Chairperson, received certificates of appreciation from Mr. Ian Goodwin (SAWCT Vice Chair) at the AGM for their support of the Trust since its establishment by WWF-SA in 2000. The SAWCT Trustees, together with WWF and SAWC staff members, celebrate the Trust’s 15-year anniversary. WWF NEDBANK GREEN TRUST PROVIDES VITAL CAPITAL AND OPERATIONAL SUPPORT TO THE COLLEGE’S NEWLY ESTABLISHED K9 CAPABILITY Thanks to the involvement of our partners WWF South Africa, the WWF Nedbank Green Trust has agreed to support rhino conservation efforts by way of providing capital and operational support to the College’s newly established Dog Unit. The Unit explicitly talks to the building and protection of rhino populations through field conservation efforts, and will be run as a College project. The full scope of the project aims to train field rangers (as dog handlers) and dogs in disciplines that are considered to be of most benefit to the anti-poaching community. Initial focus will be on rangers (handlers) and dogs in the disciplines that are not currently being offered elsewhere and will provide the greatest immediate benefit to the antipoaching operations, whilst also directly building on the current K9 capability of the Kruger National Park. This in turn supports the five tactical areas that have been identified as priorities by WWF-SA to support rhino conservation efforts: Building resilient rhino populations through field conservation efforts, engaging local communities in wildlife conservation, strengthening national law enforcement activities, developing bilateral cooperation between South Africa and transit and consumer countries and ultimately reducing demand for illicit rhino horn. Bolstering this is the College’s provision of well-trained and equipped rangers, delivered through the new ranger training station, as well as aerial surveillance to help plot and monitor rhino movements and poacher suppression tactics and, during an operation, carry out poacher suppression tactics. The establishment of the SAWC’s K-9 Unit is primarily due to the successes that dogs and their trackers have been experiencing in the anti poaching field, which is further underpinned by the success of the K-9 hound-tracking ‘tool’ being tested in the Kruger National Park. The Kempiana property on which SAWC is based, and which is owned by WWF South Africa, is together with the Kruger National Park experiencing high levels of rhino poaching pressure. Through the provision of effectively trained handlers and dogs, it is envisaged the poaching statistics will decrease substantially, and arrests will increase in this high impact zone. This will largely be due to the ability of the dogs to track at speeds much faster than people, and in terrain where the best human trackers would lose spoor. Initially the project will include Free Tracking Dogs: Trained to locate, track and indicate the presence of fleeing poachers off line, free running as well as the incursion Dogs (Spoor Cutters): Trained to locate and indicate the crossing of borders and roads by poachers. The funding provided by the WWF Nedbank Green Trust will support the establishment of dog handler and dog master accommodation on site, the development of accredited training material for free-tracking hounds and 18-months of training required by the tracker dogs and their handlers. Our sincere gratitude is extended to WWF SA and the WWF Nedbank Green Trust for their ongoing support and commitment to rhino conservation efforts. In addition, WWF SA provides support to the College’s Community Based Natural Resource Management Unit and projects sites as part of the priorities identified in support of rhino conservation. The WWF-Nedbank Green Trust, co-founded by Nedbank and WWF-SA in 1990, is a mutually beneficial partnership between Nedbank and WWF-SA, which supports nature conservation projects through community-based programmes. The K-9 Unit dog housing under construction. Changing things up in the Resource Centre As we reach the end of 2015 the Resource Centre says goodbye to the three schools that were involved in the bookmobile project. Over the years a collaborative working relationship was developed between each school and the project has been a success. Books that were originally donated from Biblionef, a non-profit organization has been handed over to the schools this year and each school has plans to use these books to begin their own library collection for their learners. We thank the coordinators from Mtembeni, Manyeleti and Nxalati Primary school as this project would not have thrived without their continued cooperation. Although the lively interaction and friendly faces of these schools will be missed, in 2016 three new schools will be selected to be part of the Bookmobile project and the Resource Centre looks forward to forging new working relationships with these schools. Working on a mobile library like the bookworm kiddies club provides an exciting opportunity to gain work experience for a recent library studies graduate, equally interesting is the prospect of tutoring adult, English second language students in computers, literacy and numeracy for a newly graduated educator. This is why in 2016 the Resource Centre will introduce two new Intern positions and one rotating volunteer position. OUR SINCERE CONDOLENCES It was with profound sadness that we learnt that one of our past Wildlife Area Management students’ life was cut short. Themba Nkosi, who completed the HET Certificate programme in 2013 and was employed by Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency, passed away following a shooting incident on September 7 whilst off duty. Themba’s positive attitude, enthusiasm for his work and friendly demeanor will long be remembered by all who knew or came into contact with him. Our sincere condolences are once again extended to his family, organization and friends. Hamba Kahle Themba. May you rest in peace. Daphne Gengayan: Resource Centre officer From left to right: Ms. Daphne Gengayan, Mr. Matthews Mnisi, Principal: Mtembeni Primary School, Cecilia Mdluli, Project Coordinator: Mtembeni Primary School Ms. Annelize Steyn: Head Academic Compliance and Quality Assurance and Countess Sylvia Labia pictured with Mr. Themba Nkosi at his graduation in 2013. THE COLLEGE CELEBRATES RHINO DAY On Saturday, 19 September 2015, staff members of the College decided to organise an event to honour World Rhino Day (on 22 September) and to strengthen the social cohesion between the newly established Ranger Camp and the College Main Campus. After a warm welcome to all students and staff members by Mr. Auswell Machabe, HET-Coordinator, as well as a prayer to bless the event, the day continued with a drilling performance by the trainee rangers. This impressive performance was followed up with a speech held by Mr. Ruben de Kock, Protected Area Integrity Business Unit Manager, on the importance of discipline and drill in the bush where every second counts and decisions have to be made within the blink of an eye. The thank you to the organizers and participants of the event came from Mr. Andrè Cornelius, Ex- ecutive Manager: Operations, who emphasised the importance of discipline while dealing with poaching and working in nature conservation. Nathaniel Simayumbula, the President of the Social Committee, ended the formal part of the day by thanking all on behalf of the students and explaining how the different methods of nature conservation and antipoaching all link to discipline. game went into penalty shooting and was won by the LEDET Jobs Fund students with the close score of 5:4. In the grand finale, both teams fought hard for victory and in the end the KZN Jobs Fund team succeeded in becoming the champions by winning 6:5 on penalty shooting. The neutral referee made sure that all the games were played fairly and with a sporting spirit. After a great lunch of boerewors rolls the players were strengthened and ready to start the soccer match everybody was waiting to see. The teams entered singing and the first game started at quarter past one with the KZN Jobs Fund Field Rangers team versing the SAWC staff team. This intense game went all the way into penalty shooting and was won by the KZN Jobs Fund students, 5 to 4 goals. The next game, where the LEDET Jobs Fund students battled over the ball against the HET student team, did not disappoint either. Again, this tough Ultimately the day was a great success where the thought of nature conservation, the feeling of team spirit and fun could all be brought together. The success of this event can be attributed to the organizers Mr. Auswell Machabe, Mr. Professor Mtungwa, Ms. Theodore Ngobeni, Mr. Sboniso Phakathi, Ms. Sommer Johnston and Ms. Dineo Chiloane as well as the stakeholders PME and BUCO and the kitchen staff who prepared the food for the entire campus. Ms. Sommer Johnston: Volunteer ACADEMIC COMPLIANCE AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT carried out within the framework of the regulations of Education and Training Quality Assurers (ETQA’s) of the SAQA. In a previous issue of Bateleur, we explained the accreditation and registration status of SAWC as an institution, and what is required according to the regulatory framework for a private academic institution to offer qualifications. In this issue, I will try to explain the mandate of some of the educational bodies to ensure quality in the academic milieu. The CHE evaluates how both private and public Higher Education institutes maintain quality at institutional and programme levels. The HEQC uses different methods to evaluate whether institutions maintain the required quality. These methods include institutional audits, programme accreditation, national reviews and quality promotion as well as capacity development. For new programmes, HEQC uses 9 broad criteria to evaluate whether the programme meets the requirements for accreditation. This includes programme design, including complexity depending on the NQF level; student recruitment admission and selection policies, staffing qualification, experience and seniority; teaching and learning strategy; student assessment policies & procedures; infrastructure and library resources • The National Qualifications Framework (NQF), provided for by the Act 67 of 2008, is a comprehensive system for the classification, registration and publication of articulated and qualityassured national qualifications and part-qualifications. The minister of Higher Education and Training has determined as policy that the NQF will comprise of three co-ordinated qualifications Sub-Frameworks. These are the General and Further Education and Training Sub-Framework (GFETQSF) (with qualifications registered at NQF levels 1-4); the Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework (HEQSF) (with qualification on levels 5 to 10); and the Occupational Qualifications Sub-Framework (OQSF) (with qualification on levels 1 to 6). Three Quality Councils were established to manage these three sub-frameworks. Collectively, the Quality Councils and the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) all work for the good of both learners and employers. The NQF Act has introduced changes in the roles and responsibilities of the different bodies that are responsible for ensuring achievement of the objectives of the NQF. These include: • The Minister of Higher Education and Training has overall responsibility for the NQF and for determining the qualification structure for the Higher Education system • The South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) is responsible for the development of policy and criteria for registering standards and qualifications on the NQF, on the recommendation of the Council on Higher Education (CHE). SAQA, together with the Quality Councils (QC’s) must seek to achieve the objectives of the NQF by developing, fostering and maintaining an integrated and transparent national framework for the recognition of learner achievements; ensuring SA qualifications meet appropriate criteria determined by the Minister; are internationally comparable; and ensuring that SA qualifications are of an acceptable quality • The CHE is responsible for the development and management of the Higher Education Qualification Sub Framework (HEQSF) and advising the minister on matter relating to the HEQSF; for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, through its permanent sub committee the HEQC, and for the development of standards for the Higher Education qualifications. The mandate of the HEQC includes quality promotion and is The Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) was established in 2010 in terms of the Skills Development Act. Its role is to oversee the design, implementation, assessment and certification of occupational qualifications on the Occupational Qualifications Sub-Framework (OQSF). Another important role for the QCTO is to offer guidance to service providers who must be accredited by the QCTO to offer occupational qualifications. The SETAs had formerly seen to education and training quality assurance, development of learnerships, trades and accreditation of the service providers. When the functions of the QCTO moved to the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), it was necessary to make it clear that QCTO would take care of occupational qualifications, and had to be distinguished from the FETs, which fell under the supervision of Umalusi. The QCTO has to ensure that every qualification offered is of relevance in the market place and would ensure employment of those who took those qualifications. Its scope is the development and QA of fit-for purpose occupational qualification and unit standards as is required by the labor market for work and employment purposes. This reflects a new approach to QA, in which QA permeates all activities and is not seen as a separate function. As a registered and accredited provider of Higher Education, all SAWC operations are thus governed by all the Legislative and Regulatory requirements for ETDSA. Apart from the registration and accreditation process, it also includes that an accredited provider must have a Quality Management System (QMS), which is benchmarked against several legislation and guidelines. This QMS should make provision for policies that govern the provider’s ETD proactively; processes and procedures for the implementation of policies; and a mechanism to review these policies, processes and procedures. ETQA Regulations informs quality management requirements criteria as used and applied towards Accreditation of Providers; Programme registration and ETD provider Registration (HET) and program accreditation. Providers are thus required to submit an Annual Report on compliance to these regulations to the Department of Higher Education and Training in order to retain its status. Although all of these requirements and regulations must seem like a lot of bureaucracy, it is important to note the underlying objective: the strive to provide a quality education to all, and to protect employers and future learners and students against sub standard programmes and qualifications. This College will therefore always maintain its level of education and quality of programmes through compliance with these regulations. “Information courtesy of : and” Annelize Steyn, Head: Academic Compliance and Quality Management HIGHER EDUCATION Heritage Day It was Archbishop Desmond Tutu who famously coined the phrase “Rainbow Nation” - and what a good phrase it is! We recently celebrated Heritage Day in South Africa and in keeping with this important event our long course students put on a display of their cultural attire, traditions, foods and other aspects covering the amazing diversity of cultures that our students represent. Thanks to Annelize Steyn, Head: ACQM the Higher Certificate module in cultural heritage management was rescheduled two years ago to coincide with this public holiday in order to make the most of the opportunity to show off. The students took the opportunity seriously! If Africa is generally a hotspot of biodiversity then the same can be said for its cultural diversity. One of the features of Africa that that people miss most when leaving, is the diversity of its people. The colours, the sounds and smells, the rhythms and the unique combination of these is what defines Africa as much as does an elephant, a mountain or a forest. All of these were found in abundance at the College on September 24! We saw men dancing in colourful dresses, others in skirts made of maize sacks, and others in traditional loin cloths and skins. We ate snot apples and sourdough baked on the fire, wild spinaches, roasted nuts and African chocolate made from the nuts of the marula tree. To drink, we had the refreshing Umqombothi – made of fermented maize and sorghum. Fortunately this libation was not fully matured or the celebrations would no doubt have become a lot more “festive”. Once again I found myself thinking how privileged we are to host such an amazing array of people at the College. We really do have something special in Africa, but so often we water it down and disguise it behind suits and ties and nondescript uniforms. Our people become faceless and homogeneous and lose the very essence of what makes them special. On at least one day this year though, the students revelled in the opportunity to show off how different, how unique they are, while simultaneously celebrating and sharing together what it means to be African. Malcolm Douglas, Manager: Wildlife Area Management Qualifications SHORT COURSES The recently held short courses have breathed some new life into the Wildlife Area Management Department over the last couple of months. The College trains short course both on and off-site. Mainly driven by the needs of the organisations requesting the training, these courses can be tailor-made for the client if need be. So herewith a peek into the kind of short courses which were conducted by the College over the past few weeks. We kicked off with a one-week CBNRM short course that was conducted offsite in the Eastern Cape from 28 September to 2 October taught by Mr. Rodgers Lubilo. The main focus of this course was to support the transformation of rural community into effective and organised community structures with a high level of participation of the local communities in sustainable natural resource management. Another two-week CBNRM short course will run during the month of November in the Limpopo Province. Debrief of lessons learned on day three of the course. Ms. Mieke van der Wansem (Senior Trainer) and Ms. Christine Mentzel (Co-Senior Trainer) in the background while Junior Trainers debrief the previous day’s sessions with the group. A two-week Tourism Management short course ran from 18 to 31 October in the Eastern Cape with the outcome of the course enabling participants to recognise and implement a tourism management plan for their various parks in practical ways. GIS and Project Management short courses have also been in demand and we envision quite a number of these running in 2016. The first Project Management course for 2015 commenced during the first week of November also in the Easter Cape with the main focus on how to implement a project through the various stages of project management. A new exciting development has been the launch of the first Stakeholder Engagement and Negotiations Skills short course that ran from the 18 to 24 October here at the College. The SAWC collaborated with the Biodiversity and Protected Area Management (BIOPAMA) and the Sustainability Challenge Foundation (SCF) to offer this training, using the Mutual Gains Approach. This course is aimed at supporting efforts to better secure protected areas and key biodiversity areas. A central principle of the Mutual Gains Approach to negotiations is that the vast majority of negotiations in the real world involve parties who have more than one goal or concern in mind and more than one issue that can be addressed in the agreement they reach. This model allows parties to improve their chances of creating an agreement superior to existing alternatives and meeting the priority needs of all stakeholders. It is based on four key steps for negotiating more sustainable solutions: preparation, value creation, value distribution and following through. We aim to run this particular course again during the first quarter of 2016. We would like to thank Ms. Mieke van der Wansem, Associate Director: Centre for International Environment and Resource Policy from Tufts University in Massachusetts and Ms. Christine Mentzel, Senior Programme Officer: Conservation Areas and Species Diversity IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) South Africa Office and BIOPAMA for partnering with SAWC to make this training possible. Also thank you to Prof. Edson Gandiwa from Chinhoyi University of Technology, Zimbabwe and Ms. Lisa van Dongen, Social Performance Consultant and Mediator SA for their valuable contribution to the training as co-trainers. We also want to thank everyone that attended the course for their efforts and their passion to take up the tools they have gained. We hope to hear how the skills tha they have acquired are helping them solve some of our continent’s most pressing and urgent issues. For any information on the short courses that are being run by the SAWC, please contact Marilize van der Walt at Participants of the Stakeholder Engagement & Negations Skills Training Practical simulations that needed to be prepared by each participant. Here Group 1 under the Facilitator role of Mr. Abednigo Nzuza are practicing negotiation according to MGA process each with a specific role and interest in the issue. Group 2 practicing negation skills on day two of training. Ms. Elna Japisa Mathonsi (LEDET representative) taking on the role of Facilitator for this practical negotiations exercise. A brain storming group exercise. Mr. Abednigo Nzuza (SA), Mr. Woldemedhin Mulatu (Ethiopia), Mr. Shiven Rambarath (SA – KZN Wildlife), Mr. Aaron Mangena (SA – LEDET representative). Finding next steps according to the mutual gains process for real case studies that need problem solving. Ms. Magda Goosen from KZN Wildlife with other participants discussing next steps toward problem solving with regard to the planned cable car development in the Drakensberg. Sustainable Use and Field Guiding Sustainable Use students assist with rhino darting, ear notching and micro chipping. For the 2014 Sustainable Use students, their time at the SAWC is rapidly drawing to a close. All their final exams have been written and most of their practical assessments have been completed. I’m proud to say they have done well and it has been a pleasure to see them mature and become competent young professionals over the year and a half they have spent here. As a reward for their efforts they were invited to attend a recent rhino darting, ear notching and micro chipping exercise – and in the end it was just as well they were there because their strong young muscles were most definitely needed! In drizzly and wet conditions a large bull rhino was darted to the north of the College by Dr. Marcus Hofmeyer, the KNP’s Chief Veterinarian. The massive bull went down on his side close to the road. After stabilizing him, drilling holes in his horns, fitting microchips, and notching his uppermost right ear, the bull needed to be positioned onto his sternum so as to gain access to his left ear for notching and additional blood sample collection. This is when some serious musclepower was needed! With the ground being wet, the bull kept sliding along the ground instead of being lifted. He was also wet and muddy which did not help either. Getting a grip on his thick skin was extremely difficult and in the end it took almost a full rugby team with much huffing and puffing It took almost a whole rugby team, along with lots of huffing and puffing to get the heavy, wet, muddy and slippery bull onto his chest. to finally get the bull onto his chest. Once this had been accomplished, the rest of the exercise went swiftly. Shortly after the stipulated, ‘not longer than 30 minutes on the ground’ period had expired, the bull was reversed. After an anxious few minutes he stumbled to his feet and ambled off. Ear notching the rhinos in our training area allows us to identify them easily and this assists with monitoring their movements. Valuable data is being assembled in the process which will prove to be extremely useful. Dr. Kevin Robertson, Business Unit Manager: Sustainable Use and Field Guiding The darted rhino bull moments before he went down. There would have been a fine reward of ice cold beverages in it for the chopper pilot if he went down in the road. This time Gerry McDonald was not so lucky – the bull went down with only his horn in the road! For the Sustainable Use students, this was the first time they were able to get up close and personal to a huge rhino bull. Such experiences will last them a lifetime. After an anxious few minutes, no. 244 finally staggered to his feet. PROJECTS DEPARTMENT The Rural Based Enterprise Empowerment and Employment Project (Jobs Fund 3032) has made steady progress during the third quarter of its second year. The two-year project is funded by Jobs Fund under the Department of National Treasury with the fundamental aim of training SMME’s and creating sustainable employment through enterprise development and business linkages for rural communities living on the western boundary of the Kruger National Park. Through ongoing mentorship, the enterprises have managed to register their businesses on different databases, e.g. SANBI, municipal databases (Limpopo & Mpumalanga) and provincial departments, for potential contracting opportunities which will allow them an opportunity to grow their businesses and branch out into other business activities. Through the efforts of the business linkages manager the enterprises in Bushbuckridge and Malelane area are receiving more assistance from SEDA branches in their respective areas. The 2015 SMME’s applied for the Tholoana Enterprise Programme earlier in May, which provides support grants on behalf of the South African Breweries Foundation (SABF). Four enterprises were successful in the selection stages and underwent thorough coaching. They will start receiving the much-needed grants from November 2015. In the 4th quarter mentorship and workplace assessment will be concluded as the project moves towards the close-out phase at the end of December 2015 The learners’ portfolio of evidence will be submitted for exit moderation in late November. A certification ceremony will be held on 7 December at the SAWC to honour the learners with a certificate of achievement for those learners that have been declared competent. The project is a partnership between three organisations. Resource Africa (leadimplementer), SAWC (training partner) and SANParks (main contractor). Ephodiah Mdluli, Project Administrator During one workplace assessment sessions the Jobs Fund Rural Based Enterprise Empowerment and Employment Project students were tasked with doing a customer services role play exercise. The role play exercise pictured enabled the students to prepare and set up for a wedding. his feet. A JUBILANT AND EMOTIONAL CLOSING OUT OF THE NATIONAL TREASURY’S JOBS FUND PROJECT 9 October marked the final step in the learning process for the third cohort of 30 learners that recently completed the National Certificate in Conservation Resource Guardianship under the National Treasury’s Jobs Fund 2644 project. The 30 young men were extremely proud to celebrate their achievements and all the hard work of the past year with their families. Emotions ran high with much praise being showered on them. The scope of the project entitled “Community Rangers as a socio-economic development tool” was to train 30 unemployed youth per annum over three years. The project, which closed out at the end of September 2015, trained unemployed youth from local communities as Field Rangers. The aim was to provide skilled and equipped field staff to parks and reserves whilst also having a social and economic impact in the communities that the trainees come from. The College was very proud to have the Head of the Jobs Fund, Ms. Najwah Ellie-Edries, attend the function. She not only participated in some of the drill exercises, but was moved to tears by the very tangible sense of pride and joy demonstrated by family members. This was reinforced by an impressive display of drill and discipline by the young men. The National Treasury’s Jobs Fund was left with little doubt about the impact the SAWC is having on the lives of young people through its programme delivery. The students’ graduation took place at the College’s new Ranger Camp facility, fortunately in slightly cooler temperatures than the previous day’s 43 degree Celsius! The SAWC wishes all 30 young men all the best as they enter the next phase of their lives which will see them start working within the conservation sector. Ms. Najwah Ellie-Edries, Head of the National Treasury’s Jobs Fund congratulates one of the Jobs Fund 2644 project graduates. Mpumalanga- Youth Environmental Services Training/ Skills Programme The Youth Environmental Services Project is in its final year of implementation with 98 participants currently on year three of this programme. The intervention is funded by the Department of Environmental Affairs and was initiated with the aim of recruiting 300 youth between the ages of 18 and 35 to participate in community services, training and personal development as well placement into employment (including self-employment) and further training opportunities. Learners from both skills programmes are placed in Thaba Chweu and Bushbuckridge district municipalities, with regional offices, primary schools and environmental centres where they assist the host institutions with core functions. These activities range from collection, transportation and disposal of waste in landfill sites, separation and recycling waste, assistance at landfill sites, house hold surveys, environmental education in schools, implementation of the ‘sustainable school yard programme’ (SSYP), greening schools and communities, clean up campaigns, art-work using recyclables, assisting community based organisations and supporting local government in celebration of environmental and calendar days. Thus far four waste management groups have started selling their collections to buyers within their regions; they have also been engaging their local communities’ formal and informal markets in an attempt to raise awareness around the management of waste. The ongoing support from the Bushbuckridge based Department of Agriculture, Rural Development and Land Administration (DARDLA) has been instru- ment in the progress made by the environmental awareness learners at their host schools. These learners have been implementing the SSYP at selected schools on behalf of DARDLA; this has seen these learners assisting schools in arts and culture, water and waste management on the premises, beautification (greening) and environmental awareness. In the previous quarter, the College also held a graduation ceremony for the 85 learners from the 2014 group on 17 August, which was attended by various stakeholders, mentors and representatives from the Department of Environmental Affairs. Many of these learners have exited to: further study with various FET’s, Technical Schools, Universities, project related work, self employment, whilst others are currently working for the state. Youth Access: Bridging PROGRAMME On Thursday 8 October 2015, the Southern African Wildlife College bid farewell to the class of 2015’s Conservation and Environmental Education Bridging Programme learners. The graduation was the culmination of six exciting months spent on this programme. The ceremony was attended by key stakeholders such as Limpopo Economic Development Environment and Tourism (LEDET), Mpumalanga Tourism Parks Agency, Timbavati Foundation, Tshikululu Social Investments (attending on behalf of First Rand Foundation’s Rand Merchant Bank Environmental Fund), Mnisi Tribal Authority and of course proud family and friends of the graduates. In the spirit of this course, we again attracted youth from all walks of life who had shown an interest in gaining entrance into a career in nature conservation and or environmental education. The learners came from Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Gauteng, The Western Cape, KwaZulu Natal, Zambia and as far as Qatar in the Middle East. The learners spent four months at the College, during which they did training in First Aid, Snake Handling, Environmental Education, Environmental Leadership and Unarmed Field Ranger Training in preparation for their two month experiential work-placement in state owned nature reserves, and within Timbavati Foundation. The learners were involved in activities ranging from performing general conservation guardianship, identification of fauna and flora, fence patrols, tracking and apprehending small game poachers, environmental education with schools, and engagement with communities neighbouring their reserves/workplaces. The graduation started with a pass out parade led by African Field Ranger Training Services Instructor, Sheppard Maunyane. The learners were all lined on the parade ground and under instruction from the Instructor they proceeded to demonstrate their drill formations. Programme Director and Community, Youth Development and Access Business Unit Manager, Mr. Christopher Kafoteka opened the programme and gave a word of welcome to the guests. Student Representative Isaiah Mathebula delivered a heart warming speech about the group’s collective learning experience as well as an appeal to the responsibility they (the learners) had to the environment when returning to their respective homes. His speech was followed by Foster Ubisi, a previous learner on the programme who is currently under the employ of Timbavati Foundation. He spoke about “the doors of opportunities” that the course had opened up for him and his peers and encouraged the graduates to follow their passion. Mr. Sboniso Phakathi, the Project Coordinator spoke next, thanking the funders namely: Rand Merchant Bank for their three year commitment to the programme, Swiss based ‘Friends of African Wildlife’ as well as the supporters namely: Chipambele organisation, Warthog Willow Trust through Lion Sands, Timbavati Foundation, WWF South Africa, Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency (MTPA) and Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET). In closing he motivated the graduates to have curious minds and never lose their sense of commitment coupled with a keen sense of adventure. Finally Modjadji Nature student mentor, Mr. John Mhlongo of LEDET congratulated the students on their success and urged them to be the voice for nature in their communities. The top achievers in the class of 2015 were as follows: • • • • Top Environmental Education module and top achiever overall – Thalo Cardoso Top Field Ranger – Kgaugelo Leshaba Most promising Environmental Educator – Isaiah Mathebula Most promising Conservationist and Environmental Leader – Kabwe Chanda The Southern African Wildlife College would like to wish all the graduates well as they set forth in their future as guardians of the natural environment. Sboniso Ryan Phakathi, Community Liaison Officer From left to right seated: Mr. Sboniso Phakathi, Project Coordinator, Ms. Bianca Jordan,Tshikululu Social Investments (on behalf of First Rand Foundation’s Rand Merchant bank Environmental Fund, Chief Mnisi, Mr. Mlambo, Welverdiend Induna. Learners seated from left to right: (Top Achievers) Kabwe Chanda, Isaiah Mathebula, Kgaugelo Leshaba and Thalo Cardoso Gawie’s Field News How do you find a herd of buffalo? Well at the moment it is rather easy. All you have to do is find a slightly raised area that will give you a view over the trees. Scan the surrounding country side and if you see a fine dust cloud hanging over the scrub you have found your herd of buffalo. You see it is the end of October and the height of the dry season, the bush is tinder dry and a puff of dust is created every time a heavy animal takes a step. So you can imagine the effect that a herd of buffalo, a couple hundred strong, will have as they slowly move through the bush trying to get enough grazing while staying within easy reach of water. One of my all time favourite things to do after a long hot day at work is to find a comfortable spot at a waterhole, dam or pool of water in an otherwise dry river bed with a cold beer and wait for a herd of buffalo to come and drink. The first inclination that they are approaching is the cloud of dust that will appear on the horizon. As they get closer you faintly start to hear the occasional clash of horns and thundering hooves as a couple of hundred thirsty bovines push and shove to be first in line to reach the water. The noise intensifies with the bellowing of the calves trying to keep up. Then you spot them, at first only a few of them, five or six abreast coming at a trot as they smell the water. Then a long line of seemingly never ending buffalo come snaking out of the bush and as the first few reach the water they are unceremoniously pushed deeper and deeper into the water by the ones coming from behind. They don’t show any fear of crocodiles and I surely don’t think they have to. It must be a fearsome site even for a big crocodile to see these huge animals bearing down like an unstoppable force. I have been fortunate to sit next to the Shingwedzi River where I actually saw a very large crocodile that was basking on the banks making a very indecent retreat back to the water as a big herd of buffalo came for a drink. He only surfaced again when he was well clear and stayed a very respectable distance away until they were finished. The Spring season has been rather strange. A lot has been said, with many predictions made about the strong El Nino system that is currently prevailing. Then early in September we unexpectedly received a very welcome shower of rain, a soft drenching rain which lasted for about 24 hours and accounted for nearly 50mm of rain. The parched earth soaked up every last drop and, as can be expected, the bush responded with vigor. Barely a week later the grass was lush and green and all the trees in full young leave. Then came October, suicide month! A heat wave descended over the Lowveld that just never seemed to let up. Almost every day the temperature would go to the high 30 degrees and some days hit the 40 degree mark. It was accompanied on most days by a hot dry north westerly wind that just simply sucked the moisture out of everything with your breath almost choking in your throat. The small pans formed by the rain stood no chance and dried up very quickly. The grass was burnt back to dusty yellow. At least most of the trees still remain in new summer dress. Slowly the number of animals have increased around the College with Hippo Quarry (aka the Borrow Pit) being the last remaining water source across a rather large area. Herds of impala, zebra, wildebeest and even large groups of kudu are frequently encountered as they make their way to the water. One afternoon coming back from the shooting range we saw a large group of giraffe. How many there were I am not sure as I couldn’t see them all let alone count them, but there must have been at least 20. My previous record for the most giraffes in one sighting was 24, a group I saw at a waterhole one afternoon in the Kruger National Park. Big game has been a little scarce of late but we still have regular visits of big old elephant bulls and the occasional breeding herd as they too make use of Hippo Quarry which has enough water for them to take a good swim and cool off. Buffalo as usual have been rather scarce. Then as they say it never rains but pours. This past weekend saw us literally inundated with buffalo. We saw no less than three different herds on a game drive on Saturday morning and another two herds in the afternoon. At least one herd was still hanging around by Monday as we tracked to a spot just north of the College during a tracking assessment. Overall the last few weeks have been good for wildlife sightings at the College. It all started with a pack of wild dogs spotted on the main entrance road one morning. They all then proceeded to spend the whole day sleeping on or just off the road. In the late afternoon, whilst sitting on my porch, I heard the dogs close by. I walked down to the fence and saw them socialising right next to the fence about 100m down from my house. A better end to the day I could not have asked for. The cherry on the cake was the lion kill at Hippo Quarry. Two female lions managed to take down a buffalo a few Fridays back and we had the opportunity to go and view them taking their fill over the next few days. By Sunday they were joined by a large old male lion. What a weekend and just as well that it was the weekend our PH students were doing their catering and hospitality practical. As part of the practical, some staff members were invited to act as guests that the students had to wine and dine and take out on game drive. The food was a real hit but more so the fact that the students were lucky enough to have all this happening to keep their “guests” happy and well occupied during the game drive. As I type this, a cold soft drizzle has descended over the College, which has forced me into a jersey. A very welcome reprieve from the last couple of weeks, we can only hope that it will stay a while but this is hardly likely given the weather predictions. Until next time... With Compliments Southern African Wildlife College Private Bag X3015, Hoedspruit, 1380, South Africa. Tel: +27 (15) 793-7300 Fax: +27 (15) 793-7314 E-mail: Directors: Dr. I.B. Mkhize (Chairman), Mr. P.K. Bewsher, Mr. I. Goodwin, Countess. S. Labia, Mrs. L.M. Lynch, Mr. O.E. Mokganedi, Mr. W. Myburgh, Dr. G. Raven, Prof. B.K. Reilly, Dr. B. Soto (Mozambique), Mrs. T. Sowry.
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