DE*" 3TMENT: EMS WARREN COUNTY VEHICLE REQUEST FORM FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 Velticlc(s) Kc«|ucsl Fleet Expansion litll"SizeSUV "I'orAiT Replacement SN# iFMYtfizXX X(rtiM207~ Ouick Response Vehicle Justiftcatii (mileage, condition, ganAc records) 1999 F«ri| Riptarcr-17M25 mDes^ts Utilized as a Committee Recommendation Response Vehicle and StafT vehicle for EMS personnel Tor scene response (medical, trauma, fire, Sclup etc.) and other department operations as required Recommend this vehicle to be equipped with the necessary medical equipment to triage and treat the pattent(s) accordingly prior to an EMS Unit arrival per NCOEMS compliance as a permitted (QRV) - Quick Response Vehicle This vehicle will serve multi-missions as assigned by the Emergency Services Director and/or Incident Commander (IB: Search Operations. Mass Causality Incidents. f;irc Scene Responses, Mass Gatherings. etc.) BUDGET LINE ITEM INFORMATION! Account Number 4370-5540-00_ . Amount: 35.000.00 4370-5239.00 5.500.00 4370-5259-00 4370-5250-01 4370-55SQ.Q?_ . _. 4370-5261-00 4370-5321-09 4370-5352-00 4370-5391-00 1.050.00 _„ 7.435,00 50.500.00 (Vehicles) (Amb Sunn) f Vch Tax/Tag (Cas/Veh) fEiq. Cap) 12.935.00 ^(Non, Cap) 515.00 (Unifortns) 145.00 fTclc/Ccin 3.500.00 f Radio Ren/Tnins) 75.001Advcrfisinc) Totai Cost of Kcques((s): S H6.605.0Q Will lhc County receive nny reimbursement (revenues) Tor rcqucst(s)? amount. Revenue Imcitam//: Medicaid Reimbursement Fnmuiln Submitted by: Yes. If so, please identify the source, the revenue line item, and the Revenue Amount: Dale: Minimnl 'ShultO 3/14/2010 Proposal for QVR with Equipment and Supplies Budget # Description Estimated Cost 5212-00 Safety Helmet x2 300.00 5212-00 Safety doves x2 pr 125.00 5212-00 Safety Vest x 2 90.00 51S.00 f 5239-00 Jump Bag / Supplies 5239-00 Pressure Reducer Reg. 5239-00 Pedi-Traction 175.00 5239-00 Adult-Traction 175.00 5239-00 Spine Boards x 3 500.00 5239-00 Spine Boards Straps x3 216.00 5239-00 Cervical Collars /WCase 125.00 5239-00 Head Immobilization 5239-00 Extrication Straps 125.00 5239-00 Misc. 02 Supplies 500.00 100.00 5239-00 Misc Suction Supplies 5239-00 Tube Flowmeter x2 5239-00 QutckTrac (Adult/Child) 150.00 25.00 300.00 5239-00 5 pc Bloodpressure Kit 150.00 5239-00 Thermometer w/Supplies 250.00 5239-00 Intubation Kit w/Supplies 250.00 225.00 5239-00 Ultra Sof Box 5239-00 Misc Medications 5239-00 Pediatric Pack w/Supplies 5239-00 Misc. Supplies 5250-01 Chargeable Flashlight 125.00 5250-01 Fire Extinguisher 50.00 1,000.00 275.00 1,000.00 5,541.00 5250-01 Binoculars 100.00 5250-01 Fuel doves x lpr 25.00 5250-01 Jumper Cables 5250-01 Fuel& Service 9 mons. 5250-01 Tools - Hammer, Etc. 100.00 6,500.00 100.00 7,000.00 5259-00 Vehicle Tax/ Tag / Reg. 5261-00 Soft Stretcher / Urge 5261-00 Ambulance Cot 5261-00 Stair Chair 5261-00 KED 125.00 150.00 1,050.00 1,050.00 /0N 275.00 2,200.00 5261-00 Adult Frac-Pak 5261-00 Child Frac Pak 135.00 5261-00 Pedi Immobilizer 250.00 5261-00 CPAP w/Duffle Kit 5261-00 Transport Ventilator 5261-00 EZ10 Drill & Supplies 1,800.00 1,750.00 750.00 7,435.00 5321-09 Cell Phone x 9 mons. 145.00 145.00 5352-00 Radio Sys. 5391-00 Advertising For Bids 5540-00 Vehicle 3,500.00 3,500.00 75.00 75.00 76,000.00 76,000.00 5550-03 Zoll E Series w/Supplies 30,000.00 5550*03 Auto Pulse w/Supplies 15,000.00 5550-03 Computer & Accessories 5,500.00 50,500.00 151,761.00 151,761.00 GROUND & NON-TRANSPORT VEHICLE INSPECTION REPORT Offittof tmersrnc? Medical Stnittt ] TOT Mail SrrrinCrnltr Dale: Location: PROVIDER INFORMATION VEHICLE INFORMATION Provider Name: Sysicm Affiliation:. Operational Level: YIN: Current Permit EMT EMT-I EMT-P Manufacturer: Inspection Type: Fuel Type: Gas Diesel Ground _ Non-Transport b'ae Only. Height: Ground Vehicle Inspection Mandatory Items: Vehicle Bod)' & Function __ Appropriate Restraints for crew & nunPoileot Passenger Warning Devices (Lights & Siren) Two-Way Radio in front & radio control Device Mounted in Patleat Compartmen Interior Dimension* (mto. 48" X102") _ Wheeled Cot w/ Securing Straps __ 02 Cylinder /Regulator (Portable) Suction Device w/Tobing (Portable) BV Mask Adull & Child w/4 Sbes Mask Dcflbrlliator w/Adnll & Ped. Pads ' SphygmomanonteKr (culls & devices) for Pediatric Normal Adult & Adult Large) Adult Stethoscope Heating & Cooling Source .Patient compartment lighting Mandatory at the Discretion of Medical Director for BLS Providers Adult Blind Insertion Airway Device Beta-agonists (Aibuterol, etc) Nebulizer Aspirin __ Epintphrine Auto Injector Nflrogiycerin Naloione Nasal Admiotnroilon Device For ham reaulrine specific a 2m. deduction should be nitwit for eocft tits wifo/wp or 15 ntSr for entire item ttihsitte. Fifteen Point Deduction: Long Backboard ^_ Three (3) Backboard Straps or Equivalent _ Stair Cbair of Folding Stretcher __ Head Immobilization Device Cervical Spine Immobilization Device (Small, Medium,* Large) _ Pediatric Spinal Immobilization Extrication Device or Short Backboard w/Straps , Adult Spinal Immobilization Extrication Device or Short Backboard w/Streps Adutt Femur Traction Splint Upper 4 Lower Extremity Immobilization Device Oiopkarvngeal Airwa> '$ Kit (0,1.2.3,4,5) NPA Kb ( Nasal Cannula (Adult & Pediatric) Kon-Retncather w/Tubing (Adult & Ped) Otygen Tubing .omments. Soft Suciton Cath (One between 6 &I0F. one between 12 &I6F Rigid Fharyngeal Suction Device Wide-bore Suction Tubing EMT-I Inspection Mandatory Items: __ Latex Alfcrgy Kit Mounted Fire Extinguisher __ Flashlight w.' Extra Batteries Infectious Control Kits: Masks, Gowns, Jump Suit, Eye Protection. Shoe Cover Non-Sterile Gloves Disposable Biohazard Bags Disinfecting Hand Wash Sharps Container (Fixed £ Portable) Ernests Basin Urinal Bed Pan Nonponus Pillow, towels, & Sheets Thermal blanket or Other Heat Conserving Device Sterile OB Kit Bulb Syringe (Separate from OB) BiojcIow Tape or Equivalent Dressing, Bandages, Roll Gauze, and Tape Occlusite Dressing ""' Heavy Dicy Scissors CT Blades (2.3,4) Curved (0,1,2.3,4) Straight ET Handles »7 Extra Batteries. bulbs ET Tubes IS thru 7.0 Cuffed ET Sryleue for all Size Tubes ET Placement Device Magitl Forceps Adull & Pediatric Sizes Crystalloid solution Clueagon IV Cat (14.16.18,20,22,24) Needles (Various Sizes) Syringes (1ml, 5ml, & 10ml) Meconium Aspirator Adaptor SyrmseOOml. (Non-Luerlock) capability) ___ Pediatric Femur Traction Splint Glucose Measuring Device __ Pulse Ox. w/ Adult & Pediatric Probe) Hard Copy of Protocol Disinfectant for Cleaning Equipment. N-95 or HEPA Masks Car Seat Available To Restrain < 40 lbs. Exterior Cleanliness Interior Cleanliness So Point Deduction: Cellular Phone (Provider Owned) x2pts= x3pts= x)5pis= TOTAL POINTS: Inspection Results Mandatory Items: Electrodes & 2 Sizes or Pads Or paddles ^__ Triangular Bandages Thennomeier (Low Temperature Misting any mandatory items will result in Summary Suspension or refusal of a permit EMT-P Inspection Monitor/deflbrillator w/ Equipment Secured in Pi Compartment following: __ Acetaminophen Nitrous Oxide NSAID (Ibuprofeo, etc.) IV Arm Board Lubricating JeOy Three Point Deductions: Paramedic Systems must carry a minimum of 1 ofthe Total Inspection Scoring .Glucose Solution IV Start Kit & Drip Set Alcohol Wipes SMART (Triage Tags) Sterile Saline Solution Bum Sheet Coldi Packs Medications and Fluid kept in climate controlled environment. Provider Name on Each Side Reflective Tape on all 4 Sides 4X4 Length:. Ramp Inspection requires Maiidatoa hems, Spot Inspection t Full Inspection Highlighted items are not required for Non-Transport Vehicles /#*» . Model Year: Assigned Vehicle Number: Pacemaker-External __ Needle: 3.25" & Large Bore for Cbest Decompression Intraosseous Needles (One each Adull A Pediatric Sizes) Surgical Cricoihyroldotomy Ainvav Kit (Required for RSI PASSED < 30 points = Satisfactory 30 points = Unsatisfactory Deficiencies Corrected During Inspection 1- Approved I Not Approved Only) Numeric/Waveform capnograpny Permit #: (Reoulred for RSI Ontvl Expiration:. Mandatory Items: _Adenosine Anti-arrhythmic (Amiodarone. Udocaree, Procainamlde) Atropine Beta Blocbcn (Metoprolol Labetalol, etc.) or Calcium Channel Btockere (Dilliazem. etc) Calcium Chloride/Gtuconate Narcotic Analgesic _ FAILED Z Refusal of a permit I Failed - Temporary Z Failed - Suspension Issued __ Benzodianpine __ Diphcnhydramlne Dopamlne Epinephrine Sodium Bicarbonate Compliance Inspection: Ramp Provider RepresentativePersonnel. P Number For SCOr.MS 1 it Onlv: Inspector: Date Entered in CIS:. DHHS'DHSR/EMS 4905 Spot Level MR B I P MR B I P Effective 8/1/05 Rev. L'30'08 W10.1/12/10 Human Resources Request for New or Revised Jobs FY 2010-11 Department_fJ!flS Requested bv C. Wright Request is for Increase in staff by (6) personnel XXX Full-time , Part-time Hours per week . Temporary Months Please complete one of the following: Request for New Job: Proposed Job Title Six new Intermediate positions Proposed Salary Grade _2Q Proposed Hire Date September 1.2010 Request for Revised Job: Current Job Title Proposed Job Title Proposed Salary Grade Proposed Effective Date Estimate the other indirect cost related to this request Salaries - w/overtime, half-time, holiday, continuing education $ 180.4S1.00 PICA, Retirement, Insurance S S4.780.00 Uniforms $ 900.00 per employee (6 x 900.00 « $5.400.00) Office Space $ County Car $ 213.611.00 (Patmtttad ALS Ambulance with exoensas aa required bv NCOEMS) Computer Equipment $ (5.500.00 within ALS Ambulance Expense) Other $ 1.400.00 per employee- BBP Wear (6x1.400.00 = S 8.400.00) Total of Request: $ 462.642.00 Will the County receive any revenue in reimbursement for this request? Source Line Item # Amount $ Justification for Request: Answer the following questions and provide information to justify your request. (Attach additional pages if needed) Warren County consists of 443*38 square miles, with 428.62 square miles of land area. Warren County EMS primary response district is estimated at 332.53 square miles of the 44338 souare miles of Warren County. assigned to a 24-hour rotation shift to operate a fourth ALS (Advanced Life Support) EMS unit. This unit will he primary assigned to the Warrenton Base Station to supplement the one existing ALS unit assigned to that station. /0 The optimum goal is to have professional medical care at the patient within 8-12 minutes of E-911 activation. With the approval of the expansion of the service to an fourth ALS unit with personnel should significantly improved the Quality of care of the sick and injured as provided bv Warren County EMS in meeting the optimum goal for on scene care. The addition of the an fourth ALS unit and personnel would increase service capabilities within the heaviest call volume area of the county. In addition this will allow the service to support a response request from the outlaying EMS sub-stations and OVR with an ALS unit as warranted for the emergency. In addition, within the new Protocols and Procedures (STEMI. Stroke. Pediatric. Trauma and Burn) implemented in March I. 2010 and approved bv the Warren County EMS Medical Director and pending approval bv NX. Office of Emergency Medical Service wil| allow ALS personnel perform invasive care and transport to a flPCI- Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Capable Hospital. Primary Stroke Center. Pediatric Capable Hospital and a Designated Trauma Center.) The facilities could be much as a ninety minute transports time bv a Warren County EMS unit from the patient pickup location to the delivery at a receiving facility. With this occurrence it could delete one or more ALS unit's out-of-the service area for another emergency response assignment for three hoiirs. Department Head Approval HR WARREN COUNTY JOB INFORMATION QUESTIONABLE FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 Please complete the following questionnaire for any request for new or revised jobs. Department EMS Requested By C. Wright Proposed Job Title EMT-Intermediate Reports To (Job Title) EMT- Paramedic Supervisor 1. What is the primary purpose of the job? An additional crew assign to each shift to provide the work force necessary to support a fourth ALS unit. Currently EMS has three ALS units in operation per 24-hour rotation with the assignment of six personnel per shift. The current proposed concept is relocated two ALS unit(s) and personnel to sub stations within the county from the Warrenton Base. This proposal is to hire six additional personnel for the addition of two additional personnel per shift to support the fourth ALS unit to be assigned to the Warrenton Base site. 2. Will this job supervise any employees in other jobs? (Yes or No) NO If yes, list the other jobs that this job will supervise and the number of incumbents for each job. 3. List the duties and responsibilities of this job. Include other related information such as how often the work is done, daily, weekly, monthly, or annually. NOTE: Question 3- 9 / Can be addressed from the current Warren County Job Description. 4. List any decision-making authority that this job will have and give examples. Job Information Questionnaire Page 2 5. List any special license or certification required for this job. 6. What ievel of education does this job require? (High School Diploma, Associates Degree, Bachelors Degree, Masters Degree) If a degree is required, list major courses of study that would be acceptable. 7. List the experience required for this job and the number of years required. 8. List any physical requirements for this job. (Sedentary work, light work, medium work, heavy work, very heavy work.) 9. List any working conditions or occupational exposures that the employee will be exposed to in this job. (Inside environment, outside environment, hazards such as exposure to chemicals, or occupational exposure to blood.) Human Resources Request for New or Revised Jobs FY 2010-11 Department__EJ_§ Requested bv C. Wright Request is for Increase in staff by (3) personnel XXX Full-time Part-time , Temporary Hours per week Months Please complete one of the following: Request for New Job: Proposed Job Title Three new paramedic positions Proposed Salary Grade _20 Proposed Hire Date September 1.2010 Request for Revised Job: Current Job Title Proposed Job Title Proposed Salary Grade Proposed Effective Date Estimate the other indirect cost related to this request: Salaries - w/overtime, half-time, holiday, continuing education $ 99.844.00 FICA, Retirement, Insurance $ 28.740.00 Uniforms $ 900.00 per employee (3 x 900.00 = 2.700.001 Office Space S County Car $ 116.60S.00 (QRV Expenses related to permitted vehide bv NCOEMS1 Computer Equipment $ (5.500.00 within QVR Expense! Other $ 1.400,00 per employee- BBP Wear (3 x 1.400.00 « £ 4.200.0M Total of Request: $ 252.089.00 Will the County receive any revenue in reimbursement for this request? Source Line Item #. Amount $ Justification for Request: Answer the following questions and provide information to justify your request. (Attach additional pages if needed) Warren County consists of 44338 square miles* with 428.62 square miles of land area. Warren County EMS primary response district is estimated at 332.53 square miles of the 44338 square miles of Warren County. Warren County EMS proposal is to hire three additional paramedics that would be assjened to function individually on a 24-hour rotation shift to support the three ALS (Advanced Life Support) EMS units and six personnel currently assigned to daily operations. The optimum goal is to have professional medical care at the patient within 8-12 minutes of E-911 activation. With the expansion of the service to an Quick Response Vehicle (OVR> with personnel should significantly improved the quality of care of the sick and injured as provided bv Warren County EMS. The addition of the OVR and personnel would increase service capabilities for standby response, inclement weather* mass causality incidents, relocation of personnel and equipment* Department Head Approval Mr^^-y Date tt HR WARREN COUNTY JOB INFORMATION QUESTIONAIRE FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 Please complete the following questionnaire for any request for new or revised jobs. Department EMS Requested By C. Wright Proposed Job Title EMT-Paramedic Reports To (Job Title) EMT- Paramedic Supervisor 1. What is the primary purpose of the job? An additional EMT-Paramedic assign to each shift to provide the work force necessary to support the Quick Response Vehicle (OVR) concept. Currently EMS has three shifts that work 24-hours per rotation, with the assignment of six personnel per shift. This request will require the hiring of three additional EMT-Paramedics to meet the objective of this request. 2. Will this job supervise any employees in other jobs? (Yes or No) NO If yes, list the other jobs that this job will supervise and the number of incumbents for each job. 3. List the duties and responsibilities of this job. Include other related information such as how often the work is done, daily, weekly, monthly, or annually. NOTE: Question 3- 9 / Can be addressed from the current Warren County Job Description. 4. List any decision-making authority that this job will have and give examples. Job Information Questionnaire Page 2 5. List any special license or certification required for this job. 6. What level of education does this job require? (High School Diploma, Associates Degree, Bachelors Degree, Masters Degree) If a degree is required, list major courses of study that would be acceptable. 7. List the experience required for this job and the number of years required. 8. List any physical requirements for this job. (Sedentary work, light work, medium work, heavy work, very heavy work.) 9. List any working conditions or occupational exposures that the employee will be exposed to in this job. (Inside environment, outside environment, hazards such as exposure to chemicals, or occupational exposure to blood.) Human Resources Request for New or Revised Jobs FY 2010-2011 Department EMS Requested bv C. Wright Request is for: EMT-P CREW CHIEF POSITIONS X£ Full-time Part-time Hours per week Temporary Months Please complete one of the following: Request for New Job: Proposed Job Title Proposed Salary Grade Proposed Hire Date Request for Revised Job: Current Job Title EMT-Paramedic Proposed Job Title EMT-P CREW CHIEF Proposed Salary Grade 21 (3% to 5% Proposed Salary Increase from Grade 20) Proposed Effective Date October 1.2010 Estimate the other indirect cost related to this request Uniforms $ Office Space $ County Car $ Computer Equipment $ Other $ Wili the County receive any revenue in reimbursement for this request? _ Source Line Item # Amount $ Justification for Request: Answer the following questions and provide information to justify your request. (Attach additional pages if needed) If this request is approved, list the benefits to the Citizens. (Ex: number of citizens served, additional services provided, provide faster more efficient service, what will be different?). If this request is not approved, what is the overall impact to the Citizens? (Ex: impact to service provided, number of citizens servedjpotential negative complaints) Department Head Approv^Qj^^Qj^— Date HR WARREN COUNTY JOB INFORMATION QUESTIONAIRE FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 Please complete the following questionnaire for any request for new or revised jobs. Department Emergency Medical Services Requested By C. Wright Proposed Job Title EMT-Paramedic Crew Chief Reports To (Job Title) EMT -Paramedic Shift Supervisor 1. What is the primary purpose of the job? As an EMT-Paramedic Crew Chief, this individual would assist the EMT-Paramedic Shift Supervisor in the orientation, training, evaluation of employees, preceptor for advanced skills evaluation and daily operations requirements of Emergency Medical Services, In the absence of r the EMT-Paramedic Shift Supervisor, this individual would have the responsibility in ensuring the shift is adequate staff and daily operational procedures is perform to policies and procedures. This request is necessitated bv the expansion of the service from one central base to multiple locations within the county. In addition, this will provide additional leadership capabilities in the absence of the assign EMT-Paramedic Shift Supervisor. 2. Will this job supervise any employees in other jobs? (Yes or No) YES If yes, list the other jobs that this job will supervise and the number of incumbents for each job. This employee would assist as a precentor with the Advance Life Support students from the Community College that reauire clinical hour's completion within Emergency Medical Services. 3. List the duties and responsibilities of this job. Include other related information such as how often the work is done, daily, weekly, monthly, or annually. 'Responsible for the leadership of the shift. • Maintains/demonstrates technical and functional skills pertinent to ore-hospital care. • Assist with scheduling of operational employees to ensure optimum staffing. * Confers with off going and on coming shifts regarding equipment status and general issues. »Coaches and develops employees through counseling, encouraging educational developmental activities, monitoring progress, and providing constructive feedback. »Ensures that the equipment and ambulances are maintained in a state of operational readiness. »Participates as a member of the incident command team on general emergencies and mass casualty Incidents. * Responsible for ensuring employees are performing in accordance with established treatment protocols. * Provides or supervises the administration of emergency medical care on the scene of emergency and non-emeroencv calls. «Assists the EMT-Paramedic Shift Supervisor with inventory, record keeping, vehicle and equipment maintenance, uniforms and special protects. * Performs related work as required. 4. List any decision-making authority that this job will have and give examples. * Considerable knowledge of advanced emergency medical procedures, protocols and techniques. «Considerable knowledge of equipment and supplies employed in the emergency care of patients and victims of accidents * Considerable knowledge of the geography and layout of the county including the location of roads and streets within the county. * Working knowledge of the organization's general operating guidelines. «Working knowledge of automotive and radio communications equipment. »Ability to exercise sound judgment and initiative when making decisions. * Ability to supervise, plan, train, direct, and evaluate personnel and shift operation activities for an assigned shift. »Ability to deal tactfully, courteously, and firmly with the general public. Job Information Questionnaire Page 2 5. List any special license or certification required for this job. North Carolina Certified EMT»Paramedic 6. What level of education does this job require? (High School Diploma, Associates Degree, Bachelors Degree, Masters Degree) If a degree is required, list major courses of study that would be acceptable. High Diploma NC Certified Paramedic 7. List the experience required for this job and the number of years required. North Carolina Certified EMT-Paramedic and three years of experience as a Paramedic within Warren County EMS. Successful completion of scenario's administered by one or more of the following individuals and/or desisnee: Training Officer. Medical Director and Human Resource as relates to protocols, procedures, employee performance, and geography of Warren County. 8. List any physical requirements for this job. (Sedentary work, light work, medium work, heavy work, very heavy work.) Very heavy work, requiring the exertion in excess of 100 pounds offeree occasionally, in excess of SO pounds offeree frequently, and in excess of 20 pounds of force to move objects. 9. List any working conditions or occupational exposures that the employee will be exposed to in this job. (Inside environment, outside environment, hazards such as exposure to chemicals, or occupational exposure to blood.) The worker is subject to inside and outside environmental conditions, noise, vibration, hazards, atmospheric conditions, and oils. The worker mav be exposed to bloodborne oathosens and mav be required wear specialized personal protective equipment Patient Hospitals ■ Recent Calls 0 Bases Highways Urban n Counties □ States SCALE 1 : 542,076 s 10 IB MILES http://gis.emscharts.eom/mwf/D8CFF5D7-B0D0-20E1-8FDE609FA92A17B3.mwf \ Wednesday, April 07, 2010 11:13 AM WARREN COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES EMRQ " i . ;:. EN POBox619 Warrenton.NC 27589 NORTH CAROLINA (252)257 - 2666 Office (252)257-9458 Fax To: Chris Wright Director/Fire Marshal Elgin Lane, Human Resources Manager From: Chris Wright, Emergency Services Director Date: January 27, 2010 Re: Employee Salary Increases 1 am requesting that Warren County EMS Employees Wesley Norwood, N RE MT- Para medic and John Wilson. NREMT-Paramedic receive a salary increase for receiving training and certification as a National Registered Emergency Medical Technician at the level of Paramedic. These two individuals went beyond their scope of practice to achieve this national certification. It is my recommendation that they receive a minimum of a 2% salary increase for this national recognition. Chris Wright, Emergency Services Director \ i s WARREN COUNTY EMS TIME AND ATTENDANCE REPORT Week of; NAME: Melissa Fltta 2-28-2010 thru 3-6-2010 TOTAL Vac and Hol Off Woekofc3-7-2010 thru 3-13-2010 DATE nUEM IWEOUT ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 3/9/10 3/11/10 8:00 REASON 1REMARKS IBIEM HUE OUT ■a Mi I-oo KwyaawwB LEAVE AKXUM. LeAVS a« -24.00 8:00 Sick -24.00 1 3/13/10 8:00 8:00 Sdc •24.00 Sob-Tctt1 Csmctf I- 28-10 TOTAL Vac and Hot Off 0.00 •7240 20.00 24.00 1-1/2 Pay Hre U£U0: TWrtW«4kPo«t«JenB*tli X 1090.08 = $ i-1/2 HOURS 1-1/2 RATE X 18.8661 » half-tme hours HALF-TIME RATE X 7J600 - $ $ vac & kol off hrs HOURLY RATE X 12^774 » $ TOTAL OffUHEE SaBUTURE.____ SHOT SUPWWS0R SXONAtUR!:_ EBJS COORSWATOA SCKATURE:. tlttRCEMCY SERVES WRCCI<»StCHAIURE:_ DATE:. DATE:. OATE:. OATB: $ 1,090.08 1,090.08 Annoot Batanca 224.41 Sick Balance 48271 Melissa HHs Weak of: 3-14-2010 thru 3-20-2010 tlMBIH DATE me our RfiASOHIREMARKS HMEW IIH10UT M1 1 ■■.■'..:-:v.v 3/18/10 8:00 8:00 Sick 3/20/10 8:00 8:00 Sick 1 Vac and Hol Off Pay IUVC ICMtAWOHt SCK . . . -24.00 •24.00 Sub-Tola: TOTAL WW010 IHalf-fins SPayHrs 0.00 1-1/2 Pay His •48.00 04/22/2010 16:17 2036gedm PROJECTION: 2011 |WARREN COUNTY |NEXT YEAR BUDGET LEVELS REPORT |PG 48 |bgnyrpts 2011 BUDGET FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 GENERAL FUND REVISED BUD REVISED BUD REQUEST RECOMMEND ADOPTED ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 104375 HALIFAX COUNTY EMS ____________________________________________ 104375 560028 HALIFX EMS TOTAL HALIFAX COUNTY EMS 48,824.00 52,817.00 59,995.00 59,995.00 .00 48,824.00 52,817.00 59,995.00 59,995.00 .00 ■e ruary 22. 2010 WARREN COUNTY MANAGER'S OFFICE Ms. Linda T. Worth Warren County Manager P.O. Box 619 WarrentoihNC 27589 Linda: Thank you for including the cost for services provided Halifax County Emergency Services in Warren County in your budget this past fiscal year. As we have both discussed previously, 1 know Warren County is struggling with budget shortfalls, as is Halifax County and all counties are across the slate. However, I am glad lo see that Public Safely continues to be your priority, as is ours. As you know, Halifax County has had a full-time paramedic stationed with llie Warren County Rescue Squad, since January I, 2000. This paramedic responds to all calls in the rescue squad's area of responsibility, in a fully equipped Quick Response Vehicle (QRV). The paramedic stabilizes the patient until the ambulance arrives and then continues Para medic-level care throughout transport to area medical facilities. The fact that the paramedic is co-located with Warren County Rescue Squad provides a significantly quicker response to medical emergencies in the rescue squad's district and the highest level of emergency care to residents it) both Halifax and Warren Counties. During the calendar year 2009, (he Halifax County paramedic and Warren County Rescue Squad responded to 871 calls. Ofthe calls, 555 were in Halifax County (64%) and 316 (36%) were hi Warren County. Salaries and benefits for the three paramedics (1 per three shifts), excluding the operational cost of the QRV, amounts to $166,653.00.1 have attached the breakdown of these calls and the cost of salaries for personnel for thai area. Halifax County requests that Warren County evaluate the services provided by our paramedic to Warren County residents and give consideration lo reimbursing Halifax County proportionally for services rendered at 36% of the total cost ($59,995.00). If you need any further information from me or our Emergency Services director, please feel free to call at (252) 583-1131 or 583-2088 respectively. Thank you for your continued support in this venture to provide vilal emergency response to both our counties. Attachments Cc: Linda Taylor, Assistant County Manager of Financial Services Phil Ricks, Emergency Services Director Office of the County M# Posi Office Box .IS - 1 lallbt, North Carolina 27839 - 25W83-113 i - piK 2S2-583-W21 h ro n m ii Iw I i Iti v i! c. co 111 HALIFAX COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES YEARLY TOTALS STATION #1 (HALIFAX/WARREN COUNTIES) Total Responses for 2009 871 Halifax County 555 (64%) WarrenCounty 316 (36%) ♦Average "Out of Chute" Time 2.00 minutes "■♦Average Response Time 10.3 minutes • "Out of Chute" Time - Average elapse of time from notification of dispatch, until a unit is enroute to the designated call location. • Response Time - Average time from notification of dispatch, until a unit arrives at the designated call location. BREAKDOWN OF PERSONNEL EXPENSES Salaries (3 Paramedics) $ 125,488.00 Social Security (6.2%) Medicare Tax (1.45%) Retirement (6.44%) BCBS Insurance Dental Insurance Disability Insurance $ 7,780.00 $ 1,820.00 $ 8,081.00 $ 15,480.00 $ 1,008.00 $ 126.00 Workers Compensation (5.439%) $ 6,825.00 Employee Assistance Program $ 45.00 Total Personnel Expenses $166,653.00 BREAKDOWN OF WARREN COUNTY RESPONSES Abdominal Pain Allergic Reaction 14 2 Altered Level of Consciousness 11 Assault 8 Behavioral Emergencies 3 Cardiac Arrest Chest Pain/Cardiac Choking CVA/Stroke/TIA 4 30 2 5 Diabetic Emergencies Dizziness/Syncope DOA Environmental Falls Fracture/Dislocation GI Bleed 6 15 1 2 IS 5 2 Injury 5 Laceration/Soft Tissue Injury Musculoskeletal Pain Motor Vehicle Crash Nausea/Vomiting Nose Bleed OB Overdose/Ingestion Respiratory Distress Seizures Sick Call Standby's/Medical Alarms Trauma 0 9 36 9 5 1 6 17 3 63 21 1 Weakness 9 Unknown Water Related 0 PWC Injury CHF 1 2 Hypotension 2 Total Warren County Responses 1 316 04/22/2010 16:17 2036gedm PROJECTION: 2011 |WARREN COUNTY |NEXT YEAR BUDGET LEVELS REPORT |PG 49 |bgnyrpts 2011 BUDGET FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 GENERAL FUND REVISED BUD REVISED BUD REQUEST RECOMMEND ADOPTED ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 104380 ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER ____________________________________________ 104380 512000 SALARIES 120,939.00 116,077.00 135,640.00 116,076.00 .00 104380 512001 SAL P/T .00 9,822.00 .00 9,822.00 .00 104380 512200 WRKMNS COM .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104380 518100 FICA 9,252.00 9,631.00 10,376.00 9,631.00 .00 104380 518200 RETIREMENT 5,962.00 5,711.00 8,475.00 7,510.00 .00 104380 518300 HOSPTLZATN 20,652.00 23,440.00 33,110.00 24,896.00 .00 104380 519312 DRUG TEST 27.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104380 519400 CONT SRVS 8,000.00 12,000.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 .00 104380 521200 UNIFORMS 1,200.00 2,000.00 3,100.00 3,100.00 .00 104380 523902 MED SUPP .00 5,000.00 5,600.00 5,600.00 .00 104380 525001 GAS/VEH EX 13,000.00 10,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 .00 104380 525900 VEH TX/TGS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104380 526000 OFF SUPP 800.00 1,200.00 2,500.00 1,200.00 .00 104380 526100 NON CAP EQ .00 3,500.00 8,050.00 11,450.00 .00 104380 526140 PETSMART 10,000.00 2,952.00 .00 .00 .00 104380 529901 OPRTG EXP 10,000.00 15,000.00 17,500.00 15,000.00 .00 104380 531101 TRAV ADV .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104380 531102 TRAVEL EXP 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,400.00 .00 104380 532100 TELEPHONE 3,700.00 1,380.00 6,777.00 3,000.00 .00 104380 532102 INT/EMAIL .00 1,356.00 125.00 125.00 .00 104380 532109 TELE/CELL .00 1,440.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 .00 04/22/2010 16:17 2036gedm PROJECTION: 2011 |WARREN COUNTY |NEXT YEAR BUDGET LEVELS REPORT |PG 50 |bgnyrpts 2011 BUDGET FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 GENERAL FUND REVISED BUD REVISED BUD REQUEST RECOMMEND ADOPTED ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 104380 533000 UTILITIES 14,000.00 15,500.00 16,000.00 16,000.00 .00 104380 535100 MAINT 1,000.00 2,040.00 9,000.00 5,000.00 .00 104380 539100 ADVERTISNG 700.00 700.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 .00 104380 543000 COPY CHGS 343.00 350.00 750.00 750.00 .00 104380 544000 OFF MCH CT .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104380 554000 VEHICLE .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104380 555003 EQUIP/CAP .00 .00 8,000.00 8,000.00 .00 104380 558003 CONTR CONT .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104380 558005 SPT TK REP .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104380 558035 ANIMAL SHT .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104380 559101 PAVING .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104380 575000 VEH/EQ PAY .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER 222,575.00 242,099.00 280,403.00 251,960.00 .00 SALARY PROJE FY 2010-2011 AS OF 4/22/10 APPROVED HIRE DEPT LAST NAME ^|N SHEETS 10 11 1ST NAME [ POSIft % CUR Grade DATE REQUEST APPROVED FICA RETIRE HOSP 401K SALARY REQ PERC RECLAS INC SALARY MED HENT IN5UR SUP + INCR Grade INCR AMT AMT + INCR 7.65 6.47 EXP 5.00 a TOTAL 0 0 - 4380 CARLSON SHARON 4380 DEVINE EDDIE 4380 VANBLI11ERSWYK GREEN ELMA RAE 4380 YOUNG WILLIAM 4380 REQUESTED 4380 TOTAL 512000^^| 1 4380 BUELL GRAN D TOTAL FOR 4»Hf IB-consbBH 1 48 12(03/07 VET TECH PRG/COOD 17 26,324 0.00% 0 26,324 2,014 1.703 6,224 36,265 3904 10(09/06 ANIM CTRL OFF 1 15 23,876 0.007. 0 23,676 1,827 1,545 6,224 33,471 37 06(16/09 ANIM CTRL DIRECTOR 24 42.000 0.00% 0 42,000 3,213 2,717 6,224 54,154 1600 02(24/07 ANIM CTRL OFF 1 15 23.876 0.00% 0 23,876 1,827 1,545 6,224 33,471 11 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 - too% IB■_ ■ HOLLY KENNEL ATTENDANT -, 50% 116,076 KENNEL ATTENDANT I1 - ... Jfe, ■ 11 0.00% 9,622 1 Kl25,898 ■ 1 0 9,822 751 10,573 oBBi25,88B 9.631 m HHBpk 23 ^s BUDGET FUNDING SUMMARY < WARREN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA FY 2010-11 DEPARTMENT: ANIMAL CONTROL DIVISION: FUND/ACCT#: 104380 MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Warren County Animal Control Department is to protect and promote the health, safety and welfare of human and animal communities through law enforcement, education and animal facilitation. AUTHORITY/PURPOSE NCGS 153A-442,153A-123, 67-30, Warren County Animal Control Ordinance Section I & III; to establish and maintain an animal control department to enforce all county and state laws, ordinances and resolutions relating to dogs, cats or the care, custody and control of animals. Working with the local health director in enforcement of NCGS Chapter 130A as it pertains to rabies control and the confinement and leashing of vicious animals. UPCOMING YEAR DEPARTMENT OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES 1. Meeting service demand for animal sheltering for lost, stray, sick, injured, vicious and evidence animals by ensuring adequate staffing and program development. 2. Meeting service demand for animal control field services including animal nuisance, animal bites, rabies control, animal cruelty, law enforcement assistance by ensuring adequate staffing and program development. 3. Ensure facility repair and maintenance including computers, telephones, animal equipment and building structures and fixtures are functional, safe and effective and in compliance with Federal and State laws and regulations. 4. Develop a spay-neutering program for animals adopted from the animal shelter to ensure that county animal control is not contributing to the pet overpopulation. CURRENT YEAR DEPARTMENT OUTCOMES 1. Developed and implemented a volunteer program including formalized orientation and training, in-house, veterinary health program in compliance with NC regulations, standard operating procedures for animal sheltering and animal rescue. 2. Provided increased rabies control program activities; increasing certified rabies vaccinators from 1 to 3 available to citizens from 10 hours a week to 25 and inoculating a minimum average of 40 owned pets monthly. 3. Cared, housed and disposed of over 1,000 animals in compliance with appropriate laws. 4. Trained and certified 2 humane euthanasia technicians, providing an in-house, on demand euthanasia program, 1 officer trained in dog-fighting and blood sport investigations, animal health technician training in shelter medicine, ongoing in house training in various aspects of animal control services. 5. Recertification of animal shelter by NC Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS/MEASURES FY 2008-09 1. ANIMAL FACILITATION FY 2009-10 1149 2. 91 I/EMERGENCY RELATED CALLS 3. RABIES VACCINATIONS 1390 134 150 473 800 ♦New program activity involved development of all procedures, forms, training and customer service changes resulting in qualitive measures opposed to quantitive for this fiscal year. TRENDS & ISSUES AFFECTING DEPARTMENT - FY 2010-11 1. Demand for animal control field services results in the need for adequate equipment, supply and staffing. 2. Demand for animal facilitation resulting in the need for increased supply, equipment and staffing. 3. Need for spay - neutering of shelter animals adopted reducing county contribution to unwanted pet population. 4. Changing pet ownership demographics resulting in higher numbers of cats reported as Nuisances and increased rabies risks, numbers of livestock nuisances and neglect reports. 5. Public need for general animal ownership information regarding the care and control of pet dogs and cats. FUNDING HISTORY FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 ESTIMATED FY 2010-11 143,758.05 169,19139 184,876.45 63,691.64 65383.67 92,856.00 ACTUAL %(+)(-) REQUESTED Expenditure Detail Salaries & Benefits Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Total $207,449.69 $234,575.06 $277,732.45 (+) 9% (+) 42% (+) 18% Revenue Sources State Federal Miscellaneous Countv Total 100% 100% 100% STAFFING HISTORY Full time Part time FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 ACTUAL ESTIMATED 4 1 4 1 FY2010-U %(+)(-) REQUESTED 5 0 + 25% -100% Expansion Sheets c o p WARREN COUNTY HUMAN RESOURCE REQUEST FOR NEW OR REVISED JOBS PY 2(11(1-11 ANIMAL CONTROL The increase in animal related service requests, increased numbers of animals and the growing diversity of animal related service needs have resulted in an inefficient and ineffective us>: of the departments' human resources. Currently, a part time position provides animal husbandry and sanitation services during weekends. holidays and reports during limited business hours. As service demand and levels increase, the animal control officers, the veterinary technician and the animal control director arc performing lower level tasks lo keep up with demand while striving to maintain the highest standards of animal sheltering. This discrepancy in staffing is impeding the progress of field services and in better serving the public and those who visit the animal facility. Departmental staff are cross trained to be belter able to maintain adequate service levels, however, sheer demand and the projected increases in animals lo be sheltered overwhelm the current staffing level. Animal Control officers are currently performing shelter duties thai account for approximately 45% to 50% of their work day. leaving field service response lacking. At the current staffing level, program improvements such ;\s standardized animal behavior assessments, adoption program, fund raising, volunteer programs and public education may be "catch as catch can" in the next Fiscal year. These programs are essential in protecting the health and welfare of animal and human communities in an effort lo curb animal overpopulation, animal biles, rabies and vicious animal control and involve the community generally in their animal control program. Projections of the numbers of animals facilitated for FY 2010-11 may prove lo be conservative as 65% of the numbers of animals have already been facilitated with the spring and summer months yel lo come. A request is made to employ a full lime aninml shelter attendant. ANIMAL FACILITATION NUMBI :HS OF ANIMALS - rvos-06 * IV 06-07 « TV 07-08 EST - FYOK-09 " EST 09-10 "■ PRO1 10-11 FY2005-06 1172 FY200G-07 1202 FY 2007 - 08 895 FY 2008 - 09 1149 EST FY 2009-10 1390 PROJ FY 2010-11 1S57 •CUMULATIVE TO JAN 2010 lOlfi Human Resources Request for New or Revised Jobs FY 2010-11 Department ^MnA/ifrj^cT^pixTttoLRequest is for: yC Full-time Part-time Temporary Requested by Hours per week Months Please complete one of the following: Request for New Job: Proposed Job Title Proposed Salary Grade Proposed Hire Date Request for Revised Job: Current Job Title /^ Proposed Job Title Proposed Salary Grade Proposed Effective Date 0 *T-) - \ Q Estimate the other indirect cost related to this request: Uniforms $ g Office Space $ County Car $ Computer Equipment $ Other $ Will the County receive any revenue in reimbursement for this request? _ Source Line Item # Amount % Justification for Request: Answer the following questions and provide information to justify your request. (Attach additional pages if needed) If this request is approved, list the benefits to the Citizens. (Ex: number of citizens served, additional services provided, provide faster more efficient service, what will be different?). If this request is not approved, what is the overall impact to the Citizens? (Ex: impact to service provided, number of citizens served, potential negative complaints). Department Head Approval Date HR WARREN COUNTY JOB INFORMATION QUESTIONAIRE FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 Please complete the following questionnaire for any request for new or revised jobs. Department k»U\Mh-l. CossrS^oi- Proposed Job Title Requested By £?\ w\ \W Kl Reports To (Job Title) 1. What is the primary purpose of the job? ■ x«- ^.e>.«.«Cs b . r %. ^fv - i jiT'ef ^>j^ki f> ^^f-i f*\ M \«Qt" mct-^KV If yes, list the other jobs that this job will supervise and the number of incumbents for each job. 2. Will this job supervise any employees in other jobs? (Yes or No) 3. List the duties and responsibilities of this job. Include other related information such as how often the work is done, daily, weekly, monthly, or annually. 4. List any decision-making authority that this job will have and give examples. Job Information Questionnaire Page 2 S. List any special license or certification required for this job. 6. What level of education does this job require? (High School Diploma, Associates Degree, Bachelors Degree, Masters Degree) If a degree is required, list major courses of study that would be acceptable. 7. List the experience required for this job and the number of years required. 8. List any physical requirements for this job. (Sedentary work, light work, medium work, heavy work, very heavy work.) 9. List any working conditions or occupational exposures that the employee will be exposed to in this job. (Inside environment, outside environment, hazards such as exposure to chemicals, or occupational exposure to blood.) T WARREN COUNTY TECHNOLOGICAL REQUEST FORM FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 Technological Request Replacement SN# Justification Condition *<J* 6£> ^9uZ^foSR7 BUDGET LINE ITEM INFORMATION: Amount: Account Number Total Cost Requcst(s): $. Will the County receive any reimbursement (revenues) for request(s)? amount.Revenue line item#: Submitted by: s. If so, please identify the source, the revenue line item, and the Revenue Amount: Dale: E WARREN COUNTY NEW EQUIPMENT REQUEST FORM FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 Equipment Requested Replacement SN# Condition Justification BUDGET LINE ITEM INFORMATION: Account Number: X • D*A^%O- S2.U Amount: Total Cost Rcquest(s): $ Will the County receive any reimbursement (revenues) for requesl(s)? amount.Revenue line ilcmtf: -y Submittcd by: (^C*£S*£u^<--~£rc77< ° J ; KAQ . If so. please idenlify the source, the revenue line item, and the Revenue Amount: Date: . f WARREN COUNTY NEW EQUIPMENT REQUEST FORM FY 2010-11 SCHEDULE E 1. HEAVY DUTY WASHER $ 1500.00 (est) Residential washing machines are not suitable for the heavy and constant use of an animal shelter. A stack model washer/dryer has been repaired on several occasions and has since been disposed of. A commercial grade gas dryer is being purchased in the FY 2009-10 budget year and a heavy duty washer will be needed to avoid costly repairs to another residential washing machine and to maintain an adequate level of disease control. A heavy duty residential washing machine should suffice the need of the animal shelter and can be purchased locally. 2. TELEPHONE SYSTEM $3921.07 The current telephone system is obsolete and cannot be upgraded or repaired. Currently, there is no voice mail system and other features are not operable. A new system will need to be installed to maintain an adequate level of service response and communications with the citizens. •See Century Link quote attached 3. ANIMAL TRANSPORT BOX $950 One animal control vehicle has a worn, broken and rusted animal transport box that can not be locked or adequately sanitized. Animals have escaped and the condition of the box is unsafe for employees. Minor repairs have been made to maintain service for the current fiscal year, but the box has lived out its' useful life. A new box, purchased locally is requested. *See photo attached & quote attached. 4. ANIMAL CAPTURE TRAPS $2600.00 All animal capture traps are in need of replacement. Citizens have requested and are granted trap loans for the capture of small animals on their property, making it necessary to provide only the safest equipment, leaving very few that can be loaned out. Repairs have been made to some of the existing equipment but most (approx. 90%) have outlived their useful life. *See photo attached. .*—* EMBARQ EMBARQ Ltt«INtm>: \Warren County Animal Control UtlntN«m>: • 42 (Utter* Unc Oecomber 26, 2004 Valid Until OeKriptlonofWork tobePeHormnl: ^y t<\uipmtnt prk•Jm trown 1* baud icson dlrttt ral* aoemmltd br ntw Ctnlurtoi Mchttnemt contract on wmr. PvtKumber ' OeKilpJlon Quantity Unit Price /-S7 Citcnded Price ■ . NTBUIOM HT8MO/U.-W CK5 7.1 wfthGATC'CUD/CPICO 1 (terttlf ATA 1 tmBI7JANAC6 mi«ECh>rcoal i i 1.155.81 1.1!!.8J 113.0* 1J1.W 1M.01 ' 510.15 • - • ■ ; 1 I ■ ■ • •• | • .... • ; • , OHEAC Trunk Lin* Prauctar- |l DtfTI»/Mit| drcvll/1 pertnnk) i i 4 12.14 4B.H »■» J5CMM1 SpUt Btock Ground Btr lane aer toMI Meek) 1 S.SO pt-ciuiog JSptf C*bl*. lOlt. CU J. Femtl» M# RMceiMto 1 1.J1 RUM150X ttodi M Kt (opn) 1 per U edco sret. 1: 4.1* UvIX Hack Brkt 89b Mbndtrt I O.«S J.04 U-DMtt 9HE*CT>1PratKtDr tnmt MitlutMunUPS 1 210.11 220>1t • ' Mntuununun RrollOOt 5t17SB «l.17 '* Of US5Flirt Drive : -: :_ - ■ . ■ : • : 1 • i - i . — ■ -! • •1 - - • S SVBTOTH' Grow PUcmjm 2.SM. If S n<H UAierffl Price S 2,532. 9 Ubor llncltniet Project Management II rat shown separately below)..___ $ 1,357.1■pO S inTAi p»rc /0\ Piim do net Mehi* dwga to tuet, auttts. Bmts, tetaomnuKsttai) «e««w. a pmtesootw tervkes weh n Ccrturien HtMcmnee oi Managed Network Service!. $ 31. )n $ J.92U17 CenturyLink * Warren County Animal Control Equipment-To handle 4 lines and 16 Ext. t.6. £> 1* Nortel Compact ICS 1- 7.1 Software - v+o ei- e.V_- 1I14- Call Pilot 100 Voice mail (10 Mail Boxes) Caller ID Trunk Card (to handle 4 Central Office voice lines) EDCO Modular 1200 AC Srg Protector & 12 Ground Window TSP Secondary Protect Module <JP T-7316E Feature Sets I ♦ Analog Terminal Apt - to enable to use an analog cordless phone 1- UPS Battery Back up SALES PRICE; Telephone system $3,826.93 plus North Carolina sales tax. Includes installation, programming, training and a one-year warranty. MAINTENANCE OPTIONS The system is covered by a full one year warranty for all parts and labor. After the warranty has expired a maintenance contract may be purchased for the following monthly amount. Billing begins after the warranty has expired. © $n. < :.> v^ i- «• v *> • . LS c Standard Coverage: $37.46 per month (8am-5pm Mon.-Fri.) voe.0-*— SCHEDULEE FY 2010-11 ANIMAL CONTROL EQUIPMENT REQUEST Similar unit requested that contains 3 boxes instead of 2, enabling the ACO to transport more animals saving time, vehicle expense and reduces response time. $950.00 Including Shipping. SCHEDULEE FY 2010-1! ANIMAL CONTROL EQUIPMENT REQUEST Worn, rusted traps tire in need of replacement saving time and resources in escaped animals and increasing service levels. c DEPARTMENT N-'W, i vv\ WARREN COUNTY CAPITAL PURCHASE JUSTIFICATION FORM FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 C:i[iit:il Purchase Expansion ■^VOCO fel Recommendation SNfl (Y)(N) Request Committee JustificatioD Replacement f4Q.kOJ_ 5"^3 ,0 2.0 V U ■ HtJOGET LtNE ITEM INFORMATION: Amonni: Account Number; Tot:il Cost of Requests): s 00 Will tliu County revive :my reimbxtrscment (revenues) for request(s)? K\d and th* amount, ^^^evepj^nij^rn^: bv: (^^^XX^^J Dat« ; . If SO, please idtntify the source, the revenue line item, Revenue Amount: : -::" WARREN COUNTY NEW EQUIPMENT REQUEST FORM FY 2010-11 SCHEDULE C A replacement perimeter fence is requested by Animal Control to replace worn, broken and rusted fencing now partially surrounding the animal shelter. The current fencing is a mixture of animal fencing, chain link and wooden poles. Trees, brush and debris have crushed several areas of the fencing and security is not existent. NCAC 52J .0201 requires a five foot perimeter fencing around animal shelters. A 10 foot gate is requested to allow vehicles in and out of the area for unloading animal feed and other supplies and to allow entrance to utility vehicles. The vehicle gate ensures adequate security to storage shed that houses feed and expensive animal equipment that the animal shelter proper can not house due to space restrictions. A 4 foot gate is requested to allow personal traffic to enter and leave without managing a large vehicle gate and to allow the public to utilize the space in a safe and convenient manner. A proposed plan is outlined and attached to this request. Page 1 of 1 Cantilever Gate Ferce o _1 r -1. hnp://ww\ 3/4/2010 04/22/2010 16:17 2036gedm PROJECTION: 2011 |WARREN COUNTY |NEXT YEAR BUDGET LEVELS REPORT |PG 51 |bgnyrpts 2011 BUDGET FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 GENERAL FUND REVISED BUD REVISED BUD REQUEST RECOMMEND ADOPTED ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 104520 KARTS TRANSPORTATION ____________________________________________ 104520 560010 K A R T S TOTAL KARTS TRANSPORTATION 23,531.00 25,570.00 34,859.00 34,859.00 .00 23,531.00 25,570.00 34,859.00 34,859.00 .00 ".ARTS POST OFFICE BOX 246 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION HENDERSON, NORTH CAROLINA 27536 TELEPHONE: 252/438-2573 3/31/10 Ms. Linda Worth, Manager Warren County PO Box 619 Warrenton, NC 275S9 Dear Linda: As budgets have been light over Ihc last 3-4 years KARTS has limited the number of vehicles thai it replaces lo help keep county match low. This year, however, there is a need to replace 15 vehicles thai have met their useful life (100,01)0.) Most of these vehicles are well over 150,000 and sonic are in the 200,000 mile range. This additional cost will not only improve Heel safety but it will also help reduce county match in the years lo come. By applying the additional match NCDOT will provide S629,07S to assist in the replacement of the vehicles. Also please note that NCDOT has capped our Administrative budget to FY 09/10 levels. The increase in match only represents additional money needed to replace aging fleet vehicles. The total anticipated request for next fiscal year is S34.S59. Sincerely. Rob Brink V Executive Director APR - 5 2010 WARREN COUNTY MANAGER'S OFFICE GOVERNING BOARD: KERR AREA TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY 04/22/2010 16:17 2036gedm PROJECTION: 2011 |WARREN COUNTY |NEXT YEAR BUDGET LEVELS REPORT |PG 52 |bgnyrpts 2011 BUDGET FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 GENERAL FUND REVISED BUD REVISED BUD REQUEST RECOMMEND ADOPTED ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 104721 PCB LANDFILL ____________________________________________ 104721 529901 OPRTG EXP TOTAL PCB LANDFILL .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 04/22/2010 16:17 2036gedm PROJECTION: 2011 |WARREN COUNTY |NEXT YEAR BUDGET LEVELS REPORT |PG 53 |bgnyrpts 2011 BUDGET FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 GENERAL FUND REVISED BUD REVISED BUD REQUEST RECOMMEND ADOPTED ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 104730 LAKE GASTON WEED CONTROL ____________________________________________ 104730 560011 WEEK CONTR 116,000.00 116,000.00 116,000.00 116,000.00 .00 TOTAL LAKE GASTON WEED CONTR 116,000.00 116,000.00 116,000.00 116,000.00 .00 Lake Gaston Weed Control Council WflPN J. Rives Manning, Jr., Treasurer Tel. (252) 519-0700 737 Franklin St. FAX (252) 519-0700 RapidS, NC 27870 E-mail January 28,2009 Linda T. Worth Warren County Manager PO Box 619 Warrenton,NC 27589 VIA FAX (252) 257-5971 (Original by US Mail) RE: 2010-2011 Lake Gaston Weed Control Funding Request Dear Mrs. Worth: Up until the last several years the Lake Gaston Weed Control Council (LGWCC) treated the Noxious Aquatic Weeds in Lake Gaston on a worse case basis. There has never been a "Whole Lake" treatment and the acreage of noxious weeds increased each year. Starting in 2007, we began moving toward a "whole lake" treatment, though we still have not reached it In 2007 we were able to treat 156*4 acres. In 2008 we were able to treat 1925 acres ofNoxious Aquatic weeds in Lake Gaston. In FY 2009-2010 we had proposed moving to a "Whole Lake" treatment plan. The estimated cost for a "Whole Lake" treatment plan was $2,300,000. We did not reach that level. With funding from Virginia; North Carolina; Virginia Beach, VA; and the five Counties (Brunswick, Halifax, Mecklenburg, Warren, and Northampton) contributing at their prior levels we would have Treatment funding of $ 1,110,580. In Treatment Year 2009, because of the economy and reduced funding from several sources, we were only able to treat 1404 acres, Our total expenditures for treatments was $892,817.64 in calendar year 2009. Our projected and Budgeted 2009 expenditures for treatments was $1,099,902. We understand that the economic conditions are not good. For the upcoming year we know that Virginia will not be contributing anything, nor will USDA-APH1S. As it now stands, Northampton has not Budgeted any funds for the 2009 - 2010 fiscal year and Brunswick budgeted less than we requested. On behalf of the'Lake Gaston Weed Control Council, I hereby submit a budget request for $116,000 from Warren County for the FY 2010 - 2011 Budget. The support and consideration of Warren County is appreciated. Sincerely, Manning, Jr. Treasurer 04/22/2010 16:17 2036gedm PROJECTION: 2011 |WARREN COUNTY |NEXT YEAR BUDGET LEVELS REPORT |PG 54 |bgnyrpts 2011 BUDGET FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 GENERAL FUND REVISED BUD REVISED BUD REQUEST RECOMMEND ADOPTED ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 104750 FORESTRY PROGRAM ____________________________________________ 104750 529901 OPRTG EXP TOTAL FORESTRY PROGRAM 109,241.00 113,048.00 111,712.00 111,712.00 .00 109,241.00 113,048.00 111,712.00 111,712.00 .00 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Norili Carolina Division or Fores! Resources Beverly Eaves Penluc, Governor Will L. Owen, Dircctor Dec Freeman, Secretary Division ot'Forest Resources 737 Smokey Road Rocky Mount, NC 27804 March 17,2010 Ms. Linda Worth Warren County Manager P.O. Box 619 Warrenton, NC 275S9 Dear Mrs. Worth: We are aware that the County will soon be making its budget for the coming fiscal year. This correspondence will present our cooperative budget proposal. The total proposed budget is $279,281 with the State's share 5167,569 and the County's share SI 11,712. As you will see, there is a slight decrease of $1,335 from last year's approved county portion of the budget. This budget request includes mandatory increases in retirement contributions and health insurance rates. In addition, the purchase price of a replacement fire control pickup track is included. The truck to be replaced is a 2001 model thai will have over 100,000 miles when replaced. The overall request decreased slightly due to offsets from salary and fringe reductions resulting from the retirement of Warren County Ranger Bob Neal. We are partners with Warren County Government in providing needed services lo the citizens of Warren County. 1 ask that you give careful consideration to funding the forestry program in the County at the level requested forFY 10-11. Your continued cooperation and support of the Warren County Forestry Program is greatly appreciated. Please see enclosed the FY 2010-2011 budget expenditures and appropriations. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at (252) 442-1626 ext 224 or County Ranger Bryant Pitchford at (252) 257-5960. Respectfully, Reid Hildrcth District Forester MAR 2 4 2010 Wltll'Jisn cc: Bryant Pitchford, County Ranger WARREN COUNTY MANAGER'S OFFICE Enclosure: 2010-2011 Budget Appropriations 1016 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1616 Phone: 919-857-4801 \ PAX:919-857-4802 \ Internet: AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY \ AFFTHMATTVK ACTION' EMPLOYER - SDH RECYCLED MOWPOSTCONSUMBR PAPER WARREN COUNTY BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 APPROPRIATIONS: STATE 60% COUNTY 40% 531211 SALARIES 531441 ASST. CO. RGR. WILLIAMS ASST. CO. RGR. STEVENSON EQUIP. OPER. JOHNSON ON-CALL COMPENSATION COUNTYRANGER PITCHFORD 31,139.00 31.582.00 35.333.00 38,213.00 LONGEVITY: STEVENSON 3.25% LONGEVITY: JOHNSON 3.25% 136.267.00 6.000.00 1.148 1,242 531511 531521 531561 SOCIAL SECURITY 1211.1441. & 1461 7.65% X144657.. RETIREMENT ON 1211.1441.1461 10.51% X 144657. MEDICAL INSURANCE $4929 X 4.. 11.066 15,203 19.716 532133 EMPLOYEE PHYSICALS/COL TESTING SECURITY SYSTEM ELECTRICAL SERVICES HEATING FUEL/PROPANE WATERS SEWER 100.00 750.00 S32186 532210 532220 532230 532380 OUTSIDE REPAIRS, OTHER 532430 532523 532590 532721 532724 532811 532814 532817 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 532840 POSTAGE & FREIGHT AUTO INSURANCE LIABILITY INSURANCE REGISTRATION FEES 532912 532913 532930 533110 533130 533150 533190 533210 533240 533250 533260 533310 533330 533340 533350 533410 533510 533710 533720 533900 534511 534522 534523 534528 534539 534549 S 167.569 111.712 279.281 EXPENDITURES 531461 S RENT/LEASE. COMMUNICATION EQUIP RENT/LEASE. OTHER EQUIP LODGING-IN-STATE MEALS-IN-STATE TELEPHONE SERVICE CELLULAR PHONE tNTERNET SERVICE GENERAL OFFICE SUPPUES PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPUES SAFETY CLOTHING & SUPPLIES ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPLIES JANITORIAL/CLEANING SUPPUES CARPENTRY, HARDWARE. REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIESGRASS SEED GRAVEL GASOUNE AUTOMOTIVE OIL. FILTERS. ETC „ TIRES &TUBES MVO PARTS & OPERATION FOOD SUPPUES CLOTHING & UNIFORMS SCIENTIFIC SUPPUES (FOREST MANAGEMENT TOOLS) EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIES (SMOKEY BEAR MATERIALS) OTHER MATERIALS, RADIO PARTS OFFICE FURNITURE 4.500.00 3.508.00 500.00 300.00 400.00 900.00 100.00 650.00 550.00 1,500.00 650.00 350.00 600.00 2.168.00 1.184.00 50.00 1,400.00 150.00 1,450.00 600.00 300.00 3.200.00 300.00 100.00 12,388.00 700.00 2.000.00 10.145.00 25.00 1.200.00 250.00 350.00 1.000.00 150.00 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 6.000.00 SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP OTHER MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT RECURRING LEASE/FULL PURCHASE OF PICK-UP TRUCK 350.00 2,570.00 250.00 25.000.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS SET UP FOR SPENDING 279.281.00 04/22/2010 16:17 2036gedm PROJECTION: 2011 |WARREN COUNTY |NEXT YEAR BUDGET LEVELS REPORT |PG 55 |bgnyrpts 2011 BUDGET FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 GENERAL FUND REVISED BUD REVISED BUD REQUEST RECOMMEND ADOPTED ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 104910 PLANNING BOARD ____________________________________________ 104910 512000 SALARIES 111,728.00 111,728.00 103,826.00 103,826.00 .00 104910 512001 SAL P/T .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104910 517101 PLN BRD EX 910.00 1,000.00 1,260.00 1,260.00 .00 104910 517102 ZNG BRD EX 300.00 400.00 630.00 630.00 .00 104910 517103 HIS PRE CO .00 .00 .00 700.00 .00 104910 518100 FICA 8,547.00 8,547.00 7,943.00 7,943.00 .00 104910 518200 RETIREMENT 5,508.00 5,497.00 6,718.00 6,718.00 .00 104910 518300 HOSPTLZATN 10,326.00 11,720.00 13,575.00 12,759.00 .00 104910 519005 COG CNSLT .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104910 519312 DRUG TEST .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104910 519400 CONT SRVS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104910 519900 PROF SERV .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104910 521200 UNIFORMS .00 .00 2,300.00 .00 .00 104910 525001 GAS/VEH EX 1,300.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 1,800.00 .00 104910 526000 OFF SUPP 7,218.00 1,200.00 .00 640.00 .00 104910 526100 NON CAP EQ 2,132.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104910 531101 TRAV ADV .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104910 531102 TRAVEL EXP 1,400.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 1,200.00 .00 104910 532100 TELEPHONE 3,000.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 .00 104910 532102 INT/EMAIL .00 540.00 540.00 540.00 .00 104910 532109 TELE/CELL .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 04/22/2010 16:17 2036gedm PROJECTION: 2011 |WARREN COUNTY |NEXT YEAR BUDGET LEVELS REPORT |PG 56 |bgnyrpts 2011 BUDGET FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 GENERAL FUND REVISED BUD REVISED BUD REQUEST RECOMMEND ADOPTED ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 104910 532500 POSTAGE 350.00 400.00 600.00 1,000.00 .00 104910 533000 UTILITIES 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 .00 104910 534000 PRINTING 150.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 .00 104910 534001 ORD REVISI 450.00 350.00 350.00 350.00 .00 104910 535100 MAINT 900.00 900.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 .00 104910 535105 PAINTING .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104910 539100 ADVERTISNG 1,000.00 800.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 .00 104910 539500 BRD MEM ED .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104910 543000 COPY CHARG 428.00 400.00 450.00 450.00 .00 104910 544000 OFF MCH CT .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104910 549100 DUE/SUB 384.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 .00 104910 555005 COMP EQUIP -250.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104910 555012 CP&L HEAT .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104910 575000 VEH/EQ PAY .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 158,281.00 151,582.00 148,792.00 146,916.00 .00 TOTAL PLANNING BOARD SALARY PROJF FY APPROVED 2010-2011 AS OF 4/22/10 CUR HIRE DEPI LAST NAME 1ST NAME 4910 BURTON SHAWN 4910 GREEN WILLIAM JOYCE 4910 KRULIK KENNETH NSHEETS 1011 I R M posio V. Giade DATE 1402 30% 06/16(94 1800 09/01(85 1810 75% 09/04(07 APPROVED FICA RETIRE HOSP 401K INC SALARY MED MENT INSUR SUP AMT + INCR 7.G5 EXP 5.00 REQUEST SALARY REQ PERC RECLAS + INCR Grade INCR AMT 6.47 0 0 TOTAL 0 13 7.393 0.00% 0 7,398 566 479 1.367 10,310 PLANNER/ZONING OFFICEF 24 SO,523 0.00% 0 50.528 3,865 3,269 6,224 63,887' PLANNER/ZONING ADMINIS 29 45.900 0.00% 0 45.900 3,511 2,970 4.SS8 57,049 ADMIN ASSIST I 0 TOTAL 4910 PLANNING BOARD 103.B2B 0 0 103.B26 7,943 6.718 12,759 0 131,246 24 BUDGET FUNDING SUMMARY WARREN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA FY 21)10-11 DFJ'AKTMF.NT: I'lunnin^ mid Zoning DIVISION: I'lnniiiii^/Zonint; & Code Enforcement I'-liND/ACCTtfrllU'JUUI'laniiiiiti/ZoiiiiiR) HM351I (Code Enforcement) MISSION STATEMENT .SF.F, ATTACHMENT (MISSION STATEMENT) AUTIIOUITV/l'tJUPOSE SEE ATTACHMENT fAllTIIOUITV/PUKI'OSF.) UPCOMING YKARDLl'AUTMENTOIURCriVl'.S/ACTlVniRS 1. Continue work to revise current plnnning/zantng/IflBd use ordinances, focusing on the currenl zoning ordinance CMarcli !, 2(Hft) through working »idi ths County's Citizen's Advisory CouncilLnnd Use nnd upon completion then starting on Nt County's Comprehensive Development Plan {Land Use Plan)upllntc. 2. Conduct public Information meetings on counlywlde zoning (phased or extended pnrtlal based on direction from the County Commissioners) and proceed wltli recommendations from staff] Citizen's Advisor)1 Council -Lund Use, nnd Planning Board on Implementing the currant zoning ordinance (and districts) witu concurrence From Hie County Commissioners. 3. Continue updating/maintenance of CIS (maps) in reded current zoning of (be lake sirens and other land use diiiii, us applicable (current (',]$> reflects re-zonlngs as or I i/2/O'J). 4. Continued work on improving mid streamlining Mil1 permit program for planning/zoning and code enforcement to Enhance the review process and adjust lee schedule as applicable. 5. Use available funding resources to continue certification maintenance/continuing education for staff as needed (required hours per year for code enforcement, every two years r<ir planning). 6. Enacl County's Abandoned Manufactured Home Ordinance with funding from the Slates' Abandoned Manufactured Home Grant Program (awarded to Ibe County Marcl) 2010 Cor540,000), This program will Marl the efforts ofWarren County io remove, demolish and recycle abandoned manufactured homes when Hie properly owner's are unable to do .so themselves. 7. Continue working with the County Historic Perseveration Commission to dualize its application to the State Certified Local Governments Program and Federal Governments Preserve America Program, liuth provide better opportunities for the County to pursue funds nnd grants in nol only preserving the County's historic heritage, but also t<> promote tourism and economic development. CURRENT YKAU DEPARTMENT OUTCOMES 1. Updated and mnintnlncd current officinl zoning map (lake areas) of tlio County, adopted ns n currenl document (C.\S and paper copy) 11/2/09, us well as County's CIS on land use and zoning. 2. Continued revision of zoning ordinance nnd subdivision ordinance to Include updated toxi amendments (new definitions] design requirements, and iiwi amendments) as of March 1.2010. 3. Provided Muff assistance to the County's Historic Preservation Commission in adopting its Historic Preservation Ordinance and currently working on guidelines for review and approval of propertles/sites/buildings. Revising Hie application materials fur the completion of the Federal Preserve America Program and State's Certified Local Government Program. 4. On-going worh with the County Citizens' Advisory Council-Land Use mi reviewing planning/land use documents Fur potential revisions (anticipate completion of the zoning ordinance In June 2010). 5. Continued work on documents to educate the public on planning, zoning, code enforcement io improve thesubmltlai of documents and Hie iu-offiee review process (Improve customer service). (1. Initiate new steps for the approved for Safe Homes to Schools Action Plan Grant from NC-DOT. 7. Received granl award ($40,000) from the State lo initiate the County1! Abandoned Manufactured Home Ordinance and program. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS/MEASURES I. Building Inspections (plans rovtoivcd/inspectlans) 2. Unililinu/Zmiiini and Development Permits FV 21)08-09 FV 21)09-10 2()l)/2,2()tl 100/3,0X7 989/fil (ii>[ji I.H5IK 81J/16(i ((01111 i. Plate Reviewed (Include Planning Board, TRC, and Administrative] 156 4. Re-zoning Petitions I) 5. Variances (VyConditional Use Permits (CU)/Appeals (A) I 134 1 I{V)/1 (CU)/1 (A) TRENDS & ISSUES AFFECTING DEPARTMENT- FY 2010-11 (on-golug trends/lssnes) 1. Overall market conditions mid the economy nntfoawido. 2. Lack of zoning/growth management in the County, outside of tho hike arens. 3. Ordinances requiring updating to more current trends and standards. 4. Updating of html use plan I" reflect recent development/growth trends/needs. 5. Continued need for Improved and streamlined in-offieo review procedures, thougb Improvements have been made over the prior year. FUNDING HISTORY PLANNING/ZONING/CODE ENFORCEMENT FV2008-(I'I FY20Q9-10 FY 21)10-11 ACTUAL ESTIMATED REQUESTED 5153.28 l/S2L5,<iHl> S152,102/S2[2."S! %{+){-) SN7,!I8/S:iH.67() Expenditure Detail Salaries & Benefits $130,499 & 8185,097 Operating Expenses SI 6,729 &S33.573 Ciipitul Oiiiluy Total SOO.OO & SOQ.OQ S 47,228.110+ S2I8,67I).00 = S365,898.00 Revenue Sources 100% General Fund for Plnirning/Zonhig uinl Code Enforcement State Fe tic nil Miscellaneous Couiilv Total STAFFING HISTORY FV 20IIK-I)1) FV 2009-10 ACTUAL ESTIMATE i) 2 and 4 2 and 3 FY 2010-11 2 and 3 %(+)(-) Planning/Zoning and Code Enforccmeni Department 542 Weal Ridgavay Street Warrcnton, NC 27589 (PH) 252-257-7027 (FX) 252-257-1083 To: Linda Worth! County Manager and Bnrry Mayo, Finance Officer Prom: Ken Kruiik, AICT CZO Planning and Zoning Administrator f>^ lie: 201(1 - 2011 Budget Comments/Summary I):ile: March 31, 2010 With FY 2010-2011 starting in the next few months, despite the current strained economic conditions facing ilie County, the fallowing minor, increases arc requested for my department - specifically the Planning and Zoning services: • With the County's 1 listoric Preservation Commission (HPC) working on its duties, there is also the need lor continuing education of the 1IPC Members. As pan of the State's Certified Local Government program (through die Stale Historic Preservation Office) ilns is ;i required element as the I IPC completes its application packageOnce designated as n CLCi, continuing education is required, in order to meet this need, i am requesting a new line Item in ilie Planning and Zoning budget («nu')io) with u level i>rs7iHi.iw [5100 per member), son:- Planning Hoard ami linard of Adjustment expanses (8I04910-5I7101 and #104910517102 respectively) are smaller due to the compensation for Members attendance at regular/catted meetings nnd as such this will not he required nr requested for the HPC Members This new line ilem is requested only to cover expenses for continuing education of the HPC Members. • Postage increase is requested Tor Planning and Zoning (-' 104910-532500) to $1,000,00 and forCode Enforcement to $500,00 (#104350-532500). With tile newly funded Abandoned Manufacture Hume Program it will be necessary to send out letters (certified/return receipt requested) to notify owners of violations and the need to remove these units. In addition, there has been an increase in calls to the department of identified and potential violations (planning, zoning, and code enforcement), In order to follow process of notification, certified letters (return receipt requested are mailed oul to the potential pan\ responsible). Also, fttven the committees currently ;t! work: Historic Preservation, Citizen's Advisory Council-Land Use. itoard of Adjustment and Planning Board the need to send out Iiard copy materials fro meetings (in addition to email copies) lias caused an increase in additional postage required for ilie larger agenda packets (in 2009 S182.01 was expended in addition to postage available in the department and as of this memo for 2010 (he cost is Sfi3.92). As of this memo there arc, no new equipment or itosition/suhry requests. Please contact me if there are any questions of comments regarding the 2010-2011 proposed department budget. Planning and Code Enforcement Missions and Authority The primary purpose of the Warren County Planning and Code Enforcement Department is to ensure that the county continues to grow in population and the physical development that occurs simultaneously does so in an orderly and controllable fashion. Pursuant under North Carolina General Statute 153A-321, the Warren County Board of Commissioners /0&\ appoints a planning board consisting of seven members to address growth and land use planning issues and concerns. Under North Carolina Statute 153A-322, the Warren County Board of Commissioners appropriates funding each fiscal year for a planning department comprised of a professional planning stafT. Planning staff serves as the "legs" of the planning board providing the board with technical expertise and planning data necessary for them to make adequate and sound planning decisions. A very important secondary purpose of the department is to assist County Administration on special projects, which the County Commissioners perceive as crucial to the well being of the citizens of Warren County. Code Enforcement is responsible for enforcing the North Carolina State Building Code and Warren County Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance within the unincorporated areas. Further, the department assists the Towns of Warrenton and Norlina by conducting their inspections. In addition the department is asked by local and state agencies to conduct inspections for foster care, adult family care, and assisted living occupancies. The department is also mandated by state law to conduct bi-annual inspections ofall schools within the county. 04/22/2010 16:17 2036gedm PROJECTION: 2011 |WARREN COUNTY |NEXT YEAR BUDGET LEVELS REPORT |PG 57 |bgnyrpts 2011 BUDGET FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 GENERAL FUND REVISED BUD REVISED BUD REQUEST RECOMMEND ADOPTED ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 104920 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMSN ____________________________________________ 104920 512000 SALARIES 100,585.00 97,872.00 97,872.00 97,872.00 .00 104920 512001 SAL P/T .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104920 517000 BRD MBR EX 825.00 825.00 3,095.00 1,200.00 .00 104920 518100 FICA 7,695.00 7,487.00 7,487.00 7,487.00 .00 104920 518200 RETIREMENT 4,959.00 4,815.00 6,332.00 6,332.00 .00 104920 518300 HOSPTLZATN 10,326.00 11,720.00 13,244.00 12,448.00 .00 104920 519202 LEG SERVS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104920 519204 MILESTONE .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104920 525001 GAS/VEH EX .00 .00 .00 3,000.00 .00 104920 526000 OFF SUPP 1,840.00 1,840.00 1,840.00 1,472.00 .00 104920 526100 NON CAP EQ .00 .00 1,800.00 1,800.00 .00 104920 531101 TRAV ADV .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104920 531102 TRAVEL EXP 3,057.00 3,057.00 5,000.00 4,000.00 .00 104920 531103 AUTO ALLOW .00 .00 3,000.00 .00 .00 104920 532100 TELEPHONE 1,600.00 690.00 1,300.00 1,300.00 .00 104920 532102 INT/EMAIL 1,300.00 1,300.00 1,300.00 1,300.00 .00 104920 532109 TELE/CELL .00 910.00 1,300.00 1,300.00 .00 104920 532500 POSTAGE 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 .00 104920 533000 UTILITIES .00 .00 .00 2,000.00 .00 104920 535100 MAINT .00 .00 .00 1,000.00 .00 104920 535129 MT-PROJ MI .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 04/22/2010 16:17 2036gedm PROJECTION: 2011 |WARREN COUNTY |NEXT YEAR BUDGET LEVELS REPORT |PG 58 |bgnyrpts 2011 BUDGET FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 GENERAL FUND REVISED BUD REVISED BUD REQUEST RECOMMEND ADOPTED ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 104920 539100 ADVERTISNG .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104920 539102 PERM NORTH 983.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104920 539104 MARKETING 13,851.00 13,850.00 13,850.00 13,850.00 .00 104920 539105 KT HUB MTC .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104920 541000 RENT 4,080.00 4,080.00 2,000.00 .00 .00 104920 543000 COPY CHARG 968.00 968.00 968.00 968.00 .00 104920 544000 OFF MCH CT 20.00 20.00 .00 .00 .00 104920 549100 DUE/SUB 2,600.00 2,600.00 2,600.00 2,600.00 .00 104920 549900 MISC 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 .00 104920 555013 CAMERA .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104920 557001 LND R/WAYS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104920 569940 BUS INCENT .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104920 569941 TOURISM 15,000.00 25,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 .00 171,289.00 178,634.00 179,588.00 176,029.00 .00 TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT C FY L SALARY PROJE^ 2010-2011 AS OF 4/22J10 APPROVED CUR HIRE DEPT LAST NAME 1ST NAME N SHEETS 10 1! 1 POSIfl % DATE Grade ) fEQUEST SALARY REQ PERC RECLAS ♦ INCR Grade INCR AMT APPROVED FICA RETIRE HOSP 401K INC SALARY MED MENT INSUR SUP AMT *1NCR 7.65 EXP S.00 G.47 D 0 0 0 TOTAL 0 0 4920 PAPA ALFRED .1 1900 01/19/10 EDC DIRECTOR 29 65,000 (i ae% 0 65.000 4,973 4,206 6,224 B0,402 4920 RICHARDSON MARGARET L 1901 05/13/97 SENIOR ADMIN W 32.872 B.00% 0 32,872 2,515 2.127 6,224 43,738 0 TOTA . 4920 ECONOMIC DEVE LOPMENT 97,872 1 0 0 0 0 0 97,872 7,487 6,332 0 1Z.44D ! 124,140 25 BUDGET FUNDING SUMMARY - Scenario HI WARREN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA FY 2010-11 DEPARTMENT: Economic Development Commission DIVISION: FUND/ACCTS: 10-4920 MISSION STATEMENT To create a comprehensive Economic Development Program that will grow and maintain a strong diverse local economy, which provides job opportunities, enhances the local tax base and improves the county's quality of life. AUTHORITY/PURPOSE G.S. 158 (EDC); G.S. 159 (WCIF&PCFA); County Commissioners (WCPFC); expectations of County Commissioners which include "recruitment of industries to provide jobs and add to the county's tax base." Department of county government tasked with economic development, emphasizing manufacturing recruitment and support, small business support & retention, commercial and tourism sector development, and administration of three affiliated volunteer boards/organizations. EDC instigates, partners or contributes to many community building activities. UPCOMING YEAR DEPARTMENT OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES 1. 2. Install presentation technology in new Armory EDC Conference room; Implementation of "local economic gardening" strategy through new departmental leadership. Diversify EDC program through identification and development of local assets; 3. Continue participation in the regional Triangle North Warren; develop park infrastructure. Site first industry: 4. Business/industrial retention activities remain crucial to weathering the national recession; continue close monitoring/contact to ensure every support agency and financial mechanism is leveraged to retain or grow existing industries and small businesses; bolster confidence in local economy through increased media coverage; 5. Continue building tourism economic sector which has posted growth every year since 2001. Support chamber tourism committees and Tourism Strategic Plan updating and implementation, including development of tourism website, ongoing brand launch, graphic design and publication of brochures identified in plan. Revisit establishment of occupancy tax to fund tourism program with outside dollars; 6. Increase support for local entrepreneurs-small business start-ups through VGCC-Small Business Center. SBTDC and other regional and stale governmental, educational and financial agencies. Identify means of securing accurate data relative to new and ongoing businesses in the county for the purpose of enhancing support of existing and recmiting new businesses to fill gaps in products and services, perhaps through establishment of business license; 7. Identify and recruit small manufacturers (15-20 employees); identify and leverage support for local snuill businesses approaching expansion stage; 8. 9. Continue support for collaborations or producers and investment in agribusiness activities. Leverage additional non profit, university, foundation, private, state and federal support for Warren County Growers Association, WC Cattlemen's Association, and other producer groups to assist in establishing local food system, processing and distribution facilities. Develop branding to promote increased volume, variety and quality of local and regional products, increasing potential for added-value food processing and distribution recruitment and agritourism income growth; Prepare interchange development plans that includes infrastructure, marketing, financing and recruitment of commercial projects that will include a hotel; 10. Enhance wireless coverage to reach out to rural areas and expand & market the fiber services available to the County, 11. Support efforts to secure federal funding for Southeast High Speed Rail Project and adjoining pedestrian/bicycle trail, emphasizing development of facilities in Norlina; 12. Support regional state and federal workforce development initiatives including career technical education at WCHS, STEM program at NCSU, and collaborations with VGCC; 13. Update to improve marketing, advertising, business recruitment and retention through a cooperative effort with Vance Granville CC, RTRP, Commerce and NC State University. 14. Expand cooperation, assistance and general services to the municipalities of Macon, Norlina and Warrenton. CURRENT YEAR DEPARTMENT OUTCOMES 1. Local entrepreneurial upswing continued to reflect scarcity ofjobs. While the total number of certificates of assumed name and secretary of state incorporation filings decreased slightly during calendar year 2009, there have already been 30 local and stale filings before the end of IstQ 2010. Demand on staff for small business and business startup counseling and planning, including avenues for financial assistance and compliance with state and local requirements, continues to rise; 2. Triangle North Marketing Committee employed a Development/Marketing Director in 2009, but due to loss of funding, Kerr Tar COG and RTRP have assumed those duties as of January 2010; highlights included park signage installation (designed by EDC staff), ally park tours and a direct marketing mailing campaign. Committees are determining site certification and fast track permitting guidelines; 3. Utilized additional tourism funds in support of Tourism Development Plan process for employment of tourism consultant. Consultant, staff and chamber committees achieved completion of first Warren County Tourism Strategic Plan. Warren County's plan was presented by staff at 2010 NC Governor's Conference on Tourism in New Bern, resulting in positive statewide visibility for the county, including distribution of promotional materials. Maintained billboard placements, brochures, maps, advertisements in major regional publications, and other promotional materials. Tourism revenues continued to grow. Domestic tourism in Warren County generated an economic impact of $21.74 million in 2008, a 6.88 % increase from 2007 (2009 county data will be released July 2010). In 2008, Warren County ranked 78 in travel impact among North Carolina's 100 Counties, up from 79th. More than 120 jobs in Warren County were directly attributable to travel and tourism, generating a S2.81 million payroll in 2008, up from $2.59 in 2007. State and local tax revenues from travel to Warren County amounted to $2.77 million, up from $2.37 million. This represents a $139.08 tax saving to each county resident; 4. EDC and state agency representatives have ensured that our local industries access all available support, including export and military business seminars, tax credits and workforce development. Manufacturing employment has remained remarkably stable. Our two largest manufacturers installed new equipment. 5. Hired Director in January, 2010, bringing staff back to two experienced professionals facilitating return to more regional and state meeting attendance; efforts ongoing to rebuild EDC program after 12 months of understaffing; 7. Broadband utility infrastructure increased, with fiber and other hardware installations by CenturyLink, and engineering plans underway for increased coverage by another local provider; 8. Used unexpended salary and benefits (vacancy in director position) to purchase furnishings for new Armory location and department vehicle. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS/MEASURES 2008 1. Labor Force (Source: NC ESC LMI) 2009 7754 7995 2. Avg. Weekly Wages (Source: EDIS)(2Q09 30) $527 $557 3. Unemployment (Source: NC ESC LMI) 8.7% 13% 4. Certificate of Assumed Name Filings (Source: we ROD) 53 36 5. U of New Incorporations, LLC, PLLC (Source: NCSec orstaic) 42 48 6. Tourism Revenues (2007,2008, in SMillions) $21.74 $20.34 * Calendar Year Data Only Available TRENDS & ISSUES EFFECTING DEPARTMENT - FY 20010-11 1. Worldwide recession - maximizing effectiveness of EDC program while lowering costs at any opportunity 2. Tourism Strategic Plan has created more effective strategies to continue growth in this sector 3. District IN Phase l& II Public Water expansion in eastern halfof county is complete; funding for repair/upgrade of sewage treatment plant still not secured, impeding ability to ensure capacity with new projects. 4. Greater need to support small business & entrepreneurship; explore feasibility of County Business License to create "single entry-point," enabling tracking, monitoring and more comprehensive small business start up and support functions; 5. Establishment of several collaborative efforts for local food system development/agribusiness 6. Lack of county-wide zoning adversely affects marketability of industrial sites and leaves existing residents and 7. Lack ofavailable industrial buildings; low number of available, skilled laborers; business vulnerable to negative impact of unplanned development. FUNDING HISTORY FY 2008-09 ACTUAL FY 2009-10 ESTIMATED REQUESTED 123,412 54,652 -0- -82% -0- 78,232.08* 99,442.20 -0- 122,493.46 177,674.28* 178,064 .2% •0- -0- -0- -0- FY 2010-11 %(+K-) Expenditure Detail Salaries & Benefits Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Total 87,155.32* 35338.14 58% 0% Revenue Sources State -0- Federal Miscellaneous -0- County 838.10 121,653.36 -0- -0-0177,674.28* •0- -0- 178,064 .2% Total 161,296 177,674.28* 178,064 .2% Vacancy in Director Position last 6 months of FY 08-09, first 6 months of FY 09-10 STAFFING HISTORY FY 2007-08 ACTUAL FY 2008-09 ESTIMATED FY 2009-10 REQUESTED Executive Director 1 1 1 Admin Support Asst 1 1 1 0% 0% T WARREN COUNTY TECHNOLOGICAL REQUEST FORM FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 Technological Request Justification Condition Replacement SNtf Ma r\ ^n LINK ITKM INFORMATION: Acctwni Number: lotalCost Rvquestfs): $ Amount: [ n - 1. ^00. Will the County receive siny reimbursement (revenues) lor requesl(s)? s)? )\| \j fl f) amount. Kcvcmic line itenttf: Submitted by: _ _"n??n KAfA . ; stiL If so, If s please identify the source, the revenue line item, and the Revenue Amount: Date: 04/22/2010 16:17 2036gedm PROJECTION: 2011 |WARREN COUNTY |NEXT YEAR BUDGET LEVELS REPORT |PG 59 |bgnyrpts 2011 BUDGET FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 GENERAL FUND REVISED BUD REVISED BUD REQUEST RECOMMEND ADOPTED ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 104925 KERR TAR HUB ____________________________________________ 104925 560038 KERR TAR H TOTAL KERR TAR HUB 40,000.00 36,000.00 36,000.00 36,000.00 .00 40,000.00 36,000.00 36,000.00 36,000.00 .00 04/22/2010 16:17 2036gedm PROJECTION: 2011 |WARREN COUNTY |NEXT YEAR BUDGET LEVELS REPORT |PG 60 |bgnyrpts 2011 BUDGET FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 GENERAL FUND REVISED BUD REVISED BUD REQUEST RECOMMEND ADOPTED ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 104950 COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE ____________________________________________ 104950 512000 SALARIES 108,284.00 105,164.00 112,044.00 99,335.00 .00 104950 512001 SAL P/T .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104950 517001 ADV BRD EX 853.00 853.00 900.00 900.00 .00 104950 518100 FICA 8,239.00 8,045.00 8,571.00 7,599.00 .00 104950 518200 RETIREMENT 8,504.00 8,560.00 9,804.00 8,692.00 .00 104950 518300 HOSPTLZATN 9,933.00 10,528.00 10,528.00 8,722.00 .00 104950 523101 AG EX OPER 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 .00 104950 523102 4H OP EXT .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104950 523103 HOME EXT 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 .00 104950 523104 EFNEP PROG 600.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 .00 104950 523105 SCH AGE GR .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104950 523107 CAREER SMR .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104950 523112 NEW BEG .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104950 525001 GAS/VEH EX .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104950 526000 OFF SUPP 2,800.00 2,800.00 3,000.00 2,400.00 .00 104950 526100 NON CAP EQ 5,101.00 5,701.00 5,800.00 5,800.00 .00 104950 526125 PEST GRANT 1,200.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104950 531101 TRAV ADV .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104950 531102 TRAVEL EXP 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 1,920.00 .00 104950 531105 SC AGE TRA .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104950 532100 TELEPHONE 3,700.00 2,650.00 2,700.00 2,700.00 .00 04/22/2010 16:17 2036gedm PROJECTION: 2011 |WARREN COUNTY |NEXT YEAR BUDGET LEVELS REPORT |PG 61 |bgnyrpts 2011 BUDGET FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 GENERAL FUND REVISED BUD REVISED BUD REQUEST RECOMMEND ADOPTED ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 104950 532109 TELE/CELL .00 1,450.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 .00 104950 532500 POSTAGE 1,000.00 600.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 .00 104950 533000 UTILITIES 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 .00 104950 535100 MAINT 5,368.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 .00 104950 535105 PAINTING .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104950 539100 ADVERTISNG 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 .00 104950 543000 COPY CHARG 1,713.00 1,713.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 .00 104950 549100 DUE/SUB 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 .00 104950 552000 COMP EQUIP .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104950 554002 15 PAS VAN .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104950 555003 EQUIP/CAP .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104950 555005 COMP EQUIP .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104950 555015 COMPRESSOR .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104950 558010 BMT RENOVA .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104950 558011 SEWER LINE .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104950 558017 TELE SYSTM .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104950 558024 PAVE DRVWY .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104950 559101 PAVING .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104950 568013 HMM GRANT .00 20,731.00 20,731.00 27,500.00 .00 104950 568014 FARM MARKT .00 12,495.00 12,495.00 8,800.00 .00 104950 569300 HORTICULTR .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 169,745.00 200,540.00 210,223.00 195,618.00 .00 TOTAL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SALARY PROJEr \ FY APPROVED 2010-2011 AS OF 4/22/10 HIRE DEPT LAST NAME 1ST NAME ^1 SHEETS 10 11 I POS1S CUR Grade DATE 1 REOUEST APPROVED FICA RETIRE HOSP 401K SALARY REQ PERC RECLAS INC SALARY MEO MENT INSUR SUP + INCR Grade INCR AMT AMT • INCR 7.65 6.47 EXP 5.00 ~1 ar . REQ 4950 MONTEVERDI RACHEL BULLOCK 4950 HARGROVE TONIA DUNSTON 4950 FISHER TYRONE HIGHT 4950 HARGROVE 02/16/08 EXTENSION DIRECTOR VACANT MCKENZ1E PAUL 4950 BAIN ERIN 4950 Wilson Ametta taxi Ro COOPER^^H PM 1 [ M , P 21.4B3 0.00% 0 21,483 1,643 1.880 1,870 26,876 13,625 O.D0% 0 13,G25 1,042 1,192 1,578 17.43B 25,000 0.00% 0 25,000 1,913 2,188 1,775 30,575 10,225 0.00% 0 10,225 782 895 1,806 13,708 ■1 ■H ^^B>70B ■1 12,250 0.00% 0 12.2SO 937 1,072 1,039 15.298 18,185 0.00% 0 13,185 1.391 1,591 1.B70 23,037 EFNEP 8,792 0.00% 0 8.792 673 769 590 10,324 ■ ■1 m ■ ■ H M.13S ^ls9J3G 7,599 8^92 H 8.722 GROVES V1CK 0 8.75 1 m■ ■1 |950 4950 AGENT TOTAL oa/oi/05 4-H AGENT B ,E a 0 124,348 BUDGET FUNDING SUMMARY WARREN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA FY 2010-11 DEPARTMENT: Cooperative Extension DIVISION: FUND/ACCTtf: 104950 MISSION STATEMENT Warren County Cooperative Extension partners with communities to deliver education and technology that enrich the lives, land and economy of North Carolinians. AUTHORITY/PURPOSE The Smith Lever Act of 1914 established the Cooperative Extension Service to extend information developed at land grant universities and research farms to citizens. Extension is a federal, state and county government partnership operating under a Memorandum of Understanding. UPCOMING YEAR DEPARTMENT OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES 1. North Carolina will have profitable, environmentally sustainable plant, animal and food systems that support thriving communities and provide all North Carolinians access to safe, nutritious food. 2. Youth and adults will achieve educational success through intentional non-formal and formal educational opportunities that expand and enhance skills and knowledge. 3. North Carolina residents at all stages of life use effective parenting and life skills to create stable, safe and secure environments. 4. North Carolina's natural resources and environmental quality will be protected, conserved and enhanced, and ecosystem benefits will be optimized. 5. Adults and children of all ages and abilities will make healthy food choices and be physically active to achieve or maintain a healthy weight and prevent chronic disease. CURRENT YEAR DEPARTMENT OUTCOMES 1. 8855 contacts made in agricultural, forest and food systems, pesticide education, forestry education, and conservation. 2. 4797 contacts made in developing responsible youth programs. 3. 2694 contacts made in programs that strengthen and sustain families and help build quality communities. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS/MEASURES FY 2008 - 09 FY 2009 - 10 1. Contacts in agricultural, forest, food systems 1424 8855 2. Contacts in developing responsible youth 451 4797 3. Contacts in strengthening and sustaining families 2346 2694 1 TRENDS & ISSUES EFFECTING DEPARTMENT - FY 2010 -11 1. Frozen Secretary Position and adding a NCATSU Program Technician 2. Job losses and economy 3. Over 80% of the county is in forestland. 4. Increase cost of farming (fuel, fertilizer, etc..) 5. Life skills development of youth as well as health and weliness of family members continues to be needed. FUNDING HISTORY FY 2009 - 10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 ACTUAL ESTIMATED REQUESTED %(+)(-) Expenditure Detail 132,297 Salaries & Benefits Operating Expenses 123,272 140,947 42,204 69,276 55,748 Capital Outlay Total 165,476 188,045 210,223 Revenue Sources State Federal Miscellaneous County Total STAFFING HISTORY FY 2008 - 09 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 ACTUAL ESTIMATED REQUESTED County Extension Director 1 1 1 Extension Agents 5 5 5 Extension Secretaries 1 1 2 +12.5% +39% 04/22/2010 16:17 2036gedm PROJECTION: 2011 |WARREN COUNTY |NEXT YEAR BUDGET LEVELS REPORT |PG 62 |bgnyrpts 2011 BUDGET FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 GENERAL FUND REVISED BUD REVISED BUD REQUEST RECOMMEND ADOPTED ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 104952 BUCK SPRING CAMP DEVELOPMENT ____________________________________________ 104952 512000 SALARIES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104952 518100 FICA .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104952 518200 RETIREMENT .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104952 518300 HOSPTLZATN .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104952 519400 CONT SRVS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104952 519900 PROF SERV .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104952 519905 ENV REVIEW .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104952 523109 TRAIL GRT 14,500.00 14,500.00 14,500.00 14,500.00 .00 104952 526000 OFF SUPP .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104952 529910 REENACT EX .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104952 532100 TELEPHONE 295.00 295.00 295.00 295.00 .00 104952 533000 UTILITIES 930.00 960.00 950.00 950.00 .00 104952 535100 MAINT 2,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 .00 104952 539100 ADVERTISNG .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104952 544000 OFF MCH CT .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104952 549100 DUE/SUB .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104952 549900 MISC .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 17,725.00 20,755.00 20,745.00 20,745.00 .00 TOTAL BUCK SPRING CAMP DEVEL 04/22/2010 16:17 2036gedm PROJECTION: 2011 |WARREN COUNTY |NEXT YEAR BUDGET LEVELS REPORT |PG 63 |bgnyrpts 2011 BUDGET FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 GENERAL FUND REVISED BUD REVISED BUD REQUEST RECOMMEND ADOPTED ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 104955 COOPERATIVE EXT 4-H PROGRAM ____________________________________________ 104955 529901 OPRTG EXP 2,770.00 1,750.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 .00 104955 529913 ACT FEES 1,000.00 6,752.00 1,500.00 3,500.00 .00 104955 531101 TRAV ADV .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104955 531102 TRAVEL EXP .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL COOPERATIVE EXT 4-H PR 3,770.00 8,502.00 4,000.00 4,500.00 .00 04/22/2010 16:17 2036gedm PROJECTION: 2011 |WARREN COUNTY |NEXT YEAR BUDGET LEVELS REPORT |PG 64 |bgnyrpts 2011 BUDGET FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 GENERAL FUND REVISED BUD REVISED BUD REQUEST RECOMMEND ADOPTED ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 104960 SOIL CONSERVATION ____________________________________________ 104960 512000 SALARIES 105,182.00 100,182.00 100,182.00 100,182.00 .00 104960 518100 FICA 7,664.00 7,664.00 7,664.00 7,664.00 .00 104960 518200 RETIREMENT 4,939.00 4,929.00 6,482.00 6,482.00 .00 104960 518300 HOSPTLZATN 15,489.00 17,580.00 19,866.00 18,672.00 .00 104960 525001 GAS/VEH EX 2,150.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 .00 104960 525900 VEH TX/TGS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104960 526000 OFF SUPP 3,064.00 2,500.00 2,800.00 2,240.00 .00 104960 526001 OFSUP COST 274.00 988.00 500.00 500.00 .00 104960 526127 GRT EXPENS 4,128.00 1,905.00 1,492.00 1,492.00 .00 104960 529904 DSTR OPEXP .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104960 531101 TRAV ADV .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104960 531102 TRAVEL EXP 176.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,200.00 .00 104960 531106 TRV/COST S 1,196.00 600.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 .00 104960 531107 MLAGE/COST .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104960 532100 TELEPHONE 207.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104960 532102 INT/EMAIL .00 1,200.00 1,200.00 4,400.00 .00 104960 532109 TELE/CELL .00 340.00 400.00 400.00 .00 104960 532500 POSTAGE 165.00 176.00 180.00 180.00 .00 104960 532501 POST - CS 165.00 88.00 180.00 180.00 .00 104960 535109 BLDG CLNG .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104960 539100 ADVERTISNG 818.50 1,000.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 .00 04/22/2010 16:17 2036gedm PROJECTION: 2011 |WARREN COUNTY |NEXT YEAR BUDGET LEVELS REPORT |PG 65 |bgnyrpts 2011 BUDGET FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 GENERAL FUND REVISED BUD REVISED BUD REQUEST RECOMMEND ADOPTED ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 104960 539103 ADV - CS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104960 541005 RENT ASSIT 18,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 .00 104960 543000 COPY CHGS .00 .00 680.00 680.00 .00 104960 544000 OFF MCH CT .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104960 544002 OFF MCH CS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104960 549100 DUE/SUB 1,631.50 1,700.00 1,700.00 1,700.00 .00 104960 549900 MISC .00 .00 100.00 100.00 .00 104960 554000 VEHICLE .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104960 555025 COM/CST SH .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 104960 575000 VEH/EQ PAY .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 165,249.00 162,852.00 168,026.00 169,172.00 .00 TOTAL SOIL CONSERVATION SALARY PROJEr FY N SHEETS 10 11 I APPROVED 2010-2011 AS OF 4/22710 CUR HIRE APPROVED FICA RETIRE HOSP 401K INC SALARY MED MENT INSUR SUP AMT ♦ INCR 7.6S 6.47 EXP 5.00 REQUEST SALARY REQ PERC RECLAS *INCfi Grade INCR AMT TOTAL DEPT LAST NAME 1ST NAME 1 POSI# 4960 BALES ELEANOR K 2101 12(03(02 ADMINIS ASSIST II 15 24,632 0.00% 0 24,632 1.884 1,594 6,224 34.334 4960 HOLTZMANN GARY D 2102 01(16(03 SOIL AND WATER 20 31,390 0.0 07, 0 31,390 2,401 2,031 6,224 42,046 44,160 3,378 3,857 6,224 56.6Z0 0 0 100.182 7,664 6.4B2 18.6T2 4960 WEST LARRY T 2100 DATE 11(16(88 Grade SWCD DIRECTOR 24 44,160 0 0.00% 0 TOTA . *9S0 SOIL AND WATEF 100.1B2 ._. _ ■ 0 0 133.000 27 BUDGET FUNDING SUMMARY WARREN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA FY 2010-11 DEPARTMENT: Soil & Water Conservation DIVISION: FUND/ACCT#: 104960 MISSION STATEMENT To provide leadership in a partnership effort to assist citizens to conserve, improve and sustain our natural resources and the environment. AUTHORITY/PURPOSE To promote harmony between people and the land. UPCOMING YEAR DEPARTMENT OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES 1. Improve public awareness of the need for natural resources conservation and promote other programs offered by Warren SWCD. 2. Utilize State and Federal cost share programs to install Best management Practices (BMPs) on eligible agricultural lands. 3. Expand on various educational contests (poster, essay and public speaking) In the local school system. 4. Competed in the SWCD Area IV Envirothon competition. 5. Conduct the 7th Annual Warren County Ecology Field Day for the 6* Grade children in Warren County. 6. Make information available to the public, regarding conservation of our natural resources during Warren County Government Day. 7. Continue to conduct informational and educational programs to the schools, civic groups and submit conservation articles to the news media. CURRENT YEAR DEPARTMENT OUTCOMES 1. Organized and conducted the 6th Annual Warren County Ecology Field Day at WCMS. 2. Allocated all BMP (Best Management Practices) cost share funds received from the USDA and the State. 3. Conducted numerous educational programs in Hit local school systems and to civic and community groups within the county. 4. Participated in Career Day at the local Schools and Warren County Government Day. 5. Assisted with the RC&D Four Rivers project within the county. (i. Competed in anil assisted with the Area IV F.nvirnthon. 7. Assisted the conservation partnerships with implementation of USDA Farm Bill programs. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS/MEASURES FV 21)09-10 FY 2010-11 1. Attended civic mestings iu Btnphastee compliance of farm programs 2. Submitted articles for publication «i local news media 3. NCACS contracts developed 4. Clients Hint received assistance from Warren S\VCI> 6 <> 45 I (ton Kino 5. Monthly swcd lionnl meeting convened 10 10 6. NCACS Cunintcis spot-checked to assure eompltBnei 10 10 7. Acres enrolled in USDA programs CREI'< CHI', WIMP 75 50 8. USDA contract! spot checked S f> 3. Technical seminars attended bysiaff 5 5 TRENDS & ISSUES EFFECTING DEPARTMENT - FV 2010-11 1. State budget is not adopted until after July 1, 2010. State may not match full projection of locul budget needs for NCACS Technician especially due lo present state of the economy. 2. Financial assistance from State and Federal for cost share programs are, historically, decreasing annually. Gov. Perdue requesting 5-7% hndgi't reduction within Individual state departments; we may loose sonic or all cost share ninnies. BUDGET FUNDING SUMMARY WARREN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA FY 2010-11 DEPARTMENT: Soil & Water Conservation DIVISION: FUND/ACCT#: 104960 MISSION STATEMENT To provide leadership in a partnership effort to assist citizens to conserve, improve and sustain our natural resources and the environment. AUTHORITY/PURPOSE To promote harmony between people and the land. UPCOMING YEAR DEPARTMENT OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES 1. Improve public awareness of the need for natural resources conservation and promote other programs offered by Warren SWCD. 2. Utilize State and Federal cost share programs to install Best management Practices (BMPs) on eligible agricultural lands. 3. Expand on various educational contests (poster, essay and public speaking) In the local school system. 4. Competed in the SWCD Area IV Envirothon competition. 5. Conduct the 7th Annual Warren County Ecology Field Day for the 6* Grade children in Warren County. 6. Make information available to the public, regarding conservation of our natural resources during Warren County Government Day. 7. Continue to conduct informational and educational programs to the schools, civic groups and submit conservation articles to the news media. CURRENT YEAR DEPARTMENT OUTCOMES 1. Organized and conducted the 6th Annual Warren County Ecology Field Day at WCMS. 2. Allocated all BMP (Best Management Practices) cost share funds received from the USDA and the State. 3. Conducted numerous educational programs in Hit local school systems and to civic and community groups within the county. 4. Participated in Career Day at the local Schools and Warren County Government Day. 5. Assisted with the RC&D Four Rivers project within the county. (i. Competed in anil assisted with the Area IV F.nvirnthon. 7. Assisted the conservation partnerships with implementation of USDA Farm Bill programs. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS/MEASURES FV 21)09-10 FY 2010-11 1. Attended civic mestings iu Btnphastee compliance of farm programs 2. Submitted articles for publication «i local news media 3. NCACS contracts developed 4. Clients Hint received assistance from Warren S\VCI> 6 <> 45 I (ton Kino 5. Monthly swcd lionnl meeting convened 10 10 6. NCACS Cunintcis spot-checked to assure eompltBnei 10 10 7. Acres enrolled in USDA programs CREI'< CHI', WIMP 75 50 8. USDA contract! spot checked S f> 3. Technical seminars attended bysiaff 5 5 TRENDS & ISSUES EFFECTING DEPARTMENT - FV 2010-11 1. State budget is not adopted until after July 1, 2010. State may not match full projection of locul budget needs for NCACS Technician especially due lo present state of the economy. 2. Financial assistance from State and Federal for cost share programs are, historically, decreasing annually. Gov. Perdue requesting 5-7% hndgi't reduction within Individual state departments; we may loose sonic or all cost share ninnies. 3. Major cash crops such as tobacco are decreasing and alternative farming initiatives will be required for agriculture to remain viable. 4. Environmental emphasis will shift from cropland to livestock concerns. 5. Changes in agricultural land-use to residential or commercial development will have an impact on the environment. FUNDING HISTORY FY 2008-09 ACTUAL 2009-10 ESTIMATE FY 2010-11 REOUESTED %(+)(- Expenditure Detail Salaries & Benefits Operating Expenses Capital Outlay 126,022.00 32,013.00 0.00 129,870.00 31,78100 131,908.00 33,832.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Revenue Sources State Federal Miscellaneous County Total STAFFING HISTORY FY 2008-09 ACTUAL FY 2009-10 ESTIMATED FY 2010-11 %(+)(-) REQUESTED +1.774% Expansion Sheets T WARREN COUNTY TECHNOLOGICAL REQUEST FORM FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 Technological Request .lustificiiliiin "A t f Condition Replacement SN# 0 HUDGFT LIST. ITEM IM'OUMATION: Account Number: — 5 Amount: oc Total Cost Requests): Sjf Will iIil; County receive any reimbursement (revenues) for requests)? ^6 amount.Revenue line iicm'-: Submitted by: V ; . If so. please identify Ihe source, the revenue line item, and the Revenue Amount: Date: .So/7 & Water Warren County Soil & Water Conservation District 820 Hwv 158 Bus. W.. Suite 102. Warrenton. NC 27589 ♦ Phone: 2S2-237-3836 Fax: 252-257-4499 DATE: March 1,2010 TO: Linda Worth, County Manager FROM: Larry West, SWCD Director SUBJECT: 2010-2011 Budget Requests There are three non-federal computer work stations located in our office. Historically all non-federal computer work stations have been allowed to function on the federal server with NRCS absorbing all affiliated costs. Due to national budget constraints NRCS is allowing one non-federal computer work station per local office to remain on the federal server at no cost. To accommodate our clients the Warren Soil & Water Conservation District is requesting a county internet/email connection to be installed on one computer in our office assigned to Administrative Assistant, Kaye Bales-Neal. In addition, we are requesting the suggested funding of $3200 or "computer seat fees" that will allow one non-federal computer work station assigned to Soil Technician, Gary Holtzmann, to remain on the federal (NRCS) server. Duties of the Soil Technician require him to use programs that are installed on the federal server. The third computer, used by the Director, Larry West, will remain on the federal server at no cost to the county. Duties of the Director require him to have daily access to the federal server to plan, design, implement and assist Warren County landowners with federal programs to remain eligible for funding from various local, state and federal agencies. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you. 04/22/2010 16:17 2036gedm PROJECTION: 2011 |WARREN COUNTY |NEXT YEAR BUDGET LEVELS REPORT |PG 66 |bgnyrpts 2011 BUDGET FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 GENERAL FUND REVISED BUD REVISED BUD REQUEST RECOMMEND ADOPTED ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 105100 HEALTH DEPARTMENT ____________________________________________ 105100 512000 SALARIES 1,759,522.00 1,747,299.00 1,697,736.00 1,629,210.00 .00 105100 512001 SAL P/T .00 43,300.00 43,300.00 43,300.00 .00 105100 512200 WRKMNS COM .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105100 517000 BRD MBR EX 3,600.00 3,220.00 2,221.00 2,221.00 .00 105100 518100 FICA 135,261.00 131,344.00 133,189.00 127,947.00 .00 105100 518200 RETIREMENT 84,658.00 82,342.00 109,844.00 105,410.00 .00 105100 518300 HOSPTLZATN 256,947.00 287,726.00 325,140.00 299,374.00 .00 105100 519108 ACCTNG SRV 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 .00 105100 519117 CONT/HIPAA .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105100 519202 LEG SERVS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105100 519207 OCCUP THER .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105100 519301 SCH HLTH .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105100 519302 CLIN FEES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105100 519303 CONT P T 128,700.00 125,700.00 125,700.00 125,700.00 .00 105100 519304 CONT NURS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105100 519305 SPCH THRPY .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105100 519306 CONT CHT 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 .00 105100 519307 PED/PHY FE 11,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 .00 105100 519308 PED/NUR PR .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105100 519309 FAM PL/MAT 36,000.00 33,000.00 33,000.00 33,000.00 .00 105100 519310 MED DIR FE 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 .00 04/22/2010 16:17 2036gedm PROJECTION: 2011 |WARREN COUNTY |NEXT YEAR BUDGET LEVELS REPORT |PG 67 |bgnyrpts 2011 BUDGET FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 GENERAL FUND REVISED BUD REVISED BUD REQUEST RECOMMEND ADOPTED ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 105100 519312 DRUG TEST 135.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105100 519400 CONT SRVS 68,759.00 57,470.00 48,700.00 48,700.00 .00 105100 519401 CONT SOC W 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 .00 105100 521000 CLEAN SUPP .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105100 523010 ED SUPP 9,001.00 8,894.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 .00 105100 523113 BIO-TER EX 29,226.00 55,487.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 .00 105100 523116 H1N1 EXP .00 66,000.00 .00 .00 .00 105100 523800 MED/STAFF .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105100 523802 PHAR SUPP 42,287.00 42,287.00 42,287.00 42,287.00 .00 105100 525001 GAS/VEH EX 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 .00 105100 525900 VEH TX/TGS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105100 526000 OFF SUPP 35,467.00 31,553.00 25,803.00 20,642.00 .00 105100 526100 NON CAP EQ 22,552.00 17,645.00 9,500.00 9,500.00 .00 105100 526105 FURNITURE 11,602.00 3,383.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 .00 105100 529905 NONBL OPEX 110,944.00 74,394.00 67,042.00 67,042.00 .00 105100 529906 BILLBL MED 110,000.00 110,000.00 110,000.00 110,000.00 .00 105100 531101 TRAV ADV .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105100 531102 TRAVEL EXP 41,587.00 29,800.00 28,000.00 22,400.00 .00 105100 532100 TELEPHONE 53,806.00 26,889.00 26,200.00 26,200.00 .00 105100 532102 INT/EMAIL .00 18,340.00 17,210.00 17,210.00 .00 105100 532109 TELE/CELL .00 7,023.00 7,973.00 7,973.00 .00 105100 532500 POSTAGE 16,027.00 18,664.00 18,364.00 18,364.00 .00 105100 533000 UTILITIES 40,000.00 38,000.00 38,000.00 38,000.00 .00 04/22/2010 16:17 2036gedm PROJECTION: 2011 |WARREN COUNTY |NEXT YEAR BUDGET LEVELS REPORT |PG 68 |bgnyrpts 2011 BUDGET FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 GENERAL FUND REVISED BUD REVISED BUD REQUEST RECOMMEND ADOPTED ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 105100 535100 MAINT 81,574.00 54,610.00 54,610.00 54,610.00 .00 105100 535105 PAINTING .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105100 539100 ADVERTISNG 34,900.00 21,540.00 20,040.00 20,040.00 .00 105100 539106 AD INCENT .00 13,949.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 .00 105100 539900 BK SRV CHG 55.00 55.00 67.00 67.00 .00 105100 543000 COPY CHARG 6,711.00 6,711.00 6,737.00 6,737.00 .00 105100 544000 OFF MCH CT .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105100 544001 EQUIP MT/C 5,920.00 6,040.00 6,040.00 6,040.00 .00 105100 545400 INS PREM 10,326.00 11,000.00 11,000.00 11,000.00 .00 105100 549100 DUE/SUB 5,880.00 8,606.00 7,891.00 7,891.00 .00 105100 549104 CERT FEES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105100 549500 CSH O/S EX .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105100 549901 MOVE EXP .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105100 554000 VEHICLE .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105100 555003 EQUIP/CAP .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105100 555012 CP&L HEAT .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105100 555032 CAP/BIO .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105100 575000 VEH/EQ PAY .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 3,202,947.00 3,245,771.00 3,123,094.00 3,008,365.00 .00 TOTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT SALARY PROJEiFY 2010-2011 AS OF 4/22/10 APPROVED HIRE DEPT LAST NAME 1ST NAME NSHEETS 1011 I POSI# V. CUR Grade DATE APPROVED FICA RETIRE HOSP 401K INC SALARY MED MENT INSUR SUP AMT ♦ INCR 7.6S exp 6.00 REQUEST SALARY REQ PERC + 1NCR Grade INCR RECLAS AMT 6.47 0 0 TOTAL 0 5100 BARTHOLOMEW SHARON J 2217 05/04/92 ACCT TEC IV 18 32.155 0.00% 0 32.155 2,460 2,080 6,224 42,919 5100 BASKERVILLE HILDA H 16 08/16/OS PUB HTH ED 18 27,638 0.00 vi 0 27.638 2,114 1.768 6,224 37,764 28 SALARY PROJE FV APPROVED 2010-2011 AS OF 4/22/10 HIRE DEPT LAST NAME 1ST NAME I SHEETS 1011 1 POSI0 % CUR OATE Grade REQUEST SALARY REQ PERC RECLAS + INCR Grade INCR AMT INC AMT APPROVED FICA RETIRE HOSP 401K SALARY MED MENT INSUR SUP + INCR 7.65 6.47 EXP S.OO TOTAL 5100 BOVD CAROLYN S 2210 02/01/07 OFFICASSITIII 11 21,648 0.00% D 1,401 6.224 30.929 5100 BRAME ALISON N 2220 04/22/02 SOC WKR 11 23 35,277 0.00% 0 35,277 2.699 2,282 6,224 46,482 5100 BROTHERS MARSHALL 3900 10% 11/02/92 LANDFILL MGR 30 6,105 0.00% o 6,105 467 395 622 7,589 5100 CAP PS SARA SCOTT 5100 CATON BARBARA 5100 COFFMAN CHERYL W 21,648 1,656 2215 O1/O2/07 PHNII 25 42,441 0.00% 0 42,441 3,247 2,746 6,224 £4,658 2225 09/01/09 MED LAB TECH II 19 31.924 B.0OK D 31,924 2,442 2,065 6.224 42,656 2610 03/30/92 PHN III 26 56.235 o.oir.., 0 55,235 4,302 3,638 6.224 70.399 1,859 5100 COPPEDGE JUDITH £ 2612 ,02/16/04 ACCT CLERK IV 13 24,303 0.00% 0 24,303 1.572 6,224 33,959 5100 CRAWFORD JESSICA F. 2212 10/11/04 ENV HLTH SUOV 1 27 44.000 0.00% 0 44,000 3,366 2,847 6,224 56,437 510Q DAVIS CINDY 220S 10/03/94 OFF ASSISTIV 13 26, BSE 0.00% 0 26.8B6 2.057 1,740 6,224 36,907 5100 DAVIS STACY 2200 02/01/08 PHNII 25 39,780 0.00% 0 39,780 3,043 2,574 6,224 51,621 5100 DICKERSON AMANDA 2233 08/1B/08 PHNM 25 38.893 0.00% 0 38.893 2.975 2,516 6,224 50.SQ9 5100 EDWARDS KELLY D 18 10/01/09 NUTRITIONISI 18 27,639 0.00% 0 27,639 2,114 1.7BB 6,224 37.766 5100 ENDECOTT HEATHER B 2221 05/16/08 PHNII 25 38,893 0.00% 0 38,893 2,975 2,516 6,224 50,608 5100 EVANS KAREN B 2211 01/20/04 COM HLTH ASST 12 20,624 0.00% 0 20.624 1,578 1,334 6,224 29,761 5100 FIELD BARBARA G 2201 05/19/97 PROC ASSIST 111 11 21.788 0.00 „ 0 21,788 1,667 1.410 6.22-1 31.088 5100 GRAY SUSAN A 2236 10/16/06 NUTRITIONIST II 21 33,722; 0.007, 0 33,722 2,580 2.182 6,224 44,708 09/19/94 PHNDIRI 30 61,622 0.00% 0 61,622 4,714 3,987 6,224 76.547 PHNII 25 41,000 0.00% 0 41,000 3,137 2.653 6,224 53.013 COM HLTH TECH 14 22.739 0.00% o 22.739 1,740 1,471 G,22d 32,174 43,745: 0.00% 0 43,745 3,346 2,830 6,224 56,145 5100 HALL KAYE 2209 5100 HAWKINS MELISSA 2207 09/16/08 5100 HAYES JEAN 2608 I0B/18/09 5100 HICKS MARYLAND 2613 OB/01/06 PHNII 25 5100 HIGHT PETER 2203 02/0 1/08 ENVIR HLTH SPEC 24 37,041 0.00% 0 37,041 2,834 2,397 6,224 48.496 5100 JOHNS LINDA 2E00 11/26/90 PHN SUPV II 29 57,599 0.00% 0 57,599 4,406 3,727 6,224 71,956, 5100 KEARNEY CHLESTINE 2605 06/23/03 OFFICE ASST III 11 19,643, 0.00% 0 19,643 1,503 1.271 6,224 28,641 2206 02/14/08 PHNII 25 41,820' 0.00% D 41.820 3,199 2.706 6,224 53,949 0 27,976 2.140 1,810 6,224 3B.150 s M 5100 MARKS MELISSA 5100 MARROW DEADRE 2218 05/01/92 PROC ASST IV 13 27,9761 0.00% 5100 MARROW MARY 2231 02/21/94 HLTH EOIII 26 40,838 0.00% 0 40.B3B 3.124 2.642 6,224 52.828 87 01/19/10 PHNII 25 38.893 0.00% 0 3B.B93 2,975 2,516 6,224 50,609 2219 10/11/04 PUB HLTH ED 1B 27,639 0.00% 0 27.639 2,114 1.7BB 6,224 37.766 2222 05/15/00 PHN SUPV 1 27 50,306 0.00% 0 50.306 3.B48 3,255 6,224 63.633 28,956 0.00% 2,215 1.873 6,224 39,269 1,529 1.291 6.224 29.030 28.664 5100 MCAUSLAN MARY 5100 MILLS LARISSA 5100 MILLS WENONA M T 510Q MOODY JEAN 2240 OB/01/08 LPNII 17 0 28,955 5100 OLIVERO-ACEVEDC NYDIA 2614 OB/11/03 OFF ASST III 11 19.9B4 0.00°. 0 19,984 5100 PERKIN5ON MARIA V 2204 01/16/07 PROC ASST 111 11 19,664 0.007. 0 19,664 1,504 1,272 6,224 T 2223 01/21/92 REHAB TECH 14 29,948 0.00% 0 29,948 2,291 1.933 6,224 40.401 ES 01/02/09 LANG INTERP. 14 22,739 0.00% 0 22,739 1.740 1,471 6,224 23\174, 2G03 OB/30/04 SOC WKR II 23 35.277 0 35,277 2,699 2,282 6,224 46,482 5100 PRINCE 5100 SALINAS DE BENEDICT HILDA KAREN 5100 SEAMAN ADRIENNE SALARY PROJE FY NSHEETS 10 11 1 (EOUEST APPROVED 2010-2011 AS OF 4/22/10 CUR HIRE % SALARY REQ PERC HECLAS + INCR Grade 1NCR AMT DEPT LAST NAME 1ST NAME 5100 SILVER LASH AWN DA 0 2205 08(01(06 COM HLTH ASST 12 20,624 5100 SMILEY SALLIE w 2227 03/02/94 COM SUP TECH 1 16 28.332 I posi» DATE Grade 0.00% APPROVED FICA RETIRE HOSP 401K ISC SALARY MED MENT INSUR SUP AMT + INCR 7.65 6.47 EXP 5.00 TOTAL 0 20,624 1,678 1,334 G.224 29.761 0 28.332 2.167 1,833 6.224 38,556 30 SALARY PROJE' 2010-2011 AS OF 4/22/10 FY CUR SALARY REQ PERC RECLAS ♦ [NCR Grade INCR AMT APPROVED FICA RETIRE HOSP 401K INC SALARY MED MENT INSUR SUP AMT + INCR 7.65 6.47 EXP 5.00 TOTAL 1 POSItf % GEORGE A 2226 05/09/05 HEALTH DIRECTOR 34 66,000 0.00% 0 66,000 5,049 4,270 6,224 81,543 KAREN L 2229 08/17/92 PRO ASST IV 13 27.159 0.00% □ 27,159 2.078 1,757 6.224 37,217 WANDA 2230 08/01/96 PROASSTIII 11 22.433 0.00% 0 22.433 1.716 1.451 6.224 31,824 2232 05/01/92 LPNII 17 36,404 0.00% 0 36,404 2,786 2,355 6,224 47,768 DEPT LAST NAME 1ST NAME 5100 SMITH 5100 SOLOMON 5100 .STEED REQUEST APPROVED HIRE 1 N SHEETS 1011 DATE Grade 5100 THARRINGTON LEE ANN 5100 VALENTIEN CHARLES T 15 01/19/10 ENV HEALTH SPEC 24 37,041 0.00% 0 37,041 2,834 2.397 6.224 48,495 5100 WATSON CRYSTAL Y 2216 10/01/09 PROCESSING ASSIST III 11 19,643 0.00% 0 19,643 1,503 1.271 6,224 28,641 5100 WELLS SUSAN H 2228 05/27/03 PHNSUPVI 27 50,306 0.00% 0 50,306 3,848 3,255 6,224 63,633 WILLIAMS ELIZABETH 2602 02/16/06 COM HLTH TECH 14 22,740 0.00% 0 22,740 1,740 1.471 6.224 32.174 5100 WILLIAMS JACQUELINE 2202 09/18/06 ADMIN ASST 11 (SPA) 19 29,022 0.00% 0 29,022 2.220 1.87S 6.224 39.344: 5100 WILSON SANDRA 2235 11/01/95 PROC ASSIST III 11 22,661 0.00% 0 22,661 1.734j 1,466 6,224 32,085 RALPH 2236 01/09/92 GEN UTILIT 11 13.000 0.00% 0 13,000 841 0 14,835 29.717 0.00% 0 29,717 2,273 1.923 0 33,913 35,277 0.00% 0 35,277 2,699 2.282 6,224 46,462 5100 I 5100 | YOUNG 5100 ON CALL PAY 5100 VACANT GOODWYN SOCIAL WORKER II 1 ■1 ■ 512001 5100 LYNCH SUBTOTAL SIO^^^^I 23 FAYE 62 1 45% 07/01/06 ■a PED1ATRIC NURSE PRACT N/A ■ ■■ ^^^^^Hi.SB2.459 43,300 994 ■ ■■ WM HH 0.00% ■1 Ml 0 43,300 3.312 0 0 299,374 1,705,759 0 0 1.705,759 130,490 107,562 33,249 0 0 33,249 2,644 2,151 0 0 ■1 46,612 0 2,243,185 512000 PH^^^P* LESS % FOR LAPSE SALARIES MANAGERS REQ 33.24S 37,944 SALARY LINE ITEMS LESS 2% _ Tottl PheaSBSSBB 1 ■ 1 1,629.210 43,300 31 - BUDGET FUNDING SUMMARY WARREN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA FY 2010-11 DEPARTMENT: HEALTH DIVISION: FUND/ACCTO: MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Warren County Health Department is to provide services to improve and protect the health of Warren County citizens. AUTHORITY/PURPOSE Local health director shall be the administrative head of local department, shall perform health duties prescribed by and under the supervision of the local board of health. UPCOMING YEAR DEPARTMENT OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES 1. Expand Family Planning Program to provide clinical services (5) days a week 2. Refine preparedness policies, procedures, and exercises to assure compliance with Federal and State requirements 3. Complete Community Health Assessment 4. WIC will institute the Loving Support Peer Counselor Program CURRENT YEAR DEPARTMENT OUTCOMES 1. Two RNs on staff are conducting additional Family Planning Clinics 2. Responded to citizens* onsite wastewater and well permits requests 3. Achieved 100% of state required inspections for food and lodging. 4. Health Check Program was discontinued 5. WIC maintained caseload as State WIC numbers decreased slightly 6. Compiled the State of the County Report PERFORMANCE INDICATORS/MEASURES FY 2008-09 1. Number of Health Department Services 12,000 2. Septic Permits Issued >150 FY 2009-10 1130 >125 3. Percent of Food and Lodging Inspections 100% 100% 4. Partnership Members 146 146 S TRENDS & ISSUES AFFECTING DEPARTMENT - FY 2010-11 1. More stringent State regulations or all programs 2. Decrease in Environmental health is due to current economic climate 3. Competition with Private industry for Home Health client base FUNDING HISTORY /g\ FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 ACTUAL ESTIMATED REQUESTED 2,048,643 799,089 2,118,587 2,271,795 813,885 %(+)(-) Expenditure Detail Salaries & Benefits Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Total 0 789,062 0 +7.23% +3.14% 0 2,847,732 2,907,649 3,085,680 +6.12% 602,445 314,233 1,019,625 16,417 565,706 201,000 •24.97% 876,299 -1031% 17,187 100,000 + 2.03% 341,936 754,024 261,713 977,020 16,845 175,000 553,076 723,047 1,325,488 +8332% 2,847,732 2,907,649 3,085,680 +6.12% Revenue Sources State Federal Other Revenue County MOE Health Reserve County Total •23.19% -42.85% STAFFING HISTORY FY 200849 ACTUAL ACCT CLERK IV COMM HLTH TECH COMP SUPPORT TECH 4 4 10 1 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 # 1 I 1 2 1 1 1 1 PHN SUPVI PROC ASSIST III PROC ASSIST IV PUB HLTH EDUCATOR I PUB HLTH EDUCATOR II PUB HLTH EDUCATOR III REHAB THERAPIST OFFICE ASSIST III OFFICE ASSIST IV SOCWKRH 1 0 2 PEDIATRIC NURSE PRAC. PT emp: 1 PHN SUPV II PHN DIRI 1 1 LPNII PHNII PHN III FY 2010-11 REQUESTED 1 ENV HLTH SUPVSR ENV HLTH SPEC HLTH DIRECTOR HLTH GEN UTWKR LANGUAGE INTERPRETER MED LAB TECH II NUTRITIONIST I NUTRITIONIST II ESTIMATED 1 ACCTTECHIV ADMIN ASST I ADMIN ASST II COMM HLTH ASST FY 2009-10 1 1 1 1 8 8 1 I 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 5 2 5 2 5 2 2 2 1 I 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 2 2 %(+K-) Expansion Sheets T o WARREN COUNTY TECHNOLOGICAL REQUEST FORM FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 Technological Request Replacemen! SN# Condition Justification CPU units See attached Over 3 yrs old Replacement of computers ever 3 yr old According to IT directors recommendations Laptop See attached Replacement of computers over 3 yr old Over 3 yrs uIil According to IT directors recommendations BUDGET LINK I I'luM INI-'OK.UATION: Account Number: 105100-526100 Amoimt: Total Cust RiMpjL'sl{s): iLsc identify the source, tlic revenue line item, nnc the Will the County rcctix'i: ;my reimbursement (revenues) for requests)? :uiiount. Revenue line ttcratf: Stihmiticd by: Revalue Amount: Date: f Karen Solomon Hilda Baskerville Crystal Watson Karen Prince Wanda Steed Nydia Olivero Andy Smith Maria Perkinson Allison Brame Adrienne Seaman •HH Laptop. 11 computers slated for replacement in 2010-201 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 Business compui Win Business compui Win Business compui Win Business compui Win HP Pavilion 061 Win HP Pavilion 061 Win HP Pavilion 061 Win Business compui Win Business compui Win Business compui Win XP XP XP XP XP XP XP XP XP XP 2006 Toshiba Protege Win XP f 2.8 gigahertz Intel Pentium 4 2.8 gigahertz Intel Pentium 4 2.8 gigahertz Intel Pentium 4 2.8 gigahertz Intel Pentium 4 2.07 gig AMD Athlon XP 2.07 gig AMD Athlon XP 2.07 gig AMD Athlon XP 2.8 gigahertz Intel Pentium 4 2.8 gigahertz Intel Pentium 4 2.8 gigahertz Intel Pentium 4 1.67 gig Intel Core Duo HL-DT-ST CD RW GCE-8527B HL-DT-ST CD RW GCE-8527B HL-DT-ST CD RW GCE-8527B HL-DT-ST DVD RW GCA ASUS CD s480/AH CD ROM ASUS CD S480/AH CD ROM ASUS CD s480/AH CD ROM HL-DT-ST CD RW CCE-8527B HL-DT-ST CD RW GCE-8527B HL-DT-ST CD RW GCE-8527B Matshita UJD DVD/CDRW Page 1 of2 QUOTATION QUOTE #: Customer #: Contract #: CustomerAgreement #: Quote Date: Customer Name: Date: 1/11/10 6:12:52 PM TOTAL QUOTE AMOUNT: $799.56 Product Subtotal: $742.02 Tax: $57.54 Shipping & Handling: $0.00 Shipping Method: Ground GROUP: 1 524125794 34226108 9914192 204A, ITS-002360 1/11/10 WARREN COUNTY Total Number of System Groups: SYSTEM PRICE: $742.021 QUANTITY: 1 GROUP TOTAL: $742.02 Base Unit OptlPlex 780 Small Form Factor Bass Standard PSU (224-6076) Processor. OptlPtOX 780, Core 2 Duo E7500 With VT/2.93QHz,3M,106SFSB (317-2466) Memory: 2GB.Non-ECC,1066MHz DDR3.2X10B.Doll OptlPlex 780 (317-2595) Keyboard: Delt QuIetKoy Keyboard, No Hot Keys, No Palmrest. English, OptlPlox (330-1989) Monitor No Monitor Selected, OptlPlex (320-3704) Video Card: Integrated Vldeo.GMA 4500,DollOptiPlex 760 and 960 (320-7407) 1 Hard Drive: 160OB SATA 3.0GWS and BMB Data Bunt Cache.Detl OptlPlox 780 (341-9792) Floppy Disk Drlvo: No Media Card Reader.FIIIor Panei,Doll OptlPlex 780 Small Form Factor (341-9768) Operating System: Windows 7 Professional Downgrade to XP Professional SP3. Media. Optlplex, English (421-2350) Operating System: Windows 7 Downgrado RLOB (421-1993) Mouse: Doll USB 2 Button Optical Mouse wHh Scroll.Black OptlPlox (330-2733) NIC: Intel Standard Manageability, Hardware Enabled Systems Management, Dell OptlPlex 780 (330S89S) TBU: No RAID, Doll OptlPlox 960 (341-8036) CD-ROM or DVD-ROM Drive: Cyberllnk Power DVD 8.3,wUh Media, Doll Relationship LOB (421-0636) CD-ROM or DVD-ROM Drive: 8X DVD-ROM.OptlPlex 780 Small Form Factor (3134692) Sound Card: Heat Sink. Mainstream, Dell Optlplex Small Form Factor (311-9520) Speakers: Internal Chassis Speaker Optlon.Dell OptiPlox Small Form Factor (313-3352) Cable: OptlPlex 780 Small Form Faetor Standard Powor Supply (330-5902) Cabto: Doll Control Point lor OpIIPlox 780 (420-3276) Cabto: Enable Low Power Mode (or EUP Comptlanco.Dell OpllPlex (330-7422) Documentation Diskette: Oocumentallon.Ennllsh.Doll OptlPlex (330-1710) Documentation Diskette: Power Cord.125V.2M,C13,Oelt OptlPlex (330-1711) Factory Installed Software: Dell Energy Smart Power Management Settings Enabled Optiplex (330-4817) Foaturo No Resource DVD tor Celt Optlplex, Latlludo, Precision (313-3673) Sorvlce: Basic Support: Next Buslnoss Day Parts and Labor Onslto Rosponse 2 Year Extendod (905-3282) Sorvlce: Basic Support: Next Business Day Parts and Labor Onslto Response Initial Year (9064830) Cell Hardware Limited Warranty Plus Onsllo Sorvlco Extonded Yoar(8) (905-4578) Doll Hardware Limited Warranty Plus Onslto Service Initial Year (905-3157) Standard On-Slto Installation Declined (900-9987) file://C:\Documenis and Settings\sallies\Local SettingsYTemporary Internet Files\Content.... I /20/2010 rage zuu Mo Qulcfc Rotoronco Guldo.Dol) OptlPlox (310-9444) ,__ Shipping Material tor System Cypher Smill Form Factor.Dail OptlPlax (330-2193) SALES REP: Email Address: Clifton Poff PHONE: Phone Ext: 1.512.725.0294 7250294 Please review this quote carefully. If complete and accurate, you may place your order online at (use quote number above). POs and payments should be made to Dell Marketing LP. If you do not have a separate agreement with Dell that applies to your order, please refer to as follows: If purchasing for your internal use, your order will be subject to Dell's Terms and Conditions of WSZct Including Dell's U.S. Return Policy, at www ^2^^^"!%™%* for resale, and Condition l your order d will ill be be subject subject to to Dell's Dell's Terms T JE*lt Purchasing to Resell, and other terms of Dell's PartnerDlrect program at www,.—-r--. If your order Includes services, visit ™^ for service descriptions and terms. Quote Information Is valid for U.S. customers and U.S. addresses only, and Is subject to change. Sales ta!onoroducts shipped is based on "Ship To" address, and for downloads is based on W?5SSnwU Indicate any tax-exempt status on your PO, and fax your exemption certificate, with seller listed as Dell Marketing L.P, to Dell's Tax Department at 800-433-9023. Please include your Customer Number. For certain products shipped to end-users in California, a State Environmental Fee will be applied. For Asset Recovery/Recycling Services, visit fi!e://C:\Documents and Settings\sallies\Local SettingsNTemporary Internet FilesNContent.... 1/20/2010 Page 1 of 1 Portege M780-S7210 Laptops PPM79U-005001 | Toshiba Honw I My Account I My Oidin | Cet * Quote TOSHIBA " TV, „._ »op online at ToshlbaDireet.ecai Window*. life withoutWatts". ToshIM reeoffimondi Window 7. Leading Innovation >» w can m-jit-ono for shopping aimuncs laptops accessories ««* On (SO 001 Search special offers Portege M780S7210 Intel* Core"* I3-U0M Processor Genuine Windows* 7 Professional (J2-M0 with Genuine Windows* XP Profeisienal Recovery Media 2CB DOR] memory I60C8 hard drive Intel* Integrated Craphlct B02.I In wireless 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet fingerprint reader O service plans customer support Lift Price Toshiba Recommends: rn ToihiMCipnuPon ft*Bfii«trn r-t roihlw Sllco (JWlKa 4<«!1 U-ttn nToihlu Hn-I Ttwii PC ituht' Panfelio Total Price: $1,279.00 fRIt tHtPPINCI Part Number: PPM79U-00S001 l« l>t» flm lo writ* «rtvttw Qiieilloni? Call ul u 1OO-3IG«9IO product tour » Uluilrr ihlpi tMihln *-i wttkj more images » Tag* si.o«e- •i.wo. t«m te. fw»»t. «-eiu. i r • ir . Uptap Ftaturet Cmtomtr Reviews : Imagei Spec! 3 Detailed Product Specification* PDF Available Acceitarhi Portege M780-S7210 Laptop Intel® Core1" 13 processor The new 2010 Intel* Core1"!) mobHe procetiot fci laptop* li tlie first level of InieTi new piocenor family, deltnrlng the perfoimance you need for smart mulllmklng and extended battery life. Genuine Wlndowsv 7 Professional with Recovery Media for Genuine Windows® XP Professional Windows7 With Windows* 7 Professional, fewer wills stand between you and your success. You'll be able io recover your data easily with automatic back-ups to your home or business network. DDR3 Memory 12.1" Wldescreen Display tnjoy even laster ptrfacmante with ipetdy DOR] memgry on this model. This newer technology lets your laptop's memory run at I OSSMHi, compared to BOOMHi wllh standard OOX2 memory. With a 12* screen standard, you can hit lh« road wiih cither colors and more stunning vltval clarity—olus the room you need to handle those buslnest 8O2.11n WI-FI® USB Sleep-and-Charge Make tveryoilfeless honeot your pmontJ oails with If a smart phone. MP1 player or other portable electronics are pan of your life, tnenyou'teui luck! This laptop comes with IIS) Sleep-andCharge ports lo power-up your gadgets, even when the machine is asleep. Shock-Absorbing Design PC Health Monitor Thli model features Proieti and fl«—pan of our new 4uVGen EaivCutrd* Teehnelogy—with hard drive Much like the dashboard of a car. PC Hcallh Moaltot gives you an easy-to-rtad graphical overview of things like laptop temperature, fan speed and the condition of tour battery. It's like having an onboard IT npen. making sure you always have plenty of horsepower to fast, built la BOMInwIrelMS. piOKCtlon designed lo help proiecl your laptop and (a dna In the case of a fall. doeumEntt—all In a chin and light form factor. stay ahead—and out of trouble. EPEAT Gold" Rating This laptop «»as awarded elite EPfAT Cold" status, the highest rating In environmental standard! for laptops by EPEAT. Cany this eco-«onsclous machine and you'll bo doing * world of good. GOLD SlanuafwCriMill | About Ui I CanuaUt I lip!Of».<o»hiba com | TathlbtUSA | ficy«vPolicy I TtmtofUu | Term ol t«k I StiuravSuttmtnt | SileMip Mllline Program I Mtytlt t Tradt-ln Programs I laptop Computers I Upup Uodels I Tabtn PCs I Toihba Canutes I Uptop Memory I AC Adapurt M reedback Copyright «JOIO httD:// 3/2/2010 04/22/2010 16:17 2036gedm PROJECTION: 2011 |WARREN COUNTY |NEXT YEAR BUDGET LEVELS REPORT |PG 69 |bgnyrpts 2011 BUDGET FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 GENERAL FUND REVISED BUD REVISED BUD REQUEST RECOMMEND ADOPTED ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 105200 AREA MENTAL HEALTH ____________________________________________ 105200 519111 CNSLTNG SR .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105200 529901 OPRTG EXP 53,146.00 52,146.00 52,146.00 52,146.00 .00 105200 533000 UTILITIES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105200 569100 5 CTS BOTT 7,415.00 7,169.00 7,169.00 7,169.00 .00 105200 569101 AD 5 CENTS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105200 569102 7 CENT BOT .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 60,561.00 59,315.00 59,315.00 59,315.00 .00 TOTAL AREA MENTAL HEALTH Five County Mental Health Authority Valeric Hcnnikc, Area Director ^J-C P~^^ Danny Wright, Area Board Chair April 5,2010 Ms Linda Worth Warren County Manager PO Box 619 Warrcnton, N. C. 27589 Dear Ms. Worth, The Five County Mental Health Authority requests for FY 2010/11 a county appropriation of $52,146 County General Fund and estimated $7,169 ABC funds. The Area Board approved this request at their March 2010 meeting. We greatly appreciate the past funding from your county and request your consideration of the funds noted above. If you have questions please let me know. Respectfully, Valcric Hennike Area Director i* 9 ri - 8 ZOW coif f WARREN COUNTY MANAGER'S OFFICE 134 S. Gamut Street Henderson, N.C. 27S36 (252) 430-1330 04/22/2010 16:17 2036gedm PROJECTION: 2011 |WARREN COUNTY |NEXT YEAR BUDGET LEVELS REPORT |PG 70 |bgnyrpts 2011 BUDGET FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 GENERAL FUND REVISED BUD REVISED BUD REQUEST RECOMMEND ADOPTED ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 105202 JUVENILE CRIME PREVENTION COUN ____________________________________________ 105202 519400 CONT SRVS 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 2,133.00 .00 105202 526000 OFF SUPP 200.00 250.00 200.00 533.00 .00 105202 526300 SUPP/MATER .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105202 526400 FOOD & PRO 2,897.00 2,040.00 1,300.00 2,373.00 .00 105202 529901 OPRTG EXP .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105202 531101 TRAV ADV .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105202 531102 TRAVEL EXP 2,012.00 2,427.00 1,742.00 1,875.00 .00 105202 534000 PRINTING .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105202 539100 ADVERTISNG 200.00 100.00 200.00 433.00 .00 105202 549900 MISC .00 1,720.00 2,305.00 4,086.00 .00 105202 560027 ALLI YOUTH .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL JUVENILE CRIME PREVENT 7,109.00 8,337.00 7,547.00 11,433.00 .00 04/22/2010 16:17 2036gedm PROJECTION: 2011 |WARREN COUNTY |NEXT YEAR BUDGET LEVELS REPORT |PG 71 |bgnyrpts 2011 BUDGET FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 GENERAL FUND REVISED BUD REVISED BUD REQUEST RECOMMEND ADOPTED ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 105203 NORTH CENT. ALLIANCE FOR YOUTH ____________________________________________ 105203 519400 CONT SRVS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105203 519406 DJJDP FUND 15,180.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105203 519407 LOCAL FDS 1,518.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105203 563001 PROG EXPND .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL NORTH CENT. ALLIANCE F 16,698.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 04/22/2010 16:17 2036gedm PROJECTION: 2011 |WARREN COUNTY |NEXT YEAR BUDGET LEVELS REPORT |PG 72 |bgnyrpts 2011 BUDGET FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 GENERAL FUND REVISED BUD REVISED BUD REQUEST RECOMMEND ADOPTED ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 105204 TRI-COUNTY CONFLICT MGMNT ____________________________________________ 105204 519407 LOCAL FDS .00 .00 .00 456.00 .00 105204 563001 PROG EXPND 5,370.00 5,280.00 5,280.00 4,560.00 .00 TOTAL TRI-COUNTY CONFLICT MG 5,370.00 5,280.00 5,280.00 5,016.00 .00 04/22/2010 16:17 2036gedm PROJECTION: 2011 |WARREN COUNTY |NEXT YEAR BUDGET LEVELS REPORT |PG 73 |bgnyrpts 2011 BUDGET FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 GENERAL FUND REVISED BUD REVISED BUD REQUEST RECOMMEND ADOPTED ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 105205 COURT PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING ____________________________________________ 105205 519311 PSYCHO TST 488.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL COURT PSYCHOLOGICAL TE 488.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 04/22/2010 16:17 2036gedm PROJECTION: 2011 |WARREN COUNTY |NEXT YEAR BUDGET LEVELS REPORT |PG 74 |bgnyrpts 2011 BUDGET FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 GENERAL FUND REVISED BUD REVISED BUD REQUEST RECOMMEND ADOPTED ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 105206 DJJDP EMERGENCY SHELTER CARE ____________________________________________ 105206 519406 DJJDP FUND .00 13,985.00 13,985.00 13,286.00 .00 105206 519407 LOCAL FDS .00 1,399.00 1,399.00 1,328.00 .00 105206 563001 PROG EXPND .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL DJJDP EMERGENCY SHELTE .00 15,384.00 15,384.00 14,614.00 .00 04/22/2010 16:17 2036gedm PROJECTION: 2011 |WARREN COUNTY |NEXT YEAR BUDGET LEVELS REPORT |PG 75 |bgnyrpts 2011 BUDGET FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 GENERAL FUND REVISED BUD REVISED BUD REQUEST RECOMMEND ADOPTED ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 105300 DSS ADMINISTRATION ____________________________________________ 105300 512000 SALARIES 2,183,855.00 2,142,999.00 2,170,902.00 2,126,533.00 .00 105300 512001 SAL P/T .00 25,918.00 25,918.00 25,918.00 .00 105300 517000 BRD MBR EX 1,900.00 2,016.00 2,437.00 2,437.00 .00 105300 518100 FICA 167,058.00 165,922.00 168,056.00 164,663.00 .00 105300 518200 RETIREMENT 104,926.00 105,209.00 140,459.00 137,587.00 .00 105300 518300 HOSPTLZATN 325,269.00 375,040.00 423,808.00 398,336.00 .00 105300 518400 401K .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105300 519117 CONT/HIPAA .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105300 519202 LEG SERVS 20,000.00 20,000.00 22,000.00 22,000.00 .00 105300 519312 DRUG TEST .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105300 519904 FS MAIL IS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105300 523106 WK FST CON 44,000.00 40,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 .00 105300 523114 WF ASSESSM 4,200.00 1,800.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 .00 105300 525001 GAS/VEH EX 25,000.00 28,993.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 .00 105300 525900 VEH TX/TGS 709.00 709.00 .00 .00 .00 105300 526000 OFF SUPP 22,200.00 22,000.00 22,000.00 17,600.00 .00 105300 526100 NON CAP EQ 20,352.60 25,304.00 5,630.00 5,630.00 .00 105300 529000 CMPTR SFTW 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 .00 105300 531101 TRAV ADV .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105300 531102 TRAVEL EXP 25,478.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 20,000.00 .00 105300 532100 TELEPHONE 38,500.00 32,600.00 32,000.00 32,000.00 .00