Lansing Columbian April 2016
Lansing Columbian April 2016
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS In Service To One – In Service To All Richard Council #788 LANSING COLUMBIAN April 2016 - Volume 1007 #10 Monthly Available at: My Brother Knights and Families, Vivat Jesus !! Looks like warmer weather is on the way and there are a lot of things that have been going on at your council and more are coming up as we head into the final months of the fiscal year for council #788. I want to start off this month by thanking some individuals that have done an outstanding job the past few months on some important projects for the council. First, I want to thank our Membership Director, Jay Corey, for putting on a very successful Membership Drive the last weekend of February. Jay and his crew of volunteers attended all the masses and were able to recruit interest cards from over twenty parishioners of St. Gerard. Four of them wanted transfers into our council, and sixteen of them expressed an interest in joining the Knights of Columbus. Some have already filled out a form 100’s and Jay is contacting the rest and hopefully they too will become members of our council. We were also able to solicit three ladies who wanted to join the Ladies Auxiliary of our council. Secondly, I want to thank our Tootsie Roll Chairmen, Jay Corey and Mike Brandell for heading up this program this year. We have run the first leg of the Tootsie Roll Program with our collection the weekend of Palm Sunday at St. Gerard collecting over $2,735.66 for our charities. A thank you to John and Sherrie Drzik for scheduling members after each mass for this portion of the Tootsie Roll drive. The second leg of the Tootsie Roll Drive will take place on Columbus Day Weekend which is October 7th, 8th, and 9th at many of our regular store locations and hopefully some new ones. We have divided the drive up this year in the hopes of being outside in warmer weather which we are hoping will bring out more members, as well as shoppers which will up our collections for our charities. Mike and Jay will be contacting the Captains of the various locations in the very near future, and you the members, to help on this second leg drive. Thirdly, I want to thank Mike and Dena Arens for doing the Monday night Build A Burger night which has been very successful. We are averaging 35 to 45 burgers every Monday night, and this coupled with the Euchre program started up by Bill Shaner has proven to be a hit. This program will end at the end of March for both the burgers and euchre, but I know it will happen again next year and things are being planned for this summer already. We have many events that are being scheduled for the upcoming months including a Steak Fry on Friday, April 1st, and our last St. Gerard Breakfast on Sunday April 10th, until September. Our Ladies Auxiliary is putting on their annual Spring Fling Party on Sunday, April 17th which is much like our Don Quixote party, and many more events are being scheduled for the coming months. I want to remind everyone that it is election time again for your officers for the fraternal year of 2016 – 2017, so if you or someone you know would like to be a council officer I would like to hear from you. Members are needed to become officers and I would like anyone to call me to discuss this further. Leadership comes from within so please consider becoming an officer of Council #788. I hope everyone had a Happy Easter and I look forward to seeing you at Council #788. Remember, it is not too late to ask someone to become a member, so I hope you will please consider that these last couple of months. Ken Morrison Our Coming Events April 1st April 5th April 10th Steak Fry 5 – 7 pm Council Officers Meeting 7:00 pm St. Gerard Breakfast After the 7:30, 9:00, & 11:00 am Masses Last One Til Fall Casino Bus Trip To Firekeepers Casino - 11:30 am Bus Leaves Club Council Meeting 7:00 pm Respect Life Dinner 6:00 pm In Livonia Ladies Auxiliary Spring Fling (Similar To Don Quixote Party) First Degree At Council Hall 1:00 pm Dinner & K of C Insurance Information Night – 6 – 9 pm FREE (rsvp) April 10th April 12th April 14th April 17th April 24th April 26th Habitat For Humanity Always Needs Your Help Habitat For Humanity needs your help to build a better tomorrow in the Lansing, East Lansing, Haslett, and Okemos areas. This is done through the ReStore which has two area locations. One is at 1605 Haslett Road, Haslett, MI 48840. (517) 999-0488. The other location is at 1941 Benjamin Dr., Lansing, Michigan 48906. (517) 374-6235. Their hours vary from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm depending on which store you choose, and they are all closed Sunday & Monday. For a quick response, you can call (517) 575-8152 for the pickup hotline. At the ReStore you can Shop, Donate, or Volunteer to help. Everything is always needed and you can call them on the hotline number, the stores individual numbers, or access them on line at: Help them help those less fortunate and please tell all your friends about them. Sickness & Distress Prayers and recovery intentions continue to be needed for Brothers PGK Tom Getzmeyer, Dick Thelen, Ginger Book, PGK Al Boucher, Richard Nickoff, Jack Pratt, Janet Luedtke mother of PGK Dave Luedtke, Joe Kobus, Chris Fox, Nicholas D’Anna, Joseph Drumm, Alan Drake, Louis Powell, Patricia Humpsch, Danny Thomas, Louis Powell, Katie Kussmaul and Ann Killian. If you know of someone that is ill and recovering, or has passed away, please contact our Grand Knight, Ken Morrison, at or at 517-974-4047. You can reach our Financial Secretary, Michael Brandell at 517-402-1605 or via email at: GRASS IS GREENER WINNERS February 26th $150.00 Dick Heil $50.00 Dick Heil $25.00 Dave Schertzing March 18th $150.00 Heather Martin $50.00 Heather Martin $25.00 Jackie Shank March 4th $150.00 Patrick Pohl $50.00 R. Jay Kussmaul $25.00 Scott Cole March 25th $150.00 Jay Corey $50.00 Mary Pawloski $25.00 Debra Tallis March 11th $150.00 Arnie Rios $50.00 Mike Brandell $25.00 Lyle Adams From The Corporation President PGK Mike Schaefer As of April 1st things start slowing down a little for the LCA but activities are on-going both for the LCA and the council. I want to thank of Fish Fry Chairman Mike Arens for a job well done during the Lenten season. We pushed more people through this year compared to last year and this was a big success for us. I also want to thank our great Fish Fry Crew that come in early every Friday to begin to prepare the meal and then cook and serve the many patrons that we had each week. It sometimes is an overwhelming job when a rush comes in, but this great crew steps up and everything runs smoothly and no one goes home hungry at one of our Fish Frys. Our Grass Is Greener Raffle is still alive and winners are pulled every Friday night at 7:00 pm. If you do not have your ticket yet, they are still available for the final five drawings left in April. They are only $20.00 each and you have several chances to win each week. I am also asking for your support for the council in their Steak Fry being served on Friday, April 1st from 5-7 pm. Everyone is invited so bring your families and friends down to the club for this $12.00 New York Strip Steak dinner with real mashed potatoes, vegetable medley, caesar salad, rolls, and coffee. As it is with most homes, everyone eventually runs out of space to store things and we here at Columbus Hall have been out of space for some time. To correct this, we are going to be putting up a Storage Shed which will be a unit that is 12x20x10 with an overhang to accommodate some tables for relaxing in the evening. We will be constructing this ourselves with donations of lumber coming from MPC. This will keep our costs down and that is where you come in. We are asking for a $100.00 donation payable to the Lansing Columbian Association to fund this project. It is anticipated that we will need a total of $2,000 for some materials that we are going to need which includes a cement floor. All those who donate will have their names inscribed on a plaque on the wall of the unit. I am asking that you consider making a donation to help defray the costs that we have to spend and I thank you in advance for your support. I hope everyone had a very Happy Easter and I hope to see more of you at the club more often taking advantage of everything that we have to offer the members. Proposed Storage Shed From Your Editor BARTENDERS NEEDED For Many Shifts No Experience Necessary Men or Women Contact John Drzik - 881-2391 Meet People, Swap Stories, Have Some Fun !! Jay G. Corey THE 15TH OF THE PRECEEDING MONTH is still the deadline for submitting material for consideration into each newsletter. This allows us to get the newsletter to the printer quicker, and out to you sooner. Anything that you may have for the newsletter, in the way of articles or corrections, can be sent to me directly at You may also contact me at my home number of 393-1096 or by cell at 974-6501. If you would like to view the newsletter in color rather than the black & white copy by regular mail, please make sure you are on our e-mail mail list as indicated above, or you may go to our website at: STORAGE SHED DONATION Name: _________________________ Address: _____________________________________________ Phone: _________________________ Donation Amount: $100.00 Burger Nights & Euchre Nights End Chairmen Mike & Dena Arens are hanging up their aprons temporally for the Monday Night Burger Nights as warmer weather is on the rise and people will be doing more things outside as the summer gets closer. The burger nights went very well and we hear that they will again be starting up in the fall sometime. There are things in the works for other activities so stay tuned for updates on what might be happening weekly in the very near future. Also, Chairman Bill Shaner is very pleased with the showing for the Euchre nights that were held in conjunction with the burger nights on Mondays. Many people showed up to play euchre every Monday at 6:30 pm and everyone had a good time. Bill says euchre will be revived in the fall time so again stay tuned for more information on this and other events coming to Columbus Hall. Grass Is Greener Raffle Tickets Still On Sale !!!! The Grass Is Greener raffle tickets are on sale now at the club even though there are only 5 drawings left as of this writing. Posted in this newsletter and past newsletters are the winners for February and March and we still have April to go. This raffle is raise money for the LCA and its on-going projects around the club. There are weekly drawings every Friday evening at 7:00 pm for a first prize of $150.00, second prize of $50.00, and a third prize of $25.00. After each prize drawing, your ticket goes back into the drawing bin for a chance at each additional prize that evening, and each week. If you were extremely lucky, it is possible that you could win $225.00 on any given Friday evening if your name was pulled out three times. Tickets are only $20.00 each and only 500 tickets will be sold. Get yours now for better odds than the lottery and win some cash !!!! Your Delinquent Dues Are Due !!!!! Financial Secretary Mike Brandell advises that there are still approximately 78 members which have NOT paid their dues and are therefore in arrears and face the possibility of being suspended from our council. As stated in the past, we do not want to lose any current member and encourage those of you who have not paid your dues to please do so, in order that you can continue to be a part of the Knights of Columbus and Council #788 enjoying all of its rights and privileges. Your dues are only $45.00 to retain your membership, and if you choose to do so, other contributions for some of our other activities can be added by you to your dues amount. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Financial Secretary Mike Brandell at 517-402-1605. Please do not let your membership lapse by getting your dues into us today. Thank you. Tootsie Roll Drive A Big Success At St. Gerard Our annual Tootsie Roll Drive for People with Intellectual Disabilities was held on Palm Sunday weekend March 19th and 20th at St. Gerard after all the masses and was a great success. Chairmen Jay Corey & Mike Brandell report that a total of $2,735.66 was collected for our local charities. Jay and Mike want to thank everyone that helped out with the collections after the masses, and especially John & Sherrie Drzik for organizing the individual mass crews to help out. The second leg of our annual Tootsie Roll Drive involving the different stores that we collect from each year will be held on Columbus Day weekend in October. Again we will be collecting donations and further information will be coming forth as that weekend approaches. Please schedule that weekend on your calendar to help with this important collection for people with Intellectual Disabilities. April 10th EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Ed Wawiernia – Captain Mike Wegener Walt Ozanich Jim Bleicher John Burns Ralph Stamford Dan Beachnau Pat DeWitt Rick Smith Dave Luedtke Mark DeWitt Jay Corey Propose A New Member Today !! Contact Membership Director Jay Corey (517) 974-6501 Help Us Meet Our Quota This Year Blue Mass A Great Success In conjunction with the Knights of Columbus, St. Gerard again recognized the members of our community who are the first responders to many events that happen in the Lansing area. Police officers, fire fighters, paramedics, and many more were present at the 9:00 am mass on March 13th and then treated to a free breakfast put on by Council #788. Our congratulations to all of these fine men and women who risk their lives for others on a daily basis. Taco Tuesdays Coming To #788 !!!!! Something new is in the air again at Columbus Hall and it’s starting to smell like tacos are being prepared as an invitation to come down to the club every Tuesday night from 4pm to 7pm and have a Taco Dinner. Plans are being developed at this time to see how And what will be offered along with a price. Like the burger nights, it is hoped that Members will come down and support the work being put into these dinners that all can Enjoy for a reasonable price. This event will start up in May, but we are giving you a heads up on what is being planned so you can begin to schedule this on your calendar. Insurance Information Night and Dinner Scheduled At The Hall Grand Knight Ken Morrison and Knights of Columbus Insurance Field Agent Mike DuMont are putting together an Information Night complete with a FREE dinner to let everyone know what the Knights of Columbus Insurance program has to offer, and give you a chance to learn what is available within the insurance program through the Knights of Columbus. Many things have changed over the years and new programs are now available that may not have been available just a few years ago. Field agent Mike plans to discuss topics of Life & Estate Planning, Annuities, Long Term Care, Family Protection, Disability Income, Maximizing IRA Monies, and much more. This is a FREE event to attend and hopefully questions that you have may be answered and you may find that there is a need that you might have that the Knights of Columbus insurance programs can aid you in. The evening begins at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, April 26th, with a social and dinner hour, followed by the informational night program at 7:00 pm by Field Agent Mike DuMont. Mike has been with the Knights of Columbus for 22 years and will present information on insurance needs and answer any questions you may have. For planning purposes of space and food, we would appreciate an RSVP by April 20th. You may RSVP to Deputy Grand Knight Jay Corey at 517-974-6501. Please take advantage of this FREE information night that may save you headaches in the future. Officer Positions Shifting With the departure of our Deputy Grand Knight a few months ago, many of our Past Grand Knights have stepped up to help our Grand Knight Ken Morrison with meetings and other activities that the Deputy Grand Knight would normally assume. At this point, Grand Knight Ken Morrison is appointing our Recorder, Jay G. Corey, to the position of Deputy Grand Knight, and member Paul Rojeski has stepped forward and is being appointed by our Grand Knight to the position of Recorder. Both Jay and Paul will run for these positions for the fraternal year of 2016 – 2017 when officer nominations are made in May. Grand Knight Ken Morrison thanks all the PGK’s who stepped in to help him in this transition period and to Jay and Paul for stepping up to assume these offices. First nominations for officers for the fraternal year of 2016 – 2017 will be held in May, so if you would like to be an officer, please let our Grand Knight know of your interest. There are positions that will be open, and your council needs members to step up and become officers of your council. Council Golf Outing In Planning Stages The Annual Council Golf Outing which supports our St. Gerard Youth Group and other designated charities is in the planning stages. Chairmen Jay Corey and Don Schmitz have announced the date of Saturday, June 11th as the golf date, and it will be held at Royal Scot again this year. Stay tuned for more information on this annual outing, but RESERVE THE DATE for this worthwhile charity event. Richard Council 788 Honor Roll State Officials State Deputy Supreme Director State Advocate Past State Deputy State Community Activities Director State Web Technologies Director Robert W. Fox Thomas M. Wegener, PSD William H. Chassé PGK Richard F. McCloy, Sr. PSD Michael H. Wegener, PGK Dane M. Jurković PGK RICHARD COUNCIL #788 OFFICERS Officers Meeting First Tuesday Of The Month @ 7:00 pm Business Meeting Second Tuesday Of The Month @ 7:00 pm LANSING COLUMBIAN ASSOCIATION Meets Third Wednesday Of Every Month @ 7:00 pm Grand Knight Kenneth E. Morrison 517-719-4047 President PGK Mike Schaefer 517-242-4961 Chaplain Rev. John P. Klein 517-323-2379 V. President Brian Peacock, PGK 517-214-9730 Dep. Grand Knight Jay G. Corey 517-974-6501 Secretary Rich Rybicki 517-663-1854 Chancellor Recorder Tom Kalchik 517-256-7968 Treasurer PGK Paul Kelsey 517-622-0365 Paul Rojeski 517-885-5477 Director Frank Cherniawski 517-323-2063 Financial Secretary Mike Brandell 517-402-1605 Director Dave Schertzing 517-204-4959 Treasurer Advocate John Book 313-247-6762 Director Rick McCloy, Jr. PGK 517-643-7980 Ron Cook 517-282-9035 Dir. G K Ken Morrison 517-719-4047 Warden Dave Barker 517-321-7045 Dir. D G K Richard F. McCloy PGK 517-321-2763 Inside Guard Ray Drouin 517-372-4266 Dir. Council Mike Arens 517-230-6531 Outside Guard Mike Arens 517-230-6531 Dir. Council Ron Cook 517-282-9035 1 Year Trustee PGK Richard F. McCloy 517-321-2763 2 Year Trustee Frank Brandell 517-323-2863 3 Year Trustee PGK Ed Wawiernia 517-622-5071 LADIES AUXILIARY Meets First Wednesday Of Every Month @ 7:00 pm President Denise Kelsey 517-285-3029 V President Angie Rademacher 517-388-3229 Secretary Michelle Jurkovic 517-321-6056 Treasurer Lynne Stornant 517-331-4502 COUNCIL DIRECTORS & CHAIRMAN Membership Director Jay Corey 517-974-6501 Recruitment PGK David Luedtke 517-303-5555 KNIGHTS DAUGHTERS - ANNE RAU CIRCLE #001 First Degree Captain PGK David Luedtke 517-303-5555 Meets Second Wednesday Of Every Month @ 7:00 pm Retention Jay G. Corey 517-974-6501 President PGK Larry Schrauben 989-224-0055 Secretary PGK Don Schmitz 517-669-9473 Treasurer PGK David Luedtke 517-303-5555 Historian Mike Du Mont 517-327-0177 Scribe Captain Insurance Agent Program Director PGK Dane Jurkovic 517-203-9227 Advisor Angie Radamacher 517-388-3229 Church Director John Drzik 517-881-2391 Counselor Kathy Rademacher 989-307-0373 Vocations Director John Drzik 517-881-2391 Community Director PGK Mike Wegener 517-331-3959 Pro-Life Couple PGK Mike & Pattie Schaefer 517-242-4961 Family Director Ron Cook 517-282-9035 Youth Director M.I. Drive Chairman Francis O'Donnell PGK Richard McCloy, Jr. 517-231-9955 PGK Al Boucher 517-882-5118 PGK David Luedtke 517-303-5555 Council Director PGK David Luedtke 517-303-5555 Eucharistic Ministry Jay G. Corey 517-974-6501 Fish Fry Chairman Mike Arens 517-230-6531 Newsletter Editor Jay G.Corey 517-974-6501 THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - IN SERVICE TO ONE, IN SERVICE TO ALL Columbian Patrons 2016 Acou Altimore Bachelder Baczkiewicz Baker Baldwin Barry Barry Beachnau Berry Blasen Bleicher Bollman Bollman Boucher Brandell Brickner Brogan Brown Caporale Carey Carey Chasee Cherniawski Clevenger Cole Corey Costigan Cotter Cummings Curley Dalimonte Dart Dehnke III DeRose Deschryver DeWitt Diaz Diaz DiBlase Jr Dos Reis Doyle Drake DuMont Erich Fabiano Fata Fata Fata Fata Fedewa Fedewa Feldpausch Foster Fox Franklin Frazier Freund Fuller Garcia II Garcia Sr Goerge Gonzalez Andrew William John Adam James Frank Timothy Glenn Daniel Michael Ronald James Carl James Albert Francis Dr. Robert Stephen Eugene Vince Matthew Mark William Francis Gary Scott Jay Christopher Charles Phillip Michael Lawrence C. Douglas Emil John Joseph Dr. Mark Mario Justiniano Joseph Francis Michael Alan Michael Vedder James David Jerry Phillip Ernest Anthony Duane Hilary Ray Christopher Fay Joseph Mark Anthony Joseph Joseph Hilary Tomas R H C J G J P L J T A J L A J J J N G J G G A R G H M C J J R A R L S G P E J G C F D J W R H L J M J E A A J G Gonzalez Grades Greeley Sr Green Jr Griggs Jr Hanlon Harraka Hicks Hinds Holmes Hull Hutchinson Ingold Jackinchuk Johns Johnson Johnson Jurkovic Kalchik Kehren Kent Klein Kobus Koenigsknecht Kolp Kramer Lamond Leabu Luedtke Luttig Mahoney Majeske Malloy Manning Marazita Martinez Maurer McCloy McCrackin McCrackin McDonald McLaury McQuillan Melton Meyers Miller Milliman Moore Morris Murphy Myott Nelson Noirot Novak Ockert Pavona Perez Peruchietti Piggott Pillar Pillar Pirochta Plunkett James Ronald David James Clarence Michael Thomas Richard Dr. Rowland E. Gerald Horace Darran Johann Jon Jack Dr. Gary Terrance Dane Thomas Bruce Pierce Thomas Joseph Francis Anthony Peter Robert John David Ernest Robert Donald Conrad Kurt Phillip Richard Richard Richard Richard Michael Robert David Edmund Philip Grover Todd Richard Justin Alexander Dr. John Bradley Robert George David Gerald Nicholas Enrique Michael Mark Thomas Brian Frederick Raymond F L E F J C D L H G J F J J W S M R D J P M J R W A E L P D F M W K F C J E J J A J C L W J M A L V J L G O E D J T J G Pohl Pollack Potoczny Pung III Quesada Reyes Robeson Robitaille Rucinski Ruthruff Rybicki Ryczek Schafer Schaner Schertzing Schertzing Schmitz Schneider Schrauben Schroeder Schuchaskie Scodeller Shannon Shay Sheaffer Sickler Simon Simon Smith Snellenberger Sohn Spehar Stafford Stevens Stickney Stotenbur Stump Sura Szostak Tanner, Jr. Theis Thelen Thelen Thelen Thelen Thias Thom Thomas Trudell Jr Umholtz Vollman Walker Walsh Webb II Wegener Wegener Wegener Wegener Willard Zerfas James Bernard John Donald Gilbert Rosendo Bruce Robert Rocco Donald Richard Richard Daniel William David Brian Donald Richard Lawrence Keneth Kenneth Raymond Richard David Larry William Harold Michael Richard Gary Kenneth Robert Edmund Allan Charles Daniel Michael Thomas Michael Roy Dennis David Richard Daniel Richard George Kevin Daniel Dennis Wayne Nicholas Gregory Terrence Bernard Herbert Thomas Michael Christopher Thomas Ronald H J M V J C A E D A P J G E J P R R M L T R P B A J R S N C R C T J A J D E A J J A M J C G M J L F G M H E J Thank you to our patrons for their donations which held defray the cost of the printing of the newsletter for some of our members !!! St. Gerard Blue Mass For First Responders C A S I N O B U S T R I P FUNDAY SUNDAY Let’s get together and have some fun!! Join us for a bus trip to F I R E K E E P E R S S U N D A Y A P R I L C A S I N O 1 0 , 2 0 1 6 Bus leaves at 11:30 AM and returns at 5:30 pm $ 3 5 . 0 0 P e r S e a t I n c l u d e s $ 2 0 . 0 0 i n S l o t P l a y $ 5 . 0 0 F o o d V o u c h e r Departure: Knights of Columbus Council 788 For tickets & more information please contact: Denise Kelsey 285-3029 Checks payable to District 52 Knights of Columbus STEAK FRY COLUMBUS HALL COUNCIL #788 5300 N. Grand River Lansing, Michigan 48906 FRIDAY – April 1 $ 12.00 Per Person st 5 – 7 PM NEW YORK STRIP STEAK Real Mashed Potatoes – Vege-Medley Caesar Salad - Roll – Coffee Fun – Food – Pull Tabs Knights of Columbus Council #788 FREE Dinner Knights of Columbus Insurance Information Night Tuesday - April 26, 2016 6:00 pm - Social Hour & Dinner 7:00 pm - Insurance Presentation Sponsored By: Field Agent Mike DuMont F.I.C. 22 Years Experience With The Knights of Columbus A Presentation Of Topics Including: Life / Estate Planning – Family Protection Long Term Care – Annuities Disability Income – Maximizing IRA Money Learn What The Knights of Columbus Has To Offer You RSVP Please For Planning Purposes To Jay Corey – 517-974-6501 APRIL 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 27 MARCH 28 30 31 1 APRIL Club Closed Club Opens 4 pm Club Opens 4 pm Burger Night 4 – 7 pm Euchre 6:30 pm Club Opens 4 pm Club Opens 4 pm Club Opens 4 pm Club Opens 4 pm Men’s Bowling 6:15 pm STEAK FRY 5-7 pm 4 5 6 7 8 9 Club Opens 4 pm Club Opens 4 pm Club Opens 4 pm Club Opens 4 pm Club Opens 4 pm Club Opens 4 pm 3 Club Closed 29 Officers Meeting Ladies Auxiliary 7:00 pm Mtg. 7:00 pm Men’s Bowling 6:15 pm 2 10 Club Closed 11 12 13 14 15 16 St. Gerard Breakfast After 7:30, 9:00, & 11:00 am Masses Casino Bus Trip 11:30 am Club Opens 4 pm Club Opens 4 pm Club Opens 4 pm Club Opens 4 pm Club Opens 4 pm Club Opens 4 pm 17 18 23 Council Mtg. 7:00 pm Men’s Bowling 6:15 pm 19 20 21 22 Club Closed Club Opens 4 pm Ladies Auxiliary Spring Fling 12:00 Noon Club Opens 4 pm Club Opens 4 pm Club Opens 4 pm Club Opens 4 pm LCA Meeting Fourth Degree 7:00 pm Meeting 7:00 pm Men’s Bowling 6:15 pm 24 26 27 28 29 30 Club Opens 4 pm Club Opens 4 pm Club Opens 4 pm Club Opens 4 pm 25 Club Closed Club Opens 4 pm Club Opens 4 pm FIRST DEGREE 1:00 PM 1 MAY Free Dinner and K of C Insurance Information Night 6-9 pm 2 Club Opens 4 pm Club Opens 4 pm Men’s Bowling 6:15 pm 3 4 5 Club Opens 4 pm Club Opens 4 pm Club Opens 4 pm 6 7 Club Opens 4 pm Club Opens 4 pm Club Closed Officers Meeting Ladies Auxiliary 7:00 pm Mtg. 7:00 pm Council Dinner 5-7 pm KNIGHT OF THE MONTH FAMILY OF THE MONTH APRIL 2016 APRIL 2016 Father David Fonz R. Jay & Katie Kussmaul