Class of 2008 - Cardinal Gibbons High School
Class of 2008 - Cardinal Gibbons High School
Volume 46, Issue 5 Cardinal Gibbons High School May 23, 2008 The Voice of the Chiefs Class of 2008 is Great! "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who'll decide where to go." ~ Dr. Seuss Commencement exercises for the Class of 2008 will begin at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 24th at War Memorial. The Valedictorian, Meaghan Bresnahan, and Salutatorian, Catherine Bocksel, will address their class. The top 10 seniors academically and the colleges they will be attending are alphabetically: Catherine Bocksel (University of Miami), Meaghan Bresnahan (Johns Hopkins), Matthew Eisel (University of Florida), Scott Gereffi (University of Florida), Kristen Jugs (University of Florida), Morganne Lliteras (University of Florida), Reza HandleyNamavar (Georgetown University), Andres Navarro (University of Florida), Stephanie Picon (Dartmouth), Marissa Prieto (University of Florida). Best wishes to them and all 292 seniors who are prepared to move on to their next challenge whatever it may be. Mr. Zmuda, the Senior Class moderator, said, “Congratulations to the Class of 2008. Good luck next year and in all your future endeavors.” Top Ten pictures on page 32 News 2-12 Seniors are on the move. Academic winners page 2 Opinion 13-18 Anna Durie volunteered in Honduras. Page 15 Top Ten students keep going up! Sports 19-26 Macy Huskey broke the record in the mile. Page25 Entertainment 27-32 Prom Queen Kathryn Lepine and King Shane Connelly-32 2 Academic Award WinnersInsight May 23, 2008 Class of 2008 The Academic Awards are given by each department to senior students who have demonstrated outstanding performance in that content area. This year’s recipients are the following: Drama: Marguerite Peterson and Christine D’Amore Language: French: Amanda Hollingsworth Spanish: Ariel Urban Music: Erick Crow and Scott Gereffi English: Amanda Amuso and Lauren Burton Insight: Editor-In-Chief: Erin Kelley Science: Amanda Sucharitchant and David Bonner Excelsior: Editor: Jessica Lang Technology Editor: Anna Durie Mathematics: Matthew Eisel and Anthony Finelli Social Studies: Reze Handley-Namavar and Morganne Lliteras Congratulations to these outstanding students of the Class of 2008! Visual Arts: Jacqueline Hirsch and Kathryn Scudder Class of 2008 Insight May 23, 2008 3 Valedictorian and Salutatorian of ‘08 Riding High By Shawn Kelaher This year’s graduating class of nearly 300 can boast of a number of exceptionally outstanding students. Valedictorian Meaghan Bresnahan and Salutatorian Katie Bocksel are the two highest ranked students of the senior class. Mr. Coyle, who taught both girls AP History, said, “They truly represent the Advanced Placement student with consistent study habits and preparation every day. What I appreciated the most was the positive attitude that these young ladies brought to class day in and day out. This attitude permeated the classroom and lifted us all up.” These girls succeeded not only in the classroom, but outside the classroom as well. Both participated in sports and many extracurricular activities. Coach Crocco said, “These two young ladies are such a credit to Cardinal Gibbons. We in the Athletic Department are so proud to say that they have been a part of the sports program. We know that they will be a success in everything they do; they will make us proud.” Katie Bocksel (left) and Meaghan Bresnahan Valedictorian Salutatorian Meaghan Bresnahan, an accomplished athlete and scholar, has swum for CGHS all four years of her high school career. One of her swim coaches, Mr. Zmuda, said, “Most mornings she practiced at 5:30 a.m., and she was still able to maintain a GPA of 4.95. Meaghan dropped time in sevMeaghan Bresnahan eral events, allowing her to swim at the state swim meet this year.” During her senior year, she received the BCAA Scholar Athlete Award and was also a National Merit Award Semi-Finalist. She received the “Who’s Who among America’s High School Students” scholarship and has been on the Honor Roll all four years. She is an active member of National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, English Honor Society, and is an AP Scholar with Honor. Next year she will attend Johns Hopkins University where she will major in writing and biology. She said, “As a freshman, I set a number of goals for myself, all of which I have accomplished. I feel that I am well prepared for college, largely thanks to CGHS.” Katie Bocksel has earned over 400 service hours throughout her four years of high school volunteering as a core teen member of the EDGE Youth Group and for other organizations. “Katie is obviously intelligent and studious, but these qualities pale when one considers her more human qualities Katie Bocksel of generosity of time and talent, her willingness to include others in her world, and her ability to share her smile and her laughter,” said Mr. Cornejo, her AP European History teacher. She is the president of National Honor Society and a dynamic member of English Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, Latin Honor Society, and Student Leadership. She has been one of the Top Ten all four years of high school. Katie feels that CGHS has provided for her a valuable academic structure that she will use throughout her years in college. She said, “The past four years have been some of the most memorable of my life. I hope to gain just as much throughout my college experience.” Katie has a GPA of 4.91. She will attend the University of Miami next year and major in biology. 4 Class of 2008 Insight May 23, 2008 Silver Knight Success By Anthony Finelli After months and months of hard work and dedication, our Silver Knight nominees’ efforts culminated with the final awards ceremony on April 29th. Blair Budd was a winner in the Foreign Language category. She was awarded $500, a plaque and the title of Silver Knight. “I was surprised when my name was announced,” Blair said. “There were so many other good competitors there, and they were all great.” Blair’s project primarily involved helping Angels in Action, a nonprofit organization, that raises money for a tutoring program in the community of La Vega in the Dominican Republic. Blair will be attending University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. Students from all public and private schools competed. There were only 4 winners in each category. It is an honor just to be invited to the ceremony since certain require- Students “Built for the Road Ahead” By Jennifer Gilday Winners of a $1000 Ford Scholarship are Ariel Urban (UF) who won the award in Athletics, Kristen Jugs (UF) won in Language Arts and Foreign Language, and Reza HandleyNamavar (Georgetown) won in Social Sciences. Scholarship applicants are considered for their community involvement, academic achievement, demonstrated leadership, quality of character, life goals and interests, obstacles overcome, and meaningful objectives achieved. Salute to Education Inc. is a non-profit organization which is funded by the Ford, Lincoln-Mercury Division, Ford Credit, and Ford Customer Service Division. Community volunteer participation has been a very important factor in this scholarship’s campaign success. Through this scholarship program, over 2.9 million dollars has been awarded to 2,900 students in Dade and Broward County who have excelled in various categories. Ariel Urban Kristen Jugs Reza Handley-Namavar ments have to be met. Other nominees were Ariel Urban, D an ie l Morr is , A ma n d a Sucharitchant, Reza HandleyNamavar, Maggie Peterson, and Stephanie Picon. “These students really are the best of the best,” said Mr. Coyle, the Silver Knight co-coordinator. [Correction: There was an error printed in our last issue about the Silver Knights. Amanda Sucharitchant’s category was said to be Music when in actuality it was Science. We regret this error.] Blair Budd Catholic Leader By Janette Duval Each year one senior, who exhibits Christian character receives the Archdiocesan Catholic Leadership Award. This year the recipient is Alfonso Villegas. Alfonso has helped at countless school Masses and has been an altar server for over 10 years at his local parish, St. Ambrose. He has also had the prestigious honor of serving with the Bishop at four Confirmations. Alfonso Villegas Fr. Alonso, head of the Theology Department, commented, “Alfonso Villegas is one of the finest students I have the privilege to teach this year. Politeness, hard work, integrity beyond question, and, as the young people say, ‘He is one who puts his money where his mouth is.’ I would change it bit to: ‘He puts his life where his mouth is.’ The number of service hours he has done, the heart he puts into all the tasks he undertakes, and the quality work he does in his Parish community qualify him well for this award.” Alfonso commented, “I am honored that they picked me out of so many. I feel that there are a number of my classmates who are as involved as I am in the church and school. I was never looking for a reward. I just liked helping out.” He plans to attend Dartmouth this fall and aspires to someday be an ambassador. Class of 2008 Insight May 23, 2008 5 Seniors of National Achievement By Lauren Cuervo Every year the juniors take the PSAT in hopes of being nationally recognized by the National Merit Scholarship Program. Students are notified during their senior year of their level of achievement based on their overall score on the test. This year, seven CGHS seniors qualified for the first round of the program. Each had an index of over 200 points, placing them in the top 4% of the nation. This year’s National Merit Commended Students are Morganne Lliteras, Reza HandleyNamavar, Jacqueline Ludwick, Jonathan Perez, Matthew Eisel, Kylie Nunziante, and Emily Swartzbaugh. The top level of National Merit recognition, the SemiFinalists, are among the top 1% in the nation with an index of 212 or higher. Meaghan Bresnahan was this year’s only National Merit Finalist with a score of 214. The National Merit Program also recognizes Hispanic students who score in the top 3% of their nationality. This AP Scholars with Honors: The National Merit Award winners pose for a snapshot: Jonathon Perez (standing, left), Kylie Nunziante, Emily Swartzbaugh, Reza Handley-Namavar, (seated) Jaqueline Ludwick, and Meaghan Bresnahan year’s Finalists are Morganne Lliteras, Jonathan Perez, and Marissa Prieto. Student Government 2008 Cardinal Gibbons also had much success in AP testing last year. After taking their exams, 16 of this year’s seniors achieved AP Scholar status by scoring a 3 or higher on 3 or more AP exams. This year’s AP Scholars with Honors are the following: • • • • • • • • • Patrick Anderson Nicolas Biondolillo Meaghan Bresnahan Christine D’Amore Scott Gereffi Reza Handley-Namavar Patrick Harrington Kristen Jugs • • • • • • • • Erin Kelley Morganne Lliteras Kylie Nunziante Margueritte Peterson Stephanie Picon Marissa Prieto Robert Thibault Alfonso Villegas The 4 Student Government Officers this year are Dan Morris, president, (above, right), Ross Carter, and Mary Mullen. Patrick Anderson is pictured giving the morning announcements. The officers took turns reading them every day this year. They wish to thank the entire student body for making this a wonderful year. 6 Class of 2008 May 23, 2008 Insight Outstanding Outreach By Janette Duval Of the 292 seniors, 128 will be receiving the gold cord, which is awarded to those who have completed a minimum of 250 service hours. Students have discovered various ways in which to earn these hours. Francesca Ascione has amassed nearly thirteen hundred service hours through volunteering at a variety of different establishments and programs such as Habitat for Humanity, Ronald McDonald House and helping out at her parish , Mary Help of Christians. She plans to attend UF this fall. Austin Belt, who plans to attend the University of Alabama, has earned nearly twelve hundred hours through helping out with our Volleyball and Wrestling programs. He also volunteered at First Presbyterian Church and St. John the Baptist Church. Blair Budd has accumulated close to eleven hundred hours by volunteering at the Boca Raton Community Hospital, American Cancer Society, and her work on the National Honor Society’s blood drive for which she was rewarded. “I had a great time organizing the event and was really happy with all the students who turned out to support NHS,” she said. She plans to attend Chapel Hill this fall. Morgan Sambell garnered nearly eleven hundred hours through her tireless dedication to First Presbyterian Church of Fort Lauderdale, where she earned nearly a thousand hours. She plans to attend Stetson University in the fall. Andrew Lister accumulated nearly nine hundred hours through volunteering at Bethesda Memorial Hospital, Student Leadership and Holy Cross Hospital. He will be attending Nova this fall and plans to continue his education by majoring in medicine. Tyler Hall, who plans to attend UCF this fall, accrued close to eight hundred hours through volunteering at the Coral Ridge Little League Program and as a City of Pompano Beach Junior Lifeguard. He was also involved with CGHS volleyball and St. Elizabeth Church. Chris Thibault, who plans to attend UF this fall, has close to eight hundred hours. He was involved with St. John (Left to right) Blair Budd, Francesca Ascione, Patrick Harringon, Morgan Sambell, Austin Belt and Leif Lunde (lounging) are a few of the senior students with the most community service hours. the Baptist Church, Second Generation Singers and the American Red Cross. Patrick Harrington, who plans to attend UF this fall, accrued nearly eight hundred hours. He was involved with the St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church, CGHS Drama Department, National Honor Society, and the Boca Raton Community Hospital. “I had a really great time volunteering in my community and my parish. I highly suggest that anyone who is interested should do the same. You’ll have a great time,” he said. Nicole Tegge garnered nearly 720 hours with her involvment with Highlands Christian Academy, Drama Department, Student Leadership, and Kids in Distress. She plans to attend UF this fall. Lief Lunde, who is going to attend FSU this coming fall, earned nearly 800 hours through his involvement with Second Generation Singers and the Red Cross. He plans to major in vocal performance at FSU. News Insight May 23, 2008 7 B-Z Bee Pinnacle Award Winners By Janette Duval By Matti Perez-Cubas There was a tremendous turnout on Thursday April 10th for the second annual Cardinal Gibbons Spelling Bee put on by the English Honor Society (EHS). It was club president Mandy Sucharitchant who first proposed the idea of a Spelling Bee a year ago. There was a five dollar entrance fee which covered food, drinks and participation in the bee. The spelling bee was held in order to raise money for books for underprivileged children. The entire event raised $561. There were 2 rounds with about 20 participants each. Words ranged from Animosity to Zealous. Prizes were awarded to the winners: juniors Nelly Bloom, first place; Frank Pettineo, second place; and Kourtney Destefano, third place. “Everyone really did a great job! We had a lot of fun. A big thanks to everyone who showed up and supported us,” said vice president Shawn Kelaher. Three hard-working juniors are chosen annually for the Pinnacle Awards. This year, Ryan Bass, Yodeline Guerrier, and J.P. Ross were honored for their outstanding efforts. Ryan Bass, Junior Class president, is described by his teachers as a natural leader. He is actively involved in Campus Ministry and is a true athlete, who participates in volleyball, wrestling, and surfing. Yodeline Guerrier, known by her friends as "Yode," has managed to maintain a high GPA in addition to being a thespian and a pianist. She has participated in all the school drama productions and is a member of Youth Leadership Broward. J.P. Ross has donated over 920 hours of his time in the past three years to his church, school, and community. He is a member of the National Honor Society, a board member for the Junior Class, a member of Student Leadership, and a Lacrosse player. A reception was held for all Broward County Pinnacle Award winners on April 24th at the Signature Grand in Davie. “It was an absolutely lovely event,” said Dr. Breton. Nelly Bloom is the winner of the Spelling Bee. Moderator, Mrs. Primavera said, “We had a wonderful turnout. I am very pleased so many people are getting involved with the Spelling Bee. The money goes to a great cause, First Book, which promotes literacy.” It a nonprofit organization with a single mission: to give children from low-income families the opportunity to read and own their first new books. More than half of the children, 55%, reported having an increased interest in reading. Additionally, the number of young people demonstrating a "high interest in reading" nearly tripled after receiving their first books. The Pinnacle Award winners are pictured at the banquet (left) Ryan Bass, Yodeline Guerrier, and J.P. Ross. 8 News May 23, 2008 Insight Freedom’s Foundation at Valley Forge: Spirit of America By Staff Writer CGHS students Katie Carpenter, Jennifer Gilday, Ryan Lamarca, Anna Lindsay, and Frank Pettineo were nominated and selected to attend Freedom’s Foundation at Valley Forge (FFVF). (These students had to complete an application including an essay, supply recommendations, and be interviewed.) FFVF is a non-profit organization which sponsors students from across the nation to travel to Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. There, the students are immersed in an intense curriculum which includes not only learning about the Constitution, but also utilizing the enduring document in the modern world. The students take tours of Valley Forge itself, Old Downtown Philadelphia, the Liberty Bell, and Independence Hall, where the Declaration of Independence was created and signed. The attendees learned Parliamentary Procedure, and how Congress collaborates to amend bills and laws. The aim of FFVF is to educate the American youth in civics in order to promote a more active and educated citizenry. The Spirit of America Program is specially designed to help high school students develop confidence and individuality, fine-tune leadership skills, and meet high-school-age leaders from all over the United States. Anna Lindsay, a junior, said, “I would recommend it to everybody. It showed me good leadership skills and how to communicate with a group. It gave me an opportunity to meet people from all over the country with different points of view.” All who attended were definitely changed by this great opportunity. Frank Pettineo, a junior, said “The Freedom’s Foundation at Valley Forge was an enriching experience in which I learned to appreciate my citizenship, as well as College Chat By Matti Perez-Cubas Let Freedom ring! The leaders are striking a pose in front of Independence Hall. gain a better understanding of the values on which our country was based.” All the attendees from Broward County met again on May 4 for a luncheon at the Coral Ridge Yacht Club. They reminisced about their trips, and discussed the way the program left an indelible mark on their education, leadership, and American Spirit. For more information visit http:// Mrs. Blythe. “Everyone was open and detailed about their experiences.” At the end of the program, Mrs. Blythe asked each graduate to offer a final word of advice to the college-bound seniors. Although each had his or her own unique words of wisdom, perhaps the most valuable came from Yale student Harib Ezaldein: “Get some sleep!” Each year, Cardinal Gibbons invites a group of recent alumni to speak about college life with current seniors who are in their last semester of high school. This year, that tradition was continued with seven recent graduates: David Nau (American University), Karli MacDonald (FSU), Alex Jean (UCF), Tori Moffat (Penn State), Megan Good (FAU), Kyle McLemore (UF), and Harib Ezaldein (Yale University). They were asked questions that ranged from their major, extracurricular activities, and crazy roommates. “I think this was the (From left to right) Graduates David Nau, Karli MacDonald, Alex Jean, Megan Good, Kyle best college panel yet,” said McLemore, Tori Moffat, and Harib Ezaldein offer some guidance. News Insight May 23, 2008 9 Nulli Secunda (Second to None) Some 135,000 students around the world, including Brazil for the first time, did not heed the warning, given to Julius Caesar, to “Beware the Ides of March” as these students took the National Latin Exam. Congratulations go to the Latin 1 Honors and Latin 2 Honors students and their teachers, Sister Marie Schramko and Mr. Adolino, for their accomplishments. Mr. Ott commended the students for working so diligently to bring honor to Cardinal Gibbons and themselves. “Ad Astra per Aspera” (“Through difficulty we reach for the stars”). Latin I Honors " Veni, Vidi, Vici!" Latin II Honors Latin I students with their certificates and medals. ( From left to right) William Tyler, Margaux McIntyre, Barrett Budd, Donald Capi, William Costa, Ryan Singh, Savannah Finn, Phoebe Neff, Shannon Weiss, Jackson Bailey, Kathleen Lawless, and Sister Marie Schramko Mr. Ott congratulates Katie Lawless on her award in Latin I Honors. Students display their Latin Award certificates and medals. (From front left, clockwise) Ian Rickard, Samantha Fazenbaker , Lauren Gillespie, James Carpenter,Giancarlo Champin, Victoria Taravella, Juliana Alessi, and Matthew Whebell Mr. Adolino reviewed with his students before the big exam. 10 News Insight May 23, 2008 NHS Welcomes New Members By Kristen Jugs Being inducted in National Honor Society is a huge honor. On April 6, NHS inducted 69 juniors and seniors, the largest group ever in Gibbons' history. The new members were admitted based on leadership, scholarship, service and character. The ceremony took place at the Fort Lauderdale Yacht Club, where new members and their families met for the ceremony and later enjoyed refreshments. Dr. Bonniwell, the moderator, welcomed everyone, and Mr. Zmuda, Mr. Ott, and Blair Budd addressed the group. Sister Marie gave each inductee a stole, and Mr. Ott handed out the certificates. The current officers also received recognition for their dedication to the club over the past year: Katie Bocksel, president; Scott Gereffi, vice president; Amanda Sucharitchant, secretary; and Anthony Finelli, treasurer. Blair Budd also received a special award for her hard work running the many blood drives this year. Dr. Bonniwell is presenting Morganne Lliteras a plaque for her efforts in organizing and running the Brain Brawl. Katie Bocksel (left) is announcing the winners. Sr. Marie and Mr. Ott are presenting Brian Lynch, Holly Loeffler, Anna Lindsay and the others not pictured with their stoles and certificates. New inductees (left to right) are Cristina Chidiac, Kevin Griffin, and Kelly Kunzman who smile for the camera at the NHS ceremony. Below are the names of the new inductees: Seniors David Bonner Christine D'Amore Lindsay Davis Adrienne Tegreeny Juniors Alexandra Anania Erica Aispuro Brian Battye Andrew Biviano Megan Boss Michael Brady Paul Brooks Christina Chidiac Hunter Cwalinski Patrick Cummings Alissa DelToro Matthew Diaz Michelle Dzung Drake Evans Rebecca Frank Dyllan Furness Angela Giunta Jennifer Gilday Kevin Griffin Nicole Grunwald Yodeline Guerrier Rebecca Handal Patrick Hanley Ashley Herbert Daniel Ieraci Kelsey Ingerto Sarah Juliachs Claudia Kaufman Amanda Kovacs Shawn Kinney Tim Krickovich Harrison Kublin Kelly Kunzman Ryan LaMarca Lauren Leniart Anna Lindsay Holly Loeffler Brian Lynch Jennifer MacDonald Kayley McLaughlin David Miller Christina Nelson Matthew O'Dea Frank Pettineo Stephanie Preston Kacie Raiano Kristi Ray Brittany Rickard Joseph Ross Nicholas Salerno William Savor Erin Scarpinato Courtney Smith Melissa Stankee Grace Svatek Adrienne Tegreeny Maureen Thieme Ryan Tordella Kenneth Veliky Alexandra Vitale Jordan Wald Alex White Kelsey Williams Thomas Williams Kimberly Withum Congratulations! News Insight National Honor Society Activities By Kristen Jugs Brain Brawl St. Coleman placed first in the NHS version of Jeopardy for future Gibbons students on April 5. The annual Brain Brawl gave students from St. Coleman’s, St. Mark’s, and St. Elizabeth’s the chance to show off their knowledge and win prizes. The competition was open to students in 5th through 8th grade. The teams could choose questions from 5 categories: math, science, literature, current events, and social studies. Morganne Lliteras hosted as Alex Trebek on the TV version , and was helped by Stephanie Gorman and other NHS members. “Everyone got really into it, so it just made the whole experience a lot more fun and worthwhile,” said Moranne. May 23, 2008 11 MUN: Model UN By Justine D’Addio What is Model UN? It is an organization that over 400,000 middle school, high school, and college students participate in worldwide. It allows students to be a “delegate” while debating current issues, making speeches, and negotiating with allies and adversaries. Model UN’s main aim is to resolve problems that affect countries all over the world. The organization promotes students’ and teachers’ knowledge of the world they live in and allows them to meet new people. Many of the current leaders in law, government, business, and the arts were once members of Model UN. The club was started when former student, Cita Peterson, and former teacher, Dr. Rowen, saw a need for such an informative organization at Gibbons. They formed the club and participated and competed quite successfully for several years. Ms. Zamora took on the task of continuing what these two people started. She calls the club’s current president, Morganne Lliteras, an “essential tool.” Morganne spent a great deal of time after school planning and organizing the trip to Gainesville where our students would have the opportunity to engage in debate with other Model UN members. On February 22, 2008, fourteen members, moderator, Ms. Zamora, and chaperone Mr. Lonteen went to Gainesville to represent Cardinal Gibbons. Members participated in various debates and performed extremely well individually. In particular, first time attendee, Nick Picon, did exceptional well. NHS members are intense before the Brain Brawl begins. Saving Lives The last blood drive donated 103 pints and almost doubled last year's April drive of 65. It was a great success. NHS thanks all parents and students who donated to help save lives. This drive was sponsored by the Community Blood Centers of South Florida. “For us seniors, it's a good feeling to know that our last blood drive was just as successful as the first,” said Blair Budd, committee chair person. Though the results have not been finalized, NHS members are hoping that Gibbons will be the highest donating school in Broward County for the second year in a row. Members of MUN are (left) Lauren Gillespie, Victoria Marchelos, Nick Picon, Rebecca Frank, Alexis Lacman, Morganne Lliteras, Stephanie Picon, Kimberly Withum, Kelly Schwantes, and Ms. Zamora. 12 News Insight May 23, 2008 Spanish Honor Society Inducts new members By Justina Coronel The induction of the new members of Spanish Honor Society was held on April 24th. SHS was formed to recognize above average achievement in Spanish and promote continuity in Hispanic studies. The new members were chosen for their high achievement in scholarship, community service, moral character, and leadership. The ceremony began when the new members entered the chapel holding white lit candles. President- Ariel Urban, Vice-President- Patrick Harrington, Secretary- Stephanie Picon, Treasurer- Meaghan Bresnahan, and Historian- Maggie Peterson, all spoke during the ceremony. Mrs. Zamora, the moderator, then announced that the event was dedicated to the memory of Cita Peterson, a former SHS President and 2006 graduate, who recently passed away. Next year the new members will have to maintain their GPA, attend all monthly meetings, peer-tutor fellow students, attend field trips, and participate regularly in service projects for the school and community. The new candidates must act in the highest moral character and exemplify the best behavior. New SHS officers are (left to right) President: Erica Aispuro, Vice President: Kelsey Ingerto, Secretary: Nicole Grunwald Treasurer: Amanda Cornwell Historian: Sarah Juliachs After the ceremony, the new members felt a sense of pride to be a part of this wonderful program. Todos para Uno, Una para Todos, is their motto. “All for One, One for All.” The new members of SHS are with Ms. Zamora, the moderator. These are the new SHS inductees: Ascione, Gabriella Bogdan, Rachel Broker, Stephanie Bresnahan, Molly Buchanan, Courtney Coronel, Justina DiMizio, Sofia Field, Taylor Griffin, Kevin Griffin, Lauren Gomez, Samantha Gwaltney, Jenna Halder, Madison Halverson, Alexander Humeston, Courtney Kelley, Erin Kull, Kendra Navarro, Gabriel Oberer, Alexis Quiroga, Mayra Romeu, Alex Schwantes, Kelly Seiler, Marianna Silberstein, Sarah Sweeney, Shellby Vitale, Alexandra Wallace, Kaitlin Weisz, Catherine Opinion Insight May 23, 2008 Adieu, Cardinal Gibbons The very last letter from this Editor So this is it. High school is…fin. And I can pretty much guarantee next year’s Editor-in-Chief won’t “totes be abbrev-ing err’thang for the lolz.” Miss me yet? Anyway, it has been a pleasure being the top banana here in GH1’s Insight mothership, and though I’ve been criticized for my writing style, I’ve stayed unapologetic about always being myself and that has helped me grow as a writer. Erin Kelley Here in Loewe’s Death Star, it’s been nothing but a great time crankin’ out stories and trying to hack through the SmartFilters on the CGHS internet database. Through it all, I’ve become close to the staff and tried to connect with the school with a more studentoriented newspaper than ever before. We breakin’ ground, people. It was difficult at times, but we did it (right?) and I hope, from the bottom of my black hole of a heart, that you enjoyed it. I did it for the smiles on your faces! Every Insight day I rubber-banded and delivered those glorious papers up to your respective last period classrooms, and seeing the grins spread across your faces at the thought of some nonacademically oriented, mediocre reading material gave me butterflies. I felt like a girl of thirteen again… granted, seeing them in the recycling bin directly after the bell rang was a bit upsetting, but I appreciate that you’re doing your part in the fight against global warming. Props. One doesn’t really know what to say when writing the farewell state of my union address to my fellow Catholic schoolgirls. . . and boys. So much has happened this year, and through thick and thin, Insight has had your back. Unity is the fundamental appeal of Gibbons when you get down to it. I’ll miss it. I mean, will I never see Ross dance around in an Indian headdress again? Will I ever have to stick my hands in that bacteria filled bleach water to “clean” a tray one last time? And where’s my junior ring? We grow up too fast. I love all of you, and I wish you all the best in your journey through the remainder of your high school experiences. I guess you could consider this my senior letter to… everyone. So, just for me, look around and realize that Cardinal Gibbons is a beautiful, shining, beacon of light that just happens to also be a religiously affiliated high school in sunny Fort Lauderdale. It’s so bright here! Seriously, I get heat rash sitting at my car at lunch. That’s crazy! (and probs TMI). Whatever, I can’t take it back now. Later alligators, Erin Kelley Editor-in-Chiefsicles 13 Gibbons Goes Country We had the largest crowd ever, over 400 people, attended the 17th Annual Auction. It brought in over $190,000, which is going to the Campaign for C-Wing. All of the guests could see how the 2nd floor addition has enhanced the look of the campus. The 2nd floor covered walkway connecting all of the buildings is taking shape and should be completed before the beginning of the next year. JP Ross, Giugliana Santini, Holly Loeffler, and Patrick Ross are taking a break from helping out at the Auction. Photo by Adrian Rubio 14 Opinion Insight May 23, 2008 Contributing Writers: Rachel Bogdan, Justina Coronel, Weston Mildren, and Daniel Stark Insight Staff: Dedicated to providing a deeper vision of scholastic, spiritual and social activities Editor-in-chief: Erin Kelley Columnist: Erin Kelley Cartoonist: Adrienne Tegreeny Contributing Photographer: Brother Brickman Graphic Designer: Anthony Finelli Sports Adviser: Mrs. Eileen Melnicoff Adviser: Mrs. Rita Loewe Staff Writers: Lauren Cuervo, Justine D’Addio, Nick Dimov, Janette Duval, Anthony Finelli, Jennifer Established November 1962 Gilday, Kristen Jugs, Shawn Kelaher, Erin Kelley, and Matti Perez-Cubas Congratulations to the Class of 2008! Insight Staff: (Inset) Kristen Jugs (UF), (Standing, left to right) Matti Perez-Cubas (FSU), Nick Dimov (FSU), Justine D’Addio (UCF), Erin Kelley (Sarah Lawrence), Jen Gilday (junior), Lauren Cuervo (University of Alabama); (Seated) Shawn Kelaher (FSU), Anthony Finelli (UF), and Janette Duval (Flagler College) Goals you set are goals you get! By Weston Mildren Karate has been a big part of my life since I was 4 years old. My initial goal was to meet the challenge of becoming a First Degree Black Belt; so many times I wanted to quit because it was hard work and took much of my free time. Once I achieved that goal at age 10 and felt the pride of wearing my Black Belt for the first time back in the Dojo, it inspired me to challenge myself further to attain the Second Degree. Fi- nally, after 11 years, the Third Degree Black Belt was awarded to me at Parker Playhouse on April 5, 2008 by my mentors, Kyoshi and Master LaVallee. This is a huge personal achievement for me both physically and mentally. The lessons I’ve learned such as respect, perseverance, integrity, focus and self discipline are all skills that I can apply to my educational enrichment. If students are interested, I would be pleased to show them some self-defense techniques. Knowing they could fend an attacker off easily, students could gain more self confidence. The day we stop making excuses and take responsibility for ourselves is the day we move forward to the path of success. Weston Mildren is congratulated on earning his Third Degree Black Belt. Opinion Insight “Thank you” A big “Thank you”! In the name of the Piarist Fathers Latin Mission and, of course, in his own name, Father Alonso wishes to thank all for their generosity toward his cause. The donation totaling $1000 is greatly appreciated. The Latin Mission operates in the rural communities of Tabasco, Mexico. Various projects are prioritized by greatest importance. Primary concerns would be possible emergencies in terms of food and medicine in the area. Secondly would be the community projects that are either already set in motion or perhaps proposed for the near future. These plans must be of the community and for the benefit of the whole community. May 23, 2008 15 The local residents along with the members of the Mission determine the steps that need to be taken to see the project come to fruition. The Latin community takes the first step; then the Mission assists with the next. When the local community takes the third step, the Mission takes responsibility for the fourth and so on alternating charge until the plan is completed. “These people are our brothers and sisters,” says Father Oscar, “and they appreciate all we do for them.” The Piarist Fathers will keep everyone in their hearts and prayers, and they wish a very restful and enjoyable summer to the Cardinal Gibbons Family. Father Alonso is pictured with a family at the Latin Mission in Tabasco, Mexico. Helping Hands and Hearts By Nick Dimov Seniors Anna Durie and Ariel Urban went above and beyond their Spanish Honor Society duties. During the Easter Break, when most of their friends were relaxing, these two students chose to go on a Mission Trip to Honduras with Ms. Zamora. “What an awesome show of humanity and love,” said Ms. Zamora, SHS moderator. Ariel and Anna made such a positive impact with the children of Our Little Roses. These children, all girls who range in age from 2 to 20, are placed at this home for various reasons: child abuse, abandonment, and/or neglect from their families. Easter Sunday, Anna and Ariel went to Mass where they met the girls for the first time. Later they took them out to Wendy’s. (Yes, there is a Wendy’s in Honduras.). Later that day the little ones had an Easter egg hunt, and every afternoon they spent doing several planned activities. Anna and Ariel painted a room, cleaned, scraped, and painted outside stairs, and, most importantly, socialized with the children after school. Every evening, they went to the Chapel to pray and sing in Spanish and English. Anna and Ariel were able to put into practice all those years of learning the Spanish language. “It was just a breath of fresh air to hear them speak and com- municate with these girls,” said Ms. Zamora. On April 3rd, they received a letter from the administrator of Our Little Roses, thanking them for sharing their time with the children and staff and for helping them “to accomplish the vision of preparing girls for the future to become integral members of society by creating an atmosphere of love, self-reliance and respect.” Anna Durie (left) and Ariel Urban are pictured with two of the girls from Our Little Roses in Honduras. 16 Any Last Wo Insight May 23, 2008 What is yo high schoo What will you miss most about CGHS? Tara French- "My favorite memory of high school was dressing up like 'senior citizens'. It was very fun and something I had looked forward to all four years!" Where Nick Fajardo- " I will miss food selling in every classroom during raffle the most." Lindsay Cheatham- "I will miss volleyball the most. I love playing here with Gibbons! It's so weird walking into the gym and knowing I will never play as a Gibbons student again." Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Cristina Araya- "In 10 years I see myself having a family and hopefully being successful in my career." Cody Liese- "In 10 years I see myself married, planning to have a child or about to have a child. And I will have a decent job to support my family." Insight ords, Seniors? May 23, 2008 17 ur favorite ol memory? If you could be a Greek god or goddess, who would you be? Mike Balakonis- "If I could be any Greek god, it's a toss up between Artemis and Psyche...Charzard is a good one too..." Blair Walsh- "My favorite memory from high school was traveling down to Pace High School for the regional football playoffs. We were the clear cut underdog and defeated them and advanced to the next round." e are you going to college? Claire Grysko- "If I could be a Greek Goddess, I would be Artemis. I just think she is the coolest! Plus, her brother Apollo is pretty cool too." Jimmy Zloch- "I already am a Greek god. You obviously didn't see me playing dodge ball." Adrienne Tegreeny- "If I could be a Greek god, I would be Hermes because I'd want to be able to fly like him. I mean, think of all the money I could save on gas! Plus, those sandals he wears are pretty snazzy!" 18 Ad May 23, 2008 Insight Insight May 23, 2008 19 In Remembrance Caitlyn“Chelly”Lockard Alumna to Angel By Justine D’Addio By Erin Kelley Usually a time for celebration, this past Easter Sunday was instead a mournful day for anyone who knew Caitlyn Erin Lockard. She passed away early morning on March 23, 2008 due to an automobile accident. Caitlyn’s sudden death two months shy of her senior graduation came as an utter shock to all. Later Easter night, GibChelly Lockard bons students and 1990-2008 friends of Caitlyn gathered at Lauderdale-by-the-Sea Park for a candle-lighting ceremony in her memory. Caitlyn’s memorial service was held that Thursday evening at The Center for Spiritual Living where she participated in the youth group for several years. Family, friends, and teachers came together to celebrate Caitlyn’s life. One by one they reminisced about her fun attitude towards life and her child-like spirit. The ceremony was rather uplifting and recognized the gift of living rather than a life lost. There seemed to be more laughing than crying. Her close friends and family remember Caitlyn as a force with which to be reckoned. She was loud, flamboyant, fun, and seriously, at times, crazy. What they remember most was her underlying faith. Somehow, through all of her endeavors, she knew she was supported and guided. She was intelligent, genuine, and honest. Caitlyn was never ashamed or embarrassed to be herself. We can all learn to be a little more like Caitlyn: passionate about life and enjoying every moment of it. Graduation is here, and the seniors are looking forward to a bright future full of hope and possibility. Unfortunately, we will not have the pleasure of seeing Caitlyn walk across the stage on graduation day; she will never get the opportunity to celebrate the accomplishment of finishing high school. Cherishing life is the only way to honor Caitlyn’s. She was Caitlyn Erin Lockard, “Chelly” to her friends, and forever a part of Cardinal Gibbons High School’ s Class of 2008. Carmen Cita Peterson, a brilliant 2006 alumna and sister to senior Maggie Peterson, freshman Blake Peterson, and graduate Grant Peterson (2004) was killed by a motorist while riding her bike on a trail in Gainesville on April 8th. She was struck by a van at 4:55 p.m. while attempting to cross an intersection. She was wearing a helmet. Cita Peterson Cita was a 1987-2008 gifted student at the University of Florida studying hospitality. Those who knew Cita remember her from organizations like the Spanish Honor Society, Model United Nations, and the drama program. Not only was she beautiful, she was smart (top ten in her class), funny, and talented, too. The very definition of an asset to both academic and social aspects of life, Cita embodied a zest for simply being and a spirit that will never be forgotten. Without a doubt, this alumna, who had recently cut all of her long, blonde hair on a whim, will be missed each day by those who knew her. A wall has been painted in her memory by friends at the University of Florida that reads, “Fly, fly, Cita. Your endless journey has begun.” Friends posed, smiling through teary eyes for pictures in front of their mural, while others gathered on the beach near Atlantic Boulevard to talk about the wonderful spirit she embodied so effortlessly. The love felt for Cita in her many circles, from Cardinal Gibbons, to UF, to her service fraternity was palpable in a way that showed no matter where she went, Cita touched the lives of many. A celebration of life service was held on May 10th at St. John the Baptist to celebrate her short but wonderful life, where family, friends, high school and college classmates, and former teachers reminisced about the girl whose laugh made days a little brighter and whose smile would light up a room. 20 Sports May 23, 2008 Crocco’s Modern Life By Anthony Finelli After 39 years of coaching, Ms. Crocco, Head of the Athletic Department, has retired as head volleyball coach. This year she was named Florida Dairy Farmers Girls Volleyball Coach of the Year. On May 1, she was named Distinguished Alumni at FAU, and this coming July she will be inducted into the National High School Sports Hall of Fame in Washington, DC, the most prestigious award any coach can receive. There is no easy way to describe the vast number of accomplishments and awards that she has earned over her coaching career: the list goes on and on! These are just a few of her achievements. She has served as the National Chairperson of Volleyball in the US for the National High School Coaches Association. In 1988, Miss Crocco was named National High School Athletic Coaches Association Volleyball Coach of the Year. In May of 1990, she was named to Florida’s High School Coaches Hall of Fame. She is the first woman ever to be given this honor. She has been named Volleyball Coach of the Year by the State, Miami Herald and Sun-Sentinel dozens of times, and it is well known that her girls’ volleyball teams have compiled 18 State Championships. Miss Crocco humbly stated, “The proudest Signing Stars By Staff Writer Insight achievement is seeing how our young Scholar-Athletes develop into incredible young women and men. I am also so proud how they keep coming back to support the new Scholar-Athletes in our Cardinal Gibbons family. All the awards that I have received are not MY awards or accomplishments, they are OUR accomplishments, and I thank you all who have been part of our program. The players, parents and friends will be in my heart and memories forever.” Ms. Crocco is pictured at the awards ceremony at FAU, where she was named Distinguished Alumna on May 1st. sity. Soccer stars Alex Greco and Alexandra Grant signed on to play at Northwood University (Division II) and Vassar College (Division III) respectively. Volleyball ladies Lindsey Cheatham and Kathleen Fitzpatrick signed to play for Middle Tennessee State University (Division I) and Flagler College (Division II) respectively. Michael Sylvestri signed Division II with Florida Gulf Coast University’s baseball team and Josh Nirenberg signed to play Division I basketball with Appalachian State University. In addition to the largest cast of early football signers in school history, Cardinal Gibbons had an impressive number of other athletes who commit to play college sports. On April 30th in the gym, thirteen more seniors made their decisions final at the school’s signing day celebration. Four more football players officially signed to continue their careers, bringing the football signing total to twelve athletes: David Blackwell with Iowa University, Patrick Ferguson with Catholic University of America, Larry Jackson with Villanova University, and Kyle Taddei with the University of New Haven. Nine athletes from other sports made final decisions as well. Swimmers Donald Sutton and Lauren Cuervo both signed Division I to swim for the University of Texas and the University of Alabama respectively; Meaghan Bresnahan will swim for Division Proud coaches and athletes celebrate their successes on signing day. III school Johns Hopkins Univer- Sports Insight May 23, 2008 21 Broward Scholar Athletes By Lauren Cuervo bons. She has always excelled on the field and in the classroom and will make us all proud as she continues her academics and athletic career at Vassar College,” commented her coach, Mrs. Flack. Ariel Urban has been running both cross country and track, playing basketball, and managing an intense schedule of classes all four years of high school. With this most hectic of schedules, she has managed to excel and has decided to attend the University of Florida this fall. “Ariel has been a threesport athlete for all four years of high school and done a great job! She will always be remembered as a great student athlete!” said her coach Mr. Lee. David Bonner has made a name for himself running cross country and track as one of the top runners on both teams, has experienced great academic success, and has decided to attend the University of Florida. “David has come such a long way in four years! He used his intelligence and dedication to become a great champion runner,” said Mr. Lee. Andrew Heminger, working his way to varsity status and maintaining a high GPA, has been a force to reckon with in the school’s football program. “Andrew works as hard on the field as he does in the classroom. The scholar athlete title fits him perfectly. He is well deserving of this honor,” said his coach Mr. Morrill. Andrew will attend the University of Central Florida in the fall. After applying for the status of a Broward County Athletic Association Scholar Athlete, eight of Cardinal Gibbons’ student athletes were awarded the honor. This prestigious accolade recognizes outstanding high school students who excel not only on the court, field, track, or pool, but also in the classroom. These outstanding individuals were honored at a banquet on April 28th for the hard work they have exerted all four years of high school. Anna Durie has been a key member of the volleyball program for four years, helping the squad to win the state title her junior year, while maintaining a rigorous course load. “I have always been impressed with her dedication to the sport and her willingness to be a team player. Her work ethic, service to her school and community, make her one outstanding individual,” said her coach Ms. Crocco. Anna will attend Wake Forest University in the fall. Michael Sylvestri has played Gibbons baseball since freshmen year and made sure to do his best in both his grades and athletics, earning him a scholarship to play baseball at Florida Gulf Coast University. “Michael is one of our most dedicated, loyal, and hard working student-athletes ever. An old coach once told me that more than anything, you want your players to ‘do it the right way.’ Simply stated: Mike Sylvestri does it the right way,” said his coach Mr. Hamilton. “Meaghan Bresnahan is a pleasure to coach and teach. Her dedication and hard work has really paid off academically, as well as in the swimming pool,” said Coach Zmuda. During her four years she has been a key member of the Varsity Swim Team, earned herself the status of Valedictorian, and decided to swim for Johns Hopkins University. Stephanie Gorman is a fouryear veteran of the girls’ basketball team and plans to attend the University of Florida. Her course load has placed her among the top students in the senior class and her athletic skills are widely recognized among students and faculty alike. “Stephanie has an incredible love of life and an amazing sense of humor. Even though the basketball team didn’t have as successful a year as in the past, she is a team player and led the team raising spirits and team morale,” added her former teacher Mr. Zmuda. Alex Grant has challenged herself tremendously in the classroom as well as competed as an elite soccer Scholar athletes (front row, left) Ariel Urban, Alex Grant, Meaghan Bresnahan; (back player. “Alex is one of those scholar row) Anna Durie, Andrew Heminger, Stephanie Gorman, and Mike Sylvestri are enjoyathletes who will leave a lasting im- ing the BCAA Scholar Athletics banquet. pression on our team and Cardinal Gib- 22 Sports May 23, 2008 Volleyball Team Gives Its All for Nick Insight said Assistant Coach, Kathryn Farland, after the emotional loss. "That is all we can ask for." Whether he was on the shirts, on the banners, on the hair ribbons, or in the hearts of the team and the fans, the spirit of Nick Williams was constantly present. By Matti Perez-Cubas Just two days before a game with Archbishop McCarthy, a game that would determine the Cardinal Gibbons Volleyball Team's place in the state quarterfinals, valuable player Nick Williams was injured in a single-car accident. His teammates were then left with two options: to mourn the loss of Nick's presence at the game or to play twice as hard to honor him. Needless to say, they chose the second option, and the team was triumphant against Archbishop McCarthy. They had a place in the state quarterfinals that Friday, May 9th. The game was held at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, and it was against the Spanish River High School Sharks. Dozens of fans, clothed in red and white, filled the gymnasium to offer their strong, and loud, support. The Chiefs started out strong, beating the opposing team in the first game 26-24. Unfortunately, the team's spirit for their beloved injured player was not enough to win a place in the State Championship after three more intense games, the Sharks won. The Cardinal Gibbons Volleyball Team ended its season with the record of 27-2. “They played their hearts out tonight," Boys Volleyball Team - District Champions Sports Insight Nick Williams: Responsive Nick Williams, a junior and a key volleyball player, has been in critical but stable condition since his single car accident on May 4th. A website has been set up to update Nick’s condition . For current updates go to Then click “visit” followed by “sign up” and follow the directions. The carepage name is Nick Williams (one word). What’s All the Racket? By Rachel Bogdan The girls’ tennis team finished the season10-2 and the boys’ were 9-2-1. “I was very pleased with the development we made as the season progressed,” said Coach Kenoyer. “ We have quite a few young players on the team and with experience they all improved and gained confidence to play better and better.” Freshman player, Laura Wiley, had an outstanding undefeated season and only lost, 6-1 6-2, in the final round of Districts to American Heritage's #1 Julie Sabasinski. She was runner up for the #1 singles tournaments. Erica Aispuro also performed extremely well, saving 6 match points and coming back 3-7 to win the pro set 9-7 at one of the matches. At Districts, which took place April 9th-11th, she came in runner up at the #3 position. The doubles team of Tommy Cundy and Andrew Sloan, sophomores, both reached the semi finals of districts, but lost to the eventual District Champs. “Overall,” Coach Kenoyer stated, “we did very well at districts this year and had some very tough competition to get through. We battled really well against some very good experienced players.” Other wins this season were the first home game against Nova High School Gibbons came out victorious in both boys’ and girls’ matches. This was a great win for Gib- May 23, 2008 23 Let’s talk baseball By Shawn Kelaher The Chiefs were the runners up for the district title, losing to Key West on May 2nd at the regional semifinals. The boys’ baseball team played its way through another successful season, finishing with an impressive 21-9 record. Coach Hamilton, who was assisted by Coaches Montiel, Cy Angelos, and Tom Hysell, completed his eighth season as Head Coach. Seniors John Haberlein, Gabby Lima, Nick Plaster, Addison Bender, Jimmy Zloch, Colin O’Connor, and Mike Sylvestri will be greatly missed next year. “Our team peaked at the right time, and even though we will miss our seniors tremendously, we will return every pitcher but one and six starters,” said Coach Hamilton. Play ball! bons because Nova, which is in a different district, had previously been a tough competitor and this year advanced to the semi-finals of Regionals. During the season the team also had wins over Chaminade, which the team lost to last year. Spring rain caused a draw in this match for the boys. The last match of the season, against Archbishop McCarthy, was also a successful victory for the boys’ and girls’ squads. The 2008 Tennis Team 24 Sports Insight May 23, 2008 Season Was A Homerun! By Jennifer Gilday Cardinal Gibbons Lady Chiefs Softball Team had a great season this year. Captain, Danielle Lanza, who hopes to play for FSU in the fall, said that a major reason for their success was, “We had the most solid team out on the field and the closest one off the field. We didn't go as far as we would've liked, but I’ll never forget this experience.” Captain Michelle Skaf, who plans on walking on the UCF team, said that, “My favorite part about playing for CGHS was feeling like one family and one team, which helped us play together as well.” The girls went 19-7 this season. Lanza said, “My most memorable moment was two years ago when we beat our district rivals Archbishop McCarthy in one of the most intense softball games I have ever played. It was the only time out of my 4 years at CGHS that we made it out of districts.” Unfortunately, this year the Lady Chiefs lost to McCarthy at Four Fields Park to conclude their season. Skaf said, “This was one of our most successful years, and it was upsetting how it ended.” The team roster included: Captains Jessica Lang (catcher), Danielle Lanza (first base), and Michelle Skaf (centerfield), Janet Holtfreter (pitcher), Sarah Hoadley (rightfield), Brianna Deltoro (third base), Kelly Yount (second base), Brittany Tessier (DH/outfield), Kalynn Foster (outfield), April Ortenzo (short stop), Molly Macek (second base), Gianna Sandstrom (leftfield/pitcher), (packup players) Sarah Johns, Tori Tuminello, Ashley Wilkins, and Danielle McKillen. Victory smiles on the softball team and coaches. Hockey WILL SAVOR the State Championship By Staff Writer Many may find themselves bamboozled whilst listening to the third period announcements mention Tony Perrota’s hat trick at a hockey game the previous evening, but without a doubt the 2008 season for Gibbons Hockey was certainly a success. What the non-rabid hockey fans may not know is that although the season went swimmingly from the get-go, the boys ended up losing the district finals to Coral Glades. However, they still qualified to advance to the state tournament where they emerged victorious above both Coral Glades and teams from North Florida, before beating Saint Thomas for the State Title. Training at Glacier Ice Arena every Wednesday at 6 a.m. certainly paid off in the 3-1 win over our rival, as well as the ever impressive record of 26-4 for the season. MVPs, according to Captain Sean Pendergast, include Tony Planamento and Kevin Hoy, the two goalies who were outstanding during the battle royale for the title. Coaches Jim Drotos and Jim Bakatselos, who gave support as well as time for their team, are sure to share the same favorite memory as the senior boys: winning states. Although the skating Chieftains will be losing the great senior players, this will not be their last victory. The team and coaches are thrilled with winning the State Championship. Sports Insight May 23, 2008 Macy Huskey: A Star on the Run By Daniel Stark Freshman Macy Huskey ran cross country in the beginning of the school year, and followed it up with distance track when spring came around. She practices year-round, running every day, trying to improve herself all the time. On April 28th, Macy shattered a sixteen-year-old school record for the mile at the State Championship Meet in Winter Park.. This was a major accomplishment, naturally, but since she is only a freshman, it was phenomenal. The record was previously set by Courtney Macy Huskey 25 Schriever, an alumni of Cardinal Gibbons, class of 1992. Schreiver’s time for the mile was five minutes fifteen seconds. Macy’s time was five minutes, nine seconds. Coach Glenn Lee was ecstatic as she crossed the finish line. Macy won first place, along with several other Cardinal Gibbons athletes in their respective events. “I couldn’t believe it. When I saw that time on the scoreboard, I thought it must have been a mistake. As I was running, I wasn’t even thinking about that record. Coach Scott was going crazy when I was coming down the home stretch, and I just thought he was excited because I was about to win States. I was so wrong,” Macy said. Mr. Scott wasn’t the only person to be proud of Macy. All of her fellow runners were congratulating her, as well as the other coaches on the team. Mr. Steve Lyons, the head coach of the Track and Field Team, was especially proud to have led one of his runners to a state championship. Even runners that weren’t at the tournament that weekend have gone out of their way to give Macy a pat on the back. Since this is only her freshman year, there is much promise for this young athlete. We haven’t yet seen the best of Macy Huskey. 26 Sports May 23, 2008 Insight Fast Track By Lauren Cuervo After a powerful regular track season, the girls finished 9-3 and the boys finished 6-6. The Cardinal Gibbons track team entered their championship season with a promising foot forward. At the District Championships, the girls won their first team title since 1998 and the boys finished 3rd in a close meet, and there were six individual event winners: S’Kaylah Woods (100 meter dash), Macy Huskey (1600 meter run), Alexandria Macedo (3200 meter run), Marchelle Baker (long jump), Jenna Ludwick (800 meter run), Joe Esposito (800 meter run). There were also three champion relays girls 4x800 relay and both the boys and girls 4x100. Lindsay Cheatham and Donald Sutton points in Shot Put and Discus. With a strong district performance under their belt, the team came back even better for the Regional Meet at which the girls finished an impressive 2nd and the boys placed 8th after scoring only one point last year. Top finishes that quali(Left to right) Marchelle Baker, fied for the State S’kaylah Woods, Sharni Butler, and Finals were Sean Cassie Higgins broke the school rePulver (4th in 3200), cord in the 4 X 100 meter relay. Jordan Barrios (4th in the pole vault), S’Kaylah Woods (3rd in the 100), Macy Huskey (3rd in the 1600), Lauren Leniart (2nd in the high jump and 3rd in the long jump), Marchelle Baker Regional Champion in the long jump, the 4th place boys 400 relay, girls 3rd place 3200 relay, and the 2nd place girls 400 relay. The team then made its first state appearance in two School Records: Marchelle Baker-Long Jump Sharni Butler-200 meter Macy Huskey-1600 meter 4X800 Relay: Jenna Ludwick, Courtney Perry, Alexandra Macedo and Ariel Urban 4X100 Relay: Marchelle Baker, S’kaylah Woods, Sharni Butler, Cassie Higgins State finalists with Head Coach Steve Lynos are smiling after a great showing at Winter Park. years at Winter Park. Top finishes were achieved by Jordan Barrios (in the pole vault); Marchelle Baker and Lauren Leniart (in the long jump respectively); S’Kaylah Woods (7th in the 100); Macy Huskey (4th in the 1600); Sean Pulver ( in the 3200). The girls’ 3200 relay of Jenna Ludwick, Courtney Perry, Ariel Urban, and Alexandria Macedo broke the school record; the girls 4X100 meter relay of Marchelle Baker, S’kaylah Woods, Sharni Butler and Cassie Higgins broke the school record twice, and the boys’ 400 relay of Dareyon Chance, Tim Burton, Orville Reynolds, and Shawn Corker placed 14th. Both teams put forth a tremendous effort and the girls’ team had an overall 20th place finish in the State. “We had a great season, with the best freshmen girls in team history, a return to the State Macy Huskey broke the Meet after two years, and numer- school record in the mile. ous school records broken. The coaches couldn’t be more proud,” said Coach Glenn Lee. (Left) Jenna Ludwick, Courtney Perry, Ariel Urban, and Alexandria Macedo broke the school record in the 4X800 meter relay. Insight Grad Nite By Anthony Finelli On April 18, 2008, thousands of seniors from many different schools gathered at the Magic Kingdom Park in Walt Disney World for the time-honored tradition known as Grad Nite. For 8 hours straight, starting at 8:00 PM, seniors were let loose and had the park all to themselves. But Grad Nite '08 was not just all about the rides and Entertainment May 23, 2008 27 attractions. A slew of other activities faced the seniors to guarantee that they could party until dawn. Cinderella's castle was the backdrop for concerts; dance parties, and other festivities were also sprinkled throughout the park. Bands hitting the main stage included The Last Goodnight, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Ne-Yo, and who could forget the mind-blowing performance given by the one and only Cheskob? Though it seemed at times that the night was getting the best of us, and all we wanted to do was sleep on the carousel of progress (and it wasn't open; what's up with that?), "Oheight" persevered and really made it a memorable experience. The night was fun. At the conclusion it seemed as though everyone was a bit disappointed to let it come to an end. Spotlight On: International Thespian Society & Cappies Critics By Staff Writer After the success of Little Women, it seems only natural that the Cardinal Gibbons Drama department would have its best year ever at the State Thespian Competition. At districts, Maggie Peterson and Alexis Lacman earned a Critics Choice, the highest rank possible, for their duet, “The Apple Doesn’t Fall” from The Rink. With high hopes after said win at the district level, as well as a plethora of superiors and excellent ratings, Troupe 6362 headed to Tampa with five of their strongest pieces, ready to take on the fierce competition. The results were more than superior. The thespians earned an excellent ranking for their ensemble scene, “Disney Moms Group Therapy” from Parallel Lives, a socio-political satire on Walt Disney’s pension for leaving girls motherless in a cruel, critter filled world. The piece starred Stephanie Picon, Christine D’Amore, Christy Sperazzo, Kathryn Lepine, Maggie Peterson, Erin Kelley, Morganne Lliteras, and Jackie Hirsch. A duet scene, “The Wedding Planner”, between Morganne Lliteras and Nick Gereffi earned a superior at the district and a good at the state level, respectively. Maggie and Alexis once again swept up a superior for their flawless duet, and “Be My Friend (The Facebook Song)” from Edges earned a shining superior rating with help from its four characters: Patrick Harrington, Alexis Lacman, Erin Kelley, and Nick Gereffi. And earning Cardinal Gibbons its first Critics Choice ever at the state level, Erin Kelley’s solo “Man of My Dreams” from Edges delighted the judges and brought the Troupe to a new standard at the state level. On a rather fantastic and related note, Cardinal Gibbons’ fall production of HONK! is up for a huge number of nominations in the South Florida Cappies Critics program. Maggie Peterson is up for lead actress, Nick Gereffi for comic actor, male dancer, and senior critic of the year; Erin Kelley for comic actress and female dancer, Alex White for cameo actor, Brittney Jacques, Christine D’Amore, and Nicole Tegge for props; Alexis Lacman, Matti Cubas, Nick Gereffi, Rebecca Frank, Maggie Peterson, and Christine D’Amore for Cappies team, “Warts and All” for Best Song in a Musical, and finally, HONK! for musical of the year. It has certainly been a hectic, but without a doubt rewarding year for all the thespians. With director Mark Sheremeta and musical director Amanda Satchell, as well as set designer Michael Boni as chaperones at State, and the unofficial “parents” of the drama family, one of Cardinal Gibbons’ tightest circles stuck together throughout their six days of competition in Tampa. And with great successes in all of its individual events and scholarship recognition for Christine D’Amore, Erick Crow, and Yodeline Guerrier, CGHS drama, it seems, has certainly brought itself from a small underdog department, into the coveted limelight of the South Florida high school theatre circuit. Bravo! The “Disney Moms” are (in character, from left to right): Morganne Lliteras as Betty White, Maggie Peterson as Ethel Mermaid, Kathryn Lepine as Mrs. Jumbo, Christine D’Amore as Dr. Kincaid, Jackie Hirsch as Coral Clownfish, Stephanie Picon as Barbara Rella, Christy Sperazzo as Dolores Deer, and Erin Kelley as Monique Andthebeast. 28 Entertainment May 23, 2008 Night of the Arts By Kristen Jugs Each year, family and friends come to support the Night of the Arts when the gym is turned into a stage for students to show their many talents. On April 4th, the Concert Band, Jazz Band, Chorus, Winter Guard, Orchestra, Dance Team, and Drama Department all performed to make the night especially memorable. The event was headed by the Fine Arts Club’s moderator, Ms. Busby, club president, Katie Scudder, and vice president, Courtney Wittenburg. Aldo Paino and Jackie Hirsch’s photographs and a variety of ceramics and artwork were also displayed. Alexis Lacman and Maggie Peterson sang the duet, “The Apple Doesn’t fall Very Far”, and Eric Crow also sang a solo. It was another enjoyable evening. Ms. Bonnie Busby, Night of the Arts coordinator Insight Entertainment Insight May 23, 2008 When the Chiefs go marching in. . . By Shawn Kelaher On March 14th, the over 50 members of chorus, band, orchestra, and guard went to the University of South Florida in Tampa to perform in the Heritage Music Festival, which was held in the college’s auditorium. The following day, the group spent a very rainy day at Bush Gardens. After the park closed, the Heritage Award ceremony was held in one of the park’s theaters. The CGHS jazz band received the prestigious Best Band award. “Despite the inclement weather, the band, orchestra, and guard performed exceptionally well. I’m extremely pleased with the success that we owe to the seniors,” said Mr. Mengersen, head of the Gibbons Music Department. This was the last band trip for the graduating seniors, many of whom have been a part of the music program all four years. Senior Austin Johnson, a four-year band member, said, “This trip was so much fun, but it was sad for me and the all the seniors since it was our last one. However, I will always remember walking soaking wet through the closed amusement park.” Help Needed: The Music Booster Association is looking for gently used uniforms. Please bring donations to Cindy Hirsch in the School Office. Our next projected sale date is June 10, the first day of summer school, from 7:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. 29 The band members enjoyed a day of fun at Bush Gardens before the awards ceremony. Passport to Europe By Matti Perez-Cubas A group of seniors recently took education beyond the classroom....way beyond the classroom. During Easter break, Mr. Cubas, along with Mr. and Mrs. Morrill, took 21 students to Europe. In 10 full days, they visited Rome, Florence, Tuscany, and Paris, seeing such sights as the Coliseum, Michelangelo's David, Versailles, the Mona Lisa, and, of course, enjoyed lots of gelato. "It was absolutely incredible," said Patrick Anderson. "I was surrounded by places and cultures I have studied my entire life." Check Edline for updates. For questions call Susan Galicki @ 561-866-4086. Law Offices Cooney, Mattson, Lance, Blackburn Richards & O’Connor, P.A. John H. Richards Attorney At Law 1600 West Commercial Blvd. Suite 200 P.O. Box 14546 Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33302 Tel (954) 568-6669 FAX (954) 568-0085 E-MAIL: Students in Paris! The group was lucky enough to stop in Paris, Rome, Florence and Tuscany. 30 Entertainment May 23, 2008 Little Women Proved to be “Astonishing” By Matti Perez-Cubas Congratulations to the Cardinal Gibbons Drama Department for another sensational production! Following the hilarious Honk last fall, the talented group decided to take on the more dramatic musical Little Women. The plot revolves around aspiring author Jo, played wonderfully by Maggie Peterson, and her three sisters. The romantic sister, Meg, played by Erin Kelley, longs to get married and have a family. The sweetest sister, Beth, played by Christy Sperazzo, teaches Jo courage and the way to move on. The youngest sister, Nick Gereffi asks Maggie Peterson Amy, played by to “take a chance” on him. Shelby Vicino in Act 1 and Kathryn Lepine in Act 2, just wants to be grown up. All the while, mother Marmee, played by Alexis Lacman, tries her best to hold the family together while her husband is fighting in the Civil War. All of these actresses did a superb job with both performing and creating a loving and dedicated family. Also deserving of accolades are Nick Gereffi as Laurie, the Insight boy living next door, who desperately longs to be part of the March family, and Erick Crow as Professor Bhaer, the quiet man who eventually falls for the spirited Jo and inspires her to finally settle down. The show was directed by Mr. Sheremeta, and his wife, Amanda Satchell, served as the Musical Director. The impressive set created by Michael Boni, and the beautiful costumes designed and made by Linda Sheremeta, effectively por- Christine D’Amore and Erick Crow trayed the era. Little Women was certainly a great closing production for graduating seniors Erick Crow, Maggie Peterson, Kathryn Lepine, Aldo Paino, Erin Kelley, Alexis Lacman, Nick Gereffi, Stephanie Picon, Christine D'Amore, Morganne Lliteras, and stage director Brittney Jacques. We look forward to seeing what this talented group will do in their future endeavors, both on Three of the four March sisters: and off stage! Christy, Erin, and Shelby Teacher Appreciation Week May 5-9 (Left to right) Christy Sperazzo, Erin Kelley, Alexis Lacman, Maggie Peterson, Shelby Vicino as the March women, are reading a letter from their father, a soldier in the Civil War. Student Leadership under the supervision of Mrs. Hanke, and the administration teamed up during Teacher Appreciation Week to show their gratitude to the staff. Faculty members received Barnes and Nobel gift certificates, agendas, and a luncheon. One of the teachers summed it up best, “It is always nice to be remembered. Thank you all so much.” Entertainment Insight May 23, 2008 31 Know Football? By Nick Dimov University of Florida- 1.Knights Florida State University- 2.Tigers University of Miami- 3.Buckeyes University of Central Florida- 4.Trojans Florida Atlantic University Florida International University- 5.Golden Panthers 6.Chiefs University of Georgia- Find the corresponding letters of the numbers you got for your answers and you should reveal a secret message! 1=P 10=H 2=A 11=P 3=U 12=N 4=D 13=0 7.Seminoles 5=G 14=R Louisiana State University- 8.Sooners 6=8 15=T University of Southern California- 9.Bulls 7=A 16=Y Ohio State University- 10.Gators 8=I 17=A West Virginia University- 11.Hurricanes 9=O University of Texas- 12.Hokies University of Oklahoma- 13.Wolverines University of South Florida- 14.Bulldogs ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Virginia Tech- 15. Longhorns ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ University of Michigan- 16.Owls Cardinal Gibbons- 17.Mountaineers MESSAGE: ____ ___ Senioritis: Until There’s A Cure By Adrienne Tegreeny it’s not like the seniors are TRYING to slack off. It’s just. . . 32 May 23, 2008 Candyland Class of 2008 Insight By Justine D’Addio Prom 2008, the most highly anticipated dance of high school, took place on April 27th at the lavish Pier 66 hotel. Numerous teachers participated in the event and greeted the students as they arrived. Mr. Cubas took pictures of the well-dressed teenagers so that they will be able to remember the magical night. Prom Court: Marissa Prieto (left), Peter Ferencik, Mary Mullen, Michael Balakonis, Queen Kathryn Lepine, King Shane Connelly, Jackie Barreras, Logan Wright, Emily Morill, and Ross Carter. The glamorous attendees en tered the ballroom to discover “Candyland.” Each table was decorated with colorful lollipops, chocolate treats, candy balloons, and a chocolate fountain with all sorts of delectable snacks. Mr. Cubas announced the Class of 2008’s Prom King and Queen: Shane Connelly and Kathryn Lepine. Immediately after dinner was served, the dance floor was packed with students ready to enjoy the night. The seniors had waited four years to attend this extravagant event, and it was nothing short of a major success. All of the hard work put into the event by the Junior Class and Mr. Cubas made it possible for the seniors to enjoy their final high school dance and create a lasting memory. Class of 2008 Top Ten Students Having excelled academically all four years of high school, these students were named the Top Teen for the Class of 2008. Their Grade Point Averages range from 4.76-4.95. These students are to be commended for their excellent study habits and effort. They are pictured below in random order. Matt Eisel University of Florida Scott Gereffi University of Florida Meaghan Bresnahan Johns Hopkins Katie Bocksel University of Miami Morganne Lliteras University of Florida Stephanie Picon Dartmouth University Kristen Jugs University of Florida Marissa Prieto University of Florida Reza Handley-Namavar Georgetown University Andres Navarro University of Florida
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