APR09 fears
APR09 fears
FEARS VS. PHOBIAS WHETHER IT’S CREEPY CRAWLIES THAT GIVE YOU THE HEEBIE JEEBIES OR SMALL SPACES THAT LEAVE YOU JITTERY, HOLLY MACK ASKS: HAS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR TRULY CROSSED INTO PHOBIA-TERRITORY? Everyone’s afraid of something. Spiders, flying, injections... they’re normal fears that are usually born out of childhood experiences. However, an irrational fear of an object or situation is known as a phobia. More than 10% of us suffer from phobias, and they affect girls more than boys. Symptoms can include dizziness, breathlessness, nausea and even a fear of dying, in some cases escalating into full-scale panic attacks. But what’s the difference between a normal fear and an actual phobia? Well, it’s all down to the way a tiny part of our brain, called the amygdala, reacts to different things. If you showed an arachnophobe a picture of a spider, their brain will produce the same feelings of fear as if you’d shown them a real live spider. But someone who’s afraid of spiders but doesn’t actually have a phobia about them can realise that the picture isn’t an actual threat. As a result their 10 schoolrelated phobias (not to be used as excuses!) 1. Scolionophobia – Fear of school 2. Phronemophobia – Fear of thinking 3. Numerophobia – Fear of numbers 4. Graphophobia – Fear of writing 5. Didaskaleinophobia – Fear of going to school 6. Catagelophobia – Fear of being ridiculed 7. Bibliophobia – Fear of books 8. Glossophobia – Fear of speaking in public 9. Gnosiophobia – Fear of knowledge 10. Testophobia – Fear of taking tests 22 brain won’t react the same way. So ask yourself, is your biggest fear actually a phobia? you can worsen a fear if you spend too much time worrying about it. ★ If you’re afraid of an animal or particular object, These are the ten most common phobias: 1. Arachnophobia - The fear of spiders 2. Ophidiophobia - The fear of snakes 3. Acrophobia - The fear of heights 4. Agoraphobia - The fear of open spaces or of leaving a safe place 5. Cynophobia - The fear of dogs 6. Astraphobia - The fear of thunder and lightning 7. Trypanophobia - The fear of injections 8. Social Phobias - The fear of social situations 9. Pteromerhanophobia - The fear of flying 10. Mysophobia - The fear of germs or dirt Ten fairly ordinary fears there - I’m afraid of about five of them, but they don’t make me suffer the kind of symptoms related to actual phobias. Of course if you really do suffer from a phobia, you can get treatments and medications from your GP, who’ll be trained to help you. But if your ‘phobia’ is actually a ‘significant fear’ you can still take steps to help yourself: try to get a little closer each time you’re near it. Get used to the way the fear makes you feel. Eventually, it won’t have the capacity to create fear in you any more. ★ Put your fear into perspective. A fear can rage like an inferno, if you let it. Don’t waste too much energy on fearing your fear. ★ Analyse your fear and see just how irrational it is. Write down reasons why it’s unnecessary to be frightened by your fear. “FEAR IS JUST ‘BEING AFRAID’, BUT A PHOBIA IS ‘BEING ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED AT THE MERE THOUGHT’ OF SOMETHING.” Fear is something we all have to deal with. The important thing is to recognise our fears and to learn how to handle them. Don’t give up on overcoming them either – it can take a long time, but the reward will be worth it. ★ Master some relaxation techniques to use when you feel afraid. Learn some deep breathing methods or try ‘creative visualisations’ – for example, if you’re feeling panicky on a plane, imagine yourself at your destination having a great time. ★ Put a name to your fear. Identify it in detail – get on the internet, research it. Once you know the enemy, it’s easier to treat it as just another challenge that needs dealing with. But beware: 10 really weird phobias 1. Aulophobia – Fear of flutes 2. Chionophobia – Fear of snow 3. Chronomentrophobia – Fear of clocks 4. Consecotaleophobia – Fear of chopsticks 5. Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia – Fear of the number 666 6. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia – Fear of long words 7. Nephophobia – Fear of clouds 8. Octophobia – Fear of the figure 8 9. Porphyrophobia – Fear of the colour purple 10. Pteronophobia – Fear of being tickled by feathers 23