E x p r e s s i o n s Dr. Spring Leaves Her Heart in New Hartford


E x p r e s s i o n s Dr. Spring Leaves Her Heart in New Hartford
M a r c h 2 6 , 2 0 1 5!
Model UN travels to NYC
Kesterton will play for Duke
4 Spartans selected for
Is fan-fiction for real?
Pages 5-7
Page 22
Boys State
Pages 29-30
Pages 10-11
50 cents
Dr. Spring Leaves Her Heart in New Hartford
As principal departs for Cohoes, she reminisces about her years in the district
By Giovanna DeFazio
For ten years now, Dr. Spring has taken on the
role as principal at the New Hartford High School.
At the start of April, she will begin a new journey
and depart for the Cohoes City School District near
Albany where she will accept her role as
It is more than evident that she has made a
lasting impact at the high school. Senior Jessica Rust
stated, “It is so fantastic that Dr. Spring has received
such a great job opportunity and she will be very
Mr. Hunt will be filling in after Dr. Spring
departs and in mid-May Mr. Condro will accept the
role as principal for the remainder of the school year.
Dr. Spring confirmed that Mr. Condro will make a
fantastic principal here at the high school because he
is very experienced and close with the community.
This is a very important step for Dr. Spring and
she is excited for the opportunity, but she is also
extremely sad to leave New Hartford behind.
Dr. Spring in Spain studying intensive Spanish a few summers ago.
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“I am looking forward to leading a school and
being a superintendent. I’m going to miss the people
here, the great teachers, parents, and students. New
Hartford is such an amazing community,” she said.
Even though students were just notified recently,
Dr. Spring admitted that she has been preparing for
the job for awhile now and the timing seemed to be
just right.
“After ten years it’s good to do something
different,” Dr. Spring explained.
Being a superintendent is quite extensive and is a
job that requires full responsibility, but she is more than
willing to take on that role. She asserts herself as the
leader of the district and hopes that she is able to make
a difference at Cohoes to increase student
Dr. Spring with sons after receiving doctoral degree.
Dr. Spring’s son, Ian commented by saying, “I
think she will do really well. It’s a new, fresh setting so
I’m sure it will be an invigorating experience!”
we have been through together as a school.
As happy as the students and teachers at New Hartford are for
Dr. Spring’s son Ian added, “I’m proud of her. She’s really
Dr. Spring and her exciting new opportunity, they are also terribly
worked hard for this. No one can take away the foundation that
sad to see her go.
she has set at New Hartford.”
Psychology teacher Mrs. Halpin stated, “What I respect about
Jessie agrees that “working as a superintendent is an
Dr. Spring (and therefore, will miss) is her compassion for students
exceptional opportunity and challenge that can’t be passed up.”
and her respect for teacher professionalism. I am very excited for
Superintendent Nole expressed his sentiments in his letter
the opportunity that Dr. Spring will have in Cohoes. It is a position
announcing Dr. Spring’s departure. He stated, “Please join me in
that she has prepared for and that will utilize her knowledge
congratulating Dr. Spring and wishing her success in the
about education and her vision for excellence.”
new position and future endeavors.” The entire
“It was a very hard decision because New
New Hartford community wishes her well and
Hartford is my home. I went to E.R. Hughes
thanks her for all that she has done for the
Elementary. I have raised my three boys
here and I’ve been not only a principal,
“What I respect about Dr. Spring
Dr. Spring ended by stating, “I am very
but a mom as well. I just recently
(and therefore, will miss) is her
grateful for the opportunity to have
finished receiving my doctorate and Ian
served as the principal of New
compassion for students and her
is graduating this year, so I felt that,
Hartford and I am happy under my
respect for teacher
career-wise, I am ready to make this
leadership to have increased student
achievement. I wish everyone great
Dr. Spring was very honest in
success and happiness and to please
saying, “sometimes I just cry. It’s sad
keep in touch!”
-Mrs. Halpin
because I have such a history here.”
The impact that she made at New
Hartford will always be remembered and all that
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BBC Suspends Top Gear Host
By Ryan Faro
BBC suspends Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson who is now under investigation. Sources came out and told the fans that Clarkson was
suspended for punching a crew member, after fans found out about Clarkson’s incident, they feel that he should be removed from the show but
their are still fans who want him left on the show and just give him one more chance because Top Gear will not be the same without him.
Clarkson himself even went on the web and stated his apologies and is deeply sorry for what he has done. The problem with Clarkson is,
the people are sure of why he was suspended but according to CNN, it was because of a pending investigation that has not been figured out yet.
This hasn’t been Clarkson’s first issue of the show within the past year. Just last May he had asked for forgiveness by fans and many people who
worked on the set for using a racist remark on the taped television show.
Clarkson was threatened by BBC that he will be removed from the show if any incident like this happens again. Clarkson was truly sorry
for what he said during a nursery rhyme and would still like to stay with the show only if BBC and his fans will forgive him.
As a local fan of the show, George Boufford was somewhat disappointed on the news of Jeremy Clarkson. “Clarkson is the best fit for the
show and no one can fill in and make the show better than him” Boufford said. Also George responded with “I don’t agree with everything he
has done over the years, but no one is right for that spot but Clarkson”.
Even last year the hit show Top Gear with BBC received a complaint by the country of Argentina over a license plate that was used during
the show. The plate should have never been used during the filming unless it was given permission to do so. When the plate was used during the
show, Clarkson and his crew picked up their belongings and left the country.
Clarkson had understood that the he should have asked about the license plate but by now it was too late. Top Gear and its fans will have
to wait and see if Jeremy Clarkson will be reinstated and brought back to the hit show. Clarkson as of now is still under investigation but will
most likely end up being reinstated for the fans but will be watched very closely.
Jeremy Clarkson on the left and
Alan Partridge on the right.
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Winter Guard
By Christine Cornnell Do you like to do a sport for fun that doesn’t depend on what the weather is like?
Winter Guard comes from military or veterans ceremonies and other organizations. It is an indoor activity that is usually performed in a gym
or in an indoor arena. Winter guard is performed in judged competitions.
Abi Weaver is a member of Winter Guard. She said, “There are eleven girls and one boy in Varsity Winter Guard this season. Winter Guard
activities are spinning rifles, blades, flags and sabers. Winter Guard practices Tuesdays through Thursdays from 6:30 to 9:30 and go to
Saturdays shows. Winter Guard practices at different schools gyms but mainly Perry Junior High School.”
Abi likes Winter Guard. “It is a fun activity and they act like a family”, she said. Abi become interested in doing Winter Guard because her
older sister did it and then Abi started doing it”.
Some people have liked the activity so much that they continue with it into young adulthood. Mrs Gerling, a teacher aide, explained how her
son Nick is still involved. “Nick had been in marching band and guard for 18 years and now he is an instructor”, she said. She also said that
Winter Guard “is a good physical activity and it teaches students to work together and to be team players”.
Madison Mojave likes Winter Guard because she likes the team aspect and everyone has to be there. Madison’s favorite competition was
Union Endicott because she had a good show and she got her toss that she has been working on. A toss is when someone throws a flag or rifle
and it is caught. Madison has been in Winter Guard for 4 years.
Riley Cady likes Winter Guard because it’s fun acting like being a family with students and instructors. Everyone just has fun with it. Riley
doesn’t have a favorite competition but says all of them are good. Riley has been in Winter Guard for 2 years since tenth Grade.
New Hartford Central school
clubs website photo.
New Hartford Central school clubs website photo.
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Model UN
Jamaica at the
By: Alyssa Daley
Mr. Snizek and Mrs. Brown
chaperoned the High School Model Un
trip to NYC March 4th through the 7th.
Not all members of NH High School
model UN were admitted to attend the
NHSMUN or the National High School
Model UN Conference.
To be allowed to go you had to be a
Senior and a part of Model UN for two
to three years. Being an active participant
and coming to meetings was also a
“The new requirements are to ensure
that people are serious about Model UN
and the Club before they go to a
conference as large as this”, Lauren
Devlin a senior who went on the trip
Even though there all these “have-todo’s” in order to be a part of the
NHSMUN, students and teachers
immensely enjoy the club.
Mr. Snizek, the high school’s advisor
of the club had this to say as to why he
enjoys being a part of Model UN, “I
enjoy watching the students prepare the
research and debate the topics at the
conferences. I believe in the process of
the International Community working
together to solve the problems on a global
It is a lot of extra time put into the
Model UN club to be able to get to the
point of going to the NHSMUN as
seniors: Lauren Devlin, Suveer Desai,
Simrit Singh, Roma Amernath, Andrew
Sandock, Ian Wallace, Timothy Becker,
and others got to go.
At the conference which included
around 4,000 high school students New
Hartford represented Jamaica.
“It their last conference of their high
school careers and NHSMUN is the
Arch in Washington Square Park
Photo Provided By: Lauren Devlin
Down Time
Senior members of our Model UN did not just
debate, and sit in committee while they were at
the National High School Model UN
Conference. They were able to find time to enjoy
some of what NYC has to offer. They visited:
Central Park
Rockefeller Center
III. World Trade Center Memorial
IV. St. Patrick’s Cathedral
United Nations Building, NYC
Photo Provided By: http://travel-tips.s3website-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/
culmination of years
of hard work and
dedication to the
club. It is humbling
to see 4,000 high
school students from
around the world
assemble and debate
topics that are
happening in the
world today,” spoke
Mr. Snizek of the
The daily
routine of students
who went on the
NYC trip ran a little
like the following: 1.
Get up and have
breakfast 2. Have a
little free time 3.
Have lunch 4. Go to
Committee for a
couple hours. All
Seniors as a whole
represented Jamaica
and their views on
the issues that the
Model UN was
presented with, but
Time Square
VI. SoHo: Washington Square Park
VII. Chinatown
VIII. The Actual United Nations Building
each senior was a part
of their own committee
with representatives
from all the other
schools who were
invited. For example
one may have been
involved in a more
national security
oriented committee
while another more
about health.
The issues
that this year’s
NHSMUN were faced
with were the situation
in the Central African
Republic and the
affairs in Myanmar.
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Mr. Snizek says, “This is my
eighteenth year as the advisor of the
eighteenth trip to NYC and I can say that
the Conference has not changed too
much. The staff has it down to a science”
Besides working to solve these
problems there are other interesting
avenues to explore.
One of the most interesting
experience for students who go on the
Model UN trip to NYC is that they
actually get to visit the Mission/Embassy
of the country they represent so this year
they met with the Jamaican Deputy
Lauren Devlin actually explained
that the trip for her was made by this
“It was a really fun experience,
not just exploring the city, but also finally
getting my eyes opened to all the different
aspects of the UN. We even got to meet
the actual Jamaican consulate. It helped to
get a better understanding of Jamaica’s
policies to better represent them in our
Mr. Snizek defines the
opportunity as, “a debrief by the Deputy
Ambassador on that particular country’s
policies and diplomatic approach toward
the entire international community.
Besides going to see the Deputy
of Jamaica Senior Members of NH High
School Model UN got to go to the actual
UN building and have a tour.
Picture Provided By: http://www.inhabitat.com
They were able to visit Central
Picture Provided By: http://
Rockefellar Center was another stop that
they made in their free time.
Picture Provided By: http://
The World Trade Center
Memorial, St. Patrick’s Cathedral, and
Time Square were also visited.
Picture Provided By: http://www.gannettcdn.com/
SOHO Washington Square Park
was another area that students were able
to see in the Big Apple.
Picture Provided By: http://
Chinatown with its culture and language
brought international to a whole new level
for Model UN members.
Picture Provided By: http://www.partir-a-newyork.com/
Lauren Devlin said that her favorite part
of exploring the city was getting to see all
the aspects of such a diverse area and
being able to be exposed to all the
different languages that are spoken there.
Overall everyone who want on
the trip said it was definitely worthwhile.
“The magnitude of the
conference and the opportunity to work
with kids from all over the world to discuss
issues that we’re really passionate about
and find solutions for them”, reminisced
Lauren about the trip.
So if you have ever debated
whether or not you would enjoy being a
part of Model UN ask any senior member
and I am sure that they will tell you that it
is worth all the work that you must put in.
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Picture Provided By: Lauren Devlin
Central Park, NYC
Central Park was one destination that the senior
delegates of Model UN were able to visit while they were
not in Committee
Time Square, NYC
Time Square was another site that
students were able to visit on the
Model UN Trip
Rockwell’s Golden Rule Mosaic at the
UN Building in NYC
Time Square was another site that
students were able to visit on the
Model UN Trip
Model UN
Picture Provided By: Lauren Devlin
Freedom Tower, NYC
Central Park was one destination that the senior delegates of
Model UN were able to visit while they were not in Committee
Picture Provided By: Lauren Devlin
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The Addams Family Show
By: Jehnnia Liver
Last week New Hartford High School thrilled the region
of Utica and area. The New Hartford students performed
The Addams Family musical,based on a Broadway Version.
The musical impressed the public and the students. It was the
first time that New Hartford realized a musical of such
dimension. The musical portrayed Wednesday's engagement
and the Addams Family’s past.
The choice of the theme was made based in the current
group of New Hartford students and it tried to fit the students
“I think that this show is a good reflection of the humor
that the current students have, “explained Mr. Matthew
Romanow, the musical’s director.
He also added that “this is the first time The Addams
Family has been produced in our local area. It is a really
special show. I think it will be fun for the audience to see.”
Regarding about how he balances the direction of the
musical and the job as a teacher he said , “The hardest part of
directing the musicals is that it is a full-time job. My students
have always been my first priority and trying to fit in all of the
extra musical business has been challenging.”
Besides of being a challenge for the director,the musical
also required effort from students.
Olivia Danis,a senior student, performed as an ancestor
in the musical and it was a big challenge for her to dance and
sing at the same time during the musical.
“This is the first time that I am in the show. I used to help
backstage. We have been working on the musical since
December, ” Olivia said.
When I asked her,how she scheduled the musical with her
busy senior year she said, “ It is not hard because our directors
are understanding. I am really excited for the musical and the
story that it portrays.”
The ancestors and the leads wore costumes made in
Ohio and also wore a special make up,which they learned
how to do during a workshop. They had been practicing since
December and the performance was great.
Nicole Krumbach said, “It was my third musical and this
one is challenging because we have to dance and sing at the
same time.”
The opposite happened to senior Brady Collea.
“It is my first musical. My friends told me that I should
be part of MASQUE, so I decided to try. I was so
apprehensive about the audition that I missed the day. The
next day I had to talked to the director and thus I could
schedule a new audition.” Brady explained.
MASQUE performed for 4 days and some of the show
nights were sold out. Some people had to come earlier and
wait in line to try to get tickets for the show.
The performance was great and most of the public left
the show wanting to go back. Certainly it was one of the best
musicals that New Hartford presented.
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Overconsumption in America
By Madeline McIntosh
“The world has used a third of earth’s natural resources in the past thirty years,” the Guardian states. To be alive means to consume. In addition to getting basic needs met such as water to drink, air to breath, and food to eat;
humans are going above and beyond meeting their basic needs. Seventeen percent of the world uses eighty percent of the world’s
resources. In the developed world people are overconsuming tons of Earth’s natural resources. According to worldcentric.org: cars,
houses, appliances, computers, furniture, books, travel, and entertainment are all taking a huge toll on Earth.
Overconsumption or living a “comfortable” life comes with consequences. Everything that humans are consuming comes
from some part of the earth.
Resources are limited. Forests continue to be cut down. At the rate trees are being taken down there will not be enough time
for new ones to grow. Seas are overfished. It is estimated that someday we will have emptied out all of the fish in the ocean.
Ecosystems are collapsing and species are becoming extinct at an alarming rate.
When Ryan Murray an A.P. Environmental science student was asked when he believed people will start to care about the
amount of overconsumption and its effects on the environment he said, “Probably when it is too late. People will say that we could
have changed that a lot earlier.”.
To decrease the negative effects that overconsumption has on the environment Ryan says that we can focus on limiting our
wants. “Recycling is a simple thing to do to help decrease the negative effects of overconsumption..”
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Universe under the member name,
“Snowqueen’s Icedragon.” When it was
published as Fifty Shades, the characters
Bella Swan and Edward Cullen from
Twilight became Anastasia Steele and
By Zhane’ McKnight
Fan fiction is becoming a
new, popular trend online,
And this was
and even in traditional book
only the
Fan fiction is defined as
After, a fan
“fiction about characters or
settings from an original
published on
work of fiction, created by
fans of that work rather than
about the
by its creator,” according to
Wikipedia. Fan fiction can
boyband One
include anything from books,
to television shows, to video
received over
Logo for FanFiction.net. Photo provided by
games, plays, or music artists.
a billion hits
For example, a Twilight fan
before the
fiction, may have the same
author, Anna
characters and setting, but the conflict,
Todd (or “Imaginator1D”), had it
beginning and ending, and maybe even
published in print. Todd changed the
the character pairings are all different.
names of the One Direction members and
Almost all fan fiction is read online at
made them college friends instead of
FanFiction.net, ArchiveOfOurOwn.org,
WattPad.com. and LiveJournal.com,
Speaking of music, many artists, and
though there are many other sites where
more specifically, bands, have had many
specific genres, topics and books can be
works published about them. Bands such
as Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco, My
The fan fiction community is growing.
Chemical Romance, and yes, One
There are over 3 million registered users
Direction, all have AU (Alternative
on FanFiction.net, with over 6 million
Universe) fics written. Most of these band
registered titles (Source:
works, or “bandoms,” a play on the word
ffnresearch.blogspot.com). 78 percent of
“fandom,” are published less on
the members are female, with an age
FanFiction.net, and published more on
range of 13 to 17 years old, though I have
ArchiveOfOurOwn.org and
known older and younger members.
However the underground, online trend,
I tend to read more bandom stories
has now taken to mainstream publication.
than anything else. My favorite story is The
A recent example is E.L. James’s
Dove Keeper, a My Chemical Romance fic
novel, Fifty Shades of Grey, which originally
on Live Journal, featuring band members
was published online on FanFiction.net as
Gerard Way and Frank Iero. In this fic,
a Twilight fan fiction called Master of the
Gerard is an old, 47 year old gay artist,
Is Fan Fiction
“Real” Fiction?
who takes on Frank, a 17 year old high
school boy, with no desire to grow up, as a
student, and teaches him about art and
non-conformity. The two soon fall in love,
and the story explores several themes of
freedom in art and music, non-conformity,
society, peer pressure, and preconceived
“But is there freedom in love?” is the
question Emily Jane Ray (Evelyn Deshane)
asks. A reminder that this is all purely
fiction, and all for the sake of creativity.
The Dove Keeper was then published and
was available in print for a short time
before only being available for the Kindle
on Amazon.com, along with its
counterparts, The Epilogue and The Rainbow.
But all of this raises an important
question: Is fan fiction considered real
fiction? Should these internet works
allowed to break the social norm of
traditional publishing?
Alyssa Weibel, a sophomore at the
high school, when asked her opinion, said,
“I think so. The authors of fan fiction have
real skills that can be considered real
writing skills that help further their writing
The Pacific Standard, who wrote a whole
article on fan fiction entitled “Fan Fiction:
The Next Great Literature?” said, “But is
fic any good? Mostly not, as even its
fiercest partisans will admit. A random dip
into FanFiction.net will almost certainly
yield something terrible.” Absolutely. Most
fans of Harry Potter fics will fiercely agree
that My Immortal, an infamous story, was
one of the worse fan fictions ever written,
in terms of grammar and spelling, and
lack of plot.
However, even the bad fics are still
fiction. The authors were daring and took
many creative liberties and licenses, and
made something. Whether it was amazing or
horrible is all up to the readers. I’ve been
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reading fan fiction for years, and yes,
while some of them are really bad, a lot of
them are also really good.
The Pacific Standard interviewed
Anne Jamison, an English professor at the
University of Utah in Salt Lake City, and
a writer of fan fiction personally. Jamison,
who teaches fan fiction in her classes, likes
to explore, “the ways fanfiction blurs a
whole range of lines we (mistakenly)
believe to be stable: between reading and
writing, consuming and creating, genres
and genders, authors and critics, derivative
and transformative works.”
I love it too. I love seeing the
characters I read about originally in books
become something different; whether in
their attitudes, pairings, personalities, or
even gender. If you can imagine it, it can
happen, or has most likely already
As a personal fan fiction writer and
reader, having to write an original novel is
hard. Now try and write a fan fiction.
Don’t think just because the characters
and plot were already created by
professionals, that the work is half-done.
No, you now have to create a plot,
Alternative Universe, conflict, and
beginning and ending for the characters.
And the characters themselves! Now you
have to make them come alive; give them
personalities and problems and quirks.
Anne Jamison in the Pacific Standard
referenced Jonathan Lethem, a novelist,
who said, “When someone tells a
fanfiction writer that they’re ‘not a real
writer,’ I say to that person, ‘You don’t
have the slightest idea of what it means to
write a scene and a character in the
English language, with images and words
chock full of received meaning.’”
Then, the authors have to keep their
audiences engaged, and even deal with
severe hate comments from others. It’s a
tough business. I’ve seen, heard, and
Photo provided by People.com.
experienced hours and hours of work
gone into fan fiction. This business runs
into risks as well: hate from others,
plagiarism and stealing (since the works
are rarely protected from others, and when
something is stolen, there is nothing really
done about it), and hate from the original
authors even. And they don’t even get paid
for this, unless they decide to publish it in
print! So, why bother?
Because it’s rewarding. Having other
readers be subscribed to your stories,
write the most wonderful comments
to you, and even the more artistic
ones creating fan art for your ideas is
the most greatest feeling ever. I don’t
care if my works ever make the
shelves of Barnes & Noble; this tiny
online community which is steadily
growing, is all the support I need.
So yes. Absolutely, 100 percent,
yes, is fan fiction real fiction. It
deserves all the recognition it gets,
Art made for The Dove Keeper by Evelyn Deshane.
and I’m glad it’s getting it, even the
Photo provided by LiveJournal.com.
bad recognition. It just makes
someone even more curious to check
it out. And if an internet work gets
published, does end up on the shelves of
Barnes & Noble, and lands a movie deal
(ahem, Fifty Shades of Grey), then seriously,
that is so amazing and inspiring. And if
you think fan fiction is worthless, it’s easy
to just not read it.
(***NOTE*** Please read with caution.
Many fan fiction works have strong themes of
language, violence, and sexual themes. There are
rating guidelines on every website mentioned to
help find a story appropriate for you).
Book Cover for The Dove Keeper. Photo
provided by Lulu.com
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Coffee or Tea?
By Sophia Ricco
Hot, caffeinated beverages power our
world. Everyone needs their morning cup
as a way to start their day. That first sip
bringing a smile to your face, letting you
know that you can make it through
another day.
Which hot beverage do you pour into
your cup? Coffee or tea? The battle of the
hot beverages has been going on for many
years. The history of coffee going back to
the 10th century, and legend has it in 2737 B.C., tea was first
brewed. Many people are fans of both drinks and have their
reasons for taking a particular liking to each one.
Memories can play a part in the
choice of preferred hot beverage. Drinking a
cup of your favorite Earl Grey at your
favorite cafe next to your favorite window
can bring back fond memories of before.
Even the smell of coffee and tea can put a
smile on your face as you recall the past with
rosy retrospection.
When asked her favorite tea, Cassidy
revealed, “English breakfast tea.” She
jokingly says, “I like my tea to be strong, just
like my men.”
In the U.S., the average consumption of
coffee is 3.2 cups a day and in all 400 million
cups of coffee, making the U.S. the top consumer of coffee in the
world. With 65% of coffee being consumed during breakfast
hours. (Source: www.e-importz.com).
“I like coffee. I cannot find the right tea to drink,” expressed
senior BellaDonna Sins. “I usually take flavored creamer, like
caramel macchiato, in my coffee. I want there to be flavor, but I
don’t want it to take away the true taste of coffee.”
However, some people take no liking to either drink.
“Neither. I hate tea and coffee is alright, but I’m not a huge
drinker of it,” stated senior Brynn Stopczynski. “I’ll only drink
coffee in social events, when everyone else is. I do like hot
chocolate though.”
The Consensus
The Nerd Bar. A popular destination
“I like both to be honest,”
for New Hartford High School
expressed senior Morgan
Whitney. “I also love hot
students to fill up on coffee and tea.
Photo taken by Sophia Ricco
Any given day over half
the population of the United States will be drinking tea and over
half the population over the age of 18 will be drinking coffee.
(Source: www.teausa.com and www.e-importz.com). This
represents over 150 million people drinking tea, coffee, or both.
“Tea for sure. I’ve always drunk it with the grandma since I
was young, so it’s an acquired love,” reminisced senior Cassidy
Ruhmel. “I used to put Hershey kisses on a spoon and dip it into
the tea to melt the chocolate.”
Coffee and tea are both popular beverages that people tend
to gravitate to and consume on a daily basis. In the battle of
coffee vs. tea, they are both fair opponents for each other and
both will continued to be loved for years to come. Tea is my daily
drink that I have a deep love for and I will always chose tea over
Coffee is far too bitter unless you add mounds of cream and
sugar, while tea is simply delicious. Also there are so many flavors
to choose from. If you’re feeling something dark and strong opt
for a breakfast tea, something fruity then there are many fruit teas
to choose from, something calming then a chamomile will hit the
spot, or something invigorating go for green tea. With so many
options, what’s not to love? Tea is far superior in my opinion.
However, I will enjoy a cup of coffee with friends on occasion.
What is clear is that hot beverages will to make their way
into everyone's life in some way.
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“[T]here’s a certain arrogance and hypocrisy that’s going to
be difficult for her to overcome. … I think you have to obey the
law. I obey a lot of laws I don’t agree with,” Paul said.
However, it should be known that what she did was not
By Sophia Ricco
completely illegal.
When Obama
“[I]t’s very important for Secretary
Clinton to turn over her personal servers
officials came into
to a neutral third party,” Speaker John
office in 2009, the
Boehner said to Politico, concerning the
Federal Records
scandal sweeping Washington, D.C..
Act certainly
So what exactly is this scandal that has
allowed room for
everyone talking and even had a Saturday
the occasional use
Night Live skit made about it?
of a personal
It all started when it was revealed that
email account for
Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State,
official business
Rand Paul in Austin, Texas.
used a personal email while at the State
when necessary.
Department and stored her communications
But when a personal email was
on a server outside of the State Department. This concerned
used the Federal Records Act’s documentation and preservation
many people who asked the simple question: why use a personal
requirements still called upon that official to forward any such
email for work related business?
email into the State Department’s official records system. This
“Don’t use your private emails,” simply stated Sen. Rand
was a way for the Federal Records Act to make sure that the
Paul as a piece of advice for whoever wins the presidency in
officials were conducting legal business.
Clinton did not forward her emails to
the State Department’s official records
like worthy
system and that’s where she went
when at
“That’s the fairest way to make sure
work, use
that we have all the documents that
your work
belong to the public and, ultimately,
email and
all the facts,” Boehner said about
save your
Clinton needing to release control to a
third party to sweep her personal
email for
At the moment, Clinton has since
turned over tens of thousands of
Hillary Clinton politico.com
pages of emails to the State
Yet, Clinton
Department, but has also indicated that she deleted any emails
arranged to use only her personal email for all of her official
she deemed private. This once again raises eyebrows that she
communications. Also, she decided to use her own email server
chose the emails that were sent to the State Department and
equipment, rather than a commercial Internet service provider,
deleted other emails.
so that the records of her email account would reside solely
“I think she assumed that what was supposed to be public
within her personal control at home.
would be public and what was her own personal stuff wasn’t
What’s the Big Deal with
Hillary Clinton’s Email?
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going to be public, and I
think she might have been too
focused on the latter part of
that,” said Sen. Claire
McCaskill during a discussion
on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”
McCaskill also stated that
she herself would never want
the public to read her personal
emails to her children. Many
people can agree that personal
emails contain information that
people would not want to be
broadcasted to the public.
“People in Missouri aren’t
talking to me about her emails,”
McCaskill said. “They’re talking to me about why it is that they
can’t afford to retire.”
Valid point.
“It’s completely sexist,” senior Julia D’Ambrosio, an avid
Hillary Clinton supporter, voiced. “Plenty of male politicians
have done the exact same thing but no one is pointing fingers at
them. The media, who is mostly controlled by Republicans, are
trying to frame her negatively as a way to ruin her campaign
for President.”
This is true; Jeb Bush, former Republican Governor of
Florida, used a private email while in office. Then when he
turned over his emails to go in state archives, he chose which
emails were sent, as others were deemed private. (Source:
Ultimately, when Clinton began working as the
Secretary of the State she should have made the divide
between her work email and her personal email. That would
have avoided this whole mess and she would not be pushed to
reveal all of her emails, even private ones, to the public.
However, I believe the attention the scandal is receiving is
not completely justified. Although it may cause people to
question why Clinton did this, it should not cause people to say
that Clinton shouldn’t be President; that’s too far.
This scandal also has terrible timing since it is just weeks
before the expected announcement of her 2016 campaign
which was planned to launch in April. Now, Clinton may have
to push off or rethink her
campaign with the scandal
taking up her whole world.
However, I still have hope that
Clinton will win the 2016
presidential election.
“I know this won’t ruin her
campaign. Hillary Clinton will
be President,” Julia D’Ambrosio
said confidently.
(Interviews of Senators provided
by politico.com)
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Music Shaming
By Kayleigh Nicotera
Getting ready to party? Going to the beach or you’re just so pumped
up you just want to have some fun? Music has different ways of expressing
someones emotions. A lot of us might think we’re expressing our opinion
on music, but instead we never thought that we might be hurting people
with our statements .
According to Dominique Etzel, a reporter for a college newspaper,
there is no reason for people to judge others on what they feel is passionate
in music.
“It is absurd that we should ever feel guilty about something that
simply makes us happy.”
People just don’t understand what judging does to others or how it
makes them feel. Most of us just don’t care if we make fun of someone
because its really lame or not popular and something we listen to. Everyone
has different tastes and should be able to express how it makes them feel
instead of being criticized on what they enjoy.
A lot of people would agree to this statement of Music Shaming, for
example a New Hartford student, Lauryn Messa is a person who likes to
listen to a majority of music like
hip hop, rap, but deep down she
really enjoys older music like back
in the 80s. The 80s music is
something she generally grew up
listening to around her house with
her parents singing and dancing
and it brought her joy.
But the more wretched part is
that she’s a little embarrassed on
sharing her type of music because
a lot of people are more
interested in the more of
something repetitive in beats and
what they’re talking about in the
But what really stuck out to me
was when she said, “I would be
really upset if people judged me
on what I listened to because
Photo taken by Kayleigh Nicotera of people shouldn’t judge someone
on something that makes them so
Lauryn Messa showing her
happy, calm or maybe peaceful.
concentration with music.
It’s something that they truly
I have to say I do agree with her a hundred percent. Music is a big
part of people, some may not realize it but a lot of people relate to music or
to help get anger, frustration or sadness out and they have music that
creates a whole different part of them. Being shamed about it makes them
feel so ashamed of themselves that
they can’t even share with their
Tessa Dempsey, a New
Hartford student, thinks the idea
of music shaming is also ludicrous
and it should be stopped.
She loves listening to music
all the time, doesn’t matter what
her mood is she always has tunes
to cheer her up. The things she
listens to is something similar that
her friends like listening to.
Growing up listening to Hip hop
and pop since she was a young
girl, from her house to the car
everywhere she went, she had
Photo taken by Kayleigh Nicotera of
something she loved playing on
Tessa Dempsey enjoying her music.
the radio.
“I would feel really sad and
some kind of anger if someone
judged me for something I like,” said Tessa.
My opinion with this remains the same, I know how she feels if
someone criticized something that’s important to me I would be torn
because it’s what keeps me sane
through tough and good times.
With the information given
from these two girls from New
Hartford, people need to speak
up for others who are being
judged for their music and tell
the criticizers how it makes you
feel. You could give your opinion
on music just don’t be as harsh
about it and tell them that you
respect what they have a
passionate feel for, it’s just
something you wouldn’t listen
too personally. Photo taken by Kayleigh
Nicotera of Dakota Nelson and
his love for music.
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Let’s talk: Prom
By: Kayleigh Nicotera
Walking in the halls of the school, the noise of people talking,
laughing, or even crying. Have you ever been so curious on what
they were talking about, or the reason for their actions towards
other people?
Well now a days people have been talking about the upcoming
prom. Everyones excited as much as I am for a very fun night
among all of our classmates. Which color should I get or should I
get strapless or not? OMG I don’t have a date yet what do I do?
These are the question that I hear buzzing around every now and
What I don’t understand is that why do you have to have a
date to go with you? Why not just go with a group of friends so it’s
not awkward and/or you’re not obligated to stay around that
specific person the whole night? Have fun at events like these with
your friends because it’s coming to an end soon.
Some reasons why people might want to go to Prom is maybe
this is their first time going to prom, and feel more comfortable
going with someone.
A girl from New Hartford, Jasmina
Bosnic, gave her comment on prom, even
though she might not go. She thinks that
people are expected to go with a date
because it’s more of a formal dance, and
seeing that it’s the juniors first year it’s what
people usually do the first time.
But she stated that, “I wouldn’t mind
going alone because you should spend more
time with friends and still be able to dance
with whoever you want.”
She noticed that she wasn’t really close
enough with any of the guys in the school
and she would feel like it would be awkward.
One suggestion that Jasmina would give is if you’re going to go to
Prom with someone, it shouldn’t be a random guy, it should be
with someone that you feel most comfortable with.
Prom is about being with people you know and have fun
together. It wouldn’t be a great memory to look back on in the
future if you go with a mysterious guy and they don’t even talk to
you the entire night. I asked her what she thought about the whole
“what dress do I wear and will people like it?”
Everyone wants to look their best and most girls are worried
about what other people think. But in all honesty they should only
get a dress they like themselves and feel comfortable in and not
what other people want you to wear including your date. It’s your
night and be you! I agree with Jasmina 100 percent, when you look
back on your years as a junior and look at prom pictures you want
to be able to have memories, not to say, “oh look there’s that
random guy I barely knew.”
Create memories with your friends to remember for the rest of
your life.
But, from another perspective, Shelby Caporale, a junior, has
shared what she thought about prom. She thinks that it would be
nice having a date at prom for taking pictures and nice to have
someone there to dance with and not be alone.
“I mean I would but I wouldn’t mind going alone at the same
time. If I didn’t have one I would just go with my friends but It
would be awkward because all of my friends would have dates and
I would miss out.”
She explains that if you do go with a date she feels like they
would control what you do and wouldn’t be able to do what you
want. But if it were your guy friend you’d still go around and talk
with other people in the grade.
Prom to Shelby is the day that you get all dressed up, do your
makeup, do your hair, pictures and having a great time. When
coming down to picking a dress, you need to choose what you
want to wear and not care what other think. It’s your night to
express who you are!!
Another high school student, Lauryn Messa, is someone who
is excited for prom and can’t wait. She feels like having a date is
kind of expected because you just see in movies and from family
or friends who went in the past just expect you to you to do the
same and have a date.
“I feel I would mind at first but then you realize it’s better to
go alone so I don’t have to stress about the date,” proclaims
Prom to Lauryn is a special day to her and states that every
girl in the high school to just have a day of getting all pretty and
showing everyone how pretty they actually are. Most of the girls in
high school dream of this day ever since they were little.
When Lauryn talks about dresses she says that people should
get a dress that actually fits their personality. Getting something
they would like and wear, getting a dress that you don’t like and
don’t feel comfortable in it will be upset the rest of the night and
won’t have a good time.
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Anthony Murad
George Boufford
By: Christine Cornell
By: Brady Collea
Anthony writes reviews for Spartan Expressions. In the
afternoons Anthony goes to Utica College.
Anthony’s favorite things to eat are fried foods but not many
people know he does not like pizza. His favorite drink is root
beer. Anthony’s favorite place to eat is Creekside. He also likes to
eat at many other places too. He listens to pop music, but his
favorite is Italian Music.
George Boufford is a senior this year and will be
contributing a number of sports articles to this year’s
newspaper. He is taking journalism this year in the hopes of
improving his writing skills. He hopes to provide the best news
possible to readers of the paper.
His musical tastes include Kanye West, Childish Gambino,
and the Strokes.
He plans to attend Seton Hall next year and study political
Spartan Expressions is the New Hartford High School
student newspaper. The NHHS journalism classes, as well as
members of the Spartan Expressions club, produce the paper.
Materials found to be published in the paper are the efforts of
students who contribute and are not intended to represent the
opinion of any school official or member of the New
Hartford Central School Board of Education. Reviews or
references to businesses, services, products or media do not
represent an endorsement by the Board of Education. The
copyright laws of the United States of America protect all
materials published in Spartan Expressions.
Any student may contribute to Spartan Expressions
Articles and creative writing for consideration of publication must meet the following guidelines:
• No slanderous or libelous material will be tolerated.
• All reference to sex will be vague, scientific and will not use slang or be otherwise offensive.
• There will be no excess of violence or morbidity.
• No promotion of the use of drugs, alcohol, or recreational sex.
• No interference with the educational process.
• Content shall be factual and unbiased and shall not be derogatory toward an person on group.
• All articles and creative writing must be typed and edited.
• Please email submissions to jclive@nhart.org at least a week before publication.
• See Mrs. Clive in Room 251 if you have questions or need assistance.
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Bills gain new RB and QB
Source: ESPN
Will they make it to the playoffs?
By Alyssa Weibel
With the addition of old New York Jets coach, Rex Ryan, a
new running back, along with a new quarterback, the Buffalo Bills
will be a force to be reckoned with next season.
Ryan proved his devotion to his new team by coloring in his
Jets themed tattoo with the colors of the Bills (red and blue). He
also got a new truck detailed blue with the Bills logo along the side.
Bills fans are looking forward to what Ryan will bring to the table.
He definitely began the conversations with his most recent decision.
During the first week of March, the Bills traded linebacker
Kiko Alonso for the Philadelphia Eagles’ running back, LeSean
McCoy. The news shocked both Eagles and Bills fans. Alonso was a
strong player for the Bills, but was unable to play during the
2014-2015 season due to an ACL tear during training.
Alonso had a combined total of 159 tackles during the 2013
season. So why did the Bills trade a strong player that fans loved?
Some Eagles fans were shocked to learn the news and some
Bills fans gained optimism for the 2015-2016 season. McCoy is said
to be a strong part of the Eagles team, who finished with a 10-6
season, according to the Philadelphia Eagles’ official website.
“Very interesting,” Bills fan Mark Weibel says. “This shows
they still want to focus on running.”
Bills fans are butting heads as to if this was a smart decision by
the Bills to let go such a strong player.
“Time will tell, but Kiko was coming off of a bad injury,”
Weibel says.
McCoy is wasting no time in making Buffalo his new home.
“It feels good to be here, it feels good to be appreciated,”
McCoy said at the introductory conference the evening of March
10. “Since I heard about the trade, the Bills’ organization has been
great, excellent, accepting me and my family with open arms,
embracing us.”
An outside source told ESPN reporter Josina Anderson that
McCoy was not thrilled with the deal at first.
“We talked about it and my first reaction was definitely I was
disappointed just because I didn’t know what was going on,”
McCoy said. “I’ve been in Philadelphia my whole life, for six
McCoy holding his official Bills jersey.
Both teams gained great players, but the big question is: which
team will benefit more from this trade?
“I believe the Bills will benefit more from this trade,”
sophomore Easton May said. “Now they have a Pro Bowl running
back that can help the Bills this year.”
Big changes are coming for the Bills because not only did they
obtain McCoy, they traded for Minnesota Vikings’ quarterback
Matt Cassel.
Cassel did not play much in the 2014-2015 season because the
Vikings played quarterback Teddy Bridgewater for almost the
whole season.
The Bills will send two undisclosed draft choices to Minnesota,
while the Vikings will send an undisclosed draft choice to the Bills
with Cassel, ESPN’s Mike Rodak reports.
Cassel will be competing with Bills quarterback, EJ Manuel,
who was benched only a few games in last season.
“ I don’t think he brings any new skills that the Bills don’t
already have with Manuel,” Vikings fan Wayne Southworth said.
“The Bills are a little fragmented right now, new coach, new
running back, new wide receiver (also from the Vikings). Matt will
bring 11 years of experience with him. Good for team morale I
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continued from previous page
Buffalo Bills
Source: Democrat and Chronicle
The Bills originally had the sights set on
now Browns quarterback, Josh McCown, last
Cassel has played in the NFL for many
years, playing for teams like the New England
“I think Cassel is a little timid in the
pocket”, Southworth said. “He only played
three games last year because of a broken
foot. He’s slightly prone to injury.”
Cassel backed up Tom Brady for three
seasons until 2008, when Brady suffered a
season-ending knee injury in Week One and
Cassel replaced him.
Cassel went 10-5 as the Patriots' starter in
2008, setting career highs in passing yards
(3,693) and completion percentage (63.4
Matt Cassel (right) standing with Bills general manager, Doug Whaley (left), at Cassel’s press
The Patriots assigned Cassel the franchise
tag after the season before trading him to the
Undoubtedly, the Bills are heavily adjusting their team.
Kansas City Chiefs, according to ESPN.
Who knows, these changes could make the Bills become one of
Does Cassel have a chance at helping this team?
the teams in the playoffs this year.
“If he doesn’t get the starting job as QB,” Southworth said,
Time will tell, but many sports fans are excited to see what
“he is still an experienced player and will mentor other players
Ryan and the Bills can do for the upcoming 2015-2016 season. from the sidelines.”
“The Bills are a little fragmented right now, new coach, new running
back, new wide receiver (also from the Vikings). Matt will bring 11
years of experience with him. Good for team morale I feel.”
---Wayne Southworth
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MVP Ladder: March
Russell Westbrook leads the pack
By George Boufford
In the NBA, only a select number of players
are able to win the MVP trophy and all the honors that
come with it. This season there has been a tight race for
MVP and so far it seems as though Russell Westbrook of
the Oklahoma City thunder will come out on top.
Followed losely by Stephen Curry of the Golden Sate
Warriors, and LeBron James of the Cleveland Cavaliers,
it seems to be Westbrook’s trophy to lose.
Russell Westbrook
1.Russell Westbroook - I give Westbrook the top spot
because of how strong he’s played in March. He put
together the greatest 5 game span in NBA history this
month and became the only player aside from Michael
Jordan in 1989 to have 4 consecutive triple doubles.
2. Curry-Curry this season has averaged nearly 24
points, 8 assists and 5
rebounds. He has been a consistent threat this season
and is a big reason as to why his Golden state Warriors
are 1st in the western conference as well as the
owners of the best record in the league with over 50
Stephen Curry
LeBron James
3.LeBron James- LeBron gets this spot because of the
influence he’s had on the Cavaliers this season. James
has led his Cavaliers to the 2 spot in the eastern
conference despite a slow start. His 26 points, 6
rebounds, and 7 assists have been crucial to the turning
of the Cavaliers this season as they make a push to win
an NBA title this postseason.
4.James Harden- James Harden has stepped up hugely
in the absence of superstar center Dwight Howard.
Harden is averaging 27 points, 7 rebounds and 6 assists
for the 43-20 Houston Rockets which has put them in
3rd in the extremely strong western conference.
5. Anthony Davis- Davis has been averaging 25 points
per games, with 10 rebounds and close to 3 blocks.
Davis is not higher up on this list because His New
Orleans Pelicans have to fight for a playoff spot,
showing that unlike the others on the list he hasn’t had a
major impact on his respective team.
James Harden
Anthony Davis
All Photos Courtesy of google images
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The Dark Knight Rises
By Ryan Faro
Matt Harvey, also known as the Dark Knight, will rise once
again in the 2014-2015 MLB (Major League Baseball) season since
his season ending injury two years ago. Harvey who was named the
starter to the MLB All-Star game back in 2013 and was one of the
leagues top 5 pitchers that season, was thrilled to be back on the
mound for the New York Mets. Harvey in the number 33 uniform
pitched his first game in spring training after his Tommy John
Surgery against the Detroit Tigers.
Harvey struck out three batters and was clocked at 97, 98, and
99 miles per hour. He is one of the Mets top pitchers in the rotation
but was not named the Opening Day starter against the Washington
Nationals. Harvey has been mowing batters down in spring training
and is looking like a new and improved Matt Harvey. Harvey also
faced the Boston Red Sox starting lineup which consisted of David
Ortiz, Dustin Pedroia, Hanley Ramirez, Pablo Sandoval, and many
more great hitters.
Harvey was asked by many reporters down in Florida about
how he feels everything is going so far. Harvey came back by saying
“It’s a tough day for all of us.”“The big thing was getting my work
done and really focusing on that.”
Harvey is looking to try to make to the playoffs with the Mets
for the first time in his MLB career. Harvey who has an overall 2.39
ERA (Earned runs allowed) along with 261 total career strikeouts,
can’t wait to throw that first pitch for the Mets on opening day
against the Washington Nationals on April 4, 2015. Harvey is a guy
who has many weapons with his 97 mph fastball or his ridiculous 91
mph slider and can make hitters have a hard time facing him.
history. Seaver also had other pitchers behind him like Nolan Ryan,
who was just starting out his career, Tug McGraw, the father of
country singer Tim McGraw, and the left hander Jerry Koosman,
who won the last game of the 1969 World Series against the
Baltimore Orioles.
Yes its true that Harvey can lead his team to a playoff and
possibly a World Series but Harvey is very fortunate to have pitchers
behind him like Zack Wheeler, who is out for the 2014-2015 season
because of Tommy John as well, Jacob deGrom, who was the
2013-2014 rookie of the year, and the two veterans Dillion Gee and
Jonathon Niese.
The Mets will be looking to try to make the 2014-2015 MLB
season quite interesting with their outstanding pitching staff and
new group of hitters. The Mets will need to focus on staying healthy
and competing to fullest to make the post-season.
Matt Harvey on left, Jacob deGrom in the
middle, Zack Wheeler on the right.
Matt Harvey was asked if he’s ready to play a big role for the
Mets as the new ace at spring training in Port St. Lucie. Harvey
came back and said “I’m ready to put the whole staff on my
shoulders.” “I do everything I can to win and lead by example on
the field” Harvey stated.
Many people may think Matt Harvey is overrated or the Mets
are the worst team in the MLB and the Mets can’t make the playoffs
just because of one pitcher. Well when the Mets won the World
Series in 1969 and made the World Series but lost in 1973, the Mets
were led by Tom Seaver, probably one of the best pitchers in MLB
Mets Manager in ’69 Gil Hodges on the
left along with Jerry Koosman, Tom
Seaver in the middle, and Nolan Ryan on
the right.
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Batter Up
Zack Kesterson Goes Division One
By:Camryn Carstensen
“This year we have a great team, good senior leaders and a lot
of young talent, but it’s what we do with the talent that will help us
be successful
the season,”
said Zack
about this
year’s Varsity
baseball team.
After Zack
tore his UCL
he underwent
Tommy John
replacing the
torn ligament
Zack Kesterson announces his commitment for
in his arm
Duke for future seasons
with a ligament in his
calf; leaving many
questions remaining about his upcoming season and recovery time.
“Staying focused and staying positive really helped me
not get lazy throughout my rehabilitation; it was a huge
perspective switch really rededicated me to my love for baseball,”
said star athlete Zack Kesterson.
Zack will be able to pitch half way through the season; New
Hartford’s boy first game is April 4th at Proctor at 4pm.
“I’m so grateful to play at New Hartford. The facilities and
athletic ability are amazing here much better than past places I’ve
played; I also love having my previous coach, Coach Green here.
He’ll bring a lot of good things to this team,” said Zack Kesterson.
Coach Green is the previous coach at Notre Dame where
Zack used to attend school, and there has only been positive
feedback regarding the new coach. He is very experienced and
players feel like he is leading the team in a good direction.
High school Varsity baseball is not the only thing Zack’s
excited about he’s looking forward to his Division One career in
college at Duke.
“At Duke I'm still undecided about what I am studying;
however I hope to continue my baseball career as far as possible
but more importantly to leave Duke with a good degree with hopes
to get a good job,” soon to be Division one player Zack Kesterson
Zack is not the only one excited about his future, as his friends
and teammates Justin Lefave and Peter Cougan are very happy
about his future baseball career.
“He’s gonna kill it,” says Justin Lefave, “With his arm healed
and his love for the game the potential is unstoppable,” said Peter
Cougan regarding Zack Kesterson's future after Duke
“Many players look up to him, especially with his skill level.
He has such a strong work ethic, he’s so determined, always so
positive,” said teammates Lefave and Cougan.
“Zack is energetic, funny, confident, gifted, hardworking, and
optimistic,” said Lefave and Cougan describing Zack.
The boys each share their favorite memory of Zack. “I’d have
to say when Zack rolled Brad into a ball, it’s a team inside joke,”
laughed Peter Cougan.
“About a year ago, I and some upperclassmen saw Zack throw
for the first time in pre-season and we were all just stunned by his
level of skill,” said Justin Lefave.
Pictures of Zack Kesterson pitching at
his home game at New Hartford Field.
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Student athlete profile: Trent Reardon
Throwing captain plans to make waves in high
school track this season
By George Boufford
Trent Reardon is a senior here at New Hartford High school
and he is also a member of the varsity track team. Trent participates in
the throwing events, meaning shot put and discus, he is one of the few
seniors on the throwing team and plans on working hard this season to
help guarantee success for himself and his teammates.
“Charismatic teammates and encouraging coaches have
helped me succeed by pushing me to improve in order to help contribute
to the team,” said Trent.
Trent will likely be named throwing captain this year, a goal
of his since he first joined the team. If named captain, Trent will surely
lead by example and will guide the younger kids on the team by filling
the position of a role model.
Trent has been on varsity track ever since freshman year,
and this year will be his biggest challenge yet as he faces the challenge of
leading the large number of young teammates he will have this year.
“We have a great group of guys, all of whom will compete
hard and make this season one of the best yet” said Trent when asked
about how he thinks the team will fare during the season, he wishes to
improve his distances and throw the shotput over 40 feet whilst throwing
the discus over 110 feet.
Trent hopes that in his senior season he can make an impact
on the team this year and help the underclassmen to have the same
winning mentality as he does.
Next year Trent will be going to Temple University in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He will be majoring in psychology and has
plans to become a psychiatrist later on. Trent credits his teammates for
always pushing him on to do better in track and in part helping him to
gain the mentality that he has today which helped him come to his goal
to be a psychiatrist. Though Trent won’t be doing track in college next
year, it has been a part of his life every spring for four years now and has
come to be a part of what made him into the person he is today.
Joe Kovacs of the
USA Track team
competing in shot put
Temple University
Photos from Google
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College Bound
Choosing, waiting, then choosing again
By Brady Collea
“I’m just excited to go to a new place and study new things
and meet new people.” Of course senior Katie Mercurio is
talking about going to college. That’s just about all that any
seniors are talking about this time of year as the letters of
acceptance or rejection come in the mail.
Despite this excitement, the process of applying to and
choosing a place to spend the next two to four years of life is
incredibly stressful.
Katie stated, “It’s pretty stressful since it’s the first time most
of us have not known where we will be living next year and until
we get application decisions it feels like it’s not in our control.”
Erin Hernon, another senior, shared a similar sentiment
when she said “It is pretty stressful, but if you manage your time
it’s really doable. It’s probably more nerve-wracking than
A multitude of factors such as proximity to home, school
size, academic programs, the surrounding environment, and
especially cost, affect the decisions being made before the May
1st deadline.
One of the main criticisms of American post-secondary
education is the cost. According to CollegeData, the average
cost of attendance at a private university is $46,272, and even
public universities average around $23,410 per year. These costs
are arguably the biggest issues that face prospective students.
“I think cost too often prevents people from attending the
schools they actually want to go to,” said senior Lauren Van
Wagoner, who continued on to say “the fact that money weighs
so heavily on our decisions can also make us value our
education more.”
Guidance counselor Mr. Lutz offered a different perspective
on the college application process, discussing some of the
available resources to students in New Hartford. “We encourage
students to use Naviance often and early,” he said regarding the
site where students can look up colleges, research careers, and
even see which careers may match their personality type best.
Lutz continued by saying that Naviance offers “a slew of
information at your fingertips.”
A number of scholarships can be found on Naviance as
well, providing precious opportunities for more financial aid.
However, Lutz did state that the biggest source of financial aid
for students is their eventual college.
Seniors send in their applications from the time the
Common Application becomes available in August up until
deadlines for submissions that usually fall at the beginning to
middle of January. This allows for plenty of time to visit schools
and gather information about where to apply. Making the final
decision though, can be very tough. Erin faces an intriguing
situation because one of her top schools is also where her older
sister goes. Anyone with an older sibling can likely feel for her
situation. “I’m super hesitant about going to the same school as
her, but I love UVA so it's tough.”
Unfortunately, many application decisions from colleges do
not come until March, or even as late as mid-April. This waiting
period is perhaps the hardest part of the process, as students’
futures sit on desks across the nation. “Waiting is the worst,
definitely,” Van Wagoner expressed.
When asked which is the worst out of applying, waiting, or
deciding, both Lauren and Katie resoundingly declared waiting
the worst part. Katie commented, “I had all of my applications
done by mid-November and still haven’t heard back from most
of my schools.”
Some colleges offer binding Early Decisions if a student is
dead set on that school. They can be committed to that school
before most students even submit their applications for regular
decision. This is an ideal way for some students to get into their
dream school.
Another way for students to get admissions decisions earlier
is to apply to schools that offer “rolling admissions.” This means
that the college reviews and sends out decisions to applications
as they receive them, usually within two to three weeks. The
downfall of a rolling school is that it is a “first come, first serve”
mentality. A student with better credentials than an accepted
student may be shut out of a rolling admission school because
they waited too long to submit their application.
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Applying to a school that offers Early Action
might be the most convenient for students hoping to hear back
from colleges earlier. The premise of these schools is very simple;
applicants get decisions by the time when regular decision
applications are being sent in. Unlike rolling admission schools,
these Early Action schools have the same decision deadline for
early action applicants and regular decision ones. An applicant
can hear back in January, but still does not have to make a
decision until May. Early Action offers the punctuality of Early
Decision, but without the commitment.
Although Lauren admitted “that would be
really nice to be them right now,” when discussing students who
apply early, she did mention a distinct advantage that regular
decision offers. “You’re able to see all of the financial packages
and maybe even pit one school against another to try and get
more money. Also, it’s obviously great if you don’t have your
heart set on only one school.”
The process of applying, waiting, and deciding
can be daunting to students. It seems like their futures lie in the
hands of admissions departments. However, Erin voiced that “It
doesn’t help to get too stressed about it [the process] because
people have done it before you and survived and people will do it
after you and survive.”
Each of these seniors offered their advice to students applying in the future.
Katie Mercurio
“Only apply to schools you could actually see yourself going to and focus
on finding the right school for you, not your parents or friends. You’re
the one that’s going to live there for the next four years, not them.”
Lauren Van Wagoner
“Enter into the process with an open mind, visit as
many schools as you can, and get excited about
your future and your education.”
Erin Hernon
“I find what helps is to write down all the deadlines in some sort
of chart or list, especially if you’re applying to a lot of schools.
Also, use the teachers to your advantage; ask them to proofread
your essays and communicate with them about the process.”
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Type to enter text
By: Camryn Carstensen
Rocking out all the way to Syracuse and Albany, New Hartford's
own students Adam Manion and Alex Verbickas perform in the
experienced and proficient band Glen Street.
“Will Gordon, our drummer, is the reason we have so many gigs.
He’s as professional as possible and makes tons of friends at the gigs we
play. We always make it our best show,” said Glen Street member Adam
“There’s such few time for us to grow more realistically and our
location is not a strength for us; it’d be much easier if we were located
in a city,” said Adam Manion regarding where he sees the band in 5
However, this band has grown so much They went from very local
small populated gigs to opening for national bands and are in the
process for so much more right now. “ It’s funny to say this band started here at Band Aid right in New
Hartford’s auditorium. If it wasn’t for Max Pfisterer a graduate from
New Hartford in 2013 who helped us record our first album, I don’t
know where we would be right now,”said senior Adam Manion.
“Alex and I have been playing guitar since second grade, so we
know each other very well and ultimately we all have the same goal; we
all know each others schedules too and take advantage of the time we
have over the weekends”, said Adam Manion and Alex Verbickas.
“But with everyone going away for college I may join another band,
however we’re uploading as many videos on youtube with the hope of
sticking together somehow,” said guitarist Adam Manion
“Being in a band has really brought me out of my comfort zone,
and the friendships and bonds we made in the band are unbreakable
there are so many positive things that have come from being in a band,”
said guitarist Alex Verbickas.
New Hartford science teacher and mother of drummer Will
Gordon, Mrs. Gordon, seems to agrees with Alex in all the positive
aspects of the band. “It’s a collaboration of a group of boys from
different schools and different backgrounds who can all come together
for their love of music.”
“Personally I have always had a love for music; my husband played
the drums and Will has been playing since he was 3,” continues Mrs.
Gordon .
Photo submitted by Glen Street
“I 150% support my son and the boys in the band. They
work so hard and even with work, school, and sports they talk
everyday and coordinate their schedules well; when they are
together they’re either playing or writing music together. Their time never goes to waste,” said Mrs. Gordon.
“Many people are fans of this band, especially in this
town. I hear such great feedback, especially about Adam and
Alex and their talent,” said Mrs.Gordon.
Photo submitted by Glen Street
Glen Street performs alternative rock,
however they do cover originals. Their
number one song is Blue; their best show
was at the Westscott theater, their shows
coming up are in April. April 10th is an
acoustic show from 10-12pm at Bis
barbecue and bar, and April 17th is at
the UC relay for life at 6pm.
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Undiscovered Talent
Michaela Scarafile talks about her love for art
By Giovanna DeFazio
Pencils, paint, pastels, charcoal, just a few of the tools an artist
needs to create a masterpiece. Art is all around us and plays an
essential part in Junior Michaela Scarafile’s life.
Ever since she was little, she has always been interested in drawing.
“By the age of eight, I came to the realization that I had a special
talent,” Michaela said.
It’s obvious that the junior at New Hartford High School is very
talented and puts her all into everything she creates.
“It was my grandma that truly inspired me to pursue art. She was
always painting and loved to draw with me when I was younger,”
Michaela said.
Michaela’s brother, Charles added, “ever since she was young, she
always loved to draw and work on crafts. She’s extremely creative and
even made a sign that hangs outside of our camp out of twigs
and glue.”
“It’s what I do. It’s a passion that I
hope to pursue for the rest of my
-Michaela Scarafile
To the left is a free-hand drawing provided by Michaela
and up above is a crushed can also submitted by
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“She makes us so proud, she really
does. She is a very talented young
girl with a bright future ahead of
-Michaela’s mom
Michaela’s most recent piece. She plans to only fill in t
he splattered paint on the bottles.
Michaela loves everything about drawing and hopes to pursue
it in the future. In college, she plans to minor in art so she can still
do what she loves.
Her brother added, “I think she should minor in it in college.
It’s hard to have a career in art, but with the talent she has, she
should definitely continue it in her future.”
“Michaela gives one hundred and ten percent in everything
she does. She always tries her best and always has a smile on her
face,” Gabrielle added. She describes her friend as an inspiring
individual that acts as a role-model to younger artists looking to
pursue art.
Michaela said she works really hard on whatever art
project comes her way because she loves everything
about it.
“I especially love to draw graffiti because it’s
everywhere around us and it allows me to express
myself,” she said.
Gabrielle Johnson, a friend of Michaela’s said, “I
love how hard-working and driven she is. It truly
inspires me. She puts everything she’s got into her
artwork and is truly dedicated!”
Her artistic ability hasn’t gone unnoticed though.
She has received art awards from the school and she has
showcased her work in art shows.
Michaela added, “I displayed some of my art at a
local arts and crafts store in Old Forge up near my
Michaela painted what was in her pocket.
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New Hartford Students Heading
To Boys State
By: Gus Pfisterer
ability are the basis for evaluation
during the actual citizens selection
Right! Left! Right, Left, Right! 10 Hut! Drop and give me
fifty! This training will make or break you. This is where little boys
become men. This is Boys State. Cooper Deck, Ryan Faro, Nolan
throughout my interview. When I
Durr, and Kyle Kuty will be the men attending.
first heard about boys state I knew it
Boys State is a week long camp for high school boys from
was something I really wanted to
all different counties in the New York State. The point of the camp
do.” Nolan Durr, New Hartford
is to teach the boys about leadership, responsibility, government, the
Junior, mentioned. “This camp will
marines, and what it takes to become a proper United States
help me learn about the
citizen. “I heard about it from my uncle who
is in the American Legion, and also
my mom helped inform me of it.”
New Hartford junior Ryan Faro said.
“Someday I hope to perhaps join the
military so this is going to be a really
cool experience for me. I am also very
excited to meet new people from
Ryan Faro School Picture
across the
The selection process is what makes all the difference for
the candidate. Merit and ability are the basis for evaluation during
the actual citizens selection process. If a person is lucky enough to
be selected, a representative from the American Legion comes to
the school to conduct an interview. Questions like “Are you a proud
citizen of the United States?” and “Do you have the pledge of
allegiance memorized?” Are asked during these interviews along
so excited to be apart of the camp this
“I was extremely
nervous going into my
summer,” New Hartford junior Kyle
interview. Ever since I
Kuty said. “When I found out the
heard about it I knew it
requirements I thought I would give it a
was a place for me,” New
shot. It looks awesome on a college
Hartford junior Cooper
application, and it will only make me
leadership tools that can only help me throughout my life.”
the candidate.
It’s a great opportunity. I am
better as a person.”
government, and also great
with others to get to know
“I was really nervous
Deck said. “I value
Kyle Kuty School Picture
“Only males who have
successfully completed their junior year of high school and who
have at least one more semester remaining are considered. Only
those who illustrate leadership, character, scholarship, loyalty, and
service in their schools and community are considered. Merit and
leadership. I think it is
what makes me different
from most kids my age. I
have been a captain of
numerous teams, and I just
Cooper Deck’s School picture
like to be the leader.” Cooper said smiling.
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“I think when colleges saw it on my
application it was a difference maker
for being taken off the waiting list at
Boston College, and actually being
accepted,” Mark Chanatry, New
Hartford grad, and Boston College
freshman stated. “It really does make a
difference. Plus it taught me so many
things that I apply to everyday life. It
couldn’t have been a better
Photo Submitted by Mark Chanatry
Boys state takes place at Morrisville College from
the dates June 26, 2015 to July 2, 2015. As the week goes
on young boys in high school will be changed into men
with fine tuned skills that will only help to become
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Tips for a traveler
Jehnnia Liver
When I came to the United States,I had many expectations
and at the same time I did not know what to expect. It was a mix
of feelings almost the whole time. After some months living in
the United States I did not like it at all and I could not
understand the reason. It was a beautiful country?Yep. Were I
learning the language? Yep. Were I living a new culture?Oh not
I changed of country,language,food,school,habits and at the
same time I was not enjoying this new culture.I mean,I did not
adapt to all the new things around me.
Travels or trips change your mind,if you let them. You can
go to China and live there for one year,China has a different
culture,it would be a big changed but after one year you could go
back home and still being the same person,if you do not open
your mind to new things. So where go some tips,does not matter
where you go,if you apply this tips,you will make your
trips,vacations the best thing in you life.
Be open to new things -Does not matter how many time
you spend in place,you always should try new things.I did not
like the american food in the beginning,I could not eat peanut
butter. So I looked for a restaurant in the area that could offer
me a meal as a brazilian one. I found and I realized that I could
not afford it for a long time. I did not have choice,but eat the
american food. I tried and tried until I start to like it.What I
most see is when people go travel they always go to a restaurant
familiar(included me)few people try the local food. You can find
out another things that you like,being open for trying them.
Do not judge - When I went to Chile I felt that people
there were really close-minded. Chile was one of the greatest
places I'd been but I was disappointed about their point of view.
Some years later an exchange student from Chile,which became
one of my best friends.Then I took the risk and told her about
my thoughts about her country.First,she laughed,after she
explained to me that people were like this because of the
government,culture or traditions,people in determined countries
can be really different,often we judge them,but always try to
understand their point of view.
Try to learn the language - Does not matter how long
you stay or where,you always can learn a new word. You can
spend vacations even in your own country and learn new words
or a new accent. When I arrived in America,I did not speak
English at all,but I always tried to learn,I wrote down the new
words I learned since I`ve been here. Do not be afraid to do it.
Learn something from the bad experiences- Bad
experiences are part of the life,even trips. You will have bad
experiences,to learn how to enjoy the good ones. The most
important is that you learn something from them. Some trips go
wrong,some you do not plan really well,but that is okay. I learned
a lot of things during my trip,I learned many things in
America,but it makes me value my good moments and it also
makes me more prepared for new experiences.
Be positive - Wherever you go,something always can go
wrong,you can not control or change it but you can control your
reaction. I would say that my exchange was not as I expected. I
saw that was hard to make friends,since people here grew up
together and they have their own group. I had many negative
thoughts about my american life.I wasted a long time
complaining. When I became more positive everything got better
and better,suddenly I just forgot the negative parts,if they really
existed they do not matter anymore,since when you start being
positive,everything around you gets better.
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The Dynamic Duo Teams Up To Make Blockbuster Hit
By Gus Pfisterer
Gut busting. Eye
watering. Knee
slapping. Highly
entertaining. Just a few
of the emotions the
amused audience will
experience as they
watch the new
blockbuster Hollywood
film, Get Hard.
“I look forward to laughing so hard I cry,” New Hartford junior
Dominick Pfisterer said. “I haven’t seen a really funny movie in a
long time, I’m due for a good laugh.”
Get Hard is the new blockbuster hit featuring the highly
talented Will Farrell, and Kevin Hart. The film depicts businessman
James King (Will Ferrell) as he is wrongfully convicted of tax
evasion. He hires his black friend Darnell Lewis (Kevin Hart), who
he incorrectly thinks has served time in jail, to teach him how to
survive his upcoming 10-year prison sentence.
“The producers couldn’t have picked two better people for this
movie” New Hartford Junior Morgan Calabrese said. “These actors
are going to compliment each other so well. Both men are hilarious,
and I feel working together there is no way the movie won’t be
Will Ferrell first established himself
in the mid-1990s as a cast member
on the NBC sketch comedy show
Saturday Night Live and has
subsequently starred in the comedy
films: Old School, Anchorman, Elf,
The Legend of Ron Burgundy,
Talladega Nights, Blades of Glory,
Semi-Pro, Step Brothers, The Other
Guys, Anchorman 2: The Legend
Continues, and The Lego Movie.
New Hartford Junior George
Fanelli said “Both of these actors are
so talented. They make me laugh
incredibly hard, but now that they’re together it’s going to make for
an unbelievably funny movie.”
Kevin Hart began his career by winning several amateur
comedy competitions at clubs throughout New England,
culminating in his first real break
in 2000 when he was cast by Judd
Apatow for a recurring role on
the TV series Undeclared. The
series lasted only one season, but
he soon landed other roles in
movies like Scary Movie 3,
Grudge Match, Ride Along, and
Little Fockers.
Actor Kevin Hart mentioned
in Collider.com ; “ For me, it was
definitely dope because this is me
stepping out of my comfort zone.
Coming here and working with
Will and Will’s team and you know, his production company, along
with the studio is me being excited to work with Will, but I will say,
the way that they approach their workday is dope to me, because we
all care.”
Actor Will Ferrell said on his interview in collider.com “it’s kind
of the same process, you know, it’s new for us to work with Kevin
and vice versa. Kevin just had great ideas about how he wanted to
play certain things
and especially from
the black
perspective and
how that should be,
you know, things
we want to say,
things we don’t
want to say, and
then we, you know,
we met before
shooting and went
through all of the
This will be
the first time Will
Ferrell and Kevin
Hart will team up
in a movie. The
highly anticipated
movie hits theaters on March 19th.
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Copyrighted Feelings
Everything in music is liable to lawsuit
By Brady Collea
written. There are thousands of songs using the same chords,
even the same progression of those chords. Why aren’t all of
those artists suing each other? The answer is that they choose to
respect inspiration instead of stifling it.
A ruling has come down in the lawsuit which
orders that Thicke pay $7.3 million to Gaye for the alleged
copyright infringement. I was previously unaware
that feelings could be copyrighted.
Any performing musician is lying if they say
that they do not have musical influences. The
songs they choose to sing might tend to be from a
Pharrell was quoted by Time magazine
specific artist more than others, or songs they write
saying, “The verdict handicaps any creator out
might exude the same kind of feel as people who
there who is making something that might be
influence them. Famous musicians often credit
inspired by something else.” Williams continued on
their musical influences for where they got a
to say “This applies to fashion, music, design…
successful sound or song. Unfortunately, creativity
anything. If we lose our freedom to be inspired
and expression are being constricted and
we’re going to look up one day and the
threatened by copyright lawsuits.
entertainment industry as we know it will be frozen
Both Robin Thicke’s 2013 hit
in litigation. This is about protecting the
“Blurred Lines” with Pharrell Williams and “Stay
intellectual rights of people who have ideas.”
With Me” by Sam Smith have been sued recently
I understand the statement “It’s a
by artists claiming that Thicke and Smith ripped
business” that is so often used in sports or
off their sound. The accusers are Marvin Gaye
entertainment, but these suits are abhorrent. I
and Tom Petty, respectively.
personally write songs and I draw a lot of
The lawsuits, especially the suit
inspiration from Passenger and the fingerpicking
filed by Gaye, are baseless. When you look at the
which he plays. If I was to sell a song on iTunes,
actual composition of “Blurred Lines” against Gaye’s “Got to
this ruling tells me that I could easily be sued for all I own.
Give it Up,” it is incredibly clear that the two are very different.
The music industry spans from obscure local groups and
The instrumentation sounds the same, but the musical mode,
all the way to global superstars. The fact that there
beats, and the overall use of those instruments like the cowbell
are such litigious people out there, artists themselves, who are
and electric piano vary greatly between the songs.
more concerned about making money they don’t need through
The main claim being made by the Gaye camp
lawsuits is repulsive. Artists who likely found the inspiration to
is that “Blurred Lines” stole the late 70s feel that “Got to Give it
pursue music because of these artists from decades past are now
Up” inspired. I ask you to read that again; Gaye’s people are
being sued by them, and that seems quite wrong.
admitting that very little musical similarity exists between the two
songs, but are claiming that they give listeners the same feel.
For those who know
Since Gaye’s song came first, that means he gets to sue Thicke.
music theory, compare
If artists are going to be sued for copying the general sound
the lines for yourself.
of one another, all pop artists might as well sue each other for
For those unfamiliar,
just look at how
playing major chord progressions (albeit this is essentially what
different the lines
Sam Smith has been sued for). Rap artists could sue each other
appear to the naked eye.
for using the same number of syllables per measure or other
ridiculous, minute aspects of the songs. What discerns a copycat
song from an homage to a past artist?
It is a well known joke among musicians that if you can play
4 chords and own a capo, you can play virtually every song ever
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Celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day
A changing of tradition
By Madeline McIntosh
In like a lion, out like a lamb. March is an eventful month. March madness, the changing of seasons, and Saint Patrick’s Day all
come with an abundance of excitement.
The celebration of Saint Patrick’s Day originated in 1737 in America. It started in Boston by Irish Americans as a religious
service followed by a feast. Since then, Saint Patrick’s Day has changed, becoming more about drinking, wearing green, and parades.
Although many Irish American families still have a traditional Irish meal on Saint Patrick’s Day, typically consisting of corned
beef and cabbage. A senior Elizabeth Williams said, “After going to the parade we have a big family dinner.”.
“The Saint Patrick’s Day parade is a lot of fun, the floats are cool and the amount of community participation is awesome.”
Elizabeth stated.
According to The Great American Irish Festival in Utica, the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade is one of the biggest Saint Patrick’s
Parades in the state of New York. The Utica parade originated from a small group of Irishmen led by Johnnie Oakes marching
around Varick Street and has considerably grown in size since its start in 1977.
No matter what festivities people participate in, Saint Patrick’s Day is guaranteed to be a fun day for all.
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By Christine Cornnell
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Water Park Fun In The
Water Safari
By Anthony Murad
Black River is my favorite ride at Water Safari. You go in a
double tube, in a dark tunnel and it goes very fast!
I also like the Curse Of the Silverback. It goes fast and when
you come out you go in circles.
I also like the Raging Rapids. This ride you climb up a
mountain and go fast over bumps and through the turns.
This year I want to try the Rondaxe Run. It is a double tube on a big side. I think it would be fun.
Mr. Byrd, a substitute teacher at New Hartford, said, “The
Shadow is my favorite. It’s really big and goes fast. I like the
Rondaxe Run too.”
Giovanna De Fazio, a senior at New Hartford, used to go
to water safari twice a year. Her favorite ride is the Curse Of The
Silverback. “It goes really fast. I like the drop!” she
“It goes really fast.
I like the drop!”
--Giovanna DeFazio
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March 20th
Issue No. Two
sa Daley
By: Alys
Midnight travels closer near
Closer, closer to you my dear
Not retreating, but advancing
Like the gypsies’ haunted dancing
A solid wall of black dissolving all light
It is why this warning I write
Once upon a
midnight dreary,
while I pondered
weak and weary.
~Edgar Allan Poe
Forever it feels as though we’ll fall
Running, walking, till we crawl
No matter where you run they’ll follow
Sometimes the truth is hard to swallow
The light of the moon is veiled by a cloud
The fight for survival only has one round
Midnight can change on a dime
Like Cinderella you’ve run out of time
Losing your glass slipper is not a worry
It’s the big things that lunge instead of scurry
No fairy god mother, no magic, no mice
You’re on your own, your risk, your life
Make the most out of what you’ve been given
You have a second chance to be reborn, to be risen
You’re too young they say, but I know
Your heart is full no longer hollow
The path untaken you choose to take
A most beautiful life you shall make
So Midnight come and Midnight go
If you don’t stay forever please make it so
For Darkness can turn into Light
But then again there as an Alaskan night
No sun, no moon, no stars, no heart
It is up to you to stand apart
What you run from
will always catch up
so it is better to face it
head on than to be
caught unawares
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Balance: Part Two
By Zhane’ McKnight
In the morning, my mother came to rouse me and get ready for
the funeral. She seemed unsurprised that I was already awake, but
did not comment on it.
“How are you doing?” I asked gently. Mother sniffled slightly
and looked a bit shaky, but said she was doing alright.
“And you?” she asked me. “You were closer to Helena than
I cringed at that. Though I was going to her funeral, I did not
want to think about my dead grandmother. The fact that she was
gone, frightened me to no end. It suddenly made me doubt all of my
decisions to leave my family behind.
“I will be fine,” I said evenly. Mother nodded at me and left me
to get ready.
It was then that I discovered I had no suit.
I searched through my suitcase and my barren closet, but all I
had were dress pants. No shirt, no suit jacket, no tie. I ran my hands
through my hair in frustration. I ran to my parent’s room and
knocked on the door.
“What?” My father asked, slightly bewildered as I stood in
front of him, panting, only swathed in black dress pants. “What’s
“I need… a suit…” I managed to gasp. Do you have an old
He studied my face for a few moments before inviting me in.
He rummaged through his closet, throwing me curious glances as
he did so.
“What?” I said.
Father startled a little out of his trance. “Nothing… I just guess
where you were… you wouldn’t need a suit.”
My face flushed a little. All of us were still skirting around the
issue of “my time away,” as they called it. And he was right; there
was absolutely no need for a suit in the woods. I was surprised I still
had dress pants even.
“Um, yeah…” I said awkwardly. “I think grandmother gave it
away or something. She got rid of a lot of my old stuff… that I
didn’t need.” With that, father handed me the clothing and shooed
me out of the room.
I shifted uncomfortably in my suit. It was a tad bit bigger than
I, and my shoes pinched my feet.
The funeral was very quiet. A lot of distant family and friends
were there, and though they spoke very little to me, I could feel
their judging and hateful stares bore into my back. I already wasn’t
a part of them since I didn’t even have my own suit. But now they
were just confirming the fact.
Why did you come back? Their eyes asked. Why are you here? And
suddenly, I had a vision of back at camp, when I had told my group
that I was leaving, and their eyes had the same cold, unforgiving
look. They were the same, I realized.
I gasped at the sudden realization. The people around me
looked at me funny, but I didn’t care. How were they the same,
judgemental society that I had tried to leave behind?
I didn’t want to believe it. But it was true. My group was a
smaller, more secret society. They tried to pretend they were
different, and maybe they really did try, but in the end, I saw no
difference between society and my group of misfits.
“What’s the matter?” my mother hissed at me. I couldn’t
I stumbled over to where grandmother’s body laid in her coffin.
I looked at her calm, peaceful face. She still looked youthful almost,
like she shouldn’t be dead. I clutched the edge of the coffin, my
knuckles turning white.
“What do I do, Helena?” I whispered. “What do I do?”
She, of course, gave no answer. I grunted a little in frustration.
I felt a large hand clap down on my back, and I flinched. “Stop
it, whatever you’re doing,” my father growled low in my ear.
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” I said breathlessly. “I don’t
know about anything anymore.”
“Get out,” my father snapped, causing people to look up.
“You’re making a fool of yourself. Get out and get a hold of
Gladly, I said in my mind. This place was suddenly too stifling. I
ran out of the church and all the way back home. The burn in my
muscles felt good. When I returned home, I stripped out of the
offending suit and back into a shirt and jeans. I paced around the
I couldn’t stay in this house any longer. And I sadly realized
that I could no longer return to my group. Both were too offending.
Where would I go?
My eyes suddenly landed on a poster that had remained tacked
up in my room. It was a drawing of the Statue of Liberty. A New
York State of Mind, the caption read. My chest bloomed with hope.
I had always wanted to visit New York City. I had been
fascinated with the old and the new; the old stores in Brooklyn
versus the new skyscrapers in Manhattan.
Balance, I thought and smiled. What I needed was balance. I
could still be a part of society, but remain true to myself. I could live
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fascinated with the old and the new; the old stores in Brooklyn versus
the new skyscrapers in Manhattan.
Balance, I thought and smiled. What I needed was balance. I could still
be a part of society, but remain true to myself. I could live in Queens or
Brooklyn, but still visit Manhattan. Yes, my plan was sounding better by the
The grin remained on my face as I packed, and shoved my meager
savings into my pocket. I wasn’t horribly upset about it, poverty would do
me good, and I was used to bad living conditions.
Before I left, I wrote my family a note saying, I’ve gone again, and I don’t
know when I’ll be back. Don’t look for me. Take care. I then wrote a similar note to
my old group and left it next to the other one. My group would receive the
note, somehow. They always did.
I carefully untacked the New York poster and folded it before packing
it into my suitcase.
I took a deep breath, looked around my childhood room one last time,
and closed the door.
Balance, I said to myself. Balance.
Photo provided by Google Images.
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You’ll Ace these puzzles!
Check out the puzzle page!
Can you figure out which band
formed first, second, and third?
By Alyssa Weibel
1. Nirvana was formed.
2. The Rolling Stones were formed.
3. Red Hot Chili Peppers were
)7891( 1 ,)3891( 3 ,)2691( 2 :SREWSNA
Credit to Clip Art Best
Puzzle credit to Bonnie
Taken from
about.puzzles.com (right)
spartan expressions • New hartford senior high school • new hartford, ny