CLASSifiedS - The Sidney Sun
CLASSifiedS - The Sidney Sun
Legals Online: L889 NOTICE IN THE COUNTY COURT OF CHEYENNE COUNTY , NEBRASKA Estate of Walter C. Weyerts, Deceased Estate No. PR16-25 Notice is hereby given that on June 3, 2016, in the County Court of Cheyenne County, Nebraska, the Registrar issued a written statement of Informal Probate of the Will of said Decedent and that Duane A. Weyerts, whose address is 13557 Road 48, Dalton, Nebraska 69131 was informally appointed by the registrar as Personal Representative of the Estate. Creditors of this Estate must file their claims with this Court on or before August 29, 2016, or be forever barred. /s/Lori Bartling Clerk of the Cheyenne County Court Address of County Court: 1000 10th Avenue Sidney, Nebraska 69162 Thomas D. Oliver Attorney at Law Bar Number 21574 P. O. Box 670 Bridgeport, NE 69336 (308) 262-2933 [Published in The Sidney Sun-Telegraph on June 15, 22, 29, 2016.] L898 SIDNEY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Garage Sale Garage sale at 1637 Manor. Sat- 7 to 12. A little bit of everything. SERVICES Sandy’s Hair House. Low Rates. Perms & hair cuts. 2542512 HELP WANTED Part time and full time employees at $9.00 an hour. Apply in person at either Git N Split location EOE. Part time Help Wanted 955 Ball St. Sidney KMI, a local, growing hotel company is seeking a general manager for the Fairfield Inn and Suites, in Sidney, Nebraska with a minimum of 3 years hotel management experience. Marriott experience preferred. Competitive wage with benefits package. Please send cover letter and resume to janet. mcconnaughey@kmiwy. com. MISC. WE BUY ALUMINUM CANS. WE PAY CASH. 955 BALL ST, SIDNEY. 254-7115. apts for rent Studio, 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments for lease. $400 & up, all utilities pd. 1 month deposit & background check. 308254-0913 HOUSES FOR RENT House for Rent. For more info, call 2491053. 7A Public Hearing – Student Fees Policy June 13, 2016 President Von Seggern called the Public Hearing to order at 5:32 p.m. with the following members present: Thomas Von Seggern, Steve Mattoon, Randall Flamig, Doug Means, Randy Miller, Brenda Smith, Superintendent Jay Ehler and Secretary Deanna Kantor. No comments from the public. Hearing adjourned at 5:33 p.m. SIDNEY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Regular Board Meeting June 13, 2016 President Von Seggern called the regular meeting to order at 5:33 p.m. with the following members present: Thomas Von Seggern, Steve Mattoon, Randall Flamig, Doug Means, Randy Miller, Brenda Smith, Superintendent Jay Ehler and Secretary Deanna Kantor. Means moved, seconded by Smith, to approve the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting on May 9, 2016. Roll call vote: Aye 6, Nay 0. Motion carried. Mattoon moved, seconded by Flamig, to approve the bills payable. Roll call vote: Aye 6, Nay 0. Motion carried. Miller moved, seconded by Mattoon, to approve the financial reports. Roll call vote: Aye 6, Nay 0. Motion carried. Means moved, seconded by Smith, to approve the option enrollment requests of Corbin Bondegard, Seth Glass, Lucy Hill, Avery Hill and Jackson Hill. Roll call vote: Aye 6, Nay 0. Motion carried. President Von Seggern recognized and thanked the local businesses that donated to the Student of the Month Program: Runza, Sam & Louie’s Pizza, McDonald’s, WalMart, Fox Theatre and Pepsi. Curriculum & Assessment Director, Sheri Ehler, presented information regarding an Educator Effectiveness Evaluation Development grant. Mattoon moved, seconded by Means, to approve the changes in Board Policy #5045 – Student Fees as revised. Roll call vote: Aye 6, Nay 0. Motion carried. Flamig moved, seconded by Smith, to approve the 20152016 Multicultural Education Reports. Roll call vote: Aye 6, Nay 0. Motion carried. A discussion was held regarding setting a date for the July School Board Work Session. It was decided upon July 13, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. Mattoon moved, seconded by Miller, to table indefinitely Board Policy #3038 – Procurement, Suspension and Debarment as presented. Roll call vote: Aye 6, Nay 0. Motion carried. Smith moved, seconded by Means, to approve the changes in Board Policy #4012 – Staff Internet and Computer Use as presented. Roll call vote: Aye Wednesday June 15, 2016 Sidney Sun-Telegraph 6, Nay 0. Motion carried. Miller moved, seconded by Flamig, to approve the Nebraska Math Standards for the 2016-17 School Year. Roll vote: Aye 6, Nay 0. Motion carried. Angie Jacobsen liked the change of graduation being moved to the High School and also stated that the High School Choir did a nice job at the LA competition and represented themselves well. Board Members, Doug Means, Randy Miller, and Steve Mattoon presented their reports. Special Education Co-Coordinator, Angie Jacobsen, presented her report. Principals Sheri Ehler presented her report and Chris Arent would like to thank the community for helping the students with the choir trip to LA and the FBLA trip to New York. Superintendent Jay Ehler presented his report. The next regular meeting of the Sidney Board of Education will be held on Monday, July 11, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m. /s/ Deanna Kantor, Secretary Board of Education Cardmember Service 4,837.64; Cardmember Service 371.08; SPS – Bond Fund 181,760.87; SPS – QCPUF 109,998.29; Sidney Public Schools Payroll 1,065,000.00;S t e v e Spangler Science2 , 9 8 5 . 0 0 ; Mail Finance 100.35; Verizon Wireless 463.94; WalMart Community 827.62; Advanc-Ed 1,650.00; Ahlers Baking Inc 44.95; Albertsons/Safeway 727.15; 3,215.55; Apple Inc 1,898.00; Birch Communications 1,512.95; Bluffs Sanitary Supply Inc 650.42; Bomgaars 189.94; Capstone Press Inc 395.00; Cash-Wa Distributing 411.80; Chadron State College 130.00; Charter Communications 80.00; City of Sidney 26,586.13; Crescent Electric Supply 3,906.01; Culligan Water Conditioning Inc 942.15; Day & Night Plumbing & Heating 268.65; DP Electronics 409.83; E & S Auto Supply 138.47; Eakes Office Plus 20,624.48; Engineered Controls 4,840.00; ESU #10 30.00; ESU #13 10,280.23; Finneys Inc 1,128.18; Frenchman Valley Coop 3,813.55; Geyer Instructional Products 725.47; Gopher Sports 848.96; Grainger 170.75; Harris School Solutions 1,264.08; Hillyard 4,217.20; Ideal Linen Supply 1,857.93; The Iron Shoppe 388.93; Patty Jeffers 136.00; J o h n s t o n e Supply 1,215.96; JW Pepper & Sons Inc 706.46; Kriz-Davis Co 161.49; KSB School Law 560.00; KSID 56.00; MidAmerican Research 955.08; Miller Office Products 1,027.43; Munroe-Meyer Institute 75.00; NAPA Auto Parts 115.37; NASCO 1,194.01; NE Central Equip Inc 135.44; Omaha World-Herald 1,075.00; Omega Laboratories Inc 274.00; One Source 70.00; Paper 101 17,129.55; PEAP 138.00; Pearson 661.47; Perma-Bound Books 1,847.61; Pittam Body Shop Inc 157.21; PREPD LLC 125.00; Presto-xCompany 373.59; Pyramid School Products 133.58; Really Good Stuff 741.08; Renaissance Learning Inc 2,063.00; Renkoski Property Development LLC 1,113.00; Rood’s Tire Center LLC 72.42; Scholastic Inc 159.25; School Specialty 3,993.40; Scootpad 2,025.00; Shred-It 114.01; Lori Shutts 467.64; Sidney Regional Medical Center 2,348.65; Sidney Sun-Telegraph 133.77; SOAR Pediatric Therapy LLC 3,114.63; Sonny’s Super Foods 151.59; Source Gas 5,531.78; SPS – Activities 2,000.00; SPS Depreciation 10,000.00; SRMC – Physicians Clinic 236.20; Staples Advantage 562.44; State of NE – AS Central Services 227.47; Student Assurance Service 2,026.25; Super Duper Publications 128.97; Tony Balandran 200.00; TPRS Publishing Inc 494.00; Trinity3 Technology 550.00; Triple O’s Building Supply 156.05; Typing Agent LLC 2,000.00; WPCI 34.00. [published in The Sidney Sun-Telegraph on June 15, 2016] Classifieds for rent. Completely remodeled. 1 month deposit and No Pets. 308-249-0278 HOUSE FOR SALE For Sale by owner 1614 Osage 2 bed, 1 bath, 832 sq. ft. Full basement with 1 bed, den & laundry. $40,000 OBO AS IS. 970-5764928. luwhocolo@gmail. com DUPLEX FOR RENT Large 1 bdrm duplex. Call 254-2512. No Pets. Background Check. STATEWIDES ADVERTISE STATEWIDE for $225/25 word classified ad. Over 165 newspapers with circulation of more than 365,000. Contact your local newspaper or call 1-800-3692850. BANKRUPTCY: FREE initial consultation. Fast relief from creditors. Low rates. Statewide filing. No office appointment necessary. Call Steffens Law Office, 308-8728327. We are a debt relief agency, which helps people file bankruptcy under the bankruptcy code. AFFORDABLE PRESS Release service. Send your message to 170 newspapers across Nebraska for one low price! Call 1-800-3692850 or www.nebpress. com for more details. VINTAGE VILLAGE Antique Mall, 2425 O Street, Lincoln, 402742-0063. Storewide Sale! May 16-31, 10-7 daily. 50 Dealers. New selections arrive daily! Antiques, collectables, JOIN OUR TEAM • Multi-Modality Tech - Hiring incentive available Full Time X-Ray, DEXA, and CT experience required; Ultrasound preferred • RN - Hiring incentive available Full Time, Acute Care. • LPN - Hiring incentive available Full Time, Acute Care. • CNA - Hiring incentive available Full Time • RN, LPN, CNA, Food Service Worker, EVS Tech Per Diem positions available. Competitive salary and benefits Apply online @ 970-774-6123 235 West Fletcher, Haxtun, CO 80731 Looking for great people to serve great people! 2 bedroom house jewelry, uniques. H O S P I TA L / C L I N I C Director of Compliance: Memorial Health Care Systems, Seward, NE, seeks a candidate with hospital/clinic coding/billing experience to oversee Corporate Compliance/Privacy. Experience in healthcare compliance preferred. Competitive wage/benefits. Apply online:”www. employment. NRD JOBS: Upper Republican NRD, Imperial, is seeking a Water Resources Manager/Assistant Manager and a Te c h n i c i a n / P r o j e c t Operator. Go to www. or call 308882-5173. SOUTH CENTRAL Diesel Inc., Holdrege, NE, has a FREE June’s rent. Ogallala Electronics Division 601 West 1st Street, Ogallala, NE 69153 Two openings: Draftsman/Design Engineer Quality Control Manufacturing company in Ogallala, Nebraska currently has two openings. For a full description and to apply on line go to: posting.html?client=magteccor1 Arnold Magnetic Technologies is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer. Minority/Female/Disability/Veteran full-time position in our growing sales department. Must be very organized, excellent computer skills, detail oriented, self-motivated and have good communication skills. Knowledge of Automotive & Diesel Parts a must. Great Pay, Retirement, Paid Vacations, Employee Yes! June is $0 Rent Month! Sioux Villa has 2 & 3 Bedrooms units available now. Very affordable rent. Tenant is responsible for all utilities. If you need warm, durable housing, check out Sioux Villa Apartments. NO INCOME RESTRICTIONS. Applications are available at 2459 11th Ave and at 1844 Ash St or call 308-254-3670 for more information. Visit us online at www. and find us on Facebook: Sidney Housing Authority! Sioux Villa is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. Health Insurance Paid. Contact Mike @ 308995-6528 or scdinc2@ Live…Dream… Work the Adventure! Full-time Sporting Goods Buyer position open at the Orscheln Farm and Home office in Moberly, MO Individual will select merchandise assortments, negotiate terms, set pricing to meet sales and margin goals, responsible for display and POG of merchandise. Required qualifications include knowledge of laws, rules, and regulations of selling firearms and ammunition, prior Buyer experience, store operations or management experience, good communication and computer skills, and able to travel. Competitive salary with bonus potential compliments a comprehensive benefit package. Apply by any of the following methods: *Online (Retail Home Office) *Email *Orscheln Farm and Home Attn: HR Recruiter PO Box 698 Moberly, MO 65270 Equal Opportunity Employer Now hiring for Sidney, NE Distribution Center! Full-time, Part-time & Seasonal Positions All shifts available Join a company that not only understands, but encourages your passion for adventure. Our flexible scheduling options let you spend more time doing what you love. Join the World’s Foremost Outfitter! Apply online at or call 308-255-5461. • Competitive starting pay up to $12.50/hour • $1 per day lunch program for all employees • Immediate generous employee discount • Full & part-time employees are eligible for 401k, dental & vision benefits and paid holidays. • On-the-job training. No experience necessary • Drug/lift test & background check required Cabela’s is an Equal Opportunity Employer and seeks to create aninclusive workplace that embraces diverse backgrounds, life experience, and perspectives. Annie's Mailbox Dear Annie: I’ve seen several doctors recently, and each time I noticed that they gave a lot of information so quickly that I could not absorb it all, nor could I remember it entirely. I also received written instructions after a recent surgery, but those weren’t particularly good, either. Part of the instructions included a form that was filled out by the doctor, whose handwriting I had difficulty reading. Ideally, all information would be typed up and handed to the patient. Granted, it takes time for someone to do this, but it’s the patients’ health we are dealing with. If the doctor refuses to provide this, I suggest bringing a voice recorder. Turn your personal and private use, it on when you’re told “the there should be no objection doctor will see you shortly,” -- legal or otherwise. But most and make sure the doctor doctors have computerized speaks clearly. Ask them to resystems, and in many instancpeat anything if you don’t think es, test results and instructions it came across. can be sent Ask the doctor to patients via to explain Kathy Mitchell email. Ask medical terms & Marcy Sugar your doctor Creators SYNDICATE that are used about this. routinely, but Hospitals that you may also should not understand. be handing you typed postAre there any legal issues insurgical instructions. Of course, volved in doing this? Of course, it is important to read through doctors should be informed everything and to call your that they are being recorded. doctor if you do not understand -- Get It Right something. Too many patients Dear Get: If you are recordare reluctant to phone or email ing the doctor’s instructions for their doctor, because they don’t want to be a nuisance. But it is important to be proactive about your health care. Doctors don’t want you to misinterpret their instructions, either. Dear Annie: I don’t enjoy going to movies any longer. Why? Because anything rated PG-13 and up is usually laced with gross profanity. I simply don’t enjoy listening to this kind of language. I recently agreed to accompany my husband to a movie that received good reviews and starred two well-known actors. When I left the theater, I was convinced that the writers of this movie must have not gone further than the fourth grade. Nearly every sentence had the f-word. Are these writers so limited in their knowledge of our language and vocabulary? All of that profanity distracted from what could have been an interesting movie. We have become desensitized to all the profanity around us. I’d love to see a sophisticated film for adults that doesn’t offend my ears. Am I the only one who feels this way? -- No Movies for Me Dear No: We can assure you that others find the vulgar language (not to mention the gratuitous violence and sex) equally objectionable. There are movies that do not pander to the lowest common denominator. You can look online for various websites that list cleanlanguage films, some of which may also be sophisticated adult films. Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please email your questions to, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd Street, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254. You can also find Annie on Facebook at AskAnnies. To find out more about Annie’s Mailbox and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at www.creators. We have blank newspaper end rolls for sale. $5 a roll. Used for wrapping, packing, coloring paper, craft paper, picnic table coverings, etc. Pick up at: 817 12th Ave., Sidney.
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