Bulletin - Cathedral of Christ the King


Bulletin - Cathedral of Christ the King
May 8, 2016
7th Sunday of Easter
Congratulations to the following students who celebrated their First Communion
this weekend.
2699 Peachtree Road, NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30305
VBS Info
Page 3
Healing Mass
Page 3
RCIA Sponsor Needed
Page 6
Summer Lunch Ministry
Page 7
Around the Archdiocese
Pages 8
Fr. Jose’s Column
Page 9
Hispanic Pages
Page 10 & 11
Mason Almassy
Joaquin Alvarez
Evan Arena
Wyn Atkinson
Edith Atwell
Samantha Bailey
Lauren Baker
Josephine Balcita
Flaminia Baldi *
Nolan Banks
Riley Beirne
McKenna Bekkers
Jane Bennett
Nora Bevington
Alexa Blanchard
Read Elizabeth Blanco
Carlotta Mai Anouk
Brennholt *
Paulina Greta Lou
Brennholt *
Patrick Bridges
Griffin Brogan
Charles Burch
Richard Burke
Jude Cascone
Catherine Chandler
James Reid Clark
Connor Clifford
Charlotte Common
Elizabeth Ann Copenhaver
Cate Costello
Olivia Cresswell
Kendall Cushion
Lucas Damiani *
Alexia Davis
Katherine Davis
Prather deButts
Julius Decoufle
Edoardo Delima *
Sam Dennis
Harry Dinham
Sophie Duke
Samuel Eckstein
Hannah Edwards
Regan Edwards
Daniela Elias-da Silva
John Elrod
Lucas England
Anne Davis Evans
Charlotte Fedewa
Michael Fennelly
Virginia Fisher
Rowan Fitzsimmons
Emma Fleming
Elizabeth Flynn
Braelynn Gamble
Aerin Gannon
Isabella Goings
Joseph Graebner
Brayden Graham
Madeline Graham
Grayson Granberry
Bella Gratch
Ava Grenier
Mariana Guzman
Wyatt Hale
Ansley Hall
Catharine Hanley
Dominic Hantula
Russell Hardin
Emma Harron
Madeline Harron
Margaret Henry
Anna Herrero
Jack Herring *
Julia Herring *
Logan Hicks
Madison Hightower *
Tiernan Hofstetter
Harper Hudepohl
Wolfe Hudepohl
Henry Hughes
Lily Hughes
Chloe Hungeling
Payton Ingham
Colette Iwakoshi
Lincoln Jabren
Charles Jeanguenat
Anthony Jones
Lauren Jones *
Sophia Kaczay
Claire Kalka
Andrew Kazmer
Margaret Keough
Amanda King
Claire Kirchner
Mary Knoerle
Michael Ryan Krachon
Heidi Gertrude Lacombe
Dominic Lancelotta
Clarisa Lander
Dorothy Lander
Eleanor Lane
Clara Laskowski
Grace Leonard
Alexander Lewis
Pace Lilenfeld
Robert Link
Burns Lowry
Nicolas Maio
Stephen Maloof
Campbell Mann
Thomas Mastella
William Masucci
Hadley Mathers
Vincent Mattus
Patrick McCall
Billy McCluskey
Matthew McCoy
Patrick McGahan
Camille McIlvoy
Elizabeth Means
Samuel Miller
Robert Minson
Iris Monaco
Andrew Moreau *
Evan Moreau *
Danielle Moreno
Emily Morris
Spencer Morris
Luke Morton
Maggie Mount
Andrea Munoz Villarreal
Katherine Murphy
Victoria Ngo *
Joseph Nieves
Elizabeth Nilson
Erich Nunez *
Anna O’Haren
Ella Oliver
Bennett Ortale
Valentina O’Shaughnessy
Luciana Osmon
Laura Palacios
Carolina Pascual
Hannah Pettys
Liam Pitra
Victoria Pizzo
Chase Popowski
Emily Pruitt
William Pugeda
Catherine Reames
Michael Ricotta
Tyler Riney
Caroline Roberts
Aiden Jane Rose
Caelan Rivers Rose
Robert Rude
Alonso Ruiz-Moye
Mary Myers Ryll
Isabella Grace Sagstuen
Hannah Schmidly
Kate Schmidly
Theodore Schrader
Claire Schwartz
Katherine Schwartz
Catherine Schwarzmann
Evan Secor
Sheppard Singletary
Alexandra Jane Snider
Sofia Steinwinder
Campbell Stewart
Anne Strougal
Mackenzie Stultz
Timothy Svoboda
Fiona Swann *
Alexandra Talbert
Katherine Tantillo
Taryn Thompson
Lorena Sylvia Trevino
Gallen Tuomy
Jake Verlander
James Walsh
Sally Walsh
Seán Walsh
Ian Westfall
Evie White
Sarah White
Lily Whitworth
Andrew Wiegand
John Wigbels
Bridget Wilbert
Elle Williams
Jack Wirtz
Liam Wood
Hailey Wortmann
Ashley York
Jackson Yungwirth
Lucas Zuniga
* Catechumenate for
Children and Youth
Jesus said to
them, “I am the
bread of life;
whoever comes
to me will never
hunger, and
whoever believes
in me will never
thirst.q John 6:35
To submit a non-published prayer
request for our parish Prayer Chain,
email cother@comcast.net or call the
Church office, 404-233-2145.
† Monsignor Frank and the parish
community of Christ the King
wish to extend their deepest
sympathy to those who mourn
the loss of a loved one:
The Aulbach family on the death of
George Aulbach, the Burke family
on the death of Neal Burke, John
Horton on the death of his wife,
July Horton.
† We ask that you pause a
moment to offer a prayer for the
sick of our community,
Around the Parish
Father Frank & Pastoral Care Ministry
of the Cathedral of Christ the King
Invite our Senior Adults to join us for the 12:10 Mass
in the Cathedral, followed by
anointing of the sick, with
lunch & camaraderie in Kenny Hall.
THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2016
Reservations are Limited
Call Pastoral Care 404-267-3674
Friday, May 20, 2016, 7:00 p.m.
Kenny Hall
William Abdella, Joan Armburst,
Judith Baylon, Jorge Bogonini, Mary
Braniff, Jeannie Stier Butler,
Christine Dailey, Dan Driscoll, Bill
Haithcoat, Lynne Hamrick, Katie
Hutchison, Steve Klare, Tommy
Lanier, Cheri Letts, Susie Lopez,
Millie Mack, Debbie Martin, Alice
and Becky McDonough, John
Michael Night, Marie Pearce, Maria
Pino-Satter, Barty Quinnelly, Tom
Rochefort, Isaac Saleumsy, Roman
Serrano, Carol Silva..
Rosary, film: ‘Fatima, Altar of the World,’
Supper; Divine Mercy Chaplet
100TH Anniversary Year of the Angel’s visit to
Four recent popes say, “Our Lady of Fatima’s
messages are the same today as when
Our Blessed Mother announced them to the
children, Lucia, Bl. Jacinta and Bl. Francisco,
May 13 - October 13, 2017”
Stewardship of Treasure
Short Sermons to Live By
“Today our Lord Jesus Christ
ascended into heaven; let our hearts
ascend with him.”
St. Augustine
Christ’s Ascension presents us with this reminder — that we are called to lives of
discipleship and stewardship, but that sometimes being able to fulfill that requires
patience and determination. Nevertheless, Christ’s Ascension represents a fulfillment
that each of us must realize and recognize.
Offertory Income Budget Year-to-Date
Offertory Income Actual Year-to-Date
$ 5,177,144
Actual Over/(Under) Budget Year-to-Date
For your convenience, electronic giving is available at www.cathedralofchristtheking.org
MAY 8, 2016
Children & Family
Elaine McCollum 404-267-3692 emccollum@ctking.com
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Registration for VBS 2016 is now open
for children ages 4 – 10 who will attend
VBS from June 13 to June 17th, 8:45 am
to 12:15 pm. VBS 2016 is “farm-tastic!”
In Barnyard Roundup VBS, your children
learn that Jesus gathers us together!
They’ll look into the Bible, God’s Holy
Word, and explore five Bible accounts
where Jesus graciously gathers us
together to be with Him with His
abundant provision and saving protection, now and forever. Come along with us as
we sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat yummy snacks, play awesome games, and
more. Plus, you’ll learn all about Jesus our Savior and how He gathers us together!
Can’t wait to see you there! Register now on the Cathedral Website for Barnyard
Roundup Vacation Bible School! Look for VBS REGISTRATION.
On-Line registration for the 2016/2017 Parish School of
Religion (PSR) is open. Classes meet on Sunday mornings from
Sept 2016 – May 2017. Classes are available for children ages 3
(by June 1) through 8th grade. (note: enrollment is limited for
some classes) Search “PSR registration” on the Cathedral website
for registration information. Questions? Call Elaine McCollum,
Volunteer Training
All NEW volunteers working with
Children and Vulnerable individuals are
required to complete an in-person
course “Protecting God’s Children”
prior to volunteering. Our Cathedral
offering will be in Kenny Hall on
Thursday, May 19, 6 pm–9 pm
Saturday, May 21, 9 am–12 pm
Thursday, May 26, 9 am–12 pm
Visit the Safe Environment information
at www.archatl.com to register for the
class. Any volunteers needing
rescreening (last background check
completed 5 or more years ago) are
also required to complete this training
(404) 267-3692.
Around the parish
And Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
May 11, 2016
5:30pm in the Cathedral
Come pray with us for the sick,
the bereaved, and those in need
of peace and healing!
HOSPITALITY following Mass
PRAYER TEAMS are available to pray with you.
Loving God,
as a mother gives life and
nourishment to her children, so you
watch over your Church. Bless our
mother. Let the example of her faith
and love shine forth. Grant that we,
her family, may honor her always
with a spirit of profound respect.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.
Excerpts from the English translation
of Book of Blessings © 1988, International
Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Adrian • rec@ctking.com
Basketball for
Elementary and
Middle School age
Mondays 6:30-7:30pm Grades 3, 4, 5
Mondays 7:30-8:30pm Grades 6, 7, 8
No experience necessary. Check out
the Cathedral Website for more info.
CTK Fencing Lions Closing
Sparing Event
May 15th Hyland Center Gym
Registration ($10 for participants)
begins at 12:45, event 1 PM
All are welcome to
come watch the
little lions as they
practice what they
have learned.
CTK Young Church offers weekly youth ministry experiences for middle and high
schoolers in our parish and community. For info on our weekly events, special
trips, as well as our summer offerings visit us online at www.CTKyouth.com.
Nick Labrie • 404-233-2145 x628 • nlabrie@ctking.com
Collen Beringer • 404-233-2145 X676 • cberinger@ctking.com
May is here, which means exams, graduations, and summer prep is at hand. We
may be taking the month off from regular programming, but we’re already
gearing up for an incredible summer as well as our 2016-17 programming! Take
a look at our summer events below and be sure your teen is registered for our
2016-17 programs!
Summer Recreation
This summer you will see tennis,
dance, karate, basketball and soccer
camps. Discounts available for early
registrations. Go to the Cathedral
website for more information.
Cathedral Running
Community for Christ
meets every Saturday at
8:00am on the steps of
the Cathedral for a 3 to
4 mile run. Fellowship
follows the run at Panera Bread.
Check out the Cathedral website for
contact information.
Pick Up Basketball
Join other adults Tuesday Nights (TNB) at
8:30pm and Sunday
Nights (SNB) at
7:30pm for a game of
basketball. Space is limited so check
out the Cathedral website to sign up.
STEUBENVILLE ATL: High School Youth Conference
All rising 9th graders and current high schoolers are invited to join us for an
unforgettable weekend at Steubenville Atlanta July 8-10th, 2016! This is the
Southeast’s premier high school youth conference, gathering 3000 teens together
with top Catholic speakers and musicians, all in our backyard. Find out more at
EDGE & LIFE TEEN SUMMER CAMP Registration is now open for EDGE & Life Teen Summer Camps (June 6-11,
2016). EDGE & Life Teen Summer Camp brings together top Catholic speakers,
musicians, fun, and adventure, all to the beautiful Life Teen Covecrest (High
School) and Camp Hidden Lake (Middle School) in the North Georgia
Mountains. Info and registration at CTKyouth.com.
MAY 8, 2016
Christ the King
Christ the King School creates a nurturing, Christ-centered environment
based on its Catholic tradition of fostering academic excellence, individual
responsibility, spirituality, and growth of the whole child, in order to spread the Good News of
Jesus in word and deed.
Tricia Ward, Principal • 404-267-3669 • www.christking.org
CKS Alumni
The Christ the King
School Alumni
Scholarship is awarded each year to a
current 7th grader
who will be returning to CKS for the 8th
grade and preferably
a legacy student.
This student must be Catholic and live their Catholic faith by showing the following traits: citizenship, responsibility, service to others, initiative, going above and
beyond what is asked for, commitment to family, and is a good ambassador for the
school. We are pleased to announce that this year’s Alumni Scholarship was
awarded to Paul Quigley.
5th Grade Gardeners
In support of this year’s oratorical topic,
“Hunger in America,” fifth grade decided to
break out their green thumbs. Since the
idea of community gardens was mentioned
in a few speeches, the fifth grade grew
some different vegetables in the class,
including spinach, kale, green beans,
cucumbers, and peas. Each student will
take their pods back home, where they will
be used to start a vegetable garden.
Oratorical Contest
Congratulations to Elizabeth Steele,
the winner of the 2016 CKS
Oratorical Competition. This year’s
topic was “Hunger in America,” and
Elizabeth presented a compelling
speech to the school community and
wowed the judges! She competed in
the Archdiocesan Semi-final round
and while not moving on to the
finals, she did an excellent job! Way
to go Elizabeth!
Part-time School Nurse
Christ the King Catholic School, a
K-8 Archdiocesan parish school,
located in the Buckhead community
of Atlanta, is seeking a part-time
nurse for our school clinic.
Responsibilities include:
administering first-aid and approved
medications to students, parent
communications as needed,
maintaining student immunization
and attendance records, and adhering
to school and Archdiocesan policies.
Applicants should possess a current
GA nursing license, CPR certification
and enjoy working with elementary
age children. Resumes may be
emailed to mbryan@christking.org
or faxed to 404-266-0608.
Adult Inquiry
into the Catholic
Monday, May 16
6:30pm in Kenny Hall
For more information, contact
Helen Young at
CTK Believes
Join us for dynamic speakers on how
to live your faith in the workplace.
Next session is May 10, at 7:00am in
Kenny Hall. See you there!
Adult Formation & RCIA
Helen Young • 404-233-2145 x439 • hyoung@ctking.com
Sponsors Needed for
RCIA/Rite of Reception
Parishioners are needed to sponsor adults inquiring into the faith and preparing
to come into full communion with the Church. A sponsor is not required to have
a degree in theology but rather a listening, active and open heart. Time and again
past sponsors have experienced the privilege of being part of someone’s spiritual
journey into the Church.
When: Sundays, June 5 - Aug. 28, 10-11:30am, Hyland Center Assembly
Room. Sacraments will be celebrated on Sunday, September 11 at the 7:15
pm Mass. For additional information, contact aimeemmcdonald@gmail.com.
Considering Becoming Catholic? Just Need to be Confirmed? This may be what you’ve been waiting for!
June 5– September 11, Sunday Mornings
10:00 - 11:30am in the Hyland Center
If you’re interested in learning more or want to register, contact Helen Young
for an appointment before May 24th at 404-233-2145 x439 or
Knights of Columbus, wishes to
welcome a new member from CTK,
Brad Cortazzo, who received his 1st
For Information contact Gordon Calley,
Admissions & Membership
Atlanta Council 660, KOC
Fertility Care
Natural Family Planning
This isn't your parent's old rhythm method! Learn more about your fertility,
why the Church promotes Natural Family Planning (NFP), why NFP is 99% effective, and how it can positively impact your marriage (3% divorce rate!) My
next Introductory Class is Wednesday, May 18 at 7:00pm at Christ the King
(in Buckhead). To register or for more information on future classes, contact
Ann Hall at 404-915-1685 or annlabar@hotmail.com
May: Human Trafficking at Sporting Events
Traffickers are opportunistic hunters and see major sporting events, and the
thousands of people who flock to sports venues, as an opportunity for huge profits
with little risk of penalty or punishment. Human trafficking is a business, and
traffickers will take advantage of what they perceive to be good business opportunities
including national and international sporting events. For more information, please
visit the U.S. Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking at
sistersagainsttrafficking.org. 6
Parish Life
Bernadette Flowers • 404-233-2145 x690 • bflowers@ctking.com
MUST Summer Lunch Program
From August to May, thousands of children all over the Atlanta metro area receive a
breakfast and lunch at school free or at a reduced cost. For many, these meals help to
supplement what their families’ purchase or receive via the SNAP program (aka food
stamps). However for many children, summer vacation begins a period of food
insecurity, a time when they are not certain when they will receive a meal because
their primary food resource, the school cafeteria, is closed.
MAY 8, 2016
Welcome to our Newest Members
April Baptisms
Aubrey Renee Acosta, Eliana Camilia
Acosta, Finn Ian Bolin, Jaden Edward
Bowling, Anabel Sloan Card, Williams
Anthony DeGance, Ivan James Erridge,
Emily Jane Fanning, James Joseph
Fitzpatrick, Jake Warren Hauck, Elizabeth
Gray Hayden, Parker Grace Hilderbrand,
Wesley Matthew Klump, William John
Klump, Claire Eleanor Mattson, Joseph
Benjamin Morgan, Eli Mauta Ngigi,
Naomi Kate Ngo, Victoria Paris Ngo,
Elizabeth Yoojin Page, Anne Bradley
Resweber, Mary Farris Schaefer, Lilly
Caroline Serda, James Robert Sidwell,
Victoria Diane Smith, Acadia Marie
Tallmadge, Brianna Nicole Tallmadge,
Evelyn Scarlett Teske, Lawson Joseph
Viola, Kaitlyn Rosamond Warfel, John
Woodward Weimar, Cecile Elizabeth
West, Michael Hudson Widmaier, Olivia
Lydon Wood, Joseph Walter Yarsawich,
2016 marks the 8th summer that Christ the King has participated in the MUST
Summer Lunch Program. Each week, we prepare 1,000 lunches for children who do
not have a regular food resource during the summer. May is collection month. Each
week, please donate juice boxes, chips, cookies, fruit cups or applesauce. We need
1,000 of each item to make 1,000 lunches. To donate, visit
www.cathedralofchristtheking.org/summerlunch or drop off individually wrapped
nonperishable food items at the parish reception desk.
Jesus said, “Feed my sheep.”
More than 500 Extraordinary Ministers
of Holy Communion (EMHCs) are
needed to “feed” The Body of Christ to
over 5,000 people EVERY WEEKEND!
You can answer Jesus’ call to action
while attending Mass.
The next trainings are scheduled for
Monday, May 16th and Wednesday, May
25th from 6:30-8:30 pm in Kenny Hall.
Jean Goodwin will train new EMHCs
and Bill Letts will recertify veteran
EMHCs. You only need to attend one
training. Contact Jean for more information at 404.664.3627 or jpopgoodwin@hotmail.com.
Do you live with the self-condemnation of abortion? Do you think there is no
forgiveness? Do you live with anxiety, fear, panic, and depression?
Good News! God desires you to be healed and whole. He wants you to be joyful
again. Good News! We can help.
Come to our next Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat, JUNE 24, 25, 26, 2016. PATH (Post
Abortion Treatment and Healing) will be facilitating a weekend long retreat where
broken hearts can be rebuilt, renewed, redeemed.
Give yourself the gift of Freedom.
For more information visit our website at:
www.healingafterabortion.org Or call: 404-717-5557
2016 Eucharistic
We are seeking 650 volunteers of all
ages to help pack 100,000 meals to go
to the impoverished developing country
of Burkina Faso in Africa. The event
will take place Friday June 3rd at the
Georgia International Convention
Center in College Park. There will be
two sessions, 9:00-10:30am and
11:00am-12:30pm, in Hall A of the
Convention Center. Space is limited
and registration is required to
STARVE WARS! is a collaborative
effort between the Archdiocese of
Atlanta’s Justice and Peace Ministries,
Catholic Relief Services, Helping Hands
and the people of the Archdiocese of
Atlanta. For more information or to
make a donation, contact Kathy
Montag, CRS Capacity Building Specialist, at kmontag@archatl.com.
A Marriage Encounter Weekend will introduce you to concepts and
practices that ensure continued ‘Love’ within your marriage to the
benefit of each other, your family, and world around you. Come join
us the weekend of June 10 – 12 at the Marriott Peachtree Corners.
To register or for more info go to: http:/gatn-wwme.org or call
WWME is the largest pro-Marriage movement in the world. It has
received the Franciscan International Award recognizing its effectiveness in
celebrating and supporting Marriage.
WWME is faithful to the Roman Catholic Church’s teaching that marriage is a covenant that exists between
one man and one woman. Any reference to marriage or couples made by WWME is in this context.
Smart Relationship Choices
Linda Sweeney, LCSW, will present a
workshop for single and single-again
adults who want to make smart relationship choices using their heart and
their head together. Discover the 5
key areas to explore as you look for
and get to know a potential partner
and the 5 bonding forces that create
attachments in relationships. Learn
how to recognize the warning signs of
an unhealthy relationship - before
you become too attached.
Join other adults on June 5 th & 12th
from 1pm to 5pm at Holy Spirit
Catholic Church. The cost is $75.00
for both sessions and workbook.
Register at www.hsccatl.com/
MarriageandFamily under the How
to Avoid Falling For a Jerk (or
Jerkette) icon or contact
tpucci@hsccatl.com for more
Couples Celebrating
50th and 60th Anniversary in 2016
Archbishop Wilton D.
Gregory would like to
honor couples married in 1966 and
1956 with an invitation to a Golden/
Diamond Wedding Anniversary Mass
on Saturday, October 1st, 2016 at
12:00 noon at St. Brigid Catholic
Church. A reception will follow the
Mass for the anniversary couples and
their families. Space is limited. For
more information and to RSVP go to
MAY 8, 2016
Totally Catholic
Fr. Jose Kochuparampil
As members of a wonderful faith family, we, at Christ the King Cathedral parish, should
take pride in knowing that 146 of our youngsters were confirmed in their faith after a two
-year long intense faith formation program. They are sealed with the gifts of the Holy
Spirit by which they became “Catholic adults” (legally not, though). This fifteen to sixteen
year-age group of boys and girls are entitled to profess, proclaim, promote and propagate
their faith by heroically living/practicing their faith on a daily basis. The parents of this
Generation Z-ers (those between the ages of 13 and 20) deserve special appreciation and
congratulation for their important role in helping them to receive the Sacrament of
Confirmation—a milestone in their faith life!
Though the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation marks a mile stone in the lives of
these youngsters, it doesn’t mark the end of their formal religious education program in
the parish. And it continues till they graduate from high school.
My brief conversation with Nick Labrie and Colleen Beringer, the Life-Teen and
Confirmation coordinators in our parish, made me realize that these 146 teenagers have
two more years left to complete their high school. Kathy McCormick, director of Faith
Formation and Evangelization at our parish says: “There is a requirement that they should
continue to attend (Life Teen program) until graduation from high school. The
Confirmation requirements are completed for the reception of the sacrament but the
responsibility that we (parish) have for religious education to the teens continues through
the 12th grade.”
During the post Confirmation period (the two years in high school) it could happen that
the zeal and enthusiasm of these Generation Z-ers for their faith life may fade bit by bit.
Now the question is: how can we, as a parish family, keep these booming youngsters on
fire (in their faith life) who form tomorrow’s Church? Well, there are programs specifically
designed for these our youngsters to help them grow and mature in their faith life like Life
Teen Empower and Discipleship program.
This two-year period is a precious time for the parents of the teenagers as well to prepare
their children for the college that they don’t lose their faith and its practice as they begin
to live on campuses enjoying the newly found adult life.
The teenage years are the most vulnerable time in the life of an individual. This is the time
period the parents find it hard to parent a child. Hence, it is all the more important for the
parents to be the authentic examples to them by living a faith-based, value-based,
principle-based and conviction-based life. For, they are your best critics.
Living the faith in families is an absolute must for these Generation Z youngsters,
especially the post Confirmation teenagers, for their ongoing faith formation. This would
mean daily family prayer by all the members of the family at a convenient time,
celebrating the sacrament of reconciliation at least once a month as a family, celebrating
the Holy Eucharist on Sundays and other Holy Days of obligation as a family, doing
charitable activities as a family, reading religious and other value based books and
engaging in conversation, watching faith based programs and movies, spending an hour
every week before the Blessed Sacrament as a family, at times entering into family
discussion and conversation on interesting topics from the Catechism of the Catholic
Church and the like. The parents can also offer continuing ongoing faith formation to
their children who are getting ready to hit college campuses. This is how a home becomes
the ‘domestic church’ as envisioned by II Vatican Council.
The Generation Z-ers are encouraged to be in touch with the parish for their further
growth in faith life. Our parish is offering several opportunities to these youngsters to get
involved to enhance the faith life of our beautiful parish family. By getting involved in a
particular ministry they can grow in their faith and at the same time they can help others
to grow in their faith as well. Please don’t hesitate to call Nick or Colleen to help you to
find how you could use your talents and abilities for the good of the Cathedral faith
The Cathedral Flower Guild is
seeking sponsors for the weekly altar
flowers. Both the sponsor’s name and
the name of the person being
honored will be printed in the
Sunday bulletin on the weekend the
flowers appear on the altar.
The cost of sponsorship is $150 for
the main altar; $100 for each side
altar; and $60 for the Parish Hall. The
Flower Guild will select the
arrangements; and the colors will be
compatible with the Cathedral colors
and feast days. The Cathedral
arrangements will remain on the
altars for the following week.
If you are interested in learning more
about the program please contact
Cathy Thurmond,
or 404-352-3513.
The flowers on the Main Altar
were donated by the 5:45 Liturgy Team in loving memory
of Mark Bergmann, brother of
Heidi Bergmann.
2699 Peachtree Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30305
3349 Buford Highway, Suite 17A1
Brookhaven, GA 30329
(a la mano derecha de Briarwood Rd)
Padre Feiser MuñozTeléfono
Horario Lunes a Viernes : 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
Kenny Hall Sábado
7:00 PM
5:00 PM
1:30 PM
9:30 AM
Lunes y Miércoles 7:15 - 7:45 AM
6:00 - 6:30 PM
8:30 - 9 AM / 3 - 4:00 PM
9:00 - 9:30 AM
Otros días, previa cita únicamente.
Menores de 7 años
Horario para inscripción: Lunes a Viernes de
9 AM a 5 PM en la oficina del Ministerio
Hispano. Se requiere el certificado de
nacimiento y un comprobante de domicilio.
Preparación pre bautismal obligatoria para
padres y padrinos el cuarto viernes de mes de 6-9
Bautismos – Un sábado al mes a las 9 AM.
Deben estar inscritos en la Parroquia 3 meses
antes de solicitar el Bautizo. O traer carta de
permiso de su parroquia correspondiente.
Fotocopia de la identificación de los padrinos.
Iniciación Cristiana para adultos
Para adultos que les falte algún sacramento
(Bautizo, Comunión y Confirmación)
Las clases son los lunes de 7 a 9 PM
Para más información llamar a María
Goretti, 404-267-3696.
 Comunicarse con la oficina del Ministerio
Hispano al 404-267-3696.
Los 2do y 4to Domingo del mes, Los niños
de tres años que van a ser presentados deben
estar bautizados. Los padres deben asistir a
una clase. Para más informes por favor llamar
a la oficina del Ministerio Hispano al
Formación religiosa para adultos-RCIA
Maria Goretti Guzman 404-267-3697 mguzman@ctking.com
Si necesitas el sacramento de la primera comunión o confirmación?
Esta es la oportunidad que estabas esperando!
Desde el 6 de Junio estaremos empezando el curso de verano de iniciación cristiana para adultos mayores de 18
Las clases se iniciaran el Lunes 6 de Junio a las 7:00 PM
culminando el Domingo 11 de Septiembre, las clases serán dictadas en el salón de conferencia 1 de la Catedral de
Cristo Rey.
Si estas interesado en tener mas información o si quieres registrarte, contacta a
Maria Goretti Guzman para una cita antes de Mayo 24 al 404-267-3697no por
correo electrónico mguzman@ctking.com.
La segunda lectura de hoy contiene la sombría advertencia de que Jesús viene
pronto y traerá a cada persona la recompensa que su conducta se merece. ¿Ha
sido mi administración de las bendiciones, confiadas a mí tal que podría responderle gozosamente, “!Amen! ¡Ven, Señor Jesús!”?
Catedral: $ 1,266
Misión: $ 1,566
MAY 8, 2016
Si desea agradecerle a Dios el don de la vida
en sus quince años, por favor inscribirse con
tres meses de anticipación a las clases de
preparación obligatorias. Le recordamos que
es necesario haber recibido la primera
Comunión, asistir al grupo juvenil de
crecimiento o Confirmación y tomar el curso
de quinceañeras.
Inscribirse en la oficina 404-267-3696
Si desea ofrecer sus servicios a la comunidad Le
invitamos a participar en alguno de los Ministerios
eclesiales de nuestra parroquia. Llame al
Catecismo para niños de 3 a 16 años y
Escuela para Padres de Familia y Adultos.
Los Sábados a las 3:00 PM. Más
información con María Goretti Guzmán al
PARROQUIA Inscribirse en la
parroquia es una manera de afirmar:
¡Esta parroquia es mi familia! Mayores
informes llamando al 404-267-3696.
Lo invitamos a visitar nuestro portal de
internet www.catedraldecristorey.org
La Misión de Cristo Rey está buscando
padrinos para las flores del altar. El nombre
de los padrinos y la persona honorada con
las flores del altar saldrán en el boletín el fin
de semana que las adornen el altar. El costo
para apadrinar el altar completo es de $150;
$100 por los nichos de los lados adonde
están ubicados La Virgen Maria y San Jose; y
$60 por el Ambon. El Ministerio de las
Flores escogerán los arreglos de acuerdo a
los colores litúrgicos o la temporada
litúrgica. Si está interesado en participar
como padrino o ser parte del Ministerio de
las Flores comunicarse con: Angela
Padre Celestial:
Te damos Gracias por nuestras Madres, a las que tu les has confiado
el cuidado precioso de la vida humana desde su inicio. Tú has dado a
la mujer la capacidad de participar contigo en la creación de nueva
vida. Haz que cada mujer pueda llegar a comprender el pleno
significado de esta bendición. Mira a cada madre que esta esperando
un hijo, fortalece su fe en tu paternal cuidado y amor para con ella y
para su hijo en camino. Dale Valentía en tiempos de miedo o dolor,
comprensión en los momentos de incertidumbre y duda, y esperanza
en tiempos de problemas. Concédele alegría en el nacimiento de su hijo. Bendice a las madres quienes les ha
dado el gran privilegio y la responsabilidad de formar a un niño o una niña. Haz que todas ellas puedan
fomentar la fe de sus hijos, siguiendo ejemplo de Maria, la Madre de tu Hijo. Ayuda a todas las “madres
espirituales” quienes están al cuidado de los hijos de otros y asumen su tarea con amor maternal, que
puedan descubrir que engendrar vida es mucho mas que dar a luz. Te pedimos que envíes el Espíritu Santo
consolador a las madres que han perdido sus hijos, que están enfermos o separados de sus familias, que se
encuentren en peligro o problemas de cualquier tipo. Muéstrales su Misericordia y dales Fortaleza y
serenidad. Colma de tu paz a las madres que ya no están con nosotros, que disfruten en Tu presencia del
fruto de sus esfuerzos en la tierra.
Maria Madre del Cielo, intercede por todas las Madres, se su guía y Consuelo. Alcánzales de Dios la
Gracia para esta vida y la alegría eternal en la Gloria. Amen.
Almario (404) 267-3696
aalmario@ctking.com; Narbel Sanchez
(404) 492-2333.
Las Flores del Altar fueron
donadas por la familia García
Granados en honor al eterno
Descanso de la Sr. Josafad
ADULT INQUIRY: Adults interested in
learning about the Catholic Church can
attend meetings most months on the
fourth Monday at 7:00 pm. Please see
inside the bulletin for upcoming
sessions. No further obligation or
commitment is required. Call Helen,
404-233-2145 x439.
ANNULMENT: To help couples establish
permanent and sacramental marriages, the
Church encourages divorced and
remarried persons to pursue the
annulment process. Contact
404-233-2145 for information on
arranging a confidential discussion with a
trained case sponsor.
Thursday, ten days BEFORE the
bulletin date. All new notices need
prior approval; submit one week before
this deadline. Fax to 404-233-9711 or
email to bulletin@ctking.com.
NUMBERS: Please notify the Parish
Office at 404-233-2145 x432 of any
change in your member information.
PLANNING: For more information,
contact Ann LaBar at 404-915-1685.
MARRIAGE RENEWAL: Rediscover your
marriage through Retrouvaille. Visit
www.retrouvailleofatlanta.org or call
NEW PARISHIONERS: Registration forms
are available in the back of the Church.
Drop them by the Reception Desk or in
the Collection Basket at Mass.
children who do not attend Catholic
School and are the age for Preschool
(4 years old) through 8th grade.
Registration forms are available in the
Religious Education Office.
through a difficult time? Stephen
Ministers are caregivers trained to provide
confidential Christian care. Contact Linda
Dyson, 404-233-2145 x440.
Nursery is available for children 6 months
to 4 1/2 years of age at the 9 am, 10:30
am, 12 noon, and 1:30 pm Masses on
Sunday. Please provide supplies (i.e.
diapers, bottles) to the nursery worker for
your child. Mark all personal items with
your name. Donation suggested.
6:45 am
8:10 am
12:10 pm
5:30 pm
MONDAY, May 9, 2016
May 9, 2016
All Mothers
Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory
Michael Joseph Walsh (D)
Mario Mejia (D)
TUESDAY, May 10, 2016
6:45 am Jaime Rankin (L)
8:10 am All Mothers
12:10 pm G. Albert Lawton (D)
5:30 pm Christopher Kelly (D)
7:00 pm Carlos Alberto Moncada Sucre
WEDNESDAY, May 11, 2016
6:45 am John R. Cray (L)
8:10 am Gretchen Mixon (D)
12:10 pm All Mothers
5:30 pm Maye Sita Agnes (D)
THURSDAY, May 12, 2016
6:45 am Yolanda Ruhe (D)
8:10 am Tracy Downer (D)
12:10 pm Ms. Linda Lance (L)
5:30 pm All Mothers
FRIDAY, May 13, 2016
6:45 am All Mothers
8:10 am Ellwood Vines (L)
12:10 pm Mrs. Fred Burke, Sr. (D)
5:30 pm Gary & Michelle Fragle (L)
SATURDAY, May 14, 2016
8:10 am All Mothers
4:00 pm Margaret Schlenker (D)
5:00 pm Margaret Schlenker (D)
5:00 KH Genevieve Mayent (D)
7:30 am
9:00 am
9:30 am
10:30 am
10:30 KH
12:00 pm
1:30 pm
4:00 L/T
5:45 pm
7:15 pm
May 15, 2016
All Mothers
Jan Bishop (D)
Maria Bautista (D)
Peter Pizzo Family (L)
Paul Lombardi (D)
People of the Parish
Ana Amador (D)
Yolanda Ruhe (D)
Dorothy Fox Mazzolini (D)
Lewis & Rose Atchison (D)
7:15 am-7:45am Confessions (CA)*
6:00 pm-6:30pm Confessions (CA)*
6:00 pm Hispanic 1st Eucharist
Rehearsal (CA)
7:00 pm Rediscover Jesus (2048)
TUESDAY, May 10, 2016
7:00 am CTK Believes
10:30 am Women’s Bible Study (CR1)
7:00 pm 20/30’s (1/3 KH)
7:00 pm Toastmasters (2/3 KH)
7:00 pm Rediscover Catholicism (CR2)
7:00 pm Living Your Strengths (CR1)
WEDNESDAY, May 11, 2016
7:15 am-7:45am Confessions (CA)*
7:15 am Men’s AM Bible Study (KH)
10:00 am Prayer Shawl Ministry (CR1)
5:30 pm Healing Mass (CA)
6:00 pm-6:30pm Confessions (CA)*
6:30 pm Healing Mass Reception (KH)
7:00 pm Financial Peace (MC)
THURSDAY, May 12, 2016
6:30 pm 7:00 pm Men’s Club (KH)
FRIDAY, May 13, 2016
6:00 pm Divine Mercy Prayer Cenacle
SATURDAY, May 14, 2016
8:45 am-9:15 am Confessions (CA)*
9:00 am Hispanic 1st Eucharist (CA)
10:00am Hispanic 1st Eucharist
Reception (KH)
3:00 pm-3:45pm Confessions (CA)*
SUNDAY, May 15, 2016
4:00 pm Life Teen Mass
6:45 pm Sunday Night Live
CKSC-School Cafeteria
CR-Conference Room
D’Y-D’Youville Chapel
HC-Hyland Center
KH-Kenny Hall
MC-CKS Media Center
LT-Life Teen Room
*Please arrive for Confessions no later than 15
minutes prior to the end of session.
ARCHBISHOP OF ATLANTA Most Reverend Wilton D. Gregory
Most Reverend Luis R. Zarama
Most Reverend David P. Talley
Reverend Monsignor Francis G. McNamee
Reverend Jose Kochuparampil
Reverend Feiser Muñoz
Reverend Richard Morrow
Reverend Monsignor Richard Lopez (in residence)
DEACONS Reverend Mr. Chris Andronaco Reverend Mr. John McManus, JCL
Reverend Dr. Scott J. N. McNabb
Reverend Mr. Whitney Robichaux, Jr.
Reverend Mr. Gerald J. Zukauckas
Saturday Masses:
8:10 am, 4:00 & 5:00 pm (Saturday Vigils)
Sunday Masses:
7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 pm, 4:00 pm Life Teen,
5:45 pm (Cathedral), 7:15 pm
Weekday Masses:
Monday–Friday: 6:45 am, 8:10 am, 12:10 pm & 5:30 pm (D’Y)
En Español:
5:00 pm Sábado (Salon Parroquial)
9:30 am Domingo (Misión de Cristo Rey)
1:30 pm Domingo (Catedral)
7:00 pm Martes (D’Y Chapel)
LITURGY OF THE HOURS Mondays at 6 pm
ROSARY & DEVOTIONS After all 8:10 am & 12:10 pm Masses
Tuesdays at 7:00 pm
PERPETUAL ADORATION Spend an hour each week in adoration in the Blessed Sacrament
Chapel. Email 2adorehim@gmail.com
Parish Office: 404-233-2145; Fax: 404-233-4984
Archdiocesan Catholic Information: 404-888-7801
Faith Formation & Evangelization: 404-267-3691
Hispanic Ministries: 404-267-3696
Music Ministry: 404-233-2145
Pastoral Care: 404-233-2145 x440
Religious Education: 404-267-3694
Christ The King School: 404-233-0383; Fax: 404-266-0704
St. Vincent de Paul Hotline: 678-892-6163
Dear Friends in Christ,
Welcome! On behalf of Archbishop Wilton Gregory, the Clergy,
the staff, and the whole Cathedral community, I welcome you to
the Cathedral of Christ the King. I pray that as you step into the
Cathedral, you not only experience the beauty of the
surroundings but also the vibrant spirit of the community
We are an active parish of close to 6,000 families and over one
hundred ministries. Our mission statement to “Know, Love and
Serve as Jesus Did” is fulfilled by the sharing our gifts of time,
talent and treasure. If you are new, it is my hope that you will
join us and become part of this wonderful community. If you are
just visiting, it is a blessing to have you here and thank you for
worshiping with us. We hope you will come again.
If you would like to learn more about our community, you can
visit our website at www.cathedralofchristtheking.org. If you
would like to register at the parish, you can visit our reception
desk for a registration form.
I pray that your visit to the Cathedral was enjoyable and that you
truly experienced the goodness of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Prayers and Blessings,
Msgr. Frank McNamee, Rector
Parish families who wish to have a child baptized should be
registered in the parish for 3 months and take the
pre-baptismal class BEFORE the birth of their child. Classes
are offered monthly. Please contact Elaine McCollum at
404-267-3692 to register for the class. All scheduling
information is given at the class. (Note: Baptisms are scheduled
after the class is completed.)
Preparation is a two-year process. Enrollment in Catholic
school or Parish School of Religion is required the year prior
to receiving the Sacrament.
A minimum of six months preparation is required. Call the
Parish office, 404-233-2145 x673 for information and to register
for the preparation process.
Monday and Wednesday, 7:15-7:45 am and 6-6:30 pm.
Saturday, 8:30-9 am and 3-4 pm, in the Cathedral.
Please inform Pastoral Care Ministries of anyone homebound, shutin or hospitalized so that they may receive the Sacraments.
Please call 404-233-2145.

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