Newsletter no 12 – 13 December 2013
Newsletter no 12 – 13 December 2013
esetdard nter men leap ed. It eets ding ries, senthe ges, ived esetd in rem rem Volume 3 Issue 12 -12 December 2013 Principal’s Report The Right Size to Personalise esetdard nter men leap ed. It eets with ding Noble Park Secondary College Newsletter Congratulations are extended to our new School Leaders for 2014 After a process of nominations and interviews the following students have been successful as school leaders for 2014. School Captains: Simran Ritchie - Year 12 Kynan Wilcox – Year 12 SRC President: Sheriden Cooper – Year 12 School Vice Captains: Kayla Rizzo – Year 11 Ismail Sannang – Year 11 Congratulations to Kayla Rizzo on receiving the Arthur Williams Award from Noble Park Rotary Club Kayla Rizzo (Year 10) was the proud recipient of the Arthur Williams Award. Kayla received a gold watch from Rex Carter and John Williams on behalf of the Noble Park Rotary Club. Step Up Program Thank you to both staff and students who have been diligently working over the past two weeks as students have ‘stepped up’ to the next year level. I have been very impressed by the attendance and rigour that I have witnessed during this program. End of Year Activities Week Students will be involved in a specialised program in the last week of term. The organisation and arrangements for this program from Monday to Thursday have been distributed to students via their home group teachers. Awards Night/Wednesday 11th December Congratulations to all students who received awards for 2013 at our Awards Night held on Wednesday 11th December. It was wonderful to have Nadia Ha, our 2012 Dux, address the audience. Nadia is an inspiration to our students, demonstrating that hard work and dedication to her studies reaps strong awards. Thank you to Annette Beattie and to her band of student helpers who assisted with a wonderful display of art and technology student work in our hall foyer. Thanks are also extended to Mr Greig Douglas, our Music Co-ordinator, for co-ordinating musical items on the night and to Mary Poulios and Con Nikakis for organising the Awards Night. Distribution of Reports Parents/Guardians are informed that Semester 2 reports for 2013 will be distributed to students at a special Home Group meeting (for Years 7-9, 2013) starting at 2-30pm on Thursday 19th December. Students will then be dismissed. Reports for Year’s 10 and 11, 2013 will be posted home. I wish all members of the Noble Park Secondary College community a safe and enjoyable holiday break. Pam Dyson College Principal Arrangements for 2014: Tuesday 28th January – Staff return (student Free Day) Wednesday 29th January – Year 7 and Year 12 ONLY return Thursday 30th January – All year levels (7 to 12) return A Note from the Office Office closing for payments Thursday 19th December 2013 and opening again Friday 24th January 2014. Please note: Important Dates to Remember on the following page... 3 Callaghan Street, Noble Park 3174 Phone: 9546 9066 Fax: 9562 4757 Website: Email: esetdard inter men leap ed. It heets ding uries, ssenthe ages, vived eseted in orem orem Dates to Remember The Right Size to Personalise esetdard inter men leap ed. It heets with ding Monday 16 December Activities Week begins Friday 20 December End Term 4, 2.30pm finish 2014 Tuesday 28 January Term 1 2014, Staff return (Student Free Day) Wednesday 29 January Wednesday 29th January – Year 7 and Year 12 ONLY return Thursday 30 January All year levels (7 to 12) return Monday 3 February 2.30 finish Monday 10 February Wednesday 12 February Year 7 Camp Wednesday 12 March Parent Teacher Interviews Tuesday 18 March Swimming Sports Wednesday 26 March Open Day Night Friday 4 April End Term 1 JAPAN VISIT 2014 Unfortunately, the visit to our sister school in Shinminato in June next year has been postponed, due to insufficient numbers. We expect the next visit to go ahead in two years. AUSTRALIA DAY Festival in the Park Sunday 26 January 3pm-9.30pm Dandenong Park Cnr Pultney and Foster streets, Dandenong All ages free event Arts and craft, Circus Music, dance and more Special Under 5s World Netbooks We have offered two options for Netbooks in 2014. We are happy to accept payments by the term for these devices however we request that these payments be made by the end of the second week of each term. Non-payment could jeopardise your student’s access to these devices. Subject Contributions School Council has elected to maintain the School Contributions amount at $190 for 2014. Whilst this amount shows as “voluntary” on our statements as per DEECD regulations, we would encourage any parent able to pay this amount to please do so, as these funds are used exclusively to resource subject areas such as Maths, English, Science, Art and Humanities. The Finance team is happy to discuss payment options with you at any time. • • 8571 1000 Drug and alcohol free event 3 Callaghan Street, Noble Park 3174 Phone: 9546 9066 Fax: 9562 4757 Website: Email: AQUINO Ivan Overall Endeavour Award for Mathematics ARZTENHOFER Lauren Overall Endeavour Award for Art Student Excellence Award for Drama CHANKyliOverall Endeavour Award for Science Student Excellence Award for PE & Health CHENSirongStudent Excellence Award for ESL Student Excellence Award for Japanese Student Excellence Award for Mathematics Student Excellence Award for EAX Overall Endeavour Award for Home Economics CHHOR Nathan Overall Endeavour Award for Japanese Student Excellence Award for Mathematics HAWES Lynettah Student Excellence Award for English Student Excellence Award for Science Student Excellence Award for PE HODGINS Takia Student Excellence Award for Drama HOFFMANTailaOverall Endeavour Award for Mathematics KARAGIANNISMariaOverall Endeavour Award for Drama KITHTHANGODA GAMAGE Sarani Overall Endeavour Award for ESL KOKChristinaOverall Endeavour Award for Japanese Student Excellence Award for Art Overall Endeavour Award for Science Student Excellence Award for Home Economics LENGArlysaOverall Endeavour Award for Japanese Student Excellence Award for Humanities LYONS Mickayla Overall Endeavour Award for Mathematics Overall Endeavour Award for Drama MANOJ Melvin Overall Endeavour Award for EAX MAOLisaStudent Excellence Award for Food Technology Student Excellence Award for Art Overall Endeavour Award for Japanese Overall Endeavour Award for Humanities Overall Endeavour Award for Sport Overall Endeavour Award for Science OTEAMOA Fialupe Overall Endeavour Award for Mathematics PISETH-AN Emerald Overall Endeavour Award for English TRINIDAD Charlene Overall Endeavour Award for Food Technology Overall Endeavour Award for Art Student Excellence Award for Japanese Student Excellence Award for Humanities Student Excellence Award for Sport Student Excellence Award for Science Overall Endeavour Award for PE & Health WANE Jastin Overall Endeavour Award for Physical Education ZIAHashimStudent Excellence Award for Science SUBJECT AWARDS YEAR 7 AWARDS L ti du too boo into was p contai deskto versions standard printer t o specime n Lorem I psu ever sin m has be ce type an the 1500s, w d s cr a ABDALLA Salma Student Excellence Award for Japanese Overall Endeavour Award for Science ABDUL-KHALEK Julia Overall Endeavour Award for Mixed Materials ALIRajabOverall Endeavour Award for PE/Health Overall Endeavour Award for Mathematics Overall Endeavour Award for EAX Student Excellence Award for Science ALISaniaStudent Excellence Award for Art Overall Endeavour Award for Japanese Overall Endeavour Award for English Overall Endeavour Award for Drama Overall Endeavour Award for Humanities Student Excellence Award for Science Overall Endeavour Award for Mathematics CANGY Natacha Overall Endeavour Award for Multi Media Overall Endeavour Award for Science Student Excellence Award for Physical Education CHEN Si Ying (Sakura) Student Excellence Award for Multi Media Student Excellence Award for Mathematics Student Excellence Award for English EAL Overall Endeavour Award for Science Student Excellence Award for Art DIEPKellyStudent Excellence Award for Japanese GODFREY WILLIAMS Crystal Overall Endeavour Award for Humanities Student Excellence Award for Drama GRANT Lachlan Student Excellence Award for Sport Overall Endeavour Award for Drama Overall Endeavour Award for Physical Education HAIDARI Feraidoon Overall Endeavour Award for PE & Health JAYASUNDARA Kimuthu Overall Endeavour Award for Japanese Overall Endeavour Award for English KENNETH Meti Student Excellence Award for English Student Excellence Award for Humanities Overall Endeavour Award for PE & Health KOAYDanielOverall Endeavour Award for Japanese Student Excellence Award for Mixed Materials LAY Lavinia Student Excellence Award for Humanities LUTinaOverall Endeavour Award for Mathematics MAHARAJPratikStudent Excellence Award for Art MAHBOUB Hussein Student Excellence Award for Physical Education MAONalyOverall Endeavour Award for Humanities Student Excellence Award for Drama MASINOVIC Hadis Overall Endeavour Award for Mathematics SUBJECT AWARDS YEAR 8 AWARDS YEAR 8 AWARDS MILES Sarah Overall Endeavour Award for Physical Education Overall Endeavour Award for Science MPATIWA Leerosa Overall Endeavour Award for Sport NAZERI Kamila Overall Endeavour Award for Multi Media Student Excellence Award for PE & Health Overall Endeavour Award for Humanities Student Excellence Award for English Overall Endeavour Award for Drama Overall Endeavour Award for Art NGUYEN Michael Overall Endeavour Award for Japanese Student Excellence Award for Humanities Overall Endeavour Award for English ONG Beatrice Overall Endeavour Award for Japanese PHAN Andrea Student Excellence Award for Mathematics Student Excellence Award for Science PORRO Ian Overall Endeavour Award for Art Student Excellence Award for Japanese Student Excellence Award for English Student Excellence Award for Drama Student Excellence Award for Humanities Overall Endeavour Award for Science Student Excellence Award for Mathematics TANAdrienneStudent Excellence Award for Mixed Materials Overall Endeavour Award for English Overall Endeavour Award for Humanities Student Excellence Award for PE & Health Overall Endeavour Award for Art TANGARIFE VARGASMoises Student Excellence Award for EAX TRAN Anthony Student Excellence Award for Art UMAHARAN Laksika Student Excellence Award for Japanese Overall Endeavour Award for English EAL WAKJIRA Jitu Student Excellence Award for Multi Media Student Excellence Award for Humanities Overall Endeavour Award for Art WELCH Nicole Overall Endeavour Award for Drama WONG Hilton Student Excellence Award for PE & Health Overall Endeavour Award for Humanities YAZDANY Rahmattullah Student Excellence Award for Drama SUBJECT AWARDS YEAR 9 AWARDS L ti du too boo into was p contai deskto versions standard printer t o specime n Lorem I psu ever sin m has be ce type an the 1500s, w d s cr am ble s AHADIHasibullahStudent Excellence Award for Humanities Student Excellence Award for English ALIEidaStudent Excellence Award for Science Student Excellence Award for Hands On Science Student Excellence Award for Humanities for EAX BALEITAVUKI WaiseaDaniel Overall Endeavour Award for Rugby BE Ra He Ma Overall Endeavour Award for Mathematics CONROY Charmaine Overall Endeavour Award for Humanities Student Excellence Award for Mathematics DARBibyanaOverall Endeavour Award for English DANIEL-KAISARA Nihi Overall Endeavour Award for Physical Education Overall Endeavour Award for English DINSA Len Student Excellence Award for English EAL ENGINEER Benaifer Student Excellence Award for Humanities Student Excellence Award for English Overall Endeavour Award for Science GOBBETT Jamie Student Excellence Award for Timber GOY Winnie Student Excellence Award for Maths Group 3 HERNANDEZ Janelle Student Excellence Award for Maths Group 2 Overall Endeavour Award for Forensic Science HOSSAINI Ferehnaz Student Excellence Award for Art HOSSAINI Fereshta Overall Endeavour Award for Art Student Excellence Award for English HUSSEINZAHDAH Farzana Student Excellence Award for Forensic Science Student Excellence Award for Art JOMWAN Siriporn Overall Endeavour Award for English EAL Overall Endeavour Award for PE & Health KAMBO Nabeel Student Excellence Award for Humanities KAZIMIShukriaStudent Excellence Award for Science Student Excellence Award for Forensic Science KUZU Yasemin Overall Endeavour Award for English Overall Endeavour Award for Drama Student Excellence Award for Science KWONG Windy Student Excellence Award for Maths Group 1 Student Excellence Award for Japanese LABARBA Janelle Student Excellence Award for PE Recreation (Semester 2) Overall Endeavour Award for Outdoor Education Overall Endeavour Award for English LALIZADA Amed Student Excellence Award for Art Student Excellence Award for PE Overall Endeavour Award for PE Recreation LEOTA Roman Student Excellence Award for Rugby SUBJECT AWARDS YEAR 9 AWARDS LONPanhaOverall Endeavour Award for Outdoor Education Overall Endeavour Award for Japanese Student Excellence Award for Science Overall Endeavour Award for Bakehouse LYCameronStudent Excellence Award for Outdoor Education Overall Endeavour Award for English MAO Reim Overall Endeavour Award for Physical Education MOHAMMAD RAHIM AsmaOverall Endeavour Award for Bakehouse Overall Endeavour Award for English ONGKennyStudent Excellence Award for Timber Student Excellence Award for Humanities Student Excellence Award for Bakehouse Overall Endeavour Award for Art OZTURKResulOverall Endeavour Award for English PIERRE Lawrence Overall Endeavour Award for Humanities Student Excellence Award for Sport Overall Endeavour Award for PE & Health RA BE Wah He Overall Endeavour Award for Humanities for EAX Overall Endeavour Award for Humanities for Art Overall Endeavour Award for Mathematics RAKOVIC Amina Overall Endeavour Award for Forensic Science SAY Ler Pwe Overall Endeavour Award for Humanities Student Excellence Award for Bakehouse SHRESTHA Susan Overall Endeavour Award for Mathematics Overall Endeavour Award for PE Recreation Student Excellence Award for Humanities Overall Endeavour Award for Science SINGHSantaOverall Endeavour Award for Timber TAHAAmirOverall Endeavour Award for Humanities WILCOX Mitchell Student Excellence Award for PE Recreation (Semester 1) Overall Endeavour Award for Sport Student Excellence Award for Bakehouse WILLEMS Nicole Student Excellence Award for PE & Health ZIA Fariha Student Excellence Award for PE & Health SUBJECT AWARDS YEAR 10 AWARDS L ti du too boo into was p contai deskto versions standard printer t o specime n Lorem I psu ever sin m has be ce type an the 1500s, w d s cr a BEGGAlishaStudent Excellence Award for Mathematics CHITURA Bright Overall Endeavour Award for English Overall Endeavour Award for Mathematics CHUM Shanna Overall Endeavour Award for Hands On Science COMFORT Caitlin Student Excellence Award for Food Technology HAMichaelStudent Excellence Award for PE & Health Advanced HAIDARI Khatina (Sadaf) Overall Endeavour Award for Art Overall Endeavour Award for English EAL HIPOLITO Bianca Overall Endeavour Award for Food Technology Overall Endeavour Award for World at War KABATO Gemechu Student Excellence Award for Timber Student Excellence Award for Sport Overall Endeavour Award for English KAMBOAhmedStudent Excellence Award for PDS KARAC Tatjana Student Excellence Award for Japanese Student Excellence Award for Mathematics Student Excellence Award for English KONG Chanrany Student Excellence Award for Mathematics Student Excellence Award for English - EAL Student Excellence Award for Media Studies LE Hung Student Excellence Award for English - EAL LONG Jason Student Excellence Award for Mathematics MANIATIS James Overall Endeavour Award for Mathematics MENHAJ Abdulmabood (Folad) Overall Endeavour Award for PDS MERYMonicaStudent Excellence Award for PE Recreation - Semester 2 Student Excellence Award for Drama Overall Endeavour Award for PE & Health - Advanced NGUYEN Cindy Overall Endeavour Award for VET Sport & Recreation Certificate II NGUYEN Nam Overall Endeavour Award for English - EAL RAMIZDamirStudent Excellence Award for Mathematics REZAIZohairStudent Excellence Award for Art Student Excellence Award for Mathematics Overall Endeavour Award for English RIZZO Kayla Student Excellence Award for Money Law & You Student Excellence Award for World at War Student Excellence Award for English SHRESTHA Mahima Overall Endeavour Award for Japanese SOUTHDanielStudent Excellence Award for Mathematics STOWERS Yolande Overall Endeavour Award for Money Law & You Student Excellence Award for English TOAFAAlanOverall Endeavour Award for Timber Student Excellence Award for VET Sport & Recreation Certificate II Overall Endeavour Award for English UMAHARAN Priyangan Overall Endeavour Award for Sport ZAIDI Sayed Overall Endeavour Award for Media Studies ZAMANMarinaOverall Endeavour Award for Mathematics SUBJECT AWARDS YEAR 11 AWARDS ABON Nyalim Overall Endeavour Award for VCAL PDS Student Excellence Award for VCAL AHMADI Muqadasa Overall Endeavour Award for VET - Certificate III ARABZADEH Shakila Overall Endeavour Award for English - EAL ASCHAUER-MAGON Scott Overall Endeavour Award for History Student Excellence Award for English Student Excellence Award for Business Management AYAZI Zakir Overall Endeavour Award for English - EAL BALEITAVUKI Biutoka Student Excellence Award for Outdoor Education BASAK Esra Overall Endeavour Award for Legal Studies Overall Endeavour Award for Business Management BATAILLARD Edouard (Eddie) Overall Endeavour Award for Psychology BESIREVIC Ahmed Student Excellence Award for Business Management Student Excellence Award for Legal Studies BOJA Alex Overall Endeavour Award for VCAL PDS CARUANA Sharmaine Overall Endeavour Award for VET Sport & Recreation Certificate III CHALKIADAKIS Helle Student Excellence Award for Health & Human Development CHAMBERLAIN Bradley Overall Endeavour Award for VCAL COOPER Sheriden Student Excellence Award for Legal Studies Student Excellence Award for History Overall Endeavour Award for English DELANEY Lynden Overall Endeavour Award for Timber Units 1/2 D’SOUZA Kris Student Excellence Award for VCE Physical Education DURAKOVIC Melissa Overall Endeavour Award for Accounting Overall Endeavour Award for English Overall Endeavour Award for Business Management FAQIRY Popal Overall Endeavour Award for General Maths -Specialist Student Excellence Award for Physics FLORES-TAPIA Stephanie Overall Endeavour Award for VCD FUTASA Bilisuma Student Excellence Award for VCAL Literacy Student Excellence Award for VCAL PDS FUTASA Jibat Overall Endeavour Award for English - EAL Overall Endeavour Award for Chemistry GOKCEN Sena Overall Endeavour Award for English HATiennaStudent Excellence Award for Accounting HAIDARI Mina Student Excellence Award for VET - Certificate III HAKIMI Hamayon Student Excellence Award for English - EAL HUSSAIN Amir Overall Endeavour Award for Accounting JAFFARY Asghar Student Excellence Award for Numeracy Student Excellence Award for VCAL PDS JASAREVIC Leila Overall Endeavour Award for English Overall Endeavour Award for Business Management SUBJECT AWARDS YEAR 11 AWARDS L ti du too boo into was p contai deskto versions standard printer t o specime n Lorem I psu ever sin m has be ce type an the 1500s, w d sc KIRIWATTUDUWA Thisaru Overall Endeavour Award for Legal Studies Student Excellence Award for General Mathematics Student Excellence Award for Psychology KUZU Ismael Overall Endeavour Award for General Maths MALONE Amber Student Excellence Award for Sport MAUGHAN Matthew Overall Endeavour Award for VCAL Numeracy Overall Endeavour Award for PDS VCAL MERCER Dylan Overall Endeavour Award for VET - Certificate II MERY Monica Overall Endeavour Award for VCE Physical Education MOHAMMED Nazeer Overall Endeavour Award for VET - Certificate II NGATOKORIMA Benjernnelle Student Excellence Award for Sport Student Excellence Award for VET Sport & Recreation Certificate III Overall Endeavour Award for Outdoor Education NGUYEN Elizabeth Student Excellence Award for Timber Units 1 -2 NGUYEN Phu (Sam) Student Excellence Award for English - EAL NGUYEN Duc Lam (Anderson) Student Excellence Award for English Student Excellence Award for General Mathematics Overall Endeavour Award for VCD NGUYEN Jordan Overall Endeavour Award for General Maths - Specialist NIYONITA Adeltine Overall Endeavour Award for Business Management OOThanStudent Excellence Award for Sport RAVELL Julian Student Excellence Award for VET - Certificate II RITCHIE Simran Overall Endeavour Award for Mathematical Methods Overall Endeavour Award for Food Technology Student Excellence Award for English ROBINSON Lauren Overall Endeavour Award for Health & Human Development SEIN Mee Mee Overall Endeavour Award for Business Management SULTANI Mehran Ali Student Excellence Award for Business Management Overall Endeavour Award for English - EAL TAN Eveline Overall Endeavour Award for Physics THAWMooOverall Endeavour Award for Numeracy Overall Endeavour Award for VCAL Literacy Overall Endeavour Award for VCAL PDS Student Excellence Award for VCAL VARADI Raquelle Student Excellence Award for Japanese Overall Endeavour Award for General Mathematics Student Excellence Award for VCD Student Excellence Award for English WILCOX Kynan Student Excellence Award for Mathematical Methods Student Excellence Award for General Maths - Specialist Overall Endeavour Award for Sport Student Excellence Award for Chemistry Overall Endeavour Award for English YOUNG Jayde Student Excellence Award for PDS VCAL Student Excellence Award for VCAL Numeracy SUBJECT AWARDS Lachlan Grant - Excellence Award Mary Lalotoa - Excellence Award Sarah Miles - Endeavour Award Malcolm Douni - Endeavour Award JUNIOR RUGBY ACADEMY AWARDS Natalie Clegg DANIEL ANDREWS MP AWARD FOR APPLICATION AND ACHIEVEMENT IN YEAR 12 Courtney Mercer CAREERS AWARD Raquelle Varadi EYE TO EYE VISUAL COMMUNICATION ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Daniel Andrews MP Award for Application and Achievement in Year 12 This award is given for application to study and commitment to achieving goals. Introduced by Mr Peter Jeans Presented by Ms Maria Theoharis Careers Award This award is given for outstanding effort and contribution in Work Experience. Introduced by Mr Peter Jeans Presented by Ms Jo Cucchiara Eye to Eye Visual Communication Award This award is given for design creativity and innovation in Visual Communications. Introduced by Mr Peter Jeans Presented by Ms Jo Cucchiara Year 7 Sirong Chen Year 8 Ian Porro Year 9 Mitchell Wilcox Year 10 Gemechu Kabato Year 11 Kynan Wilcox ti d to boo into was p contai deskto version standard printer t o specime n Lorem I psu ever sin m has be ce type an the 1500s, d s cr a Lynettah Hawes Kamila Nazeri Benaifer Engineer Alan Toafa Sheridan Cooper GENERAL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE AWARDS FOR 2013 Year 7 Charlene Trinidad Lisa Mao Year 8 Sania AliRajab Ali Year 9 Panha LonSusan Shrestha Year 10 Kayla RizzoZohair Rezai Year 11 Scott Aschauer-Magon Moo Thaw PRINCIPAL’S AWARDS FOR OUTSTANDING EFFORT AND IMPROVEMENT FOR 2013 Special Awards
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