Foodservice Guide
Foodservice Guide
Foodservice Guide cleaning and sanitation Program InnovatIons that help you succeed Antimicrobial Fruit & Vegetable Treatment • ClearedbyEPAandFDA1 • Reduces99.9%ofE.coli, Listeria and Samonellainwashwater2 • Costsonaveragelessthanapennyperplate • Lightgreencolorprovidesvisualverification theproductisdispensed • Norinserequired • Nosmelloraftertaste • Reducesspoilageorganisms SEEPAGE43>> SEE PAGE 43 >> Greaselift™ Degreaser • Penetratesgreaseandliftsitfromsurfaces • Requiresnoglovesorgoggles;madesafer3 • Foamingforverticalclinging • Aluminumsafe • Biodegradable SEEPAGES28–29>> 1 Thisproductmaybeusedinfoodestablishmentsthatpreparefoodforimmediateconsumptionsuchasrestaurants,cafeterias,foodservice operations,deli’s,kitchensandcommissaries.Atthistime,itmaynotbeusedincommercialfoodprocessingfacilitiesorforproduceontheshelvesof grocerystores. 2 Escherichia coliO157:H7(ATCC43895,35150,43890),Listeria monocytogenes(ATCC49594,19114,19116)andSalmonella enterica(ATCC10721, 6962,13311) Whencomparedwithcausticdegreasers.Greaselift™isnon-corrosiveandlessirritating. 3 2 MAKiNGyOuROPERATiONS CLEANER,SAFERAND HEALTHiEREvERyDAy WareWashing ..................... 4 DishmachineLeaseProgram. . . . . . . . . . . 6 Apex™ Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Apex™Products. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 SolidWarewashing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 solid Power®XL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 LiquidProducts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 delimer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 WarewashingRacks&Equipment. . . . . 16 ManualBar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Personalized sales and service satisFied guests Better Business results Front & Back oF house ........ 20 in the most sustainaBle Way SAFETY ENERGY WATER Oasis®System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 FloorCleaners. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 drain Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Multi-SurfaceCleaners. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 GlassCleaners. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 FoodContactSanitizer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Grill&FryerCleaners. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 KitchenDegreasers&OvenCleaners. . . 29 Specialty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 WASTE restroom ......................... 32 CleaningCaddySystem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 RestroomCleaners. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Multi-SurfaceCleaners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 GlassCleaners. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 DisinfectantCleaners. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 odor control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 The LEAN AB C EST ECOL CONT VER AKEO M 2012 CONGRATuLATiONS TOOuRWiNNERS hand hygiene ..................... 38 Touch-FreeSoapsandSanitizers. . . . . . 40 ManualSoapsandSanitizers. . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Food saFety ...................... 42 Food rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Food Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 FoodTemperatureControl . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Water management ............. 44 Filtration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Softening. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 ReverseOsmosis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 the FoodBank of Monmouth & ocean counties -Neptune,NJ café Joshua -WestPalmBeach,FL For more on the contest winners, visit additional services ............ 46 Product index ................... 48 180035CLEAN www.ecolab.com3 WareWashing WHyCLEANMATTERS Spotlessdishware,glasswareandsilverwaremakeabigimpactonguests. Whatdid 30,000 consumerssay ismost important in determining wheretoeat? toP 15 reasons Why guests return to a restaurant dishWare/glassWare/silverWare are clean QUALITY OF THE FOOD TASTE AND FLAVOR OF THE FOOD RESTAURANT INTERIOR IS CLEAN ORDER ACCURACY KITCHEN/FOOD PREP AREA (IF VISIBLE) IS CLEAN RESTROOM IS CLEAN SERVICE IS PLEASANT AND FRIENDLY STAFF PAYS ATTENTION TO FUNDAMENTALS FOOD SERVED IS VISUALLY APPEALING QUALITY OF FOOD WHEN ORDERED FOR TAKE OUT OFFERS A GOOD VALUE THROUGH HIGH-QUALITY MENU ITEMS OFFERS A GOOD VALUE THROUGH LOW PRICES OFFERS A GOOD VALUE THROUGH QUICK, HIGH-QUALITY SERVICE ATMOSPHERE IS WELCOMING AND COMFORTABLE Source:Q3-Q4,2012Technomic,ConsumerRestaurantBrandMetrics. “Clean tableware ranked right at the top. it's a real call to action for restaurants to make sure they have the procedures in place — the right equipment, the right chemicals —tobesuretablewareisconsistentlycleanandatahighstandardeverytime." – Bob goldin, eVp, technomic, inc. SCANTHiSQRCODEWiTHyOuRSMARTPHONEORviSiTWhycleanMatters.coM TOviEWBOBGOLDiNANDOTHERSTORiES. 4 Theleadingfact-based consultingandresearch firmservingthe foodindustry. WareWashing ECOLABSOLuTiONSHELPyOuSuCCEED service & training dishmachine lease 3-comPartment sink solutions outcoMe: clean taBleWare WareWashing solutions dishmachine equiPment 180035CLEAN www.ecolab.com5 WareWashIng dishMachine lease prograM SuPERiORPERFORMANCE 24/7SERviCE BETTERFiNANCiALOPTiON SiNGLEDOORMACHiNES APEx™ TSC SINGLE RACK APEx™ HT ES-2000 xL-2000 ES-2000HT** racks/hour (NSFRating) 46 57 40 40 55 gallons/rack (NSFRating) 1.02 0.83 1.02 1.02 1.25 Apex™ Apex™ Liquid solid Power® Liquid 17" 17" 17" 17" 17" 69 3/4 "x25 1/4"x25 1/4" 70 3/4 "x25 1/4"x25 1/4" sanitizing Method: chemical vs. temperature products Wash chamber height dimensions* 64 1/4"x25 1/4"x25 1/4" 67"x25 1/4"x25 1/4" DOuBLEDOORMACHiNES improve Warewashing results Booster heater Ensuresproperwater temperaturesforclean, sanitizedware Pou softener Reducesspotting,streakingand filmingonglassware APEx™ TSC DOUBLE RACK racks/hour (NSFRating) 78 78 78 gallons/rack(NSFRating) 1.17 1.17 1.17 Apex™ Liquid solid Power® 17" 17" 17" sanitizing Method: chemical vs. temperature products Wash chamber height dimensions* 6 ES-4000 xL-4000 69 3/4 "x44 1/8"x257/8" 64 1/4"x44 1 /8"x257/8" WareWashing “iwantgueststosee the fresh basilinourcraftcocktail– not spots on the glassitcamein.” — Stephanie Shimp,BluePlateRestaurantCompany CONvEyORMACHiNES EC-44 EC-66** EC-44HH EC-66HH racks/hour (NSFRating) 244 244 244 244 gallons/rack (NSFRating) 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 Apex™/SolidPower® Apex™/SolidPower® Apex™/SolidPower® Apex™/SolidPower® 18" 18" 25" 25" 68”x433/4”x27” 68”x653/4”x323/8” 75”x433/4”x27” 75”x653/4”x323/8” sanitizing Method: chemical vs. temperature products Wash chamber height dimensions* uNDERCOuNTER/GLASSWAREMACHiNES dF rotary omega 5e u-ht† u-lt†† racks/hour (NSFRating) 1000glasses/hr 31 30 21 gallons/rack (NSFRating) 2.8gal/min 1.16 0.78 1.6 Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid 10" 11 1/2" 143/4 " 143/4 " 39"x25"x27" 38"x24 1/4"x25 1/4" 333/4 "x24"x25" 333/4 "x24"x25" sanitizing Method: chemical vs. temperature products Wash chamber height dimensions* *Distancebetweenthetables **AvailableinuSOnly †Canada501-HT ††Canada501-LT 180035CLEAN www.ecolab.com7 WareWashIng apeX prograM ™ SuPERiORRESuLTSiMPROvEDSuSTAiNABiLiTyCONTROLLEDCOSTS advantages of the Apex™ Program Stateoftheartcontrolsystemoptimizes yourwarewashingprocedure Automaticallydispensesattheproperdilution tocontrolcosts Alarmsincludeimagesandmulti-languagetextfor keyoperatingparameters Colorcoded,concentratedsolidformulationsare safertotouchandeasiertohandleanddropin Multi-linguallabelsandwallchartsprovided Fulllineofhighperformingleaseddishmachines with24/7service,inspection,partsandrepairs 8 learn about apex2 at u HiGHPERFORMiNGPRODuCTS iNTuiTivECOMMuNiCATiON All-solidchemistrywithcontrolleddispensing Audibleandvisualalarms,language-free trainingvideos ACTiONABLEMONiTORiNG LOWERENviRONMENTALiMPACT Trackefficiencyandidentifyareasneedingattention withoperatingdatacapturedandsummarizedintoan easy-to-readdashboardreport SAFETY ENERGY WATER WASTE WareWashing MoreControl.MadeSimple. Reducerewashandwaste 180035CLEAN www.ecolab.com9 WareWashIng apeX products ™ HiGHPERFORMiNGPRODuCTSATTHELOWESTTOTALCOST CLEANDiSHESiNONEPASS proBleM solution proBleM solution Rewashrequiredduetoimproper Apex™ Power machinesettingsanddetergent Dishmachine Detergent cleans dishesinonepass Glassesshowwaterspots SPARKLiNG-CLEANFLATWARE SuPERiORRESuLTSiNONEWASH proBleM Spoonshaveanoticeablefilm 10 solution Apex™ Presoak leavesflatware sparklingclean andspot-free proBleM Apex™ Rinse Additiveleaves glassessparkling cleanandspot-free solution Withoutsoaking,hard-to-remove Apex™ Pot & Pan Soak soilmayrequiretwotofourruns loosenstoughsoils throughthedishmachinetoclean deliveringsuperior resultsinonewash – John C. Metz, ExecutiveChef&Co-Owner,Marlow’sTavern MACHiNEDETERGENTS aPex™ PoWer dishmachine detergent Highestperforming,low-phosphorus detergentintheindustry. 4–6.75 lb 17063 6–6.75 lb 17062 aPex™ PoWer Plus dishmachine detergent Highestperforming,low-phosphorus detergentintheindustryformoderately hardwater. MACHiNESANiTizER solid sanitizer (aPex™) Proofofdeliverysolidsanitizerfor Apex™TSCmachines. US 4–1000 tablets 14821 Canada 4–1000 tablets 20231 FLATWAREPRESOAK aPex™ Presoak Thissolid,dual-enzymeformulaeliminatesstarch andproteinfilm. 3–4 lb 10364 4–6.75 lb 17091 aPex™ ultra dishmachine detergent Highestperforming,low-phosphorusdetergentin theindustryforhardwaterandheavysoils. 4–6.75 lb 17051 aPex™ metal Protection dishmachine detergent Highestperformingsolid,metal-safe detergentintheindustry. SiLvERWARERACKS silvermaster starter set 3 Soak Pans, 6 Silverware Carrier Washers, 3 Cylinder Washers, 8 Round Silverware Baskets 9290-6023 MANuALPOT&PANSOAK 4–6.75 lb 10354 aPex™ Pot & Pan soak aPex™ chlorine Free machine detergent Theindustry’sonlyproductspecifically formulatedtoremoveheavysoilsprior todishmachinewashing. Highestperforming,low-phosphorous, chlorine-freedetergentforuseinregularsoiland softtomoderatewaterhardnessconditions. 4–6.75 lb 6100606 6–6.75 lb 6100607 MACHiNERiNSEADDiTivES aPex™ rinse additive Phosphateandphosphorusfreeformulaleaves waresparklingcleanandspot-free. 2–2.5 lb 16811 WareWashing “Guests must open silverware and see sparkling silver. That,tome,sendsamessage thatwearefocusedondetailsandensuresaperfectguestexperience.” 1–2.5 lb 6100021 3–5 lb 6100089 6–5 lb 6100090 MANuALPOT&PANDETERGENT aPex™ manual detergent Phosphateandphosphorusfreeformula providesaggressivegrease-cuttingpower. 2–3 lb 10362 3-COMPARTMENTSiNKSANiTizER aPex™ solid quat Broad range sanitizer aPex™ heavy duty rinse additive 98.9%phosphateandphosphorusfree formulaforsparklingresultsinhardwater. 2–2.5 lb 16818 industry’sfirstsolidbroad-rangesanitizer. EPARegistered.Wideefficacyrange. (uS:150-400ppm;Canada:200-400ppm). US 2–2 lb 6100176 Canada 2–2 lb 6100203 180035CLEAN www.ecolab.com11 WareWashIng solids prograM OPTiMALSERviCE SuPERiORRESuLTS HiGHEFFiCiENCy advantages of the Solid Power® XL Program Automaticallydispensesattheproperdilutionto controlcosts Outofproductalarm Concentratedsolidformulationsareeasyto handleanddropin Multi-linguallabelsandwallchartsprovided Fulllineofhighperformingleaseddishmachines with24/7service,inspection,partsandrepairs solid Power® xl Better for the Environment 99.7%phosphateand phosphorusfreeformula 80% Less Waste 5x Solid Power® XL 12 Liquid Detergent WareWashing “Wehavepeoplewhoareveryspecializedinallareasofwarewashingcreatingacohesiveteam. Theresultiscleaner ware for our customersandanimprovedexperiencefortheirguests.” — Jenna Johnson, EcolabResearch&Development MACHiNEDETERGENTS FLATWAREPRESOAK solid PoWer® xl silver PoWer® ultra-highactivityformoredishes percapsulethananyothersolid detergentintheindustry. Flatwarepresoaksoftensdried-onsoilsfor maximumcleaningresultsinthedishmachine. 4–9 lb 6100185 2–8 lb 12922 US 2–9 lb 6100183 solid suPer imPact® With glassguard™ soak master® Foryourtoughestconditions,ahighly activesetofingredientsandthreetimes thechlorineforexceptionalcleaningand destainingperformance. Soak Master® with dolly & handle Soak Master® with dolly Soak Master® tank Soak Master® drain ball valve Soak Master® vinyl cover 4–9 lb 10256 92901487 92901479 92982016 92983873 92952829 solid metal Pro® Powerfulcleaningforsoftmetals withimprovedsafetyoverliquids. 4–8 lb 10751 MANuALPOT&PANDETERGENT solitaire® MACHiNERiNSEADDiTivE solid Brilliance ® Reducesspottingforsparklingresults inmostwaterconditions. Toughonsoilsforquickcleaning ofpotsandpans. 4–5 lb 17301 US 2–5 lb 10884 3-COMPARTMENTSiNKSANiTizER oasis® 146 multi-quat sanitizer 2–2.5 lb 25395 EPA/DiNRegistered.Wideefficacyrange. (uS:150-400ppm;Canada:200-400ppm). MACHiNESANiTizER US 4–1 gal 17781 1–2.5 gal 17708 1–15 gal 17718 Canada 1–9.46 L 10384 4-3.78 L 6100011 ultra san® Chlorinesanitizerforalllow-tempmachines. US 1–5 gal 13961 Canada 1–20 L 490 4–4 L 491 eco san® Chlorinesanitizerforalllow-tempmachines. US 4–1 gal 13979 180035CLEAN www.ecolab.com13 WareWashIng liquids & specialty EFFECTivESOLuTiONSFORyOuRTABLEWARENEEDS MACHiNEDETERGENTS ultra-klene™ Fast drying rinse additive Powerful,provencleaningofallsoils tohelpminimizecostlyrewash. Fastestdryingrinseadditiveintheindustry. idealforplasticware. 4–1 gal 13326 US 1–5 gal 12716 ultra-klene™ Plus Thebenefitsofultra-Klene™withadded performanceforhardwater. 1–5 gal 12807 suPer trumP™ Outstandingcleaningresultsfor glasswasherswhereappearanceiskey. US 4–1 gal 12740 ultra dry™ rinse additive Reducesspottinganddrytimeinlow-temp machinesforhigherefficiency. 4–1 gal 13722 2–5 qt 6100118 r–o Free® rinse additive Makesspotsdisappearinchallenginghardor high-TDSwaterconditions. 2–5 qt 17532 MACHiNESANiTizERS ultra san® Chlorinesanitizerforalllow-tempmachines. MACHiNERiNSEADDiTivES 1–4.5 gal 15172 US 1–5 gal 13961 Canada 1–20 L 490 US 4–1 gal 13979 Reducesspottinganddrytimeinhigh-temp machinesforhigherefficiency. iodinesanitizer. 1–5 gal 10934 POT&PANSOAK 4–4 L 491 Chlorinesanitizerforalllow-tempmachines. mikroklene® eco san® rinse dry® 4–1 gal 10942 14 SPECiALTyMACHiNERiNSEADDiTivES US 4-1 gal 14639 Canada 4-4 L 511 FLATWAREPRESOAK decarBonizer mxP® soak tank activator liquid assure® Powerfulsoakingsolutionremovesgreasy,cooked onsoilsfrompotsandpans. Concentratedliquidpresoakfor removingsoilsonflatware. 2–8 lb 14415 4–1 gal 11486 SoLuTion PRoBLEM Limescalebuildupincreases energycosts MANuALPOT&PANDETERGENTS WareWashing REMOvESCALEBuiLDuP Lime-A-Way® removes buildupandcanlower energycosts 3-COMPARTMENTSiNKSANiTizER scout® oasis® 146 multi-quat sanitizer Concentratedliquidcreateslastingsuds. Dispensedatusedilution. EPA/DiNRegistered.Wideefficacyrange. (uS:150-400ppm;Canada:200-400ppm). 2–2 gal 10906 US 4–1 gal 17781 1–2.5 gal 17708 1–15 gal 17718 Canada 1–9.46 L 10384 4–3.78 L 6100011 Pantastic™ Ready-to-use.Offersgoodgreasecutting. 9–32 fl oz 13003 4–1 gal 12963 1-5 gal 12971 monsoon Low-foamingliquiddetergentforuse inrecirculatingsinks. 1–5 gal 13505 MANuALBARPROGRAM Bar dandy™ Low-foamingliquiddetergentforuse inbarglasswashers. US 4–1 gal 14050 manual Bar glass detergent Ready-to-use,low-foamingdetergenthelpsget glassescleanwhileprotectingbeveragequality. US 100-0.5 oz packets 10372 DELiMERS lime-a-Way® versatile:multi-purposelime scaleremovermaximizes dishmachineperformance. 4–1 gal 18700 ultra lime-a-Way® nP Hardestworking:forheavy,hard waterdeposits. 4–96 fl oz 6100742 clinging lime-a-Way® Clinginggel:limescaleremoval fortough-to-reachapplications. 6–32 fl oz 15210 solid lime-a-Way® Safer:eliminateschemicalsplashingwhile attackingrustandironstains. US 6–1.33 lb 15905 manual Bar glass sanitizer EPARegisteredsanitizerhelpsensureoptimal beveragetasteandappearance. US 100–0.25 oz 10269 SiLvERWAREBuRNiSHiNG Burnishing comPound Burnishesfinesilverware (foruseinburnishingmachines). 4–1 gal 25170101 180035CLEAN www.ecolab.com15 WareWashIng WareWashing racks & equipMent OPTiMizERESuLTSWiTHPROPERMAiNTENANCE&RACKiNG iMPROvERESuLTS REDuCEBREAKAGE iNCREASEEFFiCiENCy Opendesignsochemicalsand watercanbetterreachwares Shock-resistantconstruction Tiltcupdrainbardecreases dryingtimeandreducesspotting Doublesidewalls Sizedspecificallytoprotect yourwares GLASS,CuPANDPLATERACKS COMMONRACKS Full-size glass racks Full-size silverWare rack Customizerackstofiteachglasstype. 9,16,25,36or49compartments; glass heights2 7/8”-10 3/8”. High-qualityresinanddesignprolong lifeofflatwarerackandreduce equipmentexpenses. Contact your Ecolab representative Brown 9293-7507 halF-size glass racks Full-size oPen rack Forareasthathavelimitedstoragespace. Availableinyellow,beigeandbrown. 8,10,or17compartments;glassheights 3”-8 1/4”. Opengriddesignprovidesidealresults forvirtually allmediumtolargeitems. Contact your Ecolab representative Full-size cuP racks Achieveoptimalcleaningresultsforcups. 16,20or25compartments;cupheights 23/8” -53/8”. Contact your Ecolab representative Plate master® racks Storeplatesinthesameracksyouuse towashthem,increasingefficiency andprotection.Customizedtofit your plates'dimensions. Contact your Ecolab representative 16 8colorsforquickidentification Customwordingtofindtheright glasswhenyouneedit iconstoaidnon-Englishspeakers Brown 9291-8002 Beige 9293-7515 Beige 9291-8010 highWall Plate rack Sturdyrackholdsplatesatcorrectangle foroptimalwashing. insideheight:3”-5”–8”. Brown 9295-7059 Beige 9295-7067 highWall starter kit Thiskitcomeswithtwoplateracks,one silverwarerackandoneopenrack Brown 9293-1054 Beige 9293-1062 PRE-SCRAPSOLuTiONS oPen-end Peg rack eco-sPray Pegsholdtraysatproperanglefor thorough,one-passresults.Holds 8 trayslessthan18”or6longertrays. Turnsonwithapullofthehandgrip,no trigger.Heavy-duty,60",200psihose. Beige 9295-7505 9295-2589 JetsPray valve latched ramekin rack Soufflecuprackwithhingedlidisspecifically designedtomaximizecleaningperformance forsmallitemsthatjumpoutofordinary racksduringthewashingcycle. Smart,one-handedtriggerlockwith heatinsulatedtouchpoints. B-2108 9655-2141 B-2108C 9655-2099 Pre-rinse sPray valve Heavy-dutydesignidealforindustrialkitchens. Brown 1 /2" high 92911833 1 oPen-end sheet Pans & insulated tray racks 9297-2470 loW-FloW sPray valve Maximizerackloadandachievesuperior results.Racksreducepan–traywashcostsup to80%bypositioningwaresatcorrect angletominimize rewash. useslesswaterandenergy.Knife-like spraypattern. 4 sheet pans 5 bun pans 4 insulated trays 6 insulated trays rePlacement hoses, stainless steel 9295-0112 9295-1136 9291-1858 9291-1866 B-0107J 9297-2023 B-0107C 9297-2019 High-quality,stainlesssteelhoseoptimizes waterflowandminimizesriskofleaks. sortmaster® BreakdoWn station cart Stainlesssteelcartallowsemployeesto sortandracksoiledwaresonlocation. SortMaster® Breakdown Station SortMaster® Complete Package WareWashing SPECiALTyRACKS 9290-1974 9290-8235 (Includes SortMaster® Breakdown Station and Silvermaster® System Starter Set – 9290-6023) 20” 9297-3544 68” 9297-3551 44” 9297-3502 rePlacement gooseneck sPring Engineeredtoprolonglifeofstainlesssteel hoses.Enablesconvenientuseandstorage ofpre-rinseunits. 9297-0037 RACKACCESSORiES WasteWell dollies soak master® Tankandwastewelldollywithhandle. High-capacity,20-gallon,polyethylene soakingtankisidealforfull-sizeracks andgreasefilters. Soak Master® with dolly & handle Soak Master® with dolly Soak Master® tank Soak Master® drain ball valve Soak Master® vinyl cover 92901487 92901479 92982016 92983873 92952829 Catchexcessdrainagewatertoreduce accidentsandunwantedspills.Holdsone stackof20”fullracksortwostacksof10” halfracks.Comeswith4”casters. Brown 9290-1149 Blue 9290-1004 With handle 9290-6114 rack covers Protectssanitizedwarefromsoils. Translucentcovermakesiteasyto identifycontents. 12” high 9290-8243 36” high 9290-8250 silvermaster starter set Sorttablewareatthedishtablewiththis space-savingsilverwaremanagementsystem. 3 Soak Pans, 6 Silverware Carrier Washers, 3 Cylinder Washers, 8 Round Silverware Baskets 9290-6023 rack shelF® Madeofhigh-impactABSplastic,this shelfisperfectforoperationswithlimited space.Measures16”Hx22”Wx16 1⁄4”L. Rack Shelf® with Drain Kit 92902386 Drain Kit 92901081 180035CLEAN 17 WareWashIng Manual Bar prograM EFFECTivESOLuTiONSTOKEEPyOuRBARRuNNiNGSMOOTHLy advantages of the Manual Bar Program Betterlookingandtastingbeveragewithout chemicalresidue Manualdetergentandsanitizersolutions undercountersolutions Specialtytools 18 SPECiALTyTOOLS WareWashing MANuALBARPROGRAM Barmaid suBmersiBle motorized PuB scruB Bar dandy™ Lowfoamingliquiddetergentforuseinbar glasswashers. Thissubmersibleunitisdesignedforuse behindthebar.uL,CSAandNSFapproved. US 4-1 gal 14050 5-61⁄2” Brushes 96218285 Replacement Brushes (5-Pack) 96218292 manual Bar glass detergent Ready-to-use,low-foamingdetergenthelpsget glassescleanwhileprotectingbeveragequality. Pre-portionedpacketshelpcontrolcosts. manual triPle glass Washer US 100-0.5 oz packets 10372 3-8” Brushes 96218243 Replacement Brushes (5-Pack) 96218318 Thislow-costsolutionwillaidincleaning glassesbehindthebar. manual Bar glass sanitizer interlocking Bar mat EPARegisteredsanitizerhelpsensureoptimal beveragetasteandappearance.Pre-portioned packetshelpcontrolcosts. ideallysuitedforlargerareassuchas beverageandwaitstations.Safetorun throughthedishmachine. US 100-0.25 oz 10269 12”x12” Bar Mat 92972082 sPecialty Beverage cleaner unit-dosetabletscombatteaandcoffeestains inbrewingequipment.Compatibleforawide rangeofbeverageequipmentmodels. interlocking Bar mat striPs 2–100 tablets 6100159 3 1⁄2”x12” Mat Strip 92972074 Greatforspeedrails,underneathbeertaps andinbar-toptroughs. HELPENSuREBEvERAGEQuALiTy proBleM Theheadoffoamonbeeriseasilycollapsedbyfoodsoilsorchemical residuesonunsanitaryglasses. usingdetergentnotspecificallymadeformanualbarglasswashingmay resultinpoorbeveragequalityandnoticeablechemicalresidue. solution Manual Bar Glass Detergent isspeciallyformulated toleavenovisibledetergentresidueineitherhotor coldwater. Manual Bar Glass Sanitizer isanEPA-registeredfood contactsurfacesanitizerandwon’timpactsmellortaste. 180035CLEAN www.ecolab.com19 Front & Back oF house WHyCLEANMATTERS Fromthefrontofthehousetotheback,Ecolabhascleaningsystemsthatfityourbusiness. Whatdid30,000 consumerssay ismost important in determining wheretoeat? toP 15 reasons Why guests return to a restaurant DISHWARE/GLASSWARE/SILVERWARE ARE CLEAN QUALITY OF THE FOOD TASTE AND FLAVOR OF THE FOOD restaurant interior is clean ORDER ACCURACY kitchen/Food PreP area (iF visiBle) is clean RESTROOM IS CLEAN SERVICE IS PLEASANT AND FRIENDLY STAFF PAYS ATTENTION TO FUNDAMENTALS FOOD SERVED IS VISUALLY APPEALING QUALITY OF FOOD WHEN ORDERED FOR TAKE OUT OFFERS A GOOD VALUE THROUGH HIGH-QUALITY MENU ITEMS OFFERS A GOOD VALUE THROUGH LOW PRICES OFFERS A GOOD VALUE THROUGH QUICK, HIGH-QUALITY SERVICE ATMOSPHERE IS WELCOMING AND COMFORTABLE Source:Q3-Q4,2012Technomic,ConsumerRestaurantBrandMetrics. “Wehaveverystrictstandardsforcleanliness— butit’sabouthow you maintain those standards.” — lenny russo, ExecutiveChef&Owner, HeartlandRestaurant&FarmDirectMarket SCANTHiSQRCODEWiTHyOuRSMARTPHONEORviSiTWhycleanMatters.coM TOviEWLENNyRuSSOANDOTHERSTORiES. 20 ECOLABSOLuTiONSHELPyOuSuCCEED SERVICE & TRAINING OASIS® DISPENSING SPECIALTY CLEANING outcoMe: clean, saFe operation GREASE REMOVAL MULTI-SURFACE CLEANING FLOOR AND DRAIN CLEANING TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 180035CLEAN www.ecolab.com21 Front & Back oF house oasis systeM ® SuPERiORRESuLTS CONTROLLEDDiSPENSiNG EASy-TO-uSE advantages of the Oasis® Complete Dispensing System Automaticdispensing Customizeddilutiontocontrolyourcosts Closeddispensing—nomanualmixingofchemicals Compactform—upto4productsperdispenser Fast,one-handedfillingofspraybottlesorbuckets Multi-linguallabelsandwallchartsprovided Get More. Spend Less. Reduce Waste. = Example: oasis® 137 orange Force™ 22 160 Front & Back oF house SELECTTHERiGHTSOLuTiONSFORyOu Wash ‘n Walk® no-rinse Floor cleaner Theindustry’sbestenzymatic,no-rinsecleanerhelpspreventgreasebuildup. 1–2.5 gal 14278 US 1–15 gal 14289 oasis® 146 multi-quat sanitizer EPA/DiNRegisteredsanitizerforuseonfoodprepsurfacesandwares, killsfoodborneorganismsaslistedonproductlabel.Wideefficacyrange. (uS:150-400ppm;Canada:200-400ppm). US 4–1 gal 17781 1–2.5 gal 17708 1–15 gal 17718 Canada 1–9.46 L 10384 4–3.78 L 6100011 orange Force™ (oasis® 137) Powerful,no-streakformulacleansgreasysoils,filmandsmokefrommultiplesurfaces. 1–2.5 gal 14559 glass cleaner Streak-free,fast-dryingperformanceonwindows,mirrors,glass,plastic,acrylicsand paintedsurfaces.uSDACertifiedBioBasedproduct. 1-2.5 gal 6100288 2–2 L 6100289 66 heavy duty alkaline Bathroom cleaner and disinFectant EPA/DiNRegisteredheavy-dutybathroomcleaneranddeodorizereffectiveagainst norovirus.MeadowBreezescent. US 1–2.5 gal 14914 1–15 gal 10154 Canada 2–2 L 20587 180035CLEAN www.ecolab.com23 Front & Back oF house Floor & drain CLEANANDSAFEFLOORSOLuTiONS proBleM solution Wash ‘n Walk® Floor Cleaner CLEANANDCLOG-FREEDRAiN proBleM solution Pathways™ Drain Treatment 24 Front & Back oF house learn more about how Wash ‘n Walk® Floor cleaner breaks down the toughest grease buildup on kitchen floors at FLOORCLEANERS CLEANiNGTOOLS moPs, Buckets, squeegees & handles Wash ‘n Walk® no-rinse Floor cleaner GreaseReleaseMop,DualCavityMop Bucket,FloorSqueegeeandFiberglass interlockingHandleswillprovideyouwith acompletefloorcleaningtool set. Theindustry’sbestenzymatic,no-rinsecleaner helpspreventgreasebuildup. 1–2.5 gal 14278 US 1–15 gal 14289 See product ordering information on page 51 or visit oasis® 100 neutral Floor cleaner Neutralcitrusall-purposecleanerconcentratefor dailycleaningofallhardfloorsincludingwood, stoneandvinyl. 1-2.5 gal 14522 US 15 gal 19554 FLOORMATS grease ProoF mat idealforareasexposedtogreaseand hightraffic.Raisedsurfaceribsandbottom grippersreducetriphazards. oasis® 115xP 1–3’x5’x1/2” black 9297-2018 Extrastrengthalkaline,ammoniated floorcleanerfordissolvingand emulsifyinggreasysoils. moBile mat rack 1–2.5 gal 10625 oasis® 125xP Acidkitchenfloorcleanerdesigned toremovemineralsoils. US 1–2.5 gal 10648 Canada 1–9.46 L 20390 oasis® enForce Self-foamingchlorinatedalkalinekitchenfloor cleanerformop-bucketuse. 1–2.5 gal 14696 FREEzERFLOORCLEANER kool-klene™ no thaW Freezer cleaner Quickdryingliquidfreezercleaner. Greatforcleaningfreezerfloors. 4–1 gal 15461 Transportsmatsquicklyandeasilyfrom workstationstocleaningareas.Holdsup toten3’x5’commercialmats,withaload capacityof500lbs. 1-42”x28”x40” 9299-2000 DRAiNTREATMENT PathWays™ drain treatment Biologicalgreasedigestanthelps automaticallymaintaindrains. 1–2.5 gal 29810 PathWays™ solid drain sanitizer Patentedwater-activated,time-release formulationhelpsprovidecontinuous sanitizinginfloordrains. US 12–4“ (118 mL) rings 20108 Canada 12–4“ (118 mL) rings 59748 PathWays™ Beverage toWer cleaner Quicklydissolvessugarsnakes(bacterial cellulosebuild-up)inbeveragedispenser drainsandpreventsitsrecurrence. Dispenser 9256-2001 12-4 oz. packets 6100329 180035CLEAN www.ecolab.com25 Front & Back oF house Multi-surFace cleaners EFFECTivEMuLTi-SuRFACECLEANERSANDFOODCONTACTSANiTizERS REMOvEGREASySOiLORFiLMEASiLy solution orange Force™ (oasis® 137) STREAK-FREEGLASSEvERyTiME solution Glass Cleaner ENSuRESAFETyWiTHSANiTizEDSuRFACES MAiNTAiNPROPERCHEMiCALLEvELS solution solution - oasis® 146 Liquid Multi-Quat Sanitizer 26 Sanitizer Test Station Front & Back oF house EcoSure® Quality Assurance Services Helpingfoodserviceoperatorsminimizetheirrisk,simplifytheirbusiness operationsandprotecttheirbrandswithfoodsafetyauditsandtraining. to learn more, call 1 866 326 7871 or visit MuLTi-SuRFACECLEANERS FOODCONTACTSANiTizERS orange Force™ (oasis® 137) oasis® 146 multi-quat sanitizer Powerful,no-streakformulacleans greasysoils,filmandsmokefrom multiplesurfaces. EPA/DiNRegisteredsanitizerforuseon foodprepsurfacesandwares,kills foodborneorganismsaslistedonproduct label. Wideefficacyrange.(uS:150-400ppm; Canada:200-400ppm). 1–2.5 gal 14559 US 6–32 fl oz 15639 oasis® 133 all-PurPose cleaner & degreaser concentrate Highlyeffectiveall-purposecleaner anddegreaser. 1–2.5 gal 14175 Peroxide multi-surFace cleaner Dailymulti-purposecleanerconcentrate offersexcellentcleaningandleavesastreakfreeshinethroughtheuseofperoxideanda plant-basedformula. 1-2.5 gal 6100302 2-2 L 6100296 US 4–1 gal 17781 1–2.5 gal 17708 US 1–15 gal 17718 Canada 1–9.46 L 10384 4–3.78 L 6100011 aPex™ solid quat Broad range sanitizer industry’sfirstsolidbroad-rangesanitizer. EPARegistered.Wideefficacyrange. (uS:150-400ppm). US 2–2 lb 6100176 Canada 2-2 lb 6100203 CLEANiNGTOOLS Wet WiPe Blue toWel GLASSCLEANERS glass cleaner Streak-free,fast-dryingperformanceon windows,mirrors,glass,plastic,acrylics andpaintedsurfaces.uSDACertified BioBasedproduct. 1-2.5 gal 6100288 2-2 L 6100289 oasis® 255 glass cleaner Strong,durable,easy-rinsetowels holduptorepeatedwetuse.Greatforuse withsanitizer. Pack of 150 61111-01-00 sanitizer Pail Ergonomicplastichandles,recessedbase forsplashreductionandslantedlipfor easierpouring.Durable,wearresistantink meetshealthdepartmentrequirements. Ammoniatedglasscleaner. Sanitizer Pails Each: 60503-12-31 US 1–2.5 gal 11227 US 1–15 gal 11228 Detergent Pails Each: 60504-12-31 6-Pack: 60503-42-31 6-Pack: 60504-42-31 qt-40 test striPs Confirmssanitizerconcentrationlevels tohelpensurecompliance. 1–15 ft roll 20304-05-11 sanitizer test station Promotesproperchemicalsanitationand reducesHealthDepartmentfines.Holds fourresttapedispensersandfourvials. 1 each 20312-01-00 180035CLEAN www.ecolab.com27 Front & Back oF house grease reMoVal FASTSOLuTiONSFORHiGHFOODQuALiTyANDASAFERKiTCHEN FASTESTGRiLLCLEANERiNTHEiNDuSTRy proBleM solution Grease Express™ High Temp Grill Cleaner Learnmoreat POWERFuLFORMuLAMAKESOvENCLEANiNGEASy proBleM solution Greaselift® EASy-TO-uSEANDEFFECTivEFRyERCLEANER proBleM solution Grease Express™ Fryer Cleaner Learnmoreat 28 Front & Back oF house learn about greaselift® at GRiLLCLEANER KiTCHENDEGREASERS&OvENCLEANERS grease exPress™ high temP grill cleaner greaseliFt® Fast-actingformulaquicklyremoves greaseandgrimefromgrilltops. Effectivedegreaserthatrequiresnoglovesor gogglestocleanovens,grills,stovehoods andvents. 60–3.6 fl oz 10251 6–32 fl oz 10127 2–2 L 6100155 grease exPress™ high temP grill cleaner starter kit Everythingneededtoquicklyclean greaseandgrimefromgrilltops. Kit contents: No-scratch grill polisher and 6 pads, grill squeegee, procedures CD for training and Grease Express™ Hi-Temp Grill Cleaner 10–3.6 oz packets. 1 kit 10378 FRyERCLEANER 6–32 fl oz 6100284 grease exPress™ Fast Foam degreaser Fast-actingfoamingdegreaserclingsto verticalsurfaces,quicklydissolvingand suspendinggreasysoils. 4–1 gal 10123 6–32 fl oz 10126 greasestriP Plus® High-performanceclinginggeldegreaser. 6–32 fl oz 29777 4–1 gal 19505 grease exPress™ Fryer cleaner Safelyremovescarbonizedgreaseinsidethe fryerquicklyandeasily.Extendsfryeroil-life andimprovesfoodquality. 26–8 oz 10307 greasecutter Plus® Heavy-dutycleaneranddegreaser. 4–1 gal 19513 EMPLOyEESAFETyTOOLS Personal Protective equiPment (PPe) kit Keepemployeessafewithanapron,goggles andelbow-lengthglovesforgreasycleaning. 1 kit 50621-91-11 CLEAN-iN-PLACEOvENCLEANERS FLOORMATS grease ProoF mat idealforareasexposedtogreaseand hightraffic.Raisedsurfaceribsandbottom grippersreducetriphazards. 1–3’x5’x1/2” black 9297-2018 sPecialty oven cleaner Ovencleanerspecificallydesignedfor ovensrequiringapprovedchemistry, suchasConvothermovens. 4–1 gal 6100602 sPecialty oven rinse Ovenrinseusedtodelimespecialtyovens, suchasConvotherm. 4–1 gal 6100601 180035CLEAN www.ecolab.com29 Front & Back oF house specialty EFFECTivESOLuTiONSFORyOuRuNiQuENEEDS COMBATTEAANDCOFFEESTAiNS solution Specialty Beverage Cleaner solution Triplet Plus 30 KEEPALLMETALSuRFACESSHiNy&CLEAN solution Ecoshine solution oasis® Caravan Mobile unit sPecialty Beverage cleaner unit-dosetabletscombatteaandcoffee stainsinbrewingequipment.Compatible for awiderangeofbeverageequipmentmodels. 2–100 tablets 6100159 diP-it® xP Destainerforcoffee,teaandother tough-to-removestains. 8–1.75 lb 17583 triPlet Plus FREEzERCLEANER kool-klene™ no thaW Freezer cleaner Quickdryingliquidfreezercleaner. 4–1 gal 15461 EXTERiORCLEANERS&DEODORizERS oasis® 902 Anexteriormulti-surfacefoamingdegreaser designedtocleangreasy,oilyareassuchas loadingdocks,garbagecontainersandother exteriorsurfaces. Cleanerandsanitizerforsoftserve icecreammachines.Removesmilkstone andproteinbuildup. 1–2.5 gal 18405 US 50–1 oz packets 17380 Anexteriorheavy-dutywatersolubleodor counteractanttoeffectivelyneutralize allmalodorsandreducepestsassociated withgarbage.Designedtobeusedwith Oasis®902. PathWays™ Beverage toWer cleaner oasis® 904 Quicklydissolvessugarsnakes(bacterial cellulosebuild-up)inbeveragedispenser drainsandpreventsitsrecurrence. 1–2.5 gal 18411 Dispenser 9256-2001 12-4 oz. packets 6100329 oasis® caravan moBile unit STAiNLESSSTEELCLEANERS&POLiSHES ecoshine Water-basedstainlesssteelcleaner andpolish. 6–32 fl oz 18440 medallion Ready-to-usecleanerandpolishremoves lightsoilandrestoressheen.Protectiveluster helpskeepoutsoilandmoisture.Safeonall metalsurfacesandkitchenequipment. 6-32 fl oz 18424 stainless steel cleaner and Polish Removeslightsoilandrestoressheentoall metals.Protectivebarrierguardsagainstsoil andmoistureandleavesnooilyresidue. US 12–17 fl oz 18903 CONvEyORCLEANER&LuBRiCANT Front & Back oF house DESTAiNER&BEvERAGECLEANERS Cleansgreasy,oilyareasand neutralizesmalodors. 9215-1243 oasis® outBack Wall mount Wallmountdilutionsystemspecifically forexterioruse. 9215-1004 CARPETiNGSPOTREMOvER revitalize™ miracle sPotter “Go-To”spotterthatisidealforunknown soils;excellentforremovingcoffeestains. Featuresatwincartridgedesignthatblends activecomponentstoprovidedouble stain-liftingproperties.Safeforuseonall syntheticcarpetingtypes.Certifiedbythe CarpetandRuginstitute. Starter Kit 2-20 oz with sprayer 14511 Refills 4-20 oz 14512 Single dip-tube replacement sprayer 9202-1003 Double dip-tube replacement sprayer 9265-2264 klenz-glide® 10 Lubricantandcleanertokeep foodservice conveyorscleanand extendconveyorlife. US 1–5 gal 14126 180035CLEAN www.ecolab.com31 restrooM WHyCLEANMATTERS Spotlessrestroomshelpkeeprestaurantguestshappy. Whatdid30,000 consumerssay ismost important in determining wheretoeat? toP 15 reasons Why guests return to a restaurant DISHWARE/GLASSWARE/SILVERWARE ARE CLEAN QUALITY OF THE FOOD TASTE AND FLAVOR OF THE FOOD RESTAURANT INTERIOR IS CLEAN ORDER ACCURACY KITCHEN/FOOD PREP AREA (IF VISIBLE) IS CLEAN restroom is clean SERVICE IS PLEASANT AND FRIENDLY STAFF PAYS ATTENTION TO FUNDAMENTALS FOOD SERVED IS VISUALLY APPEALING QUALITY OF FOOD WHEN ORDERED FOR TAKE OUT OFFERS A GOOD VALUE THROUGH HIGH-QUALITY MENU ITEMS OFFERS A GOOD VALUE THROUGH LOW PRICES OFFERS A GOOD VALUE THROUGH QUICK, HIGH-QUALITY SERVICE ATMOSPHERE IS WELCOMING AND COMFORTABLE Source:Q3-Q4,2012Technomic,ConsumerRestaurantBrandMetrics. “Cleanrestroomsarereally,reallyimportantforus.Asarestaurant, westrivetoimproveourguestsatisfactionreports.Since we’ve been using the Cleaning Caddy, our guest satisfaction for cleanliness has been 100%.” — Marcelo cardoza, Manager,BucadiBeppo SCANTHiSQRCODEWiTHyOuRSMARTPHONEORviSiTWhycleanMatters.coM TOviEWMARCELOCARDOzAANDOTHERSTORiES. 32 restrooM ECOLABSOLuTiONSHELPyOuSuCCEED SERVICE AND TRAINING CLEANING CADDY HAND HYGIENE outcoMe: clean restrooM RESTROOM & MULTISURFACE CLEANERS ODOR CONTROL 180035CLEAN www.ecolab.com33 restrooM cleaning caddy DAiLyDiSiNFECTiNG BETTERRESuLTS LOWERTOTALCOSTS advantages of the Cleaning Caddy Lock-and-keychemicaldispensing Spraywand(90PSispraypressure)evenly distributeschemistry Rechargeablebatterylasts4hourson asinglecharge On-boardtoolstorage Wetvacremovesdirtysolutionforacompleteclean Easy-accesstankholdsupto13.5gallonsofwater Compactandeasytomaneuver,similarfootprint tomopandbucket Easy-to-usecontrolpanelsimplifiesoperation TheCleaningCaddy getsrestrooms 54% cleaner thantraditional cleaningmethods* 22” 34 24” Cleaning Caddy + Wet Vac 9265-1030 Cleaning Caddy + Shelf 9265-1031 *Resultsbasedonover1,000 swabsamplescollectedand analyzedbyEcolab restrooM learn how easy it is to use the cleaning caddy at Pick THree ProducTs MuLTi-SuRFACECLEANERS DiSiNFECTANTCLEANERS 14 antiBacterial all-PurPose cleaner 20 neutral disinFectant cleaner EPA/DiNRegisteredall-purposedisinfectant (effectiveagainstnorovirus).Pinefreshscent. EPARegistereddisinfectant. Lavenderscent. US 1-2.5 gal 14653 US 2-2 L 14205 Canada 2-2 L 6100116 US 2-2 L 14981 oasis Pro™ 16 orange Force EPARegistereddisinfectant. Citrusscent. Powerful,no-streakformulacleansgreasy soils, filmandsmokefrommultiplesurfaces. disinFectant cleaner 2.0 US 2-2 L 14561 2-2 L 21038 Peroxide multi-surFace cleaner & kit Dailymulti-purposecleaner.GreenSealand uSDACertifiedbio-basedproduct. 2-2L 6100296 Kit 92150090 RESTROOMCLEANERS 63 alkaline Bathroom cleaner and disinFectant EPA/DiNRegisteredbathroomcleaner effectiveagainstnorovirus.Floralscent. US 2-2 L 14206 Canada 2-2 L 14533 66 heavy duty alkaline Bathroom cleaner and disinFectant EPA/DiNRegisteredheavy-dutybathroom cleaneranddeodorizereffectiveagainst norovirus.Meadowbreezescent. GLASSCLEANER glass cleaner GreenSealanduSDACertifiedbio-based glasscleanerforstreak-free,fastdrying performance. 2-2 L 6100289 FLOORCLEANERS maxx dual action Floor cleaner Alkalinefloorcleanerwithfreshfragrancefor dailycleaningandtacklinggreasysoils. 2-2 L 6100659 high PerFormance neutral cleaner Daily,rinse-free,non-alkalinefloorcleaner thatdeliverssuperiorresultswithafreshand cleanfragrance. 2-2 L 6100035 US 2-2 L 10158 Canada 2-2 L 20587 neutral Bathroom cleaner GreenSealanduSDACertifiedbio-based bathroomcleaner. 2-2L 6100276 See page 50 for a complete list of Cleaning Caddy equipment and accessories. 180035CLEAN www.ecolab.com35 restrooM solutions OPTiMALRESTROOMCLEANiNGSOLuTiONS RESTROOMCLEANERS 66 heavy duty alkaline Bathroom cleaner and disinFectant EPA/DiNRegisteredheavy-dutyrestroom cleaneranddeodorizereffectiveagainst norovirus.Meadowbreezescent. MuLTi-SuRFACE&GLASSCLEANERS orange Force™ (oasis® 137) Powerful,no-streakformulacleansgreasy soils,filmandsmokefrommultiplesurfaces. 1–2.5 gal 14559 US 6–32 fl oz 15639 US 1–2.5 gal 14914 1–15 gal 10154 Canada 2-2 L 20587 Peroxide multi-surFace cleaner 65 disinFecting heavy duty acid Bathroom cleaner Dailymulti-purposecleanerconcentrate offersexcellentcleaningandleavesa streak-freeshinethroughtheuseof peroxideandaplant-basedformula. EPA/DiNRegisteredaciddisinfectingcleaner formulatedtoremovehardwaterbuildupand soapscumfromcountertops,toiletsandsinks. 2.5 gal 6100302 2-2 L 6100296 US 1–2.5 gal 14913 1–15 gal 14655 Canada 2-2 L 20588 glass cleaner neutral Bathroom cleaner Streak-free,fast-dryingperformanceon windows,mirrors,glass,plastic,acrylics andpaintedsurfaces.uSDACertified BioBasedproduct. Removessoilsfromtoiletbowls,urinals,as wellasshowerwallsandfloors.Provides excellentcleaningthroughaplant-derived formula.uSDACertifiedBioBasedproduct. 2.5 gal 6100275 2-2 L 6100276 2.5 gal 6100288 2-2 L 6100289 oasis® 255 glass cleaner Ammoniatedglasscleaner. oasis 299 heavy duty Bathroom cleaner and disinFectant ® US 1–2.5 gal 11227 US 1–15 gal 11228 EPA/DiNRegistered.useonnon-porous surfacessuchasrestroomchrome,fixtures, tile,sinks,includingporcelainandfiberglass. US 1–2.5 gal 12146 Canada 1–9.46 L 20391 36 Hand Hygiene oasis® Dispensing Seepages40-41 for completelistofproducts Seepage22formore dispensinginformation DiSiNFECTANTCLEANERS RESTROOMODORCONTROL EPARegistereddisinfectant.Citrusscent. US 1–2.5 gal 14562 4–1 gal 14564 oasis® 271 zePhair™ mountain mist restrooM disinFectant cleaner 2.0 Fightstoughodorsincludingsmoke, foodandurine.Won’tleaveasticky residueonfabricsandsurfaces. Strong,lastingscent. oasis® 499 hBv disinFectant 1–2.5 gal 12041 EPA/DiNRegistereddisinfects,cleansand deodorizessurfacesinrestroomsandtoilet areas,behindandundersinksandcounters. oasis® zePhair™ clean White cotton US 1–2.5 gal 17771 US 1-15 gal 17774 Canada 1–9.46 L 12095 Fightstoughodorsincludingsmoke,food andurine.Won’tleaveastickyresidueon fabricsandsurfaces.Soft,subtlescent. tB disinFectant cleaner ready to use EPARegistereddesignedspecificallyas ageneralnon-acid,ready-to-usecleaner anddisinfectant. US 12-32 fl oz 65443556 RESTROOMCLEANiNGTOOLS Biohazard resPonse sPill kit Cleansanddisinfectsnon-foodspills/ accidents.Refillkitavailable.includesEPA Registeredproduct. US 1 kit 50258-91-11 US Kit refill with chemical 50258-01-11 PuBlic/emPloyee restroom set uP kit Containmentand disposalsystemfor needlesandsharps,designedspecifically forrestrooms. 50252-91-11 1–2.5 gal 6100132 First imPression® simPly Fragrance Leavesrestroomssmellingcleanwithout aerosols.Mildscent. Ocean Breeze 6–1.6 fl oz Mandarin Burst 6–1.6 fl oz Dispenser 1-4 pk 12046 12049 9265-2192 First imPression® micro aerosol Aerosoltechnologyneutralizesmalodors inhallwaysandrestrooms.Programmable, automateddispensing. 12–1.8 fl oz Juniper Splash Mandarin Burst Spring Showers Summer Linen Variety Pack 30079 30078 30077 30076 15093 Starter Kit Starter Kit Starter Kit Starter Kit 30075 30074 30073 30071 RESTROOMSPECiALTy Bingo® liquid drain cleaner oasis Pro microFiBer cloths ™ Microfiberweaveimprovesperformance ofcleanersandleavesalint-free,streakfreesurface. Blue 1-12 pk 9621-2290 Pink 1-12 pk 9621-2292 Yellow 1-12 pk 9621-2293 PumP-uP Foamer/sPrayer Pump-upfoamerandsprayerreduces repetitivemotioninjurybyreducingthe needtopullastandardtriggersprayer. Reachesandeffectivelydissolveshair, protein,grease,oilandsoap. 12-32 fl oz 61035112 Pinnacle™ intensive tile cleaner Removesstubbornsoilsandgreasefrom ceramictilesandgrout. 4-1 gal 62770211 1-2 pk 9265-2603 aim encounter urinal Block With screen loW FloW Faucet aerator Eachflushreleasescleaningagentsto inhibitdepositbuildupandeliminateodors. Savewatereverytimeyourunthefaucet. 12-100 g 61144200 8531-0028 180035CLEAN www.ecolab.com37 hand hygiene WHyCLEANMATTERS Handhygienehelpskeepemployeesandguestssafefromfoodbornepathogensandpublicinfection. did you know thesecondleadingcauseof foodborneillnessispoorhandhygiene? hand hygiene Facts $75,000 is the average legal cost ofafoodborne illnessoutbreak*accordingtotheNational RestaurantAssociation protect your guests and employeesfromdailyrisk associatedwithbacteriaandpathogens Ecolab’sfulllineofhandsoapsandsanitizershavebeen testedandshown effective against bacteriasuchas: E. coli Staph Salmonella Listeria *Source:NationalRestaurantAssociationEducationalFoundationFoodSafetyFacts2003 Help protect employees against serious illness. “Approximately40% offoodborneillnessesintheunitedStatesresultfromalackofhandwashing. Negligenthandwashingpracticesresultinoneofthemostmenacingviruses affectingthefoodserviceindustry—theNorwalkvirus.” – CDC 38 hand hygiene ECOLABSOLuTiONSHELPyOuSuCCEED SERVICE & TRAINING KITCHEN HAND HYGIENE outcoMe: puBlic hygiene & Food saFety PUBLIC AREA HAND SANITIzING RESTROOM HAND HYGIENE 180035CLEAN www.ecolab.com39 hand hygIene soaps & sanitizers CuSTOMizEDTOHELPyOuWHEREANDWHENyOuNEEDiT TOuCH-FREEFOAMHANDSOAP antiBacterial Foam hand soaP Antibacterialfoamhandsoapmoisturizes andreducesbacteria.Containsmoisturizers. for touch-free dispensers US 4–1200 mL 6100403 (touch-free dispenser) Canada 8-1200 mL 6082565 (touch-free dispenser) US 2-1600 mL 6100202 (counter mount dispenser) Reducestheriskofcross-contamination Lowercostperuse Extendedbatterylife FullyADA-compliant touch-Free disPensers • BlackDispenser9202-1145 • WhiteDispenser9202-1147 for counter mount dispensers Foam hand soaP Green seal™certifiedgentlefoaming cosmetichandsoap.Containsmoisturizers. for touch-free dispensers stands & trays • • • • BlackDripTray9202-2105 WhiteDripTray9202-2699 BlackStand&DripTray9202-6026 WhiteStand&DripTray9202-6023 US 4–1200 mL 6100404 (touch-free dispenser) Canada 8-1200 mL 6089344 (touch-free dispenser) Canada (Sensitive Skin) 8-1200 mL 6083911 (touch-free dispenser) 2-1600 mL 6100122 (counter mount dispenser) for counter mount dispensers TOuCH-FREEFOAMHANDSANiTizERS oPtional namePlates • AntibacterialHandSoap 9202-2556 • HandSoap9202-2575 • HandSanitizer9202-2576 counter mount disPenser • Touch-FreeDispenser 9263-1012 Foodservice Foam hand sanitizer Moisturizingfoamhandsanitizerreduces bacteriaandisFDAfoodcode-compliant (non-alcoholbased).Containsmoisturizers. US 4-1200 mL 6100406 Foam hand sanitizer Moisturizingfoamhandsanitizer reducesbacteria(alcoholbased). Containsmoisturizers. US 4-1000 mL 6100407 Canada 8-1000 mL 6088028 40 Black disPenser 9263-2007 digiclean™ antiBacterial Foam hand soaP Antibacterialfoamhandsoapmoisturizesandreducesbacteria. Containsmoisturizers. 6–750 mL 23672 digiclean™ mild Foam hand soaP hand hygiene MANuALLiQuiDHANDSOAPS&SANiTizERS Green seal™certifiedgentlefoamingcosmetichandsoap. 6–750 mL 23671 White disPenser 9263-4278 digiclean™ e Foam hand soaP Antibacterialfoamhandsoaphelpsprotectagainst harmfulmicroorganisms. 6–750 mL 23673 digisan® e Foam hand sanitizer MoisturizingfoamhandsanitizerreducesbacteriaandisFDAfood code-compliant(non-alcoholbased).Containsmoisturizers. 6–750 mL 23674 MANuALBuLK—REFiLLABLELiQuiDHANDSOAPS disPenser 9263-1970 clean and smooth® Green seal™certifiedgentleliquidhandsoap. 4–1 gal 15875 antiBacterial clean and smooth® Antibacterialliquidhandsoapmoisturizesandreducesbacteria. Containsmoisturizers. 4–1 gal 14886 ADDiTiONALSANiTizERS disPenser 9264-1208 sanigizer® Plus Foodcode-complianthandsanitizergelthatreducesbacteria. US 9–800 mL 15580 disPenser 9265-1002 digisan® aerosol Foam hand sanitizer Quickfoamhandsanitizercanbewall-mountedorstandalone;greatfor tightspaceslikeserverstations. US 12–7 fl oz 24832 disPenser gel hand sanitizer US 9202-2674 Gelhandsanitizermoisturizesandreducesbacteria. Containsmoisturizers. US 10–1000 mL 6030349 Canada 10-1000 mL 61082001 gel hand sanitizers Waterlesshandsanitizerwithmoisturizerstoconditionandprotect. US 144–1.2 fl oz 6030352 US 72–4 fl oz 6000003 US 12–540 mL 6000004 Canada 144-1.2 fl oz 61082125 Canada 72-4 fl oz 6000304 Canada 12-540 mL 61082540 180035CLEAN www.ecolab.com41 Food saFety SAvETiME,CONTROLCOSTSANDPROMOTEFOODSAFETy SERVICE & TRAINING FOOD ROTATION outcoMe: saFer Food operation FOOD TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOOD HANDLING PREP-N-PRINT Food Safety Solutions visitwww.foodsafetysolutions.comfora completefoodsafetyofferingandtosignup forafreesubscriptiontoFood Safety Solutions magazine,agreatsourceofthelatestfood safetyinformation 42 FOODPREPARATiON No-rinsetreatmentthatreduces99.9%ofpathogensE. coli, Listeria and Salmonella*inwashwater. US 1-2.5 gal 6100283 *E. coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes (or L. monocytogenes) and Salmonella enterica (or S. enterica) for raw agricultural commodities FOODROTATiON FOODHANDLiNG PreP-n-Print ice only Buckets Acomprehensivefoodrotationprogramin anintelligent,portable,containedprinter thatstores,calculatesandprintsDaydots ondemand. ice-Handlerbucketisloadedwith innovativefeaturestohelpfill, transportandpourice. dissolvaBle daydots Labelsdisappearinsecondswhen immersedinwater.Sizeanddayofthe weekoptions available. duralaBel daydots Plastic,waterproof,removablelabelsdon’t leaveanyresidue.Sizeanddayoftheweek optionsavailable. Food saFety antimicroBial Fruit & vegetaBle treatment Pan covers Colorcodedpancovershelpreduce cross-contamination.Availablein commonpansizes. chill Bags Store,cool,reheat.useinrefrigeratoror freezer.Availablein1.75and3gallons. disPosaBle gloves suPeremovaBle daydots Removeseasilywithoutleavingsticky residueifremovedbeforewashing.Size anddayoftheweekoptionsavailable. cold temP daydots Permanentlabelgoodforcold temperaturesanddisposablepackaging. Sizeanddayoftheweekoptionsavailable. Change disposableglovesbetween handlingrawandready-to-eatfood. cutting Boards Helpeliminatefoodborneillnessand cross-contaminationwithcolorcoded cuttingboards. FOODTEMPERATuRECONTROL laBel guns dishWasher temP laBels Greatforfoodrotation,datecontrolling, QClabelingandinventorylabeling. Singleanddoublelineavailable. MustuseDaydotslabels. Helpsensureyouroperationadheresto FDAFoodCodethatstatesthatsurfaces shouldreach160˚Fwhilebeingwashed. Availablein160,̊170˚and180.̊ saddle Portion Bags ovenaBle Pan liners Allowstwoemployeestowork simultaneously,onehandedfilling. Sizeanddayofweekoptionsavailable. Savecleanuptimeandstoragespace. Multiplesizeoptionsavailable. ecolaB thermometers loose Pack Portion Bags Fold-topbagsresembletraditional sandwichbags.Sizeanddayofweek optionsavailable. TheEcolablineoftimeandtemperature controldevicessuittheneedsofany foodservice environment. Contact your Ecolab representative for further product details or visit 180035CLEAN www.ecolab.com43 Water ManageMent MANAGEDWATERQuALiTyTOMEETyOuRBuSiNESSNEEDS SERVICE & TRAINING WATER FILTRATION outcoMe: clean Water REVERSE OSMOSIS WATER SOFTENING Reduce Waste with Water Filtration Reducelandfillwastebyusingfilteredwater—oneEcolabfiltercan save160,000 pint sized water bottles fromendingupinlandfills 44 Water ManageMent WATERFiLTRATiON Water Filtration imProve look, taste and smell 6–12monthfilterreplacementservice Advancedmaterialsofconstructionfordurability Filtercartridgesremovebothchlorineandchloramines Sanitary,quickchangecartridgesdecreasedowntimeand riskofcontamination Highdirtholdingcapacityreducesneedforprefiltration WATERSOFTENiNG imProve WareWashing results Meter-initiatedregenerationminimizessaltandwatercosts Twintankconfigurationhandleswaterusagefluctuations Non-electricdesignfortrouble-freeoperation reverse osmosis remove Water imPurities Non-electricdesignallowsforflexibleinstallation andlow-costoperation Highoutputatlinepressurereducestheneedfor expensiveboosterpumps Managedmembraneandfilterreplacementhelps ensureconsistentwaterquality To learn more about our complete water offerings, contact your Ecolab representative. 180035CLEAN www.ecolab.com45 additional serVices PESTELiMiNATiON Guardagainstpestswithcomprehensivecoverage. Reducepest-relatedfoodsafetyandhealthissues Minimizecompedmeals,lostinventory,structuraldamageand litigationcausedbypestpresence Helpavoidhealthinspectioncitationsandregulatoryfines Comprehensive solutions to help protect your business against pests Rats & Mice inspectforstructuralissuesandfollowanoutside-inapproach tokeeprodentsout. Cockroaches Provideaprovenprocessthatflushesoutandquicklykills cockroachesthentreatsharboragesitestokeepthemfrom comingback Small & Large Flies Helpseliminateexistingpopulationsusingdiscreetinteriorand exteriortreatments,patentedsolutionstotreathabitatsand keepinfestationsatbaytokeepfliesoutofyourrestaurant. Ants Determinespecies,locatenestsandapplythebestsolutionto eliminateants. ECoLAB DiFFERENCE Pesteliminationconsistentlydelivered Associate Selection Pest iD and insights People Classroom Training and e-Learning serVice specialist in-Field Proficiency & Coaching 46 Bar Code & Trend Reporting on-site Training Educational Materials Regional Technical Support 24/7 Call Center, 1 Hour Responsiveness Continuous Pest Biology/Behavior Research Executive Business Reviews SAFETY Sanitation, Structural Consultation and Alerts Inform atio n Call18663251671tolearn moreabouthowPest Eliminationcanhelpkeep pestsoutofyourbusiness. ce ien Sc Lab & Field Testing – Eric Miller, ExecutiveChef,SheratonCharlotteAirportHotel additional serVices “The Ecolab team has been here week after week making sure our guys are trained and that we’re fully stocked.Theywillnotleaveuntiltheyknow thatiunderstandexactlywhat’sgoingonwitheachpartoftheprogram.” EQuiPMENTCARE Maintaineffectivenessofkitchenequipmentwhileimproving operationalefficiency. Reducerepaircosts Consumelessenergy Extendequipmentlifespan Severalprogramsareavailabletomeetyouroperation’sneeds: Smart Care® Programsprovideacomprehensivesolution foryourmission-criticalkitchenequipmentbycombining pre-scheduledmaintenance,samedayemergencyrepairs, real-timeserviceeventstrackingandin-depthasset managementreports Fast FixSM Programincludes24/7emergencyrepairswhen incidentsoccur E.i.D. (Equipment installation & Disposal) Programprovideson-point solutionsforeasyequipmentreplacementand/ornewinstallations PartsXpressSM Programprovidespartsyouneedontime,everytime Call18008222303tolearnhowEcolab’sexpertservice specialistscanassistyouincaringforyourkitchenequipment. ecosure®QuALiTyASSuRANCE Championfoodsafetyandprotectyourbrand. EcoSureFieldSpecialistsassessandtrainateachofyour locations,helpingyoutoimprovein: Food safety—forcleanandsafeoperations Brand standards—foraconsistent guestexperience Workplace safety—forreducedinjurycosts PartneringwithleadinguSrestaurants,EcoSurehas helpedeliminate74%ofcriticalfoodsafetyviolations. TolearnmoreabouthowEcoSurecanhelp yourbusinesssucceed,call18663267871. 180035CLEAN www.ecolab.com47 PRoDuCT Index products size ecolaB code page Apex™ Power Dishmachine Detergent 4-6.75 lb 6-6.75 lb 4-6.75 lb 4-6.75 lb 4-6.75 lb 4-6.75 lb 6-6.75 lb 4-9 lb uS 2-9 lb 4-9 lb 4-8 lb 4-1 gal uS 1-5 gal 1-5 gal uS 4-1 gal 17063 17062 17091 17051 10354 6100606 6100607 6100185 6100183 10256 10751 13326 12716 12807 12740 11 2-2.5 lb 1-2.5 lb 2-2.5 lb 2-2.5 lb 4-1 gal 1-4.5 gal 4-1 gal 1-5 gal 2-5 qt 2-5 qt 16811 6100021 16818 25395 13722 15172 10942 10934 6100118 17532 uS 4-1000 tablets Canada 4-1000 tablets uS 1-5 gal Canada 1-20 L Canada 4-4 L 14821 20231 13961 490 491 Eco San® Mikroklene® uS 4-1 gal uS 4-1 gal Canada 4-4 L 13979 14639 511 13, 14 14 Apex™ Presoak Silver Power® Liquid Assure® 3-4 lb 2-8 lb 4-1 gal 10364 12922 11486 11 13 14 Apex™ Pot & Pan Soak 3-5 lb 6-5 lb 2-3 lb 4-5 lb uS 2-5 lb 2-2 gal 9-32 fl oz 4-1 gal 1-5 gal 2-8 lb 1-5 gal 6100089 6100090 10362 17301 10884 10906 13003 12963 12971 14415 13505 11 Apex™ Solid Quat Broad Range Sanitizer uS 2-2 lb Canada 2-2 lb 6100176 6100203 11, 27 oasis® 146 Multi-Quat Sanitizer uS 4-1 gal uS 1-2.5 gal uS 1-15 gal Canada 1-9.46 L Canada 4-3.78 L 17781 17708 17718 10384 6100011 13, 15, 23, 27 Bar Dandy™ Manual Bar Glass Detergent Manual Bar Glass Sanitizer uS 4-1 gal uS 100-0.5 oz packets uS 100-0.25 oz 14050 10372 10269 15, 19 15, 19 15, 19 Apex™ Power Plus Dishmachine Detergent Apex™ ultra Dishmachine Detergent Apex™ Metal Protection Dishmachine Detergent Apex™ Chlorine Free Machine Detergent MACHinE DETERGEnTS Solid Power® XL Solid Super impact® with Glassguard™ Solid Metal Pro® ultra-Klene™ ultra-Klene™ Plus Super Trump™ Apex™ Rinse Additive Apex Heavy Duty Rinse Additive Solid Brilliance® ultra Dry™ Rinse Additive ™ MACHinE RinSE ADDiTiVES Rinse Dry® Fast Drying Rinse Additive R-o Free® Rinse Additive Solid Sanitizer (Apex™) ultra San ® MACHinE SAniTizER FLATWARE PRESoAK Apex™ Manual Detergent Solitaire® MAnuAL PoT & PAn Scout® Pantastic™ DeCarbonizer MXP® Soak Tank Activator Monsoon 3-CoMPARTMEnT SinK / FooD ConTACT SAniTizER MAnuAL BAR DELiMER WAREWASHinG EQuiPMEnT 48 11 11 11 11 13 13 13 14 14 14 11 11 13 14 14 14 14 11 13, 14 11 13 15 15 14 15 Lime-A-Way® 4-1 gal 18700 15 ultra Lime-A-Way® nP Clinging Lime-A-Way® Solid Lime-A-Way® 4-96 fl oz 6-32 fl oz uS 6-1.33 lb 6100742 15210 15905 15 15 15 92901487 92901479 92982016 92983873 92952829 13, 17 13, 17 13, 17 13, 17 13, 17 Soak Master® with dolly & handle Soak Master® with dolly Soak Master® tank Soak Master® drain ball valve Soak Master® vinyl cover Product Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available to download on Products Size Dishmachine Curtains Dishmachine Replacement Parts Full-Size Glass Racks Half-Size Glass Racks Full-Size Cup Racks Plate Master® Racks Full-Size Silverware Rack Contact your Ecolab representative Contact your Ecolab representative Contact your Ecolab representative Contact your Ecolab representative Contact your Ecolab representative Contact your Ecolab representative Brown Beige Brown Beige Brown Beige Brown Beige Beige Brown 1.5" high 4 Sheet Pans 5 Bun Pans 4 Insulated Trays 6 Insulated Trays Full-Size Open Rack Highwall Plate Rack Highwall Starter Kit Open-End Peg Rack Latched Ramekin Rack Open-End Sheet Pans & Insulated Tray Racks warewashing Equipment (Cont.) Ecolab Code 16 17 17 17 11, 17 SortMaster® Breakdown Station SortMaster® Complete Package 9290-1974 9290-8235 9295-2589 17 B-2108 B-2108C 9655-2141 9655-2099 17 17 9297-2470 17 Low-Flow Spray Valve B-0107J B-0107C 9297-2023 9297-2019 17 Replacement Hoses, Stainless Steel 20” 44” 68” 1 each 9297-3544 9297-3502 9297-3551 9297-0037 17 Brown Blue With handle 12” high 36” high Rack Shelf® with Drain Kit Drain Kit 9290-1149 9290-1004 9290-6114 9290-8243 9290-8250 92902386 92901081 17 14278 14289 14522 19554 10625 10648 20390 14696 15461 23, 25 Oasis® Enforce (Chlorinated-Alkaline) Kool-Klene™ No Thaw Freezer Cleaner 1-2.5 gal US 1-15 gal 1-2.5 gal US 15 gal 1-2.5 gal US 1-2.5 gal Canada 1-9.46 L 1-2.5 gal 4-1 gal Grease Proof Mat 1–3’ x 5’ x 1/2” black 9297-2018 25, 29 Mobile Mat Rack 1–42” x 28” x 40” 9299-2000 25 Pathways™ Drain Treatment 1-2.5 gal 29810 25 Pathways™ Solid Drain Sanitizer US 12-4” (118 mL) rings Canada 12-4” (118 mL) rings Dispenser 12-4 oz. packets 20108 59748 9256-2001 6100329 25 Orange Force™ (Oasis® 137) US 6-32 fl oz 1-2.5 gal 15639 14559 23, 27, 36 Glass Cleaner 1-2.5 gal 2-2 L 1-2.5 gal 6100288 6100289 14175 23, 27, 35, 36 27 Peroxide Multi-Surface Cleaner 2.5 gal 2-2 L 1 kit 27, 35, 36 Oasis® 255 Glass Cleaner US 1-2.5 gal US 1-15 gal 6100302 6100296 92150090 11227 11228 Grease Express™ High Temp Grill Cleaner 60-3.6 fl oz 6-32 fl oz 10251 10127 Replacement Gooseneck Spring Wastewell Dollies Rack Covers Rack Shelf® Wash ‘n Walk® No-Rinse Floor Cleaner Oasis® 100 Neutral Floor Cleaner Oasis® 115XP (Alkaline) Oasis® 125XP (Acid) Pathways™ Beverage Tower Cleaner Degreasers & Oven Cleaners 16 SortMaster® Breakdown Station Cart Pre-Rinse Spray Valve Grill & Fryer Cleaners 16 3 Soak Pans 6 Silverware Carrier Washers 3 Cylinder Washers 8 Round Silverware Baskets JetSpray Valve Multi-Surface & Glass Cleaners 16 16 16 16 16 Silvermaster Starter Set Eco-Spray Floor & Drain Cleaners 9293-7507 9293-7515 9291-8002 9291-8010 9295-7059 9295-7067 9293-1054 9293-1062 9295-7505 92911833 9295-0112 9295-1136 9291-1858 9291-1866 9290-6023 Page Oasis 133 All Purpose Cleaner & Degreaser Concentrate ® 17 17 17 25 25 25 25 25, 31 25, 31 27, 36 29 Grease Express™ High Temp Grill Cleaner Starter Kit 1 kit 10378 29 Grease Express™ Fryer Cleaner 26-8 oz 10307 29 Specialty Oven Cleaner 4-1 gal 6100602 29 Specialty Oven Rinse 4-1 gal 6100601 29 Greaselift® 2-2 L 6-32 fl oz 4-1 gal 6-32 fl oz 6-32 fl oz 4-1 gal 6100155 6100284 10123 10126 29777 19505 29 19513 29 Grease Express™ Fast Foam Degreaser Greasestrip Plus ® Greasecutter Plus ® 4-1 gal 29 29 1 800 35 clean 49 PRoDuCT Index (cont.) STAinLESS STEEL CLEAnERS & PoLiSHES BACK DoCK CLEAninG SPECiALTY iTEMS products size ecolaB code page Ecoshine (Water Based) 6-32 fl oz 18440 31 Medallion 6-32 fl oz 18424 31 Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish uS 12-17 fl oz 18903 31 oasis® 902 1-2.5 gal 18405 31 oasis® 904 1-2.5 gal 18411 31 oasis® Caravan Mobile unit 1 each 9215-1243 31 oasis® outback Wall Mount 1 each 9215-1004 31 Burnishing Compound 4-1 gal 25170101 15 Specialty Beverage Cleaner 2-100 tablets 6100159 19, 31 Dip-it® XP 8-1.75 lb 17583 31 Triplet Plus uS 50-1 oz packets 17380 31 Klenz-Glide® 10 uS 1-5 gal 14126 31 Bingo® Liquid Drain Cleaner 12-32 fl oz 61035112 37 Pinnacle™ intensive Tile Cleaner 4-1 gal 62770211 37 Aim Encounter urinal Block with Screen 12-100 g 61144200 37 Revitalize™ Miracle Spotter 2-20 oz Starter Kit with Sprayers 4-20 oz refills Single Dip-tube Replacement Sprayer Double Dip-tube Replacement Sprayer 14511 14512 9202-1003 9265-2264 31 14 Antibacterial All Purpose Cleaner uS 1-2.5 gal uS 2-2 L Canada 2-2 L 14653 14205 6100116 35 oasis Pro™ 16 orange Force Peroxide Multi-Surface Cleaner 2-2 L 2-2 L 1 kit 35 27, 35, 36 63 Alkaline Bathroom Cleaner and Disinfectant 20 neutral Disinfectant Cleaner uS 2-2 L Canada 2-2 L uS 2-2 L Canada 2-2 L 2.5 gal 2-2 L uS 2-2 L 21038 6100296 92150090 14206 14533 10158 20587 6100275 6100276 14981 Disinfectant Cleaner 2.0 uS 2-2 L 14561 35 Glass Cleaner 2-2 L 6100289 23, 27, 35, 36 MAXX Dual Action Floor Cleaner 2-2 L 6100659 35 High Performance neutral Cleaner 2-2 L 6100035 35 Cleaning Caddy + Wet Vacuum 1 each 9265-1030 34 Cleaning Caddy + Shelf 1 each 9265-1031 34 Wet Vacuum Filter Replacement 1 each 9265-2317 66 Heavy Duty Alkaline Bathroom Cleaner and Disinfectant neutral Bathroom Cleaner CLEAninG CADDY PRoDuCTS & ACCESSoRiES Wet Vacuum Head 1 each 9265-2997 Wet Vacuum Squeegee Blade Replacement Kit 1 each 9265-2322 61803-01-00 Dual-Surface Deck Brush-Blue 1 each Fiberglass interlocking Handle-Blue 1 each 61807-01-00 “Disinfected Daily” Sticker-White 1 each 9265-2329 35 1 each 9265-2328 1 each 9265-2327 Mop Sink Hose 1 each 9480-2188 66 Heavy Duty Alkaline Bathroom Cleaner and Disinfectant uS 1-2.5 gal uS 1-15 gal Canada 2-2 L uS 1-2.5 gal uS 1-15 gal Canada 2-2 L 14914 10154 20587 14913 14655 20588 23, 36 neutral Bathroom Cleaner 2.5 gal 2-2 L 6100275 6100276 35, 36 oasis® 299 Heavy Duty Bathroom Cleaner and Disinfectant uS 1-2.5 gal Canada 1-9.46 L 12146 20391 36 Disinfectant Cleaner 2.0 14562 14564 17771 17774 12095 65443556 37 TB Disinfectant Cleaner Ready-to-use uS 1-2.5 gal uS 4-1 gal uS 1-2.5 gal uS 1-15 gal Canada 1-9.46 L uS 12-32 fl oz oasis 499 HBV Disinfectant 50 35, 36 “Disinfected Daily” Sticker-Clear ® RESTRooM oDoR ConTRoL 35 Doorstop 65 Disinfecting Heavy Duty Acid Bathroom Cleaner RESTRooM & DiSinFECTAnT CLEAnERS 35 36 37 37 oasis® 271 zephair™ Mountain Mist 1-2.5 gal 12041 37 oasis® zephair™ Clean White Cotton 1-2.5 gal 6100132 37 First impression® Simply Fragrance 6-1.6 fl oz (ocean Breeze) 6-1.6 fl oz (Mandarin Burst) 1-4 pack (Dispenser) 12046 12049 9265-2192 37 First impression® Micro Aerosol 12-1.8 fl oz (Variety Pack) Juniper Splash/Starter Kit Mandarin Burst/Starter Kit Spring Showers/Starter Kit Summer Linen/Starter Kit 15093 30079/30075 30078/30074 30077/30073 30076/30071 37 Product Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available to download on Products Size Ecolab Code Page Touch-Free Dispenser Black White Black Drip Tray White Drip Tray Black Stand & Drip Tray White Stand & Drip Tray Antibacterial Hand Soap Name Plate Hand Soap Name Plate Hand Sanitizer Name Plate 9202-1145 9202-1147 9202-2105 9202-2699 9202-6026 9202-6023 9202-2556 9202-2575 9202-2576 9263-1012 40 Black White 9263-2007 9263-4278 9263-1970 9264-1208 9265-1002 9202-2674 41 Touch-Free Accessories Soap Dispensers Counter Mount Touch-Free Dispenser Manual Dispenser Manual Bulk Dispenser Sanigizer® Plus Dispenser Digisan® Aerosol Dispenser Gel Hand Sanitizer Dispenser Food Safety Tools & Accessories 40 41 41 41 41 Antibacterial Foam Hand Soap US 4-1200 mL (touch-free) US 2-1600 mL (counter mount) Canada 8-1200 mL (touch-free) 6100403 6100202 6082565 40 Foam Hand Soap US 4-1200 mL (touch-free) Canada 8-1200 mL (touch-free) Canada (Sensitive Skin) 8-1200 mL (touch-free) 2-1600 mL (counter mount) 6100404 6089344 6083911 6100122 40 DigiClean™ Antibacterial Foam Hand Soap DigiClean™ Mild Foam Hand Soap DigiClean™ E Foam Hand Soap Clean and Smooth® Antibacterial Clean and Smooth® 6-750 mL (Manual) 6-750 mL (Manual) 6-750 mL (Manual) 4-1 gal (Manual Bulk) 4-1 gal (Manual Bulk) 23672 23671 23673 15875 14886 41 41 41 41 41 Foodservice Foam Hand Sanitizer US 4-1200 mL (touch-free) 6100406 40 Foam Hand Sanitizer US 4-1000 mL (touch-free) Canada 8-1000 mL (touch-free) 6100407 6088028 40 Hand Soaps Hand Sanitizers 40 Sanigizer® Plus US 9-800 mL (Manual) 15580 41 DigiSan® Aerosol Foam Hand Sanitizer US 12-7 fl oz (Manual) 24832 41 Gel Hand Sanitizer US 10-1000 mL Canada 10-1000 mL 6030349 61082001 41 Gel Hand Sanitizers US 144-1.2 fl oz US 72-4 fl oz US 12-540 mL Canada 144-1.2 fl oz (moisturizing) Canada 72-4 fl oz Canada 12-540 mL 6030352 6000003 6000004 61082125 6000304 61082540 41 DigiSan® E Foam Hand Sanitizer 6-750 mL (Manual) 23674 41 Antimicrobial Fruit & Vegetable Treatment US 1-2.5 gal 6100283 43 Grease Release Mops Blue Green Red Yellow 61801-01-00 61801-05-00 61801-03-00 61801-02-01 25 Dual Cavity Mop Bucket Blue Green Red Yellow 61802-01-00 61802-05-00 61802-03-00 61802-02-00 25 Floor Squeegees Blue Green Red Yellow 61806-01-00 61806-05-00 61806-03-00 61806-02-01 25 Fiberglass Interlocking Handle Blue Green Red Yellow 61807-01-00 61807-05-00 61807-03-00 61807-02-02 25 Wet Wipe Blue Towel Pack of 150 61111-01-00 27 Sanitizer Pail Sanitizer Pails: 1 each 6-Pack Detergent Pails: 1 each 6-Pack 60503-12-31 60503-42-31 60504-12-31 60504-42-31 27 QT-40 Test Strips 1-15 ft roll 20304-05-11 27 Sanitizer Testing Station 1 each 20312-01-00 27 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Kit 1 kit 50621-91-11 29 Biohazard Response Spill Kit US 1 kit US Refill with chemical 50258-91-11 50258-01-11 37 Public/Employee Restroom Set Up Kit 1 kit 50252-91-11 37 Oasis Pro™ Microfiber Cloths Blue 1-12 pk Pink 1-12 pk Yellow 1-12 pk 9621-2290 9621-2292 9621-2293 37 Pump-Up Foamer/Sprayer 1-2 pk 9265-2603 37 Low Flow Faucet Aerator 8531-0028 37 Barmaid Submersible Motorized Pub Scrub 5-6 1/2" Brushes Replacement Brushes (5-Pack) 96218285 96218292 19 Manual Triple Glass Washer 3-8" Brushes Replacement Brushes (5-Pack) 96218243 96218318 19 Interlocking Bar Mat 12" x 12" Bar Mats 92972082 19 Interlocking Bar Mat Strips 31/2" x 12" Mat Strips 92972074 19 1 800 35 clean 51 unparalleled sales and servIce You CAn TRuST ready Around-the-clockemergencyservicecoverage, coverage, 24/7/365— 1 800 35 CLEAn Proactive Regularlyscheduledservice,salesandsupport support Onsiteinspectionsforspot-freeresults Ongoing,onsiteemployeetraining exPertise ServSafe®certifiedsalesandserviceteam Optimizecleaningandfoodsafetyprocedures procedures Minimizeenergyandwatercosts kitchen equipment Problems? call ecolaB equiPment care 1 800 822 2303 Avoidhigh-costbusinessdisruptions fromequipmentdowntime 24/7supportandemergencyservice istherewhenyouneedit Pest Problems? call ecolaB Pest elimination 1 800 325 1671 Proactiveservicehelpspreventpest activityandcanimpactfoodsafety Traininganddocumentationhelpyou avoidhealthinspectioncitations 370WabashaStreetNSt.Paul,MN55102 www.ecolab.com180035CLEAN ©2013EcolabuSAinc.Allrightsreserved.43261/0403/0613