Adlais Elfed Echo Unveiled


Adlais Elfed Echo Unveiled
Adlais Elfed Echo
Your voice, heard!
Spring 2013
First edition
Adlais Elfed Echo Unveiled
After weeks of discussion and meticulous
planning, it is finally here; Elfed’s very own
newspaper, written by the students, for the
The Elfed Echo is a student newspaper
containing information and stories you
would like to read about. From school
events and local news to music, TV and
games reviews; the newspaper will be
perfect for students of any age.
The paper will be published every term and
will be available in school and (hopefully!)
from local newsagents in Buckley.
For each issue, we would like to hear your
views, suggestions and comments
regarding the paper, and anything else you
think deserves a mention.
We hope you enjoy the first issue!
By Georgia Cash
Inside this issue...
Students from all year groups get on board for the first issue of the Adlais Elfed Echo.
Arts Fest 2012!
Midwinter Concert!
An interview with Tim Baker
Visitors are always welcome at Elfed High School.
Please call Mrs Rosemary Jones, Headteacher, on 01244 550217 to arrange an appointment.
Ysgol Uwchradd Elfed High School, Mill Lane, Buckley, Flintshire, CH7 3HQ.
Tel : 01244 550217
Fax : 01244 550524
★ Meet the Team!
Muddy Manley Mere!
On February 22nd 2013, the top Vivo earners in
Years 7, 8 and 9 prepared to be soaked through
as they made their way to Manley Mere Adventure
Accompanied by Miss Messum, Mrs Rowlinson
and Mr Harrison, everyone was elated to get on
the bus that morning. You could feel the
excitement in the air throughout the thirty minute
bus journey. Bethan Bellis, Year 8, said, “We were
all really excited because it was a day out with our
friends and we were going to have lots of fun in
the mud!”
The trail brought us through a series of adventure
activities. When we reached two huge walls, Mrs
Rowlinson decided it would be a good time to
have a little competition. The first team to get their
whole team (including teachers) over their
allocated wall was the winner. Several jumps later,
the boys were declared the winners and with
everyone so muddy, wet and tired, it was time to
return to school.
Whether we were running in ‘hamster wheels’,
spinning around on immense roundabouts or
simply climbing a mountain, we had the best time
ever! We are all hoping to be the top Vivo earners
in our year groups again in the future so we can
go on more of these amazing reward trips!
By Owen Jones
Olivia Thomason - Sports Correspondent
Adam Hughes - Reviews / Advertising Manager
Calli Dollery - Reporter
Owen Jones - Reviews / Reporter
Jess Jones - Reviews / Reporter / Advertising Manager
Joe Maguire - Competitions
Shannon Gates - Reporter
Bethan Bellis - Sports Correspondent
Holly Maguire - Designer / Reporter
Olivia Arkley - Reviews / Advertising Manager
Kerina Perhat - Illustrator
Josh Gonzalez - Reviews / Marketing Manager
Georgia Cash - Reporter
Jessica Snell - Reporter
Ligia Soares - Reporter / Feature Writer
Elenya Buscombe - Copy Editor / Reporter
When we arrived, we all ran for the entrance. We
reached a tunnel and encountered the first zip
wire of many. It was over a lake so, as you can
imagine, some of us fell in! But no matter how wet
we got, the fun never stopped.
Top Vivo earners enjoy a rewards trip to
Manley Mere!
How to log on to your Vivo account
Type in your username. This is your first and second name with a full
stop in the middle.
For example: john.smith
Type in the domain name which is Elfed.
Type in your password (this should have been created by you!)
Click log in and check out how many Vivos you’ve earned recently!
If you have any problems with logging on, go and see Miss Messum!
2 -
Your voice, heard!
Arts Fest
Inspires Young Minds!
Arts Fest
October 2012 at Elfed was celebrated as Arts Fest month. It was entirely dedicated to
creativity and the performing arts, providing students with new activities such as stage
combat class, a poetry workshop, performances from Click 22 as well as a visit from
The Hub.
To support Arts Fest, set up in the main corridor were speakers blasting music that
counted down the musical decades, from the 1950s all the way to current music. The
addition of music certainly livened up the otherwise relatively quiet lunch and break
times! ★
The stage combat class specialised in demonstrating and teaching techniques used in
theatres that are designed to create the illusion of physical combat without causing
harm to the performers. It was run by actors Zach and Finn from The Hub who showed
pupils stage positions, how to make a convincing slap sounds and gave professional
tips. "I thought it was very interesting and I learnt things I didn't know before," said
Danni Stockton, a Year 10 pupil who took part in the workshop.
Westwood, Southdown, Mountain Lane, Drury and Elfed join
the Mugenkyo Taiko Drummers.
Also C-Jay Morrison and Owen (Prospekt) Davis who form Click 22, a new urban act
from the North West, performed a quaint and compelling gig for students in Elfed
Theatre. Click 22 have an addictive bass and infectious rhythms that are memorable but
combine weak, uninspiring lyrics. For more information go to their website;
In addition to these activities, a group called The Hub entered Elfed with plans to use
their talent and ideas to entertain the school for a week. Nobody knew what to expect.
Even the director of The Hub, Tim Baker, was unprepared for the dramatic response his
team received. “We thought we were going to be doing stuff all week from our back
catalogue but it wasn’t until the Wednesday or Tuesday that Sally [Assistant Director of
The Hub] started opening the drop boxes. We had so much stuff which was amazing.”
The Hub was created by Theatr Clwyd’s Associate Director, Tim Baker as a way to
make an impact on Secondary School pupils and teachers and let them have a glimpse
of what being an artist was all about. “All we did was hang around here, really. It was
you who opened the doors to us,” Tim Baker said.
The actors and musicians performed in hopes that it would evoke creativity in the
students at Elfed, “What shocked us all is that it was very honest. People weren’t writing
to impress us. Most of the stuff was really sincere. That was really impressive,” said Tim.
Tim and his artists decided to name their project The Hub because “it is like a bike
wheel and all the spokes; all different things connected in the middle called The Hub!”
A Year 10 student said, “The Hub is really energetic and funny.” Another student said, ‘I
think that The Hub was very inspiring and were creative in what they did and made art
Tim Baker said he was really pleased with the amazing week
at Elfed, “There was this mayhem going on. The students
were great.” Tim has said that he would very much like to
return to Elfed.
Students at Elfed are looking forward to Arts Fest 2013 and
the opportunity to be inspired to get creative!
By Olivia Arkley and Jessica Snell
Rising Star... Nathan Cain
Holly Maguire caught up with Nathan Cain in Year 11 to talk
to him about competing in gymnastics and his dreams of
becoming an Olympic Gymnast in the future.
Q. What inspired you to be a gymnast?
A. I tried many different sports, but they were often team
sports that I could never get to grips with, or I would
never actually be part of the team, so my parents decided
to send me up to gymnastics and I’ve stuck with it for
seven years.
Q. How did your first competition go?
A. My first competition went brilliantly; I got a gold medal in
Swansea and was half a point off going to the UK
Nathan was half a point
away from going to UK
Championships in 2012.
The Hub team inspire pupils through creative activities.
Q. How many competitions have you competed in?
A. I’ve competed in three competitions, two of them were
the championships and one was held in Buckley. -
Q. What type of competitions and championships would you
like to complete in, in the future?
A. My aim is to get in the Olympics some day. That is my
dream but I would like get into the UK championships,
and become the best gymnast in Wales and UK, and
hold that title for under 16s.
Q. How old were you when you started gymnastics outside
of school?
A. When I first started going to gymnastics, I was 6 and I’ve
continued since then and I’m still going now.
Q. What advice would you give to someone starting
A. Start as soon as you can. Don’t let every little knock set
you back, if you fall off get back up. This is the advice my
gym coach gives me .You are always 9/10, you can
always improve.
Your voice, heard!
Dick Whittington
at Theatr Clwyd
On January 15th, pupils in Years 8 and 9 at Elfed got the chance to go
and see Dick Whittington at Theatr Clwyd. Free tickets were given to the
top 50 Vivo earners from each year group and everyone else in the year
groups had chance to go too.
The plot was based around a young man named Dick Whittington who
moves from Manchester to London in hopes of becoming rich and
successful. He falls in love with the Mayor of London's daughter, Alice.
Like every other pantomime, Dick was being hunted down by the bad
character, who just so happened to be a sewer rat! All ends well though,
and Dick Whittington becomes the Mayor of London.
As with every other year, the pantomime was enjoyed by everyone. It
was very funny and great to watch! There were a few familiar faces
including Dan Lloyd who visited Elfed in October 2012 with an arts
project called 'The Hub.' Dan played a big part in the live on-stage band.
The audience did not stop laughing all the way through; it was great that
everyone got the chance to join in the singing and dancing along with
the characters. It seemed as though everyone left the pantomime with
huge smiles on their faces. Just like every year, it did not fail to entertain!
By Shannon Gates.
Voyage à France!
In October last year, students in Years 9
and 10 at Elfed went to France with
Monsieur Woodman and Madame Graham.
They stayed at a lovely centre in Normandy
called ‘Château du Tertre.’
Year 9 and 10 students
The trip was initially for Year 10 only but as visit France.
there were spaces left, the More Able and Talented Year 9 students
were offered the chance to go. Whilst there, they did sports activities
and town trails (to complete the trail you have to follow clues and
answer questions about the town in French). They also visited Disney
Land Paris and drove past the Arc de Triomphe! During their time there, they went to see the famous Eiffel Tower, which
has been standing for 114 years. It was built as an entrance arch for
the 1889 World’s Fair and is named after Gustave Eiffel, whose
company designed and built it.
The students were able to go right up to the top. They said that the
whole trip was a very interesting experience. Georgia Cash from Year 9
said ‘It was a fun and very exciting experience!’
Overall, the trip was a great success and impressed everyone who
took part. Students said ‘We would love to go again, and didn’t want
to come back!’
By Phoebe Willoughby
Winter Wonder Show!
On 19th December 2012, over 150 people took their seats in Theatr Elfed to witness what might just
be the best Mid-Winter Concert and Christmas celebration Elfed has ever seen. Thanks to Miss
Goosey, Mrs Hughes and all the pupils that took part, the night was fantastic.
Opening with ‘Big Band Medley’, the newly formed swing band were amazing. Also, Westwood
Primary School choir joined us for the evening and sang a superb rendition of ‘Silent Night’.
Other highlights of the night included Emilie Davies, Erin Sunderland and Ethan Linforth’s ‘Winter
Wonderland’, a Year 10 ensemble and their beautiful version of ‘She’s the One’, and Chloe Kidd and
Jay Bevan’s stunning vocals to ‘Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas’.
Erin Sunderland took the stage again, this time with Dave Humphreys, and gave an astonishing
performance of ‘Baby it’s Cold Outside’.
The festival ended with everyone singing along to ‘White Christmas’. The night was not only a
celebration of Christmas, but a celebration of music, creativity and talent.
By Owen Jones
Year 10 students cover Christmas songs.
Photography Competition!
The Adlais Elfed Echo is calling upon all photographers at Elfed to get involved with this
fantastic competition! Get snap-happy and capture nature on camera to take part!
The rules are simple – take a photograph of nature and submit to Miss Pennington or
Mrs Culshaw by May 17th 2013. The winner will receive 20 Vivos and have their
photograph printed in the 2nd issue of the Adlais Elfed Echo!
All photos will be judged on originality, colour, background, placement of the main
feature and the lighting.
Arts Clubs at Elfed
Swing Band
String / Drama Club
Play an Instrument Day
Karaoke Club
Come along and get involved! - Your voice, heard!
Primary School News!
Glan Llyn:
Perfect Paradise at
Going, Going GONE!
Westwood C.P. School had a massive disaster!
On Friday 1st February 2013 Glan Llyn
residential trip was…CANCELLED!
Everyone was really excited about going to Glan
Llyn, until it was cancelled. The trip to Glan Llyn
was cancelled because there weren’t enough
people going. Then Mr Nicholson decided that
Year 6 could go to Nant B H with the Year 5,
because there were enough spaces left. Then
everyone was excited to go to Nant B.H!
Mr Nicholson the head teacher said, “I had to
make a very hard decision because I was at risk
of losing both Nant B.H and Glan Llyn trips due
to the low numbers of children. To make it
cheaper for the parents, I had to combine the
pupils onto one trip because Nant B.H would
suffer more without us going, I chose to cancel
Glan Llyn. Personally I am gutted and had
hoped to go to Glan Llyn. I intend to rearrange
the trip [to Glan Llyn] next academic year."
Most of the pupils were disappointed because
they wanted to go to Glan Llyn. Cerys said “I’m
not that happy because I wanted to go to Glan
Llyn, but I don’t mind going to Nant B.H.
because last year it was fun."
Instead of going to go to Glan Llyn we are
going to go to Nant B.H, which is designated in
Gwydir Forest near Llanrwst. Everybody is really
excited about going to Nant B.H, which is the
talk of Westwood C.P. School.
By Charlotte Shone, Evonne Blackwell and
Mairelle Mattar
Rugby Rocks
On January 10th 2013, pupils at Drury Primary
School enjoyed fun, friendly matches against Terrig.
It was the first rugby league match between primary
schools in years; it was girls vs girls, boys vs boys
and everyone vs everyone.
Pentre Llyn Cymmer !
The Year 6 pupils at Southdown went to Pentre
Llyn Cymmer with their teachers on the 4th
November 2012. Whilst they were there, they
learnt lots of new skills and how to work better
as a team.
Drury Primary School boys and girls had been
practising their rugby skills with Coach Alan. Over a
few weeks, Coach Alan has been visiting the Year 5
and 6 pupils and teaching them about the rugby
league game. Mackenzie Morris said, “I enjoyed
playing together and that girls were playing too!”
The pupils stayed for two nights doing activities
such as orienteering, den building and
canoeing in the lake, Llyn Brenig. ‘‘Pentre Llyn
Cymmer is an outstanding experience for
children in this school. It was a pleasure
spending time with my old class," said Mr.
Smith, a Year 5 teacher who went with the
The boys played first and, within a few seconds,
Terrig scored a try. Drury fought back and went
ahead. Terrig scored three more tries and went
ahead 4-2. However, James Bellis, Dylan Davies and
Alfie Joy-Camacho scored a few more tries and the
match finished and final score for the boys was
Drury 5 and Terrig 4.
The children were really excited to go but the
teachers were thrilled about it too. One year six
teacher said, “What a memorable and fantastic
trip, not only did the children enjoy themselves,
so did I. I had a ball’’
Next up was the girls' match. Both teams had loads
of chances but there were some great tries too from
Also, one Year 6 pupil said, ‘‘It was a very
adventurous and interesting experience.’’
Pentre Llyn Cymmer is a fantastic experience.
Many Year 6 pupils have the same opinion. One
Year 6 exclaimed ‘‘Pentre Llyn Cymmer is jampacked with lots of brilliant activities.’’ We hope
next year’s group have a good time like they
Beth Whitley, Georgia Lamb and Sophie Wynn.
Unfortunately for Drury, though, Terrig scored a try in
the last minutes and it was 2-0 to Terrig.
During the match where everyone played, Dylan
Davies quickly found a gap and scored a try. But
Terrig scored two tries and the match finished with
the score Terrig 2 and Drury 1.
By Abby Cooper, Mark Holcroft and
Kelsy Owens
Since then Drury are hoping to play in a tournament
and a few other matches.
By Beth Whitley, Dylan Davies and Nikolay Barber
Lights, Camera, Action!
On Thursday 31st of January 2013, Year 6 at Mountain Lane went to watch
the theatre production of Good Night Mr. Tom at the Manchester Opera
Mr. Tom comes to find him, William gets rushed to hospital. He then gets
threatened but Mr. Tom comes to the rescue and takes William back to his
and they live happily ever after.
As our topic for Year 6 was World War 2 and we had just seen the tragic film
of “Good Night Mr. Tom” and enjoyed it so much, we were given the chance
to go and watch the theatre production of it. We travelled by bus to the
Opera house.
This is what our teacher and some of our classmates thought of it, “Very
funny and a good sense of humour, it was very entertaining and I enjoyed it
very much because the stage setting and sound was very good," said Seren
Gardner from Class 13. Joseph Norman of Class 14 stated that, “It was cool
but the dog was fake and still epic”. And our class teacher Miss Pritchard
said “I thoroughly enjoyed the stage production of “Good Night Mr Tom!” It
was fantastic how the actors, costumes, staging and props all come
together and brought the magical story to life.”
The inside of the opera house was beautiful; the seats were dark red and
had a pair of binoculars to each seat.
The story of “Good Night Mr. Tom” is set in Little Weirwold in World War 2
times. A young evacuee called William Beech is evacuated to the
countryside to live with Mr. Tom Oakley. After William has lived with Mr. Tom
for a while, William’s mother wants him to go back to his home in London.
As William’s mother treats both William and his little sister Trudy badly,
William ends up locked in the basement with his sister and when
If we ever got the chance to go again, we would definitely go. We would give
it 9/10 and would recommend it to all.
By Molly Allday, Jamie Glancey and Charlie Asher -
Your voice, heard!
5 Minutes With...
Tim Baker
Name: Tim Baker
Occupation: Director and playwright
Plays: ‘The Spirit of the Mimosa’ ● ‘Yr Hirdaith’ ● ‘Adaptations of Dickens' ‘Hard Times’ ● ‘A
Christmas Carol’ and ‘Great Expectations’ ● John Steinback’s ‘The Grapes of Wrath’ ● George
Eliot’s ‘Silas Marner’ ● Dylan Thomas’ ‘A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog’ and ‘A Child’s
Christmas in Wales’ and ‘Morality Play’ by Barry Unsworth.
Awards: Three Best Director Awards ● Welsh Arts Council Creative Wales Award ● Best Visiting
Production Award ● Three Best Production awards
and a struggle to be as good as you can be,
which your school motto is.
Q: Were there any drawbacks when you began
your career? If so, how did you overcome these
The Hub Director and Associate Director at Theatr
Clwyd, Tim Baker.
Elenya Buscombe caught up with Director Tim
Baker to find out exactly how he made it to the
pinnacle of his career.
Q: How were you old when you realised this
was the career for you?
A: I wanted and tried to be an actor for about five
years and it was just embarrassing. Then I
realised I still wanted to be involved in theatre. I
slowly realised that I could do it from the other
side by watching it and shaping it rather than
being in it. I think that’s the experience of a lot of
directors really.
Q: Where did you study or train for your career?
A: I was really good at Science and I was really
good at English. I was going to be a scientist and
had a last minute reprieve and went to study
English at university and got involved with the
drama there. That’s how it happened for me.
Q: What was it that encouraged you to enter
this career path?
A: I read a cliché saying somewhere that said, “If
you do a job that you love, you’ll never do a day’s
work in your life”. I think we’re all very fortunate
because we’re doing what we like doing. It’s hard
A: The drawback is always getting work. I work in
a big theatre now but that wasn’t all my life. One
of the drawbacks is that you’re just alone and you
can’t control it. You have to make a phone call to
get work and it is knife-edge. Not being in control
and not having a career path is a drawback. We
do the job we like but we don’t have pensions
and promotions.
Q: What do you like most about your job?
A: What I love about it is the fact that I love it. So,
doing a piece like The Hub, a tiny village hall show
or a huge production that I did in January give me
a huge buzz. That is because I love it and not the
idea of it.
Q: What would you say is your greatest
The Hub and staying in work. I don’t remember
when I was out of work. I’ve not been out of work
for at least twenty years.
Q: What advice would you give to others
wanting to enter this career?
A: There’s an old saying that goes, “You don’t
want to be an actor; you need to be an actor. You
don’t want to be a director; you need to be a
director”. That’s why we wanted to bring some
other specialists into the school. I wanted the
potential for a young person to say, “That’s what I
want to do”. That’s how people do become
violinists in orchestras. I don’t think they go, “I -
think I’d like to be a great musician”. I think they
go, “That’s what I need to do”. So, the advice is,
follow what you need to do. The number of
people that get discovered without really working
for it are very few. Somebody can’t be
enamoured with the idea of being an actor and
think that they’ll sale into fame.
The hardest thing is thinking that the phone’s
going to ring as soon as you leave college. It
might not ring for ten years, if at all. The bizarre
thing about all that is we’re mates but also the
same side of the fence. It’s in my interest for loads
of actors to be out of work. I want them all out of
work so I’ve got a big choice of who can be in
A common thing people say to me is, “I want to
be famous and a lot of money” and I ask, “Why
do you want to be famous? Why not just have a
lot of money? Fame is the horrible bit.”
Q: What inspires you?
It’s the audiences. It’s who we’re doing it for. If
you’re a star on Big Brother, you’re probably not
doing it for anyone but yourself. That’s not how
we work. What I think is great with The Hub team
is that we do it for the interplay.
Your job is to learn and we always said that we
wouldn’t disrupt that. We didn’t want to interrupt
the learning but there was something great about
a bunch of adults being really stupid in front of
young people. How often do you get that
experience up close?
Diolch yn fawr, Thank you to Tim Baker for taking
the time to allow the Adlais Elfed Echo to
interview him and for bringing The Hub to Elfed
High School. Your voice, heard!
Media Mood
Ellie Goulding – Halcyon
With lead single, ‘Anything Could Happen,’ climbing to
number 5 on the UK charts two months before the album’s
release, we are gearing up for what could be the album of
2012, Ellie Goulding’s ‘Halcyon.’
The highlights of this outstanding record include ‘Only
You,’ ‘Figure 8,’ ‘Joy,’ ‘Explosions,’ and ‘I Need Your Love’
which features superstar DJ Calvin Harris. If I could sum ‘Halcyon’ up in one
word it would be ‘perfection.’
Reviews of the latest music, films and games by Josh Gonzalez,
Adam Hughes, Olivia Arkley, Jess Jones and Owen Jones.
James goes back to his old house “Skyfall”. I thought the ending was sad
but that’s all I’m going to say.
Skyfall is the biggest selling Bond film ever; it has made over 1 billion dollars
worldwide. I definitely think that Skyfall is the best Bond film ever. Skyfall is
now available to purchase on DVD! Need for Speed: Most Wanted
You can buy this game for;
It showcases Ellie’s talent without a single fault and is no doubt an amazing
piece of work.
Imagine Dragons – Night Visions
Imagine Dragons is an American indie rock band based
in Las Vegas, Nevada who finished recording their debut
album Night Visions in the summer of 2012 and released
the album on September 4th, 2012. It peaked at #2 on the
Billboard 200 chart with first week sales in excess of
83,000 copies, the highest charting for a debut rock album
since 2006. The album has been influenced by dubstep and
folk to release a sound that is so original and new, it gives the atmosphere of
something undiscovered and raw. Night Visions is packed with magnetic
hooks and a massive drum bass, making for a packed record of hits-inwaiting. Each song is entirely different; Night Visions is a wild ride of variety.
Night Visions keeps you on your toes with a progression of tunes and that's
due to simply trying out the different dynamics they've got on their first fulllength album. A balance is struck between venturing into musical
experimentation, sometimes even electronic territories, while holding a line
back to familiar rock structures. For a debut, it’s an electrifying
accomplishment that landed them a 2013 spring/summer tour!
The new film of the James Bond saga was released in
2012, the 50th year anniversary and this film has revamped
the image of James Bond for many years to come. Skyfall
is the 23rdJames Bond film directed by Sam Menders.
The plot is based around M (Dame Judi Dench) and MI6
the secret intelligence service which is under attack
because of M’s past. James Bond (Daniel Craig) has to save M and MI6 and
destroy the threat, no matter how personal it gets.
I thought the special effects were amazing. I think the best scene was when
Embrace Diversity
“The girl you just called fat? She has been trying to lose weight and has
already lost ten pounds. The boy you just called stupid? He has a learning
disability and studies over four hours a night. The girl you just called ugly?
She spends hours putting make-up on hoping people will like her.”
It is likely that we’ve all received this kind of email at some point, but what
is the true meaning behind it? Could it just be to stop bullying or to not
judge a book by its cover? Whatever the meaning, what matters is what
your actions are.
A definition of bullying: “Bullying is repeated verbal, physical, social or
psychological behaviour that is harmful and involves the misuse of power
by an individual or group towards one or more persons.” - NSW
Department of Education and Communities.
Everybody is different, come from different homes, and have different
stories to tell. It would be a rather dull and uninteresting world if it were to
Xbox 360
You’ll love:
Fun and varied multiplayer racing
Great challenging racing system that values skill over luck
Great leader board implementation
2-8 player online games
You’ll hate:
Underwhelming single player campaign
Poor racing routes
Bugs that will boot you from online sessions
1 player story/arcade
This game is a very addictive multiplayer racer but if you don’t have access
to the internet, for instance, it becomes very dull and repetitive. It will only
take about one day’s solid gaming to complete the story mode and so all in
all, I rate this game 4/5 stars.
Fifa 13
FIFA is back as it smashes into stores for its latest
instalment FIFA 13! Over the years, there have been over
15 FIFAs but so far, this is the best in the series with whole
new features such as attacking intelligence and 1st touch
control. For the first time in FIFA history, the game will be
available on the new Wii U and will also allow the Xbox 360
Kinect to be used! If you haven’t tried FIFA 13 yet, then get
on down to your nearest game shop and purchase this fantastic game! Bring
on FIFA 14!
be otherwise. The reason there is bullying, the very same reason that
makes the world interesting, is being different.
Sometimes people are afraid of those differences, sometimes people are
jealous of others, and sometimes people have been bullied themselves
before. These should not be the reasons for bullying but, unfortunately, in
most cases they are.
We need to accept that not everybody is the same and never will be; that
is the beauty of our world.
We do not accept bullying at Elfed so if you know someone is being
bullied, or are facing problems with bullying yourself then, please, speak
up. Every Friday at lunch time, Peer Listeners from our Sixth Form will be
there to listen to you in D1.
Do not let our battle with bullying go unnoticed. -
Your voice, heard!
By Ligia Soares
Back of the Net!
The latest sports news from Elfed High School
Sports We Know and Love!
The most popular school sports in Elfed are football, netball and hockey.
I wanted to see why people love these sports so much and why they
joined them.
Firstly, I asked some boys why they had joined the football team. Most of
the boys said they had joined the football team because they have been
playing it since they were little and because it made them better thinkers.
Most students agree that we should all play more football because it
helps us stay in shape, brings more people together in group discussions
and helps people make new friends. So if you want to join the football
team please go to the P.E. office and ask Mr Lewis-Jones or Mrs
Another popular sport is hockey. Most students enjoy playing hockey
because they know that it can be quite a challenge during the matches
up against different schools. I asked some hockey players why they
played hockey, the response was that they joined hockey because, “It’s
nice to have a challenge every once in a while,” and they enjoyed playing
with their friends when matches occur.
The players also get to do lots of fun warm ups before they begin to
practise and they enjoy it when other schools come to Elfed for a game.
I believe that more girls in Elfed should sign up for hockey because you
get to know new people, have a better chance of getting a high grade in
your future P.E. G.C.S.E. and it’s a lot of fun.
The final sport I will talk about is netball. This is a sport that a lot of
people can enjoy because it requires a lot of team work. The reason
students join the netball team is because it’s a sport that they have
always loved.
If everybody in school joined a sport that they liked, there would be a
bigger chance of our school being more healthy and fit.
If there is any more information you would like to find out about the
sports please go to Mr Lewis-Jones, Mrs Rowlinson or Mrs Woolgar.
Sports Council
Encourage Sports Participation!
In February, Olivia Thomason interviewed the chairs of the newly
established Sports Council, Abbie Kelsall and Hannah-Jo France, to
get the low down on the 5 x 60 Club and the importance of
participation in sports. Here’s what they had to say!
What does the sport council do?
Abbie: The sports council tries to increase participation in social activity
and encourages more people to be more active and healthy by joining
the 5x60 club or in any other clubs such as tennis, football, rugby, netball
and athletics.
In what way would you say that the sports council encourages
people to play more sports?
Hannah-Jo: We try to make the 5x60 Club and any other sports as
exciting as we possibly can, by getting people outside of Elfed High
School involved with fun inside and outside activities
Are there any new activities coming to Elfed?
Abbie: There are no new activities coming to Elfed at the present time,
however, there is a new sport event coming up, The Sports Festival,
which allows you time to take part in different sports.
How old do you have to be to join the 5x60 club?
Hannah-Jo: To join the 5x60 club you need to be fourteen or older. This
is for safety reasons for when students visit Deeside Leisure Centre.
Two pupils from
each year group
make up the full
Sports Council at
By Olivia Thomason
Pupils at Flintshire Final
After competing in the cross-country at Elfed,
the top 10 pupils from each year group went to
race against the best runners from all high
schools in Flintshire.
Four pupils from Elfed were selected to
represent Flintshire after coming within the top
10 places for their age group. The pupils were
Ross Walker and Flynn Pownall (Year 7), Beth
Aldred and Aled Bellis (Year 10).
Ross Walker, Year 7,
participates in crosscountry final.
Finally, all four runners went on to represent
Flintshire and ran against pupils from Wrexham
and Denbighshire in Llangollen.
They did extremely well with Ross coming in 5th place, Aled in 16th,
Flynn in 17th and Beth in 20th place.
Next year, Elfed will hopefully compete as well as they did this year!
By Bethan Bellis.
Summer Sports at Elfed!
There are lots of sports activities coming your way this
summer! Take the opportunity to get involved during
lunch time and after school. Here are just a few of the
sports activities that will be heading your way:
Athletics (track & field)
Ask a member of the Sports Council or P.E. department
for more information! -
Your voice, heard!