Facing Math
Facing Math
tau*sHW ffiWW'M I I Nu'n'' Lesson 5: Solving Multi-Step Equations usins the Distributive Propertv I that corresponds Directions: solve euch equation and use a pencit to DRAW the obiecl with vour answer. SHOW YOUR STEPS!!! 3.29=-4(3a-2) 2. -5(1+ 2n) =15 L. 2(x+7)=28 I I I ) ) ) If your answer (a) is ) *=*drawthe ) following ears. (b) If your answer is x=7 drawthe following ears. ) ) ) :-0x- E5 [3 ) J 3) = curly hair. (b) If your answer is n = -2 draw long waw hair. 5. 1 a\ If your answer is n:2 drawlong (a) -10 l0(2x -1) = r*) I ,'l r*\ q"3 a (a) If your answer is draw the following a hat on the top ofthe head. (b) If your answer is eb, =l a= -l draw the following hat on the toP of the head 6.6=6(2n-5) 0 ) I ) (a) If your answer ifyour answer is x = -3 draw the (a) ) oo followine earrings. ) (b) If your answer is ) * = -! ) followine earrings. draw the cc i M draw the following mouth that covers half of the face. (b) If your answer is v x=2 draw the following mouth that covers half ofthe face. 8. -2(x+7) 7. 7 =2(x-5) I is x = =28 (a) If your answer n= # is draw the following rectangular eYes. (b) If your answer is n = 3 draw the following oval 6ffi cs eyes. s. n(*.r)=ro ) I I ) (a) x=5 ) drawthe followine evebrows. ) (a) If your answer is (b) If your answer is =+ ) x ) following eyebrows. I 10.21=-7(2x-l) draw the c9 e$ If your answer is x = -21 draw the following nose. (b) If your answer is 2\ x =21draw followins the nose. 11. -6(5 -2x) (a) If your answer is Z-r L # m=?drawanecklace around the neck. (b) If your answer is l-'-i \lLOi m=+drawawhistle around the neck. 12. l0=4(3a+2) =18 ) ) I t If your answer is x = -L draw vertical (a) ) I ) I stripes on the shirt. (b) If your answer is x = 1 draw horizontal stripes on the shirt. lil (a) If your answer is x = 3 draw a football and goal Post in the background. (b) If your answer is x = 4 draw a soccer ball and goal post in the background. ,@W ',w (a) If your answer is a = 1 draw mud puddles in the background. (b) If your answer is a = draw tufts ofgrass in the background. d0 tt t tuv ) Copyright A2007 bY Kristin DeWit ) Directions: Solve each equation and COLOR tke object that corresponds with your answen SHOW YOUR STEPS! ! ! 14. -2(-2m+3) = 6 13. 7 =2(x+5) -z=-lO-el) ls. (a) If your answer is x : -* color the earrings green. (b) If your answer is x = color the earrings purple. 16. 7(l+Zx) (a) i = -27 If your answer is x = -Z color the hat shipes black and white. (b) If your answer is x = 2 color the hat stripes black and blue. 19. 21= -7(2x-l) (a) If your answer is m = 3 color the ears btown. (b) if your answer ism = (a) If your answer is n I color the ears yellow. 17. (a) o=-r(r.-1) If your answer is x = = -12 color the hair on the head Yellow. (b) If your answer is n = 12 color the hair on the head red. 18. 1r.*6)=-2 (a) If your answer is x = -4 outline the teeth in brown. (b) If your answer is x = -9 outline the teeth in black. -5 outline the mouth in pink. (b) If your answer is x = -2 outline the mouth in red. 21.3(2-x)=l/ 20. -lr-0,+2)=s i, i l ti a ',1 I i.r'r',r. ii il , (a) If your answer is x = -1 outline the nose in brown. (b) If your answer is x = 1 outline the nose in it i li 22. f,e* * +>= -10 (a) If your answer is a = (a) 1 If your answer is x = -2 color the eyebrows oran color the (b) If your answer is a = 3 color the eyes blue. (b) If your answer is x = color the eyebrows red. 24. 23. -36=-3(5+m) -3 -8(2x -1) = 0 1;rl I x = -12 color the face, neck, & arms brown. (b) If your answer is x = - 1 4 color the face, neck, & arms Yellow. (a) If yorn answer 2s. is z=-!@-a) (a) if yow answer is x = -3 color the ball brown. (b) if your answer is x = 3 color the ball black & white. t{ 1ti li : (a) If your arlswer is m = 7 color the obiect around the neck -7 (b) If your answer is m = the obiect around the neck 26. 5(1-2n) = -15 (a) If your answer isfl = -Z color the goal post brown. (b) If yoru answer is n = 2 color the goal postblack. color (a) If your answer is x = 2 color the on the shirt black & blue. i (b) If your answer is x = color the ipes on the shirt black & white. 27. 27(Lx-1) [3 = e) 'o (a) If your answer is J = f; color the bac (b) If your answer is x = * color the background broun. Artistic Tip: When you are done coloring, it looks nice to outline the major features using a black crayon or marker copyrig bt@ 2ooiby Kristin Dewit Copyright @ 2007 bY Kristin DeWi
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