The Canticle - Saint Francis Region, OFS


The Canticle - Saint Francis Region, OFS
The Canticle
St. Maximilian Kolbe Fraternity, Los Alamitos, California
VOLUME 20, No. 9
September 2016
Fraternity Information
Monthly Fraternity Meeting: Sunday, Sept 11 Formation at 2pm, Meeting at 3:15pm at St. Hedwig’s,
Los Alamitos in the Parish Lounge (Next to Quinn Hall)
Monthly Prayer and Social: Sat. Sept 17- 8:30am Regional Gathering for the Year of Mercy: Feast of
the Stigmata - Mission San Juan Capistrano, carpool leaves at 8am for mass and potluck
Executive Council Meeting: Sunday . Sept 25 – Executive Council at Diane’s at 2:00pm
Donated to our fraternity by Ed and Lupe Torrence
Your Council
Minister – Tina Gath, ofs - (562) 598-5202
Vice Minister – Anne Killian, ofs - (714) 468-9814
Secretary – Terrie Moore, ofs - (909) 658-5852
Treasurer – Lina Daukas, ofs - (562) 494-4402
Formation Director – John Davies, ofs - (562) 355-1550
Spiritual Assistant – Sr Miriam Joseph Teresi, osf home: 562-341-1786
Councilors - Diane Halal, ofs - (562) 596-3162
Gwen Murphy, ofs - (562) 260-5814
Jeanette Barrera, ofs - 562-240-5422
Please feel free to contact any of us for information or concerns.
Franciscan websites of interest
St. Francis Regional website:
National Fraternity of USA
Tau USA, newsletter
International Fraternity
YouFra, International Youth
Franciscans International North America
Franciscans International
Franciscan Action Network (FAN)
Liturgy of the Hours or
Catechism of the Catholic Church or
Jubilee Year of Mercy blog
Minister's Message
This month’s Fraternity Events
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
On Sunday, Sept. 4th, a group from our fraternity
attended a Mass of Thanksgiving on the occasion of the
Canonization of Mother Teresa at the Cathedral of Our
Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles. It was a beautiful
Mass. Her Sisters, the Missionaries of Charity, beamed
with humble pride and joy as a packed cathedral
celebrated the canonization of their foundress, which
had taken place earlier that day in Rome.
On the Saturday before, I had read in a secular
newspaper that "Pope Francis was going to make
Mother Teresa a saint the next day". I had to laugh, as if
saints are made in a day; one day not a saint, next day
a saint! We all know that it was not Pope Francis who
made Mother Teresa a saint, but the grace of God
accepted and lived that made Mother Teresa a
saint. What Pope Francis did in Rome was to confirm
that which already was and that which many people
already knew, Mother Teresa was a saint in her lifetime
because she lived a life of heroic virtue. I like what I
heard on IH Radio, her canonization "was a diagnosis of
a pre-existing condition".
As I think of St. Mother Teresa, I am struck by the
similarities between her and our own dear founder, St.
Francis of Assisi. Both left family and possessions to
live simply among the poor and the outcast. Both were
followed by others and established orders with
thousands of priests, brothers, sisters and lay people
who continue follow their way of life. Both were not
afraid to venture far from their homeland and
established many monasteries and convents for their
members. Both found joy by serving Jesus in His most
distressing disguise; Francis in the lepers and Mother
Teresa in the poorest of the poor. Both were recognized
as being instruments of peace; Francis has a Peace
Prayer attributed to him and Mother Teresa has a Nobel
Peace Prize. Both did small things with great love and
brought God's love, mercy and compassion to all they
served. Both remained faithful in times of darkness, trial
and illness. Both are great saints; gifts from God,
showing us that God gives the world what it needs when
it needs it.
My prayer for each of us is that we may be inspired by
the examples of St. Francis and St. Mother Teresa. May
we strive to live lives of heroic virtue; simple lives of
humble service bringing God's love, compassion and
mercy to all as we try to build up God's kingdom here on
Pace e Bene,
Tina Gath, OFS
All are invited to attend any of these events
Sun. Sept 11 - Formation at 2pm, Meeting at 3:15pm.
Fri. Sept 16 - 7:30pm Pro Life Holy Hour at St Hedwig
Sat. Sept 17- Feast of the Stigmata - Mission San
Juan Capistrano. Carpool leave at 8am, (from CVS
parking lot) 9:30am Walk through the Holy Door,
10am mass and potluck afterwards.
Sun, Sep 25 - Fraternity Council meeting 3:15pm at
Tina’s home
Save the Date:
Mon. Oct 3 – 6pm Transitus of St Francis at the old
mission San Juan Capistrano. Carpool early, TBD
Sun. Oct 9 - Formation at 2pm, Meeting at 3:15pm.
Sat. Oct 15 6pm Potluck at Tina’s home
Sun. Oct 16 - 7:00pm Pro Life Holy Hour at St Hedwig
Sun, Oct 23 - Council meeting 3:15pm at Tina’s home
Oct 29 Human Trafficking Conference. 9;30am-12noon
mass at St Hedwig’s 8:30am, conference in Quinn Hall
Nov 13 – Fraternal Visit (everyone needs to attend)
Prayer Intentions, Health and Healing
We fervently pray for our nation as we near
the Presidential elections. May God guide
our hearts as we pray for and vote His will
for our country, our state and all local
We pray that God may bless and meet the needs of all
of our families, one another, friends and all those we
hold dear. We also pray for our infirm and homebound;
especially Gloria Hartman and Mariana Simeone.
Please pray for our sick, especially Angie, who had
surgery, Kathy and Raquel. We pray for the repose of
the souls of our dearly departed friends and family
members. Please remember our absent members in
prayer as well.
Holy Father's Prayer Intentions For September
Universal: Centrality of the Human Person
That each may contribute to the common good and to
the building of a society that places the human person
at the center.
Evangelization: Mission to Evangelize
That by participating in the Sacraments and meditating
on Scripture, Christians may become more aware of
their mission to evangelize.
Area Happenings
Every Wednesday – Centering Prayer at St. Irenaeus Church in
Cypress at 7:30pm.
1st and 3rd Saturday of the month - food and clothing distribution to
the poor by H.O.P.E. at St. Irenaeus Church in Cypress, 8:30 to
Local Needs
Catholic Worker, Santa Ana – Good used clothing and blankets,
coffee, powdered drink mix, canned meat, and paper goods. Please
contact Dwight and Leia Smith at (714) 835-6304
September Birthdays
Birth of Mary September 8
The Church has celebrated Mary's birth since at least
the sixth century. A September birth was chosen
because the Eastern Church begins its Church year
with September. The September 8 date helped
determine the date for the feast of the Immaculate
Conception on December 8 (nine months earlier).
Scripture does not give an account of Mary's birth.
However, the apocryphal Protoevangelium of James
fills in the gap. This work has no historical value, but
it does reflect the development of Christian piety.
According to this account, Anna and Joachim are
infertile but pray for a child. They receive the promise
of a child that will advance God's plan of salvation for
the world. Such a story (like many biblical
counterparts) stresses the special presence of God in
Mary's life from the beginning.
St. Augustine connects Mary's birth with Jesus'
saving work. He tells the earth to rejoice and shine
forth in the light of her birth. "She is the flower of the
field from whom bloomed the precious lily of the
valley. Through her birth the nature inherited from our
first parents is changed." The opening prayer at Mass
speaks of the birth of Mary's Son as the dawn of our
salvation and asks for an increase of peace.
We can see every human birth as a call for new hope
in the world. The love of two human beings has
joined with God in his creative work. The loving
parents have shown hope in a world filled with travail.
The new child has the potential to be a channel of
God's love and peace to the world.
This is all true in a magnificent way in Mary. If Jesus
is the perfect expression of God's love, Mary is the
foreshadowing of that love. If Jesus has brought the
fullness of salvation, Mary is its dawning.
Birthday celebrations bring happiness to the
celebrant as well as to family and friends. Next to the
birth of Jesus, Mary's birth offers the greatest
possible happiness to the world. Each time we
celebrate her birth we can confidently hope for an
increase of peace in our hearts and in the world at
Quote: "Today the barren Anna claps her hands for
joy, the earth radiates with light, kings sing their
happiness, priests enjoy every blessing, the entire
universe rejoices, for she who is queen and the
Father's immaculate bride buds forth from the stem of
Jesse" (adapted from Byzantine Daily Worship).
Sept 12 Anne
Sept 19 Terrie
Sept 20 Tina and Luz
Sept 22 Diane
September Profession Anniversaries
Sept 16 Jeanette
Sept 18 Tina Gath and Terrie Moore
September Franciscan Calendar of Saints
Month of the Holy Cross
1. Bl Joachim de Albocacer, Priest, Capuchin, martyr 1936
2. Bl. Martyrs de Carmes, d. 1792
3. St. Pius X, Pope, III Ord, d. 1914
4. St. Rose of Viterbo, Virgin, III Ord, d.1252
5 Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta
5. Bl. Gentil de Matelica, Priest, I Ord, martyr 1340
6. Bl. Liberatus of Lauro, Priest, I Ord
7. Bl. Eugenie Picco, Virgin, III Ord, d. 1921
7 Blessed Frédéric Ozanam,founder of St Vincent de Paul
8. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
9. Bl. Seraphina Sforza, Virgin, II Ord; "Poor Clare" sister, d. 1478
10. Bl. Martyrs of Japan, religious of the I & III Ord, d. 1622-1632
11. Bl. Bonaventure of Barcelona, lay brother, I Ord, d. 1684
12. Feast of the Name of Holy Mary
13. Bl. Apollinaire Franco, Priest, I Ord, martyr 1622
14. The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
15. Feast of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows
16. Bl. Roland de Medicis, Confessor, III Ord, d. 1386
17. Feast of the Stigmata of St. Francis of Assisi
18. St. Joseph de Cupertino, Priest, Conventual, d. 1664
19. Bl. Louis Alleman, Bishop, III Ord, d. 1450
20. St. Francis Mary of Camporosso, lay brother, Cap, d. 1866
21. Bl. Elizabeth Amodei, Virgin, III Ord, d. 1498
22. St. Ignatius of Santhia, Priest, Capuchin, d. 1773
23. St. Pio of Peitrelcina, Priest, OFM Capuchin, d. 1968
24 Finding of the Body of St. Clare
24. St. Pacific of San Severino, Priest, I Ord, d. 1721
25. St. Nicholas de Flue, Confessor, III Ord, d. 1487
Birth of St Francis September 26, 1181
26. Bl. Lucy of Caltagirone, Virgin, religious of the III Ord Regular
[living in community, under a Rule], d. 1400
27 St. Vincent de Paul and Mother Theresa Hackelmeier (III)
27. St. Elzear of Sabran, Confessor, III Ord, d. 1323
28. Bl Bernadin of Feltre, Priest, I Ord, d. 1494
29. Feast of St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael, Archangels
30. Bl. Charles of Blois, Confessor, III Ord, d. 1364
Meeting notice: Please remember to bring
your cup or mug to our meetings. St.
Francis would approve.
Bring your prayer books to the next meeting.
Details of Upcoming Events
Franciscan Vision Series Lecture
Thursday September 22
7:00 – 8:00 pm
St. Clare Chapel
“St. Francis Conformed to Christ: An Example
for Christians Today?”
Presented by William Short, OFM
In the years following his death in 1226, St. Francis of
Assisi was frequently depicted as one who conformed
his life to Christ as fully as possible. In the late 14th
century a Friar named Bartholomew of Pisa wrote The
Book of the Conformities of the Life of St. Francis and
the Life of Christ, in which he found forty ways in which
Francis was like Jesus. During the Protestant
Reformation of the 16th century Martin Luther
condemned this book, calling it the “Koran of the
Barefoot Monks.” This lecture will explore these
changing approaches to the representation of St.
Francis in literature and art.
San Pedro Regional Congress 2016
BLESSED in God's Mercy!
Free and open to the public. Contact Donna Foley or 760-547-1800 ext. 224
October 1, 2016
St. Joseph High School
5825 North Woodruff Avenue Lakewood, CA 90713
Human Trafficking Conference
This is an annual, 1-day event, that offers
attendees the opportunity to grow in their
knowledge of the Catholic Faith, to deepen their
spirituality, to increase their catechetical, liturgical,
and leadership skills, and to be challenged by a
variety of current topics and presenters. There is
something for everyone! The cost for the day is
$35 per person. Group rates are also available.
Saturday October 29, 2016
St. Hedwig Catholic Church
The day will start with Mass in the Church at 8:30am.
The conference will be held next door in Quinn Hall.
Jolene, a human trafficking survivor, will share her
story and Bryan Guardado will provide Christian
Contemporary music.
To view Registration book, click here ->
This event is designed for youth and young adults,
but opened to ALL AGES 13 and up.
Admission is free, and there will be complimentary
For information or questions,
Please call Bill Terrio at (562) 370-4503
If you are experiencing any difficulties or have any
questions email Jackie at or call
Early registration is $30 until midnight Sept 17, 2016 –
after this date, fee will be $35.00..... Register on-line until
Sept 24, 2016 - on-site registration will also be available at
the event