Book of Abstracts - phase 14


Book of Abstracts - phase 14
The Association for Literary and Lingustic Computing
The Association for Computers and the Humanities
Society for Digital Humanities — Société pour l’étude des médias interactifs
Digital Humanities 2008
The 20th Joint International Conference of the Association for Literary and
Linguistic Computing, and the Association for Computers and the Humanities
The 1st Joint International Conference of the Association for Literary and
Linguistic Computing, the Association for Computers and the Humanities,
and the Society for Digital Humanities — Société pour l’étude des médias
University of Oulu, Finland
24 – 29 June, 2008
Conference Abstracts
International Programme Committee
• Espen Ore, National Library of Norway, Chair
• Jean Anderson, University of Glasgow, UK
• John Nerbonne, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
• Stephen Ramsay, University of Nebraska, USA
• Thomas Rommel, International Univ. Bremen, Germany
• Susan Schreibman, University of Maryland, USA
• Paul Spence, King’s College London, UK
• Melissa Terras, University College London, UK
• Claire Warwick, University College London, UK,Vice Chair
Local organizers
• Lisa Lena Opas-Hänninen, English Philology
• Riikka Mikkola, English Philology
• Mikko Jokelainen, English Philology
• Ilkka Juuso, Electrical and Information Engineering
• Toni Saranpää, English Philology
• Tapio Seppänen, Electrical and Information Engineering
• Raili Saarela, Congress Services
Edited by
• Lisa Lena Opas-Hänninen
• Mikko Jokelainen
• Ilkka Juuso
• Tapio Seppänen
ISBN: 978-951-42-8838-8
Published by
English Philology
University of Oulu
Cover design: Ilkka Juuso, University of Oulu
© 2008 University of Oulu and the authors.
Digital Humanities 2008
On behalf of the local organizers I am delighted to welcome you to the 25th Joint International Conference of the
Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing (ALLC) and the Association for Computers and the Humanities
(ACH) at the University of Oulu.
This is a very special year because this is also the 1st Joint International Conference of the ALLC, ACH and the
Society for Digital Humanities – Société pour l’étude des medias interactifs, as this year the SDH-SEMI joined the
Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO), and I wish to extend a special welcome to them.
With over 16 000 students and 3000 staff members, the University of Oulu is one of the largest universities in
Finland. Linnanmaa, the campus area where the conference is being held, not only houses the University, but also
Technopolis, the largest technology centre in Finland, and VTT, the State Technical Research Centre. We hope that
this strong influence of technology and the opportunities it affords for multidisciplinary research will be of particular
interest to the conference delegates.
Many people have contributed to putting together the conference programme. I wish to thank the International
Programme Committee and particularly its Chair, Espen Ore, for all the hard work that they have put into making
this conference a varied and interesting one. I also wish to thank John Unsworth and Ray Siemens, who passed on
their experiences of the 2007 conference and helped us set up the conference management site.
I wish to thank Riikka Mikkola, Mikko Jokelainen, Ilkka Juuso and Toni Saranpää, who have all contributed to making
this conference happen. I also thank Tapio Seppänen of the Engineering Faculty for all his help and support.
I hope you will find the conference stimulating and useful and that you enjoy meeting the fellow humanities computing
scholars from all over the world. If this is your first time in northern Finland, I hope you like it and that it entices
you to come and visit us again.
Tervetuloa! — Welcome!
Lisa Lena Opas-Hänninen
Local Organizer
Digital Humanities 2008
Digital Humanities 2008
A Richness of Research and Knowledge
One of the bad things one may experience in the Programme Committee for a conference under the ADHO
umbrella, is that there are more good submissions than there is room for. As we read through the submissions for
this year’s conference, it became clear that Humanities Computing or Digital Humanities as a field is growing up.
The field is also growing, period. Ten years ago I was also Chair of the Programme Committee for the ALLC/ACH
conference in Debrecen, Hungary. I am happy that there are now so many new names among the submittors. And
there were many very good submissions for papers, panel and paper sessions and posters.The hosting institution, the
University of Oulu, could luckily supply the rooms needed if we were to run up to four parallel sessions. With four
parallel sessions it may seem that there is a larger possibility for a conflict of interests: one might simultaneously wish
to attend two presentations - or more. But the only way to remove this problem would be to have a single strand
conference with a duration of a couple of weeks. So since this, as usual, is a multiple strand conference, I hope the
Book of Abstracts may be used as a guide for which presentations to listen to and, alternatively, which authors one
might seek out for an informal talk during one of the breaks.
I would like to thank all the members of the PC, and especially the Vice Chair, Claire Warwick, for all their work,
which has made the work on the Programme much easier than it could have been. I would also like to thank both
Sara Schmidt at the University of Illinois and the local administration group at the University of Oulu who have done
a tremendous amount of work in preparing for the conference programme. And last but definitely least, my thanks
go to the Local Organizer, Lisa Lena Opas-Hänninen, who has been a great aid in the programme work and who
has done everything I can imagine to help us get the rooms, people and more sorted out. But there are also those
without whom there would be no conference. First, all of you who have prepared submissions, and then all of you
who are attending this conference: thank you very much, and welcome to Oulu!
Espen S. Ore
Chair, International Programme Committee
Digital Humanities 2008
Digital Humanities 2008
Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................III
Lisa Lena Opas-Hänninen
A Richness of Research and Knowledge.....................................................................................V
Espen S. Ore
Service Oriented Computing in the Humanities 3 (SOCH3) ................................................ 1
John Bradley, Elpiniki Fragkouli, Allen Renear, Monica Schraefel,Tapio Seppänen
The Homer Multitext Project..................................................................................................... 5
Casey Dué, Mary Ebbott, A. Ross Scaife,W. Brent Seales, Christopher Blackwell, Neel Smith,
Dorothy Carr Porter, Ryan Baumann
Defining an International Humanities Portal .......................................................................... 12
Neil Fraistat, Domenico Fiormonte, Ian Johnson, Jan Christoph Meister, John Unsworth
Beyond Search: Literary Studies and the Digital Library ...................................................... 13
Matthew Jockers, Glen Worthey, Joe Shapiro, Sarah Allison
Designing, Coding, and Playing with Fire:
Innovations in Interdisciplinary Research Project Management ........................................... 16
Stephen Ramsay, Stéfan Sinclair, John Unsworth, Milena Radzikowska, Stan Ruecker
Aspects of Sustainability in Digital Humanities ...................................................................... 21
Georg Rehm, Andreas Witt, Øyvind Eide, Christian-Emil Ore, Jon Holmen, Allen H. Renear,
Richard Urban, Karen Wickett, Carole L. Palmer, David Dubin, Erhard Hinrichs, Marga Reis
ALLC SESSION: e-Science:
New collaborations between information technology and the humanities ........................ 29
David Robey, Stuart Dunn, Laszlo Hunyadi, Dino Buzzetti
Understanding TEI(s): A Presentation and Discussion Session ............................................. 30
Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, Peter Boot, Arianna Ciula, James Cummings, Kurt Gärtner,
Martin Holmes, John Walsh
DH2008: ADHO Session ‘Digital resources in humanities research:
Evidence of value (2)’ ................................................................................................................. 31
Harold Short, David Hoover, Lorna Hughes, David Robey, John Unsworth
The Building Blocks of the New Electronic Book ................................................................... 32
Ray Siemens, Claire Warwick, Kirsten C. Uszkalo, Stan Ruecker
SDH/SEMI panel:Text Analysis Developers’ Alliance (TADA) and T-REX ............................ 34
Stéfan Sinclair, Ray Siemens, Matt Jockers, Susan Schreibman, Patrick Juola, David Hoover,
Jean-Guy Meunier, Dominic Forest
Feminist Critical Inquiry, Knowledge Building, Digital Humanities ...................................... 35
Martha Nell Smith, Susan Brown, Laura Mandell, Katie King, Marilee Lindemann,
Rebecca Krefting, Amelia S.Wong
Digital Humanities 2008
Unicode 5.0 and 5.1 and Digital Humanities Projects ............................................................ 41
Deborah Winthrop Anderson
Variation of Style: Diachronic Aspect ....................................................................................... 42
Vadim Andreev
Exploring Historical Image Collections with Collaborative Faceted Classification ............ 44
Georges Arnaout, Kurt Maly, Milena Mektesheva, Harris Wu, Mohammad Zubair
Annotated Facsimile Editions:
Defining Macro-level Structure for Image-Based Electronic Editions .................................. 47
Neal Audenaert, Richard Furuta
CritSpace: Using Spatial Hypertext to Model Visually Complex Documents ..................... 50
Neal Audenaert, George Lucchese, Grant Sherrick, Richard Furuta
Glimpses though the clouds: collocates in a new light ........................................................... 53
David Beavan
The function and accuracy of old Dutch urban designs and maps.
A computer assisted analysis of the extension of Leiden (1611) .......................................... 55
Jakeline Benavides, Charles van den Heuvel
AAC-FACKEL and BRENNER ONLINE. New Digital Editions of Two Literary Journals ... 57
Hanno Biber, Evelyn Breiteneder, Karlheinz Mörth
e-Science in the Arts and Humanities – A methodological perspective ............................... 60
Tobias Blanke, Stuart Dunn, Lorna Hughes, Mark Hedges
An OWL-based index of emblem metaphors ......................................................................... 62
Peter Boot
Collaborative tool-building with Pliny: a progress report ...................................................... 65
John Bradley
How to find Mrs. Billington? Approximate string matching applied to misspelled names . 68
Gerhard Brey, Manolis Christodoulakis
Degrees of Connection: the close interlinkages of Orlando .................................................. 70
Susan Brown, Patricia Clements, Isobel Grundy, Stan Ruecker, Jeffery Antoniuk, Sharon Balazs
The impact of digital interfaces on virtual gender images .................................................... 72
Sandra Buchmüller, Gesche Joost, Rosan Chow
Towards a model for dynamic text editions ............................................................................ 78
Dino Buzzetti, Malte Rehbein, Arianna Ciula, Tamara Lopez
Performance as digital text:
capturing signals and secret messages in a media-rich experience ...................................... 84
Jama S. Coartney, Susan L.Wiesner
Function word analysis and questions of interpretation in early modern tragedy.............. 86
Louisa Connors
Digital Humanities 2008
Deconstructing Machine Learning: A Challenge for Digital Humanities.............................. 89
Charles Cooney, Russell Horton, Mark Olsen, Glenn Roe, Robert Voyer
Feature Creep: Evaluating Feature Sets for Text Mining Literary Corpora. ........................ 91
Charles Cooney, Russell Horton, Mark Olsen, Glenn Roe, Robert Voyer
Hidden Roads and Twisted Paths:
Intertextual Discovery using Clusters, Classifications, and Similarities ............................... 93
Charles Cooney, Russell Horton, Mark Olsen, Glenn Roe, Robert Voyer
A novel way for the comparative analysis of adaptations based on vocabulary rich text
segments: the assessment of Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code and its translations .................. 95
Maria Csernoch
Converting St Paul:
A new TEI P5 edition of The Conversion of St Paul using stand-off linking ........................ 97
James C. Cummings
ENRICHing Manuscript Descriptions with TEI P5 .................................................................. 99
James C. Cummings
Editio ex machina - Digital Scholarly Editions out of the Box............................................. 101
Alexander Czmiel
Talia: a Research and Publishing Environment for Philosophy Scholars ............................. 103
Stefano David, Michele Nucci, Francesco Piazza
Bootstrapping Classical Greek Morphology .......................................................................... 105
Helma Dik, Richard Whaling
Mining Classical Greek Gender .............................................................................................. 107
Helma Dik, Richard Whaling
Information visualization and text mining: application to a corpus on posthumanism .... 109
Ollivier Dyens, Dominic Forest, Patric Mondou,Valérie Cools, David Johnston
How Rhythmical is Hexameter: A Statistical Approach to Ancient Epic Poetry ............... 112
Maciej Eder
TEI and cultural heritage ontologies ...................................................................................... 115
Øyvind Eide, Christian-Emil Ore, Joel Goldfield, David L. Hoover, Nathalie Groß, Christian Liedtke
The New Middle High German Dictionary and its Predecessors as an Interlinked
Compound of Lexicographical Resources ............................................................................. 122
Kurt Gärtner
Domestic Strife in Early Modern Europe: Images and Texts in a virtual anthology .......... 124
Martin Holmes, Claire Carlin
Rescuing old data: Case studies, tools and techniques ......................................................... 127
Martin Holmes, Greg Newton
Digital Editions for Corpus Linguistics:
A new approach to creating editions of historical manuscripts .......................................... 132
Alpo Honkapohja, Samuli Kaislaniemi,Ville Marttila, David L. Hoover
Digital Humanities 2008
Term Discovery in an Early Modern Latin Scientific Corpus .............................................. 136
Malcolm D. Hyman
Markup in Textgrid ................................................................................................................... 138
Fotis Jannidis,Thorsten Vitt
Breaking down barriers: the integration of research data, notes and referencing
in a Web 2.0 academic framework ......................................................................................... 139
Ian R. Johnson
Constructing Social Networks in Modern Ireland (C.1750-c.1940) Using ACQ................ 141
Jennifer Kelly, John G. Keating
Unnatural Language Processing: Neural Networks and the Linguistics of Speech ........... 143
William Kretzschmar
Digital Humanities ‘Readership’ and the Public Knowledge Project .................................. 145
Caroline Leitch, Ray Siemens, Analisa Blake, Karin Armstrong, John Willinsky
Using syntactic features to predict author personality from text ...................................... 146
Kim Luyckx,Walter Daelemans
An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Building Learning Communities Within
the Digital Humanities ............................................................................................................ 149
Simon Mahony
The Middle English Grammar Corpus a tool for studying the writing and speech systems of medieval English ........................... 152
Martti Mäkinen
Designing Usable Learning Games for the Humanities: Five Research Dimensions ........ 154
Rudy McDaniel, Stephen Fiore, Natalie Underberg, Mary Tripp, Karla Kitalong, J. Michael Moshell
Picasso’s Poetry:The Case of a Bilingual Concordance........................................................ 157
Luis Meneses, Carlos Monroy, Richard Furuta, Enrique Mallen
Exploring the Biography and Artworks of Picasso with Interactive
Calendars and Timelines ......................................................................................................... 160
Luis Meneses, Richard Furuta, Enrique Mallen
Computer Assisted Conceptual Analysis of Text:
the Concept of Mind in the Collected Papers of C.S. Peirce ............................................... 163
Jean-Guy Meunier, Dominic Forest
Topic Maps and Entity Authority Records:
an Effective Cyber Infrastructure for Digital Humanities.................................................... 166
Jamie Norrish, Alison Stevenson
2D and 3D Visualization of Stance in Popular Fiction .......................................................... 169
Lisa Lena Opas-Hänninen,Tapio Seppänen, Mari Karsikas, Suvi Tiinanen
TEI Analytics: a TEI Format for Cross-collection Text Analysis ........................................... 171
Stephen Ramsay, Brian Pytlik-Zillig
Digital Humanities 2008
The Dictionary of Words in the Wild ..................................................................................... 173
Geoffrey Rockwell,Willard McCarty, Eleni Pantou-Kikkou
The TTC-Atenea System:
Researching Opportunities in the Field of Art-theoretical Terminology ............................ 176
Nuria Rodríguez
Re-Engineering the Tree of Knowledge:
Vector Space Analysis and Centroid-Based Clustering in the Encyclopédie ..................... 179
Glenn Roe, Robert Voyer, Russell Horton, Charles Cooney, Mark Olsen, Robert Morrissey
Assumptions, Statistical Tests,
and Non-traditional Authorship Attribution Studies -- Part II ............................................ 181
Joseph Rudman
Does Size Matter? A Re-examination of a Time-proven Method ........................................ 184
Jan Rybicki
The TEI as Luminol: Forensic Philology in a Digital Age ...................................................... 185
Stephanie Schlitz
A Multi-version Wiki ................................................................................................................ 187
Desmond Schmidt, Nicoletta Brocca, Domenico Fiormonte
Determining Value for Digital Humanities Tools................................................................... 189
Susan Schreibman, Ann Hanlon
Recent work in the EDUCE Project ....................................................................................... 190
W. Brent Seales, A. Ross Scaife
“It’s a team if you use ‘reply all’”:
An Exploration of Research Teams in Digital Humanities Environments .......................... 193
Lynne Siemens
Doing Digital Scholarship ........................................................................................................ 194
Lisa Spiro
Extracting author-specific expressions using random forest for use in the sociolinguistic
analysis of political speeches ................................................................................................... 196
Takafumi Suzuki
Gentleman in Dickens: A Multivariate Stylometric Approach to its Collocation .............. 199
Tomoji Tabata
Video Game Avatar: From Other to Self-Transcendence and Transformation ................. 202
Mary L.Tripp
Normalizing Identity:The Role of Blogging Software in Creating Digital Identity ........... 204
Kirsten Carol Uszkalo, Darren James Harkness
A Modest proposal.
Analysis of Specific Needs with Reference to Collation in Electronic Editions ................. 206
Ron Van den Branden
Digital Humanities 2008
(Re)Writing the History of Humanities Computing ............................................................ 208
Edward Vanhoutte
Knowledge-Based Information Systems in Research of Regional History ......................... 210
Aleksey Varfolomeyev, Henrihs Soms, Aleksandrs Ivanovs
Using Wmatrix to investigate the narrators and characters of Julian Barnes’
Talking It Over .......................................................................................................................... 212
Brian David Walker
The Chymistry of Isaac Newton and the Chymical Foundations of Digital Humanities .. 214
John A.Walsh
Document-Centric Framework for Navigating Texts Online, or, the Intersection
of the Text Encoding Initiative and the Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard . 216
John A.Walsh, Michelle Dalmau
iTrench: A Study of the Use of Information Technology in Field Archaeology ................... 218
Claire Warwick, Melissa Terras, Claire Fisher
LogiLogi: A Webplatform for Philosophers ............................................................................ 221
Wybo Wiersma, Bruno Sarlo
Clinical Applications of Computer-assisted Textual Analysis: a Tei Dream?........................ 223
Marco Zanasi, Daniele Silvi, Sergio Pizziconi, Giulia Musolino
Automatic Link-Detection in Encoded Archival Descriptions ............................................ 226
Junte Zhang, Khairun Nisa Fachry, Jaap Kamps
A Chinese Version of an Authorship Attribution Analysis Program .................................... 229
Mengjia Zhao, Patrick Juola
The German Hamlets: An Advanced Text Technological Application ................................. 233
Benjamin Birkenhake, Andreas Witt
Fine Rolls in Print and on the Web: A Reader Study ............................................................ 235
Arianna Ciula,Tamara Lopez
PhiloMine: An Integrated Environment for Humanities Text Mining .................................. 237
Charles Cooney, Russell Horton, Mark Olsen, Glenn Roe, Robert Voyer
The Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIREX):
Community-Led Formal Evaluations ..................................................................................... 239
J. Stephen Downie, Andreas F. Ehmann, Jin Ha Lee
Online Collaborative Research with REKn and PReE .......................................................... 241
Michael Elkink, Ray Siemens, Karin Armstrong
A Computerized Corpus of Karelian Dialects: Design and Implementation ..................... 243
Dmitri Evmenov
Digital Humanities 2008
Digitally Deducing Information about the Early American History with Semantic Web
Techniques ................................................................................................................................ 244
Ismail Fahmi, Peter Scholing, Junte Zhang
TauRo - A search and advanced management system for XML documents...................... 246
Alida Isolani, Paolo Ferragina, Dianella Lombardini,Tommaso Schiavinotto
The Orationes Project ............................................................................................................. 249
Anthony Johnson, Lisa Lena Opas-Hänninen, Jyri Vaahtera
JGAAP3.0 -- Authorship Attribution for the Rest of Us ....................................................... 250
Patrick Juola, John Noecker, Mike Ryan, Mengjia Zhao
Translation Studies and XML: Biblical Translations in Byzantine Judaism, a Case Study . 252
Julia G. Krivoruchko, Eleonora Litta Modignani Picozzi, Elena Pierazzo
Multi-Dimensional Markup: N-way relations as a generalisation over possible relations
between annotation layers ...................................................................................................... 254
Harald Lüngen, Andreas Witt
Bibliotheca Morimundi.Virtual reconstitution of the manuscript library of the abbey of
Morimondo ............................................................................................................................... 256
Ernesto Mainoldi
Investigating word co-occurrence selection with extracted sub-networks of the Gospels258
Maki Miyake
Literary Space: A New Integrated Database System for Humanities Research ............... 260
Kiyoko Myojo, Shin’ichiro Sugo
A Collaboration System for the Philology of the Buddhist Study ...................................... 262
Kiyonori Nagasaki
Information Technology and the Humanities:
The Experience of the Irish in Europe Project ..................................................................... 264
Thomas O’Connor, Mary Ann Lyons, John G. Keating
Shakespeare on the tree.......................................................................................................... 266
Giuliano Pascucci
XSLT (2.0) handbook for multiple hierarchies processing .................................................. 268
Elena Pierazzo, Raffaele Viglianti
The Russian Folk Religious Imagination ................................................................................ 271
Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby, Mark Lauersdorf, Dorothy Porter
Using and Extending FRBR for the
Digital Library for the Enlightenment and the Romantic Period – The Spanish Novel (DLER-SN) ........................ 272
Ana Rueda, Mark Richard Lauersdorf, Dorothy Carr Porter
How to convert paper archives into a digital data base?
Problems and solutions in the case of the Morphology Archives of Finnish Dialects ....... 275
Mari Siiroinen, Mikko Virtanen,Tatiana Stepanova
Digital Humanities 2008
A Bibliographic Utility for Digital Humanities Projects....................................................... 276
James Stout, Clifford Wulfman, Elli Mylonas
A Digital Chronology of the Fashion, Dress and Behavior from Meiji to early Showa
periods(1868-1945) in Japan .................................................................................................... 278
Haruko Takahashi
Knight’s Quest: A Video Game to Explore Gender and Culture in Chaucer’s England .... 280
Mary L.Tripp,Thomas Rudy McDaniel, Natalie Underberg, Karla Kitalong, Steve Fiore
TEI by Example: Pedagogical Approaches Used in the Construction of Online Digital
Humanities Tutorials ................................................................................................................ 282
Ron Van den Branden, Melissa Terras, Edward Vanhoutte
CLARIN: Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure .......................... 283
Martin Wynne,Tamás Váradi, Peter Wittenburg, Steven Krauwer, Kimmo Koskenniemi
Fortune Hunting: Art, Archive, Appropriation ....................................................................... 285
Lisa Young, James Stout, Elli Mylonas
Index of Authors ....................................................................................................................... 287
Digital Humanities 2008
Digital Humanities 2008
Digital Humanities 2008
Service Oriented Computing
in the Humanities 3
One-Day Workshop at Digital
Humanities 2008
Tuesday, 24 June, 2008 9:30 – 17:30
Organized jointly by King’s College
London, and the University of Oulu
The workshop is organized by Stuart Dunn (Centre for eResearch, King’s College), Nicolas Gold (Computing Science,
King’s College), Lorna Hughes (Centre for e-Research,
King’s College), Lisa Lena Opas-Hänninen (English Philology,
University of Oulu) and Tapio Seppänen (Information
Engineering, University of Oulu).
John Bradley
King’s College London, UK
Elpiniki Fragkouli
King’s College London, UK
Since software services, and the innovative software
architectures that they require, are becoming widespread in
their use in the Digital Humanities, it is important to facilitate
and encourage problem and solution sharing among different
disciplines to avoid reinventing the wheel. This workshop will
build on two previous Service Oriented Computing in the
Humanities events held in 2006 and 2007(under the auspices
of SOSERNET and the AHRC ICT Methods Network). The
workshop is structured around four invited presentations
from different humanities disciplines. These disciplines are
concerned with (e.g.) archaeological data, textual data, the
visual arts and historical information. The presentations will
approach humanities data, and the various uses of it, from
different perspectives at different stages in the research
lifecycle. There will reflection on the issues that arise at the
conception of a research idea, through to data gathering,
analysis, collaboration and publication and dissemination. A
further presentation from Computer Science will act as a
‘technical response’ to these papers, showcasing different tool
types and how they can be applied to the kinds of data and
methods discussed.
The presentations will be interspersed with scheduled
discussion sessions and The emphasis throughout is on
collaboration, and what the humanities and computer science
communities can learn from one another: do we have a
common agenda, and how can we take this forward? The day
will conclude with a moderated discussion that will seek to
identify and frame that agenda, and form the basis of a report.
Allen Renear
University of Illinois, USA
Monica Schraefel
University of Southampton, UK
Tapio Seppänen
University of Oulu, Finland
Digital Humanities 2008
Digital Humanities 2008
Digital Humanities 2008
Digital Humanities 2008
The Homer Multitext Project
Casey Dué
University of Houston, USA
Mary Ebbott
College of the Holy Cross, USA
A. Ross Scaife
University of Kentucky, USA
W. Brent Seales
University of Kentucky, USA
Christopher Blackwell
Furman University, USA
Neel Smith
College of the Holy Cross, USA
Dorothy Carr Porter
University of Kentucky, USA
Ryan Baumann
University of Kentucky, USA
The Homer Multitext Project (HMT) is a new edition that
presents the Iliad and Odyssey within the historical framework
of its oral and textual transmission.
The project begins from the position that these works,
although passed along to us as written sources, were originally
composed orally over a long period of time. What one would
usually call “variants” from a base text are in fact evidence of
the system of oral composition in performance and exhibit
the diversity to be expected from an oral composition. These
variants are not well reflected in traditional modes of editing,
which focus on the reconstruction of an original text. In
the case of the works of Homer there is no “original text”.
All textual variants need to be understood in the historical
context, or contexts, in which they first came to be, and it
is the intention of the HMT to make these changes visible
both synchronically and diachronically. The first paper in our
session is an introduction to these and other aspects of the
HMT, presented by the editors of the project, Casey Dué and
Mary Ebbott. Dué and Ebbott will discuss the need for a digital
Multitext of the works of Homer, the potential uses of such
an edition as we envision it, and the challenges in building the
The works of Homer are known to us through a variety of
primary source materials.Although most students and scholars
of the classics access the texts through traditional editions,
those editions are only representations of existing material. A
major aim of the HMT is to make available texts from a variety
of sources, including high-resolution digital images of those
sources. Any material which attests to a reading of Homer –
papyrus fragment, manuscript, or inscription in stone – can and
will be included in the ultimate edition. The HMT has begun
incorporating images of sources starting with three important
manuscripts: the tenth-century Marcianus Graecus Z. 454
(= 822), the eleventh-century Marcianus Graecus Z. 453 (=
821), and the twelfth/thirteenth-century Marcianus Graecus
Z. 458 (= 841). Marcianus Graecus Z. 454, commonly called
the “Venetus A,” is arguably the most important surviving copy
of the Iliad, containing not only the full text of the poem but
also several layers of commentary, or scholia, that include many
variant readings of the text. The second paper in our session,
presented by project collaborators W. Brent Seales and A. Ross
Scaife, is a report on work carried out in Spring 2007 at the
Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana to digitize these manuscripts,
focusing on 3D imaging and virtual flattening in an effort to
render the text (especially the scholia) more legible.
Once text and images are compiled, they need to be published
and made available for scholarly use, and to the wider public.
The third paper, presented by the technical editors Christopher
Blackwell and Neel Smith, will outline the protocols and
software developed and under development to support the
publication of the Multitext.
Using technology that takes advantage of the best available
practices and open source standards that have been developed
for digital publications in a variety of fields, the Homer
Multitext will offer free access to a library of texts and images,
a machine-interface to that library and its indices, and tools
to allow readers to discover and engage with the Homeric
The Homer Multitext Project, description at the Center for
Hellenic Studies website:
Homer and the Papyri,
Haslam, M. “Homeric Papyri and Transmission of the Text”
in I. Morris and B. Powell, eds., A New Companion to Homer.
Leiden, 1997.
West, M. L. Studies in the text and transmission of the Iliad.
München: K.G. Saur 2001
Digital Images of Iliad Manuscripts from the Marciana Library,
First Drafts @ Classics@, October 26, 2007: http://zeus.chsdc.
Digital Humanities 2008
Paper 1:The Homer Multitext
Project: An Introduction
Casey Dué and Mary Ebbott
The Homer Multitext (HMT) of Harvard University’s Center
for Hellenic Studies (CHS) in Washington, D.C., seeks to take
advantage of the digital medium to give a more accurate visual
representation of the textual tradition of Homeric epic than
is possible on the printed page. Most significantly, we intend to
reveal more readily the oral performance tradition in which
the epics were composed, a tradition in which variation from
performance to performance was natural and expected. The
Homeric epics were composed again and again in performance:
the digital medium, which can more readily handle multiple
texts, is therefore eminently suitable for a critical edition of
Homeric poetry—indeed, the fullest realization of a critical
edition of Homer may require a digital medium. In other words,
the careful construction of a digital library of Homeric texts,
plus tools and accompanying material to assist in interpreting
those texts, can help us to recover and better realize evidence
of what preceded the written record of these epics. In this
presentation we will explain how the oral, traditional poetry
of these epics and their textual history call for a different
editorial practice from what has previously been done and
therefore require a new means of representation. We will also
demonstrate how the Homer Multitext shares features with
but also has different needs and goals from other digital editions
of literary works that were composed in writing. Finally, we
will discuss our goal of making these texts openly available so
that anyone can use them for any research purpose, including
purposes that we can’t ourselves anticipate.
The oral traditional nature of Homeric poetry makes these
texts that have survived different in important ways from texts
that were composed in writing, even those that also survive in
multiple and differing manuscripts. We have learned from the
comparative fieldwork of Milman Parry and Albert Lord, who
studied and recorded a living oral tradition during the 1930s
and again in the 1950s in what was then Yugoslavia, that the
Homeric epics were composed in performance during a long
oral tradition that preceded any written version (Parry 1971,
Lord 1960, Lord 1991, and Lord 1995; see also Nagy 1996a
and Nagy 2002). In this tradition, the singer did not memorize
a static text prior to performance, but would compose the
song as he sang it. One of the most important revelations of
the fieldwork of Parry and Lord is that every time the song is
performed in an oral composition-in-performance tradition,
it is composed anew. The singers themselves do not strive to
innovate, but they nevertheless compose a new song each time
(Dué 2002, 83-89). The mood of the audience or occasion of
performance are just two factors that can influence the length
of a song or a singer’s choices between competing, but still
traditional, elements of plot. The term “variant,” as employed
by textual critics when evaluating witnesses to a text, is not
appropriate for such a compositional process. Lord explained
the difference this way: “the word multiform is more accurate
than ‘variant,’ because it does not give preference or precedence
to any one word or set of words to express an idea; instead it
acknowledges that the idea may exist in several forms” (Lord
1995, 23). Our textual criticism of Homeric epic, then, needs
to distinguish what may genuinely be copying mistakes and
what are performance multiforms: that is, what variations we
see are very likely to be part of the system and the tradition in
which these epics were composed (Dué 2001).
Once we begin to think about the variations as parts of the
system rather than as mistakes or corruptions, textual criticism
of the Homeric texts can then address fresh questions. Some
of the variations we see in the written record, for example,
reveal the flexibility of this system. Where different written
versions record different words, but each phrase or line is
metrically and contextually sound, we must not necessarily
consider one “correct” or “Homer” and the other a “mistake”
or an “interpolation.” Rather, each could represent a different
performance possibility, a choice that the singer could make,
and would be making rapidly without reference to a set text
(in any sense of that word).
Yet it is difficult to indicate the parity of these multiforms in
a standard critical edition on the printed page. One version
must be chosen for the text on the upper portion of the
page, and the other recorded variations must be placed in
an apparatus below, often in smaller text, a placement that
necessarily gives the impression that these variations are
incorrect or at least less important. Within a digital medium,
however, the Homer Multitext will be able to show where
such variations occur, indicate clearly which witnesses record
them, and allow users to see them in an arrangement that
more intuitively distinguishes them as performance multiforms.
Thus a digital criticism—one that can more readily present
parallel texts—enables a more comprehensive understanding
of these epics. An approach to editing Homer that embraces
the multiformity of both the performative and textual phases
of the tradition—that is to say, a multitextual approach—can
convey the complexity of the transmission of Homeric epic in
a way that is simply impossible on the printed page.
We know that the circumstances of the composition of the
Homeric epics demand a new kind of scholarly edition, a new
kind of representation. We believe that a digital criticism of
the witnesses to the poetry provides a means to construct
one. Now the mission is to envision and create the Multitext
so that it is true to these standards. The framework and tools
that will connect these texts and make them dynamically useful
are, as Peter Robinson has frankly stated (Robinson 2004 and
Robinson 2005), the challenge that lies before us, as it does
for other digital scholarly editions. How shall we highlight
multiforms so as to make them easy to find and compare? We
cannot simply have a list of variants, as some digital editions
have done, for this would take them once again out of their
context within the textual transmission and in many ways
repeat the false impression that a printed apparatus gives.
Breaking away from a print model is, as others have observed
(Dahlström 2000, Robinson 2004), not as easy as it might seem,
and digital editions have generally not succeeded yet in doing
Digital Humanities 2008
so. How do we guide users through these many resources in a
structured but not overly pre-determined or static way? Some
working toward digital editions or other digital collections
promote the idea of the reader or user as editor (Robinson
2004, Ulman 2006, the Vergil Project at http://vergil.classics. Yet Dahlström (2000, section 4)
warned that a “hypermedia database exhibiting all versions of
a work, enabling the user to choose freely between them and
to construct his or her ‘own’ version or edition, presupposes a
most highly competent user, and puts a rather heavy burden on
him or her.” This type of digital edition “threatens to bury the
user deep among the mass of potential virtuality.” Especially
because we do not want to limit the usefulness of this project
to specialized Homeric scholars only, a balance between
freedom of choice and structured guidance is important. We
are not alone in grappling with the questions, and the need
to recognize and represent the oral, traditional nature of
Homeric poetry provides a special challenge in our pursuit of
the answers.
Dahlström, M. “Drowning by Versions.” Human IT 4 (2000).
Available on-line at
Dué, C. “Achilles’ Golden Amphora in Aeschines’ Against
Timarchus and the Afterlife of Oral Tradition.” Classical
Philology 96 (2001): 33-47.
–––. Homeric Variations on a Lament by Briseis. Lanham, Md.:
Rowman and Littlefield Press, 2002:
Dué, C. and Ebbott, M. “‘As Many Homers As You Please’: an
On-line Multitext of Homer, Classics@ 2 (2004), C. Blackwell,
R. Scaife, edd.,
Foley, J. The Singer of Tales in Performance. Bloomington, 1995.
–––. Homer’s Traditional Art. University Park, 1999.
Greg, W. W. The Shakespeare First Folio: Its Bibliographical and
Textual History. London, 1955.
Monroy, C., Kochumman, R., Furuta, R., Urbina, E., Melgoza, E.,
and Goenka, A. “Visualization of Variants in Textual Collations
to Anaylze the Evolution of Literary Works in the The
Cervantes Project.” Proceedings of the 6th European Conference
on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, 2002,
pp. 638-653.
Nagy, G. Poetry as Performance. Cambridge, 1996.
–––. Homeric Questions. Austin, TX, 1996.
–––. Plato’s Rhapsody and Homer’s Music:The Poetics of the
Panathenaic Festival in Classical Athens. Cambridge, Mass., 2002.
Parry, A. ed., The Making of Homeric Verse. Oxford, 1971.
Porter, D. “Examples of Images in Text Editing.” Proceedings
of the 19th Joint International Conference of the Association for
Computers and the Humanities, and the Association for Literary
and Linguistic Computing, at the University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign, 2007.
Robinson, P. “Where We Are with Electronic Scholarly
Editions, and Where We Want to Be.” Jahrbuch
für Computerphilologie Online 1.1 (2005) at http://
January 2004. In print in Jahrbuch für Computerphilologie 2004,
–––. “Current Issues in Making Digital Editions of Medieval
texts—or, Do Electronic Scholarly Editions have a Future?”
Digital Medievalist 1.1 (2005). http://www.digitalmedievalist.
Stringer, G. “An Introduction to the Donne Variorum and
the John Donne Society.” Anglistik 10.1 (March 1999): 85–95.
Available on-line at
Ulman, H. L. “Will the Real Edition Please Stand Out?:
Negotiating Multi-Linear Narratives encoded in Electronic
Textual Editions.” Proceedings of the <Code> Conference, 2006.
Kiernan, K. “Digital Fascimilies in Editing: Some Guidelines for
Editors of Image-based Scholarly Editions.” Electronic Textual
Editing, ed. Burnard, O’Keeffe, and Unsworth. New York, 2005.
Preprint at:
Lord, A. B. The Singer of Tales. Cambridge, Mass., 1960. 2nd rev.
edition, 2000.
–––. Epic Singers and Oral Tradition. Ithaca, N.Y., 1991.
–––. The Singer Resumes the Tale. Ithaca, N.Y., 1995.
Digital Humanities 2008
Paper 2: Imaging the Venetus A
Manuscript for the Homer Multitext
Ryan Baumann, W. Brent Seales and A. Ross
In May, 2007, a collaborative group of librarians, scholars and
technologists under the aegis of the Homer Multitext project
(HMT) traveled to Venice, Italy to undertake the photography
and 3D scanning of the Venetus A manuscript at the Biblioteca
Nazionale Marciana. Manoscritto marciano Gr.Z.454(=822):
Homer I. Ilias, or Venetus A, is a 10th century Byzantine
manuscript, perhaps the most important surviving copy of
the Iliad, and the one on which modern editions are primarily
based. Its inclusion will have the utmost significance for the
HMT edition. In addition to the Iliad text, Venetus A contains
numerous layers of commentary, called scholia, which serve to
describe particular aspects of the main text. The scholia are
written in very small script (mostly illegible in the only available
print facsimile (Comparetti 1901)), and their organization on
the page appears as a patchwork of tiny interlinking texts (see
figure 1). The scholia are what truly set this manuscript apart,
and their inclusion is of the greatest importance for the HMT.
For this reason, we included 3D scanning in our digitization
plan, with the aim to provide digital flattening and restoration
that may help render the text (especially the scholia) more
legible than digital images on their own. In this presentation
we will describe how we obtained both digital photographs
and 3D information, and will show how we combined them to
create new views of this manuscript.
[Figure 1:This slice from Venetus A shows the main
text, along with several layers of scholia: interlinear,
marginal (both left and right), and intermarginal.]
This particular manuscript presents an almost perfect case
for the application of digital flattening in the context of an
extremely important, highly visible work that is the basis
for substantial and ongoing scholarship in the classics. In the
thousand-plus years since its creation, the environment has
taken its toll on the substrate, the parchment upon which the
texts are written. Several different types of damage, including
staining, water damage, and gelitination (degradation of the
fiber structure of the parchment) affect different areas of the
manuscript. Much more widespread, affecting each folio in the
manuscript and interfering with the reading of the text, is the
planarity distortion, or cockling, that permeates the manuscript.
Caused by moisture, cockling causes the folios to wrinkle
and buckle, rather than to lie flat (see figure 2). This damage
has the potential to present difficulties for the scholars by
obstructing the text, especially the scholia. Virtual flattening
provides us with a method for flattening the pages, making the
text easier to read, without physically forcing the parchment
and potentially damaging the manuscript.
[Figure 2: Cockling is visible along the fore edge of the Venetus A]
Digital Flattening
The procedure for digital flattening involves obtaining a 3D
mesh of the object (a model of the shape of the folio), in
addition to the 2D photograph. The photographic texture
information can then be mapped on to the 3D mesh, and the
3D mesh can be deformed (or unwarped) to its original flat
2D shape. As the associated texture is deformed along with
it, the original 2D texture can be recovered. For the digital
flattening of the Venetus A, the project used the physical-based
modeling approaches established in (Brown 2001, Brown
2004). The largest previous published application of this digital
flattening technique was to BL Cotton Otho B. x, a significantly
more damaged 11th century manuscript consisting of 67 folios
(Kiernan 2002, Brown 2004). By contrast,Venetus A consists of
327 folios, a nearly five-fold increase.Thus, a system was needed
which could apply the necessary algorithms for flattening
without manual intervention, in an automated fashion.We also
required a reliable system for imaging the document, acquiring
3D scans, and obtaining calibration data.
Imaging: 2D and 3D
Digital photographs were taken using a Hasselblad H1 with
a Phase One P45 digital back, capable of a resolution of
5428x7230 (39.2 megapixels). The manuscript was held by a
custom cradle built by Manfred Mayer from the University of
Graz in Austria. The cradle enabled the photography team to
hold the book open at a fixed angle and minimize stress on
the binding, and consisted of a motorized cradle and camera
gantry perpendicular to the page being imaged. The camera
was operated via FireWire, to reduce the need for manual
To acquire data for building the 3D mesh, we used a FARO
3D Laser ScanArm. Since we were unlikely to be able to use
a flat surface near the cradle to mount the arm, we set the
arm on a tripod with a custom mount. The ScanArm consists
of a series of articulating joints, a point probe, and a laser line
probe device attachment. The system operates by calibrating
the point probe to the arm, such that for any given orientation
of joints, the arm can reliably report the probe’s position in
3D space. Another calibration procedure calibrates the point
Digital Humanities 2008
probe to the laser line probe. The result is a non-contact 3D
data acquisition system which can obtain an accurate, highresolution untextured point cloud.
Imaging Procedure
As the document required a minimum of 654 data sets to be
fully imaged (verso and recto of each folio), data acquisition
was split into a number of sessions. Each session typically
represented a 4 hour block of work imaging a sequence
of either recto or verso, with two sessions per day. Fifteen
sessions were required to image the entire manuscript. Due
to the size and fragility of the codex, it was moved as seldom
as possible. Thus, each session was bookended by a set of
calibration procedures before and after placing the manuscript
in the cradle. In order for the extrinsic calibration to be
accurate, neither the FARO nor the cameras could be moved
during a session.
of each page, it did not retain the same focal length for every
page and would instead be focus on the current page depth. As
a result, intrinsics (including focal length, distortion matrix, and
center of radial distortion) were acquired using the average
focus that the camera would be at during a session. Once all
this information was obtained – photographs, 3D information,
and calibration – we were able to map the photographs to
the 3D mesh and unwrap it to its 2D shape, helping to make
legible texts that may otherwise be difficult to read.
• Open the barn door lights on both sides of the cradle
The publication of legible, high-resolution digital photographs
of the Venetus A manuscript is the first step towards an
electronic edition of the text, scholia, and translation which will
constitute a resource with far-reaching implications. Students
and scholars of Greek literature, mythology, and palaeography
could study in minute detail the most important manuscript
of the Iliad. This codex has been seen by only a handful of
people since its discovery and publication by Villoison in 1788
(Villoison 1788). Although Comparetti published a facsimile
edition in 1901 (Comparetti 1901), very few copies of even
this edition are available, even in research libraries, and the
smallest writing in Comparetti’s facsimile is illegible.The Homer
MultiText, with its high-resolution digital images linked to full
text and translation, will make this famous manuscript freely
accessible to interested scholars (and others) worldwide.
• Photograph the page, via USB control
• Close lights to minimize damage to the manuscript
Baumann, R. Imaging and Flattening of the Venetus A. Master’s
Thesis, University of Kentucky, 2007.
The process for a typical page was thus:
• Position the page and color calibration strips, then turn on
the vacuum to suction the page down
• Scan the page with the laser line probe on the ScanArm
(due to the small width of the line, this last step usually took
2-5 minutes)
Periodic spot-checks of the calibration data were carried out
to ensure that good data was being obtained. Test flattenings
were also performed to check that everything worked as
Relationship between 2D and 3D
As the 2D and 3D data acquisition systems are completely
separate (unlike the tightly coupled systems of (Brown 2001,
Brown 2004, Brown 2007)), a calibration procedure was
required to determine the correspondence between 3D points
in the arm and 2D points in the camera. By calibrating the
camera and ScanArm in relation to one another, we were able
to determine the location of any point in the three dimensional
space within view of the camera and to flatten the folios within
that space. As we were unsure of the amount of control we
would have over the primary photography, we used our own
camera (a Canon EOS 20D, which was attached to the camera
gantry immediately beside the Hasselblad) to obtain a set of
control images for each page and calibration data for each
session. The Canon was set to manual focus and a fixed focus
and zoom, in order to have intrinsic camera calibration which
would remain relatively stable. As the goal of the Hasselblad
photography was to obtain the highest quality photographs
Brown, M. S. and Seales, W. B. “Document Restoration Using
3D Shape: A General Deskewing Algorithm for Arbitrarily
Warped Documents.” ICCV 02 (2001): 367-375.
Brown, M. S. and Seales, W. B. “Image Restoration of
Arbitrarily Warped Documents.” IEEE Transactions on Pattern
Analysis and Machine Intelligence 26: 10 (2004): 1295-1306.
Brown, M. S., Mingxuan, S.,Yang R.,Yun L., and Seales, W. B.
“Restoring 2D Content from Distorted Documents.” IEEE
Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 29: 11
(2007): 1904-1916.
Comparetti, D. Homeri Ilias Cum Scholiis. Codex Venetus A,
Marcianus 454. Phototypice editus, Praefatus est Dominicus
Comparettix. Lugduni Batavorum: A. W. Sijthoff, 1901.
Kiernan, K., Seales, W. B., and Griffioen, J. “The Reappearances
of St. Basil the Great in British Library MS Cotton Otho B.
x.” Computers and the Humanities 36: 1 (2002): 7-26.
Lin,Yun. Physically-based Digital Restoration Using Volumetric
Scanning. PhD Dissertation, University of Kentucky, 2007.
De Villoison, J. B. G., ed. Homeri Ilias ad veteris codicis Veneti
fidem recensita.Venice, 1788.
Digital Humanities 2008
Paper 3:The Homer Multitext:
Infrastructure and Applications
Christopher Blackwell and Neel Smith
The Homer Multitext (HMT) seeks to create a library of
materials documenting the history of the Homeric tradition,
all of which will be freely available online. To support this
aim, Neel Smith and Christopher Blackwell, in collaboration
with other scholars, librarians, and technologists, have spent
five years defining a set of protocols for a distributed digital
library of “scholarly primitives”. The protocols aim to be as
technologically agnostic as possible and to afford automatic
discovery of services, the materials they serve, and the internal
structures and citation schemes.
In winter 2007, the initial contents of the Homer Multitext
were published online using the first generation of web-based
applications built atop implementations of these protocols.
In this presentation we will describe and demonstrate these
protocols and discuss how they contribute to the vision of the
Homer Multitext.
The TICI Stack
The technical editors of the Center for Hellenic Studies call the
set of technologies that implement these protocols the “TICI
Stack”, with TICI being an acronym for the four categories
of materials offered by the Homer Multitext Library: Texts,
Images, Collections, and Indices.
The Texts components of the HMT are electronic editions
and translations of ancient works: transcriptions of specific
manuscripts of the Iliad and Odyssey, editions of Homeric
fragments on papyrus, editions of ancient works that include
Homeric quotations, and texts of ancient commentaries on
Homeric poetry.These texts are marked up in TEI-Conformant
XML, using very minimal markup. Editorial information is
included in the markup where appropriate, following the
EpiDoc standard. More complex issues that might be handled
by internal markup (complex scholarly apparatus, for example,
or cross-referencing) is not included; these matters are handled
by means of stand-off markup, in indices or collections.
Access to texts is via implementations of the Canonical Text
Services Protocol (CTS), which is based on the Functional
Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR). CTS extends
FRBR, however, by providing hierarchical access from the
broadest bibliographic level (“textgroup”, or “author”), down
through “work”, “edition/translation”, and into the contents of
the text itself. The CTS protocol can point to any citeable unit
of a text, or range of such units, and even more precisely to a
single character. For example, the CTS URN:
points to Homer (tlg0012), the Iliad (tlg001), the edition
catalogued as “chsA” (in this case a transcription of the text
that appears on the manuscript Marcianus Graecus Z. 454
[= 822]), Book 10, Line 1. A CTS request, handed this URN,
would return:
Ἄλλοι μὲν παρὰ νηυσίν ἀριστῆες Παναχαιῶν
A more specific URN would be:
would point to the second Greek letter “rho” in this edition of
Iliad 10.1, which appears in the word ἀριστῆες.
The HMT currently offers over 2000 high resolution images
of the folios of three Homeric manuscripts, captured in the
spring of 2007 at the Biblioteca Nationale Marciana in Venice.
These images are accessible online through a basic directorylisting, but also through a web-based application, described
below.To relate these images with bibliographic data, technical
metadata, and associated passages of texts, the HMT relies on
Collections and Indices.
A collection is a group of like objects, in no particular order.
For the CTS, one example is a Collection of images, with each
element in the collection represented by an XML fragment
that records an id, pointing to a digital image file, and metadata
for that image. Another example is a Collection of manuscript
folios. Each member of this Collection includes the name of the
manuscript, the folio’s enumeration and side (“12-recto”), and
one or more CTS URNs that identify what text appears on
the folio. Collections are exposed via the Collection Service,
which allows discovery of the fields of a particular collection,
querying on those fields, and retrieval of XML fragments. A
final example would be a collection of lexicon of Homeric
Indices are simple relations between two elements, a reference
and a value. They do much of the work of binding together
TICI applications.
The Manuscript Browser
The first data published by the HMT Library were the images
of manuscripts from Venice. These are exposed via the
Manuscript Browser application, the first published application
built on the TICI Stack.
This application allows users to browse images based either
on the manuscript and folio-number, or (more usefully) by
asking for a particular manuscript, and then for a particular
book and line of the Iliad.
Digital Humanities 2008
Users are then taken to a page for that folio. Online interaction
with the high-resolution images is through the Google Maps
API, and AJAX implementation that allows very responsive
panning and zooming, without requiring users to download
large files.
From the default view, users can select any other views of that
page (details, ultraviolet photographs, etc.), and can choose to
download one of four versions of the image they are viewing:
an uncompressed TIFF, or one of three sizes of JPEG.
This application draws on a CTS service, two indices, and
a collection of images. It queries a CTS service to retrieve
bibliographic information about manuscripts whose contents
are online--the CTS protocol is not limited to electronic texts,
but can deliver information about printed editions as well.
When a user requests a particular book and line of the Iliad, it
queries one index whose data looks like this:
Canonical Texts Services Protocol:
Creative Commons:
EpiDoc: Epigraphic Documents in TEI XML: http://epidoc.
Google Maps API:
IFLA Study Group on the Functional Requirements of
Bibliographic Records. “Functional Requirements of
Bibliographic Records: final report.” München: K. G. Saur,
TEI P4: Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange.
Edited by C. M. Sperberg-McQueen and Lou Burnard. The TEI
Consortium: 2001, 2002, 2004.
Here the <ref> element contains a URN that, in this case,
points to Book 1, Line 1 of the Iliad, and the <value> element
identifies folio 12, recto, of “manuscript A”. This allows the
application to query a collection of manuscript folios and to
determine which images are available for this folio.
The display of an image via the Google Maps API requires it to
be rendered into many tiles--the number depends on the size
and resolution of the image, and the degree of zooming desired.
For the images from Venice, we produced over 3,000,000
image tiles. This work was made possible by the Google Maps
Image Cutter software from the UCL Centre for Advanced
Spatial Analysis, who kindly added batch-processing capability
to their application at our request.
Next Steps
Currently under development, as of November 2007, is the
TICI Reader, a web-based application to bring texts together
with indexed information and collections. This is intended
to coincide with the completion of six editions of the Iliad,
electronic transcriptions of important medieval manuscripts of
the Iliad, and a new electronic edition of the medieval scholarly
notes, the scholia, that appear on these manuscripts.
All of the work of the HMT is intended to be open and
accessible. The images and texts are licensed under a Creative
Commons License, all tools are based on open standards
and implemented in open source technologies. And work is
progressing, and more planned, on translations of as many
of these materials as possible, to ensure that they reach the
widest possible audience.
Digital Humanities 2008
Defining an International
Humanities Portal
Neil Fraistat
Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities, USA
Domenico Fiormonte
Università Roma Tre, Italy
Ian Johnson
University of Sydney, Australia
Jan Christoph Meister
Universität Hamburg, Germany
John Unsworth
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
What would a portal for humanists look like? Who would it
serve and what services would it provide?
centerNet, an international network of digital humanities
centers, proposes a panel to discuss an ongoing conversation
about the need for an International Humanities Portal (IHP)
to serve students and researchers. The panelists will present
different perspectives a number of questions we have posed
to the larger network. The panel will both present their own
positions on the case for a Portal and will report back on the
collaborative development of a common Needs Analysis that
identifies the need and the potential scope of such a portal.
We propose a panel as a way to reflect back to the community
the discussions so far and to solicit further input on the need
and case for a common infrastructure. The participants bring
an international perspective to the discussion that is central
to what we imagine.
Some of the questions the panelists will address are:
1. Who would be the users of a humanities portal? Would
a portal serve only researchers or would it serve students
and anyone else interested in the humanities? Would a
portal serve primarily digital humanists or would it serve all
1. The need for a portal starts with the definition of the
audience and how a portal might serve their interests. As
the title suggests and the participants in the panel represent,
we have also started from the position that research
crosses national and linguistic boundaries and that we
should therefore imagine an international portal that can be
multilingual and support the needs of international research.
2. Who might support such a portal? How might the
development of such a portal be funded and how would
it be maintained? centerNet includes centers with access
to development and support resources, but no center has
the capacity to support a successful international portal.
We therefore imagine a distributed model that will draw
on expertise and support from the centerNet community
and beyond. We also imagine that the development of
a consensus about the need and scope of a portal by
centerNet could help individual centers to secure support
from national and other funding bodies to develop and
maintain components. Ultimately we hope the support
needed at any one center will be easier to secure and easier
to maintain if backed up by an articulated Need Analysis
from a larger body like centerNet.
3 What a humanities portal might look like? Will it actually
be a portal or should we imagine providing services to
existing university portals? Many universities are developing
student and faculty portals as are scholarly associations and
projects. Portals now seem dated in light of Web 2.0 social
technologies. For this reason we imagine that an IHP will
need to interoperate with other portals through “portlets”
or OpenSocial ( plug-ins
that can be added to project sites. The IHP will itself need to
play well with other resources rather than aim to organize
4. What services might it provide? What services are already
provided by centers and projects? Can the portal provide
an entry point into the richness of existing resources?
The panelists will survey the variety of resources already
available to their communities and discuss what new
resources are needed. Above all a portal should be a door
into an area of inquiry -- panelists will reflect on what they
and their community would expect to have easy access
to from something that promised to be an International
Humanities Portal.
5. Just as important as defining the services is imagining
how services might interoperate. A humanist familiar with
the web will know of resources from Voice of the Shuttle
to Intute: Arts and Humanities, but can we imagine how
these services might be brought together so that one can
search across them? Can we imagine a mashup of services
providing new and unanticipated possibilities?
6. What are the next steps? How can the case for an IHP be
strengthened? How can centerNet help, not hinder, projects
that want to develop and support components that meet
the needs of the community? One of the purposes of this
panel is to solicit feedback from the larger digital humanities
Portals are typically characterized by two features. First, their
users can customize their account to show or hide particular
resources.. Thus users of the TAPoR portal, for example, can
define texts and tools that they want to use and ignore the rest.
Digital Humanities 2008
The ease of customization and the depth of customization are
important to users if they use portals regularly. Second, users
expect that a portal provides access to the breadth of services
and resources they need for a domain of inquiry.Thus students
expect a student portal to provide access to all the online
resources they need as a student, from the library account
to their course information. A portal should be just that -- a
door into a domain. Is it possible for an IHP to be on the one
hand easy to use (and customizable), and on the other hand
truly provide broad access to resources? Is it possible that an
IHP is too ambitious and would either be to complicated for
humanists to use or not broad enough in scope to be useful?
The answer in part lies in imagining an initial audience and
conducting the usability studies needed to understand what
they would expect. Thus we imagine an iterative process of
designing for a first set of users and redesigning as we learn
more. This means a long term development commitment
which is beyond most project funding. The challenges are
enormous and we may be overtaken by commercial portals
like Google or Yahoo that provide most of what humanists
need. We believe, however, that the process of defining the
opportunities and challenges is a way to recognize what is
useful and move in a direction of collaboration. We hope that
in the discussion modest first steps will emerge.
Detlor, Brian. Towards knowledge portals: From human issues
to intelligent agents. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 2004.
Intute: Arts and Humanities:
TAPoR: Text Analysis Portal for Research: http://portal.tapor.
VoS:Voice of the Shuttle:
Beyond Search: Literary
Studies and the Digital
Matthew Jockers
Stanford University, USA
Glen Worthey
Stanford University, USA
Joe Shapiro
Stanford University, USA
Sarah Allison
Stanford University, USA,
The papers in this session are derived from the collaborative
research being conducted in the “Beyond Search and Access:
Literary Studies and the Digital Library” workshop at
Stanford University. The workshop was set up to investigate
the possibilities offered by large literary corpora and how
recent advances in information technology, especially machine
learning and data-mining, can offer new entry points for the
study of literature. The participants are primarily interested in
the literary implications of this work and what computational
approaches can or do reveal about the creative enterprise.The
papers presented here share a common interest in making
literary-historical arguments based on statistical evidence
harvested from large text collections. While the papers are
not, strictly speaking, about testing computational methods
in a literary context, methodological evaluations are made
constantly in the course of the work and there is much to
interest both the literary minded and the technically inclined.
Abstract 1: “The Good, the Bad
and the Ugly: Corralling an Okay
Text Corpus from a Whole Heap o’
Glen Worthey
An increasingly important variety of digital humanities activity
has recently arisen among Stanford’s computing humanists, an
approach to textual analysis that Franco Moretti has called
“distant reading” and Matthew Jockers has begun to formally
develop under the name of macro-analysis. At its most simple,
the approach involves making literary-historical arguments
based on statistical evidence from “comprehensive” text
corpora. One of the peculiarities of this activity is evident from
the very beginning of any foray into it: it nearly always requires
the creation of “comprehensive” literary corpora. This paper
Digital Humanities 2008
discusses the roles and challenges of the digital librarian in
supporting this type of research with specific emphasis on the
curation (creation, licensing, gathering, and manipulation) of a
statistically significant corpus.
Because the arguments at stake are largely statistical, both the
size of the “population” of texts under examination, and any
inherent bias in the composition of the corpus, are potentially
significant factors. Although the number of available electronic
texts from which to draw a research corpus is increasing
rapidly, thanks both to mass digitization efforts and to
expanding commercial offerings of digital texts, the variability
of these texts is likewise increasing: no longer can we count
on working only with well-behaved (or even well-formed)
TEI texts of canonical literary works; no longer can we count
on the relatively error-free re-keyed, proofread, marked-up
editions for which the humanities computing community has
spent so much effort creating standards and textual corpora
that abide by these standards.
In addition to full texts with XML (or SGML) markup that
come to us from the model editions and exemplary projects
that we have come to love (such as the Brown Women Writers
Project), and the high-quality licensed resources of similar
characteristics (such as Chadwyck Healey collections), we are
now additionally both blessed and cursed with the fruits of
mass digitization (both by our own hands and by commercial
and consortial efforts such as the Google Library Project and
Open Content Alliance), which come, for the most part, as
uncorrected (or very lightly corrected) OCR. Schreibman,
et al., 2008, have described University of Maryland efforts to
combine disparate sources into a single archive. And a similar
effort to incorporate “messy data” (from Usenet texts) into
usable corpora has been described in Hoffman, 2007; there is
also, of course, a rich literature in general corpus design. This
paper will discuss the application of lessons from these other
corpus-building projects to our own inclusion of an even more
variant set of sources into a corpus suitable for this particular
flavor of literary study.
This digital librarian’s particular sympathies, like perhaps those
of many or most who participate in ADHO meetings, lie clearly
with what we might now call “good,” “old-fashioned,” TEIbased, full-text digital collections. We love the perfectionism of
“true” full text, the intensity and thoughtfulness and possibility
provided by rich markup, the care and reverence for the text
that have always been hallmarks of scholarly editing, and that
were embraced by the TEI community even for less formal
digital editions.
Now, though, in the days of “more” and “faster” digital text
production, we are forced to admit that most of these lessthan-perfect full-text collections and products offer significant
advantages of scale and scope.While one certainly hesitates to
claim that quantity actually trumps quality, it may be true that
quantity can be transformed into quality of a sort different
from what we’re used to striving for. At the same time, the
“macro-analysis” and “distant reading” approaches demand
corpora on scales that we in the “intensely curated” digital
library had not really anticipated before. As in economics, it is
perhaps difficult to say whether increased supply has influenced
demand or vice versa, but regardless, we are certainly observing
something of a confluence between mass approaches to the
study of literary history and mass digitization of its textual
This paper examines, in a few case studies, the gathering
and manipulation of existing digital library sources, and the
creation of new digital texts to fill in gaps, with the aim of
creating large corpora for several “distant reading” projects at
Stanford. I will discuss the assessment of project requirements;
the identification of potential sources; licensing issues; sharing
of resources with other institutions; and the more technical
issues around determining and obtaining “good-enough” text
accuracy; “rich-enough” markup creation, transformation and
normalization; and provision of access to the corpora in ways
that don’t threaten more everyday access to our digital library
resources. Finally, I’ll discuss some of the issues involved in
presenting, archiving, and preserving the resources we’ve
created for “special” projects so that they both fit appropriately
into our “general” digital library, and will be useful for future
Sebastian Hoffmann: Processing Internet-derived Text—
Creating a Corpus of Usenet Messages. Literary and
Linguistic Computing Advance Access published on June
1, 2007, DOI 10.1093/llc/fqm002. Literary and Linguistic
Computing 22: 151-165.
Susan Schreibman, Jennifer O’Brien Roper, and Gretchen
Gueguen: Cross-collection Searching: A Pandora’s Box or
the Holy Grail? Literary and Linguistic Computing Advance
Access published on April 1, 2008, DOI 10.1093/llc/fqm039.
Literary and Linguistic Computing 23: 13-25.
Abstract 2: “Narrate or Describe:
Macro-analysis of the 19th-century
American Novel”
Joe Shapiro
Does the 19th-century American novel narrate, or does it
describe? In 1936, Georg Lukács argued that over the course
of the nineteenth century description replaced narration as the
dominant mode of the European (and especially French) novel.
What happens, we want to know, for the American novel?
We begin with a structuralist distinction between the logics
of narration and description: narration as the articulation of
the events that make up a story; description as the attribution
of features to characters, places, and objects in the story. We
then set out, with the help of computational linguistics, to
identify the computable sentence-level stylistic “signals” of
narration and description from a small training sample (roughly
Digital Humanities 2008
2,000 sentences), and thus to develop a model that can classify
narration and description in “the wild”—a corpus of over 800
American novels from 1789 to 1875. This paper will discuss
how we have refined our research problem and developed
our classifying model—trial-and-error processes both; our
initial results in “the wild”; and finally how macro-analysis of
this kind leads to new problems for literary history.
Existing scholarship suggests that “realist” description enters
the American novel with the historical novel; thus our initial
training set of samples was taken from 10 American historical
novels from the 1820s, 1830s, and 1840s (by J.F. Cooper and
his rivals). Participants in the Beyond Search workshop have
tagged random selections from these 10 novels. The unit of
selection is, for convenience, the chapter. Selected chapters
are broken (tokenized) into individual sentences and humantagged using a custom XML schema that allows for a “type”
attribute for each sentence element. Possible values for the
type attribute include “Description,” “Narration,” “Both,”
“Speech,” and “Other.” Any disagreement about tagging the
training set has been resolved via consensus. (Since the signals
for description may change over time—indeed, no small
problem for this study—we plan to add an additional training
sample from later in the corpus.)
Using a maximum-entropy classifier we have begun to
investigate the qualities of the evolving training set and to
identify the stylistic “signals” that are unique to, or most
prevalent in, narrative and descriptive sentences. In the case
of description, for example, we find a marked presence of
spatial prepositions, an above average percentage of nouns
and adjectives, a relatively low percentage of first and second
person pronouns, above average sentence lengths, and a high
percentage of diverse words (greater lexical richness). From
this initial work it has become clear, however, that our final
model will need to include not simply word usage data, but also
grammatical and lexical information, as well as contextualizing
information (i.e., the kinds of sentence that precede and follow
a given sentence, the sentence’s location in a paragraph). We
are in the process of developing a model that makes use of
part of speech sequences and syntactic tree structures, as well
as contextualizing information.
After a suitable training set has been completed and an
accurate classifying model has been constructed, our intention
is to “auto-tag” the entire corpus at the level of sentence.
Once the entire corpus has been tagged, a straightforward
quantitative analysis of the relative frequency of sentence
types within the corpus will follow. Here, the emphasis will be
placed on a time-based evaluation of description as a feature of
19th-century American fiction. But then, if a pattern emerges,
we will have to explain it—and strictly quantitative analysis
will need to be supplemented by qualitative analysis, as we
interrogate not just what mode is prevalent when, but what
the modes might mean at any given time and how the modes
themselves undergo mutation.
Abstract 3: “Tracking the ‘Voice of
Doxa’ in the Victorian Novel.”
Sarah Allison
The nineteenth-century British novel is known for its
moralizing: is it possible to define this “voice of doxa,” or
conventional wisdom, in terms of computable, sentence-level
stylistic features? A familiar version of the voice of doxa is
the “interrupting narrator,” who addresses the reader in the
second person in order to clarify the meaning of the story.
This project seeks to go beyond simple narrative interruption
to the explication of ethical signals emitted in the process of
characterization (how the portrayal of a character unfolds
over the course of a novel). It also takes a more precise
look at the shift in tense noted by narratologists from the
past tense of the story to the present-tense of the discourse,
in which meaning can be elaborated in terms of proverbs or
truisms. (An example from Middlemarch: “[Fred] had gone
to his father and told him one vexatious affair, and he had left
another untold: in such cases the complete revelation always
produces the impression of a previous duplicity” 23). This
project is the first attempt to generate a set of micro- stylistic
features that indicate the presence of ethical judgment.
Through an analysis of data derived through ad hoc harvesting
of frequently occurring lexical and syntactic patterns (e.g. word
frequencies, part of speech saturation, frequent grammatical
patterns, etc) and data derived through the application of
supervised classification algorithms this research attempts to
determine a set of grammatical features that tend to cluster
around these moments of direct narrative discourse.
This research is an alternative application of the method
developed in Joe Shapiro’s Beyond Search workshop project
(see abstract above), which seeks to identify computable
stylistic differences between narrative and descriptive prose in
19th century American fiction. In this work we seek to create
another category within the “descriptive,” a subcategory that
captures moments of explicitly moralized description: the
Voice of Doxa. We identify the formal aspects of this authorial
“voice” in order to “hunt” for similar moments, or occurrences,
in a series of novels. The work begins with a limited search
for patterns of characterization evident among characters in a
single George Eliot novel; from this we develop a model, which
we will then apply to the entire Eliot corpus. In the end, the
target corpus is extended to include 250 19th century British
novels wherein we roughly chart the evolutionary course of
the “ethical signal.”
Digital Humanities 2008
Designing, Coding, and
Playing with Fire: Innovations
in Interdisciplinary Research
Project Management
Stephen Ramsay
University of Nebraska at Lincoln, USA
Stéfan Sinclair
McMaster University, Canada
John Unsworth
The final paper, entitled “Rules of the Order,” considers the
sociology of large, multi-institutional software development
projects. Most people would be able to cite the major
obstacles standing in the way of such collaborations, like the
lack of face-to-face communication. But even with the best
methods of communication available, researchers still need to
acknowledge the larger “sociology” of academia and develop
ways of working that respect existing institutional boundaries,
workflows, and methodologies.
Hackfests, Designfests, and
Writingfests:The Role of Intense
Periods of Face-to-Face Collaboration
in International Research Teams
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Stan Ruecker, Milena Radzikowska, and Stéfan
Milena Radzikowska
Extended Abstract
Mount Royal College, Canada
As the authors of this paper have become increasingly active in
international, interdisciplinary, collaborative research projects,
we have progressively adopted a growing range of online
tools to help manage the activities. We’ve used Basecamp for
task assignment, Meeting Wizard for scheduling conference
calls, project listserves for discussion, and research wikis for
archiving the results. We have SVN for software versioning,
and Jira for tracking and prioritizing programming tasks. Our
websites provide a public face, with project rationales, contact
information, and repositories for research presentations and
articles. We also try whenever possible to provide online
prototypes, so that our readers have the opportunity to try
our interface experiments for themselves, with appropriate
warnings that things might be held together on the back end
with duct tape, and participant agreements for those occasions
when we hope to capture log records of what they are doing.
Stan Ruecker
University of Alberta, Canada
From its inception, Digital Humanities has relied on
interdisciplinary research. Nationally and internationally, our
experience of doing research involving people from various
disciplines has become increasingly important, not only because
the results are often innovative, fascinating, and significant, but
also because the management tools and practices we have
been developing are potentially useful for a wide range of
researchers. In this session, we will discuss three very different
aspects of interdisciplinary project management, based on our
combined experience of decades of collaboration.
The first paper, “Hackfests, Designfests, and Writingfests,” is
an attempt to pull together a summary of the best practices
we have been developing in the area of planning and carrying
out face-to-face work sessions. Over the past three years,
we have carried out a total of fourteen Hackfests, involving
programmers, designers, and writers. In studying our own
results, we have generated practical guidelines on topics such
as the choice of locations, the assignment of tasks, and the
handling of logistics.
The second paper, “Hackey,” provides a description of a
new online tool that we have been developing for use by
programmer/designer pairs, to encourage small but frequent
activity on a project. It often happens that people make
commitments, especially to virtual teams, that result in them
working in large but infrequent blocks of time, as at the
Hackfests, when it may be more productive in the long run if
they are able to devote instead an hour a day.We’ve attempted
to address this problem through the design of a game that uses
the concept of volleying back and forth on a specific topic, all
under the watchful eye of a benevolent third-party pit boss.
All of the online tools we use contribute to our productivity.
However, we have also become increasingly convinced of the
benefits of periodic face-to-face working sessions, where we
gather from the twelve-winded sky to focus our attention
on the project. In the words of Scott Ambler, “have team,
will travel.” The value of such face-to-face meetings is well
understood by distance educators (e.g. Davis and Fill 2007),
who see such focused time as a significant factor in student
learning. We have been speculatively trying variations of our
working sessions, such as choice of location, numbers of
participants, types of work, and other logistical details like
meals and entertainment. Over the past three years, we have
held fourteen such events. They have involved a number of
participants ranging from as few as two to as many as fifteen.
Nine of the events were dedicated to writing and designing;
three were used for programming and designing; one was
devoted just to programming, and another to just designing.
Our goal in this paper is to provide the insights we’ve gained
from these variations for the benefit of other researchers
who are interested in trying their own project-oriented work
Digital Humanities 2008
Types of Work
It is important that these not be meetings. No one expects
to get work done at a meeting, not in the sense of writing a
paper, designing a system, or programming, so the expectations
are at odds with the goal of the exercise. Meetings typically
carry a lot of connotative baggage, not least of which is
inefficiency and frustration, as expressed by the educational
videos with John Cleese entitled “Meetings, Bloody Meetings.”
Humanists are rarely trained in conducting meetings efficiently
and productively, and it shows. By emphasizing to all the
participants that the goal is to work productively together in
the same room, we can hit the ground running and get a lot
accomplished in a short period of time. We have in almost
every case combined people who are working on different
kinds of tasks. In the two instances where we had only a single
task (programming and designing, respectively) we had a sense
of accomplishing much less. It is difficult in some ways to verify
this perception, but the energy levels of participants in both
cases seemed lower. Our interpretation would be, not that
there is competition per se between different disciplines, but
that it is harder to judge how much another disciplinary group
is accomplishing, and that uncertainty helps to keep people
In general, the participants on our research projects know what
they are doing. In fact, many of them are eager to get going on
tasks that have fallen behind due to the other demands on
their time. So in general, it has not been necessary to provide
a large administrative overhead in terms of controlling and
monitoring their activities during the event. Given the nature
of interdisciplinary collaboration, too much attempt to
control is counter-productive in any case. However, the nature
of task assignment during a hackfest is a matter that may
require some finesse. We have made errors where we had
someone working on an assignment that was not the kind of
assignment they could tackle with enthusiasm. In these cases,
a little preliminary consultation with the individual participant
would have made a big improvement. This consultation could
have occurred either before the hackfest or even upon arrival,
but it was a misstep not to have it early. In terms of numbers
of participants, it appears that you need enough people to
generate momentum. Two or three is not enough, although
four seems to be. Our largest group so far has been fifteen,
which is somewhat large to co-ordinate, and they end up
working anyway in smaller groups of 2-5, but a larger group
also makes the event more dynamic and can provide greater
opportunities for cross-disciplinary consultation.
Location, Location, Location
There are many temptations to locate the events in places
that will be convenient.We have found that in this instance it is
better to avoid temptation if possible. For example, if there are
five participants and three are from the same city, why not hold
the event in that city? It reduces costs, in particular for travel
and accommodations, and the participants can also serve as
hosts for their out-of-town colleagues. In practice, however, we
have found that holding a hackfest in some of the participant’s
hometown, lowers the hackfest’s productivity level. The
biggest obstacle is the local demands on the attention of the
resident participants.We have found that local participants are
constantly on call for work and domestic commitments, which
means they tend to absent themselves from the event. One
local host for a comparatively large number of participants is
less problematic, since the periodic absence of one participant
is not as critical a factor in maintaining the momentum of
the entire group, but for small groups it can be significant.
An alternative is therefore to transport the participants to
a pleasant working location, provided that the attractions
of the location are not so powerful as to be distracting. We
are all familiar with conferences in exotic locations where
participants have difficulty focusing on the conference because
the beach is calling. Given this mixture of considerations, our
current guideline is therefore to use a location no closer than
an hour’s travel from some cluster of the participants, so that
both the overall travel costs and local demands for time can
be reduced.
Our hackfests are set up according to a flat organizational
structure. All participants are treated as equals and decisions
are, as much as possible, based on consensus. Even when
planning a hackfest, we consult with all invited participants
on potential locations, duration, and objectives. In rare cases
where leadership is required during the event, it is clear to
everyone that the overriding structure is based on equality.
For mid-sized groups, we find that it is useful to have a “rover”
or two, who constantly moves between the different groups
and tries to identify potential problems and opportunities for
bridging group efforts.
A further point related to participants is to, whenever possible,
consider the past, present, and future of the project. It is too
easy to focus on what needs to be done immediately and to
only include those who are currently active in the project.
However, we have found that including previous participants
– even if they are not currently active on the project – helps
to remind the team of some of the institutional history,
providing some context for past decisions and the current
situation. Similarly, a hackfest is an excellent opportunity to
recruit prospective new colleagues in an intense and enjoyable
training experience.
Meals and Accommodations
We want these events to be highlights for people on the
projects, so it is important that the meals and accommodations
be the best that we can reasonably afford. Eating, snacking,
and coffee breaks provide time for discussions and developing
social capital, both of which are significant for the success of
a research project. We have a senior colleague in computing
Digital Humanities 2008
science, not related to our group, who holds hackfests at his
cottage, where the graduate students take turns doing the
cooking.We would hesitate to recommend this approach, since
there would be lost time for the cook that could be more
productively used on the project. At our most recent event,
we hired a caterer. This strategy also worked well because it
removed the added stress of finding, three times a day, a good
place to feed everyone. In terms of sleeping accommodations,
we have tended to provide one room per participant, since
the additional stress of living with a roommate seems an
unnecessary potential burden to introduce; private rooms can
also be a space to individually unwind away from what may be
an unusually concentrated period of time with the same group
of colleagues.
Work Rooms
The situated environment of work is very important. We have
worked in the common areas of cluster housing, in the lounges
of hotels, in boardrooms, in university labs, and on one occasion
in a rustic lodge. We hesitate to say it, because there were
problems with the internet connectivity and task assignment,
but our four days in the rustic lodge were probably the most
successful so far. We were in rural Alberta, but there was a
nearby pond, a place for ultimate Frisbee games, and there
were fire pits, hot tubs, and wood chopping that we could
amuse ourselves with during breaks. There is a value value in
having varied forms of entertainment and leisure, which can
provide mental breaks. We prefer if possible to have a mix
of physical activities and pure entertainment (music, movies),
although it is important to be sensitive to different tastes.
Pair Programming
Even when there are a dozen participants, it is normally the
case that we end up working in smaller groups of 2, 3, or 4.The
dynamics of the group and the task can indicate the appropriate
group size. We have also recently tried pair programming,
where two programmers both work on the same computer. It
seems to be a useful approach, and we intend to do more of
it. However, the type of activity that can be paired-up seems
to depend on the nature of the participants’ discipline and
typical work approach. For example, we have found that two
designers work well together on concept planning and paper
prototypes, but they need divided tasks, and two computers,
when it comes to creating a digital sketch.
We think that if participants feel, at the end of the hackfest,
that the project has moved forward and their time was well
spent, they tend to continue progressing on the project. We
have tried a few different methods to create that sense of
conclusion and, therefore, satisfaction. At Kramer pond, for
example, we concluded the hackfest by a show-andtell of
tasks accomplished during the event, and an agreement about
the next steps participants would take upon returning home.
We have also tried to end a hackfest with a conference paper
submission. This strategy has had mixed results – about half of
the intended papers managed to reach the submission stage.
Increasingly,we have focused a portion of our hackfest energy on
documenting the event.We have used image posting sites, such
as, wiki posts, and video recording. Documentation
serves as a reminder of agreed-upon and accomplished tasks,
fosters a sense of satisfaction with the activity, and maintains a
record of successes (and failures) emergent from the activity.
Future Directions
Although there are costs associated with hackfesting, we feel
that the benefits so far have been tremendous. Projects typically
take a quantum leap forward around the momentum that can
be gained at a hackfest. We need to learn more about ramping
up, and we are also interested in better documentation of the
events themselves, perhaps in the form of videography.
Ambler, Scott. 2002. “Bridging the Distance.” http://www.ddj.
Davis, Hugh, and Karen Fill. 2007. Embedding Blended
Learning in a University’s Teaching Culture: Experiences and
Reflections. British Journal of Educational Technology, 38/5, pp.
Hackey: A Rapid Online Prototyping
Game for Designers and
Stéfan Sinclair and Stan Ruecker
Extended Abstract
Researchers in Humanities Computing are frequently involved
in the production of new online software systems. The
specific roles vary, with some researchers work primarily
as humanists interested in building a tool in order to carry
out their own next project, while others may be archivists
creating a digital collection as a public resource, programmers
developing prototype systems for testing a concept, or
designers experimenting with new approaches to interfaces
or visualizations. The semi-serious slogan of the Text Analysis
Developer’s Alliance (TADA) summarizes the activity in this
way: “Real humanists make tools.” In the case of design of the
tools, it is useful to consider three levels, which in some contexts
we have referred to as basic, advanced, and experimental.
A basic tool is one that will run without difficulty in every
contemporary browser. It provides functionality that everyone
expects. A search function is a good example. In a basic tool, it
is usual to follow the current best practices for online design,
with due attention to the standard heuristics that can help
Digital Humanities 2008
ensure that the result is usable. Nielsen (2000) provides a list
of ten such criteria: (1) Use simple and natural dialogue. (2)
Speak the users’ language. (3) Minimize user memory load.
(4) Consistency. (5) Feedback. (6) Clearly marked exists. (7)
Shortcuts. (8) Good error messages. (9) Prevent errors. (10)
Help and documentation.
An advanced tool is a basic tool with more features. For
example, an advanced search function might provide support
for Boolean operators, or allow nested queries, or include
proximity searches, where a search is successful if the target
words occur with in a specified number of words from each
other. Advanced tools may have an experimental dimension,
but they are still largely recognizable as something a typical
user can be expected to have seen before.They are still within
the realm of contemporary best practices.
In the case of experimental tools, however, the goal is not
primarily to implement the current best practices, but instead
to experiment with new visual forms for information display
and online interaction. Often the prototype will serve as the
basis for user testing involving a new opportunity for action.
Examples might include Shneiderman et al’s (1992) concept of
direct manipulation, where the data and the interface are so
tightly coupled that the visualization is the interface, Bederson’s
(2001) approach to zoomable user interfaces (ZUIs) where
levels of magnification become central to interaction, or Harris
and Kamvar’s (2007) constellation approach to emotional
expression in the blogosphere, where the results of blog
scrapes are plotted as patterns that dynamically emerge from
a constantly changing visual field.As Lev Manovich put it during
a question and answer period in a paper session at Digital
Humanities 2007, “in this line of research, a prototype is itself
a theory.”
The experimental design of interfaces and visualization tools
is a special case for researchers in humanities computing,
because it involves the extension of concepts into areas that
are not well defined. In our research projects, we typically
have a content expert, programmer, and visual communication
designer working closely together in a cycle of static sketching,
kinetic sketching, prototyping, and refinement, where each
iteration may require as much as several months or as little as
a few hours. One of our ongoing interests is in finding ways to
facilitate the process.
In this paper, we describe our initial experiments in creating
an online system that encourages the research team to focus
on details taken one at a time, in order to support rapid
turnaround in design and development. Hackey provides
the designer and programmer with a means of focusing on
individual issues in the process, and rapidly exchanging idea,
sketches, and prototypes. The game also includes a third role,
in the form of the “pit boss” who lurks on the conversation
and can step in to provide guidance or suggestions. Either
player can also choose during a turn to address a question to
the pit boss, usually in the form of clarification or appeal for
arbitration of some kind.
In addition to encouraging rapid turnaround, Hackey is also
intended to encourage fun. By treating the exchanges as a
kind of collaborative game, there is room for the players to
contextualize their activity as more than a task list or a series
of Jira tickets. Hackey provides a framework for discussions
that can be at the same time serious and lighthearted. The
principle is that the bounds of discourse are opened slightly
by the game metaphor, to allow for mutual interrogation of
the underlying assumptions held by both the designer and the
programmer. This framework addresses an ongoing difficulty
with interdisciplinary collaboration, where experts from
two fields need to be able to find common ground that can
accommodate the expertise of both, without undo compromise
of the disciplinary expertise of either party. What we would
like to avoid is the situation where the programmers feel that
they are “working for” the designers, or the designers feel that
they are not considered important partners in the process by
the programmers, and that their proposals can be rejected out
of hand without discussion. In this respect, the third party “pit
boss” role is useful, since in extreme situations it can serve as
a court of second appeal for either of the players, and under
normal conditions it constitutes a presence that helps maintain
the spirit of free and open exchange of ideas.
Future Directions
The Hackey prototype is still in its early stages, and we are still
in the phase of experimentation, but we hope to make it more
widely available for interdisciplinary teams who are seeking
new methods for collaborative work. By logging their dialogues
in the system and treating these records as an objective of
interpretive study, we hope to be able to elaborate the original
concept with additional features appropriate to the general
Bederson, B. 2001. PhotoMesa: A zoomable image browser
using quantum treemaps and bubblemaps. Proceedings of the
14th annual ACM symposium on user interface software and
technology. 71–80.
Harris, J. and S. Kamvar. 2007. We feel fine. http://wefeelfine.
MONK. 2007. Metadata Offer New Knowledge. www.
Nielsen, J. 2000. Designing web usability:The practice of simplicity.
Indianapolis, IN: New Riders.
Shneiderman, B., Williamson, C. and Ahlberg, C. (1992).
Dynamic Queries: Database Searching by Direct
Manipulation. Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human
factors in computing systems. pp. 669-670. http://doi.acm.
org/10.1145/142750.143082. Accessed March 10, 2006.
Digital Humanities 2008
Rules of the Order:The Sociology of
Large, Multi-Institutional Software
Development Projects
Stephen Ramsay
Digital Humanities is increasingly turning toward tool
development, both as a research modality and as a practical
means of exploiting the vast collections of digital resources
that have been amassing over the last twenty years. Like the
creation of digital collections, software development is an
inherently collaborative activity, but unlike digital collections,
complex software systems do not easily allow for loosely
aggregated collaborations. With digital text collections, it
might be possible to have several contributors working at
their own pace—even at several institutions—with a high
level of turnover and varying local workflows, but this is rarely
possible with software development. However discretized the
components of a system might be, the final product is invariably
a tightly integrated whole with numerous dependencies and a
rigidly unified architectural logic.
For most digital humanities practitioners, amassing a team of
developers almost requires that work be distributed across
institutions and among a varied group of people. Any nontrivial application requires experts from a number of different
development subspecialties, including such areas as interface
design, relational database management, programming,
software engineering, and server administration (to name only
a few). Few research centers in DH have the staff necessary
for undertaking large application development projects, and
even the ones that do quickly find that crossdepartmental
collaborations are needed to assemble the necessary
There are a great many works on and studies of project
management for software development, but very few of these
resources address the particular situation of a widely distributed
group of developers. Most of the popular methodologies
(Rational Unified Process, Theory of Contraints, Event Chain)
assume a group of developers who are all in one place with
a clear management structure. More recent “agile methods”
(such as Extreme Project Management) invariably stipulate a
small groups of developers. Reading the ever useful (if slightly
dispiriting) works on project failure, such as Brooks’s famous
1975 book The Mythical Man Month, one wonders whether
project success is even possible for a distributed group.
Development of open source software might seem an
instructive counter-example of project success arising from
massive, distributed teams of developers, but as several studies
have shown, the core development team for even the largest
software development projects (Apache, Mozilla, and the
Linux kernel, for example) are considerably smaller than the
hundreds of people listed as contributors might suggest, and
in most cases, the project was able to build upon a core code
base that was originally developed in a single location with
only a few developers.
The MONK Project, which endeavors to build a portable
system for undertaking text analysis and visualization with
large, full text literary archives, might seem a perfect storm
of management obstacles. The project has two primary
investigators, half a dozen co-investigators, nearly forty
project participants at eight different institutions, and includes
professors of all ranks, staff programmers, research fellows,
and graduate students. The intended system, moreover,
involves dozens of complex components requiring expertise
in a number of programming languages, architectural principles,
and data storage methods, and facility with a broad range of
text analytical techniques (including text mining and statistical
natural language processing).
This paper offers some reflections on the trials and triumphs
of project management at this scale using the MONK Project
as an example. It focuses particularly on the sociology of
academia as a key element to be acknowledged in management
practice, and concludes that honoring existing institutional
boundaries and work patterns is essential to maintaining a
cohesive (if, finally, hierarchical) management structure. It also
considers the ways in which this apparently simple notion runs
counter to the cultural practices and decision making methods
of ordinary academic units—practices which are so ingrained
as to seem almost intuitive to many.
The MONK Project has from the beginning studiously avoided
references to cloisters and habits in its description of itself.
This paper offers a playful analogy in contrast to that tradition,
by suggesting that most of what one needs to know about
project management was set forth by Benedict of Nursia
in his sixth-century Rule for monks. Particular emphasis is
placed on Benedict’s belief that social formations become
increasingly fractured as they move from the cenobitic ideal
(which, I suggest, is roughly analogous to the structure of the
typical research center), and his belief that the Abbot (like the
modern project manager) must assert a kind of benevolent
despotism over those within his charge, even if the dominant
values of the group privilege other, more democratic forms of
Benedict of Nursia. Regula. Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical Press,
Brooks, Frederick. The Mythical Man Month: Essays on Software
Development. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1975.
DeCarlo, Douglas. Extreme Project Management. New York:
Wiley-Jossey, 2004.
Kruchten, Philippe. The Rational Unified Process: An Introduction.
3rd ed. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley, 2003.
Leach, Lawrence P. Critical Chain Project Management. 2nd ed.
Norwood, MA.: Artech, 2004.
Digital Humanities 2008
Mockus, Audris. Roy T. Fielding, James D. Herbsleb. “Two Case
Studies of Open Source Software Development: Apache
and Mozilla.” ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and
Methodology 11.3 (2002): 309-46.
Skinner, David C. Introduction to Decision Analysis. 2nd ed.
Sugar Land, TX: Probabilistic, 1999.
Aspects of Sustainability in
Digital Humanities
Georg Rehm
Tübingen University, Germany
Andreas Witt
Tübingen University, Germany
The three papers of the proposed session, “Aspects of
Sustainability in Digital Humanities”, examine the increasingly
important topic of sustainability from the point of view of
three different fields of research: library and information
science, cultural heritage management, and linguistics.
Practically all disciplines in science and the humanities
are nowadays confronted with the task of providing data
collections that have a very high degree of sustainability. This
task is not only concerned with the long-term archiving of
digital resources and data collections, but also with aspects
such as, for example, interoperability of resources and
applications, data access, legal issues, field-specific theoretical
approaches, and even political interests.
The proposed session has two primary goals. Each of the
three papers will present the most crucial problems that are
relevant for the task of providing sustainability within the given
field or discipline. In addition, each paper will talk about the
types of digital resources and data collections that are in use
within the respective field (for example, annotated corpora
and syntactic treebanks in the field of linguistics). The main
focus, however, lies in working on the distinction between
field-specific and universal aspects of sustainability so that the
three fields that will be examined – library and information
science, cultural heritage management, linguistics – can be
considered case studies in order to come up with a more
universal and all-encompassing angle on sustainability. Especially
for introductory texts and field – independent best-practice
guidelines on sustainability it is extremely important to have
a solid distinction between universal and field-specific aspects.
The same holds true for the integration of sustainability-related
informational units into field-independent markup languages
that have a very broad scope of potential applications, such as
the TEI guidelines published by the Text Encoding Initiative.
Following are short descriptions of the three papers:
The paper “Sustainability in Cultural Heritage Management”
by Øyvind Eide, Christian-Emil Ore, and Jon Holmen discusses
technical and organisational aspects of sustainability with
regard to cultural heritage information curated by institutions
such as, for example, museums. Achieving organisational
sustainability is a task that not only applies to the staff of a
museum but also to education and research institutions, as
well as to national and international bodies responsible for
our common heritage.
Digital Humanities 2008
Vital to the sustainability of collections is information about
the collections themselves, as well as individual items in those
collections. “Sustaining Collection Value: Managing Collection/
Item Metadata Relationships”, by Allen H. Renear, Richard
Urban, Karen Wickett, Carole L. Palmer, and David Dubin,
examines the difficult problem of managing collection level
metadata in order to ensure that the context of the items
in a collection is accessible for research and scholarship.
They report on ongoing research and also have preliminary
suggestions for practitioners.
The final paper “Sustainability of Annotated Resources in
Linguistics”, by Georg Rehm, Andreas Witt, Erhard Hinrichs,
and Marga Reis, provides an overview of important aspects of
sustainability with regard to linguistic resources. The authors
demonstrate which of these several aspects can be considered
specific for the field of linguistics and which are more general.
Paper 1: Sustainability in Cultural
Heritage Management
Øyvind Eide, Christian-Emil Ore, Jon Holmen
University of Oslo, Norway
During the last decades, a large amount of information in
cultural heritage institutions have been digitised, creating the
basis for many different usage scenarios.We have been working
in this area for the last 15 years, through projects such as the
Museum Project in Norway (Holmen et al., 2004). We have
developed routines, standardised methods and software for
digitisation, collection management, research and education. In
this paper, we will discuss long term sustainability of digital
cultural heritage information. We will discuss the creation of
sustainable digital collections, as well as some problems we
have experienced in this process.
We have divided the description of sustainability in three parts.
First we will describe briefly the technical part of sustainability
work (section 2). After all, this is a well known research area
on its own, and solutions to many of the problems at hand
are known, although they may be hard to implement. We will
then use the main part of the paper to discuss what we call
organisational sustainability (section 3), which may be even
more important than the technical part in the future — in our
opinion, it may also be more difficult to solve. Finally, we briefly
address the scholarly part of sustainability (section 4).
Technical Sustainability
Technical sustainability is divided in two parts: preservation
of the digital bit patterns and the ability to interpret the bit
pattern according to the original intention. This is an area
where important work is being done by international bodies
such as UNESCO (2003), as well as national organisations such
as the Library of Congress in the USA (2007), and the Digital
Preservation Coalition in the UK (DPC,2001).
It is evident that the use of open, transparent formats make
sit easier to use preserved digital content. In this respect XML
encoding is better compared to proprietary word processor
formats, and uncompressed TIFF is more transparent than
company-developed compressed image formats. In a museum
context, though, there is often a need to store advanced
reproductions of objects and sites, and there have been
problems to find open formats able to represent, in full,
content exported from proprietary software packages. An
example of this is CAD systems, where the open format SVG
does not have the same expressive power as the proprietary
DXF format (Westcott, 2005, p.6). It is generally a problem
for applications using new formats, especially when they are
heavily dependent upon presentation.
Organisational Sustainability
Although there is no sustainability without the technical part,
described above, taken care of, the technical part alone is not
enough. The organisation of the institution responsible for the
information also has to be taken into consideration.
In an information system for memory institutions it is
important to store the history of the information. Digital
versions of analogue sources should be stored as accurate
replica, with new information linked to this set of historical
data so that one always has access to up-to-date versions of the
information, as well as to historical stages in the development
of the information (Holmenetal.,2004, p.223).
To actually store the files, the most important necessity is large,
stable organisations taking responsibility. If the responsible
institution is closed without a correct transfer of custody for
the digital material, it can be lost easily. An example of this
is the Newham Archive (Dunning, 2001) incident. When the
Newham Museum Archaeological Service was closed down,
only a quick and responsible reaction of the sacked staff saved
the result of ten years of work in the form of a data dump on
Even when the data files are kept, lack of necessary metadata
may render them hard to interpret. In the Newham case the
data were physically saved but a lot of work was needed to
read the old data formats, and some of the information was
not recoverable. Similar situations may even occur in large,
stable organisations. The Bryggen Museum in Bergen, Norway,
is a part of the University Museum in Bergen and documents
the large excavation of the medieval town at the harbour in
Bergen which took place from the 1950s to the 1970s. The
museum stored the information in a large database.
Eventually the system became obsolete and the database files
were stored at the University. But there were no explicit
routines for the packing and future unpacking of such digital
information. Later, when the files were imported into a new
system, parts of the original information were not recovered.
Fortunately all the excavation documentation was originally
done on paper so in principle no information was lost.
Digital Humanities 2008
Such incidents are not uncommon in the museum world. A
general problem, present in both examples above, is the lack of
metadata.The scope of each database table and column is well
known when a system is developed, but if it is not documented,
such meta-information is lost.
In all sectors there is a movement away from paper to
born digital information. When born digital data based on
archaeological excavations is messed up or lost – and we are
afraid this will happen – then parts of our cultural heritage
are lost forever. An archaeological excavation destroys its
own sources and an excavation cannot be repeated. For many
current excavation projects a loss of data like the Bryggen
Museum incident would have been a real catastrophe.
The Newham example demonstrates weak planning for
negative external effects on information sustainability,
whereas the Bergen example shows how a lack of proper
organisational responsibility for digital information may result
in severe information loss. It is our impression that in many
memory institutions there is too little competence on how
to introduce information technologies in an organisation to
secure both interchange of information between different
parts of the organisation and long-term sustainability of the
digital information. A general lack of strategies for long term
preservation is documented in a recent Norwegian report
(Gausdal, 2006, p.23).
When plans are made in order to introduce new technology
and information systems into an organisation one has to
adapt the system to the organisation or the organisation
to the system. This is often neglected and the information
systems are not integrated in the everyday work of the staff.
Thus, the best way to success is to do this in collaboration
and understanding with the employees. This was pointed out
by Professor Kristen Nygaard. In a paper published in 1992
describing the uptake of Simula I from 1965 onwards, Nygaard
states: “It was evident that the Simula-based analyses were
going to have a strong influence on the working conditions of
the employees: job content, work intensity and rhythm, social
cooperation patterns were typical examples” (Nygaard, 1992,
p. 53). Nygaard focused on the situation in the ship building
industry, which may be somewhat distant from the memory
institutions. Mutate mutandis, the human mechanisms are the
same. There is always a risk of persons in the organisation
sabotaging or neglecting new systems.
Scholarly Sustainability
When a research project is finished, many researchers see
the report or articles produced as the only output, and are
confident that the library will take care of their preservation.
But research in the humanities and beyond are often based
on material collected by the researcher, such as ethnographic
objects, sound recordings, images, and notes. The scholarly
conclusions are then based on such sources. To sustain links
from sources to testable conclusions, they have to be stored
so that they are accessible to future researchers. But even in
museums, this is often done only in a partial manner. Objects
may find their way into the collections. But images, recordings
and notes are often seen as the researcher’s private property
and responsibility, and may be lost when her career is ended.
Examples of this are hard to document, though, because such
decisions are not generally made public.
Sustainability of data in the cultural heritage sector is, as we
have seen, not just a technical challenge. The sustainability
is eased by the use of open and transparent standards. It is
necessary to ensure the existence of well funded permanent
organisation like national archives and libraries. Datasets
from museums are often not considered to lie within the
preservation scope of the existing organisations. Either this
has to be changed or the large museums have to act as digital
archives of museum data in general. However, the most
important measure to ensure sustainability is to increase the
awareness of the challenge among curators and scholars. If
not, large amounts of irreplaceable research documentation
will continue to be lost.
DPC(2001): “Digital preservation coalition”. http://www.
Dunning, Alastair(2001): “Excavating data: Retrieving the
Newham archive”.
Gausdal, Ranveig Låg (editor) (2006): Cultural heritage for all
— on digitisation, digital preservation and digital dissemination
in the archive, library and museum sector. A report by the
Working Group on Digitisation, the Norwegian Digital
Library. ABM-Utvikling.
Holmen, Jon; Ore, Christian-Emil and Eide,Øyvind(2004):
“Documenting two histories at once: Digging into
archaeology”. In: Enter the Past. The E-way into the Four
Dimensions of Cultural Heritage. BAR, BAR International
Series 1227, pp. 221-224
LC(2007): “The library of congress. Digital preservation.
Nygaard, Kristen(1992): “How many choices do we make?
How many are difficult? In: Software Development and Reality
Construction, edited by Floyd C., Züllighoven H., Budde R., and
R., Keil-Slawik. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 52-59.
UNESCO (2003): “Charter on the preservation of digital
heritage. Adopted at the 32nd session of the 9/10 general
conference of UNESCO” Technical Report, UNESCO. http://
Westcott, Keith(2005): Preservation Handbook. Computer
Aided Design (CAD). Arts and Humanities Data Service. http://
Digital Humanities 2008
Paper 2: Sustaining Collection Value:
Managing Collection/Item Metadata
Allen H. Renear, Richard Urban, Karen Wickett,
Carole L. Palmer, David Dubin
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Collections of texts, images, artefacts, and other cultural objects
are usually designed to support particular research and scholarly
activities.Toward that end collections themselves, as well as the
items in the collections, are carefully developed and described.
These descriptions indicate such things as the purpose of the
collection, its subject, the method of selection, size, nature
of contents, coverage, completeness, representativeness, and
a wide range of summary characteristics, such as statistical
features. This information enables collections to function not
just as aggregates of individual data items but as independent
entities that are in some sense more than the sum of their
parts, as intended by their creators and curators [Currall
et al., 2004,Heaney, 2000,Lagoze et al., 2006, Palmer, 2004].
Collection-level metadata, which represents this information
in computer processable form, is thus critical to the distinctive
intellectual and cultural role of collections as something more
than a set of individual objects.
Unfortunately, collection-level metadata is often unavailable or
ignored by retrieval and browsing systems, with a corresponding
loss in the ability of users to find, understand, and use items
in collections [Lee, 2000, Lee, 2003, Lee, 2005, Wendler, 2004].
Preventing this loss of information is particularly difficult,
and particularly important, for “metasearch”, where itemlevel descriptions are retrieved from a number of different
collections simultaneously, as is the case in the increasingly
distributed search environment [Chistenson and Tennant, 2005,
Dempsey, 2005, Digital Library Federation, 2005, Foulonneau
et al., 2005, Lagoze et al., 2006, Warner et al., 2007].
The now familiar example of this challenge is the “‘on a horse’
problem”, where a collection with the collection-level subject
“Theodore Roosevelt” has a photograph with the item-level
annotation “on a horse” [Wendler, 2004] Item-level access
across multiple collections (as is provided not only by popular
Internet search engines, but also specialized federating systems,
such as OAI portals) will not allow the user to effectively use a
query with keywords “Roosevelt” and “horse” to find this item,
or, if the item is retrieved using item-level metadata alone, to
use collection-level information to identify the person on the
horse as Roosevelt.
The problem is more complicated and consequential than the
example suggests and the lack of a systematic understanding
of the nature of the logical relationships between collectionlevel metadata and item-level metadata is an obstacle to
the development of remedies. This understanding is what
is required not only to guide the development of contextaware search and exploitation, but to support management
and curation policies as well. The problem is also timely: even
as recent research continues to confirm the key role that
collection context plays in the scholarly use of information
resources [Brockman et al., 2001, Palmer, 2004], the Internet
has made the context-free searching of multiple collections
In what follows we describe our plans to develop a framework
for classifying and formalizing collection-level/item-level
metadata relationships. This undertaking is part of a larger
project, recently funded by US Institute for Museum and Library
Services (IMLS), to develop tools for improved retrieval and
exploitation across multiple collections.1
Varieties of Collection/Item Metadata
In some cases the relationship between collection-level
metadata and item-level metadata attributes appears similar
to non-defeasible inheritance. For instance, consider the
Dublin Core Collections Application Profile element marcrel:
OWN, adapted from the MARC cataloging record standard. It
is plausible that within many legal and institutional contexts
whoever owns a collection owns each of the items in the
collection, and so if a collection has a value for the marcrel:
OWN attribute then each member of the collection will have
the same value for marcrel:OWN. (For the purpose of our
example it doesn’t matter whether or not this is actually true
of marcrel:OWN, only that some attributes are sometimes used
by metadata librarians with an understanding of this sort, while
others, such as dc:identifier, are not).
In other cases the collection-level/item-level metadata
relationship is almost but not quite this simple. Consider the
collection-level attribute myCollection:itemType, intended to
characterize the type of objects in a collection, with values such
as “image,” “text,” “software,” etc. (we assume heterogeneous
collections).2 Unlike the preceding case we cannot conclude
that if a collection has the value “image” for myCollection:
itemType then the items in that collection also have the value
“image” for that same attribute. This is because an item which
is an image is not itself a collection of images and therefore
cannot have a non-null value for myCollection:itemType.
However, while the rule for propagating the information
represented by myCollection:itemType from collections to
items is not simple propagation of attribute and value, it is
nevertheless simple enough: if a collection has a value, say
“image,” for myCollection:itemType, then the items in the
collection have the same value, “image” for a corresponding
attribute, say, myItem:type, which indicates the type of item
(cf. the Dublin Core metadata element dc:type). The attribute
myItem:type has the same domain of values as myCollection:
itemType, but a different semantics.
Digital Humanities 2008
When two metadata attributes are related as myCollection:
itemType and myItem:type we might say the first can be vconverted to the other. Roughly: a collection-level attribute A
v-converts to an item-level attribute B if and only if whenever
a collection has the value z for A, every item in the collection
has the value z for B. This is the simplest sort of convertibility
— the attribute changes, but the value remains the same.
Other sorts of conversion will be more complex. We note
that the sort of propagation exemplified by marcrel:OWN is
a special case of v-convertibility: marcrel:OWN v-converts to
from contributors. We conducted studies on how content
contributors conceived of the roles of collection descriptions
in digital environments [Palmer and Knutson, 2004, Palmer et
al., 2006], and conducted preliminary usability work. These
studies and related work on the CIC Metadata Portal7, suggest
that while the boundaries around digital collections are often
blurry, many features of collections are important for helping
users navigate and exploit large federated repositories, and
that collection and item-level descriptions should work in
concert to benefit certain kinds of user queries [Foulonneau
et al., 2005].
This analysis suggests a number of broader issues for collection
curators. Obviously the conversion of collection-level metadata
to item-level metadata, when possible, can improve discovery
and exploitation, especially in item-focused searching across
multiple collections. But can we even in the simplest case
be confident of conversion without loss of information? For
example, it may be that in some cases an “image” value for
myCollection:itemType conveys more information than the
simple fact that each item in the collection has “image” value
for myItem:type.
In 2007 we received a new three year IMLS grant to continue
the development of the registry and to explore how a
formal description of collection-level/item-level metadata
relationships could help registry users locate and use digital
items. This latter activity, CIMR, (Collection/Item Metadata
Relationships), consists of three overlapping phases. The first
phase is developing a logic-based framework of collection-level/
itemlevel metadata relationships that classifies metadata into
varieties of convertibility with associated rules for propagating
information between collection and item levels and supporting
further inferencing. Next we will conduct empirical studies to
see if our conjectured taxonomy matches the understanding
and behavior of metadata librarians, metadata specification
designers, and registry users. Finally we will design and
implement pilot applications using the relationship rules
to support searching, browsing, and navigation of the DCC
Registry. These applications will include non-convertible and
convertible collection-level/item-level metadata relationships.
Moreover there are important collection-level attributes that
both (i) resist any conversion and (ii) clearly result in loss of
important information if discarded. Intriguingly these attributes
turn out to be carrying information that is very tightly tied to
the distinctive role the collection is intended to play in the
support of research and scholarship. Obvious examples are
metadata indicating that a collection was developed according
to some particular method, designed for some particular
purpose, used in some way by some person or persons in
the past, representative (in some respect) of a domain, had
certain summary statistical features, and so on.This is precisely
the kind of information that makes a collection valuable to
researchers, and if it is lost or inaccessible, the collection
cannot be useful, as a collection, in the way originally intended
by its creators.
The DCC/CIMR Project
These issues were initially raised during an IMLS Digital
Collections and Content (DCC) project, begun at the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2003. That
project developed a collection-level metadata schema3 based
on the RSLP4 and Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI)
and created a collection registry for all the digital collections
funded through the Institute of Museum and Library Services
National Leadership Grant (NLG) since 1998, with some
Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funded collections
included since 20065. The registry currently contains records
for 202 collections. An item-level metadata repository was
also developed, which so far has harvested 76 collections using
the OAI-PMH protocol6.
One outcome of this project will be a proposed specification
for a metadata classification code that will allow metadata
specification designers to indicate the collectionlevel/itemlevel metadata relationships intended by their specification.
Such a specification will in turn guide metadata librarians
in assigning metadata and metadata systems designers in
designing systems that can mobilize collection level metadata
to provide improved searching, browsing, understanding, and
use by end users. We will also draft and make electronically
available RDF/OWL bindings for the relationship categories
and inference rules.
Preliminary Guidance for Practitioners
A large part of the problem of sustainability is ensuring that
information will be valuable, and as valuable as possible, to
multiple audiences, for multiple purposes, via multiple tools,
and over time. Although we have only just begun this project,
already some preliminary general recommendations can be
made to the different stakeholders in collection management.
Note that tasks such as propagation must be repeated not only
as new objects are added or removed but, as new information
about objects and collections becomes available.
Our research initially focused on overcoming the technical
challenges of aggregating large heterogeneous collections
of item-level records and gathering collections descriptions
Digital Humanities 2008
For metadata standards developers:
1. Metadata standards should explicitly document the
relationships between collectionlevel metadata and itemlevel metadata. Currently we have neither the understanding
nor the formal mechanisms for such documentation but
they should be available soon.
For systems designers:
2. Information in convertible collection-level metadata
should be propagated to items in order to make contextual
information fully available to users, especially users working
across multiple collections. (This is not a recommendation
for how to manage information internally, but for how to
represent it to the user; relational tables may remain in
normal forms.)
3. Information in item-level metadata should, where
appropriate, be propagated to collection level metadata.
4. Information in non-convertible collection-level metadata
must, to the fullest extent possible, be made evident and
available to users.
For collection managers:
5. Information in non-convertible metadata must be a focus
of data curation activities if collections are to retain and
improve their usefulness over time.
When formal specifications and tools based on them are in
place, relationships between metadata at the collection and
item levels will integrated more directly into management and
use. In the mean time, attention and sensitivity to the issues we
raise here can still improve matters through documentation
and policies, and by informing system design.
This research is supported by a 2007 IMLS NLG Research
& Demonstration grant hosted by the GSliS Center for
Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship (CIRSS).
Project documentation is available at
uiuc. edu/about.asp#documentation. We have benefited
considerably from discussions with other DCC/CIMR project
members and with participants in the IMLS DCC Metadata
Roundtable, including: Timothy W. Cole, Thomas Dousa, Dave
Dubin, Myung-Ja Han, Amy Jackson, Mark Newton , Carole L.
Palmer, Sarah L. Shreeves, Michael Twidale, Oksana Zavalina
[Brockman et al., 2001] Brockman, W., Neumann, L., Palmer,
C. L., and Tidline, T. J. (2001). Scholarly Work in the Humanities
and the Evolving Information Environment. Digital Library
Federation/Council on Library and Information Resources,
Washington, D.C.
[Chistenson and Tennant, 2005] Chistenson, H. and
Tennant, R. (2005). Integrating information resources: Principles,
technologies, and approaches. Technical report, California
Digital Library.
[Currall et al., 2004] Currall, J., Moss, M., and Stuart, S. (2004).
What is a collection? Archivaria, 58:131–146.
[Dempsey, 2005] Dempsey, L. (2005). From metasearch to
distributed information environments. Lorcan Dempsey’s
weblog. Published on the World Wide Web at http://
[Digital Library Federation, 2005] Digital Library Federation
(2005). The distributed library: OAI for digital library aggregation:
OAI scholars advisory panel meeting, June 20–21,Washington,
D.C. Published on the World Wide Web at http:// www.diglib.
[Foulonneau et al., 2005] Foulonneau, M., Cole, T., Habing, T.
G., and Shreeves, S. L. (2005). Using collection descriptions
to enhance an aggregation of harvested itemlevel metadata.
In ACM, editor, Proceedings of the 5th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint
Conference on Digital Libraries, pages 32–41, New York. ACM/
[Heaney, 2000] Heaney, M. (2000). An analytical model of
collections and their catalogues. Technical report, UK Office for
Library and Information Science.
[Lagoze et al., 2006] Lagoze, C., Krafft, D., Cornwell, T.,
Dushay, N., Eckstrom, D., and Saylor, J. (2006). Metadata
aggregation and automated digital libraries: A retrospective
on the NSDL experience. In Proceedings of the 6th ACM/IEEECS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, pages 230–239, New
York. ACM/IEEE-CS, ACM Press.
[Lee, 2000] Lee, H. (2000). What is a collection? Journal of the
American Society for Information Science, 51(12):1106–1113.
[Lee, 2003] Lee, H. (2003). Information spaces and
collections: Implications for organization. Library & Information
Science Research, 25(4):419–436.
[Lee, 2005] Lee, H. (2005). The concept of collection from
the user’s perspective. Library Quarterly, 75(1):67–85.
[Palmer, 2004] Palmer, C. (2004). Thematic research collections,
pages 348–365. Blackwell, Oxford.
[Palmer and Knutson, 2004] Palmer, C. L. and Knutson, E.
(2004). Metadata practices and implications for federated
collections. In Proceedings of the 67th ASIS&T Annual Meeting
(Providence, RI, Nov. 12–17, 2004), volume 41, pages 456–462.
[Palmer et al., 2006] Palmer, C. L., Knutson, E., Twidale, M., and
Zavalina, O. (2006). Collection definition in federated digital
resource development. In Proceedings of the 69th ASIS&T
Annual Meeting (Austin,TX, Nov. 3–8, 2006), volume 43.
Digital Humanities 2008
[Warner et al., 2007] Warner, S., Bakaert, J., Lagoze, C.,
Lin, X., Payette, S., and Van de Sompel, H. (2007). Pathways:
Augmenting interoperability across scholarly repositories.
International Journal on Digital Libraries, 7(1-2):35–52.
it has been locked away in an academic’s hidden vault, or the
person who developed the annotation format can no longer
be asked questions concerning specific details of the custombuilt annotation format (Schmidt et al., 2006).
[Wendler, 2004] Wendler, R. (2004). The eye of the beholder:
Challenges of image description and access at Harvard., pages
51–56. American Library Association, Chicago.
Linguistic Resources: Aspects of
There are several text types that linguists work and interact
with on a frequent basis, but the most common, by far, are
linguistic corpora (Zinsmeister et al., 2007). In addition to
rather simple word and sentence collections, empirical sets of
grammaticality judgements, and lexical databases, the linguistic
resources our sustainability project is primarily confronted with
are linguistic corpora that contain either texts or transcribed
speech in several languages; they are annotated using several
incompatible annotation schemes. We developed XML-based
tools to normalise the existing resources into a common
approach of representing linguistic data (Wörner et al., 2006,
Witt et al., 2007b) and use interconnected OWL ontologies to
represent knowledge about the individual annotation schemes
used in the original resources (Rehm et al., 2007a).
1 Information about the IMLS Digital Collections and Content project
can be found at:
2 In our examples we will use imaginary metadata attributes. The
namespace prefix “myCollection:” indicates collection-level attributes
and the prefix“myItem:” indicates item-level attributes.No assumptions
should be made about the semantics of these attributes other than
what is stipulated for illustration. The current example, myCollection:
itemType, does intentionally allude to cld:itemType in the Dublin Core
Collections Application Profile, and “image,” “text,” “software,” are
from the DCMI Type Vocabulary; but our use of myCollection:itemType
differs from cld:itemType in entailing that all of the items the collection
are of the indicated type.
3 General overview and detailed description of the IMLS DCC
collection description scheme are available at:
Currently, the most central aspects of sustainability for
linguistic resources are:
• markup languages
• metadata encoding
Paper 3: Sustainability of Annotated
Resources in Linguistics
Georg Rehm, Andreas Witt, Erhard Hinrichs,
Marga Reis
In practically all scientific fields the task of ensuring the
sustainability of resources, data collections, personal research
journals, and databases is an increasingly important topic
– linguistics is no exception (Dipper et al., 2006, Trilsbeek
and Wittenburg, 2006). We report on ongoing work in a
project that is concerned with providing methods, tools, bestpractice guidelines, and solutions for sustainable linguistic
resources. Our overall goal is to make sure that a large and
very heterogeneous set of ca. 65 linguistic resources will be
accessible, readable, and processible by interested parties
such as, for example, other researchers than the ones who
originally created said resources, in five, ten, or even 20 years
time. In other words, the agency that funded both our project
as well as the projects who created the linguistic resources
– the German Research Foundation – would like to avoid a
situation in which they have to fund yet another project to
(re)create a corpus for whose creation they already provided
funding in the past, but the “existing” version is no longer
available or readable due to a proprietary file format, because
• legal aspects (Zimmermann and Lehmberg, 2007,
Lehmberg et al., 2007a,b, Rehm et al., 2007b,c, Lehmberg et
al., 2008),
• querying and search (Rehm et al., 2007a, 2008a, Söhn et al.,
2008), and
• best-practice guidelines (see, for example, the general
guidelines mentioned by Bird and Simons, 2003).
None of these points are specific to the field of linguistics, the
solutions, however, are. This is exemplified by means of two of
these aspects.
The use of markup languages for the annotation of linguistic
data has been discussed frequently.This topic is also subject to
standardisation efforts. A separate ISO Group, ISO TC37 SC4,
deals with the standardisation of linguistic annotations.
Our project developed an annotation architecture for linguistic
corpora. Today, a linguistic corpus is normally represented by
a single XML file. The underlying data structures most often
found are either trees or unrestricted graphs. In our approach
we transform an original XML file to several XML files, so
that each file contains the same textual content. The markup
of these files is different. Each file contains annotations which
belong to a single annotation layer. A data structure usable to
model the result documents is a multi-rooted tree. (Wörner
et al., 2006, Witt et al., 2007a,b, Lehmberg and Wörner, 2007).
Digital Humanities 2008
The specificities of linguistic data also led to activities in the
field of metadata encoding and its standardisation. Within our
project we developed an approach to handle the complex
nature of linguistic metadata (Rehm et al., 2008b) which is
based on the metadata encoding scheme described by the
TEI. (Burnard and Bauman, 2007). This method of metadata
representation splits the metadata into the 5 different levels
the primary information belongs to. These levels are: (1)
setting, i.e. the situation in which the speech or dialogue took
place; (2) raw data, e.g., a book, a piece of paper, an audio
or video recording of a conversation etc.; (3) primary data,
e.g., transcribed speech, digital texts etc.; (4) annotations, i.e.,
(linguistic) markup that add information to primary data; and (5)
corpus, i.e. a collection of primary data and its annotations.
All of these aspects demonstrate that it is necessary to use
field specific as well as generalised methodologies to approach
the issue “Sustainability of Linguistic Resources”.
Bird, S. and Simons, G. (2003). Seven dimensions of portability
for language documentation and description. Language,
Burnard, L. and Bauman, S., editors (2007). TEI P5: Guidelines
for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange. Text Encoding
Initiative Consortium.
Dipper, S., Hinrichs, E., Schmidt, T., Wagner, A., and Witt, A.
(2006). Sustainability of Linguistic Resources. In Hinrichs, E.,
Ide, N., Palmer, M., and Pustejovsky, J., editors, Proceedings
of the LREC 2006 Satellite Workshop Merging and Layering
Linguistic Information, pages 48–54, Genoa, Italy.
Lehmberg, T., Chiarcos, C., Hinrichs, E., Rehm, G., and Witt,
A. (2007a). Collecting Legally Relevant Metadata by Means
of a Decision-Tree-Based Questionnaire System. In Schmidt,
S., Siemens, R., Kumar, A., and Unsworth, J., editors, Digital
Humanities 2007, pages 164–166, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA.
ACH, ALLC, Graduate School of Library and Information
Science, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Lehmberg, T., Chiarcos, C., Rehm, G., and Witt, A. (2007b).
Rechtsfragen bei der Nutzung und Weitergabe linguistischer
Daten. In Rehm, G., Witt, A., and Lemnitzer, L., editors,
Datenstrukturen für linguistische Ressourcen und ihre
Anwendungen – Data Structures for Linguistic Resources and
Applications: Proceedings of the Biennial GLDV Conference 2007,
pages 93–102. Gunter Narr, Tübingen.
Lehmberg, T., Rehm, G., Witt, A., and Zimmermann, F. (2008).
Preserving Linguistic Resources: Licensing – Privacy Issues
– Mashups. Library Trends. In print.
Lehmberg, T. and Wörner, K. (2007). Annotation Standards.
In Lüdeling, A. and Kytö, M., editors, Corpus Linguistics,
Handbücher zur Sprach-und Kommunikationswissenschaft (HSK).
de Gruyter, Berlin, New York. In press.
Rehm, G., Eckart, R., and Chiarcos, C. (2007a). An OWL-and
XQuery-Based Mechanism for the Retrieval of Linguistic
Patterns from XML-Corpora. In Angelova, G., Bontcheva, K.,
Mitkov, R., Nicolov, N., and Nikolov, N., editors, International
Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing
(RANLP 2007), pages 510–514, Borovets, Bulgaria.
Rehm, G., Eckart, R., Chiarcos., C., Dellert, J. (2008a).
Ontology-Based XQuery’ing of XML-Encoded Language
Resources on Multiple Annotation Layer. In Proceedings of
LREC 2008, Marrakech, Morocco.
Rehm, G., Schonefeld, O., Witt, A., Lehmberg, T., Chiarcos,
C., Bechara, H., Eishold, F., Evang, K., Leshtanska, M., Savkov,
A., and Stark, M. (2008b). The Metadata-Database of a
Next Generation Sustainability Web-Platform for Language
Resources. In Proceedings of LREC 2008, Marrakech, Morocco.
Rehm, G., Witt, A., Zinsmeister, H., and Dellert, J. (2007b).
Corpus Masking: Legally Bypassing Licensing Restrictions
for the Free Distribution of Text Collections. In Schmidt,
S., Siemens, R., Kumar, A., and Unsworth, J., editors, Digital
Humanities 2007, pages 166–170, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA.
ACH, ALLC, Graduate School of Library and Information
Science, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Rehm, G., Witt, A., Zinsmeister, H., and Dellert, J. (2007c).
Masking Treebanks for the Free Distribution of Linguistic
Resources and Other Applications. In Proceedings of the Sixth
International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories
(TLT 2007), number 1 in Northern European Association
for Language Technology Proceedings Series, pages 127–138,
Bergen, Norway.
Schmidt, T., Chiarcos, C., Lehmberg, T., Rehm, G., Witt, A.,
and Hinrichs, E. (2006). Avoiding Data Graveyards: From
Heterogeneous Data Collected in Multiple Research Projects
to Sustainable Linguistic Resources. In Proceedings of the EMELD 2006 Workshop on Digital Language Documentation:Tools
and Standards – The State of the Art, East Lansing, Michigan.
Söhn, J.-P., Zinsmeister, H., and Rehm, G. (2008). Requirements
of a User-Friendly, General-Purpose Corpus Query Interface.
In Proceedings of LREC 2008 workshop on Sustainability of
Language Resources and Tools for Natural Language Processing,
Marrakech, Morocco.
Trilsbeek, P. and Wittenburg, P. (2006). Archiving Challenges.
In Gippert, J., Himmelmann, N. P., and Mosel, U., editors,
Essentials of Language Documentation, pages 311–335. Mouton
de Gruyter, Berlin, New York.
Digital Humanities 2008
Witt, A., Rehm, G., Lehmberg, T., and Hinrichs, E. (2007a).
Mapping Multi-Rooted Trees from a Sustainable Exchange
Format to TEI Feature Structures. In TEI@20: 20 Years of
Supporting the Digital Humanities. The 20th Anniversary Text
Encoding Initiative Consortium Members’ Meeting, University
of Maryland, College Park.
Witt, A., Schonefeld, O., Rehm, G., Khoo, J., and Evang, K.
(2007b). On the Lossless Transformation of Single-File,
Multi-Layer Annotations into Multi-Rooted Trees. In Usdin,
B. T., editor, Proceedings of Extreme Markup Languages 2007,
Montréal, Canada.
Wörner, K., Witt, A., Rehm, G., and Dipper, S. (2006).
Modelling Linguistic Data Structures. In Usdin, B. T., editor,
Proceedings of Extreme Markup Languages 2006, Montréal,
Zimmermann, F. and Lehmberg, T. (2007). Language Corpora
– Copyright – Data Protection: The Legal Point of View. In
Schmidt, S., Siemens, R., Kumar, A., and Unsworth, J., editors,
Digital Humanities 2007, pages 162–164, Urbana-Champaign,
IL, USA. ACH, ALLC, Graduate School of Library and
Information Science, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Zinsmeister, H., Kübler, S., Hinrichs, E., and Witt, A. (2008).
Linguistically Annotated Corpora: Quality Assurance,
Reusability and Sustainability. In Lüdeling, A. and Kytö, M.,
editors, Corpus Linguistics, HSK. de Gruyter, Berlin etc. In print.
e-Science: New
collaborations between
information technology and
the humanities
David Robey
Arts and Humanities Research Council, UK
Stuart Dunn
King’s College London, UK
Laszlo Hunyadi
University of Debrecen, Hungary
Dino Buzzetti
University of Bologna, Italy
e-Science in the UK and elsewhere stands for a broad agenda
as important for the humanities as it is for the natural sciences:
to extend the application of advanced information technologies
to develop new kinds of research across the whole range of
academic disciplines, particularly through the use of internetbased resources. The aim of this session is to introduce some
recent UK developments in this area, side by side with related
developments in other parts of Europe.
• David Robey: Introduction
• Stuart Dunn: e-Science developments in the UK: temporal
mapping and location-aware web technologies for the
• Laszlo Hunyadi:Virtual Research Organizations for the
Humanities in Europe: technological challenges, needs and
• Dino Buzzetti: Interfacing Biological and Textual studies in
an e-Science Environment
Digital Humanities 2008
Understanding TEI(s): A
Presentation and Discussion
Susan Schreibman
University of Maryland, USA
Ray Siemens
membership organization composed of academic institutions,
research projects, and individual scholars from around the
world. For more information, see
This panel provides an opportunity beyond the project- and
researcher-centred papers of the DH2008 conference for
members of the TEI community to present on and discuss
aspects of the TEI community itself, among them the nature
and influence of Special Interest Groups (SIGs), recent trends
in the integration of TEI with other schema and systems,
issues of the annual conference and community support, and
education and outreach now, and in the future.
University of Victoria, Canada
Speakers will include
Peter Boot
Huygens Institute The Netherlands
Arianna Ciula
King’s College London, UK
James Cummings
University of Oxford, UK
Kurt Gärtner
Universität Trier, Germany
Martin Holmes
University of Victoria, Canada
John Walsh
Indiana University, USA
The Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) is a consortium which
collectively develops and maintains a standard for the
representation of texts in digital form. Its chief deliverable
is a set of Guidelines which specify encoding methods for
machine-readable texts, primarily in the humanities, social
sciences and linguistics. Since 1994, the TEI Guidelines have
been widely used by libraries, museums, publishers, and
individual scholars to present texts for online research,
teaching, and preservation. In addition to the Guidelines
themselves, the Consortium provides a variety of supporting
resources, including resources for learning TEI <http://www.>, information on projects using
the TEI <>, TEIrelated publications <>,
and software <> developed for
or adapted to the TEI. The TEI Consortium is a non-profit
Digital Humanities 2008
DH2008: ADHO Session
‘Digital resources in
humanities research:
Evidence of value (2)’
activities, of digital tools development projects, and in general
of the impact of of digital methods on research in the arts and
humanities. Lorna Hughes and David Robey will discuss the
results of the evaluation process at the end of the AHRC ICT
Methods Network at King’s College London, and of related
work on a set of resource-development projects funded by
the AHRC ICT in Arts and Humanities Research Programme.
John Unsworth and David Hoover will take a somewhat
more anecdotal approach, and one that emphasizes North
America rather than the UK. They will focus on a variety of
ways of assessing and enhancing the value of digital humanities
research in the areas of access, analysis, and advancing one’s
career. What kinds and levels of access to digital material have
the most impact? What kinds of analysis and presentation,
and what venues of publication or dissemination are most
persuasive and effective? How does or can the exploitation of
digital materials enhance the career of the (digital) humanist?
Harold Short
King’s College London, UK
David Hoover
New York University, USA
Lorna Hughes
King’s College London, UK
We hope that participants from other countries will contribute
their points of view in the discussion.
David Robey
Arts and Humanities Research Council, UK
John Unsworth
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
This takes further the issues discussed at the ALLC session at
While most of us who do humanities computing need no
convincing of its value, academic colleagues - including those
on appointment and promotion panels - still need to be
convinced, and even more so funders. If we want backing for
the use and further development of digital resources, both data
and processes, we need to collect more extensive concrete
evidence of the ways in which they enable us to do research
better, or to do research we would not otherwise be able to
do, or to generate new knowledge in entirely new ways. Since
the value of humanities research as a whole is qualitative, not
quantitative, it is qualitative evidence in particular we should be
looking for: digital resources providing the means not simply
of doing research, but of doing excellent research.
The DH2007 panel session discussed a wide range of general
issues arising in the discussion of the value of humanities
computing, both in terms of its impact and results, and in
terms of the intrinsic structures and qualities of digital objects
created for research purposes.
The present panel session takes this further one the one hand
by presenting recent work in the UK that has systematically
tried to capture the value of humanities computing support
Digital Humanities 2008
The Building Blocks of the
New Electronic Book
Ray Siemens
University of Victoria, Canada
Claire Warwick
University College London, UK
Kirsten C. Uszkalo
St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
Stan Ruecker
University of Alberta, Canada
Paper 1: A New Context for the
Electronic Book
Ray Siemens
The power of the book has preoccupied readers since before
the Renaissance, a crucial time during which the human record
entered print and print, in turn, facilitated the radical, crucial
social and societal changes that have shaped our world as we
know it. It is with as much potential and as much complexity, that
the human record now enters the digital world of electronic
media. At this crucial time, however, we must admit to some
awkward truths. The very best of our electronic books are
still pale reflections of their print models, and the majority
offer much less than a reflection might. Even the electronic
document – the webpage mainstay populating the World
Wide Web – does not yet afford the same basic functionality,
versatility, and utility as does the printed page. Nevertheless,
more than half of those living in developed countries make use
of the computer and the internet to read newspaper pieces,
magazine and journal articles, electronic copies of books, and
other similar materials on a daily basis; the next generation of
adults already recognises the electronic medium as their chief
source of textual information; our knowledge repositories
increasingly favour digital products over the print resources
that have been their mainstay for centuries; and professionals
who produce and convey textual information have as a chief
priority activities associated with making such information
available, electronically – even if they must do so in ways that
do not yet meet the standards of functionality, interactivity,
and fostering of intellectual culture that have evolved over 500
years of print publication.
Why, then, are our electronic documents and books not living
up to the promise realized in their print counterparts? What is
it about the book that has made it so successful? How can we
understand that success? How can we duplicate that success,
in order to capitalize on economic and other advantages in
the electronic realm?
This introductory paper frames several responses to the
above, centring on issues related to textual studies, reader
studies, interface design, and information management, and
framing the more detailed responses in the areas below.
Paper 2: ‘Humanities scholars,
research and reading, in physical and
digital environments’
Claire Warwick
It may initially seem strange to suggest that research on what
seems to be such a traditional activity as reading might be
a vital underpinning to the study of digital resources for the
humanities. Yet, to design digital resources fit for research
purposes, we must understand what scholars do in digital
environments, what kind of resources they need, and what
makes some scholars, particularly in the humanities, decline
to use existing digital resources. One of the most important
things that humanities scholars undertake in any environment
is to read. Reading is the fundamental activity of humanities
researchers, and yet we have little knowledge of how reading
processes are modified or extended in new media environments.
In the early to mid 1990s, many humanities scholars expressed
excitement about the possibilities of electronic text, predicting
that the experience of reading would change fundamentally
(e.g., Bolter, 1991; Landow, 1992; Nunberg, 1996; Sutherland,
1997). Such prophetic writings, however, were not based on and
rarely followed up by studies with readers, particularly readers
in humanities settings. Through the last fifteen years critical
interest within humanities circles with respect to reading has
waned and little progress has been made in understanding
how electronic textuality may affect reading practices, both of
academic and non-academic readers.
We are, however, beginning to understand the relationship
between reading in print and online, and how connections may
be made between the two (Blandford, Rimmer, & Warwick
2006), and how humanities scholars relate to information
environments, by reading and information seeking. In this
paper we will discuss our research to date, undertaken as part
of the UCIS project on the users of digital libraries, and on
the LAIRAH project, which studied levels of use of a variety
of digital humanities resources. (
Research has been based on a use-in- context approach,
in which participants have been interviewed about their
preferences for the use of digital resources in a setting which
is as naturalistic as possible. We also report on the results of
user workshops, and of one to one observations of the use of
digital resources.
As a result of these studies, we have found that humanities
researchers have advanced information skills and mental
models of their physical information environment, although
they may differ in that they find these skills and models difficult
Digital Humanities 2008
to apply to the digital domain (Makri et al. 2007). Humanities
researchers are aware of the available functions as well as
the problems of digital environments, and are concerned
with accuracy, selection methods, and ease of use (Warwick
et al. 2007). They require information about the original item
when materials are digitized and expect high-quality content:
anything that makes a resource difficult to understand – a
confusing name, a challenging interface, or data that must be
downloaded – will deter them from using it (Warwick et al.
It is therefore vital that such insights into the information
behaviour of humanities scholars should be used to inform
future studies of reading. It is also vital that this research is
informed by the insights from other members of the wider
research group, who work on textual studies and interface
and resource design.The paper will therefore end with a short
discussion of future plans for such collaboration.
Bolter, J. David. (1991). Writing space: the computer, hypertext,
and the history of writing. Hillsdale, NJ: L. Erlbaum Associates.
Blandford, A., Rimmer, J., & Warwick, C. (2006). Experiences
of the library in the digital age. Paper presented at 3rd
International Conference on Cultural Covergence and Digital
Technology, Athens, Greece.
Landow, G. P. (1992). Hypertext: the convergence of
contemporary critical theory and technology. Baltimore, MD:
Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992.
Makri, S., Blandford, A., Buchanan, G., Gow, J., Rimmer, J., &
Warwick, C. (2007). A library or just another information
resource? A case study of users’ mental models of traditional
and digital libraries. Journal of the American Society of
Information Science and Technology, 58(3), 433-445.
Nunberg, G (ed.) (1996) The Future of the Book. Berkeley,
University of California Press.
Sutherland, K. (Ed) (1997) Electronic Text: Investigations in
Method and Theory. Oxford, Clarendon Press
Warwick, C., Terras, M., Huntington, P., & Pappa, N. (2007) “If
you build it will they come?” The LAIRAH study: Quantifying
the use of online resources in the Arts and Humanities
through statistical analysis of user log data. Literary and
Linguistic Computing, forthcoming
Paper 3: A Book is not a Display: A
Theoretical Evolution of the E-Book
Kirsten C. Uszkalo and Stan Ruecker
In our part of this panel session, we will discuss the design
of the physical electronic book—the reading device—from
a user perspective. There has been a tendency on the part
of producers of information to disassociate the information
from its media. This makes sense in a digital age: there are
inefficiencies in production that can be made more efficient by
remediation.Additionally, there is little intrinsic justification for
preferring one medium over another, unless one wishes to take
into account the situated context of use. Designers, however,
insofar as they are distinct from producers of information,
have had a longstanding tendency to become absorbed in the
situated context of use.
When the conventions of HTML were determined in such
a way that they discounted formatting, and for very good
reasons of cross-platform compatibility, designers began the
uphill battle of changing the conventions, because they felt
that formatting, and not just content, was important. For
example, Travis Albers says of his recent project Bookglutton.
com: “BookGlutton is working to facilitate adoption of on-line
reading. Book design is an important aspect of the reader, and
it incorporates design elements, like dynamic dropcaps.”
The issue at stake with existing electronic book readers is their
function as an interface, which can, according to Gui Bonsiepe,
create the “possibilities for effective action or obstruct them”
(62). Interface issues like eye strain, contrast, and resolution are
being addressed through the use of E-Ink’s electronic paper in
Sony’s 2007 / 2007 Sony E Book, Bookeen, iRex Technologies,
and Amazon’s Kindle (2008) electronic book readers. Samsung
and LG Philips are addressing object size of ebook readers
with 14 inch lightweight epaper formats; and Polymer Vision’s
Readius, “a mobile device” is a “flexible 5-inch e-paper display
that unfurls like a scroll.” However, these formats lack the
intuitive, familiar feeling of the book. Acknowledging that
ebook proprietary software issues, copyright, and cost might
keep people from investing in a reading device in order to be
able to read a book, and noting the continued superiority of
the paper book in both form and function over the electronic
book reader, we will look to the range of design issues which
continue to plague the potential viable sales for the electronic
book reader.
Digital Humanities 2008
Balas, Janet L. “Of iPhones and Ebooks: Will They Get
Together?” Computers in Libraries. Westport: Nov/Dec 2007.
Vol. 27, Iss. 10; pg. 35, 4 pgs
Bina. “DON’T Upgrade the REB 1100!!,” Published
November 6, 2004. Accessed November 17, 2007. http://
Geist, Michael. “Music Publisher’s Takedown Strikes The
Wrong Chord” Published Tuesday October 30, 2007.
Accessed November 17, 2007 http://www.michaelgeist.
SDH/SEMI panel:Text
Analysis Developers’ Alliance
(TADA) and T-REX
Stéfan Sinclair
McMaster University, Canada
Ray Siemens
Teaching and learning: Dual educational electronic textbooks:
the starlight platform
University of Victoria, Canada
Grammenos, Dimitris. et al “Teaching and learning: Dual
educational electronic textbooks: the starlight platform”
Proceedings of the 9th international ACM SIGACCESS
conference on Computers and accessibility Assets ‘07
October 2007
Hodge, Steve, et al. “ThinSight: versatile multi-touch sensing
for thin form-factor displays” Symposium on User Interface
Software and Technology archive. Proceedings of the 20th
annual ACM, Newport, Rhode Island, USA, 2007, pp. 259 - 268
Matt Jockers
Farber, Dan. “Sony’s misguided e-book” Published February
22nd, 2006. Accessed November 17, 2007. http://blogs.zdnet.
Forest, Brady. “Illiad, a new ebook reader” Published
September 21, 2006. Accessed November 17, 2007 http://
Mangalindan, Mylene. “Amazon to Debut E-Book Reader”
Wall Street Journal. Published November 16, 2007; Page B2.
Morrison, Chris. “10 Taking a Page Out of the E-Book.”
Business 2.0. San Francisco: Oct 2007.Vol. 8, Iss. 9; pg. 34
Oswald, Ed “Sony Updates Electronic Book Reader”
Published October 2, 2007, 2:50. Accessed November 17,
2007. <
Stone, Brad. “Envisioning the Next Chapter for Electronic
Books” Published: September 6, 2007. Accessed November
17, 2007.
Stéfan Sinclair
McMaster University, Canada
Stanford University, USA
Susan Schreibman
University of Maryland, USA
Patrick Juola
Duquesne University, USA
David Hoover
New York University, USA
Jean-Guy Meunier
Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Dominic Forest
University of Montreal, Canada
The Text Analysis Developers’ Alliance (TADA) is an informal
affiliation of designers, developers, and users of text analysis
tools in the digital humanities. The TADA wiki (http://tada. has steadily grown since the group’s first
meeting three years ago, and now contains a wide range of
useful documents, including general information about text
analysis, pedagogically-oriented text analysis recipes, and
content from several projects engaged in open research
(publicly documenting themselves). Most recently TADA has
Digital Humanities 2008
announced its inaugural T-REX event (
trex/), a community initiative with the following objectives:
• to identify topics of shared interest for further
development in text analysis
• to evaluate as a community ideas and tools that emerge
from the topics
• to present results from this process as research in various
This panel will provide a more detailed account of the history
and activities of TADA, as well as a preliminary account of TREX from the participants themselves, where possible.
Feminist Critical Inquiry,
Knowledge Building, Digital
Martha Nell Smith
University of Maryland, USA
Susan Brown
University of Guelph, Canada
Laura Mandell
Miami University, USA
Katie King
University of Maryland, USA
Marilee Lindemann
University of Maryland, USA
Rebecca Krefting
University of Maryland, USA
Amelia S. Wong
University of Maryland, USA
In the later twentieth century, the humanities were transformed
by the rise of gender studies and related critical movements
that investigate the impact of socialized power distribution
on knowledge formations and institutions. Throughout the
humanities, the very research questions posed have been
fundamentally altered by the rise of feminist and, more
recently, critical race, queer, and related social justice-oriented
critiques. These critical perspectives, as speakers in last
year’s DH2007 panel “Agora.Techno.Phobia.Philia: Gender,
Knowledge Building, and Digital Media” amply demonstrated,
have much to contribute not only to thinking about women
in relation to information and communication technologies
but also to advancing the work and efficacies of information
and communications technologies. The session we propose
extends and deepens the critical inquiries posed in last year’s
session. Though Carolyn Guertin will not be able to join us
in Finland this year, we each will take into account the telling
survey (available upon request) she presented of virtual space
and concomitant debates devoted to women and information
technology, as well as her compelling analysis of the stakes
involved for female participants in such debates. Important
also for our considerations are the special issue of Frontiers
devoted to gender, race, and information technology (http://
Digital Humanities 2008
books by feminist thinkers such as Isabel Zorn, J. McGrath
Cohoon and William Aspray, Lucy Suchman; and the most
recent issue of Vectors devoted to Difference (Fall 2007; http://
these publications demonstrate keen and widespread interest
in messy and ambiguous questions of diversity and technology
and new media, such work and debates seem oddly absent
from or at least underappreciated by the digital humanities
(DH) community itself.
It’s not that the Digital Humanities community feels hostile to
women or to feminist work per se. Women have historically
been and currently are visible, audible, and active in ADHO
organizations, though not in equal numbers as men. The
language used in papers is generally gender-aware. Conference
programs regularly include work about feminist projects, that
is to say ones that focus on feminist content (such as the
interdisciplinary The Orlando Project, The Poetess Archive,
Women Writers Project, Dickinson Electronic Archives).
Though other DH projects and initiatives are inter- or transdisciplinary, their interdisciplinarities have tended not to
include feminist elements, presumably because those feminist
lines of inquiry are assumed to be discipline- or content-based
(applicable only to projects such as those mentioned above),
hence are largely irrelevant to what the digital humanities in
general are about. Thus DH conference exchanges tend to
have little to do with gender. In other words, DH debates
over methodological and theoretical approaches, or over
the substance of digital humanities as a field, have not been
informed by the research questions fundamentally altered
by feminist, critical race, queer, and related social justiceoriented critiques, the very critiques that have transformed
the humanities as a whole.
Why? The timing of the rise of the “field” perhaps?-much of
the institutionalization and expansion, if not the foundation,
of digital humanities took place from the late 20th century
onwards. As recent presentations at major DH centers make
clear (Smith @ MITH in October 2007, for example), there is
a sense among some in the DH community that technologies
are somehow neutral, notwithstanding arguments by Andrew
Feenberg, Lucy Suchman, and others in our bibliography that
technology and its innovations inevitably incorporate patterns
of domination and inequity or more generalized social power
distributions. Yet if we have learned one thing from critical
theory, it is that interrogating the naturalized assumptions that
inform how we make sense of the world is crucial in order to
produce knowledge. Important for our panel discussion (and
for the companion poster session we hope will be accepted as
part of this proposal) is feminist materialist inquiry, which urges
us to look for symptomatic gaps and silences in intellectual
inquiry and exchange and then analyze their meanings in order
to reinflect and thereby enrich the consequent knowledgebuilding discourses. So what happens if we try to probe this
silence on gender in digital humanities discourse, not only in
regard to institutions and process, but in regard to defining
and framing DH debates?
Building on the work of Lucy Suchman and the questions of
her collaborators on the panel, Martha Nell Smith will show
how questions basic to feminist critical inquiry can advance
our digital work (not just that of projects featuring feminist
content): How do items of knowledge, organizations, working
groups come into being? Who made them? For what purposes?
Whose work is visible, what is happening when only certain
actors and associated achievements come into public view?
What happens when social orders, including intellectual and
social framings, are assumed to be objective features of social
life (i.e., what happens when assumptions of objectivity are
uninformed by ethnomethodology, which reminds us that
social order is illusory and that social structures appear
to be orderly but are in reality potentially chaotic)? Doing
so, Smith will analyze the consequences of the politics of
ordering within disambiguating binary divisions (Subject
and object; Human and nonhuman; Nature and culture; Old
and new) and the consequent constructions and politics of
technology:Where is agency located? Whose agencies matter?
What counts as innovation: why are tools valorized? How
might the mundane forms of inventive, yet taken for granted
labor, necessary (indeed VITAL) to the success of complex
sociotechnical arrangements, be more effectively recognized
and valued for the crucial work they do? Smith will argue that
digital humanities innovation needs to be sociological as well
as technological if digital humanities is to have a transformative
impact on traditional scholarly practices.
Susan Brown will open up the question-what happens if we try
to probe this silence on gender in digital humanties discoursein a preliminary way by focusing on a couple of terms that
circulate within digital humanities discourse in relation to what
the digital humanities are (not) about: delivery and service.
Delivery and interface work are intriguingly marginal rather
than central to DH concerns, despite what we know about the
impact of usability on system success or failure.Willard McCarty
regards the term “delivery” as metaphorically freighted with
connotations of knowledge commodification and mug-and-jug
pedagogy (6). However, informed by feminist theory and the
history of human birthing, we might alternatively mobilize the
less stable connotations of delivery as “being delivered of, or
act of bringing forth, offspring,” which offers a model open to
a range of agents and participants, in which the process and
mode of delivery have profound impacts on what is delivered.
The history of the forceps suggests a provocative lens on
the function of tools in processes of professionalization and
disciplinary formation.An emphasis on delivery from conception
through to usability studies of fully developed interfaces willif it takes seriously the culturally and historically grounded
analyses of technology design and mobilization modeled by
Lucy Suchman-go a considerable distance towards breaking
down the oppositions between designer and user, producer
and consumer, technologist and humanist that prevent digital
humanities from having transformative impacts on traditional
scholarly practices. This sense of delivery foregrounds
boundaries as unstable and permeable, and boundary issues, as
Donna Haraway was among the first to argue, have everything
to do with the highly politicized-and gendered-category of the
Digital Humanities 2008
human, the subject/object of humanist knowledge production.
The relationships among service (often married to the term
“support”), disciplinarity, and professionalization within
debates over the nature and identity of humanities computing
are similarly important for reimagining how DH work might be
advanced and might have a greater impact on the humanities
as a whole. Service, a feminized concept, recurs as a danger to
the establishment of legitimacy (Rommel; Unsworth). Sliding,
as Geoffrey Rockwell points out, easily into the unequivocally
denigrating “servile,” service too challenges us to be aware of
how institutional power still circulates according to categories
and hierarchies that embed social power relations. As Susan
Leigh Star has argued, marginality, liminality, or hybridity,
multiple membership that crosses identities or communities,
provide valuable vantage points for engagement with shifting
technologies (Star 50-53). These two liminal terms within
digital humanities debates may open up digital humanities
debates to new questions, new prospects, and Brown will offer
examples of some ways in which this might be done in order
to enrich DH work in general.
By focusing on the terms gynesis and ontology, Laura Mandell
examines the relationship between concepts in traditional
epistemological discourses and those concepts as they appear
in discussions about and implementations of the semantic web:
hierarchy, ontology, individual, and class. First, she will look at
traditional meanings of these terms, performing philological
analysis of their origin and province as well as locating them
in their disciplinary silos - in the manner of Wikipedia’s
disambiguation pages. Next, she will look at how the terms
are defined in discussions of the emerging semantic web, and
also at how they function practically in XML Schema, database
design, and OWL, the Web Ontology Language. Much work
has been done by feminist theorists and philosophers from
Luce Irigaray to more recently Liz Stanley and Sue Wise in
critiquing the sexism implicit in concepts of hierarchy, being,
and individuality; Mary Poovey has tracked the emergence of
modern notions of class in her book about the history of the
fact. Mandell will extend these foundational critiques, asking
whether any of the insights achieved by that work apply to
the semantic web. Of particular concern for Mandell is the
category of error. Simone de Beauvoir’s Second Sex first
brought to light the notion of woman as Other, as “error”
to the man, and Julia Kristeva (following anthropologist Mary
Douglas) finds female agency lurking in the dirt or ambiguity of
any logical system. If computational and generational languages
such as those producing the semantic web cannot tolerate
ambiguity and error, what will be repressed? Does the syntax
of natural language allow for women’s subjectivity in a way that
ontological relationships might not? What are the opportunities
for adding relationships to these systems that capitalize upon
the necessary logical errors that philosopher Luce Irigaray has
designated as necessary if “The Human are two”?
work in knowledge-building and pedagogy. Professors Katie
King, who has worked for the past two decades on writing
technologies and their implications for knowledge production,
and Marilee Lindemann, who is a leading queer studies theorist
and a blogger who has been exploring new forms of scholarly
writing in her creative nonfiction, Roxie’s World ( will respond to the questions posed by
Smith, Brown, and Mandell, formulating questions that aim to
engage the audience in discourse designed to advance both
our practices and our theories about what we are doing,
where we might be going, and how augmenting our modes and
designs for inquiry might improve both our day-to-day DH
work and its influence on humanities knowledge production.
Their questions will be posed ahead of time (by the end of
May) on the website we will devote to this session (http://, as will “think piece”
interactive essays contributed by all of the participants (we
are mostly likely to use a wiki).
As a result of ongoing work with feminist graduate students
interested in new media, the possibilities realized and unrealized,
we propose extending this panel asynchronously so that
current dissertation research be featured as case studies more
than suitable for testing some of the hypotheses, exploring the
questions, and reflecting upon the issues raised by the panel
presentations. Thus we propose two poster sessions (or one
with two components) by University of Maryland graduate
students: Rebecca Krefting, “Because HTML Text is Still a Text:
The (False) Promise of Digital Objectivity,” and Amelia Wong,
“Everyone a Curator?: The Potential and Limitations of Web
2.0 for New Museology.”
Rounding out this panel will be two respondents to these
three 12-15 minute presentations by experts in feminist and
queer theory and practice, both of whom have expressed
keen interest in DH through the evolving practices of their
Digital Humanities 2008
Digital Humanities 2008
Digital Humanities 2008
Digital Humanities 2008
Unicode 5.0 and 5.1 and
Digital Humanities Projects
index.html), and SIL’s tools (
all provide samples of conversion methods for upgrading
digital projects to include new Unicode characters.
Deborah Winthrop Anderson
Since Unicode is the accepted standard for character
encoding, any critical assessment of Unicode made to the
body in charge of Unicode, the Unicode Technical Committee,
is generally limited to comments on whether a given character
is missing in Unicode or--if proposed or currently included
in Unicode--critiques of a character’s glyph and name, as
well as its line-breaking properties and sorting position.
In Chapter 5 of the TEI P5 Guidelines, mention is made of
character properties, but it does not discuss line-breaking
or sorting, which are now two components of Unicode
proposals and are discussed in annexes and standards on the
Unicode Consortium website (Unicode Standard Annex #14
“Line Breaking Properties,” Unicode Technical Standard #10,
“Unicode Collation Algorithm,” both accessible from www. Users should pay close attention to these two
features, for an incorrect assignment can account for peculiar
layout and sorting features in software. Comments on missing
characters, incorrect glyphs or names, and properties should
all be directed to the Unicode online contact page (http:// It is recommended that an
addition to Chapter 5 of P5 be made regarding word-breaking
and collation when defining new characters.
UC Berkeley, USA
In theory, digital humanities projects should rely on standards
for text and character encoding. For character encoding,
the standard recommended by TEI P5 (TEI Consortium, eds.
Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange
[last modified: 03 Feb 2008], is
the Unicode Standard (
standard.html). The choices made by digital projects in
character encoding can be critical, as they impact text analysis
and language processing, as well as the creation, storage, and
retrieval of such textual digital resources. This talk will discuss
new characters and important features of Unicode 5.0 and
5.1 that could impact digital humanities projects, discuss the
process of proposing characters into Unicode, and provide the
theoretical underpinnings for acceptance of new characters by
the standards committees. It will also give specific case studies
from recent Unicode proposals in which certain characters
were not accepted, relaying the discussion in the standards
committees on why they were not approved. This latter
topic is important, because decisions made by the standards
committees ultimately will affect text encoding.
For those characters not in Unicode, the P5 version of the
TEI Guidelines deftly describes what digital projects should do
in Chapter 5 (TEI Consortium, eds. “Representation of Nonstandard Characters and Glyphs,” Guidelines for Electronic
Text Encoding and Interchange [last modified: 03 Feb
WD.html [accessed: 24 March 2008]), but one needs to be
aware of the new characters that are in the standards approval
process. The presentation will briefly discuss where to go to
look for the new characters on public websites, which are “in
the pipeline.”
The Unicode Standard will, with Unicode 5.1, have over
100,000 characters encoded, and proposals are underway
for several unencoded historic and modern minority scripts,
many through the Script Encoding Initiative at UC Berkeley
Reviewing the glyphs, names, and character properties for
this large number of characters is difficult. Assistance from
the academic world is sought for (a) authoring and review of
current proposals of unencoded character and scripts, and (b)
proofing the beta versions of Unicode. With the participation
of digital humanists, this character encoding standard can be
made a reliable and useful standard for such projects.
The release of Unicode 5.0 in July 2007 has meant that an
additional 1,369 new characters have been added to the
standard, and Unicode 5.1, due to be released in April 2008,
will add 1,624 more (
Unicode5.1.0/) In order to create projects that take advantage
of what Unicode and Unicode-compliant software offers, one
must be kept abreast of developments in this standard and
make appropriate changes to fonts and documents as needed.
For projects involving medieval and historic texts, for example,
the release of 5.1 will include a significant number of European
medieval letters, as well as new Greek and Latin epigraphic
letters, editorial brackets and half-brackets, Coptic combining
marks, Roman weights and measures and coin symbols, Old
Cyrillic letters and Old Slavonic combining letters.The Menota
(, EMELD’s “School of Best Practice”
Digital Humanities 2008
Variation of Style: Diachronic
Vadim Andreev
Smolensk State University, Russian Federation
Among works, devoted to the quantitative study of style,
an approach prevails which can be conventionally called as
synchronic. Synchronic approach is aimed at solving various
classification problems (including those of attribution), making
use of average (mean) values of characteristics, which reflect
the style of the whole creative activity of an author. This
approach is based on the assumption that the features of an
individual style are not changing during lifetime or vary in time
very little, due to which the changes can be disregarded as
linguistically irrelevant.
This assumption can be tested in experiments, organised
within a diachronic approach, whose purpose is to compare
linguistic properties of texts, written by the same author at
different periods of his life.
This paper presents the results of such a diachronic study
of the individual style of famous American romantic poet
E.A.Poe. The study was aimed at finding out whether there
were linguistically relevant differences in the style of the poet
at various periods of his creative activity and if so, at revealing
linguistic markers for the transition from one period to the
The material includes iambic lyrics published by Poe in his 4
collections of poems. Lyrics were chosen because this genre
expresses in the most vivid way the essential characteristics of
a poet. In order to achieve a common basis for the comparison
only iambic texts were taken, they usually did not exceed 60
lines. It should be noted that iamb was used by Poe in most of
his verses. Sonnets were not taken for analysis because they
possess specific structural organization. Poe’s life is divided
into three periods: (1) from Poe’s first attempts to write
verses approximately in 1824 till 1829, (2) from 1830 till 1835
and (3) from 1836 till 1849.
For the analysis 27 characteristics were taken. They include
morphological and syntactic parameters.
Morphological characteristics are formulated in terms of
traditional morphological classes (noun, verb, adjective,
adverb and pronoun). We counted how many times each of
them occurs in the first and the final strong (predominantly
stressed) syllabic positions – ictuses.
Most of syntactic characteristics are based on the use of
traditional notions of the members of the sentence (subject,
predicate, object, adverbial modifier) in the first and the final
strong positions in poems. Other syntactic parameters are
the number of clauses in (a) complex and (b) compound
There are also several characteristics which represent what
can be called as poetical syntax. They are the number of
enjambements, the number of lines divided by syntactic pauses
and the number of lines, ending in exclamation or question
marks. Enjambement takes place when a clause is continued
on the next line (And what is not a dream by day / To him
whose eyes are cast / On things around him <…>). Pause is
a break in a line, caused by a subordinate clause or another
sentence (I feel ye now – I feel ye in your strength – <…>).
The values of the characteristics, which were obtained as a
result of the analysis of lyrics, were normalised over the size
of these texts in lines.
One of multivariate methods of statistical analyses –
discriminant analysis – was used. This method has been
successfully used in the study of literary texts for authorship
detection (Stamatatos, Fakatakis and Kokkinakis 2001; Baayen,
Van Halteren, and Tweedie 1996, etc.), genre differentiation
(Karlgen, Cutting 1994; Minori Murata 2000, etc.), gender
categorization (Koppel et al. 2002; Olsen 2005), etc.
Discriminant analysis is a procedure whose purpose is to find
characteristics, discriminating between naturally occurring
(or a priori formed) classes, and to classify into these
classes separate (unique) cases which are often doubtful and
“borderline”. For this purpose linear functions are calculated in
such a way as to provide the best differentiation between the
classes. The variables of these functions are characteristics of
objects, relevant for discrimination. Judging by the coefficients
of these variables we can single out the parameters which
possess maximum discriminating force. Besides, the procedure
enables us to test the statistical significance of the obtained
results (Klecka, 1989).
In this paper discriminant analysis is used to find out if there is
any difference between groups of texts written during Periods
1–3, reveal characteristics differentiating these text groups and
establish their discriminating force.
It would be natural to expect that due to Poe’s relatively short
period of creative activity (his first collection of poems was
published in 1827, his last collection – in 1845) his individual style
does not vary much, if at all. Nevertheless the results show that
there are clearly marked linguistic differences between his texts
Digital Humanities 2008
written during these three periods. Out of 27 characteristics,
used in the analysis, 14 proved to possess discriminating force,
distinguishing between the verse texts of different periods
of the author’s life. The strongest discriminating force was
observed in morphological characteristics of words both in
the first and final strong positions and syntactic characteristics
of the initial part of verse lines.These parameters may be used
for automatic classification of Poe’s lyrics into three groups
corresponding to three periods of his creative activity with
100% correctness.
The transition from the first to the second period is mainly
characterised by changes in the number of verbs, nouns and
pronouns in the first and the last strong positions, as well as
in the number of subordinate clauses in complex sentences,
words in the function of adverbial modifier in the initial position
in the line. The development in Poe’s style from the second to
the third period is also marked by changes in the number of
morphological classes of words in the initial and final strong
positions of the line (nouns, adverbs and pronouns).
It should be stressed that these changes reflect general
tendencies of variation of frequencies of certain elements and
are not present in all the texts. In the following examples the shift
of verbs from the final part of the line, which is characteristic
of the first period, to the initial strong position of the line (i.e.
second syllable) in the second period is observed.
Period 1
But when within thy waves she looks –
Which glistens then, and trembles –
Why, then, the prettiest of brooks
On the whole the results show that there are certain
linguistic features which reflect the changes in the style of
E.A.Poe. Among important period markers are part of speech
characteristics and several syntactic parameters.
Baayen, R.H.,Van Halteren, H., and Tweedie, F. (1996) Outside
the cave of shadows: Using syntactic annotation to enhance
authorship attribution. Literary and Linguistic Computing, 11:
Karlgen, J., Cutting, D. (1994) Recognizing text genres with
simple metrics using discriminant analysis. Proceedings of
COLING 94, Kyoto: 1071–1075.
Klecka, W.R. (1989). Faktornyj, diskriminantnyj i klasternyj analiz.
[Factor, discriminant and cluster analysis]. Moscow: Finansi i
Koppel, M, Argamon, S., and Shimoni, A.R. (2002)
Automatically Categorizing Written Texts by Author Gender.
Literary & Linguistic Computing, 17: 401–412.
Murata, M. (2000) Identify a Text’s Genre by Multivariate
Analysis – Using Selected Conjunctive Words and Particlephrases. Proceedings of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics,
48: 311–326.
Olsen, M. (2005) Écriture Féminine: Searching for an
Indefinable Practice? Literary & Linguistic Computing, 20:
Stamatatos, E., Fakatakis, N., & Kokkinakis, G. (2001).
Computer-Based Authorship Attribution Without Lexical
Measures. Computers and the Humanities, 35: 193–214.
Her worshipper resembles –
For in my heart – as in thy streem –
Her image deeply lies <...>
(To the River)
Period 2
You know the most enormous flower –
That rose – <...>
I tore it from its pride of place
And shook it into pieces <...>
(Fairy Land)
Digital Humanities 2008
Exploring Historical
Image Collections with
Collaborative Faceted
Georges Arnaout
Old Dominion University, USA
Kurt Maly
Old Dominion University, USA
Milena Mektesheva
Old Dominion University, USA
Harris Wu
Old Dominion University, USA
Mohammad Zubair
Old Dominion University, USA,
The US Government Photos and Graphics Collection include
some of the nation’s most precious historical documents.
However the current federation is not effective for
exploration. We propose an architecture that enables users
to collaboratively construct a faceted classification for this
historical image collection, or any other large online multimedia
collections. We have implemented a prototype for the
American Political History multimedia collection from,
with a collaborative faceted classification interface. In addition,
the proposed architecture includes automated document
classification and facet schema enrichment techniques.
It is difficult to explore a large historical multimedia humanities
collection without a classification scheme. Legacy items
often lack textual description or other forms of metadata,
which makes search very difficult. One common approach
is to have librarians classify the documents in the collection.
This approach is often time or cost prohibitive, especially
for large, growing collections. Furthermore, the librarian
approach cannot reflect diverse and ever-changing needs and
perspectives of users.As Sir Tim Berners-Lee commented:“the
exciting thing [about Web] is serendipitous reuse of data: one
person puts data up there for one thing, and another person
uses it another way.” Recent social tagging systems such as del. permit individuals to assign free-form keywords (tags)
to any documents in a collection. In other words, users can
contribute metadata. These tagging systems, however, suffer
from low quality of tags and lack of navigable structures.
The system we are developing improves access to a large
multimedia collection by supporting users collaboratively
build a faceted classification. Such a collaborative approach
supports diverse and evolving user needs and perspectives.
Faceted classification has been shown to be effective for
exploration and discovery in large collections [1]. Compared
to search, it allows for recognition of category names instead
of recalling of query keywords. Faceted classification consists
of two components: the facet schema containing facets and
categories, and the association between each document and
the categories in the facet schema. Our system allows users to
collaboratively 1) evolve a schema with facets and categories,
and 2) to classify documents into this schema. Through users’
manual efforts and aided by the system’s automated efforts, a
faceted classification evolves with the growing collection, the
expanding user base, and the shifting user interests.
Our fundamental belief is that a large, diverse group of people
(students, teachers, etc.) can do better than a small team
of librarians in classifying and enriching a large multimedia
Related Research
Our research builds upon popular wiki and social tagging
systems. Below we discuss several research projects closest
to ours in spirit.
The Flamenco project [1] has developed a good browsing
interface based on faceted classification, and has gone through
extensive evaluation with digital humanities collections such as
the fine art images at the museums in San Francisco. Flamenco,
however, is a “read-only” system. The facet schema is predefined, and the classification is pre-loaded. Users will not be
able to change the way the documents are classified.
The Facetag project [2] guides users’ tagging by presenting a
predetermined facet schema to users. While users participate
in classifying the documents, the predetermined facet schema
forces users to classify the documents from the system’s
perspective. The rigid schema is insufficient in supporting
diverse user perspectives.
A few recent projects [4, 7] attempt to create classification
schemas from tags collected from social tagging systems. So far
these projects have generated only single hierarchies, instead
of multiple hierarchies as in faceted schemas. Also just as
any other data mining systems, these automatic classification
approaches suffers from quality problems.
So far, no one has combined user efforts and automated
techniques to build a faceted classification, both to build the
schema and to classify documents into it, in a collaborative and
interactive manner.
Digital Humanities 2008
Architecture and Prototype
The architecture of our system is shown in Figure 1. Users
can not only tag (assign free-form keywords to) documents
but also collaboratively build a faceted classification in a wiki
fashion. Utilizing the metadata created by users’ tagging efforts
and harvested from other sources, the system help improve
the classification.We focus on three novel features: 1) to allow
users collaboratively build and maintain a faceted classification,
2) to systematically enrich the user-created facet schema, 3)
to automatically classify documents into the evolving facet
the collection.This collection is poor with metadata and tools,
which is common to many digital humanity collections that
contain legacy items that have little pre-existing metadata, or
lack resources for maintenance.
Figure 1. System Architecture
We have developed a Web-based interface that allows
users create and edit facets/categories similar to managing
directories in the Microsoft File Explorer. Simply by clicking
and dragging documents into faceted categories, users can
classify (or re-classify) historic documents. All the files and
documents are stored in a MySQL database. For automatic
classification, we use a support vector machine method [5]
utilizing users’ manual classification as training input. For
systematic facet enrichment, we are exploring methods that
create new faceted categories from free-form tags based on a
statistical co-occurrence model [6] and also WordNet [8].
Note that the architecture has an open design so that it can
be integrated with existing websites or content management
systems. As such the system can be readily deployed to enrich
existing digital humanity collections.
Figure 2. American Political History Collection at
The prototype focused on the collaborative classification
interface. After deploying our prototype, the collection has
been collaboratively classified into categories along several
facets. To prove the openness of system architecture, the
prototype has been integrated with different existing systems.
(Figure 3)
We have deployed a prototype on the American Political
History (APH) sub-collection (
amer_pol_hist) of the US Government Photos and Graphics
Collection, a federated collection with millions of images
collection currently contains over 500 images, many of which
are among the nation’s most valuable historical documents.
On the site, users can explore this collection only
by two ways: either by era, such as 18th century and 19th
century, or by special topics, such as “presidents” (Figure 2).
There are only four special topics manually maintained by the
collection administrator, which do not cover most items in
Digital Humanities 2008
Faceted Classification button on the bottom of the screen (the button
to the right links to a social tagging system,
The system integrated with a Flamenco-like Interface
The system integrated with Joomla!, a popular
content management system
Figure 3. Multi-facet Browsing
As users explore the system (such as by exploring faceted
categories or through a keyword search), besides each item
there is a “classify” button which leads to the classification
interface. The classification interface shows the currently
assigned categories in various facets for the selected item. It
allows user to drag and drop an item into a new category. At
this level user can also add or remove categories from a facet,
or add or remove a facet.
The classification interface. Users can create/edit facets
and categories, and drag items into categories
Figure 4. Classification Interface
Evaluation and Future Steps
Initial evaluation results in a controlled environment show
great promise.The prototype was tested by university students
interested in American political history. The collection was
collaboratively categorized into facets such as Artifact (map,
photo, etc.), Location, Year, and Topics (Buildings, Presidents,
etc.) The prototype is found to be more effective than the
original website in supporting user’s retrieval tasks, in terms
of both recall and precision. At this time, our prototype does
not have all the necessary support to be deployed on public
Internet for a large number of users. For this we need to work
on the concept of hardening a newly added category or facet.
The key idea behind hardening is to accept a new category or
Digital Humanities 2008
facet only after reinforcement from multiple users. In absence
of hardening support our system will be overwhelmed by
the number of new facets and categories.
We are also
exploring automated document classification and facet schema
enrichment techniques. We believe that collaborative faceted
classification can improve access to many digital humanities
This project is supported in part by the United States National
Science Foundation, Award No. 0713290.
[1] Hearst, M.A., Clustering versus Faceted Categories for
Information Exploration. Communications of the ACM, 2006,
[2] Quintarelli, E., L. Rosati, and Resmini, A. Facetag: Integrating
Bottom-up and Top-down Classification in a Social Tagging System.
EuroIA 2006, Berlin.
[3] Wu, H. and M.D. Gordon, Collaborative filing in a
document repository. SIGIR 2004: p. 518-519
[4] Heymann, P. and Garcia-Molina, H., Collaborative Creation
of Communal Hierarchical Taxonomies in Social Tagging Systems.
Stanford Technical Report InfoLab 2006-10, 2006.
[5] Joachims, T. Text categorization with support vector
machines. In Proceedings of 10th European Conference on
Machine Learning, pages 137–142, April 1998.
[6] Sanderson, M. and B. Croft, Deriving concept hierarchies
from text. SIGIR 1999: p. 206-213.
[7] Schmitz and Patrick, Inducing Ontology from Flickr Tags.
Workshop in Collaborative Web Tagging, 2006.
[8] WordNet: An Electronic Lexical Database. Christiane
Fellbaum (editor). 1998. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
Annotated Facsimile
Editions: Defining Macro-level
Structure for Image-Based
Electronic Editions
Neal Audenaert
Texas A&M University, USA
Richard Furuta
Texas A&M University, USA
Facsimile images form a major component in many digital
editing projects. Well-known projects such as the Blake
Archive [Eaves 2007] and the Rossetti Archive [McGann 2007]
use facsimile images as the primary entry point to accessing
the visually rich texts in their collections. Even for projects
focused on transcribed electronic editions, it is now standard
practice to include high-resolution facsimile.
Encoding standards and text processing toolkits have been
the focus of significant research. Tools, standards, and formal
models for encoding information in image-based editions have
only recently begun to receive attention. Most work in this
area has centered on the digitization and presentation of visual
materials [Viscomi 2002] or detailed markup and encoding
of information within a single image [Lecolinet 2002, Kiernan
2004, Dekhtyar 2006]. Comparatively little has been work has
been done on modeling the large-scale structure of facsimile
editions.Typically, the reading interface that presents a facsimile
determines its structure.
Separating the software used to model data from that used
to build user interfaces has well-known advantages for both
engineering and digital humanities practices. To achieve this
separation, it is necessary to develop a model of a facsimile
edition that is independent of the interface used to present
that edition.
In this paper, we present a unified approach for representing
linguistic, structural, and graphical content of a text as an
Annotated Facsimile Edition (AFED). This model grows out of
our experience with several digital facsimile edition projects
over more than a decade, including the Cervantes Project
[Furuta 2001], the Digital Donne [Monroy 2007a], and the
Nautical Archaeology Digital Library [Monroy 2007b]. Our work
on these projects has emphasized the need for an intuitive
conceptual model of a digital facsimile. This model can then
serve as the basis for a core software module that can be
used across projects without requiring extensive modification
by software developers. Drawing on our prior work we have
distilled five primary goals for such a model:
Digital Humanities 2008
• Openness: Scholars’ focused research needs are highly
specific, vary widely between disciplines, and change over
time. The model must accommodate new information needs
as they arise.
notes. While it is natural to treat facsimile images sequentially,
any particular linear sequence represents an implementation
decision—a decision that may not be implied by the
physical document. For example, an editor may choose to
arrange an edition of letters according to the date written,
recipient, or thematic content. The image stream, therefore,
is an implementation detail of the model. The structure of the
edition is specified explicitly by the annotations.
Annotation Management
Analytical perspective e.g., physical structure, narrative
elements, poetic.
The name of this type of annotation, e.g., page, volume,
chapter, poem, stanza
Figure 1: A simplified diagram showing an edition
of collected poems (in two volumes) represented
as an annotated facsimile edition.
Start Index
The index into the image stream where this annotation
Stop Index
The index into the image stream where this annotation
• Non-hierarchical: Facsimile editions contain some
information that should be presented hierarchically, but
they cannot be adequately represented as a single, properly
nested hierarchy.
A number for resolving the sequence of multiple
annotations on the same page.
• Restructuring: A facsimile is a representation of the
physical form of a document, but the model should enable
applications to restructure the original form to meet
specific needs.
• Alignment: Comparison between varying representations
of the same work is a fundamental task of humanities
research. The model must support alignment between
facsimiles of different copies of a work.
Annotated Facsimile Editions
Canonical Name
A canonical name that uniquely identifies this content
relative to a domain specific classification scheme.
Display Name
The name to be displayed when referring to an instance
this annotation
A set of key/value pairs providing domain specific
information about the annotation.
A set of transcriptions of the content that this annotation
Structural Information
A reference to the parent of this annotation.
A list of references to the children of this annotation
Table 1: Information represented by an annotation.
The Annotated Facsimile Edition (AFED) models the macro
level structure of facsimile editions, representing them as a
stream of images with annotations over that stream. Figure 1
shows a simplified diagram illustrating a two-volume edition
of collected poems. Annotations encode the structure of the
document and properties of the structural elements they
represent. Separate annotation streams encode multiple
analytical perspectives. For example, in figure 1, the annotations
shown below the image stream describe the physical structure
of the edition (volumes, pages, and lines) while the annotations
shown above the image stream describe the poetic structure
(poems, titles, epigraphs, stanzas). Annotations within a
single analytical perspective—but not those from different
perspectives—follow a hierarchical structure.
Many historical texts exist only as fragments. Many more have
suffered damage that results in the lost of a portion of the
original text. Despite this damage, the general content and
characteristics of the text may be known or hypothesized based
on other sources. In other cases, while the original artifact may
exist, a digital representation of all or part of the artifact may
unavailable initially. To enable scholars to work with missing or
unavailable portions of a facsimile, we introduce the notion of
an abstract image. An abstract image is simply a placeholder
for a known or hypothesized artifact of the text for which no
image is available. Annotations attach to abstract images in the
same way they attach to existing images.
The Image Stream
Annotations are the primary means for representing structural
and linguistic content in the AFED. An annotation identifies a
range of images and specifies properties about those images.
Table 1 lists the information specified by each annotation.
Properties in italics are optional. As shown in this table,
annotations support three main categories of information:
annotation management, content, and structural information.
The image stream intuitively corresponds to the sequential
ordering of page images in a traditional printed book. These
images, however, need not represent actual “pages.” An image
might show a variety of artifacts including an opening of a
book, a fragment of a scroll, or an unbound leaf of manuscript
Digital Humanities 2008
The annotation management and structural information
categories contain record keeping information. Structural
information describes the hierarchical structure of annotation
within an analytical perspective. The annotation management
category specifies the annotation type and identifies the image
content referenced by the annotation.The sequence number is
an identifier used by AFED to determine the relative ordering
of multiple annotations that have the same starting index.
AFED is agnostic to the precise semantics of this value. The
annotation type determines these semantics. For example,
a paragraph annotation may refer to the paragraph number
relative to a page, chapter, or other structural unit.
The content category describes the item referenced by the
annotation. Annotations support two naming conventions. To
facilitate comparison between documents, an annotation may
specify a canonical name according to a domain specific naming
convention. Canonical names usually do not match the name
given to the referenced item by the artifact itself and are rarely
appropriate for display to a general audience. Accordingly, the
annotation requires the specification of a name suitable for
Descriptive metadata can be specified as a set of key/value
properties. In addition to descriptive metadata, annotations
support multiple transcriptions. Multiple transcriptions allow
alternate perspectives of the text; for example, a paleographic
transcription to support detailed linguistic analysis and a
normalized transcription to facilitate reading. Transcriptions
may also include translations.
AFED’s annotation mechanism defines a high-level syntactical
structure that is sufficient to support the basic navigational
needs of most facsimile projects. By remaining agnostic
to semantic details, it allows for flexible, project specific
customization. Where projects need to support user
interactions that go beyond typical navigation scenarios, these
interactions can be integrated into the user interface without
requiring changes to the lower-level tools used to access the
AFED has proven to be a useful model in our work. We have
deployed a proof of concept prototype based on the AFED
model. Several of the facsimile editions constructed by the
Cervantes Project use this prototype behind the scenes. Given its
success in these reader’s interfaces, we are working to develop
a Web-based editing toolkit. This application will allow editors
to quickly define annotations and use those annotations to
describe a facsimile edition.We anticipate completing this tool
by the summer of 2008.
By using multiple, hierarchical annotation streams, AFED’s
expressive power falls under the well-studied class of
document models, known as OHCO (ordered hierarchy of
content objects). Specifically, it is an instance of a revised form
of this generic model known as OHCO-3, [Renear 1996].
Whereas most prior research and development associated
with the OHCO model has focused on XML-based, transcribed
content, we have applied this model to the task of representing
macro-level structures in facsimile editions.
Focusing on macro-level document structure partially isolates
the AFED model from the non-hierarchical nature of documents
both in terms of the complexity of the required data structures,
and in terms of providing simplified model to facilitate system
implementation. If warranted by future applications, we can
relax AFED’s hierarchical constraint. Relaxing this constraint
poses no problems with the current prototype; however,
further investigation is needed to determine potential benefits
and drawbacks.
In addition to macro-level structures, a document model
that strives to represent the visual content of a document
for scholarly purposes must also account for fine-grained
structures present in individual images and provide support
for encoded content at a higher level of detail. We envision
using the AFED model in conjunction with models tailored for
these low-level structures.We are working to develop a model
for representing fine-grained structure in visually complex
documents grounded in spatial hypermedia theory.
This material is based upon work support by National Science
Foundation under Grant No. IIS-0534314.
[Dekhtyar 2006] Dekhtyar, A., et al. Support for XML markup
of image-based electronic editions. International Journal on
Digital Libraries 6(1) 2006, pp. 55-69.
[Eaves 2007] Eaves, M., Essick, R.N.,Viscomi, J., eds. The William
Blake Archive. [24 November
[Furuta 2001] Furuta, R., et al. The Cervantes Project: Steps
to a Customizable and Interlinked On-Line Electronic
Variorum Edition Supporting Scholarship. In Proceedings of
ECDL 2001, LNCS, 2163. Springer-Verlag: Heidelberg, pp. 7182.
[Kiernan 2004] Kiernan K., et al. The ARCHway Project:
Architecture for Research in Computing for Humanities
through Research, Teaching, and Learning. Literary and
Linguistic Computing 2005 20(Suppl 1):69-88.
[Lecolinet 2002] Lecolinet, E., Robert, L. and Role. F. Textimage Coupling for Editing Literary Sources. Computers and
the Humanities 36(1): 2002 pp 49-73.
Digital Humanities 2008
[McGann 2007] McGann, J., The Complete Writings and Pictures
of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Institute for Advanced Technology
in the Humanities, University of Virginia. http://www. [24 November 2007]
[Monroy 2007a] Monroy, C., Furuta, R., Stringer, G. Digital
Donne: Workflow, Editing Tools and the Reader’s Interface of
a Collection of 17th-century English Poetry. In Proceedings of
Joint Conference on Digital Libraries JCDL 2007 (Vancouver, BC,
June 2007), ACM Press: New York, NY, pp. 411-412.
[Monroy 2007b] Monroy, C., Furuta, R., Castro, F. Texts,
Illustrations, and Physical Objects: The Case of Ancient
Shipbuilding Treatises. In Proceedings of ECDL 2007, LNCS,
4675. Springer-Verlag: Heidelberg, pp. 198-209.
[Renear 1996] Renear, A., Mylonas, E., Durand, D. Refining our
Notion of What Text Really Is: The Problem of Overlapping
Hierarchies. In Ide, N., Hockey, S. Research in Humanities
Computing. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.
[Viscomi 2002] Viscomi, J. (2002). ‘Digital Facsimiles: Reading
the William Blake Archive’. Kirschenbaum, M. (ed.) Imagebased Humanities Computing. spec. issue of Computers and
the Humanities, 36(1): 27-48.
CritSpace: Using Spatial
Hypertext to Model Visually
Complex Documents
Neal Audenaert
Texas A&M University, USA,
George Lucchese
Texas A&M University, USA,
Grant Sherrick
Texas A&M University, USA
Richard Furuta
Texas A&M University, USA
In this paper, we present a Web-based interface for editing
visually complex documents, such as modern authorial
manuscripts. Applying spatial hypertext theory as the basis for
designing this interface enables us to facilitate both interaction
with the visually complex structure of these documents and
integration of heterogeneous sources of external information.
This represents a new paradigm for designing systems to
support digital textual studies. Our approach emphasizes the
visual nature of texts and provides powerful tools to support
interpretation and creativity. In contrast to purely image-based
systems, we are able to do this while retaining the benefits of
traditional textual analysis tools.
Documents express information as a combination of written
words, graphical elements, and the arrangement of these
content objects in a particular media. Digital representations of
documents—and the applications built around them—typically
divide information between primarily textual representations
on the one hand (e.g., XML encoded documents) and primarily
graphical based representations on the other (e.g., facsimiles).
Image-based representations allow readers access to highquality facsimiles of the original document, but provide little
support for explicitly encoded knowledge about the document.
XML-based representations, by contrast, are able to specify
detailed semantic knowledge embodied by encoding guidelines
such as the TEI [Sperberg-McQueen 2003]. This knowledge
forms the basis for building sophisticated analysis tools and
developing rich hypertext interfaces to large document
collections and supporting materials.This added power comes
at a price.These approaches are limited by the need to specify
all relevant content explicitly. This is, at best, a time consuming
and expensive task and, at worst, an impossible one [Robinson
2000]. Furthermore, in typical systems, access to these texts
Digital Humanities 2008
mediated almost exclusively by the transcribed linguistic
content, even when images alongside their transcriptions.
By adopting spatial hypertext as a metaphor for representing
document structure, we are able to design a system that
emphasizes the visually construed contents of a document
while retaining access to structured semantic information
embodied in XML-based representations. Dominant
hypertext systems, such as the Web, express document
relationships via explicit links. In contrast, spatial hypertext
expresses relationships by placing related content nodes near
each other on a two-dimensional canvas [Marshall 1993]. In
addition to spatial proximity, spatial hypertext systems express
relationships through visual properties such as background
color, border color and style, shape, and font style. Common
features of spatial hypermedia systems include parsers capable
of recognizing relationships between objects such as lists,
list headings, and stacks, structured metadata attributes for
objects, search capability, navigational linking, and the ability
to follow the evolution of the information space via a history
The spatial hypertext model has an intuitive appeal for
representing visually complex documents. According to this
model, documents specify relationships between content
objects (visual representations of words and graphical elements)
based on their spatial proximity and visual similarity.This allows
expression of informal, implicit, and ambiguous relationships—
a key requirement for humanities scholarship. Unlike purely
image-based representations, spatial hypertext enables users
to add formal descriptions of content objects and document
structure incrementally in the form of structured metadata
(including transcriptions and markup). Hypermedia theorists
refer to this process as “incremental formalism” [Shipman
1999]. Once added, these formal descriptions facilitate system
support for text analysis and navigational hypertext.
Another key advantage of spatial hypertext is its ability to
support “information triage” [Marshall 1997]. Information
triage is the process of locating, organizing, and prioritizing large
amounts of heterogeneous information. This is particularly
helpful in supporting information analysis and decision making
in situations where the volume of information available makes
detailed evaluation of it each resource impossible. By allowing
users to rearrange objects freely in a two-dimensional
workspace, spatial hypertext systems provide a lightweight
interface for organizing large amounts of information. In
addition to content taken directly from document images,
this model encourages the inclusion of visual surrogates for
information drawn from numerous sources. These include
related photographs and artwork, editorial annotations, links
to related documents, and bibliographical references. Editors/
readers can then arrange this related material as they interact
with the document to refine their interpretive perspective.
Editors/readers are also able to supply their own notes and
graphical annotations to enrich the workspace further.
System Design
We are developing CritSpace as a proof of concept system
using the spatial hypertext metaphor as a basis for supporting
digital textual studies. Building this system from scratch, rather
than using an existing application, allows us to tailor the
design to meet needs specific to the textual studies domain
(for example, by including document image analysis tools). We
are also able to develop this application with a Web-based
interface tightly integrated with a digital archive containing
a large volume of supporting information (such as artwork,
biographical information, and bibliographic references) as well
as the primary documents.
Initially, our focus is on a collection of manuscript documents
written by Picasso [Audenaert 2007]. Picasso’s prominent use
of visual elements, their tight integration with the linguistic
content, and his reliance on ambiguity and spatial arrangement
to convey meaning make this collection particularly attractive
[Marin 1993, Michaël 2002].These features also make his work
particularly difficult to represent using XML-based approaches.
More importantly, Picasso’s writings contain numerous features
that exemplify the broader category of modern manuscripts
including documents in multiple states, extensive authorial
revisions, editorial drafts, interlinear and marginal scholia, and
sketches and doodles.
Figure 1: Screenshot of CritSpace showing a document
along with several related preparatory sketches
Picasso made for Guernica about the same time.
CritSpace provides an HTML based interface for accessing the
collection maintained by the Picasso Project [Mallen 2007] that
contains nearly 14,000 artworks (including documents) and
9,500 biographical entries. CritSpace allows users to arrange
facsimile document images in a two dimensional workspace
and resize and crop these images. Users may also search
and browse the entire holdings of the digital library directly
from CritSpace, adding related artworks and biographical
information to the workspace as desired. In addition to content
taken from the digital library, users may add links to other
Digital Humanities 2008
material available on the Web, or add their own comments to
the workspace in the form of annotations. All of these items
are displayed as content nodes that can be freely positioned
and whose visual properties can be modified. Figure 1 shows
a screenshot of this application that displays a document and
several related artworks.
CritSpace also introduces several features tailored to support
digital textual studies. A tab at the bottom of the display opens
a window containing a transcription of the currently selected
item. An accordion-style menu on the right hand side provides
a clipboard for temporarily storing content while rearranging
the workspace, an area for working with groups of images, and
a panel for displaying metadata and browsing the collection
based on this metadata. We also introduce a full document
mode that allows users to view a high-resolution facsimile.
This interface allows users to add annotations (both shapes
and text) to the image and provides a zooming interface to
facilitate close examination of details.
Future Work
CritSpace provides a solid foundation for understanding how
to apply spatial hypertext as a metaphor for interacting with
visually complex documents.This perspective opens numerous
directions for further research.
A key challenge is developing tools to help identify content
objects within a document and then to extracted these object
in a way that will allow users to manipulate them in the visual
workspace. Along these lines, we are working to adapt existing
techniques for foreground/background segmentation [Gatos
2004], word and line identification [Manmatha 2005], and
page segmentation [Shafait 2006]. We are investigating the
use of Markov chains to align transcriptions to images semiautomatically [Rothfeder 2006] and expectation maximization
to automatically recognize dominant colors for the purpose of
separating information layers (for example, corrections made
in red ink).
Current implementations of these tools require extensive
parameter tuning by individuals with a detailed understanding
of the image processing algorithms. We plan to investigate
interfaces that will allow non-experts to perform this
parameter tuning interactively.
Modern spatial hypertext applications include a representation
of the history of the workspace [Shipman 2001]. We are
interested in incorporating this notion, to represent documents,
not as fixed and final objects, but rather objects that have
changed over time.This history mechanism will enable editors
to reconstruct hypothetical changes to the document as
authors and annotators have modified it. It can also be used to
allowing readers to see the changes made by an editor while
constructing a particular form of the document.
While spatial hypertext provides a powerful model for
representing a single workspace, textual scholars will need
tools to support the higher-level structure found in documents,
such as chapters, sections, books, volumes. Further work is
needed to identify ways in which existing spatial hypertext
models can be extended express relationships between these
structures and support navigation, visualization, and editing.
Spatial hypertext offers an alternative to the dominate
view of text as an “ordered hierarchy of content objects”
(OCHO) [DeRose 1990]. The OCHO model emphasizes the
linear, linguistic content of a document and requires explicit
formalization of structural and semantic relationships early
in the encoding process. For documents characterized by
visually constructed information or complex and ambiguous
structures, OCHO may be overly restrictive.
In these cases, the ability to represent content objects
graphically in a two dimensional space provides scholars the
flexibility to represent both the visual aspects of the text they
are studying and the ambiguous, multi-facetted relationships
found in those texts. Furthermore, by including an incremental
path toward the explicit encoding of document content, this
model enables the incorporation of advanced textual analysis
tools that can leverage both the formally specified structure
and the spatial arrangement of the content objects.
This material is based upon work support by National Science
Foundation under Grant No. IIS-0534314.
[Audenaert 2007] Audenaert, N. et al.Viewing Texts: An ArtCentered Representation of Picasso’s Writings. In Proceedings
of Digital Humanities 2007 (Urbana-Champaign, IL, June, 2007),
pp. 14-17.
[DeRose 1990] DeRose, S., Durand, D., Mylonas, E., Renear, A.
What is Text Really? Journal of Computing in Higher Education.
1(2), pp. 3-26.
[Gatos 2004] Gatos, B., Ioannis, P., Perantonis, S. J., An
Adaptive Binarization Technique for Low Quality Historical
Documents. In Proceedings of Document Analysis Systems 2004.
LNCS 3163 Springer-Verlag: Berlin, pp. 102-113.
[Mallen 2006] Mallen, E., ed. (2007) The Picasso Project. Texas
A&M University [25 November
[Manmatha 2005] Manmatha, R., Rothfeder, J. L., A Scale
Space Approach for Automatically Segmenting Words from
Historical Handwritten Documents. In IEEE Transactions on
Digital Humanities 2008
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 28(8), pp. 1212-1225.
[Marin 1993] Marin, L. Picasso: Image Writing in Process.
trans. by Sims, G. In October 65 (Summer 1993), MIT Press:
Cambridge, MA, pp. 89-105.
[Marshall 1993] Marshall, C. and Shipman, F. Searching for
the Missing Link: Discovering Implicit Structure in Spatial
Hypertext. In Proceedings of Hypertext ’93 (Seattle WA, Nov.
1993), ACM Press: New York, NY, pp. 217-230.
[Marshall 1997] Marshall, C. and Shipman, F. Spatial hypertext
and the practice of information triage. In Proceedings of
Hypertext ’97 (Southampton, UK, Nov. 1997), ACM Press:
New York, NY, pp. 124-133.
[Michaël 2002] Michaël, A. Inside Picasso’s Writing Laboratory.
Presented at Picasso: The Object of the Myth. November,
2002. [December
[Renear 1996] Renear, A., Mylonas, E., Durand, D. Refining our
Notion of What Text Really Is: The Problem of Overlapping
Hierarchies. In Ide, N., Hockey, S. Research in Humanities
Computing. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.
[Robinson 2000] Robinson, P. Ma(r)king the Electronic Text:
How, Why, and for Whom? In Joe Bray et. al. Ma(r)king the
Text:The Presentation of Meaning on the Literary Page. Ashgate:
Aldershot, England, pp. 309-28.
Glimpses though the clouds:
collocates in a new light
David Beavan
University of Glasgow, UK
This paper demonstrates a web-based, interactive data
visualisation, allowing users to quickly inspect and browse the
collocational relationships present in a corpus.The software is
inspired by tag clouds, first popularised by on-line photograph
sharing website Flickr ( A paper based on
a prototype of this Collocate Cloud visualisation was given
at Digital Resources for the Humanities and Arts 2007. The
software has since matured, offering new ways of navigating
and inspecting the source data. It has also been expanded to
analyse additional corpora, such as the British National Corpus
(, which will be the focus of this
Tag clouds allow the user to browse, rather than search for
specific pieces of information. Flickr encourages its users to
add tags (keywords) to each photograph uploaded. The tags
associated with each individual photograph are aggregated; the
most frequent go on to make the cloud. The cloud consists of
these tags presented in alphabetical order, with their frequency
displayed as variation in colour, or more commonly font size.
Figure 1 is an example of the most popular tags at Flickr:
[Rothfeder 2006] Rothfeder, J., Manmatha, R., Rath, T.M.,
Aligning Transcripts to Automatically Segmented Handwritten
Manuscripts. In Proceedings of Document Analysis Systems 2006.
LNCS 3872 Springer-Verlag: Berlin, pp. 84-95.
[Shafait 2006] Shafait, F., Keysers, D., Breuel, T. Performance
Comparison of Six Algorithms for Page Segmentation. In
Proceedings of Document Analysis Systems 2006. LNCS 3872
Springer-Verlag: Berlin, pp. 368-379.
[Shipman 1999] Shipman, F. and McCall, R. Supporting
Incremental Formalization with the Hyper-Object Substrate.
In ACM Transactions on Information Systems 17(2), ACM Press:
New York, NY, pp. 199-227.
[Shipman 2001] Shipman, F., Hsieh, H., Maloor, P. and Moore,
M. The Visual Knowledge Builder: A Second Generation
Spatial Hypertext. In Proceedings of Twelfth ACM Conference on
Hypertext and Hypermedia (Aarhus Denmark, August 2001),
ACM Press, pp. 113-122.
[Sperberg-McQueen 2003] Sperberg-Mcqueen, C. and
Burnard, L. Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and
Interchange:Volumes 1 and 2: P4, University Press of Virginia,
Figure 1. Flickr tag cloud showing 125 of the
most popular photograph keywords (accessed 23 November 2007)
The cloud offers two ways to access the information. If the
user is looking for a specific term, the alphabetical ordering
of the information allows it to be quickly located if present.
More importantly, as a tool for browsing, frequent tags stand
out visually, giving the user an immediate overview of the
data. Clicking on a tag name will display all photographs which
contain that tag.
Digital Humanities 2008
The cloud-based visualisation has been successfully applied to
language. McMaster University’sTAPoRTools (http://taporware. features a ‘Word Cloud’ module, currently in
beta testing. WMatrix ( can
compare two corpora by showing log-likelihood results in
cloud form. In addition to other linguistic metrics, internet
book seller Amazon provides a word cloud, see figure 2.
Figure 3. British National Corpus through interface developed
by Mark Davies, searching for ‘bank’, showing collocates (accessed 23 November 2007)
Figure 2.’s ‘Concordance’ displaying the
100 most frequent words in Romeo and Juliet (accessed 23 November 2007)
In this instance a word frequency list is the data source, showing
the most frequent 100 words. As with the tag cloud, this list
is alphabetically ordered, the font size being proportionate to
its frequency of usage. It has all the benefits of a tag cloud; in
this instance clicking on a word will produce a concordance
of that term.
The data contained in the table lends itself to visualisation as
a cloud. As with the word cloud, the list of collocates can be
displayed alphabetically. Co-occurrence frequency, like word
frequency, can be mapped to font size. This would produce an
output visually similar to the word cloud. Instead of showing
all corpus words, they would be limited to those surrounding
the chosen node word.
Another valuable statistic obtainable via collocates is that of
collocational strength,the likelihood of two words co-occurring,
measured here by MI (Mutual Information). Accounting for
this extra dimension requires an additional visual cue to be
introduced, one which can convey the continuous data of an MI
score. This can be solved by varying the colour, or brightness
of the collocates forming the cloud. The end result is shown
in figure 4:
This method of visualisation and interaction offers another
tool for corpus linguists. As developer for an online corpus
project, I have found that the usability and sophistication of
our tools have been important to our success. Cloud-like
displays of information would complement our other advanced
features, such as geographic mapping and transcription
The word clouds produced by TAPoR Tools, WMatrix and
Amazon are, for browsing, an improvement over tabular
statistical information. There is an opportunity for other
corpus data to be enhanced by using a cloud. Linguists often
use collocational information as a tool to examine language
use. Figure 3 demonstrates a typical corpus tool output:
Figure 4. Demonstration of collocate
cloud, showing node word ‘bank’
The collocate cloud inherits all the advantages of previous cloud
visualisations: a collocate, if known, can be quickly located due
to the alphabetical nature of the display. Frequently occurring
collocates stand out, as they are shown in a larger typeface,
with collocationally strong pairings highlighted using brighter
Digital Humanities 2008
formatting. Therefore bright, large collocates are likely to be
of interest, whereas dark, small collocates perhaps less so.
Hovering the mouse over a collocate will display statistical
information, co-occurrence frequency and MI score, as one
would find from the tabular view.
The use of collocational data also presents additional
possibilities for interaction. A collocate can be clicked upon
to produce a new cloud, with the previous collocate as the
new node word. This gives endless possibilities for corpus
exploration and the investigation of different domains.
Occurrences of polysemy can be identified and expanded
upon by following the different collocates. Particular instances
of usage are traditionally hidden from the user when viewing
aggregated data, such as the collocate cloud. The solution is to
allow the user to examine the underlying data by producing
an optional concordance for each node/collocate pairing
present. Additionally a KWIC concordance can be generated
by examining the node word, visualising the collocational
strength of the surrounding words. These concordance lines
can even by reordered on the basis of collocational strength,
in addition to the more traditional options of preceding or
succeeding words.
This visualisation may be appealing to members of the public,
or those seeking a more practical introduction to corpus
linguistics. In teaching use they not only provide analysis, but
from user feedback, also act as stimulation in creative writing.
Collocate searches across different corpora or document sets
may be visualised side by side, facilitating quick identification
of differences.
While the collocate cloud is not a substitute for raw data, it
does provide a fast and convenient way to navigate language.
The ability to generate new clouds from existing collocates
extends this further. Both this iterative nature and the addition
of collocational strength information gives these collocate
clouds greater value for linguistic research than previous cloud
The function and accuracy of
old Dutch urban designs and
maps. A computer assisted
analysis of the extension of
Leiden (1611)
Jakeline Benavides
University of Groningen,The Netherlands
Charles van den Heuvel
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences,The Netherlands
Historical manuscripts and printed maps of the pre-cadastral1
period show enormous differences in scale, precision and
color. Less apparent are differences in reliability between maps,
or between different parts of the same map. True, modern
techniques in computer assisted cartography make it possible
to measure very accurately such differences between maps
and geographic space with very distinct levels of precision and
accuracy. However differences in reliability between maps, or
between different parts of the same map, are not only due to
the accuracy measurement techniques, but also to their original
function and context of (re-)use. Historical information about
the original context of function and context of (re-)use can
give us insight how to measure accuracy, how to choose the
right points for geo-referencing and how to rectify digital maps.
On the other hand computer assisted cartography enables
us to trace and to visualize important information about
mapmaking, especially when further historical evidence is
missing, is hidden or is distorted, consciously or unconsciously.
The proposed paper is embedded in the project: Paper and
Virtual Cities, (subsidized by the Netherlands Organization for
Scientific Research) that aims at developing methodologies
that a) permit researchers to use historical maps and related
sources more accurately in creating in digital maps and virtual
reconstructions of cities and b) allow users to recognize
better technical manipulations and distortions of truth used in
the process of mapmaking.2
In this paper we present as one of the outcomes of this project
a method that visualizes different levels of accuracy in and
between designs and maps in relation to their original function
to assess their quality for re-use today.This method is presented
by analyzing different 17th century designs, manuscript and
engraved maps of the city of Leiden, in particular of the land
surveyor, mapmaker Jan Pietersz. Dou. The choice for Leiden
and Dou is no coincidence.
One of the reasons behind differences the accuracy of maps is
the enormous variety in methods and measures used in land
surveying and mapmaking in the Low Countries.3 This variety
was the result of differences in the private training and the
Digital Humanities 2008
backgrounds of the surveyors, in the use of local measures
and in the exam procedures that differed from province to
province.4 These differences would last until the 19th Century.
However, already by the end of the 16th Century we see in and
around Leiden the first signs of standardization in surveying
techniques and the use of measures.5 First of all, the Rhineland
rod (3.767 meter) the standard of the water-administration
body around Leiden is used more and more, along local
measures in the Low Countries and in Dutch expansion
overseas. A second reason to look at Leiden in more detail is
that in 1600 a practical training school in land surveying and
fortification would be founded in the buildings of its university,
the so-called Duytsche Mathematique, that turned out to be
very successful not only in the Low Countries, but also in
other European countries. This not only contributed to the
spread and reception of the Rhineland rod, but also to the
dissemination of more standardized ways of land surveying
and fortification.6 The instructional material of the professors
of this training school and the notes of their pupils are still
preserved, which allows us to study the process of surveying
and mapmaking in more detail.
The reason to look into the work of Jan Pietersz. Dou is his
enormous production of maps. Westra (1994) calculated that
at least 1150 maps still exist.7 Of the object of our case study
alone, the city of Leiden, Dou produced at least 120 maps
between 1600 and 1635, ranging from property maps, designs
for extensions of the city and studies for civil engineering
works etc. We will focus on the maps that Dou made for the
urban extension of the city of Leiden of 1611. Sometimes
these (partial) maps were made for a specific purpose; in other
cases Dou tried in comprehensive maps, combining property
estimates and future designs, to tackle problems of illegal
economic activities, pollution, housing and fortification. Since
these measurements were taken in his official role of, sworn-in
land surveyor we can assume that they were supposed to be
accurate. This variety in designs and maps for the same area
allows us to discuss accuracy in relation to function and (re)use of maps.We will also explain that the differences between
designs and maps require different methods of geo-referencing
and analysis.
In particular, we will give attention to one design map of Dou
for the northern part of the city of Leiden RAL PV 100206 (Regionaal Archief Leiden) to show how misinterpretation
of features lead to unreliable or biased decisions when the
historical context is not taken into account, even when we
can consider the results, in terms of accuracy, satisfactory.
Since Dou later also made maps for commercial purposes
of the same northern extension of Leiden it is interesting to
compare these maps.
Conclusions are drawn addressing the question of whether
Dou used the same measurements to produce a commercial
map or that he settled for less accuracy given the different
purpose of the later map compared to his designs and
property maps.To answer this question, we use modern digital
techniques of geo-processing8 to compare the old maps to
modern cartographical resources and to the cadastral map
of the 1800s in order to determine how accurate the various
maps in question are. We do this, by using the American
National Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy (NSSDA) to define
accuracy at a 95% confidence level. By point-based analysis we
link distributional errors to classified features in order to find
a relationship between accuracy and map function.9
(1) Cadastral mapping refers to the “mapping of property
boundaries, particularly to record the limitation of title or
for the assessment of taxation”. The term “cadastral” is also
used for referring to surveys and resurveys of public lands
(Neumann, J. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Cartography in 25
Languages 1.16, 1997).
(2) The project Paper and Virtual Cities. New methodologies
for the use of historical sources in computer-assisted urban
cartography (2003-2008) is a collaboration between the
department of Alfa-Informatics of the University Groningen
and the Virtual Knowledge Studio of the Royal Netherlands
Academy of Arts and Sciences subsidized by the Netherlands
Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). http://www.
(3) Meskens, A, Wiskunde tussen Renaissance en Barok.
Aspecten van wiskunde-beoefening te Antwerpen 15501620, [Publikaties SBA/MVC 41-43], [PhD, University of
Antwerp],Antwerp, 1995.
H.C. Pouls, “Landmeetkundige methoden en instrumenten
voor 1800”, in Stad in kaart, Alphen aan den Rijn, pp. 13-28
Winter, P.J. van, Hoger beroepsonderwijs avant-la-lettre:
Bemoeiingen met de vorming van landmeters en ingenieurs
bij de Nederlandse universiteiten van de 17e en 18e eeuw,
Amsterdam/Oxford/New York, 1988.
(4) Muller, E., Zanvliet, K., eds., Admissies als landmeter in
Nederland voor 1811: Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de
landmeetkunde en haar toepassing in administratie, architectuur,
kartografie en vesting-en waterbouwkunde, Alphen aan den Rijn
(5) Zandvliet, K., Mapping for Money. Maps, plans and
topographic paintings and their role in Dutch overseas expansion
during the 16th and 17th centuries. (PhD Rijksuniversiteit
Leiden], Amsterdam, 1998 describes this development as
part of a process of institutionalization of mapmaking, esp, pp.
(6) Taverne, E.R.M., In ‘t land van belofte: in de nieue stadt. Ideaal
en werkelijkheid van de stadsuitleg in de Republiek 1580-1680,
[PhD, University of Groningen]Maarssen, 1978.
Digital Humanities 2008
Heuvel, C. van den, ‘Le traité incomplet de l’Art Militaire et
l’ínstruction pour une école des ingénieurs de Simon Stevin’,
Simon Stevin (1548-1620) L’emergence de la nouvelle science,
(tentoonstellingscatalogus/catalogue Koninklijk Bibliotheek
Albert I, Brussel/Bibliothèque Royale Albert I, Bruxelles,
17-09-2004-30-10-2004) Brussels 2004, pp. 101-111. idem,
“The training of noblemen in the arts and sciences in the
Low Countries around 1600. Treatises and instructional
materials” in Alessandro Farnese e le Fiandre/Alexander and the
Low Countries (in print)
(7) Frans Westra, Jan Pietersz. Dou (1573-1635). “Invloedrijk
landmeter van Rijnland”, Caert-thresoor, 13e jaargang 1994, nr.
2, pp. 37-48
(8) During geo-referencing a mathematical algorithm is
used for scaling, rotating and translating the old map to give
modern coordinates to it and allow further comparisons
to modern sources. This algorithm is defined by a kind of
transformation we decide to use based on the selection of a
number of control points (GCPS). These items are described
in detail later in this paper. All this processing was done by
using different kind of software for digital and geographical
processing and statistics (PCI Geomatics, ARCGIS, Autocad,
MS Excel, among others).
(9) Jakeline Benavides and John Nerbonne. Approaching
Quantitative Accuracy in Early Dutch City Maps. XXIII
International cartographic Conference. ISBN 978-5-99012031-0 (CD-ROM). Moscow, 2007
Digital Editions of Two
Literary Journals
Hanno Biber
Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria
Evelyn Breiteneder
Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria
Karlheinz Mörth
Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria
In this paper two highly innovative digital editions will be
presented.The digital editions of the historical literary journals
“Die Fackel” (published by Karl Kraus in Vienna from 1899
to 1936) and “Der Brenner” (published by Ludwig Ficker in
Innsbruck from 1910 to 1954) have been developed within the
corpus research framework of the “AAC - Austrian Academy
Corpus” at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in collaboration
with other researchers and programmers in the AAC from
Vienna together with the graphic designer Anne Burdick from
Los Angeles. For the creation of these scholarly digital editions
the AAC edition philosophy and principles have been made
use of whereby new corpus research methods have been
applied for questions of computational philology and textual
studies in a digital environment. The examples of these online
editions will give insights into the potentials and the benefits
of making corpus research methods and techniques available
for scholarly research into language and literature.
The “AAC - Austrian Academy Corpus” is a corpus research
unit at the Austrian Academy of Sciences concerned with
establishing and exploring large electronic text corpora and
with conducting scholarly research in the field of corpora and
digital text collections and editions. The texts integrated into
the AAC are predominantly German language texts of historical
and cultural significance from the last 150 years. The AAC has
collected thousands of texts from various authors, representing
many different text types from all over the German speaking
world. Among the sources, which systematically cover various
domains, genres and types, are newspapers, literary journals,
novels, dramas, poems, advertisements, essays on various
subjects, travel literature, cookbooks, pamphlets, political
speeches as well as a variety of scientific, legal, and religious
texts, to name just a few forms. The AAC provides resources
for investigations into the linguistic and textual properties of
these texts and into their historical and cultural qualities. More
than 350 million running words of text have been scanned,
Digital Humanities 2008
digitized, integrated and annotated. The selection of texts is
made according to the AAC’s principles of text selection that
are determined by specific research interests as well as by
systematic historical, empirical and typological parameters.
The annotation schemes of the AAC, based upon XML
related standards, have in the phase of corpus build-up been
concerned with the application of basic structural mark-up
and selective thematic annotations. In the phase of application
development specific thematic annotations are being made
exploring questions of linguistic and textual scholarly research
as well as experimental and exploratory mark-up. Journals are
regarded as interesting sources for corpus research because
they comprise a great variety of text types over a long period
of time. Therefore, model digital editions of literary journals
have been developed: The AAC-FACKEL was published on 1
January 2007 and BRENNER ONLINE followed in October
2007. The basic elements and features of our approach
of corpus research in the field of textual studies will be
demonstrated in this paper.
source for the history of the time, for its language and its moral
transgressions. Karl Kraus covers in a typical and idiosyncratic
style in thousands of texts the themes of journalism and
war, of politics and corruption, of literature and lying. His
influential journal comprises a great variety of essays, notes,
commentaries, aphorisms and poems. The electronic text,
also used for the compilation of a text-dictionary of idioms
(“Wörterbuch der Redensarten zu der von Karl Kraus 1899
bis 1936 herausgegebenen Zeitschrift ‘Die Fackel’”), has been
corrected and enriched by the AAC with information. The
digital edition allows new ways of philological research and
analysis and offers new perspectives for literary studies.
Figure 2. BRENNER ONLINE Interface
Figure 1. AAC-FACKEL Interface
The digital edition of the journal “Die Fackel” (“The Torch”),
published and almost entirely written by the satirist and
language critic Karl Kraus in Vienna from 1899 until 1936,
offers free online access to 37 volumes, 415 issues, 922
numbers, comprising more than 22.500 pages and 6 million
tokens. It contains a fully searchable database of the journal
with various indexes, search tools and navigation aids in an
innovative and functional graphic design interface, where
all pages of the original are available as digital texts and as
facsimile images. The work of Karl Kraus in its many forms,
of which the journal is the core, can be regarded as one of
the most important, contributions to world literature. It is a
The literary journal “Der Brenner” was published between
1910 and 1954 in Innsbruck by Ludwig Ficker. The text of 18
volumes, 104 issues, which is a small segment of the AAC’s
overall holdings, is 2 million tokens of corrected and annotated
text, provided with additional information.“Die Fackel” had set
an example for Ludwig Ficker and his own publication. Contrary
to the more widely read satirical journal of Karl Kraus, the
more quiet “Der Brenner” deals primarily with themes of
religion, nature, literature and culture.The philosopher Ludwig
Wittgenstein was affiliated with the group and participated in
the debates launched by the journal. Among its contributors
is the expressionist poet Georg Trakl, the writer Carl Dallago,
the translator and cultural critic Theodor Haecker, translator
of Søren Kierkegaard and Cardinal Newman into German,
the moralist philosopher Ferdinand Ebner and many others.
The journal covers a variety of subjects and is an important
voice of Austrian culture in the pre and post second world
war periods. The digital edition has been made by the AAC
in collaboration with the Brenner-Archive of the University
Digital Humanities 2008
of Innsbruck. Both institutions have committed themselves
to establish a valuable digital resource for the study of this
literary journal.
AAC - Austrian Academy Corpus: AAC-FACKEL, Online
Version: Die Fackel. Herausgeber: Karl Kraus, Wien 18991936, AAC Digital Edition No 1, 2007, (http://www.aac. )
The philological and technological principles of digital editions
within the AAC are determined by the conviction that the
methods of corpus research will enable us to produce valuable
resources for scholars. The AAC has developed such model
editions to meet these aims. These editions provide well
structured and well designed access to the sources. All pages
are accessible as electronic text and as facsimile images of
the original. Various indexes and search facilities are provided
so that word forms, personal names, foreign text passages,
illustrations and other resources can be searched for in
various ways.The search mechanisms for personal names have
been implemented in the interface for BRENNER ONLINE
and will be done for “Die Fackel”. The interface is designed to
be easily accessible also to less experienced users of corpora.
Multi-word queries are possible. The search engine supports
left and right truncation. The interface of the AAC-FACKEL
provides also search mechanisms for linguistic searches, allows
to perform lemma queries and offers experimental features.
Instead of searching for particular word forms, queries for all
the word forms of a particular lemma are possible. The same
goes for the POS annotation. The web-sites of both editions
are entirely based on XML and cognate technologies. On the
character level use of Unicode has been made throughout. All
of the content displayed in the digital edition is dynamically
created from XML data. Output is produced through means of
XSLT style sheets.This holds for the text section, the contents
overview and the result lists. We have adopted this approach
to ensure the viability of our data for as long a period as
possible. Both digital editions have been optimized for use
with recent browser versions. One of the basic requirements
is that the browser should be able to handle XML-Dom and
the local system should be furnished with a Unicode font
capable of displaying the necessary characters. The interface
has synchronized five individual frames within one single
window, which can be alternatively expanded and closed as
required.The “Paratext”-section situated within the first frame
provides background information and essays. The “Index”section gives access to a variety of indexes, databases and
full-text search mechanisms. The results are displayed in the
adjacent section. The “Contents”-section has been developed,
to show the reader the whole range of the journal ready to
be explored and provides access to the whole run of issues
in chronological order. The “Text”-section has a complex
and powerful navigational bar so that the reader can easily
navigate and read within the journals either in text-mode or
in image-mode from page to page, from text to text, from
issue to issue and with the help of hyperlinks. These digital
editions will function as models for similar applications. The
AAC’s scholarly editions of “Der Brenner” and “Die Fackel”
will contribute to the development of digital resources for
research into language and literature.
AAC - Austrian Academy Corpus:
AAC - Austrian Academy Corpus and Brenner-Archiv:
BRENNER ONLINE, Online Version: Der Brenner.
Herausgeber: Ludwig Ficker, Innsbruck 1910-1954, AAC
Digital Edition No 2, 2007, ( )
Digital Humanities 2008
e-Science in the Arts
and Humanities – A
methodological perspective
Tobias Blanke
King’s College London, UK
Stuart Dunn
King’s College London, UK
Lorna Hughes
King’s College London, UK
Mark Hedges
King’s College London, UK
The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of e-Science
and e-Research activities for the arts and humanities in the UK.
It will focus on research projects and trends and will not cover
the institutional infrastructure to support them. In particular,
we shall explore the methodological discussions laid out in
the Arts and Humanities e-Science Theme, jointly organised
by the Arts and Humanities e-Science Support Centre and the
e-Science Institute in Edinburgh (
themes/theme_06/). The second focus of the paper will be the
current and future activities within the Arts and Humanities
e-Science Initiative in the UK and their methodological
consequences (
The projects presented so far are all good indicators of what
the future might deliver, as ‘grand challenges’ for the arts and
humanities e-Science programme such as the emerging data
deluge (Hey and Trefethen 2003). The Bush administration will
have produced over 100 million emails by the end of its term
(Unsworth 2006).These can provide the basis for new types of
historical and socio-political research that will take advantage
of computational methods to deal with digital data. However,
for arts and humanities research an information is not just an
information. Complicated semantics underlie the archives of
human reports. As a simple example, it cannot be clear from
the email alone which Bush administration or even which Iraq
war are under consideration. Moreover, new retrieval methods
for such data must be intuitive for the user and not based on
complicated metadata schemes. They have to be specific in
their return and deliver exactly that piece of information the
researcher is interested in. This is fairly straightforward for
structured information if it is correctly described, but highly
complex for unstructured information. Arts and humanities
additionally need the means to on-demand reconfigure the
retrieval process by using computational power that changes
the set of information items available from texts, images,
movies, etc. This paper argues that a specific methodological
agenda in arts and humanities e-Science has been developing
over the past two years and explores some of its main tenets.
We offer a chronological discussion of two phases in the
methodological debates about the applicability of e-science
and e-research to arts and humanities.
The first phase concerns the methodological discussions
that took place during the early activities of the Theme. A
series of workshops and presentations about the role of eScience for arts and humanities purported to make existing
e-science methodologies applicable to this new field and
consider the challenges that might ensue (http://www.nesc. Several events
brought together computer scientists and arts and humanities
researchers. Further events (finished by the time of Digital
Humanities 2008) will include training events for postgraduate
students and architectural studies on building a national einfrastructure for the arts and humanities.
Due to space limitations, we cannot cover all the early
methodological discussions during the Theme here, but
focus on two, which have been fruitful in uptake in arts and
humanities: Access Grid and Ontological Engineering. A
workshop discussed alternatives for video-conferencing in
the arts and humanities in order to establish virtual research
communities. The Access Grid has already proven to be of
interest in arts and humanities research. This is not surprising,
as researchers in these domains often need to collaborate
with other researchers around the globe. Arts and humanities
research often takes place in highly specialised domains and
subdisciplines, niche subjects with expertise spread across
universities.The Access Grid can provide a cheaper alternative
to face-to-face meetings.
However, online collaboration technologies like the Access
Grid need to be better adapted to the specific needs of
humanities researchers by e.g. including tools to collaboratively
edit and annotate documents.The Access Grid might be a good
substitute to some face-to-face meetings, but lacks innovative
means of collaboration, which can be especially important in
arts and humanities research. We should aim to realise real
multicast interaction, as it has been done in VNC technology
or basic wiki technology. These could support new models of
collaboration in which the physical organisation of the Access
Grid suite can be accommodated to specific needs that would
e.g. allow participants to walk around. The procedure of
Access Grid sessions could also be changed, away from static
meetings towards more dynamic collaborations.
Humanities scholars and performers have priorities and
concerns that are often different from those of scientists and
engineers (Nentwich 2003).With growing size of data resources
the need arises to use recent methodological frameworks
such as ontologies to increase the semantic interoperability of
data. Building ontologies in the humanities is a challenge, which
was the topic of the Theme workshop on ‘Ontologies and
Semantic Interoperability for Humanities Data’.While semantic
integration has been a hot topic in business and computing
Digital Humanities 2008
research, there are few existing examples for ontologies in the
Humanities, and they are generally quite limited, lacking the
richness that full-blown ontologies promise. The workshop
clearly pointed at problems mapping highly contextual data as
in the humanities to highly formalized conceptualization and
specifications of domains.
The activities within the UK’s arts and humanities e-Science
community demonstrate the specific needs that have to be
addressed to make e-Science work within these disciplines
(Blanke and Dunn 2006). The early experimentation phase,
which included the Theme events presented supra, delivered
projects that were mostly trying out existing approaches in eScience. They demonstrated the need for a new methodology
to meet the requirements of humanities data that is particularly
fuzzy and inconsistent, as it is not automatically produced, but
is the result of human effort. It is fragile and its presentation
often difficult, as e.g. data in performing arts that only exists
as an event.
The second phase of arts and humanities e-Science began
in September 2007 with seven 3-4 years projects that are
moving away from ad hoc experimentation towards a more
systematic investigation of methodologies and technologies
that could provide answers to grand challenges in arts and
humanities research. This second phase could be put in a
nutshell as e-science methodology-led innovative research in
arts and humanity.
Next to performance, music research e.g. plays an important
vanguard function at adopting e-Science methodologies,
mostly because many music resources are already available
in digital formats. At Goldsmiths, University of London,
the project ‘Purcell Plus’ e.g. will build upon the successful
collaboration ‘Online Musical Recognition and Searching
(OMRAS)’ (, which has just achieved
a second phase of funding by the EPSRC. With OMRAS, it will
be possible to efficiently search large-scale distributed digital
music collections for related passages, etc. The project uses
grid technologies to index the very large distributed music
resources. ‘Purcell Plus’ will make use of the latest explosion in
digital data for music research. It uses Purcell’s autograph MS
of ‘Fantazies and In Nomines for instrumental ensemble’ and
will investigate the methodology problems for using toolkits
like OMRAS for musicology research. ‘Purcell Plus’ will adopt
the new technologies emerging from music information
retrieval, without the demand to change completely proven
to be good methodologies in musicology.The aim is to suggest
that new technologies can help existing research and open
new research domains in terms of the quantity of music and
new quantitative methods of evaluation.
Birmingham, which will investigate the need for medieval states
to sustain armies by organising and distributing resources.
A grid-based framework shall virtually reenact the Battle of
Manzikert in 1071, a key historic event in Byzantine history.
Agent-based modelling technologies will attempt to find out
more about the reasons why the Byzantine army was so
heavily defeated by the Seljurk Turks. Grid environments offer
the chance to solve such complex human problems through
distributed simultaneous computing.
In all the new projects, we can identify a clear trend towards
investigating new methodologies for arts and humanities
research, possible only because grid technologies offer
unknown data and computational resources.We could see how
e-Science in the arts and humanities has matured towards the
development of concrete tools that systematically investigate
the use of e-Science for research. Whether it is simulation of
past battles or musicology using state-of-the-art information
retrieval techniques, this research would have not been
possible before the shift in methodology towards e-Science
and e-Research.
Blanke, T. and S. Dunn (2006). The Arts and Humanities eScience Initiative in the UK. E-Science ‘06: Proceedings of the
Second IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid
Computing, Amsterdam, IEEE Computer Society.
Hey, T. and A. Trefethen (2003). The data deluge: an e-Science
perspective. In F. Berman, A. Hey and G. Fox (eds) Grid
Computing: Making the Global Infrastructure a Reality. Hoboken,
NJ, John Wiley & Sons.
Nentwich, M. (2003). Cyberscience. Research in the Age of the
Internet.Vienna, Austrian Academy of Science Press.
Unsworth, J. (2006). “The Draft Report of the American
Council of Learned Societies’ Commission on
Cyberinfrastructure for Humanities and Social Sciences.”
Building on the earlier investigations into the data deluge and
how to deal with it, many of the second-phase projects look
into the so-called ‘knowledge technologies’ that help with data
and text mining as well as simulations in decision support for
arts and humanities research. One example is the ‘Medieval
Warfare on the Grid: The Case of Manzikert’ project in
Digital Humanities 2008
An OWL-based index of
emblem metaphors
Peter Boot
Huygens Institute
This paper describes an index on metaphor in Otto Vaenius’
emblem book Amoris divini emblemata (Antwerp, 1615). The
index should be interesting both for its contents (that is, for
the information about the use of metaphor in the book) and
as an example of modelling a complex literary phenomenon.
Modelling a complex phenomenon creates the possibility to
formulate complex queries on the descriptions that are based
on the model.The article describes an application that uses this
possibility. The application user can interrogate the metaphor
data in multiple ways, ranging from canned queries to complex
selections built in the application’s guided query interface.
Unlike other emblem indices, the metaphor index is not meant
to be a tool for resource discovery, a tool that helps emblem
scholars find emblems relevant to their own research.It presents
research output rather than input. The modelling techniques
that it exemplifies should help a researcher formulate detailed
observations or findings about his research subject – in this
case, metaphor – and make these findings amenable to further
processing. The result is an index, embedded in an overview
or explanation of the data for the reader. I will argue that for
research output data it is up to the researcher who uses these
modelling techniques to integrate the presentation of data in
a narrative or argument, and I describe one possible way of
effecting this integration.
The paper builds on the techniques developed in (Boot 2006).
The emblem book is encoded using TEI; a model of metaphor
(an ontology) is formulated in OWL; the observations about
the occurrence of metaphors are stored as RDF statements.
An essay about the more important metaphors in this book
is encoded in TEI. This creates a complex and interlinked
structure that may be explored in a number of ways.The essay
is hyperlinked to (1) individual emblems, (2) the presentation of
individual metaphors in emblems, (3) searches in the metaphor
data, and (4) concepts in the metaphor ontology. From each of
these locations, further exploration is possible. Besides these
ready-made queries, the application also facilitates user-defined
queries on the metaphor data. The queries are formulated
using the SPARQL RDF query language, but the application’s
guided query interface hides the actual syntax from the user.
Richards (1936). When love, for its strength en endurance
in adversity, is compared to a tree, the tree is the vehicle,
love is the tenor. It is possible to define hierarchies, both
for the comparands (that is, vehicles and tenors) and for the
metaphors: we can state that ‘love as a tree’ (love being firmly
rooted) belongs to a wider class of ‘love as a plant’ (love
bearing fruit) metaphors. We can also state that a tree is a
plant, and that it (with roots, fruit, leaves and seeds) belongs
to the vegetal kingdom (Lakoff and Johnson 1980). It often
happens that an emblem contains references to an object
invested with metaphorical meaning elsewhere in the book.
The index can record these references without necessarily
indicating something they are supposed to stand for.
The index can also represent the locations in the emblem (the
text and image fragments) that refer to the vehicles and tenors.
The text fragments are stretches of emblem text, the image
fragments are rectangular regions in the emblem pictures. The
index uses the TEI-encoded text structure in order to relate
occurrences of the comparands to locations in the text.
The metaphor model is formulated using the Web Ontology
Language OWL (McGuinness and Van Harmelen 2004). An
ontology models the kind of objects that exist in a domain,
their relationships and their properties; it provides a shared
understanding of a domain. On a technical level, the ontology
defines the vocabulary to be used in the RDF statements in
our model. The ontology thus limits the things one can say;
it provides, in McCarty’s words (McCarty 2005), the ‘explicit,
delimited conception of the world’ that makes meaningful
manipulation possible. The ontology is also what ‘drives’ the
application built for consultation of the metaphor index. See
for similar uses of OWL: (Ciula and Vieira 2007), (ZöllnerWeber 2005).
The paper describes the classes and the relationships between
them that the OWL model contains. Some of these relationships
are hierarchical (‘trees belong to the vegetal kingdom’), others
represent relations between objects (‘emblem 6 uses the
metaphor of life as a journey’ or ‘metaphor 123 is a metaphor
for justice’). The relationships are what makes it possible to
query objects by their relations to other objects: to ask for all
the metaphors based in an emblem picture, to ask for all of the
metaphors for love, or to combine these criteria.
Metaphor model
In order to present the metaphor index to a reader, a web
application has been developed that allows readers to consult
and explore the index. The application is an example of an
ontology-driven application as discussed in (Guarino 1998):
the data model, the application logic and the user interface are
all based on the metaphor ontology.
There is a number of aspects of metaphor and the texts where
metaphors occur that are modelled in the metaphor index.
A metaphor has a vehicle and a tenor, in the terminology of
The application was created using PHP and a MySQL database
backend. RAP, the RDF API for PHP, is used for handling RDF.
RDF and OWL files that contain the ontology and occurrences
Digital Humanities 2008
are stored in an RDF model in the database. RDF triples that
represent the structure of the emblem book are created from
the TEI XML file that contains the digital text of the emblem
The application has to provide insight into three basic layers of
information: our primary text (the emblems), the database-like
collection of metaphor data, and a secondary text that should
make these three layers into a coherent whole.The application
organizes this in three perspectives: an overview perspective,
an emblem perspective and an ontology perspective. Each of
these perspectives offers one or more views on the data.These
views are (1) a basic selection interface into the metaphor
index; (2) an essay about the use and meaning of metaphor in
this book; (3) a single emblem display; (4) information about
metaphor use in the emblem; and (5) a display of the ontology
defined for the metaphor index (built using the OWLDoc).
The paper will discuss the ways in which the user can explore
the metaphor data.
Figure 1 Part of the classes that make up the metaphor ontology.
Arrows point to subclasses.The classes at the bottom level are
just examples; many other could have been shown if more space
were available.For simplicity, this diagram ignores class properties
The metaphor index is experimental, among other things in
its modelling of metaphor and in its use of OWL and RDF
in a humanities context. If Willard McCarty is right in some
respects all humanities computing is experimental. There is,
however, a certain tension between the experimental nature
of this index and the need to collect a body of material and
create a display application. If the aim is not to support resource
discovery, but solely to provide insight, do we then need this
large amount of data? Is all software meant to be discarded, as
McCarty quotes Perlis? The need to introduce another aspect
of metaphor into the model may conflict with the need to
create a body of material that it is worthwhile to explore. It
is also true, however, that insight doesn’t come from subtlety
alone. There is no insight without numbers.
Figure 2 A metaphor and the properties
relating it to the comparands
Figure 3 Objects can be queried by their relations
McCarty writes about the computer as ‘a rigorously disciplined
means of implementing trial-and-error (…) to help the scholar
refine an inevitable mismatch between a representation and
reality (as he or she conceives it) to the point at which the
epistemological yield of the representation has been realized’.
It is true that the computer helps us be rigorous and disciplined,
but perhaps for that very reason the representations that the
computer helps us build may become a burden. Computing can
slow us down.To clarify the conceptual structure of metaphor
as it is used in the book we do not necessarily need a work
of reference. The paper’s concluding paragraphs will address
this tension.
Figure 4 Overview perspective
Digital Humanities 2008
Figure 8 Expert search, start building query
Figure 5 Clicking the hyperlink ‘plant life’ (top right)
executes a query with hits shown in the left panel
Figure 9 Expert search. Click ‘+’ to create more criteria
Figure 6 Emblem perspective with one
metaphor highlighted in picture and text
Figure 10 Expert search. Select the desired criterion
Figure 11 Expert search. Final state of query
Figure 7 Ontology perspective , with display of class metaphor
Digital Humanities 2008
Collaborative tool-building
with Pliny: a progress report
John Bradley
King’s College London, UK,
Figure 12 Expert search. Display of executed
query and generated RDQL in results panel
Antoniou, Grigoris and Van Harmelen, Frank (2004), A
Semantic Web Primer (Cooperative Information Systems;
Cambridge (Ma); London: MIT Press).
Boot, Peter (2006), ‘Decoding emblem semantics’, Literary and
Linguistic Computing, 21 supplement 1, 15-27.
Ciula, Arianna and Vieira, José Miguel (2007), ‘Implementing an
RDF/OWL Ontology on Henry the III Fine Rolls’, paper given
at OWLED 2007, Innsbruck.
Guarino, Nicola (1998), ‘Formal Ontology and Information
Systems’, in Nicola Guarino (ed.), Formal Ontology in
Information Systems. Proceedings of FOIS’98, Trento, Italy, 6-8
June 1998 (Amsterdam: IOS Press), 3-15.
Lakoff, George and Johnson, Mark (1980), Metaphors we live
by (Chicago; London: University of Chicago Press).
McCarty, Willard (2005), Humanities Computing (Basingstoke:
Palgrave Macmillan).
McGuinness, Deborah L. and Van Harmelen, Frank
(2007), ‘OWL Web Ontology Language. Overview. W3C
Recommendation 10 February 2004’, <
TR/owl-features/>, accessed 2007-02-24.
Richards, Ivor Armstrong (1936), The Philosophy of Rhetoric
(New York, London: Oxford University Press).
Zöllner-Weber, Amelie (2005), ‘Formale Repräsentation
und Beschreibung von literarischen Figuren’, Jahrbuch für
Computerphilologie – online, 7.
In the early days the Digital Humanities (DH) focused on
the development of tools to support the individual scholar
to perform original scholarship, and tools such as OCP and
TACT emerged that were aimed at the individual scholar. Very
little tool-building within the DH community is now aimed
generally at individual scholarship. There are, I think, two
reasons for this:
• First, the advent of the Graphical User Interface (GUI)
made tool building (in terms of software applications that
ran on the scholar’s own machine) very expensive. Indeed,
until recently, the technical demands it put upon developers
have been beyond the resources of most tool developers
within the Humanities.
• Second, the advent of the WWW has shifted the focus
of much of the DH community to the web. However, as a
result, tool building has mostly focused on not the doing of
scholarly research but on the publishing of resources that
represent the result of this.
DH’s tools to support the publishing of, say, primary sources,
are of course highly useful to the researcher when his/her
primary research interest is the preparation of a digital edition.
They are not directly useful to the researcher using digital
resources. The problem (discussed in detail in Bradley 2005)
is that a significant amount of the potential of digital materials
to support individual research is lost in the representation in
the browser, even when based on AJAX or Web 2.0 practices.
The Pliny project (Pliny 2006-7) attempts to draw our attention
as tool builders back to the user of digital resources rather than
their creator, and is built on the assumption that the software
application, and not the browser, is perhaps the best platform
to give the user full benefit of a digital resource. Pliny is not
the only project that recognises this. The remarkable project
Zotero (Zotero 2006-7) has developed an entire plugin to
provide a substantial new set of functions that the user can do
within their browser. Other tool builders have also recognised
that the browser restricts the kind of interaction with their
data too severely and have developed software applications
that are not based on the web browser (e.g. Xaira (2005-7),
WordHoard (2006-7), Juxta (2007), VLMA (2005-7)). Some of
these also interact with the Internet, but they do it in ways
outside of conventional browser capabilities.
Further to the issue of tool building is the wish within the
DH community to create tools that work well together.
This problem has often been described as one of modularity
– building separate components that, when put together,
Digital Humanities 2008
allow the user to combine them to accomplish a range of
things perhaps beyond the capability of each tool separately.
Furthermore, our community has a particularly powerful
example of modularity in Wilhelm Ott’s splendid TuStep
software (Ott 2000). TuStep is a toolkit containing a number
of separate small programs that each perform a rather abstract
function, but can be assembled in many ways to perform a
very large number of very different text processing tasks.
However, although TuStep is a substantial example of software
designed as a toolkit, the main discussion of modularity in the
DH (going back as far as the CETH meetings in the 1990s)
has been in terms of collaboration – finding ways to support
the development of tools by different developers that, in fact,
can co-operate. This is a very different issue from the one
TuStep models for us. There is as much or more design work
employed to create TuStep’s framework in which the separate
abstract components operate (the overall system) as there is
in the design of each component itself. This approach simply
does not apply when different groups are designing tools
semi-independently. What is really wanted is a world where
software tools such as WordHoard can be designed in ways
that allow other tools (such as Juxta) to interact in a GUI, on
the screen.
Why is this so difficult? Part of the problem is that traditional
software development focuses on a “stack” approach. Layers
of ever-more specific software are built on top of moregeneral layers to create a specific application, and each layer in
the stack is aimed more precisely at the ultimate functions the
application was meant to provide. In the end each application
runs in a separate window on the user’s screen and is focused
specifically and exclusively on the functions the software was
meant to do. Although software could be written to support
interaction between different applications, it is in practice still
rarely considered, and is difficult to achieve.
Instead of the “stack” model of software design, Pliny is
constructed on top of the Eclipse framework (Eclipse 20057), and uses its contribution model based on Eclipse’s plugin
approach (see a description of it in Birsan 2005).This approach
promotes effective collaborative, yet independent, tool
building and makes possible many different kinds of interaction
between separately written applications. Annotation provides
an excellent motivation for this. A user may wish to annotate
something in, say, WordHoard. Later, this annotation will need
to be shown with annotations attached to other objects from
other pieces of software. If the traditional “stack” approach
to software is applied, each application would build their own
annotation component inside their software, and the user
would not be able to bring notes from different tools together.
Instead of writing separate little annotation components inside
each application, Eclipse allows objects from one application to
participate as “first-class” objects in the operation of another.
Annotations belong simultaneously to the application in which
they were created, and to Pliny’s annotation-note-taking
management system.
Pliny’s plugins both support the manipulation of annotations
while simultaneously allowing other (properly constructed)
applications to create and display annotations that Pliny
manages for them. Furthermore, Pliny is able to recognise
and represent references to materials in other applications
within its own displays. See Figures I and II for examples of
this, in conjunction with the prototype VLMA (2005-7) plugin
I created from the standalone application produced by the
VLMA development team. In Figure I most of the screen
is managed by the VLMA application, but Pliny annotations
have been introduced and combined with VLMA materials.
Similarly, in figure II, most of the screen is managed by Pliny
and its various annotation tools, but I have labelled areas on
the screen where aspects of the VLMA application still show
Pliny, then, is about two issues:
• First, Pliny focuses on digital annotation and note-taking
in humanities scholarship, and shows how they can be used
facilitate the development of an interpretation. This has
been described in previous papers and is not presented
• Second, Pliny models how one could be building GUIoriented software applications that, although developed
separately, support a richer set of interactions and
integration on the screen.
This presentation focuses primarily on this second theme,
and is a continuation of the issues raised at last year’s poster
session on this subject for the DH2007 conference (Bradley
2007). It arises from a consideration of Pliny’s first issue
since note-taking is by its very nature an integrative activity
– bringing together materials created in the context of a large
range of resources and kinds of resources.
Figure I: Pliny annotations in a VLMA viewer
Digital Humanities 2008
Birsan, Dorian (2005). “On Plug-ins and Extensible
Architectures”, In Queue (ACM),Vol 3 No 2.
Bradley, John (2005). “What you (fore)see is what you get:
Thinking about usage paradigms for computer assisted text
analysis” in Text Technology Vol. 14 No 2. pp 1-19. Online at (Accessed November 2007).
Figure II:VLMA objects in a Pliny context
This connecting of annotation to a digital object rather than
merely to its display presents some new issues. What, for
example, does it mean to link an annotation to a line of a
KWIC display – should that annotation appear when the same
KWIC display line appears in a different context generated as
the result of a different query? Should it appear attached to
the particular word token when the document it contains is
displayed? If an annotation is attached to a headword, should it
be displayed automatically in a different context when its word
occurrences are displayed, or only in the context in which the
headword itself is displayed? These are the kind of questions of
annotation and context that can only really be explored in an
integrated environment such as the one described here, and
some of the discussion in this presentation will come from
prototypes built to work with the RDF data application VLMA,
with the beginnings of a TACT-like text analysis tool, and on
a tool based on Google maps that allows one to annotate a
Building our tools in contexts such as Pliny’s that allow for a
complex interaction between components results in a much
richer, and more appropriate, experience for our digital user.
For the first time, perhaps, s/he will be able to experience
the kind of interaction between the materials that are made
available through applications that expose, rather than hide, the
true potential of digital objects. Pliny provides a framework
in which objects from different tools are brought into close
proximity and connected by the paradigm of annotation.
Perhaps there are also paradigms other than annotation that
are equally interesting for object linking?
Bradley, John (2007). “Making a contribution: modularity,
integration and collaboration between tools in Pliny”. In
book of abstracts for the DH2007 conference, UrbanaChampaign, Illinois, June 2007. Online copy available at http://
(Accessed October 2007).
Eclipse 2005-7. Eclipse Project Website. At http://www.eclipse.
org/ (Accessed October 2007).
Juxta (2007). Project web page at
juxta.html (accessed November 2007).
Ott, Wilhelm (2000). “Strategies and Tools for Textual
Scholarship: the Tübingen System of Text Processing
Programs (TUSTEP)” in Literary & Linguistic Computing, 15:1
pp. 93-108.
Pliny 2006-7. Pliny Project Website . At
(Accessed October 2007).
VLMA (2005-7). VLMA: A Virtual Lightbox for Museums and
Archives. Website at (Accessed
October 2007).
WordHoard (2006-7). WordHoard: An application for close
reading and scholarly analysis of deeply tagged texts. Website
(Accessed November 2007).
Xaira (2005-7). Xaira Page. Website at
uk/rts/xaira/ (Accessed October 2007).
Zotero (2006-7). Zotero: A personal research assistant. Website
at (Accessed September 2007).
Digital Humanities 2008
How to find Mrs. Billington?
Approximate string matching
applied to misspelled names
This theatrical notice on page 938 of the Leader from
17.11.1860 highlights the limitations of OCR alone.
Gerhard Brey
King’s College London, UK
Manolis Christodoulakis
University of East London, UK
In this paper we discuss some of the problems that arise when
searching for misspelled names. We suggest a solution to
overcome these and to disambiguate the names found.
The Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (NCSE) is a digital
edition of six nineteenth-century newspaper and periodical
titles. It is a collaborative project between Birkbeck College,
King’s College London, the British Library and Olive Software
Inc. funded by the UK’s Arts and Humanities Research Council.
The corpus consists of about 100,000 pages that were microfilmed, scanned in and processed using optical character
recognition software (OCR) to obtain images for display in
the web application as well as the full text of the publications.
In the course of this processing (by Olive Software) the text
of each individual issue was also automatically segmented
into its constituent parts (newspaper departments, articles,
advertisements, etc.).
The application of text mining techniques (named entity
extraction, text categorisation, etc.) allowed names, institutions
and places etc. to be extracted as well as individual articles to
be classified according to events, subjects and genres. Users
of the digital edition can search for very specific information.
The extent to which these searches are successful depends, of
course, on the quality of the available data.
The problem
The quality of some of the text resulting from the OCR process
varies from barely readable to illegible. This reflects the poor
print quality of the original paper copies of the publications. A
simple search of the scanned and processed text for a person’s
name, for example, would retrieve exact matches, but ignore
incorrectly spelled or distorted variations.
Misspellings of ordinary text could be checked against an
authoritative electronic dictionary. An equivalent reference
work for names does not exist. This paper describes the
solutions that are being investigated to overcome these
The actress Mrs. Billington is mentioned twice. OCR recognised
the name once as Mrs. lUllinijton and then as Mrs.
BIIMngton. A simple search for the name Billington would
therefore be unsuccessful.
By applying a combination of approximate string matching
techniques and allowing for a certain amount of spelling errors
(see below) our more refined approach successfully finds the
two distorted spellings as Mrs. Billington. However, it
also finds a number of other unrelated names (Wellington
and Rivington among others). This additional problem is
redressed by mapping misspelled names to correctly spelled
names. Using a combination of string similarity and string
distance algorithms we have developed an application to rank
misspelled names according to their likelihood of representing
a correctly spelled name.
The algorithm
As already briefly mentioned above we are applying several
well known pattern matching algorithms to perform
approximate pattern matching, where the pattern is a given
name (a surname normally), and the “text” is a (huge) list of
names, obtained from the OCR of scanned documents. The
novelty of this work comes from the fact that we are utilizing
application-specific characteristics to achieve better results
than are possible through general-purpose pattern matching
Currently we are considering the pattern to be error-free
(although our algorithms can easily be extended to deal with
errors in the pattern too). Moreover, all the algorithms take as
input the maximum “distance” that a name in the list may have
from the pattern to be considered a match; this distance is
given as a percentage. As one would expect, there is a tradeoff
in distance - quality of matches: low distance threshold yields
less false positives, but may miss some true matches; on the
other hand, a high distance threshold has less chances of
missing true matches, but will return many fake ones.
Digital Humanities 2008
At the heart of the algorithms lies a ranking system, the
purpose of which is to sort the matching names according to
how well they match. (Recall that the list of matching names
can be huge, and thus what is more important is really the
ranking of those matches, to distinguish the good ones from
random matches.) Obviously, the ranking system depends on
the distance-metric in use, but there is more to be taken into
account. Notice that, if a name matches our pattern with some
error, e, there are two cases:
- either the name is a true match, and the error e is due to
bad OCR, or
- the name (misspelled or not, by OCR) does not
correspond to our pattern, in which case it is a bad match
and should receive a lower rank.
It is therefore essential, given a possibly misspelled (due to
OCR) name, s’, to identify the true name, s, that it corresponds
to. Then, it is obvious that s’ is a good match if p = s, and a bad
match otherwise, where p is the pattern.To identify whether a
name s’ in our list is itself a true name, or has been mispelled
we use two types of evaluation:
NCSE website:
Cavnar, William B. and John M. Trenkle. “N-Gram-Based
Text Categorization”, in: Proceedings of SDAIR-94, 3rd Annual
Symposium on Document Analysis and Information Retrieval, Las
Vegas 1994, 161-175;;
accessed Nov 2007.
Cavnar, William B. “Using An N-Gram-Based Document
Representation With A Vector Processing Retrieval Model”,
in: TREC, 1994, 269--277;
papers/; accessed Nov 2007.
Gusfield, Dan. Algorithms on strings, trees, and sequences:
computer science and computational biology, Cambridge (CUP)
Hall, Patrick A.V. and Geoff R. Dowling. “Approximate String
Matching”, in: ACM Computing Surveys, 12.4 (1980), 381-402;; accessed
November 2007
- We count the occurrences of s’ in the list. A name that
occurs many times, is likely to be a true name; if it had been
misspelled, it is very unlikely that all its occurrences would
have been misspelled in exactly the same manner, by the
OCR software.
Jurafsky, Daniel Saul and James H. Martin. Speech and Language
Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing,
Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition, Upper Saddle
River, NJ (Prentice Hall) 2000, Chapter 5.
- We have compiled a list L of valid names; these names are
then used to decide whether s’ is a valid name (s’ ∈ L) or
not (s’ ∉ L).
Lapedriza, Àgata and Jordi Vitrià. “Open N-Grams and
Discriminant Features in Text World: An Empirical Study”;; accessed
November 2007.
In the case where s’ is indeed mispelled by OCR, and is thus
not a true name, one must use distance metrics to identify
how closely it matches the pattern p. Given that the pattern is
considered to be error-free, if the distance of the name from
the pattern is large then it is very unlikely (but not impossible)
that too many of the symbols of the name have been mispelled
by OCR; instead, most probably the name does not really
match the pattern.
Taking into account the nature of the errors that occur in our
application, when computing the distance of a name in the
list from our pattern, we consider optical similarities. That is,
we drop the common tactic where one symbol is compared
against another symbol, and either they match - so the distance
is 0, or they don’t - so the distance is 1; instead, we consider
a symbol (or a group of symbols) to have a low distance
from another symbol (or group of symbols) if their shapes
look similar. As an example, check that “m” is optically very
similar to “rn”, and thus should be assigned a small distance,
say 1, while “m” and “b” do not look similar to each other and
therefore should have a big distance, say 10.
Navarro, Gonzalo. “A guided tour to approximate string
matching”, in: ACM Computing Surveys, 33.1 (2001), 31-88;; accessed
November 2007
Navarro, Gonzalo and Mathieu Raffinot. Flexible pattern
matching in strings: practical on-line search algorithms for texts
and biological sequences, Cambridge (CUP) 2002.
Oakes, Michael P. Statistics for corpus linguistics, Edinburgh
(Edinburgh Univ. Press) 1998, (Edinburgh textbooks in
empirical linguistics, XVI), Chapter 3.4
The results of our efforts to date have been very promising.
We look forward to investigating opportunities to improve
the effectiveness of the algorithm in the future.
Digital Humanities 2008
Degrees of Connection:
the close interlinkages of
Susan Brown
University of Guelph, Canada
Patricia Clements
University of Alberta, Canada
Isobel Grundy
University of Alberta, Canada
Stan Ruecker
University of Alberta, Canada
Jeffery Antoniuk
University of Alberta, Canada
Sharon Balazs
University of Alberta, Canada
Orlando: Women’s Writing in the British Isles from the Beginnings
to the Present is a literary-historical textbase comprising more
than 1,200 core entries on the lives and writing careers of
British women writers, male writers, and international women
writers; 13,000+ free-standing chronology entries providing
context; 12,000+ bibliographical listings; and more than 2
million tags embedded in 6.5 million words of born-digital
text. The XML tagset allows users to interrogate everything
from writers’ relationships with publishers to involvement in
political activities or their narrative techniques.
The current interface allows users to access entries by name
or via various criteria associated with authors; to create
chronologies by searching on tags and/or contents of dated
materials; and to search the textbase for tags, attributes, and
text, or a combination. The XML serves primarily to structure
the materials; to allow users to draw on particular tags to
bring together results sets (of one or more paragraphs
incorporating the actual ‘hit’) according to particular interests;
and to provide automatic hyperlinking of names, places,
organizations, and titles.
Recognizing both that many in our target user community of
literary students and scholars dislike tag searches, and that
our current interface has not fully plumbed the potential of
Orlando’s experimentation in structured text, we are exploring
what other kinds of enquiry and interfaces the textbase can
support.We report here on some investigations into new ways
of probing and representing the links created by the markup.
The current interface leverages the markup to provide
contexts for hyperlinks. Each author entry includes a “Links”
screen that provides hyperlinks to mentions of that author
elsewhere in the textbase. These links are sorted into groups
based on the semantic tags of which they are children, so that
users can choose, for instance, from the more than 300 links
on the George Eliot Links screen, between a link to Eliot in
the Elizabeth Stuart Phelps entry that occurs in the context of
Family or Intimate Relationships, and a link to Eliot in Simone
de Beauvoir’s entry that occurs in the discussion of features
of de Beauvoir’s writing. Contextualizing Links screens are
provided not only for writers who have entries, but also for
any person who is mentioned more than once in the textbase,
and also for titles of texts, organizations, and places. It thus
provides a unique means for users to pursue links in a less
directed and more informed way than that provided by many
Building on this work, we have been investigating how Orlando
might support queries into relationships and networking,
and present not just a single relationship but the results of
investigating an entire field of interwoven relationships of
the kind that strongly interest literary historians. Rather than
beginning from a known set of networks or interconnections,
how might we exploit our markup to analyze interconnections,
reveal new links, or determine the points of densest
interrelationship? Interface design in particular, if we start to
think about visualizing relationships rather than delivering
them entirely in textual form, poses considerable challenges.
We started with the question of the degrees of separation
between different people mentioned in disparate contexts
within the textbase. Our hyperlinking tags allow us to
conceptualize links between people not only in terms of direct
contact, that is person-to-person linkages, but also in terms of
linkages through other people, places, organizations, or texts
that they have in common. Drawing on graph theory, we use
the hyperlinking tags as key indices of linkages. Two hyperlinks
coinciding within a single document—an entry or a chronology
event--were treated as vertices that form an edge, and an
algorithm was used to find the shortest path between source
and destination. So, for instance, you can get from Chaucer to
Virginia Woolf in a single step in twelve different ways: eleven
other writer entries (including Woolf’s own) bring their names
together, as does the following event:
1 November 1907: The British Museum’s reading room
reopened after being cleaned and redecorated; the dome
was embellished with the names of canonical male writers,
beginning with Chaucer and ending with Browning.
Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own describes the
experience of standing under the dome “as if one were a
thought in the huge bald forehead which is so splendidly
encircled by a band of famous names.” Julia Hege in Jacob’s
Room complains that they did not leave room for an Eliot
or a Brontë.
It takes more steps to get from some writers to others: five,
for instance, to get from Frances Harper to Ella Baker. But this
is very much the exception rather than the rule.
Digital Humanities 2008
Calculated according to the method described here, we have
a vast number of links: the textbase contains 74,204 vertices
with an average of 102 edges each (some, such as London at
101,936, have considerably more than others), meaning that
there are 7.5 million links in a corpus of 6.5 million words.
Working just with authors who have entries, we calculated
the number of steps between them all, excluding some of the
commonest links: the Bible, Shakespeare, England, and London.
Nevertheless, the vast majority of authors (on average 88%)
were linked by a single step (such as the example of Chaucer
and Woolf, in which the link occurs within the same source
document) or two steps (in which there is one intermediate
document between the source and destination names).
Moreover, there is a striking similarity in the distribution of the
number of steps required to get from one person to another,
regardless of whether one moves via personal names, places,
organizations, or titles. 10.6% of entries are directly linked, that
is the two authors are mentioned in the same source entry or
event. Depending on the hyperlinking tag used, one can get to
the destination author with just one intermediate step, or two
degrees of separation, in 72.2% to 79.6% of cases. Instances of
greater numbers of steps decline sharply, so that there are 5
degrees of separation in only 0.6% of name linkage pages, and
none at all for places. Six degrees of separation does not exist
in Orlando between authors with entries, although there are a
few “islands”, in the order of from 1.6% to 3.2%, depending on
the link involved, of authors who do not link to others.
These results raise a number of questions. As Albert-Lászlo
Barabási reported of social networks generally, one isn’t dealing
with degrees of separation so much as degrees of proximity.
However, in this case, dealing not with actual social relations
but the partial representation in Orlando of a network of social
relations from the past, what do particular patterns such as
these mean? What do the outliers—people such as Ella Baker
or Frances Harper who are not densely interlinked with
others—and islands signify? They are at least partly related
to the brevity of some entries, which can result either from
paucity of information, or decisions about depth of treatment,
or both. But might they sometimes also represent distance
from literary and social establishments? Furthermore, some
linkages are more meaningful, in a literary historical sense,
than others. For instance, the Oxford Dictionary of National
Biography is a common link because it is frequently cited by
title, not because it indicates a historical link between people.
Such incidental links can’t be weeded out automatically. So we
are investigating the possibility of using the relative number
of single- or double-step links between two authors to
determine how linked they ‘really’ are. For instance, Elizabeth
Gaskell is connected to William Makepeace Thackeray, Charles
Dickens, and George Eliot by 25, 35, and 53 single-step links,
respectively, but to Margaret Atwood, Gertrude Stein, and
Toni Morrison by 2, 1, and 1. Such contrasts suggest the likely
utility of such an approach to distinguishing meaningful from
incidental associations.
The biggest question invited by these inquiries into linkages
is: how might new modes of inquiry into, or representation
of, literary history, emerge from such investigations? One
way to address this question is through interfaces. We have
developed a prototype web application for querying degrees of
separation in Orlando, for which we are developing an interface.
Relationships or associations are conventionally represented
by a network diagram, where the entities are shown as nodes
and the relationships as lines connecting the nodes. Depending
on the content, these kinds of figures are also referred to as
directed graphs, link-node diagrams, entity-relationship (ER)
diagrams, and topic maps. Such diagrams scale poorly, since
the proliferation of items results in a tangle of intersecting
lines. Many layout algorithms position the nodes to reduce the
number of crisscrossing lines, resulting in images misleading to
people who assume that location is meaningful.
In the case of Orlando, two additional complexities must be
addressed. First, many inter-linkages are dense: there are often
50 distinct routes between two people. A conventional ER
diagram of this data would be too complex to be useful as
an interactive tool, unless we can allow the user to simplify
the diagram. Second, the Orlando data differs from the kind
of data that would support “distant reading” (Moretti 1), so
our readers will need to access the text that the diagram
references. How, then, connect the diagram to a reading view?
We will present our preliminary responses to these challenges
in an interface for degree of separation queries and results.We
are also experimenting with the Mandala browser (Cheypesh
et al. 2006) for XML structures as a means of exploring
embedded relationships. The current Mandala prototype
cannot accommodate the amount of data and number of tags
in Orlando, so we will present the results of experimenting
with a subset of the hyperlinking tags as another means of
visualizing the dense network of associations in Orlando’s
representations of literary history.
Barabási, Albert-Lászlo. Linked:The New Science of Networks.
Cambridge, MA: Perseus Publishing, 2002.
Brown, Susan, Patricia Clements, and Isobel Grundy, ed.
Orlando:Women’s Writing in the British Isles from the Beginnings
to the Present. Cambridge: Cambridge Online, 2006.
Cheypesh, Oksana, Constanza Pacher, Sandra Gabriele,
Stéfan Sinclair, Drew Paulin and Stan Ruecker. “Centering the
mind and calming the heart: mandalas as interfaces.” Paper
presented at the Society for Digital Humanities (SDH/SEMI)
conference.York University, Toronto. May 29-31, 2006.
Mandala Rich Prospect Browser. Dir. Stéfan Sinclair and Stan
Ruecker. Accessed 22 November
Moretti, Franco. Graphs, Maps,Trees: Abstract Models for a
Literary Theory. London:Verso, 2005.
Digital Humanities 2008
The impact of digital
interfaces on virtual gender
Sandra Buchmüller
Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, Germany
Gesche Joost
Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, Germany
Rosan Chow
Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, Germany
This paper documents an exploratory research in progress,
investigating the relationship between the quality of digital
interfaces, their technical conditions and the interfacial
mediation of the users’ body. Here, we focus on the bodily
dimension of gender. For this reason, we analysed two online
role playing games with different representation modes
(text-based versus image-based) asking which impact the
digital interface and their technical conditions have on gender
Following sociological investigations (Bahl, 1998/ Goffman,
2001/ Lübke, 2005/ Müller, 1996), the bodily aspect of gender
plays a central role in communication settings due to its
social, cultural meaning which nowadays strongly is mediated
by information technology. For this reason, we focus on the
interfaces. We claim that their representation mode, their
design and software constraints have a crucial impact on the
virtual patterns of gender referring to individual performance,
spatial movement and communication.
This interfacial analysis is just a part of an interdisciplinary
inquiry about the interrelation between gender, design and
ICT. It is allocated in the overlapping field of sociology, gender
studies, design research and information technology.
In this respect, we regard the body and its gender as culturally
constructed interface of social interactions and advocate for
reflecting it within the process software development and
interface design.
Today’s communication is highly influenced by information
technology, which substitutes more and more physical body
representations in face-to-face communication. Disembodied
experiences have become a part of ordinary life as self
performances and interactions are often mediated by designed
hardware and software interfaces.
In this context, designers who make ICT accessible via their
product and screen designs can be regarded as mediators
between technological requirements and user needs.
They usually regard interfaces from the point of view of
formal-aesthetic (Apple Computer, Inc, 1992; McKey, 1999;
Schneiderman/ Plaisant, 2005), or of usability (Krug, 2006;
Nielsen/ Loranger, 2006) and interaction-design (Cooper/
Reimann, 2003; Preece/ Rogers/ Sharp, 2002). But designers
not only make ICT usable, but also culturally significant. In this
respect, they also deal with the cultural constructions and
implications of gender which have to be reflected by their
screen designs. The interfacial conditions decide about the
bodily representations in ICT interaction.
By referring to interactionist (Goffman, 2001), constructivist
(Butler, 2006/ Teubner, Wetterer, 1999/ Trettin, 1997/
West, Zimmermann, 1991, 1995) theories and sociological
investigations of virtual environments (Eisenrieder, 2003/
Lübke, 2005/ Turkle, 1999), we claim that the bodily aspect
of gender is an essential reference point of individual
performance, communication, even spatial movements not
as a physical property of the body, but due to its cultural
meaning and connotative potential. It is supposed to be the
most guiding information referring to interaction contexts
(Goffman, 2001/ Lübke, 2005). It has a crucial impact on the
behavior: Being polite, e.g. opening the door for someone is
often a decision made in dependence of the counterpart’s
gender (Müller, 1996). Not knowing about it causes behavioral
confusion (Bahl, 1998/ Lübke, 2005).
Research Perspectives & Research
In contrast to a sociological point of view, a conventional
design perspective or technological requirements, we add a
completely new aspect to design and technologically driven
inquiries in two respects:
- By taking the body as a benchmark for analyzing gender
representations of digital interfaces.
- By investigating the virtual body and its gender
representations from an interfacial point of view.
Our investigations and reflections are guided by the
following questions:
- Which gender images do exist in virtual spaces?
- Which impact do the digital interface and their technical
conditions have on gender performances?
Furthermore, we are particularly interested in knowing about
the impact of design on preserving traditional and stereotype
gender images as well as on modifying or deconstructing
Digital Humanities 2008
Objects of Investigation
Objects of investigations are two online role playing games,
so called Multi User Dungeons (MUDs). They are especially
suitable for this purpose because they directly refer to bodily
representations in form of virtual characters. We choose
two MUDs with different representation modes in order
to compare the effects of opposite interfaces on the virtual
embodiment of gender: LambdaMOO, a popular text-based
online role playing game (see Image 1 LM), is contrasted
with Second Life, the currently most popular and populated
graphical MUD (see Image 1 SL). Examining their interfaces
promise to get concrete insights into the interfacial influence
on virtual gender images.
We use the methods of content analysis and participatory
observation – the first in order to explore the interfacial offer
of options and tools to create virtual gender representations
and the second in order to know, how it feels developing
and wearing the respective gendered skin. The analysis and
observations are guided and structured using the different
dimensions of the body as a matrix of investigating which
are empirically generated from the observations themselves.
Within these bodily categories, different aspects of gender are
Body presence
- modes of existence or being there
Personality / individuality
- forms of personal performance
- forms of non-verbal communication (facial expressions,
gestures, vocal intonations and accentuation)
- modes of emotional expressions
Patterns of gender
- categories or models of gender
Actions and spatial Movements
- modes of behavior and actions
- modes of spatial orientation and navigation
Patterns of social behavior
- modes of communication and interaction
Image 1 LM: Interface
- community standards, behavioral guidelines and rules
Research Results
The main findings show, how interfaces and their specific
technical conditions can expand or restrict the performance
of gender. Moreover, they demonstrate how the conventional
bipolar gender model of western culture can be re- and
deconstructed by the interfacial properties and capacities.
Image 1 SL: Interface
The table below gives a summarizing overview about how
the different bodily aspects are treated by the respective
interface of LambdaMOO or Second Life. Interfacial elements
which explicitly address gender aspects are indicated in bold
italics. Reference to images are marked “see Image # LM
(LambdaMOO)/SL(Second Life)”.
Digital Humanities 2008
Body aspect
LambdaMOO (text-based)
Second Life (image-based)
Body presence
(addressing more or
less explicitly cultural
associations of gender)
Renaming is possible
at any time
(See Image 2.1 LM
and Image 2.2 LM)
name is predetermined by the
interface (surname is selectable
from a list, the availability of the
combination of fore and sure
name has to be checked by the
system); name can‘t be changed
after being registered (See
Image 2.1 SL and Image 2.2 SL)
after registration, a character
has to be selected of a default
set of 6 male and female
avatars (See Image 3 SL) which
can be individually modified
by the ‘Appearance Editor’
Personality/ individuality
Actions and spatial
Patterns of gender
Self-descriptions command
- Appearance Editor:
just offers the gender
categories ‘male and
female’, but allows to create
transgender images (See
Image 7.1 SL and Image 7.2 SL)
- Profile Window
Set of gestures:
differentiated into common
and male/ female gestures
corresponding to the
avatar’s gender (See Image
9.1 SL, Image 9.2 SL, Image
10.1 SL and Image 10.2 SL)
Set of gestures:
differentiated into common
and male/ female gestures
corresponding to the
avatar’s gender
- Moving-around commands:
(cardinal points + up/down)
- Look-around commands
- Navigation tool:
the avatar’s movements are
programmed corresponding
to gender stereotypes:
female avatars walk with
swinging hips while male
avatars walk bowlegged
(See Image 8.1 SL)
- Camera-view tool
- Sit down / Stand
up command:
the avatar’s movements are
programmed corresponding
to gender stereotypes:
female avatars sit
close-legged, while male
avatars sit bowlegged
(See Image 8.2 SL)
- Teleporting
- Examine-object commands
- Take-object command
10 gender categories:
Neuter, male, female,
either, Spivak (“To adopt
the Spivak gender means
to abjure the gendering
of the body ,to refuse to
be cast as male, female
or transsexual.”Thomas,
2003)), splat, plural,
egoistical, royal, 2nd
(See Image 4.1 LM
and Image 4.2 LM)
Male, female:
Changing the gender
category is possible at any
time by the ‘Appearance
Editor’ (See Image 6 SL);
naked male avatars
are sexless(See Image
5.1 SL); female avatars
have breast but also no
genital; masculinity can be
emphasized by editing the
genital area of the avatar‘s
trousers (See Image 5.2 SL
and Image 5.3) femininity
by the size of breast and
their position to each other
(together or more distant)
Image 2.1 LM: Rename command
Image 2.1 SL: Choose surname
Image 2.2 LM: Nickname Magenta_Guest
Set of male / female
gestures (See Image 10.1
SL and Image 10.2 SL):
Female gesture set with 18
versus male gesture set
with 12 categories, may
support the stereotype
of females being more
emotionally expressive
Virtual patterns of
social behavior
Chat-command: say
Chat-commands: speak / shout
Some gestures are
accompanied by vocal
expressions which are
differentiated into male
and female voices
Long-distancecommunication command
Instant Messenger
Behavioral guidelines
Community Standards:
‘Big Six’& Policy includes
the topic ‘harassment’
which mainly affects
females personas
Image 2.2 SL: Name check
Abuse Reporter Tool
Reporting violations
directly to the creators of
Second Life ‘Linden Lab’
Digital Humanities 2008
Image 5.3 SL: Edit masculinity - big
Image 3 SL: First set of avatars
Image 4.1 LM: Gender categories
Image 4.2 LM: Re-gender
Image 6 SL: Appearance editor
Image 5.1 SL: Male avatar without genitals
Image 7.1 SL:Transgender
Image 5.2 SL: Edit masculinity - small
Digital Humanities 2008
Image 9.2 SL: Common gestures - male avatar
Image 7.2 SL: Gender swap from female to male
Image 10.1 SL: Female gestures - female avatar
Image 8.1 SL:Walking avatars
Image 10.2 SL: Male gestures - male avatar
Image 8.2 SL: Sitting bowlegged/close legged
The comparison demonstrates that both interfaces use nearly
the same patterns of embodiment. Referring to the bodily
aspect of gender, Second Life is a poor and conservative space.
Gender modifications besides the common model seem not
to be intended by the interface: In case of gender switches the
gender specific gestures set does not shift correspondently
(see images 11.1 SL and11.2 SL).
Image 9.1 SL: Common gestures - female avatar
Digital Humanities 2008
Image 11.1 SL: Female gestures - male avatar
Bahl, Anke (1996): Spielraum für Rollentäuscher. Muds:
Rollenspielen im Internet:
texte/ct.html (also in: c’t, 1996, Heft 8)
Becker, Barbara (2000): Elektronische
Kommunikationsmedien als neue „Technologien des Selbst“?
Überlegungen zur Inszenierung virtueller Identitäten in
elektronischen Kommunikationsmedien. In Huber, Eva (Hrsg.):
Technologien des Selbst. Zur Konstruktion des Subjekts, Basel/
Frankfurt a. M., P. 17 – 30
Bratteteig, Tone (2002): Bridging gender issues to technology
design. In Floyd, C. et al.: Feminist Challenges in the Information
Age. Opladen: Leske + Budrich, p. 91-106.
Image 11.2 SL: Male gestures - female avatar
In case of a male-to-female modification, the avatars clothes
do not fit any more (see image 12 SL).
Butler, J. (2006): Das Unbehagen der Geschlechter, 1991,
Suhrkamp Frankfurt a. M.
Clegg, S. and Mayfield, W. (1999): Gendered by design. In
Design Issues 15 (3), P. 3-16
Cooper, Alan and Reimann, Robert (2003): About Face 2.0.The
Essentials of Interaction Design, Indianapolis
Eisenrieder,Veronika (2003): Von Enten,Vampiren und
Marsmenschen - Von Männlein,Weiblein und dem “Anderen”.
Soziologische Annäherung an Identität, Geschlecht und Körper in
den Weiten des Cyberspace, München
Goffman, Erving (2001); Interaktion und Geschlecht, 2. Auflage,
Frankfurt a. M.
Image 12 SL: Female to male swap - unfitting clothes
In contrast to that, LambdaMOO questions the analogue gender
model by violating and expanding it up to 10 categories.
This inquiry belongs to a design research project which
generally deals with the relation between gender and design.
It aims at the development of a gender sensitive design
approach investigating the potential of gender modification
and deconstruction by design.
Apple Computer, Inc. (1992): Macintosh Human Interface
Guidelines (Apple Technical Library), Cupertino
Bahl, Anke (1998): MUD & MUSH. Identität und Geschlecht
im Internet Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Studie. In Beinzger,
Dagmar/ Eder, Sabine/Luca, Renate/ Röllecke, Renate (Hrsg.):
Im Weiberspace - Mädchen und Frauen in der Medienlandschaft,
Schriften zur Medienpädagogik Nr.26, Gesellschaft für
Medienpädagogik und Kommunikationskultur, Bielefeld, p. 138
– 151
Kleinen, Barbara (1997): Körper und Internet - Was sich in
einem MUD über Grenzen lernen lässt: http://tal.cs.tu-berlin.
de/~finut/mud.html (or in Bath, Corinna and Kleinen, Barbara
(eds): Frauen in der Informationsgesellschaft: Fliegen oder Spinnen
im Netz? Mössingen-Talheim, p. 42-52.
Krug, Steve (2006): Don’t make me think! Web Usability. Das
intuitive Web, Heidelberg
Lin,Yuwei (2005): Inclusion, diversity and gender equality:
Gender Dimensions of the Free/Libre Open Source Software
Development. Online:
gender.pdf (9.5.2007)
Lübke,Valeska (2005): CyberGender. Geschlecht und Körper im
Internet, Königstein
McKey, Everett N. (1999): Developing User Interfaces for
Microsoft Windows, Washington
Moss, Gloria, Gunn, Ron and Kubacki, Krysztof (2006):
Successes and failures of the mirroring principle: the case
of angling and beauty websites. In International Journal of
Consumer Studies,Vol. 31 (3), p 248-257.
Digital Humanities 2008
Müller, Jörg (1996):Virtuelle Körper. Aspekte sozialer
Körperlichkeit im Cyberspace unter: http://duplox.wz-berlin.
de/texte/koerper/#toc4 (oder WZB Discussion Paper FS II
96-105, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin
Towards a model for dynamic
text editions
Nielsen, Jakob and Loranger, Hoa (2006): Web Usability,
University of Bologna, Italy
Oudshoorn, N., Rommes, E. and Stienstra, M. (2004):
Configuring the user as everybody: Gender and design
cultures in information and communication technologies. In
Science,Technologie and Human Values 29 (1), P. 30-63
Preece, Jennifer, Rogers,Yvonne and Sharp, Helen (2002):
Interaction Design. Beyond human-computer interaction, New
Rex, Felis alias Richards, Rob:
Rommes, E. (2000): Gendered User Representations. In
Balka, E. and Smith, R. (ed.): Women,Work and Computerization.
Charting a Course to the Future. Dodrecht, Boston: Kluwer
Academic Pub, p. 137-145.
Second Life Blog: April 2007 Key Metrics Released http://blog.,
Teubner, U. and A. Wetterer (1999): Soziale Konstruktion
transparent gemacht. In Lober, J. (Editor): Gender Paradoxien,
Leske & Budrich: Opladen, p. 9-29.
Thomas, Sue (2003):,
issue 35, March - April
Trettin, K. (1997): Probleme des
Geschlechterkonstruktivismus. In: G.Völger, Editor: Sie und Er,
Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, Köln
Turkle, Sherry (1986): Die Wunschmaschine. Der Computer als
zweites Ich, Reinbek bei Hamburg
Turkle, Sherry (1999): Leben im Netz. Identität in Zeiten des
Internet, Reinbek bei Hamburg
West, C., Zimmermann, D.H. (1991): Doing Gender. In Lorber,
J. and Farell, S. A. (eds): The Social Construction of Gender,
Newbury Park/ London, p. 13 – 37
West, C., Zimmerman, D.H. (1995): Doing Difference. Gender
& Society, 9, p. 8-37.
Dino Buzzetti
Malte Rehbein
National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
Creating digital editions so far is devoted for the most part
to visualisation of the text. The move from mental to machine
processing, as envisaged in the Semantic Web initiative, has not
yet become a priority for the editorial practice in a digital
environment. This drawback seems to reside in the almost
exclusive attention paid until now to markup at the expense of
textual data models. The move from “the database as edition”
[Thaller, 1991: 156-59] to the “edition as a database” [Buzzetti
et al., 1992] seems to survive only in a few examples. As a way
forward we might regard digital editions to care more about
processing textual information rather than just being satisfied
with its visualisation.
Here we shall concentrate on a recent case study [Rehbein,
forthcoming], trying to focus on the kind of logical relationship
that is established there between the markup and a database
managing contextual and procedural information about the
text. The relationship between the markup and a data model
for textual information seems to constitute the clue to the
representation of textual mobility. From an analysis of this
kind of relationship we shall tentatively try to elicit a dynamic
model to represent textual phenomena such as variation and
The case study uses the digital edition of a manuscript containing
legal texts from the late medieval town Göttingen. The text
shows that this law was everything else but unchangeable.
With it, the city council reacted permanently on economical,
political or social changes, thus adopting the law to a changing
environment. The text is consequently characterised by its
many revisions made by the scribes either by changing existing
text or creating new versions of it.What has come to us is, thus,
a multi-layered text, reflecting the evolutionary development
of the law.
In order to visualise and to process the text and its changes, not
only the textual expression but, what is more, its context has
to be regarded and described: when was the law changed, what
was the motivation for this and what were the consequences?
Answers to these questions are in fact required in order
to reconstruct the different layers of the text and thereby
the evolution of the law. Regarding the text nowadays, it is
however not always obvious how to date the alterations. It is
sometimes even not clear to reveal their chronological order.
Digital Humanities 2008
A simple example shall prove this assumption. Consider the
sentence which is taken from the Göttingen bylaws about
beer brewing
we ock vorschote 100 marck, de darf 3 warve bruwen
together with 150 as a replacement for 100 and 2 as a
replacement for 3. (The meaning of the sentence in Low
Middle German is: one, who pays 100 (150) marks as taxes, is
allowed to brew beer 3 (2) times a year.) Without additional
information, the four following readings are allowed, all
representing different stages of the textual development:
R1: we ock vorschote 100 marck, de darf 3 warve bruwen
R2: we ock vorschote 100 marck, de darf 2 warve bruwen
R3: we ock vorschote 150 marck, de darf 3 warve bruwen
R4: we ock vorschote 150 marck, de darf 2 warve bruwen
With some more information (mainly palaeographical) but still
limited knowledge, three facts become clear: firstly, that R1
is the oldest version of the text, secondly that R4 is its most
recent and thirdly that either R2 or R3 had existed as text
layers or none of them but not both. But what was, however,
the development of this sentence? Was it the path directly
from R1 to R4? Or do we have to consider R1 > R2 > R4 or
R1 > R3 > R4? In order to answer these questions we need
to know about the context of the text, something that can
not be found in the text itself. It is the external, procedural
and contextual knowledge that has to be linked to the textual
expression in order to fully analyse and edit the text.
Textual mobility in this example means that, to a certain extent,
the textual expression itself, its sequence of graphemes, can be
regarded as invariant and objective, the external knowledge
about its context cannot. It is essential in our case study not
only to distinguish between the expression and the context of
the text but what is more to allow flexibility in the definition
and reading of (possible) text layers. It became soon clear,
that for both, visualising and processing a dynamic text, a new
understanding of an edition is needed, and, as a consequence,
the mark-up strategy has to be reconsidered. This new
understanding would “promote” the reader of an edition to
its user, by making him part of it in a way that his external
knowledge, his contextual setting would have influence on the
representation of the text. Or in other words: dynamic text
requires dynamic representation.
The way chosen in this study is to regard textual expression
and context (external knowledge) separately. The expression
is represented by mark-up, encoding the information about
the text itself. Regarding this stand-alone, the different units of
the text (its oldest version, its later alterations or annotations)
could indeed be visualised but not be brought into a meaningful
relationship to each other. The latter is realised by a database
providing structured external information about the text,
mainly what specific “role” a certain part of the text “plays”
in the context of interest. Only managing and processing both,
markup and database, will allow to reconstruct the different
stages of the text and consequently to represent the town law
in its evolutionary development.
Using the linkage mechanism between mark-up and database,
the whole set of information is processable. In order to create
a scholarly edition of the text, we can automatically produce
a document that fulfils TEI conformity to allow the use of the
widely available tools for transformation, further processing
and possibly interchange.
The case study just examined shows that in order to render an
edition processable we have to relate the management system
of the relevant data model to the markup embedded in the text.
But we cannot provide a complete declarative model of the
mapping of syntactic markup structures onto semantic content
structures. The markup cannot contain a complete content
model, just as a content model cannot contain a complete
and totally definite expression of the text. To prove this fact
we have to show that a markup description is equivalent to
a second-order object language self-reflexive description and
recall that a second-order logical theory cannot be complete.
So the mapping cannot be complete, but for the same reason
it can be categorical; in other words, all the models of the text
could be isomorphic. So we can look for general laws, but they
can provide only a dynamic procedural model.
Let us briefly outline the steps that lead to this result. In a
significant contribution to the understanding of “the meaning of
the markup in a document,” [Sperberg-McQueen, Huitfeldt, and
Renear, 2000: 231] expound it as “being constituted,” and “not
only described,” by “the set of inferences about the document
which are licensed by the markup.” This view has inspired the
BECHAMEL Markup Semantics Project, a ground breaking
attempt to specify mechanisms “for bridging [...] syntactic
relationships [...] with the distinctive semantic relationships
that they represent” [Dubin and Birnbaum, 2004], and to
investigate in a systematic way the “mapping [of] syntactic
markup structures [on]to instances of objects, properties,
and relations” [Dubin, 2003] that could be processed trough
an appropriate data model. Following [Dubin and Birnbaum,
2004], “that markup can communicate the same meaning in
different ways using very different syntax”, we must conclude
that “there are many ways of expressing the same content,
just as there are many ways of assigning a content to the same
expression” [Buzzetti, forthcoming].
The relationship between expression and content is then
an open undetermined relationship that can be formalized
by taking into account the “performative mood” of markup
[Renear, 2001: 419]. For, a markup element, or any textual
mark for that matter, is ambivalent: it can be seen as part of the
Digital Humanities 2008
text, or as a metalinguistic description/ indication of a certain
textual feature. Linguistically, markup behaves as punctuation,
or as any other diacritical mark, i.e. as the expression of a
reflexive metalinguistic feature of the text. Formally, markup
behaves just as Spencer-Brown’s symbols do in his formal
calculus of indications [1969]: a symbol in that calculus can
express both an operation and its value [Varela, 1979: 110111].
Markup adds structure to the text, but it is ambivalent. It
can be seen as the result of a restructuring operation on
the expression of the text (as a textual variant) or as an
instruction to a restructuring operation on the content of the
text (as an interpretational variant). By way of its ambivalence
it can act as a conversion mechanism between textual and
interpretational variants [Buzzetti and McGann, 2006: 66]
[Buzzetti, forthcoming].
[Buzzetti, 2004] Buzzetti, Dino. ‘Diacritical Ambiguity and
Markup,’ in D. Buzzetti, G. Pancaldi, and H. Short (eds.),
Augmenting Comprehension: Digital Tools and the History of Ideas,
London-Oxford, Office for Humanities Communication,
2004, pp. 175-188: URL = <
[Buzzetti, 1992] Buzzetti, Dino, Paolo Pari e Andrea Tabarroni.
‘Libri e maestri a Bologna nel xiv secolo: Un’edizione come
database,’ Schede umanistiche, n.s., 6:2 (1992), 163-169.
[Buzzetti, 2002] Buzzetti, Dino. ‘Digital Representation and
the Text Model,’ New Literary History, 33:1 (2002), 61-87.
[Buzzetti and McGann, 2006] Buzzetti, Dino, and Jerome
McGann. ‘Critical Editing in a Digital Horizon,’ in Electronic
Textual Editing, ed. Lou Burnard, Katherine O’Brien O’Keeffe,
and John Unsworth, New York, The Modern Language
Association of America, 2006, pp. 51-71.
[Buzzetti, forthcoming] Buzzetti, Dino. ‘Digital Editions and
Text Processing,’ in Text Editing in a Digital Environment,
Proceedings of the AHRC ICT Methods Network Expert
Seminar (London, King’s College, 24 March 2006), ed. Marilyn
Deegan and Kathryn Sutherland (Digital Research in the Arts
and Humanities Series), Aldershot, Ashgate, forthcoming.
Markup originates a loop connecting the structure of the
text’s expression to the structure of the text’s content. An
implementation of the markup loop would considerably enhance
the functionality of text representation and processing in a
digital edition. To achieve implementation, markup information
could be integrated into the object (or datatype) ‘string’ on
which an application system operates. Extended strings, as a
datatype introduced by Manfred Thaller [1996, 2006], look as
a suitable candidate for the implementation of the markup
Markup originates a loop connecting the structure of the
text’s expression to the structure of the text’s content. An
implementation of the markup loop would considerably
enhance the functionality of text representation and processing
in a digital edition. To achieve implementation, markup
information could be integrated into the object (or datatype)
‘string’ on which an application system operates. Extended
strings, as a datatype introduced by Manfred Thaller [1996,
2006], look as a suitable candidate for the implementation of
the markup loop.
[Dubin, 2003] Dubin, David. ‘Object mapping for markup
semantics,’ Proceedings of Extreme Markup Languages 2003,
Montréal, Québec, 2003: URL = <http://www.idealliance.
[Dubin and Birnbaum, 2004] Dubin, David, and David J.
Birnbaum. ‘Interpretation Beyond Markup,’ Proceedings
of Extreme Markup Languages 2004, Montréal, Québec,
2004: URL = <
[McGann, 1991] McGann, Jerome. The Textual Condition,
Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 1991.
[McGann, 1999] McGann, Jerome. ‘What Is Text?
Position statement,’ ACH-ALLC’99 Conference Proceedings,
Charlottesville,VA, University of Virginia, 1999: URL =
[Rehbein, forthcoming] Rehbein, Malte. Reconstructing the
textual evolution of a medieval manuscript.
[Rehbein, unpublished] Rehbein, Malte. Göttinger Burspraken
im 15. Jahrhundert. Entstehung – Entwicklung – Edition. PhD
thesis, Univ. Göttingen.
Digital Humanities 2008
[Renear, 2001] Renear, Allen. ‘The descriptive/procedural
distinction is flawed,’ Markup Languages:Theory and Practice,
2:4 (2001), 411–420.
[Sperberg-McQueen, Huitfeldt and Renear, 2000] SperbergMcQueen, C. M., Claus Huitfeldt, and Allen H. Renear.
‘Meaning and Interpretation of Markup,’ Markup Languages:
Theory and Practice, 2:3 (2000), 215-234.
[Thaller,1991 ] Thaller, Manfred. ‘The Historical Workstation
Project,’ Computers and the Humanities, 25 (1991), 149-62.
[Thaller, 1996] Thaller, Manfred. ‘Text as a Data Type,’ ALLCACH’96: Conference Abstracts, Bergen, University of Bergen,
[Thaller, 2006] Thaller, Manfred. ‘Strings, Texts and Meaning.’
Digital Humanities 2006: Conference Abstracts, Paris, CATI
- Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2006, 212-214.
Reflecting on a Dual
Publication: Henry III Fine
Rolls Print and Web
Arianna Ciula
King’s College London, UK
Tamara Lopez
King’s College London, UK
A collaboration between the National Archives in the UK,
the History and Centre for Computing in the Humanities
departments at King’s College London, the Henry III Fine Rolls
project ( has produced both a digital
and a print edition (the latter in collaboration with publisher
Boydell & Brewer) [1] of the primary sources known as the
Fine Rolls. This dual undertaking has raised questions about
the different presentational formats of the two resources and
presented challenges for the historians and digital humanities
researchers involved in the project, and, to a certain extent,
for the publisher too.
This paper will examine how the two resources evolved: the
areas in which common presentational choices served both
media, and areas in which different presentational choices and
production methodologies were necessary. In so doing, this
paper aims to build a solid foundation for further research into
the reading practices and integrated usage of hybrid scholarly
editions like the Henry III Fine Rolls.
Presentation as interpretation
In Material Culture studies and, in particular, in studies of the
book, the presentational format of text is considered to be of
fundamental importance for the study of production, social
reading and use. Therefore, description of and speculation
about the physical organisation of the text is essential of
understanding the meaning of the artefact that bears that text.
Similarly, in Human Computer Interaction studies and in the
Digital Humanities, the presentation of a text is considered
to be an integral outgrowth of the data modelling process;
a representation of the text but also to some degree an
actualisation of the interpretative statements about the text.
Indeed, to the eyes of the reader, the presentational features of
both a printed book and a digital written object will not only
reveal the assumptions and beliefs of its creators, but affect
future analysis of the work.
Dual publication: digital and print
On the practical side, within the Henry III Fine Rolls project,
different solutions of formatting for the two media have been
negotiated and implemented.
Digital Humanities 2008
The print edition mainly represents a careful pruning of the
digital material, especially as pertains to the complex structure
of the indexes.
The indexes were built upon the marked-up fine rolls texts
and generated from an ontological framework (Ciula, Spence,
Vieira, & Poupeau; 2007). The latter, developed through
careful analysis by scholars and digital humanities researchers,
constitutes a sort of an a posteriori system that represents
familial networks, professional relationships, geo-political
structures, thematic clusters of subjects, and in general various
types of associations between the 13th century documents
(the so called Fine Rolls) and the the roles played by places
and people in connection with them.
The ontology is used to produce a series of pre-coordinate
axes (the indices) that the reader can follow to explore the
texts.The flexibility of the ontology allows the texts to be fairly
exhaustively indexed, just as the presentational capabilities
of the digital medium allow for the display and navigation of
indexes that are correspondingly large.
By contrast, the print edition had to follow the refined
conventions of a well established scholarly tradition in
publishing editions in general and calendar [2] editions in
particular, both in terms of formatting and, more importantly
for us, in terms of content selection/creation and modelling.
Though the indices within the printed edition are also precoordinate axes along which to explore the text, the way in
which they are produced is perceived to be a nuanced and
intuitive aspect of the scholarship and one that revealed
itself to be less tolerant to change.This, coupled with the
presentational constraints of the printed medium result in
indices that present information succinctly and with a minimum
of conceptual repetition. Similarly, the first print volume of
around 560 pages gives absolute prominence -something that
can be stated much more strongly in a linear publication than
in a digital one- to a long and detailed historical introduction,
followed by a section on the adopted editorial strategies.
However, the two artefacts of the project also share many
points in common, either because the digital medium had to
mirror the tradition of its more authoritative predecessor, or
for more practical -nevertheless not to be dismissed- reasons
of work-flow and foreseen usage. An interesting example
of the latter is the adopted layout of footnotes, where the
print format was modelled on the base of the digital layout
and, although it was a completely unusual arrangement, was
accepted as suitable by the publisher.
On the base of the work done so far and on the feedback on
the use of the book and the website, the presentational format
will be refined further for future print volumes to come and
for the additional material to be included in the digital edition
before the end of the project.
One reading process
On the methodological side, we believe that further research
into the usage and reading process of these parallel publications
could lead towards a better understanding of scholarly needs
and therefore a better modelling of such a dual product that
is becoming a more and more common deliverable in digital
humanities projects.
As this paper will exemplify, the presentation of data needs
to be tailored to take into account the more or less fine
conventions of two different media which have different
traditions, different life cycles, different patterns of use and,
possibly, different users.
However, although very different in nature, these two
publications are not necessarily perceived and – more
importantly- used as separate resources with rigid boundaries
between them. For a scholar interested in the fine rolls, the
reading of the edition and the seeking of information related
to it (persons, places, subjects and any other interesting clue to
its historical study in a broader sense) is a global process that
does not stop when the book is closed or the the browser
shut. We believe that, when supported by a deep interest in
the material, the connection between the two publications is
created in a rather fluid manner.
The reality of the reading process and information seeking,
as it happens, is influenced by the products it investigates,
but ultimately has a form of its own that is different from the
objects of analysis. It is dynamic and heterogeneous, it leaves on
the integration between different types of evidence, no matter
what their format is, including other kind of external sources.
Indeed, the library or archive is the most likely environment
where a scholar of the fine rolls would find herself browsing
the print or digital edition, eventually the original primary
sources or their digital images, plus any range of secondary
Studying the integration of print and
The data behind the two publications are drawn from the
same informational substrate, but are separated to create two
presentational artefacts. As established, reading is expected to
be the primary activity performed using both and a stated
design goal for the project is that the two artefacts will form
a rich body of materials with which to conduct historical
research.The heterogeneity of the materials, however, suggests
that working with texts will of necessity also involve periods
of information seeking: moments while reading that give rise
to questions which the material at hand cannot answer and
the subsequent process embarked upon in order to answer
them. Our working hypothesis is that to fill these information
gaps (Wilson, 1999), the reader will turn to particular texts in
the alternative medium to find answers, moving between the
website and the books, fluctuating between states of reading
and seeking.
Digital Humanities 2008
Thus, the analytical stream in this paper will move from the
practices of creating two types of resources to establishing
an analytical framework for evaluating their use. Situating the
project materials and domain experts within the literature of
information behaviour research, we will identify and develop a
model for evaluating how well the features of the website and
the book support information seeking activities that bridge
(Wilson, 1999) reading within the individual media.
Based on our experience in creating a hybrid edition for the
Henry III Fine Rolls project,the challenges and adopted solutions
for the two types of published resources are a starting point
from which to reflect on the integrated production of a dual
object. At the same time, continuing work begun elsewhere
in the digital humanities (Buchanan, Cunningham, Blandford,
Rimmer, & Warwick; 2006) to adapt methodologies used in
Information Science and Book Studies, a rationale and method
for the design of an analysis of their use and, in particular, of
the interaction between scholars and the website/books can
be outlined.
Dryburgh, Paul and Beth Hartland eds. Arianna Ciula and José
Miguel Vieira tech. Eds. (2007) Calendar of the Fine Rolls of the
Reign of Henry III [1216-1248], vol. I: 1216-1224, Woodbridge:
Boydell & Brewer.
Lavagnino, John (2007). Being Digital, or Analogue, or Neither.
Paper presented at Digital Humanities 2007, UrbanaChampaign, 4-8 June, 2007. <http://www.digitalhumanities.
McGann, Jerome. (1997) “The Rational of Hypertext.” In
Kathryn Sutherland ed. Electronic text: investigations in method
and theory. Clarendon Press: Oxford: 19-46.
Siemens, Ray, Elaine Toms, Stéfan Sinclair, Geoffrey Rockwell,
and Lynne Siemens. “The Humanities Scholar in the Twentyfirst Century: How Research is Done and What Support is
Needed.” ALLC/ACH 2004 Conference Abstracts. Göteborg:
Göteborg University, 2004. <
Wilson, T. (1999) “Models in information behaviour research.”
Journal of Documentation 55(3), 249-270.
[1] The first volume was published in September 2007 (Dryburgh et
al. 2007).
[2] Calendar stays here for an an English summary of the Latin
Buzetti, Dino and Jerome McGann (2005) “Critical Editing in
a Digital Horizon”. In Burnard, O’Keeffe, and Unsworth eds.
Electronic Textual Editing.
Buchanan, G.; Cunningham, S.; Blandford, A.; Rimmer, J. &
Warwick, C. (2005), ‘Information seeking by humanities
scholars’, Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries,
9th European Conference, ECDL, 18--23.
Ciula, A. Spence, P.,Vieira, J.M., Poupeau, G. (2007) Expressing
Complex Associations in Medieval Historical Documents:
The Henry III Fine Rolls Project. Paper presented at Digital
Humanities 2007, Urbana-Champaign, 4-8 June, 2007.
Dervin, B. (1983) “An overview of sense-making research:
Concepts, methods, and results to date”, International
Communication Association Annual Meeting, Dallas,TX, 1983.
Drucker, Johanna (2003). “The Virtual Codex from Page Space
to E-space.” The Book Arts Web <http://www.philobiblon.
Digital Humanities 2008
Performance as digital text:
capturing signals and secret
messages in a media-rich
Jama S. Coartney
University of Virginia Library, USA
Susan L. Wiesner
University of Virginia Library, USA
As libraries increasingly undertake digitisation projects, it
behooves us to consider the collection/capture, organisation,
preservation, and dissemination of all forms of documentation.
By implication, then, these forms of documentation go beyond
written text, long considered the staple of library collections.
While several libraries have funded projects which acknowledge
the need to digitise other forms of text, in graphic and audio
formats, very few have extended the digital projects to
include film, much less performed texts. As more performing
arts incorporate born-digital elements, use digital tools to
create media-rich performance experiences, and look to the
possibility for digital preservation of the performance text, the
collection, organisation, preservation, and dissemination of the
performance event and its artefacts must be considered. The
ARTeFACT project, underway at the Digital Media Lab at the
University of Virginia Library, strives to provide a basis for the
modeling of a collection of performance texts.As the collected
texts document the creative process both prior to and during
the performance experience, and, further, as an integral
component of the performance text includes the streaming
of data signals to generate audio/visual media elements, this
paper problematises the capture and preservation of those
data signals as artefacts contained in the collection of the
media-rich performance event.
In a report developed by a working group at the New York
Public Library, the following participant thoughts are included:
Although digital technologies can incorporate filmic ways
of perceiving [the performing arts], that is the tip of the
iceberg. It is important for us to anticipate that there are
other forms we can use for documentation rather than
limiting ourselves to the tradition of a camera in front of
the stage. Documentation within a digital environment far
exceeds the filmic way of looking at a performance’ (Ashley
2005 NYPL Working Group 4, p.5)
How can new technology both support the information
we think is valuable, but also put it in a format that the
next generation is going to understand and make use of?’
(Mitoma 2005 NYPL Working Group 4, p.6)
These quotes, and many others, serve to point out current issues
with the inclusion of the documentation of movement-based
activities in the library repository. Two important library tasks,
those of the organization and dissemination of text, require
the development of standards for metadata. This requirement
speaks towards the need for enabling content-based searching
and dissemination of moving-image collections. However, the
work being performed to provide metadata schemes of benefit
to moving image collections most often refers to (a) a filmed
dramatic event, e.g. a movie, and/or (b) metadata describing
the film itself.Very little research has been completed in which
the moving image goes beyond a cinematic film, much less is
considered as one text within a multi-modal narrative.
In an attempt to address these issues, the authors developed
the ARTeFACT project in hopes of creating a proof-of-concept
in the University of Virginia Library. Not content, however, to
study the description of extant, filmic and written texts, the
project authors chose to begin with describing during the
process of the creation of the media-rich, digital collection,
including the description of a live performance event. The
decision to document a performance event begged another set
of answers to questions of issues involved with the collection
of texts in a multiplicity of media formats and the preservation
of the artefacts created through a performance event.
Adding to this layer of complexity was the additional decision
to create not just a multi-media performance, but to create
one in which a portion of the media was born-digital during
the event itself. Created from signals transmitted from sensor
devices (developed and worn by students), the born-digital
elements attain a heightened significance in the description
of the performance texts. After all, how does one capture the
data stream for inclusion in the media-rich digital collection?
The ARTeFACT project Alpha includes six teams of students
in an Introductory Engineering Class. Each team was asked to
design and build an orthotic device that, when worn, causes
the wearer to emulate the challenges of walking with a physical
disability (included are stroke ‘drop foot’ and paralysis, CP
hypertonia, Ricketts, etc.) During the course of the semester,
the student teams captured pre-event process in a variety of
digital formats: still and video images of the prototypes from
cameras and cell phones, PDF files, CAD drawings, PowerPoint
files and video documentation of those presentations. The
digital files were collected in a local SAKAI implementation.
In addition to these six teams, two other teams were assigned
the task of developing wireless measurement devices which,
when attached to each orthotic device, measures the impact
Digital Humanities 2008
of the orthotic device on the gait of the wearer. The sensor
then transmits the measurement data to a computer that
feeds the data into a Cycling74’s software application: Max/
MSP/Jitter. Jitter, a program designed to take advantage of data
streams, then creates real-time data visualization as output.
The resultant audio visual montage plays as the backdrop to a
multi-media event that includes student ‘dancers’ performing
while wearing the orthotic devices.
The sensors generate the data signals from Bluetooth devices
(each capable of generating up to eight independent signals)
as well as an EMG (electro-myogram) wireless system. At any
given time there may be as many as seven signalling devices
sending as many as 50 unique data streams into the computer
for processing. As the sensor data from the performers arrives
into Max/MSP/Jitter, it is routed to various audio and video
instruments within the application, processed to generate the
data visualization, then sent out of the computer via external
monitor and sound ports. The screenshot below displays
visual representations of both the input (top spectrogram)
and output (bottom: sonogram) of a real-time data stream.
The data can be visualized in multiple ways; however, the data
stream as we wish to capture it is not a static image, but rather
a series of samples of data over time.
The complexity of capturing a performance in which many
of the performance elements themselves are created in real
time, processed, and used to generate audio visual feedback
is challenging. The inclusion of data elements in the artefact
collection begs questions with regard to the means of capturing
the data without impacting the performance. So, too, does it
require that we question what data to include: Does it make
sense to capture the entire data stream or only the elements
used at a specific instance in time to generate the performance;
what are the implications of developing a sub-system within
the main performance that captures this information? When
creating a collection based on a performance as digital text,
and before any work may be done to validate metadata
schemes, we must answer these questions. We must consider
how we capture the signals and interpret the secret messages
generated as part of the media-rich experience.
Sample bibliography
Adshead-Lansdale, J. (ed.) 1999, Dancing Texts: intertextuality
and interpretation London: Dance Books.
Goellner, E. W. & Murphy, J. S. 1995, Bodies of the Text New
Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Kholief, M., Maly, K. & Shen, S. 2003, ‘Event-Based Retrieval
from a Digital Library containing Medical Streams’ in
Proceedings of the 2003 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries
(Online) Available at
There are several options for capturing these signals, two of
which are: writing the data directly to disk as the performance
progresses and/or the use of external audio and video mixing
boards that in the course of capturing can display the mix.
Adding to the complexity, the performance draws on a wide
variety of supporting, media rich, source material created
during the course of the semester. A subset of this material is
extrapolated for use in the final performance. These elements
are combined, processed, morphed, and reformatted to fit the
genre of the presentation and although they may bear some
similarity to the original material, they are not direct derivatives
of the source and thus become unique elements in the
production. Further, in addition to the capture of data streams,
the totality of the performance event must be collected. For
this, traditional means of capturing the performance event
have been determined to be the simplest of the challenges
faced. Therefore, a video camera and a microphone pointed
at the stage will suffice to fill this minimum requirement for
recording the event.
New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Jerome
Robbins Dance Division 2005, Report from Working Group
4 Dance Documentation Needs Analysis Meeting 2, NYPL: New
Reichert, L. 2007, ‘Intelligent Library System Goes Live as
Satellite Data Streams in Real-Time’ (Online) Available at
Digital Humanities 2008
Function word analysis and
questions of interpretation in
early modern tragedy
Louisa Connors
University of Newcastle, Australia
The use of computational methods of stylistic analysis to
consider issues of categorization and authorship is now a
widely accepted practice.The use of computational techniques
to analyze style has been less well accepted by traditional
humanists. The assumption that most humanists make about
stylistics in general, and about computational stylistics in
particular, is that it is “concerned with the formal and linguistic
properties of the text as an isolated item in the work” (Clark
2005). There are, however, two other points of emphasis that
are brought to bear on a text through a cognitive approach.
These are: “that which refers to the points of contact between
a text, other texts and their readers/listeners”, and “that which
positions the text and the consideration of its formal and
psychological elements within a socio-cultural and historical
context” (Clark 2005). Urszula Clark (2005) argues that these
apparently independent strands of analysis or interpretive
practice are an “integrated, indissolvable package” (Clark
Computational stylistics of the kind undertaken in this
study attempts to link statistical findings with this integrated
indissolvable package; it highlights general trends and features
that can be used for comparative purposes and also provides
us with evidence of the peculiarities and creative adaptations
of an individual user. In this case, the individual user is Elizabeth
Cary, the author of the earliest extant original play in English by
a woman, The Tragedy of Mariam,The Fair Queen of Jewry (1613).
As well as Mariam, the set of texts in the sample includes
the other 11 closet tragedies associated with the “Sidney
Circle”, and 48 tragedies written for the public stage. All
plays in the study were written between 1580 and 1640.1 The
only other female authored text in the group, Mary Sidney’s
Antonius, is a translation, as is Thomas Kyd’s Cornelia2.Alexander
Witherspoon (1924), describes the Sidnean closet tragedies
as “strikingly alike, and strikingly unlike any other dramas in
English” (179). He attributes this to the extent to which the
closet writers draw on the work of French playwright Robert
Garnier as a model for their own writing. In contrast to other
plays of the period closet tragedies have not attracted much
in the way of favourable critical attention. They are, as Jonas
Barish (1993) suggests, “odd creatures” (19), and Mariam is
described as one of oddest.
Mariam, as it turns out, is the closet play that is most like a play
written for the public stage, in terms of the use of function
words. But this isn’t immediately obvious. Some textual
preparation was carried out prior to the analysis. Homographs
were not tagged, but contracted forms throughout the texts
were expanded so that their constituents appeared as separate
words. The plays were divided into 2,000 word segments and
tagged texts were then run through a frequency count using
Intelligent Archive (IA). A total of 563 two-thousand word
segments were analysed, 104 of which were from closet plays,
and 459 from plays written for the public stage. A discriminant
analysis on the basis of the frequency scores of function words
demonstrates that there are significant differences between
the two groups of plays.Table 1 shows the classification results
for a discriminant analysis using the full set of function words.
In this test, 561 of the 563 segments were classified correctly.
One segment from each group was misclassified. Thus 99.6%
of cross-validated grouped cases were correctly classified on
the basis of function words alone. The test also showed that
only 38 of the 241 function word variables were needed to
successfully discriminate between the groups.
Table 1
Classification results for discriminant analysis using
the full set of function words in 60 tragedies (15801640) closet/non-closet value correctly assigned
Crossvalidated (a)
Predicted Group
a Cross validation is done only for those cases in the
analysis. In cross validation, each case is classified by the
functions derived from all cases other than that case.
b 99.6% of original grouped cases correctly classified.
c 99.6% of cross-validated grouped cases correctly classified.
Figure 1. Discriminant scores for correctly identified
public and closet play segments from 60 tragedies
(1580-1640) in 2000 word segments on the basis
of 38 most discriminating function words
Digital Humanities 2008
components.The scores that produce Figure 3 are “the sum of
the variable counts for each text segment, after each count is
multiplied by the appropriate coefficient” (Burrows and Craig
1994 68). High counts on word variables at the western end of
Figure 2 and low counts on word variables at the eastern end
bring the text segments at the western end of Figure 3 to their
positions on the graph. The reverse is true for text segments
on the eastern side of Figure 3.We can see that the far western
section of Figure 3 is populated predominantly with public play
segments, and that the eastern side of the y-axis is populated
exclusively with segments from stage plays. It is clear that in
the case of these most discriminating variables, the segments
from Mariam are the closet segments most intermingled with
the segments written for the public stage.
Figure 2. Principal component analysis for 60 tragedies (15801640) in 4000 word segments for 54 most discriminating
function words selected from 100 most frequently occurring
function words - word plot for first two eigenvectors
Figure 3. Principal component analysis for 60
tragedies (1580-1640) in 4000 word segments for
54 most discriminating function words selected from
100 most frequently occurring function words
A principal component analysis (PCA) gives additional
information about the differences and similarities between
the two sets. An Independent-samples T-test was used to
identify the variables most responsible for the differences.This
process picked out 54 variables that were significant at the
level of 0.0001 and these 54 variables were used for the PCA.
PCA looks to define factors that can be described as most
responsible for differences between groups. For this text, the
texts were broken into 4000 word segments to ensure that
frequencies remained high enough for reliable analysis. This
produced 268 segments in total (50 closet segments and 218
public play segments). Figure 2 plots the 54 most discriminating
words-types for the first two eigenvectors (based on factor
loadings for each variable) and shows which words behave
most like or unlike each other in the sample.
In Figure 3 the eigenvalues from the component matrix have
been multiplied through the standardised frequencies for each
of the 4,000 word segments to show which segments behave
most like or unlike each other on the first two principal
Looking at Figure 2 there is evidence of an “emphasis on
direct personal exchange” in western section of the graph.
In the opposite section of the graph there is evidence of a
more disquisitory style of language that is “less personal”, with
“markers of plurality, past time, and a more connected syntax”
(Burrows and Craig 1994 70). It may be that the results reflect
the kinds of observations that critics have long made about
early modern closet tragedy and tragedy written for the public
stage, suggesting that “word-counts serve as crude but explicit
markers of the subtle stylistic patterns to which we respond
when we read well” (Burrows and Craig 1994 70). It may also
be the case, however, that we can link these statistical results
with more interpretive work.
Returning to Mariam, the function words which most distinguish
the Mariam segments from the rest of the segments of both
closet and public plays, are the auxiliary verbs did (8.4) and
had (6.9). In the case of did over 500 of the segments have
scores of between -1 and 2. Six of the eight of the Mariam
segments are extremely high (the two middle segments of
Mariam have fairly average z-scores for did). The lowest score
occurs in segment 4, when Mariam is conspicuously absent
from the action. A very similar pattern emerges for had. In
conventional grammars do and other auxiliaries including be
and have are viewed as meaningless morphemes that serve
a grammatical purpose. Langacker argues that serving a
specifiable grammatical function is not inherently incompatible
with being a meaningful element (1987 30).
Cognitive linguistics suggests that function word schemas
interact with each other to produce what Talmy calls a
“dotting” of semantic space (1983 226), and that they “play
a basic conceptual structuring role” (Talmy 88 51). In this
framework, auxiliaries are viewed as profiling a process
– they determine which entity is profiled by a clause and
impose a particular construal. Langacker argues, for example,
that do always conveys some notion of activity or some kind
of volitionality or control on the part of the subject. Have
designates a subjectively construed relation of anteriority and
current relevance to a temporal reference point (Langacker
1991 239). Talmy argues that have can be understood in terms
of force dynamics patterns; it “expresses indirect causation
either without an intermediate volitional entity…or… with
Digital Humanities 2008
such an entity” (1988 65). Talmy goes further to suggest that
the “concepts” of force dynamics are “extended by languages
to their semantic treatment of psychological elements and
interactions” (1988 69).
Langacker, R. W. (1999). Losing control: grammaticization,
subjectification, and transparency. In A. Blank & P. Koch (Eds.),
Historical Semantics and Cognition (Vol. 13, pp. 147-175). Berlin:
Mouton de Gruyter.
Bringing the tools of cognitive linguistics to bear on the results
of computational analysis of texts can provide a framework
that validates the counting of morphemes like did and had.
The same framework may also shed light on questions of
interpretation. This approach appears to provide a disciplined
way of identifying and analyzing the linguistic features that are
foregrounded in a text, while supporting their interpretation
as part of an integrated, indissolvable package.
Talmy, L. (1983). How language structures space. In H. Pick
& L. Acredolo (Eds.), Spatial orientation:Theory, research, and
application. New York: Plenum Press.
Talmy, L. (1988). Force Dynamics in Language and Cognition.
Cognitive Science, 12. 49-100.
Witherspoon, A. M. (1924: rpt. 1968). The Influence of Robert
Garnier on Elizabethan Drama.
1 Thomas Kyd wrote for both the public and the private stage. Kyd’s
Cornelia and The Spanish Tragedy are included in the study.
2 John Burrows (2002) explores some of the issues around
translation and whether it can be “assumed that poets stamp their
stylistic signatures as firmly on translation as their original work”
(679). Burrows found that Drydan was able to “conceal his hand”, but
in other cases it appeared that a “stylisitic signature”, even in the case
of a translation, remained detectable (696).
Barish, J. (1993). Language for the Study: Language for
the Stage. In A. L. Magnusson & C. E. McGee (Eds.), The
ElizabethanTheatre XII (pp. 19-43). Toronto: P.D. Meany.
Burrows, J. (2002). The Englishing of Jevenal: Computational
stylistics and translated Texts. Style, 36, 677-750.
Burrows, J. F., & Craig, D. H. (1994). Lyrical Drama and the
“Turbid Mountebanks”: Styles of Dialogue in Romantic and
Renaissance Tragedy. Computers and the Humanities, 28, 63-86.
Cooper, M. M. (1998). Implicature and The Taming of the Shrew.
In J. Culpeper, M. H. Short & P.Verdonk (Eds.), Exploring the
Language of Drama: From Text to Context (pp. 54-66). London:
Clark, U. (2005). Social cognition and the future of stylistics, or
“What is cognitive stylistics and why are people saying such good
things about it?!” Paper presented at the PALA 25: Stylistics
and Social Cognition.
Connors, L. (2006). An Unregulated Woman: A computational
stylistic analysis of Elizabeth Cary’s The Tragedy of Mariam,
The Faire Queene of Jewry. Literary and Linguistic Computing,
21(Supplementary Issue), 55-66.
Sweetser, E. (1990). From Etymology to Pragmatics: Metaphorical
and cultural aspects of semantic change. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Digital Humanities 2008
Deconstructing Machine
Learning: A Challenge for
Digital Humanities
Charles Cooney
University of Chicago, USA
Russell Horton
University of Chicago, USA
Mark Olsen
University of Chicago, USA
Glenn Roe
University of Chicago, USA
Robert Voyer
University of Chicago, USA
Machine learning tools, including document classification
and clustering techniques, are particularly promising for
digital humanities because they offer the potential of using
machines to discover meaningful patterns in large repositories
of text. Given the rapidly increasing size and availability of
digital libraries, it is clear that machine learning systems will,
of necessity, become widely deployed in a variety of specific
tasks that aim to make these vast collections intelligible.
While effective and powerful, machine learning algorithms and
techniques are not a panacea to be adopted and employed
uncritically for humanistic research. As we build and begin to
use them, we in the digital humanities must focus not only on
the performance of specific algorithms and applications, but
also on the theoretical and methodological underpinnings of
these systems.
At the heart of most machine learning tools is some variety
of classifier. Classification, however, is a fraught endeavor in
our poststructuralist world. Grouping things or ideas into
categories is crucial and important, but doing so without
understanding and being aware of one’s own assumptions is a
dubious activity, not necessarily for moral, but for intellectual
reasons. After all, hierarchies and orders of knowledge have
been shown to be both historically contingent and reflections
of prevailing power structures. Bowker and Star state that
“classification systems in general... reflect the conflicting,
contradictory motives of the sociotechnical situations that gave
rise to them” (64). As machine learning techniques become
more widely applied to all forms of electronic text, from the
WWW to the emerging global digital library, an awareness of
the politics of classification and the ordering of knowledge
will become ever more important. We would therefore like to
present a paper outlining our concerns about these techniques
and their underlying technical/intellectual assumptions based
on our experience using them for experimental research.
In many ways, machine learning relies on approaches that seem
antithetical to humanistic text analysis and reading and to
more general poststructuralist sensibilities.The most powerful
and effective techniques rely on the abilities of systems to
classify documents and parts of documents, often in binary
oppositions (spam/not spam, male/female, etc). Features of
documents employed in machine learning applications tend to
be restricted to small subsets of available words, expressions
or other textual attributes. Clustering of documents based on
relatively small feature sets into a small and often arbitrary
number of groups similarly tends to focus on broad patterns.
Lost in all of these operations are the marginal and exceptional,
rendered hidden and invisible as it were, in classification
schemes and feature selection.
Feature set selection is the first necessary step in many text
mining tasks. Ian Witten notes that in “many practical situations
there are far too many attributes for learning schemes to handle,
and some of them -- perhaps the overwhelming majority - are clearly irrelevant or redundant” (286-7). In our work,
we routinely reduce the number of features (words, lemmas,
bigrams, etc) using a variety of techniques, most frequently by
filtering out features which occur in a small subset of documents
or instances.This selection process is further required to avoid
“overfitting” a learner to the training data. One could build an
effective classifier and train it using features that are unique
to particular documents, but doing so would limit the general
applicability of the tool.Attempting to classify French novels by
gender of author while retaining the names of characters (as
in Sand’s novel, Conseulo) or other distinctive elements is very
effective, but says little about gendered writing in 19th century
France (Argamon et. al., Discourse). Indeed, many classification
tasks may be successful using a tiny subset of all of the words
in a corpus. In examining American and non-American Black
Drama, we achieved over 90% accuracy in classifying over
nearly 700 plays using a feature set of only 60 surface words
(Argamon et. al., Gender, Race). Using a vector space similarity
function to detect articles in the Encyclopédie which borrow
significantly from the Dictionnaire de Trévoux, we routinely get
impressive performance by selecting fewer than 1,000 of the
400,000 unique forms in the two documents (Allen et. al.).
The requirement of greatly reductive feature set selection for
practical text mining and the ability of the systems to perform
effective classifications based on even smaller subsets suggests
that there is a significant distance from the texts at which
machine learning must operate in order to be effective.
Given the reductive nature of the features used in text mining
tasks, even the most successful classification task tends to
highlight the lowest common denominators, which at best
may be of little textual interest and at worst extremely
misleading, encouraging stereotypical conclusions. Using
a decision tree to classify modern and ancient geography
articles in the Encyclopédie, we found “selon” (according to)
to be the primary distinction, reflecting citation of ancient
Digital Humanities 2008
sources (“selon Pline”). Classification of Black Drama by
gender of author and gender of speaker can be very effective
(80% or more accuracy), but the features identified by the
classifiers may privilege particular stereotypes. The unhappy
relationship of Black American men with the criminal justice
system or the importance of family matters to women are
both certainly themes raised in these plays. Of course, men
talk more of wives than women and only women tend to call
other women “hussies,” so it is hardly surprising that male
and female authors/characters speak of different things in
somewhat different ways. However, the operation of classifiers
is predicated on detecting patterns of word usage which most
distinguish groups and may bring to the forefront literary
and linguistic elements which play a relatively minor role in
the texts themselves. We have found similar results in other
classification tasks, including gender mining in French literary
works and Encyclopédie classifications.
Machine learning systems are best, in terms of various
measures of accuracy, at binomial classification tasks, the
dreaded “binary oppositions” of male/female, black/white and
so forth, which have been the focus of much critical discussion
in the humanities. Given the ability of statistical learners to
find very thin slices of difference, it may be that any operation
of any binary opposition may be tested and confirmed.
If we ask for gender classification, the systems will do just
that, return gender classifications. This suggests that certain
types of hypothesis testing, particularly in regard to binary
classifications, may show a successful result simply based on
the framing of the question. It is furthermore unclear as to just
what a successful classification means. If we identify gender or
race of authors or characters, for example, at a better than
80% rate and generate a list of features most associated with
both sides of the opposition, what does this tell us about the
failed 20%? Are these errors to be corrected, presumably
by improving classifiers or clustering models or should we
further investigate these as interesting marginal instances?
What may be considered a failure in computer science could
be an interesting anomaly in the humanities.
Allen, Timothy, Stéphane Douard, Charles Cooney, Russell
Horton, Robert Morrissey, Mark Olsen, Glenn Roe, and
Robert Voyer. “Plundering Philosophers: Identifying Sources
of the Encyclopédie using the Vector Space Model” in
preparation for Text Technology.
Argamon, Shlomo, Russell Horton, Mark Olsen, and Sterling
Stuart Stein. “Gender, Race, and Nationality in Black Drama,
1850-2000: Mining Differences in Language Use in Authors
and their Characters.” DH07, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. June
4-8, 2007.
Argamon, Shlomo, Jean-Baptiste Goulain, Russell Horton, and
Mark Olsen. “Discourse, Power, and Ecriture Féminine: Text
Mining Gender Difference in 18th and 19th Century French
Literature.” DH07, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. June 4-8, 2007.
Bowker, Geoffrey C. and Susan Leigh Star. Sorting Things Out:
Classification and its Consequences. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,
Introna, L. and H. Nissenbaum. “Shaping the Web: Why the
Politics of Search Engines Matters.” The Information Society,
16(3): 1-17, 2000.
Witten, Ian H. and Eibe Frank. Data Mining: Practical Machine
Learning Tools and Techniques, 2nd ed. San Francisco, CA:
Morgan Kaufmann, 2005.
Machine learning offers great promise to humanistic textual
scholarship and the development of digital libraries. Using
systems to sift through the ever increasing amounts of
electronic texts to detect meaningful patterns offers the ability
to frame new kinds of questions. But these technologies bring
with them a set of assumptions and operations that should be
subject to careful critical scrutiny. We in the digital humanities
must do this critical work, relying on our understanding of
epistemology and our technical skills to open the black box
and shine light on what is inside. Deconstruction in the digital
library should be a reading strategy not only for the texts
found therein, but also of the systems being developed to
manage, control and make the contents of electronic resources
accessible and intelligible.
Digital Humanities 2008
Feature Creep: Evaluating
Feature Sets for Text Mining
Literary Corpora.
Charles Cooney
University of Chicago, USA
Russell Horton
University of Chicago, USA
Mark Olsen
University of Chicago, USA
Glenn Roe
University of Chicago, USA
Robert Voyer
University of Chicago, USA
Machine learning offers the tantalizing possibility of discovering
meaningful patterns across large corpora of literary texts.
While classifiers can generate potentially provocative hints
which may lead to new critical interpretations, the features sets
identified by these approaches tend not to be able to represent
the complexity of an entire group of texts and often are too
reductive to be intellectually satisfying. This paper describes
our current work exploring ways to balance performance of
machine learning systems and critical interpretation. Careful
consideration of feature set design and selection may provide
literary critics the cues that provoke readings of divergent
classes of texts. In particular, we are looking at lexical groupings
of feature sets that hold the promise to reveal the predominant
“idea chunklets” of a corpus.
Text data mining and machine learning applications are
dependent on the design and selection of feature sets.
Feature sets in text mining may be described as structured
data extracted or otherwise computed from running or
unstructured text in documents which serves as the raw data
for a particular classification task. Such features typically include
words, lemmas, n-grams, parts of speech, phrases, named
entities, or other actionable information computed from the
contents of documents and/or associated metadata. Feature
set selection is generally required in text mining in order to
reduce the dimensionality of the “native feature space”, which
can range in the tens or hundreds thousands of words in
even modest size corpora [Yang]. Not only do many widely
used machine learning approaches become inefficient when
using such high dimensional feature spaces, but such extensive
feature sets may actually reduce performance of a classifier.
[Witten 2005: 286-7] Li and Sun report that “many irrelevant
terms have a detrimental effect on categorization accuracy
due to overfitting” as well as tasks which “have many relevant
but redundant features... also hurt categorization accuracy”. [Li
Feature set design and selection in computer or information
science is evaluated primarily in terms of classifier performance
or measures of recall and precision in search tasks. But the
features identified as most salient to a classification task may be
of more interest than performance rates to textual scholars in
the humanities as well as other disciplines. In a recent study of
American Supreme Court documents, McIntosh [2007] refers
to this approach as “Comparative Categorical Feature Analysis”.
In our previous work, we have used a variety of classifiers and
functions implemented in PhiloMine [1] to examine the most
distinctive words in comparisons of wide range of classes, such
as author and character genders, time periods, author race
and ethnicity, in a number of different text corpora [Argamon
et. al. 2007a and 2007b].This work suggests that using different
kinds of features -- surface form words compared to bilemmas
and bigrams -- allows for similar classifier performance on a
selected task, while identifying intellectually distinct types of
differences between the selected groups of documents.
Argamon, Horton et al. [Argamon 2007a] demonstrated that
learners run on a corpus of plays by Black authors successfully
classified texts by nationality of author, either American or
non-American, at rates ranging between 85% and 92%. The
features tend to describe gross literary distinctions between
the two discourses reasonably well. Examination of the top 30
features is instructive.
American: ya’, momma, gon’, jones, sho, mississippi, dude,
hallway, nothin, georgia, yo’, naw, alabama, git, outta, y’,
downtown, colored, lawd, mon, punk, whiskey, county, tryin’,
runnin’, jive, buddy, gal, gonna, funky
Non-American: na, learnt, don, goat, rubbish, eh, chief,
elders, compound, custom, rude, blasted, quarrel, chop, wives,
professor, goats, pat, corruption, cattle, hmm, priest, hunger,
palace, forbid, warriors, princess, gods, abroad, politicians
Compared side by side, these lists of terms have a direct
intuitive appeal. The American terms suggest a body of plays
that deal with the Deep South (the state names), perhaps the
migration of African-Americans to northern cities (hallway and
downtown), and also contain idiomatic and slang speech (ya’,
gon’, git, jive) and the language of racial distinction (colored).The
non-American terms reveal, as one might expect, a completely
different universe of traditional societies (chief, elders,
custom) and life under colonial rule (professor, corruption,
politicians).Yet a drawback to these features is that they have a
stereotypical feel. Moreover, these lists of single terms reduce
the many linguistically complex and varied works in a corpus
to a distilled series of terms. While a group of words, in the
form of a concordance, can show something quite concrete
about a particular author’s oeuvre or an individual play, it is
difficult to come to a nuanced understanding of an entire
Digital Humanities 2008
corpus through such a list, no matter how long. Intellectually,
lists of single terms do not scale up to provide an adequate
abstract picture of the concerns and ideas represented in a
body of works.
Performing the same classification task using bilemmas (bigrams
of word lemmas with function words removed) reveals both
slightly better performance than surface words (89.6% cross
validated) and a rather more specific set of highly ranked
features. Running one’s eye down this list is revealing:
1. See We have largely
completed work on PhiloMine2, which allows the user to perform
classification tasks using a variety of features and filtering on entire
documents or parts of documents. The features include words,
lemmas, bigrams, bilemmas, trigrams and trilemmas which can be
used in various combinations.
American: yo_mama, white_folk, black_folk, ole_lady,
st_louis, uncle_tom, rise_cross, color_folk,front_porch,
jim_crow, sing_blue black_male, new_orleans, black_boy,
cross_door, black_community, james_brown,
[Argamon 2007a] Argamon, Shlomo, Russell Horton,
Mark Olsen, and Sterling Stuart Stein. “Gender, Race, and
Nationality in Black Drama, 1850-2000: Mining Differences
in Language Use in Authors and their Characters.” DH07,
Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. June 4-8, 2007.
Non-American: palm_wine, market_place, dip_hand,
cannot_afford, high_priest, piece_land, join_hand,bring_
water, cock_crow, voice_people, hope_nothing, pour_
libation, own_country, people_land, return_home
[Argamon 2007b] Argamon, Shlomo, Jean-Baptiste Goulain,
Russell Horton, and Mark Olsen. “Discourse, Power, and
Ecriture Féminine: Text Mining Gender Difference in 18th and
19th Century French Literature.” DH07, Urbana-Champaign,
Illinois. June 4-8, 2007.
American (not present in non-American): color_boy,
color_girl, jive_ass, folk_live
Here, we see many specific instances of Africian-American
experience, community, and locations. Using bigrams instead
of bilemmas delivers almost exactly the same classifier
performance. However, not all works classified correctly using
bilemmas are classified correctly using bigrams. Langston
Hughes, The Black Nativity, for example, is correctly identified as
American when using bigrams but incorrectly classified when
using bilemmas. The most salient bigrams in the classification
task are comparable, but not the same as bilemmas. The
lemmas of “civil rights” and “human rights” do not appear in
the top 200 bilemmas for either American or non-American
features, but appear in bigrams, with “civil rights” as the 124th
most predictive American feature and “human rights” as 111th
among non-American features.
As the example of The Black Nativity illustrates, we have found
that different feature sets give different results because, of
course, using different feature sets means fundamentally
changing the lexically based standards the classifier relies on
to make its decision. Our tests have shown us that, for the
scholar interested in examining feature sets, there is therefore
no single, definitive feature set that provides a “best view” of
the texts or the ideas in them. We will continue exploring
feature set selection on a range of corpora representing
different genres and eras, including Black Drama, French
Women Writers, and a collection of American poetry. Keeping
in mind the need to balance performance and intelligibility, we
would like to see which combinations of features work best
on poetry, for example, compared to dramatic writing. Text
classifiers will always be judged primarily on how well they
group similar text objects. Nevertheless, we think they can
also be useful as discovery tools, allowing critics to find sets of
ideas that are common to particular classes of texts.
[Li 2007] Li, Jingyang and Maosong Sun, “Scalable Term
Selection for Text Categorization”, Proceedings of the 2007
Joint Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language
Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning
(EMNLP-CoNLL), pp. 774-782.
[McIntosh 2007] McIntosh, Wayne, “The Digital Docket:
Categorical Feature Analysis and Legal Meme Tracking in
the Supreme Court Corpus”, Chicago Colloquium on Digital
Humanities and Computer Science, Northwestern University,
October 21-22, 2007
[Witten 2005] Witten, Ian H. and Eibe Frank. Data Mining:
Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, 2nd ed. San
Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann, 2005.
Yang,Yiming and Jan Pedersen, “A Comparative Study on
Feature Selection in Text Categorization” In D. H. Fisher
(ed.), Proceedings of ICML-97, 14th International Conference
on Machine Learning, pp. 412-420, Nashville, US. Morgan
Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco, US.
Digital Humanities 2008
Hidden Roads and Twisted
Paths: Intertextual Discovery
using Clusters, Classifications,
and Similarities
Charles Cooney
University of Chicago, USA
Russell Horton
University of Chicago, USA
Mark Olsen
University of Chicago, USA
Glenn Roe
University of Chicago, USA
Robert Voyer
University of Chicago, USA
While information retrieval (IR) and text analysis in the
humanities may share many common algorithms and
technologies, they diverge markedly in their primary objects
of analysis, use of results, and objectives. IR is designed to
find documents containing textual information bearing
on a specified subject, frequently by constructing abstract
representations of documents or “distancing” the reader from
texts. Humanistic text analysis, on the other hand, is aimed
primarily at enhancing understanding of textual information as
a complement of “close reading” of relatively short passages.
Interpreting a poem, a novel or a philosophical treatise in the
context of large digital corpora is, we would argue, a constant
interplay between the estranging technologies of machine
learning and the direct reading of passages in a work. A
significant element of interpreting or understanding a passage
in a primary text is based on linking its specific elements
to parts of other works, often within a particular temporal
framework. To paraphrase Harold Bloom, ‘understanding’
in humanistic textual scholarship, ‘is the art of knowing the
hidden roads that go from text to text’. [1] Indeed, situating
a passage of a text in a wider context of an author’s oeuvre,
time period, or even larger intellectual tradition, is one of the
hallmarks of textual hermeneutics.
While finding the “hidden roads and twisted paths” between
texts has always been subject to the limitations of human
reading and recollection, machine learning and text mining
offer the tantalizing prospect of making that search easier.
Computers can sift through ever-growing collections of
primary documents to help readers find meaningful patterns,
guiding research and mitigating the frailties of human memory.
We believe that a combination of supervised and unsupervised
machine learning approaches can be integrated to propose
various kinds of passages of potential interest based on the
passage a reader is examining at a given moment, overcoming
some limitations of traditional IR tools. One-dimensional
measures of similarity, such as the single numerical score
generated by a vector space model, fail to account for the
diverse ways texts interact. Traditional ‘ranked relevancy
retrieval’ models assume a single measure of relevance that
can be expressed as an ordered list of documents, whereas
real textual objects are composed of smaller divisions that
each are relevant to other text objects in various complex
ways. Our goal is to utilize the many machine learning tools
available to create more sophisticated models of intertextual
relation than the monolithic notion of “similarity.”
We plan to adapt various ideas from information retrieval and
machine learning for our use. Measures of document similarity
form the basis of modern information retrieval systems, which
use a variety of techniques to compare input search strings to
document instances. In 1995, Singhal and Salton[2] proposed
that vector space similarity measures may also help to identify
related documents without human intervention such as humanembedded hypertext links. Work by James Allan[3] suggests
the possibility of categorizing automatically generated links
using innate characteristics of the text objects, for example by
asserting the asymmetric relation “summary and expansion”
based on the relative sizes of objects judged to be similar.
Because we will operate not with a single similarity metric but
with the results of multiple classifiers and clusterers, we can
expand on this technique, categorizing intertextual links by
feeding all of our data into a final voting mechanism such as a
decision tree.
Our experiments with intertextual discovery began with using
vector space calculations to try to identify that most direct of
intertextual relationships, plagiarism or borrowing. Using the
interactive vector space function in PhiloMine[4], we compared
the 77,000 articles of the 18th century Encyclopédie of Diderot
and d’Alembert to the 77,000 entries in a reference work
contemporary to it, the Dictionnaire universel françois et latin,
published by the Jesuits in the small town of Trévoux.The Jesuit
defenders of the Dictionnaire de Trévoux, as it was popularly
known, loudly accused the Encyclopédists of extensive
plagiarism, a charge Diderot vigorously refuted, but which
has never been systematically investigated by scholars. Our
procedure is to compare all articles beginning with a specific
letter in the Encyclopédie to all Trévoux articles beginning with
the same letter. For each article in the Encyclopédie, the system
displays each Trévoux article that scores above a user-designated
similarity threshold. Human readers manually inspect possible
matches, noting those that were probably plagiarized. Having
completed 18 of 26 letters, we have found more than 2,000
articles (over 5% of those consulted) in the Encyclopédie were
“borrowed” from the Dictionnaire de Trévoux, a surprisingly
large proportion given the well-known antagonism between
the Jesuits and Encyclopédists.[5]
Digital Humanities 2008
The Encyclopédie experiment has shown us strengths and
weaknesses of the vector space model on one specific kind
of textual relationship, borrowing, and has spurred us to
devise an expanded approach to find additional types of
intertextual links. Vector space proves to be very effective
at finding textual similarities indicative of borrowing, even in
cases where significant differences occur between passages.
However, vector space matching is not as effective at finding
articles borrowed from the Trévoux that became parts of
larger Encyclopédie articles, suggesting that we might profit
from shrinking the size of our comparison objects, with
paragraph-level objects being one obvious choice. In manually
sifting through proposed borrowings, we also noticed articles
that weren’t linked by direct borrowing, but in other ways
such as shared topic, tangential topic, expansion on an idea,
differing take on the same theme, etc. We believe that some
of these qualities may be captured by other machine learning
techniques. Experiments with document clustering using
packages such as CLUTO have shown promise in identifying
text objects of similar topic, and we have had success using
naive Bayesian classifiers to label texts by topic, authorial style
and time period. Different feature sets also offer different
insights, with part-of-speech tagging reducing features to a
bare, structural minimum and N-gram features providing a
more semantic perspective. Using clustering and classifiers
operating on a variety of featuresets should improve the
quality of proposed intertextual links as well as a providing
a way to assign different types of relationships, rather than
simply labeling two text objects as broadly similar.
To test our hypothesis, we will conduct experiments linking
Encyclopédie articles to running text in other contemporaneous
French literature and reference materials using the various
techniques we have described, with an emphasis on
intelligently synthesizing the results of various machine learning
techniques to validate and characterize proposed linkages. We
will create vector representations of surface form, lemma,
and ngram feature sets for the Encyclopédie and the object
texts as a pre-processing step before subjecting the data
to clustering and categorization of several varieties. Models
trained on the Encyclopédie will be used to classify and cluster
running text, so that for each segment of text we will have a
number of classifications and scores that show how related
it is to various Encyclopédie articles and classes of articles. A
decision tree will be trained to take into account all of the
classifications and relatedness measures we have available,
along with innate characteristics of each text object such as
length, and determine whether a link should exist between
two give text objects, and if so what kind of link. We believe
a decision tree model is a good choice because such models
excel at generating transparent classification procedures from
low dimensionality data.
complex relationships of various kinds, far more nuanced than
the reductionist concept of “similarity” that IR has generally
adopted. Fortunately, we have a wide variety of machine
learning tools at our disposal which can quantify different
kinds of relatedness. By taking a broad view of all these
measures, while looking narrowly at smaller segments of texts
such as paragraphs, we endeavor to design a system that can
propose specific kinds of lower-level intertextual relationships
that more accurately reflect the richness and complexity of
humanities texts. This kind of tool is necessary to aid the
scholar in bridging the gap between the distant view required
to manipulate our massive modern text repositories, and the
traditional close, contextual reading that forms the backbone
of humanistic textual study.
1. “Criticism is the art of knowing the hidden roads that go from
poem to poem”, Harold Bloom, “Interchapter: A Manifesto for
Antithetical Criticism” in, The Anxiety of Influence; A Theory of Poetry,
(Oxford University Press, New York, 1973)
2. Singhal, A. and Salton, G. “Automatic Text Browsing Using Vector
Space Model” in Proceedings of the Dual-UseTechnologies and Applications
Conference, May 1995, 318-324.
3. Allan, James. “Automatic Hypertext Linking” in Proc. 7th ACM
Conference on Hypertext, Washington DC, 1996, 42-52.
4. PhiloMine is the text mining extensions to PhiloLogic which the
ARTFL Project released in Spring 2007. Documentation, source code,
and many examples are available at
philomine/ A word on current work (bigrams, better normalization,
5. An article describing this work is in preparation for submission to
Text Technology.
The toolbox that we have inherited or appropriated from
information retrieval needs to be extended to address
humanistic issues of intertextuality that are irreducible
to single numerical scores or ranked lists of documents.
Humanists know that texts, and parts of texts, participate in
Digital Humanities 2008
A novel way for the
comparative analysis
of adaptations based
on vocabulary rich text
segments: the assessment of
Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code
and its translations
Maria Csernoch
University of Debrecen, Hungary
In this work the appearance of the newly introduced words
of The Da Vinci Code and its different translations have been
analyzed and compared.The concept “newly introduced words”
refers to the words whose first appearance is detected at a
certain point of the text. In general the number of the newly
introduced words follows a monotonic decay, however, there
are segments of the texts where this descending is reversed
and a sudden increase is detectable (Csernoch, 20066a,
2006b, 2007) – these text slices are referred to as vocabulary
rich text slices. The question arises whether the detectable,
unexpectedly high number of newly introduced words of the
original work is traceable in the different translations of the
text or not.
Before advancing on the project let us define the concept of
translation. In this context the definition of Hatim and Mason
(1993) is accepted, that is any adaptation of a literary work
is considered as translation. Beyond the foreign language
translations of The Da Vinci Code two more adaptations, the
lemmatized and the condensed versions of the original work
were analyzed.
The comparison of the newly introduced word types and
lemmas of the different translations allows us to trace how
precisely translation(s) follow(s) the changes in the vocabulary
of the original text. Whether the vocabulary rich sections of
the original text appear similarly rich in the translations, or the
translations swallow them up, or the translations are richer
at certain sections than the original work. In addition, could
the changes in the newly introduced words, as an additional
parameter to those already applied, be used to give a hint of
the quality of a translation?
To carry out the analysis a previously introduced method
was applied (Csernoch, 2006a, 2006b). The text was divided
into constant-length intervals, blocks. The number of the
newly introduced words was mapped to each block. Those
text segments were considered vocabulary rich, in which the
number of the newly introduced words significantly exceeds
that predicted by a first-order statistical model.
The original The Da Vinci Code
In the original The Da Vinci Code eleven significant, vocabulary
rich, text slices were detected. This number is similar to what
was found in other, previously analyzed works (Csernoch,
2007). However, a further analysis of these text slices was
applied to reveal their nature. Four parameters,
– the distribution of these text slices within the text,
– their length – the number of blocks in the significant text
– their intensity – the local maximum of the relative number
of the newly introduced words, and
– their content were determined.
The majority of the significant text slices of The Da Vinci Code
both in lengths and intensity turned out to be unusually small,
containing descriptions of events, characters and places. None
of them stands for stylistic changes which usually (Baayen,
2001) trigger extremely vocabulary rich text slices. The
distribution of them is uneven, they mainly appear in the first
half of the text. This means that the second half of the novel
hardly introduces any more vocabulary items that predicted
by a first-order statistical model.
The analysis of the lemmatized texts
To see whether the word types, with all their suffixes, are
responsible for any losses of vocabulary rich text slices, the
lemmatization, as an adaptation of the text, was carried out.
As it was found earlier (Csernoch, 2006b), the lemmatization
of the text produced minor, if any, differences in the analysis
of the word types in an English text. To the English nonlemmatized and lemmatized The Da Vinci Code their Hungarian
correspondences were compared. Unlike the English texts, at
the beginning of the Hungarian texts the number of newly
introduced word types was so high that up to the first two
hundred blocks (20,000 tokens), some of the text slices with
significantly high number of newly introduced word types
might be swallowed up.
The foreign language translations of
The Da Vinci Code
While the absolute numbers of the newly introduced words of
texts in different languages cannot, their relative numbers can
be compared using the method outlined in Csernoch (2006a).
Relying on the advantages of the method three different
translations were compared to the original text, the Hungarian,
the German, and the French. If the vocabulary rich text slices
are found at the same positions both in the original and in
the translated text, the translation can then be considered as
exact in respect of vocabulary richness.
Digital Humanities 2008
In the Hungarian translation the lengths and the intensities
of the vocabulary rich text slices were not altered, however
their distribution was more even than in the English text, and
their number increased to sixteen. While the vocabulary rich
text slices of the English text were all found in the Hungarian
text, further such text slices were identified in the second
half of the Hungarian text. The comparison revealed that the
Hungarian text is richer in vocabulary than the English text.
The German translation replicated the vocabulary rich text
slices of the original English text, and provided five more,
which, similarly to the Hungarian translation, means that these
text slices are richer in vocabulary than the corresponding
text slices in the English text.
to one-third, which is a notable difference compared to the
full-length Hungarian text. Both in the condensed English
and Hungarian texts the vocabulary rich segments were
concentrated to the first half of the texts representing the
same events, none of the segments unique to the full-length
Hungarian text appeared in the condensed Hungarian text.The
cumulative length of the vocabulary rich text slices dropped
to 51% in the English and to 43% in the Hungarian text. Again,
the Hungarian text seemed to be damaged to a greater extent.
All the analyzed parameters thus clearly indicate that for the
condensed Hungarian version the condensed English text was
the direct source.
In the French translation only nine significant text slices were
found. All of these text slices were only one block long, and
their intensities were also surprisingly small. This means that
the distribution of the newly introduced words in the French
translation hardly differs from that predicted by the model.
Furthermore, they are quite different in content from the
vocabulary rich text slices in the other languages. Thus, there
are hardly any concentrated, vocabulary rich text slices in the
French text.
Baayen, R. H. (2001) Word Frequency Distributions. Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands
The condensed versions of The Da Vinci
Csernoch, M. (2006b) Frequency-based Dynamic Models for
the Analysis of English and Hungarian Literary Works and
Coursebooks for English as a Second Language. Teaching
Mathematics and Computer Science. Debrecen, Hungary
Finally, the condensed versions of the English and Hungarian
texts were compared to the corresponding full-length text
and to each other. Several questions are to be answered in
this context. By the nature of this adaptation it is obvious that
the length of the text is curtailed to some extent. However,
this parameter does not tell much about the nature of the
condensation. We do not know from this parameter whether
the condensation is only a cropping of the original text –
certain text segments are left out while others are untouched
– or the whole text is modified to some extent. If the text
is modified, the percentage of the remaining tokens, word
types, lemmas, and hapax legomena are parameters which tell
us more about the condensation. To get a further insight it is
worth considering how the vocabulary rich text segments of
the original text are transferred into the condensed text. This
last parameter might be a great help in deciding from which
first order adaptation a second order adaptation of a text – in
this case the condensed Hungarian text – is derived.
Csernoch, M. (2006a) The introduction of word types and
lemmas in novels, short stories and their translations. http:// Digital
Humanities 2006. The First International Conference of the
Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations. (5-9 July 2006,
Csernoch, M. (2007) Seasonalities in the Introduction of
Word-types in Literary Works. Publicationes Universitatis
Miskolcinensis, Sectio Philosophica, Tomus XI. – Fasciculus 3.
Miskolc 2006-2007.
Hatim, B. and Mason, I. (1993) Discourse and the Translator.
Longman Inc., New York.
Both the English and the Hungarian condensed texts are 45%
of the original texts in length. The number of word types is
64 and 55%, the number of lemmas are 64 and 61%, while
the number of hapax legomena is 70 and 56% of the English
and Hungarian full-length texts, respectively.These parameters
indicate that the Hungarian condensed text bore more serious
damage than the English did. The number of vocabulary rich
text segments dropped to six – somewhat more than the half
of original number – in the English text. On the other hand, the
number of these text segments in the Hungarian text dropped
Digital Humanities 2008
Converting St Paul: A new
TEI P5 edition of The
Conversion of St Paul using
stand-off linking
James C. Cummings
University of Oxford, UK
In researching the textual phenomena and scribal practices of
late-medieval drama I have been creating an electronic edition
of The Conversion of St Paul. This late-medieval verse play
survives only in Bodleian MS Digby 133. My edition attempts
to be a useful scholarly work, which where possible leverages
existing resources to create an agile interoperable resource.
In undertaking this work I have been able to explore a number
of issues related to the creation of such editions which may
have pedagogic benefit as a case study to others.These include
shortcuts to speed up the creation of the initial edition, the
generation of additional resources based solely on a single
XML encoded text, the use of new mechanisms in the TEI
P5 Guidelines, and the exploitation of stand-off markup to
experiment with seamlessly incorporating external resources.
The TEI P5 Guidelines have been followed in production of
this edition, and specifically I have used a number of features
which are new additions to TEI P5 and which others may not
yet be familiar. It was developed in tandem with early drafts of
the Guidelines, in part to test some of the features we were
These include:
• A customised view of the TEI expressed as a TEI ODD file.
This allows generation not only of constrained TEI Schemas
and DTDs but also project specific documentation through
the TEI’s ODD processor ‘Roma’.
• A manuscript description of MS Digby 133, and the
manuscript item of this play, using the TEI’s new module for
manuscript description metadata.
• Consistent and in-depth use of the new <choice>
structure to provide alternative textual information at
individual points in the text. Specifically, in this highlyabbreviated medieval text, this has been used to provide
both abbreviations and expansions which then can be
toggled in the rendered version. Regularisation of medieval
spelling has been handled with stand-off markup, but could
equally have been incorporated into <choice>
• Inside abbreviations and expansions, the new elements
<am> (abbreviation marker) and <ex> (expanded text)
have been used. This allows the marking and subsequent
display of abbreviation marks in a diplomatic edition view
and italicised rendering of the supplied text in the expanded
• The edition also records information about the digital
photographic surrogate provided by the Bodleian using the
new <facsimile> element. While this will also allow linking
from the text to particular zones of the images, this has not
yet been undertaken..
• The edition also uses various new URI-based pointing
mechanisms and datatype constraints new to TEI P5.
To speed up the creation of the edition I took an out of
copyright printed version of the text (Furnivall 1896) which
was scanned and passed through optical character recognition.
This was then carefully corrected and proofread letter-byletter against freely available (though restrictively licensed)
images made available online by the Bodleian Library, Oxford
script=msdigby133). I used OpenOffice to create the initial
edition, with specialised formatting used to indicate various
textual and editorial phenomena such as expanded material,
superscript abbreviation markers, stage directions, and notes.
The up-scaling of the markup through using this presentational
markup was achieved when I converted it, using XSLT, to very
basic TEI XML. While this is a quick method of data entry
familiar to many projects, it only tends to work successfully
in non-collaborative projects where the consistency of the
application of formatting can be more easily controlled as any
inconsistencies can lead to significant manual correction of the
generated XML.
Another of the issues I was interested in exploring in
this edition was the use of stand-off markup to create
interoperable secondary resources and how this might effect
the nature of scholarly editing.While I could have stored much
of this information I needed in the edition itself, I wanted to
experiment with storing it in external files and linking them
together by pointing into the digital objects.The motivation for
this comes from a desire to explore notions of interoperability
since stand-off markup methodology usually leaves the base
text untouched and stores additional information in separate
files.As greater numbers of good scholarly academic resources
increasingly become available in XML, the pointing into a
number of resources, and combining these together to form
an additional greater resource is becoming more common.
Stand-off markup was used here partly to experiment with the
idea of creating an interoperable flexible resource, that is an
‘agile edition’. For example, an edition can be combined with
associated images, a glossary or word list, or other external
resources such as dictionaries. In the case of this edition, I
generated a word list (encoded using the TEI dictionaries
module) using XSLT. The word list included any distinct
orthographic variants in the edition.This was based on a ‘deepequals’ comparison which compared not only the spelling of
words, but all of their descendant elements, and thus captured
differences in abbreviation/expansion inside individual words.
The location of individual instances of orthographic variance
in the edition could easily have been stored along with the
entry in the word list. However, since part of the point was to
experiment with handling stand-off markup, I stored these in a
Digital Humanities 2008
third file whose only purpose was to record <link> elements
pointing both to an entry in the word list and every single
instance of this word in the edition.This linking was done using
automatically-generated xml:id attributes on each word and
word list entry. This enables a number of usability features.
The clicking on any individual word in the edition takes you
to its corresponding entry in the word list. From any entry in
the word list you can similarly get back to any other individual
instance of that word in the edition. Moreover the word list
entry also contains an optionally displayed concordance of
that word to allow easy comparison of its use in context.
In addition to using resources created by myself, it was a desired
aim of this investigation into stand-off markup to use external
resources. The most appropriate freely-available resource in
this case is the Middle English Dictionary (MED), created by
the University of Michigan. As this scholarly edition was being
created in my spare time, I did not want to exhaustively check
orthographic words in my edition against the MED and link
directly to the correct senses. While that is certainly possible,
and should be the recommended text-critical practice, it
would take a significant amount of time and be prone to error.
Instead I desired to pass a regularised form of the word to the
MED headword search engine, and retrieve the results and
incorporate them dynamically into the display of the entry for
that word in the word list. However, this proved impossible
to do from the MED website because their output, despite
claiming to be XHTML, was not well-formed. Luckily, they
were willing to supply me with an underlying XML file which
provided not only headwords, but also their various different
orthographic forms and the MED id number to which I could
link directly. Thus, I was able to achieve the same effect as
transcluding the MED search results by reimplementing the
functionality of their search directly in my XSLT and thus
providing pre-generated links in each entry to possible
headwords in the MED. While successful for my resource, in
terms of true interoperability it is really a failure, one which
helps to highlight some of the problems encountered when
pointing into resources over which you have no control.
The proposed paper will describe the process of creation
of the edition, the benefits and drawbacks of using standoff markup in this manner, its linking to external resources,
and how the same processes might be used in either legacy
data migration or the creation of new editions. One of the
concluding arguments of the paper is that the advent of new
technologies which make the longpromised ability for the
interoperability of resources that much easier, also encourages
(and is dependent upon) us making our own existing materials
accessible in a compatible manner.
Baker, Donald C., John L. Murphy, and Louis B. Hall, Jr. (eds)
Late Medieval Religious Plays of Bodleian MSS Digby 133 and E
Museo 160, EETS, 283 (Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1982)
Eggert, Paul. ‘Text-encoding, theories of the text and the
“work-site”’. Literary and Linguistic Computing, (2005), 20:4,
Furnivall, F. J. (ed.) The Digby Plays, (New Shakespeare Society
Publications, 1882) Re-issued for EETS Extra Series LXX,
(London: EETS, 1896)
Robinson, P. ‘The one and the many text’, Literary and Linguistic
Computing, (2000), 15:1, 5-14.
Robinson, P. ‘Where We Are with Electronic Scholarly
Editions, and Where We Want to Be’, Jahrbuch für
Computerphilologie, 5 (2003), 123-143.
Robinson, P. ‘Current issues in making digital editions of
medieval texts or, do electronic scholarly editions have a
future?’, Digital Medievalist, (2005), 1:1, Retrieved 1 Nov. 2007
Sperberg-McQueen, C. M. Textual Criticism and the Text
Encoding Initiative. Annual Convention of the Modern
Language Association, 1994. reprinted in Finneran, R. J. (Ed.)
(1996) The Literary Text in the Digital Age. Ann Arbor:
University of Michigan Press. 37-62
TEI Consortium, eds. TEI P5: Guidelines for Electronic Text
Encoding and Interchange. Retrieved 1 Nov. 2007 <http://www.>
Unsworth, J. Electronic Textual Editing and the TEI. Annual
Convention of the Modern Language Association, 2002.
Retrieved 1 Nov. 2007. <
Vanhoutte, E. ‘Prose fiction and modern manuscripts:
limitations and possibilities of text-encoding for electronic
editions’. In J. Unsworth, K. O’Keefe, and L. Burnard (Eds).
Electronic Textual Editing. (New York: Modern Language
Association of America, 2006), p. 161-180.
Digital Humanities 2008
ENRICHing Manuscript
Descriptions with TEI P5
James C. Cummings
University of Oxford, UK
ENRICH is a pan-European eContent+ project led by the
Czech National Library, starting 1 December 2007, which
is creating a base for the European digital library of cultural
heritage (manuscript, incunabula, early printed books, and
archival papers) by the integration of existing but scattered
electronic content within the Manuscriptorium digital library
through the use of the metadata enrichment and coordination
between heterogeneous metadata and data standards. The
consortium brings together critical mass of content, because
the project groups together the three richest owners of
digitized manuscripts among national libraries in Europe
(Czech Republic, Iceland and Serbia as associated partners);
ENRICH partner libraries possess almost 85% currently
digitized manuscripts in the national libraries in Europe, which
will be enhanced by substantial amount of data from university
libraries and other types of institutions in terms of several
hundreds of thousands of digitized pages plus hundreds of
thousands of pages digitized by the partners through the
European Library data collections. When the project has
finished the consortium will make available more than an
estimated 5,076,000 digitized pages.
upon the existing Manuscriptorium platform <http://www.> and is adapting it to the needs of
those organizations holding repositories of manuscripts.
The principle of integration is centralisation of the metadata
(descriptive evidence records) within the Manuscriptorium
digital library and distribution of data (other connected
digital documents) among other resources within the virtual
net environment. That is, the metadata of the manuscript
descriptions is aggregated in a single place and format to assist
with searching these disparate repositories, but the images and
original metadata records remain with the resource-holding
ENRICH target groups are content owners/holders, Libraries,
museums and archives, researchers & students, policy makers
and general interest users. The project allows them to search
and access documents which would otherwise be hardly
accessible by providing free access to almost all digitized
manuscripts in Europe. Besides images it also offers access
to TEI-structured historical full texts, research resources,
other types of illustrative data (audio and video files) or large
images of historical maps. The ENRICH consortium is closely
cooperating with TEL (The European Library) and will become
a component part of the European Digital Library when this
becomes reality.
Institutions involved in the ENRICH project include:
• National Library of Czech Republic (Czech Republic)
• Cross Czech a.s. (Czech Republic)
• AiP Beroun s r.o. (Czech Republic)
• Oxford University Computing Services (United Kingdom)
• Københavns Universitet - Nordisk Foskningsinstitut
• Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze National Library
in Florence (Italy)
• Università degli Studi di Firenze - Centro per la
comunicazione e l integrazione dei media Media
Integration and Communicaiton Centre Firenze(Italy)
• Institute of mathematics and informatics (Lithuania)
• University Library Vilnius (Lithuania)
• SYSTRAN S.A. (France)
• University Library Wroclaw (Poland)
• Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum (Iceland)
• Computer Science for the Humanities - Universität zu
Köln (Germany)
• St. Pölten Diocese Archive (Austria)
• The National and University Library of Iceland (Iceland)
• Biblioteca Nacional de Espana - The National Library of
Spain (Spain)
• The Budapest University of Technology and Economics
• Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (Poland)
Manuscriptorium is currently searchable via OAI-PMH from
the TEL portal, this means that any ENRICH full or associated
partner automatically enriches the European Digital Library.
The main quality of ENRICH and Manuscriptorium is the
application of homogeneous and seamless access to widespread
resources including access to images from the distributed
environment under a single common interface. ENRICH
supports several levels of communication with remote digital
resources, ranging from OAI harvesting of partner libraries
to full integration of their resources into Manuscriptorium.
Furthermore, ENRICH has developed free tools to assist in
producing XML structured digitized historical documents, and
these are already available and ready to use. However, the
existing XML schema reflects the results of the now-dated
EU MASTER project for TEI-based manuscript descriptions. It
also incorporates other modern content standards, especially
in the imaging area. It is this schema that is being updated to
reflect the developments in manuscript description available
in TEI P5. The internal Manuscriptorium format is based on
METS containerization of the schema and related parallel
descriptions which enables a flexible approach needed by the
disparate practices of researchers in this field.
The Research Technology Services section of the Oxford
University Computing Services is leading the crucial workpackage on the standardization of shared metadata. In addition
to a general introduction to the project it is the progress of
this work-package which the proposed paper will discuss. This
work-package is creating a formal TEI specification, based on
the TEI P5 Guidelines, for the schema to be used to describe
Digital Humanities 2008
manuscripts managed within Manuscriptorium. The use of
this specification enables automatic generation of reference
documentation in different languages and the creation of a
formal DTD or Schemas as well as formal DTD or Schemas. A
suite of tools is also being developed to convert automatically
existing sets of manuscript descriptions, where this is feasible,
and to provide simple methods of making them conformant
to the new standard where it is not. These tools are being
developed and validated against the large existing base of
adopters of the Master standard and will be distributed free
of charge by the TEI.
The proposed paper will report on the development and
validation of a TEI conformant specification for the existing
Manuscriptorium schema using the TEI P5 specification
language (ODD). This involved a detailed examination of the
current schema and documentation developed for the existing
Manuscriptorium repository and its replacement by a formal
TEI specification. This specification will continue to be further
enhanced in light of the needs identified by project participants
and the wider MASTER community to form the basis of a new
schema and documentation suite.The paper will report on the
project’s production of translations for the documentation in
at least English, French, Czech, German, as well as schemas to
implement it both as DTD and RELAXNG. The production of
these schemas and the translated documentation are produced
automatically from the TEI ODD file.
A meeting of representatives from other European institutions
who have previously used the MASTER schema has been
organized where the differences in how they have used the
schema will have been explored, along with their current
practice for manuscript description.The aim is to validate both
the coverage of the new specification and the feasibility and
ease of automatic conversion towards it.The outputs from this
activity will include a report on any significant divergence of
practice amongst the sample data sets investigated. The ODD
specification will continue to be revised as necessary based
on the knowledge gained from the consultation with other
MASTER users. This will help to create an enriched version of
the preliminary specifications produced. Finally, software tools
are being developed to assist in conversion of sets of records
produced for earlier MASTER specifications, and perhaps
some others, to the new TEI P5 conformant schema. These
tools are being tested against the collection of datasets gained
from the participants of the meeting with other MASTER
users, but also more widely within the TEI community. OUCS
is also preparing tutorial material and discussion papers on
the best practice to assist other institutions with migration
existing MASTER material to the new standard. In this subtask
ENRICH is cooperating with a broader TEI-managed effort
towards the creation of TEI P5 migration documentation and
to perform this harvesting are also being developed. Eventually,
the internal environment of Manuscriptorium will be enhanced
through implementation of METS containerization of the
Manuscriptorium Scheme. This will involve an assessment
of the respective roles of the TEI Header for manuscript
description and of a METSconformant resource description
and will enable different kinds of access to the resources
within the Manuscriptorium. This will help to demonstrate for
others the interoperability of these two important standards,
and in particular where their facilities are complementary.
Improvement and generalization of Unicode treatment in
Manuscriptorium is the final part of the OUCS-led work
package. As Manuscriptorium is basically an XML system, all the
data managed is necessarily represented in Unicode.This could
cause problems for materials using non-standard character
encodings, for example where manuscript descriptions
quote from ancient scripts and include glyphs not yet part of
Unicode. The TEI recommendations for the representation of
nonstandard scripts are being used within ENRICH project
which is producing a suite of non-standard character and glyph
descriptions appropriate to the project’s needs.
The proposed paper is intended as a report on the work
done in the conversion and rationalization of manuscript
metadata across a large number of archives with disparate
practices. While it will introduce the project to delegates
at Digital Humanities 2008, it will concentrate on reporting
the the problems and successes encountered in the course
of these aspects of project. Although the overall project will
not be finished by the time of the conference, the majority
of the work in developing a suite of conversion tools will be
complete by this time and the paper will focus on this work.
As such, although it will detail work done by the author, it will
rely on work by project partners who although not listed as
authors here will be briefly acknowledged in the paper where
An OAI-PMH harvester is being implemented and incorporated
into Manuscriptorium. The first step is to ensure that OAI/
PMH metadata is available for harvesting from all the resources
managed within Manuscriptorium. Appropriate software tools
Digital Humanities 2008
Editio ex machina - Digital
Scholarly Editions out of the
Alexander Czmiel
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities ,
For the most part, digital scholarly editions have been
historically grown constructs. In most cases, they are oriented
toward print editions, especially if they are retro-digitized. But
even “digital-born” editions often follow the same conventions
as printed books. A further problem is that editors start to
work on a scholarly edition without enough previous in-depth
analysis about how to structure information for electronic
research. In the course of editing and the collection of data, the
requirements and wishes of how the edited texts should be
presented frequently changes, especially when the editor does
not have a chance to “see” the edition before it is complete.
Usually all the data is collected, the text is edited and the last
step is to think about the different presentation formats.
One of the first steps in the production of a digital scholarly
edition should be to analyze what kind of information might
be of interest to a broad audience, and how this should
be structured so that it can be searched and displayed
appropriately. The crucial point in the process of designing the
data structure should be that different scholars have different
intellectual requirements from resources. They are not always
happy with how editors organize scholarly editions.
Michael Sperberg-McQueen demanded in 1994, “Electronic
scholarly editions should be accessible to the broadest
audience possible.”[1] However, current scholarly editions are
produced for a certain audience with very specialized research
interests. The great potential of a digital scholarly edition is
that it can be designed flexibly enough to meet the demands
of people with many different viewpoints and interests. So why
not let the audience make the decision as to which information
is relevant and which is not? Some information might be of
more interest, other information of less interest or could be
entirely ignorable.
Imagine a critical scholarly edition about medicine in ancient
Greece provided by editors with a philological background.
A philologist has different needs relating to this edition than,
e.g., a medical historian, who might not be able to read Greek
and might be only interested in reading about ancient medical
practices. Who knows what kinds of annotations within the
text are of interest for the recipients?
The digital world provides us with many possibilities to
improve scholarly editions, such as almost unlimited space to
give complete information, more flexibility in organizing and
presenting information, querying information, instant feedback
and a range of other features.
We have to think about how we can use these benefits to
establish a (perhaps formalized) workflow to give scholars
the chance to validate their work while it is in progress and
to present their work in progress in an appropriate way for
discussion within a community. This would not just validate
the technical form of the work, but also improve the quality of
the content, often due to ongoing feedback, and improve the
intellectual benefits.
On the other hand, digital editions should be brought online
in an easy way without weeks of planning and months of
developing software that may fit the basic needs of the editors
but in most cases is just re-inventing the wheel. If needed,
digitized images should be included easily and must be citeable.
As it might be about work in progress, all stages of work must
be saved and documented. Therefore, a versioning system is
needed that allows referencing of all work steps.
Finally, it is necessary that the scholar is able to check his or
her work viewed in various media by the click of a button - for
example, how the edition looks like on screen or printed, or
even with different layouts or website designs.
What is the potential of such a system? It offers an easy way
to present the current state of a work in progress. Scholars
can check their work at any time. But this is not useful without
modifications for the special needs of certain digital editions
and special navigation issues. Nevertheless, it can be used as
base system extensible by own scripts, which implement the
needs of a concrete project.
And last but not least, such a system should offer the possibility
of re-using data that is based on the same standard for other
projects. This is especially true for more formalized data, such
as biographical or bibliographical information, which could be
used across different projects that concern the same issue or
the same period.
This paper will give a practical example of what an architecture
that follows the aforementioned demands would look like.
This architecture gives scholars the possibility of producing
a scholarly edition using open standards. The texts can be
encoded directly in XML or using WYSIWYG-like methods,
such as possible with the oXygen XML editor or WORD XML
The “Scalable Architecture for Digital Editions” (SADE)
developed at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences
and Humanities is a modular and freely scalable system that
can be adapted by different projects that follow the guidelines
of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)[2] or easily use other XML
standards as input formats. Using the TEI is more convenient,
as less work in the modification of the existing XQuery and
XSLT scripts needs to be done.
Digital Humanities 2008
Scalability of SADE relates to the server side as well as to
the browser side. Browser-side scalability is equivalent to the
users’ needs or research interests. The user is able to arrange
the information output as he or she likes. Information can be
switched on or off.The technological base for this functionality
is AJAX or the so-called Web 2.0 technologies.
Server-side scalability is everything that has to do with
querying the database and transforming the query results into
HTML or PDF. As eXist[3], the database we use, is a native
XML database, the whole work can be done by XML-related
technologies such as XQuery and XSLT. These scripts can be
adapted with less effort to most projects’ needs.
For the connection between text and digitized facsimile, SADE
uses Digilib[4], an open-source software tool jointly developed
by the Max-Planck-Insitute for the History of Science, the
University of Bern and others. Digilib is not just a tool for
displaying images, but rather a tool that provides basic image
editing functions and the capability of marking certain points
in the image for citation.The versioning system at the moment
is still a work in progress, but will be available by conference
Documents can be queried in several ways - on the one hand
with a standard full text search in texts written in Latin or
Greek letters, and on the other hand by using a more complex
interface to query structured elements, such as paragraphs,
names, places, the apparatus, etc. These query options are
provided by SADE. Furthermore, all XML documents are
available not rendered in raw XML format, and so can be
integrated in different projects rendered in a different way.
SADE could be the next step in improving the acceptance of
digital editions. Texts are accessible in several ways. The editor
decisions are transparent and comprehensible at every stage
of work, which is most important for the intellectual integrity
of a scholarly edition.The digitized facsimiles can be referenced
and therefore be discussed scientifically.The database back end
is easy to handle and easy to adapt to most projects’ needs.
[1] Cited in
Burnard, L.; Bauman, S. (ed.) (2007): TEI P5: Guidelines for
Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange. <
Buzzetti, Dino; McGann, Jerome (2005): Critical Editing in
a Digital Horizon. In: John Unsworth, Katharine O’Brien
O’Keeffe u. Lou Burnard (Hg.): Electronic Textual Editing. 37–50.
Czmiel, A.; Fritze, C.; Neumann, G. (2007): Mehr XML – Die
digitalen Projekte an der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie
der Wissenschaften. In: Jahrbuch für Computerphilologie -online,
101-125. <
Dahlström, Mats (2004): How Reproductive is a Scholarly
Edition? In: Literary and Linguistic Computing 19/1, S. 17–33.
Robinson, Peter (2002): What is a Critical Digital Edition? In:
Variants – Journal of the European Society for Textual Scholarship
1, 43–62.
Shillingsburg, Peter L. (1996): Principles for Electronic
Archives, Scholarly Editions, and Tutorials. In: Richard Finneran
(ed.): The Literary Text in the Digital Age. 23–35.
A working example, which is work in progress and extended
continually, is the website of the “Corpus Medicorum
Graecorum / Latinorum”[5] long term academy project at the
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities[6].
This website exemplifies how a recipient can organize which
information is relevant for his or her information retrieval.
Other examples can be found at
Digital Humanities 2008
Talia: a Research and
Publishing Environment for
Philosophy Scholars
Stefano David
DEIT - Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
Michele Nucci
DEIT - Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
Francesco Piazza
DEIT - Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
Talia is a distributed semantic digital library and publishing
system, which is specifically designed for the needs of the
scholarly research in the humanities. The system is designed
for the diverging needs of heterogeneous communities. It is
strictly based on Semantic Web technology1 and computational
ontologies for the organisation of knowledge and will help
the definition of a state-ofthe-art research and publishing
environment for the humanities in general and for philosophy
in particular.
Talia is developed within the Discovery project, which aims
at easing the work of philosophy scholars and researchers,
making a federation of distributed digital archives (nodes)
each of them dedicated to a specific philosopher: Pre-Socratic,
Diogenes Laertius, Leibniz, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Spinoza,
and others.
Use Case and Requirements
One of the use cases that Talia should satisfy is called
The Manuscripts Comparer.The archive contains digital
reproductions of handwritten manuscripts by one philosopher.
The scholar wants to browse them like books, navigating by
chapters and pages.The archive also contains transcriptions of
the different paragraphs, on which to click to see the correct
Moreover, the scholar is interested in comparing different
versions of the same thought, placed by the philosopher in
different paragraphs of his works, so the scholar needs to find
all those different versions. Finally, he/she can write his own
remarks on those paragraphs, so that they are published in the
archive, after a peer review process.
From this use case, we can devise some technical requirements
that drive the design of Talia:
1. Making metadata remotely available. The metadata content
of the archives shall be made available through interfaces
similar to those of URIQA2, which will allow automated
agents and clients to connect to a Talia node and ask
for metadata about a resource of interest to retrieve its
description and related metadata (e.g., the author, the
resource type, etc.). This type of services enable numerous
types of digital contents reuse.
2. Querying the system using standard query-languages. It shall
possible to directly query the distributed archives using the
SPARQL Semantic Web Query Language. SPARQL provides
a powerful and standard way to query RDF repositories but
also enables merging of remote datasets.
3. Transformation of encoded digital contents into RDF. The
semantic software layer shall provide tools to transform
textually encoded material, for example the transcription of
manuscripts in TEI3 format, into RDF.
4. Managing structural metadata. “Structural” metadata
describes the structure of a document (e.g., its format, its
publisher, etc.). It shall be necessary to provide tools to
manage these kinds of metadata.
5. Import and exporting RDF data. It shall be important to
include facilities in Talia to import and export RDF data
with standard and well know formats like RDF/XML and
Talia should also provide facilities to enrich the content of the
archives with metadata, whose types and formats depend on
the kind of source and on the user community which works on
the data. For example, in some archives, different versions of
the same paragraph may exist in different documents. In order
to allow the users to follow the evolution of that particular
philosophical thought, the relations among these different
versions must be captured by the system.
An Overview of the Talia System
Talia is a distributed semantic digital library system which
combines the features of digital archives management with an
on-line peer-review system.
The Talia platform stores digital objects, called sources, which
are identified by their unique and stable URI. Each source
represents either a work of a philosopher or a fragment of it
(e.g., a paragraph), and can have one or more data files (e.g.,
images or textual documents) connected to it.The system
also stores information about the sources, which can never be
removed once published and are maintained in a fixed state.
Combined with other long-term preservation techniques,Talia
allows the scholars to reference their works and gives the
research community immediate access to new content.
Digital Humanities 2008
The most innovative aspect of Talia is that for the first time,
at least in the field of humanities, all the interfaces exposed
publicly will be based on proven Semantic Web standards
enabling data interoperability within the Talia federation, and
eases the data interchange with other systems. Two additional
features of Talia are the highly customisable Graphic User
Interface (GUI) and the dynamic contextualisation.
Intuitively, a computational ontology is a set of assumptions
that define the structure of a given domain of interest (e.g.,
philosophy), allowing different people to use the same concepts
to describe that domain.Talia will use computational ontologies
to organise information about writings of a philosopher or
documents (manuscripts, essays, theses, and so on) of authors
concerning that philosopher.
Related Work
Figure 1: An Example of the Talia User Interface.
The web interface framework, based on modular elements
called widgets, allows to build GUIs according to requirements
coming from heterogeneous communities. Widgets can be
packaged independently and used as building blocks for
the application’s user interface. In particular, Talia provides
semantic widgets that interact with an RDF Knowledge Base.
To customise the site’s appearance, it also would be possible
to add custom HTML rendering templates. Figure 1 shows a
screenshot of a Talia’s GUI.
The dynamic contextualisation provides a means for data
exchange among different and distributed digital libraries
based on the Talia framework. The dynamic contextualisation
allows a Talia library (node) to share parts of its RDF graph in
a peer-to-peer network. By using this mechanism, a node may
notify another node that a semantic link between them exists,
and the other node may use this information to update its
own RDF graph and create a bidirectional connection.
Talia uses computational ontologies and Semantic Web
technology to help the creation of a state-of-the-art research
and publishing environment. Talia will provide an innovative
and adaptable system to enable and ease data interoperability
and new paradigms for information enrichment, dataretrieval,
and navigation.
Computational Ontologies
Ontologies have become popular in computer science as a
means for the organisation of information.This connotation of
ontology differs from the traditional use and meaning it has in
philosophy, where ontologies are considered as A system of
categories accounting for a certain vision of the world [2]
In computer science, the concept of (computational) ontology
evolved from the one first provided by Gruber [3], who
defined an ontology as a specification of a conceptualisation4
to a more precise one, extracted from Guarino’s definitions
[4]: A computational ontology is A formal, partial specification
of a shared conceptualisation of a world (domain).
Talia is directly related to the Hyper Platform which was used
for the HyperNietzsche archive [1], a specialised solution,
designed for specific needs of the Nietzsche communities.
HyperNietzsche has a fixed graphical user interface, it does
not use Semantic Web technology and it is not adaptable for
different communities with heterogeneous needs.
Talia shares some properties with other semantic digital
library systems like JeromeDL [5], BRICKS [6], and Fedora
[7]. However, these projects are mostly focused on the backend technology and none of them offers a flexible and highly
customisable research and publishing system like Talia.
Conclusion and Future Work
Talia is a novel semantic digital web library system, which aims
to improve scholarly research in the humanities, in particular
in the field of philosophy. Thanks to the use of Semantic Web
technology, Talia represents a very adaptable state-of-the art
research and publishing system.
The ontologies used in Talia are currently being developed by
Discovery’s content partners, who are in charge of organising
their contributions. These ontologies will be part of the final
core Talia application. At the moment, only a first public demo
version is available5.
AlthoughTalia is currently intended only for philosophy scholars,
it should be straightforward to adopt it for humanities, with
the help of suitably developed ontologies. Using dynamic Ruby
as programming language and the RubyOnRails framework,
Talia provides an ideal framework for the rapid development
of customised semantic digital libraries for the humanities.
This work has been supported by Discovery, an ECP 2005 CULT
038206 project under the EC eContentplus programme.
We thank Daniel Hahn and Michele Barbera for the fruitful
contributions to this paper.
Digital Humanities 2008
Bootstrapping Classical
Greek Morphology
Helma Dik
4 A more up-to-date definition and additional readings can be found
University of Chicago, USA
Richard Whaling
University of Chicago, USA
[1] D’Iorio, P.: Nietzsche on new paths: The Hypernietzsche
project and open scholarship on the web. In Fornari, C.,
Franzese, S., eds.: Friedrich Nietzsche. Edizioni e interpretazioni.
Edizioni ETS, Pisa (2007)
[2] Calvanese, D., Guarino, N.: Ontologies and Description
Logics. Intelligenza Artificiale - The Journal of the Italian
Association for Artificial Intelligence, 3(1/2) (2006)
[3] Gruber, T.R.: A translation approach to portable ontology
specifications. Knowledge Acquisition 5(2) (1993) 199-220
[4] Guarino, N.: Formal Ontology and Information Systems.
In Guarino, N., ed.: 1st International Conference on Formal
Ontologies in Information Systems, IOS Press (1998) 3-15
[5] Kurk S., Woroniecki T., Gzella A., Dabrowski M. McDaniel
B.: Anatomy of a social semantic library. In: European Semantic
Web Conference.Volume Semantic Digital Library Tutorial. (2007).
[6] Risse T., Knezevic P., Meghini C., Hecht R., Basile F.:
The bricks infrastructure an overview. In: The International
Conference EVA, Moscow, 2005.
[7] Fedora Development Team: Fedora Open Source
Repository software. White Paper.
In this paper we report on an incremental approach to
automated tagging of Greek morphology using a range of
already existing tools and data.We describe how we engineered
a system that combines the many freely available resources
into a useful whole for the purpose of building a searchable
database of morphologically tagged classical Greek.
The current state of the art in electronic tools for classical Greek
morphology is represented by Morpheus, the morphological
analyzer developed by Gregory Crane (Crane 1991). It
provides all possible parses for a given surface form, and the
lemmas from which these are derived.The rich morphology of
Greek, however, results in multiple parses for more than 50%
of the words (
html). There are fully tagged corpora available for pre-classical
Greek (early Greek epic, developed for the ‘Chicago Homer’, and for New
Testament Greek, but not for the classical period.
Disambiguating more than half of our 3 million-word corpus
by hand is not feasible, so we turned to other methods. The
central element of our approach has been Helmut Schmid’s
TreeTagger (Schmid 1994, 1995). TreeTagger is a Markovmodel based morphological tagger that has been successfully
applied to a wide variety of languages. Given training data of
20,000 words and a lexicon of 350,000 words, TreeTagger
achieved accuracy on a German news corpus of 97.5%. When
TreeTagger encounters a form, it will look it up in three places:
first, it has a lexicon of known forms and their tags. Second,
it builds from that lexicon a suffix and prefix lexicon that
attempts to serve as a a morphology of the language, so as
to parse unknown words. In the absence of a known form
or recognizable suffix or prefix, or when there are multiple
ambiguous parses, it will estimate the tag probabilistically,
based on the tags of the previous n (typically two) words;
this stochastic model of syntax is stored as a decision tree
extracted from the tagged training data.
Since classical Greek presents, prima facie, more of a challenge
than German, given that it has a richer morphology, and is
a non-projective language with a complex syntax, we were
initially unsure whether a Markov model would be capable of
performing on Greek to any degree of accuracy. A particular
complicating factor for Greek is the very large tagset: our full
lexicon contains more than 1,400 tags, making it difficult for
TreeTagger to build a decision tree from small datasets. Czech
Digital Humanities 2008
(Hajič 1998) is comparable in the number of tags, but has
lower rates of non-projectivity (compare Bamman and Crane
2006:72 on Latin).
Thus, for a first experiment, we built a comprehensive lexicon
consisting of all surface forms occurring in Homer and Hesiod
annotated with the parses occurring in the hand-disambiguated
corpus--a subset of all grammatically possible parses--so that
TreeTagger only had about 740 different possible tags to
consider. Given this comprehensive lexicon and the Iliad and
Odyssey as training data (200,000 words), we achieved 96.6%
accuracy for Hesiod and the Homeric Hymns (see http://
The experiment established that a trigram Markov model was
in fact capable of modeling Greek grammar remarkably well.
The good results can be attributed in part to the formulaic
nature of epic poetry and the large size of the training data,
but they established the excellent potential of TreeTagger
for Greek. This high degree of accuracy compares well with
state-of-the-art taggers for such disparate languages as Arabic,
Korean, and Czech (Smith et al., 2005).
Unfortunately, the Homeric data form a corpus that is of little
use for classical Greek. In order to start analyzing classical
Greek, we therefore used a hand-tagged Greek New Testament
as our training data (160,000 words). New Testament Greek
postdates the classical period by some four hundred years,
and, not surprisingly, our initial accuracy on a 2,000 word
sample of Lysias (4th century BCE oratory) was only 84% for
morphological tagging, and performance on lemmas was weak.
Computational linguists are familiar with the statistic that
turning to out-of-domain data results in a ten percent loss of
accuracy, so this result was not entirely unexpected.
At this point one could have decided to hand-tag an
appropriate classical corpus and discard the out-of-domain
data. Instead, we decided to integrate the output of Morpheus,
thereby drastically raising the number of recognized forms
and possible parses. While we had found that Morpheus alone
produced too many ambiguous results to be practical as a
parser, as a lexical resource for TreeTagger it is exemplary.
TreeTagger’s accuracy on the Lysias sample rose to 88%, with
much improved recognition of lemmas. Certain common Attic
constructs, unfortunately, were missed wholesale, but the
decision tree from the New Testament demonstrated a grasp
of the fundamentals.
While we are also working on improving accuracy by further
refining the tagging system, so far we have seen the most
prospects for improvement in augmenting our New Testament
data with samples from classical Greek: When trained on our
Lysias sample alone, TreeTagger performed at 96.8% accuracy
when tested on that same text, but only performed at 88% on
a new sample. In other words, 2,000 words of in-domain data
performed no better or worse than 150,000 words of Biblical
Greek combined with the Morpheus lexicon. We next used a
combined training set of the tagged New Testament and the
hand-tagged Lysias sample. In this case, the TreeTagger was
capable of augmenting the basic decision tree it had already
extracted from the NT alone with Attic-specific constructions.
Ironically, this system only performed at 96.2% when turned
back on the training data, but achieved 91% accuracy on the new
sample ( for results
on the second sample).This is a substantial improvement given
the addition of only 2,000 words of text, or less than 2% of
the total training corpus. In the longer term, we aim at handdisambiguating 40,000 words, double that of Schmid (1995),
but comparable to Smith et al. (2005).
We conclude that automated tagging of classical Greek to
a high level of accuracy can be achieved with quite limited
human effort toward hand-disambiguation of in-domain data,
thanks to the possibility of combining existing morphological
data and machine learning, which together bootstrap a highly
accurate morphological analysis. In our presentation we will
report on our various approaches to improving these results
still further, such as using a 6th order Markov model, enhancing
the grammatical specificity of the tagset, and the results of
several more iterations of our bootstrap procedure.
Bamman, David, and Gregory Crane (2006). The design
and use of a Latin dependency treebank. In J. Hajič and J.
Nivre (eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on
Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT) 2006, pp. 67-78. http://
Crane, Gregory (1991). Generating and parsing classical
Greek. Literary and Linguistic Computing, 6(4): 243-245, 1991.
Hajič, Jan (1998). Building a syntactically annotated corpus:
The Prague Dependency Treebank. In Eva Hajičova (ed.),
Issues of Valency and Meaning, pp. 106-132.
Schmid, Helmut (1994). Probabilistic part-of-speech tagging
using decision trees. In International Conference on New
Methods in Language Processing, pp. 44-49.
Schmid, Helmut (1995). Improvements in part-of-speech
tagging with an application to German. In Proceedings of the
ACL SIGDAT-Workshop.
Smith, Noah A., David A. Smith, and Roy W. Tromble (2005).
Context-based morphological disambiguation with random
fields. In Proceedings of Human Language Technology Conference
and Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language
Processing, pp. 475-482.
Digital Humanities 2008
Mining Classical Greek
(Republic 3.394-395). Aristophanes, the comic playwright, has
Euripides boast (Frogs 949f.) that he made tragedy democratic,
allowing a voice to women and slaves alongside men.
Helma Dik
Gender, of course, also continues to fascinate modern readers
of these plays. For instance, Griffith (1999: 51) writes, on
Antigone: “Gender lies at the root of the problems of Antigone.
(...) Sophocles has created one of the most impressive female
figures ever to walk the stage.” Yet there are no full-scale
studies of the linguistic characteristics of female speech on
the Greek stage (pace McClure 1999).
University of Chicago, USA
Richard Whaling
University of Chicago, USA
This paper examines gendered language in classical Greek
drama. Recent years have seen the emergence of data mining in
the Humanities, and questions of gender have been asked from
the start. Work by Argamon and others has studied gender in
English, both for the gender of authors of texts (Koppel et al.
2002, Argamon et al. 2003) and for that of characters in texts
(Hota et al. 2006, 2007 on Shakespeare); Argamon et al. (in
prep. a) study gender as a variable in Alexander Street Press’s
Black Drama corpus (gender of authors and characters) and
(in prep. b) in French literature (gender of authors).
Surprisingly, some of the main findings of these studies show
significant overlap: Female authors and characters use more
personal pronouns and negations than males; male authors
and characters use more determiners and quantifiers. Not
only, then, do dramatic characters in Shakespeare and modern
drama, like male and female authors, prove susceptible to
automated analysis, but the feature sets that separate male
from female characters show remarkable continuity with
those that separate male from female authors.
For a scholar of Greek, this overlap between actual people
and dramatic characters holds great promise. Since there
are barely any extant Greek texts written by women, these
results for English give us some hope that the corpus of Greek
drama may serve as evidence for women’s language in classical
After all, if the results for English-language literature showed
significant differences between male and female characters,
but no parallels with the differences found between male
and female authors, we would be left with a study of gender
characterization by dramatists with no known relation to the
language of actual women. This is certainly of interest from a
literary and stylistic point of view, but from a linguistic point
of view, the English data hold out the promise that what we
learn from Greek tragedy will tell us about gendered use of
Greek language more generally, which is arguably a question
of larger import, and one we have practically no other means
of learning about.
There is some contemporary evidence to suggest that Greek
males considered the portrayal of women on stage to be true
to life. Plato’s Socrates advises in the Republic against actors
portraying women. Imitation must lead to some aspects of
these inferior beings rubbing off on the (exclusively male) actors
In this paper, we report our results on data mining for gender
in Greek drama. We started with the speakers in four plays of
Sophocles (Ajax, Antigone, Electra, and Trachiniae), for a total of
thirty characters, in order to test, first of all, whether a small,
non-lemmatized Greek drama corpus would yield any results
at all. We amalgamated the text of all characters by hand into
individual files per speaker and analyzed the resulting corpus
with PhiloMine, the data mining extension to PhiloLogic (http://
In this initial experiment, words were not lemmatized, and
only occurrences of individual words, not bigrams or trigrams,
were used. In spite of the modest size, results have been
positive. The small corpus typically resulted in results of
“100% correct” classification on different tasks, which is to
be expected as a result of overfitting to the small amount of
data. More significantly, results on cross-validation were in the
80% range, whereas results on random falsification stayed near
50%.We were aware of other work on small corpora (Yu 2007
on Dickinson), but were heartened by these positive results
with PhiloMine, which had so far been used on much larger
In our presentation, we will examine two questions in more
depth, and on the basis of a larger corpus.
First, there is the overlap found between work on English and
French. Argamon et al. (2007) laid down the gauntlet:
“The strong agreement between the analyses is all the more
remarkable for the very different texts involved in these two
studies. Argamon et al. (2003) analyzed 604 documents from
the BNC spanning an array of fiction and non-fiction categories
from a variety of types of works, all in Modern British English
(post-1960), whereas the current study looks at longer,
predominantly fictional French works from the 12th - 20th
centuries. This cross-linguistic similarity could be supported
with further research in additional languages.”
So do we find the same tendencies in Greek, and if so, are
we dealing with human, or ‘Western’ cultural, universals?
Our initial results were mixed. When we ran a multinomial
Bayes (MNB) analysis on a balanced sample, we did indeed see
some negations show up as markers for female characters (3
negations in a top 50 of ‘female’ features; none in the male top
Digital Humanities 2008
50), but pronouns and determiners show up in feature sets
for both the female and male corpus. An emphatic form of the
pronoun ‘you’ turned up as the most strongly male feature in
this same analysis, and two more personal pronouns showed
up in the male top ten, as against only one in the female top
ten. Lexical items, on the other hand, were more intuitively
distributed. Words such as ‘army’, ‘man’, ‘corpse’ and ‘weapons’
show up prominently on the male list; two past tense forms of
‘die’ show up in the female top ten. A larger corpus will allow
us to report more fully on the distribution of function words
and content words, and on how selections for frequency
influence classifier results.
Argamon, S., M. Koppel, J. Fine, A. Shimoni 2003. “Gender,
Genre, and Writing Style in Formal Written Texts”, Text 23(3).
Argamon, S., C. Cooney, R. Horton, M. Olsen, S. Stein (in prep.
a). “Gender, Race and Nationality in Black Drama.”
Argamon, S., J.-B. Goulain, R. Horton, M. Olsen (in prep. b).
“Vive la Différence! Text Mining Gender Difference in French
Griffith, M. (ed.), 1999. Sophocles: Antigone.
Secondly, after expanding our corpus, regardless of whether we
find similar general results for Greek as for English and French,
we will also be able to report on variation among the three
tragedians, and give more fine-grained analysis. For instance,
in our initial sample, we categorized gods and choruses as
male or female along with the other characters (there are
usually indications in the text as to the gender of the chorus
in a given play, say ‘sailors’, ‘male elders’, ‘women of Trachis’).
Given the formal requirements of the genre, we expect that it
will be trivial to classify characters as ‘chorus’ vs. ‘non-chorus’,
but it will be interesting to see whether gender distinctions
hold up within the group of choruses, and to what extent
divinities conform to gender roles. The goddess Athena was
the character most often mis-classified in our initial sample;
perhaps this phenomenon will be more widespread in the full
corpus. Such a finding would suggest (if not for the first time,
of course) that authority and gender intersect in important
ways, even as early as the ancient Greeks’ conceptions of their
Hota, S., S. Argamon, M. Koppel, and I. Zigdon, 2006.
“Performing Gender: Automatic Stylistic Analysis of
Shakespeare’s Characters.” Digital Humanities Abstracts
Hota, S., S. Argamon, R. Chung 2007. “Understanding the
Linguistic Construction of Gender in Shakespeare via Text
Mining.” Digital Humanities Abstract 2007.
Koppel, M., S. Argamon, A. Shimoni 2002. “Automatically
Categorizing Written Texts by Author Gender”, Literary and
Linguistic Computing 17:4 (2002): 401-12.
McClure, L., 1999. Spoken Like a Woman: Speech and Gender in
Athenian Drama.
Yu, B. 2007. An Evaluation of Text-Classification Methods for
Literary Study. Diss. UIUC.
In conclusion, we hope to demonstrate that data mining
Greek drama brings new insights, despite the small size of the
corpus and the intense scrutiny that it has already seen over
the centuries. A quantitative study of this sort has value in its
own right, but can also be a springboard for close readings
of individual passages and form the foundation for a fuller
linguistic and literary analysis.
Digital Humanities 2008
Information visualization and
text mining: application to a
corpus on posthumanism
Ollivier Dyens
Université Concordia, Canada
Dominic Forest
Université de Montréal, Canada
Patric Mondou
Université du Quebec à Montréal, Canada
Valérie Cools
Université Concordia, Canada
David Johnston
Université Concordia, Canada
The world we live in generates so much data that the very
structure of our societies has been transformed as a result.
The way we produce, manage and treat information is changing;
and the way we present this information and make it available
raises numerous questions. Is it possible to give information
an intuitive form, one that will enable understanding and
memory? Can we give data a form better suited to human
cognition? How can information display enhance the utility,
interest and necessary features of data, while aiding memories
to take hold of it? This article will explore the relevance
of extracting and visualizing data within a corpus of text
documents revolving around the theme of posthumanism.
When a large quantity of data must be represented, visualizing
the information implies a process of synthesis, which can be
assisted by techniques of automated text document analysis.
Analysis of the text documents is followed by a process of
visualization and abstraction, which allows a global visual
metaphoric representation of information. In this article, we
will discuss techniques of data mining and the process involved
in creating a prototype information-cartography software; and
suggest how information-cartography allows a more intuitive
exploration of the main themes of a textual corpus and
contributes to information visualization enhancement.
Human civilization is now confronted with the problem of
information overload. How can we absorb an ever-increasing
quantity of information? How can we both comprehend it and
filter it according to our cognitive tools (which have adapted
to understand general forms and structures but struggle with
sequential and cumulative data)? How can we mine the riches
that are buried in information? How can we extract the useful,
necessary, and essential pieces of information from huge
collections of data?
Most importantly, how can we guarantee the literal survival of
memory? For why should we remember when an uncountable
number of machines remember for us? And how can we
remember when machines won’t allow us to forget? Human
memory has endured through time precisely because it is
unaware of the greater part of the signals the brain receives
(our senses gather over 11 million pieces of information per
second, of which the brain is only aware of a maximum of 40
(Philipps, 2006, p.32)). Memory exists because it can forget.
Is an electronic archive a memory? We must rethink the way
that we produce and handle information. Can we give it a more
intuitive form that would better lend itself to retention and
understanding? Can we better adapt it to human cognition?
How can we extrapolate narratives from databases? How
can we insert our memories into this machine memory? The
answer is simple: by visualizing it.
For the past few years, the technical aspect of information
representation and visualization has been the subject of active
research which is gaining more and more attention (Card et
al., 1999; Chen, 1999; Don et al., 2007; Geroimenko and Chen,
2005; Perer and Shneiderman, 2006; Spence, 2007). Despite
the richness of the work that has been done, there is still a
glaring lack of projects related to textual analyses, specifically of
literary or theoretical texts, which have successfully integrated
advances in the field of information visualization.
Our project is part of this visual analytical effort. How can
we visually represent posthumanism? How can we produce an
image of its questions and challenges? How can we transform
the enormous quantity of associated information the concept
carries into something intuitive? We believe that the creation
of a thematic map is part of the solution. Why a map? Because
the information-driving suffocation we experience is also
our inability to create cognitive maps (as Fredric Jameson
suggested). And so we challenged ourselves to create a map
of posthumanism, one that could be read and understood
To do this, we have chosen to use Google Earth (GE) as
the basic interface for the project. GE’s interface is naturally
intuitive. It corresponds to our collective imagination and it also
allows users to choose the density of information they desire.
GE allows the user to “dive” into the planet’s geographical,
political, and social layers, or to stay on higher, more general
levels. GE “tells” the story of our way of seeing the world. GE
shows us the world the way science describes it and political
maps draw it.
This leads us to confront three primary challenges: the first
was to find an area to represent posthumanism. The second
was to give this area a visual form. The third was to integrate,
in an intuitive way, the significant number of data and texts on
the subject.
Digital Humanities 2008
In order to successfully create this thematic map, we first
compiled a significant number of texts about posthumanism.
The methodology used to treat the corpus was inspired by
previous work in the field of text mining (Forest, 2006; IbekweSanjuan, 2007; Weiss et al., 2005). The goal of the analysis is to
facilitate the extraction and organization of thematic groups.
Non-supervised clustering technique is used in order to
produce a synthetic view of the thematic area of the subject
being treated. The data is processed in four main steps:
1. Segmentation of the documents, lexical extraction and filtering
2.Text transformation using vector space model
3. Segment classification
4. Information visualization
Having established and sorted a sizeable informationpopulation, a new continent was needed. The continental
outline of Antarctica was adopted. Antarctica was chosen
because its contours are relatively unknown and generally
unrecognizable; it tends to be thought of more as a white sliver
at the bottom of the world map than a real place. Politically
neutral Antarctica, whose shape is curiously similar to that of
the human brain, is a large area surrounded by oceans. These
qualities made it symbolically ideal for utilization in a map of
posthumanism, a New World of the 21st century.
Figure 1. A general level of the visualized thematic map
The system offers users a certain number of areas, based on
the algorithms used to process the data.These areas represent
themes. Clicking on the brain icons allows the user to read an
excerpt from one of the texts that is part of the cluster.
Antarctica also allowed us to avoid information overload typical
of a populated area: it carries minimal associative memories
and historic bias; few people have lived there. To differentiate
our new continent, the contour of Antarctica was moved into
the mid Pacific.The continent was then reskinned visually with
terrain suggestive of neurology, cybernetics, and symbiosis.The
end result was a new land mass free of memories ready for an
abstract population.
Visualizing the results
After identifying the thematic structure of the corpus, themes
are converted into regions. Themes are assigned portions of
the continent proportional to their occurrence. Inside each
major region are 2 added levels of analysis: sub-regions and subsub-regions, each represented by several keywords. Keywords
correspond to clusters discovered during the automated text
analysis. So it is possible to burrow physically downward into
the subject with greater and greater accuracy; or to rest at an
attitude above the subject and consider the overall ‘terrain’.
Each area is associated with a category of documents. From
each area it is possible to consult the documents associated
with each region.
Figure2. A specific level of the thematic map
When the user zooms in on a region, the application shows
the next level in the hierarchy of data visualization.Within one
theme (as shown below) several sub-themes appear (in red).
A greater number of excerpts is available for the same area.
Digital Humanities 2008
disinvestment as the data eventually cancel each other out.
We think that giving these data an intuitive form will make
their meaning more understandable and provide for their
penetration into the collective consciousness. Posthumanism
seems particularly well adapted to pioneer this system because
it questions the very definition of what it is to be human.
Alpaydin, E. (2004). Introduction to machine learning. Cambridge
(Mass.): MIT Press.
Aubert, N. (2004). “Que sommes-nous devenus?” Sciences
humaines, dossier l’individu hypermoderne, no 154, novembre
2004, pp. 36-41.
Card, S. K., Mackinlay, J. and Shneiderman, B. (1999). Readings
in information visualization: using vision to think. Morgan
Figure 3. Looking at a document from the thematic map
The icons indicating the availability of texts may be clicked on
at any time, allowing the user to read the excerpt in a small
pop-up window, which includes a link to the whole article.This
pop-up window can serve to show pertinent images or other
Chen, C. (1999). Information visualisation and virtual
environments. New York: Springer-Verlag.
Clement, T., Auvil, L., Plaisant, C., Pape, G. et Goren,V. (2007).
“Something that is interesting is interesting them: using text
mining and visualizations to aid interpreting repetition in
Gertrude Steins The Making of Americans.” Digital Humanities
2007. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, June 2007.
Don, A., Zheleva, E., Gregory, M., Tarkan, S., Auvil, L., Clement,
T., Shneiderman, B. and Plaisant, C. (2007). Discovering
interesting usage patterns in text collections: integrating text
mining with visualization. Rapport technique HCIL-2007-08,
Human-Computer Interaction Lab, University of Maryland.
Garreau, J. (2005). Radical Evolution. New York: Doubleday.
Geroimenko,V. and Chen, C. (2005). Visualizing the semantic
web: XML-based Internet and information visualization. New
York: Springer-Verlag.
Figure 4. 3-dimensional rendering of the thematic map
At any time, the user can rotate the point of view or change its
vertical orientation.This puts the camera closer to the ground
and allows the user to see a three dimensional landscape.
We see the visualization of data, textual or otherwise, as part
of a fundamental challenge: how to transform information into
knowledge and understanding. It is apparent that the significant
amount of data produced by research in both science and the
humanities is often much too great for any one individual.
This overload of information sometimes leads to social
Forest, D. (2006). Application de techniques de forage de
textes de nature prédictive et exploratoire à des fins de gestion
et d’analyse thématique de documents textuels non structurés.
Thèse de doctorat, Montréal, Université du Québec à
Frenay, R. (2006). Pulse,The coming of age of systems, machines
inspired by living things. New York: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux.
Harraway, D. (1991). Simians, cyborgs, and women.The
reinvention of nature. New York: Routledge.
Ibekwe-SanHuan, F. (2007). Fouille de textes. Méthodes, outils et
applications. Paris: Hermès.
Jameson, F. (1991). Postmodernism, or, the cultural logic of late
Digital Humanities 2008
Joy, B. (2000). “Why the future doesn’t need us.” Wired. No
8.04, April 2000.
Kelly, K. (1994). Out of control.The rise of neo-biological
civilization. Readings (Mass.): Addison-Wesley Publishing
Kurzweil, R. (2005). The singularity is near: when humans
transcend biology.Viking.
Levy, S. (1992). Artificial life. New York:Vintage Books, Random
Manning, C. D. and H. Schütze. (1999). Foundations of statistical
natural language processing. Cambridge (Mass.): MIT Press.
Perer, A. and Shneiderman, B. (2006). “Balancing systematic
and flexible exploration of social networks.” IEEE Transactions
on Visualization and Computer Graphics.Vol. 12, no 5, pp. 693700.
Philips, H. (2006). “Everyday fairytales.” New Scientist, 7-13
October 2006.
Plaisant, C., Rose, J., Auvil, L.,Yu, B., Kirschenbaum, M., Nell
Smith, M., Clement, T. and Lord, G. (2006). “Exploring erotics
in Emily Dickinson’s correspondence with text mining and
visual interfaces.” Joint conference on digital libraries 2006.
Chapel Hill, NC, June 2006.
Ruecker, S. 2006. “Experimental interfaces involving visual
grouping during browsing.” Partnership: the Canadian journal
of library and information practice and research.Vol. 1, no 1, pp.
Salton, G. (1989). Automatic Text Processing. Reading (Mass.):
Spence, R. (2007). Information visualization: design for interaction.
Prentice Hall.
Tattersall, I. (2006). “How we came to be human.” Scientific
American, special edition: becoming human.Vol 16, no 2, pp.
Unsworth, J. (2005). New methods for humanities research.
The 2005 Lyman award lecture, National Humanities Center,
11 November 2005.
Unsworth, J. (2004). “Forms of attention: digital humanities
beyond representation.” The face of text: computer-assisted text
analysis in the humanities.The third conference of the Canadian
symposium on text analysis (CaSTA). McMaster University, 1921 November 2004.
Weiss, S. M., Indurkhya, N., Zhang, T. and Damereau, F. J.
(2005). Text mining. Predictive methods for analyzing unstructured
information. Berlin; New York: Springer-Verlag.
How Rhythmical is
Hexameter: A Statistical
Approach to Ancient Epic
Maciej Eder
Polish Academy of Sciences , Poland
In this paper, I argue that the later a given specimen of hexamater
is, the less rhythmical it tends to be. A brief discussion of
the background of ancient Greek and Latin metrics and its
connections to orality is followed by an account of spectral
density analysis as my chosen method. I then go on to comment
on the experimental data obtained by representing several
samples of ancient poetry as coded sequences of binary values.
In the last section, I suggest how spectral density analysis may
help to account for other features of ancient meter.
The ancient epic poems, especially the most archaic Greek
poetry attributed to Homer, are usually referred as an
extraordinary fact in the history of European literature. For
present-day readers educated in a culture of writing, it seems
unbelievable that such a large body of poetry should have
been composed in a culture based on oral transmission. In
fact, despite of genuine singers’ and audience’s memory, epic
poems did not emerge at once as fixed texts, but they were
re-composed in each performance (Lord 2000, Foley 1993,
Nagy 1996). The surviving ancient epic poetry displays some
features that reflect archaic techniques of oral composition,
formulaic structure being probably the most characteristic
(Parry 1971: 37-117).
Since formulaic diction prefers some fixed rhythmical patterns
(Parry 1971: 8-21), we can ask some questions about the role
of both versification and rhythm in oral composition.Why was
all of ancient epic poetry, both Greek and Latin, composed
in one particular type of meter called hexameter? Does the
choice of meter influence the rhythmicity of a text? Why does
hexameter, in spite of its relatively restricted possibilities of
shaping rhythm, differ so much from one writer to another
some (cf. Duckworth 1969: 37-87)? And, last but not least,
what possible reasons are there for those wide differences
between particular authors?
It is commonly known that poetry is in general easier to
memorize than prose, because rhythm itself tends to facilitate
memorization. In a culture without writing, memorization is
crucial, and much depends on the quality of oral transmission.
In epic poems from an oral culture rhythm is thus likely to
be particularly important for both singers and hearers, even
though they need not consciously perceive poetic texts as
rhythmical to benefit from rhythm as an aid to memory.
Digital Humanities 2008
It may then be expected on theoretical grounds that non-oral
poems, such as the Latin epic poetry or the Greek hexameter
of the Alexandrian age, will be largely non-rhythmical, or at
least display weaker rhythm effects than the archaic poems
of Homer and Hesiod. Although formulaic diction and other
techniques of oral composition are noticeable mostly in
Homer’s epics (Parry 1971, Lord 2000, Foley 1993, etc.), the
later hexameters, both Greek and Latin, also display some
features of oral diction (Parry 1971: 24-36). The metrical
structure of hexameter might be quite similar: strongly
rhythmical in the oldest (or rather, the most archaic) epic
poems, and less conspicuous in poems composed in written
form a few centuries after Homer. The aim of the present
study is to test the hypothesis that the later a given specimen
of hexameter is, the less rhythmical it tends to be.
Because of its nature versification easily lends itself to statistical
analysis. A great deal of work has already been done in this
field, including studies of Greek and Latin hexameter (Jones
& Gray 1972, Duckworth 1969, Foley 1993, etc.). However,
the main disadvantage of the methods applied in existing
research is that they describe a given meter as if it were a set
of independent elements, which is actually not true. In each
versification system, the specific sequence of elements plays
a far more important role in establishing a particular type of
rhythm than the relations between those elements regardless
their linear order (language “in the mass” vs. language “in the
line”; cf. Pawlowski 1999).
Fortunately, there are a few methods of statistical analysis
(both numeric and probabilistic) that study verse by means
of an ordered sequence of elements. These methods include,
for example, time series modeling, Fourier analysis, the theory
of Markov chains and Shannon’s theory of information. In the
present study, spectral density analysis was used (Gottman
1999, Priestley 1981, etc.). Spectral analysis seems to be a very
suitable tool because it provides a cross-section of a given
time series: it allows us to detect waves, regularities and cycles
which are not otherwise manifest and open to inspection. In
the case of a coded poetry sample, the spectrogram shows
not only simple repetitions of metrical patterns, but also
some subtle rhythmical relations, if any, between distant lines
or stanzas. On a given spectrogram, a distinguishable peak
indicates the existence of a rhythmical wave; numerous peaks
suggest a quite complicated rhythm, while a pure noise (no
peaks) on the spectrogram reflects a non-rhythmical data.
ancient verse was purely quantitative or whether it also
had some prosodic features (Pawlowski & Eder 2001), the
quantity-based nature of Greek and Roman meter was never
questioned. It is probable that rhythm was generated not only
by quantity (especially in live performances), but it is certain
that quantity itself played an essential role in ancient meter.
Thus, in the coding procedure, all prosodic features were left
out except the quantity of syllables (cf. Jones & Gray 1972,
Duckworth 1969, Foley 1993, etc.). A binary-coded series was
then obtained for each sample, e.g., book 22 of the Iliad begins
as a series of values:
The coded samples were analyzed by means of the spectral
density function. As might be expected, on each spectrogram
there appeared a few peaks indicating the existence of several
rhythmical waves in the data. However, while the peaks
suggesting the existence of 2- and 3-syllable patterns it the text
were very similar for all the spectrograms and quite obvious,
the other peaks showed some large differences between the
samples. Perhaps the most surprising was the peak echoing
the wave with a 16-syllable period, which could be found in the
samples of early Greek poems by Homer, Hesiod, Apollonius,
and Aratos (cf. Fig. 1). The same peak was far less noticeable in
the late Greek hexameter of Nonnos, and almost absent in the
samples of Latin writers (cf. Fig. 2). Other differences between
the spectrograms have corroborated the observation: the
rhythmical effects of the late poems were, in general, weaker
as compared with the rich rhythmical structure of the earliest,
orally composed epic poems.
Although the main hypothesis has been verified, the results also
showed some peculiarities. For example, the archaic poems by
Homer and Hesiod did not differ significantly from the poems
of the Alexandrian age (Apollonius, Aratos), which was rather
unexpected. Again, the rhythm of the Latin hexameter turned
out to have a different underlying structure than that of all the
Greek samples.There are some possible explanations of those
facts, such as that the weaker rhythm of the Latin samples
may relate to inherent differences between Latin and Greek.
More research, both in statistics and in philology, is needed,
however, to make such explanations more nuanced and more
To verify the hypothesis of hexameter’s decreasing rhythmicity,
7 samples of Greek and 3 samples of Latin epic poetry were
chosen. The specific selection of sample material was as
follows: 3 samples from Homeric hexameter (books 18 and
22 from the Iliad, book 3 from the Odyssey), 1 sample from
Hesiod (Theogony), Apollonius (Argonautica, book 1), Aratos
(Phainomena), Nonnos (Dionysiaca, book 1), Vergil (Aeneid,
book 3), Horace (Ars poetica), and Ovid (Metamorphoses,
book 1). In each sample, the first 500 lines were coded in
such a way that each long syllable was assigned value 1, and
each short syllable value 0. Though it is disputed whether
Digital Humanities 2008
Pawlowski, Adam, and Maciej Eder. Quantity or Stress?
Sequential Analysis of Latin Prosody. Journal of Quantitative
Linguistics 8.1 (2001): 81-97.
Priestley, M. B. Spectral Analysis and Time Series. London:
Academic Press, 1981.
Duckworth, George E. Vergil and Classical Hexameter Poetry:
A Study in Metrical Variety. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan
Press, 1969.
Foley, John Miles. Traditional Oral Epic: “The Odyssey”, “Beowulf ”
and the Serbo-Croatian Return Song. Berkeley: University of
California Press, 1993.
Gottman, John Mordechai, and Anup Kumar Roy. Sequential
Analysis: A Guide for Behavioral Researchers. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Jones, Frank Pierce, and Florence E. Gray. Hexameter
Patterns, Statistical Inference, and the Homeric Question: An
Analysis of the La Roche Data.Transactions and Proceedings of
the American Philological Association 103 (1972): 187-209.
Lord, Albert B. Ed. Stephen Mitchell and Gregory Nagy. The
Singer of Tales. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,
Nagy, Gregory. Poetry as Performance: Homer and Beyond.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Parry, Milman. Ed. Adam Parry. The Making of Homeric Verse:
The Collected Papers of Milman Parry. Oxford: Clarendon Press,
Pawlowski, Adam. Language in the Line vs. Language in the
Mass: On the Efficiency of Sequential Modeling in the Analysis
of Rhythm. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 6.1 (1999): 70-77.
Digital Humanities 2008
TEI and cultural heritage
and IFLA’s FRBR (FRBR 1998) is in the process of being
completed. The EAD has already been mapped to CIDOC
CRM (Theodoridou 2001).
Øyvind Eide
CIDOC CRM is defined in an object oriented formalism
which allow for a compact definition with abstraction and
generalisation.The model is event centric, that is, actors, places
and objects are connected via events. CIDOC CRM is a core
ontology in the sense that the model does not have classes
for all particulars like for example the Art and Architecture
Thesaurus with thousands of concepts. CIDOC CRM has little
more than 80 classes and 130 properties. The most central
classes and properties for data interchange are shown below.
University of Oslo, Norway
Christian-Emil Ore
University of Oslo, Norway
Since the mid 1990s there has been an increase in the interest
for the design and use of conceptual models (ontologies)
in humanities computing and library science, as well as in
knowledge engineering in general. There is also a wish to use
such models to enable information interchange. TEI has in its
20 years of history concentrated on the mark up of functional
aspects of texts and their parts. That is, a person name is
marked but linking to information about the real world person
denoted by that name was not in the main scope. The scope
of TEI has gradually broadened, however, to include more real
world information external to the text in question.The Master
project (Master 2001) is an early example of this change.
In TEI P5 a series of new elements for marking up real world
information are introduced and several such elements from
the P4 are adjusted. TEI P5 is meant to be a set of guidelines
for the encoding of a large variety of texts in many cultural
contexts. Thus the set of real world oriented elements in TEI
P5 should not formally be bound to a single ontology. The
ontological part of TEI P5 is, however, close connected to the
authors implicit world view. Thus we believe it is important
to study this part of TEI P5 with some well defined ontology
as a yardstick. Our long experience with memory institution
sector makes CIDOC CRM (Conceptual Reference Model) a
natural choice. CIDOC CRM (Crofts 2005) has been proven
useful as an intellectual aid in the formulation of the intended
scope of the elements in a new mark up schemes and we
believe the model can be useful to clarify the ontological
part of TEI. This will also clarify what is needed in order to
harmonize it with major standards like CIDOC CRM, FRBR,
EAD and CDWA Lite.
CIDOC CRM is a formal ontology intended to facilitate the
integration, mediation and interchange of heterogeneous
cultural heritage information. It was developed by
interdisciplinary teams of experts, coming from fields such
as computer science, archaeology, museum documentation,
history of arts, natural history, library science, physics and
philosophy, under the aegis of the International Committee
for Documentation (CIDOC) of the International Council
of Museums (ICOM). The harmonisation of CIDOC CRM
Example: The issue of a medieval charter can be modelled as
an activity connecting the issuer, witnesses, scribe and place
and time of issue. The content of the charter is modelled as
a conceptual object and the parchment as a physical thing. In
cases where it is necessary for a scholarly analysis and when
sufficient information has been preserved, an issuing of a
charter can be broken down into a series of smaller events, e.g.,
the actual declaration in a court, the writing of the parchment
and the attachment of the seals. This conceptual analysis can
be can be used an intellectual aid in the formulation a data
model and implementation.
In 2005 the CRM was reformulated as a simple XML DTD,
called CRM-Core, to enable CRM compliant mark up of
multimedia metadata (Sinclair 2006). A CRM-Core XML
package may contain information about a single instance
of any class in the CRM and how it may be connected to
other objects via events and properties. The German Council
of Museum has based its standard for XML based museum
data interchange, MUSEUMDAT, on a combination of the
Getty standard CDWA Lite and CRM Core. The CDWA Lite
revision group currently considers these changes to CDWA
Lite in order to make it compatible with CRM.
TEI P5 ontology elements in the light
In TEI P5 the new ontologically oriented elements is introduced
in the module NamesPlaces described in chapter 13 Names,
Dates, People, and Places. There are additional elements
described in chapter 10 Manuscript Description, in the TEI
header and in connection with bibliographic descriptions as
well. In this paper we concentrate on the elements in chapter
Digital Humanities 2008
The central elements in this module are: person, personGrp, org,
place and event. Person, personGrp and org are “elements which
provide information about people and their relationships”.
CIDOC CRM has the corresponding classes with a common
superclass E29 Actor.
The element event is defined as “contains data relating to any
kind of significant event associated with a person, place, or
organization” and is similar to the CIDOC CRM class E5 Event
and its subclasses. In the discussion of the marriage example
in chapter 13, event element is presented as a “freestanding”
element. In the formal definition it is limited to person and
org. To make this coherent, the formal part will have to be
extended or the example have to be changed.
Still event is problematic.The marriage example demonstrates
that it is impossible to express the role a person has in an
event. Without knowing the English marriage formalism one
doesn’t know if the “best man” participated. The very generic
element persRel introduced in P5 does not solve this problem.
A possible solution to this problem would be to introduce
an EventStateLike model class with elements for roles and
The model classes orgStateLike, personStateLike, personTraitLik,
placeStateLike, placeTraitLike group elements used to mark
up characteristics of persons, organisations and places. The
elements in ...TraitLike model classes contain information about
permanent characteristics and the elements in ...StateLike
information about more temporal characteristics. The model
classes contain the generic Trait and State elements in addition to
specialised elements. The intention is to link all characteristics
relating to a person, organisation or place. It is not possible to
make a single mapping from these classes into CIDOC-CRM.
It will depend partly on which type of trait or strait is used,
and partly on the way in which it is used. Many characteristics
will correspond to persistent items like E55 Types, E3 String
and E41 Appellation, and are connected to actors and places
through the properties P1 is identified, P2 has type and P2 has
note. Other elements like floruit, which is used to describe a
person’s active period, are temporal states corresponding to
the CIDOC-CRM temporal entity E3 Condition State. From an
ontological point of view the two elements state and trait can
be considered as generic mechanism for typed linking between
the major classes.
All the elements in ...TraitLike and ...StateLike model classes
can be supplied with the attributes notAfter and notBefore
defining the temporal extension of their validity. This is a very
powerful mechanism for expressing synoptically information
based on hidden extensive scholarly investigation about real
world events. As long as the justification for the values in
these elements is not present, however, it is hard to map this
information into an event oriented conceptual model like the
CRM. Thus, it is important to include descriptions of methods
for such justification in the guidelines, including examples.
TEI ontology – conclusion
The new elements in TEI P5 bring TEI a great step in the
direction of an event oriented model. Our use of CRM
Core as a yardstick has shown that small extensions to and
adjustments of the P5 elements will enable the expression of
CRM Core packages by TEI elements.This is a major change to
our previous suggestions (Ore 2006) in which the ontological
module was outside TEI.
To continue this research, an extended TEI tagset should be
developed with element for abstracts corresponding to the
ones in FRBR and CRM. This will not change the ontological
structure of TEI significantly. But these adjustments will make
the ontological information in a TEI document compliant with
the other cultural heritage models like for example EAD,
FRBR/FRBRoo, CIDOC CRM and CDWA-Lite. There is an
ongoing harmonisation process between all these initiatives in
which it is important that TEI is a part.
Crofts, N., Doerr, M., Gill, T., Stead, S. and Stiff M. (eds.)
(2005): Definition of the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model.
(June 2005). URL:
version_4.2.doc (checked 2007-11-15)
standards/cdwa/cdwalite.html (checked 2007-11-25)
FRBR (1998). Functional Requirement for Bibliographic
Records. Final Report. International Federation of Library
Associations. URL:
(checked 2007-11-24)
MASTER (2001). “Manuscript Access through Standards for
Electronic Records (MASTER).” Cover Pages: Technology
Reports. URL:
(checked 2007-11-25)
MUSEUMDAT (, checked 2007-11-25)
Ore, Christian-Emil and Øyvind Eide (2006). “TEI, CIDOCCRM and a Possible Interface between the Two.” P. 62-65 in
Digital Humanities 2006. Conference Abstracts. Paris, 2006.
Sinclair, Patrick & al.(2006). “The use of CRM Core in
Multimedia Annotation.” Proceedings of First International
Workshop on Semantic Web Annotations for Multimedia
(SWAMM 2006). URL:
pdf (checked 2007-11-25)
TEI P5 (2007). Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding
and Interchange. URL:
(checked 2007-11-15)
Digital Humanities 2008
Theodoridou, Maria and Martin Doerr (2001). Mapping of
the Encoded Archival Description DTD Element Set to the CIDOC
CRM, Technical Report FORTH-ICS/TR-289. URL: http:// (checked 2007-11-25)
Homebodies and GadAbouts: A Chronological
Stylistic Study of 19th
Century French and English
Joel Goldfield
Fairfield University, USA
David L. Hoover
New York University, USA
The assumption that authorial style changes over time is a
reasonable one that is widely accepted in authorship attribution.
Some important studies concentrate on individual authors,
using a wide array of methods, and yielding varied results,
however, so that is unwise to generalize (see the overview in
Stamou 2007). Henry James’s style, for example, changes in a
remarkably consistent and extreme way (Hoover 2007), and
Austen’s stylistic development also seems consistent (Burrows
1987), but Beckett’s texts are individually innovative without
showing consistent trends (Stamou 2007: 3). For some authors,
different investigators have obtained inconsistent results. We
know of no general study that investigates how authorial style
changes over a long career.We thus explore how working and
otherwise living abroad for periods exceeding two years may
affect an author’s vocabulary and style.
Our presentation begins a broadly based study of the growth
and decay of authorial vocabulary over time. Although we limit
our study to nineteenth-century prose, to reduce the number
of possible variables to a manageable level, we compare French
and English authors, allowing us to test whether any discovered
regularities are cross-linguistic. Because authors’ vocabularies
seem related to their life experiences, we compare authors
who spent most of their lives in a single geographical area
with others who traveled and lived extensively abroad. For the
purposes of this study, we define extensive living and working
abroad as at least two consecutive years, somewhat longer than
the contemporary American student’s or faculty member’s
stay of a semester or a year. This differentiation allows us to
investigate in what significant ways, if any, extensive foreign
travel affects an author’s vocabulary.
Our investigation of these questions requires a careful selection
of authors and texts. Although research is still ongoing, we
have selected the following eight authors–two in each of the
four possible categories–for preliminary testing and further
biographical study:
Digital Humanities 2008
Domestic authors:
• George Meredith (1828-1909). German schooling at age
fifteen, but apparently no significant travel later; fifteen
novels published between 1855 and 1895 available in digital
• Wilkie Collins (1824-1889). No foreign travel mentioned in
brief biographies; 20 novels available over 38 years.
• Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850). He traveled little outside
of France until 1843. Subsequent excursions abroad in
the last seven years of his life, mainly for romance, were
relatively infrequent and never exceeded five consecutive
months. Over two dozen novels in digitized format are
• Jules Barbey d’Aurevilly (1808-1889). Raised in France and
schooled in the law, he was devoted to his native Normandy
and seldom ventured abroad. Initially cultivating the image of
the dandy, his novels and novellas create a curious paradox
in his later writing between sexually suggestive themes and
nostalgia for earlier aesthetics and a defense of Catholicism.
His literary productivity can be divided into the three
periods of 1831-1844 (first published novel and novella),
1845-1873 (return to Catholicism; work as both literary
critic and novelist), and 1874-1889. At least fourteen novels
or novellas are available in digitized format.
Traveling authors:
• Dickens (1812-1870). Seven novels available 1836-43,
foreign travel for 3 yrs 1844-47, and more travel in 1853-55;
four novels after 1855 available.
• Trollope (1815-1883). Travel to Brussels in 1834, but
briefly; six novels available before 1859, Postal missions to
Egypt, Scotland, and the West Indies, 1858-59; 1871 trip
to Australia, New Zealand, and US; travel to Ceylon and
Australia, 1875, South Africa 1877, Iceland 1878; five novels
available after 1878.
from 1831-1849, he was a protégé of Alexis de Tocqueville,
who brought him into the French diplomatic service in
1849. Gobineau was then stationed in Switzerland and
Germany (1849-1854), Persia (1855-1858, 1861-1863),
Newfoundland (1859), Greece (1864-1868), Brazil (18681870) and Sweden (1872-1873). Following travel through
Europe in 1875-77, he left the diplomatic service. His first
short fiction was published and serialized in 1846. At least
a dozen novellas written throughout his career (mostly
written and published as collections) and two novels (1852
and 1874) are available in digitized format.
• Victor Hugo (1802-85). Raised in France except for a
six-month period in a religious boarding school in Madrid
(1811-12), Hugo began writing his first novel, Bug-Jargal
(1826) in 1820. This initial literary period includes 18201851. Aside from a few short trips lasting less than three
months, Hugo lived and wrote mainly in his homeland
until his exile on the Island of Guernsey during the reign
of Louis-Napoléon from 1851-1870. The third period
encompasses his triumphant return to Paris in 1871 until his
death, celebrated by a state funeral, in 1885.
Research on the French authors is being facilitated by use of
PhiloLogic and the ARTFL database, complemented by local
digitized works and tools that are also used to investigate the
English authors.
Preliminary testing must be done on all the authors to discover
overall trends or principles of vocabulary development
before investigating any possible effects of foreign travel. The
importance of this can be seen in figures 1 and 2 below, two
cluster analyses of English traveling authors, based on the 800
mfw (most frequent words). Dickens’s novels form two distinct
groups, 1836-43 and 1848-70, a division coinciding with his
1844-47 travels. For Trollope, the match is not quite so neat,
but it is suggestive. Ignoring Nina Balatka, a short romance set
in Prague, and La Vendee, Trollope’s only historical novel, set in
France in the 1790’s, only two remaining novels in the early
group were published after his travel to Egypt, Scotland, and
the West Indies in 1858-59.
• Arthur de Gobineau (1816-1882). Raised partly in France,
partly in Germany and Switzerland, he learned German
and began the study of Persian in school while his mother,
accused of fraud and estranged from her military husband,
kept the family a step ahead of the French police. Three
periods encompassing his publication of fiction and often
related to career travel can be divided as follows: 18431852 (at least 4 novellas and 1 novel); 1853-1863 (1 novella);
1864-1879 (10 novellas, 2 novels). Living mainly in France
Fig. 1 – Fifteen Dickens Novels, 1836-1870
Digital Humanities 2008
Fig. 2 -- Thirty Trollope Novels, 1848-1883
Unfortunately, comparing cluster analyses of the English
domestic authors casts doubt on any simple correlation
between travel and major stylistic change. Meredith, like
Dickens and Trollope, shows a sharp break between his two
early novels 1855-57 and the rest of his novels (see Fig. 3).And,
ignoring Antonina (an historical novel about the fall of Rome),
Collins’s novels also form early and late groups (see Fig. 4).
Fig. 3 – Fifteen Meredith Novels, 1855-895
Fig. 5 – Six Texts by Gobineau
We are still developing the techniques for the study of the
effects of travel, but preliminary testing based on a division of
each author’s career into early, middle, and late periods allows
us to check for consistent trends rather than simple differences
between early and late texts, and to begin comparing the four
categories of authors. Choosing novelists with long careers
allows us to separate the three periods, selecting natural gaps
in publication where possible, but creating such gaps where
necessary by omitting some texts from the study. For traveling
authors, these divisions also take into account the timing of
their travel, creating gaps that include the travel.
Three stylistic periods create six patterns of highest, middle,
and lowest frequency for each word in the an author’s texts.
Depending on the number and size of the novels, we include
approximately the 8,000 to 10,000 most frequent words, all
those frequent enough to show a clear increase or decrease
in frequency; we delete words that appear in only one period.
Thus, as shown in Fig. 6, each of the six patterns would be
expected to occur about one-sixth (17%) of the time by
Fig. 6 –Six Patterns of Change (“E” =
early; “M” = middle; “L” = late)
Fig. 4 – Twenty Collins Novels, 1850-1888
Furthermore, although our results for French authors are
more preliminary, a test of six works by Gobineau shows that
two of his earliest texts, written before any extensive travel,
are quite similar to some of his latest texts (see Fig. 5).
Results for the English authors, shown in Fig. 7, are both
surprising and suggestive (note that the axis crosses at the
“expected” 16.7% level, so that it is easy to see which patterns
are more or less frequent than expected for each author.
Gradual decrease in frequency, E > M > L, is the only pattern
more frequent than expected for all four authors (Meredith’s
figure is only very slightly more frequent than expected), and
both M > E > L and L > E > M are less frequent than expected
for all four authors. Although the patterns for these authors
suggest some regularity in the growth and decay of vocabulary,
no simple relationship emerges. Consider also the surprising
fact that vocabulary richness tends to decrease chronologically
for Dickens,Trollope, and possibly Collins, while only Meredith
shows increasing vocabulary richness. (These comments are
Digital Humanities 2008
based on a relatively simple measure of vocabulary richness,
the number of different words per 10,000 running words;
for more discussion of vocabulary richness, see Tweedie and
Baayen, 1998 and Hoover, 2003.) These facts contradict the
intuitive assumption that the main trend in a writer’s total
vocabulary should be the learning of new words.
Similar comparisons are being developed for the French
authors in question. The conference presentation will include
not only a comparison of style within each language group,
but between language groups. Such comparisons also build
on strengths of corpus stylistics important to translation
(Goldfield 2006) and a possible related future for comparative
literature (Apter 2005).
Fig. 7 – Patterns of Frequency Change
in the Words of Six Authors.
Apter, Emily (2006) The Translation Zone: A New Comparative
Literature, Princeton.
Burrows, J. F. (1992a). “Computers and the study of
literature.” In Butler, C. S., ed. Computers and Written Texts.
Oxford: Blackwell, 167-204.
Goldfield, J. (2006) “French-English Literary Translation
Aided by Frequency Comparisons from ARTFL and Other
Corpora,” DH2006: Conference Abstracts: 76-78.
Hoover, D. L. (2003) “Another Perspective on Vocabulary
Richness.” Computers and the Humanities, 37(2), 151-78.
Hoover, D. L. (2007) “Corpus Stylistics, Stylometry, and the
Styles of Henry James,” Style 41(2) 2007: 174-203.
Stamou, Constantina. (2007) “Stylochronometry: Stylistic
Development, Sequence of Composition, and Relative
Dating.” LLC Advance Access published on October 1, 2007.
Tweedie, F. J. and R. H. Baayen. 1998. “How Variable May a
Constant Be? Measures of Lexical Richness in Perspective”.
Computers and the Humanities 32 (1998), 323-352.
The Heinrich-Heine-Portal.
A digital edition and research
platform on the web
Nathalie Groß
University Trier, Germany
Christian Liedtke
Heinrich-Heine-Institut Düsseldorf, Germany
In this paper we are presenting the Heinrich Heine Portal,
one of the most sophisticated web resources dedicated
to a German classical author. It virtually combines the two
most definitive critical editions (DHA=Düsseldorfer HeineAusgabe and HSA=Heine Säkularausgabe) in print together
with digital images of the underlying textual originals within
an elaborated electronic platform.The project, which has been
established in 2002, is organized as a co-operation between
the Heinrich-Heine-Institut (Düsseldorf) and the Competence
Centre for Electronic Publishing and Information Retrieval in
the Humanities (University of Trier). It has been funded by the
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research
Organisation) as well as the Kunststiftung Nordrhein-Westfalen
(Foundation for the Arts of North Rhine Westphalia). The
work within the project consists of two major parts. On the
one hand it has to transfer the printed texts into a digital
representation which serves as the basis for its electronic
publication. On the other hand it aims at a complete revision
of important parts of the printed critical edition and provides
new results of the Heinrich-Heine research community.
The first part of the workflow is organized as a typical
retro-digitization project. Starting with the printed editions,
consisting of nearly 26,500 pages with an amount of about 72
millions of characters, the text was sent to a service partner
in China, where it was typed in by hand. During this process
two digital versions of the text were produced and then sent
back to Germany, where they were automatically collated.
After that the listed differences were manually corrected
by comparing them with the printed original. The result of
this step is a digital text that corresponds with the printed
version providing a quality of nearly 99.995%. The next task
was to transform this basic digital encoding into a platform
independent representation, which then can be used as the
main data format for all following project phases. In order to
achieve this goal a pool of program routines was developed
which uses the typographical information and contextual
conditions to generate XML-markup according to the TEI
guidelines. Because of the heterogeneous structures of
the text (prose, lyrics, critical apparatus, tables of contents
etc.) this was a very time consuming step. At the end of
this process a reusable version of the data that can be put
Digital Humanities 2008
into the archives on a long time basis exists. Using the XML
encoding the digital documents were imported into an online
database, where different views onto the data are stored
separately, e.g. metadata for the main information about the
letter corpus (list of senders, addressees, dates and places
etc.) or bibliographical information on the works. In order to
get access to the information from the database the project
has been supplied with a sophisticated graphical user interface,
which has been built with the help of a content management
framework (ZOPE).
Besides providing online access to the basic editions DHA and
HSA the Heinrich-Heine-Portal offers a completely revised
and updated version of the letter corpus and displays newlydiscovered letters and corrigenda, which are being added
constantly. Additionally, the portal is an electronic archive
which contains and presents more than 12,000 digital images
of original manuscripts and first editions, linked to the text and
the apparatus of the edition. Most of those images were made
available by the Heinrich-Heine-Institut, Düsseldorf, which
holds nearly 60% of the Heine-manuscripts known today.
The collection of the Heine-Institut was completely digitized
for this project. In addition, 32 other museums, libraries
and literary archives in Europe and the United States are
cooperating with the Heine-Portal and have given us consent
to present manuscripts from their collections.Among them are
the British Library and the Rothschild Archive in London, the
Russian Archives of Social and Political History in Moscow, the
Foundation of Weimar Classics and many others. One of the
long-term goals of the Heine-Portal is a “virtual unification” of
all of Heine’s manuscripts. Beyond that the Heine-Portal offers
extensive bibliographies of primary sources and secondary
literature, from Heine’s own first publications in a small journal
(1817) up to the most recent secondary literature. Other
research tools of the Heine-Portal are a powerful search
engine and a complex hyperlink structure which connects
the texts, commentaries and the different sections of the
Portal with each other and a database of Heine’s letters with
detailed information on their edition, their availability and the
institutions which hold them.
Bernd Füllner and Christian Liedtke:Volltext, Web und
Hyperlinks. Das Heinrich-Heine-Portal und die digitale
Heine-Edition. In Heine-Jahrbuch 42, 2003, pp. 178-187.
Bernd Füllner and Johannes Fournier: Das Heinrich-HeinePortal. Ein integriertes Informationssystem. In Standards und
Methoden der Volltextdigitalisierung. Beiträge des Internationalen
Kolloquiums an der Universität Trier, 8./9. Oktober 2001. Hrsg.
von Thomas Burch, Johannes Fournier, Kurt Gärtner u.
Andrea Rapp. Trier 2002 (Abhandlungen der Akademie
der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz; Geistes- und
Sozialwissenschaftliche Klasse), pp. 239-263.
Bernd Füllner and Christian Liedtke: Die Datenbanken des
Heinrich-Heine-Portals. Mit fünf unbekannten Briefen von
und an Heine. In Heine-Jahrbuch 43, 2004, pp. 268-276.
Nathalie Groß: Das Heinrich-Heine-Portal: Ein integriertes
Informationssystem. In Uni-Journal 3/2004, pp. 25-26.
Nathalie Groß: Der Digitale Heine – Ein Internetportal
als integriertes Informationssystem. In Jahrbuch für
Computerphilologie - online. Hg. v. Georg Braungart, Karl Eibl
und Fotis Jannidis. München 2005, pp. 59-73. Available online:
Christian Liedtke: Die digitale Edition im Heinrich-HeinePortal – Probleme, Prinzipien, Perspektiven. In editio.
Internationales Jahrbuch für Editionswissenschaft. Tübingen 2006.
Bernd Füllner and Nathalie Groß: Das Heinrich-Heine-Portal
und digitale Editionen. Bericht über die Tagung im HeinrichHeine-Institut in Düsseldorf am 6. Oktober 2005. In HeineJahrbuch. 45. 2006, pp. 240-248.
Our paper will describe the technical and philological aspects
of the work process that was necessary for the completion of
the Heine-Portal, it will give an account of its main functions
and demonstrate their use for students and scholars alike, and
it will discuss possible pedagogical applications for schools as
well as university teaching.
Digital Humanities 2008
The New Middle High
German Dictionary and
its Predecessors as an
Interlinked Compound of
Lexicographical Resources
Kurt Gärtner
Universität Trier, Germany
The paper gives, firstly, a brief overview over the history of
Middle High German (MHG) lexicography leading to the new
MHG dictionary. Secondly, it describes the digitisation of the
old MHG dictionaries which form a subnet in a wider net
of German dictionaries. Thirdly, this network, together with
specific tools and digital texts, is seen as an essential source
for compiling the new MHG dictionary, of which, fourthly, the
essential features, esp. its online version, are mentioned briefly,
but will be demonstrated in detail in the full paper.
1. Looking back at the beginnings of Humanities Computing
in the sixties, one of the major subjects was the support the
computer would give to lexicographers. Many e-texts have been
created then for mere lexicographical purposes (Wisbey 1988).
The production of concordances and indices was at its heights
between 1970 and 1980 (cf. Gärtner 1980). However, the road
to real dictionary making came only gradually in sight when
lemmatization was required and semantics began to dominate
the discussion of computer application in lexicography. The
work on the dictionaries to the medieval Germanic languages
benefited a great deal from this development. This has
certainly been the case regarding MHG, the period of German
from ca. 1050 to ca. 1350 resp. – in the earlier periodisations
– to 1500. During the 20th century, the situation of MHG
lexicography had become more and more deplorable. Since
Lexer’s dictionary appeared in 1878, all plans for a new
dictionary had been unsuccessful. Therefore, many editors
of MHG texts published after 1878 provided glossaries as a
means of presenting such material that was not included in the
earlier dictionaries edited by Benecke/Müller/Zarncke (BMZ)
and Lexer with its Nachträge. It was not until 1985 that a group
of researchers at the University of Trier started compiling the
Findebuch which was published in 1992. The Findebuch was a
compilation of glossaries to editions in order to make up for
the lack of a new MHG dictionary. Also in the late eighties, on
the basis of the work on the Findebuch, planning began to work
out a new MHG dictionary (cf. Gärtner/Grubmüller 2000).
This time the plans were successful, and work on the new
dictionary started in 1994. The scientific use of the computer
had meanwhile become a conditio sine qua non, also for the new
MHG dictionary (cf. Gärtner/Plate/Recker 1999).
2. The work on a new dictionary relies to a great deal on
its predecessors. As the Findebuch had been compiled with
extensive use of the computer and existed in machine readable
form, the need for digitizing the old MHG dictionaries was
strongly felt from the beginning of the new dictionary’s
planning. The old dictionaries (BMZ, Lexer with Nachträge)
and the Findebuch are closely interconnected and can only
be used simultaneously. They were ideal candidates for the
composition of an electronic dictionary compound.Therefore,
as a supporting research project to the new dictionary, the
old ones were digitized and interlinked thus forming a digital
network (MWV).The work on this project has been described
to the LLC readers in detail (Fournier 2001; see also Burch/
Fournier 2001). Moreover, this network formed the starting
point for a wider net that interlinks many more dictionaries
to the German language and its dialects (cf.Woerterbuchnetz).
The most prominent among them is the 33vols. Deutsches
Wörterbuch (DWB) by the brothers Grimm.
3. The work on the new MHG dictionary (MWB) was
considerably supported by two more projects. First and
most essential for lexicographers working in different places
was the implementation of a web based workbench for the
composition of dictionaries.The development of a toolkit for a
collaborative editing and publishing of the MWB has also been
described to LLC readers in detail (Queens/Recker 2005).The
second project supporting the work on the new dictionary
was the extension of the digital text archive. At the beginning
of the work on the MWB, the lexicographical workbench
had to rely only on a small corpus of digital texts. This
number was effectively increased by a collaborative project
with the Electronic Text Center of the University of Virginia at
Charlottesville (cf. Recker 2002 and MHDTA/MHGTA 2004).
By now nearly all the texts of the Findebuch corpus have been
digitized and added to the corpus of the new dictionary.
4. In 2006 the first instalment of the new MWB was published
together with a CD-ROM containing a PDF of the printed
form. The online version was to follow in 2007.
All digital resources created for the new dictionary are
firstly to the advantage of the lexicographer, and secondly
and still more important to the advantage of the user as
well. The lexicographer’s workbench provides an alphabetical
list of headwords (Lemmaliste), it offers an easy and quick
access to the old dictionaries (BMZ, Lexer, Findebuch), to
the lemmatized archive of instances (Belegearchiv) in form of
a KWIC-concordance, and finally to the whole corpus of etexts which can be searched for more evidences. Not only
the lexicographer, but also the user of the online version has
access to all information on the usage of a MHG word, as I will
demonstrate in detail.
As the new MWB is a long term project, the online version
not only offers the already published instalments, but also the
complete material the forthcoming fascicles are based upon.
Furthermore, for the entries still to be worked out the old
dictionaries are always present for consultation together
with the new material of the archive and the corpus of etexts. Thus, linking old and new lexicographical resources
Digital Humanities 2008
proves immensely valuable not only for the workbench of the
lexicographer, but also for the user of his work.
(Apart from the dictionaries, preferably research papers in
English are listed)
BMZ = Georg Friedrich Benecke, Wilhelm Müller, Friedrich
Zarncke: Mittelhochdeutsches Wörterbuch. Leipzig 1854–1866.
Nachdruck mit einem Vorwort und einem zusammengefaßten
Quellenverzeichnis von Eberhard Nellmann sowie einem
alphabetischen Index von Erwin Koller, Werner Wegstein und
Norbert Richard Wolf. Stuttgart 1990.
Burch, Thomas / Fournier, Johannes / Gärtner, Kurt / Rapp,
Andrea (Eds.): Standards und Methoden der Volltextdigitalisierung.
Beiträge des Internationalen Kolloquiums an der Universität
Trier, 8./9. Oktober 2001 (Abhandlungen der Akademie der
Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz; Geistes- und
sozialwissenschaftliche Klasse; Einzelveröffentlichung Nr. 9).
Stuttgart 2002.
Lexer’s MHG Dictionary within the Dictionary Net
Burch, Thomas / Fournier, Johannes: Middle High German
Dictionaries Interlinked. In: Burch/Fournier/Gärtner/Rapp
2002, p. 297-301. Online-version: http://germazope.uni-trier.
DWB = Deutsches Wörterbuch der Brüder Grimm.
Erstbearbeitung. 33 vols. Leipzig 1864-1971. Online-Version
(OA): Offline-Version:
Der Digitale Grimm. Deutsches Wörterbuch der Brüder
Grimm. Elektronische Ausgabe der Erstbearbeituung.
Bearbeitet von Hans-Werner Bartz, Thomas Burch, Ruth
Christmann, Kurt Gärtner,Vera Hildenbrandt, Thomas
Schares und Klaudia Wegge. Hrsg. vom Kompetenzzentrum
für elektronische Erschließungs- und Publikationsverfahren
in den Geisteswissenschaften an der Universität Trier in
Verbindung mit der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie
der Wissenschaften. 2 CD-ROMs, Benutzerhandbuch,
Begleitbuch. 1. Auflage. Frankfurt am Main: Zweitausendeins
2004, 5. Auflage, 2007.
The Online Version of the New MHG Dictionary
Findebuch = Kurt Gärtner, Christoph Gerhardt,
Jürgen Jaehrling, Ralf Plate, Walter Röll, Erika Timm
(Datenverarbeitung: Gerhard Hanrieder): Findebuch zum
mittelhochdeutschen Wortschatz. Mit einem rückläufigen Index.
Stuttgart 1992.
Fournier, Johannes: New Directions in Middle High German
Lexicography: Dictionaries Interlinked Electronically. In:
Literary and Linguistic Computing 16 (2001), p. 99-111.
Gärtner, Kurt: Concordances and Indices to Middle High
German. In: Computers and the Humanities 14 (1980), p. 39-45.
Gärtner, Kurt: Comprehensive Digital Text Archives: A Digital
Middle High German Text Archive and its Perspectives, in:
First EU/NSF Digital Libraries All Projects Meeting, Rome
March 25-26, 2002.
Digital Humanities 2008
Gärtner, Kurt / Wisbey, Roy: Die Bedeutung des Computers
für die Edition altdeutscher Texte. In: Kritische Bewahrung.
Beiträge zur deutschen Philologie. Festschrift für Werner
Schröder zum 60. Geburtstag. Hrsg. von E.-J. Schmidt. Berlin
1974, p. 344-356.
Domestic Strife in Early
Modern Europe: Images and
Texts in a virtual anthology
Gärtner, Kurt / Grubmüller, Klaus (Eds.): Ein neues
Mittelhochdeutsches Wörterbuch: Prinzipien, Probeartikel,
Diskussion (Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in
Göttingen. I. Philologisch-historische Klasse, Jg. 2000, Nr. 8).
Göttingen 2000.
Martin Holmes
Gärtner, Kurt / Plate, Ralf / Recker, Ute: Textvorbereitung und
Beleggewinnung für das Mittelhochdeutsche Wörterbuch. In:
Literary and Linguistic Computing 14, No. 3 (1999), p. 417-423.
Lexer = Lexer, Matthias: Mittelhochdeutsches Handwörterbuch.
Nachdruck der Ausgabe Leipzig 1872-1878 mit einer
Einleitung von Kurt Gärtner. 3 Bde. Stuttgart 1992.
Lexer Nachträge = Matthias Lexer: Nachträge zum
mittelhochdeutschen Handwörterbuch. Leipzig 1878.
MHDTA/MHGTA = Final report on the Project „Digital
Middle High German Text Archive“ to the DFG and NSF.
Charlottesville / Trier 2004. http://www.mhgta.uni-trier.
MWB = Mittelhochdeutsches Wörterbuch Online-Version
(OA): Print-Version with CD:
Mittelhochdeutsches Wörterbuch. Im Auftrag der Akademie der
Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz und der Akademie
der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen hrsg. von Kurt Gärtner,
Klaus Grubmüller und Karl Stackmann. Erster Band, Lieferung
1ff. Stuttgart 2006ff. Project Homepage: http://www.mhdwb.
MWV = Mittelhochdeutsche Wörterbücher im Verbund.
[Middle High German Dictionaries Interlinked] OnlineVersion (OA): Offline-Version:
Mittelhochdeutsche Wörterbücher im Verbund. Hrsg. von Thomas
Burch, Johannes Fournier, Kurt Gärtner. CD-ROM und
Begleitbuch. Stuttgart 2002.
Queens, Frank; Recker-Hamm, Ute: A Net-based Toolkit
for Collaborative Editing and Publishing of Dictionaries. In:
Literary and Linguistic Computing 20 (2005), p. 165-175.
Recker, Ute: Digital Middle High German Text Archive. In:
Burch / Fournier / Gärtner / Rapp 2002, p. 307-309.
Wisbey, Roy: Computer und Philologie in Vergangenheit,
Gegenwart und Zukunft. In: Maschinelle Verarbeitung
altdeutscher Texte IV. Beiträge zum Vierten Internationalen
Symposion, Trier 28. Februar bis 2. März 1988. Hrsg. von Kurt
Gärtner, Paul Sappler und Michael Trauth. Tübingen 1991, p.
University of Victoria, Canada
Claire Carlin
University of Victoria, Canada
The seventeenth-century engravings and texts collected for
the project Le mariage sous l’Ancien Régime: une anthologie
virtuelle all belong to the polemical genre. The institution of
marriage was undergoing intense scrutiny and criticism in
light of Reformation questioning of Catholic practices, and
popular discourse and images reflected this malaise. The
cuckold attacked both verbally and physically by a nagging
wife, or, conversely, a sassy wife receiving her “correction”
are themes of the Middle Ages reproduced frequently during
the early modern period, but with new sophistication as
engravings became the primary site for the representation
of problems with marriage, as DeJean has shown. Whereas
polemical writings flourished in the first half of the century
according to Banderier and Carlin 2002, images gained more
complexity in design and incorporated increasing amounts of
commentary during the reign of Louis XIV (1661-1715). New
variations on medieval topics occur, as bourgeois women in
salons comment on marriage or wrestle with their husbands
over the pants in the family. A novel twist on spousal conflict
appears in engravings such as “L’invention des femmes”
(Lagniet) and “Operateur céphalique” (Anon.): inspired by the
Renaissance interest in dissection, the notion that behaviour
could be modified through radical brain surgery introduces a
new kind of violence into marriage satire.
From the beginning of the project, our approach to construction
of the corpus has been based on the ideal that texts and images
must both be full and equivalent members of the collection.
Images have been treated as texts, and our goal has been to
make explicit, in textual annotations, as much of the significant
information they encode as possible. In this respect, the
Mariage project is very different from other markup projects
which integrate images and texts, such as those described in
Porter 2007; while projects such as Pembroke 25 (Szarmach
& Hall n.d.) and the Electronic Aelfric integrate images and
text in sophisticated ways, the images are of manuscript pages,
and the at the heart of these digital editions is the process of
transcription. By contrast, while the engravings in the Mariage
collection may include fairly extensive textual components
— see, for instance, “Le Fardeau du Menage” (Guérard 1712),
which incorporates over 60 lines of verse — the text is
ancillary to the scenes depicted. Thus, the engravings in the
Mariage project are somewhere on a continuum between the
page-images of a digital edition of a manuscript, and the images
Digital Humanities 2008
of artworks in a project such as the On-Line Picasso Project
(Mallen n.d.).
At the simplest level, marking up the images means transcribing
and clarifying any text which actually appears on the engravings.
This makes the text on the images as searchable as that of the
poetry and prose. Following this, we have begun to identify and
discuss the significance of individual figures in the engravings,
as well as linking these figures to similar elements in other
engravings, or to texts in the collection. Figure 1 shows this
kind of linking in as it appears to the reader in a Web browser.
The wife’s lover is a recurrent figure in images and texts of the
period, and the annotation links to textual references, and also
to a segment of another image.
Figure 2: Results of a search, showing sections of images
as well as a poem retrieved from the database.
We are now marking up symbols and devices, and have begun
to contemplate the possibility that we might mark up virtually
every object which appears in the engravings. Although this
would be rather laborious, it would enable the discovery of
more correspondences and perhaps more symbolism than is
currently apparent.To be able to search for “poule”, and retrieve
all the depictions of hens which appear in the collection (as well
as instances of the word itself), and view them together on the
same page, would provide a powerful tool for researchers.This
level of annotation (the identification and labelling of everyday
objects) does not require any significant expertise, but it will
contribute a great deal to the value of the collection.
Figure 1: Linking between image areas and other texts.
In addition, the search system on the site has been designed to
retrieve both blocks of text and segments of images, based on
annotations to the images. Figure 2 shows part of the result
set from a search for “frapp*”, including sections of images and
a line from a poem. In the case of an image hit, clicking on the
link will lead to the annotated image with the “hit annotation”
Using the combination of textual and image markup, our team
has been able to uncover links across the decades as well as
slowly developing differences among diverse types of polemical
images. Research questions we have begun to explore include
the following:
- How does the use of key vocabulary evolve over the
sixteenth to eighteenth centuries?
- How does the use of objects, especially the instruments of
violence, change over this period?
- How does the use of stock verses and verse forms
develop over the course of this period?
In addition to discussing the research tools and insights
emerging out of the Mariage project, this presentation will
look at the development of the Image Markup Tool, an open-
Digital Humanities 2008
source Windows application which was created initially for
use in the Mariage project, but which is now used in a range
of other projects as well. The IMT has acquired a number of
new features in response to the requirements of the Mariage
project, and is also developing in reaction to changes in TEI P5.
The original approach of the IMT was to blend SVG with TEI
to produce a dual-namespace document (Carlin, Haswell and
Holmes 2006), but the incorporation of the new <facsimile>,
<surface> and <zone> elements in the TEI transcr module (TEI
Consortium 2007, 11.1) now provide a native TEI framework
which appears suited to image markup projects such as
Mariage, and in December 2007, a new version of the Image
Markup Tool was released, which relinquishes the SVG-based
approach in favour of a pure TEI schema. This simplification
of the file format will, we hope, make it much easier for endusers to integrate markup produced using the IMT into Web
applications and other projects.
Further developments in the IMT are projected over the next
few months. The current version of the application is really
focused on marking up the single, standalone images which
are central to the Mariage project. However, <facsimile> is
described in the TEI Guidelines as containing “a representation
of some written source in the form of a set of images rather
than as transcribed or encoded text” (TEI Consortium
2007, 11.1). The IMT really ought to be capable of producing
documents which contain multiple images, and we plan to
extend it to make this possible.
DeJean, J. 2003. “Violent Women and Violence against Women:
Representing the ‘Strong’ Woman in Early Modern France.”
Signs, 29.1 (2003): 117-47.
Guérard, N. 1712. “Le Fardeau du Menage”. Bibliothèque
Nationale de France Cote EE 3A PET FOL, P. 7 (Cliché
06019648). []
Accessed 2007-11-05.
Holmes, M. 2007. Image Markup Tool v. 1.7. [http://www.tapor.] Accessed 2007-11-05.
Lagniet, J. ca. 1660. “L’Invention des femmes.” Bibliothèque
Nationale de France, Cote TE 90 (1) FOL (Cliché 06019644).
Accessed 2007-11-05.
Mallen, E., ed. n.d. The Picasso Project. Texas A&M University.
[] Accessed 2007-11-05.
Porter, D. C. 2007. “Examples of Images in Text Editing.” Digital
Humanities 2007 Conference Abstracts. 159-160.
Szarmach, Paul, and Thomas H. Hall. n.d. Digital Edition of
Cambridge, Pembroke College MS 25. (Pembroke 25 project.)
Cited in Porter 2007.
TEI Consortium, eds. 2007. “Digital Facsimiles.” Guidelines for
Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange. [Last modified date:
2007-10-28]. [ doc/
en/html/PH.html] Accessed 2007-11-07.
Anon. n.d. “Operateur Cephalique”. Bibliothèque Nationale
de France Cote RES TF 7 4e (Cliché P123-IFFNo190). [http://] Accessed
Banderier, G. “Le mariage au miroir des poètes satiriques français
(1600-1650).” In Le mariage dans l’Europe des XVIe et XVIIe
siècles: réalités et représentations, vol. 2. Ed. R. Crescenzo et al.
Presses de l’Université Nancy II, 200. 243-60.
Carlin, C. “Misogamie et misogynie dans les complaintes des
mal mariés au XVIIe siècle.” In La Femme au XVIIe siècle. Ed.
Richard G. Hodgson. Biblio 17, vol. 138. Tübingen: Gunter
Narr Verlag, 2002. 365-78.
Carlin, C., E. Haswell and M. Holmes. 2006. “Problems with
Marriage: Annotating Seventeenthcentury French Engravings
with TEI and SVG.” Digital Humanities 2006 Conference
Abstracts. 39-42. []. July 2006. Accessed 2007-11-05.
Carlin, C. et al. 2005-2007. Le mariage sous L’Ancien Régime:
une anthologie virtuelle.[] Accessed
Digital Humanities 2008
Rescuing old data: Case
studies, tools and techniques
Case Study #1:The Nxaʔamxcín
(Moses) Dictionary Database
Martin Holmes
During the 1960s and 70s, the late M. Dale Kincaid did fieldwork
with native speakers of Nxaʔamxcín (Moses), an aboriginal
Salish language. His fieldnotes were in the form of a huge set
of index cards detailing vocabulary items, morphology and
sample sentences. In the early 1990s, the data from the index
cards was digitized using a system based on a combination of
Lexware and WordPerfect, running on DOS, with the goal of
compiling a print dictionary. The project stalled after a few
years, although most of the data had been digitized; the data
itself was left stored on an old desktop computer. When this
computer finally refused to boot, rescuing the data became
urgent, and the WordPerfect files were retrieved from its hard
drive. We then had to decide what could usefully be done
with it. Luckily, we had printouts of the dictionary entries as
processed by the Lexware/WordPerfect system, so we knew
what the original output was supposed to look like. The data
itself was in WordPerfect files.
University of Victoria, Canada
Greg Newton
University of Victoria, Canada
Much of the work done by digital humanists could arguably
be described as “rescuing old data”. Digitizing texts is a way
of rescuing them from obsolescence, from obscurity, or from
physical degradation. However, digitizing in itself does not
amount to permanent rescue; it is merely transformation, and
digital texts have turned out to have lifetimes vastly shorter
than printed texts. As Besser pointed out in 1999,
“Though most people tend to think that (unlike analog
information) digital information will last forever, we fail to
realize the fragility of digital works. Many large bodies of
digital information (such as significant parts of the Viking
Mars mission) have been lost due to deterioration of the
magnetic tapes that they reside on. But the problem of
storage media deterioration pales in comparison with the
problems of rapidly changing storage devices and changing
file formats. It is almost impossible today to read files off of
the 8-inch floppy disks that were popular just 20 years ago,
and trying to decode Wordstar files from just a dozen years
ago can be a nightmare. Vast amounts of digital information
from just 20 years ago is, for all practical purposes, lost.”
As Kirschenbaum (2007) says, “The wholesale migration of
literature to a born-digital state places our collective literary
and cultural heritage at real risk.” To illustrate this point,
consider that searches for the original news source of Besser’s
claim about the Viking Mars mission reveal links to articles in
Yahoo, Reuters, and Excite, but all of these documents are now
unavailable. Only the Internet Archive has a copy of the story
(Krolicki 2001).
This paper will examine two cases in which we have recently
had to rescue digitized content from neardeath, and discuss
some tools and techniques which we developed in the process,
some of which are available for public use. Our experiences
have taught us a great deal, not just about how to go about
retrieving data from obsolete formats, but also about how
better to protect the data we are generating today from
obsolescence. Our paper is not intended to address the issue
of digital preservation (how best to prevent good digital data
from falling into obsolescence); an extensive literature already
exists addressing this problem (Vogt-O’Connor 1999, Besser
1999, and others). The fact is that, despite our best efforts,
bit-rot is inexorable, and software and data formats always
tend towards obsolescence. We are concerned, here, with
discussing the techniques we have found effective in rescuing
data which has already become difficult to retrieve.
The natural approach to converting this data would be to
open the files in an more recent version of WordPerfect, or
failing that, a version contemporary with the files themselves.
However, this was not effective, because the files themselves
were unusual. In addition to the standard charset, at least two
other charsets were used, along with an obsolete set of printer
fonts, which depended on a particular brand of printer, and a
specific Hercules graphics card. In addition, the original fonts
were customized to add extra glyphs, and a range of macros
were used. In fact, even the original authors were not able to
see the correct characters on screen as they worked; they
had to proof their work from printouts. When the files were
opened in WordPerfect, unusual characters were visible, but
they were not the “correct” characters, and even worse, some
instances of distinct characters in the original were collapsed
into identical representations in WordPerfect. Attempts to
open the files in other word processors failed similarly.
Another obvious approach would be to use libwpd, a C++
library designed for processing WordPerfect documents,
which is used by and other word-processing
programs. This would involve writing handlers for the events
triggered during the document read process, analysing the
context and producing the correct Unicode characters. Even
given the fact that libwpd has only “Support for a substantial
portion of the WordPerfect extended character set”, this
technique might well have succeeded, but the tool created as
a result would have been specific only to WordPerfect files,
and to this project in particular.We decided that with a similar
investment of time, we would be able to develop a more
generally-useful tool; in particular, we wanted to create a tool
which could be used by a non-programmer to do a similar task
in the future.
Digital Humanities 2008
Comparing the contents of the files, viewed in a hex editor, to
the printouts, we determined that the files consisted of:
From here, our task was in two stages: to go from the hatnotation data to a Unicode representation, like this:
-blocks of binary information we didn’t need (WordPerfect
file headers)
-blocks of recognizable text
-blocks of “encoded text”, delimited by non-printing
The control characters signal switches between various
WordPerfect character sets, enabling the printing of nonascii characters using the special printer fonts. Our task
was to convert this data into Unicode. This was essentially
an enormous search-and-replace project. Here is a sample
section from the source data:
and thence to a TEI XML representation:
(where [EOT] = end of transmission, [BEL] = bell, [SOH] =
start of header, [SO] = shift out, and [US] = unit separator).
This image shows the original print output from this data,
including the rather cryptic labels such as “11tr” which were
to be used by Lexware to generate the dictionary structure:
Working with the binary data, especially in the context of
creating a search-and-replace tool, was problematic, so we
transformed this into a pure text representation which we
could work with in a Unicode text editor. This was done using
the Linux “cat” command. The command “cat -v input_file
> output_file” takes “input_file” and prints all characters,
including non-printing characters, to “output_file”, with what
the cat manual refers to as “nonprinting characters” encoded
in “hat notation”. This took us from this:
to this:
In the first stage, we established a table of mappings between
control character sequences and Unicode sequences.
However, dozens of such sequences in our data contained
overlaps; one sequence mapping to one character might
appear as a component of a larger sequence mapping to a
different character. In other words, if we were to reconstruct
the data using search-and-replace operations, the order of
those operations would be crucial; and in order to fix upon
the optimal progression for the many operations involved,
some kind of debugging environment would be needed.
This gave rise to the Windows application Transformer, an
open-source program designed for Unicodebased search-andreplace operations. It provides an environment for specifying,
sequencing and testing multiple search-and-replace operations
on a text file, and then allows the resulting sequence to be
run against a batch of many files. This screenshot shows
Transformer at work on one of the Moses data files.
Digital Humanities 2008
normally leading to a decision or response by a government
minister. These documents are held in archives in BC, Toronto
and in the UK, and were transcribed both from originals
and from microfilm. It would be difficult to overestimate
the historical significance of this digital archive, and also its
contemporary relevance to the treaty negotiations which are
still going on between First Nations and the BC and Canadian
The transcriptions take the form of about 9,000 text files
in Waterloo SCRIPT, a markup language used primarily for
preparing print documents. 28 volumes of printed text were
generated from the original SCRIPT files, and several copies
still exist.The scale of the archive, along with the multithreaded
and intermittent nature of the correspondence, delayed as
it was by the lengthy transmission times and the range of
different government offices and agents who might be involved
in any given issue, make this material very well-suited to digital
publication (and rather unwieldy and difficult to navigate in
print form). Our challenge is converting the original script files
to P5 XML.
The ability to test and re-test replacement sequences proved
crucial, as we discovered that the original data was inconsistent.
Data-entry practices had changed over the lifetime of the
project. By testing against a range of files from different periods
and different data-entry operators, we were able to devise a
sequence which produced reliable results across the whole
set, and transform all the data in one operation.
This is an example of the Waterloo Script used in this
Having successfully created Unicode representations of the
data, we were now able to consider how to convert the
results to TEI XML. The dataset was in fact hierarchically
structured, using a notation system which was designed to be
processed by Lexware. First, we were able to transform it into
XML using the Lexware Band2XML converter (http://www.; then an XSLT
transformation took us to TEI P5.
The XML is now being proofed and updated, and an XML
database application is being developed.
Case Study #2:The Colonial
Despatches project
During the 1980s and 1990s, a team of researchers at the
University of Victoria, led by James Hendrickson, transcribed
virtually the entire correspondence between the colonies
of British Columbia and Vancouver Island and the Colonial
Office in London, from the birth of the colonies until their
incorporation into the Dominion of Canada.These documents
include not only the despatches (the spelling with “e” was
normal in the period) between colonial governors and the
bureacracy in London; each despatch received in London
went through a process of successive annotation, in the form
of bureaucratic “minutes”, through which its significance was
discussed, and appropriate responses or actions were mooted,
We can see here the transcribed text, interspersed with
structural milestones (.par;), editorial annotations such as
index callouts and footnote links, and other commands such
as .adr, which are actually user-defined macros that invoke sets
of formatting instructions, but which are useful to us because
they help identify and categorize information (addresses, dates,
etc.). Although this is structured data, it is far from from ideal.
It is procedural rather than hierarchical (we can see where
a paragraph begins, but we have to infer where it ends); it is
only partially descriptive; and it mixes editorial content with
This is rather more of a challenge than the Moses data; it is much
more varied and more loosely structured. Even if a generic
converter for Waterloo SCRIPT files were available (we were
unable to find any working converter which produced useful
output such as XML), it would essentially do no more than
produce styling/printing instructions in a different format; it
would not be able to infer the document structure, or convert
Digital Humanities 2008
(say) a very varied range of handwritten date formats into
formal date representations.To create useful TEI XML files, we
need processing which is able to make complex inferences
from the data, in order to determine for instance where for
example an <opener> begins and ends; decide what constitutes
a <salute></salute>; or parse a human-readable text string
such as “12719, CO 60/1, p. 207; received 14 December” into
a structured reference in XML.
The most effective approach here was to write routines specific
to these texts and the macros and commands used in them.
As in the Moses project, we used the technique of stringing
together a set of discrete operations, in an environment
where they could be sequenced, and individual operations
could be turned on and off, while viewing the results on
individual texts. We gutted the original Transformer tool to
create a shell within which routines programmed directly
into the application were used in place of search-and-replace
operations. The resulting interface provides the same options
for sequencing and suppressing operations, and for running
batch conversions on large numbers of files, but the underlying
code for each operation is project-specific, and compiled into
the application.
This screenshot shows the application at work on a despatch
width, and so on, designed to lay them out effectively on a
page printed by a monospace printer. The specific formatting
information was not representative of anything in the original
documents (the original documents are handwritten, and
very roughly laid out); rather, it was aimed specifically at the
print process. In cases like this, it was more efficient simply to
encode the tables manually.
The project collection also contains some unencoded
transcription in the form of Word 5 documents.To retrieve this
data and other similar relics, we have built a virtual machine
running Windows 3.11, and populated it with DOS versions of
Word, WordStar and WordPerfect. This machine also provides
an environment in which we can run the still-famous TACT
suite of DOS applications for text-analysis.The virtual machine
can be run under the free VMWare Server application, and we
hope to make it available on CD-ROM at the presentation.
The data files in both the projects we have discussed above
were all in standard, documented formats. Nevertheless, no
generic conversion tool or process could have been used
to transform this data into XML, while preserving all of the
information inherent in it. We were faced with three core
- Idiosyncracy. Waterloo SCRIPT may be well documented,
but any given corpus is likely to use macros written
specifically for it. WordPerfect files may be documented, but
issues with character sets and obsolete fonts can render
them unreadable. Every project is unique.
- Inconsistency. Encoding practices evolve over time, and
no project of any size will be absolutely consistent, or free
of human error. The conversion process must be flexible
enough to accommodate this; and we must also recognize
that there is a point at which it becomes more efficient to
give up, and fix the last few files or bugs manually.
The bulk of the original SCRIPT files were converted in this
way, at a “success rate” of around 98% --meaning that at least
98% of the files were converted to well-formed XML, and
proved valid against the generic P5 schema used for the project.
The remaining files (around 150) were partially converted, and
then edited manually to bring them into compliance. Some of
these files contained basic errors in their original encoding
which precluded successful conversion. Others were too
idiosyncratic and complex to be worth handling in code. For
instance, 27 of the files contained “tables” (i.e. data laid out
in tabular format), each with distinct formatting settings, tab
- Non-explicit information. Much of the information
we need to recover, and encode explicitly, is not present in
a mechanical form in the original document. For example,
only context can tell us that the word “Sir” constitutes a
<salute>; this is evident to a human reader of the original
encoding or its printed output, but not obvious to a
conversion processor, unless highly specific instructions are
written for it.
In Transformer, we have attempted to create a tool which can
be used for many types of textual data (and we have since used
it on many other projects). Rather than create a customized
conversion tool for a single project, we have tried to create
an environment for creating, testing and applying conversion
scenarios. We are currently planning to add scripting support
to the application. For the Colonial Despatches project, we
resorted to customizing the application by adding specific
application code to accomplish the conversion. A scripting
Digital Humanities 2008
feature in Tranformer would have enabled us to write that
code in script form, and combine it with conventional searchand-replace operations in a single process, without modifying
the application itself.
Although this paper does not focus on digital preservation,
it is worth noting that once data has been rescued, every
effort should be made to encode and store it in such a way
that it does not require rescuing again in the future. Good
practices include use of standard file formats, accompanying
documentation, regular migration as described in Besser
(1999), and secure, redundant storage. To these we would add
a recommendation to print out all your data; this may seem
excessive, but if all else fails, the printouts will be essential,
and they last a long time. Neither of the rescue projects
described above would have been practical without access to
the printed data. Dynamic rendering systems (such as Web
sites that produce PDFs or HTML pages on demand, from
database back-ends) should be able to output all the data in
the form of static files which can be saved.The dynamic nature
of such repositories is a great boon during development,
and especially if they continue to grow and to be edited, but
one day there may be no PHP or XSLT processor that can
generate the output, and someone may be very glad to have
those static files. We would also recommend creating virtual
machines for such complex systems; if your project depends
on Tomcat, Cocoon and eXist, it will be difficult to run when
there are no contemporary Java Virtual Machines.
The Nxaʔamxcín (Moses) Dictionary Database. <http://>
Vogt-O’Connor, Diane. 1999. “Is the Record of the 20th
Century at Risk?” CRM: Cultural Resource Management 22, 2:
Besser, Howard. 1999. “Digital longevity.” In Maxine Sitts (ed.)
Handbook for Digital Projects: A Management Tool for Preservation
and Access, Andover MA: Northeast Document Conservation
Center, 2000, pages 155-166. Accessed at <http://www.gseis.>, 2007-11-09.
Holmes, Martin. 2007. Transformer. <http://www.tapor.uvic.
Hsu, Bob. n.d. Lexware.
Kirschenbaum, Matthew. 2007. “Hamlet.doc? Literature in a
Digital Age.” The Chronicle of Higher Education Review, August
17, 2007. Accessed at <
50b00801.htm>, 2007-11-09.
Krolicki, Kevin. 2001. “NASA Data Point to Mars ‘Bugs,’
Scientist Says.” Yahoo News (from Reuters). Accessed at
< sc/space_mars_life_
dc_1.html>, 2007-11-09.
Hendrickson, James E. (editor). 1988. Colonial Despatches of
British Columbia and Vancouver Island. University of Victoria.
libwpd - a library for importing WordPerfect (tm) documents.
Digital Humanities 2008
Digital Editions for Corpus
Linguistics: A new approach
to creating editions of
historical manuscripts
Alpo Honkapohja
University of Helsinki, Finland
Samuli Kaislaniemi
University of Helsinki, Finland
Ville Marttila
University of Helsinki, Finland
One relatively unexplored area in the expanding field of digital
humanities is the interface between textual and contextual
studies, namely linguistics and history. Up to now, few digital
editions of historical texts have been designed with linguistic
study in mind. Equally few linguistic corpora have been
designed with the needs of historians in mind. This paper
introduces a new interdisciplinary project, Digital Editions for
Corpus Linguistics (DECL). The aim of the project is to create
a model for new, linguistically oriented online digital editions
of historical manuscripts.
Digital editions, while on a theoretical level clearly more
useful to scholars than print editions, have not yet become
the norm for publishing historical texts. To some extent this
can be argued to result from the lack of a proper publishing
infrastructure and user-friendly tools (Robinson 2005), which
limit the possibilities of individual scholars and small-scale
projects to produce digital editions.
The practical approach taken by the DECL project is to develop
a detailed yet flexible framework for producing electronic
editions of historical manuscript texts. Initially, the development
of this framework will be based on and take place concurrently
with the work on three digital editions of Late Middle and Early
Modern English manuscript material. Each of these editions—a
Late Medieval bilingual medical handbook, a family of 15thcentury culinary recipe collections, and a collection of early
17th-century intelligence letters—will serve both as a template
for the encoding guidelines for that particular text type and
as a development platform for the common toolset. Together,
the toolset and the encoding guidelines are designed to enable
editors of manuscript material to create digital editions of
their material with reasonable ease.
Theoretical background
The theoretical basis of the project is dually grounded in the
fields of manuscript studies and corpus linguistics. The aim
of the project is to create a solid pipeline from the former
to the latter: to facilitate the representation of manuscript
reality in a form that is amenable to corpus linguistic study.
Since context and different kinds of metatextual features are
important sources of information for such fields as historical
pragmatics, sociolinguistics and discourse analysis, the focus
must be equally on document, text and context. By document we
refer to the actual manuscript, by text to the linguistic contents
of the document, and by context to both the historical and
linguistic circumstances relating to text and the document. In
practice this division of focus means that all of these levels are
considered equally important facets of the manuscript reality
and are thus to be represented in the edition.
On the level of the text, DECL adopts the opinion of Lass
(2004), that a digital edition should preserve the text as
accurately and faithfully as possible, convey it in as flexible a
form as possible, and ensure that any editorial intervention
remains visible and reversible.We also adopt a similar approach
with respect to the document and its context: the editorial
framework should enable and facilitate the accurate encoding
and presentation of both the diplomatic and bibliographical
features of the document, and the cultural, situational and
textual contexts of both the document and the text. In keeping
with the aforementioned aims, the development of both the
editions, and the tools and guidelines for producing them, will
be guided by the following three principles.
The editions seek to offer a flexible user interface that will be
easy to use and enable working with various levels of the texts,
as well as selecting the features of the text, document and
context that are to be included in the presentation or analysis
of the text. All editions produced within the framework will
build on similar logic and general principles, which will be
flexible enough to accommodate the specific needs of any
text type.
The user interfaces of the editions will include all the features
that have become expected in digital editions. But in addition
to the edited text and facsimile images of the manuscripts,
the user will also be able to access the raw transcripts and
all layers of annotation. This makes all editorial intervention
transparent and reversible, and enables the user to evaluate
any editorial decisions.
The editions will be built with future expansion and updating in
mind.This expandability will be three-dimensional in the sense
that new editions can be added and linked to existing ones,
and both new documents and new layers of annotation or
Digital Humanities 2008
information can be added to existing editions. Furthermore, the
editions will not be hardwired to a particular software solution,
and their texts can be freely downloaded and processed for
analysis with external software tools. The editions will be
maintained on a web server and will be compatible with all
standards-compliant web browsers.
The first DECL editions are being compiled at the Research
Unit for Variation, Contacts and Change in English (VARIENG)
at the University of Helsinki, and will form the bases for three
doctoral dissertations. These editions, along with a working
toolset and guidelines, are scheduled to be available within the
next five years.
Technical methods
Since the aim of the DECL project is to produce an open
access model for multipurpose and multidisciplinary digital
editions, both the editions created by the DECL project
and the tools and guidelines used in their production will
be published online under an open access license. While the
project strongly advocates open access publication of scholarly
work, it also acknowledges that this may not be possible due
to ongoing issues with copyright, for example in the case of
facsimile images.
Following the aforementioned principles, the electronic
editions produced by the project will reproduce the features
of the manuscript text as a faithful diplomatic transcription,
into which linguistic, palaeographic and codicological features
will be encoded, together with associated explanatory notes
elucidating the contents and various contextual aspects of the
text.The encoding standard used for the editions will be based
on and compliant with the latest incarnation of the TEI XML
standard (P5, published 1.11.2007), with any text-type specific
features incorporated as additional modules to the TEI schema.
The XML-based encoding will enable the editions to be used
with any XML-aware tools and easily converted to other
document or database standards. In addition to the annotation
describing the properties of the document, text and context,
further layers of annotation—e.g. linguistic analysis—can be
added to the text later on utilising the provisions made in the
TEI P5 standard for standoff XML markup.
The editorial strategies and annotation practices of the three
initial editions will be carefully coordinated and documented
to produce detailed guidelines, enabling the production of
further compatible electronic editions. The tools developed
concurrently with and tested on the editions themselves
will make use of existing open source models and software
projects—such as GATE or Heart of Gold, teiPublisher and
Xaira—to make up a sophisticated yet customisable annotation
and delivery system.The TEI-based encoding standard will also
be compatible with the ISO/TC 37/SC 4 standard, facilitating
the linguistic annotation of the text.
Expected results
One premise of this project is that creating digital editions
based on diplomatic principles will help raise the usefulness
of digitised historical texts by broadening their scope and
therefore also interest in them. Faithful reproduction of the
source text is a requisite for historical corpus linguistics,
but editions based on diplomatic transcripts of manuscript
sources are equally amenable to historical or literary enquiry.
Combining the approaches of different disciplines—historical
linguistics, corpus linguistics, history—to creating electronic
text databases should lead to better tools for all disciplines
involved and increase interdisciplinary communication and
cooperation. If they prove to be successful, the tools and
guidelines developed by DECL will also be readily applicable
to the editing and publication of other types of material,
providing a model for integrating the requirements and desires
of different disciplines into a single solution.
The DECL project is also intended to be open in the sense that
participation or collaboration by scholars or projects working
on historical manuscript materials is gladly welcomed.
DECL (Digital Editions for Corpus Linguistics). <http://www.>.
GATE (A General Architecture for Text Engineering). <http://>. Accessed 15 November 2007.
Heart of Gold. <>.
Accessed 23 November 2007.
ISO/TC 37/SC 4 (Language resource management).
html?commid=297592>. Accessed 15 November 2007.
Lass, Roger. 2004. “Ut custodiant litteras: Editions, Corpora
and Witnesshood”. Methods and Data in English Historical
Dialectology, ed. Marina Dossena and Roger Lass. Bern: Peter
Lang, 21–48. [Linguistic Insights 16].
Robinson, Peter. 2005. “Current issues in making digital
editions of medieval texts—or, do electronic scholarly
editions have a future?”. Digital Medievalist 1:1 (Spring 2005).
<>. Accessed 6 September
TEI (Text Encoding Initiative). <http:/>.
Accessed 15 November 2007.
teiPublisher. <
php>. Accessed 15 November 2007.
VARIENG (Research Unit for Variation, Contacts and Change
in English). <>.
Xaira (XML Aware Indexing and Retrieval Architecture).
<>. Accessed 15
November 2007.
Digital Humanities 2008
The Moonstone and The Coquette: Narrative and Epistolary Styles
David L. Hoover
New York University, USA
In his seminal work on Austen, John F. Burrows demonstrates
that characters can be distinguished from each another on
the basis of the frequencies of the most frequent words of
their dialogue treating the characters as if they were authors
(1987). Computational stylistics has also been used to study
the distinctive interior monologues of Joyce’s characters in
Ulysses (McKenna and Antonia 1996), the styles of Charles
Brockden Brown’s narrators (Stewart 2003), style variation
within a novel (Hoover 2003), and the interaction of character
separation and translation (Rybicki 2006). Here I address two
kinds of local style variation: the multiple narrators of Wilkie
Collins’s The Moonstone (1868) and the multiple letter writers
in Hannah Webster Foster’s sentimental American epistolary
novel The Coquette (1797).
The Moonstone has several narrators whose styles seem
intuitively distinct, though all the narrations share plot elements,
characters, and physical and cultural settings. The Coquette,
based on an infamous true story, and very popular when it
was published, is read today more for its cultural significance
and its proto-feminist tendencies than for its literary merit.
Nevertheless, one would expect the coquette, the evil
seducer, the virtuous friend, and the disappointed suitor to
write distinctively. Treating the narrators and letter writers of
these two novels as different authors will test how successfully
Collins and Foster distinguish their voices and shed light on
some practical and theoretical issues of authorship and style.
novels confirm that Collins is easily distinguished from five
of his contemporaries, as shown in Fig. I. For The Coquette, I
have made the task more difficult by comparing Foster’s letter
writers to those of five other late 18th-century epistolary
novels by five authors. I separated all the letters by writer and
addressee and retaining only the 22 writers with the most
letters, then combined the letters between each single writer
and addressee and cut the combined texts into 42 sections
of about 3,500 words. Both Delta and cluster analysis do a
good job on this difficult task, and many Delta analyses give
completely correct results. Cluster analysis is slightly less
accurate, but several analyses are correct for five of the six
authors; they also show that individual letter writers strongly
tend to group together within the cluster for each novel (see
Fig. 2).
Examining the individual novels reveals a sharp contrast:
Collins’s narrators are internally consistent and easy to
distinguish, while Foster’s letter writers are much less internally
consistent and much more difficult to distinguish. For Collins,
cluster analysis consistently groups all narrative sections of
6 of the 7 narrators. When a modified technique developed
especially for investigating intra-textual style variation is used
(Hoover 2003), the results are even better. As Fig. 3 shows,
all sections by all narrators sometimes cluster correctly (the
sections range from 4,300 to 6,900 words).
“Tuning” the analysis to produce better clustering may seem
circular in an analysis that tests whether Collins’s narrators
have consistent idiolects. But this objection can be answered by
noting the consistency of the groupings. The stable clustering
across large ranges of analyses with different numbers of
MFW that is found here is obviously more significant than
frequently-changing clustering.
Computational stylistics cannot be applied to narrators
and letter writers of these novels, however, unless they can
distinguish Collins and Foster from their contemporaries.
Experiments on a 10-million word corpus of forty-six Victorian
Note also that the sections strongly tend to occur in narrative
order in Fig. 3: every two-section cluster consists of contiguous
sections. This “echo” of narrative structure provides further
evidence that the analysis is accurately characterizing the
narrators’ styles.
Digital Humanities 2008
could argue that Boyer’s letters to Selby should be different
from his letters to Eliza, and perhaps it is appropriate that
Eliza’s last section includes only despairing letters written
after Boyer has rejected her.Yet such special pleading is almost
always possible after the fact. Further, any suggestion that
Boyer’s letters to Eliza should be distinct from those to Selby
is impossible to reconcile with the fact that they cluster so
consistently with Eliza’s early letters to Lucy. And if Eliza’s early
and late letters should be distinct, it is difficult understand the
clustering of the early letters with those of Boyer to Selby and
the consistent clustering of the late letters with Lucy’s letters
to Eliza. It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that Foster has
simply failed to create distinct and consistent characters in
The Coquette.
A fine-grained investigation of The Moonstone involving smaller
sections and including more narrators puts Collins’s ability to
differentiate his narrators to a sterner test, but some cluster
analyses are again completely correct.The distinctiveness of the
narrators of The Moonstone is thus confirmed by computational
stylistics: the narrators behave very much as if they were
literally different authors. Given the length of the novel, the
generic constraints of narrative, and the inherent similarities
of plot and setting, this is a remarkable achievement.
For my analysis of The Coquette, I have added 3 more sections
of letters, so that there are 13 sections of approximately 3,000
words by 6 writers, with separate sections by a single writer
to two different addressees. Although these sections should
be considerably easier to group than those in the fine-grained
analysis of The Moonstone, the results are not encouraging.
Cluster analyses based on the 300-700 MFW produce very
similar but not very accurate results, in all of which letters by
Boyer and Eliza appear in both main clusters (see Fig. 4). Lucy’s
letters to Eliza also cluster with the last section of Eliza’s letters
to Lucy in all of these analyses a misidentification as strong as
any correct one. In a real authorship attribution problem, such
results would not support the conclusion that all of Boyer’s
or Eliza’s letters were written by a single author. Perhaps one
In contrast, Fanny Burney, whose Evelina is included in the
novels compared with The Coquette, above, creates very
distinct voices for the letter writers. Although only four of
the writers have parts large enough for reasonable analysis,
Evelina writes to both her adoptive father Mr. Villars and her
friend Miss Mirvan, and Villars writes both to Evelina and
to Lady Howard. One might expect significant differences
between letters to these very different addressees. Evelina’s
style might also be expected to change over the course of this
bildungsroman. However, analyses of all 34 sections of letters
from Evelina (approximately 2,500 words long), show that
Burney’s characters are much more distinct and consistent
than Foster’s, as a representative analysis shows (see Fig. 5).
This dendogram also strongly reflects the narrative structure
of the novel. Burney, like Collins, is very successful in creating
distinctive voices for her characters.
Criticism of Foster’s novel has paid little attention to the
different voices of the characters, but what commentary there
is does not suggest that the patterns shown above should
have been predictable. Smith-Rosenberg, for example, suggests
a contrast between Eliza and “the feminized Greek chorus of
Richman, Freeman, and Eliza’s widowed mother, who, at the
end, can only mouth hollow platitudes” (2003: 35). Although
these women and Julia are often considered a monolithic
group urging conventional morality, the distinctness of Julia’s
Digital Humanities 2008
sections, especially from Lucy’s (see Fig. 5) might suggest
a reexamination of this notion, and might reveal how the
styles of Julia and the other women are related to more
significant differences of opinion, character, or principle.
Various suggestions about changes in Eliza over the course of
the novel might also benefit from a closer investigation of the
language of the letters. Because Foster’s novel is of interest
chiefly on cultural, historical, and political grounds rather than
literary ones, however, such an investigation is more likely to
advance the theory and practice of computational stylistics
than the criticism of The Coquette. It is clear, at any rate, that
computational stylistics is adequate to the task of distinguishing
narrators and letter writers, so long as the author is adequate
to the same task.
Burrows, J. (1987) Computation into Criticism. Oxford:
Clarendon Press.
Hoover, D. (2003) Multivariate Analysis and the Study of Style
Variation’, LLC 18: 341-60.
Smith-Rosenberg, C. (2003) Domesticating Virtue: Coquettes
and Revolutionaries in Young America’, In M. Elliott and C.
Stokes (eds),American Literary Studies: A Methodological Reader,
New York: NewYork Univ. Press.
Rybicki, J. (2006). “Burrowing into Translation: Character
Idiolects in Henryk Sienkiewicz’s Trilogy and its Two English
Translations,” LLC 21:91-103.
Stewart, L.”Charles Brockden Brown: Quantitative Analysis
and Literary Interpretation,” LLC 2003 18: 129-38.
Term Discovery in an Early
Modern Latin Scientific
Malcolm D. Hyman
Max Planck Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Germany
This paper presents the results of a pilot project aimed at
the development of automatic techniques for the discovery
of salient technical terminology in a corpus of Latin texts.
These texts belong to the domain of mechanics and date
from the last quarter of the sixteenth and the first quarter
of the seventeenth century, a period of intense intellectual
activity in which engineers and scientists explored the limits
of the Aristotelian and Archimedean paradigms in mechanics.
The tensions that arose ultimately were resolved by the new
“classical mechanics” inaugurated by Newton’s Principia in
1687 (cf. Damerow et al. 2004).
The work presented here forms part of a larger research
project aimed at developing new computational techniques to
assist historians in studying fine-grained developments in longterm intellectual traditions, such as the tradition of Western
mechanics that begins with the pseudo-Aristotelian Problemata
Mechanica (ca. 330 B.C.E.).This research is integrated with two
larger institutional projects: the working group “Mental Models
in the History of Mechanics” at the Max Planck Institute for
the History of Science in Berlin, and the German DFG-funded
Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 644 “Transformations
of Antiquity.”
The purpose of this paper is to present initial results regarding
the development of efficient methods for technical term
discovery in Early Modern scientific Latin. The focus is on the
identification of term variants and on term enrichment. The
methodology employed is inspired by Jacquemin (2001), whose
approach allows for the use of natural language processing
techniques without the need for full syntactic parsing, which is
currently not technically feasible for Latin.
The present paper extends prior work in term discovery
along two vectors. First, work in term discovery has primarily
addressed the languages of Western Europe (especially
English and French), with some work also in Chinese and
Japanese. Latin presents some typological features that require
modifications to established techniques. Chief among these is
the rich inflectional morphology (both nominal and verbal)
of Latin, which is a language of the synthetic type. Latin also
exhibits non-projectivity, i.e. syntactic constituents may be
represented non-continuously (with the intrusion of elements
from foreign constituents). Although the non-projectivity of
Renaissance Latin is considerably less than what is found in the
artistic prose (and a fortiori poetry) of the Classical language
(Bamman and Crane 2006), term detection must proceed
within a framework that allows for both non-projectivity and
(relatively) free word order within constituents.
Digital Humanities 2008
Second, researchers in the field of term discovery have focused
almost exclusively on contemporary scientific corpora in
domains such as biomedicine. In contemporary scientific
literature, technical terms are characterized by a particularly
high degree of denotative monosemicity, exhibit considerable
stability, and follow quite rigid morphological, syntactic, and
semantic templates. Although these characteristics are also
applicable to the terminology of Latin scientific texts, they are
applicable to a lesser degree. In other words, the distinction
between technical terminology and ordinary language
vocabulary is less clear cut than in the case of contemporary
scientific and technical language. The lesser degree of
monosemicity, stability, and structural rigidity of terminology
holds implications for automatic term discovery in corpora
earlier than the twentieth (or at least nineteenth) century.
The corpus of Early Modern mechanics texts in Latin is welldesigned for carrying out experiments in adapting established
techniques of term discovery to historical corpora. Mechanics
is by this time a scientific discipline that possesses an extensive
repertoire of characteristic concepts and terminology. Thus
it is broadly comparable to contemporary scientific corpora,
while still presenting unique features that merit special
investigation. Several thousand pages of text are available in
XML format, which have been digitized by the Archimedes
Project, an international German/American digital library
venture jointly funded by the DFG and NSF. It will be possible
to extend future work to a multilingual context, by examining
in addition closely-related vernacular works (in Italian, Spanish,
and German) that are contemporary with the Latin corpus.
(Some of these are translations and commentaries.)
Bamman, D. and G. Crane. 2006. The design and use of a Latin
dependency treebank. In Proceedings of the TLT 2006, edd. J.
Hajič and J. Nivre, Prague, pp. 67–78.
Damerow, P., G. Freudenthal, P. McLaughlin, J. Renn, eds.
2004. Exploring the Limits of Preclassical Mechanics: A Study
of Conceptual Development in Early Modern Science: Free Fall
and Compounded Motion in the Work of Descartes, Galileo, and
Beeckman. 2d ed. New York.
Hyman, M.D. 2007. Semantic networks: a tool for investigating
conceptual change and knowledge transfer in the history of
science. In Übersetzung und Transformation, edd. H. Böhme, C.
Rapp, and W. Rösler, Berlin, pp. 355–367.
Jacquemin, C. 2001. Spotting and Discovering Terms through
Natural Language Processing. Cambridge, MA.
The set of technical terminology discovered by the
methods presented in this paper is intended to further the
computationally-assisted framework for exploring conceptual
change and knowledge transfer in the history of science
that has been described by Hyman (2007). This framework
employs latent semantic analysis (LSA) and techniques for
the visualization of semantic networks, allowing change in the
semantic associations of terms to be studied within a historical
corpus.The concluding section of the present paper will survey
the applications of technical term discovery within historical
corpora for the study of the conflict, competition, evolution,
and replacement of concepts within a scientific discipline and
will suggest potential applications for other scholars who are
concerned with related problems.
Digital Humanities 2008
Markup in Textgrid
Fotis Jannidis
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
Thorsten Vitt
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
The paper will discuss the decisions in relation to markup
which have been made in Textgrid. The first part of the paper
will describe the functionality and principal architecture of
Textgrid, the second part will discuss Textgrid’s baseline
encoding. Textgrid is a modular platform for collaborative
textual editing and a first building block for a community grid
for the humanities. Textgrid consists of a toolkit for creating
and working with digital editions and a repository offering
storage, archiving and retrieval.
Textgrid’s architecture follows a layered design, built for
openness on all levels. At its base there is a middleware layer
providing generic utilities to encapsulate and provide access
to the data grid’s storage facilities as well as external archives.
Additionally, indexing and retrieval facilities and generic services
like authorisation and authentication are provided here.
A service layer built on the middleware provides automated
text processing facilities and access to semantic resources.
Here, Textgrid offers domain-specific services like a
configurable streaming editor or a lemmatizer which uses the
dictionaries stored in Textgrid.All services can be orchestrated
in workflows, which may also include external services.
Every service deploys standard web service technologies.
As well, tools in the service layer can work with both data
managed by the middleware and data streamed in and out of
these services by the caller, so they can be integrated with
environments outside of Textgrid.
The full tool suite of Textgrid is accessible via TextGridLab, a
user interface based on Eclipse which, besides user interfaces
to the services and search and management facilities for
Textgrid’s content, also includes some primarily interactive
tools. The user interface provides integrated access to the
various tools: For example, an XML Editor, a tool to mark
up parts of an image and link it to the text, and a dictionary
service. From the perspective of the user, all these tools are
part of one application.
This software framework is completely based on plug-ins and
thus reflects the other layers’ extensibility: it can be easily
extended by plug-ins provided by third parties, and although
there is a standalone executable tailored for the philologist
users, TextGridLab’s plugins can be integrated with existing
Eclipse installations, as well.
Additionally, the general public may read and search publicized
material by means of a web interface, without installing any
specialized software.
Designing this infrastructure it would have been a possibility
to define one data format which can be used in all services
including search and retrieval and publishing. Instead the
designers chose a different approach: each service or software
component defines its own minimal level of format restriction.
The XML editor, which is part of the front end, is designed to
process all files which are xml conform; the streaming editor
service can handle any kind of file etc. The main reason for this
decision was the experience of those people involved and the
model of the TEI guidelines to allow users as much individual
freedom to choose and use their markup as possible even if
the success of TEI lite and the many project specific TEI subsets
seem to point to the need for defining strict standards.
But at some points of the project more restrictive format
decisions had to be made. One of them was the result of the
project’s ambition to make all texts searchable in a way which
is more useful than a mere full text search. On the other hand
it isn’t realistic to propose a full format which will allow all
future editors, lexicographers and corpus designers to encode
all features they are interested in. So Textgrid allows all projects
to use whatever XML markup seems necessary but burdens
the project with designing its own interface to these complex
data structures. But in this form the project data are an island
and there is no common retrieval possible.To allow a retrieval
across all data in Textgrid which goes beyond the possibilities
of a full text research, the Textgrid designers discussed several
possibilities but finally settled down on a concept which relies
very much on text types like drama, prose, verse, letter etc.
and we differentiate between basic text types like verse and
container text types like corpora or critical editions.
Interproject search is enabled by transforming all texts into
a rudimentary format which contains the most important
information of the specific text type. This baseline encoding is
not meant to be a core encoding which covers all important
information of a text type but it is strictly functional. We
defined three demands which should be met by the baseline
encoding, which is meant to be a subset of the TEI:
1) Intelligent search. Including often used aspects of text
types into the search we try to make text retrieval more
effective. A typical example would be the ‘knowledge’ that a
word is the lemma of a dictionary entry, so a search for this
word would mark this subtree as a better hit than another
where it is just part of a paragraph.
2) Representation of search results. The results of an interproject search have to be displayed in some manner which
preserves some important aspects of the source texts.
3) Automatic reuse and further processing of text. A typical
example for this would be the integration of a dictionary
in a network of dictionaries. This aspect is notoriously
Digital Humanities 2008
underrepresented in most design decisions of modern
online editions which usually see the publication as the
natural goal of their project, a publication which usually only
allows for reading and searching as the typical forms of text
Our paper will describe the baseline encoding format for
some of the text types supported by Textgrid at the moment
including the metadata format and discuss in what ways the
three requirements are met by them.
One of the aims of our paper is to put our arguments and
design decisions up for discussion in order to test their
validity. Another aim is to reflect on the consequences of this
approach for others like the TEI, especially the idea to define
important text types for the humanities and provide specific
markup for them.
Breaking down barriers:
the integration of research
data, notes and referencing
in a Web 2.0 academic
Ian R. Johnson
University of Sydney, Australia
In this paper I argue that the arbitrary distinction between
bibliographic data and research data – which we see in the
existence of specialised library catalogues and bibliographic
systems on the one hand, and a multitude of ad hoc notes,
digitized sources, research databases and repositories on the
other – is a hangover from a simpler past, in which publication
and bibliographic referencing was a well-defined and separate
part of the research cycle.
Today published material takes many different forms, from
books to multimedia, digital artworks and performances.
Research data results from collection and encoding of
information in museums, archives, libraries and fieldwork, as
well as output from analysis and interpretation. As new forms
of digital publication appear, the boundary between published
material and research data blurs. Given the right enabling
structures (eg. peer review) and tools (eg. collaborative
editing), a simple digitized dataset can become as valuable as
any formal publication through the accretion of scholarship.
When someone publishes their academic musings in a personal
research blog, is it analogous to written notes on their desk
(or desktop) or is it grey literature or vanity publishing?
The drawing of a distinction between bibliographic references
and other forms of research data, and the storing of these data in
distinct systems, hinders construction of the linkages between
information which lie at the core of Humanities research.Why
on earth would we want to keep our bibliographic references
separate from our notes and developing ideas, or from data
we might collect from published or unpublished sources? Yet
standalone desktop silos (such as EndNote for references,
Word for notes and MSAccess for data) actively discourage
the linking of these forms of information.
Bespoke or ad hoc databases admirably (or less than admirably)
fulfill the particular needs of researchers, but fail to connect
with the wider world. These databases are often desktopbased and inaccessible to anyone but the user of their host
computer, other than through sharing of copies (with all the
attendant problems of redundancy, maintenance of currency
and merging of changes).When accessible they often lack multiuser capabilities and/or are locked down to modification by a
small group of users because of the difficulties of monitoring
and rolling back erroneous or hostile changes. Even when
Digital Humanities 2008
accessible to the public, they are generally accessible through
a web interface which allows human access but not machine
access, and cannot therefore be linked programmatically with
other data to create an integrated system for analyzing larger
For eResearch in the Humanities to advance, all the digital
information we use – bibliographic references, personal notes,
digitized sources, databases of research objects etc. – need
to exist in a single, integrated environment rather than in
separate incompatible systems. This does not of course mean
that the system need be monolithic – mashups, portals and
Virtual Research Environments all offer distributed alternatives,
dependant on exposure of resources through feed and web
services. The ‘silo’ approach to data is also breaking down
with the stunning success of web-based social software
such as the Wikipedia encyclopaedia or social
bookmarking systems.These systems demonstrate that – with
the right level of control and peer review – it is possible to
build substantial and highly usable databases without the costs
normally associated with such resources, by harnessing the
collaborative enthusiasm of large numbers of people for data
collection and through data mining of collective behaviour.
decentralized system. The next version will operate in a peerto-peer network of instances which can share data with one
another and with other applications.
The service at is freely available for
academic use and has been used to construct projects as varied
as the University of Sydney Archaeology department website,
content management for the Dictionary of Sydney project (a
major project to develop an online historical account of the
history of Sydney) and an historical event browser for the
Rethinking Timelines project.
To illustrate the potential of an integrated Web 2.0 approach
to heterogeneous information, I will discuss Heurist
( – an academic social bookmarking
application which we have developed, which provides rich
information handling in a single integrated web application
– and demonstrate the way in which it has provided a new
approach to building significant repositories of historical data.
Heurist handles more than 60 types of digital entity (easily
extensible), ranging from bibliographic references and internet
bookmarks, through encyclopaedia entries, seminars and
grant programs, to C14 dates, archaeological sites and spatial
databases. It allows users to attach multimedia resources
and annotations to each entity in the database, using private,
public, and group-restricted wiki entries. Some entries can be
locked off as authoritative content, others can be left open to
all comers.
Effective geographic and temporal contextualisation and linking
between entities provides new opportunities for Humanities
research, particularly in History and Archaeology. Heurist
allows the user to digitize and attach geographic data to any
entity type, to attach photographs and other media to entities,
and to store annotated, date-stamped relationships between
entities. These are the key to linking bibliographic entries to
other types of entity and building, browsing and visualizing
networks of related entities.
Heurist represents a first step towards building a single point
of entry Virtual Research Environment for the Humanities.
It already provides ‘instant’ web services, such as mapping,
timelines, styled output through XSLT and various XML feeds
(XML, KML, RSS) allowing it to serve as one component in a
Digital Humanities 2008
Constructing Social
Networks in Modern Ireland
(C.1750-c.1940) Using ACQ
Jennifer Kelly
National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland
John G. Keating
National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland
The Associational Culture in Ireland (ACI) project at NUI
Maynooth explores the culture of Irish associational life from
1750 to 1940, not merely from the point of view of who, what,
where and when, but also to examine the ‘hidden culture’ of
social networking that operated behind many clubs and societies
throughout the period. Recently commissioned government
research on civic engagement and active citizenship in Ireland has
highlighted the paucity of data available for establishing ‘trends
in volunteering, civic participation, voting and social contact in
Ireland’ (Taskforce on Active Citizenship, Background Working
Paper, 2007, p. 2). The same research has also confirmed the
importance in Ireland of informal social networking compared
to many other economically developed countries (Report of
the Taskforce on Active Citizenship, 2007).The objective of the
ACI project is to provide a resource to enable scholars of Irish
social and political life to reconstruct and highlight the role
that the wider informal community information field played in
the public sphere in Ireland from the mid-eighteenth century.
The project will also provide long-term quantitative digital data
on associational culture in Ireland which is compatible with
sophisticated statistical analysis, thereby enabling researchers
to overcome one of the hindrances of modern-day purpose
based social surveys: the short timeframe of data currently
Associational Culture and Social
All historians are aware of the importance of social networks
that underpin the foundations of social and political life in the
modern world (Clark, 2000; Putnam, 2000). However, given the
often-transient nature of much of these networks, they can be
quite difficult to reconstruct.
One way to examine social networks is to trace them through
the structures of a developing associational culture where the
cultivation of social exclusivity and overlapping membership
patterns provide insights into the wider organisation of civil
society at local, regional and national levels. To this end, the
ACI project mines a wide range of historical sources to piece
together as comprehensive a view as possible of the various
voluntary formal associations that existed in Ireland during the
period c.1750-c.1940.
The first phase of the project concentrated on collecting
data on Irish associational culture and social networking
in the period 1750-1820; the current phase centres on the
period 1820-1880 and the third phase will focus on the
years between 1880 and 1940. The research results so far
testify to the vibrancy of associational activity in Ireland and
already patterns in social networking are becoming apparent
in different parts of the country. The results so far indicate
that particular forms of associational culture were popular in
different parts of the country from the mid-eighteenth century,
which in turn produced their own particular social networking
systems. In many respects these patterns were maintained into
the nineteenth century with similar continuities in patterns
of sociability even though these continuities were sometimes
expressed through different organisations, e.g. the ubiquitous
Volunteering movement of the later eighteenth century
gave way to local Yeomanry units in the beginning of the
nineteenth century. Associational culture among the urban
middling strata also appeared to increase somewhat moving
into the nineteenth century with the increasing appearance of
charitable and temperance societies in different parts of the
Software Development
Given the vast range of data available in the sources and
the multiplicity of question types posed by the findings, the
organisation and dissemination of the research was one of
the main priorities for the project. The desire to present a
quantitative as well as qualitative profile of Irish associational
culture, which can be expanded upon by future research,
presented particular difficulties in terms of the production
of the project’s findings. A multi-skilled, partnership approach
was adopted, fusing historical and computer science expertise
to digitally represent the data recovered from the sources
and expose the resultant social networking patterns through
the construction of an appropriate online database for the
project. Encompassing over seventy individual data fields for
each association, the online ACI database is fully searchable by
organisation and by individual – the later feature in particular
allowing social patterns behind Irish associational culture to
be traced over the course of two centuries.
Bradley (2005) points out XML is well suited to document
oriented project materials (such as written text), whereas
relational database implementations are better suited to data
oriented project materials. Furthermore, he indicates that
projects may often use both, given that textual materials often
contain data materials that are more suited to relational models.
He argues that even if one begins with a text, the materials
may be data-orientated and better served by a relational
model where certain characteristics, for example, linkages
between data objects and powerful querying are more easily
expressed using SQL (Structured Query Language) than XML
Digital Humanities 2008
searching facilities, for example, XPATH or XQUERY. It was
necessary, for our project to use a relational model to encode
data orientated materials, even though data were derived
from newspaper articles which are typically more suited to
encoding in XML. Our relational objects are densely linked,
and it is often necessary to build SQL queries incorporating
multiple joins across many database tables.
The database contains over 100 individual database tables
related to associations, members, sources, relationships,
associate members, locations, etc. Authenticated data entry
and access is available using online forms. Test, rollback and
moderation facilities are available for different classes of user.
Research queries may be formulated using a specifically designed
English language-type formal grammar called Associational
Culture Query Language (ACQL), which is parsed by the
software system to extract and present information from the
database – parsing involves evaluating ACQL and converting it
into appropriately constructed SQL suitable for querying the
database. Users may construct ACQL manually or they may
use an online query builder (see Figure 1).
The software engineering process began with all partners
involved in a collaborative process concentrating on the
construction of a Specification of Requirements (SR)
document which essentially formed the contract between
the ACI historians and software engineers – this key
document was used to derive all phases of the software
development process, for example, System Analysis, System
Design Specifications, Software Specifications, and Testing and
Maintenance. These phases were implemented using a rapid
prototyping model, where successive passes through a designdevelopment-testing cycle provided new prototypes which
could be evaluated against the SR document. As is typical
of such development projects, there was some requirement
drift, but the rapid prototyping approach ensured insignificant
divergence between prototypes and expectations outlined in
the SR document.
In order to produce the SR document, the ACI historians
composed a series of research questions, which were used
to extract the information categories necessary for the
construction of social networks. During the collaborative
process, these research questions and sources were used to
identify and model the relationships between the associations
and individuals in the sources. A key requirement was that
ACI historians wanted to be able to answer specific research
questions related to social networking, for example,“Are there
any illegal women’s associations/clubs active in Ireland after
1832?” It was necessary to revise these research questions
during the Analysis phase, however, as it became apparent that
the historians did not expect a yes/no answer to this question,
but rather a list of the associations and clubs, if they existed.
Most research questions went through a revision process
where the cardinality or result context was explicit, i.e. “List
the illegal women’s associations active in Ireland after 1832”.
This research question could be reformulated in ACQL as
IS GREATER THAN 1st OF January 1832
The parsing software then converts this
ACQL query into the following SQL:
SELECT BodyName.bodyName
FROM Body, BodyGender,
BodyName, BodyStatus
WHERE (Body.idBody = BodyName.
Body_idBody) AND
(Body.idBody = BodyGender.
Body_idBody AND
BodyGender.gender =’Female’ AND
(Body.idBody = BodyStatus.
Body_idBody AND
BodyStatus.typeOfStatus =’Illegal’
(Body.foundingDate > ‘1832-01-1’)
This query is then executed by the Relational Database
Management System (RDBMS) and the results are returned
to the environment for presentation to the user.
We examined over one hundred questions of this type
ensuring that our relational model provided appropriate
answers. We developed ACQL to map research questions
into SQL queries, thereby removing the requirement for the
user to have knowledge of the database, table joins, or even
SQL. Researchers need not have an intimate knowledge of the
relationship between the database tables and their associated
fields to perform searches.Another advantage of this approach
is that the underlying database structure could change and the
users would not have to change the format of their queries
implemented in ACQL.
Ongoing and Future Developments
The success of this project depends on the research
community using and contributing to the information
contained in the online database. We are heartened, however,
by the reports of Warwick et al (2007) who have shown
that when information aggregation sites have user-friendly
interfaces, contain quality peer-reviewed information, and fit
research needs, the research community scholars are more
likely adopt the digital resource. We believe that ACQL is a
crucial component in making this system usable by professional
historians interested in social networking. In particular, as the
volume of data within the database expands in digital format,
the potential for developing further social analysis tools such
as sociograms will be initiated. All in all, the ACI database,
by providing quantitative and qualitative data on specific
Digital Humanities 2008
associations, regions, and groups of individuals, comparable
with international data sources, will greatly aid historical and
social science researchers to establish Irish trends in civic
participation, social inclusion, marginalisation and grassroots
organising in modern Ireland.
Bradley, J. (2005) Documents and Data: Modelling Materials
for Humanities Research in XML and Relational Databases.
Literary and Linguistic Computing,Vol. 20, No. 1.
Clark, P. (2000) British clubs and societies, 1500-1800: the origins
of an associational world. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Putnam, R. (2000) Bowling alone: the collapse and revival of
American community. New York: Simon & Schuster.
Taskforce on Active Citizenship (2007) Statistical Evidence
on Active Citizenship in Ireland, Background Working Paper.
Retrieved March 25, 2008 from the World Wide Web: http://
Taskforce on Active Citizenship (2007) Report of the Taskforce
on Active Citizenship. Dublin: Secretariat of the Taskforce on
Active Citizenship.
Warwick, C., Terras, M., Huntington, P. and Pappa, N. (2007). If
You Build It Will They Come? The LAIRAH Study: Quantifying
the Use of Online Resources in the Arts and Humanities
through Statistical Analysis of User Log Data. Literary and
Linguistic Computing,Vol. 22, No. 1. pp. 1-18.
Unnatural Language
Processing: Neural Networks
and the Linguistics of Speech
William Kretzschmar
University of Georgia, USA
The foundations of the linguistics of speech (i.e., language
in use, what people actually say and write to and for each
other), as distinguished from ?the linguistics of linguistic
structure? that characterizes many modern academic ideas
about language, are 1) the continuum of linguistic behavior, 2)
extensive (really massive) variation in all features at all times, 3)
importance of regional/social proximity to “shared” linguistic
production, and 4) differential frequency as a key factor in
linguistic production both in regional/social groups and in
collocations in text corpora (all points easily and regularly
established with empirical study using surveys and corpora,
as shown in Kretzschmar Forthcoming a). Taken together, the
basic elements of speech correspond to what has been called a
?complex system? in sciences ranging from physics to ecology
to economics. Order emerges from such systems by means of
self-organization, but the order that arises from speech is not
the same as what linguists study under the rubric of linguistic
structure.This paper will explore the relationship between the
results of computational analysis of language data with neural
network algorithms, traditionally accepted dialect areas and
groupings, and order as it emerges from speech interactions.
In both texts and regional/social groups, the frequency
distribution of features (language variants per se or in proximal
combinations such as collocations, colligations) occurs as the
same curve: a ?power law? or asymptotic hyperbolic curve
(in my publications, aka the ?A-curve?). Speakers perceive
what is “normal” or “different” for regional/social groups and
for text types according to the A-curve: the most frequent
variants are perceived as “normal,” less frequent variants are
perceived as “different,” and since particular variants are more
or less frequent among different groups of people or types of
discourse, the variants come to mark identity of the groups
or types by means of these perceptions. Particular variants
also become more or less frequent in historical terms, which
accounts for what we call “linguistic change,” although of course
any such “changes” are dependent on the populations or text
types observed over time (Kretzschmar and Tamasi 2003). In
both synchronic and diachronic study the notion of “scale”
(how big are the groups we observe, from local to regional/
social to national) is necessary to manage our observations
of frequency distributions. Finally, our perceptions of the
whole range of “normal” variants (at any level of scale) create
“observational artifacts.” That is, the notion of the existence
of any language or dialect is actually an “observational artifact”
that comes from our perceptions of the available variants (plus
other information and attitudes), at one point in time and for
a particular group of speakers, as mediated by the A-curve.
Digital Humanities 2008
The notion “Standard,” as distinct from “normal,” represents
institutional agreement about which variants to prefer, some
less frequent than the “normal” variants for many groups of
speakers, and this creates the appearance of parallel systems
for “normal” and “Standard.”
The best contemporary model that accommodates such
processing is connectionism, parallel processing according to
what anthropologists call “schemas” (i.e., George Mandler’s
notion of schemas as a processing mechanism, D’Andrade 1995:
122-126, 144-145). Schemas are not composed of a particular
set of characteristics to be recognized (an object), but instead
of an array of slots for characteristics out of which a pattern is
generated, and so schemas must include a process for deciding
what to construct. One description of such a process is the
serial symbolic processing model (D’Andrade 1995: 136138), in which a set of logical rules is applied in sequence to
information available from the outside world in order to select
a pattern. A refinement of this model is the parallel distributed
processing network, also called the connectionist network, or
neural net (D’Andrade 1995: 138-141), which allows parallel
operation by a larger set of logical rules. The logical rules
are Boolean operators, whose operations can be observed,
for example, in simulations that Kauffman (1996) has built
based on networks of lightbulbs. Given a very large network
of neurons that either fire or not, depending upon external
stimuli of different kinds, binary Boolean logic is appropriate
to model “decisions” in the brain which arise from the on/off
firing patterns. Kauffman’s simulations were created to model
chemical and biological reactions which are similarly binary,
either happening or not happening given their state (or pattern)
of activation, as the system cycles through its possibilities.
The comparison yields similar results: as D’Andrade reports
(1995: 139-140), serial processing can be “’brittle’--if the input
is altered very slightly or the task is changed somewhat, the
whole program is likely to crash” (or as Kauffman might say,
likely to enter a chaotic state cycle), while parallel processing
appears to be much more flexible given mixed or incomplete
input or a disturbance to the system (or as Kauffman might
say, it can achieve homeostatic order).
Computational modeling of neural networks appears,then,to be
an excellent match for analysis of language data. Unfortunately,
results to date have often been disappointing when applied
to geographic language variation (Nerbonne and Heeringa
2001, Kretzschmar 2006). Neural network analysis cannot be
shown reliably to replicate traditional dialect patterns. Instead,
self-organizational patterns yielded by neural net algorithms
appear to respond only in a general way to assumed dialect
areas, and often appear to be derived not from the data but
from conditions of its acquisition such as “field worker” effects
(Kretzschmar Forthcoming b). However, this paper will show,
using results from experiments with an implementation of
a Self-Organizing Map (SOM) algorithm (Thill, Kretzschmar,
Casas, andYao Forthcoming), that application of the model from
the linguistics of speech to computer neural network analysis
of geographical language data can explain such anomalies. It
is not the implementation of neural nets that is the problem,
but instead lack of control over the scale of analysis, and of
the non-linear distribution of the variants included in the
analysis, that tends to cause the problems we observe. In the
end, we still cannot validate traditional dialect areas from the
data (because these areas were also derived without sufficient
control over the dynamics of the speech model), but we can
begin to understand more clearly how the results of neural
network analysis do reveal important information about the
distribution of the data submitted to them.
D’Andrade, Roy. 1995. The Development of Cognitive
Anthropology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kauffman, Stuart. 1996. At Home in the Universe:The Search
for the Laws of Self-Organization and Complexity. New York:
Oxford University Press.
Kretzschmar, William A., Jr. 2006. Art and Science in
Computational Dialectology. Literary and Linguistic Computing
21: 399-410.
Kretzschmar, William A., Jr. Forthcoming a. The Linguistics of
Speech. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kretzschmar, William A., Jr. Forthcoming b. The Beholder?s
Eye: Using Self-Organizing Maps to Understand American
Dialects. In Anne Curzan and Michael Adams, eds., Contours of
English (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press).
Kretzschmar, William A., Jr., and Susan Tamasi. 2003.
Distributional Foundations for a Theory of Language Change.
World Englishes 22: 377-401.
Nerbonne, John, and Wilbert Heeringa. 2001. Computational
Comparison and Classification of Dialects. Dialectologia et
Geolinguistica 9: 69-83.
Thill, J., W. Kretzschmar, Jr, I. Casas, and X.Yao. Forthcoming.
Detecting Geographic Associations in English Dialect
Features in North America with Self-Organising Maps. In SelfOrganising Maps: Applications in GI Science, edited by P. Agarwal
and A. Skupin (London: Wiley).
Digital Humanities 2008
Digital Humanities
‘Readership’ and the Public
Knowledge Project
Caroline Leitch
University of Victoria, Canada
Ray Siemens
University of Victoria, Canada
Analisa Blake
University of Victoria, Canada
Karin Armstrong
University of Victoria, Canada
In addition to these findings, we also discovered that users’
experiences with the online reading tools was influenced by
their existing research methods, their familiarity with online
research, and their expectations of online publishing. While
many respondents felt that the “information environment”
created by the online tools was beneficial to their evaluation
and understanding of the material, they also expressed some
dissatisfaction with their experience. Some users questioned
the relevance and usefulness of the contextual material
retrieved by the online tools. Users were also concerned with
the perceived credibility of research published online and the
limited amount of freely available online material.
The results of our study reveal both the potential strengths
and perceived weaknesses of online reading environments.
Understanding how users read and evaluate research materials,
anticipating users’ expectations of the reading tools and
resources, and addressing user concerns about the availability
of online material will lead to improvements in the design and
features of online publishing.
John Willinsky
University of British Columbia, Canada,
As the amount of scholarly material published in digital form
increases, there is growing pressure on content producers
to identify the needs of expert readers and to create online
tools that satisfy their requirements. Based on the results
of a study conducted by the Public Knowledge Project and
introduced at Digital Humanities 2006 (Siemens,Willinsky and
Blake), continued and augmented since, this paper discusses
the reactions of Humanities Computing scholars and graduate
students to using a set of online reading tools.
Expert readers were asked about the value of using online
tools that allowed them to check, readily, related studies that
were not cited in the article; to examine work that has followed
on the study reported in the article; to consider additional
work that has been done by the same author; and to consult
additional sources on the topic outside of the academic
literature. In the course of this study, these domain-expert
readers made it clear that reading tools could make a definite,
if limited, contribution to their critical engagement with journal
articles (especially if certain improvements were made). Their
reactions also point to an existing set of sophisticated reading
strategies common to most expert readers.
Our findings indicate that online tools are of most value to
expert readers when they complement and augment readers’
existing strategies. We have organized the results of the
study around a number of themes that emerged during our
interviews with domain expert readers as these themes speak
to both readers’ existing reading processes and the potential
value of the online reading tools. By entering user responses
into a matrix, we have been able to measure user responses
and track both negative and positive reactions to different
aspects of the online reading tools.
Afflerbach Peter P. “The Influence of Prior Knowledge on
Expert Readers’ Main Idea Construction Strategies.” Reading
Research Quarterly 25.1 (1990): 31-46.
Alexander, P. A. Expertise and Academic Development: A New
Perspective on a Classic Theme. Invited keynote address to
the Biennial meeting of the European Association for the
Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Padova, Italy.
August 2003.
Chen, S., F. Jing-Ping, and R. Macredie. “Navigation in
Hypermedia Learning Systems: Experts vs. Novices.”
Computers in Human Behavior 22.2 (2006): 251-266.
Pressley, M., and P. Afflerbach. Verbal Protocols of Reading:
The Nature of Constructively Responsive Reading. Hillsdale NJ:
Erlbaum, 1995.
Schreibman, Susan, Raymond George Siemens, and John M.
Unsworth, eds. A Companion to Digital Humanities. Oxford, UK:
Blackwell, 2004
Siemens, Ray, Analisa Blake, and John Willinsky. “Giving Them
a Reason to Read Online: Reading Tools for Humanities
Scholars.” Digital Humanities 2006. Paris.
Stanitsek, Geog. “Texts and Paratexts in Media.” Trans. Ellen
Klien. Critical Inquiry 32.1 (2005): 27-42.
Willinsky, J. “Policymakers’ Use of Online Academic
Research.” Education Policy Analysis Archives 11.2, 2003, <http://>.
Digital Humanities 2008
Willinsky, J., and M. Quint-Rapoport. When Complementary
and Alternative Medicine Practitioners Use PubMed. Unpublished
paper. University of British Columbia. 2007.
Windschuttle, Keith. “Edward Gibbon and the
Enlightenment.” The New Criterion 15.10. June 1997. <http://>.
Wineburg, S. “Historical Problem Solving: A Study of the
Cognitive Processes Used in the Evaluation of Documentary
and Pictorial Evidence.” Journal of Educational Psychology 83.1
(1991): 73-87.
Wineburg, S. “Reading Abraham Lincoln: An Expert/Expert
Study in the Interpretation of Historical Texts.” Cognitive
Science 22.3 (1998): 319-346.
Wyatt, D., M. Pressley, P.B. El-Dinary, S. Stein, and R. Brown.
“Comprehension Strategies, Worth and Credibility
Monitoring, and Evaluations: Cold and Hot Cognition When
Experts Read Professional Articles That Are Important to
Them.” Learning and Individual Differences 5 (1993): 49–72.
Using syntactic features to
predict author personality
from text
Kim Luyckx
University of Antwerp, Belgium
Walter Daelemans
University of Antwerp, Belgium
The style in which a text is written reflects an array of
meta-information concerning the text (e.g., topic, register,
genre) and its author (e.g., gender, region, age, personality).
The field of stylometry addresses these aspects of style. A
successful methodology, borrowed from text categorisation
research, takes a two-stage approach which (i) achieves
automatic selection of features with high predictive value for
the categories to be learned, and (ii) uses machine learning
algorithms to learn to categorize new documents by using the
selected features (Sebastiani, 2002). To allow the selection of
linguistic features rather than (n-grams of) terms, robust and
accurate text analysis tools are necessary. Recently, language
technology has progressed to a state of the art in which the
systematic study of the variation of these linguistic properties
in texts by different authors, time periods, regiolects, genres,
registers, or even genders has become feasible.
This paper addresses a not yet very well researched
aspect of style, the author’s personality. Our aim is to test
whether personality traits are reflected in writing style.
Descriptive statistics studies in language psychology show a
direct correlation: personality is projected linguistically and
can be perceived through language (e.g., Gill, 2003; Gill &
Oberlander, 2002; Campbell & Pennebaker, 2003). The focus
is on extraversion and neuroticism, two of “the most salient
and visible personality traits” (Gill, 2003, p. 13). Research in
personality prediction (e.g., Argamon et al., 2005; Nowson
& Oberlander, 2007; Mairesse et al., 2007) focuses on
openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and
We want to test whether we can automatically predict
personality in text by studying the four components of
the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: Introverted-Extraverted,
Intuitive-Sensing, Thinking-Feeling, and Judging-Perceiving. We
introduce a new corpus, the Personae corpus, which consists of
Dutch written language, while other studies focus on English.
Nevertheless, we believe our techniques to be transferable to
other languages.
Digital Humanities 2008
Related Research in Personality
Most of the research in personality prediction involves the
Five-Factor Model of Personality: openness, conscientiousness,
extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. The so-called Big
Five have been criticized for their limited scope, methodology
and the absence of an underlying theory. Argamon et al. (2005)
predict personality in student essays using functional lexical
features.These features represent lexical and structural choices
made in the text. Nowson & Oberlander (2007) perform
feature selection and training on a small and clean weblog
corpus, and test on a large, automatically selected corpus.
Features include n-grams of words with predictive strength for
the binary classification tasks. Openness is excluded from the
experiments because of the skewed class distribution. While
the two studies mentioned above took a bottom-up approach,
Mairesse et al. (2007) approach personality prediction from
a top-down perspective. On a written text corpus, they test
the predictive strength of linguistic features that have been
proposed in descriptive statistics studies.
Corpus Construction
Our 200,000-word Personae corpus consists of 145 BA student
essays of about 1,400 words about a documentary on Artificial
Life in order to keep genre, register, topic and age relatively
constant. These essays contain a factual description of the
documentary and the students’ opinion about it. The task was
voluntary and students producing an essay were rewarded
with two cinema tickets. They took an online MBTI test and
submitted their profile, the text and some user information.All
students released the copyright of their text to the University
of Antwerp and explicitly allowed the use of their text and
personality profile for research, which makes it possible to
distribute the corpus.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (Myers & Myers, 1980) is a
forced-choice test based on Jung’s personality typology which
categorizes a person on four preferences:
• Introversion and Extraversion (attitudes): I’s tend to
reflect before they act, while E’s act before they reflect.
• iNtuition and Sensing (information-gathering): N’s rely
on abstract or theoretical information, while S’s trust
information that is concrete.
• Feeling and Thinking (decision-making): While F’s decide
based on emotions, T’s involve logic and reason in their
• Judging and Perceiving (lifestyle): J’s prefer structure in
their lives, while P’s like change.
MBTI correlates with the Big Five personality traits
of extraversion and openness, to a lesser extent with
agreeableness and consciousness, but not with neuroticism
(McCrae & Costa, 1989).
The participants’ characteristics are too homogeneous for
experiments concerning gender, mother tongue or region, but
we find interesting distributions in at least two of the four
MBTI preferences: .45 I vs. .55 E, .54 N vs. .46 S, .72 F vs. .28 F,
and .81 J and .19 P.
Personality measurement in general, and the MBTI is no
exception, is a controversial domain. However, especially for
scores on IE and NS dimensions, consensus is that they are
correlated with personality traits. In the remainder of this
paper, we will provide results on the prediction of personality
types from features extracted from the linguistically analyzed
Feature Extraction
While most stylometric studies are based on token-level
features (e.g., word length), word forms and their frequencies
of occurrence, syntactic features have been proposed as more
reliable style markers since they are not under the conscious
control of the author (Stamatatos et al., 2001).
We use Memory-Based Shallow Parsing (MBSP) (Daelemans et
al., 1999), which gives an incomplete parse of the input text, to
extract reliable syntactic features. MBSP tokenizes, performs
a part-of-speech analysis, looks for chunks (e.g., noun phrase)
and detects subject and object of the sentence and some
other grammatical relations.
Features occurring more often than expected (based on the
chi-square metric) in either of the two classes are extracted
automatically for every document. Lexical features (lex) are
represented binary or numerically, in n-grams. N-grams of
both fine-grained (pos) and coarse-grained parts-of-speech
(cgp) are integrated in the feature vectors.These features have
been proven useful in stylometry (cf. Stamatatos et al., 2001)
and are now tested for personality prediction.
Experiments in Personality Prediction
and Discussion
We report on experiments on eight binary classification tasks
(e.g., I vs. not-I) (cf. Table 1) and four tasks in which the goal is
to distinguish between the two poles in the preferences (e.g., I
vs. E) (cf.Table 2). Results are based on ten-fold cross-validation
experiments with TiMBL (Daelemans & van den Bosch, 2005),
an implementation of memory-based learning (MBL). MBL
stores feature representations of training instances in memory
without abstraction and classifies new instances by matching
their feature representation to all instances in memory. We
also report random and majority baseline results. Per training
Digital Humanities 2008
document, a feature vector is constructed, containing commaseparated binary or numeric features and a class label. During
training, TiMBL builds a model based on the training data by
means of which the unseen test instances can be classified.
lex 3-grams
cgp 3-grams
cgp 3-grams
pos 3-grams
lex 3-grams
lex 1-grams
lex 3-grams
lex 2-grams
Table 1:TiMBL results for eight binary classification tasks
Table 1 suggests that tasks for which the class distributions are
not skewed (I, E, N and S) achieve F-scores between 64.1% and
73.2%. As expected, results for Feeling and Judging are high, but
the features and methodology still allow for a score around
40% for tasks with little training data.
For the I-E task - correlated to extraversion in the Big Five - we
achieve an accuracy of 65.5%, which is better than Argamon
et al. (2005) (57%), Nowson & Oberlander (2007) (51%), and
Mairesse et al. (2007) (55%). For the N-S task - correlated to
openness - we achieve the same result as Mairesse et al. (2007)
(62%). For the F-T and J-P tasks, the results hardly achieve
higher than majority baseline, but nevertheless something is
learned for the minority class, which indicates that the features
selected work for personality prediction, even with heavily
skewed class distributions.
Conclusions and Future Work
Experiments with TiMBL suggest that the first two personality
dimensions (Introverted-Extraverted and iNtuitive-Sensing)
can be predicted fairly accurately. We also achieve good
results in six of the eight binary classification tasks. Thanks to
improvements in shallow text analysis, we can use syntactic
features for the prediction of personality type and author.
Further research using the Personae corpus will involve a
study of stylistic variation between the 145 authors. A lot of
the research in author recognition is performed on a closedclass task, which is an artificial situation. Hardly any corpora
– except for some based on blogs (Koppel et al., 2006)
– have more than ten candidate authors. The corpus allows
the computation of the degree of variability encountered in
text on a single topic of different (types) of features when
taking into account a relatively large set of authors. This will
be a useful complementary resource in a field dominated by
studies potentially overestimating the importance of these
features in experiments discriminating between only two or a
small number of authors.
I vs. E
lex 3-grams
N vs. S
pos 3-grams
F vs.T
lex 3-grams
J vs. P
lex 3-grams
This study has been carried out in the framework of the
Stylometry project at the University of Antwerp. The
“Computational Techniques for Stylometry for Dutch” project
is funded by the National Fund for Scientific Research (FWO)
in Belgium.
Table 2:TiMBL results for four discrimination tasks
Table 2 shows results on the four discrimination tasks, which
allows us to compare with results from other studies in
personality prediction. Argamon et al. (2005) find appraisal
adjectives and modifiers to be reliable markers (58% accuracy)
of neuroticism, while extraversion can be predicted by function
words with 57% accuracy. Nowson & Oberlander (2007)
predict high/low extraversion with a 50.6% accuracy, while
the system achieves 55.8% accuracy on neuroticism, 52.9% on
agreeableness, and 56.6% on conscientiousness. Openness is
excluded because of the skewed class distribution. Taking a
top-down approach, Mairesse et al. (2007) report accuracies
of 55.0% for extraversion, 55.3% for conscientiousness,
55.8% agreeableness, 57.4% for neuroticism, and 62.1% for
Digital Humanities 2008
Argamon, S., Dhawle, S., Koppel, M. and Pennebaker, J. (2005),
Lexical predictors of personality type, Proceedings of the Joint
Annual Meeting of the Interface and the Classification Society of
North America.
Campbell, R. and Pennebaker, J. (2003), The secret life of
pronouns: Flexibility in writing style and physical health,
Psychological Science 14, 60-65.
Daelemans, W. and van den Bosch, A. (2005), Memory-Based
Language Processing, Studies in Natural Language Processing,
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Daelemans, W., Bucholz, S. and Veenstra, J. (1999), MemoryBased Shallow Parsing, Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on
Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL, pp. 53-60.
Gill, A. (2003), Personality and language: The projection
and perception of personality in computer-mediated
communication, PhD thesis, University of Edinburgh.
Gill, A. & Oberlander J. (2002), Taking care of the linguistic
features of extraversion, Proceedings of the 24th Annual
Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 363-368.
Koppel, M., Schler, J., Argamon, S. and Messeri, E. (2006),
Authorship attribution with thousands of candidate authors,
Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and
Development on Information Retrieval, pp. 659-660.
Mairesse, F., Walker, M., Mehl, M. and Moore, R. (2007), Using
linguistic cues for the automatic recognition of personality in
conversation and text, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research.
McCrae, R. and Costa, P. (1989), Reinterpreting the MyersBriggs Type Indicator from the perspective of the Five-Factor
Model of Personality, Journal of Personality 57(1), 17-40.
Myers, I. and Myers, P. (1980), Gifts differing: Understanding
personality type, Mountain View, CA: Davies-Black Publishing.
Nowson, S. and Oberlander, J. (2007), Identifying more
bloggers. Towards large scale personality classification of
personal weblogs, Proceedings of International Conference on
Weblogs and Social Media ICWSM.
Sebastiani, F. (2002), Machine learning in automated text
categorization, ACM Computing Surveys 34(1), 1-47.
Stamatatos, E., Fakotakis, N. and Kokkinakis, G. (2001),
Computer-based authorship attribution without lexical
measures, Computers and the Humanities 35(2), 193-214.
An Interdisciplinary
Perspective on Building
Learning Communities
Within the Digital
Simon Mahony
King’s College London
Recent research at the Centre for Computing in the Humanities
at King’s College London has focussed on the role and place
of the digital humanities in the academic curriculum of Higher
Education (see Jessop:2005, Jessop:forthcoming). This work
is based on the experience of both our undergraduate and
postgraduate programmes focusing particularly on the way in
which students are encouraged to integrate the content of
a variety of digital humanities courses and apply it to their
own research project. In the case of the undergraduates this is
developed in conjunction with their home department. These
courses are designed to train not just the new generation of
young scholars in our discipline but also the majority who will
gain employment in a variety of professions in industry and
Our students come from a range of disciplines and backgrounds
within the humanities and what is highlighted in each case is
the necessity to ensure that their projects meet the scholarly
criteria of their home disciplines and the interdisciplinary
aspects of humanities computing.This emphasises the need for
training the students in collaborative method and reflective
practice; the need to build a community of learning which will
lead to a community of practice. This paper discusses recent
research and initiatives within distance learning, focussing on
how these can be repurposed for campus-based courses, and
is illustrated by the findings of their use in a digital humanities
There have been a number of initiatives that are pertinent
to this topic. The published report on the accomplishments
of the Summit on Digital Tools for the Humanities convened
in 2005 at the University of Virginia (http://www.iath.virginia.
edu/dtsummit/ ) identified areas where innovative change was
taking place that could lead to what they referred to as “a new
stage in humanistic scholarship”. The style of collaboration
enabled by digital learning community tools is identified as one
such area. This has been further reinforced at the National
Endowment of the Humanities hosted Summit Meeting of
Digital Humanities Centers and Funders held in April 2007 at
the University of Maryland.
Digital Humanities 2008
s+Centers+Summit )
On the summit wiki among the areas of research priorities
and funder priorities John Unsworth lists:
• Collaborative work
• Teaching and learning
• Collaboration among scholars
h+priorities%2C+funder+priorities )
Building communities of learning and developing strategies
for collaborative working has been the subject of much study
within the distance learning community (Anderson:2004,
Brown:2006, Perry and Edwards:2005, Swan:2002, et al) and
here it is argued that this also needs to be a consideration
for campus-based academic programmes. The growing trend
among undergraduate programmes of a movement away from
set courses to the introduction of modular and credit systems
means that students no longer follow a single programme of
study. Their time is fragmented between their chosen course
options and they often only come together with their peers
for ‘core courses’. Thus in the last two decades study has
become more of an individual rather than community-based
activity. This trend needs to be compensated for by teaching
collaborative skills, the very same skills that are at the heart of
the majority of digital humanities research projects.
The ‘Community of Inquiry’ model (developed by Garrison,
Anderson and Archer:2000 and 2004) draws out the basic
elements which overlap to form the educational experience
of the distance learner: social, cognitive, and teaching
presence. This model is used as a framework to analyse the
effectiveness of asynchronous discussion methodologies
(which encourage reflective practice), with particular regard
for cognitive presence (where students construct meaning
through communication with their peers, which is particularly
important in the development of critical thinking), when used
in campus-based courses.
Building Networked Communities for
Collaborative and Reflective Teaching
and Learning
The highly collaborative nature of modern research practice
makes it clear that future humanities scholars need to be trained
in the collaborative process and to understand the importance
of critical reflection (Jessop:2005, Jessop:forthcoming). This
emphasis on collaborative practice represents a shift in the
academic culture of humanities away from the popular funding
model of a single researcher towards one of team working
where no single person has complete control or ownership.
This is closer to models in operation in the sciences where
progress is often based on team efforts and reports frequently
have many authors; we may need to develop protocols that
borrow some aspects of science research practice.The results
of the author’s limited research into the effectiveness of the
collaborative process in medical research practice are also to
be included in this study.
To develop an environment that fosters collaboration and
reflection students should be actively encouraged to engage
with each other both inside and outside of the classroom.
With social software (MySpace, Facebook, LiveJournal, inter
alia) students are already building networked communities,
and the blog and wiki have provided educators with simple,
readily available tools to build learning communities. The wiki
can be deployed as an experiential and formative learning
environment outside of the classroom with students able
to create their own content, comment on each others, and
share resources using tools like and MyIntute. The
blog supports this with a less formal reflective space which
belongs to the students themselves rather than their course.
The asynchronous nature of these media gives students the
opportunity to reflect on their classmates’ contribution in the
processes of creating their own (Swan:2000) and so instil the
practice of critical reflection. Further, with simple applications
such as MyYahoo and iGoogle students can draw all their
varied networks together along with course and departmental
webpages thus giving a single interface or ‘Personal Learning
Portal’ (PLP) through which to access and manage their online
In their PLP students create a web interface for their own
digital environment that includes:
• Content management where they integrate both personal
and academic interests
• A networking system for connection with others
• Collaborative and individual workspace
• Communications setup
• A series of syndicated and distributed feeds
This model is based on a presentation given by Terry Anderson
at the Centre for Distance Education, University of London in
March 2007:
htm). In this Anderson discusses how the Personal Learning
Environment (PLE), such as that used at Athabasca, is an
improvement on the popular Virtual Learning Environment
(VLE). That argument is developed here with stress upon the
further advantages of the PLP introduced earlier.
What is notable is that this model represents an approach
rather than a specific application and is portable and not
Digital Humanities 2008
dependant on a single department or even institution. This
ensures sustainability as it allows and encourages students to
take the tools and skills from one area and apply them in others
(arguably the basis of humanities computing, see McCarty
and Short:2002). At the same time it puts the emphasis for
the responsibility for managing their own learning and web
resources on the students.
In this approach learners are encouraged to interact and
collaborate in a way that does not occur when static webpages
are viewed with a traditional browser. The pages on a wiki and
the student’s PLP are dynamic and mutable as they can be
edited by the user through their web browser. Learners gain
the ability to enrich the material and, unlike a print publication
where those annotations are only for personal use, make
these available for others. Such exchanges of ideas are central
to the processes of building communities of learning and it is
in this way that knowledge grows as we are able to push the
boundaries of scholarship.The model that is developing here is
one in which the student moves from being a reader of other
peoples’ material to active engagement with that material; a
transition from being a ‘reader’ to being an ‘interpreter’.
Education is an academic, individual, and a social experience
that requires a sustainable community of learning. The tools
and experiences developed in the distance learning field can
be re-purposed for the ‘analogue’ students. The suggested
model based on the student’s PLP is grounded in collaborative
practice, uses asynchronous discussion to develop reflective
practice and ensure cognitive presence; it is sustainable and
portable. Putting this in the wider context, it is by building
a community of learners that we will instil the cooperative,
collaborative, and reflective skills needed for a community of
humanities scholars; skills that are equally in demand outside
of the academy. The tools have already been subject to limited
trials in the digital humanities programmes at King’s College
London but the current academic year will see a more extensive
application of them across our teaching. The final version this
paper will report on the results of the experiences of both
teachers and learners of this model applied to a humanities
computing course. The work contributes to the pedagogy of
the digital humanities in the academic curricula both within
the teaching of humanities computing and the development
of tools for collaborative research and on-line learning
Anderson T (2004) ‘Theory and Practice of Online Learning’,
Athabasca University online books: http://www.cde.athabascau.
ca/online_book/ (last accessed 01/11/07)
Biggs J (1999) Teaching for quality and learning at university, Open
University Press.
Brown J S (2006) ‘New Learning Environments for the 21st
(last accessed 30/10/07)
Garrison D, Anderson T, and Archer W (2000) ‘Critical inquiry
in a text-based environment: computer conferencing in higher
education’. The Internet and Higher Education Volume 2, Issue 3
Garrison D,Anderson T, and Archer W (2001) ‘Critical thinking,
cognitive presence, and computer conferencing in distance
education’. The American Journal of Distance Education Volume
15, Issue 1 pp.7-23.
Garrison D, Anderson T, and Archer W (2004) ‘Critical
thinking and computer conferencing: A model and tool for
assessing cognitive presence’. http://communitiesofinquiry.
com/documents/CogPresPaper_June30_.pdf (last accessed
Jessop M (2005) ‘Teaching, Learning and Research in Final year
Humanities Computing Student Projects’, Literary and Linguistic
Computing. Volume 20, Issue 3.
Jessop M (Forthcoming) ‘Humanities Computing Research as
a Medium for Teaching and Learning in the Digital Humanities’,
Digital Humanities Quarterly.
Mahony S (2007) ‘Using digital resources in building and
sustaining learning communities’, Body, Space & Technology,
Volume 07/02.
McCarty W and Short H (2002) ‘A Roadmap for Humanities
Computing’ (last accessed
Moon J (2004) A Handbook of Reflective and Experiential Learning:
Theory and Practice, RoutledgeFalmer
Perry B and Edwards M (2005) ‘Exemplary Online Educators:
Creating a Community of Inquiry’
accessed 04/11/07)
Richardson C and Swan K (2003) ‘Examining social presence in
online courses in relation to students’ perceived learning and
satisfaction’, Journal of Asynchronous Learning Volume 7, Issue 1
pp. 68-88
Siemens G (2006) Knowing Knowledge,
Anderson T (2007) ‘Are PLE’s ready for prime time?’ http:// (last accessed 03/11/07)
Digital Humanities 2008
Swan K (2000) ‘Building Knowledge Building Communities:
consistency, contact and communication in the virtual
classroom’, Journal of Educational Computing Research, Volume
24, Issue 4 pp. 359-383
Swan K (2002) ‘Building Learning Communities in Online
Courses: the importance of interaction’, Education,
Communication & Information, Volume 2, Issue 1 pp. 23-49
Terras M (2006) ‘Disciplined: Using Educational Studies
to Analyse ‘Humanities Computing’’, Literary and Linguistic
Computing,Volume 21, pp. 229-246.
The Middle English Grammar
Corpus - a tool for studying
the writing and speech
systems of medieval English
Martti Mäkinen
University of Stavanger, Norway
The Middle English Grammar Project
The Middle English Grammar Project (MEG), shared by the
Universities of Glasgow and Stavanger, is working towards
the description of Middle English orthography, morphology
and phonology. MEG is among the first attempts to span the
gap between Jordan’s Handbuch der mittelenglischen Grammatik:
Lautlehre (1925) and now. Our aim is to combine the advances
in Middle English dialectology in the latter half of the 20th
century and the computing power currently available in the
service of writing an up-to-date grammar of Middle English.
Middle English dialects and
The study of Middle English dialects took a giant leap
forward by Angus McIntosh’s insight that Middle English texts
represent distinct regional varieties in their spelling systems,
and therefore the spelling variants of these texts could be
studied in their own right and not merely as reflections of
the then speech systems, i.e. dialects (McIntosh 1963). This
multitude of regional spellings arose when English had been
replaced by French and Latin in all important aspects for
nearly two centuries after the Norman Conquest: the reintroduction of English into literary and utilitarian registers
from the thirteenth century onwards was not governed by any
nationwide standard and thus English was written according
to each scribe’s perception of the ‘correct’ spelling. McIntosh’s
vision led to a project that grew into A Linguistic Atlas of Late
Mediaeval English (LALME; 1986).
Aims of MEG
The Middle English Grammar project builds on the work of
the LALME team and aims at producing a description of Middle
English orthography, phonology and morphology, from 1100 to
1500. Here we use the term grammar in a wide, philological
sense. Eventually, the grammar is meant as an replacement
to Richard Jordan’s Handbuch der mittelenglischen Grammatik:
Lautlehre, and to provide a reference point for the students and
scholars of Middle English in the form of a broad description
of the Middle English usages accompanied by more specific
county studies, and eventually also all the base material we
accumulate for this task (Black, Horobin, and Smith 2002: 13).
Digital Humanities 2008
The Middle English Grammar: How?
The first task of MEG is to compile a corpus of Middle English
texts localized in LALME. The corpus is called The Middle
English Grammar Corpus, or MEG-C (the first installment
forthcoming 2007). Secondly, the corpus texts need appropriate
lemmatization and annotation in order to be usable in the
course of MEG.
Linguistic data is collected by transcribing extracts from either
the original manuscripts, or good-quality microfilms. The
prioritised material are the texts that were localized in LALME,
although later texts that were not analysed for LALME will be
taken into account as well. LALME covers years 1350-1450
(-1500); the material for the studies in 1100-1350 will be
drawn from A Linguistic Atlas for Early Middle English (LAEME)
(Laing and Lass, forthcoming 2007).
The manuscript texts are represented by 3,000-word extracts
(or in toto, if shorter), which should be sufficiently for studies
on orthography, phonology and morphology. The planned
corpus will sample c. 1,000 texts, therefore the projected size
of the corpus is 2.5-3 M words.
The conventions of transcription have been derived from
those of the LAEME and A Linguistic Atlas of Older Scots projects
(LAOS), with certain modifications. The most important
questions that have been addressed during the transcription
process have been whether to emphasise fidelity to the
original vs. wieldy transcripts, and should the transcripts offer
an interpretative reading of the manuscript text rather than
the scribe’s actual pen strokes. According to the principles
chosen, the transcriptions attempt to capture the graphemic
and broad graphetic details, but not necessarily each detail on
the level of individual handwriting (Black, Horobin, and Smith
2002: 11).
MEG-C: lemmatization, annotation,
The second practical task is to lemmatize and to annotate the
Corpus. Previous historical English corpora (Helsinki Corpus,
Middle English Medical Texts) show the limitations the lack of
lemmas set to the corpus user when tackling the variety of
spellings attested to by Middle English texts. The lemmas in
MEG-C will have an Oxford English Dictionary headword. There
will also be another cue in the source language (the direct
source languge before Middle English, usually Old English,
French/Anglo-Norman or Latin). These two reference points
on either side of Middle English will provide the user the means
to search for occurrences of a lexical item even when the full
range of spelling variation in Middle English is not known.
As regards the annotation of words of a text, they are divided
into bound morphemes and other spelling units (this system
is partly derived from Venezky (1970)). Each word is divided
into a word initial sequence containing Onset and Nucleus,
and they are followed by a series of Consonantal and Vowel
Spelling Units. Each spelling unit is also given the equivalents in
the source language and in Present Day English, thus enabling
the search for e.g. all the ME reflexes of OE [a:] or or the
spelling variants in Middle English that correspond to Present
Day English word initial spelling sh-.
For the task of annotation and lemmatization the corpus is
rendered into a relational database. The database plan has
tables for different extralinguistic information, and the actual
texts will be entered word by word, i.e. in the table for corpus
texts, there will be one record for each word. The annotation
plan we are intending to carry out should result in a corpus
where one can search for any combination of extralinguistic
factors and spelling units with reference points embedded in
the actual Middle English texts and also in the source language
and PDE spelling conventions.
The first installment of MEG-C will be published in 2007,
containing roughly 30 per cent of the texts in the planned
corpus in ASCII format. It will be on the Internet, accessible
for anyone to use and download. Our aim with publication
is two-fold: firstly, we will welcome feedback of any kind, and
especially from scholars who know the texts well; secondly, we
want to encourage and to see other scholars use the corpus.
Black, Merja, Simon Horobin and Jeremy Smith, 2002.
‘Towards a new history of Middle English spelling.’ In P. J.
Lucas and A.M. Lucas (eds), Middle English from Tongue to Text.
Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 9-20.
Helsinki Corpus = The Helsinki Corpus of English Texts (1991).
Department of English, University of Helsinki. Compiled
by Matti Rissanen (Project leader), Merja Kytö (Project
secretary); Leena Kahlas-Tarkka, Matti Kilpiö (Old English);
Saara Nevanlinna, Irma Taavitsainen (Middle English); Terttu
Nevalainen, Helena Raumolin-Brunberg (Early Modern
Horobin, Simon and Jeremy Smith, 1999. ‘A Database of
Middle English Spelling.’ Literary and Linguistic Computing 14:
Jordan, Richard, 1925. Handbuch der mittelenglischen
Grammatik. Heidelberg: Winter’s Universitätsbuchhandlung.
LAEME = Laing, Margaret, and Lass, Roger, forthcoming
2007. A Linguistic Atlas of Early Middle English. University of
Edinburgh. Nov. 22nd, 2007.
Laing, M. (ed.) 1989. Middle English Dialectology: essays on some
principles and problems by Angus McIntosh, M.L. Samuels and
Margaret Laing. Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press.
Digital Humanities 2008
LALME = McIntosh, M.L., Samuels, M.L. and Benskin, M.
(eds.) 1986. A Linguistic Atlas of Late Mediaeval English. 4 vols.
Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press. (with the assistance of
M. Laing and K. Williamson).
LAOS = Williamson, Keith, forthcoming 2007. A Linguistic
Atlas of Older Scots. University of Edinburgh. Nov. 22nd, 2007.
McIntosh, A. 1963 [1989]. ‘A new approach to Middle English
dialectology’. English Studies 44: 1-11. repr. Laing, M. (ed.) 1989:
Middle English Medical Texts = Taavitsainen, Irma, Pahta, Päivi
and Mäkinen, Martti (compilers) 2005. Middle English Medical
Texts. CD-ROM. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Stenroos, Merja, 2004. ‘Regional dialects and spelling
conventions in Late Middle English: searches for (th) in the
LALME data.’ In M. Dossena and R. Lass (eds), Methods and
data in English historical dialectology. Frankfurt am Main: Peter
Lang: 257-85.
Stenroos, Merja, forthcoming 2007. ‘Sampling and annotation
in the Middle English Grammar Project.’ In Meurman-Solin,
Anneli and Arja Nurmi (eds) Annotating Variation and Change
(Studies in Variation, Contacts and Change in English 1).
Research Unit for Variation, Change and Contacts in English,
University of Helsinki.
Venezky, R., 1970. The Structure of English Orthography. The
Hague/Paris: Mouton.
Designing Usable Learning
Games for the Humanities:
Five Research Dimensions
Rudy McDaniel
University of Central Florida, USA
Stephen Fiore
University of Central Florida, USA
Natalie Underberg
University of Central Florida, USA
Mary Tripp
University of Central Florida, USA
Karla Kitalong
University of Central Florida, USA
J. Michael Moshell
University of Central Florida, USA
A fair amount of research suggests that video games can be
effective tools for learning complex subject matter in specific
domains (Cordova & Lepper, 1996; Ricci, Salas, & CannonBowers, 1996; Randel et al., 1992; Fiore et al., 2007; Garris &
Ahlers et al., 2002). Although there has been much work in
situating “serious gaming” (Sawyer, 2002) as a legitimate vehicle
for learning in all types of disciplines, there is no central source
for research on crafting and designing what is considered to
be a usable game for the humanities. In this paper, we discuss
research issues related to the design of “usable” humanitiesbased video games and situate those research questions along
five interrelated dimensions.
We first provide our definition of usability as used in this
context. A usable humanities game is a game which is both
functionally capable in terms of an interface and its human
interactions as well as appropriately designed to support the
types of learning objectives attached to its scenarios or levels.
This definition is formed from the convergence of traditional
interface usability and learning effectiveness. We support our
delineation of research questions using theoretical work from
scholars writing about gaming as well as applied examples
from our own research and game development prototypes.
Drawing from three years of experience building a variety
of games, and literature culled from our various fields, we
discuss some of the unique research questions that designing
for the humanities pose for scholars and game designers. We
separate these questions across five dimensions, each with
representative humanities learning questions:
Digital Humanities 2008
1. Participation: how can we encourage diverse groups
of students and researchers to interact together in virtual
space? How can we design a space that is appealing and
equitable to both genders and to a diverse range of
demographic profiles?
2. Mechanics: how do you design algorithms that are
applicable to the types of tasks commonly sought in
humanities courses? For instance, how might one develop an
algorithm to “score” morally relative gameplay decisions in
an ethical dilemma?
3. Ontology: how is a player’s self-image challenged when
shifting from a real to what Gee (2003) calls a projected
identity, and how is this process changed through the use
of varying perspectives such as first-person or third-person
4. Hermeneutics: how do we probe the hidden layers that
exist between game worlds, source content, and human
computer interfaces? What “voices” are encouraged in
virtual worlds, and what voices are repressed within this
rhetorical space?
5. Culture: how are the cultural facets of primary source
content mediated through the process of digitization?
To consider these dimensions, we craft a theoretical base
formed from a wide range of researchers such as Gee (2003),
Prensky (2001), Squire (2002), and Jenkins (2006a, 2006b). From
Gee, we draw inspiration from his discussion of well-designed
games and his exploration of the implicit learning occurring in
several different genres of digital video games. Much of Gee’s
work has involved applying insights from the cognitive sciences
to traditional humanities domains such as literature in order
to explore identity, problem solving skills, verbal and nonverbal
learning, and the transfer of learned abilities from one task to
another. Marc Prensky notes that musical learning games in
the humanities have been used for hundreds of years -- Bach’s
Well Tempered Clavier and The Art of the Fugue are his “learning
games,” simple to complex musical exercises that build skill.
Prensky’s work also informs our historical analysis as well
as insights from the pioneers working in the field of serious
gaming for military applications.
Jenkins’ work in applying the interests of gaming fans as critical
lenses provides insight for both formative guidelines and posttask measures of “success” in learning game environments.
These gaming discourse communities often form wildly active
and influential fan groups, and these groups cultivate their
own forms of expression and understanding through complex
jargon, virtual initiations, and ritualistic rules and procedures
in virtual interaction. Gaming environments and virtual worlds
have also been shown to offer rich sources of material for
investigating notions of gender, race, ethnicity, and cultural
identity (Berman & Bruckman, 2001; Squire, 2002).
Building on the work of these scholars, others have extended
these general notions of digital game based learning to account
for specific curricula or learning objectives such as media
project management for humanities computing (McDaniel et
al., 2006). To build these humanities learning games, we have
assembled an interdisciplinary team composed of faculty
members from Digital Media, English, and Philosophy. Individuals
from this group have worked in a variety of capacities, as script
writers, artists, programmers, and producers. Undergraduate
and graduate students, in both classroom and research lab
roles, have worked and contributed to each of these games
in varying capacities. Five different games have been produced
through these collaborations:
1. Discover Babylon (Lucey-Roper, 2006), a game produced
by the Federation of American Scientists, the Walters
Art Museum in Baltimore, and UCLA’s Cuneiform Digital
Library Initiative (CDLI). One of our team members
developed the storyline for this game.
2. The Carol Mundy Underground Railroad game (GreenwoodEricksen et al., 2006) examines issues of African-American
history and culture and leads a player on an adventure from
a Southern plantation to safety in the North through the
Underground Railroad’s system of safehouses. This was a
“modded” game built atop Neverwinter Nights.
3. The Turkey Maiden (Underberg, forthcoming) is an
educational computer game project based on a version
of Cinderella collected by folklorist Ralph Steele Boggs
in 1930s Ybor City, Florida. This variant of the Cinderella
story, called “The Turkey Maiden” (from Kristin Congdon’s
anthology Uncle Monday and Other Florida Tales, 2001) forms
the narrative structure of the game, which has been further
developed by integrating specific tasks that the heroine
Rosa (“Cinderella”) must successfully complete to advance
in the game that are based in lessons to be learned by the
player about Florida history and culture.
4. Chaucer’s Medieval Virtual World Video Game is a virtual
medieval world game based on Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales.
This tale emphasizes the battle between men’s perceived
authority and women’s struggles for power. This game
uses Chaucer’s narrative gap as a springboard for a virtual
medieval quest. In addition to experiencing historical
scenarios, the knight will disguise his identity and experience
the world from various gender and social classes, the Three
Estates of Clergy, Nobility, and Peasantry as well as the
three feminine estates of virgin, widow, and wife.
5. The Medium is a prototype ethics game designed using
the Torque game engine. This three year project was funded
by the University of Central Florida’s Office of Information
Fluency and is in its earliest stages of design. The game pairs
a time travel theme with a switchable first and third person
perspective and also includes an environmentalist subtext.
We will use brief examples culled from these games to
Digital Humanities 2008
support our theoretical assertions and discuss ways in
which usable humanities games can act as a springboard for
bringing together subject matter experts, technologists, and
learners. In their 2006 report on Cyberinfrastructure for
the Humanities and Social Sciences, the American Council of
Learned Societies writes the following in regards to digital
networked technologies for the humanities: “A cyberstructure
for humanities and social science must encourage interactions
between the expert and the amateur, the creative artist and
the scholar, the teacher and the student. It is not just the
collection of data—digital or otherwise—that matters: at least
as important is the activity that goes on around it, contributes
to it, and eventually integrates with it” (14). Our goal is to
foster this type of humanistic, communicative environment
using new technologies for virtual worlds, usability testing, and
game-based learning environments.We hope that the scholarly
community working the field of digital humanities can help
us to explore and refine both theoretical models and applied
technologies related to this goal.
American Council of Learned Societies. 18 July, 2006.
“Our Cultural Commonwealth: The Report of the
American Council of Learned Societies’ Commission on
Cyberinfrastructure for the Humanities and Social Sciences.”
13 October 2007. <
Berman, J. & Bruckman, A. (2001). The Turing Game: Exploring
Identity in an Online Environment. Convergence, 7(3), 83-102.
Congdon, K. (2001). Uncle Monday and other Florida Tales.
Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi.
Cordova, D. I., & Lepper, M. R. (1996). Intrinsic motivation
and the process of learning: beneficial effects of
hypercontextualization, personalization, and choice. Journal of
Educational Psychology, 88(4), 715-730.
Fiore, S. M., Metcalf, D., & McDaniel, R. (2007). Theoretical
Foundations of Experiential Learning. In M. Silberman (Ed.),
The Experiential Learning Handbook (pp. 33-58): John Wiley &
Garris, R., R. Ahlers, et al. (2002). “Games, Motivation, and
Learning: A Research and Practice Model.” Simulation Gaming
33(4), 441-467.
Greenwood-Ericksen, A., Fiore, S., McDaniel, R., Scielzo, S., &
Cannon-Bowers, J. (2006). “Synthetic Learning Environment
Games: Prototyping a Humanities-Based Game for Teaching
African American History.” Proceedings of the 50th Annual
Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Santa
Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
Jenkins, H. (2006). Convergence Culture. New York: New York
University Press.
Jenkins, H. (2006). Fans, Bloggers, and Gamers. New York: New
York University Press.
Lucey-Roper M. (2006), Discover Babylon: Creating A Vivid
User Experience By Exploiting Features Of Video Games
And Uniting Museum And Library Collections, in J. Trant and
D. Bearman (eds.). Museums and the Web 2006: Proceedings,
Toronto: Archives & Museum Informatics, published March 1,
2006 at <>.
McDaniel, R., Fiore, S. M., Greenwood-Erickson, A., Scielzo,
S., & Cannon-Bowers, J. A. (2006).Video Games as Learning
Tools for Project Management. The Journal of the International
Digital Media and Arts Association, 3(1), 78-91.
Prensky, M. (2001). Digital Game-Based Learning. New York:
Randel, J. M., Morris, B. A., Wetzel, C. D., & Whitehill, B.V.
(1992). The effectiveness of games for educational purposes:
a review of recent research. Simulation & Gaming, 23(3), 261276.
Ricci, K. Salas, E., & Cannon-Bowers, J. (1996). “Do ComputerBased Games Facilitate Knowledge Acquisition and
Retention?” Military Psychology 8(4), 295-307.
Sawyer, B. (2002). Serious Games: Improving Public Policy through
Game-based Learning and Simulation. Retrieved June 24 2006,
Squire, K. (2002). Cultural Framing of Computer/Video
Games. Game Studies, 2(1).
Underberg, Natalie (forthcoming). “The Turkey Maiden
Educational Computer Game.” In Folklife in Education
Handbook, Revised Edition, Marshall McDowell, ed.
Gee, J. P. (2003). What Video Games Have to Teach Us About
Learning and Literacy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Digital Humanities 2008
Picasso’s Poetry:The Case of
a Bilingual Concordance
Luis Meneses
Texas A&M University, USA
Carlos Monroy
Texas A&M University, USA
Richard Furuta
Texas A&M University, USA
Enrique Mallen
Sam Houston State University, USA
Studying Picasso as writer might seem strange, considering
that the Spanish artist is mostly known for his paintings.
However, in the Fall of 2006 we began working on Picasso’s
writings. Audenaert, [1], describe the characteristics of
Picasso’s manuscripts, and the challenges they pose due to
their pictorial and visual aspects. With over 13,000 artworks
up-to-date catalogued, the On-line Picasso Project [5] includes
a historical narrative of relevant events in the artist’s life. In
this paper we discuss the contents of the texts—from the
linguistic standpoint—and the implementation of a bilingual
concordance of terms based on a red-black tree. Although
concordances have been widely studied and implemented
within linguistics and humanities, we believe that our collection
raises interesting challenges; first because of the bilingual
nature of Picasso’s poems, since he wrote both in Spanish
and French, and second, because of the connection between
his texts and his paintings. The work reported in this paper
focuses on the first issue.
Integrating Texts Into the On-line
Picasso Project
In the Fall of 2007 Picasso’s texts were added to the collection
along with their corresponding images, and a concordance of
terms both in Spanish and French was created.The architecture
created for Picasso’s poems is partially based on the one we
developed for the poetry of John Donne [7]. As often happens
in the humanities, each collection has its own characteristics,
which makes a particular architecture hard if not impossible
to reuse directly. For example, Donne’s texts are written in
English; Picasso in contrast wrote both in Spanish and French.
The Concordance of Terms
A concordance, according to the Oxford English Dictionary,
is “an alphabetical arrangement of the principal words
contained in a book, with citations of the passages in which
they occur.” When applied to a specific author’s complete
works, concordances become useful tools since they allow
users to locate particular occurrences of one word, or even
more interestingly, the frequency of such words in the entire
oeuvre of an author. Apparently, the first concordances in
English ever put together were done in the thirteenth century,
and dealt with the words, phrases, and texts in the Bible. Such
concordances were intended for the specialized scholar of
biblical texts and were never a popular form of literature. As
might be expected, these were soon followed by a Shakespeare
A concordance of the literary works of Pablo Picasso has
more in common with a Biblical concordance than with a
Shakespearian concordance, due to the manner in which the
Spanish artist/poet composed his poems. Many critics have
pointed out the heightened quality of words in Picasso’s
texts, a value that surpasses their own sentential context.
One gets the impression that words are simply selected for
their individual attributes and are then thrown together in the
poems. Picasso himself appears to admit using this technique
when he is quoted as saying that “words will eventually find
a way to get along with each other.” For this reason, readers
of Picasso’s poems become well aware of the frequent
recurrence of certain “essential words,” which one is then
eager to locate precisely in each of the poems to determine
significant nuances.
A catalogue raisonné is a scholarly, systematic list of an
artist’s known works, or works previously catalogued. The
organization of the catalogues may vary—by time period, by
medium, or by style—and it is useful to consult any prefatory
matter to get an idea of the overall structure imposed by the
cataloguer. Printed catalogues are by necessity constrained to
the time in which they are published.Thus, quite often catalogue
raisonnés are superseded by new volumes or entirely new
editions, which may (or may not) correct an earlier publication
[2]. Pablo Picasso’s artistic creations have been documented
extensively in numerous catalogs. Chipp and Wofsy [3], started
publishing a catalogue raisonné of Picasso’s works that contains
an illustrated synthesis of all catalogues to date on the works
of Pablo Picasso.
Digital Humanities 2008
Concordances are often automatically generated from texts,
and therefore fail to group words by classes (lexical category,
semantic content, synonymy, metonymy, etc.) The Concordance
we are developing will allow users to group words in such
categories, thus concentrating on the network of interrelations
between words that go far beyond the specific occurrences in
the poems.
Figure 1. A tabbed interface presents users with
French and Spanish Texts in chronological order. On
the right are text and image presentations
By narrowing down the number of these “essential words,”
the concordance also allows users to delimit the “thematic
domain” elaborated in Picasso’s writings. Clearly many words
deal with physical duress and the confrontation between good
and evil, as manifestations of concrete human suffering during
the Spanish Civil War and the German occupation of France in
World War II. By identifying the range of words employed, users
can clearly determine the political and cultural environment
that surrounds Picasso’s artistic creations during this period.
Nevertheless, one must not forget that Picasso’s main
contribution to the world is that of a plastic artist. A
Concordance will allow users to identify each of the words
Picasso used and link them to specific graphic images in his
artworks. It has been argued that Picasso’s poetry is quite
“physical” (he often refers to objects, their different colors,
textures, etc.). Even in his compositional technique, one gets
a sense that the way he introduces “physical” words into his
poems emulates the manner in which he inserted “found
objects” in his cubist collages. Many critics have pointed out,
on the other hand, that Picasso’s art, particularly during his
Cubist period, is “linguistic” in nature, exploring the language
of art, the arbitrariness of pictorial expression, etc.
Mallen [6] argues that Cubism explored a certain intuition
Picasso had about the creative nature of visual perception.
Picasso realized that vision involves arbitrary representation,
but, even more importantly, that painting also does. Once
understood as an accepted arbitrary code, painting stopped
being treated as a transparent medium to become an object
in its own right. From then on, Picasso focused his attention
on artistic creation as the creative manipulation of arbitrary
representations.Viewed in this light, painting is merely another
language, governed by similar strict universal principles as we
find in verbal language, and equally open to infinite possibilities
of expression. A concordance allows users to see these two
interrelated aspects of Picasso’s career fleshed out in itemized
Picasso is a bilingual poet. This raises several interesting
questions connected to what has been pointed out above.
One may wonder, for instance, if Picasso’s thematic domain is
“language-bound,” in other words, whether he communicates
certain concepts in one language but not in the other. A
Concordance will allow users to set correspondences between
words in one language and another. Given Picasso’s strong
Spanish heritage, it would be expected that concrete ideas
(dealing with food, customs, etc) will tend to be expressed
exclusively in Spanish, while those ideas dealing with general
philosophical and religious problems will oscillate between
the two languages. The possible corroboration of this point is
another objective of the planned Concordance.
Figure 2. Concordance with term frequency.
On the right, term-in-context display.
The Red Black Tree Implementation
Term concordances require the extraction of terms from a large
corpus along with the metadata related to their occurrences,
an operation often computationally expensive. The Digital
Donne for instance, is a pre-computed concordance. On the
other hand, repositories of texts are under constant revision
as errors are detected and corrected. When the corpus is
modified, part or the entire concordance has to be rebuilt. To
solve this problem, the Picasso’s concordance is computed on
the fly, without requiring any previous processing.
The repository of poems has initially been divided into poems,
stanza, and lines, then stored in a database. Using standard join
operations, the poems are reconstructed, allowing the terms
to be retrieved along additional metadata such as title, section,
and line number. Once the poems have been reconstructed,
each poem line is broken down into terms, which are defined
as a series of characters delimited by a textual space. Each
Digital Humanities 2008
occurrence of each term in turn, is inserted into the data
structure, as well as its occurrence metadata.
Our algorithm consists of an augmented data structure
composed of a Red Black Tree [4,8], where each node
represents one term found in Picasso’s writings and is used as
pointer to a linked list.A Red Black Tree is a self balanced binary
tree, that can achieve insert, delete, and search operations in
O(log n) time. Because only insertions and random access
is not required on the linked list, term occurrences can be
traversed sequentially in O(n) time. Picasso’s literary legacy
can be browsed and explored using titles as surrogates, which
are ordered by date and by the term concordance. Each entry
provides the number of occurrences and its corresponding
list, which can be used as index to browse the poems.
The retrieval process for terms and their occurrences is
carried out by selecting specific terms or choosing from an
alphabetical index of letters. To achieve this, a subtree is
extracted from the data structure and it is traversed, obtaining
every occurrence of a term along with additional metadata
including a unique poem identifier, page and line number.
Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLTs) are
used to transform the resulting XML output, and extract
the specific term occurrences within a line of the poem
and produce a surrogate, which is composed of a portion
of the text. Additionally, this surrogate gives access to the
corresponding poems through hyperlinks.
A new component of our implementation is a Spanish-French
thesaurus that correlates terms in both languages, along with
their meanings and commentary. Because our concordance is
created on the fly, we have to devise a mechanism to support
this. Additionally, this approach still remains to be tested
with different corpuses in other languages, especially where
terms are separated uniquely and spaces between them play
a different role in language constructs. The term extraction
algorithm is efficient using spaces as delimiters—a common
case both in Spanish and French. However, other languages
might include composite words.
1. Audenaert, N., Karadkar, U., Mallen, E., Furuta, R., and
Tonner, S. “Viewing Texts: An Art-Centered Representation of
Picasso’s Writings,” Digital Humanities (2007): 14-16.
2. Baer, B. Picasso Peintre-Graveur. “Catalogue Raisonné de
L’oeuvre Gravé et des Monotypes.” 4 Vols. Berne, Editions
Kornfeld, 1986-1989.
3. Chipp, H. and Wofsy, A. The Picasso Project. San Francisco:
Alan Wofsy Fine Arts. 1995-2003.
4. Cormen, T., Leiserson, C., Rivest, R., and Stein, C.,
Introduction to Algorithms, The MIT Press, 2nd Edition, 2001.
5. Mallen, Enrique. “The On-line Picasso Project.” http:// accessed October 2007.
6. Mallen, Enrique. The Visual Grammar of Pablo Picasso.
Berkeley Insights in Linguistics & Semiotics Series. New York:
Peter Lang. 2003.
7. Monroy, C., Furuta, R., and Stringer, G., “Digital Donne:
Workflow, Editing Tools, and the Reader’s Interface of a
Collection of 17th-century English Poetry.” Proceedings of
JCDL 2007,Vancouver, B.C. 2007.
8. Red-Black Tree. Accessed 2007-11-15, http://en.wikipedia.
This material is based upon work supported by the National
Science Foundation under Grant No. IIS-0534314.
Digital Humanities 2008
Exploring the Biography and
Artworks of Picasso with
Interactive Calendars and
Luis Meneses
Texas A&M University, USA
Richard Furuta
Texas A&M University, USA
Enrique Mallen
Sam Houston State University, USA
Scholars and general users of digital editions face a difficult
and problematic scenario when browsing and searching for
resources that are related to time periods or events. Scrolling
continuously through a long list of itemized search results
does not constitute an unusual practice for users when
dealing with this type of situation. The problem with this
searching mechanism is that a notion of the corresponding
dates or keywords associated with the event are required and
constitute a precondition to a successful search.
An ordered list is unable to provide the required affordances
and constraints that users need and desire to conduct scholarly
research properly. It is a common practice among users to
utilize the search mechanism present in most web browsers,
and then perform another search among the obtained results
to “narrow down” or limit the results to a smaller working
set that is easier to manage. The use of an external search
mechanism in a digital edition is a strong indicator that improved
interfaces must be designed, conceived and implemented, just
to achieve the sole purpose of facilitating scholarly research.
The Online Picasso Project (OPP) is a digital collection and
repository maintained by the Center for the Study of Digital
Libraries at Texas A&M University, and the Foreign Languages
Department at Sam Houston State University.As of November
2007, it contains 13704 catalogued artworks, 9440 detailed
biographical entries, a list of references about Picasso’s life
and works, and a collection of articles from various sources
regarding the renowned Spanish artist.
How does the OPP provide its content? Java Servlets are
used to retrieve the documents and metadata from a MySQL
database. As a result, a Apache Tomcat web server outputs a
XML which is linked to XSLTs and CSS. The later are used to
perform a dynamic transformation into standards-compliant
HTML, achieving a clear separation between content and
The OPP includes an interface that allows scholars and users
in general to browse through the significant events in his life,
artworks, and a list of museums and collections that hold
ownership to the various art objects created by the artist
during his lifetime. The implemented navigation scheme works
well for experienced scholars who have a deep knowledge of
Picasso’s life and works.The amount of available information can
be overwhelming to the project audience, composed primarily
of art scholars and historians, because of its magnitude and
painstaking detail.
The Humanities rely profoundly on dates to create a strong
relationship between events and documents. It is obvious to
assume that key events influenced Picasso in such a way, that
they caused significant changes in artistic style and expression.
The OPP contains a vast amount of information that could be
used in conjunction with the proposed interfaces, in order to
help answer this type of inquiries.The calendars and timelines in
the OPP propose an alternate method for exploring an existing
document collection since they use date-related metadata as
a discriminating factor, instead of an ordering criterion. Dates
are used to provide mechanisms and interfaces that allow rich
exploration of the artist’s legacy in order to get a more whole
and concise understanding of his life
The calendar interfaces were developed to provide a timetable
for the creation of artworks and occurrence of events
cataloged in the OPP. Their purpose is to provide with a quick
glance, relevant biographical and artistic dates. Additionally, the
calendars provide means for formulating direct comparisons
between dates within a single year. months and seasons.
The calendar interfaces have 5 display possibilities to filter
results, which apply to the artworks and to the narrative:
1. Show start date and end date: used to display “exact
2. Show start date or end date:
3. Show start date only:
4. Show End date only
5. Show Ranges of dates
Surrogates are provided in the form of artwork thumbnails
and textual description of the events. Clicking on the specified
date, month or season produces a web page, where detailed
descriptions can be accessed.
Digital Humanities 2008
Colors were added to the dates containing items, to show the
distribution of the artworks and events. The design decision
to include additional stratification schemes relates to the
research goal of providing an enhanced browsing mechanism.
The inclusion of this feature does not implicate any greater
additional processing of the data, but it provides a richer
environment for browsing the document collection.
Figure 2: Event surrogates – start and end dates
Additionally, this interface allows the users of the project to
quickly determine periods where the artist was more prolific.
Dates where Picasso was “active” are clearly visible and
identifiable. This data stratification gives users an additional
layer of information.
Figure 1: Artwork surrogates – ranges of dates
The use of calendar interfaces provides new possibilities for
scholars and users in general: the discovery of relationships
between documents, which standard HTML interfaces do not
facilitate. The main advantages derived from their use include:
1. The possibility of visualizing an entire year in Picasso’s
biography and artistic career.
Through the use of a Calendar-based interface, artworks can
be visually identified to their specific dates of creation. This
provides a visualization mechanism that allows the user to
navigate through a potentially large number of artworks in one
screen.The number of artworks that can be accessed, depends
on how esthetically prolific the artist was in that specific year.
For the case of biographical events, a similar scenario is
created. Users can navigate through an entire year of events,
and the information is presented in a way that affords quick
navigation and encourages interaction. Visually, periods where
more events occurred in Picasso’s life are easily identifiable.
2. The possibility of moving to specific day, month or season
within a year in one single interaction with the interface.
Through the use of information surrogates, users have the
possibility of moving to a specific day, month or season within
a year with a single click. The actions produced by scrolling
through multiple screens are eliminated, and users can view the
artifacts produced on a specific date with ease. Consequently,
comparisons between artworks can be achieved fluidly due
to the enhancements in the browsing environment. Similarly,
users can read about the specific events in Picasso’s biography
by visually selecting concrete dates.
The deployment of the Calendar interfaces, produce
visualizations that enable scholars to determine time periods
or specific dates in Picasso’s life.They serve as a tool that helps
identify when the artist was more prolific, as well the opposite:
when less artworks were produced. This analysis could also
be accomplished by browsing through the artwork collection
but it requires additional interaction from the user, which
at the end equals more time and effort. The interfaces also
constitute a new way of browsing the document collection:
Digital Humanities 2008
visually and in strict correlation to time. They also facilitate
further exploration of artworks and events in certain days,
months, seasons and years.
This new browsing mechanism in the OPP, based on the Simile
Timeline, was introduced by placing artworks as markers in
a time frame. It was designed to allow users to examine the
artworks produced, along with the recorded events of a given
year. Further modifications were necessary, since the Simile
Timeline was designed to support single events occurring in
one day.
Initially, the timeline was designed to focus only on Picasso’s
artworks. This design choice gave users great freedom to
explore large amounts of information in a manipulatable visual
space. However, the biographical events were being excluded.
These events included in the OPP, are particularly important
since provide a historical framework, which is crucial to the
understanding of the artist’s legacy and are tightly bound to
his work rhythm.
Moreover, some of the artworks produced by Picasso have a
certain degree of uncertainty in their dates of creation, since
their start and end dates were not documented. The timelines
provide a mechanism for dealing with uncertainty, where the
artworks are represented with a time bar with a lower level of
saturation in their color. This gives a visual clue that the start
and end dates are not fixed, and are subject to speculation.
Additional information such as changes in style and location
were injected to the timeline, which were extracted from the
artist’s biography. Their purpose is to provide an additional
layer of information that can be used to interpret the events
that lead to the creation and mood of certain artifacts, and
thus enhancing the browsing environment.
The advantages gained through the use of timelines include:
1. The possibility of grasping visually time-extensions in
Picasso’s output.
Picasso worked on several artworks at times, which share a
similar theme. Even though they share common characteristics,
they are not identical. Each of these artworks has variations,
which differentiate them.
On the other hand, the timelines allow users to freely explore
all the artworks and events within a given year, and point
out their similarities and differences, and affords further
examination regarding the evolution of a common and shared
2. The possibility of visually comparing works ordered in
chronological order.
The timelines provide a mechanism that filters artworks
according to their year of creation. The enhanced navigational
scheme provided, allows scholars to view artifacts in
chronological order. The addition of surrogates allows users
to point out a specific item, and then compare them in relation
to others through and their time correlation.
3. The possibility of seeing correlations between change of
location and artwork creation.
The deployed timelines allow the exploration of correlations
between location changes and the creation of specific artworks.
Changes in location are marked in the timelines, and clearly
denote a point in time where exposure to a new or recurring
context occurred.
Figure 4: Changes in location
Figure 3: Exploring artwork - event correlation
4. The possibility of comparing different stylistic periods as
they relate to concrete artworks and specific locations.
Digital Humanities 2008
The timelines produce a visualization that puts changes in
thematic periods and in locations in a common context, along
with the artworks that were elaborated in that time span.
This tool is augmented with the navigational ease of clicking
through a series of artworks, to compare their characteristics
and perform a deeper analysis if necessary.
The interfaces have been deployed taking into account that
additional functionality could be introduced with ease. As
a consequence, information regarding Picasso’s writings
and poems will be included into the next iteration of the
timelines and calendars.This will allow a deeper understanding
of his legacy, since it could potentially provide a greater
understanding of his artworks and biography. The writings and
poems constitute a compendium of his thoughts and insights,
extremely valuable because they were written by the artist
The timeline interfaces in the OPP, narrow the gap and visually
correlate biographical entries with artworks. They provide
scholars a bigger picture of Picasso’s artistic landscape and
how events they could have affected his artworks.The dynamic
nature of the web-accessible interfaces facilitate the insertion
of new documents and metadata and thus altering the graphical
space, which is not feasible on static and printed editions.
The Online Picasso Project. Available at http://picasso.tamu.
edu. [Accessed May 17, 2007]
SIMILE Project. Available at [Accessed
on May 24, 2007]
Monroy, R. Furuta, and E. Mallen, “Visualizing and Exploring
Picasso’s World,” in Proceedings of the 3rd ACM/IEEE-CS joint
conference on Digital Libraries, 2003, IEEE Computer Society,
pp. 173- 175.
Kumar, R. Furuta, and R. Allen, “Metadata visualization for
digital libraries: interactive timeline editing and review,” in
Proceedings of the third ACM conference on Digital Libraries,
1998, ACM Press, pp. 126 – 133.
Monroy, R. Furuta, E. Urbina, and E. Mallen, “Texts, Images,
Knowledge:Visualizing Cervantes and Picasso,” in Proceedings
of the Visual Knowledges Conference, 2003, John Frow, www.
N. Audenaert, U. Karadkar, E. Mallen, R. Furuta, and S. Tonner,
“Viewing Texts: An Art-centered Representation of Picasso’s
Writings,” In Proceedings of Digital Humanities 2007, 2007.
C. Monroy, R. Furuta, and E. Mallen, “Creating,Visualizing,
Analyzing, and Comparing Series of Artworks,” 2003,
Unpublished paper.
Computer Assisted
Conceptual Analysis of Text:
the Concept of Mind in the
Collected Papers of C.S.
Jean-Guy Meunier
Université du Quebec à Montréal, Canada
Dominic Forest
Université de Montréal, Canada
Computer assisted reading and analysis of text (CARAT)
has recently explored many variants of what has become
fashionable to call “text mining” strategies. Text mining
strategies are theoretically robust on large corpus. However,
since they mainly operate at a macro textual level, their use is
still the object of resistance by the expert readers that aim at
fine and minute conceptual analysis. In this paper, we present
a computer assisted strategy for assisting conceptual analysis
based on automatic classification and annotation strategies.
We also report on experiment using this strategy on a small
philosophical corpus.
Conceptual analysis is an expert interpretation methodology
for the systematic exploration of semantic and inferential
properties of set of predicates expressing a particular concept
in a text or in a discourse (Desclés, 1997; Fodor, 1998;
Brandom, 1994; Gardenfors, 2000; Rastier, 2005). Computer
assisted reading and analysis of text (CARAT) is the computer
assistance of this conceptual analysis.
The strategy of CACAT
Our text analysis strategy rests on the
following main hypothesis:
The expression of a canonical concept in a text presents
linguistics regularities some of which can be identified using
classification algorithms
This hypothesis itself unwraps into three sub hypothesis:
Hypothesis 1: conceptual analysis can be realized by the
contextual exploration of the canonical forms of a concept
This is realized through the classical concordance
strategy and variances on a pivotal term and its linguistic
variants (e.g. mind, mental, mentally, etc.) (Pincemin
et al., 2006; McCarthy, 2004; Rockwell, 2003).
Digital Humanities 2008
Hypothesis 2: the exploration of the contexts of a concept is itself
realized through some mathematical classification strategy.
This second hypothesis postulates that contexts of
a concept present regularities that can be identified
by mathematical clustering techniques that rest
upon similarities found among contextual segments
(Jain et al. 1999; Manning and Schütze, 1999).
was applied. It generated 83 clusters with a mean 8.3 segments
per class. It is possible to represent spatially the set of words
in each class. Figure 1 illustrates such a regrouping for cluster
Hypothesis 3: Classes of conceptual of similar conceptual
contexts can be annotated so as to categorize their semantic
This last hypothesis allows to associate to each segment of a
class of contexts some formal description of their content be it
semantic, logical, pragmatic, rhetorical, etc. (Rastier et al., 2005;
Djioua and Desclés, 2007; Meyers, 2005; Palmer et al., 2005;
Teich et al., 2006). Some of these annotations can be realized
through algorithms; others can only be done manually.
From these three hypotheses emerges an experiment which
unwraps in five phases. This experiment was accomplished
using C.S. Peirce’s Collected Papers (volumes I-VIII) (Peirce,
1931, 1935, 1958). More specifically, this research aimed
at assisting conceptual analysis of the concept of “Mind” in
Peirce’s writings.
Phase 1:Text preparation
In this methodology, the first phase is text pre-processing.
The aim of this first phase is to transform the initial corpus
according to phases 2 and 3 requirements. Various operations
of selection, cleaning, tokenisation, and segmentation are
applied. In the experiment we report on, no lemmatisation or
stemming was used.The corpus so prepared was composed of
74 450 words (tokens) with a lexicon of 2 831 word types.
Phase 2: Key Word In Context (KWIC)
extraction (concordance)
Using the corpus pre-processed in phase 1, a concordance
is made with the pivotal word “Mind”. The KWIC algorithm
generated 1 798 contextual segments of an average of 7 lines
each. In order to be able to manually evaluate the results of the
computer-assisted conceptual analysis, we decided to select in
the project only a random sampling of the 1 798 contextual
segments. The sampling algorithm delivered 717 contextual
segments. This sample is composed of 3 071 words (tokens)
and 1 527 type words.
Phase 3: KWIC clustering
The concordance is in itself a subtext (of the initial corpus). A
clustering technique was applied to the concordance results. In
this project, a hierarchical agglomerative clustering algorithm
Figure 1. Graphical representation of cluster 1 lexicon.
It is often on this type of representation that many numerical
analyses start their interpretation. One traditional critic
presented by expert analysts is their great generality and
ambiguity. This kind of analysis and representation give hints
on the content of documents, but as such it is difficult to use
for fine grained conceptual analysis. It must hence be refined.
It is here that the annotation phase comes into play.
Phase 4: Annotation
The annotation phase allows the expert reader to make more
explicit the type of information contained in each clusters
(generated in phase 3). For instance, the interpreter may indicate
if each cluster is a THEME, a DEFINITION, a DESCRIPTION,
what is it MODALITY (epistemic, epistemological, etc.). The
variety of annotation types is in itself a research object and
depends on various textual and linguistic theories.
Annotation results
In this abstract, size constraints do not allow us here to present
detailed results of classification and annotation processes.
We shall only present a sample on a few segments of three
Annotations of cluster 1: The first cluster contained 17 segments
all of which have received an annotation. Here are samples of
annotation for two segments of cluster 1. The annotation is
preceded by the citation itself from the original text.
“Finally laws of mind divide themselves into laws of the universal
action of mind and laws of kinds of psychical manifestation.”
ANNOTATION: DEFINITION: the law of mind is a general
action of the mind and a psychological manifestation
Digital Humanities 2008
“But it differs essentially from materialism, in that, instead of
supposing mind to be governed by blind mechanical law, it
supposes the one original law to be the recognized law of mind,
the law of association, of which the laws of matter are regarded
as mere special results.”
ANNOTATION: EXPLICATION: The law of mind is not a
mechanical materialism.
Phase 5: Interpretation
The last phase is the interpretative reading of the annotations.
Here, the interpreter situates the annotated segments into
his own interpretative world. He may regroup the various
types of annotation (DEFINITIONS, EXPLANTIONS, etc.)
and hence build a specific personal data structure on what
he has annotated. From then on, he may rephrase these in his
own language and style but most of all situate them in some
theoretical, historical, analytical, hermeneutic, epistemological,
etc. perspective. It is the moment where the interpreter
generates his synthesis of the structure he believes underlies
the concept.
We present here a sample of the synthesis of conceptual
analysis assisted by the CARAT process on cluster 1 (the
concept of “mind” in C.S. Peirce’s writings – cluster 1).
The law of Mind: association
The Peircian theory of MIND postulates that a mind is governed
by laws. One of these laws, a fundamental one, is associative
(segment 512). This law describes a habitus acquired by the
mind when it functions (segment 436).
Association is connectivity
This functioning is one of relation building through connections.
The connectivity is of a specific nature. It realizes a synthesis (à
la Kant) which is a form of “intellectual” generalisation (segment
It is physically realized
Such a law is also found in the biological world. It is a law that
can be understood as accommodation (segment 1436). In
fact, this law is the specific form of the Mind’s dynamic. It is a
fundamental law. But it is not easy for us to observe it because
we are victim of a interpretative tradition (segment 1330) that
understands the laws of mind as laws of nature.This is a typical
characteristic of an “objective idealism” (segments 1762 and
1382).The laws of mind do not belong to mechanist materialism
(segments 90 and 1382).
And there exist a variety of categories
There exist subdivisions of this law. They are related to the
generalisation process that is realised in infanthood, education,
and experience. They are intimately related to the growth of
consciousness (segments 375 and 325).
This research project explores a Computer-Assisted Reading
and Analysis of Text (CARAT) methodology. The classification
and annotation strategies manage to regroup systematically
segments of text that present some content regularity. This
allows the interpreter to focus directly on the organized
content of the concept under study. It helps reveal its various
dimensions (definitions, illustrations, explanations, inferences,
Still, this research is ongoing. More linguistic transformations
should be applied so as to find synonymic expressions of a
concept. Also, various types of summarization, extraction and
formal representation of the regularities of each class are to
be explored in the future.
But the results obtained so far reinstate the pertinence of the
concordance as a tool for conceptual analysis. But it situates it
in a mathematical surrounding that aim at unveiling the various
dimensions of a conceptual structure. Most of all, we believe
that this methodology may possibly interest expert readers
and analysis for it gives a strong handle and control on their
interpretation process although assisting them throughout the
Brandom, R.B. (1994). Making it Explicit. Cambridge: Harvard
University Press.
Desclés, Jean-Pierre (1997) “Schèmes, notions, predicats et
termes”. Logique, discours et pensée, Mélanges offerts à JeanBlaize Grize, Peter Lang, 9-36. 47.
Djioua B. and Desclés, J.P. (2007), “Indexing Documents
by Discourse and Semantic Contents from Automatic
Annotations of Texts”, FLAIRS 2007, Special Track “Automatic
Annotation and Information Retrieval : New Perspectives”,
Key West, Florida, May 9-11.
Fodor, J. (1998) Concepts:Where Cognitive Science Went Wrong.
Oxford: OUP.
Gardenfors, P. (2000) Conceptual Spaces. Cambridge (Mass.):
MIT Press.
Jain, et al. (1999). Data Clustering: A Review. ACM Computing
Surveys, 31(3):264–323.
Manning, C. and Schutze, H. (1999) Foundations of Statistical
Natural Language Processing, Cambridge Mass. : MIT Press.
Meyers, Adam (2005) Introduction to Frontiers in
CorpusAnnotation II Pie in the Sky Proceedings of the
Workshop on Frontiers in Corpus Annotation II: Pie in the Sky,
pages 1–4, New York University Ann Arbor, June 2005.
Digital Humanities 2008
McCarthy, W. (2004) Humanities Computing, Palgrave
MacMillan Blackwell Publishers.
Palmer, M., Kingsbury, P., Gildea, D. (2005) “The Proposition
Bank: An Annotated Corpus of Semantic Roles”.
Computational Linguistics, vol. 31, no 1, pp. 71-106.
Peirce, C.S. (1931-1935, 1958), Collected Papers of Charles
Sanders Peirce, vols. 1–6, Charles Hartshorne and Paul Weiss
(eds.), vols. 7–8, Arthur W. Burks (ed.), Harvard University
Press, Cambridge, MA, 1931–1935, 1958.
Pincemin, B. et al. (2006). Concordanciers: thème et
variations, in J.-M.VIPREY (éd.), Proc. of JADT 2006, pp. 773784.
Rastier, F. (2005) Pour une sémantique des textes théoriques.
Revue de sémantique et de pragmatique, 17, 2005, pp. 151-180.
Rastier, F. et al. (eds) (1995) L’analyse thématique des données
textuelles: l’exemple des sentiments. Paris: Didier Érudition.
Rockwell, G. (2003) What is text analysis, really? Literary and
Linguistic Computing, 18(2): 209–219.
Topic Maps and Entity
Authority Records:
an Effective Cyber
Infrastructure for Digital
Jamie Norrish
New Zealand Electronic Text Centre, New Zealand
Alison Stevenson
New Zealand Electronic Text Centre, New Zealand
The implicit connections and cross-references between and
within texts, which occur in all print collections, can be made
explicit in a collection of electronic texts. Correctly encoded
and exposed they create a framework to support resource
discovery and navigation by following links between topics.This
framework provides opportunities to visualise dense points
of interconnection and, deployed across otherwise separate
collections, can reveal unforeseen networks and associations.
Thus approached, the creation and online delivery of digital
texts moves from a digital library model with its goal as the
provision of access, to a digital humanities model directed
towards the innovative use of information technologies to
derive new knowledge from our cultural inheritance.
Using this approach the New Zealand Electronic Text Centre
(NZETC) has developed a delivery system for its collection of
over 2500 New Zealand and Pacic Island texts using TEI XML,
the ISO Topic Map technology1 and innovative entity authority
management. Like a simple back-of-book index but on a much
grander scale, a topic map aggregates information to provide
binding points from which everything that is known about a
given subject can be reached. The ontology which structures
the relationships between dierent types of topics is based on
the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model2 and can therefore
accommodate a wide range of types. To date the NZETC
Topic Map has included only those topics and relationships
which are simple, veriable and object based. Topics currently
represent authors and publishers, texts and images, as well as
people and places mentioned or depicted in those texts and
images. This has proved successful in presenting the collection
as a resource for research, but work is now underway to
expand the structured mark-up embedded in texts to encode
scholarly thinking about a set of resources. Topic-based
navigable linkages between texts will include ‘allusions’ and
‘influence’ (both of one text upon another and of an abstract
idea upon a corpus, text, or fragment of text).3
Importantly, the topic map extends beyond the NZETC
collection to incorporate relevant external resources which
expose structured metadata about entities in their collection
(see Figure 1).
Digital Humanities 2008
Cross-collection linkages are particularly valuable where
they reveal interdisciplinary connections which can provide
fertile ground for analysis. For example the National Library
of New Zealand hosts a full text archive of the Transactions
and Proceedings of the Royal Society containing New Zealand
science writing 1868-1961. By linking people topics in the
NZETC collection to articles authored in the Royal Society
collection it is possible to discern an interesting overlap
between the 19th century community of New Zealand Pakeha
artists and early colonial geologists and botanists.
In order to achieve this interlinking, between collections, and
across institutional and disciplinary boundaries, every topic
must be uniquely and correctly identied. In a large, full text
collection the same name may refer to multiple entities,4 while
a single entity may be known by many names.5 When working
across collections it is necessary to be able to condently
identify an individual in a variety of contexts. Authority control
is consequently of the utmost importance in preventing
confusion and chaos.
The library world has of course long worked with authority
control systems, but the model underlying most such systems
is inadequate for a digital world. Often the identier for an
entity is neither persistent nor unique, and a single name or
form of a name is unnecessarily privileged (indeed, stands in as
the entity itself). In order to accommodate our goals for the
site, the NZETC created the Entity Authority Tool Set (EATS),6
an authority control system that provides unique, persistent,
sharable7 identiers for any sort of entity. The system has two
particular benets in regards to the needs of digital humanities
researchers for what the ACLS described as a robust cyber
Firstly, EATS enables automatic processing of names within
textual material.When dealing with a large collection, resource
constraints typically do not permit manual processing -for example, marking up every name with a pointer to the
correct record in the authority list, or simply recognising
text strings as names to begin with. To make this process at
least semi-automated, EATS stores names broken down (as
much as possible) into component parts. By keeping track of
language and script information associated with the names,
the system is able to use multiple sets of rules to know how
to properly glue these parts together into valid name forms.
So, for example, William Herbert Ellery Gilbert might be
referred to in a text by “William Gilbert”, “W. H. E. Gilbert”,
“Gilbert,Wm.”, or a number of other forms; all of these can be
automatically recognised due to the language and script rules
associated with the system. Similarly Chiang Kai-shek, being a
Chinese name, should be presented with the family name first,
and, when written in Chinese script, without a space between
the name parts (蒋介石).
Figure 1: A mention of Samuel Marsden in a given text
is linked to a topic page for Marsden which in turn
provides links to other texts which mention him, external
resources about him and to the full text of works that he
has authored both in the NZETC collection and in other
online collections entirely separate from the NZETC.
The ability to identify entities within plain text and add
structured, machine-readable mark-up contributes to the
growth of electronic text corpora suitable for the types of
computational analysis oered by projects such as the MONK
environment.9 This is, however, distinct from the problem of
identifying substrings within a text that might be names, but
that are not found within EATS.This problem, though signicant,
does not fall within the main scope of the EATS system.10
Similarly, disambiguating multiple matches for the same name
is generally best left to the determination of a human being:
even date matches are too often problematic.11
Secondly, the system is built around the need to allow for
an entity to carry sometimes conflicting, or merely dierent,
information from multiple sources, and to reference those
sources.12 Having information from multiple sources aids in
the process of disambiguating entities with the same names;
just as important is being able to link out to other relevant
resources. For example, our topic page for William Colenso
links not only to works in the NZETC collection, but also to
works in other collections, where the information on those
other collections is part of the EATS record.
It is, however, barely sucient to link in this way directly from
one project to another. EATS, being a web application, can itself
be exposed to the net and act as a central hub for information
and resources pertaining to the entities within the system.
Since all properties of an entity are made as assertions by
an organisation, EATS allows multiple such organisations to
use and modify records without touching anyone else’s data;
adding data harvesting to the mix allows for centralisation of
information (and, particularly, pointers to further information)
without requiring much organisational centralisation.
Digital Humanities 2008
One benefit of this approach is handling entities about which
there is substantial dierence of view. With topics derived
from research (such as ideas and events) there are likely
to be dierences of opinion as to both the identification of
entities and the relationships between them. For example
one organisation may see one event where another sees two.
To be able to model this as three entities, with relationships
between them asserted by the organisations, a potentially
confusing situation becomes clear, without any group having
to give up its own view of the world. The EATS system can
achieve this because all information about an entity is in the
form of a property assertion made by a particular authority in
a particular record (see figure 2).
The technologies developed and deployed by the NZETC
including EATS are all based on open standards. The tools and
frameworks that have been created are designed to provide
durable resources to meet the needs of the academic and wider
community in that they promote interlinking between digital
collections and projects and are themselves interoperable with
other standards-based programs and applications including
web-based references tools, eResearch virtual spaces and
institutional repositories.
1 For further information see Conal Tuhoy’s \Topic Maps and TEI |
Using Topic Maps as a Tool for Presenting TEI Documents” (2006)
2 The CIDOC CRM is an ISO standard (ISO 21127:2006) which
provides denitions and a formal structure for describing the implicit
and explicit concepts and relationships used in cultural heritage
documentation. For more information see
3 The initial project work is being undertaken in collaboration with
Dr Brian Opie from Victoria University of Wellington and is centred
around the work and influences of William Golder, the author of the
first volume of poetry printed and published in New Zealand.
4 For example, the name Te Heuheu is used in a number of texts to
refer to multiple people who have it as part of their full name.
5 For example the author Iris Guiver Wilkinson wrote under the
pseudonym Robin Hyde.
6 For more analysis of the weakness of current Library standards for
authority control and for more detail information on EATS see Jamie
Norrish’s \EATS: an entity authority tool set” (2007) at http://www.
7 Being a web-based application the identiers are also dereferencable
(ie resolve a web resource about the entity) and therefore can be
used as a resource by any web project.
8 “Our Cultural Commonwealth: The final report of the American
Council of Learned Societies Commission on Cyberinfrastructure
for the Humanities & Social Sciences” (2006)
9 Metadata Oer New Knowledge
10 EATS can be provided with name data on which to make various
judgements (such as non-obvious abbreviations like Wm for William),
and it would be trivial to get a list of individual parts of names from
the system, for identication purposes, but there is no code for actually
performing this process.
11 That said, the NZETC has had some success with automated
ltering of duplicate matches into dierent categories, based on name
and date similarity (not equality); publication dates provide a useful
cut-o point for matching.
12 A source may be a primary text or an institution’s authority
Figure 2:The EATS objects and basic relationships
Only once both cultural heritage institutions and digital
humanities projects adopt suitable entity identiers and
participate in a shared mapping system such as EATS, can there
exist unambiguous discovery of both individual resources and
connections between them. The wider adoption of this type
of entity authority system will contribute substantially to the
creation of the robust cyber infrastructure that will, in the
words of the ACLS “allow digital scholarship to be cumulative,
collaborative, and synergistic.”
Digital Humanities 2008
2D and 3D Visualization of
Stance in Popular Fiction
Lisa Lena Opas-Hänninen
University of Oulu, Finland
Tapio Seppänen
University of Oulu, Finland
Mari Karsikas
University of Oulu, Finland
Suvi Tiinanen
University of Oulu, Finland
In analyzing literary style through statistical methods, we
often show our results by plotting graphs of various types, e.g.
scatterplots, histograms, and dendrograms. While these help
us to understand our results, they always necessarily “flatten”
the data into a 2- dimensional format. For the purposes of
visualization of complex data, we might be better off trying to
look at it three dimensionally if a suitable vector representation
of the data is found first.This paper investigates stance in three
groups of popular fiction, namely romance fiction, detective
fiction written by female authors and detective fiction written
by male authors, and presents the results using both 2
dimensional and three dimensional visualization.
Romance fiction and detective novels are both characterized
by the fact that they all have the same basic story. In romance
fiction it is the story of how the hero and heroine meet,
how their relationship develops and how the happy ending
is achieved. In detective fiction it is the story of the murder,
the unraveling of the case, the misleading clues and the final
solution. The same story is being retold over and over again,
just as in the oral storytelling tradition (Radway 1984:198).The
reader is not left in suspense of the final outcome and each
story is different from the others in the details of the events
and the way the story is told.Through this the reader becomes
involved in the story and partakes in the emotions, attitudes
and thoughts of the protagonist. These feelings, emotions and
moods are marked by syntactic and semantic features often
referred to as markers of stance.
Stance refers to the expression of attitude and consists of
two different types of expressions of attitude: evidentiality
and affect (Biber and Finegan 1989). Evidentiality means that
the reader becomes privy to the speaker’s attitudes towards
whatever knowledge the speaker has, the reliability of that
knowledge and how the speaker came about that knowledge.
Affect refers to the personal attitudes of the speaker, i.e. his/
her emotions, feelings, moods, etc. Biber and Finegan (1989)
investigated 12 different categories of features deemed to
mark stance: certainty/doubt adverbs, certainty/doubt verbs,
certainty/doubt adjectives, affective expressions, hedges,
emphatics and necessity/possibility/predictive modals. They
showed that different text types are likely to express stance
in different ways. Opas and Tweedie (1999) studied stance
in romance fiction and showed that three types of romance
fiction can be separated by their expression of stance. This
paper continues these studies, paying special attention to the
visualization of the results.
Materials and methods
Our total corpus is 760 000 words. It consists of three parts:
romance fiction, female-authored detective fiction and maleauthored detective fiction, all published in the 1990s. The
romance fiction comprises a total of 240 000 words from the
Harlequin Presents series, the Regency Romance series and
Danielle Steel’s works, which are often classified as women’s
fiction or ’cross-overs’. The female-authored detective fiction
part of our corpus includes Patricia Cornwell, Sue Grafton,
P.D. James, Donna Leon, Ellis Peters, and Ruth Rendell. These
texts make up 295 000 words.The rest of the corpus (229 000
words) is made up of male-authored detective fiction texts,
including Colin Dexter, Michael Dibdin, Quintin Jardine, Ian
Rankin and Peter Tremayne.
Principal components analysis was used to reduce the 12
markers of stance to three dimensions which describe 52.4%
of the variation in the data.
In a previous study Opas and Tweedie (2000) concluded
that the detective stories seem to mark evidentiality, i.e. the
characters express their certainty and doubt. The romance
stories, on the other hand, seem to mainly mark affect, i.e.
the characters express their emotions and moods. In Biber
and Finegan’s terms (1989), the detective fiction texts show
‘interactional evidentiality’ and the romance fiction texts show
‘emphatic expression of affect’.
The results in Figures 1 and 2 below show the female-authored
detective stories in shades of red and yellow, the male-authored
detective stories in shades of blue and the romance stories in
shades of black. While in Figure 1 the female-authored texts
are perhaps slightly more clearly separatable from the others,
it still seems that all these texts are far more overlapping and
less clearly distinguishable as three groups than the texts in
previous studies were. However, broadly speaking, the romance
texts are in the lower half of the graph, the female-authored
detective texts in the upper half and the male-authored
detective texts in the middle. What is surprising though is that
no features seem to “pulling” texts downwards, towards the
lower half of the graph; and that the feature that “pull” the
texts upwards include both markers of certainty/doubt and
Digital Humanities 2008
Biber, D. and E. Finegan (1989) Styles of Stance in English:
Lexical and Grammatical Marking of Evidentiality and Affect.
Text 9.1: 93-124.
Opas, L.L. and F.J. Tweedie (1999) The Magic Carpet Ride:
Reader Involvement in Romantic Fiction. Literary and Linguistic
Computing 14.1: 89-101.
Figure 1. PC1 and PC2 for detective and romance fiction
Opas, L.L. and F.J. Tweedie (2000) Come into My World: Styles
of stance in detective and romantic fiction. Poster. ALLCACH2000. Glasgow, UK.
Radway, J.A. (1984) Reading the Romance. Chapel-Hill: University
of North Carolina Press.
Figure 2. PC2 and PC3 for detective and romance fiction
Figure 2 seems to show similar results. Here, perhaps, the
female-authored detective texts are even slightly more easily
separated from the others, but the general impression of
the male-authored texts and the romance texts overlapping
remains. Yet again it seems that there are hardly any features
accounting for the texts on the left-hand side of the graph and
that the feature “pulling” the texts to the right include both
features marking evidentiality and those marking affect.
These results are quite surprising. Either male-authored
detective stories mark evidentiality and affect in the same
manner as romance fiction, and here is seems that they don’t
show many features that would mark stance, or there is
something more complex at work here.To help us understand
these phenomena better, we would suggest visualizing the
workings of the markers of stance in a 3 dimensional model.
To this end, we have built a tool that takes the principal
components analysis data, reduces dimensionality down to
three components with the most energy and presents the data
with these components. The software tool is implemented
in the MATLAB® environment (The MathWorks, Inc.,
Massachusetts, USA) utilizing its 3D graphical functions. The
tool is an interactive one, allowing the researcher to turn the
3D model and look for the angles that best show the clustering
structure and the differences between the texts. We will
demonstrate how tools such as this one significantly improve
the researcher’s ability to visualize the research results and to
interpret them.
Digital Humanities 2008
TEI Analytics: a TEI Format
for Cross-collection Text
Stephen Ramsay
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Brian Pytlik-Zillig
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
The Monk Project ( has for the
last year been developing a Web-based system for undertaking
text analysis and visualization with large, full-text literary
archives. The primary motivation behind the development of
this system has been the profusion of sites like the Brown
Women Writers Project, Perseus Digital Library, Wright
American Fiction, Early American Fiction, and Documenting
the American South, along with the vast literary text corpora
oered by organizations like the Text Creation Partnership and
Chadwyck-Healey. Every one of these collections represents
fertile ground for text analysis. But if they could be somehow
combined, they would constitute something considerably
more powerful: a literary full text-corpus so immense as to be
larger than anything that has yet been created in the history
of computing.
The obstacles standing in the way of such a corpus are well
known. While all of the collections mentioned above are
encoded in XML and most of them are TEI-conformant, local
variations can be so profound as to prohibit anything but the
most rudimentary form of cross-collection searching. Tagset
inclusions (and exclusions), local extensions, and local tagging
and metadata conventions dier so widely among archives, that
it is nearly impossible to design a generalized system that can
cross boundaries without a prohibitively cumbersome set of
heuristics. Even with XML and TEI, not all texts are created
TEI Analytics, a subset of TEI in which varying text collections
can be expressed, grew out of our desire to make MONK
work with extremely large literary text corpora of the sort
that would allow computational study of literary and linguistic
change over broad periods of time.
TEI Analytics
Local text collections vary not because archive maintainers
are contemptuous toward standards or interoperability, but
because particular local circumstances demand customization.
The nature of the texts themselves may require specialization,
or something about the storage, delivery, or rendering
framework used may favor particular tags or particular
structures. Local environments also require particular metadata
conventions (even within the boundaries of the TEI header).
This is in part why the TEI Consortium provides a number of
pre-fabricated customizations, such as TEI Math and TEI Lite,
as well as modules for Drama, transcriptions of speech, and
descriptions of manuscripts. Roma (the successor to Pizza
Chef) similarly allows one to create a TEI subset, which in turn
may be extended for local circumstances.
TEI Analytics, which is itself a superset of TEI Tite, is designed
with a slightly dierent purpose in mind. If one were creating a
new literary text corpus for the purpose of undertaking text
analytical work, it might make the most sense to begin with
one of these customizations (using, perhaps, TEI Corpus). In
the case of MONK, however, we are beginning with collections
that have already been tagged using some version of TEI with
local extensions. TEI Analytics is therefore designed to exploit
common denominators in these texts while at the same time
adding new structures for common analytical data structures
(like part-of-speech tags, lemmatizations, named-entities,
tokens, and sentence markers). The idea is to create a P5compliant format that is designed not for rendering, but for
analytical operations such as data mining, principle component
analysis, word frequency study, and n-gram analysis. In the
particular case of MONK, such documents have a relatively
brief lifespan; once documents are converted, they are read in
by a system that stores the information using a combination
of object-relational database technology and binary indexing.
But before that can happen, the texts themselves need to be
analyzed and re-expressed in the new format.
Our basic approach to the problem involves schema harvesting.
The TEI Consortium’s Roma tool (
Roma/) was first used to create a base W3C XML schema for
TEI P5 documents, which we then extended using a custom
ODD file.
With this basis in place, we were able to create an XSLT
“meta-stylesheet” (MonkMetaStylesheet.xsl) that consults
the target collection’s W3C XML schema to determine the
form into which the TEI P4 les should be converted. This
initial XSLT stylesheet is a meta-stylesheet in the sense that it
programatically authors another XSLT stylesheet. This second
stylesheet (XMLtoMonkXML.xsl), which is usually thousands
of lines long, contains the conversion instructions to get from
P4 to the TEI Analytics’s custom P5 implementation. Elements
that are not needed for analysis are removed or re-named
according to the requirements of MONK (for example,
numbered <div>s are replaced with un-numbered <div>s).
Bibliographical information is critical for text analysis, and both
copyright and responsibility information must be maintained,
but much of the information contained in the average
<teiHeader> (like revision histories and records of workflow)
are not relevant to the task. For this reason, TEI Analytics uses
a radically simplied form of the TEI header.
Digital Humanities 2008
Here is a sample template in the meta-stylesheet (in a
somewhat abbreviated form):
<xsl:template match=”xs:element[@
<!-- elements are identified in the
MONK shema, and narrowed to list
of allowable elements-->
<xsl:element name=”xsl:template”>
<!-- begins writing of ‘xsl:template’
elements in the final XMLtoMonkXML.xsl
stylesheet -->
<xsl:attribute name=”match”>
<!-- begins writing of the (approximately
122 unique) match attributes on
the ‘xsl:template’ elements -->
<xsl:when test=”$attributeName
= $attributeNameLowercase”>
<xsl:value-of select=”@name”/>
<xsl:value-of select=”concat(@
name,’ | ‘,lower-case(@name))”/>
<!-- ends writing of the match
attributes on the ‘xsl:template’
elements -->
<xsl:attribute name=”test”>
<xsl:value-of select=”concat(‘@’,.)”/>
<xsl:attribute name=”select”>
<xsl:value-of select=”concat(‘@’,.)”/>
<!-- copies the element’s
attributes, constrained to a list
of attributes desired by MONK -->
<xsl:otherwise> </xsl:otherwise>
<!-- any zero-length strings (in
the dynamically-generated list of
associated attributes) are discarded -->
<!-- ends writing of ‘xsl:template’
elements in the final XMLtoMonkXML.xsl
stylesheet -->
All processes are initiated by a program (called Abbot) that
performs, in order, the following tasks:
1. Generates the XMLtoMonkXML.xsl stylesheet
<xsl:element name=”{$attributeName}”>
2. Edits the XMLtoMonkXML.xsl stylesheet to add the
proper schema declarations in the output files.
<!-- writes the unique contents of
each ‘xsl:template’ element in the
XMLtoMonkXML.xsl stylesheet -->
3. Converts the entire P4 collection to MONK’s custom P5
<xsl:for-each select=”$associ
<xsl:for-each select=”child::
item[string-length(.) &gt; 0]”>
<!-- all strings (in the dynamicallygenerated list of associated
attributes) greater than
zero are processed -->
4. Removes any stray namespace declarations from the
output files, and
5. Parses the converted les against the MONK XML schema.
These steps are expressed in BPEL (Business Process Execution
Language), and all source files are retained in the processing
sequence so that the process can be tuned, adjusted, and rerun as needed without data loss.The main conversion process
takes, depending on the hardware, approximately 30 minutes
for roughly 1,000 novels and yields les that are then analyzed
and tagged using Morphadorner (a morphological tagger
developed by Phil Burns, a member of the MONK Project at
Digital Humanities 2008
Northwestern University). Plans are underway for a plugin
architecture that will allow one to use any of the popular
taggers (such as GATE or OpenNLP) during the analysis
The Dictionary of Words in
the Wild
McMaster University
We believe that TEI Analytics performs a useful niche function
within the larger ecology of TEI by making disparate texts
usable within a single text analysis framework. Even without
the need for ingestion into a larger framework, TEI Analytics
facilitates text analysis of disparate source files simply by
creating a consistent and unied XML representation. We also
believe that our particular approach to the problem of XML
conversion (a small stylesheet capable of generating massive
stylesheets through schema harvesting) may be useful in other
contexts|including, perhaps, the need to convert texts from
P4 to P5.
Willard McCarty
Geoffrey Rockwell
King’s College London, UK
Eleni Pantou-Kikkou
King’s College London, UK
The Dictionary of Words in the Wild [1] is an experiment
in social textuality and the perceptual dynamics of reading.
The Dictionary is a social image site where contributors can
upload pictures of words taken “in the wild” and tag them so
they are organized alphabetically as an online visual dictionary.
Currently the Dictionary has 2227 images of 3198 unique
words and 24 contributor accounts. The images uploaded
and tagged are of text, usually single words or phrases, that
appear in the everyday environment. Images uploaded include
pictures of signs, body tatoos, garbage, posters, graffiti, labels,
church displays, gravestones, plastic bags, clothing, art, labels,
and other sights. The site is structured with an application
programming interface to encourage unanticipated uses.
In this paper we will,
• Give a tour through the online social site and its API,
• Discuss current scholarship on public textuality and the
perceptual dynamics of reading,
• Reflect on the Dictionary in these contexts, and
• Conclude with speculations on its possible contributions
to our understanding of textuality and reading.
Outline of the Dictionary
The following is a narrative of the demonstration part of the
The Dictionary was developed with Ruby on Rails by Andrew
MacDonald with support from the TAPoR project under the
direction of Geoffrey Rockwell. Users can get a free account
in order to start uploading images. (We discovered once the
project was visible for a few months that spambots were
automatically creating accounts so we have introduced a
CAPTCHAlike graphical challenge-response feature to weed
out false accounts.)
Digital Humanities 2008
When you upload a picture you are given the opportunity
to crop it and are prompted to provide a list of words that
appear in the text. You can also provide a brief description or
discussion of the word image.
Once uploaded the image is filed in a database and the interface
allows you to access the images in different ways:
• You can click on a letter and browse images with words
starting with that letter. An image with “On” and “Off” will
be filed twice, though at present the label is the first word
• You can search for a word and see the images that have
been tagged with that word.
• You can type in a phrase and get a sequence of images.
• You can see what comments have been left by others on
your images and respond to them.
The API allows the user to create other processes or text
toys that can query the dictionary and get back an XML file
with the URLs for word images like:
<word href=”href_for_image”>Word</word>
One of the goals of the project is to support mashups that use
the dictionary for new projects. This is where the Dictionary
is different than other such projects, many of which use Flickr
to pull images of letters or words.
Theoretical Discussion
The Dictionary is an exploratory project designed to
encourage the gathering of images of words in the wild and
to provoke thinking about our encounters with these words.
It did not start with an articulated theory of text that it set
out to illustrate, nor in the contributors’ experience does
the actual collecting of words tend to be governed by this or
that theory. Rather, in its simplicity, the Dictionary encourages
participants to document public textuality as they encounter
and perceive it.
At least in the initial phase of the project, the designers have
imposed no rules or guidelines for the collecting, editing and
tagging of words. Although it is clear that certain requirements
for entering words into the Dictionary would make subsequent
research questions easier to pursue, the designers prefer not
to impose them so as to discover what in fact participants find
to be interesting and practical to record. Because recording of
words is voluntary and would seem inevitably to be limited to
a few individuals, the time and effort required must be kept to
a minimum in order to have a collection sufficiently large to
allow the research potential of the Dictionary to emerge.
The Dictionary is meant to provoke reflection on the actual
verbal environment in its totality, on the moment-by-moment
encounter with individual words and phrases where one finds
them and on the experience of reading them as each reading
Collecting of verbal images for the Dictionary presents
collectors with a way of defamiliarizing familiar environments.
Conventional techniques for framing a photograph and digital
tools for cropping it give them limited but surprisingly powerful
means of recording defamiliarized sights. Additional means are
provided by a commentary feature, but the amount of time
required to compose this commentary tends to discourage
much of it.Theoretical reflection on the encounter with words
in the wild would seem to require participation in the project
to be adequate to the data. For this reason collecting is not a
task to be done separately from theorizing. Whatever theory
is to emerge will come from participant observation.
In some cases, we have found, what appears interesting to
record is relatively static, requiring little compositional care or
subsequent cropping. In many cases, however, the experience
of reading is a dynamic event, as when part of a verbal message,
not necessarily first in normal reading order, is perceived first,
then submerged into the overall syntax of its verbal and/or
visual environment. In other cases, the experience may include
a specific detail of the environment in which the text of interest
is embedded but not be informed significantly by other details.
Occasionally one has sufficient time to frame a photograph to
capture the experience adequately, but most often photographs
must be taken quickly, as when unwelcome attention would be
drawn to the act of photography or the situation otherwise
advises stealth (an inscription on a t-shirt, for example). The
Dictionary, one might say, is a record of psycholinguistic events
as much or more than simply of environmental data.
In more theoretical terms, is the project aims to study how
language acts as a semiotic system materially placed in the real
word. In order to interpret this multidimensional, “semiotic”
role of language, our analysis focuses on how dictionary users
perceive different signs and attribute meanings to words by
referring to these signs. We will argue that through this kind
of visual dictionary contributors can interact and play with
language by using visual artifacts (photos, images, graffiti etc)
to express and define the meanings of words. We have strong
theoretical reasons for regarding text as co-created by the
reader in interaction with the verbal signs of the document
being read. The Dictionary gives the reader of words in the
wild a means of implementing the act of reading as co-creative,
but with a significant difference from those acts that have
previously been the focus of theoretical work. The collector
of wild words, like the reader of literature, is obviously not so
much a viewer as a producer of meaning, but unlike the literary
reader, the collector is operating in a textual field whose realworld context is highly unlikely ever to be otherwise recorded.
It so obviously goes without saying that it also goes by and
vanishes without ever being studied.
Digital Humanities 2008
The title of the project suggests a distinction between text in
two different places: the kind at home and the kind in the wild.
But the collector’s gaze rapidly suggests that the distinction
is only in part one of place. Text at home can also be ‘wild’
if it can be defamiliarized, e.g. the title of a book on its spine
taken in poor light conditions inside a house. The wildness of
words, is then ‘in the eye of the beholder’, though the domestic
environment is usually so well regulated that opportunities
for perceiving wildness are far more limited than in relatively
undomesticated environments. Thus such opportunities
tend to occur far less frequently in well-kept or wealthy
neighbourhoods than in poorly kept ones, where rubbish is
frequently encountered and advertising of all kinds is evident.
This suggests ironically that poorer neighbourhoods are in
respect of the sheer amount of reading more rather than less
literate. But the correlation between wealth and verbosity is
not so straightforward. Airport lounges, for example, are rich
in examples of wild words.What would seem to matter in this
correlation is the acquisitive desire of the population: those
who have tend not to read for more.
Such theorizing, however, is clearly at a quite preliminary
stage. The project calls for a more systematic ethnography
of textuality and its everyday occurence. Insofar as it can
be conceptualized, the long-term goal of the project can be
put as a question: would it be possible to develop a panoptic
topology of the appearance of the legible in everyday life, if
even just for one person?
Similar Work
The paper will conclude with some images and the future
directions they have provoked:
• We need to parse phrases so that we remove punctuation.
For example, “faith,” won’t find the image for “faith”.
• We need to allow implicit words to be entered with
parentheses where the word doesn’t appear, but is
implicit. An example would be http://tapor1-dev.mcmaster.
ca/~dictwordwild/show/694 which is filed under “Average”
even though the word doesn’t appear.
• We need to allow short phrasal verbs and compounds to
be entered with quotation marks so they are filed as one
item. An example would be “come up” or “happy days”.
• We need to allow images of longer passages to identified
as “Sentences in the Sticks”, “Phrases in the Fields” or
“Paragraphs in the Pastures”. These would not be filed
under individual words, but the full text could be searched.
• We need to allow people to control capitalization so that,
for example, “ER” (which stands for “Emergency Room”) is
not rendered as “Er”.
• We need to let people add tags that are not words so
images can be sorted according to categories like “Graffiti”
or “Billboard”.
The Dictionary is one of a number of projects that use the
internet to share images of textuality. For example,Typography
Kicks Ass: Flickr Bold Italic [2] is Flash toy that displays messages
left by people using letters from Flickr. The London Evening
Standard Headline Generator [3] from
generates headlines from a Flickr set of images of headlines. [4] tracks illegal billboards in Toronto and has
a Clickable Illegal Signs Map [5] that uses Google Maps. On
Flickr one can find sets like Its Only Words [6] of images of
1. Dictionary of Worlds in the Wild: http://tapor1-dev.
What all these projects have in common is the photographic
gaze that captures words or phrases in a context whether
for aesthetic purposes or advocacy purposes. The Dictionary
is no different, it is meant to provoke reflection on the wild
context of text as it is encountered on the street.
6. Its Only Words:
2. Typography Kicks Ass:
3. The London Evening Standard Headline Generator: http://
5. Clickable Illegal Signs Map:
The Future
The success of the project lies in how the participants
push the simple assumptions encoded in the structure. The
project would have failed had no one contributed, but with
contributions come exceptions to every design choice. The
types of text contributors want to collect and formally tag has
led to the specification of a series of improvements that are
being implemented with the support of TAPoR and SSHRC.
Digital Humanities 2008
Davis, H. and Walton, P. (1983): Language, Image, Media,
Blackwell, Oxford.
Kress, G. and Van Leeuwen, T. (1996): Reading images: the
grammar of visual design, Routledge, London.
Kress, G. and Van Leeuwen, T. (2001): Multimodal Discourse:
the modes and media of contemporary communication, Arnold,
McCarty, Willard. 2008 (forthcoming). “Beyond the word:
Modelling literary context”. Special issue of Text Technology,
ed. Lisa Charlong, Alan Burke and Brad Nickerson.
McGann, Jerome. 2004. “Marking Texts of Many Dimensions.”
In Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens and John Unsworth, eds.
A Companion to Digital Humanities. Oxford: Blackwell. www., 16. (12/10/07). 198-217.
Scollon, R. and Scollon, S. (2003): Discourses in Places: Language
in the material world, Routledge, London.
Van Leeuwen, T. (2005): Introducing social semiotics, Routledge,
The TTC-Atenea System:
Researching Opportunities in
the Field of Art-theoretical
Nuria Rodríguez
University of Málaga, Spain
The purpose of this presentation is to demonstrate the
research opportunities that the TTC-ATENEA system offers
to specialists in Art Theory. Principally, we will focus on
those functionalities that are able to assist specialists in the
interpretation of the theoretical discourses, a complex task
due to the ambiguity and inaccuracy that distinguish this type
of artistic terminology.
The TTC-ATENEA system is currently being developed under
my supervision in a Project supported by the Ministerio de
Educación y Ciencia of Spain called Desarrollo de un tesauro
terminológico conceptual (TTC) de los discursos teórico-artísticos
españoles de la Edad Moderna, complementado con un corpus
textual informatizado (ATENEA) (HUM05-00539). It is an
interdisciplinary project integrated by the following institutions:
University of Málaga (Spain), University of de Santiago de
Compostela (Spain), University of Valencia (Spain), European
University of Madrid (Spain), the Getty Research Institute (Los
Angeles, EE.UU.), the University of Chicago (EE.UU.) and the
Centro de Documentación de Bienes Patrimoniales of Chile.
Also, it maintains a fruitful collaboration with the Department
of Computational Languages and Sciences of the University
of Málaga, specifically with the Project called ISWeb: Una
Infraestructura Básica para el Desarrollo de La Web Semántica y su
Aplicación a la Mediación Conceptual (TIN2005-09098-C05-01).
This system can be defined as a virtual net made up of two
complementary components: an electronic text database
(ATENEA), and the terminological conceptual thesaurus
(TTC). The TTC is a knowledge tool for art specialists that
consists of a compilation of described, classified and linked
terms and concepts.The textual database consists of important
art-historical texts (16th -18th centuries), encoded in XMLTEI (1), that supply the terms and concepts recorded in the
thesaurus (2).
We want to remark the significant contribution of ATENEA
database to the field of the virtual and digital libraries in Spain.
Despite the fact that the building of digital and virtual libraries
is an important area of development (3), ATENEA represents
one of the first textual databases about specialized subject
matter –with exception of the digital libraries on literary texts(4). It is a very different situation from other contexts, where
we find relevant specialized electronic textual collections. It
Digital Humanities 2008
is the case, for example, of the digital libraries about Italian
artistic texts developed and managed by Signum (Scuola
Normale Superiore di Pisa) (5); or the collections included in
the ARTFL Project (University of Chicago) (6).
Providing Solutios to the Ambiguity of
Art-theoretical Terminology
The configuration of the ATENEA-TTC system was determined
by the main purpose of the project itself--that is, to provide
a satisfactory answer to the terminological/conceptual
problems that encumber the task of conducting research in
art theory, due to the high degree of semantic density of the
terminology contained in historical documents. In this respect,
it is important to point out that the objective of the Project is
not only to distinguish the terminological polysemy, that is, the
different concepts that a term denotes (i.e., disegno as product,
disegno as abstract concept, disegno as formal component of
the paintings…), but also the different interpretations that the
same concept assumes in discourses belonging to different
authors. For instances, the concept disegno, understood as an
abstract concept, has not the same interpretation in Zuccaro´s
treatise than in Vasari´s one, what implies that the term disegno
does not mean exactly the same in such texts. Indeed, this is
one of the more problematic aspects of textual interpretation,
since the same term assumes different semantic nuances in
each text or treatise, increasing, in that way, the possibilities
for ambiguity and error.
In connection with this question, the eminent Professor
Fernando Marías (7) has suggested the development of a
“cronogeografía” of the art-theoretical concepts and terms. In
his words, the so-called “cronogeografía” should be a precise
means of control of the emergence and use of the theoretical
vocabulary as well as of the ideas behind this. We consider that
the methodology proposed by this Project could be an answer
to Professor Marías´ suggestion.
It is clear that this approach requires, firstly, a comparative
conceptual analysis among the artistic texts stored in ATENEA
in order to identify the different interpretations of each
concept and, as a result, the semantic variations assumed by
every term. To make visible in the thesaurus these semanticconceptual distinctions, we have proceeded to tag concepts
and terms by mean of parenthetical qualifiers related to authors,
which have been specifically developed to this end. These
qualifiers specify the author who has used or defined them.
Thus, the TTC records the conceptual-semantic variations
among concepts and terms used by different authors, and also
shows them graphically and visually. For example, the following
representation generated by the system (figure 1):
Fig. 1. Uses and interpretations of vagueza in
the Spanish art –theory (17th century).
reveals us, at a glance, that vagueza has the same interpretation
in Sigüenza and Santos´s discourses, but that this assumes
other senses in Carducho and Martinez´s treatises.
This procedure implies other significant feature of the
ATENEA-TTC system: that terms and concepts are described
in the TTC according to how they has been used or defined in
each particular text.This last point deserves to be emphasized.
Effectively, there are other projects that also link terms to online
dictionary entries, in which the user finds general definitions
of the terms. Nevertheless, in the TTC terms and concepts are
defined in reference to the specific texts in where they have
been located. So, clicking on the selected term or concept, the
user gets information about how such term or concept has
been specifically used and defined in a particular text or by a
particular author.
In addition to that, the TTC-ATENEA system provides full
interaction between the ATENEA corpus and the TTC. The
system easily allows the definition of connections between a
term or a concept in an XML-TEI marked text and the registry
of the TTC. Thus, terms and concepts in the text are linked
to all their relevant information, stored and structured in the
TTC records. In the same way, the system allows to establish
a connection between terms and concepts registered in the
TTC and the different places where they appear in the XMLTEI marked texts. As far as XML-TEI marked texts and TTC
are stored in the same database, we can establish these links in
a totally effective and efficient way without having to access to
different data repositories to retrieve and link this information.
Consequently, one of the most important potentialities of
the system as a research tool derives from the interactions
that users are able to establish among the different types of
information compiled in each repository.
Finally, future extensions of the TTC-ATENEA will study
the possibility of use not only a thesaurus but a full fledged
OWL [7] ontology and its integration in the Khaos Semantic
Digital Humanities 2008
Web platform [8] [9] [10] in order to achieve a formal explicit
representation of the artistic epistemology contained in the
Research Possibilities
The system allows users to retrieve the stored information
from both terminological-conceptual and textual repositories.
Nevertheless, as indicated above, the most important research
possibilities derive from the interactions that users are able
to establish between each repository. To illustrate this, we will
give a brief example.
2.TTC as a starting point. Imagine now that the specialist is
interested in the use of a particular term. In this case, the most
convenient is to search the term in the TTC. Made the query,
the specialist retrieves the different concepts associated to
the term, as in a conventional specialized dictionary. However,
as the term is marked with the author-parenthetical qualifiers,
the specialist also finds out in which discourses the term has
been identified denoting each concept (see figure1). In fact,
various hyperlinks enable him to go from the TTC record to
the exact point of the texts -stored in ATENEA- where the
term appears denoting such concepts (figure 3).
1. ATENEA Corpus as a starting point. Imagine that a
specialist is interested in studying the meanings of the terms
used by the Italian author F. Pacheco in his Spanish treatise
(Diálogos de la Pintura, 1633). ATENEA Corpus enables the
specialist to visualize the electronic transcription of the text,
and explore it linguistically by means of different queries concordances, frequency lists, co-occurrences…- since the
system has been implemented with its own textual analyzer.
These functionalities do not constitute any novelty; all we
know that. Consequently, the most relevant feature resides in
the fact that the system allows user to browse directly from
a term or concept located in a text to the TTC record where
such term or concept is described according to its use in
Carducho´s text (figure 2).
Fig. 3. Connection between a concept registered in the TTC and
the places where they appear in the XML-TEI marked texts.
Once in ATENEA Corpus, the specialist has the opportunity
to use its functionalities in order to specify his investigation.
The presentation will show in full detail these possibilities of
usage derived from this interactivity-based approach, and will
include time for Q&A. We believe that the questions taken
into consideration in our exposition will be of interest to
other humanistic disciplines, since the difficulties of textual
interpretations due to the terminological ambiguity is a
common place in the field of the Humanities.
Fig. 2. Connection between a concept in an XML-TEI marked
text (ATENEA) and the TTC record, where it is described.
In this way, the specialist is able to identify the precise senses
that the terms used by Carducho assume, and, therefore,
analyze with more accuracy his theory about the painting.
Once the specialist has accessed to the TTC records, the
system offers him other research possibilities given that
the recorded information is linked to other sections of the
TTC as well as to other texts stored in ATENEA. Thus, the
specialist is able to go more deeply in his investigation and
to get complementary information browsing through the site.
The presentation will show some clarifying examples of these
other possibilities.
(1) The DTD used in this Project has been
created from the TEI-Lite DTD. We have selected those elements
that best adjusted to our requirements and we have added others
considered necessaries.
(2) For further information on this system see [1], [2] and [3].
(3) The most paradigmatic example is, without doubt, the Biblioteca
Virtual Miguel de Cervantes []. For
more information, see the directories of the Junta de Andalucía
recursos/otros_recursos.cmd], Ministerio de Cultura [http://www.] or the list posted on the
web of the University of Alicante [
referencia/electronica/bibdigi.html]. Also, see [4] and [5].
Digital Humanities 2008
(4) Other Spanish projects about specialized digital library are: the
Biblioteca Virtual del Pensamiento Político Hispánico “Saavedra Fajardo”,
whose purpose is to develop a textual corpus of documents and
sources about the Spanish theories on politic [http://saavedrafajardo.]; and the Biblioteca Digital Dioscórides
(Complutense University of Madrid) that provides digitalized texts
from its biomedicine-historical collection [
(7) See [6]
Re-Engineering the Tree of
Knowledge:Vector Space
Analysis and CentroidBased Clustering in the
Glenn Roe
University of Chicago, USA
Robert Voyer
[1] Rodríguez Ortega, N. (2006). Facultades y maneras en
los discursos de Francisco Pacheco y Vicente Carducho .Tesauro
terminológico-conceptual. Málaga: Universidad de Málaga.
University of Chicago, USA
[2] Rodríguez Ortega, N. (2006). “Use of computing tools
for organizing and Accessing Theory and Art Criticism
Information: the TTC-ATENEA Project”, Digital Humanities`06
Conference, 4-9 de julio (2006), Universidad de la Sorbonne,
University of Chicago, USA
[3] Rodríguez Ortega, N. (2005). “Terminological/Conceptual
Thesaurus (TTC): Polivalency and Multidimensionality
in a Tool for Organizing and Accessing Art-Historical
Information”, Visual Resource Association Bulletin, vol. 32, n. 2,
pp. 34-43.
Mark Olsen
[4] Bibliotecas Virtuales FHL (2005). Madrid, Fundación Ignacio
University of Chicago, USA
[5] García Camarero, E. y García Melero, L. A. (2001). La
biblioteca digital. Madrid, Arco/libros.
The Encyclopédie of Denis Diderot and Jean le Rond
d’Alembert is one of the crowning achievements of the French
Enlightenment. Mobilizing many of the great – and the not-sogreat – philosophes of the eighteenth century, it was a massive
reference work for the arts and sciences, which sought to
organize and transmit the totality of human knowledge while at
the same time serving as a vehicle for critical thinking.The highly
complex structure of the work, with its series of classifications,
cross-references and multiple points of entry makes it not
only, as has been often remarked, a kind of forerunner of
the internet[1], but also a work that constitutes an ideal test
bed for exploring the impact of new machine learning and
information retrieval technologies. This paper will outline our
ongoing research into the ontology of the Encyclopédie , a data
model based on the classes of knowledge assigned to articles
by the editors and representing, when organized hierarchically,
a system of human understanding. Building upon past work,
we intend to move beyond the more traditional text and data
mining approaches used to categorize individual articles and
towards a treatment of the entire encyclopedic system as it
is elaborated through the distribution and interconnectedness
of the classes of knowledge. To achieve our goals, we plan on
using a vector space model and centroid-based clustering to
plot the relationships of the Encyclopédie‘s epistemological
categories, generating a map that will hopefully serve as a
[6] Marías, F. (2004). “El lenguaje artístico de Diego Velázquez
y el problema de la `Memoria de las pinturas del Escorial´”,
en Actas del Simposio Internacional Velázquez 1999, Junta de
Andalucía, Sevilla, pp. 167-177.
[7] OWL Web Ontology Language.
[8] Navas-Delgado I., Aldana-Montes J. F. (2004). “A
Distributed Semantic Mediation Architecture”. Journal
of Information and Organizational Sciences, vol. 28, n. 1-2.
December, pp. 135-150.
[9] Moreno, N., Navas, I., Aldana, J.F. (2003). “Putting the
Semantic Web to Work with DB Technology”. IEEE Bulletin
of the Technical Committee on Data Engineering. December, pp.
[10] Berners-Lee, T., Hendler, J., Lassila, O. (2001). “The
semantic web”. Scientific American (2001).
Russell Horton
Charles Cooney
University of Chicago, USA
University of Chicago, USA
Robert Morrissey
Digital Humanities 2008
corollary to the taxonomic and iconographic representations
of knowledge found in the 18th century.[2]
Over the past year we have conducted a series of supervised
machine learning experiments examining the classification
scheme found in the Encyclopédie, the results of which were
presented at Digital Humanities 2007. Our intent in these
experiments was to classify the more than 22,000 unclassified
articles using the known classes of knowledge as our training
model. Ultimately the classifier performed as well as could
be expected and we were left with 22,000 new classifications
to evaluate. While there were certainly too many instances
to verify by hand, we were nonetheless encouraged by the
assigned classifications for a small sample of articles. Due
to the limitations of this exercise, however, we decided to
leverage the information given us by the editors in exploring
the known classifications and their relationship to each other
and then later, to consider the classification scheme as a whole
by examining the general distribution of classes over the entire
work as opposed to individual instances. Using the model
assembled for our first experiment - trained on all of the
known classifications - we then reclassified all of the classified
articles. Our goal in the results analysis was twofold: first, we
were curious as to the overall performance of our classification
algorithm, i.e., how well it correctly labeled the known articles;
and secondly, we wanted to use these new classifications to
examine the outliers or misclassified articles in an attempt to
understand better the presumed coherency and consistency
of the editors’ original classification scheme.[3]
In examining some of the reclassified articles, and in light
of what we know about Enlightenment conceptions of
human knowledge and understanding – ideas for which the
Encyclopédie and its editors were in no small way responsible
– it would seem that there are numerous cases where the
machine’s classification is in fact more appropriate than
that of the editors. The machine’s inability to reproduce the
editors’ scheme with stunning accuracy came somewhat as
a surprise and called into question our previous assumptions
about the overall structure and ordering of their system of
knowledge. Modeled after Sir Francis Bacon’s organization
of the Sciences and human learning, the Système Figuré des
connaissances humaines is a typographical diagram of the various
relationships between all aspects of human understanding
stemming from the three “root” faculties of Reason, Memory,
and Imagination.[4] It provides us, in its most rudimentary
form, with a view from above of the editors’ conception of
the structure and interconnectedness of knowledge in the
18th century. However, given our discovery that the editors’
classification scheme is not quite as coherent as we originally
believed, it is possible that the Système figuré and the expanded
Arbre généalogique des sciences et arts, or tree of knowledge, as
spatial abstractions, were not loyal to the complex network
of contextual relationships as manifested in the text. Machine
learning and vector space analysis offer us the possibility, for
the first time, to explore this network of classifications as
a whole, leveraging the textual content of the entire work
rather than relying on external abstractions.
The vector space model is a standard framework in which
to consider text mining questions. Within this model, each
article is represented as a vector in a very high-dimensional
space where each dimension corresponds to the words in
our vocabulary. The components of our vectors can range
from simple word frequencies, to n-gram and lemma counts,
in addition to parts of speech and tf-idf (term frequencyinverse document frequency), which is a standard weight used
in information retrieval. The goal of tf-idf is to filter out both
extremely common and extremely rare words by offsetting
term frequency by document frequency. Using tf-idf weights,
we will store every article vector in a matrix corresponding to
its class of knowledge. We will then distill these class matrices
into individual class vectors corresponding to the centroid of
the matrix.[5]
Centroid or mean vectors have been employed in classification
experiments with great success.[6] While this approach is
inherently lossy, our initial research suggests that by filtering
out function words and lemmatizing, we can reduce our class
matrices in this way and still retain a distinct class core. Using
standard vector space similarity measures and an open-source
clustering engine we will cluster the class vectors and produce
a new tree of knowledge based on semantic similarity. We
expect the tree to be best illustrated as a weighted undirected
graph, with fully-connected sub-graphs. We will generate
graphs using both the original classifications and the machine’s
decisions as our labels.
Due to the size and scale of the Encyclopédie, its editors adopted
three distinct modes of organization - dictionary/alphabetic,
hierarchical classification, and cross-references - which, when
taken together, were said to represent encyclopedic knowledge
in all its complexity.[7] Using the machine learning techniques
outlined above, namely vector space analysis and centroidbased clustering, we intend to generate a fourth system of
organization based on semantic similarity. It is our hope that a
digital representation of the ordering and interconnectedness
of the Encyclopédie will highlight the network of textual
relationships as they unfold within the work itself, offering a
more inclusive view of its semantic structure than previous
abstractions could provide. This new “tree of knowledge” can
act as a complement to its predecessors, providing new points
of entry into the Encyclopédie while at the same time suggesting
previously unnoticed relationships between its categories.
Digital Humanities 2008
[1] E. Brian, “L’ancêtre de l’hypertexte”, in Les Cahiers de
Science et Vie 47, October 1998, pp. 28-38.
[2] R. Darnton. “Philosophers Trim the Tree of Knowledge.”
The Great Cat Massacre and Other Essays in French Cultural
History. London: Penguin, 1985, pp. 185-207.
[3] R. Horton, R. Morrissey, M. Olsen, G. Roe, and R.Voyer.
“Mining Eighteenth Century Ontologies: Machine Learning
and Knowledge Classification in the Encyclopédie.” under
consideration for Digital Humanities Quarterly.
[4] For images of the Système figuré des connaissance humaines
and the Arbre généalogique des sciences et des arts principaux
systeme2.jpg; and
[5] G. Salton, A. Wong, and C. S.Yang. “A vector space model
for automatic indexing.” Communications of the ACM.
November 1975.
[6] E. Han and G. Karypis. “Centroid-Based Document
Classification.” Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge
Discovery. New York: Springer, 2000, pp. 424-431.
[7] G. Blanchard and M. Olsen. “Le système de renvois
dans l’Encyclopédie: une cartographie de la structure des
connaissances au XVIIIème siècle.” Recherches sur Diderot et
sur l’Encyclopédie, April 2002.
Assumptions, Statistical
Tests, and Non-traditional
Authorship Attribution
Studies -- Part II
Joseph Rudman
Carnegie Mellon University
Statistical inferences are based only in part upon the
observations. An equally important base is formed by prior
assumptions about the underlying situation. Even in the
simplist cases, there are explicit or implicit assumptions
about randomness and independence....
Controversy surrounds the methodology used in nontraditional authorship attribution studies -- those studies
that make use of the computer, stylistics, and the computer.
[Rudman 2003] [Rudman 1998] One major problem is
that many of the most commonly used statistical tests have
assumptions about the input data that do not hold for the
primary data of these attribution studies -- the textual data
itself (e.g. normal distributions, randomness, independence).
“...inappropriate statistical methods....In particular, asymtotic
normality assumptions have been used unjustifiably, leading
to flawed results.” [Dunning, p.61] “Assumptions such as the
binomiality of word counts or the independence of several
variables chosen as markers need checking.” [Mosteller and
This paper looks at some of the more frequently used tests
(e.g. chi-square, Burrows Delta) and then at the questions,“Are
there assumptions behind various tests that are not mentioned
in the studies?” and “Does the use of statistical tests whose
assumptions are not met invalidate the results?” Part I of this
paper was presented at the “10th Jubilee Conference of the
International Federation of Classification Societies,” 28 July
2006 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The idea behind Part I was to get
as much input as possible from a cross-section of statisticians
from around the world. Part II takes the statisticians’ input
and continues looking at the problem of assumptions made
by various statistical tests used in non-traditional attribution
Because of the complicated intertwining of disciplines in
non-traditional authorship attribution, each phase of the
experimental design should be as accurate and as scientifically
rigorous as possible. The systematic errors of each step must
be computed and summed so that the attribution study can
report an overall systematic error -- Mosteller and Wallace
come close to doing this in their “Federalist” study -- and it
seems that no one else tries.
Digital Humanities 2008
It is the systematic error that drives the focus of this paper -the assumptions behind the statistical tests used in attribution
studies. I am not concerned with assumptions made by
practitioners that are not an integral part of the statistics - e.g. Morton, using the cusum technique, assumes that style
markers are constant across genre -- this has been shown
to be false but has nothing to do with the cusum test itself.
[Sanford et al.]
There are many statistical tests along with their many
assumptions that are used in non-traditional attribution studies
- e.g the Efron-Thisted tests are based on the assumption that
things (words) are well mixed in time [Valenza] -- obviously
not true in attribution studies. Because of time constraints,
I want to limit the number of tests discussed to three: the
chi-square, Burrows’ Delta, and the third being more of a
`catagory’ -- machine learning.
This paper looks at each test and attempts to explain why the
assumptions exist -- how they are determined -- how integral
assumptions are to the use of the test.
Chi-Square test
The chi-square test, in all of its manifestations, is ubiquitous
in non-traditional authorship studies. It also is the test that
has recieved the most criticism from other practitioners.
Delcourt lists some of the problems [Delcourt (from Lewis
and Burke)]:
1) Lack of independence among the single events or
2) Small theoretical frequencies
3) Neglect of frequencies of non-occurence
4) Failure to equalize the sum of the observed frequencies
and the sum of the theoretical frequencies
5) Indeterminate theoretical frequencies
6) Incorrect or questionable categorizing
7) Use of non-frequency data
8) Incorrect determination of the number of degrees of
Burrows’ Delta
This section discusses the assumptions behind Burrows’
The assumptions behind Burrows’ delta are articulated by
Shlomo Argamon:
1) Each indicator word is assumed to be randomly
2) Each indicator word is assumed to be statistically
independent of every other indicator word’s frequency
The ramifications of ignoring these assumptions are
Do the assumptions really make a difference in looking at the
results? Burrows’ overall methodology and answers are to be
highly commended.
Machine Learning -- Data Mining
Almost all machine learning statistical techniques assume
independence in the data.
David Hand et al. say, “...of course...the independence
assumption is just that, an assumption, and typically it is far
too strong an assumption for most real world data mining
problems.” [Hand et al., 289]
Malerba et al. state, “Problems caused by the independence
assumption are particularly evident in at least three situations:
learning multiple attributes in attribute-based domains,
learning multiple predicates in inductive logic programming,
and learning classification rules for labeling.”
The ramifications of ignoring these assumptions are
The question at hand is not, “Does the violation of the
assumptions matter?”, but rather, “How much does the
violation of assumptions matter?” and, “How can we either
correct for this or calculate a systematic error?”
Does the chi-square test always demand independence and
randomness, and ever a normal distribution? Gravetter and
Wallnau say that although the chi-square test is non-parametric,
“...they make few (if any) assumptions about the population
distribution.” [Gravetter and Wallnau, 583]
How are we to view attribution studies that violate assumptions,
yet show some success with studies using only known authors?
The works of McNemar, Baayen, and Mosteller and Wallace
are discussed.
The ramifications of ignoring these assumptions are
The following are answers often given to questions about
Digital Humanities 2008
1) The statistics are robust
The tests are so robust that the assumptions just do not
2) They work until they don’t work
You will know when this is and then you can re-think what
to do.
3) Any problems are washed out by statistics
There is so much data that any problems from the violation
of assumptions are negligible.
These answers and some solutions are discussed.
Preliminary References
Argamon, Shlomo. “Interpreting Burrows’ Delta: Geometric
and Probabilistic Foundations.” (To be published in Literary
and Linguistic Computing.) Pre-print courtesy of author, 2006.
Baayen, R. Harald. “The Randomness Assumption in Word
Frequency Statistics.” Research in Humanities Computing
5. Ed. Fiorgio Perissinotto. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996,
Banks, David. “Questioning Authority.” Classification Society of
North America Newsletter 44 (1996): 1.
Box, George E.P. et al. Statistics for Experimenters: An
Introduction to Design, Data Analysis, and Model Building. New
York: John Wiley and Sons, 1978.
Burrows, John F. “`Delta’: A Measure of Stylistic Difference
and a Guide to Likely Authorship.” Literary and Linguistic
Computing17.3 (2002): 267-287.
Cox, C. Phillip. A Handbook of Introductory Statistical
Methods. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1987.
Delcourt, Christian. “Stylometry.” Revue Belge de Philologie et
d’histoire 80.3 (2002): 979-1002.
Dunning, T. “Accurate Methods for the Statistics of Suprise
and Coincidence.” Computational Linguistics , 19.1 (1993):
Dytham, Calvin. Choosing and Using Statistics: A Biologist’s Guide.
(Second Edition) Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2003.
Holmes, David I. “Stylometry.” In Encyclopedia of Statistical
Sciences (Update of Volume 3). Eds. Samuel Kotz, Campbell,
and David Banks. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1999.
Hoover, David L. “Statistical Stylistics and Authorship
Attribution: An Empirical Investigation.” Literary and Linguistic
Computing 16.4 (2001): 421-444.
Huber, Peter J. Robust Statistics. New York: John Wiley and
Sons, 1981.
Khmelev, Dmitri V., and Fiona J. Tweedie. “Using Markov
Chains for Identification of Writers.” Literary and Linguistic
Computing 16.3 (2001): 299-307.
Lewis, D., and C.J. Burke. “The Use and Misuse of the Chisquared Test.” Psychological Bulletin 46.6 (1949): 433-489.
Malerba, D., et al. “ A Multistrategy Approach to learning
Multiple Dependent Concepts.” In Machine Learning and
Statistics:The Interface. Eds. G. Nakhaeizadeh and C.C. Taylor.
New York: John Wiley and Sons, 87-106.
McNemar, Quinn. Psychological Statistics (3rd Edition). New
York: John Wiley and Sons, 1962.
Mosteller, Fredrick, and David L. Wallace. Applied Bayesian and
Classical Inference:The Case of the “Federalist Papers.” New York:
Springer-Verlag, 1984.
Rudman, Joseph. “Cherry Picking in Non-Traditional
Authorship Attribution Studies.” Chance 16.2 (2003): 26-32.
Rudman, Joseph. “The State of Authorship Attribution
Studies: Some Problems and Solutions.” Computers and the
Humanities 31 (1998): 351-365.
Sanford, Anthony J., et al. “A Critical Examination of
Assumptions Underlying the Cusum Technique of Forensic
Linguistics.” Forensic Linguistics 1.2 (1994): 151-167.
Valenza, Robert J. “Are the Thisted-Efron Authorship Tests
Valid?” Computers and the Humanities 25.1 (1991): 27-46.
Wachal, Robert Stanly. “Linguistic Evidence, Statistical
Inference, and Disputed Authorship.” Ph.D Dissertation,
University of Wisconsin, 1966.
Williams, C.B. “A Note on the Statistical Analysis of Sentence
Length as a Criterion of Literary Style.” Biometrica 31 (19391940): 356-351.
Gravetter, Fredrick J., and Larry B. Wallnau. Statistics for the
Behavioral Sciences. (5th Edition) Belmont, CA: Wadsworth
Thomson Learning, 2000.
Hand, David, et al. Principles of Data Mining. Cambridge, MA:
The MIT Press, 2001.
Digital Humanities 2008
Does Size Matter? A Reexamination of a Timeproven Method
Jan Rybicki
Pedagogical University, Krakow, Poland
Previous stylometric studies (Rybicki 2006, 2006a, 2007) of
patterns in multivariate diagrams of correlation matrices
derived from relative frequencies of most frequent words in
character idiolects (Burrows 1987) in a number of originals
and translations (respectively, Sienkiewicz’s trilogy of historical
romances and its two English translations; Rybicki’s Polish
translations of novels by John le Carré; and the three English
versions of Hamlet, Q1, Q2, F, and its translations into nine
different languages) have all yielded interesting similarities in
the layout of data points in the above-mentioned diagrams for
corresponding originals and translations. The repetitiveness of
the observed phenomenon in many such pairs immediately
raised some questions as to its causes – the more so as the
most-frequent-word lists for any original and its translations,
consisting primarily of functions words, modals, pronouns,
prepositions and articles (if any in a given language) contains
few direct counterparts in any two languages.
The primary suspect for a possible bias was the difference
in size between the parts of individual characters, since that
particular feature invariably remains proportionally similar
between original and translation (Rybicki 2000). The import
of this element remained unnoticed in many other studies
employing Burrows’s time-proven method (later developed,
evaluated and applied by a number of scholars, including Hoover
2002) since they were either conducted on equal samples or,
more importantly, although some did address the problem of
translation, they never dealt with so many translations at a
time as did e.g. the Hamlet study (Rybicki 2007).
The emerging suspicion was that since the sizes of the
characters studied do not vary significantly between the twelve
versions of Hamlet, this proportion might heavily influence
the multivariate graphs produced – the more so as, in most
cases, the most talkative characters occupied central positions
in the graphs, while the lesser parts were usually limited to
the peripheries. This (together with similar effects observed
in earlier studies) had to lead to a reassessment of the results.
Also, since most studies were conducted in traditional maledominated writing, resulting in female characters speaking
little in proportion even to their importance in the plot,
these peripheries usually included separate groups of women;
while this was often seen as the authors’ ability to stylistically
differentiate “male” and “female” idiom, the size bias could
distort even this quite possible effect.
A number of tests was then performed on character
idiolects and narrative fragments of various sizes and various
configurations of characters from selected English novels
and plays – ranging from Ruth and David Copperfield; from
Conan Doyle to Poe; narration in Jane Austen, or plays by Ben
Jonson and Samuel Beckett – to investigate how the impact
of size distorts the image of stylistic differences presented in
multivariate diagrams.
One possible source of the bias is the way relative frequencies
of individual words are calculated. Being a simple ratio of
word frequency to size of sample, it may be as unreliable
as another very similar formula, the type-to-token ratio (or,
indeed, one as complex as Yule’s K), has been found to be
unreliable as a measure of vocabulary richness in samples
of different size (Tweedie & Baayen 1997). Also, due to the
nature of multivariate analyses used (both Factor Analysis and
Multimensional Scaling), it is not surprising that the less stable
statistics of the less talkative characters would have their data
points pushed to the peripheries of the graph. Finally, since the
list of the most frequent words used in the analysis is most
heavily influenced by the longest parts in any text, this might
also be the reason for the “centralising” bias visible in data
points for such characters.
It should be stressed that the above reservations do not,
in any way, invalidate the entire method; indeed, results for
samples of comparative size remain reliable and unbiased. Also,
it should not be forgotten that size of a character’s part is in
itself an individuating feature of that character.
Burrows, J.F. (1987). Computation into Criticism: A Study of
Jane Austen’s Novels and an Experiment in Method. Oxford:
Clarendon Press.
Hoover, D.L. (2002). New Directions in Statistical Stylistics and
Authorship Attribution. Proc. ALLC/ACH.
Rybicki, J. (2000). A Computer-Assisted Comparative Analysis of
Henryk Sienkiewicz’s Trilogy and its Two English Translations. PhD
thesis, Kraków: Akademia Pedagogiczna.
Rybicki, J. (2006). Burrowing into Translation: Character Idiolects in
Henryk Sienkiewicz’s Trilogy and its Two English Translations. LLC
21.1: 91-103.
Rybicki, J. (2006a). Can I Write like John le Carré. Paris: Digital
Humanities 2006.
Rybicki, J. (2007). Twelve Hamlets: A Stylometric Analysis of
Major Characters’ Idiolects in Three English Versions and Nine
Translations. Urbana-Champaign: Digital Humanities 2007.
F. Tweedie, R. Baayen (1997). Lexical ‘constants’ in stylometry
and authorship studies, <
Digital Humanities 2008
The TEI as Luminol: Forensic
Philology in a Digital Age
Stephanie Schlitz
Bloomsburg University, USA
A significant number of digital editions have been published
in recent years, and many of these serve as exemplars for
those of us working within the digital editing community. A
glance at Electronic Text Editing, for example, published in 2006,
indicates that such projects address a wide berth of editorial
problems, ranging from transcriptional practices to document
management to authenticity. And they offer a wealth of
information to editors working on various types of digital
In this paper, I consider an editorial problem that has yet to be
resolved. My discussion centers on the difficulties that arise
in editing a single, albeit somewhat unusual, Icelandic saga:
Hafgeirs saga Flateyings. This saga is preserved in an unsigned,
eighteenth-century manuscript, Additamenta 6, folio (Add. 6,
fol.). Today housed in the collection of the Arni Magnusson
Institute for Icelandic Studies in Reykjavík, Iceland, the
manuscript was originally held as part of the Arnamagnæan
Collection in Copenhagen, Denmark. According to the flyleaf:
“Saga af Hafgeyre flateying udskreven af en Membran der
kommen er fra Island 1774 in 4to exarata Seculo xij” (Hafgeirs
saga Flayetings was copied from a twelfth-century manuscript
written in quarto, which came [to Copenhagen] from Iceland in
While such a manuscript might appear unremarkable, as a
number of paper manuscripts were copied during the late
eighteenth century in Copenhagen, then the capital of Iceland
and the seat of Icelandic manuscript transmission during this
period, only twelve Old Norse/Old Icelandic manuscripts of
those catalogued in the Copenhagen collections are dated to
the twelfth century, while a mere eighteen are dated to 1200
(Kalund 512).The dating on the flyleaf is therefore unusual, and
as it turns out, suspect as well, since no catalog entry exists
to record the existence of the alleged source manuscript.
Moreover, according to Jorgensen, the motif sequences found in
Hafgeirs saga bear a striking resemblance to those found in the
well-known mythical-heroic saga Hálfdanars saga Brönufóstra
(157). And in a fascinating argument based primarily on this
fact, Jorgensen argues that Add. 6, fol. is a forgery, claiming that
Þorlákur Magnússon Ísfiord, an Icelandic student studying and
working in Copenhagen during the 1780s, composed and sold
Hafgeirs saga as a copy of an authentic medieval Icelandic saga
In spite of its questionable origin, Hafgeirs saga stands as a
remnant of Iceland’s literary, linguistic, and textual history, and
Add. 6, fol. can therefore be viewed as an important cultural
artefact. As the editor of the Hafgeirs saga manuscript, my
aim is to provide a ‘reliable’ (see “Guidelines for Editors of
Scholarly Editions” Section 1.1) electronic edition of the text
and the manuscript. But the question, at least until recently,
was how? What is the best way to represent such a text?
Encoding the work according to a markup standard such
as the TEI Guidelines is surely a starting point, but doing so
doesn’t solve one of the primary concerns: How to represent
the manuscript reliably (which presents a complex editorial
problem of its own), while at the same time illuminating the
textual and linguistic ‘artefacts’ that may offer readers insight
into the saga’s origin?
At the 2007 Digital Humanities Summer Institute, Matthew
Driscoll gave a talk entitled “Everything But the Smell: Toward
a More Artefactual Digital Philology.” The talk provided a brief
history of the shift toward ‘new’ philology, and, importantly,
underscored the significance of the material or ‘artefactual’
aspect of new philology, which views manuscripts as physical
objects and thus as cultural artefacts which offer insight into
the “process to which they are witness” (“Everything But the
Smell: Toward a More Artefactual Digital Philology”). The TEI,
Driscoll pointed out, offers support for artefactual philology, and
the descriptive framework of the P5 Guidelines, which defines
Extensible Markup Language (XML) as the underlying encoding
language, is ideal for this kind of work. Moreover, as Driscoll
suggests, there is “no limit to the information one can add to
a text - apart, that is, from the limits of our own imagination”
(“Electronic Textual Editing: Levels of Transcription”). To be
sure, this paper does not lapse into what McCarty refers to
as the ‘complete encoding fallacy’ or the ‘mimetic fallacy’ (see
Dahlström 24), but it does agree with Driscoll in arguing that
P5-conformant editions, which can offer a significant layering
of data and metadata, have the potential to move the reader
beyond the aesthetics of sensory experience.
By definition, artefactual philology portends a kind of
‘evidentiary’ approach, one that can frame textual features,
including linguistic and non-linguistic features (such as lacunae)
for example, as kinds of evidence. Evidence of what? That is
in the hands of the editors and the readers, but conceivably:
linguistic development, the transmission process, literary merit,
and so on. And when an evidentiary approach to philology is
defined within a ‘generative’ approach to a scholarly edition
(see Vanhoutte’s “Generating” 164), a new direction in
electronic editing becomes possible.
This paper explores this new direction. It shows how the
Hafgeirs saga edition employs such a framework to address
the problem of describing linguistic and non-linguistic artefacts,
which are precisely the kinds of evidence that can bear witness
to the composition date and transmission process. And it
demonstrates how the display decisions result in an interactive
and dynamic experience for the edition’s readers.
For example, in addition to elements defined within existing
modules of the TEI, the edition’s schema defines four new
elements1. Drawn from the perspectives of historical and
socio- linguistics, these elements are intended to aid readers
in evaluating the saga’s composition date. Given the ‘logic
Digital Humanities 2008
of abundance’ (see Flanders 135), encoding the metadata
described in the new elements beside the descriptive data
described by pre-defined elements (such as <del> for example)
can be accomplished without sacrificing the role of the text as
a literary and cultural artefact. Because the transformation of
the source XML has been designed to display interactively the
various encodings of the text2, readers can view or suppress the
various descriptions and generate their own novel versions of
the text. Readers can display archaisms, for instance, and assess
whether they are “affectation[s] of spurious age” (Einar 39) or
features consistent with the textual transmission process, and
they can view borrowings, for instance, and assess whether
they preclude a medieval origin or are to be expected in a
text ostensibly copied by a scribe living in Copenhagen during
the eighteenth century. Or they can suppress these features
and view the normalized transcription, the semi-diplomatic
transcription, emendations, editorial comments, or any
combination of these.
Ultimately, this paper synthesizes aspects of text editing,
philology, and linguistics to explore a new direction in digital
editing. In doing so, it frames P5 XML as a kind of luminol that,
when transformed, can be used to illuminate new types of
evidence: linguistic and philological data.And the goal is identical
to that of a crime-scene investigator’s: Not necessarily to solve
the case, but to preserve and to present the evidence.
Driscoll, M.J. Text Encoding Initiative Consortium. 15 August
2007. “Electronic Textual Editing: Levels of Transcription.”
Einar Ól. Sveinsson. Dating the Icelandic Sagas. London:Viking
Society for Northern Research, 1958.
Flanders, Julia. “Gender and the Eectronic Text.” Electronic
Text. Ed. Kathryn Sutherland. Clarendon Press: Oxford, 1997.
“Guidelines for Editors of Scholarly Editions.” Modern
Language Association. 25 Sept. 2007. 10 Nov. 2007. <http://>.
Jorgensen, Peter. “Hafgeirs saga Flateyings: An EighteenthCentury Forgery.” Journal of English and Germanic Philology.
LXXVI (1977): 155-164.
Kalund, Kristian. Katalog over de oldnorsk-islandske handskrifter
i det store kongelige bibliotek og i universitetsbiblioteket.
Kobenhavn: 1900.
Vanhoutte, Edward. “Traditional Editorial Standards and the
Digital Edition.” Learned Love: Proceedings from the Emblem
Project Utrecht Conference on Dutch Love Emblems and the
Internet (November 2006). Eds. Els Stronks and Peter Boot.
DANS Symposium Publications 1: The Hague, 2007. 157-174.
[1] The <borrowing> element describes a non-native word which
has been adopted into the language. Distinct from the <foreign>
element, a borrowing may have the following attributes: @sourcelang
(source language), @borrowdate (date of borrowing), @borrowtype
(type of borrowing; e.g. calque, loanword). The <modernism>
element describes a word, phrase, usage, or peculiarity of style
which represents an innovative or distinctively modern feature. The
<neologism> element describes a word or phrase which is new to
the language or one which has been recently coined. The <archaism>
element describes an archaic morphological, phonological, or syntactic
feature or an archaic word, phrase, expression, etc.
[2]My discussion of the display will continue my in-progress work
with Garrick Bodine, most recently presented at TEI@20 on
November 1, 2007: “From XML to XSL, jQuery, and the Display of
TEI Documents.”
Burnard, Lou, and Katherine O’Brien O’Keefe and John
Unsworth eds. Electronic Text Editing. New York: The Modern
Language Association of America, 2006.
Dalhström, Mats. “How Reproductive is a Scholarly Edition?”
Literary and Linguistic Computing. 19:1 (2004): 17-33.
Driscoll, M.J. “Everything But the Smell: Toward a More
Artefactual Digital Philology.” Digital Humanities Summer
Institute. 2007.
Digital Humanities 2008
A Multi-version Wiki
Desmond Schmidt
University of Queensland, Australia
Nicoletta Brocca
Università Ca’ Foscari, Italy
Domenico Fiormonte
Università Roma Tre, Italy
If, until the middle of the nineties, the main preoccupation
of the scholarly editor had been that of conserving as
faithfully as possible the information contained in the original
sources, in the last ten years attention has shifted to the
user’s participation in the production of web content. This
development has occurred under pressure from the ‘native’
forms of digital communication as characterised by the term
‘Web 2.0’ (Tapscott and Williams, 2006). We are interested in
harnessing the collaborative power of these new environments
to create ‘fluid, co-operative, distributed’ (Robinson 2007: 10)
digital versions of our textual cultural heritage. The approach
taken by Hypernietzsche (Barbera, 2007) similarly tries to
foster collaboration around cultural heritage texts. However,
while Hypernietzsche focuses on annotation, what we have
developed is a wiki-inspired environment for documents that
were previously considered too complex for this kind of
Before explaining how this can work in practice, it is worthwhile
to reflect on why it is necessary to change our means of
editing cultural heritage texts. G.T.Tanselle has recently argued
(2006) that in the digital medium ‘we still have to confront the
same issues that editors have struggled with for twenty-five
hundred years’. That may be true for analysis of the source
texts themselves, but digitisation does change fundamentally
both the objectives of editing and the function of the edition.
For the representation of a text ‘is conditioned by the modes
of its production and reproduction’ (Segre, 1981). The wellknown editorial method of Lachmann, developed for classical
texts, and that of the New Bibliography for early printed books,
both assumed that the text was inherently corrupt and needed
correction into the single version of a print edition. With
the advent of the digital medium textual critics ‘discovered
that texts were more than simply correct or erroneous’
(Shillingsburg, 2006: 81).The possibility of representing multiple
versions or multiple markup perspectives has long been seen
as an enticing prospect of the digital medium, but attempts to
achieve this so far have led either to complexity that taxes the
limitations of markup (Renear, 1997: 121) or to an overload of
information and a ‘drowning by versions’ (Dalhstrom, 2000).
It is now generally recognised that written texts can contain
complexities and subtleties of structure that defeat the power
of markup alone to represent them (Buzzetti, 2002).
In our talk we would like to present three examples of how
overlapping structures can be efficiently edited in a wiki: of
a modern genetic text in Italian, of a short classical text, the
‘Sybilline Gospel’, and of a short literary text marked up in
various ways. Our purpose is to demonstrate the flexibility of
the tool and the generality of the underlying algorithm, which
is not designed for any one type of text or any one type of
editing. However, because of the limited space, we will only
describe here the Sibylline Gospel text. This is a particularly
interesting example, because it not only has a complex
manuscript tradition but it has also been deliberately altered
throughout its history like agenetic text.
The Sibylla Tiburtina is an apocalyptic prophecy that describes
the nine ages of world history up to the Last Judgement. The
first version of this prophecy, which enjoyed a widespread and
lasting popularity throughout the whole medieval era, was
written in Greek in the second half of the 4th century. Of this
lost text we have an edited Byzantine version, dating from the
beginning of the 6th century, and several Latin versions, besides
translations in Old French and German, in oriental languages
(Syric, Arabic and Ethiopian) and in Slavic and Romanian.
The known Latin manuscripts number approximately 100,
ranging in date from the mid 11th century to the beginning
of the 16th. In the course of these centuries, with a particular
concentration between the 11th and 12th centuries, the text
was subjected to continuous revisions, in order to adapt it.
This is demonstrated both by the changing names of eastern
rulers mentioned in the ninth age, which involves the coming
of a Last Roman Emperor and of the Antichrist, and by the
introduction of more strictly theological aspects, especially in
the so-called ‘Sibylline Gospel’, that is an account of Christ’s
life presented by the Sibyl under the fourth age. No critical
edition of the Sibylla Tiburtina based on all its Latin versions
has yet been produced, although this is the only way to unravel
the genesis of the text and the history of its successive
reworkings. A classical type of critical edition, however, would
not be appropriate, nor would it make sense, to establish a
critical text in the traditional sense as one ‘cleaned of the
errors accumulated in the course of its history and presented
in a form most closely imagined to have been the original’.
With this kind of representation one would have on the one
hand the inconvenience of an unwieldy apparatus criticus and
on the other, the serious inconsistency of a ‘critical’ text that
never had any real existence.
To handle cases like this, we are well advanced in the
development of a multi-version document wiki application.
The multi-version document (or MVD) concept is a further
development of the variant graph model described at Digital
Humanities 2006 and elsewhere (Schmidt and Fiormonte,
2007). In a nutshell the MVD format stores the text as a
graph that accurately represents a single work in digital form,
however many versions or markup perspectives it may be
composed of. An MVD file is no mere aggregation of separate
files; it is a single digital entity, within which versions may be
efficiently searched and compared. It consists of three parts:
Digital Humanities 2008
1) The variant-graph consisting of a list of the differences
between the versions
2) A description of each of the versions, including a short
name or siglum, e.g. ‘L10’, a longer name e.g. ‘London, Brit.
Lib. Cotton Titus D.III, saec. XIII’ and a group name.
3) A list of groups. A group is a name for a group of versions
or other groups. For example, in the Sybilline Gospel
text there are three recensions, to which each of the
manuscripts belong.
The wiki application consists of two JAVA packages (outlined
in bold):
This application is suitable for collaborative refinement of
texts within a small group of researchers or by a wider public,
and attempts to extend the idea of the wiki to new classes of
text and to new classes of user.
Barbera, M. (2007) The HyperLearning Project: Towards a
Distributed and Semantically Structured e-research and
e-learning Platform. Literary and Linguistic Computing, 21(1),
Buzzetti, D. (2002) Digital Representation and the Text Model.
New Literary History 33(1), 61–88.
Dahlström, M. (2000) Drowning by Versions. Human IT 4.
Retrieved 16/11/07 from
Renear, A. (1997) Out of Praxis: Three (Meta) Theories of
Textuality. In Electronic Text, Sutherland, K. (Ed.) Clarendon
Press, Oxford, pp. 107–126.
At the lower level the NMerge package implements all the
functionality of the MVD format: the searching, comparison,
retrieval and saving of versions. It can also export an MVD into
a readable XML form. The text of each version is recorded in
a simplified form of TEI-XML, but the MVD format does not
rely on any form of markup, and is equally capable of handling
binary file formats.
Building on this package, the Phaidros web application provides
various forms for viewing and searching a multi-version
document: for comparing two versions, for viewing the text
alongside its manuscript facsimile, for reading a single version
or for examining the list of versions.The user may also edit and
save the XML content of each of these views. Since NMerge
handles all of the overlapping structures, the markup required
for each version can be very simple, as in a real wiki. In the
drawing below the differences between the two versions are
indicated by underlined or bold text.
Robinson, P. (2007) Electronic editions which we have made
and which we want to make. In A. Ciula and F. Stella (Eds),
Digital Philology and Medieval Texts, Pisa, Pacini, pp. 1-12.
Schmidt D. and Fiormonte, D. (2007) Multi-Version
Documents: a Digitisation Solution for Textual Cultural
Heritage Artefacts. In G. Bordoni (Ed.), Atti di AI*IA Workshop
for Cultural Heritage. 10th Congress of Italian Association for
Artificial Intelligence, Università di Roma Tor Vergata,Villa
Mondragone, 10 Sept., pp. 9-16.
Segre, C. (1981) Testo. In Enciclopedia Einaudi Vol. 14. Einaudi,
Torino, pp. 269-291.
Shillingsburg, P. (2006) From Gutenberg to Google. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge.
Tanselle, G. (2006) Foreword in Burnard, L., O’Brien O’Keeffe,
K. and Unsworth, J. (Eds.) Electronic Textual Editing. Text
Encoding Initiative, New York and London.
Tapscott, D., and Williams, A. (2006) Wikinomics: How Mass
Collaboration Changes Everything. Portfolio, New York.
Digital Humanities 2008
Determining Value for Digital
Humanities Tools
development community and as developers perceive how their
home institutions and the community for which the software
was developed value their work.
Susan Schreibman
The data for this paper will be drawn from two sources. The
first source is a survey carried out by the authors in 2007 on
The Versioning Machine, the results of which were shared at
a poster session at the 2007 Digital Humanities Conference.
The results of this survey were intriguing, particularly in the
area of the value of The Versioning Machine as a tool in which
the vast majority of respondents found it valuable as a means
to advance scholarship in spite of the fact that they themselves
did not use it. As a result of feedback by the community to
that poster session, the authors decided to conduct a focused
survey on tool development as a scholarly activity.
University of Maryland, USA
Ann Hanlon
University of Maryland, USA
Tool development in the Digital Humanities has been the
subject of numerous articles and conference presentations
(Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), 2006; Bradley,
2003; McCarty, 2005; McGann, 2005; Ramsay, 2003, 2005;
Schreibman, Hanlon, Daugherty, Ross, 2007; Schreibman, Kumar,
McDonald, 2003; Summit on Digital Tools for the Humanities,
2005; Unsworth, 2003). While the purpose and direction of
tools and tool development for the Digital Humanities has
been discussed and debated in those forums, the value of tool
development itself has seen little discussion. This is in part
because tools are developed to aid and abet scholarship – they
are not necessarily considered scholarship themselves. That
perception may be changing, though. The clearest example of
such a shift in thinking came from the recent recommendations
of the ACLS Commission on Cyberinfrastructure for the Humanities
and Social Sciences, which called not only for “policies for
tenure and promotion that recognize and reward digital
scholarship and scholarly communication” but likewise stated
that “recognition should be given not only to scholarship that
uses the humanities and social science cyberinfrastructure but
also to scholarship that contributes to its design, construction
and growth.” On the other hand, the MLA Report on Evaluating
Scholarship for Tenure and Promotion found that a majority of
departments have little to no experience evaluating refereed
articles and monographs in electronic format. The prospects
for evaluating tool development as scholarship in those
departments would appear dim. However, coupled with the
more optimistic recommendations of the ACLS report, as well
the MLA Report’s findings that evaluation of work in digital
form is gaining ground in some departments, the notion of tool
development as a scholarly activity may not be far behind.
In 2005, scholars from the humanities as well as the social
sciences and computer science met in Charlottesville, Virginia
for a Summit on Digital Tools for the Humanities.While the summit
itself focused primarily on the use of digital resources and digital
tools for scholarship, the Report on Summit Accomplishments
that followed touched on development, concluding that “the
development of tools for the interpretation of digital evidence
is itself research in the arts and humanities.”
The goal of this paper is to demonstrate how the process of
software or tool development itself can be considered the
scholarly activity, and not solely a means to an end, i.e. a feature
or interface for a content-based digital archive or repository.
This paper will also deal with notions of value: both within the
After taking advice from several prominent Digital Humanities
tool developers, the survey has been completed and will be
issued in December to gather information on how faculty,
programmers, web developers, and others working in the
Digital Humanities perceive the value and purpose of their
software and digital tool development activities.This paper will
report the findings of a web-based survey that investigates
how tools have been conceived, executed, received and used
by the community. Additionally, the survey will investigate
developers’ perceptions of how tool development is valued in
the academic community, both as a contribution to scholarship
in their particular fields, and in relation to requirements for
tenure and promotion.
The authors will use these surveys to take up John Unsworth’s
challenge, made at the 2007 Digital Humanities Centers Summit
“to make our difficulties, the shortcomings of our tools,
the challenges we haven’t yet overcome, something that we
actually talk about, analyze, and explicitly learn from.” By
examining not only how developers perceive their work, but
how practitioners in the field use and value their tools, we
intend to illuminate the role of tool development in the Digital
Humanities and in the larger world of academia.
American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS), Our Cultural
Commonwealth:The Final Report of the American Council of
Learned Societies Commission on Cyberinfrastructure for the
Humanities & Social Sciences, 2006, <
Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), AHRC ICT
Methods Network Workgroup on Digital Tools Development for
the Arts and Humanities, 2006, <
Bradley, John. “Finding a Middle Ground between
‘Determinism’ and ‘Aesthetic Indeterminacy’: a Model for
Text Analysis Tools.” Literary & Linguistic Computing 18.2
(2003): 185-207.
Digital Humanities 2008
Kenny, Anthony. “Keynote Address: Technology and
Humanities Research.” In Scholarship and Technology in the
Humanities: Proceedings of a Conference held at Elvetham Hall,
Hampshire, UK, 9th-12th May 1990, ed. May Katzen (London:
Bowker Saur, 1991), 1-10.
McCarty, Willard. Humanities Computing. New York: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2005.
McGann, Jerome. “Culture and Technology: The Way We Live
Now, What Is to Be Done?” New Literary History 36.1 (2005):
Modern Language Association of America, Report of the MLA
Task Force on Evaluating Scholarship for Tenure and Promotion,
December 2006, <
Ramsay, Stephen. “In Praise of Pattern.” TEXT Technology 14.2
(2005): 177-190.
Ramsay, Stephen.“Reconceiving Text Analysis: Toward an
Algorithmic Criticism.” Literary and Linguistic Computing 18.2
(2003): 167-174.
Schreibman, Susan and Ann Hanlon, Sean Daugherty, Tony
Ross. “The Versioning Machine 3.1: Lessons in Open Source
[Re]Development”. Poster session at Digital Humanities
(Urbana Champaign, June 2007)
Schreibman, Susan, Amit Kumar and Jarom McDonald. “The
Versioning Machine”. Proceedings of the 2002 ACH/ALLC
Conference. Literary and Linguistic Computing 18.1 (2003) 101107
Summit on Digital Tools for the Humanities (September
28-30, 2005), Report on Summit Accomplishments, May 2006.
Unsworth, John. “Tool-Time, or ‘Haven’t We Been Here
Already?’: Ten Years in Humanities Computing”, Delivered
as part of Transforming Disciplines: The Humanities and
Computer Science, Saturday, January 18, 2003, Washington,
D.C. <
Unsworth, John. “Digital Humanities Centers as
Cyberinfrastructure”, Digital Humanities Centers Summit,
National Endowment for the Humanities, Washington,
DC, Thursday, April 12, 2007 <
Recent work in the EDUCE
W. Brent Seales
University of Kentucky, USA
A. Ross Scaife
University of Kentucky, USA
Popular methods for cultural heritage digitization include
flatbed scanning and high-resolution photography. The
current paradigm for the digitization and dissemination of
library collections is to create high-resolution digital images
as facsimiles of primary source materials. While these
approaches have provided new levels of accessibility to many
cultural artifacts, they usually assume that the object is more
or less flat, or at least viewable in two dimensions. However,
this assumption is simply not true for many cultural heritage
For several years, researchers have been exploring digitization
of documents beyond 2D imaging. Three-dimensional surface
acquisition technology has been used to capture the shape
of non-planar texts and build 3D document models (Brown
2000, Landon 2006), where structured light techniques are
used to acquire 3D surface geometry and a high-resolution
still camera is used to capture a 2D texture image.
However, there are many documents that are impossible to
scan or photograph in the usual way. Take for example the
entirety of the British Library’s Cotton Collection, which was
damaged by a fire in 1731 (Tite 1994, Prescott 1997, Seales
2000, Seales 2004). Following the fire most of the manuscripts
in this collection suffered from both fire and water damage,
and had to be physically dismantled and then painstakingly
reassembled. Another example is the collection of papyrus
scrolls that are in the Egyptian papyrus collection at the British
Museum (Smith 1987, Andrews 1990, Lapp 1997). Because of
damage to the outer shells of some of these scrolls the text
enclosed therein have never been read - unrolling the fragile
material would destroy them.
Certain objects can be physically repaired prior to digitization.
However, the fact is that many items are simply too fragile
to sustain physical restoration. As long as physical restoration
is the only option for opening such opaque documents,
scholarship has to sacrifice for preservation, or preservation
sacrifice for scholarship.
The famous Herculaneum collection is an outstanding
example of the scholarship/preservation dichotomy (Sider
2005). In the 1750s, the excavation of more than a thousand
scorched papyrus rolls from the Villa dei Papiri (the Villa of
the Papyri) in ancient Herculaneum caused great excitement
among contemporary scholars, for they held the possibility
Digital Humanities 2008
of the rediscovery of lost masterpieces by classical writers.
However, as a result of the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in A.D. 79
that destroyed Pompeii and also buried nearby Herculaneum,
the papyrus rolls were charred severely and are now extremely
brittle, frustrating attempts to open them.
A number of approaches have been devised to physically open
the rolls, varying from mechanical and “caloric”, to chemical
(Sider 2005). Substrate breakages caused during the opening
create incomplete letters that appear in several separate
segments, which makes reading them very difficult. Some efforts
have been made to reconstruct the scrolls, including tasks such
as establishing the relative order of fragments and assigning to
them an absolute sequence (Janko 2003). In addition, multispectral analysis and conventional image processing methods
have helped to reveal significant previously unknown texts.
All in all, although these attempts have introduced some new
works to the canon, they have done so at the expense of the
physical objects holding the text.
Given the huge amount of labor and care it takes to physically
unroll the scrolls, together with the risk of destruction caused
by the unrolling, a technology capable of producing a readable
image of a rolled-up text without the need to physically open
it is an attractive concept. Virtual unrolling would offer an
obvious and substantial payoff.
In summary, there is a class of objects that are inaccessible
due to their physical construction. Many of these objects may
carry precise contents which will remain a mystery unless and
until they are opened. In most cases, physical restoration is
not an option because it is too risky, unpredictable, and labor
This dilemma is well suited for advanced computer vision
techniques to provide a safe and efficient solution.The EDUCE
project (Enhanced Digital Unwrapping for Conservation and
Exploration) is developing a general restoration approach
that enables access to those impenetrable objects without
the need to open them. The vision is to apply this work
ultimately to documents such as those described above, and
to allow complete analysis while enforcing continued physical
Proof of Concept
With the assistance of curators from the Special Collections
Library at the University of Michigan, we were given access to
a manuscript from the 15th century that had been dismantled
and used in the binding of a printed book soon after its
creation. The manuscript is located in the spine of the binding,
and consists of seven or so layers that were stuck together,
as shown in figure 1. The handwritten text on the top layer is
recognizable from the book of Ecclesiastes.The two columns of
texts correspond to Eccl 2:4/2:5 (2:4 word 5 through 2:5 word
6) and Eccl 2:10 (word 10.5 through word 16). However, it was
not clear what writing appears on the inner layers, or whether
they contain any writing at all.We tested this manuscript using
methods that we had refined over a series of simulations and
real-world experiments, but this experiment was our first on
a bona fide primary source.
Figure 1: Spine from a binding made of
a fifteenth-century manuscript.
Following procedures which will be discussed in more detail
in our presentation, we were able to bring out several layers
of text, including the text on the back of the top layer. Figure 2
shows the result generated by our method to reveal the back
side of the top layer which is glued inside and inaccessible.The
left and right columns were identified as Eccl. 1:16 and 1:11
To verify our findings, conservation specialists at the
University of Michigan uncovered the back side of the top
layer by removing the first layer from the rest of the strip of
manuscript. The process was painstaking, in order to minimize
damage, and it took an entire day. First, the strip was soaked in
water for a couple of hours to dissolve the glue and enhance
the flexibility of the material which was fragile due to age; this
added a risk of the ink dissolving, although the duration and
water temperature were controlled to protect against this
happening. Then, the first layer was carefully pulled apart from
the rest of the manuscript with tweezers. The process was
very slow to avoid tearing the material. Remaining residue was
scraped off gently.
The back side of the top layer is shown in figure 3. Most of
the Hebrew characters in the images are legible and align well
with those in the digital images of the manuscript. The middle
rows show better results than the rows on the edges. That is
because the edge areas were damaged in structure, torn and
abraded, and that degraded the quality of the restoration.
Figure 2: Generated result showing the back side of
the top layer, identified as Eccl. 1:16 and 1:11.
Digital Humanities 2008
Lin,Y. and Seales, W. B. “Opaque Document Imaging: Building
Images of Inaccessible Texts.” Proceedings of the Tenth IEEE
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV’05),
Figure 3: Photo of the back side of the top
layer, once removed from the binding.
Without applying the virtual unwrapping approach, the choices
would be either to preserve the manuscript with the hidden
text unknown or to destroy it to read it. In this case, we first
read the text with non-invasive methods then disassembled
the artifact in order to confirm our readings.
Presentation of Ongoing Work
In November 2007, representatives from the Sorbonne in
Paris will bring several unopened papyrus fragments to the
University of Kentucky to undergo testing following similar
procedures to those that resulted in the uncovering of the
Ecclesiastes text in the fifteenth-century manuscript. And in
June 2008, a group from the University of Kentucky will be at
the British Museum scanning and virtually unrolling examples
from their collections of papyrus scrolls. This presentation at
Digital Humanities 2008 will serve not only as an overview
of the techniques that led to the successful test described
above, but will also be an extremely up-to-date report of the
most recent work of the project.We look forward to breaking
down the dichotomy between preservation and scholarship
for this particular class of delicate objects.
Prescott, A. “’Their Present Miserable State of Cremation’:
the Restoration of the Cotton Library.” Sir Robert Cotton
as Collector: Essays on an Early Stuart Courtier and His Legacy.
Editor C.J. Wright. London: British Library Publications, 1997.
Seales, W. B. Griffoen, J., Kiernan, K,Yuan, C. J., Cantara, L.
“The digital atheneum: New technologies for restoring
and preserving old documents.” Computers in Libraries 20:2
(February 2000): 26-30.
Seales, W. B. and Lin,Y. “Digital restoration using volumetric
scanning.” In Proceedings of the Fourth ACM/IEEE-CS Joint
Conference on Digital Libraries (June 2004): 117-124.
Sider, D. The Library of the Villa dei Papiri at Herculaneum. Getty
Trust Publications: J. Paul Getty Museum, 2005.
Smith, M. Catalogue of Demotic Papyri in the British Museum,
III: the Mortuary Texts of Papyrus BM 10507. London: British
Museum, 1987.
Tite, C. G. The Manuscript Library of Sir Robert Cotton. London:
British Library, 1994.
Andrews, C.A.R. Catalogue of Demotic Papyri in the British
Museum, IV: Ptolemaic Legal Texts from the Theban Area. London:
British Museum, 1990.
Brown, M. S. and Seales, W. B. “Beyond 2d images: Effective 3d
imaging for library materials.” In Proceedings of the 5th ACM
Conference on Digital Libraries (June 2000): 27-36.
Brown, M. S. and Seales, W. B. “Image Restoration of
Arbitrarily Warped Documents.” IEEE Transactions on Pattern
Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 26:10 (October 2004): 12951306.
Janko, R. Philodemus On Poems Book One. Oxford University
Press, 2003.
Landon, G.V. and Seales, W. B. “Petroglyph digitization: enabling
cultural heritage scholarship.” Machine Vision and Applications,
17:6 (December 2006): 361-371.
Lapp, G. The Papyrus of Nu. Catalogue of Books of the Dead in
the British Museum, vol. I. London: British Museum, 1997.
Digital Humanities 2008
“It’s a team if you use ‘reply
all’”: An Exploration of
Research Teams in Digital
Humanities Environments
Lynne Siemens
University of Victoria, Canada
This proposal reports on a research project exploring the
nature of research teams in the Digital Humanities community.
It is a start to understanding the type of supports and research
preparation that individuals within the field require to
successfully collaborate within research teams.
Traditionally, research contributions in the humanities field
have been felt to be, and documented to be, predominantly
solo efforts by academics involving little direct collaboration
with others, a model reinforced through doctoral studies
and beyond (See, for example, Cuneo, 2003; Newell & Swan,
2000). However, Humanities Computing/Digital Humanities is
an exception to this. Given that the nature of research work
involves computers and a variety of skills and expertise, Digital
Humanities researchers are working collaboratively within
their institutions and with others nationally and internationallly
to undertake the research. This research typically involves the
need to coordinate efforts between academics, undergraduate
and graduate students, research assistants, computer
programmers, librarians, and other individuals as well as the
need to coordinate financial and other resources. Despite this,
there has been little formal research on team development
within this community.
That said, efforts toward understanding the organizational
context in which Digital Humanites research is situated is
beginning in earnest. Two large-scale survey projects (Siemens
et al., 2002; Toms et al., 2004) have highlighted issues of
collaboration, among other topics, and Warwick (2004) found
that the organizational context has had an impact on the manner
in which Digital Humanities/Humanities Computing centres
developed in the United States and England. Other studies
are underway as well. In addition, McCarty (2005b) explores
the ways that computers have opened the opportunities for
collaboration within the humanities and has explored the
associated challenges of collaboration and team research within
the HUMANIST listserve (2005a). Finally, through efforts such
as the University of Victoria’s Digital Humanities/Humanities
Computing Summer Institute and other similar ventures, the
community is working to develop its collaborative capacity
through workshops in topics like community-specific project
management skills, which also includes discussion of team
development and support.
This study draws upon these efforts as it explores and
documents the nature of research teams within the Digital
Humanities community to the end of identifying exemplary
work patterns and larger models of research collaboration
that have the potential to strengthen this positive aspect of
the community even further.
This project uses a qualitative research approach with indepth interviews with members of various multi-disciplinary,
multi-location project teams in Canada, the United States, and
the United Kingdom. The interview questions focus on the
participants’ definition of teams; their experiences working in
teams; and the types of supports and research preparation
required to ensure effective and efficient research results. The
results will include a description of the community’s work
patterns and relationships and the identification of supports
and research preparation required to sustain research teams
(as per Marshall & Rossman, 1999; McCracken, 1988).
Preliminary Findings
At the time of writing this proposal, final data analysis is being
completed, but clear patterns are emerging and, after final
analysis, these will form the basis of my presentation.
The individuals interviewed currently are and have been a part
of a diverse set of team research projects, in terms of research
objective, team membership size, budget, and geographical
dispersion, both within their own institution, nationally, and
internationally. The roles they play are varied and include
research assistant, researcher, computer programmer, and lead
investigator. There are several commonalities among these
individuals in terms of their skill development in team research
and their definition of research teams and communities.
When final data analysis is complete, a series of exemplary
patterns and models of research collaboration will be
identified and outlined.These patterns and models will include
the identification of supports and research preparation which
can sustain research teams in the present and into the future.
The benefits to the Digital Humanities community will be
several. First, the study contributes to an explicit description
of the community’s work patterns and relationships. Second, it
also builds on previous efforts to understand the organizational
context in which Digital Humanities/Humanities Computing
centres operate in order to place focus on the role of the
individual and teams in research success. Finally, it identifies
possible supports and research preparation to aid the further
development of successful research teams.
Digital Humanities 2008
Doing Digital Scholarship
Cuneo, C. (2003, November). Interdisciplinary teams - let’s
make them work. University Affairs, 18-21.
Lisa Spiro
Marshall, C., & Rossman, G. B. (1999). Designing qualitative
research (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE
McCarty, W. (2005a). 19.215 how far collaboration? Humanist
discussion group. Retrieved August 18, 2005, from http://lists.
McCarty, W. (2005b). Humanities computing. New York, NY:
Palgrave MacMillan.
McCracken, G. (1988). The long interview (Vol. 13). Newbury
Park, CA: SAGE Publications.
Newell, S., & Swan, J. (2000). Trust and inter-organizational
networking. Human Relations, 53(10), 1287-1328.
Siemens, R. G., Best, M., Grove-White, E., Burk, A., Kerr, J.,
Pope, A., et al. (2002). The credibility of electronic publishing: A
report to the Humanities and Social Sciences Federation of
Canada. Text Technology, 11(1), 1-128.
Toms, E., Rockwell, G., Sinclair, S., Siemens, R. G., & Siemens,
L. (2004). The humanities scholar in the twenty-first century:
How research is done and what support is needed, Joint
International Conference of the Association for Computers
and the Humanities and the Association for Literary &
Linguistic Computing. Göteborg, Sweden. Published results
forthcoming; results reported by Siemens, et al., in abstract
available at
Warwick, C. (2004). “No such thing as humanities
computing?” an analytical history of digital resource
creation and computing in the humanities, Joint International
Conference of the Association for Computers and the
Humanities and the Association for Literary & Linguistic
Computing. Göteborg, Sweden. (Prepublication document
available at
Rice University, USA
When I completed my dissertation Bachelors of Arts:
Bachelorhood and the Construction of Literary Identity in Antebellum
America in 2002, I figured that I was ahead of most of my peers
in my use of digital resources, but I made no pretense of
doing digital scholarship. I plumbed electronic text collections
such as Making of America and Early American Fiction for
references to bachelorhood, and I used simple text analysis
tools to count the number of times words such as “bachelor”
appeared in key texts. I even built an online critical edition
of a section from Reveries of a Bachelor (http://etext.virginia.
edu/users/spiro/Contents2.html), one of the central texts of
sentimental bachelorhood. But in my determination to finish
my PhD before gathering too many more gray hairs, I resisted
the impulse to use more sophisticated analytical tools or to
publish my dissertation online.
Five years later, the possibilities for digital scholarship in the
humanities have grown. Projects such as TAPOR, Token-X, and
MONK are constructing sophisticated tools for text analysis
and visualization. Massive text digitization projects such as
Google Books and the Open Content Alliance are making
it possible to search thousands (if not millions) of books.
NINES and other initiatives are building communities of digital
humanities scholars, portals to content, and mechanisms for
conducting peer review of digital scholarship. To encourage
digital scholarship, the NEH recently launched a funding
program. Meanwhile, scholars are blogging, putting up videos
on YouTube, and using Web 2.0 tools to collaborate.
Despite this growth in digital scholarship, there are still too
few examples of innovative projects that employ “digital
collections and analytical tools to generate new intellectual
products” (ACLS 7). As reports such as A Kaleidoscope of
American Literature and Our Cultural Commonwealth suggest,
the paucity of digital scholarship results from the lack of
appropriate tools, technical skills, funding, and recognition. In a
study of Dickinson, Whitman and Uncle Tom’s Cabin scholars,
my colleague Jane Segal and I found that although scholars
are increasingly using digital resources in their research, they
are essentially employing them to make traditional research
practices more efficient and gain access to more resources,
not (yet) to transform their research methodology by
employing new tools and processes (
services/digital_media_center/projects/the-impact-of-digitalresources-on-humanities-research). What does it mean to do
humanities research in a Web 2.0 world? To what extent do
existing tools, resources, and research methods support digital
scholarship, and what else do scholars need?
Digital Humanities 2008
To investigate these questions, I am revisiting my dissertation
to re-imagine and re-mix it as digital scholarship. I aim not only
to open up new insights into my primary research area--the
significance of bachelorhood in nineteenth-century American
culture--but also to document and analyze emerging methods
for conducting research in the digital environment. To what
extent do digital tools and resources enable new approaches
to traditional research questions—and to what extent are
entirely new research questions and methods enabled? I am
structuring my research around what John Unsworth calls
the “scholarly primitives,” or core research practices in the
1. Discovering: To determine how much information
is available online, I have searched for the nearly 300
resources cited in my dissertation in Google Books, Making
of America, and other web sites. I found that 77% of my
primary source resources and 22% of my secondary sources
are available online as full-text, while 92% of all my research
materials have been digitized (this number includes works
available through Google Books as limited preview, snippet
view, and no preview.) Although most nineteenth-century
books cited in my dissertation are now freely available
online, many archival resources and periodicals have not yet
been digitized.
2. Annotating: In the past, I kept research notes in long,
unwieldy Word documents, which made it hard to find
information that I needed. New software such as Zotero
enables researchers to store copies of the digital resources
and to make annotations as part of the metadata record.
What effect does the ability to share and annotate
resources have on research practices? How useful is tagging
as a mechanism for organizing information?
3. Comparing: Through text analysis and collation software
such as Juxta and TAPOR, scholars can compare different
versions of texts and detect patterns. Likewise, the Virtual
Lightbox allows researchers to compare and manipulate
digital images. What kind of new insights can be generated
by using these tools? In the course of doing my research,
I am testing freely available tools and evaluating their
usefulness for my project.
4. Referring: With digital publications, we not only can refer
to prior work, but link to it, even embed it. What is the
best means for constructing a scholarly apparatus in digital
scholarship, particularly in a work focused not only on
making an argument, but also on examining the process that
shaped that argument?
5. Sampling: With so much information available, what
criteria should we use to determine what to focus on?
Since not everything is digitized and search engines can be
blunt instruments, what do we ignore by relying mainly on
digital resources? In my blog, I am reflecting on the selection
criteria used to produce the arguments in my revamped
6. Illustrating: What kind of evidence do we use to build
an argument in a work of digital scholarship, and how is that
evidence presented? In my dissertation, I generalized about
the significance of bachelorhood in American literature by
performing close readings of a few key texts, but such a
method was admittedly unsystematic. By using text analysis
tools to study a much larger sample of primary texts, I
can cite statistics such as word frequency in making my
argument--but does this make my argument any more
7. Representing: How should a work of digital scholarship
be presented? Ideally readers would be able to examine
the evidence for themselves and even perform their
own queries. At the same time, information should be
offered so that it is clear and consistent with familiar
academic discourse. How should I make available not
only research conclusions, but also the detailed research
process that undergirds these conclusions--the successful
and unsuccessful searches, the queries run in text analysis
software, the insights offered by collaborators? How will
the digital work compare to the more traditional original
dissertation? What kind of tools (for instance, ifBook’s
Sophie) will be used to author the work?
In addition to Unsworth’s list, I offer two more:
8. Collaborating: Although humanities scholars are thought
to be solitary, they collaborate frequently by exchanging
bibliographic references and drafts of their essays. How do
I engage the community in my research? I am encouraging
others to comment on my (re-) work in progress (http:// using Comment Press.
Moreover, I am bookmarking all web-based sources for
my study on delicious (
scholarship) and making available feeds from my various
research sources through a PageFlakes portal (http://www. On my blog, “Digital Scholarship
in the Humanities,” I explore issues and ideas raised by
my research ( I
am examining what it takes to build an audience and how
visibility and collaboration affect my research practices.
9. Remixing: What would it mean to take an earlier
work--my own dissertation, for example--use new sources
and approaches, and present it in a new form? What
constitutes a scholarly remix, and what are the implications
for intellectual property and academic ethics? I also plan
to experiment with mashups as a means of generating and
presenting new insights, such as a Google Map plotting
census statistics about antebellum bachelors or a visual
mashup of images of bachelors.
This project examines the process of doing research digitally,
the capabilities and limits of existing tools and resources, and
the best means of authoring, representing and disseminating
digital scholarship. I aim to make this process as open, visible,
and collaborative as possible. My presentation will focus
Digital Humanities 2008
on emerging research methodologies in the humanities,
particularly the use of tools to analyze and organize
information, the development of protocols for searching and
selecting resources, and the dissemination of ideas through
blogs and multimedia publication.
American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS). Our Cultural
Commonwealth:The Report of the American Council of Learned
Societies Commission on Cyberinfrastructure for the Humanities
and Social Sciences. New York: American Council of Learned
Societies, 2006.
Brogan, Martha. A Kaleidoscope of Digital American Literature.
Digital Library Federation. 2005. 22 May 2007 <http://www.>.
Unsworth, John. “Scholarly Primitives: what methods do
humanities researchers have in common, and how might our
tools reflect this?’ 13 May 2000. 20 November 2007. <http://
Extracting author-specific
expressions using random
forest for use in the
sociolinguistic analysis of
political speeches
Takafumi Suzuki
University of Tokyo, Japan
This study applies stylistic text classification using random
forest to extract author-specific expressions for use in the
sociolinguistic analysis of political speeches. In the field of
politics, the style of political leaders’ speeches, as well as their
content, has attracted growing attention in both English (Ahren,
2005) and Japanese (Azuma, 2006; Suzuki and Kageura, 2006).
One of the main purposes of these studies is to investigate
political leaders’ individual and political styles by analyzing their
speech styles. A common problem of many of these studies
and also many sociolinguistic studies is that the expressions
that are analyzed are selected solely on the basis of the
researcher’s interests or preferences, which can sometimes
lead to contradictory interpretations. In other words, it is
difficult to determine whether these kind of analyses have
in fact correctly identified political leaders’ individual speech
styles and, on this basis, correctly characterised their individual
and political styles. Another problem is that political leaders’
speech styles may also be characterised by the infrequent use
of specific expressions, but this is rarely focused on.
In order to solve these problems, we decided to apply stylistic
text classification and feature extraction using random forest
to political speeches. By classifying the texts of an author
according to their style and extracting the variables contributing
to this classification, we can identify the expressions specific
to that author. This enables us to determine his/her speech
style, including the infrequent use of specific expressions, and
characterise his/her individual and political style. This method
can be used for the sociolinguistic analysis of various types
of texts, which is, according to Argamon et al. (2007a), a
potentially important area of application for stylistics.
Experimental setup
We selected the Diet addresses of two Japanese prime
ministers, Nakasone and Koizumi, and performed two
classification experiments: we distinguished Nakasone’s
addresses from those of his 3 contemporaries (1980-1989),
and Koizumi’s addresses from those of his 8 contemporaries
(1989-2006). Because Nakasone and Koizumi were two of
the most powerful prime ministers in the history of Japanese
politics, and took a special interest in the content or style of
Digital Humanities 2008
their own speeches (Suzuki and Kageura, 2007), their addresses
are the most appropriate candidates for initial analysis. Suzuki
and Kageura (2006) have demonstrated that the style of
Japanese prime ministers’ addresses has changed significantly
over time, so we compared their addresses with those of
their respective contemporaries selected by the standard
division of eras in Japanese political history. We downloaded
the addresses from the online database Sekai to Nihon (The
World and Japan) (, and
applied morphological analysis to the addresses using ChaSen
(Matsumoto et al., 2003). We united notational differences
which were distinguished only by kanji and kana in Japanese.
Table 1 sets out the number of addresses and the total number
of tokens and types for all words, particles and auxiliary verbs
in each category.
Table 1. Basic data on the corpora
As a classification method, we selected the random forest (RF)
method proposed by Breiman (2001), and evaluated the results
using out-of-bag tests. RF is known to perform extremely well
in classification tasks in other fields using large amounts of
data, but to date few studies have used this method in the area
of stylistics (Jin and Murakami, 2006). Our first aim in using RF
was thus to test its effectiveness in stylistic text classification.
A second and more important aim was to extract the
important variables contributing to classification (which are
shown as high Gini coefficients). The extracted variables
represent the specific expressions distinguishing the author
from others, and they can show the author’s special preference
or dislike for specific expressions. Examining these extracted
expressions enables us to determine the author’s speech style
and characterise his/her individual and political styles. In an
analogous study, Argamon et al. (2007b) performed genderbased classification and feature extraction using SVM and
information gain, but as they are separate experiments and RF
returns relevant variables contributing to classification, RF is
more suitable for our purposes.
We decided to focus on the distribution of particles and
auxiliary verbs because they represent the modality of
the texts, information representing authors’ personality
and sentiments (Otsuka et al., 2007), and are regarded as
reflecting political leaders’ individual and political styles clearly
in Japanese (Azuma, 2006, Suzuki and Kageura, 2006). We
tested 8 distribution combinations as features (see Table 2).
Though Jin (1997) has demonstrated that the distribution of
particles (1st order part-of-speech tag) is a good indicator of
the author in Japanese, the performances of these features,
especially auxiliary verbs, have not been explored fully, and
as the microscopic differences in features (order of part-ofspeech and stemming) can affect the classification accuracy, we
decided to test the 8 combinations.
Results and discussion
Table 2 shows the precision, recall rates and F-values. Koizumi
displayed higher accuracy than Nakasone, partly because he
had a more individualistic style of speech (see also Figure 2
and 3), and partly because a larger number of texts were used
in his case. Many of the feature sets show high classification
accuracy (more than 70%) according to the criteria of an
analogous study (Argamon et al., 2007c), which confirms
the high performance of RF. The results also show that the
distribution of the auxiliary verbs and combinations can give
better performance than that of the particles used in a previous
study (Jin, 1997), and also that stemming and a deeper order of
part-of-speech can improve the results.
Table 2. Precisions and recall rates
Figure 1 represents the top twenty variables with high Gini
coefficients according to the classification of combinations of
features (2nd order and with stemming). The figure indicates
that several top variables had an especially important role in
classification. In order to examine them in detail, we plotted in
Figure 2 and 3 the transitions in the relative frequencies of the
top four variables in the addresses of all prime ministers after
World War 2. These include variables representing politeness
(‘masu’, ‘aru’, ‘desu’), assertion (‘da’, ‘desu’), normativeness
(‘beshi’), and intention (‘u’), and show the individual and political
styles of these two prime ministers well. For example, ‘aru’ is
a typical expression used in formal speeches, and also Diet
addresses (Azuma, 2006), and the fact that Koizumi used this
expression more infrequently than any other prime minister
indicates his approachable speech style and can explain his
political success. Also, the figure shows that we can extract the
expressions that Nakasone and Koizumi used less frequently
than their contemporaries as well as the expressions they
used frequently. These results show the effectiveness of RF
feature extraction for the sociolinguistic analysis of political
Figure 1.The top twenty variables with high Gini coefficients.
The notations of the variables indicate the name of partof-speech (p: particle, av: auxiliary verb) followed by (in
the case of particles) the 2nd order part-of speech.
Digital Humanities 2008
texts, which will contribute to further expansion in the scope
of stylistics.A further study will include more concrete analysis
of extracted expressions.
Ahren, K. (2005): People in the State of the Union: viewing
social change through the eyes of presidents, Proceedings
of PACLIC 19, the 19th Asia-Pacific Conference on Language,
Information and Computation, 43-50.
Argamon, S. et al. (2007a): Stylistic text classification using
functional lexical features, Journal of the American Society for
Information Science and Technology, 58(6), 802-822.
Figure 2.Transitions in the relative frequencies of the top
four variables (Nakasone’s case) in the addresses of all
Japanese prime ministers from 1945 to 2006.The ‘NY’s
between the red lines represent addresses by Nakasone,
and other initials represent addresses by the prime minister
with those initials (see Suzuki and Kageura, 2007).
Argamon, S. et al. (2007b): Discourse, power, and Ecriture
feminine: the text mining gender difference in 18th and 19th
century French literature, Abstracts of Digital Humanities, 191.
Argamon, S. et al. (2007c): Gender, race, and nationality in
Black drama, 1850-2000: mining differences in language use in
authors and their characters, Abstracts of Digital Humanities,
Azuma, S. (2006): Rekidai Syusyo no Gengoryoku wo Shindan
Suru, Kenkyu-sya, Tokyo.
Breiman, L. (2001): Random forests, Machine Learning, 45,
Jin, M. (1997): Determining the writer of diary based on
distribution of particles, Mathematical Linguistics, 20(8), 357367.
Jin, M. and M. Murakami (2006): Authorship identification with
ensemble learning, Proceedings of IPSJ SIG Computers and the
Humanities Symposium 2006, 137-144.
Matsumoto,Y. et al. (2003): Japanese Morphological Analysis
System ChaSen ver.2.2.3,
Figure 3.Transitions in the relative frequencies of the top
four variables (Koizumi’s case) in the addresses of all
Japanese prime inisters from 1945 to 2006.The ‘KJ’s
between the red lines represent addresses by Koizumi, and
the other initials represent addresses by the prime minister
with those initials (see Suzuki and Kageura, 2007).
This study applied text classification and feature extraction
using random forest for use in the sociolinguistic analysis of
political speeches. We showed that a relatively new method
in stylistics performs fairly well, and enables us to extract
author-specific expressions. In this way, we can systematically
determine the expressions that should be analyzed to
characterise their individual and political styles. This method
can be used for the sociolinguistic analysis of various types of
Otsuka, H. et al. (2007): Iken Bunseki Enjin, Corona Publishing,
Tokyo, 127-172.
Suzuki, T. and K. Kageura (2006): The stylistic changes of
Japanese prime ministers’ addresses over time, Proceedings
of IPSJ SIG Computers and the Humanities Symposium 2006,
Suzuki, T. and K. Kageura (2007): Exploring the microscopic
textual characteristics of Japanese prime ministers’ Diet
addresses by measuring the quantity and diversity of nouns,
Proceedings of PACLIC21, the 21th Asia-Pacific Conference on
Language, Information and Computation, 459-470.
Digital Humanities 2008
Gentleman in Dickens: A
Multivariate Stylometric
Approach to its Collocation
Tomoji Tabata
University of Osaka, Japan
This study proposes a multivariate approach to the collocation
of gentleman in Dickens. By applying a stylo-statistical analysis
model based on correspondence analysis (Tabata, 2004, 2005,
2007a, and 2007b) to the investigation of the collocation
of the word gentleman, the present study visualizes the
complex interrelationships among gentleman’s collocates,
interrelationships among texts, and the association patterns
between the gentleman’s collocates and texts in multidimensional spaces. By so doing, I shall illustrate how the
collocational patterns of gentleman reflects a stylistic variation
over time as well as the stylistic fingerprint of the author.
One thing that strikes readers of Dickens in terms of his style
is the ways he combines words together (i.e. collocation).
Dickens sometimes combines words in a quite unique manner,
in a way that contradicts our expectation to strike humour, to
imply irony or satire, or otherwise. Dickens also uses fixed/
repetitive collocations for characterization: to make particular
characters memorable by making them stand out from others.
The collocation of word gentleman, one of the most frequent
‘content’ words in Dickens, is full of such examples, and would
therefore be worthy of stylistic investigation.
The significance of collocation in stylistic studies was first
suggested by J. R. Firth (1957) more than half a century ago.
Thanks to the efforts by Sinclair (1991) and his followers,
who have developed empirical methodologies based on largescale corpora, the study of collocation has become widely
acknowledged as an important area of linguistics. However,
the vast majority of collocation studies (Sinclair, 1991;
Kjellmer, 1994; Stubbs, 1995; Hunston and Francis, 1999, to
name but a few) have been concerned with grammar/syntax,
lexicography, and language pedagogy, not with stylistic aspects
of collocation, by showing the company a word keeps. Notable
exceptions are Louw (1993), Adolphs and Carter (2003), Hori
(2004), and Partington (2006). The emergence of these recent
studies seems to indicate that collocation is beginning to draw
increasing attention from stylisticians.
Major tools used for collocation studies are KWIC
concordances and statistical measures, which have been
designed to quantify collocational strength between words
in texts. With the wide availability of highly functional
concordancers, it is now conventional practice to examine
collocates in a span of, say, four words to the left, and four
words to the right, of the node (target word/key word) with
the help of statistics for filtering out unimportant information.
This conventional approach makes it possible to detect a
grammatical/syntactic, phraseological, and/or semantic relation
between the node and its collocates. However, a conventional
approach would not be suitable if one wanted to explore
whether the company a word keeps would remain unchanged,
or its collocation would change over time or across texts. It
is unsuitable because this would involve too many variables to
process with a concordancer to include a diachronic or a crosstextual/authorial perspective when retrieving collocational
information from a large set of texts. Such an enterprise would
require a multivariate approach.
Various multivariate analyses of texts have been successful
in elucidating linguistic variation over time, variation across
registers, variation across oceans, to say nothing of linguistic
differences between authors (Brainerd, 1980; Burrows, 1987
& 1996; Biber and Finegan, 1992; Craig, 1999a, b, & c; Hoover,
2003a, b, & c; Rudman, 2005). My earlier attempts used
correspondence analysis to accommodate low frequency
variables (words) in profiling authorial/chronological/crossregister variations in Dickens and Smollett (Tabata, 2005,
2007a, & c). Given the fact that most collocates of content
words tend to be low in frequency, my methodology based
on correspondence analysis would usefully be applied to a
macroscopic analysis of collocation of gentleman.
This study uses Smollett’s texts as a control set against which
the Dickens data is compared, in keeping with my earlier
investigations. Dickens and Smollett stand in contrast in the
frequency of gentleman. In 23 Dickens texts used in this study,
the number of tokens for gentleman amounts to 4,547, whereas
Smollett employs them 797 times in his seven works. In the
normalised frequency scale per million words, the frequency
in Dickens is 961.2, while the frequency in Smollett is 714.3.
However, if one compares the first seven Dickens texts with
the Smollett set, the discrepancy is even greater: 1792.0 versus
714.33 per million words. The word gentleman is significantly
more frequent in early Dickens than in his later works.
Stubbs (2001: 29) states that “[t]here is some consensus, but
no total agreement, that significant collocates are usually found
within a span of 4:4”. Following the conventional practice to
examine collocation (Sinclaire, 1991; Stubbs, 1995 & 2001), the
present study deals with words occurring within a span of four
words prior to, and four words following, the node (gentleman)
as variables (collocates) to be fed into correspondence
The respective frequency of each collocate is arrayed to form
the frequency-profile for 29 texts (Smollett’s The Adventure of
an Atom is left out of the data set since it contains no instance of
gentleman).The set of 29 collocate frequency profiles (collocate
frequency matrix) is then transposed and submitted to
correspondence analysis (CA), a technique for data-reduction.
CA allows examination of the complex interrelationships
between row cases (i.e., texts), interrelationships between
column variables (i.e., collocates), and association between
the row cases and column variables graphically in a multidimensional space. It computes the row coordinates (word
Digital Humanities 2008
scores) and column coordinates (text scores) in a way that
permutes the original data matrix so that the correlation
between the word variables and text profiles are maximized.
In a permuted data matrix, adverbs with a similar pattern of
distribution make the closest neighbours, and so do texts of
similar profile. When the row/column scores are projected in
multi-dimensional charts, relative distance between variable
entries indicates affinity, similarity, association, or otherwise
between them.
Figure 2. Correspondence analysis of the collocates
of gentleman: A galaxy of collocates
Figure 1. Correspondance analysis of the
collocates of gentleman:Text-map
Figures 1 and 2 demonstrate a result of correspondence
analysis based on 1,074 collocates of gentleman across 29
texts. The horizontal axis of Figure 1 labelled as Dimension
1, the most powerful axis, visualizes the difference between
the two authors in the distribution of gentleman’s collocates.
It is also interesting that the early Dickensian texts, written in
1830s and early 1840s, are lying towards the bottom half of the
diagram.The same holds true for Smollett.Thus, the horizontal
axis can be interpreted as indicating authorial variation in the
collocation of gentleman, whereas the vertical axis can be
interpreted as representing variation over time, although text
entries do not find themselves in an exact chronological order.
On the other hand, Figure 2 is too densely populated to identify
each collocate, except for the outlying collocates, collocates
with stronger “pulling power”. However, it would be possible
to make up for this by inspecting a diagram derived from
much smaller number of variables (say, 100 variables, which
will be shown shortly as Figure 4), whose overall configuration
is remarkably similar to Figure 2 despite the decrease in the
number of variables computed.
The Dickens corpus is more than four times the size of the
Smollett corpus, and the number of types as well as tokens
of gentleman’s collocates in Dickens is more than four times
as many as those in Smollett. It is necessary to ensure that
a size factor does not come into play in the outcome of
analysis. Figures 3 and 4 are derived from the variables of 100
collocates common to both authors. Despite the decrease in
the number of variables from 1,074 to 100, the configuration
of texts and words is remarkably similar to that based on
1,074 items. The Dickens set and the Smollett set, once again,
can be distinguished from each other along Dimension 1.
Moreover, in each of the two authors’ sets, early works tend
to have lower scores with later works scoring higher along
Dimension 2. The results of the present analysis is consistent
with my earlier studies based on different variables, such as –ly
adverbs, superlatives, as well as high-frequency function words.
It would be possible to assume that authorial fingerprints
are as firmly set in the collocation of gentleman as in other
component of vocabulary. These results seem to illustrate
multivariate analysis of collocates could provide interesting
new perspectives to the study of collocation.
Digital Humanities 2008
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Figure 4. Correspondance analysis of 100 most common
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Video Game Avatar: From
Other to Self-Transcendence
and Transformation
Mary L.Tripp
University of Central Florida, USA
The aim of this paper is to establish a model for the
relationship between the player of a video game and the avatar
that represents that player in the virtual world of the video
game. I propose that there is an evolution in the identification
of the player of a video game with the avatar character that
performs embodied actions in the virtual world of the game.
This identification can be described through an examination of
theories from a variety of subject areas including philosophy,
literary studies, video game theory, and educational theory.
Specifically, theories in hermeneutics, literary immersion,
embodiment, empathy, narrative, game ego, play, and learning
theory are synthesized to produce a broad picture of the
player/avatar relationship as it develops over time. I will
identify stages in the process of feeling immersed in a game.
This feeling of immersion can, but may not necessarily will,
occur as the player engages in game play over a period of
time. I will identify this process in stages: “other”; “embodied
empathy”; “self-transcendence”; and “transformation.” At the
final stage, the game play can offer a critique of the player’s
worldview, to call into question the player’s approach and even
presuppositions about the world. I suggest here, the player
no longer sees the avatar as an “other” a character to be
understood in some way, and not as some virtual representation
of the self, something apart from himself, and not even as some
sort of virtual embodiment of himself. I suggest that the player
transcends even the avatar as any sort of representation, that
the avatar disappears from the consciousness of the player
altogether. A result of this critique is a transformation that
takes place within the player that may actually transform one’s
self-understanding, thus providing the player with an authentic
learning experience.
There is a sense of embodiment that goes along with controlling
an avatar in a virtual world that, I believe, is not present when
becoming immersed in a film or a book. In a video game, the
player’s actions have direct and immediate consequences
in terms of reward or punishment as well as movement
through the virtual world. The narrative effect helps drive the
character through this reward and punishment. The idea of
affordances is often used in terms of game design and the use
of emotional affordances to help propel the player into the
virtual environment. Thus, with a video game, there is a more
complete immersion into the constructed imaginary world—
an embodied immersion and an emotional immersion.
I would like to clarify the definition of this feeling of immersion
that happens as a video game progresses. Various terms are
used in the fields of literary analysis, psychology, video game
Digital Humanities 2008
theory, and philosophy. Terms like literary transport, flow,
presence, immersion, identification, and self-transcendence
are often used to describe the feeling of the self moving out
of the real world and into a constructed imaginary world.
I use Janet Murray’s offers a commonly accepted definition
used in the gaming industry for this term, a sense of being
physically submerged in water (Murray 1997, p. 99). My goal
here is to illuminate the idea that there is a process to gaining
this feeling of immersion. The player proceeds step-by-step
into the game world. The work of Gallagher in philosophy
of mind acknowledges that there is a growth process that
takes place in developing an understanding of other people,
through primary and secondary interaction. Gallese offers an
alternative argument that the biological basis of this growth
in understanding happen initially as a neural response from
the mirror neuron system, then as a more mature empathetic
response. Ultimately, I would like to establish a sequence that
combines the work of Gallese and Gallagher with the work
of digital narrative theorists Ryan and Murray. The sequence
of immersion could be stated as: other→empathy→selftranscendence→transformation.
The first stage of approaching the avatar is learning the
mechanics of the game. In this stage the player sees the avatar
as “other,” as an awkward and theoretical representation of the
self. Initially, the avatar is a picture or symbol for the self. The
player learns to manipulate the keyboard, mouse, or controller.
The avatar is “other,” a foreign virtual object that must be
awkwardly manipulated by the player. In this stage there is little
personal identification with the avatar, except on a theoretical
level. The avatar cannot function efficiently according to the
will of the player, but operates as a cumbersome vehicle for
the player’s intentions.
I propose that the player in the second stage the player begins
to view the avatar as a character in a world, and the player
begins to empathize with the character in a novel or in a film.
Let me clarify, here, that at this stage the avatar is still viewed
as Other, but a component of empathy now emerges through
the use of narrative. The player now has learned to effectively
manipulate the character, to move the character through the
virtual world. I believe, here, embodiment plays an important
biological role in helping to establish this feeling of empathy
for the character. There is also an important component of
narrative that drives the player toward empathy with the
avatar.The work of Marie-Laure Ryan is an important theoriest
in this area.
In the third stage, which I call “self-transcendence,” the player
experiences full identification with the avatar, not as empathizing
with another character, but embodying the actions and world
of the avatar as if it were his own. On this point, I will refer to
Gadamer’s idea of the self-transcendence of play as well as his
article “The Relevance of the Beautiful” and several authors
working on the concept of immersion and game ego in video
game theory (Murray, Wilhelmsson, Ryan). The literature
on video game theory uses the terms immersion, flow, and
presence in a similar way, but I feel Gadamer’s term “selftranscendence” more aptly fits the description I will offer.
At the point of self-transcendence, transformation can happen.
Learning theory and the philosophy of hermeneutics, especially
as stated in the work of Gallagher in Hermeneutics and
Education and the hermeneutic theories of Gadamer
(specifically his fusion of horizons), can establish how
understanding happens and how transformation of the self can
take place more completely in the virtually embodied world
of video games.
View of the avatar character by the player of
a video game as game play progresses.
Brna, Paul. “On the Role of Self-Esteem, Empathy and
Narrative in the Development of Intelligent Learning
Environments” Pivec, Maja ed. Affective and Emotional Aspects
of Human-Computer Interaction: Game-Based and Innovative
Learning Approaches. IOS Press: Washington, DC. 2006.
Dias, J., Paiva, A.,Vala, M., Aylett, R., Woods S., Zoll, C., and
Hall, L. “Empathic Characters in Computer-Based Personal
and Social Education.” Pivec, Maja ed. Affective and Emotional
Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction: Game-Based and
Innovative Learning Approaches. IOS Press: Washington, DC.
Gadamer, H.G. Truth and Method. Weinsheimer and Marshall,
trans. New York: Crossroad, 1989.
Gallagher, Shaun. Hermeneutics and Education. Albany: State
University of New York Press, 1992.
Gallagher, Shaun. How the Body Shapes the Mind. Oxford
University Press: New York, 2005.
Gallagher, S. and Hutto, D. (in press-2007). Understanding
others through primary interaction and narrative practice.
In: Zlatev, Racine, Sinha and Itkonen (eds). The Shared Mind:
Perspectives on Intersubjectivity. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Gallese,V. “The ‘Shared Manifold’ Hypothesis: From Mirror
Neurons to Empathy.” Journal of Consciousness Studies. 8:3350, 2001.
Goldman, A. “Empathy, Mind, and Morals.” In Mental Simulation.
Ed. M. Davies and T. Stone, 185-208. Oxford: Blackwell, 1995.
Grodal, Torben. “Stories for Eye, Ear, and Muscles:Video
Games, Media, and Embodied Experiences.” The Video
Game Theory Reader. Mark J. Wolf and Bernard Perron, eds.
Routledge: New York, 2003.
Digital Humanities 2008
Johnson, Mark (1987) The Body in the Mind:The Bodily Basis of
Meaning, Imagination and Reason. Chicago: Chicago University
Press, 1987 and 1990.
Lahti, Martti. “As We Become Machines: Corporealized
Pleasures in Video Games.” The Video Game Theory Reader.
Mark J. Wolf and Bernard Perron, eds. Routledge: New York,
McMahan, Alison. (2003). “Immersion, Engagement, and
Presence: A Method for Analysing 3-D Video Games.” The
Video Game Theory Reader. Mark J. Wolf and Bernard Perron,
eds. Routledge: New York.
Murray, Janet. Hamlet on the Holodeck:The Future of Narrative
in Cyberspace. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1997.
Ryan, Marie-Laure. Narrative as Virtual Reality: Immersion and
Interactivity in Literature and Electronic Media. Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins University Press, 2001.
Sykes, Jonathan. (2006). “Affective Gaming: Advancing the
Argument for Game-Based Learning.” Pivec, Maja ed.
Affective and Emotional Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction:
Game-Based and Innovative Learning Approaches. IOS Press:
Washington, DC.
White, H. (1981). “Narrative and History.” In W.J.T. Mitchell,
ed., On Narrative. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Wilhelmsson, Ulf. (2006). “What is a Game Ego? (or How
the Embodied Mind Plays a Role in Computer Game
Environments).” Pivec, Maja ed. Affective and Emotional Aspects
of Human-Computer Interaction: Game-Based and Innovative
Learning Approaches. IOS Press: Washington, DC.
Wittgenstein, Ludwig. Philosophical Investigations. Trans. G.E.M.
Anscombe. Blackwell Publishing: Cambridge, 1972.
Normalizing Identity:The
Role of Blogging Software in
Creating Digital Identity
Kirsten Carol Uszkalo
St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
Darren James Harkness
University of Alberta, Canada
We offer a new in-depth methodology for looking at how
the use of blogging software delineates and normalizes the
blogger’s creation of posts and, by extension, the creation of
her blog self. The simple choice of software is not simple at
all and in fact has a great influence on the shape a blogger’s
identity will take through the interface, program design,
and data structures imposed on her by the software. This
primarily technical discussion of a topic seldom considered
in studies which look at the cultural impact of blogging, will
illuminate the inner workings of the medium and gives due
credence to Marshall McLuhan’s argument that “the ‘message’
of any medium or technology is the change of scale or pace or
pattern that it introduces into human affairs”.
Technology plays such an integral part in distinguishing the blog
as a new medium, apart from that of written (paper-based)
text; as a result, a study of the blog that does not investigate
its infrastructure is incomplete. Critics of blogging scholarship
point out the lack of technical discussion around the software
used by bloggers as a weakness (Scheidt 2005, Lawley 2004).
The criticism is valid; critics’ attention has been focused on
the output of the blogs, categorizing them as an extension of
existing genres, whether that be of the diary (Rak 167) or the
newspaper (Koman). This study serves as a response to the
criticism, and aims to start the discussion by looking into the
dark recesses of the software, databases, and code to illustrate
just how influential infrastructure is in defining identity.
Programmers do not care about the content of any given
blog. The people who develop Movable Type, Blogger,
LiveJournal, and Wordpress are developing software which
helps making blogging a much simpler process, and they do
listen to customer requests for features. But the developer
is not concerned whether your blog will be an online journal,
a political commentary, or a collection of cat pictures – what
she is concerned about is memory allocation, disk usage, and
transaction speed. Every shortcut taken in the source code,
every data type or archiving scheme not supported, every
function written, and every decision made by the programmer
to achieve these goals has an influence on the interface, and
therefore on the content the blogger produces. Despite
working at an indifferent distance, the developer heavily
influences the blog – and by extension, blogger’s identity – by
the decisions she makes when she codes the software.
Digital Humanities 2008
The way we structure language helps create meaning;
likewise, the way in which it is stored also has meaning. To
the programmer, language is nothing more than a set of bits
and data types, which must be sorted into different containers.
How the programmer deals with data affects how she creates
the interface; if she has no data structure in place to handle
a certain kind of information, she cannot request it from the
user in the interface. The data structure is created through
a process called normalization – breaking data down into its
smallest logical parts. Developers normalize data in order
to make it easier to use and reuse in a database: the title of
your blog entry goes in one container; the body text goes
into another, and so on. The structure of the data does not
necessarily match the structure of its original context, however.
Although a title and the body text are related to the same
entry, no consideration is given by the developer as to whether
one comes before the other, whether it should be displayed
in a specific style, or if one has hierarchical importance over
the other in the page. The data structure is dictated by the
individual pieces of data themselves. The developer takes the
data within each of these containers and stores it within a
database. This may be a simple database, such as a CSV1 or
Berkeley DB2 file, or it may reside within a more complex
relational database such as MySQL or Microsoft SQL Server.
Within the database exists a series of tables, and within each
table resides a series of fields. A table holds a single record
of data – a blog entry – and the table’s fields hold properties
of that data, such as the title or entry date. Figure 1 illustrates
an example of the above; a developer has created an Entries
table with the fields EntryID3, Title, Date, BodyText, ExtendedText,
Keywords, Category, and Post Status.
When is possible, such as with the Category and Post Status
fields, the developer will actually replace a string (alphanumeric)
value with a numeric pointer to the same data within another
table in the database. For example, an author may create a set
of categories for her blog (such as “Personal Life,” “School,” et
cetera, which are stored in a separate database table named
Categories and associated with a unique ID (CategoryID).
When an entry is marked with the Personal category, the
software queries the database to see what the CategoryID
of the Personal category is in the Categories table, and places
that in the Category field in an entry’s record in the Entries
table (see Figure 2). This sets up a series of relations within
a database, and helps keep the database smaller; an integer
takes far less space in the database than a string: 1 byte to
store a single-digit integer, compared to 8 bytes for the string
“Personal”; when you start working with hundreds of entries,
this difference adds up quickly. It is also easier to maintain; if
you want to rename the “Personal” category to “Stories from
the woeful events of my unexaggerated life” for example, you
would only have to update the entry once in the Categories
table; because it is referenced by its CategoryID in each entry,
it will automatically be updated in all records that reference it.
By abstracting often-used data such as a category into separate
database tables, data can be reused within the database, which
in turn keeps the size of the database smaller. If we know
we will be referring to a single category in multiple entries, it
makes sense to create a table of possible categories and then
point to their unique identifier within each individual entry.
Each field within a database table is configured to accept a
specific format of information known as a data type. For
example, the Date field in the Entries table above would be
given a data type of DATETIME,4 while the Category field would
be given a data type of INT (to specify an integer value). The
body text of an entry would be placed in a binary data type
known as the BLOB, since this is a type of data whose size
is variable from record to record. Normalization conditions
data to its purpose, and ensures that the developer always
knows what kind of data to expect when he or she retrieves
it later. It also has the benefit of loosely validating the data by
rejecting invalid data types. If an attempt to store a piece of
INT data in the Date field is made, it will trigger an error, which
prevents the data from being misused within an application.
The decisions made by the developer at this point, which
involve configuring the tables and fields within the database,
ultimately determine what will appear in the blog’s interface.
If tables and fields do not exist in the database to support
categorization of an entry, for example, it is unlikely to appear in
the interface since there is no facility to store the information
(and by extension, not prompt the blogger to categorize her
The interface gives the blogger certain affordances, something
Robert St. Amant defines as “an ecological property of the
relationship between an agent and the environment” (135).5
Amant describes affordance as a function we can see that is
intuitive: “we can often tell how to interact with an object or
environmental feature simply by looking at it, with little or no
thought involved” (135, 136) – for example, we instinctively
know not only what a chair is for, but the best way to make
use of it. St. Amant further breaks down the affordance
into four separate affordance-related concepts: relationship,
action, perception, and mental construct (136-7). He goes
on to discuss how to incorporate the idea of affordance into
developing a user interface, focusing on action and relationship.
The last of these concepts, affordance as a mental construct,
is most relevant to our discussion. St. Amant writes “these
mental affordances are the internal encodings of symbols
denoting relationships, rather than the external situations
that evoke the symbols” (137). In the authoring of the blog,
the affordance of developing identity cannot be pinned on a
single HTML control or text box; it is the process as a whole.
LiveJournal and DiaryLand, for example, have the affordance
of keeping a personal journal, or online diary. Blogger has
the affordance of developing identity in a broader way by not
necessarily focusing it on an autobiographical activity. The
interface leads the blogger into a mode of writing through
the affordances it provides The infrastructure of the blog is its
most fundamental paratextual element creating a mirror for
the blogger to peer into, but it is the blogger that makes the
decision to look.
Digital Humanities 2008
1 Comma-Separated Values. Each record of data consists of a single,
unbroken line within a text file, which contains a series of values
– each separated by a comma or other delimiter. An example of a
CSV file for our entry would look like the following: EntryID,Title,Da
te,BodyText,ExtendedText, Keywords,Category, PostStatus
1,My Entry,12/15/2006,This is the entry,,personal,Personal,Published
2,My Other Entry,12/20/2006,Look – another entry,And some
extended text,personal,Personal,Published
2 Berkeley DB is a file-based database structure, which offers some
basic relational mechanisms, but is not as robust or performant as
other database systems.
3 For compatibility with multiple database systems, spaces are
generally discouraged in both table and field names.
4 For the purposes of this section, I will use MySQL Data types. Data
types may vary slightly between different database applications.
5 As an interesting historical footnote, St. Amant wrote about the
affordance in user interfaces around the time the first blog software
packages were released in 1999.
Bolter, J.D. & Grusin, R. Remediation: Understanding New Media.
Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1999
Lawley, Liz. “Blog research issues” Many 2 Many: A group
weblog on social software. June 24, 2004. Online. <http://many.>
Accessed October 23, 2007.
Koman, Richard. “Are Blogs the New Journalism” O’Reilly
Digital Media. January 8, 2005. Online. Accessed April 8, 2007.
McLuhan, Marshall. Understanding Media: The Extension of
Man. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1994.
Rak, Julie (2005, Winter). “The Digital Queer: Weblogs and
Internet Identity.” Biography 28(1): 166-182.
Scheidt, Lois Ann. “Quals reading – Outlining in Blood”
Professional-Lurker: Comments by an Academic in
Cyberspace. Online. Accessed May 23, 2005. <http://www.>
Serfaty,Viviane. The Mirror and the Veil: An Overview of
American Online Diaries and Blogs. Amsterdam & New York:
Rodopi, 2004.
St. Amant, Robert. “Planning and User Interface Affordances”
Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Intelligent user
interfaces. 1998.
A Modest proposal. Analysis
of Specific Needs with
Reference to Collation in
Electronic Editions
Ron Van den Branden
Centrum voor Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie (KANTL), Belgium
Text collation is a vital aspect of textual editing; its results
feature prominently in scholarly editions, either in printed
or electronic form. The Centre for Scholarly Editing and
Document Studies (CTB) of the Flemish Royal Academy
for Dutch Language and Literature has a strong research
interest in electronic textual editing. Much of the research for
the electronic editions of De teleurgang van den Waterhoek
(2000) and De trein der traagheid (forthcoming) concerned
appropriate ways of visualising textual traditions. Starting from
the functionality of collation results in electronic editions, as
illustrated in the latter edition, this paper will investigate the
needs for a dedicated automatic text collation tool for textcritical research purposes.
The second section sets out with identifying different scenarios
in the production model of electronic scholarly editions (based
on Ott, 1992;Vanhoutte, 2006). Consequently, possible criteria
for an automatic text collation tool in these production
scenarios are identified, both on a collation-internal and
generic software level. These criteria are analysed both from
the broader perspective of automatic differencing algorithms
and tools that have been developed for purposes of automatic
version management in software development (Mouat, 2002;
Komvoteas, 2003; Cobéna, 2003; Cobéna e.a., 2002 and [2004];
Peters, 2005; Trieloff, 2006), and from the specific perspective
of text encoding and collation for academic purposes (Kegel
and Van Elsacker, 2007; Robinson, 2007). Collation-internal
criteria distinguish between three phases of the collation
process: the automatic text comparison itself, representation
of these comparisons and aspects of visualisation. Especially
in the context of electronic scholarly editions, for which TEI
XML is the de facto encoding standard, a degree of XMLawareness can be considered a minimal requirement for
collation algorithms. A dedicated collation algorithm would
be able to track changes on a structural and on word level.
Moreover, since textual editing typically deals with complex
text traditions, the ability to compare more than two versions
of a text could be another requirement for a collation
algorithm. Regarding representation of the collation results,
an XML perspective is preferable as well.This allows for easier
integration of the collation step with other steps in electronic
editing. In a maximal scenario, a dedicated text collation tool
would represent the collation results immediately in one or
other TEI flavour for encoding textual variation. Visualisation
of the collation results could be considered a criterion for a
text collation tool, but seems less vital, however prominent it
Digital Humanities 2008
features in the broader context of developing an electronic
edition. From a generic software perspective, a dedicated tool
would be open source, free, multi-platform, and embeddable in
other applications. These criteria are summarised in a minimal
and a maximal scenario. The plea for a tool that meets the
criteria for a minimal scenario is illustrated in the third section
of the paper.
The third section of the paper is a case study of another
electronic edition in preparation at the CTB: the complete
works of the 16th century Flemish poetess Anna Bijns,
totalling around 300 poems that come in about 60 variant
pairs or triplets. The specific circumstances of this project led
to an investigation for collation solutions in parallel with the
transcription and markup of the texts. After an evaluation of
some interesting candidate tools for the collation step, the
choice was made eventually to investigate how a generic
XML-aware comparison tool could be put to use for multiple
text collations in the context of textual editing. Besides
formal procedures and a set of XSLT stylesheets for different
processing stages of the collation results, this development
process provided an interesting insight in the specific nature
of ‘textual’ text collation, and the role of the editor. The
description of the experimental approach that was taken will
illustrate the criteria sketched out in the previous section,
indicate what is possible already with quite generic tools, and
point out the strengths and weaknesses of this approach.
Finally, the findings are summarised and a plea is made for a text
collation tool that fills the current lacunae with regards to the
current tools’ capacities for the distinct steps of comparison,
representation and visualisation.
Cobéna, Grégory (2003). Change Management of semistructured data on the Web. Doctoral dissertation, Ecole
Doctorale de l’Ecole Polytechnique. <
Cobéna, Grégory, Talel Abdessalem,Yassine Hinnach (2002).
A comparative study for XML change detection.Verso report
number 221. France: Institut National de Recherche en
Informatique et en Automatique, July 2002. <ftp://ftp.inria.
Kegel, Peter, Bert Van Elsacker (2007). ‘“A collection, an
enormous accumulation of movements and ideas”. Research
documentation for the digital edition of the Volledige Werken
(Complete Works) of Willem Frederik Hermans’. In: Georg
Braungart, Peter Gendolla, Fotis Jannidis (eds.), Jahrbuch für
Computerphilologie 8 (2006). Paderborn: mentis Verlag. p. 6380. <
Komvoteas, Kyriakos (2003). XML Diff and Patch Tool. Master’s
thesis. Edinburgh: Heriot Watt University. <http://treepatch.>
Mouat, Adrian (2002). XML Diff and Patch Utilities. Master’s
thesis. Edinburgh: Heriot Watt University, School of
Mathematical and Computer Sciences. <http://prdownloads.>
Ott, W. (1992). ‘Computers and Textual Editing.’ In
Christopher S. Butler (ed.), Computers and Written Texts.
Oxford and Cambridge, USA: Blackwell, p. 205-226.
Peters, Luuk (2005). Change Detection in XML Trees:
a Survey. Twente Student Conference on IT, Enschede,
Copyright University of Twente, Faculty of Electrical
Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science. <http://
Robinson, Peter (2007). How CollateXML should work.
Anastasia and Collate Blog, February 5, 2007. <http://www.>
Trieloff, Lars (2006). Design and Implementation of a Version
Management System for XML documents. Master’s thesis.
Potsdam: Hasso-Plattner-Institut für Softwaresystemtechnik.
Vanhoutte, Edward (2006). Prose Fiction and Modern
Manuscripts: Limitations and Possibilities of Text-Encoding
for Electronic Editions. In Lou Burnard, Katherine O’Brien
O’Keeffe, John Unsworth (eds.), Electronic Textual Editing. New
York: Modern Language Association of America, p. 161-180.
Cobéna, Grégory, Talel Abdessalem,Yassine Hinnach ([2004]).
A comparative study of XML diff tools. Rocquencourt,
[Unpublished update to Cobéna e.a. (2002), seemingly
a report for the Gemo project at INRIA.] <http://www.
Digital Humanities 2008
(Re)Writing the History of
Humanities Computing
The History of Humanities
Edward Vanhoutte
Researching and writing the history of humanities computing
is no less but neither no more problematic than researching
and writing the history of computing, technology in general, or
the history of recent thought. Beverley Southgate considers
the history of thought as an all-embracing subject matter
which can include the history of philosophy, of science, of
religious, political, economic, or aesthetic ideas, ‘and indeed
the history of anything at all that has ever emerged from
the human intellect.’ (Southgate, 2003, p. 243) Attached to
the all-embracing nature of what she then calls ‘intellectual
history/history of ideas’ is the defiance from the constraints
of disciplinary structures it creates with its practitioners. The
history of humanities computing for instance must consider
the history of the conventional schools of theory and practice
of humanities disciplines, the general histories of computing
and technology, the history of relevant fields in computing
science and engineering, and the history of the application of
computational techniques to the humanities.
Centrum voor Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie (KANTL), Belgium
On several occasions, Willard McCarty has argued that if
humanities computing wants to be fully of the humanities, it
needs to become historically self-aware (McCarty, 2004, p.161).
Contrary to what the frequently repeated myth of humanities
computing claims (de Tollenaere, 1976; Hockey, 1980, p. 15;
1998, p. 521; 2000, p. 5; 2004, p. 4), humanities computing, like
many other interdisciplinary experiments, has no very wellknown beginning.
A Common History
Several authors contradict each other when it comes to
naming the founding father of digital humanities. At least four
candidates compete with each other for that honour. Depending
on whether one bases one’s research on ideas transmitted
orally or in writing, on academic publications expressing and
documenting these ideas, or on academic writings publishing
results, Father Roberto Busa s.j., the Reverend John W. Ellison,
Andrew D. Booth, and Warren Weaver are the competitors.
This is not surprising since, when the use of automated digital
techniques were considered to process data in the humanities,
two lines of research were activated: Machine Translation (MT)
and Lexical Text Analysis (LTA). Booth and Weaver belonged to
the MT line of research and were not humanists by training,
whereas Busa and Ellison were LTA scholars and philologists.
As Antonio Zampolli pointed out, the fact that MT was
promoted mainly in ‘hard science’ departments and LTA was
mainly developed in humanities departments did not enhance
frequent contacts between them. (Zampolli, 1989, p. 182)
Although real scholarly collaboration was scarce, contacts
certainly existed between the two on the administrative level.
Since, as Booth (1967, p.VIII) observes, pure linguistic problems
such as problems of linguistic chronology and disputed
authorship, have profited from work on MT, the transition from
MT to Computational Linguistics, dictated by the infamous US
National Academy of Sciences ALPAC report (ALPAC, 1966),
was a logical, though highly criticized, step. Moreover, the early
writings on MT mention the essential use of concordances,
frequency lists, and lemmatization – according to Zampolli
(1989) typical products of LTA – in translation methods, which
shows that both Computational Linguistics and Humanities
Computing share a common history.This early history of both
has never been addressed together, but it seems necessary for
a good understanding of what it is that textual studies do with
the computer.
The History of Recent Things
The history of recent things, however, poses some new and
unique challenges for which, in Willard McCarty’s vision,
a different conception of historiography is needed. As an
illustration for his point, McCarty focuses on the different
qualities of imagination that characterize the research and
writing of the classical historian on the one hand and the
historian of recent things on the other and situates them in
a temporal and a spatial dimension respectively. A successful
classical historian must manage the skill to move into the
mental world of the long dead, whereas the historian of
the recent past, like the anthropologist, must master the
movement away ‘from the mental world we share with our
subjects while remaining engaged with their work’ (McCarty,
2004, p. 163). In a rash moment, this double awareness of
the historian of the recent is fair game to triumphalism, the
historian’s worst fiend. The temptation to search for historical
and quantitative, rather than qualitative, ‘evidence’ to prove
the importance of their own field or discipline is innate in
somewhat ambitious insiders attempting at writing the history
of their own academic field. Also since, as Alun Munslow has
reiterated, it is historians rather than the past that generates
(writes, composes?) history (Munslow, 1999), McCarty’s
astute but non-exhaustive catalogue of the new and unique
challenges presents itself as a warning for the historiographer
of the new, and I endorse this list fully: ‘volume, variety, and
complexity of the evidence, and difficulty of access to it; biases
and partisanship of living informants; unreliability of memory;
distortions from the historian’s personal engagement with his
or her informants—the ‘Heisenberg effect’, as it is popularly
known; the ‘presentism’ of science and its perceived need for
legitimation through an official, triumphalist account; and so
on.’ (McCarty, 2004, p. 163)
Digital Humanities 2008
All history is inevitably a history for, and can never be
ideologically neutral, as Beverly Southgate has recently
emphasized in a review of Marc Ferro’s The Use and Abuse of
History, or, How the Past is Taught. (Southgate, 2005) Therefore
the question can never be ‘Comment on raconte l’histoire aux
enfants à travers le monde entier’ as the original title of Ferro’s
book reads. Greg Dening would say that writing history is a
performance in which historians should be ‘focused on the
theatre of what they do’. (Dening, 1996, p. 30) According to
McCarty, the different conception of historiography, could profit
from acknowledging ethnographic theory and ethnography as
a contributory discipline since it entails a poetic of ‘dilatation
beyond the textable past and beyond the ‘scientific’ reduction
of evidence in a correct and singular account.’ (McCarty, 2004,
p. 174)
The current lack of theoretical framework that can define and
study the history of humanities computing echoes what Michael
Mahoney wrote with respect to the history of computing: ‘The
major problem is that we have lots of answers but very few
questions, lots of stories but no history, lots of things to do
but no sense of how to do them or in what order. Simply put,
we don’t yet know what the history of computing is really
about.’ (Mahoney, 1993)
Three possible statements can be deducted from this
• We don’t know what history is about;
• We don’t know what humanities computing is about;
• We don’t know what the history of humanities computing
is about.
This paper aims at addressing these three basic questions
by sketching out prolegomena to the history of humanities
ALPAC (1966) Languages and machines: computers in
translation and linguistics. A report by the Automatic Language
Processing Advisory Committee, Division of Behavioral Sciences,
National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council.
Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences, National
Research Council (Publication 1416).
De Tollenaere, Felicien (1976). Word-Indices and Word-Lists to
the Gothic Bible and Minor Fragments. Leiden: E. J. Brill.
Dening, Greg (1996). Performances. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.
Hockey, Susan (1980). A Guide to Computer Applications in the
Humanities. London: Duckworth.
Hockey, Susan (1998). An Agenda for Electronic Text
Technology in the Humanities. Classical World, 91: 521-42.
Hockey, Susan (2000). Electronic Texts in the Humanities.
Principles and Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hockey, Susan (2004). The History of Humanities Computing.
In Schreibman, Susan, Siemens, Ray, and Unsworth, John
(eds.), A Companion to Digital Humanities. Malden, MA/Oxford/
Carlton,Victoria: Blackwell Publishing, p. 3-19.
Southgate, Beverley (2003). Intellectual history/history of
ideas. In Berger, Stefan, Feldner, Heiko, and Passmore, Kevin
(eds.), Writing History.Theory & Practice. London: Arnold, p.
Southgate, Beverley (2005). Review of Marc Ferro, The Use
and Abuse of History, or, How the Past is Taught. Reviews in
History, 2005, 441.
Mahoney, Michael S. (1993). Issues in the History of
Computing. Paper prepared for the Forum on History
of Computing at the ACM/SIGPLAN Second History of
Programming Languages Conference, Cambridge, MA, 20-23
April 1993.
McCarty, Willard (2004). As It Almost Was: Historiography of
Recent Things. Literary and Linguistic Computing, 19/2: 161-180.
Munslow, Alun (1999). The Postmodern in History:
A Response to Professor O’Brien. Discourse on
postmodernism and history. Institute of Historical Research.
Zampolli, Antonio (1989). Introduction to the Special Section
on Machine Translation. Literary and Linguistic Computing, 4/3:
Booth, A.D. (1967). Introduction. In Booth, A.D. Machine
Translation. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company,
Digital Humanities 2008
Information Systems in
Research of Regional History
Aleksey Varfolomeyev
Petrozavodsk State University, Russian Federation
Henrihs Soms
Daugavpils University, Latvia
Aleksandrs Ivanovs
Daugavpils University, Latvia
Representation of data on regional history by means of Web
sites is practised in many countries, because such Web sites
should perform – and more often than not they really perform
– three important functions. First, they further preservation
of historical information related to a certain region. Second,
Web sites on regional history promote and publicize historical
and cultural heritage of a region, hence they can serve as a
specific ‘visiting-card’ of a region. Third, they facilitate progress
in regional historical studies by means of involving researchers
in Web-community and providing them with primary data
and, at the same time, with appropriate research tools that
can be used for data retrieving and processing. However,
implementation of the above-mentioned functions calls for
different information technologies. For instance, preservation
of historical information requires structuring of information
related to a certain region, therefore databases technologies
should be used to perform this function. In order to draft and
update a ‘visiting-card’ of a region, a Web site can be designed on
the basis of Content Management System (CMS). Meanwhile,
coordination of research activities within the frameworks of
a certain Web-community calls for implementation of modern
technologies in order to create knowledge-based information
In this paper, a concept of a knowledge-based information
system for regional historical studies is framed and a pattern of
data representation, aggregation, and structuring is discussed.
This pattern can be described as a specialized semantic network
hereafter defined as Historical Semantic Network (HSN).
Up to now, the most popular pattern of representation
of regional historical information is a traditional Web site
that consists of static HTML-pages. A typical example is the
Web site Latgales Dati (created in 1994, see,
which provides information about the history and cultural
heritage of Eastern Latvia – Latgale (Soms 1995; Soms and
Ivanovs 2002). On the Web site Latgales Dati, historical data
are stored and processed according to the above-mentioned
traditional pattern. The shortcomings of this pattern are quite
obvious: it is impossible to revise the mode of processing and
representation of data on the Web site; it is rather difficult to
feed in additional information, to retrieve necessary data, and
to share information.
In the HEML project, a special language of representation
and linkage of information on historical events has been
developed ( Advantages of this language
are generally known: a modern approach to processing and
representation of historical information on the basis of XML,
a developed system of tools of visualization of information,
etc. However, the processing of information is subjected to
descriptions of historical events. It can be regarded as a drawback
of this language, since such descriptions do not form a solid
basis for historical data representation in databases. Actually,
any description of a historical event is an interpretation
of narratives and documentary records. For this reason,
databases should embrace diverse historical objects, namely,
documents and narratives, persons, historical monuments and
buildings, institutions, geographical sites, and so on, and so
forth.These objects can be described using different attributes
simultaneously, which specify characteristic features of the
objects. Sometimes, objects can be labelled with definite, unique
attributes only. The detailed, exhaustive information about
the objects can be represented by means of links between
objects, thus creating a specific semantic network. Within
this network, paramount importance is attached to special
temporal objects – the chronological ‘markers’. Connecting
links between a number of historical objects, including special
temporal objects, will form rather a solid basis for historical
discourse upon historical events, processes, and phenomena.
The first characteristic feature of the semantic network, which
is being created on the basis of the Web site Latgales Dati,
is the principle role assigned to such historical objects as
documentary records and narratives.Thus, the connecting links
between the objects are constituted (actually, reconstructed) in
accordance with the evidences of historical sources. In order
to provide facilities for verification of the links, the semantic
network should contain full texts of historical records as well
as scanned raster images of them. On the one hand, texts
and images can be directly connected with the objects of the
semantic network by means of SVG technology; on the other
hand, this connection can be established by means of mark-up
schemes used in XML technology (Ivanovs and Varfolomeyev
The second characteristic feature of HSN is fuzziness of almost
all aspects of information in the semantic network (Klir and
Yuan 1995).The source of this fuzziness is uncertainty of expert
evaluations and interpretations of historical data; moreover,
evidences of historical records can be either fragmentary and
contradictory, or doubtful and uncertain.Therefore, the level of
validity of information is ‘measured’ by variables, which can be
expressed by ordinary numbers (0–1). However, it seems that
they should be expressed by vector quantities as pairs (true,
false); the components true and false can assume values from
0 to 1. In this case, the pair (1,1) refers to very contradictory
and unreliable information, meanwhile the pair (0,0) means
Digital Humanities 2008
the absence of information. This approach was used in
construction of four-valued logic (Belnap 1977). The fuzziness
values defined for some objects can be propagated within a
semantic network by means of logical reasoning (Hähnle 1993).
This ‘measurement’ of validity of data is performed by users of
HSN; the results of ‘measurement’ should be changeable and
complementary, thus reflecting cooperation of researchers
within the frameworks of Web-community.
Creating a semantic network, a number of principal
operations should be performed: reconstruction, linkage, and
representation. Reconstruction is either manual or automatic
generation of interrelations between objects that are not
directly reflected in historical records. In this stage, new
historical objects can emerge; these objects are reconstructed
in accordance with the system of their mutual relations.
Linkage can be defined as detection of similar (in fuzzy sense)
objects, which within a semantic network (or within a number
of interrelated networks) form a definite unit. Representation is
a number of operations of retrieving of data from the semantic
network including representation of information by means of
tables, graphs, timeline, geographic visualization, etc.
HSN as a basic pattern of representation of historical
information in Internet provides researchers with proper
tools, which can easily transform data retrieved from such
Web sites. However, some problems should be solved in order
to ‘substitute’ the traditional Web site Latgales Dati for HSN.
There are different approaches to representation of semantic
networks in Internet. A generally accepted approach is division
of network links into subjects, predicates, and objects followed
by their representation by means of RDF. However, the RDF
pattern (actually, directed graph in terms of mathematics) is not
adequate to the hyper-graph pattern accepted in HSN, since
in HSN one and the same link can connect different objects
simultaneously. In order to represent hyper-graphs, different
semantic networks – such as WordNet (Fellbaum 1998),
MultiNet (Helbig 2006), topic maps (Dong and Li 2004) or even
simple Wiki-texts interconnected by so-called ‘categories’ –
should be used. Unfortunately, the above-mentioned semantic
networks do not provide proper tools to perform the tasks
set by HSN. For this purpose, the experience acquired by
designers of universal knowledge processing systems (e.g.
SNePS, see Shapiro 2007, or Cyc, see Panton 2006) should be
taken into consideration.
One more important problem is linkage of different HSN,
including Latgales Dati. Such linkage can be conducive to
cooperation of researchers, since it ensures remote access
to historical data and exchange of information and results of
research work. It seems that Web-services technology can
carry out this task. In this case, HSN should be registered in
a certain UDDI-server. A user’s query activates interaction of
a Web-server with numerous related Web-servers, which are
supplied with HSN-module. As a result, a semantic network
is being generated on the basis of fragments of different
networks relevant to the initial query.
The principles of creation of HSN substantiated above are
used in designing a new version of the knowledge-based
information system Latgales Dati. As software environment
a specialized Web application created at Petrozavodsk State
University is applied (
Belnap, N. A Useful Four-Valued Logic. In J.M. Dunn and G.
Epstein, ed. Modern Uses of Multiple-Valued Logic. Dordreht,
1977, pp. 8-37.
Fellbaum, C., ed. WordNet: An Electronic Lexical Database.
Cambridge, Mass., 1998.
Hähnle, R. Automated Deduction in Multiple-Valued Logics.
Oxford, 1993.
Helbig, H. Knowledge Representation and the Semantics of
Natural Language. Berlin; Heidelberg; New York, 2006.
Ivanovs, A.,Varfolomeyev, A. Editing and Exploratory Analysis
of Medieval Documents by Means of XML Technologies. In
Humanities, Computers and Cultural Heritage. Amsterdam, 2005,
pp. 155-60.
Klir, G.R.,Yuan, B. Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic:Theory and
Applications. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1995.
Dong,Y., Li, M. HyO-XTM: A Set of Hyper-Graph Operations
on XML Topic Map toward Knowledge Management. Future
Generation Computer Systems, 20, 1 (January 2004): 81-100.
Panton, K. et al. Common Sense Reasoning – From Cyc to
Intelligent Assistant. In Yang Cai and Julio Abascal, eds. Ambient
Intelligence in Everyday Life, LNAI 3864. Berlin; Heidelberg;
New York, 2006, pp. 1-31.
Shapiro, S.C. et al. SNePS 2.7 User’s Manual. Buffalo, NY, 2007
Soms, H. Systematisierung der Kulturgeschichtlichen
Materialien Latgales mit Hilfe des Computers. In The First
Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe: History. Riga, 1995, pp.
Soms, H., Ivanovs, A. Historical Peculiarities of Eastern Latvia
(Latgale): Their Origin and Investigation. Humanities and Social
Sciences. Latvia, 2002, 3: 5-21.
Digital Humanities 2008
Using Wmatrix to investigate
the narrators and characters
of Julian Barnes’ Talking It
Brian David Walker
Lancaster University, UK
The focus of this paper is on Wmatrix (Rayson 2008), and
how the output from this relatively new corpus tool is proving
useful in connecting language patterns that occur in Talking It
Over - a novel by Julian Barnes - with impressions of narrators
and characters. My PhD research is concerned with: 1) the
role of the narrator and author in characterisation in prose
fiction, in particular how the narrator intervenes and guides
our perception of character – something that, in my opinion,
has not been satisfactorily dealt with in existing literature; and
2) how corpus tools can be usefully employed in this type of
investigation. In this paper I will show that Wmatrix helps to
highlight parts of the novel that are important insofar as theme
and/or narratorial style and/or characterisation. I will go on to
discuss difficulties I encountered during my investigation, and
possible developments to Wmatrix that could be beneficial to
future researchers.
Of course, computer-assisted approaches to the critical
analyses of novels are no longer completely new, and corpus
stylistics (as it is sometimes known) is a steadily growing area of
interest. Indeed, corpus approaches have already been used to
investigate character in prose and drama. McKenna and Antonia
(1996), for example, compare the internal monologues of three
characters (Molly, Stephen and Leopold) in Joyce’s Ulysses,
testing the significance on the most frequent words in wordlists for each character, and showing that common word usage
can form “[…] distinct idioms that characterize the interior
monologues […]” (McKenna and Antonia 1996:65). Also,
more recently, Culpeper (2002) uses the ‘KeyWord’ facility
in WordSmith Tools (Scott 1996) to demonstrate how the
analysis of characters’ keywords in Shakespeare’s Romeo and
Juliet can provide data to help establish lexical and grammatical
patterns for a number of the main characters in the play.
While my research adopts similar approaches to the two
examples above, it takes a small yet useful step beyond wordlevel analysis, focussing instead on semantic analysis and keyconcepts. This is possible because Wmatrix can analyse a text
at the semantic level (see below).
Wmatrix (Rayson 2008) is a web-based environment that
contains a number of tools for the analyses of texts. Plain-text
versions of texts can be uploaded to the Wmatrix web-server
where they are automatically processed in three different
1) Word level – frequency lists of all the words in a text are
compiled and can be presented either in order of frequency
or alphabetically;
2) Grammatical level – using the Constituent Likelihood
Automatic Word-tagging System (CLAWS – see Garside
1987, 1996; Leech, Garside and Bryant 1994; and Garside
and Smith 1997) developed by the University Centre for
Computer Corpus Research on Language (UCRELi) at
Lancaster University, every word in a text is assigned a
tag denoting the part-of-speech (POS) or grammatical
category to which the word belongs. The words are then
presented in list form either alphabetically (by POS tag) or
by frequency (the most frequent POS tags at the top of the
3) Semantic level – every word is semantically tagged using
the UCREL semantic analysis system (USASii) and then listed
in order of frequency or alphabetically by semantic tag.
USAS groups words together that are conceptually related.
It assigns tags to each word using a hierarchical framework
of categorization, which was originally based on MacArthur’s
(1981) Longman Lexicon of Contemporary English. Tags consist
of an uppercase letter, which indicates the general discourse
field, of which there are 21 – see Table 1.
Table 1 The 21 top level categories of the USAS tagset
Ageneral &
abstract terms
Bthe body &
the individual
Carts & crafts
Ffood & farming
& public
housing &
the home
Imoney &
commerce (in
Llife & living
location, travel,
Nnumbers &
materials, objects,
Qlanguage &
Ssocial actions,
states &
Wworld &
actions, states
& processes
Yscience &
Znames &
The uppercase letter is followed by a digit, which indicates
the first sub-division of that field. The tag may also include a
decimal point followed by a further digit to indicate finer subdivision of the field. For example, the major semantic field of
GOVERNMENT AND THE PUBLIC DOMAIN is designated by the letter
G. This major field has three subdivisions: GOVERNMENT, POLITICS
G2; and WARFARE, DEFENCE AND THE ARMY – tagged G3. The first
subdivision (G1 - GOVERNMENT, POLITICS AND ELECTIONS) is further
divided into: GOVERNMENT ETC. – which is has the tag G1.1; and
POLITICS – which is tagged G1.2.
Digital Humanities 2008
From these initial lists, further analyses and comparisons are
possible within the Wmatrix environment. However, the focus
of this paper will be on my analysis of the USAS (semantic)
output from Wmatrix, as this output proves to be the most
interesting and the most useful interpretatively.
draw attention to important themes within the narrations, and
to styles of narration which can then be linked to character
traits. Included in my discussion will be issues concerning
Wmatrix’s lexicon and the type of automated semantic analysis
Wmatrix carries out.
Talking It Over, by Julian Barnes, is a story with a fairly familiar
theme – a love triangle – that is told in a fairly unusual way
– there are nine first person narrators. This offers interesting
data with regard to the interaction between character and
narrator, as the story is told from a number of different
perspectives, with the different narrators often commenting
on the same events from different angles. Of the nine narrators
Oliver, Stuart and Gillian are the three main ones, not only
because they are the three people involved in the love triangle,
but also because they say substantially more than any of the
other narrators in the novel. The six other narrators are
people whose involvement in the story is more peripheral, but
come into contact with one or more of the main narrators.
Within the novel each contribution by different narrators is
signalled by the narrator’s name appearing in bold-type at the
beginning of the narration. Some chapters consist of just one
contribution from one narrator while others consist of several
“narrations”. The three main narrators make contributions of
varying lengths throughout the novel.
Interpretative conclusions
The exploration of narrators described in this paper adopts
a similar approach to that used by Culpeper (2002) in his
analysis of characters in Romeo and Juliet. That is, I compare
the words of one narrator with the words of all the other
narrators combined, using Wmatrix in its capacity as a tool
for text comparison. This comparison produced a number of
lists ranked by statistical significance.The measure of statistical
significance used by Wmatrix is log-likelihood (LL).
The process of comparison involved, to some extent,
disassembling the novel, in order to extract, into separate text
files, the narrated words of each of the three main narrators.
The disassembly process had to take into account the fact
that within the different narrations there were the words of
other people and characters. That is to say, the narrations
contained speech, writing and thought presentation (SW&TP).
This needed to be accounted for in the analysis in order to
be as precise as possible about descriptions and impressions
of narrators based on the Wmatrix output. The best way to
achieve this was to produce a tagged version of the novel,
from which relevant portions could be extracted more exactly
using computer-tools. These extracted portions could then be
analysed using Wmatrix.
My paper will discuss the tagging process, the Wmatrix output
and the subsequent analysis and show how key semantic
concepts highlighted for each of the three main characters
The list of semantic groups produced by Wmatrix for each
of the three main narrators show a number of differences
in narrator characteristics and narratorial styles. Stuart’s list
contains semantic groups that relate to his job.An investigation
of highly significant categories in the list showed that Stuart’s
attitude relating to particular themes or concepts change
during the novel. For example, Stuart’s relationship with money
alters, which is reflected in a change of attitude toward love.
Stuart also becomes less worried about disappointing people
and more concerned about not being disappointed himself.
An investigation of items in Gillian’s list of semantic categories
identified a more conversational style to her narration
when compared to the rest of the narrators, as well as a
determination to give an account of the story that was
accurate and complete.
The top item in Oliver’s list of categories contains the words
that Wmatrix could not match. While on one hand this could
be seen as a short-coming of Wmatrix, in the case of this study,
the result gave a clear indication of the number of unusual,
foreign and hyphenated words Oliver uses, and showed that
he has very broad vocabulary as well as knowledge of a wide
variety of topics. The list of unmatched words also highlighted
Oliver’s creativity with language, and that creativity is very
much part of his style. He uses unusual, technical and poetic
words in place of more commonplace synonyms and this
could be seen as evidence towards Oliver being showy and
Wmatrix development
The results from this study, in particular those relating to
Oliver’s narration and the failure of Wmatrix to successfully
categorise many of the words used in it, raise issues regarding
the tool’s lexicon and the semantic categories it uses.
These issues will be discussed as potential avenues for the
development of this useful corpus tool. For instance, the
Wmatrix-lexicon is currently progressively updated and
expanded, meaning that, in practice, there is no one static point
from which comparisons of texts can be made. While there
is a case for a lexicon that is as comprehensive as possible,
the present way of managing the lexicon can cause difficulties
for research projects that continue over an extended period
of time. However, creating a ‘standard’ fixed lexicon is not
without difficulties and raises questions about what counts as
‘standard’. Even though Wmatrix allows users to define their
own lexicon, a possible way forward might be to have multiple
Digital Humanities 2008
lexicons, such as a scientific lexicon or a learner-English
lexicon, which researchers could select depending on their
research needs.
i For further information about UCREL see http://www.comp.lancs.
ii For further information about USAS, see http://www.comp.lancs.
Culpeper, J. (2002) “Computers, language and
characterisation: An Analysis of six characters in Romeo and
Juliet.” In: U. Melander-Marttala, C. Ostman and Merja Kytö
(eds.), Conversation in Life and in Literature: Papers from the
ASLA Symposium, Association Suedoise de Linguistique Appliquee
(ASLA), 15. Universitetstryckeriet: Uppsala, pp.11-30.
Garside, R. (1987). The CLAWS Word-tagging System. In: R.
Garside, G. Leech and G. Sampson (eds), The Computational
Analysis of English: A Corpus-based Approach. London: Longman.
Garside, R. (1996). The robust tagging of unrestricted text:
the BNC experience. In J. Thomas and M. Short (eds) Using
corpora for language research: Studies in the Honour of Geoffrey
Leech. Longman, London, pp 167-180.
Garside, R., and Smith, N. (1997) A hybrid grammatical tagger:
CLAWS4, in Garside, R., Leech, G., and McEnery, A. (eds.)
Corpus Annotation: Linguistic Information from Computer Text
Corpora. Longman, London, pp. 102-121.
Leech, G., Garside, R., and Bryant, M. (1994). CLAWS4: The
tagging of the British National Corpus. In Proceedings of the
15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
(COLING 94). Kyoto, Japan, pp622-628.
McKenna, W. and Antonia, A. (1996) “ ‘A Few Simple Words’ of
Interior Monologue in Ulysses: Reconfiguring the Evidence”.
In Literary and Linguistic Computing 11(2) pp55-66
Rayson, P. (2008) Wmatrix: a web-based corpus processing
environment, Computing Department, Lancaster University.
Rayson, P. (2003). Matrix: A statistical method and software
tool for linguistic analysis through corpus comparison. Ph.D.
thesis, Lancaster University.
Scott, M. (1996) Wordsmith. Oxford:Oxford University Press
The Chymistry of Isaac
Newton and the Chymical
Foundations of Digital
John A. Walsh
Indiana University, USA
My paper will examine both a specific digital humanities project,
The Chymistry of Isaac Newton <>,
and reflect more broadly on the field of digital humanities, by
suggesting useful parallels between the disciplines of alchemy
and digital humanities. The Chymistry of Isaac Newton project is
an effort to digitize and edit the alchemical writings of Newton
and to develop digital scholarly tools (reference, annotation,
and visualization) for interacting with the collection.
Newton’s “chymistry” has recently become a topic of
widespread public interest.[1] It is no longer a secret that the
pre-eminent scientist of the seventeenth century spent some
thirty years working in his alchemical laboratory, or that he
left a manuscript Nachlass of about 1,000,000 words devoted
to alchemy. Newton’s long involvement in chymistry figures
prominently in NOVA’s 2005 “Newton’s Dark Secrets,” and
it occupies a major portion of the documentary’s website
at <>. Even more
attention was devoted to Newton’s alchemy in the 2003 BBC
production “Newton: The Dark Heretic.” Newton’s chymistry
also is featured in recent popularizing studies such as Gleick’s
2003 Isaac Newton and White’s 1997 Isaac Newton: the Last
Sorcerer. Despite the fascination that Newton’s chymistry holds
for the public, the subject has not received a corresponding
degree of scrutiny from historians since the untimely passing
of B.J.T. Dobbs in 1994 and Richard Westfall in 1996. Dobbs
had made the issue of Newton’s alchemy a cause célèbre in her
influential historical monograph, The Foundations of Newton’s
Alchemy of 1975, and Westfall built upon her work in his own
magisterial biography of Newton, Never at Rest , of 1980.
The relative lack of subsequent scholarly grappling with
Newton’s alchemy is regrettable for many reasons, particularly
since Dobbs and Westfall raised strong claims about the
relationship of his alchemical endeavors to his physics. In
particular, they suggested that Newton’s concept of force at
a distance was strongly influenced by his work in alchemy,
and that it was alchemy above all else that weaned Newton
away from the Cartesian mechanical universe in favor of a
world governed by dynamic interactions operating both at the
macrolevel and the microlevel. Although Dobbs backed away
from these earlier positions in her 1991 Janus Faces of Genius,
she made the equally strong claim there that Newton’s alchemy
was primarily concerned with the operations of a semi-material
ether that acted as God’s special agent in the material world.
Westfall too emphasized the putative connections between
Newton’s religion and his alchemy.
Digital Humanities 2008
Interestingly, the historical speculations of Westfall, Dobbs,
and their popularizers have relatively little to say about the
relationship of Newton’s alchemy to the alchemical tradition
that he inherited. Perhaps because of the underdeveloped state
of the historiography of alchemy in the 1970s, both Westfall
and Dobbs portrayed Newton’s seemingly obsessive interest
in the subject as something exotic that required the help of
extradisciplinary motives to explain it. Hence Dobbs looked
beyond chymistry itself, invoking the aid of Jungian psychology
in her Foundations (1975) and that of Newton’s heterodox
religiosity in her Janus Faces (1991). In neither case did she
see chymistry as a field that might have attracted Newton
on its own merits. Recent scholarship, however, has thrown a
very different picture on alchemy in the seventeenth-century
English speaking world.We now know that Newton’s associate
Robert Boyle was a devoted practitioner of the aurific art,
and that the most influential chymical writer of the later
seventeenth century, Eirenaeus Philalethes, was actually the
Harvard-trained experimentalist George Starkey, who tutored
Boyle in chymistry during the early 1650s. Boyle’s “literary
executor,” the empiricist philosopher John Locke, was also
deeply involved in chrysopoetic chymistry, and even Newton’s
great mathematical rival, Leibniz, had an abiding interest in the
subject. In short, it was the norm rather than the exception
for serious scientific thinkers of the seventeenth century to
engage themselves with chymistry.We need no longer express
amazement at the involvement of Newton in the aurific art, but
should ask, rather, how he interacted with the practices and
beliefs of his predecessors and peers in the burgeoning field
of seventeenth-century chymistry. A first step in this endeavor,
obviously, lies in sorting out Newton’s chymical papers and
making them available, along with appropriate digital scholarly
tools, for systematic analysis.
The most recent phase of the project focuses on digital tools,
including a digital reference work based on Newton’s Index
Chemicus, an index, with bibliographic references, to the field
and literature of alchemy. Newton’s Index includes 126 pages
with 920 entries, including detailed glosses and bibliographic
references. Our online reference work edition of Newton’s
Index will not be constrained by Newton’s original structure
and will extend functionality found in traditional print-based
reference works. It will leverage information technologies
such as searching and cross-linking to serve as an access point
to the domain of seventeenth-century alchemy and a portal to
the larger collection and to visualizations that graphically plot
the relative occurrences of alchemical terms, bibliographic
references, and other features of the collection. Other tools
being developed include systems for user annotation of XMLencoded texts and facsimile page images.
My presentation will look at current progress, developments,
and challenges of the Chymistry of Isaac Newton. With this
project as context, I will venture into more theoretical areas
and examine parallels between alchemy and digital humanities.
For example, like digital humanities, alchemy was an inherently
interdisciplinary field. Bruce T. Moran, in his Distilling Knowlege
describes alchemy as an activity “responding to nature so as
to make things happen without necessarily having the proven
answer for why they happen” (10). This approach has a
counterpart in the playful experimentation and affection for
serendipitious discovery found in much digital humanities work.
Moran also explains that the “primary procedure” of alchemy
was distillation, the principle purpose of which was to “make the
purest substance of all, something linked, it was thought, to the
first stuff of creation” (11). Similarly, much of digital humanities
work is a process of distillation in which visualizations or
XML trees, for instance, are employed to reveal the “purest
substance” of the text or data set. Codes and symbols and
metadata were important parts of the alchemical discipline, as
they are in digital humanities. Alchemy also had a precarious
place in the curriculum. Moran, again, indicates that “although
a sprinkling of interest may be found in the subject within the
university, it was, as a manual art, always denied a part in the
scholastic curriculum” (34). Digital Humanities is likewise often
cordoned off from traditional humanities departments, and its
practice and research is conducted in special research centers,
newly created departments of digital humanities, or in schools
of information science.The idea of the alchemist as artisan and
the digital humanist as technician is another interesting parallel
between the two fields. My paper will examine these and other
similarities between the two fields and examine more closely
the works of individual alchemists, scientists, and artists in this
comparative context. Alchemy is an interdisciplinary field-like much digital humanities work--that combines empirical
science, philosophy, spirituality, literature, myth and magic,
tools and totems. I will argue that, as we escape the caricature
of alchemy as a pseudo-science preoccupied with the occult,
alchemy can serve as a useful model for future directions in
digital humanities.
[1]As William R. Newman and Lawrence M. Principe have
argued in several co-authored publications, it is anachronistic
to distinguish “alchemy” from “chemistry” in the seventeenth
century. The attempt to transmute metals was a normal
pursuit carried out by most of those who were engaged in
the varied realm of iatrochemistry, scientific metallurgy, and
chemical technology. The fact that Newton, Boyle, Locke,
and other celebrated natural philosophers were engaged
in chrysopoeia is no aberration by seventeenth-century
standards. Hence Newman and Principe have adopted the
inclusive term “chymistry,” an actor’s category employed
during the seventeenth century, to describe this overarching
discipline. See William R. Newman and Lawrence M. Principe,
“Alchemy vs. Chemistry: The Etymological Origins of a
Historiographic Mistake,” Early Science and Medicine 3(1998),
pp. 32-65. Principe and Newman, “Some Problems with the
Historiography of Alchemy,” in William R. Newman and
Anthony Grafton, Secrets of Nature: Astrology and Alchemy
in Early Modern Europe (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2001),
pp. 385-431.
Digital Humanities 2008
Dobbs, Betty Jo Teeter. The Foundations of Newton’s Alchemy or,
“The Hunting of the Greene Lyon”. Cambridge: Cambridge UP,
- --. The Janus Faces of Genius:The Role of Alchemy in Newton’s
Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1991.
Gleick, James. Isaac Newton. New York: Pantheon, 2003.
Moran, Bruce T. Distilling Knowledge: Alchemy, Chemistry, and the
Scientific Revolution. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2005.
Newman, William R. Promethean Ambitions: Alchemy and the
Quest to Perfect Nature. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2004.
Newton, Isaac. The Chymistry of Isaac Newton. Ed. William R.
Newman. 29 October 2007. Library Electronic Text Resource
Service / Digital Library Program, Indiana U. 25 November
2007. <>.
Westfall, Richard. Never at Rest: A Biography of Isaac Newton.
Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1980.
White, Michael. Isaac Newton:The Last Sorcerer. Reading:
Addison-Wesley, 1997.
Framework for Navigating
Texts Online, or, the
Intersection of the Text
Encoding Initiative and the
Metadata Encoding and
Transmission Standard
John A. Walsh
Indiana University, USA
Michelle Dalmau
Indiana University, USA
Electronic text projects range in complexity from simple
collections of page images to bundles of page images and
transcribed text from multiple versions or editions (Haarhoff,
Porter). To facilitate navigation within texts and across texts,
an increasing number of digital initiatives, such as the Princeton
University Library Digital Collections (http://diglib.princeton.
edu/) and the Oxford Digital Library (
uk/), and cultural heritage organizations, such as the Culturenet
Cymru ( and the Library
of Congress (, are relying on
the complementary strengths of open standards such as the
Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) and the Metadata Encoding and
Transmission Standard (METS) for describing, representing,
and delivering texts online.
The core purpose of METS is to record, in a machine-readable
form, the metadata and structure of a digital object, including
files that comprise or are related to the object itself. As such,
the standard is a useful tool for managing and preserving
digital library and humanities resources (Cantara; Semple).
According to Morgan Cundiff, Senior Standards Specialist for
the Library of Congress, the maintenance organization for the
METS standard:
METS is an XML schema designed for the purpose of
creating XML document instances that express the
hierarchical structure of digital library objects, the names
and locations of the files that comprise those digital objects,
and the associated descriptive and administrative metadata.
Similarly, the TEI standard was developed to capture both
semantic (e.g., metadata) and syntactic (e.g., structural
characteristics) features of a document in machine-readable
form that promotes interoperability, searchability and textual
analysis. According to the Text Encoding Initiative web site, the
TEI standard is defined thusly:
Digital Humanities 2008
The TEI Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange
define and document a markup language for representing
the structural, renditional, and conceptual features of texts.
They focus (though not exclusively) on the encoding of
documents in the humanities and social sciences, and in
particular on the representation of primary source materials
for research and analysis. These guidelines are expressed
as a modular, extensible XML schema, accompanied by
detailed documentation, and are published under an opensource license. (“TEI Guidelines”)
METS, as its name suggests, is focused more exclusively on
metadata. While digital objects—such as a text, image, or
video—may be embedded within a METS document, METS
does not provide guidelines, elements and attributes for
representing the digital object itself; rather, the aim of METS is
to describe metadata about a digital object and the relationships
among an object’s constituent parts. In sum, METS is datacentric; TEI is document-centric.
In April 2006, the Indiana University Digital Library
Program released a beta version of METS Navigator (http://, a METS-based, open source
software solution for the discovery and display of multi-part
digital objects. Using the information in the METS structural
map elements, METS Navigator builds a hierarchical menu that
allows users to navigate to specific sections of a document,
such as title page, specific chapters, illustrations, etc. for a
book. METS Navigator also allows simple navigation to the
next, previous, first, and last page image or component parts
of a digital object. METS Navigator can also make use of the
descriptive metadata in the METS document to populate the
interface with bibliographic and descriptive information about
the digital object. METS Navigator was initially developed at
Indiana University (IU) for the online display and navigation
of brittle books digitized by the IU Libraries’ E. Lingle Craig
Preservation Laboratory. However, realizing the need for
such a tool across a wide range of digital library projects and
applications, we designed the system to be generalizable and
configurable.To assist with the use of METS Navigator for new
projects, a METS profile, also expressed in XML, is registered
with the Library of Congress (
mets/profiles/00000014.html). The profile provides detailed
documentation about the structure of the METS documents
required by the METS Navigator application.
from which a full METS document can be automatically
generated, facilitating the display of text collections in METS
Navigator.The TEI, much like METS, provides a rich vocabulary
and framework for encoding descriptive and structural
metadata for a variety of documents.The descriptive metadata
typically found in the TEI Header may be used to populate the
corresponding components (descriptive metadata section) of
a METS document. The embedded structural metadata that
describe divisions, sections, headings and page breaks in a
TEI document may be used to generate the structural map
section of a METS document. Unlike the TEI, the METS scheme
has explicit mechanisms in place for expressing relationships
between multiple representations of the digital content such
as encoded text files and page images. By integrating the TEIMETS workflow into METS Navigator, scholars and digital
library and humanities programs can more easily implement
online text collections. Further, the intersection between TEI
and METS documents can provide the foundation for enhanced
end-user exploration of electronic texts.
The IU Digital Library Program as a result of enhancing the
functionality and modularity of the METS Navigator software
is also in the process of formalizing and integrating the TEIMETS workflow in support of online page turning. Our paper
will trace the development of METS Navigator including the
TEI-METS workflow, demonstrate the METS Navigator system
using TEI-cum-METS documents, review METS Navigator
configuration options, detail findings from recent user studies,
and outline plans for current and future development of the
METS Navigator.
Cantara reported in her brief article, “The Text-Encoding
Initiative: Part 2,” that discussion of the relationship between
the TEI and METS was a primary focus during the Fourth
Annual TEI Consortium Members’ Meeting held in 2004 at
Johns Hopkins University (110). The relationship between
the standards was also a topic of discussion during the
2007 Members’ Meeting, and was specifically raised in Fotis
Jannidis’ plenary entitled “TEI in a Crystal Ball.” Despite
these discussions, the community is still lacking a welldocumented workflow for the derivation of METS documents
from authoritative TEI files. We believe the TEI, if properly
structured, can be used as the “master” source of information
Digital Humanities 2008
Cantara, Linda. “Long-term Preservation of Digital
Humanities Scholarship.” OCLC Systems & Services 22.1
(2006): 38-42.
Cantara, Linda. “The Text-encoding Initiative: Part 2.” OCLC
Systems & Services 21.2 (2005): 110-113.
iTrench: A Study of the Use
of Information Technology in
Field Archaeology
Claire Warwick
University College London, UK
Cundiff, Morgan V. “An introduction to the Metadata Encoding
and Transmission Standard (METS).” Library Hi Tech 22.1
(2004): 52-64.
Melissa Terras
Haarhoff, Leith. “Books from the Past: E-books Project at
Culturenet Cymru.” Program: Electronic Library and Information
Systems 39.1 (2004): 50-61.
Claire Fisher
Porter, Dorothy. “Using METS to Document Metadata
for Image-Based Electronic Editions.” Joint International
Conference of the Association for Computers and the
Humanities and the Association for Literary and Linguistic
Computing, June 2004. Göteborg: Centre for Humanities
Computing (2004): 102-104. Abstract. 18 November 2007
Semple, Najla. “Develpoing a Digital Preservation Strategy at
Edinburgh University Library.” VINE: The Journal of Information
and Knowledge Management Systems 34.1 (2004): 33-37.
“Standards, METS.” The Library of Congress. 18 November
2007 <>.
“TEI Guidelines.” The Text Encoding Initiative. 18 November
University College London, UK
University College London, UK
This paper presents the results of a study by the VERA project
(Virtual Research Environment for Archaeology: http://vera. ) which aimed to investigate how archaeologists use
information technology (IT) in the context of a field excavation.
This study was undertaken by researchers at School of Library,
Archive and Information Studies, University College London,
who collaborate on the project with the School of Systems
Engineering, and the Department of Archaeology, University
of Reading.
VERA is funded by the JISC Virtual Research Environments
Programme, Phase 2, (
programmes/vre2.aspx) and runs from April 2007 until March
2009. We aim to produce a fully operational virtual research
environment for the archaeological community. Our work is
based on a research excavation of part of the large Roman town
at Silchester, which aims to trace the site’s development from
its origins before the Roman Conquest to its abandonment
in the fifth century A.D (Clarke et al 2007). This complex
urban site provides the material to populate the research
environment, utilising the Integrated Archaeological Data
Base (IADB:, an online
database system for managing recording, analysis, archiving
and online publication of archaeological finds, contexts and
plans. The dig allows us to: study the use of advanced IT in
an archaeological context; investigate the tasks carried out
within archaeological excavations; ascertain how and where
technology can be used to facilitate information flow within
a dig; and inform the designers of the IADB how it may be
adapted to allow integrated use of the tools in the trench
Research Context
Although archaeologists were quick to embrace IT to aid in
research analysis and outputs (Laflin 1982, Ross et al 1990,
Reilly and Rahtz 1992), and the use of IT is now central to
Digital Humanities 2008
the manipulation and display of archaeological data (Lock
and Brown 2000, McPherron and Dibble, 2002, Lock 2003)
the use of IT to aid field archaeology is in its relative infancy
due to the physical characteristics of archaeological sites, and
the difficulties of using IT in the outdoor environment. Whilst
the use of electronic surveying equipment (total stations,
(Eiteljorg, 1994)) and digital cameras is now common place
on archaeological sites there are relatively few archaeological
organizations that use digital recording methods to replace the
traditional paper records which rely on manual data input at
a (sometimes much) later date. With ever increasing amounts
of data being generated by excavations onsite databases are
becoming increasingly necessary, for example at the excavations
at Catalhoyuk in Turkey (
catal/) and the site of Terminal 5 at Heathrow airport (http://, and some archaeologists have
begun to use digital data input from total stations, PDAs, tablet
PCs, digital cameras, digital callipers, digital pens and barcodes
(McPherron and Dibble, 2003, Dibble et al., 2007). For many
excavations, however, the use of IT is restricted to the analysis
stage rather than field recording. The aim of the VERA project
is to investigate the use of IT within the context of a field
excavation and to ascertain if, and how, it may be appropriated
to speed up the process of data recording, entry and access.
We used a diary study to gather information about the work
patterns of different archaeological roles and the way that they
are supported by both digital and analogue technologies. The
study was carried out by the UCL team, at the Silchester dig
during the summer of 2007. (
Reading also carried out a study into the use of ICT hardware
to support digging and data entry. A detailed record of the
progress of both the dig and the study was kept on the VERA
blog (
Diary studies enable researchers to understand how people
usually work and can be used to identify areas that might
be improved by the adoption of new working practices or
technologies. (O’Hara et al. 1998). They have been used in the
area of student use of IT, and to study the work of humanities
scholars. (Rimmer et. al. Forthcoming) however, this is the
first use of this method to study field archaeology that we
are aware of.
During diary studies, participants are asked to keep a
detailed record of their work over a short period of time.
The participant records the activity that they are undertaking,
what technologies they are using and any comments they
have on problems or the progress of their work. This helps us
to understand the patterns of behaviour that archaeologists
exhibit, and how technology can support these behaviours.
We also obtained contextual data about participants using a
simple questionnaire. This elicited information about the diary
survey participants (role, team, status) and their experience
of using the technology on site. A cross section of people
representing different types of work and levels of experience
were chosen. For example we included inexperienced and
experienced excavators; members of the finds team, who
process the discoveries made on site; those who produce
plans of the site and visitor centre staff.
A defined area of the Silchester site was used to test the
use of new technologies to support excavation. In this area
archaeologists used digital pens and paper, (http://www.
408&cl=us,en ) digital cameras, and Nokia N800 PDAs (http:// Diaries from this area were
compared to those using traditional printed context sheets to
record their work.
This paper will present the findings from the study, covering
various issues such as the attitude of archaeologists to diary
studies, previous and present experiences of using technology
on research excavations, the effect of familiarity of technology
on uptake and use, and resistance and concerns regarding
the use of technology within an archaeological dig. We also
evaluate specific technologies for this purpose, such as the
Nokia N800 PDA, and Logitech Digital Pens, and ascertain how
IT can fit into existing workflow models to aid archaeologists
in tracking information alongside their very physical task.
Future work
This year’s diary study supplied us with much interesting data
about the past, current and potential use of IT in the trench.
We will repeat the study next year to gain more detailed data.
Participants will be asked to focus on a shorter period of time,
one or two days, as opposed to five this year. Next year we
will have a research assistant on site, allowing us to undertake
interviews with participants, clarify entries, and build up a
good working relationship with experts working on the
excavation.Two periods of diary study will also be undertaken,
allowing for analysis and refining methods between studies.
This will also be juxtaposed with off-site user testing and
analysis workshops of the IADB, to gain understanding of how
archaeologists use technology both on and off site. We also
plan to run an additional training session in the use of ICT
hardware before the start of next year’s dig, in addition to the
usual archaeological training.
The aim of this study is to feed back evidence of use of IT to
the team developing the virtual environment interface of the
IADB. It is hoped that by ascertaining and understanding user
needs, being able to track and trace information workflow
throughout the dig, and gaining an explicit understanding of
the tasks undertaken by archaeologists that more intuitive
Digital Humanities 2008
technologies can be adopted, and adapted, to meet the needs
of archaeologists on site, and improve data flow within digs
We would like to acknowledge the input of the other members
of the VERA project team, Mark Barker, Matthew Grove (SSE,
University of Reading) Mike Fulford, Amanda Clarke, Emma
O’Riordan (Archaeology, University of Reading), and Mike
Rains, (York Archaeological Trust). We would also like to thank
all those who took part in the diary study.
Rimmer, J., Warwick, C., Blandford, A., Buchanan, G., Gow, J.
An examination of the physical and the digital qualities of
humanities research. Information Processing and Management
Ross, S. Moffett, J. and J. Henderson (Eds) (1990). Computing
for Archaeologists. Oxford, Oxford University School of
Clarke, A., Fulford, M.G., Rains, M. and K. Tootell. (2007).
Silchester Roman Town Insula IX: The Development of an
Urban Property c. AD 40-50 - c. AD 250. Internet Archaeology,
Dibble, H.L., Marean, C.W. and McPherron (2007) The use
of barcodes in excavation projects: examples from Mosel
Bay (South Africa) an Roc de Marsal (France). The SAA
Archaeological Record 7: 33-38
Eiteljorg II, H. (1994). Using a Total Station. Centre for the Study
of Architecture Newsletter, II (2) August 1994.
Laflin, S. (Ed). (1982). Computer Applications in Archaeology.
University of Birmingham, Centre for Computing &
Computer Science.
Lock, G. (2003). Using Computers in Archaeology. London:
Lock, G. and Brown, K. (Eds). (2000). On the Theory and
Practice of Archaeological Computing. Oxford University School
of Archaeology
McPherron, S.P. and Dibble H.L. (2002) Using computers in
archaeology: a practical guide. Boston, [MA]; London: McGrawHill/Mayfield. See also their website http://www.oldstoneage.
McPherron, S.P. and Dibble H.L. (2003) Using Computers in
Adverse Field Conditions: Tales from the Egyptian Desert.
The SAA Archaeological Record 3(5):28-32
O’Hara, K., Smith, F., Newman, W., & Sellen, A. (1998). Student
readers’ use of library documents: implications for library
technologies. Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human
factors in computing systems. Los Angeles, CA. New York, NY,
ACM Press/Addison-Wesley.
Reilly, P. and S. Rahtz (Eds.) (1992). Archaeology and the
Information Age: A global perspective. London: Routledge, One
World Archaeology 21.
Digital Humanities 2008
LogiLogi: A Webplatform for
Wybo Wiersma
University of Groningen,The Netherlands
Bruno Sarlo
Overbits, Uruguay
LogiLogi is a hypertext platform featuring a rating-system
that tries to combine the virtues of good conversations
and the written word. It is intended for all those ideas that
you’re unable to turn into a full sized journal paper, but that
you deem too interesting to leave to the winds. It’s central
values are openness and quality of content, and to combine
these values it models peer review and other valuable social
processes surrounding academic writing (in line with Bruno
Latour). Contrary to early websystems it does not make use
of forumthreads (avoiding their many problems), but of tags
and links that can also be added to articles by others than the
original author. Regardless of our project, the web is still a very
young medium, and bound to make a change for philosophy in
the long run.
The growth of the web has been rather invisible for philosophy
so far, and while quite some philosophizing has been done
about what the web could mean for the human condition,
not much yet has been said about what it could mean for
philosophy itself (ifb; Nel93; Lev97, mainly). An exception is
some early enthusiasm for newsgroups and forums in the
nineties, but that quickly died out when it became apparent
that those were not suitable at all for in-depth philosophical
conversations. The web as a medium however is more than
these two examples of early web-systems, and in the meantime
it has further matured with what some call Web 2.0, or social
software (sites like MySpace, and Wikipedia). Time
for a second look. . .
LogiLogi Manta (Log), the new version of LogiLogi, is
a webplatform that hopes to — be it informally and
experimentally—allow philosophers and people who are
interested in philosophy to use the possibilities that the
internet has in stock for them too. It was started with a
very small grant from the department of Philosophy of the
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. It is Free Software, has been
under development for almost 2 years, and will be online by
June 2008.
In the following paragraph we will explain what LogiLogi is,
and in section 3 LogiLogi and the web as a new medium are
embedded in the philosophical tradition. Optionally section 2
can be read only after you have become interested by reading
A Webplatform for Philosophers
LogiLogi becomes an easy to use hypertext platform, also
featuring a rating- and review-system which is a bit comparable
to that found in journals. It tries to find the middle-road
between the written word and a good conversation, and it’s
central values are openness and quality of content.
It makes commenting on texts, and more generally the linking
of texts very easy. Most notably it also allows other people
than the original author of an article to add outgoing links
behind words, but it does not allow them to change the text
itself, so the author’s intellectual responsibility is guarded. Also
important is that all conversations on the platform run via links
(comparable to footnotes), not via forum-threads, avoiding
their associated problems like fragmentation and shallowing
of the discussion.
To maximize the advantages of hypertext, texts are kept short
within LogiLogi, at maximum one to a few pages. They can be
informal and experimental and they can be improved later on,
in either of two ways:The text of the original document can be
changed (earlier versions are then archived). Or secondly, links
can be added inside the text, possibly only when some terms
or concepts appear to be ambiguous, when questions arise, or
when the text appears to arouse enough interest to make it
worth of further elaboration.
Links in LogiLogi can refer to documents, to versions, and
— by default — to tags (words that function as categories or
concepts). Articles can be tagged with one or more of these
tags. Multiple articles can have the same tag, and when a link is
made to a tag or to a collection of tags, multiple articles can be
in the set referred to. From this set the article with the highest
rating is shown to the user.
In essence one can rate the articles of others by giving
them a grade. The average of these grades forms the rating
of the article. But this average is a weighted average. Votingpowers can vary. If an authors contributions are rated well,
he receives more voting-power. Authors can thus gain ’status’
and ’influence’ through their work.This makes LogiLogi a peerreviewed meritocracy, quite comparable to what we, according
to Bruno Latours philosophy of science, encounter in the
various structures surrounding journals (Lat87). Most notably
this quality control by peer review, and it’s accompanying social
encouragement, was missing from earlier web-systems.
But the comparison goes further, and in a similar fashion to
how new peergroups can emerge around new journals, in
LogiLogi too new peergroups can be created by duplicating
the just described rating-system. Contributions can be rated
from the viewpoints of different peergroups, and therefore an
article can have multiple ratings, authors won’t have the same
voting-power within each peergroup, and visitors can pick
which peergroup to use as their filter.Thus except meritocratic,
LogiLogi is also open to a diversity of schools and paradigms
Digital Humanities 2008
in the sense of early Thomas Kuhn (Kuh96), especially as here
creating new peergroups—unlike for journals—does not bring
Plato, Free Software and
The web is a relatively new medium, and new media are
usually interpreted wrongly — in terms of old media. This
is has been called the horseless carriage syndrome (McL01);
according to which a car is a carriage without a horse, film
records theater-plays, and—most recently—the web enables
the downloading of journals. Even Plato was not exempt of
this. In Phaedrus he stated that true philosophy is only possible
verbally, and that writing was just an aid to memory. Regardless
of this ironically enough his ’memory aid’ unleashed a long
philosophical tradition (dM05). New media take their time.
And we should not forget that the web is still very young
(1991). Also the web is especially relevant for philosophy in
that it combines conversation and writing; the two classical
media of philosophy.
And where previous mass-media like TV and radio were not
suitable for philosophy, this was because they were one to
many, and thus favored the factory model of culture (Ado91).The
web on the other hand is many to many, and thereby enables
something called peer to peer production (Ben06). An early
example of this is Free Software: without much coordination
tenthousands of volunteers have created software of the
highest quality, like Linux and Firefox. Eric Raymond (Ray99)
described this as a move from the cathedral- to the bazaarmodel of software development. The cathedral-model has a
single architect who is responsible for the grand design, while
in the bazaar-model it evolves from collective contributions.
This bazaar-model is not unique for the web. It shares much
with the academic tradition. The move from the book to
the journal can be compared with a move in the direction
of a bazaar-model. Other similarities are decentralized
operation and peer-review. The only new thing of the Free
Software example was it’s use of the web which — through
it’s shorter turnaround times — is very suitable for peer to
peer production.
Another development that LogiLogi follows closely is one
within philosophy itself: Jean-Franois Lyotard in his La Condition
Postmoderne proclaimed the end of great stories (Lyo79).
Instead he saw a diversity of small stories, each competing
with others in their own domains. Also Derrida spoke of
the materiality of texts, where texts and intertextuality gave
meaning instead of ’pure’ ideas (Ber79; Nor87). The web in
this sense is a radicalisation of postmodernism, allowing for
even more and easier intertextuality.
And instead of trying to undo the proliferation of paradigms, as
some logic-advocates tried, and still try, we think the breakdown
of language—as in further segmentation—is here to stay, and
even a good thing, because it reduces complexity in the sense
of Niklas Luhmann (Blo97). Take human intelligence as fixed
and you see that specialized (or ’curved’ as in curved space)
language allows for a more precise analysis. LogiLogi thus is
explicitly modeled to allow for fine-grained specialization, and
for a careful definition and discussion of terms in context.
To reiterate; LogiLogi will offer an easy to use hypertextenvironment, and thanks to it’s rating system a combination of
quality and openness will be achieved: everyone can contribute,
and even start new peergroups, but within peergroups quality
is the determining factor. LogiLogi thus combines the informal,
incremental and interactive qualities of good conversations,
with conservation over time and space, as we traditionally know
from the written word. LogiLogi is still very experimental.
Nevertheless what we can be sure about is that the web, as
a medium that has proven to be very suitable for peer to peer
production and that promises increased inter-textuality and
differentiation of language, is bound to make a change for
philosophy in the long run; with or without LogiLogi.
[Ado91] Theodor Adorno. Culture industry reconsidered. In
Theodor Adorno, editor, The Culture Industry: Selected Essays
on Mass Culture, pages 98–106. Routledge, London, 1991.
[Ben06] Yochai Benkler. The Wealth of Networks.Yale
University Press, London, 2006.
[Ber79] Egide Berns. Denken in Parijs: taal en Lacan, Foucault,
Althusser, Derrida. Samsom, Alpen aan den Rijn, 1979.
[Blo97] Christiaan Blom. Complexiteit en Contingentie: een
kritische inleiding tot de sociologie van Niklas Luhmann. Kok
Agora, Kampen, 1997.
[dM05] Jos de Mul. Cyberspace Odyssee. Klement, Kampen,
[ifb] The Institute for the
Future of the Book, MacArthur Foundation, University of
Southern California.
[Kuh96] Thomas Kuhn. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.
University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1996.
[Lat87] Bruno Latour. Science in Action. Open University Press,
Cambridge, 1987.
[Lev97] Pierre Levy. Collective Intelligence: Mankinds Emerging
World in Cyberspace. Plenum Press, NewYork, 1997.
[Log] LogiLogi & The LogiLogi
Digital Humanities 2008
[Lyo79] Jean-Franois Lyotard. La condition postmoderne:
rapport sur le savoir. Les ditions de Minuit, Paris, 1979.
[McL01] Marshall McLuhan. Understanding Media:The
Extensions of Man. Routledge, London, 2001.
[Nel93] Ted Nelson. Literary Machines: The report on, and of,
Project Xanadu concerning word processing, electronic publishing,
hypertekst, thinkertoys, tomorrow’s intellectual. . . including
knowledge, education and freedom. Mindful Press, Sausalito,
California, 1993.
[Nor87] Christopher Norris. Derrida. Fontana Press, London,
[Ray99] Eric S. Raymond. The cathedral & the bazaar: musings
on Linux and open source by an accidental revolutionary. O’Reilly,
Beijing, 1999.
Clinical Applications of
Computer-assisted Textual
Analysis: a Tei Dream?
Marco Zanasi
Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy
Daniele Silvi,
Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy
Sergio Pizziconi
Università per Stranieri di Siena, Italy
Giulia Musolino
Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy
This research is the result of the collaboration of the
Departments of Literature and Medicine of the University of
Rome “Tor Vergata”.
Marco Zanasi’s idea of coding and studying dream reports
of his patients at Tor Vergata University Hospital Psychiatric
Unit started a team research on a challenging hypothesis: Is
there any correlation between linguistic realization of dream
reports and the psychopathology from which the dreamer is
suffering? So far, analyses of dream reports have focused mainly
on actants, settings, and descriptors of emotional condition
during the oneiric activity.
The goal of “Dream Coding” is to collect, transcribe,
catalogue, file, study, and comment on dreams reported by
selected patients at Tor Vergata University Hospital in Rome.
In the group of observed patients, different psychopathological
statuses are represented.
The aim of the project is to build up a code which would
enable a different reading of the reports that patients make of
their dreams. A code that in the future could also provide new
tools for initial and on-going diagnoses of the psychopathology
affecting the patients.
Then we want to verify a set of linguistic features that can
be significantly correlated to the type of psychopathology
on a statistical basis. Numerous aspects, both theoretical and
methodological, are discussed in this paper, ranging from the
nature of the variation of language to be investigated to the tag
set to be used in corpus preparation for computer analysis.
The first issue that the analysis has to solve is the speech
transcription and how to obtain an accurate transcoded text
from the oral form. After having considered several working
hypothesis we have decided to use a “servile transcription” of
Digital Humanities 2008
the speech: by recording the narrators’ voice and transferring
it in an electronic format.
At an early stage, we realized that some important elements
of the speech could get lost in this process. This is why we
have decided to reproduce the interruptions and hesitations.
Interruptions have been classified on the basis of their length.
Starting from this consideration a form (enclosed) has been
created in order to catalogue the dreams and other data, such
as age, sex, address, birthday, job, and so on.
Furthermore the form contains information related to the
transcriptor so as to detect the “noise” added by them. The
noise can be partially isolated by noticing the continuity of
some elements.
Obtained data is stored on the computer as a word file (.rtf
format) to be analyzed later on.The working process has been
divided into four steps, namely:
1. first step: in this step we collect the data of the patients
that already have a diagnosis (che hanno già una diagnosi?)
2. second step: in this step we analyze the dreams collected
in the previous phase and point out (individuare?) recurrent
lexical structures (ricorrenti?)
3. third step: in this step we collect data from all other
patients in order to analyze them and propose a kind of
4. fourth step: in this step we make a comparison between
the results of the first group of patients and the second
one, and try to create a “vademecum” of the particularities
noticed from a linguistic point of view. We call this
classification “textual diagnosis”, to be compared with
the “medical diagnosis”, in order to verify pendants and
Although our research is at a preliminary stage, the statistical
results on text analysis obtained so far allow us to make a few
considerations. The first noticeable aspect is that differences
between dreams of psychopathologic patients and controls
are observed, which suggests the existence of specific features
most likely correlated to the illness.We also observe a scale of
narration complexity progressively decreasing from psychotic
to bipolar patients and to controls. Since the patients recruited
are in a remission phase, we may hypothesize that the variations
observed are expression of the underlying pathology and thus
not due to delusions, hallucinations, hypomania, mania and
Under the notation of “text architecture” we have included
items such as coherence and cohesion and the anaphoric
chains.The complete, quantitative results will be soon available,
but it is possible to show at least the set of variables for which
the texts will be surveyed, in order to account for the lexical
variety we registered.
The syntactic and semantic opposition of NEW and GIVEN
information is the basis according to which both formal and
content items will be annotated. Therefore, as an example of
the connection between formal and content items, the use of
definite or indefinite articles will be linked to the introduction
of the following new narrative elements:
• a new character is introduced in the plot, be it a human
being or an animal;
• a shift to a character already in the plot;
• a new object appears in the scene;
• a shift to an object already in the plot;
• a shift of location without a verb group expressing the
The difficulty of recognizing any shift of time of the story
without the appropriate time adverb or expression in the
discourse, made it not relevant to register this variation since
it would be necessarily correlated with the correct formal
The non-coherent and often non-cohesive structure of many
patients’ dreams shows to be relevant to determine what
the ratios indicate as a richer lexicon. The consistent, abrupt
introduction of NEW pieces of information, especially when
correlated with the formal features, is likely to be one of the
most significant differences between the control persons and
patients, as well as between persons of the first two large
psychopathologic categories analyzed here, bipolar disorders
and psychotic disorders.
Our research is an ongoing project that aims to amplify samples
and evaluate the possible influences of pharmacological
treatments on the oniric characteristics being analyzed.
We have elaborated a measurement system for interruptions
that we called “Scale of Silence”; it provides several special
mark-ups for the interruptions during the speech. The scale
(that is in a testing phase) has three types of tags according
to the length of the interruption (0-2 sec; 2-4 sec; 4 or more).
Special tags are also used for freudian slips and self-corrections
the narrator uses.
For such an accurate analysis the research group has started
marking the texts of the dreams reports.The marking will allow
the computer-aided analyses on semantics, syntax, rhetorical
organization, metaphorical references and text architecture.
Digital Humanities 2008
The Chinese version of JGAAP supports Chinese word
segmentation first then followed by a feature selection process
at word level, as preparation for a later analytic phase. After
getting a set of ordered feature vectors, we then use different
analytical methods to produce authorship judgements.
Unfortunately, the errors introduced by the segmentation
method(s) will almost certainly influence the final outcome,
creating a need for testing.
Almost all methods for Chinese word segmentation developed
so far are either structural (Wang et al., 1991) and statisticalbased (Lua, 1990).A structural algorithm resolves segmentation
ambiguities by examining the structural relationship between
words, while a statistical algorithm usually compares word
frequency and character co-occurrence probability to
detect word boundaries. The difficulties in this study are the
ambiguity resolution and novel word detection (personal
names, company names, and so on). We use a combination of
Maximum Matching and conditional probabilities to minimize
this error.
Maximum matching (Liu et al., 1994) is one of the most
popular structural segmentation algorithms, the process
from the beginning of the text to the end is called Forward
Maximal Matching (FMM), the other way is called Backward
Maximal Matching (BMM). A large lexicon that contains all the
possible words in Chinese is usually used to find segmentation
candidates for input sentences. Here we need a lexicon that
not only has general words but also contains as many personal
names, company names, and organization names as possible
for detecting new words.
Before we scan the text we apply certain rules to divide the
input sentence into small linguistic blocks, such as separating
the document by English letters, numbers, and punctuation,
giving us small pieces of character strings. The segmentation
then starts from both directions of these small character
strings. The major resource of our segmentation system is
this large lexicon. We compare these linguistic blocks with the
words in the lexicon to find the possible word strings. If a
match is found, one word is segmented successfully.We do this
for both directions, if the result is same then this segmentation
is accomplished. If not, we take the one that has fewer words.
If the number of words is the same, we take the result of
BMM as our result. As an example : Suppose ABCDEFGH is
a character string, and our lexicon contains the entries A, AB,
ABC, but not ABCD. For FMM, we start from the beginning of
the string (A) If A is found in the lexicon, we then look for AB
in the lexicon. If AB is also found, we look for ABC and so on,
till the string is not found. For example, ABCD is not found
in the Lexicon, so we consider ABC as a word, then we start
from character D unti the end of this character string. BMM
is just the opposite direction, starting with H, then GH, then
FGH, and so forth.
Suppose the segmentation we get from FMM is
(a) A \ B \ CD \ EFG \ H
and the segmentation from BMM is
(b) A \ B \ C \ DE \ FG \ H
We will take result (a), since it has fewer
words. But if what we get from BMM is
(c) AB \ C \ DE \ FG \ H
We will take result (c), since the numbers
of words is same in both method.
After the segmentation step we take the advantage of
JGAAP’s features and add different event sets according to
the characteristics of Chinese, then apply statistical analysis
to determine the final results. It is not clear at this writing,
for example, if the larger character set of Chinese will make
character-based methods more effective in Chinese then they
are in other languages written with the Latin alphabet (like
English). It is also not clear whether the segmentation process
will produce the same type of set of useful “function words”
that are so useful in English authorship attribution.The JGAAP
structure (Juola et al, 2006;Juola et al., submitted), however,
will make it easy to test our system using a variety of different
methods and analysis algorithms.
In order to test the performance on Chinese of our software,
we are in the process of constructing a Chinese test corpus.
We will select three popular novelists and ten novels from
each one, eight novels from each author will be used as training
data, the other two will be used as testing data. We will also
test on the blogs which will be selected from internet. The
testing procedure will be the same as with the novels.
This research demonstrates, first, the JGAAP structure can
easily be adapted to the problems of non-Latin scripts and not
English languages, and second, provides somes cues to the best
practices of authorship attribution in Chinese. It can hopefully
be extended to the development of other non-Latin systems
for authorship attribution.
Patrick Juola, (in press). Authorship Attribution. Delft:NOW
Patrick Juola, John Noecker, and Mike Ryan. (submitted).
“JGAAP3.0: Authorship Attribution for the Rest of Us.”
Submitted to DH2008.
Patrick Juola, John Sofko, and Patrick Brennan. (2006). “A
Prototype for Authorship Attribution Studies.” Literary and
Linguistic Computing 21:169-178
Digital Humanities 2008
Yuan Liu, Qiang Tan, and Kun Xu Shen. (1994). “The Word
Segmentation Rules and Automatic Word Segmentation
Methods for Chinese Information Processing” (in Chinese).
Qing Hua University Press and Guang Xi Science and
Technology Press, page 36.
Automatic Link-Detection
in Encoded Archival
K. T. Lua. (1990). From Character to Word. An Application
of Information Theory. Computer Processing of Chinese and
Oriental Languages, Vol. 4, No. 4, pages 304--313, March.
Junte Zhang
Liang-Jyh Wang, Tzusheng Pei, Wei-Chuan Li, and Lih-Ching
R. Huang. (1991). “A Parsing Method for Identifying Words
in Mandarin Chinese Sentences.” In Processings of 12th
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages
1018--1023, Darling Harbour, Sydney, Australia, 24-30 August.
Khairun Nisa Fachry
University of Amsterdam,The Netherlands
University of Amsterdam,The Netherlands
Jaap Kamps
University of Amsterdam,The Netherlands
In this paper we investigate how currently emerging link
detection methods can help enrich encoded archival
descriptions. We discuss link detection methods in general,
and evaluate the identification of names both within, and
across, archival descriptions. Our initial experiments suggest
that we can automatically detect occurrences of person
names with high accuracy, both within (F-score of 0.9620) and
across (F-score of 1) archival descriptions. This allows us to
create (pseudo) encoded archival context descriptions that
provide novel means of navigation, improving access to the
vast amounts of archival data.
Archival finding aids are complex multi-level descriptions
of the paper trails of corporations, persons and families.
Currently, finding aids are increasingly encoded in XML using
the standard Encoded Archival Descriptions. Archives can
cover hundreds of meters of material, resulting in long and
detailed EAD documents. We use a dataset of 2,886 EAD
documents from the International Institute of Social History
(IISG) and 3,119 documents from the Archives Hub, containing
documents with more than 100,000 words. Navigating in such
archival finding aids becomes non-trivial, and it is easy to loose
overview of the hierarchical structure. Hence, this may lead to
the loss of important contextual information for interpreting
the records.
Archival context may be preserved through the use of authority
records capturing information about the record creators
(corporations, persons, or families) and the context of record
creation. By separating the record creator’s descriptions
from the records or resources descriptions themselves, we
can create “links” from all occurrences of the creators to
this context. The resulting descriptions of record creators
can be encoded in XML using the emerging Encoded Archival
Context (EAC) standard. Currently, EAC has only been applied
experimentally. One of the main barriers to adoption is that
it requires substantial effort to adopt EAC. The information
for the creator’s authority record is usually available in some
Digital Humanities 2008
form (for example, EAD descriptions usually have a detailed
field <bioghist> about the archive’s creator). However, linking
such a context description to occurrences of the creator in
the archival descriptions requires more structure than that is
available in legacy data.
Our main aim is to investigate if and how automatic link
detection methods could help improve archival access.
Automatic link detection studies the discovery of relations
between various documents. Such methods have been
employed to detect “missing” links on the Web and recently
in the online encyclopedia Wikipedia. Are link detection
methods sufficiently effective to be fruitfully applied to archival
descriptions? To answer this question, we will experiment on
the detection of archival creators within and across finding aids.
Based on our findings, we will further discuss how detected
links can be used to provide crucial contextual information
for the interpretation of records, and to improve navigation
within and across finding aids.
Link Detection Methods
Links generated by humans are abundant on the World Wide
Web, and knowledge repositories like the online encyclopedia
Wikipedia.There are two kinds of links: incoming and outgoing
links. Substrings of text nodes are identified as anchors and
become clickable. Incoming links come from text nodes
of target files (destination node) and point to a source file
(origin node), while an outgoing link goes from text node in
the source document (origin node) to a target file (destination
node). Two assumptions are made: a link from document A to
document B is a recommendation of B by A, and documents
linked to each other are related.
To automatically detect whether two nodes are connected,
it is necessary to search the archives for some string that
both share. Usually it is only one specific and extract string. A
general approach to automatic link detection is first to detect
the global similarity between documents. After the relevant
set of documents has been collected, the local similarity can
be detected by comparing text segments with other text
segments in those files. In structured documents like archival
finding aids, these text segments are often marked up as
logical units, whether it be the title <titleproper>, the wrapper
element <c12> deep down in the finding aid, or the element
<persname> that identifies some personal names. These units
are identified and retrieved in XML Element retrieval. The
identification of relevant anchors is a key problem, as these
are used in the system’s retrieval models to point to (parts of)
related finding aids.
Experiment: Name Detection
markup and punctuation), of which 4,979 are unique, and
where a token is a sequence of non-space characters. We
collect a list of the name variants that we expect to encounter:
“J.M. Den Uyl”, “Joop M. Den Uyl”, “Johannes Marten den Uyl”,
“Den Uyl”, etc. We construct a regular expression to fetch
the name variants. The results are depicted in illustration 1,
which shows the local view of the Joop den Uyl archive in our
Retrieving EADs More Effectively (README) system.
Illustration 1: Links detected in EAD
The qua