Andrew Darwent - Connect


Andrew Darwent - Connect
Compe&&on for partnership funding Innova'on in the space sector Leicester Briefing event, 23 September 2014 Andrew Darwent KTP Adviser 23rd September 2014 KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER PARTNERSHIPS Innova&on in the space sector Call for Knowledge Transfer Partnerships September 2014 Andrew Darwent KTP Adviser KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER PARTNERSHIPS Range of tools with different objec'ves/characteris'cs Succinctly…..
KTP is an opportunity for Businesses to access innova'on from exper'se in the UK Universi'es/Colleges and RTOs (the knowledge base) and to embed it in their business for long term benefit.
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships is Europe’s leading programme helping businesses to improve their compe''veness, produc'vity and performance through the beVer use of knowledge, technology and skills that are available within the UK knowledge base. Bullivant Taranto and Queens University, Belfast, KTP Best Partnership, 2013 Themed Call for KTP • Up to £1.3m, funded by Innovate UK and Natural Environment Research Council, NERC. • Science and Technology Facili'es Council will consider funding projects on an individual basis • Opportunity for businesses to access exper'se available in the UK research base work by working in partnership with the research base • Projects between 6 months and 36 months dura'on • Support for businesses in the space technology sector and downstream space economy to exploit UK and global markets. The Partnership
Where is KTP on the innovation spectrum?
Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 1 3 2 Research Idea
4 5 9 Design/Develop Develop/Prodn Prototype/
6 7 8 Product prepared
for (serial)
Product &
processes mature
KTP Features of KTP
Project length of between
6 months and 3 years
Associates recruited by KB and Business partners
The Associate is employed by the KB partner
Project located at business premises with business
Academic Supervisor spends approx. half a day
per week at the business premises
Partnership Benefits
Associate Career development Personal Development /Training Enhanced employability University Enhanced knowledge Publica'ons/research Teaching material REF – Impact! Business New Knowledge/capability Enhanced performance and profitability Why KTP?
•  It delivers strategic development, improved and on going
capability and bottom line improvement
•  Average business benefits per associate project (based on
2012 /13 data)
–  an increase of more than £260k in annual profits before tax
–  the creation of two new jobs, in addition to recruitment of the
–  an additional 20 staff trained.
•  Cost is approx £60k per year - SME pays around £20k+/yr and
large company pays around £30k+/yr (projects 12m -36m)
Project Budget (projects 12m – 36m)
Annual budget ~£60k*
Includes Associate employment costs, Academic time, travel, consumables
and training
SMEs contribute 33%*
Large businesses contribute 50%*
Grant is paid to academic partner (no state aid issues)
*Slightly different if KB Partner does not use ‘full economic costing’
The Application Process – Space themed call for KTP
Prepare applica'on with guidance from KTP Adviser Applica'on assessed by KTP Partnership Approval Group (PAG) Proposal funded Assessment by Funder panel (fit with call scope) KTP benefits
Supports UK businesses wan'ng to improve their compe''veness, produc'vity and performance A rela'onship formed between a company and an academic ins'tu'on Transfer of knowledge, technology and skills to which the company currently has no access KTP Advisers to assist in establishing the project and finding suitable academic partners KTP - Summary points
•  Partnership between business and academia -­‐ must be driven by business need •  Project dura'on 6m -­‐36m •  67% grant funding for SME and 50% for large company •  22 Regional KTP Advisers •  > 80 % success rate for proposals •  Tried and tested model – It delivers! 17 Next Steps •  Ideas for projects •  Find your partner •  Contact one of our KTP Advisers – Provide advice on eligibility and 'mescales – Help businesses to iden'fy a suitable academic partner (some'mes vice versa) – Work with poten'al KTP partners to develop the proposals Key Dates •  Briefing Day Today, 23 September 2014 •  KTP Final Closing date 11 February 2015 Contact us
_connect Space Community hVps:// General enquiries
KTP -­‐ Innovate UK Tel.: 0300 321 4357
To discuss an idea for a KTP
Regional KTP Adviser University KTP Offices Web:
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