bopis recipe
bopis recipe
7TT m 1 •I , .- I, it, XVI. N O , 3 4 . I f |TENTHSENATORIALDISTRICTCONVENTION , .-A ideat and W trongest B a n k In W estern W a sh te - an - n a w C o u n t y r ^ ^ " Capital and" Surplus, - ’ $90,000.00 Mrantee Fund,.I - • $150,000.00 total Resource^ $ 500, 000.00 - money to loan on Good Approved Security. thit • k 1a u n (1 ivr 8 ta tc con tr o l; has a b u n d a n t capital and a large surplus fu n d ancfdo e s a g e n e ra l'B a n k fn g b u s in e fts . In te re st P a id o n T im e D eposits. Ife draw D r a fts :p a ya b le In G o ld in a n y ( ilt y tn th e \V o rld . __ tow n In ih e country. TO US. ^pealtH-vHt.hft Ravings Department drttw thrqe pei^ which is paid of credited to accouHfoif Tj^nnary lat or July 1st. i&fetjjlapoalt Vaults of ilie beat modern construction. Absolutely Fire * and Burglar Proof. Boxes to rent from $ 1 0 0 to $ 5 ,0 0 per y ear. Y o u r B u s in e s s S o lic ite d , ‘D I R .H J O T O R / S , IJO H N W . S C H EN K , A H A M - E P P L E I i , -____ FR ED W ED EM EYER P r -P i-G L A Z t i R r - W M t- P ^ S G H E N K , - rrJrKNA-PP— IrW rP A L M E ttr O F ’F 'IO H IK .S . fm « . P. GLAZIER, President. W. J, KNAPP, ViceTreBldent. TUfeO. E, WOOD, Cashier. . P. G . 80HAIBLE, Assistant Caebjer. A. K, 8T IM 80N , A uditor. HERM AN A..BENTER, Accountant. wul Wfl.-Hiavflr juftt r e v i v e d a fin e asso rtm en .t of the latest d e sig n s In p a p e r h an g ln g s. Very h e a v y a n d fthtshred w ith 't h e h ig h e st [sracie of gilt. — ~ 1Vou c a n b u y -th e m c h e a p e r t h a n you ever* [b o u g h t t h e m b e fo re * {Hall and Dining Room Patterns: R ic h c o lo r s , b o t h l& ty lls h r fia tte r a s f r o m • R ic h lig h t a n d d a rk , T h e s e n e w V 2 c tO -IB c -d o u b je t___________ ._.. l^ ju e s , q r e e n s a r id R e d s a t IQ c r o l l >__ _____ / and [d o u b le r o l l f o r a t ) k i n d s o f r o o m s . * --wlj W h ite B a c k K itc h e n P a p e rs 8c d o u b le r o ll. S' D o n o t b u y [o u r fin © , n e w u n tir y o u h a ve lo o k e d a s s o rtm e n t. ’ L ow est . th ro u g h '• * ; f P r ic e s at th e Ba n k d e u o , ■ .--- --V T JV E R 8 A K A LM B A C H ^ A T T O it n s v a -A T -iU w ; G e n e r a l L a w practice in g l L c o u rtg » c ta ry P u b llo In th e office; ~ P h o n e 88. O ffice In K e m jp f B a n k B lo c k . Cb e l s e a , I M ioh . PROTECT HOMEjUBOB, :■' • | ConilstiDg of Jackion ¥nU Wailrtunaw S h a ll W e H a v e Q u r S k l l l s d W o r l r D a u r s t . W«»lcl it tirsaai Jusko Thursday Afternoon Home or Abroad— Whlob W[ouM He sad A. J, Peek Wai Noml.uAted, Beit «Tor OBELSEA, MICHIGAN. — ^ WHOLE NUMBER 814 CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29. 1904. C H ltf.S ItA T B T .ItrH O N B JiU M U B n 8 T h e 10 th senatorial d is tr ic t c o n ve n tio n was he ld in th o _ to w n hall a t G r ass j' T h u rs d a y afte rn o o n w a s o r a jio ry ..m u s ic and e nthusia sm . —Besid fis48 J e t o g a t o s from Ja o k a o n a n d W ash te im w there-w qB a b ig o ro w d o f-v ls ito r s and i t i was a lia p p y c ro w d . ’ Mr. Warron', of Ann Arbor, called tfiF convention to order and fh doing sohe [spoke ^ f the absence of W. W. Wede| moyor, the cliairmun of the senatorial coinniitteB7_aTid’wonf on to deliver an | earnest and eloquent spooclii outlining I the object of the convention and of the harmony of feeling existing between the two counties. Oaptaift & P. AUoii, of 'YpsilantlrwaB made chairman and he delivered a ; speech of 30 minutes. t Following the explains speech John P, Forward, ^of Jackson, was made se!crotary and the usual formalities:' of |.CQmmittea_waa_TliapenHe(L_with^-.except tlmthof-the-reHolutiOns—these being se*, toctexUs follower Gilbert S. Loomis, of | Jaokson,-chairman, and Jam es E, Harr | kins, of Washtenaw, and Robert Camp bell, of Jackson. |—Wiiiio this,committee was at wprk the i nominations were called” for and when tliel'oirW as caHod~Mr. Davis, of Jack' T h e un q u a lified d e n u n c ia tio n o f a p ro te o tiv e ta riff b y th e d e m o o ra tlc p la tfo rm "a s a ro b b e r y o f$ h e m an y t o e n r i q b t h e fe w u m akes- I t v e r y e v id e n t t h a t th e -u s * ual q u a d re n u la L oam palgn a ga inst the pro te c tio n o f o u r \ in d u s trie s w i H 7 b e oa rrie d on w ith g r e a t v ig o r . W h a te v e r m ay, b e : th e re a l o r sapposed in ju rie s in flicted o iP t h e consum ers o f Am erican, goods b y o u r m a n u fa c tu re rs ! th e rem ed y proposed w o u ld b e a te rr ib le toue. V i r t u a l l y i t is ..a -p ro p o s itio n to iiaY 9 o u r s k ille d w o rk d o p e in fo re ig n coun trie s and to s o t a d r ift o u r s k ille d w o rk * era to seek e m p lo ym e n t in th e u n s kille d v o c a tio n s . I t . is a' p ro p o s itio n to en courage c a p ita l in v e s te d in m anufac tu re s a broad a n d d isco u ra g e i t a t hom e. T o Increase th e n u m b e r o f m ills in E u ro p e-and-e tose-t h em -in A m e rica-; • T o increase th e d em and fo r la b o r on the o th e r sid e o f th e ,-A tla n tic a n d dim inish i t o n t h i s s id e ,. .'It is s tra n g e t h a t . a p a r ty , e m in e n t lm its professions fo r the w e lfa re of- th e - w o r k lu g c la s s , should be forem ost In- a d v o c a tin g m easures to ta k e from th a t class th e ir e m ploym en t to g iv e to p e q p le o f o th e r c o u n trie s or - to com pel th em t o a c c e p t th e th e d o w n tro d d e n o f th e O ld - W o rld -sqn rln a^sp eeclr^brim ful o f m etapliors |ipresontod m o o f'A r c h ie P 6 e k . -W -hen—Wasivfcenaw—wae^eaHe<fcrErahbl-li^Jjones m ade: a . s p e e c h lin fa v o r o f e i j S e n a to r A n d re w C a m p b e ll, o f A n n A r b o r biLt Lnlviow. of -th e 'h a rm o n y 'of. fe e lin g com m entedr upoiv- ho: a fte rw a rd s w i t h * I d re w 'a n d proposed .t h a t M r . ’ P e c k be |Tiiarteitho unanim ous choice o f t h e c o n i.vim tin n. fl'liirt c a lle d fo r I'nnewprt ap- IA M E 8 B. G O R M A N . , A b o u t th is : tim e s o m a ' boys n e e d ” a l change o f c lo th e s . Y o u can g e t th e k in d o f c lo th e s y o u w a n t i f y o u w ill com e t o th e r ig h t p la c e . W e w o u ld lik e to t a lk i t o v e r w ith y o u a n d sh o w y o u o u r n e w fa lL a t y le s . O u r and ch ild re n Is so a ttr a c tiv e th a t i t is e a s ily w a y ahea& o f a n y d is p la y e v e r m ade fri 'C lie ls e a . It Don’t Cost Much to — —— * Cloth the Boys Here. v We have a good strong suit at $1.50 __ assortmenlr^of- rattling i have a large good wearing suits at $2 .0 0 , $2.25 and $2 .5 0 . Made up stylish, good, fitters and weir sewed. T jie A n n A r b o r W o lv e rflie s d efeated th e Gheteart J u n io r s in th e o p e n in g game o f th e se.ason: S a t u r d a y , a fte rn o o n b y a scqre o f lO to 7 . A n n A r b o r scored one touchd ow n In each h a lf and th e C helsea team scored a s a fe ty and to u c h d o w n in th e second, h a lf, 'O n e o f-th e A n n A r b o r boys-w aa-un fo r tu n a te e h o u g h d u rln g tlia jgarae to g e t a r ib b roken ,- T h e features We have a stllRarger assortment at $3 .0 0 and $3 .5 0 r these suits must^e seen to b< appreciated. __ __ _______ bu't-ourboy’s ciethlng tlriehseason-is—fehe-best we have ever shown.. ' ..........••••■.■ . • ■* i ~ H atjsfactlon o r y o u r m oney b a c k . — ~ • MICHIGAN. Chelsea T e le p h o n e N o , 9 , ,v ; A. MAPES <SCO.|t FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBOUIElft. P IN S P U N B H A L PO R N IB H IN O B , Calls" answered p ro m p tly riigbtv d r d a y , . Chelsea T e le p h o n e N o , 6. '.;. ’ OHELBSA, MIOHIOAN, W . S C H M ID T , H PHYSICIAN AND 8UEGKON, i - o m cahou ral10 to 12 loreaoon: 2 to 4 alternoon ( , / — ^-to 8 evening.------------ ^— N la h t and Day calls answered promptly. Chelsea Telephone No._30 a \rlngs lor office, 8: rings (or residence. . ■ OUK^.BKA, M10HTT M IltN B U L L i f e W I I H E R E L L , 1 —— “ATTONNEV8 AT LAWT*-; B . B . T u rn B n U . H . D . lY k h e r U ll. ' OHEMRA,-MICH. li.’U. Holmea, pres. - G. H. Kempt, vice pres. ' ■ J. A.Palmer.~eaablgrr«eo.A.BeQeieigiit.<aiiEier -NO. 203.- E KEIIPFC0MHE8CICUSBVIH68 BXNk , -CAPITAL $40,000. ~ '. ’ " Commercial audjaviugs Departments; Money ------.•-to4owM)s4BRft-oB»s security^-.. itorai Keu^cn Reuben Kernpf,II.8^Holmes, O. H. '• Dlreotora: ” — * " °Ri ntUIDI)lUU||| Armstrtina.O. Klein, r>.',o Vjt3U. A t JL BeHola. Edrvogel." Li 8 T E G E R , ’ D E N T IS T S a v lu g s ^ - N E8 T E , W EB ER , m• K______________ GOME AND LOOK. U T O N S O R IA L P A R L O R S S h a v in g , h a ir c u ttin g ,-s h a m p o o in g , etc, e x e o u t e o J n first-class s ty le , n & zo n a o n e d . ,.. S h o p in the B o y d bloo k j j l a l n street. T T H E O F F I C E OB A S ee our advertisement on local page R E P R E ^ E N T A T .i y E C O N V E N T I O N * tlie~TTqT'nldipnTI~TnP rpao*T<'ntto ‘V nnn v o n tio n fo r th e second re p re s e n ta tiv e d is tr ic t o f .W ashtenaw c o u n ty , fo r the purpose c? p la c in g In n o m in a tio n ,a eaiU — Div-JH. H. Ave ry Y o u w lU -.tin d o n ly up-to-date m ethods uaeji, accom panied by the m u c h needed re q u ire s . -' , . \ . Frfceras-rea8onable-asffirB t-olas8 w o r k . can Be d o n e . ~ ■Oftrce'.TTVBrRattTey'fl'Tanop-Shop. D t l V E T C O O G E N © ;- 460, - P ^ - & - J h . . J t _ t— S - ^ u g u e t a.......................... - ^ r l f r i d g e w a t e r - L lj:i'cc<10m“0t‘ 6, Sa haw and Jackson counties. — The motion' to adjourn, was .carried line B, Sharon 4 ,..S ylvan 14 , Y o r k 10 , ’ Y p and a goneral visit took place. " • s ila n tl to w n 5. Y p s ila n tf c i t y —l a t w a rd fl^U d 'w a rd 15, 3d—vvard=77~4th w itrd 4 , 5t w a rd 7 . D a te d , 8 e p te m b e r 24, 1004. F.MTTTiebman, ' , , Geo. M. Gaudy, -j 7 b H N ,K r C A M l<B ELr,7‘ ' StmlentH Are Flrtoklng To Ann Arbor— ' • % ■> . C o m m itte e . inefeasud Attendance in “EnglUerrltirgr UOT1CB. D epartm ent to o k e d F or. a v i h ^ f ^ y o u p - m o n e y i —^ W h e r v y o i i r p u t y o u p c a s h - - i n t Q ,g .Q Q a ^ i f i w e l r y „ i L a _ i u s t 1i k s _ _ a a y j p g l t . Y o i ? always have that which Is worth1what it cost. ^ The prettiGst things are here. .A ,K ;E I N A N 8, RUSHH ASSETIN. xW eWward the o rb o f g lo tv takes Its w a y W isconsin is th e state, y o u B ear every body s a y , U n m ade Its e lf fam ous b y one great 8trldfi * , R o c k y M o u n ta in T e a has m ade its name w o rld w id e .— P la s te r d? S timson B 8 T A B LI8 H K D 4 0 VB ABB , "Office irK sm i lank Buildings S ecretary —M rs. C arrie M aronoyr“ T reasu rer-rM rs. Geo. H. M itchell. . Conductress—rMrm'LilaCamp.beiU,,. Assooiate ConductrnsB’-’Miss Idalene Webb,-------------------------------------------- fo r a t le a s t 14 d a y s w d ^ h o - c l e r k b e -ln e tru c te d to see t b a t t h o a b o ve re q u s tb e fltrlc tly e n fo rc e d rb y o rd e r o f thro villag e : b oard o f h e a lth , Chelsea. M Lo h . v ■■ ■ ■ W . H . H ES EtS O H W ER D T , , “ ------ C lo rb , Foneral. directors'and EiQbalioen, CHELSEA, fl. ' b u y elsew here and~gu&T5ntce“a bsolute W o r th y M a tr o n — M rs .'-M a r y -B o y d . W o r th y . P a tro n —R o la n d B . W a ltro u s A s s o c ia to M a tr o n —M r s . M in n ie W a l w o r t h . ...... At a m eeting of the^village1 board of' health held S ep tember 27, l004 th e fqL lowing resolution was adopted. On motion th e clerk wa's Instructed to notify th e c le rk of, th e tow nship of L yn d o n ,-th at a ll persons having been exposed to Smallpox or Yarioloid are' to be Quarantined and kepfe-undo: F. H o s p ita l, O ffic e in H a t c h b lo c k . R e sid e n ce o n , S o u t h s tre e ts ; : .T'W e^ promise' you better—sty t o .. -Clothing for yourTnoney than you" will taWed-at-a-speoiai-meeting-held gounty-eierk,—and—J ulian—B en n e ttr-w h o - Saturday eypning: th e . p r iv ile g e o f p a y .in g Tre a s u re r Soule th e e n tra n c e and fm nual-fees'r N O a tte m p t is made a t a n y ostim ate f o r th e com ing' y e a r, b u t S e c re ta ry W ado says th a t prospects fo rv an in croasod atten da n ce a ro good , O n e tilin g seems to bo c e rta in a n d th a t is th e o n g iu c e rin g depar tm e p t w ill h p ve q a a r K S T ingrchse, o ^ vin g - f e - to e re a se d fa c ilitie s ;and 'the . g re a t re p u tatio n ' w J i i c l i W d o p i r m o u t h a g b u i l t u p .- ^ E x ,'- ,■ CHBLSEA, MICHIGAN. BTAFFAN & 8 0N . PHYSICIAN AND SPBGKQM. ■ 4 rorm erly resideut physieian U , o f Mv ’ TonTate noChances#ComingHerd; . FHVSIpIAN AND SUBORN, t O f f l c e ,W 1 f k j n s o n - T u r u B u i l b lo c S . Fall M in g for Boys" ’ eck was a big fa v o rtte T - ’ ~ T h e resolutions w ore n e x t s u b m itte d and th e y were- b r io f - b u t - t o —th e —poihtrs e m e n to fth e re ^ publican p la tfo r m ,, the s u p p o rt o f the na tiona l and s ta te ,c n n d ld a te i| and e x p r e s s i o n - o f - confidence iii Th e o d o re INSTALLED NEW OFFICERS. | R o o s e v e lt, statesm an, -p a tr io t and Ideal -TheTollowing officers, for the ensuing I c itize n . 77“ ~ ■ A f f o r this. canve:”some”" s i n g ih ^ f f d m y e a r o f O l iv e C h a p t e r ,]N o .1 0 8 .- O t E .-S . Ann again“ccnrarenclirg^to:asAiimo the_ lively appoarancef which the -prcBcneO’Of—students -adds to th e town College opened its doori^ Tuesdayjto all departments and of course thore Js. a mail'In these early days of students to getTcgistored-and delect rooming—and imarding places, Those are.Secretary IWade’s.busy_tImo9 in . making ont/slips | of ik?glflt raG«» which will entitle the ■'V M cC O L G a N , A ~- V ~ - ------- F O O T B A L L G A M E . - trict, is hereby called to be-held in .Ar beiterhali in tlfevrilageTjrManeheBtor ■Michigan, onrTuesday,-Ootober-18,1004, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon of that day. The several townships ancF-watdrajrff entitled to the following representation: O F F IC E . E a s t M id d le Btreet, C helsea, M lo b , Arb o p -a n d b ro th e rs a n d K e lly fo r C h e ls e a . Tim e o f . ha lve s,^3 0 —m in u te s . ' T o u c h d o w n s f o r - A n n - A r b o r , P e te rso n ) fo r .Chelsea M o L a r e n . R e fe re e , Le o P a lip e r. U m p ire , H o w a r d H o lm e s . g a v o his G ^ rra a n T m u g T ’ a n d - w h e n e n cored “ I J l a j i B u t F i f t y G e n ts ,” w h ich | pleased th e crow ds A speech follow ed b y . o x-S o n a to r A n d re w C am p bell, w h ic h was e loq uent |VndTn7re b ita l'o f'th o fu n d am e n ta l p rin c i ples of o u r g o ve rn m e n t; H e re fe rre d to M iv W a r h e r j ca n d id a te fo r g o v e rn o r, as a man w ho d id his •ow ow n tln n k irig and aa a cloan-mati—spotless in his re p u ta tio n -ns-a-jn a n and a c it iz e n .' H e said th & republican p rin c ip le s a re H re pow er o f th e w P r l d V g o ve riiro e n t, T h e y a re founded on th e ro c k o f reason and 'H T e ^ ^ iT t ^ t in u r t o c ’ te s tto t^ tim e r : A lle n , as ch a irm an-said-sucli-a^ ppnvention-as- this- ha<T tieon should c a rr y its Influence in th e odming ca m pa ign, and he fe lt no uiicer Taj uly. a h o n e outcom e T h e t H a t r i c t i s - -eompoBed—s f-W a s h to ^ L A W RepaMng of alt kinds a specialty. R e g u la r m e e tin g s o f O l i v e L o d g e , Nfo. 1 5 6 v B V & A . M t f o r 1 9 0 4 .-.— . .. •.» — t- i ;t M a r c h -2 9 , A p r i l 1 M-, M a y S ^ T J u a e W ^ u t y ^ S >4Wp t . g o , n e t . 1 8 . N o v . 2 2 . m e e tin g a n d e le c tio n o f officers D e c 2 0 . ■ C . ~W. M a t t o n k v . 8eo. -HBfES SCIENTiFlCALLY TESTED., Sheet Music and periodicals in stock. GEORGE HALLER, sr.. KMKKKKStRKktItIWIUlStMMKSUUUmStItStRMfttMKIUtlUUMUtKStlUUaStsGIUtlMWF H- CENTRAL MEAT MARKET. KETTLE RENDERED LARD IO CENT8 POUND > All kinds of Sausage on hand. Give us a~trail order. ----A D A M Phone 4 1, F r e e d e liv e ry . ’ C o u n ty C le r k B |u m is in receipt o f the a n n u a l s h ip m e n t n f hunters' licens 'TRAGEDY AVSRTJBD es fro m th e d e p a rtm e n t o f . s tate , L a u a ln g . T h e n u m b e r sent Is 7S , though *KJu ftt lb the n lo k o f tim e our little boy the n u m b e r issued by the p o u m y clerk waft saved1’ , w rites M r s , W . W atkins ot Is u s u a lly a little less—a b o u t flO to 05. Pleasant C ity , O h io . •‘P n e u m o n ia had H o p e le B s ,' •> . , •The deer season w ill not open until played Bad havoo w ith him and a te rr i I f a m an d oesn 't acquire th e re to fm a * N o v e m b e r 8, b u t applloatlonsx w ill pro ble cough set in besides. .D o c to rs treat tio n germ w h e n he is sick there is n ’t bably b egin to com e In w ith in a few ed h im , b u L he g re w -w o rs e e v e r y d a y . A t length we tried D r .'K i n g ’s N e w D is ° . m uch hope fo r b im .- C h lc a g o p a lly d a y s ,—T i m es, co very fo r co n s u m p tto n , am i our d a tlIn g New s. '• I f y o u have ta k e n e v e ry th in g else for was saved.-, .H e ’s n o w ! sou n d , a n d w e ll.” constipation ah'd have n o t ta ke n the E v e r y b o d y o u g h t to k n o w , lt*s the o n ly <* ’ . . S oreheads, tonic-JltxRtlve, C e le ry K i n g , y o u have «q re cure fo r c o u g h s , oolda and a ll lu n g T h e re are m en w h o lo o k u p o n all m a d e a s e r lo u 8 m istake. C e le ry K in g diseases.. G u a ra n te e d by G la z ie r & em ployers as oppressors u n d e r all c tr* Is the g re at blood v ita lize r and builder- Htlmaon druggist. P r ic e 50o. and $1,00, u p o f m ep and w o m e n . P rio e 25 cents, Trial bottles free, oum stancea.-^-Phlladelphia .B u lle tin . ' 1 ■ ■ ■ —- 1 F o u r d e p u ty game w ardens were T h e tow nsh ip board o"f Y o r k , had a T a l k T o o L o u d . ............ BoOntlng a ro u n d th e lakes north o f A n n m eeting M o n d a y In M ila n tor th e pur* •M any m e n a re m isunderstood because A r b o r 'I n sgaroh of persons w h o are peso"of In v e s tig a tin g the m erits o f a th e y d o n o t k n o w h o w to m o d u la te th il vio la tin g the J a w against shoojtng w ild duoks at this tim e o f tho y e a r, T h e vo tin g m achine. '' ’ , voice.—P h iia d Flp h la B u lle tin . state officials got b n th e , tra in going ■One o f n a tu re ’s r e m e d i e s ; cannot south N iin d a y evening and noticed J a p G o o d -B y . passenger w h o was e x h ib itin g a tine harm the w eakest fiO nBtlititlon; never •'T h e ja p a n o s o w o rd o f p a rtin g is n o t Btrlng o f fo u rte e n b la c k bafts. T h o lat, fails to euro s u m m e r com p lain t o f I'SO lo n g ” o r ''Soo you la te r ,” b u t ''S a y * ter said ho w b b ta k in g the Hah to To le d o y o u n g o r old , D r . F o w le r 's E x t r a c t o f W ild S tra w b e rry . and the w arden seUed th e m . o n a ro ” — " i f i t m u s t be so,'-' > . •* ■ ■■ ■■, i.',14:iV 'j::,. ■ E P P L E R . V:. * MORERtOTR G R A D U A T E " O P T T C T A N ." * ^ . l l does not necemtrAliLVienn (hcU be atony in (/lueje^ mu W , eye xluM by artificial hwM, do,, caiutFmmr “ •hut/ the penpt«r--Only-th«. Uticsl in over one*/ nslrumcme used in tesliny. improved insln H A L L E R ’S J E W E L R Y S T O R E , — ---- r— ann ARBtm, w ren 7—------- P. D . M E U IT H E E W . D A N IE LS , " IJCKNSKD AUOTIONIKR- B e l l - t P h o n e 6 2 , M a u o h e e te r, M k j l j . D a t e K m a d e ’ a t th is o ffic e ,— * , .. OKNKHAT. AUCTTONRKn. . Satisfaction G u a ra n te e d . F o r In fe r* m ation call at 8tandard office o r address. G r e g o ry , M ic h ., r . f .’d . 2. * P h o n o connecti(5h.' "A u a tlo n bills and tin cupB f u r nished fre e . . ~ D isturba nce s o f strikers are no t n earas g ra ve as an In d ivid u a l d isord er o :e system . O v e r w o r k , loss o f sleep, nervous tension w ill be fo llo w e d b y u t W e can handle s fe w m ore, F a m il y ter collapse, unless a re lia b le re m e d y Is im m edlfttely e m p lo y e d . T h e r e ’ e n o th W a s h in g s ,.....O u r -prlceft_ard_ low , ._ A « fc ing so efficient to o u rs disorders o f t h e about It. liv e r or k id n e y s as Ele c tric ;H itte rs .^ . i t ’s a w o n d e rfu l to n ic , and effective n e rvin e and th e greatest a il arou nd m e d ic in e , fo r r u n c’ ow n system s, i t dispels nervous . Bathe, ness, rh e u m a tis m and ne u ralgia a n l r x pels m a la ria g e rm s. O n l y 506 ftno satisfaction gugratateed b y G la z ie r & S tlm s o n d ru g g is t. 3 ■Iffl'P-*. ■ w / tW F am iiy'W ashings. SI#- ill Tie Chelsea Steam Laillty. fiifi Chelsea Greenhouse. T h e C ly d e K r a u t plant at Ja c k s o n has had 80 c a H b a d a o fc a b h n ^ e ship ped p e n d ing the g a th e rin g the h o m e g ro w n k ra u t tiffibd V. v Plants Warranted to Grow Both V egetable and low ering Settings of ev er£ variety. W h e n doctors fa ll, try B u rd o o k W ood E L V I R A C L A R K , F lo r is t, H itte rs . C ures dyspopAla, oonBlipatlon; P h o n e c o n n e c tio n ........... Ghelim a, M ic h , system . in v ig o ra te s th e w h o le syst : c :i tiV -;! ; I K'k tyM. I (H I S ill f u b llih ik # R » li 8SA«. M10H6A1 m m William Waldorf Aator finds Amerfc* changed In some, respects, hut etiT 'ohjectlodahle. .■:■■* T H E M IC H IG A N Land Commissioner<Wildey re p o rts. an active, steady demand for stato tax .lands.. On au average of seven sales are made a day, and they range from do acres to a section, I . Tho Merchn uts and Manufacturew' , of Port N Uurort, luis.petl* | ShowingWhat’s Doing InIII Soetlono of the Stato; ]; association, tioned contiress to remove the. duty on \ COUNTERFEITERS CAUGHT . .. INCOPPER COUNTRY MICHIGAN NEWS IN-BRtEF. nine children d School Bulldln* F|oor n Throwing Ch|ldr«n U $ l During the morulDg v public school at r BIIVI r- mmiwhivw alcohol iu order that It may'be used. more genemlly for fuel, 'JA PA N E SE FORCES ARE Fruit growers.say. that with a con-■ n e iN f ilN .QN RUSSIANS tluuatlou of cool weather, pouches will -■ v L U v In li IN vl*. n y o o i a n r ; be: on tlio ihnrkbt a month from now I .. a •~«_U unusually long season. The dally Ruaatan Comptandvr m p a ri* # to* • shipments of fru ltiare enormous huw^ John R. Rockwell (secretary of the General fighting all along the sputliJackson couuty superintendents aud .a ,4rh Russian front has been reported. prominent politician, and’ Miss Minnie Oyarna has evidently uio\ ed up ins en u r0 w - and ^ with the Tiffany, a teacher In the public schools tire center Is ... In touch tov hero, ha,ve been married In N orth, Russian forces, which are expected to Adams, Quincy ha# building boom. U worse comes; to worst, Carnegie's Have- Been FiooW ng-VsKr F o a ia u l* Blackbirds are corn on farm # near Union City, ( ----Temple ol Peace can he turned Into - With Be# Coin, , Ailittl.o lad in Lansing fell on a lawn • b army hospital., Frank and George Knlpper, wbd are mower, cutting off his finger. supposed to have been flooding the cop^ This story, that cats sometimes W r country and upper peninsula a t A team ran away with a Kalamazoo commit suicide opens the door of Iftrge wUh spurious dollars, half dol- man, impalinghim on a fence. hope for all light sleepers. . Y. M. g .-At committee, of Lansing, lars-and-Quartoraithe- p ast two years, were rounded up aud captured at intends to raIse gWOOO^lrnen- day8. U n a b le to release h is r ig h t f o o t fr o m lo w M u k d e n , O k u o n th e .w e s t o f M u k : The higher education has resumed Houghton Sunday meriting b y ,P . C. Mis# Jessie Dunbar received ring as a “ frogV_ -lui ft .s w i t c h , o n ” th e G r a n d closing s te a d ily in a n d la n o w It# prominent position on the sport Dick; a secret service ottlcer,;and Unit the most papular young woman In" Sen T r u n k r a llw a y ,5 a t D e t r o it , W i l l i a m : w ith in ten m ile s , o f th e m a in R u s s ia n • T.... ^ ... ....Ua, i 1* m«am «*lltk : _ . . :. w >_ aa41mm .nrt4li. nnmflOPffa ta g pagC*. Taokle ’1m low an’ bard 1 ed StaterJJypnty^^w httH ^D r-M oeb eca er, of Marquette. County Jail Inspectors advocate the; ' New York’s latest, and most palatla1 . T h e K n lp p e r s a re F r o n c h m o n , h a il stone pile for prisoners a t Benton H ar _ hostelry-ia frankly Parlaianr-but.wUh I n g f r o m P a r i s ,w h e r e F r a n k sorved b o r^ __ - , the accent on nothing-so^small as. the tim e f o r "m a k in g b a d m o n e y .- G e o rg e The—Pontloe—Medical socle _ was compelled to flee that country to elected Dr. .William. MirChrroU presl franc. ___ ^ — escape the clutches of the French se dent. Kiiien, tremuu, anu wm: iw.«u iu w hs ; »» Women are perfectly , COh'tfeh'ted cret service. men.' They belong to a ■/Coldwater authorities, disposed of . a. October 15 to spend the remainder of , the Russian position. , of counterfeiters, on# of whom ,12-year-old girl tram p by sending her his days in the Em eraldJslo, 7* .The samo tactics^ which ha^-JfioW’ w ith their lot so long as. they_ don’t family is now serving.a prison term In the to Elkhart;----------— .— m eet another woman who appears west. The pair are regarded as two of Mi's, Hiram S. Eddy, who lived 05 city*1^ " p r ^ s l t f e n 1,^In* th o ^ v a y ' of p r ^ i l n g ly Im pregnable positions aye being better oft. — - — — -------the smoothest propositions In the coun years on one farm -near Fairfield, died vldliig a n au d ito riu m to bo u s e d f o r'em p lo y ed by Ivurokl and lie Is slowly, terfeiting busluess in the country and largo conventions and larg e public j b ^ su re ly, ^ ‘glntf. An Waatern m ag istra te says d ru n k i} ^ one; - aged 87 years, Edward Walker, ’former mayor of hall sufilclently to accommodate any line of retreat as he did a t Liao Yang enness-ts a disease. An occaslonal flne Sold Stepaona to Pay fSfiO Debt. Ann Arbor, died after an Illness of crowd. lg not a had remedy against a return ._ . : , and with probably the same i-esult. , ,■ During—the. nrogress—of—a suit in. nearly five years. of the malady. _ . vm»«B o f Tewoo .00 > » court at Grand Rapids it developed Gen. McGuyrln', of Grand eter Smlrlles, thcw enlthy. pro Rapids, is In -th e, universityhospital, — From the number-ef-exctting-ftdvei _tures he has .one would think J. Pier- prietor of several shoe shining parlors for an operation. mnnd for houses-It w’ould seem a a i|erY- h ,ul casualties ha\o. .not been In thc -clty. had purchased fro'in Tom Robert- Attrklge, of Marlette, made though the place had gained at least-heavy. pout Morgan was about to go' o n . the Tlsor the letter’s two stepsons.for $380. $32 50 an acre on nine ’acres’/ b y raia* are signs that the Russians vaudeville stage. 300. Several families are unable. to ob- There 1 At the same time he loaned tjie latter" ing clovorsoed on itare preparing for a general retreat and tain shelter. $40 more. Both are Greeks and/ the Squire E, flR ■Swain, prominent resl-; ' fiYnrlottfl and Hasttnas have out (lo ,lo t int^nd ,to nillke serious resistA St. JLouls newspaper, reporter left whole smn was used by Tlsor to pay dent of-HudsonrhntFbliHeg-amputajted manual trolnlSu- d en arn S n ts ln th e -a,1Co’at Ml,k(le»- Supplies end-some of an estate of $79,944,' but then- he was a debtjn the old country. The suit was , ;.*■ newsboy for some years before hT over the repayment of the borrowed because of gangrene. . fifth, sixth and seventh.grades of their |!!Qa!lf|piK,„n r i>\,\s^ 'n iin esc ^vho The Lansing sugar beet factory will schools. The two tow’iis hire one 1 ° became a reporter. 1 $40. Sinirlles says he needed the lads let* frora Mukden declaie *tho In his business, and7‘.considered tlte bo started about October 15 for a cam-: teaoher on h co-operative plan, she spending part of thb week j t one place ! ^ s^b.,eouupander has not move th a ir palgn of 00 or more days., ^ _ purchase of Them from their f.ntlwr. T he-death of ’’Monsieur (le Paris” and part at the other.----£ I I W . ^ cffocttvoIroops nt Mukden^ Bronson man. wants a divorce be-is a reminder that In Franbe^capital perfectly correct In both law- and t-. , .. I while the .Tapanese are believed to ^ethics;---= = = = = causedlfTVIfe-InsistsL onT»tnglng every p u n ish m en t still m eans th e dexterouE ^ $7,500 S o 1*towards 0t number, day between 2 and .8 a. m. ; pav the„cost of an Iron huvoTiearly^ ‘ three time#,that ^ v .. smoval of the caput i i.« . • iicr',' ‘,i « mi -a_-.. _.f_- -l r ■ roHtnl Cliangeti. Three of the stores which were ,de-. bridge ov^r-‘the. C linton-river, a t Jnimnfue TEonUlfi. Field Marshal Oyarna. colnmandlng A St. liOuis man paid a7clairvoyant and_ sunorsedod by- ru r al free delivery gtroycH $20.000. The company makes thereon thoiJapanese.-for.cesrln.Mnncliurla, telcv $1,000 to- locatera-buried - treasure Tor O ctober-14: Blaciannn^SagluaW JcM ii* City, are a.lready_.b.eing reb u ilt. C h a r le s . G a y , th e v e te ra n .e d ito r o f ditlori tlm t tho bridge shall be Tdrfeot 4'rap]icdtw liT y_as-Tollows: him. . A s' usual, the clairvoyant now ty, mall to F e ste rs: County^^ Llne,^^ Sagtwide and carry 180 tpns, An 1nvest 1gntlon of the troplileg cap-has^all the -treasure^ in- sight—^-^== naw county. ' m all to B irc h v.r t un; th p . B i g _ R a plds P lo n e e r, fe ll :i n a f a in t ~-~X hc- i >an,(ll89iTic-new-feia]>Io . . . . . . Ms. inadeigince our last- report? u n d -e u t -h ls fn c e 'ftM (H )'e a d b 'a d ly , L - 1 _ Crown, H uron county,im ni]:toTF[llon. E l o y Jo s s a re , p f M e n o m in e e ,' w h ile Rural free'd eliv ery will bp: extended If the smart set In N ^ p o r t ^gets to quarrellng~tooTdlterly ll ought to at'VV’ni^Clo^tfdrTsrewaygo couiiTy,' Not rld ln g -o n - a r t r a l n r h a d - h ls fo o t c u t o ff ori h i s - 1 7 t h r-b tP tlid a y ^ a n n lv e rs a ry . be able to find a basis for compro* vem ber 1, by one route. ap p o in ted T h e J o h n s o n r e s ta u ra n t, Y p gHi mise In another n^ohkey dfnper. :~ ns follows: Cheboygan. T hcron M.' bopt by nn ox-constable, waa_hiirgliu-. G ardner: substitute, Ed Win H . Gard- lzed Tuesday night and $40 taken. ze. fights, 1 ------------ -----------1 . ■ _. a . I I l Aa I h L a rY-rfyrf I . klwlles„aojTbu o f .C i a c w J .J f ’ Tier of children lost the^r 54 KILLED AND 120 INJURED IN R. R. WRECK P a w e s ic r T rain s Meet W hile R ium ln* ■J t Niton nBtHenr«- Running ou a railroad lh a supposed* iy high condition of malnteuauce a n d having about them evopy safeguard known to modern railroading,, vif o trains on Jhe Southern railw ay, ebrry- were rescued, \ «»<} eInfo at'i°i'0 f!2vl,cS which 'tb w feif fpue feet of water. The nin# . ^ thu# killed served to aif S S r so that the other 12 we« M the 12 who were . lislon n e a r, Hofiges, Tonn,,7. Saturday, sending 54 people to death and lojurlng 120, several, of whom will probably . , T b ® E U x IrT n S . A special cnblo from - .^ c o r d in g to an' i n t m k w S -loss V life resulted E H e M e tc lm ik o ff, o f t K ? 1®' t u t caro , th e,_ nearest the dlBregardlng^of, Qi 801i)i dIThls appalling apparently from orders the tAyortrataa-to m e e t;-^ iffaTir^n^nM to U taTn rlp b old ago at a station which has for n long time b y th e Drof L 8J , p rofessor to follow i f f been their regnlar'meotlng point, P,v 1,10 molefi8m 1 o f th e -B u lg a r ia n s ; w l i S ^ R«fq«ei B«prkw> With every prospect of. gaining a re prieve and eventually a commufatUnr to a short term of Imprisonment, Jam es Webb, of Philadelphia, under death sentence.- for the .murder, of his- Wife and mother-in-law, has declared lh hl» cell a t Moyamenslng prison that he wishes to die, and by his own act has cut off hls oue chance o f escaping the gallows. AVhen his attorney went to fho prison with tjfie documents nebdlug the convicted man's signature, Webb refused to. sign and #ald he wanted, to die on the gallows. 1 th e ir lo n g e v ity and wlio 2 s n l q u a n titie s o f .this b.evo)af f 8U^ . ~ A passenger tra in on ti)& IV cste rn w a s wrecked •Lo e k b u rn , 0 . , b y spreading 3 P re p a ra tio n s are boinv Potsdam "for’ 1110“. S S j . . Clown, Prince KrcderlS vfini? Princess Cecilia.,, of H Schwerin. The wedding, ivb»h be the most brilliant in will occur in' Jannnry. * : - Debts over $ 1,000,000 and $1,200 Is 'the'financial c-otiuitloi lam B. ^ . Whaley, of Poston ing to his.declaration In n v'oi - • Car Strike* nox of DynnmUei bankruptcy petition, lle-bag tw An .outward bound electric^enr, con ffhancral supporter of ninhv god taining. 32 .persons,.—was- blown ' to cotton -mills and they have fii pieces at- Molroso. Mass., by. striking ft make good^ pOdiound box of dyiuunite tliet hiul fallen off an express wagon. Six perTHB MAltKtW. soha 'wei‘e_kUIed=o.utrlght, three more I..IVK STOCK. ■died-of their Injuries w ithin an houv a ml-40-others on the- oar-wero taken --Detroit.—Kxtrn,oFy-red. Him* awi to the 'two hospitals suffering from se- ers .(quotable). 'HfiOfifi; -1--- ■’ ■ 1.000 lo ' ■’ ttoHs lii tlic im m ediate, vicinity of th e steers1 wuLhe|[«i'(hit' Cx] »1cs ic 11—w ere r hu it^ ' I> y fi yi 11g g la ss ; tn—. -lhs. tj'.fO-i/i); choice faI <Xtp); good - fat eows1-l383:0,,i*it ml splinters. .... ..........■ |2.C cOwb, il,/.fHyjZ.2qj .Niiuicrfi, P. O. E. a t 0\yo8'so, Is rapidly- nearing Show8 the nuiubcr of R usflhn b u ild - —TherAug,ust In Ian fria rs h av e repfidJi 3J’2.!J i„ho,-Cft fading uteei's,-MO-,01 oompletfon. .It is .the old Merrcll ho^‘ lhgs occupied by us lu the neighbor nJed'' the ag reem ent m ade hi Rome botel, remodeled 'nnd rebit 11t-O-t-zveost..or hood of Liao -Vang station to be 303 tweGu the late-Pope-I*eo, th e late Arcb^ $25,000, and fitted, up like u j-alitce. houses and 2.14 warehouses, covering blshoT) Guldl, apostolic.delegate In th e |3.,o(giJ; choice, 600 to TOOV ,<(3, Jfllr Stockers; ooo to- TOOlbs ^milkers, large., yovmg, inedlutn ait 46: common milkers,■l;\'j/3ci,7 - y ' IvcZr^Tiriit:'-'fefuJcu, -KSIS; Philippine- L^IaTnrsrTnnt" Foiunerr^cfy* -ersrli^P.W, Ft*a ; ni e rn e r-T afti-th a t the m oney-pald hy^th a light toco Swindlers have been at work In the rice, wheat nnxb nilllet; 1.300 eases of U nited States in tho purchase of th e to good Inmbs; ycnrlliigg, U}itM: T .~F tllon: suhstl„ tlifi pa st few kerosene, 1.MH) eases of sugfti';'100 tons frlarai^londs,should remain In thfl lak lambs. 4 ^ = 4 ^ r a j d ^ -P v-BAUtw ln ,j^ a A n ^ t^ tfie M -js-p ro b a b ly -n o ^ o b je G iro n lo tu te ,-S 1m on- F-llion = Free)and, Charles' coal' a n d " iibich cordn’ood. - T ire am is, am i have requested th a f th o p q y common, $2@3. was at the r ennlpn of_hla..oid-reglmentv-- -days—trjdng- to Work the old gam e of of coalg entlem en still settlin g th eir little 'd if Yasold; substitute, Claud McCarth-jT the Ninth Michigan, a t Constantine. Hogs—lilhiiL . to Boprt butchm' getting a farmer to sign a contract am ount Of coal captured by Geu. Ku- merits to them be m ade In draftB on 6,M; ptgn anil Ikiit yorkem,. ft ficulties w ith a good pair of guns. rtdG' reported ■later. which Inter, turnsup a t a bank ns -a Loiidon.. roughs, H@4.60; .?(ngs, 1-3 onr, .Jesse Damon, of. Leonidas," fooled promissory, note. None ■of those..ap —----WoodcuKIng- on In o rfn if. ... with the primer of a dynamite cart Soonnil CouRrcM* rtt Tlie IlnRUC. It must, pyzzle Abhul Hamid to un Wovk f o r'h u n d re d s of -men w ill bo Chicago.—Good to rrlmo McctJi proached, so,far ns known; “bit.” Frlsrlitful CrirnnRe. 6.85; boor to medium,; i derstand why ’be Is spoken of as “the" Turnlshcd in -the. hardw ood fo re sts of ridge and lost two_flngers and a thumb. rThere.iwaa only ono child -golng-to _ P resident Roosevelt announced S at -The-olllelal -returns-lssucd -to-dato-of -and-Tee(!ers;’:t‘ 2;S6h'tcows, Win. Lemaron, ..of South Rockwood, school In District No.- 7 of Athens town- urday afternoon th a t nt an early date ■tho-easun.ltles’=a.moiig- t.he Russian ot- ers, $2@5.G0; cnnnor.vtbUW.'tf; unspeakable Turk” when no ope taljkg ron county this fall, and w in te r. Soihe Inil veB.-^BOmoO ’'I'cxiig-fcd alec —about the-unspeakable-Ktng.Leopold. 800 uTTTlie emfiloyed In the d istric t ad hold "tin by four highwaymen at ^hlp-last-yenr, and the hoard-ns-n-mat- lie.-4vonld ask th e 7)atUmK-of-ihe—w orld 4te«IS=aFMHPlJmUo-ufrd;lTro^Ymiir^iovw -4-i-cftl i>eeid- tA -r'nygtnt -IcnUg nlnno D uring tho..Huron riv e r bridge m id r elieved of ^ei=of=oeonomy—diH'mlHKeiFthe-$‘L=o tf>---join in n secoiu K c tiiigiTSs a t..T he tlieniM o-he 4«5-killed or wounded, im JJ5.50; woslorh steore, Jit/ISO. H ed p ts,—18,000; -min'icet-Hlrong:^ recent years e'ach cutting season has .$25. month teacher. Now there are five pu- Ilnguo for the ]>ro"uTbtIon. o i T ) 1f"nr- eluding 0 gen erals mid 33 field officers. mliea ‘ and- hutcliors i.V(i0^4Jto.. women keep on los —: -= “ rCholee— right, geerr the output of cord wood Increased ~~A~^VTlUlamSton farmer has.been; ctf- Tplls and the county school coinmissioirE ighty ofilcers w ere 'kllled,—372 w ere hulk ofhoftv-y,.-.|8..W4(i>.X0;. ing diamonds they might store them and-fhat^tr-piT-sejit-=-WllLbo.-no-excepBsales,r t;'i W,6; S)nepthe" ririnouiicement ^vouiulcd-n)ulJl3-iue-inisslngi— —— .."Z, ■^6;000;--shcep-stronfi^h>mbsr-f ed—to-appeftr-hi-tlie-ek'enit^court-be-- -cr - te-readhtfcthe-law-t'o-th and wear the receipt with the cost tlom More-wood than ever before will cause was. the-reception1by tho president of fi'r'icn wpthovu. $44^4.M; Mir Iff Durnnd was an exceedingly busy price of tho Jewels written across Its bo piu- litr-mnch of it destined for u so f a t h ehor . '■d id n ’t provide fo r his ' agedm ixed; |3.30®3r?OHw................ 0t ■ : ' ; town last week on a c c o u n t: of tho •the tl ciegatcfl to th e lnterparllnntentnry face. ns fuel-In M ilw aukee, Chicago a n d oth y--Luther C. A tkins, th o l a s t surviving' union which recen tly held obsession a t Peter Knrngcovgevitch was crowned East ..Buffalo.—Ca it,lei Best er cities. T he liaijd'wood tra c ts In Iron v o te ra m o f th e M exican wnY In th e 'vl-' sta te f a ir ’ a t Pontine. Thousands of St. Louis. • I '" '- ' *. ■'• .;• ’ klhg of Servla on Wcdncaday. Theyo RteorH, $4.60@6,25| best l.iOO'ti) people, .headed, for the fair, changed shipping steers, ■$4.30@4,'iJ;T im es.change, and-w e change w-ith county are' of groiytr, e x te n t an d , tho ciulty of M ason, Is dead a t th e age of were no host lie demonstrations and no lb.-:, cabs nt Durand, a ml..sometimes sev 1,050 to 1,100-lb. butcher steers, Four Hundred Men Idle. . them . A man who paid $34 for a Pan- wood Industry will: continue to .thrive 81 years. attem pt:to-carry onhnumerous threats 4.30. OO0 to 1,000-lb. butcher l —■■ . . ■ eral .hundred were sidetracked for ■About 400 men a r e out of ;w ork. n t nenlnst:th king’s"life]' ■ $3,7604; best f n f cqws, 13.H Airift. h a t three years ago says th a t’"he for many- years tq_como. n tfs■'a t a tiiue. unable tb-got trains. George- l4 V T c rrj—m id JHSs Taylor,fafr lo"good, $2.7603; best fat Boston In consequence of -.the. strlkaaof. is going to -use -it-for a h en's :nest this $'3.2603.60; medium -heifers. It of Pohtliie- ,are'"serj,6usIy. Ill from e a t D avid Smith, of W olf CreelcT^assert fourteen engineer^ niul cranem en em Judge .Ho^elLPuMeu Awny, 'Orthodox" J n n Mob Soclaliat*, fat hotfors, Rrassers, $2.6001.75; ^winter. ■ Judge Andrew' Howell died a t his ing toad stools w h ic h -th e y supposed aw ay, aged 02 -yenrs.- Ills aged wife. ployed on contracts. Ill Boston harbor, The day (if atonement w as marked mon stock licifers, |2.2502.SI; only-’ono year. his jii.i11or', -1&-also- ;criti- by th e E a slc n i D redging—Coiiipany^ InrTvOHdott- ny Herkms—rioting In th e -feedi ng s teers7— ,75; Jieft Sana lake cottage Wednesday mornting steers, $2.'75 ©3; common let The police.,.spy. th a t th e Women’s tng. He w as 77 years old and had r.c- • C ongressm an F o rd n ey prom ises t h a t cnlly Ml'and avIII probably follow him T he strik e order w as Issued, from th e .lewlsn qnartor of the east end. Over $2.2502,60; common stnekers, fashion of- carrying- handbags is re^ ceijtly suffered several strokes_ of *pnr, ri... th e federal building a t Owosso, w hich shortly.. Last August tlio-couple cole' n atio n al h e a d q u a rte rs o f ;th e n ational 2,000 Jews eiigtiged- ln-a-cUsturhanco 2,50; expo-rtv btflis, $3^8®!;luilla. ti -hoi (Imps?... ."As -ftiyeW ^ H ^ e a n a e —to->"Mr<diigah---f4^ils-To^:eostm\mr-$-35^KtQ^lsLfa2bi^begurr- :brated.:their: OTtlnvcddlng nimj-vcrsnry^. mrioiHn-GhieagoeATlydri^Hioweok, 11n(i-i tea id,w-3O0 -pollca=had=:to=i)e--oftWeU4^ fre s h oowr" nnd springers.dull; Eight-children blessed the union, six of i., ,-i '.’th e ' days of Adam- -the wom an is Senecn 'county. New.: Yoift, w h e n 4 early in the-sprlngj* o p t - b e f o r e 'th e d is o rd e r w a s q u e lle d . to e x tra . ' $38048: medium to 8 ' lom-aro atlll- living^to blame. .------y e a r r old. 036; common e r!7 0 22T ^ _^_Dj»n'1Chplo* Wn« Shot A t7 ien inry urotners^safahne, -farm -in. M asOn townshipt-nnd -waa a -wont to thf cellar to get vegetables, There was a 'freight wreck In the An a tte m p t w ns- m ade off'tTre7"!ife o ■ The new est' wrinkle in goif is to -ntembor of''- thLi"l’TunvCTtloii ’ of 1830- She feTTovcr^he” (T6a"(r'trody o f her te^-SiUHttsh- p reten d er-n f ^ve a vyi $600,30; p ig s T T W H n, lon-G-nard^-al'^spend steady w hich came rath er : * -■ _TH!t' a drop-^of-the ell -of—rhodlum on Widch"formed the constitution of tlie b a n d, H e a rt fallur.o cause. ■trhr ■■Jr- sta te of M ichigan, In 1847 and to 1850 r.'rom a .'c ity w a te r .f a u c e t a t the. young -Andrew, studied a t T ecum seh store of- lhe I^ansliig Trading nssoclhand a t th e W esle.van sem lftarv a t Alblon. ab o u t five InchcH^long and very active. F re d fiatzer, of Bay City, w hose conlie Itcpenteil Too ,IiQ*e. ■ Tlie English have made a treaty at. — Lhasa—-T-he-Brl tlslt-1!ion-and-the-ThflK —H am rFfughes, aged 23, eummitted vlctlon In th c -elre n lt c o u n ciiuacd lily etam lamb will ndw lie down together, suicide at his home on Mill street in m o th ar's death# .from shock, war ni- In w hat relative -posltlons---:ho^ £lllp_by, Hughes lowcd by t h e 's h e idfl fo a tte nd tho funeeds to Re told. - _' J had been, prinkliig. Ho w a s seen by nerali Philip E a g a n , aged 20, of Grai^d ! ■V ■'..—---- •- '-■•I- - —- . ■- v neighbors tO enter his liouse; I^is wife was -n w a^' -Sooii--hecn me -sta-ggeriag-R-a plds>-Jui»ped-item h -l’erc' Ma rqu ct to ~ “W orkmen- - rebuilding---- B altim ore out arid" asked H arry .Baldwin to run tra in and, fallin g under the wheels, .....foundJt.lQtL.of. wlicat. sUlL.hurnlng on. fo r rn ‘doctor.- -When Bnldwlhjvretupned h a d -both legs a m p u tn te d ^ n b o v e tho one of the wharves. And the “all-, he« found' Ilughes' dead. Hughes was ankle. ‘ ' -th e ball... W hen th e ball ..Is lo st you tu rn a dog loose, and the anim al finds T tr^ G 're a t Idea. ■ .. . .frost gines qh a doublo-heiider m eat train m orning stroll when an uriknewiV m an in g n few days at. Ben" Mac D hul, A»i toSheepgood, $5.76@6; cuTfsTeortimoij and an eiiglne on' a-local freig h t m ef fired'' a pistol- a t 1dm. T he bullet- epidem ic of sm allpox a t /Io n City Is 0 e f mixed■8h4ep,- $3.76^44 head oik resulting In tlie sm ashing of missed Its . m ark. The would-bo a s said tt> have hastened h is r e tre a t to h is 13.5003.76; cu11s, bucks, ,$?.50». all throe engines and seriously Injuring sassin escaped. VJ^Ittlo^GJn 11 lc c ,” ns h e calls W h it e lp k o , -14ti irlnpnr-HI ncb-Wni'i bvj v n'f ~Tl-rt-iv= ■Huglncer-Olockwoi'th of fJi'nTvyl’ Graird-R'rtp^ ids, derailing several cars and block LOCATION OF ETSgSHAN AND AN TESHAN F0RT8, REPORTED CAP. ing-trn tile, ■ TURED BY JAPANESE. 7 D r r -Gharles Bhcekle, u successful practit loner ;of O w o ssO f^leaA ^ s^ln ^ ^ ~Anry<Sw va-fA vemb¥r to tak e up Ills residence • In n 4 y#Ao/>. "ttehit Adi southern California. Hls-prA-eHee-^htt-ttStJti beon purchased by Dr, T, N, Yeomans, of B ancroft. W. It. & a . W .JIoqlcam y $Hf n - HnW»4.6O0T76 n*s; T. .. ______ to extra; Calves: eCholco iih ic e --- $7,60fl7t73i G rain ., ■ Detroit,-- Wbe^t-f’ash' NoJ, , bld^Sooteniber._2.<»Q_hU ot MV[ •' 9. who Conduct a grocery, ,crockory a n d <r shoe Jjusjnoss a t Owosso, a re selling .-outJr= signal was sounded more- than the son of Sir. and Mrs, James Hughes, a *-*-'-*' A s a lo o n k e o p e f a t In to rlo c h o n , Is a t - o u t anti ■will go. Into business in Pasa—'seven-m onths-ago! . ____ ____ of-CUo, and aboutA-yeauAgo-was^ujftEi. -donn, -Cabr-tlUs-falU— :------- ^ Itowtfjl imirrtt rled to Miss L'otty Diamond; v of sm allpox, an.d Is teiidlng b a r n s wdl). A large assemblage of' F,lint’s faslvdAf«yAiVa<. " It" w e ~ d ts t r e M i h ^ th T t ^ m e r M elba T he people object to It, b u t do mot sta y iointblos 111led St. I’an i’g_ehuichl-atirACai, "Neyv ImluMry for MloMgnnr SfJtw .:*w as f'overcomo'’ a fte r ru nning oyer nwny. J ■ noomWmlnesdny towvitness the nup Stato- Land Commissioner Wildey % ancP killing a man w ith h er automoB erth a —L eonard, 0-year-old hiw hsir tet. bile in" Paris. T h e -F re n c h p e a sa n ts has-rccobvedzrA- letler from' a-m nn 1n (laughter of- John- Leonard,—of- 17U-f-D.-_Buek-t,)glmm,--a—prominentr-youn)^ the northern part of the statej who Slxth .................... ..................... street,• Detroit, strayed* away business limit;^of this city/ Followshould be more careful. •writes.that ho is about tp establish a iro m -h erh o m d -waa_pLcked up at lug the ceremony a wedding hrenkfAHt ■ as* plant for- fhlf^nrmnn’nctnro of^urpon. VassarT=-_==— - - . ------ - ----- — : isa s given n t.the lionie:.of.ithe-Jirida’s uiiiir tine, tnr, etcr,—from Norway nine ttfmfA .and w on’t-fly o r w o n ir s te e f o r w o n 't- do sfiiinps, and,Suggesting th a t as state ■ The tofal paklMrs. Buckliigludn le ft In"The afterLU' cither, Persons" h o ld in g railw ay se lands.are covered with stumpa o f plne falr this >e«r ivas 48,574; total in 1003, noon for a trip to the west. 55,786. ’ J'lic heavy rnln on._.Wednos* c u ritie s- m ay-rconsider-'them a*reason- trees he would ■Hke^to' make n n a r Messrs,-:J oh nl-B. Va n -Fosseri "and daw caused-a~Toss-of- abeut-$0>000 for -sb ly -p erm tm en t In v e stm e n ts rangemedt-ivtth the state to-use the 7 tiia tlh iy ;' ■Robert Hemphill, ,lr., who are Intereststumps, , Cash B: -H erm an;— postm aster—a t -ediln the project of the purchase of tho\m i o i m - Tho cabled Intelligence from Ou ileton, and M!ss Luelcda-Rohbery, land for the new park for the Normal ftjNTS -Europe that- “(lrought- - bllghtst::::BoHhlighter of Gnarles Uebberj', wercr ■school ■« t "Y-pstla titlrhftvrirrccclvcd^8fi(y{ itUAMOG1 l ^ u 8Ntar4 bemla” is in the nature of a, crass —H 0? , ; - , H L n /!vn o f mv bride’s home AVednes- of the $1,200 noccssary by popular sub' maiTloil a t the «MD» scrlptlon, H -w lll bo nn-ensy^ma ttc r to - t r u is m . -ATproftmged—drought-wouldilflTTUTenioon^ prominent young society drive Bohemia to suicide—or water. hollo of Norfolk, Va.. at t;ie home of Ezra C.. Shoecrnft, Jr., of Coldw^atcr. secure the rem ainder. T he plot Is a tenlot w ith m any n atu ral advantages her pnrents In the southern city, The lms just been appointed a civil' engin acre a n d will lie-converted Into a n aboretum Dun’s report, says th at “retail trade event comes as a complete surprise eer on the canal w orkat-B anam a^H eIn fall lines of dry goods, clothing, jo Mr^SmHit^s-mnny frlendB ns they gradum ednast Jtme from tte “ Univer- fo r th e Norm al a n d th e city* fvce, former edltor^of—thc. — Etsolian, fort; reported captured by^--- — __Charles millinery and-nearly all wearing ap- wero n o t awnro that ho contemplnteib srty-of-Mh*higanr-— Saginaw Vnlley News, was found th e Japanese, la onn o f t.ha_ prinntpni have captured Ib caUcd-Anteshfthrand such n<ntCT>. After an extondoil foretmj parol ■ehown--ft^hettU-hy "ei‘ow th /f and fttanda^about, a .mile north oF 'E tso trip the couple will take up their resl* collided ,hoadion at Stevensvillc, seven dead '111 thfi' Old homestead, Mt. Cletnthis, 0 married man, is what it calls donee defensive works northw est of Port shan. The la tter la. Considered to be m s , having died suddenly and alone In-Adrian. ’ ■ ^leSiB^omh^o^LSt.^^scph’^arid^Engin- during tlio night. -Ho was 07 years old. A rthur. It surmounts a 'h ill 4 65-feet >he key of -- ................. .. “prosperity I”, P ort Arthur. An Inner -Hf-mudemoney-ln -th enowspaperduisU In height, ,and . Is - ab o u t-tw o d-aung8hoo-lfr4>ltUfttcd directacs 3 but took to di'ltik, and when his from; What is called tho new city, lo- Iy. east, of Etsoshan, but m ilitary crlt* It Is said that, the cruiser MU Warden Fuller's rotpiest for special seriously Injured; w auketrrTlauTrch e d-_atTSan-Franelscor mpproprhit lo n sto tlm-atndnntncrf-^T^SOff —Jiunea'L.-McDonald._of_Alpenn,ox-_ wife - was .finally . compelled to leave jcateoVan the northern- "shore of West les believe th a t the holders of Etsejustice, hns been npikdnted a him he gave up and canto back to_ the ^tabie^toHhc water gracefully,” but for the reforinatory for thoi next two police deputy oil inspector for tho fifteenth home a few years, ago. He ha* "P6f1T Thfs new city Is occupied Jjrin- shan can dominate the fortress. In nonsidorlrig the name of the vessel We years was so very modest th a t tho Inspection district, succeeding th e late old the w a r , of 1894 Btsei m was cap lived alone., aupjiorted by. an allow clpally by Russians, Another fort of control quickly approved the shall require confirmatory evidence -board tured by the brigade of Gen. Nlshl, _____ ance from' a neptiew. A amount a t'tlm lr la s t!.regular meeting. Lyman J. Sylvester. that the Japanese are reported to who is now fighting a t P ort Arthur. before believing it. ’ '. The general condition of.the buildings St. Joseph, for Its size, is the chntnThe first annual fair of the Huron Is better tlwn a t any tl^Yo before, Shore Agricultural association will bo plon litigation city in the 'country.' Admiral W alker and other members Search, the !average married man’B ‘ . i -i ... 6 held a t Alpena September 27 to 30. Within the past year it hns defended The attendance a t the St. Louis ex of the Isthmian canal:commission, who position last week forv the first time vest pockets and you will find from Stand* fci Her Father, Tho association comprises Alpena, Al- six damftgo cases resulting in personal, a rrived nt New York W ednesday from ten. to thirty recipes clipped from the George W. Pnyjip, sentfroiri Allegan. conn, PfOSque Isle and Montmorency claims for Injuries received on def<w ■Fnnnmn, resum ed their duties a t exceeded one mllMan; the exact figures . were Total* aUondnnco tocooking cblurans of the papers. . Pos' March 10, 1003, for ten yenrs for an eountlcs.Over- 8,OOi&dn purses Is offered tlV Q -^ d c w n lk S i j o U f l ^ s e ^ f T h e c ity JriTTf '■ W n M M g tS h T ^ lm date*; 11,022,430. elbiy they Out out tho recipes so their alleged criminal assault on his dnitgh* for pacing, trotting had running overflow of standpipe, etc. The notice section sontiftiv win neennv tb« imrn<wriin<tn will occupy the Immediate e»* Mrs. Mary T. Thatcher, 45 years old, Wives, will not seo them arid try -to ter^seeks ii pardour clftitnlng-hts inno •evefite. n ...., ......... .....: - ....... '... — 1 of the seventh-sult-bas-Just been-flied- tention of the'coinmlBslon. wife of George Thatcher, tho minstrel, cence. lteceritty. testl'moriy wns taken ‘The counties of' Alpena, Alconn, West Bay City lays claim to having follow ihemi “f)r. M cCarthy lifts klH c;!'p,0 Montmorency and Prosqqo Isle will defended the most sidewalk damage Ills theory of keephi^ ^boarders,” saVS committed suicide at her homo In West from his daughter aged 14 years, now ,. . — -----— -* ." a four-county fair at Alpena crises, having lmndled thirteen In one One {lundi’cd. ami Slxtli street, New A speaker before the International nt the-Industrial school at Adrian, and hold September 27-30. Tho fair 1b given year. These cost tho.-clty a little more a lioto found Ip u»o pocket of Mlss'X. York,i fcutfdrty-night, by Inhaling gas. she denied the nfljnlr In toto. Geographical Congress has been, urg under tho auspUies or 'tlio Huron thnm $ 1,000, the gronter number of M, Hall, ogVi 03, who leaped to dentil She was said to have suffohHl. from n from the futer-provlnelnl bridge a t Ot- nervous trouble, nnd th is'Is thought ing plainer weather reports. ,jho has . - T ^ ^ a u B re jJcclBiorisJjoing in favor of the eltv. fe in ix irr a4 Shore . Agrlculjuirui JpcLoty,_ mo q ccourc o u rt^ oopeu p e n s Gu o to lie tetway Cut. The doctor-Sftys shrv- wn* bTfieerB aTg-nnrfrttTg-m thetr -nffoTtg fQ 'Mlcliridl' CCfliW f ' TWiWf1gVilltv tfiTrCorarliy insane,. Mias linll wn* for to have caused. her to take her life w ith a^ddcl^L„^W I|LlM ^ w ant is an absolutory accurate predic This Is tho lurgost Qoc'kct oiTrecord In make ttro flat fa ir o f the new ’of forldiv many yenrs principal of a young ladles' Mrs. Thntehor 1alverlted $50,000 only ii r a tio n a euccesB few months ego from an uncle In Phil tion of/the w eather In their own front MlqU'gAUing Ida motheM ri-law n t Oscodf. private school; adelphia, ‘ s yard —about a month la advance. ? . No 3 "white. Wejr. ■ rcr.ombcr. -33c:, rffUimlolcnr « v Byc=Crish- No 2. i <«»‘ «ft Beane—Cash. / Jl-Wi ..OotoMr, .* v :VCl?vijr. ^eed ^ T ^ ^ B P o ii-® ,-37 20- Bamn io - 30- bags-A n t l k f t t H ot $C.-^ ^t^bor. E ,. $7.-20:- D e c r,m b e i= M ^ a p jU y MlBlk^Or bags $1 .35. , 7 __ ^__ ::_________ ■' AMUSEMENTS T?r PBTR^ m w ■■, l1' -good .,to good, $6.6007, Week: LAVAVSTT* T H B A T rix- T h ^ ^ . '-Honriay. Wednesday, ss? StKAKEItS T,fiAVIVg i?)aR gundV^Ttmc-. ..... . for 1»°« Huron end *W m. aridPort Huron J?!'./,! netrolt6;*),°' Ix>avo for w t W At0!),.. Kmll TIlomDS, 'f i 'o S t S V mo^t aklfitlc ® ^ ie« A |in aged stftge, Is dead In uidtw ft* 18(12-03, , M jc» m nde a to\ir of the uim ( le t In « » lO-cmulle poxvc* “ ii,t « jj, n roll >-om- tooth «»' 3 while you look cnli»Jy °(JW(n dlsoovery of two Pr0 ^ (^ (l ^ Switzerland, . ns repwtot y States 6oii««4-:Germany. r h ® trie whether or not ho h P scheme, T: / ; Y U . 'vJ■'^ ^' ■";t;'r1:'' ';w" f' f v b j: J j " u ;f‘t . L IT T L E TIM E B E T W E E N S P E L L S . COMPARATIVE FORCES IS FAMOUS BATTLES : ix-i Ml z / i , / ZX/PJ/C OCT 7a. 7*33 230000 rx x N W / & 000 SJB2MM-.... -__ « o « r g /07* GXXtfAW rUBNCJt ssaooo ■ 1 jttrsrxrA H _* ooo i&0>000 Proof of Widow’s Constancy. “Yes,” the widow, answered, , glan olng down at her pretty; plump, white hands, as she rocked complacently back and--forth, “my ring is -rather broad, I know. You .see, I have tjeen widowed three times, and I used to wedding rings in turn: first, John’s for a few days, then Pwould put on EdWardls and then I would wear ;the ring Robert'gave me. But I pe.ver. felt quite happy. “When I was wearing John’s.xing, I felt, somehow as though I was disloyal to .Edwkrd and Robert. When I pu t o.n Edward's ring, I felt unhaippy be cause I seemed to be neglecting John and Robert, and when" it came time to take, off . that ring and give Robert’s rin g 'its turn, I fe lt1as though 1 was disloy.aLtQ^yAtatandJftCQndr Final BOY. ly I solved the problem by .having all 'of 4«5 YJ 1 jw m Answer o f Valet Showed the Two ' Bids* to an Exons#. Gon. Frederick D. Grant, w ho' baa receatiy—been-aesigfhed-toM he-oom * mand o f th e D epartm ent t»f the East,, la boted for. the' equanimity of his temper. , Gen. G rant believes In self-corn* mand. C oncerning hasty.‘{empers, he said one day: “Thq plea; of th e quick tempered is that If they are sdon d n g e r e in W are soon pleased agald. There is an answer to this plea, though. The former valet of a friend of mine bps a good hnswer to it. .lllhis valet, an excellent .servant, worked: for my friend" two aaopths. Then*he said th ^ t he was going to leave, “ ■Why are you going, James?’ my friend said kindly. T • ' ‘ . ••• ‘“ Well, sir, to be frank,* James answored, 'you are too quick tern pered.' “ ‘Pooh, pooh, James;* said my friend. ‘What If I am a b it qulclTtera pered? My anger is no sooner on .than it is off.' : . ______ ' '“ True, sir,’ said James respectfully, 4but It is no sooner off than it is on again.' ” maaded it. The Republican majority.r*fused'tho demand. The people can de* termine by'their vote in Noyembev whether they wish an honest and thor ough investigatlon. A-7Dp1boora.tlo Con gress and exeoutlvewlll assure it. - ^ Wo ere justly proud of tho officers and -men-of-our-arroy-and -navy.- -Both.,.aogfc.. ever, have suffered from the .oersietent Injection of persoafti and p o lltk ^ jfcO F T H E I W fluenoe. promotions and appointments have been frequently baaed on-favoritism: Instead of merit. Trials and court-mar tials have been set aside under circum Exhaustive and Able Document stances indicating, political InterferoDOflt. m anufacturer, would receive: g re at .benefit These and: other abuses should be cor ■ by extending his m arkets abroad hardly rected, “ Made Public by the Demoneeds demonstration.; : H is productive .ca ^ ........... pacity has outgrown the home/ m arket. cratlcNominee. ■fne“ e r m '““ Home M arket,", hnas a s - pensions -to *ne“ very tterm sallora changed in Its .significance. Once, from -the m anufacturers 1 point of view, it ground-__ _____ , _____ meant: expansion; to-day the inarvelous ment. It pledges by .its platform ade TARIFF CHANGE ISv^fi^MlSED growth of. o u r m anufacturing industries quate legislation to that end.,' But: it has fa r exceeded the consumptive capac denies tho right of the executive, to usurp ity ;of our domestic m arkets, and .-The the .power of Congress to legislate -o n , term " H o m o M arkol’’ implies coritmc* that subject. Such usurpation was.- at VVith Victory?in November the Ra« tlon, m th e r thoh expansion, :_lf we would tempted by Pension Order No. 7$.'and run our mills to- their full-^apaclty^thu«r- -cftect"aabeongivejvfo"t-byaCongrej» p’acity of the Trusts Wit! Be /giving steady employment to our workn that dared not resent the usurpation, ; .It men and -securing, to them and to ‘the. is said that "this order .was made ifl the m anufacturer th e profits accruing, from performance of a duty Imposed/upon tho, . Curbed by Wise LeglsIatloo., Increased production, other m arkets m ust, preaiaent-_by not of Cqngrms",nut tho; be found.. Furtherm ore, whOn our-m anu provision making the Imposition is not: facturers are dependent on ruw--materJa|s4 out.- Tho act to which the order. Riclffracaf Trade Treaties a Neces In whole o r . p a rt imported, it Is vital pointed rofers, whlch is the one relating,. -- p?hthe extension of their m arkets ab ro ad - sions to C iv il' W ar veterans, does n o t sity of the eituatton-fUnderhand to authorize penslons/on the-ground ofJ agetlm f thoy secure their m aterlals -on the; favorable Terms. — — It-Tfloos g ran t-pensions to those, “sufforMethods of the Administration in most Our m arty red president, William Mc Ing from any m ental or physical dc*a-. Panama Denounced—Justice for the Kinley, appreciated this situation, H e biflty, or disabilities, of a perm anent pointed out In his last address to tho character, not? the resu lt o? tholr ow n Filipinos Urged—National Leader people th a t wo must' m ake sensible trade vicious habits, which so IncapaoitatCB •. H arrangem ents 1f “ we shall extend the them from th e perform ance of m an u st ' Pleada for Co-operation of All Mem outlets for our Increasing surplus.” Ho labor as to render them unable-to earn “ stem which provides a m utual a support." This speoified requlreijaentf , . bers of the Party in the Struggle said, exchange of commodities is manifestly es- of/incnpacity lad in effect sot aside by O r tp th e continued and healthful der No. 78 as to all persons over elgty-r ' for Wise Legislation'and Good Gov sontla.r ' , ftrowth o f our oxport trade. . . . 'lh o two. ' pM period of exclusiveness Jsn a^ t. ,Tno cx< The war closed nearly forty years ftg^ernment.. , , in sio n :o0f: our trade and eommeloe Is In tho meantime, m any of our sotdlera1Sie_presSing dj ■problem. Commercial . wars -and sailors long survived the a'ae»of s>x« A policy of good will • ty-two, and-passed aw ay w ithout recelv- v ar■ 0 unprofitable. O! ltd friendly will ‘provont SC., relations . -..... . . ............ . . . . re . - Ing any pension. Skillful pension attoiv: Esopus, N. Y., Sept. 26.—-Judge Par- and treaties are in har- neys hunting through the sta tu te fa)ls4 prisals. Reciprocity " ker to-day made public his letter sup- mony w ith the spirit of th e times p m eas to find there a provision giving a p en sion to all who had reached sixty-tw o. plementlng "his ^acceptance of tbe ures of retaliation are not," This argum ent was made in tho Inter -Many prominent veterans urged th e Ju ik nomination tor- President__of the est of our m anufacturers, whose prod tleo of-oongressional a c tio n ___ _ United States tendered him by the ucts, he urged, “huve so multiplied, th a t vico pension to^irlt^vcterans. Bills to problem of more m arkets th a t effect .were introduced rln Congvcw* / national DemoCTati^conventlon, The the our urgent an d Immediate atten tio n .” He And not until March of th is year did had come t a realize th a t the so-oalled any one ever claim to have m ade tb a document follows: ^ “stand put” policy m ust give way—th a t discovery th a t tho president had power To • the Honorable Champ Clark and there m ust be a reduction, of ■duties to to tre a t the sta tu te as If It read t h a t / ;mlat6 commwot United*States 1statutes ej erlng the case. Such -Is ■1 land; ■ . , R e c ip ro c ity. ,-Ja-toy-dddr«ss--to-tbe^iotlfloatlon^eom*~ mlttee I ^said that tariff reform “js de manded by the best ('Interests of, Jioth. manufacturer an d , consumer.'1 W ithequal truth it can be said that the bene fits, of reciprocal trade treaties would enure to both. That, the consumer,would be helped is unquestionable. That the m m Others, Committee, E tc.: Gentlemen; In my response to your committee, a t the formal notification pro< ceedlngs, I referred to some, m atters not jnen.tioned In this letter. I desire th at considered as-Incorporated here in, and regret that-lack, prevents apeciflo reference to them all. I wish ........................................... -d: enable our m anufacturers to .o u ltlv u te when a claim ant had , passed the ag e of foreign m ark e ts.'T h © last words of this sixty-tw o years.ho Is necessarily disabled.; preslclent---wbfLhad-won the- affection of^ one-half in ability tp perform m anual hjs countrymen-i-ought to be studied by labor and therefore entitled, to a penslon.every man who has any doubt of l he ~ If elected, I will revoke^that o rd e r.'B u t / necessity of a reduction in tariff rates I go further and say th a t th a t b e in g ' In the interest-of th.o m anufacturer. T-hoy done, I will contribute my effort tow ard . G&rrxrjrma __ * v present w ith clearness a situation and the^ cnactm ent of a law to be passed by JVZ.Y J, 3309 ' a proposed remedy thnt prom pted ■the both houses of Congress and approved by BCMCUUMA __ ZW70JV-----GeWTXPSftMV -provision in our platform which dcclaies- the executive ,that will give a n ago pen __C X m A 7072 6 3 .0 0 6 ~ >70 OO0 A£Z*3S> . (RAVXZOTJX that, “We favor liberal trade arran g e sion w ithout reference to dtaabiiity to. , SCiOtto ’77 OOO •■-, TXXMTT said stundard, and to express my appre- ments with Canada and with peoples of the surviving heroes:of th e civil w ar; gud ■740,000 340,000 w 4 ^ ^WKMNCX 'clatlon -of the action of the convention- -other—countries.-W heroilhsy,_can be en- _under tho provisions of Which a tOO.OOO 720,000 li^ reply to my communication upon th at tered Into .with benefit to" American ag-. may "Be accepteu .■with dignity -T subject. •^ • : • of the consciousness that It ' 4-----------------Imperialism. -tt-Just-dus fimit-thc pecpls-thm _ If wo would- retain. our_-]ibertics .and _Tne 'persistent refusal of. tho Republl- chosen ronreaentatlves, and HOt as largem; constitutional lights unimpalrad.-wo can ■can m ajority in the Federal Senate to . dlstfibutedlby t.he chief .executive., not—p c r m l t o r tolerate, a t any tim e -o r ratlfy_tno~reclproclty treaties- negoftaled ^ Foreign Relations. HOPlLC3gAB0AftD»8>HP. • boudd for Rio Janeiro the captain saw STUDENTS' PRANK ON NEW for any purpose, the. arrogatlon of .un in pursuance or the policy advocated alike The. foreign relations o f the governconstitutional, powers .b y the oxocutlvo /by -M tv-Biaino—and .Mr...McKinley,_an d . -m ent^havc in late years assum ed specktl • his -secon(kjnato-taklng -plll8-from-abranch of our government. We should expressly sanctioned in tho Dlngley act Importance. Prior. .to th e acquisition ,of . roll and Epsom Salts the. Popu bottle. Make Him Innocently'Confess'in Latin . “It does make rather a broad band," be ever mindful of the words of W eb 'Itself, is a discouraging exhibition of bad the Philippines, wo w ere practically Inlar-'Medicines. “What’s that, sir?” demanded the she said, holding up. her left hand and ster, “ Liberty is only to faith. As alrc'ady mentioned, by,,' the vulnerable against attac k s by foreign : to the'Prbfessor He Is a .Fool.1 by m aintaining constitutional restraints exorbitant duty imposed oil many' an lrh- states, Those tropical possessions, howr. . [isand medicine in tabloid.form skipper. looking at the-c 1rclet In questlon, "but and a J u s t‘division of political p o w ers,". norted a r ticle by the _Dlngley .tariff .was ever,, soven..thousand miles' '.front' o u r. ‘go’ with captains of sailing ‘Pellets for my rheumatism? an-' Schoolboys are .telling of a self-seek- Then, you see, it makes me feel that I Already tho national government hSs ftvowntlTy" intended by it's author not to ahorea,. havB_uhahged all this and hflVO : be perm anent , 1 but to serve . tem porarily In effect nut us under bonds t o 1keep tn e ~ mered-tho mntor Am being' constant to all three ot become centralized beyond any point —----—= aid 01ng-a -------------*-nm—whjn)i .Urn FedCTat ■pwrn<»^~'~rrtYn new conditions -call for— era of the Constitution, How trem endItuiMflatUflforil.qlnft chests for Throw- them overboard^—com^ -he-was-aboirt-^o-enter-tlre-iatin-class; government w:aa empowered to offer a mefnagement, of foreign’ affairs t h e ' m o ra ‘ ' ousiy all ibis has added to tho pow er.of reduction; in return for—an^Tcquivalontvi circumspect in ittmt- ther.TeceT»t-American-----. craft, coastwise and ocoan- mended I the - captain..' ‘I don’t want asked 'them how lie "could say. "Good the 'president!-. It has developed from concession on the part of a foreign coun- Invasion of foreign, m arkets In all p art? Hens Victims: of. Old -Fogy Notions, year terw ear until It- a Im ost-cuuals tJia t „try.. P resident Mc.Kin.loy Undertook hon- of the world-has ejtcitod tho serious ap - _ l—A-sloIppor-who-has-worked such- junk-aboard-my ship.—Com‘e-aft 'ffiofnrfigl’^ f S s s o r " " “? many m onarcha." While the growth of estiy to carry out ."the purpose of- tho prehension of all the g reat Industrial poo-:' “My son and myself," said Dr. E. of |m before the mast Is very set pnd I’ll give you a dose of castor oil.' " our-country and tho m agnitude pf Inter- uet. A num ber' ot reciprocity agree pies. ‘It Is essential, therefore,-m ore t h a n . : . Hq was told, to say “Ego sum qtulsfato Interests may seem to furniah a ments were negotiated, which, if ratified, ever, to adhere strictly to the' traditional F. Hodges, “took an. automobile notions. ......Tho. old-fashioned r-New York Press. ■■• . -reason for thla centralization of would have had the. two-fold .result of liollcy of the country a s . form ulated by . tls, professor.”' >. . Martinsville. He was tbe chauifeur: plausible Bees are (good enough for him/ power, yet >these ‘same fuels afford tho cheapening many Imported products for, its .lirst president and never, In my Jbdg- ; . p of silling vessels' a^e re--. Pike's. Peak Anniversary. a When ;he met the -Iratin preceptor we did not return by the. same road. I most potent reason why the executive ‘American consumers, ahd of openlrfg and ment,' wisely departed from —to invitebe perm itted to cnoroac.h upon enlarging - foreign m arkets to American friendly relations w ith all nations while (9 keep a record of. all ' the Ono of the. most elaborate celebra .the next-morning the doluded one don’t know how many^ hens^ we ran should'not th e—other—departm ents -of the .govern ■produoers.^.Nqt one of those agreem ents avoiding-entangllng^allianoes with -any.- -ment; a^d..assume:/teglslaTIv.e;::oT: other 'has meT w ith "Tib approval--.or -the, lte j. over going and^eomlng. We did not (foe they servo out to th e , crew tions ever planned In Colorado"Is be loftily lifted his hat and said, “Ego Reform In Governmeritfil Expenditure*. - - : powers, not expressly cbiiforred by the publicun m gsters of the Senate., Indeed Tw enty-eight years have passed since stop to count std.with-thoJLln'ited-Bttites:Ship.-.. -ing conatdcred_by._t om istltutlnn' -they, did not even perm it tholr consldaf- the Democratic party'of- the s ta te of New — -em n-'stultlsrji)t,ofe3so rr 1 The Islatia of Imnerltillsm .which'-. has -ation^^In^-vfaw—or the""attltude or lho York;—in—coiiventiott—nssembied, recom ------f It Is a dry time _and the rfidds are ommlssioner. The flies . show. Colorado Seringa to commemorate the h e-eountrw-1 nvolves-ar Tnfesc n t^ y cc u tlv e rntraew -agrccm cnt need The=oldj-professor-toolratrocuiar A n-' dusty. hC iK-etr-thrustf-Hpon-1 -worse k-moaL-papular doses .aboard. jii^eovery of. .Pike’s peak. The contondecision w hether tho law of the, land or be expected from him. Nor docs t.he He- nomination . o f 1 Samuel J, Tlldeh as its,. , .. . the n ulo jor individual cuprlcer:' publican T hitform cuntn 1n a .. fii'.'oTable-- — ^ f**- <h,‘ p'yampnrty, a nd dop castor oil and E psonraattsr 'TriHl' anniversary of Zebulon—Plke!s ventory or tne youth- “from head fo~ hens. I suppose it is different witli oi'ii, The. principle ‘ >lo of imperial!......... imperialism may .. i eferenco to one of tho suspended treaties, clared It to bo “ their. Settled conviction lof-llkes-fto go to1'sea-without ‘ fli^sb—view—of^-thls-^famous—moupta-ln- foot, and thc-n. with a Queer smile.' re- Jiens -in t he cities and ■towns, But give—r ts e - rtoMjrllw liant , iitarUIng—das hing- T h e I'ceiproctly elans'es-or+hcr-DInglcy a e t- th a t a rctmTn~ to-rthxr~consHtu-Bpual b rtn '.............. plled: Bi alang.tttOQuijtry roads they haye not resuttH ^but: tho principle lp . .of Nomocracy socm -destined to roninlh a monument of clplos, frugal-expense -and-adm inistrative.. supply of both of them. falls on Nov. G, 190G, apd already the holds, in check tho brllllant executive and legislative' cozenage and politicitl bad purity - of tho founders of .the Republic ‘ ertoSy-'-.tu es^-^and—the^-twhln jyj.t. Ififti-nfid to; rrtakn proper calcula- subjects feior oil Is a> -cock-sure cure-all-, -people o f. Coloratfb-Sprl him to the-^sobeiv- conservative ■Ittlth, ■unless -the people take the m atter Is the first and most Imperious npe duty or tho people. -. • ■ ■■> in their own hands a t the ballot, ,box tlio. times-—th e com m anding.. issue is 8i now foj.nion-.of the old-faShioned sea giui. to prepare for a fitting' celebra passed, eac,h on his own/way, both de tions for escapo ,from the automobile. control of The Tariff and T ru ster ^ andcommand a..reduction of duties i n ’ ) 1 « ' o f : the union:’ before the people'’ of union;” T his cidedly pleased, ami'" -the -boys who The hen is of a mathematical turn of • Jry. Ho doesn’t believe in the tion. > .,• T ariff reform la_one of the cardinal I'oturn for reciprocal concessions. strong - expression' was called forth by Independence-fpr the Filipinos. . ^ the national expenditures for the y ear. ‘‘rubbering’1 were hilarious. They mind. She rolls' iri the dust .of the principles of th e Democratic- fa ith ,-an d Ingled preparation's of It, either. necessity . for It was.-never greater In some quarters it h as be'en assumed 1875, which am ounted 'to i274,000,00u-—a afterward told tlio. ambitious youth highway._and' no_horse-drawn vehicle the |ves tbft-ie'ab^iuff and in 1^-ge Steer Clear of South Africa. than a t tho present time. It should—be --that/' iirr.thcf- d iscussion—of ,the- Philippine - situation which, in the opinion -of-ra- inka t onco’ in the Interest of all question in my -response, the pinaso Jorlty of our people. Justified an Impera OernmnsT Syrians, G-rc’eks, ‘Danes, that lie had confessed to the professor was.ever known to run over ona._ She undertaken ■' Next to castor., oil - r should mir-pj;ople.-— ;— ------ ---------- ..............— ■•'self-govoi'nment.t'. was intended to mean, tive demand ror- reform in .tho admlnwflgufos closely, hut always escapes. that ho was a, fool, -and.had, moreover, ialts, qi'ilnino, Jamaica . glnger- Swedes,,. Roumanians, Bulgarians ami It tratlon of. public affairs. As tho ex*, , The Dlngley tariff ts.excessive In m'any something less,'than, independence. Ita. rate’s, and. as to them at Uast...,un-. was not Intended th at It should _b.e unv pend Ilube of the last fiscal year .am ount-:pregorlc, in the ,'ordpr mentioned. Russian Jews are pouring into South given the professor a very- -flippant Now, TOs. different when she com98 of instlv and oporesalvely burdens the peoderstood to' mean, nor do I think as nrt to tho enormouH total of S582.000.000, sailing vessel th©-cai)tain.4s 'ATjTca, :b u t'tlie.Bt-itisK' WOTkWOlt can title. But-thrrprofessor bad freely ac ■|o take the automob|le».lnto -eenald- ple. It secures to ffomestic m auurnbiur- used it u o cs.m en n less ........tnan indepChd. it ls evident trial a tnbrough lnve»Llgatioa — eration. She expects to escape by the eraV”sifigly or in combination, tho privi once.- However, to elim inate all possibil of the public serv ice-and-tho- immediate ~ ceptcd the youth’s-confession in his' ^ctor, and the '.sailors have to . nQ.t._be_ Induced to; go, Beer is' too' ityfor conjecture; I now state th a t I lege o f exacting excesslve.'prlces'tit-’iiome length of a .horse.... The horse is not and prices far above, the level of sales am in h earty, accord w ith th at plank in abandonment of useless’-amh-extravagan t v 'replyy"'‘Sur"ely-thbu-art;’’ he gives .them. On a ship dear there. there, and she faHs^-under-thi»=wheels -matte'/regularly by-thonpabroad:OTltlvi>H)f- -our^idatfonn-' th at—favors-doingT-fon^Lhe- ^fhan-Tthev- wcro—Vnon'- -T his-astounding . , it, thus giving a 'b o u n ty to foreiglYels a t I'illplnos w hat wo have already-done for increase Is out of all proportion to : the of. the juggernaut, 'a victim to old ythe^expCnse of .our own people. It levies tho ■Cubans:- -and I favor muking- the .increase of our population,..and nnds no , tho most southe'rly . point fix the Aleu-. fogy notions not in accord-with'mod*, ‘oppressive and unjust taxes upon many premise to them now’ thnt wo shall take" excuse from w hatever aspect wo view .forming, In whole pr part, tho pucb action as soon as they are reason-! th^ , Tho th^- .onnation. s itu a tio n .-'T h e national Democratic Democratlo tlan islands; Japan, and tbe Philip- orn speed 1 devices.’’—Indianapolis Articles ‘ - lied ■rnw nin'tftr|fil _pf many of ---mnt-fnV,n fi-ecinres rant. ■‘lYgp rcductlona ,W6KF": ' ' In CBItfa. News. : ' . mav/D m anufactured not > wily Tnrraen- ^ innuuitttvui vu products, v« mv. ifartured - T O m i a ii l i ’AHa l m . i can easily be~ nVauo tn ine aYfftuut TTTg~ttra uuiiHumei1, but-a4ds-eU .,...0 'Chain or Stations Half turning by a'southerly route to Guara, m anufacturer tbo m arkets ho needs and portions of which aro to be' found in pairing tho efficiency- of. any. bratjcji of .The God of Love. Hawaii and San .Francisco,. Thus the seeks abroad. Its unjust taxation, bur- vaeh oi lne: sixteen suuok.nnd territories, tho pu.bllc_sej‘vlce.’’ _Can there bo any It Is not goia' of rip p le d 'h a lrr ■ .■ ■ ■ ■ " " —. the people generally, forcing them mentioned in tho law, Is ,directly affected doubt of tho accuracy of this statem en t?Around t^e World— chain runs half around the world, Like cornfields sw ept by winds a t play; dens to -pay excessive'prices for food, fuel, by the national statu te—the outcome of In this connections. . It. . is . Interesting ^ to It-fg-nof-cheeka as rreah and fa ir— - —— clothing and other tteuusBuiiea of llfu. Intelligent ana porsisioht efforts ol load- note "The—r ecehT~~'ai»iinT lBliutlve—ordora As apple bloom a t dawn of day. It levies duties on many article n o t nor* , ing citizens.' providing for -the rcclama-, forbidding governmen-Lotpcers from m ak /American- flag ,-excopt _ Wei-Hal-Wel, r-To Connect Washing ■mally^lmpor-tod-—In- - -atvy- oonstdorablo- 'tlen'-nt— -nrld lands for the benefit of ing public any statem en t of ostlm gtes o n whore the station; has been in opera It- ls not these th a t sing to Love, amount, which" are m ad e, extensively a t noineseekeis. During the years of the which future; appropriations are to bO’ home, for which the most oxtromo pro- development of. tho measure which finally based.. And bid him wake so sure, so soon; ■■ , tion’for months, and in 'Japan,’ where That-, soo the skies alight above, tootlonlst would hardly justify protec received the vote 'of every member of ton With Japan, If a man of ordinary intelligence and the concession ' has, been obtained, tive taxes, and which in large amounts! tho upper houpo of Congress, it encoun- prudence should find-in,/the operating ex* And s e t him crying lo r tho moon. are exported. Such duties have been and tereil onnosltlon, baBOd to a large extent pertAfi3_Qf_hla' business, ouch a trem en -and-where-the-ser-vicQ will /b^/operatv -wfll contlml"e; to^be a- cTlfect lneonttve^te- -tqrott-tne v 1o w—th at—the—a l nr-of-tt u- ofo— dous-percentage of 7fiicreaser"-W0UldThe the form ation of huge Industrial combi motsrs was_to secure the benefits'of lrrl* not promptly set on foot an Inquiry , for iid-rin. conjunction wlth that-otM he As In. hidden seams; nations, w hlchrsecute from foreign-com gatlon to prlvdte_6w neis at governm oiit; ZIDiiL-cSus'e :of-the—wasto;»and-takci 7:lmmBT= I t Is not soul as e le a m n d light . Japanese government, The establish petition; are enabled to stifle domestic expense, Tho alm o f the'statute is, how- ; dlate measures to stop It, especially whon Icloslsg of .the contract between- W estrSouth' Cuban coast to Panama, ment of a station" at Washington, As- sunrlse In a 'poet’s, dreams. competition and'pfScUcaily to monopolize■> ever, to enable th ls-v a st terrttory- ta r o - tru sted employes have been found, dis the home m arket. ' ■■■.■ ■ ■ ■ .■ .■ ■ 7 claim its arid lands without calling upon honest- an d . convicted,- and a-w idespread Ivwnrhent *and the American Pensacola to Key West and South which will take place . before long, J t is n et these th a t give Love food i-EveTJ'nTW the argument-m ost-^requont- tho taxpayers" of the country at largo to Jm bressloirexfsts th a t a thorough invest}? And drlnk—the magic wlno and broad, F«t Wireless Telegraph com* Cuba to Porto Rico, distances -of although the fact is not generally T, hat set, amid his solitude. ^ ly .urged In behalf of the Dlngley-tariff, pay fo r it. W hether tho -purposes oTtlTe gntlori may discover other cases of m ataha ttggtn s t ta r iff reform generally, is bill will be fully, ncooropllshed m ust de fensance? W hen the chief executivoVrep soi-Wce in the Weat Indies from 460 to 1,000 miles. Between the known, will enable messages to be ex* The enchanted garland on Fils head. the_ necessity of caring for our Infant pend In' large measure upon tho ability, ported to Congress that, “ through frauds, Industries. Many- 0/ these industries, sobriety of Judgment, Independence and forgeries and perjuries, and by sham e | Pftcami^mark8 a long step for- -points largo bodies of land intervene, changedT'by- wireless telegraphy' be Love only knows one god Sublime, afte r a hundred' years of Iu 9t y growth, honesty of tho officers of thd'vthterior D e less briberies th e laws relating to tho The trinity in -unity; . and the currents cross and ■ recross tween the seats of government of the P tho history of this rrfarve]* looming np .ns Industrial_ giants. In partment having this great work; in proper conduct of the publlo Bervice }n And the god’s nam es are Space -and Time are their easor at" least.-- tho- Dlngley tariff charge. - -- ----------- — -=■ ” -=r^=J-- - “general; ail'd 1to- the-due-ndm lnistratlon- of-/ wthod of communication, and each other, •so thatTinder- such con United States and. Japan; by an And—Opportunity., invites combination and monopoly, and Panam a Canal. the postofficc det»artment!,havo beon no^Ameriean syatem -operatjng entjreiy r ■ —E. Noablt lu- London Outlook. ditions" the aUcceesfui-maintenance-of gtvbs Justifleatlon to th e expression th a t ■9 ^ possiblo to send A VireAh Isthmian cajuil; nas ldng-_Bireh thtr 'lorT ow y- vtola ted .“ * . . " t h e r e was a ; the tariff Is the mother of trusts. on American territory, except the' one ■general popular dem and for a -rigid, hope of our statesmen, and tho ^vowed i^oge \from-a—shlp- at—s e a -bff- -^om-Tnupi^-aHnn between the stations fliation in Janan.-Statlons-ace-already Eon tho abovo-mentloned reasons,- aim of tho two groat parties, as thoir sweeping investigation by -Congress,—In . All Guna^to Be Reslghted. many others, th e pooplo demand platforms in tho past show. ■Tho> Pan addition to th a t undertaken by the ex* r? England; coast through: a" \v!li~demonstrate beyond -cavil - o f - a Plans are being draw n!n the bureau among of these abuses, and such reform ama route having been selected, Use build ecutivo himself. Such a n investigation F Stations extending to .Tnpnn doubt the ability of -the De Forest in in operation in New York, Buffalo, of ordnance at1Washington for .the re- reform demands and should recelvo Immedlato ing of the canal should be pressed, to- the Republican m ajority ...In Congrew Cleveland a n d -S t-L o u ls^ a n d when 6 trument 9 to operate under any and attention; ^ - -----— : ' ' - 7, compTot lofTwitir ftlr rens onablerexpedi t ionr would.not perm it, although tn e m inority P th® PhilippineT This X tho -one at Washington is . Installed sighting of all th§”guh8"1h Thb"UnTfed lh the words of our platform. Wo ^de Tho mothods by which the executive Insisted th at the interests of good gov all^conditlona.. . wpocialiy notable as the larcmand “a. revision and a gradual reducStates navy. • The cost of this .work aeqUlred__the ;Panam a canal route and ernm ent demanded It. And ,tho minor* l l^j Air/in —v ^ . j « Aai* n4ttne^-wiU-b»-qcnst4ntcted at-BflHltnore.•18i Kltlrt ii. opened ca tron of the tariff by the friends -ofthe rights ato n^v affl a source of regret to nw m an jv Ity^w as—right, ’jluC liberality, pa trio t-rig! | J ■ , ■-Gver 6kacuted,_and the_ ATTPanaifta -thq- highest .m ast-in th a will bo tremondoua, but its necessity m asses, and for the common weal, and them.' the statem ent th at thereby a ism and national pride of \tho peoplo ■w of the-company to: main- be realized when it Is stated- that the world for wireless telegraphy, is being was readily realized- when .[called to not bv-the frlends/pf Its abuses, its ex To great public work w as. assured, to the should not bo made art. excuse for wasto chain of stations operated, by the Da, and discriminations,” pfofll' of our people Is-n o t a-sufHcicnt- of the mtblic-funds; Olticlal extravogancoth© attention of the president and the tortions roctedr__whUo.-.at__Capb-^Fiattety^ It that the Uonublicans. Who j n i «i>r in t hn ['Htfrgo of violation of nn- ■Ih. offlcial crime. ^ atmoanhp00101110 catlon and V n re fit^ c n m b ftn y a n d --th o -i^ e rtim e n t + e . -baeiJssuSar nn mu t,.,,,,tt-ln -th e lr-p ^ ...... ............ . ... jrm - 1n expenditures HTiTBt^be had: Wash., tho—htrgest -•-station--In-^ho tariff needs the slightest nit era E*tations i, o00 miles apart/ gives will extend from the New England th'o pl'lnctPles and - hoatthy convictions in both tho civil; m ilitary and naval es Improved variety of'sight will bo used 1 DlngliSy tlon, arc likely to retain a majority-_of In th eir working out have mado us tablishm ents in o rd e r, that.-,tho . national and the work will be pushed with all the Federal Semite throughout the next which froo and great, stand-firm ly, a g ain st the expenditures may .-be brought to a basis Tffb'Sldehtlnl term.and .could, therefore, if the ' rapW ty .p r a c tic a b le ;F o r - the they clioae, block every attem p t at leg- argum ent or su g g estio n 'th at wo shall bo of noacc and th e governm ent m aintained blind to tlio nature of tho .m ean s em w ithout recourse to th e taxes of war, rapld-flro guns a telescopic sight will lHlatlvo relief. But It Bhould be remom- ployed Conclusion. ■ to promote our welfare. They bored th a t the nepubllcon p arty Includes t have put aside, a congenial w o rk , to hold that- to principle, w heth bo used, of a kind that will .permit of many revisionists, and I belleyo it win It works for our g< good or. Ill, will-have which I h’ud expected to devote my life, ....... continuous aim. Nearly all . of the shrink from ,defying, tho popular-:will ex- aer in order tu u ssu m e, a s best^ 1 can, tho^romore heiietlccnt - influence on our tu1± p esHcd onrnis titknbty— «n<b--pcremptpHly' fufo ' cfesttliy t ha n - n il- our 'nuuc titrt-ttp ^ gifh's' are ifr need of. flig h tin g. ....... a t tho ballot box. building, and th at, wo should ever re Tho neoplo demand reform of existing member th a t the Idea of doing n wrong ' I solocit the cordial eo-operatton nnd His Greatest Grievance. eohdltlons, Sinco tlic last Democratic to- a smaller, weaker nntlon th a n we, or generous assistance of every m an who “Tho revenoos smashed my still in- adm inistration tho cost of. living lias even'all. m ankind, may have a rpsultam believes tWit n change of m easures and increased; Those having iix- good Is repugnant to th e principles upon <of men at this time would bo wise, a n d _to_a.thousand pieces,” said thg„Goorg!a grievously “d Incomes, havo. suffered keenly; those which our government:.was, founded,... : urge haumny.^of yindcayoThH well as vlg1oiwfl flortmv •g ir tho' pai t'-of ail wo mindear hioonshlner...........— 7 - “— ~ — living oh -Wftgoxr lf "thw’g h as ■bre n - n ny American Sh ipping lncreuse, know that' such Jncreaso has *1,* * 6 ^" T,ho Issues are Joined and tho peoplo Our commerce fn American bottoms -. “Too. bach" . , hot Konl the amounts to but eight percent of our to muht render tlio voi’dlct-., Kent pace with the advance in tho • ■* • * *1**' fmaa*, cost—ot—living. rant and a-** the tal exports and im ports.. F or seventy ving, Including including •-rent Shall economy of adm inistration be de “Took^no-aw ay-from m y -w ife^n - -cMt—^i-U iffft!It necessaries o f Hfc. Hfe. Many to-day aro out years prior to 1860, when tho Republi manded jjv shall extravagance be onthtrteen children.!’ .. of work, unahle to soeuro any wages a t can p arty came into power, our m er couragefl? ■. . ••;. ■; [mum* nil. To nllcvlato these conditions, in so chant m arine canted an average of sev “Awful.” Shall tho wrongdoer bo brought to b a y far ns is ftv b u r power, should honour enty *llva' jjor cent of pur fo reig n 'co m bv the people, or m ust justice w ntt w o i i "You’ro . right it was. But the earnest ondcavoi1.-. ..*.t^.a!j;i .- moice, By 1877 It hnd dwindled to twen- pblltloaf oligarchy? crownin' cruelty wtiz—it not only put tj^seven pei7 cent, Now wo cn riy bjjt a T rust Remedial, .Shall our governm ent stand .for equal I pointed out In my earlier respohne lho eoiilem ptlbl.v'sm nll fibClleh Of our. exv opportunity or for special privilege? , A ocean me"iri jail, but ackohully took my fid romedy, Shall It reihuin a governm ent of- law which in my Judgment, enn ef*; ports and Imports. dle from mol” ' _________ _ • American shipping in the foreign trade Or become ono of individual caprice? factually bo applied against monopoltch, was g reater by, over ono hundred thou Shall wo cling to tho ruin of the peo nnd the assuranto wns then given that tffmtX Big Cedar Log Boom.' if existing laws,. Including both Htatutb sand tons In lSlO—nearly a hundred years ple. or Shull wo em brace bencllcent des ago—than It was last year, 4»tlio face potism? / and common law, proved inadequate, What is declared to boutho largost C o n trary to mv'oxpccuitlona, I favor Alien or tho continuous decline in tbb record W ith calmness and confidence,' wo doom of cedar logs ever moyed on ; fiirtllcr^leglflhittoTr within,..constitotlonaL of Am erican shipidiig during ' tho' last aw ait the people’s verdict. ’ ... If called lo mo oftlcc. of president, 1 limitations,- .its will best promote and Jorty-threc years, tlio promise of the RoPuget sound was towed into Ballard I safeguard the Interests of all tho people, publ.tenn p arty to restore It is without 'sh a ll consider myself the chief m agis “ / recently by th o 'tu g Tillicum, uapt. I , W hether there is any common J a w cucouHtgomont. ‘ The record of lh o Dem trate of all tho people and not of any p arty gives . assurance- th at the faction, and 'shall hver bo mindful of. Charles Worth. It contained thirty# which can be applied and ’ enforced by ocratic Federal courts, cannot be determined task can be more wisely entrusted to it. tlio fact that' on m any .questions of n a - ‘ eight soctlons of frmn-slxty to one tlie b y J lio piesiiVoiU, or by a ‘Tnndidato for —It-Is nn arduous lank to undo th e .e f - ' -tional policy there a m honest dtffoi'onoi'/' feet of forty ' yonvs of deendenee, nnd of opinion. I hellcvo in the patriotism , Tho dne' at hundred cedar logs each, or the. equiv const at , Boston nnd Pfovltleiice, world Is-being built, ^Tlu'1 dVu'riiilnntton of this question wns requires, th e study nnd Investigation of good sense., tind absolute sllicerily of ail b s iJ ? i 0bstft^ os which have Dutch Harbor, among tho largest, Is alent of 1,330,000 feet, according to left bv the people In framing tho con those best lit tod by experience to find t h e the pcpple. 1 shall strive Mo remember Now Havbn, ■New ■ Yotjj* Uiicf'j! ,n.t'U3 I561*1 progress through in operation, being tho koy to 'tho the estimate' of.those on tho tug.— stitution, to the judiciary and not to remedy... wnfeh surely docs not lie in, (ho- th at he m ay 1 serve ,hia pni ty host wild Lo'wes, Delaware; Norfolk, jCapo. Hatth executive. Tlio Shiprcmn f!om;t of granting of subsidies,, wrung ii enu tlio noi'ves Ills country heal;. application of this A la sk a n ' business, as after tho Mar Seattle Post Intelligencer.^ pockets, of'till the taxpayers, If It bn tin; w ish .o f the people that t 1iio United Htairs lias reconliy, consldetci D e "Fn re s f A W ir e le s s S L0r f c L n Cov‘o ry t0 tho oohvmor- tcras, Bonsacola, Key West, Quantaf e ^ ^ r l d lmve at icaWt tmmo, Porto...R i c Q , _ P a W i ^ ° ^ r California, 8.nn-'FraheJ«co,:.PoitIan^ wMl 1,(3 from Krty Hoattlo and Capo m w ■ W“n« I’brto Rlco..,to Koy tho O rien t by way of Dutch Harbor, inveatlflation of Government Departments coni company tailed to Oxccuto,,its Qratitudc ls~ tho fairest blossom this cinestlon. and, In tho oiiho of/ the ■-Recent disclosures, coupled with lho cotitract fw-Tthty-mW tn- Twii i^ r TflFTT^TTrgmC'nHt^ nenditurcM, shotv rt need of nirdnvefngnAlaska, 11 whs awarded ' to tlio *Do i\onrt of man knowoih nono more frag* nmc tif the United ftlnt'es Siiprcmo Court tlnn of every, department of the govern Forest company. re ports, at page 03, It decided that com- ment, Tho Democrat.s' "in Congress dorunt •j . ' .L undertake the duties of ihe ma nldriiey. 1 idrdgo inyaClf, with t.'od’s lu-lp, (o <le • M 7 ^ T TTiiT'*l'!»wrTl?) ~iVmt - n n -i-r: y m -rtw muh'SAT this exalted /irtlve. : . Vei'v tfttlv yotirs, ALTON it I’ArihU lb -‘,3 Si; 51 ffa i THE CH ELSEASTAN DARD, THURSDa V, SEPTEMBER g9 .1 8 0 4 COUNTY AND VICINITY. im m MEMTIOB. THE CHELSEA STANDARD -u '.s a y m > u i & j L W — The Fowlerville fair labilted for Octo MIm Celia Baoou of Dexto? wax in her 4,5 and fi. _ ^____ town Sunday.-------- 7 — — There w p a lot of disgusted people at L. T. Freeman and wife were In Man* sw m bok»LjWdIlL«n9foioK*:h«»»*J»v TSttHitBrSonday^-------- ------- — ----------found that "Rootso" would not work. Edward Btxby of Saline wm i Obei* Some suggested that the thing be dump; * owtt‘ ed Into the river as It has only been a Ad»etU»lu* rate* reasonable andntade know •ea visitor Friday. ' i onEPPllOAttOB. , MUe Hina GeUel spent Sunday with bill of expense, ever since we bought ft, Chief Hagemao and the engineer will Entered it thepo*toffloe at ?lwlMi«;lileh,,ai her parents in Saline, 7 make some more repairs on it aba give .* second-class matter. .-•< Adolph Elsen of Detroit spent Sunday It one more trial:—Manchester Enter with Chelsea friends. . prise. J , H. Hollisreturned home -yesterday T h e Methodist* society of NnrthvUle t ayeite retiring pastor, Rev. John M. from his western trip, Martin Conway pf Jackson was g Gbel- hank, and his wife, a big surprise Fri day evening, the (Yteltore taking: along sea visitor Wednesday, ■ ^ materials for a fide supper, which was Misses Rose and Mary Murry of Dex served In the church dining room, The ter were visitors here Sunday. paBtors’jylfe m u presented with some , A. O. Guerin and wlfe of Four Mlie hand painted obina and some silver by Lake were Sunday in ■Detroit,.. . . - . the ladles oi the ohuroh. Mr.,Shank goes to St. Ignaoe, ' Mrs. .George Mast is spending-this Judge Klnne has granted Mrs. Emma Week- with Freedom relatives. Mills t4 per week as temporary alimony E. Lantle and wife - of Stookbrldge during toe pendency of ber dlvoroe pro-■fl- were Chelsea visitor*-Monday.____. . oeedlngs -against tflfthn.TZO TZTThf: REFCBLICAM NATIONAL TICKET. Mr. and Mr*. C. Lehman were’guests case is one of the most sensational as regards charges. that has ever beeu of Manchester relatives Sunday. started in the-country/ MUU la yve|l Howard Henselwood of Galt* Ontario] known abouMhe-etatep beiog-imoreBted For President— “ Is the guest of relatives here this week. in city directories at Lansing, Flint,, Tubodobb R oosevelt , New York. ■ rArthur Hunter and daughter*, Ella Pontiac end other piacOB, Fot Vice-President— Ruth and Beatrice wfite In Ann Arbor Another old landmark of the Baptist Charles W Fairbanks, Indians. ohuroh corner was pulled dowu SaturSunday. Mr: and Mrs. E. Foster of Graas_Lake day-when W. II. Barr dug put the large maple tree which 8to«Ki at the corner-oL 8T A T E T1CK K T. spent Sunday at the home of Frank the ohuroh. yard. This was necessary Stdffan. for two reasons; first that the walk from Governor— Mr. and Mrs. George Fuller of Battle the new building to the street may be Creek were the guests of their parents puTdown and the-tree stood directly In F r e d M. W a r n e r , F arm ington. the Una, second it cut off almost entirely here-Sunday. ---------Lieutenant Governor— the corner view of the church.—8allne Mrs. G. Hi Foster spent several days Observer/ Alexander Maitland, Negaunee. of the past'week In Milan at the home A good jo k e is told on Rev._El_dred. ■of her, son, Erl, ' Secretary of State— Returning from eveuiug services arm George A. Prescott, Tawas City. Ed! Little atid family are visiting re*, day last, while crossing' the Hats- with latlvea in Charlotte and attending the onroftirerfem lnine-m em bers o f his con* State Treasurer— ~~ fair there this week. '1 , gregfttiou, a violent gust o f wind re F r a n k P . G la zie r , Chelsea. TboB. Guinan of Cleveland spent the m oved'bis hat In the darkuess. Station Attorney General— latter part of the past week with his ing hie companion as a land mark and. groping doWn the stairs,; after. rnucU John E. Bird, Lenewee. sister, Mrs. W.Nordmau. j catling back and forth he at length suc nr o .o . , ^ Auditor General— v. D r. J. B. Bradley, Eaton Rapids. LandrCoinmlflalnn'erWilliam H, Rose, Clintoi|._ . Superintendent Public Instruction-—- -P atrick TLKkllky. Detroit] " Member State BoardEducationLuthbr.L. Wright, Iron. :__LJ jum ciA L . Justice Supreme,Court, Seven Years— —— RcssBtrCrOsi'ttANDERr^igbamr— Justice Supreme Court, Five Years— Charles A. Blair, Jackson. Justice Supreme Court, Three Years— AarqN V. MoAlvaY. Manistee. i State Senator—10th DistrictA. J. PeEkVJackson. Judge of ProbatoEmory E. Lkland, Nerthfield. Sheriff--------- -------F rank P. Newton, Ypsjlanti, • Regiaterof. Deeds— r v FRank:;Lawhqn, Augusta. Prosoouting Attorney^ A n d r ew J. S a w y e r ^J r .] Ann Arbor. : ■ : AmW M il'QKUOQj)..; T h e pills that, are potent lYi. their action and pleasant m effect, are Pe ■TRANCISCO. WItt's LUtie-Esrly—Risers'—W. 8 . Phil. pet; of1AI baa. , . ^ _____ T h e. farmers “'are •busy gatheribg 'ie ious attack J.tjook-one^ email as It wrs their beans and cutting corn. it aid. rife more, good thkn cainmel, blue illlaa El I* HchtvoiDfurth and broth er mass or any other pill I ever took and were Jackson vesitors Snnday. at the same tlmd the effect wm pleasant. G eol‘g?~T o w e r and'fam ily w ere-g u eBtw kittle Early Risers are certainly an.Ideal F. D. Hchiarerand fam ily, Jaoob-kero and fam ily and F red . Gentoer and fam ily were th e guests o f M r. Afid' Mt&iFred M eosiog Sunday, Coroners— Samuel.HiRdfiEiELD, Ann, Arbor. Dr .:J, B. Wallace, Saline. 25.cents and It never disappoints, .. Mary-^Sponge the pimples with warm RENTS, REAL ESTATE, POUND, ' wat*. You;MgJ a blood tonic, would - tOflTrWANTEDrETer— advise you to tffke Hollister's .Rocky ■v-r*Mountain Tea. It drives away all erup FOR 8 AI-'E~nere^°i'ti bpil one year tions, 85 cents. Tea 'oi tablet form, A SILLY CHARGE. old. - f nnnire of Herman pierce 2 (itazler & NtlniSon,^ miles aouth-east-of-('.lielsea,-'--^--—^--Abou t the. only arg ument tlia t4s ;b oin gr made b y the dem ocratic press o f M icltigan in s u p p o rtro tits sta te t i cket-fa-thatr th e re p u b lic a n s-a re dom inated by rail- rccts legislation in this state. This is "Important, if true,” but the facts in..the. case do not■bear-out the charge. Every; citizen of Michigan who,has done any state knows th at passenger rates'are lowor in Mich igan than in any adjoining sta te ^ ' If any one doubts the truth of this statement let him take a'trip on any of the main lines of railroad running t|irough Midi!-, gair lio^will not nave 10 gb fai- nor make any large expenditure of money tolfearn that the citizens of Michigan are especially favored in the m atter of railroad fares and that, too,"by,legisla tion enacted by republican legislatures. Let him take the Grand Trunk Western, Wabash, Michigan Central, or Lake Shore & Michigan Southern. As long as he keeps w ithin. the ,state of Michigan he wiil-J>e^fll>le- to-pide-at^a-goat-of two cents per mile, but the moment he crosses over the line into an adjoining, state tho rate Immediately jumps up threo cehts per mile. If this Is tho ef fect of railroad influence upon our legis latures the democratic press will not be a p t to got the peoplo,greatly excited over it. H OUSE TO liENT.r-'-lmjuIre at Stand- Men ot flan ard otlioe, ~ ■■■' ~7-: ; W A N T E D — Girl to do housew ork. Ap. ~^Dlv~ttrMt?r-Or-T—HooYeJ. __ ____ F u R s a L E - A kogi| lp nrerrew-power engine. Call on AdatirFalBt. F O R E X C H A N G E — Good sound 9 year old pacer to exchange for- tr o t t v . This m ire Is afraid o f nothing and a good traveler also accustomed: to sad dle. A pply to A. C / G u e r in at the oftlce.of White Portland Cement Co, -^ C h elsea, Mich.------- ------------------ 32_ F O R S A L E — From o n e ’ to twenty five — colon l88-pf_ hee8__call on Jasper Gra ham. ______ FOR^ffAi ,K—T welvrf m f hi oodn^ffgtBtcrr ed Rlaok Tdp Rsm's, J. G. W»«ner, Lima near Jerusalem; -*" 50-38, bakk drug store sole agents, Ruma-Katnh tit 75 cento per bottje. : ^______ Poaltjyel)’ citrca Rheumatism, Catarrh S c o t t ’s E m u ls io n is th e r ig h t s tu ff, ‘ _. ...... ............... ............ ,, to and you’re last to ' ' .' ■. . The aaoual reunion of the Eleventh Miohlgtn oavalry ls to be held at the oouvth'oueo Adrian on October 5, a t U a. nj. eml aR inembera of the association are egpeoted to he pr$*ent. The head*, quarters will be at the hotoLLenawee., 1 - ■- 1 (*■ IP* felly to ehffer fro]m that horrible plague of the night, itching piles. Doan’s Ointment onres, quiokly and permanent' iy /. At any drug store, 50 cente. Porcoughs, colds* broncfekl?. asthma, weak throats, weak lungs, consumption! take Ayer^a Cherry Pectoral. Scott’s: ^nWsiDmsfrmulafcs1 W e Are Ready Now, ’ To m ake your Suit, Overcoat Cherry P e c t o r a l : • and Trousers. Always keep a bottle of it In FROM 14S TO 98 POUNDS Oue of the fnoet remarkable daee* of a the house, we hate been cold, deep-8 pated: 0 Q the lungs, bauslug saying this for 60 years, and paeumoma, la thaLJifJ4ri, GertrudB E, so have the doctors* Fenner, Marion. Ind., who ws*. entirely "“I htv« uimt'Ayer’r cured^by the uee-of One Mlnut^Cougb rsmuy for U li th'j bMt mi lo tbe world, 1 Vuow.YoF 1- ’"” *"■ Mt tb'roi’t »»nwc Cure,' she says:’ The oonghlng and troubles.” straining eo weakened me that I ran 'uas. J. K. Noaoaoss; ’Wsltbsm, itoM. J. c. AVIBCO,, down tn weight from 148, to 92 pound, 88o.,S»0 .lS1l.p01 Lowell. SMI. Ltried a number of remedies to no avail lo r until | used One Minute Gough Cure. Four bottles of this wonderful' remedy cured me entirely of the cough,-stren gthened my lungs and restored me to my normal weight, health and strength,” Oaliy notion o f th e b o w e la le n e c e slaryHlf* ~wature^wlth-Ayerfe Pillti 8 old-by Qlaaler & Stltnsoa : Best from. T heL ungs [ BRIGHT NEW M ILLINERY ] ttViMtttjMTKWniey^li^ JACKSON, MICH. When you read The Standard's ads 409-415 Pearl 8fr«at, New YOrk, ~Cfthcer A Bcrgruift s yrup, $1.00 tt boM tie, th ree tor 02,50 or six for 05,00, n 000. and 0l.OOi altdruatgltte. you are altvays sore of bargains. ' M onday, October 3, CRIPPLE P a o n V elv ets, S h a d e d V elvets, PiusK es. B ra id s , t a n d i n F e a t h e r s , O w l H e a d s a n d P o m p o n s r----- You a r e moat oordiaily iiiv itetTto"eg II;"and Inspaot Um iiew hdad i w a f ^—- ;M A R y JH M T5; 25,357 50.' a ■ ■■’, .. ■ Saturday, Matinee and,Night, <**W**X**K* : G oing -O u t of B usiness in Will Sold T h e A n n ._ A r f o o r ___ C o s t! M u s ic of the Gallows, -Matiueer=10r25F=^ Night, 15, 25, 35, GO, C o ir jp a r iy M G o in g ; O u t o f B u s in e B s r ^ i c h i g a n a Central "The Niuyavu f \jlla Jidute'1 Time Card] taking effect, June 19,1901,:] WITH BEHRK5 BISCUIT sn d j Special Sale Begins Monday, i October 3rd | 3 E V r B e su re a n d t r u th e m E R Y T H I 3 S T G G O E S . 2CO Pianos. 600rffans^5QQ M aadetins aad Guitars_ Tne present opperturiityji^v.et1 equaTled-in tlrta eeaiTty:----------^Everything’ marked in plain^f%irea. Bayo fL-om 075~to — — 1 _ . 0100 en_a^.Elano, and fK.mi.3lO to $40 on an-'Organ:-___ COMB EARLYTO GET CHOICE OF SELEC1 ION TRAINS b a st : 8 — Detroit. N ig h t Express 5.38a. b| 8ft— A tlantic Ex pages * 8:20 a. oa 12—G. R . and Kalamazoo 15:40 a, o l 8— M all ' 3:15 p. fa| TRAINS WEST N o. 11—M loh. audC hlcago eip.S,45j,a| N o . 6—M all ■ ■ 8:35 s. bJ N o . 18—G 7H . ah d K alam azoo 8.4i p.pj 10:52 p, ml No. 87— P acific Express * vjMos.’ll.U fia n a 37 Stop on sign t o i e t off and ta k e uirpasaengeftr 0 .. W . RuaoLKS, G en. Pass & Ticks; A|t| W , T . Giauque,*Agent. N o. N o. N o. N o. • Stivers &^Ka'inbaoh, Attorney*.■ -UWrXtW T H E A N N A R B O R M U S IC C O . UliVtKT a i ’ATE OF MIOIIKIAN, COUNtV0P f£8’l ® _tenaw , ss. vlt a bsmIou of theProtwleiwj ^FIwldCountroY^H'ashteimw^eiaiiJM Probate Office, in the City of.Ann -4rhof,oall»| 15th «ley & nf .. .... Hitter. ____ In, the ?W Mt| g 0 9 -2 U Ekst W ashington Street. thousand nine hundred and lour.■ a.d- ^<1 Present, Willis L, Watkins, J u d e e jfM ^ l •In the matT6T'~of the estate ol Antf W J We'lhuff, deceased.,. ’ Ou resdinRAnd Alina the pefltlon’ dulrwj fled, ol John Joseph 'vellh<iff.pwNjA»>,J | m lnlstjatlon ol sal’d -eatat^ rnay John Kalmbach,-ar -some 1jh.w suiiiei? Wl son. and that appraisers and oommWioiiW!;j '"^■SSS WITH ANY DRINK . MANUFACTURERS UF GRANITE MONUMENTS The Best that can be produced in Ouality, Fin ish and Proportion. JGmillf -*TheNw Cracker'Usedas bread, toast, to ? * afek crackers or wafers H akeTm cuiTyour daily bread. Hell Phone 70." deceased, hereb; from date are al 87- WILLIAMCASPffi hrm anrl LiveSinnk Jmitnal The .baker luvltes you tty I Breads, Oakes, MacarooM^ Michigan's (ironical Farm Weekly,- Edited by Robert Gibbons. Detroit, Mioh. «M S K ,? fasW8. m-tHcrVHlajiie of m elsw »■ ^ jL on the 8th day of November an( l o n i ^ -daytol January, nexj^at^ten S o l sairdays, to tofeeive. examine just saldjiialms ed Septeffitter S thrl^ Dat --------- The Detroit Free Press F TtKU Stivers A Kalmbacln Attorne^ COMAUSaiONEM’ NOTW all claims and demanv— ..... estate o f Jacol* Yanuusaij. toe®1, X A-ORIW BARGAIN imuWIJMV-llM T . Wji.Lia L. W>tkin8, Jud«8 of Prosaw-,j A THUS COPY. . . ■ Charles Awrey. Reatster. C L IIV T O yr M IO h . Tfre N a tu ra l F o o d & W /adara P a f t f N x 4 fRQM-BATEUNTIL. JftNj, i, FORONLY10CENTS' ftjtPifllorderad,that the 18th day of Jitje n o’olocic.^ld^M J'J “ PBce be appointed tor hearing said And It is further Ordered, That a this order be published puniisitea thraoiTiai weeks previous to said timc oDi^rlW11”J il Chelsea Standard, a iiewspaner prlrtM ^ 1 olroulatlna In said county ol JTMhMnj^ 1 MarslellerGraniteWorks COOH BOOKFREB t h e g r o w i n g p o w e r s of c h ild r e n , it is tho Beat Spring Mortloino and General Tonic known. livery nuunbor of 'tliu family will find h e lp s th e m b u ild _ a firm - Ratnh*Rutto^01r?O »iv.o at 75 cento «oinolbii>g'!|^ifiD)i’<‘Hl Lhom in lliisgroat f o u n d a t i o n f o r a s t u r d y c o n s t! per jar; aleo 25 cent jars. homo paper. , *Itcuroa nasal catarrh, droplugs into tu tio n . GIVE IT A TRIAL. the throat, lungs and stomach) stoppage of nose or ear, foul breath and neural* S a n d fo r f r e e •a m p le . AtWroHs: gia,.. I t raatornfl HOnHn.flt diflifftl/ select ATHENAEUM We have a very handsomo lino of 'trimmings-Ju-.. W ssC A T * T h d s ia n d a n lA fh d a jt m-S m e d w ith m ilk o r c t tm o r m c o m h /M ‘ lio n w l/h /r u its .p r e s e r m a n d V 4H Q »fehfesr line to T H E T A IL O R » ' __ ___ ,____ ! In our stock of new fall anU-wintor-inlilincry you will-find all th e newest and brightest creations of the season in -• • SH REDDED sorry, AREYOUREAM ! ■ FO R S A L E — Surrey in'first class condi. "">7on. Inquire of John W ,.Scnenk. 84 T im b e rs o f o a k k e e p t h e o ld homestead standing through ltie~ years. IT "pays" toUKrthe right stuff. . “ Men of oak” are men in rugged health, men whose bodies are made ot the soundest materials. ____________ --- Childhood. is-theJime-lo lay the foundationfor a sturdy con A t i t n t i o n that will’last for years. ’’’ B E F IR S t PATTEEIT ANE STREET HATS 1 WANT COLUMN Surveyor— J erome Allen, Y peilanti.^ i A---- TJiKVlUMAClUa TJW MAN ’ A weak ktoniHCh weakens -lhe^-mat> because it caipiot trnnsTorni the food.he eats Into iiou^lahmeut. Health and strength c*mi<>Fbe restored to any sick man or weak womau wMiout first restoring .health nml sireugth to the, stouiach. ' A weak -stomach cannot—digest enough food lo feed the tissues and re vive the tired and' run down limbs aud organs of the body .- Kodol Dyspepsia .Cure digests, what you cat, cleanses and strengthens the glands, and membranes of the stuinach, .and ernes indigestion, dyepopslarand all Btomach troubles; Boid hy Glnzler Sthnson, c '>» - T he-“Celery King oomplexloa’’ li what one Chelsea lady call* the beautl fqi skin that come* from the use o f the tonic-laxative, Celery King.. Mo, at all l>ay- ment of the note but roost o f the mem bers refu sed 'to'p k y, T h e receiver will proceed-to. levy and collect this:assess ment, those Who re fu se-h rin g in g th em selves up agalnBt a law suit, ... pill.” Sold by G la zier A * 8 tlinson. at the home o f John H aven Sunday, i T h e'L a d ies’ Aid .of th e Germ an MethoC o u n ty Treasurer--, \ St'opl Don’t take'Imitation celery tead 1st church w ill meet with Mrs, Jam es O tto D. L uiok , Lima. when you ask for Celery King, a medis Hlcharda W ednesday, October'S., ^irdnttFGonr^CommiBBloiieTB— ^ ----- "tJ iev .J J fln rv L en z returned from the cineof great value. T h e /‘teas’! are ur ged upon yon It/madea-piey are bought-n-T-ri-nr,., „ r- v.TTTTiT-rt—fr-,r., liSvTnr_____ German M ethodist conference last w eek G eo rg e W. S a SIFTB, Ann A rb o r. hRv« n« cbn^p^-Never-jeopardize your- heajlh and. w e ; are- glad to’ Jm ve hThvrwior’ BTnilJvTtrrus In a bad cause.^C'eJery'Utog-only cosfrs William S. PutMan,-Ypsiianti, another-yey^ ■ -. - — . WJUl\iS JXA tfAMflf Everything is In the. name when it cornea to Witch Hazel Salve. E. *0. DeWitt & t;o. of GhioagQ, discovered 8dtne-yenr«^«ffo-ho'W -to -meke^a- salve from NVItcli Itazel that is a epeulfic. for. plies.- For blind, .hlocdiug, itching andpuUtudlng piles, oczt'ma, oiits,J lmrnsi nrutBea'and-iilKekIn*. diseases, PeWitt’a Salvo has no equal. ’ This has given rise tomimefoua worthlesscounterfeits.'Ask for Do lyjtt’B the goiinine/~Sold by Glazier & SthiiBdn, GeoTgO-Colllogs and wife of WIlHam— aton spent the first of the week with! E. Coiilngs. . ■BrHARitHia) AnmAriiieTi It; - ■ jnenLon_the_ ----- ---_ _ N ellie F11 Her D enyer7 -"M y face w«h full o f pimples and b lack;h ead s. HolllsBean harvest Is in fu ir b ja a t and the ter’s R ocky Mountain T ea has driven Tarmers feel prelty^ B erious'!about the them RKay. 'iP ep p ie hardly; know- me. J’m looking flue,” 35*. cents, Tea o r Weathar.___y - ■■ ' ‘ . ■ tablets. Q lazlerj& -B thnBou. _ ' .COSINTy TICKET. C o u n ty C lerk — G regory;—,— ■— George Marshall has sol'd his house and lot in Chelsea. ■ L&wrenoe Spear of Pinckney, visited friends here Sunday. ' ■ "T ' ' Mra. rE. Had ley entertained oompany from Jackson last week. LEGISLATIVE TICKET. pi --Julia Gibney ls‘ .vleUIng: friends.Jo. Ized the burn of Richard Diver, In Deerfleld1-bu rn od„ TI>.e^con>pany. p alrL tlie full-loBS-wlthth e excep tion .of $200. for whlch lt gave” H r; Diver._Tts note. Ttfe offlep.a of thh -oomimny levied an asBess- F red Hudson Bpeht Sunday With h it parents. - - — --------- Member.of Congress—2d District— Charles E. Townsend, JacksonT' O fficer T rim b le of th e prison .force at Jack sou returned M ouday from ' Ohio, w hither- be w ent "after: Jo h n Peofield, th e tP fy e a r-o ld "nriptde. w lio '-escap w l from, the prison a month ago. Penfleld wsb caught In- Kenton S a tu rd a y !,/ .. . -, ^ ■ • 1 ' *.; ' '■'• part way, put oftt horBe, took trolley to place of institute; ahd weut borne every night, Wlio’d think It? Right here io. old Washtenaw? Why that’s a regular, i--rflcoyd " The preceding Hem ~ Houjt 8 , C; Ftludiewas clipped from the latest )6 Bue jof and a former resident, of Sharon-spent the first of-the-week at the hQme_of. Moderator Topic?, the echool' puliiTca Mr. and Mrs. Jay Everett. the Misses Hattie_and__A110 7 Corwin. . " Mrs. Habnib Taylor and daughter, Ann Arbor Times. Jennie returned Sunday from a five ’ Judge Cbeeter of Adrian Saturday weeks* trip to 8 t, Louis, dbeldon aod morning appointed J- W. Helme re Kansas pity where they have been visit ceiver of the Monroe A' Lenewee Coun ing relatives. y. ,, - ties Farmers’- insurance Co. It seems that sooCTfter the oompany-wtt8 <>rgan-: EAST LYNDON. CONGRESSIONAL TICKET. i. .• -*: . ceeded in recovering his ^properly and went oii Uls w B y r ejoicing;— BllBsfleld Advauce. _L<Tn.n aiaiBfa- attended W ashtenaw county Institute' fifteen day?. T h ey came, eighteen miles every day and w ere nnfA .TIinV un at 4 o’clo o'clock T h ey ,gizot o t up ck not tardy once each morning harnessed -horse ,„drove- MeSdames C. E. Paul and son, and Jacob Lulok are visiting relatives at Bear Lake, Manatee obnnty. Mr. and Mrs. W, U. i^es 0 1 Unacima were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Horaer lves Saturday and Sunday. —Fred^eretogLSeattier^WaBhlugtbn1 arrived here Saturday and is visiting at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jay Everett. J P. A. Pan forth of LaGrange, G«.f.Juf; fered for six 'months with a frightful running sore qd tils leg; but write* that Buckieu’s Arnica Salve-whoily cured It In five days. Fur ulcers, wounds, pile*» it's the best salve in the world. (Jure guaraiitaed. finiy. sito & Stlmson druggist —. — w aaM iaa o v a a ^ a a ....... Eight hour low* ore ignored by those tireleu. iUUe w o rk era-D a King* » ew Life Plllt. MUllons ore alwayii« work, night and day. curing Indigestion, bill* ousnoie, ooniupttlQn, tick he&daob.e apd all Btomsoh, liver and bowel .trouble*. Easy. ploftBjspt. eafe, »ure> Only »5o at GTSaiBrdrBtlmioh drugitoro;-------------- Loaf,...Cake, Lady Fln^ •__- ■ ____ ___ .... . Ginget Snaps, and PleB' LET’S TAKE THE MEASURE g Y ety tk w g -eto lo U y - f r e Bb.. 8°^ 1011 O f-yo u r b a y fo r:th a t now su it. Ho’H bo b e tto r satisfied w ith it, If w e make it, than If you purchase a roady^nadb one. Yoii a re w e ll a w a re o f th e «uporlo^lty o f m ade-to-order cloth in g. W hy not bo as carefu l ab o u t him |f In tru sted w ith your ordqr. The cloth w ill bo th e b e s t -of so leo ted m aterial, and out In th e la te s t o f s ty le . . Wigb g ra d e ta ilo rin g iO L tlie boy is pwfc of our.bualm ws. - W e c h a rg e -fair p r ic e s for sn,oh work, too. v , \ J. J. RAFTREY & SONS, -— - 'Phone 87, WMiWMWWmWDllW daw shape. Glveaoal I c U N C H fllS A "foil-Ti ne oLheme-made Csnd^J hand, PleaBe give me ; f l ' U .W ORKB» t t ,.Qg MHN8 ?■GfiOTHINQ;- ■ C T I O E j ......... h i H eadquavtirs a t 6 , » • Folt#f / .,,,1 N m iijiiiimw f . W 'l’; UIHWIM r f lHW 'aijW HWij ;• 1 V '* ’i-* 1=5 ! fK:.'' . !v —il'ii-.-ilH Ili i n ! jim..— iii— i jin V- V W W W ■M**’"! II11II11J]iu , J 1 i;j11^1;■1!j j ,'ty i - I I iSS3i3t6iS6ssas^':,;*‘'' I’M L IT T L E W IL L IE SUNFISH? . — AND TH IS IS JOE* MY BROTHER* W E REALLY LOOK SQ MUCH A LIK E; YOU CAN’T T ELL ONE FROM T'OTHER. : .v * — v ^ ; r r r ^ - ' v-> i l l -V S £ * * Vk ■i-r■ ■ ■ - -. A- mi ^ B MOTHER DON’T KNOW US APART* T H E SAME AT SCHOOL HOLDS TRUE. AND JOE iS OFTEN W HIPPED FOR M E OUR LIKENESS MAKES US BLUE ^ ^ U T N E'E R 0 0 IN THE WAT E R ?” "B E CAUSE I LOVE A LIT TLE FIS H WHO LIV ES DOWN THERE, BUT I CANNOT CALL UPON HER • . . BECAUSE I MUST HAVE A IR." '■ • * * * * " SIM PLE SIMON W ENT A FISHIN O . FOR TO CATCH A W H A L E S ------------ -— THOUGH NOT A SINGLE BITS GOT HE ............. - T • ■f i l l , '» 'i f t .. r o . - r T ^ ^ | iM . F E E T FROM T H E HEAD TO TAIL. : ■ BU t I t GOT AWAY FROM HIM. t P- mj—m ■------------ — 111111 I I 5' . e 3, a iM * < ■ * ;■.:.V' ■ -i» • . . B : am 1 ';V\l >■'r i ia • ■iw /] il - ’■ • vV;'/V --4 -■' 'l l if W m i£2 m 'H I 1 S = 1 ■i . . I;' 1 ' ''.I.:.' - r V 11 . ':" ; r ( H ;O ’ ‘,k. '•■..■■■>' ■ : »■' . i i :l. •...---- ——-i-. .*.-. -■ o, *v yV; ■ YOU’VE HEARD ABOUT TH E STORY OP T H F W ORUTRNDEARLYLHRDr- ^— -B U T WHEN YOU COME TO THINK OF I t "THETHfNQTFS QUITE A B SU R D F ~ — • COOtTATE-AND-PONDER : ----- .1 •>•<->->?... BB ‘ I CANNOT-U n OERSTANO IT. - — I ficA LLY CAN’i AT-ALL. ^HY-PEOFLEUF-THEBE ON-THE EARTH) ARE FOND OF TH E FISH BAWL. B U T T H IS . IT H T N K T C A N H A R O L Y a E .Q U I T r T R U E TH E FISH THAT GRAB^ TH E EARLY WORM MAY GE-W T-tN=THIrNECKi= p o p M THEY SAY MAN WANTS 4 T S BBUT U L lT T L T H E R E BELOW. -T ^ H E A R -H tM -T E ttrR S H S T O R ^ 2 : 33*. b| !:20>.d1 .iIO a, s '] 1,1* ;15p,0| w^»»«f^wiwiwi'i<ii,i n ii. y i iwiiinwwa w i. || |.» .iuj K.|viT,y. ^jj.i.y.jii,'..,,;,,).... in iii[iiii.iimprn i>ii I u . i iw im im iiy w> lamp m%4 5.45a.91 - m :3&»,9| i t h e :5iJp. ~ ^ o \ o b t s a w A itM 53T . ^v. VWftfr kel Ajtl '.v .y ^ :: .<-g .' .,„ r e c e p t io n m • ;:;'M m m u po n uLij**'"' M l«. . "-"'f : . v' . ,-f - I . > ■iWp s-;i Ater-Ourtl - ■"(* of,«alS rear oill , v ' ■. - ■ .{ r n e .. 1 7 ” , i l i : ■ r- 1 ■; ■■.: fproWI « rdull ■■■,., /HAtedHj abUP^I iiooenH d Prok* ™ ptlltlPfcl uecw j S i 'S , iav> >1 ^ : ■_■-■ ’roMM-l : W « |j| ndad/ft ■■ d woijr W *.& - v^.V - mmH £ f A d W tll, ^-C'*iqZ^yY+‘'r ‘ <<vc \ T^Ar- VO<^ - e . t4.m «.<■'■, i'V ,.>• a .*. i : • .■ .:•■ ' i " y > \ *■ ■ ■■• r«—A — n v i T ' ; - /.v -—w % * - -~ t ; K r v V *i *v\ .is •-? Fori SfOS* &}•««' \.->r' v <s .iv k* ' a v <- Vt • " • :v v --v ■ ...? ■■ •- ■ \ ' »t sSLAi^6^ * * a a* r • * ■ • « :$ > * ' .> A a ^ f e . 4 - : ••;• < I M Hi %% V &. • ■~ t ; ■' y j & P1 'P.. PS'r r^Xj-^v >'.' .v^ >>>$•& w x i -iti. f e V > l~“0 - “ “ SlA,-S ■?< V * £ l S-.«|?i*/*v :•■£'..!<£ >:■s f. ■ ,■ i^iJf; ■' /* ft • - im m ,% l <> >: 'v ' t^ r . ' ’ . H ___-C£» W T7 * # -- •' Se? 1 t-^cr ■ g^T V es A1 -r ti ,V( M ‘ v i>A I m '. ■'■-f ■' m -* 4 1 B / •. * ^ f" 1 K -■A.,:.c'• 1 '■ v * -'. I----- ----- -... —-k-------- EiC. ■<wf >>?<, . .v *» :.. V Vs ■*■ ' -•; 'X p .x I W Kt !W! *,' : ; A ^ u E ~'zmM t e v ■• 1 K r'->* E------ ^ -P i\ I - ^ / V.'vf ;;8fe f * ' *T i - ' **.“^ f e T S 47 “ ^ — - M " £ i: - U a,s,''-T X^ % ^ 'X\ %'''** < ' A. ? , -'^}t. c ■, J t- ^-<-i & r!a ; <v E ^— £ iti:: Z O< < 0 £ z X & > * * * L /’ o a i b y r , v i 3 ' ot „ i se L d e «f~ in* *#r < \ ■ ir '<< i|V *~ v+1 [j'i mg, ■t-ibtrA/•/.“’*< C r.m - :_ & t'7 - ^ t c ^ Y HKIHI-: nro rljfin ^ s atid iKivrltl'M 'ii<>ti)?tr uppnivru atr<'Hdy in it.o ;n«W';/n»lilf>ttfi Io .RiitiAfy fv.'ii thv; tno#<t f'-xrti'Mnir' ' i f . itmmliilhi'^r Of, cou ffc, 1lirrn ni r iiiwuxf' Uiom' wlio i\ iU «;iy illHi'ont.niMly thitL ih'r'r^ ii* nnilifn^ yiialovtir «e\\-, urnlor th^ jnVn,. •iViul tlu'to . flr^;' tElOHi: Tkitll M*'OPx’.ip 1.-n11y ]*iiik ih'i'^iI* ■orlo* who '.w ill. rlM* up «tvl t*il > 011 tlint your .wtml-IdhcrlMwfil ~ thii nnriorlul ilnr*, o f'm n r .^ , foinotliinn• t)mt. j’OU 0)ljoy nn fi n ovp ltj. kniufmiin^ now.' «ni] o.*HrjillB!)y fityn.«ii-in -inoroly' 0 i1*:-; jilli iL of Kottiflilihig tMilt tiho Inn) nr .woi'o i* \ i 01 jj&w \ * o ^ f l- 1 ^ ^ 'o '^ - w t t iT i'y ^ o > --Aiidr poi'hnpy, tO rf»%t tiiHuU' to inj-ivy, th<-rt* nmy. bo im lnutPUfttlon umt .voui' moi]oi-n pnfoii'ftxlpn I'fum ot: compoto foy nii by. I»imil w ith, th at nnHoh't m'uT'oMM'ly |iu> fliictioji tylionu tnenjorlf# yfm Imvo ovok- Jii.rt now Il>0' kill tvbo nhutloft-dio fnsbfoni«. oviii If <*Ih' iIooh util follow thorn In fill of llmlr i'h rim liik viikAHok-• Is (rmiiV lug In 1)10 1'ikjIslops |if the g reat maker* . . . . . . ana. Jj g: e 'p t ' ^ J ^ § f i< x p e l'*Si*'H pm* Ki'owr. to ^biulorfitl,d,tWT|iff|tOfil''1 in tlifHOttndor dayi», nn<l 7V0 doubt tba /lycssinakoiR' im»sistnnts ond the M ltinteii nro jifistluk thoniHoU’os ?o th n t'ih fcy run cbirOotly dislffiinto riiclt nncl • vofy orto of 1bills upon the cloth gowns th at are Just now m aking their way through the-C us tom House,) -lntornocUng oircloB fashioned In th e 'm m i y«"y are very effective; dia m ond doilgns. Interlacing scrolls;-- «iid hr r*T >.0| 1fi«Jj f t . p a » » .ibro.UKit fact, nil of the lim ply and easily Accom plished geometrical outlines' . that will tholr )ii(M(l«. ' ' .i ' readily suggest them selves to the girl v\ltd wlt.!v t'-ono iiowor inodonf-.thriy'bftvo who i» clever with het ner lh wtlj al: hi b > ^ only jUst risoiwtbiVvfi Kii.v.hlon’fi iiorixon In MMtvA.. lu tho very height' of the faihloit. ,)’uils find nlfiAdy tholv npponmncn, haa F m Hit first of the autum n dwvs.-dav.s ~WhTpnTie mdfiiTiTgs are ehiijy enough ffm 1..... tno’do In this land of tlio sotting *un~ a rdiit) hut ’the mldih.y^am l fifttiriiooiis thfTO btis-ootno .Ibo- nowoy.^llturo. - We nro t tlher tftovwntm /n r this urtiHtton to the *& & .lost boglnnlhg to* i-eobgnj*o the Vtow dlno* 1 toilette, for these days there aro delightfill novHth’s being ■■prepared ly shirtwaist wlion we sob.Utem; but ItthUtat be consuits. These are entirely 1 dlffoi?oi)t from th e ^ td tv -^ h te h ^ v ? r ‘ehived i.y this hatnd ofAtho :jTfli;lOftd«>rB of fnahlon onr-tblt side In th e slimmer time, To meat the milder of the w a te r,.tho. groftt inaeseti of tin days the Mouses or shirtw aists fire usually of llnnnel, either plah), striped or plaidimi iduislng jitiblji; .linve, iiot fifrlVwV (it etl-pond th e .g n tm tt of fashion goes up tiobloved ibC ne.W'. Ilgii.i.'e n» I'o t. their Am erican ciwiomorB to; follow this atid.v lens to jn a k o H , guyii, they «ut to no ward In this H«<mcno<>—while the, skirt f* Hut with" tho pureliflflb of the nuttim n rule' th at they atloptcd the expedient of m varlalily of p|alh color to harmonlae, much better advantage. .Then, too, the and wardrobe will tonio tho tcallKntleir of the m ay he af some lightw eight goods, 1. having n, corset dcptirttnent of thMr own, ^h<^m,-fltciHcnjiti or:,imr«‘ ^ i a o ^ :^hio-<*x:i;r<itn<>ty-k)W-htie'tM'Coreet find the euitorrier waa tiitriHliieeil to till' ^H.fW d .'uodoj^'ii iilLatmiO' .*uidj..fts,sor^r n«\fP( » which w o have 'nil fif ue haen wearing rig h t kind Of cornet not only for her fig tyhnt dotfiched, hbjr ^xnthple, tlu^e nioA ndi-bi’ the way, the shittjvalst salt, Is w ltli.euch coiiifoft foi: »ome time (m ure but. for tho alyl* of gown which she til's wlileli 0110. buys 'by the yoiii bind th ey now in he retired'ts;Uh the summer and ultogcthcr out o'f lino, out of d riv in g , Viiit watt ordering, Tint* tlm custom er won nrc nil dellKlitrully rentiOmihle hi prion full days, The .ovoromktH rnui trinrlsts' Ifig, th ^ n duyn- tltoy never sen the llirhl of eoatH, n« they iir« varlon'Mly-called, th a t of- propni'tlan ., T . to , tlie , »outline o f life t ^- go w n * doubly *atliiflcfl tylth her pnrohaV , f o r ' d a i upon a truck #Jn Jiim tho Name way am a feature of fall and w inter fashions, permit olV-imy, alm ost dem aiid-tho sh irtP - fitSE. ,thnje wore 'r | my am all cm a p a rt gl|h n r g o t a l f ^ ^ i t p b e r j h , ip p fb «h J% aJn coi Awr >•" a deep cuff from there, A mV the e u fb g ltl- l,oul« iu:cl, ami htai'ye/tlm ^ s ••;-)1||,1, ],ou]s h r,’I, Him l'V;:'rii; '||i c KIm5iT^V';i Uttys»*» trimmed. isettes, «(«(!»« \ . Chem , ..,,..|inv vU'f!| veHt<'of \ OHv^ *>l vn^ll** (toO K l |U\> ."ll »t lilt. ' 1 V ',T|>-,|,o uhlVV ^1' UJ show .Mst, lift *'III e; V C)'1:! nuL1'^ 1 eK,lPf! ani him m eter and opnulettea* 'hhiek idioe. l-’or I he '’l111'" yet Itl'':1'1*; !..iftr,SVU’- *'! t!l' Hu imwor jiritdiu'Uonn; slilnv Mm k at that, Is I me f l c S. < j.! - /.il'-V1".’. ltu*CH are alm ost in some oiililriislhm color, ami hi mo mid 111mi m*■1i I'' *’ 1' l h1> u u............ t” nt a Ami imw jin ’ s tfh n . r 01 lug. At this i n H V S ‘VtiirhihdWIkSsI 1 l<'I Vl' ' feature to the Memo, ' Hocomp«aiii«=-ii th e s e ts tiandlmK niuj*Ctnatali F 'oyiS f ^ ^ ^ m o j ' . s i t e r t a M golslalue or of tho c a s a ry , to ................................ t |iji t \ [ the* But huli6’''- "A»,e ,: z ^ 'y ; m« e~ois meton, , ew|i« --1- w # 00X8,11 *• H mo«. ,1 muit conoea) m e-, Th« OrasevilleKorco—uHa,hal . Lunch right ready foru»t" j k v s xar touoh w it h HerV* a lucky Bo41 su e. M Circua d o n /V H l. bal'' ShubB) SHE JUMPED. ‘ QENTLEEINT. HPWTO MAKS.SCHOOL-POPULAR. s'-" ■ ■, > ut&m .? In > Vi -< .*rj &Si*l r'r :i'.V JS —'■‘^ P / : y -tfl •'ir-Tid : -Officer—"These -p ean u ts-a in ’t; so., -good -_.Rt___tbey was." M or o ha n t — ^P’raps you are getta tired of them?" * V S mm Bruin—"Salt, see me ,make, the lady, Jumt. - - ‘M 7 , iv tl :■ jt :vvr it MAYBE. --One; way woi t l j a l j i n l il the* eeaatona In a na<atorli>aa MISUNDERSTOOD. , Photographer—"Look a little pieaa* »ntar,*pleaie." ' — Canntbal-ChUt—'Tll-ta-hanged It^Lwill) I want tbeao ploturea to ay^rtrftl-chlwfa-on-othar-laU'nda.’’ ’ 4SA — She—- ’-’-Mlli H aw ty’s dimple Is awfully deep, Isn’t It? i Looks “-juat like a-glm lothole;1’ : >■ T? — 1le — ‘-Terhaps \ . Ta Stubblefield—“Waal, H I ketch IV dlng‘busted, pleheaded, half-baked flood that’s playin’ his Jokes on me. _rtl lnmbast_the funny business outer him!" Oholiy (from town)—"flood old dad was complaining • of hla tight boots, ao I'll, Just put my boot trees In them- and'tnfeke -'em easy" • Ihat’a what gives hcr-such a bored expression.” --- 1. --- ---- r—. ■ DIRECT; •Ughl” SEASONABLE SCENES. REPORMINQ. t ,—;----t P'Ti ... r J '& ithh.-rJ r'-~ ill r I P y .3 r (M M s — H -a (jfl eJvJ m -S ta r i b ...■ Ja»t*B—"Now, methlnks I will hara aRltft-lilHianUle -to-mefc»-tfa»—king.. inerrla. Mac—"Wha-an*, nounaed Flnnnl* . Ban’s Accident to his family?!’. Torry — ’"Elan* >spiwer>aniiwiiiniw«iwwwiiwndiiii ■ Vial tor Taslda)—f,Dooah’t the nolle of the typewriter *DM°/ B ?«y—’.’No; aho’a learning to -chew gum by tha nnlaelews proceBa now," :, ■ • V , SOMETHING STBONG. fib M PUGILISTIC EXPRESSION* M m mm m w m - , t -m m m V-. _ _ V . ^ vstm * * * ? * ' n r a r i r T«llitaliM HiM , «f hl‘ f»mtty n n t t o r n« Bold tid e aa< the ico reh eri d e a 't b eth el :h!w-a i>Ut APPROPRIATE EMPLOYMENT. "'H Fur,*y Freddie—"Wot is th' matther w|t VOU80? You look like you are'foal* ’ -In-th' oflccte of somethin’ strong." "Lanky Lounger (§aaiy>—"i atn. Tnat WlfA itAOlt (h1 road FAIrl lilt hit ma Dll fijrmer's .wlfo down th' twice In th’ face.'.’ WILL BE A LUCKY MAN. 't?1 f e s '8 r£ m « : i s p i ."Taking the cohot." HAS HELP. ■rt > 'H . -1 T h LOCAL EVENTS WE t f poPU I*Alt ■ O ttT B J t P A S T WJtJfJC F O B Try These—You'll Want More THE STtHM&PS BBADBES. -pfilOKS.— Mrs, Dan Kennedy turn purchased a new piano. J. P. Wood & Co. started their usual force of beau pickers a t work Monday. TbeLMIsses Nellie Maroney and Emma Hoffsfastter are atteudin'g business collegeat Ypsllantl. » Mrs. R. B. Gates is' having extensive improvefueuts made ou the tenant teila bous^ a t her farm. - , ... 1.^,1* rumored t h a t.there will ho a -^Theliast reporte recelvodfrom-George stohk and grain exchange opened boro Speer at Battle Creek indicate that he In the,near future. . is recovering from the attack of appen dicitis reported in The Staudard lust . --------- -— i Fred^HeUer received word a few days. week, I?0?* the death of his brother, Carl at Twelve members of the Blaok/Top his home In Berlin, Germany, Merino shedp breeders association of vicinity attended the annual meet' ^ The lecture ' course wIU place their this ing held at Quincy Wednesday of last tiokets onjfile the first of . next week. week, — ------. - 1—------- -— ■The first oatnber-wHLbeOctobeg J9 .- oa flem.Floiii*, s a c k , ;".'777777 | Alt,gi JlpUor King: Flour, JJftTok. kel'gBread Flour, s a c k ...,.* ... et Potatoes, Virglulaflrpeok,... gt potatoes, Jorseys, pfeok • M* MM .n t f ViV i v»™*»*•:>i “ Gottlieb Knapp a saloon keeper of ; - ^ st Friday Charles E, Paul threshed Ann Arbor has been arrested three 1000 bushels of oats in four andoue- times sinue the last term of the cireuit; half-hours for^E ilsw orthF letcherof court-for-keep! ng-bts-place^open oiv Lima,-— . J --------- .— - Sunday. — ------------------- »'• «».» •*••• I »» / i« * I'l t >.» , pound* ijc8) bottles,* • » .... .v. »*,»•*,•■ HMI MMI HI l L standard Mocha and Java, pound • >M» II *• *!J_I ii l L gjokon Java, compound, pound im ii »*»«i Mil »!»«««« I • ] ^iie tttdios’ .Aid Society . of St, Paul’s; The Home Missionary Soolety of the cnui'cu.will meet Friday afternoon of Mothodtst church will give a good sub this week at the home of Mrs. Orriri L. stantial supper, for 15 cents in the church Wednesday evening. October 5, from 5 o’olook until all are served. According to reports recently sentout the acorage of onfons in Washtenaw The publishers of the -Boyne Citizen county this year is 185 as against 225 at Boyne city, have just issued a very neatvsouvenir. edition that contains a last year. very compyebenslye. wylte up ©f the __ ■' ' -"u.^ .i- ■■' ^ village, Its business and Industries.- The production of “Papa’s Boy” a t the ,V;.fr^ v- • . ■■nwii'■—... *wnm»iw». .«-«w opera-house Tuosday evonlng was well attended and the comedy was funny, ex The Wlillamston Enterprise of yestoriday reports that smallpox has. broken ceedingly funny. . f . ' . ff"1 ..... '".'Mk • ■ ouUiLfiifamlly- near th at village. One 11 of the members of the family was a re Word waa-recoived- hove Tuesday that cent visitor a t -Jackson and is supposed Miss Cynthia daughter of Postmaster to have come "in contact with' the di llaU«yLof Miulqhestor, d ieclMomlay at; sease in thafr-city.^ Albuquonjuo, Now Mexico. Lgowl values, a t popnd......... L L ; fotioy White clover, pound... /fancy English Breakfast, pound .fancy Oolong, pound. , - . , . . . mon,fancy i’dd,■2 ca n s.. . . . . . lied Oats, 8 pounds....... . [ckers, crisp and fresli, H pounds o, best. Japan, pound... » • M I » t »I I « M IM« I « I « »«| It 11 L(13 Bars-Laundry)TTT bpChimneys-, . . .. .. .. .3c, Sc, 8c, 10c each [let Sots,,... .................................. . '. . ; . ', . . . $ 1 . 2 5 Dinner S e tsC h e a p er Than Anywhere. Fruit Jars, Tops and Rubbers at the Right [ice; ■j _Buy y o ttr -G r o c e r ie a a n d ^ C ro n lc g ry ju U ic o m e b a c k , b e c a u s e w e p le a s e a t N n r A .~ p o p u * ir-pr-iGes^— ---- —^— - — ---- :—^----:----- - - - JP. GLAZIER, President. »■ 0 . 0. BURKHART, let Vice Pros. [M. P. SOHENKrTreaBurer. F; H . 8WEETLAND, 2d Vice Pres. JOHN W. SCHENK, Secretary. rWant Good Sound [omg and see' us w hen you have Crain to sell. ■'■O',-1■ ALL K IN D S - O F R O O F IN G . Get our prices^-we will save you money. ^Yonrs for square dealing and honest weights. 'helsea Lumber &l Produce parpens Lawn Mowers, Repairs Gasoline-and Stoves, Lead Pipe and -Cistern Pumps, ahes Chim neys,- m akes Chimney T op s, 'Lines Ice _ B o x es, _Make3 a n d H an g s E ave Troughs and o f r e p a ir in g . CllET,SEA ‘PHONE NO. 05. -r 'A ll aNDW IN TER MILLINER? 1 1 ." fr The Shoe, Not tbe Foot. ■rj ¥r.; M l It’s the shoe that decides beauty, not the foot, If your shoes look well, yourfeetlookwell, but thetiandsomefoot couhts for nothing in the unshapely shoe. - — -7 — — -----— • There 18one shoe that Is doing wonders toward making handsome feet—that shoe Is "Queen Quality.4' ^$ 3 -0 0 , c v»i-. TH E PA IR . 'tj: ' : (i\ Wmre wiltbo a two days sossfoii of th0S 0,lffpe7 ntVo "Ji! b a0!- 11 the village pf Utass Lako in Oot^bcr. " .Ontario juniovs, will 1V111 cluslt in a game of M; &TL parkm rh 0'c]ock. Coach McLaren hosmiade sovera! changes in his lute up_and whilh he docs not predict a victory for the home - rw —Tho history of tho .Twentieth Michlr. team ho says they will put up a good gan Infantry, complied by the adjutants game. general, is now reauy ror redistribution Dr.W. F. BrOakey ledturer on Donnatto. those entitled thereto. o’lOgy^and Syphllology of tho U. of M. ■Married Monday, Sen teinber, 20,1904 and an associate-member “of sta;te board at St. Paul’s "'parsonage Miss Lizzie of health—was^oaHed -^-wlfeb- Di1. W. H. Schaefoiv-of Chelsea to Mr. Clayton Schmidt' of this place, to the home of Jones of'Grass T^kly~ROT. A.^ 7 jic!MeIi Bert-Ck>nlan-who-iSnlll-amLthe-Drs^eon-ourredm pronouncing the cuuse var oillelatiug. . k•• ioloid. -------• .- ' , ■ 'Miss Florence Martin has resigned Miss. Margaret M iller will leave Sat her position as teacher in the third urday evening for Chicago wiiore.she grade of the Chelsea schools and-Mrs. will attend' the marriage ceremony of. Florence Howlett ‘lias, boon engaged to Miss Catherine Geary Of Chicago- to fllbtlre=vacancy7=r=d=r..._.— . --- • M rclMwftHLnLr-M4llerrTueadayr6efeobet’ The groom ia a son - of Mr. arid —Atinion -wlll-be; 4,1004. ^ A L L -A N D E X A M W E T H IS = L IN t-O F = S H © E S f Mrs. Geo. Miller, or Lyndon. and well addressed on Sunday evening next at known toman^redidentys here. tho M. E.^cliuroh by Rev. 1-tutlege. He wijl also occupy tho pulpit; of the M. E. nfirftlrf nailov/of Lvndon. whose ill church, in tho morning, “ 1—^ "•?’ - in The Standard ness was mentioned lastr^weok=dle«L^afe- his - homo. Monday At the democratic senatorial conven night, September 2Q, 1004, aged 58 years tion for the 10th district held in Ann' Ho was born in Ireland. Ho is survived Arbor Tuosday,“Afttiur “Ilfowib "luayor by his'wlfe, one son and four daughters". of the city of Ann Arbor was placed in The funeral was held this morning, at no 10 o'clock .ironLthe ChurclLQf OurJ.ady^ of;tfi^'Sacred‘Heart’r his pastoFtho^Rovs Miss Mary Haab had a showing of Fr. Conaidine officiating. Interinont at ladies and childrens headwear at her Mt. Olivet cemetery. store on Saturd iy at' wiiich _time she made a display of all the newest effects The buildings at the plant of the on the market-for-chis-season, ——__^z: While Portitfhd—Cement company—atFour Mile Lake are fast bearing com i--.; A teacher's-examination to r the se pletion and the secretary of the com P IG E S T S W H A T YOU E A T cond and third grade certificates will pany, H. O. Millen, informs The Stand T M # 1-00 b oU U conU ln, 2 H th n a a th e tria l * 1m ,.w h ich M il, lo r 80 M O ta ard that in about four weeks the plant bo hold by county school commissioner, _ M lf A R I D ONLY AT TKB LABOKATORV .Or ^ C. E. Foster in Ann Arbor tho third. will bo ready to start up and when ready-tho-Company .wilL ___ » • O. JDaWXTT * C O M P A N Y , C H IC A G O , 2 U L Thursday and Friday in October.------ everyfching-ds hnldn reception to whioh the publlo 0 E A Z I B B 6 s S ^ IZ k C S Q -IS L. - . — - — ------------- invited and allowed to make a will bo a missionary meeting at wilLbo thorough inspeotion of1 tho wOrka. j '(.ho Gorman church in Manchester next THE MARKETS. R E rO R T O F - T H E . CONDITION ISunday aiul they have extended an i»~ -REPORT-OF-THE CONDITION For-several—weeks past- some boys " .Chelsea buyers pffer today, the follow OF,-7 \^itntion-to the members of St.-Paul's —— OF THE— -i ' church of this-placo-to-berpresent,'------- have mad.e a.p.ract|cu^of jthrow[tig stones ing prices: at windows in* different places about town and -one building has had $10. Whout, red or whl^o.-. . . . . . . . .$100 to 105 -Chelsea Savings B a n L r sohqpls;in the .w.nrthiot^gla$s_d£iStroycd, one of the Oats .. , . V. ..V.V.7.7.T; ;7-.“ 7.“.7 25 -80 Chelsea, Michigan, at the close of buel- A t Chelsea, Miohigan, at the oloee of jtnnntv iuTve commoiiceu ^J5elr~ygar*g~ large stained - .glass windows- o t the- M. R y o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 to 70 Atnegfl. 8flpt. dth. 1Q<)4 aa AiHart Ky __bnfliness. -Sent. '6. 1904. as called mm work-and-county--school commlislo'neT E, ehurely-has bean-broken In' a ltko lioaiis:.:.-.....;..--------------------------- iHw ij no— the-^mmlsslon^of-fche-Baukfu^De f5r by the commissioner of the Foster reports th af these will begin manner. It would be advisable' for the Clover seed a. • . ^. . . . » . / ■ j f ® * wu " partment. -” r -rBanklng D epartm ent. . , their work about the first of October. . boys to stop this kind ot work ns they Live Beef C attle;. . .’. A . . . . 2£ to 8 ’. * -BasovRoxs. ">■ v.-».......5 to BESobkoES are known .to tluf officers and If they do Veal Calves/;',, Loans.and diabbubts;. , . , . . , I 1851865 58 -Tliere-wlUbo-an-adjourned-revlow-of not stop there wiH-be-rsoveral-arrosts Live. Hoga . . . . . . . . .. ■,r h . ..—1-5. Loans and d isco u n ts . . . . .* $-52i;904-88~ 8 to 05 Bonds, mortgages and so* tho L. O. T. M. M. Saturday of this week mode, __ .. .^ _____ , __ Lambs,... . . . . Bonds,m origages.eecurlties 320,0t7 8 6 _ Q9._^BUrittei^».-V.................... 805,892 11 ChhHcensrspringvvvv and there "will he a specTal' meeting, 140 00 Prem ium s p aid on bonds.. 928"62 ~ .. -00 Premiums paid on_bonds... Wednesday evening,. October 5, for the At the meeting of f the prohibition Fow ls..,. 758 02 O v e rd ra fts.................... - -1,170.54 . purpose'bfifilTsfcton and entertainment. party held in Ann Arbor Saturday tho PotntOeST.rrrrrrr , . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . 25 to 80, Overdrafts....................... following were selected for the county Onions....^................. .......... 80,000 00 Banking h o u s e . ; . . ; . . . . . 40 Banking h o u s e ..;.. . . . . . . . . 7,500.00 officers: Judge of probate, Jas. P. Wood,; Furniture and fixtures.,;..; '9,888 00 F u rn itu re and fix tu re s.... ;; 1*500 00 Butter.,,,»*«,«,^ «.•■ 13 to 14 Jplrero=\vilI be a democratic convention ehelseai^ahoriff, Geo.'- Coler“YpBilanti;; G lh erreat estate.^. . . . ...._ . 4,000-00 held in Manchester, Wednesday, Ooto clerk, L. D. Carr, Ann Arbor; register, l'.ggS . . .;. . it , ,. , . . . , », Vt-t *•, ' • '18 U. S. bonds,.......$ 2,000 00 Due from other-banka and _ _ “7" her 12 for the purpose of nominating a O. M. Bowen, Ypsllantl; treasurer, A. ^ -b a n k e rs ........ tv . ,,. .. ___24.l7o.S4 - -O u e^fro m -'b an k s — ' — — candidate for representative in the G. Lawrence, Saline; prosecuting at Items in i ran,s i t . . . . . . . . . In reserve citles 42j976 80 ; : ^ state legislature for thcL.aecond Cepre- torney, N. W. Cheever, Ann Arbor; cor High Prices for Farm Exeba’es for clear-_________ 7......^___ .U._ . S . - b b h t l s , 5,500-00. J . . scutative (listrict ln this county. oners, Dr. E. D.;BfookjB,.. Ann Arbor, R. makes i t necessary for farmers in order in g h o u B e...... 5,228 26 Due from banks - * PrOKase, Sylvqn; surveyor, O. E. Wilsqn; to harvest one of the best paying crops U. 8. and Nation* . TifHsfierve ci ties 39,976.28 Thursday and Friday of last week the Ann Arbor; representatives—Jabe^Ba- to purchase the genuine Patent Miller albank curre’y,. 6,888 00 U.S. and uatioiiai. . . . . ^ .Misses. Millers had their annual .fall con, Chelsea; F. M. Beal, Ypsllanti^ : ■Bohn Harvester. It d,aos the work of Gold c.oln...........i 10,850 00 ■\ bauk currency. 11,228.00 ; ' ; soveral men.and don’t.m ake any fuss, SI IV-er_Calu^.... i,4 4 in o G old coin............. 10 . 112.60 .-------__ —On Tuesday eyonibg^S^telnije^-S^ii- Never"Mhnto_glvo-’ good satisfaction.' Nlckelffend oents. W.-4252 56— 69,081 62 ^amtlygalih&rlng^was-held—at-the-fio mo Manufactured olily by the Le Roy Plow Checks,’cash'Ttems,' internal , .-Vv,twJ’ 8ilvercoln. .V ;. . i,o-?V85------------of Mr^ and Mrs, Henrv -Notten ofFran- Company, Lo Roy; New York, For sale 220 8T 68,102.94 m m Ito choose from,. revenue account,. 401 00 Nickels'and cents oisoo for-bhe benefit of- their slstev-and by-\V~JHfnapp, -Chelsea, w .; TDheoker-eaah—Hems- i n t e r - ----- — — Tho reports ot tlie-fibiiclttions of tho brother* Mr, and Mrq. William Notten nal revenue a c c o u n t..; . . 172.95 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . .$555,571 87 11 11 ■248 state banks, four tru s t companies of Ventura. California. The occasion T o t a l . . . .V .. . . ..' .$4 / 6,493,08 , LIABIL1TIK8. - ' ____ socinty-for savings-inrMichlgnn also_boing.Mt.Hfinry_Notten!s’ birthday, Capital stook,paid^mnrr!T-rt--$-80,000-00 ---- ----------J ------ UABltmEf; ^ ns issued to the stftto“ banking-co-mmi8- The ^evening—was,._ very: . pleasantty Surplus fund............... . 80,000 00 sinneiLaW lio-closeof:bualtm H s:JB ptem - speHt^The-Fmnolsoo-Cornet band-fur. 7,721 90 C apital stock paid i n . . . . $ 40,000:00^ ber Oth shows an..increase over a year m'Bhed“thonf WltlnaUaW "whlolr ovoryono By the Evidence of Michl- Undivided profits,net.,. . . . . 10,000.00 enjoyed. Soon came the lunch. Oh my, Dividends jinpaid.----- 74 00— .--------- S u r p l u s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . agO-Of nearly six million dollars, U ndivided profits, n e t . 4,847,20 tttFy ou con Id n' tr rest you couldn't eat — ' gan People» — _ Commercial de* - -i ■ — ----it all if you tried your best.! "So amidst Dividends u n p aid 256.00 posits.TTv.; r . . 51,621,IT" ■" The dally evidence'citizens right here Certificates of de* Washtenaw’s share of tho taxes to be the laughter they departed one by one. C om m, collected this fall according to'Coupty All reported a jolly" time, There was m-MlclvlgaoLSUpply is proof sufficient to posit..v. ,.„ -..„ 5 1 ,088 19— — - .posits.... 48,629.,66— , Clork Blum's eta tornen t recoly o d from ^ to" bo over onoJlmndred. present, satisfy the greatesT skeptl6i^No4>eHer-J-Savlngs deposBst-r205i285 24 C ertificates oithe-auditor general of state Is ?8fl,275,48 . ^ proof can be had. Here la a ease, Read Savings certlflca d e p o s l t . . . . . . 28,860.98 SCHOOL NOTES. AVaahteivftw»-4fidobtedjnp8S to the state te a r .;.. . . .v.l49;805-87— 457,849 47 Cashiei’, s check It: " July lVinO-l, wns |L 2 0 T O “Tlie aggre Izora Foster is' out of sohool on ac - ilte i gate of the state tax is $2,054,602,08. Savings deposits 82i ,801.90’ George W. Olossoh, Prop, of the large count of slcftuoss. Total. ......... ....$555,571 87 Savings certifl- ~ MIsb Preston of the Grass Lake livery stable and hack line, at 137-189 At tho meeting of the republlcnn schools visited the first grade Wednes West; Main St;, and residing At BSOTeriL State of Michigan,_OQnnty..-ofiWasbte* cates............. 27,'097.30 421,645.88 naw, es. stato central committee hold in Detroit day* T o t a l . . . .......... ,..$476,498.08 I, Theo, E. Wood cashier of the above last Thursday, John E. Bird of Adrian, Roy Meirs and Edith Johnson are out .torlal street, Benton Harbor, says: named bank, do solemly swear' that the S tate o f M lbhigan, C ounty of W ash“ Doan’a Kidney Pills procured at Harry wm*ehoBoiv4o -fil I. ■thoyacan c y ifOE-M:. ofthe s econd ■grad.^-oii-ftooonnt of-slok« above statement Is tme-to -the beat of tenaw, sa,, — — :-------------------- ::-------tornoy general on the staM tlokot. ness. L, Bird’s drug store have' been used In I, J . A. P alm er, cashier o f the above Mr. Blair having resigned to accept the Tho second grade children aro very my family and undoubted results were my knowledge and belief. T hko. E / Wood, Cashier. atlon for one of the justices of the much interested in some oatlcllars they nam ed bank, do solemnly swear th a t obtamedr-IttyTvife tt rsHearned"of them ~8nbscrtbed and sworn to before me this .the above statem ent Isdriie to ,th e best ‘ eHsnmottckefr;— — have, day of .Sept. 1904. Carl Fuller has lefirthe first grade through her brother-in-law/Mr. J. P. 10th My commlsslob expires January18,1908. of my know ledge and belief. - . LaFayctte grange will meet’ at the and is'now going to school in Battle Mitchell employed as mail olerk on the ^ ohn A. P axmkr. Cashier, P ajul G. Sohaiblb, Notary Publlo. ; Lima Methodist enurch Saturday, Ooto- Creek, Miohigau Central R. R., between Detroit Correct—Attest; Subscribed and sworn to before me . -1 ■ Golden Griffith .and Austin Palmer her 1, 1004 at 10 a. m. The afternoon thjs 9dav o f S ept. 1904 u W m. J K wapp, and Chicago. He advised her to use program will consist o f 'tnlseeHaneous have returned to their work in the sub.■ {.sV M l' ■ ' J. Wr SoHKtJC, My commission expires Mar. 28,*07. them and tt - proved to be an excellent quotations, quoations box and select primary, after a short illness. H, I. StlMSOK, . H. D Wi thered, N otary P ublic. The fifth grade had tholr first lesson remedy. I heartily join Mrs.. Olosson In" rending. With the following question Directors, C orrect— A tte st SijSWv'yif! for discussion. What are the advanta' In water colors, Monday under ‘ the endorsing this valuable medicine, To DIRRCTOBB. H S' H olm es, ges from the use of improved farm m* direction of Mrs. Mary Dopo\V. Bruce Avory, a former pupil lioro vi anyone oomplainlng of baokaohe or any W. J. Knapp> v. John W. Schenk, . -------------C K ielu , chtnery. ' ■ . ' i i sited us Friday morning. Ho, loft this of the tholdentals which folloW in the G. W, Palmer, Adam Epplnr, * ■ (4eo. A, Re(4ole. week to accopt a professorship In the W. P, Schenk, Fred Wedemeyer •> Jha.'ii-! ' t !‘i wake-of that far too prevalent complaint The open season for gamo Is as fol • Dlr«ctor«. ii . Frank P, G1Siler', lows: ftuoks and all waterfowl, Ootober unlvorslty of Chicago. kidney disease, my advice is, use Doan’s V. D. Hind el anA, j'i Dr. K. K. Caster gavo a very interest H. I. fltlmson, 1 to November 80 inclusive *<>*• b,RCl{ -Kidney Pills.” > NOTICE—480 acres of land either for ing and instructive talk boforo the high and gray squirrels, October 12 to No sale, rent on shares or for cash rental i.h\ vember 80, Inclusive; patrklgo, quail school, Monday morning on Egypt.. Thd 'F of -eale- by all dealers, Price 50 nltuMed 4J miles north.'of OhelRea. cniitdv Foster Mllburn Co,, Buffalo, N. talk was ,very nrmoh enjoyed ub eyoryand woodcock,^October 20 to November Chelsea Cemp.No, 7338,Modem Woodmen Inquire nf J. R. GnnriHn ' , 80, Inelusivo; mink skunk and muskrats thlng Dr. Castor said was from his own Y, , sole agents for the United States. or America. Meetings on the first Hat* Remember the name—Doan's—and personal observations. Ho will bo with must not bo taken during Soptombor urday andHilrdMonday.of aach month. u* again .nwt.Moafl»y>_____ ................ take no substitute. Rnbsnrlbe for the BtAnrlard. aadQOto)&ft.r,- — __ ......... - ---------------------------- - - " liil PkOVE IT ANYRIME. k in d s 1 'lUilll Office, corner Main street and M. G.~ R. R. Oil 1in U *■Jt i)^. - I Remem ber—W e carry-! o stoek-a f uIl-l in c o t— ii ..— -*" - hi our superb showing of the now tilings in millinery we have ^INSBOROUGH HATS AND FRENCH SAILORS Our'llno of trimmings consists of 'lushes, Shaded Velvets, Plumes, Owl Heads. Cull arid'oxnmino nil '.the iiqwGstshadoB. M IL L E R S IS T E R . , m ,t .q'yfeij .. v -.A I’''*"*4 '‘Tell' me,'' aho haid, athpplas him; ••why you kept those flowers?” . Though hor voice was without emo tion, Dicky, saw something ip her face th at| sent the blood leaping in bis 4 eik ^H a^ se jto 4 ;d jew Jh i^ .ta --h lin .‘‘Because 1 love you,” he whispered* his voice almost fierce with joy. - , (Special Correspondence;! It waa .Nella wko wept how,. Chief Charley Mojb've was Induced .--i'mcky^ahft-aGhhedL.'lw.henJ Jlldnlt . whe&~our~party_8a t around see you in 'ther orchestra 1 fancied all a camp dinner in the shadow of an —through the. iqediupi of # moneyed sorts of dreadful things, so 1 asked Aztec ruin ^northern vAf^bfia, we- CTib'e^-to invite us to visit bis camp, your actress from the doorkeeper— were surprised by the noiseless ap* which lies a t the base of an old. Aztec j p d eame, here ta flnd_.ciut .what. had. pearanco of two Indiansra man a n d ^ village; A circle of' ruins screened, happened-to you. Why didn’t you woman,' ^Apparently of middle age, our approach until we‘were quite dose write to me white. I-was awayrDtekyf 'Botff~w6f ^ tattooed in radiating blue to the d u s t e r of brush and canvass 1 thought you would understand when lines -from mouth to' chin* showing wikiups _before which three squaws I gave you the flowers, Qh/. Dlcky, them to ho Apaches, and both, were 'squatted in lazy contemplation of a Diclty, l hatuloYeU^you. ever since I very dusty and travebworn,. The wom fourth, who was engaged In* basket looked down’ Into yijur eyes that n ig h t an* who was stout and awkward and !Weaving^All! four were lb .0 state'of. I thought that you- loved me until I homely of feature, wore a kalledeo- squalid frowslness; which contrasted went away and: you-did n o t write. scoplc blankbt of IndIan weave, queer 'painfulTy wIth Pur romantic ideas ,o t Then. I was miserable, Dicky. But it canvas hoota^Jimied up .a t the toes* th e noble red race at home* Surprise doesn’t-m atter now F t . _ and a number of cheap bead bracelets. a t our unexpected appearence struck “Nothing mattora now/’ said Dicky, The man wore failed blue overalls, a them dumb, apparently, for they said and ho kissed her on the lips.—Chi* shirt that had once been pink, and a not a word until we asked, through cago American.-------■ ------ ^------------ - pagodallke Mexican hat muph the 1 Chief Charley, to be permitted to se 0 th e ’ children; whereupon the chiefs worso for wear. >. . THE FLIGHT OF TIME. He took'a buckskin wallet from hls. grandson, ft sturdy little buck of eight shirt bosom, froift”'ftlttab >fie,'Rot" out -jt or thereabout, made a successful graD Single Men and^Women Have Little scrap of paper, and presented It, with; at a pair of grimy overalls that huqg, ' Sense of Its Passage* out a word,* to one of our party, who with other articles of family apparel, Men and women who remain single read its written statem ents’ aloud, it In the dleft of a mesquito bush, and aro apt to lose all sense of the pass* was dated three weeks baok, and bore disappeared In tho surrounding scrub. ago-of time. Thoyj are conscious of no the official sttal of the agent at Fort acre was the sound of a - struggle perceptible .difference In their own McDonald that .Yadlpn and Saf-a-U|1;, which-sent- the pebbles sputtering In feelings—they grow older so gradu- both Yuma Apaches, .were united In all directions, then a shrill little voice the_:bnii4 s of matrimony ,i» the pres protested vigorously against some out tlcular difference In their appearance, ence of the white 'witnesses whose rage perpetrated by the victor.;, ^ho^ so It isv no wonder that every ,now names wer.e affixed ^to th e . document, presently reappearod le a d ln ^ a very and then they are brought up, as" it "Ono time," s^id ho with reminis unwilling two-year-old boy whose were, with a disagreeable shock, say.s cent solemnlty, f. ?the Apache big-In movgpients, were! seriously Impeded tho New'York Tribune. dian. Now ho beg or work like white by Overalls adjusted 'the w ro n g side - "Where have you •come from?”- said man. An’ sometimes he starve. Wo before. He was pretty and bashful, n man to a college chum whom he beg for bread; now ’cause my wife she but plucky. He choked back hls natmet. at the-.Grand_Central.atatlon,.a.od yer-y—tired- and—much-*- hungry. W ill ,ural fear of white strangers by. douhi ling- both hls brown fists over his whom he had not seen for what white frioDds jjlyo her bread?” ' seemed to him only a few years. < The unconsclqiis. dignity of hls ap* mouth while he halted under the fire “I’ve Just beem seeing Tom off to peal -lent;-.a.:'strahge-4ttterest -to-the-pO t-bis enemy’s scrutiny. A younger ■school,” said the other .7 queer, ragged figure, which was nelth- papoose, strapped In hls tight little .“To Bcbool?-’!- repeated the friend-, er firaet nor stalwart^ yet not without, basket, stood tilted against^ a nearby looking puzzled. “Why, . surely, he manliness. W hen';he looked at the shed. There waB not much to see about ■must bo a t college by this time.” brown', silent face of hl& bride there “ The second man •gave~a:'g re at was something in hls own face that tho camp, for Mrs. Charley’s housemUgli.. ‘ Wliy.'-WUUu TIP, ' ItfF :~.Vatf r mnnmim tme ot th e wcrid-wide ktc uebbihg .'15 of i im- Hiusf primitive orWinkle!” h e:crled,. “My brother Tom, shijt of the human race! Some pne (lor. Her wiklup, little _and low, com h you are thlnklng"of .him,, has been heaped a plate full of eatables and tains three heaps of grimy bedding, a through college long ago, a.nd is mar ried, I am talking of my son, who Is 1;2 years old, and is golng- up to G-^— for hls first term.” . “Great-’ Scott!” exclaimed the first T h e A pache a t H o m e. 1'L ' ^ X \ '%V&r■' T*" , •A HeoiltdM boy *hQ worand tMuWo«wn»‘s4f V.BeyondY compare. Vexatious.. wiltul, I '■ * wiw. — ....... Ho hated books^a boorish, untaught - v. ; -----rr’-ohira— --------•%---------------- -' '• ■* t ■locked upon hls face; no good can ,{■> ' come, .... . r^I-said.-for nothing innocent is there, -r- _* One day J came upon, the truant -lad , v | >' ; * Aateep,hSfil'Je the water, where the glad, • *1 ' Height sumlgnt warned the hazy autumn, ., •/ J P ~ aiiv' ’• 1 „ 1 | ' !i £ The vicious brow was smooth'. and fair; J i jf, r>o>-trhce ■-j ■-* v' Of euilenuees about the Ups that, smiled ; . As If a vision holy held the child’. ; " _ to. awe I looked upon that angel face. , . vr .■■■■.,-Josephine K, Tool in National Magazine ’•V •• r * 1 for August. d'•v, \ / iy '" . '• •-c ■. ■ v: *J f - }y-yVv.1 ‘;■-v-‘ -l '_..'■•......• ♦ .•■••v - ■•••■■■.•■■, . ■-. ■A-. ■_ •_.__v . BT ERNEST HERBEKT . EEBK A B U R !E D > R ^ U m - : jum« m ■. - iNvesm^sL < P erpetual The ra<yum,;,electroacope is a little instrument in which the departure of negative. lOiia from_gLJP^<;k of radium’ inclosed in a sealed vacuum tube p e ^ petually changes the leaves o f an electroscope; also inside the sealed tube. • W hile- tbe-actionM * pro.bablJL not perpetual, so long, as the radium lasts, say 30,000 years, the, tiny, leaves of tbei electroscope will, it is said, go on opening and shutting so naany times a minute* like a clock or a perpbtuaLm otorr There ds a lso -a n ar rangement by which the periodical discharge’s df^th® electroscope, when, the leaves touch the side of the sealed glass tube, in which a wlye connects two Inner coatings of zlric foil to earth, ring a boll or print' a record of every contact of tlie leaves, Each dis charge from the outside to n u ln g io f zlno foil and wire when the leaf strikes the innor foil is sufficient to act on a coherer similar to that, which is—used in wireless telegraphy. The coherer, as in a wireless telegraphic system, Is put In. a bell circuit, and oacfrtlm e it Is acted ,on liy a train of H ertzian; waveVIt rings a* hell- With a three milligramme speck of radium ,t he hell was rung every .seventy sec-, onds. Thus a perpetual minute bell could be.devised. . ■’■. - RE Mexican*,In’ Concerted Effort J * , Hoarded Cold, - ^ . Reliable parties from . ieport J h a t a ..number - g f f l l with teams, plows and :avating in that vicinity; S t ! ? ” have In their possession^ ,showing .treasure t a Z 9* there to the amount:of Mexican: doubloons; They say th a t the. treasure 1*,*^ uear jyhat i f known a s i ,t h ^ - l i ! S and have,.agreed to pay the n3 of the lan’d on which th e y -a rja t^ a certain, per cen|^L the.find for C L privilege of excavating. Tto iJS are la s ^ d to have b esn b u rff .the-’Texas and Mexican w S - T l said k. tradition h«a existeVths ? targe^um in Mexican douh!6car bulled somewhere’ on” the bank, 3 Pond" - creek - and another that was treasure of constderabla In 1Mexican money buried poIntalongrth^-hanka’onSe.'n river 'p e a r Marlin. ' - -Many excavations have bqen W to locate, th e burled troasufo -bothL Pond creek and the- Brazos These efforts were not only m'8i i 3 home people, but strangers*!fav$ giiil In and excavated, among whoa w«2 Mexicans. A few years ago if J nor uncommon thlng-to-see deep bold dug- along the bankB of these streamx presumably by parties in search'd the lost treasure; but if any money hn ever been found In this manner (hi fact Is not known.—Galveston ^ -r1 .. 'Iv, PreachediFrom Engine Footplate^- that followed, audacious' ky Amber-bad often-read of cases year ll^ft his own—,with ! this . Important thoughts that filledI Dicky's mind as d ^ r e u c e i 't o e stories usually ended; ■;he gazed on his most'cherished-pos happily w h e rea sB e know th a t for sessions.—’two wlthorod roses. Soon himself It would 'be madness to hope after, however, ho usually read In '• Novelty in Envelopes. some newspaper one of the numerous for anything save disappointment. In no other business Is there auca !He was in love, desperately,, madly accounts of Nona’s trans-Atlilntlc suc a continual search for novelties as Itt love with Neila1Renshaw, a clever cess. Then his- splendid hopes, col in, the printer’s •art. - The^ up-to-date addressed, from railway trucks; but1! and ,popular actress, the admired, qf lapsed dismally. Yet they were "al printer is aWays on th e lookout for Dr. Parker once had the unique e:-; all admirers! . 1 : ■ ways there, and though he did not something new, and e.speclally;_i8 this perience of preaching a sermon frou: ^ e. enshrined vhe? lp ’his heart the know It, grew stronger and stronger true of what are generally called nov the footplate of an engine. Neatly" very first tlme he saw her, which was. unnj they became part of his life. elties,!’ To be "successful he must tw o' -thousand men ’ were 'gathered the day on which he commenced bis ' At last Neila came. back, phe was be able to, present something that; Is around-him , and he has been heird< engagement .as violinist in the^or "to open the Autumn season a t her old attractive and artistic and a t the to say that that was "the rfiosnnter.'! chestra of the .London; theater at theater and once' more- Dicky could ! same time substantial and It is sei- estlng episode In. bis life, which 8hO-was_iilayt}pg .a leading part. see .her every nights He-plhyed^flrst dom that he does^ two pieces of work Hfl made no^ effort, to check-.-thls Ocean.-T-nafflo rn Beefi alike. Hls work really covers such- ? hopeless' love,’’which grew; and grew. ""“ There h as been Just oue brattch c.. wide range that he must be _ahl.e to a s[,he. w a tte d her night after nlght.the-transatlanticfrelghttrafflc-eaUHe could only see her when, the acfaotory to :the steamshlp> agents qp , tlon of theTplece bFougbt -hcr-welLfor Boston-; this—year^-namely, the ward? Upon the sta g e r ' .but he soon meats "of ' live" stock; and“fre8h b«V learned to know when these places these two, more than ahythlng V cajn»,;and was always ready for her having kept freighters plying to . so as not to lose a single second of fro ^between ..that po^t and E^urow “ the-tlme that^sheUvas- liv-his view,;7 when otherwise they must have ten had shriveled- up and blown away. OncB . her eyes.,met h is upturned withdrawn .or retained In tho service1 ‘1 Hew^-dld-you-tle-l t a 1 1 -so-fast ?” gaze. That night, he walked to his ht a big loss. present something different for every “It is very difficult to keep;track of poor'lodgings with ills head among business. . ' . *. . .people that yo^ do. rtot see all the .the stars; After that he. found her. Lesson' For Women. All printers .do more, or less pam time," remarked a suburban woman. ‘"look turned toward him On several oc ’ Jersey Shore, Pa./Sept. 26 (Special)’' phlet work and a very unique novelty. “The other day I weftt off my owri casions. - On these nights ..he, lay “ ^“Dodd’sKldney^P-llls—have.-done. In this line is that shownftv. the illus -route and took the ferry to Staten awake, for hours, asking himself Worlds of good for me.” That a.what ■ tration. It consists of an jm lin a ry Island to visit a friend. On the boat —w hether-tho-sm ileJn-those—heautlfuL Mrs.-C. :D.::Earne 8t.:of'thls“place:ha, booklet^of-any-number-'of pages with T saw a woman w ith whom-F:used-toeyes could possibly have been for to say of the-Groat American Kidney th’ e envelope combined ’ therewith. be quite Intimate. ‘You know Nelly hlm»> but by morning he hail called Remedy. The cover is rrta<TQ larger ' thanther has been so very ^ ill,’ sho said, ‘but h imself a fool for lmacinlng^for outslijo-booklet;-allow 1 hgran—edge of r ,”I-was .laid up sick,” Mrs. Earnest; jf instant that what was obviously an acaboxtt an inch all around. whlctr^toj-COntlimfis. “and had not been out of have pronounced her out of danger.’ ~^en tvln . h er. acting, could have any “ ‘I am so glad,: I exci a Lined cqrd tiffftly separated froyi the. “main por- bed for five weeks. Then-J begalTfo ffffce~for~hitrn,/ ly. ‘How relieved you must be!’ The pn -ey perforation. This edge, con- use •DoddJs~Kl dnoY Tllte'anfrnor iaa m reasonings, those glances made tm th of the, matter being that I did tains an adhesive-substance, .which so 1 can work and go to-towa-ffltionl " hlm^absur'dly happy. ’ can be easily moistened and the back suffering any.' T^vcmld- not'bo'with-* not have the slightest Idea. who. Nolly Then came a hlow that hurt him and front of the .'cover brought—tcr--Lcl1t Dodd’s.Kidney Pills. .I "have was.” ■ . cruelly,, NQlla was^to tour in Amor, “You?” he said, huskily. geiher. ThlB eventually seats the en reason to praise them everywhere,” lea.; Even the pleasure of .looking..aL. .Women ,who suffer should learn* velope * and when received can be h er was itow to be denied him. He instead of second violin now an.d hls, Young Love LlVetLOnca'in an Humble lesson’ from this, and that lesson It, quickly opened by tearing off the per * ‘Shed. position had been altered to one would not see her, for a tong •time—:’ In-nn hum ble'shedr forated *edge.— The name and address ’’cure the kidneys wlth-Doddfr Kidney1 'from whfch'he had a far bettor view., lYannjrJovenived'oiicc perhaps never again. , Where rosea broiUhltiB. v. of the recipient can be written on Pills and your suffering will ccaijj. . A farewell performance _^a,a .. a.n- of "the stage. “ ■ - Ami wpoObinefi'-'Wisenthlng' ■ Hw>-In Ltlf!,' R|irn. the front the same as IcLthe ordinary, Woman’s health depends almoat eo-j '■that As -will] au<l sweet as the life lie led. envelopo and_a_slamp_afflxed. “7 ’ llrely on her kidheys. Dodd’s Kidse t pounding-wlth exr took-^his^ac-c-ustomed place'. Before}14-n - p refan floui’lsh’il Pills have never yet failed".tonaalrtf young Hope .nourish’d then he _had always, felt, a thrill of eitement as he went toward the thea -'f’-hoFor Infant! bmls-with bonms-and show-rs: healthy .kidney. Picking Coal by -Machine. , pleasure and pride when' cam e_the ter that day—the"day “on whjelr-he' But )l»s though blooming, m ust still be was-to behold her again, after a-year. England.'is soon to have a complete fed, .J. • . ■■■ - ; -thunders of applause -in t acknowledg coal screenings plant for the express ; -Explosives, in Cabbap#^ m ent of .Nella's superb' art, 'but,_on_ In hls heart there was a great hojo And not'even Love can live on llowera. purpose Q^-plcklnir” onnla, T h fl Tn chemftal fflannrtf,.this night It filled ’hls hoarf with sad- that she .would rocpmt(zip. _■ Irn ' in tla c ! th n t! Poverty’s evil eve u ul1' I'lTflir lilill^rf " s carrled'on a traveling belt, while wo often consume a lot oT exploW -ness—and—a! great, lump—came, to hls somb way • o r 'nnottior. ' ”S'ur?3ly:LJfe(i"t , *'Tjurir "Wllrttl "V nA/rtrti4 tl* Hwoets toVw ither. ' must. Then he would wait at the .operatlvesj standing on each , side a t when we eat a cabbage. Ground, ul The- llow'rs lay down 'their bonds to did. throat. This was the last time he H one"fell "sick as tho w itch drew would sea the’ ti'iumph ot-the woman stage door and perhaps 'she. would' And' nigh, short-dlstancosr jpick—out- the stone, • nature of-which' requires...ILtP |>8 ■■ epeak ta-hinragain. shale and other, substances -as the tllized With' nitrate of potash, yield*’ he loved—the last~tTme. Sln> On me one morning . B itter-and terrible was his. dlsap- 7“":': Kfc -r,o\ U'-|' WHi'iiiiig, cvnl passes along.- The' plant will some of this up (v -the’ Then, as the' curtain fell, he^dId a *— ;>laPl-|alll> . .; And rn.'sod the ;laich-~where tho young thing that he had ,nexer-^axed- before p_ointmen.t.' Not ev cn .aio 'Jn ee came — - god- la y .h.av_e_..plcklng - belts, -Jigging—acreena, ■course of. growth,-ftfld. " - - -. —‘-!Oh.-lK,!'-’-8uid-.Love—“la It you?,, good to dp;.—H e-qtttekly made- hls :way to' Ida, way 'revolving tlppies_ and_variaus_C.onvey• the: Interior of, the body. ! ! ■ The next day he was ro t at hls So hebye!" the stage door and waited there to, ors, together with the necessary steel opench tlio window, and flew awayv —Thomas' M oore.' ;/ H o w ’s T h l x ? watch her_departure, - Ab' she passed' place in the orchestra. Instead he sat structural work and gearlhgT. The-re Wo offer One Hundred him' the' fragrance of- hb^ dainty :silk3 at home In hls-room before a table volving tippler, with a diameter OT'slx eue Chief Mojave and Wire. of Catarrh .that..caonot bo cuku -ur n _> Death Dealing Canoe. and laces. seemed_to hold hls whole covered with manuscript songs. They f^et; six inches, is- arranged-to convey4^atbTT^uro.-- y j ;g , ^ e?:4 cojrr’^ v-Aboljsh . the canoe andCanada were “those' which he had, written out handed it to the brJdegropmt who gave couple of soap boxes; two- beautiful all*-the coaF from* the tubs to the . We, the underaJgftodi s o u r fit ' bondage, and when ^Ser 'rusfSv^eHySS might have a war. every five years li all to the woman. She squatted hair lariat? and a gun. The little screens, w ithout rWftste- and to- reduce; for ■ tho Iast 15 y 0at*r uni-bc) Inve -tllttgirsklrH brushed him he -neftriy- of lvis>great; ;" "orable In all hUalneaa tran^ctl swooned.---- - ----- -----------------; ■Slow'!y, -:-almost~-mochanlcolly,.' he and then lose, fewer young men* than quietly in the dust at our feet, motion brushwood shed^ besIcTe it Is evidently the breakage to a minimum, The Jig ah!e to carry . She carried a magnificent bouque.t .to.ok_tltom_up and scanned every note. the great number .that must go-down ing him^to Join her, and, thus seated,’ used as a living room in fair weather, ger sorts Into three classes of coal— Whoieealo that had been presented to her, and- T hen,' having seen that all we're" as to death In ten years of summer holi side by. side,'"they, ate their 'wedding The kitchen eaqulpment consists of n amudger nut'“eud“best7“ On the under; “,nan,*''Catarrh-€ur0U-ukeu-lnt'™t^ upon the blood feast, for they had tasted no cooked . few agate-ware; utensils ‘s et bottom up side of the jigging screen are’ iwo directly wheuirphe' wa3 half way to her car perfect as he could make them, he days. cyttein. ......... . _fft»tlmun!ai» f aitl munlils «ent cent free, free. rrice l*Hco 75( ^ It Is "P.itlful..the mothers who ween, food, since leaving the fort* five days ?on a broad, flat atono beside_the. camp steel-plate shootB for delivering the bottle. Sold by *11 DruaKtijo; riage a‘ ro se ' dropped 'frbtn' it to, the gathered them togep er in n heap. ........ . .* . J- ( leka Helt’i Family .npavement. Dicky-darted forward and Her was going7-iway—where be'did- the fathers_whQ mourn and the homes b.elQre.-^ Tlioy. wore-fflth o u t money. nut and- slack- to the picking- belts.; picked; It "uitt Murmuring sonu not know or care.. During-the last that <7are , 'dafkene(LslmpIy_becausfl the. bridegroom having speqt hls last cooler. There are throe belts, arranged to con • R e fo rm ,In Ice"C ream Maklni>’ . ^ -.knew not what, he stepped to the year heTrad so livdd on the almost un young people Will take chances that dollar to pay for the mai ; iage license, Londoners find satisfaction In J vey the coal to the trucks/w ith low so- they had been'obliged to* subsist side of the carriage and handed it to conscious - hope, born in him by the they have no business to take. A Plentiful Menu. ering shoots at the end. At the end of assurance of their , health offle -.her. “Probably the most Varied diet in each conveyor are three. steel plate Italian sellers of Ice crcam no W , gift of,roses .that the realization that' T Death may part' the young man on what food nature afforded by the As she took It she looked1straight ]t_had been, founded on nothing had' fromihi 8_cnnoe. Good- advice cannot, way,- which is exceedingly scanty in the world,” said a traveler who had shoots for delivering the m aterial into make the delicacy in their bedroofft~ v ^ i— — % dazed his every TicuTfyT" It was as- i—ISphralm Is joined jto hIs Idols,” , and that bare, dry, sun-bright region. Hun- Just returned from the Malay P’e ntnV -the wagonB._The_plantvis-designed to ger had driven them to seek whTte ?the victims of the canoe habit; will sula, "is that of the Jakuns Of the - - W orld’s-Falr_VlsJMf^ ^ though he had fallen from the clouds. deal-with- an output ’of 500 tons ft’dayneither keep out: of canoes nor be habitation, but they had been turned waons^nttending . t o o c l M t S 1 A t'first when the wish to leave tho careful .while th ey jare In ■canoes.— away -empty in many_ places because Sea, or Orang Lauts, who: are the real Jt-.- lH>ul8-obouia-fi.e.cimc Malay pirates. ...Theso people have the FnlC nnd In a ei rlck buua^* o f place of ’sori’ow'-had'eoMo-Xo-him, he; Toronto. Telegram. Making Eteel Without Pig Iron* f the present generation of Arizonians al^u't all th a t,there_i_S:to'cat, and they had determined to burn his songs; but - Reports: come from Victoria, Au* have Imbibed their fathers’ Implacable eat every thing as it comes along they_were_hls children—the only chiltralla,. pf the stjccessful. .experiments, hostility toward the once murderous Frailty. ,“Although” they- have all” kim rr=of by too' Iron, 'STtebi and Metals Manu- Son J1.® r S ‘( | , dren^of- bis l oVb—and lie could note ,LFrallty—thy- nam o-is—woman.” -’T-is Apaches!• - — —-—_---- — fine -frultS7- a t certain-tim es - of the factoring compahy of that City lh~ pro Thcp-.caine ,a w ild desire that she ... When they had finished their abun year they eat a yam which is so pois False. Onnlen car. going Woat to bwv, v should know of his heart’s 1 longing* dant'm eal the groom offered Ills bene- onous that, they have to grate it and ducing wrought iron and-steel-Wlthout meet all cars. * andafier-e-xamining them -aI4-to.make All for''i pair of molting eyes, factress- his “buckskin wairet;~which mix it with slaked lime before -they. the use of pig iron. The- magnetic sure thatuhoy, at. least, wore worthy ..Ami, foi: th e .w lnsoiue__tflancn- th a t In was beautifully beaded* In return for Some m en p ra y in ■ iron sand of NeW Zealand is treated -dar aa-wa tlow-1L---------- :_____ of her a tto n 11on s, h 0 gat her bTtbb ra Tor first w ith-eietrt ro-mggTiette f eparatbrS' ; her generosity, which gavB“ ber~Tfre them lies; clcrM “In the way of flesh they eat mon bo as to leave, a pure magnetic iron sp end, th e day In feeding P r1 gct'her to send them to ber. happy idea of raising a little fund to W h at .Women • nncl dry ff0itl keys, deer, wild pig, birds, fish, por- oxide. These particles of ore are d o n 't k now a b o u t babies He took the withered roses 'from For a shifting dimple In a rounded set the couple tip,in housekeeping. ' “If yonhave anything to sell we will cuplnesT-lizard.s, squirreh, rats, mice .dropped automatically into a slowly k n o w in g . his breast. She. .should have them. too. . chin, buy,” she told-b im.r ‘.‘Ask -your-w-Ue- and ’snakes. Anil they seem to turn LP.VQlllng.cyllndcr In, a-fnrnace, which PrefTfdng tbenv-posslonatoly tcr his IlpSi -ft giiifcn hose end a 1foot-thereia; ho laid-them tenderly on the top of the If she wishes to dispose of her blanket ffioffi VehlsoP to rat, or from wild pig uses fuel oil and tho waste gases. to snake, with equal appetite.’.’ pile. The particles are reduced thus to the For a'smothered sigh, a tangled tress, find beads.” Then the stupor (hat had dulled hls, A “cuddle dbon,” and a soft caresa Blanket, beads, boots, oven her metallic,form while retaining their In Would Stop Runaway Horses. little beaten silver ring were imme?. understanding went and In its'plaeo an d iv id u a lity .F ro m . the revolving cyl <5fied, when Daniel Webster was inders the ore particles drop Into a dlately "placed at our dlsp< sal. Thb awful dispair seized him. Ho laid his He foil. ; bead on hls armS and sobbed—fobbed impromptu sale brought $9, all of ‘Tiding along a New England road In smelting bath. which’ the bridegroom ’ handed his a stage coacff, so the story .runs, ha as only can tho man front whom Is IFfftUty—thy name is 'Man. ■' -WiWlMitliWIl’Xw i r " 1^ ' ■1.......... - , Wide with a smile so fine that, for the •was a nn .the jdmftg,’ “ an? taken the only bold on life* --Town Topics.; Working Under Compressed Air, . In Order to win For a long while he lay. Then there moment, hls dark,, homely-face looked poked hls head out of the window to The Physiological effects of com first fall In lovo with hit* \ An Enterprising Slouth., , almost handsome; They .went aWay yell at the driver. eamo tap at-the door. Ho did not pressed air may be inferred from tire “Hey, c a n t you drive a little toltowinB Suggestions: Moh required •I do not boliovo l’lso’s C u r e l hoar It. Thp door opened gently and ■ A man w*o waS’ “ wantofl” by the - hand In hand, pleased, as little chil* -■ Clever and popular. , j -i a wefti'an enlerOd, It was 'N611ft. police had boon photographed In cix {dren, toward th a old Irall—and honie. slower?”, to- work under- compressed air should S m m u ir different positions,, and the pictures 1 .“No,” responded man, “the bo sound, small, tomporate, and at Iq I Wo watched them tramping down the novkit. Trinity Springs, Ind„ FOP, ,. Into hls eyes. Then,’ iiuirkly drawing Qnictiy s!vo stopped to the tab’e. Her another blossom from among its love .eyes, rested on the roses, She . read •wore duly circulated amorg tho police. [.dusty road with an explicable glow of hprses. are running away, sor,” h a st 25 years old. For a* pressure of , A bird in tlm band 1« not so m “Run, ’em into h fence corner,”, ad Jtwo atmospheres ly fellows, sho; Rmilingly thrust It 'h o r' name on. thb dedication of the Tho chief of police In a country town : sympathy that led to an investigation shift shouldl;not us ono In tho tree. I ■ ' ^ . ^ --------—the ........ vised Daniel. wrote • . to polico hoadquartors, of the of the “broken trail” which, was onco song on w hich they'rested, and a great with' the other back into hls hauda'. OXCOOd te\lP lionrfl 'ftnrl Mia “Can’t, sir,” said the driver reluct exceed four hours, apd the tim e-of .“Keep them. nmi—and—thank you,” tjoh half of sorrow, half of joy, rose ,ln city in search of .th e m alofactor.a red with tho blood of white Invaders. passage through tho lock on coming Tho old Apache stronghold ljp Ari antly and despairingly. . “They’vo got put should bo thirty minutes, while hor throat. Vef^ tenderly she touched few days after the set of portraits had sho said. zona .stretebod for' miles .along '’ the the bits between their teeth, nor!” I for a pressure of five atmospheres the \ boon issued as follows: As the carriage drove off Dicky was tho, bowed head. “I duly received tho picture? of the Afitin Fro, In tho region of the Atogol’ i \ man wi t h a 'JLmo!rI'l*llt ' 1 Dicky started up and stared at hor “Well, riin them into dobt,, then ” length.of.the shift should bo reduced t\a during in wonder at the exquisite JiirUeopn U^io towers. Because -0f- ;th 1 dtd- not Without .comprehension, Then a light six miscreants "Whoso capture ' is do Ion mountains, which was the scone tQ.Oftft-.lmni?, *,t o iOaa.,liniir , and the t ime In the lcjr:?Vr ■■ ‘j pj-tdripl: ■"I ” havrr-wVrestol *~tHr>--cif--'tb m r of 'm M aghfl'a’"1:”<T«K----------04r«ur 1------^ i n e ( r r D etrolt..:Nowj,.:' .•■ . . Z Z ' J . see dhnt which' would ha^e-fiBed -hi» and the sixth Is'under olp'rirvatlon unit twotUy-ftvo years ago, when the wav . ■* ■ boAtt with an oven greater Joyj :Hor huskily. ' leaving the lock on coming away from will:be secured shortly -rhlladolphla ering power of the Apaches .was brok “Yes, I," she answered, smilingly. oyos had filled with tonrs. Some people live up to their ideals tlielr work the men should havr 11 Public, Ledger. ’■ en,.' ■... and others have to llve'-with them, ‘'B ut--but~:l----- ” Ifivory now tfhd again, during the l complete rest of ono hour..... 1 .jr" 4:;>. r/ ------------ * 1 , ■ ^ ^ V tv / y u i M w as • »^v’^ir r 'IT ; ^arWmiral Hichborif Recommends Pe-ru-na. pointing to the prostrate form of Ka|hTOILERS OP. THe MINED. eri^Te, " 8be was overcome by the ex* cltement of the night and became hya- Million* o f , Men Maker Their Living tefical." ; .'7 7 ^ Underground/K ath erin e' apparently began to re^ Mining and quarrying throughout i/jrl M •ntfVMa-,. vtw n trT-opgngir' h flr eyes: w iro rr the worm command tpe persopai at; vam l?" ehe asked In the voice of one tention of ndore than four and a half At/.* just recovering consciousness.; : > 7’ K ,’, million teen. Of the grand total of . Cobb turned his bead away and 4,738,393, no fewer than 1.693.0CO beCHAPTER XVIK-Continued. Katherine, Constantine' and Nicho*, :UV Bald the courier.--^©*- ^ 8r ^ i t b ^ o n e t _Hlw.uita»eodar'^tep .smiled.. The query recalled a loke U ong-to-the British, empire,, the^re-, he had heard some years before. jp ect his wlsbeB Miitiliha awakes.. I malning 3,146,343 being "foreigners.” moved toward a door adjoining that I^arsicheff raised K atherine to a sit Great B ritain. and h e r colonies and wni s w him: myself before I go. Alexis Ih which Cobb and his wife ant) her ting position, and then gave a Bug* possessions have: been specially favor, Petroffsky,” he added, as ,het entered companion had entered. . «e8tlve look to Gobb and-the courierf ed by the forces of nature,In so '0 ' the name in-his-book. "It will be my The courier paused thoughtfully. Rightly, construing it as a request there' is, an abundance of valuable duty to lay bis noble conduct before ”0 h 'second thought,” he said* "I the authorities with a view of getting will not retire Just yet-. The-storm to withdraw they went back to, the . mineral which may be mined, and m him a pardon." He paused a moment has ceased, and the. moon, is about to o p en 'air to finish their cigar?.' . ' , {thus add to the wealth of the empire. m The courier and Cobb had scarcely More than half the miners of the and then sharply asked: “Why was rise, I will take a turn or two and ,withdrawn from^the room when the .world—are -empldyed^in—getting .coal he gagged vyhen l arrlvexH’^ r 8thQke.Aclgar before ^ a h , the brave Russian turned to his companion and alone. Great Britain emplQy0~ Qver ' "He ha^been vilifying our imperial American!" m m aster. tb,e_ cxar," said .K a lh e x in e ^ ^ -T fN w ar-the appearance of Cobb at said; . "Do you believe that the c ry _ three-quartera...,of ■' a million,“ the "And cursing our holy church,” the door leading frone his room that we beard was uttered by that worn- [ United “States and Germany over half an?" ““ “ a million 'eachV Franee^CfiiOOO.-Bek «dde<LNichoJas. -------- " caused the courier’s exclamation. . Go "No! ' I l l be * — if I do," was the glum 135,000., Austria 423,000: whilst A shade of disappointment passed ing forward with outstretched hand, I India comes along' wlth veloso upoo over the face of, the/courier. “1 am the courier greeted “him warmly and" emphatic reply of Cobb. Heretofore their conversation had : 1007GGO.' sorry to hear i f ' he said. oxpressed-\a -hope - that ,he had suf been o fa general character. .Then he was silent and thoughtful fered no lasting ill effects from his . , . The Bank of England,. They had discussed their military for a moment. terrible experience with the wolves. The- Rank of England generally con "See that I have fresh horses ready tains sufficient gold in: sixteen pound 'Cobb warmly returned: the greeting by daybreak," at lejigth lie said, "and and begged to know'the name-of the ~ *kd bars to make 20,000,000 sovereigns. \ fe . A that my rest is undisturbed.1' The bank, which stands in three par man-to whom, as he said, "I owe my "You-:go hence _to ----" said Kath- 11fe. tlxe 11fe~of.m y -wl f a n d -th a t-o ts’*. ishes. in Lonlon^oyera three acres of erlne waiting for the courler-to-com* —of. her compai.ion,” and at the same ground, and, as the curront price of \V.« " plete the sentence. ' .'..■•■■■■ fflia ip m a w N , land in the vicinity works out at time he presented a card bearing his LWwh4nqton;l>.er 7 "1 go hence to Stralonsk7’”repTTed' , own name. . £17000,000 an acre; irts'e a sy torfdrm’ the courier, "whero-I am to deliver ' Having informed him of - his name m " an idea of the money value of the •«4v;*I . * a pardon to a young g irl who has and; rank, the courier said, after home of England^ wealth. . The ratable • value is nearly £1,000 o f Philip Hlchborn,Rear Admiral United proved herself aherolne 7 having“b 6en - •glancing' at' the card’, "It Is- evident, hates Navy, write* from W ashington, the only nurse who was available dur general, that wo are two old soldiers, week.: The ban\t employs about/1,000 AC.,as follows:. ing a terrible outbreak of ferer-; Her though not note in. active service. I people and pays £250,000 a year in Nvtftertheuse o f Peruna for. a abort pardon has been granted at^ -was just going to smoke a cigar, but wages and .£35,0007 a year in pen hrM / can aow^cheerfully rccom- quest of the governor o f-th e prov sions. There are £25,000,000 worth headyour valuable rem edy to a ay oae ince, who. petitioned for Tt on the it would bo duibly pleasant if I had “ 13 of notes in circulation, which have Cho i • ia need! o f aa-tavigoratiag ground “that the. young: girl’s unselfish company—-your company71 mean!" .been handed oyer tbe ban’s counters. "Nothing will give m e. greater Mo.*'—Philip Hfcbbortt, fHo:rtmcdy ever yet;devise^ has re devotion and unfailing exertion was pleasure. My wife,..the baroness,-and Service Shocked Her. eved such unstinted: eulogy from so undoubtedly the means of saving her. companion, are sound* asleep, and A certain: noble family in Scotland Lny renowned statesmen and military scores of lives. More than that, she I was anxious to see you-and-expressadopted the Episcopalian, faith and. Ken M 1’eruna,. appealed to the convicts and prevent my gratitude fer your noble conduct!" carried out its;ideas regardless of exfour army and navy are^the natural ed-a-dangerous uprising when the “ Come alonsj then,’’ said the courier, peuso. On the .first-introduction of - ,v• “ Dbab Mrs. F inkium j —Your medicine is indeed an ideal itom m ** irotection. of our country. Peruna ia guards were strickcn.-dowh,,. All Rus "W® will walk up and down for an, h0nat'urTil“protectionrofrthe army and sia Is ringing with the story of her tbe full'choii^s’ervIce Into' the local medicine, and by far the best I know7to restore'lost health and strength.' X hour. That will quiet our nerves and' ayy'in the vicissitudes of climate and suffered misery for several years, being troubled with w ith menorrhagia.; menorrhagia,; My back church the great lady who had .been good deeds.’’ ...;... . ' thla’.’—jmnfdlp'B -Cobb _aj_clgar—"wllfi s \^ r - T £ & 5 r - r o c / r& z-£ y sure, "achedr i had[ bearing-down oearing-down pains'and "frequent headaches. I wornd often active in t he work •was anxious that a ^niulo not derive -prom pt andsatte* ~ "A h,” said K atherine,' "and may I do the rest;" jWDfEEkSZrPMMZZ? CQ2g? JflVfirltR woman servant of hers—a wake from restful thnt 4 suffered for^ hours before X■ :stful sleep, and In in such pain ps tory_reii.uIt9 from th e use of Peruna. Bflktthp -Uame of this hetaln eL_ J } o u b ~ ' " * ‘ ‘ »o saying, me courier and Cobb left" could go to siecb atfuin,1 t:dMaaM the long niffhtff>u much I&a th e w car y dayB.-----"servl'cesTtheir travels, the dangers o f ^ .PiresbyterianoTthe-oldechool—should . „ , . , rite at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a less she is celebrated, b u t we; hear sp the room. w ai • - - ^ I consulted two different physicians, hoping, to get relief,7 but, .... finding, __ w............... j smtcmentof-youB caie and.he wdll_ ■little o f "th e ‘^ o b ld ’rbre"w;s“ in n b ls - o u t -T-'fhe-momer.t“the_door-_closedr‘Kathc “ he-w olves^anfi-other-m atters^B ut- ^ a y e an opportunl y of hearing ..the their medidne did not seem to cure me, I tried your Y egotable/Gom poniwX - service."-Accordingly she took, her pleascd’txrgl ve you his -valuable_ad the recommendation of a friend from the East who waa visiting me. . t , . 4 judnef—Nicholas -^and^^aralcheff-^re; the pointed inquiry, brought, them;on down, to church In -the , carriage arid' ;: on—}t ofttre^wHyTil 1 am glad th at I followed her advice', for-every-ache and pain ia gone, ice-gratis. a common ground-regarding tbe Karsland not only this, but .my general health is much improved. 4 have a fine on returning, asked the,.old— woman : Address ,Dr.- Hartman, P resid en t' of - "Certainly," answered the ."courier, malned-sHeni^and- then;, as -if- by a cheffs. ■ ' ... corntaon ipipulao^they came close to appetite and ^have gain sa n ita rin m , Colum bus, "her name is Ilda Barosky!”- . ; what she thought of ther m usic.^rbu, he Hartman St "Why;" asked: the .courier, "do you | it’s vyrra bonny; but, oh, my lady/ ' to p u t aWay all other gether as if for-mutual protection; Dh!o. "Ilda Barosky!” not- helleye that story?" table; Com pound." They felt--they knew that they 1 it’ awfu* way-of spending the Bab—.T he mimp wae uttered, togetherf by for-GlWdrefh at -hath!" • . Constantine Karisoheff anriirirTvIfer did Cobb’s presence mean? What asked -Gobb. la East, indlap schools mental /. n i g s Ire n e C rosby, p ro m in e n t in S ociaT T JfeT n E a s t andson. It., was spoken with, such a .wpuld he_and„the_ The courier extended his hand. The ■ SattJed Bill by_Marriage.,—r— Irlthmetlc -Is-a-vastly-m ore-sertouabitterness of surprise-^-su'ch a tone o f javanah, Cia., adds fier testim onfal to the value action was enough. A thousand oaths A poollcally-ralnded literary rnanj oattcr-tban-it~ls in the schools of tfiis incredulous wonder-*-that the: courier other? couldnotThaye ; made th e t promise hading from North DnkotaTnot "long: And then .the astounding discovery ounlry. Pupils of - ten years are of Lydia E. Pinkham ’s Vegetable Compound. | more binding. Cobb In a few words since married his landlady,"who keeps aught to remember the multiplication could not help giving expression to his. th a t they had m a d e !. curiosity. • . . told the courier ail that lie knew of a Bmall hotel In the Latin quarter of Deab Mbs. P tbkiiam I t always given' A pardon for Ilda Barosky! i jiblo up,.to forty' times forty. "Do you khow. her?” he asked. me pleasure, to find an article of real valuo : ■; the-Karslcheff sTr-Hy“ :old- uf4he-llve8 Paris. - This young-manr-who-for eievPardons-foi'-Alexis and Ivanrand unquestioned mcriL I hare found "Kpow h e r,’’ ropliedt K atherine, “ I im portant to M other*. "Give mefthe paper,’’. at leng|h said o’t 'ilda and_Ale.xls 'and of Olga and, eri years had paid not a single sou for L y d ia E . P in k lm in 's V e g e ta b le Com do-lmow her^-A^vlle-NtlUilkt^a daughIvan.-of :tho-rald-On the Nlhillst-ren-- - board -or. lodging./wns atj length taken lESmtDflPSarefully ev«ry-bottlo;of^OASTOT?IA; -K atherlne-tcm er-husband; ---------- - ■ p o u n d well calculated to relieve and btiro liufaand eure remedy'for Infants and children, ter of the gutter of St. Petersburg—an dCzvous, the arrests and the clrcitm* -severely to task by his long-suffering He handed her tho document given the various .troubles arlsing frotp irtoguliri*: “ assassin, a-reptile—I do khow her, him by the ‘courier. (and tee that U • stances under which they took place, hostess,. . who- threatened summary tics and menstrual pains. and I shall proiesjt,agalns71ief pardon; — "Theso..- papers,” - said -K atherine, ending with the scene where Karsl-. -injection. Such _a cojd-prosDecU-wnH_ ^ — i ‘ Much:sufforing-could-^he^8pai^4fJ*W*:-7 ’ Betr* tho even to the exar. I have some claims. "will never reach tlielr destination— chefT sentenced the prisoners, little to his liking, so improposed to only paid more atte ntion to proper living end fPlgnn^Tir? M --diet7--bntr-as4eHg-es-VForaen-do this. Th free u rterl IstenectTvl t b"tnteiYSe Tft“ ‘“cahCel‘Trrs_DTn^y InarrlageT7 TfiFTady-' yel uirlris majesty. -He - c a n n o t-aff& rd - or if they uo. tt w in oe wnen paTdcmF I In TTm Tot_6ycL. 3Q_ Ycare. ..... to’ fo rget-w hat has-beea^dohe^-fnr-lheyour- Ve g e ta b le C oropoiin d has come-to- W-Sen75^1Ieard~th~aTTva.n. and" " was7w i l l t w a i n , werQ'mad"e7 Tho Kind You Htkvo Always. Bought. Russian crown- by the ancestors of w n i =fir-m o ra -n ocessary -f b F th e: . the front (i truo friend in need. “I have ’ whom he ■one. And she pointed to th e stoc-kade—"In Alexis—the very, men % | been very pleased indccd'wlth the relief i t TCntherine-Ivarsieheff I2———— — ----— had given-the -pardons-to th elr b Ittor"ancTflief world than- this;” . " 7 has brought me. I find' that T have perfect ’It Is almost ns difficult fo r som e 7 , t_ European Foresto. ^Katherine .Rarsicheff! Are you— " _" W ra t" a o you- m ean,‘’ aslre'd~KaTB7 -ost-enem y— were the h ero es of Cobb’s kP health now, and thatuny mind is also more Roman to get th e ir .‘ Lots on in tlie The percentage of the woocjjidLareas . clear’ and active since I used y q u rV o g e- : ■ Toning ns it Is fo r som e m en to got. this then is—you are General Karsl- cheff breathlessly, as his wife placed story, bis am azem ent knew no^boiinds. fit'E u ro p ea n -co u n trie s, as compared m ta b le C o m p o u n d . . It has been of great heirs on the next m orning. cheff?” - ■ - 1 ’ ' the envelope in h er bosom. : His sym pathies for tho nnhapp$ o ig a w’lth their total areas, is as-follow s: benefit to me, and i gladly recommend it.- ■ It had been the first time the name "T h at Alexis N azimoff and Ivan w ere keenly .aroused- Suddenly' he • Finland, 61.2; Sweden, .49.3; R ussia, Fortune* tn little gard* was—spoken In the presence, .of the • f , | Very Bipcorely yours, Miss I rens ,CR0SBT( had h^revelatlon^ .. . .. 1 --------ena. Kaetly grow n Barosky _sball-never leave th is place 40:4 r-A u strik r 32:0; Luxem burg,-29.T;’ jj tr—^—^Tf 8l3East“Chailtbn'St;,“East:Suvanna7, Ga;* ’- : whereL_BCUajJn courier^and lie vepeated it with alive.” 7 'TAnd th a t .cry was?.” he paused. i l N S E N S every 7 ’ ‘ T American market at ,HUngaryr27.7; Germanyr2CriT7TServia, "T he cry of Olga f” — 24,9: T u rk ey ,-23.4: Norway. 22: ,Rou8 ilt lit per lb.; costa to grow lew _ than ........... 0 scarcely less. Surprise ih -his tones |7 to S 11 . Big "You would not dare—" R em em b er th a t every w om an is cord iallv in v itcd to m rite t o nand; routs and seed (o r sale: b o o kle t f r e e w r i t e "M y God !~thB puur, poor girl," said ’A nything;1'—exclaimed - K ath erin elay, tteAKK Q1HBXKQ O f r / B o p i S , y o p iln : Mo? th an ;the three persens befor e ^ lm M r s 7 P in k h a « r if4 ih e r e i8 on yth in g abput h e r ca se or sym ptoius -mania -and^fi%vjizerlah<1, .217 naa th e n am e of Ilda fit ■^rSlh'6r_th'an7thaT they^should live to •the-.eour-ier Bulgaria, ,20.8. The other European g lie d o e s notunclerstandT Mrs, f in k lia in ’s a d d r e s s ls L y n n ,M a ss. Cobb said nothing. He kept think countries have less-than-20-per-cent njent before. . ....... trium phover—me—rather—death'thanH er ad vice is free; an d is ch eerfu lly given to a n y a iljn g wom a n ing. Olga and the baroness under one ninnii,a„A What caused his surprlsei You S h o u ld T ry that—Alexlo Nazimoff should rejoin 1 w h o ask s for it. .• *“ roof. The baroness ,Would'twyer leave , . That was wliat the Karslchoff^ j 1(ja Baroiik:, and Ivan claim ? my until ahe had made an effor.t tojeapue ^e 1 ^ 00tle(1 area' 3 b Per cent> FORFEIT if we cannot forthwith prodawthe original letter#aud #ign*tarMof, wanted to know. daughter; as bis wife.” “P r ~*‘irda tiarosky! ^ou^ht PIA. biu ittod.Co,. Lynn, K w , Suddenly... the courier . turped to courier’s free!” said Nicholas. the marked change, in the. courts A farmer resld|ng In Adams county, iHtefc manner. It had been 'polite'*"1jefore Katherine ,lo,wered her voice, “I f Cobb- "You have trusted me freely," Pa., caused the arrest of a neighbor ‘WheiTlie'' spoker- Now-th ere waB :i n-his The courier—curses ' on him should h'e*sald,--"and- in return- r will trust for havihB “entered his’ kitchen- "and pg“ e lec a n . unkleaBa n t ring which boded reach 3tr»lensk-w^th 'her pardon."—r you taken—fromv-the-- stove r and- eaten—aA g re a t h e lp Then to Cobb’s profound amazement large and Juicy mince pio.” The ofno good.’ "And he will lf he leaves here.” said '" If m m •fen(ling“ relghb6r was held to answer "So!” Karslcheff; ; -ma w r for a l l w h o . h a v e t r o u b l e Ilda,'A lexis and Ivan. Ilda, ho.ex* by the justice. That official remarked The—courier' paused a moment, "He,must not leave here at all." plained, was at Stralensk, where h e : ;-I -|j! 1111 ■that, ho regretted "that a mince p.le The three looked at each other. fin d in g fo o d t h e y c a n was going under orders to deliver her t e l should; disturb life-long relations bo-.There wa^ no sign of quailing on the pardon in . person. And-“ tan and . t\veen“ r l^ d F :And“creiit6-ftno.ther--waF ^ § part’ o f la o th e r or7 son, ' : -K^¥slcheff D IG E S T 7 — i —rim i*4 ";?-.-iiit ] iM was-pdler^than usual, and was visibly:* Alexia were at Chitka, to which point .so neaLB-battleflcIcUGettysburg) th at. 7. fh e. pafdons^were to be forward ed by .fS already, sufficient history.” agitated. ■ ' • Karsipheff. .. '.The voices were lowered until they I thebest •(To he continued.) As to. the Teeth.. •were scafcely. audIble, and for fitteen ^ 1 A dentist: says that "the more teeth minutes <here was no sound save the ~Three of“a“ Kiri“cf7 are used, legitimately,, the better for: . murmur of their suppressed conversav ..............that .. ,________masttch'tlbn ________ on perfect ■tion as they completed the details of c Representative •RodenbUMf“ .afifti1fir*';'.•them; ' MAM TOS TOAPE N/UM panted one oi! his distinguished con*! both sides of the mouth prevent re their plot. ■ ... . .. For they had concelvod_a .plan^a stituentsrJxrdge-Charles W. Thomas’of ceding gums and tends to ward off de plan bom of the evil genius of Kath Belleville, III., to the marble room re* cay. Those wko chew on one; side cently, where the two were Joined by have poor tefth on the_disusod side, erine Karslcheff. fad of chewing every They had finished their talk when Senators’ Dolliver, Hopkins and Oul-v and - . j mouthful very fine Is One of the most the door opened at the head of the Tom. 7....} "Tbis meeting,^-declared Mr. Dolll* sensible fashions humanity- has ever stairway,: and with pale and agonized - 'Wj. - V I® ver,. "reminds me vesy-forclbly of a taken Ups-, face 01p;fr appearedr-and-glldlng down NAPiMHACKOaVtUMT silently us'a shadow,7 suddenly; ap- visit I made to Belleville not many -*JP TAUH0 WMTIMC5 THE 8TBAIN OF WORK. ■ / y ’sr ^ . pcarod before them. With her.hands months ago. I was the-guest, of Judge O N aA ttM R n m r oii outstretehed and with tears streaming Thqmas, and passed the;n!ght.’In his aTAWduorxa from her eyes she appealed to them, fine old colonial mansion. 'After sey* Ce^* of Backs Give Out Under th e1 9HOWIN4*TULL UNEOP inWtff r’irVi Burden of Dally Toll. -i.'pfr, y- Tnnthpr^-fftthcr—Nicholaa. eral hours, of :.very refreshing sleep i l V I G A R M E N T * AND MATJ • T71eut“ Ge6rge G. Warren, of’ No. 3 OttauSSS!Ll % Sa U .EA .' ;# g ?W . " H e*IUPWW<0.,|,Tp,| TOWOHTo, CANADA. what aye, you about to do? Your faces attired myself and descended, filled W. Lm Dotioiam mmhaa n ttd maiim m e w m m ’# *'y r s -YF5 -yO L/P M /S& lN D ^lT terrify me! ITou are going to commit with thoughts o r the splendid enter> Chemical, Washington, D. O., says: $3.8 0 zhoom than any other manufaeitw** "It's an honest fact that Doan’s Kid i s H C m y o / 5 7 V x /r r a ? /" some great crlme-^oh, God!—not^ROt ‘.atnmont given me. All at onoe there kt the- w orld, Tiie mason W. U Dougins * slim, nm the ney Pills did me a .great lot of gpod, ■groMcst srilsfs in >hs :yofM-<t teouitw of their exmwtt'MyML murder? For. God'r^&keTslop before- was a hoarse voice from an adjoining ewy lUtlnr atia luprtior weerinu onMitiw. If 1 coul<l show and if it were cot thoughtfully, and then, as If he had you bathe- your hands In blood.- Do rbpm, which said; In' a contemptible T H E C IR E A T yuvi the,difference between the »1i<ks made In my fnciory tu n ■■Mm-' mm tlioenof other mekse nhrt tho lityh-inwde leather* used, yoo f | ru e I would not made up his mind! he producetl- a not—do not bring7eternal sorrow on would iinderMum trhy W. U DohrU, shoe* cott lubw tone: recommend them. to make, why th*t hold their juiape, nt twtter, wear lonmr. large official envelope. Handing this us all. Oh7my mother—dear moth and are of urvairr Inirinslo Tnlue than, ajiy other l«.W ihow "Where the dickens did you come J t was the 8tra!ih on the market to-day, and to Karstcheff, he said: "You will for er—" 1 ^ay.audwhylhawI^ot-mByeMoniffii July Cl904j were from?’ of l i f t i n g that ward these papers immediately to-morThis .far they had been so startled $ 6 ,2 G 3 ,0 4 0 * Q O a , [ 0 ^ "I felt rather cheap at being spoken brought on kidro w morning by a trusted messenger by--Oigft>s-AmexiiPctod..appgaraiicei.that ■••Wi-fg"f>otigUi imantntee* ♦he t r by etamplnir lil» tnttwi----- — “ fo Tfl mien- u way; and was looking ■for on who n you can rfely to the ISprav- none of them had Interrupted her. trey t rmibie—atrii~ nnilpr; .__ , _ ,_ Md.prlw.on the bottom . .Lk A for,jt-take no. niieiitiita, ' Sold hy shoe dealers everywhere. ----- ---- — tM Votor kytuttiul for the person who had thus w e a k e n e d my nlk at Chltka. You must lose no time i 3 i :' Afriui'"’" But now Katherine, utterly lost to about back, but since Superior In F it, Comfort and Wear, '" if f :' aiid use relays of horses where neces* all maternal Jeeling, sprang on the addressed me. It didn't take long to using Doan’s KidRnrv, Sign a receipt for the,pardons !" unhappy girl,-and glaring, at her with discover that this first sign of iuhos* pttality I observed in the mansion , ney Pills I have "Pardons? ____ maHgnltyT hissed—into^-heL came from the Judged parrot. He lifted six hundred pounds and felt no "Yes. TWs envelope contains par dovHlfth W. t,. Dongla# u*ea OArona CoHaiiln in hi* *3410 ears: "Yes—yes—your, husband—it fs was as wicked a bird as it was ever tluive. Corona COlt I# coiioe<te<l to b a th e DneM bad effects. I have not felt the trou dons for two politicals, Alexis Nazil ’ulcnt le a th e r m ade. he who, is to suffer, ■..Bac k , to your my fovtunq- to—encounter^—Denver ble come^baek since, -aUhough-l ^ o ff and lvah fidfoblfy;" Strange," h e fflUl'j S*ND FOROATAl.doiJR (11V1XOFflt.l, 1XSTRUCTIONS room and w eartout your soul in an now to Qintmt n t suffered for five or six . years, and WGRLC) Times, \ . nadbed as the Similarity of the natpe guish, for ho is'to die!" . “ G R E A T E ST Uftli IF. L DOUOLM, Crooktpn, Boom, other remedies had not helped me at gtruck him. "Can he be any relation Nicholas took ,his sister by the arm. all," to the girl for whom I have,the pardon Tunnel ferEn&Mah Channel, . Sho gave ono appealing look, and dints TOIlNW.raORRlnt For sale by all dealers. Price 60 at 8 tr 4Uonsk?--no..mattc.r! These pa^ tfren^as they bfegnn to foree her back . Since a French. engineer named Ga* cerilsT^FosTcr-Ml 1 b urn Co., Buffaloy ners," he continued, addressing Karslto her room she uttered a piercing mond planned a sublmarlne_tunncl, in cheff, "have been forwarded by special .shrlG klbat was heard even by the 1867, various projects have been ad N. Y. relay from, the frontier, and are to be ^riBouers in -tbe-kam erasr—Qulokly-l-vancod .for-_connei^g-KftgLapd “ V1to MODERATE -s— --HOv/-Ga»-Gori««m*eAlt».-.... --l “ - ■'*■ Tho l'twfteiiRet iDepurtment-of •tho IDInol* U t-vDKTnrntT—Mrv A , tin*. . ' • . . > __ ______. , . ^ f >U / n to o l In rk n . delivered at the earliest moment, you •Nlcholks lifted IN PRICE Uoihoml (^mjmny hwvoroecntly IWsru M ”« . . i _ T N O ‘ 4 0 ’ **■•*• ‘ 1004, her in his arms and the' continent* The latest is the sug* An ordinary;; gap light/,sixteen can Central na publlontlon t M i k l i A n i i n n known I a u P I p o ^ i l n a W irt t G t f l n l l i n • . . • -•«« as Circular No. IS, ia which will bo held responsible for4any de Ijbre her from the room. idstion of Bunau-Vartlla,.'..who wants dle power, consumes as much air in an IsdOBorlhcd tho v When answering ads. please mention Ibis pnper lays. You will sign tho receipt." ---- to build a tunnel to within three kilo Wade, from a m o a t p lln b lo , As he did so Katherine fell backl hour as four men. Katherine and Nicholas exchanged meters of England, arid thence a l(ii *0uRN flbrocl le a th e r. "S^y that it was my cry," she said for tho growing of onrly ttrnwbmlos aridcnrly P i s o s CURE FOR glances.' ' bridge, which England (which has not Trout Swallowed Young Rats. ‘n y ln c lb le In 8 tre n f? th .» » voifotnmo*. Every iloftTef ’In wueh products to her husband. Karslchoff signed tho papcr~,the refavored a tunnel) could # s tro y at any Caught in an English' river, a mod uhould ................... nddf«M n posttul.card to tho undorslsnod L 7J llUCUH(iMUr.iiW>i«»ho ^MhUt. The..door, mumfid anil Cobb i i lam w rW j)' rnmum — limoTri caso oi dangifrf orA iflNlfeb, in... . -courier-qulekly-entered^ r c ^ W A L tA C E SHOE CQ.t "Call me a t daybreak," said the its. jfy .MMKKKY, ki vasion, thus rendering the,tunnel use* recently, swallowed two young rats ANfth GcnU Cafis’r Agoalt "What was that?" JAKER8 . . CHICAGO courier; "and now whore Is my aparllOBft. . '" ; iKarslcheff, "Look th ere,". replied 8MBit" &■ ■ — iT O .' • 7 .... - Miss Nellie Holmes^ treasurer of the! Young Womans Temperance Assoc of Buffalo, N. Y., strongly advises all suf* fenng women to rely, as she^ did,, upoji Lydi^E PinkhamV Vegetable pi ii m For ; Ulan- ... ,■« OTERPR09F CLOTHING IN THE WORLD &NnARnfiFME For Cattle >■ ;fpr aches anti ihjuriWV For Poultry 1 7 1 8SE *3.50 SHOES »'SS. ‘WHITE-OAK^ SHOE Strawberry and 11 7 s 1 a iim iw a m ih but territory inthis country » ,, v . A 'L, y S B F til * * * !* * * •» * * * ■ * •■ * •* ■ '-. '7 TMs’is the opening of the Stove season and w® have-decided not to wait until it is n5ar|X over before w e offer you Bargains. -----— ~ ~ — -■ ~ ^ rr~r--:- OTTB- B I K E -C O N SIST S 'OF1' T H E ---'-— -I ife s ‘the world’s best” at a,s low a price as inferior mpkes. .....V W e have decided to handle ■ S id u ced p r ic e s r " The WONDER-GARLAND is decidedly in a class by itself and Is unquestionably the „.< - -re* exclusively* therefore, offer ell other '■ j -■•..-•■ V " A■ __ _ •_ ■:. .■:...:..J.:...'JI; , . I■.■■::.;'^ - • *■' ■'■■■..' '• “ ~ ‘/ ' ' ' ■■'• ■ •». •■.■■■ •-,! • •■■■■ ■ J1 Greatest Self-feeding Soft Coal Heater ’ever Made. . Stove. . '*■ i ~ “ . ■—:— ........ - / ‘ 1; i We have a few outside high-grade . ■ : ■ l- .... ,■ v ■/ ■ 1 . * : / • T h e fuel burns one w ay. ubwards, all th e tim e, giving a steady flam e art I giowingr fire, burning all the g a s and Illuminating the entire mica froiit, which is protected with cast-iron per- \ ■5§5«*OHiffl«>SSe plicated flues or attachm ents. . • . . . ' v ' i ' ■. /. ; It is Smokeless and Bootless which w e ,offer at prices that will move them quickly, "Here are som e of the ^ ~ „ i -T his stove-te -m a d a with -duplex shaking grate^ large base, and deep ash-pit^ andP oker-doQ r in back of stove for poking fire. Give this stove an exam ination w hen Ih our store. 7 » .* v Two $40 Ranges, now $ 3 5 . III J -One / ----\_L •i-’ F U R N IT U R E "T ), now One ;r- • • ;........ • : f ■ ■ .. *.. ■ ■ .. . •. .. Qur Furniture stock will have bargalns you can nor afford to pass oy. / Every on e a bargain in fact w e ere offering our entire ltne“6f g Heating1Stoves, Base Burners, Slack and OIL CLOTHS. Coal and Ai r T i g h t S toves at exceeding* • . .. ............... ly low price. Cl ■ ■ ■ * ’ - - , 7 W e ca^ry a Jull line or Oil Ctothsi Rugs, LinbleUm. Stove Boards and Oil Cloth Bindings.; V Some exceptionally good nr ... > r~ Si ■V»«---- >;\l a& B A few rh o reB u g g les.R o a d W agons and Platform Wagons a tc lo sln g out prices. A WORD TO FARMERS. f st: dc , v >■6 We have in stock one o f the best m akes of Woven Wire Fence on the ,market, at a lower price th an T h is materlaT h a s ever been bought for. We sell a 9 bar Wire Fence at 2 5 cerit* per rod which m akes the cheap est ev e r .: *--:t j ' Ou I