MOE’S SOUTHWEST GRILL Prepared for: Hank Janik Director, Moe’s Southwest Grill Michael Lin Prepared by: Michelle Doong Retail/Investments direct 801.746.4742 mobile 801.898.1680 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 TABLE OF CONTENTS A WEBER & DAVIS COUNTIES B Mexican Quick Serve Competition Map Mexican Quick Serve Competition Map Potential Sites Potential Sites 1. Foothill Village 1400 South Foothill Drive Salt Lake City, Utah 1. Riverdale Road Riverdale, Utah 2. The Commons at Sugar House 2100 South 1100 East (SEC) Salt Lake City, Utah 84101 2. Park Plaza NEC 2000 West & 1800 North Clinton, Utah 84015 3. The Restaurants at Riverpark 10701 South River Front Drive South Jordan, Utah 84095 3. Clinton Towne Center NWC 2000 West & 1800 North Clinton, Utah 84015 4. Clinton Corners SWC 2000 West & 1800 North Clinton, Utah 84015 C UTAH COUNTY 5. Antelope Drive Retail 930 West Antelope Drive Layton, Utah 84041 Mexican Quick Serve Competition Map 6. Freestanding Restaurant 505 North Main Street Layton, Utah 84041 Potential Sites 7. Fort Lane Shopping Center SWC Fort Lane & Gentile Street Layton, Utah 84041 8. Layton Mixed Use Land NWC Layton Parkway & I-15 Layton, Utah 9. Commons at West Bountiful 400 North 500 West Bountiful, Utah 1. Hunters Crossing 933 – 987 West 500 South Lehi, Utah 2. Lindon Retail Center 677 North State Street Orem, Utah 3. Brighams Landing 1774 North University Parkway Provo, Utah 84604 4. Windsor Park 150 West 1230 North Provo, Utah 84604 5. North Park Plaza 231 West 1230 North Provo, Utah 84604 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 MEXICAN QUICK SERVE COMPETITION WEBER & DAVIS COUNTIES, UTAH 3OHDVDQW 9LHZ N or t h r 190 0 W es t 470 0 W es t 39 d oa e R 125 0 So ut h 158 i ll 0D U U L RWW 6O D W HU Y L O O H sv ad r ri Ro +DUU LVY LOOH +X QW VY L O O H 12t h S tr e et 39 2JG HQ 21 0 0 S ou t h :HVW +DYHQ 350 0 W es t 40 00 S out h Ogden-Hinckley Air port 5LY H UG DOH 1 480 0 So u t h +R RSHU 5R\ 167 6R XW K 2JG HQ 500 0 W es t 560 0 So ut h 600 0 So ut h &OLQWRQ &OH DUI LH OG 5 270 0 So ut h /D\W RQ 6 7 8 i rf Ge nt ile St r ee t Fa 220 0 W es t 320 0 W es t 100 0 W es t d 2 000 We st 84 a 300 Nor t h ] ^ 6R XW K :H E HU Ro 300 0 W es t Hill Air Force Base 800 Nor t h 6\ UD F X VH 300 0 W es t 6X Q VH W ay :HVW 3RLQW Ol d H ig h w 2 3 4 8L Q WD K 4 50 0 W e st 190 0 N or t h Ha ee 12 0 0 W es t on 200 0 W es t Pi 260 0 No r t h )DU U :HVW t 71 0 0 Ea s 150 0 Nor t h ad 550 0 Ea st 3 O D L Q 26 0 0 &LW\ o Og den Can y o n R 1RUWK 2JG HQ iel oa d R Z [ 89 d 2 00 N or t h .D \ V Y L O O H Su )U X LW +HLJK WV ns et M ai D ri n St ve re et )DU PLQ JW RQ Ma in St r ee t Great Salt Lake Riverdale Road &HQWHUYLOOH Park Plaza Clinton Towne Center Pag e s La ne Clinton Corners Antelope Drive Retail Freestanding Restaurant Fort Lane Shopping Center Layton Mixed Use Land Commons at West Bountiful 400 Eas t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 :HVW %R XQ WL IX O 9 :RR GV &URVV Skypar k %R XQ WL IX O Air port 1RUWK 6D O W / D N H 0 2 4 Mi l e s 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 l The above information while not guaranteed has been secured from sources deemed reliable Map Data and/or Imagery Courtesy of NAIP 5/2/2014 \\Maphics\Maphics\Companies\MWRI\1 - People\Michelle Doong\2 - Packages\Moes Southwest Grill\Maps\mdoong_mexican-quick-serve_davisco-weberco_aerial_11x17.mxd FACT SHEET SITE 1 RIVERDALE ROAD Riverdale, Utah DEMOGRAPHICS 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES POPULATION 2013 ESTIMATED POPULATION 8,594 72,676 186,024 2018 PROJECTED POPULATION 9,007 75,833 195,966 2013 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 3,199 25,676 62,881 2018 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 3,359 26,881 66,482 2013 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $59,933 $60,513 $61,316 2013 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $52,290 $50,551 $50,970 2013 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $21,633 $21,380 $21,014 HOUSEHOLDS 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 RIVERDALE ROAD RIVERDALE, UTAH 15 4400 South 700 West 17,185 cars/day 11,920 cars/day Carpet One/ Carpet Giant y /da s r a 5c 5 ,9 29 LA Nails ad Ro e l a erd v i R Operations Center 84 Tony Divino 900 West Tile For Less 84 EXIT #81 875 40, Crab Tree Auto FREEWAY y /da s r ca SUPERCENTER 1050 Wes t y /da s r a 0c 8 0 40, ay s/d ar 5c ,94 18 Lucky Buffet 0 00.1 00.1 .2 Miles 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 l The above information while not guaranteed has been secured from sources deemed reliable Aerial Imagery Courtesy of Aero-Graphics Image Date: March-June 2012 - Traffic Counts Courtesy of UDOT (2012) 0 .2 Miles FACT SHEET SITE 2 PARK PLAZA NEC 2000 West & 1800 North Clinton, Utah 84015 DEMOGRAPHICS 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES POPULATION 2013 ESTIMATED POPULATION 11,750 80,677 165,513 2018 PROJECTED POPULATION 12,447 85,928 176,293 2013 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 3,421 24,714 51,026 2018 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 3,642 26,417 54,540 2013 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $74,299 $70,029 $69,166 2013 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $66,346 $59,708 $59,008 2013 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $21,281 $21,465 $21,507 HOUSEHOLDS 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 PARK PLAZA FOR LEASE NEC 2000 WEST & 1800 NORTH • CLINTON • UTAH PROPERTY FEATURES DEMOGRAPHICS 3 MILES 5 MILES • Anchored by new Lowe's and Kohl's and pad users: Walgreens, McDonald's, Carl's Jr., and Arby's. • Across from Walmart Supercenter, Macey's, Goodyear, Big 5 Sporting Goods, America First Credit Union, Fresh Market, Dollar Tree, Blockbuster, Wendy’s, and O'Reilly Auto Parts. 2013 ESTIMATED POPULATION 80,677 165,513 2018 PROJECTED POPULATION 85,928 176,293 • Highest population growth area in Davis County. At the Center Trade Area for Clinton, Syracuse, Roy, West Point, Hooper. HOUSEHOLDS • Anchor & Nearby Tenants: 2013 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 24,714 51,026 2018 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 26,417 54,540 2013 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $70,029 $69,166 2013 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $59,708 $59,008 2013 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $21,465 $21,507 POPULATION TRAFFIC COUNTS CONTACT: BRETT PALMER direct 801.578.5510 mobile 801.201.1677 2012 AADT 2000 WEST 18,465 1800 NORTH 13,260 CHRIS MONSON, CCIM direct 801.578.5580 mobile 801.558.4787 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 PARK PLAZA FOR LEASE NEC 2000 WEST & 1800 NORTH • CLINTON • UTAH 2000 West PROPOSED LILY NAILS 5,000 S.F. M4 PAD D 1.46 ACRES LAND (63,457 S.F.) 2,511 SF M2 M3 BLDG B Future Phase SHOPS HIBACHI HOUSE M1 MARTINIZING DRY CLEANING Current Phase BUILDING SIZE RATE/SF: 1800 North PADS 1,336 SF $25.00/SF/Yr D J 25,000 SF $15.50/SF/Yr G K 12,300 SF $13.50/SF/Yr B 101 M4 2,511 SF $16.00 – $17.00/SF/Yr Tax, Ins., & CAM: $3.83/SF/Yr CONTACT: BRETT PALMER direct 801.578.5510 mobile 801.201.1677 BUILDING SIZE RATE: 1.46 Acres – For Sale $16.00/SF (for land) SUPERCENTER 5,000 SF $20.00 – $25.00/SF/Yr or Land Sale @ $25.00/SF/Yr OFFICE BUILDING SIZE C 1,174 – 9,000 SF $12.00 – $15.00/SF/Yr RATE: CHRIS MONSON, CCIM direct 801.578.5580 mobile 801.558.4787 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 This statement with the information it contains is given with the understanding that all negotiations relating to the purchase, renting or leasing of the property described above shall be conducted through this office. The above information while not guaranteed has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable. PARK PLAZA FOR LEASE NEC 2000 WEST & 1800 NORTH • CLINTON • UTAH HIBACHI HOUSE RESTAURANT WITH DRIVE-THRU B101 1,336 SF BUILDING B 1912 WEST 1800 NORTH *Subject to Landlord's approval of qualified tenant based on financial statements. CONTACT: BRETT PALMER direct 801.578.5510 mobile 801.201.1677 CHRIS MONSON, CCIM direct 801.578.5580 mobile 801.558.4787 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 PARK PLAZA FOR LEASE NEC 2000 WEST & 1800 NORTH • CLINTON • UTAH 2,511 SF CONTACT: BRETT PALMER direct 801.578.5510 mobile 801.201.1677 CHRIS MONSON, CCIM direct 801.578.5580 mobile 801.558.4787 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 This statement with the information it contains is given with the understanding that all negotiations relating to the purchase, renting or leasing of the property described above shall be conducted through this office. The above information while not guaranteed has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable. PARK PLAZA FOR LEASE NEC 2000 WEST & 1800 NORTH • CLINTON • UTAH OFFICE BUILDING C AVAILABLE FOR LEASE 9,000 SF CONTACT: BRETT PALMER direct 801.578.5510 mobile 801.201.1677 CHRIS MONSON, CCIM direct 801.578.5580 mobile 801.558.4787 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 PARK PLAZA FOR LEASE Quick & Clean Hello China 18,465 cars/day NEC 2000 WEST & 1800 NORTH • CLINTON • UTAH PROPOSED Proposed Lily Nails 2000 West Hibachi House 1800 North 13,260 cars/day 15,850 cars/day 13,505 cars/day CONTACT: BRETT PALMER direct 801.578.5510 mobile 801.201.1677 Jade Nailz Lewis Jewelers CHRIS MONSON, CCIM direct 801.578.5580 mobile 801.558.4787 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 1300 North Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 This statement with the information it contains is given with the understanding that all negotiations relating to the purchase, renting or leasing of the property described above shall be conducted through this office. The above information while not guaranteed has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable. FACT SHEET SITE 3 CLINTON TOWNE CENTER NWC 2000 West & 1800 North Clinton, Utah 84015 DEMOGRAPHICS 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES POPULATION 2013 ESTIMATED POPULATION 11,743 80,731 160,370 2018 PROJECTED POPULATION 12,404 85,983 170,847 2013 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 3,348 24,627 49,443 2018 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 3,553 26,323 52,845 2013 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $74,196 $70,476 $69,548 2013 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $66,237 $60,248 $59,332 2013 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $21,021 $21,518 $21,579 HOUSEHOLDS 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 CLINTON TOWNE CENTER FOR LEASE NWC 2000 WEST & 1800 NORTH • CLINTON • UTAH • 84015 PROPERTY FEATURES • Anchored by Macey’s and Dollar Tree and pad users: Wendy’s, O’ Reilly Auto Parts, Wells Fargo, 7-Eleven, Subway, and Blockbuster. • Across from Walmart Supercenter, Lowe’s, Kohl’s, Maurices, Hallmark, Walgreens, Goodyear and pad users: TacoTime, Chase Bank, America First Credit Union, Sonic Drive-In, Carl’s Jr., Mcdonald’s, and Arby’s. DEMOGRAPHICS 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES POPULATION 2012 ESTIMATED POPULATION 10,829 79,892 160,676 2017 PROJECTED POPULATION 11,685 86,980 174,047 3,078 24,259 49,116 HOUSEHOLDS 2012 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS • Highest population growth area in Davis County 2017 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 3,338 26,503 53,405 • At the Center Trade Area for Clinton, Syracuse, Roy, West Point, Hooper 2012 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $70,225 $65,763 $64,906 2012 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $57,386 $55,956 $55,297 2012 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $19,839 $19,984 $20,129 1,830 16,298 37,912 Shops Divisible Size (SF) Lease Rate 1,200 – 5,631 SF $12.00 – 18.00/SF/YR Size (SF) Lease Rate 4,081 SF $19.00 – 25.00/SF/YR Pad Divisible BUSINESS 2012 ESTIMATED EMPLOYEES TRAFFIC COUNTS 2012 AADT Taxes, Insurance, and CAM 2000 WEST 18,465 $4.46/SF/YR 1800 NORTH 13,505 CONTACT: BRETT PALMER direct 801.578.5510 mobile 801.201.1677 CHRIS MONSON, CCIM direct 801.578.5580 mobile 801.558.4787 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 CLINTON TOWNE CENTER FOR LEASE NWC 2000 WEST & 1800 NORTH • CLINTON • UTAH • 84015 Hello China! D O LL A R 1 TR EE ,I TO R C N 2000 West 5,631 SF DIVISIBLE . ES S 4,081 SF DIVISIBLE 1800 North Shops Divisible Size (SF) 1,200 – 5,631 SF CONTACT: Lease Rate Tax, Ins, and CAM $12.00 – 18.00/SF/YR BRETT PALMER direct 801.578.5510 mobile 801.201.1677 $4.46/SF/YR Pad Divisible Size (SF) 4,081 Lease Rate Tax, Ins, and CAM $19.00 – $25.00/SF/YR $4.46/SF/YR CHRIS MONSON, CCIM direct 801.578.5580 mobile 801.558.4787 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 This statement with the information it contains is given with the understanding that all negotiations relating to the purchase, renting or leasing of the property described above shall be conducted through this office. The above information while not guaranteed has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable. CLINTON TOWNE CENTER FOR LEASE NWC 2000 WEST & 1800 NORTH • CLINTON • UTAH • 84015 Hello China! 5,631 SF Divisible 4,081 SF Divisible 1 800 No rt h CONTACT: BRETT PALMER direct 801.578.5510 mobile 801.201.1677 CHRIS MONSON, CCIM direct 801.578.5580 mobile 801.558.4787 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 This statement with the information it contains is given with the understanding that all negotiations relating to the purchase, renting or leasing of the property described above shall be conducted through this office. The above information while not guaranteed has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable. CLINTON TOWNE CENTER FOR LEASE Quick & Clean Hello China 18,465 cars/day NWC 2000 WEST & 1800 NORTH • CLINTON • UTAH • 84015 PROPOSED Proposed Lily Nails 2000 West Hibachi House 1800 North 13,260 cars/day 15,850 cars/day 13,505 cars/day CONTACT: BRETT PALMER direct 801.578.5510 mobile 801.201.1677 Jade Nailz Lewis Jewelers CHRIS MONSON, CCIM direct 801.578.5580 mobile 801.558.4787 376 East 400North South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 1300 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 This statement with the information it contains is given with the understanding that all negotiations relating to the purchase, renting or leasing of the property described above shall be conducted through this office. The above information while not guaranteed has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable. FACT SHEET SITE 4 CLINTON CORNERS SWC 2000 West & 1800 North Clinton, Utah 84015 DEMOGRAPHICS 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES POPULATION 2013 ESTIMATED POPULATION 11,140 80,696 162,444 2018 PROJECTED POPULATION 11,782 86,012 173,078 2013 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 3,187 24,591 49,902 2018 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 3,386 26,304 53,350 2013 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $74,056 $70,646 $69,561 2013 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $66,112 $60,296 $59,381 2013 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $21,045 $21,540 $21,528 HOUSEHOLDS 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 FOR SALE, GROUND LEASE, SHOPS OR B.T.S. CLINTON CORNERS SWC 2000 WEST & 1800 NORTH • CLINTON • UTAH PROPERTY FEATURES ANCHORED BY: • Highest population growth area in Davis County • At the Center Trade Area for Clinton, Syracuse, Roy, West Point, Hooper LEASE & SALE Shops B-2 1,205 SF Pad C 6,000 SF CONTACT: 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES POPULATION • Across from Walmart Supercenter, Lowe’s, Kohl’s, Maurices, Hallmark, Macey’s, Dollar Tree, Blockbuster, Wendy’s, O’Reilly Auto Parts, Walgreens, Goodyear and pad users: TacoTime, Chase Bank, America First Credit Union, Sonic Drive-In, Carl’s Jr. McDonalds, Arby’s and Wendys CAM: DEMOGRAPHICS 2013 ESTIMATED POPULATION 11,140 80,696 162,444 2018 PROJECTED POPULATION 11,782 86,012 173,078 3,187 24,591 49,902 HOUSEHOLDS 2013 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 2018 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 3,386 26,304 53,350 2013 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $74,056 $70,646 $69,561 2013 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $66,112 $60,296 $59,381 2013 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $21,045 $21,540 $21,528 2,070 12,858 33,678 BUSINESS 2013 ESTIMATED EMPLOYEES $21.00 GL/BTS - $60,000/Year Shop Space - $23.00 NNN $5.74/SF/Year BRETT PALMER direct 801.578.5510 mobile 801.201.1677 TRAFFIC COUNTS 2012 AADT 2000 WEST 15,850 1800 NORTH 13,505 CHRIS MONSON, CCIM direct 801.578.5580 mobile 801.558.4787 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 FOR SALE, GROUND LEASE, SHOPS OR B.T.S. CLINTON CORNERS SWC 2000 WEST & 1800 NORTH • CLINTON • UTAH 13,505 Cars/Day 1800 North 1,205 SF Pad C 6,000 SF 2000 West B-2 15,850 Cars/Day 0.73 Acres 0.66 Acres 1630 North CONTACT: BRETT PALMER direct 801.578.5510 mobile 801.201.1677 CHRIS MONSON, CCIM direct 801.578.5580 mobile 801.558.4787 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 This statement with the information it contains is given with the understanding that all negotiations relating to the purchase, renting or leasing of the property described above shall be conducted through this office. The above information while not guaranteed has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable. FOR SALE, GROUND LEASE, SHOPS OR B.T.S. CLINTON CORNERS Quick & Clean Hello China 18,465 cars/day SWC 2000 WEST & 1800 NORTH • CLINTON • UTAH PROPOSED Proposed Lily Nails 2000 West Martinizing Dry Cleaning Hibachi House 13,505 cars/day 1800 North 13,260 cars/day S ITE ITE 15,850 cars/day 3.15 Acres Acr es CONTACT: BRETT PALMER direct 801.578.5510 mobile 801.201.1677 Jade Nailz Tanning Salon Lewis Jewelers CHRIS MONSON, CCIM direct 801.578.5580 mobile 801.558.4787 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 1300 North This statement with the information it contains is given with the understanding that all negotiations relating to the purchase, renting or leasing of the property described above shall be conducted through this office. The above information while not guaranteed has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable. FACT SHEET SITE 5 ANTELOPE DRIVE RETAIL 930 West Antelope Drive Layton, Utah 84041 DEMOGRAPHICS 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES POPULATION 2013 ESTIMATED POPULATION 15,495 77,748 169,412 2018 PROJECTED POPULATION 16,793 83,010 181,258 2013 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 6,111 24,834 52,006 2018 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 6,674 26,680 55,846 2013 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $51,085 $62,940 $74,528 2013 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $40,631 $52,521 $60,931 2013 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $20,122 $20,500 $23,067 HOUSEHOLDS 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 ANTELOPE DRIVE RETAIL FOR LEASE 930 WEST ANTELOPE DRIVE • LAYTON • UTAH • 84041 ay /d rs ca 23,855 cars/day 335’ EXIT #332 Antelope Drive Hill Field Road rita 20,400 cars/day Woodland Park Drive He 15 Pad Thai Thai Market Dynamix Salon Antelope Drive 23,855 cars/day House of Brews Tammy Lynn Nails ge Park Boulevard Loews Layton Hills 9 22 ,3 60 PROPERTY FEATURES • High Profile Retail Shops • 1,500 SF – 9,900 SF • Drive-Thru Available • Full Access on Antelope Drive Tinseltown 17 ca rs /d ay 1,500 SF – 9,900 SF 255’ Woodland Park Drive 15 FOR LEASE 930 WEST ANTELOPE DRIVE • LAYTON • UTAH • 84041 22,805 cars/day Angel Street 75 5,4 10 Utah Idaho Supply Map World Javier’s ANTELOPE DRIVE RETAIL 1425 North • Traffic Counts (2012): Antelope Drive: 23,855 AADT 15 6,8 10 • Located on Major Retail Center DEMOGRAPHICS 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES POPULATION 2013 ESTIMATED POPULATION 15,495 77,748 169,412 2018 PROJECTED POPULATION 16,793 83,010 181,258 2013 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 6,111 24,834 52,006 2018 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 6,674 26,680 55,846 2013 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $51,085 $62,940 $74,528 2013 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $40,631 $52,521 $60,931 2013 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $20,122 $20,500 $23,067 HOUSEHOLDS ay /d rs ca • Call For Pricing Cutrubus CONTACT: MIKE MEDINA 801.416.1049 1000 North ADAM HAWKES CONTACT: 801.416.1034 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 Gordon Avenue This statement with the information it contains is given with the understanding that all negotiations relating to the purchase, renting or leasing of the property described above shall be conducted through this office. The above information while not guaranteed has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable. MIKE MEDINA 801.416.1049 ADAM HAWKES 801.416.1034 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 ANTELOPE DRIVE RETAIL FOR LEASE 930 WEST ANTELOPE DRIVE • LAYTON • UTAH • 84041 FOOD HUB OF DAVIS COUNTY 1,500 SF – 9,900 SF MAJOR TENANTS IN THE MARKET Antelope Drive CONTACT: MIKE MEDINA 801.416.1049 23,855 cars/day ADAM HAWKES 801.416.1034 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 ADJACENT COMMERCIAL PROPERTY NORTH ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. NORTH LAYTON JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING A 4816 SF BUILDING B 4000 SF PATIO DINNING CONCEPT NARRATIVE ADJACENT COMMERCIAL PROPERTY PATIO DINNING DETENTION AREA ANTELOPE GENERAL NOTE: DRIVE DESIGNED BY: FOCUS ¤ FACT SHEET SITE 6 FREESTANDING RESTAURANT 505 North Main Street Layton, Utah 84041 DEMOGRAPHICS 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES POPULATION 2013 ESTIMATED POPULATION 10,379 82,546 152,477 2018 PROJECTED POPULATION 10,904 88,702 163,567 2013 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 3,563 26,119 45,948 2018 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 3,766 28,197 49,486 2013 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $53,375 $70,337 $78,086 2013 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $44,362 $56,793 $63,416 2013 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $17,981 $22,399 $23,731 HOUSEHOLDS 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 FREESTANDING RESTAURANT FOR SALE 505 NORTH MAIN STREET • LAYTON • UTAH • 84041 FOR SALE PRICE REDUCED! PROPERTY FEATURES • Sale Price: $660,000 $560,000 • Size: 2,590 SF • Near Freeway • Ample Parking DEMOGRAPHICS 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES POPULATION 2012 ESTIMATED POPULATION 10,442 81,651 151,026 2017 PROJECTED POPULATION 11,073 88,952 164,841 HOUSEHOLDS • High Traffic Area 2012 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 3,567 25,691 45,295 DO NOT DISTURB Tenants/Customers 2017 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 3,804 28,130 49,648 2012 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $53,724 $68,234 $73,007 2012 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $45,012 $55,965 $60,126 2012 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $17,964 $21,679 $22,237 NEARBY TENANTS: CONTACT: TRACY DOONG, CCIM MICHELLE DOONG 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 2, 36 0 ca r s/ d r ca 15 6,8 10 ay 505 NORTH MAIN STREET • LAYTON • UTAH • 84041 ay s/d FREESTANDING RESTAURANT FOR SALE FOR SALE 15 1000 North Gordon Avenue Designer Glass Works Superior Computers 5 ,41 ay 25 rs/d ca La Puente n ai M Hill Field Road et re St HOME APPLIANCE SHOWROOM Asian Buffet ay /d rs ca ay /d rs ca 80 ,0 24 King Street Layton Hills Dental Care 40 0,0 11 Gas Distribution Center State Liquor Store CONTACT: TRACY DOONG, CCIM MICHELLE DOONG 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 This statement with the information it contains is given with the understanding that all negotiations relating to the purchase, renting or leasing of the property described above shall be conducted through this office. The above information while not guaranteed has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable. FACT SHEET SITE 7 FORT LANE SHOPPING CENTER SWC Fort Lane & Gentile Street Layton, Utah 84041 DEMOGRAPHICS 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES POPULATION 2013 ESTIMATED POPULATION 14,155 78,708 141,036 2018 PROJECTED POPULATION 15,141 84,359 151,808 2013 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 4,709 24,338 42,549 2018 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 5,053 26,158 45,992 2013 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $62,727 $77,661 $80,309 2013 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $50,340 $61,664 $64,717 2013 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $20,134 $24,192 $24,505 HOUSEHOLDS 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 FOR LEASE OR BUILD TO SUIT FORT LANE SHOPPING CENTER SWC FORT LANE & GENTILE STREET • LAYTON • UTAH • 84041 ay s/d ar 0c ,08 24 8,106 cars/day SWC FORT LANE & GENTILE STREET • LAYTON • UTAH • 84041 FOR LEASE OR BUILD TO SUIT FORT LANE SHOPPING CENTER et re St Fort Lane in Ma 15 Quick Cash 13,520 cars/day Gentile Street 13,470 cars/day 0 11 PROPERTY FEATURES N FR STATI O YT LA ay s/d car 710 20, y /da ars 0c ,04 *THIS PHOTO IS NOT THE ACTUAL SITE, BUT A REPRESENTATION OF THE ARCHITECTURAL STYLE CURRENTLY PLANNED FOR WINCO ER NN RU NT O ON UNDER CONSTRUCTION SOON EXIT 15 #330 PROPOSED HOSPITAL way ark nP CONTACT: MIKE MEDINA 801.416.1049 8,435 cars/day to Lay ADAM HAWKES 801.416.1034 JOE MILLS 801.578.5590 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 t Flin This statement with the information it contains is given with the understanding that all negotiations relating to the purchase, renting or leasing of the property described above shall be conducted through this office. The above information while not guaranteed has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable. • Big Box, Mid-Box, Pads, & Shop Space Available DEMOGRAPHICS • New Shopping Center Development POPULATION • Excellent Freeway Visibility & Access 2013 ESTIMATED POPULATION 14,155 78,708 141,036 • Great Neighborhood Location 2018 PROJECTED POPULATION 15,141 84,359 151,808 • New I-15 Interchange NOW OPEN! HOUSEHOLDS • Traffic Counts: Fort Lane: 8,435 cars/day Gentile Street: 13,470 cars/day I-15: 110,040 cars/day 2013 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 4,709 24,338 42,549 2018 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 5,053 26,158 45,992 2013 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $62,727 $77,661 $80,309 2013 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $50,340 $61,664 $64,717 CURRENT TENANTS: 2013 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $20,134 $24,192 $24,505 CONTACT: MIKE MEDINA 801.416.1049 ADAM HAWKES 801.416.1034 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES JOE MILLS 801.578.5590 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 FOR LEASE OR BUILD TO SUIT FORT LANE SHOPPING CENTER SWC FORT LANE & GENTILE STREET • LAYTON • UTAH 6 RX W K 2 J G H Q & O L Q W R Q 23 0 0 N o r th 5 R \ 15 Hil l 6 RX W K : H E H U Air F or ce Ba se &OH DU IL HOG 6 \ U D F X V H 100 0 N o r th g ^ ] 84 /D\W R Q e 0R UJ D Q .D \ V Y L O O H )UXL W+ HL JKWV tr l S (NO W OPE N) EXI T #33 0 193 @ ? G ent il e Str e e t An 116,745 cars/day NE W I-15 INT ER CH AN GE ,0 110 27 Minutes Drive Time to Salt Lake City 8LQ W DK 6XQVH W Fo rt L an e /day ars 40 c 10 0 0 W e s t 30 0 0 W e s t 20 0 0 W e s t 45 0 0 W e s t FOOD 3,200 SF E IL F TA 0 S RE ,40 8 18 0 0 N o r th 13 0 0 N o r th : H V W 3 RL Q W 80 0 No r th 30 0 No r th ee t ) D U P L Q J W RQ 3,200 SF RETAIL E 8,400 SF OFFICE 18,100 SF y k wa ar P y ac Salt Lake Cit y Int ernat ional Air port ^ ] 6 DO W / D N H & L W \ 80 70 0 S ou th ^ ] a R 215 N o r th T e m p l e e 801.416.1034 ra ad iv Dr 801.416.1049 ADAM HAWKES ig Ro ll MIKE MEDINA 13 0 0 S ou th 17 0 0 S ou th 21 0 0 S ou th Em yon hi CONTACT: 80 0 Sou th an n C ti o ot 201 0D J Q D 40 0 Sou th Fo 9 0 0 S o ut h Cal ifo r ni a A v e nu e Fort Lane - 8,435 cars/day t RETAIL A 9,600 SF u l e 40 0 Ea st va rd FAST FOOD JR ANCHOR 2 10,000 SF Bo 3,065 SF vi s 4,725 SF FAST FOOD Da RETAIL D 1R U WK 6 D O W / D N H Sta te St re e t 4,725 SF 11 0 0 W e s t RETAIL C JR ANCHOR 1 13,000 SF ree 7,800 SF % R X Q W L IX O St RETAIL B :R R G V& UR VV k 18,100 SF &HQ W HUY LOOH B ec OFFICE A RETAIL B 7,800 SF 9,600 SF Layton Parkway RETAIL A 90 0 We s t 10,000 SF :H VW % R XQW LI XO Le g 13,000 SF JR ANCHOR 2 RETAIL D 4,725 SF JR ANCHOR 1 Gentile Street - 13,470 cars/day SIZE Ma in S tr e e t FOOD 3,065 SF RETAIL C 4,725 SF AVAILABLE Great Salt Lake :H VW 9 DO OH \ & LW \ JOE MILLS 801.578.5590 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 FACT SHEET SITE 8 LAYTON MIXED USE LAND NWC Layton Parkway & I-15 Layton, Utah 84041 DEMOGRAPHICS 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES POPULATION 2013 ESTIMATED POPULATION 12,833 75,719 141,551 2018 PROJECTED POPULATION 13,710 81,190 152,301 2013 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 4,207 23,324 42,706 2018 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 4,509 25,069 46,139 2013 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $60,917 $76,294 $80,143 2013 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $50,122 $60,702 $64,624 2013 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $19,479 $23,662 $24,449 HOUSEHOLDS 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 16.83 ACRES – LAYTON MIXED USE LAND WITH FREEWAY FRONTAGE (1,500’) & ON/OFF RAMP FOR SALE NWC LAYTON PARKWAY & I-15 • LAYTON • UTAH PROPERTY FEATURES • 16.83 Acres • Current Zoning: MU-TOD • Freeway Frontage & On/Off Ramp (1,500’ Frontage on I-15) Gent ile St re et • Across From UTA FrontRunner Station 13,4 70 ca rs /da y ZONING 11 0, • MU-TOD (Mixed Use/Transit Oriented Development) 04 110610173 3.12 Acres COMING SOON 0 ca rs /d • Permitted Uses: Hotel, Medical, Office, Retail, Amusement & Multifamily ay • Multifamily Density: 43 – 59 Units/Acre (Range Depends on Building Structural Parking & Using Qualified Building Design Elements 110610071 6.16 Acres 16.83 Acres PRICING Ma • $7,881,000 ($10.75 PSF) in • Price Includes 72 Unit Cedarwood Mobile Home Park & Storage Units Str ee t • Existing NOI: $276,987/Year 110610130 110610061 0.98 Acres 0.26 Acres 110610213 1.00 Acres 15 110610130 0.98 Acres 110610159 1.76 Acres 20 ,71 DEMOGRAPHICS 141,551 2018 PROJECTED POPULATION 13,710 81,190 152,301 4,207 23,324 42,706 0 c ar s/d ay ar kw a y 9, 80 L a y to n P HOUSEHOLDS 2013 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 2018 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 4,509 25,069 46,139 2013 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $60,917 $76,294 $80,143 2013 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $50,122 $60,702 $64,624 2013 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $19,479 $23,662 $24,449 CONTACT: CHRIS MONSON, CCIM direct 801.578.5580 mobile 801.558.4787 110610184 110610182 0.13 Acres 0.86 Acres y 75,719 da 12,833 rs / POPULATION 2013 ESTIMATED POPULATION 110610148 1.58 Acres a 0 c 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES c a rs 9 80 / da y BRETT PALMER direct 801.578.5510 mobile 801.201.1677 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 8,106 cars/day 16.83 ACRES – LAYTON MIXED USE LAND WITH FREEWAY FRONTAGE (1,500’) & ON/OFF RAMP ,08 24 FOR SALE 0c ay s/d ar NWC LAYTON PARKWAY & I-15 • LAYTON • UTAH et re St Fort Lane in Ma 15 Quick Cash 13,520 cars/day Gentile Street 13,470 cars/day 0 11 y /da ars 0c ,04 16.83 Acres N FR STATI O YT LA ay s/d car 710 20, Kays Crossing Apartments 156 Unit (5 Story) MU-TOD New Development ER NN RU NT O ON UNDER CONSTRUCTION SOON EXIT 15 #330 PROPOSED HOSPITAL way ark P on ayt 8,435 cars/day L PROPOSED HOSPITAL CONTACT: t ree t St Flin CHRIS MONSON, CCIM direct 801.578.5580 mobile 801.558.4787 BRETT PALMER direct 801.578.5510 mobile 801.201.1677 M n e re St t /d ars 0c ,2 5 ai 120 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 This statement with the information it contains is given with the understanding that all negotiations relating to the purchase, renting or leasing of the property described above shall be conducted through this office. The above information while not guaranteed has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable. FACT SHEET SITE 9 COMMONS AT WEST BOUNTIFUL 400 North 500 West Bountiful, Utah DEMOGRAPHICS 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES POPULATION 2013 ESTIMATED POPULATION 11,111 70,636 96,772 2018 PROJECTED POPULATION 11,692 75,823 104,112 2013 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 4,115 23,880 31,656 2018 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 4,333 25,748 34,187 2013 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $60,923 $81,308 $87,306 2013 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $51,326 $65,234 $69,762 2013 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $22,932 $27,375 $28,639 HOUSEHOLDS 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 COMMONS AT WEST BOUNTIFUL FOR LEASE 12,050 cars/day 400 North AVAILABLE Play ‘N’ Trade 15 8,850 cars/day 10,325 cars/day 200 West 15,945 cars/day 133,705 cars/day 16,935 cars/day EXIT 15 #317 Propay USA PROPERTY FEATURES 500 West Main Street t 4USPOH3FHJPOBM$FOUFS 9,230 cars/day 22,555 cars/day 500 South 20,350 cars/day 16,820 cars/day 14,725 cars/day /day Su Casa JOE MILLS 801.578.5590 ROB SWEENEY 801.456.8817 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 This statement with the information it contains is given with the understanding that all negotiations relating to the purchase, renting or leasing of the property described above shall be conducted through this office. The above information while not guaranteed has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable. DEMOGRAPHICS 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES t &YDFMMFOU'SFFXBZ1SPYJNJUZ POPULATION t "WBJMBCMF 4'14'/// 4'14'///2VJFUMZ.BSLFUFE 4'14'/// 2013 ESTIMATED POPULATION 11,111 70,636 96,772 2018 PROJECTED POPULATION 11,692 75,823 104,112 HOUSEHOLDS 2013 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 4,115 23,880 31,656 T H E 2018 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 4,333 25,748 34,187 THACKERAY 2013 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $60,923 $81,308 $87,306 2013 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $51,326 $65,234 $69,762 2013 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $22,932 $27,375 $28,639 OWNED AND MANAGED BY: EXIT 15 #316 CONTACT: FOR LEASE 400 NORTH 500 WEST t BOUNTIFUL t UTAH 10,765 cars/day 16,785 cars/day 11 400 NORTH 500 WEST t BOUNTIFUL t UTAH COMMONS AT WEST BOUNTIFUL C O M PA N Y ANCHORED BY: CO-TENANTS: CONTACT: JOE MILLS 801.578.5590 ROB SWEENEY 801.456.8817 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 COMMONS AT WEST BOUNTIFUL FOR LEASE 400 NORTH 500 WEST t BOUNTIFUL t UTAH 15 4 00 AVAILABLE I- 1 AVAILABLE 5 O f AVAILABLE 1,553 SF $25.00 PSF $5.55 NNN 12,295 cars/day p am AVAILABLE 4,000 SF $30.00 PSF $5.55 NNN QUIETLY MARKETED 17,340 cars/day Go Wireless 500 West AVAILABLE fR rr Ca ng ti Prin Nor th AVAILABLE 1,104 SF $30.00 PSF $5.55 NNN /PSUI 8FTU CONTACT: JOE MILLS 801.578.5590 ROB SWEENEY 801.456.8817 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 TABLE OF CONTENTS A WEBER & DAVIS COUNTIES B Mexican Quick Serve Competition Map Mexican Quick Serve Competition Map Potential Sites Potential Sites 1. Foothill Village 1400 South Foothill Drive Salt Lake City, Utah 1. Riverdale Road Riverdale, Utah 2. The Commons at Sugar House 2100 South 1100 East (SEC) Salt Lake City, Utah 84101 2. Park Plaza NEC 2000 West & 1800 North Clinton, Utah 84015 3. The Restaurants at Riverpark 10701 South River Front Drive South Jordan, Utah 84095 3. Clinton Towne Center NWC 2000 West & 1800 North Clinton, Utah 84015 4. Clinton Corners SWC 2000 West & 1800 North Clinton, Utah 84015 SALT LAKE COUNTY C UTAH COUNTY 5. Antelope Drive Retail 930 West Antelope Drive Layton, Utah 84041 Mexican Quick Serve Competition Map 6. Freestanding Restaurant 505 North Main Street Layton, Utah 84041 Potential Sites 7. Fort Lane Shopping Center SWC Fort Lane & Gentile Street Layton, Utah 84041 8. Layton Mixed Use Land NWC Layton Parkway & I-15 Layton, Utah 9. Commons at West Bountiful 400 North 500 West Bountiful, Utah 1. Hunters Crossing 933 – 987 West 500 South Lehi, Utah 2. Lindon Retail Center 677 North State Street Orem, Utah 3. Brighams Landing 1774 North University Parkway Provo, Utah 84604 4. Windsor Park 150 West 1230 North Provo, Utah 84604 5. North Park Plaza 231 West 1230 North Provo, Utah 84604 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 MEXICAN QUICK SERVE COMPETITION SALT LAKE COUNTY, UTAH C al i fo r n ia Av e nu e 6D O W / D N H &L W\ 270 0 W es t 320 0 W es t 110 0 Ea st 500 We st St at e St r ee t 4 8 0 0 S o u th Vi ne S Mu +ROODGD\ 560 0 So ut h 700 We st 0X U U D \ r id o r S h i el d s La n e 9 4 00 Sou t h Z [ 6DQ G \ 3 170 0 Ea s t 114 0 0 S out h 360 0 W es t &RW WRQZRRG +HLJK WV 89 5LY H UW RQ 126 00 S out h D ra p e r P a rk w ay +H UU LPDQ Ba Ro 700 0 So ut h 15 11 8 00 S out h 215 ] ^ 700 Eas t 400 0 W es t 130 0 W es t 104 00 S out h ] ^ 130 0 Ea st C or n Hi g h w a y 134 00 S out h H ollad y R oad a 78 0 0 So ut h 700 We st i ew 11 8 00 S o ut h r r ay - 900 Eas t 400 0 W est 560 0 W es t 480 0 W es t Redw oo d Roa d 840 0 W es t V 9 80 0 So ut h e in y iv 900 0 So ut h a gh w Dr wa y 7 20 0 So ut h 6R XW K - R UG D Q ma 0L G Y D O H 7 80 0 So ut h H e rr i r ess 390 0 So ut h t ta Old Bin gh a m H i 700 0 So ut h :H VW - R UG D Q y ay ee un w n H wa W 270 0 So ut h tr Mo Ne Bi m t re e t C a na l S 620 0 So ut h h ig rs aylo Ex p v i l le 8 20 0 So ut h a gh T ll ] ^ 215 Sout h Valley Regional Air port ey s 330 0 So ut h .H D U Q V 700 0 So ut h ar l 6R XW K 6D O W / D N H 7D\OR UV YLOOH 111 2 410 0 So ut h 540 0 So u t h P 80 :H VW 9 D O O H \ & L W\ 470 0 So ut h 130 0 Ea st hi 350 0 So u t h 1 ] ^ 201 0D J Q D 130 0 So ut h 210 0 S o ut h 310 0 So ut h Su n ny sid e A v e n ue 170 0 So ut h 201 ot 182 0 So ut h 800 Sout h Fo 173 0 So ut h 700 Eas t 900 Sout h 110 0 So ut h 550 0 W es t 500 Eas t 700 Sout h &%' &%' 500 Sout h 300 We st 300 Sout h 60 0 N o r t h Pione er Road 80 Ame lia Ea rh ar t Driv e 520 0 W es t ] ^ 100 0 N or t h 900 We st 720 0 W es t 800 Nor t h 220 0 W es t Salt Lake City International Air port se c re 1 Foothill Village 2 3 The Commons at Sugar House s t Roa d 144 0 0 S out h i g hw a y r H 'UDS H U 14 6 00 S ou th g e Ro T r a v e r se Ri d ad %OX I IG D OH 85 The Restaurants at Riverpark ng te er 68 0 1 2 Mi l e s 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 l The above information while not guaranteed has been secured from sources deemed reliable Map Data and/or Imagery Courtesy of NAIP 5/2/2014 \\Maphics\Maphics\Companies\MWRI\1 - People\Michelle Doong\2 - Packages\Moes Southwest Grill\Maps\mdoong_mexican-quick-serve_slco_aerial_11x17.mxd FACT SHEET SITE 1 FOOTHILL VILLAGE 1400 South Foothill Drive Salt Lake City, Utah DEMOGRAPHICS 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES POPULATION 2013 ESTIMATED POPULATION 17,935 102,662 223,489 2018 PROJECTED POPULATION 18,989 108,180 238,039 2013 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 6,772 42,801 94,778 2018 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 7,199 45,269 101,549 2013 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $101,126 $72,757 $67,110 2013 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $71,022 $50,878 $44,061 2013 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $38,184 $30,769 $28,893 HOUSEHOLDS 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 Bonneville Golf Course FOOTHILL VILLAGE 41 FOR LEASE ,42 1400 SOUTH FOOTHILL DRIVE • SALT LAKE CITY • UTAH 5c FOR LEASE 1400 SOUTH FOOTHILL DRIVE • SALT LAKE CITY • UTAH ar FOOTHILL VILLAGE s/d ay 6,445 cars/day 1300 South Scentsations Gold n’ Diamonds Babinski’s Baby Haroon’s Larkin Sunset Lawn Cemetery Sweet Tooth Fairy Fo ot hi Red Butte Cafe ll Dr PROPERTY FEATURES ive Sports Den Runner’s Advantage Bloomingdale’s Shopping Center Tenants Include: Contact Agents for Details Please Do Not Disturb Tenants Core Power Yoga Foothill Orthodontics Wes’s Hair Design Great Demographics Close to University of Utah and Research Park 40,340 Cars Drive by Daily ,28 0c Sportabilia Available - Second Level • 7,625 SF above Stein Mart (Divisible) • Special 2nd Floor Lease Rates 39 Hi Sushi Spa Club Bella Forte New Orientation MacCool’s Pulic House The Little Gym 2300 East Roth Concept Center Get Nails Knead A Massage Available - Main Level • Small Shop Space: 900 SF – 3,700 SF 2200 East Tutoring Toy Trade Secret ar s/d ay East West Connection Managed by DEMOGRAPHICS 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES POPULATION 2013 ESTIMATED POPULATION 17,935 102,662 223,489 2018 PROJECTED POPULATION 18,989 108,180 238,039 2013 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 6,772 42,801 94,778 2018 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 7,199 45,269 101,549 2013 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME HOUSEHOLDS $101,126 $72,757 $67,110 2013 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $71,022 $50,878 $44,061 2013 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $38,184 $30,769 $28,893 CONTACT: JOE MILLS 801-578-5590 ROB SWEENEY 801-456-8817 7,685 cars/day Foothill 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 | Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 | Fax 801.578.5500 CONTACT: JOE MILLS 801-578-5590 ROB SWEENEY 801-456-8817 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 | Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 | Fax 801.578.5500 FOOTHILL VILLAGE FOR LEASE 1400 SOUTH FOOTHILL DRIVE • SALT LAKE CITY • UTAH Main Level 1300 South #80 0 4 0,3 1,274 SF $20.00 PSF #81A D VP Second Level 4 d v l ll B #48 i h ot 69 70 71 72 100A 12 13 14A 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 27 29 30 32 33 33A 35 80 81 81A 76 77 1414 82 69A 59A Suite 3,700 SF $35.00 PSF Availalbe October 2014 1,070 SF $28.00 PSF Spinal Care Fo MacCool’s 1,064 SF $28.00 PSF #33 2,594 SF $26.00 PSF 1,738 SF $16.00 PSF #33A #42 #32 Hallmark Space Available September 2014 2,769 SF Quietly Marketed Do Not Disturb Tenant 900-1,800 SF $32.00 PSF Hi Sushi 1,097 SF $28.00 PSF Available October 2014 9B #5 CONTACT: JOE MILLS 801-578-5590 #21 #18 H2Blow Suite Tenant les sa ing om Blo er’s nn ge Ru anta v Ad ge lla n Vi ll De hi ot rts Fo Spo 1,225 SF $28.00 PSF Available Upper Level 7,624 SF $9.00 PSF FD Robert L. Sorbonne DDS Theoretics Barbara Snow DSW LCSW Main Level 9 51 52 53 55 59 59B 60 87 62 63 FD 65 67 68 D. Grant Limited 2,386 Runners Advantage 1,360 Bloomingsales 1,276 Dan’s 40,000 GNC 1,807 IHC Health Services 1,460 Tutoring Toy 2,160 Theoretics 652 DownEast Outfitters 1,807 Barbara Snow 472 Bath & Body Works 2,766 AVAILABLE 2,769 AVAILABLE 1,097 H2Blow 1,820 Robert L. Sorbonne, DDS 1,605 SteinMart 32,000 Hi Sushi 2,056 AAA 1,565 AVAILABLE 2,594 AVAILABLE 1,070 AVAILABLE 1,064 Mac Cool’s Public House 4,428 AVAILABLE 3,700 European Tan 2,009 AVAILABLE 1,274 Spinal Care 1,208 Color Me Mine 1,452 Great Clips 1,200 Starbucks 2,585 Utah Home Fitness 2,010 Four & Twenty Sailors 1,792 Tenant SF SF Clark Foundation 906 Subway 1,737 Scentsations 700 Gold N Diamonds 805 Babinskis 4,675 C. Hruska & Co. 4,998 AVAILABLE 1,225 Fanzz 2,504 Sweet Tooth Fairy 1,127 Costa Vida 3,228 UPS Store 1,520 AVAILABLE 1,800 Chico’s 3,436 Foothill Village Sports Den 17,868 Marlies Dekkers 920 58 36 38 218A 218 222 40 230A 230 42 43 46 47 48 49 50 75 85 84 McCarty Salon Roth Distribution Roth Distribution The Living Kitchen Get Nails Knead A Massage Edward Jones & Co. Core Power Yoga AT&T AVAILABLE Randall K. Bennett, DDS Little Gym Little Gym AVAILABLE Domino’s Pizza East-West Connection Kirkham’s Real Estate Countrywide Home Loans 3,800 2,480 4,475 200 1,290 1,722 1,121 5,000 240 7,625 5,178 4,728 318 1,738 1,601 3,024 6,575 4,746 4,000 ROB SWEENEY 801-456-8817 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 | Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 | Fax 801.578.5500 FACT SHEET SITE 2 THE COMMONS AT SUGAR HOUSE 2100 South 1100 East (SEC) Salt Lake City, Utah 84101 DEMOGRAPHICS 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES POPULATION 2013 ESTIMATED POPULATION 19,441 147,228 308,961 2018 PROJECTED POPULATION 20,265 156,147 329,196 2013 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 8,543 62,485 125,513 2018 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 8,930 66,533 134,424 2013 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $65,522 $65,548 $62,487 2013 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $50,204 $42,577 $41,527 2013 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $29,062 $26,831 $25,878 HOUSEHOLDS 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 THE COMMONS AT SUGAR HOUSE 2100 SOUTH 1100 EAST (SEC) • SALT LAKE CITY • UTAH • 84101 FOR LEASE 2100 South FOR LEASE 2100 SOUTH 1100 EAST (SEC) • SALT LAKE CITY • UTAH • 84101 RARE VACANCY IN THIS WELL ESTABLISHED CENTER CENTER IS 99% OCCUPIED/LEASED 27,750 cars/day 14,130 cars/day 1100 East 10,695 cars/day 24,410 cars/day THE COMMONS AT SUGAR HOUSE 21,124 cars/day 51,405 cars/day McClelland Street 900 East Sugarhouuse Sugarho s P ark ar k Wilmington Avenue Fats Grill & Pool Sugarmont Drive 9,710 cars/day PROPERTY FEATURES DEMOGRAPHICS • Available: Suite 23 - 9,012 SF POPULATION • Highly Demanded Area in Sugar House 2013 ESTIMATED POPULATION 19,441 147,228 308,961 2018 PROJECTED POPULATION 20,265 156,147 329,196 2013 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 8,543 62,485 125,513 2018 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 8,930 66,533 134,424 2013 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $65,522 $62,548 $62,487 2013 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $50,204 $42,577 $41,527 2013 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $29,062 $26,831 $25,878 • High Income & High Traffic Area 80 NEARBY TENANTS INCLUDE: 1300 East Outlet e Driv nd hla Hig F a i rm o n t Pa rk rk 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES HOUSEHOLDS 102,895 cars/day State Liquor Store EXIT 80 #126 T H E Developed By: THACKERAY C O M PA N Y CONTACT: JOE MILLS 801.578.5590 ROB SWEENEY CONTACT: 801.456.8817 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 This statement with the information it contains is given with the understanding that all negotiations relating to the purchase, renting or leasing of the property described above shall be conducted through this office. The above information while not guaranteed has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable. JOE MILLS 801.578.5590 ROB SWEENEY 801.456.8817 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 THE COMMONS AT SUGAR HOUSE FOR LEASE 2100 SOUTH 1100 EAST (SEC) • SALT LAKE CITY • UTAH • 84101 TENANT LIST AVAILABLE 9,012 SF 1 Barnes and Noble 26,703 2 Men’s Warehouse 6,000 3 Eyemasters 2,500 4 Noodles & Co 2,500 5 Loft 5,700 6 Down East Outfitters 3,200 7 Famous Footwear 7,196 8 Old Navy 16,912 9 Yellowfinn 1,800 10 Rubio’s 2,500 11 The Joint 12 Panda Express 2,000 13 Jamba Juice 2,343 14 Maggie Moo’s 1,244 15/16 Carters CONTACT: JOE MILLS 801.578.5590 SF 912 4,401 17 Salon Valentina 2,058 18 Office Space 34,147 19 Petco 14,820 20 Bed Bath & Beyond 18,395 21 Whole Foods 23,393 22 Unhinged Boutique 2,061 23 AVAILABLE 9,012 ROB SWEENEY 801.456.8817 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 FACT SHEET SITE 3 THE RESTAURANTS AT RIVERPARK 10701 South River Front Drive South Jordan, Utah 84095 DEMOGRAPHICS 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES POPULATION 2013 ESTIMATED POPULATION 4,879 88,863 280,712 2018 PROJECTED POPULATION 5,464 96,380 304,197 2013 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 1,686 28,234 86,209 2018 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 1,899 30,711 93,757 2013 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $107,547 $86,801 $89,225 2013 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $87,207 $70,230 $75,222 2013 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $35,854 $27,811 $27,748 HOUSEHOLDS 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 FOR LEASE THE RESTAURANTS 10701 SOUTH RIVER FRONT DR :: SOUTH JORDAN UT AT RIVERPARK 10701 SOUTH RIVER FRONT DR :: SOUTH JORDAN, UT THE RESTAURANTS AT RIVERPARK :: Pads and inline space available for lease :: Lease rates: $20.00-$25.00 PSF/YR/NNN :: Located at the gateway to RiverPark :: Access from 10600 South and 11400 South :: Corporate Center 1,300,000 SF of Class “A” office space ::: Current Employees: Projected Employees: 6,500 8,000 (projection based on completion of Riverpark) SOUTHTOWNE MALL MULLIGAN’S GOLF COURSE SL MRI 15 10600 SOUTH - 40,525 ADT 162,400 Elase Medical ADT Clear Choice Dental (Proposed) UTAH AUTO MALL MOUNTAIN AMERICA CR E D I T U N I O N Gecko’s Mexican Restaurant F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N C O N TA C T: CB Richard Ellis | 2755 E. Cottonwood Parkway | Suite 100 | Salt Lake City, UT 84121 ©2009 CB Richard Ellis, Inc. The information above has been obtained from sources believed reliable. While we do not doubt its accuracy, we have not verified it and make no guarantee, warranty or representation about it. It is your responsibility to independently confirm its accuracy and completeness. Russ Harris JR Moore Vice President Vice President 801.869.8038 801.869.8035 THE RESTAURANTS @ RIVERPARK 10701 SOUTH RIVER FRONT DR :: SOUTH JORDAN, UT DEMOGRAPHICS 1 mile 3 miles 5 miles 2 0 1 3 E S T I M AT E D : 7,653 82,884 266,406 2018 PROJECTED: 8,365 90,459 288,045 2 0 1 3 E S T I M AT E D : 2,489 25,532 79,724 2018 PROJECTED: 2,704 27,840 86,282 2013 MED HHI: $79,353 $71,679 $67,252 2018 MED HHI: $78,090 $70,660 $66,343 P O P U L AT I O N : HOUSEHOLDS: INCOME: CO- TENANTS: Gecko’s Mexican Restaurant QUICK FACTS : : 3 5 0 , 0 0 0 S F O F R E TA I L : : 1 , 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 S F O F C L A S S A O F F I C E S PA C E : : 6 , 0 0 0 E M P LOY E E S :: 150,000 SF LIFETIME FITNESS : : H I LT O N H O T E L ( P R O P O S E D ) TABLE OF CONTENTS A WEBER & DAVIS COUNTIES B Mexican Quick Serve Competition Map Mexican Quick Serve Competition Map Potential Sites Potential Sites 1. Foothill Village 1400 South Foothill Drive Salt Lake City, Utah 1. Riverdale Road Riverdale, Utah 2. The Commons at Sugar House 2100 South 1100 East (SEC) Salt Lake City, Utah 84101 2. Park Plaza NEC 2000 West & 1800 North Clinton, Utah 84015 3. The Restaurants at Riverpark 10701 South River Front Drive South Jordan, Utah 84095 3. Clinton Towne Center NWC 2000 West & 1800 North Clinton, Utah 84015 4. Clinton Corners SWC 2000 West & 1800 North Clinton, Utah 84015 SALT LAKE COUNTY C UTAH COUNTY 5. Antelope Drive Retail 930 West Antelope Drive Layton, Utah 84041 Mexican Quick Serve Competition Map 6. Freestanding Restaurant 505 North Main Street Layton, Utah 84041 Potential Sites 7. Fort Lane Shopping Center SWC Fort Lane & Gentile Street Layton, Utah 84041 8. Layton Mixed Use Land NWC Layton Parkway & I-15 Layton, Utah 9. Commons at West Bountiful 400 North 500 West Bountiful, Utah 1. Hunters Crossing 933 – 987 West 500 South Lehi, Utah 2. Lindon Retail Center 677 North State Street Orem, Utah 3. Brighams Landing 1774 North University Parkway Provo, Utah 84604 4. Windsor Park 150 West 1230 North Provo, Utah 84604 5. North Park Plaza 231 West 1230 North Provo, Utah 84604 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 MEXICAN QUICK SERVE COMPETITION UTAH COUNTY, UTAH 144 R ed $OS LQ H w oo /HKL 960 0 Nor t h 480 0 W es t 260 0 Nor t h &HGDU +LOOV 146 1 700 Nor t h $PH U LFD Q )RU N 50 0 E as t 6DU DWRJ D 6S ULQ J V +LJK ODQ G 120 0 Ea st 230 0 W es t 360 0 W es t Ma in St r ee t 110 00 N or th 320 0 Nor t h 500 W e st ad d Ro 1 2 0 0 W es t 92 P o ny E x p r e ss P ar k w ay 110 0 Nor t h 3OHDVDQW *U RY H Z [ 2 189 /LQ GR Q 200 Sout h 800 Nor t h 9LQH\DU G 800 Eas t 2U HP G en ev a R oa 3 4 5 3UR YR d Cen t e r S t re e t 300 Sout h We s ec t e nn at e C o St t s id Ut ah Lake St or re et 75 68 6S ULQ J YL OOH 400 Sout h Ca t M a i n St r ee Ca 8 00 0 S o u 100 Nor t h Z [ 6 on Dr e iv 160 0 So ut h ny 15 5 730 0 So ut h ny 0D S O H WR Q 6S DQ LV K )RU N 640 0 So ut h 0 W es t 320 0 W es t 400 0 So ut h on Ro ad th Z [ 6DOH P 6 3D\VR Q 1 2 3 4 5 Hunters Crossing ] ^ Lindon Retail Center Brighams Landing 15 *H Q RO D :RR GODQ G +LOOV (ON 5LG JH Z [ 198 Windsor Park Z [ 6 6DQ WDT X LQ North Park Plaza 0 2 4 Mi l e s 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 l The above information while not guaranteed has been secured from sources deemed reliable Map Data and/or Imagery Courtesy of NAIP 5/2/2014 \\Maphics\Maphics\Companies\MWRI\1 - People\Michelle Doong\2 - Packages\Moes Southwest Grill\Maps\mdoong_mexican-quick-serve_utahco_aerial_11x17.mxd FACT SHEET SITE 1 HUNTERS CROSSING 933 – 987 West 500 South Lehi, Utah 84003 DEMOGRAPHICS 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES POPULATION 2013 ESTIMATED POPULATION 7,985 68,246 130,490 2018 PROJECTED POPULATION 8,418 75,238 144,745 2013 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 2,250 17,892 34,135 2018 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 2,379 19,761 37,927 2013 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $81,185 $84,425 $90,723 2013 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $67,398 $73,327 $75,239 2013 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $22,735 $22,144 $23,757 HOUSEHOLDS 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 HUNTERS CROSSING HUNTERS CROSSING FOR LEASE 933 – 987 WEST 500 SOUTH • LEHI • UTAH • 84003 FOR LEASE 933 – 987 WEST 500 SOUTH • LEHI • UTAH • 84003 1,430 SF Suite 100 1,135 SF Suite 101 2,177 SF Suite 102 AVAILABLE Pa De cific nta l PROPERTY FEATURES 2,013 SF Suite 106 1,440 SF 1,676 SF Suite 102 Suite 101 1,607 SF Suite 105 2,500 SF Suite 100 AVAILABLE CONTACT: TROY HARDY Located in the center of the American Fork Trade Area Lease Rate: $25.00 PSF NNN All existing restaurant equipment included Restaurant counters and shelves Included Potential drive - thru DEMOGRAPHICS 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES POPULATION 2013 ESTIMATED POPULATION 7,985 68,246 130,490 2018 PROJECTED POPULATION 8,418 75,238 144,745 2,250 17,892 34,135 2013 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 4,372 SF Suites 105 & 106 1,367 SF 1,005 SF Suite 104 Suite 103 ANCHORED BY: Salon Centric I Que Repair Pacific Dental 987 West 500 North Building A • • • • • HOUSEUSEHOLDS TemptAsian 2,500 SF Suite 107 933 West 500 North Building C 1,872 SF Suite 102 1,584 SF Suite 101 1,250 SF Suite 100 2018 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 2,379 19,761 37,927 2013 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $81,185 $84,425 $90,723 2013 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $67,398 $73,327 $75,239 2013 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $22,735 $22,144 $23,757 945 West 500 North Building B LANCE PENDLETON CHAD MOORE CONTACT: TROY HARDY LANCE PENDLETON CHAD MOORE WWW.POWELLDEV.COM WWW.POWELLDEV.COM 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 This statement with the information it contains is given with the understanding that all negotiations relating to the purchase, renting or leasing of the property described above shall be conducted through this office. The above information while not guaranteed has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable. HUNTERS CROSSING FOR LEASE 933 – 987 WEST 500 SOUTH • LEHI • UTAH • 84003 14 ,20 5c ars /da y AVAILABLE 15 EXIT #279 US 89 Main Street Europe Nails SUPERCENTER New York Burrito 15 Chadders ve Dr i ca rs /d ay /day 0 cars 26,28 12 2, 05 0 Pa c ifi c Eyecare of Lehi Firehouse Car Wash Main Street 15 EXIT #278 Cobblestone CONTACT: TROY HARDY LANCE PENDLETON CHAD MOORE WWW.POWELLDEV.COM 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 FACT SHEET SITE 2 LINDON RETAIL CENTER 677 North State Street Lindon, Utah DEMOGRAPHICS 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES POPULATION 2013 ESTIMATED POPULATION 8,319 66,041 142,890 2018 PROJECTED POPULATION 9,055 71,238 154,009 2013 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 2,314 18,415 40,495 2018 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 2,531 19,975 43,896 2013 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $81,135 $83,555 $80,011 2013 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $67,697 $66,649 $63,552 2013 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $22,679 $23,389 $22,883 HOUSEHOLDS 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 LINDON RETAIL CENTER FOR LEASE 677 NORTH STATE STREET • LINDON • UTAH • 84042 PROPERTY FEATURES • 1,500 – 3,000 SF Available DEMOGRAPHICS • Potential for Drive-Thru on End Cap POPULATION • Walmart Anchored Center on Corner of State Street and 700 North 2013 ESTIMATED POPULATION 8,319 66,041 142,890 2018 PROJECTED POPULATION 9,055 71,238 154,009 • Very High Growth Trade Area HOUSEHOLDS • Co-Tenants Include: 2013 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 2,314 18,415 40,495 2018 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 2,531 19,974 43,896 2013 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $81,135 $83,555 $80,011 2013 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $67,697 $66,649 $63,552 2013 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $22,679 $23,389 $22,883 Honey Nails CONTACT: TROY HARDY LANCE PENDLETON 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES ANDY MOFFITT 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 LINDON RETAIL CENTER FOR LEASE 677 NORTH STATE STREET • LINDON • UTAH • 84042 15,145 cars/day 300 East outhSouth S200 5,190 cars/day 100 East LE AB F IL 0 S LE A 0 B AV 1,5 ILA SF A 00 V A 1,5 y da rs/ ca R D yN Hone 55 c ars/ day U HR -T E IV 80 ,5 29 20,8 1000 et re St 3,305 cars/day ate St Main Street Center Street ails 11,890 cars/day 500 South 700 South St e Geneva Road at St re et 1000 South 29 ,5 700 North 80 ca rs /d ay Honey Nails SUPERCENTER CONTACT: TROY HARDY LANCE PENDLETON ANDY MOFFITT 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 This statement with the information it contains is given with the understanding that all negotiations relating to the purchase, renting or leasing of the property described above shall be conducted through this office. The above information while not guaranteed has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable. FACT SHEET SITE 3 BRIGHAMS LANDING 1774 North University Parkway Provo, Utah 84604 DEMOGRAPHICS 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES POPULATION 2013 ESTIMATED POPULATION 28,703 136,667 192,664 2018 PROJECTED POPULATION 30,985 147,002 206,966 2013 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 6,080 39,383 55,790 2018 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 6,801 42,756 60,448 2013 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $47,798 $56,225 $59,276 2013 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $30,443 $37,734 $41,144 2013 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $16,007 $17,642 $18,306 HOUSEHOLDS 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 BRIGHAMS LANDING FOR LEASE 1774 NORTH UNIVERSITY PARKWAY • PROVO • UTAH • 84604 PROPERTY FEATURES • $15.00 –17.00 PSF NNN • 983 – 2,541 SF Available DEMOGRAPHICS 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES POPULATION 2013 ESTIMATED POPULATION 28,703 136,667 192,664 • Excellent Visibility and Access off University Parkway 2018 PROJECTED POPULATION 30,985 147,002 206,966 • Site is Located at the Main Entrance to Brigham Young University (32,000 Students) 2013 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 6,080 39,383 55,790 2018 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 6,801 42,756 60,448 2013 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $47,798 $56,225 $59,276 2013 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $30,443 $37,734 $41,144 2013 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $16,007 $17,642 $18,306 9,070 43,907 67,133 ANCHORED BY: HOUSEHOLDS EMPLOYMENT 2013 ESTIMATED EMPLOYMENT Sub Zero CONTACT: LANCE PENDLETON TROY HARDY ANDY MOFFITT 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 BRIGHAMS LANDING FOR LEASE 1774 NORTH UNIVERSITY PARKWAY • PROVO • UTAH • 84604 Rust Coins Phone Restore Poco Loco Swim Shop LaVell Edwards Stadium 36 ,3 /d y a St re et Alpine Home Medical ca Mango’s Stir Fry Wilkinson’s Trophy lu a ay La /d bi rs m ca Co 85 ay ,7 /d 39 rs ne SUITE 48-52 44 40 30-36 28 26 24 Bulldog Boulevard 17,715 cars/day HOMECARE Tahiti Tanning Provo High School TENANT Great Harvest AVAILABLE Boomerang Books FedEx Office Sweetheart Bridal Poco Loco Swim Shop Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah SF 983 62-70 60 56 54 52 48 44 40 30-36 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 12 SUITE 22 20 18 16 12 8 4 A B TENANT SF AVAILABLE 1,750 The Cocoa Bean Cupcake Cafe Phone Restore Great Clips AVAILABLE 2,541 Beltone DP Cheesesteaks H&R Block Intermountain Staffing 8 t es 0W 20 1 SF 300 West 31,005 cars/day 500 West TENANT Burgers Supreme Key City Insurance Jamba Juice Sub Zero Rust Coins 1230 North University Avenue 50 27,430 cars/day SUITE 1 62-70 60 56 54 MountainStar Blood Services The Coffee Pod ,1 14,075 cars/day 13 Canyon Road 9,215 cars/day e University Parkway 17,920 car s/day 30,570 cars/day Freedom Boulevard rs at Taylor’s Bike Shop Mountain High Federal Credit Union ca St Splash ‘N’ Dash 75 1720 North 18,310 cars/day 4 A Universit B y Parkwa CONTACT: LANCE PENDLETON y TROY HARDY ANDY MOFFITT 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 This statement with the information it contains is given with the understanding that all negotiations relating to the purchase, renting or leasing of the property described above shall be conducted through this office. The above information while not guaranteed has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable. FACT SHEET SITE 4 WINDSOR PARK 150 West 1230 North Provo, Utah 84604 DEMOGRAPHICS 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES POPULATION 2013 ESTIMATED POPULATION 38,124 132,505 185,414 2018 PROJECTED POPULATION 41,003 142,742 199,108 2013 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 9,605 38,155 53,654 2018 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 10,514 41,489 58,117 2013 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $38,203 $54,201 $58,614 2013 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $27,009 $36,783 $40,494 2013 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $13,355 $17,088 $18,172 HOUSEHOLDS 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 WINDSOR PARK FOR LEASE 150 WEST 1230 NORTH • PROVO • UTAH PROPERTY FEATURES • 2,000 SF • $22.00 PSF NNN • Excellent Visibility • Near BYU (35,000 + Students) and Provo High School CONTACT: TROY HARDY DEMOGRAPHICS 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES POPULATION 2013 ESTIMATED POPULATION 38,124 132,505 185,414 2018 PROJECTED POPULATION 41,003 142,742 199,108 2013 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 9,605 38,155 53,654 2018 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 10,514 41,489 58,117 2013 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $38,203 $54,201 $58,614 2013 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $27,009 $36,783 $40,494 2013 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $13,355 $17,088 $18,172 HOUSEHOLDS LANCE PENDLETON ANDY MOFFITT 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 FOR LEASE LaVell Edwards Stadium 36 WINDSOR PARK ,3 75 /d y a St re et Alpine Home Medical The Coffee Pod ca Mongo’s Stir Fry lu a ne ay La /d bi rs m ca Co 85 ay Wilkinson’s Trophy ,7 /d 39 rs CONTACT: 1230 North 300 West 31,00 1,005 5 cars/day 500 West 27,430 cars/day Bulldog Boulevard 17,715 cars/day University Avenue 50 14,075 cars/day ,1 HOMECARE Tahiti Tanning Provo High School Mongo’s Stir Fry AVAILABLE 13 Canyon Road 9,215 cars/day e University Parkway 17,920 ca r 30,570 cars/day at Freedom Boulevard rs St Taylor’s Bike Shop Mountain High Federal Credit Union ca day 0 cars/NORTH 150 WEST • 18,311230 1720 North PROVO • UTAH TROY HARDY SUITE 1 2 3 4 5 6 TENANT L&L Hawaiian BBQ Domino’s AVAILABLE Mountain Star Mongo’s Stir Fry Subway SF 2,000 LANCE PENDLETON ANDY MOFFITT 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 This statement with the information it contains is given with the understanding that all negotiations relating to the purchase, renting or leasing of the property described above shall be conducted through this office. The above information while not guaranteed has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable. FACT SHEET SITE 5 NORTH PARK PLAZA 231 West 1230 North Provo, Utah 84604 DEMOGRAPHICS 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES POPULATION 2013 ESTIMATED POPULATION 37,151 133,232 185,648 2018 PROJECTED POPULATION 39,942 143,538 199,367 2013 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 9,590 38,422 53,713 2018 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 10,474 41,785 58,182 2013 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $38,814 $54,334 $58,636 2013 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $27,307 $36,897 $40,517 2013 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $13,479 $17,101 $18,178 HOUSEHOLDS 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 NORTH PARK PLAZA FOR LEASE 231 WEST 1230 NORTH • PROVO • UTAH • 84604 NORTH PARK PLAZA FOR LEASE 231 WEST 1230 NORTH • PROVO • UTAH • 84604 Rust Coins Phone Restore Poco Loco Swim Shop LaVell Edwards Stadium 36 ,3 75 ca rs /d y a e St re et Alpine Home Medical MountainStar Blood Services The Coffee Pod Mango’s Stir Fry Wilkinson’s Trophy lu a ne ay La /d bi rs m ca Co 85 ay ,7 /d 39 rs 27,430 cars/day 1230 North Bulldog Boulevard 17,715 cars/day University Avenue ca 14,075 cars/day 50 300 West ,1 31,005 cars/day 500 West 13 PROPERTY FEATURES HOMECARE Tahiti Tanning Provo High School • 2,480 – 2,612 SF Available • $17.00 PSF NNN • Prime Retail Location Next to Utah Valley Regional Medical Center • Space is in Vanilla Shell Condition • Adjoining Tenants: Intermountain Homecare, The UPS Store, Total Scrubs, FastSigns, Seaside Tanning, Skill Staff, and Curbside Chili Dogs • One Block West of BYU Campus and Across From Utah Valley Regional Medical Center TAHITI TANNING CONTACT: LANCE PENDLETON AVAILABLE Canyon Road 9,215 cars/day at University Parkway 17,920 ca rs/day 30,570 cars/day St Taylor’s Bike Shop Mountain High Federal Credit Union Freedom Boulevard 1720 North 18,310 cars/day ANDY MOFFITT TROY HARDY 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 CONTACT: LANCE PENDLETON DEMOGRAPHICS 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES POPULATION 2013 ESTIMATED POPULATION 37,151 133,232 185,648 2018 PROJECTED POPULATION 39,942 143,538 199,367 2013 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 9,590 38,422 53,713 2018 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 10,474 41,785 58,182 2013 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $38,814 $54,334 $58,636 2013 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $27,307 $36,897 $40,517 2013 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $13,479 $17,101 $18,178 HOUSEHOLDS ANDY MOFFITT TROY HARDY 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 NORTH PARK PLAZA FOR LEASE 231 WEST 1230 NORTH • PROVO • UTAH • 84604 2,612 SF TAHITI TANNING 2,612 SF BULLDOG BLVD 2,480 SF HOMECARE 300 WEST CONTACT: LANCE PENDLETON ANDY MOFFITT TROY HARDY 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500
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