April 2005 Newsletter
April 2005 Newsletter
April 2005 Dedicated to the Advancement of Electric Flight President: Tom Hunt Secretary: Tom Reilly Editor: Tom Reilly For changes in the meeting and contest dates due to weather/conflicts,please call or email Tom Hunt at 631-981-0372, tomhunt@optonline.net Prez Sez - page 2 Contest rules - pages 3 & 4 Febuary Show & Tell pages 5, 6, 7 Building it Backwards - 8 & 9 HOST of NEAT 2005 Vice President: Jim Reid Treasurer: Joey Cabana Contact info:Tom Hunt 631 981 0372 tomhunt@optonline.net Tom Reilly - TDR19@LI-FISH.NET Next meeting April 19th This month's News Letter features: SEFLI Contest Rules A conversion, scratch built, backwards flying project by Roy Thompson Event Schedule - Back page Thanks to Lionel Bernstein for his contributions. (and Joey C. too!) The SEFLI 2005 schedule. Prez Sez Calverton Field Report Tom Hunt Here I sit resting (from tons of yard work) on a beautiful early spring Sunday. I should have been out flying. Unfortunately, I went out on the cold and windy Saturday (combining it with a trip to Aerocraft). Those there on Saturday, helped with some field maintenance (see elsewhere in this issue). You will also find in this issue a brief report on the Toledo show (Bob A, Jim R, Don A and I attended). The contest and fun-fly season will be in hand soon, so tune-up the fingers, models and brains guys! Prez Tom Saturday April 9th was an impromptu Calverton Field maintenance day. Jim R, Joe C, Don A, Don P, Russ C, and myself spread some fertilizer, seed and cleared a few scrub trees and bushes from the north and west sides of the field. This should certainly help reduce the number of tree climbings this year. Let's hope the fertilizer does some good and makes our feeble attempt at growing grass worth all the effort we put into it last year. If nothing else, the field is a bit flatter and smoother than it ever has been. The field and parking area are in pretty good shape, the road is horrible. Drive with care coming in. There should not be anything else we need to the field this year except cut the grass. If it looks like the grass it taking root well, we will fertilize gain in the fall. Joe, Russ and Don P, spreading the good stuff, weed, feed and seed! SEFLI CONTEST CIRCUIT RULES General: All contests begin at 8AM and the last round may not be started after 12 noon unless authorized by the contest director. You are responsible for recording your own times (or scores) on the official score sheet after each round. It is NOT your Timer's responsibility. Missing entries will be scored as "zero" points. Slow Stik Combat The model All models must be a stock GWS Slow Stik. Model cannot be modified in any way in form or function. It must remain 3 channel operation (rudder, Elevator, Throttle). The power system may be the stock geared Mabuchi RS-370 motor or equivalent size brushless. However, the stock system may use up to 8 cells of the NiCd/NiMh variety, a brushless system can use no more than 2 Lithium (Ion, Poly, ect.) Repairs to the model may be in the form of tape and/or gluing the original parts back to the model or if the part is a write-off, it may be replaced by a new part made from a similar type foam (lunch tray type). The replaced part must be a "faithful" replication of the old part. Flying All models will sport 15ft of magnetic tape, one end tied to the aft part of the model. All models will launch at the same time (either ROG or hand launched, but if hand-launched, the LG must still be on the model!). A clock will start and a timer will notify the flyers when 4 minutes has expired. As soon as possible after launch, any modeler may try to cut or "touch" the streamer of another¹s model. Points will be awarded for cuts, touches (not with your own streamer though) and midairs during the 4 minute round. A maximum of three rounds will be flown on any contest day. A model that has been damaged and forced to the ground may re-enter the round at anytime before the 4 minutes are up. 10 points will be awarded for a "streamer" touch, 20 points for a streamer cut. 50 points will be awarded for each Mid-air to each pilot as long as the model is in the air at the end of the 4 minute time. If any model involved in a midair is forced down and cannot return to the air before the time is up, they will be awarded all points EXCEPT any midair points. A Midair is defined as any part of any model that touches any other part of another model with the exception of the streamer. SES (Sport Electric Sailplane) The Model Any model may be used that has a maximum of 2 flight surfaces and a channel dedicated to either turning the motor on and off or a proportional throttle. A flight surface is defined by any movable device that deflects into the air stream for the purpose of controlling the flight path of the model. A pair of ailerons is considered one flight surface if they always move opposite to one another. A pair of surfaces in a "V-tail" arrangement is considered one surface if they both move in the same direction, two, if they also move opposite to one another. That is, if the V-tail flight surfaces are mechanically or electronically mixed to provide pitch and yaw controller, than that is all the surfaces that may move on the model (ailerons are not allowed). Assuming every model will have an "elevator", and rudder is forsaken for a substitution of ailerons, the ailerons cannot be "mixed" to produce a flap or spoiler flight control. The model may utilize any motor (geared or direct), but the battery compliment cannot be more than 7 NiCd/NiMh or 2 Lithium. The battery capacity is unrestricted. Flying The model will be sent aloft for a 2 minute motor run. The timing will start when the model leaves the hand, or in the case of a ROG, upon the beginning of forward motion. The motor may be turned on and off in the first 2 minutes or it may be run continuously at the pilots discretion. The motor CANNOT be run after the 2 minute mark is sounded by the timer. If the motor is turned back on after the 2 minute mark, the watch will be stopped and the flight points computed for that time. The only time a motor should be turned back on before reaching the ground is to rescue the model from flying away or to avoid hitting a ground based object. Once the motor is shut off, the pilot will try to keep the model aloft for an additional 8 minutes (10 minute total flight time). One point will be awarded for every second aloft, minus one point for every second OVER 10 minutes. It is important to land the model on the ground at exactly 10 minutes to earn maximum points. The landing point is arbitrary. If the model strikes a ground based object, the watch will be stopped at that time. Terry Events (alternating month to month) The model The model must be a stock Graupner Terry. Enhancements to the strength or durability of the model must be made over the foam, not as a substitution for the foam. If a significant portion of the model has been damaged, repairs must be made foam as a base (expanded or extruded polystyrene) and strengthened with wood and/or glass cloth. Rubber band wing hold downs may be substituted for the bolted on wing scheme. Power system Unless otherwise specified by the specific contest, the motor used to fly the model must be a stock Mabuchi, Sun or Johnson "speed 400" size, sealed can, journal bearing, carbon brush motor. 7 cells (NiCd/NiMh) or 2 Lithium (or multiple parallel circuit lithium packs to increase capacity) are the maximum for most events. The capacity is left up to the contestant. Flying Terry LMR (limited motor run) Same rules as SES except the total flight time is 8 minutes (2 minute motor run, 6 minute glide). Three rounds maximum will be flown on any contest day. Terry Duration A watch will be started upon launch and the model will be flown until battery exhaustion. The time aloft will be recorded by the timer. Any number of cells of any capacity may be installed in the model, however, the model will be handicapped as a function of watt/hrs. The points warded for flight time (1 point per second) will be divided by the multiplication of the nominal voltage of the pack and the capacity of the pack in AH (amp hrs). A NiCd/NiMh pack voltage will be assigned a voltage of 1V/cell and a Lithium chemistry pack will be assigned a 3.5V/cell value. a 7 cell pack of 500mah capacity will have it's flight time score divided by 3.5 (7(cells) x 1 x .5(AH). If one flies a 3 cell 2000 Li-Poly pack, then that flight score will be divided by 14 (3.5 x 2 (cells) x 2(AH)). Three rounds maximum will be flown on any contest day. Terry Target Tow 7 cells (or 2 Li) maximum. All models will be launched at the same time to chase and destroy balloons towed behind another model. No time limit. Round ends when last balloon is popped or cut away or the all models land. 50 points for a balloon pop, 25 for a towline cut, 10 points for balloon or streamer "touch". No points awarded for mid-airs with tow plane. Balloons cut away but still intact may be popped on the ground if made available. Three rounds maximum will be flown on any contest day. Terry F5B 7 cells (or 2 Li) maximum. The pilot climbs his/her Terry to any altitude they determine in a 2 minute window. After the motor is shut off, the model enters a 2 pylon course. The model is to be guided with the power off running "laps" between these two pylons. Once altitude is not longer sufficient to complete the next "leg" the pilot turns on the motor and exits the course to climb again. The clock only runs while the motor is on. Execute as many "legs" as possible within the 2 minutes of motor run time allotted. Three rounds maximum will be flown on any contest day. SEFLI “Show and Tell” General Meeting on March 15, 2005 Ron Bergmann’s Mini Telemaster, electric version designed by Tom Hunt, from Hobby Lobby. WS 47½", Fuse 31½", Motor Nippy brushless, ESC Jeti 18A, Prop APC 8x6, 8 cell battery, Covering Red Monokote, White Monokote Trim. Beautiful, Ron! Kevin Beck’s F-14A TOMKITTY, 3 cell Kokam, FMA M-5 Rx, AXI outrunner 22-1234, 2 Hitec Servos HS-81 & HS-55, Prop APC 9x6, Jeti ESC 30-3P Looks fast and may be hard to launch with that pusher prop in the rear. Ron Williams and his second Radical RC Mini Stick. WS 23", Wt. 7oz., Feigao 4200 Kv IPS type brushless motor, ESC Castle Creations Phoenix 10, 2S1P Li-Po battery Apogee 830 mAh, Berg 4 Rx, covered in Oracover (aka Ultracote) Not flown yet. Kevin and his Ripmax Alliance. Powered with a Mega Motor 1516-5, 2.5:1 planetary gear box, 3S2P Kokam Li-Po battery, 2 Hitec HS 56BB, 2 Hitec HS 81BB, A JR receiver guides the model. Mario DiDiego and his original design twin rotor Autogiro flies with a small wing or, as shown, with only rotating blades. Mario is working on converting this Glow powered model to silent electric power in the future. The pilot’s head turns with the rudder servo and adds a bit of realism to the model in flight. Page 5 SEFLI “Show and Tell” continued George Rowsom’s “Acropro”. WS 45", WA 350 sq. in., Motor Phasor 15.4, Battery 35 2000mAh cells, Polyspan covered with a final coat of Miniwax PolyUrathane. RTF Wgt is 28 oz. Looks great, George! Mike Glass shows the group the first test run of the paint finish on his new DR-1 electric bipe. Mike has done very well with his first model, the “Hell Raiser” and based on test flights of this model, it looks like he has another winner. Good luck, Mike! At rest on the table. Joe Cabana brought in this absolutely beautiful scale like electric helicopter that Tom Hunt flew during the coffee break period. This RC Version has come a long way since electric helicopters were introduced to the model world. They are easier to fly and very stable and require just a little steady control to keep them in the air. The model is a RTF Hirobo Electric XRB Sky Robo R/C Mini Lama helicopter from Model Rectifier Corp. Inside the Sky Robo box you will find a complete micro helicopter with a four-channel FM transmitter, receiver, and two servos. Also included are a 720 mAh Li-Poly battery and wall charger. No work or modifications are necessary. Just charge and fly! Joe said he paid $324 for the complete package. The four foam blades are designed to safely break and are easily replaced at $10.00 for a pack of 10 blades. This is the coolest little helicopter I’ve seen. It should be great for indoor or calm wind backyard flying. Page 6 SEFLI 2004 CONTEST TROPHY PRESENTATION The awarding of the 2004 Contest Trophies were made at the March General Meeting on Mar. 15, 2005. The very unique and collectable trophy, designed, “grown” and constructed by our very able president, Tom Hunt, can be seen in the picture on the left. The categories were TERRY, Slow Stick Combat and Sport Electric Sailplane. The winners received the special trophy and a cash prize of $25.00 for 1st place, $15.00 2nd place and $10.00 for 3rd place. There were three trophies in each category, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place. As you can see, some of our members placed in more than one category. Alan Wander and Bob Erbe each received two trophies. Great job, guys! I guess they need more competition. Let’s get out and join in on the fun of competing against your fellow members. Typical Trophy Slow Stick Combat Bob Erbe 3rd Tom Hunt 1st Sport Electric Sailplane Joe Cabana 2nd Alan Wander 3rd Jim Reid 2nd (not present) Frank Fontana 1st Place TERRY Gill Carpenter 3rd Bob Erbe 1st Alan Wander 2nd Page 7 Building It Backwards by Roy Thompson One might think the title is suggesting reverse engineering a model by disassembly to its basic kit components. Instead it refers to scratch building a tail first, aft main wing, pusher prop, canard. The “Canada Goose” was designed by Andy Lennon and published in Model Airplane News in January 1981 (plan no. fsp01811). My version is an adaptation of those plans with modified construction techniques to minimize weight and replace the .30 size glo engine with an Axi brushless motor. Sheet balsa skins used in the original were replaced with open framework stick construction wherever possible in the fuselage and aft wing tip fins. Strip ailerons with simple aileron and rudder servo mounting replace the barn door ailerons/ slotted flaps and eliminate the original’s elaborate activation mechanism with fuselage located servos for these controls. The Axi 2826-12 brushless motor is powered by a 1950 mAh Ni-MH battery of 14 cells and turns an 11x8 APC E prop. The aft motor location requires two functional cooling air scoops. Nose wheel steering is performed by a dedicated servo with transmitter mixing from channel 4 to 7. This method allows the servo direction and travel to be adjusted independently of the rudder servos and avoids a third servo drawing from a single receiver channel output. The canard surface control throws were intentionally limited to prevent a condition of overly sensitive pitch control. However initial flights revealed the need for more travel to maintain desired pitch attitudes without any tendency for oscillations. The motor thrust line will need adjustment downward to minimize a pronounced climb under high power. Because of the rear wing location and downward fins visual orientation in flight is very different from standard model configurations. Some Star Trekkers in the observers group commented that it resembled a Klingon “Bird of Prey” in flight. The Goose is certainly not one ordinarily seen at the field. The metallic wine Monokote, white Ultracote, and gold pin striping add to the model’s unique appearance. Wingspan: 51” Wing Area: 450 sq in (350 rear, 100 forward) Weight: 68oz (4 lb 4 oz) ready to fly Motor: Axi 2816-12 Battery: 14 x 1950 mAh Ni-MH Prop: APC 11 x 8 E ESC: Jeti Advance 40-3P Opto Power: ~400 watts Density: ~ 90 watts/ lb In flight photos courtesy of Gil Carpenter The Author , and his creation SILENTS PLEASE C/O TOM REILLY 15 YOSEMITE LANE CORAM, NY 11727 2005 SEFLI Schedule of events April 19th General meeting April 23rd SEFLI contest (Calverton) May 17th General meeting May 21st SEFLI contest (Calverton) June 11,12th Lehigh Valley Fly-In (Easton, PA) June 21st General meeting June 25th SEFLI contest (Calverton) July 9,10th? Mid-America (Saline, MI) July 19th General meeting July 23rd SEFLI family day and contest (scale) August 13th SEFLI contest (Calverton) Aug 16th General meeting August 20th LIARS E-Fly (Bellport, LI) Sept 16,17,18 The NEAT Fair (Drownsville, NY) Sept 20th General meeting Oct 18th General meeting Oct 22nd SEFLI contest (Calverton) Nov 15th General meeting Nov 25th Turkey Shoot Dec 20th Holiday Party