t8021-1-1 tarago t8021-4-1 tonimbuk t81tra t8121-4
t8021-1-1 tarago t8021-4-1 tonimbuk t81tra t8121-4
1 Coastal Dune Scrub Mosaic 2 Coast Banksia Woodland 3-01 Gippsland Lakes Damp Sands Herb-rich Woodland 4 Coastal Vine-rich Forest 5 Coastal Sand Heathland 6 Sand Heathland 7 Clay Heathland 8 Wet Heathland 9 Coastal Saltmarsh 10 Estuarine Wetland 11 Coastal Lagoon Wetland 12 Wet Swale Herbland 14 Banksia Woodland 15 Limestone Box Forest 16 Lowland Forest 17 Riparian Scrub Complex 18 Riparian Forest 19 Riparian Shrubland 20 Heathy Dry Forest 21 Shrubby Dry Forest 22-04 Gippsland Grassy Dry Forest 23 Herb-rich Foothill Forest 23-04 Strzeleckis Herb-rich Foothill Forest 23-05 Tussocky Herb-rich Foothill Forest 27-01 Gippsland 1 Blackthorn Scrub 28-05 Wilsons Promontory Rocky Outcrop Shrubland 28-06 Blores Hill Rocky Outcrop Shrubland 29 Damp Forest 30 Wet Forest 31-01 Central Highlands Cool Temperate Rainforest 31-10 Wilsons Promontory Overlap Cool Temperate Rainforest 32 Warm Temperate Rainforest 32-05 East Gippsland Coastal Warm Temperate Rainforest 32-07 Strzeleckis Warm Temperate Rainforest 32-08 Wilsons Promontory Overlap Warm Temperate Rainforest 35 Tableland Damp Forest 36 Montane Dry Woodland 37 Montane Grassy Woodland 38 Montane Damp Forest 39 Montane Wet Forest 40 Montane Riparian Woodland 41-01 Gippsland Montane Riparian Thicket 42-01 Baw Baws Sub-alpine Shrubland 42-05 Dry Sub-alpine Shrubland 43 Sub-alpine Woodland 45 Shrubby Foothill Forest 45-05 Wilsons Promontory Shrubby Foothill Forest 47 Valley Grassy Forest 48 Heathy Woodland 48-14 Coastal Barrier Heathy Woodland 53 Swamp Scrub 53-01 Calcareous Swamp Scrub 55-03 Gippsland Plains Grassy Woodland 56 Floodplain Riparian Woodland 61-01 Gippsland Plains Box Ironbark Forest 72-02 Wilsons Promontory Granitic Hills Woodland 73-05 Strzeleckis Rocky Outcrop Shrubland/Herbland Mosaic 74 Wetland Formation 126 Swampy Riparian Complex 127 Valley Heathy Forest 132-05 South Gippsland Plains Grassland 132-07 Nooramunga Plains Grassland 133-04 Tertiary Limestone Pomaderris Shrubland 134-01 Gippsland Plains Sand Forest 135-01 Ephemeral Streams Gallery Rainforest 136-01 Gippsland Plains Sedge Wetland 137 Sub-alpine Rocky Outcrop Shrubland 140 Mangrove Shrubland 141-01 Providence Ponds Sandy Flood Scrub 143 Estuarine Wetland/Coastal Saltmarsh Mosaic 144-01 Coast Banksia Woodland/East Gippsland Coastal Warm Temperate Rainforest Mosaic 149 Plantation (Softwood and Hardwood) 151-01 South Gippsland Plains Grassy Forest 154 Bird Colony Shrubland 161-02 South Gippsland Coastal Headland Scrub 161-03 Granitic Coastal Headland Scrub 163-01 Headland Coastal Tussock Grassland 163-04 Depauperate Coastal Tussock Grassland 169 Dry Valley Forest 171 Fen 175 Grassy Woodland 175-03 Limestone Grassy Woodland 175-05 Rainshadow Grassy Woodland 177-02 Gippsland Valley Slopes Dry Forest 183 Montane Shrubby Woodland 191 Riparian Scrub 192-05 Wilsons Promontory Montane Rocky Shrubland 204 Sub-alpine Damp Heathland 206 Sub-alpine Grassland 208 Sub-alpine Riparian Shrubland 210 Sub-alpine Wet Heathland 233-02 Strzeleckis Wet Sands Thicket 305 Unclassified Non-eucalypt Forest 307 Sand Heathland/Wet Heathland Mosaic 309-01 Shrub-invaded Calcareous Swale Grassland 310-01 Granitic Wet Rocky Outcrop Scrub 313 Unclassified Moist Forest 316-01 Gippsland Shrubby Damp Forest 319 Montane Herb-rich Woodland 858 Coastal Alkaline Scrub 875 Blocked Coastal Stream Swamp 876 Spray-zone Coastal Shrubland 877 Lowland Herb-rich Forest 878 Damp Sands Herb-rich Woodland/Swamp Scrub Complex 880 Granitic Coastal Headland Scrub/Depauperate Coastal Tussock Grassland 914 Estuarine Flats Grassland 916 Plantation - Lowland Forest 923 Plantation - Herb-rich Foothill Forest 929 Plantation - Damp Forest 930 Plantation - Wet Forest 931 Plantation - Cool Temperate Rainforest 950 Plantation - All EVC’s except 900 numbers and 149 979 Railway/Roadside/Fenceline Vegetation 983 Cleared/Severely Disturbed 985 Sandy Beach 986 Rocky Shore 990 Non-vegetation 993 Bare Rock/Ground 998 Water Body 999 Unknown/Unclassified Main road Minor road Unsealed road Vehicular track Walking track Unclassified road Closed road - for reference only Stream, coastline or other hydrographic feature. Contour Index contour (100 metre interval) Railways AMG grid 1000m intervals Reference Report : Davies,J.B., Oates,A.M. and Trumbull-Ward,A.V. 2002. Ecological Vegetation Class Mapping at 1:25,000 in Gippsland. Final Report. For further information please contact... John Davies - EVC Mapping, NRE Traralgon. Hans Van Elmpt - GIS, NRE Traralgon. Ph (03) 51722111 Maps and report available on ’Victorian Resources Online’ (VRO) website. Individual vegetation mapping unit descriptions with photographs are also available PRATTS HILL T8021-1-1 TARAGO T8021-4-1 TONIMBUK T81 TRA T8021-1-3 RIPPLEBROOK T7921-1-2 TOORADIN T8021-4-3 BAYLES T8021-4-2 CATANI T8021-3-4 LANG LANG T8021-3-1 NYORA T8021-1-2 WARRAGUL T8121-4-3 YARRAGON COOKE HILL T8121-3-4 ALLAMBEE T8021-2-4 POOWONG T8021-3-2 JEETHO T8020-4-4 T8 MI T8021-2-3 KORUMBURRA T8021-3-3 GRANTVILLE T7921-2-2 CORINELLA T7920-1-1 T8 TH T8021-2-1 MOUNT WORTH T7921-2-1 PALMER T8020-4-1 T8021-2-2 LEONGATHA T8020-1-4 T8020-1-1 T8121-3-3 WOOREEN T8120-4-4 T8 DO