AMEK Mozart - Free Audio Schematics
AMEK Mozart - Free Audio Schematics
AMEK Mozart Table of Contents MZls-RN lnput module General l g-l g- Clrcult descrlptlon: Channel Path . . LineAmplilier lnputReverse MicAmplilier 8-1 B-1 g-1 Flg&1 MZ15-RNlnputModuleandSub-.assemblies 8- 1 PhaseSwilch lnsertPoint Filters Equaliser OverloadDetector ChannelMute Channel Fader VCA Subcard PC710 Flg &2 MUTE Molex Connector BYPASS System Operation ChannelPanpot GhannelstereoAssign Flg &3 VCA Bypass Btock . MlXRelay soLo Clrcult Descrlptlon: Monltor path Buss/TapeReturn MelerOutput. . . MonilorMute. 1 8-2 g-z g-2 g-3 g -3 I -3 8-g 8-4 8-4 g -4 I -4 B-5 . 8-5 BussMixer BussDriver lssue g-z 8_5 32 Track Routing iL B-z Table of Conlents g-5 g-s . g-6 g-6 g-6 8-6 AMEK Mozart e'; Monitor Fader B-6 Monitor Panpot 8-6 8-7 8-7 Monitor Stereo Assign Monitor Solo . Auxiliary Send Pre-Post Mute Jumper B-7 Mono Aurlllary Sends 8-7 Aux 1-4; Aux 9-12 8-7 Auxiliary Mute 8-7 Auxiliary Pre-Post and To Monitor Switching 8-7 Stereo Auxlllary Sends 8-8 5-8;13-16 8-B Stereo Auxiliary Buss Assignmenl B-8 . Stereo Auxiliary Mute 8-8 Stereo Auxiliary Pre-Post and To Monitor Switching 8-8 Aux 7-8 Mono 8-8 Aux 7-8 Monitor Fader to Aux 8-8 Aux 7-8 to Multitrack 8-9 ChannellogicControl .. 8-9 . Qulck Check Gulde 8-10 MZ15-RN Block Diagram 8-12 Schematlc Dlagrams PC712 S|DE) PC712 Component Relerence (RH S|DE) PC712 Conneclor Pinout Details PC712 Mic Amplilier PC712 Component Relerence (LH PC712 Line Amp; Mic Trim / Line Gain; Buss / Tape B- I Al - Az B - A3 8 _ A4 Gain Feed PC712 Filter Switching; Phase Reverse Switching PC712 Equalizer Switching; Equatizer pots PC712 Insert Send and Return PC712 Buss Relurn;Tape Return;Meter B - A5 g _ 46 B _ A7 8 - Ag B - Ag PC712 Channel Mute; Overload Detector; Aux "pRE,, Source g - 410 PC712 Fader Reverse; Channel and Monitor lssue 1 Table of Contents panpot g - A11 2 AMEK Mozart PC712 SOLO; Monitor Mute; Monitor Stereo Assign 8-412 PC712 Auxiliary Sends 1-4;9-tZ 8-A13 PC712 Auxiliary Sends 5-8; 13-16 8-A14 PC712 Mix Anplilier;Buss Driver 8-A15 PC712 Odd Track Assigns 8-416 PC712 Even Track Assigns 8-417 PC712 Automated Switches 8-418 PC712 ASIC Switch Latches 1€ 8-A19 PC712 ASIC Switch Latches 9-16 B.A2O PC712 SEL Switch Logic; CHECK Logic 8-A21 PC712 Power Distribution 8-422 PC712 ATB Hybrid Line Driver 8-A23 Schematlc Dlagrams PC71 3 PC713 Component Reterence (LH S|DE) 8-81 PC713 Component Reference (RH S|DE) B-82 PC713 Connector Pinout Details 8-83 Schematlc Dlagrams pC731 PC731 Component Relerence and pinout 8-Cl Schematlc Dlagrams pgTtg PC779 Cornponent Relerence and pinout 8-D1 PC779 Equalizer Circuit Diagram 8-D2 Schematlc Dlagrams pCTt O PC710 Component Reference and pinoul B. E1 PC710 Mono VCA Circuit Diagram B. E2 e3 lssue 1 Table of Contents 3 AMEK Mozart MZ|s-RN lnput module General The 5 is MZ- 1 an input-output or "in line' rnodule, consisting of a nAnAnAn PC712 main card, PC779 equaliser card, PC731 multilrack routc.', PC713 switch card and PC710 VCA card il fitted with aulomation. {: Fig It has two signal palhs, &t MZ|5 -RN lnput Module aN Sub-assenbties one termed the channel path, the other the monilor palh. A comprehensive routing system allows the microphone, line, buss and tape inputs and other module leatures to be swilched between these paths. Several of the switches can be controlted by the switch group maslers ancUor the automation system. Note The internal operating level is -SdB relative to externat inputs and outputs. Circuit description: Channel Path Mic amplifier The microphone input is f itted with a "Dl" swilch providing 30dB anenuation with corresponding impedance adiustment and r.l. filter. The mic amplifier has an adjustable range ol OOOA via rotary switch with 6dB steps. i Line Amplifier The line amplilier is electronically balanced with a gain ol -3dB and is toilowed by the mic/line selector swilch and a variable gain stage of +/-10d8. This stage provides an adjustable input range when the line amplilier is selected and a leveltrim when the mic input is selected. lnput Reverse A quad single pole single way analogue switch (U5) selects the source to the channet and monitor paths. Normally the Mic/Line input is routed to the channel and lhe Buss/Tape return to the monitor path. This arrangement is reversed by control signal "lP-REV-C". The signalto the channel path is buffered by U9. The signal to the rnonitor path is butlered by the firit part of U11 and inverted by the second half of U11 to produce the required polarity. Because the two buffer amplifiers are operated as virtual earth inputs, it is not pssible to measure the switched outputs of U5 directly. This can be achieved by unpiugging the €.J appropriate following buffer amplifier. lssue 1 MZ|5-RN lnput Module 8-1 AMEK Mozart 8 Phase Switch Phase reversal ol the signal is achieved by inserting a unily gain inverling amplilier (U11 on the PC779 sub-card) into the signal path. Normally this is bypassed by switch S37. lnsert Point The 'INSERT PRE'saritch (S25) moves the position ol lhe insert between pre and post the Filler/EQ section. The insert send amplifier (HY1) is an ATB hybrid circuil with a balarrced output, conligured to have a make-up gain ol 3dB. The inserl return is a balanced input stage with -3db gain overall. The output of this amplifier or the leed lo the input of the insert send is selected by U15 (a triple two input demultiplexer) in order to switch the insert point in and oul ol circuit. The output ot the insert sed is not atfected. The signalfrom the 'INSERT IN-OUT' switch is buflered by Ul4 (a untg gain, virtual earth input stage). Filters The lilter section comprises two slages (Hl-Pass and LO-Pass) which can be individually switched in and out ol circuit. Additionally, lhe whole lilter stage can be saritched between the channel and rnonitor paths. The -3dB (half-power) points ol the lilter sections are 120H2 and 'l0kHz, with a rollofl rate ol 12dB/octave. Equaliser The equaliser section consisls of lour biquad sections, with the tollowing characleristics: HF: Freq sweep 500H2-20kHz shelving with a Q ol 0.5 when BELL is selected. Cut and boost is +/-18dB. MF1: Freq sweep 350H2-1SkHz with a Q variable from 0.5 lo 10, or switchable between 0.75 and 2 using the HIGH-Q switch. Cut and boost is +l-14dB. MF2: Freq sweep 40Hz-2.5kHz with a Q switchable between 0.75 and 2 usirq the HIGH-Q swilch, or variable between 0.5 and 10 using the Q control. Cul and boost is +/-14dB. LF: Freq sweep 30Hz-2.SkHz or with a Q ol 0.5 when BELL selected. Cut and boost is +/-1 8dB. The Equaliser stage can be switched between the channel and monilor paths in two blocks of the HF and LF seclions ancUor both MF seclions. The entire stage can be bypassed by the "Ee lN'relay (K1). This is mntrolled by the EO-C logic signal. Overload Detector The output of f he "INSERT PRE" switch leeds the overload/law generator which comprises a rectilier stage followed by a non-linear DC amplifier. The output of the amplifier is timited by a zener diode and available on connector J1. An unlimited output ol the amplilier is fed to the overload delector. This is compared to the O/L REF voltage by U20 which drives lhe overload LED via Q3. The O/L REF voltage is +€.9 volts, which corresponds to an overload levelol +14d8. lssue 1 MZ|s-RN lnput Module B-2 AMEK Mozart Channel Mute f}---j- The output of the "|NSERT pRE" switch feeds the mute elemenl U16 (4053) which loltows controt tine 'MUTE-ALL' via Og (2N3904). This is an automated LF- sritch lunction.via the ASlCs. 3 [j- + The channel audio signal is switched at virtual potential and butlered by one hall ol lollowing stage U18 before feeding the fader reverse sryitch (S4S). L The channel mute switch is litted renntely to the lader paneland connects directly to the PC712 main pcb via a 2 l:- Hg &2 5 MUTE-xx MUrEo +sV ocNo MUTE tuhlexComcclor 5 pin Molex. {-} Channel Fader The channel and monitor faders can be exchanged between the channel and nnnitor paths using the "FADER REV'swilch. The VCA (sub-assembly PC710) acts as the main audio laderwith a variable DC vottage from the channel lader wiper on ils control input. ln Bypass mode, the VCA is disabled and the audio is routed direcily via the channel lader element. The fader element is fitted reffotely to the MZgA panetdirectly betow the MZ\S-RN module to PC7l2 via the motherbard edge conneclors. aN annects VCA Subcard PC710 The 710 VCA card uses a qqoprietary VCA device (DBX 2151), the associated control circuitry and the BYPASS system. The VCA has a typicalgain range ol OdB to -90d8, controlled by th6 DC input on pin 3. The VCA distortion (symmetry) is optimised by presets VR1 and VR2. Each half ol amplifier U4 buflers the audio output ol the VCAs and provides a presel adjustment to give an overallmaximum gain ol unity. The control voltage lrom the lader wiper, via the digitiser and computer, is led to U2 on the "VCA" input. "VCA-EXT" and "DC-OUT" are not used at present. The second stage of U3 fitters, scales and limits the rate ol change of the control voltage. The "BYPASS-C" signal originates lrom the ASIC and can be setected by the grouping compuler. Note ByPASS is the default @ndition when the automation system is disabled. Ib lssue I MZlS-RN lnput Module 8-3 AMEK Mozart (i B YPASS Syste m Operatio n The VCA can be bypassed either by selecting BYPASS rnode or by lailure ol the computer power (C+5V). When BYPASS mode is selected BYPASS-C When the computer power lails C+5V = "0' ='1" Q3 provides a constant qJnent of approximately 40mA for the relay coils which are energised wilh 4.5V across each. A logic "!" on BYPASS-C willturn Q1 and Q2 ofl altowing the relays to be energised and select BYPASS mode. A togic'0'on BYPASS-C willtum on Oofr e1 and Q2 reducing the voltage across the relays. The collector resistor tor Q2 limits the reduction in voltage across the relays so that they just drop oul, giving quieter mechanical operation. lf lhe computer power fails or is not connected, both to BYPASS rnode. lj Ql and Q2 turn off and the relays switch l, the chassis is lully loaded at a laterdale, the extra PCTZS card must be replaced by an input rnodule. AUDIO OUT AUDIO IN FROM DIGITISEB TO DIGITISER AUTOMATION +5V AUTOMATION GND AUOIO GND Channel Panpot The outputs lrom the lader section ,eeds the pan pot which is configured to have a -3dB cenlre position. The outputs ol the pan pots are buflered by vottage followers U30. The pan "lN' switch allows the pan pot lo be selected in or out ol the circuit as required. Channel Stereo Assign Pan bulfers U30 leed lhe channel slereo assign switch near the multitrack routing block. 'ST' siluated at the top ol the module The stereo assign swilch is litted wilh an indicator LED and leeds the post pan L&R channel signals onto slereo vidualearth busses'L Hl" and "R Hl". Note lssue Corresponding ground sensing busses "L LO" and'R LO" are switched simultaneously. 1 MZlS-RN lnput Module 8-4 AMEK Mozart ti MIX Relay Mix relay K2 assigns the 32 track routing block between the channel and rnonitor panpot outputs. ln "RECORD'rnode the routing block lollows the channelpanpot, in'MtX. mdOe ine routing block lollows the monilor panpot. Note The Mlx relay operates in anjunction with the INPUT REuERSE function uNer automatbn antrolvia the AS/Cs. PFL The outp.rt ol lhe 'lNsERT PRE- swilch feeds the internal PFL-AFL s,vitch s27. switch s27 selects between PFL or stereo AFL (lrom the channel pan br.rtfer outputs) and presents the presel signallo U42, a tdple elernent analogue switch. soLo U42 lollows conlrol line'SOLO-C'which is derived lrom the channel SOLO button. When operated, the preset PFL-AFL s(Tnallrom S27 is swilched directly by U42 onto the,SOLO L Hl'and'SOLO R Hl" virlualearth busses. conespnding grouN sensing busses 'soLo L Lo" aM 'soLo sirntltaneously by part ot U42 and paft of lJ7 (bth 4053 devbes). Note R Lo, are switched 32 Track Routing The output ol MIX relay K?leeds a set of 8 pairs of multilrack send switches at the top of the rnodule. These are arranged such that odd numbered sends are ted lrom the L pan signal and even numbered sends are led lrom the the R pan signal. The bank select switch (S9) allows the routing swilches to address brusses 1-16 OR busses 17-32. Note add numbered switches and the bank switch are contained on routing sub-assembly pC73t. Buss Mixer The buss mix amplilier is conligured lrom U17 and U18 (MC33078) with a clean ground reference lrom the'REFGND" buss via J3. lnternal switch S28 selecls the mix amplifier input between the channel post lader output and an exlernal virtual earth buss. For modules filted to positions 1-32 the normal mode is "off buss" providing the necessary summing ampliliers lor the 32 track buss syslem. Virtual earth buss signaliare individually wired to each rnodule posilion on the rnotherboard underside. Buss Driver The buss driver amplilier (HY2) is a custom hybrid AT8 design and provides the electronically balanced buss output configured with +3dB gain to replace the -3dB internat operating level loss. lssue 1' MZls-RN lnput Module 8-5 AMEK Mozart The mix amp spnalis rouled to lhe driver stage via trimmer R199 allowing the buss outprlt to be calibrated. The buss lrimmer is extemally accessed via the lacepanel. Orrtprrt CMRR may be adjusted via R200, however this is lactory preset and should not require any further adjustment. Circuit Description: Monitor Path Buss/Tape Return The Tape and Buss return inputs are kJenlical eleclronically balarrced input ampliliers wlth €dB gain. The outprrts ol these two stages leed a quad single pole single way analogue switch (U6) to give A/B (BusYTape) selection. The switch status is determined by the control signal 'AIB-C'. The output ol the swilch is buflered by U'10 and lhen leeds the BusVTape retum gain stage which has an adjustable range ol +/-10d8. Meter Output The output of U10 is also laken via the "Meter Ofl Channel' swilch (S21) which selects between the A/B or PFL signalwhich can be monitored by the channel meter via buffer amplifier U13. This stage has a make-up gain ol +3dB providing nominallevelto the meter. Monitor Mute The output ol the channel insed sivitch (S39) leeds the monitor mute element U41 (a053) which lollows control line'MON-A'. This is an aulomated switch lunction via the ASlCs. The rnonitor audio signal is switched al virtual potential and bullered by one half ol lollowing stage U28 belore leeding the lader reveme wtritch (S48). Monitor Fader The channel and monitor faders can be exchanged between the channel and monitor paths using the'FADER REV" switch. The monitor lader is lollowed by a buller amplifier with a gain ol +10d8 to compensate lor the -10d8 loss when the lader is set to "0" operating position. Monitor Panpot The output lrom the monitor lader section feeds the pan pot which is conligured to have a -3dB cenlre position. The outpuls of the pan pots are buffered by voltage lollowers U29 which in lurn leed the MIX relay, Monitor SOLO switching element U43 and Stereo assign elements U7 and u8. lssue 1 MZ|S-RN lnput Module 8-6 AMEK Mozart 8 Monitor Stereo Assign The monitor slereo assign 'ST' switch (S20) is situated adjacent to the monilor lader and is litled with an indicator LED. S20 controls elements U7 and U8 directly which in turn swilctr the post pan L&R rnonitor signals onto stereo virtualearlh busses'L Hl'and'R Hl'. Note CorrespMing ground sensrhg Dusses 'L LO' aN'R LO' are snitched simultaneously. Monitor SOLO U43 lollows conlrol line "MON-SOLO" which is derived trom the channel rnonilor AFL button. When operaled, the post pan s(7nal is s,rtitched directly by Uz(l onto the 'SOLO L Hl' and "SOLO R Hl'virtualearth h.rsses. Note Correspnding grouM sensing Dusses 'SOLO L LO' sirntltaneously by part ot U4l and part of U43 Auxiliary *nd (bth aN 'SOLO R LO' are switched 4053 devices). Pr*Post Mute Jumper An internal jumper delermines the auxiliary source lor the PREFADE signal. This may be configured to be either PRE or POST the channel sQnal only and is eflective on ALL auxiliary sends. Mono Auxiliary Sends Aux 14; Aux 9-12 The rnodule is litted with I discrete rnom auxiliary sends using lour pairs ol dual-concenlric pots. The upper knobs control auxiliary busses 1 to 4 and the lower kmbs control busses 9 to .12. Auxiliary Mute Mute switches are litted which operate on each concentric pot PAIR (i.e. Aux 1 & 9 share the sarne mute switch), thus auxiliary buss assignrnent requires some care to preserve llexibilily of auxiliary mute operations. Atx 2(10), Aux3(1 1) and Aux4(12) operate in an klenthal manner to that described above. Mute operations are perlormed via analogue switches U31 - U36 (4053 devices)which operate directly onto the buss at virtual earth potential. Note Correspnding ground sensing busses are switched simultaneously. Auxiliary Pre-Post and To Monitor Switching 'Pre-Post" and "To Monilof switching are also shared lunctions operating on adjacent concenlric pot stacks, thus Aux 1-2; 9-t0 share the same "pre-posl* sryitch (S11) and "to monitor" switch (S12) with Aux3-4; 11-12 sharing lhe other two switches S13 & S14 respectively. lssue 1 MZ|s-RN lnput Module B-7 AMEK Mozart Stereo Auxiliary Sends *8;13-16 The rnodule is also lilted with two sets ol slereo auxiliary sends conrprising a dual corrcentric pot stack leveUpan arrangement. The upper knob controls the send level, the lower knob the L-B panning runction. S:tereo Auxtliary Euss Assignment A bank switch is provkled (S18) which allows the stereo sends to address hrsses S€ OR hlsses 13-16 as stereo pairs. Stereo Auxillary Mute C: Mute switches are litted which operate on each concentric pot stack. (i.e. Aux busses 5-6 and 13-14 will eflectively share the same mute swilch), thus auxiliary buss assignment requires some care to preserve llexibility of auxiliary mute operations. Mute operations are perfonned via analogue swilches U38 - U40 (4052 devices) which operate directly onto the buss at virtual earth potential. Note Correspnding ground sensing busses are switched simultaneously. Stereo Auxiliary Pre-Post and To Monitor Switching "Pre-Posl'and'To Monilof switching are also shared lunctions operating on BOTH concentric pot slacks, thus Aux 5-8; 13-'16 share the same "pre-posl'switch (S15) ard'to monitof switch (s16) Aux 7-8 Mono Aux sends 78 are litted with additionalswilching (S17) to allow separate MONO operation. When operated the upper knob sends discretely to Aux 7, the lower knob to Aux 8. During MONO operation, pan ballast resistor R229 (31(3) is removed and a law ballast resistor R230 (2K7) is added between the pot wiper and ground in order to simulate an audio taper "feel' lo the pot. The source lor Aux I is also taken directly lrom PRE bufler U26. For operational reasons during MONO operation it is not recommefled to use the'Monitor Fader To Aux' feature as fhrs configuration would place the short travel monitor fader on Aux T leaving the concentric pt on Aux 8. Aux 7-8 Monitor Fader to Aux Aux sends 7-8 are also litted wilh additionalswitching (S19)to place the Aux tevelpot into the nrcnitor path and the current monilor lader into the Aux 7-g audio path. The inpul and output points ol aux level buffer U26 are termed'AUX<'aM'AUX>' respectively and are placed betweenthe poles of switch S_19. These signals are swilchedagainst.points "X3" and "X4'which represent the PRE and POST level signals lor auxiliaries 7-8, thus'under normal conditions "X4' becomes'AUX<" arid "X3' becomes "AUX>". lssue 1 MZ|s-RN lnput Module 8-8 AMEK Mozart t. \r Depending upon the slalus ol lader reverse swilch S48, the current rnonitor lader PRE and POST signals are lound al points'REV-A' and 'REV-B'at switch S19 which then transters them to'MON<'and'MON>' respectively lor all monitor related functions. When switch S19 is operated'AUX<. and'AUX>" points are ALWAYS switched to -MON<" and 'MON>' to place the aux ievel pot into the monitor path. At the same tirne auxiliary PRE-POST points 'X4'and 'X3'willbe swilched to points'BEV-A'and 'REV-B'which will be the PRE-POST signals of the cunent monilor lader. Aux 7-8 to Multitrack Aux sends 7-B are also litted with additional swilching (S29) to place the Arx Pan signals onto the 32 track bussing system, thus expanding the system auxiliary bussing capabilities when norrnal multitrack routing is not in use. Switch S29 is located near lhe multitrack routing bank srilch. When operated, switch S29 selects between Aux 7-8 pan signals and'L-A; R-A'pan signals which are the outputs ol MIX relay l(2. This allows the'Aux to 32 Track'leature to oveni<Je the normalpan signals in either RECORD or MIX nrode. {} When operated, 529 also operates the mute elements U39 aN ard U40 (4052) for Aux busses 7 8. Channel Logic Control The channel module contains two ASICS (application specif ic integrated circuit), U44 and U45. These contain the latches tor lhe swilching elemenls that can be controlled by the module suritches, aulomation and grouping computer. The ASIC comprises eight latches, each with two inputs (lNA and INB) and two outputs. The INA 0-7 inputs originate tromlhe switches on the nrodule. The INB 0-7 inputs are produced by the PC700 digitiser card via conneclor Jl. These signals originate ,rom the automation cornputer and correspond to the swilch signals on INA 0-7. Switch input lrom INA 0-7 willtoggle the ASIC outputs. Automation input lrom INB 0-7 causes lhe outpul to lollow the input edge triggering. A leading edge willlorce the output Hl; a trailirE edge willforce the output LO. The LED output can directly drive an LED whilst the control output is intended for use with CMOS only. The OUT signal is sent lo the appropriate analogue swilching element in the rnodule. Addilionally, lhe signal is led back to the digitiser card via connector J1. RESET when Hl resets all latches, hence is permanenily connected to ground. A Hlon the WBITE line writes serialdata to the selected latch. Address lines A0;A1 ;A2 select one ol eight latches. Address lines A3;A4;A5 and 83;84;85 act as an address comparator to simplity decoding. Dl/O is the serial i/o line. CS is tne chip select. ln the event ol a lailure ol the +Svott rail, the power io the ASIC is maintained by the UBATT supply which is derived from ni-cad batteries on the PC722 monitor sub-mother boarO. PWRFAIL when LO isolates all ASIC latch inputs and outpuls to avoid corruption ol current status data during power on / powerdown. lssue 1 MZls-RN lnput Module 8-9 AMEK Mozart 8 t; Quick Check Guide € L.: Point Function 1 M'rc lnput OdB 2 Line lnput OdB in; gain unily 3 Mic TrinVLine Gain 4 LeV'el in;gain min iC.i......i..i.ii -3dB U2;pinl -3dB U2;pin7 in;select LINE -3dB U4;pin7 YP REV Channel As above -3dB U9; pinT 5 Phase REV As above -3dB U11; b HP Filter As above: Filters lN -3dB U13;pin7 (PC779) 7 LP Filter As above -3dB U14;pin7 (PC779) 8 HF EO As above; EQ lN -3dB U3;pin7 (PC779) 9 MFl EO As above -3dB U5; 10 MF2 EQ As above -3dB U9;pinl (PC779) 11 LF EO As above -3dB 12 lnsert Send As above 0dB HY1; across pins 8&12 13 lnsert Return As above -3dB U13;pin1 14 lnsert lr/Out Buffer As above -3dB Ul4;Pin7 15 A.rx PRE Source As above -3dB U18;pinl 16 ChannelMute As above -3dB UIB;pin7 17 CH Fader O/P As above; lader unity -3dB J5; pins A11-C11 18 L Channel Pan As above; pan lefl (Pan lN) -3dB U30;pin1 19 R Channel Pan As above;pan right (Pan lN) -sdB U30; pinT 20 Mix amplilier As above; channel assigned to itself -6dB U18; pinT ?1 Buss Driver As above 0dB HY2;across pins 8&12 22 Tape lnput OdB in -3dB U9;pin1 23 Buss lnpul OdB in -3dB u10; pinl 24 BusVTape Select As above -3dB U10; pinT 25 Meter O/P As above 0dB U13;pin7 26 Buss/Tape Gain As above;gain unity -3dB U4;pinl 27 lnpul BEV Monitor As above -3dB U11 ; pinT 28 Monitor Mute As above -3dB U28;pin1 29 Monitor Fader O/P As above;lader unity -3dB U28;pin7 30 L Monitor Pan As above;pan lefl -3dB U29;pin7 31 R Monitor Pan As above;pan right -3dB U29;pin1 As above lor channel; pot max -3dB u20;pin7 As above -3dB U21;pin7 32 Aux 33 Aux 2 lssue 1 1 OdB MZls-nN hput Module pinl (PC779l pinl (PC779l U12; pinl (PC779) 8-10 AMEK Mozart 8 l1 Polnt Functlon ConditlonC u Aux 3 As above -3dB U21;pinl 35 Arx 4 As above -3dB U22;pin7 36 Arx 5-&13-14 As above; pot max -3dB U24;pinl Level 37 Aux 5/13 As above; pan L -3dB U25;pinl 38 Aux6114 As above; pan R -3dB u25;pin7 As above -3dB u26; pinl Alx 39 7-8115-16 Pre Level(Morn) 40 Aux 7-8115-16 Level As above; pot rnax -3dB U26;pin7 41 Atx7l15 As above; pan L -3dB U27;pin7 42 Anx 8/16 As above; pan L -3dB U27:pin1 {} Aux 9 As above; pot max -3dB u22;gin1 44 Aux'10 As above -3dB U23;pin7 45 Aux 11 As above -3dB U23;pin1 46 Aux 12 As above -3dB U24;pin7 tr<) L_f lssue 1 MZ|S-RN lnput Module 8-11 0dB>+66d8 f-fL LIT{8 I{IClLINE ?nIl,l l1 xrc +/-l PIASE od8 llr LI}IE NSVERSE I I I JAPTUSE REY I/P f-rL TAPE RETURI I/P BUSS RETURII I/P l:ff o .Q.ilEIER OFF CXAXNEL JN'L (TNTeRN L Sltltctil IL pr.r, AUX PR8/POST }II,,TE l,tIX RELAI (INTERI{^I JU!{PERI -__--_--_"-_11.!p!! II +AUX 1/2/9/10 II TO roN AUX t/2/9/10 PRE f-TL Arrx Aux 3/{/11/12 To 1 AUX 9 AUX 2 LEVAL LEVBL I,Ev8L }PN -0. AUX 3/{/lt/12 PRE J--3L AUX 3 LEVEL A,vx 51611/8lt3l1{/ts/16 TO Hotl AUX 11 l1 g- Avx 51 6 l'U 8l 13/1alr5l16 -f-3L MZ_Is_RN BLOCK DIAGRAM Drg No . WAM/ 3 / 007 Rev. AUX LEVEL { LEV8,L PRB iI il_l l1 +Arx 7rr Lp ro HoN ig.HF ___---___--_1 i I} .O- IISERT PRE EO __-_-__-g]q1--$?-_1q_!{oN f ii ilr !-tr"Eom I i il-------------ll i i i ?0 32Tr IIIITER}IAL SWITCH) ILtz rnrcx TRrH +DIRECT BUSS I{IXER Atx 10 LEVEL AUX 12 I,EVEL HNmqOAr@OOHNOsOaFFpgTl.d Hdd dHHbra.. +^ il x)<xxxxxxx iloi;ifi:il: D>=D=D55=xxx)<xxyJxii-rl <,<<,<<<.<<<DDD5555 ,<<,4<,<,<dd'iv-' a-- if v d:3f3 ac), U'H N NN 8-12 AMEK Mozart 8 {--i -J ll0a\t II I II ta ID l*> l t1 Ix lF{ F---'l o I I l-!o 86E &dh ON F{ LT ir sB= H H r' r' {,} E E t? o) c- rF.f t & l'l tn H t'nin fElE d D t6I I Ut EEEI cr IIIIE IN lzTTII I0zrul r<zn[ IZZIS IB llzrxl rifirl E E E b EI Y t4 itl /'\6 \_,/+3 o o d V, Qr'.a -l Q+EHP O+3'H o o l;EI t=Ft tlEl EEI gE o 3 + t; fr"-iul a\,"vrA \5u co i> r\.PDE{ \-y'fo @ rrl FIGI BB EIE lHl f,l ; tr tr o o "E a. E o o N N !:L] r.: isJ h 'oa. fiE |'l E ()DF{ HA{ zzH oo (, z H Fl !) o il l< O *F C\.1 ca lssue 1 MZlS-RN lnput Module B-AI AMEK Mozart B I IOfrI t I ffi$ o c! o N lr) rl o [I 'l 3 t I<U ql _l pl 5[J f---l r [---l f--'l l---l o s r [---'I -Ecr {j illsl ffi L] !'ff o a HN Hl v, I <U s. o a E ?ffi IiT'E a S e qo + lqEzxl lrEzU o a ,BM AJq a. tr o fr.rgl o ?+ H+{l \=$ f,"7il av lrzrd N N o a. GIZTI L-rnil ISIZXI Etz-d ffzTl Io I zf,l l90zxl 1167rl l7TZfl l9 IZXI fr-i711 fzrTl tE6ZE I roz 8l I lozxl Iaozrl :+] frqr'_-u I l II tt l-ll i( l-ll: -H^I;l I{):= l UF L:l l+AsB l: r-,, .o E E Iti-iTl t I r.ll -l loTar-l >- _L F3lrl U) </) I lssue 1 ; 7^1- 1r.r t+r-Y 3( F+_.: MZ|S-RN lnput Module -ca 8-A2 AMEK Mozart QqQQ9OOOOOOOOOO O O O o o o o o Fl !-l F.l >-l >l Fl'l O -1 O'f O F] O ; O ; () ; O ; O ; O 'JI Flll A l-lI ;fI :.1I 'J,-l I I I I I I ttt'lt>.rtFit;t;l;t,rt,r't; c!\odlnos6rF)@(\c-i\oorn I s I G1 I c\r I i I C, I o I cb I r- l' d(rtdc\]dc\tdc!( Glcoc!F- c!\oc!tDc\s d(id(\ti d - iaad(td(\ H HHHHHHHH}IHHHHH 5F E rF + aC rE E !a:c:E !tr :tr HH HHHHH HH HHHHH c{ c! HH H E:t ii iE iE iE :tr iE =c !E:E !E :q:d rc :tr:tr !tr I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t'l c!\odrnos6ca@(\t du1c)v6(7)@r!ed - d(oouocll9oofac-(\\o mdcnHfnd^l*Atd(\da\rdc! c! c\,t Gt d d haaaaoazo Fr .t !4- ,r ,i Jo ozooJoa "J Et_2 -r_ ! I I I r'ctt 'rJAZZTZZ aZ e4z *qz Eiz <aOOsOO> OZ ?? ZQ rrlU rqo t4O (^ (.) ;jOr,t r_-lH, _?U 22H (J C.tC.trqr,.gr,.r,.5o llr :.9 Q q, 0() (/) th O & U., O 4 u, <) &.h <) "-t(.) I E ; tr E s t^ 22 O OZ H H ZH d.Z @ 62 E- E< Z./ru) Z,a,aZ iii i trr r.G,t AA + {..i tt, o o eQZ eZ2i.A2rA2E32a32Er,2 rz 22e 22fr tq, tu, tu, tq t? th.n ioOOTOOd r,lH E{O OH ?d F{o E{Fr tu, ittt "12 "2 riLi Oclr,.r,.iririE >j-: ? Z El td r,l HHtttltc(r,tEl\ ZZ @O<D&&&;jHZE,e,d,p.e,i,O a 5 T o E \o o o oo N N o a. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHOOO> >> >OO>> :c :tr ic :d iE :tr iE iE :E :tr :E:E it :E :E :tr :E :E aE :tr z zz,inankl-;!-\Z Z 6!n Fr E >f @tr)sc')c\do66r€nscac! CIC)dddadddXXXXXXXXX Cd r r rr I r ttt I rrr tt I I dO(Ff,,<4 tr 1o(,(,....(ro++k rr r O O <r.dadd tltlxxxxxxxDDDDDD>DD ooDDDDDSD< <,<< < <<44 <nu>4444444 >-r -r orF.A lssue 1 I I ++ E{ 5 o 3* <n> Z l< (Jecnc!d HZHOO€r)vcau)O oror) >HBoFrdHad<o 3lFiErF{t< z, z, z, t\ tz. o a a z zz z:c D (J :c D 5 - bo H HH zu) F](J< m(! [!lrr H HH HO <Z L)OOOO< EF< cldo Llfl]Odddor OIQZEaE<EiEi OHT,I(JDD:>D ESd()OOOO vo(\ a F_-.1,J -ron on a - O E< < C( FrOCC!dOO\ZZ z.z.z,z\>O 3r,:ile.g e-e-< H HH HHQ > o.Ooiddd * frO ZZZHOOoF. DD DD o I BOFHHH tDL OOOOO C) oti{O a> O tdt.lad<.-] &,:trO (J tn d,: ) OroLnsco u)-62,aaaa l<+clEi€<ErE{ cdI,.(JC)D:)DD MZ|S-RN lnput Module .1d oooo r,.1s (n o. 8-43 AMEK Mozart 8 fi EE d tt l(J a, N I &= odH A>:d, >oF, rr) ri I N = N (J H H Itl z B z o H </> z E{ H (, H (n o H o o = IQ (a trl F H & & H tl rr. ',1 tr H Ff o d tN N Or E (l) -l l-' O{ F) E a. E o z 4 E E o c! .{ r- N O{ f) t\ (J E{ a- H B O fsl H <t, 5 E & o ttJ N I & o 6 q+E U o o I N & () @ q+p O U : I F. z 4 &s ti3 ti tutu o F{ rtl cn E (n U(J EX lssue 1 MZ|S-RN lnput Modute 8-44 I AMEK Mozart * tE (5 E t f, o a tr a- E --- Z Er< H< &<r^ E-{ trrl (J 6Z &1 oI I 'J ---:4., qrTJ H t A< 4(, E{ a <n& ulD D E-{ CQ trl d (,a 5 I o ?tZ 'r u, tn -\!Z * 6tr lr dF z H -l r I I I , ) f i-1-i i-i.; PI Its 62 6d It NG E o & =s I -l C\ F\ o a. o lssue 1 MZls-HN lnput Module 8-45 I AMEK Mozart ft & El F rI] E r) q E H fr Fl I Fr 4 o z& IiIU Fl I Lo -lI @ l'- C\l o = cr) r., o 2 xrz {.; z d F? lr1 2 E o z *) E{ tl f; o c{ r,. I lq o & t'l & o lL C\.1 o (lr c! & (J s r'1 E{ Ll \f = + O{ to H o a. a a >) EA I or )< & () o @ o d & ml (J l\ l< c{ r- r- c{ .B a-- o E T d o o o o o tr c{ ta ta F] a r o 5 E{ v: (Y) c}< Sl rr) c.t dl & 61 :d && DD E< rI]lll &d. El ArOr Fr - H I o srr) o() Hc) N o a. l< (n aft H CI o \o o or 9e c.r C) o sri O \r.,: o(J o I x0 Z HO !trlf zz && DD Fl Er El && F{ aa aa !)D co r,l (J Ar Fr frl & c! ?-{ H f-] frl co U) Fr o (, lssue 1 MZ|S-RN lnput Module 8-46 I AMEK Mozart z& I lr) Fl I N E EU {} t)dN O. O. F1 '.1 (r2 FAZ (NH <Ic Itr O OrH H €B(n a 0( E{ tll €r & a & r,l tuA o A. 'l (r) = d o Q g o E o 14 e b E J rvT7z8- E- -+Po rv57z8 zuA ZD HO ttru €r E 3ft F,I rrIU) Hd Ff FI H> zo = o 7 tr| tr u>tzz YYZZ F{ D o a = O. ,l fr *&e Ol D0 s0 EI (l E BI o= 9 r q+B o = ri Ei j .N H h-t J6 d qd N 6iz, OH F{ E{ t& H f& l-t lt :EZ oo ,-1 tt rEl my) &< oaE o 69 tu o) & Cn d :t OHE-I jtD tu& ==d lssue 1 MZ|s-RN lnput Module o Ei l,l rl] U) 8-A7 o a. AMEK Mozart cnl E.{ o i-l- o-.iil i'r t- 3 o I N tai cei zi Hi Oi F-r I xf-l 30 sl 5l E I El Hi Bi (/) cri tl I I s0 1 5UA trEt o zo t o ts {x!{o E til " = v)toI 5UA cr ::: 5 t# YXOI' &l & t1 F{ = *0ilx0 iiul b#,"/ -A UU i I 6t s0:0;0 3 N H i I r) gHH t i & ON r@6adHNo ol i 2 ISnl 8UA + I o ::: r lI -l'l -Otu $[Js Etz flx0r0 -4_ o vr-oI8 TOOT LUA U, ,lll 1rvffis BI LuA o q. o N qr 5 9UA t6 d +? b lu r I Ur & U i () i{ E tt, (l, .N qt jit f B tu JJJ (\ t\ o a. z j ul =0 J l I Dl ol'l 3u 5 o 6l 6ll I bl (;I -l ol -l<U I I N (J EET o d EIqEI H I J su ro tr+; F{ r,l tl a o z0' 4 cro LJ - -O -f\ -fl UU }U EU o = o F d LbLLL EEEEE ll "g lssue 1 MZlS-RN lnput Module 8-A8 AMEK MozarL I T F{€T &5 lrl O (r\ zz & D Fr F] & Q' a =3 oo zz E Gd (D S tr z2 E q E o ft] a o 2 6&z E{ & E] a o u, Edc z o p 6: o iii?8it: 55..! l!B i*ili gB tur Ei dl 9. ;-l-ll- I I I tr 4$Ar \----\-: ol ttt t H I I & o lssue 1 C\ N o a. , J L_] t zd 3 a &Fq2 fAZa oHhl 5 ts a d F & F 9, ts 3tu 2 z zLtd HIEts Ito> MZl5-RN lnput Modute & (J It) & FT o o q 8-49 AMEK Mozart 8 d I lr) j Fl o I N o o nz ON = d o t-r LIII o (J \5 o o : z $ C) BI Fr rn 6 lt o d l< 5 3 r{ d :O. & o A ET f'tr (..) }I ;5 q 4u) o L o rJ LIo F.rB olt ta tr $ U XD DO Ff O = d d lU o o o o o o I!q, Ell F{ @ D 2 = Fl tl o F z & Et o €l fc o o lll t& o x o SU fr, I U r & .<4 o E o o & T E o E] (, O B d a F] o (\ N & o & o a r d U @ z I I a F E t-r tl Erl <n # lssue 1 MZ|i-RN lnput Module 8 - 410 AMEK Mozart 8 €:, \r M I r.r) rl I N x< H}l E E crl & o o z N E2 t-t tu N & rt ,td r,) o F{ '= H j o E zI z € oro Z ) o r or N (-) \o & E, o fo Ol Ia z I J t d*; kl .= so o .-l r /-i (J zz q a. o @ N z. Fl yoor I 3 t ex€ B o r E o tr I C) a El o & t'l E U) o tr (l} b @ Frl o & F{ M r,r @ 5 I tlo D an E N a! (J .T E{ zz Jl6 >< @ F{ r'l d & 14 o o I d*; L--l .J o I c< (_) o t! o t-r C) 6 (J o 6 4 Or t!Vl (J X> Dtd <,d (J j =6 qc( o (-) @ l.\ o q. t! U /4 j or o €r rL o t!@ 1 r rn fr o -- D e\ J; & I l{ tn o q lssue Io o d co ><z r-l o F{ I l,l d O a r,l MZl5-RN lnput Module 8-411 AMEK Mozart ,l la 11 & ol. H; I Lr) HE _ i 4 L tE&, i AB c*oI l--I d I 6: = )t00r q*\YJ{t r T: ;\ UI Ci (, H a a .9 1o o El o q s E ar d f'l ct, \o E:{ CN E tr o d o E{ H =o o E 3 E \o (.l, lrl H o E D & lItS O o -l o U) x00I E{ H z o OH (5 ooo tJl ooo 660 N N itrji& o a. O Fl o (n U o d a F{ rrn a lssue 1 MZ|s-RN lnput Module B-412 AMEK Mozart 8 J3E zZt {-j C\f r-{ c\ Fi r{ 6 o r-l Y Or f If,A 9I li^ tt, =t E cr) tr (\t E r-t b B <r> o tl x5 <r) x 4 N N o q. I 4; -i +e lssue 1 MZ|s-RN lnput Module 8-A13 I AMEK Mozart 5 c+ts Ho H!6J HE E xx 5555 1<<a C: 55 \o r{ - rr) r-{ (o stt (', a r< .'-) Hlol HO a F{ I xxxx D5 1<1< @ l.) tn r- E \o Lr) ? E 5 B t cJ) a Ed x U) f, xD q N r x e5 5< t\ o a. J 2 I 5 qqt i- r x ^9 =; zo @ z 3 DIO 9 q+t -x I ItA 5 lt tt 0 lftA I ..__/: d $ III- 9 9s9 & zzz g 'ozzu'l iq lssue 1 MZlS-RN lnput Module 8 - 414 AMEK Mozart t: t z& o r{ o o <> I N\ @ (J r{ A{ s c) rr o (, (o o E o{ o o r{ n I N t = 4 d= XdF-l i-rXd @ (o Lo -l :EC) E{ v>tz [\r orl '+l d. t; @ @ r{ rr) & 14 C! & E=] ro fr) fr) o t r- g tr o to ta H I & O a to @ c/) t'o rn (t) () = co & tl H r(J o fr{ ca O{ E Or{; X H E Or-l D H Ff L{| & r{ E =s E x (n(.) oo (no d0007 H tq H (o cC) - l: ,{d o LLJ ._{ o o r- llltgtttt ====e9333 gtsE5 H 55Hi qzo4 4c)zq N& od qo td () F{< (-)E p* Z oca -+ c! l< (,l Ol z, 4 :tr ,H rJ:c a) lssue 1 a a D o) & r-J C\ 66TU F{ t4 E] N O l?*. L-d O x0r Or N lF{ I x0T E5 TU o -{ d. I ca c{ U) ilo HO Hfu IfuJ I = 0H5U5 H C!. X H E o q. & t'l C) F] E zoza lr) r-l O{ = T N o :f a zEeu Er & H MZ|s-RN lnput Modute B - AI5 AMEK Mozart 8 {, L il ri I X €r *E ET lr) N dd N rt dd i- ii -t= -i E <+B ai o BtH )a H N t I dI r{ I E rI]_l r d48 {-l OOHH JJE6a6 oo t4 Ul t, q N 14 (J q+E H a a ddE x() tr t: E E o (\ N () I< O d OOHH !I-o606 Fr o o O NN a. OOHH iFt-t arr AN4N r ddE q+r I o) & oo JJI= 666n .N C-. ti lssue 1 MZ|s-RN lnput Module N N F tl rt] :r a B.416 AMEK Mozart 8 t ll il IF && qqa& d I rr) I N t t; d+E to s TD ra 33=E (, @+€{ H o s3i= To €N NN tr <t) U) t: M L) o <+B llJ fr H C\ N o a. r,] f:l oo JJE! €N9N oo jj4E {oro doi6 NN qq5 oo IJE$o90 oo liE{ N@N@ -Naa NN tl Gc (J o & N oo JIIE oo JitN@ lssue 1 o€o6 ANAN MZ|s-RN lnput Module ti a a E 8-A17 AMEK Mozart t: \r 2 & I aI xH J= -lI o E{ 5 @ I t a I I @ v00 &l OO rX $> o9 xi D <e ' '5 ,:l I I o oI :@ xD >E xl 5 I U t' B-8au t git3 E{ H t, oI oI o d@ 11p Fl ^N o "d a or .l o F JI lc, rLa Al , Haa {;-l llr ET I x ' lj. o >.l o Y I *;o f2 r I v00 98zU' rgrc I 4 J <o B a o t'l ciic 'l I E E{ 3 E. zH gTTu' tl ESZU (, " I 4;o {., = ti I {i )< @ ;E lr) r{ I N o .t (J { o= E o G v00I E o 5 ! E:{ @:< ,l xx 3D Ai o O x00r E-{ t--10r N N Ze' I l.',-o 88ZU' 1913 o a. c, 4;: o o .-f I B 7 F. L o ESUU -t sfiE oa I D!! 2 't-J nld t ' i87u " s-Bzu' gdio t'' NI dl : 2 U 1 x00 & d {ll 1 e-s7t 88ZU' tgI: gt @ lssue B+. I I tl ><x DD N. d:/ o lvlzls-RN lnput Module 0.) & N E{ il r,l :i a B.418 AMEK Mozart {-lt r{Ncf)<.U.)(Oa--@ 4Zzzzzzz H H H H H H r-.t 4.1 & i-j I Lo r{ I N (J 6 o (\r $ dt 611 r- & o o& rI & -r. o& c{ Or C\ rr(l. GI o c! csl c- N o) & c! Or c! Nr & orl o e.r I rilt \l l--r. I r I I I ()(J .{N(nVtr) I I xxxxxzC/) DPDDDOZCI ,{,{,{44EF{r'1 d o trrr. E I (JC)(J()@ (J | o& rg & {-: ? t4 $ a rI] .{ xD {2 O H F{ (J9 t.{D H t{ 4 Or c.l o c! (t llx i I,{e< >] I Clf&rrl I I {dcD Cr I Htsraoo rrr I dalc4c/..J I t{ Ttr I l,r }l E@ CJ r-lI. (! E -J 99 qe NN o6 a{i ets ck ok s$ o! 66 qE oo {o 4V HH -d 4@ 42 HH NN <@ zz HH 6O <o zz HH q+ <o iz HH 66 <o ii HH l< l< 38 58 38 38 s8 E (r) o o s €e rr Otuaaoo-e6 aF. b'F. <==AUU;; =e Se 5il E-' <6 i= HH d-q odNosn F> -{A<,AZ ko -= EH (\ t\ o a. oo -.4 B o }< l< .{ c{ I I X X D I X 5 4 ,{ zH I lr) X <4d< I CI U) @ o,<(\l(r) )4 I I sl. X D !< !< I m f'1 D 9T / OZZ 4 orl c.r I dL !4 o .{ df clr I GII &t r{r }( N o r-l X o ri rir O\l orl e.r I I &t -l r t4r I<l o'l oX c\l XI I &L O es13 $* r-l r3 I'0 =l I NI ol &t r{l & dr !< c\il o d? r{ zs o o Lr) }dT ok d(J coN E< a- fi5 0) & LO co U) c\ E-{ rq F: t1 I -t tl F) F) cuI 3l r{ N CJ o( c{l (-)I o.'I e.rl F) l c.rl -rl OI 4u dt I F) -( of c.r NI I _l N -_l o'[ .--r I ] FHHE{E{E{F{Er ??DDDDbb oooooooS 1 E] & a- cf) a srr (_) I 4l <U --{N.n<{rr)\Ot''-co lssue tf MZls-RN lnput Modute N cf) H Fi @ D t,)Z +(9 o B-419 AMEK Mozart L: lf, o d, ,Fr z o o o o |t }f o o <n U) z& I F{() frl _oFt=cnsrn\oin o) Ft r-{ I i{ tr) u, F{ Fl ZZzEIZZZZtr HHHU'HHH Ft r-t r{ d I a. E\l A1 T[l (O C) lco Z od, r-{ (ft 4 = (-) d o (r.) z r<lr Or orl crl I &t i.t r{ \o & z o(J o ll (-)L)L) OEllI O I I I rl FrlFl Fl (J .o X O Dlf'l O rr1 \. H (/)ztur.nd4:E o ts N (o @ I oC) o I ll(a I & a- l-- & r{ d o d o r,v il o o & o t- l-- Or (\l & f{ I o f: U' (o u0r :) e d, t o o B -t TSZU uq!, oftc l" at, x00r rT-zu (l oI U) CN 6 F.{ Hro \i td U? E+ o) Flz rJ-{ (-) d.! -ad E tr, o q, EE 6E aD dD ro O ro N N 8i 3r xE j6 HE hB esgesB;B io ro ro Hg f o dD dD db =5 o \ ;j :3 zz z6:B zz zz 2B:; zz ai EE;E HH iE H; 83-_N_+o ,r_t_1ai H E{ L) F{A Hi, B U) ld< tt O!d Or r,l r,l Er Er DD :f,= H X,( ltt M ooo Flrf l< I xH z o oooA qu) I d o U) or1 }( (ol o Dt ld Orl(rl(Y) <,<dd o)1 cDl M o rt r{ I Dr V ? DU= 0) & \o C\t Ot F D o lssue 1 rcrr lr) r-t r-{ \o i-{ FiFFr DDD ooo MZ|s-RN lnput Modute F{ f.l rn an 8-420 AMEK Mozart t; 8 G;;l G;;lI r=;-tI ro:-r &,q l-o I looo looo I 2359 -E{:E --d4 HHd xI ao oI o 5F, o =H }l o q F) -Zdtlo-H &,=Fq FQoJ 4o>ro 940d 9HdU ro>o J?2 a>ou oJ"a 9oib Ht\,zzo 2 8 ZZ edra q4Ek Ha4, d DD 26 o; iF) 53 Oz Uc o de< o o) a -l V = o (J d d o lrJ o o Or dd o NO -t FTHts 3DD ooo o x Il --rJ a= + rI UJ c, N N H lad i-uortr o '4. E.lrt oa - -u JH i = 3B 3 B9If, D 1 MZ|s-RN lnput Module E 65aU @ lssue U o 8-421 I AMEK Mozart ft z o H o i {l E ts !) ca H M H (n H ta a\ o o o = & t'l B a. o Or N t\ o o. O o & @ N tsr cl Td E a lssue 1 MZ|s-RN lnput Module 8-422 AMEK Mozart 8 f] qE9=f o =E =aArstta II a p -l E E {l 5 F ]N l.\ o a. {3 lssue 1 MZ|s-RN lnput Module 8-423 I AMEK Mozart ri {: o o (,) -l o (J tr E -o o tr o o a. tr o o CD cn r{ N r- o q. Or F) lssue 1 MZlS-RN lnput Module 8-Bl AMEK Mozart 8 ("; v s * * * 6 o q o a {: (a s o o tr E eo E o so a. E o o (r) N o a. * + lssue 1 MZ|s-RN lnput Module 8-82 AMEK Mozart f: &E{F{ OB frl D Fl t4v]_Z A{ O H<DU) >f lt+ H lAZl'&F7 L?qJ Ltaj tapB\9u2Fr I I I &A ll t<l<O H .' OO't'> }firnl ll<lZZZ44 nE-Z-rZJc;5o -l_l l-,. ll>lt hh f'{ fL{ iqO.OOO>:.'l'i-o F] Oiq !EAItr EE drf E dplcnco,4 E,4E + '.f =i(itr = CN r{ F) {; H Z gotr-ct F Z E+c') v O O O O O O O El (J F{ a).6 I t+FaDl tzzzzzz2zx:tri-r' ,l I -rlH<nl f-'.,hh I I f!ErEr t Oo.oOC-r(9(9(JCiOl-".tETTr'r :d t Lrj p.r rr rr H(n r{ Ff < ECi E{:4E \ocrl Eorj OOOE<E] 1ll>r-ZF{ a coOOrfO O c,>Fi ,l a(n n ttt I I Oltt @coFi JE -lou?r-] I I tr.r6OrO-1- | f..O'f 'T Q 'd.1 .ZtOOLoscr(\;6 I x5 r 6z>xTz22 isr)o1ze4ztuxxxxx 92a14. I F!9 9AP QD DCrrr inr- e,Oq 5*O55 o *H l\t qr (l) H*s E$I$ l-U)> -\- $i= SH HQ a 5 e0 -l r{ f-) q> E + 2 Q aa (n u) <n u) ao.. cl o o < r-- <n ra A & I ?I lLol.ttr)ll I I I I I lOlt'.Zi tz.l * ? 2 E; A= STTT} TBT irEH= .n QHo(:1o. a I aDE55 lnQPPD ZzLhtu acxT '42 =?E 5<<,<< ox L*; lssue 1 MZ|S-RN lnput Module B-83 a i o t\ o q o e o o tD N o 0. AMEK Mozart ti tU H *H F.E Z,< G|rtl I (oo>(J .{IE]d HHHHHHH H H H r F 1 g?e eo lcE !q !trE ;cr( HIEHEHIC rr H t t tt tti4 l!ctxr'er-!E:Cr< a4QQV?Vt l(n I rr lo) I'r--lll_,.qEr_,lt_.tq(2(,-ttr)o|(f)rr-tlr) E u) cD € -f 4 4 4 .7) r{ c\, Frc! r{N orc\t n <rt r,) J rn,-r -r H$s $$F$ hQ= s3 33 s se 222222E E 2 33rrS 3t'ts ss qq(9(2qq(9(,(,r t-t-r't'r'l"l't'1 r'I 33 .{,{ < << <,{ 44.<rrrorrnr-iroorrnc-irocirrnr.i (Y)t--l(\l!-i(\lr{Gl C! C\ {". '-{ $i= 5 o s gH r{ trQ o 5 e E q, U, o a o \ g r,8 TU 9a8 a8 9ZU tu uB 3B ;B 3t 3E Ld tu 9U 9U aB lssue 1 zEu a oo tEu (D tr 0tu rtu LU 8U 6U ,tu 0Tu 9tu 9tu Ltu 8tu ITU zru tTu tIu 9IU 9ru LIU 6 EU u Ttu Z u 0 I\ o a. ca rl oo r\. Fl (D ttu ttu 6ru 0eu rzu EB o tr o 8ZU 6ZU 8TU ,n8 o E E u tzu 9tu Ltu VZY 8ru ZZ8, STILT9 XSNV MZ|s-RN Stereo lnput Modute 8-Cl AMEK Mozart 8 (: O>>6€<:aE{ZF{€i6NoeoZFrc>r d@62, Z€iNosta?aer I I lHDdrHDil ZZ+l lH I lHDdl lC) lC)O I lflEE l()) lN I O tHdd tO I l&l& I 9Cr>.>.QO=,H5H55HHl 44EE>l to{ to{ I I t!l&}l'-l}Jle tNlqNIdfllltrd a tsiElttq O.'lAEo]f&;.fl.l aC 'lNl{ELHlqE==!st&lE E:E O r E Elr i1= =B= gNH@6NOoorvN OO>> eNvNOOOsi@oNONo9 ZZ+l I I I lZAZ4Al I IZA I I I lil I lzadl I I (r(r>.>.AAA{Or(, I (9 I I Cqfqlg(, TNNNN ldddc, I lf&f!h < < !E it Fl J ir t 14 A,< h t& ri >f >l,< N ts I! Cq l& H tr k tl,< t! l& !E iE rE Cq>E:E:EreE=> ElE = ':'t oo>> oHoHoH6.,lorsaoH@6maorsroN69(r)H I j I lzgizAal ZZ+l I lzat I I lat I tZHt I I I (r(2>.>.AA!AA.(2 | (2 I lllflEq INNNN tidH(, I t&l&Lfq 44!EE'-f'-l:Eil,<p{,<f&f!}lA>l<Nf+f&I!t!dE Crh.<f& EE:E:t .Ll f!=E:E=t&)E== = 4EE ITTN {-i rml m 5 o tr E B H @ tr tr o () tr E IT]'] g o E .L. so e o ol D -4. a- 9ru oo 9SU e3 I :l [Taeil R t\ () t-. !) q. t9u 6qu 0ru ILU tqu Ltu r) v HH sEu TEU stu 9tu szu 9ZU 8IU Z: 6ru htu Itu ttu + Is fl+ lFl lE lssue 1 8ZU zEu ZZ8 tzu lz8 0tu zgu r) D LZ\ ql t9 \ itu 9IU tsr; 6tu I rtzll ttu OI f-rzEl fl-iu l ffi- @ l-6zirl MZ|1-RN lnput Module T] c! D @ C\t 6l B. Dl AMEK Mozart 8 ti a & !.r 6 5& h.o {.\ o 6 Ct: rdE v3 & E< (,.l X Er d'il $ s! t<A\ P h-h I AJ $il ,l @ O@ { ,<A o3 sS z& I tr) t,l I 19 E s UI a o 5 o o\ o .!l tr 5 U ( lu a o 4 o C'r N N o q. (9 T:[] i lssue 1 ia MZ|s-RN lnput Module 8- D2 AMEK Mozart B fi ti O rJ Ff 4 2a32=22222e222222 x9x95de* E :EPEE:: EO OP?P:PEPP z E 3 dH Z .22 o o oo F o q 28 ? b< o u 4 F xoo< d<>Lz 6i { e227 27 3J3 > s U = -a AH 6 {] f 8e (\ I c') I;L loH LN t__P Gl c{ cr) cr) 9r3 qt $ a QI d l_-1_ tu && ={\!ll 6d 8ru t H <n on "\_/ 5tr lrl o N l_ -l< L! zru ts o o r) a 1.\ o a. LZE l1] cr) r-l sli (, O 3I &9J rru- a- If D ITU -[l UL] o c o ro ca E (\ _El C! rf) @ E] h] Lll IE L9zul 3lEI E 7-) lsl t=l k_t t-; lc.rl tr 0tu l.Dl Lr)l (-- o r) o \o/o\ cd-rl eo @ B r-. co d 6TU E <(J ldE to rtu o >c{ o tr E Ikl I \o D t_15 I D 9TU tTu eu IU U /z\lNl ()-'1 a) t'?- \*F lssue 1 I r---]ql L l l ru C! UU r-l <Or-l r{ MZl5-RN lnput Module 8-El AMEK Mozart 8 {i cq EE E\o 3i gE 9c; OL Eot t,5 4 N o E ts E tr' .E a 5 o o Io o E a t\ o 0. I slD I -'* u ll :U I 6 J ti lssue 1 MZ|S-RN lnput Module 8-E2