NEWS - Church Stretton School
NEWS - Church Stretton School
Summer 2 • 2010 • Issue Number 5 Autumn 1 • 2013 • Issue Number 21 A Specialist Technology College Amazing Features Success Inside this issue: Students Excel: Inside this issue: Zeeshan Ahmad Memorial Match PTA update Dates for your Diary Excellent GCSE results Sponsored Walk 2013 Pearl of Africa Choir Aspirations Afternoon Read more inside STUDENTS TAKE TO THE HILLS Read more inside Summer School Success Music Success Stretton Magpies Junior Maths Olympiad Read more inside ANOTHER YEAR OF EXCELLENT RESULTS! More photos inside Our annual sponsored walk, involving all members of our school community, took place on Friday 27th September. Students and staff, dressed in colourful outfits representing their house colours, followed a route on the Long Mynd via Carding Mill Valley and returned to school via Batch Valley. After the final checkpoint at school students were rewarded with free hot dogs and refreshments. Our overall target for the walk is to raise £10,000 to further enhance facilities for the school. This will benefit all students at school both now and in the future. Monies raised will also support a local charity and this year we are donating money to the Community Wellbeing Appeal, helping to fund a new multipurpose wellbeing centre in Church Stretton. This has always been a really popular event and an enjoyable day for all involved. Proud students with their excellent results pictured left to right; Daniel Higgins, Malachi Davenport-Smith, Lee Davies, Hugo Jervis Church Stretton School is celebrating another set of excellent results. The school has set a new record for students obtaining higher level GCSE grades with 81% of year 11 achieving 5 or more, higher grades. Two thirds of those included Maths and English. Students celebrating success included Melissa Griffiths and Joshua Sansom who both obtained 8 A* as part of their 13 GCSEs. Joshua has gained a place at Shrewsbury Sixth Form College to study A Level Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry and German. Sarah Farrow obtained 12 GCSEs with 8 A* and Megan Marshall achieved 8 A* and 3 A grades. Charley Giles with 6 A* and 6 A’s, Joe Hall with 6 A* and 2A’s and Sarah Lewis obtained 6 A* and 4 A’s. Charley said she was delighted with her results and will continue will be going to Shrewsbury Sixth Form College to study A Level French, Psychology, Spanish, English Literature and Maths. Principal Steve Lunt commented, “Our students have worked incredibly hard to achieve these excellent results. They have been fantastically supported by their parents and I pay tribute to the efforts of the staff to achieve these results. Well done to all!” Students collecting results Valuing Education Steve Lunt, Principal As I write the notes for this term’s newsletter our World Expedition Challenge students in Year 11 are busy preparing for their trip to Romania and Year 10s are getting excited about the Creative Arts trip to London, “War Horse” included. I trust both groups have a fantastic time and return safely. With these preparations in mind and also reflecting on the articles in this edition on the Sponsored Walk; the Pearl of Africa Children’s choir, our Aspirations Afternoon and Summer School, I am conscious of just how important our attitude to education is in making the school successful. Of course it is really important that our students obtain good qualifications but for myself the positive engagement of all students in the life of the school is just as valuable. There has been much talk in the media recently about how poor the English and Welsh education system is compared to our international competitors and one startling difference that I am aware of is the value that is placed on education in other countries. Having high aspirations and taking advantage of opportunities when they come along is really important to us at Church Stretton School and that is why it is heartening to read of the success of Summer School and the Gifted & Talented Aspirations Afternoon. I strongly believe that raising aspirations and making schooling a means to an end is the key to challenging our international competitors. It seems at Church Stretton School we have made a good start. Enjoy the read. Steve Lunt, Principal What the students say • friendships • cool • happiness • self belief • empowering • scenic • enjoyable • understanding • fun NEWS send your news in to: STUDENTS’ ACHIEVEMENTS Don’t Miss ‘The Pearl of Africa’ NATURE ALL YEAR ROUND By Jasper Knight In September, Leaves turn from green to shades of orange, Fruit heavy on the trees is ready to be picked, Trees are bowed down with nuts of all shapes and sizes, for a squirrel to harvest. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Can YOU help the organisation Samaritan’s Purse to fill a shoebox for a child in another country who will receive no other Christmas gifts? Complete shoe boxes should be covered, preferably in Christmas wrapping paper, and left open. OR Individual offerings can be brought in and we can put them together and make up shoeboxes. Donated items must be NEW and could be suitable for boys or girls any age between age 2 - 10 (you can choose which). Gifts could include: Packets of sweets (but NOT chocolate) sell by date must be March 2014 or later. Small cuddly toy (no sharp bits). Writing equipment: ball point pen / pencil rubber / crayons / felt pens / pencil sharpener / pencil case / notebook (with ruled lines or blank pages)/ruler stickers, small balls, small safe toy e.g little car/truck/wooden yo yo, etc. Toothbrush and toothpaste, small hair brush or comb, woolly hat or scarf or gloves (but no other item of clothing), colouring book (but not books with words), hair bobbles. Please bring donations to Student Services in W1. Please return boxes as soon as possible after half term. Boxes have to go by early November! Many thanks Mrs Moor for your support. THE NORTHERN LIGHTS By Eva Basnett Rusty clouds covered the night sky, Casting a dark shadow over the town. Crimson reds and indigos peeped out of small gaps, As the cotton clouds parted. Painted hands reached out towards me, Trying to push through the persistent clouds. The clouds pulled back, A swirling mass of light emerged. Colour swam in and out of glistening stars. Splatters on an artist’s pallet spread across the sky. Like disco lights specks of greens bounced around a midnight setting. Merging together like in a magic trick. The Northern Lights dancing in the sky. Watching out in the chilly air, Or through foggy windows. Nature’s own firework show. 2 We are very lucky to have The Pearl of Africa Children’s Choir visiting us on Tuesday 19th November. The choir children are from Uganda and range in age from 8 to 19. They live in a large orphanage and a group children come to the UK each year to raise funds for food, clothes, beds and educational equipment for the orphanage and their school. Their aim is to raise funds for seven schools and homes run by the Molly & Paul Child Care Foundation (Ugandan charity, registered NGOS, 5414/481) in the Kampala and Masaka districts of Uganda. Donations help to improve the health, education and welfare of young people suffering through disease, war and poverty in Uganda. By supporting the work of Pearl of Africa Child Care we can give orphaned and destitute children a better start in life. The choir will spend the day running workshops in school and they will be performing a concert in the evening. During the day students will have the opportunity to meet the choir children and to purchase African crafts and jewellery, CDs, dolls and drums, some of which the children have made themselves. All proceeds will go towards the choir. In October, Leaves fall, Animals prepare for their long winter nap, Hedges are cut, and turn brown. In November, The black smoke hangs in the air, Frost covers the grass like icing, Animals hibernate, for the long cold winter. In December, Winter solstice, Light snow falls, Frost and snow cover rooftops, and roads. And so, the earth goes round and round again… ASPIRATIONS AFTERNOON Students consider their future with ex student Charlotte Lowther Year 9 and 10 Gifted and Talented students attended an Aspirations Afternoon at the end of the summer term. Ten visitors, undergraduates, graduates and professionals came into school to share their stories about their own education and experiences. Small groups of students were then able to talk informally to each of them and ask questions and find out information relevant to their own aspirations. Many thanks to Mrs J Carless and Mr D Clarkson for organising the event. Student quotes: “ Affirmed UK Junior Maths Olympiad Many Congratulations to Rose Laurie, 9 R1, who won a Certificate of Distinction and Medal of Distinction in the UK Junior Maths Olympiad, run by the University of Leeds. what I want to do”, “I now have a clear view of what I want to study”, “Hearing about the range of degrees has really shown me that there is much more out there than I thought” “A brilliant way to learn about university and college”, “They gave us good advice about courses” “My eyes were opened to all the different possibilities”, “The people were really inspirational” Visitor quotes: “ Wish there had been something like this when I was at school”, “Really good concept - I enjoyed helping out”, “It was nice to pass on my experience to pupils” Rose was one of only 200 Year 7 and 8 students nationally, from the original 250,000 high ability Junior Maths Challenge (JMC) candidates, to achieve this level of distinction. To be in the top thousandth of an elite group of high ability students is a phenomenal achievement. Rose was also one of only 39 students out of the quarter of a million entrants to achieve full marks in the JMC. To be joint first with only 38 others, out of 250,000 is yet another fantastic achievement. Well done Rose! Music Success The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music; Latest awards:Elizabeth Williams Elizabeth Williams Elin Baker Caitlin Davies Sophie Scott Esther Jones Mark Pepper Thomas Johnson Francesca Johnson Grade 3 Piano Grade 2 Violin Grade 3 Piano Grade 2 Piano Grade 3 Piano Grade 5 Theory Grade 8 Cello Grade 6 Piano Grade 8 Violin Merit Merit Pass Merit Pass Distinction Distinction Distinction Autumn 1 • 2013 NEWS SPORTING SUCCESS GIRLS CELEBRATE FOOTBALL SUCCESS MEMORIAL CRICKET MATCH Katie Cooke, Megan Brayne, Megan Cole Three of our students who are in Church Stretton Magpies had the experience of a lifetime when playing in the Keele International Tournament for New York Jets, nicknamed JIGS. Katie Cooke, Megan Brayne and Megan Cole were treated to a visit to Old Trafford and the Etihad Stadium where they also had a training session given by the Manchester City coaches. This was followed by three days’ football at the Keele Tournament. The girls went on to lift the cup and have made some great friendships. Pictured are Katie, Megan and Megan proudly wearing the kit and displaying the winners’ medals. Summer School Was Brilliant! COMMUNITY NEWS COMMUNITY WELLBEING APPEAL On behalf of the Organising Committee, I wish to thank the School for its most generous pledge of £1,000 from the proceeds of its Sponsored Walk to the Community Wellbeing Appeal. This Appeal aims to raise £100,000 by Christmas from the local community to complete the £1million purchase and adaptation of the local Clinic building, which stands between the GP Medical Practice and the Mayfair Community Centre. The building will be transformed into a multipurpose Health & Wellbeing Centre. Local health and social care services will work together with community organisations to help all ages to live as healthily as possible and to co-ordinate support to all those who need it. There are currently 138 local youngsters, who, with their families, are having to manage long term health conditions. This Appeal is an opportunity for the community to come together in mutual support and the School has set a great example for others to follow. For more information please go to Bob Welch, Chairman of Appeal. 01694 722998 CHURCH STRETTON CHRISTMAS LIGHTS Above; Photos of the two teams Zeeshan Ahmad Memorial Match Congratulations to students for a superb win over the staff in our annual Zeeshan Ahmad Memorial cricket match at the end of last term. DRESSED FOR THE HILLS! Work on lighting up Church Stretton for the winter season begins on 16th October with erection of lighting on the Bridge. In the following weeks, overhead street lights, erection of small Christmas trees/ lights and the giant Christmas Tree in the Square will all proceed. ‘Switch on’ will take place on 23rd November 5pm in the Square. Other attractions so far include music, school choir, mulled wine, Santa’s Grotto, with a Christingle Service in St Laurence’s Church at 4pm. The Christmas Lights Committee has worked tirelessly for over 25 years to provide these lights which promote the town and are a real source of pleasure for many people. Are there any ‘buskers’ in or connected with the school who would like to join the event, or could anyone offer assistance to erect marquees, etc. on 23rd November? If so, we'd love to hear from you. Eileen Roberts 01694 720086 Students attending Summer School 2013 Over 40 students attended our Summer School at the end of August. This three-day scheme was organised and run by Mrs Blount and her usual team of teaching staff and Year 11 volunteer helpers. The aim was for new students starting in September to feel more confident with the transition from primary to secondary school. Students taking part enjoyed a variety of activities including PE, Drama, Art, Cooking, Design, Fun Maths and ICT. Students also took part in a treasure hunt to familiarise them with the layout of the school and to help them feel more confident when moving around. Summer School ended with a BBQ for all the students to enjoy. Here are some of your comments: “Summer School was brilliant! There were some great activities going on.” Oliver R “At the beginning I was terrified and dreaded coming to school in September; now I’m the opposite all thanks to Summer School. I’ve made FANTASTIC new friends and hopefully I won’t lose my way…so much. Although I’ve still got butterflies in my tummy, I just know I’m going to love Church Stretton School and enjoy my time there.” Jayde M “I thought Summer School was amazing and would recommend it to any other year 6s.” Emily C “Summer School was fun and very different to what I expected. I thought it was going to be boring and we would be doing lessons all day. Instead we did lots of fun activities where we could go to different places to find our way around the school.” Kristi J “Summer School was totally terrific!” Charlotte H CHURCH STRETTON SCHOOL NEWS Shrewsbury Road, Church Stretton, SY6 6EX Articles Design/Editor PTA P 01694 722209 | F 01694 722417 Principal Mr Steve Lunt Chair of Governors Mrs Trudie Blackburn Printed by Positive Advertising Ltd 3 MORE NEWS Update from your Parent Teacher Association The Annual Craft Fayre takes place in school on Saturday 16th November from 10.00am until 4.00 pm. There will be more than 50 stalls offering a huge range of products, with a great variety to suit all ages and budgets. It is a great chance to pick up some unique gifts for Christmas whilst supporting local businesses. As always, there will be home-cooked refreshments and meals available, and the raffle always has some beautiful prizes. Definitely well worth calling in, so please save the date. As it is a very busy day for the PTA, and the committee is small, we would love to hear from anyone who may be able to spend an hour or more on the day of the Fayre, perhaps to help serve refreshments or clear away later in the afternoon. It is very sociable and would be a huge boost to us. Please get in touch as below. In the following week, the PTA is supporting the visit of the Pearl of How is the world so beautiful? By Charlotte Davies How is the world so beautiful? Why is the sky so blue? Why are the flowers so colourful? Is it for me or you? Each dewdrop so perfectly crafted, Each creature so unique. Africa choir, and the school feels privileged to be hosting this event. There is further information in a separate article in this newsletter. The concert is open to the whole community and we expect interest to be high, so please try to get your tickets early - they will be available from the School office, Burway Books and John Thomas. The PTA committee is smaller than we would like at the moment, since we lost several parents when their children left school in the summer. Please consider joining us – one informal meeting in a pub each half term is not a great burden and for new parents it is the best way to meet others. If you can help in any way, please send a message to the address below - it would be great to hear from you. Clare Hammond Secretary How pretty are the butterflies, Beating their bright coloured wings. Why does the sun stop shining? Why does it start to rain? Why do all the flowers die? I ask if I’m to blame. But then the birds will twitter, The sun begins to shine. The grey clouds will all leave, And I have all summer time. NOTICE BOARD DATES FOR YOUR DIARY October PERSONAL INFORMATION/ EMERGENCY CONTACTS 28 - Nov 1 Half Term November 4 6-7 16 19 28 29 December 18 20 School Starts (Week A) Year 10 Creative Arts Trip PTA Craft Fayre Pearl of Africa Workshop & Concert Year 10 Progress Evening Principal’s Afternoon Tea Winter Concert End of Term (early finish) Bag2School Bag2school, established in 2001, is a free fundraising scheme working in partnership with schools and community groups to help raise money from donations. Throughout the UK they collect and sell unwanted textiles to importers and wholesalers in many countries of Eastern and Western Europe, Africa and Asia. Suitable items for collection include adults’ and children’s clothes, shoes (tied together please), hats, belts, bags, soft toys, curtains and bedding (not duvets or pillows). We receive £500 per tonne or £0.50/kg which is a great boost for our fundraising. It also raises awareness amongst the students of the benefits of reuse and recycling. Our last collection raised £80. Our next collection will be on 27th November. Please ask for bags from school reception if required. SCHOOL UNIFORM Second-hand uniform is available for sale. Many thanks to all parents/ carers for donating items of second -hand uniform for resale IT’S BACK ! CHURCH STRETTON’S GOT TALENT AUDITIONS - End of November 2013 It is very important that the information held in our computer system regarding your son/ daughter is up to date. Can you please make sure that you inform the school office of any changes to your address, telephone number or any medical details. Thank you. ATTENDANCE REMINDERS We would like to remind parents/ carers: On the first day of student absence, parents/carers must inform the school as early as possible preferably before 9.00 am - by telephoning 01694 722209. We have an answering machine to prevent delays. Select option 1 from the recorded message. This will put you through to voicemail where you can leave a message. Alternatively you can email the school Attendance Officer: Subsequent days absence should be dealt with in the same way. On the day of return please send a note to confirm the reason for absence. A printed slip in the back of the student planner can be used for this purpose. The note should be posted in the black letter box in reception. Late arrivals or early departures due to medical or other authorised reasons should also be accompanied by a note. (Where possible dental / doctors appointments should be made outside of school hours.) Absences which remain unexplained will be recorded as unauthorised. STUDY SUPPORT Can you sing? Act? Dance? Do you have a special talent? Think you have what it takes? Come and see Mrs Coudert in D2 to book your slot and audition for the show! Term time only at the Craven Arms Discovery Centre - Wed 4-5.30 pm Exam timetables and potential employers for work experience are on the school website: For advertising please contact: MYND D.I.Y OPEN TO THE TRADE & PUBLIC FOR ALL YOUR DIY PRODUCTS OPEN: PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL ITEMS, PAINTS SILICONES, NAILS, SCREWS, HAND TOOLS, TIMBER AND MUCH MORE... Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 8:30am - 5:00pm GROOM THE BUILDERS YARD MYND INDUSTRIAL ESTATE CHURCH STRETTON TEL/FAX 01694 724427 Wed 8:30am-1:00pm E.J & G.J GROOM BUILDING CONTRACTORS Brambledene, Mynd Industrial Estate, Est.1983, employing local Church Stretton SY6 6PG highly skilled craftsmen. Our attention to detail has Tel:01694 723436 Fax: 01694 724564 seen us presented with VAT No. 404 1040 24 prestigious awards includEmail: ing ‘Builder of the Year 2008’ Web: best commercial Building. All enquiries phone or visit our website Works undertaken: Renovations, Extensions, New Builds & General Maintenance, Purpose made Joinery, softwood & hardwood. Church Stretton School Peppers clothing shop in Church Stretton stock the entire range of the Trutex uniform approved by the secondary school. Uniform prices will be the same as Trutex Direct. For more information contact Peppers: tel: 01694 722724 or email 22 Sandford Ave Church Stretton Shropshire SY6 6BW Music Lessons including guitars, woodwind, all brass, all strings, percussion. Enquiries to school reception Tel 01694 722209 Church Stretton School News. South Shropshire Academy Trust: a company limited by guarantee Registered in England Company Number: 8439425 Registered Office: Church Stretton School, Shrewsbury Road, Church Stretton, Shropshire, SY6 6EX challenging • supportive • passionate • sports • laughter • caring • opportunities • celebration • rugby • individuals • fun
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