Area 6 Convention and Contests


Area 6 Convention and Contests
April 2014
Quarterly Newsletter
Amy Johnson
Area 6 Convention and Contests
April 4-6, 2014
Jacksonville, FL
“A Blend With Friendship Is Our Creed…
...All Women Can Belong”
Area 6 Council News
structure, planning and rules of the Area.
Carol Jackson, Area 6 Director
I am proud to be your Area Director and I am open to
work with any of you at any time. I’m planning to visit
each Area 6 Chapter over the next several months.
Looking forward to meeting each of you then.
We are just days away from attending Area 6 Convention
and Contests. The Convention Team has been in full
swing for several months, and The Crowne Plaza in
Jacksonville is waiting for us to arrive.
I’d like to wish GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF YOU! I hope it
will be an exciting AC&C for all. Our USO theme will be a
nice walk down memory lane for many of us. Have a
great time, everyone!
A couple of reminders:
1. Because we have a lot of Youth in Area 6 now, please
be aware of the rules for our Youth at the Hotel and
any other function that you may have. Your chapter is
responsible for these young women. I know they will
be on their best behavior and enjoy this event.
As Uncle Sam said on his posters back in the 1940’s “WE
NEED YOU” I am saying, “Area 6 NEEDS you!”
2. The other reminder is to encourage all of your
members to attend at least one of the classes that we
will be offering on Friday.
I’d like to say another Area 6 “welcome” to our newest
chapter, Bella Nova. This chapter is located in Virginia,
which is an expansion state of Area 6. This means Bella
Nova is a Geographically Outlying Chapter (GOC) in Area
6. Unfortunately, Bella Nova will not be attending AC&C
this year. Perhaps we’ll see them next year.
During our stay in Jacksonville for AC&C, our Area 6
Council will hold its annual meeting. This meeting will
take place on Thursday, April 3rd, at 4:00pm. Please
know this meeting is open to the membership, and all are
invited to attend. I would like to remind all of you that this
Council is your governing board, where decisions are
discussed and made on your behalf. Serving on the
Council is interesting and rewarding. If you’re interested
in serving on the Area 6 Council, please don’t hesitate to
contact me. Getting involved helps you to learn the
Area 6 wishes to
extend our
sympathy to:
 Linda Long, from Hernando
Hills Hi-Lites, on the passing
of her husband.
Additional Positions
Area Council Members:
Area Advisors . . . . . .Nancy Graves/Susan Wood
Area C&J Chairman . . . . . . . . . .Trayce Elenteny
Bulletin Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Amy Johnson
Education Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . Susan Wood
Historian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Barbara Fleischman
Manual Coordinator . . . . . . . . . Pauline Campbell
Membership Coordinator . . . . . . ..Vicki Browning
P/R Marketing Coordinator . . . . . LuJo Karkovice
Parliamentarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Properties Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Quartet Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . Trayce Elenteny
Youth Outreach Coordinator . . . Becky Backfisch
Area Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Carol Jackson
Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Aura Daye
Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Janet Lipscomb
Chapter Presidents
Atlanta Harmony Celebration! . . . . Denise Bourg
Bella Nova . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christina Lewellen
Georgia Connection . . . . . . . . . . . Ginger Adams
Harmony Sound Waves . . . . . . . . . . . Aura Daye
Hernando Hills Hi-Lites . . . . . . . . . . . Linda Long
Sisters of Sound . . . . . . . . . . Kristin Gunasekera
“A Blend With Friendship Is Our Creed…
...All Women Can Belong”
Aura Daye, Convention Team, General Chairman
AC&C 2014, April 4-6
WOW! It's that time again! "That time" is Area 6 Convention and Contests 2014 a.k.a. 1940's
USO Show!
I hope everyone who reads this is anticipating a great time at the Crowne - Plaza in
Jacksonville, Florida again this year, and if it's your first time - WELCOME!!!!
We begin with the Area 6 Council Meeting on Thursday, April 3 at 4:00 pm. Later Thursday
evening, those who came for the meeting, or came early, will have an opportunity to get
together to catch up on news and do some singing. Don't hesitate to find three other people
for some quartetting...or seven other people for some octetting.
Friday brings us Registration, Hospitality, Sales and Baskets. Please be sure basket
donations are in the Hospitality Room on Thursday night, or early Friday morning. This
is another opportunity you don't want to miss; contributing to the Area 6 Education Fund, and
maybe taking home a basket of goodies.
Friday also brings CRAFT CLASSES, you won't want to miss! Please remember to say
"Thank You" to the judges who give their time and expertise to help us perform better.
Friday finishes with the QUARTET CONTEST, evaluations and we're on to Saturday!
AAAHH, SATURDAY!!!! There's the CHORUS CONTEST, followed by evaluations. This
exciting time is followed by a Social Hour and DINNER. Immediately following dinner, we will
hold our annual Installation of Chapter Board Members; a meaningful ceremony conducted by
Carol Jackson, Area 6 Director. AND THEN...........FUN TIME! The time when we all sing for
each other!
How many weekends fly by as this one does? MAKE THE MOST OF IT!!!!!
On behalf of the Convention Team.......... Good Luck to all who cross the stage this weekend.
“A Blend With Friendship Is Our Creed…
...All Women Can Belong”
Tentative Schedule
AC&C 2014, April 4-6
“A Blend With Friendship Is Our Creed…
...All Women Can Belong”
Area 6 AC&C
Crowne Plaza Floor Plan
NOTE: This year, we will have a ramp to the stage for those who have mobility issues.
“A Blend With Friendship Is Our Creed…
...All Women Can Belong”
2014 Area 6 Convention and Contests Judging Panel
(Please note the Double-Panel...thanks to the new Judges Equalization program.)
Chairman of Judges:
Susan Wright
Presentation Category:
Diane Coates
Steve Janes
Assistant Chairman of Judges:
Jim Nolan
Singing Category:
Jim Emery
Liane Iannuzzo
Music Category:
Rob Campbell
Liz LeClair
2014 Area 6 Convention and Contests
Official Order of Appearance
Chorus Contest order:
Quartet Contest order:
1. Harmony Sound Waves
1. Chiclets
2. Sisters of Sound
2. Four in the Morning
3. Georgia Connection
3. In A Chord
4. Atlanta Harmony Celebration!
4. E#
5. Wild Fermatas
6. MAKE’
7. Sumthin’ Else
8. Alegria
“A Blend With Friendship Is Our Creed…
...All Women Can Belong”
Ch Q &
Georgia Connection
- Ginger Adams
2014 started off with a creative
bang for Georgia Connection! We
created a brand new contest
package, and have thoroughly enjoyed the hard
work we’ve put in to get this package ready for the
contest stage at AC&C. We’re also looking forward
to putting some swing in the 1940's USO Show
theme for AC&C, since we had such a blast with it in
our own two 2013 shows.
In February, on a break from rehearsing, our
Director, Luke Lindsay, and a group of our
members spent a great day learning about the art
form of barbershop. This group attended "David
Wright's History of Barbershop Class", held in metro
Atlanta. David Wright is a prolific arranger, Certified
Music Judge, and an individual with a great love of
barbershop. Our chorus has enjoyed singing many
songs with his magic touch over the years. All in
attendance came away with some wonderful
"nuggets" of wisdom and information.
Harmony Sound Waves
- Glenna Markle
Harmony Sound Waves is pleased
to welcome another new member, and we also
welcome back a former member who has rejoined
us. Our newest member is Kim Peters. Kim is
looking forward to her very first AC&C, this coming
April. Miriam Palmore has rejoined the chorus and
has already joined a quartet, Four In The Morning.
The quartet was very happy to have her and
appreciate the knowledge she brings.
Also in February, Georgia
Connection welcomed Certified
Presentation Judge, Diane
Coates, for a coaching
Diane has an
amazing eye for creating
presentation packages, and
worked some magic on our
new contest package.
new presentation package is a
wonderful complement to our
new songs. We also learned
some invaluable tools we can apply in all of our
performances. It was truly an inspiring weekend!
Our Director, Greg Patterson, has been very
diligent in working with our chorus so that we will be
ready to perform, and do our best at AC&C. We’re
so excited to know our entire chorus will be
competing this year.
We’d like to say a special “thank you” to Nancy
Graves, who has again opened her home to the
chorus for extra rehearsals. Extra rehearsals really
helps with fine tuning.
G e o r g i a
Connection is
so pleased to
have a group
contest stage
for the first
time in April,
at AC&C. They are all naturals, and we are so proud
of their hard work and the enthusiasm they have
shown since joining our family. We are really looking
forward to introducing them to all our Area 6 friends
in Jacksonville!
We held another Sweets 'N Harmony show, and it
was a great success! Our members bring finger
sweets (ie: brownies, fruit sticks, cream puffs, bar
squares, etc.). It's always been a good time for all
who attend. We have built up a following, so it's
always nice to meet these friends from time to time.
Nothing else on our agenda except to arrive in
Jacksonville full of good thoughts, stay healthy,
know our music, check over classes that will be
offered to us, and be ready to meet and greet other
members of Area 6. See you there!
“A Blend With Friendship Is Our Creed…
...All Women Can Belong”
silence and, after church, asked,
whatever made you do such a thing?” Tommy
answered soberly, "I asked God to teach me to
whistle, and He did!"
News cont’d
 SAY A PRAYER - Little Johnny and his family
were having Sunday dinner at his Grandmother's
house. Everyone was seated around the table as
the food was being served. When Little Johnny
received his plate, he started eating right away.
"Johnny! Please wait until we say our prayer."
said his mother.
"I don't need to," the
boy replied. "Of course, you do." his mother
insisted. "We always say a prayer before eating
at our house." "That's at our house." Johnny
explained. "But this is Grandma's house and
she knows how to cook!"
Sisters of Sound
- LuJo Karkovice
Sisters of Sound is bounding into
spring, or maybe it’s summer.
Either works for us!!
Our chorus members (and coffers) are thrilled to
have finished our annual show/fundraiser, and are in
hopes of having another in December. In early
March, “Calendar Girls” gave the audience much
mirth and memorable music. Along with the chorus,
a cappella groups of three, or four, or more, wowed
show-goers with songs related to hallmark (and
other not-such-hallmark) holidays.
THANKFUL - A Rabbi said to a
precocious six-year-old boy, "So your mother
says your prayers for you each night? That's
very commendable.
What does she say?"
The little boy replied, "Thank God he's in bed!"
Director, Shannon Elswick, with assistant
Directors, Ludmila Hemmings and Tiana Sandh,
(watch for her directing debut at AC&C), took turns
presenting whimsical dates in song, highlighted by
new and returning voices in various small
ensembles. Strains of traditional Valentine Day fare
like “Let Me Call You Sweetheart”, featuring a skit
produced by Angie Sassi, and her young dancing
son John, was of special interest to onlookers.
 UNANSWERED PRAYER - The preacher's 5
year-old daughter noticed that her father always
paused and bowed his head for a moment
before starting his sermon. One day, she asked
him why. "Well, Honey," he began, proud that
his daughter was so observant of his messages.
"I'm asking the Lord to help me preach a good
sermon." "How come He doesn't answer it?" she
Now nearing 30 members, Sisters is proud to have
three quartets-that’s a dozen different female
voices, slated to compete at AC&C. E#-our most
accomplished teenaged contingency- and Sumthin’
Else (who pride themselves on acting like teenagers
more often than not), will each be giving their debut
performance at AC&C. Joining them, will be the
seasoned voices of In A Chord, who will return to
give a premium presentation.
 MOSES AND THE RED SEA - Nine-year-old
Joey was asked by his mother what he had
learned in Sunday School. "Well, Mom, our
teacher told us how God sent Moses behind
enemy lines on a rescue mission to lead the
Israelites out of Egypt. When he got to the Red
Sea, he had his army build a pontoon bridge and
all the people walked across safely. Then he
radioed headquarters for reinforcements. They
sent bombers to blow up the bridge and all the
Israelites were saved." "Now, Joey, is that really
what your teacher taught you?" his Mother
asked. “Well no Mom, but, if I told it the way the
teacher did, you'd never believe it!"
Looking forward to seeing everyone in Jacksonville.
Hoping you’ll introduce yourself to unfamiliar faces
as we “blend with friendship” on stage, or stand side
by side at the Saturday night festivities.
 DID NOAH FISH? - A Sunday school teacher
asked, "Johnny, do you think Noah did a lot of
fishing when he was on the Ark?" "No," replied
Johnny. "How could he, with just two worms."
Faithful Funnies
minister's prayer one Sunday, there was a loud
whistle from one of the back pews. Tommy's
mother was horrified. She pinched him into
“A Blend With Friendship Is Our Creed…
Faith is not about everything turning out OK. Faith is
about being OK no matter how things turn out.
...All Women Can Belong”
used with permission;
One of the most valuable things I ever learned from RD Mathey at Bowling Green State University,
was how to go to school on someone else’s dime. By this I mean I learned how to watch, listen, and
think analytically every second of rehearsal. Let’s take a look at how getting into this mindset can
help singers. If you are in a traditional choral setting, think director and choir. If you are in a self-run
a cappella group, it still applies. Even if you don’t have a formal “director,” someone has to be steering the ship, right?
Some common ways “going to school on someone else’s dime” helps:
1) But I’m doing it – Most singers think they are doing what the director wants them to. They mean well, so they think
their intention translates into action. Unfortunately, most singers don’t go far enough, fast enough. When they
watch the director working with another section, they can clearly see how other singers think they’re doing “it,” but
really aren’t doing “it” enough. When the director finally coaxes the magical “enough” out of those singers, others
who are paying attention should notice and gain valuable insight into their own technique.
2) What do I hear / how would I fix that? – This is a great game to play in rehearsal. The director works with one
section and the rest of the choir’s job is to listen along, constantly thinking “what is the director going to say?” The
director could ask the choir “what did you hear? What am I going to say?” In advanced choirs, the director could
even ask, “how could we fix that?” In short, spend some of your time in rehearsal pretending you are the assistant
director, and will be taking over tomorrow’s rehearsal. By constantly thinking in an such analytical and critical
manner, you will sharpen your ears and your musical instincts.
3) Music reading (rhythm and pitch) – During rehearsal, music is flying around constantly. Singers who are
temporarily not singing can still learn a lot by following along in the score. Many singers only look at their music
when they are singing (sometimes not even then). By tracking music while another section rehearses, you have a
chance to reinforce basic reading skills. If the section is doing well, you can watch the “dots” go by and hear the
correct matching sounds. If the section makes a mistake, you have a chance to notice and then hear the correction.
Much of learning comes from repetition – time spent doing. The toughest skill for any singer is learning how to read.
Don’t miss a second you could hone your musical literacy. Furthermore, when you are not singing, you could
internally count and try to fit your part in against the section being rehearsed. If it is a homophonic section, you
could “mouth” along with those who are singing, practicing rhythms and vowel shapes even while silent.
4) Do vs. assess – Simply put, you cannot do something and assess it at the same time. By going to school on
someone else’s dime, you get the opportunity to learn about the music, the director’s tastes, vocal technique, and
much more while not doing. This means that when you do, you can focus on trying to the best of your ability without
constantly thinking “how am I doing?” You can simply do, and let the director help you improve. It’s time for others
to learn watching you.
5) Bottom line – EOE – Everything Overlaps Everything. Singing is a complex skill, one that requires mental acumen
and physical coordination. Getting all the components to line up together to produce awesome singing is difficult.
Period. Any chance you have to improve any little piece of this giant puzzle just puts you closer to that end-goal
of awesome singing.
What are the by-products of “going to school on someone else’s dime?”
1) Leadership – You become better equipped to be an internal leader, either by performing better or even running
sectionals. You know what the director wants. You know what the end product is supposed to be. You know the
tools to make it so.
2) Reinforcement – you will get much more insight into vocal technique and practice at music reading, which
ultimately helps you grow faster into the singer you wish to be.
3) Building habits a) Increases your mental stamina / lengthens the period of your mental focus
b) Improves internal culture: singers are better able to diagnose their own performance
c) Reinforces the value of the coach/director
d) Builds analytical mindset in singers
e) Helps release people from the do / assess trap that impedes performance
So here’s your closing visual metaphor… remember in science when you were asked to soak a celery stalk in red water?
You let it sit overnight and the next day the red water had been absorbed into the celery, giving it a red hue. Those who
are only active in rehearsal while it’s their turn to sing are like a celery stalk that has been splashed with red water.
Those who “go to school on someone else’s dime” are the ones who soak up all that red water until it’s just part of who
they are.
“A Blend With Friendship Is Our Creed…
...All Women Can Belong”
Upcoming Barbershop Events
July 2014 issue of the
"Southern Exposure”:
June 16th
Please send articles/pictures/comments/
questions to :
Area 6 Convention & Contests
April 4-6, 2014
Jacksonville, FL
Crowne Plaza Riverfront
Upcoming AC&C/IC&C’s
(Dates/locations may be subject to change.)
Area Convention and Contests
April 4-6, 2014
Jacksonville, FL
Area Convention and Contests
International Convention & Contests
April 17-19, 2015
Jacksonville, FL
November 12-16, 2014
Louisville, KY
Galt House
Area Convention and Contests
April 15-17, 2016
Jacksonville, FL
Area Convention and Contests
April 7-9, 2017
Jacksonville, FL
International Convention and Contests
November 12-16, 2014
Louisville, KY
International Convention and Contests
November 4-8, 2015
Verona, NY
International Convention and Contests
November 2-6, 2016
Providence, RI
International Convention and Contests
November 1- 5, 2017
Halifax, NS
“A Blend With Friendship Is Our Creed…
...All Women Can Belong”