
January – February 2016 – Our Thirty-Third Year
Next Meeting:
JANUARY 10, 2016
Foskett Equipment
187 Peake Brook Road Route 171
Woodstock, CT 06281
**Business Meeting at 2:00PM**
Jonathan Yeomans
63 Bunker Hill Rd
Andover, CT 06232
Vice President
Peter Yeomans
63 Bunker Hill Rd
Andover, CT 06232
Thomas Bachand
108 Harrisville Rd.
Woodstock, CT 06281
Betty Jay
12 East Main St.
Brookfield, MA 01506
Harold Foskett
187 Peake Brook Rd.
Woodstock, CT 06281
Colonel Arnold Briggs
Elizabeth Robertson
Computer Asst.
Don Arnauckas
Kathy Arnauckas
175 Blackmore Pond Rd
West Wareham, MA 02576-1427
P.O. Box 373
Willington, CT 06279
14 Avalon Avenue
Oakville, CT 06779
508-317-7726 or 508-748-2500
Show Chair
John Raymond
27 Rixtown Rd
Griswold, CT 06351
Linda Raymond
27 Rixtown Rd
Griswold, CT 06351
Our annual Thanks Giving Dinner was held at the Haul of
Fame Museum with over 100 members & guests enjoying
a delicious dinner. Thanks Bernice for these photos!
Bob’s International KB is at home at the Haul of Fame
His 1949 International KB-6 was voted the Plaque Truck
for the 2016 Brooklyn Truck Show!
The Holiday Season is upon us and this is one of my favorite times of the year! Between being with family and
friends, great food, and asking Santa for a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas, I can’t think of a better time of year.
I could use a little more sunlight though!
First off, I want to apologize to the club for being late to the Annual Meeting. I still can’t explain how I had been
off by an hour. Poor organizational trait on my part which I try to only impose when heading out to outings I don’t
want to go to. This was an event I look forward to every year and it was great seeing everybody there! By
expediting the meeting in order to not eat too late, I missed saying a few things that I had hoped to cover. I do
want to thank everyone for getting their meal tickets in on time giving us an accurate head count when we needed
it, which is greatly appreciated. I also wanted to have time for stories so that some of the new members and other
folks that only see us once a year could hear or contribute to. Anyway, come to the January meeting at Harold’s
for continued discussion on the club.
On Nov. 17th, I posted a bunch of our Truck Show photo albums on Facebook under our page Nutmeg Chapter –
American Truck Historical Society. Within the first week of posting, here are some Facebook statistics of how
much visibility those album posts gave us:
35,000 people have clicked on our Facebook page because they saw pictures that I posted show up
in their newsfeed.
9,000 people showed interest either by 'Liking', 'Sharing', 'Commenting', or notifying others of the
content on the page.
2,020 people 'Liked' or 'Shared' a photo which ultimately shows all of their friends something they
are interested in. Like-minded people then proceed to check it out because their friend showed
50 people have 'Liked' the overall page meaning they are now following our Facebook page which
brings the total 233 people following us. That's more than even the National Facebook page has
and more people than we have as members. That's people that could become members if we reach
out to them appropriately.
$0.00 spent on sponsoring or advertising these posts. A little bit of advertising would send these
numbers through the roof.
This just goes to show what powerful tools we have available to get our name out there and bring more likeminded folks in. Obviously, this gained interest because everyone loves pictures of trucks. This is why I need
YOU all to send me pictures or content to post to keep the interest alive.
Stay Warm and I’ll see you in January!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
November 8, 2015
Call to Order: 1:05 PM by Nutmeg Chapter President Jonathan (Jon) Yeomans.
The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance led by the Chapter President. Jonathan extended the Club’s appreciation
to Denis Yaworski and Family for once again hosting the annual Thanks Giving Dinner at the Haul of Fame Museum. The Club
membership is grateful for the accommodations of this meeting location.
One hundred members and their guests attended this dinner meeting. Introduced guests included Richard Ferguson of
Ellington, CT, Paul Gervais of Hartford, CT, and new member Bob West, Jr. of Portland, ME. Treasurer Tom Bachand
introduced his wife Pat and Dorothy Yeomans introduced Jon’s future wife, Courtney.
Secretary’s Report:
A motion was made to accept the Secretary’s Report of the September 20, 2015 meeting as it appeared in the Newsletter.
The motion was seconded and the members voted unanimously to approve the report.
Treasurer Report: Period from September 1, 2015 – October 31, 2015: Tom Bachand
Tom expressed his appreciation to the club members for their prompt RSVP and payments for the dinner tickets.
1. Regular Club Account Activity:
Deposits: dash plaque sales and donations in memory of Reggie Phillips, as well as checks received from the Woodstock
Agricultural Society, membership dues and dinner ticket receipts.
Expenses: stamps for newsletters and the Matthews Catering deposit.
2. Show Account:
There was no account activity. However, Tom reported that expenses from the 2015 Brooklyn Show exceeded the
income from the show and that a net loss is reported. At this time, the balance in the Show Account is insufficient to
cover the pre-show 2016 expenses. It will be necessary to transfer funds from the regular club account to the show
account to provide start-up money for the 2016 show. It is possible that the Brooklyn Fairgrounds will consider reducing
the rental fee.
Membership Report: Elizabeth Robertson
1. Lance Dimock of Bolton, CT has joined the Club.
2. 157 club members have paid dues, some through 2016 and there are 19 delinquent members who owe dues.
1. Past Members Memorial Plaque: Harold Foskett
Harold reported that the engravers did not meet the deadline for having the plaque completed for this meeting.
It will be completed and presented at the January 2016 meeting. There are 10 – 15 spaces left blank.
2. Annual Charitable Donations
Due to the inclement weather for the Brooklyn Show, net proceeds used for the Club’s Charitable Giving are
less than normal. Based on this reality, the Board of Directors has recommended the following 2015 donations:
Boy Scouts Troop #26…………………… $150.00 for the parking help on the day of the show
Haul of Fame Museum…………………… $300.00
3. The Website:
Due to the lack of cellular service in Canterbury, Jonathan was unable to display the website for viewing by
members. He reported that Linda Raymond has updated the pages and that there are ten links to be populated.
Input from members is needed and requested. An archived history of the club is being sought. Bernice West
wrote this history for a club anniversary. Arnold Briggs noted that all paperwork is in file cabinets. Ken Miller
has volunteered to be a source for information about the history and the founding members of the club.
4. The Newsletter
Members praised the work of Don and Kathy Arnauckas in creating a Newsletter that surpasses excellence with each
edition. A member noted that it is going to be the best chapter newsletter in the country. Members are grateful to
Don and Kathy. Don noted that he is still looking for material from members.
1. 2016 meeting locations have been announced:
January 10, 2016: Foskett Equipment in Woodstock, CT.
March 13, 2016: Pfahl’s Mack & Antique Truck Restorations in Bethlehem, CT. (Confirmed 11/9 by Don Arnauckas
with Matt Pfahl, Board notified by email)
The Dudley Diebold Farm in Roxbury, CT may be an option for the May meeting. More information to follow.
2. Nominations for the 2016 Brooklyn Show Featured Truck:
Harold Foskett’s International, Don Arnauckas’ Kenworth, Bob Manchester’s ‘55 Peterbilt, Chico Aragi’s F9 Ford and
Robert B. West’s International.
A written ballot vote was taken and tabulated and the 2016 Show Truck will be Harold’s International.
3. Club Promotion: Jonathan has Newsletters and material for members to bring to future events and activities to
promote the Nutmeg Chapter and to help membership grow.
4. Dues Increase: The Board of Directors has recommended an annual dues increase to $15.00 effective January 2016.
This raise in dues will help to better meet the expenses of operating the club.
ACTION: Members present voted unanimously to approve this recommendation for the dues increase.
1. Shows and Events in the Region
---- “Holiday Dazzle Light Parade” Putnam, CT November 29. Pre-register at WINY Radio or contact Harold
Foskett to participate. Trucks will be decorated with lights and John Raymond mentioned that the club banner
is available.
---- “Wish on Wheels” September 2016, Rentschler Field, East Hartford, CT info at
2. Club members celebrated Bernice West’s Birthday. Bernice also expressed her continued gratitude for the
friendship extended by the membership with cards, calls, flowers and messages.
3. Brooklyn Show: Maggie McCormick inquired about the possibility of a rain date for the Show. John Raymond
noted that the Fairgrounds dates are usually booked in advance and that the club has historically reserved the
third Sunday in June. John will look into other possibilities. Arnold Briggs noted that this has always been a rain
or shine committed event.
4. Recognition of Veterans: All members who have served in the Armed Forces of the United States were asked
to rise and be recognized in honor of Veterans Day.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:00 PM and dinner was served.
Respectfully submitted,
Betty Jay, Secretary
Directions to January 10, 2016 meeting at Foskett Equipment--187 Peake Brook Road, Woodstock, CT 06281
From the Brooklyn Fairgrounds: Take Route 169 to Woodstock, turn right onto Route 171. Foskett Equipment is one mile on
the right.
From Route 84: Exit 69 (Route 74 East) to Route 44 East to Junction of Routes 44 and 169 North. Continue on Route 171.
One mile on the right is Foskett Equipment.
From Route 395: Exit 47 - Route 44 West toward Putman. One mile to Route 171 West (traffic light). Two miles on the left
is Foskett Equipment.
Phone Harold at 860-465-7503
2015 Leroy Keens All Marmon Show
Contributed by George Fiebe
On the weekend of September 18 and 19 of this year
(2015), my wife Lynne and I took our Marmon to the
Leroy Keens All Marmon Show in Denver, PA.
Weaver Markets, also of Denver, PA shows their SB57R
Marmon. In fact the show was held on the grounds of
the Weaver Foods Market in Denver, PA
Looking over the hood of our 1989 Marmon 57P on the
Pennsylvania Turnpike as we are about to enter the
Lehigh Tunnel on the way to the show.
Marmon 57L from Somerset, PA
After a good wash job at Hot Wash off Lehigh St. in
Allentown, we were off and headed to Denver, PA
Marmon 57P from Somerset, PA
A short visit to Mack Trucks, Inc. Welcome Center in
Allentown shows our Marmon next to an Australian
Road Train Mack.
This Marmon is owned by Chaplin Jake Wise of Transport
for Christ. This Marmon used to be hooked to the TFC
chapel in Bloomsbury, NJ for many years, and then at the
truck stop on 1-78 in Frystown, PA. I have seen this
Marmon for at least 20 years, but on this day was the first
time I had ever heard it run or seen it driven!
A mid-1970s Marmon CHDT Conventional
1970s Marmon Cab-over
Line up of some of the 28 Marmons attending the Show!
There was a lot of neat Marmon memorabilia including
signs, hoods, pictures, literature, name plates, etc.
Three-legged dog named Tikka, with proud owners Doug
Miller and his wife Laura. Doug Miller’s late father’s truck
is featured on the Wheels of Time cover May/June 2015
Editor’s Note:
George Fiebe joined the Nutmeg Chapter two years ago.
He resides in Patchogue (Long Island) NY. George owns a
Mack Superliner, a Ward-LaFrance, and a Marmon.
George has a huge collection of truck photos and
memorabilia. He is a life-long truck driver and an expert
on old trucks and trucking companies.
Reprinted from the July 2015 issue of Land Line Magazine. Dave Sweetman tells his story of the York PA show. Enjoy!
I would like to bring it to your attention that, as noted in the Minutes of our ThanksGiving meeting, the Nutmeg Chapter
Dues will be $15 beginning in 2016. For members who have already paid their 2016 dues at the old membership rate, it
would be appreciated if you would send the additional $5 to Elizabeth Robertson (or pay her at the January 10th meeting).
This increase is long overdue. When I joined the Chapter in 1986, the dues were $10. We received a four-page newsletter
without any photos and the postage was 21¢. No one likes increases but it was good while it lasted.
While on the subject of money, please note that our Treasurer will have to “shuffle” some money between accounts in
order to have funds for next year’s show. The Nutmeg Chapter has been lucky over the years with good weather for our annual
show. Everyone knows the 2015 show was not well attended because of the rain. In past years, the Nutmeg Chapter has been
very generous to charities based on our profits from the Brooklyn Show, but we could not do that this year. If members could
purchase dash plaque or a t-shirt at the next meeting, it would help the Chapter boost the Show Account. Keep in mind that if
you came to the show, you would have spent some money that would have gone to the Chapter.
Letter to the Editor
Hi Don,
I want to thank Col. Arnold Briggs, Peter Yeomans and Don A. for their help toward my goal. They represent 2% of
our membership in the Nutmeg Chapter. What is it going to take to have the other 90% get involved? I am still
looking for the following Nutmeg Dash Plaques: 1991, 1992, 1993 and 1994. Any help in achieving my goal will be
greatly appreciated. My phone # is 413-596-8547
Also congratulations to Harold Foskett voted the 2016 Nutmeg Show Truck for his 1949 International KB-6.
Jim Dowd “JD”
Editor’s Follow-up
JD has a huge collection of Dash Plaques that he has collected over the years. Many of our members have multiple
trucks and get duplicate dash plaques at truck shows. Check in your cabs or desk drawers to see what you might have. JD is
looking for plaques from New England, New York and PA, and the National Shows. Thank you!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.
May your Christmas be blessed with gifts of family and friends and memories to share!
Wishing you Peace and Joy in the New Year
Bill Semple’s Auction
Auctions are always very interesting. When you are familiar with what is being auctioned, one can learn a lot about
what certain items will bring. Bill Semple held a “Time to Downsize” Auction at Pop’s Garage in Hudson, MA on
November 22. If any of you had the pleasure of attending meetings at Pop’s Garage, you know how extensive Bill’s
collection is. The auctioneers listed 1,800 toys, 1,200 license plates, and 13 trucks dating back to 1915. It took weeks
to number and catalog all the items.
There was a large, diversified crowd in attendance. Some people were interested in specific items such as the license
plates from a specific state and year; others were looking for Tonka trucks, Texaco trucks, trucks from a favorite
trucking company that meant something to them. Some folks were specifically interested in the real trucks that were
one-of-a-kind, some of which were made in Massachusetts.
Those auctioneers sure were fast talking and often you would hear someone asking the guy next to him “what did that
go for?” “wow, I can’t believe someone paid that!”, or “I would have paid that!” but it’s over and we move on to the next
item vowing to pay closer attention. I bet at the end of the day, some bidders were surprised at how much they were
taking home! This could make Christmas shopping easy for the families of “truck nuts”!
If you never had the chance to visit Pop’s Garage, the auction was your last chance to see Bill Semple’s vast collection all
in one place. Truck enthusiasts can still enjoy all this memorabilia, but they will have to travel far and wide to see it
Thank you Bill for sharing your toys with us!
Colonel Arnold Briggs
175 Blackmore Pond Road
West Wareham, MA 02576-1427
Cell: 508-317-7726
Home : 508-748-2500
Visit the Nutmeg Chapter WEBSITE and FACEBOOK
page for all the latest Chapter News and photos of
past Brooklyn Truck Shows!
Try it…You will LIKE it!
If you ask your grandchildren, they will be able to help
you find these sites and you can enjoy looking at the
photos Jon has downloaded!
Copy of a Mack article from 1955 about the Mianus River Dam & Mack Trucks
This article is from AUTOCAR MESSENGER June 18, 1931. Photos below are from Sales Literature in the 1940s
ATHS CT Nutmeg Chapter Steering Column Calendar of Events for 2016
Jan 10
ATHS Nutmeg Chapter Meeting at Foskett Equipment, 187 Peake Brook Rd, Woodstock CT 06281
Meeting always at 2 PM Business meeting at 2:00 PM - Contact Harold at 860-465-7503
ATHS Nutmeg Chapter Meeting at Pfahl’s Antique Truck Restorations, 73 East St – Route 132, Bethlehem,
CT 06751. Meeting at 2:00 PM. Members are asked to bring snacks or dessert. Contact Matt at
Belltown Annual Antique Car Club Gas & Steam Engine Show (always the last Sunday in April), Firemen’s
Field, Rt. 16 in East Hampton, CT. Contact Larry Emmons at 860-267-8584
ATCA Western Mass Chapter Annual Antique Truck Show (always the first Sunday in May) Yankee Candle
Corp. Headquarters; 1 ¼ mile north of Yankee Candle Flagship Store on Routes 5 & 10 and Yankee Way,
South Deerfield, MA. Contact Craig Gaudry at 413-834-1677
ATHS Nutmeg Chapter Meeting (date and location to be determined)
March 13
April 24
May 1
May tba
May 26-28
June 5
June 11-12
June 17-18
June 26
July tba
July 14-16
Aug 7
Aug 12-13
Aug 14
Aug 21
Sept 24-25
Oct 16
ATHS NATIONAL CONVENTION & ANTIQUE TRUCK SHOW in Salem, OR at the Oregon State Fair & Expo
Center. Contact 816-891-9900 or visit for further details.
ATHS Ocean State Vintage Heavy Haulers Annual Truck Show, Johnston War Memorial Park, Johnston, RI.
Contact Joe Pigitore II at 401-692-0095
ATCA CT Yankee Chapter Show 8 am to 4 pm (Always the week before the Macungie Show), Bethlehem
Fairgrounds, RT 61, Bethlehem, CT. Contact Bill Mitchell at 203-739-0018
ATCA Annual Truck Show & Flea Market, Macungie Memorial Park, RT 100, Macungie, PA. Contact ATCA
at 610-367-2567
ATHS Nutmeg Chapter Annual Truck Show & Flea Market (always the Sunday after Father’s Day)
Brooklyn Fairgrounds, Brooklyn, CT. Contact John Raymond at 860-608-5033 (cell)
ATHS Nutmeg Chapter Meeting (time and location to be determined)
Walcott Truckers Jamboree, Walcott, Iowa at I-80 Truck Stop, Exit 284. Call 563-284-6961 or
Belltown Auto Show, Firemen’s Field Rt. 16, East Hampton, CT. Contact Larry Emmons at 860-267-8584
17th Annual Brockway Show, Brockway Museum, I-81 Exit 12, Cortland, NY. Contact 607-299-4185 or
ATCA Mid-Hudson Chapter 13th Annual Antique Truck Show, Ulster County Fairgrounds, New Platz, NY
Contact 845-255-6211 or
ATCA Granite State Chapter Show, (Please note: the 2016 Granite State Chapter Truck Show has moved
again) New location is the Deering, NH at the Feather Airport off RT 202 on Old Concord Rd. 7 am to 3 pm
NO dogs, contact Don Smith, President at 603-664-9761
ATHS Hudson Mohawk Chapter 27th Annual Antique Truck Show, Ballston Spa, NY at the Saratoga Country
Fairgrounds. Pre 1990 Trucks, typically over 300 trucks with flea market. Grounds open at 8:30 am. NO
pets allowed. Contact Jeff at 581-371-8881
ATCA New England Chapter Truck Show, Bolton Fairgrounds, Rt. 117, Lancaster, MA 8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Contact Bill Semple at 978-460-0465 or . Able to deliver trucks on Saturday, selfcontained motor home parking, vendors and food available. Parking for 500 trucks.
We strongly suggest that you contact number(s) before traveling to a listed event to verify that the information
contained in this list is correct. Refer to “WHEELS OF TIME- THE ROUTE GUIDE” for other ATHS events.
Our Nutmeg Chapter Membership is growing …… We Welcome our New Members
Bernice West of Somers, CT
Robert West, Jr. of Portland, ME
Lance Dimock of Bolton, CT
John Sestilli of Southington, CT Richard Ferguson of Ellington, CT Richard Dayton of Watertown, CT
1991 Kenworth & 1967 Parker Dump Trailer
1991 Mack MH 600
Features 300 Mack w/ 5 speed transmission. 11R 22.5
tires, 441K miles. Good mechanical condition. $6500.
Contact Bob West, Jr. 207-233-6401
1965 Dodge C900
1991 Kenworth T-600, CAT 3406B, 350 HP, Jake Brake, 9speed overdrive, 12K front, 40 K rears, 411 Ratio, AC/PS
New wetline & Brakes. 1967 Parker Dump Trailer, 24 Ft
Alum. On a 27 Ft. frame, virgin tires, new brakes &
springs. Located in Wolcott, CT. $26,500 OBO. Will sell
separately. Call John Sestilli at 860-637-7379
1948 Fruehauf 28 FT Van, single axle, stainless steel
corrugated sides and roof, side door and rear swing
doors. Round nose. Needs work on upper coupler. $600
1947 Fruehauf Single Axle Dump Trailer, 22” wheels, it
dumps! $600.
These trailers are located in Somers, CT. Contact Robbie
LaPlante at 860-214-9839
Commercial Car Journals from 1945 to 1957
Will Buy or Trade Duplicate Copies for Same
Years. Contact John Montville at (845) 462-6469
Noon & Evenings
Features 413 Engine with 4K miles on it. Weldbilt body
with 25 ton capacity with 50 ton winch. Looking for a
good home. Call Charlie at 860-942-4728
Right-hand Steel Door for a 1940’s – 1950’s Autocar.
$100 or best offer. Call Tom Holcombe @860-673-1936
LOOKING for a Ford 9N Tractor with Loader.
Contact Peter Yeomans at 860-742-6796
Dash Plaques from the Nutmeg Chapter Shows
for1991, 1992, 1993 and 1994. Also Chapter show
plaques from New England, New York & PA
Contact Jim Dowd “JD” at 413-596-8547
a 1946 Autocar. Anyone have AIR, TEMP, OIL and
AMMETER Gauges (2 1l2”) for a 1946 Autocar?
Contact Tom Holcombe at 860-673-1936
Jon is still looking for assistance in writing the Nutmeg Chapter’s history for the website. If you are one of
our long-time members, you are a tremendous resource and have a wealth of information that can help Jon
in his quest to put the Club’s history on our Website. Make it a New Year’s Resolution to contact Jon
Yeomans. He will be happy to hear from you.
Do YOU have any photos, short stories on your restoration project, the history of your antique truck or “road stories”
to share with fellow antique truck enthusiasts? It’s really easy! Just give me a call, send a note or email me and I will
put something together for you. Everyone has a story that will interest your fellow truck enthusiasts. You’ll be glad
you did! 860-274-4758 or
Contact Don Arnauckas if you have any information for our Cares and Concerns column. We need to hear from you.
Do you have something to sell, some part for your restoration project that you are looking for? Contact Don at 860274-4758 or You can advertise it for FREE in our newsletter!
Did you know that the Nutmeg Chapter Newsletter is available via e-mail? Photos will be in color in the e-mail
version rather than black and white. Please contact Don Arnauckas to receive The Steering Column’s e-mail version.
Mike’s Mystery Truck is a 1948 Mack FW Chain Drive C-cab owned by White Oak Excavators, Inc. Thanks
again to Mike Pietraroia for his continuing support and contributions to The Steering Column!
2015 Show Tee Shirts & Dash Plaques Now on Sale
Support the Nutmeg Chapter by purchasing our Brooklyn Show Items at our January 10, 2016 meeting.
2015 Dash Plaques $ 5
2015 Tee Shirts
Keep in mind that our Annual Show is our major source of Income!
Nutmeg Chapter of the American Truck Historical Society Membership Application
Check your label to see if you are Current!
ATHS, P.O. Box 373., WILLINGTON, CT 06279; Phone: 860 429-3451 OR E-MAIL Elizabeth at:
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