African American - Presbyterian Church (USA)
African American - Presbyterian Church (USA)
2011 – 2012 Directory African American Presbyterian Congregations Louisville, KY ABOUT THE AFRICAN AMERIAN CONGREGATIONAL SUPPORT OFFICE The African American Congregational Support Office assists the Presbyterian Church (USA) in addressing the needs of African American Presbyterian Congregations. The office provides leadership at all levels of the denomination in order to strengthen the nurture and witness of African American Congregations. The main focus of the office is growth, health and vitality for these congregations and their ministries. This ministry works in partnership with presbyteries and congregations to help experience the unconditional love of God through Jesus Christ that empowers African American Presbyteries to be prophetic witnesses to the power of love to transform people, history, cultures and institutions. The African American Presbyterian legacy of prophetic leadership for justice and a culturally plural society has transformed the church and the world. The Black Presbyterian Church provides a forum for African American to share one another’s joys, concerns, achievements, sorrows and blessings. The Rev. John Gloucester began organizing the first African American congregation in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1807. The founding leaders named the congregation First African Presbyterian Church. John Gloucester commenced his missionary efforts by preaching in private houses June 1807 with twenty-two persons – nine men and thirteen women were organized in the church. Our office encourages congregations to become empowered by the Holy Spirit so that healthy congregation will be transformed and will transform individuals so that they can transform communities. As you read the directory, I want you to envision a partnership with the Holy Spirit, congregations, executives at National Office and Mid Council Faculty, Clergy Women, NBPC, Youth and Young Adults engaging in a process that will signal the beginning of an era in the Presbyterian Church (USA) where the Good News of God’s love is shared with people of all backgrounds and begin living the vision of God’s beloved community, to share with others God’s love and devotion. Lonnie J. Oliver, Associate African American Congregational Support Racial Ethnic & Women’s Ministries/PW 100 Witherspoon Street Louisville KY 40202 1-800-728-7228, ext 5697 502-569-5697 (Office) 502-569-8228 (Fax) 404-798-8069 (Cell) One Body with Many Members For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many are one body, so it is with Christ. For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and we were all made to drink of one Spirit. Indeed, the body does not consist of one member but of many. 1 Corinthians 12:12 - 14 -1- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONGREGATIONAL SUPPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Advisory Committee to the Office of African American Congregational Support provides guidance to the mission of the office and the implementation of the African American and the Racial Ethnic/Immigrant Evangelism and Church Growth Strategy. CO-MODERATORS Advisory Committee for Racial Ethnic Concerns Rev. Dr. Charles Heyward Rev. Caarolyn Heyward St. James Presbyterian Church 1314 Seccessionville Road Charleston, SC 29412 843-795-3959 Elder Mark Jones Advocacy Committee for Racial Ethnic Concerns 4737 Keniston Ave Los Angeles, CA 90043-1709 323-841-4212 Rev. Dr. Robert Burkins, Pastor Elmwood United Presbyterian Church 136 Elmwood Avenue East Orange, NJ 07018 973-678-0055 Adrienne Knight 4020 William Lane Baltimore, MD 20715 410-746-3010 (Cell) 202-220-1852 (Office) 301-805-4434 (Home) Antonio M. K. Lawrence Princeton Theological Seminary 64 Mercer Street, SB 387 Princeton NJ 08542 252-382-0161 Rev. Eustacia Moffett Marshall C.N. Jenkins Presbyterian Church 1421 Statesville Avenue Charlotte NC 28206 704-332-9137 Cedric Portis Sr. 9990 Lewis & Clark Road (Hwy 367 & Chambers Road St. Louis, MO 63136 314-868-9600 Rev. Dr. Y. Dianna Wright 3341 - 101 Cook Place Drive , Apt. 1 Clemmons NC 27012 704-661-7017 Alice Ridgill New Faith Presbyterian Church 106 Pepperhill Lane Greenwood, SC 29649 864-554-1204 (Office) 864-378-2423 (Cell) Rev. Dr. Lonnie J. Oliver Associate African American Congregational Support 100 Witherspoon Street, Room 3007 Louisville KY 40202 502-569-5697 (Office) 404-798-8069 (Cell) 502-569-8228 (Fax) NATIONAL BLACK PRESBYTERIAN Caucus (Youth) 100 Witherspoon Street, Room 3007, Louisville KY 40202, 888-728-7228 ext. 5697, -2- Page TABLE OF CONTENTS Index for individuals and Churches located at the back of the Directory. About the African American Congregational Support Office 1 African American Congregational Support Advisory Committee 2 Table of Contents (Index) 3 National Black Presbyterian Caucus 6 African American Presbyterian Seminary Faculty 10 African American PC (USA) Staff 12 African American Presbyterian Ordained Clergy Women 15 African-American Educators List 29 Presbyterian Church (USA) African-American Middle Governing Body Roster 30 Congregational Life 31 African American Congregations 33 Listed by Synod Alaska Northwest 33 Pacific 59 Covenant 33 Rocky Mountains 60 Lakes & Prairies 35 Southern California and Hawaii 60 Lincoln Trails 36 South Atlantic 61 Living Waters 37 Southwest 69 Mid America 41 Sun 70 Mid Atlantic 42 Trinity 72 Northeast 53 Listed by Presbytery Arkansas 70 Chicago 36 Baltimore 42 Cincinnati 33 Boston 53 Coastal Carolina 45 Carlisle 72 Denver 60 Central Florida 61 Detroit 33 Charleston Atlantic 61 Donegal 72 Charlotte 43 East Tennessee 37 -3- Page Listed by Presbytery Eastern Oklahoma 70 Newark 57 Eastern Virginia 47 North Alabama 39 Eastminster 34 Northeast Georgia 72 Elizabeth 53 Pittsburgh 74 Flint River 62 Providence 66 Florida 63 Salem 51 Foothills 63 San Diego 60 Giddings Lovejoy 41 San Francisco 59 Grace 70 San Gabriel 60 Grand Canyon 69 Savannah 67 Greater Atlanta 64 Scioto Valley 34 Heartland 41 Seattle 33 Holston 37 Sheppards & Lapsley 39 Hudson River 54 South Alabama 40 Indian Nations 70 South Louisiana 71 John Calvin 42 Southern Kansas 42 Lehigh 72 Southern New England 59 Long Island 54 St. Andrew 40 Maumee Valley 34 St. Augustine 68 Miami Valley 34 Tampa Bay 68 Mid Kentucky 37 The James 50 Mid South 38 The Pacific 60 Middle Tennessee 38 The Peaks 50 Milwaukee 35 The Pins 71 Mississippi 38 Trinity 68 Missouri River Valley 35 Tropical Florida 69 Monmouth 54 Twin Cities 35 National Capital 47 Wabash Valley 36 New Brunswick 54 West Jersey 59 New Castle 48 West Virginia 74 New Covenant 71 Western New York 59 New Harmony 64 Western North Carolina 52 New Hope 49 Western Reserve 35 New York City 54 Whitewater Valley 37 Report Forms: Congregation Update Report Individual Contact Report Web Resources INDEX Index by Individuals Index by Churches 77 78 79 86 -4- Subscribe to the AACS e-mail list at PCUSA.ORG/AFRICANAMERICANCONGREGATIONS -5- Who are We? The Rev. Arlene Gordon, recently retired executive presbyter for Tropical Florida Presbytery, was elected President of the National Black Presbyterian Caucus, which met as part of the Big Tent event in Indianapolis IN. She succeeds the Rev. George Bentley, pastor of Brown Memorial Presbyterian Church in Tuscaloosa, AL on the campus of Stillman College. In her first letter to NBPC members as president, Gordon wrote: “There is much challenging work ahead … I believe this organization is more vital now than ever before as we continue to faithfully serve our beloved church. The work that was begun by faithful and concerned Black Presbyterians to call the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to accountability is still just as necessary in these current times. It is therefore incumbent upon each one of us to continue the important work that the National Black Presbyterian Caucus has done over the years to address the concerns and aspirations of Black Presbyterians and to keep our concerns and issues before the church at large.” Purpose Statement for the National Black Presbyterian Caucus It is the purpose of the National Black Presbyterian Caucus: • • • • • • To promote church growth and the strengthening of Black Presbyterian congregations in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.); To emphasize the spiritual growth of individual members; To continually focus on concerns stemming from Black religious and cultural traditions as well as political and economic issues; To speak and act on those issues that adversely affects the lives of People of African descent; To achieve full participation of its members in the total Church and society; and To combat racism and injustice. FACTS ABOUT THE NBPC NBPC represents the historic legacy and continuing existence of a Black Caucus in the Presbyterian Church which was first organized by Black clergy in 1856 at Shiloh Presbyterian Church of New York City. NBPC has an annual increase in membership goal of 20% through 2010. NBPC works in programmatic partnership with the Black Congregational Enhancement Office of the General Assembly (NMD); and works with the Advocacy Committee for Racial Ethnic Concerns (ACREC) of the General Assembly to develop recommendations to be acted upon by General Assembly. NBPC maintains a data base of its membership in the national office and makes it available to chapters and regions upon request. NBPC has an Africa Connection program that includes mission partnering with churches in Africa and in promoting the HOME-BASED AIDS KITS program among our Presbyterian Churches. -6- NATIONAL BLACK PRESBYTERIAN CAUCUS P.O Box 19006 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33319 (704) 332-9137 NATIONAL BLACK PRESBYTERIAN CAUCUS (NBPC) BOARD OF DIRECTORS (2011 - 2013) NATIONAL OFFICERS Rev. Dr. Arlene w. Gordon President (’13) 2740 E. Aragon Blvd. Unit 3 Sunrise, Fl. 33313 (954) 746-0863 (H) (954) 383-8510 (C) Ms. Marvella Lambright, National Sec. (’13) 2835 Otterbein Ave. Dayton, OH 45406 (937) 838-3780 (C) Rev. Robert L. Capers, Vice Pres. (’13) 2225 Ashley River Rd., Apt. 245 Charleston, S.C. 29414-4731 (843) 573-2297 (H) (843) 709-2406 Rev. Dr. Arthur W. Canada, Sr., Treasurer (’13) 1736 Pondella Dr. Charlotte, NC 28213 (704) 509-2509 (H) (704) 588-2733 (O) , (704) 649-4713 (C) DIRECTOR, CHAPTER AND REGION DEVELOPMENT Rev. Dr. Leon E. Fanniel 2889 San Pasqual St. Pasadena, CA 91107 626-396-1941 (H) Preferred 626-396-1940 (C) -7- REPRESENTATIVES Rev. Addie Peterson, Mid-Atlantic (’13) 1485 Johnstons Rd. Norfolk, Va. 23513 (757) 855-8733 / (757) 478-4167 Ms. Natalie Toombs, Mid-South (’13) 1153 Greenview Rd. Collierville, TN 38017 (901) 221-8042 (H) / (901) 849-0354 (c) Ms. Lillie Brown, Midwest (’13) PO Box 288172 Chicago, Illinois 60628-8172 (773) 909-0106 (C) / (773) 785-5266 Ms. Catherine Adams, Northeast (’13) 1013 E. Slocum St. Philadelphia, PA 19150 (215) 924-0956 (H) Melvin Lowry (’13) 2454 Golden Camp Rd Augusta, GA 30310 (706) 793-6908 (H) Mr. Mark S. Jones, Sr. West (’13) 4737 Keniston Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90043 (323)290-0135 (H) / (323) 734-1566 (O) (323) 841-4212 (C) Preferred Vacant- Southwest (’13) SEMINARY REPRESENTATIVE Marcus Lambright 64 Mercer St. Princeton, NJ 08542-6803 (937) 838-3781 YOUTH ADVISOR Latrice Makawarawanda 49 E 12th Ave. Key West, Fl 33040 (305) 879-2438 YOUTH REPRESENTATIVE - Midwest Charvon Knight 5850 Summersweet Dr. Clayton, OH 45415 (937) 837-2667 -8- YOUNG ADULT REPRESENTATIVE Ms. Sophia Hardy 5167 Autumn Evening Memphis, TN 38125 (901) 582-7222 (H) BLACK PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN Ms. Shelia Louder 375 Fairfield Circle Fayetteville, GA 30214 (770 964-3872) (H) (404) 376-6648 (C) AFRICAN AMERICAN CLERGY WOMEN Rev. Dr. Iris Tucker- Lloyd 14449 East State Fair St. Detroit, MI 48205 (313) 372-9693 (H) (313) 268-3070 (O), (313) 815-3466 (O) AFRICAN CONNECTION Rev. Otis A. and Earline Smith 1345 Oak Bend Dr. Stockbridge, Ga. 30281 (770) 474-5626 (H) ADVISORY MEMBERS Rev. Dr. Lonnie J. Oliver, G.A.M.C. 100 Witherspoon Street Louisville, KY 40202 (502) 569-5697 (O)/ (404) 798-8069 (C) -9- African American Seminary Faculty* Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary 512-404-4837 Stubbs, Monya Colgate Theological Seminary **** Byron, Gay 585-340-9591 Columbia Theological Seminary Azumah, John ** Mullen, Deborah Riggs, Marcia Roberts, Joseph Tribble, Jeffrey Watkins, Ralph White, John 404-687-4581 404-687-4520 404-687-4537 404-687-4589 404-687-4586 404-687-4536 404-687-4522 Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary Brogdon, Lewis Mumford, Debra Walker, Elizabeth Williamson, Scott 502-992-9374 502-895-3411 ext. 434 502-895-3411 ext. 433 502-894-2284 McCormick Theological Seminary Daniels, David 773-947-6342 New York Theological Seminary **** Fields, Nancy Lundy, Wanda Moody-Shepherd, E. 212-870-1269 212-870-1239 212-870-1215 Pittsburgh Theological Seminary Thompson, Audrey 412-921-1449 - 10 - African American Seminary Faculty* Princeton Theological Seminary LaRue, Cleophus Powery, Luke Pierce, Yolanda 606-497-7874 606-497-7929 606-497-3667 San Francisco Theological Seminary Garret-Cobbina, Laurie Noel, James 415-451-2889 415-451-2888 Union Presbyterian Seminary Blount, Brian Cannon, Katie Roberts, Samuel Sadler, Rodney 804-278-4200 ext. 200 804-278-4331 ext. 331 804-278-4395 ext. 395 704-337-2450 ext. 7506 John C. Smith Theological Seminary *** Aymer, Margaret Lomax, Mark Peters, Ronald Roberts, Paul Snulligan-Haney, M. 404-527-7731 404-527-5719 404-527-7700 404-527-7782 404-614-6323 * ** *** **** Not all faculty members listed are Presbyterian. John Azumah is Ghanan, not African American. Listed are Presbyterian faculty members of the Interdenominational Center. Listed Seminary is non-Presbyterian. - 11 - African American PC (USA) Staff Luke Asikoye Assoc. Int’l Disaster Response Presbyterian Disaster Asst. (PDA) Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY Flora Daniel Sr. Administrative Assistant Dept. Ecumenical & Agency Rel (DEAR) Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY Barbara Betts Sr. Adminstrative Assistant Distribution (DIST) Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY Cindy Ealy Sr. Administrative Assistant Vocation (VOC) Prebyterian Center – Louisville KY Herbert Beverly Building Superintendent Department of History (DOH) DOH – Philadelphia (LOM) Marla Edwards Customer Service Rep Distribution (DIST) Warehouse (WHSE) Pamela Burdine Associate Constituency Relations Presbyterian Disaster Assistant (PDA) Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY Joe Garner Social Worker Jarvie (JARVI) 475 Riverside Drive, NYC (475) Monica Cabell Associate Organizational Diversity Human Resources (HR) Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY Karen Gasaway Dist. Service Team Leader Distribution (DIST) Warehouse (WHSE) Toni Carver-Smith Associate Director Mission Effect./Admin Dir. Compassion, Peace & Justice (DIR) Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY SanDawna Gaulman-Ashley Office of Vocation, OGA Associate for Leadership Development Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY Sandra Charles Risk Management Assistant Legal & Risk Management Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY Michelle Grant-Tate Social Worker Jarvie (JARVI) 475 Riverside Drive, NYC (475) Thyriss Coleman Parcel/Inkjet Clerk Mail & Print Services Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY Veronica Green PW program Assistant Presbyterian Women Presbyterian Center - 12 - Stacy Gregory Administrative Assistant Africa Office Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY Denise McCoy Administrative Assistant Global Discipleship Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY Terri Bowman(Horton) Sr. Customer Service Representive Distribution (DIST) Warehouse (WHSE) Jewel McRae Assoc. Clc./Racial Ethnic Refer. Vociation (VOC) Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY Sherri Hunter Sr. Administrative Assistant Dept. Ecumenical & Agency Rel. Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY Ada Middleton Office Generalist Theology & Worship Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY Rhashell Hunter Program Director Racial Ethnic Director Racial Ethnic & Women’s Ministries Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY Stephanie Morris PW Designer Presbyterian Women Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY Quincina Jackson Front Desk & Office Assistant Department of History (DOH) DOH – Philadelphia (LOM) Sterling Morse Coor. Cross Cultural Ministries Congregational Support Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY Bridgette Lewis Administrative Assistant Young Adult & National Vonunteers Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY Margaret Mwale Assoc. for Community Relations Self Development of People (SDOP) Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY Mary Lewis Administrative Assistant Self Development of People (SDOP) Presbyterican Center – Louisville KY James Nelson Director of Public Witness Washington Office (WASH) Washington Office (MAR) Shelly Lewis Sr. Administrative Assistant Finance/Accounting (FA) Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY Rose Niles-McCrane Assoc. Theological Ed. & Seminary Theological Education (TE) Presbyterican Center – Louisville KY Mary McAdory Senior Administrative Assistant Self Development of People (SDOP) Presbyterican Center – Louisville KY Dayna Oliver Inter AA + Peacemaking Registry Peacemaking (PM) Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY - 13 - Lonnie J. Oliver Assoc. African American Cong. Support African American Congregational Support Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY Lynette Stivers Data Entry CSR Funs Development Services (FDS) Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY Vincent Patton Executive Administrator Exec. Admin. Office (EXADM) Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY Brenda Stoney Senior Accounting Clerk Finance/Accounting (FA) Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY Derrick Perkins Order Fulfillment Clerk Distribution (DIST) Warehouse (WHSE) Gail Strange MKtg. Comm. Manager/Comm. Assistant Mission Communications Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY Jason Peterson Director of Loan Operations N/A Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY Octavia Craig (Thomas) Customer Service Leader Distribution (DIST) Warehouse (WHSE) Sherri Pettway Administrative Assistant Executive Administrative Office (EXADM) Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY Charlotte Wakefield Senior Computer Operator Information Technology (IT) Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY Anita Rowe Customer Service Rep. Distribution (DIST) Warehouse (WHSE) Yvette Way-Warfield Senior Administrative Assistant Vocation (VOC) Presbyterican Center – Louisville KY Joann Saunders Associate Mission Payment IHD Operations & Administration Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY Cynthia White Coor. Self Development of People Self Development Services (SDOP) Presbyterican Center – Louisville KY Wilma Scott Church Leader Connection Vocation (VOC) Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY Robina Winbush Dir. Ecumenical & Agency Rel. Dept. Ecumenical Agency (DEAR) Presbyterian Center – Louisville KY Kerry Starks Director, Mail/Print Center Mail & Print Services Presbyterian Center—Louisville KY Janetta Young Simm Order Fulfillment Clerk Distribution (DIST) Warehouse (WHSE) - 14 - AFRICAN AMERICAN PRESBYTERIAN ORDAINED CLERGY WOMEN The Rev. Estelle Aaron 2439 Connecticut Southfield, MI 48075 (216) 851-2777, (216) 280-1338 (249) 559-1925 February 28, 2004 The Rev. Dr. Margaret Aymer Interdenominational Theological Center 700 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr Atlanta, GA 30314 (404) 527-7700 January 26, 2004 The Rev. Dorothy Akoto 5401 S. Cornell #406 Chicago, IL 60615 (312) 731-9447 February 28, 2000 The Rev. Patricia Bacon Calvary Presbyterian Church 44 Circle St. Asheville, NC 28801 (704) 254-8541, (828) 254-8541 May 23, 1999 The Rev. Jacqueline Alexander 614 2nd St SW Conover, NC 28613 (828) 464-4547 June 1, 1974 The Rev. Venetta Baker (retired) 5826 Brookefield Pointe Dr. Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 391-3699 March 2, 1984 The Rev. Lillian Anthony (Retired) 521 W. Ormsby Ave. Louisville, KY 40207 (502) 636-3754 July 25, 1993 The Rev. Karen Battle 901 Allegheny Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15233 (412) 323-1400 August 31, 1986 The Rev. Angela Archer 8101 Winston Rd. Chestnut Hill, PA 19118 (215) 753-1564 April 14, 1996 The Rev. Joan Bell-Haynes 11508 N. Shore Dr. Reston, VA 20190 (703) 620-3065 January 24, 2006 The Rev. Maretta Arnold-Franklin 8044 Garrett Pines Dr Midland, GA 31820 (706) 987-5520 November 27, 2005 The Rev. Karen Bellin, Chaplain 3600 Augusta Glade Schertz, TX 78154 (210) 659-7843 September 10, 1989 The Rev. Dr. SanDawna Ashley 100 Witherspoon Street Louisville, KY 40202-1396 (502) 569-5730 October 31, 1999 The Rev. Catherine Benjamin 107 N. Main St. (PO Box 493) Lyndonville, NY 14098 (583) 765-2838 June 8, 2008 - 15 - The Rev. Nancy Benson-Nicol Chaplain, University of Ozarks 415 N. College Avenue Clarksville, AR 72830 (479) 647-6001 Nov. 11, 2001 The Rev. Willie M. Brazil (retired) 100 Monie Lane Raleigh, NC 27601 (919) 829-3532 June 26, 1994 The Rev. Brenda Berry University Heights Presbyterian Church 2167 University Ave Bronx, NY 10453 (718)295-1220 ext. 1224 September 29, 2001 The Rev. Annette P. Brewer 1695 Brewer Rd. Pageland, SC 29728 (843) 672-7845 March 14, 2010 Elder Anita J. Bishop-Johnson, REC 1 Leicester Ct. Owings Mill, MD 21117 (410) 581-4946 The Rev. Constance C. Bright 2131 N.W. 27th Terrace Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33311 (954) 733-2586, (954) 319-4667 July 9, 2000 The Rev. Agnes Blackmon Westminster Bethany Presbyterian Church 644 Mac Donough Brooklyn, NY 11233 (718) 443-1509 May 28, 1998 The Rev. Brenda Brooks 3238 N. Carlisle St. Philadelphia, PA 19140 (215) 226-3038 June 26, 1983 The Rev. Gloria Bolden 1647 Vancouver Drive Charlotte, NC 28213 (704) 596-4144, (704) 953-6204 May 31, 1998 The Rev. Aisha Brooks-Lytle 13 E. Mount Pleasant Ave. Philadelphia PA 19119 (215) 247-1303 December 20, 2008 The Rev. Leslie Y Boone Hazelwood Presbyterian 5000 2nd Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15207 (412) 471-0947 May 27, 2006 The Rev. Joanne Brown (retired) 16 Creekdale Dr. Sherwood, AZ 72120 (501) 412-1419 December 7, 1986 Elder Patricia Brown, REC 4400 Floral Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45212 (513) 531-1546 The Rev. Grace E. Bowen 1221 Cambridge Street #T04 Cambridge, MA 02139 (617) 308-0634 February 1987 - 16 - The Rev. Dr. Karen Brown 2248 Madison Avenue Baltimore, MD 21217 (410) 383-1785 (Home), (410) 336-6246 (Cell) August 31, 1994 The Rev. Helen B. Byrd 913 Covenant St. Norfolk, VA 23504 (757) 623-1875 August 13, 2009 The Rev. Virginia M. Brown 3138 Cowley Way Apt. 4 San Diego, CA 92117 (323) 734-1566 November 4, 1990 The Rev. Gay Lynne Byron Genesee Valley Presbyterian 1190 Winston Rd. South Rochester NY 14618 (585) 242-0080 March 16, 1997 The Rev. Nina Bryant-Sanyika Chaplain 11926 Fortune Park Drive Houston, TX 77047 (832) 355-3258 January 18, 1998 The Rev. Dr. Katie Cannon Union Theological Seminary 3401 Brook Road Richmond, VA 23221 (804) 355-0671 April 23, 1974 Rev. Carrie L. Buckner Director, Chaplain Services Alta Bates Summit Medical Center 2450 Ashby Ave. Berkeley, CA 94705 (510) 204-6730, (510) 848-6119 May 5, 1995 The Rev. Veronica Cannon 2329 Carved Tree Lane Charlotte, NC 28262 (704) 597-7047, (704) 408-7086 October 24, 2010 The Rev. Beverly Sherrill Bullock P.O. Box 1814 Petersburg, VA 23805-0814 (804) 733-8635 (O) November 4, 1984 The Rev. Olivia Capers 70 Prospect Park SW #E7 Brooklyn, NY 11215 (718)768-0744 November 20, 2001 The Rev. Cynthia Burse Bethany Presbyterian Church 206 N. Garfield Ave. Columbus, OH 43203-1305 (614) 253-7489 October 9, 2005 The Rev. Joy Carrington 604 Ivy Chapel Rd. Little Rock, AR 72206 (501)425-0729, (501)661-2958 March 13, 2011 The Rev. Ella Busby Goodwill Presbyterian Church 295 N. Brick Church Rd. Maysville, SC 29104 (803) 495-3599 December 6, 1992 The Rev. Grace Cheptu 3109 Del Monico Dr. Decatur, GA 30032 (404) 384-5573 December 2, 2003 - 17 - The Rev. Terrell Cistrunk New Life Presbyterian Fellowship 3276 N. Palmer St. Milwaukee, WI 53212 (414) 264-1290 October 16, 2005 The Rev. Volina Cross-Dukes (retired) 6942 N 44th St. Milwaukee, WI 53223 (414) 228-1470 October 26, 2003 The Rev. Belinda M. Curry 2400 Mellwood Ave. Apt 909 Louisville, KY 40206 (502) 899-7223 June 1, 1997 The Rev. Kymberley Clemons-Jones 114 Camdike St. Valley Stream, NY 11580 (718) 219-1628 April 1, 2005 The Rev. Rebecca Curtis First Presbyterian Church 20 Tacoma Ave. S Tacoma, WA 98402 (253) 272-3286 November 20, 2005 The Rev. Ernestine Cole (retired) 41 Sutton Place Avondale Estates, GA 30002 (404)288-9733 April 28, 1991 The Rev. Elizabeth Emily Coleman 4120 Gables Drive Atlanta, GA 30319 (404) 806-1388 July 5, 2003 The Rev. Yvette Louise Dalton (retired) 782 Big Hill Rd. Kettering, OH 45419 August 5, 1984 The Rev. Jeanne Daniels 11214 Bybee St. Silver Spring, MD 20902 (301) 649-5923 February 26, 1995 The Rev. Dr. Yvonne Collie-Pendleton Memorial Presbyterian Church 189 Babylon Trke Roosevelt, NY 11575 (516) 623-9661 October 10, 1999 The Rev. Carolyn Davis 108 Corley Woods Rd Lexington, SC 29072 (843) 889-8319 Elder Dr. LaJerne Cornish, REC 847 Randolph Drive Aberdeen, MD 21001 (410) 575-7748, (410)925-9403 The Rev. Audrey O. Deas St. Paul Presbyterian Church 7404 Hwy 162 Hollywood, SC 29449 (843) 559-5752 May 30, 1999 The Rev. Angela R. Cowser 1015 Brittany Park Dr. Antioch, TN 37013 (615) 265-5531 August 20, 2006 The Rev. Dr. Rita Dixon (retired) 2834 Toney Drive Decatur, GA 30032 (404) 288-5952 June 4, 1978 - 18 - The Rev. Troy Janel Dixon Calvary Presbyterian Church 209 Pender St., E Wilson, NC 27893 (252) 237-6657 July 12, 1998 The Rev. Phillis Marie Felton 2032 N Wolfe St. Baltimore, MD 21213 December 14, 1980 The Rev. Nancy Fields (Chaplain) 61 Claremont Ave. Mount Vernon, NY 10552 (212)870-1269 September 1, 2001 The Rev. Meri-Li Douglas 16 Weybridge Pl Chapel Hill, NC 27517 (919) 401-0518, (919)604-2898 October 10, 1998 The Rev. Neema Cyrus Franklin Greater Atlanta Presbytery 1024 Ponce de Leon Ave. NE Atlanta, GA 30306 (678) 638-1473 The Rev. Dr. Winona Ducille (retired) 445 NE 195th St. #226 Miami Beach, FL 33179 (305) 651-7370 July 20, 1980 The Rev. Alika Galloway Kwanzaa Presbyterian Church 2100 Emerson Ave. N. Minneapolis, MN 55411 (612) 287-8152 June 25, 1996 The Rev. Denise L. Dunbar-Perkins Chaplain 190 George Street West St. Paul, MN 55107 (612)863-9665 March 26, 2006 The Rev. Marilynn D. Gibson Berea Presbyterian Church 2621 Russell Blvd St Louis, MO 63104 (314) 772-1810 The Rev. Annie Duncan 3511 Kent St. Flint, MI 48503 (810) 744-3179 The Rev. Larryetta Ellis (Chaplain) 9610 Arrow Ridge Dr. Louisville, KY 40229 (502) 468-9926 February 27, 2011 The Rev. Betty Gilbert 3620 E. 38th Street Indianapolis, IN 46220 (317) 251-0609 March 3, 2005 The Rev. Toby Gillespie-Mobley Glenville New Life Community Church 10504 Helena Ave. Cleveland, OH 44108 (216) 451-8540 January 1, 1989 The Rev. Urla Eversley Bread of Life Pres. Church 7434 Riding-Trail Rd. Charlotte, NC 28212 (267) 226-5426 May 6, 2001 - 19 - The Rev. Dr. Diane Givens-Moffett St. James Presbyterian Church 820 Ross Avenue Greensboro, NC 27406 (336) 273-6658 (church) November 7, 1987 The Rev. Anna Grant 3335 Spring Garden St. Philadelphia, PA 19104 (215) 387-2441 The Rev. Bridgett A. Green Ph.D Candidate Vanderbilt University 1306 Heritage Dr. Madison, TN 37115 (609) 977-2280 December 4, 2005 The Rev. Doris Glaspy Roseville Presbyterian Church 36 Roseville Ave. Newark, NJ 07107 (973) 483-3361 November 23, 1993 The Rev. Louwanda Harris Hazelwood Presbyterian Church 5000 Second Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15207 (412) 421-0947 July 12, 1987 The Rev. Veronica Goines St. Andrews United Presbyterian Church 25 Terrace Dr. Marin City, CA 94965 (415) 332-1011 November 24, 1996 The Rev. Marinda Harris Presbytery of Greater Atlanta 1450 Ralph Abernathy SW Atlanta, GA 30310 (404) 346-7203 November 5, 1989 The Rev. Sadie H. Goldsmith (retired) 519 Church St Laurens, SC 29360 (864) 684-8348 September 1, 1991 The Rev. Valeria Harvell Temple Presbyterian Church 1300 N. 7th St. Philadelphia, PA 19122 (215) 232-9777 May 7, 1995 The Rev. Chinneta Goodjoin New Hope Presbyterian Church (NCD) 1426 E. Sedona Drive Orange, CA 92866 (864) 706-8260 October 29, 2000 The Rev. Carmen Harwell 12106 Frankstown Rd. Pittsburgh, PA 15235 (412) 793-0227 February 23, 2002 The Rev. Dr. Arlene W. Gordon (retired) 2740 E. Aragon Blvd Unit 3 Sunrise, FL 33313 (954)746-0863 , (954) 383-8510 June 21, 1991 The Rev. A. Vanessa Hawkins Ph.D Candidate 2500 Benvenue Avenue #303 Berkeley, CA 94704 (502) 645-5696 March 22, 1998 The Rev. Stephany Graham 6029 Burnt Oak Road Catonsville, MD 21228 (410) 493-6748 May 16, 1998 - 20 - The Rev. Pauline Haynes Presbytery of New York 2110 1st Street #1701 New York, NY 10029 (212) 294-1527 March 20, 1988 The Rev. Andrea Jeans P.O. Box 181224 Memphis, TN 38181 (901) 516-8634 January 6, 2002 The Rev. Alice P. Hernandez Chaplain 9 Richaland Medical Park #350 Columbia, SC 29203 (803) 434-7555 October 25, 2009 The Rev. Maxine E. Jenkins (Retired) 2008 Palm Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15235 (412) 244-9764 May 2005 The Rev. Gloria Johnson Berea College 216 Prospect Street Berea, KY 40403 (859) 985-3133 October 24, 1996 The Rev. Minette R. Hope (retired) 417 Quincy St. NW Washington, DC 20011 June 4, 2011 The Rev. Barbara Lee Hughes 710 Stillrock Drive Atlanta, GA 30331 (770) 996-7159 The Rev. Theola Patra Jones 500 E. 33rd St. #1803 Chicago, Ill 60616 June 18, 2000 The Rev. Catherine Hughes 946 West 220th Street Unit 116 Torrance, CA 90502 (213) 503-1787 August 23, 1998 The Rev. Alyce Kelley 823 N. Center ST. Hickory, NC 28601 (828) 758-5826 August 19, 1995 The Rev. Dr. Rhashell Hunter Director, RE&WM/PW 100 Witherspoon St. Room 3040 Louisville, KY 40202 1-888-728-7228 x5494 February 12, 1995 The Rev. Beverly Kelly 6205 Indian Ridge Midland, MI 48640 (989) 894-2430 September 8, 2002 The Rev. Amitiya Hyman (Retired) 14 K Laurel Hill Rd. Greenbelt, MD 20770 February 3, 1980 The Rev. Denise D. Kennedy 98 Chichester Rd. Monroe, NJ 08831 (973) 761-4421, (609) 860-0262 June 10, 2005 The Rev. Elenora Giddings Ivory (Retired) 3630 13th Street N.E. Washington, DC 20017 (202) 635-7998 September 5, 1976 - 21 - The Rev. Chenyangu Khonje 19 W 4th St. Dunkirk, NY 14048 (716) 366-2421 May 23, 2010 The Rev. Connie Sadler Lee 3792 Hollow Tree Lane Lilburn, GA 30047 (770) 736-5490 October 13, 2002 The Rev. Shanea Danyel Leonard 1401 Pennsylvania Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15233 December 9, 2007 Elder Ledonia Kimball, REC 5315 Fern Park Ave Baltimore, MD 21207 (410) 448-9164 The Rev. Jacqueline Lewis Drew University CM1740 Madison, NJ 07940 January 1, 2001 Elder Priscilla King, REC 2319 Mountain St. Philadelphia, PA 19145 (215) 468-0370 The Rev. Dr. Delrio A. Ligons-Berry P. O. Box 6086 King of Prussia, PA 19406 (320) 363-3358 September 11, 1985 The Rev. Diane Lacey 10 W 135th St. #7U New York, NY 10037 (212) 283-4751 May 21, 1995 The Rev. Dr. Wanda Lundy 28 Myrtle Avenue Edgewater, NJ 07020-1405 (201) 970-3337 March 29, 1987 The Rev. Desiree A. Lawson 5151 Lennon Rd. Flint, MI 48507 (810) 720-5152 March 22, 2001 The Rev. Crystal M. Lyde Port Royal & Mexico Presbyterian Church PO Box 412 Port Royal, PA 17082 December 27, 2009 Elder Donna Lea, REC 2333 Edmonson Ave. Baltimore, MD 21223 (410) 624-7533 The Rev. Diana Lyles First Presbyterian Church 1013 Pacific Ave Atlantic City, NJ 8404 The Rev. Barbara Galloway Lee Staff Chaplain Kaiser Foundation 585 A Jackson Street Albany, CA 94706 (510) 316-7950 The Rev. Dr. Gwendolyn Magby 717 Simonton Street Key West, FL 33040 (305) 296-3318(Day), (305) 393-3902 (Cell) June 24, 1996 Elder Viola Hickson Lee, REC 11505 Sunny Creed Ln Manor, TX 78053 (512) 992-7519 January 1, 2010 The Rev. Dr. Clarice Martin 8242 Turnstone Drive Manlius, NY 13104 (315) 682-0016 January 1, 2001 - 22 - The Rev. Dr. Joan Martin Episcopal Divinity School 99 Brattle Street Cambridge, MA 02138 (617) 868-3450, ext. 326-O October 10, 1976 The Rev. Cynthia McCullough 8808 GladeSpring Ln #202 Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 568-2004 February 15, 2005 The Rev. Sandra N. Martin Scotlandville Presbyterian Church 1246 Rosenwald Blvd Baton Rouge, LA 70874 March 23, 2003 The Rev. Dr. Jermaine McKinley, Pastor 5945 Saltsburg Road Verona, PA 15147 (412) 441-3304 x2135, (412) 798-9027 December 19, 1999 The Rev. Denise Mason 100 N. Bellefield Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (412) 682-2751 The Rev. Barbara J. McRae 300 N. Washington St. Ypsilanti, MI 48197 March 15, 1997 The Rev. Dr. Patricia Mason (retired) 1870 Graham Blvd Pittsburgh, PA 15235 June 9, 1983 The Rev. Bernadine McRipley (retired) 9071 Mill Creek Rd. #715 Levittown, PA 19054 (215) 943-2297 October 18, 1981 The Rev. Carmen Mason-Browne 400 Argyle Rd. #LE3 Brooklyn, NY 11218 (347) 787-7124 August 27, 1989 Elder Gloria D. Mencer, REC 605 Fernwood Rd. Knoxville, TN 37923 (865) 693-7822 The Rev. Eustacia Moffett Marshall 1421 Statesville Ave. Charlotte, NC 28206 (704) 332-9137 February 18, 2007 The Rev. Sonya Denise McAuley-Allen 8513 Luchinvar Dr. Charlotte, NC 28227 (704) 609-1052 April 26, 2003 The Rev. Eleanor Moody-Shepherd 2102 Holland 1B Bronx, NY 10462 (718) 792-6805 October 13, 1996 The Rev. Myrtle McCall Mechanicsburg Presbyterian Church 300 E Simpson St. Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 (717) 697-0351 December 11, 1983 The Rev. Brenda Mosley Moore Second Presbyterian Church 114 S Walnut St W Chester, PA 19382 November 5, 2011 - 23 - The Rev. Deborah Mullen, Dean McCormick Theological Seminary 5555 S. Woodlawn Ave. Chicago, IL 60637 (773) 947-6271 July 17, 1983 The Rev. Barbara B. Ndovie 321 N 65th St. Philadelphia, PA 19131 (215) 796-3285 June 17, 1984 The Rev. Dr. Rose Niles PCUSA 100 Witherspoon St. Room #M069 Louisville, KY 40202 1-888-728-7228 Ext.5337 October 27, 1991 The Rev. Morrisine Flennaugh Mutshi 5515 Chat Ford Square Columbus, OH 43232 September 14, 1980 The Rev. Gail Porter Nelson Liberation Community Church 694 S Bellevue Blvd. Memphis, TN 38104 (901) 274-5004 October 8, 1987 The Rev. Rhonda Nixon (retired) 3050 Military Road NW #531 Washington, DC 20015 (202) 244-9494 December 15, 1991 The Rev. Retha Mungin Nelson New Covenant United Pres. Church Route 1 Box 670 Alcolu, SC 29001 (803) 473-2890 May 18, 1986 The Rev. Valencia Norman 11 Spring Avenue Cranford, NJ 07016 (908) 276-8440 September 27, 1998 The Rev. Kikanza J. Nuri 8306 Wilshire Blvd. #81 Beverly Hills, CA 90211 (323) 939-1034 October 10, 1999 The Rev. Jemimah Ngatia 7218 Shelburne Dr. St. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 843-7399 November 12, 2005 The Rev. Alma O’Bryant (retired) 2023 Princeton Rd. West Columbia, SC 29170 February 21, 1981 The Rev. Janice Nessibou 537 S. 3rd Street Louisville, KY 40202 (502) 583-3880 April 26, 1987 The Rev. Paula Owens-Parker Daughters of Zelophehad 6415 Irongate Dr. (PO Box 36207) Richmond, VA 23235 (804) 714-0007, (804) 560-8709 September 11, 1994 The Rev. Dr. Mary Newbern-Williams Cote Brilliante Presbyterian Church 4673 Labadie Ave. St. Louis, MO 63115 (314) 381-2770, (314) 262-5503 June 18, 1989 - 24 - The Rev. Opelton Parker 59 Taylor Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 879-4600 December 14, 2003 The Rev. Erika Maria Rembert Washington Shores Presbytery 3600 Rogers Dr. Orlando, FL 32805 (404) 295-4741 October 18, 2008 The Rev. Linda Parker Chaplain 2620 Weaver St. Durham, NC 27701 (919) 484-2959 March 14, 2004 Elder Claire Rhodes, REC 1810 Marion Anderson Rd Hot Springs, AR 71913 (501) 760-3798 The Rev. Addie Naomi Peterson 1485 Johnstons Rd. Norfolk, VA 23513 (757) 855-8733 December 8, 2002 The Rev. Alice Ridgill 106 Pepperhill Lane Greenwood, SC 29649 (864) 378-2841 February 17, 2002 Elder Doris Peterson, REC 1576 Wainright St. Hillside, NJ 07205 The Rev. Cleota Robertson Sound View Presbyterian Church 760 Soundview Ave Bronx, NY 10473 June 28, 1994 The Rev. Devia Pellam Phinisee 117 Kings Creek Road Irmo, SC 29063 (803) 682-1274 November 1, 1976 The Rev. Julia Robinson-Harmon PO Box 156 Monroe, NC 28111 (704) 289-1340 April 25, 2004 The Rev. Laura Porter (retired) 208 Hoppen Drive Central Islip, NY 11722 May 27, 2001 The Rev. Andrea M. Rogers 6048 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19139 The Rev. Rosalind Powell (retired) 3533 Normandy Road Shaker Heights, OH 44120 (216) 283-9292 October 2, 1982 The Rev. Wanda Shannon 3025 Belfast Way Richmond, VA 94806 (510) 223-8298 January 9, 2000 The Rev. Julia Prince George W. Lange Memorial Pres. Church P.O. Box 1473 Cheraw, SC 29520 (803) 537-6997 September 25, 1988 The Rev. Jon-Irma Singleton, Church of the Covenant (Associate Pastor) 1300 Fair Hill Rd. #108 Shaker, OH 44120 (216)421-0482 October 29, 1989 - 25 - The Rev. Diane Smalley 6463 Oakbrook Drive Ypsilanati, MI 48197 (313) 318-8724 December 11, 1988 The Rev. Dr. Gloria J. Tate Presbyterian Church of Teaneck 1 Church St. Teaneck, NJ 07666 (201) 837-2904 June 3, 1977 The Rev. Opal Smith P.O. Box 56 Columbus Grove, OH 45830 (419) 659-5735, (419) 429-1774 May 20, 1990 The Rev. Sandra J. Taulbee 123 Cartier Aisle Irvine, CA 92620 (951) 442-4964 May 26, 1996 The Rev. Dr. Marsha Snulligan-Haney Interdenominational Theological Seminary 700 MLK Jr. Dr. SW Atlanta, GA 30314 (404) 614-6323 December 10, 1978 The Rev. Cecelya Taylor PO Box 986 Decatur, GA 30031 (404) 284-4704 December 16, 2001 The Rev. Kellie Sullivan 711 E 105th Street Cleveland, OH 44108 (216) 451-8540 December 1, 2003 The Rev. Ethelyn Taylor, Pastor Oxford Presbyterian Church 8501 Stenton Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19150 (215) 247-9487 October 31, 1994 The Rev. Ann Taylor Sweringen 89-60 164th St. Jamaica, NY 11432 (718) 526-4775 January 1, 2001 The Rev. Martha C. Taylor 3828 Sequoyah Road Oakland, CA 94605 (510) 816-4201 The Rev. Barbara Swoffard 3026 Woodlaw Rd. Jacksonville, FL 32209 (904) 768-5405 August 22, 2010 The Rev. Evangeline Taylor 2105 Ramport Drive Alexandria, VA 22308 (703) 360-5248 May, 2000 The Rev. Brenda Tapia P.O. Box 242 Davidson, NC 28036-0242 (704)892-8926 March 20, 1988 The Rev. Dr. Jacqueline E. Taylor, New Castle Presbytery (Associate Executive) 256 Chapman Rd., Ste. 205 Newark, DC 19701 (302) 366-0595 October 26, 1989 - 26 - The Rev. Veltri Taylor 1415 Akin Drive Evansville, IN 47714 (812) 482-4190 January 6, 2008 The Rev. Dr. Iris Tucker-Lloyd 1931 Chene #201 Detroit, MI 48207 (313) 815-3466, (313) 268-3070 June 28, 1996 The Rev. Ayana Teter 7580 Holmes Rd. Kansas City, MO 64131 (816) 523-7326 January 7, 2007 The Rev. Tanya Smith Wade 1300 N. Eden St. Baltimore, MD 21213 (410) 385-0900 July 21, 1991 The Rev. Emma Thompson Second Presbyterian Church 604 N Elm St Pageland, SC 29728 (803) 775-2564 January 4, 1990 Elder Cleoda Walker, REC 1200 Cherry Hall Rd Baltimore, MD 21225 (410) 355-5508 The Rev. Sylvia Walker, (retired) 627 Dash Lewis Dr. Decatur, GA, 30034 June 13, 1993 The Rev. Yolanda Evette Thompson 4391 Coopers Creek Drive Smyra, GA 30082 March 24, 2002 The Rev. Bernice Warren Chester Eastside Ministries 420 E. Ninth Street Chester, PA 19013 (302) 798-5145 September 22, 1980 The Rev. Nancy Thornton Frist Millerton Presbyterian Church 2112 Varnum St. NE Washington, DC 20018 (202) 526-1730 December 1, 1985 The Rev. Floretta Watkins, Pastor Seigle Avenue Presbyterian Church 600 Seigle Ave. #A Charlotte, NC 28204 (704) 338-1914 August 22, 1993 The Rev. Kathryn Threadgill 300 Government St. Mobile, AL 36602 (251) 432-1749 June 15, 2008 The Rev. Dr. N’Yisrela Watts-Afriyie Coordinator for Synod Women Advocacy Synod of Southern California & Hawaii 1501 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90017 (213) 483-3840 March 14, 2010 The Rev. Narcissis Tucker P.O. Box 1872 Yucaipa, CA 92399 (626) 808-8085 September 19, 2010 - 27 - The Rev. B. DeNiece Welch Bidwell Presbyterian Church 1025 Liverpool St. Pittsburgh, PA15233 (412) 231-4663 January 30, 2005 The Rev. Sylvia J. Wilson (retired) Church of the Masters P.C. 3400 Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. Atlanta, GA 30331 (404) 691-5113 November 13, 1991 Elder Lynn Carol Wells, REC 4909 Paddock Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45237 (513) 242-0132 The Rev. Mamie Wilson-Hooker Blandonia Presbyterian Church 605 Wall Street (PO Box 1788) Sanford, NC 27330 (919)775-7622 July 25, 1999 The Rev. Agatha Wheeler Washington Shores Presbyterian Church 3600 Rogers Dr Orlando, FL 32805 The Rev. Robina Winbush PCUSA 100 Witherspoon Street #4412 Louisville, KY 40202 888/728-7228, ext. 5431 January 8, 1989 The Rev. Cynthia D. Williams, Pastor Wickliffe Presbyterian Church 29955 Ridge Road (PO Box 436) Wickliffe, OH 44092 (440) 585-8412 The Rev. Dr. Gloria J. Williams 1125 Old Pocalla Rd. Sumter, SC 29150 (803) 773-5475 November 4, 2011 The Rev. Beatrice Wood Calvary Presbyterian Church 2020 E 79th St Cleveland, OH 44103 The Rev. N. Merritt Worthen McKinley United Methodist 30 Sweeney Ct. Springboro, OH 45066 (937) 902-8207 March 15, 2009 The Rev. Frances Camille Williams Neal 1907 The Meadows Rd. Louisville, KY 40223 (502) 245-2040, (502) 435-4414 August 9, 1981 The Rev. Dorothy Wright (Retired) 2033-A 38th Street SE Washington, DC 20022 September 26, 1982 The Rev. Portia Williamson 4204 Swarthmore Rd. Durham, NC 27707 (919) 489-7031 June 26, 1980 The Rev. Joyce Wright Ladson Presbyterian Church 1720 Sumter St Columbia, SC 29202 (803) 754-0510 July 9, 2006 The Rev. Hazel A. Wilson New Bethel Presbyterian Church 900 Perry St Dillon, SC 29536 (910) 422-8226 January 16, 2000 - 28 - African-American Educators List Jane Adams Dayton, OH 937-278-4302 Dina Blackwell Pittsburgh, PA 412-323-1400 Cheryl Crousher Greensburg, PA 724-837-6737 Ivie Dawson New York, NY 212-804-5173 Clarisse Durnell Madison, AL 828-514-1022 Micheal Edwards New York, NY 2123376801 Doris Evans Euclid, OH Maretta Arnold-Franklin Midland, GA 706-987-5520 Elijah Freeman, Jr. High Point, NC 336-882-4310 Charlene Hall Decatur, GA Juanita Holley Chicago, IL 312-243-8300 Minette Hope Washington, DC 202-723-4740 Leatha Johnson Oueens, NY 212-614-3341 Clara Jones Downey, CA 562-923-1717 Marvella Lambright Middleton, Ohio 513-422-6365 Gail Nelson Washington, DC Oliver Patterson Hollis, NY LaJuan Quander Chevy Chase, MD Faye Rivers Washington, DC Rosemary Steele Louisville, KY Byron Wade Raleigh, NC 919-971-5216 Barbara White Monticello, AR 870-348-5336 Clara A. Woodson Brooklyn, NY 718-953-6405 Y. Dianna Wright Winston Salem, NC 336-766-3393 240-482-1576 - 29 - - 30 - Karen Danny Andrea Jacqueline Hazel A. Donnie Dianna FIRST NAME Frank Barbara Campbell Leon Willie George Arlene Franklin D. Battle Durnell Edmond Hatter Killian Lesane McNeil Morrow Murphy 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Rodgers 11. Taylor 12. Wilson 13. Woods 14. Wright LAST NAME 1. Colclough 2. Davis 3. Fanniel 4. Garvin 5. Goodman 6. Gordon 7. Colclough Cassandra Warren Warren Dot Norm Cornell Warner FIRST NAME LAST NAME 1. P.O. Box 4025 2740 E. Aragon Blvd 3308 Cranehill Drive 3910 Westridge Meadow Cir 5588 Village Green ADDRESS P.O. Box 1763 2421 Ashley River Rd. P.O. Box 1085 256 Chapman Rd. # 205 2200 Locust Street 554 DaVega Drive 1024 Ponce de Leon Ave. N.E 192 Broad Street 5700 Executive Center Dr. Suite 200 515 Oakland Avenue 2001 Rainbow Drive, Suite 2 475 Riverside Drive 3330 L&N Drive, SW, Suite D 901 Allegheny Avenue ADDRESS Florence Sunrise Lynchburg Clemmons Los Angeles Rocky Mount CITY NC SC NC DE PA SC GA NJ NC SC FL NY AL PA ST 27012 29414 29393 19702 19103 29073 30306 07003 28212 29730 33765 10115 35801 15233 ZIP SC FL VA NC CA NC ST Honorably Retired Clemmons Charleston Rowland Newark Philadelphia Lexington Atlanta Bloomfield Charlotte Rock Hill Clearwater New York Huntsville Pittsburgh CITY Revised 8/29/2011 29502 33313 24503 27012 90016 ZIP 336-766-3393 843-766-4219 302-366-0595 215-732-1842 803-794-1225 404-898-0711 973-429-2500 704-535-9999 803-517-7870 727-466-0500 212-870-2221 256-883-0855 412-323-1400 BUS. PHONE 843-662-8411 954-383-8510 434-384-0829 336-766-1253 323-295-4155 252-823-0997 803-775-2841 RES. PHONE 336-766-7153 843-766-2804 302-366-0714 215-546-7800 803-794-7830 404-898-0679 704-537-3476 727-442-9222 212-870-2737 256-883-8707 412-323-2256 FAX NUMBER E-MAIL E-MAIL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (USA) AFRICAN-AMERICAN MIDDLE GOVERNING BODY ROSTER - 31 - - 32 - SYNOD OF ALASKA NORTHWEST PRESBYTERY OF SEATTLE Churches are listed by Synod, Presbytery, and then alphabetically by church name. Madrona Presbyterian Church 832 32nd Ave. Seattle, WA 98122 (206) 328-2704 Pastor: Rev. Dr. Flora Wilson Bridges Membership: 70 SYNOD OF THE COVENANT PRESBYTERY OF CINCINNATI PRESBYTERY OF DETROIT Carmel Presbyterian Church 3549 Reading Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45229 (513) 281-8388 Pastor: Rev. Clarence S. Wallace Membership: 149 Broadstreet Presbyterian Church 12065 Broadstreet Detroit, MI 48204 (313) 933-1344 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 88 Third Presbyterian Church 3358 Mc Henry Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45225 Pastor: Rev. Terry Webster Membership: 25 Calvary Presbyterian Church 19125 Greenview Detroit, MI 48219 (313) 537-2590 Pastor: Rev. Kevin R. Johnson Membership: 219 West Cincinnati Presbyterian Church 1708 Baymiller St. Cincinnati, OH 45214 (513)621-0041 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 62 Grandale of Presbyterian Church 15727 Plymouth Rd. Detroit, MI 48213 (313) 836-8411 Pastor: Rev. Barbara J. McRae Membership: 27 Winton Hills Community Presbyterian Church 5255 Winneste Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45232 (513) 641-0412 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 75 Gratiot Avenue Presbyterian Church 8549 Gratiot Ave. Detroit, MI 48213 (313) 921-2627 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 52 - 33 - Hope Presbyterian Church 15340 Meyers Detroit, MI 48227 (313) 861-2865 Pastor: Rev. Raphael B. Francis, (Supply) Membership: 123 PRESBYTERY OF EASTMINSTER Butler Memorial Presbyterian Church 126 E. Rayen Ave. Youngstown, OH 44503 (330) 743-0121 Pastor: Ted Grissett (Stated Supply) Membership: 25 Park United Presbyterian Church 14 Cortland St. Highland Park, MI 48203 (313) 868-5866 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 51 PRESBYTERY OF MAUMEE VALLEY Grace Presbyterian Church 1171 Oakwood Ave. Toledo, OH 43607 (419) 241-8857 Pastor: Rev. Lingston Bannister (Supply) Membership: 58 St. John’s Presbyterian Church 1961 E. Lafayette Detroit, MI 48207 (313) 567-0213 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 169 PRESBYTERY OF MIAMI VALLEY Trinity Community Presbyterian Church 4849 W. Outer Dr. Detroit, MI 48235 (313) 342-2288 Pastor: Rev. Edwin Fabre (Stated supply) Membership: 124 College Hill Community Presbyterian Church 1547 Philadelphia Dr. Dayton, OH 45406 (937) 278-4203 Pastor: Rev. Robert E. Jones Membership: 298 Trumbull Avenue Presbyterian Church 8110 Chalfonte Detroit, MI 48238 (313) 341-3760 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 43 Trinity Presbyterian Church 3211 Lakeview Ave. Dayton, OH 45408 (937) 268-4111 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 201 Westminster Presbyterian Church 17567 Hubbell Detroit, MI 48235 (313) 341-2697 Pastor: Rev. Nita Nichols Membership: 448 PRESBYTERY OF SCIOTO VALLEY Bethany Presbyterian Church 206 N. Garfield Ave. Columbus, OH 43203 (614) 253-7489 Pastor: Rev. Cynthia Burse Membership: 113 - 34 - PRESBYTERY OF THE WESTERN RESERVE Glenville New Life Community Presbyterian Church 711 E 105th St. Cleveland, OH 44108 (216) 451-8540 Pastors: Rev. Rick &Toby Gillespie-Mobley Membership: 221 Calvary Presbyterian Church 2020 E 79th St. Cleveland, OH 44103 (216) 391-8448 Pastor: Rev. Rick&Toby Gillespie Mobeley Membership: 198 St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church 22111 Chagrin Blvd. Beachwood, OH 44122 (216) 751-3190, (216) 751-3340 Pastor: Rev. G Benhardt Fraumann Membership: 120 SYNOD OF LAKES & PRAIRIES PRESBYTERY OF MILWAUKEE PRESBYTERY OF MISSOURI RIVER VALLEY Christ United Presbyterian Church 1930 W. Walnut St. Milwaukee, WI 53205 (414) 933-4887 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 70 New Life Presbyterian Church 4060 Pratt St. Omaha, NE 68111 (402) 451-8425 Pastor: Rev. Vacant Membership: 98 New Life Presbyterian Church 3276 N. Palmer St. Milwaukee, WI 53212 (414) 264-1290 Pastor: Rev. Terrell H. Cistrunk Membership: 140 PRESBYTERY OF TWIN CITIES AREA Kwanzaa Presbyterian Church 2100 Emerson Ave.North Minneapolis, MN 55411 (612) 287-8152 Pastors: Revs. Ralph & Alika Galloway Membership: 250 - 35 - SYNOD OF LINCOLN TRAILS PRESBYTERY OF CHICAGO Second Presbyterian Church 1936 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60616 (312) 225-9723 Pastor: Rev. Coleman Gilchrist Membership 117 Chatham-Bethlehem United Presbyterian Church 741 E. 84th St. Chicago, IL 60619 (773) 483-1866 Pastor: Rev. Marty C. Gool Membership: 137 Cornerstone Presbyterian Church 11200 S. State St. Chicago, IL 60628 (773) 785-7476 Pastor: Rev. Alvin Bridges Membership: 84 Seventh Presbyterian Church 8623 S. Sangamon St. Chicago, IL 60620 (773) 483-1080 Pastor: Rev. Neil E. Myrie (Stated Supply) Membership: 61 Sixth-Grace Presbyterian Church 600 E. 35th St. Chicago, IL 60616 (312) 225-5300 Pastor: Zachary Mills (Stated Supply) Membership: 240 Crerar Memorial Presbyterian Church 8100 S. Calumet Ave. Chicago, IL 60619 (773) 874-2132 Pastor: Rev.Michael Miller (Stated Supply) Membership: 323 Hope Presbyterian Church 1354 W. 61st St. Chicago, IL 60636 (773) 737-8394 Pastor: Rev. Leslie Sanders Membership: 311 PRESBYTERY OF WHITEWATER VALLEY Immanuel Presbyterian Church 3620 E. 38th St. Indianapolis, IN 46218 (317) 546-5683 Pastor: Rev. Kevin Bausman Membership: 127 Pine Avenue Presbyterian Church 1015 N. Pine Ave. Chicago, IL 60651 (773) 287-4777 Pastor: Rev. Kent Poindexter Membership: 89 Witherspoon Presbyterian Church 5136 N. Michigan Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46228 (317) 251-2297 Pastor: Rev. L. Bryant Parker Membership: 20 Pullman Presbyterian Church 550 E. 103rd St. Chicago, IL 60628 (773) 928-9568 Pastor: Rev. Dr. Eddie Knox Membership: 339 - 36 - SYNOD OF THE LIVING WATERS PRESYBTERY OF EAST TENNESSEE PRESBYTERY OF HOLSTON Emmanuel United Presbyterian Church 3023 Selma Ave. Knoxville, TN 37914 (865) 523-3011 Pastor: Rev. John A. Ghosten Membership: 66 Bethel Presbyterian Church 25-70 Ashville Highway (PO Box 536) Dandridge, TN 37725 (865) 397-5995 Pastor: Rev. Calvin Ballenger - REC Membership: 9 First United Presbyterian Church PO Box 1231 Athens, TN 37303 (423) 744-9073 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 22 Mt Hermon Presbyterian Church 243 Hamblen Big Stone Gap, VA 24219 (276) 523-4033 Pastor: Rev. Antony Barnett - REC Membership: 20 Tabernacle Presbyterian Church 715 Wesley Ave. Greeneville, TN 37743 (423) 636-1273 Pastor: Rev. John Katts - REC Membership: 52 Fourth United Presbyterian Church 1323 Broadway Knoxville, TN 37914 (865) 522-1437 PO Box 3481 Knoxvill,TN 37927 Pastor: Rev. George H. Waters Membership: 58 PRESBYTERY OF MID KENTUCKY Renaissance Presbyterian Church PO Box 3207 Chattanooga, TN 37404 (423) 266-0658 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 30 Grace Hope Presbyterian Church 702 E. Breckinridge Louisville, KY 40203 (502) 583-3304 Pastor: Rev. Rose Niles (Supply) Membership: 105 Shiloh Presbyterian Church 904 Biddle Knoxville, TN 37914 (865) 525-3701 Pastor: Rev. Gloria Mencer- REC Membership: 45 Peace Presbyterian Church 4210 E. Indian Trl.(PO Box 34491) Louisville, KY 40232 (502) 964-1402 Pastor: Rev. Wayne A. Steele Membership: 76 - 37 - Shawnee Presbyterian Church 101 S. 44th St. Louisville, KY 40212 (502) 776-6280 Pastor: Rev. Ron Robinson (Stated Supply) Membership: 36 PRESBYTERY OF MIDDLE TENNESSEE Mt. Tabor Salem Presbyterian Church 516 Mooresville Pike Columbia, TN 38401 Pastor: Rev. Jimmy D. Smith Membership: 22 Westwood Presbyterian Church 4432 Greenwood Ave. Louisville, KY 40211 (502) 778-6643 Pastor: Rev. Dr.Brian J. Wells Membership: 71 St. Andrews Presbyterian Church 949 TS Jackson Ave. N.(PO Box 92245) Nashville, TN 37209 (615) 320-7696 Pastor: Rev. Leonard Jordan Membership: 134 PRESBYTERY OF MID SOUTH The Village Presbyterian Church 211 N. 11th St.(PO Box 60231) Nashville, TN 37206 (615) 254-1791 Pastor: Rev. Andrew Lee Stephens Membership: 87 Bethel Presbyterian Church 1060 Mississippi Blvd. Memphis, TN 38126 (901) 942-5762 Pastor: Rev. Anthony L. Burton Membership: 90 Grace Presbyterian Church 605 Cheatham St. Dyersburg, TN 38025 (731) 285-3767 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 40 PRESBYTERY OF MISSISSIPPI Alexander Memorial Presbyterian Church 312 Tipton St. Kosciusko, MS 39090 (662) 289-3175 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 20 Liberation Community Presbyterian Church 694 S. Bellevue. (PO Box 301403) Memphis, TN 38130 (901) 274-5004 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 81 Fairview Presbyterian Church 469 CR 52834 Heidelberg, MS 39439 (601) 787-2618 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 19 Parkway Gardens United Presbyterian Church 1005 E. Shelby Dr. Memphis, TN 38116 (901) 348-0985 Pastor: Rev. Brian C. Henderson Membership: 191 - 38 - Faith Presbyterian Church 3255 Bailey Ave. Jackson, MS 39283 (601) 366-3892 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 157 PRESBYTERY OF SHEPPARDS & LAPSLEY Arlington Presbyterian Church 1599 Kp Thomas Rd.(PO Box 387) Arlington, AL 36722 (205) 385-2186 Pastor: Rev. C.J. Jones (Temporary) Membership: 45 Gavins Chapel Presbyterian Church PO Box 1240 Bay Springs, MS 39422 (601) 764-3242 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 26 Brown Memorial Presbyterian Church 3535 Stillman Blvd. Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 (205) 759-1477 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 113 Pilgrim Grove Presbyterian Church 1354 Mt. Moriah Rd. Newton, MS 39345 (601) 683-7015 Pastor: Rev. Robert White - REC Membership: 20 Calvary Presbyterian Church 164 Wade St. Montgomery, AL 36104 (334) 263-3918 Pastor: Rev. Lisa Winston (Temporary) Membership: 17 Pineview Presbyterian Church 1200 Old Country Club Rd. Hattiesburg, MS 39401 (601) 582-1740 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 55 First United Anniston Presbyterian Church 701 W. 15th St.(PO Box 1907) Anniston, AL 36202 (256) 237-9651 Pastor: Rev. Bill Jones Membership: 42 St. Luke's Presbyterian Church 260 Presto Ln. Jackson, MS 39206 (601) 362-0381 Pastor: Rev. Theophilus King Membership: 72 First United/Forestdale Presbyterian Church 1375 Tomahawk Rd. Birmingham, AL 35214 (205) 798-5571 Pastor: Rev. James R. Ephraim Membership: 95 PRESBYTERY OF NORTH ALABAMA Fellowship Presbyterian Church 3406 Meridian St. Huntsville, AL 35811 (256) 539-2418 Pastor: Rev. Gres Bertlet Membership: 171 Good Hope Presbyterian Church 800 3rd Ave.N Bessemer, AL 35020 (205) 428-1118 Pastor: Rev. Robert E. Jones Membership: 29 - 39 - New Trinity United Presbyterian Church PO Box 684 Camden, AL 36726 (334) 682-4130 Pastor: Rev. Kenneth Thomas (Temporary) Membership: 59 PRESBYTERY OF SOUTH ALABAMA Hillsdale Presbyterian Church 569 Cody Rd. Mobile, AL 36608 (251) 344-7182 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 15 Northern Heights Presbyterian Church 1575 Marie Foster St. Selma, AL 36701 (334) 875-7787 Pastor: Rev. Angela Brown (Temporary) Pastor: Rev. Janise Randall (Temporary) Membership: 22 Memorial Presbyterian Church 2450 St. Stephens Rd. Mobile, AL 36617 (251) 452-0321 Pastor: Rev. Talor Morgan Membership: 49 Rock Springs Presbyterian Church 3219 CR 73 (PO Box 15) Magnolia, AL 36754 Pastor: V.L. Hackworth, Jr. (TS) Membership: 18 PRESBYTERY OF ST. ANDREW Bethany Presbyterian Church Rt. 1 Box 222 Louisville, MS 39339 (662) 773-2584 Pastor: Rev. Joseph A. Etua (Supply) Membership: 24 St. James Presbyterian Church 17733 CR 21 Moundville, AL 35474 (205) 371-2964 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 7 Calvary Presbyterian Church 1401 North Martin Luther King Blvd. Greenville, MS 38703 (662) 335-5619 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 83 Westminster Presbyterian Church 20 6th Ave. SW Birmingham, AL 35211 (205) 322-0161 Pastor: Rev. Joe Reid (Temporay Supply) Membership: 116 Garden of Eden Presbyterian Church 205 Washington St. Okolona, MS 38860 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 10 Westminster Presbyterian Church 1806 Franklin Rd. (PO Box 415) Tuskegee Inst, AL 36087 (205) 727-4994 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 54 Greenfield Presbyterian Church PO Box 122 Waterford, MS 38685 (662) 252-6072 Pastor: Rev. Coker A.J. George Membership: 29 - 40 - Messiah Presbyterian Church 101 Ackerman Louisville, MS 39339 (803) 273-9801 Pastor: Rev. Joseph A. Etua Membership: 13 St. James Presbyterian Church 8815 Hwy. 25 S. Louisville, MS 39339 Pastor: Rev. Joseph A. Etua Membership: 70 Trinity Presbyterian Church PO Box 704 West Point, MS 39773 (662) 494-6820 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 15 SYNOD OF MID AMERICA West Presbyterian Church 5872 Maple Ave. St.Louis, MO 63112 (314) 361-0072 Pastor: Rev. Alfred Nelson Membership: 36 PRESBYTERY OF GIDDINGS LOVEJOY Berea Presbyterian Church 2621 Russell Blvd. St.Louis, MO 63104 (314) 533-3270 Pastor: Rev. Marilynn Gibson Membership: 84 PRESBYTERY OF THE HEARTLAND Cote Brilliante Presbyterian Church 4673 Labadie Ave. St.Louis, MO 63115 (314) 381-2770 Pastor: Rev. William G. Gillespie Membership: 546 Covenant Presbyterian Church 5931 Swope Pkwy. Kansas City, MO 64130 (816) 444-3693 Pastor: Rev. Kirk P. Perucca Membership: 90 Third Presbyterian Church 2426 Union Blvd. St.Louis, MO 63113 (314) 367-5429 Pastor: Rev. Cedric Portis Membership: 85 St. Marks Presbyterian Church 1101 Euclid St. Kansas City, MO 64127 (816) 842-5454 Pastor: Rev. Sam E. Mann Membership: 60 - 41 - St. Paul Presbyterian Church 2910 Victor St. Kansas City, MO 64128 (816) 921-3244 Pastor: Rev. James Wilkins; Membership: 57 PRESBYTERY OF JOHN CALVIN Gibson Chapel Presbyterian Church 536 E. Tampa Springfield, MO 65806 (417) 865-1410 Pastor: Rev. Donald T. Glunt Membership: 56 PRESBYTERY OF SOUTHERN KANSAS Brotherhood Presbyterian Church 2328 E. 13th St. Wichita, KS 67214 (316) 263-5360 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 39 SYNOD OF MID ATLANTIC PRESBYTERY OF BALTIMORE Knox Presbyterian Church 1300 N. Eden St. Baltimore, MD 21213 (410) 385-0900, (484)995-1949 Pastor: Rev. Michael L Moore Membership: 113 Cherry Hill Presbyterian Church 819 Cherry Hill Rd. Baltimore, MD 21225 (410) 355-6860 Pastor: Rev. Keith O. Paige Membership: 111 Lochearn Presbyterian Church 3800 Patterson Ave. Baltimore, MD 21207 (410) 944-4478 Pastor: Brandon Brewer Membership: 93 Grace Presbyterian Church 2604 Banister Rd. Baltimore, MD 21215 (410) 466-4000 Pastor: Rev. Tanya Smith-Wade Membership: 206 Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church 2110 Madison Ave. Baltimore, MD 21217 (410) 523-7935 Pastor: Rev. John Thomas Membership: 180 - 42 - Mt. Paran Presbyterian Church 10308 Liverty Rd Randalstown, MD 21133 (410) 655-6220 Pastor: Rev. Edward Terry - REC Membership: 156 Blacks Memorial Presbyterian Church 509 S. Parker St.(PO Box 156) Monroe, NC 28111 (704) 283-1340 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 133 New Imani Living Faith Fellowship 12 Gwynn Miles Court Owings Mills, MD 21117 (410)730-9137 Pastor: Rev. Donna Lea - REC Pastor: Rev. Anita Johnson - REC Membership: 93 Bread of Life Christian Presbyterian Church 1609 East 5th Street (PO Box 561056) Charlotte, NC 28256 (704) 568-2004 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 75 Trinity Presbyterian Church 3200 Walbrook Ave. Baltimore, MD 21216 (410) 383-9633 Pastor: Rev. Ronnie A. Hankins Membership: 152 Catawba Presbyterian Church 11401 McCoy Rd. (PO Box 1945) Huntersville, NC 28078 (704) 875-6248 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 72 PRESBYTERY OF CHARLOTTE Cedar Grove Presbyterian Church 105 Odell School Road (PO Box 5027) Concord, NC 28027 (704) 786-4994 Pastor: Elder Aaron Orr – REC Membership: 38 Bellefonte Presbyterian Church 8866 Rocky River Rd.(PO Box 234) Harrisburg, NC 28075 (704) 455-5089 Pastor: Rev.Dr. Gregory Davis Membership: 157 Clanton Presbyterian Church 335 Freeland Ln. Charlotte, NC 28217 (704) 525-0022 Pastor: Rev. James A.Thomas, Sr., (Supply) Membership: 179 Ben Salem Presbyterian Church 6801 Monroe Rd Charlotte, NC 28212 (704) 568-4790 Pastor: Rev. Damiko Faulkner Membership: 74 C. N. Jenkins Presbyterian Church 1421 Statesville Ave. Charlotte, NC 28206 (704) 332-9137 Senior Pastor: Rev. Dr. Jerry L. Cannon Assoicate: Rev.Eustacia Moffett Marshall Membership: 711 Bethpage Presbyterian Church 8701 Mooreville Rd. Concord, NC 28025 (704) 782-3673 Pastor: Rev. Alexander Porter Membership: 252 - 43 - Covenant Presbyterian Church 5835 Charlie Walker Rd. Kannapolis, NC 28081 (704) 932-7522 Pastor: Rev. Shelia Council Membership: 131 Grier Heights Presbyterian Church 325 Skyland Ave. Charlotte, NC 28205 (704) 332-3000 Pastor: Rev. Larry James Membership: 199 Davidson Presbyterian Church 166 Depot Street. (PO Box 535) Davidson, NC 28036-0535 (704) 892-4313 Pastor: Rev. Darrell Van Pelt Membership: 146 H.O. Graham Metropolitan Presbyterian Church 2926 Old Steele Creek Rd (PO Box 240160) Charlotte, NC 28224 (704) 375-2116 Pastor: Rev. Dennis Funderburk Dfunderburk7@carolina, Membership: 74 Ebenezer Presbyterian Church Shiloh Church Rd (PO Box 66) Morven, NC 28119 (704) 851-3222 Pastor: CLP. Elder Billy Grier Membership: 54 Henderson Grove Presbyterian Church 8724 Blair Rd. Charlotte, NC 28227 (704) 394-3936 Pastor: Rev.Sonya McAuley-Allen (Supply) Membership: 86 First Presbyterian Church 7700 Waxhaw Highway. (PO Box 175) Waxhaw, NC 28173 (704) 843-4774 Pastor: Rev. James C. Shelton Membership: 64 Matthews-Murkland Presbyterian Church 7001 Old Providence Rd. Charlotte, NC 28277 (704) 365-5032 Pastor: Rev. Albert Moses Membership: 201 First United Presbyterian Church 406 N. College St. Charlotte, NC 28202 (704) 376-8014 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 251 McClintock Presbyterian Church 14008 Erwin Rd. Charlotte, NC 28273 (704) 588-2733 Pastor: Rev. Dr. Arthur W. Canada Membership: 130 First United Presbyterian Church PO Box 1631 Concord, NC 28025-1631 (704) 788-9322 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 33 - 44 - Memorial Presbyterian Church 2600 Beatties Ford Rd. Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 392-4752 Pastor: Rev. Edward B. Newberry Membership: 380 Woodland Presbyterian Church 900 Rhyne Rd. (PO Box 948) Charlotte, NC 28130 (704) 393-5731 Pastor: Rev. Dr. Larry Hill Membership: 187 Mt. Olive Presbyterian Church 5125 Mt. Olive Church Rd. Charlotte, NC 28208 (704) 394-8814 Pastor: Rev. Herbert Shackelford Membership: 248 PRESBYTERY OF COASTAL CAROLINA Amy’s Chapel Presbyterian Church PO Box 586 Rowland, NC 28383 (910)422-3447 Clerk: Naomi Rowell Membership: 12 New Friendship Presbyterian Church 510 Old Statesville Rd (PO Box 949) Huntersville, NC 28078 (704) 875-1892 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 118 Bethany Presbyterian Church 700 E. Elizabethtown Rd. Lumberton, NC 28359 (910) 739-3359 Pastor: Rev. Clarence G. Page Membership: 84 New Hampton Presbyterian Church 211 Hampton Church Rd (PO Box 561808) Charlotte, NC 28256 (704) 547-0296 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 65 Blandonia Presbyterian Church 605 Wall St.(PO Box 1788) Sanford, NC 27330 (919) 775-7622 Pastor: Rev. Mamie Wilson Hooker Membership: 147 St. Paul Presbyterian Church 7200 Robinson Church Rd. Charlotte, NC 28215 (704) 531-0988 Pastor: Rev. G. Bolden Membership: 116 Central Presbyterian Church 7280 N Hallsboro Rd. Clarkton, NC 28433 (910) 645-4869 (910)736-4611(H) Pastor: Rev. Arnold G. Walker (Interim) Membership: 29 Statesville Avenue Presbyterian Church 3435 Nevins Rd. (PO Box 16206) Charlotte, NC 28297 (704) 596-4550 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 76 Chestnut Street Presbyterian Church 712 Chesnut St. Wilmington, NC 28401 (910) 762-1074 (910)392-2809(H) Pastor: Rev. Perry D. Griffin Membership: 84 - 45 - College Heights Presbyterian Church 1801 Seabrook Rd. Fayetteville, NC 28301 (910) 323-4828 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 149 John Hall Presbyterian Church PO Box 1315 Carthage, NC 28327 (910) 947-3530 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 23 Mars Hill Presbyterian Church 5990 US Hwy 301 S Hope Mills, NC 28348 (910) 425-9532 (910)488-4897 Pastor: Cassandra Thomas (Supply) Membership: 41 Dothan Presbyterian Church PO Box 247 Maxton, NC 28364 (910) 844-8042 (910)868-6643(H) Pastor: Earnest Parish Membership: 22 Mt. Olive Presbyterian Church PO Box 59 Rex, NC 28378 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 14 Faison Memorial Presbyterian Church 500 McKoy St. Clinton, NC 28328 (910) 592-7758 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 9 Mt. Pelier Presbyterian Church PO Box 792 Rowland, NC 28383 (910) 422-8226 (910)422-3100(H) Pastor: Hazel Wilson Membership: 115 First Presbyterian Church 20 Murchison Ln. Lillington, NC 27546 (718) 327-2440 Pastor: Kenneth Sterling Membership: 20 Freedom East Presbyterian Church PO Box 406 Wagram, NC 28396 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 20 Panthersford Presbyterian Church PO Box 897 Red Springs, NC 28377 (910) 843-6206 Pastor: Rev. Clarence G. Page Membership: 59 Haymount Presbyterian Church 2760 Rosehill Rd. Fayetteville, NC 28302 (910) 822-1083 Pastor: Rev. Kimani K. Wright; Membership: 61 Providence Presbyterian Church PO Box 295 Jackson Spring, NC 27281 (910)673-1956 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 14 Ingram Branch Presbyterian Church 344 Ingram Branch Rd. West End, NC 27376 (910)947-1085 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 11 Second Presbyterian Church PO Box 57 Elizabethtown, NC 28337 (919) 862-3288 (910)738-4415 Pastor: Rev. Arnold G. Walker Membership: 27 - 46 - Silver Hill Presbyterian Church 24881 Hoffman Rd. Marston, NC 28363 (910) 277-2900 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 43 Community Presbyterian Church 801 Tazewell St. Portsmouth, VA 23701 (757) 485-9077 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 123 Sprout Spings Memorial Presbyterian Church 2420 NC Hwy 24 Oliva, NC 28368 (919) 499-6265 (910)977-8880(H) Pastor: Kenneth Stealing Membership: 60 Covenant Presbyterian Church 913 Covenant St. Norfolk, VA 23504 (757) 623-1875 Pastor: Dr. Helen Bessent Byrd Westminster Presbyterian Church PO Box 544 Laurinburg, NC 28353 (910) 276-2846 (910)277-0509(H) Pastor: Rev. Ruby P. Lennon Membership: 68 First United Presbyterian Church 745 E. 29th St. Norfolk, VA 23504 (757) 622-7412 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 87 Williams Chapel Presbyterian Church 14378 NC 27 W Sanford, NC 27330 (910) 977-8880 Pastor: Rev. Kenneth Stealing Membership: 21 Messiah Presbyterian Church 1485 Johnstons Rd. Norfolk, VA 23513 (757) 855-8733 Pastor: Rev. Addie Naomi Peterson; Membership: 112 Wilson Chapel Presbyterian Church 602 Dogwood Ln Rockingham, NC 28379 (910) 997-7708 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 15 PRESBYTERY OF NATIONAL CAPITAL; Membership: 83 Church of the Redeemer 1423 Girard St.Northeast Washington, DC 20017 (202) 832-0095 Pastor: Todd Sutton Membership: 103 PRESBYTERY OF EASTERN VIRGINIA Carver Memorial Presbyterian Church 830 25th St. Newport News, VA 23607 (757) 244-3893 Pastor: Rev. Lawrence L. Willis Membership: 365 Community Presbyterian Church 1122 Oronoco St.(PO Box 353) Alexandria, VA 22313 (703) 683-4164 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 11 - 47 - Ebenezer Presbyterian Church 14508 Telegraph Rd. Woodbridge, VA 22192 (703)492-7172 Pastor: Rev. Stephen Yaw Nkansah Membership: 300 Prince Georges Community Presbyterian Church 11101 MLK Jr Hwy #200A Bowie, MD 20720 (301)306-0064 Pastor: Rev. Edward P. Harding, Jr. Membership: 270 Faith Presbyterian Church 4161 S. Capitol St. SW Washington, DC 20032 (202) 562-2035 Pastor: Rev. Bernice Parker Jones Membership: 84 Sargent Memorial Presbyterian Church 5109 N. H. Burroughs Ave. NE Washington, DC 20019 (202) 396-1710 Pastor: Rev. Juan Guthrie Pastor: Rev. Rhoda Nixon (PA) Pastor: Rev. James Allen (PA) Membership: 315 Fifteenth Street Presbyterian Church 1701 15th St. NW Washington, DC 20009 (202) 234-0300 Pastor: Rev. Robert Bell (Interim) Membership: 231 Silver Spring Presbyterian Church 580 University Blvd. E Silver Spring, MD 20901 (301)439-4646 Pastor: Rev. J. Currie Burris Membership: 380 Garden Memorial Presbyterian Church 1720 Minnesota Ave. SE Washington, DC 20020 (202) 678-0772 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 54 Sixth Presbyterian Church 5413 16th St.NW Washington, DC 20011 (202) 723-5377 Pastor: Rev. Edward G. Taylor Membership: 116 Northeastern Presbyterian Church 2112 Varnum St. NE Washington, DC 20018 (202) 526-1730 Pastor: Rev. Nancy Thorton Membership: 335 PRESBYTERY OF NEW CASTLE Church of Our Saviour Presbyterian Church 1006-10 E 28th St. Wilmington, DE 19809 (302) 764-8843 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 70 Northminster Presbyterian Church 7720 Alaska Ave. NW Washington, DC 20012 (202) 829-5311 Pastor: Rev. Gail Porter Nelson (Supply) Membership: 184 - 48 - Community Wilmington Presbyterian Church 519 Rogers Rd. New Castle, DE 19720 (302) 652-0129 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 300 Ebenezer Presbyterian Church 720 Bern St. (PO Box 1512) New Bern, NC 28560 (252) 633-2166 Pastor: Rev. Robert Johnson Membership: 52 Faith Presbyterian Church PO Box 1045 Goldsboro, NC 27533 (919) 735-8844 Pastor: Rev. Antonio Lawrence Membership: 92 PRESBYERY OF NEW HOPE Calvary Presbyterian Church 209 E. Pender St Wilson, NC 27893 (252) 237-6657 Pastor: Rev. Troy Janel Dixon Membership: 119 Mt. Pisgah Presbyterian Church PO Box 1331 Rocky Mount, NC 27802 (252) 442-7068 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 49 Cotton Memorial Presbyterian Church 511 Chestnut St. (PO Box 1052) Henderson, NC 27536 (252) 492-3478 Pastor: Rev. Gordon Marshall Membership: 98 Mt. Pleasant Presbyterian Church PO Box 23 Franklinton, NC 27525 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 15 St. James Presbyterian Church 308 W Harpert St. Snow Hill, NC 28580 (252)747-2635 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 18 Covenant Presbyterian Church 2620 Weaver St. Durham, NC 27707 (919) 682-1484 Pastor: Rev. Jimmie Ray Hawkins Membership: 208 St. Paul Presbyterian Church 927 S. Main St. Louisburg, NC 27549 (919) 496-1130 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 69 Davie Street Presbyterian Church 300 E. Davie St. Raleigh, NC 27601 (919) 834-8855 Pastor: Rev. Byron Wade Membership: 178 Timothy Darling Presbyterian Church 123 McClanahan St. Oxford, NC 27565 (919) 693-7481 Pastor: Rev. Omotolokun Omokunde Membership: 41 - 49 - White Rock Presbyterian Church 514 Thompson St. Kinston, NC 28502 (252) 523-4907 Pastor: Rev. Maurice Barnes Membership: 36 Ogden Presbyterian Church 217 Meredith Mill Road Brodnax, VA 23920 (434) 949-7509 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 23 Thyne Memorial Presbyterian Church PO Box 355 Chase City, VA 23924 (434) 372-4455 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 22 PRESBYERY OF THE JAMES All Souls Presbyterian Church 19 Overbrook Rd. Richmond, VA 23222 (804) 329-6039 Pastor: Rev. Nathan Dell Membership: 132 Westminster Presbyterian Church 403 Halifax St. Petersburg, VA 23803 (804) 733-9006 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 63 Bethesda Presbyterian Church PO Box 11 Nottoway, VA 23955 (434) 292-6412 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 35 Woodville Presbyterian Church 1728 N 28th St. Richmond, VA 23223 (804) 644-2585 Pastor: Jerome Bennett (CLP) Membership: 85 Eastminster Presbyterian Church 1601 Littlepage St. Richmond, VA 23223 (804) 644-8898 Pastor: Rev. Shady Clark, Jr. Membership: 65 Zion Hill Presbyterian Church PO Box 304 Amelia, VA 23002 (804) 561-2898 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 31 First United Presbyterian Church 3401 North Ave. Richmond, VA 23222 (804) 321-5374 Pastor: Rev. Willie Woodson Membership: 115 PRESBYERY OF THE PEAKS Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church 301 Patton Ave. NW Roanoke, VA 24016 Mail: PO Box 338 Drakes Branch, VA 23937 (540) 342-0264 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 63 Oak Grove Presbyterian Church PO Box 58 Amelia, VA 23002 (804) 561-3441 Pastor: Rev. Joseph R. Young Membership: 33 - 50 - Gethsemane United Presbyterian Church 185 Gethsemane Church Ave. (PO Box 217) Drakes Branch, VA 23937 (434) 568-5801 Pastor: Rev. Garrison Michael Hickman Membership: 85 Beulah Presbyterian Church PO Box 91 North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 (336) 838-1247 Pastor: Larry Bailey - REC Membership: 23 Calvary Presbyterian Church 531 S. Green St. Statesville, NC 28687 (704) 872-8011 Pastor: Rev. Timothy Bates -REC Membership: 112 Grace Presbyterian Church 218 Fayette St. Martinsville, VA 24112 (276) 632-5783 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 64 Cameron Presbyterian Church 2912 Salisbury Hwy. Statesville, NC 28677 (704) 878-9335 Pastor: Rev. Tim Bates Membership: 111 Holbrook Street Presbyterian Church 353 Holbrook St. Danville, VA 24541 (434) 799-4700 Pastor: Rev. Ronald Johnson Membership: 36 Dellabrook Presbyterian Church 115 Dellabrook Rd. Winston- Salem, NC 27105 (336) 725-4274 Pastor: Rev. Carlton A. G. Eversley Membership: 57 Mizpah Presbyterian Church PO Box 1383 South Boston, VA 24592 (434) 572-8860 Pastor: Rev. Michael Ferrell - REC Membership: 10 First Presbyterian Church PO Box 885 Boonville, NC 27011 (336) 367-4663 Pastor: Jerry Moore (CLP) Membership: 31 Trinity Presbyterian Church 474 Farmbrook Rd. Ridgeway, VA 24148 (276) 956-2993 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 5 Freedom Presbyterian Church 1321 Turnersburg Hwy. Statesville, NC 28625 (704) 876-2198 Pastor: Stedman Newsome (CLP) Membership: 39 PRESBYTERY OF SALEM Allen Temple Presbyterian Church PO Box 398 Cleveland, NC 27013 (704) 278-4091 Pastor: J. C. Byers Membership: 29 Grace Presbyterian Church 3901 Carver School Rd. Winston-Salem, NC 27105 (733) 667-7530 Pastor: Rev. Toure C. Marshall Membership: 206 - 51 - Shady Side Presbyterian Church 217 E. Center St. Lexington, NC 27292 (336) 243-1090 Pastor: Rev.Calvin E. Crump(Stated Supply) Membership: 23 Lloyd Presbyterian Church 748 N. Chestnut St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Pastor: Rev. Laura Michael Spangler Membership: 36 Logan Presbyterian Church PO Drawer 9 Scotts, NC 28699 (704) 585-2444 Pastor: Rev. Samuel Stevenson (Interim) Membership: 120 St. James Presbyterian Church 820 Ross Ave. Greensboro, NC 27406 (336) 273-6658 Pastor: Rev. Diane Givens Moffett Membership: 581 Mebane First Presbyterian Church PO Box 557 Mebane, NC 27302 (919) 563-2714 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 37 St. Paul Presbyterian Church 309 Summit Rd. High Point, NC 27265 (336) 882-4310 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 90 Mt. Tabor Presbyterian Church 935 Mt. Tabor Rd. Cleveland, NC 27013 (704) 278-4230 Pastor: Rev. George Goodman (Interim) Membership: 257 Trinity Presbyterian Church 300 S. Caldwell St.(PO Box 1046) Salisbury, NC 28145-1046 (704) 636-6854 Pastor: Rev. Olen Bruner Membership: 73 Mt. Vernon Presbyterian Church 531 N. 8th St. Woodleaf, NC 27054 (704) 278-9389 Pastor: Emery Rann - CLP Membership: 46 PRESBYTERY OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA Calvary Presbyterian Church 44 Circle St. Asheville, NC 28801 (828) 254-8541 Pastor: Rev. Patricia Ann Bacon Membership: 56 Reid Memorial Presbyterian Church PO Box 1527 Mooresville, NC 28115 (704) 663-1803 Pastor: Rev. Brenda Tapia (Temporary) Membership: 25 Dulatown Presbyterian Church PO Box 982 Lenoir, NC 28645 (828) 758-5826 Pastor: Rev. Alyce Kelly Membership: 139 Second Presbyterian Church 400 Pine St. Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-7885 Pastor: Rev. Frederic Terry - CLP Membership: 25 - 52 - Pine Street Presbyterian Church 1019 E. Pine St. Lincolnton, NC 28292 Pastor: Rev. Terry Cline (Stated Supply) Membership: 19 Good Hope Presbyterian Church 105 Cansler St. Kings Mountain, NC 28086 (704) 739-1062 Pastor: David Moore - REC Membership: 22 Ryburn Memorial Presbyterian Church PO Box 2058 Shelby, NC 28150 (704) 482-2836 Pastors: Rev. Bart & Betty Shaw – REC Membership: 41 Green Street Presbyterian Church 425 N. Green St. Morganton, NC 28655 (828)438-4286 Pastor: David Moore – REC Membership: 22 Third Street Presbyterian Church 605 N. Highland St. Gastonia, NC 28052 (704) 866-9220 Pastor: Rev. Eddie Deas Membership Love's Chapel Presbyterian Church PO Box 1429 Belmont, NC 28012 (704) 825-8342 Pastor: Calvin Lewers Membership: 27 SYNOD OF THE NORTHEAST PRESBYTERY OF BOSTON PRESBYTERY OF ELIZABETH Roxbury Presbyterian Church 328 Warren St. Roxbury, MA 02119 (617) 445-2116 Pastor: Rev. Hurmon E. Hamilton Membership: 158 Bethel Presbyterian Church 300 E. 5th St. Plainfield, NJ 07060 (908) 757-5390 Pastor: Rev. Murv L. Gardiner Membership: 48 Siloam - Hope Presbyterian Church 496 Spring St. Elizabeth, NJ 07201 (908) 354-0016 Pastor: Rev. John H. Howard Membership: 75 - 53 - PRESBYTERY OF HUDSON RIVER PRESBYTERY OF NEW BRUNSWICK Bethany Presbyterian Church 30 Sout St.(PO Box 239) Washingtonville, NY 10992 (845)496-3787 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 17 Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church 124 Witherspoon St. Princeton, NJ 08542 (609) 924-1666 Pastor: Rev. M. Muriel Burrows Membership: 201 First Presbyterian Church 199 N. Columbus Ave. Mt. Vernon, NY 10553 (914) 664-0623 Pastor: Rev. Betty Gilbert Membership: 307 PRESBYTERY OF NEW YORK CITY Beck Memorial Presbyterian Church 980 E. 180 St.(PO Box 570) Bronx, NY 10460 (718) 991-5757 Pastor: Veronica Swinson Membership: 34 PRESBYTERY OF LONG ISLAND Christ's First Presbyterian Church 1644 Denton Green Hempstead, NY 11550 (516) 292-1644 Pastor: Elder Scott Williams -REC Membership: 92 Bedford Central Presbyterian Church 1200 Dean St. Brooklyn, NY 11216 (718) 467-0740 Pastor: Rev. Clive Neil Membership: 386 Memorial Presbyterian Church 189 Babylon Trke Roosevelt, NY 11575 (516) 623-9561 Pastor: Rev. Yvonne Collie-Pendleton Membership: 550 Bethel Presbyterian Reformed Church, Inc 387 94th St Brooklyn, NY 11209 (718) 954-8047 Pastor: Rev. Samuel Atiemo Membership: PRESBYTERY OF MONMOUTH Church Of The Master Presbyterian Church 81-82 Morningside Ave. New York, NY 10027 Pastor: Rev. Ronald P. Lawrence Membership: 133 Martin Luther King Jr Presbyterian Church 15 Memorial(PO Box 270) Neptune, NJ 07753 (732) 775-6622 Pastor: Rev. Kevin Williams Membership: 32 - 54 - First Presbyterian Church, Far Rockaway 896 Central Ave. Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718) 327-2440 Pastor: Rev. Benjamin Patterson Membership: 373 Dunton Presbyterian Church 109-29 135th St. S Ozone Park, NY 11420 (718) 322-6534 Pastor: Rev. Deswick H. Brown Membership: 70 Duryea Presbyterian Church 362 Sterling Pl. Brooklyn, NY 11238 (718) 783-2451 Pastor: Ted Hickman Membership: 58 First Presbyterian Church, Springfield Gardens 216-02 137th Ave. Springfield Garden, NY 11413 (718) 528-7744 Pastor: Rev. Elgin Watkins (Stated Supply) Membership: 82 Eastchester Presbyterian Church 3154 Fish Ave. Bronx, NY 10469 (718) 798-1855 Pastor: Rev. Perry Wootten Associate: Rev. Carlton Knight Membership: 378 Fort Schuyler Presbyterian Church 2950 Dewey Ave. Bronx, NY 10465 (718) 823-1252 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 78 Emmanuel Presbyterian Church 737 E. 6th St. New York, NY 10009 (212) 228-0431 Pastor: Rev. Euton Williams Membership: 31 French Evangelical Presbyterian Church 126 W. 16th St. New York, NY 10011 (212) 929-6312 Pastor: Rev. Charles Atkins (Stated Supply) Membership: 80 Featherbed Lane Presbyterian Church 141 Featherbed Ln. Bronx, NY 10452 (718) 733-6430 Pastor: Rev. Lonnie Bryant Membership: 49 Glen Morris Presbyterian Church 118-02 109th Ave, 107th Ave S. Ozone Park, NY 11419 (718) 738-4011 Pastor: Rev. S. David Brettel Pastor: Rev. Amy Bisnauth Membership: 155 First Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn 124 Henry St Brooklyn, NY 11201 (718) 624-3770 Pastor: Rev. Flora Bridges Pastor: Rev. Paul Smith Membership: 221 Glenmore Avenue Presbyterian Church 994 Glenmore Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11208 (714) 647-0458 Pastor:Rev.Mukhtiar Masih(Stated Supply) Membership: 33 Ghanaian Presbyterian Reform Friendship 1921 Bay Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11230 - 55 - Hollis Presbyterian Church 100-50 196th St. Hollis, NY 11423 (718) 776-4646 Pastor: Rev. Mark Chapman Membership: 188 North Presbyterian Church 525 W. 155th St. New York, NY 10032 (212) 926-5162 Pastor: Rev. Christopher L. Smith (Supply) Membership: 30 Kingslawn United Presbyterian Church 2368 Ralph Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11234 (718)241-0736 Pastor: Peter Parris - REC Membership: 42 Ozone Park, United Presbyterian Church 94-02 101st Ave. Ozone Park, NY 11416 (718) 845-4499 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 95 Laconia Community Presbyterian Church 3915 Laconia Ave. Bronx, NY 10466 (718) 654-0383 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 73 Queens Village, First United Presbyterian Church 94-17 217th St Queens Village, NY 11428 (718) 468-0756 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 45 Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church 85 S Oxford St (Fort Green) Brooklyn, NY 11217 (718) 625-7515 (O) (718) 797-4556 (F) Pastor: Rev. Carmen Mason-Browne Rendall Memorial Presbyterian Church 59-61 W. 137th St. New York, NY 10037 (212) 283-2928 Pastor: Rev. Spencer C. Gibbs (Supply) Membership: 72 Mt. Morris-Ascension Presbyterian Church 15 Mt. Morris Park W New York, NY 10027 (212) 831-6800 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 100 Siloam Presbyterian Church 260 Jefferson Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11216 (718) 789-7050 Pastor: Rev. Darryll H. Young Membership: 127 Mt. Washington Presbyterian Church 84 Vermilyea Ave. New York, NY 10034 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 20 Sound View Presbyterian Church 760 Soundview Ave. Bronx, NY 10473 (718) 842-2287 Pastor: Rev. Cleota Robertson Membership: 173 - 56 - Westminster Bethany Presbyterian Church 644 Mac Donough Brooklyn, NY 11233 (718) 443-1509 Pastor: Rev. Agnes Blackmon Membership: 117 St. Albans Presbyterian Church 190-04 119th Ave. St.Albans, NY 11412 (718) 528-2495 Pastor: Rev. Edward Davis Membership: 550 St. Augustine Presbyterian Church 838 E. 165th St. Bronx, NY 10459 (718) 542-7253 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 120 Westminster in Cedar Manor Presbyterian Church 159-11 115th Rd. Jamaica, NY 11434 (718) 529-2600 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 42 St. James Presbyterian Church 409 W. 141st St. New York, NY 10031 (212) 283-4541 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 81 PRESBYTERY OF NEWARK Bethel Presbyterian Church 1855 Midland Ave. East Orange, NJ 07108 (973) 676-7089 Pastor: Moderator Rev. Laurin McArthur Membership: 38 Throop Memorial Presbyterian Church 140-17 243rd St. Rosedale, NY 11422 (718) 525-5255 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 43 Clinton Avenue Presbyterian Church 761 Clinton Ave. Newark, NJ 07108 (973) 372-8404 Pastor: Rev. Deborah Oosterbann (Supply) Membership: 45 Tremont Presbyterian Church 1954 Grand Concourse Bronx, NY 10457 (718) 294-5255 Pastor: Rev. Errol Yarru Membership: 93 Elizabeth Ave.-Weequahic Presbyterian Church 761 Elizabeth Ave. Newark, NJ 07112 (973) 923-5655 Pastor: Ms. Doris Peterson - REC Membership: 66 University Heights Presbyterian Church 2167 University Ave. Bronx, NY 10453 (718) 295-1220 Pastor: Rev. Brenda Berry Membership: 89 Elmwood East Presbyterian Church 135 Elmwood Ave. East Orange, NJ 07018 (973)678-0055 Pastor: Rev. Robert N. Burkins Elmwood@elmwoodchurchnj - 57 - Elmwood West Presbyterian Church 135 Elmwood Ave. East Orange, NJ 07018 (973)678-0055 Pastor: Rev. Robert N. Burkins Elmwood@elmwoodchurchnj PRESBYTERY OF PALISADES Bethany Presbyterian Church 62 W. Palisade Ave. Englewood, NJ 07631 (201) 567-4132 Pastor: Rev. Charles Gilmore (Supply) Membership: 30 Elmwood United Presbyterian Church 135 Elmwood Ave. East Orange, NJ 07018 (973) 678-0055 Pastor: Rev. Robert N. Burkins Membership: 1045 Claremont-Lafayette Presbyterian Church 417 Rose Ave. Jersey City, NJ 07305 (201) 333-6216 Pastor: Rev. Carlisle Dickson (Supply) Membership: 124 First Presbyterian Church 777 Grove St. Irvington, NJ 07111 (973) 374-0913 Pastor: Rev. Obiri Addo Membership: 424 St. Augustine Presbyterian Church 155-159 Governor St. Paterson, NJ 07501 (973) 345-4810 Pastor: Rev. Hector Seda (Supply) Membership: 23 Memorial West United Presbyterian Church 286 S. 7th St. Newark, NJ 07103 (908) 217-2544 Moderator: Rev. Deborah Oosterbann Membership: 21 Teaneck Presbyterian Church Teaneck, NJ 07666 (201) 837-2904 Pastor: Rev. Dr. Gloria J. Tate Membership: 179 Roseville United Presbyterian Church 36 Roseville Ave. Newark, NJ 07107 (973) 483-3361 Pastor: Rev. Doris Glaspy Membership: 170 United Presbyterian Church 375 Van Houten St. Paterson, NJ 07501 (973) 742-9755 Pastor: Rev. Adrian McFarlane(Designated) Membership: 119 Trinity Presbyterian Church Orange Rd. & High St. Montclair, NJ 07042 (973) 744-3396 Pastor: Rev. Allen Shelton Membership: 121 - 58 - PRESBYTERY OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND PRESBYTERY OF WEST JERSEY M. L. King Jr. Community Presbyterian Church 14 Concord Terr. Springfield, MA 01109 (413) 737-0777 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 62 First Presbyterian Church 1013 Pacific Ave. Atlantic City, NJ 08404 (609) 344-5080 CLP: Revs. Charles & Diana Lyles Membership: 119 Jethro Presbyterian Church 423 N. Ohio Ave. Atlantic City, NJ 08401 (609) 344-5529 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 35 PRESBYTERY OF WESTERN NEW YORK Macalpine Presbyterian Church 2700 Bailey Ave. Buffalo, NY 14215 (716)893-0208 Pastor: Rev. Kenneth Munson Membership: 22 Woodland Avenue Presbyterian Church 2300 S. Eighth St. Camden, NJ 08104 (856)963-7538 Pastor: Rev. Floyd L. White (Supply) Membership: 50 SYNOD OF THE PACIFIC PRESBYTERY OF SAN FRANCISCO Ingleside Presbyterian Church 1345 Ocean Ave. San Francisco, CA 94112 (415) 587-4472 Pastor: Rev. Roland Gordon Membership: 90 Elmhurst Presbyterian Church 1332 98th Ave. Oakland, CA 94603 (510) 568-7861 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 65 New Liberation Presbyterian Church 1100 Divisadero St. San Francisco, CA 94115 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 89 Faith Presbyterian Church 430 49th St. Oakland, CA 94609 (510) 653-9752 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 87 Sojourner Truth Presbyterian Church 2621 Shane Dr. Richmond, CA 94806 (510) 222-2020 Pastor: Kamal Hassan Membership: 182 Hillside Presbyterian Church 2024 Durant Ave. Berkeley, CA 94704 (510) 568-2032 Pastor: Vacant - 59 - SYNOD OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS PRESBYTERY OF DENVER PRESBYTERY OF ROCKY MTNS DENVER Peoples Presbyterian Church 2780 York St. Denver, CO 80205 (303) 297-9071 Pastor: Rev. Tim Mooney (Interim) Membership: 124 United Montbello Presbyterian Church 4879 Crown Blvd. Denver, CO 80239 (303) 373-0070 Pastor: Rev. James Fouther Membership: 32 SYNOD OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA & HAWAII PRESBYTERY OF SAN DIEGO PRESBYTERY OF THE PACIFIC Christ Presbyterian Church 3025 Fir St. San Diego, CA 92102 (619) 239-2346 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 124 Angeles Mesa Presbyterian Church 3751 W. 54th St. Los Angeles, CA 90043 (323) 293-7121 Pastor: Rev. Timm Cyrus Membership: 150 Southeast Community Presbyterian Church 210 S. Euclid San Diego, CA 92114 (619) 264-0183 Pastor: Desaree Bland Membership: 140 Bel Vue Community United Presbyterian Church 675 E. 118th St. Los Angeles, CA 90059 (323) 757-9188 Pastor: Rev. Arthur C. Ross Membership: 127 Church of the Redeemer Presbyterian Church 900 E. Rosecrans Los Angeles, CA 90059 (310) 537-1372 Pastor: Rev. Kerry Allison Membership: 109 PRESBYTERY OF SAN GABRIEL South Hills United Presbyterian Church 1170 Fremont Pomona, CA 91766 (909) 629-0492 Pastor: Rev. N”yisrela Watts-Afriyie Membership: 66 Community United Presbyterian Church 7501 S. Normandie Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90044 (323) 752-3129 Pastor: Rev. Stephen Kamau Githmbi Membership: 57 - 60 - St.Paul’s Presbyterian Church 5100 Coliseum St. Los Angeles, CA 90016 (323) 292-0471 Pastor: Rev. Ann L. Hayman Membership: 73 First Los Angeles Presbyterian Church 1809 West Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90019 (323) 935-5204 Pastor: Rev. Calvin Moore II Membership: 70 Knox Presbyterian Church 5840 La Tijera Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90056 (323) 292-0654 Pastor: Rev. Dr. Elizabeth I. Steele Membership: 300 Westminster Presbyterian Church 2230 W. Jefferson Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90018 (323) 734-1566 Pastor: Rev. Virginia M. Brown Membership: 155 SYNOD OF SOUTH ATLANTIC PRESBYTERY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA Bethel Presbyterian Church 1851 Bohicket Rd. (PO Box 543) Johns Island, SC 29457 (843) 559-5075 Pastor: Rev. Robert L. Capers Membership: 126 Washington Shores Presbyterian Church 3600 Rogers Dr. Orlando, FL 32805 (407) 295-4741 Pastor: Rev. Erika Rembert Membership: 143 Edisto Presbyterian Church 1890 Cypress Bottom Rd.(PO Box 7) Edisto Island, SC 29438 (843) 869-2300 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 210 PRESBYTERY OF CHARLESTON-ATLANTIC Aimwell Presbyterian Church PO Box 948 Walterboro, SC 29488 (843) 893-3851 Pastor: Lesley Bligen (Candidate, Supply) Membership: 123 Hebron-Zion Presbyterian Church 2915 Bohicket Rd. Johns Island, SC 29455 (843) 559-0865 Pastor: Rev. Henry Rivers Membership: 126 Beaufort-Salem Presbyterian Church 67 Bolden Ln Yemassee, SC 29945 Pastor: Rev. Willie McPhail Membership: 29 - 61 - Hopewell Presbyterian Church 1201 North Lemacks St. Walterboro, SC 29488 (843) 549-6292 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 15 Wallingford Presbyterian Church 707 King St. Charleston, SC 29403 (843) 723-9929 Pastor: Rev. Alonza A.Washington Membership: 139 Salem Presbyterian Church 5591 Maybank Hwy. Wadmalaw Isld, SC 29487 (843) 559-9997 Pastor: Rev. Robert L. Capers Membership: 46 Zion Olivet Presbyterian Church 134 Cannon St. Charleston, SC 29403 (843) 723-9024 Pastor: Rev. Sidney E. Davis Membership: 383 St. Andrews Presbyterian Church 795 Bear Swamp Rd. Johns Island, SC 29455 (803) 776-4262 Pastor: Rev. Issac Moore (Supply) Membership: 74 PRESBYTERY OF FLINT RIVER Beth Salem Presbyterian Church 4253 St.Marys Rd. Columbus, GA 31907-6243 (706) 687-5849 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 47 St. James Presbyterian Church 1314 Seccessionville Rd. Charleston, SC 29412 (843) 795-3959/(843)795-3993(F) Senior Pastor: Rev. Charles C. Heyward Associate Pastor: Rev. Carolyn Heyward Membership: 1064 C. K. Smith Memorial Presbyterian Church 501 Mercer Ave. (PO Box 249) Albany, GA 31701-0249 (229) 431-0939 Pastor: Rev. Leggett Darrell Membership: 22 St. Luke Presbyterian Church P.O. Box 563 Orangeburg, SC 29115-0563 (803) 536-1565 Pastor: Rev. Donald J. Johnson Membership: 50 Carver Heights Presbyterian Church 3140 8th St. Columbus, GA 31906 (570) 671-9144 Pastor: Rev. Virgil L. Marshall Membership: 53 St. Paul Presbyterian Church PO Box 257 Hollywood, SC 29449 (843) 889-8319 Pastor: Rev. Audrey O. Deas Membership: 132 Second Presbyterian Church 1306 Fletcher St. Thomasville, GA 31792 (229) 226-6150 Pastor: Rev. Earl Williams Membership: 58 - 62 - Mattoon Presbyterian Church 415 Hampton Ave. Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 235-4499 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 36 St.Paul Presbyterian Church 615 W. 15th Ave. (PO Box 1202) Cordele, GA 31015 (229) 273-0198 Pastor: Rev. Darrell Leggett Membership: 54 Nicholtown Presbyterian Church PO Box 17005 Greenville, SC 29606 (864) 232-9975 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 46 Washington Avenue Presbyterian Church 939 Washington Ave. Macon, GA 31201 (478) 743-3345 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 54 Rock Hill Presbyterian Church 126 Church Hill St. (PO Box 196) Norris, SC 29667 Pastor: Rev. James McDowell Membership: 18 PRESBYTERY OF FLORIDA Bethel Presbyterian Church 811 South 13th St. De Funiak Springs, FL 32435 (850) 892-0467 / 5298 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 10 Salem Presbyterian Church 1100 Dooley Ave. (PO Box 2146) Anderson, SC 29622 (864) 225-3173 Pastor: Rev. Isaac Wallace Membership: 20 Pleasant Grove Presbyterian Church PO Box 158 Argyle, FL 32422 (850) 892-2757 Pastor: Rev. Durl E. Odom Membership: 7 Walker's Chapel Presbyterian Church 370 Cunningham Cr. (PO Box 99) Reidville, SC 29375 (843) 433-8509 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 67 Trinity United Presbyterian Church 620 Gore Ave. (PO Box 5796) Tallahassee, FL 32314 (850) 576-2320 Pastor: Michael E. Askew Membership: 33 Westminster Presbyterian Church 680 Saxon Ave. (PO Box 5052) Spartanburg, SC 29304 Pastor: Rev. Bessie Black Membership: 36 PRESBYTERY OF FOOTHILLS Bethesda Presbyterian Church PO Box 2203 Gaffney, SC 29342 (864) 489-0062 Pastor: Rev. L.C. Duncan Membership: 18 - 63 - Rice Memorial Presbyterian Church 1515 Brewer Blvd. Atlanta, GA 30310 (404) 752-7471 Pastor: Rev. David B. Bowie Membership: 111 PRESBYTERY OF GREATER ATLANTA Church of the Master Presbyterian Church 3400 Martin L. King Jr. Dr. Atlanta, GA 30331 (404) 691-5113 Pastor: Rev. Sylvia Wilson Membership: 119 Trinity Presbyterian Church 1706 Candler Rd. Decatur, GA 30031 (404) 284-4704 Pastor: Rev. Cecelya Taylor Membership: 143 First Afrikan Presbyterian Church 5197 Salem Rd. Lithonia, GA 30038 (770) 981-2601 Pastor: Rev. Mark Lomax Membership: 635 Westhills Presbyterian Church 2600 Fairburn Rd. SW Atlanta, GA 30310 (404) 384-4346 Pastor: Rev. Marinda Harris Membership: 69 Hillside Presbyterian Church 1879 Columbia Dr. Decatur, GA 30032 (404) 289-3092 Pastor: Rev. Winston A. G. Lawson Membership: 170 PRESBYTERY OF NEW HARMONY Congruity Presbyterian Church 3750 Congruity Church Rd. Sumter, SC 29151 (803) 495-2961 Pastor: Rev. Ernest Jackson (Supply) Membership: 212 New Life Presbyterian Church 6600 Old National Hwy. College Park, GA 30349 (770) 996-7159 Pastor: Rev. Billy Honor Membership: 578 Cousar Memorial Presbyterian Church 713 E. Church St. Bishopville, SC 29010 (803) 484-9192 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 80 Radcliffe Presbyterian Church 286 Hamilton E. Holmes Dr. Atlanta, GA 30318 (404) 799-8286 Pastor: Rev. Dr. David Wallace (Interim) Membership: 327 Ebenezer Presbyterian Church 4620 Queen Chapel Rd. Dalzell, SC 29040 (803) 469-4095 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 142 - 64 - Friendship Presbyterian Church 10979 Black River Rd. New Zion, SC 29111 (803) 787-4081 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 48 Mt. Lisbon Presbyterian Church 205 Mt. Lisbon Rd. Bishopville, SC 29010 (803) 484-6360, (803)428-2743 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 46 George Waldo Long Memorial Presbyterian Church 312 2nd St.(PO Box 983) Cheraw, SC 29520 (843) 537-6997 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 39 Mt. Pisgah Presbyterian Church PO Box 1094 Hartsville, SC 29551 (843) 332-8481 Pastor: Rev. Marshall Ivey - REC Membership: 38 Goodwill Presbyterian Church 295 N. Brick Church Rd. Mayesville, SC 29104 (803) 495-3599 Pstor: Rev. Ella Busby Membership: 269 Mt. Sinai Presbyterian Church 5895 Mt. Sinai Church Rd.(PO Box 121) Mayesville, SC 29104 (803) 453-5705 Pastor: Joseph Boutte (Supply) Membership: 35 Grand View Presbyterian Church 205 Mill St. Chesterfield, SC 29709 (684) 323-2382 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 58 New Bethel Presbyterian Church 900 Perry St. (PO Box 808) Dillon, SC 29536 (843) 841-0210 Pastor: Omar Hilton (Supply) Membership: 112 Harmony Presbyterian Church 8883 Hwy 301 Alcolu, SC 29001 (803) 473-2890 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 127 New Covenant United Presbyterian Church 907 Legare St. (PO Box 2256) Sumter, SC 29150 (803) 773-0198 Pastor: Rev. Retha Mungin-Nelson Membership: 61 Melina Presbyterian Church 3539 Black River Rd. Gable, SC 29051 (803) 473-2265 Pastor: Rev. Samuel Sparks (Temporary) Membership: 323 New Harvest Presbyterian Church 111 Williams Blvd. (PO Box 12227) Florence, SC 29504 (843) 673-1865 Pastor: Rev. William Jones (Temporary) Membership: 45 Mizpah Presbyterian Church 498 Washington St. Darlington, SC 29540 (843) 382-2193 Pastor: Franklin Colclough Membership: 8 Old Bethel Presbyterian Church 3652 Kentyre Rd. Dillin, SC 29536 (843) 774-2980 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 13 - 65 - Pageland Second Presbyterian Church 604 N. Elm St. Pageland, SC 29728 (843) 672-5185 Pastor: Rev. Annette Brewer (Temporary) Membership: 24 Sardis Presbyterian Church 652 Gordon St. Jefferson, GA 30549 (706) 367-8974 Pastor: Cheryl Barnes (Temporary) Membership: 46 Second Presbyterian Church 1125 Old Pocalla Rd. Sumter, SC 29151 (803) 773-5475 Pastor: Rev. Gloria Williams Membership: 116 Westminster Presbyterian Church 841 Jones Ave. (PO Box 664) Waynesboro, GA 30830 (706) 554-4120 Pastor: Evelyn Ellis (Candidate, Supply) Membership: 41 Trinity Presbyterian Church 136 S. Main St. (PO Box 472) Mayesville, SC 29104 (803) 453-5024 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 84 Westside Presbyterian Church 651 Pulliam St.NE (PO Box 1052) Elberton, GA 30635 (706) 283-7784 Pastor: Rev. Willie B. Moon Membership: 66 Westminster Presbyterian Church 9124 Plowden Mill Rd. Alcolu, SC 29001 (803) 473-4360 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 119 PRESBYTERY OF PROVIDENCE Bethlehem First Presbyterian Church 825 W. McConnells Hwy. McConnells, SC 29726 (803) 839-6518 Pastor: Rev. William Gaither - REC Membership: 33 PRESBYTERY OF NORTHEAST GEORGIA Belle Terrace Presbyterian Church 2454 Golden Camp Rd. Augusta, GA 30906 (706) 793-6908 Pastor: Rev. Melvin G. Lowry Membership: 155 Carmel Presbyterian Church 134 Walnut St. Chester, SC 29706 (803) 385-5471 Pastor: Rev. W.T. Holmes Membership: 17 Christ Presbyterian Church 1316 Laney-Walker Blvd. Augusta, GA 30901 (706) 724-3087 Pastor: Rev. Adline Middleton (Supply) Membership: 47 - 66 - Hermon Presbyterian Church 107 Heckle Blvd. Rock Hill, SC 29731 (803) 327-6015 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 52 PRESBYTERY OF SAVANNAH Hopewell Presbyterian Church 1473 York Rd. Blacksburg, SC 29702 (864) 839-0002 Pastor: Rev. Dennis Funderburk Membership: 40 Butler Memorial Presbyterian Church 603 W. Victory Dr. Savannah, GA 31405 (912) 236-7747 Pastor: Rev. Dan Dilley Membership: 194 Brunswick Second Presbyterian Church 1901 Albany St. Brunswick, GA 31520 (912) 264-5792 Pastor: Benjamin Holmes - REC Membership: 85 Messiah Presbyterian Church 4076 John G Richards Rd. Liberty Hill, SC 29074 (803) 273-9801 Pastor: Rev. Henry Alexander Membership: 32 First Presbyterian Church 672 N. Coastal Hwy. Midway, GA 31320 (912) 884-5967 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 90 Mt. Tabor Presbyterian Church PO Box 98 Blackstock, SC 29014 (803) 581-3709 Pastor: Rev. Steve Lemons Membership: 7 Grant Chapel Presbyterian Church PO Box 1466 Darien, GA 31305 Pastor: Rev. J.Jacob Sanders (Supply) Membership: 43 Pleasant Grove Presbyterian Church PO Box 8 York, SC 29710 (803) 927-7575 Pastor: Rev. W. T. Holmes (Supply) Membership: 48 Peabody Heights Presbyterian Church 1123 Herman Ave. SW (PO Box 4153) Eastman, GA 31023 (478) 374-3548 Pastor: Rev. David Muntford (Supply) Membership: 30 Pleasant Ridge Presbyterian Church 912 Clinton Ave. Ext Lancaster, SC 29721 (803) 285-1661 Pastor: Rev. Henry Alexander (Supply) Membership: 33 Washington Street Presbyterian Church 975 S. Washington St.(PO Box 1908) Dublin, GA 31040 (478) 272-1944 Pastor: Rev. Ricky Porter Membership: 55 - 67 - PRESBYERY OF ST. AUGUSTINE Lebanon Presbyterian Church 667 Hwy. 21 S (PO Box 06) Ridgeway, SC 29130 (803) 337-2188 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 118 Woodlawn United Presbyterian Church 3026 Woodlawn Rd. Jacksonville, FL 32209 (904) 768-5905 Pastor: Rev. Joe W. Rigsby Membership: 620 Little River Presbyterian Church 1415 Hwy 215N. Blair, SC 29015 (803)718-7879 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 20 PRESBYTERY OF TAMPA BAY Church of the Reconciler 915 Drew St. Clearwater, FL 33755 (727) 446-0946 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 51 Nazareth Presbyterian Church 99 Hillcrest Rd. Winnsboro, SC 29180 (803) 635-6907 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 18 Northminster Presbyterian Church 6717 David St. Columbia, SC 29203 (803) 754-1812 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 203 Trinity Presbyterian Church 2830 22nd Ave. S St.Petersburg, FL 33712 (727) 327-8560 Pastor: Rev. Alfonso Wood Membership: 131 Oak Grove Presbyterian Church 206 Mt. Pilgrim Church Rd. Prosperity, SC 29127 (803) 945-7862 Pastor: Rev. Timothy Brown (Temporary) Membership: 86 PRESBYTERY OF TRINITY Calvary Presbyterian Church PO Box 997 Winnsboro, SC 29180 (803) 635-5440 Pastor: Rev. Hezekiah Corppetts Membership: 70 Piedmont Presbyterian Church P.O. Box 85 Mountville, SC 29370 (864) 994-3054 Pastor: Rev. Sadie Goldsmith Membership: 29 Ladson Presbyterian Church 1720 Sumter St. Columbia, SC 29202 (803) 765-9192 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 19 Ridgeview Presbyterian Church 4145 Hardscrabble Rd. Columbia, SC 29223 (803) 419-0114 Pastor: Carolyn Davis (Temporary) Membership: 46 - 68 - Shiloh First Presbyterian Church 1770 State Hwy 213 (PO Box 231) Winnsboro, SC 29180 (803) 635-4603 Pastor: Rev. Robert Scotland Membership: 71 Goodwill Presbyterian Church 606 N. 29th St. (PO Box 1537) Ft Pierce, FL 34954 (772) 466-9570 Pastor: Rev. Robert Coleman (Evangilist) Membership: 57 PRESBYTERY OF TROPICAL FLORIDA Myrtle Grove Presbyterian Church 2961 NW 175th St. (PO Box 693906) Miami Gardens, FL 33269 (305) 621-6611 Pastor: Rev. Dr. Nigel Leon Lovell-Martin Membership: 102 All Nations Presbyterian Church 16951 NE 4th Ave. N Miami Beach, FL 33162 (305) 651-4802 Pastor: Rev. Dr. Jonas Georges Membership: 85 New Covenant Presbyterian Church 4300 NW 12th Ave. Miami, FL 33127 (305) 633-1854 Pastor: Rev. Connie Bright Membership: 84 Alta Vista Presbyterian Church 12555 NW 17th Ave. N Miami, FL 33167 (305) 688-8541 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 21 Ascension Peace Presbyterian Church 2701 N. State Rd. 7 Lauderhill, FL 33313 (954) 733-7334 Pastor: Rev. Dr. Raymond Anglin Membership: 178 Trinity Presbyterian Church 717 Simonton St. (PO Box 6471) Key West, FL 33041 (305) 296-3318 Pastor: Rev. Dr.Gwendolyn Magby Membership: 75 SYNOD OF THE SOUTHWEST PRESBYTER OF GRAND CANYON Southminster Presbyterian Church 1923 E. Broadway Phoenix, AZ 85066 (602) 276-2582 Pastor: Rev. Reginald Ragland Membership: 174 - 69 - SYNOD OF THE SUN PRESBYTERY OF ARKANSAS PRESBYTERY OF GRACE Allison Memorial Presbyterian Church 922 Wright Ave. Little Rock, AR 72206 (501) 376-2104 Pastor: Rev. Marion A. Humphrey Membership: 94 Glendale Presbyterian Church 4611 S. Marsalis Ave Dallas, TX 75216 (214) 371-2046 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 128 Faith Presbyterian Church 913 N. University Pine Bluff, AR 71601 (870) 541-0823 Pastor: Harlis Wright - REC Membership: 68 Highland Hills Presbyterian Church 6352 Bonnie View Rd.(PO Box 41145) Dallas, TX 75241 (972) 225-2200 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 40 Hopewell Presbyterian Church 249 Solgohachia Rd. (PO Box 484) Morrilton, AR 72110 (501) 977-0442 Pastor: Rev. Joy Carrington (Tentmaker) Membership: 21 St. Luke Presbyterian Church 5915 Singing Hills Dr. Dallas, TX 75241 (214) 374-4033 Pastor: Rev. Kasaonga Wa Kosonga Membership: 90 West End Presbyterian Church 1700 W. Logan St. Arkadelphia, AR 71923 (870) 246-4166 Pastor: Kenneth & Claire Rhodes Membership: 56 St. Peter Presbyterian Church 5801 Truman Dr. Ft Worth, TX 76112 (817) 451-3311 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 50 PRESBYTERY OF EASTERN OKLAHOMA PRESBYTERY OF INDIAN NATIONS St. Paul Presbyterian Church PO Box 283 Eagletown, OK 74734 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 15 Trinity Presbyterian Church 2301 NE 23rd St. Oklahoma City, OK 73111 (405) 427-2878 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 46 - 70 - RESBYTERY OF NEW COVENANT Christ Presbyterian Church 14630 White Heather Houston, TX 77045 (713) 433-0326 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 22 Hollywood Presbyterian Church 2840 Hollywood Ave. Shreveport, LA 71108 (318) 635-5286 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 55 Pinecrest Presbyterian Church 4913 Market St. Houston, TX 77020 (713) 673-0552 Pastor: Rev. Joesph D. Intsiful Membership: 145 Holmes Chapel Presbyterian Church 527 E. McCloy (PO Box 412) Monticello, AR 71657 (870) 367-9421 Pastor: Rev. Alford Lanon Branch Membership: 275 Pioneer Presbyterian Church 3750 E. Lucas Dr. Beaumont, TX 77708 (409) 898-4228 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 20 Red Lick Presbyterian Church 1206 Red Lick Rd. Mansfield, LA 71052 (318) 636-3761 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 14 University Presbyterian Church 3601 Blodgett Houston, TX 77004 (713) 523-2722 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 23 PRESBYTERY OF SOUTH LOUISIANA Berean Presbyterian Church 1629 Simon Bolivar Ave. (70113) (PO Box 50549) New Orleans, LA 70150 (504) 525-3198 Pastor: Rev. Matthew George Membership: 34 PRESBYTERY OF THE PINES Good Hope Presbyterian Church 4233 Hwy. 175 Frierson, LA 71027 (318) 797-7232 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 20 Scotlandville Presbyterian Church 1246 Rosenwald Blvd (70807) Baton Rouge, LA 70874 (225) 775-4782 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 42 - 71 - SYNOD OF THE TRINITY PRESBYTERY OF CARLISLE PRESBYTERY OF PHILADELPHIA Capital Presbyterian Church 1401 Cumberland St. Harrisburg, PA 17103 (717) 236-2332 Pastor: Rev. Michael O. Wilson Membership: 85 Berean Presbyterian Church 2101 N. Broad St. Philadelphia, PA 19122 (215) 769-5683 Pastor: Rev. Michael Evans Membership: 236 Bethel Presbyterian Church 1900 W. York St. Philadelphia, PA 19132 (215) 228-0328 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 95 PRESBYTERY OF DONEGAL Second Presbyterian Church 42 S. 5th St. Oxford, PA 19363 (610) 932-9256 Pastor: Rev. Tryone Carter (Pulpit Supply) Membership: 66 Calvin Presbyterian Church 1401 N. 60th St. Philadelphia, PA 19151 (215) 877-7711 Pastor: Rev. Dr. Curtis A. Jones (Supply) Membership: 137 Second Presbyterian Church 114 S. Walnut St. W Chester, PA 19382 (215) 692-4466 Pastor:Rev.Brenda Mosley Moore (Supply) Membership: 42 Cedar Park Presbyterian Church 7700 Limeklin Pike Philadelphia, PA 19150 (215) 549-9775 Pastor: Rev. Carroll D. Jenkins (Interim) Membership: 116 PRESBYTERY OF LEHIGH Washington Presbyterian Church 715 N. 10th St. Reading, PA 19604 (610) 375-3469 Pastor: Rev. Laddie J. Benton Membership: 52 First African Presbyterian Church 4159 W. Girard Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19104 (215) 477-3100 Pastor:Rev.Frederick A.Hanna (Temporary) Membership: 131 - 72 - Oak Lane Presbyterian Church 6637 N. 11th St. Philadelphia, PA 19126 (215) 424-4446 Pastor: Rev. Alonzo T. Johnson Membership: 158 Germantown Community Presbyterian Church 6141 Greene St. Philadelphia, PA 19144 (215) 438-0500 Pastor: Rev. Jimmy F. Reese (Temporary) Membership: 131 Holy Trinity Bethlehem Presbyterian Church 1100 W. Rockland St. Philadelphia, PA 19141 (215) 329-3710 Pastor: Rev. Danny Mitchell Membership: 120 Oxford Presbyterian Church 8501 Stenton Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19150 (215) 247-9487 Pastor: Rev. Ethelyn R. Taylor Membership: 179 Lombard Central Presbyterian Church 4201 Powelton Ave Philadelphia, PA 19104 (215) 222-3044 Moderator: Randy L. Barge Membership: 32 Temple Presbyterian Church 1300 N. 7th St. Philadelphia, PA 19122 (215) 232-9777 Pastor: Rev. Valeria Harvell (Supply) Membership: 66 New Covenant Presbyterian Church 6329 Limekiln Pike Philadelphia, PA 19138 (215) 424-8046 Pastor:Rev.Anna Grant (Temporary Supply) Membership: 32 Thomas M. Thomas Memorial Presbyterian Church PO Box 29 Chester, PA 19013 (610) 874-3424 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 122 New Spirit Community Presbyterian Church 5736 Chester Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19143 (215) 729-6631 Moderator: Rev. Joseph I. Steele Membership: 167 United Ghanaian Presbyterian Church 7501 Oak Lane Rd. Melrose Park, PA 19027 Pastor: Rev. Kobina Ofosu-Donkoh Membership: 184 Wynnefield Presbyterian Church 2249 N. 54th St. Philadelphia, PA 19131 (215) 878-5712 Pastor: Rev. Paul Farrell Membership: 55 - 73 - PRESBYTERY OF PITTSBURGH Bethesda United Presbyterian Church 7220 Bennett St. Pittsburgh, PA 15208 (412) 731-2294 Pastor: Rev. Jermaine McKinley Membership: 63 Hazelwood Presbyterian Church 5000 Second Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15207 (412) 421-0947 Pastor: Rev. Leslie Boone Membership: 104 Bidwell Street United Presbyterian Church 1025 Liverpool St. Pittsburgh, PA 15233 (412) 231-4663 Pastor: Rev. Bernetta "DeNeice" Welch Membership: 262 Mosaic Community Presbyterian Church 2801 North Charles Street Pittsburgh, PA 15214 (412) 321-3911 Pastor: Rev. Saleem Ghubril Membership: 47 Grace Memorial Presbyterian Church 1000 Bryn Mawr Rd. Pittsburgh, PA 15219 (641) 281-0229 Pastor: Rev. David Thornton Membership: 269 Valley View Presbyterian Church 601 N. Aiken Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15206 (412) 361-0870 Pastor: Rev. Chad Collins Membership: 86 PRESBYTERY OF WEST VIRGINIA Whittico Memorial Presbyterian Church HC 52 Box 190 Keystone, WV 24852 Pastor: Vacant Membership: 7 - 74 - NEW CHURCHES/FELLOWSHIPS New Faith 106 Pepperhill Lane Greenwood, SC 29649 (864) 554-1204 Pastor: Rev. Alice Ridgill Membership: 138 New Hope 191 N. Orange Street Orange CA 92866 (714) 288-9986 Pastor: Rev. Chineta Goodjoin Membership: 88 The Fellowship Place Mission PO Box 668252 Charlotte NC 28266 (704) 516-7433, (980)833-4837 Pastor: Rev. Dr. Michael Robinson Membership: 50 PRESBYTERY OF TRINITY Downtown New Church Development 1415 Blanding Street Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 386-9790 Pastor: Rev. Amos Disasa (Organizing) Membership: 150 - 75 - CONGREGATION REPORT FORM Report to add listing to directory, changes and/or membership statistics Name of Church: _______________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________ State: ___________________ Zip: _______________ Church Phone: (_______) _____________________ Church Fax: (________)______________________ Church Website: _______________________________________________________________________ Church E-Mail: ________________________________________________________________________ Pastor: _______________________________________________________________________________ Home Address: ________________________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________ State: ___________________ Zip: _______________ Home Phone: (_______) _____________________ Cell/Mobile: (________) ______________________ Personal E-Mail: _______________________________________________________________________ Presbytery: ________________________________________ 2012 Membership _________ Synod: __________________________ 2013 Membership ___________ 2014 Membership________ RETURN BY FAX, E-MAIL, OR POSTAL SERVICE Rev. Dr. Lonnie J. Oliver Associate African American Congregational Support Racial Ethnic & Women’s Ministries/PW 100 Witherspoon Street, Room 3007 Louisville KY 40202 Business: 502-569-5697 / Fax: 502-569-8228 - 76 - INDIVIDUAL REPORT FORM If you are not serving in a congregation and would like to be added to the African American Congregational Support database, please provide the following information Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________ State: ___________________ Zip: _______________ Home Phone: (_______) _____________________ Cell/Mobile: (________) ______________________ Work: (_______) _____________________ Ext. (_______) Fax: (________) ______________________ E-Mail: _______________________________________________________________________________ Presbytery: ________________________________________ Synod: __________________________ Ordained Minister Date Ordained: ________________________ Ordained Elder Date Ordained: ________________________ Commissioned Lay Pastor Specialized Ministry: _____________________________ Other: __________________ RETURN BY FAX, E-MAIL, OR POSTAL SERVICE Rev. Dr. Lonnie J. Oliver Associate African American Congregational Support Racial Ethnic & Women’s Ministries/PW 100 Witherspoon Street, Room 3007 Louisville KY 40202 Business: 502-569-5697 / Fax: 502-569-8228 - 77 - Index by Individuals Last Name Aaron, First Name Estelle Page 15 Adams, Adams, Addo, Akoto, Alexander, Catherine Jane Obiri Dorothy Jacqueline 8 29 58 15 15 Alexander, Allen, Allison, Anglin, Anthony, Archer, Arnold-Franklin, Ashley, Henry James Kerry Raymond Lillian Angela Maretta SanDawna G 67 48 60 69 15 15 15,29 15 Asikoye, Askew, Atiemo, Atkins, Aymer, Azumah, Bacon, Luke Michael E. Samuel Charles Margaret John Patricia 12 63 54 55 11,15 10 15 Bacon, Bailey, Baker, Patricia Ann Larry Venetta Ballenger, Bannister Barge, Barnes, Barnes, Barnett, Bates, Bates, Battle, Calvin Lingston Randy L. Maurice Cheryl Antony Timothy Tim Karen 37 34 73 50 66 37 51 51 15,30 Bell, Bell-Haynes, Bellin, Benjamin, Robert Joan Karen Catherine 48 15 15 15 Bennett, Benson-Nicol, Jerome Nancy 50 16 Benton, Berry, Laddie J. Brenda 72 16,57 Bertlet, Betts, Beverly, Bishop-Johnson, Gres Barbara Herbert Anita J. 39 12 12 16 Bisnauth, Amy 55 52 51 15 Last Name Black, Blackmon, First Name Bessie Agnes Blackmon, Blackwell, Bland, Bligen, Blount, Bolden, Boone, Agnes Dina Desaree Lesley Brian Gloria Leslie Y Boone, Boutte, Bowen, Leslie Joseph Grace E. Bowie, Bowman, (Horton) Branch, Brazil, David B. Terri Alford Lanon Willie Mae Brettel, Brewer, S. David Annette P. Brewer, Bridges, Bridges, Bridges, Bright, Brandon Flora Wilson Alvin Glora Constance C. Bright, Brogdon, Brooks, Brooks-Lytle, Connie Lewis Brenda D Aisha Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Lillie Joanne Patricia Karen Virginia M Brown, Brown, Brown, Bruner, Bryant, Bryant-Sanyika, Buckner, Bullock, Angela Deswick H. Timothy Olen Lonnie Nina Carrie L. Beverly Sherrill Burdine, Burkins, Burkins, Burris, Burrows, Burse, Pamela Robert Robert N. J.Currie M. Muriel Cynthia - 78 - Page 63 16 57 29 60 61 11 16,45 16 74 65 16 64 13 71 16 55 16,66 42 33 36 55 16 69 10 16 16 8 16 16 17 17,68 40 55 68 52 55 17 17 17 12 2 57,58 48 54 17 Index by Individuals Last Name Burse, Burton, Busby, First Name Cynthia Last Name Curtis, First Name Rebecca Anthony L. Ella Page 34 38 17,65 Cyrus, Dalton, Timm Yvette Louise Byers, Byrd, J.C. Helen B. 51 17,47 Byron, Byron, Gay Gay Lynne 10 17 Daniel, Daniels, Daniels, Flora David Jeanne Cabell, Canada, Canada, Cannon, Cannon, Monica Arthur Arthur W. Katie Veronica 12 7 44 11,17 17 Darrell, Davis, Leggett Carolyn Cannon, Capers, Jerry L. Olivia Capers, Carrington, Robert L. Joy Davis, Davis, Davis, Davis, Davis, Dawson, Deas, Barbara Edward Gregory Sidney E. Carolyn Ivie Audrey O. Carrington, Carter, Carver-Smith, Caspers, Chapman, Charles, Cheptu, Joy Tryone Toni Robert Mark Sandra Grace 70 72 12 7 56 12 17 Cistruk, Cistrunk, Terrell H. Terrell 35 18 Clark Jr., Clemons-Jones, Shady Kymberley 50 18 Deas, Deas, Dell, Dickson, Dilley, Disasa, Dixon, Dixon, Douglas, Ducille, Dunbar-Perkins, Duncan, Eddie Audrey O. Nathan Carlisle Dan Amos Rita Troy Janel Meri-Li Winona Jones Denise Laureen Annie Cline, Colclough, Colclough, Cole, Coleman, Coleman, Terry Frank Franklin D Ernestine 53 30 30,65 18 Thyriss Elizabeth Emily 12 18 Coleman, Collie-Pendleton, Robert Yvonne 69 18 Duncan, Durnell, Durnell, Ealy, Edmond, Edwards, Edwards, Ellis, L.C. Clarisse Warner Cindy Cornell Marla Micheal Larryetta Collie-Pendleton, Collins, Cornish, Yvonne Chad LaJerne 54 74 18 Corppetts, Council, Cowser, Hezekiah Shelia Angela R 68 44 18 Ellis, Ephraim, Etua, Evans, Evans, Eversley, Evelyn James R. Joseph A. Doris Michael O. Urla Craig, (Thomas) Cross-Dukes, Octavia Volina 14 18 Crousher, Crump, Curry, Cheryl Calvin E. Belinda M. 29 52 18 Eversley, Fabre, Fanniel, Farrell, Faulkner, Garlton A.G. Edwin Leon Paul Damiko 43 17 61,62 17 - 79 - Page 18 60 18 12 10 18 62 18 30 57 43 62 68 29 18 53 62 50 58 67 75 18 19,49 19 19 19 19 63 29 30 12 30 12 29 19 66 39 40,41 29 72 19 51 34 7,30 73 43 Index by Individuals Last Name Felton, First Name Phyllis Marie Page 19 Ferrell, Fields, Fields, Michael Nancy Nancy 51 10 19 Fouther, Francis, Franklin, James Raphael B. Neema Cyrus 60 34 19 Fraumann, Freeman Jr., Funderburk, Gaither, Galloway, G. Benhardt Elijah Dennis William Alika 35 29 44,67 66 19 Galloway, Galloway, Gardiner, Garner, Garret-Cobbina, Garvin, Gasaway, Gaulman-Ashley, George, George, Georges, Ghosten, Ghubril, Gibbs, Gibson, Ralph Alika Murv L. Joe Laurie Willie Karen SanDawna Mattew Coker A.J. Jonas John A. Saleem Spencer C. Marilynn D. 35 35 53 12 11 30 12 12 71 40 69 37 74 56 19 Gibson, Gilbert, Marilynn Betty 41 19,37,54 Gilchrist, Gillespie, Gillespie-Mobley, Goleman William G. Toby 36 41 19 Gilmore, Githmbi, Givens-Moffett, Glaspy, Charles Stephen Kamau Diane Doris 58 60 20 20,58 Glunt, Goines, Goldsmith, Goodjoin, Donald T. Veronica Sadie H. Chineta 42 20 20,68 20,75 Goodman, Gool, Gordon, Gordon, George Marty C. Arlene Arlene W. 30,52 36 7,30 20 Gordon, Graham, Roland Stephany 59 20 Last Name Grant, Grant-Tate, Green, Green, Gregory, Grier, Griffin, Grissett, Guthrie, Hackworth Jr., Hall, Hamilton, Hankins, Hanna, Harding Jr, Hardy, Harris, Harris, Harris, Harvell, Harwell, First Name Anna Hassan, Hatter, Hawkins, Hawkins, Hayman, Haynes, Kamal Norm A. Vanessa Henderson, Hernandez, Brain C. Alice P. Heyward, Heyward, Heyward, Hickman, Hickman, Hill, Hilton, Holley, Holmes, Holmes, Honor, Hooker, Hope, Charles Caarolyn Charles C. Garrison Michael Ted Larry Omar Juanita W.T. Benjamin Billy Mamie Wilson Minette R. Howard, Hughes, Hughes, John H. Barbara Lee Catherine Humphrey, Marion A. - 80 - Michelle Veronica Bridgett A. Stacy Billy Perry D. Ted Juan V.L. Charlene Hurmon E. Ronnie A. Frederick A. Edward P. Sophia Louwanda Marinda Marinda Valeria Carmen Jimmie Ray Ann L. Pauline Page 20,73 12 12 20 13 44 45 34 48 40 29 53 43 72 48 9 20 20 64 20,73 20 59 30 20 49 61 21 38 21 2,62 2 62 51 55 45 65 29 66,67 67 64 45 21,29 53 21 21 70 Index by Individuals Last Name Hunter, Hunter, Hyman, First Name Sherri Rhashell Amitiya Intsiful, Ivory, Joseph Elenora Giddings 71 21 Jackson, Jackson, James, Jeans, Quincina Ernest Larry Andrea Maxine E. 13 64 44 21 21 Carroll D. Katts Gloria 72 37 21 Leatha Kevin R. Robert Ronald Donald J. Alonzo T. Mark S Clara Mark Theola Patra 29 33 49 51 62 73 8 29 2 21 Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jordon, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kennedy, Khonje, Robert E. C.J. Bill Robert E. Bernice Parker William Curtis A. Leonard Alyce Beverly 34 39 39 39 48 65 72 38 21 21 Alyce Denise D. Chenyangu 52 21 22 Killian, Kimball, Dot Ledonia Priscilla 30 22 22 Theophilus Adrenne Charvon Eddie Kosaonga Wa Diane 39 2 8 36 70 22 Jenkins, Jenkins, John, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Jones Sr., Jones Sr., Jones, Jones, King, King, Knight, Knight, Knox, Kosonga, Lacey, Lambright, Marvella Page 13 13,21 21 7,29 Last Name Lambright, LaRue, Lawrence, Lawrence, Lawrence, Lawson, Lawson, Lea, Lee, Lee, Lee, First Name Marcus Cleophus Antonio M.K. Ronald P. Antonio Desiree A. Leggett, Lemons, Lennon, Leonard, Darrell Steve Ruby P. Shanea Danyel Lesane, Lewers, Lewis, Lewis, Lewis, Lewis, Ligons-Berry, Warren Calvin Bridgette Mary Shelly Jacqueline Delrio A. Lomax, Louder, Lovell-Martin, Lowry, Lundy, Lvey, Lyde, Mark Shelia Nigel Leon Melvin Wanda Marshall Crystal M. Diana Lyles, Lyles, Lyles, Magby, Makawarawanda, Mann, Marshall, Marshall, Marshall, Marshall, Martin, Martin, Martin, Masih, Mason, Mason, Mason-Browne, - 81 - Winston A.G. Donna Barbara Galloway Viola Hickson Connie Sadler Charles Diana Gwendolyn Latrice Sam E. Eustacia Moffett Gordon Toure C. Virgil L. Clarice Joan M Sandra N Mukhtiar Denise Patricia D Carmen Page 8 11 2 54 49 22 64 22,43 22 22 22 63 67 47 22 30 53 13 13 13 22 22 11,64 9 69 8,66 10,22 65 22 22 59 59 22,69 8 41 2 49 51 62 22 23 23 55 23 23 23,56 Index by Individuals Last Name McAdory, McArthur, McAuley-Allen, McAuley-Allen, McCall, First Name Mary Laurin Sonya Denise Sonya Myrtle 44 23 McCoy, McCullough, Denise Cynthia 13 23 McDowell, McFarlane, McKinley, McNeil, McPhail, McRae, McRae, McRae, McRipley, James Adrian Jermaine 63 58 23,74 Warren Willie Jewel Barbara J. 30 61 13 23 Mencer, Middleton, Middleton, Miller, Mitchell, Moffett, Moffett-Marshall, Moody-Shepherd, Moon, Mooney, Moore II, Moore, Page 13 57 23 Barbara J. McRae Bernadine Gloria D. 33 23 23,37 Ada Adline Michael Danny Diane Givens Eustacia Eleanor 13 66 36 73 52 23 10,23 Willie B. Tim Calvin Brenda Mosley Moore, Moore, Moore, Moore, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Morrow, Morse, Moses, Mullen, Mumford, Mungin-Nelson, Munson, Muntford, Murphy, Mutshi, Michael Jerry David Issac Brenda Mosley Talor Stephanie Cassandra Sterling Albert Deborah Debra Retha Kenneth David Danny Morrisine Flennaugh Mwale, Margaret 66 60 61 23 42 51 53 62 72 40 13 30 13 44 10,24 10 65 59 67 30 24 13 Last Name Myrie, Ndovie, Neil, Nelson, Nelson, Nelson, Nelson, Nelson, Nelson, Nessibou, Newbern-Williams, First Name Neil E. Barbara B. Clive James Gail Porter Retha Mungin Gail Alfred Gail Porter Janice Mary Newberry, Newsome, Ngatia, Edward B. Stedman Jemimah Nichols, Niles, Nita Rose Niles-McCrane, Nixon, Nixon, Nkansah, Noel, Norman, Nuri, O'Bryant, Rose Rhonda Odom, Ofosu-Donkoh, Oliver, Oliver, Omokunde, Oosterbann, Orr, Owens-Parker Durl E. Kobina Lonnie J. Dayna Omotolokun Deborah Aaron Paula Page, Paige, Parish, Parker, Parker, Parker, Parris, Patterson, Patterson, Patton, Paymond, Perkins, Perucca, Peters, Clarence G. Keith O. Earnest Opelton Linda - 82 - Rhoda Stephen Yaw James Bonita Valencia Kikanza J. Alma W L. Bryant Peter Oliver Bejamin Vincent Patrick L. Derrick Kirk P. Ronald Page 36 24 54 13 24 24 29 41 48 24 24 45 51 24 34 24,37 13 24 48 48 11 24 24 24 63 73 1,2,9,14 13 49 57,58 43 24 45,46 42 46 25 25 37 56 29 55 14 36 14 41 11 Index by Individuals Last Name Peterson, Peterson, Peterson, Peterson, Pettway, Phinisee, First Name Addie Jason Addie Naomi Doris Page 8 14 25,47 25,57 Sherri Devia Pellam 14 25 Pierce, Poindexter, Porter, Porter, Porter, Portis Sr., Portis, Powell, Powery, Prince, Yolanda Kent Laura 11 36 25 Ricky Alexander Cedric Gedric Rosalind 67 43 2 41 25 Luke Julia 11 25 Quander, Randall, Rann, Reese, Reid, Rembert, Rembert, Rhodes, LaJuan Janise Emery Jimmy F. Joe Erika Maria 29 40 52 73 40 25 Erika Claire 61 25 Rhodes, Rhodes, Ridgill, Riggs, Rigsby, Rivers, Rivers, Roberts, Roberts, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Robinson, Robinson-Harmon, Rodgers, Kenneth Claire Alice Marcia Joe W. Faye Henry Joseph Samuel Paul Cleota 70 70 2,57,75 10 68 29 61 10 11 11 25,56 Ron Michael Julia Andrea M 38 75 25 25,30 Ross, Rowe, Rowell, Sadler, Sanders, Saunders, Scotland, Arthur C. Anita Naomi Rodney Leslie Joann Robert 60 14 45 11 36 14 69 Last Name Scott, Seda, Shackelford, Shannon, First Name Wilma Hector Herbert Wanda Shaw, Shelton, Shelton, Simm, Singleton, Smalley, Bart James C. Allen Janetta Jon-Irma Diane Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith-Wade, Snaders, Snulligan-Haney, Spangle, Sparks, Starks, Steele, Steele, Steele, Steele, Stephens, Sterling, Stevenson, Stivers, Stoney, Strange, Stubbs, Sullivan, Earline Otis A Opal Laura Michael Samuel Kerry Rosemary Elizabeth I. Joseph I. Wayne A. Andrew Lee Kenneth Samuel Lynette Brenda Gail Monya Kellie C Sutton, Sweringen, Todd Anna Taylor Swinson, Swoffard, Tapia, Tate, Taulbee, Beronica Barbara Brenda Gloria J Sandra J Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, Edward G. Cecelya Ethelyn Martha C. Evangeline - 83 - Jimmy D. Paul Christopher L. Tanya J.Jacob Marsha Page 14 58 45 25 53 44 58 14 25 26 9 9 26 38 55 56 42 67 11,26 52 65 14 29 61 73 37 38 46,47 52 14 14 14 10 26 47 26 54 26 26,52 26,58 26 48 26 26 26 26 Index by Individuals Last Name Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, Terry, Terry, Teter, First Name Jacqueline E. Veltri Jacqueline Cevelya Ethelyn R. Frederic Edward Ayana 30 64 73 52 43 27 Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thompson, Thompson, Thompson, Thornton, Kenneth John James A. Cassandra Audrey Emma Yolanda Evette Nancy 40 42 43 46 10 27 27 27 Thornton, Thorton, Threadgill, David Nancy Kathryn 74 48 27 Toombs, Tribble, Tucker, Natalie Jeffrey Narcissis 8 10 27 Tucker-Lloyd, Van Pelt, Wade, Wade, Wakefield, Walker, Walker, Walker, Walker, Wallace, Wallace, Wallace, Warren, Iris Darrell Tanya Smith 9,27 44 27 Byron Charlotte Elizabeth Cleoda Sylvia 29,49 14 10 27 27 Arnold G. Clarence S. Isaac David Bernice 45,46 33 63 64 27 Washington, Waters, Watkins, Alonza A. George H. Floretta 62 37 27 Watkins, Watkins, Watts-Afriyie, Way-Warfield, Webster, Welch, Ralph Elgin N’Yisrela 10 55 27,60 Yvette Terry B. DeNiece Page 26 27 14 33 28 Last Name Welch, Wells, First Name Bernetta D. Lynn Carol Wells, Wheeler, Brain J. Agatha White, White, White, White, White, Wilkins, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams-Neal, John Cynthia Barbara Robert Floyd L. James Cynthia D. Gloria Jones Williamson, Williamson, Willis, Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, Wilson-Hooker, Scott Portia Turner Winbush, Winbush, Winston, Wood, Wood, Woodson, Woodson, Woodson, Wootten, Worthen, Robina Robina M Wright, Wright, Wright, Wright, Yarru, Young, Young, Y. Dianna Dorothy - 84 - Clemon O. Scott Kevin Euton Earl Gloria Frances Camille Lawrence L. Hazel A. Sylvia J. Hazel A. Michael O. Mamie Lisa Beatrice Alfonso Clara Donnie Willie Perry N. Merritt Kimani K. Harlis Errol Joseph R. Darryll H. Page 74 28 38 28 10 14 29 39 59 42 28 28 47 54 54 55 62 66 28 10 28 47 28 28,64 30,46 72 28 14 28 39 28 68 29 30 50 55 28 2,29,30 28 46 70 57 50 56 Index by Churches Church Aimwell, Walterboro Alexander Memorial, Kosciusko All Nations, N. Miami Beach All Souls, Richmond Allen Temple, Cleveland Allison Memorial, Little Rock Alta Vista, N. Miami Amy’s Chapel, Rowland Angeles Mesa, Los Angeles Arlington, Arlington Ascension Peace, Lauderhill Beaufort-Salem, Yemassee Beck Memorial, Bronx Bedford Central, Brooklyn Bel Vue Community United, LA Belle Terrace, Augusta Bellefonte, Harrisburg Ben Salem, Charlotte Berea, St. Louis Berean, Philadelphia Berean, New Orleans Beth Salem, Columbus Bethany, Columbus Bethany, Englewood Bethany, Louisville Bethany, Lumberton Bethany, Washingtonville Bethel, Brooklyn Bethel, De Funiak Springs Bethel, East Orange Bethel, Johns Island Bethel, Memphis Bethel, Memphis Bethel, Philadelphia Bethel, Plainfield Bethesda United, Pittsburgh Bethesda, Gaffney Bethesda, Nottoway Bethlehem First, McConnels Bethpage, Concord Beulah, N.Wilkesboro Bidwell Street United, Pittsburgh Blacks Memorial, Monroe Blandonia, Sanford Bread of Life Christian Broadstreet, Detroit Page Church 61 38 69 50 51 70 69 45 60 39 69 61 54 54 60 66 43 43 41 72 71 62 34 58 40 45 54 54 63 57 61 37 38 72 53 74 63 50 66 43 51 74 43 45 43 33 Brotherhood, Wichita Brown Memorial, Tuscaloosa Butler Memorial, Savannah Butler Memorial, Youngstown C.K. Smith Memorial, Albany C.N. Jenkins, Charlotte Calvary, Asheville Calvary, Cleveland Calvary, Detroit Calvary, Greenville Calvary, Montgomery Calvary, Statesville Calvary, Wilson Calvary, Winnsboro Calvin, Philadelphia Cameron, Statesville Capital, Harrisburg Carmel, Chester Carmel, Cincinnati Carver Heights, Columbus Carver Memorial, VA Catawba, Huntersville Cedar Grove, Concord Cedar Park, Philadelphia Central, Clarkton Central, Newark Chatham-Bethlehem United Cherry Hill, Baltimore Chestnut Street, Wilmington Christ United, Milwaukee Christ, Augusta Christ, Houston Christ, San Diego Christ’s First, Hempstead Church of the Master, Atlanta Church of the Master, New York Church of the Reconciler, FL Church of the Redeemer, DC Clanton, Charlotte Claremont-Lafayette, Jersey City Clinton Avenue, Newark College Heights, Fayetteville College Hill Community, Dayton Community United, LA Community Wilmington, DE Community, Alexandria - 85 - Page 42 39 67 34 62 43 52 35 33 40 39 51 49 68 72 51 72 66 33 62 47 43 43 72 45 58 36 42 45 35 66 71 60 54 64 54 68 47 43 58 57 46 34 60 49 47 Index by Churches Church Community, Portsmouth Congruity, Sumter Cornerstone, Chicago Cote Brilliante, St Louis Cotton Memorial, Henderson Cousar Memorial, Bishopville Covenant, Durham Covenant, Kannapolis Covenant, Kansas City Covenant, Norfolk Crerar Memorial, Chicago Davidson, Davidson Davie Street, Raleigh Dellabrook, Winston-Salem Dothan, Maxton Dulatown, Lenoir Dunton, S. Ozone Park Duryea, Brooklyn Eastchester, Bronx Eastminster, Richmond Ebenezer, Dalzell Ebenezer, Morven Ebenezer, New Bern Ebenezer, Woodbridge Edisto, Edisto Island Elizabeth Ave.-Weequahic, NY Elmhurst, Oakland Elmwood East, East Orange Elmwood United, East Orange Elmwood West, East Orange Emmanuel United, Knoxville Emmanuel, New York Fairview, Heidelberg Faison Memorial, Clinton Faith, Goldsboro Faith, Jackson Faith, Oakland Faith, Pine Bluff Faith, Washington Featherbed Lane, Bronx Fellowship, Huntsville Fifteenth Street, Washington Fifth Avenue, Roanoke First African, Philadelphia First Afrikan, Lithonia First United Forestdale Page Church 47 64 36 41 49 64 49 44 41 47 36 44 49 51 46 52 55 55 55 50 64 44 49 48 61 57 59 57 58 58 37 55 38 46 49 39 59 70 48 55 39 48 50 72 64 39 First United, Anniston First United, Athens First United, Charlotte First United, Concord First United, Norfolk First United, Richmond First, Atlantic City First, Boonville, Boonville First, Brooklyn First, Far Rockaway First, Irvington First, Lillington First, Los Angeles First, Midway First, Mt. Vernon First, Springfield Garden First, Waxhaw Fort Schuyler, Bronx Fourth United, Knoxville Freedom East, Wagram Freedom, Statesville French Evangelical, New York Friendship, New Zion Frist United, Queens Village Garden Memorial, Washington Garden of Eden, Okolona Gavins Chapel, Bay Springs George Waldo Long, Cheraw Germantown, Philadelphia Gethsemane United, VA Ghanaian Reformed, Brooklyn Gibson Chapel, Springfield Glen Morris, S. Ozone Park Glendale, Dallas Glenmore Avenue, Brooklyn Glenville New Life, Cleveland Good Hope, Bessemer Good Hope, Frierson Good Hope, Kings Mtn Goodwill, Ft. Pierce Goodwill, Maysville Grace Hope, Louisville Grace Memorial, Pittsburgh Grace, Baltimore Grace, Dyersburg Grace, Martinsville - 86 - Page 39 37 44 44 47 50 59 51 55 58 46 61 67 54 55 44 55 37 46 51 55 65 56 48 40 39 65 73 51 55 42 55 70 55 35 39 71 53 69 65 37 74 42 38 51 Index by Churches Church Grace, Toledo Grace, Winston-Salem Grand View, Chesterfield Grandale, Detroit Grant Chapel, Darien Gratiot Avenue, Detroit Green Street, Morganton Greenfield, Waterford Grier Heights, Charlotte H.O. Graham Metropolitan, NC Harmony, Alcolu Haymount, Fayetteville Hazelwood, Pittsburgh Hebron-Zion, Johns Island Henderson Grove, Charlotte Hermon, Rock Hill Highland Hills, Dallas Hillsdale, Mobile Hillside, Berkeley Hillside, Decatur Holbrook Street, Danville Hollis, Hollis Hollywood, Shreveport Holmes Chapel, Monticello Holy Trinity, Philadelphia Hope, Chicago Hope, Detroit Hopewell, Blacksburg Hopewell, Morrilton Hopewell, Walterboro Immanuel, Indianapolis Ingleside, San Francisco Ingram Branch, West End Jethro, Atlantic City John Hall, Carthage Kingslawn United, Brooklyn Knox, Baltimore Knox, Los Angeles Kwanzaa, Minneapolis Laconia Community, Bronx Ladson, Columbia Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn Lebanon, Ridgeway Liberation Community, Memphis Little River, Winnsboro Lloyd, Winston-Salem Page Church 34 51 65 33 67 33 53 40 44 44 65 46 74 61 44 67 70 40 59 64 51 56 71 71 73 36 34 67 70 62 36 59 46 59 46 56 42 61 35 56 68 56 68 38 68 52 Lochearn, Baltimore Logan, Scotts Lombard, Philadelphia Love’s Chapel, Belmont Macalpine, Buffalo Madison Avenue, Baltimore Madrona, Seattle Mars Hill, Hope Mills Martin Luther King Jr, MA Martin Luther King Jr, Neptune. Matthews-Murkland Mattoon, Greenville McClintock, Charlotte Mebane First, Mebane Melina, Gable Memorial West United, Newark Memorial, Charlotte Memorial, Mobile Memorial, Roosevelt Messiah, Liberty Hill Messiah, Louisville Messiah, Norfolk Mizpah, Darlington Mizpah, S. Boston Mosaic, Pittsburgh Mt. Hermon, Big Stone Gap Mt. Lisbon, Bishopville Mt. Morris-Ascension, NY Mt. Olive, Charlotte Mt. Olive, Rex Mt. Pelier, Rowland Mt. Pisgah, Hartsville Mt. Pisgah, Rocky Mount Mt. Pleasant, Franklinton Mt. Sinai, Mayesville Mt. Tabor Salem, Columbia Mt. Tabor, Blackstock Mt. Tabor, Cleveland Mt. Vernon, Woodleaf Mt. Washington, New York Mt.Paran, Randalstown Myrtle Grove, Miami Gradens Nazareth, Winnsboro New Bethel, Dillon New Covenant, Miami New Covenant, Philadelphia - 87 - Page 42 52 73 53 59 42 33 46 59 54 44 63 44 52 65 58 45 40 54 67 41 47 65 51 74 37 65 56 45 46 46 65 49 49 65 38 67 52 52 56 43 69 68 65 69 73 Index by Churches Church New Covenant, Sumter New Faith, Greenwood New Friendship, Huntersville New Hampton, Charlotte New Harvest, Florence New Hope, Orange New Imani Community New Liberation, San Francisco New Life, College Park New Life, Milwaukee New Life, Omaha New Spirit, Philadelphia New Trinity United, Camden Nicholtown, Greenville North, New York Northeastern, Washington Northern Heights, Selma Northminster, Columbia Northminster, Washington Oak Grove, Amelia Oak Grove, Prosperity Oak Lane, Philadelphia Ogden, Brodnax Old Bethel, Dillin Our Savior, Wilmington Oxford, Philadelphia Ozone Park, Ozone Park Panthersford, Red Springs Park United, Highland Park Parkway Gardens United, TN Peabody, Eastman Peace, Louisville Peoples, Denver Piedmont, Mountville Pilgrim Grove, Newton Pine Avenue, Chicago Pine Street, Lincolnton Pinecrest, Houston Pineview, Hatiesburg Pioneer, Beaumont Pleasant Grove, Argyle Pleasant Grove, York Pleasant Ridge, Lancaster Presbytery of Trinity, Columbia Prince Georges Community, MD Providence, Jackson Spring Page Church 65 75 45 45 65 75 43 59 64 35 35 73 40 63 56 48 40 68 48 50 68 73 50 65 48 73 56 46 34 38 67 37 60 68 39 36 53 71 39 71 63 67 67 75 48 46 Pullman, Chicago Radcliffe, Atlanta Red Lick, Mansfield Redeemer, Los Angeles Reid Memorial, Mooresville Renaissance, Chattanooga Rendall Memorial, New York Rice Memorial, Atlanta Ridgeview, Columbia Rock Hill, Norris Rock Springs, Magnolia Roseville United, Newark Roxbury, Roxbury Ryburn Memorial, Shelby Salem, Anderson Salem, Wadmalaw Island Sardis, Jefferson Sargent Memorial, Washington Scotlandville, Baton Rouge Second, Brunswick Second, Chicago Second, Elizabethtown Second, Mocksville Second, Oxford Second, Pageland Second, Sumter Second, Thomasville Second, West Chester Seventh, Chicago Shady Side, Lexington Shawnee, Louisville Shiloh First, Winnsboro Shiloh, Knoxville Siloam, Brooklyn Siloam-Hope, Elizabeth Silver Hill, Marston Silver Spring, Silver Spring Sixth, Washington Sixth-Grace, Chicago Sojourner Truth, Richmond Sound View, Bronx South Hills United, Pomona Southeast Community, CA Southminster, Phoenix Spout Springs, Oliva St. Albans, St. Albans - 88 - Page 36 64 71 60 52 37 56 64 68 63 40 58 53 53 63 62 66 48 71 67 36 46 52 72 66 66 62 72 36 52 38 69 37 56 53 47 48 48 36 59 56 60 60 69 47 57 Index by Churches Church St. Andrew’s, Johns Island St. Andrews Christian, Memphis St. Augustine, Bronx St. Augustine, Paterson St. James, Charleston St. James, Greensboro St. James, Louisville St. James, Moundville St. James, New York St. James, Snow Hill St. Johns, Detroit St. Luke, Dallas St. Luke, Orangeburg St. Luke’s, Jackson St. Mark’s, Beachwood St. Mark’s, Kansas City St. Paul, Charlotte St. Paul, Cordele St. Paul, Eagletown St. Paul, High Point St. Paul, Hollywood St. Paul, Kansas City St. Paul, Louisburg St. Paul’s, Los Angeles St. Peter, Ft Worth Statesville, Charlotte Tabernacle, Greeneville Teaneck, Teaneck Temple, Philadelphia The Fellowship Place Mission, N The Village, Nashville Third Street, Gastonia Third, Cincinnati Third, St. Louis Thomas M. Thomas Memorial Throop Memorial, Rosedale Thyne Memorial, Chase City Timothy Darling, Oxford Tremont, Bronx Trinity Community, Detroit Trinity United, Tallahassee Trinity, Baltimore Trinity, Dayton Trinity, Decatur Trinity, Key West Trinity, Mayesville Page Church 62 38 57 58 62 52 41 40 57 49 34 70 62 39 35 41 45 63 70 52 62 42 49 61 70 45 37 58 73 75 38 53 33 41 73 57 50 49 57 34 63 43 34 64 69 66 Trinity, Montclair Trinity, Oklahoma City Trinity, Ridgeway Trinity, Salisbury Trinity, St. Petersburg Trinity, W.Point Trumbull Avenue, Detroit United Ghanaian, Melrose Park United Montbello, Dever United, Paterson University Heights, Bronx University, Houston Valley View, Pittsburgh Walker’s Chapel, Reidville Wallingford, Charleston Washington Avenue, Macon Washington Shores, Orlando Washington Street, Dublin Washington, Reading West Cincinnati, Cincinnati West End, Arkadelphia West, St. Louis Westhills, Atlanta Westminster Bethany, Brooklyn Westminster in Cedar Manor, NY Westminster, Alcolu Westminster, Birmingham Westminster, Detroit Westminster, Laurinburg Westminster, Los Angeles Westminster, Petersburg Westminster, Spartanburg Westminster, Tuskegee Westminster, Waynesboro Westside, Elberton Westwood, Louisville White Rock, Kinston Whittico Memorial, Keystone Williams Chapel, Sanford Wilson Chapel, Rockingham Winton Hills, Cincinnati Witherspoon Street, Princeton Witherspoon, Indianapolis Woodland Avenue, Camden Woodland, Charlotte Woodlawn United, Jacksonville - 89 - Page 58 70 51 52 68 41 34 73 60 58 57 71 74 63 62 63 61 67 72 33 70 41 64 57 57 66 40 34 47 61 50 63 40 66 66 38 50 74 47 47 33 54 36 59 45 68 Index by Churches Church Woodville, Richmond Wynnefield, Philadelphia Zion Hill, Amelia Zion Olivet, Charleston Page Church 50 73 50 62 - 90 - Page Presbyterian Church ( U. S. A ) African American Congregational Support Office 100 Witherspoon St. #3007 Louisville, KY 40202-1369 1-800-728-7228, ext. 5697 1-502-569-5697
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