New Campaign with New Practitioners


New Campaign with New Practitioners
American Association of Endodontists
Volume 9
October 2014
Harriet M. Bogdanowicz, M.B.A.,CAE
Jessica Dornfeld
Jennifer Gibson
Alyson Hall
Helen Jameson, J.D.
Hope Rektorik
7 Keys to Effective
P. 5
Robert S. Roda, D.D.S., M.S.
Ken Runkle
Peter S. Weber, M.S., CAE
President’s Message:
Robert S. Roda, D.D.S., M.S.
Leading Your Team:
7 Keys to Effective
Performance Evaluations
Did You Know?
Tooth Images for Digital
Promotional Materials
Introducing AAE Executive
Director Peter S. Weber
New Campaign With New
Why I Serve: A Profile of an
Endodontic Leader in Organized
In Memoriam: Dr. Harold
Gerstein and Shiro J. Kudo
Educators on the Move
© 2014 AAE
P. 8
communiqué / october 2014 /
My Private Thoughts
Derrick I. Wang, Chair
Derik P. DeConinck
Hany M. Makkawy
Dustin S. Reynolds
Beth A. Sheridan
Martha P. Zinderman
Carla Y. Falcon, Resident
Michelle L. Mazur-Kary, Board Liaison
An American has no sense of
privacy. He does not know what
it means. There is no such thing in
the country.
Jessica Dornfeld
— George Bernard Shaw
Robert S. Roda
Terryl A. Propper
Linda G. Levin
Privacy is on everyone’s mind right now and yet we have
a hard time deciding what, if any, limits pertain to it. We
are bombarded daily in the news with issues related to
our ever-increasing decrease in privacy and, despite
lots of hand-wringing, the erosion of our personal
confidential space continues. Interestingly, I detect a
generational split in how it is interpreted.
Robert S. Roda, D.D.S., M.S.
AAE President
Garry L. Myers
Patrick E. Taylor
Gary R. Hartwell
Peter S. Weber
JOE Editor
Kenneth M. Hargreaves
AAE Foundation President
Louis E. Rossman
District I
Paula Russo
Michelle L. Mazur-Kary
District II
Craig S. Hirschberg
Maria C. Maranga
District III
Marc E. Levitan
Mark A. Odom
District IV
Gerald C. Dietz, Jr.
Anita Aminoshariae
District V
Gary G. Goodell
James F. Wolcott
District VI
Michael G. Stevens
Kimberly A.D. Lindquist
District VII
Stefan I. Zweig
Nava Fathi
Communiqué is published by the
American Association of Endodontists
211 E. Chicago Ave., Suite 1100,
Chicago, IL 60611
Phone: 800/872-3636 (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
or 312/266-7255
Fax: 866/451-9020 (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
or 312/266-9867
Important Dates and Deadlines
Visit for more information.
December 2014
AAE15 Registration and
Housing Opens
2014-15 AAE Membership
Directories Mail
January 9, 2015
2016 Award Nominations
February 7, 2015
Foundation Research Grant
Spring Deadline
February 5 – 7 , 2015
The Insight Track: Practice
May 6 – 9, 2015
With This Issue
This issue of the Communiqué introduces a new theme of Practice Management, focused in
particular on human resources and managing your staff. A strong staff is vital to the health of
your practice and your reputation with patients and referring dentists. Our cover story (pp. 5-6),
written by Ken Runkle and Hope Rektorik of Paragon Management Associates, Inc., features tips
and advice for conducting effective performance reviews that will help you strengthen your team
and keep your office running efficiently.
This issue also includes the AAE 2013-14 Statement of Financial Position and an offer from
PBHS, an AAE endorsed vendor.
Do you have comments, feedback or ideas for the Communiqué? Send them to us via email
While I am horrified that one of the social
media giants wants to control the camera
in my phone with its new messaging app
(I did grow up on stories of Huxley’s Brave
New World and Orwell’s Big Brother), my
son is not concerned at all; he assures
me that it’s necessary so you can upload
pictures. I’m not convinced. He is happy
to live in a fishbowl, but I feel like I should
put my switched-off phone in a metal
box in my kitchen by a sink with the water
running to keep my quiet time mine.
This discussion of privacy rights and
the continuing destruction of it will go
on with no resolution forever, I suspect.
Yet one area in which the discussion
has become action, and one that we in
dentistry must understand well, is the
area of patient privacy.
I do not recall the first time that
I became aware of doctor-patient
confidentiality, but I think it was from
an old TV show like “Marcus Welby,
M.D.” or something like that. I have
always been aware that doctors hold
confidences about their patients and that
they were absolutely never to release
those confidences. This restriction in
information exchange did not just apply
to the doctor, but also to all of the
support staff. It extended not only to
the ordinary patient, but to celebrities
and politicians as well. How many of
us knew that while President John F.
Kennedy was managing the possible
end of the world during the Cuban
Missile Crisis, he was also managing a
painful and potentially crippling back
problem? Nowadays, however, our
current president can’t work out in a gym
without someone taking video that goes
viral, followed by the inevitable talking
heads on television commenting on his
technique. Celebrities appear to have
no expectation of medical privacy either
since their medical issues get splashed
all over the tabloids.
Back in the ’90s, a pharmacy sold
the names and contact information
for their patients who were taking
medication “A” to the company who
manufactured medication “B” for the
intent of advertising to the takers of pill
“A” how much better pill “B” was. This
infuriated the medical community and the
people, and coincidence or not, HIPAA
was born very shortly after that. The Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act of 1996 and its additional rules have
created a bureaucracy and mechanism
that, among other things, attempt to
ensure the confidentiality of a patient’s
protected health information (PHI). I guess
it makes sense in this world of no sense
that, rather than putting some pharmacy
managers and drug manufacturers in jail
for the above referenced incident, it would
be necessary to enforce, through complex
and onerous rules, what every health care
professional should know anyway.
To give credit where credit is due,
the federal Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS), which implements
the HIPAA rules, has been trying to keep
ahead of this increasing explosion of how
information is communicated. Sometimes,
however, it just seems hard for a small
businessperson like a dentist in private
practice to keep up. In my office, we
diligently spend a large amount of time
complying with the ever-expanding rules of
the alphabet soup of government agencies
that oversee our practice, but occasionally
communiqué / october 2014 /
something happens that forces us to look
at it again.
I got a call last week from a referring
dentist who said they would no longer
refer to a great periodontist they had
been working with for years. I was shocked
and then doubly shocked when I found
out why. In order to “comply with HIPAA
rules” about email transmission, the
periodontist had implemented a “secure
server” solution and the dentist did not
want to have to remember a new password
and login information. Now, this is not a
Luddite referring dentist. They are up to
date and use technology in every facet
of their practice, but this was just the last
straw. They were tech-tired and simply did
not want to remember one more login/
password combination! This led me to
really look into the email transmission of
patient PHI. Was I doing it right? Should I
be using a server? Will I lose that referral
if I do?
I have, for several years now, sent
email reports and digital images to my
referring dentists who request them.
We looked at the system to ensure the
security of that transmission type (as
required by the new HITECH Act from
HHS), but there were a lot of gray areas
and fuzzy information. Some people said
that the email had to be encrypted and
others said it did not. Some people said
you needed a secure encrypted server for
dentists to log onto in order to receive
communications and some said you did
not. I was told that if you were a large,
multicenter operation, you needed more
complex safety protocols (like encrypted
servers), but if you had a small office, you
did not. It was all very confusing, but with
the gargantuan penalties the government
would impose for a breach (even if it was
an honest mistake and not intentionally
selling info to pill makers), it is important
to get the right information while avoiding
those who want to make money off your
fear and confusion.
I have found what I believe is the
right information. As usual, it was right
under my nose the entire time. The ADA
has it and, as a member, you get it too,
along with useful forms and manuals.
You can order their compliance manuals
(which never seem like a bargain until the
moment the government officials walk into
your office), but for the short explanation
and needed forms, check out Emailing
Patient Information: A Resource for Dental
Practices on the ADA website (see box
below). You will need your ADA login
information, but after a short read and
some quick, minor work in your office, you
will be ready to go and do your business
without fear of the government or fear
of losing technically tired referrals. This is
when membership counts!
In my situation, it turned out that
how we are handling our emails seems
to be compliant with maintaining the
confidentiality of our patients’ PHI, so there
was a heavy sigh of relief here. How you
ultimately address compliance issues, like
the HIPAA email question, will ultimately
depend on your thoughts about privacy,
your office’s capacity to engage in different
solutions, and your desire and willingness
to use new communication technologies.
There is no “one-size-fits-all” solution, but
by knowing the regulations and your office
environment, and with some help from
your association, you can choose your own
way to both comply with the rules and stay
in touch in the digital world. <
ADA HIPAA Resources
The ADA has a number of resources to help members navigate HIPAA regulations and keep patient information secure:
Emailing Patient Information: A Resource for Dental Practices is a new guide, free to ADA members, that advises dentists on issues
they may face when transmitting patient information via email. Topics addressed include emailing patients, emailing radiographs
to a specialist, encryption and breach notification.
A number of free resources on HIPAA and data security are available in a special section of the ADA website:
The ADA Complete HIPAA Compliance Kit, available for purchase, includes comprehensive information as well as sample policies
and procedures. The HIPAA Compliance Update Service, providing updates annually or whenever federal HIPAA laws change, can
be purchased on its own on a three-year subscription basis.
By Ken Runkle, founder and president of Paragon Management Associates, Inc.,
and Hope Rektorik, senior consultant at Paragon Management Associates, Inc.
For business owners and employers, effective employee performance is critical to growth and
success. Performance evaluations provide an excellent opportunity to consistently promote the
development of individuals, the team and the practice. Our experience confirms that practices
implementing an effective performance evaluation system often see very positive results
including lower stress, improved production and increased levels of profitability.
Effectively Communicate Expectations
When expectations are clearly understood, employees
recognize the needs and goals of both the practice and
the team. Without knowing what success looks like for
each team member and the practice, employees are left
to hope they are doing the right things and doing them
well. Practice leaders cannot expect employees to meet or
exceed unknown expectations. Clear, written expectations
also make the evaluation process much easier and more
Maintain a Performance Log
Maintaining a performance log for employees allows
for an accurate evaluation for both the employer and
the employee. Accomplishments and deficiencies in
performance must be documented regularly. Employees
should provide, for the performance log and for their
evaluation, documentation of any license renewal,
continuing education, accomplishments or marketing efforts
contributed since the previous evaluation.
Stick to the Facts
As a strategy to remove emotion from the evaluation, the
evaluator should keep the discussion focused on facts,
not feelings. Sharing facts from the performance log while
avoiding emotional outbursts typically provides a more
fruitful environment for helping the employee achieve
improvement in a desired area.
Speak Positively
The goal of discussing job performance during the
evaluation is for the employee to walk away feeling
encouraged and ready to improve. Growth and
development are best promoted through the use of
positive verbiage. For example, the accusatory blanket
statement, “You are always running late with patients,”
may not be very effective. However, a more positive,
question-based approach may be more likely to achieve
the goal of better performance: “A priority for our
office is staying on schedule; how can you readjust
your appointments to stay on schedule?” During the
communiqué / october 2014 /
evaluation, the evaluator should provide positive
coaching for improvement. This is important not only
when performance is below expectation, but also to
help raise the level of great employees. Even peak
performers can improve with good coaching.
Acknowledge Success
When discussing job performance, always acknowledge
accomplishments and growth. Everyone likes to be
recognized for a job well done. If the individual feels
they are meeting expectations, he or she is more likely
to continue these positive behaviors when they are
acknowledged and celebrated.
Set Goals
Individual goals should be communicated at the
evaluation. If multiple areas of improvement are
identified, limit the discussion to one or two goals
that are a priority. This approach prevents employees
from feeling overwhelmed and having a low level of
confidence about their performance. Your employees
should be aware of the goals they need to meet, their
progress toward those goals and how each individual
goal impacts the larger goals of the practice. Goals
should include business goals as well as personal growth
goals. Make sure the goals are specific, measurable,
achievable and time bound.
Sign and Date
The written evaluation must be dated and signed by the
employee and the person presenting the evaluation, either
the doctor or the office manager. The employee signature
does not necessarily indicate agreement on their part, but
simply acknowledges that the review was presented to them.
After the Evaluation: Make Sure to Follow Up
Follow up after the performance review is important. While it
does not need to be formal, it should be scheduled regularly. For
example, the formal evaluation may be scheduled once or twice
per year, but an informal one-on-one lunch may be scheduled
quarterly to discuss personal as well as work-related issues,
acknowledge achievements, discuss progress toward goals and
provide encouragement.
An effective evaluation process will cause team members
to view evaluations as opportunities for positive communication
and growth both personally and for the practice. For practices
desiring lower stress, improved production and increased levels
of profitability, we encourage implementation of a consistent
evaluation process to propel your team and your practice toward
consistently higher levels of achievement. <
Tips + Ideas
Keep it fresh. Avoid falling into the habit of using the same format year after
year. Periodically look for ways to change the evaluation. For example, have the
employee complete a self-evaluation using the same format as the evaluator.
Compare employee and evaluator responses to make sure everyone is on the
same page in regard to performance standards.
Make it a group effort. Another change could be to have each member of the
team anonymously review every member of the team. Team members may be
asked questions like: What do you need from this team member in order to do
your job? Are you getting what you need? What improvements might you suggest?
Anonymous results can be compiled and presented at the review. (This technique
works best for teams of eight or more to retain some semblance of anonymity.)
Don’t talk money. Always separate salary increases from evaluations. Obviously,
the outcome of the evaluation and any improvements that result from the
evaluation will impact salary increases, but keeping the salary discussions separate
takes the pressure off everyone involved.
Ken Runkle is the founder and president of Paragon
Management Associates, Inc. Known as America’s
Profitability ExpertTM, he consults with hundreds of dental
practices all over the country towards meeting their goals
and creating financial independence. He can be reached at
Hope Rektorik, senior consultant at Paragon Management
Associates, Inc., has been consulting with Paragon for
25 years. She works with dentists on a variety of topics
including strategic management, growth and profitability,
goal achievement, human resources and marketing. She can
be reached at
Tooth Images for Digital
Promotional Materials
Enhance your practice website and help patients better understand endodontic procedures with the AAE’s
tooth images, available to AAE members for free download.
Designed by a medical arts illustrator for the AAE’s Your Guide… patient education brochure series,
the tooth images include step-by-step explanations of root canal treatment, demonstrations of
endodontic surgery and examples of types of cracked teeth, among others.
The AAE’s tooth images are offered as a free member benefit to help you promote your
practice and visually explain endodontic procedures to your patients and dental colleagues. AAE
members are encouraged to download these images and use them in their digital promotional
materials such as websites and presentations. <
Download the AAE’s tooth images at For questions, please contact
Jennifer Gibson, public relations manager, at, or call 800/872-3636 (North
America) or 312/266-7255, ext. 3010.
This illustration depicting an
apicoectomy is one of many tooth
images available to AAE members.
Last Call for Committee Nominations!
AAE committees, and the dedicated individuals who serve on them, are vital to the success of the Association. Nominations are
now being accepted for three-year committee member positions (2015-2018) and one-year resident member appointments.
Get involved and help move the AAE forward!
Volunteer to serve on an AAE committee and/or nominate fellow members by filling out a nomination form online at This information will be used in the appointment selection process. All nominations must be
submitted by Monday, October 20, 2014. <
Questions? Please contact Trina Andresen Coe, assistant executive director for governance, by email at
or by phone at 312/266-7255, ext. 3030.
Start your 2014-2015 AAE Membership year
by proudly displaying your membership logo.
The AAE logo reflects a promise of excellence, integrity and professionalism.
This powerful member benefit communicates that you are a part of a
professional community with high standards.
Personalized member logos are new this year! All renewed Active, Educator, Life, Retired and International members should
have received a personalized 2014-2015 AAE Specialist Member logo via email.
Use your personalized version whenever
possible for timely professional marketing
or awareness purposes.
Specialist Member
for complete details and
usage guidelines.
Introducing AAE Executive Director
Peter S. Weber
Peter Weber knows how to captivate an audience. It takes just a few minutes with him to see that he is
a born storyteller, and whether he’s talking about his work, his family or his ornithology and wildlife
photography hobbies, his passion shines through.
On September 3, Weber
brought that passion to the
AAE as he began his role as
the Association’s new executive
director. With 26 years of
experience in professional
association management, he
brings a wealth of knowledge to
the AAE, and he is eager to dive
in to his new position.
“I believe that the AAE has
unparalleled capacity to make
an impact on the endodontic
specialty,” Weber said. “I am inspired by what the AAE has
accomplished — and is still accomplishing today — and I am
excited to be part of the team that takes the Association to new
levels of excellence.”
The AAE Board of Directors selected Weber after an
extensive, nationwide search, and were impressed by his
experience and demonstrated success in associations. Weber
came to the AAE from the Illinois State Veterinary Medical
Association, where he served as executive director since
2003. Under his leadership, ISVMA experienced 250 percent
membership growth and 500 percent financial growth. He helped
develop the Illinois Veterinary Medical Foundation and the
country’s largest and most comprehensive veterinary heritage
museum, demonstrated vision and skill in outreach efforts to
veterinary students and young professionals, and improved the
ISVMA’s continuing education and communications programs.
In addition, Weber was actively involved in advocacy and
legislative activities for ISVMA, ensuring that the veterinary
profession has the most prominent voice in the Illinois State Capitol
on animal health and welfare issues. He developed the ISVMA
Legislative Action Center, created a successful grassroots advocacy
program, implemented a Lobby Day, and wrote and assisted with
the passage of significant laws that affect veterinary medicine.
Weber grew up in Monmouth, Ill., where he first
met his fiancée, Laura Cavanaugh, when they were in
kindergarten. He received his bachelor’s degree in political
science from Knox College and earned a master’s degree in
educational administration from the University of Illinois at
FAMILY MEMBERS: I am engaged to the most adorable girl in my kindergarten class,
Laura Cavanaugh. She lives in the western suburbs of Chicago with her lovely daughter,
Elizabeth. I also have two adult children: my son, Nic, who lives in St. Louis, Mo., and my
daughter, Rachael, who lives in Springfield, Ill.
Weber (back row, fourth from left) and fiancée Laura
Cavanaugh (front row, seated, far right) in the kindergarten class where they first met.
A more recent photo of Weber and Cavanaugh, with
Cavanaugh’s daughter, Elizabeth (left)
PETS: I have two dogs: Apollo is a
seven-year-old miniature schnauzer
and Hayleigh is an 11-year-old standard
Weber’s dogs, Apollo (left) and Hayleigh (right)
Dear AAE Members,
I am humbled and excited to have been asked to move to Chicago and provide leadership for the AAE. I’m looking forward
to building upon all of the incredible work that has helped create a powerful organization and movement. The AAE has a
dynamic and hardworking staff and motivated volunteer leaders. It is a very strong organization that will continue to find
ways to improve services and programs for members.
My background in association management dates back to 1988 and I have always focused on transparency, strong
communication, fun and fairness. As I told the staff on my first day, I am extremely patient and level-headed, but I am
intolerant of people who are not nice to each other and people who don’t follow the rules. I will be working with my team to
create an office environment that fosters creativity, rewards strong and effective communication, and is focused on achieving
the goals of the AAE Board of Directors and meeting the needs of our members.
While the AAE has seen great success, I hope you are all hungry to do more. While we must respect tradition, we must also
strive for innovation. As we look forward, we must zero in on what endodontics uniquely contributes to the health of people
in our society. The opportunity ahead will require us to reimagine a lot of what we have done in the past and do new things
to heighten the importance and relevance of endodontics in a world that is in the midst of massive change.
I am encouraged by what the AAE Board of Directors, members and staff have achieved, and I strongly believe that,
together, we will continue to make a tremendous difference.
Peter S. Weber, M.S., CAE
INTERESTS: I was a college athlete. I was a two-year captain of the Knox College lacrosse team and I also played baseball until I was 34
years old, before retiring to become coach of my son’s competitive teams. As I grew older, I developed a strong affinity for ornithology. I
have an American Birding Association Life List of 711 species and have participated in bird-banding studies. I also became interested in
photography. I was a Canon Professional photographer for years and sold hundreds of images to National Geographic, The Smithsonian
Institution, book and magazine publishers and more.
FAVORITE ACTIVITIES: I enjoy going to sporting events,
concerts and theatre with Laura. By far, my most amazing
entertainment experience was seeing The Eagles on their History
Tour last year in Chicago.
GIVING BACK: It’s important to me to give back to society
through volunteerism and philanthropy. I am involved with the
boards of directors of the Ovarian Cancer Symptom Awareness
Organization and the Illinois Ornithological Society.
The Great Horned Owl, as photographed by Weber at
his family vineyard in the Dundee Hills of Oregon
Weber with a Northern
Saw-whet Owl
FAVORITE QUOTE: “The measure of a man is the way he bears up
under misfortune.” – Plutarch <
communiqué / october 2014 /
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New Campaign With
New Practitioners
Nearly two decades after the AAE Foundation’s first noteworthy fundraising
campaign, the organization is embarking on their 2014-2015 campaign.
Much has changed over the years, and the Foundation’s current goal is to
raise $1.25 million. Volunteers, fondly named Friends of the Foundation, are
the lifeblood of the AAE Foundation, and they are in the field year in and year
out educating endodontists about the Foundation’s important work.
Just as the demographic profile of an endodontist has changed
over time, so has the profile of a Foundation volunteer. More
and more young endodontists are giving their time and talent
to recruit lifelong donors. The Board of Trustees sees how
important the partnership with young endodontists is too. Due
to changing times, rising education costs and a sometimes
tough economic climate, instilling the Foundation’s values in
new practitioners early in their careers is imperative. Allowing
these young people to take ownership in the organization is the
perfect way to enlist strong, lifelong volunteers.
“The future of endodontics is the AAE Foundation,”
said AAE Foundation President Dr. Louis E. Rossman. “The
Foundation is the only organization that supports endodontic
education and research at every accredited endodontic program
in the U.S. and Canada. However, the future of the Foundation
is new graduates, young practitioners and millennials. These are
the endodontists that we hope will embrace the Foundation’s
philosophy and go forth with the message.”
The organization has seen many benefits from having a
new practitioner position on the Board of Trustees since 2013
and also extending new practitioners the opportunity to serve
on committees. This young perspective and energy is exactly
what the Foundation is seeking. In an effort to recruit more new
practitioner volunteers, the Foundation has developed new
communications vehicles that tell the stories of fellow fundraisers.
A new webpage — — and
email campaign feature multiple volunteers who are either new
practitioners or began fundraising as new practitioners sharing
their thoughts on the benefits of volunteering.
One such volunteer is new practitioner Dr. Cameron
Howard. “Volunteering with the AAE Foundation has been
truly enjoyable,” he said. “It is a great way to get involved,
meet fellow endodontists and help better our specialty of
endodontics. Securing a pledge from a fellow endodontist or
corporation can be invigorating, as each dollar raised goes to
improve our practice’s future.”
The Foundation recognizes that fundraising can be
intimidating. However, there are plenty of seasoned veterans willing
and able to mentor and offer assistance. The most important task
for a volunteer fundraiser is to educate prospects about the ways in
“Volunteering with the AAE
Foundation has been truly
enjoyable. It is a great way to get
involved, meet fellow endodontists
and help better our
specialty of endodontics.”
– Dr. Cameron M. Howard,
new practitioner and Friend
of the Foundation
which the AAE Foundation achieves its mission. If a young volunteer
can accomplish this, then they will be successful.
“We are confident that new practitioners can spread
enthusiasm and carry our message to new heights,”
Dr. Rossman said.
In the past, advice and guidance to assist fundraisers
has been provided through a variety of channels. During the
2014-2015 campaign, the Foundation will unveil a new private
Facebook group created especially with fundraisers in mind. All
volunteer fundraisers will be invited to join this group to receive
important updates and regular tips and ideas. Facebook will
allow volunteers and staff to communicate in a fun and userfriendly environment. The group is intended for all levels of
fundraisers to gain perspective and celebrate their victories.
Dr. Rossman encourages endodontists at any point in their
careers to become Friends of the Foundation: “This is your
chance to make a difference; just say yes!” <
To volunteer as a Friend of the Foundation and give back
to the specialty that has provided you so much, visit and follow the link to
fill out the interest form. Once your form is received, an AAE
Foundation staff member will reach out to welcome you and
provide further information.
communiqué / october 2014 /
February 5-7, 2015 • CANYONS RESORT in PARK CITY, UTAH
Advance your practice and enhance
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During this exceptional 3-day conference, you will explore:
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• New technology and trends
Plus, the schedule is designed to allow attendees to maximize their time on
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Learn more
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The AAE is an ADA CERP-Recognized Provider.
Why I Serve: A Profile of an Endodontic Leader in
Organized Dentistry
Neill H. Luebke, D.D.S., M.S.
When people say that Dr. Neill H. Luebke is an expert in dental standards, it’s not an
exaggeration. Dr. Luebke has been an active participant in developing dental standards on
the national and international levels for 26 years and was named the U.S. Expert in 2000.
Dr. Luebke recently retired after a 44-year career as an educator and practitioner, but he
continues his work with organized dentistry and dental standards through his involvement
with the American Dental Association and International Organization for Standardization.
Dental standards are the backbone of
the profession, ensuring that dental
manufacturers produce safe, high-quality
tools for dentists and their patients. No
one knows this better than Dr. Luebke, who
has been involved with dental standards
for the past 26 years, most recently as a
member of the ADA Standards Committee
on Dental Products. On this committee,
Dr. Luebke helps develop regulations
for dental materials, instruments and
equipment. The committee consists of
36 voting members, with dentists like Dr.
Luebke serving alongside representatives
from the Dental Trade Alliance (an
association of dental manufacturers) and
the Food and Drug Administration.
Dr. Luebke is the only endodontist on
the committee and, as such, is responsible
for representing the endodontists’ interests
and giving the specialty a voice in the
committee’s discussions. He also views
his role as an informant of sorts, keeping
the AAE and its members up to date so
that no one is caught off guard when new
standards are implemented.
“Endodontics hasn’t had a seat at this
table before, so that’s what I’m doing —
sitting at that table trying to represent
endodontics and bringing information
back to the AAE Board and president,”
Dr. Luebke said.
Dr. Luebke was first introduced
to dental standards work by a
representative from the dental
manufacturers. The head of research
and development at Kerr Endo (now
SybronEndo) asked him to take on
a project for the ADA and American
National Standards Institute to create
parameters for endodontic enlargers.
“I tried to find out where they broke,
when they broke, what it would take to break
them and how to test all of that,” Dr. Luebke
explained. “So I came up with the protocol
for the test and got the answers, and then
that became part of the standards.”
Since that first project, Dr. Luebke
continued working in dental standards
and was named the U.S. Expert by the
ANSI in 2000. He was appointed as
convener for endodontic instruments
by the International Organization of
Standardization in 2006, and in 2012, he
was appointed convener for endodontic
materials as well. Dr. Luebke says that his
interest in standards is a natural fit with
“Endodontists love the little ‘nittygritty’ details and dental standards is
the ‘nitty-gritty’ of how everything gets
done,” Dr. Luebke said. “My work has
been fun and it’s given me a chance to
form close relationships with manufacturers
throughout the world.”
Dr. Luebke was born in Luverne, Minn.,
a small town in southwest Minnesota. His
father was very active in their community,
serving as a Boy Scout leader and
organizing community events, and taught
his son the importance of giving back. Dr.
Luebke has continued his father’s legacy
through his own volunteer work with USA
Volleyball and the International Volleyball
Federation, the Rotary Club, the Special
Olympics, and now, organized dentistry.
“My dad was really something else,”
Dr. Luebke said. “Whatever city he went
to, he ended up getting involved. He was
just constantly doing stuff and thinking of
things and working with people.”
Dr. Luebke graduated from the
University of Iowa College of Dentistry
and completed his internship at Denver
General Hospital. He then returned to the
University of Iowa as an instructor in the
department of operative dentistry. After
eight years at the University of Iowa, during
which he also served as assistant professor
and manager of patient services and
associate director of clinic, he made the
decision to pursue endodontics.
“I realized that I needed to specialize,”
he said. “I got into endodontics and it
happens to fit my personality.”
After receiving his certificate in
endodontics from the University of
Nebraska–Lincoln, Dr. Luebke started a
private practice near Waterloo, Iowa. He
moved to Wisconsin a few years later to
chair the department of endodontics at
Marquette University, and he established
a private practice in the Milwaukee area.
Currently, he lives in Brookfield, Wis., with
Fran, his wife of 46 years. They have two
adult children, Jon and Michelle. Dr. Luebke
retired from private practice last June, but
he feels that it is important to continue his
work with dental standards, and he hopes
others will get involved as well.
“We have to be ever vigilant to make
sure that decisions aren’t being made that
will hurt endodontics, and we can only do
that if endodontists are part of the process,”
Dr. Luebke said. “We need new people who
care about the standards to get involved
and look out for our specialty.” <
communiqué / october 2014 /
Dr. Gerstein (right) accepts the 1993 Edgar D.
Coolidge Award from Past President Dr. Stuart
B. Fountain.
Dr. Gerstein (left) with fellow Edgar D. Coolidge
Endodontic Study Club Founders Drs. Michael
Heuer (center) and James Best (right) at the club’s
25th anniversary celebration in 1986.
Harold Gerstein, D.D.S. | 1922-2014
Harold Gerstein, D.D.S., an AAE Life Member and influential endodontic practitioner,
researcher and educator, passed away on July 7, 2014, at the age of 92.
Dr. Harold Gerstein was a pioneer in endodontics, creating the endodontic programs at the Loyola University School of Dentistry,
Northwestern University Dental School and Marquette University School of Dentistry over the course of his career. An Illinois resident,
Dr. Gerstein played an influential role in the effort to recognize endodontics as a specialty in the state. Illinois began licensing
endodontic specialists in 1953, the first state to do so.
In 1961, Dr. Gerstein co-founded the Edgar D. Coolidge Endodontic Study Club based in Chicago. The club still exists today and is
one of the oldest active endodontic study clubs in the world.
In addition to his work as an educator, Dr. Gerstein was a practicing endodontist in Chicago for thirty years and co-authored
numerous articles in the Journal of Endodontics. For his many accomplishments and contributions to the specialty, Dr. Gerstein
received the Edgar D. Coolidge Award, the AAE’s highest honor, in 1993.
I have known Hal Gerstein since 1971 when
he was in full-time practice of endodontics.
Hal had been practicing as a restorative
dentist for a number of years and had
the reputation of being a quintessential
professional from every perspective. As a
graduate student I spent time in his office
observing, not just root canal procedures,
but surgical intervention as well, from
hemisections to periapical surgery. Hal was a
superb dental surgeon.
Actually, I first met him in 1969 when
I was a senior in dental school and I took
the train from Milwaukee to Chicago where
I attended my first Edgar D. Coolidge
Study Club meeting... Needless to say I was
impressed with the “giant of a man” who
was gracious and outgoing. I really got to
know Hal so much better in 1976 when,
within days, both he and I were appointed as
department chairmen at Marquette University
and the University of Maryland, respectively.
Ironically I was a graduate of the dental
school at Marquette and instantly turned into
his visiting professor, providing seminars,
lectures and hands-on demonstrations. During
these years our friendship grew and I was
able to share many special moments with Hal
at his farm or in Lake Geneva, while he came
to Dallas to provide lectures and seminars to
my students. It was during these times that
I realized that he truly was a quintessential
dentist, endodontist, teacher, administrator
and friend…
In 1991, when Jack Harrison and
I published our surgical textbook, we
dedicated it to Hal, as he had given so much
to dentistry, endodontics and the surgical
aspect of our specialty. The inscription
therein was, “Dedicated to Dr. Harold
Gerstein who has had a significant and
lasting impact on our surgical aspirations
and achievements — and our lives — for
which we are forever grateful.”
— James L. Gutmann, D.D.S.
On behalf of the Edgar D. Coolidge
Endodontic Study Club and its membership,
I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for
the contributions Dr. Harold Gerstein made
to our endodontic study club. Dr. Gerstein
was one of four endodontists responsible
for founding the Edgar D. Coolidge
Endodontic Study Club in 1961. He was a
charter member and our first treasurer for
the initial two years of the club’s existence.
Additionally, he went on to become the clubs
fourth president for the 1964-1965 season...
Dr. Gerstein was a giant within the
endodontic community who had a vision
for endodontic continuing education. It was
that vision that has allowed us to be known
nationally as one of the premier endodontic
study clubs in the country. The Edgar D.
Coolidge Endodontic Study Club celebrated
25 years in 1986 and, more recently, our
50-year anniversary on October 1, 2011.
We are able to continue this great tradition
of professionalism and excellence within
endodontics due in part to individuals like
Dr. Gerstein. The sacrifice and vision of
these early endodontists has made our club
and profession the successful and respected
specialty it is today and, because of this, we
are forever grateful.
— Joseph V. Baldassano, D.D.S., M.S.D.
President, Edgar D. Coolidge
Endodontic Study Club
Kudo with Irma, his wife and former
AAE executive director, on their 55th
anniversary in May 2014.
(left to right): Irma Kudo, Past President
Dr. James L. Gutmann, Marylou Gutmann and
Shiro Kudo at the 2001 AAE Annual Session.
Shiro J. Kudo | 1930-2014
AAE Honorary Member Shiro J. Kudo passed away on
August 29, 2014, in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Shiro Kudo served the AAE for more than 20 years, and always did so with a smile. Mr.
Kudo was married to Irma Kudo, the executive director of the AAE from 1980-2001, and
was very active in AAE activities during her tenure. He generously shared his artistic
talents with the Association, working as a graphic designer for the AAE communications
department and illustrating the Annual Session program covers and materials by hand
for many years. His presence at AAE Headquarters and at each Annual Session was felt in
the many administrative tasks he performed humbly and willingly. In 2002, Mr. Kudo was
recognized with the AAE’s Honorary Membership award for his significant contributions to
the Association and the specialty.
The world has lost a great citizen, volunteer,
husband, ohana daimyo and exemplar of
professionalism. He was a wonderful gift
of talent during an important era of AAE
— James C. McGraw, D.D.S.
Shiro Kudo was a very gentle man who
always had a smile on his face. He was
a great supporter of the AAE and always
helped in the office and at meetings,
especially with designs for our programs
and literature. I remember how proud
Shiro was when he was presented with his
honorary membership at the Annual Session
in Chicago. Shiro Kudo was part of our AAE
history and is missed by many.
— Samuel O. Dorn, D.D.S.
The AAE has lost someone who made
significant contributions. His smile and sense
of humor were always his trademark. A real
— Harmon R. Katz, D.D.S.
It is with sorrow and joy that we celebrate
the life of our friend and colleague, Mr.
Shiro Kudo. Shiro’s artistic and creative
talents were recognized early on by Irma
and AAE members, as he was recruited
to develop Annual Session programs and
other material. He was always there in a
supportive role for Irma, but also the “goto guy” in the AAE. The stroke of Shiro’s
brush and pen will always have an indelible
imprint upon our lives.
— John S. Olmsted, D.D.S., M.S.
Kudo created hand-drawn illustrations for AAE
Annual Session materials, such as these program
covers from 1995 (top) and 2001 (bottom).
communiqué / october 2014 /
Educators on the Move
November 6 – 8
Italian Society of Endodontics
International Congress
Parma, Italy
November 28 – December 3
Greater New York Dental Meeting
New York, N.Y.
December 4 – 6
Penn Endodontic Global
Symposium and Austrian Society of
Endodontology Annual Meeting
Vienna, Austria
January 22 – 25, 2015
33rd CIOSP São Paolo International
Dental Meeting
São Paolo, Brazil
New Members
Theodoros Aneziris, Merrillville, Ind.
Chinchai Hsiao, Philadelphia, Pa.
Michelle K. Rampulla, Crofton, Md.
Andrea L. Dufour, APO, AE
Andrew C. Fossum, Temple, Texas
Tyler K. Hawkins, Yigo, Guam
Rena L. Kreitman, Edison, N.J.
Grant R. Layton, FPO, AP
Claire J. Raphael, New Orleans, La.
Mary U. Robinson, San Antonio, Texas
Elizabeth A. Stamps, Panama City, Fla.
Gail M.B. Tischke, Hinsdale, Ill.
Homan Zandi, Oslo, Norway
Yaser I. Alasousi, Sabah Al Salem, Kuwait
Josef Joe Ben Itzhak, Netanya, Israel
Ui Kazuhiko, Tokyo, Japan
Juan A. Pacheco, Caracas, Venezuela
16 /
Over the summer, several AAE members took on new roles in
education or retired after successful education careers. The AAE
applauds these educators on their accomplishments, and all
educator members who ensure that students receive their endodontic
education from endodontists and promote the skill and expertise of
endodontists to all dental students.
Anthony (Tom) Borgia
Michael M. Hoen
William T. Johnson
Fabricio B. Teixeira
Anibal R. Diogenes
Richard D. Archer
Clara M. Spatafore
Garry L. Myers
Noah Chivian
Marianella Natera
Kimberly W. Lindsey
Rene Chu
Not pictured:
Lance K. Hashimoto
Former AAE Board Member Anthony (Tom) Borgia, D.D.S., M.H.A., CAGS, was
selected as the interim dean for the West Virginia University School of Dentistry. Dr.
Borgia began working at WVU four years ago when he became assistant professor and
chair of the department of endodontics, and in that short time, he has collected an
impressive list of educational accolades, including the AAE Edward M. Osetek Educator
Awards and WVU’s Outstanding Teacher Award. Dr. Borgia was in private practice for 27
years before making the transition to full-time education.
After 18 years at the University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry, Michael
M. Hoen, D.D.S., retired from his position as director of the graduate endodontic
program. Prior to joining Detroit Mercy, Dr. Hoen served in the United States Army
for nearly 30 years. “It has been a privilege and an honor,” he said. “I have come to
understand that being an educator is not about me, but about the young people that I
have motivated to see what I see and feel what I feel.”
AAE Past President William T. Johnson, D.D.S., M.S., entered phased retirement
after 23 years as chair of the department of endodontics at the University of Iowa College
of Dentistry. He will continue at Iowa as part-time faculty for the next four years before fully
retiring. Fabricio B. Teixeira, D.D.S., M.S., Ph.D., former program director at the University
of Texas at San Antonio, has taken over as endodontic department chair at the University of
Iowa, and Anibal R. Diogenes, D.D.S., M.S., Ph.D., is the new program director at UTSA.
Richard D. Archer, D.D.S., M.S., assumed a new role as assistant dean for clinical
education at Virginia Commonwealth University. Previously, he served as VCU’s chair of the
endodontic department. VCU gained two additional AAE members as AAE Past President
Clara M. Spatafore, D.D.S., M.S., became interim chair of the endodontic department
(taking over for Dr. Archer), and AAE Secretary Garry L. Myers, D.D.S., moved from
Washington state to join the VCU faculty. Both Drs. Spatafore and Myers are transitioning
to full-time education after working in private practice for 15 and 16 years, respectively.
Also making the move to academia from private practice is AAE Past President
Noah Chivian, D.D.S., who accepted a teaching position at Rutgers School of Dental
Medicine. Marianella Natera, B.D.S., M.D.S., joined Dr. Chivian at Rutgers as she
transitioned from endodontic residency to full-time faculty.
Lance K. Hashimoto, D.D.S., was promoted to predoctoral director at Marquette
University, and Kimberly W. Lindsey, D.D.S., is the new program director at the U.S.
Army Dental Activity in Fort Gordon. Rene Chu, D.M.D., a former recipient of the
AAE Foundation Endodontic Educator Fellowship, accepted a position as an assistant
professor at the University of Manitoba after serving one year as a visiting assistant
professor at the University of Iowa. <
We apologize to any educators we may have missed. Share your Member News
with the AAE at