The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report
The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report
The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013 2012/2013 F I N A N C I A L R E P O RT TOTAL NET ASSETS 2012/2013 DONOR LISTINGS 2011 2012 2013 $75,592,994 $77,404,608 $82,229,718 MARKET VALUE OF ENDOWMENT 2011 2012 2013 $47,243,873 $47,873,743 $53,339,888 RETURN ON ENDOWMENT 2011 2012 2013 15.1% -2.9% 8.0% 2012/2013 REVENUES AND EXPENSES In the interest of good stewardship of natural resources, the College is offering a complete list of 2012-2013 donors online. To see donor listings go to: If you’d like a printed list of donors please contact Kathy Stockwell at (218) 723-5980 or and we’ll be happy to mail you one. Unrestricted Revenues $55,186,623 Tuition and Fees (net of institutional financial aid) 8,565,070 Auxiliary Enterprises 5,558,609 Government Grants 2,756,415 Funds Released from Temporary Restrictions (private giving and endowment income) 641,239 Private Gifts 1,903,789 Other (59,332) Investment Income 2,350,445 Endowment Income 81,645 Contributed Services (net) $76,984,503 Total Revenue 71.7% 11.1% 7.2% 3.6% 0.8% 2.5% -0.1% 3.1% 0.1% 100.0% Unrestricted Expenses $31,896,776 Instruction 41.4% 14,930,987 Student Services 19.4% 9,282,086 Institutional Support 12.1% 7,223,779 Auxiliary Enterprises 9.4% 6,284,549 Academic Support 8.2% 2,636,905 Public Service 3.4% Other 238,388 0.3% Increase in Net Assets 4,491,033 5.8% Total Expenditures $76,984,503 100.0% Net Assets 2013 2011 2012 Unrestricted $58,542,383 $48,159,583 $54,051,350 Temporarily Restricted 6,858,550 10,896,990 6,679,925 Permanently Restricted 16,828,785 16,536,421 16,673,333 $82,229,718 Total $75,592,994 $77,404,608 S TAT E M E N T O F A C T I V I T I E S 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3 Year ending June 30, 2013 2013 REVENUES 2013 EXPENSES Tuition and Fees Less: Unfunded Student Aid Funded Student Aid Net Tuition and Fees $87,027,863 (30,035,438) (1,805,802) $55,186,623 Government Grants Private Gifts Endowment Income Contributed Services, net of expenses Other Sources Investment Income Auxiliary Enterprises Change in value of split interest agreements Total Revenue $5,558,609 1,749,656 3,985,555 81,645 2,240,121 (59,075) 8,565,070 10,376 $77,318,580 Instruction Public Service Academic Support Student Services Auxiliary Enterprises Institutional Support Other Total Expenses $31,896,776 2,636,905 6,284,549 14,930,987 7,223,779 9,282,086 238,388 $72,493,470 Change in Net Assets $4,825,110 Net Assets at Beginning of Year $77,404,608 Net Assets at End of Year $82,229,718 GIVING FROM ALL SOURCES 2012/2013 TOTAL GIVING BY DESIGNATION Endowed Programs Endowed Scholarships Facilities Unrestricted Programs Restricted Scholarships Restricted Programs Total Giving $29,330 150,869 273,249 653,828 1,223,256 3,463,824 $5,794,356 1% 3% 5% 11% 21% 59% TOTAL GIVING BY CONSTITUENT GROUP Parents Organizations Minnesota Private College Fund Faculty/Staff Trustees Businesses Friends Alumni Foundations Federal Grants Total Giving $33,982 51,969 54,269 92,361 125,756 169,545 230,203 484,409 712,429 3,839,433 $5,794,356 1% 1% 1% 2% 2% 3% 4% 8% 12% 66% The College of St. 2012/2013 Scholastica A N N U A L R E P O RT Dear Friend of the College, Welcome to the 2012-2013 annual report of The College of St. Scholastica. We are pleased to inform you that the College completed a successful 101st year. The efforts of Trustees, faculty, staff and friends furthered the College’s mission through new programs, new technologies and new markets. From the President and the Board Chair Fall 2012 enrollment was 4,144 students at our five campuses and online: 2,088 traditional undergraduates and 2,056 Graduate, Extended, and Online (GEO) students. Due to demographics and concerns about affordability, we anticipate a slight decline in the traditional population but continued growth in our GEO programs. The FY13 bottom line, or financial surplus from operations, was $2.3 million. The endowment ended the year at a record $54.8 million, up from $49.1 million the previous year. The Higher Learning Commission extended the College’s accreditation for the maximum 10 years. A monitoring report on assessment is due in September 2016. Our School of Nursing was also reaccredited, and our School of Education underwent national reaccreditation review, and expects a positive report. We completed a successful Centennial celebration whose theme was “For the Love of Learning.” More than a year’s worth of programming heightened public awareness of the College’s mission, strengthened our bonds with alumni, friends and the Sisters of St. Scholastica Monastery, and boosted pride among current students, faculty and staff. Faculty began revising our first-year program, Dignitas, to place increased emphasis on the Catholic intellectual tradition, Catholic social teaching, and our Benedictine values. The Vice President for Human Resources was also named the College’s Chief Diversity Officer. The CDO will lead institutional efforts to achieve diversity, equity and inclusion and to ground them in our Catholic Benedictine values. Trustees approved two new majors in the School of Arts and Letters: Philosophy, and Peace and Justice Studies. They also approved two new master’s programs in the School of Health Sciences: a Master of Social Work and a Master of Health Informatics. We continued preparations for the start of our new Physician Assistant program in 2016. Larry Goodwin and Mary Ives The College developed its first Massive Open Online Course or MOOC. Professor of Biology Gerry Cizadlo’s free digital course, Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology, drew 2,657 students in its first two offerings. Although most enrollments are not-for-credit, the MOOC opens a new pathway for students to learn about the College and possibly enroll for credit. We also created and now offer MOOCs in business ethics and in health informatics. The College launched CSS Complete, a degree-completion pathway that emphasizes credit for prior learning, including MOOCs. Over 150 inquiries have come in and administrators are working with 68 prospects. We moved our St. Cloud campus to a new building in nearby Sartell, MN. It’s significantly more prominent and we have more space. Speaking of space, a Facilities Task Force was established to assess needs for the Duluth campus, including a Student Union, additional housing, and renovated campus space. Decisions about priorities will be coming soon. We are also considering exciting prospects for locating programs off campus, near and far. We have explored several Duluth venues to house our new Physician Assistant program and expanded Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy programs. And, we are investigating several sites in Arizona for possible program expansion. As always, we are grateful for your support. Vivat, St. Scholastica! Larry Goodwin, President Mary Ives, Chair of the Board of Trustees The College of St. Scholastica Lifetime Giving Societies The Mother Scholastica Kerst Society, PAX Society, 1912 Society, Villa Sancta Society, Blue Stone Society, and Daisy Field Society represent contributors’ lifetime support to the College. Names in bold indicate new members. MOTHER SCHOLASTICA KERST SOCIETY ($1,000,000 or more) Miss Margaret D. Ames* Barnes & Noble Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Peter Bartzen* General Mills Foundation Ms. Doris I. Becker ’63* The Gerontological Society of America Mrs. Margaret J. Berg* Benedictine Sisters of St. Scholastica Monastery Ms. Frances E. Getzen* Bernick’s Pepsi Cola Mr. Alfred Gregoire* Mrs. Henrietta Brewer* The Blandin Foundation William Randolph Hearst Foundation Mrs. Chester Bridgeman* Otto Bremer Foundation The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Ms. Jacquelyn Kazda Bush ’69 Elizabeth and Richard Burns John S. and James L. Knight Foundation CSS Alumni Association Bush Foundation The Kresge Foundation Council of Independent Colleges Essentia Health Ms. Zelma LaPanta* Ms. Margaret S. Court* Sharon and Joel Labovitz Mrs. Max H. Lavine* Deluxe Corporation Foundation Minnesota Power Miss Julia N. Marshall* Ms. Ann T. Demlszczepaniak* Ordean Foundation 3M Foundation Duluth News Tribune The Wasie Foundation Miss Margaret Mitchell* Enbridge Energy Company, Inc. Mr. Wildey H. Mitchell* Mrs. Mary Erickson and Mr. Edwin Erickson* Charles and Ellora Alliss Educational Foundation PAX SOCIETY ($500,000 - $999,999) Mrs. Marjorie Oreck Alpern ’41 and Mr. Robert I. Alpern* Helene Fuld Health Trust Manitou Fund Miss Caroline Marshall* McKnight Foundation Mary Johnston Mersberger, R.N.* Mr. Raymond Prebilic* Mrs. Mary Buesing Schwanke ’70 and Mr. Lawrence E. Schwanke Wildey H. Mitchell Family Foundation Ben & Jeanne Overman Charitable Trust Reverend J. Whitney Evans, Ph.D.* Mrs. Rosemary Scott Pouliot* Mrs. Katherine Gibson* Mrs. Kristin N. Ryan ’98 and Mr. Robert L. Ryan Ms Margaret Gilbertson ’45* Mr. Ed Greve* Linda and Gregory T. Scherer Mrs. Mary F. Ives ’12 and Mr. Michael J. Ives Mrs. Evelyn Rapin Sheehan ’34* Mr. and Mrs. Arnold S. Johnson Mrs. Ann Fee Shiely ’40* Ms. Olive Johnson ’35* Dore and William Stubenvoll Miss Kathleen M. Kelly DeWitt and Caroline Van Evera Foundation Mr. Richard Kelly* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Viau* Mrs. Herbert Klippen* Dr. Marilyn J. Koering ’60* The Teagle Foundation, Inc. VILLA SANCTA SOCIETY ($100,000 - $249,999) Mr. Napolean E. Langlois* Elizabeth C. Adams* Mrs. Ann Lachmund Mars ’81 and Mr. Robert S. Mars, Jr. Mrs. Elaine Alexander Adams ’36 George I. Alden Trust Mr. and Mrs. Ted Micke Mrs. Karen Alworth ’82 and Mr. Royal Alworth III Mrs. Royal Alworth* Miller-Dwan Foundation Anonymous (3) Dr. and Mrs. James J. Mongé 1912 SOCIETY ($250,000 - $499,999) 1 The College of St. Scholastica Annual Giving Report The Northland Foundation Walter Eldot Fund Northwest Area Foundation Mrs. Lillian Goldfine and Mr. Manley Goldfine* Mrs. Jean Hambeau Oudenhoven ’51 Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation Potlatch Corporation Mr. Philip D. Rolle Mrs. Sharon Hyrkas Rolle ’70 Mrs. Mary Ann Peterson Royer ’59 and Mr. Leon Royer Verna and Arend Sandbulte The Scherer Family Fund of the Minneapolis Foundation Miss Mary K. Scholler ’33* Ms. Ottilia Schubert ’33* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Sellwood* St. Luke’s St. Luke’s Foundation Dr. Louise A. Town ’53 The Travelers Companies, Inc. United States Steel Foundation, Inc. Wells Fargo Wells Fargo Foundation BLUE STONE SOCIETY ($50,000 – $99,999) Mrs. Lillian Alpert and Mr. I. L. Alpert* Mrs. Catherine Middleton Anderson ’68 Anonymous (7) Coach John Baggs Foundation Blandin Paper Company Oscar J. Boldt Construction Company Mrs. Helen Tarnowski Breen ’46* and Mr. Joseph Breen* Dr. Kathleen Kay Simo Great Lakes Higher Education Guaranty Corporation Sister M. Sarah Smedman, O.S.B. ’53 Grotto Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Betty D. Halverson* and Mr. Gene Halverson* Mr. and Mrs. Bardon Higgins* Mrs. Pat Finnegan Hodges ’57 and Dr. Tom R. Hodges Anne Welliver * and Judd Welliver Dr. Elizabeth Stauber-Johnson ’72 and Mr. A. Ronald Johnson Mrs. Jacqueline Goldsmith Wright ’48 and Mr. John S. Wright Ms. Michelle C. Johnson Mr. P. M. Johnson* Johnson-Wilson Constructors, Inc. DAISY FIELD SOCIETY ($25,000 - $49,999) Mr. John Kernik* AARP Andrus Foundation Ms. Patricia Klauck ’51 American Hoist and Derrick Mr. David J. Kuefler ’82 Drs. Dennis and Sabra Anderson Mrs. Patricia Maloney Kwaterski ’43* Anonymous (2) Mrs. Jean Glass Mahoney ’43* Mr. Robert C. Archer* Mr. and Mrs. Frank McDermott* Ms. Susan Bailess Mr. Roderick McDonell* Mrs. Pamela Bauer and Mr. Carl F. Bauer ’77 Microsoft Corporation Boschi Corporation MPCF Research Foundation Ms. Sharon Butorac Bredeson ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Donald V. Moline Miss Mary C. Murphy ’61 Janice Strand Bridge ’67 and Mr. Adam Bridge Mrs. Margaret F. Mykleby* BNSF Railway Foundation North Shore Bank of Commerce Butler Family Foundation Mrs. Ruth Ball Orlob ’46* Mrs. Jeanne Case ’93 and Mr. Delbert W. Case Mrs. Mable Hu Cheng ’54 and Dr. Alfred K. Cheng RSM McGladrey, Inc. Mrs. Alice Polski Clark* Dr. and Mrs. Edward A. Ryan * Deceased US Bank Dr. Julius F. Wolff, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Rodgers* Mrs. Patty Dunne* and Mr. Dennis Dunne US Bancorp Foundation The Emma B. Howe Memorial Foundation Qwest Foundation Dr. Elizabeth Domholdt Mrs. Joan Sabourin Ulyatt ’66 and Mr. Peter K. Ulyatt Mrs. Ethel Willie* Mrs. Mary Dell Leonard Carlson ’67 and Dr. Mark J. Carlson Mrs. Floy Scheidler Dickison ’35* Tozer Foundation, Inc. Mr. Charles E. House Dr. Mary E. Quinlivan ’54 Mrs. Annamay Doran Connor ’39* Mrs. Mildred Klodnoski Shikonya ’44* Mrs. Rita Kummet Graham ’40* Mr. and Mrs. William M. Burns Mrs. Margaret Forster Colbert ’60 and Mr. Gerald L. Colbert Mrs. Kristin M. Seeler and Mr. Daniel J. Seeler ’82 Ms. Barbara Ryan ’52* Mrs. Frances Scherer* Carolyn and Gary Scherer Mrs. Mary Schroeder and Mr. Robert J. Schroeder ’75 Mrs. Jacqulin Johnson Sebastian ’89 and Dr. James A. Sebastian Robert L. and Mary Frances Cattoi Family Foundation Mrs. Joan Losinski Clark ’41* Ms. Martha Elinor Cocco* CSS Student Union Board Mrs. Robert Congdon* Dr. Rochelle Bianconi Convey ’66 and Dr. John J. Convey Ms. Kay D. Cox Cyprus Northshore Mining Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Randy Darcy The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report 2 Mrs. Kay Drechsler de Sam Lazaro ’83 and Mr. Frederick de Sam Lazaro ’81 Koch Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Betty Osmundson Pommon ’56 Mr. Christopher H. Dolan, J.D. ’01 and Mr. Ryan S. Dolan ’09 Kopp Family Foundation Mrs. Janice Bartosic Prusak ’50* Dr. Susan Mukavitz Kramer ’71 and The Honorable Richard J. Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Puerzer Mr. Lenard A. Draper* The Duluth Clinic Education and Research Foundation The Duluth Financial Association Duluth Major Financial Institutions Edwin Eddy Charitable Foundation Ms. Adeline LaChapelle* Lake Superior Paper Industries Lamar Outdoor Advertising Mrs. Frances C. Leek* and Dr. Joseph H. Leek Elizabeth C. Quinlan Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Ramsland, Jr. Mrs. Alice Rossman Mrs. Eileen Schulte Rothstein ’45 Mrs. Jean Ryan Rothstein ’45 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Leonidas* Ms. Pauline Runde* Mr. John Rupp Mrs. Rosanna Menard Fakunding ’38* Mrs. Eleonora L. Lesar ’99 and Mr. Barry D. Lesar ’73 Mrs. Kathleen Kelsh Fischer ’64 Miss Jessica Lounsberry ’32* Mrs. Lois Kleinheinz Fleming ’50* and Mr. Edmund S. Fleming The Clare Boothe Luce Fund Mrs. Nancy Richards Ryan ’50* and Mr. John Ryan, Sr.* Mardag Foundation Ms. Anne Floriano W. P. and R. S. Mars Company Mrs. Meridith A. Schifsky ’73 and Dr. John P. Schifsky Mrs. C. E. Fuller, Jr.* Ms. Elisabeth C. Mason Securian Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James Gels Maurices Incorporated Dr. Susan Shea and Mr. Francis X. Shea* Mr. Albert J. Gonska* Mrs. Ernestine Traubman McCormack ’28* Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Shippar Drs. Anette and Larry Goodwin Mrs. Pat Flottemesch McDonald ’66 and Mr. Jack McDonald Ms. Genevieve Simanovich ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Eng Google, Inc. Health Employers, Inc. The Honorable and Mrs. Gerald W. Heaney* Mrs. Bonnie Turnboom-Hirsch ’83 and Mr. David Hirsch ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Holloran Mr. and Mrs. James J. Hoolihan Dr. Lawrence F. McGahey Ms. Ann McKeown* Dr. Catherine McPherson ’47* Medicus Systems Dr. and Mrs. Chandra Mehrotra The Reverend Frank Melovasich* Hotchkiss Foundation MetLife Foundation Mrs. Barbara Nettleton Ignatius ’76 and Mr. Howard Ignatius Midwest Industrial Coatings The C. Charles Jackson Foundation Mrs. Marilyn Anderson Jacobs ’61 Ms. Kristin M. Blakeslee and Mr. James C. Jarocki Ms. Eloise M. Jasken ’67 Mr. Brian Johnson Ms. Evelyn Johnson ’55* Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation Midwest Federal Mrs. Shirley A. Miles Ms. Beth Everett and Mr. Jay Mitchell ’78 Mrs. Geraldine Karakas Moen ’60 Mrs. Elizabeth A. Nephew ’74 and Dr. Albert H. Nephew II Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Ryan* Mrs. Patricia R. Sorensen St. Louis County Federal Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Stender Mrs. Barbara Stickel ’84 Ms. Eileen C. Stolcis ’42* Dr. O’Ann Fredstrom ’75 and Dr. Stuart Sugarman Superwood Corporation Target Dr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Thompson* United Parcel Service Upper Lakes Foods, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Urbanski Dr. Linda Van Etta’72 and Dr. John Van Etta Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. Neil Waldo* Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Nolan Ms. Janet Listerud Wegmiller and Mr. Donald C. Wegmiller Norlight Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Wells Fargo Foundation Joyce Foundation Mrs. Dianne M. Peet ’72 and Mr. Clifford A. Peet Miss Muriel Whiteside* Mrs. Genevieve Thompson Kemen ’38 Dr. and Mrs. Per H. Wickstrom Mrs. Patricia Hart Peterson ’52 Dr. Diane Kessler ’66 Ms. Patricia Pierce ’44* Dr. Marty Witrak and Dr. William D. Witrak Kirfman Estate* Jan and Daniel Pilon, Ed.D. Mrs. Elaine Kortan Yaggie ’88 and Mr. Charles Yaggie Mrs. Linda Roske Kloss ’68 and Mr. John Kloss Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy Mrs. Mary Zastrow and Mr. James E. Zastrow ’99 Mr. Theodore R. Johnson III 3 The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report The College of St. Scholastica A n n ual L e ad e rsh i p C lubs This annual giving section recognizes all supporters who contributed to the College between July 1, 2012, and June 30, 2013. This includes all donors who made unrestricted contributions to the Annual Campaign as well as those who provided facilities gifts and support to the various restricted and endowment funds of the College. Benedictine Circle $10,000 or more St. Scholastica Circle $5,000 - $9,999 BENEDICTINE CIRCLE ( $10,000 or more ) Mrs. Elaine Alexander Adams ’36 Donor Advised Fund of the Willmar Area Community Foundation US Department of Education Wildey H. Mitchell Family Foundation US Department of Justice Mrs. Geraldine Karakas Moen ’60 US Division of Nursing, Health Resources and Services Administration National Institute on Aging National Institutes of Health Mrs. Karen Alworth ’82 and Mr. Royal Alworth III Ordean Foundation Arrowhead Regional Arts Council Bernick’s Pepsi Cola Elizabeth and Richard Burns Council of Independent Colleges Dr. Elizabeth Domholdt Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation Essentia Health Col. Marcy Steinke-Fike, USAF (ret.) ’85 and Col. James Fike Mr. Edmund S. Fleming The Gerontological Society of America Google, Inc. The C. Charles Jackson Foundation The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Manitou Fund Mardag Foundation McGough Founders’ Club $500 - $999 Deans’ Club $250 - $499 Minnesota State Arts Board Charles and Ellora Alliss Educational Foundation Anonymous (3) Trustees’ Circle $2,500 - $4,999 President’s CirclE $1,000 - $2,499 National Science Foundation Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Puerzer Razoo Foundation Mr. Philip D. Rolle DeWitt and Caroline Van Evera Foundation The Wasie Foundation Wells Fargo ST. SCHOLASTICA CIRCLE ( $5,000 - $9,999 ) American Association of Colleges of Nursing Anonymous (3) Mrs. Sharon Hyrkas Rolle ’70 Coach John Baggs Foundation Mrs. Mary Ann Peterson Royer ’59 and Mr. Leon Royer Mrs. Jean C. Bourgeois ’81 Mr. and Mrs. William M. Burns Ms. Barbara Ryan ’52* Mrs. Joan Losinski Clark ’41* Mrs. Kristin N. Ryan ’98 and Mr. Robert L. Ryan Ms. Marian P. Congdon Mrs. Mary Schroeder and Mr. Robert J. Schroeder ’75 Mrs. Mary Buesing Schwanke ’70 and Mr. Lawrence E. Schwanke Jacqulin Johnson Sebastian ’89 and Dr. James Sebastian Mrs. Frances M. Seguin* Ms. Genevieve Simanovich ’53 St. Luke’s Mrs. Jean Kurth Danen ’57 and Mr. Richard C. Danen General Mills Foundation Ms. Bonnie Turnboom-Hirsch ’83 and Mr. David Hirsch ’84 Mrs. Pat Finnegan Hodges ’57 and Dr. Tom R. Hodges Mrs. Mary F. Ives ’12 and Mr. Michael J. Ives Ms. Eloise M. Jasken ’67 St. Luke’s Foundation Dr. Elizabeth Stauber-Johnson ’72 and Mr. A. Ronald Johnson Minnesota Office of Higher Education Dore and Bill Stubenvoll Mrs. Beth Haenke Just ’78 and Mr. Jerry Just Minnesota Private College Fund Dr. Louise A. Town ’53 Ms. Cynthia A. Leas ’69 Minnesota Department of Economic Development * Deceased The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report 4 Mrs. Shirley A. Miles Dr. Drew Mannetter Ms. Mary E. Carlson ’76 Ms. Linda A. Moline ’77 Minnesota Power Foundation Mrs. Elizabeth A. Nephew ’74 and Dr. Albert H. Nephew II Ms. Beth Everett and Mr. Jay Mitchell ’78 Mrs. Jeanne Case ’83 and Mr. Delbert W. Case Ben & Jeanne Overman Charitable Trust Mr. Bret D. Reuter Sansio Greg and Linda Scherer Family Fund of the Minneapolis Foundation Mrs. Kristin M. Seeler and Mr. Daniel J. Seeler ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Shippar Sister M. Sarah Smedman, O.S.B. ’53 Mrs. Barbara Stickel ’84 United Parcel Service TRUSTEES’ CIRCLE ( $2,500 - $4,999 ) Anonymous (1) Mrs. Pamela Bauer and Mr. Carl F. Bauer ’77 Ms. Melanie J. Mogg NASA Glenn Research Center National Bank of Commerce Mrs. Dianne M. Peet ’72 and Mr. Clifford A. Peet Dr. Mary E. Quinlivan ’54 Verna and Arend Sandbulte Miss Mary Kay Schroeder ’69 Dr. Kathleen Kay Simo Ms. Mary Louise Stursa ’64 Summit Management, LLC Dr. and Mrs. Kim Chart Mrs. Mable Hu Cheng ’54 and Dr. Alfred K. Cheng Dr. Linda Chlan ’83 and Mr. James S. Grindle Mr. William E. Clemens Mrs. Margaret Forster Colbert ’60 and Mr. Gerald L. Colbert Ms. Kathryn Petracek Colby ’77 Lori and Gene Collard Mrs. Joan Lantz Collignon ’53 Target Dr. Rochelle Bianconi Convey ’66 and Dr. John J. Convey Mrs. Joan Sabourin Ulyatt ’66 and Mr. Peter K. Ulyatt Cub Community Cares Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Davis Mrs. Mary Zastrow and Mr. James E. Zastrow ’99 Mrs. Julie Sherman Eckman ’91 and Dr. Philip L. Eckman Enbridge Energy Company, Inc. Benedictine Sisters of St. Scholastica Monastery BMO Harris Bank N.A. Ms. Mary Patricia Caven ’74 PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE ( $1,000 - $2,499 ) Mrs. Betty Bailess Farkas ’52 and Mr. Benard Farkas Mrs. Kay Drechsler de Sam Lazaro ’83 and Mr. Frederick de Sam Lazaro ’81 Mrs. Royal Alworth* Mrs. Kathleen Kelsh Fischer ’64 Ms. Margret Amatayakul Mr. Christopher H. Dolan ’01 and Mr. Ryan S. Dolan ’09 Drs. Dennis and Sabra Anderson Mrs. Carrie Woelfel Flaig ’96 and Mr. Quin M. Flaig ’94 Mrs. Susan Sander Flattery ’79 and Mr. Patrick K. Flattery Ms. Anne Floriano Dr. Susan Gross Forneris ’81 and Mr. Ronald J. Forneris Drs. Anette and Larry Goodwin Mr. and Mrs. James J. Hoolihan Mrs. Karen J. Jakala ’97 and Mr. Stephen G. Jakala Mr. Brian Johnson Ms. Michelle C. Johnson Mr. Theodore R. Johnson III Anonymous (2) Dr. Rachel A. Applegate Abbot and Pascha Apter Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fleischhacker Ms. Jessica L. Durbin ’98 and Mr. Darren Froehle ’96 Ms. Ruth Akin Arnoldt ’63 Mrs. Kathleen Ryan Gaddie ’71 and Mr. Michael J. Gaddie Mr. Kenyon Belknap Mrs. Marilyn Briesemeister Galazen ’57 Mrs. Amber D. Berg ’02 and Mr. Eric W. Berg ’92 Mrs. Sandra R. Garlie ’94 and Mr. Gary D. Garlie Ms. Barbara A. Larson ’05 and Dr. Rondell Berkeland Mr. and Mrs. George G. Goldfarb Mrs. Wanda L. Birnbaum ’94 and Dr. Larry J. Birnbaum ’76 Greater Twin Cities United Way Dr. Gary J. Boelhower Mr. and Mrs. Ben Boo Mr. and Mrs. Charles Granlund Dr. LeAnn House and Mr. Shelley Gruskin Mr. Vinod X. Gupta Mr. and Mrs. William E. Borden Dr. Lynne Snater Hamre ’90 and Mr. Keith Hamre Mrs. Linda Roske Kloss ’68 and Mr. John Kloss Boulder Ridge Luxury Apartments Mrs. Kara Hanson and Mr. Michael P. Hanson Janice Strand Bridge ’67 and Adam Bridge The Hubbard Broadcasting Foundation Kopp Family Foundation Mr. Timothy Bungarden Mrs. Marilyn Anderson Jacobs ’61 Mrs. Tammi Fleck Krone ’93 and Mr. Kenneth Krone Mrs. Laurie Jensen Callies and Mr. Peter G. Callies ’92 The Jamar Company Mr. David J. Kuefler ’82 Campus Park Townhomes & Villas Dr. Jane L. Killough ’93 and Dr. George B. Killough 5 The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report Mrs. Diana Marino Johnson ’72 and Mr. Dennis F. Johnson Cash gifts received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013 Mrs. Elizabeth Maertz Johnson ’76 and Mr. Donald P. Johnson Mrs. Geraldine Renier Ogren ’55 and Mr. Willard L. Ogren Mrs. Kary L. Thelander and Mr. Andrew S. Thelander ’03 Ms. Jennifer A. Johnson ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. O’Keefe Dr. Marie E. Kelsey ’92 Dr. Jacob R. Tjaden ’03 Ms. Kimberly J. Olson ’97 Mrs. Genevieve Thompson Kemen ’38 Upper Midwest Athletic Conference Mr. and Mrs. Jeno Paulucci* Validis The Jeno and Lois Paulucci Family Foundation Dr. Linda Van Etta ’72 and Dr. John Van Etta Mrs. Jean Donelly Keyes ’44 Dr. Susan Mukavitz Kramer ’71 and The Honorable Richard J. Kramer Mrs. Eleonora L. Lesar ’99 and Mr. Barry D. Lesar ’73 Ms. Jane McCrossan and Mr. Jim Loizeaux Mrs. Rosemary Kummet Lundberg ’42 and Mr. Roy Lundberg Ms. Mary E. Lee ’99 and Mr. Steve Lyons Dr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Vandersteen Mrs. Patricia Hart Peterson ’52 Mrs. Corinne Pallansch Vener ’60 and Dr. John M. Vener Mrs. Sue Ann Znameroski Pinger ’69 and Mr. Richard A. Pinger Mr. and Mrs. Neil Waldo, Jr. Ms. Marlene J. Pinten ’54 WDIO / WIRT - TV Mrs. Rebecca L. Poirier and Mr. Richard P. Poirier ’74 Ms. Julia Webster Mrs. Betty Osmundson Pommon ’56 Mr. Tom Wedige ’85 Elizabeth C. Quinlan Foundation Mr. Robert Westmeyer Shirley Eichenwald Maki ’67 and Duane Maki Ms. Lynnette RauvolaBouta ’83 and Mr. Craig RauvolaBouta Dr. and Mrs. Per H. Wickstrom Mrs. Jonna Marholz and Mr. Terrell Marholz ’86 Ms. Kathleen Kennedy Reardon ’69 Ms. Donna Allan and Mr. William M. Mahlum, Sr. Mrs. Marcia Mason and The Honorable James D. Mason* Mrs. Lois Rasmussen Matthews ’50 and Mr. Duane E. Matthews Dr. Lawrence F. McGahey Mr. Peter McKhann Dr. and Mrs. Chandra Mehrotra Mr. and Mrs. Ted Micke Minnesota Power Mr. and Mrs. Donald V. Moline Funded in part by the Moline Family Donor Advised Fund of the Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation Dr. and Mrs. James J. Mongé Dr. and Mrs. Tom Morgan Mrs. Geraldine Hagen Muhvic ’64 and Mr. Jacob W. Muhvic Mrs. Mary Lano Mulvehill ’77 and Mr. Joseph J. Mulvehill Miss Mary C. Murphy ’61 Mrs. Joan Infelise Murray ’53 and Dr. Robert A. Murray, Jr. National Wildlife Federation Drs. Marty and William D. Witrak Dr. Donald Wortham Dr. Pamela Ambroz Rice ’88 and Mr. Kevin E. Rice Dr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Zager Ms. Margot Carroll Zelenz and Mr. Lawrence J. Zelenz Mrs. Mary Schuler Richards ’60 and Mr. Charles F. Richards Mrs. Lisa A. Roseth ’04 and Mr. Wade E. Roseth ’97 FOUNDERS’ CLUB ( $500 - $999 ) Ms. Mary F. Russell ’56* Mrs. Margaret Deal-Saul ’73 and Major Arthur D. Saul III (ret.) Mrs. Vickie Winkler Anderson ’88 and Mr. Barry Anderson Gary and Carolyn Scherer Fund of the Catholic Community Foundation Anonymous (5) Mrs. Kathleen Gersich Schiltz ’58 and Mr. Earl W. Schiltz Mr. and Mrs. George A. Beattie Ms. Aileen Beard Mrs. Judith Waxlax Beckman ’64 and Mr. Edward M. Beckman Mrs. LaVonne Young Senn ’49 and Mr. Alfred E. Senn Mrs. Claire Linsmayer Behnke ’62 and Mr. Richard Behnke Ms. Marilyn K. Shutte ’73 Mrs. Debra Atwood Smith ’77 and Mr. Edward A. Smith Mrs. Jeanne LaLiberte Bertaud ’64 and Mr. Francois X. Bertaud Mrs. Jennifer Laurence Spahr ’81 and Mr. John W. Spahr Mrs. Waldtraut Emmel Betchart ’52 Mr. and Mrs. James F. Bjork Mrs. Nancy Olson Sparby ’78 and Mr. David M. Sparby ’76 Dr. Tala R. Henry ’85 and Mr. Steven P. Bradbury St. Luke’s Nurses Alumni Association Ms. Susan M. Blake ’73 and Mr. Christopher Breen Ms. Kathryn M. Nobel ’66 Mrs. Carol Hassett Stein ’51 Mark and Jackie Nolan Family Fund of the St. Paul Foundation Dr. Paul J. Stein Mrs. Carol A. Norberg and Mr. Eric R. Norberg ’91 Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Stender Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Sticha Funded by the Sticha Family Charitable Fund of the Catholic Community Foundation North Shore Bank of Commerce * Deceased Dr. Donald J. Bogue Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Borden Mrs. Jean Lynott Boutin ’78 and Mr. Gene Boutin The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report 6 Dr. Cynthia Ringhofer Brown ’03 and Mr. James A. Brown Mrs. Kathleen McBride LaTour ’68 and Mr. John E. LaTour Mrs. Meridith A. Schifsky ’73 and Dr. John P. Schifsky Mrs. Jean Murray Buller ’81 and Mr. Michael Buller Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Leibfried Elizabeth Simonson ’04 Mrs. Jean Michela Lepore ’55* and Dr. Theodore Lepore Sinnott Blacktop, Inc. Mrs. Christine Morrison Burgstahler ’85 and Mr. Bruce Burgstahler Dr. Kathryn Petron Burleson ’99 and Dr. David J. Burleson ’96 Mrs. Mary Dell Leonard Carlson ’67 and Dr. Mark J. Carlson Ms. Patricia A. Negro ’56 and Mr. Ronald Christesen Major and Mrs. Aloysius M. Cismowski CSS Alumni Association Mr. Ed Josejaques Crawford ’78 Mr. John E. Dargan ’79 Mrs. Jennifer Larson Deming ’00 and Mr. Kyle W. Deming Dr. and Mrs. Darryl Dietrich Ms. Helena E. Jackson and Mr. Douglas J. Dunham Dr. Sally Koski Fauchald ’83 and Mr. Thomas H. Fauchald Mr. Neil J. Franey Mrs. Virginia Hennessy Freal ’37 Mrs. Kurt Gehrts Mrs. Ann M. Gibbons and Dr. Michael Gibbons ’85 Mr. Joel Gratiot Ms. Amy B. Grimm and Mr. John Grimm Mrs. Pamela Thaldorf Hagedon ’91 Ms. Anne K. Hansen ’11 Ms. Judy Skelton Ms. Tami Lichtenberg ’10 Ms. Ann Liebmann Mrs. Jane Jensen Smith ’71 and Mr. Kirby P. Smith Mrs. Margaret Moren Lopez ’65 and Dr. Raymond H. Lopez Mrs. Patricia R. Sorensen Mr. Shane Spittler Mrs. Shirley Flude MacLean ’55 Mr. Chad S. Struss ’03 Ms. Ellen P. Marsden Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Summers-Minette Maurices Incorporated Dr. Mary Wales Tanner ’70 Mrs. Susan Smith McCloskey ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm W. McDonald Mrs. Rae Matalamaki Tyllia ’79 and Mr. Jeffrey D. Tyllia CDR and Mrs. Edwin W. McGrew Upper Lakes Foods, Inc. Mrs. Mary Lacy McKenzie ’54 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Urbanski Mrs. Susan Johnson McLennan ’64 and Mr. John McLennan Mrs. Louise Kraker Urick ’64 and Mr. Anthony C. Urick Ms. Laurie J. Lutz ’82 and Mr. Wallace Meyer Voyageur Bus Company / MN Coaches, Inc. Mrs. Akiko Izumi Watase ’59 and Mr. Yoshimichi Watase Dr. Catherine Shusta Miller ’83 and Mr. Michael P. Miller ’86 Ms. Dorothy Rottier and Mr. John U. Mitchell Ms. Dana Moore and Mr. James Moore Ms. Anne G. Lystbaek and Mr. William Richard Watson ’79 Ms. Elizabeth A. Langer ’93 and Mr. Neil S. Weinstein Mrs. Gloria Verby Napoli ’55 Mrs. Henrietta Goulette Ness ’60 and Mr. William Ness Mrs. Rose Ann Hovland Welke ’64 Mrs. Mary Normandin Nolting ’66 and Mr. Donald L. Nolting Dr. Winnifred Winkelman ’51 Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Widmer North Central College Health Association Mrs. Karen Ostovich and Dr. Steven Ostovich Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hansen Dr. Lisa D. Staber ’81 and Mr. Laurence A. Palzewic Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Hoffman Mrs. Patricia Bertolino Peters ’67 Mrs. Elizabeth Jacobson ’11 and Mr. Howard M. Jacobson Play It Again Sports Mrs. Mary Sue Anzelc Jenness ’69 and Mr. Blair L. Jenness Points North Consulting, Inc. Ms. Dory L. Pohl ’99 Mrs. Jacqueline Goldsmith Wright ’48 and Mr. John S. Wright Ms. Heidi Josephson and Dr. Kenneth M. York ’81 Mrs. Valerie Hould Zimdars ’58 and Mr. Harold Zimdars DEANS’ CLUB ( $250 - $499 ) Ms. Cynthia L. Johnson ’82 Mrs. Connie Nordlund Regali ’63 and Mr. James J. Regali Mrs. Marianne Mesich Allen ’77 and Mr. Bradley J. Allen William H. and Janet M. King Family Fund of the St. Paul Foundation Mrs. Alice Berklacich Reinero ’55 and Mr. John B. Reinero Mrs. Carla Smith Ambrosius ’77 and Mr. Alan Ambrosius CAPT Mary T. Kovacevich USN (Ret.) ’43 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Roby, Jr. Mrs. Joan Lally Kovacs ’58 Mrs. Genevieve Lepeska Rockwood ’49 and Mr. Robert H. Rockwood Mrs. Jean M. Anderson and Mr. Gregory R. Anderson Mrs. Dianne Suknaich Kuiti ’66 and Mr. David A. Kuiti Mrs. Diane Nietfeld Larson ’74 and Mr. Gerald A. Larson 7 Rotary Club of Superior Mrs. Marjory Ann Galinsky Ryan ’84 and Dr. Michael E. Ryan The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report Ms. Kathy S. Anderson ’76 Mrs. Nancy Ceyborske Anderson ’62 and Mr. Lawrence J. Anderson Ms. Nancy L. Anderson ’88 Cash gifts received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013 Ms. Sheila K. Anderson ’85 Anonymous (12) Mrs. Marlene Cummings Arnold ’54 and Mr. John S. Arnold Charles and Judyth Babst Ms. Jane F. Barrett ’68 Mrs. Kathryn A. Bellman and Dr. James F. Bellman ’73 Mrs. Barbara Forcelle Benson ’73 and Mr. W. Craig Benson Mrs. Connie Shackleton Bikowski ’73 Ms. Krista H. Bilderbach ’93 Mrs. Mary L. Booth ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Biser D. Bozadzhiev Mrs. Marie Louise Watlington Cameron ’61 and Mr. Rodney Cameron Mrs. Janie M. Campbell and Mr. Robert S. Campbell Ms. Jane Haubrich Casperson ’79 Mrs. Jeanne Lepore Christiansen ’86 and Mr. George Christiansen Mrs. Phyllis Cizadlo’83 and Dr. Gerald Cizadlo Mrs. Terese Kotchevar Claeys ’58 and Mr. Carroll E. Claeys Mrs. Beth Schober Donahue ’80 and Mr. Patrick Donahue Ms. Cynthia J. Donner ’94 Mr. Bradley D. Dugdale ’88 Mrs. Mary Beth O’Keefe Ebert ’76 and Mr. Richard Ebert Dr. Kelly M. Erickson ’96 and Mr. Keith Erickson Mrs. Rhonda Crocker Ellacott ’93 Ms. Carrie S. Emslander Mr. John Eue ’84 Mr. and Mrs. James F. Faue Ms. Karen Finseth ’77 Mrs. Jean Haynes Fitz ’51 * Deceased Mrs. Lynn Wiesen Lepak ’73 and Mr. J. Wayne Lepak Mr. and Mrs. Roger Gehrke Mrs. Kathleen Pettit LeVasseur ’59 and Dr. Robert D. LeVasseur George’s Liquor - Kenwood Plaza Mrs. Janice Smrekar Gerchman ’57 and Mr. Charles L. Gerchman Mrs. Marilyn Price Lewis ’55 and Mr. Patrick G. Lewis Mrs. Krista Lawson Goodrie ’85 and Mr. Thomas D. Goodrie Mrs. Julie A. Halom ’09 and Mr. Gary Halom Ms. Mary E. Hansen ’74 Mrs. Lori Stella Harris ’89 and Mr. Benjamin W. Harris Mrs. Jean F. Lewis and Mr. Robert E. Lewis ’83 Ms. L. Gretchen Yarish Lindgren ’70 and Mr. David R. Lindgren Mrs. Emily Erjavec Lozinski ’92 and Mr. James M. Lozinski Mrs. Catherine Eggl Haus ’62 and Mr. Eugene Haus Ms. Marian Berle Lucas ’64 Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Henkel-Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Marcus R. Magnuson Mrs. Joanne Beck Hesse ’58 and Mr. Allen R. Hesse Dr. Sandy Marden-Lokken ’76 Ms. Elizabeth A. Markon ’77 Mrs. Patricia Bolger Hieb ’41 and Dr. Edwin O. Hieb Dr. Barry Marolt ’03 Mrs. Betty L. Hieb ’91 and Mr. Maynard Hieb Mrs. Mary Berkeland May ’68 and Mr. Gaylord May Mrs. Lori Hodapp and Dr. William Hodapp Mrs. Kathleen Niehoff Meinhardt ’73 and Mr. Ronald L. Meinhardt Dr. Marilyn A. Holmgren ’76 and Mr. Jon R. Homgren Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Dolan Dr. Rebecca J. Larson ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Garry Holiday Inn & Suites Downtown Waterfront Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Dockendorf Mr. Lowell H. Larson ’05 Mrs. Camille Seifert Gaffney ’92 and Mr. Donald F. Gaffney Mrs. Elizabeth Madison Crabtree ’63 Mrs. Suzanne Larson Dimitri ’92 and Mr. Mark J. Dimitri Mr. Scott LaPlante ’74 Mr. and Mrs. James C. Fristad Mrs. Georgia Berglund Clark ’64 Mrs. Donna Needle Daciuk ’62 John J. and Julie J. Labosky Mrs. Sarah B. Fredell ’90 and Mr. Michael J. Fredell Midwest Industrial Coatings Mrs. Joan Holter and Mr. Jeffrey P. Holter Minnesota Health Information Management Association Mrs. Carol Karakas Hubert ’73 and Mr. David W. Hubert Dr. Susan Diemert Moch ’71 and Mr. Michael J. Moch Ms. Michele R. Jackman ’04 Mrs. Ann Lewis Molinaro ’56 and Mr. John M. Molinaro Mrs. Denise Mathews Jacobsen ’94 and Mr. Paul A. Jacobsen Mrs. Heidi Johnson ’08 and Dr. Bret Johnson Mrs. Karen Blomberg Johnson ’81 and Mr. John Johnson Ms. LeAnn Roch Johnson ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Johnson Ms. Christine M. Jugasek ’05 Dr. Lynn Mattila Kalnbach ’93 and Mr. Michael Kalnbach Ms. Karen Kane ’86 and Mr. Todd W. Hibbs Ms. Carol Ann Karalus ’71 Ms. Susan M. Koering ’73 Mrs. Nancy Leone Koslakiewicz ’69 and Mr. David E. Koslakiewicz Mrs. MaryBeth Hornung Mueller ’73 and Mr. William P. Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Nagle Miss Antoinette Negri ’53 Mrs. Jeannette Skerjance Negri ’58 and Mr. Richard M. Negri Mrs. Stella M. Nelson ’96 and Mr. Paul F. Nelson Dr. Debra Conlon Newell ’86 and Mr. Stephen R. Newell ’88 Mrs. Barbara Freier Noggle ’56 Linda and Don Olson Mrs. Deborah Olson and Mr. Lee Olson The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report 8 Mrs. Anne Haycraft Olson ’79 and Mr. Randall W. Olson ’78 Mrs. Nancy Hanson Sivertson ’70 and Mr. Stuart Sivertson Tim and Kim Orlowski Mrs. Shirley W. Slettedahl and Mr. John E. Slettedahl Mrs. Jill Carlson Ostlund ’79 and Mr. James E. Ostlund Mrs. Kelly A. Palm and Mr. Jeffrey A. Palm ’89 Ms. Eleanor Palmer ’48 Mr. and Mrs. Shelley L. Peterson Ms. Nancy L. Petroske ’69 Dr. Randall Poole Ms. Beth J. Pokela ’04 and Mr. Thomas J. Porter Ms. Patricia Pratt-Cook Mrs. Denise Harrington Quinn ’63 and Mr. John R. Quinn, Jr. Ms. Jean Racek ’82 Republic Bank Mrs. Rosemarie Johanneck Reynolds ’63 and Mr. William E. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Ridder Mr. Chauncey Riggs Mrs. Patricia Flaig Riley ’69 and Mr. Russell L. Riley Mrs. Linda J. Rogentine and Mr. J. Tom Rogentine Mrs. Cheryl Rossing and Mr. Will Rossing ’09 Nancy Rubin ’91 and Mark Rubin ’75 Ms. Julie Rustad Dr. and Mrs. Edward A. Ryan Mrs. Florence G. Walker ’56 and Mr. Matthew R. Schenden Mrs. Elizabeth R. Schiltz and The Honorable Patrick Schiltz ’81 Mrs. Margaret Reedy Schluter ’57 Mrs. Carol Setnikar Smith ’67 and Mr. Larry Smith Mrs. Linda Shukle Sommer ’66 and Mr. David K. Sommer Mr. and Mrs. James E. Speerschneider Dr. Denise A. Starkey Ms. Kathleen Stockwell Mrs. Mary Ann Theismann Stogsdill ’71 and Mr. Keith A. Stogsdill Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Strasser Miss Mary Strojan ’56 Mrs. Krista Weberg Strunk ’87 and Mr. James R. Strunk Mrs. Diane Swanoski and Mr. Michael Swanoski Miss Janice M. Terhaar ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Tester Mrs. Dulcie Henry Thiel ’68 and Mr. William Thiel Mrs. Pearl Crandall Tinquist ’91 and Mr. Jonathan Tinquist Dr. Timothy M. Trygstad Mrs. Anne Cronin Tyson ’92 and Mr. Jont J. Tyson Mrs. Elenore Sieger Urbaniak ’48 Ms. Lenea M. Wheeler ’56 Mrs. Virginia Wilcox* and Mr. Clair C. Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Wilcox ZMC Hotels, Inc. Ms. Victoria L. Zeman ’72 Ms. Cheryl Zupec Dr. Janice M. Leone ’71 and Mr. Kenneth Schmitz Mr. and Mrs. Stan A. Schraufnagel Mrs. Carol Servia Schuster ’82 and Mr. John F. Schuster Mrs. Lynn A. Scotch ’91 and Mr. Mark A. Scotch Mrs. Patricia Wellbrock Seidl ’77 and Mr. Michael W. Seidl Mr. William Sessions Mrs. Jamie Shovein and Mr. Dennis Shovein 9 The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report Cash gifts received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013 The College of St. Scholastica D o n o r l i st Methodology Although gifts from alumni are listed under each person’s name alone, such gifts represent the contributions of spouses and family members whose support is hereby recognized and gratefully acknowledged. ALUMNI of UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS Alumni participation rates are listed for reunion classes. Class of 1942 Class of 1946 Miss Betty L. Engebretson Mrs. Maureen Karpen Fasbender Mrs. Rosemary Kummet Lundberg Mrs. Helen Maki Korpi Sister Agatha Riehl, O.S.B. Mrs. Kathryn Wolf Lippie Mrs. Arline Otto Waagen* Class of 1936 Class of 1943 Mrs. Elaine Alexander Adams Ms. Margaret E. Berg Mrs. Margaret Fitzpatrick Dawes Class of 1937 Mrs. Jean McCallum Foeller Mrs. Rosemary Olsen Burnham Mrs. Elaine Erdmann Kernodle Mrs. Virginia Hennessy Freal Mrs. Florence Mengelkoch Westmeyer* Class of 1938 Mrs. Genevieve Thompson Kemen Class of 1939 Mrs. Elaine Bak Curry Mrs. Loretta Agnew Drolet Class of 1940 Mrs. Beatrice Moskol Lewenstein Class of 1941 Mrs. Marjorie Oreck Alpern CAPT Mary T. Kovacevich USN (Ret.) Ms. Virginia Lee Mrs. Phyllis Eckman Richter Miss Marjorie Quandt Mrs. Alice Wolfe Schumacher Mrs. Dorothy Clune Scinto Mrs. Joanne Dow Waldron Class of 1947 Mrs. Barbara Dombrowski Chalupsky Mrs. Ethel Bergeron Costello Mrs. Marjorie Pellow Hurley Mrs. Myrtle Jackson Lamusga Sister Justina Maloney Mrs. Kathleen Stoughton Steckbauer Ms. Yvonne Lefebvre Meyers Mrs. Mary Jane Levernier Wiersch Mrs. Mary Graham Whitlock Ann Starkey Wright Class of 1944 Mrs. Nancy Tellor Bamrick* Mrs. Lorraine Hedman Belluci Mrs. Jean Donelly Keyes Mrs. Elizabeth Pinch Lagomarcino Sister Margaret James Laughlin, O.S.B. Mrs. Margaret Bateman Thomas Mrs. Betty Jo Nelson Ursin Mrs. Marie Helmers Bahlke Class of 1948 - 65th Reunion Giving participation - 38% Class gift total $2,095 Class representatives are in bold Mrs. Pearl Silverberg Alaspa Sister Grace Marie Braun, O.S.B. Mrs. Ruth Ristau Callicott Mrs. Patricia Shepard Dow Mrs. Miriam Cohen Barrie Class of 1945 Mrs. Ruth Bush Blom Mrs. Dorothy Johnson Andrews* Mrs. Joan Losinski Clark* Sister Mary Carol Braun, O.S.B. Mrs. Patricia Gavin Drasin Ms. Margo Dowd Horton-Davis Mrs. Jean Babin Metze Mrs. Patricia Bolger Hieb Sister Johnetta Maher, O.S.B. Mrs. Katherine Milosevic Ongaro Mrs. Susan Grady Mills-Moriarity Mrs. Constance Mellon Walker Ms. Eleanor Palmer * Deceased Mrs. Joan Allard Gargas Mrs. Kathleen McMahon McNamara Mrs. Jeanette Trettel Metz The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report 10 Mrs. Marianne Vidmar Prebil Mrs. Ruth Niemela Pass Mrs. Joan Lantz Collignon Mrs. Patricia Doran Solien Mrs. Patricia Butler Romano Mrs. Nancy Hobbins Cummings Mrs. Ann Vedder Thomas Mrs. Shirley Kolowrat Sartori Mrs. Elenore Sieger Urbaniak Sister Mary Catherine Shambour, O.S.B. Ms. Jeanette Schoenbauer Deutsch Mrs. Patricia Maher Vidmar Mrs. Alice Lacy Stack Mrs. Mary Flaherty Von Rueden Mrs. Carol Hassett Stein Mrs. Jacqueline Goldsmith Wright Dr. Winnifred Winkelman Mrs. Ruth Baranoucky Zajkowski Class of 1949 Mrs. Mary Agnes Rynda Zink Ms. Nettie Bruich Brown Mrs. Josephine Lunka Elioff Mrs. Helen McManman Gleason Miss Marcy Gobell Mrs. Celeste Bechtel Jensen Mrs. Margueritte Lavoie Maloney Mrs. Jane Martine Mrs. Eileen Shea Mazzella Mrs. Elizabeth Wicht Hoch Class of 1952 Mrs. Mary Jane Suithoff King Mrs. Patricia Ademino Anderson Mrs. Marjorie Osberg Laskowski Anonymous (1) Mrs. Mary Rielly Murray Mrs. Laura Holden Lucia Ms. Rosemary Baatz Miss Antoinette Negri Mrs. Dorothy Sullivan O’Brien Mrs. Mary Connelly Bagley Mrs. Kay Anacker Perry Mrs. Genevieve Lepeska Rockwood Mrs. Waldtraut Emmel Betchart Mrs. Bernice Froeba Ruter Mrs. Marilyn Wilkins Samuelson Mrs. Patricia Dahl Campbell Mrs. Patricia Theisen Sellers Mrs. LaVonne Young Senn Mrs. Blanche Freischle Comiskey Mrs. Ramona Sederberg Stelmack Ms. Marybeth A. Conroy Mrs. Helen Shukle Sharp Mrs. Barbara Johnson Tyacke Ms. Nancy Ann Cooper Mrs. Catherine Stangl Court Mrs. Joan Infelise Murray Ms. Genevieve Simanovich Sister M. Sarah Smedman, O.S.B. Dr. Louise A. Town Class of 1950 Mrs. Ruth Webster Elton Mrs. Donna Savard Crawford Mrs. Betty Bailess Farkas Mrs. Gretchen Leick Ford Mrs. Rose Marie Grandaw Gouin Ms. Marilyn A. Gratto Mrs. Dawn Robinson Kulaszewicz Mrs. Kathleen Folz Gurnett Mrs. Esther Canalia Maki Mrs. Irene Mason Hamski Mrs. Rosemary Endrizzi Morrison Miss Agnes Lozar Mrs. Patricia Hart Peterson Mrs. Marlene Cummings Arnold Mrs. Lois Rasmussen Matthews Mrs. Mary Geimer Ribich Ms. Jean C. Bergeron Mrs. Eileen Patterson McDonald Mrs. Nina Gorman Rigodanzo Mrs. Marlene Wanner Brayko Mrs. Marion Mikulsky Pirozzoli Ms. Barbara Ryan* Mrs. Mable Hu Cheng Ms. Dolores M. Schmitt Mrs. Bette Schroeder Schnorr Mrs. Ona Jean Coyle Gabriel Mrs. Virginia Fitzgibbons Strang Mrs. Patricia Maier Schroeder Mrs. Carol Kleinheinz Strupp Mrs. Dolores Engelhard Seashore Mrs. Dolores Hance Trudeau Class of 1951 Mrs. Clara Krueger Vatalaro Mrs. Pat Kennedy Brady Mrs. Patricia Duffy Walsh Mrs. Jean Haynes Fitz Mrs. Adaline Dorcy Gosen Class of 1953 - 60th Reunion Ms. Margaret Mary Hartney Giving participation - 30% Mrs. Barbara Hoegger Johnson Class gift total $32,082 Mrs. Patricia Herbison Jones Class representatives are in bold Ms. Mary Louise Viger Mrs. Katherine Traxler Wyers Class of 1954 Sister Agnes Alich, O.S.B. Mrs. Eileen Bertie Gottwald Mrs. Mary Ann Siebenand Kramer Mrs. Joan Snider LeNeau Mrs. Yvonne Erickson McComber Mrs. Mary Lacy McKenzie Mrs. Phyllis Athmann Meyer Mrs. Gloria Glatzmaier Michelizzi Mrs. J. Marlene Putzel Milanowski Mrs. Cecile Cole Olson Mrs. Ludwina Bowman Palma Mrs. Elsie Vallie Kaffine Mrs. Virginia Larson Morris Mrs. Joyce Menucci Bronkalla Ms. Marlene J. Pinten Mrs. Louisa Peters Newberry Mrs. Marilyn Schroeder Buffone Dr. Mary E. Quinlivan 11 The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report Cash gifts received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013 Ms. Joyce Rigo Mrs. Shirley Schnagl Burkard Mrs. S. Delphine Hoffman Morrow Mrs. Marcella Zollar Rooney Mrs. Mary Netzinger Grandmaison Mrs. Marleen Goulet Oradei Mrs. Mary Ketelsen Schere Mrs. Geraldine Fontecchio Hayden Mrs. Jeanne D’Andrea Perrella Mrs. Anne Nevolich Smith Mrs. Julane Holbach Matejovsky Mrs. Margaret Reedy Schluter Mrs. Beverley St. John Stelman Mrs. Ann Lewis Molinaro Mrs. Nancy Thomas Smolke Mrs. Mary (Enid) Sweeney-Jones Ms. Joan M. Murray Mrs. Patricia Janigo Taylor Mrs. Adele Roszak Unzen Ms. Patricia A. Negro Mrs. Donna Greene Williams Mrs. Beverly Bluth Wallace Mrs. Barbara Freier Noggle Mrs. Mary Rita Stoughton Ziegler Mrs. Betty Osmundson Pommon Class of 1955 Ms. Mary F. Russell* Class of 1958 - 55th Reunion Mrs. Margaret Neussendorfer Billias Mrs. Joann Sturman Scarite Giving participation - 34% Mrs. Suzanne Dumas Buyan Mrs. Joan Ludvigson Schnagl Class gift total $4,510 Mrs. Marie Finco Couture Ms. Jo Ann Petrolle Stack Class representatives are in bold Mrs. Carol LaRoue Fernald Mrs. Pat Bleth Stewart Mrs. Barbara Stack Gleeson Miss Mary Strojan Anonymous (1) Mrs. Anne Trembley Holup Mrs. Yvonne Novotny Swanson Mrs. Mary Sutter Bellingham Mrs. Luella Leonhard Keup Mrs. Diane Mosack Tait Mrs. Joy Grommesh Christensen Mrs. Mary Schnettler Kolofsky Ms. Claire Uldrich Mrs. Terese Kotchevar Claeys Mrs. Margaret Lacy Ksiazek Mrs. Marie Malovasich Vaida Ms. Patricia Vlatkovich Corey Mrs. Mary Arendt LaCasse Mrs. Sally Spiekermeier Valeri Mrs. Marilyn Johnson Creten Mrs. Jean Michela Lepore* Mrs. Florence G. Walker Mrs. Mary Jo Gagnon Gibbons Mrs. Marilyn Price Lewis Mrs. Mary Jane Flynn West Mrs. Joanne Beck Hesse Ms. Patricia Sheehy MacInnis Ms. Lenea M. Wheeler Mrs. Carol St. Marie Jacobson Mrs. Shirley Flude MacLean Mrs. Joan Matschke Williams Mrs. Frances Maher Kessel Mrs. Joan Lally Kovacs Mrs. Mary Peterson Maney Mrs. Mary Michalke McNamara Class of 1957 Mrs. Elaine Bossert Mrak Ms. Joan Gajewski Meranda Ms. Ida Angeli Barnack Mrs. Jeannette Skerjance Negri Ms. Doris Ann Milewski Mrs. Jean Kurth Danen Mrs. Shirley Mussatti Nichols Mrs. Gloria Verby Napoli Mrs. Mary Ann Smrekar Emanuelson Carol Pederson Olsen Mrs. Kathleen Pomroy Nardi Mrs. Mary Moroni Farrell Mrs. Kathleen Gersich Schiltz Mrs. Mary Ann Kelly Obluda Mrs. Beverly Hilzendager Feuling Mrs. Janice Peterson Wesenberg Mrs. Geraldine Renier Ogren Mrs. Georgia Heiser Fix Ms. Sheila A. Woodbeck Mrs. Jacquelyn Dondineau Poole Mrs. Patricia Graham Flynn Mrs. Valerie Hould Zimdars Mrs. Mary Sue Peacha Putt Mrs. Marilyn Briesemeister Galazen Mrs. Sue Ann Kelly Zingale Mrs. Alice Berklacich Reinero Mrs. Janice Smrekar Gerchman Mrs. Verona Provost Schroeder Mrs. Joanne DeRiemaker Gidley Class of 1959 Mrs. Joan Ritger Spears Mrs. Pat Finnegan Hodges Mrs. Mary Wombacher Dankanis Mrs. Joan Gruden Tomassilli Mrs. Dorothy Shubitz Janchar Mrs. Olga Tomljanovich Diachuk Mrs. Nancy Beyers Wakeman Mrs. Margaret Anderson Krogh Ms. Joanne Barto Docteur Mrs. Shirley Olker Kuberka Mrs. Sheila Johnson Dugan-Wolmuth Class of 1956 Mrs. Yvonne Stuer Lindquist Mrs. Carol Rahr Haubner Mrs. Lois Globokar Adamson Mrs. Mary Ann Robinson Mattox Mrs. LaVerne Ruper Hoag Mrs. Barbara Janutka Bambenek Mrs. Margaret Fitzgerald Moen Mrs. Jolene Nyberg Hurst * Deceased The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report 12 Mrs. Geraldine Kastelic Johnson Mrs. Donna Goodrich Strumbell Mrs. Michael Ann Hansen Mortaloni Mrs. Elaine Ellis Kaminske Mrs. Dolores Kelley Sullivan Ms. Beverly Joan Olson Mrs. Ellen Beauclair Krump Mrs. Corinne Pallansch Vener Ms. Bernadette Grace Roubal Mrs. Glennie Fronk Lais Mrs. Mary Elmquist Williams Mrs. Eva Hengemuehler Thornton Mrs. Rosemary Smith Lamson Ms. Sandra Elayne Williams Ms. Marlene Wisuri Mrs. Mary Austin Wooldridge Mrs. Heralgine MacNowski Larson Mrs. Kathleen Pettit LeVasseur Class of 1961 Mrs. Patricia Lathrop Meys Jeanne Baker Berube Class of 1963 - 50th Reunion Mrs. Anna Jedlicka Nelsen Ms. Lisa Saraphine Borelli Giving participation - 27% Mrs. Phyllis Globokar Nisen Mrs. Marie Louise Watlington Cameron Class gift total $3,677 Mrs. Charlene Seipp Nowak Mrs. Florence Jirik DeLuca Class representatives are in bold Mrs. Adrienne Saumur Paulson Mrs. LeHao Nguyen DoMinh Mrs. Dianne Behme Pauser Mrs. Nancy Heiber Gottfried Ms. Ruth Akin Arnoldt Mrs. Ellen Koss Powers Mrs. Marilyn Anderson Jacobs Mrs. Elizabeth Madison Crabtree Mrs. Judith Johnson Ritter Mrs. Suzanne Bubash Lake Mrs. Diane Franckwicz Dallavia Mrs. Mary Ann Peterson Royer Mrs. Irene Marcaccini Long Mrs. Jo Anne Marie Tushar Heffernan Mrs. Margaret Paré Severson Miss Mary C. Murphy Sister Kathleen Hofer, O.S.B. Mrs. Elizabeth Richards Starcevic Ms. Donna Beissel Pairolero Mrs. Roberta Martinetto Karosich Mrs. Mary Margaret Foucault Underkofler Sister Claudia Riehl, O.S.B. Mrs. Judith Thielen Knutson Mrs. Akiko Izumi Watase Sister Donna Schroeder, O.S.B. Mrs. Loretta Nordlund Laird Mrs. Marjorie Sullivan Westerham Mrs. Margaret Nordlund Severson Mrs. Mary Huberty Marso Mrs. Phyllis Reimer Willegalla Ms. Mary Taylor-Steelman Mrs. Pat Donovan Matthews Mrs. Agnes Pavlich Yapel Mrs. Judy Ringsmuth Weiler Mrs. Dorine Goulette Meade Ms. Marie C. Meglen Class of 1960 Class of 1962 Mrs. Rosemarie Fiorucci Meyer Mrs. Jane Smith Bailey Mrs. Kathleen Dasovic Adams Mrs. Denise Harrington Quinn Mrs. Charlene Pohl Chamernick Mrs. Nancy Ceyborske Anderson Mrs. Connie Nordlund Regali Mrs. Margaret Forster Colbert Mrs. Betty Jo Allison Ban Mrs. Rosemarie Johanneck Reynolds Mrs. Denise Dunleavy Delboy Mrs. Claire Linsmayer Behnke Mrs. Margaret Fitzsimmons Sailor Mrs. Patricia Plets Duncan Mrs. Carol Nyberg Carver Mrs. Barbara Urbanski Schiller Mrs. Fern Raboin Jurvelin Mrs. Donna Grimm Churchill Mrs. Roberta Dietrick Stoetzel Ms. Mary Findley Lukkarila Mrs. Donna Needle Daciuk Mrs. Marianne Rusovick Stofac Ms. Margaret A. Mihalic Miss Judy Dahlberg Ms. Josephine Carol Milosevic Mrs. Roberta Moeglein Felegy Class of 1964 Mrs. Geraldine Karakas Moen Mrs. Barbara Burke Gieskes Anonymous (1) Mrs. Elizabeth Richter Morin Mrs. Mary Fredrickson Grasso Ms. Patricia Clarke Archer Mrs. Henrietta Goulette Ness Mrs. Catherine Eggl Haus Mrs. Jeanne LaLiberte Bertaud Ms. Barbara Palecek-Firth Dr. Marilyn Jean Hauser Mrs. Marjorie Schuler Bowin Mrs. Joyce French Reichert Mrs. Lana Chaplin Hurley Ms. Barbara Pierce Campbell Mrs. Mary Schuler Richards Ms. Jean Marie Erickson Johnson Mrs. Georgia Berglund Clark Mrs. Kathleen Nix Richter Mrs. Patricia Kelley Madsen Mrs. Kathryn Johnson DeLuca Mrs. Amelia Marie Salvi Roberts Mrs. Mary Adam Mayerle Mrs. Carol Hagen Evans Mrs. Barbara Mescher Spencer Mrs. Virginia Beloy Moraski Mrs. Kathleen Kelsh Fischer 13 The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report Cash gifts received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013 Mrs. Janice Murray Furcht Mrs. Alicia Vannevel Nolte Ms. Marian Hoppensperger Thibodeau Mrs. Jacqueline Gallagher Guerra Mrs. Barbara Frederickson Roberts Mrs. Joan Sabourin Ulyatt Ms. Dorothy Johnson Hanson Mrs. Angela Dwyer Sanderson* Sister Luella Wegscheid, O.S.B. Mrs. Judy Lohman Hines Mrs. Elizabeth Wenner Steil Mrs. Susan Grahek Woitel Mrs. Joan Chaput Imhoff Mrs. Kathleen Keller Theisen Mrs. Charlene Bednarz Knowles Ms. Mary O’Brien Tyrrell Class of 1967 Mrs. Sandra-Faith J. Lamb Mrs. Carol Kinsel Wohlers Anonymous (1) Mrs. Julie Knaus Long Mrs. Jo Anne Kowski Wolters Ms. Barbara Lynn Arrell Mrs. Mary L. Booth Ms. Marian Berle Lucas Mrs. Helen Baxter Maki Class of 1966 Janice Strand Bridge Ms. Laura Acle Marandino Mrs. Julianna Miller Bast Mrs. Mary Dell Leonard Carlson Ms. Mary Jean Feeney McGovern Mrs. Diane Lamb Cone Mrs. Elizabeth Myott Circle* Mrs. Susan Johnson McLennan Dr. Rochelle Bianconi Convey Mrs. Kathleen Koslucher DeSanto Mrs. Susan Peritz Modec Mrs. Kathryn Ringsmuth Cossi Mrs. Monica Pappas DeVitt Mrs. Geraldine Hagen Muhvic Sister Cynthia Cunningham, O.S.B. Sister Mary Susan Dewitt, O.S.B. Mrs. Ellen Ebert O’Connor Mrs. Jo Ann Flaig Dallenbach Ms. Donna Rokser Effinger Mrs. Carol Lambert Raukar Ms. Moira A. Fahey Mrs. Lydia Berklacich Fransk Mrs. Roseann Beres Rummel Mrs. Kay Barrickman Frank Mrs. Rosemary O’Connor Gunst Mrs. Roseann Krall Schomber Mrs. Mary Jane Dotsch Frueh Ms. Eloise M. Jasken Mrs. Nancy Parker Strand Mrs. Diane Sterner Gallagher Mrs. Marie Baum Kraft Ms. Mary Louise Stursa Mrs. Nancy Commerford Grcevich Mrs. Mary Jane Kumsha Dr. Jean Pavlovich Till Mrs. Colleen Burns Green Mrs. Mary Loiselle Lanners Mrs. Louise Kraker Urick Mrs. Donna Netzel Harris Mrs. Rosemary Schrader Line Mrs. Willis Rushenberg Watson Mrs. Dolores Paquin Hartman Ms. Shirley Eichenwald Maki Mrs. Rose Ann Hovland Welke Mrs. Mary Rich Jones Mrs. Marilyn Zajicek McCarter Mrs. Patricia Becks Kaas Mrs. Janet Horn Molstad Class of 1965 Mrs. Theresa Bolinsky Kersch Mrs. Patricia Bertolino Peters Ms. Karen Darlene Alseth Dr. Diane Kessler Sister Beverly Raway, O.S.B. Anonymous (1) Mrs. Carol Novak Kochendofer Mrs. Jane Ford Rogalla Ms. Eloise Kapsy Blenkush Mrs. Dianne Suknaich Kuiti Mrs. Maureen Stapleton Ryan Mrs. Carol Kolojeski Bort Ms. Elizabeth E. Lehtola Mrs. Carol Setnikar Smith Mrs. Barbara LaBelle Donahue Ms. Genevieve Lepak Mrs. Anna Wosepka Stokesbary Mrs. Mary Zempel Hall Mrs. Ann Henstorf Lynch Mrs. Karen Lundgren Thomas Mrs. Colette Hornstein Hanson Ms. Maureen Pringle McDonald Mrs. Patricia Tracy Tuorila Mrs. Kathleen Sullivan Hitchcock Mrs. Loretta Menucci McLaughlin Mrs. Constance Tigges Vorpahl Mrs. Marguerite Byrnes Irwin Mrs. Bonnie Vandal Moquin Mrs. Margaret Moren Lopez Kathryn M. Noble Class of 1968 - 45th Reunion Mrs. Mary Semanski McCollough Mrs. Mary Normandin Nolting Giving participation - 29% Mrs. Sandra Muhvich McNeley Mrs. Joanne Christenson Olson Class gift total $7,180 Sister Sandra Meek, O.S.B. Mrs. Pat Miller Riggio Class representatives are in bold Mrs. MaryAnn VanOverbeke Memmer Mrs. Mary Krist Hogan Saloum Ms. Mary Jo Kalitowski Mleziva Mrs. Linda Shukle Sommer Mrs. Judy Buffington Ackman Ms. Carolyn Johnson Muchhala Ms. Anne K. Stadler Ms. Susan K. Anderson * Deceased The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report 14 Ms. Jane F. Barrett Ms. Linda L. Harvieux Ms. Elizabeth A. McBride Mrs. Eunice Klinnert Bennett Mrs. Lois M. Hewitt Mrs. Nancy Lafave McCarthy Mrs. Shirley Milczarek Boardman Mrs. Regina Stefanski Jacobson Mrs. Mary Lou Witzman Mismash Mrs. Helen Znidar Bolf Mrs. Carol Kraft Janda Mrs. Bridget Brissett Munson Mrs. Marion Carpenedo Czubiak Mrs. Mary Sue Anzelc Jenness Mrs. Linda Schuler Nyquist Mrs. Margaret Eklund Griggs Mrs. Nancy Leone Koslakiewicz Mrs. Ainse Shuler Oliviera Mrs. Mary Kay Conlon Hagen Ms. Cynthia A. Leas Mrs. Mary Hendricks Petz Mrs. Rosemary Okoren Harnly Mrs. Geraldine Frey LeNoie Mrs. Mary Marshall Randall Mrs. Cynthia Wacholtz Heimer Ms. Jeanette L. MacDonald Ms. Sharon Hyrkas Rolle Ms. Dorothy Jamnick Mrs. Julie Godfrey Miller Mrs. Kendra Ewen Sabol Mrs. Margaret LaJoy Jarvinen Mrs. Lois Athmann Nevinski Ms. Mary Buesing Schwanke Mrs. Julianne Korf Johnson Ms. Margaret M. Obremski Mrs. Nancy Hanson Sivertson Mrs. Linda Roske Kloss Ms. Nancy L. Petroske Ms. Mary Stoneman Sprague Dr. Elizabeth Stich Lane Mrs. Sue Ann Znameroski Pinger Mrs. Linda Bazzachini Strukel Mrs. Kathleen McBride LaTour Mrs. Rozanne Perrella Puhek Dr. Mary Wales Tanner Mrs. Judith Lessard Louhi Ms. Kathleen Kennedy Reardon Ms. Catherine F. Tornabene Mrs. Di Ann Maciej Loven Mrs. Patricia Flaig Riley Ms. Connie Czerwonka Townswick Sister Jean M. Maher, O.S.B. Ms. Bernadine Schmidt Ms. Mary Ann Sheridan Van Petten Mrs. Mary Berkeland May Miss Mary Kay Schroeder Ms. Connie J. Wallenius Mrs. Susan Smith McCloskey Ms. Nancy Ann Seppala Mrs. Lois Anderson Olson Ms. Page Butler Stevens Class of 1971 Ms. Susan C. Peterson Miss Janice M. Terhaar Mrs. Kathleen Priley Arola Mrs. Sandra DeLoyd Popiel Miss Joanne Then Mrs. Mary Nemanich Bell Mrs. Alice Ann Reimer Scherer Mrs. Barbara Behme Thomas Mrs. Rita Swenson Bovee Mrs. Kathleen Keeley Schmidt Mrs. Lucetta Kroll Thoren Ms. Elaine Svigel Dunda Mrs. Sue Renier Swanstrom Mrs. Nancy Tarnowski Willette Ms. Marjorie Spehar Fajardo Mrs. Dulcie Henry Thiel Mrs. Mary Fay Kluk Zarembo Ms. Theresa M. Fleege Mrs. Marie Leyes Franckowiak Ms. Barbara Young Wetzel Class of 1970 Mrs. Kathleen Ryan Gaddie Class of 1969 Mrs. Etsuko Tsuno Arends Ms. Miriam Nusser Gronlund Mrs. Rose Funk Bedell Ms. Katherine M. Bazzachini Mrs. Cynthia Banaszak Hassing Ms. Bridgette Champa Borek Mrs. Barbara Hogan Bergquist Mrs. Marianne Drew Jula Mrs. Pat Obert Callahan Ms. Betty Judkins Beutel Ms. Carol Ann Karalus Ms. Rita Eresman Cardenas Mrs. Marian Mohn Chase Mrs. Susan Fellman Landgren Ms. Mary Rose Cassavant Ms. Kathryn Anderson Fetzer Dr. Janice M. Leone Miss Maureen Cuddigan Mrs. Mary Stepan Greving Ms. Katherine Brown McQuinn Sister Lois Eckes, O.S.B. Dr. Penny A. Hatcher Mrs. Patricia Middleton Miller Mrs. Wendy Hoppe Elliott Ms. Mary Kay Matchefts Ho Mrs. Marlene Menig Misetic Ms. Gloria Gervais Mrs. Elizabeth Marincel Jacobs Dr. Susan Diemert Moch Mrs. Dorothy Russ Gilsdorf Mrs. Christie Method Kangas Dr. Susan Mukavitz Kramer Mrs. Susan Marie Streed Gulbranson Ms. Eileen Marie Kilpatrick Mrs. Sylvia Reimer Neumann Ms. Kathleen Ann Hannan Mrs. L. Gretchen Yarish Lindgren Mrs. Margaret Jastrab O’Brien Mrs. Marlys Kellen Harens Mrs. Christine Krulc Lurch Mrs. Andrea Johnson Peterson 15 The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report Cash gifts received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013 Ms. Kristine M. Plantenberg Mrs. Barbara Forcelle Benson Mr. Edward C. Hengemuehler Mrs. Beverly Krusemark Ranstrom Mrs. Connie Shackleton Bikowski Mrs. Sharon Oelfke Hormann Mrs. Donna Rae Nelimark Reishus Ms. Susan M. Blake Ms. Mari A. Isakson Mrs. Jane Jensen Smith Mrs. Diane M. Boushek Dr. Patrick J. Kennedy Miss Anita Stahl Mrs. Colleen Cartier Mrs. Anne Tibbs Klopfer Mrs. Mary Ann Theismann Stogsdill Ms. Cecelia Maeder Collins Mrs. Catherine Conito Kopari Ms. Sandra Ollie Warp Mrs. Janice Sydik Crocker Mrs. Wendy Loushin Kreinbring Mrs. Marie Riehl Westlund Mrs. Colleen Ormberg Faber Reverend Marina D. Lachecki Mrs. Mary Kay Markovich Wihela Mrs. Doraine Koehntop Graff Mr. Scott LaPlante Mrs. Mary Ann Chirico Zervas Mrs. Cynthia Riste Haynes Ms. Diane Nietfeld Larson Mrs. Carol Karakas Hubert Mrs. Terry Craven Muckala Class of 1972 Dr. Thomas Johnston Mrs. Elizabeth A. Nephew Ms. Margaret Minogue Bates Ms. Susan M. Koering Mrs. Janice Malec Orf Mr. Charles S. Blair III Mrs. Lynn Wiesen Lepak Mrs. Kathryn Laakso Otterness Ms. Arlys Marie Bourdage Mr. Barry D. Lesar Mrs. Barbara Plutt Pederson Ms. Nancy J. Dombrock Mrs. Carol Olson Lindberg Mr. Richard P. Poirier Mrs. Deborah McDonald Fairbanks Mrs. Mary Jean Bennett Mach Ms. Margaret Potocnik Ratai Mrs. Patricia Rokser Gastonguay Commander Barent N. McCool, USAF (ret) Ms. Colleen M. Sauber Mrs. Theresa Robotnik Gibson Mrs. Irene Naber McKay Ms. Diane Berger Schaenzer Mrs. Kathleen Lynch Hinck Mrs. Kathleen Niehoff Meinhardt Mrs. Mary Pollak Schram Mrs. Diana Marino Johnson Ms. Laura Moe-Sandwick Mrs. Sally Sneve Mrs. Shirley Kraft Markon Ms. MaryBeth Hornung Mueller Ms. Janice A. Truel Mrs. Vicki Dunwoody McCall Mrs. Susan Lindquist Nelmark Mrs. Diane Peterson Morrison Mrs. Shizue Kato Nishikawa Class of 1975 Dr. Rita O’Connell Mr. Anthony Orman Dr. Linda Svoboda Allen Mrs. Dianne M. Peet Mrs. Mary Bleecker Orman Mrs. Celeste Patricelli Baldwin Ms. Kathi Wetterlind Peterson Mrs. Kathleen Obremski Primus Mrs. Kathleen Duffy Berens Ms. Mary Frances Skala Mrs. Meridith A. Schifsky Mrs. Kathleen Grathwohl Chmielewski Dr. Elizabeth Stauber-Johnson Ms. Marilyn K. Shutte Mrs. Jeanette Kyro Eklund Dr. Linda Van Etta Dr. Jeffrey J. Smith Dr. Warren P. Gooch Ms. Elizabeth Hanneman Wenzel Mrs. Linda Harding Smith Mr. Gerald G. Hilfer Mrs. Melanie H. Wiezbiskie Ms. Susan P. Stubbs Mrs. Jean Sutch Hilfer Ms. Victoria L. Zeman Mrs. Linda Vekich-Weatherby Ms. Lisa J. Hoch Mrs. Mary Jean Ellis Whalen Mrs. Frances Mastnik Hoffman Mrs. Marsha Kumsha Holey Class of 1973 - 40th Reunion Giving participation - 26% Class of 1974 Mrs. Roxanne Frederick Jes Class gift total $9,231 Ms. Greta Blomquist Armata Mrs. Barbara Soderberg Johnson Class representatives are in bold Mrs. Kathleen Wahtera Blanchard Mrs. Karen Hnatko Johnson Mr. Walter L. Bushey Mrs. Helen Erickson Kampa Anonymous (1) Ms. Mary Patricia Caven Mrs. Catherine Braun Kohlmeier Dr. James F. Bellman Mrs. Mary Marchand Charnes Mr. Erving Wayne London Mrs. Margaret Deal-Saul Ms. Mary E. Hansen Mrs. Sheila Makie Merrier Ms. Marilyn Bement Husby Mrs. Elizabeth Fider Hanson Mrs. Lynn Booth Miller * Deceased The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report 16 Mr. Charles A. Mizia Mr. William A. Oswald Mrs. Mary McNelly Stroozas Ms. Kathleen M. Mortinsen Mr. Robert Pecarina Mrs. Julie Dunleavy Sundin Mrs. Theresa Gigliotti Polseno Mrs. Jennifer Musech Peterson Mr. Mark Steven Rubin Mrs. Mary Jane Tyler Robertson Class of 1978 - 35th Reunion Mr. John Schroeder Mrs. Robin Olson Scholl Giving participation - 17% Mr. Robert J. Schroeder Mr. David M. Sparby Class gift total $12,770 Ms. Pamela G. Smith Mrs. Sally Patchell Storslee Class representatives are in bold Mrs. Carol Gray Spielman Mrs. Lorry Ronning Witte Anonymous (1) Miss Laurie Ann Tarnowski Mrs. Donna Ettinger VanKessel Class of 1977 Mrs. Sandra Buckler Bjerkness Mrs. Nancy Kyrola Wiita Ms. Marianne Mesich Allen Mrs. Jean Lynott Boutin Mrs. Doreen Sward Wise Mrs. Carla Smith Ambrosius Mrs. Mary Fischer Bruss Mr. Carl F. Bauer Dr. Cheryl Peritz Buchkoski Class of 1976 Mrs. Diane Spaeth Brophy Ms. Kathleen K. Busche Ms. Kathy S. Anderson Mrs. Mary Hejny Clark Ms. Jeanne Devaney Carroll Dr. Maria Annoni Ms. Kathryn Petracek Colby Mr. Ed J. Crawford Anonymous (1) Ms. Marianne Connelly Ms. Pat Winter Duginski Dr. Larry J. Birnbaum Ms. Annette Daigle Dr. Kathleen Stocker Farah Ms. Diane Carlson Mrs. Jane Hoolihan Dooher Mr. Fred J. Franchi Ms. Mary E. Carlson Ms. Karen Finseth Ms. Chevon Lally Gallagher Mrs. Mary Petrich Carlson Mrs. Linda L. Garner Mr. Robert Gerard Hammernik Ms. June Connor Mrs. Colleen Erickson Gartner Mr. Jayme B. Johnson Ms. Barbara J. Didrikson Mrs. Lynn Dravecky Haarala Mrs. Margaret Hein Johnson Miss Camille V. Doran Mrs. Diane Tancabel Hockinson Mr. Roger Theodore Johnson Mrs. Mary Beth O’Keefe Ebert Ms. Debra J. Holmstrom Mrs. Susan Malander Johnson Mrs. Janet Arlene Eklund Mrs. Barbara Schultz Johnson Mrs. Beth Haenke Just Ms. Cynthia L. Girard Mrs. Mary Holmes Koepke Mrs. Stephanie Derosier Kallio Ms. Connie J. Hall Ms. Kathleen Kopecky Mary Sartorelli Krupski Mrs. Kathryn Mickelson Hoden Mrs. Donna Sramek Kurtz Ms. Mary Feda Lambert Dr. Marilyn A. Holmgren Ms. Kristen Levander-Langerman Mr. Fred J. Love Ms. Elizabeth Maertz Johnson Ms. Elizabeth A. Markon Ms. Diane Leslie Mathiason Mrs. Mary Dezelske Johnson Mrs. Mary Sundquist Miller Ms. Sally D. Maxwell Mrs. LaVonne Lust Knopik Mrs. Marie A. Moisio Mr. Jay Mitchell Ms. Kathy Saccoman Kramer Ms. Linda A. Moline Mrs. Marie Ferdon Moberg Mrs. Virginia Wiley Kruse Mrs. Mary Lano Mulvehill Mrs. Eugenie Johnson Mora Mrs. Pamela Dvergsten Lee Dr. Mark D. Norgard Mrs. Donna Meyer Morris Mrs. Linda Stadtherr Ley Mrs. Martha Gualtieri Oswald Mr. Randall W. Olson Mrs. Kim Donley Lopez Ms. Jan Louise Peterson Mrs. Ruth Sandbulte Peterson Ms. Roberta Heller Maharry Dr. Susan M. Polich Mr. Alan T. Plattner Mrs. Carol Hookland Lockman Mrs. Clare Cavanagh Polzin Mrs. Geraldine Centa Rootes Dr. Sandy Marden-Lokken Mrs. Patricia Wellbrock Seidl Ms. Laurie Smoger Rubesch Mrs. Beth Dalbacka Nordling Mrs. Debra Atwood Smith Ms. Doriann May Saunders Mr. James R. Olson, Jr. Ms. Victoria Stauber-Pufall Mrs. Patricia Bromberg Shaw 17 The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report Cash gifts received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013 Dr. Robert Shutes Mrs. Rae Matalamaki Tyllia Mrs. Denise Pierskalla Ferguson Mrs. Nancy Olson Sparby Mr. William Richard Watson Dr. Susan Gross Forneris Mr. William K. Stroozas, Jr. Ms. Cheryl Rose Winzenburg Mrs. Susan Pakkala Gerzina Ms. Marie Ellen Sullivan Mrs. Joanne C. Hagen Mrs. Mary McIntire Thompson Class of 1980 Ms. Karen Lundgren Husu Mrs. Denise O’Neill Wenzel Mrs. Paulette Redman Adams Mrs. Cheryl Smith Jenkinson Mrs. Adele Englund Yorde Mrs. Donna K. Anderson Mr. Richard Jobin Mr. John C. Brickley Ms. Karen Blomberg Johnson Class of 1979 Mrs. Patricia Tastsides Bruha Mrs. Linda Kroening Juettner Ms. Kim Murphy Abdouch Mrs. Beth Schober Donahue Mrs. Mary Gilbert Kolar Dr. Cheryl Maki Anderson Mrs. Marie Cederna Ellingson Ms. Diane Billberg Lansing Mrs. Jane Danielson Carr Mrs. Mary Murphy Fortney Mrs. Pamela Murray Larson Ms. Jane Haubrich Casperson Ms. Jamie L. Gareri Ms. Sandra K. Larson Ms. Denise Voellinger Dach Ms. Clare Palcher Gargano Mr. Danny L. Miller Mr. John E. Dargan Mrs. Gayle K. Gilmore Dr. Denise Jones Remus Mrs. Nancy Johnson Einerson Ms. Helen M. Goeden Mr. Scott M. Ritter Mrs. Nancy Aubin Elmer Mrs. Eileen Erickson Hein CDR Albert R. Runzel Mrs. Susan Sander Flattery Ms. Lesley E. Hunt The Honorable Patrick J. Schiltz Mrs. Anne Barrett Folman Mrs. Diane Konerik Jasperson Ms. Betty Nelson Selnes Mrs. Elizabeth Murphy Franchi Mr. Timothy R. Jeneson Mr. Larry Smith Mrs. Susan Mike Gentilli Mrs. Rebecca Hammer Mattson Mrs. Jennifer Laurence Spahr Dr. Ann Elizabeth Hood Ms. Margie Milczarek-Ritter Mrs. Annette Knudsen Sprague Ms. Renee T. Johnson Mrs. Kathy A. Miller Dr. Lisa D. Staber Dr. Julie Borgerding July Mrs. Sheri Haines Peterson Mrs. Terri Porwoll Stockinger Mrs. Paula Borrelli LaPenta Mrs. Mary Dee Pyfferoen Mrs. Jane Kmiecik Townsend Mrs. Sheree Johnson Mariani Miss Cindy L. Saban Mrs. Cathy Hejny VonRueden Mrs. Sylvia Eichner McDonald Ms. Barbara Picard Savagian Ms. Susan Voss-Graham Mrs. Joan Knudsen McIntosh Ms. Mary C. Stehlin Ms. Martha Moyer Wagoner Mrs. Melanie Higdon McMillion Mrs. Martha Rothstein Williams Mrs. Kim Lawrence Waldron Mrs. Kerry Nyquist McNeil Ms. Lynn Suominen Werner Mr. Patrick M. McNeil Class of 1981 Ms. Suzanne VanHorn Willis Mrs. Carol Minette Miller Mrs. Diane Miller Anderson Dr. Kenneth M. York Ms. Deborah Gedda O’Brien Anonymous (1) Mrs. Anne Haycraft Olson Mrs. Ann Kegley Baker Class of 1982 Ms. Jill Carlson Ostlund Ms. Amy E. Bergeron Mrs. Karen Alworth Mr. Todd M. Pepelnjak Mrs. Jean C. Bourgeois Mrs. Nancy Paulson Brickley Mrs. Joan Harbour Petrelius Mrs. Jean Murray Buller Mrs. Alison Philp Burgstahler Dr. Laurie M. Rappl Mrs. Molly Mackey Carey Mrs. Nancy Coffman-Kadish Mrs. Jennifer Rohrer Rodriguez Mr. William J. Casey Mr. Steven N. Davidson Mr. Joseph J. Rodriguez Ms. Claudia Hampston Daly Mr. Paul C. Fitzgerald Mrs. Mary Goodnow Sneve Mrs. Susan P. Danielson Ms. Diane M. Gareri Ms. Candice Trucano Spicer Mr. Frederick de Sam Lazaro Dr. Mary Ellen Haupert Ms. Mary K. Stimac Ms. Mary Radyjewsky Egger Ms. Cynthia L. Johnson Mrs. Margaret Kukar Stratton Mrs. Patricia Flaa Engelsgjerd Ms. Sarah Stephenson Jusko * Deceased The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report 18 Mr. Troy K. Kitzrow Ms. Catherine Roch Ortscheid Ms. Marilyn Kuehn Bernard Ms. Mary Lenzen Krueger Ms. Lynnette RauvolaBouta Ms. Nancy Thesing Bieganek Mr. David J. Kuefler Mrs. Mary Yernatich Ravnikar Ms. Tracy Borris Mrs. Anna Marie Lepore Hockenbery Ms. Sandra M. Sampair Mrs. Nancy Anderson Brede Ms. Laurie J. Lutz Mrs. Kim Schuweiler Mrs. Christine Morrison Burgstahler Mrs. Linda Schwartz Mash Ms. Muriel J. Selen Mr. Kevin C. Bushey Ms. Brenda L. McIntyre Mr. David J. Sell Mrs. Teresita Lao Bushey Ms. Luann M. Phillipich Mr. Jeffry A. Stampohar Ms. Julie A. Clarkson Ms. Jean Racek Mrs. Marilyn Kunkel Trouth Mr. Robert Dow Mrs. Shelley Samuelson Ramsdell Ms. Bonnie Turnboom-Hirsch Ms. Janet Eichholz Ms. Francine Perushek Schaefer Mr. Chuck Walt Ms. Cindy Paarni Fiser Mrs. Carol Servia Schuster Mr. Rolf Flaig Mr. Daniel J. Seeler Class of 1984 Dr. Michael Gibbons Ms. Mary Ciszewski Sheffield Ms. Eleanore A. Aarrestad Mrs. Krista Lawson Goodrie Mrs. Mary Antognozzi Sperle-Nelson Ms. Lisa Wick Becker Mrs. Jill Sargeant Graham Mrs. Jeanne Ramackel Walling Mr. Earl J. Benning Ms. Catherine L. Gray Ms. Margaret Shuster Witt Ms. Joan Zeidler Bliss Dr. Tala R. Henry Ms. Mary Beth Habberstad Bujold Mrs. Mary Kauma Hepokoski Class of 1983 - 30th Reunion Mrs. Jackie Salyards Coffman Mrs. Mary Klepfer Kero Giving participation - 16% Mrs. Lois Bergstrom Dahl Mr. Thomas E. Kero Class gift total $15,277 Ms. Anastasia K. Ernest Mr. Tab D. Klimstra Class representatives are in bold Mr. John Eue Ms. Lorianne M. Konerza Mrs. Genevieve Prudhomme Graves Ms. Kelly Niemeyer Larson Mr. Robert J. Benson Mr. David Hirsch Mr. Thomas Davidson Lennan Mrs. Ruth Mahder Benson Mrs. Susan Ireland Huju Ms. Beverly MacKenzie Mrs. Teri Svea Beyer Ms. Linda Zodrow Kozler Ms. Karyn M. Mikel Mrs. Patricia Bower-Jernigan Ms. Patricia McCormick Mrs. Andrea M. Newgren Dr. Linda Chlan Mrs. Tracy Barton Mesker Mrs. Gerianne Meyer Pietrowski Mrs. Phyllis Cizadlo Ms. Lila Moen Mr. Albert Pitoscia, Jr. Mrs. Yvonne Kemper Combs Mr. Michael D. Neale Mrs. Judith R. Rian Mrs. Kay Drechsler de Sam Lazaro Mrs. Jeraldine Eibes Peters Mrs. Mary Jo Rouleau Robak Ms. Susan Rossetter Englund Mrs. Melissa Graf Riebel Mr. Steven P. Robak Joanne M. Erickson Mrs. Marjory Ann Galinski Ryan Ms. Denise C. Smith Dr. Sally Koski Fauchald Barbara J. Stickel Col. Marcy Steinke-Fike, USAF (ret.) Dr. Debbie A. Hanson Mrs. Gayle Larsen Weingart Ms. Shelly A. Swendsen Ms. Mary M. Januschka Mrs. Ardelle Eidenschink Wentworth Mrs. Ann Gill Tieberg Mr. Robert E. Lewis Mrs. Linda Nelson Wick Mr. Tom Wedige Mr. Mark A. Wick Mrs. Patrice Paggen Menk Mr. Kelly Mesker Class of 1985 Dr. Catherine Shusta Miller Mrs. Cheryl Frost Anderson Class of 1986 Mrs. Terese Koenig Mitchell Mrs. Lisa Anderson Mrs. Carol Newman Barnstorf Mrs. Linda Rakovetz Molick Ms. Sheila K. Anderson Ms. Joan Barrie-Daigle Ms. Beverly Flaten Neve Mrs. Patricia Essler Beddow Ms. Jean Salmela Beauduy 19 The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report Cash gifts received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013 Ms. Sandra Bentley-Williams Ms. Lee Forcier Anderson Mrs. Gigie Anderson Harder Mr. Jay Borman Ms. Melissa Pierce Anderson Mrs. Linnea Bonnin Horvat Mrs. Jeanne Lepore Christiansen Ms. Sharyl Beaudin Mr. Peter P. Igoe Mrs. Debbi Commerford Mr. Gary J. Daigle Ms. LeAnn Roch Johnson Ms. Jacqueline Fairbanks-Crowley Ms. Karen Davis Ms. Jennifer A. Johnson Mrs. Marian Fischer Gentner Mr. Benjamin H. Dodge Mrs. Renee Lung Kailanen Mrs. Mary Kay Hohensee-Mayer Ms. Barbara Eaton Ms. Ann Wefelmeyer Myers Ms. Kathleen Holliday Ms. Lisa Lepore Ekman Mr. Stephen Newell Ms. Mary Lou Houle Mrs. Mary R. Fosnocht Mrs. Pamela Jurasin Oachs Mr. Daniel A. Jahr Ms. Esther R. Grabanski Ms. Diane Pearson Orville Mr. Brian Johnson Ms. Michelle Grandmaison-Tekippe Mr. Robert C. Pearson Mr. Scott M. Johnson Mrs. Jeanne M. Heinsohn Mr. James G. Rauzi Mrs. Wendy Laxdal Johnson Mrs. Debbie Beasley Law Dr. Pamela Ambroz Rice Ms. Julie Tiger Jorgenson Ms. Susan Lazzaro-Coen Mr. Steven J. Stein Ms. Karen Kane Ms. Katherine McCall Mr. Thomas R. Tschida Mrs. Cindy Johnson Kellett Mrs. Mary Nelson Meyer Ms. Polly Wohlers Uner Ms. Sherry Edwards Kroska Ms. Yvonne Michaud Novak Ms. Elizabeth Harries Maeshima Ms. Michele McManus O’Neill Class of 1989 Mr. Terrell Marholz Ms. Kathleen A. Payne Mr. Treg Axtell Mr. Ollie Meyer Mr. Tim Placke Mrs. Ellen Roch Case Dr. Mary Trumper Miles Mrs. Michelle Mattner Pride Mr. Phil Case Mr. Michael P. Miller Ms. Sara Bayerl Schaefer Ms. Suzanne Sander Christopherson Dr. Debra Conlon Newell Ms. Patricia A. Schmitt Ms. Jill Hubbes Craig Mrs. Mary Primozich Psyk Ms. Krista Weberg Strunk Mrs. Lori Diekmann Denton Mrs. Mary Cahill Rudeen Ms. Nancy J. Veeder Dr. Michelle Voit Fanucchi Ms. Marri Wolff Fishel Ms. Susan A. Sandvik Dr. Julie Stephen Shelton Class of 1988 - 25th Reunion Mrs. Ann Weber Fogarty Dr. LaTina Else Siers Giving participation - 11% Mr. William J. Fogarty Mrs. Brenda Lofback Skorich Class gift total $6,037 Ms. Wendy Jo Johnson Grill Mrs. Lori Stella Harris Ms. Lizbeth Schmid Smith Dr. Kay Speerschneider Ms. Sharon A. Ableiter Ms. Nancy Brantley Holt Mrs. Brenda Swendra-Henry Ms. Nancy L. Anderson Mr. James C. Jubenville Ms. Denise F. Tourtellott Mrs. Penny Burrell Anderson Mrs. Brigid McCarthy Klaysmat Ms. Gwyneth Clark VanBuskirk Mrs. Vickie Winkler Anderson Mr. Steven A. Klaysmat Ms. Kimberly Barteck VonBrethorst Anonymous (1) Ms. Connie Pexsa Kleinjan Ms. Anne M. Watson Mrs. Denise Carlson Axtell Mrs. Connie Day Krahn Mrs. Mary Jo McComber Wertzler Ms. Pamela Dennis Bilderback Ms. Michelle Siebenaler Lesch Mr. Paul W. Wertzler Mr. James Branstrom Mr. Todd S. Lind Mr. Thomas D. Williams Ms. F. Jean Campbell Ms. Sara Lorbiecki-Brown Mrs. Jodi Cruikshank Zolik Mr. Thomas P. Chartier Ms. Arlyce L. Mahlberg Mr. Bradley D. Dugdale Ms. Kathi Kusch Marshall Class of 1987 Mrs. Jeanice Gilliland Fontaine Mrs. Denise Groth Matthews Mrs. Michele Pierce Almquist Ms. Paula Schneider Gerold Ms. Julia A. Maurer * Deceased The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report 20 Ms. Diane Schindler Mipro Mrs. Anne S. Orman Ms. Sherry A. Rengstorf Mrs. Leslee S. Naslund Ms. Janet Hall Pollard Mrs. Daisy Stanton Roberts Mr. Thomas P. Nelson Ms. Cathy Lasky Privett Mr. David W. Rowe Ms. Catherine Klaseus Neve Mrs. Deborah Anstett Reicher Mrs. Nancy Hansen Rubin Mrs. Stephanie Reinke Nilsen Ms. Gloria Riesland Richards Ms. Lynn A. Scotch Ms. Nancy Osterbauer Mrs. Cathy Josephson Rinne Ms. Lynn Whitney Stish Ms. Catherine T. Overland Mr. Lennie D. Robinson Mrs. Kristine Jackson Strom Mr. Jeffrey A. Palm Ms. Kay R. Sheils Ms. Pearl Crandall Tinquist Ms. Carla Stark Parrish Mrs. Bridgette Cook Startz Ms. Barbara Nelson Young Ms. Ellen M. Perrault Mrs. Judy Toffoli Mr. Lee J. Ziegler Mrs. Diane Jean Schubert Ms. Jennifer Meyers Williams Class of 1992 Jacqulin Johnson Sebastian Mr. Craig T. Smith Class of 1991 Mr. Scott B. Almquist Mr. David J. Staniger Mrs. Rhonda Malinowski Anderson Mr. Eric W. Berg Mrs. Lisa Giefer Steffl Mrs. Sandra Vesel Aronson Mr. Anthony E. Birch Mr. Michael K. Wedding Mrs. Pamela Prahm Bloedel Mrs. Laurie Jensen Callies Ms. Mary Mason Young Mrs. Diane Edinger Brickley Mr. Peter G. Callies Mr. Jason D. Brickley Ms. Shelly R. Ceglar Class of 1990 Mr. Brian G. Case Ms. Lynn Conlin Dr. James L. Antilla Mrs. Stacy C. Deadrick Ms. Suzanne Larson Dimitri Ms. Theresa Paulson Ball Mrs. Julie Sherman Eckman Ms. Diana Bouschor Dodge Ms. Katherine A. Blomstrand Mrs. Janice Schroeder Fagre Ms. Rose T. Englund Ms. Paula Schouweiler Breuer Ms. Kristine Y. Fitch Ms. Camille Seifert Gaffney Mrs. Candy L. Caballero Mr. John T. Folman Ms. Dorothy P. Grigg Ms. Mary M. Cirilli Mrs. Kelly Moede Geiger Ms. Sherri L. Hakala Mr. Peter T. Creager Mrs. Pamela Thaldorf Hagedon Ms. Catherine J. Hansen Mr. Kraig Erickson Ms. Dana A. Hamilton Mrs. Mary Cudney Harnisch Mrs. Sarah B. Fredell Mrs. Betty L. Hieb Ms. Cheryl Krause Hartmann Ms. Jennifer Bjork Friesen Mrs. Kerry Woods Johnson Ms. Kimberly Altrichter Haugo Ms. Elaine Haglund Mrs. Kathleen Hendricks Kurka Ms. Shelly Peters Hoffman Dr. Lynne Snater Hamre Mrs. Kammy Kindgren Lamb Dr. Marie E. Kelsey Mrs. Kari Beyer Jensen Ms. Mary Frances Sinshack Linzer Ms. Carol Young Kempf Mr. Ronald J. Jensen Ms. Amelie Lindberg-Livingston Mrs. Stacy Stanek Kennelly Ms. Kayla Kraft Johnson Mrs. Tiffany Freese Lorentzson Ms. Monica Storms Kooiman Mr. Phillip M. Johnson Mr. Michael J. Mahoney Ms. Susan Liester Kubat Ms. Colleen M. Kritz Mr. William Mickelson Ms. Emily Erjavec Lozinski Ms. Judy Kurki-Coleman Mr. Paul A. Ness Mrs. Amy Gutknecht Nelson Mr. Eric Lorentzson Mrs. Teresa Meirick Nitsch Ms. Dawn M. Parendo Mrs. Karen Meixner Lundholm Ms. Deanna J. Olson Ms. Yvonne Stiller Pennell Ms. Terri Moen Ms. Phyllis Bruno Peterson Ms. Renae A. Pierce Mr. Daniel T. Naslund Mrs. Marcia E. Pitoscia Mr. Richard Powell Ms. Callee R. Nolden Mrs. Christine Stack Polson Ms. Nancy Picord Prica Mrs. Tina Maki Opelt Mrs. Suzanne Klejeski Powell Mr. James F. Rian 21 The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report Cash gifts received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013 Ms. Cynthia Klande Semenchuk Mrs. Stephanie Rolandson Du Paul Mrs. Karla Hankey Lovaasen Mrs. Anne Cronin Tyson Mrs. Jacalyn R. Erickson Ms. Rachelle Benoit Mendiola Mr. Todd A. White Mrs. Cynthia L. Finch Mr. Jamie P. Neisen Mr. Quin M. Flaig Mrs. Karen L. Newstrom Class of 1993 - 20th Reunion Mrs. Sandra R. Garlie Ms. Jennifer Wagner Nylund Giving participation - 7% Mr. Kevin M. Hannegan Mrs. Ann K. Powers Class gift total $6,450 Ms. Judy Dierkhising Hirschfeld Mr. Mark D. Szybnski Mr. Anthony G. Hutar Mr. Matthew D. Szybnski Ms. Christine Nelson Anderson Ms. Denise Mathews Jacobsen Mrs. Rebecca Knox Ullman Mr. Darryl F. Arquitte Mrs. Melissa Ruzanic Killian Mrs. Janelle Schminski Wapola Ms. Krista H. Bilderbach Mrs. Brenda Skube Lamppa Mr. Aaron D. Wieneke Dr. Carl Bot Mr. Regan J. Lamppa Mrs. Kim Kamrowski Bot Mrs. Patricia Young Massie Class of 1996 Ms. Rebecca Laird Busch Ms. Michelle L. McDonald Ms. Mary P. Beck Mrs. Jeanne Case Dr. Nathan R. Norquist Ms. Michelle L. Bryant Mrs. Lisa Older Cremeans Mrs. Angela Laughlin Oldenberg Mr. Tony A. Bundschuh Mrs. Jill Lundak Holmes Ms. Nancy Baumbach Paulson Dr. David J. Burleson Mr. Travis Holmes Mrs. Mary Stogsdill Rooney Mr. Joel Clasemann Dr. Lynn Mattila Kalnbach Dr. Sandra Schinn-Payment Ms. Peggy Henfling Dahl Mr. Jeffery A. Kittelson Mr. Mitchell A. Smith Ms. Amy Swanson DeCaigny Mrs. Kristin Carlson Kittelson Ms. Diane Spaniol Ms. Mary Armstrong Enderson Mrs. Tammi Fleck Krone Mr. Jon P. Ziebarth Dr. Kelly M. Erickson Mr. Romesh Lakhan Mrs. Michelle Lee Ziebarth Ms. Sheila Doll Ferguson Ms. Elizabeth A. Langer Mr. Jay G. Finnerty Dr. Rebecca J. Larson Class of 1995 Mrs. Carrie Woelfel Flaig Ms. Jennifer M. Porter Anonymous (1) Ms. Theresa Lombardi Fleege Ms. Andreen R. Quinlan Ms. Joyce M. Barott Mr. Darren Froehle Ms. Colleen Dosan Rasmussen Mrs. Rebecca Sandwick Bundschuh Mrs. Connie Lund Jonas Mrs. Rebecca A. Rees Mrs. Kathleen K. Chapman Mrs. Melissa Boyum Karch Ms. Leola D. Rodd Ms. Cassie Sather Chura Ms. Donita K. Korpela Ms. Sarah Clark Spoon Ms. Michelle Edwards Mr. Larry G. LeBlanc Ms. Luann R. Udenberg Mrs. Sarah Triplett Ellena Mrs. Kathryn Koch Lipke Ms. Robyn Messerli Wolf Ms. Stacie M. Flaten Ms. Michelle Tanner Mariska Ms. Lisa Sickler Hartke Dr. Melissa J. Neisen Class of 1994 Ms. Megan Traxler Holicky Mrs. OnaLee Westphal Olson Ms. Kimberly Suominen Baker Mrs. Anne Gifford Hutar Mrs. Jennifer Laine Schatz Mrs. Wanda L. Birnbaum Ms. Dawn M. Johnson Ms. Carla A. Schwartz Mr. Bradley Brunfelt Mrs. Jennifer Hayes Jubenville Mr. Chad VanDyke Ms. Lori J. Bryant Mrs. Sarah Bislow Jurek Mrs. Jennifer Hagestuen VanDyke Ms. Jennifer Spry Buehler Ms. Christine L. Kimpling Ms. Linda R. Wagner Ms. Paula Waletzko Cooper Ms. Onida Carlson Kocinski Ms. Julie Walkowiak Mrs. Terri Walters Coyle Ms. Emily Larson Ms. Amy L. Watters Ms. Cynthia J. Donner Mrs. Madonna M. LeBlanc Mrs. LilaAnn C. White * Deceased The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report 22 Class of 1997 Ms. Rosetta K. Villeneuve Mr. Kyle Landwehr Mr. Aaron J. Biedermann Ms. Elizabeth Salladay Whirley Mrs. Carrie Motzko Lindberg Ms. Kelly Jamsa Chandler Ms. Kari Lykins Lippo Mrs. Deborah Skajewski DeBolt Class of 1999 Ms. Katie Nephew Miller Kimberly A. Fuhrman, J.D. Anonymous (2) Dr. Rajean P. Moone Mrs. Karen J. Jakala Mrs. Allison Gemar Bakke Ms. Marilyn Raciti Mr. Daniel C. Johnson Ms. Michelle Laine Beck Ms. Nancy Pexa Rettmann Mr. Aaron D. Miller Mr. Rick E. Borchardt Mr. Jordan C. Rheingans Ms. Tami J. Molkenbur Dr. Kathryn Petron Burleson Mrs. Kathryn Tepe Salin Mr. Brian L. Nefzger Ms. Lori Rendahl Copeman Mr. Matthew Salin Ms. Kimberly J. Olson Ms. Megan Sheehan Duffy Ms. Sarah Wetzel Schurke Mrs. Rebecca Haugen Oswald Mrs. Kelly Trost Farrell Ms. Jeanne Thompson Mrs. Amy Richtsmeier Patel Mrs. Bethanie Molenaar Flattum Mrs. Elaine Washburn Vanderscheuren Ms. Danielle Montbriand Porche Mr. Frank Jewell Ms. Toni Zupancich VanEyll Ms. Emily Gressman Robb Ms. Julie A. Johnson Ms. Jennifer Larson Rosato Ms. Vicky L. LaPlant Class of 2001 Ms. Karen Johnson Ruona Ms. Mary E. Lee Ms. Jolene Savela Aho Ms. Sara L. Schlegel Ms. Jody Fuhr Lepp Ms. Robin L. Altendorf Ms. Cynthia D. Shusta Mrs. Eleonora Lesar Ms. Christina Baier Anderson Mrs. Carrie Rothwell Sloan Mrs. Sharon Forst Meyer Ms. Brooke A. Braaten Mr. John R. Strongitharm Ms. Karla R. Miner Ms. Rebecca Bahar Crep Ms. Rebecca Thelen Mrs. Kathryn Wosmek Olson Ms. Erika J. Dierker Ms. Kimlee A. Thompson Mrs. Katherine S. Peterson Mr. Christopher H. Dolan Ms. Michelle Lind Wikstrom Ms. Dory L. Pohl Mrs. Christina Lundin Fox Ms. Jada Lund Sheetz Ms. Ellen V. Johnson Class of 1998 Ms. Kerri Igl Swart Mr. Corey W. Kemp Ms. Holly Dinehart Compo Ms. Kari Pearson Vaughn Mrs. Laura Maiers Kuvaas Mr. Todd Comstock Mr. John B. Wakefield Mr. Dennis C. LaMantia Mr. Paul M. Dallavia Ms. Andrea Gravelle Winters Mr. Derek J. Lindberg Ms. Jessica L. Durbin Mr. John P. Zimmerman Ms. Krysta Riel Maas Mr. Steven C. Farrell Mrs. Molly Michel Minar Ms. Heather Dalrymple Forst Class of 2000 Ms. Molly Johnson Pavleck Ms. Jennifer Oullis Gunderson Mrs. Kathleen Myers Ahlberg Ms. Claire Y. Smith Ms. Catherine M. Johnson Mr. Nathan J. Ahlberg Mr. David A. Thamert Ms. Carrie F. Kunze Anonymous (1) Mr. Kyle T. Wermerskirchen Ms. Sarah C. Loetscher Ms. Marjorie S. Debelak Ms. Holly A. Lundgren Ms. Jennifer Larson Deming Class of 2002 Ms. Cheri L. Nemec Mrs. Krista DeSpins Anonymous (1) Ms. Catherine Johnson Olson Mr. Andrew D. Ensign Ms. Catherine Harriet Bjorum Mr. David Reyelts Dr. Amy Candy Heinlein Mrs. Marie L. Bothma Ms. Tracy Henry Rouse Ms. Erin Bergstrom Hjort Mrs. Karen Harjes Cheslak Ms. Shawnda F. Schelinder Reverend Glenn G. Johnson Ms. Rebecca S. Cooper Lt. Jodi Zellmer Vetter Ms. Anna Lally Knutson Ms. Deborah E. Dollins 23 The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report Cash gifts received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013 Mrs. Ann E. Evans Mrs. Michelle M. Brackenbury Ms. Monica D. Bobek Mr. Michael Joseph Fasteland Ms. Amber VanHale Christensen Mr. Christopher S. Davis, Jr. Mrs. Sandra L. Goman Mr. Colin E. Ellefson Dr. Rilee J. Dawson Ms. Beth A. Kleinschmidt Ms. Stefanie M. Falconi Mr. Philip J. Gaudino Mrs. Jill D. Lorge Mr. Daniel T. Helbach Ms. Jacqueline M. Grindahl Ms. Kathryn M. Mihulka Ms. Michele R. Jackman Ms. Laura M. Heise Ms. Mindy L. Morsching Ms. Tracy L. Johnson Ms. Michelle M. Hendrickson Mrs. Angela D. Presley Ms. Stephanie Moeller Kiero Ms. Katherine Karakash Mr. Sean C. Presnail Mrs. April Carlson Kilgore Mr. Jeffrey B. Linnerooth Mr. Shawn L. Roos Ms. Erin Hudspeth Leonard Ms. Paula M. Madden Mr. Christopher A. Roy Mr. Nathan R. Miller Ms. Beverley M. Melchisedech Mrs. Chelsea N. Salzer Ms. Jackie Novotny Nord Ms. Emily J. Olson Mrs. Emily Hammerstrom Thamert Mrs. Lisa A. Roseth Ms. Rebecca Zaffke Peterson Ms. Lisa Peterlin Thornton Mrs. Nicole McCorison Shaw Ms. Alicia M. Plattner Elizabeth Simonson Mrs. Sara Boyle Simonson Mr. Michael C. Wambach Mrs. Leah Johnson Struss Class of 2003 Mr. Shannon Templin Ms. Diane M. Anderson Mrs. Jean Spaulding Bremer Class of 2005 Ms. Jennifer L. Tischbirek Dr. Cynthia Ringhofer Brown Mr. Jonathan Haycraft Mr. Sehwon E. Vaye Mrs. Angela Skluzacek Budin Ms. Lindsey Ruhnke Jaja Ms. Emily S. Woster Ms. Carrie S. Emslander Ms. Diane M. Kauppi Mr. Douglas P. Forgit Mr. Kenneth J. Kolquist Class of 2007 Dr. Barry Marolt Mr. Lowell H. Larson Anonymous (2) Ms. Meredith E. McCall Mr. Terrance D. McGovern Ms. Lisa M. Cary Mr. Mikal J. Mikkelson Ms. Michelle Harder Mitchell Ms. Donna J. Ceglar Mr. Bryan S. Pershing Ms. Sonja V. Noesen Mr. David E. Graham Mrs. Elizabeth Fastner Pershing Ms. Meredith R. Noggle Ms. Candice D. Harding Ms. Sarah J. Petrich Ms. Michelle J. Nordstrom Mr. Kenneth S. Haubrich Mr. Chad S. Struss Ms. Andrea Jaeckels Pastor Ms. Rosalie D. Jaenisch Ms. Sharon E. Syverson Mr. Aaron L. Pergolski Mr. Derek D. Johnson Mr. Andrew S. Thelander Mrs. Courtney Cook Pergolski Mr. Nathan J. LaBine Dr. Jacob R. Tjaden Dr. Laura Young Pollak Mrs. Joelle V. McGovern Mr. James F. Walsh Mr. Matthew C. Schiller Mr. Reid C. Smith Mr. Matthew B. Williams Mr. Thomas S. Simonson Ms. Charlotte J. Taylor Mrs. Nicole Ellingson Williams Ms. Katie Liebelt Sjodahl Ms. Anita A. York Mr. Bryan J. Struss Class of 2008 Mrs. Lisa Rasmussen Zallar Ms. Claire T. Taylor Ms. Cindy L. Arceneau Ms. Janet M. Tomaino Mr. Kevin V. Bushey Class of 2004 Mr. Stephen J. Wedel Ms. Janie M. Campbell Ms. Amanda S. Aherns Mr. Gavin T. Winter Ms. Jacqueline L. Dotson Ms. Jean M. Evens Anonymous (1) Mrs. Marcy J. Bents Class of 2006 Mr. Brandon J. Fairbanks Ms. Lindsay Fisher Bergstreser Ms. Nyla J. Benedict Ms. Becky J. Fisher * Deceased The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report 24 Ms. Shana M. Flynn Class of 2010 Ms. Allison E. Lambert Ms. Sandra K. Hicks Ms. Amy M. Benson Mr. Charles R. Lemon, Jr. Mrs. Erin J. Johnson Mr. Michael J. Benson Ms. Emily J. Martin Mr. James A. Kantor Ms. Katherine Killough Borchert Ms. Melissa A. Marvin Mr. Ryan J. LaCoursiere Dr. Tara E. Connolly Ms. Courtney V. Mitchell Ms. Elaina M. Paulhe Ms. Brianne Vollmar Peterson Mr. Eric L. Reiland Ms. Jaime A. Ross Ms. Anne L. Skolte Mr. Peter D. Sparby Ms. LeeAnn K. Sunderman Mr. Joel C. Sundstrom Ms. Katie M. Sundstrom Ms. Emily M. Williams Class of 2009 Mr. Bruce Corradi Class of 2016 Ms. Moriah Erickson Ms. Savanna R. Goelz Ms. Josephine A. Johnson Ms. Sarah E. Jacobs Ms. Kallyne E. Marshall Ms. Joselyn M. Wichern Ms. Kim M. Matz Ms. Mary Jo McNamee Dr. Alaina M. Otto Ms. Joanne P. Sieck Ms. Kristin M. Swartz Ms. Ellen T. Turner Ms. Lynette M. Zeppelin Ms. Danae Carlson Bartes Class of 2011 Mrs. Jeri L. Collier Ms. Roxanne M. Backowski Ms. Dawn Daehn Mr. Raymond V. Ballard Ms. Brenda Eveslage Ms. Joyce L. Brenny Mrs. Kara Vasko Fairbanks Ms. Shannon M. Guse Mrs. Laurie J. Gaudino Ms. Anne K. Hansen Ms. Amanda L. Hackenmueller Ms. Laurie R. Hull Ms. Meghan E. Hagedon Ms. Elizabeth Jacobson Ms. Brooke M. Havron Mrs. Heather Johnson Heffner Mr. Kyle J. Heffner Ms. Jan L. Hegman Mr. David C. Henkel-Johnson Ms. Jacqueline J. Larson Ms. Laura Guse Lenz Ms. Stacey A. Marcum Mr. Frederick D. McDougall Ms. Amanda A. Nadeau Ms. Amy Thompson Ninham Mrs. Angela L. Qson Mr. Jason D. Roberts Ms. Louise Manydeeds Sather Ms. Tracy M. Karasch Mr. Aleksis P. Kincaid Ms. LeAnn G. Martinson Ms. Jessica L. Moriarty Mr. Lloyd T. Munjanja Class of 2012 Ms. Rebecca Brenna Ms. Whitney A. W. Hansen ALUMNI of GRADUATE PROGRAMS Ms. Megan L. Aarsvold ’10, MS Mrs. Kathleen Myers Ahlberg ’01, MA Ms. Mary M. Alexander ’02, MED Ms. Robin L. Altendorf ’04, MA Dr. Catherine J. Ameel ’09, DPT Ms. Carol J. Anderson ’99, MA Mrs. Donna K. Anderson ’97, MA Ms. Sarah K. Annexstad ’02, MED Anonymous (6) Dr. James L. Antilla ’94, MA Ms. Cindy L. Arceneau ’09, MS Mr. George M. Armstrong ’97, MA Mrs. Sandra Vesel Aronson ’92, MA Dr. Laurel Ash ’01, MA Mrs. Allison Gemar Bakke ’01, MA Mrs. Carol M. Banker ’97, MED Ms. Linda M. Baumann ’97, MA Ms. Linda Beerman ’99, MED Mrs. Marcy J. Bents ’08, MA Mrs. Amber D. Berg ’02, MA Ms. Amie H. Bice ’05, MA Mr. Aaron J. Biedermann ’98, MA Ms. Pamela Dennis Bilderback ’02, MED Mrs. Mary F. Ives Dr. Larry J. Birnbaum ’99, MA Ms. Marianne R. Malecha Ms. Janine L. Bjerklie ’98, MED Ms. Elizabeth A. Suihkonen Mrs. Pamela Prahm Bloedel ’93, MA Mr. Michael B. Wapola Ms. Katherine A. Blomstrand ’93, MA Ms. Judith A. Blyckert ’99, MED Ms. Beverly G. Umland Mr. Benjamin A. Vanderscheuren Class of 2013 Dr. Carl Bot ’95, MA Ms. Alissa K. Vasek Ms. Judith E. Anderson Ms. Brooke A. Braaten ’02, MA Mr. John L. Winkel Ms. Amy Duray Mr. Paul A. Bracket ’96, MA 25 The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report Cash gifts received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013 Mrs. Deborah A. Brandenberg ’04, MED Mrs. Cynthia L. Finch ’98, MA Mrs. Kristin Carlson Kittelson ’95, MA Mrs. Diane Edinger Brickley ’93, MA Ms. Heather Dalrymple Forst ’99, MA Dr. Debra Jane Koch ’11, DPT Mr. John C. Brickley ’94, MA Ms. Mary Ross Fort ’91, MA Mrs. Laura Kremer ’94, MED Dr. Cynthia Ringhofer Brown ’11, DNP Mrs. Christina Lundin Fox ’02, MA Ms. Colleen M. Kritz ’93, MA Ms. Deborah J. Buckman ’01, MA Ms. Angela M. Gaskin ’06, MA Mrs. Katherine A. Kuettel ’98, MA Ms. Jennifer Spry Buehler ’95, MA Mrs. Gayle K. Gilmore ’86, MA Mrs. Mary Jane Kurm ’92, MA Mrs. Teresita Lao Bushey ’04, MA Ms. Nicole Beachman Greene ’04, MA Ms. Nancy Joy Kurz ’95, MED Mr. Brian G. Case ’09, MA Dr. Catherine Grzywacz ’11, DPT Mrs. MaryLee Lalich ’92, MA Ms. Shelly R. Ceglar ’99, MED Ms. Meghan E. Hagedon ’12, MS Mr. Ronald E. L’Amie ’95, MA Ms. Kelly Jamsa Chandler ’10, MS Mrs. Jana L. Hall ’98, MED Mrs. Rosemary Smith Lamson ’91, MA Mrs. Karen Harjes Cheslak ’07, MA Ms. Julie A. Halom ’09, MA Ms. Vicky L. LaPlant ’03, MA Dr. Michael J. Cheslak ’13, DPT Ms. Dana A. Hamilton ’93, MA Mr. Joshua R. Larson ’10, MS / ’10 MA Ms. Karen Chomniak ’00, MA Dr. Lynne Snater Hamre ’01, MA Dr. Rebecca J. Larson ’95, MA / ’10, DPT Mrs. Donna Grimm Churchill ’87, MA Ms. Connie L. Harle ’95, MA Ms. Beth LaVigne ’97, MED Mr. Joel Clasemann ’08, MA Dr. Peggy Harper ’11, DPT Ms. Celeste M. Lawson ’04, MED Mr. Todd Comstock ’99, MA Ms. Lisa Sickler Hartke ’97, MA Ms. Janet M. LeBard ’97, MED Dr. Tara E. Connolly ’12, DPT Ms. Jan L. Hegman ’13, MS Mr. Larry G. LeBlanc ’02, MA Ms. Nancy Ann Cooper ’01, MED Dr. Rebecca Hilden ’10, DPT Mrs. Madonna M. LeBlanc ’00, MA Ms. Lori Rendahl Copeman ’00, MA Ms. Megan Traxler Holicky ’97, MA Ms. Tami Lichtenberg ’10, MA Mr. Ed Josejaques Crawford ’80, MS Dr. Constance R. Huber ’90, MA Mrs. Carol Olson Lindberg ’98, MED Mrs. Patricia K. Curley ’98, MED Mrs. Christine S. Hulmer ’01, MED Ms. Kari Lykins Lippo ’01, MA Mr. John E. Dargan ’00, MA Ms. Jaime L. Husher ’10, MS Ms. Amelie Lindberg-Livingston ’92, MA Dr. Rilee J. Dawson ’08, DPT Ms. Rosalie D. Jaenisch ’12, MS Mr. Erving Wayne London ’02, MA Ms. Marjorie S. Debelak ’01, MA Mrs. Karen J. Jakala ’00, MA Mr. Ronald Lorentz ’97, MA Ms. Jennifer Larson Deming ’03, MA Mr. Doris Janousek-Krogman ’02, MA Ms. Kristine M. Lyons ’97, MED Ms. Laurie K. Dieken ’99, MA Mr. Erik J. Janssen ’10, MA / ’12, MBA Ms. Krysta Riel Maas ’11, MS Ms. Erika J. Dierker ’02, MA Ms. Patti Olson Jenkins ’89, MA Mr. Michael J. Mahoney ’93, MA Ms. Patricia M. Diesen ’87, MA Mrs. Diana Marino Johnson ’87, MA Dr. Sandy Marden-Lokken ’90, MA Ms. Carol Diser-Ropella ’01, MED Mrs. Heidi S. Johnson ’08, MA Ms. Sally D. Maxwell ’90, MA Ms. Paula Zwach Dittrich ’98, MA Ms. Lynn A. Johnson ’97, MA Ms. Christy A. May ’11, MS Mr. Ryan S. Dolan ’09, MA Ms. Peggy Price Johnson ’98, MA Ms. Patricia McCormick ’91, MA Mr. Bruce D. Domino ’03, MA Ms. Tracy L. Johnson ’05, MA Mrs. Joelle V. McGovern ’12, MED Mrs. Beth Schober Donahue ’93, MA Ms. Julie Kaiser Jones ’00, MA Mr. Kevin W. McGrew ’96, MED Ms. Sheryl Doro ’97, MED Mr. Granville M. Jordan ’10, MA / ’10 MBA Ms. Brenda L. McIntyre ’10, MA Mr. Wayne A. Dupuis ’09, MA Ms. Christine M. Jugasek ’05, MA Mrs. Loretta Menucci McLaughlin ’81, MA Ms. Jodi M. Edmonson ’01, MED Dr. Julie Borgerding July ’10, DPT Mrs. Sharon L. Meyer ’00, MA Mrs. Rhonda Crocker Ellacott ’93, MA Mrs. Sarah Bislow Jurek ’01, MA Mr. William Mickelson ’12, MS Mrs. Jacalyn R. Erickson ’95, MA Mr. Benjamin D. Kamilewicz ’09, MS Ms. Karyn M. Mikel ’00, MA Mr. Jon P. Erickson ’08, MA Ms. Carol Young Kempf ’03, MED Dr. Mary Trumper Miles ’08, DPT Dr. Kelly M. Erickson ’97, MA Mrs. Stacy Stanek Kennelly ’94, MA Ms. Courtney V. Mitchell ’09, MS Ms. Marsha J. Estabrook ’06, MA Mrs. April Carlson Kilgore ’09, MA Ms. Lynda G. Mitchell ’03, MA Dr. Sally Koski Fauchald ’95, MA Dr. Jane L. Killough ’93, MA Dr. James M. Montana ’10, DPT Mrs. Louise Koglin Fideldy ’94, MA Mr. Jeffery A. Kittelson ’95, MA Ms. Patricia A. Murphy ’98, MED * Deceased The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report 26 Ms. Teresa Nakamoto-Hayman ’05, MA Ms. Cathy A. Rieber ’98, MED Mrs. Leanne M. Ventrella ’94, MA Mrs. Leslee S. Naslund ’99, MA Mr. Jason D. Roberts ’12, MS Ms. Rosetta K. Villeneuve ’01, MA Dr. John F. Nathan ’11, DPT Mrs. Shawn Krause Roberts ’99, MA Ms. Linda R. Wagner ’98, MA Ms. Mary Neilitz ’99, MED Mr. Shawn L. Roos ’10, MA Ms. Susan C. Wallgren ’99, MED Mr. Jamie P. Neisen ’96, MA Mr. Wade E. Roseth ’97, MA Mrs. Janelle Schminski Wapola ’06, MA Mrs. Susan Lindquist Nelmark ’07, MA Mrs. Kristin N. Ryan ’98, MA Ms. Amy L. Watters ’06, MA Ms. Stella M. Nelson ’96, MA Mrs. Joann I. Salmela ’94, MA Ms. Linda Way ’03, MA Ms. Sue Nelson ’02, MA Ms. Ann E. Salzer ’10, MA Ms. Cynthia M. West ’01, MED Ms. Lori A. Nicklay ’98, MED Ms. Bethany A. Schiefelbein ’06, MA Mr. Robert Westlund ’02, MA Ms. Ruth Ann Nielsen ’99, MED Ms. Sara L. Schlegel ’03, MA Ms. Lenea M. Wheeler ’88, MA Ms. Sonja V. Noesen ’05, MA Mrs. Roseann Krall Schomber ’87, MA Mrs. LilaAnn C. White ’98, MA Ms. Meredith R. Noggle ’06, MA Ms. Lynn R. Sefcovic ’89, MA Ms. Jani M. Wiebolt ’96, MA Mr. Eric R. Norberg ’91, MA Ms. Patricia Ann Sevean ’92, MA Mr. Aaron D. Wieneke ’97, MA Ms. Michelle J. Nordstrom ’06, MA Dr. Julie Stephen Shelton ’92, MA / ’11, DNP Ms. Michelle Lind Wikstrom ’98, MA Dr. Mark D. Norgard ’09, MA Dr. Robert Shutes ’13, DPT Mr. Eric Williams ’97, MED Mrs. Pamela Jurasin Oachs ’98, MA Mrs. Sara Boyle Simonson ’07, MA Ms. Barbara Nelson Young ’92, MA Ms. Nancy Peterson Odden ’91, MA Mrs. Carrie Rothwell Sloan ’98, MA Ms. Deanna J. Olson ’92, MA Mr. Jon D. Slock ’02, MA Mrs. Kathryn Wosmek Olson ’00, MA Mrs. Linda Harding Smith ’97, MED Ms. Kimberly J. Olson ’98, MA Mr. Mitchell A. Smith ’03, MA Ms. Marcy Carlson Olson ’98, MED Ms. Theresa Soley ’01, MED Mrs. Rebecca Haugen Oswald ’98, MA Ms. Nancy Solo-Taylor ’00, MED Dr. Alaina M. Otto ’12, DPT Ms. Diane Spaniol ’97, MA Ms. Patti M. Paige ’92, MA Dr. Kay Speerschneider ’11, DPT Ms. Nancy L. Parvi ’98, MED Mrs. Carol Gray Spielman ’01, MA Ms. Kimberly Patton ’09, MA Mr. Steven J. Stein ’91, MA Ms. Nancy Baumbach Paulson ’96, MA Ms. Kelly A. Stewart ’11, MS Ms. Yvonne Stiller Pennell ’07, MA Ms. Patricia C. Stoddard ’87, MA Mr. Aaron L. Pergolski ’06, MA Mrs. Leah Johnson Struss ’07, MA Dr. James E. Petters ’11, DPT Ms. Kerri Igl Swart ’00, MA Sister Mary Rochefort, O.S.B. ’70 Ms. Karen K. Phipps ’05, MA Dr. Chery Takkunen ’97, MED Sister Donna Schroeder, O.S.B. ’60, Ph.D. Ms. Alicia M. Plattner ’09, MA / ’09, MBA Mrs. Kathleen Keller Theisen ’88, MA Sister Victorine Sitter, O.S.B. ’57 Ms. Anne E. Podgorak ’01, MA Ms. Lois Thesing ’06, MA Sister Joan Marie Stelman, O.S.B. Ms. Beth J. Pokela ’04, MA Ms. Carol L. Thomas ’07, MA Sister Mary Josephine Torborg, O.S.B. ’66, Ph.D. Ms. Danielle Montbriand Porche ’98, MA Ms. Jeanne Thompson ’03, MA Sister Clare Marie Trettel, O.S.B. ’70 Mr. Curt Quiner ’97, MED Mrs. Ann Gill Tieberg ’98, MED Mr. Leon M. Raether ’00, MED Ms. Roberta M. Torgerson ’08, MA Dr. Laurie M. Rappl ’10, DPT Ms. Pamela R. Treumer ’97, MED Ms. Leone Aasen Ms. Colleen Dosan Rasmussen ’95, MA Mrs. Renae L. Tveit ’97, MED Ms. Anna Abbott Mr. Michael J. Rawlings ’00, MA Mrs. Rebecca Knox Ullman ’97, MA Sister Agnes Alich, O.S.B. ’54 Mrs. Rebecca A. Rees ’95, MA Ms. Toni Zupancich VanEyll ’01, MA Ms. Brenda L. Anderson Mr. Jordan C. Rheingans ’01, MA Mrs. Donna Ettinger VanKessel ’99, MA Ms. Jean M. Anderson Mr. James F. Rian ’94, MA Ms. Kari Pearson Vaughn ’00, MA Ms. Judith E. Anderson ’13 27 The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report Mrs. Lisa Rasmussen Zallar ’07, MA Mr. James E. Zastrow ’99, MA Mr. Michael A. Zea ’00, MED Ms. Victoria L. Zeman ’00, MA SISTERS PROVIDING CONTRIBUTIVE SERVICES ($411,804) Sister Agnes Alich, O.S.B. ’54, Ph.D. Sister Edith Bogue, O.S.B., Ph.D. Sister Agnes Fleck, O.S.B. ’69 Sister Gretchen Johnston, O.S.B. ’04 Sister Monica Laughlin, O.S.B. ’44, D.M.A. Sister Beverly Raway, O.S.B. ’67, D.N.Sc. FACULTY/STAFF Cash gifts received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013 Mrs. Lisa Anderson ’85 Dr. Elizabeth Domholdt Ms. Tracy Jeremiason Anonymous (26) Mrs. Beth Schober Donahue ’80 Dr. Bret Johnson Dr. Laurel Ash ’01 Ms. Cynthia J. Donner ’94 Ms. Catherine M. Johnson ’98 Mr. Robert J. Ashenmacher Dr. Mary Lou Donovan Mrs. Heidi S. Johnson ’08 Ms. JoAnne L. Axtell Ms. Amy Duray ’13 Mr. Joel T. Johnson Dr. Anthony Barrett Mr. Bo Ekmark Ms. Christine M. Jugasek ’05 Dr. Aileen Beard Ms. Carrie S. Emslander ’03 Dr. Lynn Mattila Kalnbach ’93 Mr. George A. Beattie Ms. Ruth Erdmann-Sluka Dr. Marie E. Kelsey ’92 Mr. Eric W. Berg ’92 Mr. Jon P. Erickson ’08 Mrs. Mary Klepfer Kero ’85 Dr. Rondell Berkeland Dr. Kelly M. Erickson ’96 Dr. George B. Killough Dr. Larry J. Birnbaum ’76 Dr. Sally Koski Fauchald ’83 Dr. Jane L. Killough ’93 Dr. Pamela Bjorklund Dr. Brenda Fischer Ms. Kathleen E. King Dr. Gary J. Boelhower Mrs. Aimee L. Fisher Ms. Donna Walker Kirk Ms. Nora S. Brannan Mr. Patrick K. Flattery Mr. Jeffery A. Kittelson ’93 Ms. Leigh Branovan Ms. Nancy H. Gabres Ms. Beth A. Kleinschmidt ’02 Mrs. Carol Brekke Ms. Amy Galarowicz Ms. Lesley C. Kleveter ’10 Mr. Thomas Brekke Mr. Gary D. Garlie Ms. Susan Kurth Ms. Rebecca Brenna ’12 Mrs. Laurie J. Gaudino ’09 Ms. Lisa LaCore Ms. Jeannine M. Brodin Dr. Thomas E. Gibbons Mr. Lowell H. Larson ’05 Dr. Cynthia Ringhofer Brown ’03 Ms. Anita Gille Mrs. Kathleen McBride LaTour ’68 Mrs. Sandra Buckley Mrs. Sandra L. Goman ’02 Mr. Jim Laumeyer Ms. Jacquelyn Kazdo Bush ’69 Dr. Larry Goodwin Ms. Beth LaVigne ’97 Mrs. Teresita Lao Bushey ’85 Mr. Joel Gratiot Mrs. Madonna M. LeBlanc ’95 Mr. Richard Butte Ms. Amy B. Grimm Ms. Mary E. Lee ’99 Mrs. Paula J. Byrne Mrs. Pamela Thaldorf Hagedon ’91 Ms. Sarah Libbon Ms. Janie M. Campbell ’08 Ms. Julie A. Halom ’09 Ms. Tami Lichtenberg ’10 Dr. William S. Campbell Dr. Lynne Snater Hamre ’90 Dr. Kurt Linberg Ms. Pam Christensen Ms. Anne K. Hansen ’11 Mr. Steve Lyons Dr. Gerald Cizadlo Mrs. Kara Hanson Mr. Kevin Mackin Mr. Joel Clasemann ’96 Mr. Michael P. Hanson Ms. Jackie M. MacMillan Mrs. Jeri L. Collier ’09 Ms. Lori Happel-Jarratt Dr. Jennifer A. Maki Ms. Marianne Connelly ’77 Mr. Keith Haugen Ms. Shirley Eichenwald Maki ’67 Ms. Susan J. Cotter Dr. Gerald Henkel-Johnson Ms. Sue T. Maki Dr. James Crane Mrs. Lori Hodapp Dr. Drew Mannetter Dr. Jeremy Craycraft Dr. William Hodapp Dr. Sandy Marden-Lokken ’76 Ms. Nancy Crego Ms. Laura Hoelter Ms. Jonna Marholz Mr. John E. Dargan ’79 Dr. Robert P. Hoffman Mr. Terrell Marholz ’86 Ms. Kelsey Dawson Mrs. Joan Holter Ms. Cindy Mattson Dr. Rilee J. Dawson ’06 Mr. Thomas A. Homan Ms. Sara A. McCumber ’03 Mrs. Stacy C. Deadrick ’91 Dr. LeAnn House Dr. Lawrence F. McGahey Ms. Jennifer Larson Deming ’00 Dr. Susan I. Hyndman Mrs. Joelle V. McGovern ’07 Ms. Sharon Dickey Ms. Elizabeth Jacobson ’11 Ms. Gerry F. McGraw Dr. Darryl Dietrich Ms. Lindsey Ruhnke Jaja ’05 Mr. Kevin W. McGrew ’96 * Deceased The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report 28 Ms. Cari McMillan Ms. Melissa Saftner Ms. Margot Carroll Zelenz Dr. Chandra Mehrotra Mr. Arthur Sasse Ms. Victoria L. Zeman ’72 Mrs. Mary Nelson Meyer ’87 Dr. John P. Schifsky Ms. Cheryl Zupec Mr. Ollie Meyer ’86 Ms. Felicia Schneiderhan Ms. Jordan Milan Dr. Debra Schroeder Dr. Catherine Shusta Miller ’83 Sister Donna Schroeder, O.S.B. ’61 Drs. Martha and Hans Aas Ms. Dana Moore Mrs. Jamie Shovein Mr. and Mrs. John J. Aasen Dr. Tom Morgan Elizabeth Simonson ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Randall Abernethy Mrs. Jamie Nauman Mr. Thomas S. Simonson ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adam Mr. Kirk Nauman Mrs. Nancy Hanson Sivertson ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Adams Dr. Albert H. Nephew II Ms. Cheryl Skafte Mr. and Mrs. Sheriff Ahmed Mrs. Joanne M. Nielsen Ms. Judy Skelton Mr. and Mrs. Andy Akins Mrs. Patricia A. Nielsen Mrs. Shirley W. Slettedahl Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Alaspa Mrs. Pamela Jurasin Oachs ’88 Mr. Edward A. Smith Ms. Barbara L. Allan Ms. Peg L. Ocel Mr. Brad Snelling Mr. and Mrs. William J. Allis Ms. Deborah Olson Mr. David J. Staniger ’89 Mrs. Royal Alworth* Mr. Donald W. Olson, Jr. Dr. Denise A. Starkey Ms. Margret Amatayakul Ms. Donna Oraskovich Dr. Paul J. Stein Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ammann Mr. Tim Orlowski Sister Joan Marie Stelman, O.S.B. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Amo Mrs. Karen Ostovich Ms. Kathleen Stockwell Dr. Gordon C. Amundson Dr. Steven Ostovich Dr. Hal C. Strough Ms. Patricia Ikola and Mr. Brian Anderson Dr. Tammy M. Ostrander Mr. Thomas Supinski Ms. Brenda Panger Ms. Diane Swanoski Dr. Cheryl Maki Anderson and Mr. Calvin Anderson Ms. Rachel Payne Ms. Jennifer Swanson Drs. Sabra and Dennis Anderson Ms. Megan Perry-Spears Dr. Karen J. Swanson Mrs. Diane Miller Anderson Dr. Karen Petersen Dr. Chery Takkunen ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Anderson Ms. Dory L. Pohl ’99 Dr. Mary Wales Tanner ’70 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Anderson Dr. Randall Poole Ms. Valerie J. Tanner Ms. Janell S. Anderson Ms. Patricia Pratt-Cook Ms. Rebecca Thelen ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Anderson Dr. Elizabeth Preus Dr. Kara Thoemke Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Anderson Sister Beverly Raway, O.S.B. ’67 Dr. Timothy M. Trygstad Mrs. Mary Anderson Dr. Jennifer Reierson Ms. Julie Walkowiak ’96 Mrs. Mary Ann Anderson Dr. Guanshen Ren Dr. Douglas Walton Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Anderson Mr. David Reyelts ’98 Mrs. Janelle Schminski Wapola ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Anderson Dr. Mike Robinson Ms. Amy L. Watters ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Anderson Ms. Linda J. Rogentine Ms. Barbara Werner Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Andrews Ms. Jennifer Larson Rosato ’97 Dr. Daniel Westholm Anonymous (21) Ms. Janet S. Rosen Mr. Todd A. White ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Gino D. Anselmo Dr. Angela Rosenberg Hauger Mr. Mark A. Wick ’85 Mrs. Phyllis Antognozzi Mrs. Lisa A. Roseth ’04 Dr. Winnifred Winkelman ’51 Dr. Rachel A. Applegate Mr. Will Rossing Ms. Cheryl Rose Winzenburg ’79 Abbot and Pascha Apter Ms. Christina Rosetter ’12 Dr. Marty Witrak Mr. Allan L. Apter Ms. Julie Rustad Dr. Donald Wortham Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Arceneau 29 The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report PARENTS/FRIENDS Cash gifts received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Arends Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Bilderbach Ms. Jill Burg Mr. and Mrs. Joel F. Arnason Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bilyk Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Burgstahler Mr. Andrew Arola Dr. and Mrs. Larry J. Birnbaum Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burmaster Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Arola Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Bislow Elizabeth and Richard Burns Mr. and Mrs. Berry F. Arrowsmith Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Bivona Mr. and Mrs. William M. Burns Mr. and Mrs. Ray Arveson Mr. and Mrs. James F. Bjork Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Burton Dr. Laurel Ash and Mr. Gregory S. Ash Mr. and Mrs. Lendley C. Black Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Bushey Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ashenmacher Mr. and Mrs. Adrian L. Blake Mr. Walter L. Bushey Mr. Brian D. Asmus Mr. and Mrs. William J. Blaschko Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Butkus Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Aubart Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blesi Ms. Joyce M. Butler Alane and Peter Aube Mr. and Mrs. Phillip M. Block Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Butler Mrs. Mary Aufderheide Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Bobek Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan S. Byrne Ms. Lori Austin Mr. and Mrs. Steven Boben Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Cabelka Mr. and Mrs. Treg Axtell Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Boeckers Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cain Charles and Judyth Babst Dr. Donald J. Bogue Mrs. Corrine Campbell Ms. Teresa Backes Ms. Kim Bonde-Garber Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Campbell Mr. John F. Ball, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Boo Ms. Barbara J. Cane Mr. Martin P. Bamrick Ms. Deborah A. Booth Mr. and Mrs. James Carey Ms. Kathleen M. Felt and Mr. John M. Banschbach Mr. Rick E. Borchardt Mr. Donald H. Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Rypa Bantari Mr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Borden Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Borden Ms. Luann Carlson Mr. and Mrs. William E. Borden Ms. Marilyn F. Carlson Mr. and Mrs. John Bosman Dr. and Mrs. Mark J. Carlson Mrs. Alice C. Bot Ms. Pamela E. Carlson Mrs. Katherine B. Bourgeois Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Jon C. Bowar Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Bower-Jernigan Mr. and Mrs. William A. Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Biser D. Bozadzhiev Dr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Brandt Mr. and Mrs. Delbert W. Case Mrs. Connie Branigan Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cedarleaf II Mr. and Mrs. Rodger L. Brannan Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Ceglar Mr. and Mrs. Mark Branovan Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Charnes Mr. and Mrs. Stanley D. Britton Dr. and Mrs. Kim Chart Mr. and Mrs. Larry Britz Ms. Jeannine M. Brodin Ms. Stephanie Boyat-Chartier and Mr. Thomas P. Chartier Mr. and Mrs. Eric Chastain Mr. and Mrs. Steve M. Bergerson Dr. Cynthia Ringhofer Brown and Mr. James A. Brown Mr. and Mrs. James Christensen Ms. Brenda R. Berglund Mr. Stephen K. Brown Mr. Gary Christner Mrs. Marilyn P. Berlin Mrs. Helen S. Browne Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Church Mr. and Mrs. Brad T. Berscheit Mr. and Mrs. William J. Brueske Ms. Christine Cigalio Mr. Thomas P. Bersell Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Buckley Ms. Mary K. Cink Dr. and Mrs. Charles K. Bertel Mr. and Mrs. Paul Budd Mrs. Elizabeth Myott Circle* Mr. and Mrs. Judd D. Berthiaume Mr. Timothy Bungarden Major and Mrs. Aloysius M. Cismowski Mr. and Mrs. Mike S. Baron Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Barteck Mr. and Mrs. John Bass Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Bauer Mrs. Marcella R. Baumann Mr. and Mrs. George A. Beattie Mr. and Mrs. Bruce P. Bechtold Mr. and Mrs. Doug Beckwith Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bedard Mr. and Mrs. David N. Behler Mr. Kenyon Belknap Miss Orlin D. Bellanger Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. John Benson * Deceased The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report 30 Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Cizadlo Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Dockendorf Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Feia Ms. Sue Clarity Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Dolan Mr. and Mrs. Vanwright Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Clark Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Dollins Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Fernholz Mr. William E. Clemens Mr. and Mrs. David Donahue Ms. Julie Feuling Mr. and Mrs. David P. Clements Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Donahue Reverend William Fider Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Cloutier Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Donovan Mr. and Mrs. Jack First Mr. and Mrs. Michael I. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Dotson Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Cojocar Mr. Dan Dougherty Ms. Mary Flaherty Ms. Judy Kurki-Coleman and Mr. Michael Coleman Mrs. Alyce M. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Patrick K. Flattery Lori and Gene Collard Reverend John Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Fleege Mr. and Mrs. Todd Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fleischhacker Mr. and Mrs. A. Arthur Drenckhahn Mr. Edmund S. Fleming Ms. Marian P. Congdon Ms. Linda A. Wall and Mr. Nicholas G. Dressen Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Fliss Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Conklin Ms. Mary L. Dugdale Ms. Billie D. Conlon Mr. and Mrs. Scott Dunagan Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Conner Ms. Helena E. Jackson and Mr. Douglas J. Dunham Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Colton Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Combs Mr. and Mrs. Ted Connolly Reverend Raymond J. Cossette Mrs. Katharine B. Coventry Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Coyne Ms. Mary Ann Creager Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Crowley Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Cullen Mr. and Mrs. John M. Cunningham Mr. Patrick M. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Steven Dunstan Mr. and Mrs. Otto Duren Mr. and Mrs. Robert Durovec Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Dusbabek Mr. and Mrs. Henryk Dymus Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Eaton Dr. and Mrs. Mark R. Eckman Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Eisfeld Ms. Anne Floriano Mrs. Deanna J. Forliti Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Fox Mr. Neil J. Franey Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Franko Mr. and Mrs. Mark Franta Mr. and Mrs. Steven Frechette Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Fredrick Mr. and Mrs. Randy Frey-Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. James C. Fristad Mr. and Mrs. Chad C. Fuentes Mrs. Pearl L. Fuller* Mrs. Margaret M. Gaebel Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Ganzer Mr. Joel Dahlheimer Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elliott Ms. Joan Barrie-Daigle and Mr. Gary J. Daigle Dr. and Mrs. David L. Elson Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Garlie Mr. Mark Emmel Mr. and Mrs. Tom Garry Mr. and Mrs. Louis L. Dallavia Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E. Enger Mr. and Mrs. Larry H. Gates Mrs. Jo Ann Flaig Dallenbach Mr. and Mrs. George Enich Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Gaudino Mr. John E. Dargan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Enstad Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gebhard Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Davis Ms. Ruth Erdmann-Sluka Mr. and Mrs. Roger Gehrke Ms. Myra C. DeByle Mr. and Mrs. James C. Erickson Mrs. Kurt Gehrts Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Deick Mr. and Mrs. Jewel C. Ericson Mr. and Mrs. Don Gerling Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Deming Ms. Rebecca A. Fairchild Mr. Frank Giesen Mr. and Mrs. James Demuth Mr. Raymond A. Fanaselle Mr. and Mrs. William T. Giesen Ms. Kristi Devick-Beek Mr. and Mrs. Keith L. Farnam Mrs. Ellen F. Giles Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dickey Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Farrell Dr. and Mrs. Dan Goede Mr. and Mrs. Eric N. Dickson Mr. and Mrs. William A. Farrell Mr. and Mrs. James A. Goetsch Dr. and Mrs. Darryl Dietrich Mr. and Mrs. James F. Faue Mr. and Mrs. David A. Goldberg Ms. Mary P. Dingels Mrs. Kay Fawcett Mr. and Mrs. George G. Goldfarb Ms. Norita Dittberner-Jax Mr. and Mrs. James Fedson Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Golobich 31 The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report Cash gifts received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013 Dr. Chery Takkunen and Mr. Jeffrey Goodspeed Mr. and Mrs. Tim Hatfield Ms. Sandra Huderle Mr. and Mrs. John Goman Dr. Angela Rosenberg Hauger and Mr. Bruce K. Hauger Mr. and Mrs. Boris Huggar Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Gooley Mr. and Mrs. James L. Haupt Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Gordon Ms. Susan Hebert-Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Hurovitz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gouin Mrs. Donna M. Hegstad Mr. and Mrs. Keith Goulet Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Heilman Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Goyke Mr. Davis Helberg Mr. and Mrs. John W. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Hemann Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Graham Ms. Mary Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Steven G. Graham Mr. and Mrs. William Hendrickson Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Grandaw Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Henkel-Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Charles Granlund Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hennigar Mr. and Mrs. Damas V. Grebinoski Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hentges Mr. and Mrs. Larry Greden Mr. and Mrs. Dan P. Hepokoski Mr. and Mrs. James R. Grieman Mr. and Mrs. Ciro Herrera Mr. and Mrs. John Grimm Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hewitt Mr. and Mrs. Donn L. Grinager Dr. and Mrs. Donald B. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Paul Huset Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Igoe Mr. and Mrs. Darrel T. Ion Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jaffray Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Jahr Mr. and Mrs. Duane C. Jendersee Ms. Kerry L. Jensen Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell L. Jensen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Jes Mr. and Mrs. Marvail W. Johannsen Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Johns Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Brian Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Glen P. Heytens Mr. and Mrs. Brian Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Louis D. Hibbard Mr. Brian Johnson Ms. Nancy Hieb Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Jason R. Hiess Ms. Darleen Johnson Mr. Martin Hill Mr. David G. Johnson Ms. Carla Hinnenkamp Mr. and Mrs. Denis L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ho Mr. E. Todd Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Hoag Mr. Floyd Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey N. Johnson Ms. Mary Nell and Mr. Joseph Gust Mr. John E. Hogan Ms. Joni L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Reuben F. Gustafson Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Hoge Mr. and Mrs. Kent D. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Art Gutknecht Mr. and Mrs. James Hoglund Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Haan Mr. David M. Hojnacki Mr. Matthew Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Joe R. Hackbarth Mr. and Mrs. Cameron D. Hokenson Ms. Michelle C. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Jess W. Haeg Dr. Robert W. Hollenhorst Mr. and Mrs. Phillip M. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Terry C. Hafemeyer Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Holm Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Johnson Mrs. Pamela Thaldorf Hagedon Mr. and Mrs. Peter Holte Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Johnson Ms. Alice Hagen Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Holter Dr. and Mrs. Theodore L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Roy T. Hagen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Homan Mr. Theodore R. Johnson III Mr. Herbert L. Haglund Mrs. Alice Hoolihan Father Tim Johnson Mr. and Mrs. John Hamre Mr. and Mrs. James J. Hoolihan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Hanowski Mr. and Mrs. Harvey W. Hoopman Mr. and Mrs. Ryan C. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Greg Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Horvath Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Alvin L. Houle Mr. and Mrs. Rick Jopp Mr. and Mrs. David D. Harder Mr. and Mrs. Jeff S. Hovland Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Joseph Mr. and Mrs. James B. Harder Mr. and Mrs. Ronald K. Huber Ms. Christine M. Jugasek Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Grinsell Mr. and Mrs. Dean J. Grohs Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Gruber Dr. LeAnn House and Mr. Shelley Gruskin Ms. Tamela M. Tolzmann and Mr. Larry Guentzel Shannon Lee and Dale Robert Gunderson Mr. Vinod X. Gupta * Deceased The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report 32 Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Jung Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kreinbring Mrs. Pauline C. Logelin Dr. and Mrs. Gregory H. Kaake Dr. and Mrs. William J. Krossner, Jr. Ms. Jane McCrossan and Mr. Jim Loizeaux Mr. David M. Kaffine Ms. Nancy A. Kruchoski Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Lombardi Mr. Donald D. Kaffine Mr. and Mrs. Lee F. Kruger Mr. Duane W. Long Mr. Ken Kaffine Mr. and Mrs. John Kubiak Ms. Jane A. Lounsberry Ms. Susan Skarp Kahtava Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Kuhlman Mr. and Mrs. James Loven Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kammerer Mr. and Mrs. David A. Kuiti Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lovett Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kamphenkel Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Kujawa Ms. Kellee Lueck Mr. and Mrs. John E. Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kuster Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Luehrs Mr. and Mrs. John R. Kaspari Julie J. and John J. Labosky Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Lund Ms. Diane M. Kauppi Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lacey Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Lund Mr. John Kayfes Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Lackas Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lutgen Mr. and Mrs. Tim Keegan Mr. and Mrs. Robert LaCosse Mrs. Ann Henstorf Lynch Ms. Karen M. Keenan Dr. Laura Trombino and Mr. Jack Lafferty Ms. Mary E. Lee and Mr. Steve Lyons Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kelliher Mr. and Mrs. Koresh Lakhan Mr. and Mrs. James Mach Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Lambert Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Machones Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Kemp Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Lamppa Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Kent, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Landberg Ms. Shirley L. Kero Mr. Neal A. Lano Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Kero Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Larson Mr. and Mrs. John Keuning Mr. and Mrs. L. Wayne Larson Ms. Heather M. Kiger Mr. and Mrs. Jim Laumeyer Mrs. Elaine B. Killen Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. LaValley Drs. Jane and Geroge Killough Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Leach Mr. and Mrs. Dennis King Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. LeBlanc Ms. Janet M. King Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Lechko Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kirk Ms. Lorraine Kirschbaum Mr. and Mrs. Wade Klabunde Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Klatt Mr. and Mrs. Loren C. Kleinschmidt Mr. and Mrs. Sonny J. Lee Mr. and Mrs. William A. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Leibfried Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Lempola Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Leong Ms. Yvonne B. Maddox Mr. and Mrs. Marcus R. Magnuson Mr. Melvyn D. Magree Mr. Mike Maher Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Mahlum Ms. Donna Allan and Mr. William M. Mahlum, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Bruno R. Maki Mr. and Mrs. Albert Malenstyn Mr. and Mrs. Gary Manka Mr. and Mrs. Steve Manley Ms. Kathryn Manlove Mr. and Mrs. James A. Manos Dr. Sandy Marden-Lokken Ms. Karrie Markland Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Markon Ms. Lesley C. Kleveter Dr. Theodore Lepore Ms. Susan Bowen-Klugherz and Mr. Gregory R. Klugherz Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. LeRoux Ms. Beatrice T. Levey Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Koehler Mr. David R. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Koep Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewiski Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Koester Mr. and Mrs. Troy Libra Mrs. Marcia Mason and The Honorable James D. Mason* Mr. and Mrs. Jon M. Koll Ms. Ann Liebmann Mr. and Mrs. David A. Massman Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Kollmann Carol and John Lilyquist Mrs. Mildred E. Mathison Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Konken Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Lindberg Ms. Paula B. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kourdaev Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Lindquist Mr. and Mrs. James R. Mattson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kowalczyk Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Linnerooth Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Mattson Mr. and Mrs. Franklin H. Krahn Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Loetscher Dr. and Mrs. Roger A. Mattson 33 The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Marquis Ms. Ellen P. Marsden Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Chaig Martinson Cash gifts received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013 Ms. Jill Entwistle and Mr. Joseph Mauro Dr. and Mrs. James J. Mongé Mr. and Mrs. Barry B. Osell Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord May Mrs. Phyllis M. Monsaas Mr. and Mrs. James C. Otremba Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. May Mr. and Mrs. James Moore Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Panger Mr. and Mrs. John P. McAlpin Dr. and Mrs. Tom Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Parvi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McAulay Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Morgel Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Paulu Mr. Stephen P. McCullough Mr. and Mrs. John E. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Jeno Paulucci* Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. McDannold Ms. Doni Morrissette Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Pavlisich Mr. and Mrs. Bruce N. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. William H. Moser Mr. and Mrs. William Payne Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald Mr. and Mrs. John H. Mote, Jr. Mrs. Elizabeth A. Pearson Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm W. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Mueller Ms. Mary B. Pelowski Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. McGinty Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Terrance D. McGovern Mr. and Mrs. William Peters Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Nagle CDR and Mrs. Edwin W. McGrew Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Naslund Ms. Deborah Steinbar and Mr. William M. Petersen Mr. and Mrs. Wesley McKay Mr. Robert M. Naughton Mr. Peter McKhann Ms. Betty M. Neddersen Mr. and Mrs. John McLennan Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Donald Peterson Mr. G. Dale McNamee Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Nelson Mr. George J. Peterson Ms. Linda Ness Mr. and Mrs. James D. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Wayne J. Newhouse Mr. Nels Peterson Mrs. Judith A. Newman Mr. and Mrs. Shelley L. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Alan Nielsen Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pfeifle Mr. and Mrs. James P. Nigon Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pitzen Ms. Jeanine M. Nistler Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Place Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nistler Mr. and Mrs. Brian Plesha Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Nolan Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Poirier Mr. and Mrs. Greg Noland Ms. Beth J. Pokela and Mr. Thomas J. Porter Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Norberg Mr. and Mrs. John A. Policano Mr. and Mrs. Lyndon Nurmi Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Pollard Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Oachs Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Ponder Dr. and Mrs. Vincent Ohaju Mr. and Mrs. Emmery J. Prisk Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. O’Keefe Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Puerzer Mr. and Mrs. James A. Olson Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Pyfferoen Mr. and Mrs. James R. Olson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew H. Quanrud Mr. and Mrs. Lee Olson Mr. and Mrs. Kurtis W. Raddant Mr. and Mrs. Lyness W. Olson Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rakoski Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Olson Mr. and Mrs. Dean R. Randall Dr. and Mrs. Paul Olson Ms. Gloria J. Read Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Olson Mr. Lance G. Reasor Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mittelstadt Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Olson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reder Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Moede Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Olson Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Reichert Ms. Melanie J. Mogg Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. William M. Reif Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Moir Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Reinemann Mr. and Mrs. Donald V. Moline Mr. and Mrs. James Orlowski Mr. and Mrs. Randal Remold Mr. Shawn E. McPherson Mr. David Meister Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Menze Mr. and Mrs. Bruce J. Merritt Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Meyer Ms. Nancy Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Ted Micke Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Middleton Mrs. Shirley A. Miles Mr. and Mrs. David D. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Harvey D. Miller Ms. Helen L. Miller Dr. and Mrs. Jeffery Miller Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Miller Dr. Catherine Shusta Miller and Mr. Michael P. Miller Ms. Karla R. Miner Ms. Elizabeth L. Misner Ms. Dorothy Rottier and Mr. John U. Mitchell * Deceased Mr. and Mrs. Arlan D. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Peterson The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report 34 Mr. and Mrs. James Rensch M. and Mrs. Paul G. Salzer Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Shuga Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Renstrom Verna and Arend Sandbulte Ms. Marsha K. Sickler Mr. Bret D. Reuter Ms. Laura Moe-Sandwick and Mr. James J. Sandwick Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sickler Drs. Julie and John Sanford Mr. and Mrs. Kent Sikkink Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Reuter Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Reuter Mr. and Mrs. Roger C. Reuter Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Reuter Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Rheingans Mr. Clinton E. Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sasse Mr. Ronald J. Saukko Mr. Eugene E. Sauter Ms. Mary Schaffer Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sieja Ms. Carol J. Simat Dr. Kathleen Kay Simo Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Simon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Simonsen Mr. and Mrs. Gary Scherer Mr. and Mrs. Brian Simonson Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Scherer Elizabeth Simonson Ms. Barbara J. Schintler Mr. and Mrs. William D. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schiro Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Sinclair Mr. and Mrs. Kerry M. Schmidt Ms. Anita Gille and Mr. James Shulzetenberg Mr. Brad L. Schmugge Mr. and Mrs. Gene Skadberg Mrs. Michelle L. Schnabel Ms. Marilyn J. Skansgaard Mr. James Rink Reverend and Mrs. David Schoessow Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Skeim Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Ristow Mr. and Mrs. Stan A. Schraufnagel Mr. and Mrs. Dale M. Skinner Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Roach Mr. and Mrs. Eric M. Schubert Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Skluzacek Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Wolfram Schubert Mr. Kirby L. Skoog Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Peter Skorich Mr. and Mrs. Lennie D. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Scott Schulz Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smedstad Ms. Samantha Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schurke Ms. Nancy Lane and Mr. David Smith Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Roby, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Schwantke Mr. and Mrs. David E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Roch Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Seashore Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Smith Ms. Mary L. Roche Mr. and Mrs. Byron Seelig Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Smith Ms. Karen Rodberg Mrs. Frances M. Seguin* Dr. Peter Smyth Mr. and Mrs. J. Tom Rogentine Mr. and Mrs. Jay Seiler Mrs. Patricia R. Sorensen Mr. and Mrs. O. Kenneth Rolandson Mr. and Mrs. Martin Seipp Mr. and Mrs. John K. Spaniol Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Rolle Mr. and Mrs. David J. Sell Mr. and Mrs. David M. Sparby Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Rootes Mr. William Sessions Mr. and Mrs. James E. Speerschneider Ms. Alexis Roseth Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Setterberg Mr. and Mrs. Neil Spiess Ms. Elzbieta Iwanczuk-Rothen and Mr. Gerhard Rothen Mr. Dean R. Shannon Mr. Shane Spittler Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spragg Mr. and Mrs. Henry Royer Mr. Jack Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. Warren M. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. James B. Spreitzer Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Rian Mr. and Mrs. James Richards Ms. Helen M. Richie Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Ridder Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Riggs Mr. and Mrs. Gregg T. Riley Mr. and Mrs. Russell L. Riley Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Rubertus Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Sheehan Ms. June H. Starkey Mr. and Mrs. Dan Steffl Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ruede Dr. Julie Stephen Shelton and Mr. Loran S. Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Stehr Ms. Julie Rustad Mr. Gregory E. Sherman Dr. Paul J. Stein Dr. and Mrs. Edward A. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Sherman Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Stender Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. David A. Shields Mr. and Mrs. David G. Stengrim Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin D. Sadowski Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Shippar Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Stephen Mr. and Mrs. Gale R. Sakariason Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Short Ms. Ayssa Steve Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rubesch 35 The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report Cash gifts received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013 Mr. and Mrs. James Steve Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Rodney J. Weiers Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Sticha Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Thompson Rabbi and Mrs. Michael J. Weingart Mr. and Mrs. John C. Stillman Mr. and Mrs. Mark Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Jon L. Welles Ms. Sandra Stoddard Dr. Carol Thompson and Mr. Patrick C. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Werner Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Stoetzel Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Stogsdill Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Storbakken Mr. and Mrs. Jay R. Strachota Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Toftey Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Tomshack Mr. and Mrs. Philip Torgerson Mr. and Mrs. Steven Strafelda Ms. Geraldine Tornfelt Mr. Edward J. Stramko Ms. Denise F. Tourtellott Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Strasser Mr. John F. Traxler Mr. and Mrs. Wallace A. Streed Mr. and Mrs. Rick Trochimchuk Mr. David L. Streit Mr. and Mrs. John C. Tumini Ms. Fay L. Strouf Mr. and Mrs. William Turnberg Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Strukel Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Turner Dore and Bill Stubenvoll Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Tyllia Mr. and Mrs. John E. Suihkonen Ms. Kathleen Udermann Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Suihkonen Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Upchurch Ms. Mary J. Miron and Mr. Gene F. Summers Ms. Lynn MacClean and Mr. David Updegraff Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Summers-Minette Carolyn and Tim Sundquist Mr. and Mrs. Michael Swanoski Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Swanson Mr. Gary S. Swapinski Ms. Lana Swartz Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tangredi Dr. Mary Wales Tanner Mr. and Mrs. John S. Werner Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Werner Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. West Mr. and Mrs. Marinus V. Westerham Mr. and Mrs. Robert Westlund Mr. Robert Westmeyer Ms. Molly Weyrens Ms. Alice White Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Whiteman Mr. Duane A. Wick Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Wick Mr. and Mrs. Les Wickboldt Dr. and Mrs. Per H. Wickstrom Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Widmer Ms. Linda J. Wiebusch Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Urbanski Mr. Paul T. Wier Mr. and Mrs. Michael Valerius Mrs. Virginia Wilcox* and Mr. Clair C. Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Valiant Ms. Monica J. Valle Dr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Vandersteen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. VanHale Mr. and Mrs. Timothy VanOvermeiren Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Vanyo Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Wilcox Mrs. Theresa Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Windschitl Geoffrey and Gudrun Witrak Dr. Marty Witrak and Dr. William D. Witrak Mr. and Mrs. Lorentz E. Wittmers, Jr. Ms. Rebecca J. Tanner Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Varoga Ms. Karen Telstad Mr. and Mrs. Jonathon L. Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Terrien Mr. and Mrs. Kent Voelkner Ms. Rita Tester Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Vohler Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Tester Mr. and Mrs. Dennis V. Voigt Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Wosika Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thamert Mr. and Mrs. David C. Waage Mr. and Mrs. Steven Yorde Mr. and Mrs. Tria Thao Ms. Bonnie J. Waibel Mr. and Mrs. Steven K. Yotter Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Theis Mr. and Mrs. John S. Wakeman Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Young Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Thelen Mr. and Mrs. Neil Waldo, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Youso Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thelen Mr. Kevin T. Walli Dr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Zager Mr. and Mrs. Joel L. Thiele Ms. Bonnie L. Wallin Mr. and Mrs. Dainis Zelenko Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Thiele Mr. Richard P. Ward Mr. Robert J. Zielinski Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Thieschafer Mr. and Mrs. Nason D. Wastrom Mr. and Mrs. Michael O. Ziemann Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Thomas Ms. Julia Webster Mr. and Mrs. Donald Zirbes Mr. and Mrs. John I. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Wedel Mr. and Mrs. John Zyla * Deceased Ms. Louise A. Wold Mr. and Mrs. John R. Wood Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Woods The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report 36 IN MEMORIAM Mrs. Royal Alworth Mr. Daniel J. Branovan ’13 Sister Helen Claire Arts, O.S.B. ’47 Elizabeth and Richard Burns Sister Marguerite Baxter, O.S.B. ’46 Mr. Jake Casareto ’13 Mrs. Betty Krafve Belknap ’43 Mrs. Joanne Benke-Helm ’69 Mrs. Mary Ellen Trudelle Braafladt ’53 Sister Janelle Cahoon, O.S.B. ’46, Ph.D. Mrs. Margaret Anderson Cane, ’50 Mrs. Shirley Bigaouette Cuyler ’69 Ms. Bernice (Bunny) Epple Mr. Edwin F. Erickson Reverand J. Whitney Evans, Ph.D. Ms. Billie Nolan Franey ’52 Mrs. Elizabeth McGauley Haglund ’50 Mother Martina Hughes, O.S.B. ’35 Evelyn M. and Alden A. Johnson Mrs. Geraldine Zinzarella Kaffine ’56 Mr. Delbert W. Case Dr. Gerald Cizadlo Ms. Rachael A. Cohen ’10 Drs. Anette and Larry Goodwin American International Group Mr. Eli P. Goyke ’13 Ameriprise Financial Ms. Sarah R. Hentges ’13 Anonymous (3) Ms. Gabriella M. Herrera ’13 Aon Corporation Mr. Brady T. Kamphenkel ’13 Ms. Samantha R. Koester ’13 Mr. Artur Kourdaev ’13 Ms. Melissa J. Kubiak ’13 Mrs. Agnes Nemanich Liebmann ’37 Mr. Barry D. Lesar ’73 Mrs. Marie Koop Mahlum Ms Ashley Luehrs Mr. J. Michael Miles Ms. Donna Allan and Mr. William Mahlum, Sr. Sister Mary Daniel O’Neill, O.S.B. ’43 Ms. Shirley Eichenwald Maki ’67 Ms. Patricia Pierce ’44 Ms. Megan M. Meyer ’13 Mrs. Alyce Rauschenfels Ms. Hayley E. Moede ’13 Mrs. Barbara Ellen Borden Reuter ’82 Mr. Bryan T. Olson ’12 Mrs. Dolores Hawkins Scamfer ’58 Ms. Erynn S. Plesha ’13 Sister Ann Edward Scanlon, O.S.B. ’32, Ph.D. Ms. Alexa M. Pulliam ’13 Sister Leonilla Scherer Ms. Nicole Schmidt and Mr. Bret Reuter Ida and Leonard Smedman Kathleen M. and Edward J. Stauber Ms. Nancy M. Sullivan ’63 Sister Mary Jean Tuttle, O.S.B. ’45 Mr. Lee C. Webster Mrs. Florence Mengelkoch Westmeyer ’37 IN HONOR OF Ms. Tara L. Austin ’12 Jonny Bennett ’12 - Football Saint Wide Receiver #37, 2008-2012 37 Advantage Emblem & Screen Printing American Association of Colleges of Nursing Sister Monica Laughlin, O.S.B. ’44 Sister Celeste Shoup, O.S.B. ’34 Adolphson Real Estate Ms. Alyssa J. Fuentes ’13 Mr. Fred C. Lewis, Sr. Mrs. Therese Bergenheier Sherman ’45 Abbott Laboratories Charles and Ellora Alliss Educational Foundation Mrs. Kathy McBride LaTour ’68 Sister Loretta Sheehan, O.S.B. ’33 A & Dubs Drive - In Restaurant Ms. Megan Sheehan Duffy ’99 Sister Sister Timothy Kirby, O.S.B. ’39 Mr. Timothy M. Miller BUSINESES FOUNDATIONS ORGANIZATIONS Sister Mary Richard Boo, O.S.B. ’51 Ms. Vanessa U. Rypa ’13 Sister Donna Schroeder, O.S.B. ’61 Mr. John R. Shuga ’13 Mr. Christopher M. Sinclair ’13 Sister M. Sarah Smedman, O.S.B. ’53 Mr. Connor M. Stevens ’15 Mr. Ryan Thomas Velez-Crane Arrowhead Tennis & Athletic Center Aspen Aerials, Inc. Coach John Baggs Foundation Bank of America Bemis Company, Inc. Benedictine Sisters of St. Scholastica Monastery Bernick’s Pepsi Cola Black Wood’s on the Lake, Inc. BMO Harris Bank N.A. The Boeing Company Oscar J. Boldt Construction Company Boulder Ridge Luxury Apartments Broadway Chiropractic BSN Sports Campus Park Townhomes & Villas Council of Independent Colleges CSS Alumni Association Cub Community Cares Foundation The Delta Airlines Foundation Deluxe Corporation Foundation Doucette’s Party & Tent Rental Dougherty Veterinary Clinics Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation Duluth Veterinary Clinics, P.A. Mr. Oscar James Velez-Crane Ecolab Mr. Cullen White Edmunds Company, LLP Mr. Flannery White Edwards Realty and Finance Company Mr. Finnegan White Enbridge Energy Company, Inc. Ms. Megan M. Windschitl ’13 Essentia Health Ms. Kayla M. Zirbes ’13 Express Scripts The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report Cash gifts received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013 Exxon Educational Foundation Ordean Foundation Volunteer Services of Carlton County, Inc. General Mills Foundation Ben & Jeanne Overman Charitable Trust Voyageur Bus Company / MN Coaches, Inc. George’s Liquor - Kenwood Plaza The Jeno and Lois Paulucci Family Foundation The Wasie Foundation Pfizer Foundation Wealth Enhancement Group The Gerontological Society of America Google, Inc. Greater Twin Cities United Way Harbor City Oil Company, Inc. Holden Insurance Agency Holiday Inn & Suites Downtown Waterfront Congregation of Holy Assumption The Hubbard Broadcasting Foundation Hunt Electric IBM Matching Grants Program The C. Charles Jackson Foundation The Jamar Company Jewelry Design, Ltd. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Kopp Family Foundation Krech Ojard & Associates, P.A. Krenzen Labovitz Enterprises Lake Superior Dental Associates Land O’ Lakes, Inc. Leamon Mercantile Company Manitou Fund Mardag Foundation Maurices Incorporated McGough Mellin Promotional Advertising, Inc. Midwest Industrial Coatings Miller-Dwan Foundation Minnesota Health Information Management Association Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy Play It Again Sports PNC Foundation Points North Consulting, Inc. Premier Companies, Inc. The Procter and Gamble Fund WDIO / WIRT - TV Wells Fargo Wells Fargo Foundation Western National Bank of Duluth Whole Foods Community Co-Op, Inc Xcel Energy Foundation ZMC Hotels, Inc. The Prudential Insurance Company Elizabeth C. Quinlan Foundation Razoo Foundation Real Living Messina & Associates Republic Bank Reyelts Law Office, P.A. Rotary Club of Superior Samuelson Insurance Agency, Inc. Sansio Security Jewelers Sentry Insurance Foundation, Inc. Sinnott Blacktop, Inc. St. Louis County Garage St. Luke’s GOVERNMENT Arrowhead Regional Arts Council Minnesota Department of Economic Development Minnesota Office of Higher Education Minnesota State Arts Board NASA Glenn Research Center National Institute on Aging National Institutes of Health National Science Foundation US Department of Education US Department of Justice US Division of Nursing, Health Resources and Services Administration St. Luke’s Foundation GIFTS IN KIND St. Luke’s Nurses Alumni Association Summit Management, LLC AmericInn - Duluth South Superior Animal Hospital & Boarding Suites, Ltd. Ms. Brenda L. Anderson Superior Moose Lodge No. 606 Bagley & Company Jewelers Superior Savings Bank Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. David Ballard 3M Foundation Superior Water, Light & Power Minnesota Power Target Minnesota Power Foundation TKDA Wildey H. Mitchell Family Foundation Twin Ports Paper & Supply Benedictine Sisters of St. Scholastica Monastery N.E. - MESPA United Parcel Service Sister Edith Bogue, O.S.B., Ph.D. National Bank of Commerce Upper Lakes Foods, Inc. Sister Mary Carol Braun, O.S.B. ’45 National Wildlife Federation Upper Midwest Athletic Conference Ms. Jeannine M. Brodin North Central College Health Association US Bancorp Build-A-Bear Workshop North Shore Bank of Commerce US Bank Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Burns Northern Business Products Validis Cake Occasions Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance DeWitt and Caroline Van Evera Foundation Ms. Mary E. Carlson ’76 * Deceased Bay & Bay Transportation Sister Martha Bechtold, O.S.B. ’69 The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report 38 Mr. Delbert W. Case Old World Meats Cash Wise Liquor Olde Towne Galleries * Duluth Clinic Mr. and Mrs. Archie D. Chelseth Painted Prairie Vineyard * Essentia Health Cub Community Cares Foundation Panera Bread * St. Mary’s Hospital of Superior Ms. Joanne Barto Docteur ’59 Peterson-Anderson Flowers Dragonfly Studio * St. Mary’s Medical Center Sister Marie Therese Poliquin, O.S.B. ’47 Duluth Entertainment and Convention Center Radisson Hotel Bloomington by Mall of America Duluth Playhouse Eagle’s Next Massage Therapy Ridgeview Country Club Engwall Florist Ms. Alexis Roseth Dr. Kelly M. Erickson ’96 Mrs. Lisa A. Roseth ’04 Mrs. Kathleen Kelsh Fischer ’64 Mrs. Mary Ann Peterson Royer Sister Joyce Fournier, O.S.B. ’60 Sister Donna Schroeder, O.S.B. ’60, Ph.D. Mrs. Laurie J. Gaudino ’09 Mr. Robert J. Schroeder ’75 George’s Liquor - Kenwood Plaza Science Museum of Minnesota Ms. Barbara Glick Sheraton Duluth Hotel Grandma’s Marathon Elizabeth Simonson ’04 Grandma’s Restaurant Company Sister M. Sarah Smedman, O.S.B. ’53, Ph.D. Great Lakes Aquarium Space Center, Inc. Great Lakes Design Sister Theresa Spinler, O.S.B. ’70 Dr. Patricia Hagen Sister Joan Marie Stelman, O.S.B. Mr. Kyle J. Heffner ’09 Ms. Kathleen Stockwell Sister Kathleen Hofer, O.S.B. ’63 Summit Brewery Company Holiday Inn & Suites Downtown Waterfront Surly Brewing Company Howard Hughes Medical Institute The Suites Hotel at Waterfront Plaza The Jamar Company Johnson’s Home Bakery Keyport Liquor & Lounge Mrs. Dianne Suknaich Kuiti ’66 Lake Superior Magazine Larsmont Cottages on Lake Superior Mr. Barry D. Lesar ’73 Ms. Karen L. Thorstensen ’09 Whole Foods Community Co-Op, Inc. Dr. Marty Witrak * Miller-Dwan Medical Center Galileo Drs. Anette and Larry Goodwin Graco Foundation LHB Engineers & Architects, Inc. Medtronic Foundation Mrs. Mary Ann and Dr. James J. Mongé May M. and Vern A. Nordling North Shore Bank of Commerce Oneida Realty Company Phillips Foundation Republic Bank, Inc. Rhude and Fryberger, Inc. Gamble Skogmo Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Stender in honor of Dr. Larry Goodwin Tennant Foundation Thibodeau, Johnson, & Feriancek, PLLP UPS Foundation US Bancorp Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation Western Bank Xcel Energy Zeitgeist Arts Ms. Margot Carroll Zelenz ZMC Hotels, Inc. Mrs. Eleonora L. Lesar ’99 MINNESOTA PRIVATE COLLEGE CONTRIBUTORS Mrs. Kathleen Pettit LeVasseur ’59 Sister Jean M. Maher, O.S.B. ’68 This list includes named scholarship contributors and Northeastern Minnesota donors to the Minnesota Private College Fund. For a complete list of supporters, contact the Minnesota Private College Council at 651-228-9061. Minnesota Landscape Arboretum Minnesota Lynx Minnesota Twins Baseball Club Mount Royal Fine Foods New Scenic Cafe Northern Business Products Northland Country Club Northland News Center Anonymous NorthShore Inline Marathon Buuck Family Foundation Sister Judith Ann Oland, O.S.B. ’65 Council of Independent Colleges 39 Essentia Health System The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report ACCURACY Producing an annual list of donors is always a challenging task fraught with potential for both human and computer error. The College of St. Scholastica’s College Advancement Office has made every effort to list our donors accurately. Should an error occur in your listing, please accept our apologies and contact Brenda Anderson College Advancement Data Specialist at (218) 723-6159 or e-mail: so we may correct our records. Thank you. Cash gifts received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013 Planned Gifts and Bequests The Sister Agnes Somers Society Friends and alumni who make deferred gifts to The College of St. Scholastica become members of The Sister Agnes Somers Society. Sister Agnes envisioned a college that would grow and, perhaps more than any other person, she made that vision come true. This recognition society honors those who make a significant commitment to the College. Many have chosen to remember St. Scholastica in their wills, while others have established charitable remainder trusts, lead trusts, gift annuities or some other type of planned gift. This year’s annual report includes five new members. They have joined over 401 alumni and friends who have, in their vision, made planned gifts to St. Scholastica. Each year all Sister Agnes Somers Society members are invited back to campus in June on Alumni Weekend to welcome new members into the Society. SISTER AGNES SOMERS SOCIETY 2013 HONOREES Mrs. Donna Sramek Kurtz ’77 Mrs. Sharon Butorac Bredeson ’63 and Mr. Gordon W. Bredeson Mr. Robert C. Archer* Mrs. Helen Rau Brennan ’65 Mrs. Etsuko Tsuno Arends ’70 Mrs. Henrietta Brewer* Miss Lois Auger ’41* Mrs. Danika Ganoe Brinda ’03 and Mr. Anthony N. Brinda ’02 Ms. Frances M. Baer* Ms. Susan Bailess Ms. Jeanne Devaney Carroll ’78 and Dr. Christopher R. Carroll Mrs. Mary Kryzer Bauer ’42* Mrs. Patricia Yurfkovich Surina ’53 and Mr. Martin Surina Mrs. Claire Linsmayer Behnke ’62 The Estate of Mrs. Frances M. Seguin SISTER AGNES SOMERS SOCIETY MEMBERS Mrs. Elaine Alexander Adams ’36 Ms. Margaret Mary Adams ’59 Ms. Nancy M. Fitzgerald and Mr. Jerry Agnew Ms. Doris I. Becker ’63* Mrs. Margaret J. Berg* Miss Helen V. Bertrand ’47* Jeanne Baker Berube ’61 Dr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Bezek Ms. Laura A. Biglow ’41* Ms. Ann F. Birkholz ’38* Sister Mary Digna Birmingham ’69* Mrs. Wanda L. Birnbaum ’94 and Dr. Larry Birnbaum ’76 Mr. Charles S. Blair ’72 Mrs. Dorothy P. Brisco* Mrs. Selma Wahl Brooks ’42* Ms. Kay Ann Derner Brown ’64 Mr. Phillip E. Budden* Mr. Mike Bujny* Elizabeth and Richard Burns Mrs. Liz Gowan Burroughs ’47 Ms. Jacquelyn Kazda Bush ’69 Mrs. Mary Lou Campbell* and Mr. Marvin Campbell* Ms. Grace W. Carkner* Ms. Nancy M. Caruso ’36* Mrs. Carol Nyberg Carver ’62 Mrs. Jeanne Case ’93 and Mr. Delbert W. Case Ms. Julie Ahasay Ms. Susan Blake ’73 Mrs. Karen Alworth ’82 and Mr. Royal Alworth III Dr. Gary J. Boelhower Sister Mary Richard Boo, O.S.B. ’51, Ph.D. Mrs. Royal Alworth* Ms. Lisa S. Borelli ’61 Bishop Paul F. Anderson* Mrs. Jean Lynott Boutin ’78 Mrs. Mable Hu Cheng ’54 and Mr. Alfred Cheng Ms. Elsa Anneke* Mr. Charles Braafladt ’85 Mrs. Alice Polski Clark* Anonymous (13) Mother Athanasius Braegelman, O.S.B.* Mrs. Joan Losinski Clark ’41* Ms. Debra O’Connor Appleton ’92 Mrs. Helen Tarnowski Breen ’46* Ms. Martha Elinor Cocco* * Deceased Ms. Mary Rose Cassavant ’69 Ms. Mary Caven ’74 Ms. Margaret Masuga Chapman ’66 The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report 40 Mrs. Dorothy Teslaw Collins ’37* Ms. Lorraine G. Gay ’46 Miss Marjorie Hood ’34* Ms. Margaret S. Court* Ms. Helen M. Gerber ’31* Miss Gertrude Hoolihan ’34* Ms. Kay D. Cox Ms. Frances E. Getzen* Mr. and Mrs. James J. Hoolihan Ms. Kristin Creager and Mr. Peter T. Creager ’90 Mrs. Katherine Gibson* Mrs. Laura Hoolihan and Dr. William Hoolihan ’81 Mrs. Mary Agnes Karpen Crist ’49 Mr. Albert J. Gonska* Dr. Margaret Cruikshank ’62 The Reverend Myron Currie* Mrs. Agnes McGrath Cusack ’51 Miss Mildred E. Dahl ’40* Miss S. Margaret Davis ’32* Ms. Margaret Gilbertson ’45* Dr. Larry Goodwin Ms. Helen Graham ’32* Ms. Luanne Graham ’79 Mrs. Rita Kummet Graham ’40* Mrs. Mary Durocher Hudson ’55 Mother Martina Hughes, O.S.B. ’35* Mrs. Lana Raye Chaplin Hurley ’62 and Mr. Jack Hurley Mrs. Siri Hauge Hustad ’82 Mrs. Mary F. Ives ’12 and Mr. Michael J. Ives Mrs. Margaret Deal-Saul ’73 Sandra Humleker Granger ’74 and Richard Granger Ms. Ann T. Demlszczepaniak* Mrs. Delores Belland Gray ’43* Ms. Phyllis Wakefield Jeanetta-Brill ’61 Mrs. Lois Harju DeSmedt ’75 Mr. Alfred Gregoire* Mr. John M. Dickerson* Mr. Ed Greve* Dr. Elizabeth Stauber-Johnson ’72 and Mr. A. Ronald Johnson Mrs. Floy Scheidler Dickison ’35* Miss Gertrude Haley ’20* Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dingmann Ms. Elizabeth Dodgers Dr. Elizabeth Domholdt Mrs. Marquerite C. Doran* Mr. Lenard A. Draper* Mrs. Patty Dunne* and Mr. Dennis Dunne Dr. Catherine DuPont ’63 Ms. Tracy Maki ’87 and Mr. John Dybvig Mr. and Mrs. Ingvald Dyrseth* Ms. Helen M. Eisel ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eldot Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Eng Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Enrico* Mrs. Sandy Doffing Erickson ’66 Mrs. Anna Andreasen Hall ’51 Mrs. Frances Sarazin Hall ’26* Ms. Michelle C. Johnson Ms. Olive Johnson ’35* Dr. Lynne Snater Hamre ’90 Mr. P. M. Johnson* Mrs. Mary Lundholm Hanner ’66 Ms. Mary Anderson Hardy ’69 Ms. Mary Kay Hovanec Johnson ’04 and Dr. Todd Johnson Mrs. Dorothy Harrington* and Dr. Vernon Harrington* Miss Kathleen M. Kelly Mr. Richard Kelly* Ms. Margaret Mary Hartney ’51 Mrs. Genevieve Thompson Kemen ’38 Dr. Penny A. Hatcher ’70 Mrs. Margaret Haugsrud* Mrs. Susan Hanson Havdal ’41* Mrs. Donna Wiese Heer ’48 Mrs. Betty Bailess Farkas ’52 and Mr. Bernard Farkas Ms. Louise Strom Helbacka ’44* Mrs. Charlotte Kelly Henkle ’41* and Mr. Albert Henkle* Mrs. Merle Stoughton Herman ’41* Mrs. Kathleen Kelsh Fischer ’64 Mrs. Dorithe Marks Herriges ’38* Mrs. Carrie Woelfel Flaig ’96 and Mr. Quin Flaig ’94 Mrs. Eunice Nelson Hill ’41* Mrs. Amy Flaig and Mr. Rolf Flaig ’85 Mr. Harold Hoban* Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Fuller, Jr.* Mrs. Marie Bissonnette Fullerton ’41 41 Ms. Margaret Johnson ’75* Mrs. Betty Halverson* and Mr. Gene Halverson* Reverend J. W. Evans, Ph.D.* Ms. Jessica Durbin ’98 and Mr. Darren Froehle ’96 Ms. Evelyn Johnson ’55* Mrs. Marjorie Wolean Johnson ’43 Mr. John Eue ’84 Miss Joan Floten ’53* Mr. and Mrs. Arnold S. Johnson Mrs. Mary Zempel Hall ’65 Mrs. Eleanor R. Heaney* and The Honorable Gerald W. Heaney* Mrs. Lois Plaunt Finch ’42* and Mr. George Finch* Mrs. Marilyn Anderson Jacobs ’61 Ms. Frances A. Hilligan* Mrs. Pat Finnegan Hodges ’57 and Mr. Tom R. Hodges Ms Anne Kuth Hoene ’38* Mrs. Burnett Hojnacki* and Mr. David M. Hojnacki The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report Mr. John Kernik* Mrs. Frances Maher Kessel ’58 Dr. Diane Kessler ’66 Ms. Gerada Kirfman* Mr. Troy K. Kitzrow ’82 Ms. Patricia Klauck ’51 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Klippen* Mrs. Linda Roske Kloss ’68 and Mr. John Kloss Mr. Erick Kobarg ’01 Dr. Marilyn J. Koering ’60* Ms. Janet R. Kopp ’62 Mrs. Helen Maki Korpi ’46 Ms. Judy Kotar Ms. Marie Kribs* Mrs. Shirley Olker Kuberka ’57 and Mr. Stanley Kuberka Mr. David Kuefler ’82 Mrs. Dawn Robinson Kulaszewicz ’52 Mrs. Polly Wickoren Merhar ’86 Mrs. Anne McLaughlin Kuyper ’61* Mr. Justin Meske ’80 Mrs. Patricia Maloney Kwaterski ’43* Mr. and Mrs. Ted Micke Sharon and Joel Labovitz Ms. Karyn M. Mikel ’85 Ms. Adeline LaChapelle* Ms. Nicole Miller ’99 Mrs. Otto Lachmund* Miss Margaret Mitchell* Sister Alice Lamb* Mr. Wildey H. Mitchell* Mr. Napolean E. Langlois* Mrs. Geraldine Karakas Moen ’60 Ms. Zelma LaPanta* Mrs. Ann Lewis Molinaro ’56 Ms. Frances Muehlbauer Larkin ’47 Dr. and Mrs. James J. Mongé Ms. Elinore Larson* Mrs. Michael Ann Hansen Mortaloni ’62 Ms. Carol Laudenbach ’67 Mrs. Max H. Lavine* Mrs. MaryBeth Hornung Mueller ’73 and Mr. William Mueller Mrs. Celestine O’Hara Layman ’29* Miss Mary M. Murphy ’37 Ms. Marlene J. Pinten ’54 Mr. Richard LeBeau Mrs. Georgiana Goulet Murray ’30* Mrs. Rosemary Scott Pouliot* Mrs. Florence Vipoulou Liadrakis ’34* Mrs. Mary Rielly Murray ’53 Mr. Raymond Prebilic* The Reverend Stanley Libold* Mrs. Joan Infelise Murray ’53 and Dr. Robert Murray Mr. Milton Prince* Mrs. Marlene Klubertanz Muske ’56* Mrs. Janice Bartosic Prusak ’50* Mrs. Renée Adams Lindstrom ’00 Ms. Catherine J. Little ’61 Sister Elaine Loubert ’35* Ms. Jane A. Lounsberry Sr. Mary Paul Lundwig, O.S.B. ’53* Mrs. Berniece Amundson Lund ’50* Ms. Catherine J. Lynch ’62 Mrs. Jean Glass Mahoney ’43* Mr. Melvin Maki* Ms. Shirley Eichenwald Maki ’67 Donna Erlandson Marquardt ’57 Mr. Joseph A. Martin ’85 Mrs. Margaret Ann Johnson Mathews ’45 Mr. Mark M. Mattke ’73 Mrs. M. Virginia Campbell Matz ’35* Ms. Elsie I. McAuley* Mrs. Bernice Collins McCorkell ’33* Mrs. Ernestine Traubman McCormack ’28* Mrs. Frank McDermott* Mr. Roderick McDonell* Monsignor Patrick McDowell* Ms. Ann M. McKeown* Mrs. Marjorie Guenther McNally ’47* Dr. Catherine McPherson ’47* Mrs. Margaret F. Mykleby* Mrs. Jeannette Skerjance Negri ’58 and Mr. Richard Negri Ms. Patricia A. Negro ’56 Mr. Lawrence T. Nelson ’75 Mrs. Patricia Durfee Nelson ’48 Mrs. Karen Newstrom ’95 and Mr. Dale Newstrom Mrs. Rita Biolo Niekamp ’51 Ms. Kathryn M. Noble ’66 Ms. Deborah Emanuel Norgard ’78 Mrs. Margaret Jastrab O’Brien ’71 Mr. Thomas O’Brien* Ms. Anne O’Connell ’61* Ms. Geraldine O’Connell ’53* Mr. Patrick J. O’Donnell* Sister Rose O’Donnell ’69* Mrs. Cecile Cole Olson ’54 Mrs. Ruth Ball Orlob ’46* Mrs. Jean Hambeau Oudenhoven ’51 Mrs. Betty J. Ouellette* and Mr. Richard E. Ouellette Mrs. Ida Getler Pamperin ’49* and Mr. Thomas Pamperin Miss Molly Pasich* Miss Jean Passino ’52 Mrs. Mary Mike Clark Pavoni ’66 Ms. Louise Pedrizetti* Mrs. Dianne M. Peet ’72 and Mr. Clifford Peet Mrs. Helen Kay Anacker Perry ’53 The Honorable Carol Person (ret.) Ms. Patricia R. Peterson ’60* Ms. Susan McClernon ’84 and Mr. Patrick Pfahl ’83 Ms. Patricia Pierce ’44* Mrs. Florence Sarazin Proebsting ’27* Dr. Mary Quinlivan ’54 Mr. Walter Quinn* Mrs. Myles W. Reif* Ms. Cheryl Reitan Dr. Jane Rasmussen Riedel ’49* Dr. Elizabeth Rieschl ’44* Mr. Michael Ripley ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Rodgers* Mrs. Eileen Schulte Rothstein ’45 Mrs. Jean Ryan Rothstein ’45 Mrs. Mary Ann Peterson Royer ’59 and Mr. Leon Royer Ms. Pauline Runde* Ms. Mary F. Russell ’56 Ms. Barbara Ryan ’52* Mrs. Jane Ryan and Dr. Edward A. Ryan Mrs. Nancy Richards Ryan ’50* and Mr. John Ryan, Sr.* Mrs. Kristin N. Ryan ’98 and Mr. Robert L. Ryan Ms. Louise Salstad ’64 Verna and Arend Sandbulte Sister Ann Edward Scanlon, O.S.B. ’32, Ph.D.* Dr. Chandra and Mrs. Indra Mehrotra Mrs. Denise Concagh Pallozzi ’69 and Mr. Ralph Pallozzi The Reverend Frank Melovasich* Ms. Norma Jean Carroll Palmer ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Scherer * Deceased Mrs. Frances Scherer The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report 42 Mrs. Barbara McMaster Schieber ’57 and Mr. Richard Schieber Ms. Gladys A. Swanson* Dr. Winnifred Winkelman ’51 Mrs. Rachel Wellman Schluttner ’53* Mrs. Mary (Enid) Sweeney-Jones ’54 Miss Laurie A. Tarnowski ’75 Dr. Denise Johnson Wise ’84 and Mr. William Wise Ms. Dolores M. Schmitt ’50 Miss Mary K. Scholler ’33* Ms. Ottilia Schubert ’33* Mr. Donald Scott* Mrs. Jacqulin Johnson Sebastian ’89 and Dr. James A. Sebastian Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Sellwood* Mr. Francis X. Shea* Mrs. Evelyn Rapin Sheehan ’34* Mrs. Therese Bergenheier Sherman ’45* Mrs. Ann Fee Shiely ’40* Mrs. Mildred Klodnoski Shikonya ’44* Mr. John C. Shirley ’88 Ms. Mary Downing Shoaff ’73 Sister Celeste Shoup ’34* Ms. Genevieve Shubitz ’62 Mr. John Siebenand Ms. Valborg Skorpen ’45* Sister M. Sarah Smedman, O.S.B. ’53, Ph.D. Mrs. Margaret Adriansen Smith ’36* Ms. Mary Jane Smith* Ms. Stacy L. Sochacki ’71 Dr. Nancy Ruthford Sodeman ’52 Mrs. Agnes Hafner Sollenberger ’39* Mrs. Susan Kinnunen Soya ’86 and Mr. Gary Soya Ms. Emily P. Spensieri ’54* Mrs. Victoria Stauber-Pufall ’77 Mrs. Kathleen Stoughton Steckbauer ’43 Mrs. Carol Hassett Stein ’51 Mrs. Lorraine Gonyea Stewart ’44 Ms. Eileen C. Stolcis ’42* Ms. Bonnie Stromgren ’67 Mrs. Josephine Stromgren and Mr. Everet Stromgren* Mr. and Mrs. William Stubenvoll Ms. Bernice M. Teslaw* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Then Mollie and Thomas Thibodeau Dr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Thompson* Mr. Mark J. Thompson* Ms. Myrtle Tobin* Dr. Julius F. Wolff, Jr.* Ms. Sheila A. Woodbeck ’58 Mrs. Jacqueline Goldsmith Wright ’48 and Mr. John S. Wright Mrs. Adele Englund Yorde ’78 and Mr. Steven Yorde Ms. Margaret Trotta* Ms. Kathryn S. Zard ’95 and Mr. Clark Zard Mrs. Barbara Johnson Tyacke ’49 Mrs. Mary Zastrow and Mr. James E. Zastrow ’99 Ms. Alverna Underhill ’31* Ms. Mary Ann Uppena ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Urbanski Dr. Linda Van Etta ’72 and Dr. John Van Etta Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vecchi Mr. and Mrs. Robert Viau* Mrs. Susan Peterson Vincent ’75 and Mr. Eugene Vincent Mrs. Marianne Thomey Vivino ’54 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wainio Mr. and Mrs. Neil Waldo* Mrs. Katherine Origer Ware ’37* Miss Dolores M. Warmuth ’50 Ms. Judy R. Wassenar ’86 Mrs. Sue Watkins ’96 and Mr. Lew Watkins Mrs. Kim Pfluger Wedige ’84 Mr. Tom Wedige ’85 Mr. Donald C. Wegmiller Mrs. Lucille Weber Welhouse ’42* Ms. Kathleen Knight Welles ’87 Mr. Scott Welles ’87 Anne Welliver* and Judd Welliver Mrs. Marjorie Sullivan Westerham ’59 Mrs. Florence Mengelkoch Westmeyer ’37* Mr. Thomas B. Wheeler Ms. Helen I. White* Mrs. Eleanor Guibord Widing ’39* Dr. O’Ann Fredstrom ’75 and Dr. Stuart R. Sugarman Mrs. Mary Wiesen-Kosinski ’45 Mrs. Nancy Tarnowski Willette ’69 Ms. Sylvia Reuter Sultenfuss ’66 Ms. Sandra E. Williams ’60 Ms. Judy Sutherland ’88 Mrs. Shirley Johnson Wine ’45* The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report Drs. Marty and William D. Witrak Dr. Louise A. Town ’53 Ms. Mary Louise Stursa ’64 43 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wisocki* T h e C o ll e g e o f S t. S ch o last i ca Endowed Scholarships Endowed scholarships are perpetual scholarships which generate earnings that are awarded to deserving students and are the most reliable source of scholarship assistance at the College. Scholarships in italics are those that have not yet reached the required endowment level for awarding. Elaine Alexander Adams Scholarship George I. Alden Scholarship Alich – Hovanec Scholarship Charles & Ellora Alliss Scholarship The Marge Oreck Alpern Scholarship Fund Alumni Grant Anderson Brothers Construction Scholarship Sister Helen Claire Arts Nursing Scholarship John Baggs Memorial Scholarship Fund Andrew and Jane Bailess Endowed Scholarship Margaret and Erick Berg Scholarship Goldie and Walter Eldot Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund Olive G. Johnson Scholarship P. M. Johnson Scholarship Fund Bernice (Bunny) Epple Scholarship Kelly Family Endowed Scholarship Father Whitney Evans Scholarship Frank L. Kernik Scholarship Sister Ramona Ewen Scholarship Fund Sister Timothy Kirby Alumni Scholarship Sister Ramona Ewen/Thomas W. Wedige Scholarship Fund Patrick J. Favicchio Memorial Scholarship Lois Kleinheinz Fleming and Edmund S. Fleming Endowed Scholarship Nancy Meyers Freeman Nursing Scholarship Sister Gemma Blake Scholarship Helene Fuld Health Trust Scholarship Fund for Baccalaureate Nursing Students Sister Athanasius Braegelman Religious Studies Endowed Scholarship Sister Annella Gallagher and Sister Digna Birmingham Scholarship Brainerd Lakes Area Scholarship Frances E. Getzen Scholarship Bob Brenning Endowed Scholarship C. D. & Ida Goldsmith Scholarship Jacquelyn D. Bush Scholarship for Science Albert J. Gonska Achievement Award Sister Janelle Cahoon Scholarship Fund Helen Graham Scholarship Marvin R. Campbell Scholarship The Grand Rapids Area Scholarship Fund Grace W. Carkner Scholarship Greater Duluth Coact Scholarship Mary Obertone Cattoi Nursing Scholarship Amy and Ed Greve Endowed Scholarship Class Honorary and Memorial Scholarship Jean Hambeau Scholarship Class of ’73 Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund Margaret and Oluf Haugsrud Scholarship Class of ’93 Scholarship Fund Hirsch Family Scholarship Fund in honor of Sister Timothy Kirby Class of ’94 Scholarship Fund Classes of ’96 - ’00 Scholarship Fund Vivien Connolly Endowed Scholarship Cuyuna Range Scholarship Herbert C. Klippen Memorial Scholarship in Management Marie H. Kribs Scholarship Patricia Maloney Kwaterski Endowed Scholarship Joel & Sharon Labovitz Award Sharon Labovitz Awards Zelma LaPanta Scholarship Lavine Endowed Scholarships * American Indian Students Scholarship in honor of Sister Joan Braun, O.S.B. * Chemistry Scholarship in honor of Sister Agatha Riehl, O.S.B. * Gerontology Certificate Scholarship * History Scholarship * Language and Literature Scholarship in honor of Sister Mary Richard Boo, O.S.B. * Minority Student Scholarship William Randolph Hearst Scholarship * Music Education Scholarship in honor of Sister Mary Jean Tuttle, O.S.B. LeBeau Scholarship The Lounsberry Scholarship Margaret Donnelly Hoban Nursing Scholarship The Patrick J. Lyons Endowed Scholarship Fund Isobel O’Donnell Humphrey Scholarship Ann Demlszczepaniak Endowed Scholarship Imagine Tomorrow Scholarship Fund Lenard A. Draper and Florence Draper Lachmund Scholarship Fund Frances Floriano Johnson Scholarship Marie Koop Mahlum Memorial Scholarship Fund The JoAnn and Arnold Johnson Scholarship Neil Mannetter Endowed Scholarship The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report 44 Elsie Rilling McAdams Scholarship Elsie Irene McAuley Scholarship Ernestine T. McCormack and Irene and Lionel Traubman Endowed Scholarship Irma Bell and Roderick A. McDonell Scholarship Catherine M. McPherson Scholarship for Religious Studies Father Frank Melovasich Scholarship Mary Johnston Mersberger, R.N. Scholarship Fund Ted and Mary Irene Micke Endowed Scholarship Fund The Mary Ann S. and James J. Mongé Scholarship Leo E. Moran Memorial Scholarship Jeremiah and Mary Jane Murphy Nursing Scholarship Roy and Margaret Mykleby Scholarship Elizabeth O’Brien Scholarship Sister Kathleen O’Brien Scholarship Sister M. Rose O’Donnell Memorial Scholarship Mildred Agnes O’Donnell Scholarship Fund Palmer Management Scholarship Martha Nolan Peterson Scholarship Patricia Hart Peterson English Scholarship Steve Pfingsten Student Teaching Scholarship Raymond Prebilic Scholarship The Barbara Ellen (Borden) Reuter Memorial Scholarship Victor Robinson Scholarship Edwin C. and Catherine Rodgers Scholarship Leon D. and Mary Ann Royer Endowed Nursing Scholarship Ryan-Rothstein Scholarship St. Luke’s Health Sciences Scholarship Fund St. Paul Student Endowed Scholarship St. Scholastica Monastery Scholarship in honor of Frances Lavine Sansio Scholarship Sister Ann Edward Scanlon Memorial Scholarship Kathleen M. and Edward J. Stauber Endowed Scholarship Barbara J. Stickel Nursing Scholarship Student Alumni Association Scholarship Fund Mary Lou Stursa Educational Endowed Scholarship Catherine (Kathy) Weedman Tate Scholarship The Joseph and Danette Then Scholarship Mark J. Thompson Scholarship Myrtle Nelson Tobin Scholarship Sister Leonilla Scherer Scholarship Travelers Scholarship Frances and Munn Scherer Scholarship Sister Mary Jean Tuttle Communication and Theatre Arts Endowed Scholarship Kathleen Gersich Schiltz Scholarship Mary K. Scholler Endowed Scholarship Mary Buesing Schwanke Scholarship Fund Lawrence and Joan Urbanski Family Scholarship Donald W. Scott Scholarship Dorothy and Neil Waldo Scholarship Fund Daniel Seeler Scholarship Fund in honor of Sister Ramona Ewen Rose Warner English Award of Excellence The Wasie Foundation Scholarship Seeler Family Scholarship Fund in honor of Sister Janelle Cahoon Sue Watkins HIA Progression Student Scholarship Joseph G. and Virginia F. Sellwood Endowment Seton Scholarship Sister Loretta Sheehan Scholarship Margaret Shields Scholarship Sister Celeste Shoup Scholarship Agnes Hafner Sollenberger Endowed Scholarship Lee Webster Memorial Minority Scholarship Mary Wegmiller Memorial Scholarship The Anne R. Welliver Scholarship Florence A. Mengelkoch Westmeyer Scholarship Joseph Wisocki Scholarship Angie Yu Scholarship THANK YOU to our VOLUNTEERS Many people have given selflessly of their time, talents and expertise to assist The College of St. Scholastica during the past year by serving on advisory committees and alumni boards, participating in events and discussion panels or assisting with office tasks. To these alumni, friends and students, we say thank you! 45 The College of St. Scholastica Annual Report
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