Full OHM Engagement Report - City of Upper Arlington, Ohio


Full OHM Engagement Report - City of Upper Arlington, Ohio
•Northam Park Phase II
•Public Engagement Process
•Major takeaways
•Summary of Playground Results
•Summary of Pool Results
•Aimpoint Research Survey
•Aimpoint Research Summary
•Stakeholder Meeting Results
•Public Input Summary Report
•Student Workbook & Results
•Public Meeting Commentary
•Online Survey Commentary
This report summarizes the public engagement process that was followed to inform
the development of Northam Park Phase II. The key focus of this effort was to develop
a vision and program for the old Tremont Pool, and the adjoining park entry and
playground, as well as a consideration for a small reading garden near the library.
The process of planning a new amenity for a community requires a multi-pronged
approach to develop holistic solutions that are balanced and informed. This includes
an evaluation and consideration of national trends and best practices, an assessment of
existing site conditions, safety and accessibility, and an inclusive public input process. Each
of these components is carefully considered throughout the planning and design process,
influencing both the programming and design of the community amenity.
The information outlined in this report summarizes the public input component of
the planning and design process for Northam Park Phase II. General conclusions and
key findings from the public input process are outlined in this report, as informed and
supported by the comprehensive input and responses from the public available in the
appendix. The appendix is organized by each engagement activity and includes the results
of these activities.
The Northam Park Phase II improvements are focused specifically on the new pool,
playground, and associated support infrastructure throughout the park, including
walkways, park entry, and support buildings, as well as the planning and design of a small
reading garden. In response to resident feedback gathered in 2015, the new Tremont
Pool will be located within the same general footprint the previous pool occupied. The
associated playground will also continue to serve the community as it did in the past,
bridging the space between the pool and the library. This will minimize impacts on other
existing facilities and programming for field sports, preserve as many trees as possible, and
provide maximum flexibility for future park improvements.
Community outreach for Phase II began early in 2016 and consisted of a thorough
public engagement process, as detailed in the following section. Schematic designs were
then developed based on initial community input. After incorporating additional public
feedback and hosting several staff reviews, these schematic designs led to detailed designs
for the pool, playground, park entry, and reading garden. With a few more steps left in the
engagement process, the project is on track to finish construction by the summer of 2017.
The planning and design process followed for Northam Park Phase II improvements
included a comprehensive public engagement strategy. The foundation of this approach
was to provide multiple opportunities for input with the goals of making participation
a choice for all residents and producing measurable and statistically driven results. The
outcome of the public input was a set of key takeaways/design principles which guided the
development of the Phase II design concepts.
The following descriptions outline the multiple engagement techniques that were included
in the public input process for Phase II. Each includes an ‘Activity overview’ describing the
engagement tactic and a ‘What did we learn’ section that provides a brief explanation of the
nature of results produced by each activity. Results, responses, and key findings have been
documented in the ‘Results’ section of this report, as well as in the Appendix.
i. Activity overview - Diverse groups of twenty-two UA residents having various
levels of familiarity with Northam Park were recruited to participate in two blind
focus groups. Each respondent was paid a stipend to attend, but were not made
aware of the topics to be discussed, nor the sponsor of the groups prior to arrival.
The information gathered in the focus groups provided deep insight and valuable
context critical to the development of the planning process, and informed the
development of the telephonic survey. Qualitative research of this nature is
important prior to a quantitative study to ensure a survey accurately assesses the
full range of issues and potential answers on people’s minds.
ii. What did we learn - Critical feedback pertaining to the survey’s creation including
ease of understanding and scope of questions. Most importantly, the process of
random sampling used to select focus group members was consistent with industry
best practices and helped to ensure that the feedback represented a diverse crosssection of Upper Arlington residents.
i. Activity overview - Residents of UA were randomly selected from a comprehensive
consumer database and interviewed telephonically, via both land line and cellular
phones. Voxco Command Center software was used to collect responses to the
survey. Three hundred interviews were completed over eleven days and the results
are statistically-valid within a +/-5.63% margin of error with 95% confidence.
In order to ensure the survey results were representative of the entire UA
community, demographic and geographic quotas were set using the 2013 U.S.
Census as a guideline. Interview quotas were set to ensure the correct proportion
of respondents were included to account for the actual gender, age, children in the
household, and ward composition of the community. Results of the survey were
analyzed using the industry standard statistical analysis program, SPSS.
The survey was conducted between February 9-16, 2016, and consisted of 38
questions including specific demographic questions to ensure a representative
group completed the activity. The average time it took to complete the survey was
approximately thirteen minutes. Participants were asked about their current usage
of Upper Arlington’s parks, to rank certain pool features, and their opinions on
particular playground conditions. The full set of questions used in the final survey
can be found in the Appendix.
ii. What did we learn – The survey revealed statistical insight about key elements
pertaining to the planning and design for Phase II. The representative base of
residents who completed the survey conforms with current best practices and
ensures results from the survey reflect the opinions of the greater majority of
Upper Arlington citizens.
i. Activity overview - Three small group meetings were held as part of the planning
process. These groups represented specific user groups or individuals who could
provide insight into the design and program of the pool and playground. Some of
these participants included pool members, swimming and diving groups, seniors,
representatives from the schools and library, area neighbors, field sport advisors,
and pool staff, amongst others. The groups were gathered to share their wants and
needs in regards to the redesign.
The meeting participants met in an assembly format and were given a general
introduction to the Northam Park Phase II planning process. This included an
overview of the community engagement plan, as well as an overview of the core
areas of focus in Phase II including the pool, pool entry, playground, and reading
garden. Following the introduction, participants were led through a group
discussion facilitated by OHM Advisors. Three basic questions were asked of the
1. What issues or opportunities should be considered as part of the
development of Phase II?
2. What are your ideas and aspirations for the new pool?
3. What are your ideas and aspirations for the new playground?
iv. What did we learn - Detailed feedback from those actively engaged in the park
and pool. This targeted approach ensured active users of these elements were
engaged in the planning and design process.
i. Engagement overview - An online version of the phone survey was made
available to all residents. The survey was posted on the city website and made
available from February 15-28, 2016. This ensured anyone interested in the
survey was able to participate without altering the statistical validity of the
telephonic survey. This survey was designed as a supplement to the telephone
survey and as such was fielded using an opt-in/convenience sampling approach.
Although the survey was designed to permit only one completion per IP address
(to limit the possibility of respondents completing the survey multiple times) this
did not eliminate key threats to the validity and generalizability of data stemming
from the use of a non-probability sampling approach, meaning results should
be reviewed in conjunction with the statistically valid results generated by the
telephonic survey. A total of 1,315 responses were received.
ii. What did we learn – The online survey revealed broad insight from the public on
the park and pool program and design. Although it was important to include this
survey as an engagement activity, the results from this survey must be interpreted
with caution. Ideally, results from this web survey will align with and confirm
results from the other engagement activities.
i. Activity overview - Two meetings were held at the City of Upper Arlington’s City
Hall in order to engage all members of the public. The first meeting was held the
evening of Wednesday, February 24, 2016 and the second was held the morning
of Saturday, February 27, 2016; the various meeting dates and times were
intentionally planned to capture a wide audience of UA residents and ensure the
public had ample opportunity to participate in the public process.
Participants at each meeting were first given an overview of the project including
the scope of Phase II and projected timeline. Attendees were then invited to
participate in several engagement activities including Issues and Opportunities
generation for both the pool and playground sites, a voting activity for the
potential playground theme, and a voting activity for a preferred pool feature.
Members from the Planning Team and City Staff were also available for
explanations and general questions.
ii. What did we learn - Crucial public commentary from engaged citizens that
helped guide the planning process. Feedback from the Issues and Opportunities
generation exercise as well as the voting activities was taken into consideration
during the site design and product selection process.
i. Activity overview - A major audience for the new pool and playground will be the
youth it aims to engage; therefore it was important to the City and the Planning
Team that this demographic be included in the planning process. Graphic
workbooks were developed to allow students and young UA residents to vote on
preferred examples for both the general designs of the pool and playground as well
specific features. Participants were also given the opportunity to draw their dream
pool and playground in the workbook.
ii. What did we learn - Valuable feedback was generated from the youth of Upper
Arlington, who are genuinely excited about the prospects of a new pool and
playground. Choices for new features have been taken into consideration during
the design process and the final design aims to appeal to a broad range of ages.
Through the application of the varied tactics of soliciting and cataloging community
input, patterns and trends began to emerge in the local arena. A general consensus can
be drawn based on the great amount of feedback received during the planning process.
Results of the public participation have been classified as either relating to the pool or
playground at Northam Park and are discussed in more detail below.
These takeaways are based on the results of the various engagement tactics. Some
statistical conclusions can be drawn from the phone survey, while other interpretations
are sourced from community comments and meeting activities.
• The community supports the idea of redeveloping Tremont Pool (52%) and strongly
supports making the adjoining playground accessible to children of all abilities, with a
focus on younger/toddler-aged children.
“UA needs a signature
playground which
features new, accessible
stations where those
with disabilities can
enjoy their community.”
“Keep it [playground]
simple, low cost “
opportunity: make as
age encompassing as
• The design of the park entry, playground, and pool should be high-quality with a focus
on function.
• High cost amenities and features should be avoided.
• The community does not generally support the idea of a splash pad at the pool or
Don’t Know
Online Survey
Online Survey
Don’t Know
Telephonic Survey
Don’t Know
Figure 1 - “Do you believe the City of Upper Arlington should replace the
TremontDon’t Know
swimming pool at its
No current location in Northam
Yes Park?”
Telephonic Survey
The playground should be designed for children of various ages, from toddlers to
12-year-olds, with an emphasis on younger ages. The playground should be accessible
and simple in design, and there is a preference for a nature theme. The community
generally supports ‘adult play’ options, but, if considered in the final design, they should
be well-incorporated into the playground area.
The top five key themes related to the playground noted from the first round of
community engagement could be summarized as follows.
1. Playground should have a toddler focus, followed by children aged 6-12 yrs.
Focus Group
Telephonic Survey
Online Survey
Ages 1‐5
Ages 6‐12
Ages 13+
Figure 2 - “Which of the following age groups should the playground be designed for?”
2. Adult play elements have general support and should be considered. Those
responding with children at home were about 50/50 on the ‘idea’.
3. There is limited support for a splash pad at the playground.
4. The playground should include multiple play elements.
5. The phone survey revealed mixed reviews
on the style of the playground, with the
nature-based theme getting slightly more
support. However, when these results are
combined with the results of the public
meeting there is more support for the
nature theme (58% vs 42%).
Public Public Meeting, Meeting, 58.40% 58.40%
Public Public Meeting, Meeting, 41.60% 41.60%
Telephonic Telephonic Survey, Survey, 36.70% 36.70%
Contemporary Playground
Contemporary Playground
Telephonic Telephonic Survey, Survey, 40.00% 40.00%
Nature Based
Nature Based
Figure 3 - “What type of playground do you think
would be most appropriate for this location?”
“Tremont School already
has two traditional
playgrounds they are
open to the public
outside school hours. A
natural playground in
the park would be a nice
Tremont Pool should be designed as a neighborhood pool that promotes swim
education, recreation, and competition. The top ten key themes related to the pool and
park entry design noted from the first round of community engagement are summarized
as follows:
1. The top scoring pool features and elements from the phone survey, online survey, and
public included the following:
• Shade (consistently scored the highest)
• Toddler pool
• Lap pool
• Grass/open lawn area
• Diving
Lap pool for exercise
Toddler pool
Grass/ open lawn area
Leisure pool (3‐6 feet deep)
Covered pavilions / Open shelter house
Indoor pool
Interactive fountain / Splash pad
Adult only section of the pool
“Would be great to be
able to swim longer than
our Ohio summers allow.
This could be done with
a heated pool or indoor
Water features (lazy river, spray zones,
waterfalls, etc.)
Telephonic Survey
Online Survey
Public Meeting
Figure 4 - “On a 0-10 scale, with 0 being ‘not at all appealing’ and 10 being ‘very
appealing,’ how appealing are each of the following Pool Amenities or Components?”
2. There is limited support for a splash pad at the pool.
3. Utility buildings should not be located outside the area of the park entry and pool.
4. The majority of residents support using the pool for competitions.
Don’t Know
Figure 5 - “Would you like to see the Tremont pool utilized
for swim competitions or swim meets?”
5. The park entry should be functional, but should not include any grand urban design
or landscape features- it should seamlessly blend the park entry, parking lot and
playground areas together.
6. The community is interested in the potential for an indoor pool at this location, but it
did not score high enough to drive the overall design- it should be considered for the
future however.
7. Diving elements were noted as a priority through the multiple forms of engagement.
8. Heating the pool was mentioned through the discussions at multiple meetings held
with the focus groups, small groups, and the public.
9. There was not overwhelming support for larger water features – if integrated into the
program they should focus on younger children, and not be a dominant feature in the
overall design.
10. Having open lines of sight and views throughout the pool area is important.
“Chance to have one
set of restrooms for
pool and park users to
“Please heat the pool.
Please make sure this
works well with all ages.
Shallow water for young
kids, diving boards
for older, lap lanes for
“Must have a diving
board, I’d prefer two.
Would love a high dive.”
Below are the Top 10 Takeaways that were used to inform the design concept on the
opposite page. These key findings were generated via the multiple stages and forms of
community involvement. The left column enumerates the ten findings while the right
column illustrates how each key finding has been interpreted into the design concept.
1. Keep it simple and stay true to the
original neighborhood pool program
Follows the general site footprint and
original pool program
2. A toddler area is a high priority
Includes a zero entry toddler swim area
3. The pool needs to be heated
Has heated pools
4. Limited support for any special water
feature (fountain, splash pad, etc.)
Does not incorporate a special water feature
5. The public did not identify a slide/large
play structures as a high priority
The pool does not include a slide or large
permanent play feature
6. Diving and recreation swimming were a
top priority
Includes lap swimming and diving
7. Shade and lawn areas were desirable as
part of the pool program
Includes shade and flexible lawn area
8. Nature-based is the preferred playground
Incorporates nature-based theme/elements in
the design
9. The playground should have multiple
features with a focus on younger children
Includes a diverse play area with multiple
opportunities for a variety of activities
10. Keep the entry into the pool and
playground simple but high quality
The entry area is designed for function
(seating, drop off, etc.)
I. Aimpoint Research Survey Questions
II. Aimpoint Research Summary Report
III. Stakeholder Meeting Results Memo
IV. Public Input Summary Report
V. Student Workbook & Results
VI. Public Meeting Commentary
VII. Online Survey Commentary
2016 Resident Research
February 22, 2106
Research Design
Focus Group
Profile of Respondents
Profile of Respondents
On a 0-10 scale, with ‘0’ being least appealing and ‘10’ being most
appealing, please rate to what degree you find each pool amenity
appealing. Which did you rank the highest?
Which of the following age groups should the park be design for?
Should the playground have a water feature?
Would you like to see ‘adult play’ features in the park?
Would you prefer the playground be one large structure, multiple smaller
structures, or nature play elements?
How would you like to be engaged and communicated with about plans to
renovate Northam Park moving forward?
How would you like to be engaged and communicated with about plans to
renovate Northam Park moving forward? (weighted)
Survey Results
Profile of Respondents
Profile of Respondents
All Respondents
Upper Arlington residents give the community high marks for overall
quality of life.
On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is ‘poor’ and 10 is ‘excellent,’ how would you rate the
overall quality of life in Upper Arlington?
All Respondents
Respondent Breakdowns
All Respondents
But they are somewhat concerned about the future of the city.
Generally speaking, would you say things in Upper Arlington are heading in the right
direction or have they gotten off onto the wrong track?
All Respondents
<1:1 - Angry
1:1 - Concerned
2:1 - Unsettled
3:1 - Satisfied
4:1 - Happy
5:1 - Exuberant
All Respondents
Especially those who have lived in UA the longest and those not
frequenting the parks.
Generally speaking, would you say things in Upper Arlington are heading in the right
direction or have they gotten off onto the wrong track?
Frequently use parks & rec.
Time in Upper Arlington
All Respondents
Residents give parks a moderately strong rating for overall quality
On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is ‘poor’ and 10 is ‘excellent,’ how would you rate the
overall quality of the parks and recreational facilities in Upper Arlington?
All Respondents
Respondent Breakdowns
All Respondents
Residents give parks a moderately strong rating for overall quality
Why did you give it that rating? (Score 4-6 – Neutral)
Why did you give it that rating? (Score 7-10 – Excellent)
All Respondents
The vast majority of UA residents use the parks and facilities frequently
(even those without children living at home)
Thinking some more about parks and recreation, would you say that you frequently
use parks and recreational facilities in Upper Arlington?
All Respondents
Children at home
All Respondents
Northam Park and Fancyburg Park have the broadest draw across the
Which of the following Upper Arlington parks have you visited in the past year?
(select all that apply)
All Respondents
All Respondents That Visited
Northam Park In Past Year
Half of all residents who have been to Northam, go there at least a couple
times a month
How often do you visit Northam Park?
All Respondents That Visited Northam Park In Past Year
All Respondents That Visited
Northam Park In Past Year
A third of those who go to Northam, go to get general exercise.
What recreational activities do you normally participate in at Northam Park? (select
all that apply)
All Respondents That Visited Northam Park In Past Year
All Respondents
Most citizens feel they have at least a cursory understanding of what is
planned for Northam.
The City of Upper Arlington is currently planning to improve Northam Park by
replacing the Tremont swimming pool and building an adjacent playground and park
entrance way. Which of the following best represents your familiarity with the
current proposal?
All Respondents
All Respondents
With longer term residents being slightly less familiar than those newer
to the community
The City of Upper Arlington is currently planning to improve Northam Park by
replacing the Tremont swimming pool and building an adjacent playground and park
entrance way. Which of the following best represents your familiarity with the
current proposal?
Time in Upper Arlington
All Respondents Familiar With The
Revised Plan
The majority of residents get their information from the local paper and
friends and neighbors.
What would you say has been the primary source of the information you have
learned about the Northam Park plans?
All Respondents Familiar With The Revised Plan
All Respondents
Just over half of citizens, support replacing the swimming pool, while a
quarter oppose the plan.
Do you believe the City of Upper Arlington should replace the Tremont swimming
pool at its current location in Northam Park?
All Respondents
All Respondents
Newer residents and those with children at home are more favorable
towards the idea.
Do you believe the City of Upper Arlington should replace the Tremont swimming
pool at its current location in Northam Park?
Children at home
Time in Upper Arlington
All Respondents
Residents like amenities like shade, grass, a toddler pool and a lap pool
On a 0 – 10 scale, with 0 being ‘not at all appealing’ and 10 being ‘very appealing,’
how appealing are each of the following Pool Amenities or Components?
All Respondents
All Respondents
On a 0 – 10 scale, with 0 being ‘not at all appealing’ and 10 being ‘very appealing,’
how appealing are each of the following Pool Amenities or Components?
All Respondents
Respondent Breakdowns
All Respondents
On a 0 – 10 scale, with 0 being ‘not at all appealing’ and 10 being ‘very appealing,’
how appealing are each of the following Pool Amenities or Components?
Grass / Open lawn area
All Respondents
Respondent Breakdowns
All Respondents
On a 0 – 10 scale, with 0 being ‘not at all appealing’ and 10 being ‘very appealing,’
how appealing are each of the following Pool Amenities or Components?
Toddler pool
All Respondents
Respondent Breakdowns
All Respondents
On a 0 – 10 scale, with 0 being ‘not at all appealing’ and 10 being ‘very appealing,’
how appealing are each of the following Pool Amenities or Components?
Lap pool for exercise
All Respondents
Respondent Breakdowns
All Respondents
On a 0 – 10 scale, with 0 being ‘not at all appealing’ and 10 being ‘very appealing,’
how appealing are each of the following Pool Amenities or Components?
All Respondents
Respondent Breakdowns
All Respondents
On a 0 – 10 scale, with 0 being ‘not at all appealing’ and 10 being ‘very appealing,’
how appealing are each of the following Pool Amenities or Components?
Covered pavilions / Open shelter house
All Respondents
Respondent Breakdowns
All Respondents
On a 0 – 10 scale, with 0 being ‘not at all appealing’ and 10 being ‘very appealing,’
how appealing are each of the following Pool Amenities or Components?
Adult only section of the pool
All Respondents
Respondent Breakdowns
All Respondents
On a 0 – 10 scale, with 0 being ‘not at all appealing’ and 10 being ‘very appealing,’
how appealing are each of the following Pool Amenities or Components?
Water features (lazy river, spray zones, waterfalls, etc.)
All Respondents
Respondent Breakdowns
All Respondents
On a 0 – 10 scale, with 0 being ‘not at all appealing’ and 10 being ‘very appealing,’
how appealing are each of the following Pool Amenities or Components?
Zero depth entry
All Respondents
Respondent Breakdowns
All Respondents
On a 0 – 10 scale, with 0 being ‘not at all appealing’ and 10 being ‘very appealing,’
how appealing are each of the following Pool Amenities or Components?
Leisure pool (3-6 feet deep)
All Respondents
Respondent Breakdowns
All Respondents
On a 0 – 10 scale, with 0 being ‘not at all appealing’ and 10 being ‘very appealing,’
how appealing are each of the following Pool Amenities or Components?
Interactive fountain / Splash pad
All Respondents
Respondent Breakdowns
All Respondents
On a 0 – 10 scale, with 0 being ‘not at all appealing’ and 10 being ‘very appealing,’
how appealing are each of the following Pool Amenities or Components?
All Respondents
Respondent Breakdowns
All Respondents
On a 0 – 10 scale, with 0 being ‘not at all appealing’ and 10 being ‘very appealing,’
how appealing are each of the following Pool Amenities or Components?
Indoor pool
All Respondents
Respondent Breakdowns
All Respondents
The majority of residents support using the pool for swim competitions.
Would you like to see the Tremont pool utilized for swim competitions or swim
All Respondents
All Respondents
And they support ensuring the playground next to the pool is accessible
to those with special needs.
On a 0 to 10 scale, with 0 being ‘not at all important’ and 10 being ‘very important,’
how important is it that the playground be designed to allow for the inclusion of
special needs children?
All Respondents
Respondent Breakdowns
All Respondents
However, the splash pad idea was not widely accepted.
There has been some discussion of constructing a splash pad or interactive fountain
as a part of this project. Would you support the construction of a feature like this?
All Respondents
All Respondents
The playground should be built to primarily accommodate children under
12 years of age
As a part of the pool reconstruction, the adjoining playground south of the pool is
also going to be updated. Which of the following age groups should the park be
designed for? (select all that apply)
All Respondents
All Respondents
Only a third of residents thought it was important for playground features
to accommodate adults.
Should the playground include ‘adult play’ features, which are big enough that you
can play with your children on larger slides or tunnels?
All Respondents
Children at home
All Respondents
Only a third of residents thought it was important for playground features
to accommodate adults.
Should the playground include ‘adult play’ features, which are big enough that you
can play with your children on larger slides or tunnels?
All Respondents
Residents are split on the type of playground materials that should be
What type of playground do you think would be most appropriate for this location?
All Respondents
All Respondents
Just over half of residents are interested in receiving updates about the
Northam Park planning effort.
The City of Upper Arlington is interested in engaging all citizens who want to be
involved in the planning and development of Northam Park. Would you like to
receive updates on the Northam Park plan?
All Respondents
Frequently use parks and rec.
All Respondents
Just over half of residents are interested in receiving updates about the
Northam Park planning effort.
The City of Upper Arlington is interested in engaging all citizens who want to be
involved in the planning and development of Northam Park. Would you like to
receive updates on the Northam Park plan?
All Respondents That Would
Like To Receive Updates
And they want to receive these updates through email and the
How would you like to receive those updates?
All Respondents That Would Like To Receive Updates
All Respondents
Residents advise the City to cut back planned spending on the park.
Is there anything else you would like to communicate to the City of Upper Arlington
regarding the Northam Park plan?
All Respondents
Date: January 28, 2016
To: Alan McKnight
cc: Mark Bockrath, Jim Houk, Brett Sciotto
From: Aaron Domini
Re: Northam Phase II Improvements – Stakeholder Meeting 1 Results
This memorandum outlines the outcomes of the first round of stakeholder meetings. Three small
group stakeholder meetings were held on January 27th, 2016 at the Upper Arlington Senior Center.
A total of 32 community stakeholders participated in these meetings. Stakeholders included
representatives from competitive swimming, seniors, surrounding property owners, tennis
advocates, pool staff and administrators, as well as the general public.
The meeting participants met in an assembly format and were given a general introduction to the
Northam Phase II planning process. This included an overview of the community engagement plan,
as well as an overview of the core areas of focus in Phase II including the pool, pool entry,
playground, and reading garden. Following the introduction participants were led through a group
discussion facilitated by OHM Advisors. Three basic questions were asked of the participants.
1. What issues or opportunities should be considered as part of the development of Phase II.
2. What are your ideas and aspirations for the new pool?
3. What are your ideas and aspirations for the new playground?
The following is a summary of the stakeholder responses to these questions. The items bulleted are
verbatim responses and may include duplicate ideas. A summary of the discussion is included at the
end of this memorandum.
Key Findings
1. What issues are opportunities should be considered as part of Phase II?
 Debris (vegetation) use to get into the old pool
 We don’t need another water park
 Diverse opinions on splash pad
 Maintain sight lines to school on parking
 How do we deal with parking?
 Share support services/buildings with tennis
Page 2 of 4
2. What are your ideas and aspirations for the new pool?
 Water feature that is contextual but adds to the experience
 Indoor swimming
 Competitive swimming
 Simple efficient design
 Designed for all ages
 Bigger pool than old pool
 Size of pool
 Don’t create drainage issues
 Preserve trees
 Cost tiers – different scenarios at different cost
 Not a lot of support for
 Not a lot of support for splash pad
 Preserve trees around pool
 Keep similar to original pool…neighborhood pool
 Shared facility with tennis courts
 Tremont should fill the niche for a family oriented neighborhood pool
 Need diving well and six lane lap pool
 Baby/toddler pool
 Shaded grassy area that is flexible and open for sun bathing, picnics, etc.
 Concessions
 Zero entry
 All ages
 Need competitive swimming
 Learn to swim programs
 Need competitive swimming opportunities
 Longer lap lanes
 All ages
 Keep the toddler area central for convenience and “eyes” on kids principles
 Simple green natural area with trees
 Slide should not be the dominant feature
 Needs to be heated
 Consider an indoor element
 Plan for completive swim
 Good staff building area with AC
 Year round use pool
 Shared club house/bath house with tennis area
 Can pool be a source of revenue for the City
 Competitive swim elements
 ADA at pool
 Bubble pool as an immediate or future indoor swim space
 Diving
 Baby pool
 Design to be enclosed in the future
 25 meter pool
 Neighborhood pool
Page 3 of 4
6 lanes
Lap pool
Not water park…not like Reed Road
Not sure about splash pad
Architecture needs to be contextual
Quiet neighborhood pool
Lap lanes
Zero entry
Toddler area
Zero entry
Diving - 3 meter board
Keep it open so you can watch kids
Toddler pool
Heated pool
Grass areas
3-4’ pool
Bike parking
Pool entry oriented toward parking lot
3. What are your ideas and aspirations for the new playground?
 Open field area
 Climbing wall/ropes/bouldering
 All ages park
 Keep it the same size
 Keep it simple and natural
 No fountain (vandalism and don’t need it)
 Toddler options
 ADA elements/design
 Save trees
 Toddler area
 Design for multiple ages
 Neighborhood playground
 Climbing wall
 Boulders
 Natural materials or look (fit or add to natural park setting)
 Provide for a range of age groups
 Keep it simple
 Bathroom close by
 Visibility to fields is important
 No sand or water
 Lighting
 Keep trees
Page 4 of 4
The Pool…
Make it fun, cool, keep it simple and have something for everybody
Participants strongly believed the pool design should be a simple neighborhood pool, and not a large
local or regional draw with unique amenities. Many said keep the spirit of the old pool, just make it
new. Specific elements that need to be considered moving forward, or tested, are listed below.
These elements are the beginning of the basis for design.
1. Diving
2. Lap pool
3. Toddler pool
4. Indoor elements or options
5. Multi-purpose pool 3-6’ in depth
6. Grass/lawn area
The Playground…
A playground for all ages that is contextual designed to seamless integrate into the existing
The key comments from the stakeholders indicated the park design should mimic the same size of
the original footprint, and complement the natural setting of the park. Bathrooms were noted as a
high priority for the park design. The preservation of trees was also noted as a high priority for
The theme of the park was also discussed. There was general interest and support for a nature
based theme for the park and climbing wall, both of these will be tested further in follow-up
engagement tactics.
What we learned and how does it lead to the survey…what do we test further?
 Splash pad – Is this a desirable element, should it be internal or external to the pool area
 Indoor pool …how important is it…do you want it…etc.
 Should the pool area be a little bigger to accommodate an indoor pool
 Sharing of amenities/facilities between tennis and pool (bathrooms, etc.)
 Test natural playground design and nature play
Northam Park Phase II
Public Input Summary Report
March 3, 2016
1. On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is ‘poor’ and 10 is ‘excellent,’ how would you rate the overall quality of
life in Upper Arlington?
2. Generally speaking, would you say things in Upper Arlington are heading in the right direction or
have they gotten off onto the wrong track?
Right direction
Wrong track
Not sure
3. On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is ‘poor’ and 10 is ‘excellent,’ how would you rate the overall quality of
the parks and recreational facilities in Upper Arlington?
4.Why did you give it that rating?*
*Open-ended results located in Appendix
5. Thinking some more about parks and recreation, would you say that you frequently use parks and
recreational facilities in Upper Arlington?
Not sure
6. Which of the following Upper Arlington parks have you visited in the past year?
(select all that apply)
Barrington Elementary
School park
Northwest Kiwanis Park /
Burbank Park
Fancyburg Park
Mallway Park
Miller Park
Northam Park
Oxford Park
Reed Road Park
Smith Nature Park
Sunny 95 Park
Thompson Park
Westover Park
Wyandot Park
-None of these
-Don’t know
7. How often do you visit Northam Park?
Few times a week
Once a week
A few times a month
Once a month
A couple times a year
8. What recreational activities do you normally participate in at Northam Park? (select all that apply)
Pet activities
Youth athletics
General exercise (ie. walking,
Play on the playground
Community events
Enjoying open space
9. The City of Upper Arlington is currently planning to improve Northam Park by replacing the Tremont
swimming pool and building an adjacent playground and park entrance way. Which of the following
best represents your familiarity with the current proposal?
I am very familiar with the revised plan
Somewhat familiar with the revised plan
Totally confused, no idea what the specific
plan is at this point
Haven’t heard anything about it at all
Don’t know
10. What would you say has been the primary source of the information you have learned about the
Northam Park plans?
Upper Arlington newspaper
Columbus Dispatch
Neighbors and friends
City of Upper Arlington website
Social media
Fliers and mail
-Print newsletter
City meetings
11. Do you believe the City of Upper Arlington should replace the Tremont swimming pool at its current
location in Northam Park?
Don’t Know
12. On a 0-10 scale, with 0 being ‘not at all appealing’ and 10 being ‘very appealing,’ how appealing are
each of the following Pool Amnities or Compontents?
Focus Telephonic
(4) 8.27
(4) 7.08
(3) 7.18
(2) 8.42
Lap pool for exercise
(5) 7.86
(3) 7.53
(2) 7.45
(3) 7.91
Toddler pool
Adult only section of the pool
Interactive fountain / Splash pad
(1) 8.95
(1) 7.71
(1) 7.79
(1) 8.75
(3) 8.45
(2) 7.55
(4) 7.02
(5) 7.59
Grass/ open lawn area
(5) 6.75
(5) 6.57
(4) 7.82
Water features (lazy river, spray zones, waterfalls,
Leisure pool (3-6 feet deep)
(2) 8.57
Indoor pool
Covered pavilions / Open shelter house
Zero depth entry
Multi- purpose room for sepcial events/ rental
Non-pool activity (volleyball, mini soccer, etc.)
13. Would you like to see the Tremont pool utilized for swim competitions or swim meets?
Don’t Know
14. Should the playground have a water feature?
Don’t know
15. There has been some discussion of constructing a splash pad or interactive fountain as a part of this
project. Would you support the constuction of a feature like this?
Yes, if constructed inside the pool as a part of
the cost of admittance
Yes, if constructed outside of the pool as a
free amenity for all to enjoy:
Don’t Know
16. Of all the elements listed below, place one dot (any color) on the element you think should have the
highest priority for a new pool to have. Values - (Ranking) Vote Count
Lap pool for exercise
(1) 38
Toddler pool
(4) 11
Adult only section of the pool
Interactive fountain / Splash pad
(3) 15
Grass/ open lawn area
(2) 20
Water features (lazy river, spray zones, waterfalls, etc.)
Leisure pool (3-6 feet deep)
(3) 15
Indoor pool
Covered pavilions / Open shelter house
Zero depth entry
17. Which of the following age groups should the park be designed for? (select all that apply)
Focus Telephonic
Ages 1-5
Ages 6-12
Ages 13+
18. Should the playground include ‘adult play’ features, which are big enough that you can play with your
children on larger slides or tunnels?
Focus Telephonic
Don’t Know
19. What type of playground do you think would be most appropriate for this location?
Contemporary Playground
Nature Based
Don’t Know
18 - 34 years old
25 - 34 years old
35 - 44 years old
45 - 54 years old
55 - 64 years old
Less than 1 year
1 - 5 years
6 - 10 years
11 - 15 years
16 - 20 years
21 - 25 years
26 - 30 years
31 - 35 years
41 - 45 years
Don’t know
Years lived in Upper Arlington
Household Income
Less than $50,000
Your city is building a new
pool and playground!
There are different kinds of playgrounds. Check ☑ the one you like best.
Draw a picture of a
you would like.
There are different kinds of pools Check ☑ the one you like best.
Draw a picture of a
you would like.
Circle 3 things you would like to see in a new playground.
Circle 3 things you would like to see in a new pool.
Instructions: Check the pool you like best.
Instructions: Circle 3 things you would like to see in a new pool.
Instructions: Check the playground you like best.
Instructions: Circle 3 things you would like to see in a new playground.
Public Meeting Commentary
This document contains the responses to all open-ended questions and public engagement activites at the two
Public Meetings held Wednesday, February 24th, 2016 and Saturday, February 27th, 2016.
Public Meetings
General Comments
ID Public Comment
1 Will the pool be heated, will it house swim team and events.
2 Make the Tremont pool different than Devon and Hastings. Make it possible to have a swim
team and competitions- 6 lanes. Have a separate baby pool.
Since this playground is so close to Tremont School Playground they should be a coordinated
effort to have variety between the playgrounds to meet as many needs as possible.
Our kids would like slides and lots of climbing structures. Also they would like to keep the
climbing trees that are currently between the playground and parking lot.
Please heat the pool. Also diving boards are important for older kids. Shallow water for
younger. We need lanes for summer swim team.
Lap lanes at least 25 yards. Lap lanes at Hastings are terrible- too short, too congested and too
near diving.
The ideal pool for me as an adult with young children is simple. A water park feature takes up a
lot of precious space and requires staffing. Priorities: 1 Separate baby/toddler pool, 2 2-3ft
depth area 3 lap lanes 4 diving bay and deep water.
Let the public have full disclosure before you proceed. We know time is target. Preserve nature
and environment. Keep it simple but utilitarian. Do not duplicate Hastings pool.
Assuming Tremont School is keeping its playground a playground for school aged children is
already adjacent to the pool. Perhaps consideration should be given to a playground for
preschoolers as it had been.
You should better define your planes for the reading garden. As people are confused about it.
Please keep it simple with no added structures.
High dive.
Please build out of recycled material.
Would be great to be able to swim in more months than our Ohio Summer allow. This could be
done with a heated pool or indoor pool.
Heated pool.
High dives and boards of various heights- competition boards. Heated pool. Lots of shade
options- close to pool for parents with young children.
Please revisit the safety of the crosswalks and the sidewalks around the park. Cars don’t stop at
crosswalks on Northam. Parking sports impede visibility of pedestrians in crosswalk. Sidewalk
between playgrounds.
Baby pool separate shade. Lessons for kids.
Public Meeting Commentary
18 When will Parks & Rec Dept. implement best practices in public participation to facilitate
maximum public participation and engagement, optimize communication and give the highest
probability for the highest chance of success at the lowest cost?
19 Hope the new collaborative process to continue. Don’t want the comprehensive park review to
become a stall tactic. Northam Park needs refurbished and maintained not redone.
20 We only need a playground for very young kids (0-5 yrs.) in the park. There are two very
acceptable playgrounds at Tremont School for (5-12 yrs.). You gave no option for playground for
just young kids.
No splash pad. A waste of money. By the way lumping splash pad/interactive fountain is
deceptive. These are different elements. The point of a pool is to get in.
For comprehensive park review. Walking paths s and a few benches and picnic tables in the
grounds of the municipal center at 3600 Tremont.
No splash pads please. I have kids and don’t want them soaked every time we walk to the
$500,000 for a playground is another example of irresponsibility of using issue 23 for proceeds.
25 The most important use of this pool is to provide children with the opportunity to learn to
swim. Adult exercise is number 2.
26 Contemporary Park for multi aged groups.
27 Separate playground spaces for older children and younger children. A space for infants-young
toddlers- no mulch in the mouth. Lots of shade- no not slides and climbers.
28 Why does the playground need to be replaced? If this was explained to the community there
might be more acceptances. Also more acceptances about why $800,000 budget is needed
when many other playgrounds in the UA community have cost less.
29 Why does the playground need to be replaced at a cost of $800,000 instead of repaired.
30 Was at existing playground last Saturday it was being perfectly used. There is on park which
needs replacement there is a room for additional equipment as is. Equipment is in excellent
shape 16 years or not leaves it alone.
Repair the playground and allocate funds to better use.
Current playground equipment is fine. Don’t need new.
What is wrong with existing playground?
People love the equipment. Updated vintage. Next generation is taking little ones to this pool
it’s the starter pool for babies and grandparents.
We need to select a playground for 1-5 yr. olds. There are already three playgrounds for the big
kids. Build a new playground if you must, a $250,000 one not an $800,000 and put it next to the
pool and courts.
Pool needs features that allow swim and lifesaving -3 to 4 feet. Depth for lessons and a baby
pool where lessons can be taught. A diving well for life saving must have the depth of a diving
bay. Put it in the same place.
Public Meeting Commentary
37 Swim team-diving blocks and bleachers.
38 Playground leaves it as it is. Equipment is fine and still okay.
39 Please do not build a major entrance to pool so that it crosses the lap lanes as at reed rd. Water
40 Approach to receptionist desk should be straight forward so staff can see you coming and greet
I did give swimming on Sundays at UAHS because I had too many experiences of not having hot
water in the girls locker-room. Sometime the custodian would put on the hot water but not
Stone retained from historical house on riverside. What will be done with salvaged stone? Land
to North of Municipal center- dedicated park space- passive to honor wall of honor and tress
dedicated. For civil services by mayor.
I don’t necessarily see the dichotomy between contemporary/nature based and think it is a
limiting way to think about the playground design. We can have an amazing creative play space
that incorporated elements of both... space with bushes to go under, logs, stumps, branches...
and also structures for climbing, human made materials such as pulleys, conveyor belts, ramps
and ropes etc.
In lieu of the adult only pool option please considers instead one pool for all with a couple of
adjustments that are adult friendly and would maximize safety and enjoy ability. Please return
to the policy of using headphones to listen to music. No more boom boxes/amplifiers brought
in by camps for 3 hours.
Pool should include features not currently offered in other pools. Layout of the pool facility
should consider a significant architectural/pedestrian tie to the existing promenade. As there is
no set adopted masterplan the promenade is now an asset with any real significant
architectural impact to a real terminus or end point. Perimeter and pool pieces should have
logic related to views from the park and majority of pedestrian traffic. Consider school, library,
and other sidewalks. I’m interested in participation in other feedback sessions.
46 Please eliminate the allowance of adults using rest period to throw balls to children outside of
the pool. Adult swimmers must dodge being hit and one adult can tie up a good portion of pool
area for 10-15 minute time meant for adults. Please define, enforce age limit rest periods and
train employees to call it.
47 I am concerned about the amount of green space. We do not need another ball park.
48 Concerned about maintenance of parks. Parks should be maintained better.
Public Meeting Commentary
Public Meeting: Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Pool Issues
ID Public Comment
1 This pool is Upper Arlington’s starter pool and library pool.
2 Accessibility must be accessible to everyone(zero depth is important as well as other ADA
Pool needs to be heated and bigger than previous pool.
High dive a must.
Concession stand, zero entry/non slip, some type of water feature.
Need a full sized pool with shade trees.
Competition-not to affect public access.
Having indoor option in order to coordinate with UA swim club- gives us meet ability to host.
10 Wait where will the tennis courts be in 5 years?
11 Staying as close as possible to original footprint.
12 Parking? Where? The promenade takes up valuable area and eliminates space for parking.
13 Changing area better than the old one. Bathrooms/toilets that are better than old ones.
14 Do not build something you do not currently have the money to maintain it.
15 Zero depth entry.
16 If there is a toddler pool, please ensure bio hazards in the toddler pool don’t shut down the
main pool.
17 Maximize the green areas over the concrete; this shouldn’t be a concrete island.
18 Where are people going to park for pool use?
19 If have diving boards to meet regulations for pool depth it takes up half of the pool everyone
else could be using as well.
Kiddie pool.
Snack bar with frozen treats and popcorn would be good.
Lap pool a must, diving area a must, leisure area a must, baby pool a must.
Fountain features from big pool to baby pool.
Step edges for siting.
25 yards at least for laps.
Entrance to pool facing Northam parking lot.
Zero depth entry.
Climbing wall for pool would be epic.
Diving bay so swim lessons can continue.
More lap lanes.
Show us the empty site map.
Public Meeting Commentary
No need for waterpark features- too much maintenance.
Evergreen hedges.
Toddler pool.
Tremont should be a training/lesson swim pool toddler pool separate so if a toxic waste issue
happens won’t need to close the whole place.
Pool should have lap lanes (5-6) for exercise and so the neighborhood can have a summer swim
25 yard lap lanes
Please give more weight to people who will actually join the public pool.
6 lap lanes, 3-4 foot area, and shade of nature trees.
Family dressing rooms.
Lots of shade, special needs.
Family changing rooms- moms with sons, dads with daughters need a place to change.
Regular entrance nothing fancy.
Simplicity of design and entrance.
Safety is most important.
Ample and well-designed space for swim lessons.
Competitive pool not needed, covered pool not needed.
Only half of residents have children under 18.
Needs to be bigger than what was there. Many more families will be coming to this pool
because it will be new and heated.
Please heat the pool. Please make sure this works well with all ages. Shallow water for young
kids, diving boards for older, lap lanes for exercise.
Must have concession area, also plenty of shaded places to sit.
Must have a diving board, prefer 2. Would love a high dive.
Foot print is missing baby pool that is now parking lot. Please reconsider tennis plan and
remove a couple of courts now.
Would love to be able to use pool more than Ohio summers allow need a heated or indoor
No covered structures needed or wanted no need for shade or water park features.
Look at Devon pool for landscape and design.
Pool Opportunities
ID Public Comment
1 6-8 lap lanes, medium depth learn to swim area, baby pool separate, diving well, no crazy stuff.
At least 25 yard pool lap lanes.
Increase shade.
A pool for everyone not just a box.
Lap pool, kiddie pool.
Shallow entrance for handicapped.
Public Meeting Commentary
High dive, lots of open swim space-different ages to swim together.
No food.
High dive.
Heated pool, deep areas- (8-10ft) for swimming, basketball hoops in pool.
What is a pavilion? No on that, no on indoor event space, heated pool.
Opportunity for community swim team, free of change.
Shady area for adults and children, grassy area, toddler pool, diving area.
Pool area and playground should look good from all points of view. There is no back of houses
to this facility.
How about a run and jump in area, that is safe, diving well is too costly.
Features both inside and surrounding the pool area should include accessible design features to
allow all to participate.
Swim lesson only pool.
Roped lap lanes-6-8 lanes. This is how I exercise, heated pool.
Consider sustainability in operations and maintenance as well as selection of materials and
recycling of water.
Need 50 yard lanes for competition.
No splash pad (good point)
Pool should last 50 years.
Repair the slide on the present playground and add 2 more features for 1-4 year olds. Do not
put in a $200,000 playground with any structures near it.
Lazy River.
We don’t want a gross splash pad.
Save Northam Park (2 yeses)
Don’t demolish Northam Park.
Diving Boards, high dive and low dive.
Incorporate public restrooms and tennis court locker rooms and check in with building away
from parking lot. I understand tennis building is in despair.
Include water features that are not at other 2 neighborhood pools so that each pool can
promote different experiences.
To build community trust.
This is our chance to get a heated pool for Northam area residents.
Chance to have one set of restrooms for pool and park users who can access them.
Diving board, deep end, 6 lap lanes, toddler and baby pool, is this is present a dangerous splash
pad is not needed.
Entrance to pool should clearly tie to promenade so that promenade can have a significant use.
36 Please do not have an unsupervised open splash pad. It may become an area where predators
would try to harm unsupervised children, Also it would be a distraction to a child walking home
alone from school.
37 The design of actual old Tremont pool was perfect for families and citizens of all ages.
38 High dive and baby pool and lap lanes.
Public Meeting Commentary
39 Heated pool doesn’t need a toddler pool if zero entry.
40 Pool that can teach all red cross levels of swimming lessons, diving bay, deep end were needed
for swimming lessons, treading, water rescue teaching emergency swimming, a leisure pool
could not meet these needs.
41 Have large area for families like the last Tremont pool. Make the pool big, leave out indoor
event space, volleyball, soccer, pavilions are you nuts? We want a pool.
42 Do not have an unsupervised splash pad outside of a pool. Have a dedicated baby pool instead
of one its much safer.
43 Areas for multiple ages to have fun together, toddler pools and slides for groups to split up.
44 6 lap lanes do not put in zero depth entry, diving bay baby pool. No water features they’re
already at reed road.
45 Traditional pool with 6 lap lanes and diving well with high dive and baby pool.
46 Splash pad or other water feature that we don’t have at other UA pools, Toddler pool not just
for babies but for kids who can’t swim.
Playground Issues
Public Comment
Cost- preschooler only.
Consider play facilities adjacent to park at Tremont School.
Please use mulch, do not use rubber play mat, it gets to hot burns have been documented also
it smells. (good idea)
Safety concerns when widening age range for playground has been a preschool age play park.
Too close to parking lot now that sidewalk abuts driving lane, move toward library and over
small hill.
7 Incorporate features that include children with special needs.
8 Needs to be able to accommodate large groups of children. Playground is very busy at the end
of the school day and during events.
9 No pressed crumb rubber play mat.
10 Current playground costs $25,000 budget for new is $800,000 what could cost this much?
Sidewalk between parking lot and playground is too narrow.
Safety kids should be visible to parents across the playground.
Cost is too high for a playground please keep this a toddler playground. How about $150,000
for a playground and maybe the rest could be used to remove speed bump sidewalk and pit in
sidewalk leading to outside library (great idea)
15 Playground should be centered toward 3-7 year olds there is a playground suitable for older
kids behind Tremont School.
Public Meeting Commentary
16 Is there a problem with the existing playground?
17 UA needs a signature playground which features new, accessible stations where those with
disabilities can enjoy their community. ( yes x3)
18 Used by library visitors, elementary age, babies and grandparents loved for vintage equipment.
19 A new playground is not needed there is no cost, put in new wood chips and leave it alone.
20 The cost, $850,000 for a playground nobody wants. The new Barrington playground $180,000.
Please please please tell us what the cost is.
Save the trees.
Trees to provide shade, oh that’s right we have those let’s keep them.
Don’t spend any more money on a promenade or entrance that is a waste.
Keep it simple, low cost and do not duplicate Tremont playgrounds.
Don’t cut down trees, why do you want to spend $850,000 on a playground!
Just keep the original playground.
Get rid of unsecured park bench at top of promenade it is not safe.
Benches in surrounding area and playground to watch and visit.
Baby swings low profile 4 babies.
Be sure to provide space for all ages (separate) during baseball tournaments there are lots of 1012 year olds who are too big to be with toddlers.
Cost- existing playground is fine and functional.
Shaded areas so they can be used as much as possible.
More//new benches and picnic tables.
No fake rocks, dangerous due to height. Slickness of material encourages bullies to occupy.
Current playground equipment is in good shape. Don’t need new.
Keep the mature trees.
Spend as much on the playground as the tennis court use.
Save the trees surrounding the playground-provides natural shade and oxygen, prevents skin
cancer, our trees are an asset and make the community great.
Replace rocking animals with rocking animals.
A nice working water fountain.
Two perfectly good playgrounds exist for ages 6-12 at Tremont School adjacent to the park.
Park playground should be for young kids only.
Nature playground looks dangerous- especially for younger children how is this type of
playground maintained?
Do your research on playgrounds. Please research burn injuries on rubber surfaces, Please
investigate injuries from natural playground do your research before accepting a plan.
46 Not too many structures, don’t want to inhibit interactive play.
Public Meeting Commentary
47 Volleyball area, sand.
48 Separate areas for different ages; don’t want big kids running over toddlers.
49 Provide plenty of swings. Also include equipment for a big range of age groups so that older kids
don’t get bored and toddlers still have play equipment safe for their age range.
50 No sandbox, need to design playground for toddlers and bigger kids. Many families have
toddlers and kids in grade school who would love to play together.
Mature trees kept.
Save as many trees as possible.
Since small children are involved ample shady area needs to be incorporated in design.
Don’t cut down trees, kids want to climb trees.
Safety is most important.
Big kids and little kid need separate areas.
Playgrounds by pool for kid’s ages 0-5 to promote pool use older kids have Tremont
Playground Opportunities
ID Public Comment
1 Too much money on playground, Barrington Elementary did one for less.
2 Playground should not be larger than current playground considering there is other school
playground equipment around the corner.
Accessibility- pulleys and conveyor belts and logs and forts.
Agree that playground needs to be reconsidered to make pool entrance work. Consider
relocating existing equipment to another park.
Lots of slides.
Risk of getting hurt is okay, zip line, fun creator, climbing opportunities, trees.
This is the most used part of this park year round.
Stay in budget.
See Alexander Kemp playground in Cambridge, MA play for all ages.
Special needs accessible (me too)
More swings, no sandbox, maybe promote a mix on contemporary and nature.
Lots of climbing areas.
Cost, is a new playground really necessary? Other community needs.
Rubberized mats get too hot and smell. They can cause burns, google dangers of rubberized
Parents should be able to play with the kits not just watch. Check out expression swing by game
time. (yes adults/big kids need to play too)
Public Meeting Commentary
19 All other playgrounds in UA are pretty traditional, this is an awesome chance for something
innovative, cities across the country are building amazing spaces for play, creative play let’s do
it. (please)
More swings, always a wait for baby swings. Create different areas to play not just one
Natural and modern do not have to be naturally exclusive natural material can be used to make
exciting, open ended play space.
Surface should allow all to access all area, no mulch, ramps throughout/around all areas so
everyone can fully be included in play.
Now we can have a playground that serves both toddlers and school aged kids.
Include areas for full age spectrum 0-12.
Keep/provide as much shade as possible.
Since there is the traditional playground at St. Agatha the nature based would be a nice change.
27 Active play opportunities.
28 Playground should be centrally located so that it is in view of all athletic fields so parents can
keep an eye on younger siblings while elder siblings play games.
29 Please consider not just reflecting the values of current users (kids) but other community
members who could benefit from outdoor free play/ low impact recreation. A space that draws
out other populations will increase public health and kids will always find a way to play and
have fun. ( yes)
30 Incorporate monarch waystation or other truly natural features. (cool idea, thinking about
including kids in ecological preservation)
31 Please see Belleville Park in Paros, Melis state park in the Hauge by Carve. Vondel Towers in
Amsterdam. (Awesome parks, yes)
Public Meeting: Saturday, February 27, 2016
Pool Issues
Public Comment
Persons with physical limitations.
Dog splash pool adjacent to human pool area.
Shade at edges of the pool- trees.
Avoid duplication of reed road Water Park, program for lap swimming with enough depth.
Keep facilities separate, less confusion.
Do we need the same aspects as Hastings?
Zero entry.
Zero entry- younger kids seating.
Needs to be heated.
Type of construction- stainless steel wall with concrete bottom is most durable. Maintain
natural shade (trees) as with prior pool previously.
11 Leisure pool with zero entry to replace toddler pool.
Public Meeting Commentary
Changing/restrooms facilities, lap lanes, no duplicates of Hastings.
Avoid the addition of too many bells and whistles, don’t try to appease everyone.
Possibility of sharing some facilities with tennis and playground patrons.
Flexible lap lanes, zero entry, gross/open dressing, shade-trees like old Tremont.
Leave it where it is, baby pool.
Cleanliness, shaded area, restrooms, showers off.
Pool, sit lanes, diving well, baby pool, shade.
It is important to have showers and lockers at the Tremont pool and have hooks.
The old Tremont pool had excellent and sufficient shade. There was always enough shade for
everyone for comfort and cancer prevention. Neither Devon nor reed has as much shade.
21 For the new Tremont pool try to avoid the design flaw that reed road has, kids are constantly
jumping in front of lap swimming.
22 Shade all around, less grass area, uncomfortable to lie on and always has been baby pool too
big but don’t want it as small as reed road. Keep traditional design, we already have a water
23 The angle/placement of the reception staff is very important, at the old Tremont pool the staff
could see you coming and generally gave a friendly welcome.in contrast the staff at Devon and
reed cannot see you coming until you are right in front of them. So instead of getting a friendly
greeting, the customer must interrupt the reception staff member who is usually texting.
Pool Opportunities
ID Public Comment
1 Consider 50 meter pool (Olympic length) have 25 yards width for short course programming
Diving, no splash pads very unhealthy, ability to swim laps, no dog pool idea.
Trees for shade, baby pool, green space, community to socialize, diving bay, and lap pool area,
size smaller to original pool.
Family changing areas.
Diving board.
Lap lanes for swim team competitions.
Combine locker room area with tennis facility.
No less than 6 lanes. Competitive areas can duplicate as leisure space, max 4ft depth.
Changing rooms with showers and lockers.
Splash pad included within facility.
Basic pool.
Zero entry.
Bathroom with shelter facility.
Open area kids can use, diving bay, and zero entry easier for elderly.
No community facility associated with pool.
Public Meeting Commentary
16 6 lanes for competition, 1-2 lanes for lap swimming during open swim, remaining 3-4 lane
spaces should be leisure so chance for long course if designed properly.
17 No water park, we have Hastings for that.
18 Attached area that’s for gatherings for after sports, graduation parties, bday party’s 25-50 art
19 Fountains are fun, families can play in them together, grandparents to a two year old when we
attend concerts at Bicentennial Park in Columbus we see lots of kids having a good time in the
fountain. That’s a reason for outside the fence, but if we take our three children to the pool it’s
easier to keep track of them if it’s inside.
Playground Issues
Public Comment
Cut no trees.
Shade trees.
Space for younger kids.
Maintain shade trees.
Shade, save mature trees.
Shade trees, keep the ones already there.
Keep mature trees, they take a generation to grow.
Contemporary/ flowing, set up with easily maintained components.
Leave room for investigative play, trees.
Trees, walk ways, benches for community gatherings, appropriate athletic fields, do 6 exercise
Save mature trees that are already there.
Plant new flowering trees for visual appeal.
Efficient use of space, basic equipment.
There are three playground for elementary school age children, make Northam for toddlers.
16 Does it need to be really big, people access kindergarten and back of Tremont school
Put more benches.
Expand sand box or pea gravel play space with play features.
Basic and long lasting playground equipment.
Tremont School already has two traditional playgrounds they are open to the public outside
school hours. A natural playground in the park would be a nice contrast.
Please do your due diligence and research to provide UA families with safest playground
Benches where the tree grove next to the library is and big flower boxes.
Make the promenade a road again.
Public Meeting Commentary
24 Please consider concerns about burn injury on playgrounds. Hey it would be a great idea to
leave existing mature trees around Northam Park.
Public Meeting Commentary
Playground Opportunities
Public Comment
No sandbox.
How expensive to maintain, safety.
As age encompassing as possible.
More for dog walkers.
Lighted paths.
Passive outdoor/natural play area.
Expand footprint and make elements flow together.
Age of kids using the playground.
The Tremont playground had a sandbox, a big one year ago. It was fun to take our toy
10 construction equipment there.
11 But animals used the sandbox.
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Q4 Why did you give it that rating?
Answered: 1,133
Skipped: 182
Many items need to be updated, such as the Northam Park tennis courts.
2/28/2016 4:29 PM
There are infrastructure problems at Northam Park that need to be addressed. I live near that park so it is the one I'm
familiar with.
2/28/2016 3:55 PM
Small but nice facilities.
2/28/2016 10:41 AM
Quality of baseball and lacrosse fields are poor. We bring our dog to Northam when he can run off leash but it is
2/28/2016 8:04 AM
usually a muddy mess.
I strongly believe we need a recreation center. I have taken my children to many birthday parties in either worthington
or Dublin for UA parties. As well, I would much rather have a family membership for a community center instead of a
local gym. We are one of the only communities of our size and calibre that do not have a community rev center in not
only central Ohio but also a lot of Ohio.
2/28/2016 7:32 AM
Could be much better
2/28/2016 6:39 AM
Many parks that offer a variety of recreational options
2/28/2016 6:18 AM
Need pool back at Northam Park.
2/27/2016 11:23 PM
Tremont Pool
2/27/2016 10:27 PM
Some facilities feel outdated but remain fully functional
2/27/2016 9:49 PM
I love the amount of playgrounds and shelters, and the home-i-ness of them...they have large beautiful shade trees
2/27/2016 9:07 PM
and aren't too manicured, they still have a natural vibe for residential areas.
There is room for improvement.
2/27/2016 8:05 PM
I like the character of our parks. Upper Arlington is a quiet older community with a lot of charm and character. The
parks reflect those characteristics and should be maintained without flashy updates except, Tremont Pool needs to be
replaced with a same size or larger pool and leave those wonderful tennis courts alone (and I don't even play tennis).
2/27/2016 7:58 PM
Please stop trying to "develop" the parks from green space to entertainment space. Please, we enjoy the peaceful
green space and the kids sports games as they are currently.
love watching my children play sports- I hate the new parking at northam
2/27/2016 6:39 PM
Drainage issue at Northam.
2/27/2016 6:37 PM
Dublin is amazing...lack of sidewalks or running trails. Parks could be better and no indoor swimming for families of
young children.
2/27/2016 5:48 PM
Northampton park need updating. Tennis courts need to go. There are free tennis courts close by at the high school.
2/27/2016 4:42 PM
Please return a pool to Northam park.
We need more park space, better pools and a community rec center with an indoor pool.
2/27/2016 3:37 PM
They are safe, lovely and well maintained.
2/27/2016 2:00 PM
The pools have always been great, but last year there was a decline in the quality of staff they hiered and how the
2/27/2016 9:28 AM
facilities were run.
Good space to walk and run. Playground at Northam is small and outdated and no more pool.
2/27/2016 9:25 AM
Great parks but a Rec center is needed
2/27/2016 9:04 AM
They are clean and have multiple use functions
2/27/2016 8:02 AM
I sometimes think not all the possibilities are realized, particularly for encouraging nature (eg nesting boxes, specific
food plants and so forth). It would be cool if the parks and peoples yards and other public spaces like golf courses,
schoolyards etc could be joined in a virtual ecosystem so we could see what was planted/ placed where and how it
linked together to support wildlife in our community. Cornell has a new app (map my yard) that could facilitate this.
2/27/2016 7:57 AM
Voluntary of course - could provide great internship, scouting, educational opportunities as well and further augment
property values. There is a reason why planned developments with green space and gardens are so popular.
1 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
I love our parks. I don't think there is need for revision other than maybe the Northam park pool.
2/27/2016 7:26 AM
We have a lot of parks with safe playgrounds and the pools are in good locations.
2/26/2016 11:19 PM
Some of the park spaces are under utilized and not used to their full potential.
2/26/2016 10:30 PM
It's inexcusable that we have no rec center. This needs to become a priority.
2/26/2016 8:39 PM
Athletic fields are not in good shape
2/26/2016 3:23 PM
Senior Center is an embarrassment. The facility is in disrepair. Why hasn't it been maintained? Why do we have to
unnecessarily spend all this money on Northam? The parking lot is a mess in terms of design.
2/26/2016 3:21 PM
Seems like we install things in a half ass way, dump "mulch" unevenly all over a playground. Allow dogs to attack
2/26/2016 2:05 PM
people off leash instead of providing fenced in dog play areas with benched for the owners. All in all, it seams like
they just aren't maintained well.
We are a state of the art city but lacj state of the art facilities in our parks (i.e. ball diamonds, shelters, restrooms, etc.).
2/26/2016 1:54 PM
Our parks meet the needs of our citizens; they're conveniently located and offer a variety of activities.
2/26/2016 1:49 PM
Facilities are old and in need of repair and upgrades to ensure current and future families continue to make UA a
desirable place to live.
2/26/2016 1:38 PM
While I believe our parks are great, UA lacks recreational facilities that most of our suburban counterparts have (i.e.
Dublin Rec Center, etc).
2/26/2016 1:31 PM
seems like some of the parks and the facilities are outdated, and it would have been nice to have a community center
and updated senior center within it.
2/26/2016 1:26 PM
Lots of spaces. They could be better utilized.
2/26/2016 12:35 PM
Good mix of sporting fields and natural beauty. Well designed. For instance, the disastrous plans to 'improve' Northam
Park keep moving the tennis courts from one place to another without success. That is because the tennis courts are
precisely where they should be. Parking is nearby. More importantly, the courts are not where they would bother
neighbors with lights and noise while blocking vistas of the park. The original design of the park is best.
2/26/2016 11:41 AM
Needs updates!
2/26/2016 10:51 AM
Things are good; don't break what is not broken
2/26/2016 10:40 AM
The two outdoor pools are crowded when they are used by residents and day care and parks and recreation children.
2/26/2016 9:31 AM
Several to choose from, conveniently located
2/26/2016 8:19 AM
Park facilities are generally ok.
2/26/2016 5:38 AM
The clay tennis courts at Northam have always been so awesome to play on and The Northam Park pool was the best
to get to swim in in the summertime. I wish UA had a nice Community Rec Center but it doesn't.
2/25/2016 11:02 PM
Senior facilities are very old compared to other communities and are not representative of the older people in our
community that are served by the facilities.
2/25/2016 10:56 PM
Parks are clean and well taken care of. Need updating though and need Tremont pool back.
2/25/2016 9:00 PM
Because we have ,amy parks and they are all different and have varied recreational opportunities.
2/25/2016 4:39 PM
The parks offer green space that is lacking in UA. Each park has its own style. Northam Park needs the drainage fixed
and the swimming pool replaced, but it doesn't need to include everything that anyone ever wanted in a park-not
enough space.
2/25/2016 4:02 PM
We need a pool at Northam park with as many lap lanes as possible. 2 lap lanes at the Water Park and 4 lap lanes at
Devon are NOT enough. Leave the tennis courts at Northam Park. Don't destroy any more trees. Destoying the 200
year oak tree at the edge of the library is enough.
2/25/2016 3:19 PM
I like the access to the parks. I haven't used the recreational facilities much.
2/25/2016 3:18 PM
miss the tremont pool rest ok
2/25/2016 3:17 PM
The parks we get a lot of use out of but the fact that there is no rec center for activities is disheartening. Would love to
see one designated rec center!
2/25/2016 1:34 PM
Some might need updates and drainage solutions, but the parks, in general, are wonderful.
2/25/2016 12:59 PM
Recreational facilities are near non-existent and very few running/walking trails.
2/25/2016 11:26 AM
2 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
We use the parks often, I like that there are large and small parks to chose from and that there are lots of options.
Parks including playgrounds are well maintained and feel safe
2/25/2016 10:27 AM
They have needed attention for a long time. Instead of keeping up we spent too much $ on a water park
2/25/2016 10:15 AM
All pool bathrooms are poorly maintained
2/25/2016 9:57 AM
Good, but somewhat tired and in need of refreshing. Need some new facilities.
2/25/2016 9:45 AM
When I think of a recreational facility, I think of a community center that attracts families with many activities, such a
YMCA would do. We don't have what Westerville or Hilliard have, and I think it's a problem when all we have is a
bunch of little parks with outdoor playgrounds. That doesn't cover the extent to what a community needs. We need a
community center with swimming, exercise equipment, basketball courts, etc. We can't rely on the high school for
2/25/2016 9:19 AM
things like this.
Lack of a community center and/or other indoor recreation facilities make the system less than excellent
2/25/2016 9:05 AM
Facilities, parks and pools are outdated and/or in horrible condition (e.g. Devon pool) and don't accommodate the
needs of the community (e.g. Not enough softball fields)
2/24/2016 11:23 PM
Older not updated
2/24/2016 9:19 PM
There is no cohesiveness to anything. You can tell that the city does not have a master plan bc it appears things are
done in a scattered manner by whomever was in the decision making roles. The new entrance to to Northam is terrible
every single panel of concrete has a crack in and those brown park signs are a joke.
2/24/2016 8:38 PM
UA facilities are far
2/24/2016 8:28 PM
The parks are wonderful - the city has done an excellent job keeping them safe and clean.
2/24/2016 8:22 PM
Still need improvements
2/24/2016 8:22 PM
Mostly well maintained, nice parks, but always room to improve.
2/24/2016 7:55 PM
Seems like parks need to be designated for specific purposes...not trying to make every park everything to everyone.
2/24/2016 7:36 PM
Compared to other communities, they are substandard.
2/24/2016 6:29 PM
The facilities are excellent.
2/24/2016 5:19 PM
The parks are excellent as they are.
2/24/2016 5:13 PM
Pur parks have been ridden hard and put away wet. They have not received the care and upkeep they need. The lack
of staff is partially responsible for this. The Tremont Pool was allowed to fall apart and that is poor fiscal management.
The fountain in the triangle park stopped working last August. This appears to be planned neglect necessitating
2/24/2016 4:23 PM
They are out of date and need major updating
2/24/2016 4:20 PM
I feel that our parks need to be updated. I feel like the walking paths need to be widened. When I walk from my house
to Northam I cannot get a stroller into the park without popping a wheely on our stroller. The kids play area is small. I
would like the area to be seperated by age group.
2/24/2016 3:41 PM
There could be more programs for 2-5 year old kids and more facilities for that age
2/24/2016 3:06 PM
While looking at neighboring communities such as Worthing, Dublin, Powell, etc. their facilities and varying community
options far exceed some of UA's facilities. The fact that UA doesn't have some sort of Rec Center is a travesty. The
2/24/2016 2:57 PM
need to re-do the Tremont pool and the decision to redesign that space would have been a perfect opportunity to
consider a Rec Center at that location. In my opinion the "re-design" of Northam park simply moves the same stuff
around and doesn't improve the area at all and is a waste of tax payer money. One nice feature that a lot of
playgrounds outside of Upper Arlington have is the rubber flooring. Not the rubber mulch, but the rubber flooring. The
playground at northwest park has a little patch of it but it's predominately mulch. That flooring makes the playgrounds a
lot nicer in my opinion.
Because some of our facilities look pretty sad-- paths don't get cleared in winter, not enough lights to make it safe.
2/24/2016 2:51 PM
Many other communities have newer facilities and ones that include community centers and other ammenities
2/24/2016 2:31 PM
For the most part they are well maintained and are kept clean. Access is acceptable.
2/24/2016 1:38 PM
current parks serve the needs of the population. No one is moving in or out of UA due to the parks
2/24/2016 12:40 PM
There is nothing that makes me excited about the parks, but overall they are nice.
2/24/2016 11:32 AM
3 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Recently updated facilities like Reed Road Water Park are excellent, but parks like Northam are far outdated and a
borderline embarrassment to UA when you have people from other communities come in for tournament sport play.
2/24/2016 10:56 AM
The parks need updates. I love mature trees and think new plans should make an effort to incorporate them, but it
breaks my heart that City Council has been paralyzed by the efforts to derail necessary maintenance and
improvement. Northam park is a swamp for days after any rain or snow melt, we walk through it multiple times every
day. The baby pool at Northam was bulldozed to put in a parking lot, but now the tennis courts aren't being removed to
make room for a similar sized pool, which makes me angry. Also, Fancyburg could use an overhaul. How about we
look for real compromises rather than just give in to people who don't want improvements and threaten a recall?
2/24/2016 9:48 AM
I know some improvements are needed.
2/24/2016 9:15 AM
I think the lack of a state of the art Centrak Park is holding us back as well as lack of a community recreation center is
a reason that we are excellent
2/24/2016 6:21 AM
Parks are awesome but ball fields and pools need updated.
2/23/2016 9:59 PM
I enjoy the parks and I think that they offer a wide variety of activities for all pepole of our comminity.
2/23/2016 9:33 PM
We have always enjoyed the parks, we would like to see improvements from the 50's. Hope it doesn't cost gazillions
of dollars though. There has to be some balance.
2/23/2016 7:48 PM
Many parks seem outdated. There really is no good recreation center to speak of. Compared to other suburbs we are
lacking a large and renovated recreation center..
2/23/2016 5:52 PM
Compared to other central Ohio communities like Dublin, Westerville, New Albany, etc, our parks are poorly
maintained, outdated, and underutilized due to their poor infrastructure (poor drainage, poor facilities/fields, lack of
public access-parking, adjacent sidewalks/trials). Having visited many of these facilities in other communities, I'm
embarrassed by the current condition of our parks.
2/23/2016 5:30 PM
Pools need regular maintainence
2/23/2016 4:02 PM
Much deferred maintenance
2/23/2016 3:59 PM
The parks are outdated and run down. Fields flood often and there is not enough space for the demand.
2/23/2016 3:12 PM
I think the parks are great, but of course they need some updates.
2/23/2016 3:06 PM
We have most everything we need. It's just that some things have not been maintained..............pool, athletic fields,
streets ans sewers.
2/23/2016 2:53 PM
We enjoy many of playgrounds and pools.
2/23/2016 2:51 PM
Nothing outstanding but adequate considering all the other facilities available in the area.
2/23/2016 2:38 PM
The only recreation facility we have is for seniors. I'm in real estate, and many communities have great facilities for all
residents. I live across from Northam, and it is a blank canvas waiting for attention!
2/23/2016 1:37 PM
Some parks are nice but most parks don't have a lot of tree cover, have drainage issues or no play facilities for young
children. Walkability to parks is a challenge in UA, not all neighborhoods have sidewalks and those that do are not in
2/23/2016 12:42 PM
great condition. There are limited bike paths, or designated park routes to walk to parks.
I am happy with the parks and playgrounds. I have lived here my whole life and know some buildings are older than
others but I think that's what makes it feel like home, it blends with the rest of Arlington.
2/23/2016 12:08 PM
Under maintained, Improper setup, Lacking identity
2/23/2016 11:32 AM
The parks in Arlington are nicely spread out throughout the community, giving open green space for all... SO FAR they
are not overrun by baseball parks in one area and not another...no one wants. Keep them equal please!
2/23/2016 11:18 AM
lots of interesting programs being used by many people of all ages. Our four children participated in so many nice
2/23/2016 10:57 AM
We live in an area on southern part of UA with trees and sidewalks and don't use the parks often. My husband swims
at the Devon pool. I see Northam Park when I go to the main library. It just seems like a large lawn with some athletic
space, not an organized landscaped park nor is it a nature space, Baseball fields are never attractive. So, our parks
2/23/2016 10:46 AM
experience is limited by lack of interest and exposure. We like the urban neighborhood feel of historic UA and don't
feel like driving to a park. We take walks in our neighborhood and my husband uses bike trails along the river. I can't
think of negatives about the parks, but nothing is enticing me to use them.
UA has the right amount of parks that are well dispersed throughout the city but they are dated and lacking the
amenities of the current generation of public spaces.
2/23/2016 10:02 AM
Look at surrounding suburbs
2/23/2016 9:44 AM
4 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
aging facilities mostly...
2/23/2016 9:08 AM
I think the parks are great but could use some improvements. I think we are falling behind other communities with our
lack of a community rec center
2/22/2016 10:04 PM
Overall maintenance is lacking. Old or outdated facilities compared to other communities. Tremont park fields are
mediocre to bad. Poor drainage. Grassy areas at Devon pool are weedy and sometimes go long times without
adequate mowing. Wish there was a community center. Positives: mirolo barn, reed road water park, Miller road park
gazebo, triangle park fountain.
2/22/2016 9:54 PM
I love the amount of parks and proximity, but like the rest of UA some updates would be essential.
2/22/2016 9:53 PM
tennis and walking trails
2/22/2016 9:20 PM
Many updates needed.
2/22/2016 9:20 PM
Compared to other surrounding cities, the park facilities are old and not updated. That said, green space is valued and
wonderful and our parks offer that.
2/22/2016 8:59 PM
Our facilities are outdated and fields are not representative of our community
2/22/2016 8:41 PM
Some parks need updated
2/22/2016 8:33 PM
Older, outdated feel. Nice space, but need updating
2/22/2016 8:03 PM
Because I know they can be improved.
2/22/2016 7:37 PM
It's embarrasing that we let the Tremont pool fall apart.
2/22/2016 7:13 PM
Parks are old and out dated
2/22/2016 7:09 PM
Some parts are run down, poor drainage.
2/22/2016 6:47 PM
because we have endured for too many years the swamp at Northam. If we have millions to consider revamping an
entire park, why wasn't drainage (and pool, for that matter) addressed long ago? i'm for maintenance and repair of
some awesome features we already have. Don't tear it all out.
2/22/2016 5:28 PM
I love the parks, but a few of the major ones need significant updates and modernizing.
2/22/2016 4:35 PM
WE have almost all we need now.
2/22/2016 4:25 PM
Poor drainage in fields/ Pool lighting for extended field play/Substandard pool facilities (restrooms/changing
areas/concessions, etc) at Devon Pool
2/22/2016 4:05 PM
Could use some updating but overall we enjoy the parks.
2/22/2016 3:00 PM
poor field conditions, limited access to covered areas, dated facilities
2/22/2016 2:00 PM
No community rec center; spotty condition of Northam clay courts-maintenance could be better
2/22/2016 1:48 PM
Very disappointing that a city this size does not have a rec center, and only one viable pool. Devon pool is crumbling
and disgusting. I'm also frustrated with the amount of activities for children, each season there are over 100 activities
for seniors and only 5 for kids ages 2-6
2/22/2016 1:27 PM
I think the parks are adequate.
2/22/2016 1:13 PM
UA lacks a community center similar to those in other suburban communities. Sports fields are often closed after rain
due to poor drainage.
2/22/2016 12:11 PM
I am concerned that vast amounts of money are being spent without input from citizens.
2/22/2016 12:08 PM
Devon pool is the closet to me and where I go the most. It is very outdated, and the chairs are awful.
2/22/2016 11:49 AM
Currently the parks are incredible and in no need of revision
2/22/2016 11:15 AM
always room for improvement.
2/22/2016 11:09 AM
Our parks are not properly maintained. The city tends to be "penny wise and pound foolish". UA Does not fill positions
or hire staff to care for all of our once beautiful parks due to the expense of a few employees then spends millions
fixing things or redoing things when they have fallen into disrepair from lack of care. It is not enjoyable to walk in the
2/22/2016 10:33 AM
parks and see things in decline. Very sad.
Overall, the parks visited appeared to be in above average condition.
2/22/2016 10:16 AM
Because there are several parks not just one and they are all very accessible and have great facilities and are very
pretty and enjoyable.
2/22/2016 9:26 AM
5 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
We need Tremont Pool back!
2/22/2016 8:40 AM
Good variety of parks, maintained fairly well, but a bit dated
2/22/2016 8:22 AM
I believe we have a good variety of multi use parks in our community. One of the reasons we bought our house in UA
was because of the park being so close to our house and having multiple uses that our family can enjoy.
2/22/2016 8:12 AM
The parks, especially Northam, are fine. Charming. Accessible. Nice trees. NO NEED to spend millions to try to make
them like Dublin. Seriously- city council's Northam obsession is lousy leadership and lousy fiscal stewardship.
2/22/2016 8:01 AM
I want to see Northam Park updated according to the original master plan
2/22/2016 7:42 AM
They are old but they have held up well. Money has been spent. I would rate parks and pools "excellent" except for
2/22/2016 7:03 AM
Northam for which nothing has been done.
Other suburbs have more newer playground equipment and rec centers
2/21/2016 11:21 PM
For a city this size, the parks are good in both number and location. The parks could be improved with the addition of
a community rec center. Another area for improvement would be an increase in shaded areas and more variety in
landscaping (gardens, more trees, etc.)
2/21/2016 10:35 PM
Equipment is outdated, no dog park, very little maintenance and oversight to keep rodents under control and nice
equipment for kids.
2/21/2016 9:35 PM
The parks seem to be just adequate. Nothing about them make (with the possible exception of Reed Rd water park)
2/21/2016 9:10 PM
makes them sparkle or shine. However, there are quite parks within walking distance to almost all UA neighborhoods
tired. Not enough of them, but I recognize that there is no easy solution to that. Which means that we need to make
better use of existing space. We also need more indoor recreation space.
2/21/2016 8:28 PM
I was raised in UA and have been a resident for multiple decades. I go to Fancyburg or Northam Park at least once a
day, and often more. I enjoy the green spaces, trees, walking paths, benches, tennis courts, and peaceful nature of
these wonderful places. I use to swim regularly at Tremont Pool and continue to do so at Devon Pool... I have enjoyed
these jewels over multiple decades! JBR
2/21/2016 8:16 PM
The number of parks & variety of amenities is great, but there are some overdue updates.
2/21/2016 8:08 PM
The parks are functional but not all up to date. There is room for improvement when funding permits such.
2/21/2016 7:57 PM
Each park should have equal activity areas and facilities whenever reasonably possible i.e. Tennis, Swimming, etc.
some recommended changes don't allow for this accommodation.
2/21/2016 7:37 PM
Parks are over grown with weeds, equipment isn't kept up on a regular basis, and certain points in the year the parks
are unusable due to rai.
2/21/2016 6:37 PM
Northam park has needed a pool update for years and it is FINALLY getting done.
2/21/2016 6:20 PM
Condition of Northam park, the parking lot at Thompson park needs to be resurfaced, the weeds and overgrown
grasses at Thompson need to be dealt with, fancyburg need some repairs too
2/21/2016 6:18 PM
I would like to see more indoor recreation options and programming.
2/21/2016 4:16 PM
Northam Park needs to be reconfigured. The tennis courts should be moved to Thompson Park. We need more
shelter houses and picnic space.
2/21/2016 3:36 PM
I have a young family and kids who play community sports, I wish we had more updated and functioning places in our
2/21/2016 3:29 PM
community for our kids to participate. We are often traveling outside of Arlington to practice because we do not have
enough fields and practice space. I would also love to have a community center.
2/21/2016 3:22 PM
Infrastructure is failing, wheelchair accessibility is lacking, and there is a shortage of good walking areas. However
there are lots of mature trees, and overall feeling of serenity.
2/21/2016 2:56 PM
It currently has the right mix of facilities. The city knew of the pool issues for a long time but failed to budget repairs,
just fill it in.
2/21/2016 2:50 PM
No recreation center.
2/21/2016 2:41 PM
Maintenance. No snow removal on paths.
2/21/2016 2:26 PM
Out dated facilities when compared to the facilities of other suburbs (Dublin, Westerville to name examples). Instead of
keeping vintage residents happy, we should at least attempt to meet the needs of those who plan to raise families
here. There is a need for both areas, improvements for those young and old, but young families will be around here
longer therefore we should work to make our parks and rec facilities top notch to keep the area competitive.
2/21/2016 1:52 PM
6 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Some parks require updates.
2/21/2016 12:29 PM
The majority of the facilities are in great condition. Only a few are in need of upgrades.
2/21/2016 12:28 PM
It would be nice to give some of our parks an upgrade to encourage use as a community gathering place not just for
sports or holidays.
2/21/2016 7:25 AM
People can gather, meet, door watch a variety of physical activities and still enjoy their surroundings without much
disruption to the neighborhood
2/21/2016 7:08 AM
Now that City Council is listening to the community and has given up the plan to spend millions on a plan for Northam
Park that the community didn't want, I think we're back on track. I live near Northam and the park serves my needs,
except for the pool needing renovation.
2/21/2016 12:18 AM
Maintenance issues. The parks are not as well kept as a few years ago.
2/20/2016 8:56 PM
we love all the parks we visit.
2/20/2016 8:45 PM
Due to state and federal funding criteria and considering disable people's easy access to the parks
2/20/2016 8:08 PM
I believe a community of our size should have a community center. I believe we are the only major suburb without one.
2/20/2016 8:00 PM
The playgrounds are great and there are many of them. I think UA is on wrong track because of the tax increase.
2/20/2016 7:28 PM
Unkept parks, flooded fields, and poor bathrooms.
2/20/2016 7:25 PM
Northam park has always been my favorite. We need the pool Renovation.
2/20/2016 7:00 PM
There are some facilities that need some updating. Especially Devon pool.
2/20/2016 6:56 PM
Because we're short one pool, and fools are trying to make a New Albany-style park out of Northam that is not in
2/20/2016 6:37 PM
synch with the tenor of the community.
Northam Park needs to be redone,
2/20/2016 6:36 PM
Many of the parks are in poor shape and have not been updated recently. In addition to Northam, Thompson Park is
heavily used but outdated.
2/20/2016 6:30 PM
There are lots of them, big ones and little ones. Many are within walking distance of my house.
2/20/2016 6:19 PM
I have been happy with the parks and live within walking distance of Northam.
2/20/2016 6:08 PM
How can we expect to stay competitive as the best place to live if we can't even get a Rec center? I really don't
understand. Our parks also need to have more disabled accessible options of things to do.
2/20/2016 6:04 PM
They're pretty good. Lots of space and different activity areas. Tennis courts and pools nearby and plenty of fields for
other sports.
2/20/2016 4:47 PM
Needs rest room facilities that are maintained
2/20/2016 4:27 PM
Parks are nice. Pools are outdated. No Rec center (like Dublin, Westerville, etc). Has been many many years since
that was on the ballot. It should be put back on the table for consideration. Would be a way better add to the Macy's
space than another freaking grocery store.
2/20/2016 3:09 PM
great tennis facilities and pools; adequate fields
2/20/2016 1:48 PM
Because the changes proposed imply the need for change,which is not true, e.g. we do not need to destroy over 80
trees. we should replace the Tremont Pool much the same as it was, dedicated to people of all ages.
2/20/2016 1:34 PM
Needs updating.
2/20/2016 1:18 PM
My son and I enjoy the tremont park, toddler playground, and library often.
2/20/2016 1:04 PM
I would have rated it higher if we had a rec center and if we had more sidewalks and bike paths connecting everything
like Dublin has.
2/20/2016 1:02 PM
Old and tired
2/20/2016 12:42 PM
Our parks are sufficient, but the drainage at Northam is an obvious issue. As are the lack of restroom facilities. I thin
Thompson (closest to me) is great and has all that I look for. Why can't we just address the problem areas, rather than
2/20/2016 11:05 AM
start from scratch in an obvious effort to impress those in surrounding communities? Additionally, I would like a Rec
center, we have talked about the need since the early 80's. But the vague nature of the one that seems to be floating
around northam's plan is disturbing to voters. We don't know who is funding it, maintaining it, or what it contains.
The parks are great but could use some maintenance and upgrades.
2/20/2016 10:40 AM
No community center...need a center for activities and programs...like worthington, Westerville and Dublin
2/20/2016 10:21 AM
7 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
The parks need a face lift. The facilities are ancient. The flooding is not only inconvenient but environmentally
irresponsible. We have no true community center for people of all ages to enjoy. We need to invest in what families
need in order to keep schools great and value of property high.
2/20/2016 10:11 AM
Because the parks provide all the amenities I look for in parks.
2/20/2016 9:51 AM
There are other parks that are newer that we will drive to versus going to our more convenient UA parks, but our parks
are far from terrible. They could use some updating is all.
2/20/2016 9:48 AM
Some of the children's equipment is deteriorating
2/20/2016 9:44 AM
No indoor recreation facilities, old equipment in parks, too many baseball parks but no others considered (examples:
skate/bike/dogs), no clear way of signing in to reserve courts or parks areas.
2/20/2016 9:33 AM
There are plenty of accessible neighborhood parks, but some could us a facelift and be more developed.
2/20/2016 8:49 AM
The parks are beautiful but there can always be some improvements. Some new playground equipment would be nice.
2/20/2016 7:57 AM
Closed Tremont pool.
2/20/2016 7:48 AM
Not enough staff to maintain the beauty we could have in our parks
2/20/2016 7:26 AM
Overall, our parks and facilities are fine. They're safe. They are nothing spectacular.
2/20/2016 4:46 AM
I love Northam park. The pool was nice but needed updated anyway. The tennis courts and facility are really and truly
great except for some drainage areas. It is beautiful - fix the things that need updated but don't take tennis away or
2/19/2016 11:51 PM
reduce the number of courts.
There is no community center
2/19/2016 10:22 PM
Facilities are old. Fields are not drained well, so can't use the parks at times.
2/19/2016 10:16 PM
Lack of field space for youth sports, especially baseball. Northam Park 8s anewfinebridal@gmail.com embarrassment.
The tennis courts at Northam are wasted space. There are too many trees and weedy areas at fancyburg that would
make great sports playing fields for kids.
2/19/2016 9:28 PM
I love the facilities, but the pools fees are expensive.
2/19/2016 9:27 PM
They are old and tired.
2/19/2016 9:19 PM
Think it needs a refresh. It would be nice to accommodate all types of recreational needs throughout the numerous
parks in UA. The city is still missing a rec/gym facility for the community!!!
2/19/2016 8:40 PM
All one has to do is drive to any surrounding suburb ie Dublin, Hilliard etc. and it is quite apparent our facilities and
parks are way behind those.... Simply dated and run down.
2/19/2016 8:25 PM
There's always improvements that can be made but the parks offer everything someone could reasonably want.
2/19/2016 8:09 PM
There is a nice amount of space given to parks, but they are sorely in need of updating and better facilities.
2/19/2016 7:56 PM
Improvement in upkeep and maintaining not razing parks to create new ones.
2/19/2016 7:14 PM
Would like to see more activities at various locations for adults. Including places like Hastings and the park areas
around it. Not necessarily redoing anything, just offering activities there
2/19/2016 7:03 PM
The pools are in poor shape.
2/19/2016 7:02 PM
They are fine the way they are
2/19/2016 6:25 PM
The parks are mostly open space. There is not a "forced" activity mentality which is found in New Albany and Dublin.
The current openness of the parks has allowed for flexibility in designing the various events which I have worked or
run; All of the UA Civic Association events, Art Festival, Taste of UA, Softball tournaments, baseball tournaments,
football games. Can the parks be improved? YES! But, please don't let the faddish embellishments of some self
inflated Architect turn the parks into a palisade.
2/19/2016 6:11 PM
We have parks with lots of green space, playing fields, pools....
2/19/2016 5:52 PM
Surrounding suburbs have better facilities.
2/19/2016 4:45 PM
Because there seem to be a lot, I can walk to 2 from my house, but they're nothing extraordinary
2/19/2016 4:37 PM
Not a central rec center. Some facilities are not up to date. Fancyburg and Sunny 95 are nicer than Northam.
2/19/2016 4:24 PM
Parks need updating. They are for a 1960 ish community. Today people want to be more active. Plus many of us have
small lots and dogs and want a park system to get some exercize.
2/19/2016 4:20 PM
We are in desperate need of a rec center
2/19/2016 4:01 PM
8 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Overall, I believe the P & R facilities are excellent. They could use a few updates/modern touches, but are otherwise
top notch.
2/19/2016 3:45 PM
Compared to Dublin, we have no bike paths, no sidewalks to get to parks from our neighborhoods and no rec center.
2/19/2016 3:29 PM
needing upgrades
2/19/2016 3:19 PM
- we have some parks - this is good - no "landmark" features in parks (except walking path / Barn at Sunny 95) - outof-date park facilities - no rec center
2/19/2016 3:08 PM
So many dog owners in UA, but no dedicated space for dogs in any park. Also, too much emphasis on team sports.
2/19/2016 3:06 PM
Devon pool need modernized and Northam Park must be updated -a pool may be needed-a new bigger playground is
a must- pathways through the park need redone-more flowers and gardens are needed. Please finish the Northam
Park entrance with plantings like flowers Etc.and better grass beside walkway
2/19/2016 2:42 PM
I feel the parks are well-maintained.
2/19/2016 2:35 PM
Mostly excellent. It would be great to have places for teens and/or seniors to "hang out" safely.
2/19/2016 2:17 PM
My children have participated in bear cub baseball over the years. I've never had a negative experience as far as
facilities. The only complaint I might have would be lack of shade trees at some parks in the viewing areas for sports.
When the kids were younger we loved Reed Road water park. We live close to Northam and would like to have the
pool rebuilt with a dive well. Older kids love the diving well more so than just the general swimming area.
2/19/2016 2:16 PM
Better than most communities.
2/19/2016 2:09 PM
Parks are clean and we'll maintained
2/19/2016 2:07 PM
I do not believe the parks are updated like other communities (i.e. Dublin, Powell). We need to update playground
equipment / surfaces and bathrooms.
2/19/2016 2:01 PM
There is not enough facilities and space for our children to play and participate in sports. Soccer, Baseball, Football,
Softball, Lacrosse, Field Hockey etc. We need to improve all of our facilities and allow all children the access they
need to play in a safe environment. Also, some of the parks are just DULL
2/19/2016 1:52 PM
because my young family and I live a block from northam park, and it is pretty run down in certain parts. The various
other parks seem to be generally very clean and well kept. Northam is starting to look a little haggard in certain areas.
2/19/2016 1:21 PM
Compared with similar Columbus suburbs, or facilities are old, poorly kept and single use (meaning barely used). The
status quo is what we have, we stopped progressing.
2/19/2016 1:10 PM
We lack indoor recreation options such as a rec center / open gym
2/19/2016 1:07 PM
The parks are heavily used and meet the needs of almost all parties. The parks could and should be improved, not
wiped out and rebuilt. Field drainage should be the top priority. All the extra entrances and fancy promenade may
satisfy a select very minority of the citizens but actually take away from park usage. Less parking, green space and
access. Upgrade the park for its users not labor guests.
2/19/2016 1:06 PM
Many need updates or improvements, and rating is admittedly comparing to surrounding communities
2/19/2016 11:33 AM
Nice and well kept most times..
2/19/2016 11:09 AM
Comparison to surrounding suburbs
2/19/2016 11:07 AM
we do not have good senior center or indoor pool for UA folks other than use of the village pool
2/19/2016 10:45 AM
My experience of the parks has been just fine.
2/19/2016 10:43 AM
Some of the park bathrooms need updating. Fancyburg needs more path entry from the South Side (Wickliffe) where
2/19/2016 10:33 AM
many cars have to park and then cut thru the woods.
Need a Rec center like Dublin
2/19/2016 10:23 AM
To keep up with surrounding communities and their recreation centers, Arlington should have a recreation center
similar to the one in Dublin.
2/19/2016 10:13 AM
I love walking in Northam park mainly because of the many large trees and the feeling of a large open space. I enjoy
seeing the Hawks soaring over head as well as other types of birds.
2/19/2016 9:42 AM
No overal plan for park system. Threat to remove trees and eliminate already short green space with structures.
Continued effort to make Northam Park more than a lovely neighbor park that has already has, or will have, adequate
sport fields, tennis courts, and new swimming pool and playground.
2/19/2016 8:01 AM
9 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
We have beautiful parks with irreplaceable MATURE TREES!!! We are NOT DUBLIN! Mature trees are on if UA's
greatest assets! the city seems to think the natural look works in the city but doesn't-they expect residents to volunteer
to maintain parks-what are taxes for? The new entry to Northam park is ugly-weeds-no benches-stick trees-and they
want to do the same to the rest of Northam--we live in UA for Mature trees not unkept grasslands
2/19/2016 7:58 AM
Schools are aging. Open and free recreation facilities are few
2/19/2016 7:43 AM
The parks provide what the residents want. At least it will when the new pool is built at Northam. The city shouldn't try
to fix things that aren't broken and take care of the things that are. Stop trying to be Dublin -- we will never be that.
2/19/2016 7:40 AM
The parks are very usable. Great walking paths, good fields.
2/19/2016 7:34 AM
Compaired to our other subs
2/19/2016 7:07 AM
Our parks are outdated and poorly maintained. Compared to other communities are parks are substandard.
2/19/2016 6:17 AM
Parks are not as well kept, or have play equipment or biking paths or walking paths as nice as other suburbs like
2/18/2016 11:24 PM
I think our parks are lovely, some facilities are outdated
2/18/2016 11:05 PM
problems with users of the parks disregarding rules and/or disrespecting others
2/18/2016 10:55 PM
All the parks are great, but facilities on the whole are way outdated and in need of serious face lifts. Hate that
surrounding cities have rec centers, bike paths, splash pads, new pools, school buildings, libraries, etc., while UA
2/18/2016 10:44 PM
continues to put off improvements. Also, completely disgusted that ANOTHER grocery store is going in at Kingsdale.
The city could have done a lot better with the former Macy's development.
For as much as this community has going for it, it's a shame not to have a rec. center. Shame.
2/18/2016 10:44 PM
Parks south of Lane + Thompson and Northwest are ok, but Fancyburg and Northam are an eyesore! The landscaping
is always full of weeds and gardens/hardscape are run down and showing their age.
2/18/2016 10:41 PM
No indoor fitness facility, pool, rec center. No winter restrooms.
2/18/2016 10:34 PM
Pools and parks not updated
2/18/2016 10:30 PM
Old facilities and inadequate space. Most programs rely on school property. Condition of parks is aged and lags other
2/18/2016 10:16 PM
Parks are completely outdated. Turf surfaces are horrible and not in good condition for kids sports. The sidewalks are
cracked and uneven. Kids on bikes or scooters risk falling.
2/18/2016 9:30 PM
Because they are old, outdated and not a good use of space.
2/18/2016 9:23 PM
Everything was fine until you ripped out Tremont pool ....
2/18/2016 9:19 PM
Upper Arlington has wonderful parks and facilities.
2/18/2016 9:17 PM
Outdated, some need more cleaning.
2/18/2016 8:54 PM
Drainage issues at our closest park, Northam, as well as sub-par landscaping, facilities and amenities compared to
parks we frequently visit in other local communities (Grandview, Dublin, Worthington, New Albany)
2/18/2016 8:28 PM
I wish there were a recreation center with pools and workout facilities
2/18/2016 8:21 PM
No rec center, no splash pad. Northampton park is ill designed, has no flow. No dog park.
2/18/2016 8:19 PM
The park facilities are aging and need to be improved.
2/18/2016 8:19 PM
Our parks provide plenty of space to meet the needs of all residents, not just certain populations.
2/18/2016 8:14 PM
Overall good. Some repairs needed.
2/18/2016 8:11 PM
They are out dated and don't support the real needs of families in UA.
2/18/2016 8:10 PM
Lack of bathrooms at parks, lack of Rec center, outdated pools
2/18/2016 8:10 PM
Ua seems to always be behind the 8 ball, we should be the innovaters, and have others copy what we do!
2/18/2016 8:05 PM
They need updated.
2/18/2016 8:04 PM
Overall love the parks. But I wish they were more updated, wish the pools were more updated, and wish we had a
community rec center.
2/18/2016 8:03 PM
No recreation center. Public pools are very average.
2/18/2016 7:59 PM
10 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Clean, well maintained
2/18/2016 7:57 PM
Lack of fenced dog parks. Some parks are not used enough. Senior Center needs more planning with evaluation of
Northam Park.
2/18/2016 7:48 PM
Minor improvements could/should be made, in accordance with that the overall community opinion is - not the needs
of the few and the loud. Options should be put to a vote by citizens and not just council for changes that impact citizens
other than council. Trash services should have been voted on when they were changed. We pay the same or more in
taxes and are slowly losing the benefits of those taxes. Animal Control was discontinued in 2011 and now our raccoon
and SKUNK population and issues are out of control.
2/18/2016 7:47 PM
They are aging and in need of renovation
2/18/2016 7:43 PM
I like them a lot and use them regularly as they are now. But there's always room for improvement (I like the plans for
Northam Park e.g., and would also support a Rec Center eventually).
2/18/2016 7:42 PM
Lots of parks and they are kept up well
2/18/2016 7:40 PM
I have lived in other areas in Columbus where they have beautiful parks that include art, ponds, state of the art
playground equipment, shelter.
2/18/2016 7:07 PM
New barn is nice. Playgrounds are getting old. Not enough ball diamonds, my son's tball had to be late Saturday
afternoon :(
2/18/2016 6:46 PM
The slide at the young children's park at Northam has been broken for months. I love the space, I just would like to see
2/18/2016 6:45 PM
some updates made to the playground.
Good tennis facilities, as they are now
2/18/2016 6:40 PM
We hav great parks.
2/18/2016 6:20 PM
Parks for kids are tired and need updated. Condition of Devon Pool buildings are deplorable. Pools need new chairs.
2/18/2016 6:16 PM
They are getting old and not in line with other communities in the area.
2/18/2016 6:06 PM
I think the outdoor parks/facilities/playgrounds are excellent. I really wish we had an indoor rec facility.
2/18/2016 5:36 PM
Not enough tennis courts, mature trees & green space to walk.
2/18/2016 5:00 PM
Athletic fields and facilities need improvements and updates. Need additional baseball diamonds and/or current
diamonds need to be repaired (flooding issues) to a useful condition. Improved/larger restroom facilities (Northam
2/18/2016 4:48 PM
Not much variety, but I do understand the limitations.
2/18/2016 4:15 PM
The Parks could use some tranquil reading spaces and nicely planted gardens. Overall though, UA has several nice
parks and facilities.
2/18/2016 4:14 PM
Most of the parks feel old and tired and not well maintained from a landscaping perspective.
2/18/2016 4:11 PM
Relative to facilities in neighboring communities, UA's facilities are average at best. While mostly related to the lack of
a community center, this is also attributable to the increasing use of park space for athletic fields at the expense of
green space.
2/18/2016 4:00 PM
The parks are mostly pretty nice - but almost all lack bathroom facilities ( 24/7/365 facilities), so could be better!
2/18/2016 3:57 PM
The parks are very nice, but they're not Stourhead or anything :)
2/18/2016 3:46 PM
poor drainage, good maintenance, developed positive uses of the park for the citizens
2/18/2016 3:42 PM
they are adequate now, shouldn't be messed with.
2/18/2016 3:23 PM
Plenty of open green spaces, places to walk pets, and facilities are in close proximity to the citizens of UA.
2/18/2016 3:04 PM
Lots of options for a variety of users.
2/18/2016 2:57 PM
As the community centerpiece park, i beieve northam park needs significant investment to help keep upper arlington
an attractive option for young families living in or moving to the area.
2/18/2016 2:55 PM
UA is no longer the UA I grew up in. Too much commercial.... No community input. Our schools are on the back
2/18/2016 2:38 PM
burner and they need all our attention right now!!
I think we have good parks, but I would love to see a recreational center for community use. I understand it was voted
down several years ago but I think it could be extremely useful.
2/18/2016 2:30 PM
UA has lots of nice parks and they are well used. My score would have been higher if the Tremont pool was open.
2/18/2016 2:26 PM
11 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Everything is dated but has potential.
2/18/2016 2:21 PM
Nice parks, but could always be improved! They do not compare to. Rand new parks with the latest facilities.
2/18/2016 2:21 PM
We have let most of the parks in UA deteriorate due to money constraints, if and when funding becomes available, we
should look at all the parks and spend where it will do the most good across the board on all of our neighborhood
2/18/2016 2:08 PM
The parks have provided our family with the are to play sports, use pools and tennis courts and in general provide a
natural filled area to walk.
2/18/2016 2:02 PM
The number of parks and the proximity
2/18/2016 2:00 PM
The parks overall are in need of updating and bringing into this century with the ammenities that the residents want
with comparable cities.
2/18/2016 1:56 PM
A lot of our parks haven't been touched in a while. I think that an overall plan is needed that looks at what is needed
and the best way to utilize all of our parks to achieve it
2/18/2016 1:53 PM
Everything is always clean and well maintained. But It is better to leave it alone how it is. I enjoy things how they are.
Big projects would mess with how I see the city and probably ruin my perception of the parks.
2/18/2016 1:44 PM
We need a recreation center.
2/18/2016 1:32 PM
There is always room for improvement, but they are very nice parks.
2/18/2016 1:03 PM
Parks have been improved lately and continue to be improved as needed
2/18/2016 1:03 PM
In general the parks are well positioned throughout the community, are pleasant to look at and use, and well
2/18/2016 1:02 PM
I enjoy and use all the parks in UA, especially Thompson Park which I use almost daily in the summer, spring and fall,
weather permitting.
2/18/2016 12:55 PM
The parks are old, outdated, and worn.
2/18/2016 12:37 PM
There should be a rec center. Reed Road pool is too small and too crowded. Should be 3 times the size. We went to
the New Albany pool and were blown away - that is the size UA pools should be. For years we've gone to the
Westerville pool - amazing facility. They also have a rec center. Makes no sense why their facilities are so much better
when our taxes are so much higher
2/18/2016 12:16 PM
We have a strong base of parks, but there is much room for improvement (improved ball fields, playground equipment,
Rec center (i know taboo)) but look at other surrounding communities, they invest and improve their facilities. It's no
2/18/2016 11:47 AM
different than a home, it needs to be updated and maintained
Upper Arlington has some wonderful parks. But, all of the parks are developed parks with hardscapes and playing
fields. Only one park exists with a natural landscape, Smith Nature preserve, and it is too small to really go for a walk
in. I wish UA parks had more natural spaces to enjoy.
2/18/2016 11:40 AM
Compared to Dublin, Powell and Hilliard our parks look old and unkept.
2/18/2016 11:23 AM
Generally underwhelmed by the aesthetics of some of the facilities.
2/18/2016 11:13 AM
They are the best
2/18/2016 11:12 AM
We have a good park system. We don't need to spend money on fancy entrances. If we have extra money, after we fix
the roads and sidewalks, we could spend it to acquire new land for new future parks.
2/18/2016 11:02 AM
Comparing the facilities to other public park systems that I am familiar with....
2/18/2016 10:44 AM
They are places that everyone can enjoy with their families, dogs, and athletic teams. Easy to access. Might not look
fancy but they provide for the community well!
2/18/2016 10:43 AM
Lovely places. Trees. Spacious. We're lucky!
2/18/2016 10:40 AM
There are several parks and activities. Restrooms are lacking in quality and availability. Equipment is out-dated. Love
the libraries
2/18/2016 10:39 AM
Facilities are deteriorating and updates are needed. Also would like to see a public platform tennis facility that the city
could charge a "winter" tennis membership
2/18/2016 10:37 AM
12 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
I walk in all the parks and think they are fine as they are. They do not require TONS of money to change things that
don't need changed. The drainage problem isn't a major one, fix it and upgrade the baseball backstops but let's not go
over board. They are used a very small percentage of the year by a very small percentage of the community. Scale is
needed. We do not need extravagant promenades, reading gardens, or gazebo's and the tennis courts do not need to
be moved. Scale down, leave the trees and the parks and spend that money as was promised on the streets which
are in horrible condition and the sewers....both of which are far more important them over the top parks.
2/18/2016 10:13 AM
Need indoor rec. center with pool and play area for young kids.
2/18/2016 10:05 AM
Maintenance poor. Sidewalks not cleared when it snows.
2/18/2016 10:03 AM
Assuming excellent is perfection....we don't have it. Northam Park, for instance, has been 'overlooked' for years when
2/18/2016 9:58 AM
it comes to keeping things updated, not new, just working.
Lack of restrooms! Fancyburg needs an additional restroom near baseball and soccer fields! Same is true with
Northwest Park! Unmaintained greenspaces Sporting fields need updated No concessions
2/18/2016 9:42 AM
We are so behind on the times. Our baseball fields are a disgrace.
2/18/2016 9:41 AM
The parks are beautiful as they are, with lots of trees and and well designed and well suited to meet the needs of the
community. But, just like anything, they do require maintenance.
2/18/2016 9:39 AM
The parks and facilities are excellent, but there are a couple of maintenance issues which could use improvement. The
first is that the paths are not cleared in winter, making them dangerous.The second is the lack of field mowing in
Summer. It doesn't look appealing, just poorly maintained and overgrown.
2/18/2016 9:33 AM
I think they need updated to keep competitive with other cites.
2/18/2016 9:33 AM
The facilities don't compare very well with surrounding communities. Columbus and Grandview both have newer
2/18/2016 9:17 AM
They are well maintained
2/18/2016 9:11 AM
The parks are clean and there is more than one park to rotate between to keep the kids interested and active.
2/18/2016 9:11 AM
I mostly frequent Miller Park and Northam Park. Both parks have a drainage problem.
2/18/2016 9:03 AM
They are nice but really need a rec center. Major facility UA lacks.
2/18/2016 9:02 AM
Parks don't all have bathroom facilities and many are in need of them.
2/18/2016 8:48 AM
The parks seem dated and a little boring. I would like to see more planning involved in the park design. Please do
what is right for the residents of Upper Arlington, in particular those who live near the parks. The parks should be not
only sports fields, but recreational opportunities for those who live near them (pools, playgrounds, shaded picnic
2/18/2016 8:37 AM
tables, walking/running trails, tennis courts, shuffleboard, basketball, etc.) Please stop caving in to small but vocal
minorities who complain about any and all proposed changes.
I have never heard anyone complain about the parks. In fact, anything I have heard has been positive. The only issue
I have ever come across is the drainage issue by the tennis courts at Northam.
2/18/2016 8:35 AM
The maintenance of the parks is dreadful. Kids playing soccer in grass past their ankles. Lots of fields, but drainage is
a mess. Why aren't we using the green space between lane road library and the playground as fields? You could fit
several soccer and/or lacrosse fields in this space. Those fields just need lines, not dirt like baseball fields.
2/18/2016 8:33 AM
My kids enjoy the parks. They are easy to get to. Miller is a particular favorite because it has a "nature based" play
area. The kids love the woods and the tunnel and creek. Personally, I liked the Tremont area as it was. The kids have
always enjoyed it when we go to festivals or a baseball game. But I understand the need for improvements.
2/18/2016 8:31 AM
Northam Park could use better drainage and a walking path like Thompson and Fancyburg parks. The small parks are
2/18/2016 8:25 AM
Good variety, militia use, but dated
2/18/2016 8:04 AM
All need updated. Improve athletic fields, pools and playgrounds for the children.
2/18/2016 7:45 AM
I enjoy going to Northam Park for the Arts Festival and Taste of UA
2/18/2016 7:27 AM
Disappointed we don't have a rec center.
2/18/2016 7:11 AM
Other cities have nice Rec centers that can be used year round
2/18/2016 6:42 AM
Not enough parks. Old facilities. No rec center. Closed pool. No indoor pool. No basketball courts. Too many tennis
2/18/2016 6:29 AM
Northam park drainage is very poor. Parking lot spaces are now very tight. No fenced dog area at the park.
2/18/2016 6:19 AM
13 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
The city has not done a good job with keeping the parks in good shape.
2/18/2016 2:45 AM
Compared to Dublin, UA parks and rec areas seem 20 years behind.
2/18/2016 12:06 AM
There is no indoor recreation center and not enough indoor gym space. Playgrounds are not comparable to suburbs
similar to ours.
2/17/2016 11:53 PM
Many parks are a bit run down, especially play equipment
2/17/2016 11:53 PM
For such a wealthy community, the parks could be better. Loss of a pool (especially the kid pool) at Tremont hurt us.
Flooding in field by senior center made reffing youth lacrosse tough. Playground equipment at various parks is good,
but much of it could be improved. No designated dog park, despite big demand seen by all the off-leash dogs that
gather before sunset.
2/17/2016 11:20 PM
Aging--issues with condition
2/17/2016 11:11 PM
There's always room for improvement and upgrades.
2/17/2016 11:09 PM
I'm sure the parks were nice 50 years ago, but we've fallen waaaaaaaaaaaay behind Dublin, Hilliard, and several
2/17/2016 11:00 PM
other local communities. UA is going on reputation alone.
It's on par with some of City of Columbus parks and well behind (not in the same class) those in Grandview, Dublin
and New Albany.
2/17/2016 10:53 PM
Good green space and nice, clean parks. Good for the space available, but....I still have to travel to other suburbs to do
some of the things we want to do.
2/17/2016 10:38 PM
There certainly could be improvements made to bring the parks up the standards needed to support the programs and
sports within our community, whereas so many people have to participate in leagues in neighboring communities.
2/17/2016 10:34 PM
Not enough fields and fields that we do have aren't taken care of, playgrounds need to be updated, We really need a
community center w indoor activities - field house, basketball/volleyball courts.
2/17/2016 10:31 PM
Lots to offer, many parks tennis pools ball fields
2/17/2016 10:29 PM
I compare UA to other similar suburbs... And I think US is good, but sub-par when compared to Dublin, Powell, New
2/17/2016 10:20 PM
Albany, etc
Upgrades and better use of space are required
2/17/2016 10:15 PM
The facilities and amenities are amazing, something for everyone.
2/17/2016 10:14 PM
Most are very nice but showing some age - but the costing proposals are nutty
2/17/2016 10:01 PM
Well maintained and safe locations, but needs updating
2/17/2016 9:56 PM
There is no community center, bike paths or sidewalks...many "lesser" communities have these things for their
residents to easily enjoy recreation.
2/17/2016 9:55 PM
Not sure who has an excellent park to compare Northam and others, but believe better than "fair".
2/17/2016 9:53 PM
Everything needs to be updated
2/17/2016 9:53 PM
Parks are well maintained and safe, but could use updating
2/17/2016 9:50 PM
A lot of other suburbs have new parks will well maintained green spaces. Our athletic fields are horribly maintained.
2/17/2016 9:46 PM
We have one updated pool. We lack an indoor pool and recreation center. Most suburbs have new rec centers that
provide the community classes, exercise facilities, full court basketball courts for kids to enjoy year round.
Things are good, but not great.
2/17/2016 9:31 PM
3% of total city acres are parkland.
2/17/2016 9:19 PM
Parks and facilities pale in comparison to many other suburbs.
2/17/2016 9:15 PM
Because they are far from excellent. A SENIOR center is for SENIORS. A Recreation or COMMUNITY center would
be for SENIORS too. This community needs an INDOOR pool and Recreation space for EVERYONE, not just
2/17/2016 9:07 PM
We have time for dogs to be off leash in all parks, beautiful scenery in all parks (I love the natural areas) and multi use
space in all parks.
2/17/2016 8:51 PM
I think there are some lovely spaces and they are well maintained, but many are aging and could improve.
2/17/2016 8:46 PM
14 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
The parks are clean, maintained and are a nice variety but unfortunately they lack updated facilities like bathrooms,
water features, cushion for playgrounds, etc. we're fortunate to have what we have but it would be nice to invest in our
green space.
2/17/2016 8:35 PM
We only have parks and don't have a indoor community center
2/17/2016 8:32 PM
Parks are very good. We could use a community recreation center.
2/17/2016 8:27 PM
We should have a recreation center in this community
2/17/2016 8:20 PM
My below average rating is due to what I consider an existing recreational facility, and a non-existing recreational
facility. As a senior, the existing facility is the Senior Center. It's an embarrassment to the community to have a sub
par recreational facility in moth-balled school classrooms. The staff is excellent - the facilities are poor. The nonexisting facility is a Community Center. This could address the tear down of the Senior Center while also addressing
the needs of UA as a whole. UA is one of only a few Central Ohio communities without such a recreational facility. This
a quality of life factor required to put UA in the upper tier of peer communities.
2/17/2016 8:18 PM
I love the green space
2/17/2016 8:08 PM
Some of them are old and people here seem surprisingly resistant to positive change. We need to get with the times
and update.
2/17/2016 8:03 PM
Missing a major city rec center like many of the other suburbs have. Also can't take away any park land, especially for
kids activities.
2/17/2016 7:51 PM
We have old pools The reed pool was built too small We have no indoor facilities Too few basketball courts in the city
Climbing walls? Fitness facilities? Meeting rooms? Cities of our financial status have so many more amenities. It's
2/17/2016 7:42 PM
Would like to see higher quality pools and parks. We would love a rec center.
2/17/2016 7:40 PM
Need updating
2/17/2016 7:35 PM
They seem to be held in high esteem by the citizens, well used, and well maintained, with a few exceptions.
2/17/2016 7:27 PM
Our parks are beautiful! We do need a new pool at Tremont, but that's not a park.
2/17/2016 7:18 PM
when it rains Northam becomes a marsh. I also thought it was horrible that the city could even think of making
Fancyburg nothing but a circle of baseball diamonds.
2/17/2016 7:13 PM
There are many options for all ages
2/17/2016 7:11 PM
I think the parks are great but need updating.
2/17/2016 7:06 PM
The parks are nice but always being used for team sports
2/17/2016 7:02 PM
We don't have the amenities other communities have.
2/17/2016 7:01 PM
Park maintenance has declined. They no longer appear as pristine as they once did. I suspect that that's a result of a
decrease in staff. Whatever is done there should be NO outsourcing of any P&R functions.
2/17/2016 6:46 PM
Need updating..most were laid out as an afterthought on surplus property
2/17/2016 6:46 PM
Not enough ball fields for the kids
2/17/2016 6:43 PM
And leave them alone! Do a decent pool like before. NO need for bigger playground, OR support buildings they can't
even say what they are for (swimming pool makes sense). No reading garden,simply add more benches and planters
with flowers in the summer among the lovely grove of trees left of the library. That useless promenade, make it a road
2/17/2016 6:41 PM
again into the parking lot. The plan voiced to change the entrance to the library via Dorset Etc such a bad plan and
huge waste of money. The STREETS and all the other repairs you promised 100% with passing of issue 23 should be
the priority. The tennis courts are in the best location, self supporting mostly and used more than all sports fields
combined and an asset to the community. Do pool and drainage where needed, save all the trees and let the park be,
it's great as it is.
Because I wanted to.
2/17/2016 6:40 PM
They need updates. We need new updated pools, playgrounds at the older parks.
2/17/2016 6:38 PM
No rec center. Not enough space for indoor rec activities. Overall facilities are very dated.
2/17/2016 6:36 PM
Our parks are beautifully maintained and are used by all age groups in our community
2/17/2016 6:27 PM
I think the parks have become outdated and when I go to other communities (e.g. Grandview or Dublin), their facilities
seem so much nicer
2/17/2016 6:22 PM
15 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Northam park needs updated and we need a recreation center
2/17/2016 6:22 PM
Unless you want to play on a ball field there is not much to do at the park (Northam is my home park). Need more
COMFORTABLE places to sit, paths plowed when is snows so people or all ages are not walking in the streets. Lack
of good space for picnics. I do like the planted areas such as the flowers on Northam.
2/17/2016 6:20 PM
Lack of community recreation center, outdated senior facilities where parks and rec classes are held, quality/amenities
of Tremont and Devon road pools
2/17/2016 6:19 PM
They seem a bit dated for the amount of taxes that we pay.
2/17/2016 6:16 PM
Old and need repaired and up-dated
2/17/2016 6:05 PM
Most of UA parkland is recreational space, as it should be, but it lags sometimes in maintenance. That said, UA parks
do not need a wholesale reconfiguration. Some flexibility of land usage is always necessary as recreational programs
ebb and flow. Quality programs and maintenance need to be top priority.
2/17/2016 6:04 PM
There is no indoor recreation/community center
2/17/2016 5:56 PM
It means a lot to have clean, working bathrooms for kids. I am grateful to have them.
2/17/2016 5:52 PM
UA needs a recreation center. It changed the face of the Westerville landscape and brought so much value to the
community. It consolidates programs and activities. Tear down Macys and build it there!
2/17/2016 5:45 PM
It's awful. Our kids have nothing. My 5th grader is playing basketball in a gym that's half the size she should be. My
son has to, as a 9 year old, practice into the hours he should be sleeping because of lack of field space and lack of
gym space. The ball diamonds we have are poorly drained, in need of repair. The fields are awful. Someone is going
to get hurt from the flooding - and that's if we can even play a game - there are many rain outs. The amount of space
2/17/2016 5:34 PM
we have isn't adequate for our population. We need more community space for rec and travel leagues. Go to some of
the other communities and see their facilities and you'll see where UA is lacking.
No rec center with indoor pool
2/17/2016 5:32 PM
I love the UA parks! I think we could do better if we had a rec center like Worthington or Westerville. I wish my
community had a gym and indoor pool like other Columbus suburbs.
2/17/2016 5:20 PM
Please visit other parks and you will see for yourself...
2/17/2016 5:14 PM
There are multiple parks throughout UA, and in general they are well maintained and contain a variety of things for all
people - tennis courts, play grounds, walking paths, basketball courts, baseball etc. something for everyone.
2/17/2016 5:08 PM
Park our decent, I would like to see a dedicated fenced dog park. On to many occasions I've seen dogs wander away
2/17/2016 4:53 PM
from owners at Northam park. It appears that this activity is encouraged by the city, with dedicated hours. If a dog
would wonder away from its owner and knock down an elderly person or possibly bite or worse a child or elderly
resident, is the City liable?
Not updated and not enough green space. Hard to fix the later for sure. But the former definitely needs done.
2/17/2016 4:52 PM
Clean an functional, ample, yet sometimes people from other areas gather there.
2/17/2016 4:50 PM
Whenever I drive by a park there are people in the parks. They wouldn't be there if the parks weren't good for their
2/17/2016 4:48 PM
We are a young family and more and more of our friends with small children are moving to UA. We would love to see
more opportunities and activities for small children as well as school aged children. I bet you will find that the average
age of homeowners in UA is getting younger and younger.
2/17/2016 4:41 PM
The parks in general are not to the level of some of the other communities in the Columbus area. After the Tremont
Pool collapsed several of my neighbors gave up and joined private swim clubs.
2/17/2016 4:40 PM
The facilities as they stand should satisfy all residents. the play grounds are well equipped for the children. the
2/17/2016 4:39 PM
swimming pool at Hastings is in great condition and a new one forth coming at northam. there seem to be adequate
baseball diamonds and soccer fields. Notham park clay court tennis is a great facility.
They are tons better than some of the parks in Columbus
2/17/2016 4:37 PM
There are a number of infrastructure issues. For a community like this, there need to be some improvements. But we
are very lucky to have the number of parks that we do.
2/17/2016 4:32 PM
Adequate in number, well dispersed throughout the city, nice amenities without being over the top
2/17/2016 4:20 PM
They seem to be in fairly good shape and fairly well kept.
2/17/2016 4:17 PM
Always clean and well staffed, would have checked excellent if the pools had more lap lanes.
2/17/2016 4:14 PM
16 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Compared to other surrounding communities, our parks and recreational facilities are old. It would be nice to have a
community recreational facility but ONLY one that is privately owned and does not use taxpayer funds. A YMCA would
be ideal.
2/17/2016 4:02 PM
I have children involved in sports and we go to other parts of the city and other facilitieis and I am embarassed at the
2/17/2016 4:01 PM
condition of ours. Burbank park is not maintained Nd when we were playing middle school field hockey, the officials
were upset with our coach when the parks department should have kept the fields mowed and playable. We need to
bring our fields anf facilities up to date and a gem like our city.
Maintenance issues with parks & aging infrastructure
2/17/2016 4:00 PM
The parks in UA are great. Some of the facilities could use a bit of updating.
2/17/2016 3:59 PM
Need more but ones we have are nice
2/17/2016 3:56 PM
Sidewalks around Tremont need fixed and widened a bit, a bit of drainage issues. Tremont pool needs to be as it was
before, the separate baby pool was perfect and perfect in size, a wide open place for kids to play and lap lanes and a
deep diving area was perfect. Also, having the larger cemented area to lay towels on -vs- toomuchvgrassy area that
2/17/2016 3:55 PM
becomes muddy or can't put a towel down if there's been recent rain issues. I live close to Reed Rd water park and
didn't like and didn't take the kids there, an actual "pool" was what we prefer. ....... etc, etc....
The parks and facilities need desperately to be updated. They are way behind the parks and facilities in other cities
like Dublin, Worthington, Westerville and New Albany.
2/17/2016 3:43 PM
The complete removal of the Tremont pool was a travesty. Something that should have never happened did and then
over a year later we still do not have a solution. Overall the parks are good not great.
2/17/2016 3:30 PM
They are outdated and not being utilized to their fullest capability. Northam park is very chopped up and drainage is an
2/17/2016 3:26 PM
issue. Games & practices for field sports get cancelled so easily due to these poor conditions. Not sure UA needs 3
pools. Maybe put $ towards updating Devon and utilize the pool space for more field sport space that is drastically
needed year round. Tennis program needs to be looked at as well. If the numbers for participation don't match the
numbers for field sport use, take that into serious consideration when designing a new park.
I love the open spaces for unstructured and creative play. I'm concerned it's going to become over-manicured and
2/17/2016 3:24 PM
limited with the "updates."
Northam park needs major updates. Poor field quality. Swimming pool was crumbling before it was torn out.
Playground needs updating (aware it will be updated soon.)
2/17/2016 3:24 PM
bathroom facilities are subpar at parks
2/17/2016 3:19 PM
I don't use the parks a lot but they seem adequate and generally well maintained.
2/17/2016 3:14 PM
I think the rec facilities are great. Really not much to improve but I'm not from UA so I potentially have "lower
standards" in the eyes of other residents. I do think the fields need to be mowed more at Burbank/NW Park especially
when there are soccer games scheduled. Other than that - Keep up the great work!
2/17/2016 3:06 PM
We have a lot of parks, which are great, since most of UA residents have smaller yards and the parks give you an
2/17/2016 3:05 PM
expanded "backyard" feeling. However, I think the facilities and amenities are outdated and need revamped.
Additionally, the Senior Center is way overdue for an update and there is no community rec center which means there
is a BIG gap with regards to offerings and I find myself driving to Worthington and Dublin rec centers for an indoor
pool, etc.
my daughter plays soccer and compared to DUBline and Olentangy our fields don't compare bc of divots, length of
grass for games. The goals are often broken or look like they are ready to fall down. We have showed up at Northwest
and there wasn't a goal at all and had to cancel. There is dog waste on the fields.
2/17/2016 2:50 PM
the facilities are old, unsafe sidewalks around the parks, and all in need of repair/replace
2/17/2016 2:46 PM
parks are old, out-dated, lack infrastructure and are an eye sore to our community.
2/17/2016 2:46 PM
Far better than city of Columbus.
2/17/2016 2:40 PM
Park facilities old and seem inferior to other Columbus suburbs.
2/17/2016 2:39 PM
There is not a lot to do, unless you play tennis, or you have kids playing baseball. I would like to see bocce courts or
2/17/2016 2:38 PM
We're missing Tremont pool, and an indooor rec center that would be free or inexpensive for residents to use would be
nice. Otherwise, no complaints.
2/17/2016 2:37 PM
Very good, but poor planning on Northam park pool replacement. Out of service for two years.
2/17/2016 2:35 PM
We enjoy the playgrounds in Upper Arlington with our 6-year-old son frequently.
2/17/2016 2:33 PM
17 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Drainage is an issue at Thompson, Sunny 95, and Northam Park. The tennis courts seem to be driving the plans for
Northam Park and possibly Thompson. We desperately need more fields for youth sports. Our family also thins we
need more indoor sports facilities.
2/17/2016 2:31 PM
they are very good parks
2/17/2016 2:29 PM
Parks are dated, not tied together with Columbus parks and bike trails.
2/17/2016 2:28 PM
Tremont needs a pool, but I don't think the whole park needs to be re-worked. If anything add an exercise park for
adults- stationary bikes, chest press, tricep pulls etc.
2/17/2016 2:27 PM
Because that is my impression
2/17/2016 2:27 PM
Not all disabled friendly, pools in rough shape, no splash pad, drainage issues at all parks.
2/17/2016 2:16 PM
Park flooding, older buildings, etc
2/17/2016 2:15 PM
The parks and rec areas are a bit dated and need some freshening up.
2/17/2016 2:08 PM
Other "desirable", "upscale" communities offer MUCH better/newer/more varied facilities for young families. I am tired
of having to travel to these surrounding towns to use these facilities - they need to be offered here in UA. (These
include: a splash pad; updated pools (excluding Reed Road); new, renovated libraries; better library programming; and
a community center.)
2/17/2016 2:06 PM
I think the parks are generally very nice, but not exceptional. The pools range from bad to very good.
2/17/2016 2:05 PM
Some of the facilities are limiting or haven't really been brought up to date.
2/17/2016 2:04 PM
we cannot compete with the other subburbs.
2/17/2016 1:57 PM
In general, the grass is in good shape for the playgrounds. The trees are healthy. The walkways are in good shape. I
2/17/2016 1:49 PM
think the community needs a pool. The tennis courts need to be worked on a bit.
From my observations and experience, the facilities seem to be in good shape.
2/17/2016 1:41 PM
It is good ... clean and nice
2/17/2016 1:39 PM
Locations and facilities
2/17/2016 1:36 PM
Look around at Dublin, New Albany, other upscale Columbus suburbs. Our facilities are comparatively old, tired, and
in need of significant upgrades.
2/17/2016 1:32 PM
We have wonderful parks with beautiful trees and facilities.
2/17/2016 1:31 PM
When compared to parks in Dublin and other surrounding areas, there is room for improvement.
2/17/2016 1:29 PM
Things need to be updated, but unfortunately many in the community seem to resist change.
2/17/2016 1:24 PM
The parks are perfect - offering great recreational opportunities for both children and adults.
2/17/2016 1:22 PM
The parks are functional as they are today and have a gret draw within the community.
2/17/2016 1:22 PM
We have what we can have (considering that we Are landlocked community). With great effort we derailed stupid
proposal of the city to destroy Fancyburg park. Unfortunately now we have to fight to preserve Northam.
2/17/2016 1:21 PM
spaces not being used effectively in ENTIRE park system
2/17/2016 1:18 PM
The parks should be parks. With plantings of native trees and shrubs where possible, or species tolerant of conditions.
Make them inviting to passive enjoyment and not concrete and cold.
2/17/2016 1:17 PM
The basics are provided, however some renovations are needed.
2/17/2016 1:12 PM
The Tremont pool was neglected for years and only given a quick fix. There should be more walking paths and
benches for people of all ages to use.
2/17/2016 1:12 PM
Seem to be well maintained and offer something for everyone at one park or another.
2/17/2016 1:09 PM
Our city parks are beautiful but they have been neglected due to lack of maintenance. I live a couple blocks from
Northam Park and I use it every day. I don't like seeing the city waste money on a $1 million parking lot and
promenade that is barely used.(After the snowfall there were only two sets of tracks going through the extra wide
2/17/2016 1:02 PM
walkway) I also believe that there should be an indoor recreational facility at Kingsdale, which I voted for. The city has
a no indoor recreation space which is the main reason for my lower rating. I do not want to see a indoor rec center
built at Northam. It must be placed where there is enough parking and away from the school for obvious safety issues
we have several parks which seem to be situated in strategic locations throughout the community and seem to be in
pretty good shape physically.
18 / 41
2/17/2016 1:01 PM
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Northam park needs updates compared to the other parks.
2/17/2016 12:55 PM
The baseball and softball diamonds are in poor shape, we are down an outdoor pool which was in biking and walking
distance of many children/families and we have no indoor recreation center.
2/17/2016 12:48 PM
I still believe it would be the benefit of the community to have an indoor rec facility - with an indoor pool truly available
to the community and indoor play structure for children
2/17/2016 12:45 PM
Several appear outdated compared to Grandview, previous residence. You may seek some advice from how they
handled some of their parks, Goodale and the one near the elementary come to mind.
2/17/2016 12:42 PM
Aged and need to appeal to next generation of family with children
2/17/2016 12:40 PM
We fall short in the what we provide for organized sports compared to other suburbs. Obviously being landlocked is
tough, but our baseball and other fields are pitiful and we desperately need either an indoor pool option or an outdoor
competition pool that can be bubbled in the wintertime. While a new HS will be built in 15 years, it's possible that the
existing pool might not last that long and the demand is greater than it can currently accommodate.
2/17/2016 12:39 PM
the UAPL parking lot is a MESS play do not follow that lead
2/17/2016 12:39 PM
One of the main reasons we purchased our house was that it was close to Tremont Pool. The pool was torn down and
I hear the new one will be much smaller with no baby pool or diving wells. I am very concerned about this. I think the
parks in general are great except for our favorite part. I truly hope the new pool is exactly like the old one.
2/17/2016 12:35 PM
out-dated, old, need improvement to match the status of life in UA
2/17/2016 12:33 PM
There is room for improvement.
2/17/2016 12:32 PM
They're great. We love the parks, I enjoy that the parks are low key and easy places to hang out. I do not want the
2/17/2016 12:31 PM
parks to build more facilities for the sole purpose of competing with sprawling outer ring suburbs.
Comparatively to other parks we have visited, the UA parks are well kept and attended to.
2/17/2016 12:28 PM
Even though I search lots of other city's parks and facilities's quality, I cannot fine a good place like UA's
2/17/2016 12:24 PM
Overall the parks are good. There is always rooms for improvement, updating equipment quicker, adding new and
2/17/2016 12:22 PM
exciting elements, etc.
Some of the facilities are getting pretty dated and need fixed up.
2/17/2016 12:04 PM
Northam Park & the pool need to be revitalized without spending $20 Million. Issue 23 money needs to be spent on
the roads & sewers.
2/17/2016 11:45 AM
We would like UA to have a rec center like Dublin, Worthington and Westerville.
2/17/2016 11:43 AM
Lots of options for parks to go to. Nice shelters for picnics. Lots of fields. Some have good drainage. Proximity to my
home. We moved in right after tremont pool closed. So I wish we had a neighborhood pool.
2/17/2016 11:39 AM
From what I see, the parks are pretty well cared for and well used. Expensive cosmetic upgrades seem superfluous
and wasteful.
2/17/2016 11:37 AM
Tennis facilities are not open to all. I have been to the courts 2 or 3 times and got the impression it is a private club.
2/17/2016 11:32 AM
As a family we have utilized the playing fields, pools, shelter houses, and tennis courts, and have attended various
functions like the Labor Day Arts Fest and the Fourth of July fireworks. With the exception of the pools, before
different periods of renovation, and the soggy soccer fields near Tremont that caused a practice or two to be cancelled
we have found the facilities and park land to be a wonderful addition to the quality of life here.
2/17/2016 11:31 AM
Number, location, and overall facilities in parks
2/17/2016 11:30 AM
The parks are always well maintained and look nice.
2/17/2016 11:29 AM
There is room for improvement and upgrade that is well considered
2/17/2016 11:25 AM
Because nothing is rarely absolutely perfect.
2/17/2016 11:22 AM
I think we have wonderful P&R services and facilities. I believe that only minor improvements and upgrades are
2/17/2016 11:21 AM
Overall, our parks are excellent, but letting Tremont pool deteriorate without upgrading or fixing before now was a huge
mistake. The new library/school parking lot on Tremont is also a blemish on an otherwise excellent park system. It is
unsafe, poorly designed and will probably have to be drastically redesigned or replace before too long.
2/17/2016 11:17 AM
Northam Park is across the street from my home. I have enjoyed this location for 40 years. The pool was terribly
2/17/2016 11:17 AM
neglected and allowed to deteriorate.
19 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
They are very adequate as they are.
2/17/2016 11:11 AM
Lack of land, facilities and funding.
2/17/2016 10:44 AM
would be excellent except for excessive space dedicated to organized sports.
2/17/2016 10:33 AM
Need a rec center, more walk ways and side walks through out the community, safe bike paths and routes, more
green spaces, better dog control, updated swimming facilities - nice to have ice for skating.
2/17/2016 10:20 AM
live close to Northam Park and it has all I need and lots of activities . It will be nice to have the pool back .
2/17/2016 10:13 AM
The parks are tired and out,of date for the times. We need to have more playing fields for the up and coming sports like
soccer and lacrosse. The park's need to also serve older residents with lighted walkways, benches, and gardens. UA
is a great community but the park's do not match the quality of the city as a whole.
2/17/2016 10:10 AM
aged facilities, ex tennis courts with poor drainage at Northam.
2/17/2016 10:07 AM
as a long time coach of baseball & lacrosse, the field space has long been an issue. either because it is limited, or
under water. Please move the tennis courts at Northam used by >1% of our city's population.
2/17/2016 10:02 AM
changes being made
2/17/2016 9:58 AM
don't use them much now that the kids are grown
2/17/2016 9:49 AM
have lived near Northam Park since 1978 and find it a great open area providing beauty as well as an active format for
anyone to who wants to either participate in sports or just enjoy nature.
2/17/2016 9:48 AM
I live across the street from Lane Rd park on Woodbridge....I purchased this house 3 years ago because it was
located across from the park. This park is awesome! I couldn't be more happy with the park. My canine companion,
Luci and I walk in it about 2 times per day. I am pleased with the way our City Council is taking care of "my" park. I
also visit Fanciburg and Northam....the quality of these parks seem fine to me as well.
2/17/2016 9:38 AM
We need better quality park facilities and a community rec center.
2/17/2016 9:38 AM
They are kept as simple, natural park settings. Would give a 10 but city has allowed some pools to slide into disrepair,
despite having the funds to do any needed repairs and maintenance,
2/17/2016 9:32 AM
Need a community center with pool, indoor basketball like Dublin and Worthington. Even grove city has a ymca in
grove city. I now go to hilliard for these activities.
2/17/2016 9:30 AM
They need updated. Our facilities are not on par with other upscale communities.
2/17/2016 9:27 AM
Many options for parks and they are nicely maintained.
2/17/2016 9:25 AM
We have great parks, but we also e need a BIG community center like worthington and Dublin and numerous other
suburbs have, with a year round (indoor) pool, fitness equipment, etc.
2/17/2016 9:23 AM
Our parks are showing their age. The playgrounds and other facilities are in desperate need of a facelift. I don't know
many people who would live in a house that wasn't updated for 30+ years, why do that to our parks?
2/17/2016 9:20 AM
some maintenance needed. not for major expenditures
2/17/2016 9:16 AM
Need better parks, more fields and indoor recreation space.
2/17/2016 9:16 AM
They are getting outdated
2/17/2016 9:10 AM
UA needs indoor pools and workout facilities for cold weather recreation/exercise, as well as more indoor basketball
2/17/2016 9:07 AM
UA is supposed to be a premier community in Central Ohio, however when compared to other communities like
Dublin, Worthington, New Albany and even Grove City - our facilities are inadequate, poorly maintained, and inferior
2/17/2016 9:04 AM
Some of the facilities are outdated. We have no splashpads.
2/17/2016 8:58 AM
They are fine, but could use some refreshing. But, they DO NOT need to be re-dsigned (Dublinfied). If people want
what Dublin has, then move to Dublin. Let's keep the character of our fine city. That is why I move here.
2/17/2016 8:55 AM
What we need is a community center with year round amenities including a competitive pool, basketball courts, health
and exercise facilities and classes. Dublin did a great job with this.
2/17/2016 8:54 AM
Need indoor recreation facility.
2/17/2016 8:50 AM
I'm comparing UA to similar Columbus suburbs.
2/17/2016 8:49 AM
In comparison to other Central Ohio communities, our parks and facilities are very poor.
2/17/2016 8:49 AM
20 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
we have great parks... but we need more parks. We can not compete with the likes of Dublin and Hilliard who have
unlimited land space. We need to make sure we have space for ALL residents and not just cater to the "kids" groups.
2/17/2016 8:49 AM
We live near Greensview School and love the park there
2/17/2016 8:48 AM
Senior Center facilities are subpar. Considering size and growth rate of senior population, the facilities are not
2/17/2016 8:26 AM
There is wasted space at some of the parks. Parking is always an issue. The parking lot lighting at Northam by the
Senior center is not well lit.
2/17/2016 8:24 AM
outdated, best you can do with limited space.
2/17/2016 8:20 AM
UA needs a community center & another water park ASAP
2/17/2016 8:14 AM
I think they are well kept. Serve the purposes that they are intended. Northam for sports, 4th of July, Labor Day arts
and craft show. The smaller ones are nice in the different neighborhoods.
2/17/2016 8:09 AM
Several parks and facilities throughout the city that are kept in good repair.
2/17/2016 8:08 AM
When attending Reed Road Water Park, there is rarely a place to sit in the shade. The limited spots under the
umbrellas are always taken. I really liked the set up of Tremont pool with the shsde around the perimeter of the baby
pool and along the fencing.
2/17/2016 8:04 AM
We need a rec center!!
2/17/2016 7:58 AM
The facilities need refreshing and serious upgrades. Things are reaching their maximum life expectancy
2/17/2016 7:57 AM
I mostly use Northam Park it has the drainage problems which makes it difficult to walk my dog after any kind of rain. It
also just seems a little run down.
2/17/2016 7:56 AM
Northampton park needs attention. The paths need re-done. There isn't a suitable running path.
2/17/2016 7:53 AM
With a few exceptions, the parks are in good shape.
2/17/2016 7:52 AM
The parks are clean and safe. Northam Park seems outdated and not well planned. It needs some major attention so
2/17/2016 7:49 AM
that it can be better utilized.
Not much updating. I visit a lot of parks outside of UA and find lots of newer equip and ideas
2/17/2016 7:42 AM
Our parks are simply outdated and they are not designed well. The new plan for Northam is a much-needed step in
the right direction. I was displeased to see that Fancyburg was not redesigned.
2/17/2016 7:35 AM
They feel archaic. Equipment and facilities are beyond dated. They appear to be an after thought.
2/17/2016 7:28 AM
Great open and spacious parks that are currently designed in a family and user friendly manner. They have great large
green spaces for playing, all the necessary equipment, and are not overly ornamental with unnecessary junk.
2/17/2016 7:10 AM
We have a lot of wonderful space that isn't always utilized to its fullest. Making changes to Northam is a critical need!
In addition, some of the bricks and mortar facilities are way behind the times; the senior center, especially.
2/17/2016 7:03 AM
Field conditions are consistently poor, bathroom facilities need improvement and pools are consistently in need of
2/17/2016 7:01 AM
Some are quite old - and for now, some are missing pieces!
2/17/2016 7:00 AM
The parks in very poor condition. Over the years, many of my kids activities have been cancelled due to flooding.
There also is an issue getting a time slot to practice softball/baseball. So much so, that a group of us "redid" the
softball diamond a Greensview to try to have a suitable spot for our girls to practice. This spot is now hard to get too
due to a need in appropriate field space, and quite frankly, any field space at all.
2/17/2016 6:50 AM
The focus on adding more baseball fields and tennis courts is baffling as it benefits only a small fraction of UA
residents. And stop competing with Dublin. UA is not Dublin
2/17/2016 6:49 AM
They are pretty goid
2/17/2016 6:48 AM
Update is required at Northam Park, but tennis courts are in a commanding place.
2/17/2016 6:33 AM
Needing updates, old, tired
2/17/2016 6:15 AM
Generally speaking ok but we are mIssing a central recreation spot (rec center) and there seem to be baseball fields
in every large green space.
2/17/2016 6:11 AM
Helpful staff and the city tried to keep everything clean
2/17/2016 6:11 AM
Lack a community center
2/17/2016 5:12 AM
21 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Parks overall seem to have something for everyone - adults, kids, etc. Parks are well maintained. I enjoy walking with
my dog as well as swimming. I have no complaints!
2/17/2016 4:59 AM
I would like to see the facilities be adaptable to those persons who have physical limitations.
2/17/2016 2:24 AM
The sports fields are lacking in space and quality. My son played baseball here and lacrosse here. We missed many
games because of drainage. I feel like we have a recreation facility for seniors amd I like that but the rest of us have to
travel to other cities like Dublin for these things or pay to work out in a private facility. We need our third pool back.
2/17/2016 2:21 AM
Compared to other communities, Westerville & Worthington for example, I feel UA has fallen behind in their outdoor
accessibility & fluidity of outdoor park space & use... ex. no connecting bike/jogging paths, old or ageing playground
equipment, no easy or safe access to Griggs, especially for families with young children.
2/17/2016 2:17 AM
Aging facilities need upgraded. Northam Park needs a new playground, pool, and to proceed with development AS
PLANNED. The senior center should be bull-dozed and a multi-generational recreation center built on site or at
Kingsdale. The parks are generally nice, but NORTHAM NEEDS UPGRADED.
2/17/2016 12:49 AM
Age of amenities
2/17/2016 12:39 AM
Parks are very nice...lots of mature trees and green space. I am not certain what our recreational 'facilities'
encompass--shelter houses? Tennis courts? Pools? Baseball fields? They are adequate.
2/17/2016 12:18 AM
limited green space
2/17/2016 12:17 AM
The facilities are excellent and well maintained.
2/16/2016 11:53 PM
Very outdated amenities as compared with other central Ohio suburbs of similar housing costs/demographics.
2/16/2016 11:49 PM
The parks and recreational facilities were excellent when the Parks and Rec Advisory Board and staff managed the
2/16/2016 11:36 PM
parks. But ever since City Council took over, the management of the parks, especially Northam Park and Tremont
Pool, has been a nightmare. City Council wants to build on the property and turn a lovely park into an
event/entertainment venue. Their staff consists of the City Manager and a Capital Manager. The new parks and rec
director appears to function as a secretary. The previous two parks and rec directors left within a year of each other.
Under City Council management, Tremont Pool was left to completely fall apart, even though an excellent inspection
done nearly a decade ago said that the pool was in violation of various health codes and ADA law and said the pool
had served its useful life and should be completely renovated, or a new pool should be built. City Council did neither of
these recommendations, but left the pool to rot until one side collapsed. For 7-8 years, the pool was in violation of
health and building codes and a serious threat to human life. But Council appeared happy that the pool collapsed, so
they could build an indoor event center on the footprint. To now entrust this body and its Capital Management staff to
do a strategic plan for all of the parks is a frightening thought. The Master Strategic Plan for Northam Park eliminated
or marginalized all of the current uses of the park--playing fields, pool, tennis courts, and enjoyment of nature and the
beautiful trees. Our Council and staff do not value these uses and want to pave over the whole thing. Council and its
collaborators--the School Board, Library Board, and UA Foundation--have been running Upper Arlington as a shadow
government. Not one of the collaborating agencies has any professional qualifications to manage parks. This group
wants to spend $800,000 on a playground! Barrington just completed a state of the art playground, and it cost
$150,000. What do the collaborators want to build for a Northam Park playground, Kings Island? Next the
collaborators have budgeted 1 million dollars for a park entrance!! What are they going to build? The Taj Mahal???
Please, please stop this fiasco and return the care of the parks back to the parks and rec advisory board. This board
produce an excellent strategic plan for the parks back in 2006-7. The Task Force leading the strategy was made up of
representatives from swimming, tennis, and field sports, plus two open seats for at-large members. All meetings were
open to the public according to Ohio's Sunshine Law. In contrast, the collaborators who came up with the Master Plan
for Northam Park met with each other, designed the plan, and determined the budget all in secret, in violation of Ohio's
Sunshine Law.
We just don't have the large open spaces of Dublin or the Park of Roses, nothing we can do about that.
2/16/2016 11:22 PM
I think for the most part the facilities are in good shape. It's too bad that the Tremont pool was neglected for so long
that it required its removal. I understand a new pool(s) will be going in at Tremont, that being said, we just need to
2/16/2016 11:14 PM
replace what was removed. We don't need another Reed Road Water Park.
The parks are nice and well located.
2/16/2016 11:13 PM
All parks could use updating
2/16/2016 11:12 PM
It is unfathomable in 2016, in a financially advantaged neighborhood that sees itself as being "top tier," that we do not
have a community center! Ridiculous. The rain/drainage at Northam, the condition of the baseball diamonds etc. not in
the "top tier."
2/16/2016 11:11 PM
No community center and few safe places to bicycle
2/16/2016 11:01 PM
Would have given higher rating but the senior center needs attention!
2/16/2016 10:30 PM
22 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Like downtown Columbus, along the new river area, there are wonderful swings, they are often used. I would love to
see more permanent and comfortable seating. Also do NOT destroy our large trees at Northam Park!
2/16/2016 10:24 PM
I do wish we had a recreation center. But overall, the parks are great.
2/16/2016 10:23 PM
I love our parks with their mature trees. I wish we had an arts center and a rec center.
2/16/2016 10:20 PM
I think we have to be careful of the upkeep and the use of these parks and rec facilities.
2/16/2016 10:13 PM
No community center. Parks are in fair condition.
2/16/2016 10:12 PM
I do not feel that we have enough facilities
2/16/2016 10:06 PM
We need a rec center and a suitable year round indoor pool.
2/16/2016 9:55 PM
M any of the playgrounds and shelter houses are dated compared to other nearby communities.
2/16/2016 9:47 PM
They are good and improving but old and not as unique as one might expect from a community like UA.
2/16/2016 9:46 PM
Since green space, trees, walking paths
2/16/2016 9:40 PM
I live next to Tremont park. Right now it is a mess, and I miss the pool for my family.
2/16/2016 9:34 PM
Playground quality, nice walking paths, cleanliness
2/16/2016 9:33 PM
Pretty good. Need to keep upgrading and maintaining to keep standards in line with other suburbs. Rec center is
2/16/2016 9:33 PM
I think that many of our parks are in need of some updating, including pools and athletic facilities.
2/16/2016 9:24 PM
For a small community we have a great park system with a lot of amenities, such as our fine pools and tennis courts.
2/16/2016 9:22 PM
The parks could use some sprucing up. It would also be cool to add more paths and sidewalks possibly connecting the
parks via the roads in UA. The suburbs in Chicago have a concept where they link the parks throughout various
suburbs with sidewalk paths so that people can go on long runs and walks with designated routes to each park. Its
awesome and provides a huge sense of community by allowing everyone to be outside using the paths, running and
walking together.
2/16/2016 9:21 PM
It feels safe and we have the amenities we need.
2/16/2016 9:21 PM
I would like to see a more elaborate community center like some larger cities have. Some have gyms and indoor
2/16/2016 9:11 PM
The natural parks, such as Northam have wonderful mature trees, adequate shade. The clay courts at Northam Park
2/16/2016 9:07 PM
are outstanding in their quality. The parks are clean, safe, and offer many different opportunities for exercise, sports,
community gathering, etc. The mature trees in Arlington's parks are similar to the mature trees found on our streets
and in people's yards.
The variety of programs offered and the parks are simple, but yet allow for a variety of activities.
2/16/2016 8:52 PM
Reed road water park is great but rest of recreation options are old and need a lot of work. Would love to have rec
2/16/2016 8:49 PM
I think we have wonderful parks. Though they all seem to have been updated around the same time, it would be nice
to see some of the newer features incorporated into one. The Grandview Goodale park is an excellent new park, I
would love to see one of ours be updated similar to that.
2/16/2016 8:47 PM
Lots of green space, open fields, dedicated ball fields, tennis courts and pools. Very pretty and functional.
2/16/2016 8:39 PM
Great programs and staff. But facilities (schools) need updated, and there's no community center. Would also like to
see more open gym opportunities for elementary-age kids.
2/16/2016 8:38 PM
I seldom use the recreation centers and I understand for sometime now, there has been a problem with the Tremont
Swimming Pool
2/16/2016 8:37 PM
green space, ball fields and diamonds and walking paths are nice, we need more pool facilities. indoor pool at the high
school is outdated and small. I would enjoy additional, modern pool to swim laps both in the summer and winter.
2/16/2016 8:33 PM
parks are in fairly good shape but need maintenance and some upgrades to keep them in excellent condition
2/16/2016 8:32 PM
We have several nice parks that accommodates many sports for several age groups and levels of play. Block houses
are available for parties. Parks are available for play and offer variety throughout UA.
2/16/2016 8:24 PM
Adequate. Too many sports fields.
2/16/2016 8:21 PM
There are quite a number of choices for the public to use.
2/16/2016 8:20 PM
23 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Much better than Columbus.
2/16/2016 8:18 PM
I think that we are in a "holding pattern" until decisions are made. I do think there is great potential ahead.
2/16/2016 8:18 PM
There is not an overall plan for all the parks and facilities with using their strengths. In addition we do not have a
community center such as Dublin and Worthington.
2/16/2016 8:15 PM
Other towns have rec centers with offering of events/activities that are available more broadly. I.e. gyms, indoor
meeting areas, indoor pools, etc.
2/16/2016 8:02 PM
Not mowing well. Areas suddenly turned in to "natural grasslands" that were always mowed in the past. Our parks are
subpar compared to Dublin and even Grove City of all places.
2/16/2016 7:49 PM
The lack of pool at Northam Park prevents me from giving the parks an excellent rating.
2/16/2016 7:48 PM
We enjoy the greenspaces
2/16/2016 7:48 PM
I was unhappy with pool management last year.
2/16/2016 7:43 PM
Have always enjoyed the parks here but then I go to Dublin and see how much they have done. We don't have a rec
2/16/2016 7:36 PM
I see the parks and progress being made in Dublin, and wish we could have some similar things. I'm thinking
specifically of their riverfront park in development.
2/16/2016 7:33 PM
The parks are clean, well maintained, and have adequate facilities for the residents. It's the private enterprises wanting
2/16/2016 7:32 PM
to take over the parks that are the primary catalyst for new facilities.
Well maintained, plentiful
2/16/2016 7:29 PM
Not sure but the parks looks great and nice and clean
2/16/2016 7:28 PM
Well maintained facilities, terrific infrastructure, convenient locations.
2/16/2016 7:26 PM
We travel to parks in other communities that have a lower tax rate and have superior parks and recreation facilities as
compared to UA, ours are embarrassing.
2/16/2016 7:25 PM
We need more park space and better quality parks. Thinks are off track in Upper Arlington because negative members
of the community derail good efforts to improve our community facilities.
2/16/2016 7:20 PM
Parks need updating, especially northam ( I know the city is working on this). I also feel that Lane Rd and Fancyburg
need updating a bit too.
2/16/2016 7:13 PM
More can be added to the parks to keep up with surrounding communities. UA is one of the only communities without
a splash pad. As a nanny within UA I am unhappy to constantly travel at least 20 to 30 minutes to get to a splash pad
2/16/2016 7:12 PM
I really wish that we had a rec center. The pools are also in need of repairs and updates. The parks for the most part
are fine.
2/16/2016 7:05 PM
We are missing three vital things. First an indoor pool like they have in Worthington, where children can experience
2/16/2016 6:59 PM
play and safety at the same time, as well as rent the place for parties. Second is a rec center for skating and all other
things school age children like to do. The third is a senior center. Ours is a disgrace to Upper Arlington. How we could
loose 4 million dollars on the purchase of property and not have a decent place for our Seniors is beyond belief.
Our parks and facilities in comparison with other neighboring cities are just "ok". They desperately need attention and
updating! Sidewalks, playground, tennis have all lived their lives. Northam park has so much potential!
2/16/2016 6:59 PM
We like the parks, but have really been wanting a rec center in UA for a long time.
2/16/2016 6:53 PM
Fields in all parks have drainage issues. This should be 1 of the first items addresed when updating any of the parks.
2/16/2016 6:50 PM
There is room for improvement. Reed rd pool has too many activities and is too small and too crowed. The former
Tremont pool was great with the exception that it was COLD, but I liked the size and opportunity to actually swim with
lots of open space for the kids to play imaginary games.
2/16/2016 6:49 PM
Overall, the variety, quality and abundance of parks in UA is excellent. The only reason my rating isn't a 10 is due to
the lack of a community center (like, Dublin, worthington and new Albany) and the outdated, embarrassing pools. UA
Pools are incredibly outdated. Sadly, our kids choose Dublin or worthington pools as they are much more interesting
with many more amenities. In our neighborhood, many families join athletic clubs simply for the modern pool facilities
that offer activities and food.
2/16/2016 6:44 PM
Although the facilities are generally good, we should have an indoor pool that's far more accessible. I also think we
2/16/2016 6:42 PM
should have a community center that is youth oriented, where teenagers can meet.
We need a rec center.
2/16/2016 6:39 PM
24 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Still waiting to see what will happen to Northam which is the park where I spend the most time
2/16/2016 6:38 PM
Being relatively new to the area/state, I believe UA has great, ample green spaces.
2/16/2016 6:38 PM
I like the parks and what they have to offer. I would like to see the Tremont Pool replaced and the drainage problems
at Northam fixed. I would be very disappointed if the tennis courts were to leave Northam Park.
2/16/2016 6:35 PM
Any city that lets people swim in a pool in August and 9 months late it is to dangerous to allow people to swim in it is
indicative of very poor planning and facilities maintenance. Is the natatorium at the high school next.
2/16/2016 6:30 PM
There needs to be some improvements and glad the city is looking at constantly improving its valuable resources.
2/16/2016 6:26 PM
Growing up in UA there were always plenty of places for my friends to go. That is not the case today. If my kids want
to hang out with friends, outside of our home, the only option in UA is market district. Especially in the winter months.
It's definitely not someplace I want my middle school & hughschool kids going to meet up with friends. The lack of a
proper rec center is very disappointing.
2/16/2016 6:25 PM
No community center. Northam needs updated. Senior Center is awful.
2/16/2016 6:20 PM
We are so behind other suburbs in quality of parks
2/16/2016 6:17 PM
Like the number of parks, especially some of the smaller ones in the neighborhood where kids can play creatively.
2/16/2016 6:13 PM
Because with all the talk of updates there has been no mention of the out dated Senior Center
2/16/2016 6:12 PM
We are new to the area and have only seen a few of the parks, Northam among them. The ones we have seen seem
2/16/2016 6:10 PM
nice enough to us!
There are small things to fix...sidewalks, not enough trash cans, especially for handicapped people who need car
access, so they don't have to get out of their car to throw lunch debris away if sitting in their car eating at lunch, etc.
2/16/2016 6:09 PM
Great mix of parks. Would love a splash pad like in similar communities - Dublin and powell
2/16/2016 6:03 PM
I appreciate that we have many neighborhood parks in UA, but the quality of the facilities isn't on par with newer parks
of Dublin
2/16/2016 5:59 PM
too little space for ball fields Northam is tired and old. It needs to be upgraded. Tennis courts should go
2/16/2016 5:56 PM
We use the parks daily & have for 38 hrs particularly Northam. One reason to buy our home were the activities at
Northam. Our children play BB & FB there. Such a great atmosphere + convenient parking & access. We love walking
the path around the tennis courts in every season. Well life but not a bother to neighbors. The "memory" benches
remind us of friends & neighbors who walked in, ran in, played in, raised kids in our beautiful Northam park. We & our
kids have enjoyed the pool for years. The park is beautiful & it works perfectly. We use & love it.
2/16/2016 5:53 PM
Nice collection of smaller parks. Lane Road park is very nice with very good walking paths. Northam park is nice for
the 4th of July festivities and nice to walk though when heading to/from library. Hastings park has a vey nice walking
path loop also. Miller park is nice to take the kids to. Fancyburg has a nice walking path though much of it is away
from trees. It is a very nice setting for the junior high cross country meets and was a great place to practice soccer
when my daughter was littler. We don't need to try and compete with the fitness centers that already exist and
2/16/2016 5:51 PM
surround UA.
I don't fell folks thought about our community when completing 1st phase of Northan Park
2/16/2016 5:47 PM
Ample in number and adequate in content for our community. UA does not need to match the park facilities of other
2/16/2016 5:46 PM
I think some updates are needed but nothing like what is needed for our roads and infrastructure.
2/16/2016 5:43 PM
UA could use a few more nature parks as opposed to parks with athletic fields.
2/16/2016 5:43 PM
Miller Park and Fancyburg used to have an area that looked a little wild, and so did Cardiff Woods. The underbrush
has been cleared out of Miller Park and the area along the walkway close to an adjacent street at Fancyburg has been
cleared. My grandchildren used to explore those areas and think they were the first to find what was in there. In Cardiff
Woods, that was cleared to some extent and wood chips put down but worst of all was installing marble benches.
There's no place in Arlington where you can find unadulterated nature, nothing that looks untouched. Kids (and grownups too) need to have those places.
2/16/2016 5:42 PM
We have lived in Arlington for over 30 years. We raised our children here & now babysit our grandchildren M-F every
week. We use all of the parks for various reasons & find each one fun, clean, functional & adequate.
2/16/2016 5:41 PM
Refurbishments are needed. A pool at Northam is needed. The number of parks UA has for its size is impressive and
a big plus for our community.
2/16/2016 5:41 PM
Need to improve our limited Green Space
2/16/2016 5:33 PM
25 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Not enough space for sports. Our community prizes academic and athletic excellence but our facilities are way
outdated and Dublin, Hilliard, Westerville have much better ones. My daughter had to go to Berliner park to practice
basketball. We need good swim facilities year round.
2/16/2016 5:32 PM
There is no indoor recreational facility that compares to other suburbs families are considering. Dublin, Westerville,
2/16/2016 5:31 PM
Worthington, etc. have indoor recreation facilities with basketball, swimming, and childcare!
Parks are all about open green spaces and trees. That is what we have in UA. Just need to keep them in good
2/16/2016 5:30 PM
For over 40 years I have enjoyed the tennis facility at Northam Park. There is nothing like the wonderful clay courts in
this city.
2/16/2016 5:21 PM
They are pretty nice but I really wish that we had an indoor recreation area like other similar communitys.
2/16/2016 5:17 PM
Parks are due for reinvestment. Lived in Solon previously, their rec center is outstanding.
2/16/2016 5:16 PM
We have no community Rec center with an indoor pool.
2/16/2016 5:15 PM
I believe that we have the kind of parks that invite sports and families. I know that there are some issues that need to
be addressed in the area of maintaining fields and replacing the pool, but overall the park has been a great place to
bring my children and now my grandchildren.
2/16/2016 5:14 PM
Compared to other communities, our parks and recreational venues are tired, worn down, needs repaired and are
simply lacking the better amenities in other communities. It's shocking really to see the difference.
2/16/2016 5:13 PM
We need to have a community center and a better senior center. Northam Park needs to be reworked.
2/16/2016 5:09 PM
The parks are bland and the indoor recreation facilities do not exist. We use schools for indoor recreation.
2/16/2016 5:07 PM
We need to redesign and reconstruct all of Northam Park, as well as integrate uses with other city parks.
2/16/2016 5:00 PM
Despite inquiries about where the money in the Sidewalk Fund has been used and why the funds from Lane Road
projects where not used to complete, at a minimum, a continuous sidewalk on the north side of Lane Road from
Riverside Drive to Thompson Park and the Library for the safety and healthful exercise of our children, young adults,
parents and elderly residents of UA. Why don't we require builders and remodeling contractors to put in sidewalks? If
that had been a requirement on Lane Road, we would have pretty much completed the sidewalk by now. Where has
the sidewalk fund money from those projects been used???
2/16/2016 4:57 PM
Needs updates
2/16/2016 4:56 PM
No Community Center. Senior Center is that of a third world country. Life Long Learning classes spread across the
2/16/2016 4:55 PM
city. Poor bike connectivity. We don't celebrate greenspace and parks.
While the parks are good and offer some amenities, I believe our community lags other comparable areas, such as
Dublin and Worthington, due to lack of a community recreation center. I take my daughter to Dublin for swim lessons
for this reason. Our senior center has great space, but if we had a central place for ALL residents, and offered more
evening parent/child opportunities for our working parents, I believe we would be better poised to attract young
2/16/2016 4:54 PM
Good lifelong learning & childrens classes. Variety of park amenities. Great park upkeep.
2/16/2016 4:53 PM
Open space, respect for mixed use and all ages
2/16/2016 4:53 PM
Nowhere near as nice or functional as similar communities such as New Albany or Dublin
2/16/2016 4:52 PM
While our parks may not have the facilities of newer suburbs we have mature trees which offer shade. I have met
2/16/2016 4:49 PM
many Mothers from Hilliard and Dublin who come to UA parks for shade.
Generally the parks are in good shape but they are in need of some updates
2/16/2016 4:45 PM
Convenience, usability, and the number of parks.
2/16/2016 4:43 PM
The parks are currently designed for and cater to families with small children and seem geared for daytime use only.
As a person who does not have kids and doesn't plan to, I would design our parks much differently.
2/16/2016 4:42 PM
Allowing the Tremont pool to deteriorate to the point that it had to be closed and delaying replacement was
shortsighted. Seems to be a lot of drainage issues in parks. Hear about Tremont but there are certainly issues at
Thompson. The supposed "natural area" at Thompson needs to be reviewed. With the loss of trees to disease, it has
become unsightly and a muddy mess. Get rid of the swamp and the mosquitoes that go with it. I don't use Sunny 95
park so can't comment on its usage or upkeep.
2/16/2016 4:40 PM
We have beautiful parks but some of them need attention which it looks like they will get.
2/16/2016 4:38 PM
parks are well maintained and there are lots of them
2/16/2016 4:38 PM
26 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
We have parks in all areas of the city to fulfill just about everyone's desires.
2/16/2016 4:37 PM
# of people using facilities
2/16/2016 4:36 PM
We have great parks and are lucky to have so many nice ones in UA. We have spent lots of time at the parks since our
kids were young and it's nice how they all have something unique to offer. I will comment as a parent of daughters who
have played softball specifically at Northam for many years though, since the Northam plans are under scrutiny right
now. The drainage for the fields is insufficient. Also, there is no opportunity for kids to play "under the lights" as there
is no field lighting. Seating is also insufficient especially during tournaments. The bathrooms absolutely suck and are
not maintained well. Also the concession stand could use improvement--the layout is not conducive to the types of
cooking you might want to do when hosting an event, the one fridge was not working properly and that metal counter
top heats to about a million degrees in the sun. There is no shade anywhere except now on the dugouts (thankfully!).
2/16/2016 4:33 PM
We need a rec center so young people with families w I'll want to live here.
2/16/2016 4:33 PM
Parks need to be updated.
2/16/2016 4:33 PM
Some things are dated.
2/16/2016 4:31 PM
1. Senior center activities and facilities are poor. They may be ok for the CURRENT seniors who attend, but many of
us go elsewhere because there is nothing for us. 2. We need something that functions as an activity/rec center for UA.
Build the senior center attached west of the Northam library and use the shared rooms for seniors and all community.
There is too much emphasis on ball fields, for a small percentage of residents.
2/16/2016 4:30 PM
Our parks are out of date, not ADA compliant and the restrooms are deplorable for such a quality driven community.
Parking lots of most are awful.
2/16/2016 4:29 PM
Fields need redone and equipment updated. The parks generally feel outdated especially after visiting parks in other
2/16/2016 4:29 PM
surrounding municipalities.
Much of the facilities are old and need updating. and given the heavy use, there should be a systematic study of use
patterns and the best deployment of services.
2/16/2016 4:28 PM
Beautiful parks, but upgrades needed
2/16/2016 4:28 PM
Wonderful library, great, clean parks.
2/16/2016 4:27 PM
Parks are too focused on youth sports activities rather than balanced based on demographics that show less than
50% of residents have children. Parks/recreational facilities need to focus more on adult services (well maintained
walking paths, dog play areas, park benches, tennis, & green spaces free of sports fields, structures, signage, noise &
related activities. Facilities need to be maintained better and updated more frequently.
2/16/2016 4:26 PM
The pools, lack of variety and no cold month activities to do anywhere. They are beautiful, but not enough park
benches, picnic benches, etc at Northam.
2/16/2016 4:23 PM
Some need tlc
2/16/2016 4:22 PM
They need freshened up; I'd like to see some weed control and improved MAINTENANCE of what we have; the
2/16/2016 4:21 PM
restroom at Northam definitely needs reworked; the baseball diamonds could be improved where they are; energy
efficient lighting would seem smart; can we PLEASE get the sign in the pillars on Tremont Rd -- that's embarrassing!
The sidewalks need to be level and other maintenance items addressed before wasting money on some of the stuff in
the plan City Council opted for.
The parks are nice, but Northam needs work to make it more functional.
2/16/2016 4:17 PM
They are great to use especially the dog park!
2/16/2016 4:17 PM
Because most of our parks are pretty nice, but some could use some sprucing up.
2/16/2016 4:16 PM
Devon pool needs to be updated to be more young child friendly
2/16/2016 4:14 PM
Old design, oftentimes limited use
2/16/2016 4:14 PM
Only a few improvements needed.
2/16/2016 4:12 PM
The city lacks sufficient facilities for inclement and winter weather.
2/16/2016 4:12 PM
The parks are great but UA really needs a splash pad. They are much safer and more fun for toddler age children. Its
unfortunate to have to drive to Dublin or Powell to get to one.
2/16/2016 4:11 PM
Parks are great, but we need a recreation center for ALL residents
2/16/2016 4:11 PM
We need an indoor Rec center
2/16/2016 4:08 PM
After the pool at Tremont is replaced I think our parks are fine.
2/16/2016 4:06 PM
27 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
I have lived in UA since 1960. I was born in 1952. I have made extensive use of the parks--grew up near Northam
Park, bought house next to Lane Road Park aka Thompson Park. Spent time at Reed Road Park. Always the parks
were "user friendly" well kept, and good for walking, playing games, tennis, dogs, etc. Let's not make the parks bigger
than they need to be. If residents, like them, use them, then we need to maintain them, but not build bigger and better.
2/16/2016 4:05 PM
Not many special features in parks. We really need a rec center where youth and young adults can safely socialize
and have rec activities.
2/16/2016 4:05 PM
Could always use more and some need updating
2/16/2016 4:05 PM
Lack of a community center and bike paths
2/16/2016 4:03 PM
The parks are very well maintained
2/16/2016 4:02 PM
Facilities need updated. The parks are disjointed (e.g. I go to one Arts Festival or Taste of UA and then cross over the
other Arts Festival or Taste of UA). The drainage at Northam is bad (i.e. I have lost my shoe in the mud and then
stepped into the mud in my socked foot).
2/16/2016 4:01 PM
As all of us with 95 year old homes know, it is a constant struggle to keep everything in an old neighborhood in
working order.
2/16/2016 4:00 PM
Parks are excellent. Fix the pool & tennis courts. Do not destroy Northam with a cement road and elimination of trees.
2/16/2016 3:59 PM
We have great park space located throughout the community, but equipment could be updated.
2/16/2016 3:58 PM
If you look around at neighboring communities they have amazing facilities. If fact, I often take my children to the
parks outside of UA because they have more to offer.
2/16/2016 3:57 PM
I use Northam Park a lot and it is/was getting pretty "tired". Pool was disgraceful. Playground is less than exciting and
2/16/2016 3:56 PM
looks old. Park is very muddy too. Park needs better lighting at night when tennis courts are closed for the season.
No central municipal workout facility. Bike trails are extremely limited and somewhat dangerous.
2/16/2016 3:56 PM
A recent center like other suburbs is needed
2/16/2016 3:55 PM
Overall we have great facilities but we need to manage our limited space well to maintain it. The city needs to include
2/16/2016 3:54 PM
public input more (not negotiate for a year w the baseball group and keep it secret as an example).
Compared with other communities of similar demographic composition and home values, our parks and facilities are
really beginning to show their age. Other comparable communities with rec centers and more updated park systems
are far more attractive to today's families and home buyers.
2/16/2016 3:53 PM
I've seen other communities with better/newer facilities and updated parks
2/16/2016 3:52 PM
The parks could use some tweeking, but the infrastructure needs immediate attention.
2/16/2016 3:51 PM
The parks are always kept up and a safe place for community interaction.
2/16/2016 3:50 PM
Because there is room for improvement
2/16/2016 3:50 PM
There's room for improvement.
2/16/2016 3:48 PM
I enjoy the parks the way they are and believe most of them are in excellent shape.
2/16/2016 3:46 PM
Excellent: neighborhood access, general quality/repair of the facilities Poor: drainage of fields (closed too often!); loss
of Tremont pool
2/16/2016 3:45 PM
We, especially my children, enjoy the parks.
2/16/2016 3:45 PM
Would like to have more indoor recreational opportunities
2/16/2016 3:45 PM
For what I want from the parks, they are fine.
2/16/2016 3:45 PM
The fields at Northam, NW park and fancy burg are terrible. No drainage, extremely low grade compared to other cities
in Columbus
2/16/2016 3:43 PM
Wonderful parks and locations but they are poorly maintained in terms of mowing, ball field maintenance, etc.
2/16/2016 3:43 PM
May family enjoys many of the community parks.
2/16/2016 3:42 PM
Needs work drainage,lights,indoor pool,walkways,dedicated areas
2/16/2016 3:41 PM
Compared to parks in Dublin and Hilliard.
2/16/2016 3:41 PM
Generally use the park to walk my dogs and enjoy nature.
2/16/2016 3:40 PM
28 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Decent equipment at playgrounds and space but could use more natural landscape that's interactive to help make
better use of the green space. Like bubbling brooks or water features the kids can utilize. Fun but keeping it serene
and natural
2/16/2016 3:39 PM
Because there are plenty of trees and open areas - I do not like parks that are overwhelmed by facilities. They take
away from the nature and only appeal to particular groups of people. My rating is based on experience - not direction
2/16/2016 3:39 PM
Some of the parks are old and some disrepair
2/16/2016 3:39 PM
They fit the community as it is and nobody has an effective, convincing, and quantifiable argument that we are lacking
2/16/2016 3:38 PM
anything. Our family is tired of the unproven and age old argument that people don't want to be here because we don't
have (fill in the blank). Reality is we have much that others envy...let's take advantage of that.
Without any involvement from the community P & R designated area a nature preserves to save on mowing expenses.
Overall landscaping and grounds are maintained to low level of satisfaction. Fields, courts, diamonds, playgrounds
have lack the attention our neighboring communities place on their parks.
2/16/2016 3:37 PM
We need a rec center, a community pool, and other amenities that can be found in suburbs near by.
2/16/2016 3:35 PM
Our parks need a refresher! Stay the course and move ahead with the well-thought plans you have created. The vocal
minority is bogging down the system!
2/16/2016 3:35 PM
We have ignored the parks for a long time and then want to fix them all at one time without sufficient input and dialogue
2/16/2016 3:34 PM
from the community. The way issue 24 was handled polarized the community. Even people who were for issue 24 felt
that they were misled, and that changed their opinion of City Council and City Management. It is time for both Council
and City Management to follow the school district's lead and actually engage the community. Recent outcomes from
the November election seem to be getting leadership's attention and the tide is turning. Only time will tell whether the
message changes behavior or the city returns to its old ways of doing things.
We need to redevelop Northam Park. I also wish we had an indoor rec center.
2/16/2016 3:33 PM
Fantastic parks, but an indoor community space would be nice.
2/16/2016 3:33 PM
we have wonderful parks and few facilities
2/16/2016 3:33 PM
Everything can always be better, but the parks are not in that bad of shape. The parking lot at Tremont needs to be
fixed before someone is hurt. I know that they spend a lot of money on it, but it was not done correctly. Find a different
company to fix it.
2/16/2016 3:31 PM
Northam Park in particular needs updating. As the premier park in the City is does not support the types of activities
2/16/2016 3:31 PM
and community events that make Arlington truly special
Soccer and other fields at Thompson and Northam are below par (drainage, grass quality) compared fields in Dublin
and Hilliard. Only the baseball diamonds at Thompson are adequate. Very inadequate indoor rec center type facilities
for both children and adults. Layout of some parks very antiquated and not done for best multi-purpose use.
2/16/2016 3:29 PM
Poor drainage, grass isn't kept up appropriately(needs mowed more often), lack of restroom facilities
2/16/2016 3:29 PM
Responsive to my calls. Most things are done right. Northam tennis facility is OK but "marketing" of it has declined.
There would be more members if people it was marketed better. Also Northam tennis maintenance has declined, been
2/16/2016 3:28 PM
deferred while awaiting a total park strategy. the debacle with Fancyburg was avoidable. The lure of the money from
the foundation was very attractive, but no answers for parking or how other park needs would be solved. The parking
lot re-do at Northam was a BIG waste of serious money. No more parking and traffic pattern is horrible, and perhaps
We are behind the quality of amenities of other neighborhoods. To keep the value of our property we need to update
out parks.
2/16/2016 3:28 PM
Living Fishinger Rd we have to drive to get to any of the city parks, There is a serious lack of parking at the nearby
use parks (Northam, Lane Rd, and Fancyburg). Not everywhere in UA is walkable--think crossing the 5 point
intersection. The parks are very usable and have a lot to do, but getting there is something else.
2/16/2016 3:27 PM
Some work needed.
2/16/2016 3:27 PM
I think the parks are great but could be even better.
2/16/2016 3:26 PM
We used Northam Park almost daily when children and grandchildren were young. Would have given a higher rating if
Tremont Pool had been maintained properly over the years.
2/16/2016 3:25 PM
I love the pools, but the new Tremont pool needs to be a full-sized pool on par with Reed Road Water Park.
2/16/2016 3:24 PM
29 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Happy with most things. Would like little change. I/we know pools and playgrounds need updating. Drainage too! As I
understand no need to remove tennis courts to address drainage issue. See no need for reading gardens by the
library. There is a noise level that would interfere with reading. Cars pass by often.
2/16/2016 3:23 PM
Outdated and horrible drainage issues. I am embarrassed of our parks!
2/16/2016 3:23 PM
I am not familiar with the several parks and cannot rate them. As to recreation facilities, I assume you mean sports
fields for youth because there are not many for adults outside of the swimming pools.
2/16/2016 3:21 PM
I selected wrong track because I love the parks as they are. I would prefer to just do maintenance on our existing
facilities instead of adding more ballparks and pools. The grass areas and trees are the real appeal for me.
2/16/2016 3:21 PM
While we do have some great locations, some pools and parks are a bit tired and dated looking.
2/16/2016 3:21 PM
The activities and programs and wonderful. However, because there is no rec center, I couldn't give it a higher rating.
The addition of a rec center would greatly improve the quality of the facilities and access to programs.
2/16/2016 3:19 PM
The parks are clean and well maintained. Generally they are safe, even despite drug deals going on at Thompson.
2/16/2016 3:19 PM
Very good, not everything in perfect condition. Could use better bathrooms, particularly at Northam
2/16/2016 3:19 PM
Many of the facilities closest to me are tied up in construction. Registration for some activities can be difficult.
2/16/2016 3:18 PM
We need a community center.
2/16/2016 3:18 PM
Most park and facilities are well maintained
2/16/2016 3:18 PM
Northam, the park closest to me is a swamp.
2/16/2016 3:18 PM
Some things need to be updated to keep families with kids moving to the area instead of more modern amenities in
2/16/2016 3:15 PM
the suburbs.
The park is designed with the tree for a peaceful setting as it is.
2/16/2016 3:15 PM
Love the Northam tennis courts
2/16/2016 3:14 PM
The parks are conveniently located in many different neighborhoods, and frequently used by many different ages of
2/16/2016 3:12 PM
people. They have always served their purpose.
No rec center
2/16/2016 3:11 PM
I am in support of the Northam Park improvements, and think it would add quality to the facilities.
2/16/2016 3:11 PM
I have lived here for 40 years and think UA does a good job.
2/16/2016 3:11 PM
I think we would use some improvements, but an overhaul of Northam seems like overkill.
2/16/2016 3:10 PM
I think the parks are very well located and maintained, and I think they get a lot of use from the community -- even
from people living outside of the UA community, which is a good sign. I do think Northam Park has some issues (from
old structures to unfortunately, new structures that were poorly planned), thus the low rating.
2/16/2016 3:09 PM
Our parks and facilities compare negatively to Dublin and worthington. No bathroom at west over!
2/16/2016 3:09 PM
Overall condition of exhisting facilities
2/16/2016 3:08 PM
Love the number and variety of parks. Recreational facilities are great if you're paying to use them, not so great for the
average townsperson.
2/16/2016 3:08 PM
It seems the Parks and Recreation Dept. has gotten lax in the last year or two. Our parks are losing their shine. Some
2/16/2016 3:07 PM
"enhancements: are poor quality and it seems as if the cheap way is chosen. Example would be fencing around safety
town at Greensview. What idiot chose a rough, unfinished fence to surround an area for small children? Not only is the
fence unsafe, it is so ugly it detracts from the appearance of the school and is so close to the sidewalk that it is nearly
impossible to walk any way but single file. What a waste of taxpayer dollars!
Compared to cities such as Dublin, our green spaces, landscaping, and upkeep lagging.
2/16/2016 3:07 PM
Would like a community center. Senior center does not need to take up valuable park space. Could be elsewhere.
2/16/2016 3:05 PM
Lack of state of the art facilities. No community center, no high caliber facilities.
2/16/2016 3:05 PM
Nothing has been done for years (until now) to update facilities.
2/16/2016 3:05 PM
I love that fancyburg has safe playground equipment for small toddlers. It is such a blessing and one of a kind in this
whole city!
2/16/2016 3:04 PM
The parks are in desperate need of updating. I am at northam park for an hour almost every day. 12 months a year.
2/16/2016 3:03 PM
30 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Need more parkland as in grass, trees, gardens, walking and nature paths not inundated with athletic fields, jungle
gyms, various courts
2/16/2016 3:03 PM
I want a recreation center that includes an indoor pool for people who like to swim laps or do water aerobics and an
indoor walking track...for winter walking.
2/16/2016 3:02 PM
1) Pools are below average at best 2) Baseball fields are embarrassingly inadequate compared to all of our
neighboring communities 3) Seems to be a complete lack of layout design 4) Mowing is inconsistent - grass usually
too high with a filled with dandelions 5) multi-purpose fields are overgrown, wet or both
2/16/2016 3:01 PM
Thompson Park is well maintained, great walking, tennis, soccer, etc. - a gem just as it is.
2/16/2016 3:01 PM
always room for improvement
2/16/2016 3:00 PM
UA's facilities does not compete with other communities in Columbus. The parks are nice, but we have few amenities
with them. Improved restrooms/community meeting rooms/locker rooms and gym space is a must.
2/16/2016 2:58 PM
Our surrounding suburbs (Powell, Dublin, and Westerville) have wonderful amenities and their parks are outstanding.
Ours are just ok and look a little dated. They have bike paths and walking paths that connect parks to neighborhoods
and indoor facilities and pools that are more modern. We don't even have enough sidewalks for my kids to walk to
2/16/2016 2:57 PM
Compared to other "like" communities (Dublin / New Albany), UA's recreational facilities are WAY below average!
2/16/2016 2:57 PM
I think it is crazy that we have city parks that we close the fields when it rains since the fields are weeds anyway. We
has severals pools already it would be better to have some type of rec center since we have a short pool season and
the pool cool thing wears off at 7th grade. I feel like the community is geared to the young and old and missed the in-
2/16/2016 2:56 PM
Facilities are old and we are not maximizing our limited green space.
2/16/2016 2:56 PM
I feel a community such as Upper Arlington should have a recreation center.
2/16/2016 2:55 PM
I love the playgrounds, but we need something to keep and draw in younger residents Upper Arlington in the
2/16/2016 2:54 PM
community. I feel a splash pad or something related would be a good start.
Upper Arlington is so out dated to what is going on in other communities.
2/16/2016 2:54 PM
Compared to surrounding suburbs, ours is lacking in features
2/16/2016 2:51 PM
Are parks are great just need to be maintained and don't need frills just keep them as they are and maintained and quit
2/16/2016 2:48 PM
cutting down our trees
Kids love the playgrounds but they are showing their age. Sand pit is discussing at Tremont.
2/16/2016 2:47 PM
one weakness is the lack of lap lanes at the pools. The old Hastings pool had 3 lap lanes, and the new facility only has
2/16/2016 2:47 PM
There are some outdated facilities and bathrooms that keep us behind neighboring suburbs.
2/16/2016 2:45 PM
The parks are fine but there doesn't seem to be much in the way of rec
2/16/2016 2:45 PM
I feel UA should have an indoor rec center. I would support by purchasing a membership.
2/16/2016 2:44 PM
Recreational facilities for rent seem outdated yet the price for rental is much higher than similar rental facilities in other
communities, as in Dublin for example. I would also appreciate more community events in our parks - for families,
2/16/2016 2:43 PM
couples, and seniors - things like theater, live music, and movies in the parks.
Many other suburbs have nicer parks, but UA has a nice collection of facilities. I don't think the park maintenance had
been as good as years past.
2/16/2016 2:41 PM
Everything is dated and not comparable to other communities.
2/16/2016 2:41 PM
We approved $$ to improve parks in issue23; several are in need of some updates
2/16/2016 2:41 PM
Mostly due to old infrastructure and poor design
2/16/2016 2:39 PM
The parks are old and need updated. Northam park does not even have an adequate playground. There is only one
nice public pool and with the closing of the pool at Northam park Reed Rd is crowded.
2/16/2016 2:35 PM
Parks are very nice. Good for families. Would like to see improvement on biking safety and more modern pool
2/16/2016 2:35 PM
There are improvements to be made, but I enjoy the parks as they are now.
2/16/2016 2:35 PM
Updating needed and expansion of some areas
2/16/2016 2:35 PM
31 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Why is there no plans for a Rec Center? Dublin, Worthington and Westerville all have great facilities.
2/16/2016 2:34 PM
Some of the parks need to be updated. The turf is terrible (too many bare spots, drainage issues, etc.).
2/16/2016 2:32 PM
We make the most of what we have but lack many of the amenties found in other communities. We should never lose
residents to other communities because we do not have something. Also we should not have to keep families and
kids out to 10:00 at night because the indoor rec space in only available from 6:30 - 10:00.
2/16/2016 2:32 PM
facilities and fields are sub-par
2/16/2016 2:31 PM
There is something there for everyone and everything is well groomed
2/16/2016 2:29 PM
Many parks lack adequate parking, and I'm bothered that the northern fields of Northam are usually too wet to be
usable. We need to make the most of the limited greenspace we have. I support the many upgrades City Council has
2/16/2016 2:25 PM
The choices offered for every age level and the prices for which they are offered.
2/16/2016 2:24 PM
Observation of people using the parks.
2/16/2016 2:23 PM
I feel other communities have surpassed us in their parks and rec offerings and facilities
2/16/2016 2:21 PM
We need to more efficiently utilize the limited space we have.
2/16/2016 2:21 PM
Aside from needing some minor to moderate upgrades, I think they are in good shape. No need for such major, costly
2/16/2016 2:20 PM
nature and walking spaces through nature limited. Parks are mostly for sports
2/16/2016 2:20 PM
Many of the parks are starting to look rundown.
2/16/2016 2:19 PM
Some of the facilities are really nice (Reed Rd water park, statuary at Miller Park library and Sunny 95, Sunny 95
building), but others are inadequate due to poor drainage or outdated facilities. The senior center is beyond
insufficient. It's a wonderful community without the Rec resources one would expect in this wealthy a city.
2/16/2016 2:19 PM
Older facilities that in many cases are showing their age. Many parks really need significant maintenance.
2/16/2016 2:19 PM
variety of open spaces, children's play areas, pools and athletic facilities
2/16/2016 2:17 PM
Compared to other like communities UA is lacking significantly in park space and facilities.
2/16/2016 2:16 PM
They need upkeep
2/16/2016 2:16 PM
If you look at surrounding communities their parks & Recreation facilities are amazing. Ours, not so much. I do not see
2/16/2016 2:15 PM
space as an issue because if you look at bigger cities (Chicago for instance) you see amazing playgrounds and
community spaces stacked between two skyscrapers. If you look around UA you see building in need of renovations,
playgrounds that were designed decades ago and shuffle board courts that have been around for years. You do not
see spaces that invite creativity, spaces that allow for exploration or spaces that allow for collaboration.
The number of parks we have with mature trees and different features is a real asset! Sports fields do need attention.
2/16/2016 2:15 PM
We have parks available to us, some are recreation friendly, some are not.
2/16/2016 2:15 PM
Some of the projects seem like a waste of money for what we get. Examples; the elaborate sidewalk entrance to the
park on Tremont Rd and brick cross walks.
2/16/2016 2:14 PM
No community center building.
2/16/2016 2:14 PM
No connected bike path system, no recreation center.
2/16/2016 2:14 PM
Parks are generally quite good but Northam needs upgrades and the overall facilities are fine but not an ideal "10".
2/16/2016 2:13 PM
It is not a "best in class" system for a city of Arlington's affluence.
2/16/2016 2:12 PM
They need to be updated
2/16/2016 2:12 PM
Dublin, Westerville, Olentangy, New Albany, Worthington just to name a few all have parks that are larger and nicer
and they have community rec centers with indoor pools, basketball courts, fitness facilities all available to the
2/16/2016 2:11 PM
Northam Park Tennis Facility is below par compared to similar communities
2/16/2016 2:11 PM
Need more sports fields.
2/16/2016 2:10 PM
While there are a lot of parks in the area, some of them are outdated when compared to other suburbs in the area.
2/16/2016 2:10 PM
Our parks are outdated and do not maximize the limited space we have
2/16/2016 2:09 PM
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Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Outdated facilities, lack of sports fields. Lots of land dedicated to clay tennis courts that are only used part of the year
by a few people
2/16/2016 2:08 PM
Not very attractive or functional but better than it could be.
2/16/2016 2:07 PM
My family uses northam park almost daily. The amenities, layout, and overall space are great for my family to use.
Mature trees give plenty of room for my fair skinned kids to play.
2/16/2016 2:07 PM
There are numerous parks in Upper Arlington. I just wish they were more jogger friendly parks. Meaning, a little longer
with distance markers, etc.
2/16/2016 2:06 PM
More space is needed for the programs at the senior center. i.e.The fitness classes are limited in size due to the room
2/16/2016 2:06 PM
It's really because when I think "park" I would never think UA. Maybe Dublin, Hilliard has a great park. Where are
2/16/2016 2:05 PM
Northam park is outdated, and the functionality is poor. I was very impressed with the plan that was created by the
landscape architect firm that did the master plan.
2/16/2016 2:04 PM
weak compared to other suburbs
2/16/2016 2:04 PM
Great place for kids
2/16/2016 2:03 PM
Facilities substandard when compared to surrounding communities. . . Aging.
2/16/2016 2:02 PM
Poor drainage. Unsafe baseball fields. Nice green space. Abundance of parks. Nice but outdated playgrounds.
2/16/2016 2:02 PM
The parks are attractive, well located, and have a fine array of facilities.
2/16/2016 2:02 PM
small number of acres.
2/16/2016 2:01 PM
I will never get past the voting down of the rec center in Kingsdale.
2/16/2016 2:01 PM
No rec center, no indoor pool
2/16/2016 2:00 PM
Northam park is a swamp. The tennis courts are ill-placed consequently along with causing extreme drainage
2/16/2016 2:00 PM
problems, they also kill a lot of useful space.
Northam, that has the most organized events, has poor available parking, insufficient handicap parking. The grounds
are rutted or bumpy and events after a rain are muddy messes. The park needs more benches and seating, should
have a kiosk with drinks, Needs picnic tables. The pool areas needs shady or covered areas for parents watching
2/16/2016 1:59 PM
I believe there is opportunity to upgrade/clean up the parks and facilities to be more in line with other Columbus
2/16/2016 1:59 PM
We don't seem to know what we want or are doing. We need leadership!!!!
2/16/2016 1:58 PM
We have a lot of parks, but not updated. Ball fields are in bad shape and the pool at Northam was very outdated.
2/16/2016 1:58 PM
I think the services are excellent but feel that the facilities could use some maintenance and updates due to age. I
would also like to see amenities in our parks that are similar to those that we see in neighboring communities.
2/16/2016 1:57 PM
All the fields are old, with average maintenance.
2/16/2016 1:56 PM
There are many from which to choose for different activities.
2/16/2016 1:56 PM
They are nice but outdated
2/16/2016 1:55 PM
I hate the wild nature areas at Thompson Park
2/16/2016 1:54 PM
Looking at our parks I see lots of areas where improvements are needed. Mostly updates are needed to what's
2/16/2016 1:52 PM
already there to make more useful. Compared to other communities we are greatly lacking functional recreational
facilities. Personally we travel to other surrounding communities, especially during the winter, to take advantage of
their facilities. Specifically indoor pool, gyms and workout facilities.
Ageing equipment for kids, no bike paths
2/16/2016 1:52 PM
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Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
They are pretty good. I do agree that some of the facilities are in need of some updates. However, I'm disappointed
about how they have gone about introducing them. There was not nearly enough community input before moving
forward with the redevelopment plans for Northam Park. The tennis courts being moved to the corner made no sense.
There is no parking over there. It would also put the courts near a bunch of homes which would adversely effect their
home values. It makes sense to have them in the center of the park so that they are not near by any residences. The
idea of dropping the number of courts is also appalling. The number of courts is regularly full with a wait during the
week. With fewer courts there would not be space for teaching. Also, a vast number of teams play and practice there.
Northam makes up a large amount of the teams that comprise the GCTA leagues and would adversely effect the
Columbus tennis community as a whole. The idea of a center walkway in the park is also a bad one. I'm not interested
in seeing another OSU campus oval in Columbus. I'm insulted by the city trying to push their agenda to make their
parks look updated to compete with the outer suburbs without taking the city's residence feedback into account
2/16/2016 1:51 PM
The parks are terrible, with the exception of Sunny 95. It has nice facilities with nice bathrooms and drinking fountains
and great fields for sports. I love a great park to walk and dog and throw a blanket down and relax, but our youth have
terrible athletic fields to compete on. We have been all over central Ohio for our daughters sports events and they all
have excellent athletic facilities. We have decent parks. We have zero "athletic facilities".
2/16/2016 1:51 PM
Many good facilities and work being done/planned for those that have shortcomings (Tremont)
2/16/2016 1:51 PM
Too much emphasis on sports and noise; not enough on trees, water features, low lighting and pedestrians
2/16/2016 1:50 PM
Parks seem to be aimed at sports and not for general use except for walking. More naturescapes are needed. An Innis
Woods type of park would be appreciated or add some of its features to the existing parks.
2/16/2016 1:49 PM
Not enough benches
2/16/2016 1:48 PM
We need more indoor winter spaces. Especially with water.
2/16/2016 1:48 PM
Parks do not have to be overdeveloped to provide recreation, solace and joy. They exist to be experienced by many
types of people. There should be areas of structure, like playgrounds, baseball diamonds and walking/biking paths, but
there should also be "free" spaces, blank spaces left to be imagined by park goers. UA parks accomplish that now.
2/16/2016 1:47 PM
We do not have any park/walking path above average.
2/16/2016 1:47 PM
Love the parks that we have used mostly Northam and fancyburg
2/16/2016 1:46 PM
I think we have a good number of parks, but would love to see more trails, would love a community rec center and
would love some sort of fountain/splash pad that is free for kids on hot summer days.
2/16/2016 1:46 PM
Devon Rd. pool hasn't changed since I grew up in UA in the 70's/80's. Other than Thompson Park, the condition of the
baseball/softball fields at Northam and other parks are below average.
2/16/2016 1:45 PM
Outdated parks and facilities that need to be improved and are not up to par compared with taxes paid. We need a
master plan for all parks rather than knee-jerk piecemeal plans the City uses today.
2/16/2016 1:45 PM
I love to swim and I have 2 pools with lap lanes to choose from. After the new Northam park pool, I should another 6
lanes! I checked out Northwest Swim and Racquet and they wanted $1800 a year to join and this was too expensive
for someone who just swims.
2/16/2016 1:44 PM
They all desperately need improvements
2/16/2016 1:43 PM
Not well maintained and need a year round facility for all ages like a rec center, instead of just a Senior center.
2/16/2016 1:42 PM
We don't have a nice community center as many other cities have.
2/16/2016 1:42 PM
parks are not as nice as surrounding communities. Also our senior center building is substandard.
2/16/2016 1:42 PM
Drainage, Age, lack of amenities.
2/16/2016 1:42 PM
There is no fitness facility, Reed Road Water Park pool is too small, and I am tired of all the bicketing
2/16/2016 1:41 PM
Need a recreation facility.
2/16/2016 1:41 PM
Because if the wonderful array of programs it offers.
2/16/2016 1:40 PM
We have nice parks but they can be improved. I think the idea of combining Northam Park and the Tremont School
property is an excellent idea.
2/16/2016 1:39 PM
Having had 4 children play at Northam and facilities in neighboring parks, UA facilities and fields are outdated and in
need of being overhauled.
2/16/2016 1:39 PM
some equipment/facilities need to be updated
2/16/2016 1:39 PM
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Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
I think they could be modernized. Better sports facilities, would be nice. A community recreation center would be even
better. Dublin has this and it is very nice.
2/16/2016 1:38 PM
We are fortunate to have a variety of parks with various amenities, but it's important to maintain and improve them,
especially Northam Park.
2/16/2016 1:38 PM
It would be nice to have some sort of a community rec center, similar to Westerville or Dublin
2/16/2016 1:38 PM
The parks are in great shape and offer the residents plenty of amenities.
2/16/2016 1:37 PM
There aren't many rec options for young children. We have to go to Columbus rec centers for classes.
2/16/2016 1:36 PM
Should have more to offer.
2/16/2016 1:36 PM
we are really missing the tremont pool and feel like the other pool needs improvements as well. also need a rec
2/16/2016 1:35 PM
I have coached my 13 year old daughter in multiple travel sports. When you travel to other communities, you really get
a feel for how outdated our UA parks facilities are. It's pretty embarrassing.
2/16/2016 1:35 PM
Some of the parks are battered and overcrowded; the pools are basically unusable because they are overcrowded.
Some of the older pools (like the former Tremont pool) was really not very usable due to decline and not being heated.
2/16/2016 1:35 PM
We have plenty of parks, but the athletic fields in some of our parks don't measure up to the quality we should have (&
as compared to our peer cities in Columbus). The layouts of the existing parks is fine. We certainly don't need to move
fields (or tennis courts!), rather we need to upgrade the fields/courts where they stand today.
2/16/2016 1:34 PM
The parks are nice, and I like the dog off leash at a certain time. But it would be nice to have a fenced in designated
dog park. Also, the kid's play area needs to be updated in some of the parks.
2/16/2016 1:33 PM
The parks (grounds and facilities) seem to be an afterthought not a focus.
2/16/2016 1:33 PM
Some parts of parks need updating, like Northam pool
2/16/2016 1:33 PM
The locations are good & facilities fine. There could be more "useful" (like w/equipment) parks in some areas (like S of
Lane, E of Northwest). What's lacking are the state of the green spaces (eg scrubby grasses) and the lack of planned
2/16/2016 1:31 PM
garden spaces. Additionally, prices for facilities rentals are high for residents, given their states (compare with old
prices & new prices for Wyman Woods in GV for residents: amazing facilities; much less $$$)
Wish we had more space for more fields and recreation areas.
2/16/2016 1:31 PM
Parks need to be maintained, but the current designs are fine and meet the needs of citizens.
2/16/2016 1:31 PM
Many of our facilities are outdated compared to other communities in Central Ohio and elsewhere.
2/16/2016 1:30 PM
Run down condition, poor drainage
2/16/2016 1:30 PM
They satisfy the broad interests of the community without breaking the "budget bank".
2/16/2016 1:29 PM
Many of the parks in UA are dated and need work compared to similar communities (Worthington, Dublin, New
2/16/2016 1:29 PM
Albany, Bexley)
Large and well cared for, suitable for all ages and interests.
2/16/2016 1:29 PM
disappointed that they are not moving ahead with the original plans for Northam. why not move the tennis courts that
are only used by a small number of people. It uses a large amount of real estate and the north side is always swampy
2/16/2016 1:27 PM
Primarily use the tennis facility at Northam Park. I think the facility is excellent and the park setting with trees is ideal.
2/16/2016 1:27 PM
Bathrooms don't have soap or hand sanitizer. Grass on fields is often longer than it should be.
2/16/2016 1:27 PM
need a community center similar to surrounding suburbs.
2/16/2016 1:27 PM
like the tennis courts very much. sorry to lose the pool
2/16/2016 1:27 PM
wish we had a community center with workout facilities and indoor pool
2/16/2016 1:27 PM
for the limited, landlocked green space we have, the parks are delightful. We should maintain and upgrade our pools,
athletic fields, baseball diamonds,, and tennis courts where they exist - we do not need grand entrances or the
disappearance of trees and greenspace! In regards to indoor facilities, we cannot afford debt such as Dublin incurs;
there are many nice and very reasonably priced athletic facilities/ clubs and country clubs available for indoor
swimming, exercise equipment, etc.
2/16/2016 1:26 PM
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Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
I gave that rating because i have been to other communities with much better facilities...and the facilities don't take up
"green space" like people claim. there is plenty of room and the parks are beautiful places for people to be....and they
aren't in use all the time but there is some incentive to keeping the parks nice when you DO have additional money
making events there. We spend too much time FORCING people to put sidewalks on their street (oh, but that doesn't
cost the city money because the residents have to pay for it!) then we do making sure our parks and rec areas are
nicely maintained.
2/16/2016 1:26 PM
They appear to be fine. I would like to see basic maintenance and minor improvements
2/16/2016 1:26 PM
Based on the funding and tax dollars available to the city I would rate them slightly above fair. I do not believe at this
2/16/2016 1:26 PM
time they are the cities highest priority
Lack of insightful planning to address changing a park system that hasn't been updated for 40 years.
2/16/2016 1:25 PM
our neighboring communities offer their residence much nicer recreational facilities in terms of parks, athletic fields,
concessions and bike ways. UA does have one very nice pool and the tennis courts at northam are top notch.
2/16/2016 1:24 PM
Many nice locations outdoors, would be nice to have some more indoor access.
2/16/2016 1:24 PM
Some are amazing, like the Sunny 95 park, and some need some work like Northam, Thompson and Fancyburg.
2/16/2016 1:23 PM
Improvements need to be made
2/16/2016 1:23 PM
UA still needs a community rec center for all ages...similar to a YMCA.
2/16/2016 1:23 PM
I believe a lot of the facilities are in need of an improvement they are outdated or in need of repair.
2/16/2016 1:22 PM
There's nothing spectacular about any of our parks, except Hastings pool.
2/16/2016 1:22 PM
Outdated infrastructure and lack of modern amenities.
2/16/2016 1:22 PM
The pool that was removed required replacement and the tennis courts also have irrigation issues that require
2/16/2016 1:21 PM
Not much needs to be done to maintain the beautiful parks in UA.
2/16/2016 1:19 PM
Some of the parks are seemingly laid out in a haphazard manner. Need more bike/walking paths that safely
interconnect with commercial areas. Indoor recreation is limited/non-existent.
2/16/2016 1:19 PM
I truly belive we need a rec center and good path system to keep up with other communities.
2/16/2016 1:19 PM
The parks are well planned, including open space and mature trees.
2/16/2016 1:18 PM
Ruckus about parks.
2/16/2016 1:18 PM
Parks & rec facilities are lacking in quality in some areas/outdated, etc.
2/16/2016 1:17 PM
Somewhat because of the very issues you are trying to address (but did so without much input from community. Most
importantly because of intra and inter connectivity.
2/16/2016 1:16 PM
Not enough sport fields and the ones we have are not in good condition.
2/16/2016 1:16 PM
We do not have the quality of parks and recs that exist in nearby communities such as Dublin.
2/16/2016 1:16 PM
I would like an indoor pool facility similar to that in Worthington. This would open the door for winter swimming
2/16/2016 1:16 PM
Some areas of the parks are surrounded by trees and bushes and are isolated. Definitely do not feel safe in these
areas of the parks. High violence and crime areas.
2/16/2016 1:15 PM
I wish there was a dog park somewhere, because it bothers me that others let their dogs off leash and because I
would like to have a place for my dog to run free.
2/16/2016 1:15 PM
Old, not maintain or updated.
2/16/2016 1:15 PM
There needs to be indoor options for families in the winter. All other communities have rec centers. There is really not
much that attracts young families to our community.
2/16/2016 1:13 PM
Love all the park and playground options. They are always clean and well maintained. Would love to have an indoor
community/recreation center!
2/16/2016 1:13 PM
The Northam Park plan was well conceived and well thought-out. Opening up the entire park was brilliant, moving the
tennis courts a no-brainer. The detail for the pool and playground very, very nice! Build it,and 10 it is!
2/16/2016 1:13 PM
i seldom visit the parks and there is nothing for old folks like me there
2/16/2016 1:12 PM
In relationship to other suburbs,
2/16/2016 1:12 PM
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Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
The department heads have become to political and will say yes to anything the city manager wants without checking
the ramifications to the city parks.
2/16/2016 1:12 PM
Northam park needs redone.
2/16/2016 1:12 PM
The majority of the parks are clean and well maintained. By virtue of it's location and size, Northam has the potential to
be the crown jewel of the parks and rec system.
2/16/2016 1:11 PM
My primary exposure is to Northam Park and it isn't anything special and now doesn't even have a pool.
2/16/2016 1:11 PM
I'm a new parent with a child in Kindergarten (Barrington) and another child in pre-school (TUMPS). We've been in UA
for the past 5 years. The quality of the community is very good, however my concern is that a 'master plan' is lacking
both for schools and parks/recreation. The infrastructure in both categories varies from good to 'crumbling'. This is
concerning to me, because schools/parks/recreation were the main reasons we moved here. For example, it was a
surprise to us that Tremont pool closed last year. It seems like an approved master plan 'should have' been created
with a new pool concept, funding, etc. before closing the existing pool. My impression is that the order of operations is
backwards, which speaks to the leadership of the community in some ways. In terms of the schools, I applaud the
outreach that's taken place to develop a master plan. With that noted, it does seem a bit 'strange' that parent groups
are being created to size up the state of the infrastructure, i.e., it seems like that might an activity more suitable for a
professional practice/vendor. Thank you for the opportunity to share. John Bishop bishop.jw@gmail.com 614 432
2/16/2016 1:10 PM
Some of the grass areas are not in good shape--Thompson for sports needs better drainage.
2/16/2016 1:10 PM
I like the parks but would love a park like Wyman Woods in Grandview - love everything about that park, the
playground is the best around (love the "elevator", their is a very nice shelter that can be rented, volleyball courts, a
2/16/2016 1:09 PM
bike path and hiking.
Drainage in Lax fields is pretty bad. Shelter house would be nice at Northam.
2/16/2016 1:09 PM
Wish there were a Rec center
2/16/2016 1:09 PM
Nice but old, certainly needs upgrading.
2/16/2016 1:09 PM
We need a community center.
2/16/2016 1:09 PM
There are updates needed to buildings, pools, etc
2/16/2016 1:09 PM
We seem leaps and bounds behind comparable suburbs. And, why do we need 3 outdoor pools. Even worthington,
which is considerably bigger, only has 1. I wish city would post numbers from last summer showing residents were
2/16/2016 1:08 PM
turned away when there were only 2!
Many parks, strategically placed, well equipped, wooded or sufficient trees
2/16/2016 1:08 PM
Generally older and smaller than other communities
2/16/2016 1:08 PM
I give that rating because when ever I go to a park in Upper Arlington I always enjoy myself and all of the parks are
2/16/2016 1:07 PM
clean and a fun environment for kids.
Lack of city recreational facility (gym) is frustrating.
2/16/2016 1:07 PM
Nice children's programming, pool lifeguards have gone downhill
2/16/2016 1:07 PM
We need to invest in updating our parks and facilities. They are tired.
2/16/2016 1:07 PM
They are well utilized by all ages
2/16/2016 1:06 PM
What we have seen we like. We just had a daughter so we are just starting tonexplore what the parks have to offer.
2/16/2016 1:06 PM
Need to update soccer, baseball and lacrosse fields. Poor drainage.
2/16/2016 1:05 PM
The parks are aesthetically pleasing and they help to maintain the sports programs.
2/16/2016 1:04 PM
My 3 boys play baseball and football at northam and fancyburg and northwest. They have terrible drainage and I feel
like they need upgraded.
2/16/2016 1:04 PM
No rec center
2/16/2016 1:04 PM
The facilities need some upgrades, but not to the extent the current city council or administration believe. I think the
current process is more about egos than needs.
2/16/2016 1:04 PM
fine with parks as they are
2/16/2016 1:04 PM
Pools have not been maintained. Lack of indoor rec space. No weed maintenance at city parks, especially the soccer
2/16/2016 1:03 PM
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Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
We need new facilities. It is embarrassing. The only reason I did not give an excellent rating on quality of life is
because of the groups who are against change and improvements.
2/16/2016 1:02 PM
compared to other nearby parks and recreational facilities, ours are old, run down, and the grounds are not well cared
2/16/2016 1:02 PM
I think it is hard to find many communities in America, let alone Central Ohio, that have better facilities.
2/16/2016 1:02 PM
Compared to other districts our facilities look outdated and old.
2/16/2016 1:02 PM
They are limited greatly by weather conditions. If it's too cold, too hot or too rainy - which it often is in Ohio - they are
not usable. There are no covered areas or wall structures for hitting tennis balls, playing wall ball, or throwing a
lacrosse ball. There are no indoor recreational facilities. Play fountains or water play areas would be great.
2/16/2016 1:01 PM
Good variety of spaces and activities available (Sunny 95 Barn, Northam, Jones Pool, the splash pool, etc.)
2/16/2016 1:01 PM
The parks attracted us to the area because too many communities are removing their green space. The parks need
some maintenance but are still beautiful.
2/16/2016 1:01 PM
I think that the parks and recreation facilities in UA should be updated and improved.
2/16/2016 1:00 PM
because they are adequate. More could be done to make sure they are maintained better.
2/16/2016 1:00 PM
I love the parks, both of my children grew up using the parks extensively and as a family we have spent much time at
2/16/2016 12:59 PM
all of the parks.
Condition of current facilities, lack of Rec center that other communities offer
2/16/2016 12:59 PM
The parks are clean and well designed. I generally use the bike paths in the parks and appreciate how well they are
laid out.
2/16/2016 12:59 PM
I believe updates are needed in field areas, and I would still like to see a community facility that would house an indoor
2/16/2016 12:58 PM
I love the pools and number of parks, but wish for more areas like Smith Nature Preserve. Additionally, I would love to
2/16/2016 12:58 PM
have more creative types of playgrounds that inspire more creative play rather than traditional playground structures.
It's the way playgrounds are going, and it would be awesome to have UA's parks in line with current thinking about
We need more fields for our kids
2/16/2016 12:58 PM
They are not taken care of, out dated, old and do not meet today's standards. There is not enough field space let alone
accommodations for competitive sports.
2/16/2016 12:58 PM
Parks and facilities are outdated. Especially when compared with other nearby communities.
2/16/2016 12:58 PM
Needs updated
2/16/2016 12:58 PM
I have enjoyed using all the parks with my kids in my 9 years living in UA. We really miss Tremont pool and want this
situation resolved. My husband's family has been living in UA for over 50 years and this community is a wonderful
2/16/2016 12:57 PM
Our parks have clearly aged and need updating. Turf areas are uneven, often spongy or wet and have dangerous
areas. Access and parking is a challenge at almost all parks and improvements show wear and lack a community wide
2/16/2016 12:57 PM
Compared to other surrounding communities UA's parks are not nearly as modern or generally not as nice as those in
surrounding communities.
2/16/2016 12:57 PM
Could be better. Not enough parking at library. Drainage problems at Northam.
2/16/2016 12:57 PM
clean facilities, playgrounds are LAME. Like, filling a checkbox, yes there is a playground. Not enough swings all
around, and too small. Not enough water fountains and all season and 24 hour restrooms (or at least open at 6am or
2/16/2016 12:57 PM
something for runners). Not enough parking at parks. RRWP too crowded, and slides are not that great.
Large open green spaces, sports fields. However it appears the neglect of Tremont pool was by design.
2/16/2016 12:57 PM
It would be great to have an indoor rec center with a nice big pool. Similar to Dublin and Westerville.
2/16/2016 12:57 PM
Some parks are nice and some are falling apart. Maintenance seems to be lacking in all parks
2/16/2016 12:56 PM
Most of the parks and facilities are outdated. Please don't back down to those trying to stop progress. Would be great
to have a true community center too (pool and workout facility)
2/16/2016 12:56 PM
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Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
I would give it an excellent rating if we had a community center similar to the ones in Prairie Township, Westerville,
Worthington, and Dublin.
2/16/2016 12:56 PM
2/16/2016 12:56 PM
Our municipal pools are in need of updating, and we could use more activities like splash pads for little ones and
updated, safer playground equipment that is inclusive for all children like the playground for the early grades at
Barrington Elementary.
2/16/2016 12:55 PM
Other areas (Dublin, Powell) have better updated facilities. Our are in desperate need of updates!
2/16/2016 12:55 PM
Many of the facilities are outdated or poorly located. Our community should have a community center for winter
2/16/2016 12:55 PM
Fields don't drain. Not updated. Not enough facilities
2/16/2016 12:55 PM
The city needs a Recreation center where residents can use a public indoor facility. Gym space, meeting rooms etc.
Indoor pool of course would be nice, but not necessary as we have a pool at the high school that could be used
(assuming that will be updated soon.) We joined a private club b/c the public pool closest to us (Tremont) was
outdated, run down, etc. and constantly inundated with day cares who had way too few chaperones.
2/16/2016 12:54 PM
- Tremont pool isn't functional - Softball/ Baseball fields are bad and some unsafe - space is not used efficiently - dog
droppings in the fields from bad owners
2/16/2016 12:54 PM
Some facilities in the parks aren't maintained as well as they could be, eg, pools, fields.
2/16/2016 12:54 PM
outdated designs and poorly maintained
2/16/2016 12:53 PM
They're accessible, well kept, easy to get to
2/16/2016 12:53 PM
Many of the playgrounds seem small and/or out of date compared to playgrounds in neighboring communities
2/16/2016 12:53 PM
In need of updates!
2/16/2016 12:53 PM
Everything feels really outdated.
2/16/2016 12:52 PM
Safe and has plenty of area to play different sports without strict rules
2/16/2016 12:52 PM
There can always be improvements, but we have a great community as a whole
2/16/2016 12:52 PM
We NEED a recreational facility with an indoor pool for residents. Many other communities have. If city council wanted
we would already have it.
2/16/2016 12:50 PM
UA is behind other cities by not having a rec center.
2/16/2016 12:50 PM
UA is far behind other communities in terms of bike trails, community centers, ability to walk to parks.
2/16/2016 12:50 PM
It is time for a decision. Fix the parks. Fix the pools. You can't please everyone. You are all elected to make decisions.
Make decisions. Enough with the meetings. Enough with the surveys. Decide on a plan and carry out the plan.
2/16/2016 12:50 PM
There are surrounding cities that have better/newer parks, playgrounds and pools and UA should have a Rec center.
2/16/2016 12:50 PM
I like large open spaces. UA has nice parks with large open spaces that aren't crammed full of softball diamonds. I like
the street hockey rink. I like the variety of playground equipment. I like the walking paths.
2/16/2016 12:50 PM
Northam Park would serve more people better by proceeding with the plan City Council developed. A community our
size can use more community center space.
2/16/2016 12:50 PM
Meets all of my needs. Parks are located in right locations around city.
2/16/2016 12:49 PM
Other communities have far superior playing fields for youth sports. Specifically baseball. Our facilities do not reflect
the caliber of our community. The kids deserve better, and more numerous baseball facilities.
2/16/2016 12:49 PM
Lack of Community Center.
2/16/2016 12:49 PM
39 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Although UA has multiple parks, multiple tennis courts, multiple playgrounds, multiple pools, etc., the inclusion of these
facilities at many parks makes them accessible to all neighborhoods and children. We are more of a truly walkable
community than we would be if the facilities were centralized in a smaller number parks. This is one of the attributes
that contributes to "excellent." I don't feel that we need to have facilities that "compete" with Dublin, Worthington, etc.
Each community has its own special attributes. (Another attribute.) UA does have insufficient public green space, and
we should be careful not to increase the amount of infrastructure and number of buildings to reduce that green space.
We also seem all to ready to sacrifice trees, which we need to instead protect. In fact, one of UA's attributes in the
past has been the number of trees (mature trees) that we have relative to other communities (e.g., Hilliard and Dublin).
They are critically important to our environment, health, and the image of UA. The quality of the senior center facilities
is a negative in my rating. This should be an area for investment and it could certainly be somewhere else other than
2/16/2016 12:47 PM
The parks have a lot of wide open space and are not developed with a bunch of cheesey structures and gimmicky
things like splash pads.
2/16/2016 12:23 PM
The older pools require upgrading.
2/16/2016 12:19 PM
Maintenance of the parks and pools has declined dramatically. The pool at Northam Pk was neglected, and now it will
cost a lot of money to rebuild. The parks would look so much better if maintained properly!
2/16/2016 11:32 AM
Facilities and options are very good. Drainage issues at Northam Park, and upkeep of Tremont Pool should have been
addressed YEARS ago.
2/16/2016 10:09 AM
Well maintained
2/16/2016 9:01 AM
Attractive and available throughout the city.
2/16/2016 8:40 AM
there are some beautiful parks in UA. I would like to see an indoor pool available to the public - and a recreation
center as a place for youth to congregate and have activities
2/16/2016 8:31 AM
I lived in Westerville for 20 years. I coached youth soccer, baseball & softball during that time. Relative to Westerville's
parks, UA's don't compare.
2/16/2016 8:07 AM
after over 20 years in UA, I still find that parks I use, mainly Northam, and have used(with children) to be adequate and
with rebuild of pools and playground,and updated/upgrades (tennis, ballfields, etc.) will remain so.
2/16/2016 8:00 AM
I love the green spaces in Upper Arlington. We see Northam Park from our backyard and walk there frequently. We
use the park for daily dog walking and for cross country skiing!
2/16/2016 6:58 AM
Overall pleased with parks...several throughout city, beautiful mature trees, walking paths & variety of playgrounds.
2/15/2016 11:26 PM
Some parks do need problems addressed for sports usage.
Need another pool
2/15/2016 10:30 PM
Tremont needs a pool with a baby pool. Other parks are well maintained.
2/15/2016 9:29 PM
Not enough room. Too many people letting their dogs run free without leashes
2/15/2016 8:30 PM
You've got most of the bases covered.
2/15/2016 8:08 PM
There are so few places where people can sit and enjoy the parks. My grandfather has a memorial bench at
Fancyburg Park that was one of the ones threatened by the possible baseball field expansion. It would have been a
shame to lose one of the few benches available, let alone the sentimental loss.
2/15/2016 7:08 PM
We enjoy visiting the parks and enjoy participating in the activities in them.
2/15/2016 7:05 PM
Based on my usage of the parks and the development of the parks in the past.
2/15/2016 6:39 PM
Excellent park and tennis facility
2/15/2016 6:07 PM
I think that the city has dropped the ball in keeping up some of the parks. In addition, small groups are engaged for
ideas and then the larger population feels left out
2/15/2016 5:13 PM
would like indoor swimming facilities (high school is insufficient) for swim teams, senior water aerobics, lap swimming
and general recreational swimming
2/15/2016 5:04 PM
Because there are many beautiful green spaces in UA.
2/15/2016 4:53 PM
The facilities are nice. Many trees are mature. Playgrounds appear well taken care of. One pool needs replacing.
2/15/2016 4:06 PM
Sufficient parks and amenities in them, except for Northam, do not overwhelm nature.
2/15/2016 3:54 PM
Lots of parks, lots of options.
2/15/2016 3:11 PM
I think other areas around Columbus offer more.
2/15/2016 2:43 PM
40 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Maintenance at Thompson and Northam Parks could be better. Wider sidewalk at Northam would be appreciated.
2/15/2016 2:39 PM
Need Tremont pool built ASAP and need a true community center with indoor facilities
2/15/2016 2:37 PM
They are becoming too dense in terms of usage. There is more noise, more lights, more sports and more people and
less of an idyllic escape from urban life.
2/15/2016 2:29 PM
Because they could use some maintenance and updating
2/15/2016 2:22 PM
While the options are all there, the condition of UA's parks, specifically it's pools (Tremont, Devon) and sports fields
2/15/2016 2:17 PM
are not in line with the quality of other surrounding communities.
Maintenance is adequate but not exceptional-on par with most other communities. Look to Dublin or Hilliard for
excellent park system
2/15/2016 1:36 PM
Things are fine. Fix some up some needed repairs at the pool is all that need be done.
2/15/2016 12:52 PM
Loss of pool in Northam Park; parking problems around some parks; absence of maintenance to sports fields
2/15/2016 12:48 PM
U A has many parks, large and small. They supply many needs, family and small children spaces, sports fields, dog
areas, walking paths, relaxing areas as well as green space and shaded areas. The pools are spaced around U A
making an easy access for many, if we could just get the Tremont pool back on track. This is a major need in my
2/15/2016 12:33 PM
The parks offer a variety of outdoor experiences for all ages.
2/15/2016 12:29 PM
Sparse amenities across all parks: including sparse shelter houses, picnic facilities, bathrooms, drinking fountains,
playgrounds, limited accessible parking spots and no security phones.
2/15/2016 12:28 PM
I have been very happy with our parks my entire life in UA, 63 years.
2/15/2016 12:23 PM
Use ALL city parks for walking of pet, attending city events and general exercising-other than Sunny 95 Park &
majority of Thompson Park, all other parks in dire need of repair to walking paths, vegetation & seasonal plantings
cared for and color added to.
2/15/2016 12:21 PM
We don't use them much, but we love Miller Park!
2/15/2016 12:18 PM
Nice parks but they need better maintenance.
2/15/2016 12:11 PM
Great parks, poor maintenance.
2/15/2016 12:06 PM
Lots of open space, several parks serving multiple neighborhoods, walkable, good amenities such as pools and tennis
2/15/2016 11:39 AM
Good green space that accommodates a wide range of activity from team sports to casual relaxation.
2/15/2016 11:31 AM
Other than some minor issues, the parks are fine the way they are.
2/15/2016 11:04 AM
Some parks seem worn and need updating - especially Northam. Sunny 95 Park is a great example of an upgraded
park. We also are in need of field sports space.
2/15/2016 10:27 AM
Although the parks need some tender loving care, overall, the parks are perfect the way they are. They do not need
2/15/2016 10:22 AM
million dollars renovations. We have beautiful mature shade trees that should not be torn up to be replaced with
spindly little trees that will take 30-50 years to mature. We have a wonderful community with a small town feel. We
need to keep that feel without building up with no concern for the neighborhoods and how traffic will be affected. Lane
Ave is a good example. While that area has been revitalized, which overall is great for UA, no though was put into
traffic considerations and now it is horribly congested all the time and now quiet neighboring streets are being used as
pass-through a because the City could not be bothered to plan a cohesive plan that would have included the
revitalized stores and efficient traffic flow.
The playgrounds are old and outdated. Need more play structures for kids of all ages. Splash pad would be nice.
Indoor rec center like other communities would also be nice.
2/15/2016 10:20 AM
For the most part, the parks are very nice. The playgrounds are adequate and plentiful, albeit very traditional.
However, it's ridiculous we have to drive our kids to Dublin or downtown to visit a splash pad. The city has had over a
2/15/2016 10:05 AM
decade to plan a replacement for Tremont pool and now another summer will pass with no pool (and no splash pad)
at Northam Park.
I really think the city could use a rec center.
2/15/2016 9:26 AM
41 / 41
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Q22 Is there anything else you would like to
communicate to the City of Upper Arlington
regarding the Northam Park plan?
Answered: 748
Skipped: 567
There are so many roads that need attention that it seems wrong to spend millions on Northam Park when much could
be accomplished with a lot less money.
2/28/2016 4:02 PM
I think UA leadership has done a lousy job and is lying about the use of our money nearly every day.
2/28/2016 6:45 AM
Keep as many existing trees as possible and plant new ones also. Do not carve up large green areas to build baseball
diamonds. We need large open fields for play, beauty, soccer, walking.
2/27/2016 11:37 PM
Thank you for the community meetings & opportunity to take a survey.
2/27/2016 10:34 PM
So glad the city is finally requesting input from its residents on this matter!
2/27/2016 9:12 PM
Please address the poor design of the parking lot between the library and the school,it's unsafe. Northam Park was
2/27/2016 8:29 PM
well designed many years ago by placing the pool and the tennis courts in the middle where they were unobtrusive
concerning bright lights and noise not bothering the houses lining the perimeter of the park. None of the ideas of
relocating the courts you have come up with are as good as where the courts are right now. Replace the pool with
same size or larger pool, there are more children living in the area around Tremont pool than the other two pools.
Families used to use the pool while their children took tennis lessons, tennis membership will probably go up if the
pool is replaced. I live very near the park and use it almost daily. I may be only one voice but, I love the green space it
provides, I enjoy the trees, I enjoy watching the sports and hearing kids having fun. Please don't build more structures
than what are already there, replace what is outdated if need be. I found the original plans to be too costly and not a
good use of my tax dollars. "Less is more".
How about among all the large parks in the city - making each with a different emphasis? Try to cover the whole
population thru focused parks.
2/27/2016 8:11 PM
If you replace the pool please enclose it for privacy. people don't want others to stare at them in their wet suits. (very
important) People walk the park or attend sporting games and a privacy fence/ wall is needed. I think an indoor pool
would be great. You could charge swim clubs to use the pool and this would bring revenue to the pool and adjacent
food businesses. I hate the new parking lot as it is dangerous for Tremont Student and library patrons. A gazebo
would be pretty but not at the expense of the open area.
2/27/2016 6:48 PM
Thank you and keep up the good work.
2/27/2016 2:07 PM
I feel the most important aspects are replacing the pool ASAP at the same or larger size than before and updating the
2/27/2016 9:30 AM
What's concerning for this project, is there seems to be other needs unmet like the sidewalks we were told we're going
to be put in. Our streets are needing much repair and without sidewalks it's difficult to walk our young family without
having to extend out and arond the crumbled road when walking. Or letting them learn to ride their bikes.
2/27/2016 7:33 AM
Please do not go crazy on the swimming pool, we already have slides, lazy rivers, etc. at Reed Rd. The previous
Tremont pool was great but dated, Hastings pool was changed to drastically from what it was which is fine provided
Tremont isn't too made into a water park. Don't over think it, just give us a good swimming pool. Thanks for the effort to
this point, keep it up and most importantly keep the residents involved! Thanks
2/26/2016 8:51 PM
This whole project has been completely screwed up. There have been so many different versions of the plans no one
knows what's going on. The parking lot is a terrible design. Hopefully the rest of the project will be handled better and
2/26/2016 7:43 PM
better serve the community than what has been done so far.
Stop wasting $ on Northam that was supposed to be spent on street, sewers and curbs. Just replace the pool where it
was like it was and call it a day on my wallet.
2/26/2016 3:27 PM
Fenced in dog park and end the off lease cray terror time that happens at northam please
2/26/2016 2:11 PM
Ideally, it would be great to have an indoor rec center at Northam Park. However, unfortunately, I don't think there is
enough space there to build one there.
2/26/2016 2:05 PM
Is it possible to plan around the trees that are currently beautifying our park?
2/26/2016 1:57 PM
1 / 37
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Please do not continue to allow the small vocal minority dictate the future of our great city. To much is at stake for all
us to allow that to happen and is a slippery slope that continues to lead to indecision.
2/26/2016 1:43 PM
This has become an unnecessarily divisive issue. Halt all further changes to the park and instead try to reach some
sort of consensus. Why the big hurry to spend so much money?
2/26/2016 11:57 AM
Stop wasting money on this! Do not move the tennis courts or cut down the mature trees. The drainage issues are
easily fixed without big changes. Also, tear out the promenade. It creates traffic problems to enter and exit the school
lot that were not present when there was one lot. Finally, stop telling lies (directly or by omission) to the citizens. The
Barney/Moloney culture must be eliminated.
2/26/2016 10:53 AM
I hope to see ground broken for the Tremont Pool this spring so we don't lose another year.
2/26/2016 9:33 AM
The Pool and the clay tennis courts were so awesome. I hope we can retain some of the great features (for the pool:
lap lanes, diving boards, a deep end, .....) and the clay tennis courts have been such a treat. Thank you for taking this
all into consideration.
2/25/2016 11:14 PM
2/25/2016 4:45 PM
I believe each of the swimming pools in UA should be unique. A baby pool is important and easy access for handicap
and Seniors for the main pool. Adult swim times is important.
2/25/2016 4:13 PM
The playground as it stands does NOT need updated. The dollars budgeted are excessive. Leave the tennis courts
and trees as they currently are at Northam Park. Replace the Tremont Pool with at least the number of lap lanes as
the old pool. More lap lanes would be better. Give the parents a baby pool. Do NOT create a splash pad. That is
another waste of money.
2/25/2016 3:27 PM
If offered two or more design options, let community see them first
2/25/2016 3:24 PM
I'm glad to support whatever the city feels is best. I'm tired of people getting so bent out of shape because things aren't
2/25/2016 3:21 PM
exactly what they want.
Re: pool options, Reed Rd Water Park already offers the baby/toddler friendly options (splash pads and fountains)
and is close to Northam. I would like to see Northam as a more traditional pool. Also, I love that the playground will
remain close to the pool! My family lives within walking distance to Northam and we are excited to see and experience
all the changes!
2/25/2016 10:33 AM
More public forums
2/25/2016 10:25 AM
You're doing a good job. Keep at it!
2/25/2016 9:49 AM
Obviously, you need to take into account existing trees...don't make it a barren oasis with just the amenities...make it
look like it belongs there
2/25/2016 9:25 AM
Gazebo original proposed next to the library should be deleted. The only reason for its inclusion seems to be as a
commercial feature to be rented.
2/25/2016 9:20 AM
The pool and playground should ONLY be the BEGINNING. Fields, drainage, location of tennis courts, restrooms, etc
etc must ALL be addressed.
2/24/2016 11:32 PM
There is a very large oak tree on the north east corner of the tennis at the juncture of the walkways. Please preserve
this tree at all costs! It is a very special tree that is helping the environment!
2/24/2016 9:38 PM
Update fields for youth sports play. Cut the tennis courts down to half, and update restroom.
2/24/2016 9:37 PM
I would love some indoor Rec space for classes and swimming. It's sad that we are one of the few communities
without a Community Center. We need it!!!
2/24/2016 8:45 PM
I was very excited about the redesign of Northam Park in its entirety and hope the original plans are still under
consideration. Regarding the pool and playground: I support the idea of an interactive fountain/splash pad area either
inside or outside the pool area. I would like to see a playground that includes both traditional and natural play
2/24/2016 8:28 PM
Council needs to have a PLAN before voting. Disappointed that they planned to use 14 million dollars from issue 23 in
such a sneaky way. Misuse 23 was never presented openly as a way to improve parks!
2/24/2016 7:41 PM
Don't let a few selfish people discourage this necessary change. That being said, I understand why the people loving
across the street from the proposed tennis court site are upset. It seems reasonable to move those from the park
2/24/2016 6:35 PM
The city must communicate with residents better and listen to the results of the recent election. Fix what needs to be
fixed, period. Do not spend money on cutting down trees, moving the pool, building a smaller pool, building a new
playground that is not needed, building a park entrance that is not needed, and a promenade that is not needed.
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2/24/2016 5:30 PM
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Fix the drainage problem. Update the park in general, leave the tennis courts in the current location.
2/24/2016 5:13 PM
We do not need a "Central Park." We need a park where children can have sports activities, all can swim, all can
enjoy the green space, walking paths, tennis, much like we had until it all feel into disrepair. The parking lot is a
nightmare and should be fixed as well.The cars are parked the wrong direction and we need a grassy walk way to the
library from the cars. Asphalt is hot and we need a break in the surface more than a few twigs and weeds.
2/24/2016 4:37 PM
Keep up the great work! We are in desperate need of continued leadership to make sure this project is done well and
2/24/2016 4:24 PM
Be smart financially - nothing too elaborate - and keep safety in mind.
2/24/2016 4:17 PM
I am all for an updated park tha brings us up to 21st century standards
2/24/2016 3:46 PM
A rec center with an indoor pool would be an amazing addition to Upper Arlington.
2/24/2016 3:01 PM
I do not want to see the tennis courts leave and occupy the open space at Thompson Park which is so great for flying
kites, remote-controlled planes, etc. Where they are now makes more sense.
2/24/2016 2:56 PM
Fiscal responsibility and road infrastructure should be a priority
2/24/2016 12:47 PM
I strongly believe that the majority of attendees at the public meetings are made up of a vocal minority of the citizens.
We cannot let our parks fall behind the status quo of other neighborhoods any longer. Please proceed with the
2/24/2016 11:02 AM
We strongly support improving the park and would like to see the tennis courts removed immediately to improve the
drainage and make room for a nice sized pool. Thank you for continuing to work on the park despite the roadblocks
that have been thrown in your way!
2/24/2016 9:53 AM
My recommendation is to make a decision and move on to construction as soon as possible.
2/24/2016 6:27 AM
I encourage the city leaders to do what they think is best for the majority of the community, not a small, but vocal
monitory like the few UA residents who play tennis at Northam. We are in dire need of upgrades to our parks. Being
heavily involved in youth activities, I spend a great deal of time in parks of other local communities, and our facilities
are 3rd world in comparison. If we want to keep UA as a strong, vibrant community, we need to invest in the parks. I
would ask that before the Tremont pool reconstruction proceeds that the city consider other options that might better
serve the community. Another outdoor pool to be used only during the summer would not have nearly the impact as
an indoor facility that could be used year round. While the feasibility of a community center is often debated, it's clear
that we are in dire need of indoor space for recreation. Perhaps an indoor pool could be built, possibly to become the
first phase of a larger indoor community rec facility. I believe that a substantial portion of this could be funded privately
if needed.
2/23/2016 5:51 PM
Watch the spending!!!! The money comes from the residents and there are streets and other infrastructure that need
2/23/2016 4:30 PM
repair.A large "promenade to nowhere" has already been built and the parking lot orientation has been changed
requiring children to crossover the parking lot many times to walk to the library. Upper Arlington received negative
publicity from the Dispatch for the safety issues. Now city council wants to move playing fields, tennis courts, and cut
down mature trees!! I do approve of these expenditures!! Let's get the roads ,gutters,and sewers vice. That is what we
increased our taxes to fix.
Hang in there! The discussion of the parks has really degenerated, but there are plenty of people who moved here for
2/23/2016 3:16 PM
excellent public facilities, such as the parks. Many of the parks are old, and are in need of updates. Some of the critics
are way too negative, and don't want to do anything that costs money, but many people moved here despite the
higher property taxes sowe could live in a place with excellent public services for all. Good luck!
I don't think we need or can afford the new fancy playground, the new entryway being proposed to the park or the
outdoor reading library. keep things where they are, including the tennis courts, the pool and the playground. AND
2/23/2016 3:04 PM
Spend your money wisely. We don't need another water park like at Reed Park.
2/23/2016 2:44 PM
I think the city needs to take charge and get the process started. I have no idea why anyone to object to
enhancements of Northam Park. There are huge sink holes which make it impossible to even cut across the park.
ANYTHING IS BETTER THAN NOTHING! Residents will tie up this process for years if decisions are made to move
forward. Hope you can make it happen :)
2/23/2016 1:46 PM
Keep the trees, my biggest complaint when going to northam is lack of shade. I feel the same regarding the other
2/23/2016 12:19 PM
parks as well. Playground seems perfectly fine the way it is now. Fix the pool, keep a kids pool, heat it and don't make
it fancy- you have Hastings pool that was turned into a water park you don't need another.
A properly designed and constructed re-development of Northam Park will be an asset to the City and needed to
maximizing the limited, valuable open space. Given UA's landlocked location, a site plan that maximizes the space and
provides a modern set of amenities will be valuable to the community.
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2/23/2016 11:50 AM
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
It's a damn park. How many park projects have been completed in the US in the time it's taken to establish "Phase II"
in UA? The vocal minority has constricted progress at every turn, and I find it reprehensible that a better means of
decision making on projects such as this hasn't been put in place long ago. The elected leadership's code has
crumbled at the hands of thug politicking and recall threats. Traditionalist UAers running UA has stunted the potential
of a great city. The more diluted the population gets with those who have lived and participated in other parts of the
city, state, country, and world will strengthen it long term.
2/23/2016 11:49 AM
There is already one very kid oriented pool in Arlington and another that is a nice mix of "zones" for various activity
...only negative there is it has zero shade and concreate everywhere. Please keep the nice grass area and shade
trees and nature feel of the Northam Park pool and park...Please do not try and turn it into some splash-fest
amusement park. Let each pool and park have it's own personality. I always think of the Northam pool as the most laid
back and natural atmosphere/environment.
2/23/2016 11:35 AM
We have lived in UA for 11 years and it seems like long time residents get hysterical over any small change. We really
don't understand the opposition to a community center. Every suburb in Columbus has one! Previously we lived in
Powell, and before than in Winnetka, Il, a wealthy upscale enclave in the North Shore of Chicago. The WInnetka
community center had been there since the founding, and everyone used it, all ages, all the time. WInnetka residents
were happy to tax themselves for indoor and outdoor tennis courts, a golf course, three beaches on Lake MIchigan,
and WInnetka is the size of Bexley. The tennis courts were so beautiftul you could enjoy just walking by. Powell was
about preserving natural space and adding bike/walking trails to connect neighborhoods. We also lived in the city of
Chicago where parks like Grant Park and Lincoln Park are destinations in themselves. We like UA because we like
the historic district. There is nothing wrong with improving parks. We are ok with any of the Northam Park plans
because we understand the principle of taxing ourselves to improve our community. If it was more of a destination,
maybe we would use it more. It just seems like a field next to a parking lot right now. But we are outsiders in this rather
clannish, inbred town where residents seem to be paranoid about their government. Someone else will have to explain
to you why people who have lived here for generations don't trust the city.
2/23/2016 11:03 AM
Upper Arlington desperately needs an indoor pool with better facilities for the swimming team and for senior citizens.
We don't need another lazy river, or recreational pool - we have Reed Rd waterpark for that purpose. Other
communities have much better community centers, it is time for UA to step up to that (or at least to a good indoor
2/23/2016 6:59 AM
Thank you for updating this park, it is much needed. I love that the libraries all have parks by them. I love that there's
multiple pools available for the community. An indoor pool would be great for year round swim lessons. A splash pad
2/22/2016 10:02 PM
outside of the pool could be fun, but you could run into some of the issues with the downtown splash pad (people
using it as a free public pool, creepy adults staring at kids, overcrowded etc, so maybe inside the pool as part of the
membership would keep it nicer.
the huge entrance is not practical. I like it just the way it is.
2/22/2016 9:26 PM
Upper Arlington should be decisive and expedite a plan quickly. The park is in dire need of improvements.
2/22/2016 8:55 PM
Fix drainage at Northam. Blow/shovel the walking paths. Have better lighting around the park on the outside sidewalk
but also near the tennis courts. It is way to dark at night for exercising or walking your pets.
2/22/2016 8:40 PM
As a former competitive swimmer, lifeguard and swim instructor, I am adamantly opposed to a zero entry pool. A more
traditional pool is conducive to children learning how to swim and allows for competition. Having an additional
competition pool that could be "bubbled" in the colder months could be a nice option, too. A shallow pool for children
2/22/2016 7:54 PM
could also serve as a therapy pool for those that need it. Pool lanes for lap swimming are in demand in UA. As far as
I'm aware, I can only lap swim on Sunday's at the high school. I currently have to swim in Hilliard during the winter
months. I dream of the day to lap swim in the community, several days per week, year-round. Further, I'll take the
opportunity to voice my support for us to give the young swimmers a new 10 lane pool at the high school. Swim lanes
= Revenue for UA. Thank you for the opportunity to express my opinion.
Stop wasting money on things like pavilions and gazebos. Don't cut down trees unnecessarily and get the pool rebuilt
quickly. The new parking lot is already a disaster. The park should be a practical space for the community, not a
showplace created to show us off to Central Ohio.
2/22/2016 7:21 PM
Stop listening to the tennis crowd. They should be greatfull for the 2.5 million. In fact, that money should be yanked
and put to vote rather than the whole plan being tied up by a monority. Time to update a 50 year old park. That's a no
2/22/2016 7:15 PM
Please work with the original Master Plan. Do not cave to the weakest link. You were elected to lead and use the
2/22/2016 6:23 PM
issue 23 money for UA parks!!!
number 15 and beyond is not acceptable polling. Of course, if you tear out a current playground, you should and must
accomodate special needs children. The playground has more useful life, so the point is moot. the quesions in this poll
were not created to REALLY gather input, bc there are presumptions behind the questions. I feel city council has not
been listening to the many voices.
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2/22/2016 5:37 PM
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Leave the playground as is and deal with the most important building of the pool only.
2/22/2016 4:31 PM
Let's do this. Improvements need to be made. Thanks for your efforts.
2/22/2016 4:17 PM
I would like to see more trees saved, tennis programs/teams/activities kept. Northam Park is an important centerpiece
of UA and current integrity preserved with minimal disruption to current use.
2/22/2016 2:26 PM
We need a better sidewalk, crosswalk, and bike lane system so reaching Northam would be easier and safer. Put
some of the money you plan to spend on the non-essential amenities into this so enjoying our "central park" from
every part of the city is realized. Otherwise you wont get the support of the entire city.
2/22/2016 1:36 PM
If an indoor pool is being considered for leisure I know a large majority of young families would greatly benefit from
2/22/2016 1:31 PM
Cost containment is huge if the pool needs replacement due to issues that is one thing but do not just replace it
because it is outdated this is wasteful.
2/22/2016 11:22 AM
Keep It Simple but lovely. The city tends to make things look tacky. No clue why.
2/22/2016 10:39 AM
2/22/2016 10:22 AM
Listen to the people who really use the pool and park.
2/22/2016 8:46 AM
I believe city park space should be available to all residents.
2/22/2016 8:37 AM
I've been around a long time and have expertise in all kinds of strategic planning in the public and private sector. The
2/22/2016 8:29 AM
city's Northam Park process has been and still is a fiasco. Terrible process. Unacceptable silence from the council and
city manager about their "real desires" for park "improvements" and constantly shifting plans. The city will say the
shifts have been a result of listening to the community. A portion of that may be true--but we are still faced with a
Phase that could cost many more millions of dollars than necessary by a council that seems determined to build things
people don't want. Like one more inch of the pavilion. Another fancy entrance. A greatly enlarged playground that
sacrifices trees. A reading garden that sacrifices trees and costs a lot. A reading garden is a wonderful idea that I
support AND it can be done wonderfully in and amongst the existing trees. Again, folks don't want or need something
fancy. Just a nice place to read and snack. It's not crazy to think that if council continues with this lousy process and
winds up spending millions unnecessarily that legal action will follow by citizens, not just those who care about
Northam Park, who will view those expenditures as severe dereliction of duty, etc. It would help if council would step
up and say for the record that none of the Northam Park's multiple plan phases were compiled as a way to ultimately
have a community center at Northam. And go on record with an apology and/or plan to fix the dreadful new parking
lot. UA is filled with smart, sophisticated people who deserve far better, open, honest, insightful, fiscally bright
leadership than what the Northam fiasco has shown.
My question is do we really need another pool? I believe we should be asking this question first. I feel that having a
2/22/2016 8:26 AM
splash pad and playground would provide a great service to our community as an alternative to another pool.
1. The walkway through the parking lot is a disaster. Tear it up. 2. A "garden, sitting/walking area" is fine east of the
library but not anything for weddings, etc. 3. Fix the drainage problem. 4. Get the max usage for the pool, playground,
baseball and soccer fields.
2/22/2016 7:15 AM
Not a fan of the brick esplanade.
2/21/2016 11:28 PM
Keep the Tennis courts
2/21/2016 11:07 PM
It would be a shame to miss the opportunity to upgrade Northam Park with significant changes and improvements that
would benefit the residents of this city in both the short-term and long-term due to a vocal minority opposed to
2/21/2016 10:57 PM
renovation. Other thoughts: 1) We would prefer to move the tennis courts to the edge of the park to improve the
aesthetics and also better maximize space; 2) We would like to see more areas with natural shade; 3) The current
sidewalk between the parking lot and former pool area should be widened and/or better separated from the lot. As it is
now, this is a safety issue during morning drop-off and afternoon pickup at Tremont Elementary.
Our parks should reflect the high standards that our tax dollars are based on.
2/21/2016 9:43 PM
We have only lived in UA for just over two years. One of the main reasons we chose to live adjacent to Northam Park
is for the tennis courts and pool. It has been disheartening to have been unable to use the pool. Please rebuild it soon!
2/21/2016 9:28 PM
I am glad our Council appears to be slowing the Northam Plan progress down to receive input from the citizenry....
One of the greatest assets of Northam Park is its lovely uncluttered greenspace and its beautiful mature trees... Let's
2/21/2016 8:54 PM
not lose this. I am strongly opposed to spending $2 million to relocate the tennis courts... Spruce them up and let them
be. They are currently in a location that works well for park users, tennis members, and residents, with regard to
access, lighting, aesthetics, and noise!!! So glad we are getting Tremont Pool back... Can't wait to do some laps!
Thanks! :>)
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Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
the park space is not well laid out now and therefore not efficiently usable. It is important that the schools city
coordinate and collaborate on the redevelopment and use of the space. We are one community. Tennis is not needed
at the park, but if it is to remain, the courts should be moved from the center of the parkland over to the east side. I
liked the entrance way in the original plan and think there needs to be some kind of gazebo or shelter house.
2/21/2016 8:36 PM
What is important is having activities, facilities and areas useful to all residents. Overspending and unnecessary
spending should be eliminated as they are wasteful and don't improve the users experience.
2/21/2016 7:47 PM
The pool needs to be updated, but not made into a destination pool (Reed road). It should be a functional pool where
creative pool games can be played! The pool should be moved to where it was in the original plans. There should
NOT be a splash pad, they loose their cool after a few visits and bring LOTS of traffic to an already crowded parking
lot. I'm extremely disappointed to hear that the tennis courts will remain where they are. Change is good, and
2/21/2016 6:46 PM
unfortunately many of the older UA residents (who don't frequent northam park) are afraid of these improvements to
their city. If we continue to give into these FEW citizens, we'll wind up in the same boat before my Kindergartener
graduates from high school. Let's move to the future!!!!! Let's keep UA pretty, safe, and up to date.
Don't be buffaloed by the damn tea party crybabies
2/21/2016 6:23 PM
Move the tennis courts
2/21/2016 3:41 PM
Keep the existing playground, and build the new pool essentially like the old pool but, of course, updated. This would
keep the cost down.
2/21/2016 3:07 PM
To me it is not very responsible to design a play ground that excludes special needs children. Maybe even violates the
2/21/2016 2:58 PM
Build the pool fix the existing facilities and reduce the cost if frivolous extras
2/21/2016 2:34 PM
Please try to save the old big trees. Without them we have no shade!
2/21/2016 2:01 PM
I think the planned expense for the playground is outrageous. You need to keep the expense inline with what the
elementary schools are spending on their playgrounds which should be more than sufficient for the kids who will be
using this space. I also think the reading garden is incredibly expensive and won't get used much. You started down
the right path with rethinking the options. Now continue that with this phase. While scaled back it is still excessive and
very expensive. Your options with the playground, entrance and garden are still over the top. Be more frugal.
2/21/2016 12:39 PM
Some of the sidewalks are uneven and need to be repaired! The sidewalks and field locations are close enough for
handicap and senior citizens to get to efficiently. The entrance sandwiched between Tremont Elementary and Tremont
Lib. is a waste of space and took way too long to complete . I hope we are not using the same design and
construction people.The parking lot ditches are an accident waiting to happen. When the pool gets built the parking lot
is going to be even more jammed up.
2/21/2016 7:34 AM
Please don't cut down trees unless they're diseased. We don't want to lose our tree canopy, which is so important to
the environment.
2/21/2016 12:28 AM
Re-think the amount of money being spent on unnecessary aesthetics
2/20/2016 9:03 PM
Don't try to please everyone. This would be an excellent location for a community center. Try to used some of the
underutilized parks to carry some of the load. Northampton can't be all things to all people.
2/20/2016 8:10 PM
Unlike fancyburg, I see no reason as to why there is any controversy for redeveloping northam. Keep it up.
2/20/2016 7:36 PM
Northam is the center of all UA and used daily by everyone though families with children of all ages use the fields,
pool and playgrounds the most. Those who complain don't want change AT ALL and don't really care about the
2/20/2016 7:35 PM
details. Please keep communicating and pushing through the negativity because young families want it.
It would be nice to have a concession stand available in he summer with tables and seating. Just a thought. Ice cream,
ices, water, coffee tea.
2/20/2016 7:07 PM
As a non-resident who lives just outside UA my husband and I frequently use UA amenities. We appreciate the
opportunity to do so.
2/20/2016 7:04 PM
The levy was passed for infrastructure renovation, not for this obscene waste of money. Time to put a fence between
the hog and the trough, and stop this expensive exercise in trying to be flossy and glossy. We love tradition in this
community, and these plans are too nouveau and self-agrandizing.
2/20/2016 6:45 PM
Thanks for asking.
2/20/2016 6:25 PM
It is important to keep the existing large shade trees.
2/20/2016 6:16 PM
A small, permanent amphitheater would be wonderful.
2/20/2016 6:10 PM
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Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
I think the entry cost should be kept in mind. Paying $20 to come one time is too much. Also, a free splash pad for
younger kids would be a wonderful addition to the park.
2/20/2016 4:54 PM
I love my tennis
2/20/2016 4:36 PM
We live a block from the park and feel very fortunate for such a wonderful amenity within walking distance and frequent
up to 7 days a week during spring and summer months. . While we support change and enhancements we hope any
final plan keeps all or most trees as to retain the integrity of the premise of a park and the integrity of Tree City USA
and conservation.
2/20/2016 2:13 PM
I would love a rec center in UA.
2/20/2016 1:32 PM
2/20/2016 1:09 PM
I applaud the planned improvements and would like to see the city move forward with the plan that has been
proposed. The city park should be coordinated and planned with the schools' land so that we have one park. The
tennis courts need to move from the center of the area and either disappear altogether, since so few residents use
them, or be moved to the east side of the park.
2/20/2016 12:49 PM
There is an unfortunate feeling that there is already a plan, voters are not aware of, and that decisions are being
steered toward that plan. Please don't overspend on a park, we are an old city that will require serious infrastructure
updates in the near future. Thank you for listening.
2/20/2016 11:16 AM
Redoing the park is essential to make it usable all year round (getting rid of the drainage issues). Tennis can stay or
go - as long as it exists somewhere in the city. This park space needs to be park space - fields, walking/ biking/running
paths, trees,benches - UA needs a community center but Northampton park is not the right location. The city should
buy the Macyd building from Kroger and develop the community center there - not I. Existing park green space.
2/20/2016 10:28 AM
I would like the pool and playground to remain in their existing footprints. I would like absolutely as many trees as
2/20/2016 9:58 AM
possible to be preserved. I would like the drives into The library and Tremont Center to remain unchanged. If they are
to be moved or closed off, I'd like the city to be upfront and transparent as to why.
We are happy living in UA and excited that our officials are interested in making UA the best it can be and remain one
of the most desired neighborhoods to raise a family in.
2/20/2016 9:56 AM
$$$ source/cost needs to be clear.
2/20/2016 9:40 AM
Keeping an open and nature feel to park would be nice and unique from the other large parks in UA.
2/20/2016 8:59 AM
I would like to see Pool replaced ASAP.
2/20/2016 7:52 AM
I am very disappointed with the fact that a small minority of citizens have been allowed to delay and effect such
change on this plan. They were vocal and threatening, much in the same way as a spoiled, whiny toddler. I was part of
2/20/2016 4:58 AM
a group very active in support of changes to the park and supportive to the City, but at this point I've given that up. I
still offer support but was so disappointed after the effort that was made. I just want my pool back. Please.
Keep tennis. It is game for all ages. Keep fields for baseball/softball and other athletic fields.
2/19/2016 11:57 PM
Tear down the tennis courts at Northam and make those people pay their own way instead of free loading off UA
2/19/2016 9:33 PM
Let the kids have the Reed Road pool and leave Tremont to the adults. Kids and daycares already have their space,
let the adults have a relaxing place to exercise and relax. The excess of daycare groups dampen the experience.
2/19/2016 9:32 PM
As I stated earlier an indoor rec center would be great for the younger community that is starting to populate UA. The
lane ave mall restaurant coordior is amazing!! New Albany built the Phillip Heit Center....it would be a great way to get
to know the community
2/19/2016 8:47 PM
There are many that truly appreciate all that you are doing to engage the community and improve our parks. Thank
2/19/2016 7:59 PM
For the pool, need new bathrooms and guard house, a couple more lap lanes, entrance should face parking lot or
Northam. No water features use Reed road, too much maintenance. Playground can be done cheaper!!!
2/19/2016 7:26 PM
Thank you for the effort in selling this.
2/19/2016 6:19 PM
Things do not have to be fancy. Quality and simple-- else wasting our money. I sincerely think extravagance will hurt
2/19/2016 6:04 PM
school levys... it looks like city has money to blow and /or not spending it wisely. In addition I am angry about parking
lot by the library. It has so much wasted space that the driving lanes are too skinny. I do not find the sidewalk down
the middle is safe and do not allow my children to use it. I now avoid going there to use that library or park. Please do
not use the same architect for the park that was used for the parking lot.
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Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
I think that creating a year-round pool opportunity would be a great asset to community members and would ease the
burden of use of the UAHS pool. A "bubble" over the pool and locker rooms similar to Scioto Country Club, for
example, would be a wonderful community addition since we currently have no free standing community center like
Dublin, Westerville or Worthington.
2/19/2016 4:43 PM
We have young children and plan to have more. We are really looking forward to enjoying the parks that UA has to
offer. We're excited about the upgrades to Northam park because it adds some diversity to the parks we frequent,
which are Sunny 95 (closest to our home) Fancyburg because it is great for young toddlers and Thompson park.
2/19/2016 4:32 PM
Just move forward. There is a lot of negativity around this park renovation. Don't let it turn into paralysis. We need to
continue to move forward and add new amenities to our community.
2/19/2016 4:28 PM
Can we please include a rec center. there is a huge need for it!!!!
2/19/2016 4:06 PM
I believe ua has succumbed to a vocal minority by reducing its plan. I was personally harassed by their advocates
while trying to enter the library.
2/19/2016 3:24 PM
Re-think the RIDICULOUS now parking area between the school and library. It's absurd design is dangerous for both
pedestrians and drivers.
2/19/2016 3:12 PM
Please keep your promise to the taxpayers that most of the income tax increase will go towards repairs and
improvements of the city's infrastructure. Yes, the park is important, but at the end, it's only a park. It's just grass, a
pool, a playground, and some tennis courts. And that's basically it. What good is a pretty park if the infrastructure of
the surrounding city is crumbling? I guess what I'm saying is don't go crazy with the cost of Northam Park Phase II.
2/19/2016 2:51 PM
This city's government is going in the wrong direction if it's putting priority on "pretty things," like a park, instead of
things that really matter, like aging and worn infrastructure.
Just move forward please. You can't please everyone and you are letting negative people control the city. Get your
input and move on please. If most citizens want the pool Build it and get it done likewise please with a playground and
2/19/2016 2:50 PM
upgrading the grounds in the park
I would like to see improvements made to the park. Please be fiscally responsible about the updates - make only
necessary and meaningful changes.
2/19/2016 2:44 PM
Accessibilty to all citizens (including special needs) and including amenities for all age groups (not just little kids) is of
paramount importance.
2/19/2016 2:21 PM
DO NOT get wrapped up in making the Tennis Court people happy. This is NOT a self Sustaining item for UA. None
of the sports leagues or pools are under written by the city..and a VERY SMALL percentage of actual residents use it..
focus on the big picture and then try and find a place for tennis once that is done.
2/19/2016 1:55 PM
Absolutely. My wife and I are both in our early thirties, and have two children aged 3 and 1 (a girl and boy). We live a
2/19/2016 1:36 PM
block from Northam on Berwyn Road. The extremely vocal minority that has opposed the parks renovations from the
getgo we are pretty saddened by, not because they don't have a valued opinion (they do, it's a free country), but being
that we both work and our kids occupy our evenings when we get home, we don't have time or energy to get to the
council meeting where the minority is grinding procession of the project to a screeching halt. We, as well as many of
our friends, want the park to be nicer. We don't want it to become a mega-park like Dublin or New Albany, but instead
a charming, mature park with well kept trees, sidewalks, pools, fields and playgrounds. I knew what we were voting for
when we voted. We wrote letters to city council and know some of them on a social level. They know how we feel. I
hope enough people respond the way my wife and I have to this survey to make sure you know we are very much on
the side to move forward with it... not to selfishly halt it (again, as the minority) because we have a personal problem
with change or losing. But instead because as services and facilities age they need to be improved. That's what keeps
a community attractive and healthy. Yes I feel strongly about it. My family just wants a nice park!! We walk there every
day, we play there, and we are planning on doing so for the next 25 years. Thanks very much for taking the time to ask
us how we feel. -31 year old citizen ( and former Upper Arlington kid)
Please decide on a master plan first. My concern is a piecemeal approach that ends up costing more and delivering
less. I fear rebuilding the pool hastily only to learn that we should have move it or done it differently once there is a
plan acceptable to most (it will never be to all). Please consider space in the design for expansion of a community
center. While I know this is a negative idea at city hall, those of us that drive to Dublin, Worthington or Westerville
would appreciate space if this ever happens in the future.
2/19/2016 1:19 PM
Keep in mind the cost of projects. There is a limited budget. Your asking people what they want without giving them
information on cost. Sure I would like to have an indoor pool but how much does it cost, that matters.
2/19/2016 1:12 PM
Keep the tennis courts exactly where they are
2/19/2016 1:06 PM
No preference regarding splash pad inside or outside pool but feature very important to me. Would like to see public
restroom facilities that include changing table in both men's and women's or a family bathroom.
2/19/2016 12:57 PM
save as many trees as possible
2/19/2016 11:07 AM
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Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
The expanded input opportunities, meetings and resulting revisions in the plans is much appreciated.
2/19/2016 11:06 AM
very important to have pool at Northam - and equally important to begin planning for indoor pool somewhere - does not
have to be Northam
2/19/2016 10:51 AM
Keep th tennis courts where they now. Do what it take fix the drainage problems and leave the trees alone.
2/19/2016 10:31 AM
a separate pet area and pets not allowed all over the park.
2/19/2016 10:22 AM
I am extremely dissatisfied that city council went forward planning to use taxpayer dollars to make changes in OUR
park without getting UA residents approval. In the future, I will think very carefully about voting for another city tax levy.
2/19/2016 9:54 AM
Preserve the trees, minimize additional structures, plan for low maintenance, improve facilities for senior citizens,
downsize promenade plans, maintain as much green space as possible.
2/19/2016 8:11 AM
Clear cutting MATURE TREES is outrageous. Those trees make the park & are irreplaceable--they are the most
popular spots at spotting events/practices community eevents etc... Moving tennis courts is ridiculous--what a
community eyesore to have them by the street--they are in perfect location--we don't need a gazebo -fix the drainage,
replace the pool & playground --look at the Mallway it's worse now than before your changes--the Northam park
promenade is just bad--weeds, it's embarassing serves no purpose & the parking lot is unsafe because of it --and is
anyone ever going to clean the paint off the pavers in front of the War memorial in the Mallway? Been that easy for
years - Looks terrible --
2/19/2016 8:09 AM
Put tennis courts and tree removal to vote
2/19/2016 7:49 AM
Leave the tennis courts where they are. Fix the drainage problems. Leave the park open with all the mature trees. It's
not broken overall - so don't fix it by moving things around and cutting down the shade trees.
2/19/2016 7:45 AM
I don't believe we need another pool. Also, make the parks usable...they don't just need to look pretty. We are not a
"show case" community. We are a family community that wants to be able to use our parks for sports, playing with kids
and walking paths. Not just to look beautiful.
2/19/2016 7:39 AM
I think rebuilding the pool is a waist of money. Build a nice playground and our sports fields need to be updated.
Running/walking paths are a must.
2/19/2016 7:21 AM
I think our money could be better utilized. Northam park is already a well-functioning space within the city. I would
rather see streets being updated to better accommodate cyclists and pedestrians.
2/19/2016 1:06 AM
Since Tremont Pool has been in severe disrepair for many years now, I would not consider the questions about recent
pool utilization valid. Many people who would normally prefer that pool location have opted for Devon, Reed Rd or the
private pools because they felt Tremont was not a good option. If you build it, they will come!! (Please put a bubble on
2/18/2016 10:58 PM
that sucker and make it six lanes and competition depth to support UA's AMAZING tradition of excellence in
Swimming and Diving! UA is sending 4 current and former swimmers to the Olympic Time Trials in Omaha this June.
Please continue to support these athletes by maintaining these aquatic facilities!
This community is large enough to warrant having three pools. My family has sorely missed not having Tremont pool
available for our use and sincerely hopes that it is reopened as soon as possible. A family friendly community
atmosphere was evident by the lifeguards all knowing my kids by name and taking time to actually play with them on a
regular basis made us, without fear of being overemotional, love Tremont pool. Without the pool Upper Arlington loses
a special part of the community. Please, please bring back our pool. Thank you.
2/18/2016 10:53 PM
I think it is unfortunate that the parking lot was redeveloped with such tight parking spaces that I am unable to park my
vehicle there
2/18/2016 10:37 PM
Recommend keeping the cost down by eliminating the promenade through the park that was being discussed
previously. It's unnecessary, costly, and takes away green space. Also I have personally witnessed several people
2/18/2016 10:33 PM
turning from Tremont and driving on the existing promenade entrance. Keep Northam a local park for UA residents to
enjoy and don't make it a regional park where people travel to from all over other than for specific sporting events or
I am disappointed this survey isn't asking about the rest of the park such as the field space, drainage and tennis courts
location. If council wants public opinion then there needs to be questions about the broader issues. Very frustrating.
Actions of the last two months have really upset those of us who strongly supported the Northam Park Master plan.
2/18/2016 10:26 PM
We need indoor pool so badly in ua!!!
2/18/2016 10:12 PM
UA needs a Rec Center and I'm tired of all the other communities having one and us not.
2/18/2016 9:38 PM
We need an indoor pool for use in the winter months. The High School pool is nice, but I would love to see something
on par with what Dublin or Worthington has for their residents.
2/18/2016 9:37 PM
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Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Playground accessible for children with disabilities should be a community goal. Splash pad in the neighborhood would
be awesome. We drive out to Dublin currently. Would prefer free, of course, but we'd pay to go, within limit. Check out
the Common Ground Park in Lakeland, Fl. Best playground I've ever been to, inclusive of varied abilities.
2/18/2016 9:33 PM
The parking lot is dangerous and very poorly planned. Taking down these trees is unconscientionable. I can't believe
how poor this planning has been. I am very disappointed.
2/18/2016 9:16 PM
As a local resident I certainly have pride in my community and feel that each member has the right to voicing their
opinion--however, it has been disheartening to see the very vocal minority steer this project away from the original
plan and intentions proposed to the community. While I would assume the majority of tax payers would agree that
Northam needs improving and support many of the original plans (pool, splash pad, landscaping and trail, relocated
fields and fixing of drainage issues--possibly at the cost of tennis courts), many of us don't have the schedule that
2/18/2016 8:39 PM
permits attendance at each community meeting where the vocal opponents seem to continue to make the same
arguments against improvements. My absence does not indicate a lack of support for the Northam Park
improvements, I simply voted my support and sent letters to my city council--and then returned to a busy schedule of
raising the very children that will benefit most from improved community parks and recreation spaces.
Keep the tennis courts/club
2/18/2016 8:30 PM
Indoor pool doesn't need to be at Northampton, be we need one somewhere in UA. We have two outdoor pools.
Retractable roof? See Kettering Rec Center.
2/18/2016 8:27 PM
I think it is very very important to build a tremont pool that meets the needs of young families and children. It does not
make sense to me to not have a kiddie pool area. I think that would be a costly mistake. Thank you.
2/18/2016 8:27 PM
I am not in favor of moving the tennis courts and creating new areas. The function of the park is currently well
designed. I believe the city needs to think of other areas that are in need if they are going to ask community members
to fund it. Currently, the schools are in deplorable condition and need to be maintained/updated . I believe tax payers
2/18/2016 8:20 PM
need to be made aware of that.
It is very disappointing how the city is lacking a cohesive park plan. Further, it seems that a few "loud" citizens are
sharing information that the community believes and/or has led to confusion. It is also disappointing that these "loud"
members are out of touch with what families want. We want a rec center, we want play grounds that are clean and
age appropriate. And, we want a park system that is best in class.
2/18/2016 8:17 PM
Stop wasting money
2/18/2016 8:16 PM
Fenced dog area
2/18/2016 8:10 PM
More honesty from the council.
2/18/2016 7:56 PM
Don't let greed and extravagance create something our kids are going to be responsible for the expense of
2/18/2016 7:53 PM
We are excited to enjoy the new pool and playground! Thank you for all of your hard work on this important project.
2/18/2016 6:51 PM
Indoor pool!! Recreation Center!!!
2/18/2016 6:50 PM
keep tennis as is
2/18/2016 6:46 PM
Update it but make it nice and simple!
2/18/2016 6:30 PM
2/18/2016 6:23 PM
Thank you for working to build us a top class park. There are many of us out here who are willing to pay for a public
amenity that will benefit all of us.
2/18/2016 6:13 PM
I am supportive of using the Tremont Pool for swim meets "within reason". I do not support swim meets that will close
the pool to the general (and paying) public during peak swimming days and hours or interrupt public swim lesson
schedules. In addition, I would like the city to consider the "noise" (loud speaker, whistles) created by swim meets. As
a UA resident living in close proximity to a local private pool that holds regular swim meets in the summer, the loud
speaker can be heard throughout our neighborhood and is loud and disruptive at times.
2/18/2016 5:02 PM
there may be a bug in the covered pavilion part of survey. Pool competition for the Tremont youth team, not serious
pool competitions. I don't believe we need a pool longer than it was. You have not asked anything about your past
2/18/2016 4:22 PM
process. This sort of survey should have been done at first and not just to the "important players" you solicited.
I was really please with the plan that included the pool without diving. It provided more square footage for ALL to use.
Visiting various pools over the past summer I noticed that diving wells get little use - only by a couple people at most &
not even all day long. I would love to see traditional playground AND nature scape-type all in one
2/18/2016 4:21 PM
I like the idea of removing the tennis courts to allow for more open space and and better design for community events.
2/18/2016 4:19 PM
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Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
The current construction re: library / Tremont school has already removed a number of mature trees. Every possible
effort should be made to retain as many of the current mature trees as possible. Replacing these with immature trees
for future growth is inadequate.
2/18/2016 4:05 PM
Please please please seriously consider adding a 24/7 year-round bathroom facility somewhere in the park!!!
2/18/2016 4:01 PM
With the re-development of Northam Park what is to happen to the buildings that house the Senior Center? I have
never heard a discussion of their fate or how proposed changes will effect a vibrant senior community in UA.
2/18/2016 3:50 PM
leave teenis courts alone.Keep a baby pool. Do not need garden area for library.
2/18/2016 3:29 PM
The existing playground has met the needs of those using the facilities from our direct observation when visiting the
park daily. Also, Tremont school provides additional playground facilities both for kindergarten and younger (front of
2/18/2016 3:15 PM
school) and school age elementary children (rear of schoo). At the last meeting the amount to upgrade the playground
was 2 million dollars, which is not acceptable for this purpose when roads and infrastructure need more attention.
Also, when considering building materials please do not use crumb and always consider that natural materials
ie.grassy surface or safe wood mulch will ensure the health of the children and adults using the facility.
Keep the trees and open space. Ditch the wedding pavilion and grand entrance.
2/18/2016 3:00 PM
don't let a few loud voices outweigh the long-term goals and needs of the community --a community that needs to
remain vibrant. Change is necessary.
2/18/2016 2:59 PM
We have a "water park"at Hastings... We need a traditional family pool. We miss tremont pool!
2/18/2016 2:44 PM
The plan presented by council is MUCH too expensive and wasteful. Fix the pool and stop building monuments to
2/18/2016 2:32 PM
Please save as many trees as possible.
2/18/2016 2:26 PM
If in fact there are opposing sides, let no egos control the process, be fair and make the best decisions with the
money available, the citizens of this community have whole-heartedly supported UA and are deserving of no less.
2/18/2016 2:18 PM
This is a project and as such there is a scope, time limit and cost limit. I don't see that these three important factors
have been clearly established and shared with the community. Before this project goes any further this must be done.
2/18/2016 2:18 PM
The trees should stay.
2/18/2016 2:08 PM
All these questions about the pool and parks are all determined by what is being offered elsewhere. To make plans for
the park and pool without a master plan seems irresponsible
2/18/2016 2:03 PM
I loved the idea of moving the tennis courts to Thompson park and making this park a grand idea. With all the
changes, it seems that we are catering to a minority of residents who are resistent to change and we need our
2/18/2016 2:01 PM
leadership to lead as they have been elected for.
Ehhh. I dont know I feel about it. I understand the need to update and that pool and area can feel a bit dated. But with
all the construction in the last few years, Giant eagle Market place, all the construction at five points, Treemont road,
the new OSU medical center, I am very very tired of the detours and construction. All of the changes are taking a long
long time for little added benefit, in fact I have found almost all of the changes to be worse then before they were
touched. I will be glad to move out of the area soon because of all the construction. I hope that the city stop touching
things and leave them as they are. I think Arlington is worse for what they are doing and there are better places to
2/18/2016 1:53 PM
spend the money.
Don't allow any structures to be built above 4 stories. The recent buildings that are 5 stories tall in UA are
2/18/2016 1:37 PM
We are strongly against the removal of tennis courts from Northam and adding more tennis courts to Thompson Park.
Northam Park neighbors need tennis courts nearby. We do not need more tennis courts at Thompson park . We do
not need a pavilion added for special events. A large pavilion for special events will create parking problems and
noise. We go to the parks for the much needed relaxation they provide.
2/18/2016 1:33 PM
Maintain a safe and pleasing environment and stay within an affordable budget.
2/18/2016 1:12 PM
Please keep the old growth trees. They add so much charm and class (and let's not forget oxygen) to the park. We
already lost those lovely ash trees in front of the library.
2/18/2016 1:11 PM
The park is large, I would like to see the pool and playground set back a little further in the park so they are not right
2/18/2016 1:09 PM
off the parking area. a little green space between these active area and the parking area would be safer for all
I hope we actually have progress on this (and other important projects in UA) and not bow down to the pressure of the
vocal minority, who in my opinion would rather we don't spend any money for anything regardless of the community
benefit. There are plenty of us who support this project
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2/18/2016 11:55 AM
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
We appreciate you reaching out for input.
2/18/2016 11:45 AM
The new pool doesn't need to be at its currently location. I was on board with the original plan.
2/18/2016 11:28 AM
The park should be maintained to an excellent standard but does not need to be redeveloped. The tennis courts are a
unique and special feature which should be maintained to excellent condition and allowed to stay exactly where they
are. Removing healthy trees from a park is ludicrous. The new "entrance" was ill advised and no other similar features
should be undertaken. The new parking lot took a big step backwards in pedestrian safety, especially near a school,
park, and library.
2/18/2016 11:24 AM
Spend the money wisely! Don't pursue the dreams of a few when there is so much work to do for the basic
intrastructure ( Streets, Sidewalks and basic maintenance). First things First!!
2/18/2016 11:19 AM
I know that the tennis court situation has been controversial, so I don't know if this is even worth suggesting, but I
would love to see 2-3 platform tennis courts constructed. Even if it took the place of some of the existing clay courts.
The city could then sell summer tennis memberships, winter memberships, or year round memberships. Platform
courts don't require much maintenance so there would be little cost post construction. Platform tennis is exploding
across the Midwest, but the only courts that exist currently in central Ohio are at private clubs. I would love for Upper
2/18/2016 11:16 AM
Arlington to be the first place in Columbus that offered a public option.
Don't spend too much money or take away the athletic spaces. I understand the want for updates however many
people have grown accustomed to all that Northam Park provides and love it. Growing up right down the street has
allowed me to love the character of Northam park and various uses I would hate for any of these to be eliminated just
to make the park look nicer. The ultimate goal for all is getting people to use the park.
2/18/2016 10:49 AM
Thank you for keeping citizens involved in the process
2/18/2016 10:44 AM
Train staff and council on listening skills. Too many residents aren't getting the experience of being heard.
2/18/2016 10:44 AM
Scale with regard to money and features. We already have 2 over the top pools with lots of features for the young
families. We don't need duplication at Tremont. Make it a more adult pool. There are 3 playgrounds within a softball
through, it's inappropriate and unnecessary to spend $$$ on the Tremont playground. There's 2 areas at Tremont
School and the areas at St. Agatha, Tremont is a duplication it should be small and inexpensive if built at all.
2/18/2016 10:20 AM
Keep the trees. Maintain the open feature of the current park.
2/18/2016 10:08 AM
The public meetings are a step in the right direction. However, without a dedicated weekly newspaper it is difficult to
keep track of what is happening, meetings, etc. You advertised public meetings in Dispatch weekly, but not everyone
gets this publication. You need to figure out a way/place where folks will know to go to get current info. You also need
to remember that not everyone uses the internet either....this lack of direct access presents you with quite a pickle.
2/18/2016 10:05 AM
Don't spend money you don't have, and don't spend money raised with the promise that it would be used for
maintenance activities. Northam Park is very nice as it is, it just needs certain upgrades.
2/18/2016 9:48 AM
In regards to future planning, I live in the Thompson Park neighborhood, and I would not be supportive of any plan
which moves the Northam Park tennis courts to Thompson.
2/18/2016 9:44 AM
where is this money coming from? How about updating the schools?
2/18/2016 9:44 AM
Please move forward you can't satisfy everyone. A vocal minority has stopped progress long enough.
2/18/2016 9:22 AM
Project should be scaled back, more money spent on road improvement, my curb and gutter has been in need of
repair the past 20 plus years!
2/18/2016 9:21 AM
Keep it simple. Rebuild the pool and playground. Fix the drainage problems. Leave the tennis courts in the current
space and upgrade the courts.
2/18/2016 9:10 AM
Things my kids enjoy doing outside: Archery, paintball, BB guns, building forts, parcore (spelling?)... Just trying to
2/18/2016 8:59 AM
think of things that keep my older kids entertained and out of trouble. I don't have time to drive them around beyond
what I already do for sports, etc. need local outlets for my older kids (10-15) to get outside and "play." The pool isn't
"cool" for the older kids unless it is zoombezi bay. Boys seem to have trouble rounding up enough friends for a pick up
game of some sort...
Please, please, please redevelop Northam Park! It needs an update! We go there almost every day, and it is time for a
new pool, new playground, new amenities (running/walking trails, basketball courts? free tennis courts?), and a design
that is well thought-out and looks at the overall use of the park. Please don't cave in to a few people who don't want
any change at the park.
2/18/2016 8:45 AM
Just fix the drainage. I understand much of this is on the schools land, but it's a mess
2/18/2016 8:36 AM
Thanks for your hard work
2/18/2016 8:34 AM
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Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
I hope the city moves forward with their plans to improve our parks. The residents of UA deserve to have updated
parks and our children deserve to have access to athletic facilities that are as nice as our neighboring suburbs. Please
stick to your plans to improve our parks.
2/18/2016 7:52 AM
We didn't use the Tremont pool because we didn't have kids, and then it closed. We go to reed road a lot but Tremont
would be closer.
2/18/2016 7:15 AM
Make it a year round destination as there isn't any place in UA to go beyond the library. jealous of Dublin and
Groveports Rec centers!
2/18/2016 6:51 AM
A large enclosed space for dogs is needed in the park.
2/18/2016 6:26 AM
I'd hate to see the wonderful big trees cut down. The shade is so needed, especially during community events like
2/17/2016 11:31 PM
Labor Day.
I trust the judgement if our elected officials.
2/17/2016 11:16 PM
Thank you for being forward-thinking and willing to make changes the community needs.
2/17/2016 11:14 PM
PLEASE UPDATE THIS TO A MODERN PARK. I would use Summit Park in Blue Ash as a good starting point.
2/17/2016 11:07 PM
I think it's very short sighted to cram the pool and playground in roughly the same location as they are today,
especially when the school will be adding on the new gym. 5 years in the future it's going to look poorly planned to the
pool and playground right up against the school.
2/17/2016 10:58 PM
The sidewalks around the park need replaced. I think the citizens need to vote on any plan the council brings forward
to settle some of the discontent within our community.
2/17/2016 10:41 PM
We are so excited about the pool and playground! We hope it's even better than Reed Road water park which is hard
to beat! A bigger zero entry area or shallow platform for lounging would be great!
2/17/2016 10:21 PM
Cost is key
2/17/2016 10:04 PM
I'm happy that Northam Park is getting improvements!
2/17/2016 10:01 PM
maintain clay tennis courts!!!
2/17/2016 9:36 PM
Spending tax dollars to construct new tennis courts simply because their current location may be less-than-desirable is
a non-starter.
2/17/2016 9:27 PM
We live in the Northam park neighborhood and are very excited about the park improvements!
2/17/2016 8:57 PM
The large number of tennis courts is unnecessary.
2/17/2016 8:56 PM
Be mindful of cost. outsourcing garbage and now 911 doesnt seem to have reduced living costs in our community. We
keep picking up the tab for developers each time UA grants TIFs. Stop forcing us to subsidize their share of costs that
they would otherwise pay into funds.
2/17/2016 8:44 PM
My family is thrilled for these renovations to take place and glad Uaa is seeking the residents opinions.
2/17/2016 8:41 PM
I would like to see a recreation center in Northam Park or a similar area for the benefit of the residents.
2/17/2016 8:33 PM
Keep the tennis courts where they currently are.
2/17/2016 8:25 PM
Leave the tennis courts where they re.
2/17/2016 8:16 PM
DO NOT REPLACE THE POOL!!! My kids were lifeguards here and the kids that came were daycare kids from
outside of UA or it was extremely slow. We have reed (north) and Devon (south). Improve those pools if you wish but
PLEASE don't waste your money on a pool that was not well utilized. The "if you build it, we will come theory" just
doesn't work here.
2/17/2016 8:14 PM
Please update the pool and playground to be family friendly and an amenity that competes with newer suburbs (like
the bunny park splash pad in Dublin that is FREE, and the new natural playground in Grandview). Tradition is fine, but
don't let the long term residents determine the future of the City. Those of us new to the area aren't as impressed with
"old" UA. Modernize, update and get with the times.
2/17/2016 8:10 PM
I am dissapointed with community behavior on this project But I do think our city has shown a terrible disrespect for
mature trees on zollinger and Tremont road. I hope they will realize what great cities such as Paris have known for
generations that quality, strong trees should be designed around not cut down. Don't make that mistake again. In
addition, the decision to save money and not bury our power lines on Tremont was penny wise and pound foolish.
Don't fall to pressure to cut pennies off big projects and not so them correct. The power lines are now a monument to
the Midas behaviors our city has done for generations.
2/17/2016 7:49 PM
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Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Thank you for your time and interest in community feedback. Some people in UA seem to think that communication
with the common folk is a waste of time, but you will find appreciation and gratitude by entering into real dialogue and
2/17/2016 7:36 PM
Social media
2/17/2016 7:24 PM
Please keep the budget low!!
2/17/2016 7:23 PM
I would like to see the park include things for everyone- all ages etc, Should the library be responsible for the reading
2/17/2016 7:20 PM
Keep Northam park like it is. I grew up in Arlington and am now 27 years old. I lived at the pool and the surrounding
playgrounds and have many happy memories playing there. I would hate to see it be covered in playing fields which
leaves no room for play. Tremont pool was my favorite summer spot and fire works at Northam are still the highlight of
my year
2/17/2016 7:16 PM
I would be very happy to see our tax dollars used to improve the park. My kids are grown and we do not use the park
as much as we did in the past. The parks are a wonderful part of UA that can be better. Please to not cave to the
2/17/2016 7:12 PM
vocal majority who do not like any change.
Hopefully it will be better designed than the library parking lot and the Kingsdale office complex both of which were
terribly planned.
2/17/2016 7:06 PM
Yes, for council to stop pushing plans that are not wanted by the majority of the community. Have the best roads and
other infrastructure of any suburb rather than trying to compete on other levels which makes no sense. Let common
sense prevail again.
2/17/2016 7:01 PM
All that needs to be done is start concentrating on better maintaining & beautifying the park; fix the drainage issue;
2/17/2016 6:54 PM
replace the pool; & keep the tennis courts.
2/17/2016 6:50 PM
Coordinate with St Agatha
2/17/2016 6:50 PM
Keep the Northam park pools and playground on schedule. Thank you!
2/17/2016 6:43 PM
Sometimes doing what is best for a community and doing what the public says they want are not the same thing,.
2/17/2016 6:42 PM
I love the idea of a community center that includes an indoor pool!! Again, this is where UA is lacking compared to
other neighborhoods (e.g. Worthington/Dublin)
2/17/2016 6:36 PM
I have been attending meeting about Tremont pool since my 28-year-old son was in an infant seat only to watch the
money go south and north until the central pool rotted. I hate see so many families move to areas because many
other communities have better amenities than we do. Indoor pools or Ys, bike and walking pathes, etc.Past time to
update our city. And it should not be all about more ball fields although fixing the ones we have is an important issue.
2/17/2016 6:29 PM
I would love to see UA consider adding a rec center- not necessarily at Northam Park, but somewhere centrally
located. Our family and friends would utilize it often, and it would add greatly to the value and enjoyment of our
2/17/2016 6:29 PM
Big fan of current plan to fix northam
2/17/2016 6:26 PM
I left #15 blank as I'm unsure what configuring the playground for special needs children would entail. And what is the
demand for this? Are there other playground areas that meet these standards. This question presumes a deeper
2/17/2016 6:23 PM
Upgrade and incorporate a senior center. They built UA. Treat them as such. The park has no future without respect
2/17/2016 6:04 PM
for its past. Skip the pool if it means eliminating an indoor rec center with senior community center. $10,000,000.00 is
a lot of money to fix a soggy park field. Take care of our Seniors they deserve it. Signed Generation Xer with 3 kids.
I'm disappointed that you have abandoned the plan to redo the entire park because of the very vocal and rude group
interested in leaving UA in the dark ages. It's really sad that a group so vocal has dominated the planning. I myself feel
so intimidated by them that speaking up is hard to do. I'm not thebonlybone that feels this way. My family has attended
all meetings and not said one word because we feel threatened by going against what they are saying. And we are not
alone. It's really sad the current state of services in UA. We could get so many better amenities by moving out of UA.
You're going to lose families if services don't get updated.
2/17/2016 5:45 PM
The UA swim team has to rent pool space out of UA. We need more lap pool space preferably indoor.
2/17/2016 5:42 PM
Please consider building an indoor rec center.
2/17/2016 5:27 PM
14 / 37
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
I was happy to hear that the tennis courts are not being moved. They are very good courts so should not be
demolished and certainly should not be moved to Thompson since these courts are already heavily used and open to
the public.
2/17/2016 5:14 PM
I live 2 blocks from Northam Park. Every day except in bad weather and winter I see teams playing sports, people on
2/17/2016 4:57 PM
benches, people walking dogs. To change the park would be a mistake and a waste of my tax dollars. It is obvious the
park is great just as it is.
You are making the right decision to update the park. Lived here all my life (50+ years). Too many squeaky wheels
throwing up barriers. Keep moving forward.
2/17/2016 4:57 PM
I think it is the Central Park of the city and should be treated as such.
2/17/2016 4:47 PM
Please keep in mind the youngest citizens of UA. A pool that is geared towards small children would be wonderful for
young families. The older children have access to more activities than the young ones do. Also, the growing elderly
population could benefit from a revamped Senior Center. The indoor pool at the high school is really only geared for
swim competitions and lessons. But, since it is so cold, many small children cannot take lessons there year round. We
end up having to join different facilities in other suburbs in order to have activities for our children year round.
2/17/2016 4:47 PM
When I answered "I don't know," it mean I didn't have a preference. My needs are simple, a pool with shade with
different depths for all to enjoy. Tremont was a lovely, relaxing pool. Reed Road has everything and people can go
there for that. A place for swimming competitions is an interesting idea because no other pool has that. I also would
like at least some of the tennis courts to stay. The location is super-convenient and seeing people play tennis there,
coupled with the pool is lovely. It gives Northam Park a bit of a "country club" feel, also not found at the other parks.
2/17/2016 4:44 PM
Especially if the pool complex includes an indoor facility, it should provide an area at least 25m x 25 m that is all deep
(over 7 feet).
2/17/2016 4:24 PM
Tennis courts are good and should remain rather than spend money to relocate. Maintain as many of the mature trees
as possible.
2/17/2016 4:24 PM
I do not believe the city should be spending so much money on the parks, whether it was outlined properly in the
Issue 23 proposal or not. I voted to pass the issue knowing that we would personally pay more taxes because of it. I
would have never imagined that so many millions of our dollars would be spent this way. I also believe that the clay
2/17/2016 4:23 PM
courts at Northam are a huge asset to the community. I used to play on a league at Northam and was continually told
by other community league members how lucky we were to have such a nice facility with clay courts. I do not believe
that it makes sense to cut down mature trees. It should be an extremely high priority to save as many as possible. In
my opinion mature trees are one of the difining assets of a well established suburb. There is a reason that it is an
honor to have been awarded the "Tree City USA" designation. I also believe that the Tremont pool should have at the
very least, a diving bay, a toddler pool and a lap pool that can accommodate a swim team. It seems odd that these
benefits would not be provided to a community that has produced state champions, college athletes and Olympic level
divers and swimmers. Many Olympiads' dreams and aspirations begin at their community facilities. I think that the
"promanade" and library/Tremont School parking lot's inefficient and dangerous redesign needs to be addressed
before someone gets seriously injured or killed. It should not come as a surprise to anyone that our community is
having trust issues with the current leadership, given this debacle alone. On a final note, the random community
survey phone calls were not identified as such, either by detailed caller ID or by message. I know that I am not alone
when I say that I screen calls, and rarely even pay attention to the land line ringing anymore. Many residents do not
even have a landline anymore. Thinking that they were political calls I did not answer what I realized later were
probably UA survey calls.
look at devon pool at peak times, we could use 20 lanes
2/17/2016 4:21 PM
We use the Tremont pool as our primary location even though we live a stones throw from Reed Road Water Park.
We like it because it is a traditional pool with lap lanes, diving bay, and lower depths for younger swimmers. It is also
2/17/2016 4:10 PM
less crowded and less appealing to tweens and teenagers, which makes it more enjoyable! Please keep a traditional
design. If people want fountains, splash pads, etc. go to Reed Road. Also shade is extremely important! None of the
pools have enough. With the knowledge we have about skin cancer and sun exposure, this is a huge oversight in the
design of the pools.
Please make the plan transparent. Especially the financing and payment surrounding the planning.
2/17/2016 4:09 PM
It needs to be done!!! Also big opportunity to include year round swim competition!!!
2/17/2016 4:08 PM
I would like to see the new playground put where the tennis courts are now. Save those beautiful sycamore trees and
make them part of a natural playground. The splash pad could also live in that area. If the tennis courts are rebuilt,
could they be built smaller and in the area where the pool was removed? Finally, I am open to a different location in
the park for the new pool. What about behind tremont and the senior center area?
2/17/2016 3:49 PM
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Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Please focus on the future citizens and don't let the handful of over 50 citizens that attend the meeting and flood social
media dictate your decisions. I too believe in fiscal responsibility and I hope the past year of ups & downs can be
learned from. A Master Plan of all parks is needed to make the best choices that will last into the future. Let's not do
this half cocked anymore. I have attended all the UA school Your Voice Matters mtgs and have been throughly
2/17/2016 3:41 PM
impressed! We need to make our community a place where the next generation wants to raise their families. Updated
parks & schools are needed. No More band aid approaches.
Please keep design simple & classic. Build nice new pool, tennis courts, playground in same locations. Leave the rest
of park as is.
2/17/2016 3:37 PM
Please do not shrink the footprint of the pool! The plan already shows a much smaller footprint! Yes this city has three
pools but Northam Park residents use this pool on a daily basis. Sadly it looks as though we will have another summer
come and go without a Tremont Pool.
2/17/2016 3:34 PM
I think people prioritize unstructured play for the <5 crowd. But, it's as important, and more needed for the older kids
and adults. Natural playgrounds with quiet nooks to read in the sun and spaces for gross motor activity to make
"working out" a natural, more fun part of an adult's life would be fantastic!
2/17/2016 3:32 PM
I would like to retain12 tennis courts - I don't care about the location. If the budget prevents building all 12 at once, I'd
like to see 10 with expansion possibilities to 12 in the future.
2/17/2016 3:25 PM
I really think the COUA does a great job providing viable options for the residents to consider when it comes to options
for the parks and other civic topics (Facyburg, 911, etc). Not being from UA It amazes me (and kind of disgusts me)
how some people will vilify any idea that is presented seemingly on the sole perspective that the idea is change. Prob
2/17/2016 3:17 PM
not going to change this group but hang in there and keep fighting the good public fight.
There is adequate space within the entire Northam Park property to include ALL of the current amenities and activities.
It seems ridiculous that the city would give the residents LESS. The pool should have ALL of the functionality it has
today and should also be able to accommodate summer swim meets - there is no other outdoor pool to accommodate
summer swim meets. The tennis courts should be accommodated! Extra and expensive new features such as
pavilions, shelter houses, splash feature are all nice to have - not need to have. How frequently are the pavilions or
shelter houses used at other parks??? How far are they from private homes??? I do not think any other shelter
houses or pavilions are located close to private homes and I do not think they are used very much. The footprint of the
2/17/2016 3:05 PM
park should not be much larger than it is today - there are 3-4 other parks in the entire Northam Park block between
Tremont School and St Agatha.
As a Freshman Soccer Parent and having our Freshman game there it's not well marked where the other teams
should part or where the games are. Visiting teams often say they drive around the whole block trying to find out
where to go. The port a john next to the dump/gargage bin is also sort of embarrassing. Every other high school field
2/17/2016 2:53 PM
we go to has a bathroom
I wish the City of Upper Arlington would consider building an indoor recreation center that would be benefit the entire
community. The rec center could include an indoor lap pool and diving pool with locker rooms, indoor basketball
courts encircled by a track, along with several large rooms for various activities such as floor hockey or exercise
classes and weight lifting equipment. Families would pay a membership fee to belong, and this could benefit all ages.
2/17/2016 2:51 PM
move the tennis courts to another park. fix the drainage issues. update the sports fields. construct modern and eye
appealing buildings, restrooms, etc.
2/17/2016 2:50 PM
Be honest with the citizens.
2/17/2016 2:49 PM
The tennis courts have to be moved and reduced. I never see all the courts busy, at best I have seen half of them in
use. They should be moved to one of the corners of the park.
2/17/2016 2:45 PM
replace pool. Leave the rest alone
2/17/2016 2:43 PM
Keep as many trees as possible and add more. Shade is super important as evidenced by where people congregate.
2/17/2016 2:39 PM
Eliminate as many of the uneven areas of grass as possible to eliminate falls. Also, and this is a dream, put in an
irrigation system.
Please replace the pool exactly as it was. The toddler playground is fine as is. Stop spending taxpayer dollars on your
ridiculous ideas. Instead, cut city expenses and reduce taxes,
2/17/2016 2:25 PM
Hope you are fixing the drainage issues!
2/17/2016 2:21 PM
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Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Please, please, please make the new pool family friendly and targeted towards young families. This area of UA is
exploding with young families moving in, as it is somewhat more affordable than other parts of town. I would greatly
like to see a zero entry area of the pool, as well as a splash pad. We frequently travel to Dublin or Powell to use their
splash pad facilities, and would greatly appreciate having these available to us at the end of our street! And as a parent
2/17/2016 2:17 PM
of three kids ages 0-5, a splash pad is much more safe for the little ones than a swimming pool. Please consider the
youngest members of this town! I personally do not care as much about waterpark/slide features, as we readily travel
to Reed Road if we are looking for those. However, a good, safe kiddie pool, with a zero entry section, and a splash
pad are facilities not currently offered by this town and are ones that are greatly needed. Thank you.
Get a real engineering study done to create a sound plan for solving the drainage problems.
2/17/2016 2:12 PM
Tax money allotted for roads/street repair and construction should not be used for Northam Park.
2/17/2016 2:11 PM
2/17/2016 2:05 PM
2/17/2016 2:04 PM
Recognize that the Library is part of the park and should be invited to offer programs outside near its building. It may
2/17/2016 1:59 PM
have to add a structure for these programs.
I would like there to be adequate representation on the planning committee of the neighbors who live close to
Northam Park.
2/17/2016 1:49 PM
I think the Tremont pool is an unnecessary capital expenditure. The attendance has dwindled to near nothing,
especially after the Reed Road park updates. With the limited park space in UA, redevelopment efforts would be
better spent taking out and moving the tennis courts, opening up the park for more field space, and regrading to
correct drainage issues.
2/17/2016 1:40 PM
Please DO not rush forward with this project without a lot of thought regarding expense, loss of trees and community
input. The new parking lot at the Main library is a disaster!! The design is terrible for the location close to one of our
elementary schools. And the landscaping is unattractive in summer due to weeds and lack of care. Obviously a poor
design and it does not reflect well on our great city! Also, the tax increase was touted as being for roads, streets and
sewers. NOT a redo of Northam Park!!
2/17/2016 1:40 PM
One major concern is that the whole idea is designed to move money so that council can receive legal kickbacks by
way of campaign contributions or otherwise. None of them are to be trusted.
2/17/2016 1:40 PM
I have never before considered the possibility of supporting or joining those who oppose our City Council. However,
the Council's apparent willingness to mis-spend and overspend on this Northam Park project has made me re-think my
stand. I have not yet signed the recall petitions, but may still do so.
2/17/2016 1:36 PM
why is nothing being said about our embarrassing senior center? It should be a top priority when plans are being made
for the entire parks system
2/17/2016 1:31 PM
I am very concerned about this project spiraling out of control. Northam is, and has been, an attractive destination.
The pool was allowed to reach a state of disrepair which is irresponsible. I feel that must be rectified because it is a
major loss to the community at this time. However, I wonder how much major construction and overhaul of the park is
2/17/2016 1:29 PM
really necessary. It's not as if the park lacked amenities and functionality before. The playground as it is today is
perfectly acceptable and could stand a light facelift in the form of additional swings and some paint. It is really
necessary to start from square one again? Is that really the best use of city resources?
I feel bad that just a few individuals have caused so many problems. I trust in those we have elected to make good
2/17/2016 1:28 PM
Stop wasting our tax dollars. Don't we have anything else to spend millions of dollars but redoing what does not need
2/17/2016 1:27 PM
to be redone.? Would you spend carelessly your money like this. The whole City council whole be fired. Such an
arrogance was not seen in a long time.
Trees and landscape is number one. We eliminate enough of both everyday.
2/17/2016 1:24 PM
The pool entrance should face Northam Rd. or the parking lot.
2/17/2016 1:18 PM
I believe we have far more important and pressing needs to be concerned about that should be addressed before we
start considering some of these options you are asking about on this survey. My concerns relate to streets, water and
sewage lines, and other real infrastructure needs.
2/17/2016 1:16 PM
Do not waste my taxpayer dollars moving the tennis courts. Do not waste taxpayer dollars on additional pathways,
shelters, gazebos, etc. please focus on improving the park in its current format. Somewhere in the city there should
be a dog park.
2/17/2016 1:09 PM
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Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Tremont Pool is the only pool that has not been updated in recent years. The other pools are very crowded and it
would be great to provide a third option that has the same amenities as the other pools. Northam is at the center of
Upper Arlington and I believe that membership to the pools would increase if Tremont was updated.
2/17/2016 1:03 PM
To me the location of the "3rd pool" in UA could change, if it was indoor and within a recreation center, that would be
2/17/2016 12:54 PM
My main concern is the pool. We visited the pool almost daily when it was open and were heartbroken when it closed.
It was one of the main reasons we purchased a home in the near vicinity. I would dearly love to see the pool back in
much the same way it was before. A toddler pool, a leasure area for older kids, lap lanes and a diving well. I would like
to see the nearby trees saved as they provide shade and beauty. We use Northam daily and are very concerned with
the plan. It would be horrible to see all of the mature trees cut down. They provide shade as we jog around the park.
2/17/2016 12:49 PM
The 'Grand Promenade' leading to the Chef O Nette seems totally unnecessary. The parking at the library makes no
sense. Meanwhile my street pavement is literally crumbling to gravel. I am very worried that our park is being turned
from something wonderfully useful into some showpiece for the folks that belong to the private swim and racket clubs.
I would suggest that folks utilize relationships they may have with Grandview park officials, they did a wonderful job
and being a former resident I still talk to folks there that love the community and speak highly of the parks.
2/17/2016 12:48 PM
Keep up the open lines of communication as your doing a great job
2/17/2016 12:46 PM
I would urge the City be be fiscally responsible. Our park needs to be updated, but not with an unlimited budget. I am
in favor of spending money to update the pool and facilities at a reasonable cost. I am not in favor of spending money
on gardens, gazebos, pathways that will all just require continued maintenance and not bring any additional solid value
2/17/2016 12:45 PM
to the function of the park. Lets find ways to get what is needed to bring our parks up to speed within a realistic budget
and without wasting money on moving everything around.
2/17/2016 12:43 PM
I have no idea what the promenade is. Please clarify, is it in the library parking lot? It sounds silly and unnecessary.
2/17/2016 12:34 PM
Please preserve as many mature trees as possible. Please budget for winter maintenance, i.e., clearing sidewalks.
2/17/2016 12:21 PM
Do not take down the magnificent existing trees. Plan around these trees. KEEP COSTS DOWN.
2/17/2016 11:52 AM
Improvements are necessary, but the park does not need to rival the aesthetics of the Scioto Mile.
2/17/2016 11:52 AM
Our family supports improvements that will keep UA an appealing place to raise young families.
2/17/2016 11:45 AM
Agreed. The pool needs replacing & a lap pool area would be nice, and, of course, a toddler pool -- basically, like what
it's replacing, only updated - I don't think a "water park" enviroment is NECESSARY as there is Reed Road Waterpark
. . . the splash pad sounds ok, but if free access OUTSIDE the pool area, I'm afraid it would be subject to attendance
from those living outside of UA & possibly vandalism & other issues == Bottom line, agreed, the park needs updating,
2/17/2016 11:43 AM
but not "remaking" -- do what is necessary & reasonable --I don't understand why the astronomical cost for a library
reading garden . . . . really??
Moving forward, be honest, respectful and detailed. The former council President, Councilman DeCapua, and current
city manager have damaged the relationship between the citizens of UA and our city government. How this first phase
is handled will go a long way to improve or further erode the relationship. Thank you for this opportunity to respond.
2/17/2016 11:32 AM
Yes, I am all in favor of replacing the pool but with out a lot of frills. I don't believe the playground needs to be
replaced at this time. I also do not believe that we need a Reading Garden or and "Entrance" into the park. I would like
UA council to be more respectful and conservative with the spending of OUR money. Take care of things that NEED
fixing first. I believe the current plan is excessive and extravagant!!!
2/17/2016 11:32 AM
Please spend our money prudently. Northam Park is our "jewel in the crown" and in need of significant investment, but
original plan was too much. Leave tennis courts where they are. Spending good money to move them is a complete
waste (and no, I don't play tennis).
2/17/2016 11:31 AM
Why is the City Council removing the playground when it is still viable and the children love it. The cost they have
given is outrageous for a playground that is not even needed. The pool should be put back where it was and made the
same as before including a separate "baby pool". Those splash pads are a waste of money and breed bacteria which
is unsafe for children. They are just a "fad" and will cost so much to maintain. This plan that is being presented is not
necessary. This new tax money should be used for infrastructure as it was promised by the City Council. The rest of
the park should be left alone..to remain a place to walk, enjoy the shade and watch games. The whole project is a big
2/17/2016 11:27 AM
waste of money!!! Fix small things as the need arises and don't go spending huge amounts of money when it is not
needed......making the park worse!
The clay tennis courts are among the best ones in central Ohio. Please keep them (at least 10 courts).
2/17/2016 11:19 AM
I am so upset with our council for allocating funds for parks instead of repairs to existing infrastructure. If you don't
need it for that you should refund the tax dollars.
2/17/2016 11:17 AM
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Northam Park Phase II Survey
Allow adequate resources to maintain the facilities.
2/17/2016 10:57 AM
Please give strong consideration to not replacing the pool - it benefits a few,while costing us all. We get enough of this
with school funding.
2/17/2016 10:40 AM
You can not allow a well organized but relatively small group of residents stop our community from staying current
with recreational trends. Get the park done!
2/17/2016 10:16 AM
I would prefer a recreation center, similar to one in Dublin.
2/17/2016 10:15 AM
keep as many trees as possible
2/17/2016 10:07 AM
I love the park and as one of our major parks that is the site of our community's major events, I would like to see the
park maintained and updated so that it is emblematic of our community's values and reputation.
2/17/2016 10:01 AM
Focus on replacement of the pool, play ground, updating the tennis courts and fix the drainage problems. Leave the
rest alone.
2/17/2016 9:56 AM
Don't get too cute in designing the pool, learn the lesson from Hastings Pool. Swim lanes, diving well, and build it to
2/17/2016 9:54 AM
I wish there had been specific questions regarding the tennis facilities on this survey. Thank you for offering the survey
and for taking into consideration the community opinion.
2/17/2016 9:45 AM
The tennis courts should remain clay courts; the number of courts should stay the same (or add a couple.)
2/17/2016 9:44 AM
I would like to make sure that putting the pool and playground back in the same spot coincides with the overall plan for
changes in the park, and that has not been made clear.
2/17/2016 9:43 AM
To remain competitive with Dublin and Worthington as a place o live we need to have a comm. center like they have
with pool etc. for city residents. I now go to ymca in hilliard.
2/17/2016 9:42 AM
I have supported the full redevelopment of the park from the inception. I think a loud minority have hijacked the
process and muddled the flow of factual information. I would like to hear directly about plans and alterations to them
as to make my own decision.
2/17/2016 9:31 AM
We are very supportive of the current city council's efforts and appreciate the many opportunities for input.
2/17/2016 9:28 AM
park needs some updating....not in support of full expensive replacement.
2/17/2016 9:24 AM
Prefer to keep the tennis courts at Northam Park.
2/17/2016 9:20 AM
* A Free and Open-to-the-public Splash-Pad will create a destination for people from all over central Ohio. This should
2/17/2016 9:15 AM
not be a goal for a Neighborhood Park. * Indoor Swimming is something that UA Needs badly. This Pool should be
able to convert to indoor during cold weather to be used by Parks & Rec, BOE & other community organizations. *
Remove the Tennis Courts and use the Western end of the current tennis footprint to Expand the area that the pool
can use.
2/17/2016 9:13 AM
Why "change" the play ground? It looks to be in good shape and is used by a lot of kids. Who is asking to "improve" it?
And the money in the budget is outlandish!!! $1 million +??? What did the current play ground cost and when was it
2/17/2016 9:07 AM
Change and progress are good for a community. Don't let a few whiners/screamers keep UA from moving forward.
2/17/2016 9:02 AM
I just hope that we don't cave to the vocal minority about the park plans. Change is desperately needed for the greater
good. It will impact some neighbors more than others which is unfortunate but necessary. Our parks are significantly
2/17/2016 9:01 AM
less appealing than other nice communities around Central Ohio. We need to think long term even if that means
upsetting the negative vocal minority. We definitely need more useable athletic fields as well.
Again relating back to what Dublin has done. I wish we had more focus on an all inclusive community center including
a year round competitive pool and skate park.
2/17/2016 9:00 AM
Any plans should include saving many existing trees as possible and minimizing costs
2/17/2016 8:58 AM
Keep the tennis courts where they are or get rid of them totally. I am not in favor of building tennis courts with
taxpayer money that only a few residents will benefit from. Use some of the money from the levy and buy more park
2/17/2016 8:53 AM
Thank you city of Upper Arlington for all your efforts in this sensitive matter
2/17/2016 8:52 AM
For space considerations I believe the tennis courts should be moved outside of Northam Park.
2/17/2016 8:51 AM
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Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Design and build a basic park without expensive features that are not fiscally prudent. Redirect savings to basic
municipal infrastructure needs such as roads and sidewalks. Resume full grass cutting of Thompson Park to reduce
tick population.
2/17/2016 8:33 AM
We have 2 pools in UA. why we need to waste space and money on ANOTHER pool is a mystery to me. I am also
2/17/2016 8:25 AM
opposed to destroying all of the trees that were initially planned. hopefully that has been amended.
I think the park can use the upgrades to a point. Twenty million dollars is a lot of money for one park. The City of
Columbus completed the downtown riverfront for 30 million. This included rerouting the river!
2/17/2016 8:20 AM
For goodness sake we need a serious community center. Worthington's was in the paper again today for an
innovation. It's a true community center. I know seniors have their own center and so are happy as is. But let's think of
the whole community!! PS I am 56. My responses are very pro-kid pro whole-family family not because I need a place
for my own kids (who are moving on) but because that makes for a strong community.
2/17/2016 8:15 AM
As I mentioned previously, MORE shade at Tremont pool. There is not enough shade area at Reed Road. The old set
up was nice with the preimeters under shade with lounge chairs and some tables.
2/17/2016 8:09 AM
The city and their vision botched the parking lot to the point where it's barely usable... and that's a parking lot! Try not
to screw up the park please.
2/17/2016 8:03 AM
City has done a poor job with including citizens up to this point. Many citizens have little faith in handing over design
after the debacle that is the Tremont Elem. / Library parking lot.
2/17/2016 8:01 AM
We need a rec center!!
2/17/2016 8:01 AM
Thanks for continuing to slog through this process. Changes are necessary.
2/17/2016 7:57 AM
Install batting cage, similar to New Albany, Dublin, Hillard and Grove City. Do not work with community baseball
leaders if they are not part of a publicly elected board of directors who help lead a local baseball org
2/17/2016 7:50 AM
Please don't let people stuck in an old mindset or focused simply on Tennis be the reason the park is not redesigned
for modern needs.
2/17/2016 7:40 AM
Have we given up all hope of a recreational center similar to what the other great communities in Columbus have.
2/17/2016 7:32 AM
I feel as if more logical, frugal, and realistic thought should be taken by the members of the city council. I have been
disappointed with grandiose ideas that have been put forward, if they would take a small step back they too would
see many of these ideas are unnecessary and wasteful use of the cities tax payers money. Please keep in mind, kids
just want to play.
2/17/2016 7:21 AM
I thought it was already a great park (particularly with all the trees, etc.). Please first do no harm!
2/17/2016 7:19 AM
I feel for you and how hard it is to listen to and feel for all. I do think that clay courts have a place in UA! It defines who
we are. The reason why so few people are members is that there's a disincentive for the board to grow the
membership, as having more members makes it harder to get an available court. I suggest we start growth by making
it more expensive -- with special pricing for those who use the courts during the day (seniors and children) and
expanding programs to interest new tennis players of all ages.
2/17/2016 7:10 AM
Thank you for addressing this opportunity. I appreciate your leadership and making the right decisions for the good of
the city - and its future - even when some citizens shout loudly. Be strong. We elected you to look for our todays AND
2/17/2016 7:09 AM
Way too much focus on baseball fields and tennis courts. Also the hardscaped entrance from Tremont was ridiculous
waste of money. A park should include landscaping not brick walls. the parks should be connected to the community
by walking and bike trails.
2/17/2016 6:55 AM
Can the library parking lot mess be fixed?
2/17/2016 6:53 AM
I hadn't realized and indoor pool was even being considered. That is absolutely one of the reasons I commented
before on a recreation center....an indoor pool is missing from our community.
2/17/2016 6:18 AM
Question 8 asked about Northam park use, would have marked swimming if there was a pool the past two summers.
Did not use the pool when toddler area was closed first.
2/17/2016 5:21 AM
I believe it is important to save as many of the large trees as possible. It is important to be practical as well as up-todate. Don't go to the "fancy" at a cost that is impractical. I don't think the repair/upkeep of the infrastructure in UA
should be sacrificed for entertainment purposes. Do not decrease the number of sports fields.
2/17/2016 5:14 AM
It is important to consider and address the needs of children and adults in individual age groups.
2/17/2016 2:44 AM
20 / 37
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
I enjoy that this park is multi use since central location (pool, library, tennis courts, sports fields, community events,
play ground). I love the mature trees that provide shade and the walking path. I have enjoyed many baseball games in
the park. I wish we had more than one pool with zero entry. I HATE the new parking lot at the library. It is terrible to
drive in. I appreciate the pedestrian path but since it isndown the middle of the parking lot it is an anxiety provoking
2/17/2016 2:32 AM
event to walk down it with a child. I hope the rest of the park doesn't suck as much as that parking lot. I almost miss
the pot holes in the old lot. It wasn't great but it felt less cramped.
The "entryway" idea seems waistful. The overall cost of the project should be visible to the community.
2/17/2016 2:31 AM
I moved into Upper Arlington for the schools for my children and the quality of amenitities. Northam Park needs to be
renovated. It is THE central UA park. Many people support the renovation. Most people 45 and under look at this as
an investment. Aging portions of the population need to remember that this community needs to appeal to families by
building and maintaining GREAT schools AND parks. Northam Park needs to be upgraded. A centralized recreation
facility or community center (with pool) should also be part of the 3-5 year plan.
2/17/2016 1:01 AM
I support this project. Northam is old and needs immediate reinvestment. A splash pad is a necessary addition to UA. I
would love not to drive downtown or to Ballantree to use one. Visit bunny park and build something even better.
2/17/2016 12:46 AM
It is a nice big space that clearly needs some updates but keep the trees and don't overbuild. Be clear about decisions
and communicate to the public. Get a better idea about how many residents support/disagree with revised plan
instead of seemingly acting in a vacuum.
2/17/2016 12:33 AM
let the community vote on the overall Northam park plan
2/17/2016 12:24 AM
PLEASE do not remove any healthy trees! I am sure we can work around them. We cannot replace them. They are a
part of our lives.
2/17/2016 12:06 AM
I'm disheartened that a vocal minority of UA's (predominantly) senior population has derailed the plans for
2/17/2016 12:03 AM
comprehensive redevelopment at Northam. It seems much of the pushback started as a result of the desire to relocate
or eliminate the tennis court. While the court is unique, I'm fairly certain that it's age and size requires a significant
amount of maintenance and operating budget, which is primarily subsidized by the City versus its modest ~250
members. I would fully support, as a fiscally responsible citizen, to see the City take the hardlined approach of forcing
the tennis club to fully fund the break-even operations of Northam Park Tennis Courts. Just as so many don't want the
City to reinvest large dollars into NP (as they don't see it as a direct benefit to themselves or "their" closer UA parks), I
don't particularly feel compelled for my tax dollars to be put towards the maintenance of the aging tennis facility when
there are good ones at Thompson and Fanceyburg for free usage. Thanks!
Don't spend $800,000 on a playground! Don't spend $ 1 million on another entrance!! City Council is wasting my tax
money!!! Don't dig up trees and lawn next to the Library to make a new parking lot entry. We have one that is working
fine. Stop wasting tax dollars and return the care of the parks to the Parks and Rec Board and take it away from the
2/16/2016 11:50 PM
If it ain't broke don't fix it, if it is broke then fix it and if it can't be fixed then redo it and make it the best it can be,
reconfiguration of the park and all the other "bling" is superfluous and a waste of taxpayer dollars! The tennis courts
were put where they are now for a reason - duh, leave them there and FIX whatever issues there are with a few courts
(if there truly are any). Our parks need to be maintained and updated as needed not totally reconfigured and "blinged"
2/16/2016 11:31 PM
out at the expense of our roads and infrastructure. I thought city council members were charged with having the
residents' best interest at heart not cramming their own agenda down our throats, unbelievable arrogance, they all
need to go, just like all the council members associated with the Kingsdale purchase debacle a number of years ago.
The Northam Park pool should have been remodeled many years ago instead of letting it get to t he point of such
disrepair that it needed totally replaced. I pay these huge taxes to live in this community but am basically forced to pay
even more money to belong to Swim and Racquet Club because the city has been hugely remis in maintaining the
Northam Pool - shame on the city !
No. We just need our infrastructure repaired & maintained. I've lived on Welsford Rd. between Northam & Ridgeview
Rds. for 22 years and there has yet to be a complete resurfacing or complete curb repair in that entire time. It would
be nice if some of the "park monies" to be used for what was promised.
2/16/2016 11:28 PM
I wonder if we need the Devon road pool and if we should concentrate on 2 really nice pools. I do not like that we
have fewer local kids as life guards this year. If we are trying to reduce costs, maybe it means fewer pools.
2/16/2016 11:26 PM
Enclosed dog park
2/16/2016 11:18 PM
The pool, ball fields, tennis and playground don't matter to me. I want a community center, a real senior center, walking
and bicycling paths and a pleasant environment to enjoy. I doubt that the now scared city council will back any of what
I would like to see. Apparently the park is not for older adults. I've lived in U.A. for 36 years and would like to see it
move forward but fear it is moving backward and losing its edge to more forward thinking communities.
2/16/2016 11:11 PM
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Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
We have two small kids and live within walking distance of Northam Park so we use it often when weather allows. I
would love if all playground renovations can be done in cooler weather months and not interrupt good playground time!
We moved here once Tremont Pool was already shut down. A new pool would be great!
2/16/2016 10:43 PM
Do not cut down our big trees!!! Work around them and enhance them!
2/16/2016 10:36 PM
DO NOT CUT DOWN THE TREES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2/16/2016 10:35 PM
I would recommend if the city decides to do a splash pad, that is kept inside the pool fence. I think a traditional
playground may last longer.
2/16/2016 10:31 PM
It is important to fix the drainage problem and upgrade the athletic fields. I see no reason not to move the tennis courts
to another park if The space is needed for the general population. Adding a gymnasium at Tremont is not considered a
community center.
2/16/2016 10:24 PM
I appreciate you working with the citizens to obtain their views on the park. My main concern is to not cut down the
mature trees. I'm really OK with anything else
2/16/2016 10:24 PM
Thank you for all the work you do, the transformation will add so much to our community.
2/16/2016 10:16 PM
Hang in there, folks. Keep up the good work.
2/16/2016 10:00 PM
Get on with it! :) please and thank you. I miss my park & pool.
2/16/2016 9:41 PM
Do not move the tennis courts. They are a huge asset to the community and community tradition. They appeal to
young and old, and stay busy long before and long after the field sports have left the field. They belong in Northam
Park and given that they are in very good shape it would be a complete waste of taxpayers money to destroy them.
2/16/2016 9:32 PM
While I realize that no plan will please all stakeholders, I hope that the city moves forward with a plan that will make
2/16/2016 9:31 PM
our parks improved and enjoyable for years to come! Thank you for your hard work.
Why are there no questions about tennis?
2/16/2016 9:27 PM
Rebuild pool with a deep end (to be used in swimming lessons), diving bay, baby pool, 6 lap lanes. Large pool
umbrellas are great, as well as natural shade from existing trees. The awnings which provided shade at the old pool
were wonderful for families. Keep the 12 clay tennis courts in their current location. Fix drainage issues in Northam
Park - this does not require movement of tennis courts.. Do not put in a splash pad - not needed if there is a dedicated
baby pool at the swimming pool. Realize that a splash pad would need to be staffed during open hours - ie someone
would need to be there to supervise splash pad. Fountains are not needed - preserve the existing tall trees and
natural feel of Northam Park. This is a natural, neighborhood park used for exercise by citizens of every age.
(Fountains are expensive, require ongoing maintenance - Fountains are not needed, and should not be located so
2/16/2016 9:23 PM
near to an elementary school)
I'm happy to answer any questions or offer feedback. We live a block from Northam and have children ages 1,5 and 7.
We are also transplants to UA. Thanks! Christy
2/16/2016 8:52 PM
Yes. All efforts to cost effectively improve the overall well being of our community is greatly appreciated. Also, please
note that there is an immediate need for affordable UA Senior Housing. This is very much an interest to me and I
2/16/2016 8:49 PM
would definitely be willing to participate in future conversations and planning. Sincerely, A maturing UA Resident.
The existing park is great. Just rebuild the pool! (An indoor pool would be even better.) Thanks for the opportunity to
provide input!
2/16/2016 8:44 PM
Reed Road Water Park is a play pool for children, and UA does not need another play pool. I believe a lap pool would
be appreciated by many residents so they would not have to go to Dublin, OSU or Worthington, Westerville or a
private club to swim laps.
2/16/2016 8:42 PM
I am happy that the planning committee is actually polling the whole community for their opinions.
2/16/2016 8:37 PM
Though not part of this phase, I'd like to see the softball and baseball fields remain spaced apart from each other.
There is nothing worse than having to worry about dodging foul balls from a game you are not watching, which is the
case when diamonds are next to each other.
2/16/2016 8:32 PM
P;ease leave the Tennis courts where they are and upgrade the facility
2/16/2016 8:31 PM
Don't cut down healthy, mature trees.
2/16/2016 8:25 PM
I really appreciate all of the time, talents and energies our community members, staff and council representatives are
putting in this effort.
2/16/2016 8:24 PM
I think the city caved into reactionary groups who do not want to see things change for the good of all groups. The
plans to make Northam better for the library, school district and community are more aligned with what I think we
2/16/2016 8:21 PM
should be doing rather than band aid repairs and updates.
22 / 37
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Our family supports improvement, but we do not support the grand scale of improvements the city proposes. Replace
the pool, leave the playground alone. I do not hear parents being dissatisfied with the current playground. Do not use
green space for paved walkways. Do not cut down trees. Parents and children need shade. What is a park without
trees. Northam Park has wonderful trees. Leave them uncut.
2/16/2016 7:54 PM
I think there should be just as many clay courts. That is special in Upper Arlington.
2/16/2016 7:47 PM
Consider any opportunities to update infrastructure as you go. I was disappointed that fiber conduit wasn't laid as part
of the Fremont road rework. Think about things like Google Fiber and similar projects. Anytime you're digging things
up, as you surely will at Northam Park, lay conduit. It's cheap, and it makes us better prepared for the day when a
provider comes knocking wanting to wire us up.
2/16/2016 7:45 PM
The facility is currently outdated and needs to be updated. I think they need to deemphasize the tennis courts. We
don't have enough fields for our children to play. The existing fields are terrible, my daughter sprained her ankle
because of the poor condition of the fields. We are the only community that has to consistently cancel practices and
games because our fields don't drain and are uneven causing safety concerns. I am often at the park and the tennis
courts are not full, who uses them from our community? I like tennis but don't believe we need that large of a facility for
2/16/2016 7:34 PM
people outside of UA to use.
2/16/2016 7:34 PM
Please try to not let the negative, vocal members of our community dictate a diminished plan. Make Northam park an
excellently designed park for future generations and that may necessitate relocating the tennis courts.
2/16/2016 7:28 PM
Please don't let bear cub baseball try to ruin this park the way they did fancyburg.
2/16/2016 7:22 PM
Please get rid of the clay tennis courts - too expensive to maintain and too few residents use them. Let Northam park
be used for families.
2/16/2016 7:18 PM
This has nothing really to do with Northam, but UA needs a community rec center! One with reasonable prices
comparable to what Dublin and Westerville have!!! This community is growing and getting younger and this is a great
2/16/2016 7:11 PM
I believe you are trying to do too much in a small space.
2/16/2016 7:08 PM
Please, please, please do not let the pool plan become full of fluff. My neighbors and our family, all with small children
would love to be attending pools with our neighbors rather than joining area health clubs during the summer. Please
make the important, hard decisions that will add quality to our recreational life in UA. The pools should be updated
similar to those in Dublin, Worthington and New Albany. Our UA parks are terrific- the pools should be as well.
2/16/2016 6:51 PM
Don't use funds which were voted to be used for infrastructure!!
2/16/2016 6:46 PM
I would like to support some sort of mediation and/or restorative justice circle on this issue as I believe much damage
has been done with regard to trust and understanding in our community.
2/16/2016 6:43 PM
Don't fix something that isn't broken. Make sure that any changes appeal to the masses, not just select few. Perhaps
these monies could be better spent on the basics like roadways!
2/16/2016 6:42 PM
Please please please leave 80% plus of the mature trees. Don't mind the tennis courts there either..but having lived
here since 1986 Northam park is perfect as it is.
2/16/2016 6:32 PM
I was hoping the city would buy the old Macys site and use it as a community and senior center. Thus it would free up
space at Tremont School for additonal space and make Kingsdale a true city center.
2/16/2016 6:30 PM
Thank you for this survey!
2/16/2016 6:21 PM
Our money needs to be conservatively handled by our city representatives. That means that our priorities should first
be safety & maintainance. So when it comes to improvements, is important to select the need to repairs first. If monies
2/16/2016 6:20 PM
are left, then can attend to nice to have projects.
We like parks with trees. This one definitely needs more shade and more places to simply sit. It seems right now to be
more of a sports park -- and not very attractive.
2/16/2016 6:17 PM
Fix the drainage for youth football and lacrosse.
2/16/2016 6:16 PM
2/16/2016 6:15 PM
Please address plans for the Senior Center
2/16/2016 6:15 PM
I hope that the City will be ambitious in its plans so that UA amenities do not erode to a lower level than other suburbs.
People live in UA to enjoy a high quality of life and we pay taxes to support that quality. In evaluating the plans for the
park, I would put a premium on how new facilities would be put to use and on the longevity of those facilities.
2/16/2016 6:10 PM
Improve field sport facilities, preserve as many mature trees as possible, eliminate the tennis courts
2/16/2016 6:02 PM
23 / 37
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
I live directly across the street from one of the corner boundaries of Northam Park. You know the feelings of most of
the park's immediate neighbors. I'd say we're all in for the pool & park improvements. Better to leave the rest alone.
One improvement which I'm not sure is even being considered is to widen the sidewalk all around the perimeter. You
should try to manuever a stroller around the park with competing traffic of little children on bikes or in wagons, families
2/16/2016 6:00 PM
out for a walk, and the occasional high school athletic team coming or going. Most joggers have to use the street
because the constant ebb & flo on the sidewalk is too much interference for a good run.
I would love to see a 50 meter competitive pool. We have a water park and we have a pool with diving and a kiddie
pool. We need a outdoor competition pool
2/16/2016 5:57 PM
I'm very happy the City has stepped back from their position of last summer and is asking for input on what is needed.
I think we're on the right track now and with a lot of input from everyone, I'm sure we'll come up with a good solution.
My main concern for Northam is saving the trees. I wish there were more, not fewer. Keep up the good work in asking
for feedback. I'm grateful Mike Schadek put the brakes on Council last summer and we're having fruitful discussions.
Everything's going to work out.
2/16/2016 5:54 PM
The plan should be simple: 1) Replace the pool; 2) Fix whatever drainage problems need fixing; 3) Call it a day! (Don't
2/16/2016 5:54 PM
fool with tennis courts or new athletic field configurations!!)
This update is very long overdue. Consider expediency of execution and cost reduction (entryways) in determining
what the plan is.
2/16/2016 5:54 PM
The recalls are idiotic
2/16/2016 5:38 PM
Please add an indoor recreation facility comparable to the one Dublin has. There is nowhere for us to take our family
in the winter time in Upper Arlington. We have to go to private fitness clubs in Dublin and we spend a lot of money up
there. There are no decent indoor workout facilities in Upper Arlington with Childcare.
2/16/2016 5:36 PM
Use our money well, please. Thanks for collecting input.
2/16/2016 5:36 PM
Disregard master plan. Do pool, playground, drainage and STOP!
2/16/2016 5:34 PM
I support a broader reinvention of the open space. Relocate but keep the tennis courts at Northam
2/16/2016 5:26 PM
Leave the tennis courts where they are!!!
2/16/2016 5:25 PM
We are an older community and we do not need to try to compete with newer communities, people do not move to
Upper Arlington expecting all new amenities, just family friendly amenities.
2/16/2016 5:23 PM
Free splash pad area would be nice UA doesn't have one and we are driving to Dublin, downtown and Powell to do
that. UA should have these amenities.
2/16/2016 5:22 PM
UA needs a recreation center
2/16/2016 5:20 PM
I have lived here for 13 years, the park is used for many community functions. It needs to be updated.
2/16/2016 5:15 PM
These questions were difficult to answer because I want to know more about the overall needs of upper Arlington
residence and where Northpark fits into the bigger plan for UA Parks and Rec.
2/16/2016 5:15 PM
I think the demographics have changed by a fair amount since the last time a rec center was put to the vote. I would
like to see the city care as much about having amenities that support families with young children as the seniors in the
2/16/2016 5:03 PM
We moved to UA thirty-five years ago for the school system and the planned community features, such as
2/16/2016 5:01 PM
neighborhood parks, libraries and trees. We do not want to see all the tennis courts from Northam Park rebuilt and
huddled together at Thompson Park and destroying a currently beautiful park. We have been disappointed the
"connectivity" plan can not be achieved due to lack of safe sidewalks.
The survey does not include cost discussions or other features listed in the first phase. I urge the city to focus on
2/16/2016 5:00 PM
preserving public trust. The survey's use was not adequately described in the introduction.
Please do not be restrained by a few residents. Give us the Plan initially developed last year. Make it a terrific Park for
all ages and don't let the micro dictate less than a signature Park developed at our city center. Thanks.
2/16/2016 5:00 PM
Please provide dedicated youth lacrosse facilities
2/16/2016 4:57 PM
Listen to the tennis committee.
2/16/2016 4:55 PM
Fix what needs to be fixed, do so as economically as possible, and use the savings on streets, sewers, etc. We do not
need elaborate monuments to keep up with the Joneses.
2/16/2016 4:53 PM
I detest the idea of a promenade. It is an enormous waste of funds that the city will require to meet other current and
future needs, such as addressing storm water runoff and repairs to school buildings.
2/16/2016 4:53 PM
24 / 37
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Keep Tennis (clay courts) at Northam. It is a waste of taxpayers $$ to tear-out and move somewhere else. If you want
to open the park up a little remove the last 4 courts to the east. This will open the park up significantly...maintain the
beautiful mature trees. Northam is already a gem it just needs a little attention. It does not need to be redone!
2/16/2016 4:52 PM
I used to live in upper Arlington and grew up a block or two from Northam Park so I have lots of memories there. I have
2/16/2016 4:50 PM
since moved to City of Columbus. Because I still have many friends who live in UA and have read a lot about the
current and proposed changes to Northam Park, I recently came to the park on an evening when the weather was
nice and walked the entire circumference of the park. It was horrible. It was dark, foreboding and completely unused. I
literally felt unsafe and thought what a horrible waste of green space. I compared the experience to walking through
Goodale Park, where I currently live. Goodale Park is alive, thriving and vibrant and very well used all hours of the day
and night. I felt safer at Goodale Park than I did that night in UA. It was weird. I would urge you to open up the park
with lots of walkways cutting through the park (like the Oval at OSU or Goodale or Schiller Parks in Columbus) and I
would urge you to add lighting. Maybe then, more people would use it.
I liked the original plan, support moving the tennis courts to Thompson.
2/16/2016 4:50 PM
Do NOT spend millions of dollars moving the ball fields around only to end up with about what we have today.
2/16/2016 4:49 PM
Remove only tennis courts 1, 2, 3 if necessary, and save most of the big trees. Could add one court south of court 12.
A fountain/splash park is MUCH better than a swim pool for small children! Attach the senior center to the library.
Have shared rooms for seniors and community. Fitness equipment can be lower cost for seniors and higher fee for
others so it pays for itself. If others come during senior reserved hours, their fee is still higher. Charging fees will lower
resistance of those who are opposed to a UA rec center. A "kind of" rec center will improve our property values to
potential new residents.
In addition to email, community meetings well publicized , And I fully support the comprehensive review of all parks
with emphasis on usage as well as $ allocation for the various parks?
2/16/2016 4:49 PM
Someday soon I would like to see a rec center in our community.
2/16/2016 4:48 PM
Great park that has not been well maintained. Needs updating with more balanced approach to serve all age groups less focus on youth sports activities - additional trees & plantings, walking paths, construct the new pool to replace the
former pool, keep the tennis facility where it is - a wonderful feature of the park, centrally located with great clay
courts, fun to just watch people playing, no need to waste money relocating; add features that support & enhance
2/16/2016 4:45 PM
community events like 4th of July, Taste of Arlington, Labor Day Arts Festival.
I would like to keep the tennis courts that are presently at Northampton. Update and fix drainage issue.
2/16/2016 4:42 PM
Tell the tea party people to stay home. They are not helpful at all.
2/16/2016 4:38 PM
We desperately need indoor pool space- the highschool is at capacity. The UA(!!)swim club pays thousands of dollars
2/16/2016 4:37 PM
each year to the City of Columbus and Hilliard to utilize their pools. My kids had to travel to the Dublin Rec Center for
swim lessons as did many of our friends. Our community prides itself on its second to none aquatics program at the
highschool and yet our community offers no way to swim indoors as the highschool pool is being used 24/7 by the
highschool team and swim club when it is available. UA needs to get with the times and provide indoor recreation
facilities including a pool, to our quality suburb.
I believe the best location for the pool is the place that makes the most sense for the overall design of the park.
2/16/2016 4:32 PM
Sincere thanks for asking for input/opinion from the residents who will actually utilize these facilities.
2/16/2016 4:31 PM
I am glad you have reconsidered the community's input on this. I hope this new spirit of listening to the tax payers &
citizens continues.
2/16/2016 4:27 PM
Listen to residents.
2/16/2016 4:21 PM
I think the City has been doing an excellent job of providing updates for all interested UA residents. I'm frankly
ashamed of the way a relatively small contingent of residents has been behaving. Their attempts to block efforts to
2/16/2016 4:15 PM
update our community facilities by spreading misleading information is extremely discouraging.
Better night lighting. A reading garden by library would be awesome!!! I love the new entrance!
2/16/2016 4:12 PM
The lack of drainage on playing fields has been a real issue in the past and should be addressed.
2/16/2016 4:12 PM
This survey is very good. Thank you.
2/16/2016 4:10 PM
Keep as much green space as possible
2/16/2016 4:09 PM
25 / 37
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Not sure if my pointed comment about the shame and outrageousness of planned to take over Fancyburg for a year
with the baseball people in secret got lost, but understand that my trust in city staff and Council is gone at this point.
The stupidity and lousy planning involved in the absurd layout of the current Tremont school & library parking lot raises
my blood pressure every time I drive in there. Only a dimwit could think it was a good idea to SUBTRACT parking
2/16/2016 4:08 PM
spaces from that lot with all the space pressures it poses! Forget Taste of UA or the Arts Festival, library traffic alone
can consume half the lot with ease. No one kept up the landscaping w the old design, so it was a good idea to
increase the need for landscape maintenance, why? It's not even a xeric design. I use Fancyburg daily so don't get to
other parks often, but I use the library parking lot at Tremont every week. It's just stupid. Only UA would use
hardscape and valuable space to have a promenade to nowhere.
The previous plan seemed generally well thought out. There is a need for a cohesive Northam Park, and the relocation
of the tennis courts is critical to that need. I live across the street from the park.
2/16/2016 4:08 PM
I hope you will continue the progress on the park despite the efforts of the minority group of residents trying to deter
2/16/2016 4:08 PM
The original plan of a giant oval with fields inside, would not be a comfortable space. Not enough trees, shade,
2/16/2016 4:07 PM
bathroom facilities etc. Looks beautifully rendered, but in reality it would be quite brutal.
I am adamantly opposed to moving the tennis courts to Thompson Park, and am offended the city would consider this
as an option at all without full engagement of the neighbors who live around the park. Most users of the tennis courts
want the courts to stay at Northam from what I have heard. Furthermore, there are other parks which are much less
used by the city residents that have more than ample room & capacity to house tennis courts (ie-Northwest Park on
Stonehaven Dr) or Fancyburg Pk.
2/16/2016 4:06 PM
please add a bubble with don't care as well as don't know
2/16/2016 4:05 PM
nothing that is printable
2/16/2016 4:04 PM
Improvements are definitely needed. Not everyone will agree on what those improvements should be. Thanks for
serving the public interests; I know things got kind of thankless there for a while.
2/16/2016 3:59 PM
Is there plans for Wi-Fi at the pool and park area. If so will it be available as part of phase II?
2/16/2016 3:58 PM
With over 2000 members at a very active senior center, whatever is developed should take into consideration our
2/16/2016 3:58 PM
I wish that our city's Elected Officials would move forward. UAs citizens voted for you to make these decisions for the
best of the city. We already passed the levy to pay for this park. It was clear in the wording of the tax levy. Move
Forward with thicker skin! Most of us level headed residents are anticipating a fantastic park before our kids are grown!
Also, if our very vocal and minority tennis members are going to put up a stink about having clay courts, why doesn't
2/16/2016 3:56 PM
the much larger group like Bear Cub baseball or LL Football put up a stink about having artificial sports fields? After
all, they are a much larger group than the group of 160 or so tennis loud mouths. Priorities, right? Seriously, I want to
offer a great thank you for putting up with all of this negativity and chaos. UA is a great city and thank you for working
so hard to keep it great.
Save the trees
2/16/2016 3:56 PM
Keep it simple.
2/16/2016 3:55 PM
Work to improve the communication in this process. Watching the committee structure become distorted and seeing it
manipulate the decision making process has damaged the trust in the process.
2/16/2016 3:54 PM
The project has been handled poorly by the city manager and council. It is too big in scope and more expensive than
necessary. I'm also angered that funds that were to go toward fixing the city's infrastructure are to be used. And while
2/16/2016 3:51 PM
the process has slowed in recent months, I still expect the city to proceed with its original vision despite opposition
from so many residents located near the park.
I really wish all this money was spent on a community rec center with an idoor pool in part of the Northam Park area.
2/16/2016 3:51 PM
The community has wanted one for years and we are about the only commu ity without one.
Please get the job done! We'd like our pool back.
2/16/2016 3:50 PM
In order to alleviate some of the crowd at Reed Road, I think it is important to attract school age children to Tremont
with at least diving/deep end of the pool and some recreational space. We live very close to Tremont and I would
rather go there, but my school age kids would need at least a deep end with diving to attract them to the pool.
2/16/2016 3:50 PM
Please focus on maintenance of the park rather than remodeling it completely. I enjoy the pool and tennis courts
where they are currently located.
2/16/2016 3:49 PM
A rubberized base around the playground and a little on the outside so children can stay out of mud etc.
2/16/2016 3:48 PM
26 / 37
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
e-newsletters are great for pushing information. UA suffers from obtaining buy-in and giving its citizens a voice at the
table. Expecting everyone to turn-out for a city hall type meeting is unrealistic and very limiting. THIS IS surveymonkey
is a GREAT Start!!! Thank you.
2/16/2016 3:43 PM
I know that you want to fix the water problem in the fields. It has been tried before, please check it out. The problem is
2/16/2016 3:41 PM
that others before you tired to change the path of the stream which ran between St Agatha and Tremont - it wants to
come back and you can spend all the money you want it will not change the problem. The stream will cause
problems. Mother Nature is going to win.
Keep up the great work! We're excited for improvements to our community!
2/16/2016 3:40 PM
Please consider including competitive swimming and lap swimming as an important feature in UA pools. Many families
join private clubs and other pools, as their children want to be part of a swim team. At some point it would be nice to
have an indoor swimming option. Seniors living in UA would really enjoy having an indoor pool during the months the
outdoor pools are closed. Maybe trying a bubble of some sort over the pool could give us an idea if an indoor option
would be well received.
2/16/2016 3:39 PM
We need to consider that the City lost its largest pool when Reed Road was turned into a water park. Other than
2/16/2016 3:39 PM
Devin, we don't have a competitive swimming pool. Tremont does not have to be a water park - we already have one of
those. If we need a bigger water park, expand Reed Road don't build another one. Tremont's focus should be as a
swimming pool that should accommodate leisure, lap and competitive swimming for citizens of all ages.
I'm in support of improving the park.
2/16/2016 3:39 PM
Please consider adding an indoor pool, or a bubble over the outdoor pool. The swimming program in UA is
outstanding and this would help support it.
2/16/2016 3:39 PM
Weed out the folks who don't have the City's best interests in mind.
2/16/2016 3:38 PM
I believe the proposed plans for "upgrading" Northam Park go above and beyond what is necessary. I think it was
necessary to repair the pool and playground, but I am opposed to spending so much money on a park that is not
broken. I do not believe we need a grand promenade, I think what has happened to the Tremont/library parking lot is a
mess! By trying to create a grand enterance to the park, you have eliminated much needed space! Please to not
continue this wasteful "upgrading" that is not necessary! I would rather see our money being spent on repairing the
2/16/2016 3:37 PM
many roads that need repair, and not with fancy brick crosswalks, just fix the curbs and asphalt. With the need to
repair many of our schools, I would rather the $14 million that does not need to be spent at Northam, go towards those
repairs. This might keep the eventual levy that you will be asking us to support a little lower. I thank you for slowing
down with the Northam project, and I appreciate the chance to comment.
i would like the playground to be the best of both a natural and a contemporary playground. I would ask kids what they
2/16/2016 3:37 PM
would like. I think most would like something with some comfort and some challenge zones. Because in this day and
age many parents feel more comfortable with kids within sight and hearing range sight lines should be considered
carefully. I have not noticed kids playing on playgrounds by themselves, but we should have some basic safety
features like good lighting, a call box for those without cell phones, and a bit of shelter if a storm pops up.
Please do the master plan for ALL parks. The debacle of Fancyburg and Northam would be minimized if there was
2/16/2016 3:36 PM
better understanding of all the parks. How could the tennis courts move to Thompson Park when there is so little
parking there? On match nights in the summer, every court is in use with people coming from all over the city when
we host matches. What are your parking strategies? If 4 diamonds had been added to Fancyburg, that's 4 diamonds x
2 teams x 12 cars per team = 96 cars - at a minimum! Where were those cars going to be?
Let's not invest a large amount of city funds into this. I believe updates are needed and necessary but I don't think the
city has explored enough private funds for this project. There are numerous other items the city should be investing
the money towards....like streets, water lines and sewer lines.
2/16/2016 3:36 PM
I think it is a shame that a small group of very vocal residents have twisted the facts regarding the park redevelopment
2/16/2016 3:36 PM
plan. Northam Park desperately needs updating and the open plan - without tennis courts - provided the most
significant opportunities for growth into UA's second century.
Keep the clay tennis courts (a two million dollar asset). I'm a golfer. I don't play tennis. I like the current arrangement.
2/16/2016 3:35 PM
The Library parking lot needs to be reconfigured. The promenade can be done away with. Waster of money!
2/16/2016 3:34 PM
It's too bad that the elaborate 'entry way' was ever approved and constructed. A useless waste of money and land. Any
extension or similar 'amenities' should not be considered. The new pool should have dedicated lap lanes.
2/16/2016 3:33 PM
I was really disappointed no renovations took place at Fancyburg. I would strongly support any renovations made to
Northam and the pool.
2/16/2016 3:33 PM
Please make these decisions for us as best you can. Thanks
2/16/2016 3:32 PM
27 / 37
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
I love spending time at the pool in the summer. Reading and swimming with other adults. Let the kids have Reed
Road and design Tremont for adults.
2/16/2016 3:29 PM
More shade is the most important improvement for the Tremont Pool.
2/16/2016 3:24 PM
Please keep the trees, and recognize that people of all ages use the park for a variety of reasons -- not just parents of
small children or tennis players. I believe this park is popular because of its location and variety of "amenities".
Walking paths and mature trees are essential to a beautiful and useful park. Please don't turn it into a sport complex.
2/16/2016 3:22 PM
Just give us our pool back. I'm 78 yrs old and I enjoy walking in the water and have for nearly 20 yrs at Northam Park
2/16/2016 3:20 PM
Yes quit cutting down trees and we don't need more tennis courts etc keep park natural
2/16/2016 3:18 PM
A gazebo is not needed. Theres. One at Miller Park already. Please don't cut down the trees.
2/16/2016 3:17 PM
I think that the community needs to get behind improvements and quit being obstructionist and insisting that nothing
2/16/2016 3:17 PM
2/16/2016 3:15 PM
My hopes are that the city understands that our community needs to be brought to the year 2016. Must we live in the
1950's because the others speak the loudest? There are many in support of updating, we just are not screaming and
2/16/2016 3:14 PM
Please choose good contractors who share a concern for sefety. Cheap and shoddy shouldn't be the new UA.
2/16/2016 3:14 PM
Please no splash pool unless it is inside gated pool area. Kids need a diving board, it's a right of passage
2/16/2016 3:14 PM
There needs to be a master plan in place for all youth athletic fields within the city's park system. And how much would
it cost to return the Tremont/library parking lot back to a useful configuration?
2/16/2016 3:14 PM
As I stated earlier in this survey, I feel strongly that UA residents would benefit from an indoor community center. I am
a non-resident member of the Worthington Community Center and this facility has many of the components being
considered in the UA redesign. If UA built an indoor facility similar to the Worthington (or Dublin) indoor facility we
could do away with rebuilding the Northam outdoor pool. We currently have 2 other viable outdoor community pools.
UA may be better served developing Northam park with combined sports field, tennis court, amphitheater, playground
and garden. I imagine the city would have to go back to the voters for this option though. I feel the many UA residents
would support an indoor community center if proposed again.
2/16/2016 3:13 PM
Do not rush into it. The current parking lot that was constructed is very poor. Larger vehicles
(Suburbans/Handicapped Vans, etc...) cannot fit into the current parking spaces because they are too short. On
numerous occasions I have been visiting the library and vans in the handicapped spaces stick out so far cars cannot
2/16/2016 3:13 PM
pass through. The addition of the green space may look nice but it takes away from a proper turn radius and the
length of parking spaces. This phase should not have been the first completed. A "patchwork quilt" approach will not
solve the problems. Take the time to make a complete plan. If you build a pool, adding a locker room and restroom
facility that can be utilized all year round would make a lot of sense. The structures built should be able to be used 12
months a year, not only during the pool season.
Yes the restroom facilities in Northam have been inadequate & disgraceful for years. They need to be
designed/constructed at least 4 to 5 times the size that currently exists.
2/16/2016 3:13 PM
Would like an expanded farmers market on the promenade between the parking lots.
2/16/2016 3:11 PM
2/16/2016 3:09 PM
I think the City is doing a great job and appreciate we are trying to get better.
2/16/2016 3:09 PM
I've heard rumors that some amenities will be removed from Northam and added to Thompson, and existing amenities
2/16/2016 3:08 PM
will be eliminated from Thompson. I hope that's not true!
I think our taxes are high enough so you need to stay in budget since at this point location and age will limit the people
who will use these facilities. We already have Reed Road Pool so Tremont should be very different since they are
close. Please do not raise my taxes for something that is seasonal
2/16/2016 3:06 PM
Indoor pool!
2/16/2016 3:06 PM
We really enjoyed the atmosphere of the the old Tremont pool. It felt slow in a really comfortable nostalgic way. We
enjoy going to the Reed road water park also but it has a busier almost frantic feel. I don't know if it's possible to
recreate the old school vibe but I'll miss it.
2/16/2016 3:04 PM
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Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Its hard to answer some of the questions without taking the future plan for all of Upper Arlington's parks and recreation
into account. For example, should there be an indoor pool at Tremont? It depends on whether the current high school
pool is able to service the community sufficiently and whether there are any plans to build a community center with an
indoor pool in the near future among other things.
2/16/2016 3:03 PM
I don't have a strong opinion one way or another about moving the pool and playground. I want to do what is best for
the overall long-term plans for the park.
2/16/2016 3:02 PM
Do not include community gardens.
2/16/2016 3:01 PM
I do not feel we need Tennis courts
2/16/2016 2:59 PM
We need a community center or some type of indoor pool. currently the only option is the high school however that is
very unappealing. during the open swim times, there are lessons and people utilizing lap lanes. It's almost impossible
to take a toddler
2/16/2016 2:56 PM
Please decide and work quickly...you can't make everyone happy
2/16/2016 2:53 PM
Leave the tennis courts where they are presently.
2/16/2016 2:53 PM
Northam is our central park and should be designed with the entire city in mind; it is not a neighborhood park.
2/16/2016 2:45 PM
The park needs to be updated. It is truly that simple
2/16/2016 2:40 PM
We need to maintain and improve the baseball and softball fields and expand and improve the restrooms and
2/16/2016 2:39 PM
The turf needs to be replaced and re-graded with better drainage.
2/16/2016 2:38 PM
Please consider a rec center
2/16/2016 2:38 PM
The design and execution of the parking lot does not inspire confidence in this process. If the City intends to go
beyond the pool and playground, I'd suggest directly (not tangentially) addressing in writing the seemingly relevant
concerns of the Northam Park activists, or otherwise rely on a ballot process or private funding. I've reviewed and
2/16/2016 2:37 PM
approved similarly-sized projects in the private sector and know all large projects have their pros and cons. If the City
is confident of the relative merits of its direction, being both fulsome and forthright in its discussion with the citizenry is
important to maintain voter confidence and trust. Also, do not be misled by a survey as it may tell you what voters
would like but provides no feedback as to what cost is bearable.
Do you plan to sink 2,000,000 into a kiddie playground?? Would you rethink this , if it were your own $$ I feel your
overall plan stinks with COST
2/16/2016 2:37 PM
I'm not convinced we need three pools for the city. I think Reed Road water park is great, and I think if we improve
and expand either Jones or Northam we'll be fine. I'd much rather see one or the other greatly enhanced and use the
other space for other purposes. That said, I think the original master plan for Northam (pool aside) was fantastic. I
loved the oval design, and the idea of moving the clay courts to Thompson Park makes a lot of sense. The courts
currently badly interfere with getting maximum use of that space. We need more room for soccer and other large-field
sports. I coach soccer, and we can barely find space to practice. compare that to Daree fields in Dublin, where there
are fields as far as the eye can see. I loved the openness of the new design, as well as the large walking path. I also
think our seniors deserve a better space for their activities, too. Seemed like the original plans took care of everything.
One word of advice, however: The weird parking lot solution at Tremont is an unfortunate set back for the project, and
is hurting the design team's credibility. City planners need to somehow reassure residents that, despite that misstep,
the designers can be trusted to get the park right. I have a lot of confidence in the firm you're working with, but I'll
admit that parking lot has a lot of problems.
2/16/2016 2:36 PM
Do not be influenced by loud voices who resist change
2/16/2016 2:36 PM
On the question of what age should the playground be geared towards, that depends on what age the pool is going to
be geared towards. I think we need space teens can skateboard, and hang out since the skate park was removed
from the Reed Rd. park.
2/16/2016 2:29 PM
I do not think 12 tennis courts are needed as tennis participation is down. That space could be used for other features.
2/16/2016 2:29 PM
Regarding swimm meets I believe they should be limited to local youth meets and restrict large or for profit swim
teams. Also renting out the facility for exclusive use should be avoided.
2/16/2016 2:25 PM
Keep the admisson/ membership price as low as possible so all families and seniors can afford to utilize it
2/16/2016 2:24 PM
Love the natural feature playground idea. This new pool shoukd have unique features and largest area for children 412 (thats who frequents the city pools). Loosing shady mature trees is irreplacable!
2/16/2016 2:24 PM
People speaking out against the redevelopment of the park will not go away and they are never going to be happy.
They should be listened to, but they should not be able to dictate all aspects of the plan.
2/16/2016 2:24 PM
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Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Let's get it rite, we don't need to spend millions, keep Chris McGovern out of it??
2/16/2016 2:22 PM
Thank you all for your efforts despite a few loud voices who can't seem to accept change.
2/16/2016 2:21 PM
I think there is an amazing amount of potential for Northam Park. We moved to UA for the community feeling and I
think that Northam Park could be the hub for this feeling. It is in a great location, has amazing space and is accessible
to so many.
2/16/2016 2:19 PM
I am not a tennis player so I don't feel that tennis courts should take priority over common sense in designing the park.
The tennis courts take up a lot of space and serve relatively few people. Save as many healthy trees as possible and
plant more.
2/16/2016 2:19 PM
Be conservative with the new tax money for this project, i voted to approve that for the updating of infrastructure, not
parks and playgrounds. Infrastructure was advertised by UA as roads, sidewalks, lights, and underground utilities.
2/16/2016 2:19 PM
Yes- the pool should be replaced. At the current location? Meh. Don't care. Yes- a splash pad should be included. But
"only if . . . "? Meh- don't care (or, is a topic of discussion).
2/16/2016 2:17 PM
Having used the Northam Park tennis courts on the past, I believe the courts need to stay in Northam Park, preferably
at their current location.
2/16/2016 2:17 PM
A bike path connecting to the outside world is needed.
2/16/2016 2:16 PM
Stop allowing the city to be dictated to by a very small minority--primarily an aging group of tennis players. Plan for the
best use for the community as a whole. Get rid of the tennis courts in the middle of our largest park
2/16/2016 2:15 PM
Let's get it started...
2/16/2016 2:14 PM
What are the tennis plans?
2/16/2016 2:14 PM
Don't fix what isn't broken. Older kids have access to the tremont playgrounds. Younger kids use the existing
playground as mine do. For the 1-5 group the existing playground is perfect. I don't know why you would spend
thousands of dollars to replace.
2/16/2016 2:13 PM
Keep in mind that the people with children who will use these features don't necessarily have time to come to
meetings like all the retired people that want to shoot everything down.
2/16/2016 2:13 PM
I am very happy that this project is moving forward.
2/16/2016 2:12 PM
In support of Northam park improvements. Please plant lots of trees!
2/16/2016 2:11 PM
Yes, there are several questions that did not provide enough options, such as # 19 that asked about the type of
playground. Another option should have been, a combination of both types. I have enjoyed Northam park for many
2/16/2016 2:11 PM
years as it was the one closest to my home, but the parking situation and uneven ground to walk for events such as
Labor day make it difficult for older residents. There is also insufficient seating for events that require a lot of walking
The only really important thing to me would be to relocate the tennis courts - either to another park or elsewhere at
2/16/2016 2:09 PM
I have been disappointed with the city's commitment to this project. Make your choices and stand by them - stop
bowing to the vocal minority.
2/16/2016 2:09 PM
losing the trees and the unreasonable costs to the plan are strong negatives for me.Solve the drainage problem and
quite trying to build the grounds for a palace.You need a wider sidewalk around the whole perimeter of the park.
2/16/2016 2:08 PM
The senior center should be moved to another location freeing up additional space in the park. It doesn't need to be
adjacent to the park.
2/16/2016 2:05 PM
I think instead of rebuilding a pool, at the park, we need a community center.
2/16/2016 2:05 PM
We really need an indoor pool + rec center. If this isn't possible at minimum the Tremont pool should be rebuilt with
kid features - slides, interactive features, etc.
2/16/2016 2:04 PM
I know this is a hot topic and I'm for changes. I think there is a lot of misinformation spreading by opposing groups. I
would continue to communicate in all channels to the community. Keep up the effort!
2/16/2016 2:01 PM
When you have focus groups don't just have them for your supporters.
2/16/2016 2:01 PM
The tennis courts should go. Why do I as a tax payer supplement the very few who use them? The only reason the
tennis group is so mad is they know what a bargain the facility is.
2/16/2016 2:00 PM
Please leave Northam with its current design. Don't get too fancy - it is a much loved outdoor space.
2/16/2016 1:59 PM
More trees, more walkways, some water features. Get rid of most of the baseball diamonds and turn the place into a
2/16/2016 1:58 PM
real park, rather than a playground.
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Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
We need one of the parks to be sports specific with top end fields that are taken care of year round. Grass that is even,
flat and thick. It's embarrassing to host other communities in sports.
2/16/2016 1:58 PM
Where is the Senior Center in all of this plan? I would like more information.
2/16/2016 1:57 PM
Keep the trees and don't move the tennis courts
2/16/2016 1:57 PM
The tennis courts must have a least 10 courts.
2/16/2016 1:56 PM
Glad you are conducting this survey. There is a general consensus that the city and the council do what is good for us
2/16/2016 1:56 PM
because we aren't intelligent enough to understand the decision making. Listen to the community with reason and
better explain your choices. You can't do what everybody wants, but make the decision process more transparent so
this opinion of the city and council can be turned around.
A, starting in the 40's. I grew up here and value our history, and our quiet community with wonderful schools. Before
decisions and grandiose, expensive plans are made,such as what plans now exisit; UA Council and City management,
should follow our School Board and Superintendent's excellent examples. Input and suggestions should be asked for
from all residents, not dictated to us from a select few. Many of us residing near and using Thompson Park nearly
daily, do not want any of the tennis courts moved from Northam (and we are tennis players). We like the green space
and trees, and athletic fields as they are ! There as so many clubs and athletic facilities surrounding us, we do not
need to spend lots of money designated for badly needed infrastructure improvements. We should concentrate on
needed updates of our pool, drainage of courts and baseball fields, not new un-needed things.
2/16/2016 1:53 PM
The current ad hoc / piecemeal method of planning the park must stop. It resembles 1960s-era planning methods.
Such a process has already resulted in an ill-conceived, dangerous, contrived, prematurely built parking lot. A proper
comprehensive plan does not ask questions about just the swimming pool. Before the first shovel is turned a
2/16/2016 1:53 PM
comprehensive plan should consider EVERYTHING CONCURRENTLY: pool, rec fields, tennis, senior center/Tremont
School/library cooperative uses, vehicular and pedestrian circulation, parking, utilities, residential and institutional
neighbors, public/private partnerships, how Northam Park fits in the overall UA park system master plan (which likely
doesn't exist), and COST.
Indoors! I know sending the survey out on a snow-closure day makes this more important. But we're going to
2/16/2016 1:52 PM
worthington rec for indoor water 10 months a year. We should have something in UA.
Please develop a master plan for all of the parks.
2/16/2016 1:50 PM
Keep it simple. Don't overspend. The Tremont pool needed to be replaced but otherwise the park was providing much
enjoyment to UA citizens.
2/16/2016 1:47 PM
The city has my support in the project. I find it incredibly disappointing that a small handful of citizens were able to
derail what would have been a beautiful redesign of the entire park.
2/16/2016 1:47 PM
Don't pay a disproportionate amount of time worrying about or negotiating with the Save Our Park group
2/16/2016 1:47 PM
Upgrading our Park system only helps with use of the grounds but adds value to our community.
2/16/2016 1:47 PM
Yes, no funds should be used from the approved upgrades to the infrastructure (streets, sewer). If the City needs
funding put it on a ballot and let the citizens vote on it.
2/16/2016 1:46 PM
We need a recreation center.
2/16/2016 1:46 PM
I love living in UA.
2/16/2016 1:46 PM
Don't let the people who seem to want no improvements in UA to deprive the rest of us from quality facilities.
2/16/2016 1:45 PM
My kids are grown, we do not use the parks as often but did all the time when they were young. The next gen will be
living in UA and will use these parks. UA is landlocked, we cannot gather more green space so we need to make sure
we are utilizing and improving our green space to keep UA as great as it is, attracting new buyers, keep the homes
sales up. Please don't let the naysayers influence the need to update. How can we keep up with other communities
with old outdated parks!
2/16/2016 1:44 PM
It's very unfortunate that City Council caved to the cranky old people and has essentially abandoned a unique
opportunity to create a great park for future UA generations. People move to UA for the amenities, and our current
2/16/2016 1:43 PM
parks and rec facilities are an embarrassment compared to other wealthy (and even less wealthy) communities. IMO,
City Council has let the vocal minority bully its way to get exactly what it wanted. And the tennis courts should be
moved from Northam. They are another perfect example of the vocal minority getting its way.
I hope that Upper Arlington does not miss the opportunity to create a superior park at Northam that merges the City
and School Board properties into one unified park.
2/16/2016 1:43 PM
I don't think it needs a huge overhaul, some marginal improvements would probably be fine
2/16/2016 1:43 PM
31 / 37
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
I think it is important to update the park and make things more usable. I know there are people who are very upset
about these updates, but even the tennis courts in their current form are flooding and growing moss. It is important to
remind people that the community is not just full of retirees who want things the same, but also young families who
need equipment and changes made meet current safety requirements.
2/16/2016 1:41 PM
The Northam Park plan should be an integral part of the UA Parks plan - i.e., the UA Park plan should satisfy the
recreational needs and desires of the community. The Northam Park plan should contribute to satifying these needs
and desires, but need not and should not unnecessarily duplicate the assests of other UA parks.
2/16/2016 1:40 PM
Any new build of the Tremont Pool should involve all its users: especially all of the organized youth-care groups who
used Tremont. That's actually the main reason we stopped using the public pools years ago, especially Tremont
which was a great pool for young children with its 2' shallow end: the daycamps would descend upon Tremont Pool,
taking it from barely populated at noon to overpopulated at 12:15.
2/16/2016 1:39 PM
I thought tgere was to be an entrance and reading garden. There is no mention of these features in this survey.
Please keep as many mature trees as possible. The playground does not need to be enlarged. I am concerned about
how close the Tremont expansion and new pool entrance appear to be in the drawings. Tennis locker room and the
2/16/2016 1:38 PM
field snack shack/restrooms should be upgraded in this process.
Consideration should be given to whether the pool will be heated. The question related to shade is too vague. Artificial
shade that can be retracted would be desireable. Natural shade from trees would not be desirable as many days
between Memorial Day and Labor day are too cool to swim comfortably in the shade when that would not be the case
if you had the benefit of the sun and a heated pool.
2/16/2016 1:38 PM
The tennis courts need to relocate somewhere else or just be gone. even if they could reduced by half it would help.
2/16/2016 1:37 PM
The plan to spend $1 million of more on a playground makes no sense, and a climbing wall is a major risk for young
2/16/2016 1:37 PM
I generally in favor of the City's plans for Northam Park, particularly with regards to the re-configuration of the athletic
fields and relocation or elimination of the tennis courts. In my personal experience the tennis courts are heavily utilized
by non-residents AND were unaccommodating to youth. Despite being able to see the Northam courts from our
backyard they never seemed to have programs available for our children. Instead we were forced to travel to Swim &
Racquet and the Tennis Club on Bethel to obtain lessons for our children.
2/16/2016 1:36 PM
Do not raze the established trees. Work on soil drainage.
2/16/2016 1:36 PM
Would like pool to alleviate the overcrowding at Reed Road Water Park. Therefore, it needs to have features such as
slides and a lazy river to attract families.
2/16/2016 1:33 PM
I think the pools location should be located with the rest of the park in mind not just put back where it was because
2/16/2016 1:32 PM
that's where it has always been. The playground should be different then what is offered at Tremont school since they
are so close together variety will only make the park more appealing and engaging.
I don't want a lot of improvements other than drainage and the pool. I want to see money directed to streets and water
and sewer
2/16/2016 1:32 PM
Keep the tennis courts in the current location.
2/16/2016 1:32 PM
watch the budget, nothing grandiose
2/16/2016 1:32 PM
My only real question about the plan is does the City really need three pools? I am sure this has been explored in
depth but I just don't know much about the results of these investigations. I do think the City needs to do everything it
can to maintain the tree canopy in the park
2/16/2016 1:30 PM
thanks for leaving the tennis courts alone!
2/16/2016 1:30 PM
2/16/2016 1:29 PM
I think it us not necessary to change the playground and I would like to see no additional concrete promenades, etc.
2/16/2016 1:28 PM
PLEASE use the Issue 23 money to repair our crumbling roads and sewers.
Please do not remove the tennis courts without first building new courts of the identical quantity at Northam Park or
another location. Doesn't matter where as long as the facilities are of a quality fitting with the neighborhood and with
adequate parking.
2/16/2016 1:28 PM
This is the most centrally located park and hosts many wonderful events, so it should be the highlighted best park of
2/16/2016 1:27 PM
Thanks for all the hard work going into the planning for the update to Northam Park! I appreciate having a chance to
2/16/2016 1:26 PM
complete a survey to add input!
No increase in baseball or soccer fields. Also do not raise taxes to update this park.
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2/16/2016 1:26 PM
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Thank you for taking input from the citizens.
2/16/2016 1:26 PM
Question 19 doesn't give opportunity for other answers Contemporary playground vs. Nature based... I love the
nature-based option, as it is unlike anything we have in UA, but there are also some incredible play options that aren't
nature-based, but could fit wonderfully in the content of a non-traditional playground. A water feature (not splash deck
2/16/2016 1:25 PM
but pump/trough set up for play) like Lafayette Park Playground in San Francisco and Alexander Kemp Playground in
Cambridge, MA would be an amazing feature. Another big idea in play is movable parts - like the blue foam ones
from Imagination Playground, through more durable would be large wooden blocks like the ones at Alexander Kemp
in Cambridge, MA. Having experienced that park personally with toddlers through college students, the possibilities for
play are endless! Thank you for engaging the community on this project. I'm so excited to see it come into being!
Overall we need to build revenue in our community; so, many of the proposals in this survey suggest that there should
be a corresponding citizen cost. My preference is cost of admission as opposed to increased tax, especially when you
are discussing a pool. If people want that, fine - but they should pay for it.
2/16/2016 1:25 PM
Do NOT remove the trees..... Do NOT spend alot of money designing a fancy entrance to the park.
2/16/2016 1:25 PM
It will be great to have a pool back at Tremont.
2/16/2016 1:24 PM
Take a look at the Grandview playground on Goodale and the new Gahanna playground--they are both nice. A zero
entry pool with splash area that can be separated from the balance of the pool (in case a child has an accident) would
be great. Also all of the pools should be heated and if the heater breaks they should be fixed promptly--it felt like all
summer the heater was broken at reed road and Devon.
2/16/2016 1:23 PM
Let's improve the sports fields too!
2/16/2016 1:23 PM
Decent communication recovery after disastrous start :)
2/16/2016 1:21 PM
Absolutely would love an indoor pool.
2/16/2016 1:21 PM
Who ever designed, approved and paid for the waste of space "prominade" and the horrific parking lot should be fired.
It is difficult to have any trust in the planing for the remainder of the park with such a rediculous beginning. The spaces
are too small. The walk down the center is dangerous and what can I say about the "prominade" from the Monroe
service center into the park. Who the hell is going to purposefully walk up that waste of space? Dumb. Just dumb.
2/16/2016 1:19 PM
Please use common sense for the future planning.
I think that one Reed Road extravaganza is enough. You shouldn't be spending more taxpayer dollars.
2/16/2016 1:19 PM
You all are doing a great job. I am sorry that you have to put up with a very vocal minority that is not representative of
the community.
2/16/2016 1:18 PM
Yes, go back to the original plan!
2/16/2016 1:17 PM
My understanding is that the tennis courts are a problem. A very small percentage of the population uses them yet
they take up a sizable amount of the land mass. No neighbors of the park want the courts close to their homes and
locating them in the center as they are now creates a barrier to efficient, attractive use of available space. Move the
courts out of Northam.
2/16/2016 1:16 PM
For reference, the new park at the bottom of Grandview Ave is a great design. A separate, gated pool designed for 25yr olds would be fantastic.
2/16/2016 1:16 PM
Special thanks to City Council for your vision and dedication to this project.
2/16/2016 1:16 PM
Love the idea of a splash pad and a park similar to Wyman Woods, which sort of combines natural elements with
traditional playground equipment - check it out!
2/16/2016 1:15 PM
Please, try to make it comparable to things in Hilliard, Dublin, etc. we have fallen so far behind! Please publish
documentation supporting need for third outdoor public pool also. Seems like such a waste.we were Tremont pool
2/16/2016 1:14 PM
members for years and loved it as there was never anyone there (but buses from other cities and daycares). Can't we
just fix Devon and leave the green space kids are enjoying now?
Great job with the survey.
2/16/2016 1:13 PM
Tremont pool was the best because it was just a basic pool with no concessions. Reed road water park is too
crowded and I liked having two separate experiences at each place.
2/16/2016 1:13 PM
I like the idea of a quiet sitting/reading area outside of the library but am not sure why it should cost millions of dollars
to build. You move a little dirt put in some walks with trees and benches and or tables and chairs.
2/16/2016 1:12 PM
I would like to see the city provide a clear explanation on where the money is coming from for both construction and
maintenance. The last time Ted Staton spoke, he cited the lack of funds for maintaining Northam. He avoided the
question on how the "New design" would be cheaper to maintain. The city council should manage Mr Stanton versus
2/16/2016 1:11 PM
allowing him to do what he wants. If they can't manage him, get off the council.
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Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
Glad you are finally listening!
2/16/2016 1:11 PM
Please do not support the continuation of a private city subsidized tennis club that is used by a large number of nonUA residents and only a few UA residents.
2/16/2016 1:10 PM
The current city parks do not accommodate adverse weather conditions. I'm from the Pacific NW. There, we have
covered areas to play so that if it starts to rain, or if you'd prefer to protect your skin from the sun, kids can still ride
bikes or other wheeled toys, play with balls, etc. under cover. Ohio parks are designed for California weather.
2/16/2016 1:09 PM
I would like the City to focus on funding deferred maintenance on our schools as there does not seem to be a plan to
2/16/2016 1:08 PM
fund these improvements. That is FAR more important than what happens with any of the parks.
I support changes
2/16/2016 1:06 PM
Make it great. Don't skimp to save a few bucks. Just because I am not yapping loundly does not mean I don't care. I
moved to UA for high quality, and one of those things is high quality parks. PS. please SHOVEL your parks' sidewalks.
All of them, It may be easy to drive on an inch of snow, but it is hard to walk/run on it, especially when it turns to ice.
2/16/2016 1:06 PM
Besides updating the pool, I think our city has bigger needs.
2/16/2016 1:06 PM
I support updating northam park. It improves our community as a whole. Thanks!
2/16/2016 1:06 PM
Leave tennis as is. Don't lose the large existing trees. And budget to maintain anything you build within EXISTING
budget. Don't come to voters for more money because you overbuilt or built within providing ongoing maintenance at
2/16/2016 1:05 PM
current funding levrls.
Keep as much open, green space as possible! Our lives are busy enough and children need space to run.
2/16/2016 1:05 PM
Minimize expense and loss of trees while updating existing pool. The playground requires minimal updates, especially
since the school also has playgrounds. My kids always enjoyed the current playground. Not sure why we need to
make changes to it. We have a playground for children with disabilities at Barrington. One in this small town is
sufficient. We have the climbing walls, etc at reed road. One of those is enough as well. We really don't need the
splash pads/fountains. The remodeled parking lot is a safety hazard and the grand promenade serves little purpose
2/16/2016 1:04 PM
and really isn't aesthetically appealing at all.
The city, even after the "revised" plan is spending too much money for this project. It appears to me this has become a
"bronze plaque project" with little or no regard for the budget. $7,000,000 is ridiculous!
2/16/2016 1:04 PM
You are never going to please everyone. Hang in there and keep working on this plan. We have been residents in our
current home (which is a 1/2 block from Northam park) for 13 yrs and it is something that drew us to this
2/16/2016 1:03 PM
street/neighborhood with our then toddlers and what has kept us here with our now teenagers. Thank you for your
hard work and efforts in keeping this neighborhood fabulous!
Upper Arlington has been a wonderful place to live. I support my elected representatives to put a plan together that
works for a large portion of the residents. There will always be groups that are unhappy with an idea/suggestion. That
is life and you cannot make everyone happy. Looking forward to seeing the park take shape in the next few years.
2/16/2016 1:03 PM
Keep the park the way it is. Fix the drainage issues, etc; replace the pool that we have lost as it was. Maintain all of
the trees, maintain the tennis courts.
2/16/2016 1:03 PM
Is there a need for a 3rd pool? It was convenient to those close to the pool but it doesn't seem that we've had
overcrowding at the other two pools since it's been closed
2/16/2016 1:03 PM
Cut minimal trees. Don't move the tennis courts - they are in an acceptable location.
2/16/2016 1:02 PM
Please check out the "Nemo" pool area at Disney's Art of Animation. It incorpates a pool that satisfies all age groups.
I do feel that we need to add slides for small children & bigger children.
2/16/2016 1:01 PM
Please, please, please consider a Community Center. How about joining with Grandview and Marble Cliff, buying the
old Big Bear/Giant Eagle building on 5th Avenue and repurpose that for a community center? Or buy the old Macy's
from Kroger. Just be up front with everyone from the get go and it will pass. It's the sneakiness that gets you folks in
trouble every time.
2/16/2016 1:01 PM
Don't take out too many trees
2/16/2016 1:01 PM
Anchor the pool for a covering for winter swimming.
2/16/2016 1:01 PM
Do not remove the tennis courts from Northam. It is a vital part of Northam Park
2/16/2016 1:01 PM
1. Please do not replace the mature trees that are already there. We want to enjoy shade and greenery, and don't
want a hot sunny park. 2. Please do not build something for large concerts. The park should be for local residents - it
should not be a destination for large entertainment.
2/16/2016 1:00 PM
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Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
I don't think UA needs another outdoor pool that is only usable 3 months out of the year, while at the same time the
schools are considering building a new high school with an indoor pool that would only be used a few hours day. They
should work together to build an indoor community pool that can accommodate everyone's needs (leisure and
competitive). I believe this would be a big cost savings for tax payers and a big amenity for the community. UA is
2/16/2016 12:59 PM
behind almost every local community and needs to upgrade its facilities for the next 50 years, instead of being
nostalgic about things from 50 years ago.
I think a giant park area from Northam across to Ridgeview would be great - but....I don't play tennis!! Hope there are
no plans to move July 4 festivities or Arts Festival
2/16/2016 12:58 PM
Do not be so extravagant with costs. Tremont NEEDS a pool, already have Reed Rd. for extras.
2/16/2016 12:57 PM
It would be very good for public relations for the cost of the Northam improvements to come in under budget and to
appear modest (not extravagant) from the public's perspective.
2/16/2016 12:56 PM
My perspective on the Tremont Pool is limited since I see that as a secondary consideration and am unsure how those
decisions will impact the over all project which I believe should focus on maximizing efficient use of the whole area.
2/16/2016 12:56 PM
No more surveys. Decide already and remember you can't please everyone in this city.
2/16/2016 12:55 PM
Please don't give in to the citizens who want to limit the available of quality and appropriately themed sports facilities
for youth. We moved to UA because we love the community, with four children who are all active in youth sports both
rec leagues and travel leagues I can't emphasize enough how inferior our facilities are for sports. Especially baseball.
Thank you. ,
2/16/2016 12:53 PM
Spend wisely!!! scale back plans
2/16/2016 12:53 PM
Special needs children can benefit a lot from swimming as the buoyancy of the water is a great equalizer for
2/16/2016 12:33 PM
paraplegics and quadriplegics. I would rather see programming in the pool for special needs than a new playground. I
have two quadriplegic children and we do not use playgrounds as much as we just go for walks and we swim.
-Widen the perimeter sidewalk to accommodate more than 2 walkers passing and bicycles. -The pool should be
oriented to families with a baby pool and diving boards. The special features are available at Reed Rd -Pull back on
spending at Northam and bury the lines along Tremont Rd at Kingsdale
2/16/2016 12:01 PM
I have heard the city say that the Northam Park plan has been discussed for years, but it seems that this has been
with special interest groups affiliated with the city. I live just south of Lane and have never been contacted, nor have
any of my neighbors. Last year I signed up for a test on the city's website for updates on several topics including
Northam Park but to date only receive "Tremont Road Construction Updates". Surveys such as this one, and more
outreach to the general public should have been conducted long ago. The plan to include a "multi use rec center" at
Northam was deceptive, and many people I know were upset about this. I do not trust this process, nor do my
2/16/2016 11:54 AM
neighbors. The election this past fall should be an indicator for the city that things need to change.
The park should stay close to what it is now, with improvements to the drainage issues, and a swimming pool that
provides lap swimming, a section for general play, and a baby pool.
2/16/2016 10:16 AM
No sandbox!
2/16/2016 8:52 AM
Set priorities so that expensive work in parks does not delay important maintenance of infrastructure such as streets,
curbs and sidewalks.
2/16/2016 8:49 AM
So far the plan has been botched...badly. There is a serious lack of trust within the community regarding city council.
There needs to be a complete reboot of the process and plan due to the lack of trust that currently exists in the
community. The rebooted process should look at all park facilities, how they are currently utilized, how utilization could
be optimized in the future, and the time span for getting to that point. It should involve the entire community as
2/16/2016 8:19 AM
opposed to select groups and individuals.
I think it is good council is slowing down, rather than forcing wholscale destruction and rebuild of the park amenities.
As I work in Dublin and effected by added local tax ... although money for parks is there, it needs to be spent wisely
2/16/2016 8:13 AM
and dumping12-20 mil. for extravagant , unnecessary added amenties is not something I can support and why I
signed some of the recall petitions. Now, maybe will not need to come to that. I centrainly plan to attend one of the
upcoming meetings
The Northam Park renovation has been disappointing with a drive to change the park at an outrageous cost with the
initial renovation a parking lot that was poorly designed.
2/16/2016 7:02 AM
To reiterate...most important things to me is that Northam Park doesn't loose its mature trees...the beauty and shade
can not be replaced. As for the pool, please add new features like slides/water features and zero entry...but we don't
need a RRWP 2, different water features so it's unique. PLEASE keep a big 3' section like the old pool. That was it's
best feature & RRWP area is always crazy-crowded in that deeper standing area.
2/15/2016 11:42 PM
Please be fiscally responsible
2/15/2016 11:31 PM
35 / 37
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
The grand entrance to the park that is now a giant walkway would be better utilized as a drivable entrance. Parking
should be adjusted to agked parking and designated one way lanes as there is not enough room for cars to pass as
the lot is currently. Very poorly designed.
2/15/2016 10:36 PM
I want the Northam park update done as economically as possible. It doesn't need to be fancy. Other infrastructure
needs resources more.
2/15/2016 9:36 PM
I agree that the Tremont pool should be replaced. I question the need to spend another $3 million dollars for other
"Features" that are not necessary.
2/15/2016 7:41 PM
Survey construction seems to be somewhat flawed. For example, definition of frequently is not given, so how can one
determine if he/she visits a park frequently?
2/15/2016 7:17 PM
Listen to your constituents. We are the ones who pay the most to live in the community. At least let our tax dollars go
to something we can enjoy. A promenade is a waste of space.
2/15/2016 7:12 PM
I don't believe the very busy U.A. community would take advantage of a reading garden; those with children would be
watching them, not reading, seniors like a comfortable environment with heat/ac and business people and students go
into the library for materials and then on to the next activity on their list
2/15/2016 5:16 PM
Preserve the trees. Trees add to the beauty of all parks ad it takes a lifetime to grow mature, majestic trees. Don't
spend a bundle. It is just one of many parks in UA.
2/15/2016 5:07 PM
I am opposed to major changes at Northam Park. I am concerned that our city council is spending funds that were
intended to be used elsewhere on projects at Northam Park. I am very concerned that these plans require mature
trees to be cut down. I am also concerned about the amount of money that is being allocated for this playground. I
2/15/2016 4:20 PM
don't think the park needs a pavilion or an entrance. I like it that one can enter this park from many directions. I also
like the park's simplicity.
The pool should be one worthy of the city with as many features as possible to attract all ages and be equal to or better
than pools in other suburbs.suburbs. Consider solar heating so that it can be enjoyed and have a longer usage.
2/15/2016 4:05 PM
1. I don't understand why "covered pavilions/open shelter house" is included with the pool questions. Would they be
2/15/2016 2:47 PM
inside the fenced area? Or do you mean add those to the park? 2. I would like Northam tennis courts to remain where
they are. I also think $2 million is too much to spend on a playground, especially when the one that is there now
seems perfectly fine. Please do not build a "community center" at Northam. It is not the place for one.
Don't spend a lot of money on useless items and don't cut down any more trees.
2/15/2016 2:46 PM
Keep up the good work
2/15/2016 2:40 PM
Not specifically. We live very close to Sunny 95 and feel it is already too dense. We were promised there would never
be lighted sports' fields and we hope that will be honored going forward.
2/15/2016 2:35 PM
Be fiscally responsible. There is no reason to spend millions of dollars on one park when all of our parks need
attention. Do what needs to be done to maintain and upgrade the park, but rein yourselves in. Listen to the majority of
2/15/2016 2:28 PM
residents. They would not be speaking out if they didn't feel strongly about this issue. City Council cannot in good
conscience keep going down the path they are going. They work for the residents, not the other way around. Keep
Northam Park beautiful, and natural, and multi-use!
Any plans should be subject to community imput 3-D images. Aerial views do little to show how Final product might
look. Consider adjacent playground less than 100' away from Northampton exists for older children now. There is
already an entrance gate on Tremont; I see no need for two structures surrounding the path into the playground.
Sometimes less is more
2/15/2016 1:51 PM
This project is costing way way to much money. Streets need updating badly. Your focusing on the wrong issues. Oh
and this little poll thing I just did. IS a joke. Clearly you have no interest in how the people of UA feel. You just ask us
questions like " slide or no no slide?" really? You already spent the money clearly now you just want to fake that you
care by asking us stupid questions like this? UA is going in the wrong direction.
2/15/2016 1:07 PM
Don't fix what ain't broke. Just fix what is broke. Fix the streets and curbs and sewers. Maintain maintain maintain what
2/15/2016 12:55 PM
you have already before creating additional unmaintained facilities / assets
Don't over do it. Pool, playground keep the tennis courts and trees.
2/15/2016 12:40 PM
Keep as many trees as possible and limit the asphalt or concrete covered areas. Get a design firm to design a parking
lot so drivers of all ages, especially seniors can navigate it.
2/15/2016 12:37 PM
Keep it simple, cost effective, and not too "over the top".
2/15/2016 12:36 PM
36 / 37
Online Survey Commentary
Northam Park Phase II Survey
An indoor pool would be great, especially for the swimmers who need to train who are not high schoolers. This does
not include my family. We would, however, love the option to join the pool all year and be able to swim in the winter.
The other controversial park options are foolish. The park, as it stands, is fine. I am architect, trust me, it is a money
waster. Spend the money on our streets and sidewalks! If you are going to encourage walking to school, there needs
to be more sidewalks.
2/15/2016 12:33 PM
Wish this outreach had been done over three years ago &/or whenever the city claims they began communicating
w/"the general public."
2/15/2016 12:25 PM
Please consider a 50-meter 'long course' pool, the same distance used in Oympic competitions. There are very few of
2/15/2016 11:50 AM
these facilities in the Columbus area. The summer swim season is considered 'long course' season and it would be
great to have this available. I would swim long course laps on a regular basis if this size pool were to be built at
Northam Park.
It's a great park as is. The pool should basically replace what was their previously. That pool served the community's
needs well. Too much money is being dedicated to features that are really not needed or necessary.
2/15/2016 11:41 AM
Less is more. The library parking lot design is horrible. I've almost been run over. I fear for the Tremont elementary
students walking through there. It is wasteful to spend our money on beautifying a park when we have other
infrastructure needs like crumbling sidewalks, roads, and curbs in UA. Spending a ton on the park is wasteful and city
administration's priorities are out of whack.
2/15/2016 11:12 AM
Think very carefully about how our taxpayer dollars will be spent on this. Upper Arlington is made up of lots of different
2/15/2016 10:32 AM
people with varying amounts of income. The people who have the most money should not be driving how Northam
Park should be maintained. And notice how I said maintained, and NOT renovated. The park is beautiful the way it is!
It needs some care, but not millions of dollars of renovations that are not needed. I know our centennial celebration is
coming up in a couple of years, but temporary structures can be built for that celebration. We need to be forward
thinking in how the park will be used past that. It should be maintained in a thoughtful manner that will be useful for
years to come, not just the centennial celebration. The parking lot is already a fiasco, with pedestrian hazards, useless
speed bumps that are also dangerous to cross, and less parking available. Millions were wasted on that. BE
I think the pool and playground should be larger than what was there previously. The number of children in the
community is growing and since everyone will want to come to the new pool it would be a shame if it was over
crowded. Please put more swings at the park, the kids always have to wait, especially the baby swings!
2/15/2016 10:31 AM
The city has plenty of nice, traditional playgrounds. The Northam playground should be different. Basically, the city
could replicate what Grandview did at Wyman Woods and I think most UA families would be happy. A splash pad
2/15/2016 10:14 AM
MUST be built. It doesn't have to be as large and fancy as Dublin's at Ballantrae, but we need one. It also needs to be
separate from the pool and open to the public.
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