C1Report Class - To Parent Directory


C1Report Class - To Parent Directory
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See Technical Support in this manual for information on obtaining technical support.
ComponentOne Reports for .NET and the ComponentOne Reports for .NET logo are trademarks, and ComponentOne is a registered
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ComponentOne warrants that the original CD (or diskettes) are free from defects in material and workmanship, assuming normal use,
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ComponentOne, along with a dated proof of purchase, and ComponentOne will replace it at no charge. After 90 days, you can obtain a
replacement for a defective CD (or disk) by sending it and a check for $25 (to cover postage and handling) to ComponentOne.
Except for the express warranty of the original CD (or disks) set forth here, ComponentOne makes no other warranties, express or
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We are not responsible for any errors or omissions. ComponentOne’s liability is limited to the amount you paid for the product.
ComponentOne is not liable for any special, consequential, or other damages for any reason.
Copying and Distribution
While you are welcome to make backup copies of the software for your own use and protection, you are not permitted to make copies
for the use of anyone else. We put a lot of time and effort into creating this product, and we appreciate your support in seeing that it is
used by licensed users only. Please read License Agreement and Licensing sections in this manual before copying and redistributing
any ComponentOne Reports for .NET files.
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Table of Contents
Welcome to ComponentOne Reports for .NET............................................................................ 1
What's New in ComponentOne Reports for .NET ..................................................................................1
Installing Reports for .NET ....................................................................................................................3
Licensing FAQs...................................................................................................................................10
Technical Support................................................................................................................................13
Redistributable Files ............................................................................................................................14
Upgrading from VSReport 8.0..............................................................................................................15
Namespaces ........................................................................................................................................15
Creating a .NET Project.......................................................................................................................17
Adding the C1Report Component to the Toolbox .................................................................................18
Migrating a C1Report Project to Visual Studio 2005 .............................................................................19
The C1Report Component ...................................................................................................................25
The C1Report Designer .......................................................................................................................25
The overall picture ...............................................................................................................................26
C1Report Samples ...............................................................................................................29
Visual Basic Samples ...........................................................................................................................29
C# Samples .........................................................................................................................................29
Using Reports for .NET ........................................................................................................31
Creating a Report Definition Using Code .............................................................................................31
Add Grouping and Sorting Using Code ................................................................................................38
Adding Charts to C1Reports ................................................................................................................41
Typical Usage Scenarios ......................................................................................................................46
VBScript Expressions...........................................................................................................................61
Advanced Topics .................................................................................................................................72
Using the C1Report Designer .................................................................................................83
Creating a basic report definition ..........................................................................................................84
Modifying the report layout..................................................................................................................90
Selecting, Moving, and Copying Fields.................................................................................................92
Changing Field, Section, and Report properties ....................................................................................93
Changing the data source .....................................................................................................................93
Adding fields to the report....................................................................................................................93
Linking subreports to the main report ...................................................................................................95
Grouping and sorting data ...................................................................................................................95
Previewing and printing your report .....................................................................................................97
Exporting and publishing your report ...................................................................................................97
Saving your report definition ................................................................................................................98
Managing your report definition files....................................................................................................98
Importing Microsoft Access reports ......................................................................................................98
Importing Crystal reports ................................................................................................................... 103
C1Report Task-Based Help .................................................................................................. 105
Load report definitions....................................................................................................................... 105
Load report data ................................................................................................................................ 107
Render reports (preview, print, export) ............................................................................................... 109
Display a Progress Indicator while the report renders .......................................................................... 112
Create a report with Alternating Background Color ('Greenbar') .......................................................... 112
Create a report with a Custom Paper Size ........................................................................................... 113
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Create a report with Unbound Images ................................................................................................ 113
Create a report with Bound Images..................................................................................................... 113
Create a report with a Watermark ...................................................................................................... 114
Create a report with CanGrow/CanShrink fields ................................................................................ 114
Control Page Breaks in a report .......................................................................................................... 115
Define and use Global Constants in a report ....................................................................................... 115
Change Page Headers dynamically..................................................................................................... 116
Create a report with a Gutter margin .................................................................................................. 116
Create reports with Charts.................................................................................................................. 116
Create reports with Custom Fields...................................................................................................... 117
Add Subtotals and other aggregates to reports ..................................................................................... 117
Add Page Headers to Subreports ........................................................................................................ 118
Retrieve Values from Subreports......................................................................................................... 118
Add Conditional Formatting to reports............................................................................................... 118
Add Running Sums to reports ............................................................................................................ 118
Add a "Continued" label to headers on page breaks............................................................................. 119
Sort report Data................................................................................................................................. 119
Create Cross-tab reports ..................................................................................................................... 120
Suppress or Force the display of Zeros ................................................................................................ 121
C1.Win.C1Report.2 Assembly.............................................................................................. 123
C1.Win.C1Report Namespace .............................................................................................. 125
C1.Win.C1Report Hierarchy.............................................................................................................. 127
AddOutlineEntryHandler Delegate .................................................................................................... 129
AnchorEnum Enumeration................................................................................................................ 129
BackStyleEnum Enumeration ............................................................................................................ 130
BarCodeEnum Enumeration .............................................................................................................. 131
BorderStyleEnum Enumeration.......................................................................................................... 132
C1Report Class.................................................................................................................................. 132
CheckBoxEnum Enumeration............................................................................................................ 187
ColumnLayoutEnum Enumeration .................................................................................................... 188
DataAccessException Class ............................................................................................................... 189
DataSource Class............................................................................................................................... 192
DialogEventArgs Class ...................................................................................................................... 204
DialogEventHandler Delegate............................................................................................................ 205
ExportFilter Class .............................................................................................................................. 206
Field Class......................................................................................................................................... 214
FieldAlignEnum Enumeration ........................................................................................................... 249
FieldCollection Class ......................................................................................................................... 250
FileFormatEnum Enumeration .......................................................................................................... 261
ForcePageBreakEnum Enumeration................................................................................................... 263
Group Class ...................................................................................................................................... 263
GroupCollection Class....................................................................................................................... 270
GrowShrinkModeEnum Enumeration................................................................................................ 278
HdrFtrEnum Enumeration................................................................................................................. 279
HtmlFilter Class ................................................................................................................................ 279
IC1ReportRecordset Interface ............................................................................................................ 291
KeepTogetherEnum Enumeration...................................................................................................... 298
Layout Class...................................................................................................................................... 298
LineSlantEnum Enumeration............................................................................................................. 310
OrientationEnum Enumeration.......................................................................................................... 311
PdfFilter Class ................................................................................................................................... 312
PictureAlignEnum Enumeration ........................................................................................................ 317
PictureScaleEnum Enumeration......................................................................................................... 318
PictureShowEnum Enumeration ........................................................................................................ 319
ReportEventArgs Class ...................................................................................................................... 320
ReportEventHandler Delegate............................................................................................................ 323
ReportInfo Class................................................................................................................................ 323
RtfFilter Class.................................................................................................................................... 327
RtfLabelFilter Class ........................................................................................................................... 337
RtfTargetEnum Enumeration............................................................................................................. 341
RunningSumEnum Enumeration ....................................................................................................... 342
Section Class ..................................................................................................................................... 342
SectionCollection Class...................................................................................................................... 353
SectionTypeEnum Enumeration ........................................................................................................ 360
SortEnum Enumeration ..................................................................................................................... 361
TextDirectionEnum Enumeration ...................................................................................................... 361
TextFilter Class ................................................................................................................................. 362
TiffFilter Class................................................................................................................................... 369
XlsFilter Class ................................................................................................................................... 374
Index .............................................................................................................................. 381
What's New in ComponentOne Reports for .NET · 1
Welcome to ComponentOne Reports
for .NET
Reports for .NET enables you to visualize the data in your applications in the form of rich, presentationquality reports that can be previewed on your computer or published on the Web. Reports for .NET includes
two main elements: the C1Report component and the C1Report Designer application.
The C1Report component generates Access-style, data-based banded reports that can be rendered directly to a
printer, exported to various portable formats (including HTML, PDF, and text), or rendered into preview
controls such as the Microsoft PrintPreview control or the ComponentOne C1PrintPreview control.
The C1Report Designer allows you to create and edit reports, or to import existing Microsoft Access reports.
The Designer has a user interface that is similar to the one in Microsoft Access, so if you currently use VSView
or Access, you will feel right at home with Reports for .NET.
ComponentOne has a user-friendly distribution policy. We want every programmer to obtain a copy of
Reports for .NET to try for as long as they wish. Those who like the product and find it useful may buy a
license for a reasonable price. The only restriction is that unlicensed copies of Reports for .NET will display a
ComponentOne banner every time they are loaded to remind developers to license the product.
We are confident that you'll like ComponentOne Reports for .NET. If you have any suggestions or ideas for
new features that you'd like to see included in a future version, or ideas about new components, please call us
or write:
Corporate Headquarters
ComponentOne LLC
201 South Highland Avenue
3rd Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15206 • USA
412.681.4384 (Fax)
What's New in ComponentOne Reports for .NET
This documentation was last revised for 2006 v1 on December 13, 2005.
Overview of What's New in ComponentOne Reports for .NET
New properties and features have been added to Reports for .NET that allows the user more flexibility, such
as improved support for images in RTF export and improved thead safety.
Feature Overview
Recently, there have been enhancements to Reports for .NET that allow the user more flexibility:
Document loading has been optimized to load reports faster, especially in .NET 2.0.
The Report Designer application now has added script syntax for checking and coloring scripts.
2 · Welcome to ComponentOne Reports for .NET
The CountDistinct(<x>) aggregate function has been added.
Count(<x>) returns the number of non-null <x>.
CountDistinct(<x>) returns the number of distinct non-null <x>.
Support for two new parameter types in queries have been added.
List type.
PARAMETERS EmployeeList list "1,2,3";
select * from employees where employeeid in EmployeeList;
Time type.
PARAMETERS StartTime time "09:45";
select * from employees where shiftStart > StartTime;
IListSource implementation has been added to the internal recordset class.
When a DataTable or DataView is assigned to C1Report, it automatically creates a wrapper class that
implements the IC1ReportRecordset interface. This wrapper class is internal and only exposes the
IC1ReportRecordset interface, so there was no way to get the underlying data object back. The
IListSource allows that. See the Recordset property for an example.
Reports for .NET provides better data-related error messages.
When an OleDbException is thrown, the component shows the actual ConnectionString and
RecordSource values used. These may be different from the original property contents because of
changes made by script code or parameter replacement.
Improvements to HTML, RTF, and Text export filters.
Other Recent Features
Reports for .NET now has improved support for images in RTF export, which no longer relies on Clipboard
and runs under ASP.NET . Reports for .NET also has improved thead safety and honors the TextDirection
property in Barcode fields. Additionally, ICustomTypeDescriptor support was added to custom field editors.
Class Members
Below are the most recent class, properties, and methods added to the C1Report component:
ReportInfo Property (C1Report class)
Gets or sets a ReportInfo object containing report
ParseExpression Method (C1Report
Parses a VBScript expression in the current report
ParseStatement Method (C1Report class)
Parses a VBScript statement in the current report
Class that contains report metadata.
Author Property (ReportInfo class)
Gets or sets the name of the person that created the
Creator Property (ReportInfo class)
Gets or sets the name of the application that created
the report.
Keywords Property (ReportInfo class)
Gets or sets keywords associated with the report.
Subject Property (ReportInfo class)
Gets or sets the subject of the report.
Title Property (ReportInfo class)
Gets or sets the title of the report.
Installing Reports for .NET · 3
Clear Method (ReportInfo class)
Clears the ReportInfo object.
Clone Method (ReportInfo class)
Returns a copy of this ReportInfo object.
ToString Method (ReportInfo class)
Overriden. Returns a string that represents the
current ReportInfo object.
RtfTarget Property (RtfFilter class)
Gets or sets the format used to export images.
Below are other recent properties and settings added to the C1Report component:
GrowShrinkMode Property (C1Report
Returns or sets the logic for handling
CanGrow/CanShrink fields.
PictureScale Property (Field class)
Returns or sets the picture scaling (see also the
Picture and PictureAlign properties).
PictureScale Property (Layout class)
Returns or sets how the background picture is
MultiFile Property (HtmlFilter class)
Gets or sets whether the built-in HTML filter should
break paged reports into multiple HTML files (one
per page).
Ean8 Enumeration Setting
(BarCodeEnum Enumeration)
EAN-8 barcode. EAN-8 encodes 7-digit article
codes (plus one check digit created by the control).
Ean13 Enumeration Setting
(BarCodeEnum Enumeration)
EAN-13 barcode. EAN-13 encodes 12-digit article
codes (plus one check digit created by the control).
RtfLabels Enumeration Setting
(FileFormatEnum Enumeration)
Creates RTF reports with absolutely-positioned
fields. This format renders reports more accurately
than the plain RTF format, and is recommended for
creating label-style reports. However, note that the
RtfLabels format is harder to edit than the plan RTF
format and can only be previewed/printed by MS
Word (it doesn't work with WordPad).
Installing Reports for .NET
This section describes the setup files and system requirements for Reports for .NET. It also explains how to
install demonstration versions of ComponentOne products and uninstall Reports for .NET.
Reports for .NET Setup Files
The installation program will create the directory C:\Program Files\ComponentOne Studio.NET, which
contains the following subdirectories:
Contains copies of all binaries (DLLs, EXEs) in the ComponentOne
Visual Studio.NET package.
Contains support and data files that are used by many of the demo
Contains online documentation for all Studio components.
Contains samples and tutorials for the C1Report component.
4 · Welcome to ComponentOne Reports for .NET
System Requirements
Operating Systems:
Windows 2000
Windows 2003 Server
Windows NT 4
Windows XP, SP1, SP2
.NET Framework 1.0
.NET Framework1.1
Visual Basic .NET
Environments (Visual Studio 2005):
.NET Framework 2.0
Visual Basic .NET
Hard Disk Space: 31 MB of hard disk space for storage of the software
Disc Drive: CD or DVD-ROM drive if installing from CD
Installing Demonstration Versions
If you wish to try Reports for .NET or any of our other products and do not have a registration key, follow the
steps through the installation wizard, and use the default serial number.
The only difference between unregistered (demonstration) and registered (purchased) versions of our products
is that registered versions will stamp every application you compile so a ComponentOne banner will not
appear when your users run the applications.
Uninstalling Reports for .NET
To uninstall Reports for .NET, open the Control Panel and select the Add or Remove Programs. Select
Reports for .NET and click the Remove button.
IMPORTANT-READ CAREFULLY: This End User License Agreement (this "EULA") contains the terms
and conditions that govern your use of the SOFTWARE (as defined below) and imposes material limitations
to your rights. You should read this EULA carefully and treat it as valuable property.
1. Software Covered by this EULA. This EULA governs your use of the ComponentOne, LLC ("C1")
software product(s) enclosed or otherwise accompanied herewith (individually and collectively, the
"SOFTWARE"). The term "SOFTWARE" includes, to the extent provided by C1: 1) any revisions,
updates and/or upgrades thereto; 2) any data, image or executable files, databases, data engines, computer
software, or similar items customarily used or distributed with computer software products; 3) anything in
any form whatsoever intended to be used with or in conjunction with the SOFTWARE; and 4) any
associated media, documentation (including physical, electronic and online) and printed materials (the
2. This EULA is a Legally Binding Agreement Between You and C1. If you are acting as an agent of a
company or another legal person, such as an officer or other employee acting for your employer, then
"you" and "your" mean your principal, the entity or other legal person for whom you are acting.
However, importantly, even if you are acting as an agent for another, you may still be personally liable for
violation of federal and State laws, such as copyright infringement.
By signifying your acceptance of the terms of this EULA, you intend to be, and hereby are, legally bound
to this EULA to the same extent as if C1 and you physically signed this EULA. By installing, copying, or
otherwise using the SOFTWARE, you agree to be bound by all the terms and conditions of this EULA. If
you do not agree to all of such terms and conditions, you may not install or use the SOFTWARE. If you
do not agree with any of the terms herewith and, for whatever reason, installation has begun or has been
completed, you should cancel installation or un-install the SOFTWARE, as the case may be.
Furthermore, you should promptly return the SOFTWARE to the place of business from which you
obtained it in accordance with any return policies of such place of business. Return policies may vary
among resellers; therefore you must comply with the return policies of your supplier as you agreed at the
point of purchase. If the place of business from which you purchased the SOFTWARE does not honor a
full refund for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of purchase, you may then return the
SOFTWARE directly to C1 for a refund provided that such returns is authorized within the same thirty
(30) days time period. To return the product directly to C1, you must first obtain a Return Authorization
Number by contacting C1, and you must forward to C1 all items purchased, including the proof of
purchase. The return must be postage-prepaid, and post-marked within thirty (30) days from the proof of
purchase, time being of the essence. The return option to C1 is only available to the original purchaser of
an unopened factory packaged item.
As provided in more detail below, this EULA grants you two licenses: 1) a license to use the SOFTWARE to
develop other software products (the "Development License"); and 2) a license to use and/or distribute the
Developed Software (the "Distribution License"). These licenses (individually and collectively, the
"Licenses") are explained and defined in more detail below.
1. Definitions. The following terms have the respective meanings as used in this EULA:
"Network Server" means a computer with one or more computer central processing units (CPU's) that
operates for the purpose of serving other computers logically or physically connected to it, including, but
not limited to, other computers connected to it on an internal network, intranet or the Internet.
"Web Server" means a type of Network Server that serves other computers which, are specifically
connected to it through either an intranet or the Internet.
"Developed Software" means those computer software products that are developed by or through the use
of the SOFTWARE.
"Developed Web Server Software" means those Developed Software products that reside logically or
physically on at least one Web Server and are operated (meaning the computer software instruction set is
carried out) by the Web Server's central processing unit(s) (CPU).
"Redistributable Files" means the SOFTWARE files or other portions of the SOFTWARE that are
provided by C1 and are identified as such in the Documentation for distribution by you with the
Developed Software.
"Developer" means a human being or any other automated device using the SOFTWARE in accordance
with the terms and conditions of this EULA.
"Developer Seat License" means that each Developer using or otherwise accessing the programmatic
interface or the SOFTWARE must obtain the right to do so by purchasing a separate End User License.
6 · Welcome to ComponentOne Reports for .NET
"Source Code" shall mean computer software code or programs in human readable format, such as a
printed listing of such a program written in a high-level computer language. The term "Source Code"
includes, but is not limited to, documents and materials in support of the development effort of the
SOFTWARE, such as flow charts, pseudo code and program notes.
2. Your Development License. You are hereby granted a limited, royalty-free, non-exclusive right to use
the SOFTWARE to design, develop, and test Developed Software, on the express condition that, and only
for so long as, you fully comply with all terms and conditions of this EULA.
The SOFTWARE is licensed to you on a Developer Seat License basis.
Developer Seat License basis means that you may perform an installation of the SOFTWARE for use in
designing, testing and creating Developed Software by a single Developer on one or more computers, each
with a single set of input devices, so long as 1) such computer/computers is/are used only by one single
Developer at any given time and not concurrently and, 2) the user is the primary User to whom the license
has been granted. Conversely, you may not install or use the SOFTWARE on a computer that is a
network server or a computer at which the SOFTWARE is used by more than one Developer. You may
not network the SOFTWARE or any component part of it, where it is or may be used by more than one
Developer unless you purchase an additional Development License for each Developer. You must
purchase another separate license to the SOFTWARE in order to add additional developer seats, whether
the additional developers are accessing the SOFTWARE in a stand-alone environment or on a computer
The license rights granted under this Agreement may be limited to a specified number of days after you
first install the SOFTWARE unless you supply information required to license or verify your licensed
copy, as the case may be, within the time and the manner described during the SOFTWARE setup
sequence and/or in the dialog boxes appearing during use of the SOFTWARE. You may need to verify
the SOFTWARE through the use of the Internet, email or telephone; toll charges may apply. You may
need to re-verify the SOFTWARE if you modify your computer hardware. Product verification is based
on the exchange of information between your computer and C1. None of this information contains
personally identifiable information nor can they be used to identify any personal information about you or
any information you store in your computer. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTAND THAT
You agree that C1 may audit your use of the SOFTWARE for compliance with these terms at any time,
upon reasonable notice. In the event that such audit reveals any use of the SOFTWARE other than in full
compliance with the terms of this EULA, you shall reimburse C1 for all reasonable expenses related to
such audit in addition to any other liabilities you may incur as a result of such non-compliance.
In all cases, (a) you may not use C1's name, logo, or trademarks to market your Developed Software
without the express written consent of C1; (b) you must include the following C1 copyright notice in your
Developed Software documentation and/or in the "About Box" of your Developed Software, and
wherever the copyright/rights notice is located in the Developed Software (“Portions Copyright ©
ComponentOne, LLC 1991-2005. All Rights Reserved.”); (c) you agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and
defend C1, its suppliers and resellers, from and against any claims or lawsuits, including attorney's fees
that may arise from the use or distribution of your Developed Software; (d) you may use the SOFTWARE
only to create Developed Software that is significantly different than the SOFTWARE.
3. Your Distribution License.
License to Distribute Developed Software. Subject to the terms and conditions in this EULA, you are
granted the license to use and to distribute Developed Software on a royalty-free basis, provided that the
Developed Software incorporates the SOFTWARE as an integral part of the Developed Software in
machine-language compiled format (customarily an ".exe", or ".dll", etc.). You may not distribute,
bundle, wrap or subclass the SOFTWARE as Developed Software which, when used in a "designtime"
development environment, exposes the programmatic interface of the SOFTWARE. You may distribute,
on a royalty-free basis, Redistributable Files with Developed Software only. You may not add or transfer
the SOFTWARE license key to the computer where the Developed Software is installed. Users of the
Developed Software may not use the SOFTWARE or the Redistributable Files, directly or indirectly, for
development purposes. In particular, if you create a control (or user control) using the SOFTWARE as a
constituent control, you are not licensed to distribute the control you created with the SOFTWARE to
users for development purposes.
4. Specific Product Limitations. Notwithstanding anything in this EULA to the contrary, if the license you
have purchased is for any of the following products, then the following additional limitations will apply:
a. ComponentOne Reports for .NET Designer Edition. ComponentOne Reports for .NET Designer
Edition includes at least: 1) one dynamic link library file (c1.win.c1reportdesigner.dll) known as
C1ReportDesigner Component, 2) one executable file (ReportDesigner.exe) known as C1ReportDesigner
Application and, 3) the Source Code of the C1ReportDesigner Application. The C1ReportDesigner
Component is subject to the general terms and restrictions set forth in this EULA. The C1ReportDesigner
Application is an executable file used to design and prepare reports; the C1ReportDesigner Application
may be distributed, free of royalties, only in conjunction with the Developed Software.
C1 hereby also grants you the right to use and to modify the C1ReportDesigner Application Source Code
to create derivative works that are based on the licensed Source Code. You may distribute such derivative
works, solely in object code format and exclusively in conjunction with and/or as a part of the Developed
Software. You are expressly not granted the right to distribute, disclose or otherwise make available to
any third party the licensed Source Code, any portion, modified version or derivative work thereof, in
source code format.
C1 shall retain all right, title and interest in and to the licensed Source Code, and all C1 updates,
modifications or enhancements thereof. Nothing herein shall be deemed to transfer any ownership or title
rights in and to the licensed Source Code from C1 to you.
b. VSView Reporting Edition (ActiveX). VSView Reporting Edition includes at least one executable file
listed as “VSRptX.exe” (where X indicates the version number i.e.7,8, etc.), known as “Designer.” The
file "VSRptX.exe”, or any upgrade or future versions of the Designer, are subject to the restrictions set
forth in this EULA and may not be distributed with your Developed Software or in any other way.
c. Studio Products. You may not share the component parts of the Studio Products licensed to you with
other Developers, nor may you allow the use and/or installation of such components by other Developers.
5. Updates/Upgrades; Studio Subscription. Subject to the terms and conditions of this EULA, the Licenses
are perpetual. Updates and upgrades to the SOFTWARE may be provided by C1 from time-to-time, and,
if so provided by C1, are provided upon the terms and conditions offered at that time by C1 in its sole
discretion. C1 may provide updates and upgrades to the SOFTWARE for free or for any charge, at any
time or never, and through its chosen manner of access and distribution, all in C1's sole discretion.
C1 licenses certain of its separately-licensed products bundled together in a product suite, called the C1
"Studio" product line (the "Studio Products"). The exact separately-licensed products that are bundled
into the Studio Products may change from time-to-time in C1's sole discretion. If the SOFTWARE is
identified as a C1 "Studio" product, then the SOFTWARE is one of the Studio Products. The
SOFTWARE and the Studio Products are revised from time-to-time (meaning, for example, revised with
updates, upgrades and, in the case of Studio products, some times changes to the mix of products included
in the bundle). To receive any such revisions to the SOFTWARE or the Studio Products, as the case may
be, you must have a valid SOFTWARE license or a valid Studio subscription. Together with the
Licenses, the original purchaser is granted a one-year subscription from the date of purchase. Upon
expiration, you must renew your license subscription to continue to be entitled to receive SOFTWARE
and/or the Studio Products revisions as the case may be.
8 · Welcome to ComponentOne Reports for .NET
6. Serial Number. With your license, you will be issued a unique serial number (the "Serial Number") used
for the activation of the SOFTWARE. The Serial Number is subject to the restrictions set forth in this
EULA and may not be disclosed or distributed either with your Developed Software or in any other way.
The disclosure or distribution of the Serial Number constitutes a breach of this EULA, the effect of which
shall be the immediate termination and revocation of all the rights granted herein.
7. Evaluation Copy. If you are using an "evaluation copy", specifically designated as such by C1 on its
website or elsewhere, then the Licenses are limited as follows: a) you are granted a license to use the
SOFTWARE for a period of thirty (30) days counted from the day of installation (the "Evaluation
Period"); b) upon completion of the Evaluation Period, you shall either i) delete the SOFTWARE from
the computer containing the installation, or you may ii) obtain a paid license of the SOFTWARE from C1
or any of its resellers; and c) any Developed Software developed with the Evaluation Copy may not be
distributed or used for any commercial purpose.
1. Copyright. You agree that all right, title, and interest in and to the SOFTWARE (including, but not
limited to, any images, photographs, animations, video, audio, music, text, and “applets” incorporated
into the SOFTWARE), and any copies of the SOFTWARE, and any copyrights and other intellectual
properties therein or related thereto are owned exclusively by C1, except to the limited extent that C1 may
be the rightful license holder of certain third-party technologies incorporated into the SOFTWARE. The
SOFTWARE is protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions. The SOFTWARE is
licensed to you, not sold to you. C1 reserves all rights not otherwise expressly and specifically granted to
you in this EULA.
2. Backups. You may make a copy of the SOFTWARE solely for backup or archival purposes.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, you may not copy the printed Documentation.
3. General Limitations. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the SOFTWARE, except
and only to the extent that applicable law expressly permits such activity notwithstanding this limitation.
4. Software Transfers. You may not rent or lease the SOFTWARE. You may permanently transfer all of
your rights under the EULA, provided that you retain no copies, that you transfer all the SOFTWARE
(including all component parts, the media and printed materials, any updates, upgrades, this EULA and, if
applicable, the Certificate of Authenticity), and that the transferee agrees to be bound by the terms of this
EULA. If the SOFTWARE is an update or upgrade, any transfer must include all prior versions of the
5. Termination. Without prejudice to any other rights it may have, C1 may terminate this EULA and the
Licenses if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions contained herein. In such an event, you must
destroy all copies of the SOFTWARE and all of its component parts.
6. Export Restrictions. You acknowledge that the SOFTWARE is of U.S. origin. You acknowledge that the
license and distribution of the SOFTWARE is subject to the export control laws and regulations of the
United States of America, and any amendments thereof, which restrict exports and re-exports of software,
technical data, and direct products of technical data, including services and Developed Software. You
agree that you will not export or re-export the SOFTWARE or any Developed Software, or any
information, documentation and/or printed materials related thereto, directly or indirectly, without first
obtaining permission to do so as required from the United States of America Department of Commerce's
Bureau of Export Administration ("BXA"), or other appropriate governmental agencies, to any countries,
end-users, or for any end-uses that are restricted by U.S. export laws and regulations, and any
amendments thereof, which include, but are not limited to: Restricted Countries, Restricted End-Users,
and Restricted End-Uses.
These restrictions change from time to time. You represent and warrant that neither the BXA nor any
other United States federal agency has suspended, revoked or denied your export privileges. C1
acknowledges that it shall use reasonable efforts to supply you with all reasonably necessary information
regarding the SOFTWARE and its business to enable you to fully comply with the provisions of this
Section. If you have any questions regarding your obligations under United States of America export
regulations, you should contact the Bureau of Export Administration, United States Department of
Commerce, Exporter Counseling Division, Washington DC. U.S.A. (202) 482-4811,
7. U.S. Government Restricted Rights. The SOFTWARE and documentation are provided with
RESTRICTED RIGHTS. You will comply with any requirements of the Government to obtain such
RESTRICTED RIGHTS protection, including without limitation, the placement of any restrictive legends
on the SOFTWARE, and any license agreement used in connection with the distribution of the
SOFTWARE. Manufacturer is ComponentOne, LLC, 201 South Highland Avenue , 3rd Floor, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania 15206 USA. For solicitations issued by the Government on or after December 1, 1995 and
the Department of Defense on or after September 29, 1995, the only rights provided in the software and
documentation provided herein shall be those contained in this EULA. Under no circumstances shall C1
be obligated to comply with any Governmental requirements regarding the submission of or the request
for exemption from submission of cost or pricing data or cost accounting requirements. For any
distribution of the SOFTWARE that would require compliance by C1 with the Government's
requirements relating to cost or pricing data or cost accounting requirements, you must obtain an
appropriate waiver or exemption from such requirements for the benefit of C1 from the appropriate
Government authority before the distribution and/or license of the SOFTWARE to the Government.
1. Limited Warranty. C1 warrants that the original media, if any, are free from defects for ninety (90) days
from the date of delivery of the SOFTWARE. C1 also warrants that: (i) it has the full power to enter into
this Agreement and grant the license rights set forth herein; (ii) it has not granted and will not grant any
rights in the Software to any third party which grant is inconsistent with the rights granted to you in this
Agreement; and (iii) the Software does not and will not infringe any trade secret, copyright, trademark or
other proprietary right held by any third party and does not infringe any patent held by any third party.
C1's entire liability and your exclusive remedy under this EULA shall be, at C1's sole option, either (a)
return of the price paid for the SOFTWARE; (b) repair the SOFTWARE through updates distributed
online or otherwise in C1's discretion; or (c) replace the SOFTWARE with SOFTWARE that
substantially performs as described in the SOFTWARE documentation, provided that you return the
SOFTWARE in the same manner as provided in Section I.2 for return of the SOFTWARE for nonacceptance of this EULA. Any media for any repaired or replacement SOFTWARE will be warranted for
the remainder of the original warranty period or thirty (30) days, whichever is longer. THESE
10 · Welcome to ComponentOne Reports for .NET
1. This is the Entire Agreement. This EULA (including any addendum to this EULA included with the
SOFTWARE) is the final, complete and exclusive statement of the entire agreement between you and C1
relating to the SOFTWARE. This EULA supersedes any prior and contemporaneous proposals, purchase
orders, advertisements, and all other communications in relation to the subject matter of this EULA,
whether oral or written. No terms or conditions, other than those contained herein, and no other
understanding or agreement which in any way modifies these terms and conditions, shall be binding upon
the parties unless entered into in writing executed between the parties, or by other non-oral manner of
agreement whereby the parties objectively and definitively act in a manner to be bound (such as by
continuing with an installation of the SOFTWARE, etc.). Employees, agents and other representatives of
C1 are not permitted to orally modify this EULA.
2. You Indemnify C1. You agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend C1 and its suppliers and resellers
from and against any and all claims or lawsuits, including attorney's fees, which arise out of or result from
your distribution of your Developed Software, your Developed Web Server Software or from your breach
of any of the terms and conditions of this EULA.
3. Interpretation of this EULA. If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of
this EULA, or any portion thereof, to be unenforceable, that provision of this EULA will be enforced to
the maximum extent permissible so as to effect the intent of the parties, and the remainder of this EULA
will continue in full force and effect. Formatives of defined terms shall have the same meaning of the
defined term. Failure by either party to enforce any provision of this EULA will not be deemed a waiver
of future enforcement of that or any other provision. Except as otherwise required or superseded by law,
this EULA is governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, without regard to its conflict
of laws principles. The parties consent to the personal jurisdiction and venue of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, in the County of Allegheny, and agree that any legal proceedings arising out of this EULA
shall be conducted solely in such Commonwealth. If the SOFTWARE was acquired outside the United
States, then local law may apply.
Licensing FAQs
This section describes the main technical aspects of licensing. It may help the user to understand and resolve
licensing problems he may experience when using ComponentOne .NET and ASP.NET products.
What is Licensing?
Licensing is a mechanism used to protect intellectual property by ensuring that users are authorized to use
software products.
Licensing is not only used to prevent illegal distribution of software products. Many software vendors,
including ComponentOne, use licensing to allow potential users to test products before they decide to purchase
Without licensing, this type of distribution would not be practical for the vendor or convenient for the user.
Vendors would either have to distribute evaluation software with limited functionality, or shift the burden of
managing software licenses to customers, who could easily forget that the software being used is an evaluation
version and has not been purchased.
How does Licensing Work?
ComponentOne uses a licensing model based on the standard set by Microsoft, which works with all types of
Note: The Compact Framework components use a slightly different mechanism for licensing than the other
ComponentOne components due to platform differences.
Licensing FAQs · 11
When a user decides to purchase a product, he receives an installation program and a Serial Number. During
the installation process, the user is prompted for the serial number that is saved on the system. (Users can also
enter the serial number by clicking the "License" button on the About Box of any ComponentOne product.)
When a licensed component is added to a form or web page, Visual Studio asks the newly created component
for licensing information. The component looks for licensing information stored in the system and generates a
key, which Visual Studio saves in two files:
a "<projectName>.licenses" resource file which contains the actual key and
a "licenses.licx" file that contains references to those resources.
These files are automatically added to the project.
Note that the licenses.licx file is usually not shown in the Solution Explorer; it appears if you press the "Show
All Files" button in the Solution Explorer's toolbox, or select "Project | Show All Files" from Visual Studio's
main menu.
Later, when the component is created at run time, it gets passed the key that was created at design time and
can decide whether to simply accept the key, to throw an exception and fail altogether, or to display some
information reminding the user that the software has not been licensed.
All ComponentOne products are designed to display licensing information if the product is not licensed. None
will throw licensing exceptions and prevent applications from running.
Common Scenarios
Creating components at design time
This is the most common scenario and also the simplest: the user adds one or more controls to the form, the
licensing information is stored in the licenses.licx file, and the component works.
Note that the mechanism is exactly the same for Windows Forms and Web Forms (ASP.NET) projects.
Creating components at run time
This is also a fairly common scenario. You do not need an instance of the component on the form, but would
like to create one or more instances at run time.
In this case, the project will not contain a licenses.licx file (or the file will not contain an appropriate key for
the component) and therefore licensing will fail.
To fix this problem, add an instance of the component to a form in the project. This will create the licenses.licx
file and things will then work as expected. (The component can be removed from the form after the
licenses.licx file has been created).
Inheriting from licensed components
If a component that inherits from a licensed component is created, the licensing information to be stored in the
form is still needed. This can be done in two ways:
Add a LicenseProvider attribute to the component.
This will mark the component as licensed. When a component is added to a form, Visual Studio will
create and manage the licenses.licx file, and the base class will handle the licensing process as usual. No
additional work is needed. For example:
class MyGrid: C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.C1FlexGrid
// ...
Add an instance of the base component to the form.
12 · Welcome to ComponentOne Reports for .NET
This will embed the licensing information into the licenses.licx file as in the previous scenario, and the
base component will find it and use it. As before, the extra instance can be deleted after the licenses.licx
file has been created.
Using licensed components in console applications
When building console applications, there are no forms to add components to, and therefore Visual Studio
won't create a licenses.licx file.
In these cases, create a temporary Windows Forms application and add all the desired licensed components to
a form. Then close the Windows Forms application and copy the licenses.licx file into the console application
Make sure the licensex.licx file is configured as an embedded resource. To do this, right-click the licenses.licx
file in the Solution Explorer window and select Properties. In the Property window, set the "Build Action"
property to "Embedded Resource".
Using licensed components in Visual C++ applications
There is an issue in VC++ 2003 where the licenses.licx is ignored during the build process; therefore, the
licensing information is not included in VC++ applications.
To fix this problem, extra steps must be taken to compile the licensing resources and link them to the project.
Note the following:
Build the C++ project as usual. This should create an exe file and also a licenses.licx file with licensing
information in it.
Copy the licenses.licx file from the app directory to the target folder (Debug or Release).
Copy the C1Lc.exe utility and the licensed dlls to the target folder. (Don't use the standard lc.exe, it has
Use C1Lc.exe to compile the licenses.licx file. The command line should look like this:
c1lc /target:MyApp.exe /complist:licenses.licx /i:C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.dll
Link the licenses into the project. To do this, go back to Visual Studio, right-click the project, select
properties, and go to the Linker/Command Line option. Enter the following:
Rebuild the executable to include the licensing information in the application.
We try very hard to make the licensing mechanism as unobtrusive as possible, but problems may occur for a
number of reasons.
Below is a description of the most common problems and their solutions.
I have a licensed version of a ComponentOne product but I still get the splash screen when I run my
If this happens, there must be a problem with the licenses.licx file in the project. It either doesn't exist, contains
wrong information, or is not configured correctly.
First, try a full rebuild ("Rebuild All" from the Visual Studio Build menu). This will usually rebuild the correct
licensing resources.
If that fails, follow these steps:
Open the project and go to the Solution Explorer window.
Click the "Show All Files" button on the top of the window.
Technical Support · 13
Find the licenses.licx file and delete it.
Close the project and reopen it.
Open the main form and add an instance of each licensed control.
Check the Solution Explorer window, there should be a licenses.licx file there.
Rebuild the project using the "Rebuild All" option (not just "Rebuild").
I have a licensed version of a ComponentOne product on my web server but the components still
behave as unlicensed.
There is no need to install any licenses on machines used as servers and not used for development.
The components must be licensed on the development machine, therefore the licensing information will be
saved into the executable (.exe or .dll) when the project is built. After that, the application can be deployed on
any machine, including web servers.
I downloaded a new build of a component that I have purchased, and now I'm getting the splash screen
when I build my projects.
Make sure that the license key is still valid. If you licensed the component over a year ago, your subscription
may have expired. In this case, you have two options:
Option 1 - Renew your subscription to get a new license key.
If you choose this option, you will receive a new key that you can use to license the new components (from the
installation utility or directly from the About Box).
The new subscription will entitle you to a full year of upgrades and to download the latest maintenance builds
directly from http://prerelease.componentone.com/.
Option 2 – Continue to use the components you have.
Subscriptions expire, products do not. You can continue to use the components you received or downloaded
while your subscription was valid.
Technical Support
ComponentOne Reports for .NET Designer Edition is developed and supported by ComponentOne LLC, a
company formed by the merger of APEX Software Corporation and VideoSoft. You can obtain technical
support using any of the following methods:
ComponentOne Web site
The ComponentOne Web site at www.componentone.com provides a wealth of information and software
downloads for Reports for .NET users, including:
Descriptions of the various support options available through the ComponentOne Service Team.
Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ's) about our products, organized by functionality. Please
consult the FAQ's before contacting us directly, as this can save you time and also introduce you to
other useful information pertaining to our products.
Free product updates, which provide you with bug fixes and new features.
ComponentOne HelpCentral
ComponentOne HelpCentral is the new online resource for Visual Studio developers and Help authors. Visit
HelpCentral to get information on ComponentOne products, view online demos, get Tech Tips and answers to
frequently asked questions (FAQ's), search the ComponentOne knowledgebase and more!
14 · Welcome to ComponentOne Reports for .NET
Internet e-mail
For technical support through the Internet, e-mail us at:
To help us provide you with the best support, please include the following information when contacting
Your ComponentOne product serial number.
The version and name of your operating system.
Your development environment and its version.
For more information on technical support, go to:
Peer-to-Peer newsgroup
ComponentOne also sponsors peer-to-peer newsgroups for C1Report users. ComponentOne does not offer
formal technical support in this newsgroup, but instead sponsors it as a forum for users to post and answer
each other's questions regarding C1Report. However, ComponentOne may monitor the newsgroups to ensure
accuracy of information and provide comments when necessary. You can access the newsgroup from the
ComponentOne Web site at http://helpcentral.componentone.com/Newsgroups.aspx.
ComponentOne documentation is available with each of our products in HTML Help, Microsoft Help 2.0
(.NET, ASP.NET and Mobile Device products only), and PDF format. All of the PDFs are also available on
ComponentOne HelpCentral, as well as online help that is directly viewable in your web browser. If you have
suggestions on how we can improve our documentation, please email the Documentation team. Please note
that e-mail sent to the Documentation team is for documentation feedback only. Technical Support and Sales
issues should be sent directly to their respective departments.
On-line samples
The setup utility installs several samples that show how to accomplish common tasks using the
ComponentOne controls. The samples are also available on-line from our samples page, which is updated
frequently: http://helpcentral.componentone.com/ProductResources.aspx?View=Samples
If you have samples that you would like to share with others, please post a message in the appropriate
newsgroup and we will contact you.
Redistributable Files
ComponentOne Reports for .NET is developed and published by ComponentOne LLC. You may use it to
develop applications in conjunction with Microsoft Visual Studio or any other programming environment that
enables the user to use and integrate the control(s). You may also distribute, free of royalties, the following
Redistributable Files with any such application you develop to the extent that they are used separately on a
single CPU on the client/workstation side of the network:
C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll (if using Visual Studio 2005)
Site licenses are available for groups of multiple developers. Please contact Sales@ComponentOne.com for
Upgrading from VSReport 8.0 · 15
Upgrading from VSReport 8.0
VSReport 8.0 users will have no trouble using C1Report. Although C1Report was completely rewritten in C#
to take advantage of the latest .NET technologies, the object model is virtually identical to the one in
VSReport 8.0. C1Report uses the same report definition files, and implements all the features you are used to,
including subreports, export options including HTML/DHTML/PDF export, and much more.
C1Report also includes the same powerful Report Designer that ships with VSView Reporting Edition, so
creating and customizing your reports is as easy as ever.
The main difference between VSReport and C1Report is how reports are rendered into preview controls:
VSReport uses the VSPrinter control to provide report previewing. For example, the following line of code
would render the report in vsreport1 into the vsprinter1 control:
Visual Basic
C1Report exposes a PrintDocument object instead. This object can be used to print the report, or it can be
attached to a preview control such as the ComponentOne C1PrintPreview or the Microsoft PrintPreview
control. For example, the following line of code would render the report in c1report1 into the
c1printPreview1 control:
Visual Basic
c1printPreview1.Document = c1report1.Document
c1printPreview1.Document = c1report1.Document;
c1printPreview1.Document := c1report1.Document;
C1Report event names are also different from VSReport. The events were renamed because VSReport has
script-handler properties with the same name as the events. In .NET, events and properties must have different
Aside from these differences, the controls have virtually identical object models. Both implement the
RenderToFile method, which renders reports to HTML, PDF and other types of file, and both expose
collections of Groups, Sections, and Fields.
Namespaces organize the objects defined in an assembly. Assemblies can contain multiple namespaces, which
can in turn contain other namespaces. Namespaces prevent ambiguity and simplify references when using
large groups of objects such as class libraries.
The general namespace for ComponentOne Windows products is C1.Win. The namespace for the C1Report
component is C1.Win.C1Report. The following code fragment shows how to declare a C1Report component
using the fully qualified name for this class:
Visual Basic
Dim c1rpt As C1.Win.C1Report.C1Report
C1.Win.C1Report.C1Report c1rpt;
16 · Welcome to ComponentOne Reports for .NET
c1rpt: C1.Win.C1Report.C1Report;
Namespaces address a problem sometimes known as namespace pollution, in which the developer of a class
library is hampered by the use of similar names in another library. These conflicts with existing components
are sometimes called name collisions.
For example, if you create a new class named Field, you can use it inside your project without qualification.
However, the C1Report assembly also implements a class called Field. So, if you want to use the C1Report
class in the same project, you must use a fully qualified reference to make the reference unique. If the reference
is not unique, Visual Studio .NET produces an error stating that the name is ambiguous. The following code
snippet demonstrates how to declare these objects:
Visual Basic
' Define a new Field object (custom Field class)
Dim MyField as Field
' Define a new C1Report.Field object.
Dim ReportField as C1.Win.C1Report.Field
// Define a new Field object (custom Field class)
Field MyField;
// Define a new C1Report.Field object.
C1.Win.C1Report.Field ReportField;
// Define a new Field object (custom Field class)
MyField: Field;
// Define a new C1Report.Field object.
ReportField: C1.Win.C1Report.Field;
Fully qualified names are object references that are prefixed with the name of the namespace where the object
is defined. You can use objects defined in other projects if you create a reference to the class (by choosing Add
Reference from the Project menu) and then use the fully qualified name for the object in your code.
Fully qualified names prevent naming conflicts because the compiler can always determine which object is
being used. However, the names themselves can get long and cumbersome. To get around this, you can use
the Imports statement (using in C#) to define an alias — an abbreviated name you can use in place of a fully
qualified name. For example, the following code snippet creates aliases for two fully qualified names, and uses
these aliases to define two objects:
Visual Basic
Imports C1Field = C1.Win.C1Report.Field
Imports MyField = MyProject.Field
Dim f1 As C1Field
Dim f2 As MyField
using C1Field = C1.Win.C1Report.Field;
using MyField = MyProject.Field;
C1Field f1;
MyField f2;
uses C1.Win.C1Report.Field,
Creating a .NET Project · 17
f2: MyField;
f1: C1Field;
If you use the Imports statement without an alias, you can use all the names in that namespace without
qualification provided they are unique to the project.
Creating a .NET Project
This topic demonstrates how to create a new .NET project.
From the File menu in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, select New Project. The New Project dialog box
Under Project Types, choose either Visual Basic or Visual C#, and select Windows Application from
the list of Templates in the right pane.
Enter a name for your application in the Name field and click OK.
A new Microsoft Visual Studio .NET project is created and a new Form1 is displayed in the Designer
Double-click the desired C1Report components from the Toolbox to add them to Form1. For information
on adding a component to the Toolbox, see Adding the C1Report Component to the Toolbox (page 18).
18 · Welcome to ComponentOne Reports for .NET
Adding the C1Report Component to the Toolbox
After installing Reports for .NET on your computer, you need to add the C1Report component to the Visual
Studio Toolbox:
In order to use this component, you must add it to the Visual Studio Toolbox:
Open the Visual Studio IDE (Microsoft Development Environment). Make sure the Toolbox is visible
(select Toolbox in the View menu if necessary) and right-click it to open the context menu.
To make C1Report component appear on its own tab in the Toolbox, select Add Tab from the context
menu and type in the tab name, C1Report, for example.
Right-click the tab where the component is to appear and select Choose Items from the context menu.
Migrating a C1Report Project to Visual Studio 2005 · 19
Note: In Visual Studio 2002, select Customize Toolbox, or in Visual Studio 2003, select Add/Remove
Items from the context menu. The Customize Toolbox dialog box opens and you can select the desired
components as described in the next step.
The Choose Toolbox Items dialog box opens.
In the dialog box, select the .NET Framework Components tab. Sort the list by Namespace (click the
Namespace column header) and check the check boxes for all components belonging to namespace
C1.Win.C1Report. Note that there may be more than one component for each namespace.
Migrating a C1Report Project to Visual Studio 2005
To migrate a project using ComponentOne components to Visual Studio 2005, there are two main steps that
must be performed. First, you must convert your project to Visual Studio 2005, which includes removing any
references to a previous assembly and adding a reference to the new assembly. Secondly, the .licx file, or
licensing file, must be updated in order for the project to run correctly.
To convert the project:
Open Visual Studio 2005 and select File, Open Project.
Locate the .sln file for the project that you wish to convert to Visual Studio 2005. Select it and click Open.
The Visual Studio Conversion Wizard appears.
20 · Welcome to ComponentOne Reports for .NET
Click Next.
Select Yes, create a backup before converting to create a backup of your current project and click Next.
Click Finish to convert your project to Visual Studio 2005. The Conversion Complete window appears.
Migrating a C1Report Project to Visual Studio 2005 · 21
Click Show the conversion log when the wizard is closed if you want to view the conversion log.
Click Close. The project opens. Now you must remove references to any of the previous ComponentOne
.dlls and add references to the new ones.
Go to the Solution Explorer (View | Solution Explorer) and click the Show All Files button.
Note: The Show All Files button does not appear in the Solution Explorer toolbar if the Solution project
node is selected.
Expand the References node, right-click C1.Common and select Remove. Also remove
C1.Win.C1Report the same way.
10. Right-click the References node and select Add Reference.
11. Locate and select C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll. Click OK to add it to the project.
22 · Welcome to ComponentOne Reports for .NET
To update the .licx file:
In the Solution Explorer, right-click the licenses.licx file and select Delete.
Click OK to permanently delete licenses.licx. The project must be rebuilt to create a new, updated version
of the .licx file.
Click the Start Debugging button to compile and run the project. The new .licx file may not be visible in
the Solution Explorer.
Select File, Close to close the form and then double-click the Form.vb or Form.cs file in the Solution
Explorer to reopen it. The new licenses.licx file appears in the list of files.
Migrating a C1Report Project to Visual Studio 2005 · 23
The migration process is complete.
The C1Report Component · 25
Reports for .NET includes two main elements: the C1Report component and the C1Report Designer
The C1Report component generates Access-style, data-based banded reports that can be rendered directly to a
printer, exported to various portable formats (including HTML, PDF, and text), or rendered into preview
controls such as the Microsoft PrintPreview control or the ComponentOne C1PrintPreview control.
The C1Report Designer allows you to create and edit reports, or to import existing Microsoft Access reports.
The Designer has a user interface that is similar to the one in Microsoft Access.
The C1Report Component
The C1Report component reads report definitions stored in XML files, combines them with data from a data
source, and generates reports that can be previewed, printed, or saved to files. C1Report can export reports to
HTML, DHTML, PDF, and Text file formats, or render them directly into a C1PrintPreview control. You
can distribute C1Report royalty-free with your applications.
C1Report uses an object model largely based on Microsoft Access reports, and it supports most features found
in Access reports, including:
A Microsoft Access-style banded-report model based on Groups, Sections, and Fields. (These objects are
fully exposed by the object model, so you can write your own report designers.)
Fields may be bound to simple and binary (object) database fields.
Fields may contain VBScript expressions, including extensions for aggregate expressions (Sum, Max,
Average, and so on), and have access to the control's object model.
Reports may contain event handlers, making them independent of the host application.
Reports may contain Subreports.
Reports may contain parameterized queries, allowing the user to constrain the data that should be
included in the report.
Report definitions may be saved within the control at design time or loaded at run time from XML report
definition files.
The C1Report Designer
The C1Report Designer is an application that can create, edit, load, and save report definition files. Report
definition files are XML files that may contain multiple reports and can be read directly by the C1Report
The report definition files are identical to the ones used by VSReport, the ActiveX version of C1Report. The
Designer can import report definitions from Microsoft Access MDB files and from CrystalReports RPT files.
Note that importing from MDB files requires Microsoft Access to be present on the computer at the time the
files are imported.
The Designer has a user interface similar to the Microsoft Access report designer, including a Wizard used to
create new reports.
The primary user of the Designer will be the developer. If you would like to distribute the designer to your
end-users, you should get the C1Report Designer Edition package. This package includes the C1Report
control, with unlimited distribution rights to the control itself and the report designer. The package also
26 · Overview
includes the source code to the report designer, so you can customize the application or integrate it with your
own product.
To find out how to use the Designer, see Using the C1Report Designer (page 83).
The overall picture
To create reports, you start using the C1Report Designer to create report definitions. Report definitions are
saved in XML files, and can be designed from scratch or imported from existing Microsoft Access reports.
Next, use the C1Report component to read the report definitions and render the reports using data from any
standard .NET data source. The report definitions can be loaded at design time, and embedded in your
application, or they can be read and modified at run time. (You can even create report definitions from
scratch, using the C1Report object model).
Reports can be rendered directly to a printer, into a C1PrintPreview control, or into HTML and PDF files
that can be published on the Web.
The diagram below shows the relationship between the components in the Reports for .NET package. Boxes
with a bold border represent code components (controls and applications). Boxes with a thin border represent
files containing information (report definitions, data, and finished reports). Numbered arrows indicate
relationships between components, described below:
Use the C1Report Designer to create, edit, and save XML report definition files.
The C1Report component loads report definitions from the XML files created with the Designer. This can
be done at design time (in this case the XML file is persisted with the control and not needed at run time),
or at run time using the Load method.
The C1Report component loads data from the data source specified in the report definition file.
Alternatively, you can provide your own custom data source.
The C1Report component formats the data according to the report definition and renders reports to a
printer (a), to one of several file formats (b), or to a print preview control (c).
Custom applications can communicate with the C1Report component using a rich object model, so you
can easily customize your reports or generate entirely new ones. The C1Report Designer is a good
example of such an application.
The overall picture · 27
The object model for the C1Report component is summarized below. It is largely based on the Microsoft
Access model, except that Access has different types of controls (label control, textbox control, line control,
and so on), while C1Report has a single Field object with properties that can make it look like a label, textbox,
line, picture, subreport, and so on.
The table below lists all objects, along with their main properties and methods.
Note: C1Report uses twips for all measurements. One twip is 1/20 point, so 72 points = 1440 twips = 1 inch).
C1Report Object: the main component.
ReportName, GetReportInfo, Load, Save, Clear, Render, RenderToFile, RenderToStream,
PageImages, Document, DoEvents, IsBusy, Cancel, Page, MaxPages, Font, OnOpen,
OnClose, OnNoData, OnPage, OnError, Evaluate, Execute
Layout Object: determines how the report will be rendered on the page.
Width, MarginLeft, MarginTop, MarginRight, MarginBottom, PaperSize, Orientation,
Columns, ColumnLayout, PageHeader, PageFooter, Picture, PictureAlign, PictureShow
DataSource Object: manages the data source
ConnectionString, RecordSource, Filter, MaxRecords, Recordset
Groups Collection: a report may have many groups.
Group Object: controls data sorting and grouping
Name, GroupBy, Sort, KeepTogether, SectionHeader, SectionFooter, Move
Sections Collection: all reports have at least 5 sections.
Section Object: contains Field objects (also known as "report band")
Name, Type, Visible, BackColor, OnFormat, OnPrint, Height, CanGrow, CanShrink,
Repeat, KeepTogether, ForcePageBreak
Fields Collection: a report usually has many Fields.
Field Object: a rectangular area within a section where information is displayed.
Name, Section, Text, TextDirection, Calculated, Value, Format, Align, WordWrap, Visible,
Left, Top, Width, Height, CanGrow, CanShrink, Font, BackColor, ForeColor,
BorderColor, BorderStyle, LineSlant, LineWidth, MarginLeft, MarginRight, MarginTop,
MarginBottom, LineSpacing, ForcePageBreak, HideDuplicates, RunningSum, Picture,
PictureAlign, Subreport, CheckBox, RTF
Every report has at least five sections, indexed as follows:
0 - vsrDetail
This section contains fields that are rendered once for each record in
the source recordset.
1 - vsrHeader
The report header section is rendered at the beginning of the report.
2 - vsrFooter
The report footer section is rendered at the end of the report.
3 - vsrPageHeader
The page header section is rendered at the top of every page (except
optionally for pages that contain the report header).
4 - vsrPageFooter
The page footer section is rendered at the bottom of every page (except
optionally for pages that contain the report footer).
In addition to these five sections, there are two additional sections for each group: a group header and a group
footer section. For example, a report with 3 grouping levels will have 11 sections.
28 · Overview
Note that sections can be made invisible, but they cannot be added or removed, except by adding or removing
The diagram below shows how each section is rendered on a typical report:
The first section rendered is the report header. This section usually contains information that identifies the
After the report header comes the page header. If the report has no groups, this section usually contains labels
that describe the fields in the detail section.
The next sections are the group headers, detail, and group footers. These are the sections that contain the
actual report data. Group headers and footers often contain aggregate functions such as group totals,
percentages, maximum and minimum values, and so on. Group headers and footers are inserted whenever the
value of the expression specified by the GroupBy property changes from one record to the next.
The detail section contains data for each record. It is possible to hide this section by setting its Visible property
to False, and display only group headers and footers. This is a good way to create summary reports.
At the bottom of each page is the page footer section. This section usually contains information such as the
page number, total number of pages in the report, and/or the date the report was printed.
Finally, the report footer section is printed before the last page footer. This section is often used to display
summary information about the entire report.
You can determine whether or not a section is visible by setting its Visible property to True or False. Group
headers can be repeated at the top of every page (whether or not it is the beginning of a group) by setting their
Repeat property to True. Page headers and footers can be removed from pages that contain the report header
and footer sections by setting the PageHeader and PageFooter properties on the Layout object.
Visual Basic Samples · 29
C1Report Samples
Please be advised that this ComponentOne software title is accompanied by various sample projects and/or
demos, which may or not make use of other ComponentOne development tools. While the sample projects
and/or demos included with the software are used to demonstrate and highlight the product’s features, and
how the control may be integrated with the rest of the ComponentOne product line, some of the controls used
in the demo/sample project may not be included with the purchase of certain individual products.
The ComponentOne Samples are also available at
Visual Basic Samples
Create reports dynamically using code. This sample uses the
C1Report control.
Create custom data source objects for use with C1Report. This
sample uses the C1Report and C1PrintPreview controls.
Load report definitions into the C1Report component at design
time. This sample uses the C1Report and C1PrintPreview
Create reports without data sources (unbound reports). This
sample uses the C1Report and C1PrintPreview controls.
View reports imported from the NorthWind data base. This
sample uses the C1Report control.
C# Samples
Add charts to reports using C1Report and C1Chart. This sample
uses the C1Report and C1Chart controls.
Add charts to reports using C1Report and the MS ActiveX Chart
control. This sample uses the C1Report control.
Create reports dynamically using code. This sample uses the
C1Report control.
Create reports that use custom paper sizes. This sample uses the
C1Report and C1PrintPreview controls.
N/A, there are no project files.
Use script properties to format the report based on its contents.
This sample uses the C1Report control.
30 · C1Report Samples
Create reports based on hierarchical data. This sample uses the
C1Report control.
Parse a PARAMETERS statement in a RecordSource string. This
sample uses the C1Report control.
Open report definition files and list their contents. This sample
uses the C1Report control.
Shows how to render RTF fieds in a report. This sample uses the
C1Report control.
Use custom data sources with subreports. This sample uses the
C1Report control.
Use any XML document as a report data source. This sample uses
the C1Report control.
Compress and encrypt report definition files. This sample uses the
C1Report and C1Zip controls.
Creating a Report Definition Using Code · 31
Using Reports for .NET
Although you can use Reports for .NET in many different scenarios, on the desktop and on the Web, the
main sequence of steps is always the same:
1: Create a report definition
This can be done directly with the C1Report Designer or using the report designer in Microsoft Access and
then importing it into the C1Report Designer. You can also do it using code, either using the object model to
add groups and fields or by writing a custom XML file.
2: Load the report into the C1Report component
This can be done at design time, using the "Load Report" context menu, or at run time using the Load
method. If you load the report at design time, it will be persisted (saved) with the control and you won't need
to distribute the report definition file.
3: Render the report (desktop applications)
If you are writing a desktop application, you can render the report into a C1PrintPreview control (or a
Microsoft PrintPreview control) using the Document property. The preview control will display the report on
the screen, and users will be able to preview it with full zooming, panning, and so on. For example:
Visual Basic
c1printPreview1.Document = c1report1.Document
c1printPreview1.Document = c1report1.Document;
c1printPreview1.Document := c1report1.Document;
4: Render the report (Web applications)
If you are writing a Web application, you can render reports into HTML or PDF files using the RenderToFile
method, and your users will be able to view them using any browser.
Creating a Report Definition Using Code
The easiest way to create new report definitions is to use the C1Report Designer, but you can also create
reports from scratch, using code. This approach requires some extra work, but it gives you complete flexibility.
You can even write your own report designer or ad-hoc report generator.
Note that creating a report definition is not the same as rendering a report. To render a report, you can simply
load an existing definition and call the Render method.
The example that follows uses Visual Basic to create a simple tabular report definition based on the
NorthWind database. The code is commented and illustrates most important elements of the C1Report object
First, we initialize the control, named c1r, using the Clear method to clear its contents and set the control
font (this is the font that will be assigned to new fields):
Visual Basic
' initialize control
With c1r
' clear any existing fields
.Font.Name = "Tahoma"
' set default font for all controls
32 · Using Reports for .NET
.Font.Size = 8
End With
// initialize control
With c1r;
// clear any existing fields
.Font.Name = "Tahoma";
// set default font for all controls
.Font.Size = 8;
} With;
// initialize control
With c1r do
// clear any existing fields
Font.Name := 'Tahoma';
// set default font for all controls
Font.Size := 8;
Next, we set up the DataSource object to retrieve the data we want from the NorthWind database. This is
done using the ConnectionString and RecordSource properties (similar to the Microsoft ADO
Visual Basic
' initialize DataSource
With c1r.DataSource
.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=C:\…\VB98\Nwind.mdb;" & _
"Persist Security Info=False"
.RecordSource = "Employees"
End With
// initialize DataSource
With c1r.DataSource;
.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + "Data
Source=C:\…\VB98\Nwind.mdb;" + "Persist Security Info=false";
.RecordSource = "Employees";
} With
// initialize DataSource
with c1r.DataSource do
ConnectionString := 'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;'+'Data
Source=C:\…\VB98\Nwind.mdb;'+'Persist Security Info=False';
RecordSource := 'Employees';
Next, we initialize the Layout object that defines how the report will be laid out on the page. In this case,
we'll render the report in Portrait mode and set its Width to 6.5 inches (8.5 page width minus one inch for
margins on either side):
Visual Basic
' initialize Layout
With c1r.Layout
.Orientation = OrientationEnum.Portrait
.Width = 6.5 * 1440 ' 8.5 – margins, in twips
End With
Creating a Report Definition Using Code · 33
// initialize Layout
With c1r.Layout;
.Orientation = OrientationEnum.Portrait;
.Width = 6.5 * 1440; // 8.5 – margins, in twips
} With
// initialize Layout
with c1r.Layout do
Orientation := OrientationEnum.Portrait;
Width := 6.5 * 1440; // 8.5 – margins, in twips
Now comes the interesting part. Every report has five basic sections: detail, report header, report footer,
page header, and page footer. We'll set up the report header by setting a couple of properties and adding a
title field to it.
Visual Basic
' variable used to create and format report fields
Dim f As Field
' create a report header
With c1r.Sections(SectionTypeEnum.Header)
.Height = 1440
.Visible = True
.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200)
f = .Fields.Add("FldTitle", "Employees Report", 0, 0, 8000, 1440)
f.Font.Size = 24
f.Font.Bold = True
f.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 100)
End With
// variable used to create and format report fields
Field f;
// create a report header
With c1r.Sections(SectionTypeEnum.Header);
.Height = 1440;
.Visible = true;
.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200);
f = .Fields.Add("FldTitle", "Employees Report", 0, 0, 8000, 1440);
f.Font.Size = 24;
f.Font.Bold = true;
f.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 100);
} With
// variable used to create and format report fields
// create a report header
with c1r.Sections[SectionTypeEnum.Header] do
Height := 1440;
Visible := True;
BackColor := Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200);
f := Fields.Add('FldTitle','Employees Report', 0, 0, 8000, 1440);
f.Font.Size := 24;
34 · Using Reports for .NET
f.Font.Bold := True;
f.ForeColor := Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 100);
The section object has a Fields collection. The collection's Add method creates a new field and assigns it
to the section. The parameters specify the new field's Name, Text, Left, Top, Width, and Height
properties. By default, the field has the same font as the control. Since this is a title, it makes sense to
change the font and make it larger. Note that the field should be tall enough to accommodate the font size,
or nothing will appear in it.
Next, we'll set up the page footer section. This section is more interesting because it contains calculated
fields. Calculated fields contain VBScript expressions in their Text property, which are evaluated when the
report is rendered. To make a field calculated, set its Calculated property to True.
Visual Basic
' create a page footer
With c1r.Sections(SectionTypeEnum.PageFooter)
.Height = 500
.Visible = True
f = .Fields.Add("FldFtrLeft", """Employees: Printed on "" & Now",
0, 0, 4000, 300)
f.Calculated = True
f = .Fields.Add("FldFtrRight", """Page "" & Page & "" of "" &
Pages", 4000, 0, 4000, 300)
f.Calculated = True
f.Align = FieldAlignEnum.RightTop
f.Width = c1r.Layout.Width - f.Left
f = .Fields.Add("FldLine", "", 0, 0, c1r.Layout.Width, 20)
f.LineSlant = LineSlantEnum.NoSlant
f.BorderStyle = BorderStyleEnum.Solid
f.BorderColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 100)
End With
// create a page footer
With c1r.Sections(SectionTypeEnum.PageFooter);
.Height = 500;
.Visible = true;
f = .Fields.Add("FldFtrLeft", """Employees: Printed on "" + Now",
0, 0, 4000, 300);
f.Calculated = true;
f = .Fields.Add("FldFtrRight", """Page "" + Page + "" of "" +
Pages", 4000, 0, 4000, 300);
f.Calculated = true;
f.Align = FieldAlignEnum.RightTop;
f.Width = c1r.Layout.Width - f.Left;
f = .Fields.Add("FldLine", "", 0, 0, c1r.Layout.Width, 20);
f.LineSlant = LineSlantEnum.NoSlant;
f.BorderStyle = BorderStyleEnum.Solid;
f.BorderColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 100);
} With
// create a page footer
with c1r.Sections[SectionTypeEnum.PageFooter] do
Height := 500;
Visible := True;
f := Fields.Add('FldFtrLeft','"Employees: Printed on " & Now',0, 0,
Creating a Report Definition Using Code · 35
4000, 300);
f.Calculated := True;
f := Fields.Add('FldFtrRight','"Page " & Page & " of " & Pages',4000,
0, 4000, 300);
f.Calculated := True;
f.Align := FieldAlignEnum.RightTop;
f.Width := c1r.Layout.Width - f.Left;
f := Fields.Add('FldLine','', 0, 0, c1r.Layout.Width, 20);
f.LineSlant := LineSlantEnum.NoSlant;
f.BorderStyle := BorderStyleEnum.Solid;
f.BorderColor := Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 100);
The page footer section uses expressions with variables that are not intrinsic to VBScript, but are defined
by C1Report. Page and Pages are variables that contain the current page number and the total page count.
The section also uses a field configured to look like a line. This is done using the BorderStyle and
LineSlant properties.
Next, we'll set up the page header section. This section gets rendered at the top of every page and will
display the field labels. Using a page header section to display field labels is a common technique in
tabular reports. The code is simple, but looks a bit messy because of all the field measurements. In a real
application, these values would not be hard-wired into the program.
Visual Basic
' create a page header with field labels
With c1r.Sections(SectionTypeEnum.PageHeader)
.Height = 500
.Visible = True
c1r.Font.Bold = True
f = .Fields.Add("LblID", "ID", 0, 50, 400, 300)
f.Align = FieldAlignEnum.RightTop
f = .Fields.Add("LblFirstName", "First", 500, 50, 900, 300)
f = .Fields.Add("LblLastName", "Last", 1500, 50, 900, 300)
f = .Fields.Add("LblTitle", "Title", 2500, 50, 2400, 300)
f = .Fields.Add("LblTitle", "Notes", 5000, 50, 8000, 300)
c1r.Font.Bold = False
f = .Fields.Add("FldLine", "", 0, 400, c1r.Layout.Width, 20)
f.LineSlant = LineSlantEnum.NoSlant
f.LineWidth = 50
f.BorderColor = Color.FromArgb(100, 100, 100)
End With
// create a page header with field labels
With c1r.Sections(SectionTypeEnum.PageHeader);
.Height = 500;
.Visible = true;
c1r.Font.Bold = true;
f = .Fields.Add("LblID", "ID", 0, 50, 400, 300);
f.Align = FieldAlignEnum.RightTop;
f = .Fields.Add("LblFirstName", "First", 500, 50, 900, 300);
f = .Fields.Add("LblLastName", "Last", 1500, 50, 900, 300);
f = .Fields.Add("LblTitle", "Title", 2500, 50, 2400, 300);
f = .Fields.Add("LblTitle", "Notes", 5000, 50, 8000, 300);
c1r.Font.Bold = false;
f = .Fields.Add("FldLine", "", 0, 400, c1r.Layout.Width, 20);
f.LineSlant = LineSlantEnum.NoSlant;
36 · Using Reports for .NET
f.LineWidth = 50;
f.BorderColor = Color.FromArgb(100, 100, 100);
} With
// create a page header with field labels
with c1r.Sections(SectionTypeEnum.PageHeader) do
Height := 500;
Visible := True;
c1r.Font.Bold := True;
f := Fields.Add('LblID','ID', 0, 50, 400, 300);
f.Align := FieldAlignEnum.RightTop;
f := Fields.Add('LblFirstName','First', 500, 50, 900, 300);
f := Fields.Add('LblLastName','Last', 1500, 50, 900, 300);
f := Fields.Add('LblTitle','Title', 2500, 50, 2400, 300);
f := Fields.Add('LblTitle','Notes', 5000, 50, 8000, 300);
c1r.Font.Bold := False;
f := Fields.Add('FldLine','', 0, 400, c1r.Layout.Width, 20);
f.LineSlant := LineSlantEnum.NoSlant;
f.LineWidth := 50;
f.BorderColor := Color.FromArgb(100, 100, 100);
The code above illustrates a powerful technique for handling fonts. Since every field inherits the control
font when it is created, we set the control's Font.Bold property to True before creating the fields, and set it
back to False afterwards. As a result, all controls in the page header section have a bold font.
To finalize the report, we will add the detail section. This is the section that shows the actual data. It has
one calculated field below each label in the page header section.
Visual Basic
' create the detail section
With c1r.Sections(SectionTypeEnum.Detail)
.Height = 330
.Visible = True
f = .Fields.Add("FldID", "EmployeeID", 0, 0, 400, 300)
f.Calculated = True
f = .Fields.Add("FldFirstName", "FirstName", 500, 0, 900, 300)
f.Calculated = True
f = .Fields.Add("FldLastName", "LastName", 1500, 0, 900, 300)
f.Calculated = True
f = .Fields.Add("FldTitle", "Title", 2500, 0, 2400, 300)
f.Calculated = True
f = .Fields.Add("FldNotes", "Notes", 5000, 0, 8000, 300)
f.Width = c1r.Layout.Width - f.Left
f.Calculated = True
f.CanGrow = True
f.Font.Size = 6
f.Align = FieldAlignEnum.JustTop
f = .Fields.Add("FldLine", "", 0, 310, c1r.Layout.Width, 20)
f.LineSlant = LineSlantEnum.NoSlant
f.BorderStyle = BorderStyleEnum.Solid
f.BorderColor = Color.FromArgb(100, 100, 100)
End With
Creating a Report Definition Using Code · 37
// create the detail section
With c1r.Sections(SectionTypeEnum.Detail);
.Height = 330;
.Visible = true;
f = .Fields.Add("FldID", "EmployeeID", 0, 0, 400, 300);
f.Calculated = true;
f = .Fields.Add("FldFirstName", "FirstName", 500, 0, 900, 300);
f.Calculated = true;
f = .Fields.Add("FldLastName", "LastName", 1500, 0, 900, 300);
f.Calculated = true;
f = .Fields.Add("FldTitle", "Title", 2500, 0, 2400, 300);
f.Calculated = true;
f = .Fields.Add("FldNotes", "Notes", 5000, 0, 8000, 300);
f.Width = c1r.Layout.Width - f.Left;
f.Calculated = true;
f.CanGrow = true;
f.Font.Size = 6;
f.Align = FieldAlignEnum.JustTop;
f = .Fields.Add("FldLine", "", 0, 310, c1r.Layout.Width, 20);
f.LineSlant = LineSlantEnum.NoSlant;
f.BorderStyle = BorderStyleEnum.Solid;
f.BorderColor = Color.FromArgb(100, 100, 100);
} With
// create the detail section
with c1r.Sections(SectionTypeEnum.Detail) do
Height := 330;
Visible := True;
f := Fields.Add('FldID','EmployeeID', 0, 0, 400, 300);
f.Calculated := True;
f := Fields.Add('FldFirstName','FirstName', 500, 0, 900, 300);
f.Calculated := True;
f := Fields.Add('FldLastName','LastName', 1500, 0, 900, 300);
f.Calculated := True;
f := Fields.Add('FldTitle','Title', 2500, 0, 2400, 300);
f.Calculated := True;
f := Fields.Add('FldNotes','Notes', 5000, 0, 8000, 300);
f.Width := c1r.Layout.Width - f.Left;
f.Calculated := True;
f.CanGrow := True;
f.Font.Size := 6;
f.Align := FieldAlignEnum.JustTop;
f := Fields.Add('FldLine','', 0, 310, c1r.Layout.Width, 20);
f.LineSlant := LineSlantEnum.NoSlant;
f.BorderStyle := BorderStyleEnum.Solid;
f.BorderColor := Color.FromArgb(100, 100, 100);
Note that all fields are calculated, and their Text property corresponds to the names of fields in the source
recordsetsource. Setting the Calculated property to True ensures that the Text property is interpreted as a
database field name, as opposed to being rendered literally. It is important to adopt a naming convention
for report fields that makes them unique, different from recordset field names. If you had two fields named
"LastName", an expression such as "Left(LastName,1)" would be ambiguous. In this example we have
adopted the convention of beginning all report field names with "Fld".
38 · Using Reports for .NET
Note also that the "FldNotes" field has its CanGrow property set to True, and a smaller font than the
others. This was done because the "Notes" field in the database contains a lot of text, and we want it all to
appear in the report. Rather than make the field very tall and waste space, setting the CanGrow property
to True tells the control to expand the field as needed to fit its contents; it also sets the containing section's
CanGrow property to True, so the field doesn't spill off the section.
The report definition is done. To render it, all it takes is one line of code:
Visual Basic
' render the report into the PrintPreviewControl
ppv.Document = c1r.Document
// render the report into the PrintPreviewControl
ppv.Document = c1r.Document;
// render the report into the PrintPreviewControl
ppv.Document := c1r.Document;
This renders the report into a C1PrintPreview control named ppv that displays the report on the screen.
Here's what the report looks like:
Add Grouping and Sorting Using Code
Useful reports don't simply show data, they show it in an organized manner. C1Report uses groups to group
and sort data. To demonstrate how this works, let's go back to our example and show the employees grouped
by country.
The following code creates a group object that sorts and groups records by country. (It should be added to the
previous code after the block that creates the detail section.)
Visual Basic
If chkGroup.Checked Then
' group employees by country, in ascending order
Dim grp As Group
Add Grouping and Sorting Using Code · 39
grp = c1r.Groups.Add("GrpCountry", "Country", SortEnum.Ascending)
' format the header section for the new group
With grp.SectionHeader
.Height = 500
.Visible = True
f = .Fields.Add("CtlCountry", "Country", 0, 0, c1r.Layout.Width,
f.Calculated = True
f.Align = FieldAlignEnum.LeftMiddle
f.Font.Bold = True
f.Font.Size = 12
f.BorderStyle = BorderStyleEnum.Solid
f.BorderColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 150)
f.BackStyle = BackStyleEnum.Opaque
f.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(150, 150, 220)
f.MarginLeft = 100
End With
' sort employees by first name within each country
c1r.Groups.Add("GrpName", "FirstName", SortEnum.Ascending)
End If
if ( chkGroup.Checked )
// group employees by country, in ascending order
Group grp;
grp = c1r.Groups.Add("GrpCountry", "Country", SortEnum.Ascending);
// format the header section for the new group
With grp.SectionHeader;
.Height = 500;
.Visible = true;
f = .Fields.Add("CtlCountry", "Country", 0, 0, c1r.Layout.Width,
f.Calculated = true;
f.Align = FieldAlignEnum.LeftMiddle;
f.Font.Bold = true;
f.Font.Size = 12;
f.BorderStyle = BorderStyleEnum.Solid;
f.BorderColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 150);
f.BackStyle = BackStyleEnum.Opaque;
f.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(150, 150, 220);
f.MarginLeft = 100;
} With
// sort employees by first name within each country
c1r.Groups.Add("GrpName", "FirstName", SortEnum.Ascending);
grp: Group;
if chkGroup.Checked then
// group employees by country, in ascending order
grp := c1r.Groups.Add('GrpCountry','Country', SortEnum.Ascending);
// format the header section for the new group
with grp.SectionHeader do
40 · Using Reports for .NET
Height := 500;
Visible := True;
f := Fields.Add('CtlCountry','Country', 0, 0, c1r.Layout.Width,
f.Calculated := True;
f.Align := FieldAlignEnum.LeftMiddle;
f.Font.Bold := True;
f.Font.Size := 12;
f.BorderStyle := BorderStyleEnum.Solid;
f.BorderColor := Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 150);
f.BackStyle := BackStyleEnum.Opaque;
f.BackColor := Color.FromArgb(150, 150, 220);
f.MarginLeft := 100;
// sort employees by first name within each country
c1r.Groups.Add('GrpName','FirstName', SortEnum.Ascending);
Every group has a header and a footer sections. These are invisible by default, but the code above makes the
header section visible to show which country defines the group. Then it adds a field with the country. The new
field has a solid blue background.
Finally, the code adds a second group to sort the employees within each country by their first name. This
group is only used for sorting, so the header and footer sections remain invisible.
We're done with our changes. To render the new report, we need to finish the routine with a call to the Render
method, as before:
Visual Basic
' render the report into the PrintPreviewControl
ppv.Document = c1r.Document
// render the report into the PrintPreviewControl
ppv.Document = c1r.Document;
// render the report into the PrintPreviewControl
ppv.Document := c1r.Document;
Adding Charts to C1Reports · 41
Here's what the new report looks like:
Adding Charts to C1Reports
Using Chart Fields
Chart fields are implemented using the C1Chart control. Note: you must deploy the C1Chart assembly with
your application if you use charts.
To add a Chart field to your report, open the report in the Report Designer, click the Chart field in the toolbar,
and mark the area in the report where the Chart should be displayed. Then set the field properties as usual.
The only unusual aspect of Chart fields is that unlike most bound fields, they display multiple values. To select
the data you want to display, you should set the Chart field's DataX and DataY properties. You can also
customize the chart appearance by setting other properties such as ChartType, Palette, and so on.
42 · Using Reports for .NET
The following tutorial walks through the creation of a report with an embedded chart:
Use the Report Wizard to create a new report
Use the Wizard to select a data source for the report. For this tutorial, we will use the NorthWind
database and the Sales by Category view. The following image shows this step:
Select the fields you want to display.
In this tutorial, we will group the data by Category and show ProductName and ProductSales in the detail
section of the report: To add groups and detail fields, drag them from the Available list on the left to the
Groups or Detail lists on the right:
Adding Charts to C1Reports · 43
Click Next until the wizard is done to finish creating the initial version of the report.
Add the Chart to the Group Header section of the report.
Charts usually make sense in the group header sections of a report, to summarize the information for the
group. To add the chart, start by making some room for it in the group header section, then click the
Chart button in the field toolbar and place the field in the report. This is what the report should look like
at this point (note that the Chart button is pressed in the image):
44 · Using Reports for .NET
The chart is not visible yet because there's no data attached to it. Select the chart field and scroll the
Property window to see the properties in the Chart category (switch the property grid to category view
and turn off the property filter if necessary).
Set the DataY property to the name of the field that contains the values to be charted, in this case,
ProductSales. Also set the DataX property to the name of the field that contains the labels for each data
point, in this case, ProductName.
Note that the DataY property may specify more than one chart series. Just add as many fields or
calculated expressions as you want, separating them with semicolons.
The Chart control will now display some sample data so you can see the effect of the properties that are
currently set (the actual data is not available at design time). You may want to experiment changing the
values of some properties such as ChartType, ForeColor, DataColor, and GridLines. You can also use
the regular field properties such as Font and ForeColor.
Adding Charts to C1Reports · 45
Click the Preview button to see the report. The sample report should look like the following image:
Note that the Report field is sensitive to its position in the report. Because it is in a group header section, it
only includes the data within that group. If you place the Chart field in a detail section, it will include all
the data for the entire report. This is not useful because there will be one chart in each detail section and
they will all look the same. If you need more control over what data should be displayed in the chart, you
can use the DataSource property in the chart field itself. That is discussed later, in the Chart reference.
You can now save the report and use it in your WinForms and ASP.NET applications.
Using Gadient Fields
Gradient fields are much simpler than charts. They are mainly useful as a background feature to make other
fields stand out.
For example, add a gradient field over the labels in the group header section. You may have to right-click the
field and select Send To Back to ensure it is behind the labels. Then set the ColorFrom and ColorTo
properties to Red and White, and set the Angle property to -90.
46 · Using Reports for .NET
Typical Usage Scenarios
This section describes how you can use Reports for .NET in typical desktop and web scenarios.
Desktop Scenarios
In typical desktop scenarios, C1Report runs on the same computer where the reports will be generated and
viewed (the report data itself may still come from a remote server).
These scenarios assume that C1Report will be hosted in a Visual Basic.NET, C#.NET or C++.NET
Scenario 1: Embedded Reports (Loaded at Design-Time)
Under this scenario, an application generates reports using a fixed set of report definitions that are built into
the application. This type of application does not rely on any external report definition files, and end-users
have no way to modify the reports.
The main advantage of this type of application is that you don't need to distribute the report definition file, and
you can be sure that no one will modify the report format. The disadvantage is that to make any modifications
to the report, you must recompile the application.
If you want to use a report definition that you already have, without any modifications, follow these steps (we
will later describe how you can edit an embedded report or create one from scratch):
Use the C1Report component to create all the reports you will need. (See Using the C1Report Designer
(page 83) for details on how to do this.)
Add one C1Report component for each report definition you want to distribute. You may want to name
each control after the report it will render (this will make your code easier to maintain).
Right-click each C1Report component and select the Load Report menu option to load report definitions
into each control. You can also click the Load Report link at the bottom of the Designer window.
Typical Usage Scenarios · 47
This will bring up the Load Report dialog box, which allows you to select a report definition file and then
a report within that file.
To load a report, click theellipse button to select the report definition file you created in step 1, then select
the report from the drop-down list and click the Load button. The property page will show the name of the
report you selected and a count of groups, sections, and fields. This is what the dialog box looks like:
Add a single C1PrintPreview control to the form (or a Microsoft PrintPreview control) and also add a
control that will allow the user to pick a report (this could be a menu, a list box, or a group of buttons.)
Add code to render the report selected by the user. For example, if you added a group of buttons in step 3,
the code would look like this:
Visual Basic
Private Sub btnProductsReport_Click()
ppv.Document = rptProducts.Document
End Sub
private void btnProductsReport_Click()
ppv.Document = rptProducts.Document;
procedure btnProductsReport_Click;
ppv.Document := rptProducts.Document;
Where rptProducts is the name of the C1Report component that contains the report selected by the user
and ppv is the name of the C1PrintPreview control.
48 · Using Reports for .NET
Scenario 2: Embedded Reports (Created at Design-Time)
The Load Report command described in Scenario 1 makes it easy to embed reports you already have into
your application. In some cases, however, you may want to customize the report, or use data source objects
that are defined in your Visual Studio application rather than use connection strings and record sources. In
these situations, use the Edit Report command instead.
To create or edit reports at design time, right-click the C1Report component and select the Edit Report menu
option to invoke the C1ReportDesigner application (you can also click the Edit Report link at the bottom of
the Designer window).
Note: If the Edit Report command doesn't appear on the context menu and Properties window, it is probably
because the control could not find the report designer application. To fix this, simply run the
C1ReportDesigner application once in stand-alone mode. The designer will save its location to the registry,
and the C1Report component should be able to find it afterwards.
The C1ReportDesigner will show the report currently loaded in the C1Report component. If the C1Report
component is empty, the designer will show the report wizard so you can create a new report.
This is the same C1ReportDesigner application used in stand-alone mode. The only differences you will
notice when you start it in this mode are:
You can use the data source objects defined in your application as data sources for your new reports.
When you close the designer, any changes you made will be saved back into the C1Report
component on the form (unless you choose to discard the changes by selecting in the designer, in the
File menu, Cancel Changes and Exit).
To use data source objects defined in your application, click the Data Source button in the designer (
then select the Data Objects page in the Data Source dialog.
The Data Objects page will show a list of data objects currently defined on the form (the page will not be
visible if there aren't any valid data sources on the form). Alternatively, you can use the Connections button to
build and select a connection string and recordsource as usual.
For example, if the main form contains a DataSet object with several DataTables attached to it, the data
source picker dialog might look like this:
Typical Usage Scenarios · 49
Once you are done creating or editing the report, you can close the designer by selecting in the File menu,
Save Changes and Exit. This will save the report definition directly into the component (as if you had loaded
it from a file using the Load Report command).
If you change your mind and decide to cancel the changes, quit the designer using Cancel Changes and Exit
in the File menu.
Scenario 3: Reports Loaded at Run-Time
Under this scenario, an application loads reports definitions from a file at run time. This type of application
requires a report definition file and works like a viewer.
The main advantage of this type of application is that if you modify the report format, there's no need to
update the application. Simply send the new report definition file to the users and you are done.
To create an application with reports loaded at run-time, follow these steps:
Use the C1Report Designer to create all the reports you will need. (See Using the C1Report Designer
(page 83) for details on how to do this.)
Add the following controls to the application:
C1Report named c1r
C1PrintPreview named ppv
ComboList named cmbReport
StatusBar control named status
Add the following Import statements to the top of the file:
Visual Basic
Imports C1.Win.C1Report
Imports System.IO
using C1.Win.C1Report;
using System.IO;
50 · Using Reports for .NET
uses C1.Win.C1Report,
This allows you to reference the C1Report and System.IO classes and objects without having to specify
the full namespaces.
Add code to read the report definition file and build a list of all reports in it. This can be done as follows:
Visual Basic
' get application path
Dim appPath As String
appPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath).ToLower()
Dim i As Integer = appPath.IndexOf("/bin")
If (i < 0) Then i = appPath.IndexOf("\bin")
If (i > 0) Then appPath = appPath.Remove(i, appPath.Length - i)
' get names of reports in the report definition file
m_ReportDefinitionFile = appPath & "\Data\Nwind.xml"
Dim reports As String() = c1r.GetReportInfo(m_ReportDefinitionFile)
' populate combo box
Dim report As String
For Each report In reports
// get application path
string appPath;
appPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath).ToLower();
int i = appPath.IndexOf("/bin");
if ((i < 0) ) { i = appPath.IndexOf("\bin")
if ((i > 0) ) { appPath = appPath.Remove(i, appPath.Length - i)
// get names of reports in the report definition file
m_ReportDefinitionFile = appPath + "\Data\Nwind.xml";
string ( reports) = c1r.GetReportInfo(m_ReportDefinitionFile);
// populate combo box
string report;
foreach ( report In reports
appPath: string;
i: Integer;
reports: array of string;
// get application path
appPath := Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath).ToLower;
i := appPath.IndexOf('/bin');
if (i < 0) then
i := appPath.IndexOf('\bin');
if (i > 0) then
Typical Usage Scenarios · 51
appPath := appPath.Remove(i, appPath.Length - i);
// get names of reports in the report definition file
m_ReportDefinitionFile := appPath + '\Data\Nwind.xml';
reports := c1r.GetReportInfo(m_ReportDefinitionFile);
// populate combo box
for i := 0 to High(reports) do
The code starts by getting the location of the file that contains the report definitions. This is done using
static methods in the system-defined Path and Application classes. You may have to adjust the code to
reflect the location and name of your report definition file.
Then it uses the GetReportInfo method to retrieve an array containing the names of all reports in the
report definition file (created in step 1), and populates the combo box that will allow users to select the
Add code to render the report selected by the user. For example:
Visual Basic
Private Sub cmbReport_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object,_
ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles cmbReport.SelectedIndexChanged
Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor
' load report
status.Text = "Loading " & cmbReport.Text
c1r.Load(m_ReportDefinitionFile, cmbReport.Text)
' render into print preview control
status.Text = "Rendering " & cmbReport.Text
ppv.Document = c1r.Document
' give focus to print preview control
ppv.StartPage = 0
Cursor = Cursors.Default
End Try
End Sub
private void cmbReport_SelectedIndexChanged( object sender,_
EventArgs e) cmbReport.SelectedIndexChanged;
try {
Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
// load report
status.Text = "Loading " + cmbReport.Text;
c1r.Load(m_ReportDefinitionFile, cmbReport.Text);
// render into print preview control
status.Text = "Rendering " + cmbReport.Text;
ppv.Document = c1r.Document;
52 · Using Reports for .NET
// give focus to print preview control
ppv.StartPage = 0;
} finally {
Cursor = Cursors.Default;
procedure cmbReport_SelectedIndexChanged(sender: System.Object; e:
Cursor := Cursors.WaitCursor;
// load report
status.Text := 'Loading '+ cmbReport.Text;
c1r.Load(m_ReportDefinitionFile, cmbReport.Text);
// render into print preview control
status.Text := 'Rendering '+ cmbReport.Text;
ppv.Document := c1r.Document;
// give focus to print preview control
ppv.StartPage := 0;
Cursor := Cursors.Default;
Scenario 4: Customizable Reports
This scenario is a variation on the above. It consists of loading the basic report definitions from a file, then
writing code to customize the reports according to user selections.
For example, the code below changes the font used in the detail section:
Visual Basic
Imports C1.Win.C1Report
Dim i%, strDetailFont$
strDetailFont = "Arial Narrow"
With c1r.Sections(SectionTypeEnum.Detail).Fields
For i = 0 To .Count – 1
.Item(i).Font.Name = strDetailFont
End With
Dim detail As Section = c1r.Sections(SectionTypeEnum.Detail)
Dim f As Field
For Each f In detail.Fields
f.Font.Name = "Arial Narrow"
Typical Usage Scenarios · 53
using C1.Win.C1Report;
Section detail = c1r.Sections[SectionTypeEnum.Detail];
foreach (Field f in detail.Fields)
f.Font.Name = "Arial Narrow";
Imports C1.Win.C1Report;
strDetailFont := 'Arial Narrow';
with c1r.Sections[SectionTypeEnum.Detail].Fields do
for i = 0 to Count – 1 do
Item[i].Font.Name := strDetailFont;
detail := c1r.Sections[SectionTypeEnum.Detail];
for i := 0 to detail.Fields.Count - 1 do
detail.Fields[i].Font.Name := 'Arial Narrow';
The code below toggles the display of a group by turning its Sort property on or off and setting the Visible
property of the group's header and footer sections:
Visual Basic
Dim bShowGroup As Boolean
bShowGroup = True
With c1r.Groups(0)
If bShowGroup Then
.SectionHeader.Visible = True
.SectionFooter.Visible = True
.Sort = SortEnum.Ascending
.SectionHeader.Visible = False
.SectionFooter.Visible = False
.Sort = SortEnum.NoSort
End If
End With
bool bShowGroup;
bShowGroup = true;
With c1r.Groups(0);
if ( bShowGroup ) {
.SectionHeader.Visible = true;
.SectionFooter.Visible = true;
.Sort = SortEnum.Ascending;
} else {
.SectionHeader.Visible = false;
.SectionFooter.Visible = false;
.Sort = SortEnum.NoSort;
} With
bShowGroup := True;
with c1r.Groups[0] do
54 · Using Reports for .NET
if bShowGroup then
SectionHeader.Visible := True;
SectionFooter.Visible := True;
Sort := SortEnum.Ascending;
SectionHeader.Visible := False;
SectionFooter.Visible := False;
Sort := SortEnum.NoSort;
These samples illustrate some of the things you can do to customize reports. There are infinite possibilities,
because the object model offers access to every aspect of the report. (In fact, you can create whole reports
entirely with code).
Web Scenarios
If you are developing reports for the Web (ASP.NET), you can use the C1WebReport control included with
the ComponentOne ASP.NET Studio package. This control encapsulates the C1Report component and
provides methods and properties that make it very easy to add reports to your web pages. The C1WebReport
control is 100% compatible with C1Report, and provides advanced caching and rendering options designed
specifically for Web scenarios, as well as the usual design-time editing options provided by ASP.NET server
If you don't want to purchase ComponentOne ASP.NET Studio, you can still use the C1Report control in
your web applications, except you will have to write some code to create HTML or PDF versions of the
reports. The following sections describe how to do this.
In typical web scenarios, C1Report runs on the server machine and creates reports either in batch mode or on
demand. The user can select the reports and preview or print them on the client machine, using a web browser.
Scenario 1: Static Web Reports
This scenario is based on a server application that runs periodically and creates a predefined set of reports,
saving them to HTML or PDF files. These files are referenced by web pages on your site, and they are
downloaded to the client machine like any other web page.
To implement this type of application, follow these steps:
Use the C1Report Designer to create all the reports you will need. (See Using the C1Report Designer
(page 83) for details on how to do this.)
Create an application on the server that contains a C1Report component. If you don't want to use forms
and windows, create the control using the CreateObject function in Visual Basic or CoCreateInstance in
Add a routine that runs periodically and updates all the reports you want to make available to your users.
The loop would look like this:
Visual Basic
' ** this runs every 6 hours:
' get a list of all reports in the definition file
sFile = "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\Reports\MyReports.xml"
sList = c1r.GetReportInfo(sFile)
Typical Usage Scenarios · 55
' refresh the reports on the server
For i = 0 To sList.Length – 1
c1r.Load(sFile, sList(i))
sFile = "Reports\Auto\" & sList(i) & ".htm"
c1r.RenderToFile(sFile, FileFormatEnum.HTMLPaged)
// ** this runs every 6 hours:
// get a list of all reports in the definition file
sFile = "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\Reports\MyReports.xml";
sList = c1r.GetReportInfo(sFile);
// refresh the reports on the server
for ( i = 0 ; GAIS <= sList.Length – 1
c1r.Load(sFile, sList(i));
sFile = "Reports\Auto\" + sList(i) + ".htm";
c1r.RenderToFile(sFile, FileFormatEnum.HTMLPaged);
// ** this runs every 6 hours:
// get a list of all reports in the definition file
sFile := 'c:\inetpub\wwwroot\Reports\MyReports.xml';
sList := c1r.GetReportInfo(sFile);
// refresh the reports on the server
for i := 0 to High(sList) do
c1r.Load(sFile, sList[i]);
sFile := 'Reports\Auto\'+ sList(i) +'.htm';
c1r.RenderToFile(sFile, FileFormatEnum.HTMLPaged);
The code uses the GetReportInfo method to retrieve a list of all reports contained in the MyReports.xml
report definition file (created in step 1), then renders each report into a paged HTML file. (Paged HTML
files contain one HTML page for each page in the original report, with a navigation bar that allows
Edit the "home" HTML page by adding links to the reports that were saved.
You are not restricted to HTML. C1Report can also export to PDF files, which can be viewed on any browser
with freely available plug-ins. The PDF format is actually superior to HTML in many ways, especially when it
comes to producing hard copies of your web reports.
Scenario 2: Dynamic Web Reports
In this scenario, reports are created on-demand, possibly based on data supplied by the user. This type of
solution typically involves using an ASP.NET page that presents a form to the user and collects the
information needed to create the report, then creates a C1Report component to render the report into a
temporary file, and returns a reference to that file.
The example that follows is a simple ASP.NET page that allows users to enter some information and to select
the type of report they want. Based on this, the ASP code creates a custom version of the NorthWind Employee
Sales by Country report and presents it to the user in the selected format.
The sample uses a temporary file on the server to store the report. In a real application, you would have to
generate unique file names and delete them after a certain time, to avoid overwriting reports before the users
56 · Using Reports for .NET
get a chance to see them. Despite this, the sample illustrates the main techniques involved in delivering reports
over the web with C1Report.
Start by creating a new C# Web Application with a web page that looks like this:
The page has five server controls:
_lstYear: Contains a list of valid years for which we have data (1994, 1995, and 1996).
_txtGoal: Contains the yearly sales goal for each employee.
_btnHTML, _btnRTF: Buttons used to render the report into HTML or PDF, and show the result.
_lblStatus: Displays error information if something goes wrong.
Note: If you run this application with a demo or beta version of the C1Report component, there will be
errors when the control tries to display its About dialog box on the server. If that happens, simply reload
the page and the problem should go away.
After the page has been set up, you need to add a reference to the C1Report component to the project.
Just right-click the References entry in the Solution Explorer window, select Add Reference and pick the
C1Report component.
If you have used traditional ASP, this is where things start to become interesting. Double-clicking the
controls will take you to a code window where you can write full-fledged C# code to handle the events,
using the same editor and environment you use to write Windows Forms C# projects.
Double-click both buttons to create handlers for their Click event, and then add the following code:
Visual Basic
' handle user clicks
Private Sub _btnHTML_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
End Sub
Private Sub _btnPDF_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
End Sub
// handle user clicks
private void _btnHTML_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
Typical Usage Scenarios · 57
private void _btnPDF_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// handle user clicks
procedure Class1._btnHTML_Click(sender: System.Object; e:
procedure Class1._btnPDF_Click(sender: System.Object; e:
This is the code that gets executed on the server, when the user clicks either button. The code delegates the
work to the main routine, RenderReport:
Visual Basic
Private Sub RenderReport(ByVal fmt As FileFormatEnum)
' build file names
Dim rpt As String = "Employee Sales by Country"
Dim fileIn As String = GetDataPath() & "NWind.xml"
Dim ext As String = IIf(fmt = FileFormatEnum.PDF, ".pdf", ".htm")
Dim fileOut As String = GetOutputPath() & rpt & ext
' create C1Report component
Dim c1r As New C1Report()
' load the report
c1r.Load(fileIn, rpt)
' get user parameters
Dim year As String = _lstYear.SelectedItem.Text
Dim goal As String = _txtGoal.Text
' customize the report data source
Dim sSQL As String = "SELECT DISTINCTROW " & _
"Employees.Country, Employees.LastName, " & _
"Employees.FirstName, Orders.ShippedDate, Orders.OrderID, "
& _
" [Order Subtotals].Subtotal AS SaleAmount " & _
"FROM Employees INNER JOIN (Orders INNER JOIN " & _
" [Order Subtotals] ON Orders.OrderID = " & _
" [Order Subtotals].OrderID) " & _
" ON Employees.EmployeeID = Orders.EmployeeID " & _
"WHERE Year(Orders.ShippedDate) = " & year & ";"
c1r.DataSource.RecordSource = sSQL
' customize the report's event handlers
Dim sScript As String = _
58 · Using Reports for .NET
"If SalespersonTotal > " & goal & " Then" & vbCrLf & _
" ExceededGoalLabel.Visible = True" & vbCrLf & _
" SalespersonLine.Visible = True" & vbCrLf & _
"Else" & vbCrLf & _
" ExceededGoalLabel.Visible = False" & vbCrLf & _
" SalespersonLine.Visible = False" & vbCrLf & _
"End If"
c1r.Sections(SectionTypeEnum.GroupHeader2).OnPrint = sScript
' render the report into a temporary file
c1r.RenderToFile(fileOut, fmt)
' redirect user to report file
Response.Redirect("Temp/" + rpt + ext)
Catch x As Exception
_lblStatus.Text = "*** " & x.Message
End Try
End Sub
// render the report
private void RenderReport(FileFormatEnum fmt)
// build file names
string rpt
= "Employee Sales by Country";
string fileIn = GetDataPath() + "NWind.xml";
string ext
= (fmt == FileFormatEnum.PDF)? ".pdf": ".htm";
string fileOut = GetOutputPath() + rpt + ext;
// create C1Report component
C1Report c1r = new C1Report();
// load the report
c1r.Load(fileIn, rpt);
// get user parameters
string year = _lstYear.SelectedItem.Text;
string goal = _txtGoal.Text;
// customize the report data source
"Employees.Country, Employees.LastName, " +
"Employees.FirstName, Orders.ShippedDate, Orders.OrderID, " +
" [Order Subtotals].Subtotal AS SaleAmount " +
"FROM Employees INNER JOIN (Orders INNER JOIN " +
" [Order Subtotals] ON Orders.OrderID = " +
" [Order Subtotals].OrderID) " +
" ON Employees.EmployeeID = Orders.EmployeeID " +
"WHERE Year(Orders.ShippedDate) = " + year + ";";
c1r.DataSource.RecordSource = sSQL;
Typical Usage Scenarios · 59
// customize the report's event handlers
string sScript =
"If SalespersonTotal > " + goal + " Then \n" +
" ExceededGoalLabel.Visible = True\n" +
" SalespersonLine.Visible = True\n" +
"Else\n" +
" ExceededGoalLabel.Visible = False\n" +
" SalespersonLine.Visible = False\n" +
"End If";
c1r.Sections[SectionTypeEnum.GroupHeader2].OnPrint = sScript;
// render the report into a temporary file
c1r.RenderToFile(fileOut, fmt);
// redirect user to report file
Response.Redirect("Temp/" + rpt + ext);
catch (Exception x)
_lblStatus.Text = "*** " + x.Message;
procedure RenderReport(fmt: FileFormatEnum);
rpt: String;
fileIn: String;
ext: String;
fileOut: String;
c1r: C1Report;
year: String;
goal: String;
sSQL: String;
sScript: String;
c1r := C1Report.Create;
// build file names
rpt := 'Employee Sales by Country';
fileIn := GetDataPath +'NWind.xml';
if fmt = FileFormatEnum.PDF then
ext := '.pdf'
ext := '.htm';
fileOut := GetOutputPath + rpt + ext;
// create C1Report component
// load the report
c1r.Load(fileIn, rpt);
// get user parameters
year := _lstYear.SelectedItem.Text;
goal := _txtGoal.Text;
60 · Using Reports for .NET
// customize the report data source
c1r.DataSource.RecordSource := sSQL;
// customize the report' s event handlers
sScript := 'If SalespersonTotal > '+ goal +' Then'#13#10'
ExceededGoalLabel.Visible = True'#13#10' SalespersonLine.Visible =
+' ExceededGoalLabel.Visible = False'#13#10'
SalespersonLine.Visible =
False'#13#10'End If';
c1r.Sections(SectionTypeEnum.GroupHeader2).OnPrint := sScript;
// render the report into a temporary file
c1r.RenderToFile(fileOut, fmt);
// redirect user to report file
Response.Redirect('Temp/'+ rpt + ext);
on x: Exception do
_lblStatus.Text := '*** '+ x.Message;
The RenderReport routine is long but pretty simple. It starts out working out the names of the input and
output files. All file names are built relative to the current application directory.
Next, the routine creates a C1Report component and loads the "Employee Sales by Country" report. This
is the raw report, which we will customize below.
The parameters entered by the user are available in the _lstYear and _txtGoal server-side controls. The
code reads these values and uses them to customize the report's RecordSource property and to build a
VBScript handler for the OnPrint event. These techniques were discussed in previous sections.
Once the report definition is ready, the code calls the RenderToFile method, which causes the C1Report
component to write HTML or PDF files to the output directory. When the method returns, the report is
ready to be displayed to the user.
The last step is the call to Response.Redirect, which displays the report we just created on the user's
Note that the whole code is enclosed in a try/catch block. If anything goes wrong while the report is being
generated, the user gets to see a message explaining the problem.
Finally, there's a couple of simple helper routines that need to be added:
Visual Basic
' get directories to use for loading and saving files
Private Function GetDataPath() As String
Return Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + "Data\"
End Function
Private Function GetOutputPath() As String
Return Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + "Temp\"
End Function
// get directories to use for loading and saving files
private string GetDataPath()
VBScript Expressions · 61
return Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + @"Data\";
private string GetOutputPath()
return Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + @"Temp\";
// get directories to use for loading and saving files
function Class1.GetDataPath: string;
Result := (Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + 'Data\');
function Class1.GetOutputPath: string;
Result := (Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + 'Temp\');
After you enter this code, the application is ready. You can press F5 and trace its execution within Visual
The picture below shows what the result looks like in the browser:
VBScript Expressions
C1Report relies on VBScript to evaluate expressions in calculated fields and to handle report events (the
difference between report events and control events is discussed below).
VBScript is a full-featured language, and you have access to all its methods and functions when writing
C1Report expressions. This document does not cover the intrinsic features of the VBScript language, which is
documented in many books and web sites, as well as on the Microsoft Developer's Network (MSDN).
C1Report extends VBScript by exposing additional objects, variables, and functions. These extensions are
described below:
62 · Using Reports for .NET
Objects and Variables
Database Field Names
Names of fields in the report's source datasetsource are evaluated and return the current field value. If a field
name contains spaces or periods, it must be enclosed in square brackets. For example:
[Name With Spaces]
Report Field Names
Names of Field objects are evaluated and return a reference to the object, so you can access the field's
properties). The default property for the Field object is Value, so by itself the field name returns the field's
current value. For example:
Visual Basic
MyField.BackColor = RGB(200,250,100)
MyField.Font.Size = 14
MyField * 2 ' (same as MyField.Value * 2)
MyField.BackColor = RGB(200,250,100);
MyField.Font.Size = 14;
MyField * 2; // (same as MyField.value * 2)
MyField.BackColor := RGB(200, 250, 100);
MyField.Font.Size := 14;
MyField * 2; // (same as MyField.value * 2)
Note: If you give a report field the same name as a data field, you won't be able to access the report field.
Report Section Names
Names of Section objects are evaluated and return a reference to the object, so you can access the section's
properties. The default property for the Section object is Name. For example:
Visual Basic
If Page = 1 Then [Page Footer].Visible = False
if ( Page = 1 ) { [Page Footer].Visible = false;
if ( Page = 1 ) then [Page Footer].Visible := false;
Report Object
Returns a reference to the control object, so you can access the full C1Report object model from your scripts
and expressions. For example:
Visual Basic
"Fields: " & Report.Fields.Count
"Fields: " + Report.Fields.Count;
'Fields: ' + Report.Fields.Count;
Page Variable
Returns or sets the value of the Page property. This property is initialized by the control when it starts
rendering a report, and is incremented at each page break. You may reset it using code. For example:
VBScript Expressions · 63
Visual Basic
If Country <> LastCountry Then Page = 1
LastCountry = Country
if ( Country != LastCountry ) { Page = 1
LastCountry = Country;
LastCountry: System.Object;
if (Country <> LastCountry) then
LastCountry := Country;
Pages Variable
Returns a token that gets replaced with the total page count when the report finishes rendering. This is a readonly property that is typically used in page header or footer fields. For example:
Visual Basic
"Page " & Page & " of " & Pages
"Page " + Page + " of " + Pages;
Pages: System.Object;
'Page ' + Page.ToString + ' of ' + Pages.ToString;
Set to True to cancel the report rendering process. For example:
Visual Basic
If Page > 100 Then Cancel = True
if ( Page > 100 ) Cancel = true;
if (Page > 100) then
Cancel := True;
Compatibility Functions
To increase compatibility with code written in Visual Basic and Microsoft Access (VBA), C1Report exposes
two functions that are not available in VBScript: IIf and Format.
IIf evaluates a Boolean expression and returns one of two values depending on the result. For example:
Visual Basic
IIf(SalesAmount > 1000, "Yes", "No")
IIf(SalesAmount > 1000, "Yes", "No")
64 · Using Reports for .NET
if SalesAmount > 1000 then
v := 'Yes'
v := 'No';
Format converts a value into a string formatted according to instructions contained in a format expression.
The value may be a number, date, time, Boolean or string. The format is a string built using syntax similar to
the format string used in Visual Basic or VBA.
The table below describes the syntax used for the format string:
Value Type
Format String
Percent, %
Formats a number as a percentage, with zero or two decimal
For example:
Format(0.33, "Percent") = "33%"
Format(0.3333333, "Percent") = "33.33%"
Formats a number using a mask. The following symbols are
digit placeholder
digit placeholder, force display
use thousand separators
enclose negative values in parenthesis
format as percentage
For example:
Format(1234.1234, "#,###.##") = "1,234.12"
Format(-1234, "#.00") = "(1234.12)"
Format(.1234, "#.##") = ".12"
Format(.1234, "0.##") = "0.12"
Format(.3, "#.##%") = "30.00%"
Currency, $
Formats a number as a currency value. For example:
Format(1234, "$") = "$1,234.00"
Long Date
Returns "Yes" or "No".
Format(#12/5/1#, "long date") = "December
5, 2001"
Format(#12/5/1#, "short date") =
Format(#12/5/1#, "medium date") = "05-Dec01"
Short Date
Medium Date
Returns a date part (quarter, month, day of the month, week
of the year, year. For example:
Format(#12/5/1#, "q") = "4"
Formats a string using a mask. The "@" character is a
placeholder for a single character (or for the whole value
string if there is a single "@"). Other characters are
interpreted as literals. For example:
Format("AC55512", "@@-@@/@@") = "AC-555/12"
Format("AC55512", "@") = "AC55512"
VBScript Expressions · 65
Value Type
Format String
Uses the format string on the left of the semi-colon if the
value is not null or an empty string, otherwise returns the
part on the right of the semi-colon. For example:
Format("@;Missing", "UK") = "UK"
Format("@;Missing", "") = "Missing"
Note: VBScript has its own built-in formatting functions (FormatNumber, FormatCurrency, FormatPercent,
FormatDateTime, etc). You may use them instead of the VBA-style Format function described here.
Aggregate Functions
Aggregate functions are used to summarize data over the group being rendered. When used in a report header
field, these expressions return aggregates over the entire dataset. When used in group headers or footers, they
return the aggregate for the group.
All C1Report aggregate functions take two arguments:
A string containing a VBScript expression to be aggregated over the group.
An optional string containing a VBScript expression used as a filter (domain aggregate). The filter
expression is evaluated before each value is aggregated. If the filter returns False, the value is skipped and
is not included in the aggregate result.
C1Report defines the following aggregate functions:
Average value of the expression within the current group. For example, the
expressions below calculate the average sales for the whole group and the
average sales for a certain type of product:
Avg(SalesAmount, ProductType = 3)
Sum of all values in the group.
Count of records in the group with non-null values. Use an asterisk for the
expression to include all records. For example, the expressions below count the
number of employees with valid (non-null) addresses and the total number of
Count of records in the group with distinct non-null values.
Min, Max
Minimum and maximum values for the expression. For example:
"Min Sale = " & Max(SaleAmount)
Range between minimum and maximum values for the expression.
StDev, Var
Standard deviation and variance of the expression in the current group. The
values are calculated using the sample (n-1) formulas, as in SQL and Microsoft
StDevP, VarP
Standard deviation and variance of the expression in the current group. These
values are calculated using the population (n) formulas, as in SQL and
Microsoft Excel.
The next section explains how to use aggregate functions in detail, including how they work in the context of a
report and how to use them efficiently.
66 · Using Reports for .NET
Using Aggregate Functions
To use the aggregate functions, add a calculated field to a section header or footer section, and assign the
expression to the field's Text property.
For example, the "Employee Sales by Country" report in the sample NWind.xml file contains several
aggregate fields. The report groups records by Country and by Employee.
The SalespersonTotal field in the footer section of the Employee group contains the following expression:
Because the field is in the Employee group footer, the expression returns the total sales for the current
The CountryTotal and GrandTotal fields contain exactly the same expression. However, because these fields
are in the Country group footer and report footer, the expression returns the total sales for the current country
and for the entire recordset.
You may need to refer to a higher-level aggregate from within a group. For example, in the "Employee Sales
by Country" report, there is a field that shows sales in the current country as a percentage of the grand total.
Since all aggregates calculated within a country group refer to the current country, the report cannot calculate
this directly. Instead, the PercentOfGrandTotal field uses the following expression:
CountryTotal and GrandTotal are fields located in the Country and report footer sections. Therefore,
CountryTotal holds the total for the current country and GrandTotal holds the total for the whole recordset.
It is important to realize that evaluating aggregate functions is time-consuming, since it requires the control to
traverse the recordset. Because of this, you should try to use aggregate functions in a few calculated fields only.
Other fields can then read the aggregate value directly from these fields, rather than evaluating the aggregate
expression again.
For example, the "Employee Sales by Country" report in the NorthWind database has a detail field that shows
each sale as a percentage of the country's total sales. This field contains the following expression:
SaleAmount is a reference to a recordset field, which varies for each detail record. CountryTotal is a reference
to a report field that contains an aggregate function. When the control evaluates this expression, it gets the
aggregate value directly from the report field, and does not recalculate the aggregate.
Using VBScript to Format Reports
You are not restricted to using VBScript to evaluate expressions in calculated fields. You can also specify
scripts that are triggered when the report is rendered, and you can use those to change the formatting of the
These scripts are contained in event properties. An event property is similar to a Visual Basic event handler,
except that the scripts are executed in the scope of the report rather than in the scope of the application that is
displaying the report. For example, you could use an event property to set a field's Font and ForeColor
properties depending on its value. This behavior would then be a part of the report itself, and would be
preserved regardless of the application used to render it.
Of course, traditional events are also available, and you should use them to implement behavior that affects
the application rather than the report. For example, you could write a handler for the StartPage event to
update a page count in your application, regardless of which particular report is being rendered.
The table below lists the event properties that are available and typical uses for them:
Fired when the report starts rendering. Can be used to modify the
ConnectionString or RecordSource properties, or to initialize
VBScript variables.
VBScript Expressions · 67
Fired when the report finishes rendering. Can be used to perform
clean-up tasks.
Fired when a report starts rendering but the source recordset is
empty. You can set the Cancel property to True to prevent the
report from being generated. You could also show a dialog box to
alert the user as to the reason why no report is being displayed.
Fired when a new page starts. Can be used to set the Visible
property of sections of fields depending on a set of conditions. The
control maintains a Page variable that is incremented automatically
when a new page starts.
Fired when an error occurs.
Fired before the fields in a section are evaluated. At this point, the
fields in the source recordset reflect the values that will be rendered,
but the report fields do not.
Fired before the fields in a section are printed. At this point, the
fields have already been evaluated and you can do conditional
The following examples illustrate typical uses for these properties.
Format a field according to its value
This is probably the most common use for the OnPrint property. Take for example the "Orders by Value"
report in the Nwind.XML sample file. The report lists order values grouped by product. Instead of using an
extra field to display the quantity in stock, the report highlights products that are below the reorder level by
displaying their name in bold red characters. This is done using an event script that looks like this:
Visual Basic
Dim script As String = _
"If UnitsInStock < ReorderLevel Then" & vbCrLf & _
" ProductNameCtl.ForeColor = RGB(255,0,0)" & vbCrLf & _
" ProductNameCtl.Font.Bold = True" & vbCrLf & _
"Else" & vbCrLf & _
" ProductNameCtl.ForeColor = RGB(0,0,0)" & vbCrLf & _
" ProductNameCtl.Font.Bold = False" & vbCrLf & _
"End If"
c1r.Sections("Detail").OnPrint = script
string script =
"if ( UnitsInStock < ReorderLevel ) {\r\n" +
" ProductNameCtl.ForeColor = RGB(255,0,0)\r\n" +
" ProductNameCtl.Font.Bold = true\r\n" +
"} else {\r\n" +
" ProductNameCtl.ForeColor = RGB(0,0,0)\r\n" +
" ProductNameCtl.Font.Bold = false\r\n" +
c1r.Sections("Detail").OnPrint = script;
script := 'If UnitsInStock < ReorderLevel Then'#13#10'
ProductNameCtl.ForeColor = RGB(255,0,0)'#13#10'
ProductNameCtl.Font.Bold = True'#13#10'Else'#13#10+
68 · Using Reports for .NET
' ProductNameCtl.ForeColor = RGB(0,0,0)'#13#10'
ProductNameCtl.Font.Bold = False'#13#10'End If';
c1r.Sections['Detail'].OnPrint := script;
The code builds a string containing the VBScript event handler, and then assigns it to the section's OnPrint
property. (When using the C1Report Designer, you can type the script code directly into the Event Editor
window instead of writing the code above.)
The control executes the VBScript code whenever the section is about to be printed. The script gets the value of
the "ReorderLevel" database field and sets the "ProductName" report field's Font.Bold and ForeColor
properties according to the value. If the product is below reorder level, its name becomes bold and red.
Here's what the report looks like:
Show or hide a field depending on a value
Instead of changing the field format to highlight its contents, you could set another field's Visible property to
True or False to create special effects. For example, if we created a new field called "BoxCtl" and formatted it
to look like a bold rectangle around the product name, then we could change the script as follows:
Visual Basic
Dim script As String = _
"If UnitsInStock < ReorderLevel Then" & vbCrLf & _
" ProductNameCtl.ForeColor = RGB(255,0,0)" & vbCrLf & _
" ProductNameCtl.Font.Bold = True" & vbCrLf & _
" BoxCtl.Visible = False" & vbCrLf & _
"Else" & vbCrLf & _
" ProductNameCtl.ForeColor = RGB(0,0,0)" & vbCrLf & _
" ProductNameCtl.Font.Bold = False" & vbCrLf & _
" BoxCtl.Visible = True" & vbCrLf & _
"End If"
c1r.Sections("Detail").OnPrint = script
string script =
"if ( UnitsInStock < ReorderLevel ) {\r\n" +
" ProductNameCtl.ForeColor = RGB(255,0,0)\r\n" +
" ProductNameCtl.Font.Bold = true\r\n" +
VBScript Expressions · 69
" BoxCtl.Visible = false\r\n" +
"} else {\r\n" +
" ProductNameCtl.ForeColor = RGB(0,0,0)\r\n" +
" ProductNameCtl.Font.Bold = false\r\n" +
" BoxCtl.Visible = true\r\n" +
c1r.Sections("Detail").OnPrint = script;
script := 'If UnitsInStock < ReorderLevel Then'#13#10 +
' ProductNameCtl.ForeColor = RGB(255,0,0)'#13#10 +
' ProductNameCtl.Font.Bold = True'#13#10 +
' BoxCtl.Visible = False'#13#10 +
'Else'#13#10' ProductNameCtl.ForeColor = RGB(0,0,0)'#13#10 +
' ProductNameCtl.Font.Bold = False'#13#10' BoxCtl.Visible =
True'#13#10'End If';
c1r.Sections['Detail'].OnPrint := script;
Prompt users for parameters
Instead of highlighting products which are below the reorder level stored in the database, you could have the
report prompt the user for the reorder level to use.
To get the value from the user, you would change the report's RecordSource property to use a parameter
query. (For details on how to build parameter queries, see the Reset the Page Counter (page 70).)
Visual Basic
c1r.DataSource.RecordSource = _
"PARAMETERS [Critical Stock Level] Short 10;" & _
c1r.DataSource.RecordSource =
"PARAMETERS [Critical Stock Level] short 10;" +
c1r.DataSource.RecordSource := 'PARAMETERS [Critical Stock Level]
short 10;'
+ c1r.DataSource.RecordSource;
This setting causes the control to prompt the user for a "Critical Stock Level" value, which gets stored in a
global VBScript variable where your events can use it. The default value for the variable is specified as 10.
To use the value specified by the user, the script should be changed as follows:
Visual Basic
Dim script As String = _
"level = [Critical Stock Level]" & vbCrLf & _
"If UnitsInStock < level Then" & vbCrLf & _
" ProductNameCtl.ForeColor = RGB(255,0,0)" & vbCrLf & _
" ProductNameCtl.Font.Bold = True" & vbCrLf & _
"Else" & vbCrLf & _
" ProductNameCtl.ForeColor = RGB(0,0,0)" & vbCrLf & _
" ProductNameCtl.Font.Bold = False" & vbCrLf & _
"End If"
c1r.Sections("Detail").OnPrint = script
70 · Using Reports for .NET
string script =
"level = [Critical Stock Level]\r\n" +
"if ( UnitsInStock < level ) {\r\n" +
" ProductNameCtl.ForeColor = RGB(255,0,0)\r\n" +
" ProductNameCtl.Font.Bold = true\r\n" +
"} else {\r\n" +
" ProductNameCtl.ForeColor = RGB(0,0,0)\r\n" +
" ProductNameCtl.Font.Bold = false\r\n" +
c1r.Sections("Detail").OnPrint = script;
script := 'level = [Critical Stock Level]'#13#10 +
'If UnitsInStock < level Then'#13#10 +
' ProductNameCtl.ForeColor = RGB(255,0,0)'#13#10 +
' ProductNameCtl.Font.Bold = True'#13#10 +
'Else'#13#10 +
' ProductNameCtl.ForeColor = RGB(0,0,0)'#13#10 +
' ProductNameCtl.Font.Bold = False'#13#10 +
'End If';
c1r.Sections['Detail'].OnPrint := script;
The change is in the first two lines of the script. Instead of comparing the current value of the "UnitsInStock"
filed to the reorder level stored in the database, the script compares it to the value entered by the user and
stored in the "[Critical Stock Level]" VBScript variable.
Reset the Page Counter
The Page variable is created and automatically updated by the control. It is useful for adding page numbers to
page headers or footers.
In some cases, you may want to reset the page counter when a group starts. For example, in a report that
groups records by country and has a calculated page footer field with the expression:
Visual Basic
c1r.Fields("PageFooter").Text = "[Country] & "" "" & [Page]"
c1r.Fields("PageFooter").Text = "[Country] + "" "" + [Page]";
c1r.Fields['PageFooter'].Text := '[Country] + " " + [Page]';
It would be good to reset the Page variable for each new country. To do this, assign the following script to the
country group header section:
Visual Basic
c1r.Sections ("CountryGroupHeader").OnPrint = "Page = 1"
c1r.Sections ("CountryGroupHeader").OnPrint = "Page = 1";
c1r.Sections['CountryGroupHeader'].OnPrint := 'Page = 1';
VBScript Expressions · 71
Change a Field's dimensions to create a Bar Chart
We saved the most sophisticated example for last. Instead of showing a field's value as text, you can change its
dimensions to create a chart. (The example described below is included in the NWind.xml sample file that
ships with C1Report; it is called "Sales Chart".)
To create a chart, the first thing you need to do is find out the scale, that is, the measurements that will be used
to the maximum and minimum values. The "Sales Chart" report has a field designed to do this. It is a report
footer field called SaleAmountMaxFld that has the size of the longest bar we want to appear on the chart, and
holds the following expression:
Visual Basic
SaleAmountMaxFld.Text = "Max([SaleAmount])"
SaleAmountMaxFld.Text = "Max([SaleAmount])";
SaleAmountMaxFld.Text := 'Max([SaleAmount])';
To draw the actual bars, the report has a detail field called BarFld that is formatted to look like a solid box.
The detail section has the following script assigned to its OnPrint event:
Visual Basic
c1r.Sections("Detail").OnPrint = & _
"BarFld.Width = SaleAmountMaxFld.Width * " & _
"(SaleAmountFld / SaleAmountMaxFld)"
c1r.Sections("Detail").OnPrint = +
"BarFld.Width = SaleAmountMaxFld.Width * " +
"(SaleAmountFld / SaleAmountMaxFld)";
c1r.Sections['Detail'].OnPrint := 'BarFld.Width =
SaleAmountMaxFld.Width * (SaleAmountFld / SaleAmountMaxFld)';
This expression calculates the width of the bar based on the width and value of the reference field and on the
value of the SaleAmountFld for the current record.
The result is a report that looks like this:
72 · Using Reports for .NET
Advanced Topics
Parameter Queries
A parameter query is a query that displays its own dialog box prompting the user for information, such as
criteria for retrieving records or a value for a report field. You can design the query to prompt the user for
more than one piece of information; for example, you can design it to retrieve two dates. C1Report will then
retrieve all records that fall between those two dates.
You can also create a monthly earnings report based on a parameter query. When you render the report,
C1Report displays a dialog box asking for the month that you want the report to cover. You enter a month
and C1Report prints the appropriate report.
To create a parameter query, you need to edit the SQL statement in the RecordSource property and add a
PARAMETERS clause to it. The syntax used to create parameter queries is the same as that used by Microsoft
The easiest way to create a parameter query is to start with a plain SQL statement with one or more items
in the WHERE clause, then manually replace the fixed values in the clause with parameters. For example,
starting with the plain SQL statement:
strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCTROW * FROM Employees " & _
"INNER JOIN (Orders INNER JOIN [Order Subtotals] " & _
"ON Orders.OrderID = [Order Subtotals].OrderID) " & _
"ON Employees.EmployeeID = Orders.EmployeeID " & _
"WHERE (((Orders.ShippedDate) " & _
"Between #1/1/1994# And #1/1/2001#));"
The next step is to identify the parts of the SQL statement that will be turned into parameters. In this
example, the parameters are the dates in the WHERE clause, shown above in boldface. Let's call these
parameters Beginning Date and Ending Date. Since these names contain spaces, they need to be enclosed in
square brackets:
strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCTROW * FROM Employees " & _
"INNER JOIN (Orders INNER JOIN [Order Subtotals] " & _
"ON Orders.OrderID = [Order Subtotals].OrderID) " & _
"ON Employees.EmployeeID = Orders.EmployeeID " & _
"WHERE (((Orders.ShippedDate) " & _
"Between [Beginning Date] And [Ending Date]));"
Finally, the parameters must be identified in the beginning of the SQL statement with a PARAMETERS
clause, that includes the parameter name, type, and default value:
strSQL = "PARAMETERS [Beginning Date] DateTime 1/1/1994, " & _
"[Ending Date] DateTime 1/1/2001;" & _
"INNER JOIN (Orders INNER JOIN [Order Subtotals] " & _
"ON Orders.OrderID = [Order Subtotals].OrderID) " & _
"ON Employees.EmployeeID = Orders.EmployeeID " & _
"WHERE (((Orders.ShippedDate) " & _
"Between [Beginning Date] And [Ending Date]));"
When this statement is executed, the control shows a dialog box prompting the user for Beginning Date and
Ending Date values. The values supplied by the user are plugged into the SQL statement and the report is
generated only for the period selected by the user.
The dialog box is created on-the-fly by C1Report. It includes all parameters in the query, and uses controls
appropriate to the parameter type. For example, check boxes are used for Boolean parameters, and date-time
picker controls are used for Date parameters. Here is what the dialog box looks like for the SQL statement
listed above:
Advanced Topics · 73
The syntax for the PARAMETERS clause consists of a comma-separated list of items, ending with a semicolon. Each item describes one parameter and includes the following information:
Parameter name. If the name contains spaces, it must be enclosed in square brackets (for example,
[Beginning Date]). The parameter name appears in the dialog box used to collect the information
from the user, and it also appears in the WHERE clause for the SQL statement, where it is replaced
with the value entered by the user.
Parameter type. The following types are recognized by the control:
Type Name
ADO Type
Bit, Byte, Short, Long
Text, String
Boolean, Bool, YesNo
Default value. This is the value initially displayed in the dialog box.
The easiest way to build a parameterized query is incrementally. Start with a simple query that works, then
add the PARAMETERS clause (don't forget to end the PARAMETERS clause with a semi-colon). Finally,
edit the WHERE clause and add the parameter names at the proper place.
You can use the GetRecordSource method to retrieve a proper SQL statement (without the PARAMETERS
clause) from a parameter query. This is useful if you want to create your own recordset using data contained in
the report.
Note: Instead of using a parameter query, you could write code in Visual Basic or in C++.NET to create a
dialog box, get the information from the user, and fix the SQL statement or set the DataSource Object's Filter
property as needed. The advantage of using parameter queries is that it places the parameter logic in the report
itself, and it is independent of the viewer application. (It also saves you from writing some code.)
Unbound Reports
Unbound reports are reports without an underlying source recordset. This type of report can be useful in two
You create documents that have a fixed format, and only the content of a few fields that change every
time you need to render the document. Business forms are a typical example: the forms have a fixed
format, and the field values change.
You want to consolidate several summary reports into a single one. In this case, you would create an
unbound main report, and you would add bound subreports to it.
74 · Using Reports for .NET
As an example of a simple unbound report, let's create a simple newsletter without a source recordset. This is
done with the C1Report Designer, except that you leave the ConnectionString and RecordSource properties
blank and add placeholder fields to the report. The placeholder fields are simple labels whose contents will be
set by an application.
Assuming you created a report with six placeholder fields named "FldHeadLineXXX" and "FldBodyXXX"
(where XXX ranges from 1 to 3), you could use the following Visual Basic code to render the report:
Visual Basic
Private Sub MakeReport()
' find report definition file
Dim path As String = Application.StartupPath
Dim i As Integer = path.IndexOf("\bin")
If i > -1 Then path = path.Substring(0, i)
path = path & "\"
' load unbound report
c1r.Load(path & "Newsletter.xml", "NewsLetter")
' set field values
c1r.Fields("FldHeadline1").Text = "C1Report Launched"
c1r.Fields("FldBody1").Text = "ComponentOne unveils…"
c1r.Fields("FldHeadline2").Text = "Competitive Upgrades"
c1r.Fields("FldBody2").Text = "Get ahead …"
c1r.Fields("FldHeadline3").Text = "C1Report Designer"
c1r.Fields("FldBody3").Text = "The C1Report Designer…"
' done, show the report
c1ppv.Document = c1r.Document
' and/or save it to an HTML document so your subscribers
' can get to it over the Web
c1r.RenderToFile(path & "Newsletter.htm", FileFormatEnum.HTML)
End Sub
private void MakeReport()
// find report definition file
string path = Application.StartupPath;
int i = path.IndexOf("\bin");
if ( i > -1 ) { path = path.Substring(0, i)
path = path + "\";
// load unbound report
c1r.Load(path + "Newsletter.xml", "NewsLetter");
// set field values
c1r.Fields["FldHeadline1"].Text = "C1Report Launched";
c1r.Fields["FldBody1"].Text = "ComponentOne unveils…";
c1r.Fields["FldHeadline2"].Text = "Competitive Upgrades";
c1r.Fields["FldBody2"].Text = "get { ahead …";
c1r.Fields["FldHeadline3"].Text = "C1Report Designer";
c1r.Fields["FldBody3"].Text = "The C1Report Designer…";
Advanced Topics · 75
// done, show the report
c1ppv.Document = c1r.Document;
// and/or save it to an HTML document so your subscribers
// can get to it over the Web
c1r.RenderToFile(path + "Newsletter.htm", FileFormatEnum.HTML);
procedure MakeReport;
path: String;
i: Integer;
// find report definition file
path := Application.StartupPath;
i := path.IndexOf('\bin');
if i > -1 then path = path.Substring(0, i);
path := path +'\';
// load unbound report
c1r.Load(path +'Newsletter.xml','NewsLetter');
// set field values
c1r.Fields['FldHeadline1'].Text := 'C1Report Launched';
c1r.Fields['FldBody1'].Text := 'ComponentOne unveils…';
c1r.Fields['FldHeadline2'].Text := 'Competitive Upgrades';
c1r.Fields['FldBody2'].Text := 'Get ahead …';
c1r.Fields['FldHeadline3'].Text := 'C1Report Designer';
c1r.Fields['FldBody3'].Text := 'The C1Report Designer…';
// done, show the report
c1ppv.Document := c1r.Document;
// and/or save it to an HTML document so your subscribers
// can get to it over the Web
c1r.RenderToFile(path + 'Newsletter.htm', FileFormatEnum.HTML);
Here's what this issue of our newsletter looks like. Notice that our simple program does not deal with any
formatting at all; it simply supplies the report contents. The report definition created with the C1Report
Designer takes care of all the formatting, including a headline with a logo, page footers, fonts and text
Separating format from content is one of the main advantages of unbound reports.
76 · Using Reports for .NET
Custom Data Sources
By default, C1Report uses the ConnectionString and RecordSource properties to create an internal
DataTable object that is used as a data source for the report. However, you can also create your own
recordsets and assign them directly to the Recordset property. In this case, C1Report will use the recordset
provided instead of opening its own.
You can assign three types of objects to the Recordset property: DataTable, DataView or any object that
implements the IC1ReportRecordset interface.
Using your own DataTable objects
The main reason to use your own DataTable objects is in situations where you already have the object
available, and want to save some time by not creating a new one. You may also want to implement security
schemes or customize the object in some other way.
To use your own DataTable object, simply assign it to the RecordSet property before you render the report.
For example:
Visual Basic
Private Sub CreateReport(strSelect As String, strConn As String)
' fill a DataSet object
Dim da As OleDbDataAdapter
da = new OleDbDataAdapter(strSelect, strConn)
Dim ds As DataSet = new DataSet()
' get the DataTable object
Dim dt As DataTable = ds.Tables(0)
' load report
c1r.Load "RepDef.xml", "My Report"
Advanced Topics · 77
' render report
c1r.DataSource.Recordset = ds.Tables(0)
c1ppv.Document = c1r.Document
End Sub
private void CreateReport(string
strSelect, string
// fill a DataSet object
OleDbDataAdapter da;
da = new OleDbDataAdapter(strSelect, strConn);
DataSet DataSet ds = new DataSet();
// get the DataTable object
DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
// load report
c1r.Load "RepDef.xml", "My Report";
// render report
c1r.DataSource.Recordset = ds.Tables[0];
c1ppv.Document = c1r.Document;
procedure Class1.CreateReport(strSelect: string; strConn: string);
dt: DataTable;
DataSet: DataSet;
da: OleDbDataAdapter;
// fill a DataSet object
da := OleDbDataAdapter.Create(strSelect, strConn);
ds := DataSet.Create;
// get the DataTable object
dt := ds.Tables[0];
// load report
'My Report');
// render report
c1r.DataSource.Recordset := ds.Tables[0);
c1ppv.Document := c1r.Document;
The code above creates a DataTable object using standard ADO.NET calls, and then assigns the table to the
Recordset property. Note that you could also create and populate the DataTable object on the fly, without
relying on and actual database.
78 · Using Reports for .NET
Writing your own custom Recordset object
For the ultimate in data source customization, you can implement your own data source object. This option is
indicated in situations where:
Your data is already loaded in memory.
Some or all of the data is calculated on demand, and does not even exist until you request it.
The data comes from disparate data sources and you don't have an easy way to create a standard
DataTable object from it.
To implement your own data source object, you need to create an object that implements the
IC1ReportRecordset interface. This interface contains a few simple methods described in the reference section
of this document.
After you have created the custom data source object, all you need to do is create an instance of it and assign
that to the Recordset property. For a complete example, refer to the CustomData sample.
Data Security
Data security is an important issue for most corporations. If you plan to create and distribute a phone-directory
report for your company, you want to show employee names and phone extensions. You probably don't want
people to change the report definition and create a report that includes people's salaries. Another concern is
that someone could look at the report definition file, copy a connection string and start browsing (or hacking)
your database.
These are legitimate concerns that affect all types of data-based applications, including C1Report. This section
discusses some measures you can take to protect your data.
Use Windows NT Integrated security
One of the strengths of Windows NT is the way it handles security. When a user logs on, the system
automatically gives him a set of permissions granted by the system administrator. After this, each application
or service can query Windows NT to see what resources he can access. Most popular database providers offer
this type of security as an option.
Under this type of scenario, all you need to do is make sure that the people with whom you want to share your
data have the appropriate permissions to read it. In this case, the ConnectionString in the report definition file
doesn't need to contain any passwords. Authorized users will get to see the data and others will not.
Build a ConnectionString with a user-supplied password
This is a very simple alternative. Before rendering a report (or when the control reports a "failed to connect"
error), you can prompt the user for a password and plug that into the connection string. For example:
Visual Basic
' build connection string with placeholder for password
Dim strConn
strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=C:\SecureData\People.mdb;" & _
' get password from the user
Dim strPwd$
strPwd = InputBox("Please enter your password:")
If Len(strPwd) = 0 Then Exit Sub
' build new connection string and assign it to the control
strConn = Replace(strConn, "{{THEPASSWORD}}", strPwd)
vsr.DataSource.ConnectionString = strConn
Advanced Topics · 79
// build connection string with placeholder for password
string strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" +
"Data Source=C:\SecureData\People.mdb;" +
// get password from the user
string strPwd = InputBox("Please enter your password:");
if (Len(strPwd) = 0) return
// build new connection string and assign it to the control
strConn = Replace(strConn, "{{THEPASSWORD}}", strPwd);
c1r.DataSource.ConnectionString = strConn;
// build connection string with placeholder for password
strConn := 'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;' +
'Data Source=C:\SecureData\People.mdb;' +
// get password from the user
strPwd := InputBox('Please enter your password:');
if strPwd.Length = 0 then exit;
// build new connection string and assign it to the control
strConn := Replace(strConn,'{{THEPASSWORD}}', strPwd);
vsr.DataSource.ConnectionString := strConn;
Application-defined aliases
Another possible scenario is one where you want to allow certain users to see the reports, but you don't want
to give them any special authorizations or information about where the data is stored.
There are two simple ways to achieve this with C1Report. One is by using embedded reports. Load the report
definition into your application at design time, using the Load Report dialog box, and the report will be
embedded in the application. This way, you don't have to distribute a report definition file and no one will
have access to the data source information.
The second way would be for your application to define a set of connection string aliases. The report definition
file would contain the alias, and your application would replace it with the actual connection string before
rendering the reports. The alias would be useless in any other applications (such as the C1Report Designer).
Depending on how concerned you are with security, you could also perform checks on the RecordSource
property to make sure no one is trying to get unauthorized access to certain tables or fields in the database.
The code below shows how you might implement a simple alias scheme:
Visual Basic
Private Sub RenderReport(strReportName As String)
' load report requested by the user
c1r.Load("c:\Reports\MyReports.xml", strReportName)
' replace connection string alias
Dim strConn$
Select Case c1r.DataSource.ConnectionString
strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=C:\SecureData\People.mdb;" & _
80 · Using Reports for .NET
Case "$$SALES"
strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=C:\SecureData\Numbers.mdb;" & _
End Select
' set connection string, render report
c1r.DataSource.ConnectionString = strConn
ppv1.Document = c1r.Document
End Sub
private void RenderReport(string
strReportName) {
// load report requested by the user
c1r.Load("c:\Reports\MyReports.xml", strReportName);
// replace connection string alias
string strConn$;
switch (i) { c1r.DataSource.ConnectionString;
case "$$CUSTOMERS";
case "$$EMPLOYEES";
strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + _
"Data Source=C:\SecureData\People.mdb;" +
case "$$SALES";
strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" +
"Data Source=C:\SecureData\Numbers.mdb;" +
// set connection string, render report
c1r.DataSource.ConnectionString = strConn;
ppv1.Document = c1r.Document;
procedure RenderReport(strReportName: string);
strConn: string;
// load report requested by the user
c1r.Load('c:\Reports\MyReports.xml', strReportName)
// replace connection string alias
if (c1r.DataSource.ConnectionString = '$$CUSTOMERS') or
(c1r.DataSource.ConnectionString = '$$EMPLOYEES') then
strConn := 'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;' +
'Data Source=C:\SecureData\People.mdb;' +
if c1r.DataSource.ConnectionString = '$$SALES' then
strConn := 'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;' +
'Data Source=C:\SecureData\Numbers.mdb;' +
Advanced Topics · 81
strConn := '';
// set connection string, render report
c1r.DataSource.ConnectionString := strConn;
ppv1.Document := c1r.Document;
Custom datasets
You can also assign an arbitrary dataset created by your application to the Recordset object. This way, you
can adopt whatever security measures you see fit, and you don't need to bother with the ConnectionString
and RecordSource properties at all.
Using the C1Report Designer · 83
Using the C1Report Designer
The C1Report Designer is a tool used for creating and editing C1Report report definition files. The Designer
allows you to create, edit, load, and save files (xml) that can be read by the C1Report component. It also
allows you to import report definitions from Microsoft Access files (MDB) and VSReport 1.0 (vsr).
To run the Designer, double-click the C1ReportDesigner.exe file. Here's what the designer looks like:
The main Designer window has the following components:
Menu bar: Provides access to the main Designer functions. Use the File menu to load and save report
definition files, to import report definitions, and to print reports.
Main toolbar: Provides shortcuts to the most common menu functions: new file, open, import, save,
print, undo/redo, cut/copy/paste, create/delete report, and help.
View toolbar: Switches between preview and design modes, activates the design grid, and displays the
property and grouping windows.
Toolbox: Provides tools for creating report fields. This toolbar is enabled only in design mode.
Format toolbar: Provides tools for aligning, sizing, and spacing report fields. This toolbar is enabled
only in design mode.
Report list: Lists all reports contained in the current report definition file. You can double-click a
report name to preview or edit the report. You can also use the list to rename, copy and delete reports.
Property window: Allows you to edit properties for the objects that are selected in the designer.
Preview/Design pane: This is the main working area of the Designer. In preview mode, it displays
the current report. In design mode, it shows the report's sections and fields and allows you to change
the report definition.
84 · Using the C1Report Designer
Status bar: The status bar displays information about what the Designer is working on (for example,
loading, saving, printing, rendering, importing, etc).
The following sections explain how you can use the C1Report Designer to create, edit, use, and save report
definition files.
Creating a basic report definition
You can design your report to display your data in a variety of ways on the printed page. Using the C1Report
Designer, you can design comprehensive lists, summaries, or special subsets of data, like an invoice.
The easiest way to start a new report is to use the Report Wizard. Click the New Report button on the main
toolbar, or on the File menu, select New Report. The Report Wizard will appear, and will guide you through
five easy steps.
Creating a basic report definition · 85
1. Select the data source for the new report.
Use this page to select the ConnectionString and RecordSource that will be used to retrieve the data for
the report.
You can specify the ConnectionString in three ways:
Type the string directly into the editor.
Use the drop down list to select a recently used connection string (the Designer keeps a record of the
last eight connection strings).
Click the button with the ellipsis button (…) to bring up the standard connection string builder.
You can specify the RecordSource string in two ways:
Click the Table button and select a table from the list.
Click the SQL button and type (or paste) an SQL statement into the editor.
2. Select the fields you want to include in the report.
This page contains a list of the fields available from the recordset you selected in Step 1, and two lists that
define the group and detail fields for the report. Group fields define how the data will be sorted and
summarized, and detail fields define what information you want to appear in the report.
You can move fields from one list to another by dragging them. Drag fields into the Detail list to include
them in the report, or drag within the list to change their order. Drag fields back into the Available list to
remove them from the report.
86 · Using the C1Report Designer
3. Select the layout for the new report.
This page offers you several options to define how the data will be organized on the page. When you
select a layout, a thumbnail preview appears on the left to give you an idea of what the layout will look
like on the page. There are two groups of layouts, one for reports that have no groups and one for reports
with groups. Select the layout that best approximates what you want the final report to look like.
This page also allows you to select the page orientation and whether fields should be adjusted to fit the
page width.
The Labels layout option is used to print Avery-style labels. If you select this option, you will see a page
that prompts you for the type of label you want to print.
Creating a basic report definition · 87
4. Select the Style for the new report.
Group and No Group Layouts
This page allows you to select the fonts and colors that will be used in the new report. Like the
previous page, it shows a preview to give you an idea of what each style looks like. Select the one that
you like best (and remember, you can refine it and adjust the details later).
88 · Using the C1Report Designer
Label Layout Only
This page allows you to select the type of label you want to create. The Designer has over 170
predefined label types for you to choose from. The labels are divided into four groups, depending on
whether they use metric or English measurements, and on the type of paper they use (sheets or
continuous forms).
Creating a basic report definition · 89
5. Select a Title for the new report.
This last page allows you to select a title for the new report and to decide whether you would like to
preview the new report right away or whether you would like to go into edit mode and start improving the
design before previewing it.
90 · Using the C1Report Designer
If you choose to preview the report and click finish, you will immediately see the report in the preview
pane of the Designer. It should look like this:
Modifying the report layout
The report generated for you by the wizard is a good starting point, but you will usually need to adjust and
enhance it to get exactly what you want. You can do this with the Designer.
Modifying the report layout · 91
To start using the designer, click the Design button on the View toolbar or select Design in the View menu.
The right pane of the main window will switch from Review mode into Design mode, and it will show the
controls and fields that make up the report:
The picture shows how the report is divided into sections (Header, Page Header, etc). The sections contain
fields that hold the labels, variables, and expressions that you want in the printed report. In our example, the
Header section contains a label with the report title. The Page Header section contains labels that identify the
fields in the Detail section, and the Page Footer section contains fields that show the current time, the page
number and the total page count for the report.
The sections of the report determine what each page, group, and the beginning and end of the report look like.
The table below describes where each section appears in the report and what it is typically used for.
Report header Once per report
Typically Contains
The report title and summary information for the whole report. Page
header Once per page Labels that describe detail fields, and/or page
Group header
Once per group
Fields that identify the current group, and possibly aggregate values for
the group (for example, total, percentage of the grand total).
Once per record
Fields containing data from the source recordset.
Group footer
Once per group
Aggregate values for the group.
Page footer
Once per page
Page number, page count, date printed, report name.
Report footer
Once per report
Summary information for the whole report.
Note that you cannot add and delete sections directly. The number of groups determines the number of
sections in a report. Every report has exactly five fixed sections (Report Header/Footer, Page Header/Footer,
and Detail) plus two sections per group (a Header and a Footer). You can hide sections that you don't want to
display by setting their Visible property to False.
To enhance your report, you can add lines, rectangles, and pictures to any section. You can also modify the
existing fields and sections by changing their properties with the Property window, or move and resize them
with the mouse.
To resize a section, drag its border to the position where you want it. The rulers on the left and on top of the
design window show the size of each section (excluding the page margins). Note that you cannot make the
92 · Using the C1Report Designer
section smaller than the height and width required to contain the fields in it. To reduce the size of a section
beyond that, move or resize the fields in it first, then resize the section.
To see how this works, move the mouse to the area between the bottom of the Page Header section and the
gray bar on top of the Detail section. The mouse cursor will change to show that you are over the resizing
area. Click the mouse and drag the line down until the section is about twice its original height. Release the
button and the section will be resized.
Selecting, Moving, and Copying Fields
You can use the mouse to select fields in the report designer as usual:
Click a field to select it.
Shift-click a field to toggle its selected state.
Control-drag creates a copy of the selected fields.
Click the empty area and drag to select multiple fields.
Drag field corners to resize fields.
Double-click right or bottom field corners to autosize the field.
To select fields that intersect vertical or horizontal regions of the report, click and drag the mouse on the rulers
along the edges of the designer.
If fields are small or close together, it may be easier to select them by name. You can select fields and sections
by picking them from the drop-down list above the Property window.
The Show Grid and Snap to Grid buttons provide a grid that helps position controls at discrete positions.
While the grid is on, the top left corner of the fields will snap to the grid when you create or move fields. You
can change the grid units (English or metric) by selecting Options in the View menu.
When multiple fields are selected, you can use the buttons on the Format toolbar to align, resize, and space
them. When you click any of these buttons, the last field in the selection is used as a reference and the settings
are applied to the remaining fields in the selection.
The Apply Style button applies the style of the reference field to the entire selection. The style of a field
includes all font, color, line, alignment, and margin properties. You can use the property grid to apply set the
value of individual properties to the entire selection.
If some fields overlap, you can control their z-order using the Bring to Front/Send to Back buttons. This will
determine which fields are rendered before (behind) the others.
The Report Designer also allows you to select and move fields using the keyboard:
Use the TAB key to select the next field.
Use SHIFT-TAB to select the previous field.
Use the arrow keys to move the selection one pixel at a time (or shift arrow to by 5 pixels).
Use the DELETE key to delete the selected fields.
When a single field is selected, you can type into it to set the Text property.
Changing Field, Section, and Report properties · 93
After you have placed the fields in the desired positions, you can lock them to prevent inadvertently moving
them with the mouse or keyboard. Use the Lock Fields button to lock and unlock the fields.
Changing Field, Section, and Report properties
Once an object is selected, you can use the Property window to edit its properties.
When one or more fields are selected, the Property window will show property values that all fields have in
common, and will leave the other properties blank. If no fields are selected and you click on a section (or on
the bar above a section), the Section properties will be displayed. If you click the gray area in the background,
the Report properties will be displayed.
To see how this works, click the label in the Header section and change its Font and ForeColor properties.
You can also change a field's position and dimensions by typing new values for the Left, Top, Width, and
Height properties.
The Property window expresses all measurements in twips (the native unit used by C1Report), but you can
type in values in other units (in, cm, mm, pix, pt) and they will be automatically converted into twips. For
example, if you set the field's Height property to "0.5in", the Property window will convert it into 720 twips.
Changing the data source
The data source is defined by the ConnectionString, RecordSource, and Filter properties. These are regular
Report properties and may be set using the Property window and clicking on the background area where there
are no sections.
Or click the DataSource button to get a dialog box that allows you to set the ConnectionString and
RecordSource properties directly.
Adding fields to the report
Use the ToolBox to add fields to your report. Each button creates a field and initializes its properties as
Label field
Creates a field that displays static text.
Bound field
Creates a field that is bound to the source
recordset. When you click this button, a menu
appears and you can select the recordset field.
Bound Fields are not limited to displaying raw
data from the database. You can edit their Text
property and use any VBScript expression.
Checkbox field
Creates a bound field that displays a Boolean
value as a check box. By default, the checkbox
displays a regular checkmark. You can change it
into a radio button or crossmark by changing the
value of the field's Checkbox property after it has
been created.
94 · Using the C1Report Designer
Barcode field
Creates a field that displays a barcode. When you
click this button, a menu appears where you can
select other fields that are contained in the same
report definition file to be displayed as a barcode.
RTF field
Creates a RTF field. When you click this button,
a menu appears where you can select other fields
that are contained in the same report definition
file to be displayed in RTF format.
Expression field
Creates a calculated field. When you click this
button, the code editor dialog box will appear so
you can enter the VBScript expression whose
value you want to display.
Common expression field
Creates a field with a commonly used expression.
When you click this button, a menu appears and
you can select expressions that render the date or
time when the report was created or printed, the
page number, page count, or "page n of m", or
the report name.
Unbound Picture field
Creates a field that displays a static picture, such
as a logo. When you click this button, a dialog
box will appear to prompt you for a picture file to
insert in the report. A copy will be made of the
picture you select and placed in the same
directory as the report file. You must distribute
this file with the application unless you embed
the report file in the application. When you
embed a report file in your application, any
unbound picture files are embedded too.
Bound Picture field
Creates a field that displays a picture (or object)
stored in the recordset. When you click this
button, a menu appears so you can select a
picture field in the source recordset (if there is
one; not all recordsets contain this type of field).
Line field
Creates a line. Lines are often used as separators.
Rectangle field
Creates a rectangle. Rectangles are often used to
highlight groups of fields or to create tables and
Subreport field
Creates a field that displays another report. When
you click this button, a menu appears and you
can select other reports that are contained in the
same report definition file.
Page Break field
Creates a field that inserts a page break.
After you click any of these buttons, drag the mouse over the report and the cursor will change into a crosshair. Click and drag to define the rectangle that the new field will occupy, and then release the button to create
the new field. If you change your mind, hit the ESC key or click the arrow button to cancel the operation.
Note that C1Report only has one type of Field object. The buttons simply set some properties on the Field
object to make it look and act in a certain way.
Linking subreports to the main report · 95
You can also add fields by copying and pasting existing fields, or by holding down the control key and
dragging a field or group of fields to a new position to create a copy. To see how this works, click the
Unbound Picture button and select a picture file. Then move the mouse over the Page Header section and
mark a rectangular area above the first label. The picture you selected will appear in the area you marked.
Linking subreports to the main report
Subreports are regular reports contained in a field in another report (the main report).
Subreports are usually designed to display detail information based on a current value in the main report, in a
master-detail scenario. For example, the main report may contain orders, and a subreport in the detail section
will contain order details for the current order.
This master-detail relationship is controlled by the Text property of the subreport field. This property should
contain an expression that evaluates into a filter condition that can be applied to the subreport data source.
The Report Designer can build this expression automatically for you. Right-click the subreport field and select
the Link Subreport menu. This will show a dialog that allows you to select which fields should be linked.
Once you make a selection and click OK, the Report Designer will build the link expression and assign it to
the Text property of the subreport field. In this case, the expression is:
"[OrderID] = '" & [OrderID] & "'"
Grouping and sorting data
After designing the basic layout, you may decide that grouping the records by certain fields or other criteria
would make the report easier to read. Grouping allows you to separate groups of records visually and display
introductory and summary data for each group. The group break is based on a grouping expression. This
expression is usually based on one or more recordset fields but it can be as complex as you like.
Groups are also used for sorting the data, even if you don't plan to show the Group Header and Footer
To add or edit the groups in the report, click the Sorting and Grouping button or select in the View menu
Grouping Window. The Sorting and Grouping dialog box will appear. You can use this dialog box to create,
edit, reorder, and delete groups.
To create a group, click the Add button and set the properties for the new group.
The Group By field defines how the records will be grouped in the report. For simple grouping, you can select
fields directly from the drop-down list. For more complex grouping, you can type grouping expressions. For
96 · Using the C1Report Designer
example, you could use "Country" to group by country or "Left(Country, 1)" to group by country initial. To
follow along with our report, select "Country" for the Group By expression.
Next, select the type of sorting you want ("Ascending" in our example). You can also specify whether the new
group will have visible Header and Footer sections, and whether the group should be rendered together on a
Note: You cannot use memo or binary (object) fields for grouping and sorting. This is a limitation imposed by
Here's what the Sorting and Grouping dialog box should look like at this point:
If you add more fields, you can change their order using the arrow buttons on the right of the group list. This
will automatically adjust the position of the Group Header and Footer sections in the report. To delete a field,
use the Delete button.
Once you are done arranging the fields, click OK to dismiss the dialog box and see the changes in the
Designer. There are two new sections, a Header and Footer for the new group. Both have height zero at this
point, you can expand them by dragging the edges with the mouse. Notice that the group header section is
visible, and the footer is not. This is because we checked the Group Header button in the dialog, and left the
Group Footer button unchecked. Invisible sections are displayed with a hatch pattern to indicate they are
On the gray bars that mark the top of the new sections there are labels that contain the section name and the
value of the group's GroupBy property.
Previewing and printing your report · 97
To see how groups work, click the Bound Field button, select "Country" from the menu and mark an area in
the newly created Group Header Section. Click the new field to select it and change its Font property to make
the new field stand out a little.
Previewing and printing your report
To preview a report, select it from the Report List on the left pane of the Designer window and click the
Preview button, or select the Preview in the View menu. The report will be displayed on the right pane, as
shown below:
The main window has a preview navigation toolbar, with buttons that let you page through the document and
select the zoom mode.
At this point, you can print the report by clicking the Print button or in the File menu, select Print.
Exporting and publishing your report
Instead of printing the report, you may want to export it into a file and distribute it electronically to your
clients or co-workers. The Designer supports several export formats, listed below:
Creates an XLS file that can be opened by Microsoft Excel.
Paged HMTL
Creates one HTML file for each page in the report. The HTML pages
contain links that let the user navigate the report.
Drill-Down HTML
Creates a single HTML file with sections that can be collapsed and
expanded by the user by clicking on them.
Plain HMTL
Creates a single HTML file with no drill-down functionality.
Creates a PDF file that can be viewed on any computer equipped with
Adobe's Acrobat viewer or browser plug-ins.
PDF with embedded fonts
Creates a PDF file with embedded font information for extra portability.
This option significantly increases the size of the PDF file.
98 · Using the C1Report Designer
Creates an RTF file that can be opened by most popular word
processors (for example, Microsoft Word, WordPad).
Creates a plain text file.
Creates a multi-page TIFF file.
To create an export file, in the File menu select Export and use the File Save dialog box to select the type of
file you want to create, its name, and location.
Saving your report definition
When you are done creating and viewing your report, use the Save button or the in the File menu, select Save
to save the report definition file. The Designer will save the report definition in XML format, which can be
read back into the Designer or directly into a C1Report component.
Managing your report definition files
A report definition file may contain several reports. Occasionally, you may want to copy or move a report
from one file to another.
To move a report from one file to another, open two instances of the Designer and drag the report from one
instance to the other. If you hold down the control key while doing this, the report will be copied. Otherwise, it
will be moved.
You can also copy a report within a single file. This will create a new copy of the report, which is a good way
to start designing a new report that is similar to an existing one.
Note that the report definition files are saved in XML, so you can also edit and maintain them using any text
Importing Microsoft Access reports
One of the most powerful features of the C1Report Designer is the ability to import reports created with
Microsoft Access. This feature requires Access to be installed on the computer. Once the report is imported
into the Designer, Access is no longer required.
To import reports from an Access file, click the Import button or in the File menu, select Import. A dialog box
will prompt you for the name of the file you want to import.
Importing Microsoft Access reports · 99
Select a Microsoft Access file (MDB or ADP) and the designer scan the file and show a dialog where you can
select which reports you would like to import:
The dialog also allows you to specify if the designer should clear all currently defined reports before starting
the import process.
The import process handles most elements of the source reports, with a few exceptions listed below:
Event handler code
Access reports can use VBA, macros and forms to format the report dynamically. C1Report can do
the same things, but it only uses VBScript. Because of this, all report code needs to be translated
Form-oriented field types
Access reports may include certain fields that are not handled by the Designer's import procedure. The
field types not supported are Chart, CommandButton, ToggleButton, OptionButton, OptionGroup,
ComboBox, ListBox, TabCtl, and CustomControl.
Reports that use VBScript reserved words
Because Access does not use VBScript, you may have designed reports that use VBScript reserved
words as identifiers for report objects or dataset field names. This causes problems when the VBScript
engine tries to evaluate the expression, and will prevent the report from rendering correctly.
Reserved words you shouldn't use as identifiers include Date, Day, Hour, Length, Minute, Month,
Second, Time, TimeValue, Value, Weekday, and Year. For a complete list, please refer to a VBScript
Reports that sort dates by quarter (or weekday, month of the year, and so on)
C1Report uses the ADO.NET dataset Sort property to sort groups. This property sorts datasets according
to field values only and does not take expressions. (Note that you can group according to an arbitrary
expression, but you can't sort.) An Access report that sorts groups by quarter will sort them by date after it
is imported. To fix this, you have two options: Either create a field that contains the value for the
expression you want to sort on or change the SQL statement that creates the dataset and perform the
sorting that way.
These limitations affect a relatively small number of reports, but you should preview all reports after importing
them, to make sure they still work correctly.
100 · Using the C1Report Designer
To illustrate how the Designer fares in a real-life example, try importing the NWind.mdb file. It contains 13
reports, listed below with some comments. (The NWind.XML file that ships with C1Report already contains
all the modifications described below.)
1. Alphabetical List of Products
No action required.
2. Catalog
No action required.
3. Customer Labels
No action required.
Employee Sales by Country
This report contains code which needs to be translated manually. The following code should be assigned
to the Group 1 Header Section's OnPrint event:
Visual Basic
If SalespersonTotal > 5000 Then
ExceededGoalLabel.Visible = True
SalespersonLine.Visible = True
ExceededGoalLabel.Visible = False
SalespersonLine.Visible = False
End If
if ( SalespersonTotal > 5000 )
ExceededGoalLabel.Visible = true;
SalespersonLine.Visible = true;
} else {
ExceededGoalLabel.Visible = false;
SalespersonLine.Visible = false;
if (SalespersonTotal > 5000) then
ExceededGoalLabel.Visible := True;
SalespersonLine.Visible := True;
ExceededGoalLabel.Visible := False;
SalespersonLine.Visible := False;
5. Invoice
No action required.
6. Products by Category
No action required.
7. Sales by Category
Importing Microsoft Access reports · 101
This report contains a Chart control that is not imported. To add a chart to your report, you could use an
unbound picture field, then write a VB event handler that would create the chart and assign it to the field
as a picture.
8. Sales by Category Subreport
No action required.
9. Sales by Year
This report contains code and references to a Form object which need to be translated manually. To
replace the Form object, edit the RecordSource property to add a [Show Details] parameter:
Visual Basic
PARAMETERS (Beginning Date) DateTime 1/1/1994,
(Ending Date) DateTime 1/1/2001,
(Show Details) Boolean False; ...
PARAMETERS [Beginning Date] DateTime 1/1/1994,
[Ending Date] DateTime 1/1/2001,
[Show Details] Boolean False; ...
PARAMETERS [Beginning Date] DateTime 1/1/1994,
[Ending Date] DateTime 1/1/2001,
[Show Details] Boolean False; ...
Use the new parameter in the report's OnOpen event:
Visual Basic
Report.OnOpen = "b = [Show Details]" & vbCrLf & _
" Detail.Visible = b" & vbCrLf & _
" [Group 0 Footer].Visible = b" & vbCrLf & _
" DetailsLabel.Visible = b" & vbCrLf & _
" LineNumberLabel2.Visible = b" & vbCrLf & _
" Line15.Visible = b" & vbCrLf & _
" SalesLabel2.Visible = b" & vbCrLf & _
" OrdersShippedLabel2.Visible = b" & vbCrLf & _
" ShippedDateLabel2.Visible = b" & vbCrLf & _
" Line10.Visible = b"
Report.OnOpen = "b = [Show Details]" +
" Detail.Visible = b\r\n" +
" [Group 0 Footer].Visible = b\r\n" +
" DetailsLabel.Visible = b\r\n" +
" LineNumberLabel2.Visible = b\r\n" +
" Line15.Visible = b\r\n" +
" SalesLabel2.Visible = b\r\n" +
" OrdersShippedLabel2.Visible = b\r\n" +
" ShippedDateLabel2.Visible = b\r\n" +
" Line10.Visible = b";
Report.OnOpen := 'b = [Show Details]'#13#10 +
' Detail.Visible = b'#13#10 +
' [Group 0 Footer].Visible = b'#13#10 +
' DetailsLabel.Visible = b'#13#10 +
' LineNumberLabel2.Visible = b'#13#10 +
102 · Using the C1Report Designer
Line15.Visible = b'#13#10 +
SalesLabel2.Visible = b'#13#10 +
OrdersShippedLabel2.Visible = b'#13#10 +
ShippedDateLabel2.Visible = b'#13#10 +
Line10.Visible = b';
Finally, two more lines of code need to be translated:
Visual Basic
Sections ("Detail").OnPrint = _
"PageHeader.Visible = True"
Sections("Group 0 Footer).OnPrint = _
"PageHeader.Visible = False"
Sections ("Detail").OnPrint =
"PageHeader.Visible = true";
Sections("Group 0 Footer).OnPrint =
"PageHeader.Visible = false";
Sections['Detail'].OnPrint := 'PageHeader.Visible = True';
Sections['Group 0 Footer'].OnPrint := 'PageHeader.Visible = False';
10. Sales by Year Subreport
No action required.
11. Sales Totals by Amount
This report contains code that needs to be translated manually. The following code should be assigned to
the Page Header Section's OnPrint event:
Visual Basic
PageTotal = 0
PageTotal = 0;
PageTotal := 0;
The following code should be assigned to the Detail Section's OnPrint event:
Visual Basic
PageTotal = PageTotal + SaleAmount
HiddenPageBreak.Visible = (Counter = 10)
PageTotal = PageTotal + SaleAmount;
HiddenPageBreak.Visible = (Counter = 10);
PageTotal := PageTotal + SaleAmount;
HiddenPageBreak.Visible := Counter = 10;
Importing Crystal reports · 103
12. Summary of Sales by Quarter
This report has a group that is sorted by quarter (see item 4 above). To fix this, add a field to the source
dataset that contains the value of the ShippedDate quarter, by changing the RecordSource property as
[Order Subtotals].Subtotal,
DatePart("q",Orders.ShippedDate) As ShippedQuarter
FROM Orders INNER JOIN [Order Subtotals]
ON Orders.OrderID = [Order Subtotals].OrderID
WHERE (((Orders.ShippedDate) Is Not Null));
Change the group's GroupBy property to use the new field, ShippedQuarter.
13. Summary of Sales by Year
No action required.
Summarizing the information on the table: out of 13 reports imported from the NorthWind database, eight did
not require any editing, three required some code translation, one required changes to the SQL statement and
one had a chart control that was not replaced.
Importing Crystal reports
The C1Report Designer can also import Crystal report definition files (.rpt files).
To import reports from a Crystal report definition file, click the Import button or in the File menu, select
Import. A dialog box will prompt you for the name of the file you want to import.
Select a Crystal report definition file (RPT) and the designer will convert the report into the C1Report format.
The import process handles most elements of the source reports, with a few exceptions for elements that are
not exposed by the Crystal object model or not supported by C1Report. The exceptions include image fields,
charts, and cross-tab fields.
Load report definitions · 105
C1Report Task-Based Help
The task-based help assumes that you are familiar with programming in .NET, have a basic knowledge of
reports, and know how to use controls in general. By following the steps outlined in the help, you will be able
to create projects demonstrating a variety of C1Report features, and get a good sense of what the C1Report
component can do.
Most of the topics below have pre-built reports that illustrate them. The pre-built reports can be found in the
CommonTasks.xml report definition file, which is available for download from the ComponentOne
HelpCentral Sample page.
Load report definitions
C1Report works by combining a report definition with raw data to create reports. In order to create reports,
you need to load the report definition into C1Report. There are several ways to do that:
Load a report definition from a file
You can use the C1Report Designer to create report definition files. Report definition files are XML files that
may contain one or more report definitions. For details on how to use the C1Report Designer, see the Using
the C1Report Designer (page 83) section of the documentation.
To load a report definition from a file at design time, right-click the C1Report component and select the Load
Report menu option. Use the Report Picker dialog to select the report you want, click Load and close the
dialog. This is what the report picker dialog looks like:
To load a report definition from a file at run time, use the C1Report Load method. It takes as parameters the
name of the report definition file and the name of the report you want to load. If you want to list the reports
contained in a report definition file, use the C1Report GetReportInfo method. It returns a list of the reports in
the file.
For example:
Visual Basic
' get list of reports in a report definition file
Dim reports As String() = c1r1.GetReportInfo(reportFile)
106 · C1Report Task-Based Help
' load first report into c1r1 component
c1r1.Load(reportFile, reports(0))
// get list of reports in a report definition file
string[] reports = c1r1.GetReportInfo(reportFile);
// load first report into c1r1 component
c1r1.Load(reportFile, reports[0]);
reportFile: String;
reports: array of String;
// defined elsewhere
// get list of reports in a report definition file
reports := c1r1.GetReportInfo(reportFile);
// load first report into c1r1 component
c1r1.Load(reportFile, reports[0]);
Create or modify a report definition at design time
You can also use the C1Report Designer directly from Visual Studio, without report definition files. To create
or edit a report definition at design time, right-click the C1Report component and select the Edit Report menu
option. This will start the C1Report Designer, where you can change the report definition. When you are
done, close the designer and the component will be automatically updated with the modified report definition.
Load a report definition from a string
C1Report has a ReportDefinition property that allows you to get or set the entire report definition as a string.
This is a convenient way to store and retrieve report definitions in databases or in data structures within your
The ReportDefinition string contains the exact same XML that would be stored in the report definition file.
For example:
Visual Basic
' load report definition into c1r1 component
c1r1.Load(reportFile, reportName)
' copy report definition to the clipboard
Dim repDef As String = c1r1.ReportDefinition
' copy report definition to c1r2 component
c1r2.ReportDefinition = repDef
// load report definition into c1r1 component
c1r1.Load(reportFile, reportName);
// copy report definition to the clipboard
string repDef = c1r1.ReportDefinition;
Load report data · 107
// copy report definition to c1r2 component
c1r2.ReportDefinition = repDef;
reportFile: String;
reportName: String;
repDef: String;
// defined elsewhere
// defined elsewhere
// load report definition into c1r1 component
c1r1.Load(reportFile, reportName);
// copy report definition to the clipboard
repDef := c1r1.ReportDefinition;
// copy report definition to c1r2 component
c1r2.ReportDefinition := repDef;
Create a report definition using code
C1Report exposes a rich object model that allows you to create entire reports using code. That is how the
C1Report Designer works. It starts with a Wizard that presents some options to the user, then adds groups and
fields to the report based on the user's choices. This is useful in cases where you want to create your own
report designers, fully customized ad-hoc reports, or special reports without a pre-defined structure (i.e. data
Load report data
In addition to a report definition, C1Report needs the actual data to create the report. In most cases, the data
comes from a database, but there are other options.
Let C1Report load the data from a database
The simplest option for loading the report data is to set the C1Report DataSource properties
ConnectionString and RecordSource. If these properties are set, C1Report uses them to load the data from
the database automatically and no additional work is needed.
Let C1Report load the data from an XSD file
Another option is to set the ConnectionString property to the name of an XSD file. XSD files contain XML
representations of ADO.NET DataSet objects. In this case, set the RecordSource property to the name of a
table in the DataSet.
Note: To create an XSD file, take an existing DataSet object and call the WriteXml method using the
XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema parameter.
Use a DataTable object as a data source
Many applications need to work on the data outside of C1Report and load it into DataTable objects. In these
cases, you may use these objects as report data sources, avoiding the need to load them again when rendering
the report.
108 · C1Report Task-Based Help
This approach is also useful in applications where:
Security restrictions dictate that connection strings must be kept private and only the data itself may
be exposed (not its source)
The database is not supported by OleDb (the provider used internally by C1Report).
The data does not come from a database at all. Instead, the DataTable is created and populated using
custom code.
To use a DataTable object as a C1Report data source, simply load the report definition and then assign the
DataTable to the C1Report Recordset property. For example:
Visual Basic
' load DataTable from cache or from a secure/custom provider
Dim dt As DataTable = GetMyDataTable()
' load report definition (before setting the data source)
c1r1.Load(reportFile, reportName)
' use DataTable as the data source for the c1r1 component
c1r1.DataSource.Recordset = dt
// load DataTable from cache or from a secure/custom provider
DataTable dt = GetMyDataTable();
// load report definition (before setting the data source)
c1r1.Load(reportFile, reportName);
// use DataTable as the data source for the c1r1 component
c1r1.DataSource.Recordset = dt;
reportFile: String;
reportName: String;
dt: DataTable;
// defined elsewhere
// defined elsewhere
// load DataTable from cache or from a secure/custom provider
dt := GetMyDataTable();
// load report definition (before setting the data source)
c1r1.Load(reportFile, reportName);
// use DataTable as the data source for the c1r1 component
c1r1.DataSource.Recordset := dt;
Use a custom data source objects
Finally, you can use custom objects as data sources. The only requirement is that the custom object must
implement the IC1ReportRecordset interface.
IC1ReportRecordset is a simple and easy-to-implement interface that can be added easily to virtually any
collection of data. This is often more efficient than creating a DataTable object and copying all the data into it.
For example, you could use custom data source objects to wrap a file system or custom XML files.
Render reports (preview, print, export) · 109
To use a custom data source objects, load the report definition and then assign the object to the C1Report
Recordset property. For example:
Visual Basic
' get custom data source object
Dim rs As IC1ReportRecordset = CType(GetMyCustomDataSource(),
' load report definition (before setting the data source)
c1r1.Load(reportFile, reportName)
' use custom data source object in c1r1 component
c1r1.DataSource.Recordset = rs
// get custom data source object
IC1ReportRecordset rs = (IC1ReportRecordset)GetMyCustomDataSource();
// load report definition (before setting the data source)
c1r1.Load(reportFile, reportName);
// use custom data source object in c1r1 component
c1r1.DataSource.Recordset = rs;
reportFile: String;
reportName: String;
rs: IC1ReportRecordset;
// defined elsewhere
// defined elsewhere
// get custom data source object
rs := GetMyCustomDataSource() as IC1ReportRecordset;
// load report definition (before setting the data source)
c1r1.Load(reportFile, reportName);
// use custom data source object in c1r1 component
c1r1.DataSource.Recordset := rs;
Render reports (preview, print, export)
Once the report definition has been loaded into the component and a data source has been defined, you can
render the report to the printer, into preview controls, or to report files.
Print reports
To print a report directly to the printer, use the C1Report Document property. This property returns a
standard PrintDocument object that has a Print method and exposes printer and page settings.
For example, the code below shows a print dialog and prints the report:
Visual Basic
' load report definition
c1r1.Load(reportFile, reportName);
110 · C1Report Task-Based Help
' get PrintDocument object
PrintDocument doc = c1r1.Document;
' show a PrintDialog so user can customize the printing
Dim pd As PrintDialog = New PrintDialog()
' use PrinterSettings in report document
pd.PrinterSettings = doc.PrinterSettings;
' show the dialog and print the report
If pd.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
End If
' cleanup and release PrintDialog resources
// load report definition
c1r1.Load(reportFile, reportName);
// get PrintDocument object
PrintDocument doc = c1r1.Document;
// show a PrintDialog so user can customize the printing
PrintDialog pd = new PrintDialog();
// use PrinterSettings in report document
pd.PrinterSettings = doc.PrinterSettings;
// show the dialog and print the report
if (pd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
// cleanup and release PrintDialog resources
reportFile: String;
reportName: String;
doc: PrintDocument;
pd: PrintDialog;
// defined elsewhere
// defined elsewhere
// load the report definition
c1r1.Load(reportFile, reportName);
// get PrintDocument object
doc := c1r1.Document;
// show a PrintDialog so user can customize the printing
pd := PrintDialog.Create();
// user PrinterSettings in report document
pd.PrinterSettings := doc.PrinterSettings;
Render reports (preview, print, export) · 111
// show the dialog and print the report
if (pd.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK) then
// cleanup and release PrintDialog resources
Preview reports
You can also use the use the C1Report Document property to preview the report. Assign it to the Document
property in the C1Preview control or to the .NET PrintPreview or PrintPreviewDialog controls and the
preview controls will display the report and allow the user to browse, zoom, or print it. For example:
Visual Basic
' load report definition
c1r1.Load(reportFile, reportName)
' preview the document
c1preview1.Document = c1r1.Document
// load report definition
c1r1.Load(reportFile, reportName);
// preview the document
c1preview1.Document = c1r1.Document;
// load report definition
c1r1.Load(reportFile, reportName);
// preview the document
c1preview1.Document := c1r1.Document;
Note: C1Report works with the .NET preview components, but it is optimized to work with C1Preview.
When used with C1Preview, you can see each report page as it is generated. With the standard controls, you
have to wait until the entire report is ready before the first page is displayed.
Export the report to common file formats
C1Report has a RenderToFile method that allows you to export your report to several file formats, including
HTML, RTF, PDF, TIFF, Text, and XLS. For example, the code below creates PDF and XLS versions of a
Visual Basic
' load report definition
c1r1.Load(reportFile, reportName)
' export to Pdf
c1r1.RenderToFile(outFile + ".pdf", FileFormatEnum.PDF)
c1r1.RenderToFile(outFile + ".xls", FileFormatEnum.Excel)
// load report definition
c1r1.Load(reportFile, reportName);
// export to Pdf
c1r1.RenderToFile(outFile + ".pdf", FileFormatEnum.PDF);
c1r1.RenderToFile(outFile + ".xls", FileFormatEnum.Excel);
112 · C1Report Task-Based Help
// load report definition
c1r1.Load(reportFile, reportName);
// export to Pdf
c1r1.RenderToFile(outFile +'.pdf', FileFormatEnum.PDF);
c1r1.RenderToFile(outFile +'.xls', FileFormatEnum.Excel);
Export the report to custom formats
If you want to export the report to a format that is not supported by C1Report, you can write your own export
filter class and use the RenderToFilter method to render the report into your custom filter.
Custom filters are classes that derive from the C1.Win.C1Report.ExportFilter class and override a few simple
methods like StartReport, StartSection, RenderField, EndSection, and EndReport.
Writing a custom export filter is not difficult. It can be used for example to create custom XML representations
of your reports for later processing by other applications.
Display a Progress Indicator while the report renders
Most preview applications have progress indicators that show which page is being rendered and have a button
that allows the user to cancel the report while it is being generated. The .NET print preview controls provide
this automatically for you.
If you are printing the report directly to the printer or exporting it to a file, however, there is no built-in
progress report UI.
To create a progress report dialog, or to update a status bar while the report is being rendered, you should use
C1Report events. The StartPage and EndReport events are sufficient to provide feedback on which page is
being printed and when the report is finished. To cancel the report before it is finished, add a Cancel button to
your application and use it to set the C1Report Cancel property to true.
You may also want to provide progress bars and "page n of m" indicators, but that is generally difficult to do
because the page count is not knows until the report has been rendered.
For a generic example, see the "ProgressIndicator" sample available for download at ComponentOne
Create a report with Alternating Background Color ('Greenbar')
To create a report with alternating background color, use the OnPrint event of the detail section to change the
BackColor property of the section. For example:
' VBScript: Report.OnOpen event
' initialize counter
cnt = 0
' VBScript: Detail.OnPrint event
' alternate back color
cnt = cnt + 1
if cnt mod 2 = 0 then
detail.backcolor = rgb(200,220,200)
detail.backcolor = rgb(255,255,255)
Whenever a detail section is rendered, the counter is incremented and the BackColor property of the detail
section is toggled.
See report "01: Alternating Background (Greenbar report)" in CommonTasks.xml, which is available for
download from the ComponentOne HelpCentral Sample page.
Create a report with a Custom Paper Size · 113
Create a report with a Custom Paper Size
By default, C1Report creates reports using the default paper size on the default printer.
You can specify the paper size and orientation using the PaperSize and Orientation properties. However,
C1Report checks that the selected paper size is available on the current printer before rendering, and changes
to the default paper size if the selected setting is not available.
If you want to specify a certain paper size and use it regardless of the printers available, set the PaperSize
property to Custom, and set the CustomWidth and CustomHeight properties to the page dimensions (in
For example, the code below sets the report paper size to 25 x 11", regardless of what is available on the
Visual Basic
c1r1.Layout.PaperSize = PaperKind.Custom
c1r1.Layout.CustomHeight = 25 * 1440 ' in twips
c1r1.Layout.CustomWidth = 11 * 1440
c1r1.Layout.PaperSize = PaperKind.Custom;
c1r1.Layout.CustomHeight = 25 * 1440; // in twips
c1r1.Layout.CustomWidth = 11 * 1440;
c1r1.Layout.PaperSize := PaperKind.Custom;
c1r1.Layout.CustomHeight := 25 * 1440 // in twips
c1r1.Layout.CustomWidth := 11 * 1440;
Note that you can make these settings using the property grid in the report designer. The property grid allows
you to type in measurements with units, and converts them into twips automatically. If you type "11in", the
grid will display the measurement in twips (36000).
See report "02: Custom Paper Size" in CommonTasks.xml, which is available for download from the
ComponentOne HelpCentral Sample page.
Create a report with Unbound Images
Unbound images are static images such as logos and watermarks that are not stored in the database.
To add bound image fields in the C1Report Designer, click the Unbound Image button. This will show a
dialog where you can pick the image file you want to include in the report. The image file can be embedded in
the report definition, or it can be a reference to an external file. In the Designer's View menu, select Options
to choose the option you prefer.
See report " 03: Unbound Images" in CommonTasks.xml, which is available for download from the
ComponentOne HelpCentral Sample page.
Create a report with Bound Images
Bound images are images stored in database fields. To display these images in your reports, add a field to the
report and set its Picture property to a string containing the name of the column where the image is stored.
For example, if the field "Photo" in the database contains embedded OLE objects or raw image streams, and
the report contains a field called "fEmployeePhoto", then the following code would display the employee
photo in the field:
Visual Basic
fEmployeePhoto.Picture = "Photo"
114 · C1Report Task-Based Help
fEmployeePhoto.Picture = "Photo";
fEmployeePhoto.Picture :='Photo';
To add bound image fields in the C1Report Designer, click the Bound Image button. This will show a menu
with all binary fields in the current data source, where you can select the field you want to add to the report.
See report "04: Bound Images" in CommonTasks.xml, which is available for download from the
ComponentOne HelpCentral Sample page.
Create a report with a Watermark
Watermarks are images displayed behind the report content. The images are often washed-out to prevent them
from interfering with the actual report content.
To display an image as a watermark, set the Picture property to a file that contains the image. You can also
control the way the watermark is scaled and the pages on which it should appear using the PictureAlign and
PictureShow properties.
See report " 05: Watermark" in CommonTasks.xml, which is available for download from the ComponentOne
HelpCentral Sample page.
Create a report with CanGrow/CanShrink fields
It is common for report fields to have content that may span multiple lines or collapse to no lines at all. In
some cases, you may want to allow these fields to grow or shrink to fit their content rather than clip the excess
or leave white spaces in the report.
To do this, set the Field object's CanGrow and CanShrink properties to true.
Fields that grow push down the fields below them. Likewise, fields that can shrink push up the fields below
them. Below in this case means "strictly" below, as shown in the diagram below:
Field 1 will push or pull fields 2 and 3 when it grows or shrinks. Field 4 will not be affected because it is not
directly below field 1. The shaded area in the diagram shows the region affected by field 1.
If you want field 4 to remain aligned with fields 2 and 3, add an extra field spanning the whole area above
fields 2 and 3. The new field will be pushed down by field 1 and will in turn push fields 2, 3, and 4. The
diagram below shows this new layout:
Control Page Breaks in a report · 115
See report "06: CanGrow CanShrink" in CommonTasks.xml, which is available for download from the
ComponentOne HelpCentral Sample page.
Control Page Breaks in a report
By default, C1Report fills each page until the bottom, inserts a page break, and continues rendering in the next
page. You can override this behavior using several properties:
KeepTogether: Determines whether group header sections are allowed to render on a page by
themselves, if they must be rendered with at least one detail section, or if the entire group should be
kept together on a page.
KeepTogether: Determines whether page breaks are allowed within sections. It has lower precedence
than KeepTogether.
ForcePageBreak: Allows you to specify that page breaks should be inserted before, after, or before
and after the section.
KeepTogether: Determines whether page breaks are allowed within fields. This allows long text fields
to span multiple pages. It has lower precedence than KeepTogether.
ForcePageBreak: Allows you to specify that page breaks should be inserted before, after, or before
and after the field.
You set these properties at design time, and you can use script to change these them while the report is being
rendered. For example, the script below causes page breaks after each 10 detail sections:
' VBScript: Report.OnOpen event
cnt = 0 ' initialize detail counter
' VBScript: Detail.OnPrint event
cnt = cnt + 1
detail.forcepagebreak = "none"
if cnt >= 10 then
cnt = 0
detail.forcepagebreak = "after"
See report "07: Force Page Breaks" in CommonTasks.xml, which is available for download from the
ComponentOne HelpCentral Sample page.
Define and use Global Constants in a report
There is no special mechanism for doing this, but you can add hidden fields to the report and use their values
as global parameters.
For example, if you add a field called "linesPerPage" to the report, set its Text property to a number, and
Visible to false, then you can control the number of detail lines per page using a script similar to the one
described above:
' VBScript: Report.OnOpen event
cnt = 0 ' initialize detail counter
' VBScript: Detail.OnPrint event
cnt = cnt + 1
detail.forcepagebreak = "none"
if cnt >= linesPerPage then
cnt = 0
detail.forcepagebreak = "after"
116 · C1Report Task-Based Help
The value in the "linesPerPage" field can be set prior to rendering the report, by changing the field's Text
See report "08: Global Constant" in CommonTasks.xml, which is available for download from the
ComponentOne HelpCentral Sample page.
Change Page Headers dynamically
C1Report has PageHeader and PageFooter properties that allow you to specify whether page header and page
footer sections should appear on all pages, or be suppressed on the pages that contain the report header and
report footer sections.
Sometimes you may want to further customize this behavior. For example, you may want to render different
headers on odd and even pages. This can be done with some script that shows or hides fields depending on the
page being rendered.
For example, if a report header contains several fields named "h<x>odd" and "h<x>even", then the following
script would show or hide these fields for odd and even pages:
' VBSsript: PageHeader.OnFormat event
odd = (page mod 2 <> 0)
h1odd.Visible = odd
h2odd.Visible = odd
h1even.Visible = not odd
h2even.Visible = not odd
To prevent the page header from showing blank spaces, all the fields should have the CanShrink property set
to true.
See report "09: Dynamic Page Header" in CommonTasks.xml, which is available for download from the
ComponentOne HelpCentral Sample page.
Create a report with a Gutter margin
Gutter margins are extra space added to the margins next to the binding. They make it easier to bind the pages
into folders, brochures, etc.
To add a gutter margin to a report, you should increase the MarginLeft property on odd pages and use the
default value on even pages. This can be done with script that changes the margins based on the page being
rendered. For example:
' VBScript: Report.OnOpen
gutter = report.layout.marginleft ' initialize variable
' VBScript: Report.OnPage
report.layout.marginleft = _
iif(page mod 2 = 1, gutter, gutter - 1440)
See report "10: Gutter" in CommonTasks.xml, which is available for download from the ComponentOne
HelpCentral Sample page.
Create reports with Charts
In the initial versions of C1Report, adding charts to reports required handling the StartSection event,
generating the chart, and assigning the chart image to a field's Picture property. This is not hard to do, and
continues to be the most flexible way to add dynamic images to reports.
However, this approach has two drawbacks:
It requires you to write code outside the report definition, which means only your application will be
capable of showing the report the way it is meant to be shown.
Create reports with Custom Fields · 117
It does require you to write code for generating the chart, which can be tedious.
The current C1Report supports custom report fields, including a Chart field that is based on the C1Chart
To add a Chart field to a report, use the C1ReportDesigner to add a Chart field to a group header section and
set the Chart field's DataX and DataY properties to the values you want to display on the chart. You can show
several series by setting the DataY property to a list of fields delimited by semicolons (e.g.
The chart data is automatically scoped to the current report group, so when rendering the "Beverages" section,
only data for that category will be charted. You can customize the chart using many other properties such as
ChartType, GridLines, Use3D, and Palette properties.
See report "11: Charts" in CommonTasks.xml, which is available for download from the ComponentOne
HelpCentral Sample page.
Create reports with Custom Fields
You can create your own custom fields and add them to the report designer palette. To do that, you have to:
Create a custom field class that derives from C1.Win.C1Report.Field.
Register your custom field assembly in the report designer's settings file.
This is how the Chart and Gradient fields are implemented. The source code for these custom fields is
available; you can use it as a starting point to create your own custom fields.
The Chart and Gradient fields are registered in the C1Report Designer settings file with this entry:
nt" />
See report "12: Custom Fields" in CommonTasks.xml, which is available for download from the
ComponentOne HelpCentral Sample page.
Add Subtotals and other aggregates to reports
C1Report supports aggregate expressions in all its calculated fields. The aggregate expressions include all the
usual Sum, Avg, Min, Max, Count, Range, StDev, etc.
All aggregate functions take an expression as argument and evaluate it within a scope that is determined by
their position in the report. For example, aggregates in group headers or footers have the scope of the group.
Aggregates in the report header or footer have the scope of the entire report.
For example, "Sum(Sales)" would return the sum of all values in the "Sales" field for the scope of the aggregate
(group or report). "Sum(Sales * 0.085)" would return the total amount of sales taxes paid for all values in the
report (assuming an 8.5% sales tax).
You can reduce the scope of any aggregate using a second argument called 'domain'. The domain argument is
an expression that determines whether each value in the current scope should be included in the aggregate
For example, "Sum(Sales, Category = 1)" would return the sum of all values in the "Sales" field for products in
category 1. "Count(*, Sales > 10000)" would return the number of sales over $10,000.
118 · C1Report Task-Based Help
See report "13: Subtotals and other Aggregates" in CommonTasks.xml, which is available for download from
the ComponentOne HelpCentral Sample page.
Add Page Headers to Subreports
C1Report ignores page header and page footer sections in subreports. Instead, it uses the page header and page
footer sections defined in the main report. This is the same behavior as in Microsoft Access.
In many cases, however, you would like your subreports to include header information across page breaks. To
do this, place the headers in a group header section and set the section's Repeat property to true. If your
subreport doesn't have any groups, add an empty one.
See report "14: Page Headers in Subreports" in CommonTasks.xml, which is available for download from the
ComponentOne HelpCentral Sample page.
Retrieve Values from Subreports
In some cases you may want to pass data from the subreport back to the main report. Script variables can't be
used for this because each report has its own script scope (this avoids the possibility of conflicting variable
To pass data from a subreport back to the main report, you have to store values in subreport fields or in the
subreport's Tag property, then have the main report read those values.
In this sample, the subreport calculates the average unit price per product category and stores that value in its
Tag property. The main report retrieves and displays that value.
See report "15: Retrieve Values from Subreports" in CommonTasks.xml, which is available for download from
the ComponentOne HelpCentral Sample page.
Add Conditional Formatting to reports
In some cases you may want to change a field's appearance depending on the data it represents. For example,
you may want to highlight items that are expensive, or low in stock.
To do this, attach some script to the OnFormat property of the section that contains the fields of interest. For
example, the script below changes the detail section's BackColor property depending on the value of the fields
UnitsInStock, UnitsOnOrder, ReorderLevel, and Discontinued:
' VBScript: Detail.OnFormat
If UnitsInStock + UnitsOnOrder < ReorderLevel And _
Discontinued = False Then
Detail.BackColor = rgb(255,190,190)
Detail.BackColor = vbWhite
See report "16: Conditional Formatting" in CommonTasks.xml, which is available for download from the
ComponentOne HelpCentral Sample page.
Add Running Sums to reports
C1Report Field objects have a RunningSum property that makes it easy to maintain running sums over groups
or over the entire report.
To keep running sums over pages, you need to use script. For example, you could add a "pageSum" field to
the report and update it with script as shown below:
' VBScript: Report.OnPage event
pageSum = 0
Add a "Continued" label to headers on page breaks · 119
' VBScript: Detail.OnPrint event
pageSum = pageSum + UnitsInStock
See report "17: Running Sums" in CommonTasks.xml, which is available for download from the
ComponentOne HelpCentral Sample page.
Add a "Continued" label to headers on page breaks
Group header sections are repeated across page breaks if their Repeat property is set to true. This makes the
report easier to read, but it can be hard to tell if a group header on a page marks the beginning of a group or is
just a continuation.
One way to address this is to add a field with a "Continued" label to the group header and control its visibility
with script.
For example, if the field with the label is called "fContinued" and is initially invisible, then the following script
would show the label only on continued page headers:
VBScript: Detail.OnPrint
fContinued.Visible = true
VBScript: GroupFooter.OnPrint
fContinued.Visible = false
This script ensures that the "fContinued" field is visible within the group. Any page breaks created after the
group footer and before the next detail section will not show the label.
See report "18: Continued Headers" in CommonTasks.xml, which is available for download from the
ComponentOne HelpCentral Sample page.
Sort report Data
There are two ways to sort data in reports. You can sort the data source object itself (e.g. using a SQL
statement with an ORDER BY clause), or you can add groups to the report and specify how each group
should be sorted using the group's GroupBy and Sort properties.
Group sorting is done using the DataView.Sort property, which takes a list of column names only (not
expressions on column names). So if your grouping expression is DatePart("yyyy", dateColumn), the
control will actually sort on the dates in the dateColumn field, not on the years of those dates as most would
To sort based on the dates, add a calculated column to the data table (by changing the SQL statement), and
then group/sort on the calculated column instead. See the Sort property for an XML discussion of this,
including a sample.
120 · C1Report Task-Based Help
This is what the group editor looks like in the C1Report Designer. Note the fields where you can specify group
If you use both approaches, the sorting set in the report groups will prevail (it is applied after the data has been
retrieved from the database).
See report "19: Sorting" in CommonTasks.xml, which is available for download from the ComponentOne
HelpCentral Sample page.
Create Cross-tab reports
Cross-tab reports group data in two dimensions (down and across). They are useful for summarizing large
amounts of data in a format that cross-references information.
To create cross-tab reports, you will typically start with a GROUP BY query to summarize the data into rows,
then use a transformation (pivot) service to create the grouped columns. The transformation service can be
provided by the database server itself, it can be a custom program, or you can use C1Report's built-in domain
In all cases, the most important element in the cross-tab report is the original summarized view of the data.
For example, a typical summarized view would look like this:
Suppress or Force the display of Zeros · 121
This data would then be transformed by adding columns for each quarter and consolidating the values into the
new columns:
You can do this using C1Report aggregate functions. The report would be grouped by year. The detail section
would be invisible, and the group header would contain the following aggregates:
The first aggregate would calculate the total amount sold in the current year. The quarter-specific aggregates
specify a domain to restrict the aggregate to the specified quarter.
See report "20: Cross-tab Reports" in CommonTasks.xml, which is available for download from the
ComponentOne HelpCentral Sample page.
Suppress or Force the display of Zeros
To suppress the display of fields with value zero, set their Format property to "#". The pound sign is a
formatting symbol that displays only significant digits (no leading or trailing zeros).
To force the display of a certain number of digits, use a format like "0000". The zero forces the display of a
digit, including leading and trailing zeros.
Each format string can have up to three sections separated by semi-colons. If two sections are provided, the
first is used for positive values and zero, the second for negative values. If three sections are provided, the first
is used for positive values, the second for negative values, and the third for zero. For example: "#;(#);ZERO".
See report "21: Suppress or Force Zeros" in CommonTasks.xml, which is available for download from the
ComponentOne HelpCentral Sample page.
C1.Win.C1Report.2 Assembly · 123
C1.Win.C1Report.2 Assembly
C1.Win.C1Report Namespace · 125
C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1.Win.C1Report Hierarchy
The C1Report component generates Access-style, databased banded reports that can be rendered directly to a
printer, exported to various portable formats (including
HTML, PDF, and text), or rendered into preview
controls such as the Microsoft PrintPreview or
ComponentOne C1PrintPreview controls.
System.Exception that is thrown when a data access
error occurs.
Provides data for reports.
Provides data for InitializeParametersDialog event.
Base class for all export filters, used with the
RenderToFilter method to render reports into different
Displays individual data items in a report.
FieldCollection class represents a collection of the Field
Object used to sort and group report data.
GroupCollection class represents a collection of the
Group objects.
Used with the RenderToFilter method to render reports
into HTML streams or files.
The Layout object controls how the report is rendered
on pages.
Used with the RenderToFilter method to render reports
into PDF (portable document format) streams or files.
Provides data for StartPage, EndPage, StartSection,
PrintSection, EndSection, ReportError, and
AddOutlineEntry events.
Class that contains report metadata.
Used with the RenderToFilter method to render reports
into RTF (rich text format) streams or files.
Class is used with the RenderToFilter method to render
reports into RTF (rich text format) streams or files.
Represents a report band.
Collection of the Section objects.
126 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Used with the RenderToFilter method to render reports
into plain text streams or files.
Used with the RenderToFilter method to render reports
into TIFF streams or files.
Class used with the RenderToFiltermethod to render
reports into Microsoft Excel (XLS) files.
Interface used to access report data from data source
Represents the method that will handle the
AddOutlineEntry event.
Represents the method that will handle the
InitializeParametersDialog event.
Represents the method that will handle StartPage,
EndPage, StartSection, PrintSection, EndSection,
ReportError, and AddOutlineEntry events.
Determines how the field is positioned with respect to
its containing section when the section grows or shrinks
as a result of the section's CanGrow and CanShrink
Determines whether the field will be rendered with an
opaque or transparent background.
Determines what type of barcode will be used in the
Specifies the Field’s border style.
Specifies how Boolean values are translated into
Specifies the layout for the columns (down or across).
Specifies the alignment of text within the field's
Specifies the format of the export file.
Determines whether page breaks should be inserted
before or after a field or section.
Specifies the logic for handling CanGrow/CanShrink
C1.Win.C1Report Namespace · 127
Specifies where the Page Footer and Page Header
sections are displayed.
Specifies whether the group should be kept together on
a page.
Determines whether/how a line should be drawn across
the field (as opposed to a box around the field).
Specifies the page orientation.
Specifies the alignment of images within the field's
Specifies the scaling of images within the field's
Specifies where the background picture is displayed.
Specifies the format of the export file.
Determines whether to calculate a running sum.
Specifies the section type, which is equivalent to a the
index of a Section object in the control's Sections
Specifies how groups should be sorted.
Specifies the direction of the text in the field.
See Also
C1.Win.C1Report.2 Assembly
C1.Win.C1Report Hierarchy
C1.Win.C1Report.C1Report ---- fq, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize, jr
C1.Win.C1Report.ExportFilter ---- System.IDisposable
C1.Win.C1Report.HtmlFilter ---- System.IDisposable
C1.Win.C1Report.RtfFilter ---- System.IDisposable
128 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1.Win.C1Report.TextFilter ---- System.IDisposable
C1.Win.C1Report.XlsFilter ---- System.IDisposable
C1.Win.C1Report.Field ---- System.ICloneable, jr
C1.Win.C1Report.FieldCollection ---- System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable
C1.Win.C1Report.GroupCollection ---- System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable
C1.Win.C1Report.SectionCollection ---- System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable
AddOutlineEntryHandler Delegate · 129
See Also
C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
AddOutlineEntryHandler Delegate
Represents the method that will handle the AddOutlineEntry event.
[Visual Basic]
Public Delegate Sub AddOutlineEntryHandler( _
ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As ReportEventArgs _
public delegate void AddOutlineEntryHandler(
object sender,
ReportEventArgs e
type AddOutlineEntryHandler = procedure (
sender: Object;
e: ReportEventArgs
) of object;
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
See Also
C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
AnchorEnum Enumeration
Determines how the field is positioned with respect to its containing section when the section grows or shrinks
as a result of the section's CanGrow and CanShrink properties.
[Visual Basic]
Public Enum AnchorEnum
public enum AnchorEnum
type AnchorEnum = (Bottom, Top, TopAndBottom);
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
130 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
Use the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Anchor property in the Field class.
Member name
The field moves vertically. The space between the
bottom of the field and the bottom of the section
remains the same.
The field does not move. The space between the top of
the field and the top of the section remains the same.
The field grows or shrinks. The space between field and
the section remains the same (above and below).
The following code sets the Anchor property to Top:
Visual Basic
Me.C1Report1.Fields(0).Anchor = C1.Win.C1Report.AnchorEnum.Top
this.C1Report1.Fields[0].Anchor = C1.Win.C1Report.AnchorEnum.Top;
Self.C1Report1.Fields[0].Anchor := C1.Win.C1Report.AnchorEnum.Top;
See Also
C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
BackStyleEnum Enumeration
Determines whether the field will be rendered with an opaque or transparent background.
[Visual Basic]
Public Enum BackStyleEnum
public enum BackStyleEnum
type BackStyleEnum = (Opaque, Transparent);
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
Member name
Opaque background.
Transparent background.
BarCodeEnum Enumeration · 131
See Also
C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
BarCodeEnum Enumeration
Determines what type of barcode will be used in the field.
[Visual Basic]
Public Enum BarCodeEnum
public enum BarCodeEnum
type BarCodeEnum = (Codabar, Code128, Code39, Code93, CodeI2of5, Ean13,
Ean8, None, PostNet);
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
Use the members of this enumeration to set the value of the BarCode property in the Field class.
Member name
Numeric only, slightly denser than Code39.
Alpha-numeric, denser than Code39 and required at
least 6 characters.
Alpha-numeric, (Code 3 of 9).
Numeric only.
EAN-13 barcode. EAN-13 encodes 12-digit article
codes (plus one check digit created by the control).
EAN-8 barcode. EAN-8 encodes 7-digit article codes
(plus one check digit created by the control).
No barcode.
Numeric only, US Postal Service.
The following code sets the BarCode property to Code93:
Visual Basic
Me.C1Report1.Fields(0).BarCode = C1.Win.C1Report.BarCodeEnum.Code93
this.C1Report1.Fields[0].BarCode = C1.Win.C1Report.BarCodeEnum.Code93;
Self.C1Report1.Fields[0].BarCode := C1.Win.C1Report.BarCodeEnum.Code93;
132 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
See Also
C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
BorderStyleEnum Enumeration
Specifies the Field’s border style.
[Visual Basic]
Public Enum BorderStyleEnum
public enum BorderStyleEnum
type BorderStyleEnum = (Dash, DashDot, DashDotDot, Dot, Solid,
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
Use the members of this enumeration to set the value of the BorderStyle property in the Field class.
Member name
Dashed border.
Dash-dot border.
Dash-dot-dot border.
Dotted border.
Solid border.
No border.
See Also
C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report Class
The C1Report component generates Access-style, data-based banded reports that can be rendered directly to a
printer, exported to various portable formats (including HTML, PDF, and text), or rendered into preview
controls such as the Microsoft PrintPreview or ComponentOne C1PrintPreview controls.
For a list of all members of this type, see C1Report Members.
C1Report Members · 133
[Visual Basic]
Public Class C1Report
Inherits Component
Implements fq, ISupportInitialize, jr
public class C1Report : Component , fq, ISupportInitialize, jr
type C1Report = class
(Component,(Component, fq, ISupportInitialize, jr);
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
See Also
C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report Members
C1Report overview
Public Constructors
C1Report Constructor
Initializes a new instance of the C1Report component.
Public Properties
Gets or sets whether to cancel generation of the current
Gets a reference to the report's DataSource object.
Gets a System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument object
that can be used to render the report to a printer or into
a print preview control.
Gets or sets whether the control should handle
Windows messages while rendering reports.
Gets the collection of Field objects in the report
Gets or sets the default font for new fields.
Gets a collection with all the groups in the report.
Gets or sets the method used to process
CanGrow/CanShrink fields.
Gets a value that determines whether a report is
currently being generated.
Gets or sets the position of the first label on a partially
used sheet.
Gets a reference to the report's Layout object.
Gets or sets the maximum number of pages allowed for
a report.
134 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Gets or sets the VBScript that is executed when the
report finishes rendering.
Gets or sets the VBScript that is executed when an error
Gets or sets the VBScript that is executed when the
report starts rendering and its source recordset is empty.
Gets or sets the VBScript that is executed when the
report starts rendering.
Gets or sets the VBScript that is executed when a new
page is created.
Gets or sets the starting outline level for the groups in
this report.
Gets or sets the current page number.
Gets a list of System.Drawing.Imaging.Metafile objects
that correspond to the pages in the report.
Gets the main report that contains this subreport (Null
for main reports).
Gets or sets an XML string containing the complete
report definition.
Gets or sets a ReportInfo object containing report
Gets or sets the name of the report (used with the Load
Gets the collection of Section objects in the report
Gets or sets extra data needed by the calling program.
Public Methods
Adds an object to the report's script context.
Signals the object that initialization is starting.
Clears the current report.
Copies a report definition from another C1Report
Signals the object that initialization is complete.
Evaluates a VBScript expression in the current report
Executes a VBScript statement in the current report
Overloaded. Gets a list of reports available in an XML
report definition file.
Overloaded. Gets a list of reports available in an XML
report definition file.
C1Report Members · 135
Overloaded. Loads a report from an XML report
definition file.
Parses a VBScript expression in the current report
Parses a VBScript statement in the current report
Renders the report into an internal collection of images.
Renders the report into a file.
Renders the report into an ExportFilter object.
Overloaded. Renders the report into a
System.IO.Stream object.
Overloaded. Saves the current report definition to a file.
Public Events
Fired before the control adds an outline entry to the
Fired when the control finishes rendering each page.
Fired when the control finishes rendering the report.
Fired when the control finishes rendering each Section.
Fired before the control displays the Report Parameters
Fired when the control starts rendering a report and the
data source is empty.
Fired before each Section is printed (after it has been
Fired when an error occurs while rendering a report.
Fired when the control starts rendering each page.
Fired when the control starts rendering the report,
before it opens the source recordset.
Fired before each Section is formatted.
Protected Methods
Overloaded. Overriden. Releases the resources used by
the component.
Raises the EndPage event.
Raises the EndReport event.
Raises the EndSection event.
Raises the NoData event.
Raises the PrintSection event.
Raises the ReportError event.
Raises the StartPage event.
136 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Raises the StartReport event.
Raises the StartSection event.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report Constructor
Initializes a new instance of the C1Report component.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function New()
public C1Report()
public constructor Create();
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report Properties
The properties of the C1Report class are listed here. For a complete list of C1Report class members, see the
C1Report Members topic.
Public Properties
Gets or sets whether to cancel generation of the current
Gets a reference to the report's DataSource object.
Gets a System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument object
that can be used to render the report to a printer or into
a print preview control.
Gets or sets whether the control should handle
Windows messages while rendering reports.
Gets the collection of Field objects in the report
Gets or sets the default font for new fields.
Gets a collection with all the groups in the report.
Gets or sets the method used to process
CanGrow/CanShrink fields.
Gets a value that determines whether a report is
currently being generated.
Gets or sets the position of the first label on a partially
used sheet.
Gets a reference to the report's Layout object.
C1Report.Cancel Property · 137
Gets or sets the maximum number of pages allowed for
a report.
Gets or sets the VBScript that is executed when the
report finishes rendering.
Gets or sets the VBScript that is executed when an error
Gets or sets the VBScript that is executed when the
report starts rendering and its source recordset is empty.
Gets or sets the VBScript that is executed when the
report starts rendering.
Gets or sets the VBScript that is executed when a new
page is created.
Gets or sets the starting outline level for the groups in
this report.
Gets or sets the current page number.
Gets a list of System.Drawing.Imaging.Metafile objects
that correspond to the pages in the report.
Gets the main report that contains this subreport (Null
for main reports).
Gets or sets an XML string containing the complete
report definition.
Gets or sets a ReportInfo object containing report
Gets or sets the name of the report (used with the Load
Gets the collection of Section objects in the report
Gets or sets extra data needed by the calling program.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.Cancel Property
Gets or sets whether to cancel generation of the current report.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Cancel As Boolean
public bool Cancel {get;set;}
public property Cancel: Boolean read get_Cancel write set_Cancel;
138 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Setting this property to True while a report is being generated stops the report generation process. Any pages
already created are kept in the document and can be previewed or printed by an attached print preview
The following code implements a Cancel button:
Visual Basic
Private Sub Cancel_Click()
If C1Report1.IsBusy Then
Debug.Write "Cancelling Report"
C1Report1.Cancel = True
Debug.Write "No report to cancel"
End If
End Sub
private void Cancel_Click()
if ( C1Report1.IsBusy ) {
Debug.Write "Cancelling Report";
C1Report1.Cancel = true;
} else {
Debug.Write "No report to cancel";
procedure Cancel_Click;
if C1Report1.IsBusy then
Debug.Write('Cancelling Report');
C1Report1.Cancel := True;
Debug.Write('No report to cancel');
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.DataSource Property
Gets a reference to the report's DataSource object.
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Property DataSource As DataSource
public DataSource DataSource {get;}
public property DataSource: DataSource read get_DataSource;
C1Report.Document Property · 139
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.Document Property
Gets a System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument object that can be used to render the report to a printer or
into a print preview control.
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Property Document As PrintDocument
public PrintDocument Document {get;}
public property Document: PrintDocument read get_Document;
The examples below show how you can use the Document property to print the report or show it in a
System.Windows.Forms.PrintPreviewDialog control.
Visual Basic
' print the report to the default printer
' show the report in a PrintPreviewDialog
Dim p As New PrintPreviewDialog()
p.Document = _c1r.Document
// print the report to the default printer
// show the report in a PrintPreviewDialog
PrintPreviewDialog p = new PrintPreviewDialog();
p.Document = _c1r.Document;
// print the report to the default printer
// show the report in a PrintPreviewDialog
p := PrintPreviewDialog.Create;
p.Document := _c1r.Document;
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.DoEvents Property
Gets or sets whether the control should handle Windows messages while rendering reports.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property DoEvents As Boolean
140 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
public bool DoEvents {get;set;}
public property DoEvents: Boolean read get_DoEvents write set_DoEvents;
Setting this property to True allows users to resize forms, click buttons, etc. while reports are being generated.
This makes applications more responsive, and is necessary if you want to provide a Cancel Report button
(otherwise users wouldn't be able to click the button until the report was done).
Setting this property to False will cause reports to render slightly faster.
The code belows implements Render and a Cancel buttons attached to a C1Report component.
The Render button checks whether the C1Report component is busy before starting to render a report. This is
necessary because the user could click the Render button several times in a row, before the component got a
chance to finish rendering the report. (Calling the Render method while the component is busy throws an
The Cancel button checks whether the component is rendering a report and sets the Cancel property to True.
Visual Basic
_c1r.DoEvents = True
Private Sub Render_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
If _c1r.IsBusy Then
Console.WriteLine("Cannot render now, component is busy")
ppv.Document = c1r.Document
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Cancel_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
If _c1r.IsBusy Then
_c1r.Cancel = True
Console.WriteLine("No report to cancel")
End If
End Sub
_c1r.DoEvents = true;
private void Render_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (_c1r.IsBusy)
Console.WriteLine("Cannot render now, component is busy");
ppv.Document = c1r.Document;
private void Cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
C1Report.Fields Property · 141
if (_c1r.IsBusy)
_c1r.Cancel = true;
Console.WriteLine("No report to cancel");
_c1r.DoEvents := True;
procedure Render_Click(sender: object; e: System.EventArgs);
if _c1r.IsBusy then
Console.WriteLine('Cannot render now, component is busy')
ppv.Document := c1r.Document;
procedure Cancel_Click(sender: object; e: System.EventArgs);
if _c1r.IsBusy then
_c1r.Cancel := True
Console.WriteLine('No report to cancel');
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.Fields Property
Gets the collection of Field objects in the report definition.
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Property Fields As FieldCollection
public FieldCollection Fields {get;}
public property Fields: FieldCollection read get_Fields;
The Section object also contains a collection of fields in that section.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.Font Property
Gets or sets the default font for new fields.
142 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Font As FontHolder
public FontHolder Font {get;set;}
public property Font: FontHolder read get_Font write set_Font;
This property is not used directly when rendering the report. It is used as the default font for new fields.
The following code adds four fields to the report. The first two fields in 9pt Arial font and the last two in 12pt
Tahoma font:
Visual Basic
c1r.Font.Name = "Arial"
c1r.Font.Size = 9
c1r.Fields.Add("New1", "Hello",
c1r.Fields.Add("New2", "World",
c1r.Font.Name = "Tahoma"
c1r.Font.Size = 12
c1r.Fields.Add("New3", "Hello",
c1r.Fields.Add("New4", "World",
c1r.Font.Name = "Arial";
c1r.Font.Size = 9;
c1r.Fields.Add("New1", "Hello",
c1r.Fields.Add("New2", "World",
c1r.Font.Name = "Tahoma";
c1r.Font.Size = 12;
c1r.Fields.Add("New3", "Hello",
c1r.Fields.Add("New4", "World",
0, 0, 1000, 300)
1000, 0, 1000, 300)
0, 3000, 1000, 300)
1000, 3000, 1000, 300)
0, 0, 1000, 300);
1000, 0, 1000, 300);
0, 3000, 1000, 300);
1000, 3000, 1000, 300);
c1r.Font.Name := 'Arial';
c1r.Font.Size := 9;
c1r.Fields.Add('New1', 'Hello',
c1r.Fields.Add('New2', 'World',
c1r.Font.Name := 'Tahoma';
c1r.Font.Size := 12;
c1r.Fields.Add('New3', 'Hello',
c1r.Fields.Add('New4', 'World',
0, 0, 1000, 300);
1000, 0, 1000, 300);
0, 3000, 1000, 300);
1000, 3000, 1000, 300);
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.Groups Property
Gets a collection with all the groups in the report.
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Property Groups As GroupCollection
C1Report.GrowShrinkMode Property · 143
public GroupCollection Groups {get;}
public property Groups: GroupCollection read get_Groups;
The Groups collection contains all Group objects defined in the current report.
Removing a Group from the collection also removes its associated header and footer sections, as well as any
fields in those sections.
Adding a Group to the collection adds the corresponding group header and footer sections to the report.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.GrowShrinkMode Property
Gets or sets the method used to process CanGrow/CanShrink fields.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property GrowShrinkMode As GrowShrinkModeEnum
public GrowShrinkModeEnum GrowShrinkMode {get;set;}
public property GrowShrinkMode: GrowShrinkModeEnum read get_GrowShrinkMode
write set_GrowShrinkMode;
If this property is set to GrowShrinkModeEnum.C1Report, fields with CanGrow or CanShrink properties set
to True will move fields directly below them when they grow or shrink. Fields located below but off to the side
are not moved.
If this property is set to GrowShrinkModeEnum.Access, fields that grow or shrink will affect all fields below,
even those which are not directly under the field that was modified as a result of CanGrow/CanShrink. (This
is the Microsoft Access behavior).
For example, if fields are arranged in a grid layout and GrowShrinkMode is set to
GrowShrinkModeEnum.Access, fields within each row will remain vertically aligned when fields above them
grow or shrink.
If GrowShrinkMode is set to GrowShrinkModeEnum.C1Report, fields within each column will move
independently of fields in other columns, and fields within each row will not remain vertically aligned.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.IsBusy Property
Gets a value that determines whether a report is currently being generated.
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Property IsBusy As Boolean
144 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
public bool IsBusy {get;}
public property IsBusy: Boolean read get_IsBusy;
Use this property to determine whether the control is currently busy generating a report.
This property is especially useful when the DoEvents property is set to True. In this case, the application
continues to process user input while the control generates reports, and there is a change that the user might
try to start another report before the current one is done.
The following code shows a typical application of the IsBusy property:
Visual Basic
' prevent reentrant calls
If c1r.IsBusy Then Beep() : Exit Sub
// prevent reentrant calls
if ( c1r.IsBusy ) return;
// prevent reentrant calls
if c1r.IsBusy then
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.LabelOffset Property
Gets or sets the position of the first label on a partially used sheet.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property LabelOffset As Integer
public int LabelOffset {get;set;}
public property LabelOffset: Int32 read get_LabelOffset write
This property allows you to print labels on partially used label sheets. For example, if you have a sheet with 12
labels and have already used 5, set the LabelOffset property to 6 in order to skip the labels that have already
been used.
C1Report.Layout Property · 145
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.Layout Property
Gets a reference to the report's Layout object.
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Property Layout As Layout
public Layout Layout {get;}
public property Layout: Layout read get_Layout;
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.MaxPages Property
Gets or sets the maximum number of pages allowed for a report.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property MaxPages As Integer
public int MaxPages {get;set;}
public property MaxPages: Int32 read get_MaxPages write set_MaxPages;
This property is useful if you want to limit the maximum number of pages in a report.
For example, you may write a report designer with a preview window that shows only the first five pages of a
Setting this property to zero allows reports of any length.
You can also limit the size of reports by setting the MaxRecords property.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.OnClose Property
Gets or sets the VBScript that is executed when the report finishes rendering.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property OnClose As String
public string OnClose {get;set;}
146 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
public property OnClose: String read get_OnClose write set_OnClose;
The control also Fired the EndReport event at this time.
The difference between the regular event and the VBScript property is that the handler for the regular event
belongs to the application, and should thus be used to support tasks that are independent of the report. For
example, to display a message on the main window when rendering finishes.
The VBScript handler in the property belongs to the report, and will be executed regardless of the application.
For example, a report might contain a VBScript handler that resets global variables in the VBScript context
when a report starts rendering.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.OnError Property
Gets or sets the VBScript that is executed when an error occurs.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property OnError As String
public string OnError {get;set;}
public property OnError: String read get_OnError write set_OnError;
The control also Fired the ReportError event at this time.
The difference between the regular event and the VBScript property is that the handler for the regular event
belongs to the application, and should thus be used to support tasks that are independent of the report. For
example, to display a an application dialog box when an error occurs.
The VBScript handler in the property belongs to the report, and will be executed regardless of the application.
For example, a report might contain a VBScript handler that changes the value of a field when an error occurs.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.OnNoData Property
Gets or sets the VBScript that is executed when the report starts rendering and its source recordset is empty.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property OnNoData As String
public string OnNoData {get;set;}
public property OnNoData: String read get_OnNoData write set_OnNoData;
C1Report.OnOpen Property · 147
The control also Fired the NoData event at this time.
The difference between the regular event and the VBScript property is that the handler for the regular event
belongs to the application, and should thus be used to support tasks that are independent of the report. For
example, to cancel rendering reports with no data.
The VBScript handler in the property belongs to the report, and will be executed regardless of the application.
For example, a report might contain a VBScript handler that changes the value of a field when the source
recordset is empty.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.OnOpen Property
Gets or sets the VBScript that is executed when the report starts rendering.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property OnOpen As String
public string OnOpen {get;set;}
public property OnOpen: String read get_OnOpen write set_OnOpen;
The control also Fired the StartReport event at this time.
The difference between the regular event and the VBScript property is that the handler for the regular event
belongs to the application, and should thus be used to support tasks that are independent of the report. For
example, to display a message on the main window when rendering starts.
The VBScript handler in the property belongs to the report, and will be executed regardless of the application.
For example, a report might contain a VBScript handler that resets global variables in the VBScript context
when a report starts rendering.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.OnPage Property
Gets or sets the VBScript that is executed when a new page is created.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property OnPage As String
public string OnPage {get;set;}
public property OnPage: String read get_OnPage write set_OnPage;
The control also Fired the StartPage event at this time.
148 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
The difference between the regular event and the VBScript property is that the handler for the regular event
belongs to the application, and should thus be used to support tasks that are independent of the report. For
example, to update a label showing how many pages have been rendered so far.
The VBScript handler in the property belongs to the report, and will be executed regardless of the application.
For example, a report might contain a VBScript handler that updates a variable at every page break.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.OutlineRootLevel Property
Gets or sets the starting outline level for the groups in this report.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property OutlineRootLevel As Integer
public int OutlineRootLevel {get;set;}
public property OutlineRootLevel: Int32 read get_OutlineRootLevel write
By default, C1Report creates an outline based on the report groups. The outline starts at level zero, and is
visible in PDF versions of the report.
This property allows you to start the report at a custom level, which can be useful if you are rendering multiple
reports into a larger document (using C1PrintDocument for example).
You can set this property to -1 to suppress the outline.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.Page Property
Gets or sets the current page number.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Page As Integer
public int Page {get;set;}
public property Page: Int32 read get_Page write set_Page;
This property is a global variable available to VBScript expressions.
It is automatically initialized by the control with the value 1 when a report starts rendering, and it is
automatically incremented after each page break.
This property is read-write, so you can reset it using scripts. For example, you can reset the current page to 1
whenever a new group starts rendering.
C1Report.PageImages Property · 149
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.PageImages Property
Gets a list of System.Drawing.Imaging.Metafile objects that correspond to the pages in the report.
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Property PageImages As ArrayList
public ArrayList PageImages {get;}
public property PageImages: ArrayList read get_PageImages;
Use the Render method to create or refresh the page images.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.ParentReport Property
Gets the main report that contains this subreport (Null for main reports).
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Property ParentReport As C1Report
public C1Report ParentReport {get;}
public property ParentReport: C1Report read get_ParentReport;
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.ReportDefinition Property
Gets or sets an XML string containing the complete report definition.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property ReportDefinition As String
public string ReportDefinition {get;set;}
public property ReportDefinition: String read get_ReportDefinition write
150 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
This property can be used to store report definitions into databases, to place them in the clipboard, or to copy
reports from one C1Report component to another.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.ReportInfo Property
Gets or sets a ReportInfo object containing report metadata.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property ReportInfo As ReportInfo
public ReportInfo ReportInfo {get;set;}
public property ReportInfo: ReportInfo read get_ReportInfo write
Reports may include general information such as a title, author, and keywords.
Such global information about the document itself (as opposed to its content or structure) is called metadata,
and is intended to assist in cataloguing and searching for reports and report definitions in external databases.
The report metadata is automatically included in export formats that suppor it, such as PDF and RTF, for
Visual Basic
' set report metadata
Dim info As ReportInfo = c1r.ReportInfo
info.Creator = "The Musical Report Generator"
info.Author = "John S. Bach"
info.Title = "Fugues, Sonatas, and Offerings"
info.Subject = "Electronic/Baroque Titles"
info.Keywords = "Baroque, Strings, Clavier, Harpsichord"
' render report to pdf
c1r.RenderToFile("c:\temp\test.pdf", FileFormatEnum.Pdf)
// set report metadata
ReportInfo info = c1r.ReportInfo;
info.Creator = "The Musical Report Generator";
= "John S. Bach";
= "Fugues, Sonatas, and Offerings";
info.Subject = "Electronic/Baroque Titles";
info.Keywords = "Baroque, Strings, Clavier, Harpsichord";
// render report to pdf
c1r.RenderToFile("c:\temp\test.pdf", FileFormatEnum.Pdf);
C1Report.ReportName Property · 151
// set report metadata
info := c1r.ReportInfo;
info.Creator := 'The Musical Report
info.Author := 'John S. Bach';
info.Title := 'Fugues, Sonatas, and
info.Subject := 'Electronic/Baroque
info.Keywords := 'Baroque, Strings,
Clavier, Harpsichord';
// render report to pdf
c1r.RenderToFile('c:\temp\test.pdf', FileFormatEnum.Pdf);
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.ReportName Property
Gets or sets the name of the report (used with the Load method).
[Visual Basic]
Public Property ReportName As String
public string ReportName {get;set;}
public property ReportName: String read get_ReportName write
This property identifies the report when it is saved in a report definition file.
To retrieve a report from a report definition file, use the Load (String, String) method and pass this name as a
The following code provides an example of the ReportName property:
Visual Basic
' load report from XML file
c1r.Load(DataFileName, "Employees")
' show report name
// load report from XML file
c1r.Load(DataFileName, "Employees");
// show report name
152 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
// load report from XML file
c1r.Load(DataFileName, 'Employees');
// show report name
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.Sections Property
Gets the collection of Section objects in the report definition.
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Property Sections As SectionCollection
public SectionCollection Sections {get;}
public property Sections: SectionCollection read get_Sections;
This collection always contains at least five items, which correspond to the standard report sections that are
always present: Detail, Header, Footer, PageHeader, and PageFooter.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.Tag Property
Gets or sets extra data needed by the calling program.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Tag As Object
public object Tag {get;set;}
public property Tag: Object read get_Tag write set_Tag;
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report Methods
The methods of the C1Report class are listed here. For a complete list of C1Report class members, see the
C1Report Members topic.
C1Report Methods · 153
Public Methods
Adds an object to the report's script context.
Signals the object that initialization is starting.
Clears the current report.
Copies a report definition from another C1Report
Signals the object that initialization is complete.
Evaluates a VBScript expression in the current report
Executes a VBScript statement in the current report
Overloaded. Gets a list of reports available in an XML
report definition file.
Overloaded. Gets a list of reports available in an XML
report definition file.
Overloaded. Loads a report from an XML report
definition file.
Parses a VBScript expression in the current report
Parses a VBScript statement in the current report
Renders the report into an internal collection of images.
Renders the report into a file.
Renders the report into an ExportFilter object.
Overloaded. Renders the report into a
System.IO.Stream object.
Overloaded. Saves the current report definition to a file.
Protected Methods
Overloaded. Overriden. Releases the resources used by
the component.
Raises the EndPage event.
Raises the EndReport event.
Raises the EndSection event.
Raises the NoData event.
Raises the PrintSection event.
Raises the ReportError event.
Raises the StartPage event.
Raises the StartReport event.
Raises the StartSection event.
154 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
See Also
C1Report Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.AddScriptObject Method
Adds an object to the report's script context.
[Visual Basic]
Public Sub AddScriptObject( _
ByVal name As String, _
ByVal value As Object _
public void AddScriptObject(
string name,
object value
public procedure AddScriptObject(
name: String;
value: Object
Name of the new object (case-insensitive).
Value of the new object.
This method allows you to add custom objects to the context of the C1Report script interpreter.
The script interpreter context is cleared whenever a report starts rendering, so this method should always be
called from the StartReport event handler.
The code below uses the StartReport event to add a variable called "mainForm" to the script context. It then
attaches some script to the report's OnOpen event to show the caption of the form when the report starts
Visual Basic
Private Sub _c1r_StartReport(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs)
_c1r.AddScriptObject("mainForm", Me)
End Sub
Private Sub button1_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs)
_c1r.OnOpen = "msgbox(mainForm.Text)"
End Sub
private void _c1r_StartReport(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
C1Report.BeginInit Method · 155
_c1r.AddScriptObject("mainForm", this);
private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
_c1r.OnOpen = "msgbox(mainForm.Text)";
procedure _c1r_StartReport(sender: object; e: System.EventArgs);
_c1r.AddScriptObject('mainForm', Self);
procedure button1_Click(sender: object; e: System.EventArgs);
_c1r.OnOpen := 'msgbox(mainForm.Text)';
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.BeginInit Method
Signals the object that initialization is starting.
[Visual Basic]
Overridable Public Sub BeginInit() Implements ISupportInitialize.BeginInit
virtual public void BeginInit()
public procedure BeginInit(); virtual;
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.Clear Method
Clears the current report.
[Visual Basic]
Public Sub Clear()
public void Clear()
public procedure Clear();
156 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
This method removes all groups, group sections, and fields from the current report.
It also resets the DataSource and Layout objects, and clears (but does not remove) the fixed sections that all
reports have: Detail, Header, Footer, PageHeader, and PageFooter.
Use this method when you want to clear a report and start creating a new one from scratch.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.CopyFrom Method
Copies a report definition from another C1Report component.
[Visual Basic]
Public Sub CopyFrom( _
ByVal sourceReport As C1Report _
public void CopyFrom(
C1Report sourceReport
public procedure CopyFrom(
sourceReport: C1Report
C1Report that contains the report to be copied.
This method is equivalent to copying the ReportDefinition property from one C1Report to another, but is
substantially faster.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.Dispose Method
Releases the resources used by the component.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Protected Sub Dispose( _
ByVal disposing As Boolean _
override protected void Dispose(
bool disposing
C1Report.EndInit Method · 157
strict protected procedure Dispose(
disposing: Boolean
); overload; override;
If True, managed resources as well as unmanaged resources are released; if False, only unmanaged
resources are disposed.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.EndInit Method
Signals the object that initialization is complete.
[Visual Basic]
Overridable Public Sub EndInit() Implements ISupportInitialize.EndInit
virtual public void EndInit()
public procedure EndInit(); virtual;
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.Evaluate Method
Evaluates a VBScript expression in the current report context.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function Evaluate( _
ByVal expression As String _
) As Object
public object Evaluate(
string expression
public function Evaluate(
expression: String
): Object;
A string with a VBScript expression to be evaluated.
158 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Return Value
The value of the expression.
Use this method to evaluate expressions as they would be evaluated while generating a report. This can be
useful in designer-type applications, to provide an "Immediate Window" where users can test expressions.
If the expression string contains invalid syntax or causes an evaluation error, the control raises the
ReportError event. In this case, the Handled parameter of the event is set to True, so the exception is ignored
by default.
Expressions may contain simple VBScript expressions such as:
Console.WriteLine(_c1r.Evaluate(" \"A\" & \"B\" ");
Expressions may also contain references to the Report object and all its sub-objects. For example:
SELECT * FROM Employees7FirstNameField
Finally, data fields, Field, and Section objects may be referenced directly by name.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.Execute Method
Executes a VBScript statement in the current report context.
[Visual Basic]
Public Sub Execute( _
ByVal statement As String _
public void Execute(
string statement
public procedure Execute(
statement: String
A string with VBScript instructions to be executed.
C1Report.GetReportInfo Method · 159
This method is similar to the Evaluate method, except it does not return a value.
If the expression string contains invalid syntax or causes an evaluation error, the control raises the
ReportError event. In this case, the Handled parameter of the event is set to True, so the exception is ignored
by default.
The following code moves the field Line106 one inch to the left:
Visual Basic
c1r.Execute("Line106.Left = Line106.Left + 1440")
c1r.Execute("Line106.Left = Line106.Left + 1440");
c1r.Execute('Line106.Left = Line106.Left + 1440');
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.GetReportInfo Method
Overload List
Gets a list of reports available in an XML report definition file.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Function GetReportInfo(String) As String
[C#] public string[] GetReportInfo(string);
[Delphi] public function GetReportInfo(String) : String[]; overload;
Gets a list of reports available in an System.Xml.XmlDocument.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Function GetReportInfo(XmlDocument) As String
[C#] public string[] GetReportInfo(XmlDocument);
[Delphi] public function GetReportInfo(XmlDocument) : String[]; overload;
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.GetReportInfo Method (String)
Gets a list of reports available in an XML report definition file.
[Visual Basic]
Overloads Public Function GetReportInfo( _
ByVal fileName As String _
) As String
public string GetReportInfo(
string fileName
160 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
public function GetReportInfo(
fileName: String
): String; overload;
Contains the full name of the XML report definition file.
Return Value
A string array containing the names of all reports in the XML file.
The following code populates a ComboBox control with all the reports in a file:
Visual Basic
' get application path
Dim path As String = Application.StartupPath
Dim i As Integer = path.IndexOf("\bin")
If i > -1 Then path = path.Substring(0, i)
path = path & "\"
' get names of reports in the report definition file
m_File = appPath & DataFileName
Dim reports As String() = c1r.GetReportInfo(m_File)
' populate list box
Dim report As String
For Each report In reports
// get application path
string path = Application.StartupPath;
int i = path.IndexOf("\bin");
if ( i > -1 ) { path = path.Substring(0, i)
path = path + "@\";
// get names of reports in the report definition file
m_File = appPath + DataFileName;
string[] reports = c1r.GetReportInfo(m_File);
// populate list box
foreach (string report In reports
reports: array of string;
path: string;
i: Integer;
C1Report.GetReportList Method · 161
// get application path
path := Application.StartupPath;
i := path.IndexOf('\bin');
if i > -1 Then path = path.Substring(0, i);
path := path +'\';
// get names of reports in the report definition file
m_File := appPath + DataFileName;
reports := c1r.GetReportInfo(m_File);
// populate list box
for i := 0 to High(reports) do
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | C1Report.GetReportInfo Overload
C1Report.GetReportInfo Method (XmlDocument)
Gets a list of reports available in an System.Xml.XmlDocument.
[Visual Basic]
Overloads Public Function GetReportInfo( _
ByVal doc As XmlDocument _
) As String
public string GetReportInfo(
XmlDocument doc
public function GetReportInfo(
doc: XmlDocument
): String; overload;
Reference to the System.Xml.XmlDocument that contains the reports.
Return Value
A string array containing the names of all reports in the XmlDocument.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | C1Report.GetReportInfo Overload
C1Report.GetReportList Method
Overload List
Gets a list of reports available in an XML report definition file.
162 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Shared Function GetReportList(String) As String
[C#] public static string[] GetReportList(string);
[Delphi] public class function GetReportList(String) : String[]; overload;
Gets a list of reports available in an System.Xml.XmlDocument.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Shared Function GetReportList(XmlDocument) As String
[C#] public static string[] GetReportList(XmlDocument);
[Delphi] public class function GetReportList(XmlDocument) : String[]; overload;
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.GetReportList Method (String)
Gets a list of reports available in an XML report definition file.
[Visual Basic]
Overloads Public Shared Function GetReportList( _
ByVal fileName As String _
) As String
public static string GetReportList(
string fileName
public class function GetReportList(
fileName: String
): String; overload;
Contains the full name of the XML report definition file.
Return Value
A string array containing the names of all reports in the XML file.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | C1Report.GetReportList Overload
C1Report.GetReportList Method (XmlDocument)
Gets a list of reports available in an System.Xml.XmlDocument.
[Visual Basic]
Overloads Public Shared Function GetReportList( _
ByVal doc As XmlDocument _
) As String
C1Report.Load Method · 163
public static string GetReportList(
XmlDocument doc
public class function GetReportList(
doc: XmlDocument
): String; overload;
Reference to System.Xml.XmlDocument object.
Return Value
A string array containing the names of all reports in the XmlDocument.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | C1Report.GetReportList Overload
C1Report.Load Method
Overload List
Loads a report from an XML report definition file.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Sub Load(String, String)
[C#] public void Load(string, string);
[Delphi] public procedure Load(String; String); overload;
Loads a report from an System.Xml.XmlDocument.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Sub Load(XmlDocument, String)
[C#] public void Load(XmlDocument, string);
[Delphi] public procedure Load(XmlDocument; String); overload;
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.Load Method (String, String)
Loads a report from an XML report definition file.
[Visual Basic]
Overloads Public Sub Load( _
ByVal fileName As String, _
ByVal reportName As String _
public void Load(
string fileName,
string reportName
164 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
public procedure Load(
fileName: String;
reportName: String
); overload;
Full name of the XML report definition file.
Name of the report to retrieve from the file (case-insensitive).
You can get a list of reports available in the file using the GetReportInfo (String) method.
The following code loads and renders a report when the user picks it from the list:
Visual Basic
Private Sub cmbReport_SelectedIndexChanged(_
ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles cmbReport.SelectedIndexChanged
Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor
' load report
status.Text = "Loading " & cmbReport.Text
c1r.Load(m_ReportDefinitionFile, cmbReport.Text)
' render into print preview control
status.Text = "Rendering " & cmbReport.Text
ppv.Document = c1r.Document
' give focus to print preview control
ppv.StartPage = 0
Cursor = Cursors.Default
End Try
End Sub
private void cmbReport_SelectedIndexChanged(_
System.object sender, System.EventArgs e)
try {
Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
// load report
status.Text = "Loading " + cmbReport.Text;
c1r.Load(m_ReportDefinitionFile, cmbReport.Text);
C1Report.Load Method · 165
// render into print preview control
status.Text = "Rendering " + cmbReport.Text;
ppv.Document = c1r.Document;
// give focus to print preview control
ppv.StartPage = 0;
} finally {
Cursor = Cursors.Default;
procedure cmbReport_SelectedIndexChanged(sender: System.Object; e:
Cursor := Cursors.WaitCursor;
// load report
status.Text := 'Loading '+ cmbReport.Text;
c1r.Load(m_ReportDefinitionFile, cmbReport.Text);
// render into print preview control
status.Text := 'Rendering '+ cmbReport.Text;
ppv.Document := c1r.Document;
// give focus to print preview control
ppv.StartPage := 0;
Cursor := Cursors.Default;
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | C1Report.Load Overload List
C1Report.Load Method (XmlDocument, String)
Loads a report from an System.Xml.XmlDocument.
[Visual Basic]
Overloads Public Sub Load( _
ByVal doc As XmlDocument, _
ByVal reportName As String _
public void Load(
XmlDocument doc,
string reportName
166 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
public procedure Load(
doc: XmlDocument;
reportName: String
); overload;
Reference to the System.Xml.XmlDocument that contains the reports.
Name of the report to retrieve from the file (case-insensitive).
You can get a list of reports available in the file using the GetReportInfo (String) method.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | C1Report.Load Overload List
C1Report.OnEndPage Method
Raises the EndPage event.
[Visual Basic]
Protected Sub OnEndPage( _
ByVal e As ReportEventArgs _
protected void OnEndPage(
ReportEventArgs e
strict protected procedure OnEndPage(
e: ReportEventArgs
ReportEventArgs that contains event data.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.OnEndReport Method
Raises the EndReport event.
[Visual Basic]
Protected Sub OnEndReport( _
ByVal e As EventArgs _
C1Report.OnEndSection Method · 167
protected void OnEndReport(
EventArgs e
strict protected procedure OnEndReport(
e: EventArgs
System.EventArgs that contains event data.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.OnEndSection Method
Raises the EndSection event.
[Visual Basic]
Protected Sub OnEndSection( _
ByVal e As ReportEventArgs _
protected void OnEndSection(
ReportEventArgs e
strict protected procedure OnEndSection(
e: ReportEventArgs
ReportEventArgs that contains event data.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.OnNoReportData Method
Raises the NoData event.
[Visual Basic]
Protected Sub OnNoReportData( _
ByVal e As EventArgs _
168 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
protected void OnNoReportData(
EventArgs e
strict protected procedure OnNoReportData(
e: EventArgs
System.EventArgs that contains event data.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.OnPrintSection Method
Raises the PrintSection event.
[Visual Basic]
Protected Sub OnPrintSection( _
ByVal e As ReportEventArgs _
protected void OnPrintSection(
ReportEventArgs e
strict protected procedure OnPrintSection(
e: ReportEventArgs
ReportEventArgs that contains event data.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.OnReportError Method
Raises the ReportError event.
[Visual Basic]
Protected Sub OnReportError( _
ByVal e As ReportEventArgs _
C1Report.OnStartPage Method · 169
protected void OnReportError(
ReportEventArgs e
strict protected procedure OnReportError(
e: ReportEventArgs
ReportEventArgs that contains event data.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.OnStartPage Method
Raises the StartPage event.
[Visual Basic]
Protected Sub OnStartPage( _
ByVal e As ReportEventArgs _
protected void OnStartPage(
ReportEventArgs e
strict protected procedure OnStartPage(
e: ReportEventArgs
ReportEventArgs that contains event data.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.OnStartReport Method
Raises the StartReport event.
[Visual Basic]
Protected Sub OnStartReport( _
ByVal e As EventArgs _
170 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
protected void OnStartReport(
EventArgs e
strict protected procedure OnStartReport(
e: EventArgs
System.EventArgs that contains event data.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.OnStartSection Method
Raises the StartSection event.
[Visual Basic]
Protected Sub OnStartSection( _
ByVal e As ReportEventArgs _
protected void OnStartSection(
ReportEventArgs e
strict protected procedure OnStartSection(
e: ReportEventArgs
ReportEventArgs that contains event data.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.ParseExpression Method
Parses a VBScript expression in the current report context.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function ParseExpression( _
ByVal expression As String _
) As Exception
C1Report.ParseStatement Method · 171
public Exception ParseExpression(
string expression
public function ParseExpression(
expression: String
): Exception;
A string with a VBScript expression to be parsed.
Return Value
An System.Exception if the expression is invalid, or null if no errors were detected.
This method is useful for providing VBScript syntax-checking in designer applications.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.ParseStatement Method
Parses a VBScript statement in the current report context.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function ParseStatement( _
ByVal statement As String _
) As Exception
public Exception ParseStatement(
string statement
public function ParseStatement(
statement: String
): Exception;
A string with a VBScript statement to be parsed.
Return Value
An System.Exception if the statement is invalid, or null if no errors were detected.
This method is useful for providing VBScript syntax-checking in designer applications.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
172 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.Render Method
Renders the report into an internal collection of images.
[Visual Basic]
Public Sub Render()
public void Render()
public procedure Render();
This method is called implicitly when other classes access the Document property, so you rarely have to call
Render directly from your code.
In some cases, you may want to access the report as a collection of pages, exposed by the PageImages
property. To ensure that the image collection is available and up-to-date, call the Render method directly.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.RenderToFile Method
Renders the report into a file.
[Visual Basic]
Public Sub RenderToFile( _
ByVal fileName As String, _
ByVal fmt As FileFormatEnum _
public void RenderToFile(
string fileName,
FileFormatEnum fmt
public procedure RenderToFile(
fileName: String;
fmt: FileFormatEnum
Name of the file that will contain the report.
Type of file to create.
This method causes the control to render the current report into a file. It is especially useful in server
applications that create several reports in batch mode, and don't have a user interface.
C1Report.RenderToFilter Method · 173
The following code provides an example of the RenderToFile method:
Visual Basic
c1r1.RenderToFile(outFile + ".pdf", FileFormatEnum.PDF)
c1r1.RenderToFile(outFile + ".xls", FileFormatEnum.Excel)
c1r1.RenderToFile(outFile + ".pdf", FileFormatEnum.PDF);
c1r1.RenderToFile(outFile + ".xls", FileFormatEnum.Excel);
c1r1.RenderToFile(outFile +'.pdf', FileFormatEnum.PDF);
c1r1.RenderToFile(outFile +'.xls', FileFormatEnum.Excel);
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.RenderToFilter Method
Renders the report into an ExportFilter object.
[Visual Basic]
Public Sub RenderToFilter( _
ByVal filter As ExportFilter _
public void RenderToFilter(
ExportFilter filter
public procedure RenderToFilter(
filter: ExportFilter
Export filter that will render the report.
C1Report includes several built-in export filters that allow you to export reports to HTML, PDF, RTF, Excel,
and other formats.
You may create your own filters by creating classes that derive from any of these base filters.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.RenderToStream Method
Overload List
Renders the report into a System.IO.Stream object.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Sub RenderToStream(Stream, FileFormatEnum)
174 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
[C#] public void RenderToStream(Stream, FileFormatEnum);
[Delphi] public procedure RenderToStream(Stream; FileFormatEnum); overload;
Renders the report into an HTML System.IO.Stream.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Sub RenderToStream(Stream, FileFormatEnum, String, String)
[C#] public void RenderToStream(Stream, FileFormatEnum, string, string);
[Delphi] public procedure RenderToStream(Stream; FileFormatEnum; String; String); overload;
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.RenderToStream Method (Stream, FileFormatEnum)
Renders the report into a System.IO.Stream object.
[Visual Basic]
Overloads Public Sub RenderToStream( _
ByVal stream As Stream, _
ByVal fmt As FileFormatEnum _
public void RenderToStream(
Stream stream,
FileFormatEnum fmt
public procedure RenderToStream(
stream: Stream;
fmt: FileFormatEnum
); overload;
Stream that will contain the report.
Report format to insert into the output stream.
This method is especially useful in ASP.NET scenarios where you want to render reports into HTML or PDF
streams, without creating temporary files.
Not all types of report can be rendered into streams. The Excel format requires OLE compound files and can
only be rendered into files.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | C1Report.RenderToStream
Overload List
C1Report.RenderToStream Method (Stream, FileFormatEnum, String, String)
Renders the report into an HTML System.IO.Stream.
C1Report.Save Method · 175
[Visual Basic]
Overloads Public Sub RenderToStream( _
ByVal stream As Stream, _
ByVal fmt As FileFormatEnum, _
ByVal idPrefix As String, _
ByVal fileName As String _
public void RenderToStream(
Stream stream,
FileFormatEnum fmt,
string idPrefix,
string fileName
public procedure RenderToStream(
stream: Stream;
fmt: FileFormatEnum;
idPrefix: String;
fileName: String
); overload;
Stream that will contain the report.
Report format to insert into the output stream.
Unique ID used to differentiate multiple reports stored in the same stream.
Base file name used to build temporary image files.
This method is used by the C1WebReport control to generate HTML reports in ASP.NET pages.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | C1Report.RenderToStream
Overload List
C1Report.Save Method
Overload List
Saves the current report definition to a file.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Sub Save(String)
[C#] public void Save(string);
[Delphi] public procedure Save(String); overload;
176 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Saves the current report definition to an System.Xml.XmlTextWriter object.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Sub Save(XmlTextWriter)
[C#] public void Save(XmlTextWriter);
[Delphi] public procedure Save(XmlTextWriter); overload;
Saves the current report definition to a file.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Sub Save(String, Boolean)
[C#] public void Save(string, bool);
[Delphi] public procedure Save(String; Boolean); overload;
Saves the current report definition to an XmlTextWriter object.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Sub Save(XmlTextWriter, Boolean)
[C#] public void Save(XmlTextWriter, bool);
[Delphi] public procedure Save(XmlTextWriter; Boolean); overload;
Saves the current report definition to a file.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Sub Save(String, Boolean, Boolean)
[C#] public void Save(string, bool, bool);
[Delphi] public procedure Save(String; Boolean; Boolean); overload;
Saves the current report definition to an XmlTextWriter object.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Sub Save(XmlTextWriter, Boolean, Boolean)
[C#] public void Save(XmlTextWriter, bool, bool);
[Delphi] public procedure Save(XmlTextWriter; Boolean; Boolean); overload;
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.Save Method (String)
Saves the current report definition to a file.
[Visual Basic]
Overloads Public Sub Save( _
ByVal fileName As String _
public void Save(
string fileName
public procedure Save(
fileName: String
); overload;
C1Report.Save Method · 177
Full name of the file to be created (if the file already exists, it will be overwritten).
This method does not embed pictures and subreports into the output file. It only saves subreport names and
saves images in external files.
The following code saves the file MyReport.xml:
Visual Basic
c1r.Save(path & "MyReport.xml")
c1r.Save(path + "MyReport.xml");
c1r.Save(path + 'MyReport.xml');
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | C1Report.Save Overload List
C1Report.Save Method (XmlTextWriter)
Saves the current report definition to an System.Xml.XmlTextWriter object.
[Visual Basic]
Overloads Public Sub Save( _
ByVal writer As XmlTextWriter _
public void Save(
XmlTextWriter writer
public procedure Save(
writer: XmlTextWriter
); overload;
An System.Xml.XmlTextWriter object where the report definition will be saved.
This method does not embed pictures and subreports into the output file. It only saves subreport names and
saves images in external files.
The following code saves the file MyReports.xml:
Visual Basic
Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
178 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Handles btnSave.Click
' open xml file
Dim fileName As String = _
Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) + _
Dim writer As XmlTextWriter = _
New XmlTextWriter(fileName, System.Text.Encoding.Default)
' initialize xml file
writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented
writer.Indentation = 2
' save Customers report
c1r.ReportName = "Customers"
' save Employees report
c1r.ReportName = "Employees"
' close xml file
End Sub
private void btnSave_Click( System.object sender,
System.EventArgs e)
// open xml file
string fileName =
Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) +
XmlTextWriter writer =
new XmlTextWriter(fileName,
// initialize xml file
writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
writer.Indentation = 2;
// save Customers report
c1r.ReportName = "Customers";
// save Employees report
c1r.ReportName = "Employees";
C1Report.Save Method · 179
// close xml file
Include(Self.btnSave.Click, Self.btnSave_Click);
procedure btnSave_Click(sender: System.Object; e: System.EventArgs);
fileName: string;
writer: XmlTextWriter;
// open xml file
fileName := Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) +
writer := XmlTextWriter.Create(fileName,
// initialize xml file
writer.Formatting := Formatting.Indented;
writer.Indentation := 2;
// save Customers report
c1r.ReportName := 'Customers';
// save Employees report
c1r.ReportName := 'Employees';
// close xml file
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | C1Report.Save Overload List
C1Report.Save Method (String, Boolean)
Saves the current report definition to a file.
[Visual Basic]
Overloads Public Sub Save( _
ByVal fileName As String, _
ByVal embedAll As Boolean _
180 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
public void Save(
string fileName,
bool embedAll
public procedure Save(
fileName: String;
embedAll: Boolean
); overload;
Full name of the file to be created (if the file already exists, it will be overwritten).
Whether to embed images and subreports into the output file.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | C1Report.Save Overload List
C1Report.Save Method (XmlTextWriter, Boolean)
Saves the current report definition to an XmlTextWriter object.
[Visual Basic]
Overloads Public Sub Save( _
ByVal writer As XmlTextWriter, _
ByVal embed As Boolean _
public void Save(
XmlTextWriter writer,
bool embed
public procedure Save(
writer: XmlTextWriter;
embed: Boolean
); overload;
An System.Xml.XmlTextWriter object where the report definition will be saved.
Whether to embed images and subreports into the output stream.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | C1Report.Save Overload List
C1Report.Save Method · 181
C1Report.Save Method (String, Boolean, Boolean)
Saves the current report definition to a file.
[Visual Basic]
Overloads Public Sub Save( _
ByVal fileName As String, _
ByVal embedPics As Boolean, _
ByVal embedSubs As Boolean _
public void Save(
string fileName,
bool embedPics,
bool embedSubs
public procedure Save(
fileName: String;
embedPics: Boolean;
embedSubs: Boolean
); overload;
Full name of the file to be created (if the file already exists, it will be overwritten).
Whether to embed images into the output file.
Whether to embed subreports into the output file.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | C1Report.Save Overload List
C1Report.Save Method (XmlTextWriter, Boolean, Boolean)
Saves the current report definition to an XmlTextWriter object.
[Visual Basic]
Overloads Public Sub Save( _
ByVal writer As XmlTextWriter, _
ByVal embedPics As Boolean, _
ByVal embedSubs As Boolean _
public void Save(
XmlTextWriter writer,
bool embedPics,
bool embedSubs
182 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
public procedure Save(
writer: XmlTextWriter;
embedPics: Boolean;
embedSubs: Boolean
); overload;
An System.Xml.XmlTextWriter object where the report definition will be saved.
Whether to embed images into the output stream.
Whether to embed subreports into the output stream.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | C1Report.Save Overload List
C1Report Events
The events of the C1Report class are listed here. For a complete list of C1Report class members, see the
C1Report Members topic.
Public Events
Fired before the control adds an outline entry to the
Fired when the control finishes rendering each page.
Fired when the control finishes rendering the report.
Fired when the control finishes rendering each Section.
Fired before the control displays the Report Parameters
Fired when the control starts rendering a report and the
data source is empty.
Fired before each Section is printed (after it has been
Fired when an error occurs while rendering a report.
Fired when the control starts rendering each page.
Fired when the control starts rendering the report,
before it opens the source recordset.
Fired before each Section is formatted.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.AddOutlineEntry Event
Fired before the control adds an outline entry to the report.
C1Report.EndPage Event · 183
[Visual Basic]
Public Event AddOutlineEntry As AddOutlineEntryHandler
public event AddOutlineEntryHandler AddOutlineEntry
public property AddOutlineEntry: AddOutlineEntryHandler read
remove_AddOutlineEntry write add_AddOutlineEntry;
Some report output formats include an outline that is built based on the report groups. For example, PDF
reports show this outline on the left pane of the reader application.
The outline contains one entry for each group header, and the entry text is based on the value of the GroupBy
expression for the group.
This event allows you to change or suppress the text that appears on the outline.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.EndPage Event
Fired when the control finishes rendering each page.
[Visual Basic]
Public Event EndPage As ReportEventHandler
public event ReportEventHandler EndPage
public property EndPage: ReportEventHandler read remove_EndPage write
This event is useful for updating the user interface to show how many pages have been printed so far.
You can use the Cancel property while handling this event to cancel rendering the report. To limit the number
of pages that can be printed, use the MaxPages property instead.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.EndReport Event
Fired when the control finishes rendering the report.
[Visual Basic]
Public Event EndReport As EventHandler
public event EventHandler EndReport
184 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
public property EndReport: EventHandler read remove_EndReport write
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.EndSection Event
Fired when the control finishes rendering each Section.
[Visual Basic]
Public Event EndSection As ReportEventHandler
public event ReportEventHandler EndSection
public property EndSection: ReportEventHandler read remove_EndSection
write add_EndSection;
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.InitializeParametersDialog Event
Fired before the control displays the Report Parameters dialog.
[Visual Basic]
Public Event InitializeParametersDialog As DialogEventHandler
public event DialogEventHandler InitializeParametersDialog
public property InitializeParametersDialog: DialogEventHandler read
remove_InitializeParametersDialog write add_InitializeParametersDialog;
Reports that have a PARAMETERS clause in their DataSource.RecordSource property show a dialog where
the user can enter report parameters.
This event Fired before the dialog is displayed and allows you to customize the dialog by changing its caption,
font, colors, etc.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.NoData Event
Fired when the control starts rendering a report and the data source is empty.
[Visual Basic]
Public Event NoData As EventHandler
C1Report.PrintSection Event · 185
public event EventHandler NoData
public property NoData: EventHandler read remove_NoData write add_NoData;
You can use this event to cancel rendering a report when the source recordset is empty.
If you don't cancel the report, it will be rendered as an unbound report (a self-contained report with no
underlying data).
The code below cancels a report when it has no data:
Visual Basic
Private Sub c1r_NoData(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
_c1r.Cancel = True
End Sub
private void c1r_NoData(object sender, EventArgs e)
_c1r.Cancel = true;
procedure c1r_NoData(sender: object; e: System.EventArgs);
_c1r.Cancel := True;
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.PrintSection Event
Fired before each Section is printed (after it has been formatted.)
[Visual Basic]
Public Event PrintSection As ReportEventHandler
public event ReportEventHandler PrintSection
public property PrintSection: ReportEventHandler read remove_PrintSection
write add_PrintSection;
When this event fires, the field values and sizes have been set by the control.
You may still make changes, but they will not affect the field layout. For example, changing a field's Text
property at this point will not cause it to grow or shrink.
This event is equivalent to the OnPrint script property.
186 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.ReportError Event
Fired when an error occurs while rendering a report.
[Visual Basic]
Public Event ReportError As ReportEventHandler
public event ReportEventHandler ReportError
public property ReportError: ReportEventHandler read remove_ReportError
write add_ReportError;
The most common types of errors found when rendering reports are:
1) Invalid ConnectionString or RecordSource parameters. This usually indicates that the system could not
open the specified database (a server may be off line, or a database file may be in a different location than what
was specified) or that the SQL syntax used for the RecordSource property contains errors.
2) Error executing scripts or evaluating expressions. This usually indicates that the VBScript expression used
contains a syntax error. In these cases, make sure you look at the exception message. It usually contains a
good explanation of what caused the error.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.StartPage Event
Fired when the control starts rendering each page.
[Visual Basic]
Public Event StartPage As ReportEventHandler
public event ReportEventHandler StartPage
public property StartPage: ReportEventHandler read remove_StartPage write
This event is useful for updating the user interface to show how many pages have been printed so far.
You can use the Cancel property while handling this event to cancel rendering the report. To limit the number
of pages that can be printed, use the MaxPages property instead.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.StartReport Event · 187
C1Report.StartReport Event
Fired when the control starts rendering the report, before it opens the source recordset.
[Visual Basic]
Public Event StartReport As EventHandler
public event EventHandler StartReport
public property StartReport: EventHandler read remove_StartReport write
You can use this event to provide user feedback or to make changes to the ConnectionString and
RecordSource properties.
For example, you may implement your own version of parameterized queries by asking the user to provide
some information and changing the RecordSource property accordingly.
You may also use this event to assign a System.Data.DataTable object directly to the report's Recordset
property. Applications that already have the report data should do this to save time by preventing C1Report
from loading its own copy of the data.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
C1Report.StartSection Event
Fired before each Section is formatted.
[Visual Basic]
Public Event StartSection As ReportEventHandler
public event ReportEventHandler StartSection
public property StartSection: ReportEventHandler read remove_StartSection
write add_StartSection;
When this event fires, the report fields have not been updated with the current values or sizes.
This is a good point to set field formatting parameters and visibility based on the current data values.
This event is equivalent to the OnFormat script property.
See Also
C1Report Class | C1Report Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
CheckBoxEnum Enumeration
Specifies how Boolean values are translated into checkboxes.
188 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
[Visual Basic]
Public Enum CheckBoxEnum
public enum CheckBoxEnum
type CheckBoxEnum = (CheckBox, CrossBox, NoCheckBox, RadioButton);
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
Use the members of this enumeration to set the value of the CheckBox property in the Field class. This
property is useful when you wish to display Boolean values graphically, rather than using text.
Member name
No checkbox (display as text).
Radio button.
See Also
C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ColumnLayoutEnum Enumeration
Specifies the layout for the columns (down or across).
[Visual Basic]
Public Enum ColumnLayoutEnum
public enum ColumnLayoutEnum
type ColumnLayoutEnum = (Across, Down, Labels);
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
Use the members of this enumeration to set the value of the ColumnLayout property in the Layout class.
Member name
Columns are laid out across the page, then down.
Columns are laid out down the page, then across.
DataAccessException Class · 189
Member name
Causes the report designer to discount label spacing in
the design surface, hide header/footer sections, disable
grouping button, and disable automatic section resizing
when fields are moved or dragged.
See Also
C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
DataAccessException Class
System.Exception that is thrown when a data access error occurs.
For a list of all members of this type, see DataAccessException Members.
[Visual Basic]
Public Class DataAccessException
Inherits ApplicationException
public class DataAccessException : ApplicationException
type DataAccessException = class (ApplicationException);
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
See Also
DataAccessException Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
DataAccessException Members
DataAccessException overview
Public Constructors
DataAccessException Constructor
Initializes a new instance of the DataAccessException
Protected Constructors
DataAccessException Constructor
Initializes a new instance of the DataAccessException
class with serialized data.
See Also
DataAccessException Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
190 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
DataAccessException Constructor
Overload List
Initializes a new instance of the DataAccessException class.
[Visual Basic] Public Function New()
[C#] public DataAccessException();
[Delphi] public constructor Create(); overload;
Initializes a new instance of the DataAccessException class with a specified error message.
[Visual Basic] Public Function New(String)
[C#] public DataAccessException(string);
[Delphi] public constructor Create(String); overload;
Initializes a new instance of the DataAccessException class with serialized data.
[Visual Basic] Protected Function New(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext)
[C#] protected DataAccessException(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext);
[Delphi] strict protected constructor Create(SerializationInfo; StreamingContext); overload;
Initializes a new instance of the DataAccessException class with a specified error message and a reference to
the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.
[Visual Basic] Public Function New(String, Exception)
[C#] public DataAccessException(string, Exception);
[Delphi] public constructor Create(String; Exception); overload;
See Also
DataAccessException Class | DataAccessException Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
DataAccessException Constructor ()
Initializes a new instance of the DataAccessException class.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function New()
public DataAccessException()
public constructor Create(); overload;
See Also
DataAccessException Class | DataAccessException Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace |
DataAccessException Constructor Overload List
DataAccessException Constructor (String)
Initializes a new instance of the DataAccessException class with a specified error message.
DataAccessException Constructor · 191
[Visual Basic]
Public Function New( _
ByVal msg As String _
public DataAccessException(
string msg
public constructor Create(
msg: String
); overload;
A message that describes the error.
See Also
DataAccessException Class | DataAccessException Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace |
DataAccessException Constructor Overload List
DataAccessException Constructor (SerializationInfo, StreamingContext)
Initializes a new instance of the DataAccessException class with serialized data.
[Visual Basic]
Protected Function New( _
ByVal si As SerializationInfo, _
ByVal sc As StreamingContext _
protected DataAccessException(
SerializationInfo si,
StreamingContext sc
strict protected constructor Create(
si: SerializationInfo;
sc: StreamingContext
); overload;
The object that holds the serialized object data.
The contextual information about the source or destination.
192 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
See Also
DataAccessException Class | DataAccessException Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace |
DataAccessException Constructor Overload List
DataAccessException Constructor (String, Exception)
Initializes a new instance of the DataAccessException class with a specified error message and a reference to
the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function New( _
ByVal msg As String, _
ByVal x As Exception _
public DataAccessException(
string msg,
Exception x
public constructor Create(
msg: String;
x: Exception
); overload;
The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
The exception that is the cause of the current exception.
See Also
DataAccessException Class | DataAccessException Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace |
DataAccessException Constructor Overload List
DataSource Class
Provides data for reports.
For a list of all members of this type, see DataSource Members.
[Visual Basic]
Public Class DataSource
public class DataSource
DataSource Members · 193
type DataSource = class;
Most reports specify their data sources by setting the ConnectionString and RecordSource properties. The
DataSource object uses these values to connect to a database and retrieve the report data.
Alternatively, you can assign data objects directly to the Recordset property. This approach is more efficient in
scenarios where the data has already been loaded by the application for other purposes, and can be used in the
report directly instead of loading a copy.
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
See Also
DataSource Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
DataSource Members
DataSource overview
Public Properties
Gets or sets the number of seconds to wait before the
data connection times out (set to -1 to use the default
value, usually 30s).
Gets or sets the string used to open a database.
Gets or sets the expression used to filter which data
rows are included in the report.
Gets or sets the maximum number of data rows to be
included in the report (set to zero to include all rows).
Gets the report that contains this DataSource.
Sets or gets the data source object that provides data to
the report.
Gets or sets a string that specifies which table, stored
procedure, or SQL command to use for retrieving the
report data.
Public Methods
Returns True if the cursor is pointing at the first record
in the data source.
Returns True if the cursor is pointing at the last record
in the data source.
Returns the current cursor position.
Gets the value of the given field, at the cursor position.
Processes the PARAMETERS clause in the
RecordSource string and returns the result.
Moves the cursor to the first record in the data source.
Moves the cursor to the last record in the data source.
194 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Moves the cursor to the next record in the data source.
Moves the cursor to the previous record in the data
Sets the current cursor position to supplied value.
Overriden. Returns a string representation of
DataSource object.
See Also
DataSource Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
DataSource Properties
The properties of the DataSource class are listed here. For a complete list of DataSource class members, see
the DataSource Members topic.
Public Properties
Gets or sets the number of seconds to wait before the
data connection times out (set to -1 to use the default
value, usually 30s).
Gets or sets the string used to open a database.
Gets or sets the expression used to filter which data
rows are included in the report.
Gets or sets the maximum number of data rows to be
included in the report (set to zero to include all rows).
Gets the report that contains this DataSource.
Sets or gets the data source object that provides data to
the report.
Gets or sets a string that specifies which table, stored
procedure, or SQL command to use for retrieving the
report data.
See Also
DataSource Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
DataSource.CommandTimeOut Property
Gets or sets the number of seconds to wait before the data connection times out (set to -1 to use the default
value, usually 30s).
[Visual Basic]
Public Property CommandTimeOut As Integer
public int CommandTimeOut {get;set;}
public property CommandTimeOut: Int32 read get_CommandTimeOut write
DataSource.ConnectionString Property · 195
See Also
DataSource Class | DataSource Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
DataSource.ConnectionString Property
Gets or sets the string used to open a database.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property ConnectionString As String
public string ConnectionString {get;set;}
public property ConnectionString: String read get_ConnectionString write
The ConnectionString is used by the DataSource class to load the report data.
The DataSource class uses an System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection object to retrieve the data, so the syntax
for the ConnectionString is the one used OleDb connection strings. For details on the syntax, see the
documentation for the System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection class.
The ConnectionString specifies the database that contains the report data. The RecordSource property
specifies which table, stored procedure, or SQL command to use for retrieveing the data.
If you want to use a different type of connection (e.g. a System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection, or if your
application already has the data available in a System.Data.DataTable object), you can assign the data directly
to the Recordset property.
See Also
DataSource Class | DataSource Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
DataSource.Filter Property
Gets or sets the expression used to filter which data rows are included in the report.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Filter As String
public string Filter {get;set;}
public property Filter: String read get_Filter write set_Filter;
Use the Filter property to restrict the records that you want to include in a report without modifying the
RecordSource property.
Using a filter is similar to specifying a WHERE clause in the SQL statement assigned to the RecordSource
property. Both techniques will filter the data according to the condidtion specified. The difference is that the
Filter property is applied to a table that has already been loaded in memory, while the WHERE statement
causes only the filtered records to be loaded from the database into memory.
196 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
When creating reports that include only small subsets large tables, the WHERE statement is a better option,
because it doesn't require the entire table to be loaded into memory. On the other hand, if the table has already
been loaded in memory, the Filter property is a better option, since it does not require any additional data to
be loaded.
The syntax for the filter expression is the same used to specify the System.Data.DataView.RowFilter property
for System.Data.DataView objects. The expressions consist of conditions in the form
ColumnNameOperatorValue, where ColumnName is the name of a column in the data source (optionally enclosed
in square brackets), Operator is one of the regular Visual Basic comparison operators, and Value is a literal
enclosed in single quotes. Conditions may be concatenated using AND and OR operators.
The code below shows how to apply a filter to a data source using the Filter property and using a WHERE
clause in a SQL statement:
Visual Basic
If useFilterProperty Then
' load all records, filter in memory
_c1r.DataSource.RecordSource = "SELECT * from Employees"
_c1r.DataSource.Filter = "HireDate >= '1/1/1993' AND Country
= 'UK'"
' load selected records only
_c1r.DataSource.RecordSource = "SELECT * from Employees " +
"WHERE HireDate >= #1/1/1993# AND Country = 'UK'"
End If
if (useFilterProperty)
// load all records, filter in memory
_c1r.DataSource.RecordSource = "SELECT * from Employees";
_c1r.DataSource.Filter = "HireDate >= '1/1/1993' AND Country
= 'UK'";
// load selected records only
_c1r.DataSource.RecordSource = "SELECT * from Employees " +
"WHERE HireDate >= #1/1/1993# AND Country = 'UK'";
if useFilterProperty then
// load all records, filter in memory
_c1r.DataSource.RecordSource := 'SELECT * from Employees';
_c1r.DataSource.Filter := 'HireDate >= ''1/1/1993'' AND Country
= ''UK''';
// load selected records only
_c1r.DataSource.RecordSource := ('SELECT * from Employees ' +
'WHERE HireDate >= #1/1/1993# AND Country = ''UK''');
See Also
DataSource Class | DataSource Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
DataSource.MaxRecords Property · 197
DataSource.MaxRecords Property
Gets or sets the maximum number of data rows to be included in the report (set to zero to include all rows).
[Visual Basic]
Public Property MaxRecords As Integer
public int MaxRecords {get;set;}
public property MaxRecords: Int32 read get_MaxRecords write
This property is useful if you want to limit the size of a report. For example, you may write a report designer
with a preview window that shows only the first 500 records from the database.
Setting this property to zero causes the control to retrieve all records.
You can also limit the size of reports by setting the MaxPages property.
See Also
DataSource Class | DataSource Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
DataSource.ParentReport Property
Gets the report that contains this DataSource.
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Property ParentReport As C1Report
public C1Report ParentReport {get;}
public property ParentReport: C1Report read get_ParentReport;
See Also
DataSource Class | DataSource Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
DataSource.Recordset Property
Sets or gets the data source object that provides data to the report.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Recordset As Object
public object Recordset {get;set;}
public property Recordset: Object read get_Recordset write set_Recordset;
198 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Property Value
You can assign objects of the following types to the Recordset property: (1) System.Data.DataTable objects,
(2) System.Data.DataView objects, or (3) any object that implements the IC1ReportRecordset interface.
Usually, the control creates a System.Data.DataTable object based on the value of the ConnectionString and
RecordSource properties, and uses that object as the report data source.
Alternatively, you may want to create the data source object yourself, and assign it to the control. You can do
that by assigning your data source object to the Recordset property.
When a DataTable or DataView object is assigned to the Recordset property, C1Report automatically creates
an internal wrapper class that implements the IC1ReportRecordset interface. Because of this, you can't get the
original DataTable or DataView objects back by reading the property value. Instead, you must cast the
wrapper object to an System.ComponentModel.IListSource and use the
System.ComponentModel.IListSource.GetList method instead, as shown in the example below.You can
assign objects of the following types to the Recordset property: (1) System.Data.DataTable objects, (2)
System.Data.DataView objects, or (3) any object that implements the IC1ReportRecordset interface.
The following code provides an example of the Recordset property:
Visual Basic
' create a DataTable
Dim dt As DataTable =
New DataTable("my table")
' assign it to c1report
' automatically creates IC1ReportRecordset wrapper
c1r.DataSource.Recordset = dt
' 1) this doesn't work (dbBad == null)
Dim wrapper As Object = c1Report1.DataSource.Recordset
Dim dtBad As DataTable = wrapper as DataTable
' 2) this does (dtGood == dt)
Dim dv As DataView = (CType(wrapper, IListSource)).GetList() as
Dim dtGood As DataTable = dv.Table
// create a DataTable
DataTable dt = new DataTable("my table");
// assign it to c1report
// automatically creates IC1ReportRecordset wrapper
c1r.DataSource.Recordset = dt;
// 1) this doesn't work (dbBad == null)
object wrapper = c1Report1.DataSource.Recordset;
DataTable dtBad = wrapper as DataTable;
// 2) this does (dtGood == dt)
DataView dv = ((IListSource)wrapper).GetList() as DataView;
DataTable dtGood = dv.Table;
-- N/A
DataSource.RecordSource Property · 199
See Also
DataSource Class | DataSource Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
DataSource.RecordSource Property
Gets or sets a string that specifies which table, stored procedure, or SQL command to use for retrieving the
report data.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property RecordSource As String
public string RecordSource {get;set;}
public property RecordSource: String read get_RecordSource write
The ConnectionString specifies the database that contains the report data. The RecordSource property
specifies which table, stored procedure, or SQL command to use for retrieveing the data.
If you want to use a different type of connection (e.g. a System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection, or if your
application already has the data available in a System.Data.DataTable object), you can assign the data directly
to the Recordset property.
See Also
DataSource Class | DataSource Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
DataSource Methods
The methods of the DataSource class are listed here. For a complete list of DataSource class members, see the
DataSource Members topic.
Public Methods
Returns True if the cursor is pointing at the first record
in the data source.
Returns True if the cursor is pointing at the last record
in the data source.
Returns the current cursor position.
Gets the value of the given field, at the cursor position.
Processes the PARAMETERS clause in the
RecordSource string and returns the result.
Moves the cursor to the first record in the data source.
Moves the cursor to the last record in the data source.
Moves the cursor to the next record in the data source.
Moves the cursor to the previous record in the data
Sets the current cursor position to supplied value.
200 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Overriden. Returns a string representation of
DataSource object.
See Also
DataSource Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
DataSource.BOF Method
Returns True if the cursor is pointing at the first record in the data source.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function BOF() As Boolean
public bool BOF()
public function BOF(): Boolean;
See Also
DataSource Class | DataSource Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
DataSource.EOF Method
Returns True if the cursor is pointing at the last record in the data source.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function EOF() As Boolean
public bool EOF()
public function EOF(): Boolean;
See Also
DataSource Class | DataSource Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
DataSource.GetBookmark Method
Returns the current cursor position.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function GetBookmark() As Integer
public int GetBookmark()
public function GetBookmark(): Int32;
Return Value
Index of current record.
DataSource.GetFieldValue Method · 201
See Also
DataSource Class | DataSource Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
DataSource.GetFieldValue Method
Gets the value of the given field, at the cursor position.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function GetFieldValue( _
ByVal fieldIndex As Integer _
) As Object
public object GetFieldValue(
int fieldIndex
public function GetFieldValue(
fieldIndex: Int32
): Object;
Index of the field.
Return Value
Value of the field.
See Also
DataSource Class | DataSource Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
DataSource.GetRecordSource Method
Processes the PARAMETERS clause in the RecordSource string and returns the result.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function GetRecordSource( _
ByVal prompt As Boolean _
) As String
public string GetRecordSource(
bool prompt
public function GetRecordSource(
prompt: Boolean
): String;
202 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
If set to True, user will be prompted for the parameters before the method returns. If set to False, the
default values will be used.
Return Value
The string (SQL statement or table name) that can be used to open a recordset.
This property is related to the RecordSource property. The RecordSource property sets or returns a string that
specifies the source dataset for the report, and it may contain a PARAMETERS clause that causes C1Report
to prompt the user for information.
If you wanted to use the value of the RecordSource property to open a dataset directly from your program,
you would have to parse the PARAMETERS clause yourself.
See Also
DataSource Class | DataSource Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
DataSource.MoveFirst Method
Moves the cursor to the first record in the data source.
[Visual Basic]
Public Sub MoveFirst()
public void MoveFirst()
public procedure MoveFirst();
See Also
DataSource Class | DataSource Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
DataSource.MoveLast Method
Moves the cursor to the last record in the data source.
[Visual Basic]
Public Sub MoveLast()
public void MoveLast()
public procedure MoveLast();
See Also
DataSource Class | DataSource Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
DataSource.MoveNext Method
Moves the cursor to the next record in the data source.
DataSource.MovePrevious Method · 203
[Visual Basic]
Public Sub MoveNext()
public void MoveNext()
public procedure MoveNext();
See Also
DataSource Class | DataSource Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
DataSource.MovePrevious Method
Moves the cursor to the previous record in the data source.
[Visual Basic]
Public Sub MovePrevious()
public void MovePrevious()
public procedure MovePrevious();
See Also
DataSource Class | DataSource Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
DataSource.SetBookmark Method
Sets the current cursor position to supplied value.
[Visual Basic]
Public Sub SetBookmark( _
ByVal bkmk As Integer _
public void SetBookmark(
int bkmk
public procedure SetBookmark(
bkmk: Int32
Index of record.
See Also
DataSource Class | DataSource Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
204 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
DataSource.ToString Method
Returns a string representation of DataSource object.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Function ToString() As String
override public string ToString()
public function ToString(): String; override;
Return Value
The value of RecordSource property if supplied by the user, or (none) otherwise.
See Also
DataSource Class | DataSource Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
DialogEventArgs Class
Provides data for InitializeParametersDialog event.
For a list of all members of this type, see DialogEventArgs Members.
[Visual Basic]
Public Class DialogEventArgs
Inherits EventArgs
public class DialogEventArgs : EventArgs
type DialogEventArgs = class (EventArgs);
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
See Also
DialogEventArgs Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
DialogEventArgs Members
DialogEventArgs overview
Public Fields
Reference to a System.Windows.Forms.Form that is
about to be displayed.
DialogEventArgs Fields · 205
See Also
DialogEventArgs Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
DialogEventArgs Fields
The fields of the DialogEventArgs class are listed here. For a complete list of DialogEventArgs class
members, see the DialogEventArgs Members topic.
Public Fields
Reference to a System.Windows.Forms.Form that is
about to be displayed.
See Also
DialogEventArgs Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
DialogEventArgs.Dialog Field
Reference to a System.Windows.Forms.Form that is about to be displayed.
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Dialog As Form
public readonly Form Dialog
public Dialog: Form;
See Also
DialogEventArgs Class | DialogEventArgs Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
DialogEventHandler Delegate
Represents the method that will handle the InitializeParametersDialog event.
[Visual Basic]
Public Delegate Sub DialogEventHandler( _
ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As DialogEventArgs _
public delegate void DialogEventHandler(
object sender,
DialogEventArgs e
type DialogEventHandler = procedure (
sender: Object;
e: DialogEventArgs
) of object;
206 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
See Also
C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ExportFilter Class
Base class for all export filters, used with the RenderToFilter method to render reports into different formats.
For a list of all members of this type, see ExportFilter Members.
[Visual Basic]
MustInherit Public Class ExportFilter
Implements IDisposable
public abstract class ExportFilter : IDisposable
type ExportFilter = class abstract (TObject, IDisposable);
ExportFilter is an abstract class used as a base class for all the built-in export filter classes, HtmlFilter,
PdfFilter, RtfFilter, XlsFilter, TextFilter, and TiffFilter.
You can write your own export filters by deriving from ExportFilter.
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
See Also
ExportFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ExportFilter Members
ExportFilter overview
Public Constructors
ExportFilter Constructor
Initializes a new instance of the ExportFilter class.
ExportFilter Constructor · 207
Public Methods
Called when the component renders the beginning of a
report group.
Releases the resources used by the filter.
Called when the component finishes rendering a report.
Called when the component finishes rendering each
Determines whether this filter generates single or multipage reports.
Called after each page break on paged reports (see the
IsPaged property).
Called when the component needs to render a report
field with specific content at a specific position on the
current page.
Called after the component has finished rendering the
first pass of the report, and before it starts rendering
overlay fields.
Called when the component starts rendering a report.
Called when the component starts rendering a section.
Returns a value that determines whether the filter
requires page images to be generated.
See Also
ExportFilter Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ExportFilter Constructor
Initializes a new instance of the ExportFilter class.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function New()
public ExportFilter()
public constructor Create();
See Also
ExportFilter Class | ExportFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ExportFilter Methods
The methods of the ExportFilter class are listed here. For a complete list of ExportFilter class members, see
the ExportFilter Members topic.
208 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Public Methods
Called when the component renders the beginning of a
report group.
Releases the resources used by the filter.
Called when the component finishes rendering a report.
Called when the component finishes rendering each
Determines whether this filter generates single or multipage reports.
Called after each page break on paged reports (see the
IsPaged property).
Called when the component needs to render a report
field with specific content at a specific position on the
current page.
Called after the component has finished rendering the
first pass of the report, and before it starts rendering
overlay fields.
Called when the component starts rendering a report.
Called when the component starts rendering a section.
Returns a value that determines whether the filter
requires page images to be generated.
See Also
ExportFilter Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ExportFilter.AddOutlineEntry Method
Called when the component renders the beginning of a report group.
[Visual Basic]
Overridable Public Sub AddOutlineEntry( _
ByVal heading As String, _
ByVal level As Integer, _
ByVal x As Double, _
ByVal y As Double _
virtual public void AddOutlineEntry(
string heading,
int level,
double x,
double y
ExportFilter.Dispose Method · 209
public procedure AddOutlineEntry(
heading: String;
level: Int32;
x: Double;
y: Double
); virtual;
Outline header.
Outline level.
Left position of the outline, in twips.
Top position of the outline, in twips.
This method allows the filter to build a report outline.
See Also
ExportFilter Class | ExportFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ExportFilter.Dispose Method
Releases the resources used by the filter.
[Visual Basic]
Overridable Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
virtual public void Dispose()
public procedure Dispose(); virtual;
Override this method in derived classes to free any disposable objects used by the filter.
See Also
ExportFilter Class | ExportFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ExportFilter.EndReport Method
Called when the component finishes rendering a report.
[Visual Basic]
Overridable Public Sub EndReport()
210 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
virtual public void EndReport()
public procedure EndReport(); virtual;
See Also
ExportFilter Class | ExportFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ExportFilter.EndSection Method
Called when the component finishes rendering each Section.
[Visual Basic]
Overridable Public Sub EndSection( _
ByVal section As Section _
virtual public void EndSection(
Section section
public procedure EndSection(
section: Section
); virtual;
Section that was rendered.
See Also
ExportFilter Class | ExportFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ExportFilter.IsPaged Method
Determines whether this filter generates single or multi-page reports.
[Visual Basic]
Overridable Public Function IsPaged() As Boolean
virtual public bool IsPaged()
public function IsPaged(): Boolean; virtual;
Return Value
True if report is paged.
ExportFilter.NewPage Method · 211
When generating paged reports, the component calls the filter's NewPage method on page breaks and updates
the value of the Page property.
When generating non-paged (continuous) reports, only one long page is generated.
See Also
ExportFilter Class | ExportFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ExportFilter.NewPage Method
Called after each page break on paged reports (see the IsPaged property).
[Visual Basic]
Overridable Public Sub NewPage()
virtual public void NewPage()
public procedure NewPage(); virtual;
See Also
ExportFilter Class | ExportFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ExportFilter.RenderField Method
Called when the component needs to render a report field with specific content at a specific position on the
current page.
[Visual Basic]
Overridable Public Sub RenderField( _
ByVal field As Field, _
ByVal rc As Rectangle, _
ByVal text As String, _
ByVal img As Image _
virtual public void RenderField(
Field field,
Rectangle rc,
string text,
Image img
public procedure RenderField(
field: Field;
rc: Rectangle;
text: String;
img: Image
); virtual;
212 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field object to render.
Rectangle that determines the field position on the page, in twips.
Field text to render.
Field image to render.
See Also
ExportFilter Class | ExportFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ExportFilter.StartOverlays Method
Called after the component has finished rendering the first pass of the report, and before it starts rendering
overlay fields.
[Visual Basic]
Overridable Public Sub StartOverlays()
virtual public void StartOverlays()
public procedure StartOverlays(); virtual;
Overlay fields are used only in reports that contain calculated fields which use the Pages property.
This value is not known until the report has been generated, and is therefore rendered on a second pass.
See Also
ExportFilter Class | ExportFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ExportFilter.StartReport Method
Called when the component starts rendering a report.
[Visual Basic]
Overridable Public Sub StartReport( _
ByVal report As C1Report _
virtual public void StartReport(
C1Report report
ExportFilter.StartSection Method · 213
public procedure StartReport(
report: C1Report
); virtual;
Owner report.
See Also
ExportFilter Class | ExportFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ExportFilter.StartSection Method
Called when the component starts rendering a section.
[Visual Basic]
Overridable Public Sub StartSection( _
ByVal section As Section, _
ByVal x As Double, _
ByVal y As Double _
virtual public void StartSection(
Section section,
double x,
double y
public procedure StartSection(
section: Section;
x: Double;
y: Double
); virtual;
The Section to render.
Left position of the section, in twips.
Top position of the section, in twips.
See Also
ExportFilter Class | ExportFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ExportFilter.UsesImages Method
Returns a value that determines whether the filter requires page images to be generated.
214 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
[Visual Basic]
Overridable Public Function UsesImages() As Boolean
virtual public bool UsesImages()
public function UsesImages(): Boolean; virtual;
Return Value
True if the filter requires page images.
By default, C1Report will render the report into the filter and also into its own PageImages collection.
Some filters use these images to generate their output (e.g. PDF, TIFF). Other filters don't need the images
(e.g. HTML, RTF) and therefore this method returns False, which saves some resources while rendering long
See Also
ExportFilter Class | ExportFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field Class
Displays individual data items in a report.
For a list of all members of this type, see Field Members.
[Visual Basic]
Public Class Field
Implements ICloneable, jr
public class Field : ICloneable, jr
type Field = class (TObject,(TObject, ICloneable, jr);
Every element visible in a report is represented by a Field object. Fields can display text, images, expressions,
lines, rectangles, or subreports.
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
See Also
Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field Members
Field overview
Field Members · 215
Public Constructors
Field Constructor
Initializes a new instance of the Field class.
Public Properties
Gets or sets how text is aligned within the field.
Gets or sets the field's vertical position relative to its
containing Section.
Gets or sets the field's background color.
Allows fields to be rendered in barcode format.
Gets or sets the field's border color.
Gets or sets the field's border style.
Gets or sets the field's size and location within the
section, in twips.
Gets or sets whether the Text property should be
interpreted as a literal value or as a calculated
Gets or sets whether the field height should be
automatically increased to fit the field's contents.
Gets or sets whether the field height should be
automatically reduced to fit the field's contents.
Gets or sets whether the field should be displayed as a
Gets or sets the field's font.
Gets or sets whether to insert page breaks before or after
the field.
Gets or sets the field's foreground color.
Gets or sets a string used to format the field value.
Gets or sets the height of the field in twips.
Gets or sets whether duplicate values in consecutive
records should be suppressed.
Returns the position of the field in the parent report's
Fields collection.
Gets or sets whether the field should be kept together on
a page.
Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the field's left edge in
Gets or sets whether a line should be drawn across the
field (as opposed to a box around the field).
Gets or sets the line spacing between text lines in the
field, in twips.
Gets or sets the width of the field's border or line.
Gets or sets an expression that evaluates to a URL to be
visited when the field is clicked.
216 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Returns the value of the LinkTarget expression.
Gets or sets the field's location within the section, in
Gets or sets the spacing between the bottom edge of the
field and its content, in twips.
Gets or sets the spacing between the left edge of the
field and its content, in twips.
Gets or sets the spacing between the right edge of the
field and its content, in twips.
Gets or sets the spacing between the top edge of the
field and its content, in twips.
Gets or sets the field name.
Gets the C1Report that contains this field.
Gets the Section that contains this field.
Gets or sets a picture to display on the field.
Gets or sets how field pictures should be the aligned.
Gets or sets how images should be the scaled to fit
within the field area.
Gets the height of the field in twips after the CanGrow
and CanShrink properties have been applied to the
Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the field's top edge in
twips after the CanGrow and CanShrink properties
have been applied to the containing Section.
Gets or sets whether the field should render string
enclosed in curly brackets as RTF.
Gets or sets whether to show a running sum for the
Gets or sets the section to which the field belongs.
Gets or sets the field's size, in twips.
Gets or sets a reference to another report to be rendered
within the field (a subreport).
Returns whether a subreport has data and suppresses
rendering if it doesn't.
Gets or sets extra data needed by the calling program.
Gets or sets the field's text.
Gets or sets the direction of the text within the field.
Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the field's top edge in
Gets or sets the field's calculated value.
Gets or sets whether the Field will be rendered in the
Field Constructor · 217
Gets or sets the width of the field in twips.
Gets or sets whether the field's contents should be
allowed to wrap within the field rectangle.
Gets or sets the ZOrder for the field.
Public Methods
Creates a new object that is a copy of the current Field
Brings a field to the front or sends it to the back of the
Overriden. Returns a description of the field (name,
location, size).
Protected Methods
Selects the text or image that will be rendered by the
See Also
Field Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field Constructor
Initializes a new instance of the Field class.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function New()
public Field()
public constructor Create(); overload;
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field Properties
The properties of the Field class are listed here. For a complete list of Field class members, see the Field
Members topic.
Public Properties
Gets or sets how text is aligned within the field.
Gets or sets the field's vertical position relative to its
containing Section.
Gets or sets the field's background color.
Allows fields to be rendered in barcode format.
Gets or sets the field's border color.
Gets or sets the field's border style.
218 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Gets or sets the field's size and location within the
section, in twips.
Gets or sets whether the Text property should be
interpreted as a literal value or as a calculated
Gets or sets whether the field height should be
automatically increased to fit the field's contents.
Gets or sets whether the field height should be
automatically reduced to fit the field's contents.
Gets or sets whether the field should be displayed as a
Gets or sets the field's font.
Gets or sets whether to insert page breaks before or after
the field.
Gets or sets the field's foreground color.
Gets or sets a string used to format the field value.
Gets or sets the height of the field in twips.
Gets or sets whether duplicate values in consecutive
records should be suppressed.
Returns the position of the field in the parent report's
Fields collection.
Gets or sets whether the field should be kept together on
a page.
Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the field's left edge in
Gets or sets whether a line should be drawn across the
field (as opposed to a box around the field).
Gets or sets the line spacing between text lines in the
field, in twips.
Gets or sets the width of the field's border or line.
Gets or sets an expression that evaluates to a URL to be
visited when the field is clicked.
Returns the value of the LinkTarget expression.
Gets or sets the field's location within the section, in
Gets or sets the spacing between the bottom edge of the
field and its content, in twips.
Gets or sets the spacing between the left edge of the
field and its content, in twips.
Gets or sets the spacing between the right edge of the
field and its content, in twips.
Gets or sets the spacing between the top edge of the
field and its content, in twips.
Field.Align Property · 219
Gets or sets the field name.
Gets the C1Report that contains this field.
Gets the Section that contains this field.
Gets or sets a picture to display on the field.
Gets or sets how field pictures should be the aligned.
Gets or sets how images should be the scaled to fit
within the field area.
Gets the height of the field in twips after the CanGrow
and CanShrink properties have been applied to the
Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the field's top edge in
twips after the CanGrow and CanShrink properties
have been applied to the containing Section.
Gets or sets whether the field should render string
enclosed in curly brackets as RTF.
Gets or sets whether to show a running sum for the
Gets or sets the section to which the field belongs.
Gets or sets the field's size, in twips.
Gets or sets a reference to another report to be rendered
within the field (a subreport).
Returns whether a subreport has data and suppresses
rendering if it doesn't.
Gets or sets extra data needed by the calling program.
Gets or sets the field's text.
Gets or sets the direction of the text within the field.
Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the field's top edge in
Gets or sets the field's calculated value.
Gets or sets whether the Field will be rendered in the
Gets or sets the width of the field in twips.
Gets or sets whether the field's contents should be
allowed to wrap within the field rectangle.
Gets or sets the ZOrder for the field.
See Also
Field Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.Align Property
Gets or sets how text is aligned within the field.
220 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Align As FieldAlignEnum
public FieldAlignEnum Align {get;set;}
public property Align: FieldAlignEnum read get_Align write set_Align;
This property determines how text is aligned within the field.
To control picture alignment, use the PictureAlign property.
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | FieldAlignEnum Enumeration
Field.Anchor Property
Gets or sets the field's vertical position relative to its containing Section.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Anchor As AnchorEnum
public AnchorEnum Anchor {get;set;}
public property Anchor: AnchorEnum read get_Anchor write set_Anchor;
Normally, fields do not move when sections grow or shrink. In some cases, however, you may want fields to
grow with the section or to stay in the same position relative to the bottom of the section.
This is especially common for fields used to create vertical lines that should extend the entire height of the
The following code sets the Anchor property to Top:
Visual Basic
Me.C1Report1.Fields(0).Anchor = C1.Win.C1Report.AnchorEnum.Top
this.C1Report1.Fields[0].Anchor = C1.Win.C1Report.AnchorEnum.Top;
Self.C1Report1.Fields[0].Anchor := C1.Win.C1Report.AnchorEnum.Top;
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | AnchorEnum Enumeration
Field.BackColor Property
Gets or sets the field's background color.
Field.BarCode Property · 221
[Visual Basic]
Public Property BackColor As Color
public Color BackColor {get;set;}
public property BackColor: Color read get_BackColor write set_BackColor;
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.BarCode Property
Allows fields to be rendered in barcode format.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property BarCode As BarCodeEnum
public BarCodeEnum BarCode {get;set;}
public property BarCode: BarCodeEnum read get_BarCode write set_BarCode;
The following code sets the BarCode property to Code93 (alpha-numeric):
Visual Basic
Me.C1Report1.Fields(0).BarCode = C1.Win.C1Report.BarCodeEnum.Code93
this.C1Report1.Fields[0].BarCode = C1.Win.C1Report.BarCodeEnum.Code93;
Self.C1Report1.Fields[0].BarCode := C1.Win.C1Report.BarCodeEnum.Code93;
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | BarCodeEnum Enumeration
Field.BorderColor Property
Gets or sets the field's border color.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property BorderColor As Color
public Color BorderColor {get;set;}
public property BorderColor: Color read get_BorderColor write
To draw a border around a field, set the following properties:
222 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
BorderColor to define the border color.
BorderStyle to define the border style (e.g., solid, dashed, etc.).
LineWidth to define the border width (in twips).
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | Field.BorderStyle
Field.BorderStyle Property
Gets or sets the field's border style.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property BorderStyle As BorderStyleEnum
public BorderStyleEnum BorderStyle {get;set;}
public property BorderStyle: BorderStyleEnum read get_BorderStyle write
To draw a border around a field, set the following properties:
BorderColor to define the border color.
BorderStyle to define the border style (e.g., solid, dashed, etc.).
LineWidth to define the border width (in twips).
When you create fields with text and a border, text will be positioned very close to the border. You can control
the distance between the text and the border using the MarginLeft, MarginRight, MarginTop, and
MarginBottom properties.
To draw lines, see the LineSlant property.
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.Bounds Property
Gets or sets the field's size and location within the section, in twips.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Bounds As RectangleF
public RectangleF Bounds {get;set;}
public property Bounds: RectangleF read get_Bounds write set_Bounds;
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.Calculated Property · 223
Field.Calculated Property
Gets or sets whether the Text property should be interpreted as a literal value or as a calculated expression.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Calculated As Boolean
public bool Calculated {get;set;}
public property Calculated: Boolean read get_Calculated write
If this property is set to False, the value of the Text property is rendered on the report without any further
If it is set to True, the value of the Text property is evaluated as a VBScript expression and the result of the
expression is rendered on the report.
The code below creates two fields. One displays the label "Sales Tax", the other displays the tax value by
multiplying a database field ("Sales") by a constant.
Visual Basic
' display literal Text
_c1r.Field(0).Text = "Sales Tax"
_c1r.Field(0).Calculated = False
' display a calculated value
_c1r.Field(1).Text = "Sales * 0.085"
_c1r.Field(1).Calculated = True
// display literal Text
_c1r.Field[0].Text = "Sales Tax";
_c1r.Field[0].Calculated = false;
// display a calculated value
_c1r.Field[1].Text = "Sales * 0.085";
_c1r.Field[1].Calculated = true;
// display literal Text
_c1r.Field[0].Text := 'Sales Tax';
_c1r.Field[0].Calculated := False;
// display a calculated value
_c1r.Field[1].Text := 'Sales * 0.085';
_c1r.Field[1].Calculated = True;
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.CanGrow Property
Gets or sets whether the field height should be automatically increased to fit the field's contents.
224 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
[Visual Basic]
Public Property CanGrow As Boolean
public bool CanGrow {get;set;}
public property CanGrow: Boolean read get_CanGrow write set_CanGrow;
You can use the CanGrow and CanShrink properties to control the appearance of report fields and sections.
When you set both properties to True, the field or section automatically adjusts so any amount of data can be
printed. When a field grows or shrinks, the fields below it move down or up the page.
If you set a field's CanGrow property to True, the control automatically sets the CanGrow property of the
containing section to True. (However, if you set a control's CanShrink property to True, the control doesn't
set the section's CanShrink property to True.)
When you use the CanGrow and CanShrink properties, remember that:
1. The property settings don't affect the horizontal spacing between fields; they affect only the vertical space
the fields occupy.
2. The height of a large field can prevent fields beside it from shrinking. For example, if several short controls
are on the left side of a report's detail section and one tall control, such as an unbound object frame, is on the
right side, the controls on the left won't shrink, even if they contain no data.
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.CanShrink Property
Gets or sets whether the field height should be automatically reduced to fit the field's contents.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property CanShrink As Boolean
public bool CanShrink {get;set;}
public property CanShrink: Boolean read get_CanShrink write set_CanShrink;
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | Field.CanGrow
Field.CheckBox Property
Gets or sets whether the field should be displayed as a checkbox.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property CheckBox As CheckBoxEnum
public CheckBoxEnum CheckBox {get;set;}
Field.Font Property · 225
public property CheckBox: CheckBoxEnum read get_CheckBox write
This property allows you to display Boolean values graphically, rather than as plain text.
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.Font Property
Gets or sets the field's font.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Font As FontHolder
public FontHolder Font {get;set;}
public property Font: FontHolder read get_Font write set_Font;
If you set a field's font FontHolder.Size property to a value that is too large to fit the field box (defined by the
Height property), no text will appear in the field.
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.ForcePageBreak Property
Gets or sets whether to insert page breaks before or after the field.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property ForcePageBreak As ForcePageBreakEnum
public ForcePageBreakEnum ForcePageBreak {get;set;}
public property ForcePageBreak: ForcePageBreakEnum read get_ForcePageBreak
write set_ForcePageBreak;
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | ForcePageBreakEnum Enumeration
Field.ForeColor Property
Gets or sets the field's foreground color.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property ForeColor As Color
226 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
public Color ForeColor {get;set;}
public property ForeColor: Color read get_ForeColor write set_ForeColor;
Use the ForeColor property to specify the color for text in a field. You can use this property to make fields
easy to read or to convey a special meaning.
The code below uses script to change the color of the text in the UnitsInStock field when its value falls below
the reorder level.
Visual Basic
' build script
Dim script As String = "UnitsInStock.ForeColor = " +
"IIF(UnitsInStock < ReorderLevel, vbRed, vbBlack)"
' assign script to detail section
_c1r.Sections.Detail.OnPrint = script
// build script
string script = "UnitsInStock.ForeColor = " +
"IIF(UnitsInStock < ReorderLevel, vbRed, vbBlack)";
// assign script to detail section
_c1r.Sections.Detail.OnPrint = script;
script: string
// build script
script := ('UnitsInStock.ForeColor = ' +
'IIF(UnitsInStock < ReorderLevel, vbRed, vbBlack)');
// assign script to detail section
_c1r.Sections.Detail.OnPrint := script;
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.Format Property
Gets or sets a string used to format the field value.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Format As String
public string Format {get;set;}
public property Format: String read get_Format write set_Format;
Field.Height Property · 227
You can use the Format property to customize the way numbers, dates, times, and text are displayed and
For example, if you've created a Price field, you can set its Format property to "Currency". If the field value is
set to "4321.678", it would be rendered as $4,321.68.
You can use the Format property to format numbers (including currency and percentage values), dates,
Boolean values, and strings.
The syntax for the format string is the same used with the .NET
System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object) method.
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.Height Property
Gets or sets the height of the field in twips.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Height As Double
public double Height {get;set;}
public property Height: Double read get_Height write set_Height;
Every Field object has a rectangle, or "field box", where the field contents are rendered.
The field box is defined by the Left, Top, Width, and Height properties.
These properties are expressed in twips, and the position is relative to the field's containing section.
The field's Height property should be set to a value larger than or equal to the height of the field's Font, or no
text will appear in the field.
If the field's CanGrow or CanShrink properties are set to True, the control will automatically adjust the
RenderHeight property to fit the field's contents and the RenderTop property of fields below the current field
to preserve the vertical distance between fields. The value of the Top and Height properties is not affected.
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.HideDuplicates Property
Gets or sets whether duplicate values in consecutive records should be suppressed.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property HideDuplicates As Boolean
public bool HideDuplicates {get;set;}
228 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
public property HideDuplicates: Boolean read get_HideDuplicates write
You can use the HideDuplicates property to hide a field on a report when its value is the same as in the
preceding record.
For example, on a report listing suppliers and their products, each supplier's name can appear once for each
group of products, rather than once for each product.
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.Index Property
Returns the position of the field in the parent report's Fields collection.
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Property Index As Integer
public int Index {get;}
public property Index: Int32 read get_Index;
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.KeepTogether Property
Gets or sets whether the field should be kept together on a page.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property KeepTogether As Boolean
public bool KeepTogether {get;set;}
public property KeepTogether: Boolean read get_KeepTogether write
If this property is set to True, the control will insert page breaks in order to keep the field contents toghether on
a page.
If it is set to False, and the containing Section also has its KeepTogether property set to False, then the field
may be rendered across two or more pages.
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.Left Property · 229
Field.Left Property
Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the field's left edge in twips.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Left As Double
public double Left {get;set;}
public property Left: Double read get_Left write set_Left;
A field's location is the distance from its upper left corner to the upper left corner of its containing Section.
Setting the Left or Top property to zero places the field at the very left or top of its containing section.
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.LineSlant Property
Gets or sets whether a line should be drawn across the field (as opposed to a box around the field).
[Visual Basic]
Public Property LineSlant As LineSlantEnum
public LineSlantEnum LineSlant {get;set;}
public property LineSlant: LineSlantEnum read get_LineSlant write
The color, style, and thickness of the line are determined by the BorderColor, BorderStyle, and LineWidth
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | LineSlantEnum Enumeration
Field.LineSpacing Property
Gets or sets the line spacing between text lines in the field, in twips.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property LineSpacing As Double
public double LineSpacing {get;set;}
public property LineSpacing: Double read get_LineSpacing write
230 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Setting this property to zero causes the control to use the default line spacing, which corresponds to the height
of the field's font.
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.LineWidth Property
Gets or sets the width of the field's border or line.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property LineWidth As Double
public double LineWidth {get;set;}
public property LineWidth: Double read get_LineWidth write set_LineWidth;
To draw a border around a field, set the following properties:
BorderColor to define the border color.
BorderStyle to define the border style (e.g., solid, dashed, etc.).
LineWidth to define the border width (in twips).
To draw lines, see the LineSlant property.
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.LinkTarget Property
Gets or sets an expression that evaluates to a URL to be visited when the field is clicked.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property LinkTarget As String
public string LinkTarget {get;set;}
public property LinkTarget: String read get_LinkTarget write
If not empty, this should be an expression that evaluates to a URL. After the report is generated, clicking on
the field will cause the report viewer to navigate to the URL. The report viewer can be a web browser (for
HTML reports), Adobe Acrobat (for PDF reports), or other viewer applications.
Not all report viewers support hyperlinks. The PrintPreview control that ships with .NET, for example, does
The field will be displayed as usual, based on the contents of its Text and Picture properties.
Field.LinkValue Property · 231
The LinkTarget expression is always evaluated, regardless of the setting of the Calculated property (which
only applies to the display text). This allows you to bind the LinkTarget to a field in the data source, as show
in the example below.
The code below creates two hyperlink fields, one with a static value and one based on a database value.
Visual Basic
' set up a static link
Dim f As Field = c1r.Fields("companyInfoLink")
f.Calculated = False
f.Text = "click here for more info on our company"
f.LinkTarget = "http://myrealty.com"
' set up a databound link
Dim f As Field = c1r.Fields("propertyInfoLink")
f.Calculated = False
f.Text = "click here for more info on this property"
f.LinkTarget = "\"http://myrealty.com/moreinfo?id=\" & propertyID"
// set up a static link
Field f = c1r.Fields["companyInfoLink"];
f.Calculated = false;
f.Text = "click here for more info on our company";
f.LinkTarget = "http://myrealty.com";
// set up a databound link
Field f = c1r.Fields["propertyInfoLink"];
f.Calculated = false;
f.Text = "click here for more info on this property";
f.LinkTarget = "\"http://myrealty.com/moreinfo?id=\" & propertyID";
// set up a static link
f := c1r.Fields['companyInfoLink'];
f.Calculated := False;
f.Text := 'click here for more info on our company';
f.LinkTarget := 'http://myrealty.com';
// set up a databound link
f := c1r.Fields['propertyInfoLink'];
f.Calculated := False;
f.Text := 'click here for more info on this property';
f.LinkTarget := '"http://myrealty.com/moreinfo?id=" & propertyID';
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.LinkValue Property
Returns the value of the LinkTarget expression.
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Property LinkValue As String
232 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
public string LinkValue {get;}
public property LinkValue: String read get_LinkValue;
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.Location Property
Gets or sets the field's location within the section, in twips.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Location As PointF
public PointF Location {get;set;}
public property Location: PointF read get_Location write set_Location;
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.MarginBottom Property
Gets or sets the spacing between the bottom edge of the field and its content, in twips.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property MarginBottom As Double
public double MarginBottom {get;set;}
public property MarginBottom: Double read get_MarginBottom write
This property is useful for rendering fields with borders or solid backgrounds, to add some space between the
borders and the field content.
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.MarginLeft Property
Gets or sets the spacing between the left edge of the field and its content, in twips.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property MarginLeft As Double
Field.MarginRight Property · 233
public double MarginLeft {get;set;}
public property MarginLeft: Double read get_MarginLeft write
This property is useful for rendering fields with borders or solid backgrounds, to add some space between the
borders and the field content.
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.MarginRight Property
Gets or sets the spacing between the right edge of the field and its content, in twips.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property MarginRight As Double
public double MarginRight {get;set;}
public property MarginRight: Double read get_MarginRight write
This property is useful for rendering fields with borders or solid backgrounds, to add some space between the
borders and the field content.
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.MarginTop Property
Gets or sets the spacing between the top edge of the field and its content, in twips.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property MarginTop As Double
public double MarginTop {get;set;}
public property MarginTop: Double read get_MarginTop write set_MarginTop;
This property is useful for rendering fields with borders or solid backgrounds, to add some space between the
borders and the field content.
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
234 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.Name Property
Gets or sets the field name.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Name As String
public string Name {get;set;}
public property Name: String read get_Name write set_Name;
The field name can be used as an index into the control's Fields collection.
Field names are also used to identify fields in VBScript expressions, as shown in the example below.
Duplicate and empty field names are allowed, but should be avoided if you plan to use the field names in
scripts or as indexers.
The code below assigns a script to the report's SectionTypeEnum.Detail section. The script changes a field's
ForeColor property depending on a value.
Visual Basic
_c1r.Sections.Fields("sampleField").ForeColor = Color.Black
_c1r.Sections.Detail.OnFormat =
"sampleField.ForeColor = iif(someValue < 5, vbRed, vbBlack)"
_c1r.Sections.Fields["sampleField"].ForeColor = Color.Black;
_c1r.Sections.Detail.OnFormat =
"sampleField.ForeColor = iif(someValue < 5, vbRed, vbBlack)";
_c1r.Sections.Fields['sampleField'].ForeColor := Color.Black;
_c1r.Sections.Detail.OnFormat :=
'sampleField.ForeColor = iif(someValue < 5, vbRed, vbBlack)';
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.ParentReport Property
Gets the C1Report that contains this field.
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Property ParentReport As C1Report
public C1Report ParentReport {get;}
public property ParentReport: C1Report read get_ParentReport;
Field.ParentSection Property · 235
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.ParentSection Property
Gets the Section that contains this field.
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Property ParentSection As Section
public Section ParentSection {get;}
public property ParentSection: Section read get_ParentSection;
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.Picture Property
Gets or sets a picture to display on the field.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Picture As Object
public object Picture {get;set;}
public property Picture: Object read get_Picture write set_Picture;
You may set this property to three types of object:
1) Regular .NET System.Drawing.Image objects.
2) Strings containing image file names or urls.
3) Strings containing names of image fields in the report data source.
Options 1 and 2 are used to create unbound images, such as logos. These images do not depend on the report
Option 3 is used to create bound images, such as product or employee pictures. These are images stored with
the report data.
The following code creates an unbound image:
Visual Basic
theField.Picture = PictureBoxLogo.Image
theField.Picture = "c:\mycorp\pictures\logo.gif"
theField.Picture = PictureBoxLogo.Image;
theField.Picture = "c:\mycorp\pictures\logo.gif";
236 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
theField.Picture := PictureBoxLogo.Image;
theField.Picture := 'c:\mycorp\pictures\logo.gif';
The following code creates a bound image:
Visual Basic
c1r.DataSource.ConnectionString = "dsn=NorthWind"
c1r.DataSource.RecordSource = "Employees"
theField.Picture = "Photo"
c1r.DataSource.ConnectionString = "dsn=NorthWind";
c1r.DataSource.RecordSource = "Employees";
theField.Picture = "Photo";
c1r.DataSource.ConnectionString := 'dsn=NorthWind';
c1r.DataSource.RecordSource := 'Employees';
theField.Picture := 'Photo';
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | Field.PictureAlign | Field.PictureScale
Field.PictureAlign Property
Gets or sets how field pictures should be the aligned.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property PictureAlign As PictureAlignEnum
public PictureAlignEnum PictureAlign {get;set;}
public property PictureAlign: PictureAlignEnum read get_PictureAlign write
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | Field.Picture | Field.PictureScale |
PictureAlignEnum Enumeration
Field.PictureScale Property
Gets or sets how images should be the scaled to fit within the field area.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property PictureScale As PictureScaleEnum
public PictureScaleEnum PictureScale {get;set;}
Field.RenderHeight Property · 237
public property PictureScale: PictureScaleEnum read get_PictureScale write
Depending on the setting of this property, images may be clipped, stretched, scaled (which preserves the
image's aspect ratio), tiled, or hidden.
PictureScale works with the PictureAlign property so you can control image scaling and alignment
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.RenderHeight Property
Gets the height of the field in twips after the CanGrow and CanShrink properties have been applied to the
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Property RenderHeight As Double
public double RenderHeight {get;}
public property RenderHeight: Double read get_RenderHeight;
If the field's CanGrow or CanShrink properties are set to True, the control will automatically adjust the
RenderHeight property to fit the field's contents and the RenderTop property of fields below the current field
to preserve the vertical distance between fields. The value of the Top and Height properties is not affected.
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.RenderTop Property
Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the field's top edge in twips after the CanGrow and CanShrink properties have
been applied to the containing Section.
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Property RenderTop As Double
public double RenderTop {get;}
public property RenderTop: Double read get_RenderTop;
If the field's CanGrow or CanShrink properties are set to True, the control will automatically adjust the
RenderHeight property to fit the field's contents and the RenderTop property of fields below the current field
to preserve the vertical distance between fields. The value of the Top and Height properties is not affected.
238 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.RTF Property
Gets or sets whether the field should render string enclosed in curly brackets as RTF.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property RTF As Boolean
public bool RTF {get;set;}
public property RTF: Boolean read get_RTF write set_RTF;
If you set this property to True, any fields containing text enclosed in curly brackets will be rendered as RTF.
This allows you to add complex formatting within a field.
The following code creates a field with bold and italic characters:
Visual Basic
myField.RTF = True
myField.Text = "{This is \b Really \b0\i Really \i0 important}"
myField.RTF = true;
myField.Text = "{This is \b Really \b0\i Really \i0 important}";
myField.RTF := True;
myField.Text := '{This is \b Really \b0\i Really \i0 important}';
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.RunningSum Property
Gets or sets whether to show a running sum for the field.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property RunningSum As RunningSumEnum
public RunningSumEnum RunningSum {get;set;}
public property RunningSum: RunningSumEnum read get_RunningSum write
You can use the RunningSum property to calculate record-by-record or group-by-group totals in a report.
Field.Section Property · 239
The RunningSum property specifies whether a calculated field on a report displays a running total and lets you
set the range over which values are accumulated.
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | RunningSumEnum Enumeration
Field.Section Property
Gets or sets the section to which the field belongs.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Section As SectionTypeEnum
public SectionTypeEnum Section {get;set;}
public property Section: SectionTypeEnum read get_Section write
To move a field from one section to another, set its Section property to a new value.
The following code moves all fields on the page header section to the page footer section:
Visual Basic
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To c1r.Fields.Count – 1
If c1r.Fields(i).Section = SectionTypeEnum.PageHeader Then
c1r.Fields(i).Section = SectionTypeEnum.PageFooter
End If
for (int i = 0; i <= c1r.Fields.Count – 1; i++)
if ( c1r.Fields[i].Section = SectionTypeEnum.PageHeader )
c1r.Fields[i].Section = SectionTypeEnum.PageFooter;
i: Integer;
for i := 0 to c1r.Fields.Count – 1 do
if c1r.Fields[i].Section = SectionTypeEnum.PageHeader then
c1r.Fields[i].Section := SectionTypeEnum.PageFooter;
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
240 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.Size Property
Gets or sets the field's size, in twips.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Size As SizeF
public SizeF Size {get;set;}
public property Size: SizeF read get_Size write set_Size;
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.Subreport Property
Gets or sets a reference to another report to be rendered within the field (a subreport).
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Subreport As C1Report
public C1Report Subreport {get;set;}
public property Subreport: C1Report read get_Subreport write
A subreport is a report that is inserted in another report. Subreports are useful when you want to combine
several reports into one. For example, you may have a main report that integrates several subreports into a
single main report. Or you can use the main report to show detailed information and use subreports to show
summary data at the beginning of each group.
For some real-world examples, check the "Sales By Category" and "Sales By Year" reports in the
NWIND.XML sample that ships with the control.
To define a field as a subreport, you should start by loading the subreport, then assign the subreport control to
the field's Subreport property.
Next, link the subreport to the main report using the subreport field's Text property (this is analogous to setting
the LinkChildFields/LinkMasterFields properties in a Microsoft Access subreport). The Text property in a
subreport field is used as a filter. It specifies which records in the source recordset should be used to render the
subreport based on the current record for the main report.
When the main report is being rendered and reaches the subreport field, the Text expression is evaluated and
the result is uses as a filter condition for the subreport.
Building the link expression is not difficult, but it is a little tricky because it requires you to create a string that
contains quotes, and these internal quotes must be doubled (written as "").
If you are creating reports using the Report Designer, you don't have to worry about building the link
expressions in code. Instead, right-click the subreport field and select the Link Subreport menu. This will show
a dialog where you can select the master and detail fields. When you click OK, the Report Designer will build
the link expression and assign it to the Text property of the subreport field automatically.
Field.SubreportHasData Property · 241
Subreport fields usually have the CanGrow property set to True, so the subreport field can expand to include
all its records.
Subreports may contain other subreports. There's no set limit for the depth of report nesting you can have.
However, there must be no circular references to reports. In other words, a report cannot contain a reference to
itself as a subreport.
Visual Basic
' load subreport and assign it to a field in the main report
Dim sSub As String = "Sales By Category Subreport"
c1Sub.Load("NWIND.XML", sSub)
c1rMain.Fields(sSub).Subreport = c1Sub
' set up connection between main report and subreport
c1rMain.Fields(sSub).Calculated = True
c1rMain.Fields(sSub).Text = "\"CategoryName = "\" & [CategoryName] &
// load subreport and assign it to a field in the main report
string sSub = "Sales By Category Subreport";
c1Sub.Load("NWIND.XML", sSub);
c1rMain.Fields[sSub].Subreport = c1Sub;
// set up connection between main report and subreport
c1rMain.Fields[sSub].Calculated = true;
c1rMain.Fields[sSub].Text = "\"CategoryName = '\" & [CategoryName] &
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.SubreportHasData Property
Returns whether a subreport has data and suppresses rendering if it doesn't.
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Property SubreportHasData As Boolean
public bool SubreportHasData {get;}
public property SubreportHasData: Boolean read get_SubreportHasData;
This property allows you to check whether a subreport has data and prevent it from rendering if it doesn't.
242 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
The code below uses script to hide sections with empty subreports:
_c1r.Sections.Detail.OnPrint = "Detail.Visible =
The code below uses script to hide a field containing an empty subreport and show another field instead:
_c1r.Sections.Detail.OnPrint =
"hasData = fSubreport.SubreportHasData\r\n" +
"fSubreport.Visible = hasData" +
"fNoData.Visible = Not hasData\r\n" +
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.Tag Property
Gets or sets extra data needed by the calling program.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Tag As Object
public object Tag {get;set;}
public property Tag: Object read get_Tag write set_Tag;
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.Text Property
Gets or sets the field's text.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Text As String
public string Text {get;set;}
public property Text: String read get_Text write set_Text;
The Text property contains the text that will be rendered on the report.
This value may be rendered literally (without any translation) or it may be evaluated as a VBScript expression,
depending on the setting of the Calculated property.
The code below creates two fields. One displays the label "Sales Tax", the other displays the tax value by
multiplying a database field ("Sales") by a constant.
Visual Basic
' display literal Text
_c1r.Field(0).Text = "Sales Tax"
Field.TextDirection Property · 243
_c1r.Field(0).Calculated = False
' display a calculated value
_c1r.Field(1).Text = "Sales * 0.085"
_c1r.Field(1).Calculated = True
// display literal Text
_c1r.Field[0].Text = "Sales Tax";
_c1r.Field[0].Calculated = false;
// display a calculated value
_c1r.Field[1].Text = "Sales * 0.085";
_c1r.Field[1].Calculated = true;
// display literal Text
_c1r.Field[0].Text := 'Sales Tax';
_c1r.Field[0].Calculated := False;
// display a calculated value
_c1r.Field[1].Text := 'Sales * 0.085';
_c1r.Field[1].Calculated := True;
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.TextDirection Property
Gets or sets the direction of the text within the field.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property TextDirection As TextDirectionEnum
public TextDirectionEnum TextDirection {get;set;}
public property TextDirection: TextDirectionEnum read get_TextDirection
write set_TextDirection;
Not all output formats support vertical text. The preview, print, PDF, TIFF, and XLS formats do support
vertical text. The HTML, RTF, and plain text formats do not.
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | TextDirectionEnum Enumeration
Field.Top Property
Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the field's top edge in twips.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Top As Double
244 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
public double Top {get;set;}
public property Top: Double read get_Top write set_Top;
A field's location is the distance from its upper left corner to the upper left corner of its containing Section.
If the field's CanGrow or CanShrink properties are set to True, the control will automatically adjust the
RenderHeight property to fit the field's contents and the RenderTop property of fields below the current field
to preserve the vertical distance between fields. The value of the Top and Height properties is not affected.
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.Value Property
Gets or sets the field's calculated value.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Value As Object
public object Value {get;set;}
public property Value: Object read get_Value write set_Value;
When a field's Calculated property is set to True, the control evaluates the expression stored in the Text
property and stores the result in the Value property, which gets rendered into the report.
This is the field's default property, so when you use a field name in a VBScript expression, you are actually
referring to the field's Value property.
The following code provides an example of the Value property:
Visual Basic
Dim sScript As String = _
"If MyField > 100 Then " & _
"MyField.ForeColor = RGB(255,0,0)"
string sScript =
"If MyField > 100 Then MyField.ForeColor = RGB(255,0,0) ";
sScript := 'if MyField > 100 then MyField.ForeColor = RGB(255,0,0)';
is equivalent to:
Visual Basic
Dim sScript As String = _
"If MyField.Value > 100 Then " & _
"MyField.ForeColor = RGB(255,0,0)"
Field.Visible Property · 245
string sScript =
"If MyField > 100 Then MyField.ForeColor = RGB(255,0,0) ";
sScript: string;
sScript := 'If MyField.Value > 100 Then MyField.ForeColor =
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.Visible Property
Gets or sets whether the Field will be rendered in the report.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Visible As Boolean
public bool Visible {get;set;}
public property Visible: Boolean read get_Visible write set_Visible;
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.Width Property
Gets or sets the width of the field in twips.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Width As Double
public double Width {get;set;}
public property Width: Double read get_Width write set_Width;
Every Field object has a rectangle, or "field box", where the field contents are rendered.
The field box is defined by the Left, Top, Width, and Height properties.
These properties are expressed in twips, and the position is relative to the field's containing section.
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.WordWrap Property
Gets or sets whether the field's contents should be allowed to wrap within the field rectangle.
246 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
[Visual Basic]
Public Property WordWrap As Boolean
public bool WordWrap {get;set;}
public property WordWrap: Boolean read get_WordWrap write set_WordWrap;
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.ZOrder Property
Gets or sets the ZOrder for the field.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property ZOrder As Integer
public int ZOrder {get;set;}
public property ZOrder: Int32 read get_ZOrder write set_ZOrder;
The ZOrder of a field determines whether it is rendered in front of or behind other fields that overlap with it.
High ZOrder values bring the field to the front, low values send it to the back.
Because ZOrder values are relative, it is usually easier to call the SetZOrder method, which ensures the field is
rendered in front of or behind all other overlapping fields.
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field Methods
The methods of the Field class are listed here. For a complete list of Field class members, see the Field
Members topic.
Public Methods
Creates a new object that is a copy of the current Field
Brings a field to the front or sends it to the back of the
Overriden. Returns a description of the field (name,
location, size).
Protected Methods
Selects the text or image that will be rendered by the
Field.Clone Method · 247
See Also
Field Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.Clone Method
Creates a new object that is a copy of the current Field object.
[Visual Basic]
Overridable Public Function Clone() As Object Implements ICloneable.Clone
virtual public object Clone()
public function Clone(): Object; virtual;
Return Value
Copy of the current Field object.
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.GetRenderContent Method
Selects the text or image that will be rendered by the field.
[Visual Basic]
Overridable Protected Sub GetRenderContent( _
ByRef value As String, _
ByRef img As Image, _
ByVal designTime As Boolean _
virtual protected void GetRenderContent(
ref string value,
ref Image img,
bool designTime
strict protected procedure GetRenderContent(
var value: String;
var img: Image;
designTime: Boolean
); virtual;
Field text.
248 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Chart image.
This parameter allows the field to render differently at design time or run time. This is usually needed for
bound controls, since no data is available at design time.
Override this method in derived classes to provide custom text or images to be rendered in the report.
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.SetZOrder Method
Brings a field to the front or sends it to the back of the ZOrder.
[Visual Basic]
Public Sub SetZOrder( _
ByVal front As Boolean _
public void SetZOrder(
bool front
public procedure SetZOrder(
front: Boolean
Determines whether the field is brought to the front or sent to the back of the ZOrder.
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Field.ToString Method
Returns a description of the field (name, location, size).
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Function ToString() As String
override public string ToString()
public function ToString(): String; override;
Return Value
A description of the field (name, location, size).
FieldAlignEnum Enumeration · 249
See Also
Field Class | Field Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
FieldAlignEnum Enumeration
Specifies the alignment of text within the field's rectangle.
[Visual Basic]
Public Enum FieldAlignEnum
public enum FieldAlignEnum
type FieldAlignEnum = (CenterBottom, CenterMiddle, CenterTop, General,
JustBottom, JustMiddle, JustTop, LeftBottom, LeftMiddle, LeftTop,
RightBottom, RightMiddle, RightTop);
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
Use the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Align property in the Field class.
Member name
Align to the center and to the bottom of the field box.
Align to the center and to the middle of the field box.
Align to the center and to the top of the field box.
Align numbers to the right, other values to the left.
Justify and align to the bottom of the field box.
Justify and align to the middle of the field box.
Justify and align to the top of the field box.
Align to the left and to the bottom of the field box.
Align to the left and to the middle of the field box.
Align to the left and to the top of the field box.
Align to the right and to the bottom of the field box.
Align to the right and to the middle of the field box.
Align to the right and to the top of the field box.
See Also
C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
250 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
FieldCollection Class
FieldCollection class represents a collection of the Field objects.
For a list of all members of this type, see FieldCollection Members.
[Visual Basic]
Public Class FieldCollection
Implements ICollection, IEnumerable
public class FieldCollection : ICollection, IEnumerable
type FieldCollection = class (TObject, ICollection, IEnumerable);
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
See Also
FieldCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
FieldCollection Members
FieldCollection overview
Public Properties
Returns the number of fields in a Fields collection.
Overloaded. Returns a field from a Fields collection.
Public Methods
Overloaded. Adds a field or a clone of a field to a Fields
Overloaded. Determines whether the collection
contains a specific field.
Copies the elements of the collection to an
System.Array, starting at a particular array index.
Overloaded. Removes a field from a Fields collection.
Removes a field from a Fields collection.
See Also
FieldCollection Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
FieldCollection Properties
The properties of the FieldCollection class are listed here. For a complete list of FieldCollection class
members, see the FieldCollection Members topic.
FieldCollection.Count Property · 251
Public Properties
Returns the number of fields in a Fields collection.
Overloaded. Returns a field from a Fields collection.
See Also
FieldCollection Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
FieldCollection.Count Property
Returns the number of fields in a Fields collection.
[Visual Basic]
Overridable Public ReadOnly Property Count As Integer Implements
virtual public int Count {get;}
public property Count: Int32 read get_Count;
See Also
FieldCollection Class | FieldCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
FieldCollection.Item Property
Overload List
Returns a field from a Fields collection.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Default ReadOnly Property Item(Integer) As Field
[C#] public Field this[int]{get;}
[Delphi] public property Item[index: Int32]: Field read get_Item;
Returns a field from a Fields collection.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Default ReadOnly Property Item(String) As Field
[C#] public Field this[string]{get;}
[Delphi] public property Item[name: String]: Field read get_Item;
See Also
FieldCollection Class | FieldCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
FieldCollection.Item Property (Int32)
Returns a field from a Fields collection.
[Visual Basic]
Public Default ReadOnly Property Item( _
ByVal index As Integer _
) As Field
252 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
public Field this[
int index
] {get;}
public property Item[
index: Int32
]: Field read get_Item;
The index parameter may be an integer between zero and Count-1.
See Also
FieldCollection Class | FieldCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | FieldCollection.Item
Overload List
FieldCollection.Item Property (String)
Returns a field from a Fields collection.
[Visual Basic]
Public Default ReadOnly Property Item( _
ByVal name As String _
) As Field
public Field this[
string name
] {get;}
public property Item[
name: String
]: Field read get_Item;
The name parameter may be a string containing a field name.
See Also
FieldCollection Class | FieldCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | FieldCollection.Item
Overload List
FieldCollection Methods
The methods of the FieldCollection class are listed here. For a complete list of FieldCollection class
members, see the FieldCollection Members topic.
Public Methods
Overloaded. Adds a field or a clone of a field to a Fields
Overloaded. Determines whether the collection
contains a specific field.
FieldCollection.Add Method · 253
Copies the elements of the collection to an
System.Array, starting at a particular array index.
Overloaded. Removes a field from a Fields collection.
Removes a field from a Fields collection.
See Also
FieldCollection Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
FieldCollection.Add Method
Overload List
Adds a field or a clone of a field to a Fields collection.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Function Add(Field) As Field
[C#] public Field Add(Field);
[Delphi] public function Add(Field) : Field; overload;
Adds a field to a Fields collection.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Function Add(String, String, Rectangle) As Field
[C#] public Field Add(string, string, Rectangle);
[Delphi] public function Add(String; String; Rectangle) : Field; overload;
Adds a field to a Fields collection.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Function Add(String, String, Double, Double, Double, Double) As Field
[C#] public Field Add(string, string, double, double, double, double);
[Delphi] public function Add(String; String; Double; Double; Double; Double) : Field; overload;
See Also
FieldCollection Class | FieldCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
FieldCollection.Add Method (Field)
Adds a field or a clone of a field to a Fields collection.
[Visual Basic]
Overloads Public Function Add( _
ByVal field As Field _
) As Field
public Field Add(
Field field
public function Add(
field: Field
): Field; overload;
254 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
A Field object to add to the collection.
Return Value
A reference to the newly added field.
In the field does not belong to any reports, it is added to the collection. If the field already belongs to a report,
a clone is created and added to the collection.
See Also
FieldCollection Class | FieldCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | FieldCollection.Add
Overload List
FieldCollection.Add Method (String, String, Rectangle)
Adds a field to a Fields collection.
[Visual Basic]
Overloads Public Function Add( _
ByVal name As String, _
ByVal text As String, _
ByVal rc As Rectangle _
) As Field
public Field Add(
string name,
string text,
Rectangle rc
public function Add(
name: String;
text: String;
rc: Rectangle
): Field; overload;
Contains the name of the new field. You should use a consistent naming scheme for the fields and avoid
using duplicate names for report fields and database fields. Using repeated names is legal but will cause
VBScript expressions that use repeated field names to yield unexpected results.
Contains the value for the new field's Text property. This value may be treated as a literal or as a VBScript
expression, depending on the setting of the field's Calculated property. By default, Calculated is set to
False and the text is rendered as-is.
Defines the position of the field, in twips, with respect to its containing section.
FieldCollection.Add Method · 255
Return Value
A reference to the newly added field.
If you add a field to a section's Fields collection, the new field is automatically assigned to that section.
If you add a field to the control's Fields collection, the new field is not assigned to any sections. In this case,
you must set the field's Section property or it will not be rendered in the report.
See Also
FieldCollection Class | FieldCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | FieldCollection.Add
Overload List
FieldCollection.Add Method (String, String, Double, Double, Double, Double)
Adds a field to a Fields collection.
[Visual Basic]
Overloads Public Function Add( _
ByVal name As String, _
ByVal text As String, _
ByVal left As Double, _
ByVal top As Double, _
ByVal width As Double, _
ByVal height As Double _
) As Field
public Field Add(
string name,
string text,
double left,
double top,
double width,
double height
public function Add(
name: String;
text: String;
left: Double;
top: Double;
width: Double;
height: Double
): Field; overload;
Contains the name of the new field. You should use a consistent naming scheme for the fields and avoid
using duplicate names for report fields and database fields. Using repeated names is legal but will cause
VBScript expressions that use repeated field names to yield unexpected results.
256 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Contains the value for the new field's Text property. This value may be treated as a literal or as a VBScript
expression, depending on the setting of the field's Calculated property. By default, Calculated is set to
False and the text is rendered as-is.
Left coordinate of the new field, in twips, with respect to its containing section.
Top coordinate of the new field, in twips, with respect to its containing section.
Width of the new field, in twips.
Height of the new field, in twips.
Return Value
A reference to the newly added field.
If you add a field to a section's Fields collection, the new field is automatically assigned to that section.
If you add a field to the control's Fields collection, the new field is not assigned to any sections. In this case,
you must set the field's Section property or it will not be rendered in the report.
The following code adds a new field to the report:
Visual Basic
C1Report1.Fields.Add("NewField", "Hello World", _
100, 100, 2000, 300)
C1Report1.Fields("NewField").Section = SectionTypeEnum.Detail
C1Report1.Fields.Add("NewField", "Hello World",
100, 100, 2000, 300);
C1Report1.Fields["NewField"].Section = SectionTypeEnum.Detail;
C1Report1.Fields.Add('NewField', 'Hello World', 100, 100, 2000, 300);
C1Report1.Fields['NewField'].Section := SectionTypeEnum.Detail;
Alternatively, the above code could also be written as:
Visual Basic
Dim theField As Field
theField = C1Report1.Fields.Add("NewField", "Hello World", _
100, 100, 2000, 300)
theField.Section = SectionTypeEnum.Detail
Field theField;
theField = C1Report1.Fields.Add("NewField", "Hello World",
100, 100, 2000, 300);
theField.Section = SectionTypeEnum.Detail;
FieldCollection.Contains Method · 257
theField: Field;
theField := C1Report1.Fields.Add('NewField','Hello World', 100, 100,
2000, 300);
theField.Section := SectionTypeEnum.Detail;
See Also
FieldCollection Class | FieldCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | FieldCollection.Add
Overload List
FieldCollection.Contains Method
Overload List
Determines whether the collection contains a specific field.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Function Contains(Field) As Boolean
[C#] public bool Contains(Field);
[Delphi] public function Contains(Field) : Boolean; overload;
Determines whether the collection contains a specific field.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Function Contains(String) As Boolean
[C#] public bool Contains(string);
[Delphi] public function Contains(String) : Boolean; overload;
See Also
FieldCollection Class | FieldCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
FieldCollection.Contains Method (Field)
Determines whether the collection contains a specific field.
[Visual Basic]
Overloads Public Function Contains( _
ByVal f As Field _
) As Boolean
public bool Contains(
Field f
public function Contains(
f: Field
): Boolean; overload;
Reference to the Field object.
258 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Return Value
True if the collection contains specified field; otherwise, False.
See Also
FieldCollection Class | FieldCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | FieldCollection.Contains
Overload List
FieldCollection.Contains Method (String)
Determines whether the collection contains a specific field.
[Visual Basic]
Overloads Public Function Contains( _
ByVal name As String _
) As Boolean
public bool Contains(
string name
public function Contains(
name: String
): Boolean; overload;
The name of the field.
Return Value
True if the collection contains a field with the specified name; otherwise, False.
See Also
FieldCollection Class | FieldCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | FieldCollection.Contains
Overload List
FieldCollection.CopyTo Method
Copies the elements of the collection to an System.Array, starting at a particular array index.
[Visual Basic]
Public Sub CopyTo( _
ByVal array As Field(), _
ByVal index As Integer _
public void CopyTo(
Field[] array,
int index
FieldCollection.Remove Method · 259
public procedure CopyTo(
array: Field();
index: Int32
The one-dimensional System.Array that is the destination of the elements copied from collection. The
array must have zero-based indexing.
The zero-based index in array at which copying begins.
See Also
FieldCollection Class | FieldCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
FieldCollection.Remove Method
Overload List
Removes a field from a Fields collection.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Sub Remove(Field)
[C#] public void Remove(Field);
[Delphi] public procedure Remove(Field); overload;
Removes a field from a Fields collection.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Sub Remove(Integer)
[C#] public void Remove(int);
[Delphi] public procedure Remove(Int32); overload;
Removes a field from a Fields collection.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Sub Remove(String)
[C#] public void Remove(string);
[Delphi] public procedure Remove(String); overload;
See Also
FieldCollection Class | FieldCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
FieldCollection.Remove Method (Field)
Removes a field from a Fields collection.
[Visual Basic]
Overloads Public Sub Remove( _
ByVal f As Field _
public void Remove(
Field f
260 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
public procedure Remove(
f: Field
); overload;
The field to be removed.
See Also
FieldCollection Class | FieldCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | FieldCollection.Remove
Overload List
FieldCollection.Remove Method (Int32)
Removes a field from a Fields collection.
[Visual Basic]
Overloads Public Sub Remove( _
ByVal index As Integer _
public void Remove(
int index
public procedure Remove(
index: Int32
); overload;
Specifies the field to be removed.
See Also
FieldCollection Class | FieldCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | FieldCollection.Remove
Overload List
FieldCollection.Remove Method (String)
Removes a field from a Fields collection.
[Visual Basic]
Overloads Public Sub Remove( _
ByVal name As String _
public void Remove(
string name
FieldCollection.RemoveAt Method · 261
public procedure Remove(
name: String
); overload;
The name of the field to be removed.
See Also
FieldCollection Class | FieldCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | FieldCollection.Remove
Overload List
FieldCollection.RemoveAt Method
Removes a field from a Fields collection.
[Visual Basic]
Public Sub RemoveAt( _
ByVal index As Integer _
public void RemoveAt(
int index
public procedure RemoveAt(
index: Int32
Specifies the field to be removed.
See Also
FieldCollection Class | FieldCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
FileFormatEnum Enumeration
Specifies the format of the export file.
[Visual Basic]
Public Enum FileFormatEnum
public enum FileFormatEnum
262 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
type FileFormatEnum = (Excel, HTML, HTMLDrillDown, HTMLPaged, PDF,
PDFEmbedFonts, PDFPrintUtil, PDFProtected, RTF, RTFLabels, Text,
TextSinglePage, TIFF);
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
Use the members of this enumeration to set parameter of the RenderToFile method in the C1Report class.
Member name
Microsoft Excel files. This setting creates a BIFF-8
Excel file that can be opened with Microsoft Excel 97 or
Plain HTML format. This setting creates a single
HTML file that can be viewed in any web browser.
Drill-down HTML format. This setting creates a single
HTML file with collapsible headings. When viewed in a
DHTML-capable browser, clicking group headers
causes them to collapse and expand to show the detail.
Paged HTML format. This setting creates one HTML
file for each page in the report, with links to navigate
between pages.
Adobe PDF format. This setting creates a PDF file that
can be viewed using Adobe Acrobat software.
Adobe PDF format with embedded fonts. This setting
creates a PDF file that can be viewed using Adobe
Acrobat software.
Deprecated. Use PDF, PDFEmbedFonts, or
PDFProcted instead.
Protected PDF format. This setting creates a PDF file
with a random password. The file can be opened and
printed by anyone, but cannot be modified.
RTF format. This setting creates an RTF file that can be
opened in Microsoft Word, WordPad, or any other
RTF-capable text editor.
RTF field-based format. This setting creates RTF files
with absolutely-positioned fields. This format renders
reports more accurately than the plain RTF format, and
is recommended for creating label-style reports.
However, the files created with this setting are harder to
edit than the plan RTF format, and can only be
previewed or printed correctly using Microsoft Word
(this format doesn't work with WordPad).
Plain text. This setting creates a plain ASCII file.
Plain text. This setting creates a plain ASCII file as a
single page.
ForcePageBreakEnum Enumeration · 263
Member name
TIFF format. This setting creates multi-page TIFF files.
See Also
C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ForcePageBreakEnum Enumeration
Determines whether page breaks should be inserted before or after a field or section.
[Visual Basic]
Public Enum ForcePageBreakEnum
public enum ForcePageBreakEnum
type ForcePageBreakEnum = (After, Before, BeforeAndAfter, None, PageAfter,
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
Use the members of this enumeration to set the value of the ForcePageBreak and ForcePageBreak properties
in the Field and Section classes.
Member name
A page break is inserted after the field or section.
A page break is inserted before the field or section.
Page breaks are inserted before and after the field or
No page breaks.
In multi-column reports, a page break is inserted after
the field or section instead of column break.
In multi-column reports, a page break is inserted before
the field or section instead of column break.
See Also
C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Group Class
Object used to sort and group report data.
For a list of all members of this type, see Group Members.
264 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
[Visual Basic]
Public Class Group
public class Group
type Group = class;
Each Group has a Header section and a Footer section that can be used to display aggregate information for
the group.
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
See Also
Group Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Group Members
Group overview
Public Properties
Gets or sets the expression used to break records into
Gets or sets whether the group should be kept together
on a page.
Gets or sets the group name.
Gets the C1Report object that contains this Group.
Returns the Section used as this group's footer.
Returns the Section used as this group's header.
Gets or sets how the group is sorted.
Gets or sets extra data needed by the calling program.
Public Methods
Moves a group to a new position in the Groups
collection, optionally adjusting its Sections and Fields.
See Also
Group Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Group Properties
The properties of the Group class are listed here. For a complete list of Group class members, see the Group
Members topic.
Group.GroupBy Property · 265
Public Properties
Gets or sets the expression used to break records into
Gets or sets whether the group should be kept together
on a page.
Gets or sets the group name.
Gets the C1Report object that contains this Group.
Returns the Section used as this group's footer.
Returns the Section used as this group's header.
Gets or sets how the group is sorted.
Gets or sets extra data needed by the calling program.
See Also
Group Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Group.GroupBy Property
Gets or sets the expression used to break records into groups.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property GroupBy As String
public string GroupBy {get;set;}
public property GroupBy: String read get_GroupBy write set_GroupBy;
This property contains a VBScript expression that is evaluated for every record in the source recordset. A new
group is started whenever the value of this expression changes.
The following code groups records by category name, then by product name:
Visual Basic
c1r.Groups(0).GroupBy = "CategoryName"
c1r.Groups(0).Sort = SortEnum.Ascending
c1r.Groups(1).GroupBy = "ProductName"
c1r.Groups(1).Sort = SortEnum.Ascending
c1r.Groups[0].GroupBy = "CategoryName";
c1r.Groups[0].Sort = SortEnum.Ascending;
c1r.Groups[1].GroupBy = "ProductName";
c1r.Groups[1].Sort = SortEnum.Ascending;
c1r.Groups[0].GroupBy := 'CategoryName';
c1r.Groups[0].Sort := SortEnum.Ascending;
c1r.Groups[1].GroupBy := 'ProductName';
266 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
c1r.Groups[1].Sort := SortEnum.Ascending;
See Also
Group Class | Group Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Group.KeepTogether Property
Gets or sets whether the group should be kept together on a page.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property KeepTogether As KeepTogetherEnum
public KeepTogetherEnum KeepTogether {get;set;}
public property KeepTogether: KeepTogetherEnum read get_KeepTogether write
See Also
Group Class | Group Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | KeepTogetherEnum Enumeration
Group.Name Property
Gets or sets the group name.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Name As String
public string Name {get;set;}
public property Name: String read get_Name write set_Name;
The group name can be used as an index into the control's Groups collection.
The following code provides an example of the Name property:
Visual Basic
c1r.Groups("Initial").GroupBy = "Left([ProductName],1)"
c1r.Groups["Initial"].GroupBy = "Left([ProductName],1)";
c1r.Groups['Initial'].GroupBy := 'Left([ProductName],1)';
See Also
Group Class | Group Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Group.ParentReport Property · 267
Group.ParentReport Property
Gets the C1Report object that contains this Group.
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Property ParentReport As C1Report
public C1Report ParentReport {get;}
public property ParentReport: C1Report read get_ParentReport;
See Also
Group Class | Group Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Group.SectionFooter Property
Returns the Section used as this group's footer.
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Property SectionFooter As Section
public Section SectionFooter {get;}
public property SectionFooter: Section read get_SectionFooter;
See Also
Group Class | Group Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Group.SectionHeader Property
Returns the Section used as this group's header.
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Property SectionHeader As Section
public Section SectionHeader {get;}
public property SectionHeader: Section read get_SectionHeader;
See Also
Group Class | Group Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Group.Sort Property
Gets or sets how the group is sorted.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Sort As SortEnum
268 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
public SortEnum Sort {get;set;}
public property Sort: SortEnum read get_Sort write set_Sort;
The specified sorting is applied to the content of the GroupBy property. For example, if GroupBy contains the
expression "FirstName" and Sort is set to "Ascending", then the group will be sorted in ascending order based
on the content of the "FirstName" column in the data source.
Note that the sorting is performed by the data source itself, not by C1Report. Because of this, sorting is always
based on column names rather than calculated expressions. If the GroupBy property contains a calculated
expression, the component will extract the first column name from the expression and will sort based on that
value. For example, if GroupBy is set to "Left(FirstName, 3)", the sorting will be based on the "FirstName"
column, not on the first three characters of the first names.
This can present problems in a few cases, especially if you want ot sort based on date parts (year, month,
quarter). In these cases, the recommended procedure is to add a calculated column to the data source (by
changing the SQL statement used to retrieve the data), then set the GroupBy property to the name of the
calculated column.
The code below uses a SQL statement to add a "HireQuarter" column to the data source, then sorts a group
based on this new column. The report will show employees sorted by the quarter when they were hired.
Visual Basic
string sql =
"SELECT *, DATEPART('q', HireDate) AS HireQuarter " +
"FROM Employees"
c1r.DataSource.RecordSource = sql
c1r.Groups(0).GroupBy = "HireQuarter"
c1r.Groups(0).Sort = SortEnum.Ascending
string sql =
"SELECT *, DATEPART('q', HireDate) AS HireQuarter " +
"FROM Employees";
c1r.DataSource.RecordSource = sql;
c1r.Groups[0].GroupBy = "HireQuarter";
c1r.Groups[0].Sort = SortEnum.Ascending;
s: String
sql :=
('SELECT *, DATEPART(''q'', HireDate) AS HireQuarter ' +
'FROM Employees');
c1r.DataSource.RecordSource := sql;
c1r.Groups[0].GroupBy := 'HireQuarter';
c1r.Groups[0].Sort := SortEnum.Ascending;
See Also
Group Class | Group Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Group.Tag Property · 269
Group.Tag Property
Gets or sets extra data needed by the calling program.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Tag As Object
public object Tag {get;set;}
public property Tag: Object read get_Tag write set_Tag;
See Also
Group Class | Group Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Group Methods
The methods of the Group class are listed here. For a complete list of Group class members, see the Group
Members topic.
Public Methods
Moves a group to a new position in the Groups
collection, optionally adjusting its Sections and Fields.
See Also
Group Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Group.Move Method
Moves a group to a new position in the Groups collection, optionally adjusting its Sections and Fields.
[Visual Basic]
Public Sub Move( _
ByVal newIndex As Integer, _
ByVal adjustSections As Boolean _
public void Move(
int newIndex,
bool adjustSections
public procedure Move(
newIndex: Int32;
adjustSections: Boolean
Contains the new position for the group (index into the Groups collection).
270 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Determines whether only the group should be moved or whether its header and footer sections, along with
all the fields in those sections, should also be moved.
This method is useful in designer applications, when you want to allow users to change the grouping order.
See Also
Group Class | Group Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
GroupCollection Class
GroupCollection class represents a collection of the Group objects.
For a list of all members of this type, see GroupCollection Members.
[Visual Basic]
Public Class GroupCollection
Implements ICollection, IEnumerable
public class GroupCollection : ICollection, IEnumerable
type GroupCollection = class (TObject, ICollection, IEnumerable);
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
See Also
GroupCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
GroupCollection Members
GroupCollection overview
Public Properties
Returns the number of groups in a Groups collection.
Overloaded. Returns a group from a Groups collection.
Public Methods
Adds a new Group to the collection, along with header
and footer sections for the new group.
Overloaded. Determines whether the collection
contains a specific group.
Copies the elements of the collection to an
System.Array, starting at a particular array index.
GroupCollection Properties · 271
Overloaded. Removes a Group from the Groups
collection, and its header/footer sections from the
Sections collection.
See Also
GroupCollection Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
GroupCollection Properties
The properties of the GroupCollection class are listed here. For a complete list of GroupCollection class
members, see the GroupCollection Members topic.
Public Properties
Returns the number of groups in a Groups collection.
Overloaded. Returns a group from a Groups collection.
See Also
GroupCollection Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
GroupCollection.Count Property
Returns the number of groups in a Groups collection.
[Visual Basic]
Overridable Public ReadOnly Property Count As Integer Implements
virtual public int Count {get;}
public property Count: Int32 read get_Count;
See Also
GroupCollection Class | GroupCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
GroupCollection.Item Property
Overload List
Returns a group from a Groups collection.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Default ReadOnly Property Item(Integer) As Group
[C#] public Group this[int]{get;}
[Delphi] public property Item[index: Int32]: Group read get_Item;
Returns a group from a Groups collection.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Default ReadOnly Property Item(String) As Group
[C#] public Group this[string]{get;}
[Delphi] public property Item[name: String]: Group read get_Item;
272 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
See Also
GroupCollection Class | GroupCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
GroupCollection.Item Property (Int32)
Returns a group from a Groups collection.
[Visual Basic]
Public Default ReadOnly Property Item( _
ByVal index As Integer _
) As Group
public Group this[
int index
] {get;}
public property Item[
index: Int32
]: Group read get_Item;
The index parameter may be an integer between zero and Count-1.
See Also
GroupCollection Class | GroupCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | GroupCollection.Item
Overload List
GroupCollection.Item Property (String)
Returns a group from a Groups collection.
[Visual Basic]
Public Default ReadOnly Property Item( _
ByVal name As String _
) As Group
public Group this[
string name
] {get;}
public property Item[
name: String
]: Group read get_Item;
The name parameter may be a string containing a group name.
See Also
GroupCollection Class | GroupCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | GroupCollection.Item
Overload List
GroupCollection Methods · 273
GroupCollection Methods
The methods of the GroupCollection class are listed here. For a complete list of GroupCollection class
members, see the GroupCollection Members topic.
Public Methods
Adds a new Group to the collection, along with header
and footer sections for the new group.
Overloaded. Determines whether the collection
contains a specific group.
Copies the elements of the collection to an
System.Array, starting at a particular array index.
Overloaded. Removes a Group from the Groups
collection, and its header/footer sections from the
Sections collection.
See Also
GroupCollection Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
GroupCollection.Add Method
Adds a new Group to the collection, along with header and footer sections for the new group.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function Add( _
ByVal name As String, _
ByVal groupBy As String, _
ByVal sort As SortEnum _
) As Group
public Group Add(
string name,
string groupBy,
SortEnum sort
public function Add(
name: String;
groupBy: String;
sort: SortEnum
): Group;
Contains the name of the new group.
Contains the value of the GroupBy property for the new group.
274 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Contains the value of the Sort property for the new group.
Return Value
A reference to the newly added group.
When a group is added to a report, the control automatically adds two new sections, the group header and
group footer sections for the new group. These new sections are invisible by default.
The following code adds a new group:
Visual Basic
C1Report1.Groups.Add("NewGroup", "Left ([ProductName],1)",
C1Report1.Groups.Add("NewGroup", "Left ([ProductName],1)",
C1Report1.Groups.Add('NewGroup','Left ([ProductName],1)',
See Also
GroupCollection Class | GroupCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
GroupCollection.Contains Method
Overload List
Determines whether the collection contains a specific group.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Function Contains(Group) As Boolean
[C#] public bool Contains(Group);
[Delphi] public function Contains(Group) : Boolean; overload;
Determines whether the collection contains a specific group.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Function Contains(String) As Boolean
[C#] public bool Contains(string);
[Delphi] public function Contains(String) : Boolean; overload;
See Also
GroupCollection Class | GroupCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
GroupCollection.Contains Method (Group)
Determines whether the collection contains a specific group.
[Visual Basic]
Overloads Public Function Contains( _
ByVal g As Group _
) As Boolean
GroupCollection.Contains Method · 275
public bool Contains(
Group g
public function Contains(
g: Group
): Boolean; overload;
Reference to the Group object.
Return Value
True if the collection contains specified field; otherwise, False.
See Also
GroupCollection Class | GroupCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace |
GroupCollection.Contains Overload List
GroupCollection.Contains Method (String)
Determines whether the collection contains a specific group.
[Visual Basic]
Overloads Public Function Contains( _
ByVal name As String _
) As Boolean
public bool Contains(
string name
public function Contains(
name: String
): Boolean; overload;
The name of the group.
Return Value
True if the collection contains a group with the specified name; otherwise, False.
See Also
GroupCollection Class | GroupCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace |
GroupCollection.Contains Overload List
276 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
GroupCollection.CopyTo Method
Copies the elements of the collection to an System.Array, starting at a particular array index.
[Visual Basic]
Public Sub CopyTo( _
ByVal array As Group(), _
ByVal index As Integer _
public void CopyTo(
Group[] array,
int index
public procedure CopyTo(
array: Group();
index: Int32
The one-dimensional System.Array that is the destination of the elements copied from the collection. The
array must have zero-based indexing.
The zero-based index in array at which copying begins.
See Also
GroupCollection Class | GroupCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
GroupCollection.Remove Method
Overload List
Removes a Group from the Groups collection, and its header/footer sections from the Sections collection.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Sub Remove(Group)
[C#] public void Remove(Group);
[Delphi] public procedure Remove(Group); overload;
Removes a Group from the Groups collection, and its header/footer sections from the Sections collection.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Sub Remove(Integer)
[C#] public void Remove(int);
[Delphi] public procedure Remove(Int32); overload;
Removes a Group from the Groups collection, and its header/footer sections from the Sections collection.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Sub Remove(String)
[C#] public void Remove(string);
[Delphi] public procedure Remove(String); overload;
GroupCollection.Remove Method · 277
See Also
GroupCollection Class | GroupCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
GroupCollection.Remove Method (Group)
Removes a Group from the Groups collection, and its header/footer sections from the Sections collection.
[Visual Basic]
Overloads Public Sub Remove( _
ByVal group As Group _
public void Remove(
Group group
public procedure Remove(
group: Group
); overload;
The group to be removed.
See Also
GroupCollection Class | GroupCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace |
GroupCollection.Remove Overload List
GroupCollection.Remove Method (Int32)
Removes a Group from the Groups collection, and its header/footer sections from the Sections collection.
[Visual Basic]
Overloads Public Sub Remove( _
ByVal index As Integer _
public void Remove(
int index
public procedure Remove(
index: Int32
); overload;
Specifies the group to be removed.
278 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
See Also
GroupCollection Class | GroupCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace |
GroupCollection.Remove Overload List
GroupCollection.Remove Method (String)
Removes a Group from the Groups collection, and its header/footer sections from the Sections collection.
[Visual Basic]
Overloads Public Sub Remove( _
ByVal name As String _
public void Remove(
string name
public procedure Remove(
name: String
); overload;
The name of the group to be removed.
See Also
GroupCollection Class | GroupCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace |
GroupCollection.Remove Overload List
GrowShrinkModeEnum Enumeration
Specifies the logic for handling CanGrow/CanShrink fields.
[Visual Basic]
Public Enum GrowShrinkModeEnum
public enum GrowShrinkModeEnum
type GrowShrinkModeEnum = (Access, C1Report);
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
Use the members of this enumeration to set the value of the GrowShrinkMode property in the
GrowShrinkModeEnum.C1Report class.
HdrFtrEnum Enumeration · 279
Member name
Uses a mode that is similar to MS Access, where fields
that grow or shrink affect all fields below, even if they
are off to the side of the field that grew or shrank.
Uses the standard C1Report mode, where fields that
grow or shrink affect only fields directly below.
See Also
C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
HdrFtrEnum Enumeration
Specifies where the Page Footer and Page Header sections are displayed.
[Visual Basic]
Public Enum HdrFtrEnum
public enum HdrFtrEnum
type HdrFtrEnum = (AllPages, NotWithReportFtr, NotWithReportHdr,
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
Use the members of this enumeration to set the value of the PageFooter and PageHeader properties in the
Layout class.
Member name
The page footer and header are printed on all pages of a
The page footer isn't printed on the same page as the
report footer.
The page header isn't printed on the same page as the
report header.
The page footer and header are not printed on a page
that has either a report header or a report footer.
See Also
C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
HtmlFilter Class
Used with the RenderToFilter method to render reports into HTML streams or files.
280 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
For a list of all members of this type, see HtmlFilter Members.
[Visual Basic]
Public Class HtmlFilter
Inherits ExportFilter
Implements IDisposable
public class HtmlFilter : ExportFilter , IDisposable
type HtmlFilter = class (ExportFilter, IDisposable);
Creating an HtmlFilter and using it in a call to the RenderToFilter method is similar to using the
RenderToFile or RenderToStream (Stream, FileFormatEnum) methods, but offers some extra flexibility
because you can set properties on the HtmlFilter object before calling RenderToFilter.
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
See Also
HtmlFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
HtmlFilter Members
HtmlFilter overview
Public Constructors
HtmlFilter Constructor
Initializes a new instance of the HtmlFilter class
attached to a stream.
Public Properties
Gets or sets whether the user should be able to expand
and collapse groups by clicking on their header sections.
Gets or sets whether field contents should be encoded
or rendered in raw format. This property allows you to
render fields that contain HTML formatting.
Gets or sets whether the built-in HTML filter should
break paged reports into multiple HTML files (one per
Gets or sets whether the filter should produce a
continuous report into a single HTML file or a paged
report into a set of HTML files.
Gets or sets whether DrillDown reports should be
initially displayed in a collapsed state.
HtmlFilter Constructor · 281
Public Methods
Overriden. Called when the component finishes
rendering a report, or when the rendering process is
canceled by the user or interrupted by an error.
Overriden. Called when the component finishes
rendering a report.
Overriden. Called when the component finishes
rendering each section.
Overriden. Determines whether this filter generates
single or multi-page reports.
Overriden. Called after each page break on paged
reports (see the IsPaged property).
Overriden. Called when the component needs to render
a report field with specific content at a specific position
on the current page.
Overriden. Called after the component has finished
rendering the first pass of the report, and before it starts
rendering overlay fields.
Overriden. Called when the component starts rendering
a report.
Overriden. Called when the component starts rendering
a section.
Overriden. Returns a value that determines whether the
filter uses page images.
See Also
HtmlFilter Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
HtmlFilter Constructor
Overload List
Initializes a new instance of the HtmlFilter class attached to a stream.
[Visual Basic] Public Function New(Stream)
[C#] public HtmlFilter(Stream);
[Delphi] public constructor Create(Stream); overload;
Initializes a new instance of the HtmlFilter class attached to a file.
[Visual Basic] Public Function New(String)
[C#] public HtmlFilter(string);
[Delphi] public constructor Create(String); overload;
Initializes a new instance of the HtmlFilter class attached to a stream.
[Visual Basic] Public Function New(Stream, String, String)
[C#] public HtmlFilter(Stream, string, string);
[Delphi] public constructor Create(Stream; String; String); overload;
282 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
See Also
HtmlFilter Class | HtmlFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
HtmlFilter Constructor (Stream)
Initializes a new instance of the HtmlFilter class attached to a stream.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function New( _
ByVal stream As Stream _
public HtmlFilter(
Stream stream
public constructor Create(
stream: Stream
); overload;
Output stream where the report will be rendered.
See Also
HtmlFilter Class | HtmlFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | HtmlFilter Constructor Overload
HtmlFilter Constructor (String)
Initializes a new instance of the HtmlFilter class attached to a file.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function New( _
ByVal fileName As String _
public HtmlFilter(
string fileName
public constructor Create(
fileName: String
); overload;
Contains the name of the file to be created. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.
HtmlFilter Properties · 283
See Also
HtmlFilter Class | HtmlFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | HtmlFilter Constructor Overload
HtmlFilter Constructor (Stream, String, String)
Initializes a new instance of the HtmlFilter class attached to a stream.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function New( _
ByVal stream As Stream, _
ByVal idPrefix As String, _
ByVal fileName As String _
public HtmlFilter(
Stream stream,
string idPrefix,
string fileName
public constructor Create(
stream: Stream;
idPrefix: String;
fileName: String
); overload;
Output stream where the report will be rendered.
A unique report identifier used to avoid duplicate style names when adding several reports to the same
HTML stream.
Path and template of file name for member files (pictures, etc.).
See Also
HtmlFilter Class | HtmlFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | HtmlFilter Constructor Overload
HtmlFilter Properties
The properties of the HtmlFilter class are listed here. For a complete list of HtmlFilter class members, see the
HtmlFilter Members topic.
Public Properties
Gets or sets whether the user should be able to expand
and collapse groups by clicking on their header sections.
284 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Gets or sets whether field contents should be encoded
or rendered in raw format. This property allows you to
render fields that contain HTML formatting.
Gets or sets whether the built-in HTML filter should
break paged reports into multiple HTML files (one per
Gets or sets whether the filter should produce a
continuous report into a single HTML file or a paged
report into a set of HTML files.
Gets or sets whether DrillDown reports should be
initially displayed in a collapsed state.
See Also
HtmlFilter Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
HtmlFilter.DrillDown Property
Gets or sets whether the user should be able to expand and collapse groups by clicking on their header
[Visual Basic]
Public Property DrillDown As Boolean
public bool DrillDown {get;set;}
public property DrillDown: Boolean read get_DrillDown write set_DrillDown;
See Also
HtmlFilter Class | HtmlFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
HtmlFilter.EncodeHtml Property
Gets or sets whether field contents should be encoded or rendered in raw format. This property allows you to
render fields that contain HTML formatting.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property EncodeHtml As Boolean
public bool EncodeHtml {get;set;}
public property EncodeHtml: Boolean read get_EncodeHtml write
By default, field contents are encoded, so a field containing the string "A<B>C" would be rendered as
"A&lt;B&gt;C", which would appear as the original string in the browser.
If you set EncodeHtml to False, the same string would be rendered in raw format, causing the browser to
display it as "A<B>C" (the "C" would be bold).
HtmlFilter.MultiFile Property · 285
See Also
HtmlFilter Class | HtmlFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
HtmlFilter.MultiFile Property
Gets or sets whether the built-in HTML filter should break paged reports into multiple HTML files (one per
[Visual Basic]
Public Property MultiFile As Boolean
public bool MultiFile {get;set;}
public property MultiFile: Boolean read get_MultiFile write set_MultiFile;
Set this property to False to create a single HTML file containing all pages, with <BR> elements at the page
See Also
HtmlFilter Class | HtmlFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
HtmlFilter.Paged Property
Gets or sets whether the filter should produce a continuous report into a single HTML file or a paged report
into a set of HTML files.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Paged As Boolean
public bool Paged {get;set;}
public property Paged: Boolean read get_Paged write set_Paged;
See Also
HtmlFilter Class | HtmlFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
HtmlFilter.StartCollapsed Property
Gets or sets whether DrillDown reports should be initially displayed in a collapsed state.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property StartCollapsed As Boolean
public bool StartCollapsed {get;set;}
public property StartCollapsed: Boolean read get_StartCollapsed write
286 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
See Also
HtmlFilter Class | HtmlFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
HtmlFilter Methods
The methods of the HtmlFilter class are listed here. For a complete list of HtmlFilter class members, see the
HtmlFilter Members topic.
Public Methods
Overriden. Called when the component finishes
rendering a report, or when the rendering process is
canceled by the user or interrupted by an error.
Overriden. Called when the component finishes
rendering a report.
Overriden. Called when the component finishes
rendering each section.
Overriden. Determines whether this filter generates
single or multi-page reports.
Overriden. Called after each page break on paged
reports (see the IsPaged property).
Overriden. Called when the component needs to render
a report field with specific content at a specific position
on the current page.
Overriden. Called after the component has finished
rendering the first pass of the report, and before it starts
rendering overlay fields.
Overriden. Called when the component starts rendering
a report.
Overriden. Called when the component starts rendering
a section.
Overriden. Returns a value that determines whether the
filter uses page images.
See Also
HtmlFilter Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
HtmlFilter.Dispose Method
Called when the component finishes rendering a report, or when the rendering process is canceled by the user
or interrupted by an error.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
override public void Dispose()
public procedure Dispose(); override;
HtmlFilter.EndReport Method · 287
Use this method to free any disposable objects used by the filter.
See Also
HtmlFilter Class | HtmlFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
HtmlFilter.EndReport Method
Called when the component finishes rendering a report.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Sub EndReport()
override public void EndReport()
public procedure EndReport(); override;
See Also
HtmlFilter Class | HtmlFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
HtmlFilter.EndSection Method
Called when the component finishes rendering each section.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Sub EndSection( _
ByVal section As Section _
override public void EndSection(
Section section
public procedure EndSection(
section: Section
); override;
Section that was rendered.
See Also
HtmlFilter Class | HtmlFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
HtmlFilter.IsPaged Method
Determines whether this filter generates single or multi-page reports.
288 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Function IsPaged() As Boolean
override public bool IsPaged()
public function IsPaged(): Boolean; override;
Return Value
True if report is paged.
When generating paged reports, the component calls the filter's NewPage method on page breaks and updates
the value of the Page property.
When generating non-paged (continuous) reports, only one long page is generated.
See Also
HtmlFilter Class | HtmlFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
HtmlFilter.NewPage Method
Called after each page break on paged reports (see the IsPaged property).
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Sub NewPage()
override public void NewPage()
public procedure NewPage(); override;
See Also
HtmlFilter Class | HtmlFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
HtmlFilter.RenderField Method
Called when the component needs to render a report field with specific content at a specific position on the
current page.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Sub RenderField( _
ByVal field As Field, _
ByVal rc As Rectangle, _
ByVal text As String, _
ByVal img As Image _
HtmlFilter.StartOverlays Method · 289
override public void RenderField(
Field field,
Rectangle rc,
string text,
Image img
public procedure RenderField(
field: Field;
rc: Rectangle;
text: String;
img: Image
); override;
The field to be rendered.
Rectangle that determines the field position on the current page, in twips.
Field text to render.
Field image to render.
See Also
HtmlFilter Class | HtmlFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
HtmlFilter.StartOverlays Method
Called after the component has finished rendering the first pass of the report, and before it starts rendering
overlay fields.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Sub StartOverlays()
override public void StartOverlays()
public procedure StartOverlays(); override;
Overlay fields are used only in reports that contain calculated fields which use the Pages variable.
This value is not known until the report has been generated, and is therefore rendered on a second pass.
See Also
HtmlFilter Class | HtmlFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
290 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
HtmlFilter.StartReport Method
Called when the component starts rendering a report.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Sub StartReport( _
ByVal report As C1Report _
override public void StartReport(
C1Report report
public procedure StartReport(
report: C1Report
); override;
Owner report.
See Also
HtmlFilter Class | HtmlFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
HtmlFilter.StartSection Method
Called when the component starts rendering a section.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Sub StartSection( _
ByVal section As Section, _
ByVal x As Double, _
ByVal y As Double _
override public void StartSection(
Section section,
double x,
double y
public procedure StartSection(
section: Section;
x: Double;
y: Double
); override;
The section being rendered.
HtmlFilter.UsesImages Method · 291
Left position of the section, in twips.
Top position of the section, in twips.
See Also
HtmlFilter Class | HtmlFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
HtmlFilter.UsesImages Method
Returns a value that determines whether the filter uses page images.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Function UsesImages() As Boolean
override public bool UsesImages()
public function UsesImages(): Boolean; override;
Return Value
Always returns False.
By default, C1Report will render the report into the filter and also into its own PageImages collection.
HtmlFilter doesn't need the images and therefore this method always returns False, which saves some
resources while rendering long reports.
See Also
HtmlFilter Class | HtmlFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
IC1ReportRecordset Interface
Interface used to access report data from data source objects.
For a list of all members of this type, see IC1ReportRecordset Members.
[Visual Basic]
Public Interface IC1ReportRecordset
public interface IC1ReportRecordset
type IC1ReportRecordset = interface;
Any object that can be used as custom data source for reports must implement this interface.
The C1Report component provides this implementation for common data sources such as
System.Data.DataTable and System.Data.DataView classes.
292 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
See Also
IC1ReportRecordset Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
IC1ReportRecordset Members
IC1ReportRecordset overview
Public Methods
Applies a filter string. See the
System.Data.DataView.RowFilter property for
Applies a sort string. See the
System.Data.DataView.Sort property for details.
Returns True if the cursor is pointing at the first record
in the data source.
Returns True if the cursor is pointing past the last
record in the data source.
Returns the current cursor position.
Gets a string vector with the names of each field in the
data source.
Gets a vector with the types of each field in the data
Gets the value of the given field, at the cursor position.
Moves the cursor to the first record in the data source.
Moves the cursor to the last record in the data source.
Moves the cursor to the next record in the data source.
Moves the cursor to the previous record in the data
Sets the current cursor position to supplied value.
See Also
IC1ReportRecordset Interface | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
IC1ReportRecordset Methods
The methods of the IC1ReportRecordset interface are listed here. For a complete list of IC1ReportRecordset
interface members, see the IC1ReportRecordset Members topic.
Public Methods
Applies a filter string. See the
System.Data.DataView.RowFilter property for
Applies a sort string. See the
System.Data.DataView.Sort property for details.
IC1ReportRecordset.ApplyFilter Method · 293
Returns True if the cursor is pointing at the first record
in the data source.
Returns True if the cursor is pointing past the last
record in the data source.
Returns the current cursor position.
Gets a string vector with the names of each field in the
data source.
Gets a vector with the types of each field in the data
Gets the value of the given field, at the cursor position.
Moves the cursor to the first record in the data source.
Moves the cursor to the last record in the data source.
Moves the cursor to the next record in the data source.
Moves the cursor to the previous record in the data
Sets the current cursor position to supplied value.
See Also
IC1ReportRecordset Interface | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
IC1ReportRecordset.ApplyFilter Method
Applies a filter string. See the System.Data.DataView.RowFilter property for details.
[Visual Basic]
Sub ApplyFilter( _
ByVal filter As String _
void ApplyFilter(
string filter
procedure ApplyFilter(
filter: String
Filter string.
See Also
IC1ReportRecordset Interface | IC1ReportRecordset Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
IC1ReportRecordset.ApplySort Method
Applies a sort string. See the System.Data.DataView.Sort property for details.
294 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
[Visual Basic]
Sub ApplySort( _
ByVal sort As String _
void ApplySort(
string sort
procedure ApplySort(
sort: String
Sort string.
See Also
IC1ReportRecordset Interface | IC1ReportRecordset Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
IC1ReportRecordset.BOF Method
Returns True if the cursor is pointing at the first record in the data source.
[Visual Basic]
Function BOF() As Boolean
bool BOF()
function BOF(): Boolean;
See Also
IC1ReportRecordset Interface | IC1ReportRecordset Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
IC1ReportRecordset.EOF Method
Returns True if the cursor is pointing past the last record in the data source.
[Visual Basic]
Function EOF() As Boolean
bool EOF()
function EOF(): Boolean;
See Also
IC1ReportRecordset Interface | IC1ReportRecordset Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
IC1ReportRecordset.GetBookmark Method · 295
IC1ReportRecordset.GetBookmark Method
Returns the current cursor position.
[Visual Basic]
Function GetBookmark() As Integer
int GetBookmark()
function GetBookmark(): Int32;
Return Value
Index of current record.
See Also
IC1ReportRecordset Interface | IC1ReportRecordset Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
IC1ReportRecordset.GetFieldNames Method
Gets a string vector with the names of each field in the data source.
[Visual Basic]
Function GetFieldNames() As String
string GetFieldNames()
function GetFieldNames(): String;
Return Value
A string vector with the names of each field in the data source.
See Also
IC1ReportRecordset Interface | IC1ReportRecordset Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
IC1ReportRecordset.GetFieldTypes Method
Gets a vector with the types of each field in the data source.
[Visual Basic]
Function GetFieldTypes() As Type()
Type[] GetFieldTypes()
function GetFieldTypes(): array of Type;
Return Value
A vector with the types of each field in the data source.
296 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
See Also
IC1ReportRecordset Interface | IC1ReportRecordset Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
IC1ReportRecordset.GetFieldValue Method
Gets the value of the given field, at the cursor position.
[Visual Basic]
Function GetFieldValue( _
ByVal fieldIndex As Integer _
) As Object
object GetFieldValue(
int fieldIndex
function GetFieldValue(
fieldIndex: Int32
): Object;
Index of the field.
Return Value
Value of the field.
See Also
IC1ReportRecordset Interface | IC1ReportRecordset Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
IC1ReportRecordset.MoveFirst Method
Moves the cursor to the first record in the data source.
[Visual Basic]
Sub MoveFirst()
void MoveFirst()
procedure MoveFirst();
See Also
IC1ReportRecordset Interface | IC1ReportRecordset Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
IC1ReportRecordset.MoveLast Method
Moves the cursor to the last record in the data source.
[Visual Basic]
Sub MoveLast()
IC1ReportRecordset.MoveNext Method · 297
void MoveLast()
procedure MoveLast();
See Also
IC1ReportRecordset Interface | IC1ReportRecordset Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
IC1ReportRecordset.MoveNext Method
Moves the cursor to the next record in the data source.
[Visual Basic]
Sub MoveNext()
void MoveNext()
procedure MoveNext();
See Also
IC1ReportRecordset Interface | IC1ReportRecordset Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
IC1ReportRecordset.MovePrevious Method
Moves the cursor to the previous record in the data source.
[Visual Basic]
Sub MovePrevious()
void MovePrevious()
procedure MovePrevious();
See Also
IC1ReportRecordset Interface | IC1ReportRecordset Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
IC1ReportRecordset.SetBookmark Method
Sets the current cursor position to supplied value.
[Visual Basic]
Sub SetBookmark( _
ByVal bkmk As Integer _
void SetBookmark(
int bkmk
298 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
procedure SetBookmark(
bkmk: Int32
Index of record.
See Also
IC1ReportRecordset Interface | IC1ReportRecordset Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
KeepTogetherEnum Enumeration
Specifies whether the group should be kept together on a page.
[Visual Basic]
Public Enum KeepTogetherEnum
public enum KeepTogetherEnum
type KeepTogetherEnum = (KeepFirstDetail, KeepNothing, KeepWholeGroup);
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
Use the members of this enumeration to set the value of the KeepTogether and KeepTogether property in the
Group and Section classes.
Member name
Keep the group header and first detail section together
on a page.
Do not try to keep the group together.
Keep the group header, detail, and footer together on a
See Also
C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Layout Class
The Layout object controls how the report is rendered on pages.
For a list of all members of this type, see Layout Members.
Layout Members · 299
[Visual Basic]
Public Class Layout
public class Layout
type Layout = class;
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
See Also
Layout Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Layout Members
Layout overview
Public Properties
Gets or sets the layout for the columns (down or
Gets or sets the number of detail columns.
Gets or sets the custom height for the report, in twips.
Gets or sets the custom width for the report, in twips.
Used by the designer to discount horizontal label
spacing in the design surface.
Used by the designer to discount vertical label spacing
in the design surface.
Gets or sets the bottom margin for each page, in twips.
Gets or sets the left margin for each page, in twips.
Gets or sets the right margin for each page, in twips.
Gets or sets the top margin for each page, in twips.
Gets or sets the page orientation.
Gets or sets a value that determines on which pages the
Page Footer section should be displayed.
Gets or sets a value that determines on which pages the
Page Header section should be displayed.
Gets or sets the paper size for the report.
Gets the C1Report that contains this Layout object.
Gets or sets a background picture for the report body.
Gets or sets how the background picture is aligned.
Gets or sets how the background picture is aligned.
Gets or sets where the background picture is displayed.
300 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Gets or sets the width of the report's detail section, in
Public Methods
Overriden. Returns a description of layout to show it in
Copies information from C1.Win.C1Report.PrintDoc
to Layout object.
See Also
Layout Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Layout Properties
The properties of the Layout class are listed here. For a complete list of Layout class members, see the Layout
Members topic.
Public Properties
Gets or sets the layout for the columns (down or
Gets or sets the number of detail columns.
Gets or sets the custom height for the report, in twips.
Gets or sets the custom width for the report, in twips.
Used by the designer to discount horizontal label
spacing in the design surface.
Used by the designer to discount vertical label spacing
in the design surface.
Gets or sets the bottom margin for each page, in twips.
Gets or sets the left margin for each page, in twips.
Gets or sets the right margin for each page, in twips.
Gets or sets the top margin for each page, in twips.
Gets or sets the page orientation.
Gets or sets a value that determines on which pages the
Page Footer section should be displayed.
Gets or sets a value that determines on which pages the
Page Header section should be displayed.
Gets or sets the paper size for the report.
Gets the C1Report that contains this Layout object.
Gets or sets a background picture for the report body.
Gets or sets how the background picture is aligned.
Gets or sets how the background picture is aligned.
Gets or sets where the background picture is displayed.
Gets or sets the width of the report's detail section, in
Layout.ColumnLayout Property · 301
See Also
Layout Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Layout.ColumnLayout Property
Gets or sets the layout for the columns (down or across).
[Visual Basic]
Public Property ColumnLayout As ColumnLayoutEnum
public ColumnLayoutEnum ColumnLayout {get;set;}
public property ColumnLayout: ColumnLayoutEnum read get_ColumnLayout write
See Also
Layout Class | Layout Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | ColumnLayoutEnum Enumeration
Layout.Columns Property
Gets or sets the number of detail columns.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Columns As Integer
public int Columns {get;set;}
public property Columns: Int32 read get_Columns write set_Columns;
Use this property to create multi-column reports.
In multi-column reports, header and footer sections span the full width of the report. Only the detail section is
rendered in multiple columns. Use the Width property to specify the width of each column, and the
ColumnLayout property to specify whether columns should be laid out across the page or down the page.
Multi-column reports are useful for printing reports on mailing labels and other types of multi-column preprinted forms. They are also useful for creating compact reports where detail information is laid out across the
See Also
Layout Class | Layout Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Layout.CustomHeight Property
Gets or sets the custom height for the report, in twips.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property CustomHeight As Double
302 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
public double CustomHeight {get;set;}
public property CustomHeight: Double read get_CustomHeight write
To create reports using custom paper sizes, set the PaperSize property to
System.Drawing.Printing.PaperKind.Custom, then set the CustomWidth and CustomHeight properties to
the size of the page measured in twips.
If the PaperSize is set to a value other than System.Drawing.Printing.PaperKind.Custom, the paper size is
determined by that setting. The CustomWidth and CustomHeight properties are not used in this case.
If the PaperSize is set to System.Drawing.Printing.PaperKind.Custom and the CustomWidth or
CustomHeight properties are set to zero, the printer's default paper size is used.
The following code sets the CustomHeight property in twips:
Visual Basic
c1r1.Layout.PaperSize = PaperKind.Custom
c1r1.Layout.CustomHeight = 25 * 1440 ' in twips
c1r1.Layout.CustomWidth = 11 * 1440
c1r1.Layout.PaperSize = PaperKind.Custom;
c1r1.Layout.CustomHeight = 25 * 1440; // in twips
c1r1.Layout.CustomWidth = 11 * 1440;
c1r1.Layout.PaperSize := PaperKind.Custom;
c1r1.Layout.CustomHeight := 25 * 1440 // in twips
c1r1.Layout.CustomWidth := 11 * 1440;
See Also
Layout Class | Layout Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Layout.CustomWidth Property
Gets or sets the custom width for the report, in twips.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property CustomWidth As Double
public double CustomWidth {get;set;}
public property CustomWidth: Double read get_CustomWidth write
To create reports using custom paper sizes, set the PaperSize property to
System.Drawing.Printing.PaperKind.Custom, then set the CustomWidth and CustomHeight properties to
the size of the page measured in twips.
Layout.LabelSpacingX Property · 303
If the PaperSize is set to a value other than System.Drawing.Printing.PaperKind.Custom, the paper size is
determined by that setting. The CustomWidth and CustomHeight properties are not used in this case.
If the PaperSize is set to System.Drawing.Printing.PaperKind.Custom and the CustomWidth or
CustomHeight properties are set to zero, the printer's default paper size is used.
The following code sets the CustomWidth property in twips:
Visual Basic
c1r1.Layout.PaperSize = PaperKind.Custom
c1r1.Layout.CustomWidth = 11 * 1440 ' in twips
c1r1.Layout.PaperSize = PaperKind.Custom;
c1r1.Layout.CustomWidth = 11 * 1440; // in twips
c1r1.Layout.PaperSize = PaperKind.Custom;
c1r1.Layout.CustomWidth = 11 * 1440; // in twips
See Also
Layout Class | Layout Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Layout.LabelSpacingX Property
Used by the designer to discount horizontal label spacing in the design surface.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property LabelSpacingX As Double
public double LabelSpacingX {get;set;}
public property LabelSpacingX: Double read get_LabelSpacingX write
See Also
Layout Class | Layout Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Layout.LabelSpacingY Property
Used by the designer to discount vertical label spacing in the design surface.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property LabelSpacingY As Double
public double LabelSpacingY {get;set;}
public property LabelSpacingY: Double read get_LabelSpacingY write
See Also
Layout Class | Layout Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
304 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Layout.MarginBottom Property
Gets or sets the bottom margin for each page, in twips.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property MarginBottom As Double
public double MarginBottom {get;set;}
public property MarginBottom: Double read get_MarginBottom write
The margins are measured in twips, from the edges of the paper. You can select the paper size and orientation
using the PaperSize and Orientation properties.
See Also
Layout Class | Layout Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Layout.MarginLeft Property
Gets or sets the left margin for each page, in twips.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property MarginLeft As Double
public double MarginLeft {get;set;}
public property MarginLeft: Double read get_MarginLeft write
The margins are measured in twips, from the edges of the paper. You can select the paper size and orientation
using the PaperSize and Orientation properties.
See Also
Layout Class | Layout Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Layout.MarginRight Property
Gets or sets the right margin for each page, in twips.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property MarginRight As Double
public double MarginRight {get;set;}
public property MarginRight: Double read get_MarginRight write
Layout.MarginTop Property · 305
The margins are measured in twips, from the edges of the paper. You can select the paper size and orientation
using the PaperSize and Orientation properties.
See Also
Layout Class | Layout Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Layout.MarginTop Property
Gets or sets the top margin for each page, in twips.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property MarginTop As Double
public double MarginTop {get;set;}
public property MarginTop: Double read get_MarginTop write set_MarginTop;
The margins are measured in twips, from the edges of the paper. You can select the paper size and orientation
using the PaperSize and Orientation properties.
See Also
Layout Class | Layout Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Layout.Orientation Property
Gets or sets the page orientation.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Orientation As OrientationEnum
public OrientationEnum Orientation {get;set;}
public property Orientation: OrientationEnum read get_Orientation write
See Also
Layout Class | Layout Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | OrientationEnum Enumeration
Layout.PageFooter Property
Gets or sets a value that determines on which pages the Page Footer section should be displayed.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property PageFooter As HdrFtrEnum
public HdrFtrEnum PageFooter {get;set;}
306 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
public property PageFooter: HdrFtrEnum read get_PageFooter write
See Also
Layout Class | Layout Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | HdrFtrEnum Enumeration
Layout.PageHeader Property
Gets or sets a value that determines on which pages the Page Header section should be displayed.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property PageHeader As HdrFtrEnum
public HdrFtrEnum PageHeader {get;set;}
public property PageHeader: HdrFtrEnum read get_PageHeader write
You can use the PageHeader and PageFooter properties to specify whether a report's page header or page
footer should be printed on the same page as a report header or report footer.
For example, you might not want to print a page header containing the page number on the first page of a
report if the report header is a cover sheet.
See Also
Layout Class | Layout Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | HdrFtrEnum Enumeration
Layout.PaperSize Property
Gets or sets the paper size for the report.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property PaperSize As PaperKind
public PaperKind PaperSize {get;set;}
public property PaperSize: PaperKind read get_PaperSize write
The following code sets the PaperSize property to Legal:
Visual Basic
c1r1.Layout.PaperSize = PaperKind.Legal
c1r1.Layout.PaperSize = PaperKind.Legal;
c1r1.Layout.PaperSize := PaperKind.Legal;
Layout.ParentReport Property · 307
See Also
Layout Class | Layout Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Layout.ParentReport Property
Gets the C1Report that contains this Layout object.
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Property ParentReport As C1Report
public C1Report ParentReport {get;}
public property ParentReport: C1Report read get_ParentReport;
See Also
Layout Class | Layout Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Layout.Picture Property
Gets or sets a background picture for the report body.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Picture As Object
public object Picture {get;set;}
public property Picture: Object read get_Picture write set_Picture;
Use the Picture property to specify a bitmap or other type of graphic to be displayed as a background picture
on a report (watermark-style).
Use the PictureShow, PictureAlign, and PictureScale properties to specify which pages should display the
picture and how it should be aligned and scaled.
The following code sets the Picture property:
Visual Basic
fEmployeePhoto.Picture = "Photo"
fEmployeePhoto.Picture = "Photo";
fEmployeePhoto.Picture :='Photo';
See Also
Layout Class | Layout Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Layout.PictureAlign Property
Gets or sets how the background picture is aligned.
308 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
[Visual Basic]
Public Property PictureAlign As PictureAlignEnum
public PictureAlignEnum PictureAlign {get;set;}
public property PictureAlign: PictureAlignEnum read get_PictureAlign write
To select the background picture and which pages should display it, use the Picture and PictureShow
See Also
Layout Class | Layout Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Layout.PictureScale Property
Gets or sets how the background picture is aligned.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property PictureScale As PictureScaleEnum
public PictureScaleEnum PictureScale {get;set;}
public property PictureScale: PictureScaleEnum read get_PictureScale write
See Also
Layout Class | Layout Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Layout.PictureShow Property
Gets or sets where the background picture is displayed.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property PictureShow As PictureShowEnum
public PictureShowEnum PictureShow {get;set;}
public property PictureShow: PictureShowEnum read get_PictureShow write
To select the background picture and how it should be aligned on the page, use the Picture, PictureAlign, and
PictureScale properties.
Layout.Width Property · 309
The following code sets the PictureShow property to AllPages:
Visual Basic
Me.C1Report1.Layout.PictureShow =
this.C1Report1.Layout.PictureShow =
Self.C1Report1.Layout.PictureShow :=
See Also
Layout Class | Layout Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | PictureShowEnum Enumeration
Layout.Width Property
Gets or sets the width of the report's detail section, in twips.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Width As Double
public double Width {get;set;}
public property Width: Double read get_Width write set_Width;
This property determines the width of the detail section of the report.
Multi-column reports have header and footer sections that span all columns so their actual width is Width *
For example, a two-column report with a one-inch wide detail section would have Width = 1440, and its total
width would be 2 * 1440 = 2880.
See Also
Layout Class | Layout Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Layout Methods
The methods of the Layout class are listed here. For a complete list of Layout class members, see the Layout
Members topic.
Public Methods
Overriden. Returns a description of layout to show it in
Copies information from C1.Win.C1Report.PrintDoc
to Layout object.
See Also
Layout Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
310 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Layout.ToString Method
Returns a description of layout to show it in designer.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Function ToString() As String
override public string ToString()
public function ToString(): String; override;
Return Value
Description of layout to show it in designer.
See Also
Layout Class | Layout Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Layout.UpdateFromPrintDoc Method
Copies information from C1.Win.C1Report.PrintDoc to Layout object.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function UpdateFromPrintDoc() As Boolean
public bool UpdateFromPrintDoc()
public function UpdateFromPrintDoc(): Boolean;
Return Value
True if Layout object was changed.
This is useful if you want to make changes to the System.Drawing.Printing.PageSettings object instead of the
Layout object.
See Also
Layout Class | Layout Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
LineSlantEnum Enumeration
Determines whether/how a line should be drawn across the field (as opposed to a box around the field).
[Visual Basic]
Public Enum LineSlantEnum
public enum LineSlantEnum
OrientationEnum Enumeration · 311
type LineSlantEnum = (Down, NoLine, NoSlant, Up);
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
Use the members of this enumeration to set the value of the LineSlant property in the Field class.
Member name
Render field as a line between the left-top and rightbottom corners of the field box.
Regular field (not a line).
Render field as a vertical line (if Height > Width) or as
a horizontal line (if Width > Height).
Render field as a line between the left-bottom and righttop corners of the field box.
See Also
C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
OrientationEnum Enumeration
Specifies the page orientation.
[Visual Basic]
Public Enum OrientationEnum
public enum OrientationEnum
type OrientationEnum = (Auto, Landscape, Portrait);
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
Use the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Orientation property in the Layout class.
Member name
Set the orientation automatically, based on the current
PaperSize and report width (Width).
Use Landscape orientation (wide).
Use Portrait orientation (tall).
See Also
C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
312 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
PdfFilter Class
Used with the RenderToFilter method to render reports into PDF (portable document format) streams or files.
For a list of all members of this type, see PdfFilter Members.
[Visual Basic]
Public Class PdfFilter
Inherits ExportFilter
public class PdfFilter : ExportFilter
type PdfFilter = class (ExportFilter);
Creating a PdfFilter and using it in a call to RenderToFilter is similar to using the RenderToFile or
RenderToStream (Stream, FileFormatEnum) methods, but offers some extra flexibility because you can set
properties on the PdfFilter before calling RenderToFilter.
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
See Also
PdfFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
PdfFilter Members
PdfFilter overview
Public Constructors
PdfFilter Constructor
Initializes a new instance of the PdfFilter class attached
to a stream.
Public Properties
Gets or sets whether the filter should embed font
information into the PDF output.
Gets or sets whether the PDF output should include an
outline tree.
Gets or sets the owner password associated with the
PDF document.
Public Methods
Dispose (inherited from ExportFilter)
Releases the resources used by the filter.
Overriden. Called when the component finishes
rendering a report.
PdfFilter Constructor · 313
IsPaged (inherited from ExportFilter)
Determines whether this filter generates single or multipage reports.
NewPage (inherited from ExportFilter)
Called after each page break on paged reports (see the
IsPaged property).
StartOverlays (inherited from ExportFilter)
Called after the component has finished rendering the
first pass of the report, and before it starts rendering
overlay fields.
Overriden. Called when the component starts rendering
a report.
UsesImages (inherited from ExportFilter)
Returns a value that determines whether the filter
requires page images to be generated.
See Also
PdfFilter Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
PdfFilter Constructor
Overload List
Initializes a new instance of the PdfFilter class attached to a stream.
[Visual Basic] Public Function New(Stream)
[C#] public PdfFilter(Stream);
[Delphi] public constructor Create(Stream); overload;
Initializes a new instance of the PdfFilter class attached to a file.
[Visual Basic] Public Function New(String)
[C#] public PdfFilter(string);
[Delphi] public constructor Create(String); overload;
See Also
PdfFilter Class | PdfFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
PdfFilter Constructor (Stream)
Initializes a new instance of the PdfFilter class attached to a stream.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function New( _
ByVal stream As Stream _
public PdfFilter(
Stream stream
public constructor Create(
stream: Stream
); overload;
314 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Output System.IO.Stream where the report will be rendered.
See Also
PdfFilter Class | PdfFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | PdfFilter Constructor Overload List
PdfFilter Constructor (String)
Initializes a new instance of the PdfFilter class attached to a file.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function New( _
ByVal fileName As String _
public PdfFilter(
string fileName
public constructor Create(
fileName: String
); overload;
Full name of the file to be created. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.
See Also
PdfFilter Class | PdfFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | PdfFilter Constructor Overload List
PdfFilter Properties
The properties of the PdfFilter class are listed here. For a complete list of PdfFilter class members, see the
PdfFilter Members topic.
Public Properties
Gets or sets whether the filter should embed font
information into the PDF output.
Gets or sets whether the PDF output should include an
outline tree.
Gets or sets the owner password associated with the
PDF document.
See Also
PdfFilter Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
PdfFilter.EmbedFonts Property
Gets or sets whether the filter should embed font information into the PDF output.
PdfFilter.Outline Property · 315
[Visual Basic]
Public Property EmbedFonts As Boolean
public bool EmbedFonts {get;set;}
public property EmbedFonts: Boolean read get_EmbedFonts write
Embedding font information makes the PDF document substantially larger, but it allows the file to be viewed
faithfully in systems that don't have all the necessary fonts installed.
Enbedding fonts is not necessary if the target systems have the necessary TrueType fonts installed.
See Also
PdfFilter Class | PdfFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
PdfFilter.Outline Property
Gets or sets whether the PDF output should include an outline tree.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Outline As Boolean
public bool Outline {get;set;}
public property Outline: Boolean read get_Outline write set_Outline;
The tree is created automatically based on the report groups and can be used to navigate through the report in
the Adobe Acrobat viewer.
See Also
PdfFilter Class | PdfFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
PdfFilter.Password Property
Gets or sets the owner password associated with the PDF document.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Password As String
public string Password {get;set;}
public property Password: String read get_Password write set_Password;
The owner password is required for making changes to the document.
316 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
By default, the password is set to an empty string, which means anyone can open and edit the PDF document.
The PdfFilter never sets the user password for the file, which means anyone can open and view the PDF
See Also
PdfFilter Class | PdfFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
PdfFilter Methods
The methods of the PdfFilter class are listed here. For a complete list of PdfFilter class members, see the
PdfFilter Members topic.
Public Methods
Dispose (inherited from ExportFilter)
Releases the resources used by the filter.
Overriden. Called when the component finishes
rendering a report.
IsPaged (inherited from ExportFilter)
Determines whether this filter generates single or multipage reports.
NewPage (inherited from ExportFilter)
Called after each page break on paged reports (see the
IsPaged property).
StartOverlays (inherited from ExportFilter)
Called after the component has finished rendering the
first pass of the report, and before it starts rendering
overlay fields.
Overriden. Called when the component starts rendering
a report.
UsesImages (inherited from ExportFilter)
Returns a value that determines whether the filter
requires page images to be generated.
See Also
PdfFilter Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
PdfFilter.EndReport Method
Called when the component finishes rendering a report.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Sub EndReport()
override public void EndReport()
public procedure EndReport(); override;
See Also
PdfFilter Class | PdfFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
PdfFilter.StartReport Method
Called when the component starts rendering a report.
PictureAlignEnum Enumeration · 317
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Sub StartReport( _
ByVal report As C1Report _
override public void StartReport(
C1Report report
public procedure StartReport(
report: C1Report
); override;
Owner report.
See Also
PdfFilter Class | PdfFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
PictureAlignEnum Enumeration
Specifies the alignment of images within the field's rectangle.
[Visual Basic]
Public Enum PictureAlignEnum
public enum PictureAlignEnum
type PictureAlignEnum = (CenterBottom, CenterMiddle, CenterTop, Clip,
LeftBottom, LeftMiddle, LeftTop, RightBottom, RightMiddle, RightTop,
Stretch, Tile, Zoom);
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
Use the members of this enumeration to set the value of the PictureAlign and PictureAlign properties in the
Field and Layout classes.
Member name
Align to the center and to the bottom, clipping if
Align to the center and to the middle, clipping if
Align to the center and to the top, clipping if necessary.
318 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Member name
Align to the left and to the top, clipping if necessary.
Align to the left and to the bottom, clipping if necessary.
Align to the left and to the middle, clipping if necessary.
Align to the left and to the top, clipping if necessary.
Align to the right and to the bottom, clipping if
Align to the right and to the middle, clipping if
Align to the right and to the top, clipping if necessary.
Stretch the picture to fill the page.
Tile the picture to fill the page.
Scale the picture to use as much of the page as possible,
while preserving the picture's aspect ratio.
See Also
C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
PictureScaleEnum Enumeration
Specifies the scaling of images within the field's rectangle.
[Visual Basic]
Public Enum PictureScaleEnum
public enum PictureScaleEnum
type PictureScaleEnum = (Clip, Hide, Scale, Stretch, Tile);
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
Use the members of this enumeration to set the value of the PictureScale and PictureScale properties in the
Field and Layout classes.
Member name
Use the image's original size, clipping it to the display
area if necessary.
Hide the picture.
Scale the picture to fit the display area. This mode may
increase or reduce the size of the image while
maintaining its aspect ratio.
PictureShowEnum Enumeration · 319
Member name
Stretch the picture to fill the display area. This mode
will usually change the image's aspect ratio.
Tile the picture to fill the display area.
See Also
C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
PictureShowEnum Enumeration
Specifies where the background picture is displayed.
[Visual Basic]
Public Enum PictureShowEnum
public enum PictureShowEnum
type PictureShowEnum = (AllButFirstPage, AllPages, FirstPage, NoPages);
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
Use the members of this enumeration to set the value of the PictureShow property in the Layout class.
Member name
Show the background picture on all pages but the first.
Show the background picture on all pages.
Show the background picture on the first page only.
Do not show the background picture.
The following code sets the PictureShow property to AllPages:
Visual Basic
Me.C1Report1.Layout.PictureShow =
this.C1Report1.Layout.PictureShow =
Self.C1Report1.Layout.PictureShow =
See Also
C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
320 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ReportEventArgs Class
Provides data for StartPage, EndPage, StartSection, PrintSection, EndSection, ReportError, and
AddOutlineEntry events.
For a list of all members of this type, see ReportEventArgs Members.
[Visual Basic]
Public Class ReportEventArgs
Inherits EventArgs
public class ReportEventArgs : EventArgs
type ReportEventArgs = class (EventArgs);
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
See Also
ReportEventArgs Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ReportEventArgs Members
ReportEventArgs overview
Public Fields
Exception that caused the error.
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the
component should throw the Exception that was
detected or whether it should ignore the error and
continue rendering the report.
The current page.
The current section.
Gets or sets the text that will be used as an outline
See Also
ReportEventArgs Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ReportEventArgs Fields
The fields of the ReportEventArgs class are listed here. For a complete list of ReportEventArgs class
members, see the ReportEventArgs Members topic.
ReportEventArgs.Exception Field · 321
Public Fields
Exception that caused the error.
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the
component should throw the Exception that was
detected or whether it should ignore the error and
continue rendering the report.
The current page.
The current section.
Gets or sets the text that will be used as an outline
See Also
ReportEventArgs Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ReportEventArgs.Exception Field
Exception that caused the error.
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Exception As Exception
public readonly Exception Exception
public Exception: Exception;
This property is only used with the ReportError event.
See Also
ReportEventArgs Class | ReportEventArgs Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ReportEventArgs.Handled Field
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the component should throw the Exception that was detected or
whether it should ignore the error and continue rendering the report.
[Visual Basic]
Public Handled As Boolean
public bool Handled
public Handled: Boolean;
This property is only used with the ReportError event.
See Also
ReportEventArgs Class | ReportEventArgs Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
322 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ReportEventArgs.Page Field
The current page.
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Page As Integer
public readonly int Page
public Page: Int32;
See Also
ReportEventArgs Class | ReportEventArgs Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ReportEventArgs.Section Field
The current section.
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Section As SectionTypeEnum
public readonly SectionTypeEnum Section
public Section: SectionTypeEnum;
See Also
ReportEventArgs Class | ReportEventArgs Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ReportEventArgs.Text Field
Gets or sets the text that will be used as an outline entry.
[Visual Basic]
Public Text As String
public string Text
public Text: String;
This property is only used with the AddOutlineEntry event.
See Also
ReportEventArgs Class | ReportEventArgs Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ReportEventHandler Delegate · 323
ReportEventHandler Delegate
Represents the method that will handle StartPage, EndPage, StartSection, PrintSection, EndSection,
ReportError, and AddOutlineEntry events.
[Visual Basic]
Public Delegate Sub ReportEventHandler( _
ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As ReportEventArgs _
public delegate void ReportEventHandler(
object sender,
ReportEventArgs e
type ReportEventHandler = procedure (
sender: Object;
e: ReportEventArgs
) of object;
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
See Also
C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ReportInfo Class
Class that contains report metadata.
For a list of all members of this type, see ReportInfo Members.
[Visual Basic]
Public Class ReportInfo
public class ReportInfo
type ReportInfo = class;
Reports may include general information such as a title, author, and keywords.
Such global information about the document itself (as opposed to its content or structure) is called metadata,
and is intended to assist in cataloguing and searching for reports and report definitions in external databases.
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
324 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
See Also
ReportInfo Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ReportInfo Members
ReportInfo overview
Public Properties
Gets or sets the name of the person that created the
Gets or sets the name of the application that created the
Gets or sets keywords associated with the report.
Gets or sets the subject of the report.
Gets or sets the title of the report.
Public Methods
Clears the ReportInfo object.
Returns a copy of this ReportInfo object.
Overriden. Returns a string that represents the current
ReportInfo object.
See Also
ReportInfo Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ReportInfo Properties
The properties of the ReportInfo class are listed here. For a complete list of ReportInfo class members, see the
ReportInfo Members topic.
Public Properties
Gets or sets the name of the person that created the
Gets or sets the name of the application that created the
Gets or sets keywords associated with the report.
Gets or sets the subject of the report.
Gets or sets the title of the report.
See Also
ReportInfo Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ReportInfo.Author Property
Gets or sets the name of the person that created the report.
ReportInfo.Creator Property · 325
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Author As String
public string Author {get;set;}
public property Author: String read get_Author write set_Author;
See Also
ReportInfo Class | ReportInfo Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ReportInfo.Creator Property
Gets or sets the name of the application that created the report.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Creator As String
public string Creator {get;set;}
public property Creator: String read get_Creator write set_Creator;
See Also
ReportInfo Class | ReportInfo Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ReportInfo.Keywords Property
Gets or sets keywords associated with the report.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Keywords As String
public string Keywords {get;set;}
public property Keywords: String read get_Keywords write set_Keywords;
See Also
ReportInfo Class | ReportInfo Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ReportInfo.Subject Property
Gets or sets the subject of the report.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Subject As String
public string Subject {get;set;}
326 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
public property Subject: String read get_Subject write set_Subject;
See Also
ReportInfo Class | ReportInfo Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ReportInfo.Title Property
Gets or sets the title of the report.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Title As String
public string Title {get;set;}
public property Title: String read get_Title write set_Title;
See Also
ReportInfo Class | ReportInfo Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ReportInfo Methods
The methods of the ReportInfo class are listed here. For a complete list of ReportInfo class members, see the
ReportInfo Members topic.
Public Methods
Clears the ReportInfo object.
Returns a copy of this ReportInfo object.
Overriden. Returns a string that represents the current
ReportInfo object.
See Also
ReportInfo Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ReportInfo.Clear Method
Clears the ReportInfo object.
[Visual Basic]
Public Sub Clear()
public void Clear()
public procedure Clear();
See Also
ReportInfo Class | ReportInfo Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ReportInfo.Clone Method · 327
ReportInfo.Clone Method
Returns a copy of this ReportInfo object.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function Clone() As ReportInfo
public ReportInfo Clone()
public function Clone(): ReportInfo;
Return Value
A copy of this ReportInfo object.
See Also
ReportInfo Class | ReportInfo Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
ReportInfo.ToString Method
Returns a string that represents the current ReportInfo object.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Function ToString() As String
override public string ToString()
public function ToString(): String; override;
Return Value
Returns a string that represents the current ReportInfo object.
See Also
ReportInfo Class | ReportInfo Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
RtfFilter Class
Used with the RenderToFilter method to render reports into RTF (rich text format) streams or files.
For a list of all members of this type, see RtfFilter Members.
[Visual Basic]
Public Class RtfFilter
Inherits ExportFilter
Implements IDisposable
328 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
public class RtfFilter : ExportFilter , IDisposable
type RtfFilter = class (ExportFilter, IDisposable);
Creating an RtfFilter and using it in a call to the RenderToFilter method is similar to using the RenderToFile
or RenderToStream (Stream, FileFormatEnum) methods, but offers some extra flexibility because you can
set properties on the RtfFilter before calling RenderToFilter.
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
See Also
RtfFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
RtfFilter Members
RtfFilter overview
Public Constructors
RtfFilter Constructor
Initializes a new instance of the RtfFilter class attached
to a stream.
Public Properties
Gets or sets whether filter should embed images in the
RTF document.
Gets or sets the format used to export images.
Public Methods
Overriden. Called when the component finishes
rendering a report, or when the rendering process is
canceled by the user or interrupted by an error.
Overriden. Called when the component finishes
rendering a report.
Overriden. Determines whether this filter generates
single or multi-page reports.
Overriden. Called after each page break on paged
reports (see the IsPaged property).
Overriden. Called when the component needs to render
a report field with specific content at a specific position
on the current page.
Overriden. Called after the component has finished
rendering the first pass of the report, and before it starts
rendering overlay fields.
Overriden. Called when the component starts rendering
a report.
RtfFilter Constructor · 329
Overriden. Returns a value that determines whether the
filter uses page images.
Protected Properties
Gets the left margin of the page.
Gets the top margin of the page.
Gets the StreamWriter object used by filter.
Protected Methods
Gets an RTF representation of a a field's
See Also
RtfFilter Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
RtfFilter Constructor
Overload List
Initializes a new instance of the RtfFilter class attached to a stream.
[Visual Basic] Public Function New(Stream)
[C#] public RtfFilter(Stream);
[Delphi] public constructor Create(Stream); overload;
Initializes a new instance of the RtfFilter class attached to a file.
[Visual Basic] Public Function New(String)
[C#] public RtfFilter(string);
[Delphi] public constructor Create(String); overload;
See Also
RtfFilter Class | RtfFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
RtfFilter Constructor (Stream)
Initializes a new instance of the RtfFilter class attached to a stream.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function New( _
ByVal stream As Stream _
public RtfFilter(
Stream stream
public constructor Create(
stream: Stream
); overload;
330 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Output System.IO.Stream where the report will be rendered.
See Also
RtfFilter Class | RtfFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | RtfFilter Constructor Overload List
RtfFilter Constructor (String)
Initializes a new instance of the RtfFilter class attached to a file.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function New( _
ByVal fileName As String _
public RtfFilter(
string fileName
public constructor Create(
fileName: String
); overload;
Full name of the file to be created. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.
See Also
RtfFilter Class | RtfFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | RtfFilter Constructor Overload List
RtfFilter Properties
The properties of the RtfFilter class are listed here. For a complete list of RtfFilter class members, see the
RtfFilter Members topic.
Public Properties
Gets or sets whether filter should embed images in the
RTF document.
Gets or sets the format used to export images.
Protected Properties
Gets the left margin of the page.
Gets the top margin of the page.
Gets the StreamWriter object used by filter.
See Also
RtfFilter Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
RtfFilter.EmbedPictures Property · 331
RtfFilter.EmbedPictures Property
Gets or sets whether filter should embed images in the RTF document.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property EmbedPictures As Boolean
public bool EmbedPictures {get;set;}
public property EmbedPictures: Boolean read get_EmbedPictures write
Documents with embedded images are significantly larger than text-only documents.
See Also
RtfFilter Class | RtfFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
RtfFilter.MarginLeft Property
Gets the left margin of the page.
[Visual Basic]
Protected ReadOnly Property MarginLeft As Integer
protected int MarginLeft {get;}
strict protected property MarginLeft: Int32 read get_MarginLeft;
See Also
RtfFilter Class | RtfFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
RtfFilter.MarginTop Property
Gets the top margin of the page.
[Visual Basic]
Protected ReadOnly Property MarginTop As Integer
protected int MarginTop {get;}
strict protected property MarginTop: Int32 read get_MarginTop;
See Also
RtfFilter Class | RtfFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
RtfFilter.RtfTarget Property
Gets or sets the format used to export images.
332 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
[Visual Basic]
Public Property RtfTarget As RtfTargetEnum
public RtfTargetEnum RtfTarget {get;set;}
public property RtfTarget: RtfTargetEnum read get_RtfTarget write
See Also
RtfFilter Class | RtfFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | RtfTargetEnum Enumeration
RtfFilter.StreamWriter Property
Gets the StreamWriter object used by filter.
[Visual Basic]
Protected ReadOnly Property StreamWriter As StreamWriter
protected StreamWriter StreamWriter {get;}
strict protected property StreamWriter: StreamWriter read
See Also
RtfFilter Class | RtfFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
RtfFilter Methods
The methods of the RtfFilter class are listed here. For a complete list of RtfFilter class members, see the
RtfFilter Members topic.
Public Methods
Overriden. Called when the component finishes
rendering a report, or when the rendering process is
canceled by the user or interrupted by an error.
Overriden. Called when the component finishes
rendering a report.
Overriden. Determines whether this filter generates
single or multi-page reports.
Overriden. Called after each page break on paged
reports (see the IsPaged property).
Overriden. Called when the component needs to render
a report field with specific content at a specific position
on the current page.
Overriden. Called after the component has finished
rendering the first pass of the report, and before it starts
rendering overlay fields.
RtfFilter.Dispose Method · 333
Overriden. Called when the component starts rendering
a report.
Overriden. Returns a value that determines whether the
filter uses page images.
Protected Methods
Gets an RTF representation of a a field's
See Also
RtfFilter Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
RtfFilter.Dispose Method
Called when the component finishes rendering a report, or when the rendering process is canceled by the user
or interrupted by an error.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
override public void Dispose()
public procedure Dispose(); override;
Use this method to free any disposable objects used by the filter.
See Also
RtfFilter Class | RtfFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
RtfFilter.EndReport Method
Called when the component finishes rendering a report.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Sub EndReport()
override public void EndReport()
public procedure EndReport(); override;
See Also
RtfFilter Class | RtfFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
RtfFilter.GetRTFFont Method
Gets an RTF representation of a a field's System.Drawing.Font.
334 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
[Visual Basic]
Protected Function GetRTFFont( _
ByVal field As Field _
) As String
protected string GetRTFFont(
Field field
strict protected function GetRTFFont(
field: Field
): String;
Field that contains the font.
Return Value
A string contianing the RTF representation of the font.
See Also
RtfFilter Class | RtfFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
RtfFilter.IsPaged Method
Determines whether this filter generates single or multi-page reports.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Function IsPaged() As Boolean
override public bool IsPaged()
public function IsPaged(): Boolean; override;
Return Value
Always returns True.
See Also
RtfFilter Class | RtfFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
RtfFilter.NewPage Method
Called after each page break on paged reports (see the IsPaged property).
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Sub NewPage()
override public void NewPage()
RtfFilter.RenderField Method · 335
public procedure NewPage(); override;
See Also
RtfFilter Class | RtfFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
RtfFilter.RenderField Method
Called when the component needs to render a report field with specific content at a specific position on the
current page.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Sub RenderField( _
ByVal field As Field, _
ByVal rc As Rectangle, _
ByVal text As String, _
ByVal img As Image _
override public void RenderField(
Field field,
Rectangle rc,
string text,
Image img
public procedure RenderField(
field: Field;
rc: Rectangle;
text: String;
img: Image
); override;
Field object to render.
Rectangle that determines the field position on the page, in twips.
Field text to render.
Field image to render.
See Also
RtfFilter Class | RtfFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
336 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
RtfFilter.StartOverlays Method
Called after the component has finished rendering the first pass of the report, and before it starts rendering
overlay fields.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Sub StartOverlays()
override public void StartOverlays()
public procedure StartOverlays(); override;
See Also
RtfFilter Class | RtfFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
RtfFilter.StartReport Method
Called when the component starts rendering a report.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Sub StartReport( _
ByVal report As C1Report _
override public void StartReport(
C1Report report
public procedure StartReport(
report: C1Report
); override;
Owner report.
See Also
RtfFilter Class | RtfFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
RtfFilter.UsesImages Method
Returns a value that determines whether the filter uses page images.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Function UsesImages() As Boolean
override public bool UsesImages()
RtfLabelFilter Class · 337
public function UsesImages(): Boolean; override;
Return Value
Always returns False.
See Also
RtfFilter Class | RtfFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
RtfLabelFilter Class
Class is used with the RenderToFilter method to render reports into RTF (rich text format) streams or files.
For a list of all members of this type, see RtfLabelFilter Members.
[Visual Basic]
Public Class RtfLabelFilter
Inherits RtfFilter
public class RtfLabelFilter : RtfFilter
type RtfLabelFilter = class (RtfFilter);
This filter is similar to the plain RtfFilter, except if generates RTF fields with absolute positioning. The
resulting files are more accurate than the ones created with the plain RTF filter, but they are harder to edit and
can only be opened in Microsoft Word (WordPad and other simple editors do not support RTF absolute
Creating an RtfLabelFilter and using it in a call to the RenderToFilter method is similar to using the
RenderToFile or RenderToStream (Stream, FileFormatEnum) methods, but offers some extra flexibility
because you can set properties on the RtfLabelFilter before calling RenderToFilter.
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
See Also
RtfLabelFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
RtfLabelFilter Members
RtfLabelFilter overview
Public Constructors
RtfLabelFilter Constructor
Initializes a new instance of the RtfLabelFilter class
attached to a stream.
338 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Public Properties
EmbedPictures (inherited from RtfFilter)
Gets or sets whether filter should embed images in the
RTF document.
RtfTarget (inherited from RtfFilter)
Gets or sets the format used to export images.
Public Methods
Dispose (inherited from RtfFilter)
Called when the component finishes rendering a report,
or when the rendering process is canceled by the user or
interrupted by an error.
EndReport (inherited from RtfFilter)
Called when the component finishes rendering a report.
IsPaged (inherited from RtfFilter)
Determines whether this filter generates single or multipage reports.
NewPage (inherited from RtfFilter)
Called after each page break on paged reports (see the
IsPaged property).
Overriden. Called when the component needs to render
a report field with specific content at a specific position
on the current page.
StartOverlays (inherited from RtfFilter)
Called after the component has finished rendering the
first pass of the report, and before it starts rendering
overlay fields.
UsesImages (inherited from RtfFilter)
Returns a value that determines whether the filter uses
page images.
Protected Properties
MarginLeft (inherited from RtfFilter)
Gets the left margin of the page.
MarginTop (inherited from RtfFilter)
Gets the top margin of the page.
StreamWriter (inherited from RtfFilter)
Gets the StreamWriter object used by filter.
See Also
RtfLabelFilter Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
RtfLabelFilter Constructor
Overload List
Initializes a new instance of the RtfLabelFilter class attached to a stream.
[Visual Basic] Public Function New(Stream)
[C#] public RtfLabelFilter(Stream);
[Delphi] public constructor Create(Stream); overload;
Initializes a new instance of the RtfLabelFilter class attached to a file.
[Visual Basic] Public Function New(String)
[C#] public RtfLabelFilter(string);
[Delphi] public constructor Create(String); overload;
See Also
RtfLabelFilter Class | RtfLabelFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
RtfLabelFilter Constructor · 339
RtfLabelFilter Constructor (Stream)
Initializes a new instance of the RtfLabelFilter class attached to a stream.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function New( _
ByVal stream As Stream _
public RtfLabelFilter(
Stream stream
public constructor Create(
stream: Stream
); overload;
Output System.IO.Stream where the report will be rendered.
See Also
RtfLabelFilter Class | RtfLabelFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | RtfLabelFilter Constructor
Overload List
RtfLabelFilter Constructor (String)
Initializes a new instance of the RtfLabelFilter class attached to a file.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function New( _
ByVal fileName As String _
public RtfLabelFilter(
string fileName
public constructor Create(
fileName: String
); overload;
Full name of the file to be created. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.
See Also
RtfLabelFilter Class | RtfLabelFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | RtfLabelFilter Constructor
Overload List
340 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
RtfLabelFilter Properties
The properties of the RtfLabelFilter class are listed here. For a complete list of RtfLabelFilter class members,
see the RtfLabelFilter Members topic.
Public Properties
EmbedPictures (inherited from RtfFilter)
Gets or sets whether filter should embed images in the
RTF document.
RtfTarget (inherited from RtfFilter)
Gets or sets the format used to export images.
Protected Properties
MarginLeft (inherited from RtfFilter)
Gets the left margin of the page.
MarginTop (inherited from RtfFilter)
Gets the top margin of the page.
StreamWriter (inherited from RtfFilter)
Gets the StreamWriter object used by filter.
See Also
RtfLabelFilter Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
RtfLabelFilter Methods
The methods of the RtfLabelFilter class are listed here. For a complete list of RtfLabelFilter class members,
see the RtfLabelFilter Members topic.
Public Methods
Dispose (inherited from RtfFilter)
Called when the component finishes rendering a report,
or when the rendering process is canceled by the user or
interrupted by an error.
EndReport (inherited from RtfFilter)
Called when the component finishes rendering a report.
IsPaged (inherited from RtfFilter)
Determines whether this filter generates single or multipage reports.
NewPage (inherited from RtfFilter)
Called after each page break on paged reports (see the
IsPaged property).
Overriden. Called when the component needs to render
a report field with specific content at a specific position
on the current page.
StartOverlays (inherited from RtfFilter)
Called after the component has finished rendering the
first pass of the report, and before it starts rendering
overlay fields.
UsesImages (inherited from RtfFilter)
Returns a value that determines whether the filter uses
page images.
See Also
RtfLabelFilter Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
RtfLabelFilter.RenderField Method
Called when the component needs to render a report field with specific content at a specific position on the
current page.
RtfTargetEnum Enumeration · 341
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Sub RenderField( _
ByVal field As Field, _
ByVal rc As Rectangle, _
ByVal text As String, _
ByVal img As Image _
override public void RenderField(
Field field,
Rectangle rc,
string text,
Image img
public procedure RenderField(
field: Field;
rc: Rectangle;
text: String;
img: Image
); override;
The field to be rendered.
Rectangle that determines the field position on the current page, in twips.
Field text to render.
Field image to render.
See Also
RtfLabelFilter Class | RtfLabelFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
RtfTargetEnum Enumeration
Specifies the format of the export file.
[Visual Basic]
Public Enum RtfTargetEnum
public enum RtfTargetEnum
type RtfTargetEnum = (MSWord, Portable);
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
342 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
Use the members of this enumeration to set RtfTarget property of the RtfFilter class.
Member name
This setting creates RTF content that can be viewed in
Microsoft Word. It is useful for exporting high quality
images. Documents with such images are significantly
larger than with images in Portable format.
This setting creates RTF content that can be viewed in
Microsoft Word, WordPad and RichTextBox.
See Also
C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
RunningSumEnum Enumeration
Determines whether to calculate a running sum.
[Visual Basic]
Public Enum RunningSumEnum
public enum RunningSumEnum
type RunningSumEnum = (NoRunningSum, SumOverAll, SumOverGroup);
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
Use the members of this enumeration to set the value of the RunningSum property in the Field class.
Member name
Do not treat field as a running sum.
Calculate running sum over the whole report.
Calculate running sum over each group.
See Also
C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Section Class
Represents a report band.
For a list of all members of this type, see Section Members.
Section Members · 343
[Visual Basic]
Public Class Section
public class Section
type Section = class;
Each Section object contains a collection of fields objects that display individual data items within the section.
Every report contains the following sections:
A detail section.
A report header and a report footer section.
A page header and a page footer section.
A group header and a group footer section for each Group object in the report.
The total number of sections in a report is therefore:
5 + 2 * Groups.Count
Sections cannot be added and removed from reports directly. The number of sections is a function of the
number of groups.
Although sections cannot be removed, they can be hidden by setting their Visible property to False.
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
See Also
Section Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Section Members
Section overview
Public Properties
Gets or sets the background color for this Section.
Gets or sets whether the Section height should be
automatically increased to fit its contents.
Gets or sets whether the Section height should be
reduced when one or more fields shrink.
Returns a collection of all fields in this Section.
Gets or sets whether page breaks should be inserted
before and/or after the section is rendered.
Gets or sets the Section height, in twips.
Gets or sets whether the Section should be kept together
on a page.
344 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Gets or sets the Section name.
Gets or sets a string containing VBScript code to be
executed before the Section is formatted.
Gets or sets a string containing VBScript code to be
executed before the Section is printed (after it is
Gets the C1Report object that contains this Section.
Returns the height of the section after the CanGrow
and CanShrink properties have been applied to the
Gets or sets whether the Section should be repeated at
the top of every page.
Gets or sets extra data used by the calling program.
Returns the Section type (e.g., PageHeader, Detail).
Gets or sets whether the Section will be rendered in the
See Also
Section Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Section Properties
The properties of the Section class are listed here. For a complete list of Section class members, see the Section
Members topic.
Public Properties
Gets or sets the background color for this Section.
Gets or sets whether the Section height should be
automatically increased to fit its contents.
Gets or sets whether the Section height should be
reduced when one or more fields shrink.
Returns a collection of all fields in this Section.
Gets or sets whether page breaks should be inserted
before and/or after the section is rendered.
Gets or sets the Section height, in twips.
Gets or sets whether the Section should be kept together
on a page.
Gets or sets the Section name.
Gets or sets a string containing VBScript code to be
executed before the Section is formatted.
Gets or sets a string containing VBScript code to be
executed before the Section is printed (after it is
Gets the C1Report object that contains this Section.
Section.BackColor Property · 345
Returns the height of the section after the CanGrow
and CanShrink properties have been applied to the
Gets or sets whether the Section should be repeated at
the top of every page.
Gets or sets extra data used by the calling program.
Returns the Section type (e.g., PageHeader, Detail).
Gets or sets whether the Section will be rendered in the
See Also
Section Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Section.BackColor Property
Gets or sets the background color for this Section.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property BackColor As Color
public Color BackColor {get;set;}
public property BackColor: Color read get_BackColor write set_BackColor;
See Also
Section Class | Section Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Section.CanGrow Property
Gets or sets whether the Section height should be automatically increased to fit its contents.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property CanGrow As Boolean
public bool CanGrow {get;set;}
public property CanGrow: Boolean read get_CanGrow write set_CanGrow;
You can use the CanGrow and CanShrink properties to control the appearance of report sections and fields.
For example, if you set both properties to True, a section or field automatically adjusts vertically to print or
preview all the data it contains.
Sections grow and shrink vertically across their entire width.
When a section grows or shrinks, its Height property does not change. To retrieve the actual rendering height,
use the RenderHeight property.
You can make fields grow or shrink to match the size of the section by setting their Anchor property.
346 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
See Also
Section Class | Section Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Section.CanShrink Property
Gets or sets whether the Section height should be reduced when one or more fields shrink.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property CanShrink As Boolean
public bool CanShrink {get;set;}
public property CanShrink: Boolean read get_CanShrink write set_CanShrink;
You can use the CanGrow and CanShrink properties to control the layout of report sections and fields.
For example, if you set both properties to True, a section or field automatically adjusts vertically to print or
preview all the data it contains.
When a section grows or shrinks, its Height property does not change. To retrieve the actual (adjusted) height,
use the RenderHeight property.
You can make fields grow or shrink to match the size of the section by setting their Anchor property.
See Also
Section Class | Section Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | Section.CanGrow
Section.Fields Property
Returns a collection of all fields in this Section.
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Property Fields As FieldCollection
public FieldCollection Fields {get;}
public property Fields: FieldCollection read get_Fields;
The Fields collection contains all Field objects defined in the current section.
When you add a field to a section's Fields collection, the field is automatically assigned to the section that
owns the collection. For example, the code below adds a field to the Detail section:
Visual Basic
_c1r.Sections.Detail.Fields.Add("new field", "CompanyLogo", rc)
_c1r.Sections.Detail.Fields.Add("new field", "CompanyLogo", rc);
_c1r.Sections.Detail.Fields.Add('new field', 'CompanyLogo', rc);
Section.ForcePageBreak Property · 347
See Also
Section Class | Section Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Section.ForcePageBreak Property
Gets or sets whether page breaks should be inserted before and/or after the section is rendered.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property ForcePageBreak As ForcePageBreakEnum
public ForcePageBreakEnum ForcePageBreak {get;set;}
public property ForcePageBreak: ForcePageBreakEnum read get_ForcePageBreak
write set_ForcePageBreak;
See Also
Section Class | Section Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | ForcePageBreakEnum Enumeration
Section.Height Property
Gets or sets the Section height, in twips.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Height As Double
public double Height {get;set;}
public property Height: Double read get_Height write set_Height;
The height of a section should be large enough to accommodate all fields in the section.
The Report Designer automatically adjusts section heights when fields are added, moved, or resized.
The following code ensures that a section is tall enough to accommodate all of the fields it contains:
Visual Basic
' get section object
Dim s As Section = c1.Sections(vsrDetail)
' scan all its fields
Dim f As Field
For Each f In s.Fields
' get field bottom
Dim h As Double = f.Top + f.Height
' make sure section is tall enough for the field
If h > s.Height Then
s.Height = h + 200
348 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
End If
// get section object
Section s = c1.Sections[vsrDetail];
// scan all its fields
Field f;
foreach (f In s.Fields)
// get field bottom
double h = f.Top + f.Height;
// make sure section is tall enough for the field
if (h > s.Height)
s.Height = h + 200;
s: Section;
f: Field;
i: Integer;
h: Double;
// get section object
s := c1.Sections(vsrDetail);
// scan all its fields
for i := 0 to s.Fields.Count - 1 do
f := s.Fields[i];
// get field bottom
h := f.Top + f.Height;
// make sure section is tall enough for the field
if h > s.Height then
s.Height := h + 200;
See Also
Section Class | Section Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Section.KeepTogether Property
Gets or sets whether the Section should be kept together on a page.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property KeepTogether As Boolean
public bool KeepTogether {get;set;}
public property KeepTogether: Boolean read get_KeepTogether write
Section.Name Property · 349
The Group and Field objects also have KeepTogether properties.
The Group object's KeepTogether property works across sections. It determines whether group headers
should be kept together with their first detail section or whether entire groups should be kept together on a
The Field object's KeepTogether property determines whether the field should be rendered on a single page or
whether it is allowed to be split across page breaks.
See Also
Section Class | Section Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Section.Name Property
Gets or sets the Section name.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Name As String
public string Name {get;set;}
public property Name: String read get_Name write set_Name;
The section name can be used as an index into the control's Sections collection.
Section names are also used to identify fields in VBScript expressions.
Duplicate and empty section names are allowed, but should be avoided if you plan to use the section names in
scripts or as indexers.
The following code provides a sample of the Name property:
Visual Basic
c1r.Sections("Detail").Height = 1440
c1r.Sections("Detail").Height = 1440;
c1r.Sections['Detail'].Height := 1440;
See Also
Section Class | Section Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Section.OnFormat Property
Gets or sets a string containing VBScript code to be executed before the Section is formatted.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property OnFormat As String
public string OnFormat {get;set;}
350 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
public property OnFormat: String read get_OnFormat write set_OnFormat;
This property contains VBScript instructions to be executed before the fields in the section are calculated.
When this script is executed, the recordset already holds the data that will be displayed in the section, but the
field values have not been updated yet.
Use this event to assign values to fields before they are calculated, so the new values will be taken into account
when the control calculates the field's size and position when the CanGrow or CanShrink properties are set to
If you want to set field properties based on the field's current value, use the OnPrint property instead.
See Also
Section Class | Section Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Section.OnPrint Property
Gets or sets a string containing VBScript code to be executed before the Section is printed (after it is
[Visual Basic]
Public Property OnPrint As String
public string OnPrint {get;set;}
public property OnPrint: String read get_OnPrint write set_OnPrint;
This property contains VBScript instructions that get executed after the fields in the section have been
The following code adjusts the width of a field based on the value of another field:
Visual Basic
Dim script As String
script = "BarFld.Width = SaleAmountMaxFld.Width * " & _
"(SaleAmountFld / SaleAmountMaxFld)"
c1r.Sections("Detail").OnPrint = script
string script;
script = "BarFld.Width = SaleAmountMaxFld.Width * " +
"(SaleAmountFld / SaleAmountMaxFld)";
c1r.Sections("Detail").OnPrint = script;
script := 'BarFld.Width = SaleAmountMaxFld.Width * (SaleAmountFld /
c1r.Sections['Detail'].OnPrint := script;
The BarFld field is a green rectangle. By changing its Width property for each detail section , the report creates
a bar chart.
Section.ParentReport Property · 351
The SaleAmountMaxFld contains an expression that calculates the maximum value for the SaleAmount recordset
field. The expression is "=Max ([SaleAmount])". The value and width of the SaleAmountMaxFld are used to
calculate the width of the bar.
See Also
Section Class | Section Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Section.ParentReport Property
Gets the C1Report object that contains this Section.
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Property ParentReport As C1Report
public C1Report ParentReport {get;}
public property ParentReport: C1Report read get_ParentReport;
See Also
Section Class | Section Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Section.RenderHeight Property
Returns the height of the section after the CanGrow and CanShrink properties have been applied to the
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Property RenderHeight As Double
public double RenderHeight {get;}
public property RenderHeight: Double read get_RenderHeight;
When a section grows or shrinks, its Height property does not change.
If you need to retrieve the actual height that will be used for rendering the section (for example, while handling
the OnPrint event), use the RenderHeight property instead.
See Also
Section Class | Section Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Section.Repeat Property
Gets or sets whether the Section should be repeated at the top of every page.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Repeat As Boolean
public bool Repeat {get;set;}
352 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
public property Repeat: Boolean read get_Repeat write set_Repeat;
This property only applies to group header sections.
Set this value to True to repeat the group header page at the top of every page, before the detail sections.
If you have multiple groups, all group header sections that have the Repeat property set to True will be
rendered at the top of each page.
See Also
Section Class | Section Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Section.Tag Property
Gets or sets extra data used by the calling program.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Tag As Object
public object Tag {get;set;}
public property Tag: Object read get_Tag write set_Tag;
See Also
Section Class | Section Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Section.Type Property
Returns the Section type (e.g., PageHeader, Detail).
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Property Type As SectionTypeEnum
public SectionTypeEnum Type {get;}
public property Type: SectionTypeEnum read get_Type;
See Also
Section Class | Section Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | SectionTypeEnum Enumeration
Section.Visible Property
Gets or sets whether the Section will be rendered in the report.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Visible As Boolean
public bool Visible {get;set;}
SectionCollection Class · 353
public property Visible: Boolean read get_Visible write set_Visible;
See Also
Section Class | Section Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
SectionCollection Class
Collection of the Section objects.
For a list of all members of this type, see SectionCollection Members.
[Visual Basic]
Public Class SectionCollection
Implements ICollection, IEnumerable
public class SectionCollection : ICollection, IEnumerable
type SectionCollection = class (TObject, ICollection, IEnumerable);
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
See Also
SectionCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
SectionCollection Members
SectionCollection overview
Public Properties
Returns the number of elements in the collection.
Returns a reference to the detail section of the report.
Returns a reference to the report footer section.
Returns a reference to the report header section.
Overloaded. Returns a section from a Sections
Returns a reference to the page footer section of the
Returns a reference to the page header section of the
Public Methods
Determines whether the collection contains a specific
354 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Copies the elements of the collection to an
System.Array, starting at a particular array index.
See Also
SectionCollection Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
SectionCollection Properties
The properties of the SectionCollection class are listed here. For a complete list of SectionCollection class
members, see the SectionCollection Members topic.
Public Properties
Returns the number of elements in the collection.
Returns a reference to the detail section of the report.
Returns a reference to the report footer section.
Returns a reference to the report header section.
Overloaded. Returns a section from a Sections
Returns a reference to the page footer section of the
Returns a reference to the page header section of the
See Also
SectionCollection Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
SectionCollection.Count Property
Returns the number of elements in the collection.
[Visual Basic]
Overridable Public ReadOnly Property Count As Integer Implements
virtual public int Count {get;}
public property Count: Int32 read get_Count;
The SectionCollection class does not have Add or Remove methods.
That is because the number of sections in a report is determined by then number of groups. To add or remove
sections from the report, you need to add or remove groups.
See Also
SectionCollection Class | SectionCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
SectionCollection.Detail Property · 355
SectionCollection.Detail Property
Returns a reference to the detail section of the report.
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Property Detail As Section
public Section Detail {get;}
public property Detail: Section read get_Detail;
This property is equivalent to this[SectionTypeEnum.Detail].
See Also
SectionCollection Class | SectionCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
SectionCollection.Footer Property
Returns a reference to the report footer section.
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Property Footer As Section
public Section Footer {get;}
public property Footer: Section read get_Footer;
This property is equivalent to this[SectionTypeEnum.Footer].
See Also
SectionCollection Class | SectionCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
SectionCollection.Header Property
Returns a reference to the report header section.
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Property Header As Section
public Section Header {get;}
public property Header: Section read get_Header;
This property is equivalent to this[SectionTypeEnum.Header]
356 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
See Also
SectionCollection Class | SectionCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
SectionCollection.Item Property
Overload List
Returns a section from a Sections collection.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Default ReadOnly Property Item(Integer) As Section
[C#] public Section this[int]{get;}
[Delphi] public property Item[index: Int32]: Section read get_Item;
Returns a section from a Sections collection.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Default ReadOnly Property Item(SectionTypeEnum) As Section
[C#] public Section this[SectionTypeEnum]{get;}
[Delphi] public property Item[index: SectionTypeEnum]: Section read get_Item;
Returns a section from a Sections collection.
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Default ReadOnly Property Item(String) As Section
[C#] public Section this[string]{get;}
[Delphi] public property Item[name: String]: Section read get_Item;
See Also
SectionCollection Class | SectionCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
SectionCollection.Item Property (Int32)
Returns a section from a Sections collection.
[Visual Basic]
Public Default ReadOnly Property Item( _
ByVal index As Integer _
) As Section
public Section this[
int index
] {get;}
public property Item[
index: Int32
]: Section read get_Item;
The index parameter may be an integer between zero and Count-1.
See Also
SectionCollection Class | SectionCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace |
SectionCollection.Item Overload List
SectionCollection.PageFooter Property · 357
SectionCollection.Item Property (SectionTypeEnum)
Returns a section from a Sections collection.
[Visual Basic]
Public Default ReadOnly Property Item( _
ByVal index As SectionTypeEnum _
) As Section
public Section this[
SectionTypeEnum index
] {get;}
public property Item[
index: SectionTypeEnum
]: Section read get_Item;
See Also
SectionCollection Class | SectionCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace |
SectionCollection.Item Overload List
SectionCollection.Item Property (String)
Returns a section from a Sections collection.
[Visual Basic]
Public Default ReadOnly Property Item( _
ByVal name As String _
) As Section
public Section this[
string name
] {get;}
public property Item[
name: String
]: Section read get_Item;
The name parameter may be a string containing a section name.
See Also
SectionCollection Class | SectionCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace |
SectionCollection.Item Overload List
SectionCollection.PageFooter Property
Returns a reference to the page footer section of the report.
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Property PageFooter As Section
358 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
public Section PageFooter {get;}
public property PageFooter: Section read get_PageFooter;
This property is equivalent to this[SectionTypeEnum.PageFooter].
See Also
SectionCollection Class | SectionCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
SectionCollection.PageHeader Property
Returns a reference to the page header section of the report.
[Visual Basic]
Public ReadOnly Property PageHeader As Section
public Section PageHeader {get;}
public property PageHeader: Section read get_PageHeader;
This property is equivalent to this[SectionTypeEnum.PageHeader].
See Also
SectionCollection Class | SectionCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
SectionCollection Methods
The methods of the SectionCollection class are listed here. For a complete list of SectionCollection class
members, see the SectionCollection Members topic.
Public Methods
Determines whether the collection contains a specific
Copies the elements of the collection to an
System.Array, starting at a particular array index.
See Also
SectionCollection Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
SectionCollection.Contains Method
Determines whether the collection contains a specific Section.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function Contains( _
ByVal s As Section _
) As Boolean
SectionCollection.CopyTo Method · 359
public bool Contains(
Section s
public function Contains(
s: Section
): Boolean;
The Section object.
Return Value
True if the collection contains specified section; False otherwise.
See Also
SectionCollection Class | SectionCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
SectionCollection.CopyTo Method
Copies the elements of the collection to an System.Array, starting at a particular array index.
[Visual Basic]
Public Sub CopyTo( _
ByVal array As Section(), _
ByVal index As Integer _
public void CopyTo(
Section[] array,
int index
public procedure CopyTo(
array: Section();
index: Int32
The one-dimensional System.Array that is the destination of the elements copied from collection. (The
array must have zero-based indexing).
The zero-based index in array at which copying begins.
See Also
SectionCollection Class | SectionCollection Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
360 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
SectionTypeEnum Enumeration
Specifies the section type, which is equivalent to a the index of a Section object in the control's Sections
[Visual Basic]
Public Enum SectionTypeEnum
public enum SectionTypeEnum
type SectionTypeEnum = (Detail, Footer, GroupFooter1, GroupFooter2,
GroupFooter3, GroupFooter4, GroupHeader1, GroupHeader2, GroupHeader3,
GroupHeader4, Header, PageFooter, PageHeader, Undefined);
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
Use the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Section and Type properties.
Member name
Detail section: repeated for every record in the source
Report footer section: appears once, in the end of the
Group footer section: appears after level-one groups.
Group footer section: appears after level-two groups.
Group footer section: appears after level-three groups.
Group footer section: appears after level-four groups.
Group header section: appears before level-one groups.
Group header section: appears before level-two groups.
Group header section: appears before level-three
Group header section: appears before level-four groups.
Report header section: appears once, in the beginning of
the report.
Page footer section: appears at the bottom of every
page, subject to the setting of the PageFooter property.
Page header section: appears at the top of every page,
subject to the setting of the PageHeader property.
Undefined. When fields are created using the Add
(String, String, Double, Double, Double, Double)
method, they don't belong to any sections and are not
rendered with the report.
SortEnum Enumeration · 361
See Also
C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
SortEnum Enumeration
Specifies how groups should be sorted.
[Visual Basic]
Public Enum SortEnum
public enum SortEnum
type SortEnum = (Ascending, Descending, NoSort);
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
Use the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Sort property in the Group class.
Member name
Sort records in ascending order.
Sort records in descending order.
Do not sort records for this group.
The following code sorts the first group in Ascending order:
Visual Basic
c1r.Groups(0).Sort = SortEnum.Ascending
c1r.Groups[0].Sort = SortEnum.Ascending;
c1r.Groups[0].Sort := SortEnum.Ascending;
See Also
C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
TextDirectionEnum Enumeration
Specifies the direction of the text in the field.
[Visual Basic]
Public Enum TextDirectionEnum
public enum TextDirectionEnum
362 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
type TextDirectionEnum = (Down, Normal, Up);
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
Use the members of this enumeration to set the value of the TextDirection property in the Field class.
Member name
Text direction is down.
Text direction is normal.
Text direction is up.
See Also
C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
TextFilter Class
Used with the RenderToFilter method to render reports into plain text streams or files.
For a list of all members of this type, see TextFilter Members.
[Visual Basic]
Public Class TextFilter
Inherits ExportFilter
Implements IDisposable
public class TextFilter : ExportFilter , IDisposable
type TextFilter = class (ExportFilter, IDisposable);
Creating a TextFilter and using it in a call to the RenderToFilter method is similar to using the RenderToFile
or RenderToStream (Stream, FileFormatEnum) methods, but offers some extra flexibility because you can
set properties on the TextFilter before calling RenderToFilter.
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
See Also
TextFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
TextFilter Members · 363
TextFilter Members
TextFilter overview
Public Constructors
TextFilter Constructor
Initializes a new instance of the TextFilter class
attached to a stream.
Public Properties
Gets or sets whether the filter should produce a
continuous report or a report with page break characters
and page header and footer sections.
Public Methods
Overriden. Called when the component finishes
rendering a report, or when the rendering process is
canceled by the user or interrupted by an error.
Overriden. Called when the component finishes
rendering a report.
Overriden. Determines whether this filter generates
single or multi-page reports.
Overriden. Called after each page break on paged
reports (see the IsPaged property).
Overriden. Called when the component needs to render
a report field with specific content at a specific position
on the current page.
Overriden. Called after the component has finished
rendering the first pass of the report, and before it starts
rendering overlay fields.
Overriden. Called when the component starts rendering
a report.
Overriden. Returns a value that determines whether the
filter uses page images.
See Also
TextFilter Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
TextFilter Constructor
Overload List
Initializes a new instance of the TextFilter class attached to a stream.
[Visual Basic] Public Function New(Stream)
[C#] public TextFilter(Stream);
[Delphi] public constructor Create(Stream); overload;
Initializes a new instance of the TextFilter class attached to a file.
[Visual Basic] Public Function New(String)
[C#] public TextFilter(string);
364 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
[Delphi] public constructor Create(String); overload;
See Also
TextFilter Class | TextFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
TextFilter Constructor (Stream)
Initializes a new instance of the TextFilter class attached to a stream.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function New( _
ByVal stream As Stream _
public TextFilter(
Stream stream
public constructor Create(
stream: Stream
); overload;
Output System.IO.Stream where the report will be rendered.
See Also
TextFilter Class | TextFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | TextFilter Constructor Overload
TextFilter Constructor (String)
Initializes a new instance of the TextFilter class attached to a file.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function New( _
ByVal fileName As String _
public TextFilter(
string fileName
public constructor Create(
fileName: String
); overload;
Full name of the file to be created. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.
TextFilter Properties · 365
See Also
TextFilter Class | TextFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | TextFilter Constructor Overload
TextFilter Properties
The properties of the TextFilter class are listed here. For a complete list of TextFilter class members, see the
TextFilter Members topic.
Public Properties
Gets or sets whether the filter should produce a
continuous report or a report with page break characters
and page header and footer sections.
See Also
TextFilter Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
TextFilter.Paged Property
Gets or sets whether the filter should produce a continuous report or a report with page break characters and
page header and footer sections.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Paged As Boolean
public bool Paged {get;set;}
public property Paged: Boolean read get_Paged write set_Paged;
See Also
TextFilter Class | TextFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
TextFilter Methods
The methods of the TextFilter class are listed here. For a complete list of TextFilter class members, see the
TextFilter Members topic.
Public Methods
Overriden. Called when the component finishes
rendering a report, or when the rendering process is
canceled by the user or interrupted by an error.
Overriden. Called when the component finishes
rendering a report.
Overriden. Determines whether this filter generates
single or multi-page reports.
Overriden. Called after each page break on paged
reports (see the IsPaged property).
Overriden. Called when the component needs to render
a report field with specific content at a specific position
on the current page.
366 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Overriden. Called after the component has finished
rendering the first pass of the report, and before it starts
rendering overlay fields.
Overriden. Called when the component starts rendering
a report.
Overriden. Returns a value that determines whether the
filter uses page images.
See Also
TextFilter Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
TextFilter.Dispose Method
Called when the component finishes rendering a report, or when the rendering process is canceled by the user
or interrupted by an error.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
override public void Dispose()
public procedure Dispose(); override;
Use this method to free any disposable objects used by the filter.
See Also
TextFilter Class | TextFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
TextFilter.EndReport Method
Called when the component finishes rendering a report.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Sub EndReport()
override public void EndReport()
public procedure EndReport(); override;
See Also
TextFilter Class | TextFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
TextFilter.IsPaged Method
Determines whether this filter generates single or multi-page reports.
TextFilter.NewPage Method · 367
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Function IsPaged() As Boolean
override public bool IsPaged()
public function IsPaged(): Boolean; override;
Return Value
True if report is paged.
When generating paged reports, the component calls the filter's NewPage method on page breaks and updates
the value of the Page property.
When generating non-paged (continuous) reports, only one long page is generated.
See Also
TextFilter Class | TextFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
TextFilter.NewPage Method
Called after each page break on paged reports (see the IsPaged property).
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Sub NewPage()
override public void NewPage()
public procedure NewPage(); override;
See Also
TextFilter Class | TextFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
TextFilter.RenderField Method
Called when the component needs to render a report field with specific content at a specific position on the
current page.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Sub RenderField( _
ByVal field As Field, _
ByVal rc As Rectangle, _
ByVal text As String, _
ByVal img As Image _
368 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
override public void RenderField(
Field field,
Rectangle rc,
string text,
Image img
public procedure RenderField(
field: Field;
rc: Rectangle;
text: String;
img: Image
); override;
Field object to render.
Rectangle that determines the field position on the page, in twips.
Field text to render.
Field image to render.
See Also
TextFilter Class | TextFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
TextFilter.StartOverlays Method
Called after the component has finished rendering the first pass of the report, and before it starts rendering
overlay fields.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Sub StartOverlays()
override public void StartOverlays()
public procedure StartOverlays(); override;
See Also
TextFilter Class | TextFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
TextFilter.StartReport Method
Called when the component starts rendering a report.
TextFilter.UsesImages Method · 369
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Sub StartReport( _
ByVal report As C1Report _
override public void StartReport(
C1Report report
public procedure StartReport(
report: C1Report
); override;
Owner report.
See Also
TextFilter Class | TextFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
TextFilter.UsesImages Method
Returns a value that determines whether the filter uses page images.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Function UsesImages() As Boolean
override public bool UsesImages()
public function UsesImages(): Boolean; override;
Return Value
Always returns False.
See Also
TextFilter Class | TextFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
TiffFilter Class
Used with the RenderToFilter method to render reports into TIFF streams or files.
For a list of all members of this type, see TiffFilter Members.
370 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
[Visual Basic]
Public Class TiffFilter
Inherits ExportFilter
public class TiffFilter : ExportFilter
type TiffFilter = class (ExportFilter);
Creating a TiffFilter and using it in a call to the RenderToFilter method is similar to using the RenderToFile
or RenderToStream (Stream, FileFormatEnum) methods, but offers some extra flexibility because you can
set properties on the TiffFilter before calling RenderToFilter.
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
See Also
TiffFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
TiffFilter Members
TiffFilter overview
Public Constructors
TiffFilter Constructor
Initializes a new instance of the TiffFilter class attached
to a stream.
Public Properties
Gets or sets the resolution of the TIFF document, in
dots per inch.
Public Methods
Dispose (inherited from ExportFilter)
Releases the resources used by the filter.
Overriden. Called when the component finishes
rendering a report.
IsPaged (inherited from ExportFilter)
Determines whether this filter generates single or multipage reports.
NewPage (inherited from ExportFilter)
Called after each page break on paged reports (see the
IsPaged property).
StartOverlays (inherited from ExportFilter)
Called after the component has finished rendering the
first pass of the report, and before it starts rendering
overlay fields.
Overriden. Called when the component starts rendering
a report.
UsesImages (inherited from ExportFilter)
Returns a value that determines whether the filter
requires page images to be generated.
See Also
TiffFilter Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
TiffFilter Constructor · 371
TiffFilter Constructor
Overload List
Initializes a new instance of the TiffFilter class attached to a stream.
[Visual Basic] Public Function New(Stream)
[C#] public TiffFilter(Stream);
[Delphi] public constructor Create(Stream); overload;
Initializes a new instance of the TiffFilter class attached to a file.
[Visual Basic] Public Function New(String)
[C#] public TiffFilter(string);
[Delphi] public constructor Create(String); overload;
See Also
TiffFilter Class | TiffFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
TiffFilter Constructor (Stream)
Initializes a new instance of the TiffFilter class attached to a stream.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function New( _
ByVal stream As Stream _
public TiffFilter(
Stream stream
public constructor Create(
stream: Stream
); overload;
Output System.IO.Stream where the report will be rendered.
See Also
TiffFilter Class | TiffFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | TiffFilter Constructor Overload List
TiffFilter Constructor (String)
Initializes a new instance of the TiffFilter class attached to a file.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function New( _
ByVal fileName As String _
372 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
public TiffFilter(
string fileName
public constructor Create(
fileName: String
); overload;
Full name of the file to be created. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.
See Also
TiffFilter Class | TiffFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace | TiffFilter Constructor Overload List
TiffFilter Properties
The properties of the TiffFilter class are listed here. For a complete list of TiffFilter class members, see the
TiffFilter Members topic.
Public Properties
Gets or sets the resolution of the TIFF document, in
dots per inch.
See Also
TiffFilter Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
TiffFilter.Resolution Property
Gets or sets the resolution of the TIFF document, in dots per inch.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Resolution As Single
public float Resolution {get;set;}
public property Resolution: Single read get_Resolution write
The default value for this property is 150 dpi.
Setting the resolution to higher values result in documents with higher quality but significantly larger size.
See Also
TiffFilter Class | TiffFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
TiffFilter Methods · 373
TiffFilter Methods
The methods of the TiffFilter class are listed here. For a complete list of TiffFilter class members, see the
TiffFilter Members topic.
Public Methods
Dispose (inherited from ExportFilter)
Releases the resources used by the filter.
Overriden. Called when the component finishes
rendering a report.
IsPaged (inherited from ExportFilter)
Determines whether this filter generates single or multipage reports.
NewPage (inherited from ExportFilter)
Called after each page break on paged reports (see the
IsPaged property).
StartOverlays (inherited from ExportFilter)
Called after the component has finished rendering the
first pass of the report, and before it starts rendering
overlay fields.
Overriden. Called when the component starts rendering
a report.
UsesImages (inherited from ExportFilter)
Returns a value that determines whether the filter
requires page images to be generated.
See Also
TiffFilter Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
TiffFilter.EndReport Method
Called when the component finishes rendering a report.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Sub EndReport()
override public void EndReport()
public procedure EndReport(); override;
See Also
TiffFilter Class | TiffFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
TiffFilter.StartReport Method
Called when the component starts rendering a report.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Sub StartReport( _
ByVal report As C1Report _
374 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
override public void StartReport(
C1Report report
public procedure StartReport(
report: C1Report
); override;
Owner report.
See Also
TiffFilter Class | TiffFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
XlsFilter Class
Class used with the RenderToFiltermethod to render reports into Microsoft Excel (XLS) files.
For a list of all members of this type, see XlsFilter Members.
[Visual Basic]
Public Class XlsFilter
Inherits ExportFilter
Implements IDisposable
public class XlsFilter : ExportFilter , IDisposable
type XlsFilter = class (ExportFilter, IDisposable);
Creating an XlsFilter and using it in a call to the RenderToFilter method is similar to using the RenderToFile
method, but offers some extra flexibility because you can set properties on the XlsFilter before calling
Namespace: C1.Win.C1Report
Assembly: C1.Win.C1Report.2 (in C1.Win.C1Report.2.dll)
See Also
XlsFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
XlsFilter Members
XlsFilter overview
XlsFilter Constructor · 375
Public Constructors
XlsFilter Constructor
Initializes a new instance of the XlsFilter class attached
to a file.
Public Properties
Prevents the filter from creating shaded areas on the
Gets or sets the name of the worksheet to be used when
saving the report into the Excel workbook file.
Public Methods
Overriden. Called when the component finishes
rendering a report, or when the rendering process is
canceled by the user or interrupted by an error.
Overriden. Called when the component finishes
rendering a report.
Overriden. Determines whether this filter generates
single or multi-page reports.
NewPage (inherited from ExportFilter)
Called after each page break on paged reports (see the
IsPaged property).
Overriden. Called when the component needs to render
a report field with specific content at a specific position
on the current page.
StartOverlays (inherited from ExportFilter)
Called after the component has finished rendering the
first pass of the report, and before it starts rendering
overlay fields.
Overriden. Called when the component starts rendering
a report.
Overriden. Returns a value that determines whether the
filter uses page images.
See Also
XlsFilter Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
XlsFilter Constructor
Initializes a new instance of the XlsFilter class attached to a file.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function New( _
ByVal fileName As String _
public XlsFilter(
string fileName
376 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
public constructor Create(
fileName: String
Full name of the file to be created.
If the file already exists, the filter will open it and will add a new sheet with the report.
See Also
XlsFilter Class | XlsFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
XlsFilter Properties
The properties of the XlsFilter class are listed here. For a complete list of XlsFilter class members, see the
XlsFilter Members topic.
Public Properties
Prevents the filter from creating shaded areas on the
Gets or sets the name of the worksheet to be used when
saving the report into the Excel workbook file.
See Also
XlsFilter Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
XlsFilter.Shading Property
Prevents the filter from creating shaded areas on the sheet.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property Shading As Boolean
public bool Shading {get;set;}
public property Shading: Boolean read get_Shading write set_Shading;
See Also
XlsFilter Class | XlsFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
XlsFilter.SheetName Property
Gets or sets the name of the worksheet to be used when saving the report into the Excel workbook file.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property SheetName As String
public string SheetName {get;set;}
XlsFilter Methods · 377
public property SheetName: String read get_SheetName write set_SheetName;
You can use this property to save multiple reports into a single Excel workbook file, one on each sheet.
See Also
XlsFilter Class | XlsFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
XlsFilter Methods
The methods of the XlsFilter class are listed here. For a complete list of XlsFilter class members, see the
XlsFilter Members topic.
Public Methods
Overriden. Called when the component finishes
rendering a report, or when the rendering process is
canceled by the user or interrupted by an error.
Overriden. Called when the component finishes
rendering a report.
Overriden. Determines whether this filter generates
single or multi-page reports.
NewPage (inherited from ExportFilter)
Called after each page break on paged reports (see the
IsPaged property).
Overriden. Called when the component needs to render
a report field with specific content at a specific position
on the current page.
StartOverlays (inherited from ExportFilter)
Called after the component has finished rendering the
first pass of the report, and before it starts rendering
overlay fields.
Overriden. Called when the component starts rendering
a report.
Overriden. Returns a value that determines whether the
filter uses page images.
See Also
XlsFilter Class | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
XlsFilter.Dispose Method
Called when the component finishes rendering a report, or when the rendering process is canceled by the user
or interrupted by an error.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
override public void Dispose()
378 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
public procedure Dispose(); override;
Use this method to free any disposable objects used by the filter.
See Also
XlsFilter Class | XlsFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
XlsFilter.EndReport Method
Called when the component finishes rendering a report.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Sub EndReport()
override public void EndReport()
public procedure EndReport(); override;
See Also
XlsFilter Class | XlsFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
XlsFilter.IsPaged Method
Determines whether this filter generates single or multi-page reports.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Function IsPaged() As Boolean
override public bool IsPaged()
public function IsPaged(): Boolean; override;
Return Value
Always returns False.
See Also
XlsFilter Class | XlsFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
XlsFilter.RenderField Method
Called when the component needs to render a report field with specific content at a specific position on the
current page.
XlsFilter.StartReport Method · 379
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Sub RenderField( _
ByVal field As Field, _
ByVal rc As Rectangle, _
ByVal text As String, _
ByVal img As Image _
override public void RenderField(
Field field,
Rectangle rc,
string text,
Image img
public procedure RenderField(
field: Field;
rc: Rectangle;
text: String;
img: Image
); override;
Field object to render.
Rectangle that determines the field position on the page, in twips.
Field text to render.
Field image to render.
See Also
XlsFilter Class | XlsFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
XlsFilter.StartReport Method
Called when the component starts rendering a report.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Sub StartReport( _
ByVal report As C1Report _
override public void StartReport(
C1Report report
380 · C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
public procedure StartReport(
report: C1Report
); override;
Owner report.
See Also
XlsFilter Class | XlsFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
XlsFilter.UsesImages Method
Returns a value that determines whether the filter uses page images.
[Visual Basic]
Overrides Public Function UsesImages() As Boolean
override public bool UsesImages()
public function UsesImages(): Boolean; override;
Return Value
Always returns False.
See Also
XlsFilter Class | XlsFilter Members | C1.Win.C1Report Namespace
Index · 381
2 assembly (C1.Win.C1Report) 123, 125, 127, 129,
130, 131, 132, 133, 136, 137, 138, 139, 141, 142,
143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152,
154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 161, 163, 166, 167,
168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 182, 183, 184,
185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 192, 193, 194, 195,
197, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207,
208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 217, 219, 220,
221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230,
231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240,
241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250,
251, 252, 253, 257, 258, 259, 261, 262, 263, 264,
265, 266, 267, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 276,
278, 279, 280, 281, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288,
289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298,
299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308,
309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318,
319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328,
329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338,
340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349,
350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359,
360, 361, 362, 363, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370,
371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 380
Access enumeration member 278, 279
Across enumeration member 188
Add method 253, 273
AddOutlineEntry event 182
AddOutlineEntry method 208
AddOutlineEntryHandler delegate 129
AddScriptObject method 154
After enumeration member 263
Align property 219
AllButFirstPage enumeration member 319
AllPages enumeration member 279, 319
Anchor property 220
AnchorEnum enumeration 129
ApplyFilter method 293
ApplySort method 293
Ascending enumeration member 361
Author property 324
Auto enumeration member 311
BackColor property 220, 345
BackStyleEnum enumeration 130
BarCode property 221
BarCodeEnum enumeration 131
Before enumeration member 263
BeforeAndAfter enumeration member 263
BeginInit method 155
BOF method 200, 294
BorderColor property 221
BorderStyle property 222
BorderStyleEnum enumeration 132
Bottom enumeration member 129, 130
Bounds property 222
C1Report class 133
about C1Report class 132
all members 133
constructor 136
events 182
methods 152
properties 136
C1Report enumeration member 278, 279
C1Report hierarchy (C1.Win) 127
C1Report namespace (C1.Win) 125
C1Report.AddOutlineEntry event 182
C1Report.AddScriptObject method 154
C1Report.BeginInit method 155
C1Report.C1Report constructor 136
C1Report.Cancel property 137
C1Report.Clear method 155
C1Report.CopyFrom method 156
C1Report.DataSource property 138
C1Report.Dispose method 156
C1Report.Document property 139
C1Report.DoEvents property 139
C1Report.EndInit method 157
C1Report.EndPage event 183
C1Report.EndReport event 183
C1Report.EndSection event 184
C1Report.Evaluate method 157
C1Report.Execute method 158
C1Report.Fields property 141
C1Report.Font property 141
C1Report.GetReportInfo method 159
C1Report.GetReportList method 161
C1Report.Groups property 142
C1Report.GrowShrinkMode property 143
C1Report.InitializeParametersDialog event 184
C1Report.IsBusy property 143
C1Report.LabelOffset property 144
C1Report.Layout property 145
C1Report.Load method 163
C1Report.MaxPages property 145
C1Report.NoData event 184
C1Report.OnClose property 145
382 · Index
C1Report.OnEndPage method 166
C1Report.OnEndReport method 166
C1Report.OnEndSection method 167
C1Report.OnError property 146
C1Report.OnNoData property 146
C1Report.OnNoReportData method 167
C1Report.OnOpen property 147
C1Report.OnPage property 147
C1Report.OnPrintSection method 168
C1Report.OnReportError method 168
C1Report.OnStartPage method 169
C1Report.OnStartReport method 169
C1Report.OnStartSection method 170
C1Report.OutlineRootLevel property 148
C1Report.Page property 148
C1Report.PageImages property 149
C1Report.ParentReport property 149
C1Report.ParseExpression method 170
C1Report.ParseStatement method 171
C1Report.PrintSection event 185
C1Report.Render method 172
C1Report.RenderToFile method 172
C1Report.RenderToFilter method 173
C1Report.RenderToStream method 173
C1Report.ReportDefinition property 149
C1Report.ReportError event 186
C1Report.ReportInfo property 150
C1Report.ReportName property 151
C1Report.Save method 175
C1Report.Sections property 152
C1Report.StartPage event 186
C1Report.StartReport event 187
C1Report.StartSection event 187
C1Report.Tag property 152
Calculated property 223
Cancel property 137
CanGrow property 223, 345
CanShrink property 224, 346
CenterBottom enumeration member 249, 317
CenterMiddle enumeration member 249, 317
CenterTop enumeration member 249, 317
CheckBox enumeration member 187, 188
CheckBox property 224
CheckBoxEnum enumeration 187
Clear method 155, 326
Clip enumeration member 317, 318
Clone method 247, 327
Codabar enumeration member 131
Code128 enumeration member 131
Code39 enumeration member 131
Code93 enumeration member 131
CodeI2of5 enumeration member 131
ColumnLayout property 301
ColumnLayoutEnum enumeration 188
Columns property 301
CommandTimeOut property 194
ConnectionString property 195
Contains method 257, 274, 358
CopyFrom method 156
CopyTo method 258, 276, 359
Count property 251, 271, 354
Creator property 325
CrossBox enumeration member 187, 188
CustomHeight property 301
CustomWidth property 302
Dash enumeration member 132
DashDot enumeration member 132
DashDotDot enumeration member 132
DataAccessException class 189
about DataAccessException class 189
all members 189
constructor 190
constructor 190
DataSource class 193
about DataSource class 192
all members 193
methods 199
properties 194
DataSource property 138
DataSource.BOF method 200
DataSource.CommandTimeOut property 194
DataSource.ConnectionString property 195
DataSource.EOF method 200
DataSource.Filter property 195
DataSource.GetBookmark method 200
DataSource.GetFieldValue method 201
DataSource.GetRecordSource method 201
DataSource.MaxRecords property 197
DataSource.MoveFirst method 202
DataSource.MoveLast method 202
DataSource.MoveNext method 202
DataSource.MovePrevious method 203
DataSource.ParentReport property 197
DataSource.Recordset property 197
DataSource.RecordSource property 199
DataSource.SetBookmark method 203
DataSource.ToString method 204
Descending enumeration member 361
Detail enumeration member 360
Detail property 355
Dialog field 205
DialogEventArgs class 204
about DialogEventArgs class 204
all members 204
fields 205
DialogEventArgs.Dialog field 205
DialogEventHandler delegate 205
Dispose method 156, 209, 286, 333, 366, 377
Index · 383
Document property 139
DoEvents property 139
Dot enumeration member 132
Down enumeration member 188, 310, 311, 361, 362
DrillDown property 284
Ean13 enumeration member 131
Ean8 enumeration member 131
EmbedFonts property 314
EmbedPictures property 331
EncodeHtml property 284
EndInit method 157
EndPage event 183
EndReport event 183
EndReport method 209, 287, 316, 333, 366, 373, 378
EndSection event 184
EndSection method 210, 287
EOF method 200, 294
Evaluate method 157
Excel enumeration member 261, 262
Exception field 321
Execute method 158
ExportFilter class 206
about ExportFilter class 206
all members 206
constructor 207
methods 207
ExportFilter.AddOutlineEntry method 208
ExportFilter.Dispose method 209
ExportFilter.EndReport method 209
ExportFilter.EndSection method 210
ExportFilter.ExportFilter constructor 207
ExportFilter.IsPaged method 210
ExportFilter.NewPage method 211
ExportFilter.RenderField method 211
ExportFilter.StartOverlays method 212
ExportFilter.StartReport method 212
ExportFilter.StartSection method 213
ExportFilter.UsesImages method 213
Field class 214
about Field class 214
all members 214
constructor 217
methods 246
properties 217
Field.Align property 219
Field.Anchor property 220
Field.BackColor property 220
Field.BarCode property 221
Field.BorderColor property 221
Field.BorderStyle property 222
Field.Bounds property 222
Field.Calculated property 223
Field.CanGrow property 223
Field.CanShrink property 224
Field.CheckBox property 224
Field.Clone method 247
Field.Field constructor 217
Field.Font property 225
Field.ForcePageBreak property 225
Field.ForeColor property 225
Field.Format property 226
Field.GetRenderContent method 247
Field.Height property 227
Field.HideDuplicates property 227
Field.Index property 228
Field.KeepTogether property 228
Field.Left property 229
Field.LineSlant property 229
Field.LineSpacing property 229
Field.LineWidth property 230
Field.LinkTarget property 230
Field.LinkValue property 231
Field.Location property 232
Field.MarginBottom property 232
Field.MarginLeft property 232
Field.MarginRight property 233
Field.MarginTop property 233
Field.Name property 234
Field.ParentReport property 234
Field.ParentSection property 235
Field.Picture property 235
Field.PictureAlign property 236
Field.PictureScale property 236
Field.RenderHeight property 237
Field.RenderTop property 237
Field.RTF property 238
Field.RunningSum property 238
Field.Section property 239
Field.SetZOrder method 248
Field.Size property 240
Field.Subreport property 240
Field.SubreportHasData property 241
Field.Tag property 242
Field.Text property 242
Field.TextDirection property 243
Field.Top property 243
Field.ToString method 248
Field.Value property 244
Field.Visible property 245
Field.Width property 245
Field.WordWrap property 245
Field.ZOrder property 246
FieldAlignEnum enumeration 249
FieldCollection class 250
about FieldCollection class 250
all members 250
384 · Index
methods 252
properties 250
FieldCollection.Add method 253
FieldCollection.Contains method 257
FieldCollection.CopyTo method 258
FieldCollection.Count property 251
FieldCollection.Item property 251
FieldCollection.Remove method 259
FieldCollection.RemoveAt method 261
Fields property 141, 346
FileFormatEnum enumeration 261
Filter property 195
FirstPage enumeration member 319
Font property 141, 225
Footer enumeration member 360
Footer property 355
ForcePageBreak property 225, 347
ForcePageBreakEnum enumeration 263
ForeColor property 225
Format property 226
General enumeration member 249
GetBookmark method 200, 295
GetFieldNames method 295
GetFieldTypes method 295
GetFieldValue method 201, 296
GetRecordSource method 201
GetRenderContent method 247
GetReportInfo method 159
GetReportList method 161
GetRTFFont method 333
Group class 264
about Group class 263
all members 264
methods 269
properties 264
Group.GroupBy property 265
Group.KeepTogether property 266
Group.Move method 269
Group.Name property 266
Group.ParentReport property 267
Group.SectionFooter property 267
Group.SectionHeader property 267
Group.Sort property 267
Group.Tag property 269
GroupBy property 265
GroupCollection class 270
about GroupCollection class 270
all members 270
methods 273
properties 271
GroupCollection.Add method 273
GroupCollection.Contains method 274
GroupCollection.CopyTo method 276
GroupCollection.Count property 271
GroupCollection.Item property 271
GroupCollection.Remove method 276
GroupFooter1 enumeration member 360
GroupFooter2 enumeration member 360
GroupFooter3 enumeration member 360
GroupFooter4 enumeration member 360
GroupHeader1 enumeration member 360
GroupHeader2 enumeration member 360
GroupHeader3 enumeration member 360
GroupHeader4 enumeration member 360
Groups property 142
GrowShrinkMode property 143
GrowShrinkModeEnum enumeration 278
Handled field 321
HdrFtrEnum enumeration 279
Header enumeration member 360
Header property 355
Height property 227, 347
Hide enumeration member 318
HideDuplicates property 227
HTML enumeration member 261, 262
HTMLDrillDown enumeration member 261, 262
HtmlFilter class 280
about HtmlFilter class 279
all members 280
constructor 281
methods 286
properties 283
HtmlFilter.Dispose method 286
HtmlFilter.DrillDown property 284
HtmlFilter.EncodeHtml property 284
HtmlFilter.EndReport method 287
HtmlFilter.EndSection method 287
HtmlFilter.HtmlFilter constructor 281
HtmlFilter.IsPaged method 287
HtmlFilter.MultiFile property 285
HtmlFilter.NewPage method 288
HtmlFilter.Paged property 285
HtmlFilter.RenderField method 288
HtmlFilter.StartCollapsed property 285
HtmlFilter.StartOverlays method 289
HtmlFilter.StartReport method 290
HtmlFilter.StartSection method 290
HtmlFilter.UsesImages method 291
HTMLPaged enumeration member 261, 262
IC1ReportRecordset interface 292
about IC1ReportRecordset interface 291
all members 292
methods 292
Index · 385
IC1ReportRecordset.ApplyFilter method 293
IC1ReportRecordset.ApplySort method 293
IC1ReportRecordset.BOF method 294
IC1ReportRecordset.EOF method 294
IC1ReportRecordset.GetBookmark method 295
IC1ReportRecordset.GetFieldNames method 295
IC1ReportRecordset.GetFieldTypes method 295
IC1ReportRecordset.GetFieldValue method 296
IC1ReportRecordset.MoveFirst method 296
IC1ReportRecordset.MoveLast method 296
IC1ReportRecordset.MoveNext method 297
IC1ReportRecordset.MovePrevious method 297
IC1ReportRecordset.SetBookmark method 297
Index property 228
InitializeParametersDialog event 184
IsBusy property 143
IsPaged method 210, 287, 334, 366, 378
Item property 251, 271, 356
JustBottom enumeration member 249
JustMiddle enumeration member 249
JustTop enumeration member 249
KeepFirstDetail enumeration member 298
KeepNothing enumeration member 298
KeepTogether property 228, 266, 348
KeepTogetherEnum enumeration 298
KeepWholeGroup enumeration member 298
Keywords property 325
LabelOffset property 144
Labels enumeration member 188, 189
LabelSpacingX property 303
LabelSpacingY property 303
Landscape enumeration member 311
Layout class 299
about Layout class 298
all members 299
methods 309
properties 300
Layout property 145
Layout.ColumnLayout property 301
Layout.Columns property 301
Layout.CustomHeight property 301
Layout.CustomWidth property 302
Layout.LabelSpacingX property 303
Layout.LabelSpacingY property 303
Layout.MarginBottom property 304
Layout.MarginLeft property 304
Layout.MarginRight property 304
Layout.MarginTop property 305
Layout.Orientation property 305
Layout.PageFooter property 305
Layout.PageHeader property 306
Layout.PaperSize property 306
Layout.ParentReport property 307
Layout.Picture property 307
Layout.PictureAlign property 307
Layout.PictureScale property 308
Layout.PictureShow property 308
Layout.ToString method 310
Layout.UpdateFromPrintDoc method 310
Layout.Width property 309
Left property 229
LeftBottom enumeration member 249, 317, 318
LeftMiddle enumeration member 249, 317, 318
LeftTop enumeration member 249, 317, 318
LineSlant property 229
LineSlantEnum enumeration 310
LineSpacing property 229
LineWidth property 230
LinkTarget property 230
LinkValue property 231
Load method 163
Location property 232
MarginBottom property 232, 304
MarginLeft property 232, 304, 331
MarginRight property 233, 304
MarginTop property 233, 305, 331
MaxPages property 145
MaxRecords property 197
Move method 269
MoveFirst method 202, 296
MoveLast method 202, 296
MoveNext method 202, 297
MovePrevious method 203, 297
MSWord enumeration member 341, 342
MultiFile property 285
Name property 234, 266, 349
NewPage method 211, 288, 334, 367
NoCheckBox enumeration member 187, 188
NoData event 184
NoLine enumeration member 310, 311
None enumeration member 131, 263
NoPages enumeration member 319
Normal enumeration member 361, 362
NoRunningSum enumeration member 342
NoSlant enumeration member 310, 311
NoSort enumeration member 361
NotWithReportFtr enumeration member 279
386 · Index
NotWithReportHdr enumeration member 279
NotWithReportHdrFtr enumeration member 279
OnClose property 145
OnEndPage method 166
OnEndReport method 166
OnEndSection method 167
OnError property 146
OnFormat property 349
OnNoData property 146
OnNoReportData method 167
OnOpen property 147
OnPage property 147
OnPrint property 350
OnPrintSection method 168
OnReportError method 168
OnStartPage method 169
OnStartReport method 169
OnStartSection method 170
Opaque enumeration member 130
Orientation property 305
OrientationEnum enumeration 311
Outline property 315
OutlineRootLevel property 148
Page field 322
Page property 148
PageAfter enumeration member 263
PageBefore enumeration member 263
Paged property 285, 365
PageFooter enumeration member 360
PageFooter property 305, 357
PageHeader enumeration member 360
PageHeader property 306, 358
PageImages property 149
PaperSize property 306
ParentReport property 149, 197, 234, 267, 307, 351
ParentSection property 235
ParseExpression method 170
ParseStatement method 171
Password property 315
PDF enumeration member 261, 262
PDFEmbedFonts enumeration member 261, 262
PdfFilter class 312
about PdfFilter class 312
all members 312
constructor 313
methods 316
properties 314
PdfFilter.EmbedFonts property 314
PdfFilter.EndReport method 316
PdfFilter.Outline property 315
PdfFilter.Password property 315
PdfFilter.PdfFilter constructor 313
PdfFilter.StartReport method 316
PDFPrintUtil enumeration member 261, 262
PDFProtected enumeration member 261, 262
Picture property 235, 307
PictureAlign property 236, 307
PictureAlignEnum enumeration 317
PictureScale property 236, 308
PictureScaleEnum enumeration 318
PictureShow property 308
PictureShowEnum enumeration 319
Portable enumeration member 341, 342
Portrait enumeration member 311
PostNet enumeration member 131
PrintSection event 185
RadioButton enumeration member 187, 188
Recordset property 197
RecordSource property 199
Remove method 259, 276
RemoveAt method 261
Render method 172
RenderField method 211, 288, 335, 340, 367, 378
RenderHeight property 237, 351
RenderToFile method 172
RenderToFilter method 173
RenderTop property 237
RenderToStream method 173
Repeat property 351
ReportDefinition property 149
ReportError event 186
ReportEventArgs class 320
about ReportEventArgs class 320
all members 320
fields 320
ReportEventArgs.Exception field 321
ReportEventArgs.Handled field 321
ReportEventArgs.Page field 322
ReportEventArgs.Section field 322
ReportEventArgs.Text field 322
ReportEventHandler delegate 323
ReportInfo class 323, 324
about ReportInfo class 323
all members 324
methods 326
properties 324
ReportInfo property 150
ReportInfo.Author property 324
ReportInfo.Clear method 326
ReportInfo.Clone method 327
ReportInfo.Creator property 325
ReportInfo.Keywords property 325
ReportInfo.Subject property 325
Index · 387
ReportInfo.Title property 326
ReportInfo.ToString method 327
ReportName property 151
Resolution property 372
RightBottom enumeration member 249, 317, 318
RightMiddle enumeration member 249, 317, 318
RightTop enumeration member 249, 317, 318
RTF enumeration member 261, 262
RTF property 238
RtfFilter class 328
about RtfFilter class 327
all members 328
constructor 329
methods 332
properties 330
RtfFilter.Dispose method 333
RtfFilter.EmbedPictures property 331
RtfFilter.EndReport method 333
RtfFilter.GetRTFFont method 333
RtfFilter.IsPaged method 334
RtfFilter.MarginLeft property 331
RtfFilter.MarginTop property 331
RtfFilter.NewPage method 334
RtfFilter.RenderField method 335
RtfFilter.RtfFilter constructor 329
RtfFilter.RtfTarget property 331
RtfFilter.StartOverlays method 336
RtfFilter.StartReport method 336
RtfFilter.StreamWriter property 332
RtfFilter.UsesImages method 336
RtfLabelFilter class 337
about RtfLabelFilter class 337
all members 337
constructor 338
methods 340
properties 340
RtfLabelFilter.RenderField method 340
RtfLabelFilter.RtfLabelFilter constructor 338
RTFLabels enumeration member 261, 262
RtfTarget property 331
RtfTargetEnum enumeration 341
RunningSum property 238
RunningSumEnum enumeration 342
Save method 175
Scale enumeration member 318
Section class 343
about Section class 342
all members 343
properties 344
Section field 322
Section property 239
Section.BackColor property 345
Section.CanGrow property 345
Section.CanShrink property 346
Section.Fields property 346
Section.ForcePageBreak property 347
Section.Height property 347
Section.KeepTogether property 348
Section.Name property 349
Section.OnFormat property 349
Section.OnPrint property 350
Section.ParentReport property 351
Section.RenderHeight property 351
Section.Repeat property 351
Section.Tag property 352
Section.Type property 352
Section.Visible property 352
SectionCollection class 353
about SectionCollection class 353
all members 353
methods 358
properties 354
SectionCollection.Contains method 358
SectionCollection.CopyTo method 359
SectionCollection.Count property 354
SectionCollection.Detail property 355
SectionCollection.Footer property 355
SectionCollection.Header property 355
SectionCollection.Item property 356
SectionCollection.PageFooter property 357
SectionCollection.PageHeader property 358
SectionFooter property 267
SectionHeader property 267
Sections property 152
SectionTypeEnum enumeration 360
SetBookmark method 203, 297
SetZOrder method 248
Shading property 376
SheetName property 376
Size property 240
Solid enumeration member 132
Sort property 267
SortEnum enumeration 361
StartCollapsed property 285
StartOverlays method 212, 289, 336, 368
StartPage event 186
StartReport event 187
StartReport method 212, 290, 316, 336, 368, 373, 379
StartSection event 187
StartSection method 213, 290
StreamWriter property 332
Stretch enumeration member 317, 318, 319
Subject property 325
Subreport property 240
SubreportHasData property 241
SumOverAll enumeration member 342
SumOverGroup enumeration member 342
388 · Index
Tag property 152, 242, 269, 352
Text enumeration member 261, 262
Text field 322
Text property 242
TextDirection property 243
TextDirectionEnum enumeration 361
TextFilter class 363
about TextFilter class 362
all members 363
constructor 363
methods 365
properties 365
TextFilter.Dispose method 366
TextFilter.EndReport method 366
TextFilter.IsPaged method 366
TextFilter.NewPage method 367
TextFilter.Paged property 365
TextFilter.RenderField method 367
TextFilter.StartOverlays method 368
TextFilter.StartReport method 368
TextFilter.TextFilter constructor 363
TextFilter.UsesImages method 369
TextSinglePage enumeration member 261, 262
TIFF enumeration member 261, 263
TiffFilter class 370
about TiffFilter class 369
all members 370
constructor 371
methods 373
properties 372
TiffFilter.EndReport method 373
TiffFilter.Resolution property 372
TiffFilter.StartReport method 373
TiffFilter.TiffFilter constructor 371
Tile enumeration member 317, 318, 319
Title property 326
Top enumeration member 129, 130
Top property 243
TopAndBottom enumeration member 129, 130
ToString method 204, 248, 310, 327
Transparent enumeration member 130, 132
Type property 352
Undefined enumeration member 360
Up enumeration member 310, 311, 361, 362
UpdateFromPrintDoc method 310
UsesImages method 213, 291, 336, 369, 380
Value property 244
VBScript 69
Visible property 245, 352
Width property 245, 309
WordWrap property 245
XlsFilter class 374
about XlsFilter class 374
all members 374
constructor 375
methods 377
properties 376
XlsFilter.Dispose method 377
XlsFilter.EndReport method 378
XlsFilter.IsPaged method 378
XlsFilter.RenderField method 378
XlsFilter.Shading property 376
XlsFilter.SheetName property 376
XlsFilter.StartReport method 379
XlsFilter.UsesImages method 380
XlsFilter.XlsFilter constructor 375
Zoom enumeration member 317, 318
ZOrder property 246