February, 2016 - American Legion
February, 2016 - American Legion
“Membership Goal for 2016 is 683” NEW Members ARE THE KEY - Be a Sponsor Gen Mbr Mtg Membership is now 608 - Renew Now Hello to all, Post 787 celebrated its 96th Birthday this past January 6th, a wonderful accomplishment. Happy Birthday James Harvey Spire Post 787. Thanks to all who helped at the Chicken & Biscuit Dinner. February is just around the corner and we’ve got a busy month ahead of us. Sunday February 7th is our Annual Super Bowl Party. We will have 50/50’s and Super Bowl giveaway prizes. Bring a dish to pass. So, come down and enjoy the night. February 10th is Ash Wednesday and we’ll have Fish Sandwiches available from 127 PM. The Pot Roast Dinner and Meat Raffle is Sunday February 14th, Valentine’s Day. Bring your Sweet Heart in for a nice meal. We will have flowers for the Ladies. The weekend of Feb 20 - 21 we will host the New York State Department Air Rifle Tournament. We will have people from all over the state, so, let’s show them some Post 787 hospitality. We close out the month Feb 27 & 28 with our 7th Annual Polar Bear Horseshoe Tournament. The Sons will have a Chicken BBQ on the 27th. Sunday the 28th we continue our Winterfest Weekend with Nascar Sunday and a Chili Cook-off. Prizes will be awarded to the 3 best chili’s. Please stop by and enjoy Winterfest 2016. As you can see February will be a busy month. Hope to see you at the Legion soon. Come in often and become an active member. Mark POLAR Upcoming Events BEAR Fri—Jan 29th - Music with Pinky HORSESHOES Sat—Jan 30th - 48th anniversary of start of Tet Offensive Sun—Feb 7th - Super Bowl Party - bring a dish to pass Wed—Feb 10th - Ash Wednesday - Fish Sandwiches 12-7 PM Sun—Feb 14th - Pot Roast Dinner / Meat Raffle 1-5 PM Valentine’s Day Flowers for the Ladies Sat/Sun—Feb 20/21—NYS Dept Air Rifle Competition Sat—Feb 27th - 7th Annual Polar Bear Horseshoe Tournament Sat—Feb 27th - Sons Chicken BBQ Sun—Feb 28th - Nascar Sunday & Chili Cook-off Thursday - 7PM Feb 18th Volume 2016 Issue 2 - Feb. 2016 2015/2016 Legion Officers Commander…….Mark Adams 1st Vice…….Sam Solitto 2nd Vice…….Jack Sheehan 3rd Vice…….Lyle “Buzz” Porter Adjutant…….Doug Herrmann Finance Officer…. Service Officer...Gene Pierson Sgt. At Arms…….Bruce Dauer Chaplain…….Heidi Heidenreich Historian……..Frank Puettner Trustees: Ron Amyot Al Yanchik Rich McCrum (315) 699-0786 Phone (315) 699-7470 Fax Cicero American Legion James Harvey Spire Post 787 5575 Legionnaire Drive PO Box 1131 Cicero, NY 13039 Newsletter Editor - Brian Sanford Webmaster - Hank Henniger Support our newest Advertisers CLICK FOR OUR WEBSITE www.ciceropost.com March Newsletter Deadline - Feb 18th Cicero American Legion 2 Adjutant’s Agitation By Doug Herrmann Adjutant’s Agitation Our membership is now at 608 or 89.02%. The Keycard Locks have been changed so if your card doesn’t work and you have not paid your dues you are out of luck and are locked out. Your membership has to be current to get a new Key Card. Doug Herrmann Post Adjutant/Membership Chair. SAL News SONS OF THE AMERICAN Michael Aregano -LEGION Commander Greetings S.A.L. Brothers, I am proud to say that back on December 31, 2015 we met our 2016 Membership goal set forth by the State Detachment of NY and we are now at 102%. I would like to thank Membership Chairman-Ed Tarson for his hard work and all of our Members for their support. SONS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION POST 787 If you renew on-line - - make sure you print a copy of your Temporary Card and Receipt <<<< get it to Doug Herrmann >>>> The Sons Of The American Legion Post 787 will be holding their First Annual “Crazy Money” fundraising event. CLICK HERE Get your “Crazy Money Tickets” before they are sold out, tickets go on SALE February 15th at the bar. (See the bartender) This event will have cash giveaways equal to ½ of the money collected from ticket sales. “If all tickets are sold there will be UP TO $3500.00 in CASH GIVEN AWAY with a top CASH prize being $500.00”. Event Name: “Crazy Money Giveaway” Event Date: Sunday-May 15, 2016 Time: 2:00pm-5:00pm Place: Cicero American Legion, Banquet Room Food: Hot Hors d'oeuvres will be served Raffles & 50/50 Drawings Entertainment by:Anthony “Anth” Perra Cost: $35.00 Per Ticket (Cash Bar) Winterfest Weekend Feb 27th—28th “Need not to be present to win” For more information call Michael Aregano @ 439-0328 Our Next Membership Meeting will be held at the Legion on Tuesday February 22, 2016 at 6:30pm. Please join us for some Good Food & conversation. PLEASE NOTE OUR MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS WILL NOW START AT 6:30pm God Bless, Watch the Race Have some fun Win some prizes Eat some chili Check out our Full Calendar of Events for 2015 CLICK HERE Also visit our Website at www.ciceropost.com for tons of info and Michael Aregano SAL Commander Visit ‘Your’ Post Website www.ciceropost.com Send Address or Email changes to your Post member@ciceropost.com Contact Newsletter Editor at newsletter@ciceropost.com Auxiliary News Bonnie Koehle - President ED L L E C N CA 3 Well old man winter is here and everyone thought it was never coming. Ladies, we have BINGO duties once a month. Let's try and give back to the Legion and volunteer our day. It's the 4th Wednesday of the month from 4—7:30 PM New faces are always welcome. To those who do it .. a great big thank you! The Sweetheart Hoedown scheduled for Feb 13th has been cancelled due to the Band Cancelling out. CLICK THE PICTURE In March there will be another Veterans Job Fair. Linda Jackson is hosting the event. Come out and check it out. With so many veterans returning from duty, something may catch your eye There will also be another Craft Fair in May. Details coming soon. Janet Bell is in charge of this event. She did such a great job last time. Watch for more info. Nominations for next year’s Officers is coming up soon. Start thinking of any candidate who would like to run. Anybody wanting to March in the St Patrick's day parade? This will be coming up in March. Let me know so we can organize. DAV Needs Volunteer Drivers Contact: JOSEPH J. SCHNEIDER SYRACUSE VAMC (670) (315) 425-4353 FAX (315) 425-4876 800 Irving Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13210 Well that's it for this month Bless you all and stay warm Bonnie Koehle Aux pres Syracuse Airport Military Courtesy Room Needs Weekend Volunteers Legion Shooters will have their Air Rifle Tournament on Saturday/Sunday February 20/21. They occupy the banquet hall for the weekend. Step in, be quiet and experience Youth Discipline. Contact Scott Smoke traveler8013@gmail.com CALL CHARLIE 254-0746 Book your party in our Banquet Hall or Pavilion American Legion Riders Bruce R. Dauer — President 4 Greetings fellow Legion members, Well their is no doubt that winter is finally here! We welcome our Ride Captain / Sgt.@ Arms, Master SGT. Bob Vergith back from his almost one year deployment. We also extend our deepest condolences to him and his family on the passing of his sister Rosemary. We also extend our deepest sympathy to our Adjutant Doug Herrmann on the loss of his sister Joan. The Riders have started out the New Year on the run, and hope to have an even better year than last years record donations. Though we are still a ways from riding season we are making plans for the 2016 season. As we start the 2016 year at the Post, consider getting more involved in the events and support of our Legion. We are very lucky to have such a large and successful Post, and need to pitch in to keep it that way. Visit our website for information on joining or to see what's been happening with the Riders ( alr787.com ) Remember freedom is not free. Support our Troops. Bruce CLICK FOR Legion Riders WEBSITE alr787.com CLICK FOR Legion WEBSITE www.ciceropost.com Mobile Outreach can SAVE A LIFE in crisis See our Legion Bulletin Board or ask a Legion Officer Bingo Kitchen Volunteers Friday Fish Fry Fresh Haddock Served by Post Volunteers Fridays — Year Round Fish Dinners - - Fish Sandwiches Fisherman’s Platters Serving from 12 Noon to 8 PM Feb Feb Feb Feb 3 10 17 24 Riders Legion Sons Auxiliary Thank you all for your help each week! WE REALLY NEED MORE HELP = Thanks! Take Outs available - - Call 699 699--0786 Stay for the great music & Dance after dinner NEW BANDS THIS FALL 8:30 - 11:30 PM Fish Sandwiches on Ash Wed. Every Wednesday Starts 7:00 PM Doors Open Open--5:00 PM Syracuse Brigadiers Alumni Association, Inc. Win Up To $1000 On Last Cover Cover--All Refreshments available Million Veteran Program 5 (MVP) Address: 1223 Salt Spring Road, Chittenango, NY 13037 Phone: 315-687-3300 315-687-3300 Business Hours: 9a–4:30p M-F, 10a–2p Saturday MVP is a national, voluntary research program funded entirely by the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Research & Development. The goal of MVP is to partner with Veterans receiving their care in the VA Healthcare System to study how genes affect health. . Support our Advertisers From the Chaplain: Dear members, You are in distress when a loved one becomes ill, have surgery, get injured or passes away, that is understandable, but please let the Chaplain know as soon as possible so our Legion can take appropriate action. I check the obituaries each morning, but if no mention of military service or being a Legion member, the family may think we don't care which is never the case. Please email or call Chaplain Heidenreich with information at Akoalah@aol.com or 315-345-0702 or 315-458-3895. Fellow Legionnaires Make Final Call County Commander’s Corner Membership: Onondaga County is 16th in Department standings which is up 7 places since last re- 6 port, Onondaga County remains in 1st in the 5th District and 5th District is 8th in Department. The information on this year's Boys State program will be available after the Mid Winter conference. The Christmas Visitation at the Veteran's Hospital was on December 25th at 9:00 am. Many patients were visited and expressed their appreciation. After the visitation the Mattydale Legion extended an invitation for all of us to stop by for Breakfast. Many thanks to Mattydale, it was a great meal. The New York State Junior Shooting championships will be held on February 21st and 22nd at the Cicero Post 787. The 5th District Meeting will be held on Feb. 14th at 2 PM at the Cicero Post 787..All Legionnaires are invited. Dave Plato, Onondaga County Commander Jan 14, 2016 CASINO TRIP IN THE WIND MARCH 19TH Dec 5, 2015 MOHEGAN SUN WILKES-BARRE, PA HOLD THE DATE The Cicero Color Guard is in the process of ordering a bugle which will be used for various ceremonies. Remember Legionnaires, Auxiliary, and Sons are invited to join the Post Color Guard. Our next meeting will be on January 31st at 6 PM. We encourage new faces. Dave Plato, Color Guard Coordinator. Jan 7, 2016 Jan 3, 2016 MORE INFO COMING Blood Drive Thursday Dec 29, 2015 Dec 28, 2015 January 28th 1:30 - 6:30 PM The Gift of Life For Those Who Remember Kate Smith Click Here FOR SALE Harley textile jacket. zipper 7 vents on sleeve and back ---protectors on elbows and shoulders. Looks pretty new. $100 3X. Solo seat for the touring models Mustang seat. $125 Contact Mike at truckermc1@twcny.rr.com Rear Fender HD brand new black it's 2004 Electra glide and And those who don’t You won’t be disappointed SUPER BOWL PARTY Cicero Legion Lounge Sunday - Feb 7th Bring a dish to pass Raffles Giveaways Prizes more will sell cheap. Paid $327. Contact Carl Barber at cbarber5@gmail.com Weslo Cadence 1015 Treadmill like new - $150 Call Dave Keegan 699-4813 or david.keegan17@gmail.com. To submit your For Sale Item, send description and photo (optional) along with your Name, Phone/Email Contact Info to Newsletter@ciceropost.com. Our Legion has an inventory of Crutches, Walkers, Wheelchairs, etc. for loan to our Veterans and their family members. We also have access to hospital beds. If you have a need, contact one of the Executive Board Members or Charlie Jackson. We don’t have many but will do our best to help. We always have a need for Wheelchairs and other Handicap assist items. If you have any that you think might help, and you would like to donate, please contact Charlie Jackson or Mark Adams. The State Liquor Authority has specific regulations in accordance with our CLUB LICENSE. As a result, this is an overview of our Post Regulations concerning the Operation of the Bar. Be proud to be a member, and all members are required to have a current membership card to purchase alcoholic beverages. All guests, including members of other Posts MUST sign in on the visitors logbook. If a member leaves the Post, any guest they may have signed in are also required to leave the Post at that time as their sponsor is no longer in attendance. Bartenders are required to request to see your membership card and only those current members will be served. BAND & MUSIC LINE UP FOR FEBRUARY Fri - Feb 5th - Bartoonz Sat - Feb 6th - DJ Gary Fri - Feb 12th - Jesse Derringer Sat - Feb 13th - Surprise Music Fri - Feb 19th - Rhythm N Shoes Sat - Feb 20th - The Wise Guise Fri - Feb 26th - The Guise Sat - Feb 27th - Jesse Derringer 8 Polar Bear Horseshoes - - Chicken BBQ - - Winterfest Chili Cook Off - - Nascar Sunday Weekend February 27th & 28th Check out the detail inside this Newsletter or at the Legion Bulletin Board
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