1970 - Historical Society of the Town of Bolton
1970 - Historical Society of the Town of Bolton
Properly o r: Rolton Cen t r al Sch<><c>l I .ihrary BOLTONIAN '.,7 0 Properly o l: Ro l ton C:cn t r al Sc h o<~.>l I .ihrary BOLTONIAN '.70 \ . .. ' • . I " I ~ro . ' ' .t - lamatton . . JLtt it be knoWn ·tbat pe. .book berein contains a baluablt portion of pe bistorp listeb · berein...... •. . ~bmintstrators, · ~en tors, Juniors, ~opb ,mores, jfresbmen, <!&rganiJattons, ~octal <fbents, ~tblettcs .. ~.. .. . . . tn tbts .·pear of nineteen. bunbreb · anb sebentp. ·I I. • 1~ ... • - MOMENTO TO OUR YEARS IN B.C.S. These ha llowed halls echo loud with laughter with thought, with work, and with song. We present to you The m emory of our years And th e others to come along . WE THE 1970 SENIORS OF B.C. S . DO HEREBY DEDICATE THIS OUR YEARBOOK TO OUR . . . PARENTS You hav e stood b ehind us, creating in us stre ngth and courage. Watched over us guiding our steps that w e may do what is right a nd good. Yours is the exampl e we follow , yours is th e love th at is alON THE DEATH OF A PA RTICULAR FRIEND As those we love decay, we di e in pa rt String after string is sever 'd from the heart · Till loosen 'd life, at last but brea thing cla'y Without one pang to fall away. ' ways there. To you our mothe rs and fath e rs we proudly d edica t e our 1970 yearbook. Our special way of saying thanks for h elping us to becom e ad ults . Unha ppy he who latest, feels the blow! Whose eyes hav e wept o ' e r every fri e nd laid low, Dragg 'd ling 1ring on from partial d ea th to d ea th, Till, dying, all he can r esign is -- breath. 2 3 YEARBOOK STAFF .Joseph French . Frank Boehmer . Richard French . Judy Moosbrugger . Susan Hayes . Kare n H ans en . Doris Curtis . Lois Mor ehous e .Burt Kolar . Cheste r Dagles . John N e um a nn . Susi e Huck . Glori a Fre nch . Vicky Russ e ll . Jerry Bra use r . D ebbi Aldrich . Leon a Murray . N ell Jac kson . Ga il Beswick, R a lph Brown, Kevin McCann, Sha rl e ne French, Tommy French, D e nnis McCoy, Annette Reese, Leste r Robinson, Claudia Russ ell, Val erie She rm a n , Peggy T errio Editor in Chi ef . . Assistant Editor . . Busin ess M anag er . Advertising Manager Photography Editor Activity Editor Sports Editor . Subscription Manager. Art Editor . . . Lay-out Editor Literary Editor Salesm e n . . . 4 Deborah Lynn Aldrich "George" How good must things g e t b efor e w e 'll a dmit they could b e worse ? Jerry William Bra user "Big Jer" Follow the sun , a nd life will always b e sunny. Ralph Paul Brown Gail Marie Beswick "Puma" "Gay" Acc e pt what has happen e d, the n overcom e the consequ e nc es . One for all, and a ll for one ! Frank Charles Boehmer Doris Ann Curtis "Boehm" "Doo-doo'' Don ''t put off enjoym e nt, there 1s no tim e like the pleasa·nt. Always put off until the day after tomorrow the things you shouldn 1t do at a ll. 7 .r Richard Stephen French Chester Arthur Dagles "Alke" "Dang" Do not follow the ways of othe rs . think for yourself. Possessing t a l ent is not e nough. Its value comes from using it. Gloria Jean French Sharlene Fay French "Jeannie" "Shar" See k out the do's a nd don'ts in life neve r cease to be. For in the end, you're sure to find life is a myst e ry. God grant m e the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the strength to chang e those things I c a n, a nd the wisdom to know the diff e renc e . I' Joseph Arthur French "Big Joe" Thomas Arnold French ''Tommy'' Don't look a gift horse in the mouth . Just as we admire thos e who inspire us, we should inspire thos e who admire us. B 9 Karen Johanna Hansen "Kar" •,. Nell Cherrier Jackson "Nellie" R e sea rch is the key to t h e fu t ure, and man has t h e opportunity to r ea ch out and t u rn it. Everybody b e ing pl easant to ev e rybody else woul d make for a bett e r world. Susan Geneva Hayes Burt Anthony Kolar "Sue" "Kid" Be what you are, not wha t you ' r e n ot. The troub l es you endure m a k e you appr e cia t e more fully the better t h ings in life . /' Susan Jane Huck "Husie" Be tte r by f ar that you sh o uld forget and smile, th an that you should r em em b er and b e sad. 10 Kevin Gerard McCann "Kev" Life is b ut a stone, t ram. ple d on by the f oot steps of tim e . 11 ., Dennis Daily McCoy Leona Madge Murray "Lil Mac" "Lee" N eve r worry a bout tmnorrow, b eca use when it comes it will b e tod ay . '! A b e ll is no b e ll til you ring it, A song is no song til you sing it , The love in your h ea rt wasn ' t put there to st ay Love i sn't lov e til you give it away. John Francis Neumann Judith Ann Moosbrugger "Jude" "Doc" (. Smile . . . and l e t e v eryone else wonde r what you 1re up to . If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, nothing sh a ll b e impossible unto you. •. Lois Iva Morehouse Annette Lilly Reese "Smiley" "Ananette" Life is only worth living when you h a v e lost and can still smile and b ea r it . 12 Happiness can 't b e bought, but comes through enduranc e. 13 Valorie Ann Sherman Lester Thomas Robinson "Les" "Val" I 'I Hope a nd a smile will get you through. Always loo k at the bright side of life . Claudia Ann Rossel Marguerite L. Terrio "Claud" "Peg" Good things come in small packages. T o get more out of life . . . put more in it. Valerie Marion Russell "Vicky" When you reach the point of no return, you have no choice but to forge ah ead. 14 We are not so much in need of young people who will set th e worl d on fire as we are of those who will figur e out a way to qu ench some of those now raging . 15 CLASS WILL Frank Boehmer leaves his ability to find stol en ski poles to Sandy Lamb, and his ability of always having a warm ski bunny to K en Pfau. Judy Moosbrugger wills her ability to sprain fingers to Jacquie Maranvi lle, and her seat in band to Fay Volkman. Tom French leaves his ability to bang on the drums to Jim French, who never does, and his ability to sit in Mrs. Bromley's study hall to anyone who can. Gloria French wills all her driving misfortunes to Jean Cameron . AND her best wishes. Ralph Brown leaves his ability to skip out of 5th period classes without getting caught to Terry Butler, and to Fred Cleveland his ability to visit the office at least once a day NOT by his own choice. Claudia Rosse! wills to Jean Cameron her ability to cut classes without getting grounded. Joe French leaves his ability of learning everything the hard way to Terry Butler, may God help him ; and a ll his bad habits to Big Jim French (have a ball). Doris Curtis wills her abil~ty to flunk History to anyone who wants it. Susie Huck leaves her faithful score book to Kathy Snyder. Gail Beswick wills her entire make-up kit to Jessie Lee, and her typing for Mr. Root to anyone who wants it. Burt Kolar leaves his drinking ability and an empty package of Winstons to Terry Butler. John Neumann wills to Doug Koupash his ability to foul things up. Sharlene French leaves her ability to get away with murder in Mrs. Lamb's room to Debbi French. Dennis McCoy wills to Debbi French his last wisdom tooth for good luck and happiness, and to Wayne Perry, all his unpaid bar bills. Karen Hansen leaves her ability to debate in History to Doug Koupash, and her bus ride to Loretta Strive. Chet Dagles wills his soccer socks, four year old basketball sneakers, and his home run bat to Jimmy French. Debbi Aldrich leaves her seat in Chemistry class to anyone unfortunate enough to get it. Nell Jackson wills her flashlight to any Junior girl who may need it on her Senior trip. Leona Murray leaves herE-flat clarinet to Mr. Dorr's next "experimental" student and her cheerleading uniform to anyone who can get into it. Lois Morehouse wills the strength to endure Mr. Welton's books to the next unfortunate English student. J erry Brauser leaves his motorcycle jacket to a real good guy . . . Brien Kolar. Valorie Sherman wills to the future lunch skippers of B. C. S. her seat in Bill Gate's diner, and to next year's Seniors a seat in Mr . Webb's office. Kevin McCann leaves his ability to come to school late everyday and get away w ith it to the next guy who has the guts to try it. Susie Hayes wills her abi lity to drive like an expert in Driver Ed . to Evie Jump. Annette Reese leaves her ability to get along with others, and to succeed to Lorretta Strive. Lester Robinson wills his ability to walk fast to anyone who needs it. 16 D. Koupash S. Lamb ]. Le e ]. McKeag L. Otto s ]. McLeod K . Pfau L. Strive W. Perry J. E. Russ ell N. Root Ma ranville B. Miller S. Roden M . Ross S. Robinson R. Larkin C. Scott p H 0 M 0 R E 1 I W. Shook 0 T . LaGoy K. Snyde r R . Harding ] . Gates K . French K . Monroe M . H erman L. DiMauro S. Bobrow M. Busman A . Pettinelli ]. French F . Lethbridge D . Frazi er F . Dagles D. Fre nch J. Cam e ron R . French J. Curren ]. Beswick M. Hayes L. Beaton JUNIORS K . Brown Picture Not Availa ble F. Volkmann 18 B. Kolar S. Birch Picture Not Available C . Terrio G. French E. Jump W. LaGoy R. McLeod L. Curtis H. Lamb M. Miller M . Snyder P. Le e S. McLeod C. Leonbruno W. Pfau W. Roden J. Moosbrugger N. Robinson K. Koupash R. Hedden D. Harrington V. Hayes C . Jordan A. Garlick J . Hayes J . French D. French J. Sevrie A. Taft E. Bishop R. Beaudin S. Russel K . Nicholson F G. Maranville D. Smith B. Dagl es G H R E D. Pratt F. Cleveland A . Persons s T. Butler E I T H L. Sherman B. Scott M. Roden D. Quigan K . Barlow J. Curren D. Cameron H M E N L. Norton J. Maranville M . Monroe J. Cooper 20 R. Duggan C. Huck P. Garlick D. Smith Perry s. Passaro F. Monroe J. Boehmer D. French Miller S. Edwards K . Zoll C . Wilson B. Monroe B. Monroe J. Sheridan J. Root V. Harrington D. Sherman Perry D. Shook J. B. French Butler Anderson B. Persons B. Morehouse s. s. L. French J. Huck K. French D. A lean M. French K. Monroe SEVENTH D. Curre n L. Scott Taft Bromley R. Lee D. Dodge s. Synder L. McNulty K. Harris L. Quigan K. Baker M. Barlow G. Cooper L. Baker J. Galusha K. Nicholson C. Sevrie B. Potter Picture Not · Available 22 A. Roden E. Alcan G. Curtis J. Lamb J. M. Galusha Taft R. French R. Smith B. MUITay M. Totzke C. CUITen L. Monro e K. Herman T. R ehm W. Hill T. Russell G. Cameron P. Baker F. Birch E. Cook S. Robinson Picture Not Available G. V ernum R. Pfau S, Moran J, Shennan H. Quigan )• D. Russell L. Robinson FIFTH T. Leonbruno H. Monroe A, Reese K. Nicholson L. Maranville K. T ennent SIXTH L. Ha rris M. Millingtor M. Baker B. Leonbruno L. Mickens E. Cook R. Mickens AANDB K. Kineke E. Hoffman S. Hayes E. Le e M. Clem ents S. Millington B. Persons P. Barlow K. Butler E. French J. J. Neumann S. Scott M. Monroe S, Tennent M. Ross Pettinelli Picture Not Available H. Kneeshaw C. Chapman B. Dudley H. Coon V. Morehouse L. McNulty C. Twiss M. Cameron T. Koupash D. LaGoy A. Reese F. Smith V. Dodge B. Russell M. Duggan B. Curre n R. Harrington L. Twiss J. Monroe F. R. C. S. Root Huck Sherman Baldwin T H I R D K. Shook L . French S. Harris D. Straight C. C ameron J. Alcan A. Volkman D. Stra ight L. D e Sa ntis J. Lamb B. Morehouse J. Ma ranville A FOURTH r A ~" I N .D L. Smith H. Simmes B. Edwards M . Monroe B S. Snyder S. Quigan P . Fish Lee S . Scott S. Smith J. S. L. S. B. S. Roge rs T enn e nt Ba rboza Persons Snyde r B. Fre nch T. Root J. Cooper D . Nicholson S. Burgess J. ·. Photo Not Availabi e S. R ehm H. Brickner W. Kneeshaw J. Baker S. Kolar 27 P. D. C. G. Kneeshaw Pra tt Clements Hvamb T e kmitchoy G. R. B. L. Smith Barre tt R eese Simmes T. D. M. R. Bryant Barboza Smith Le onbruno S. M. R. C. R. We lton Koupash Butl er McNulty Harrington J. Beers ]. Cook B. Scott c. We lton J. Russell D. Harrington T. Rehm A. Pratt N. Monroe s. Ormsby c. Totzke Dodge J. Straight s. Huck A. Fre nch c. French B. Beswick D . Charbonnea u M. Robinson P. French R. Dodge H . Smith K . Dunkle y J. Finkl e R. Welton c. T A . Ba k e r c . Monroe S . K elly B. Butler SECOND s G. Monroe s. F R I c. Ford D. Dutra E. Clear K. T ennent V. Fish J. Shook COMBINATION Kruger B. French D. Curre n J. Cl em e nts I. McNew A. Coon ONE AND TWO L. Butle r Be ers 1. Finkl e M. Boyea c. Jordon D. Cleavla nd J. c. c. Smith B. Legoy P. Fre nch J. He dde n D. Breault J Le onbruno T·. Chamberlain C. Robinson R. Breason R. Sherman 28 Smith B. Clements 29 P. Wood K. Sherman S. Alcan T. Ormsby K I N D J. S. Rogers Finkle W. Ryder L. Dutra S. Ryder S, Brown G. Bishop T. Shaw J. Dreyfuss K. Scott R G A R T B. Dunkly S. Adinolfi T. Harding E D. Root K I N D E G. Ryder R .d M. Monroe M. Coon J. K. Galusha -· ,. G A Straight ./ R S. Smith L. French E N Jll D. DeMarsh M. Ford R. Cook R. Harding D. Brea ult G. C ameron B. Persons D. Kruger L. Simmes S. Lagoy ·11" K. Kneeshaw T E N D. Smith .i, Picture Not Available D. Robinson J. Morehouse Picture Not Available C. Mickens ~· 30 31 M. Norton H. Lambeth We are not so much in need of young people who will set the world on fire as we are of those who will figure out a way to quench some of those now raging. 32 Principal Mr. H. Litter Mr . Cone rty (C h e rn . Ma th 7, 8 ) Mr. Simpson (Hist. 7, 8 Eng . 7, 8 ) Mr. Dorr ( Band ) Vice Principal Miss L. Cushman (Sci. Latin) Mrs. He rm a n (Fre nc h ) Mr . We l ton (English ) F A c BOARD OF EDUCATION u Mr . Nassive ra (Phys. Ed .) HIGH SCHOOL T y Mr . La m b (Math ) M r . Gree n e (I nd . Art s) Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Leonbruno ... President Curren Palgut Mrs. Kraft ... Clerk Ronning ... Vice President Ross 34 Mr . R oot (History ) M rs . Lam b (Business) Mrs . Bromley (Home Ec. ) 35 . ) I ,/ _ Mrs. Jackson (First Grade) Mrs. Finkle (Kindergarten) E L E M E N T BUS DRIVERS 1- Mrs. Black (First & Second Grades) 1 Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Smith Zerniko F. Smith West Reed Steves . Snyder . . Abst. . A bst. F A Mrs. O'Donnell (Third Grade . . . A) Mrs. Bolton (Second Grade) c u Mr. Taft {Third Grade Mrs. McCoy (Fourth Grade ) . . . B) Mr. Murray CUSTODIANS I, I L Mr . Bently Mr. French . . . A bst. T y A R y Miss Walker (Fifth Grade . A) Mrs. Francis (Fifth Grade . . . B) CAFETERIA STAFF Mrs. Crandall (Sixth Grade) \ IUI ('I Mrs. R. Boll Mrs. c. LaPine Mrs. G. Beaton Mrs. L. Duggan 36 37 - -~~~~~~~~~~- Mrs. Fallon (Nurse ) Miss Leary (Phys. Ed. ) Mrs. Weaver (Librarian) Mrs. Moosbrugger (A ss . Lib.) Miss Simmons (Spe ech ) Mr. Kurzawa (Art) c 0 0 p E R A Mrs. Curre n (Music) Mr . We bb (Guidanc e ) T I v E Mrs. Plum ea u (Psychologist) T B E 0 A A c R H D E R s Mrs. Nedea u (Reading ) Mrs . Finkle (Se cretary ) Mrs. Murray (Teachers Aide) 38 Mrs. Rogers (Teachers Aide) c L A s s 0 F 1 9 7 0 We hav e finally reached our goal. We are Seniors! To those of you who envy us, remember, never again will we be an integral part of Bolton 's school life . Now we are young adults, on our own, with the apron strings of home and school cut forever. Afraid? Perhaps we a re , a little. But there it is, our future waiting to be shaped into our own heart's desires with the basic tools we hav e unrhassed over these learning years. To our futur e --welcome, to our past good-bye and thanks ! WASHINGTON TRIP 1969 Franciscan Monastery 898 Steps A new sense of togeth erness and a greater understanding of America 's id eals. This is w h at we gained in one short memorabl e week . "Unknown But To God" Cosmat Uncommon Valor Buster "Put Your Hands On The Glass ... Feel The Pain"?!!! 42 43 TWILIGHT IN A JAPANESE GARDEN -. Surrounded by their happy court attendants the Queen (Judy) and King (Joe) reign over a Japanese garden, bathed in shades of blue twilight, entertained by soft music and dancing couples. Truly, a night for all to remember. 44 45 SENIORS OFF GUARD .a ::J ' 46 DAYS OF I THIS H A R D IS THE - \ "'" WORK AND LEARNING TIME SERIOUS THOUGHT . 48 49 THESE GUIDED BY ARE OUR DAYS 1 I T MENTORS l ) 50 51 YOURS ·r· MANY THANKS ., .I A N D MINE We would now like to express our tremendous gratitude to Mrs. Bromley and Mr. Welton. They have guided us through our most memorable years, and aided u s in troubled times. We wish them all the best and thank them wholeheartedly for their warmth and friendship. I "I 52 53 I < .... I.O.C.E.S. VOCATIONAL SCHOOL Tom Lagoy Fred Clevel and AUTO MECHANICS Teacher Mr. Gillette For one who wants to become a mechanic this course is a real opportunity. Here trained, experience d mechanics lend their expert assistance to any stud ent in need of help . Stud ents are provided with the best equipm ent , and while they do the actual work, the instructor is always on hand to aid them or teach th em easier and faster ways of doing things. Upon completion of the 2 year course they are certifi ed mechanics, and these are the men who will keep our country in motion. B.O.C.E.S. CONSERVATION The initials B. 0. C . E. S. stand for the Board of Cooperativ e Educational Services. This program was set up to provide vocational train ing for the students of the area. They offer such courses as Cosme tology, Auto Mechanics, Office Practice, Conservation, Carpent:J.y, Building Maintenance, Heavy Equipment Operation, Food Se rv1c e , and many more . In all there are approximate ly 25 fields of study from which to choose. The stud e nts are indeed very lucky to be offered such opportunities, and w e hop e to see many taking advantage of them . T eacher Mr. Sipp In the conservation class the boys have the privile ge of taking countless fi e ld trips where they are able to observe d emonstrations of the e quipment they study. They not only l earn us e, but a lso maintenance of such things as bulldozers, back hoes, chain saws, and other important tools. Include d in class-room activities is th e study of the habitat and environm ent connected with our wildlif e . Another phase is the use of survey equipme nt. Their aim of course is to preserve our wildlife and the natural b eauty of our mow1tains and forests. De1mis McCoy 54 55 We th e class of 1970 wish to salute COACH JOHN NASSIVERA Through his unceasing efforts he has striven to instill in us th e qualities of sportsmanship, dedication, loyalty, and ha rd work. •• John Neum ann, (capt.) --K evin Me Cann -- Chet Dagles -- Richard Larkin -- Ross French -- Dayrll Frazier -- Craig Scott --Ken Pfau --Jim French -- Coach, John Nassivera. VARSITY BASKETBALL A high school experience to b e re membered throughout th e years. LAST RESORT .r·. 58 59 GYMNAS I UM ·'· v c A R H E E R L E A D E R s LEE I T y MAKIN' IT ·. t'.1 JUDE ~- s JACQUIE MARY ANN 60 LYNN FAY 61 Frank Dagl es , Chester Huck, Vernon Hay es , Jeffrey CwTen, William Pfau , Coach T hom as Conerty , Cary Cooper (m anager), Ki lburn French, Linwood Cmtis, Alan T aft, John Moosbrugger. ( STA NDING) Jeanine Cates, Creta Maranville, Na ncy Root (capt.), Barbara Dagles (KNEEliNG) Jean Beswick, Leslie Beaton. JV PLAYERS JV ..-.. Jum p it up! CHEERLEADERS 62 63 (KNEELING ) C. Huck J. Moosbrugger A. Taft D . Cameron L. DiMauro S. Bobrow R . McLeod (SEATED ) D. Frasier K . Pfau C. Dagl es J. Neum a nn R. Larkin Coach John Nassivera SOCCER J. Curre n, A . Hayes, J. Mille r, L. Curtis, J. Fre nch, D . Frasier, A . Lamb, R . French, C. Da gl es, F. Le thbridge, M. Koupash, D . Volkman, J . M a ranville, R . Lamb, K. French. I' M C OMING BASEBALL CAN 'T WIN ' EM ALL I SAID NO! T H E C REW WHY ME? HOORAY THAT'S ONE "COACH" 64 65 H E R E .. SOFT I T BALL c 0 M E s w H A T F 0 R M POWER? HOMER? s H E ' s 66 STUDENT COUNCIL Officers Formed for the betterment of the student body. NATIONAL President F. Boehmer Vice President L. Murray Secretary J. Moosbrugg er Treasurer F. Volkman HONOR SOCIETY Built On Leadership, Scholarship, Service, And Citizenship A society of yo ung thespians, hams, and hard workers who bring, through their hard work and determination, entertainment and pleasure to their community. DRAMA CLUB J. NEWSPAPER Journalists of America, b eware! Here comes th e B. C . S. contribution to your society; the staff of th e "Eagle". K. Hansen, F . Boehmer, Mr. Rott (advisor), L Murray, J . Neumann, J . Moosbrugger, R. French, D. Aldrich. 69 BAND ~ OFFICERS SENIOR BAND MEMBERS BOLTON BAND The Bolton Band has always been a group that everyone is proud of. The Senior band members will never forget those wrong notes, squeaks, and all other serious moments of music. Mr. Fred Dorr -- Director 70 I· I 71 One line of a well known poem reads: "A song is no song till you sing it," and that' s just what happens in the B. C. S. chorus. No matter wh at kind of person yo u are, a song can make you h appy;- and that is our aim . BOWLING CHORUS A sport for everyon e. ' L. 72 Compliments of Best Wishes to the Class of 1970 11 BAY VIEW 11 The Steves FROM THE 8 OF US c 0 n g r a t u l a to the Don, Winnie, Kathy, Mike Scot, Sharon, Steven Michael Best Wishes to the Class of 1 70 Class of 1 70 Canoe Island Lodge Good Luck 11 11 Co ng ra tula tion s to the Class Of 1 70 COMMUNITY WINE & LIQUOR STORE to you all t i PAUL-- ISABELLE William Busch Prop. THE CAMP BELLS 0 n s Barney Snyder, Prop. Bolton Landing Best Wishes to the Class of 1 70 c Compliments of KOHN BROTHERS SHOE STORE 179 Glen St. Glens Falls Bonnie View Congratulations To The Class Of 1 70 BRASSINGTON CANDLES Doris & Arthur Brassington 1' 0 m p 1 m e n t s HAPPY TIME COTTAGES on Lake Georga Bolton Landing N.Y. of 74 Best Wishes from NATE 1 S BAYSHORE COURT }. Best Wishes To The Class of 1970 From The REEDS Iva, Tom, and Bill Compliments of JOE 1S LIQUOR STORE Joe & Doris Morabito 75 Compliments of Best Wishes To The Senior Class of 1970 from MR. & MRS. LYLES. FRENCH AND FAMILY Best Wishes To The Class of '70 Stanley and Helen Zenda CANDLELIGHT HSKPG' COTTAGES Congratulations From DAWN, BILL AND JEANINE GATES John H. Neumann Congratulations To The Class of '70 Compliments of HUCK'S BARBER SHOP MR. & MRS. WILLIAM MILLINGTON Congratulations from Class of '70 0 m p l i m e n t s c 0 GALEA'S m p of Best Wishes to the Bolton Ldg., N.Y. Tel. 644-5631 c "Our Faults Are All Written In Sand." IN MEMORY OF: David Smith George Reese George Bryton George Nelson Douglas Burton Bryron Wilson Sr. Plumbing and Heating Success To The Class of '70 l i m e n t s ADIRONDACK RESORTS PRESS from SCHROEDER RESORT RONDACK MOTEL Best of Luck To The Graduating Class VILLAGE To Your Success from Dot & Stan Tonnesen BOLTON PINES MR. & MRS. DOMBEK Lake George, New York 76 VICTORIAN 77 Best Wishes to the Class Of '70 THE CHILDREN'S STORE And Clothes Hut Glens Falls Best Wishes GORMAN SHOES INC. "Shoes for the family" 183-185 Glen Street Phone: 792-3535 Downtown Glens Falls, N.Y. To The Class Of '70 Congratulations! PARSON'S of Glens Falls "We Sell So Much Because We Sell For L ess ." WOODBURY LUMBER 793-2505 Class of 1970 Bailey Bros. 78 Sweet Dreams from DREAM STREET LEONARD'S RESTAURANT 79 Compliments of TROUT LAKE CLUB LANGE'S PHARMACY Complete Drug Needs "THE POINT" Prescriptions -- Toiletries 141 Canada St . Lake George Tel- 668-3302 c Congratulations to the Classof'70 from KELLEM RESORT ACRES Compliments of 0 Best Wishes from THE LAMB INSURANCE AGENCY Compliments of THE GANTERS m p 1 i m e RAY'S TURNABOUT City Market n t s 0 f Compliments of Dottie and Art Hedden Compliments of 0 u r MAYFAIR RESORT c 0 NO WARD n g r a t u 1 a t i JownsonJ Success to our BOLTON CADDIES Vee & Helen Lawkins Bolton Landing New York SAGAMORE GOLF 80 Best Wishes to the Class of 1970 from EDWIN, GRETA, KENNY, LINDA & SANDY . Lake George, U.S. Rt. 9 Exit 21 . Glens Falls, Aviation Rd. Exit 19 .So. Glens Falls, U.S. Rt. 9 Exit 17 N. and Best Wishes from MR. & MRS. HUGH 0 n s 81 LITTEER , Congratulations And Best Wishes to the Class of '7 0 C. V. PETERS Fine Clothes Since 1901 Downtown Glens Falls Best Wishes to The Senior Class of 197 0 Fromfrom Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boehmer and Family ~·tdAR HOUSE Compliments of GALLOWAY ELECTRIC RESTAURANT - COCKTAIL LOUNGE Congratulations From Compliments of ROBERT'S JEWELRY 11 A Jeweler 1 s Reputation Is Your Best Security! 11 170 Glen St. --Glens Falls, N.Y. RX2-1632 Congratulations To The Class of '70 ISABEL ROBINSON Best Of Luck To The Class of '70 MICO'S CLOTHES Formal Rentals Glens Falls Congratulations to The Senior Class HILDA, DICK AND THE DODGES 82 The Bolton Pharmacy Tom and Ann Ormsby 83 Congratulations To The Class of 1970 Compliments of TROUT LAKE RETREAT Best Wishes To The Class of 1970 MR. & MRS. MICHAEL ZOLL AND SON Best Wishes To The Class of 1 70 Best Wishes from DIAMOND VILLAGE Mr. & Mrs. Frank Dagles and Family A Fine Store Since 189 5 M. SOLOMON FURS & FASHIONS Queensbury Plaza Glens Falls 0 m p f 1 i m e RUSSELL & WAIT INC. Books -- Office Equipment -Supplies-- Tel. 792-4422 174 Glen St. Glens Falls Best Wishes To The Class of 1 70 WHITE HOUSE CABINS Diamond Point Congratulations To The Class of 1 70 0 Best Wishes to the Senior Class SPLIT RAIL RESORT Congratulations To The Senior Class of 1 70 from MR. & MRS. NEIL TRIPP AND FAMILY from NOROWAL Best Wishes To The Class of 1 70 n t s THE TOTZKE FAMILY THE RED GATE BOB EDWARDS-Photographer 85 Congratulations To The Class of '70 Compliments of The Ga ng Fort William Henry Corp. Lake George Bowl Ca ught y a !' Duet Best Wishes To Livin' The Class Of '70 Chelka Lodge Why Us? ? I Won . No! I Did. No! I Did. · · 86 Mr. And Mrs . C. W. Hansen 87 Best Wishes To The Class Of 1970 from Best Wishes To The Class Of Brooklawn Village 1970 Mr. And Mrs. Fred Pettinelli Helen and Ed Aldrich Congratulations c Best Wishes To The Class of ' 1 70" of Compliments Of m p To The l i m e c l a of '70 s s n t FRANK AND DOROTHY KINEKE s from "D.J.'s Au Go Go" "Cool heads and warm hearts solve more problems than hot heads and cold hearts. 11 Jolly Roger Marina 668-9803 88 Lake George 89 Compliments of Dean Color SERVICE before you 1 Philo Ave. 518-792-1884 Glens Falls, N · Y · Richard Dean Everett Bowie, Asst . . Post Cards Brochures . Advertising Cards ·Aerial Photography :Living Color Portr'a its . W edd ings can say ACKROBINSO Jack Robinson Insurance UMMMM . GOOD Compliments of Congratulations Jack And Alice Terrio To The Class ·. ) Corinth, N.Y. 1282 2 246 Main St. 654-3115 of 197 0 We Wish You The Success And Hollywood Restaurant Happiness The Moosbruggers' 90 91 Compliments Of Compliments Of Power Shovel For Hire By Bulldozer Day or Contract Backhoe and Truck PAUL SHERMAN Best Wishes From Tecks Class of 19 7 0 THE GRECIAN LOUNGE A. TECK JEWELRY BOLTON FIRE COMPANY 92 t· VON TECK HAIRSTYLIST co. 644-9729 644-9729 644-9140 93 PATRONS Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snyder Lake Pool Service Company Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nissen Mr. and Mrs. Konrad A Friend Monaco Motel Mr. and Mrs. Herman Steidinger Ann and Fred Lethbridge Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wurzbach Chic's Marina Thunderbird Motor Inn Mr. and Mrs. Windsor Clements Evelyn L. Wilson Mrs. Albert L. Emerson Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tonneson Mr. and Mrs. Morris Mr. D. R. Webster Mr. and Mrs. William Palgut Melvin A. Brown Millie and Vernon Hayes Harold Butler Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Garlick Mr. and Mrs. A. Novitt Stephen Hertz, J eweler Bill Harris Mobil Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Passaro John Parkinson Mr. and Mrs. Albert Robinson A Friend Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Huck Sr. 1vfuscles??? Happy Family . CONGRATULATIONS and Family Terry Butler Mrs. Sheridan and Jack Saint Sacrement Sunday School Mr. and Mrs. John Porter Rev. Vacys S irk a LAMB BROS. INC. Mr. and Mrs. Berto Murray 11 A real smart cookie today might develop into just a crumb tomorrow 94 11 You can 1 t improve your physical fitness by running down your friends. 11 II 95 Your Time Is Running Out, What Are You Doing About It? c 0 N G R A TO RECESS!! u L CLASS A of '70 THE I fight?? 0 N s The Best Wishes from TWIN BAY VILLAGE Summer Resort In Bolton Landing, N. Y. ever alert! ! liveliness? ? prepared! ! eager? ? Best Wishes To The Class Of 1970 What are you looking at? F. R. Smith & Sons Inc. from The Pfau Family Bolton Landing, N.Y. That's What Who? Me!! ) 97 96 i ·po o,L .kew uado ~· Compliments Of ~ Ill I' I R S'I I NAT I~ '\I I<\'\!-. Mas sage? ? ? ! ! I ••••• II II II 1:11 11,;11 II • a .rns -eald .i\nm-e--3: .ro--3: pau~~saa aTqt?:J.S ~uwnr VII '- \' II I ' ~· lilt! .. From All Its Members To The Senior Class of 1970 Success In All Their Future Endeavors. Bolton Landing Office First National Bank Of Glens Falls 98 Bolton Conservation Club Inc. 99 - ---~- - -- -- - Oh! Those Girls! ! "Hi! II "Hats on" "Hey, R ef." 8LO~ To OUR Cla ss From th e Girls In Room . . . wlf.-tT '<· Sam Marx, Hollywood produc e r, has spent a good many sleepless nights trying to figure out how much wisdom can be cramm e d into four words. H e lists the follow.i ng, e ach one neith er more nor less than four words: '"·" In God we trust. This, too, shall pass. Live and l et live. Still waters run d eep . Bad news travels fast. Love laughs at locksmiths. Nothing succeeds like success. Charity be gins at hom e . Politics makes strange bedfellows. Nothing v e ntured, nothing gained. Man proposes, God disposes. Let sleeping dogs lie. OliJ Susie Le ona Judy Vicky . • c': > . 19/n lJ i< Pr.,tt i . ~ \lou If CouI1 t d G,Od">Oth,·~,~:r 0~<~1] "" ''ll'<J "•in" in , " ~rl e,erred '/ "Let's order shrimp . . . " "Le t's go swimming . . . " The moral may be: If you can't say it in four words, don't say it. "Let's count train cars . . " \'\ \> t>-:f;) "Le t's leg wre stle . . . " "Let's have a party . . . " "Let's not go to bed . . . " "Let's" . . . "Y e ah, let's . II h.. .• 'rcL ~o~~a ~ •~ • I ./ Ne lUeM ' JM k.< · 100 '"'a· - 101 . nght '"'Y the Who/, £,,a . .. er of life and.breath. ., . ... l . /;'s~ -Ccncr~ ~' o.n a diet. eatures C orp. WOULD YOU SIGN IN HERE PLEASE! 'G H Ll Don't Worry About Growing Old - Just Try To Grow Up And You'll Stay Young In Spirit F A R E w E L L 104