The Pilgrim Edward Doty Society Newsletter


The Pilgrim Edward Doty Society Newsletter
The Pilgrim Edward Doty Society Newsletter
VOL. 35
November 2011
In This Issue
A Letter from Your Governor
By Dolores Shellum
A Letter from
Your Governor
Updates / WebSite information.
Letter from
Our Founder
Dues are Due
Editor Wanted
Hello Cousins,
The trip to Plymouth was beyond expectations! The Fuller dinner was wonderful and I hope we can do it again in three years. The meeting went very
well with our presentation to Herb Doty and Mary Lee Merrill of beautiful
framed artwork of the Mayflower. We all appreciate the many years of hard
work and dedication they have both shown our society. THANK YOU!!
Thank you for giving me another three years to help our society grow and
welcome more cousins to our fold. I am honored by your acceptance. Please
feel free to contact me with any suggestions or ideas you may have to further
enrich our society.
The dinner at the Plimoth Plantation was extremely good.
Meet the New
Board Members
Bill of Fare / Ciderkin / Bread and butter
First Course / A sallet / Mussels Seeth’d with Parsley and Beer / A dish of
Turkey Sauc’d / A Pottage of Cabbage, Leeks and Onions / A Sweet Pudding
Second Course / Stewed Pompion / A Chine of Pork, Roast’d / 17 th Century
Cheesecake with Dried Fruits / Fricassee of Fish / Holland Cheese and Fruit
All of the recipes used in this meal are from 17th century English sources.
These sources include 17th century cookbooks as well as primary source accounts of New England.
Unfortunately Edward Doty couldn’t be with us this time so we played a
game called “getting to know you”. You had to tell a story about yourself or
one of your relatives and it was a wonderful time. We may make that part of
every get together. We all want to congratulate our Historian Kenneth
Whittemore for being elected as Member at Large to the National Board of
the Mayflower Descendants Society. We are all very proud of his accomplishment.
Thank You Again, Dolores Shellum / Governor
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The Pilgrim Edward Doty Society Newsletter
Membership Updates
Board Of Assistants
Dolores M. Shellum
Deputy Governor
Richard A. Fuhrman
We would like to extend a heartfelt “welcome” to our newest
members. We’re so glad to have
you in our society and we hope
that your membership proves to
be a meaningful experience.
Rose Reiman
Sandra Asher
Firth NE
2179 Diane Chapman
Branford CT
Eileen Wieck
San Jose CA
Carol S. Levine
Woodbridge CT
Kenneth Whittemore
Richard Doty
New Membership Chairman
Linda Spencer
New Membership Assistant
Mary Lee Merrill
Newsletter Editor
Rose Reiman
Pricilla Blake Haines
Adults: $15 per year
Junior: $15 one time charge
The newsletter is published three times
annually in March, July, and November.
Articles may be submitted to the editor.
All articles submitted become the property of the Pilgrim Edward Doty Society.
Membership information can be obtain by
contacting Linda Spencer.
Sylvia Brewer
Springfield IL
David Miller
Portsmouth RI
David L. Doty
Sewickley PA
Amy E. Conrad
Naperville IL
Karen Luvaas
Gloucester VA
Floyd A. Bailey
Knoxvillle TN
Allan Tipsword
Jody Pratt-Schmidt
West Linn OR
Donna Rook
Nampa ID
Sylvia Brewer
Springfield IL
Allan Bortles
Janesville WI
Carey Ogier
North Judson IN
2185 Michael Doty
Anthem AZ
Shannon Crane
Abita Springs LA
Margaret Nelson
2187 St. Petersburg FL
Michael McCurdy
2188 Houston TX
Visit our Website at
Three areas of the Doty Society website are now protected by password. These areas are: Lineages / Newsletters / Debrett Reports
Log-in Information
User Name: ephriam
Password: egbert
(all lower case)
The Pilgrim Edward Doty Society Newsletter
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Letter from our Founder
Greetings to my Doty friends,
I enjoyed the joint meeting of the Doty & Fuller Societies held at the union Station Restaurant overlooking
Plymouth Harbor. There was a good turnout. Thank you to Rose Reiman of our Doty Society and Debbie
Yingst of the Fuller Society for making this possible.
At that time I related my efforts in forming both Societies which I’ll now share with those not present regarding the Doty Society.
In 1982 I had seen articles in the “Mayflower Quarterly” regarding different Pilgrim family societies and
thought “why not a Doty Society?”.
An ad was placed in the “Mayflower Quarterly” which drew 55 replies. Our first meeting was held at the Du
Pont Country Club, Wilmington, DE Oct 16, 1982 with 65 in attendance. The groundwork was laid. You, the
members, with your enthusiasm carried me along. Letters were written to the other family societies who provided us with copies of their by-laws in order to form a structure for our Society, a purpose, objectives, duties
of officers, etc. Also, at that time it was possible to obtain State Society membership lists which was very
helpful. Those in the General Society who have helped are Alice Teal, Harry Folger, Caroline Lewis Kardell
and Edie Bates Thomas. There have been many accomplishments in these last 29 years and I am proud of
what our members have done.
One of the accomplishments was the Edward Doty plaque ceremony at the Pilgrim Monument in Southampton, England, the last plaque to be placed there. This occurred on October 3, 1992. Mayor, Nora Goss made
a speech followed by mine about the life of Edward Doty. Lunch flowed at the Duke of Wellington Inn, built
in the 1200’s.
Annual meetings have been held across the U.S. where guest speakers have addressed topics of local interest
with side trips to historical places. While Governor one of my favorite meetings was held in Dallas, TX in
Sept. 1986. We were guests of B.F. Phillips, a member, at his Circle R Ranch.
On Friday, Sept. 9th at our business meeting held at the Radisson Hotel in Plymouth, I was presented with a
beautiful framed color print of passenger on the “Mayflower”. It will hang in a place of honor at my apartment in Warren, ME.
That Friday night we met at Plimoth Plantation for a Thanksgiving meal circa the 1620’s. It was interesting,
educational and fun, no forks. On my right, a woman named Pat, with her son, two young grandsons and
members of her extended family were having a good time. On my left, Diane and Bill from Colorado. Bill
met another Doty present who shared a close lineage, their great grandmothers were sisters. They plan to
keep in touch. This was very heartwarming . Other members stood and related Doty heritage stories. Our
Governor, Dolores and Secretary-Treasurer, Rose, looked lovely in their blue and gold sparkling jackets.
I thank each and every one of you for your part in making this a vibrant Society with 600 members
Mary Lee Merrill
The Pilgrim Edward Doty Society Newsletter
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2012 dues should be received by December 31, 2011
Please send your check or money order for 15.00 in the pre-addressed envelope
provided in this newsletter. If you receive your Newsletter via email please send
your dues to the following address.
Send to:
Rose Reiman
Secretary / Treasurer
15674 93rd Circle NE
Elk River MN 55330
As much as I enjoy being your Newsletter Editor there comes a time when the
torch must be passed to the next generation of editors. I am looking for someone
with experience in putting a publication together which is educational, uplifting,
and most of all entertaining.
I believe our Newsletter is the hearts blood of our society as it is the one element
that keeps us connected throughout the year. The new Editor should be very conscious of the importance of the Newsletter to our society and be willing to rise to
the duties that are demanded of this position.
If you’ve ever possessed the writers sole and never been able to fulfill your dreams
this is the job for you. I will be awaiting some good soles response to my plea and
look forward to working with the new Editor for a smooth transition of duties.
The Pilgrim Edward Doty Society Newsletter
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Triennial meeting minutes
September 09, 2011
Opening of the Triennial Meeting:
Meeting was called to order by Governor Dolores Shellum at 9:00.
Secretary’s Minutes:
There were no Secretary minutes.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer’s report will be published in the March Newsletter.
Committee Reports:
Historian Kenneth Whittemore
I have in my possession the eight databases for the children of the Edward Doty: Edward, John,
Thomas, Samuel, Desire, Elizabeth, Isaac, Joseph and Mary Doty. There are also a second Mary
line that needs to be combined with the first line and a William Doty database.
Descendants were added to The Master Genealogist program for the following lines: Edward, John,
Thomas, Samuel, and Joseph Doty. These updates were sent to Richard K. Doty, Webmaster, who
added them to the PEDS Website.
An index of Surnames was started to aid members to know which child web database to use. It was
discontinued because members can find their lines with the Web search engine. This was pointed
out to the Historian by R.K. Doty, Webmaster.
In July 2011 I found the DAR Genealogical Research System on the internet (
public/dar_research/search/?Tab?ID=1). From this site I have been able to check all known Revolutionary War Doty Patriots and Patriot spouses of Doty descendants. This in conjunction with going
through the three Silver Books checking for Revolutionary War Patriots, led to a new list for the
Website. This list went from 86 names to 249 names, an increase of 82 Doty descendants and 81
spouses or 163 names.
Goals for the next three years include:
Continue to update the Master Genealogist data bases with lineages submitted by members and applicants, encouraging proof/documentation for each generation.
The Pilgrim Edward Doty Society Newsletter
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Triennial Meeting Minutes continued:
Check the DAR Genealogical Research System on the internet to find additional children of
those Doty descendants.
Request members to submit their approved Doty lineages from (GSMD) General Society of
Mayflower Descendants, to develop a database of 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th generations.
Look into updating or completely revising the printed Seven White Doty Books, a copy of the set
is found in the GSMD Library.
Continue to try and assist members to find their Doty lineages with acceptable documentation for
each generation and encourage PEDS and GSMD membership.
Respectfully Submitted by, Kenneth Whittemore / Pilgrim Edward Doty Society Historian
Old Business: There is no old business.
New Business:
Special Lifetime Service Awards where presented to our Founder Mary Lee Merrill for her years
of dedication and leadership in The Pilgrim Edward Doty Society and to W. Herb Doty who has
been an active Board Member on and off for decades. Both of these wonderful people are highly
regarded by our society and will be for many years to come.
Due to the cost of carrying Lifetime Members the society has suspended any new lifetime memberships until a sliding scale can be developed and voted on at the next Triennial Meeting. Current Lifetime Members are not effected in any way by this change.
Speaker: Adam Gaus
Genealogy Research “Outside the Box”
Adam Gaus, the Webmaster emeritus, spoke about conducting family research ―outside the box‖
- that is, without the restrictions of birth, baptism, marriage, children, death or burial. Adam theorized that since Edward Doty was illiterate, he did not know how to spell his own name, and the
surname in England was probably Doughty. Researching the current online British white pages,
few people living in Britain have the surname Doty, but the surname Doughty is more common.
Adam hired William G. Hunt, the Windsor Herald at the College of Arms in London to find if
there were a coat of arms for a possible Doty/Doughty ancestor. Turns out that a James Doughtie , who was born in the late 1300s, was a knight and had a coat of arms described partly in old
French—Argent, two bars between three mullets of six points Sable pierced Or which translates
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Triennial Meeting Minutes continued:
to a shield with a silver background, with two black 6-pointed spurs above two black horizontal
bars, and one 6-pointed spur below. The spurs are pierced with a gold ―hole‖. This is a simple
arms, which means that it is one of the earliest, and is from the era when the Herald’s job was to arrange jousts. The permission to use the coat of arms usually passes to the eldest son. The Herald
also sent the genealogy, which extend to the late 1600s. The surname was changed from Doughtie
to Doughty in the late 1400s.
A researcher in England feels that the family is descended from a Saxon family named Dohtiy.
Note that the Angles and Saxons emigrated from what is now north Germany in the 400s. If we go
back far enough, are we German, not British?
There is no documented connection to our Edward, however research in Britain may establish a
link, perhaps through DNA testing.
Society Election
Dolores Shellum presided over the Society Elections.
Elected Officers 2011
Dolores Shellum remains Governor
Richard A. Fuhrman New Deputy Governor
Rose Reiman remains Secretary/Treasurer
Kenneth Whittemore remains Historian
Richard Doty remains Web Master
Linda Spencer New Membership Chairman
Mary Lee Merrill New Membership Assistant
Pricilla Blake Haines remains Assistant
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Meet the New Deputy Governor
For Dick Fuhrman, our newly-elected Deputy Governor, family history has been a lifelong hobby: He still has the
notes he took while interviewing each of his grandmothers when he was age 10. These days, Dick tells his family
and friends how lucky we are to be living in the Golden Age of Genealogy.
Dick’s paternal grandmother, Anastasia (Leonard) Fuhrman, was the next-to-youngest of 10 children and lived to age
102, passing in 2004. She believed throughout her life that all of her ancestors were German. When Dick asked her
once whether her family ever discussed their ancestry, she said, ―You don’t understand. In those days, we lived in
Hell’s Kitchen and were too busy just trying to stay afloat. The older kids took care of the younger kids. Until I was
age five, I thought that my eldest sister was my mother!‖
Ann’s maternal lines were indeed solely German, but Dick discovered that her paternal lines were English, Scottish,
and Protestant Irish, instead. In 2002, he finally traced one of her lines back to Harriet (Gritman) Williamson (1802–
1875), the wife of Theophylect Lispenard Williamson (1796-1833), a gold beater. The Williamsons lived and
worked on Spring Street in Lower Manhattan. Harriet was a direct descendant of Edward Doty through his son Isaac,
who had migrated to Oyster Bay, Long Island. Harriet—the heroine of her family in the nineteenth century—is identified in the ―Mayflower Families‖ series (Volume 11 / Part 3) as a member of the sixth generation.
As for Dick, he was raised in upstate Ravena, NY (near Albany), graduated from Columbia University and Hofstra
University School of Law, and resides in Great Neck, Long Island with Hillary, his wife of 40 years. Their daughter,
Meredith, a blossoming family historian herself, lives in Cambridge, MA, where she is an account manager for
Google. Dick spent his career in financial services, and currently he is a financial adviser with MetLife.
Dick has been a member of our Society since 2005, and is a member of the New England Historic Genealogical Society and the Nassau County Historical Society. He thinks that our Society is an engaging, hospitable, and worthwhile
group, and he looks forward to serving on the Board of Assistants to help keep us moving forward.
Please join us in welcoming Dick to his new duties as Deputy Governor of The
Pilgrim Edward Doty Society. We are very honored to have him serve on our
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Meet the New Membership Chairperson
Hello fellow Doty’ites,
I am Linda Spencer. I was born in Massachusetts, home of our Mayflower ancestors, to Lawrence and Priscilla
Blake Haines. My introduction to the world was ―Doctor, there’s something wrong.‖ I was an unexpected twin. I
inherited my Mayflower lineage, and hence my interest in the Doty Society, from my Mother. She has been involved in genealogy for as long as I can remember.
I remember, as a teenager, going with my mother to the family history library in Salt Lake City. We had a mystery
family member, Julianne Howell, that we had spent many years searching for records of her. Year after year she had
alluded us. I sat at the microfilm reader completely absorbed in my work as I searched through the records. When I
came across her name I was so excited at finding her that without thinking I shouted out ―I FOUND HER!‖ Then
realizing that I was in a library I looked sheepishly around. Much to my relief, I found people smiling with understanding.
We met the Doty’s several congresses ago. They were such a fun and welcoming group. When we discovered that
our connection to Pilgrim Doty were not as solid as we had once hoped, (We are Mayflower through others) we opted to stay because we enjoyed meeting with you so much. For now, we are Wildflowers. We are still looking for a
Mayflower link on my father’s side. Perhaps I am a Doty after all.
Perhaps you have felt the same excitement I felt when you discovered you were a Doty descendent. Or perhaps you
feel that excitement when you discover the history of the Mayflower people. Whichever you are, I am excited to get
to know you and to serve you.
Linda Spencer
We have all worked with Linda for many years and find her a joy and a very hard worker. We wish her the best of
luck in her new position and know she will do a wonderful job for all of us. We also hope she has her electricity
back on after that horrible snow storm on the east coast. We send all our cousins out east warm wishes.!
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You never know when you may run into someone your related to so have that
camera ready. The Fuller Dinner was great and we made many new friends.
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Beautiful Mayflower prints where presented to Mary Lee Merrill and W. Herb
Doty at the Triennial Business Meeting.
There is always something special about breaking bread and sharing stories with family.
The spirits where high and the wine and food were excellent.
Make Plymouth your destination
in three years. Come and enjoy a
wonderful time with your many
See you in three!!
The Pilgrim Edward Doty Society
c/o Rose L. Reiman
15674 93rd. Circle NE
Elk River MN 55330