April/May 2014 - Mountain Phoenix Community School


April/May 2014 - Mountain Phoenix Community School
Plants for Sale in May
School Election
Governing Council Seeking
One New Board Member
This year our Governing Council, also
know as Board of Directors, will be using a
special election process to fill the seat of
Don Toups, School Accountability Committee
(SAC) Chair. Don has been instrumental on
the SAC and the board is looking for an
individual willing to fill his role or other
areas such as human resources, finance,
business, legal, legislative or Waldorf
Any interested parent or community
member must fulfill all of the the following
board policy requirements to be eligible for
Attend three council meetings.
Participate in a committee for
three months.
Contribute expertise/experience
currently absent on the board.
Attend at least one sc hool
function or visit to the school.
Recommendation by staf f,
administration, or council
A l l c a n d i d a t e s a re re q u i re d t o
participate in a Q & A forum at the State of
the School meeting on May 17. If you wish
to run for this elected position, please send
the following by May 14, to the attention of
the Board Election Committee at
a. A Letter of Intent stating why you
would like to ser ve on t he
Governing Council.
b. A bulleted list of your expertise &
experience that would contribute to
the success of Mountain Phoenix.
c. A photo of yourself for the website.
The Parent Council is also holding an
election to fill vacancies on their board and
will be having an election on May 14.
More information can be found on page 8.
ISSUE 7 :: April/May
In This Issue
Upcoming Events
Event Highlights GC Update
In the News
Letter From our Leader
Mr. Ebert
Fundraising Results
Dance Highlights
Annual Meeting
Saturday, May 17
State of the School
Please attend our Annual School meeting
where our board will be giving the State of the
School presentation that contains survey data,
academic performance, and other important
information on Mountain Phoenix.
school exist so parents can have a voice in
their child’s education so please become
attend this important meeting.
Therapeutic Training
In Appreciation
Classified Ads
School Auc)on
Upcoming Events
Plant Sale
Every Wednesday in May until all
plants are sold.
Registration for 2014/15
Saturday, May 10 from 10-3 p.m. or
Monday, May 12 from 12-7 p.m.
Eurythmy Hall
Grade 5 Pentathlon
Monday, May 12
Spring Music Assembly
Grades 3-5, Tuesday, May 6
Grades 6-8, Tuesday, May 13
Drake Middle School
Annual Meeting
All Mountain Phoenix community
members are invited to attend the Annual
Meeting to hear the State of the School
This event is an opportunity for you
to hear about the progress MPCS has made
this year toward the mission and goals of the
school; learn about the activities of MPCS
leaders, groups and committees in support of
the school; network with other parents and
community members; and celebrate the end
of another academic year at MPCS.
There has been a slight change in time,
see details below.
Location: Great Hall
9:30 to 10:00 a.m.
Coffee, bagels, and donuts
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
State of the School Presentation
GC Election Timeline
Candidacy Period May 1 – 14
Candidate Q&A Forum Saturday, May
17 at the Annual Meeting. Please plan to
attend, and bring your questions!
Voting Period May 17 – 23
A ballot box will be available to cast
your completed paper ballot beginning on
Saturday, May 17 and will be located in the
main office during regular school hours
through Friday, May 23. Ballots will be
available at the ballot box. Please be sure to
follow voting instructions carefully to ensure
your vote is counted.
Election Results Announced May 29
The results will be announced on the
school’s website and through regular school
communications as soon as possible
following the close of voting, but no later
than the last day of school, May 29.
Registration Day
All New and Returning Students!
Saturday, May 10 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00
p.m. or Monday, May 12 from 12:00 p.m. to
7:00 p.m.
· Welcome Orientation
· Sign Essential Paperwork
· Update Jeffco Connect Information
· Pay Materials Fees
· Visit the Clinic
· Sign Up for Volunteer Opportunities
Field Day
Primary and middle school students get
to participate in our annual Field Day events
held on the last day of school, Thursday,
May 29. Parents are welcome to attend but
this is primarily for the students and their
classes. Please send your child to school
prepared to run, jump, and have lots of fun!
Grades 5-8 Morning
Grades 1-4 Afternoon
Save the Date
Please mark your calendars for Friday,
August 15 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. for
our Back-to-School picnic. You’ll get to picnic
with your teacher and have the opportunity
to make sure you have all necessary forms
filled out prior to the first day of school.
Parent Council Elections
Wednesday, May 14
3:45 - 5:45 p.m.
Eurythmy Hall
Governing Council Election
Candidacy Period May 1 – 14
Voting Period May 17 – 23
Election Results Announced May 29
Annual Meeting
Saturday, May 17
9:30 - 10:00 a.m. Social
10:00 - 12:00 p.m. Business
Great Hall
No School
Monday, May 26
Memorial Day
Moving Classes Day
Wednesday, May 28
Kids clean and move to their new
Last Day of School & Field Day
Thursday, May 29
Back-to-School Picnic
Friday, August 15
4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
MPCS Campus
Spring Events at Mountain Phoenix!
Below is Mr. Ebert's After School Eurythmy Group after giving
an Eurythmy performance. Maguerite McKenna, MPCS Eurythmy
Teacher said:
"Mr. Ebert's name should be mentioned as his guidance is so much
a part
of what
makes their
and minds available to the joy of
eurythmy! I heard today that one of the parents said to her
daughter after the performance: "it was so lovely watching you
dance up there," and the child responded: "no Mom, it's not
dancing, it's more like soaring."
Kuddos to the Auction Planning Committee, especially
Kim Harr, Janeece Hoppe and Carla Mead for coordinating
the event, putting in countless hours to help ensure things
went as smoothly as humanly possible. As for the evening
itself, huge thank you to:
Food/Beverage Coordinators: Kiersten Hoey, Kenny
Koprowski, Dawn Satchell
Check-in/Check-out Managers: Loree Wilcox, Cyndi
Nunez, Jeanelle Kintner, Sonja Pierce Boutique Sales: Robin Lohre, Hallie Wastell
Live Auction and Band Liaison: Emily Cadwell
Presenters: Steven Morrow, Josh Anander
Set-up/Clean-up Crew: Carly Fridlich, Janelle Kintner, Ian Wilcox, Megan Bennett, Jen & Steve Moore
Plus all of the “behind-the-scenes” people who were
instrumental all along the way: Karen Eberle-Smith (class
projects), Jenny Macleod (programs, posters), Margaret
Flynn (video), Ruth Trode and Suzy Ross-Kumley (Parent
Council gurus and check writers). Last, but not least, a
heartfelt thank you to Steven Morrow Leadership, the
corporate sponsor of the 2014 MPCS Auction. Steven
Morrow coaches international business leaders all over the
world on how to lead from their deepest values, creating
breakthrough business results while having a richly
satisfying and integrated life. Learn more
at www.stevenmorrowleadership.com.
The League of Charter Schools is having an art contest for
2nd and 3rd grades that our Art teacher, Karen Smith is
coordinating entries. The question that was asked in the contest
was, " What is your favorite thing about your school?"
“…it’s not dancing, it's
more like soaring.”
Nicole Dominic for her leadership in organizing charter school voices from around Jeffco to
speak, write, and attend Jeffco Board meetings to ask for equal funding for all children.
Nicole is helping us make huge leaps forward and we are all truly thankful!
We give special thanks to our
dedicated volunteers.
Kat Bonfiglio, Heather Lee, Jennifer Nevins, Laura Plantell, Leah Hickler, Sonja Pierce, Delicia
Beatty for planting seeds in the greenhouse that our school can use to teach children about
all the aspects of the sow, till, harvest cadence of life.
Maia Chevez for capturing the beautiful moments around campus.
The entire Auction Committee for organizing and running a beautiful auction for our school.
Eric Eslich and Mike Lloyd for their dedicated service in the parking lot keeping us all in line.
Wes Weber for transforming our computer lab with new partitions.
Governing Council Update!
Farewell to Council Members Mark Bonfiglio & Don Toups!
A heartfelt thank you to Mark Bonfiglio, member 2011-2014, who left the council this year as
he and his family started to prepare for their upcoming move to Costa Rica. Mark served as
Treasurer, Master Planning Chair, and Vice President and brought financial expertise and warmth.
Don Toups will be completing his term in June, member 2012-2014, and served as the School
Accountability Committee Chair. Don’s analytical skills and great sense of humor can never be
rivaled. We wish them both well in their new adventures and are forever grateful for their service.
Spring is in the air and the seeds of change are taking root! !
In August 2011 the Wheat Ridge campus of Mountain Phoenix welcomed its first students.
School enrollment increased from 40 students of 20 families (at the mountain campus in Coal Creek
Canyon) to nearly 400 students of over 200 families in just a matter of months, a minor miracle
and a huge blessing. Today Mountain Phoenix has nearly 500 students and 300 families in our
community. We have an amazing faculty, supported by an experienced and visionary
administration, who skillfully balance Waldorf curriculum with Colorado Department of Education
standards — no small achievement.
In light of this success, why delve into the task of analyzing the effectiveness of Mountain
Phoenix bylaws and policies?
One responsibility of the Mountain Phoenix Governing Council (GC) is to support and nurture
the long term health and sustainability of the school. In its review of the school’s governance and
organization structure, the GC concluded that there are gaps, ambiguities, and in some cases,
contradictions, in Mountain Phoenix bylaws and policies. This conclusion is not shocking; many
young organizations that grow very rapidly over a short period of time find it necessary to re-visit
operating policies and procedures, and to modify them in order to respond to changing conditions.
Last spring, in light of this discovery, the GC decided to initiate a movement towards a
governance and organization structure that exemplifies Waldorf principles. The GC’s aim is to
engage the school community in this process, with participation by Mountain Phoenix
administration, faculty, staff, parents, and experts from outside the school community who can
advise on specific issues.
Accomplishing this goal is neither easy nor quick. Change is not easy and there have been
hiccups along the way. While more hiccups may occur from time to time, it is the GC’s hope that
everyone in the community will come together to support the creation of an infrastructure that will
enable Mountain Phoenix to thrive, now and in the future.
To this end, the GC has created a task force made up of four community representatives:
Maggie Payne (Mountain Phoenix founder and school parent)
Dr. Donna Long (Principal)
Karen Bailey (Faculty member)
Don Toups (Governing Council member and school parent)
If you would like to add your voice to this project, please feel free to contact any of the task
force members, or any member of the GC, to learn more about the task force and how you can
Words & Wisdom!
This book offers a jargon-free
view of Waldorf education and its
philosophy of the importance of a
three-dimensional education. Through
learning experiences that involve all of
the senses, children use a variety of
intelligences to develop thought,
feeling, and intentional, purposeful
Understanding Waldorf
by John Petrash
Communication by
Marshall Rosenberg
The board and faculty will be
participating in a NVC training this fall
& if parents are interested we it could
be offered to them in the future.
Spring Music Assembly!
In the
Mountain Phoenix students will be performing two music assemblies.
Drake Middle School, 12550 W 52nd Avenue, Arvada
Grades 3-5, Tuesday, May 6
Grades 6-8, Tuesday, May 13
6:00 PM (Students should arrive at 5:00 for warm up/tuning)
From MPCS travel West on I-70 until the Ward Rd Exit. Take Ward Rd north for 1 mile until
52nd Ave. Turn left and head West on 52nd Ave for a 1/4 mile and it will be on the southern side
of the road (left). Enter the parking lot and park on the West side of the school in front of the main
entrance. Enter through the main entrance and there will be signs guiding you to the gymnasium.
Dress Attire
Black and white dress would be appreciated. If you do not have that attire for your son or
daughter, other nice clothes will be acceptable. Please make sure all shoes are dark colored. The
music will begin at 6:00 PM, but students must arrive by 5:00 so we can set the stage, warm up,
and tune! If you have any questions or concerns can be directed to Mr. Kern at:
kernke179@hotmail.com or 484-547-8679.
District Update!
JeffCo Citizens for Choice & Innovation !
Board of Education Meeting ReCap!
First, I would like to say THANK YOU to every parent, student, and faculty member who made
it to the very important meeting on April 4th and to those who were unable to attend but showed
their support for funding equality by writing letters to our board members! You all made a
difference! The board decided to move forward in allocating $3.5 million within the next school
year and another $3.5 million the following school year in order to work towards equal funding
for public charter schools in JeffCo!! This is not over yet, however. The final budget vote will occur
in June and the opposition is definitely going to push hard to have that additional funding removed
before then. So, now is the time for everyone to get involved! The extra $550 per student that we
would receive doesn't get us to our final goal of total equality from Mill Levy Funding – but it is a
leap forward.
The JeffCo Citizens for Choice & Innovation will have another meeting prior to the May 1st
BOE meeting in order to organize our agenda and set forth our goals. As a group our goal is
equal funding and representation for all children in the district. One budget item that was removed
was an additional $600,000 for expanding free full day kindergarten. Currently 40 schools in
JeffCo offer free full day kindergarten and the proposed $600,000 would expand that number to
an additional 4 schools. We can all agree that children on Free & Reduced lunch should have
access to free full day kindergarten, however the way it is currently working this funding only
reaches a third of that population. Instead of the money following the schools our mission is have
the money follow the students. Every child, no matter what school they attend, should have the
ability to access these programs. This is just another way we'd like to see our district move toward
fairly representing every child of JeffCo.
The meeting day & time will be announced soon. Please plan on attending, getting your
neighbors and friends involved, and join our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/
JeffCoSchoolChoice. We have a long arduous fight ahead of us. The majority of our district has
been truly misinformed as to the direction our new school board is headed and unfortunately
charter schools have been placed in the crossfire. We only account for 8% of the district
population which is why it is imperative that we have every member of our community involved in
t h e s e i s s u e s . I f yo u ' d l i k e t o b e i n vo l v e d p l e a s e f e e l f r e e t o e m a i l m e a t
Thank you,
Nicole Dominic Pelletier
Jeffco Board Meeting
Important for all parents to
attend. They will be making a final
vote on equalizing funding for next
year. Thursday, June 5 at 6:30 p.m.
6 reasons to reject
Common Core K-3
standards — and 6
rules to guide policy
The Common Core State
Standards for students in
kindergarten through Grade
3 have come under severe
criticism by early childhood
education experts who say
that they are not
appropriate. To read the
full article visit: http://
Attend upcoming registration day.
Fulfill your Annual Give Pledges by
Boredom is good for kids. It enlivens
their imaginations so slow down this
summer and just smile when you’re
children say, “I’m bored!”
Turn to your local library this summer
for great children’s literature. It’s cost
effective & environmentally friendly.
Dear MPCS Families,
May Faire is completed, and we enter the last month of school with full enrollment and
teachers, all returning next year. Many end-of-year activities await the children’s
enjoyment this month: Pentathlon for Fifth Graders (with 4 schools attending); a special
event for 6th (don’t say a word); special camp-outs and field trips; and our last day, May
29th, Field Day Event for Grades 1-8. There is never a dull moment at Mountain Phoenix!
Changes transpire as the governance of the school strengthens and we’ll be adding
administrative positions to our team for next year. During these first three years, we felt it
important to focus dollars on programs and attracting and retaining experienced and
excellent teaching staff. We also purchased the campus and built Phase I of the middle
school. Many accomplishments were made.
Now it is time to give more support to the operations of the school. The addition of a
consistent person in the middle school office who will help organize volunteers and provide needed administrative support is
one of the changes you will see. We are so grateful for the volunteers who manned this station second semester. Your
volunteer service was much appreciated!
My hope is to be able to focus my attention on improvements in Waldorf curriculum, school culture—including
behavior, and supporting teachers to bring the education in line with our school standards in all classes throughout the
campus. Development of the MPCS Scope & Sequence is an important piece of this work. Perhaps there will be time to lobby
our legislators and advocate for more autonomy for charter schools. As we continue toward our goal of becoming a leader of
and model for charter schools that are inspired by Waldorf Education, more support and attention will be needed to attain this
intention. With my new focus, I believe you will see some amazing changes transpire in and out of the classrooms next year. I
believe it can strengthen the foundation of our school and others in the charter movement. I also look forward to knowing all
the children. This is the work that inspires me!
As a self governed charter school, it is common to find challenges along the way. Community building approaches
and appropriate collaboration are essential as we find our way to new and improved solutions. We are committed to
providing the best governance and administration possible to lead our school into the future. Mountain Phoenix i is a precious
gift to the children and to our community of parents and dedicated teachers and staff. I feel sure we are moving in a really
good direction. Please attend the May 17th Annual Meeting where you will learn about the State of the School, our plans for
the future, and participate in the election process for one seat on the Governing Council. Come meet the candidates, ask
questions, and help to select the best member we can to join this dedicated board.
We wish you a wonderful rest of the school year. Enjoy the summer months with family and friends. We hope to see
you all when we return to school August 15th for the Welcome Back Picnic and Orientation. First day of school will be August
Best wishes,
Dr. Long, MPCS Principal
5th grade students created a State's Fair the Friday
before break. Both classes were set up with projects,
handmade topographical maps with resources creatively
marked. They spoke very well about what they learned in a
sort of presentation style as visitors circled the room to see
what each child created.
“Receive the children in reverence,
Educate them in love, And send them
forth in freedom”
Dr. Rudolf Steiner!
Mr. Ebert, Grade 3
Q: You’ve been with the school since it started in Wheatridge. What
are the major changes you’ve noticed?
I actually joined the school only last year, though I did come to
visit and interview in the school’s first year at this campus. There was
a lot of turmoil at that time, but there was a lot of promise as well.
The school has grown in many ways. We have a middle school
building and students to fill it. It is astounding to me that we have
close to a 98% retention rate for students for the entire school.
Teacher retention is close to that level also.
The teaching and
administrative aspects get better every year as we find our way
individually and collectively. Determining that we are fundamentally
inspired by Waldorf education was a huge step in a good direction.
Q: You’ve taken kids through several grade levels. Can you tell us what
you enjoy most about looping?
Looping is a word I associate with a teacher repeating a short
sequence, say grades 1 and 2, a number of times. I took one class
through from first to eighth grade. Next year I’ll be with my class for
fourth grade, which I’m very happy about. That will make three in a
row. The relationships between students as well as with the teacher
built through long association do a lot of good for the children. I
suppose the thing I enjoy most is changing with the class: children
are different at every age and the teacher is challenged to
understand where they are and to find ways to meet them in that
place. That and working with a new curriculum every year is
enlivening. Staying creative, constantly striving and developing
oneself are essential facets of being a Waldorf teacher. It’s good for
the teacher and it is good for the students to experience that spirit in
the teacher.
Q: In your opinion, is MPCS comparable to other schools in the
area? For example, do you feel students will be well prepared for
middle school and high school?
MPCS is wonderfully different from other schools in the area.
Sometimes I illustrate this to my students. I want them to appreciate
what we have! I have no doubt the students will do well in our, or
any other, middle school. Likewise with high school. The important
thing to note is how much more they will have at their disposal than
just possession of information, which is now cheap and plentiful
anyway. Part of what they’ll possess is an ability to make connections
between things, to take interest in anything, to bring a sense of
discernment and to have an intrinsic sense of value. In this I include
an appreciation of what is true and beautiful in themselves and in the
world. Standardized test scores, for what they’re worth, are as high
or higher for students in Waldorf methods charter schools once they
reach middle school. This is proven at MPCS and in other similar
charters in the country. I gave my first class the Stanford test in
grades 6, 7 and 8. They had never taken a standardized test before
and they lifted the lid right off the saucepan!
Q: MPCS students go on many field trips. Can you tell us about those
trips and their purpose?
Life is bigger than the classroom. Field trips challenge in many
ways. Third grade trips often mirror the developmental changes
taking place at this age: a stepping away from what is known and
comfortable in a safe way is valuable. Often at this age children
have their first overnight trips, perhaps to a farm where they’ll learn
how to do chores, take care of animals, build a shelter and
experience in an authentic way how one makes one’s way in the
Middle school trips might involve finding oneself in a
challenging backpacking or climbing experience.
The trips are
simply an extension of what we are already doing in the classroom.
Q: What do you feel have been your greatest accomplishments since
coming to MPCS?
I feel I’ve brought my class along fairly well. They constitute a
community and are learning what it means to work and play well
with others. It’s a work in progress and as such doesn’t yet qualify
as an accomplishment, perhaps. One of my favorite moments was
getting our beautiful maypole up last year, with the help of so many
others. I look forward to seeing those ribbons fluttering in the
breeze again this year!
Q: What do you enjoy when you are not at work?
Hikes, cross country and downhill skiing, nature time in general.
Cooking is satisfying too. I intend to take up tennis again this
All Year
Oct 1
Dec & Jan
Grocery Cards
Fun Run &
Grandparents Day
2013 Total - $14K
2014 Total - $18K
Faculty Development
Annual Give
and Winter Faire
2013 Total - $35K
2014 Total - $76K
(Annual Give), $4k
(Winter Faire)
Planned for
implementing Master
Plan Phase 1 summer
2014 but needed to
pay for important
program elements.
Parent Council Update!
Gratitude & Elections!
Our deep gratitude goes to Ruth Trode, Wendy Folger,
and Delicia Beaty for their dedicated service to the Parent
Council Board. Ruth served as President, Wendy served as
Member-at-Large and Delicia served as Treasurer. There will
be two seats open for next year and they are currently
accepting letters of intent.
• The Nominee must be a parent of an enrolled
• The Nominee must fulfill the required number of
volunteer hours prior to the election.
• The Nominee must be an active committee member
for at least 3 months during that school year.
• The Nominee must obtain and submit a letter
supporting the nomination from a current member of
the Parent Council Board and a committee chair five
working days prior to the election.
We are also looking to fill Committee Chair positions for
festivals and events for next school year. If you are interested
in being an integral part of serving the School Community,
please email MPCSparentcouncil@gmail.com.
Grand Total $135,260
Box Tops
Pizza Friday
2013 Total - $23K
2014 Total - $26K
Scrip Rebate
Middle School Building
Look what it’s paid for…
We w e r e a b l e t o i n c r e a s e
experienced teachers salaries to
retain a high quality teaching staff.
Several teachers are getting
reimbursed for advanced
educational courses.
We’re Wireless
Our old campus was not set-up for our
modern day technology needs. This
year we were able to completely
update our system with new
technology to support our daily
Grand Total for School Fundraisers Fun Run $18,532 Annual Give $76,264 Winter Faire $4,394 Auc)on $26,177 Ongoing PC $9,892 !
New sod was laid on both
playgrounds and sprinklers
Master Plan
Faculty, parents, students and
administrators solidified a long-term
grounds plan.
Computers &
Computer Lab
30 Computers were purchased
and our computer lab was
Saved the Trees
A much needed retaining wall was
installed around the trees that
protects their roots from being
trampled on and destroyed.
Festivals &
We held 14 events on campus to
cultivate friendships and
Community Dance Highlights
What is the Pentathlon?
The Waldorf curriculum in 5th grade guides students through a study of Ancient Greece. The ancient Greek Olympics offered a unique opportunity for warriors of the city-­‐states to suspend hos)li)es and compete as athletes. The fes)vi)es and games were protected by the Sacred Truce (Ekecheria), which called for the temporary cessa)on of all hos)li)es so that the games could take place in peace. Waldorf schools around the country par)cipate in “The Pentathlon” in 5th grade. Typically, one school hosts the event and 100 plus students experience it together. This event offers a glimpse of the broader Waldorf community in which our students par)cipate. Students from MPCS as well as 4 other Waldorf Charter Schools will be gathering for these fes)vi)es this May. It is not only an athle)c event, it is a celebra)on of shared tradi)on among the students of our sister schools. Mountain Phoenix will host this event for the first )me this year! This culmina)on and celebra)on of the study of the Ancient Greeks is a fun filled day where students divide into 5 city states and par)cipate in events such as throwing the javelin, the long run, wrestling, sprin)ng, and the discus. This is a cultural event that combines mythology, history, athle)cs, literature and movement. Each student par)cipates and brings an inten)on to do his or her best in the Greek spirit of arête or excellence, striving to do be_er than ever before. The day begins with Greek ceremonies and odes to the Greek Gods! City State Guides will encourage and be looking for friendship, team work, grace, beauty and kindness in all students at the Pentathlon. 5th Grade parents o`en come to watch the Pentathlon. However, it is truly for the students, not set up as entertainment for anyone else. It is the experience of the day that builds and strengthens the character of the students. Today in our world of hustle, bustle and compe))veness, we are seeking to provide a different impulse, one that emphasizes the beauty, grace and joy of movement—and simply par)cipa)ng while doing one’s best. Younger students an)cipate being able to join in the Pentathlon when they reach 5th grade. Students will be acknowledged for areas in which they have excelled, and awards will be given at the end of the day.
Destination Imagination Team
Plant Sale
Over 500 organic plants that
were grown in our school
greenhouse will be on sale
though out May. The sale will
be held after school, every
Wednesday starting May 7
f r o m 3 : 15 - 4 : 0 0 p . m . a t
Woodhenge or until t he
plants are all sold. This year,
we have the following plants
for sale:
Waldorf Therapeutic
Summer School Program
Summer Intensive to help children with Auditory
Processing Disorders, Neuro-Motor Immaturity,
Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, Attention Challenges
and other Learning Difficulties or Disorders
Take advantage of this unique blend of therapeutic interventions during a 6 week summer
program customized to your child’s need. Fun and yet academically challenging and supportive, so
your child can make advances during the summer months. Each child (attending a minimum of 4
weeks) receives a full pre- and post-assessment to assess their particular needs. This may include all
or some of the following: the INPP school assessments for neuro motor immaturity, the SCAN-3 test
for auditory processing disorders, the F.A.S.T. phonological screening for phonemic awareness and
phonics knowledge, an oral fluency assessment, a writing assessment, and/or a grade level math
In addition this summer camp will include daily therapeutic classes including painting, dancing,
singing, handwork, arts and games.
Go ahead and reserve your spot today, spaces are limited (16 students max). Options include:
5 days/week @ $500/week (4-6 weeks recommended)
3 days/week @ $135/day (6 weeks recommended)
Times 9-3pm
(Before & after school care avail. for an addl. Fee)
Teacher Student Ratio 1:4 (12-16 children)
Teacher Student Ratio 1:3 (8-12 children)
Individual academic tutoring without Summer Intensive @ $50/hour
For more information contact Beate Hybinette, Special Education Teacher at MPCS at
(303)908-8944 cell or at bhybinet@jeffco.k12.co.us Sign up and make your payments to MPCS at
the main office.
Scarlet Beans
Cherry Tomatoes
Grape Tomatoes
Purple Peppers
Fairy Mounds
Special thank you to Kat Bonfiglio,
Heather Lee, Jennifer Nevins, Laura
Plantell, Leah Hickler, Sonja Pierce,
Delicia Beatty for planting seeds in
the greenhouse that our school can
use to teach children to be good
stewards of our environment and our
In Appreciation!
Thank you to our 2013-14 MPCS Annual Giving Society! Your financial support
helps sustain MPCS for the 506 curious, engaged, and happy students who benefit
from a holistic, arts & humanities infused Waldorf-inspired education. Together, we
raised $76,264 with 62% participation!
Patrons of Waldorf
Up to $3,000 or more
Fidelity Security Macredie, Ally Metcalf, Brooks Oliver, Emily Schley, Rodman & Gina !
Builds security fence,
transforms exhausted
playgrounds, builds
woodworking shop, finishes
the middle school building
with upstairs classrooms and
a gymnasium for athletics and
theatrical performances,
replaces the temporary
cottages with permanent
Inspirational Donors
Up to $1000
Abare, Tim & Bridget Aikman, Megan Anchordoquy, Hannah & Thomas Aziam, Teresa Blacknic, Stacie Breeser, Tammy & Cid Burroughs, Stephen & Wendy Cadwell, Todd & Emily Cahoone, Judy Carlisle, Kelly Coury, Rina & Don Toups Dame, Theodore & Pallas Eberle-­‐Smith, Karen Edone, Lynn Eslich, Eric & Tamera Fuller, Amy Gaskill, RL & Kay Gerardi, Jason & Kimberly Hickler, Leah Hollandswoth, Paul & Michelle Krabbe, Debora, George & Donna Kuntz, Michele MarOn-­‐Baker, Connie Mateus, Angela McCormac, Ann McCune, Chris & Liz McFadden, Richard McKenna, Marguerite Mead, Carla MOA, Architecture & BePy Huber Morrow, Steve Nevins, Jennifer Peters, Rich & Katherine Powderly, John & Laura Rockwell, Lynnea Rosaura Ruiz DeOralle Rose Community FoundaOon Satchell, Dawn Schuchman, Jennifer Schurter, Jane & Kyle Sioux Falls Area Community FoundaOon Strategic Capital Advisors Thomas, Carolyn & Troy Tonsmeire, Kori & Julian Wesley, Anita & ScoP Wilcox, Ian & Loree Yes Energy !
Increases faculty salaries and
enables Art, Spanish,
Handwork, Eurythmy,
Orchestra, Band and Physical
Education, and also provides
program support with para’s,
interventionists, and tutors.
Imaginative Donors
Up to $400
Adams, Emily Adams, Marshall & Lora Adams, Robin & Susan Agranoff, Angela Aldrete, Laura Ballenger Barnes, Katherine Beer, Dan & KaOe BenneP, Sean & Megan Black, Rachel Bonfiglio, Mark & Kat Buchanan, Julie Burton, Tad Clanton, Amy Cooper, Rachel Cope, Donald & Janet Covillo Stookey, Jennifre Cumsille, Karen & Chris Cumsille, Magdaline Dehmier-­‐Buckley, Danielle Dominic, Nicole Douglas, Andra Drews, CrisOna Dye, Camille Ellis, Brenda Flynn, Margaret Folger, Wendy Godfrey, Mary Halsor, Jenny Harp, David & Gisela Harrold, Joseph & Tiffany Hensley, Michele Henzie, Russ & Joleen Holt, PJ & Steve Humphrey, Keith & Jenny Irish, Amy Jansen, Ben & Danelle Jean, Brooke Jenkins, Kyle Kaltenbach, John & Melissa King, Kerry Fitzgerald Koprowski, Kenneth & Lydia Kubic, Thomas Laws, Lara Lohre, Robin Macsalka, Rocky & Sarah Martell, Daniel & Megan Merscham, Carrie Miller, JusOn & Dorina Montgomery, Bruce & Gail Moore, Steve Newberg-­‐Long, Donna Nirvelli, julie Oboyle, MaPhew & Ashley Ogden, Michael Peterson, Sandra Rhysling, Kieran Riedlinger, P.W & D.J. Sander, Kathleen Schutz, Kaliea & Spencer Shawn, Stephanie Simmons, Jack Thomas, Ada & Gary Thomas, Kirsten Townsend, Lynn Uecker, Natalia Ward, Mary Jo Wilensky, Mark Wilson, Liora WoPon, Noa Young, Kirsten Zimmer, Glenn & Barbara !
Buys laptops for middle
school digital citizen ship
electives, updates school
kitchen equipment enabling
future ‘scratch cooking’
programs, develops
curriculum gardens & more..
Intuitive Donors
Up to $100
Adams, Grant Adams, John Adams, Kay & Johnson, Marilyn Alban, Cecilia Anander, Josh & Tammy Arendt, Glen Bailey, Karen Beaty, Jerry & Delicia Berger, Megan Bondurant, Kelly Bright-­‐Smith, Camille Brough, Robin Burch, Robin & Thomas Burrell, Tamara & Mikel Cahoone, Kal Cain, Jennifer Cardona, Kim Caruso, Joseph & Megan Childers, Laura Coburn, Rahma Copeland, Darcy Dial, Dan Ebert, Eric Erwin, Robert Ethington, MaPhew & Julie Evans, Randy France, Jessica Frey, Susan Fridlich, Carly Gilchrist, Stephanie Grandfather of Grant Bernier, Jennifer Guenther, Sara Hannu, Victoria Hedrick, KaOe Heideman, Chad Irish, Collin & Amy Jackson, Sarah Jacobson, Helen Josten, Jonathan & Jessica Kern, Kevin Kester, Rebekah Kilgore, BriPany Kintner, Jeanelle Kreider, Kent & Elizabeth Lareau, Heather & Brian Lee, Heather Lockhart, Jessamyn Mack, BirgiPe & Joseph MacLeod, Jenny Maddaux, Lisa Marsh, Katherine McCray, Tarrall Montgomery, Thomas Mundine, Karen Myers, Holly NePleship, Gunnar Olivia, Claciann PePus, Aztechan Pierce, Patrick &d Sonja Plantell, SOg Porter, Kim Purnell, Anne Ratzloff, Daniel & Martha Ray, Gary & Wendy Rhodes, Summer & Sang Ho Han Rieke, James & Tammy Robinson, Heather Rode, Christopher Roman, Andre & Bonnie Roy, Dennis & DeAnne Sanborn, Lisa Selby, Caroline Shawn, Stephanie Sienicki, Rebecca Siffring, Stuart Smith, Dave & KrisO Syerson, Teah the Janus Fund Thibodeau, Miranda Thompson, Jeffrey & Andrea Trode, Ruth Shepard Ward, Heather Wegs, ScoP & Joy Welch, Lin White, Rebeccah Wright, Jeffrey Ziniel, Emily !
Supports teacher/child
relationship by having 2
teachers in each Kindergarten
and Preschool classrooms,
helps pay for school
newsletter and community
festivals like Harvest Festival,
Lantern Walk, Spiral Garden,
and Winter Faire that
strengthen our work as
parents and educators.
While we cannot provide endorsements, we do ask you to think of our community first.
If you have an ad, please email an all-text ad to gina@blue-fusion.com.
All ads are free but donations are appreciated. Deadline for submission is the last day of each month.
College Student with Waldorf education
looking for a Nanny position this summer.
H e l l o ! My name is Sophia
Koopmeiners. I am the eldest of 4 children,
born and raised in the Highlands
neighborhood of Denver. I attended the
Denver Waldorf School from kindergarten
through 8th grade, followed by East High
School. In high school, I participated in
numerous clubs and sports, worked part
time at Sprouts, and interned at the Grow
Haus where I developed a passion for
sustainable agriculture and horticulture,
which is what I am studying at Montana
State University in Bozeman. I will be home
this summer in June and July and would
love to find a nannying position while I am
home. Why would you want me to take care
of your children? Well, as the eldest of 4
kids, taking care of little ones is second
nature. I have been babysitting and
nannying, not only my siblings but long
term, for several families since I was 12. I
have done everything from overnight stays
with newborns to summer care with active
12 year olds. I am very responsible, have
CPR cer tif ication and have tons of
experience. I can confidently say that I am
well equiped to care for any age child. I
am active and love being outside. I am
always up for playing games and being
silly. I am also very conscious about
nutrition. I believe that healthy food is
essential to having a happy, healthy life and
an overall good atmosphere.
I am looking to come home at the
beginning of June, and will be heading
back to Montana at the end of July. During
these two months, I will be available any
day of the week, any time. I am more than
happy to provide you with any information
you request, including a long list of
references. Skype would be a great way to
have a face to face interview while I am still
in Montana. Feel free to call or text me at
( 3 0 3 ) 4 7 5 - 74 9 3 o r e m a i l m e a t
sophiakoopmeiners@yahoo.com. Thanks so
much, and I look forward to meeting you
and your little ones!
A Wa l d o r f i n s p i re d e n r i c h m e n t
program for young children and their
families in a fenced backyard offers
gardening experiences, healthy snacks,
stories and movement. spring: p.m.,
summer: a.m., and fall: p.m. sessions Pt.
time (not day care) Ages 4-8 Call for
details: 303 751 9276 JeanAnn Vander
Heyden retired teacher certificate in
LifeWays certificate in Horticulture.
For Sale or Rent
Select comfort sleep number bed.
California king size with frame and
headboard. Separate controls for each
side of bed. 9 years old and in excellent
condition. $600 OBO. Contact Tiffany at
Sony 55" LCD HDTV with tv stand and
6 surround sound speakers. 9 years old
and also in excellent condition, great
picture and sound. A little bigger and
heavier that current flat screen TV's, but not
by much. Originally purchased for $4k.
GREAT for basement or rec room. $800
OBO. Will include white monster speaker
wire. Contact Tiffany at 303-519-8384.
Spring is finally here and so is time for
colds, spr ing cleaning and bikini's.
Fortunately, there are essential oils to help
with that! From wellness to weight loss to
cleaning products there is something for
ever yone! Check out my website at
Contact me if interested in how to get
wholesale prices! Karen 720 261 0180.