3rd World Conference on Health Sciences (HSCI-2016) Pine Bay Holiday Resort Convention Center, Kusadası, Turkey 28-30 April 2016 PROGRAM Sponsors Girne University Alcala University Near East University Bahcesehir University Global Journal on Advances in Pure and Applied Sciences Global Special Education and Psychological Sciences Association Association for Human, Science, Natura, Education and Technology Organization Academic World Education and Research Center A non-profit international organization 1|Page Organizing Committee Honorary President Prof. Dr. Çaylan Paktekin Presidents Prof. Dr. Afsun Ezel Esadoğlu, Ankara University, Turkey Prof. Dr. Kobus Maree, University of Pretoria, South Africa Organizing Committee Prof. Dr. Steven M. Ross, Johns Hopkins University, USA Prof. Dr. Andreea Iluzia Iacob, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Prof. Dr. Jesus Garcia Laborda, University of Alcala, Spain Prof. Dr. Kavita Vedhara, University of Nottingham, UK Prof. Dr. Nesrin Asti, Istanbul Arel University, Turkey Prof. Dr. Paul Bennett, Swansea University, UK Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aslıhan Tüfekçi, Gazi University, Turkey Assist. Prof. Dr. Hayat Yalın, Bahcesehir University, Turkey Secretariat Nazlı Uzunboylu, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK 2|Page International Advisory Boards Prof. Dr. Anna-Maija Pietilä, University of Eastern Finland Prof. Dr. Aron Rose, Yale University School of Medicine Prof. Dr. Bob Lawrence, Johns Hopkins Center for Global Health Prof. Dr. Ceylan Paktekin Prof. Dr. Danai Papadatou, University of Athens, Faculty of Nursing Prof. Dr. David Bouslough, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Bradley, Yale University Prof. Dr. Fatma Eti Aslan, Acıbadem University Prof. Dr. Fatma Oz, Hacettepe University Prof. Dr. Filiz Can, Hacettepe University Prof. Dr. Gail W. Stuart, Medical University of South Carolina Prof. Dr. Geoffrey Tabin, University of Utah Prof. Dr. Grant Miller, Stanford University Prof. Dr. Hannele Turunen, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Eastern Finland Prof. Dr. Jamie Jones, Kellogg School of Management Prof. Dr. Jeanne Marazzo, University of Washington Prof. Dr. Joel Finkelstein, Associate Professor Prof. Dr. John Nestler, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine Prof. Dr. Karol Watson, Professor of Medicine Prof. Dr. Katri Vehviläinen-Julkunen, University of Eastern Finland Department of Nursing Science Prof. Dr. Kavita Kavita Vedhara, University of Nottingham Prof. Dr. Kobus Maree, University of Pretoria Prof. Dr. Laura Esserman, University of California Prof. Dr. Margaret McConnell, Harvard School of Public Heatlh Prof. Dr. Melissa McNeil, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Prof. Dr. Nermin Olgun, Acıbadem University Prof. Dr. Nesrin Astı, İstanbul Arel University Prof. Dr. Nezihe Kızılkya Beji, Istanbul University Prof. Dr. Nuray Kırdı, Hacettepe University Prof. Dr. Pasquale Patrizio, Yale University Prof. Dr. Paul Bennett, Swansea University Prof. Dr. Paweł Chęcioski, Faculty of Health Sciences,Poznan University of Medical Sciences Prof. Dr. Peter Hotez, Baylor College of Medicine Prof. Dr. Savita Chandra, Goa Medical College and Hospital Prof. Dr. Sevinç Yücecan, Near East University Prof. Dr. Włodzimierz Samborski, Faculty of Health Sciences, Poznan University of Medical Sciences Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adam Czabaoski, Faculty of Health Sciences, Poznan University of Medical Sciences Assoc. Prof. Dr. İlke Keser, Gazi University Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maciej Wilczak, Faculty of Health Sciences, Poznan University of Medical Sciences Assoc. Prof. Dr. Małgorzata Kotwicka, Faculty of Health Sciences, Poznan University of Medical Sciences Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ümran Dal, Near East University Dr. Zeynep Kırdı, Istanbul Universty, Turkey 3|Page PROGRAM IMPORTANT EVENTS 27 April 2016 Registration 14:00 – 18:00 27.04.2016 17:00 – 18:00 Welcome Cocktails 28 - 29 April 2016 Registration 08:30 – 18:00 28.04.2016 09:30– 11:00 TIME 28.04.2016 10:00 – 10:40 Keynote 1 Opening Ceremony TITLE SPEAKER "Health for Everyone- Health Inequalities; Mental and Demographic Health" Prof. Nilgün SARP Bahcesehir University, Turkey 10:40 – 11:00 Coffee Break 13:00 – 13:50 Lunch Break TIME 28.04.2016 13:50 – 14:35 Keynote 2 TIME 28.04.2016 14:35 – 15:20 Keynote 3 TIME 29.04.2016 10:40 – 11:20 Keynote 4 TITLE SPEAKER “Media Psychology: Attitude Change, Bias Perception and Impression Management” TIME 29.04.2016 14:35 – 15:20 Keynote 6 29.04.2016 18:00 – 18:20 4|Page Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Rahimi Bangkok University, Thailand TITLE SPEAKER “Health Promotion: The Importance of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Aging World” Prof. Dr. Filiz Can Hacettepe University, Turkey TITLE SPEAKER “Publishing in High Impact Factor International Journals; with Present Examples” 13:00 – 13:50 TIME 29.04.2016 13:50 – 14:35 Keynote 5 Main Prof. Dr. Huseyin Uzunboylu Assist. Prof. Dr. Deniz Ozcan Near East University, Cyprus HALL NAME Main HALL NAME Main HALL NAME Main HALL NAME Main Lunch Break TITLE SPEAKER “Qualitative and Quantitative Research Designs: Pulses, Pitfalls and Epiphany” Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Rahimi Bangkok University, Thailand TITLE “Happiness: From Philosophy to the Science” SPEAKER Prof. Dr. Tulay Bozkurt Istanbul Kultur University Closing Ceremony Main HALL NAME Main HALL NAME Main 29.04.2016 20:00 – 23:00 Gala Dinner 30.04.2016 09:00 – 17:00 The Tour of Ephesus Historical Places 5|Page 28/04/2016, Thursday 28 - 29 April 2016 Registration 08:30 – 18:00 28.04.2016 09:30– 11:00 TIME 28.04.2016 10:00 – 10:40 Keynote 1 Opening Ceremony TITLE "Health for Everyone- Health Inequalities; Mental and Demographic Health" 10:40 – 11:00 Main SPEAKER Prof. Nilgün SARP Bahcesehir University, Turkey HALL NAME Main Coffee Break ORAL PRESENTATIONS TIME HALL NAME 1 Session 1 11:00– 11:20 Thursday 2 3 4 5 6 TIME HALL NAME 1 Session 1 11:20– 11:40 Thursday 2 3 4 5 6 6|Page TITLE The Factors That Effects the Food Safety Information and Behaviours in Middle School Students Relationship between Optimal Feeding Practices with Anthropometric Status of Low Birth Weight Infant in Ogan Ilir, South Sumatera Community Participation in Utilizing Basic Health Services at Village Health Post (Poskesdes) in Ogan Ilir District- Indonesia Health right and health goals in the Agenda for Sustainable Development. What kind of development we want An Investigation of the Relationship between Self-Efficacy Level and Healthy Lifestyle Behavior of University Students Effect of Reality Therapy on happiness and self-regulation in students TITLE Relationship between communication patterns of couples and loving styles with marital disenchantment in female students Antioxidant Activity and Total Phenolic Contents of Some Algerian Medicinal Plants from Chlef Region Cardiac Protective Effects of Vitamin E Supplementation on Diabetes Induced Oxidative Stress and Homocysteine in Rat Protective effects of radish Raphanus sativus on fertility markers of wistar rat The Relationship between Self-Efficacy Level and Gender Perception of University Students: Beyşehir Example The relationship between parenting styles on the hardiness and resilience daughters AUTHOR, AFFILIATION and COUNTRY Leyla Biçen, Fatma Şeyda Özbiçakçi, Dokuz Eylül University, Turkey Suci Destriatania, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia Asmaripa Ainy, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia Florencia Quercetti, Argentina Funda Özpulat, Selcuk University, Turkey Mansour Abdi, Saedeh Saeedi, Seyed Ali Aleyasin, Iran AUTHOR, AFFILIATION and COUNTRY Seyed Mohsen Hojjat Khah, Mansour Abdi, Fatemeh Jaliliane Kaseb, Iran Halima Saiah, Rachida Allem, Hassiba Ben Bouali University, Algeria Mojtaba Beyramzadeh, Mohammad Hasan Khadem-Ansari, Zeliha Gunnur Dikmen, Turkey Cherif Abdennour, University Badji MokhtarAnnaba, Algeria Funda Özpulat, Selcuk University, Turkey Reza Ahmadi, Marzieh Nosrati, Seyed Ali Aleyasin, Mansour Abdi, Iran TIME HALL NAME 1 Session 1 11:40– 12:00 Thursday 2 3 4 5 6 TIME HALL NAME 1 Session 1 12:00– 12:20 Thursday 2 3 4 5 HALL NAME 1 Session 1 12:20– 12:40 Thursday TIME AUTHOR, AFFILIATION and COUNTRY Determine the Effect of Regular Physical Activity on Life Quality of Breast Cancer Patients in Remission Trans-tibial amputation rehabilitation in a rural community in South Africa: An overview Occurrence and Characteristics of Coagulase Positive and -Negative Staphylococcus Isolates from Raw Fish samples High Consanguinity Practicing: Understanding of Reproductive Risks associated with consanguineous marriages in Pakhtoon population of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province- Pakistan Women and Immigration The relationship between family function, compatibility level and mental health with using the social network TITLE Food Safety Information Scale and Behaviour Scale Validity and Reliability Study Comparison of the work time and permissible work time based on WBGT index: Case study in Iranian offshore installations Inference procedures to quantify the efficiency-equality trade-off in health from stated preferences: a case study in Portugal A news media analysis of economic sanction effects on access to medicine in Iran The Effect of Shotblocker in the Relief of Pain Based on Hepatitis B Vaccinated into Deltoid Muscle TITLE 3 Face of War: Syrian Refugee Children and Nursing Care 4 Back Pain in School Children: The Care of the School Bag 5 The Significance of Multidisciplinary Approach in Ensuring the Management of Symptoms in Palliative Care 3 4 5 TITLE 7|Page Duygu Öztaş, Funda Özpulat, Esma Kabasakal, Selcuk University, Turkey Mansour Abdi, Safora Hasani, Seyed Ali Aleyasin Leyla Biçen, Fatma Şeyda Özbiçakçi, Dokuz Eylül University, Turkey Haji Omid Kalte, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran Micaela Pinho, Anabela Botelho, Portucalense University, Portugal Mehrnaz Kheirandish, Arash Rashidian, Maryam Bigdeli, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran Emel Tuğrul, Turkey Meral Kiliç, Atatürk University, Turkey Adem Karahoca, Bahcesehir University, Turkey Esma Kabasakal, Elif Bakir Gökduman, Turkey Emine Gökçeoğlu, Atatürk University, Turkey Ümran Çelik Barmakçi, Zühal Ince, Turkey AUTHOR, AFFILIATION and COUNTRY The Impact of Spinal Cord Injury on Physical and Mental Health Addictions, Anxiety Level and Problem Solving Skills in Smoking Cessation Process Students Health Should Promote in Schools: Health Promoting Schools Effect of physicochemical constraints on lipase activity of an Algerian pseudomonas sp "How is the Mental Health of Someone who has been Exposed to Mobbing for Two Years in Health System Affected?" Case Report 13:00 – 13:50 Ruqiya Pervaiz, Near East University, North Cyprus AUTHOR, AFFILIATION and COUNTRY 2 2 Asiye Hande Uludağ, faik ardahan, Hakan Bozcuk, Hasan Mutlu, Gazi University, Turkey Liezel Wegner, Anthea Rhoda, University of the Western Cape, South Africa Golchin Memari, Turkey AUTHOR, AFFILIATION and COUNTRY Incidence of Urinary Incontinence and its Risk Factors in Women Visiting Family Health Centers Developing Online Dietary Self-Monitoring Application HALL NAME 1 Session 1 12:40– 13:00 Thursday TIME TITLE Lunch Break Anda Nulle, Inese Sviklina, Zaiga Kalnberza Ribule, Anita Vetra, Riga Stradins University, Latvia Nevin Günaydın, Turkey Esma Kabasakal, Elif Bakir Gökduman, Turkey Fatima Adda Nehal, Hassiba Ben Bouali University, Algeria Çelik Barmakcı Özpulat, Zühal İnce, Yıldırım Beyazıt Hospital, Turkey TIME 28.04.2016 13:50 – 14:35 Keynote 2 TIME 28.04.2016 14:35 – 15:20 Keynote 3 TIME HALL NAME 1 Session 2 15:20– 15:40 Thursday 2 Health Promotion: The Importance of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Aging World SPEAKER Prof. Dr. Filiz Can Hacettepe University TITLE Human Values and Risk Factors in Young People Who Will Give Health Service The Relationship Between the Depression, Anxiety, Stress Levels, the suicide possibility, solution-focused thinking of University Students Family Health Center Workers’ Health Education Skills Solution Suggestions to Prevent Violence that Happens in Healthcare Institutions HALL NAME 1 HALL NAME 1 2 Session 2 16:00– 16:20 Thursday TITLE 5 TIME Session 2 16:20– 16:40 Thursday Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Rahimi Bangkok University, Thailand Knowledge and Attitudes for Blood and Organ Donation of University Students 2 TIME “Media Psychology: Attitude Change, Bias Perception and Impression Management” SPEAKER 4 Session 2 15:40– 16:00 Thursday TIME 3 TITLE 3 4 5 3 4 5 HALL NAME 1 TITLE Determination of Disability, Loneliness, and Self-Care Agency in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis The Relationship Between Depression Levels And Education Requirements Of Outpatient Psychiatric Patients Health Needs Of Mainstreaming Students in Schools Hemşirelik Eğitiminde İntörnlük Sistemine Bakış Human Values and Risk Factors in Young People who will Give Health Service TITLE Evaluation of antioxidant activity of some Algerian olive oil samples Children Abdominal Pain Cases: Parents’ Hospital Application Attitudes and Pain Control Practices Health Promoting Prisons and Children Rights Living Mothers University Students’ Attitudes Toward Natural Birth Milk with Honey is Healing After Tonsillectomy; Bleeding, Pain and Wound Healing are in a Better Condition: An Experimental Study with Control Group TITLE 3 Job Satisfaction Levels of Primary Health Care Nurses and Midwives Working in the Districts of Adapazari, Serdivan and Erenler in Sakarya The Effect of Training to Relieve Cancer Patients’ Chemotherapy Symptoms The Satisfaction Levels of Patients Using Anticoagulants 4 Pain Beliefs and Ethical Sensitivity in Pediatric Nursing 5 Mothers’ Practices with Respect to Starting Supplementary Food and Problems They Face in this Period 2 8|Page HALL NAME Main HALL NAME Main AUTHOR, AFFILIATION and COUNTRY Türkan Kadiroğlu, Atatürk University, Turkey Nevin Günaydın, Turkey Esma Kabasakal, Hacettepe Universitiy, Turkey Funda Özpulat, Öznur Sel, Sümeyra Altas, Ayşe Özdemir, Berat Güçlü, Reyhan Uğur, Ferhat Çağun, Melike Tura, Ümran Çelik Barmakçi, Selcuk University, Turkey Zühal İnce, Ümran Çelik Barmakçı, Yıldırım Beyazıt Hospital, Turkey AUTHOR, AFFILIATION and COUNTRY Esengül Kaşıkçı, Nuray Dayapoğlu, Yedi Tepe University, Turkey Nevin Günaydın, Turkey Esma Kabasakal, Elif Bakir Gökduman, Hacettepe Universitiy, Turkey Nurgül Yeşilvaş, Turrkey Türkan Kadiroğlu, Ataturk University, Turkey AUTHOR, AFFILIATION and COUNTRY Sara Naima Matlef, Algeria Fatma Gül Can, Atatürk University, Turkey Esma Kabasakal, Elif Bakir Gökduman, Hacettepe Universitiy, Turkey Handan Özcan, Turkey Eda Gülbetekin, Turkey AUTHOR, AFFILIATION and COUNTRY Ayşe Çevirme, Turkey Hilal Pekmezci Purut, Sevilay Hintistan, Turkey Esra Yildiz, Nuray Dayapoğlu, Atatürk University, Turkey Fatma Güdücü Tüfekci, Atatürk University, Turkey Sibel Öztürk, Ayfer Kara, Merak Kiliç, Esra Yildiz, Ataturk University, Turkey 16:40 – 17:00 TIME HALL NAME 1 Session 3 17:00– 17:20 Thursday 2 4 Nursing Care for Patients with Tracheostomy: Related Factors on Aspiration, Nebulization and Oxygenization Practices The Effects of Regular Physical Exercise on the Values of the Physical Properties and Body Compositions of Breast Cancer Patients in Remission HALL NAME 1 3 4 Attitudes of Nursing Students Towards Ageism 5 Türkiyede sağlıkta dönüşüm programı sonrası kritik sağlık göstergelerinin yıllara bağlı OECD ülkeleriyle karşılaştırmalı analizi HALL NAME 1 Session 3 17:20– 17:40 Thursday Session 3 17:40– 18:00 Thursday 3 4 5 6 Session 3 18:00– 18:20 Thursday TITLE Risk Factors That are Contribute Developing Low Back Pain Among Operative Room Nurses in Palestine Milk with honey is healing after tonsillectomy; bleeding, pain and wound healing are in a better condition: An experimental study with control group Diabetes Awareness of Public 2 TIME Relation Between the Individual Fears of Primary School Students and their Life Quality, Academic Success and Self-Efficacy Athletic Skill Selection Criteria of Sport Teachers Working at Lycee Comparison of Physical Activity in Individuals of Different Age Groups: Pilot study 2 TIME TITLE 3 5 TIME Coffee Break HALL NAME 1 2 3 Meral Babaoğlu, Fatma Şeyda Özbiçakçi, Dokuz Eylül University, Turkey Ayla Günal, Funda Demirtürk, Mustafa Kaya, Gaziosmanpaşa University, Turkey Meral Sertel, Saniye Aydoğan Arslan, Fatih Kurtoglu, Tezel Yildirim Şahan, Kırıkkale University, Turkey Turkan Karaca, Emine Derya Ister, Adiyaman University, Turkey Asiye Hande Uludag, Faik Ardahan, Hakan Bozcuk, Hasan Mutlu, Gazi University, Turkey AUTHOR, AFFILIATION and COUNTRY Rasmieh Nabeeh Anabtawi, Arab American University, Palestine Eda Gülbetekin, Turkey Elanur Uludağ, Gümüşhane University, Turkey Dilek Çilingir, Enes Bulut, Sevilay Hintistan, Karadeniz Technical University, University Fırat Kara, Turkey TITLE AUTHOR, AFFILIATION and COUNTRY Effects of Kefir on Quality of Life and Sleep Disturbances in Postmenopausal Women The Effect of Communication Skills in Reducing Pain among Orthopedic Patient During Physiotherapy Session at Palestinian Rehabilitation Centers Determination of Natamycin Residual Levels in Some Consumer Products by Using HPLC Method "Professionalism Features” of Internal Medicine Nursing Handan Özcan, Umran Oskay, Ali Fuat Bodo, Gumushane University, Turkey Mosab Amoudi, Arab American University, Palestine Health beliefs and self-efficacy regarding osteoporosis of women in Turkey Evaluation of The Work Related Musculoskeletal Problems on Physical Therapists Working On Different Fields TITLE The Role of the School Social Work in Preventing Drug Addiction Nursing in Rehabilitation Process 4 Relationship between Weight Pre-Pregnancy and Weight Gain During Pregnancy Investigation of Difference Between Depression, Postural Status and Upper Extremity Functional Activity Level On Smart Phone-Addictive And Non Addictive Teenagers 5 Automatic Identification of Public Health Related Turkish Tweets 9|Page AUTHOR, AFFILIATION and COUNTRY Selçuk Salim Erdoğan, Turkey Sevilay Hintistan, Burcu Topçuoğlu, Karadeniz Technical University, Univers,ty Nülüfer Erbil, Ordu University, Turkey Hatice Yakut, Hasan Kalyoncu University, Turkey AUTHOR, AFFILIATION and COUNTRY Ural Nadir, Baskent University, Turkey Bahar Kefeli Çol, Ayten Yılmaz Yavuz, Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, Turkey Sevgul Donmez, Ozlem Guner, Gaziantep University, Turkey Tezel Yildirim Sahan, Muhammed Ayhan Oral, Fatih Kurtoglu, Cevher Demirci, Sabiha Bezgin, Elif Sakizli, Kırıkkale University, Turkey Emine Ela Küçük, Kürşad Yapar, Dilek Küçük, Doğan Küçük, Giresun University, Turkey 29/04/2016, Friday TIME HALL NAME 1 Session 4 09:00– 09:20 Friday 2 3 4 5 6 Session 4 09:20– 09:40 Friday TIME HALL NAME 1 The Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Nursing Students About Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Methods: The First Results The Effects of the Nutritional Training Given To Adult Prisoners On Their Level Of Knowledge The Impact of Communication Skills Effectiveness in Reducing Pain among Orthopedic Patient During Physiotherapy Session in Palestinian Rehabilitation Centers Restless Legs Syndrome and Sleep Quality During Pregnancy Dilek Çilingir, Ceyda Uzun Şahin, Sevilay Hintistan, Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey Mukaddes Örs, University Of Amasya, Turkey Comparison of critical health indicators of Turkey after Health Development program with OECD countries The Effects of relaxation training to self-esteem in the University's graduate students TITLE Senior Nursing Students’ Levels of Entrepreneurship Hippo Therapy in Pain Management: Situation of Turkey 3 The Effect of the Z Track Technique on Pain and Drug Leakage in Intramuscular Injections Environmental Health Impact Assessment (Ehia) Process Towards Environmental Healthy for Every One Pain Beliefs and Ethical Sensitivity in Pediatric Nursing 4 6 The relationship between academic achievement and the quality of life and life expectancy HALL NAME 1 TITLE 2 Session 4 09:40– 10:00 Friday AUTHOR, AFFILIATION and COUNTRY 2 5 TIME TITLE 3 4 5 6 Silence Among Nurses: A University Hospital Sample Nutrional Knowledge Levels of Prisoners and Adult Convicts in Amasya, Turkey The Effect of Health Education On Nutritional Status and Healthy Life Style Behavior Among University Students Nosocomial Infections- Focus On the Role of the Environment at The Regional Hospital of Korca, Albania, During 2011-2015 Hemodynamic Response After Exercise of Acute Stroke Patients predicting marital satisfaction based on attachment styles and emotional intelligence 10 | P a g e Rasmieh Nabeeh Anabtawi, Mosab Amoudi, Arab American University, Palestine Semiha Aydın Özkan, Gülay Rathfisch, Özlem Karabulut, Turkan Karaca, Adiyaman University, Turkey Fırat Kara, Turkey Mansour Abdi, Hamideh Aarabi, Hassan Heydari, Iran AUTHOR, AFFILIATION and COUNTRY Havva Öztürk, Esra Çaylak, Ayşegül Sarıoğlu Kemer, Çiğdem Gamze Özkan, Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey Kemal Yılmaz, Dilek Yılmaz, Gülşen Goncagül, Erdener Balıkçı, Uludag University, Turkey Dilek Yılmaz, Leyla Khorshıd, Yasemin Dedeoğlu, Ege University, Turkey Vijayan Gurumurthy Iyer, India Fatma Güdücü Tüfekci, Atatürk University, Turkey Seyed Mohsen Hojjat Khah, Mansour Abdi, Rashed Rashed Yousefi, Iran AUTHOR, AFFILIATION and COUNTRY Esra Çaylak, Serap Altuntaş, Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey Mukaddes Örs, Indrani Kalkan, University of Amasya, Turkey Aliye Özenoğlu, Tuba Yalniz, Zeynep Uzdil, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Turkey Zhinzela Qyli, University of Korca Meltem Koç, Turkey Mehdi Zare Bahramabadi, zainab Khosrvi, Mansour Abdi, Iran TIME HALL NAME 1 Session 4 10:00– 10:20 Friday 2 3 4 5 6 TITLE The Evaluatıon of Spırıtual Care Interventıons of the Nurses Throughout the Carıng Process Leadership Initiative in Effects of Parent Attitudes On Children’s Behaviors The Nutritional Characteristics of Greenhouse Workers Exposed to Intensive Pesticides and Determining the Levels of Xanthine Oxidase, Nitric Oxide and Arylesterase in Their Blood The Investigation of Turkey Health Sector Status and The Effects of Steam for Bacteria On the Medical Waste Sterilization; Afyonkarahisar Case Study Comparison of Awareness of the Primary School Students about Physical Education and Sports Lesson According to Gender Prediction of drug tendency use to on the basis of religious orientation and thrill-seeking of students 10:20 – 10:40 TIME 29.04.2016 10:40 – 11:20 Keynote 4 Session 5 11:20– 11:40 Friday TIME HALL NAME 1 2 3 4 5 TIME HALL NAME 1 ,Session 5 11:40– 12:00 Friday 2 3 4 5 6 AUTHOR, AFFILIATION and COUNTRY Yunus Pamukoğlu, Emrullah Güllük, Süleyman Demirel University, Turkey Mustafa Kaya, Funda Demirtürk, Ayla Günal, Gaziosmanpaşa University, Turkey Mohammad salehi, Mansour Abdi, Iran Coffee Break TITLE Publishing in High Impact Factor International Journals; with Present Examples SPEAKER Prof. Dr. Huseyin Uzunboylu Assist. Prof. Dr. Deniz Ozcan Near East University, Cyprus TITLE Children Abdominal Pain Cases: Parents’ Hospital Application Attitudes and Pain Control Practices Men’s Conditions of Utilising Family Health Centre and Determining Effective Factors Determining the Factors Affecting Labor Productivity of Nurses Nurses’ Attempts Towards Reducing Unwanted Noise That Interferes with Their Clinical Work The Effect of Energy Drink and Supplement Food Consumption on Children and Youths TITLE The Incidious Danger in Health: Antibiotic Resistance Determining the Status of Nursing Students Tostart Using Antibiotics by Their Own Investigation of the Relationship between Peer Victimization and Quality of Life in School-Age Adolescents The Connection between Social Support and Caregiver Burden and Life Satisfaction of the Parents Whose Children Have Congenital Heart Disease Comparing the peer-led and adult-led education to promote a healthy diet among Turkish school children Investigation of Quality of Life and Job Satisfaction of Women Working in the Health Field The relationship between fathers emotional intelligence and marital satisfaction with adolescent self-esteem and mental health 11 | P a g e Birsel Canan Demirbağ, Çigdem Gamze Özkan, Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey Şebnem Aslan, Hatice Yalçın, Nilgün Caner Sarp, Demet Akarçay Ulutaş, Turkey Serdal Öğüt, Ebru Ture, Fatih Gültekin, Turkey HALL NAME Main AUTHOR, AFFILIATION and COUNTRY Fatma Gül Can, Atatürk University, Turkey Selma Kahraman, Turkey Yurdanur Dikmen, Dilek Yılmaz, Sakarya University, Turkey Birsel Canan Demirbağ, Sevilay Hintistan, Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey Selvinaz Saçan, Derya Adibelli, Adnan Menderes University, Turkey AUTHOR, AFFILIATION and COUNTRY Kıvanç Güngör, Pınar Göv, Sevgul Donmez, Gaziantep University, Turkey Ayla Hendekci, Atatürk University, Turkey Fatma Güdücü Tüfekci, Atatürk University, Turkey Meryem Öztürk Haney, Akgün Yeşiltepe, Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey Seda Karaca, Turkey Hassan Heydari, Ali Rasouli, Seyed Ali Aleyasin, Mansour Abdi, Iran TIME HALL NAME 1 Session 5 12:00– 12:20 Friday 2 3 4 5 6 HALL NAME 1 Session 5 12:20– 12:40 Friday TIME 2 3 4 5 6 HALL NAME 1 2 Session 5 12:40– 13:00 Friday TIME 3 4 TITLE AUTHOR, AFFILIATION and COUNTRY Assessment of Radiation Protection Level Among Patients in Jenin CityPalestine Body weight and associations with eating problems and physical activity in Turkish college students Examining the Relation between Dyspnea, Fatigue, Kynophobia and Quality of Life in Coronary Artery Patients To Investigate on Physical Activity and Fatigue Level of Students in Health Sciences Mohammad A. Aljamal, Arab American University, Palestine Meryem Öztürk Haney, Demet Öztürk, Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey Eylem Tütün Yümin, Alp Özel, Asuman Saltan, Abant Izzet Baysal University, Turkey Semra Oğuz, Aysel Yildiz, Saadet Ufuk Yurdalan, Mine Gülden Polat, Marmara University, Turkey Dilek Kiliç, Atatürk University, Turkey Determining Health Beliefs and Attitudes towards Prostate Cancer Scans in Individuals Over 40 Relationship between mindfulness, coping and perceived stress with quality of life in multiple sclerosis patient TITLE AUTHOR, AFFILIATION and COUNTRY Difficulties Experienced by Nursing Students in Using Diagnosis of NANDA at Care Management The relationship between exposured domestic violence, depressive symptoms and submissive behaviors of women Reliability Study of the Turkish Translation of the Stressors in Students Scale Cold atmospheric plasma may be a potential alternative for the decontamination of hospital inanimate surfaces Lean Hospital Approach in Health Care People with AIDS judgment biase based on the availibility heuristic assumption TITLE 5 Awareness of public in practicing and prevalence of medical and herbal plants in Turkey 6 AIDS paitients with depression performance in autobiographical memory 12 | P a g e Melek Ardahan, Hatice Şimşek, Gülcan Taşkıran, Fatma Savan, Ebru Konal, Süheyla Özsoy, Ege University, Turkey Nülüfer Erbil, Ordu University, Turkey Duygu Bayraktar, Ege University, Turkey Ayse Akbiyik, Ege University, Turkey Haluk Sengun, Bahçeşehir Üniversity, Turkey Akram Hasani, Fatemeh Abasi, Mansour Abdi, Iran AUTHOR, AFFILIATION and COUNTRY Clarify of caring Self-efficacy perception in Iranian pediatric nurses: A qualitative study Relationship between Pain, Functionality Level and Quality of Life in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain Leadership Levels of Nursing Students 13:00 – 13:50 Akram Hasani, Mansour Abdi, Neda nazhadhamdi, Iran Lunch Break Azam Alavi, Masoud Bahrami, Ali ZarghamBoroujeni, Islamic Azad University, Turkey Gonul Ertunc, Aysel Yildiz, Marmara University, Turkey Esra Çaylak, Ayşegül Sarıoğlu Kemer, Yeter Kurt, Havva Öztürk, Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey Adem Karahoca, Dilek Karahoca, Ayça Kurnaz, Haluk Şengün, Nilgün Sarp, Bahcesehir University, Turkey Akram Hasani, Fatemeh Abasi, Mansour Abdi, Iran TIME 29.04.2016 13:50 – 14:35 Keynote 5 TIME 29.04.2016 14:35 – 15:20 Keynote 6 Session 6 15:20– 15:40 Friday TIME HALL NAME 1 2 Session 6 15:40– 16:00 Friday Session 6 16:00– 16:20 Friday Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Rahimi Bangkok University, Thailand TITLE “Happines: From Philosphy to the Science” SPEAKER Prof. Dr. Tulay Bozkurt Istanbul Kultur University TITLE Main HALL NAME Main AUTHOR, AFFILIATION and COUNTRY Factors Affecting Choice of Profession Of 1st Grade Nursing Students 4 Non-Pharmacological Methods Used in the Management of Pain Caused by Peripheral Intravenous Catheters The investigation the anticoagulant satisfaction levels of cardiac failure patients Positive psychotherapy training on self-acceptance and positive relationships TITLE AUTHOR, AFFILIATION and COUNTRY HALL NAME 1 2 3 The Role of Assistive Device Usage on Functional Independent in People who Live in Nursing Homes HALL NAME 3 6 TIME Qualitative and Quantitative Research Designs: Pulses, Pitfalls and Epiphany SPEAKER Asuman Saltan, Mümine Kalındemirtaşküçük, Yalova University, Turkey Kadriye Özkol Kilinç, Esra Çaylak, Ayşegül Sarioğlu Kemer, Havva Öztürk, Karadeniz Technical University, turkey Dilek Yılmaz, Yurdanur Dikmen, Uludag University, Turkey Esra Yildiz, Nuray Dayapoğlu, Atatürk University, Turkey Bagher Kayedkhorde, Seyed Saeid Mousavi, Mansour Abdi, Iran 5 TIME TITLE Difficulties experienced by nursing students about nursing process and diagnostics 4 Survey of toxoplasmosis prevalence and associated risk factors in Khoy city, Iran: based on Electrochemiluminescence (ECLIA) method Mobbing in Nurses 5 The Effects of Vancomycin and Daptomycin on Rat Liver 6 The compare effectiveness of two therapeutic methods of NLP and biofeedback on reducing of depression HALL NAME 1 2 TITLE AUTHOR, AFFILIATION and COUNTRY Is Dynamic Balance During Additional Cognitive Task Different In Male And Female Individuals Sabiha Bezgin, Cevher Demirci, Tezel Yıldırım Şahan, Elif Sakızlı, Muhammed Ayhan Oral, Fatih Kurtoğlu, Kırıkkale University,Turkey Münire Sibel Çetin, Gülseren Karabay, Hasan Öztürk, Gülseren Kurumer, Dokuz Eylül University, Turkey Sohrab Rasouli, Islamic Azad University, Iran 3 The Comfort Expectations Of Office Workers And Their Discomforts Originated From Chair 4 An epidemiologic survey on human toxoplasmosis using ELISA method in Maku city, Iran Osteoporosis Knowledge, Health Beliefs and Risk Factors of Individuals Desired of Bone Mineral Density comparison between drug treatment and with camp withhold based to the degree of addicts tempetation 5 6 Yeter Kurt, Çiğdem Gamze Özkan, Betül Bayrak, Ayşegül Sarıoğlu Kemer, Havva Öztürk, Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey Kaveh Azimzadeh, Islamic Azad University, Iran Hava Gökdere Çinar, Ayşe Çiçek, Dilek Yılmaz, Uludag University, Turkey Fatma Selvi, Gonca Ozan, Mehmet Ali Kisaçam, Kadir Servi, Fırat University, Turkey Mahboobeh Asghari, Mansour Abdi, Iran 13 | P a g e Dilek Kiliç, Atatürk University, Turkey Mansour Abdi, Akbar Khanjani, Seyed Ali Aleyasin, Iran HALL NAME 1 2 Session 6 16:20– 16:40 Friday TIME 3 4 5 6 TITLE AUTHOR, AFFILIATION and COUNTRY The relationship between core muscles endurance and physical activity in healthy university students: A pilot study Cevher Demirci, Elif Sakızlı, Sabiha Bezgin, Tezel Yıldırım Şahan, Fatih Kurtoğlu, Muhammed Ayhan Oral, Kırıkkale University, Turkey Mehmet Pekkaya, Bülent Ecevit University, Turkey Evaluation of Healthcare Service Quality via SERVQUAL Scale: An Application on a Hospital A Smart Phone Application for Monitoring of Chronic Disease at Home Effectiveness of positive psychology interventions oriented towards quality 16:40 – 17:00 TIME HALL NAME 1 Session 7 17:00– 17:20 Friday 2 Session 7 17:20– 17:40 Friday TIME Coffee Break TITLE Determination of The İnstitutional Cultural Trends of Nurses and Midwives who are Working at First Step Health Care Services Does Cranial Manipulation Effect Postural Stability in Parkinson’s Disease: A Case Report 3 Determination of Perception Levels of Student Nurses About Nursing Diagnosis 4 Interaction Between Kinesophobia and Physical Activity Level 5 Peer Victimisation and Quality of Life in the School Age Adolescent HALL NAME 1 2 3 4 5 TITLE Kinesophobia Effects of Surgery in Patients with Knee Problems Smelling Amniotic Fluid to Preterm Infants During Peripheral Cannulation; Improves Comfort and Reduces Crying Duration: An Experimental Study with Contol Group Study of The Relationship Between Nutritional Attitude of Primary School Students and Child Feeding Attitude of the Parents Prevalence of Depression in Elder Individuals in Turkey and the Affecting Factors 14 | P a g e Diclehan - Özçetin, Alp Kut, Dokuz Eylül University, Turkey Mansour Abdi, Saeid Ghadiri Foroshani, Seyed Ali Aleyasin, Iran AUTHOR, AFFILIATION and COUNTRY Ahmet Seven, Ayşe Çevirme, Sakarya University, Turkey Muhammed Ayhan Oral, Cevher Demirci, Tezel Yıldırım Şahan, Fatih Kurtoğlu, Elif Sakızlı, Sabiha Bezgin, Kırıkkale University, Turkey Çiğdem Gamze Özkan, Kadriye Özkol Kılınç, Yeter Kurt, Esra Çaylak, Havva Öztürk, Karadeniz Technical Univeristy, Turkey Gonul Ertunc, Onur Aydin, Aysel Yildiz, Turkey Ayla Hendekci, Atatürk University, Turkey AUTHOR, AFFILIATION and COUNTRY Onur Aydin, Gonul Ertunc, Aysel Yildiz, Okan University, Turkey Dilek Küçük Alemdar, Giresun University, Turkey Özlem Çağan, Alaettin Ünsal, Aziz Soysal, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Turkey Funda Özpulat, Selcuk University, Turkey TIME HALL NAME 1 Session 7 17:40– 18:00 Friday 2 3 4 5 6 TITLE AUTHOR, AFFILIATION and COUNTRY A comparison –variables of quality of life and personality traits and resiliency in emergency and medial ward nurses Risk Factors, Prediction and Awareness of Cardiovascular Diseases in The Population of Turkey’s Northeast Region: Findings from a Population-based Study The effectiveness of positive psychology perspective on religious orientation and psychological well-being Examining The Ice Creams Offered for Sale in Istanbul in Terms of Listeria Monocytogenes and Enterobacteriaceae Existence Condition of Street Children in Turkey Determination of Clostridium SPP and Other Bacteria in Some Foods by Microbiological and Mass Spectrometry Methods Mansour Abdi, Fatemeh Abasi, Iran Ayfer Bayindir Cevik, Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, Turkey Mansour Abdi, Mahmoud Rezaeian, Seyed Ali Aleyasin, Iran Volkan Abdünnur, Burcu Çakmak, Haydar Özpınar, Turkey Funda Özpulat, Selcuk University, Turkey Seniha Yilmaz, Ismail Hakki Tekiner, Haydar Özpinar, Aydin University, Turkey 29.04.2016 18:00 – 18:20 Closing Ceremony Main 29.04.2016 20:00 – 23:00 Gala Dinner 30.04.2016 09:00 – 17:00 The Tour of Ephesus Historical Places VIRTUAL PRESENTATIONS PROGRAM TIME 11:00 – 11:20 Thursday POSTER TITLE Situational Analysis On Health And Safety In North Cyprus TIME 11:00 – 12:00 Thursday 11:00 – 12:00 Thursday 11:00 – 12:00 Thursday 11:00 – 12:00 Thursday 11:00 – 12:00 Thursday POSTER TITLE Clinic Pilates Exercises' Effects on Deppessive Symptoms of Healthy Women: A Pilot Study Assessment of Job Satisfaction and Physical Activity Level Among Nurses Who Works in Neurosurgery Clinics Evaluation of Patient with lymphedema Physiotherapy Practice: Case Report Evaluation of Patients with Tay- Sach Disease Physiotherapy Practice: Case Report The İnvestigation of Sexual Function of Patients Who Underwent Surgery Due to Gynecological Cancer Diagnosis and Received Brachytherapy Physical Activity Level and Obesity in Physiotherapy Students AUTHORS Huseyin Baykan, Near East University, North Cyprus POSTERS PROGRAM 14:00 – 15:00 Friday 15 | P a g e AUTHORS Seda Karaca, Turkey Leyla Biçen, Sema Özberk, Dokuz Eylül University, Turkey Çağtay Maden, Tuba Kaplan, Hatice Yakut, Hasan Kalyoncu University, Turkey Tuba Kaplan, Hatice Yakut, Çağtay Maden, Hasan Kalyoncu University, Turkey Özlem Güner, Özlem Güner, Nigar Çelik, Süreyya Gümüşsoy, Aynur Saruhan, Oya Kavlak, Ege University, Turkey Aysel Yildiz, Semra Oğuz, Saadet Ufuk Yurdalan, Mine Gülden Polat, Marmara University, Turkey
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