M.W. Grand Lodge
M.W. Grand Lodge
/ 2760 No. 1 olirnrcr N..- r/-y'1-*- Please note.-Ma,ke oue report tor the Grand Secrehry. Ma,ke one reDort to the lodge. Keep one book lor you ne$ yea,t's vork. 19V2 \-' , BETUBN OF :; ------.L-o-yINqI9-N----.---------- ' Lodde No..22&--.------ For the goa,r onillng Maf 91. A. D. 1972 M.W. Grand Lodge A. F. arrp A. M. OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS ,*urffi, obsorvo tho r,aws, Ploase Beail, Bulos aod Dirocdoas on the Following Pagos lo, v t ' Jut{ 1 t €72 1a7E Ple.se reoember that the remittance for lnstf UCtlOnS.' Grand Lodge Due musrr be sent with yo,r retums. Ordiaarity no warrant should be &awn except by vote of the lodge but in the matter of Grand Lodge Dues the lodge has no disoetion; they are 6xed by t.he Grand Lodge and must accompaly the an- nual repct. Exhacts hom Grand todge By-Laws ADnual *"rr*, * Lodgos M9, Tbe fiscal year of all constituent lodge shall commence on the first day of June and end on the tlirty-first day of May of each yea,r, and the returns of work, and the payment of Grand Lodge due, shall be made accordingly. 4iI0. The returns of each lodge, together with the Grand Lodge dues, shall be filed with and paid to the grand secretary on or before tho first day of July of each year. r . 431. If the rotu:rns of a lodge a,ro aot made, and all Grand Loilge dues fully paid on or before tho ffftoenth day of July of e&ch year, tho representative of such deliDquent lodge sha,ll not be paid a,roy mileege or per diem. The dues must sccompany the retuns. 4j}2. Returns of lodge shall be transmitted to the grand seeretary by mail, express, or other reliablo expeditious rnanner. 4i'4. Tho returns of lodges shall be signed by the master and secretar5r and attested under the seal of the lodge. Annual Duos ot Lodges 436. Every lodge in this jurisdictioq on or before the first day of July each year, shall pay into the treasury of the Grand Lodge, through tho Grand SecretarSr, the sum of three dollars for each Master Mason belonglng to such lodgo at the time of making the annual returns: Provided, no lodge shall be required to pay Grand Lodgo dues upon any member who has been legally declared to bs insane or while in the Illinois Masonic Ilome, or who is confined in a publie institution for tho indigont, or who has been a Mason in goocl standing for fifty (50) years or more. Of this three dollarc, one dollar and twonty-fivo cents shall be for tho General Fund, and one dollar and seventy-flve cents for the Charity Fund, subject to such appropriations from time to time as the Grand Lodge may direct. (See Code 166E.) Goorge lPashingtou Memorial Fund 356. Each lodge shall collest the sum of 91.00 from each candidate receiving the Master Mason's degree. The sum shall be remitted to the Grand Secretary with the annual report, held by the latter in a separate fund and the a,mount so collected each year shall be paiC by him on or before February 22 to the George Washington Ma.sonic National Memorial Association, provided that any Lodgo may elect to pay said srrm from its treasur5r. J - BEIX'BN OT Lovington Lovington L@Ed "* Cot-ty, for tte ycar aoooeadry Juae rEE r 228 D. f97l sld.a;llng May 31, 1972. STATED UESrIT{O8 -_ Thlrd Saturday of Placc of nccong--- d.tahd g6 r.__Mo_qUrie 1, A. erc hetd No. r onrcp - each nonth 4ovinqton Masoaic Hal-I Eecdrgr Uaa-f2- No. of epedat ueelfngs hcld--g-- TEE ANNTIAI, E.ECTION 1"146o. December thc dlgtanc &o,m thl! Idge b 18. Chicago L971 l. 2@ OFFIOEBS onae---3e,--aayor Januery :, worrhtpfrrl na.*o Cqro1 G. Clark ta"tatlcd Scdc \llardeo.. Keaneth A. woae.. Trcarurcr . lnalo - SecretaEl Chaofah------- RL]-eY JerrTr D.. Elmore Blf ly E. -Waarf WllLie B. l,rl{ .- Elliott I I i am trr- Moqrl;rwB ldalter A. Brewer (/ JudsDca@-- BnI-bR- Melsee S.a-S futr i.n Marehst Robert E. Lons Tylcr. Eorace D. Gnav ,-D. tgJ2- _:i:-.; a IniHstsd, Passsd anrl Ba,tsed Shee llJlay 31, LSI1 2-a IIIXDI,ATED, PASSED AIID BAIB@ Juae l, 1971 to May lffitaclude alt rmGnfshed.work from -This -oftei 1972- _UEfitrtshed wotk iacludes elected app-UcaDt8 wlo !9ve uot bm lDldated' information is -31, needed by the Grand S€cretary and would be iovaluable ln case the recorde and i"tiJ-c""*s. uot.rE f,ffiJ-Oot ta U. aust"oyea. Use Sgures for &tes, for instance: Wrtte 3-4-'72 for March 4, 1972, i; ""*.oticeo "f Pa@dlnadl O"ordo theso btsnlE cmn thorgb PIac! of Bktb yo haru scDdtcd Ddcatur FI F (D !l it Fr GA .l E o a, ;l a o a ,E, c? at c t €o Ia fr qt o gCt E AIID BAISED to May 1972. 1971 1, from work unfaished all Jrme BglqcLtde !1, _U-Diai€hed wort_iacludes elected appllcants wlo !4ve not beea iaitiated, -This ioformation is-ofiten oeeded by the Grand Secretary aad would be lnvaluable ia case the records aad fellowcrafts. il-t...n l6<iee should be destroyed. Use figures for dates, for lnstaace: Wrtte 3'4-72 for March 4, 1972. of vo* "ooreatices TIITXIATEID. PASSED Placa th6s bl@b c?ea thoqh you bsYe rceortca dBht 2-c Irtfistoq Passed anil Balsed Slnce Mny 91, 181 Bolrsbtod Stnce llflsy 31, 1971 Affllsted Slaoe DaEc( Brth Xlfioy 81, 1971 &Afilteted *a TTS: ATTILIA:IED Fttl Evety Btank on These Tvo Psgss oppcite the _'rp.l6 you write q t!3t the Grand Secretar5z'e ir lllinoi!' shall have a GoBDloto record of ever5l Mason OlYc Drt6 tBd PbGc ol Blrth o! P.8c a oftce I I' &FU I SusBeudeil lor N. P. D. Stnoe IYIay 81, 1g?1 ruspcnded for ualgeoqic coodlct, record ou thtr p6gg aaEc a! tbou.h augpeoAea for N. P. D. Check opposite aame lo coluon ir4,ir slve teEole "o6 DglaSuiEdal Bemarts anal Eelaoafions N(}IE -SPcc& Nocr dtbc o eho or ffiFt ao h BclaffoD to Workn Menbcrshlp, Etc. d .*.l-ar-. Gtod ladrc by Cod.435 dtrca il*zur--* % AZZ.-Z A l, to cC dqrrcr cr pdd -A.aa/ 2"r4;Z ztu ,)' I Erpelled Siuce May 31' 10?1 a !a : Botected lor Degrees Sfuoe (Do lot rEttE@o!tu NA!/IAS EC rm.L XVIay 81, 1971 @do) DEIBd nd..d6 Dh$teil ISAMES Stuco iln&y 91,1971 IN T'UI.II DdtUffG.l Dled Since May 31, 1971 NIIIIES IN Ft'L& hdDc3th IXed Since May 81, 1971 NAIIIE IN TUI.L Date dDeatl Ilfty-Year Mombers List below ttre nameo of your membets who were Masoas in good Sarding for 6ffy yeam or more oa or before May 31, 1972. Read iastructions @ page 3 of enclced circular. NAME IN TIULL No JEarnest E. ,ifiona" L. .Aechermann Corn h" Y ,/rn M. Browa "" ,/*oo D. Kearney lro* E. Mcrntlre lig""o""a L. . /r*"" Reeee t,il. salLine ,',lP^ot R. smlth I / r*.uB. 1 15 .16 \- tz 1 2t wood ll Fifty-Yea,r Members List betow $g aamgg of your membef,s who wrc Masoas tB good staoa4 for 6fty years or Elotre (m or befce Iday 31, L972. Read instnrctions oo page 3 of eaclosed circtrlar. NAMES IN TULI. : trttty-Iea'r=Msmbers List belos tte na[s of your aieobersrho were Masms ln good stmdllg fo fifly yearl tr oori: oi'cr b€f6e Msy 3t, t972. Reart " Grtnrcdms or pgBe 3'of enctceal drctilar. , ISAUEE , IN rI'I;L . : u-b . : F$ty-Iear&Xembsrs __ List belqs {te raaes of your Bgq@ l$o *q9,!4asgos g.good stasdiog for 6&y,vexrs or tuore m c befoe May-3ft 1972.: Read tastructioad m page 3 of endeed circolgr. , , .' :. ' ',,- r .. , ![ArlEs r!{ rur.& , - Fifty-fea,r 'tembers Llst belqw the rqnes of your rcelftClifoho sere lttasme lrr good gtadtng fo 6fty years or m6e oa or before llay 31, 1972. Read inmtrctioos o page 3 of eoclos€d circula. IIAMTS I! TULL nd tlf- IIAMES IN FT'I.IT {+9l-*,< 7rw '/ l" "/t ,,// " /-l % :/r/, ; trzt( "/( f'"f vH-zu<_, f^ -ar ryyKfr*lt *(":l-T'ffirf4V""--'l-'{* -f u ' n&mr_ r--tr et< T t/n ry :"n.rn ) * 47 ry* ,r/ ',rnnanq '47 ry L2"),*pry\if/r*1 / :; {r-' / / %',f'' 4f'72* ,ruTe 4rar,/---,*vi14,;r*** -'yf I r r ry,?^ a-,./\<,' r* Jrrffe "1//",',w( . '/{/ ' 4q t'. .*1-fu,yU{ vt / i; t n / / 6 t'7 4.y r i*/2 .fr h* o /- s'roNITTr 'NorcNrAoT '"',/-''/t/ 4,':fo4 q "1 /'t',! Ewoca*tL s^va.rv s&onrsrL (& d\CF W lt+tto6 ttrDg lo |uguaag fiop"rnpg p.tgt1tr |qpay to1n\ag V 't{'A8'rt2'U nCC'oY , rr-t?/ffi lr) / 'no t@V uoft'4?'ru7 ffi7Vr*7 n July f,, 10?2 Mr. 1t'illl* S. 8l,liatt, Secry i.ovington Lcdge !.Yo. 928 Eoute }io, :? Lovlngton, Bltibls - 61S3? 'fllear rother EUil:tt: in ee*ordancs wlth out letter of August lB and your reply of August 34, 1S71, {see attaeJted cople*} we have *,declrreteC mi ffor error" on the reeap{tutatlen af your. lg?B Annuatr Heport to *dJuet for the irecxrrrect entry ln l$$8. ;lttaehed ie a corrected reeepltulettorr page showing the tstal dtre for l$?3 as bei,ng g4+8. $0. you remltted S*li,00, ,ilhi;h leavea an overyayrnent of $3. r3s" Credit for thls arnsuat m*ry tre taker on Arurua! Hepor* fon next ys&r, or a check for refund wilt be inail,ed orr your nequeot" ,$lnce rely antl fretornelly. Paol B. i:tepliere firand fiecnetary PHS ::tCh August 13, l9?l Mr. Willle B. Elllott, Seety Lovlngton Lodge No. 228 Route No. ? Lovlngton, Illtnols - 61937 Dear Brotlrer Elllott: We show the followlng for Leonerd Carl Dick: Borrn - October 29, L9ZZ, At - Hammond, [ltnots Elected to reeelve the degrees - Deeember l?, lg43; Intflated January 10, 1944, ln Lovington Lodge No. Z2g. - A Fellor craft degree date ls not recorded tn the Annuel Reporte on flle ln thte offlce. The error ln your membershlp eount has been foundl In the 1969 Annuel Report, it ls shown t}at Br"other Lyle "Edward wllklnson afflllated by dimtt on March li, 1969. The t9?0 Annual Beport gl,vee t}e afftllation date of July B, 1969, for Brother wllkfneon. I{e came to our Jurlsdtcilon from lowa. pleaee advlae whlctr le the correct date of affllletton, Since Brother Wilkinrson has been added to ;rour menberehlp eourt twlce tn two coosecu$ve Annual Reports, Fu Llll need to adJust your recapltuletion next Jreer. "Dlduct oie for errorrr rnd take credlt for Grand Lodge dues es "less arnount onerpald ln former Jreargtt for the proper amorutt. Slncerely end fraternally. PRS mch Paul R. Stephens Grand Secretary -ii" t- s/11/71 TC;: Secretary of Lovington Lodge No. 228 '' This is to ackaowledge receipt of your list of their addresses' They will be members anclttNewslettertr mailing as soon as addecl to oul' Possible. Theotlrerlternsinyourletterwil].betakencare of seParatelY. mch r ^' * r,^.j e,. i,iF.t q.r' a_ r,.q';''ii{:.'illl,t ,.-1{ # ZZ8 AF & ILLIN0IS 61917 LOVINGTT'N LODGE LOVINGTtr'N, " ild i"-,.i-, nl, ' 'irr' AM ii /Adcock, Kenneth Lester /Albert, Eugene John t'nlexander, Ora V t , ,'_ 4robrust, Rev. Wayne Iilnuad -Auer t ilarold Bichard '4aiLey, Everett Mitchell XBarnhardt. Henry Herschel 4ehen, Clavton Cleo Jesse Stephen "4ehen, y'{ender, Kenneth DonaLd ,-dinder, Johnnie Williarn 'r,dlcknel"I. Herbert l'layes .-B-ieknell. Ilerbert Fowell r,'Blcknell, Joseph Scott Robert Eugene "{B1ythe. ,z6o1sen. Donald Wayne w6o]sen, John Wessel ' r,r6ovets, Francis Eugene ,z6owers I : IIAIIgID e''Francis rf,Bowers, Steven Gene t nug Leonard. Blaine , Arever, vrlalter Augustus ' ' ,, , ,drooke, Herbert Bae ,rtfrattrrarr, Gerald .4rewer, Thomas r4Jark, Carol Gene 4ochran, Ellsworth Allen . . : xCoslow, Herbert Jess tCrowder, iowell Eldon Harrxr r,-Curryl EaroIa JeaIi'% /Cummins, Max Albert XDivis, Wayne. Harlan fOicU, Leonard CarI a$l:ck. Rlcharcl Sam r-finond, tlilliam Ellis XDyer, Bert Enery r,.€adie, Floyd'Robert r,,4rtiott,.l'Jlllie B. u4l.more. hev. Jerry DaJ.e rzGvans. Dick GIen -:'-Evans, Donal.d XEv"ns. Lawrenoe Robert !/Friesnir, James E. 4revision, #e, -' - :: ' Hoover .zCoventry, Edward Ky1e, rzCoward, Leonard DeSarte !tr!g:.r'.{Yi Thonas R. R. #1, Lovington, I1I. 6L91? Lovington, I1I. 6L937 3r4 E. Pierson St., Decatur, r]-t. 62526 J28 N. Main st.. Rankinr I11. 6,0960 Hammond, TL1. 6L929 Lovingtn. I11. 6191? l,obington, II1. 61917 Lovington, rI1. Lovington, f11. 12 6L937 : 6193? Virginia Dr., Lovington, I11.'5L917 Hammond.r,, IU. 519?9 t605 Barrington; Decatur. I:,.]-. 62526 Lovingtonr I11. 5t9lZ Lovington, I11. 61937 Lovington, I11. 5L937 Lovington, I11". 6L937 R..#L, Lake City, ]]-].. Lovingtonr I11. 6t912 425 s. uVYlu69YuI Edward, Decatur, 61935 l rLL. 62522 frfa FTU2 B5]7658UStt USS Cochrane DDG2I Fox Div PO San Francisco, Calif 956Of R. lL, Box 29O-A, Orange, Texas 77670 Lovingtonr II1. 6L937 R, #1r Lovington' Il1. 61917 l+ovingtonr I11. 6L917 Lovington, II1. 6L9ir7 R. //Lr Lovington, III. 6L91? Lovingtonr Il-1. 6L917 Lovington, Itrl. 61917 Lovingtonr I1l. 61917 Sullivan, ]j-t. 6L951 ]14 Karen Ave., Neptuner N. Atwood. rlr. -Lovingtoa+ JI}+_5_192? .-.:-* J. O??51 6L911 Lovington, I11. 6iiglZ Lovington' fll-. 6].?1? " ' ;*+*:.i - r,--.: 88O2 n. IOu St., Indianapolisr'Ind. 4621? RB, Hammond, I11' 6L929 Paxton, ],Ll. 6095? Hammond, I11. 61929 R. #2, Lovington! I11. 61937 Lovingtonr I11. 6L937 Lovingtonr I11. 6L9r7 958 N. Main St,, Ddcaturr Lake Clty, ILL. 6L935 Lovingtonr I1I. 6L9r7 Maroa, Il:]r, 6t?56 IIl. 62523 -,]::, ;a 2& rli * J f,Faganr GeraLd ..farris, Edward ILL. 61929 R. #4, Memphis, Mo. 63555 Lovington, I11. 6L9r? zfoster, David Blaine 4rancila, Henry Jacob Lovington, I11. ,.doffman, Fred Behen ,zlloovet, Earl Dwight ,/rloover, John Karl zdoover, Karl Max .zfloward, Clarence Dearr ennings, Flarvin Gerald "dohnson, William Peter rz?,eartey, Fred Foster rl,ambriin. John Richmond ,-6egge, William Bruce XLong' Alvin omer tzLongt Ralph Herbert YLonB, Robert Eugene y'Lowe r, Lester ivilliam ,zTove, Robert rdarren ,zT.ust, Leonard Charles tz-Lyot, Emory Paul r.z1{cBride, Ira XMcCoy, Hubert William r,-XcCulley, teslie Everett 4cMann, Harold Edward ,zfrct4ulLLn, Leonard l.Jarden vfiahannah, AIva Dean -*Xlteadowsr. William Erank " u,Moberly, Jesse Lewis Xl,[ol-zen, Ralph Roger vfiuact., Jospph Curtis t.fryets, Vernon Ralph .-dewberry, Donald DaIe r--Ohlerr'Kenneth G. tzPowellr Duane llarl t-Powellr Everett ' i',, u.?iicer Roy'Allen 4a!:rley.- Jasper Ebb , Box 267', Hammond,, Vernon Edward ,z-flave1, VJilliam -f'oreman, Bobby Linn ,z{)ale, 'lhomas fJwen t,,Craham, Lloyd ita,rid 4rant, Byron l4111ard v$ray, Horace Dale rzCregory, Bryan Trumbull r-llarrison, Lyle Lux "-Hanilton, Lawrenee Dale ,.densler, Harry Nelson ---llesler, Claude Oral uzEesler, Earl Ralston XHeultt, i,Jillian Charles ;;..:::-t- " L.* .1 a- rzfieeee, Bernard teon ,-deeeer, Clifford Talmadge r-feed, John Ri)-ey ' r,d{}sy, Kenneth Austin , "4uff , Cecil Leroy Hammondr Lovin64ton f11. 5lg2g r I1I. 61917 6L917 6Lq3? tovington, I11. S. ztl Ave., Kankakee, 111. 6090l BO4 Lovington, I1I. 6L91? Lovingtonr I11. 6L937 Lovington, f11. 6tglZ Lovingtonr Il1. 61937 Box 418, Decaturi I11. 6?521, pd 6 915 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., San Anselmo, CaI I4oo w. Main St., Decatur, III. 6ZrzZ Argenta, I11. 525OI Lovingtonr I11. 6L9r7 Lovington, I1l. 6L937 1255 Parsons Dr., Santa Rosa. Ca1 954O4 14124 S.E. 45s St., Bellevue, Wash. 98004 Lovingtonr I11. 6L9r7 Lovington, I11. 6tg3Z i,euing- "*j. :._: __ 9496C c/o ChayJ3s Scott Johnson, MonticelLo, II1 5f8:g s. Pine St., Arthur, I11. 61911 405 Lovington, I1I. 6t%Z Bryan, Normal, II1. 6125I 8O4 r I11. (11929 I11. 61929 III. 6L9Zg II1. 6L929 Hamnond, I1I. 61929 ldingo, Kentucky 4eOB8 1908 Olive St., Highland, ILL. 62249 aB,8 e. lou st., Tucson, Ariz 8>Zt6 Lovington, Il1. Stgl? Ilammond Hammond, Hammond. Hammondr Hammond, I11. 61929 TlL. 6L929 115 Maple Grove, Springfield, I11. 5ZZOL ,O1 Vl. Jackson, Sullivan, I11, 51951 Ilammond, Lovingtonf 61917 '"-1208 FlobertI11. Dri-ve, Virginia Beach, Ya 23462 Hammondr I1I. 51929 Lovington, I1I.: 6L937 25 Cottontail tane, Sullivan. I11. 6lr9rlR. #Lt Taylorville, I11. 6ZleB Box 45 fLI. 61917 Cityt fLI. 6].9l5 Lovi-ngtonr I6tO Thumb Butte Rd., Prescott, Ariz B5fO1 Lovington, I11. 6t932 Lovtngton, III. 61917 Lovington, I1l. 5L9r7 Lovlngton, fl}. 6L917 L2)6 N. Maln St., Decaturr I11. 6Z5Zt 285L l4afiratton Ave., LaCrescenta, Ca1 91214 ,72 W. Caley Ave. l Littleton, Colo SOfaO Lovington, I11. 6L%z Lake l -_l I t i, l *'t. l { ,1 :. . r, ";;;;;ti", wuii"r nitnur' '"z6har?er' wes'leYiharlee Weeley :, ,.-4trarpe r. gharleg ::J. :,:" ,.,.', :r,dhyoyer, ,.. Gene Gene ' ,;,'''r,,' ixl.;i;i^ DOnald Gene t-S11tOvef. Donald .: ' : -,g.fffnr. Janes Wi1llan ',.&;r;Ei'-.1"i"" aug""t ' , . I ,4;;;;;;i ]r"r.-m".piw " lff"r' ;;I;;ir'v." ,'.,,'v<ififr;'f",rf n"ymona . -.,.6iitrr,'nou"tt-'hat*ara' .. ,*-stillabot*er, Alvin Eugene ,. ,4tii1"i",-iii""y LehnI ,t G;;;:-i";t HoLzworth ,-S;;;.r,-ir."f-ll"Cr"" ',, '-, "4-;;;;l"itiri"ili.Drake ., : Donald Dean -,{"iiiit"i.cl.t"nce Layman ' .4ay].:ol : ;,.':,, Kenclarl Paul Tloratgn. ^vffi;;:.;;r"t; 4p.*er, t25 S. Fiatt, Monticellor IIl' 5l'8r5 Lovington, r11' 6L91? 4550 E. Spruoe, Decaturt II1. 6ZrZ6 ,, .LL29 Ir/. Crescent, Redlande, Calit , .92173 . o')cQ I11. 6ZrZ6 uecauurl .rrro ufandv}ewi' Decaturr 22?8 Grandvie'w. Ze'lO o?7r1 J' N' Neptunel Ave., Karen l13 La:re,-Ballwinr-l'19-6,011 Fieldstone 59O ., 3I8. Pekin St., Lincoln, II1. 62656 'Lovington, I11' 6\?3? llanmond, LLL. 6L929 111.'q??5 ,96 S. Poplar St.r onarga, 48o9 1,"""- Ave., westertr Springs, rrl. 50558 Lovington, I11.-5t9rZ.-_-: L5?4 Robinhooil Lane, LaGrange Park, I11'' 605a, Gas Light Park, central cityr Ky. l+2}}o Lovington, I1l. 61917 ,' l l,ovinrgtonl Atwoodr I . :'5t9r7 , :. R. #3, Sulliva!' II1. 6L951 Lovington, I11. n{a:llr,Francis G}enn ,, vfiatt.r,r-Jgrr.Qgue *-,. ** "tdiiil;ha;; [Jalter Earl , ' .' ' ''-ALtLeyl ''' pluf ru.' 6VlZ 111.-619r?^-^ .. *-. ,, Arthur; rrr. 6r9p : , ,. :'.' ',,i -:i;' Harnrondr ILl. 61929 Robert , ' g. R. 13, iullivanr, -rr1. 6Lg5L -l;;ir"nili: .1t4akey,David;Jr.l..]l..-.':'Ca1ed,onia'I11.6rort :.li ,:. , ir , .,,; '. . Ilarnond, ftJ. 6Lgag , , .,-1rgicl;i., gr"";"' ' i ,St^v"y, uffri"" ' ' , ' Box 44 , _Caledonla, I11. 51011 \.629#l\reoar Lane, 6191L r,a[€r or]rl Arthur, arto 11I. ltfEllUfl ,,: !;I:ueE't:..EjlJ.sftofEn i:r,ri:.' f-AScllefi[aan, Erueet,.Ellsworth ,,,odl Cecl.ar ' . :r ii-aschl;maan. ' I4O S, Taylor Ave., Oak Park. I1I. 50rO2 '; . ,v{earney, Ralph Dewry 415 W. Maple St., Taylorviller 1II. 52168 rltlclntiie, John Edward . 2044 E. Prairie, Decatur, I11. 6Z5Zt ,. i ,zBrovn, Oiiver M. i"',.:r-.:;. r,4onnr,Thonas Logan:, , , . tovingtonr.IIl,. 5L937 ' " ,.f;L}yer, Roy Judson 345 S. Ilacon, Dedatur, I11; ti 'i.,.flLlt, Arva-t.'. : ,':', .Lovingtonr r11. 6L93? , . , . . ,.-{ood, Fred Bowers'1, ,65 S. Linden, Decatur, I11. . ,.: .., :r; -. _ !,--_ if) --_l ',-,. ,,: I l I 1':'-' .l - =--4:+ FEES AND DUES Fee for the First Degee (Including Petition Feo) $ Feo for the Second Degree. 9 Fee for the Third Degree. Fee for Affiliation. I vru, ! *E tlH! i FI SS! i .-r l-l Ja .fi i \J -o a ={ i rsE E$ s !A( e9 \ Fl E E3;E H< ii \J ! Ep \A lH El *r ) *,8 U$ i i €rs *b c) ss i t\- s oU s-s tso '!i* r\\c t-'\r S> FI , (\ti Nl H iN :i\ !o\ !ln o e q eLI G) +o St -st { tr sr E L 5 EaS eE *sG ;* o oo! .q ;{{ t Ts*l .ts q, -s 0i LpO $$ 5r i rni H -i H: E+s $E T (iB Qr \:_l ! ts Ca ^6 $ N o\ : aQ' trri o )50 .s !S rd $ $ Annual Due for each Member E -t ) )-- q V) 00 None '12 oo
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