March 2006 - International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts
March 2006 - International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts
Table of Contents Table of Contents ……………….…………………………………………..……… 1 IABPA 2006 Officers ………………………………………………..………...…… 2 President’s Message ………………………………….…………………………….. 3 RESEARCH ARTICLE: Another Treatment of Three-Dimensional Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Alexei Pace, A.L. Carter, Craig Moore, and Brian Yamashita ………………………. 4 RESEARCH ARTICLE: Experimental Detection of Blood Under Painted Surfaces Thomas W. Adair …………………………………………………………………... 12 Proof-Reading Service for IABPA Presentations and Articles Carolyn Gannett …………………………………………………………………… 19 Proceedings of the First European IABPA Conference in Middelburg, Zeeland, the Netherlands, 13-15 February 2006 ………………….. 20 2006 International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts Annual Training Conference ………………………………………………………. 32 Bloodstain Pattern Analysis in the News Alexei Pace …………………………………………….……………………...…… 36 Abstracts of Recent BPA Related Articles Published in the Scientific Literature … 37 Organizational Notices ………………………………………………………....…... 39 Training Opportunities ………………………………………………....................... 39 Editor’s Corner ………………………………………………………………..……. 41 Past Presidents / Associate Editors …………………………...………………….…. 42 I.A.B.P.A. News 1 March 2006 2006 I.A.B.P.A. Officers PRESIDENT William Basso Vice President, Region I Pamela Bordner Vice President, Region II John Frederick Vice President, Region III Iris Dalley Vice President, Region IV LeeAnn Singley Vice President, Region V Leif S. Petersen Secretary / Treasurer Norman Reeves Sergeant at Arms Brian Kennedy Legal Representative Mark Seiden Historian Herbert MacDonell I.A.B.P.A. News 2 March 2006 President’s Message: 17 February 2006 Goeden Morgen, Damas en heren. Greetings from the Netherlands. On the dates of February 1517, I attended the first European IABPA conference, held in the picturesque city of Middleburg, Zeeland, a sea town in the Netherlands. Since much of the early research in bloodstain pattern analysis was done in Europe, it seems only fitting to hold a conference here. I was encouraged and pleased to see one hundred forty participants, representing twenty different countries, at this memorable occasion. I would like to extend my thanks to Chief Fup Goudswaard and to his staff, the Zeeland Police Force, for hosting this historical event. Also, a very special thanks to Andre Hendrix for all of his time and effort. Dank U Wel! Since arriving in the Netherlands on February 12th I have enjoyed many unique adventures, and plan to experience several more. The people here are truly remarkable. From the moment we landed, we have been treated like family members of a slightly different accent, rather than tourists from a distant land. On behalf of the North American IABPA attendees, I wish to extend warm thanks to Andre and all of our Polite hosts for their hospitality. Well, in a stimulating week of peer review, that is all I have time to offer, for now. I promise to update you in the next issue of the IABPA news. Until then, take care of yourselves, and be good to one another. Sincerely, William (Bill) Basso Attendees of the First European IABPA Conference held in Middelburg, Zeeland, The Netherlands I.A.B.P.A. News 3 March 2006 RESEARCH ARTICLE Another Treatment of Three-Dimensional Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Alexei Pace1, A.L. Carter2, Craig Moore3, and Brian Yamashita4 Abstract In computerized bloodstain pattern analysis, the BackTrack™ suite of programs has been shown to give an accurate estimate of a blood source location. In a previous paper, virtual strings, a concept developed in BackTrack™, were superimposed on a computer-aided design (CAD) model of the crime scene in order to give the semblance of a three-dimensional analysis. The virtual string directions are given by the impact velocities of each blood drop. These virtual strings play an important role in the analysis because the laws of physics dictate that they must pass directly over the blood source. In the present work, the BackTrack™ calculations have been incorporated directly into a CAD program in order to produce a three-dimensional treatment of bloodstain pattern analysis. Introduction The reconstruction of spatter patterns, in bloodstain pattern analysis, can be carried out in a number of ways. In the stringing method, the analyst affixes strings at the leading edges of bloodstains, and then pulls them away from the wall in such a way as to maintain the correct impact (α) and glancing (γ) angles. In effect, this method treats the flight paths of the blood drops as straight lines represented by the strings. The approximate location of the blood source is estimated to be where the majority of strings intersect [1]. In the tangent method, the flight path of the blood drop is assumed to be the hypotenuse of a right triangle. One leg of the triangle is drawn on the wall along the long axis of the elliptical stain towards the approximate point of origin in the plane of the wall. The second leg of the triangle comes out as a perpendicular line from the wall, at the point of origin in the plane of the wall. The average location of the ends of the hypotenuses will result in an approximate location for the blood source [2]. It should be pointed out here that the tangent method can introduce unknown systematic errors in the horizontal value of the location of the blood source due to the unknown curvatures of the individual flight paths. It should be used only with stains that are the result of fast-moving blood drops (i.e. fast enough to produce string-like trajectories). This weakness of the tangent method is discussed in detail in reference [3]. Reference 4 describes the theory used to create BackTrack™, and introduces the concept of Directional Analysis, that is, the calculation of the point of convergence of virtual strings viewed from above [4,5]. Virtual strings can be considered as being the equivalent of the traditional stringing method transposed onto the computer. BackTrack™ is capable of accepting data on the stains entered directly in the program by the analyst after careful photographic documentation and coordinate measurements at the scene of a crime. ______________________________________________________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. Independent forensic consultant, Marsaxlokk, Malta. To whom correspondence should be addressed. Forensic Computing of Ottawa and Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada Forensic Services Unit, Niagara Regional Police Service, St. Catharines, ON, Canada Forensic Identification Research Services, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Ottawa, ON Canada I.A.B.P.A. News 4 March 2006 The BackTrack™ suite of programs uses Directional Analysis to calculate the approximate blood source location in the plane of the floor by looking for the average intersection of flight paths observed from above. The flight path of a blood drop, even under the effects of gravity, will remain in a plane, and the edges of these planes will look like straight lines when seen from above [4]. The side view will allow the analyst to approximate the height of the blood source. The conventional BackTrack program offers accurate 3D representation of the data with three separate 2-D views, the top, side, and end views. Better for demonstration purposes, a threedimensional rendering is possible by superimposing the BackTrack™ string data on a threedimensional computer-aided design (CAD) depiction of the crime scene [6,7]. In court, if there is a computer set-up available, the image of the crime scene can be rotated in any direction, to give the judge and jury a better view of the flight paths of the blood drops in relation to the scene. A more convenient treatment would be to combine the BackTrack™ calculations with CAD software to produce a program that will determine the approximate blood source location within a threedimensional environment. The introduction of CAD software has been beneficial to forensic science in general. Widely used to produce two-dimensional views from crime scene sketches, forensic scientists can now use the 3D capabilities of such software for the modelling and rendering of spatter trajectories in three-dimensional space. In the present case, bloodstains on a table in a room where a beating took place were first analysed with the conventional BackTrack™ suite of programs. The scene was then re-analyzed using the combined BackTrack™/AutoCAD program. Case History [8] A homicide victim was found in the bathtub of his house. Based on the bloody drag marks on the floor, it appeared that the fatal beating occurred in the dining room. A great deal of bloodstain evidence was recovered near one wall, indicating that the majority of blows were delivered while the victim was lying on the floor at that location (Figure 1). An overturned dining room table in the middle of the room was also stained with blood. This table was righted and placed back in approximately its original location in the room, based on the markings on the floor. Stains on the top of the table and along the edge indicated that two separate blows were struck in the vicinity of the table. Materials and Methods The crime scene was photographed extensively and measurements for a plan drawing were taken. Bloodstains on the top and on the edge of the table were examined for selection for a BackTrack™ analysis. A total of 24 stains were eventually chosen, 11 from the edge of the table and 13 from the tabletop (Figure 2). Each stain was photographed, along with a scale and a plumb line, with a Nikon FE2 SLR camera on Kodak colour print film, and its (X, Y, Z) location was measured. The BackTrack™ program is able to incorporate 12 different surfaces in its calculations, with the main (front) wall given status 0. The tabletop was considered an offset from the floor and was, therefore, status 9, while the edge of the table was an offset of the back wall and was, therefore, status 5 in the program. I.A.B.P.A. News 5 March 2006 Figure 1. Photograph of the crime scene. Note the large area of blood beneath the window and the overturned table. Figure 2. Table in the upright position showing the bloodstains on the top and along one edge. Each stain from the tabletop was downloaded into the BackTrack™/Images program (Forensic Computing of Ottawa), in which the α and γ angles were calculated. This data was then transferred to BackTrack™/Win (Forensic Computing of Ottawa) for analysis and determination of X-, Y-, and Z-values for the blood source location. A similar procedure was carried out for the stains along the edge of the table. A similar result was obtained after introducing the images directly into the AutoCAD Architectural Desktop 2005 program (AutoDesk, San Rafael, California). This is a CAD program which can illustrate all the surfaces inside a room and at any angle. This includes all the walls, ceiling, floor, as well as any furniture items. Ellipses were drawn on each bloodstain and the stain’s angle of impact was calculated on a spreadsheet using the measurements of the stain’s width and length obtained from the scaled images. The UCS (universal coordinate system), which is the basis of all the coordinate references inside the program, was set so as to be exactly like the coordinate referencing system used to measure the stain locations at the crime scene. Straight lines were then drawn on each stain, representing its calculated trajectory in threedimensional space. Each line was angled according to the stain’s individual angle of impact. A number of lines were thus obtained, originating at a height directly above the area of convergence. Switching to the top view, in order to view the true straight-line trajectories, the coordinates of the point of origin were then calculated by averaging the coordinates of the multiple points of origin for each pair of lines. Additionally, the table upon which the stains were found was modelled into the program, using the actual dimensions measured at the crime scene. Some thickness was given to the stain trajectories in order to increase their clarity in the images shown. I.A.B.P.A. News 6 March 2006 Results The top view of the first blow (tabletop) is shown in Figure 3, while the side view, used to calculate the approximate height of the blood source, is shown in Figure 4. For the stains along the edge of the table, the top view is also shown in Figure 3, while the side view is shown in Figures 5. The X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates for each blow are given in Table 1. These data indicate that the victim was likely standing near the table when one blow was struck, resulting in staining on the top of the table. A second blow was struck while the victim was likely on his hands and knees, resulting in the stains along the edge of the table. Figure 3. Top view from BackTrack™, showing the three blood source locations in the X-Y plane. A 3D view of the crime scene is shown in Figures 6 and 7. Figure 6 shows only the first blow, and includes a plan view and a side view, which would correspond to the top view and side view, respectively, from BackTrack™. Note that for clarity not all virtual flight paths are depicted in Figure 7. The advantage with this technique is that a true physical model can be built inside the program using the data obtained at the scene of the crime itself. Such a three-dimensional model can then be rotated in any desired axis and viewed from any viewpoint in order to enable a lay jury to fully understand its morphology. The X-, Y-, and Z- coordinates obtained by both programs for the points of origin are given in Table 1. I.A.B.P.A. News 7 March 2006 Figure 4. Side view from BackTrack™ for the first blow, used to estimate the height of the blood source. Note that the virtual strings end on the tabletop. Figure 5. Side view from BackTrack™ for the second blow, used to estimate the height of the second blood source. Note that the virtual strings end at the edge of the table. I.A.B.P.A. News 8 March 2006 BackTrack™ CAD Standard deviation σ X 171.6 cm 171.1 cm 0.4 cm Y 168.1 cm 167.0 cm 0.7 cm Z 132.8 cm 133.6 cm 9.2 cm X 111.4 cm 109.5 cm 2.6 cm Y 127.1 cm 126.0 cm 3.1 cm Z 59.9 cm 59.5 cm 2.2 cm ORIGIN CO-ORDINATE RESULTS Tabletop Side of table Table 1. The X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates for each of the two blows. Figure 6. Plan view, side view, and perspective view of the first blow resulting in staining on the tabletop. I.A.B.P.A. News 9 March 2006 Figure 7. Three-dimensional depiction of the bloodstains on the table. If the light source is directly overhead as shown here, the shadows of the flight paths will correspond to the top view in BackTrack™. Discussion The BackTrack™ suite of programs has previously been shown to produce an accurate estimation of the location of a blood source [9-11]. The program is able to accommodate data from 12 plane surfaces corresponding to the four walls, the ceiling, and the floor, plus surfaces parallel to these six. In the current analysis, the top of the table was processed as a surface parallel to the floor, while the flat face on the side of the table was processed as a surface parallel to the rear wall. As shown here, BackTrack™ was able to carry out the calculation for all of these stains and was able to produce two reasonable blood source locations near the table. As with any crime scene reconstruction, it is difficult to know how well the program performed unless the suspect confesses and describes the events that took place. At the same time a three-dimensional image of the crime scene was produced. Unlike the previous study [6,7], where the flight paths calculated by BackTrack™ were simply superimposed on a CAD drawing, this time the whole analysis, including processing of the bloodstain images and calculation of the X-, Y- and Z- coordinates of the origin of each spatter pattern, was carried out inside the program. Further software details will be provided in a subsequent publication. The end result was the coordinate locations for each alleged impact together with the three-dimensional model of the crime scene. This form of representation is useful as it not only permits the forensic scientist to create a realistic three-dimensional computer model of the spatter trajectories, but also allows such a model to be integrated together with the sketch of the crime scene. The three-dimensional CAD program produced very similar results to the BackTrack™ calculation, with the maximum coordinate difference between both methods being less than 2 centimetres. It should be noted that for the purposes of the CAD reconstruction, only five stains from each pattern on the table were utilised. Use of more stains would yield a better average and I.A.B.P.A. News 10 March 2006 perhaps identical results to the BackTrack™ results, if the same parameters for averaging were used, and assuming minor differences in ellipse-fitting and angle determination. There was some question as to whether or not the table had been in the upright position when the blood had been spattered. However, the symmetric pattern of staining on the top of the table indicated downward-moving droplets from a source above and to the side of the table. This pattern would be inconsistent with a scenario with the table on its side. Further validation studies will look at patterns created in the laboratory such that the blood source location will be known. The CAD program will be compared to the conventional BackTrack™ program to determine if comparable results are being generated by the two programs. Similar research is currently being carried out in other laboratories [12,13]. References 1. James, S.H.; Kish, P.E.; and Sutton, T.P.: Principles of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis: Theory and Practice, CRC Taylor & Francis: Boca Raton FL, 2005; 226-232. 2. Ibid., 233-234. 3. Carter, A.L. The Physics of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis, Lecture Notes, Forensic Computing of Ottawa: Ottawa, ON, 2005; Chapter 11. 4. Carter, A.L. The Directional Analysis of Bloodstain Patterns. Theory and Experimental Validation, Can. Soc. Forensic Sci. J., 2001, 34(4), 173-189. 5. Carter, A.L.; Podworny, E.J. Bloodstain Pattern Analysis with a Scientific Calculator. Can. Soc. Forensic Sci. J. 1991, 24 (1), 37-42. 6. Maloney, K.; Carter, A.L.; Jory, S.; and Yamashita, B. Three-Dimensional Analysis of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis, J. Forensic Ident., 2005, 55(6), 711-725. 7. Maloney, K. 3-Dimensional Representation of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis. Presented at: International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts Training Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, October 2005. 8. Carter, A.L. in: James, S.H.; Kish, P.E.; and Sutton, T.P.: Principles of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis: Theory and Practice, CRC Taylor & Francis: Boca Raton FL, 2005; 254-257. 9. Wright, J.C. The Validation of BackTrack for Use in Casework in the UK. Presented at: International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts Training Conference, Harrisburg, PA, October 2002. 10. Carter, A.L.; Forsythe-Erman, J.; Hawkes, V.; Illes, M.; Laturnus, P.; Lefebvre, G.; Stewart, C.; Yamashita, B. Validation of the BackTrack Suite of Programs for Bloodstain Pattern Analysis, J. Forensic Ident., accepted for publication. 11. Carter, A.L.; Illes, M.; Maloney, K.; Yamashita, A.B.; Allen, B.; Brown, B.; Davidson, L.; Ellis, G.; Gallant, J.; Gradkowski, A.; Hignell, J.; Jory, S.; Laturnus, P.L.; Moore, C.C.; Pembroke, R.; Richard, A.; Spenard, R.; Stewart, C. Further Validation of the BackTrack™ Computer Program for Bloodstain Pattern Analysis – Precision and Accuracy, IABPA News, 2005, 21(3), 15-22. 12. Esperanca, P.; Schuliar, Y.; Chaudeyrac, P.; Piranda, B.; Arques, D. ESCRIME: A New Software for Bloodstain Pattern Analysis in 3-Dimensions. Presented at: American Academy of Forensic Sciences 57th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, February 2005. 13. Esperanca, P. ESCrime - 3-Dimensional Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Software. Presented at: International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts Training Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, October 2005. I.A.B.P.A. News 11 March 2006 RESEARCH ARTICLE Experimental Detection of Blood Under Painted Surfaces Thomas W. Adair Introduction In August of 2005 the author was contacted by an investigator with the State Attorney General’s office in Denver regarding a three year old homicide case. The suspect(s) were believed to have painted over the bloodstained walls in the crime scene shortly after the murder. The author was asked to investigate the possibility of detecting blood under painted surfaces and recommend a method of searching for and detecting blood under these conditions. To assist with this experiment the investigator was able to search the crime scene residence and recover the original paint buckets utilized for the paint on the walls at the time of the homicide. The investigators went to a local paint store where a fresh gallon of similar paint and color formula was obtained. A search of the forensic literature resulted in few references describing this type of research. Vandenberg and van Oorschot (1) reported on finding blood under paint using the Polilight™ PL500 at about 415nm. In their experiments it appears that blood was deposited directly on wood, plaster, brick, and metal and then painted over with various colors of light colored water based paint and white acrylic paint. Blood was visible under three coats of paint. From the photographs it appeared that the blood absorbed the ultraviolet light giving it a dark appearance. The authors also reported that blood could be detected under wallpaper using the Polilight™. The authors reported that a full DNA profile was obtained from blood samples under paint. Samples were subjected to Chelex™ DNA extraction and then amplified using Profiler Plus™. No attempt was made to scrape or separate the blood from the paint samples. Ray (2) also reported limited success in visualizing blood under painted surfaces (2). In her experiment the author placed both single blood drops and blood swipes on wood and then painted over the stains with up to three coats of a latex paint. An Omniprint™ 1000 and Polilight™ (150 watt model) were used to examine the stains under paint. Both units were set at 530nm. No statement was made regarding the type of filter used. The author reported that the bloodstains were “visible” to “barely visible” with the use of an alternate light source after two coats of paint were applied. The third coat of paint made the bloodstains either not visible or “questionable” in appearance with the light sources. None of the authors discussed methods for paint removal. Experiment Design A 4 ft. by 4 ft. section of half inch drywall was obtained for the experiment. No texture was applied to the wallboard. The wall was first painted with two coats of Glidden Speed-Wall interior PVA Primer #GL 1050-1200 white. The coats were allowed to completely dry at least 12 hours. After drying, two coats of Glidden Speed-Wall interior latex flat paint #GL 1251-0110 white paint were applied. All paint was applied using a clean paint pad. The wall was then allowed to dry overnight. Once dried, several different types of bloodstain patterns were produced on the wall (Figure 1). Bloodstain patterns included those not likely to be seen on vertical surfaces (such as blood dripping into blood). Blood droplets ranged in size from less than 1mm to over 12mm in diameter. The wall also contained partial bloody shoe impressions and vertical blood flow. Horse I.A.B.P.A. News 12 March 2006 blood was used to create all bloodstains in the experiment. The blood was photographed and allowed to dry approximately 12 hours. Figure 1. Bloodstain patterns on wall prior to painting. A fresh gallon of similar paint, Ace Royal Hi Gloss 100% acrylic latex paint #102A310 ultra white base tint (ACE# 1961531) was purchased. This paint color is best described as a slate blue. A total of four coats of paint were applied to the wall with at least a 12 hour drying time in between coats. In some cases the paint dried for over a week between examinations and subsequent coats of paint. After each coat of paint the wall was visually examined and photographed. Several alternate light sources were used to examine the wall after the second, third, and fourth coats of paint. Yellow, red, and orange filters were used at a variety of settings. Models used included the Omnichrome Omniprint™ 1000, Polilight™ PL-10, and SPEX™ models MCS-400 and CS16-500. A Krimesite™ reflective ultraviolet viewer from the Sirchie company was also used in the experiment. Results of Examinations Faint patent blood was visible in areas up to two coats deep. Beneath two coats the blood appeared as a very light brown color. After the application of the third coat of paint the blood was no longer visible by color distinction. However, some blood patterns could be located with strong oblique lighting (Figure 2). This proved to be an excellent search method for larger impact spatters (greater than 4mm in diameter) but did not work well with swipe patterns and smaller blood droplets. By the application of the fourth coat of paint the patterns were no longer distinguishable using strong oblique lighting. I.A.B.P.A. News 13 March 2006 Figure 2. Bloodstain pattern viewed with oblique lighting. The use of an alternate light source was advantageous in that it is a non-destructive method of examination. The Omnichrome™, Polilight™, and reflective IR models yielded no usable results. The SPEX units, however, performed considerably better. Typically, blood will absorb ultraviolet light when viewed with an alternative light source. Unexplainably, the blood patterns in this experiment actually fluoresced a yellow color when viewed with a deep yellow filter at 445nm using both SPEX models (Figure 3). Blood was not detected with any other filters under any other wavelengths. Figures 4 and 5 show the same area photographed with visible light and then ultraviolet light under three coats of paint. Acceptable results were obtained under four coats of paint but the reaction was not as strong. The fluorescence of the blood is possibly the result of a combination of the blood and paint chemistry. Paint located in non-bloody areas as well as bloodstains located on the unpainted edges of the wall did not fluoresce when examined with the same filter and wavelength. Other paints may produce different results from absorption to varied fluorescence. At the investigator’s request, luminol was sprayed over the fourth coat of paint to see if a reaction occurred. The luminol did not react with the paint with underlying blood. I.A.B.P.A. News 14 March 2006 Figure 3. Overall patterns viewed at 445nm with deep yellow filter. Figure 4. Partial shoe impression under three coats of paint. I.A.B.P.A. News 15 March 2006 Figure 5. Same shoe impression viewed at 445nm with deep yellow filter. Once the bloodstains were visualized it became necessary to develop methods for removing the paint. This would facilitate a restoration of the blood patterns as well as allowing for sample collection. Since this is a destructive process three methods were tested. The wall was separated into four equal surfaces or units. Chemical aerosol paint strippers were applied to surfaces three and four (bottom half). As the strippers were applied, the other surfaces were protected from overspray by plastic sheeting. Citri-Strip™ #ECG73807 paint and varnish remover from the Barr corporation was used on surface #4 Several strippers from the Klean-Strip corporation and the Jasco Corporation were tried on surface #3. The Citri-Strip™ product produced acceptable results with a single application (Figure 6). Once the product reacted, a plastic hand scraper was used to remove the paint. Care should be observed when using this technique to insure that the underlying layer of paint containing the bloodstains is not removed as well. This product was also advantageous in that it could be applied indoors without harsh fumes. The Klean-strip and Jasco products produced very poor results in that the paint was not removed after numerous applications. Surface #2 was sanded with a Ryobi™ S605D hand held finish sander. Initial sanding was done with a 60 grit paper. This was used until the white paint from the initial coats began to be revealed. A 150 grit sandpaper was then used to remove paint until the individual bloodstains became visible. At this point a 220 grit sandpaper was used to clean around the bloodstains. This approach minimized the amount of damage done to the underlying bloodstains. The sanding approach produced acceptable results (Figure 7). This method is also desirable in that the analyst has more control in paint removal than with chemical strippers. Care should be taken, however, to ensure that the bloodstain areas are not over sanded. Surface #1 was scraped with a razor blade. The first step in the process was making a cut around three sides of the suspect area with a razor blade. Care was then taken to separate the overlying blue colored latex paint from the underlying white colored paint. This proved to be very easy in this particular project. The overlying paint was then carefully peeled back along the edge applying a straight razor when needed. This processed yielded the best results of the three approaches. The paint was surprisingly easy to separate and this process resulted in the least damage to the underlying bloodstains (Figure 8). Bloodstains from all three surfaces were tested with the phenolphthalein reagent after each process. All stains tested positive using the reagent. I.A.B.P.A. News 16 March 2006 Figure 6. Bloody shoe impression revealed on surface #4 with chemical stripper. Figure 7. Bloodstains revealed by sanding on surface #2. I.A.B.P.A. News 17 March 2006 Figure 8. Bloodstains revealed on surface #1 with scraping. Discussion The detection of bloodstains under painted surfaces is an uncommon task for criminal investigators. However, this strategy may be employed to cover up evidence of a crime. This research focused on two main objectives; detection and restoration. Within the parameters of this project, the results are deemed a success. It is unclear how certain variables such as paint type, cleanup, bloodstain pattern types, wall texture, and time may affect the success of these techniques. In spite of that, several recommendations can be made as a starting point. Analysts are encouraged to work from a non-destructive process towards the more damaging restoration processes. Strong oblique lighting in a darkened environment seems to be the best place to begin. While clean-up efforts, bloodstain pattern types, and wall texture may all influence the success of this technique it should not be overlooked. The second stage recommended is the use of an effective alternate light source. The SPEX ALS units provided the best results when set at 445nm while using a deep yellow filter. This approach allowed for the visualization of bloodstains under at least four coats of paint. Other authors have reported success using various Polilight™ models as well. For this reason, it may be advisable to examine suspected areas with more than one type of ALS if possible. Obviously, investigators who can identify suspicious areas are at an advantage in terms of planning an efficient restoration process. After areas are identified, the analysts must choose a restoration process. In this experiment, scraping the paint with a razor blade provided the best results. This technique may not be as effective on textured walls however. In such cases, using a chemical stripper or sanding the wall with a hand sander may be a better alternative. The analyst may wish to employ two or more techniques depending on the conditions present at the crime scene. In any event, it is recommended that the analyst test the proposed restoration process in an inconspicuous area, not thought to contain evidence. In the best case scenario, the analyst may wish to “reconstruct” the wall conditions using the same paint so that the effectiveness of each process can I.A.B.P.A. News 18 March 2006 be thoroughly tested. Similar research, or success at crime scenes, should be reported so that a comprehensive approach can be developed for varied conditions. Acknowledgements: The author would like to thank members of the Broomfield, Lakewood, and Denver Police Departments as well as the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office for the use of various light sources for this project. Request for Additional Information Thomas W. Adair Senior Criminalist Westminster Police Department 9110 Yates Street Westminster, CO 80031 References 1. 2. Vendenberg, N. and van Oorschot, R. 2004. Locating Blood and Saliva Stains Using Polilight™. 17th International Symposium on the Forensic Sciences, Australian and New Zealand Forensic Science Society (poster presentation). Ray, B. 1992. Use of Alternate Light Sources for Detection of Body Fluids. Journal of the Southwestern Association of Forensic Scientists. 14(1):30-33. Proof-Reading Service for IABPA Presentations and Articles Carolyn Gannett The most important function of the IABPA has been to offer vehicles for the dissemination of information within the Bloodstain Pattern Analysis community. This is accomplished through its annual conferences and its newsletter. As the association continues to expand its membership base throughout the international community, it gains more members for whom English is a second language. I’m concerned that some of these members might be hesitant to give presentations at IABPA conferences or to contribute to the IABPA newsletter because of the language barrier. To those IABPA members I would like to offer a proofing service, free of charge. It is available to non-native English-speakers who are preparing a publication or presentation for the IABPA. If you are interested, I can be contacted at: Carolyn Gannett Criminalist San Diego Sheriff’s Regional Crime Laboratory 5255 Mt. Etna Drive San Diego, CA 92117 I.A.B.P.A. News 19 March 2006 Proceedings of the First European IABPA Conference in Middelburg, Zeeland, the Netherlands 13-15 February 2006 Anatomy Related Movement Analysis – a New Tool Silke M.C. Brodbeck, M.D., Ph.D University of Cologne Cologne, Germany Patterns of body parts or traces of movements are in some cases found at crime scenes. Sometimes it is of importance to reconstruct the action at the scene, the more detailed the better. Anatomy Related Movement Analysis ARMA tries to systemize the patterns produced by human bodies in blood and to correlate movement with detailed knowledge of anatomy. For example: How to differentiate the movement of a shoulder from that of a hip, when it is not possible to determine by other transfer patterns. A New Chemical Process to Detect Washed Bloodstains, Bluestar™ Philippe Esperança French Gendarmerie Forensic Institute This presentation is a is a study of the use of Bluestar™ for the detection of washed bloodstains. eSCrime : A New Software for 3-Dimensional Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Philippe Esperança French Gendarmerie Forensic Institute This plan, carried out by UMLV and French Gendarmerie Forensic Institut, gives a software allowing to reconstruct a digital crime scene to analyze and visualize bloodstains in 3D environment. When a crime takes place in a room, the French Gendamerie Forensic Institut crime scene investigator take bloodstains photo after located accurately them. The location and the shape of bloodstains allow to calculate the 3D location of the bloodshed where it originated. eSCrime is a new software that helps the investigators to locate in the crime scene the calculated origin from examined bloodstains. As the same software allows to model the crime scene, it is easy to study the 3D virtual origin in the modeling environment. A Comparative Analysis of Bloodstains Norman Reeves BPA Consulting Tucson, Arizona This presentation is a case study utilizing a comparative analysis of very poor photographs, photographic enhancements of those photographs, and the physical evidence. Crucial in this case was the determination of the source of the bloodstaining, was it from the shotgun blast, from the movement of the body by the medical examiner or police or combinations thereof. Peripheral evidence involving family disputes and monetary motives were not included during the forensic analysis of this case by the bloodstain analyst to maintain an objective point of view. Following the analysis, the complete presentation in court was consistent with the forensic facts found during the analysis Statistical suicide data as it relates to suicide by shotgun was reviewed in this case with documented conflicting information from a renowned expert in the field. Surveys of experienced medical, forensic, and law enforcement personnel, were done with realistic results concerning the manner of death. The case involves an initial finding of suicide to a culmination of a finding of murder in a civil court. I.A.B.P.A. News 20 March 2006 The Whole is More than the Sum: Putting the Evidence in Perspective Richard Eikelenboom Selma Eikelenboom-Schieveld Independent Forensic Services Nunspeet, The Netherlands Working a crime scene, solving a homicide is a team effort, but all too often the different disciplines involved work in relative isolation. With bloodstain pattern analysis, injury description and DNA profiling, at best one discipline looks at the report from the other. Evidence provided in this way can be persuasive, but when all the available evidence is put in perspective, the evidence can gain strength. The findings from one field of expertise can be boosted by those from another field. This makes it possible to increase the support for certain hypotheses or scenarios formulated around the chain of events surrounding a homicide. In this presentation is a case is brought forward where bloodstain pattern analysis revealed where the crime had been committed, injury description revealed what had happened and DNA profiling who had done it. In itself though the findings were less incriminating then when they were all considered together. The hypothesis formed by the defense was opposed by the hypothesis formed by the prosecutor. The findings clearly offered more support for one hypothesis over the other. By presenting evidence in this way, it is easier for the jury or judges to understand the findings put to them. They can decide for themselves which scenario or hypothesis seems the more likely one. We Got Our Man (in more ways than one) Lee-Ann Singley Grayson Singley Associates, LLC Harrisburg, Pennsylvania This case presentation involves the brutal stabbing death of two (2) women in their home, a 74 year old mother and her 48-year-old daughter. The murders occurred on a holiday weekend and paralyzed a small Pennsylvania town known for having virtually no major crimes. The investigation took many turns until an arrest was made nine months later. Although DNA evidence answered the “who?” in the identification of the perpetrator; at trial, the bloodstain pattern evidence proved to be valuable to the jury in answering the “how”? Terror in the Woods : The Deaths of Charles & Shirley Chick Iris Dalley Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation McAlester, Oklahoma Bloodstain patterns often yield information about who, what, where, and how of violent occurrences. The ‘why’ is carried in the heart and mind of the perpetrator, and usually is not revealed in the physical evidence at the scene. But sometimes, the bloodstain patterns, along with other physical evidence, give the investigator a glimpse of the ‘why’. On a warm July afternoon, a lone motorcyclist was enjoying the beauty of the Kiamichi Mountains when he stopped to nap on a picnic table in a camping area. He saw a woman napping in the midday shade in a nearby campsite. When the cyclist awoke from his nap, he noticed that the woman had not moved. Neither had her husband. Both were dead from multiple gunshots wounds. Fibers in the scene directed the investigation of ‘who’, blood confirmed the identity, and stain patterns told the ‘how’ that also led to the ‘why’. BPA Analysis as a Useful Tool to Reconstruct Crime Dynamics Luciano Garofano Reparto Carabinieri Investigazioni Scientifiche di Parma Parma, Italy This paper concerns a case of a gruesome murder committed by minors and by a man 35 years old, who killed a young girl. The murder was committed in a deserted cottage where the minors together the man attracted the young girl. We I.A.B.P.A. News 21 March 2006 refer to technical activities we conducted at the crime scene and the analytical approach we adopted, based on DNA as well as on BPA analyses of bloodstains we recovered, studied and collected during the crime scene investigation. Due to the specific shape and number of spattered bloodstains , we decided to select the most important areas where it was worth applying the BPA both as qualitative and as quantitative approach. On this regard quantitative BPA analyses applied to the bloodstains located in the stairs allowed us to determine different points of origin related to blows inflicted on the victim. A model of bloodstain trajectories was then reconstructed using computer aided design (CAD) software. Following this integrated analytical approach, also supported by fingerprint, footprint and DNA examinations, it was possible to understand the role of the young killers as well as of the adult and thus reconstruct the dynamics of the event. A View From the Dark Side Nigel Hodge University of Glamorgan Wales, UK The U.K. adversarial legal system differs from the Inquisitorial system used by many countries in mainland Europe. Reflecting this, prosecution and defence teams are able to employ their own forensic scientists to assist them in their investigations. Unofficially, within the prosecution community, defence scientists are often referred to as having “gone over to the Dark Side”. The speaker will explore some of the effects of the prosecution / defence roles within forensic science in the U.K. and will investigate the role of the scientist instructed by the defence team, with particular reference to BPA issues. He will address the question of whether there is such a thing as a defence perspective on BPA. The Cogne Case Veronica Martoni Luca D’Auria Universita delgi Studi di Milano Milan, Italy The case to be presented, known as the Cogne case, deals with the homicide of a three years old child which is happened in January 2002. In the trial judge the mother has been recognized guilty, also on the base of the results obtained through the application of the BPA technique. This results were based on the morphological analysis of the bloodstain patterns which were recovered: In first place on the ceiling, in correspondence of the point in which was probably the victim’s body (in fact the body has been moved from the bed in order to facilitate the aides), has been recovered various cast-off stains, produced by the brandishing of a weapon with acute angles (the weapon has never been found). Secondly, a void area was seen on a quilt that was recovered which corresponded to the area of the killer. Finally, the technique of the BPA has been applied to the bloodstain pattern on the pajama pants of the victim’s mother. This last point is the more delicate: in fact the judge has argued, receiving positively the conclusions of the expert witness, that who had killed the child was wearing (at 100%) pajama pants of the victim’s mother and he also has asserted that those pants showed bloodstain patterns with an angle of impact of 30°, even if the bloodstain patterns were have all a round shape, typical of the patterns with an angle of impact of 90°. A reason for the decision of this type appears anomalous and, especially, without any objective comparison: in fact has been written in the judgment that this angle of 90°(which is derived from a bloodstain pattern with an angle of impact of 30°) was explained by the fact that the pajamas’ fibres presented ridges and valleys (characteristic of the material and not determined by folds or something else) which were suitable to represent an obstacle to the bloodstain pattern, therefore to make results with a different shape from the one that we would expected by a pattern with an angle of impact of 30°. There is no concrete element which proves that the pajama material was so porous or rough to represent such a great obstacle for so many bloodstain patterns. It is on the third point that we would like to place the attention, especially in order to understand if this case has any records in the jurisprudence history of BPA. I.A.B.P.A. News 22 March 2006 CAD Methods in BPA Alexei Pace Independent Consultant Marsaxlokk, Malta In traditional computerised bloodstain pattern analysis, manual stringing is replaced by virtual strings and twodimensional views of the spatter trajectories are obtained. The author takes this approach a step further by reconstructing a three-dimensional model of the bloodstain trajectories using computer aided design (CAD) software. The same mathematical and physical concepts are used to calculate the horizontal coordinates and an upper limit for the vertical position of the blood source. However, this not only allows an accurate estimate of the blood source location to be calculated, but also enables the production of three-dimensional rendered views of the crime scene which are immediately comprehensible to anyone not familiar with the scene itself. The methodology and results have been compared with two-dimensional software, laboratory experiments and on an actual case scenario. The Killing of the Driving Instructor Leif Schiønemann Petersen National Commissar of Police Vanlose, Denmark The driving instructor, who was from the Middle East, made a good business and a driving instruction book in Arabic. For the book he took some pictures of a beautiful young woman also from the Middle East. He also took some more private pictures of her and started a relationship with her. After a while she got tired of this relationship but he forced her to continue otherwise he would give the pictures to her family. The driving instructor was one morning found dead on the ground behind a big mall. He was shot twice in his head. BPA in a Microscene Composed Murder Scene Andrea Berti Carabinieri Investigatigazioni Scientifiche di Roma Rome, Italy Recently, in Italy, a violent murder of a man in his house was carried out. The man was found dead in the afternoon with many injuries all over the body, most probably from a heavy metal object. A wide and diffuse distribution of blood evidences in the room, which was very spacious, was detected and various categories of bloodstains were observed all around the room: especially free-falling drops of blood, splashed and projected blood, blood transfer patterns and cast-off blood patterns. An accurate evaluation of blood evidence distributions and typologies in the single microscene and in the entire room performed by a bloodstains pattern analyst led us to believe a scuffle between the victim and the murderer occurred in several parts of the afternoon and allowed us to define step by step the crime scene events during the murder. Luminol Chemistry and Forensic Application Dr. Filippo Barni Italian Carabinieri Force Montale, Italy Luminol is a relatively simple synthetic organic compound, belonging to the cyclic acylhydrazydes chemical group. In alkaline protic solvents such as water and in presence of a strong–mild oxidant (in most cases H2O2) and a suitable catalyst such as a metal ion or some kind of oxidoreductase enzyme, luminol is oxidized giving an intermediate compound, named 3–aminophthalate dianion in an excited electronic state (3–APA*), that upon its return to the ground state (3–APA) gives off the energy of excitation in the form of a chemiluminecence emission as an intense, short–lasting, bright sparkles of blue–green glow ( max is, in most cases, from ~ 480 to ~ 420 nm, depending on the chemical reaction medium). Due to its chemical chemiluminescent properties and to the mild peroxidase–like activity of aged bloodstains mostly containing ferric ions as a complexes with hemin or hematin, luminol has been employed from more than 40 I.A.B.P.A. News 23 March 2006 years for the presumptive detection of bloodstains which are hidden from the naked eye at crime scenes and, for this reason, has been considered one of the most important and well–known assays in the field of forensic sciences. An updated review of luminol chemical properties, reaction mechanism in presence of latent bloodstains and forensic applications with a reference to an interesting casework will be discussed. The Sensitivity of Luminol and Bluestar™ and the Use of a Thickened Luminol Solution on Non-porous Surfaces Tony Larkin Metropolitan Police Service London, UK Luminol is a widely used chemiluminescent presumptive test for blood that utilises the psuedo-peroxidase activity of haemoglobin to emit light. Bluestar™ is new formulation of luminol which claims to be better than luminol and “currently the most sensitive field test for blood.” The manufacturers claim that Bluestar™™ produces a more intense luminescence that lasts longer and does not affect subsequent DNA profiling. A comparison of Bluestar™ to luminol was conducted and it was determined that Bluestar™ produced approximately 9 times more chemiluminescence than luminol with high blood concentrations, however with dilutions under 1 in 1000 it produces less luminescence. Additionally the sensitivity of Bluestar™ was found to be in 1 in 10,000 whilst luminol was at least 1 in 300,000. Bluestar™ did have longer chemiluminescence than luminol, however the current photographic techniques used in the Metropolitan Police Service mean that a prolonged luminol photographic exposure time produces excellent photographs. DNA analysis of samples treated with Bluestar™ and luminol indicated that Bluestar™ particularly interfered with the DNA profiling of samples. Although luminol is a valuable tool its lack of fixative within the reagent means that it diffuses easily on non-porous surfaces and this can lead to a decrease in detail of any blood marks present and also makes the subsequent photography of such marks difficult. This problem could be solved by the addition of a commercial thickening agent to the luminol formulation. This thickened luminol formulation may reduce the diffusion of luminol and blood marks on vertical and non-porous surfaces and therefore retain detail of blood marks. Xanthan Gum, a thickening agent used in the food and cosmetic industries, was added to a luminol formulation and this was sprayed on vertical and non-porous surfaces without any of the reagent running and the clarity of marks being retained on such surfaces. Bloodstains Come from Injuries – the Forensic Pathologist at the Scene of Crime Dr. B. Karger Institute of Legal Medicine University of Műnster, Germany The morphology of bloodstain distribution patterns at the scene of crime carries vital information for a reconstruction of the events. Contrary to experimental work, case reports where the reconstruction has been verified have been published infrequently. A small series of illustrative cases is therefore presented where bloodstain pattern analysis at the scene of crime made a reconstruction of the events possible and where this reconstruction was later verified by a confession of the offender. The cases comprise various types of bloodstains and problems frequently encountered in practical casework such as combinations of different bloodstain patterns, preceding efforts to eliminate the stains and unexpected artifacts. The complexity of real situations suggests a step-by-step approach starting with a comprehensive view of the overall picture. This is followed by differentiation and analysis of single bloodstain patterns and a search for informative details. It is ideal if the expert inspecting the scene of crime has also performed the autopsy but he definitely has to have detailed knowledge about the injuries of the deceased/injured and about the possible mechanisms of production. It is also demonstrated that analysis of bloodstain morphology can support individualisation of stains by directing the selection of a limited number of stains from a complex pattern for DNA analysis. I.A.B.P.A. News 24 March 2006 Chronic Venous Insufficiency Syndrome Rex Sparks Des Moines Police Department Des Moines, Iowa An elderly couple awakes to find their house full of blood, ranging in a variety of bloodstain patterns. There appeared to be no injuries to either person. The blood was soon determined to be human and eventually determined to be the blood of the female resident. The elderly female is blind that added to the mystery of the blood origin. Projected blood patterns were found throughout the house and appeared to associate with door openings and furniture that the lady used to assist her travels throughout the house. The blood was determined to originate from the lady through DNA profiling. This presentation illustrates the bloodstain patterns that if misinterpreted could have been associated with a number of delivery mechanisms or causes. The presentation also gives a basic understanding of the chronic venous insufficiency disease, the bodily functions that move blood through the body and also create these patterns. The presentation also discusses the nearly undetectable wound this lady suffered and also gives examples of several fatal incidents due to this disease and the potential to misinterpret these patterns. This power point presentation gives a number of visual examples of these bloodstain patterns and even everyday household items, such as floor coverings and furniture that possibly added to the dynamics of these bloodstain patterns. An article of my investigation and analysis of this incident was published in the Sept. 2004 issue of the IABPA news. “Blood on Clothing, Have you Scene it?" Gillian Leak Forensic Science Service, LTD Wetherby, UK A discussion on the patterns of bloodstains on the clothing of those involved in violent crime. Demonstration of the Latent Bloodstain Reagent Bluestar™ Forensic Jean-Marc Lefebvre-Despeaux BlueStar™ Monte Carlo, Monaco Slide presentation of comparative study on 4 identical substrates between classic luminol, fluorescein and Bluestar™ (North Carolina Association for Identification conference, May 31, 2004) Presentation of the preparation and comparative demonstration of the latent bloodstain reagent Bluestar™ tablets, Bluestar™ Kit, Bluestar™ Magnum and classic Luminol on several different substrates. Preparation and demonstration of the human blood confirmatory test Hexagon OBTI™. Blood in the Barrel of a Firearm Martin Eversdijk Politieacademie Zutphen, the Netherlands This presentation is about a new research project the Dutch police is working on. Bloodstains in a gun can not only be used for DNA investigation but also for determining the discharge distance between the firearm and the blood source. Collecting the bloodstains as positioned in the barrel was always a big problem. Since there is a new casting material called forensic stil collecting bloodstains in a barrel is very easy. In this presentation you will see the procedure how bloodstains can be collected out of a barrel of a gun. I.A.B.P.A. News 25 March 2006 Luminol – A Safer Way Forward Chris Gannicliffe Grampian Police Forensic Science Laboratory Aberdeen, Scotland Luminol has been widely used for many years as a presumptive test to detect latent blood stains at crime scenes. However, in recent years concerns have been raised over health and safety issues related to its use, leading to the withdrawal of the technique by some laboratories, and to the introduction of newer alternatives which claim to be safer, such as Bluestar. This presentation aims to look critically at the basis for the health and safety concerns over the use of luminol, to review our current understanding of the risks inherent in the technique, and attempts to distinguish between risks associated with the chemical luminol itself and risks associated with the other components of the reaction mix, such as sodium perborate or hydrogen peroxide. It is proposed that any risks associated with luminol use at crime scenes can be significantly minimised by modifications to the technique, by the adoption of safe working practices and by the use of adequate protective clothing, so that with suitable safeguards a highly valuable technique can continue to be used. Crime-Lite, a New Approach to Forensic Light Sources Norbert Jaufmann For many years specialised forensic light sources have been used for the search and examination of forensic evidence. The development of alternative light sources based on LED technology has improved the implementation of light based crime scene examination, so increasing awareness of the type of examinations that can be carried out. This presentation will explain the principles and benefits of LED light sources over conventional forensic light sources and explore the variety of suitable forensic applications. Appropriate products from Foster & Freeman’s range of LED-array powered forensic light sources will be introduced for each purpose. In addition to discussing techniques for enhancing the visualisation of blood on a variety of backgrounds, the presentation will also look at the search and examination of other body fluids using lighting techniques. The Significance of Limited Quantities of Impact Spatter Associated with Beating Scenes Stuart H. James James and Associates Forensic Consultants, Inc. Fort Lauderdale, Florida The issue of the significance of the quantity of impact spatter present at a scene where blunt force injury has occurred or on the clothing or person of suspects often arises in casework. The factors that may reduce or eliminate spatter production on a particular surface are well documented. The following is a summary of the variables affecting the size, shape and distribution of impact spatter associated with a beating mechanism: • • • • • • • • • Shape of weapon Weight and length of weapon Number of impacts Amount of force applied Direction of force applied Location of wounds Movement of victim and assailant during attack Amount of blood available for a given impact Amount and thickness of scalp hair Two cases will be presented that demonstrate limited quantities of impact spatter at scenes where multiple blunt force injures to the head of the victims had occurred. In each case there were different opinions offered as to the significance of the spatter relative to the scenes being the location of the beatings in part or their entirety or the suspect being the assailant or present at the scene. I.A.B.P.A. News 26 March 2006 “Viewed in the Light of the Forensic light” Rob Spruit Forensic Investigation Unit Politie Midden en West Brabant Tilburg, the Netherlands The use of a forensic light source not only for the detection of biological traces, drugs or fingerprints but also for the detection of invisible injuries. This method includes not only a simple way of detection using light with a wavelength between 415nm and 475nm in combination with longpass filters, but also a easy way to photograph those injuries using a normal camera and longpass filters. UV sources with a dangerous wavelength are not longer necessary and the camera with a special UV-objective is no longer needed. Bloodstain Pattern Analysis – A Canadian Model and the IABPA Bill Basso Lethbridge Regional Police Lethbridge, Canada Overview of current training and practices utilized within Canada for members involved in Bloodstain Pattern Analysis. The Impact of the Media, and the Importance of Communication within an Investigation. Mickle van der Scheer NFI Gravenhage, the Netherlands During the last few years forensics has become an commercial article. In the Netherlands it is a major media topic, especially after a recent wrongly convicted person. This case has led to questions in parliament, followed by an intense independent investigation. This resulted in a report which is already changing the whole approach of forensic investigation in our country. That the media can influence an investigation is known. But what if investigators at the scene of crime are informed of the news that their case is already solved… Besides the pressure of the media the absent of communication towards the forensic investigators was debit to this situation. 3D Virtual Crime Scene Reconstruction Willem van Spanje DelftTech BV Delft, the Netherlands If a picture says more then a thousand words what about a 3D picture in which you can walk! It’s all about reverse engineering and communication. After an introduction of laser scanning and 3D engineering for civil, petrochemical engineering (on- and offshore), architecture, cultural heritage, archeology, rapid prototyping, the introduction will be focused on the following forensic topics: • • • • • • • • • • 3D laser scanning of accidents and crime scenes The pro’s and cons of laser technology Bullet trajectories Animation Reconstruction Witness verification and awareness 3D suspect measuring from security camera pictures/video and 3D laser scanning Accident measurement and reconstruction 3D VR-tool for Crime Scene Management Training 3D Bloodstain Pattern Analysis I.A.B.P.A. News 27 March 2006 Fup Goudswaard, Chief Constable of the Zeeland Police welcomes the conference attendees Koos Schouwenaar, Mayor of Middelburg welcomes the conference attendees Tony Larkin, London, UK Andrea Berti, Rome, Italy I.A.B.P.A. News 28 March 2006 Silke Brodbeck, Cologne, Germany Martin Eversdijk, Zutphen, the Netherlands Lee-Anne Singley, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Alexei Pace, Marsaxlokk, Malta I.A.B.P.A. News 29 March 2006 Rex Sparks, Des Moines, Iowa Nigel Hodge, Wales, UK Zeeland Police Force Scene of Crime Van Klaas Vervloet demonstrates use of light source at mock crime scene I.A.B.P.A. News 30 March 2006 Vice President of IABPA Region 5, Leif Peterson (center) with Conference Coordinators, Andre Hendricks (left) and Peter Lamb (right). Left to right: Peter Lamb, Chief Constable Fup Goudswaard, IABPA President, William Basso, Region 5 Vice-President Leif Peterson and IABPA Secretary-Treasurer, Norman Reeves at conference banquet. I.A.B.P.A. News 31 March 2006 2006 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLOODSTAIN PATTERN ANALYSTS ANNUAL TRAINING CONFERENCE Corning, New York Hosted by Herbert Leon MacDonell OCTOBER 18-19-20 2005 WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY-FRIDAY If you plan to attend, please e-mail Herb at with a “yes” in the subject line. It will help with conference planning. Register early & plan on presenting TENTATIVE PROGRAM OUTLINE Herb MacDonell, Program Chairman for out Annual Meeting, says that during past IABPA meetings it has been difficult, if not impossible, to enjoy whatever local attractions were available in any particular host city. The program schedule rarely allowed taking in the wonders of the local area, whatever they might have been. Therefore, this fall in Corning he has designed the program to allow all who wish to visit two of the greatest museums in the country an opportunity to do so without missing any of the conference program. In Corning, the third most visited tourist attraction in New York State, they have the world famous Corning Museum of Glass and the Rockwell Museum of Western Art. There will not be a program on Wednesday afternoon to allow anyone who would like to visit either, or both, of these international attractions to do so. Group tours and rates will be made available and published in the next issue of the IABPA News. The program will resume Wednesday evening to make up for having the afternoon off. Papers will be presented from 7:00 PM until 10:00 PM and Herb promises to be the last speaker so you can leave early and not miss anything important if you wish. Following the official welcome on Wednesday morning several papers will be presented. Lunch will be on your own this day as well as Thursday and Friday. There are many fine places to dine within easy walking distance of the Radisson. As stated above, the afternoon will be free to visit the vendors and do whatever you please. More about local attractions later. The meeting will reconvene at 7:00 PM for additional papers. Thursday will be a day for presentations both during the morning and afternoon. We will break a little early as the staff has to set up for our banquet in the meeting room. Herb reminds us we are meeting in the room where IABPA was formed and it is not the most spacious location; but it does hold a lot of history for us. I.A.B.P.A. News 32 March 2006 Herb is still trying to work out the details of having what is normally an outside pig roast served inside a hotel. For some reason the chief chef doesn’t want the hog cooked inside! For those who may never have enjoyed a pig roast it will be both interesting and a delightful gustatory experience. Naturally, there will be alternate choices for your banquet entrée. Friday morning will again consist of papers. Our annual business meeting will be held after lunch and, when ended, will conclude our annual meeting. Everyone can then go home or stay for a few days to see whatever it is that they may have missed in Corning. The hotel where the meetings will be held during the 2006 Annual Meeting of IABPA is the Radisson Hotel in Corning, New York. This is a most significant location because while this location was a Hilton Hotel in 1983, it is the place where IABPA was formed on 18 November 1983. Our meetings will be held in the very same room where IABPA was first conceived and everyone can reflect back and imagine if any of those first twenty-two members could have ever anticipated that their initial efforts could have resulted in what is now such a vibrant worldwide organization. I know I couldn’t. Herb MacDonell, Founder Rates for rooms at the Radisson Hotel are: Guestroom rate: $102 plus 12% tax. The Radisson has reserved 100 rooms for our group which, if necessary, could be increased. Those who wish to stay at the Radisson are advised to make their reservations as soon as possible to avoid disappointment should they be filled up early. Be sure to mention that you are with IABPA, the Bloodstain Group, when you register. The contact information is: Radisson Hotel Corning, 125 Denison Parkway East, Corning, New York 14830 Telephone: 607-962-5000, Fax: 607-962-4166, or www.radisson,com.corningny Rates for rooms at the Holiday Inn Staybridge Suites are: Studio (Queen): $60 plus tax. One Bedroom (2 Double/King): $89.00 plus tax. Two Bedroom (Queen and 2 Double): $109 plus tax. Be sure to mention that you are with IABPA, the Bloodstain Group, when you register. They offer a complimentary hot breakfast and free snacks Tuesday-Thursday at 5:00 PM with free beer and wine. Every suite has a full kitchen and a pantry in the lobby. The Staybridge is about five minutes from the Radisson if you drive or ride. Otherwise it is a refreshing 15 minute walk. Getting a ride with other delegates should be no problem. The contact information is: Staybridge Suites, 201 Townley Road, Corning, New York Telephone: 607-936-7800, Fax: 607-936-7900, or I.A.B.P.A. News 33 March 2006 Rates for rooms at the Comfort Inn are: One Bedroom (2 Double): $60 plus tax. Be sure to mention that you are with IABPA, the Bloodstain Group, when you register. The Comfort Inn is probably the most economical as two can stay for the price of one. They offer a complimentary hot breakfast. The Comfort Inn is about a five minutes drive from the Radisson or a brisk fifteen minute walk. It should be no problem in getting a ride from others who are attending the annual meeting. The contact information is: Comfort Inn, 66 West Pulteney Street, Corning, New York 14830 Telephone: 697-962-1515, Fax: 607-962-1899, or IMPORTANT NOTICE! Corning, New York is not a large city. Rather, it has the small town charm than can only be found in more rural areas. People are friendly, they do not rush, and they say. “Hello” to you on the sidewalk. We do not have 1,000 room hotels and for that reason I strongly suggest that if you plan to attend the October Annual Meeting of IABPA you make you reservations sooner rather than later. We may not be able to have more than 100 rooms blocked off for us at the host hotel, the Corning Radisson Hotel. However, many of our members have stayed in Corning before and are familiar with the wonderful accommodations the Staybridge Suites have to offer and I suspect they will elect to stay there as it is not that far from the Radisson. Likewise, many are familiar with the Comfort Inn and may wish to stay there. In the event we have a much larger turnout for the October meeting than expected I have listed below several other possible motels where rooms ought to be available. Also, some people may prefer one of these locations to those listed above. If so, you must call them directly to make your reservations. Other Accommodations in the Corning Area are: Days Inn, Corning, New York. Telephone: 607-936-9370 Econo Lodge, Painted Post, New York. Telephone: 607-962-4444 Fairfield Inn, Corning, New York. Telephone: 607-937-9600 Hampton Inn, Painted Post, New York. Telephone: 607-936-3344 Holiday Inn, Painted Post, New York. Telephone: 607-962-5021 I.A.B.P.A. News 34 March 2006 GETTING TO CORNING, NEW YORK It is not difficult to get to Corning, New York. The problem is that once there you won’t want to leave! If you come from far away and wish to fly the closest airport is the Elmira-Corning Regional Airport (ELM). I can see the airport out of my office window but it is 14 miles down the valley from here. Both US Airways and Northwest fly into and out of this airport. Only problem, it is expensive. Many people, like a lot of our local residents, prefer to use the Rochester, New York Monroe County Airport (ROC) to our North. The lower rates to and from there more than make up for renting a car for a week and driving the 90 miles to Corning. There is not one traffic signal from the Rochester airport until you come into Corning and it is all on a four-lane freeway with no tolls. Besides, that way you will have a car here and if you stay at the Staybridge it will be handy. Very important, if you elect to fly into the Rochester, New York airport be sure your travel agent does not get confused and send you to Rochester, Minnesota as it has happened before! If you plan to drive the map below should be helpful. Herb MacDonell, Chairman IABPA 2006 I.A.B.P.A. News 35 March 2006 BLOODSTAIN PATTERN ANALYSIS IN THE NEWS Alexei Pace Presented below are news articles that feature bloodstain pattern analysis. Links are active at the time of writing (mid-February 2006), however they may be put offline after a few weeks. These news items are distributed through the BPA in the News mailing list and discussion forum, which counts 160 members and to which one may subscribe to by e-mailing me at All details shown are available in the public domain and were acquired through online press websites. VICTIM hit while lying helpless on her back, bleeding, jury told Hamilton Spectator - Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Type1&c=Article&cid=1138404336467&call_pageid=1020420665036&col=1014656511815 By following the blood trail from the apartment door to the loft where the victim was found, Niagara Detective Craig Moore concluded the attacker struck at least one more blow to her head after pulling down her jeans while he was kneeling down or hunched over her body. The bloodstain evidence indicates, however, she was fully dressed when she was attacked at the entrance of the apartment, dragged through the living room and up a flight of 16 stairs to the loft where her body was found. Testifying in Ontario Superior Court, Moore also said he found large bloodstains on the buttock of a denim pants and the back of a white underpants. He said her panties and pants were on when these stains were created. On the front of her panties he also found more than 80 tiny bloodstains which he concluded were formed by droplets of blood that sprayed from her head when the killer struck her with a club. He said her panties would have been intact and on her body when these marks were formed. But her pants had to be pulled down or off for the projected blood to land on the front of her panties. He added the killer was probably straddling her body when he swung the club. JURORS hear violent tale as Va. Beach murder trial begins Virginian Pilot - Norfolk, VA, USA Crime scene specialist Elizabeth Dunton of the city Police Department said blood-spatter evidence indicated that the victim suffered her injuries in a first-floor bathroom and was moved into a narrow hallway, where her body was found by authorities lying face down and covered with a sheet. Scattered around her body was “a tremendous amount of tiles in many shapes and pieces,” much of it spattered with blood. The blood spatter appeared wild and random in pictures shown to the jury. Dunton said the spatter on doors and walls probably was caused by “a tile that the blood was coming off of.” The source of the blood, Dunton said, was the gaping wound on the back of Elizabeth Phillips’ head. The spatter on the door, Dunton said, was caused by “a fairly significant amount of force.” _________________________________________________________________________________________________ KILLER need not have been covered in blood - court told Hastings Observer - Hastings, England, UK Scientist Adrian Wain told jurors he examined the blood spatter from photos of the scene. He was giving evidence at the retrial of Sion Jenkins, 48, who is accused of battering his foster daughter to death with a tent spike at their home. I.A.B.P.A. News 36 March 2006 Jenkins was found to have microscopic blood specks on his clothes after the attack on February 15 1997. Prosecutor Nicholas Hilliard said: "It might be tempting to think that those who did this killing would be covered in blood." Mr. Wain replied: "That is quite incorrect. You can see from the photographs we do not have a uniform 360-degree spatter. Therefore if the attacker is not standing there and the majority of this spatter is going the direction of the house then he is not going to intercept very much spatter. It is also to do with the interaction of the weapon with whatever it is hitting." Mr. Wain said blood spatter, similar to that found on Jenkins' clothes, was found on the front of Billie Jo's leggings. However, the victim was found lying face down on the patio of her home, the court heard. Mr. Wain said: "Clearly the body in this case has been moved. Blood has drained out of the body even after death and lots of things can change." Defence scientists claim the blood spatter could come from the victim’s breathing or 'snorting' either in her final moments of life or when she was moved. _________________________________________________________________________________ BLOOD matches stains on clothing, says expert witness Mid-Hudson News – Newburgh, NY, USA Stains on some of the clothing are consistent with that of clothes which were worn during a stabbing. Christopher Rhodes of Highland Falls is accused of stabbing to death seven-year-old Jerica Rhodes at her elementary school. Criminalist Professor Dr. Peter DeForest, proven by the prosecution as an expert in crime scene analysis and reconstruction, claimed that the blood spatter on the shoes, blood smears and spots on the black leather jacket, and blood smears on the pants are all consistent with an incident involving a stabbing. He said that the jacket proved to be a major contributor to his drawn conclusion. Blood smeared on the lip of the right pocket of the jacket is consistent with the action of a bloody hand entering and exiting the pocket, according to the doctor. The prosecutor asked DeForest if any of the blood on those pieces of clothing corresponds to nose bleeds, a claim made several times during the trial by defense attorney. DeForest said that none of the stains he observed on the jacket, the jeans, or the shoes is consistent with that of a nosebleed. ABSTRACTS OF RECENT BPA RELATED ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN THE SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE Fracasso, T. and Karger, B., Two Unusual Stab Wounds to the Neck: Homicide or Self-Infliction, International Journal of Legal Medicine, published on line 10/20/05 Abstract A 31-year-old woman was found dead by her daughter, lying in the living room which showed a large pool of blood, secondary blood droplets and stains from arterial blood spatter, dropping and contact. This bloody scene and two puncture wounds at the anterior aspect of the neck, one of them transecting the left common carotid artery leading to exsaguination, arose suspicion of homicide. However, the wound morphology including notches and a parallel skin incision as well as microradiography demonstrated that the two puncture wounds had been produced by glass. At the scene, a broken wine glass with two dagger-like tips had been standing on a table in front of a sofa where the woman had been sitting, and she most likely sustained the injury when she suddenly moved her head downwards, thus moving into the protruding tips. This self-inflicted accident demonstrates that inspection of the scene and synthesis of the autopsy and scene findings can be crucial for a successful medico-legal reconstruction. The mechanism of producing the accidental injury is very extraordinary, in that the woman actively moved into a shattered wine glass instead of falling into an intact architectural glass surface. I.A.B.P.A. News 37 March 2006 Yamashita, B., Maloney, K., Carter, A.L. and Jory, S, Three-Dimensional Representation of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis, Journal of Forensic Identification, 55 (6), 2005 pp. 711-725 Abstract As part of a bloodstain pattern analysis course delivered at the Canadian Police College by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, a mock crime scene bloodstain pattern was analyzed by computer, and the results were rendered in three dimensions for court presentation. The data from the BackTrack™ program used on the course were successfully integrated into a standard AutoCAD program in order to show the virtual fight paths of droplets of blood in a threedimensional depiction. Illes, M.B., Carter, A.L., Laturnus, P.L., and Yamashita, A.B. , Use of the BackTrack™ Computer Program for Bloodstain Analysis of Stains from Downward-Moving Drops. Can. Soc. Forensic Sci. J., 2005, 38(4) pp. 213-217. Abstract Using Directional Analysis, the BackTrack™ suite of computer programs can be used to analyze a crime scene in which bloodstains only from downward-moving drops are available. Only two of three Cartesian coordinates for the blood source location can be accurately determined, but this is still significantly better than the stringing and tangent methods which cannot accommodate the stains from downward-moving drops without great difficulty. Crime scene investigators with access to this computer program should be aware of the program’s ability to use data that cannot be used easily in other methods of analysis. Sears, V.G., Butcher, C.P.G., Fitzgerald, L. A., Enhancement of Fingerprints in Blood Part 3: Reactive techniques, Acid Yellow 7, and Process Sequences, Journal of Forensic Identification, 55 (6), 2005 pp. 741-763 Abstract A systematic evaluation of a number of techniques that react with the components of blood has been carried out on various surfaces (both porous and nonporous) that are typically found at scenes of crime. Most effective on porous surfaces were DFO and ninhydrin, which react with amines. On nonporous surfaces, no process was found to be as effective at developing fingerprint detail as the protein dye benzoxanthene yellow. However, because this dye has become unavailable, acid yellow 7 was determined to be a suitable replacement. References 1. 2. Sears, V.G.; Prizeman, T.M. Enhancement of Fingerprints in Blood – Part 1: The Optimization of Amido Black. J.For.Ident. 2000, 50 (5), pp. 470-480. Sears, V.G.; Butcher, C.P.G.; Prizeman, T.M. Enhancement of Fingerprints in Blood – Part 2: Protein Dyes. J.For.Ident. 2001, 51 (1), pp. 28-38. I.A.B.P.A. News 38 March 2006 Organizational Notices Moving Soon? All changes of mailing address need to be supplied to our Secretary Norman Reeves. Each quarter Norman forwards completed address labels for those who are members. Do not send change of address information to the NEWS Editor. E-mail your new address to Norman Reeves at: Norman Reeves I.A.B.P.A. 12139 E. Makohoh Trail Tucson, Arizona 85749-8179 Fax: 520-760-5590 Membership Applications / Request for Promotion Applications for membership as well as for promotion are available on the IABPA website: IABPA Website: The fees for application of membership and yearly dues are $40.00 US each. If you have not received a dues invoice for 2006 please contact Norman Reeves. Training Opportunities April 24-28, 2006 Bloodstain Pattern Recognition Course July 10-14, 2006 Advanced Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Course Northwest Bloodstain Pattern Association Edmonton, Alberta, Canada City and Angel College London, UK Course Coordinator: S/Sgt. John Forsythe RCMP E-mail: Instructors: Paul E. Kish and Stuart H. James Contact: Anthony Larkin at the Metropolitan Police Service Tel: 00 44 (0)207 230 0342 Fax: 00 44 (0)207 230 0372 E-mail: ♦ June 12-16, 2006 Basic Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Course ♦ Nashua Police Department Nashua, New Hampshire Contact: Paul Erwin Kish Forensic Consultant and Associates P.O. Box 814 Corning, New York Tel: 607-962-8092 E-mail: I.A.B.P.A. News 39 March 2006 Contact: Toby L. Wolson, M.S. Miami-Dade Police Department Crime Laboratory Bureau Forensic Biology Section 9105 NW 25th Street Miami, Florida, 33172 Tel: 305-471-3041 E-mail: October 23-27, 2006 Bloodstain Pattern Recognition Course Northwest Bloodstain Pattern Association Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Course Coordinator: S/Sgt. John Forsythe RCMP E-mail: ♦ ♦ December 4-8, 2006 Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Workshop Training Announcements for the June issue of the 2006 IABPA News must be received before May 15, 2006 Miami-Dade Police Department Specialized Training Department Miami, Florida Tamper Resistant Tapes Our matte, acetate- based tapes are pre-packaged in a convenient box-dispenser and measure 1 3/8" x 108'. These tapes are easily broken when used to seal evidence. They are classified as "very aggressive" because of their tackified adhesive. They adhere in temperatures as low as 20 degrees below zero and will retain their adhesion in temperatures as low as 40 degrees below zero. These tapes will exceed all of your expectations! You can find any tape or label by logging onto: There are five great ways to contact CSI Supply, LLC: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Customer Service: 1.888.444.3237, Available Monday through Friday 9-5 (CST) FAX: 816.241.2743 E-mail: On-line catalog: Mailing Address: 1616 N. Corrington , Kansas City, MO 64120 I.A.B.P.A. News 40 March 2006 Editor’s Corner As a charter member of the IABPA I have witnessed the growth of this organization from the 22 students at Herbert Leon MacDonell’s advanced class in 1983 to the more than 700 members that we have today. Our European colleagues have shared their knowledge with us and have been well represented at our annual IABPA conferences in the US and Canada. As a result of the growing European representation in IABPA, Region 5 was established with Leif Peterson as the vice-president. When the announcement of the First European IABPA Conference to be held in Middelburg, Zeeland, the Netherlands was made, it signaled a historic milestone for the continuing growth of this organization. Fellow charter member, Norman Reeves and I gladly accepted the invitation from conference organizers Andre Hendrix and Peter Lamb to attend this conference of 140 participants from 20 countries. You will see by the conference abstracts published in this issue, the diversity and quality of papers that were presented by speakers from many of these countries. I have great praise and appreciation for the efforts of Andre Hendrix, Peter Lamb and the hospitality of the Zeeland Police Force that resulted in a superlative conference. Old City Hall in Middelburg, Zeeland, the Netherlands – The site of the First European IABPA Conference 2006 Stuart H. James Editor-IABPA NEWS James & Associates Forensic Consultants Inc. 4800 SW 64th Avenue, Suite 105 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314 Tel: 954-321-8700 954-485-5904 Fax: 954-321-8994 E-mail: I.A.B.P.A. News 41 March 2006 Past Presidents of the IABPA V. Thomas Bevel Charles Edel Warren R. Darby Rod D. Englert Edward Podworny Tom J. Griffin Toby L. Wolson, M.S. Daniel V. Christman Phyllis T. Rollan Daniel Rahn 1983-1984 1985-1987 1988 1989-1990 1991-1992 1993-1994 1995-1996 1997-1998 1999-2000 2001-2002 Associate Editors of the IABPA News L. Allyn DiMeo Barton P. Epstein Paul E. Kish Jon J. Nordby Joseph Slemko Robert P. Spalding T. Paulette Sutton Todd Thorne The IABPA News is published quarterly in March, June, September, and December. © 2006. The International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts. All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. I.A.B.P.A. News 42 March 2006
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