- OT Communications


- OT Communications
Article Title | SECTION
Canadian Cemetery Management
July 2016
Canada’s largest First World War monument
unveiled at Base Borden
What’s Inside?
Vol. 30 No. 4 • July 2016
2Cover Story:
Borden Legacy Project
7 OACFP Conference
6 OACFP Association Update
10 WCCA Conference
Preview - Part II
14 Business Index
Photo courtesy of CFB Borden
July 2016 | NETWORK • Page 1
COVER | Borden Legacy Project
The urn containing soil from Vimy Ridge is
carried by Steckley-Gooderham’s Jeff Scott
with Susanne Pretty beside him as part of the
Freedom of the City Parade in Barrie.
Canada’s largest First World War monument unveiled
at Base Borden
By Lisa Johnston
n June 9, 2016, over 7,000 community members,
volunteers, dignitaries, military personnel and
veterans converged at the Angus gate of Base
Borden near Barrie, ON, to unveil Canada’s largest
First World War monument. The official ceremony – which
included the placement of an urn containing soil from Vimy
Ridge – has been over five years in the making and came to
fruition with the assistance of the death-care profession.
A joint venture of the Canadian and French governments,
the whole endeavour, officially known as the Borden Legacy
Project, has garnered the support of the military, civilians
Page 2 •
and many local businesses – including Jeff Scott and Susanne
Pretty of Steckley-Gooderham Funeral Homes.
“To have the opportunity to participate in something like
this is a huge privilege and truly an honour,” says Scott, owner
of Steckley-Gooderham. “We jumped right in feet first to help
plan everything from the ceremony to transportation and the
Taking place in three phases, the project began with a
contingent of military and civilian personnel travelling to
Vimy Ridge in June of 2015. Led by Honorary Colonels
Jamie Massie, Barry Peacock and Jim Williams, the group
Borden Legacy
– supported by Steckley-Gooderham
– worked tirelessly to raise more than
$400,000 for the project.
“We were approached by Honorary
Colonel Barry Peacock to ask for our
input in bringing back the soil from the
tunnels and trenches of Vimy Ridge,”
explains Pretty. “The soil represents
the blood, sweat, tears and DNA of the
soldiers who died in action over there.
Jeff and I then got heavily involved in
not only the logistics of bringing back
the soil but also in the development and
creation of the containers that would
carry the soil back and to do that we
contacted Caley Ferguson at Northern
Casket for help.”
Northern Casket was able to craft
a magnificent transportation ark to
house the two bronze ceremonial urns,
two maple-handled copper trowels and
two maple-handled brushes used for
the white-glove ceremony. Included
as part of the transportation ark was
a sanctum that held four keys – each
a different colour and representing
the four Canadian divisions that took
part in the battle. The ark design and
construction was a collaboration
of both Steckley-Gooderham and
Northern Casket staff.
Scott and Pretty then travelled with
the contingent to France where the
ark and urns were used to collect the
soil and transport it safely back to CFB
Trenton until the completion of the
“The two urns are actually Batesville
urns that we refinished,” says Scott. “We
3D printed a wax model of the Canadian
leaf that was used on uniforms and
badges during the First World War and
that was attached in solid bronze to the
front of the urns.”
At the beginning of June, the soil
began its journey, travelling down the
Highway of Heroes with a military
and police escort followed by Barrie’s
Freedom of the City Parade – an honour
granted to military organizations
allowing them the privilege to march
into the city with drums beating,
colours flying and bayonets fixed,
celebrating the continued trust and
Susanne Pretty pushes Norman Burling, Canada’s oldest living
v e t e r a n , t o m e e t P r i m e M i n i s t e r J u s t i n Tr u d e a u . T h e m a n i n t h e
b a c k i s p o r t r a y i n g P r i v a t e L e o n a r d We b s t e r w h o w a s k i l l e d a t
Vimy Ridge.
friendship between the community of
Barrie and the members of the Canadian
Armed Forces. The soil was a part of the
parade which saw approximately 1,000
military personnel and local dignitaries
take to the street.
On June 7, the soil was then
transported to Peacekeeper Park where
it rested during a two-day vigil protected
by armed personnel. Two days later,
via another parade, the soil was
transported to the Borden monument
for a ceremony with Prime Minister
Justin Trudeau, dignitaries, military,
civilians and a contingent from France
as well as Canada’s oldest living veteran,
102-year-old Norman Burling.
“At both the ceremony at Vimy Ridge
and the ceremony at Base Borden, there
were four individuals representing the
four divisions who had to unlock the
transportation ark to have the urns
come out,” explains Scott.
During the ceremony, only one urn
was placed in the monument. The other
urn is still awaiting its final resting
July 2016 | NETWORK • Page 3
COVER | Borden Legacy Project
Ceremonies at Base Borden on June 9, 2016.
P h o t o c o u r t e s y o f M a r k Wa n z e l P h o t o g r a p h y.
place – a new Roman-amphitheatre-like cenotaph that will
stretch from downtown Barrie to Kempenfelt Bay that should
be completed in April of 2017 in time for the anniversary of
the battle itself.
The Borden Legacy Project celebrates the 100th anniversary
of CFB Borden, which served as Canada’s chief training centre
for soldiers during the First World War through to today. As a
further remembrance to these sacrifices, a stone pathway leads
from the new monument amongst the beautiful landscaping
to the original trenches where soldiers trained. The trenches
were discovered following a land clearing process and were
restored in 2011.
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Page 4 •
Borden Legacy
Unloading the ceremonial
ark from the 100-year-old
gun carriage.
The monument itself is composed of a number of parts.
Along with two big highly-polished black granite walls, there
is also a life-sized bugler made of solid bronze by famous
Canadian artist Marlene Hilton Moore.
The monument also contains a number of quotes including
one from Sir Arthur Currie, a colonel during the Vimy
campaign, that reads: “To those who fall I say, ‘You will not
die, but step into immortality. Your mothers will not lament
your fate, but will have been proud to have borne such sons.
Your names will be revered for ever and ever by your grateful
country, and God will take you unto Himself.’”
Pretty adds, “Currie led the first division at Vimy Ridge
which was the first time all four Canadian divisions ever
fought together and ironically the last time all four Canadian
divisions solely fought together.”
The area will also include granite benches creating a place
where visitors can sit and contemplate the huge sacrifice made
by First World War military personnel at Vimy Ridge – 10,602
casualties of which 3,598 were killed in action on site in France.
Located right at the gates of Base Borden before entering the
security checkpoint, the monument can be visited by civilians
and is visible from the road leading past the military base.
It is evident by the enthusiasm of Scott and Pretty how
important the Borden Legacy Project is to the Barrie community
and Canada. As donors of the project, Steckley-Gooderham also
had the opportunity to participate in placing a time capsule
near the monument that will be opened in 2116.
“For us, from the start, we treated the whole experience
as if we were repatriating someone from battle,” says Scott.
“We participated in designing all the ceremonies from the
ground up. We helped with the containers and the urns and
it was obviously a great thing for the funeral home to be able
to assist.”
He concludes, “As the Canadian military tries to weave its
way more into the fabric of society, places like Barrie provide
a great depth of honour and service. I think it is a great thing
for the community and the base to have done this together.
History was made via the Borden Legacy Project.” N
July 2016 | NETWORK • Page 5
OACFP | Association Update
B y C r y s t a b e l l e F o b l e r, p r e s i d e n t
Crystabelle Fobler
“Not the sun or summer alone, but every hour and season yields its
tribute of delight.” ~ Emerson
et’s face it, summer is all about FUN! And as you read this
article, I am hoping you have either started enjoying the
warmth of the summer sun or are making plans to do so.
And, as you enjoy your summer, we want to remind you that
the OACFP board members and their respective committees
continue to give back to the association through the many
hours of time, from their already busy schedules, devoted to
programs and events for you and on your behalf, as we have
done so throughout the year.
In early May, this association was honoured to be invited
to join police leaders from across Ontario, members of
OFSA and various community partners to tackle distracted
driving. The 2016 Drive Safe campaign “Risk Takers Meet
Undertakers” was officially launched on May 11, 2016 at
the Toronto location of MacKinnon and Bowes. We, in the
bereavement profession, all too often have to deal with the
unfortunate aftermath of accidents. Our partnership with the
Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police and members in our
profession really drove home the message that distracted (and
impaired) driving is dangerous… “is it really worth the risk to
meet us?” The partnership was a good one and speaks to the
importance of working together not only for the betterment
of our profession, but also for the benefit of the community.
On May 17, OACFP was invited to participate as a cosponsor (along with OFSA and TDFDI) at the Humber College
Post Grad professional development event. By all accounts,
this year’s event was a huge success with all spaces sold out
well ahead of time. Unfortunately, organizers had to turn
away a number of registrants. The event was developed to
address ongoing concerns for the emotional, mental and
physical health of the funeral professional. This year’s focus
Page 6 •
The 2016 Drive Safe campaign kickoff at
MacKinnon and Bowes.
on wellness provided registrants with information they can
use to incorporate a healthier lifestyle into their workplace
and home.
“Synergy” is the theme of this year’s conference at the
Deerhurst Resort and promises to be one of the best! An
amazing team of engaged volunteers have put together a
program you will not want to miss. Add to that, the ambience
of autumn in northern Ontario and we have a recipe for one
heck of a conference. We look forward to having you join us
October 18-20, 2016. Hope to see you there!
I end with this, as most of us will take some time off
from work to spend with family and friends… “The secret
of success is making your vacation, your vacation.” So, best
wishes to each and every one of you for a fantastic summer.
Until next time… N
Conference Preview | OACFP
Join OACFP at the Deerhurst Resort
for the Annual Conference
By Patty Harris, conference co-chair
ACFP is hosting its annual Conference and Trade Show
at the Deerhurst Resort located in the picturesque
Muskoka region of Ontario from October 18-20,
2016. Delegates will enjoy a wide range of educational and
networking opportunities throughout the conference and will
have ample time to visit vendor booths, meet the suppliers
and learn what’s new in the profession.
The conference is the cornerstone of OACFP and truly
defines us as a unified association of bereavement sector
professionals providing education, resources and an
opportunity to network with others in the profession. Themed
Synergy – Moving Together – Changing Lives, the conference
is designed to focus on the synergies within our profession,
with the customers and communities we serve and the people
we work with.
We have an impressive lineup of industry and keynote
speakers presenting a wide range of topics that will provide
valuable and practical information. Presentation topics include
leadership and marketing strategies, ceremony, multicultural
customs and rituals, and an engaging mental health session
on peer support systems in organizations.
Our trade show is one of the best in the profession with the
most diverse mix of suppliers. Delegates will not want to miss
the opening night of the trade show on October 18 as it has
long been one of the many highlights of the conference and is
a great opportunity to network, make new contacts, meet up
July 2016 | NETWORK • Page 7
OACFP | Conference Preview
with old friends and discover what’s new and trending in the
bereavement profession.
Back by popular demand, we are once again hosting the
Municipal and Small Cemetery Meeting on October 18. This
year we are planning two sessions dedicated to the FBCSA
with the second session including a panel discussion. Space
is limited in these sessions so if you are a municipal or small
cemetery operator be sure to register early to ensure your seat.
We are also introducing two new networking opportunities:
First Time Attendee Reception: There will be a special
welcoming reception for those who have never attended a
conference. Join us on October 18 just before the opening of
the trade show for an opportunity to meet the OACFP board
and others who are attending for the first time.
Bonfire Social: After the opening night trade show the
networking continues as we move outside under the Muskoka
sky to enjoy a bonfire, have a drink and socialize with friends
and colleagues.
We look forward to seeing you in Muskoka at the Deerhurst
Resort. For registration information, please visit oacfp.com.
Due to timing constraints, we will prepare the next article
for the September issue to include the speaker profiles and
presentation highlights. N
Page 8 •
July 2016 | NETWORK • Page 9
WCCA | Conference Preview - Part II
2016 WCCA Conference Speakers
B y Ti m S t e r k e n b u r g
n anticipation of the upcoming WCCA Conference in
Medicine Hat, September 14 -16, 2016, following is an
overview of some of the speakers.
Spencer Beach – Keynote Opening Address
Spencer Beach, a third-generation floor technician, was
involved in all types of commercial and residential construction
as a labourer, supervisor and manager. He is a construction
safety officer and has completed the occupational health and
safety certificate program through the University of Alberta
faculty of extension. Beach was a member of Toastmasters
and is also a certified WHMIS trainer.
Spencer Beach learned that sometimes tragedy chooses you
for no reason at all. On a day like any other, just doing his
job, he found himself suddenly engulfed in a flash fire. It came
with a whistle and a bang, changing his life within the blink
of an eye. Forever. Within 20 seconds, he received third- and
fourth-degree burns to 90 per cent of his body. Beach fought
through the fire to escape, to live even though he thought
he was going to die. Holding onto the fading thoughts of his
wife and the developing child within her womb gave him the
courage to find a way out. But he had no idea what survival
would mean.
The life of a cemeterian can become very routine, going
through similar processes day in and day out. It becomes very
easy to fall into the trap of complacency. Beach lived through
those consequences.
Erik Lees
Erik Lees is a registered professional planner and fellow of
the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects. After working
for 20 years in municipal parks and cemeteries, he started
LEES+Associates in 1998. He is proud to be part of a team
of people working from offices in Vancouver, Toronto and
Whitehorse, concentrating on a full range of services to the
bereavement sector. He has travelled widely over the last 18
Page 10 •
years in his quest to understand different burial trends and
has been fortunate to work in both East and West Africa,
across North America and more recently on cemeteries in
New Zealand.
Heidi Redman
Heidi Redman is a landscape architect and senior associate
with LEES+Associates, where she has contributed to cemetery
planning and design projects over the last 10 years. Redman
led the team that recently completed the design of new
municipal cemeteries in Iqaluit and Fort McMurray. She
has led a number of cemetery projects across Northern and
Western Canada. She is currently based out of the firm’s
regional office in Whitehorse.
John Devine
John Devine feels he has been fortunate to have lived in
Medicine Hat for 50 years. The beautiful city parks in the
area are one of the reasons Devine became an arborist. He
started trimming trees 34 years ago and it has been his life’s
work ever since. He took his arborist training at Olds College
and he is a longtime member of the International Society of
Arboriculture. Although his company, Rite Enterprises, is not
large, it has become very well equipped and mechanized and
now has two certified arborists on staff. Devine has worked in
parks and cemeteries in Medicine Hat and in communities in
this area for many years. He hopes by sharing his experience
it will help others care for beautiful parks and cemeteries for
years to come.
Todd Sharpe
After working with the Canadian Forces for 13 years,
Todd Sharpe moved into the municipal side of the parks and
recreation industry in 2014 to assume a role that allowed him
to bring along his passion for leading teams, staff development
Conference Preview - Part II | WCCA
and customer service. As the “landlord of enjoyable spaces” in
Medicine Hat, he believes it is essential to manage the morale
and welfare of his staff if they are going to deliver exemplary
public service. Sharpe holds a firm belief that the ability
to lead, inspire and manage people is as important as any
technical expertise.
Ted Winn
Ted Winn started in the casket distribution and
manufacturing business in 1980 with Imperial Caskets
Edmonton Ltd. He worked as a manager there for several
years, and during this time was trained to service and repair
Frigid Fluid lowering devices.
In 1990, Winn opened his own casket manufacturing and
distribution business under the name Legacy Caskets Ltd. The
company eventually absorbed Imperial Caskets Edmonton
Ltd. resulting in Imperial Legacy Caskets Ltd. During his
many years of owning and operating Imperial Legacy Caskets
Ltd., he continued to service and repair lowering devices as
well as sell and distribute parts and supplies to various funeral
homes and cemeteries.
Winn owned and operated the business until 2010 when he
sold it and merged with Imperial Group Inc. Because Imperial
Group had no intention to continue servicing lowering
devices, he decided to arrange a mobile lowering device service
and maintenance business known as Legacy Lowering Device.
Winn has since continued to service and sell lowering devices
throughout Western Canada.
There has always been an informative session from Carruthers
when conferences land in Alberta. Attendees from other
provinces can do comparisons to their own legislation and
hash out areas where they also have questions.
It is always challenging to arrange speakers and topics
that appeal to all in our profession. Some attendees have
come for decades while others may attend for the first
time. Time and again we hear from those attending that
networking with fellow cemeterians is worth making the
effort to come. Please join us to make your conference in
Medicine Hat a success.
If you have not received a personal invitation in the mail,
please go to www.westerncemetery.com and click on the
conference link. See you in Medicine Hat! N
Lorine Marshall
Lorine Marshall is a native of Medicine Hat and a visual
artist, who has been a member of the Medicine Hat and
District Historical Society for over 50 years, serving on the
executive twice during those years. STORIES in STONE
historical cemetery tours were initiated in 2015, drawing on
the history of Hillside Cemetery. Marshall will lead delegates
through an example of a historical tour that other cemeteries
might consider offering. This exposes the property to the
public in an informative and relaxed setting allowing them
to consider the cemetery as a favourable option as their final
resting place.
Karen Carruthers
Karen Caruthers has been Alberta’s contact in the
government regarding cemetery legislation for many years.
July 2016 | NETWORK • Page 11
| Article Title
WCCA | Conference
Preview - Part II
Conference Schedule
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
7:00 p.m.
WCCA Executive Meeting
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
9:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
WCCA Executive Meeting
Golf Tournament
Conference Registration/Meet and Greet/Trade Show/Golf Prizes and Special Draw
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m.
2:15 p.m.
2:45 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
8:30 p.m.
Registration and Continental Breakfast
Welcome and Opening Remarks/Introduction of Suppliers
Keynote Speaker – Spencer Beach – “Raise the Dead”
Book Signing, Coffee Break with Trade Show
Karen Carruthers, Alberta Government – Q & A
WCCA Annual General Meeting
Coffee Break and Trade Show
Cemetery Trends and Challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons from Kenya and Ghana – Erik Lees
Building Cemeteries in Northern Climates: Lessons from Nunavut to Fort Mac – Heidi Redman
Trade Show with Special Draw
Awards and Presentations
Entertainment – Robert Larrabee – An Evening with the Legends
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Friday, September 16, 2016
7:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
Page 12 •
Continental Breakfast
Final Trade Show Time
Split Tracks
• Recommended Tree Species for Cemetery Setting
• Lowering Device Maintenance
• Strengthening Positive Workplace Culture – Todd Sharpe
• Roundtables
Depart for Tours
Pitchfork Fondue
Article Title | SECTION
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Should any changes
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