Electric Shopping Guide - Office of Consumer Advocate
Electric Shopping Guide - Office of Consumer Advocate
PA Office of Consumer Advocate’s Electric Shopping Guide PA Office of Consumer Advocate th 5 Floor, Forum Place 555 Walnut Street Harrisburg, PA 17101-1923 (717) 783-5048 email: consumer@paoca.org www.oca.state.pa.us 800-684-6560 A Residential Consumer’s Electric Shopping Guide Includes: Introduction & How to Shop Price Comparison Charts: Duquesne Light Rate RS - Regular Residential Service Rate RH - Residential Heating Service Rate RA - Residential Add-on Heat Pump Service Met-Ed PECO Energy Rate R - Regular Residential Service Rate RH - Residential Heating Service Penelec Penn Power Pike County Light and Power PPL Electric Utilities UGI West Penn Power Residential Electric Shopping Guide by the Pennsylvania Office of Consumer Advocate Introduction As a result of changes in the law in Pennsylvania, consumers can choose the company that provides them with a portion of their electric service. This guide has been prepared by the Pennsylvania Office of Consumer Advocate to help residential consumers make that choice. The Pennsylvania Office of Consumer Advocate is a state office whose job is to represent Pennsylvania consumers in matters involving their utility services. It is important to understand that consumers only have a choice as to a portion of their electricity service. The power lines that run down your street and into your home will still be operated by your local electric distribution company, and the rates for the delivery portion of your service will still be regulated by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission. But Pennsylvania consumers can choose the company that sells the electric power, or generation, that is delivered over those distribution lines. Some companies may offer electric generation service that is cheaper than the power sold by your local electric distribution company; some companies may offer types of generation that are cleaner to produce. No matter whom you buy your power from, the reliability and quality of your local electric distribution service will not change. In addition, only companies that are licensed by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission are allowed to sell electric generation to consumers in Pennsylvania. How To Shop for Electricity Each local electric utility has a “price to compare.” The price to compare is the price charged by your local utility for the portion of your service that is open to competition. The price to compare is given in cents per kilowatt hour (kWh). One way to think about a “kilowatt hour” is the amount of electricity needed to keep ten 100 watt light bulbs burning for one hour. A typical residential customer may use about 500 kilowatt hours of electricity every month for normal lighting and appliances. If you have electric heat, you are likely to use much more electricity in the winter months. If you have air conditioning, your usage will likely be higher in the summer months The best place to find your own monthly usage is by looking at recent bills you received from your electric distribution company. Once you know your utility’s price to compare and your own typical monthly usage, you can begin to shop for your electric supplier. Included in this guide is a list of names, telephone numbers and web addresses of licensed electric generation suppliers who have indicated an interest in serving residential customers in your area. By comparing the supplier’s price per kilowatt hour with your electric distribution company’s price to compare you can find out whether or not you will save money by switching. Price to Compare New 10 ¢/kWh - 9 ¢/kWh Savings 1 ¢/kWh Savings 1 ¢/kWh For example, as this table shows, if your electric distribution company’s price to compare is 10¢ Monthly per kWh and the competing electric generation supplier is charging 9¢, then you can save 1¢ on every Savings kilowatt hour that you use. If you use 500 kWh in a month, then you will save $5.00. If you use 1000 kWh in a month, then you will save $10.00. X 1 ¢/kWh $5.00 How To Use This Guide The purpose of this guide is to help residential consumers get started in shopping for their electric supplier. We have collected information about each of Pennsylvania’s major electric distribution companies as well as the electric generation suppliers who are presently offering service to residential customers in each area. We have attached a chart for each company showing the utility company’s price to compare, and the comparable price being charged by the electric generation suppliers. We have also calculated the monthly bills for suppliers’ services at three different usage levels -500 kWh, 1000 kWh, and 2000 kWh per month. If a supplier includes a monthly charge in addition to the price per kilowatt hour, then we have spread that charge over the applicable usage. For example, if a supplier charges $5.00 per month, plus 10¢ per kWh; and if a consumer uses 500 kWh, then the monthly bill in our chart would be $55.00. It is also important to note that we have not included other parts of your electric bill in our comparison charts. All customers will also have to pay other charges to their electric distribution company to have the power delivered to their home. Those additional charges are the same regardless of who you buy your power from, however, so that does not change the amount of your monthly savings. New Supplier Price per kWh 10 ¢/kWh Monthly Usage X 500 kWh Monthly Usage Cost $50.00 Monthly Fee $5.00 Monthly Generation Bill at 500 kWh per month $55.00 Our chart points out some electric generation supply services that are certified by the Green-e Energy program. These services are marked throughout the guide using the symbol shown on the left hand side of this page. The Green-e Renewable Electricity Certification Program is a program of the non-profit Center for Resource Solutions. The Green-e Energy program was established to provide information and an objective standard for consumers to compare electricity products, and to verify that consumers get what they pay for. For more information, or an updated list of certified providers in your area, call the Center for Resource Solutions at (888)-63 GREEN, or check their website at www.green-e.org. Our chart also states whether companies charge an early cancellation fee. Some companies charge this fee for cancelling a contract before the end of the specified time period. Finally, our charts only include basic residential and residential heating rates under which the great majority of Pennsylvania residential consumers are served. Some Pennsylvania electric distribution companies may offer other special rates that vary based on time of day and by peak usage or that are associated with particular types of service. Now It’s Your Turn This document is only a guide to start you in the shopping process. We have tried to gather accurate information from all the residential suppliers that we are aware of in each territory, but there may be additional products available. Also, prices change. You should always contact the supplier directly to make sure that you understand the price that you will have to pay as well as all other contract terms, such as the length of the contract and any other fees for switching to or from a particular supplier. Also, each electric distribution company’s price to compare will change periodically in the future. Disclaimer of Liability and Endorsement Neither the Pennsylvania Office of Consumer Advocate nor any of its employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the attached charts. Reference in the charts to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, or otherwise does not constitute or imply its endorsement or recommendation by the Pennsylvania Office of Consumer Advocate. The information contained in the charts shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes. The Pennsylvania Office of Consumer Advocate is not responsible for the contents of any off-site Internet web pages referenced. We can help If you have any questions, please contact our office by calling our toll free number 1-800-684-6560, or (717) 783-5048 or by email at consumer@paoca.org. The Office of Consumer Advocate’s website at www.oca.state.pa.us has other educational material available. You can obtain a current list of suppliers that are licensed to serve in your area, by visiting the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission website at www.puc.pa.gov or by calling toll free at 1-800-692-7380. However, please keep in mind that a company may be licensed but not actively offering service. Using the Guide: Step by Step Fixed/ Variable This column shows if the price structure of the offer is fixed or variable. A fixed price is an all-inclusive, per kWh price that will remain the same for at least three billing cycles or the term of the contract, whichever is longer. A variable price is an all-inclusive, per kWh price that can change by the hour, day, month, etc., according to the conditions in the supplier's disclosure Type of Price This column shows whether the offer is fixed or variable and the length of the contract. It may also list other special terms associated with the offer. Price per kWh This column shows the price per kWh of the offer, as of the date listed below the supplier's contact information. You should always contact the supplier to verify if the price listed is still valid. Cancellation Fee This column shows if the supplier charges a fee for cancelling a contract before the end of the specified period of time, and if so; the amount of the fee or how it is calculated. Renewable/Green Energy Details This column shows if the product is generated by a renewable resource and if the percentage is greater than required by PA law. It may also specify the resource (wind, solar, etc.). This logo shows that the product has been certified by the non-profit Center for Resource Solutions, Green-e Renewable Electricity Certification Program. The Green-e Energy program was established to provide information and an objective standard for consumers to compare electricity products, and to verify that consumers get what they pay for. For more information, or an updated list of certified providers in your area, call the Center for Resource Solutions at (888)63 GREEN, or check their website at www.green-e.org. Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh These columns calculate the cost of generation and transmission (i.e., supply) only at three different usage levels; 500 kWh, 1,000 kWh and 2,000 kWh per month. All customers will have to pay charges to their electric distribution company to have the power delivered to their home. Those charges are the same regardless of who provides your power. These distribution charges do not change the amount of your monthly savings. Updated 10/2016 Duquesne Light 1-888-393-7100 www.duquesnelight.com Regular Residential Service Rate RS Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Price to Compare through November 30, 2016 500 kWh 8.07 ¢ per kWh $ 40.35 1,000 kWh $ 80.70 2,000 kWh $ 161.40 ◌ The Price to Compare is the price per kWh that you would pay Duquesne Light for the Generation & Transmission portion of your bill, if you do not switch to an Electric Generation Supplier. ◌ All other charges will be paid to Duquesne Light regardless of whether or not an Electric Generation Supplier is chosen. Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term* n/a $ 39.95 $ 79.90 $ 159.80 Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term* 100% Renewable $ 41.45 $ 82.90 $ 165.80 Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term* n/a $ 41.45 $ 82.90 $ 165.80 Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term* n/a $ 43.50 $ 87.00 $ 174.00 AEP Energy 1-877-648-1923 www.aepenergy.com Updated October 11, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.99 ¢ per kWh *No cancellation fee for online enrollments. F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.29 ¢ per kWh *No cancellation fee for online enrollments. F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term 8.29 ¢ per kWh *No cancellation fee for online enrollments. F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 8.70 ¢ per kWh *No cancellation fee for online enrollments. Ambit Energy 1-877-282-6248 www.ambitenergy.com Updated April 14, 2016 V Intro Price for New Customers: Monthly Variable 9.93 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 49.65 $ 99.30 $ 198.60 V Monthly Variable Price, Guaranteed Savings Plan* 7.93 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 39.65 $ 79.30 $ 158.60 *The Guaranteed Savings Plan guarantees an annual savings of 3% compared to Duquesne's price for the same period. Please contact Ambit Energy for more information. Duquesne Light RS Page 1 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh American Power & Gas of PA 1-800-205-7491 www.americanpowerandgas.com Updated September 6, 2016 Intro Price for the No n/a First Month: 5.99 ¢ per kWh $ 59.90 $ 119.80 $ 29.95 Monthly Variable After 12 consecutive months of being an American Power & Gas customer, the company will automatically send a 25% rebate on the customer's average month's electricity supply charges. For more details, contact American Power & Gas. V Intro Price for the No First Month: 8.99 ¢ per kWh $ 44.95 $ 179.80 $ 89.90 Monthly Variable After 12 consecutive months of being an American Power & Gas customer, the company will automatically send a 25% rebate on the customer's average month's electricity supply charges. For more details, contact American Power & Gas. V Clearview Electric 1-800-746-4702 www.clearviewenergy.com Updated September 11, 2015 Clear Green Guarantee F Fixed price: 12 month term Yes: $150 100% Renewable $ 57.45 $ 114.90 $ 229.80 12.87 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable (99% PA wind & 1% PA solar) $ 64.35 $ 128.70 $ 257.40 11.49 ¢ per kWh Community Energy 1-866-WIND-123 www.communityenergyinc.com Updated November 4, 2015 V Monthly Variable Price Con Ed Solutions 1-866-842-8166 www.conedsolutions.com Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 8 Month Term 6.59 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 32.95 $ 65.90 $ 131.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 6.89 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 34.45 $ 68.90 $ 137.80 F Fixed Price: 21 Month Term 7.45 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 37.25 $ 74.50 $ 149.00 Duquesne Light RS Page 2 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Constellation Energy 1-866-577-4700 www.home.constellation.com Updated October 24, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.96 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 n/a $ 39.80 $ 79.60 $ 159.20 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 100% Renewable $ 42.45 $ 84.90 $ 169.80 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 8.89 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 100% Renewable $ 44.45 $ 88.90 $ 177.80 F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 8.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 n/a $ 42.45 $ 84.90 $ 169.80 Duquesne Light RS Page 3 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Direct Energy 1-844-208-6576 www.directenergy.com/msid/3798 Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term 8.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 42.45 $ 84.90 $ 169.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.39 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 41.95 $ 83.90 $ 167.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 9.19 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 45.95 $ 91.90 $ 183.80 Yes: $99 n/a $ 41.45 $ 82.90 $ 165.80 With Hulu. Contact Direct Energy for details. F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term* 8.29 ¢ per kWh *Military plan- Available to active or inactive military personnel. Verification required. F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term 8.89 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 44.45 $ 88.90 $ 177.80 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term* 8.79 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 43.95 $ 87.90 $ 175.80 *Military plan- Available to active or inactive military personnel. Verification required. F Fixed Price: 25 Month Term 9.59 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 47.95 $ 95.90 $ 191.80 F Fixed Price: 27 Month Term 10.19 ¢ per kWh Yes: $200 Device Recovery Fee n/a $ 50.95 $ 101.90 $ 203.80 Includes a Nest Learning Thermostat. Duquesne Light RS Page 4 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Eligo Energy PA, LLC 1-888-744-8125 www.eligoenergy.com Updated July 1, 2016 V Monthly Variable Price 6.61 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 33.05 $ 66.10 $ 132.20 F Fixed Price: 3 Month Term 7.75 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 38.77 $ 77.53 $ 155.06 F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term 7.97 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month remaining in contract n/a $ 39.85 $ 79.69 $ 159.38 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.10 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month remaining in contract n/a $ 40.51 $ 81.02 $ 162.04 8.63 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 43.15 $ 86.30 $ 172.60 V Intro Price for the First 3 Months: Monthly Variable 10.40 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable (99% wind & 1% solar) $ 52.00 $ 104.00 $ 208.00 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 10.90 ¢ per kWh No $ 54.50 $ 109.00 $ 218.00 Energy Rewards 1-844-737-3227 www.comcastenergyrewards.com Updated September 6, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term Ethical Electric, Inc. 1-800-460-4900 www.ethicalelectric.com Updated December 3, 2015 100% Renewable Green Mountain Energy Company 1-855-300-1545 www.greenmountain.com Updated September 6, 2016 Monthly Variable 100% Wind No Price 7.40 ¢ per kWh $ 37.00 $ 74.00 $ TM Pollution Free Green Mountain will donate $1 to the PA Horticultural Society's "Plant One Million" Program for each new customer who signs up for this product. V 148.00 Duquesne Light RS Page 5 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh IGS Energy 1-888-993-0997 www.IGSenergy.com Updated December 1, 2015 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.69 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 n/a $ 43.45 $ 86.90 $ 173.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.89 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 100% Renewable $ 44.45 $ 88.90 $ 177.80 8.99 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 44.95 $ 89.90 $ 179.80 Just Energy 1-855-865-7269 www.justenergy.com Updated September 6, 2016 F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term North American Power 1-888-313-9086 www.napower.com Updated October 5, 2015 F Fixed Price: 8 Month Term 8.89 ¢ per kWh No 25% Renewable $ 44.45 $ 88.90 $ 177.80 F Fixed Price: 8 Month Term 9.84 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 49.20 $ 98.40 $ 196.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 9.19 ¢ per kWh No 25% Renewable $ 45.95 $ 91.90 $ 183.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 10.14 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 50.70 $ 101.40 $ 202.80 $ 37.00 $ 74.00 $ 148.00 NRG Home 1-855-674-7697 www.nrghomepower.com Updated September 6, 2016 3 Month No 25% Wind Introductory Price: 7.40 ¢ per kWh Monthly Variable* *NRG Essentials Plan includes a $25 enrollment bonus after 3 months of service and 1% cash back quarterly. V Duquesne Light RS Page 6 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh 6.89 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 40.40 $ 74.85 $ 143.75 7.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 43.40 $ 80.85 $ 155.75 6.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 40.90 $ 75.85 $ 145.75 7.59 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 43.90 $ 81.85 $ 157.75 7.69 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 38.45 $ 76.90 $ 153.80 100% Renewable $ 41.45 $ 82.90 $ 165.80 Price per kWh Oasis Energy 1-800-324-3046 www.oasisenergy.com Updated November 17, 2015 F Fixed Price: 3 Month Term ($5.95 Monthly Fee) F Fixed Price: 3 Month Term ($5.95 Monthly Fee) F Fixed Price: 5 Month Term ($5.95 Monthly Fee) F Fixed Price: 5 Month Term ($5.95 Monthly Fee) F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.29 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 8.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 42.45 $ 84.90 $ 169.80 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 9.09 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 45.45 $ 90.90 $ 181.80 F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 9.29 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 46.45 $ 92.90 $ 185.80 F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 9.89 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 49.45 $ 98.90 $ 197.80 Duquesne Light RS Page 7 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh No n/a $ 34.90 $ 69.80 $ 139.60 Palmco Power PA, LLC 1-877-726-5862 www.palmcoenergy.com Updated October 5, 2016 V Introductory Price: Monthly Variable* 6.98 ¢ per kWh *The introductory price is valid for the first 3 months of service, and becomes variable thereafter. The price shown is for new customers only. Existing customers should contact Palmco for the current rate. Promotions available (restrictions apply): contact Palmco for details. Park Power 610-971-9000 www.parkpower.com Updated February 2, 2015 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.99 ¢ per kWh No 25% Renewable $ 44.95 $ 89.90 $ 179.80 Public Power, LLC 1-888-354-4415 www.ppandu.com Updated September 6, 2016 V Monthly Variable Price 9.99 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 49.95 $ 99.90 $ 199.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 n/a $ 42.45 $ 84.90 $ 169.80 9.40 ¢ per kWh Yes: $200 n/a $ 47.00 $ 94.00 $ 188.00 Respond Power, LLC 1-877-9 RESPND www.respondpower.com Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term Duquesne Light RS Page 8 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Yes: $25 for each year or partial year remaining in the contract term n/a $ 48.24 $ 91.19 $ 177.09 SFE Energy 1-877-316-6344 www.sfeenergy.com.com Updated September 12, 2016 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term* 8.59 ¢ per kWh *Plus a $5.29 monthly fee. For an additional 1.98¢/kWh offset 100% of electricity carbon footprint. See terms and conditions for details or contact SFE Energy. F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term* 8.59 ¢ per kWh Yes: $25 for each year or partial year remaining in the contract term n/a $ 48.24 $ 91.19 $ 177.09 *Plus a $5.29 monthly fee. For an additional 1.98¢/kWh offset 100% of electricity carbon footprint. See terms and conditions for details or contact SFE Energy. Sperian Energy Corp. 1-888-682-8082 www.sperianenergy.com Updated January 1, 2015 V Monthly Variable Price 8.78 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 48.83 $ 92.73 $ 180.53 Plus $4.93 Monthly Fee Stream Energy Pennsylvania, LLC 1-877-369-8150 www.mystream.com Updated October 11, 2016 V Introductory Price: Monthly Variable 7.98 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 39.90 $ 79.80 $ 159.60 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 6.98 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 n/a $ 34.90 $ 69.80 $ 139.60 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term 6.88 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 n/a $ 34.40 $ 68.80 $ 137.60 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 7.68 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 n/a $ 38.40 $ 76.80 $ 153.60 F Fixed Price: 30 Month Term 8.78 ¢ per kWh Yes: $200 n/a $ 43.90 $ 87.80 $ 175.60 Includes a smart thermostat. Duquesne Light RS Page 9 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh No n/a $ 32.75 $ 65.50 $ 131.00 n/a $ 39.95 $ 79.90 $ 159.80 100% Renewable $ 44.95 $ 89.90 $ 179.80 Town Square Energy 1-877-430-0093 www.townsquareenergy.com Updated July 20, 2016 F Fixed 3 Month Introductory Price* 6.55 ¢ per kWh *After introductory period, then 12 months at 9.99¢ F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $50 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.99 ¢ per kWh No TriEagle Energy 1-877-93EAGLE (933-2453) www.trieagleenergy.com Updated August 2, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.97 ¢ per kWh Yes: $125 10% Renewable $ 39.85 $ 79.70 $ 159.40 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 8.02 ¢ per kWh Yes: $125 10% Renewable $ 40.10 $ 80.20 $ 160.40 F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 8.06 ¢ per kWh Yes: $125 10% Renewable $ 40.30 $ 80.60 $ 161.20 8.49 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 42.45 $ 84.90 $ 169.80 Verde Energy USA, Inc. 1-800-388-3862 www.lowcostpower.com Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term New enrollments receive a $75 cash bonus, a 20% discount on energy saving products and free access to Verde Energy Savings Solutions where customers can monitor and analyze their energy usage. Please contact Verde Energy USA for more information. Duquesne Light RS Page 10 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Viridian Energy 1-866-663-2508 www.viridian.com Updated September 6, 2016 V Monthly Variable Price 11.99 ¢ per kWh No $ 64.88 $ 124.83 $ 244.73 V Variable Price: 12 Month Term* 7.67 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 $ 38.35 $ 76.70 $ 153.40 $ 47.45 $ 94.90 $ 189.80 *5% below the Utility Price Index on your energy supply charge guaranteed for 12 months. Contact Viridian Energy for details. F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 9.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 6.90 ¢ per kWh No 5% Local Wind Power $ 34.50 $ 69.00 $ 138.00 8.20 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term 5% Local Wind Power $ 41.00 $ 82.00 $ 164.00 8.70 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term $ 43.50 $ 87.00 $ 174.00 WGL Energy 1-844-427-5945 www.wglenergy.com Updated October 18, 2016 V Intro Price for the First Month: Monthly Variable F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 100% Local Wind Power Duquesne Light RS Page 11 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh YEP Energy 1-855-363-7736 www.yepenergy.com Updated September 6, 2016 V Monthly Variable Price 7.01 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 35.05 $ 70.10 $ 140.20 V Monthly Variable Price 7.50 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 37.50 $ 75.00 $ 150.00 V Monthly Variable Price Plant a Tree Plan 7.50 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 37.50 $ 75.00 $ 150.00 F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term 7.65 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term n/a $ 38.25 $ 76.50 $ 153.00 F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term 8.18 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term 100% Renewable $ 40.90 $ 81.80 $ 163.60 F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term Plant a Tree Plan 8.18 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term n/a $ 40.90 $ 81.80 $ 163.60 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.53 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term n/a $ 37.65 $ 75.30 $ 150.60 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.06 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term 100% Renewable $ 40.30 $ 80.60 $ 161.20 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term Plant a Tree Plan 8.06 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 n/a $ 40.30 $ 80.60 $ 161.20 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term 7.66 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 n/a $ 38.30 $ 76.60 $ 153.20 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term 8.19 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 100% Renewable $ 40.95 $ 81.90 $ 163.80 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term Plant a Tree Plan 8.19 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 n/a $ 40.95 $ 81.90 $ 163.80 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 7.64 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150. n/a $ 38.20 $ 76.40 $ 152.80 Duquesne Light RS Page 12 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term Plant a Tree Plan Price per kWh Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh 8.18 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 100% Renewable $ 40.90 $ 81.80 $ 163.60 8.18 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 n/a $ 40.90 $ 81.80 $ 163.60 Duquesne Light RS Page 13 Duquesne Light 1-888-393-7100 www.duquesnelight.com Residential Heating Service Rate RH Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Price to Compare through November 30, 2016 500 kWh 7.04 ¢ per kWh $ 35.20 1,000 kWh $ 70.40 2,000 kWh $ 140.80 ◌ The Price to Compare is the price per kWh that you would pay Duquesne Light for the Generation & Transmission portion of your bill, if you do not switch to an Electric Generation Supplier. ◌ All other charges will be paid to Duquesne Light regardless of whether or not an Electric Generation Supplier is chosen. Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh No 100% Renewable (99% PA wind & 1% PA solar) $ 64.35 $ 128.70 $ 257.40 100% Renewable (99% wind & 1% solar) $ 52.00 $ 104.00 $ 208.00 $ 54.50 $ 109.00 $ 218.00 $ 37.00 $ 74.00 $ 148.00 Community Energy 1-866-WIND-123 www.communityenergyinc.com Updated November 4, 2015 V Monthly Variable Price 12.87 ¢ per kWh Ethical Electric, Inc. 1-800-460-4900 www.ethicalelectric.com Updated December 3, 2015 V Intro Price for the First 3 Months: Monthly Variable 10.40 ¢ per kWh No F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 10.90 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable NRG Home 1-855-674-7697 www.nrghomepower.com Updated September 6, 2016 3 Month No 25% Wind Introductory Price: 7.40 ¢ per kWh Monthly Variable* *NRG Essentials Plan includes a $25 enrollment bonus after 3 months of service and 1% cash back quarterly. V Duquesne Light RH Page 1 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh 6.89 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 40.40 $ 74.85 $ 143.75 7.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 43.40 $ 80.85 $ 155.75 6.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 40.90 $ 75.85 $ 145.75 7.59 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 43.90 $ 81.85 $ 157.75 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.69 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 38.45 $ 76.90 $ 153.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.29 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 41.45 $ 82.90 $ 165.80 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 8.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 42.45 $ 84.90 $ 169.80 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 9.09 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 45.45 $ 90.90 $ 181.80 F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 9.29 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 46.45 $ 92.90 $ 185.80 F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 9.89 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 49.45 $ 98.90 $ 197.80 Type of Price Price per kWh Oasis Energy 1-800-324-3046 www.oasisenergy.com Updated November 17, 2015 F Fixed Price: 3 Month Term* *Plus a $5.95 monthly fee. F Fixed Price: 3 Month Term *Plus a $5.95 monthly fee. F Fixed Price: 5 Month Term *Plus a $5.95 monthly fee. F Fixed Price: 5 Month Term *Plus a $5.95 monthly fee. Duquesne Light RH Page 2 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh No n/a $ 34.90 $ 69.80 $ 139.60 Palmco Power PA, LLC 1-877-726-5862 www.palmcoenergy.com Updated October 5, 2016 V Introductory Price: Monthly Variable* 6.98 ¢ per kWh *The introductory price is valid for the first 3 months of service, and becomes variable thereafter. The price shown is for new customers only. Existing customers should contact Palmco for the current rate. Promotions available (restrictions apply): contact Palmco for details. Public Power, LLC 1-888-354-4415 www.ppandu.com Updated September 6, 2016 V Monthly Variable Price 9.99 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 49.95 $ 99.90 $ 199.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 n/a $ 42.45 $ 84.90 $ 169.80 8.49 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 42.45 $ 84.90 $ 169.80 Verde Energy USA, Inc. 1-800-388-3862 www.lowcostpower.com Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term New enrollments receive a $75 cash bonus, a 20% discount on energy saving products and free access to Verde Energy Savings Solutions where customers can monitor and analyze their energy usage. Please contact Verde Energy USA for more information. Duquesne Light RH Page 3 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh WGL Energy 1-844-427-5945 www.wglenergy.com Updated October 18, 2016 V Intro Price for the First Month: Monthly Variable 6.90 ¢ per kWh No 5% Local Wind Power $ 34.50 $ 69.00 $ 138.00 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.20 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term 5% Local Wind Power $ 41.00 $ 82.00 $ 164.00 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.70 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term $ 43.50 $ 87.00 $ 174.00 100% Local Wind Power Duquesne Light RH Page 4 Duquesne Light 1-888-393-7100 www.duquesnelight.com Residential Add On Heat Pump Rate RA Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Price to Compare through November 30, 2016 500 kWh 7.78 ¢ per kWh $ 38.90 1,000 kWh $ 77.80 2,000 kWh $ 155.60 ◌ The Price to Compare is the price per kWh that you would pay Duquesne Light for the Generation & Transmission portion of your bill, if you do not switch to an Electric Generation Supplier. ◌ All other charges will be paid to Duquesne Light regardless of whether or not an Electric Generation Supplier is chosen. Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh 100% Renewable (99% wind & 1% solar) $ 52.00 $ 104.00 $ 208.00 $ 54.50 $ 109.00 $ 218.00 Ethical Electric, Inc. 1-800-460-4900 www.ethicalelectric.com Updated December 3, 2015 V Intro Price for the First 3 Months: Monthly Variable 10.40 ¢ per kWh No F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 10.90 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable Duquesne Light RA Page 1 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh 6.89 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 40.40 $ 74.85 $ 143.75 7.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 43.40 $ 80.85 $ 155.75 6.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 40.90 $ 75.85 $ 145.75 7.59 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 43.90 $ 81.85 $ 157.75 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.69 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 38.45 $ 76.90 $ 153.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.29 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 41.45 $ 82.90 $ 165.80 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 8.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 42.45 $ 84.90 $ 169.80 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 9.09 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 45.45 $ 90.90 $ 181.80 F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 9.29 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 46.45 $ 92.90 $ 185.80 F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 9.89 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 49.45 $ 98.90 $ 197.80 Type of Price Price per kWh Oasis Energy 1-800-324-3046 www.oasisenergy.com Updated November 17, 2015 F Fixed Price: 3 Month Term* *Plus a $5.95 monthly fee. F Fixed Price: 3 Month Term *Plus a $5.95 monthly fee. F Fixed Price: 5 Month Term *Plus a $5.95 monthly fee. F Fixed Price: 5 Month Term *Plus a $5.95 monthly fee. Duquesne Light RA Page 2 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh No n/a $ 34.90 $ 69.80 $ 139.60 Palmco Power PA, LLC 1-877-726-5862 www.palmcoenergy.com Updated October 5, 2016 V Introductory Price: Monthly Variable* 6.98 ¢ per kWh *The introductory price is valid for the first 3 months of service, and becomes variable thereafter. The price shown is for new customers only. Existing customers should contact Palmco for the current rate. Promotions available (restrictions apply): contact Palmco for details. Public Power, LLC 1-888-354-4415 www.ppandu.com Updated September 6, 2016 V Monthly Variable Price 9.99 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 49.95 $ 99.90 $ 199.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 n/a $ 42.45 $ 84.90 $ 169.80 8.49 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 42.45 $ 84.90 $ 169.80 Verde Energy USA, Inc. 1-800-388-3862 www.lowcostpower.com Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term New enrollments receive a $75 cash bonus, a 20% discount on energy saving products and free access to Verde Energy Savings Solutions where customers can monitor and analyze their energy usage. Please contact Verde Energy USA for more information. Duquesne Light RA Page 3 Met Ed 1-888-478-2300 www.firstenergycorp.com Rate RS Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Price to Compare through November 30, 2016 500 kWh 6.902 ¢ per kWh $ 34.51 2,000 kWh 1,000 kWh $ 69.02 $ 138.04 ◌ The Price to Compare is the price per kWh that you would pay Met Ed for the Generation & Transmission portion of your bill, if you do not switch to an Electric Generation Supplier. ◌ All other charges will be paid to Met Ed regardless of whether or not an Electric Generation Supplier is chosen. Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term* n/a $ 31.75 $ 63.50 $ 127.00 Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term* n/a $ 33.25 $ 66.50 $ 133.00 Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term* 100% Renewable $ 34.95 $ 69.90 $ 139.80 AEP Energy 1-877-648-1923 www.aepenergy.com Updated October 17, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 6.35 ¢ per kWh *No cancellation fee for online enrollments. F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 6.65 ¢ per kWh *No cancellation fee for online enrollments. F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 6.99 ¢ per kWh *No cancellation fee for online enrollments. Ambit Energy 1-877-282-6248 www.ambitenergy.com Updated April 14, 2016 V Intro Price for New Customers: Monthly Variable 9.75 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 48.75 $ 97.50 $ 195.00 V Monthly Variable Price, Guaranteed Savings Plan* 7.75 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 38.75 $ 77.50 $ 155.00 *The Guaranteed Savings Plan guarantees an annual savings of 3% compared to Met Ed's price for the same period. Please contact Ambit Energy for more information. Met Ed Page 1 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh American Power & Gas of PA 1-800-205-7491 www.americanpowerandgas.com Updated September 6, 2016 Intro Price for the No n/a First Month: 6.19 ¢ per kWh $ 123.80 $ 30.95 $ 61.90 Monthly Variable After 12 consecutive months of being an American Power & Gas customer, the company will automatically send a 25% rebate on the customer's average month's electricity supply charges. For more details, contact American Power & Gas. V Intro Price for the No First Month: 9.19 ¢ per kWh $ 45.95 $ 91.90 $ 183.80 Monthly Variable After 12 consecutive months of being an American Power & Gas customer, the company will automatically send a 25% rebate on the customer's average month's electricity supply charges. For more details, contact American Power & Gas. V F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 9.60 ¢ per kWh Call for cancellation details $ 48.00 $ 96.00 $ 192.00 AMERIgreen Energy 1-888-559-4567 www.amerigreenenergy.com Updated July 1, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.79 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 38.95 $ 77.90 $ 155.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.09 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 40.45 $ 80.90 $ 161.80 9.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 100% Renewable $ 49.95 $ 99.90 $ 199.80 Clearview Electric 1-800-746-4702 www.clearviewenergy.com Updated September 11, 2015 Clear Green Guarantee F Fixed price: 12 month term Met Ed Page 2 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Con Ed Solutions 1-866-842-8166 www.conedsolutions.com Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 13 Month Term 6.77 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 33.85 $ 67.70 $ 135.40 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 6.69 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 33.45 $ 66.90 $ 133.80 Constellation Energy 1-866-577-4700 www.home.constellation.com Updated October 24, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.29 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 n/a $ 36.45 $ 72.90 $ 145.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 100% Renewable $ 37.45 $ 74.90 $ 149.80 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 7.29 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 100% Renewable $ 36.45 $ 72.90 $ 145.80 F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 6.89 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 n/a $ 34.45 $ 68.90 $ 137.80 Met Ed Page 3 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Direct Energy 1-844-208-6576 www.directenergy.com/msid/3798 Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term 7.39 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 36.95 $ 73.90 $ 147.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 6.89 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 34.45 $ 68.90 $ 137.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.59 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 37.95 $ 75.90 $ 151.80 Yes: $99 n/a $ 33.95 $ 67.90 $ 135.80 With Hulu. Contact Direct Energy for details. F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term* 6.79 ¢ per kWh *Military plan- Available to active or inactive military personnel. Verification required. F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term 7.19 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 35.95 $ 71.90 $ 143.80 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term* 7.09 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 35.45 $ 70.90 $ 141.80 *Military plan- Available to active or inactive military personnel. Verification required. F Fixed Price: 25 Month Term 7.69 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 38.45 $ 76.90 $ 153.80 F Fixed Price: 27 Month Term 8.19 ¢ per kWh Yes: $200 Device Recovery Fee n/a $ 40.95 $ 81.90 $ 163.80 7.73 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 38.65 $ 77.30 $ 154.60 Energy Rewards 1-844-737-3227 www.comcastenergyrewards.com Updated September 6, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term Met Ed Page 4 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh 100% Renewable (99% wind & 1% solar) $ 50.00 $ 100.00 $ 200.00 $ 54.50 $ 109.00 $ 218.00 Ethical Electric, Inc. 1-800-460-4900 www.ethicalelectric.com Updated December 3, 2015 V Intro Price for the First 3 Months: Monthly Variable 10.00 ¢ per kWh No F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 10.90 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable Green Mountain Energy Company 1-855-300-1545 www.greenmountain.com Updated September 6, 2016 Monthly Variable Price No 100% Wind 5.90 ¢ per kWh $ 59.00 $ 118.00 $ 29.50 TM Pollution Free Green Mountain will donate $1 to the PA Horticultural Society's "Plant One Million" Program for each new customer who signs up for this product. V IGS Energy 1-888-993-0997 www.IGSenergy.com Updated December 1, 2015 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.29 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 n/a $ 36.45 $ 72.90 $ 145.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.69 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 100% Renewable $ 38.45 $ 76.90 $ 153.80 Met Ed Page 5 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh North American Power 1-888-313-9086 www.napower.com Updated October 5, 2015 F Fixed Price: 8 Month Term 8.29 ¢ per kWh No 25% Renewable $ 41.45 $ 82.90 $ 165.80 F Fixed Price: 8 Month Term 9.24 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 46.20 $ 92.40 $ 184.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.49 ¢ per kWh No 25% Renewable $ 42.45 $ 84.90 $ 169.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 9.44 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 47.20 $ 94.40 $ 188.80 $ 29.50 $ 59.00 $ 118.00 $ 30.90 $ 61.80 $ 123.60 NRG Home 1-855-674-7697 www.nrghomepower.com Updated September 6, 2016 3 Month No 25% Wind 5.90 ¢ per kWh Introductory Price: Monthly Variable* *NRG Essentials Plan includes a $25 enrollment bonus after 3 months of service and 1% cash back quarterly. V Palmco Power PA, LLC 1-877-726-5862 www.palmcoenergy.com Updated October 5, 2016 V Introductory Price: Monthly Variable* 6.18 ¢ per kWh No n/a *The introductory price is valid for the first 3 months of service, and becomes variable thereafter. The price shown is for new customers only. Existing customers should contact Palmco for the current rate. Promotions available (restrictions apply): contact Palmco for details. Met Ed Page 6 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Park Power 610-971-9000 www.parkpower.com Updated February 2, 2015 V Monthly Variable Price 9.99 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 49.95 $ 99.90 $ 199.80 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 8.99 ¢ per kWh No 25% Renewable $ 44.95 $ 89.90 $ 179.80 Public Power, LLC 1-888-354-4415 www.ppandu.com Updated September 6, 2016 V Monthly Variable Price 10.99 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 54.95 $ 109.90 $ 219.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.79 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 n/a $ 38.95 $ 77.90 $ 155.80 7.34 ¢ per kWh Yes: $200 n/a $ 36.70 $ 73.40 $ 146.80 8.59 ¢ per kWh Yes: $25 for each year or partial year remaining in the contract term n/a $ 48.24 $ 91.19 $ 177.09 Respond Power, LLC 1-877-9 RESPND www.respondpower.com Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term SFE Energy 1-877-316-6344 www.sfeenergy.com.com Updated September 12, 2016 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term* *Plus a $5.29 monthly fee. For an additional 1.98¢/kWh offset 100% of electricity carbon footprint. See terms and conditions for details or contact SFE Energy. F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term* 8.59 ¢ per kWh Yes: $25 for each year or partial year remaining in the contract term n/a $ 48.24 $ 91.19 $ 177.09 *Plus a $5.29 monthly fee. For an additional 1.98¢/kWh offset 100% of electricity carbon footprint. See terms and conditions for details or contact SFE Energy. Met Ed Page 7 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Yes: $75 n/a $ 49.88 $ 94.83 $ 184.73 Sperian Energy Corp. 1-888-682-8082 www.sperianenergy.com Updated January 1, 2015 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.99 ¢ per kWh Plus $4.93 Monthly Fee Stream Energy Pennsylvania, LLC 1-877-369-8150 www.mystream.com Updated October 11, 2016 V Introductory Price: Monthly Variable 8.28 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 41.40 $ 82.80 $ 165.60 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 6.98 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 n/a $ 34.90 $ 69.80 $ 139.60 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term Green and Clean 9.18 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 12% Renewable $ 45.90 $ 91.80 $ 183.60 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term 6.88 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 n/a $ 34.40 $ 68.80 $ 137.60 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 5.78 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 n/a $ 28.90 $ 57.80 $ 115.60 F Fixed Price: 30 Month Term 8.68 ¢ per kWh Yes: $200 n/a $ 43.40 $ 86.80 $ 173.60 Includes a smart thermostat. Met Ed Page 8 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh 6.69 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 33.45 $ 66.90 $ 133.80 6.71 ¢ per kWh No 100% PA Renewable $ 33.55 $ 67.10 $ 134.20 6.77 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 n/a $ 33.85 $ 67.70 $ 135.40 5.69 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 28.45 $ 56.90 $ 113.80 n/a $ 39.95 $ 79.90 $ 159.80 100% Renewable $ 44.95 $ 89.90 $ 179.80 Price per kWh Talen Energy 1-888-289-7693 www.talenenergy.com Updated October 5, 2016 Fixed Price F Through July 31, 2017 Meter Read Fixed Price F Through July 31, 2017 Meter Read Fixed Price F Through May 31, 2018 Meter Read Town Square Energy 1-800-282-3331 www.townsquareenergy.com Updated July 20, 2016 F Fixed 3 Month Introductory Price* *After introductory period, then 12 months at 9.99¢ F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $50 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.99 ¢ per kWh No TriEagle Energy 1-877-93EAGLE (933-2453) www.trieagleenergy.com Updated August 2, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.09 ¢ per kWh Yes: $125 10% Renewable $ 35.45 $ 70.90 $ 141.80 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 7.19 ¢ per kWh Yes: $125 10% Renewable $ 35.95 $ 71.90 $ 143.80 F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 7.29 ¢ per kWh Yes: $125 10% Renewable $ 36.45 $ 72.90 $ 145.80 Met Ed Page 9 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh No 100% Renewable $ 39.95 $ 79.90 $ 159.80 Verde Energy USA, Inc. 1-800-388-3862 www.lowcostpower.com Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.99 ¢ per kWh New enrollments receive a $75 cash bonus, a 20% discount on energy saving products and free access to Verde Energy Savings Solutions where customers can monitor and analyze their energy usage. Please contact Verde Energy USA for more information. Viridian Energy 1-866-663-2508 www.viridian.com Updated September 6, 2016 V Variable Price: 12 Month Term* 6.56 ¢ per kWh $ 32.80 Yes: $100 $ 65.60 $ 131.20 $ 45.95 $ 91.90 $ 183.80 *5% below the Utility Price Index on your energy supply charge guaranteed for 12 months. Contact Viridian Energy for details. F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 9.19 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 V Intro Price for the First Month: Monthly Variable 6.10 ¢ per kWh No 5% Local Wind Power $ 30.50 $ 61.00 $ 122.00 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.20 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term 5% Local Wind Power $ 36.00 $ 72.00 $ 144.00 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.10 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term 50% Local Wind Power $ 40.50 $ 81.00 $ 162.00 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 9.20 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term 100% Local Wind Power $ 46.00 $ 92.00 $ 184.00 WGL Energy 1-844-427-5945 www.wglenergy.com Updated October 18, 2016 Met Ed Page 10 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh YEP Energy 1-855-363-7736 www.yepenergy.com Updated September 6, 2016 V Monthly Variable Price 6.08 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 30.40 $ 60.80 $ 121.60 V Monthly Variable Price 6.51 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 32.55 $ 65.10 $ 130.20 V Monthly Variable Price Plant a Tree Plan 6.51 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 32.55 $ 65.10 $ 130.20 F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term 7.22 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term n/a $ 36.10 $ 72.20 $ 144.40 F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term 7.73 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term 100% Renewable $ 38.65 $ 77.30 $ 154.60 F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term Plant a Tree Plan 7.73 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term n/a $ 38.65 $ 77.30 $ 154.60 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 6.71 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term n/a $ 33.55 $ 67.10 $ 134.20 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.18 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term 100% Renewable $ 35.90 $ 71.80 $ 143.60 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term Plant a Tree Plan 7.18 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term n/a $ 35.90 $ 71.80 $ 143.60 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term 6.82 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 n/a $ 34.10 $ 68.20 $ 136.40 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term 7.29 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 100% Renewable $ 36.45 $ 72.90 $ 145.80 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term Plant a Tree Plan 7.29 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 n/a $ 36.45 $ 72.90 $ 145.80 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 6.68 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150. n/a $ 33.40 $ 66.80 $ 133.60 Met Ed Page 11 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term Plant a Tree Plan Price per kWh Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh 7.15 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 100% Renewable $ 35.75 $ 71.50 $ 143.00 7.15 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 n/a $ 35.75 $ 71.50 $ 143.00 Renewable Energy Add-On Option: The following offer is available as an addition to your current electric supply purchase. By selecting this plan, the charge for the plan will be added to your monthly bill. Community Energy 1-866-WIND-123 www.newwindenergy.com Renewable Energy Add On Option Current Supplier 100% No Charge Plus 2.5 ¢ Renewable New Wind Energy TM Per kWh* *Must purchase a minimum of two 100 kWh blocks. This minimum purchase would increase your current generation bill by $5.00 per month. Met Ed Page 12 PECO Energy 1-800-494-4000 www.peco.com Regular Residential Service Rate R Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Price to Compare through November 30, 2016 7.756 ¢ per kWh $ 38.78 $ 77.56 $ 155.12 Estimated Price to Compare from December 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 7.537 ¢ per kWh $ 37.69 $ 75.37 $ 150.74 ◌ The Price to Compare is the price per kWh that you would pay PECO for the Generation & Transmission portion of your bill, if you do not switch to an Electric Generation Supplier. ◌ All other charges will be paid to PECO regardless of whether or not an Electric Generation Supplier is chosen. Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term* n/a $ 34.75 $ 69.50 $ 139.00 Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term* 100% Renewable $ 36.45 $ 72.90 $ 145.80 Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term* n/a $ 36.75 $ 73.50 $ 147.00 Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term* n/a $ 37.95 $ 75.90 $ 151.80 AEP Energy 1-877-648-1923 www.aepenergy.com Updated October 11, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 6.95 ¢ per kWh *No cancellation fee for online enrollments. F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.29 ¢ per kWh *No cancellation fee for online enrollments. F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term 7.35 ¢ per kWh *No cancellation fee for online enrollments. F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 7.59 ¢ per kWh *No cancellation fee for online enrollments. PECO Energy R Page 1 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Ambit Energy 1-877-282-6248 www.ambitenergy.com Updated April 14, 2016 V Intro Price for New Customers: Monthly Variable 10.09 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 50.45 $ 100.90 $ 201.80 V Monthly Variable Price, Guaranteed Savings Plan* 8.09 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 40.45 $ 80.90 $ 161.80 *The Guaranteed Savings Plan guarantees an annual savings of 3% compared to Peco's price for the same period. Please contact Ambit Energy for more information. American Power & Gas of PA 1-800-205-7491 www.americanpowerandgas.com Updated September 6, 2016 Intro Price for the No n/a First Month: 6.49 ¢ per kWh $ 64.90 $ 32.45 $ 129.80 Monthly Variable After 12 consecutive months of being an American Power & Gas customer, the company will automatically send a 25% rebate on the customer's average month's electricity supply charges. For more details, contact American Power & Gas. V Intro Price for the No First Month: 9.49 ¢ per kWh $ 94.90 $ 47.45 $ 189.80 Monthly Variable After 12 consecutive months of being an American Power & Gas customer, the company will automatically send a 25% rebate on the customer's average month's electricity supply charges. For more details, contact American Power & Gas. V F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 11.40 ¢ per kWh Call for cancellation details $ 57.00 $ 114.00 $ 228.00 AMERIgreen Energy 1-888-559-4567 www.amerigreenenergy.com Updated July 1, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 9.69 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 48.45 $ 96.90 $ 193.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 9.99 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 49.95 $ 99.90 $ 199.80 PECO Energy R Page 2 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Bargain Energy 1-888-633-4424 www.bargainenergy.com Updated November 4, 2015 F Fixed Price: 3 Month Term 7.50 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 37.50 $ 75.00 $ 150.00 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.30 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 36.50 $ 73.00 $ 146.00 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 7.40 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 37.00 $ 74.00 $ 148.00 F Fixed Price: 3 Month Term 6.10 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 30.50 $ 61.00 $ 122.00 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.30 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 36.50 $ 73.00 $ 146.00 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 7.50 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 37.50 $ 75.00 $ 150.00 F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 7.80 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 39.00 $ 78.00 $ 156.00 9.19 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 45.95 $ 91.90 $ 183.80 10.99 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 54.95 $ 109.90 $ 219.80 Champion Energy Services 1-877-404-0842 www.championenergyservices.com/PA Updated June 2, 2016 Clearview Electric 1-800-746-4702 www.clearviewenergy.com Updated September 3, 2015 Green Value Assurance V Monthly Variable Price Green Fall Assurance V Monthly Variable Price PECO Energy R Page 3 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh No n/a $ 39.95 $ 79.90 $ 159.80 No 5% PA Solar, Builds New Solar Power in PA $ 47.45 $ 94.90 $ 189.80 13.79 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable (99% PA wind & 1% PA solar) $ 68.95 $ 137.90 $ 275.80 Price per kWh Commerce Energy 1-888-548-7690 www.commerceenergy.com Updated September 6, 2016 F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 7.99 ¢ per kWh Community Energy 1-866-WIND-123 www.communityenergyinc.com Updated November 4, 2015 V Solar Builder Monthly Variable Price V Monthly Variable Price 9.49 ¢ per kWh Con Ed Solutions 1-866-842-8166 www.conedsolutions.com Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 13 Month Term 7.41 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 37.05 $ 74.10 $ 148.20 F Fixed Price: 21 Month Term 7.48 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 37.40 $ 74.80 $ 149.60 PECO Energy R Page 4 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Constellation Energy 1-866-577-4700 www.home.constellation.com Updated October 24, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.69 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 n/a $ 38.45 $ 76.90 $ 153.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.69 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 100% Renewable $ 43.45 $ 86.90 $ 173.80 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 8.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 100% Renewable $ 42.45 $ 84.90 $ 169.80 F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 7.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 n/a $ 39.95 $ 79.90 $ 159.80 PECO Energy R Page 5 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Direct Energy 1-844-208-6576 www.directenergy.com/msid/3798 Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term 8.59 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 42.95 $ 85.90 $ 171.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.69 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 38.45 $ 76.90 $ 153.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 42.45 $ 84.90 $ 169.80 Yes: $99 n/a $ 37.95 $ 75.90 $ 151.80 With Hulu. Contact Direct Energy for details. F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term* 7.59 ¢ per kWh *Military plan- Available to active or inactive military personnel. Verification required. F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term 8.09 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 40.45 $ 80.90 $ 161.80 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term* 7.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 39.95 $ 79.90 $ 159.80 *Military plan- Available to active or inactive military personnel. Verification required. F Fixed Price: 25 Month Term 8.69 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 43.45 $ 86.90 $ 173.80 F Fixed Price: 27 Month Term 9.29 ¢ per kWh Yes: $200 Device Recovery Fee n/a $ 46.45 $ 92.90 $ 185.80 Includes a Nest Learning Thermostat. PECO Energy R Page 6 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Eligo Energy PA, LLC 1-888-744-8125 www.eligoenergy.com Updated July 1, 2016 V Monthly Variable Price 6.87 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 34.35 $ 68.70 $ 137.40 F Fixed Price: 3 Month Term 8.14 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 40.70 $ 81.40 $ 162.80 F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term 8.76 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month remaining in contract n/a $ 43.80 $ 87.60 $ 175.20 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 9.02 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month remaining in contract n/a $ 45.10 $ 90.20 $ 180.40 No 100% PA Renewable $ 56.95 $ 113.90 $ 227.80 No 100% National Renewable $ 48.45 $ 96.90 $ 193.80 No 100% PA Renewable $ 54.95 $ 109.90 $ 219.80 No 100% National Renewable $ 49.95 $ 99.90 $ 199.80 The Energy Co-op 1-800-223-5783 or 215-413-2122 www.theenergy.coop Updated September 6, 2016 EcoChoice 100 Monthly Variable 11.39 ¢ per kWh Price Must enroll as a member for $15 per year. V EcoChoice 100 National V 9.69 ¢ per kWh Monthly Variable Price Must enroll as a member for $15 per year. EcoChoice 100 Fixed Price Through 10.99 ¢ per kWh October 31, 2017 Must enroll as a member for $15 per year. F EcoChoice 100 National F Fixed Price Through 9.99 ¢ per kWh October 31, 2017 Must enroll as a member for $15 per year. PECO Energy R Page 7 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh No n/a $ 40.00 $ 80.00 $ 160.00 100% Renewable (99% wind & 1% solar) $ 55.50 $ 111.00 $ 222.00 $ 56.00 $ 112.00 $ 224.00 $ 34.50 $ 69.00 $ 138.00 Energy Rewards 1-844-737-3227 www.comcastenergyrewards.com Updated September 12, 2016 Fixed Price: 12 Month Term F 8.00 ¢ per kWh Ethical Electric, Inc. 1-800-460-4900 www.ethicalelectric.com Updated December 3, 2015 V Intro Price for the First 3 Months: Monthly Variable 11.10 ¢ per kWh No F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 11.20 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable Green Mountain Energy Company 1-855-300-1545 www.greenmountain.com Updated September 6, 2016 V Monthly Variable Price 6.90 ¢ per kWh No 100% Wind TM Pollution Free Green Mountain will donate $1 to the PA Horticultural Society's "Plant One Million" Program for each new customer who signs up for this product. IGS Energy 1-888-993-0997 www.IGSenergy.com Updated December 1, 2015 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.19 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 n/a $ 40.95 $ 81.90 $ 163.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.39 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 100% Renewable $ 41.95 $ 83.90 $ 167.80 PECO Energy R Page 8 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh North American Power 1-888-313-9086 www.napower.com Updated October 5, 2015 F Fixed Price: 10 Month Term 9.09 ¢ per kWh No 25% Renewable $ 45.45 $ 90.90 $ 181.80 F Fixed Price: 10 Month Term 10.04 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 50.20 $ 100.40 $ 200.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 9.49 ¢ per kWh No 25% Renewable $ 47.45 $ 94.90 $ 189.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 10.44 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 52.20 $ 104.40 $ 208.80 $ 73.00 $ 146.00 NRG Home 1-855-674-7697 www.nrghomepower.com Updated September 6, 2016 3 Month 25% Wind No 7.30 ¢ per kWh Introductory Price: $ Monthly Variable* *This NRG Essentials Plan includes a $25 enrollment bonus after 3 months of service and 1% cash back quarterly. V 36.50 PECO Energy R Page 9 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh 6.89 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 40.40 $ 74.85 $ 143.75 7.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 43.40 $ 80.85 $ 155.75 6.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 40.90 $ 75.85 $ 145.75 7.59 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 43.90 $ 81.85 $ 157.75 8.29 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 41.45 $ 82.90 $ 165.80 8.89 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 44.45 $ 88.90 $ 177.80 8.79 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 43.95 $ 87.90 $ 175.80 9.39 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 46.95 $ 93.90 $ 187.80 9.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 47.45 $ 94.90 $ 189.80 10.09 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 50.45 $ 100.90 $ 201.80 Price per kWh Oasis Energy 1-800-324-3046 www.oasisenergy.com Updated November 17, 2015 F Fixed Price: 3 Month Term* *Plus a $5.95 monthly fee. F Fixed Price: 3 Month Term *Plus a $5.95 monthly fee. F Fixed Price: 5 Month Term *Plus a $5.95 monthly fee. F Fixed Price: 5 Month Term *Plus a $5.95 monthly fee. F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term PECO Energy R Page 10 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh No n/a $ 37.45 $ 74.90 $ 149.80 Palmco Power PA, LLC 1-877-726-5862 www.palmcoenergy.com Updated October 5, 2016 V Introductory Price: Monthly Variable* 7.49 ¢ per kWh *The introductory price is valid for the first 3 months of service, and becomes variable thereafter. The price shown is for new customers only. Existing customers should contact Palmco for the current rate. Promotions available (restrictions apply): contact Palmco for details. Park Power 610-971-9000 www.parkpower.com Updated February 2, 2015 V Monthly Variable Price 12.99 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 64.95 $ 129.90 $ 259.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 10.49 ¢ per kWh No 25% Renewable $ 52.45 $ 104.90 $ 209.80 Public Power, LLC 1-888-354-4415 www.ppandu.com Updated September 6, 2016 V Monthly Variable Price 9.99 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 49.95 $ 99.90 $ 199.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 n/a $ 39.95 $ 79.90 $ 159.80 F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 8.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 n/a $ 42.45 $ 84.90 $ 169.80 8.74 ¢ per kWh Yes: $200 n/a $ 43.70 $ 87.40 $ 174.80 Respond Power, LLC 1-877-9 RESPND www.respondpower.com Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term PECO Energy R Page 11 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Yes: $25 for each year or partial year remaining in the contract term n/a $ 50.24 $ 95.19 $ 185.09 SFE Energy 1-877-316-6344 www.sfeenergy.com.com Updated September 12, 2016 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term* 8.99 ¢ per kWh *Plus a $5.29 monthly fee. For an additional 1.98¢/kWh offset 100% of electricity carbon footprint. See terms and conditions for details or contact SFE Energy. F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term* 8.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $25 for each year or partial year remaining in the contract term n/a $ 50.24 $ 95.19 $ 185.09 *Plus a $5.29 monthly fee. For an additional 1.98¢/kWh offset 100% of electricity carbon footprint. See terms and conditions for details or contact SFE Energy. Spark Energy, L.P. 1-877-374-8011 www.sparkenergy.com Updated October 2014 V Monthly Variable Price F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 8.60 ¢ per kWh 8.99 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 43.00 $ 86.00 $ 172.00 Yes: $100 n/a $ 49.90 $ 94.85 $ 184.75 Yes: $100 100% Renewable $ 53.90 $ 102.85 $ 200.75 Yes: $75 n/a $ 52.38 $ 99.83 $ 194.73 Plus $4.95 Monthly Fee 9.79 ¢ per kWh Plus $4.95 Monthly Fee Sperian Energy Corp. 1-888-682-8082 www.sperianenergy.com Updated January 1, 2015 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 9.49 ¢ per kWh Plus $4.93 Monthly Fee PECO Energy R Page 12 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Stream Energy Pennsylvania, LLC 1-877-369-8150 www.mystream.com Updated October 11, 2016 V Introductory Price: Monthly Variable 8.08 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 40.40 $ 80.80 $ 161.60 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.28 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 n/a $ 36.40 $ 72.80 $ 145.60 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term Green and Clean 10.09 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 12% Renewable $ 50.45 $ 100.90 $ 201.80 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term 6.88 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 n/a $ 34.40 $ 68.80 $ 137.60 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 6.88 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 n/a $ 34.40 $ 68.80 $ 137.60 F Fixed Price: 30 Month Term 8.68 ¢ per kWh Yes: $200 n/a $ 43.40 $ 86.80 $ 173.60 7.17 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 35.85 $ 71.70 $ 143.40 7.19 ¢ per kWh No 100% PA Renewable $ 35.95 $ 71.90 $ 143.80 7.36 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 n/a $ 36.80 $ 73.60 $ 147.20 Includes a smart thermostat. Talen Energy 1-888-289-7693 www.talenenergy.com Updated October 5, 2016 Fixed Price F Through July 31, 2017 Meter Read Fixed Price F Through July 31, 2017 Meter Read Fixed Price F Through May 31, 2018 Meter Read PECO Energy R Page 13 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh No n/a $ 32.00 $ 64.00 $ 128.00 n/a $ 42.95 $ 85.90 $ 171.80 100% Renewable $ 47.95 $ 95.90 $ 191.80 Town Square Energy 1-800-282-3331 www.townsquareenergy.com Updated July 20, 2016 F Fixed 3 Month Introductory Price* 6.40 ¢ per kWh *After introductory period, then 12 months at 9.99¢ F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.59 ¢ per kWh Yes: $50 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 9.59 ¢ per kWh No TriEagle Energy 1-877-93EAGLE (933-2453) www.trieagleenergy.com Updated August 2, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.22 ¢ per kWh Yes: $125 10% Renewable $ 36.10 $ 72.20 $ 144.40 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 7.24 ¢ per kWh Yes: $125 10% Renewable $ 36.20 $ 72.40 $ 144.80 F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 7.26 ¢ per kWh Yes: $125 10% Renewable $ 36.30 $ 72.60 $ 145.20 8.49 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 42.45 $ 84.90 $ 169.80 Verde Energy USA, Inc. 1-800-388-3862 www.lowcostpower.com Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term New enrollments receive a $75 cash bonus, a 20% discount on energy saving products and free access to Verde Energy Savings Solutions where customers can monitor and analyze their energy usage. Please contact Verde Energy USA for more information. PECO Energy R Page 14 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Viridian Energy 1-866-663-2508 www.viridian.com Updated September 6, 2016 V Monthly Variable Price 11.99 ¢ per kWh No $ 64.88 $ 124.83 $ 244.73 V Variable Price: 12 Month Term* 7.37 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 $ 36.85 $ 73.70 $ 147.40 $ 46.95 $ 93.90 $ 187.80 *5% below the Utility Price Index on your energy supply charge guaranteed for 12 months. Contact Viridian Energy for details. F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 9.39 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 V Intro Price for the First Month: Monthly Variable 6.40 ¢ per kWh No 5% Local Wind Power $ 32.00 $ 64.00 $ 128.00 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.20 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term 5% Local Wind Power $ 36.00 $ 72.00 $ 144.00 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.10 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term 50% Local Wind Power $ 40.50 $ 81.00 $ 162.00 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 9.20 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term 100% Local Wind Power $ 46.00 $ 92.00 $ 184.00 WGL Energy 1-844-427-5945 www.wglenergy.com Updated October 18, 2016 PECO Energy R Page 15 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh YEP Energy 1-855-363-7736 www.yepenergy.com Updated September 6, 2016 V Monthly Variable Price 6.86 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 34.30 $ 68.60 $ 137.20 V Monthly Variable Price 7.34 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 36.70 $ 73.40 $ 146.80 V Monthly Variable Price Plant a Tree Plan 7.34 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 36.70 $ 73.40 $ 146.80 F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term 8.41 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term n/a $ 42.05 $ 84.10 $ 168.20 F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term 8.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term 100% Renewable $ 44.95 $ 89.90 $ 179.80 F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term Plant a Tree Plan 8.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term n/a $ 44.95 $ 89.90 $ 179.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.72 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term n/a $ 38.60 $ 77.20 $ 154.40 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.26 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term 100% Renewable $ 41.30 $ 82.60 $ 165.20 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term Plant a Tree Plan 8.26 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term n/a $ 41.30 $ 82.60 $ 165.20 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term 7.86 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 n/a $ 39.30 $ 78.60 $ 157.20 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term 8.41 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 100% Renewable $ 42.05 $ 84.10 $ 168.20 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term Plant a Tree Plan 8.41 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 n/a $ 42.05 $ 84.10 $ 168.20 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 7.75 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 n/a $ 38.75 $ 77.50 $ 155.00 PECO Energy R Page 16 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term Plant a Tree Plan Price per kWh Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh 8.30 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 100% Renewable $ 41.50 $ 83.00 $ 166.00 8.30 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 n/a $ 41.50 $ 83.00 $ 166.00 PECO Energy R Page 17 PECO Energy 1-800-494-4000 www.peco.com Residential Heating Service Rate RH Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Price to Compare through November 30, 2016 7.756 ¢ per kWh $ 38.78 $ 77.56 $ 155.12 Estimated Price to Compare from December 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 7.537 ¢ per kWh $ 37.69 $ 75.37 $ 150.74 ◌ The Price to Compare is the price per kWh that you would pay PECO for the Generation & Transmission portion of your bill, if you do not switch to an Electric Generation Supplier. ◌ All other charges will be paid to PECO regardless of whether or not an Electric Generation Supplier is chosen. Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh AMERIgreen Energy 1-888-559-4567 www.amerigreenenergy.com Updated July 1, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.79 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 43.95 $ 87.90 $ 175.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 9.99 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 49.95 $ 99.90 $ 199.80 Bargain Energy 1-888-633-4424 www.bargainenergy.com Updated November 4, 2015 F Fixed Price: 3 Month Term 7.50 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 37.50 $ 75.00 $ 150.00 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.30 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 36.50 $ 73.00 $ 146.00 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 7.40 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 37.00 $ 74.00 $ 148.00 PECO Energy RH Page 1 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh 6.10 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 30.50 $ 61.00 $ 122.00 7.30 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 36.50 $ 73.00 $ 146.00 n/a $ 37.50 $ 75.00 $ 150.00 Price per kWh Champion Energy Services 1-877-404-0842 www.championenergyservices.com/PA Updated June 2, 2016 F Fixed Price: 3 Month Term F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 7.50 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 7.80 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 39.00 $ 78.00 $ 156.00 No 5% PA Solar, Builds New Solar Power in PA $ 47.45 $ 94.90 $ 189.80 No 100% Renewable (99% PA wind & 1% PA solar) $ 68.95 $ 137.90 $ 275.80 Community Energy 1-866-WIND-123 www.communityenergyinc.com Updated November 4, 2015 V Solar Builder Monthly Variable Price V Monthly Variable Price 9.49 ¢ per kWh 13.79 ¢ per kWh PECO Energy RH Page 2 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh No 100% PA Renewable $ 56.95 $ 113.90 $ 227.80 No 100% National Renewable $ 48.45 $ 96.90 $ 193.80 No 100% PA Renewable $ 54.95 $ 109.90 $ 219.80 No 100% National Renewable $ 49.95 $ 99.90 $ 199.80 No n/a $ 40.00 $ 80.00 $ 160.00 The Energy Co-op 1-800-223-5783 or 215-413-2122 www.theenergy.coop Updated September 6, 2016 EcoChoice 100 Monthly Variable 11.39 ¢ per kWh Price Must enroll as a member for $15 per year. V EcoChoice 100 National V 9.69 ¢ per kWh Monthly Variable Price Must enroll as a member for $15 per year. EcoChoice 100 F Fixed Price Through 10.99 ¢ per kWh October, 2017 Must enroll as a member for $15 per year. EcoChoice 100 National F Fixed Price Through 9.99 ¢ per kWh October 31, 2017 Must enroll as a member for $15 per year. Energy Rewards 1-844-737-3227 www.comcastenergyrewards.com Updated September 12, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.00 ¢ per kWh PECO Energy RH Page 3 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh 6.89 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 40.40 $ 74.85 $ 143.75 7.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 43.40 $ 80.85 $ 155.75 6.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 40.90 $ 75.85 $ 145.75 7.59 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 43.90 $ 81.85 $ 157.75 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.29 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 41.45 $ 82.90 $ 165.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.89 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 44.45 $ 88.90 $ 177.80 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 8.79 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 43.95 $ 87.90 $ 175.80 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 9.39 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 46.95 $ 93.90 $ 187.80 F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 9.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 47.45 $ 94.90 $ 189.80 F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 10.09 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 50.45 $ 100.90 $ 201.80 Type of Price Price per kWh Oasis Energy 1-800-324-3046 www.oasisenergy.com Updated November 17, 2015 F Fixed Price: 3 Month Term* *Plus a $5.95 monthly fee. F Fixed Price: 3 Month Term *Plus a $5.95 monthly fee. F Fixed Price: 5 Month Term *Plus a $5.95 monthly fee. F Fixed Price: 5 Month Term *Plus a $5.95 monthly fee. PECO Energy RH Page 4 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh No n/a $ 37.45 $ 74.90 $ 149.80 Palmco Power PA, LLC 1-877-726-5862 www.palmcoenergy.com Updated October 5, 2016 V Introductory Price: Monthly Variable* 7.49 ¢ per kWh *The introductory price is valid for the first 3 months of service, and becomes variable thereafter. The price shown is for new customers only. Existing customers should contact Palmco for the current rate. Promotions available (restrictions apply): contact Palmco for details. Public Power, LLC 1-888-354-4415 www.ppandu.com Updated September 6, 2016 V Monthly Variable Price 9.99 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 49.95 $ 99.90 $ 199.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 n/a $ 39.95 $ 79.90 $ 159.80 F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 8.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 n/a $ 42.45 $ 84.90 $ 169.80 7.17 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 35.85 $ 71.70 $ 143.40 7.19 ¢ per kWh No 100% PA Renewable $ 35.95 $ 71.90 $ 143.80 7.36 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 n/a $ 36.80 $ 73.60 $ 147.20 Talen Energy 1-888-289-7693 www.talenenergy.com Updated October 5, 2016 Fixed Price F Through July 31, 2017 Meter Read Fixed Price F Through July 31, 2017 Meter Read Fixed Price F Through May 31, 2018 Meter Read PECO Energy RH Page 5 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh No 100% Renewable $ 42.45 $ 84.90 $ 169.80 Verde Energy USA, Inc. 1-800-388-3862 www.lowcostpower.com Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.49 ¢ per kWh New enrollments receive a $75 cash bonus, a 20% discount on energy saving products and free access to Verde Energy Savings Solutions where customers can monitor and analyze their energy usage. Please contact Verde Energy USA for more information. Viridian Energy 1-866-663-2508 www.viridian.com Updated September 6, 2016 V Monthly Variable Price 11.99 ¢ per kWh No $ 64.88 $ 124.83 $ 244.73 V Variable Price: 12 Month Term* 7.37 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 $ 36.85 $ 73.70 $ 147.40 $ 46.95 $ 93.90 $ 187.80 *5% below the Utility Price Index on your energy supply charge guaranteed for 12 months. Contact Viridian Energy for details. F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 9.39 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 V Intro Price for the First Month: Monthly Variable 6.40 ¢ per kWh No 5% Local Wind Power $ 32.00 $ 64.00 $ 128.00 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.20 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term 5% Local Wind Power $ 36.00 $ 72.00 $ 144.00 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.10 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term 50% Local Wind Power $ 40.50 $ 81.00 $ 162.00 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 9.20 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term 100% Local Wind $ 46.00 $ 92.00 $ 184.00 WGL Energy 1-844-427-5945 www.wglenergy.com Updated October 18, 2016 PECO Energy RH Page 6 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh YEP Energy 1-855-363-7736 www.yepenergy.com Updated September 6, 2016 V Monthly Variable Price 6.86 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 34.30 $ 68.60 $ 137.20 V Monthly Variable Price 7.34 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 36.70 $ 73.40 $ 146.80 V Monthly Variable Price Plant a Tree Plan 7.34 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 36.70 $ 73.40 $ 146.80 F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term 8.41 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term n/a $ 42.05 $ 84.10 $ 168.20 F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term 8.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term 100% Renewable $ 44.95 $ 89.90 $ 179.80 F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term Plant a Tree Plan 8.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term n/a $ 44.95 $ 89.90 $ 179.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.72 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term n/a $ 38.60 $ 77.20 $ 154.40 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.26 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term 100% Renewable $ 41.30 $ 82.60 $ 165.20 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term Plant a Tree Plan 8.26 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term n/a $ 41.30 $ 82.60 $ 165.20 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term 7.86 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 n/a $ 39.30 $ 78.60 $ 157.20 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term 8.41 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 100% Renewable $ 42.05 $ 84.10 $ 168.20 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term Plant a Tree Plan 8.41 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 n/a $ 42.05 $ 84.10 $ 168.20 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 7.75 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 n/a $ 38.75 $ 77.50 $ 155.00 PECO Energy RH Page 7 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term Plant a Tree Plan Price per kWh Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh 8.30 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 100% Renewable $ 41.50 $ 83.00 $ 166.00 8.30 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 n/a $ 41.50 $ 83.00 $ 166.00 PECO Energy RH Page 8 Penelec 1-888-478-2300 www.firstenergycorp.com Regular Residential Service Rate RS Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Price to Compare through November 30, 2016 500 kWh 7.724 ¢ per kWh $ 38.62 2,000 kWh 1,000 kWh $ 77.24 $ 154.48 ◌ The Price to Compare is the price per kWh that you would pay Penelec for the Generation & Transmission portion of your bill, if you do not switch to an Electric Generation Supplier. ◌ All other charges will be paid to Penelec regardless of whether or not an Electric Generation Supplier is chosen. Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term* n/a $ 28.75 $ 57.50 $ 115.00 Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term* 100% Renewable $ 31.45 $ 62.90 $ 125.80 Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term* n/a $ 30.75 $ 61.50 $ 123.00 Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term* n/a $ 31.75 $ 63.50 $ 127.00 AEP Energy 1-877-648-1923 www.aepenergy.com Updated October 17, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 5.75 ¢ per kWh *No cancellation fee for online enrollments. F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 6.29 ¢ per kWh *No cancellation fee for online enrollments. F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term 6.15 ¢ per kWh *No cancellation fee for online enrollments. F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 6.35 ¢ per kWh *No cancellation fee for online enrollments. Ambit Energy 1-877-282-6248 www.ambitenergy.com Updated April 14, 2016 V Intro Price for New Customers: Monthly Variable 8.80 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 44.00 $ 88.00 $ 176.00 V Monthly Variable Price, Guaranteed Savings Plan* 6.80 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 34.00 $ 68.00 $ 136.00 *The Guaranteed Savings Plan guarantees an annual savings of 3% compared to Penelec's price for the same period. Please contact Ambit Energy for more information. Penelec Page 1 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh American Power & Gas of PA 1-800-205-7491 www.americanpowerandgas.com Updated September 6, 2016 Intro Price for the No n/a First Month: 5.99 ¢ per kWh $ 29.95 $ 59.90 $ 119.80 Monthly Variable After 12 consecutive months of being an American Power & Gas customer, the company will automatically send a 25% rebate on the customer's average month's electricity supply charges. For more details, contact American Power & Gas. V Intro Price for the No First Month: 8.99 ¢ per kWh $ 44.95 $ 89.90 $ 179.80 Monthly Variable After 12 consecutive months of being an American Power & Gas customer, the company will automatically send a 25% rebate on the customer's average month's electricity supply charges. For more details, contact American Power & Gas. V F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 9.40 ¢ per kWh Call for cancellation details 9.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 $ 47.00 $ 94.00 $ 188.00 100% Renewable $ 49.95 $ 99.90 $ 199.80 Clearview Electric 1-800-746-4702 www.clearviewenergy.com Updated September 11, 2015 Clear Green Guarantee F Fixed price: 12 month term Con Ed Solutions 1-866-842-8166 www.conedsolutions.com Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 13 Month Term 6.75 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 33.75 $ 67.50 $ 135.00 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 6.75 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 33.75 $ 67.50 $ 135.00 Penelec Page 2 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Constellation Energy 1-866-577-4700 www.home.constellation.com Updated October 24, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.29 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 n/a $ 36.45 $ 72.90 $ 145.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 100% Renewable $ 37.45 $ 74.90 $ 149.80 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 7.29 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 100% Renewable $ 36.45 $ 72.90 $ 145.80 F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 6.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 n/a $ 34.95 $ 69.90 $ 139.80 Penelec Page 3 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Direct Energy 1-844-208-6576 www.directenergy.com/msid/3798 Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term 6.79 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 33.95 $ 67.90 $ 135.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 6.39 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 31.95 $ 63.90 $ 127.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.19 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 35.95 $ 71.90 $ 143.80 Yes: $99 n/a $ 31.45 $ 62.90 $ 125.80 With Hulu. Contact Direct Energy for details. F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term* 6.29 ¢ per kWh *Military plan- Available to active or inactive military personnel. Verification required. F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term 6.69 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 33.45 $ 66.90 $ 133.80 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term* 6.59 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 32.95 $ 65.90 $ 131.80 *Military plan- Available to active or inactive military personnel. Verification required. F Fixed Price: 25 Month Term 7.29 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 36.45 $ 72.90 $ 145.80 F Fixed Price: 27 Month Term 7.79 ¢ per kWh Yes: $200 Device Recovery Fee n/a $ 38.95 $ 77.90 $ 155.80 Includes a Nest Learning Thermostat. Penelec Page 4 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Energy Rewards 1-844-737-3227 www.comcastenergyrewards.com Updated September 6, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.49 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 42.45 $ 84.90 $ 169.80 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 8.72 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 43.60 $ 87.20 $ 174.40 F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 8.88 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 44.40 $ 88.80 $ 177.60 100% Renewable (99% wind & 1% solar) $ 49.00 $ 98.00 $ 196.00 $ 55.00 $ 110.00 $ 220.00 Ethical Electric, Inc. 1-800-460-4900 www.ethicalelectric.com Updated December 3, 2015 V Intro Price for the First 3 Months: Monthly Variable 9.80 ¢ per kWh No F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 11.00 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable Green Mountain Energy Company 1-855-300-1545 www.greenmountain.com Updated September 6, 2016 Monthly Variable No 100% Wind 5.90 ¢ per kWh Price $ 29.50 $ 59.00 $ 118.00 TM Pollution Free Green Mountain will donate $1 to the PA Horticultural Society's "Plant One Million" Program for each new customer who signs up for this product. V IGS Energy 1-888-993-0997 www.IGSenergy.com Updated December 1, 2015 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.09 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 n/a $ 35.45 $ 70.90 $ 141.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.29 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 100% Renewable $ 36.45 $ 72.90 $ 145.80 Penelec Page 5 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh North American Power 1-888-313-9086 www.napower.com Updated October 5, 2015 F Fixed Price: 8 Month Term 8.09 ¢ per kWh No 25% Renewable $ 40.45 $ 80.90 $ 161.80 F Fixed Price: 8 Month Term 9.04 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 45.20 $ 90.40 $ 180.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.39 ¢ per kWh No 25% Renewable $ 41.95 $ 83.90 $ 167.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 9.34 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 46.70 $ 93.40 $ 186.80 $ 29.50 $ 59.00 $ 118.00 $ 34.90 $ 69.80 $ 139.60 NRG Home 1-855-674-7697 www.nrghomepower.com Updated September 6, 2016 3 Month No Introductory Price: 25% Wind 5.90 ¢ per kWh Monthly Variable* *NRG Essentials Plan includes a $25 enrollment bonus after 3 months of service and 1% cash back quarterly. V Palmco Power PA, LLC 1-877-726-5862 www.palmcoenergy.com Updated October 5, 2016 V Introductory Price: Monthly Variable* 6.98 ¢ per kWh No n/a *The introductory price is valid for the first 3 months of service, and becomes variable thereafter. The price shown is for new customers only. Existing customers should contact Palmco for the current rate. Promotions available (restrictions apply): contact Palmco for details. Penelec Page 6 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Public Power, LLC 1-888-354-4415 www.ppandu.com Updated September 6, 2016 V Monthly Variable Price 10.99 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 54.95 $ 109.90 $ 219.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 n/a $ 39.95 $ 79.90 $ 159.80 7.64 ¢ per kWh Yes: $200 n/a $ 38.20 $ 76.40 $ 152.80 8.79 ¢ per kWh Yes: $25 for each year or partial year remaining in the contract term n/a $ 49.24 $ 93.19 $ 181.09 Respond Power, LLC 1-877-9 RESPND www.respondpower.com Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term SFE Energy 1-877-316-6344 www.sfeenergy.com.com Updated September 12, 2016 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term* *Plus a $5.29 monthly fee. For an additional 1.98¢/kWh offset 100% of electricity carbon footprint. See terms and conditions for details or contact SFE Energy. F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term* 8.79 ¢ per kWh Yes: $25 for each year or partial year remaining in the contract term n/a $ 49.24 $ 93.19 $ 181.09 *Plus a $5.29 monthly fee. For an additional 1.98¢/kWh offset 100% of electricity carbon footprint. See terms and conditions for details or contact SFE Energy. Penelec Page 7 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Stream Energy Pennsylvania, LLC 1-877-369-8150 www.mystream.com Updated October 11, 2016 V Introductory Price: Monthly Variable 7.98 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 39.90 $ 79.80 $ 159.60 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 6.52 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 n/a $ 32.60 $ 65.20 $ 130.40 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term 6.88 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 n/a $ 34.40 $ 68.80 $ 137.60 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 6.38 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 n/a $ 31.90 $ 63.80 $ 127.60 F Fixed Price: 30 Month Term 8.28 ¢ per kWh Yes: $200 n/a $ 41.40 $ 82.80 $ 165.60 6.19 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 30.95 $ 61.90 $ 123.80 6.21 ¢ per kWh No 100% PA Renewable $ 31.05 $ 62.10 $ 124.20 6.33 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 n/a $ 31.65 $ 63.30 $ 126.60 Includes a smart thermostat. Talen Energy 1-888-289-7693 www.talenenergy.com Updated October 5, 2016 Fixed Price F Through July 31, 2017 Meter Read Fixed Price F Through July 31, 2017 Meter Read Fixed Price F Through May 31, 2018 Meter Read Penelec Page 8 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh No n/a $ 29.45 $ 58.90 $ 117.80 n/a $ 37.95 $ 75.90 $ 151.80 100% Renewable $ 42.95 $ 85.90 $ 171.80 Town Square Energy 1-800-282-3331 www.townsquareenergy.com Updated July 20, 2016 F Fixed 3 Month Introductory Price* 5.89 ¢ per kWh *After introductory period, then 12 months at 9.99¢ F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.59 ¢ per kWh Yes: $50 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.59 ¢ per kWh No F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 6.29 ¢ per kWh Yes: $125 10% Renewable $ 31.45 $ 62.90 $ 125.80 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 6.39 ¢ per kWh Yes: $125 10% Renewable $ 31.95 $ 63.90 $ 127.80 F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 6.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $125 10% Renewable $ 32.45 $ 64.90 $ 129.80 7.99 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 39.95 $ 79.90 $ 159.80 TriEagle Energy 1-877-93EAGLE (933-2453) www.trieagleenergy.com Updated August 2, 2016 Verde Energy USA, Inc. 1-800-388-3862 www.lowcostpower.com Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term New enrollments receive a $75 cash bonus, a 20% discount on energy saving products and free access to Verde Energy Savings Solutions where customers can monitor and analyze their energy usage. Please contact Verde Energy USA for more information. Penelec Page 9 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh 6.20 ¢ per kWh No 5% Local Wind Power $ 31.00 $ 62.00 $ 124.00 7.00 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term 5% Local Wind Power $ 35.00 $ 70.00 $ 140.00 50% Local Wind Power $ 39.50 $ 79.00 $ 158.00 100% Local Wind Power $ 45.00 $ 90.00 $ 180.00 Price per kWh WGL Energy 1-844-427-5945 www.wglenergy.com Updated October 18, 2016 V Intro Price for the First Month: Monthly Variable F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.90 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 9.00 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term Penelec Page 10 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh YEP Energy 1-855-363-7736 www.yepenergy.com Updated September 6, 2016 V Monthly Variable Price 6.66 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 33.30 $ 66.60 $ 133.20 V Monthly Variable Price 7.13 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 35.65 $ 71.30 $ 142.60 V Monthly Variable Price Plant a Tree Plan 7.13 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 35.65 $ 71.30 $ 142.60 F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term 7.54 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term n/a $ 37.70 $ 75.40 $ 150.80 F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term 8.07 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term 100% Renewable $ 40.35 $ 80.70 $ 161.40 F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term Plant a Tree Plan 8.07 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term n/a $ 40.35 $ 80.70 $ 161.40 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.21 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term n/a $ 36.05 $ 72.10 $ 144.20 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.71 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term 100% Renewable $ 38.55 $ 77.10 $ 154.20 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term Plant a Tree Plan 7.71 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term n/a $ 38.55 $ 77.10 $ 154.20 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term 7.22 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 n/a $ 36.10 $ 72.20 $ 144.40 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term 7.73 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 100% Renewable $ 38.65 $ 77.30 $ 154.60 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term Plant a Tree Plan 7.73 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 n/a $ 38.65 $ 77.30 $ 154.60 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 7.12 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 n/a $ 35.60 $ 71.20 $ 142.40 Penelec Page 11 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term Plant a Tree Plan Price per kWh Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh 7.62 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 100% Renewable $ 38.10 $ 76.20 $ 152.40 7.62 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 n/a $ 38.10 $ 76.20 $ 152.40 Penelec Page 12 Penn Power 1-800-720-3600 www.firstenergycorp.com Regular Residential Service Rate RS Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Price to Compare through November 30, 2016 500 kWh 7.979 ¢ per kWh $ 39.90 1,000 kWh $ 79.79 2,000 kWh $ 159.58 ◌ The Price to Compare is the price per kWh that you would pay Penn Power for the Generation & Transmission portion of your bill, if you do not switch to an Electric Generation Supplier. ◌ All other charges will be paid to Penn Power regardless of whether or not an Electric Generation Supplier is chosen. Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Ambit Energy 1-877-282-6248 www.ambitenergy.com Updated April 14, 2016 V Intro Price for New Customers: Monthly Variable 7.69 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 38.45 $ 76.90 $ 153.80 V Monthly Variable Price, Guaranteed Savings Plan* 5.69 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 28.45 $ 56.90 $ 113.80 *The Guaranteed Savings Plan guarantees an annual savings of 3% compared to Penn Power's price for the same period. Please contact Ambit Energy for more information. American Power & Gas of PA 1-800-205-7491 www.americanpowerandgas.com Updated September 6, 2016 Intro Price for the No n/a First Month: 6.49 ¢ per kWh $ 32.45 $ 64.90 $ 129.80 Monthly Variable After 12 consecutive months of being an American Power & Gas customer, the company will automatically send a 25% rebate on the customer's average month's electricity supply charges. For more details, contact American Power & Gas. V Intro Price for the No First Month: 9.49 ¢ per kWh $ 47.45 $ 94.90 $ 189.80 Monthly Variable After 12 consecutive months of being an American Power & Gas customer, the company will automatically send a 25% rebate on the customer's average month's electricity supply charges. For more details, contact American Power & Gas. V F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 10.10 ¢ per kWh Call for cancellation details $ 50.50 $ 101.00 $ 202.00 Penn Power RS Page 1 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Con Ed Solutions 1-866-842-8166 www.conedsolutions.com Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 8 Month Term 7.90 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 39.50 $ 79.00 $ 158.00 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 7.85 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 39.25 $ 78.50 $ 157.00 Constellation Energy 1-866-577-4700 www.home.constellation.com Updated October 24, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.69 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 n/a $ 38.45 $ 76.90 $ 153.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.79 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 100% Renewable $ 38.95 $ 77.90 $ 155.80 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 7.69 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 100% Renewable $ 38.45 $ 76.90 $ 153.80 F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 7.19 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 n/a $ 35.95 $ 71.90 $ 143.80 Penn Power RS Page 2 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Direct Energy 1-844-208-6576 www.directenergy.com/msid/3798 Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term 6.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 34.95 $ 69.90 $ 139.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 6.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 34.95 $ 69.90 $ 139.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.69 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 38.45 $ 76.90 $ 153.80 Yes: $99 n/a $ 34.45 $ 68.90 $ 137.80 With Hulu. Contact Direct Energy for details. F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term* 6.89 ¢ per kWh *Military plan- Available to active or inactive military personnel. Verification required. F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term 7.19 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 35.95 $ 71.90 $ 143.80 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term* 7.09 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 35.45 $ 70.90 $ 141.80 *Military plan- Available to active or inactive military personnel. Verification required. F Fixed Price: 26 Month Term 7.89 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 39.45 $ 78.90 $ 157.80 F Fixed Price: 27 Month Term 8.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $200 Device Recovery Fee n/a $ 42.45 $ 84.90 $ 169.80 8.54 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 42.70 $ 85.40 $ 170.80 Includes a Nest Learning Thermostat. Energy Rewards 1-844-737-3227 www.comcastenergyrewards.com Updated September 6, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term Penn Power RS Page 3 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh 100% Renewable (99% wind & 1% solar) $ 61.00 $ 122.00 $ 244.00 $ 61.50 $ 123.00 $ 246.00 Ethical Electric, Inc. 1-800-460-4900 www.ethicalelectric.com Updated December 3, 2015 V Intro Price for the First 3 Months: Monthly Variable 12.20 ¢ per kWh No F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 12.30 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable Green Mountain Energy Company 1-855-300-1545 www.greenmountain.com Updated September 6, 2016 Monthly Variable No 100% Wind 7.70 ¢ per kWh Price $ 38.50 $ 77.00 $ 154.00 TM Pollution Free Green Mountain will donate $1 to the PA Horticultural Society's "Plant One Million" Program for each new customer who signs up for this product. V IGS Energy 1-888-993-0997 www.IGSenergy.com Updated December 1, 2015 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.39 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 n/a $ 41.95 $ 83.90 $ 167.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.69 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 100% Renewable $ 43.45 $ 86.90 $ 173.80 Penn Power RS Page 4 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh North American Power 1-888-313-9086 www.napower.com Updated October 5, 2015 F Fixed Price: 8 Month Term 9.29 ¢ per kWh No 25% Renewable $ 46.45 $ 92.90 $ 185.80 F Fixed Price: 8 Month Term 10.24 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 51.20 $ 102.40 $ 204.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 9.39 ¢ per kWh No 25% Renewable $ 46.95 $ 93.90 $ 187.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 10.34 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 51.70 $ 103.40 $ 206.80 $ 33.50 $ 67.00 $ 134.00 NRG Home 1-855-674-7697 www.nrghomepower.com Updated September 6, 2016 3 Month No 25% Wind Introductory Price: 6.70 ¢ per kWh Monthly Variable* *NRG Essentials Plan includes a $25 enrollment bonus after 3 months of service and 1% cash back quarterly. V Public Power, LLC 1-888-354-4415 www.ppandu.com Updated September 6, 2016 V Monthly Variable Price 9.99 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 49.95 $ 99.90 $ 199.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 n/a $ 42.45 $ 84.90 $ 169.80 8.19 ¢ per kWh Yes: $200 n/a $ 40.95 $ 81.90 $ 163.80 Respond Power, LLC 1-877-9 RESPND www.respondpower.com Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term Penn Power RS Page 5 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Yes: $25 for each year or partial year remaining in the contract term n/a $ 50.24 $ 95.19 $ 185.09 SFE Energy 1-877-316-6344 www.sfeenergy.com.com Updated September 12, 2016 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term* 8.99 ¢ per kWh *Plus a $5.29 monthly fee. For an additional 1.98¢/kWh offset 100% of electricity carbon footprint. See terms and conditions for details or contact SFE Energy. F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term* 8.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $25 for each year or partial year remaining in the contract term n/a $ 50.24 $ 95.19 $ 185.09 *Plus a $5.29 monthly fee. For an additional 1.98¢/kWh offset 100% of electricity carbon footprint. See terms and conditions for details or contact SFE Energy. Town Square Energy 1-800-282-3331 www.townsquareenergy.com Updated July 20, 2016 F Fixed 3 Month Introductory Price* 6.79 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 33.95 $ 67.90 $ 135.80 n/a $ 44.95 $ 89.90 $ 179.80 100% Renewable $ 49.95 $ 99.90 $ 199.80 $ 42.45 $ 84.90 $ 169.80 *After introductory period, then 12 months at 9.99¢ F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $50 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 9.99 ¢ per kWh No 8.49 ¢ per kWh No Verde Energy USA, Inc. 1-800-388-3862 www.lowcostpower.com Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 100% Renewable New enrollments receive a $75 cash bonus, a 20% discount on energy saving products and free access to Verde Energy Savings Solutions where customers can monitor and analyze their energy usage. Please contact Verde Energy USA for more information. Penn Power RS Page 6 Pike County Light and Power 1-877-434-4100 www.oru.com Regular Residential Service Rate SC1 Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Price to Compare through November 30, 2016 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh $ $ $ 129.93 6.497 ¢ per kWh 32.48 64.97 ◌ The Price to Compare is the price per kWh that you would pay Pike County Light and Power for the Generation & Transmission portion of your bill, if you do not switch to an Electric Generation Supplier. ◌ All other charges will be paid to Pike County Light and Power regardless of whether or not an Electric Generation Supplier is chosen. Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Con Ed Solutions 1-866-842-8166 www.conedsolutions.com Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 8 Month Term 6.75 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 33.75 $ 67.50 $ 135.00 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 6.95 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 34.75 $ 69.50 $ 139.00 Pike County Light and Power Page 1 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Direct Energy 1-844-208-6576 www.directenergy.com/msid/3798 Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term 8.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 44.95 $ 89.90 $ 179.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 42.45 $ 84.90 $ 169.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 9.29 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 46.45 $ 92.90 $ 185.80 Yes: $99 n/a $ 41.95 $ 83.90 $ 167.80 With Hulu. Contact Direct Energy for details. F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term* 8.39 ¢ per kWh *Military plan- Available to active or inactive military personnel. Verification required. F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term 9.19 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 45.95 $ 91.90 $ 183.80 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term* 9.09 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 45.45 $ 90.90 $ 181.80 *Military plan- Available to active or inactive military personnel. Verification required. F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 9.79 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 48.95 $ 97.90 $ 195.80 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term* 9.69 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 48.45 $ 96.90 $ 193.80 *Military plan- Available to active or inactive military personnel. Verification required. Pike County Light and Power Page 2 PPL Electric Utilities 1-888-668-4775 www.pplelectric.com/choice Regular Residential Service Rate RS Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Price to Compare through November 30, 2016 500 kWh 7.491 ¢ per kWh $ 37.46 2,000 kWh 1,000 kWh $ 74.91 $ 149.82 ◌ The Price to Compare is the price per kWh that you would pay PPL for the Generation & Transmission portion of your bill, if you do not switch to an Electric Generation Supplier. ◌ All other charges will be paid to PPL regardless of whether or not an Electric Generation Supplier is chosen. Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term* n/a $ 38.95 $ 77.90 $ 155.80 Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term* 100% Renewable $ 41.45 $ 82.90 $ 165.80 Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term* n/a $ 39.95 $ 79.90 $ 159.80 Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term* n/a $ 41.75 $ 83.50 $ 167.00 AEP Energy 1-877-648-1923 www.aepenergy.com Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.79 ¢ per kWh *No cancellation fee for online enrollments. F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.29 ¢ per kWh *No cancellation fee for online enrollments. F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term 7.99 ¢ per kWh *No cancellation fee for online enrollments. F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 8.35 ¢ per kWh *No cancellation fee for online enrollments. Ambit Energy 1-877-282-6248 www.ambitenergy.com Updated April 14, 2016 V Intro Price for New Customers: Monthly Variable 11.37 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 56.85 $ 113.70 $ 227.40 V Monthly Variable Price, Guaranteed Savings Plan* 9.37 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 46.85 $ 93.70 $ 187.40 *The Guaranteed Savings Plan guarantees an annual savings of 3% compared to PPL's price for the same period. Please contact Ambit Energy for more information. PPL Electric Utilities Page 1 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh American Power & Gas of PA 1-800-205-7491 www.americanpowerandgas.com Updated September 6, 2016 Intro Price for the No n/a First Month: 5.99 ¢ per kWh $ 29.95 $ 59.90 $ 119.80 Monthly Variable After 12 consecutive months of being an American Power & Gas customer, the company will automatically send a 25% rebate on the customer's average month's electricity supply charges. For more details, contact American Power & Gas. V Intro Price for the No 8.99 ¢ per kWh First Month: $ 44.95 $ 89.90 $ 179.80 Monthly Variable After 12 consecutive months of being an American Power & Gas customer, the company will automatically send a 25% rebate on the customer's average month's electricity supply charges. For more details, contact American Power & Gas. V F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 10.30 ¢ per kWh Call for cancellation details $ 51.50 $ 103.00 $ 206.00 AMERIgreen Energy 1-888-559-4567 www.amerigreenenergy.com Updated July 1, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.99 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 44.95 $ 89.90 $ 179.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term* 8.59 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 42.95 $ 85.90 $ 171.80 No 100% Renewable $ 46.95 $ 93.90 $ 187.80 *Offer available to electric home heating customers. F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 9.39 ¢ per kWh PPL Electric Utilities Page 2 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Bargain Energy 1-888-633-4424 www.bargainenergy.com Updated November 4, 2015 F Fixed Price: 3 Month Term 8.00 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 40.00 $ 80.00 $ 160.00 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.00 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 40.00 $ 80.00 $ 160.00 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 8.60 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 43.00 $ 86.00 $ 172.00 F Fixed Price: 3 Month Term 6.60 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 33.00 $ 66.00 $ 132.00 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.40 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 37.00 $ 74.00 $ 148.00 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 7.50 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 37.50 $ 75.00 $ 150.00 F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 7.80 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 39.00 $ 78.00 $ 156.00 8.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 100% Renewable $ 44.95 $ 89.90 $ 179.80 Champion Energy Services 1-877-404-0842 www.championenergyservices.com/PA Updated June 2, 2016 Clearview Electric 1-800-746-4702 www.clearviewenergy.com Updated September 11, 2015 Clear Green Guarantee F Fixed price: 12 month term PPL Electric Utilities Page 3 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh No 5% PA Solar, Builds New Solar Power in PA $ 52.45 $ 104.90 $ 209.80 13.29 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable (99% PA wind & 1% PA solar) $ 66.45 $ 132.90 $ 265.80 Price per kWh Community Energy 1-866-WIND-123 www.communityenergyinc.com/pawindandsolar Updated November 4, 2015 V Solar Builder Monthly Variable Price V Monthly Variable Price 10.49 ¢ per kWh Con Ed Solutions 1-866-842-8166 www.conedsolutions.com Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 13 Month Term 7.69 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 38.45 $ 76.90 $ 153.80 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 7.72 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 38.60 $ 77.20 $ 154.40 Constellation Energy 1-866-577-4700 www.home.constellation.com Updated October 24, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 n/a $ 44.95 $ 89.90 $ 179.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 9.19 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 100% Renewable $ 45.95 $ 91.90 $ 183.80 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 8.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 100% Renewable $ 44.95 $ 89.90 $ 179.80 F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 8.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 n/a $ 42.45 $ 84.90 $ 169.80 PPL Electric Utilities Page 4 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Direct Energy 1-844-208-6576 www.directenergy.com/msid/3798 Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term 8.09 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 40.45 $ 80.90 $ 161.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.79 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 38.95 $ 77.90 $ 155.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 42.45 $ 84.90 $ 169.80 Yes: $99 n/a $ 38.45 $ 76.90 $ 153.80 With Hulu. Contact Direct Energy for details. F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term* 7.69 ¢ per kWh *Military plan- Available to active or inactive military personnel. Verification required. F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term 7.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 39.95 $ 79.90 $ 159.80 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term* 7.89 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 39.45 $ 78.90 $ 157.80 *Military plan- Available to active or inactive military personnel. Verification required. F Fixed Price: 26 Month Term 8.59 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 42.95 $ 85.90 $ 171.80 F Fixed Price: 27 Month Term 9.09 ¢ per kWh Yes: $200 Device Recovery Fee n/a $ 45.45 $ 90.90 $ 181.80 Includes a Nest Learning Thermostat. PPL Electric Utilities Page 5 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Eligo Energy PA, LLC 1-888-744-8125 www.eligoenergy.com Updated July 1, 2016 V Monthly Variable Price 6.76 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 33.79 $ 67.57 $ 135.14 F Fixed Price: 3 Month Term 8.09 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 40.47 $ 80.93 $ 161.86 F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term 8.50 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month remaining in contract n/a $ 42.51 $ 85.01 $ 170.02 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.82 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month remaining in contract n/a $ 44.08 $ 88.15 $ 176.30 No 100% PA Renewable $ 58.45 $ 116.90 $ 233.80 No 100% National Renewable $ 52.95 $ 105.90 $ 211.80 No n/a $ 44.95 $ 89.90 $ 179.80 The Energy Co-op 1-800-223-5783 or 215-413-2122 www.theenergy.coop Updated September 6, 2016 EcoChoice 100 Fixed Price Through 11.69 ¢ per kWh October 31, 2017 Must enroll as a member for $15 per year. F EcoChoice 100 National F Fixed Price Through 10.59 ¢ per kWh October 31, 2017 Must enroll as a member for $15 per year. Energy Rewards 1-844-737-3227 www.comcastenergyrewards.com Updated September 6, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.99 ¢ per kWh PPL Electric Utilities Page 6 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh 100% Renewable (99% wind & 1% solar) $ 59.50 $ 119.00 $ 238.00 $ 57.50 $ 115.00 $ 230.00 Ethical Electric, Inc. 1-800-460-4900 www.ethicalelectric.com Updated December 3, 2015 V Intro Price for the First 3 Months: Monthly Variable 11.90 ¢ per kWh No F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 11.50 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable Green Mountain Energy Company 1-855-300-1545 www.greenmountain.com Updated September 6, 2016 Monthly Variable Price No 100% Wind 6.50 ¢ per kWh $ 32.50 $ 65.00 $ 130.00 TM Pollution Free Green Mountain will donate $1 to the PA Horticultural Society's "Plant One Million" Program for each new customer who signs up for this product. V IGS Energy 1-888-993-0997 www.IGSenergy.com Updated December 1, 2015 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.09 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 n/a $ 40.45 $ 80.90 $ 161.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.29 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 100% Renewable $ 41.45 $ 82.90 $ 165.80 7.99 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 39.95 $ 79.90 $ 159.80 Just Energy 1-855-865-7269 www.justenergy.com Updated September 6, 2016 F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term PPL Electric Utilities Page 7 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh North American Power 1-888-313-9086 www.napower.com Updated October 5, 2015 F Fixed Price: 8 Month Term 9.19 ¢ per kWh No 25% Renewable $ 45.95 $ 91.90 $ 183.80 F Fixed Price: 8 Month Term 10.14 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 50.70 $ 101.40 $ 202.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 9.39 ¢ per kWh No 25% Renewable $ 46.95 $ 93.90 $ 187.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 10.34 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 51.70 $ 103.40 $ 206.80 $ 73.00 $ 146.00 NRG Home 1-855-674-7697 www.nrgresidentialsolutions.com Updated September 6, 2016 3 Month No 25% Wind 7.30 ¢ per kWh Introductory Price: $ Monthly Variable* *This NRG Essentials Plan includes a $25 enrollment bonus after 3 months of service and 1% cash back quarterly. V 36.50 PPL Electric Utilities Page 8 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh 6.89 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 40.40 $ 74.85 $ 143.75 7.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 43.40 $ 80.85 $ 155.75 6.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 40.90 $ 75.85 $ 145.75 7.59 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 43.90 $ 81.85 $ 157.75 7.79 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 38.95 $ 77.90 $ 155.80 8.39 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 41.95 $ 83.90 $ 167.80 8.39 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 41.95 $ 83.90 $ 167.80 8.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 44.95 $ 89.90 $ 179.80 8.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 44.95 $ 89.90 $ 179.80 9.59 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 47.95 $ 95.90 $ 191.80 Price per kWh Oasis Energy 1-800-324-3046 www.oasisenergy.com Updated November 17, 2015 F Fixed Price: 3 Month Term* *Plus a $5.95 monthly fee. F Fixed Price: 3 Month Term *Plus a $5.95 monthly fee. F Fixed Price: 5 Month Term *Plus a $5.95 monthly fee. F Fixed Price: 5 Month Term *Plus a $5.95 monthly fee. F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term PPL Electric Utilities Page 9 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh No n/a $ 34.90 $ 69.80 $ 139.60 Palmco Power PA, LLC 1-877-726-5862 www.palmcoenergy.com Updated October 5, 2016 V Introductory Price: Monthly Variable* 6.98 ¢ per kWh *The introductory price is valid for the first 3 months of service, and becomes variable thereafter. The price shown is for new customers only. Existing customers should contact Palmco for the current rate. Promotions available (restrictions apply): contact Palmco for details. Park Power 610-971-9000 www.parkpower.com Updated March 3, 2015 V Monthly Variable Price 15.99 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 79.95 $ 159.90 $ 319.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 10.49 ¢ per kWh No 25% Renewable $ 52.45 $ 104.90 $ 209.80 Public Power, LLC 1-888-354-4415 www.ppandu.com Updated September 6, 2016 V Monthly Variable Price 9.99 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 49.95 $ 99.90 $ 199.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 n/a $ 44.95 $ 89.90 $ 179.80 8.80 ¢ per kWh Yes: $200 n/a $ 44.00 $ 88.00 $ 176.00 Respond Power, LLC 1-877-9 RESPND www.respondpower.com Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term PPL Electric Utilities Page 10 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Yes: $25 for each year or partial year remaining in the contract term n/a $ 50.24 $ 95.19 $ 185.09 SFE Energy 1-877-316-6344 www.sfeenergy.com.com Updated September 12, 2016 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term* 8.99 ¢ per kWh *Plus a $5.29 monthly fee. For an additional 1.98¢/kWh offset 100% of electricity carbon footprint. See terms and conditions for details or contact SFE Energy. F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term* 8.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $25 for each year or partial year remaining in the contract term n/a $ 50.24 $ 95.19 $ 185.09 *Plus a $5.29 monthly fee. For an additional 1.98¢/kWh offset 100% of electricity carbon footprint. See terms and conditions for details or contact SFE Energy. Spark Energy, L.P. 1-877-374-8011 www.sparkenergy.com Updated October 2014 V Monthly Variable Price F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 8.07 ¢ per kWh 8.99 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 40.35 $ 80.70 $ 161.40 Yes: $100 n/a $ 49.90 $ 94.85 $ 184.75 Yes: $100 100% Renewable $ 51.90 $ 98.85 $ 192.75 Yes: $75 n/a $ 51.38 $ 97.83 $ 190.73 Plus $4.95 Monthly Fee 9.39 ¢ per kWh Plus $4.95 Monthly Fee Sperian Energy Corp. 1-888-682-8082 www.sperianenergy.com Updated January 1, 2015 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 9.29 ¢ per kWh Plus $4.93 Monthly Fee PPL Electric Utilities Page 11 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Stream Energy Pennsylvania, LLC 1-877-369-8150 www.mystream.com Updated October 11, 2016 V Introductory Price: Monthly Variable 7.88 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 39.40 $ 78.80 $ 157.60 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.28 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 n/a $ 36.40 $ 72.80 $ 145.60 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term Green and Clean 10.28 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 12% Renewable $ 51.40 $ 102.80 $ 205.60 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term 6.88 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 n/a $ 34.40 $ 68.80 $ 137.60 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 6.88 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 n/a $ 34.40 $ 68.80 $ 137.60 F Fixed Price: 30 Month Term 8.58 ¢ per kWh Yes: $200 n/a $ 42.90 $ 85.80 $ 171.60 7.46 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 37.30 $ 74.60 $ 149.20 7.48 ¢ per kWh No 100% PA Renewable $ 37.40 $ 74.80 $ 149.60 7.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 n/a $ 37.45 $ 74.90 $ 149.80 Includes a smart thermostat. Talen Energy 1-888-289-7693 www.talenenergy.com Updated October 5, 2016 Fixed Price F Through July 31, 2017 Meter Read Fixed Price F Through July 31, 2017 Meter Read Fixed Price F Through May 31, 2018 Meter Read PPL Electric Utilities Page 12 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh No n/a $ 29.95 $ 59.90 $ 119.80 n/a $ 39.45 $ 78.90 $ 157.80 100% Renewable $ 44.45 $ 88.90 $ 177.80 Town Square Energy 1-800-282-3331 www.townsquareenergy.com Updated July 20, 2016 F Fixed 3 Month Introductory Price* 5.99 ¢ per kWh *After introductory period, then 12 months at 9.99¢ F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.89 ¢ per kWh Yes: $50 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.89 ¢ per kWh No TriEagle Energy 1-877-93EAGLE (933-2453) www.trieagleenergy.com Updated August 2, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 6.89 ¢ per kWh Yes: $125 10% Renewable $ 34.45 $ 68.90 $ 137.80 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 6.91 ¢ per kWh Yes: $125 10% Renewable $ 34.55 $ 69.10 $ 138.20 F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 6.93 ¢ per kWh Yes: $125 10% Renewable $ 34.65 $ 69.30 $ 138.60 8.99 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 44.95 $ 89.90 $ 179.80 Verde Energy USA, Inc. 1-800-388-3862 www.lowcostpower.com Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term New enrollments receive a $75 cash bonus, a 20% discount on energy saving products and free access to Verde Energy Savings Solutions where customers can monitor and analyze their energy usage. Please contact Verde Energy USA for more information. PPL Electric Utilities Page 13 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Viridian Energy 1-866-663-2508 www.viridian.com Updated September 6, 2016 V Monthly Variable Price 11.99 ¢ per kWh No $ 64.88 $ 124.83 $ 244.73 V Variable Price: 12 Month Term* 7.12 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 $ 35.60 $ 71.20 $ 142.40 $ 49.45 $ 98.90 $ 197.80 *5% below the Utility Price Index on your energy supply charge guaranteed for 12 months. Contact Viridian Energy for details. F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 9.89 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 V Intro Price for the First Month: Monthly Variable 6.40 ¢ per kWh No 5% Local Wind Power $ 32.00 $ 64.00 $ 128.00 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.90 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term 5% Local Wind Power $ 39.50 $ 79.00 $ 158.00 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.80 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term 50% Local Wind Power $ 44.00 $ 88.00 $ 176.00 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 9.90 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term 100% Local Wind Power $ 49.50 $ 99.00 $ 198.00 WGL Energy 1-844-427-5945 www.wglenergy.com Updated October 18, 2016 PPL Electric Utilities Page 14 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh YEP Energy 1-855-363-7736 www.yepenergy.com Updated September 6, 2016 V Monthly Variable Price 7.25 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 36.25 $ 72.50 $ 145.00 V Monthly Variable Price 7.76 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 38.80 $ 77.60 $ 155.20 V Monthly Variable Price Plant a Tree Plan 7.76 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 38.80 $ 77.60 $ 155.20 F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term 8.38 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term n/a $ 41.90 $ 83.80 $ 167.60 F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term 8.97 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term 100% Renewable $ 44.85 $ 89.70 $ 179.40 F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term Plant a Tree Plan 8.97 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term n/a $ 44.85 $ 89.70 $ 179.40 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.80 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term n/a $ 39.00 $ 78.00 $ 156.00 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.34 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term 100% Renewable $ 41.70 $ 83.40 $ 166.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term Plant a Tree Plan 8.34 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract term n/a $ 41.70 $ 83.40 $ 166.80 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term 7.93 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 n/a $ 39.65 $ 79.30 $ 158.60 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term 8.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 100% Renewable $ 42.45 $ 84.90 $ 169.80 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term Plant a Tree Plan 8.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 n/a $ 42.45 $ 84.90 $ 169.80 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 7.77 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 n/a $ 38.85 $ 77.70 $ 155.40 PPL Electric Utilities Page 15 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term Plant a Tree Plan Price per kWh Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh 8.31 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 100% Renewable $ 41.55 $ 83.10 $ 166.20 8.31 ¢ per kWh Yes: $10 for each month remaining in the contract not to exceed $150 n/a $ 41.55 $ 83.10 $ 166.20 PPL Electric Utilities Page 16 UGI 1-888-285-2133 www.ugi.com/electric Residential Service Rate R Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Price to Compare through November 30, 2016 Price to Compare from December 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 500 kWh 7.857 ¢ per kWh $ 39.29 500 kWh $ 7.038 ¢ per kWh 35.19 1,000 kWh $ 78.57 1,000 kWh $ 70.38 2,000 kWh $ 157.14 2,000 kWh $ 140.76 ◌ The Price to Compare is the price per kWh that you would pay UGI for the Generation & Transmission portion of your bill, if you do not switch to an Electric Generation Supplier. ◌ All other charges will be paid to UGI regardless of whether or not an Electric Generation Supplier is chosen. Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Cancellation Fee 11.348 ¢ per kWh No Renewable/Green Energy Details Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh $ 56.74 $ 113.48 $ 226.96 Ambit Energy 1-877-282-6248 www.ambitenergy.com Updated April 14, 2016 V Intro Price for New Customers: Monthly Variable 100% Renewable UGI Page 1 West Penn Power 1-800-686-0021 www.firstenergycorp.com Regular Residential Service Rate RS Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Price to Compare through November 30, 2016 500 kWh 6.061 ¢ per kWh $ 30.31 1,000 kWh $ 60.61 2,000 kWh $ 121.22 ◌ The Price to Compare is the price per kWh that you would pay West Penn Power for the Generation & Transmission portion of your bill, if you do not switch to an Electric Generation Supplier. ◌ All other charges will be paid to West Penn Power regardless of whether or not an Electric Generation Supplier is chosen. Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term* n/a $ 27.75 $ 55.50 $ 111.00 Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term* n/a $ 31.95 $ 63.90 $ 127.80 Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term* 100% Renewable $ 33.25 $ 66.50 $ 133.00 Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term* n/a $ 34.95 $ 69.90 $ 139.80 AEP Energy 1-877-648-1923 www.aepenergy.com Updated October 11, 2016 F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term 5.55 ¢ per kWh *No cancellation fee for online enrollments. F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 6.39 ¢ per kWh *No cancellation fee for online enrollments. F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 6.65 ¢ per kWh *No cancellation fee for online enrollments. F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 6.99 ¢ per kWh *No cancellation fee for online enrollments. Ambit Energy 1-877-282-6248 www.ambitenergy.com Updated April 14, 2016 V Intro Price for New Customers: Monthly Variable Price 8.19 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 40.95 $ 81.90 $ 163.80 V Monthly Variable Price, Guaranteed Savings Plan* 5.22 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 26.10 $ 52.20 $ 104.40 *The Guaranteed Savings Plan guarantees an annual savings of 3% compared to West Penn Power's price for the same period. Please contact Ambit Energy for more information. West Penn Power Page 1 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh n/a $ 32.45 $ 64.90 $ 129.80 American Power & Gas of PA 1-800-205-7491 www.americanpowerandgas.com Updated September 6, 2016 V Intro Price for the First Month: Monthly Variable 6.49 ¢ per kWh No V Intro Price for the First Month: Monthly Variable 9.49 ¢ per kWh No $ 47.45 $ 94.90 $ 189.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 9.20 ¢ per kWh Call for cancellation details $ 46.00 $ 92.00 $ 184.00 $ 59.95 $ 119.90 $ 239.80 Community Energy 1-866-WIND-123 www.communityenergyinc.com/pawindandsolar Updated November 4, 2015 V Monthly Variable Price 11.99 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable (99% PA wind & 1% PA solar) Con Ed Solutions 1-866-842-8166 www.conedsolutions.com Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 8 Month Term 6.90 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 34.50 $ 69.00 $ 138.00 F Fixed Price: 13 Month Term 7.10 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 35.50 $ 71.00 $ 142.00 West Penn Power Page 2 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Constellation Energy 1-866-577-4700 www.home.constellation.com Updated October 24, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 6.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 n/a $ 34.95 $ 69.90 $ 139.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.19 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 100% Renewable $ 35.95 $ 71.90 $ 143.80 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 6.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 100% Renewable $ 34.95 $ 69.90 $ 139.80 F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 6.69 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 n/a $ 33.45 $ 66.90 $ 133.80 West Penn Power Page 3 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Direct Energy 1-844-208-6576 www.directenergy.com/msid/3798 Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term 6.69 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 33.45 $ 66.90 $ 133.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 6.39 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 31.95 $ 63.90 $ 127.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.09 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 35.45 $ 70.90 $ 141.80 Yes: $99 n/a $ 31.45 $ 62.90 $ 125.80 With Hulu. Contact Direct Energy for details. F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term* 6.29 ¢ per kWh *Military plan- Available to active or inactive military personnel. Verification required. F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term 6.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 34.95 $ 69.90 $ 139.80 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term* 6.89 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 34.45 $ 68.90 $ 137.80 *Military plan- Available to active or inactive military personnel. Verification required. F Fixed Price: 26 Month Term 7.39 ¢ per kWh Yes: $99 n/a $ 36.95 $ 73.90 $ 147.80 F Fixed Price: 27 Month Term 7.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $200 Device Recovery Fee n/a $ 39.95 $ 79.90 $ 159.80 7.82 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 39.10 $ 78.20 $ 156.40 Includes a Nest Learning Thermostat. Energy Rewards 1-844-737-3227 www.comcastenergyrewards.com Updated September 6, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term West Penn Power Page 4 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh 100% Renewable (99% wind & 1% solar) $ 47.00 $ 94.00 $ 188.00 $ 51.50 $ 103.00 $ 206.00 Ethical Electric, Inc. 1-800-460-4900 www.ethicalelectric.com Updated December 3, 2015 V Intro Price for the First 3 Months: Monthly Variable 9.40 ¢ per kWh No F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 10.30 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable Green Mountain Energy Company 1-855-300-1545 www.greenmountain.com Updated September 6, 2016 Monthly Variable No 100% Wind 5.90 ¢ per kWh Price $ 29.50 $ 59.00 $ 118.00 TM Pollution Free Green Mountain will donate $1 to the PA Horticultural Society's "Plant One Million" Program for each new customer who signs up for this product. V IGS Energy 1-888-993-0997 www.IGSenergy.com Updated December 1, 2015 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 6.69 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 n/a $ 33.45 $ 66.90 $ 133.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 6.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 100% Renewable $ 34.95 $ 69.90 $ 139.80 West Penn Power Page 5 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh North American Power 1-888-313-9086 www.napower.com Updated October 5, 2015 F Fixed Price: 8 Month Term 8.09 ¢ per kWh No 25% Renewable $ 40.45 $ 80.90 $ 161.80 F Fixed Price: 8 Month Term 9.04 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 45.20 $ 90.40 $ 180.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.29 ¢ per kWh No 25% Renewable $ 41.45 $ 82.90 $ 165.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 9.24 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 46.20 $ 92.40 $ 184.80 $ 31.00 $ 62.00 $ 124.00 NRG Home 1-855-674-7697 www.nrghomepower.com Updated September 6, 2016 3 Month 25% Wind No Introductory Price: 6.20 ¢ per kWh Monthly Variable* *NRG Essentials Plan includes a $25 enrollment bonus after 3 months of service and 1% cash back quarterly. V West Penn Power Page 6 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh 6.79 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 39.90 $ 73.85 $ 141.75 7.39 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 42.90 $ 79.85 $ 153.75 6.89 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 40.40 $ 74.85 $ 143.75 7.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 43.40 $ 80.85 $ 155.75 7.69 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 38.45 $ 76.90 $ 153.80 100% Renewable $ 41.45 $ 82.90 $ 165.80 Price per kWh Oasis Energy 1-800-324-3046 www.oasisenergy.com Updated November 17, 2015 F Fixed Price: 3 Month Term* *Plus a $5.95 monthly fee. F Fixed Price: 3 Month Term *Plus a $5.95 monthly fee. F Fixed Price: 5 Month Term *Plus a $5.95 monthly fee. F Fixed Price: 5 Month Term *Plus a $5.95 monthly fee. F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.29 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 8.29 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 41.45 $ 82.90 $ 165.80 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 8.89 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 44.45 $ 88.90 $ 177.80 F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 8.89 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term n/a $ 44.45 $ 88.90 $ 177.80 F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 9.49 ¢ per kWh Yes: $12 for each month remaining in contract term 100% Renewable $ 47.45 $ 94.90 $ 189.80 West Penn Power Page 7 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh No n/a $ 34.90 $ 69.80 $ 139.60 Palmco Power PA, LLC 1-877-726-5862 www.palmcoenergy.com Updated October 5, 2016 V Introductory Price: Monthly Variable* 6.98 ¢ per kWh *The introductory price is valid for the first 3 months of service, and becomes variable thereafter. The price shown is for new customers only. Existing customers should contact Palmco for the current rate. Promotions available (restrictions apply): contact Palmco for details. Public Power, LLC 1-888-354-4415 www.ppandu.com Updated September 6, 2016 V Monthly Variable Price 10.99 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 54.95 $ 109.90 $ 219.80 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.79 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 n/a $ 38.95 $ 77.90 $ 155.80 8.39 ¢ per kWh Yes: $200 n/a $ 41.95 $ 83.90 $ 167.80 8.59 ¢ per kWh Yes: $25 for each year or partial year remaining in the contract term n/a $ 48.24 $ 91.19 $ 177.09 Respond Power, LLC 1-877-9 RESPND www.respondpower.com Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term SFE Energy 1-877-316-6344 www.sfeenergy.com.com Updated September 12, 2016 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term* *Plus a $5.29 monthly fee. For an additional 1.98¢/kWh offset 100% of electricity carbon footprint. See terms and conditions for details or contact SFE Energy. F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term* 8.59 ¢ per kWh Yes: $25 for each year or partial year remaining in the contract term n/a $ 48.24 $ 91.19 $ 177.09 *Plus a $5.29 monthly fee. For an additional 1.98¢/kWh offset 100% of electricity carbon footprint. See terms and conditions for details or contact SFE Energy. West Penn Power Page 8 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh Stream Energy Pennsylvania, LLC 1-877-369-8150 www.mystream.com Updated October 11, 2016 V Introductory Price: Monthly Variable 7.88 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 39.40 $ 78.80 $ 157.60 F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term 6.88 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 n/a $ 34.40 $ 68.80 $ 137.60 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 5.98 ¢ per kWh Yes: $150 n/a $ 29.90 $ 59.80 $ 119.60 F Fixed Price: 30 Month Term 8.48 ¢ per kWh Yes: $200 n/a $ 42.40 $ 84.80 $ 169.60 6.28 ¢ per kWh No n/a $ 31.40 $ 62.80 $ 125.60 6.30 ¢ per kWh No 100% PA Renewable $ 31.50 $ 63.00 $ 126.00 6.50 ¢ per kWh Yes: $100 n/a $ 32.50 $ 65.00 $ 130.00 Includes a smart thermostat. Talen Energy 1-888-289-7693 www.talenenergy.com Updated October 5, 2016 Fixed Price F Through May 31, 2017 Meter Read Fixed Price F Through May 31, 2017 Meter Read Fixed Price F Through November 30, 2017 Meter Read West Penn Power Page 9 Licensed Electric Generation Supplier Prices: Electric Generation Supplier prices are for NEW customers of the Electric Generation Supplier. Existing customers of an Electric Generation Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per kWh Monthly Generation & Transmission Bill If You Use: Cancellation Fee Renewable/Green Energy Details 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 2,000 kWh No n/a $ 31.45 $ 62.90 $ 125.80 n/a $ 36.95 $ 73.90 $ 147.80 100% Renewable $ 41.95 $ 83.90 $ 167.80 Town Square Energy 1-800-282-3331 www.townsquareenergy.com Updated July 20, 2016 F Fixed 3 Month Introductory Price* 6.29 ¢ per kWh *After introductory period, then 12 months at 9.99¢ F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 7.39 ¢ per kWh Yes: $50 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 8.39 ¢ per kWh No TriEagle Energy 1-877-93EAGLE (933-2453) www.trieagleenergy.com Updated August 2, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 6.79 ¢ per kWh Yes: $125 10% Renewable $ 33.95 $ 67.90 $ 135.80 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 6.89 ¢ per kWh Yes: $125 10% Renewable $ 34.45 $ 68.90 $ 137.80 F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 6.99 ¢ per kWh Yes: $125 10% Renewable $ 34.95 $ 69.90 $ 139.80 8.49 ¢ per kWh No 100% Renewable $ 42.45 $ 84.90 $ 169.80 Verde Energy USA, Inc. 1-800-388-3862 www.lowcostpower.com Updated October 5, 2016 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term New enrollments receive a $75 cash bonus, a 20% discount on energy saving products and free access to Verde Energy Savings Solutions where customers can monitor and analyze their energy usage. Please contact Verde Energy USA for more information. West Penn Power Page 10