bodhi day - Buddhist Church of Parlier


bodhi day - Buddhist Church of Parlier
P.O. Box 547 360 Newmark Avenue
Parlier, Californiaf93648
Phone: (559) 646-2844
December 2012
Rev. Sensho Inouye
Shakyamuni Buddha was a historical person, born a prince in ancient India. In order
to transcend the contradictions he found between life and the world, and the resulting
anxiety that he sensed, Shakyamuni abandoned his life of luxury as a prince and became
a monk. He attained enlightenment after undergoing severe ascetic practices. From
then on, until his death at the age of 80, he spread the contents of that enlightenment.
When we examine that blessed life of Shakyamuni Buddha, we see that what made
Shakyamuni the Buddha is his attainment of Enlightenment. That is what Buddha
means, “He who has become enlightened.”
The historical individual, Shakyamuni Buddha, is enlightement itself, and the fact
that he truly awakened to the reality of things allowed him to transcend history. What
this means is that this person who existed historically , in other words a person a limited
as you or I, experienced or came in contact with, that which is without limit, that which
is limit-less. This limitless world is referred to as a (non) mita (limited).
Stated in still other words, Amida Buddha is the contents of Shakyamuni Buddha’s
In the sutras, it states: “This dharma is true and unchanging; it will not change
nor disappear whether (Shakyamuni) Buddha appeared in this world or not.”
Shakyamuni Buddha’s great accomplishment for which we honor him, is that he
discovered the “secret” of becoming enlightened. This secret is none other than Amida
Buddha’s Vow and the Teaching of Nembustu.
Parlier Buddhist Church will observe Bodhi Day Service on Sunday, December
9, 2012. In order to give our appreciation to Shakyamuni Buddha who showed Amida
Buddha’s great vow, let us attend this Bodhi Day Service.
The Buddhist Church of Parlier would like to extend our
appreciation to the following for their generous donations
Mr. Tom Hayashi
Mrs. Alice Umeda
Hon. Mikio Uchiyama
Okubo Family
Dr. & Mrs. Larry Kebo
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis Ikuta
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis Ikuta
Memorial for Shizue Nemoto........................................................$25.00
Orei for newsletter.........................................................................$25.00
Eshin-ni/Kakushin-ni memorial service........................................$50.00
Memorial for Mary Okubo...........................................................$100.00
1 year memorial for Robert Kusunoki.........................................$100.00
Sangha gathering............................................................................$25.00
Eshin-ni/Kakushin-ni memorial service........................................$25.00
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kozuki.......................$480.00
Mr. & Mrs. Mits Kozuki........................$480.00
Mr. & Mrs. Tad Kozuki................. $480.00
Mr. & Mrs. Min Doi.................................$20.00
Mrs. Takako Kanemoto............................$20.00
Mrs. Jean Kobashi....................................$20.00
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Koga.............................$50.00
Mr. & Mrs. Kelvin Miyakawa..................$20.00
Arthur Mihara/Barbara Goto....................$20.00
Mrs. Toshi Nakamichi..................... $20.00
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Shimizu............. $20.00
Mrs. Matsuko Suehiro..................... $20.00
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Tsuji....................... $20.00
Mr. Min Yamada.............................. $40.00
Ms. Akiko Yorizane......................... $30.00
New Year’s Greetings Message
Fill out form and send to Julie Doi
3607 Gaynor, Selma, CA 93662
($5.00 donation to Buddhist Church of Parlier)
Return form by: Dec. 21, 2012 or
email to:
Message Here:__________________
Create your own greetings here
By Calvin Doi
This time of year...the Holiday Season, the end of the year 2012 and the begining of a New
Year 2013 is a good time to reflect on our teachings of Graditude and Compassion. We have many
reasons to be grateful. Graditude for family, friends, health and financial stability are usually first
to come to mind. Often times we take too many things for granted. The food we eat, the roof over
our heads, the moderate weather of the valley and the clothing we wear are but a few. We as Shin
Buddhist should be thankful for everything and everybody. As Buddhist we have compassion for
all living things. Just think of the people affected by the Super Storm Sandy, the people living in
the Middle East, the families being helped by the Food Bank and the Poverello House. We should
do our best to understand and help them. Please join us on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day
at the church to say good-bye to the old year and to welcome in the New Year.
Please bring your cans and packages
of food (non-perishable) that we can
share with people in our community.
Give back to those who have
supported our yard sales and obon.
Parlier Buddhist Church
Dec. 2 - Sangha Gathering
Dec. 3 - CBE lecture
with Rev. Harada
Dec. 9 - Bodhi Day Service
The Parlier Buddhist Church Board meeting was called to
order by Dennis Ikuta on Nov 12, 2012. Gassho was led by
Rev. Inouye.
meeting in Parlier to plan new activities.
11/20 – Caregiver meeting in Fowler. Speaker will be Joyce
Yamaguchi on healthy diets.
Those in attendance were: Dennis Ikuta, James Goishi,
Curtis & Cheryl Koga, Gail Hachiya, Glenn Yoshimoto,
Rev. Inouye, Neil Okino, Calvin Doi, James Goishi., Clyde
Yoshikawa., and Kaye Kozuki.
12/2 – CCYBA Deep Pit Lunch Fundraiser from 11a-2p
at the Fresno Dharma Center (see last month’s newsletter for
12/6 – CCYBA meeting in Parlier.
The Oct. 8, 2012 minutes were read and approved. Clyde/
Curtis motioned and seconded.
1/04-06 – Retreat in Los Osos. Contact Calvin if you are
interested in going.
Treasurer’s Report: Glenn went over the Treasurer’s report
for Oct. Clyde made a motion to accept the report and James
seconded. Motion carried.
Old Business: Meeting to discuss the planning for the Dec. 2
Sangha Gathering will be on 11/26.
Minister’s Report:
11/17 – First year memorial service for Peggy Okada at11am
3pm Q&A with Reverend John Iwohara of Venice, dinner
11/18 – Eshinni/Kakushinni Service and Memorial Service
with guest Reverend John Iwohara followed by Tofu Fest
and games.
11/24 – Yonsei Forum at 9am. Memorial Service for Harry
Kubo at 11am.
12/2 – 10am Sangha Gathering
12/3 – 7pm Reverend Harada will conduct a lecture on “
Buddhist Views of Life and Death” at Parlier
12/9 – 10am Bodhi Day and Memorial Service
12/31 – Joye-E Service
The guest Reverend’s schedule for 2013:
1/27 – Reverend Kiyonobu Kuwahara
3/17 – Reverend Jo-Ren MacDonald
4/21 – Reverend Ron Kubata
7/14 – Reverend Seigan Yamaoka
9/15 – Reverend Jay Shinseki
11/17 – Reverend Hidehito Sakamoto
Ray Arifuku will be able to make wooden obutsudans for new
members. A year end meeting with Reverend Inouye will be
on Dec. 17. The tree trimming day has been moved from Nov.
17 to Dec. 8 because of conflict with scheduling.
New Business:
Burglar Alarm System: After much researching it was
reported to the board that a burglar alarm system be installed
throughout the church and parsonage as soon as possible.
Calvin made the motion and Clyde seconded. Motion carried.
A call list of members who could help check and turn off the
alarm should it go off, was started. If any member could help,
please let a board member know. We need your help. It would
be on a rotating basis.
Reverend Rye’s going away party will be held on Dec. 9 at the
Fresno Dharma Center from 12-3:30pm
Elections: We have a new board member, Clyde Yoshikawa.
Welcome aboard!! A motion to have Kaye K. become the new
board secretary was made and seconded by Calvin/Clyde.
Motion passed.
A motion to have Glenn stay in his position of treasurer
was made and seconded by Curtis/Calvin. Motion passed.
Calvin volunteered to be the CCDC President in 2014 and
Vice President in 2013.
Publication Report: Duplicator was fixed
Finance – After the national elections, the fall of the stock
market caused our investments to go down a little.
Curtis is the funeral chairman. Dennis consented to stay on
as Board President another year. A motion to accept his offer
was made by Kaye and seconded by Clyde. Motions passed.
Since Toshie Mori was absent, it was proposed to extend her
the offer to stay on as Vice President. Curtis/James made and
seconded by motion. Motion passed.
BWA Report: Kaye reported that the Yard Sale was a success
and thanked Denise K. and Barbara G. and everyone who
spent Sat. morning helping make sales. Thank you to Matsuko
for the nigiri she made. On 11/17 the bi-annual Omigaki with
a BWA meeting following. Nov 18 will be the date for the
Eshinni/Kakushinni Service sponsored by the BWA with the
Tofu Fest luncheon following.
Next Board meeting will be on Dec. 10. This is also the
General Meeting for the year. Everyone is invited.
The Dec church cleaning will be on Dec. 8 with Group 1 in
charge. Thank you to Irene K. for making the delicious fruit
pies for the board meeting.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:30pm
Gassho was led by Reverend Inouye.
V&P Report: Calvin reported that on 11/19 there will be a
buddhist women’s association
By Irene Kozuki, BWA Newsletter Writer
Year-end activities dot our calendars now. BWA
members kept busy all year with energy supplied by
valuable leadership and the willing cooperation of
many. November started with a very successful yard
sale. Thank you to all who donated items that were sold
and to the people who prepared for and worked at the
sale especially Barbara Goto and Denise Kusunoki.
We decided that a notice in the classified ads of the
newspaper and some new pricing and display methods
all contributed to adding a healthy chunk of change to
our treasury. On Nov. 17 Group 3 cleaned the church
and other people helped to polish the altar pieces and
then attend a BWA general meeting. We appreciate
the help we get from the men who handle the jobs that
require more lifting and special equipment. The floors
sparkled from the scrubbing and polishing done by
Kelvin Miyakawa with the help of Clyde Yoshihara
and Yuki Mori. That afternoon we had a Q & A session
with our guest speaker for the November Eshinni and
Kakushinni and Parlier BWA members’ memorial
service, Rev. John Iwohara of
the Venice Hongwanji. Dinner
followed with an opportunity to
get to know our guest better. He
spoke at the next day’s service
and stayed for the enjoyable Tofu
Potluck lunch after the service.
Thank you to all that prepared
innovative and delicious ways
to use tofu. We enjoyed the
bingo games that followed and Rev. John Iwohara
thank Karen Shimizu and Charlene Miyakawa for
buying the prizes. Gail Hachiya, Yuki Goishi, Fusa
Ishimaru, and Miyo Ohara were in charge of the
luncheon. Karen S. and Flo Doi were kind to take
home the tablecloths to launder them.
with people in our community which has supported us
at our yard sales, the Bon Odori, etc. It was decided at
our recent meeting to reserve some of the money we
allocated to various causes (radio broadcast, CBE,
Rev. Rye’s transfer) for local projects. Other business
at the meeting included Kaye’s report of the Federation
conference in October, creating a committee to review
and revise the BWA By-Laws, and plans for dividing
our toban groups so they are more balanced and similar
in size. The election results were announced and the
board that was chosen divided the responsibilities as
follows: Co-Presidents Julie Doi and Cheryl Koga,
Secretary Joyce Sasai, Treasurer Carol Guerra,
Religious Chair Hiroko Kimoto, Social Chair
Advisor Matsuko Suehiro, Social Chairwomen
Karen Shimizu, Gail Hachiya, Lynne Yoshimoto,
and Newsletter contributor Kaye Kozuki.
Thank you, thank you. I realize that I’ve come to the
end of the year and haven’t been able to adequately
describe or reveal the many, many ways our members
have worked hard and helped without complaint to
keep our church actively serving the members. Julie
Doi works on the layout of the monthly newsletter,
all our posters and print needs. She takes pictures so
we have a record of events. Karen Shimizu is ready
to do the actual printing, collating, and assembling
the newsletter. Karen has cleaned the church herself
when she couldn’t make it to the scheduled clean up.
She seems to always be making more tea or setting
out refreshments. I didn’t get around to thanking the
loyal bunch who come to help compile the newsletter,
often on short notice. Kaye has done a super job as
president of the BWA with her efficiency and attention
to details and her artful way of creating a warm and
welcoming atmosphere for our major services and
numerous social gatherings before and after events held
at the church. I guess it’s a good sign when have more
people to acknowledge for their special contributions
than time/space. We have some very good people in
our church community and we do appreciate the big
and little things they do. I’m happy to be in their midst,
hoping some of that humble willingness to pitch in and
help will encourage me to be less concerned about my
own interests and lead me to live with kindness and
gratitude as they do.
There will be several events held at the church in
December and we hope many of you will be there. On
Dec. 2 there will be a Sangha gathering; on Dec. 3 Rev.
Harada will be speaking from 7 PM about Buddhist
Views of Life and Death. Clean up for Group 1 will
be on Dec. 8 and the Bodhi Day Service will be on
Dec. 9. At all these events we will have a large barrel
where you can donate non-perishable foods that we
will be passing on to Parlier families in need. Please
bring your cans and packages of food that we can share
Sangha Gathering and Youth Forum
November 2012 actives were enjoyed by all age groups.
The December Shotsuki Service will be on Sunday, December 9, 2012.
Families, as well as all members and friends are encouraged to attend.
Mrs. Kinuyo Doi
71 yrs.
Ms. Eleanor Doi
Mr. Douglas L. Kobashi
67 yrs. Mrs. Jean Kobashi
Mr. Ishisuke Takano
65 yrs.
Miss Karen Doi
51 yrs.
Mrs. Kimiyo Doi
Mr. Yonetaro Masuda
48 yrs.
Mrs. Ellen Tsudama
Mr. Masaru Nishimura
47 yrs.
Mrs. Kuni Nishimura
Mr. Torazo Tsuji
44 yrs.
Mr. Bill Tsuji
Mrs. Aiko Ikuta
34 yrs.
Dr. Dennis Ikuta
Baby Brook Y. Yano
28 yrs.
Dr. Randel Yano
Mrs. Toyoko Chiamori
22 yrs.
Mr. Patrick Chiamori
Mrs. Doris Y. Furumoto
22 yrs.
Mr. Roy Furumoto
Mr. Masanosuke Okubo
60 yrs.
Mr. Warren Okubo
Mr. Katsuzo Handa
62 yrs.
Mrs. Hiroko Kimoto
Mrs. Shizuye Kubo
14 yrs.
Mr. Larry Kubo
Mr. Koji Kay Yoshimoto
14 yrs.
Mr. Glenn Yoshimoto
Mr. Junkichi Kagawa
13 yrs.
Mrs. Naomi Tamura
Miss Lily Yamamoto
14 yrs.
Mr. Tadashi Kozuki
Mr. Tom Takata
10 yrs.
Mrs. May Takata
Mr. Shinji Sasai
8 yrs.
Dr. Steven Sasai
Mr. Harry Teiichi Kubo
7 yrs.
Mr. Larry Kubo
Mrs. Shizuye Kubo
14 yrs.
Mrs. Flora Doi
Church President
Fujinkai Presidents
Newletter Editors
Rev. Sensho Inouye....... 834-3175
Dennis Ikuta.................. 638-4962
Toshie Mori.................... 638-8614
Wes Kubo....................... 638-6758
Glenn Yoshimoto............897-1811
James Goishi.................. 638-5510
Kaye Kozuki.................. 646-2538
Gail Hachiya.................. 637-0444
Curtis Koga................... 638-4669
Julie Doi......................... 896-6354
Karen Shimizu.............. 896-0795
Glenn Nakamichi.......... 896-5240
NOVEMber Buddhist radio broadcast
kfib (am900) Saturday 7:20am
Rev. Hidehito Sakamoto
Rev. Hidehito Sakamoto
Rev. Kakei Nakagawa
Rev. Kakei Nakagawa
Rev. Hidehito Sakamoto
Dr. Gary Mukai
Rev. Kurt Rye
Rev. Kurt Rye
Mr. George Teraoka
Rev. Kurt Rye
upcoming JANUARY events
Bodhi Day & Shotsuki Service
Sunday, December. 9 2012
10:00 A.M.
P.O. Box 547
Parlier, CA 93648
(Mon) Board Meeting.............................7:00pm
(Sat) Church Cleanup.......................... 8:00am
(Sun) HoOnko...................................... 10:00am
Address Service Requested

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