Provider and Pharmacy Directory
Provider and Pharmacy Directory A Medicare Advantage Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) offered by AgeWell New York, LLC with a Medicare contract Queens County Peace and well-being H4922_16_AWNY_1080Q_File & Use 09142015 AgeWell New York, LLC LiveWell (HMO) BeWell (HMO SNP) FeelWell (HMO SNP) CareWell (HMO SNP) Provider Directory This directory provides a list of AgeWell New York, LLC’s network providers. This directory is for Queens County, New York This directory is current as of July 1, 2015. Some network providers may have been added or removed from our network after this directory was printed. We do not guarantee that each provider is still accepting new members. To get the most up-to-date information about AgeWell New York, LLC’s network providers in your area, you can visit or call our Member Service Department at 1-866-586-8044, from October 1 to February 14, you can call us 7 days a week from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern time. From February 15 to September 30, you can call us Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern time.. TTY users should call 1-800-662-1220. AgeWell New York LLC is an HMO plan with a Medicare contract. Please call our Member Service Department at 1-866-586-8044, from October 1 to February 14, you can call us 7 days a week from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern time. From February 15 to September 30, you can call us Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern time. TTY users should call 1-800-662-1220. This document may be available in an alternate format such as Braille, larger print, or audio. H4922_16_AWNY_1080Q_File & Use 09142015 i Section 1 – Introduction This directory provides a list of AgeWell New York, LLC’s network providers. To get detailed information about your health care coverage, please see your Evidence of Coverage. You will have to choose one of our network providers who are listed in this directory to be your Primary Care Physician (PCP). The term “PCP” will be used throughout this directory. Generally, you must get your health care services from your PCP. The “network providers” listed in this directory have agreed to provide you with your health care services. You may go to any of our network providers listed in this directory; however, some services may require a prior authorization. If you have been going to one network provider, you are not required to continue to that same provider. In some cases, you may get covered services from non-network providers. Out-Of-Network Coverage Rules: AgeWell New York does not cover out of network services unless previously authorized by our management team with the exception of emergency and/or urgently care accessed outside of our service area. What if you are outside the plan’s service area when you have an urgent need for care? When you are outside the service area and cannot get care from a network provider, our plan will cover urgently needed care that you get from any provider. Our plan does not cover urgently needed care or any other care if you receive the care outside of the United States. Getting care if you have a medical emergency What is a “medical emergency” and what should you do if you have one? A “medical emergency” is when you, or any other prudent layperson with an average knowledge of health and medicine, believe that you have medical symptoms that require immediate medical attention to prevent loss of life, loss of a limb, or loss of function of a limb. The medical symptoms may be an illness, injury, severe pain, or a medical condition that is quickly getting worse. If you have a medical emergency: • Get help as quickly as possible. Call 911 for help or go to the nearest emergency room or hospital. Call for an ambulance if you need it. You do not need to get approval or a referral first from your PCP. ii • As soon as possible, make sure that our plan has been told about your emergency. We need to follow up on your emergency care. You or someone else should call to tell us about your emergency care, usually within 48 hours. Please call Member Services at 1-866-586-8044 from 8 AM to 8 PM, 7 days a week, TTY users should call 1-800-662-1220, the Memer Services contact numbers can be found on the back of your member id card. What is covered if you have a medical emergency? You may get covered emergency medical care whenever you need it, anywhere in the United States or its territories. Our plan covers ambulance services in situations where getting to the emergency room in any other way could endanger your health. If you have an emergency, we will talk with the doctors who are giving you emergency care to help manage and follow up on your care. The doctors who are giving you emergency care will decide when your condition is stable and the medical emergency is over. After the emergency is over you are entitled to follow-up care to be sure your condition continues to be stable. Your follow-up care will be covered by our plan. If your emergency care is provided by out-of-network providers, we will try to arrange for network providers to take over your care as soon as your medical condition and the circumstances allow. What if it wasn’t a medical emergency? Sometimes it can be hard to know if you have a medical emergency. For example, you might go in for emergency care – thinking that your health is in serious danger – and the doctor may say that it wasn’t a medical emergency after all. If it turns out that it was not an emergency, as long as you reasonably thought your health was in serious danger, we will cover your care. However, after the doctor has said that it was not an emergency, we will cover additional care only if you get the additional care in one of these two ways: • You go to a network provider to get the additional care. • – or – the additional care you get is considered “urgently needed care” and you follow the rules for getting this urgent care Getting care when you have an urgent need for care What is “urgently needed care”? “Urgently needed care” is a non-emergency, unforeseen medical illness, injury, or condition that requires immediate medical care. Urgently needed care may be furnished by in-network providers or by out-of-network providers when network providers are temporarily unavailable or inaccessible. The unforeseen condition could, for example, be an unforeseen flare-up of a known condition that you have. iii What if you are in the plan’s service area when you have an urgent need for care? In most situations, if you are in the plan’s service area, we will cover urgently needed care only if you get this care from a network provider and follow the other rules described earlier in this chapter. However, if the circumstances are unusual or extraordinary, and network providers are temporarily unavailable or inaccessible, we will cover urgently needed care that you get from an out-of-network provider. “Urgently needed care” is when you need medical help for an unforeseen illness, injury, or condition, but your health is not in serious danger and you are generally outside of the service area. Urgent care is covered anywhere in the United States. If you need care when you are outside the service area your coverage is limited to medical emergency, urgently needed care, renal dialysis or services that our plan has approved in advance. If you get non-emergency care from non-plan (out-of-network) providers without prior authorization you must pay the entire cost yourself, unless the services are urgent and our network is not available, or the services are out-of-area dialysis services. If an out-of-network provider sends you a bill that you think we should pay, you should send the bill to us for processing and determination of liability. Our Provider manual requires primary care providers to have patient telephone access and appropriate back up if absent 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Please contact member services for more information at (866) 586-8044 (TTY users should call (800) 662-1220). Hours are from October 1 to February 14, you can call us 7 days a week from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern time. From February 15 to September 30, you can call us Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern time. If an out-of-network provider sends you a bill that you think we should pay, you should send the bill to us for processing and determination of liability at the address provided below. AgeWell New York, LLC Attention: Claims Dept 1991 Marcus Ave Lake Success, NY 11042 For more information, consult your Evidence of Coverage You must use plan providers except in emergency or urgent care situations If you obtain routine care from out-of-network providers neither Medicare nor AgeWell New York, LLC will be responsible for the costs. What is the service area for AgeWell New York, LLC? The counties in our service area listed below. Suffolk, Nassau, Kings (Brooklyn), Queens, New York (Manhattan), Bronx, and Westchester Counties iv How do you find AgeWell New York, LLC providers in your area? This is a county specific directory which sorted by specialty, so that you can easily find a plan provider that is in your area and fits your medical needs. If you have questions about AgeWell New York, LLC or require assistance in selecting a PCP, please call our Member Service Department at 1-866-586-8044, from October 1 to February 14, you can call us 7 days a week from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern time. From February 15 to September 30, you can call us Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern time. TTY users should call 1-800-662-1220. Or, visit v Section 2 – List of Network Providers The provider directory lists the following types of providers: Hospitals, PCPs, Specialists, Outpatient Mental Health Providers, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Ancillary Providers and Pharmacies. Types of providers can be identified and located according to the table of contents. All providers in this provider directory accept both Medicare and Medicaid AgeWell New York has been approved by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) to operate as a Special Needs Plan (SNP) until 12/31/2017 based on a review of AgeWell New York's Model of Care. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Primary Care Physicians....................................................................... 1 Specialists............................................................................................. 26 Hospitals................................................................................................ 129 Skilled Nursing Facilities........................................................................ 130 Nursing Facilities................................................................................... 131 Behavorial Health Providers.................................................................. 132 Long‑Term Services and Supports....................................................... 138 Ancillary Providers................................................................................. 145 Pharmacies............................................................................................ 156 Alphabetical Index................................................................................. 184 vii Primary Care Physicians New York State - Queens County Family Practice Briarwood - 11435 Elmhurst - 11373 Astoria - 11102 Molnar, Thomas 83-39 Daniels Street Briarwood, NY 11435 (718)291-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): Thomas Molnar, MD W., Hon John 83-24 Cornish Ave. Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)424-0770 Hospital Affiliation(s): Advanced Quality Medical, PC Kadianakis, Kiki 31-09 Newtown Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)777-2800 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Astoria - 11103 Awan, Khurram 2552 Steinway Street Astoria, NY 11103 (718)777-6695 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Corona - 11368 Bejarano, Elkin 104-01 Corona Avenue Corona, NY 11368 (718)271-2020 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Bruinings, Yeahseon 34-38 Bell Blvd Bayside, NY 11361 (718)360-5768 Bejarano, Elkin 86-16 Jamaca Avenue Corona, NY 11368 (718)271-2020 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Capobianco, Luigi 42-41 201st Street Bayside, NY 11361 (718)423-2000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Marciano, Giovanni 104-01 Corona Avenue Corona, NY 11368 (718)271-2020 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Bayside - 11361 Maslavi, Saul 210-08 Northern Blvd, Suite 1 Bayside, NY 11361 (718)717-0003 Hospital Affiliation(s): Saul Maslavi MD PC Muraca, Glenn 104-01 Corona Avenue Corona, NY 11368 (718)271-2020 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Far Rockaway - 11691 Eckstein, Jonathan 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Thomas, Anncy 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Far Rockaway - 11692 Orlovskiy, Aleksandr 430 Beach 68 Street Far Rockaway, NY 11692 (718)645-1118 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Flushing - 11354 Kaur, Harkirat 529 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)327-7307 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Chen, Haifan 39-07 Prince St. Suite 2D Flushing, NY 11354 (718)939-5213 Hospital Affiliation(s): Primary Care Medicine Associates Strojan, Albert 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Chen, Helen 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Lee, Sophia 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 1 Primary Care Physicians New York State - Queens County Li, Jim 143-55 37th Ave. 1st Floor Flushing, NY 11354 (718)268-0878 Hospital Affiliation(s): J&J Star Medical, PLLC Hong, Jia 4235 Main St. Suite 3K Flushing, NY 11355 (718)886-0131 Hospital Affiliation(s): Hong Jia Medical, PC Zhang, Xiaoxia 39-07 Prince St. Suite 6H Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-8718 Hospital Affiliation(s): Xiao Xia Zhang MD, PC Kim, Andrew 137-10 Franklin Ave Flushing, NY 11355 (718)359-0005 Zheng, Li 136-40 39th Ave. Suite 401 Flushing, NY 11354 (718)463-3838 Hospital Affiliation(s): Weibo Medical Care, PC Zhou, Dalai 136-20 38th Ave. Suite 6C Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-8299 Hospital Affiliation(s): Dalai Medical Care, LLC Flushing - 11355 Chan, Anna 141-05 Cherry Ave. Suite 1E Flushing, NY 11355 (718)358-0038 Hospital Affiliation(s): Anna Chan, MD, PC Li, Jim 42-35 Main St. Suite 3C Flushing, NY 11355 (718)673-2318 Hospital Affiliation(s): Excelsior Integrated Medical Group, PLLC Ye, Wei 132-21 41st Ave. 1st Floor Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-7728 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medical Procare, PLLC Forest Hills - 11375 Chaim, Esther 181-54 Kildare Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)459-1111 Feldman, Herbert 108-21 69th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)261-2882 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Y., Burshteyn Ilya 105-25 64TH Ave Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)459-3494 Hospital Affiliation(s): Ilya Burshteyn, MD Fresh Meadows 11365 Zeitlin, Adam 71-61 159th Street Fresh Meadows, NY 11365 (718)380-3809 Korogluyev, Mikhail 97-49 63rd Drive Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)396-1000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Pavel Kulik Physicaian P. C. Rubinsteyn, Yanina 97-13 64th Road Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)896-4090 Hospital Affiliation(s): Rubinshteyn Medical PC Glendale - 11385 Joseph, Pisciotto Sr. A. 68-35 Myrtle Avenue Glendale, NY 11385 (718)386-9876 Hospital Affiliation(s): Pisciotto and Pisciotto Medical PC Richmond Hill - 11418 Pisciotto, Joseph 68-35 Myrtle Avenue Glendale, NY 11385 (718)386-9876 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Hoawrd Beach 11414 Musso, Maria 94-07 156th Avenue, Suite 200 Hoawrd Beach, NY 11414 (718)641-7180 Hospital Affiliation(s): Maria Musso, DO Wheelchair Accessible Page 2 Rego Park - 11374 Marciano, Giovanni 112-08 Liberty Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)848-2727 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Ridgewood - 11385 Marciano, Giovanni 64-14 Myrtle Avenue Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718)366-4622 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Muraca, Glenn 64-14 Myrtle Avenue Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718)366-4622 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Primary Care Physicians New York State - Queens County Rockaway Park 11694 Calleja, Gregorio 107-10 Shore Front Pkwy Rockaway Park, NY 11694 (718)474-2656 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Gupta, Sadhana 115-06 Beach Channel Drive Rockaway Park, NY 11694 (718)474-7744 Hospital Affiliation(s): Peninsula Medical Care, PLLC Lee, Yating 114-12 Beach Channel Drive Rockaway Park, NY 11694 (718)869-7108 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Thomas, Anncy 114-12 Beach Channel Drive Rockaway Park, NY 11694 (718)869-7108 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Rosedale - 11422 Woodhaven - 11421 C., Reed Michele 241-08 140th Avenue Rosedale, NY 11422 (718)949-0146 Hospital Affiliation(s): MS Family Medicine Health Care, PC Bejarano, Elkin 76-02 Jamaica Avenue Woodhaven, NY 11421 (718)805-0037 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA South Richmond Hill 11419 Marciano, Giovanni 76-02 Jamaica Avenue Woodhaven, NY 11421 (718)805-0037 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Baldeo, Philip 125-07 Liberty Avenue South Richmond Hill, NY 11419 (718)845-8900 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Springfield Gardens 11413 Griffith-Reece, Wendy 145-24 230th Street Springfield Gardens, NY 11413 (718)712-6886 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Whitestone - 11357 Kadianakis, Kiki 150-55 14th Avenue Whitestone, NY 11357 (718)559-3300 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Marciano, Giovanni 79-24 Jamaica Avenue Woodhaven, NY 11421 (718)805-0037 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Marciano, Giovanni 86-16 Jamaica Avenue Woodhaven, NY 11421 (718)805-0037 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Muraca, Glenn 86-16 Jamaica Avenue Woodhaven, NY 11421 (718)805-0037 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA General Practice Astoria - 11102 Albert, Winyard 27-15 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)932-0007 Hospital Affiliation(s): MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL Astoria - 11106 Albert, Winyard 31-60 21st Street Astoria, NY 11106 (718)267-4265 Hospital Affiliation(s): MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL Elmhurst - 11373 Ching, Tang Shiu 87-08 Justice Ave. Suite 1-I Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)478-8500 Hospital Affiliation(s): Shiu Ching Tang, MD, PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 3 Primary Care Physicians New York State - Queens County Flushing - 11355 Devang, Dave 4500 Parsons Blvd., ACC Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Pinkhasov, Mikhail 43-48 Colden Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)961-5060 Hospital Affiliation(s): Excel Medical Internal Medicine Astoria - 11102 Alla, Sabzanova 31-09 Newtown Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)777-2800 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Benjamin, Metzger 30-16 30Th Drive Astoria, NY 11102 (212)734-8877 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Depetris, Gustavo 23-22 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)956-7988 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Ferid, Osmanovic 27-15 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)932-0007 Hospital Affiliation(s): MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL Stavros, Mountantonakis 30-16 30th Drive Astoria, NY 11102 (347)527-2805 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Astoria - 11103 Plokamakis, Michael 25-97 38th Avenue Astoria, NY 11103 (718)626-8119 Hospital Affiliation(s): Michael Plokamkis Astoria - 11105 Stavros, Mountantonakis 23-18 31St Street Astoria, NY 11105 (718)777-7742 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Cardiovascular Medicine, PC. Astoria - 11106 Edgar, Vanegas 31-60 21st Street Astoria, NY 11106 (718)267-4265 Hospital Affiliation(s): MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL Savescu, Napoleon 21-26 Broadway Astoria, NY 11106 (718)932-1700 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Zhao, Jingbo 43-16 215th St. Bayside, NY 11361 (516)608-9977 Hospital Affiliation(s): Harbin Medical Care, PLLC Bayside - 11356 Belle Harbor - 11694 Gao, Pei 43-16 215th St. Bayside, NY 11356 (718)224-0120 Hospital Affiliation(s): Healthland Medical Care, PLLC Gupta, Rom 431 Beach 129th Street Belle Harbor, NY 11694 (718)474-1000 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Bayside - 11360 Rosenberg, Peter 26-19 212th Street Bayside, NY 11360 (718)224-2022 Hospital Affiliation(s): Peter Rosenberg, MD Bayside - 11361 Oltean, Ion 44-02 Francis Lewis Boulevard Bayside, NY 11361 (718)631-0500 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Queens Medicine and Surgery, PC Somogyi, Anthony 42-23 Francis Lewis Blvd-Suite 201 Bayside, NY 11361 (718)224-5687 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 4 Cambria Heights 11411 Garcia, Anthony 115-72 Francis Lewis Blvd. Cambria Heights, NY 11411 (718)712-6660 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Niaz, Mohammad 219-16 Linden Blvd Cambria Heights, NY 11411 (718)525-7818 Hospital Affiliation(s): Mohammad Khalid Niaz Primary Care Physicians New York State - Queens County Siddiqui, Saeed 115-72 Francis Lewis Blvd. Cambria Heights, NY 11411 (718)712-6660 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA College Point - 11356 P., K. Lin Paul 14-22 College Pt. Blvd. College Point, NY 11356 (718)353-2035 Hospital Affiliation(s): Paul P.K. Lin, MD, PC Elmhurst - 11373 Aung, Khin 87-08 Justice Ave. Suite C3 Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)672-3693 Hospital Affiliation(s): Khin Aung Medical, PC Dy-Guillaume, Marie 87-08 Justice Avenue, Suite CS Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)779-9599 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA He, Xiaorong 87-01 Justice Ave. Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)699-5283 Hospital Affiliation(s): Xiaorong He Physician, PC Huang, Qinghong 90-71 54th Ave. Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)271-6188 Hospital Affiliation(s): Qinghong Huang, MD, PC Sadhwani, Shankar 86-35 Queens Boulevard, Suite 2G Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)898-9154 Hospital Affiliation(s): Shankar Sadhwani, MD Huang, Yiling 94-18 57th Ave. Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)717-2002 Hospital Affiliation(s): Elmhurst Medical, PLLC Sanchez, Janet 40-32 Forley St Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)779-1479 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lee, Norman 83-10 Queens Blvd. Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)507-0445 Hospital Affiliation(s): Norman N. Lee, MD, PC Sure, Hertzel 94-25 60th Ave Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)776-00797 M., Rawal Jagat 90-71 54th Ave. Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)271-6188 Hospital Affiliation(s): Jagat M. Rawal, MD, PC Photangtham, Punyadech 83-45 Dongan Ave. Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)779-0454 Hospital Affiliation(s): Smart Health Medical, PC Thandar, Aung Kyawt 52-23 Van Loon St. Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)424-6741 Hospital Affiliation(s): Phoenix Medical Office, PLLC Xu, Min 87-08 Justice Ave. Suite 2G Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)651-5792 Hospital Affiliation(s): Kati Medical Group Far Rockaway - 11691 Antoine, Jean 529 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)327-7307 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Beer, Daniel 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Bernard, Yolanda 529 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)327-7307 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Elkin, Dmitriy 131 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-8282 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Wheelchair Accessible Page 5 Primary Care Physicians New York State - Queens County Familusi, Abiola 529 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)327-7307 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Khanina, Polina 529 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)327-7307 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Khanina, Polina 529 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)498-1600 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Natelenko, Irina 131 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-8282 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Ogunfowora, Olusegun 529 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)327-7307 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Ogunfowora, Olusegun 529 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)498-1600 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Sinha, Subodh 8600 Shorefront Pkwy Far Rockaway, NY 11693 (718)945-2424 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Tawadrous, Mounir 496 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)327-5601 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Zeidman, Daniel 210 Beach 47th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)471-1311 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Far Rockaway - 11692 Thet, Zeyar 430 Beach 68th St. Far Rockaway, NY 11692 (718)474-5200 Hospital Affiliation(s): Kings County Infectious Disease (Nursing Home) Far Rockaway - 11693 Floral Park - 11004 Gupta, Rom 267-01 Hillside Avenue Floral Park, NY 11004 (718)997-0488 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA B., Cao Kent 136-21 Roosevelt Ave. Suite 205 Flushing, NY 11354 (718)353-2536 Hospital Affiliation(s): Cao & Chen, LLP Bae, Kunil 154-08 Northern Blvd Flushing, NY 11354 (718)358-3151 Flushing - 11354 Bae, Stewart 31-22 Union St, Unit 1B Flushing, NY 11354 (718)353-9338 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA , Jung Anthony 40-18 Murray Street Flushing, NY 11354 (718)461-6464 , Kim Taegyun 141-47 Northern Blvd Flushing, NY 11354 (718)461-2701 A., Chen Jennifer 136-20 38th Ave. Suite 6I Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-3723 Hospital Affiliation(s): Chinatown Cardiology, PC C., Chang Steve 136-20 38th Ave. Suite 8E Flushing, NY 11354 (718)445-2581 Hospital Affiliation(s): Steve Chang, MD, PC Chen, Yuchun 39-07 Prince St. Suite 3G Flushing, NY 11354 (917)825-9391 Hospital Affiliation(s): Long Island Home Visiting Physician Wheelchair Accessible Page 6 A., Chen Jennifer 42-35 Main St. Suite 3M Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-3723 Primary Care Physicians New York State - Queens County Chen, Yuping 136-21 Roosevelt Ave. Suite 205 Flushing, NY 11354 (718)353-2536 Hospital Affiliation(s): Cao & Chen, LLP Hou, Steve 36-09 Main St. Suite 8C Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-2877 Hospital Affiliation(s): H.S. Medical Care, LLP Hyun, Chung Sea 39-25 Union St. 1st Floor Flushing, NY 11354 (718)460-4191 Hospital Affiliation(s): Best Care Medicine, PLLC Choi, Alexander 38-34 Parsons Blvd Suite 1D Flushing, NY 11354 (718)762-1710 Hospital Affiliation(s): Choi Medical Services PLLC Hsu, Wen-Ray 42-65 Kissena Blvd. Suite L3 Flushing, NY 11354 (718)3588687/7182869192 Hospital Affiliation(s): Wen Ray Thomas Hsu, MD, PC Kan, Sang 136-36 39th Ave. 2nd Floor Flushing, NY 11354 (718)321-7267 Hospital Affiliation(s): Sang Kan, MD, PC Ding, Hua 136-20 38th Ave. Suite 6D Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-8998 Hospital Affiliation(s): Hua Ding Physician, PLLC Ding, Hua 136-20 38th AvenueSuite 6D Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-8998 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Hassid, Babak 31-22 Union Street Flushing, NY 11354 (718)353-9327 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Htay-Sha, Pamela 136-20 38th Ave. Suite CF-B Flushing, NY 11354 (718)358-8889 Hospital Affiliation(s): Flushing Chest Medical Associates, PC Hu, Jiong-Ming 136-20 38th Ave. Suite 5G Flushing, NY 11354 (718)353-9698 Hospital Affiliation(s): Advanced Cardiovasular Imaging, PC Kin, Yuen Hak 36-40 Main St. Suite 501 Flushing, NY 11354 (718)353-2226 Hospital Affiliation(s): Dr. Hak K. Yuen Physician, PC Maung, Maung 136-20 38th Ave. Suite CF-C Flushing, NY 11354 (718)461-0978 Hospital Affiliation(s): Maung Maung, MD, PLLC Max, Yu Yong 136-20 38th Ave. Suite 8C Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-6995 Hospital Affiliation(s): Yong Max Yu, MD, PC Rosie, Lyo 139-87 35th Ave Flushing, NY 11354 (718)454-8556 Hospital Affiliation(s): MFHAIPA Corporation Song, Xiaoyan 136-21 Roosevelt Ave. Suite 409 Flushing, NY 11354 (718)961-1836 Hospital Affiliation(s): Sunny Friendly Medical, PC Thomas, Lyo 139-87 35th Ave Flushing, NY 11354 (718)454-8556 Hospital Affiliation(s): MFHAIPA Corporation Wu, Qiong 135-27 38th Ave. Suite 338 Flushing, NY 11354 (718)321-3522 Hospital Affiliation(s): Ivy Medical Services, PC Yuen, Hak 36-40 Main Street Suite 501 Flushing, NY 11354 (718)353-2226 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 7 Primary Care Physicians New York State - Queens County Z, Lyo Thomas 13987 35th Ave Flushing, NY 11354 (718)454-8556 Hospital Affiliation(s): MFHAIPA Corporation Zhao, Jiansheng 39-07 Prince St. Suite 4F Flushing, NY 11354 (718)939-3780 Hospital Affiliation(s): Jiansheng Zhao Medical, PC Zheng, Yixiu 136-36 39th Ave. 2nd Floor Flushing, NY 11354 (718)321-7267 Hospital Affiliation(s): Yixiu Zheng, MD, PC Zhou, Zhu-Ping 136-20 38th Ave. Suite 6K Flushing, NY 11354 (718)358-0885 Hospital Affiliation(s): ZhuPing Zhou, MD, PC Zong-Xun, Lyo Thomas 139-87 35th Ave. Suite L1 Flushing, NY 11354 (718)358-7788 Hospital Affiliation(s): Thomas Lyo Medical, PC Flushing - 11355 Alessandro, Solinas 146-01 45th Avenue - Room 302 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-4495 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Aman, Mukhtarzad 4500 Parsons Blvd., CDU Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Deng, Ju-Liang 42-02 Kissena Blvd. Suite 1B Flushing, NY 11355 (718)428-8699 Hospital Affiliation(s): Deng Medical, PC Chan, Tak 133-38 41st Rd. Suite 2C Flushing, NY 11355 (718)445-7788 Hospital Affiliation(s): Tak Chan, MD, PC G., Hall George 42-35 Main St. Suite 3C Flushing, NY 11355 (718)673-2318 Hospital Affiliation(s): Excelsior Integrated Medical Group PLLC Anthony, Vela 4500 Parsons Blvd., ACC Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Antonios, Vlantis 56-45 Main Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)358-0554 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Belding, Michele 4500 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11355 (718)898-4922 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Cai, Min 41-05 College Point Blvd. Suite 1C Flushing, NY 11355 (718)321-0558 Hospital Affiliation(s): Sincere Medical Care, PC Cheung, Ming 132-59 41 Rd. Suite CB Flushing, NY 11355 (718)939-6234 Hospital Affiliation(s): Focus Medical Health, PLLC Chih, Yang Hui 133-19 41st Rd. Suite 1F Flushing, NY 11355 (718)461-8515 Hospital Affiliation(s): Hui Chih Yang, Physician, PC Choy, Lawrence 142-20 Franklin Ave Flushing, NY 11355 (718)539-6611 Deng, Juliang 42-02 Kissena Blvd Flushing, NY 11355 (718)428-8699 Wheelchair Accessible Page 8 Gan, Jiangping 136-30 Maple Ave. Suite 1B Flushing, NY 11355 (718)939-8890 Hospital Affiliation(s): Jiangping Gan, MD, PC H., Shen Kuan 42-35 Main St. Suite 3N Flushing, NY 11355 (718)961-3800 Hospital Affiliation(s): Metro True Care Medical, PC Haider, Qazi 140-14 Cherry Ave Flushing, NY 11355 (718)886-0355 Primary Care Physicians New York State - Queens County Hita, Sharma 146-01 45th Avenue - Room 205 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5562 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys James, Reichert 4500 Parsons Blvd., Suite CDU Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Hong, Shong Dong 133-47 Sanford Ave. Suite 1D Flushing, NY 11355 (718)539-3648 Hospital Affiliation(s): DongHong Shong, MD, PC K., Lee Alice 41-25 Kissena Blvd. Suite 105 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)321-2122 Hospital Affiliation(s): Alice K. Lee, MD, PC Huang, Hua 136-30 Maple Ave. Suite 2A Flushing, NY 11355 (718)353-8882 Hospital Affiliation(s): Quality Medical Oncology, PC Karen, Beekman 4500 Parsons BlvdACC Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Hung, Lingpin 41-40 Union St. Suite 2 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)886-6625 Hospital Affiliation(s): Syosset Medical Services, PLLC J., Yan Henry 41-40 Union St. Suite 2 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)886-9098 Hospital Affiliation(s): Salus Med Flushing, PC Karen, Kuo Mu-I 132-59 41st Rd. Suite CB Flushing, NY 11355 (718)939-6234 Hospital Affiliation(s): Mobile Medical Doc, PC Lap, Koon Wong 133-47 Sanford Ave. Suite 2A Flushing, NY 11355 (718)539-8000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Wong Lap Koon, MD, PC Lei, Jun 133-29 41st Rd. Suite 1B Flushing, NY 11355 (347)732-0368 Hospital Affiliation(s): Weimin Medical, PC Lum, George 136-30 Maple Ave. Suite 1J Flushing, NY 11355 (718)886-8251 Hospital Affiliation(s): George Lum, MD, PC Li, Lin Ya 133-24 Sanford Ave. Suite 1K Flushing, NY 11355 (718)353-0555 Hospital Affiliation(s): Lifecare Medical, PLLC Ma, Yanqing 41-60 Main St. Suite 217 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)886-7998 Hospital Affiliation(s): Trinity Medical Healthercare, PC Liang, Weining 132-34 41st Ave Flushing, NY 11355 (718)321-7558 Min, Gao Ling 42-31 Colden St. Suite 205 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)961-9593 Hospital Affiliation(s): Gao Medical, PLLC Lo, Wei-Hsiu 133-36 41st Rd. Suite 1C Flushing, NY 11355 (718)358-1251 Hospital Affiliation(s): Mercy Care Medical, PLLC Lu, Li 4266 Kissena Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)333-5537 Hospital Affiliation(s): East Sunrise Medical, PLLC P., Chua Vincent 133-36 41st Rd. Suite 2M Flushing, NY 11355 (718)463-0093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Jyming Wang, MD, PC P., K. Lin Paul 133-47 Sanford Ave. Suite 1B Flushing, NY 11355 (718)886-0606 Hospital Affiliation(s): Paul P.K. Lin, MD, PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 9 Primary Care Physicians New York State - Queens County Patricia, BurrisWarmoth 4500 Parsons Blvd Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Schechter, David 142-07 Booth Memorial Avenue Flushing, NY 11355 (718)961-5722 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Pereira, Frederick 51-14 Kissena Blvd Flushing, NY 11355 (718)359-4425 Hospital Affiliation(s): Frederick A. Pereira, MD Schechter, David 55-30 Main Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)961-5722 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Podval, Marina 4332 Kissena Blvd Flushing, NY 11355 (718)939-0609 Hospital Affiliation(s): Marina Podval Medical, PC Sherman, Klein 4500 Parsons Blvd Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Reena, Patel 4500 Parsons Blvd Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Sherwin, Batoon Flushing House 3820 Bowne Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-3198 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Ren, Lili 134-21 Maple Ave. 1st Floor Flushing, NY 11355 (718)886-5253 Hospital Affiliation(s): LiLi Ren, MD, PC Shi, Xiandong 41-60 Main St. Suite 312 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)865-8648 Hospital Affiliation(s): Xiandong Shi, MD, PC Sun, Yanliang 41-60 Main St. Suite 312 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)463-6868 Hospital Affiliation(s): Yanliang Sun Medical, PLLC Wang, Richard 133-47 Sanford Ave. Suite C1F Flushing, NY 11355 (718)961-8618 Hospital Affiliation(s): Reunion Medical Services, PLLC Tam, Cynthia 42-35 Main St. Suite 3N Flushing, NY 11355 (718)961-3800 Hospital Affiliation(s): Metro True Care Medical, PC Wang, Yan 42-35 Main St. Suite 3J Flushing, NY 11355 (718)321-7410 Hospital Affiliation(s): Yan Wang Medical, PC Tamar, Toronjadze 4500 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Tan, Xin 42-42 Colden St. Suite L17 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)661-4800 Hospital Affiliation(s): First Riverside Medical Care, PC Thet, Zeyar 133-24 Sanford Ave. Suite 1K Flushing, NY 11355 (347)922-0503 Hospital Affiliation(s): Kings County Infectious Disease Wheelchair Accessible Page 10 Wei, Zhang Jian 42-35 Main St. Suite 3N Flushing, NY 11355 (718)961-3800 Hospital Affiliation(s): Metro True Care Medical, PC Weiwen, Liang Ellen 132-52 41st Ave. Suite M1 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)321-3262 Hospital Affiliation(s): AE & LY Medical Associates, PLLC Woong, Paik 4500 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Primary Care Physicians New York State - Queens County Y., Kim Kee 4110 Bowne Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)353-4855 Hospital Affiliation(s): Kee Y. Kim Yi, Li Yuan 133-04 41st Ave. 1st Floor B Flushing, NY 11355 (718)358-6768 Hospital Affiliation(s): Castle of Health Medical Office, PC Yuancong, Wang Vincent 43-73 Union St. Suite C-B Flushing, NY 11355 (718)886-3877 Hospital Affiliation(s): Yuancong Wang, DO, PLLC Zhang, Xueshu 133-47 Sanford Ave. Suite 1F Flushing, NY 11355 (718)359-5780 Hospital Affiliation(s): Xueshu Zhang Physician, PC Flushing - 11358 Antonios, Vlantis 170-03 Northern Boulevard Flushing, NY 11358 (718)358-0554 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Cao, Ning 194-02 Northern Blvd, Ste 208 Flushing, NY 11358 (718)631-8800 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Rimler, Bernard 144-49 70th Avenue Flushing, NY 11367 (718)263-0600 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA D., Zheng Diana 167-07 29th Ave. Flushing, NY 11358 (718)353-6283 Hospital Affiliation(s): Nova Medical, PLLC Rimler, Deborah 144-49 70th Avenue Flushing, NY 11367 (718)263-0600 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Puccia, Vincent 26-04 169th Street Flushing, NY 11358 (718)353-8441 Hospital Affiliation(s): Vincent A. Puccia, MD Sun, Derek 194-02 Northern Blvd. Suite 208 Flushing, NY 11358 (718)631-8800 Hospital Affiliation(s): DQS Cardiac & Vascular Services, PC Flushing - 11365 Bangy, Isabella 67-11 164th Street Flushing, NY 11365 (718)762-4500 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Flushing - 11367 Forest Hills - 11375 Abramovich, Galina 6860 Austin Street, Suite 10 Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)997-7100 Hospital Affiliation(s): E&A Medical Solutions LLC D/B/A Forest Hills Health Center Belding, Michele 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)898-4922 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Berman, Sofya 6860 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)997-7100 Hospital Affiliation(s): E&A Medical Solutions Chan, Wallace 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-1930 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Farzin, Rahmanou 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-1760 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC G., Chusid Boris 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)896-7760 Hospital Affiliation(s): A. Amerimed Physician, P.C Geevarghese, John 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4359 Hospital Affiliation(s): Department of Medicine Grayver, Evelina 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)975-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 11 Primary Care Physicians New York State - Queens County Gupta, Rom 102-02 Queens Blvd Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)997-0488 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Hakshouri, Shimon 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4359 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Israel, Igor 112-41 Queens Blvd Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)520-7723 Hospital Affiliation(s): I&R Medical Services Israel, Roza 112-41 Queens Blvd Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)520-7723 Hospital Affiliation(s): I&R Medical Services Jayman-Aristide, Razia 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4359 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Khariton, Aleksandr 99-45 67th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-9400 Khasidy, David 111-29 Queens Blvd Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)275-8900 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medex Diagnostic & Treatment Center SANDLER, BELLA 104-20 QUEENS BLVD, SUITE E Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)897-0900 Hospital Affiliation(s): NY MEDICAL & HEALTH PC Mailian-Oganova, Lilia 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)896-4100 Hospital Affiliation(s): Forest Hills Health Center Sandler, Bella 104-20 Queens Blvd Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)897-0900 Hospital Affiliation(s): drbellasandler@gmail. com PUMA, JOSEPH 68-60 AUSTIN STREET STORE 10 Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)997-7100 Hospital Affiliation(s): FOREST HILLS HEALTH CENTER Sehati, Farzan 68-61 Yellowstone Blvd Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)263-1540 Hospital Affiliation(s): Farzin Sehati, DO Rohit, Reejsinghani 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4359 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Sunil, Patel 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-1930 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC S., Gabay Vladimir 11510 Queens Blvd, UL8 Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)263-8282 Hospital Affiliation(s): Vladimir Gabay, MD Sunil, Patel 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Surujpaul, Ragnauth 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Swapna, Purohit 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4359 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Toni, Ann Tomanelli 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Weinstein, Leon 108-37 71st Ave Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)575-8787 Glen Oaks - 11004 Petre, Manu 75-59 263rd Street Glen Oaks, NY 11004 (718)470-8291 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Raina, Rajesh 257-10 Union Turnpike Glen Oaks, NY 11004 (718)347-3500 Hospital Affiliation(s): Internal Medicine Associates Wheelchair Accessible Page 12 Primary Care Physicians New York State - Queens County Glendale - 11385 Howard Beach 11414 P., Arena, MD Francis 157-02 Cross Bay Boulevard Howard Beach, NY 11414 (516)466-6611 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Jamaica - 11432 A., Pisciotto Salvatore 68-35 Myrtle Avenue Glendale, NY 11385 (718)386-9876 Hospital Affiliation(s): Pisciotto and Pisciotto Medical PC Belding, Michele 82-12 151st Avenue Howard Beach, NY 11414 (718)322-9800 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Pawha, Jasjit 78-44 81 Street Glendale, NY 11385 (718)657-9700 Kurzyna-Solinas,, MD Anna 157-02 Cross Bay Boulevard Howard Beach, NY 11414 (516)466-6611 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Boyadjian, Kevork 33-54 83rd Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)899-8558 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lawrence, Marino 156-10 Crossbay Blvd. Howard Beach, NY 11414 (718)323-3589 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Hassid, Babak 37-57 91st Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)651-6500 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Musso, Joseph 94-07 156th Avenue Howard Beach, NY 11414 (718)323-3773 Hospital Affiliation(s): Comprehensive Cardiovascular, PC Perrin, Richard 37-11 88th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)446-4544 Hospital Affiliation(s): Centro Medico Latino Shnaydman, Eduard 34-57 82nd Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-2457 Jamaica - 11434 Pisciotto, Salvatore 68-35 Myrtle Avenue Glendale, NY 11385 (718)386-9876 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Hollis - 11423 Gillego, Azucena 205-07 Hillside Avenue, Suite # 10 Hollis, NY 11423 (718)464-5780 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Susan, Abraham 188-03 Jamaica Avenue Hollis, NY 11423 (718)740-2060 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Jackson Heights 11372 Roman, Rolando 88-54 180th Street Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)657-8306 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Jamaica - 11433 Arlene, Perkins 111-20 Merrick Blvd Jamaica, NY 11433 (718)206-9888 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Sailaja, Damineni 111-20 Merrick Blvd Jamaica, NY 11433 (718)206-9888 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Saroja, Yarramreddy 111-20 Merrick Blvd. Jamaica, NY 11433 (718)206-9888 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Tawana, Hill 111-20 Merrick Blvd. Jamaica, NY 11433 (718)206-9888 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Qurat-ul-Ain, Syedain 90-16 Sutphin Blvd. Jamaica, NY 11434 (718)523-5500 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Wheelchair Accessible Page 13 Primary Care Physicians New York State - Queens County Jamaica - 11435 Asvinkumar, Patel 90-09 Van Wyck Expressway Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)206-5585 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Piyali, Ray-Sen 90-16 Sutphin Blvd Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)523-5500 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Steven, Strauss 139-16 91st Ave Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)454-8556 Hospital Affiliation(s): MFHAIPA Corporation Kew Gardens - 11415 Hasan, Zeeshan 85-50 118th Street Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)441-4363 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Ozone Park - 11416 Carolina, Murray 91-20 Atlantic Avenue Ozone Park, NY 11416 (718)529-6241 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Kim, MD Woo 97-11 101 Avenue Ozone Park, NY 11416 (718)845-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Woo Sup Kim, MD PC Maria, Perfetto-Tullo 91-20 Atlantic Avenue Ozone Park, NY 11416 (718)529-6241 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Ong, Pedro 83-20 101st Avenue Ozone Park, NY 11416 (718)845-8525 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Middle Village - 11379 Boyadjian, Kevork 75-06 Eliot Avenue Middle Village, NY 11379 (718)639-4258 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Ozone Park - 11417 Garcia, Anthony 101-14 Liberty Avenue Ozone Park, NY 11417 (718)487-3330 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Siddiqui, Saeed 101-14 Liberty Ave Ozone Park, NY 11417 (347)829-3481 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Siddiqui, Saeed 101-14 Liberty Avenue Ozone Park, NY 11417 (718)487-3330 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Queens Village 11427 Anna, Mathew 220-22 Hillside Avenue Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)975-1300 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Fishbane, Steven 220-22 Hillside Avenue Queens Village, NY 11427 (516)465-8200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 14 RATNER, SANFORD 206-15 HILLSIDE AVENUE Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)776-0101 Hospital Affiliation(s): NRAD MEDICAL ASSOCIATES PC Queens Village 11428 Panhani, Ramkumar 215-33 Jamaica Ave Queens Village, NY 11428 (718)464-6322 Hospital Affiliation(s): KRG Medical PC Rego Park - 11374 Aronbayev, Jonathan 98-30 67th Avenue Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)896-7770 Hospital Affiliation(s): Novel Medicine, PC Bayshtok, Valery 99-05 63rd Drive Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)896-5219 Belding, Michele 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)898-4922 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Primary Care Physicians New York State - Queens County Ben, Ari Zina 63-89 Saunder Streeet Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)897-2525 Dayen, Nina 95-30 Queens Blvd Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)275-7860 Fuzaylov, Gavriel 98-51 Queens Blvd Suite 1D Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)897-0327 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Meyerovich, Naum 98-11 Queens Blvd Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)830-0400 P., Arena, MD Francis 97-77 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)261-8686 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Pinhas, Stella 66-12 102nd Street Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)997-7117 Grayver, Evelina 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Surujpaul, Ragnauth 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Kogan,, MD Faina 97-85 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)261-9100 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Swapna, Purohit 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)975-5200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Kurzyna-Solinas,, MD Anna 97-77 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)261-8686 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Richmond Hill - 11418 , Jebun Nahar 134-20 Jamaica Avenue, 1st Floor Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6742 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Aamira, Tahir 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Alan, Roth 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Amarjit, Singh 8900 Van Wyck Expressway, ACC Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Annmarie, McDonald 129-01 Liberty Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)738-8800 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Cameron, Nienaber 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys David, Dovnarsky 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6942 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Donna, Losco 134-20 Jamaica Avenue, 1st Floor, Axel Building Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6742 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Fernando, Moreno 8900 Van Wyck Expressway, Suite 2 Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Geraldine, Vaz 8900 Van Wyck Expressway, ACC Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Gina, Basello 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Wheelchair Accessible Page 15 Primary Care Physicians New York State - Queens County Grzegorz, Petryk 89-06 135th Street, Suite 5C Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6812 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Kamica, Lewis 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Kaushik, Doshi 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Luigi, Tullo 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Moisey, Delman 134-20 Jamaica Avenue, 1st Floor, Axel Building Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6742 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Naveen, Pathak 134-20 Jamaica Avenue, 1st Floor, Axel Building Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6742 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Nayankumar, Patel 8900 Van Wyck Expressway, Suite 2 Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Nilesh, Patel 134-20 Jamaica Avenue, 1st Floor, Axel Building Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6742 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Pedro, Ong 89-40 135th Street, 4th Floor/South Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)845-8525 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Philip, Cruz 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)291-3276 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Susan, Calliste-Scott 8900 Van Wyck Expressway, ACC Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Prakashkumar, Patel 134-20 Jamaica Avenue, 1st Floor Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6742 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Vyacheslav, Galibov 8900 Van Wyck Expressway, Suite 2 Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Ratilal, Patel 134-20 Jamaica Avenue, 1st Floor, Axel Building Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6742 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Richmond Hills 11419 Reginald, Hughes 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Peter, Harvey 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Sudheer, Chauhan 134-20 Jamaica Avenue, 1st Floor, Axel Building Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6742 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Waseem, Faisal 119-03 101st Ave Richmond Hills, NY 11419 (718)441-0184 Ridgewood - 11385 Pantig, Emidio 68-65 Fresh Pond Road Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718)456-8200 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Rockaway Park 11694 Galvin, Peter 120-05 Newport Avenue Rockaway Park, NY 11694 (718)474-5027 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 16 Primary Care Physicians New York State - Queens County Kirtane, Yashodhara 114-12 Beach Channel Drive Rockaway Park, NY 11694 (718)318-6021 Hospital Affiliation(s): Yashodhara S. Kirtane, MD Labaze, Georges 114-12 Beach Channel Drive Rockaway Park, NY 11694 (718)318-6021 Hospital Affiliation(s): Georges I. Labaze, MD Rosedale - 11413 Gupta, Rom 224-14 147th Avenue Rosedale, NY 11413 (718)997-0488 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Saint Albans - 11412 Sunny Side - 11104 Fred, Clarke 200-16 Hollis Avenue Saint Albans, NY 11412 (718)736-8204 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Avedissian, Haroutiun 43-30 48th Street Sunny Side, NY 11104 (718)706-7658 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Johnson, William 187-10 Linden Blvd Saint Albans, NY 11412 (718)723-1769 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA South Richmond Hill 11419 Camacho, Alicia 111-12 Liberty Avenue South Richmond Hill, NY 11419 (718)641-1212 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Rosedale - 11422 Desroches, Lionel 1 Cross Island Parkway Rosedale, NY 11422 (718)712-1080 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Hassanain, Ehab 111-12 Liberty Avenue South Richmond Hill, NY 11419 (718)641-1212 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Sunnyside - 11104 M., Rawal Jagat 43-07 39th Pl. Sunnyside, NY 11104 (718)392-3350 Hospital Affiliation(s): Jagat M. Rawal, MD, PC Whitestone - 11357 Alla, Sabzanova 150-55 14th Avenue Whitestone, NY 11357 (718)559-3300 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Depetris, Gustavo 150-55 14th Avenue Whitestone, NY 11357 (718)559-3300 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC John, Pizzolla 150-55 14th Avenue Whitestone, NY 11357 (718)559-3300 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Stavros, Mountantonakis 150-55 14th Avenue Whitestone, NY 11357 (718)559-3300 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Cardiovascular Medicine, PC. Woodhaven - 11421 Crisari, Flavio 85-33 Forest Pkway Woodhaven, NY 11421 (718)441-3970 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Shusterman, Arkadiy 95-25 Jamaica Ave Woodhaven, NY 11421 (718)441-4070 Hospital Affiliation(s): Englinton Medical Woodside - 11377 Glodowski, Luis 49-02 Queens Blvd, 2 fl Woodside, NY 11377 (718)424-4646 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Nihamin, Fira 39-65 52nd Street Woodside, NY 11377 (718)429-0039 Wheelchair Accessible Page 17 Primary Care Physicians New York State - Queens County Nurse Practitioner Forest Hills - 11375 Far Rockaway - 11691 Gillespie, Eileen 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Pyatigorskaya, Svetlana 712 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (347)915-2131 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Flushing - 11355 Joan, Hughes 4500 Parsons Blvd., ACC Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Lynn, Slitzan 4500 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Michelle, Jones 4500 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Myung, Ahn 4500 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Sarah, Prager 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-1919 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Glen Oaks - 11004 Gluszkiewicz, Edyta 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-1919 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Beyer, Jeanette 75-59 263rd Street Glen Oaks, NY 11004 (718)470-8538 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Isgro, Julie 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4359 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Hollis - 11423 Jamina, John 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)730-4137 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Nataliya, Shaforost 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-1924 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Christina, McPherson 188-03 Jamaica Avenue. Hollis, NY 11423 (718)740-2060 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Marsha, Fils-Aime 188-03 Jamaica Avenue Hollis, NY 11423 (718)740-2060 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Jamaica - 11432 Pyatigorskaya, Svetlana 162-04 Jamaica Avenue, 5th Floor Jamaica, NY 11432 (347)915-2131 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 18 Jamaica - 11433 Laurie, SchwartzMoser 111-20 Merrick Blvd. Jamaica, NY 11433 (718)206-9888 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Rakiya, Watts 111-20 Merrick Blvd. Jamaica, NY 11433 (718)206-9888 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Rhonda, DeGannes 111-20 Merrick Blvd Jamaica, NY 11433 (718)206-9888 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Shira, RosenbaumRoller 111-20 Merrick Blvd. Jamaica, NY 11433 (718)206-9888 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Ozone Park - 11416 , Stella Slade 91-20 Atlantic Avenue Ozone Park, NY 11416 (718)529-6241 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Primary Care Physicians New York State - Queens County Stephanie, AmbroseFlaherty 91-20 Atlantic Avenue Ozone Park, NY 11416 (718)529-6241 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Blessy, Kuriyan 8900 Van Wyck Expressway, Neonatology Dept. Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Rego Park - 11374 Charleane, LaCroix 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Bleau, Hallie 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)975-5220 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Richmond Hill - 11418 Adebukola, Adeniran 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Cardiology Dept. Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Amanda, Alba 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)291-3276 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Ivonne, Dabovich 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)291-3276 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Kathreen, Pattett 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Diana, Torres 133-03 Jamaica Ave. Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Kellie, Barone 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Elaine, Brown 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)291-3276 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Lindsay, Price 133-03 Jamaica Ave. Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Grace, Geevarghese 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Maria, Hernandez 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Medina, Barone 8900 Van Wyck Expressway, Cardiology Dept. Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Nisha, Arikupurathu 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)291-3276 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Raisa, Priyeva 8900 Van Wyck Expressway, Cath Suite Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Ravella, Jainarain 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Rosanne, Martone 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Wheelchair Accessible Page 19 Primary Care Physicians New York State - Queens County So, Young Kim 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Daniel, Tsin 31-60 21st Street Astoria, NY 11106 (718)267-4265 Hospital Affiliation(s): MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL Vivian, Lata 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Naida, DzanicCemalovic 31-60 21st Street Astoria, NY 11106 (718)267-4265 Hospital Affiliation(s): MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL Rockaway Park 11694 Elmhurst - 11373 Alicia, Tate 114-12 Beach Channel Drive Rockaway Park, NY 11694 (718)318-6021 Hospital Affiliation(s): Alicia A. Tate, NP Obstetrics & Gynecology Astoria - 11106 Bradley, Safro 31-60 21st Street Astoria, NY 11106 (718)267-4265 Hospital Affiliation(s): MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL Orlando, Santandreu 87-08 Justice Avenue Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)507-9668 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Far Rockaway - 11691 Alapati, Prameela 19-19 Brookhaven Ave, Suite CP108 Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7382 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Alapati, Prameela 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Dowuona, Orakwao 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Chudner, Margarita 19-19 Brookhaven Ave, Suite CP108 Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7382 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Fleischer, Adiel 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Chudner, Margarita 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Morrish, Donald 19-19 Brookhaven Ave, Suite CP108 Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7382 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Dowuona, Orakwao 19-19 Brookhaven Ave, Suite CP108 Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7382 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Morrish, Donald 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Wheelchair Accessible Page 20 Primary Care Physicians New York State - Queens County Myers, Byron 19-19 Brookhaven Ave, Suite CP108 Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7382 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Raghid, Samina 19-19 Brookhaven Ave, Suite CP108 Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7382 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Stevenson, Robert 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Myers, Byron 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Raghid, Samina 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Tate, Perla 1624 Central Avenue Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)327-7969 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Onyeike, Godwin 19-19 Brookhaven Ave, Suite CP108 Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7382 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Shah, Jalpa 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Onyeike, Godwin 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Stevenson, Robert 19-19 Brookhaven Ave, Suite CP108 Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7382 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Webbe, Shirley 529 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)327-7307 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Webbe, Shirley 529 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)498-1600 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Flushing - 11354 Christine, Mullin 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (516)562-2229 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jae, Ryu 133-47 Sanford Avenue Unit C1A Flushing, NY 11354 (718)888-0179 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Karin, Shih 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Leong, Mary 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Li, Qili 136-20 38th Ave. Suite 5E Flushing, NY 11354 (718)359-5868 Hospital Affiliation(s): Flushing OB/GYN, PC Roman, Gabriel San 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (516)562-2229 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 21 Primary Care Physicians New York State - Queens County T., Vo Tracy 135-11 40th Rd. Suite 4A Flushing, NY 11354 (718)961-1800 Hospital Affiliation(s): Tracy T. Vo, MD, PC Borawski, Dorota 136-30 Maple Ave. Suite 2H Flushing, NY 11355 (718)509-9608 Hospital Affiliation(s): CTU Medical, PC Tomer, Singer 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (516)562-2229 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC C.C., Kuo Daniel 136-25 Maple Ave. Suite 207 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)321-8500 Hospital Affiliation(s): Maple OB/GYN, PC Yin, Xuebin 39-07 Prince St. Suite 3H Flushing, NY 11354 (718)539-2646 Hospital Affiliation(s): East Shore Women's Care, PC Flushing - 11355 Allan, Jacobs 146-01 45th Avenue, Suite 203 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5792 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Andrea, Olanescu 4500 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Cheung, Cindy 132-26 Avery Ave. Suite 1D Flushing, NY 11355 (718)358-5100 Hospital Affiliation(s): Comprehensive OB/GYN Services, PC Chiang, David 136-30 Maple Ave. Suite 2I Flushing, NY 11355 (718)321-1177 Hospital Affiliation(s): Women's Integrated Medicine, PC David, Kim 4500 Parsons Blvd Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Hajoon, Chun 146-01 45th Avenue, Room 404 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-3143 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Lucot, Cherenfant 4500 Parsons Blvd., ACC Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Henry, Lam 133-47 Sanford Avenue Suite C1A Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-0179 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Normil, Cadet 4500 Parsons Blvd., L&D, 5th Floor Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Ingrid, Flores-Freeth 146-01 45th Avenue - Room 208 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-4581 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Orlando, Santandreu 4500 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jeng, Dai-Yun 133-36/38 41st Rd. Suite 1N Flushing, NY 11355 (718)353-3188 Hospital Affiliation(s): Dai Yun Jeng, MD, PC Jeng, Ing-Yann 136-30 Maple Ave. Suite 1A Flushing, NY 11355 (718)539-0156 Hospital Affiliation(s): IngYann Jeng, MD, PC Qu, Weimin 133-29 41st Rd. Suite 2A Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-0021 Hospital Affiliation(s): Weimin Qu, MD, PC Rabeya, Chowdhury 4500 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Surya, Sekar 4500 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Wheelchair Accessible Page 22 Primary Care Physicians New York State - Queens County Weihong, Yan 4500 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Applewhite, Liat 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Xiao, Huifang 41-61 Kissena Blvd. Suite A Flushing, NY 11355 (516)561-4060 Hospital Affiliation(s): Xiao Huifang OB/GYN, PC Deepak, Nanda 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Xiao, Wang 146-01 45th Avenue - Room 203 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5440 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Deepak, Nanda 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)562-4458 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Forest Hills - 11375 Julio, Rimarachin 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-1965 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Ancona, Salvatore 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-1965 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Andrea, Olanescu 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-1965 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Sangeorzan, Adrian 89-06 135th Street, GS Jamaica, NY 11418 (718)206-6708 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Tam, Hima Tam 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)562-4458 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jamaica - 11433 Kozhin, Nodar 69-60 108th Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)275-8200 FRESH MEADOWS 11365 ROSENBERG, LISA 61-34 188TH STREET, SUITE 214 FRESH MEADOWS, NY 11365 (718)454-3200 Hospital Affiliation(s): NRAD MEDICAL ASSOCIATES PC Glen Oaks - 11004 Yair, Rahmani 75-59 263rd Street Glen Oaks, NY 11004 (718)470-8290 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Orlando, Santandreu 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Rajeevi, Madankumar 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)562-4458 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jamaica - 11418 Sangeorzan, Adrian 131st Jamaica Street Jamaica, NY 11418 (718)291-3276 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Denise, James 111-20 Merrick Blvd. Jamaica, NY 11433 (718)206-9888 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Kew Gardens - 11415 Alicia, KnightDebrady 119-40 Metropolitan Avenue Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)849-0839 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Ozone Park - 11416 Rashida, N'Gouamba 91-20 Atlantic Avenue Ozone Park, NY 11416 (718)529-6241 Rego Park - 11374 Antoinette, Sakaris 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 23 Primary Care Physicians New York State - Queens County Applewhite, Liat 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Orlando, Santandreu 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-5200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Christine, Mullin 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Fougner, Arthur 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Goncharov, Dimitry 97-13 64th Road Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)751-5468 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Karin, Shih 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Orlando, Santandreu 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Roman, Gabriel San 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Sangeorzan, Adrian 62-31 Cromwell Crescent Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)533-7696 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Tomer, Singer 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (516)562-2229 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Richmond Hill - 11418 Adrian, Sangeorzan 89-06 135th Street Suite 6S Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6708 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Amy, Lai 89-06 135th Street, Suite 6S Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)918-5700 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Angela, Meikle 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Anita, Holman 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Emre, Kayaalp 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Wheelchair Accessible Page 24 Georges, Sylvestre 89-06 135th Street Suite 2B Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)998-3038 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Hemangi, Shukla 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Manuel, Pili 89-06 135th Street Suite 6S Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6708 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Martha, Louis 129-01 Liberty Ave. Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)738-8800 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Meenu, Gupta 89-06 135th Street, Suite 6S Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)918-5700 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Primary Care Physicians New York State - Queens County Natalya, Goltyapina 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)291-3276 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Nikolaos, Kiouranakis 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Suleyman, Dolen 89-06 135th Street, Suite 6S Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)918-5700 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Tamara, Magloire 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Rockaway Beach 11694 Alapati, Prameela 114-12 Beach Channel Drive Rockaway Beach, NY 11694 (718)869-7382 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Chudner, Margarita 114-12 Beach Channel Drive Rockaway Beach, NY 11694 (718)869-7382 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Dowuona, Orakwao 114-12 Beach Channel Drive Rockaway Beach, NY 11694 (718)869-7382 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Morrish, Donald 114-12 Beach Channel Drive Rockaway Beach, NY 11694 (718)869-7382 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Myers, Byron 114-12 Beach Channel Drive Rockaway Beach, NY 11694 (718)869-7382 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Onyeike, Godwin 114-12 Beach Channel Drive Rockaway Beach, NY 11694 (718)869-7382 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Raghid, Samina 114-12 Beach Channel Drive Rockaway Beach, NY 11694 (718)869-7382 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Rockaway Park 11694 Stevenson, Robert 114-12 Beach Channel Drive Rockaway Park, NY 11694 (718)869-7382 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Woodside - 11377 Blumstein, Cliff 49-02 Queens Blvd Woodside, NY 11377 (718)424-4646 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Physician Assistant Flushing - 11355 Binu, Kuriakose 4500 Parsons Blvd., CDU Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Richmond Hill - 11418 Gopal, Sukhraj 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Whitestone - 11357 Chrisomalis, Lorraine 150-55 14th Avenue Whitestone, NY 11357 (718)559-3300 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 25 Specialists New York State - Queens County Allergy and Immunology Astoria - 11102 Lee, Jennifer 31-19 Newtown Avenue, Suite 201 Astoria, NY 11102 (718)971-2490 Hospital Affiliation(s): ENT & Allergy Associates LLP Bayside - 11360 David, Rosenthal 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Kaplan, Blanka 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Safier, Brian 210-33 26th Avenue, Suite 1 Bayside, NY 11360 (718)631-8899 Hospital Affiliation(s): ENT & Allergy Associates LLP Far Rockaway - 11691 Forest Hills - 11375 D'Amore, Joseph 712 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (347)915-2131 David, Rosenthal 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)622-5070 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Flushing - 11354 Chiang, Jih-Lih 136-20 38th Ave. Suite 8E Flushing, NY 11354 (718)445-2581 Hospital Affiliation(s): Jih-Lih Chiang, MD, PC Punita, Ponda 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jamaica - 11432 D'Amore, Joseph 162-04 Jamaica Avenue, 5th Floor Jamaica, NY 11432 (347)915-2131 Maspeth - 11378 Anesthesiology David, Rosenthal 72-41 Grand Avenue Maspeth, NY 11378 (718)457-5800 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Flushing - 11354 Richmond Hill - 11418 , Stephen Rand 8900 Van Wyck Expressway, ACC Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Anatomic/Clinical Pathology Flushing - 11355 He, Cong 133-38 41st Rd. Suite 2N Flushing, NY 11355 (718)939-5200 Hospital Affiliation(s): Flushing Anesthesia Pain Mgmt, PLLC Forest Hills - 11375 Cocker, Rubina 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4048 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Li, Jun 42-35 Main St. Suite 3A Flushing, NY 11355 (718)886-7246 Hospital Affiliation(s): Jun Li Anesthesia Associate, PC Dhital, Pradeep 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4048 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Yang, Tianyu 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 26 Ming, Chen Chun 136-18 39th Ave. Suite 706 Flushing, NY 11354 (718)321-8066 Hospital Affiliation(s): Minsheng Pain Mgmt & Anes, PLLC Li, Jun 42-35 Main St. Suite 3E Flushing, NY 11355 (848)863-6051 Hospital Affiliation(s): Jun Li Anesthesia Associate, PC Specialists New York State - Queens County Li, Wensong 42-35 Main St. Suite 3A Flushing, NY 11355 (718)886-7246 Hospital Affiliation(s): Wensong Li Medicine, PC Flushing - 11361 Khaimov, Daniel 150-31 Union Turnpike Flushing, NY 11361 (347)454-2050 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Woodside - 11377 Izeogu, Chinwake 4902 Queens Boulevard, 2nd Floor Woodside, NY 11377 (718)424-4646 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Audiology, Health Aides Elmhurst - 11373 Palma, Scott 9131 Queens Blvd Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)476-2523 Howard Beach 11414 Palma, Scott 15702 Cross Bay Blvd Howard Beach, NY 11414 (718)323-1128 Tornatore, Andrea 160-10 Cross Bay Blvd Howard Beach, NY 11414 (718)323-1128 Bariatric Surgery Forest Hills - 11375 Barrett, Allison 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Blood Banking/Transfusion Med Forest Hills - 11375 Louie, James 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4048 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Cardiac Catheterization Services Flushing - 11355 Flushing Hospital 4500 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Richmond Hill - 11418 Richmond Hill - 11418 Jamaica Hospital Medical Center 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Keller, Seth 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6191 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Cardiac Electrophysiology Astoria - 11102 Keller, Seth 30-16 30th Drive Astoria, NY 11102 (347)827-2805 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Nicholas, Skipitaris 30-16 30th Drive Astoria, NY 11102 (347)527-2805 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Ranjit, Suri 30-16 30th Drive Astoria, NY 11102 (347)827-2805 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Far Rockaway - 11691 Keller, Seth 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Rockaway Park 11694 Keller, Seth 431 Beach 129 Street Rockaway Park, NY 11694 (718)318-3434 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Cardiac Surgery Program Flushing - 11355 Flushing Hospital 4500 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Cardiology Astoria - 11102 Pedro, Kourtesis 27-15 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)932-0007 Hospital Affiliation(s): MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL Wheelchair Accessible Page 27 Specialists New York State - Queens County Zaza, Aivazi 27-15 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)932-0007 Hospital Affiliation(s): MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL Astoria - 11105 Kay, Martin 23-18 31st Street, Suite 200 Astoria, NY 11105 (718)777-7742 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Kim, JoonHyuk 23-18 31st Street Astoria, NY 11105 (718)777-7742 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Messineo, Frank 23-18 31st Street, Suite 200 Astoria, NY 11105 (718)777-7742 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Ng, Kaman 23-18 31st Street, Suite 200 Astoria, NY 11105 (718)777-7742 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Papadakos, Stylianos 23-18 31st Street, Suite 200 Astoria, NY 11105 (718)777-7742 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Kay, Martin 44-01 Francis Lewis Boulevard Bayside, NY 11361 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Siskind, Steven 23-18 31st Street, Suite 200 Astoria, NY 11105 (718)777-7742 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Kay, Martin 44-02 Francis Lewis Boulevard Bayside, NY 11361 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Tenet, William 23-18 31st Street, Suite 200 Astoria, NY 11105 (718)777-7742 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Kim, JoonHyuk 44-01 Francis Lewis Boulevard Bayside, NY 11361 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wiesel, Joseph 23-18 31st Street, Suite 200 Astoria, NY 11105 (718)777-7742 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Messineo, Frank 44-01 Francis Lewis Boulevard Bayside, NY 11361 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Astoria - 11106 Arun, Palkhiwala 31-60 21st Street Astoria, NY 11106 (718)932-2110 Hospital Affiliation(s): MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL Bayside - 11361 Messineo, Frank 44-02 Francis Lewis Boulevard Bayside, NY 11361 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 28 Ng, Kaman 44-01 Francis Lewis Boulevard Bayside, NY 11361 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Ng, Kaman 44-02 Francis Lewis Boulevard Bayside, NY 11361 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Papadakos, Stylianos 44-01 Francis Lewis Boulevard Bayside, NY 11361 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Papadakos, Stylianos 44-02 Francis Lewis Boulevard Bayside, NY 11361 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Siskind, Steven 44-01 Francis Lewis Boulevard Bayside, NY 11361 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Specialists New York State - Queens County Siskind, Steven 44-02 Francis Lewis Boulevard Bayside, NY 11361 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Tenet, William 44-01 Francis Lewis Boulevard Bayside, NY 11361 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Tenet, William 44-02 Francis Lewis Boulevard Bayside, NY 11361 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wiesel, Joseph 44-01 Francis Lewis Boulevard Bayside, NY 11361 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Elmhurst - 11373 Roychoudhury, Debasish 87-08 Justice Avenue, Suite 1A Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)672-0246 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Far Rockaway - 11691 Cowan, Aimee 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Zhao, Qian 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Flushing - 11354 Uthman, Adeola 215 Rockaway Avenue Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)498-1600 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Chan, Jacqueline 136-20 38th Ave. Suite 618 Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-3723 Hospital Affiliation(s): Chinatown Cardiology, PC Uthman, Adeola 529 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (516)481-6433 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA H., Lau David 136-20 38th Ave. Suite 6I Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-3723 Hospital Affiliation(s): Chinatown Cardiology, PC Uthman, Adeola 529 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)327-7307 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA H., Lau David 42-35 Main St. Suite 3M Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-3723 Huang, Yili 136-20 38th Ave. Suite 6I Flushing, NY 11354 (212)334-3507 Hospital Affiliation(s): Chinatown Cardiology, PC Huang, Yili 42-35 Main St. Suite 3M Flushing, NY 11354 (212)334-3507 Jermyn, Rita 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC John, Makaryus 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Kim, JoonHyuk 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Lau, Joe 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3300 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Liou, Michael 136-20 38th Ave. Suite 6I Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-3723 Hospital Affiliation(s): Chinatown Cardiology, PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 29 Specialists New York State - Queens County Liou, Michael 42-35 Main St. Suite 3M Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-3723 Shahryar, Saba 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC T., Chen Thomas 39-07 Prince St. Suite 3A Flushing, NY 11354 (718)661-1783 Hospital Affiliation(s): TC Cardiology, PC Tung, Frank 136-20 38th Ave. Suite 6I Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-3723 Hospital Affiliation(s): Chinatown Cardiology, PC Flushing - 11355 Chan, Jacqueline 42-35 Main St. Suite 3M Flushing, NY 11355 (718)886-8510 Hwu, Charles 136-30 Maple Ave. Suite 2F Flushing, NY 11355 (718)461-7666 Hospital Affiliation(s): Charles Hwu, MD, PC Jugal, Agrawal 4500 Parsons Blvd., ACC Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Kim, JoonHyuk 142-42 Booth Memorial Avenue Flushing, NY 11355 (718)353-4004 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC W., Kwan Tak 136-20 38th Ave. Suite 6I Flushing, NY 11354 (212)334-3507 Hospital Affiliation(s): Chinatown Cardiology, PC Lee, Hung-Sam 42-60 Main St. Suite 1C Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-1888 Hospital Affiliation(s): Tien Cardiology Associate, PC Roychoudhury, Debasish 56-45 Main Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)672-0246 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lim, Vivien 45-03 Kissena Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 (646)494-7281 Hospital Affiliation(s): Queens Cardiovascular, PLLC Tung, Frank 42-35 Main St. Suite 3M Flushing, NY 11355 (718)886-3723 Hospital Affiliation(s): Chinatown Cardiology, PC Majeed, Sayeed 38-20 Bowne Street Flushing, NY 11355 (914)277-5550 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Viswanath, Banad 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Manuel, Lopez 4500 Parsons Blvd Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys W., Kwan Tak 42-35 Main St. Suite 3M Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-8510 Oscar, Fernandez 4500 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Wheelchair Accessible Page 30 Rajen, Maniar 4500 Parsons Blvd, ACC Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Kim, JoonHyuk 56-17 138th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)445-2892 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Lap, Leung Wai 136-30 Maple Ave. Suite 1E Flushing, NY 11355 (718)461-0305 Hospital Affiliation(s): Wai Lap Leung, MD, PC Viswanath, Banad 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Specialists New York State - Queens County Zhao, Qian 142-20 Franklin Ave. Suite LB Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-1918 Hospital Affiliation(s): Heart & Vascular Medicine, PC Flushing - 11361 Kay, Martin 142-42 Booth Memorial Avenue Flushing, NY 11361 (718)353-4004 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Messineo, Frank 142-42 Booth Memorial Avenue Flushing, NY 11361 (718)353-4004 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Ng, Kaman 142-42 Booth Memorial Avenue Flushing, NY 11361 (718)353-4004 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Papadakos, Stylianos 142-42 Booth Memorial Avenue Flushing, NY 11361 (718)353-4004 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Siskind, Steven 142-42 Booth Memorial Avenue Flushing, NY 11361 (718)353-4004 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Tenet, William 142-42 Booth Memorial Avenue Flushing, NY 11361 (718)353-4004 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Kim, JoonHyuk 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Zeltser, Roman 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)925-6210 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC FRESH MEADOWS 11365 Wiesel, Joseph 142-42 Booth Memorial Avenue Flushing, NY 11361 (718)353-4004 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Forest Hills - 11375 Biana, Trost 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4207 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Biana, Trost 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Glick, HC 6134 188TH STREET FRESH MEADOWS, NY 11365 (718)454-3200 Hospital Affiliation(s): St.Francis Cardiovascular Physicians PC Glen Oaks - 11004 Lau, Joe 75-59 263rd Street Glen Oaks, NY 11004 (718)470-8100 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jackson Heights 11372 Lap, Leung Wai 35-20 90th St. Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)267-0510 Hospital Affiliation(s): Jackson Heights Cardiovascular Imaging & Ultrasound Viswanath, Banad 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Jamaica - 11430 David, Revere 22 North Service Road Jamaica, NY 11430 (718)244-1644 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jamaica - 11432 Jauhar, Sandeep 180-16 Wexford Terrace Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)657-6434 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 31 Specialists New York State - Queens County Kew Gardens - 11415 Grossman, Joseph 80-46 Kew Gardens Rd. Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)261-1000 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Viswanath, Banad 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Maspeth - 11378 Kay, Martin 72-41 Grand Avenue Maspeth, NY 11378 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Messineo, Frank 72-41 Grand Avenue Maspeth, NY 11378 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Ng, Kaman 72-41 Grand Avenue Maspeth, NY 11378 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Papadakos, Stylianos 72-41 Grand Avenue Maspeth, NY 11378 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA John, Makaryus 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6265 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Siskind, Steven 72-41 Grand Avenue Maspeth, NY 11378 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lau, Joe 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)975-5220 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Tenet, William 72-41 Grand Avenue Maspeth, NY 11378 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Mushiyev, Savi 97-32 63rd Road Rego Park, NY 11374 (212)423-6338 Hospital Affiliation(s): Savi Mushiyev, MD PC Wiesel, Joseph 72-41 Grand Avenue Maspeth, NY 11378 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Shahryar, Saba 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6265 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Rego Park - 11374 Jermyn, Rita 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6265 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Teitelman, Dima 65-36 99th street Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)459-0700 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Richmond Hill - 11418 Aditya, Mangla 134-20 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6742 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Beppy, Edasery 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Jaffar, Raza 134-20 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6742 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Jagruti, Patel 134-20 Jamaica Avenue 1st FL Axel Building Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6742 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Joseph, Colasacco 134-20 Jamaica Avenue, 1st Floor, Axel Building Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6742 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Wheelchair Accessible Page 32 Specialists New York State - Queens County Robert, Mendelson 134-20 Jamaica Avenue, 1st Floor, Axel Building Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6742 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Suresh, Jain 134-20 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6742 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Thomas, Bizzaro 89-40 135th Street Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)918-5700 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Zoran, Lasic 134-20 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6742 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Rosedale - 11422 Henry, Sonia 241-08 140th Avenue Rosedale, NY 11422 (718)949-0146 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Whitestone - 11357 Flushing - 11355 Jermyn, Rita 150-55 14th Avenue Whitestone, NY 11357 (718)559-3300 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Ahamed, Moideen 146-01 45th Avenue - Room 406 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5473 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys John, Makaryus 150-55 14th Avenue Whitestone, NY 11357 (718)559-3300 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Shahryar, Saba 150-55 14th Avenue Whitestone, NY 11357 (718)559-3300 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Cardiothoracic Surgery Far Rockaway - 11691 Safavi, Ali 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Lajam, Fouad 140-04 58 Road Flushing, NY 11355 (718)886-1512 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Cardiovascular Diseases Arverne - 11692 Kirtane, Sanjay 350 Beach 54 Street Arverne, NY 11692 (718)945-0400 Hospital Affiliation(s): Sanjay S. Kirtane, MD. Kirtane, Sanjay 64-11 Beach Channel Drive Arverne, NY 11692 (718)945-0700 Hospital Affiliation(s): Sanjay S. Kirtane, MD. Astoria - 11102 Bolon, David 30-16 30Th Drive Astoria, NY 11102 (212)734-8877 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Hecker, Lawrence 30-16 30Th Drive Astoria, NY 11102 (212)734-8877 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC John, Minutillo 30-16 30Th Drive Astoria, NY 11102 (212)734-8877 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Marc, Nolan 30-16 30Th Drive Astoria, NY 11102 (212)734-8877 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Astoria - 11105 Abraham, Saji 23-18 31st Street, Suite 200 Astoria, NY 11105 (718)777-7742 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Marrero,, MD Daniel 23-18 31st Street Astoria, NY 11105 (718)777-7742 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Wheelchair Accessible Page 33 Specialists New York State - Queens County Mellos, Adrianne 23-18 31st Street, Suite 200 Astoria, NY 11105 (718)777-7742 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Abraham, Saji 44-02 Francis Lewis Boulevard Bayside, NY 11361 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Spinelli, Michael 44-02 Francis Lewis Boulevard Bayside, NY 11361 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Zambito, Peter 101-19 39th Avenue, Suite 101 Corona, NY 11368 (347)808-8324 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Spinelli, Michael 23-18 31st Street, Suite 200 Astoria, NY 11105 (718)777-7742 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Marrero,, MD Daniel 44-01 Francis Lewis Blvd Bayside, NY 11361 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Vartolomei, Roxana 44-01 Francis Lewis Boulevard Bayside, NY 11361 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Elmhurst - 11373 Vartolomei, Roxana 23-18 31st Street, Suite 200 Astoria, NY 11105 (718)777-7742 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Mellos, Adrianne 44-01 Francis Lewis Boulevard Bayside, NY 11361 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Vartolomei, Roxana 44-02 Francis Lewis Boulevard Bayside, NY 11361 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Astoria - 11106 Mellos, Adrianne 44-02 Francis Lewis Boulevard Bayside, NY 11361 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Corona - 11368 Christos, Vavasis 22-31 33rd Street Astoria, NY 11106 (718)278-6595 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Bayside - 11361 Abraham, Saji 44-01 Francis Lewis Boulevard Bayside, NY 11361 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Spinelli, Michael 44-01 Francis Lewis Boulevard Bayside, NY 11361 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Freeman, Israel 10005 Roosevelt Avenue, Ste 203 Corona, NY 11368 (718)533-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Gandelman, Glenn 10005 Roosevelt Avenue, Ste 203 Corona, NY 11368 (718)533-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 34 Di, Lorenzo William 86-35 Queens Boulevard, 2nd Floor Elmhurst, NY 11373 (941)766-8995 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Radha, Voleti 94-29 59th Avenue Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)271-2000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Flushing - 11354 Chang, Nan-Ning 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Diwan, Ravi 136-20 38th Ave. Suite 6I Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-3723 Hospital Affiliation(s): Chinatown Cardiology, PC Specialists New York State - Queens County Diwan, Ravi 42-35 Main St. Suite 3M Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-3723 Hsueh, John 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jason, Song 14308 Roosevelt Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)888-0502 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jason, Song 150-15 41St Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)888-0502 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jason, Song 154-08 Northern Boulevard Flushing, NY 11354 (917)715-5515 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jason, Song 31-22 Union Street Flushing, NY 11354 (718)353-9338 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jason, Song 38-34 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11354 (718)762-1710 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Flushing - 11355 Friedlander, Richard 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Friedlander, Richard 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Maniar, Rajen 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Mirsakov, Nina 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Mirsakov, Nina 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Perlmutter, Robert 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Perlmutter, Robert 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Flushing - 11361 Maniar, Rajen 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Abraham, Saji 142-42 Booth Memorial Avenue Flushing, NY 11361 (718)353-4004 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Mellos, Adrianne 142-42 Booth Memorial Avenue Flushing, NY 11361 (718)353-4004 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Spinelli, Michael 142-42 Booth Memorial Avenue Flushing, NY 11361 (718)353-4004 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Vartolomei, Roxana 142-42 Booth Memorial Avenue Flushing, NY 11361 (718)353-4004 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Forest Hills - 11375 Arkonac, Burak 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jackson Heights 11372 Friedlander, Richard 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 35 Specialists New York State - Queens County Maniar, Rajen 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Maniar, Rajen 9018 Elmhurst Avenue, Suite 5 Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (347)375-6121 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Mirsakov, Nina 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Perlmutter, Robert 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Jamaica - 11432 Maniar, Rajen 16405 Hillside Avenue Jamaica, NY 11432 (347)275-6121 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Radha, Voleti 80-02 165 Street Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)380-7000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Perlmutter, Robert 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Vartolomei, Roxana 72-41 Grand Avenue Maspeth, NY 11378 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Jamaica - 11435 Middle Village - 11379 Radha, Voleti 110-16 Sutphin Boulevard Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)380-7000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Maspeth - 11378 Abraham, Saji 72-41 Grand Avenue Maspeth, NY 11378 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Marrero,, MD Daniel 78-44 Metropolitan Avenue Middle Village, NY 11379 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Marrero,, MD Daniel 60-51 Fresh Pond Rd Maspeth, NY 11378 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Rego Park - 11374 Kew Gardens - 11415 Friedlander, Richard 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Maniar, Rajen 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Mirsakov, Nina 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Mellos, Adrianne 72-41 Grand Avenue Maspeth, NY 11378 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Spinelli, Michael 72-41 Grand Avenue Maspeth, NY 11378 (718)423-3355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 36 Kirtane, Sanjay 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)975-5220 Hospital Affiliation(s): Sanjay S. Kirtane, MD. Lisker, Jay 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)975-5220 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Radha, Voleti 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)975-5220 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Specialists New York State - Queens County Richmond Hill - 11418 Kukar, Atul 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-7100 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Ridgewood - 11385 Kukar, Atul 385 Seneca Avenue Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718)821-1222 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Rockaway Park 11694 Berkowitz, Israel 431 Beach 129th Street Rockaway Park, NY 11694 (718)318-3434 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Kirtane, Sanjay 114-12 Beach Channel Drive Rockaway Park, NY 11694 (718)318-1029 Hospital Affiliation(s): Sanjay S. Kirtane, MD. Kirtane, Sanjay 128 Beach 115 Street Rockaway Park, NY 11694 (718)474-6400 Hospital Affiliation(s): Sanjay S. Kirtane, MD. Kirtane, Sanjay 140 Beach 113 Street Rockaway Park, NY 11694 (718)945-6350 Hospital Affiliation(s): Sanjay S. Kirtane, MD. Kirtane, Sanjay 1441 Gateway Boulevard Rockaway Park, NY 11694 (718)471-1500 Hospital Affiliation(s): Sanjay S. Kirtane, MD. Amgad, Makaryus 150-55 14th Avenue Whitestone, NY 11357 (718)559-3300 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Chang, Nan-Ning 150-55 14th Avenue Whitestone, NY 11357 (718)559-3300 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Christos, Vavasis 150-55 14th Avenue Whitestone, NY 11357 (718)559-3300 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC South Ozone Park 11420 Hersh, David 131-24 Rockaway Blvd South Ozone Park, NY 11420 (516)218-2510 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Whitestone - 11357 Morden, Alexander 160-20 Willets Point Blvd Whitestone, NY 11357 (718)279-4300 Hospital Affiliation(s): Alexander Morden, MD PC Certified Nurse Midwife Far Rockaway - 11691 Young, Lisa 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Chiropractic Medicine Bayside - 11361 Albert, Warren 200-14 44th Avenue Bayside, NY 11361 (718)279-2900 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Bellerose - 11426 Burte, Wayne 247-11 Union Turnpike Bellerose, NY 11426 (718)347-3999 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Flushing - 11358 Chavira, Vicente 194-13 Northern Blvd Flushing, NY 11358 (718)428-3500 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 37 Specialists New York State - Queens County Rosenzweig, Steven 194-13 Northern Blvd Flushing, NY 11358 (718)428-3500 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Flushing - 11367 Nektalov, Boris 150-31 Unionn Turnpike Flushing, NY 11367 (347)829-6322 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA South Richmond Hill 11419 Bernstein, Evan 111-12 Liberty Avenue South Richmond Hill, NY 11419 (718)641-1212 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Astoria - 11106 Flushing - 11355 Forest Hills - 11375 Matassa, Andrew 28-03 34th Avenue Astoria, NY 11106 (718)726-0328 Hospital Affiliation(s): Palladian Health Chiropractic Alpert, Bruce 142-42 41st Avenue Flushing, NY 11355 (718)463-0006 Hospital Affiliation(s): Palladian Health Chiropractic Antoldi, Christine 71-36 110th Street, Suite SP1 Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)268-1976 Hospital Affiliation(s): Palladian Health Chiropractic College Point - 11356 Flushing - 11358 Matteo, Richard 129-10 23rd Avenue College Point, NY 11356 (718)463-1166 Hospital Affiliation(s): Palladian Health Chiropractic Rogers, Michael 4301 Utopia Parkway Flushing, NY 11358 (718)886-4663 Hospital Affiliation(s): Palladian Health Chiropractic Elmhurst - 11373 Chiropractor Tsourounakis, Emanuel 91-31 Queens Boulevard, Suite 304 Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)507-5581 Hospital Affiliation(s): Palladian Health Chiropractic Astoria - 11102 Mazza, Ronald 27-51 27th Street Astoria, NY 11102 (718)728-0612 Hospital Affiliation(s): Palladian Health Chiropractic Turner, Deborah 8402 51st Avenue Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)565-9090 Hospital Affiliation(s): Palladian Health Chiropractic Flushing - 11367 Brostowin, Richard 71-50 Austin Street, Suite 102 Forest Hills, NY 11375 (631)963-4750 Hospital Affiliation(s): Palladian Health Chiropractic Klapper, David 71-12 Main Street Flushing, NY 11367 (516)766-2519 Hospital Affiliation(s): Palladian Health Chiropractic Gilbert, Arie 104-20 Queens Boulevard, Suite W1 Forest Hills, NY 11375 (917)693-7178 Hospital Affiliation(s): Palladian Health Chiropractic Proffman, Mitchell 144-02 69th Avenue Flushing, NY 11367 (718)268-9080 Hospital Affiliation(s): Palladian Health Chiropractic Goldberg, Gary 104-20 Queens Boulevard Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)459-7575 Hospital Affiliation(s): Palladian Health Chiropractic Wheelchair Accessible Page 38 Specialists New York State - Queens County Vendittelli, William 71-36 110th Street, Suite 1L Forest Hills, NY 11375 (631)758-1910 Hospital Affiliation(s): Palladian Health Chiropractic Ventimiglia, Thomas 68-29 Fleet Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)926-8973 Hospital Affiliation(s): Palladian Health Chiropractic Fresh Meadows 11365 Aberger, Brian 164-01 Jewel Avenue Fresh Meadows, NY 11365 (718)380-7738 Hospital Affiliation(s): Palladian Health Chiropractic Jackson Heights 11372 Adlerstein, Andrew 73-12 35th Avenue, Suite AA Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)899-5433 Hospital Affiliation(s): Palladian Health Chiropractic Mendoza, Gerson 37-49 91st Street, 1st Floor, Suite 49 Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)639-5700 Hospital Affiliation(s): Palladian Health Chiropractic Woodhaven - 11421 DeRosa, Frank 101-11 101st Avenue Ozone Park, NY 11416 (718)641-7700 Hospital Affiliation(s): Palladian Health Chiropractic Pazos, Dennis 96-16 Jamaica Avenue Woodhaven, NY 11421 (718)846-5182 Hospital Affiliation(s): Palladian Health Chiropractic Jamaica - 11432 Gorman, Kieran 179-35 Hillside Avenue Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)262-0220 Hospital Affiliation(s): Palladian Health Chiropractic Rego Park - 11374 Friedman, Jeffrey 63-109 Saunders Street Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)897-8040 Hospital Affiliation(s): Palladian Health Chiropractic Kew Gardens - 11415 Gillman, Martin 80-46 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)261-1000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Palladian Health Chiropractic Richmond Hill - 11418 Nissenbaum, Steven 105-09 Jamaica Avenue, Suite A Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)441-9390 Hospital Affiliation(s): Palladian Health Chiropractic Maspeth - 11378 Marchese, Robert 73-03 Grand Avenue Maspeth, NY 11378 (914)848-8073 Hospital Affiliation(s): Palladian Health Chiropractic Ozone Park - 11416 Whitestone - 11357 Csillag, Kenneth 19-15 Utopia Parkway Whitestone, NY 11357 (718)279-0600 Hospital Affiliation(s): Palladian Health Chiropractic Colon/Rectal Surgery Forest Hills - 11375 Caliendo, Frank 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Rego Park - 11374 Dring, Robert 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (516)482-8692 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Critical Care Services – Intensive Care Units (ICU) Astoria - 11102 The Mount Sinai Hospital of Queens 2510 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)932-1000 Wheelchair Accessible Page 39 Specialists New York State - Queens County Flushing - 11355 Flushing Hospital 4500 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Forest Hills - 11375 Dave, Ritu 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Depetrillo, John 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4359 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Devlin, Melissa 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4359 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Islam, Md. Monirul 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-1760 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Kennedy, Omonuwa 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4359 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Richmond Hill - 11418 Jamaica Hospital Medical Center 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Cytopathology Forest Hills - 11375 Hitti, Ibrahim 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4048 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Ilan, Reder 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4048 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Laser, Alice 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4048 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Nora, Morgenstern 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4048 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Dermatology Far Rockaway - 11691 Sirota-Rozenberg, Suzanne 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Watsky, Marvin 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Flushing - 11354 Cui, Jian 136-20 38th Ave. Suite 5H Flushing, NY 11354 (718)661-9554 Hospital Affiliation(s): Jian Cui, Dermatology, PC Huang, Carol 136-20 38th Ave. Suite 7I Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-7546 Hospital Affiliation(s): Queens Crossing Dermatology, PLLC Wheelchair Accessible Page 40 Huang, Carol 136-20 38th Ave. Suite 7I-A Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-7546 Hospital Affiliation(s): Dermatology and Patch TestingQueens, NY, PLLC Yee, Vivian 136-20 38th Ave. Suite 7I Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-7546 Hospital Affiliation(s): Queens Crossing Dermatology, PLLC Zhou, Wenhong 36-44 Main St. 2nd Floor Flushing, NY 11354 (347)732-0690 Hospital Affiliation(s): Merriderm Dermatology Flushing - 11355 Li, Sherry 41-60 Main St. Suite 301 Flushing, NY 11355 (347)389-3888 Hospital Affiliation(s): LI Dermatology, PLLC Specialists New York State - Queens County Forest Hills - 11375 Diagnostic Radiology Ross, Zeltser 108-12 72nd Ave Forest Hills, NY 11375 (914)242-2020 Hospital Affiliation(s): MFHAIPA Corporation Astoria - 11102 Yuen, Leung Mee 6860 Austin Street, Store 10 Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)997-7100 Hospital Affiliation(s): Forest Hills Health Center Rego Park - 11374 DeMarco, Charles 24-47 Crescent St, Suite#107 Astoria, NY 11102 (718)777-0300 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Schlusselberg, Daniel 23-08 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)726-2000 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Joni, Mazza-McCrann 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (516)719-3376 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC The Mount Sinai Hospital of Queens 2510 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)932-1000 Astoria - 11103 Richmond Hill - 11418 Carlin, Michael 3501 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11103 (718)726-7000 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Jeffrey, Weinberg 134-20 Jamaica Avenue, 1st Floor, Axel Building Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6742 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Feit, Sheldon 3501 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11103 (718)726-7000 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Mandell, Menachem 3501 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11103 (718)726-7000 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Segal, Suzanne 3501 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11103 (718)726-7000 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Shteynman, Svetlana 3501 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11103 (718)726-7000 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Walters, Guillermo 3501 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11103 (718)726-7000 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Bayside - 11360 Carlin, Michael 2601 Corp. Kennedy Street Bayside, NY 11360 (718)423-4091 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Feit, Sheldon 2601 Corp. Kennedy Street Bayside, NY 11360 (718)423-4091 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Mandell, Menachem 2601 Corp. Kennedy Street Bayside, NY 11360 (718)423-4091 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Segal, Suzanne 2601 Corp. Kennedy Street Bayside, NY 11360 (718)423-4091 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Shteynman, Svetlana 2601 Corp. Kennedy Street Bayside, NY 11360 (718)423-4091 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Walters, Guillermo 2601 Corp. Kennedy Street Bayside, NY 11360 (718)423-4091 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 41 Specialists New York State - Queens County Corona - 11368 Albert, Pradeep 10005 Roosevelt Avenue, Ste 203 Corona, NY 11368 (718)533-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Elmhurst - 11373 DeMarco, Charles 40-36 74th Street Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)426-6600 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Kwai, Andrew 86-35 Queens Blvd, Suite 2LM Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)576-4214 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Prakash, Siddharth 86-35 Queens Blvd, Suite 2LM Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)477-1927 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Flushing - 11354 Bacchus, Leon 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Ben-Levi, Eran 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Coopersmith, Helise 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jason, Naidich 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Bittman, Mark 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Daniel, Walz 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Lee, Tracy 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Brown, Michael 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC DeMarco, Charles 149-45 Northern Blvd Flushing, NY 11354 (718)353-8348 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Navid, Rahmani 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Burak, Jarett 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Grimaldi, Gregory 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Rakesh, Shah 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Burke, Brian 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Hoffman, Janet 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Robert, Villani 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Chusid, Jesse 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Hofman, Joshua 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Robin, Warshawsky 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 42 Specialists New York State - Queens County Ziprkowski, Micha 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Belliappa, Ajit 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Decker, Mark 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Fish, Bilha 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Flushing - 11355 Belliappa, Ajit 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Decker, Mark 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Flushing Hospital 4500 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Bentley, Bernard 132-52 41st Avenue Flushing, NY 11355 (718)321-3262 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Dineen, Timothy 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Carlin, Michael 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Dineen, Timothy 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Carlin, Michael 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Feit, Sheldon 55-28 Main Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)445-5100 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Carlin, Michael 55-28 Main Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)445-5100 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Fish, Bilha 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Armstrong, Mark 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Armstrong, Mark 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Bania, Merita 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Bania, Merita 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Freed, Harris 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Freed, Harris 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Golkow, Russell 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Golkow, Russell 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 43 Specialists New York State - Queens County Green, Adam 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Hirsch, Howard 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Kulkarni, Shashikant 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lawler, Gregory 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Green, Adam 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Hirsch, Howard 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Kulkarni, Shashikant 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lawler, Gregory 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Greene, Michael 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Islam, Nayyer 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lalaji, Anand 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lubitz, Alan 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Greene, Michael 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Islam, Nayyer 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lalaji, Anand 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lubitz, Alan 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Herbstman, Martin 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Kang, Baik 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lalaji, Tejal 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Mandell, Menachem 55-28 Main Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)445-5100 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Herbstman, Martin 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Kang, Baik 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lalaji, Tejal 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Paruchuri, Narayan 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 44 Specialists New York State - Queens County Paruchuri, Narayan 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Rajmane, Kiran 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Polsani, Aruna 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Rajmane, Kiran 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Polsani, Aruna 147-05 Elm Avenue, 1st Floor Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-1568 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Sachdev, Karina 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Polsani, Aruna 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA R., Tanenbaum Harold 41-25 Kissena Blvd. Suite 122 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)321-2849 Hospital Affiliation(s): Richmond Hill Radiology Tom, Vivian 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Segal, Suzanne 55-28 Main Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)445-5100 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Travers, Concannon Eileen 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Sherman, Scott 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Sachdev, Karina 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Sherman, Scott 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Segal, Suzanne 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Shteynman, Svetlana 55-28 Main Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)445-5100 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Segal, Suzanne 147-05 Elm Avenue, 1st Floor Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-1568 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Segal, Suzanne 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Tom, Vivian 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Travers, Concannon Eileen 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Uzor, Robert 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Uzor, Robert 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 45 Specialists New York State - Queens County Waldman, Michael 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Yang, John 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Waldman, Michael 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Flushing - 11358 Walters, Guillermo 55-28 Main Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)445-5100 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Winn, Michael 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Winn, Michael 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Yang, John 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Carlin, Michael 3530 Francis Lewis Blvd Flushing, NY 11358 (718)661-4866 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Shteynman, Svetlana 3530 Francis Lewis Blvd Flushing, NY 11358 (718)661-4866 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Walters, Guillermo 3530 Francis Lewis Blvd Flushing, NY 11358 (718)661-4866 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Forest Hills - 11375 Feit, Sheldon 3530 Francis Lewis Blvd Flushing, NY 11358 (718)661-4866 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Ali, Noor 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4747 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Mandell, Menachem 3530 Francis Lewis Blvd Flushing, NY 11358 (718)661-4866 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Alper, Huntley 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Segal, Suzanne 3530 Francis Lewis Blvd Flushing, NY 11358 (718)661-4866 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Ankur, Parikh 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Barbara, Podwall 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Barna, Kelly 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Barry, Shpizner 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Basra, Gurbhushan 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Ben-Levi, Eran 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 46 Bacchus, Leon 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Specialists New York State - Queens County Bittman, Mark 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Burke, Brian 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Chris, Sung 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Daniel, Walz 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Black, Karen 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Campeas, Susan 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Chu, Philippe 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Davis, Lawrence 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Blumenthal, Brianne 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4747 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Cantos, Eric 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Chusid, Jesse 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-1126 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Dintnfass, Nancy 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Bow, Shirley 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Carlin, Michael 107-21 Queens Blvd. Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)575-3322 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Coopersmith, Helise 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Eliza, Pile-Spellman 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Brown, Michael 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Cavanagh, Lovleen 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Corinne, Tobin 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4747 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Ephram, Weingarten 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4747 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Burak, Jarett 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Chang, Jerry 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC D'Agostino, Catherine 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Fagelman, Donald 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 47 Specialists New York State - Queens County Febles, Anthony 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Grimaldi, Gregory 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Hertz-Shargel, Michal 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jessica, Ozsvath 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Feit, Jerrold 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Gupta, Ekta 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Hines, John 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jocelyn, Park 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Feit, Sheldon 107-21 Queens Blvd. Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)575-3322 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Harisiadis, Spyros 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-1196 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Hoffman, Janet 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC John, O'Donnell 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)470-7263 Friedman, Barak 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Heimowitz, Howard 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Hofman, Joshua 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Gerald, Schulze 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Henry, Pek 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Horenstein, Craig 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Ginny, Mantello 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4747 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Herskovits, Mark 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jason, Naidich 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 48 John, Pellerito 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Johnson, Alan 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Kanzer, Barry 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Specialists New York State - Queens County Kern, Joshua 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4747 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Lawrence, Milner 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Levenbrown, Jack 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Melissa, Sapan 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4747 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Khan, Arfa 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Lee, Erich 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Levine, Marla 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Michael, Shapiro 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4747 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Khilnani, Gita 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Lee, Hwayoung 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Louisa, Viola 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Michelle, Multz 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Kim, Samuel 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Lee, Paul 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Mandell, Menachem 107-21 Queens Blvd. Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)575-3322 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Monica, Sheth 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC LaMarca, Anthony 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Lee, Tracy 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Martin, Elsant 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Naciye, Turan 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-1196 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Lawrence, Loretta 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Leonora, Mui 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Mcdonnell, Andrew 101-18 Queens Blvd Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)554-5400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Navid, Rahmani 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 49 Specialists New York State - Queens County Nija, Mathew 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Robert, Sperber 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Schwinger, Ronald 102-02 Queens Blvd Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)896-7600 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Steiner, Ari 69-15 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)544-5100 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Priya, Shah 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Robert, Villani 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4747 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Schwinger, Ronald 69-15 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)544-5100 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Stephanie, Soohoo 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-1196 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Rakesh, Shah 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Robin, Warshawsky 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Segal, Suzanne 107-21 Queens Blvd. Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)575-3322 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Steven, Weck 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Ralph, Milillo 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4747 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Ross, Wank 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Shteynman, Svetlana 107-21 Queens Blvd. Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)575-3322 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Steven, Wengrover 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Reena, Malhotra 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Rothpearl, Allen 111-20 Queens Blvd Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)263-2208 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Siram, Satyanath 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Sunita, Trikha 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Richard, Siegmann 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Sarah, Schwitzer 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Steiner, Ari 102-02 Queens Blvd Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)544-5100 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Suzanne, McElligott 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 50 Specialists New York State - Queens County Suzanne, Segal 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wong, Marilyn 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Tamara, Mohuchy 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Yablok, Svetlana 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Thomas, Mannino 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Yagudayeva, Negkadam 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4059 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Walters, Guillermo 107-21 Queens Blvd. Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)575-3322 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Woldenberg, Rona 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wong, Alexander 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-1196 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Yasser, Mir 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Zarrin, Salimi 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Howard Beach 11414 Carlin, Michael 160-55 Cross Bay Blvd. Howard Beach, NY 11414 (718)228-1199 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Feit, Sheldon 160-55 Cross Bay Blvd. Howard Beach, NY 11414 (718)228-1199 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Mandell, Menachem 160-55 Cross Bay Blvd. Howard Beach, NY 11414 (718)228-1199 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Segal, Suzanne 160-55 Cross Bay Blvd. Howard Beach, NY 11414 (718)228-1199 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Ziprkowski, Micha 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Shteynman, Svetlana 160-55 Cross Bay Blvd. Howard Beach, NY 11414 (718)228-1199 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Walters, Guillermo 160-55 Cross Bay Blvd. Howard Beach, NY 11414 (718)228-1199 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Jackson Heights 11372 Armstrong, Mark 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Bania, Merita 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Belliappa, Ajit 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 51 Specialists New York State - Queens County Carlin, Michael 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Fish, Bilha 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Herbstman, Martin 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lalaji, Anand 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Carlin, Michael 7411 37th Avenue Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-6100 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Freed, Harris 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Hirsch, Howard 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lalaji, Tejal 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Decker, Mark 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Golkow, Russell 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Islam, Nayyer 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lawler, Gregory 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Dineen, Timothy 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Green, Adam 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Kang, Baik 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lubitz, Alan 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Feit, Sheldon 7411 37th Avenue Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-6100 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Greene, Michael 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Kulkarni, Shashikant 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Mandell, Menachem 7411 37th Avenue Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-6100 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 52 Specialists New York State - Queens County Paruchuri, Narayan 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Segal, Suzanne 7411 37th Avenue Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-6100 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Uzor, Robert 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Polsani, Aruna 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Sherman, Scott 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Waldman, Michael 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Rajmane, Kiran 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Shteynman, Svetlana 7411 37th Avenue Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-6100 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Walters, Guillermo 7411 37th Avenue Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-6100 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Sachdev, Karina 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Tom, Vivian 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Winn, Michael 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Segal, Suzanne 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Travers, Concannon Eileen 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Yang, John 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Jamaica - 11423 Alam, Hamid 195-50 Jamaica Ave Jamaica, NY 11423 (718)776-9899 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Jamaica - 11432 Williams, Howard 80-15 164th Street Jamaica, NY 11432 ( 71)838-0601 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Jamaica - 11435 DeMarco, Charles 144-17 Hillside Avenue Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)523-7570 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA JAMAICA ESTATES 11432 PODOLNICK, KIM 80-15 164TH STREET JAMAICA ESTATES, NY 11432 (718)380-6010 Hospital Affiliation(s): NRAD MEDICAL ASSOCIATES PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 53 Specialists New York State - Queens County Kew Gardens - 11415 Armstrong, Mark 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Bania, Merita 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Belliappa, Ajit 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Carlin, Michael 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Decker, Mark 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Green, Adam 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Kang, Baik 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Dineen, Timothy 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Greene, Michael 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Kulkarni, Shashikant 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Fish, Bilha 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Herbstman, Martin 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lalaji, Anand 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Freed, Harris 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Hirsch, Howard 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lalaji, Tejal 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Golkow, Russell 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Islam, Nayyer 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lawler, Gregory 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 54 Specialists New York State - Queens County Lubitz, Alan 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Segal, Suzanne 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Uzor, Robert 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Paruchuri, Narayan 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Sherman, Scott 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Waldman, Michael 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Polsani, Aruna 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Tom, Vivian 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Winn, Michael 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Rajmane, Kiran 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Travers, Concannon Eileen 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Yang, John 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Sachdev, Karina 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Ozone Park - 11417 Izzo, Joseph 101-14 Liberty Ave Ozone Park, NY 11417 (347)829-3481 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Ludwig, David 101-14 Liberty Ave Ozone Park, NY 11417 (347)829-3481 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Ozone Park - 11418 Yi, Wang Wen 41-25 Kissena Blvd. Suite 122 Ozone Park, NY 11418 (718)846-0606 Hospital Affiliation(s): Richmond Hill Radiology Rego Park - 11374 Carlin, Michael 9811 Queens Blvd Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)228-1850 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA DeMarco, Charles 62-43 Woodhaven Blvd Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)507-4700 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Feit, Sheldon 9811 Queens Blvd Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)228-1850 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 55 Specialists New York State - Queens County Fish, Bilha 62-43 Woodhaven Blvd Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)507-4700 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Mandell, Menachem 9811 Queens Blvd Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)228-1850 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Perlov, Marina 9917 63rd Road Rego Park, NY 11374 (917)566-6147 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Segal, Suzanne 9811 Queens Blvd Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)228-1850 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Carlin, Michael 66-55 Fresh Pond Road Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718)497-1919 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Segal, Suzanne 345 St. Nicholas Avenue Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718)408-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA R., Tanenbaum Harold 116-14 Myrtle Ave. Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)846-0606 Hospital Affiliation(s): Richmond Hill Radiology Feit, Sheldon 345 St. Nicholas Avenue Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718)408-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Segal, Suzanne 66-55 Fresh Pond Road Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718)228-1199 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Feit, Sheldon 66-55 Fresh Pond Road Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718)497-1919 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Shteynman, Svetlana 345 St. Nicholas Avenue Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718)408-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Mandell, Menachem 345 St. Nicholas Avenue Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718)408-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Shteynman, Svetlana 66-55 Fresh Pond Road Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718)228-1199 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Mandell, Menachem 66-55 Fresh Pond Road Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718)228-1199 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Walters, Guillermo 345 St. Nicholas Avenue Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718)408-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Richmond Hill - 11418 Jamaica Hospital Medical Center 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Yi, Wang Wen 116-14 Myrtle Ave. Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)846-0606 Hospital Affiliation(s): Richmond Hill Radiology Ridgewood - 11385 Shteynman, Svetlana 9811 Queens Blvd Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)228-1850 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Carlin, Michael 345 St. Nicholas Avenue Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718)408-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Walters, Guillermo 9811 Queens Blvd Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)228-1850 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 56 Specialists New York State - Queens County Walters, Guillermo 66-55 Fresh Pond Road Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718)497-1919 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Rockaway Beach 11693 DeMarco, Charles 8820 Rockaway Beach Blvd Rockaway Beach, NY 11693 (718)634-8080 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Rosedale - 11422 South Richmond Hill 11419 Andrews, Shari 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Brittany, Marcello 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Arshad, Faizan 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Brogan, Gerard 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Emergency Medicine Ash, Adam 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Bryan, McCarty 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Forest Hills - 11375 Audrey, Rochester 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Chaudhry, Khyzar 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Avcioglu, Ayse 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Chen, Zong 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Berman, Adam 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Chi, Nguyen 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Leadon, Joseph 125-07 Liberty Avenue South Richmond Hill, NY 11419 (718)845-8900 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Woodside - 11377 Perlov, Marina 3965 52nd Street Woodside, NY 11377 (718)429-0039 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Kwai, Andrew 131-76 Laurelton Parkway Rosedale, NY 11422 (203)807-3042 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Acerra, John 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC South Ozone Park 11420 Ahmed, Abdul-Aziz 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC DeMarco, Charles 131-18 Rockaway Blvd South Ozone Park, NY 11420 (718)659-7166 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Alison, Suarez 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 57 Specialists New York State - Queens County Choi, Edward 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Chong, Hong 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Christopher, Punzalan 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Cindy, Usher 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Cioe, Eric 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Corujo, Omar 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC D'Angelo, John 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 David, Silver 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC David, Tran 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Derreck, Raimo 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Derzie, Alan 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Dexeus, Daniel 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Diana, Valcich 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Gafur, Amir 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Doni, Segerivas 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Garra, Gregory 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Erin, Marra 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Gaurav, Patel 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Fazio, Frank 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Gazi, Farhad 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Francis, Sabatino 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Gehres, Paschal 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Friedman, Matt 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Goebel, Jennifer 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 58 Specialists New York State - Queens County Goldie, Schwarzbard 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Hertz, Craig 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jagruti, Patel 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Kessler, Benjamin 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Gottesman, Brent 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Hoang, Ngoc 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jatinder, Singh 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Kesten, Stacy 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Greenblatt, Benjamin 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Horwitz, Jeffrey 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Joshua, Moskovitz 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Kittisarapong, Natwalee 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Gupta, Anura 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Husain, Abbas 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Joshua, Nogar 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Guttenberg, Michael 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Isakharov, Margarita 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Joyner, Narissa 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Habib, Salma 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jafri, Farrukh 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Kazos, Alexander 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Klein, Pamela 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Korn, Robert 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Lai, Pamela 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 59 Specialists New York State - Queens County Lashley, Eustace 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Malia, Myers 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Lau, Christine 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Manju, Rentala 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Leber, Mark 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Mark, Su 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Lee, David 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Matthew, Projansky 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Leno, Anthony 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Mityanand, Ramnarine 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Monica, ParragaMarquez 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Rashida, WhiteMcCrimmon 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Payal, Sud 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Reynaldo, Punsal 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Petru, Nemes 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Robert, Ellspermann 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Philip, Miu 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Robert, Silverman 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Rachel, Morris 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Robert, Wighton 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Lukas, Shutler 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Salvatore, Pardo 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 60 Specialists New York State - Queens County Sandeep, Patel 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Shyambhai, Rao 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Susan, Milhausen 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Voorhees, Jessica Van 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wong, Ken 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Yelena, SorokinaRuffini 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Yoneda, Nao 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)256-6353 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Yu, Sammy 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Zabar, Benjamin 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Zimmerman, Jason 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Zito, Joseph 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Rego Park - 11374 Amato, Teresa 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Christopher, Punzalan 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Andrews, Shari 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Christopher, Raio 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Ash, Adam 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC David, Silver 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Berman, Adam 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Diana, Valcich 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Chaudhry, Khyzar 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Duroseau, Yves 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 61 Specialists New York State - Queens County Fanny, Mantilla 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Habib, Salma 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Kazos, Alexander 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Leno, Anthony 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Fazio, Frank 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Horwitz, Jeffrey 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Lukas, Shutler 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Kittisarapong, Natwalee 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Garra, Gregory 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC John, Munyak 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Goldie, Schwarzbard 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Joseph, Savasta 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Greenblatt, Benjamin 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Joyner, Narissa 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Korszun, Tadeusz 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Lee, David 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Manju, Rentala 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Mark, Tang 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Lennon, Kyle 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Monica, ParragaMarquez 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 62 Specialists New York State - Queens County Natalya, Urovish 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Robert, Wighton 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Zito, Joseph 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Payal, Sud 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Sandeep, Patel 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Endocrinology Philipp, Underwood 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Shyambhai, Rao 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Reynaldo, Punsal 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Voorhees, Jessica Van 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Robert, Silverman 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Zhou, Qiuping 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Astoria - 11106 , Maria Skamagas 31-60 21st Street Astoria, NY 11106 (718)267-4265 Hospital Affiliation(s): MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL Far Rockaway - 11691 Bavli, Samuel 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Chowdhry, Mohammed 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Markowitz, Sheldon 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Schwartz, Natalie 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Flushing - 11355 Joseph, Tibaldi 4500 Parsons Blvd., ACC Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Liu, Lisen 136-25 Maple Ave. Suite 201 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)939-2669 Hospital Affiliation(s): Wisdom Medical, PC Vinay, Kapoor 4500 Parsons Blvd., ACC Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Wheelchair Accessible Page 63 Specialists New York State - Queens County Rego Park - 11373 C.K., Liu George 59-15 94th St. Suite D6 Rego Park, NY 11373 (718)271-3747 Hospital Affiliation(s): George Liu, MD, PC Richmond Hill - 11418 Khaled, Zeitoun 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Narinder, Kukar 8900 Van Wyck Expressway, Suite 2 Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Richard, Pinsker 134-20 Jamaica Avenue, 1st Floor, Axel Building Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6742 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Endocrinology/Metaboli sm Arverne - 11692 Chowdhry, Mohammed 6200 Beach Channel Drive Arverne, NY 11692 (718)945-7150 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Astoria - 11102 Chopra, Rajpal 25-10 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)932-1000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Far Rockaway - 11693 Chowdhry, Mohammed 357 Beach 89th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11693 (718)318-1090 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Flushing - 11355 Chopra, Rajpal 45-00 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Forest Hills - 11375 Rego Park - 11374 Chopra, Rajpal 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Kissin, Esther 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Kissin, Esther 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4770 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Kissin, Esther 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jackson Heights 11372 Chopra, Rajpal 7005 35th Avenue Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-6800 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Middle Village - 11379 Chopra, Rajpal 61-35 Dry Harbor Road Middle Village, NY 11379 (718)505-7500 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 64 ENT/Otolaryngology Astoria - 11102 Beckhardt, Russell 31-19 Newtown Avenue, Suite 201 Astoria, NY 11102 (718)971-2490 Hospital Affiliation(s): ENT & Allergy Associates LLP Poulos, George 31-19 Newtown Avenue, Suite 201 Astoria, NY 11102 (718)971-2490 Hospital Affiliation(s): ENT & Allergy Associates LLP Wakefield, Tamekia 31-19 Newtown Avenue, Suite 201 Astoria, NY 11102 (718)971-2490 Hospital Affiliation(s): ENT & Allergy Associates LLP Specialists New York State - Queens County Bayside - 11360 Flushing - 11354 Flushing - 11355 Blank, Andrew 210-33 26th Avenue, Suite 1 Bayside, NY 11360 (718)631-8899 Hospital Affiliation(s): ENT & Allergy Associates LLP Brett, Wu Zhenqing 136-40 39th Ave. Suite 6GB Flushing, NY 11354 (718)321-8246 Hospital Affiliation(s): Zhenqing Brett Wu, MD, PLLC Ming, Lin Fan 133-47 Sanford Ave. Suite 1A Flushing, NY 11355 (718)461-9777 Hospital Affiliation(s): Fan Ming Lin, MD, PC Suh, Gerald 210-33 26th Avenue, Suite 1 Bayside, NY 11360 (718)631-8899 Hospital Affiliation(s): ENT & Allergy Associates LLP Huo, Jerry 136-20 38th Ave. Suite 7J Flushing, NY 11354 (718)670-0006 Hospital Affiliation(s): NY Otolaryngology, PLLC Wakefield, Tamekia 210-33 26th Avenue, Suite 1 Bayside, NY 11360 (718)631-8899 Hospital Affiliation(s): ENT & Allergy Associates LLP Jen, Albert 136-20 38th Ave. Suite 7J Flushing, NY 11354 (718)670-0006 Hospital Affiliation(s): NY Otolaryngology, PLLC Far Rockaway - 11691 K., Chan Edwin 136-40 39th Ave. Suite 6GB Flushing, NY 11354 (718)321-8246 Hospital Affiliation(s): Edwin K. Chan, MD, PC Genack, Sheldon 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Rajendra, Bhayani 4500 Parsons Blvd., ACC Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Yung, Raymond 41-60 Main st. Suite 310A Flushing, NY 11355 (212)625-8069 Hospital Affiliation(s): Raymond L. Yung, MD, PC Richmond Hill - 11418 Abraham, Zimm 8900 Van Wyck Expressway, ACC Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys David, Seidman 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Marc, Gottlieb 89-06 135th Street, Suite 2T Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-7110 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Nicole, Moulin 89-06 135th Street, Suite 2T Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-7110 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Eyeglass Provider Astoria - 11103 Stadlen, Mark 38 03 Broadway Astoria, NY 11103 (718)956-3000 Astoria - 11105 Fokas, Anastasios 2318 31st St Astoria, NY 11105 (718)626-3944 Lee, Susana 2238 31st St Astoria, NY 11105 (718)278-3600 Muller McGovern, Hope 2238 31st St Astoria, NY 11105 (718)278-3600 Wheelchair Accessible Page 65 Specialists New York State - Queens County Vu, Laurie 3117 23rd Ave Astoria, NY 11105 (718)626-9400 Astoria - 11106 McKinney, John 34 18 Broadway Astoria, NY 11106 (718)204-5037 Bayside - 11361 Lim, Seul 4101 Bell Blvd Bayside, NY 11361 (718)428-6700 Teran, Elyse 4101 Bell Blvd Bayside, NY 11361 (718)428-6700 Corona - 11368 Hourizadeh, Pezhman 10306 Roosevelt Ave Corona, NY 11368 (718)242-1333 Elmhurst - 11373 Goldstein, Leonard 5910 Junction Blvd Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)721-6883 Patino, Lucia 4007 82nd St Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)505-9401 Fokas, Anastasios 1826 College Point Blvd College Point, NY 11356 (718)626-3944 Flushing - 11358 Wai, Kai Wing 13620 38th Ave Ste 5B Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-0088 Chan, Jose 2537A Francis Lewis Blvd Flushing, NY 11358 (718)281-2273 Yin, John 4034 Union St Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-8858 Orenstein, David 3603 162nd St Flushing, NY 11358 (718)353-1220 Flushing - 11355 Flushing - 11367 Tsai, David 8529 Broadway Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)393-1889 Cai, Leon 4125 Kissena Blvd Ste 104 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)358-5888 Hourizadeh, Pezhman 7259 Kissena Blvd Flushing, NY 11367 (718)263-2020 Far Rockaway - 11691 College Point - 11356 Lee, Seung 21411 73rd Ave Bayside, NY 11364 (866)587-7270 Schorr, Nathan 308 Beach 9th St Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)327-0048 Far Rockaway - 11694 Mirkin, Daniel 253 Beach 116th St Far Rockaway, NY 11694 (718)634-0005 Flushing - 11354 Ip, Timothy 13620 38th Ave Ste 6H Flushing, NY 11354 (718)762-3790 Chen, Amy 14020 Sanford Ave Ste 1C Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-3838 Schrier, Kenneth 7263 Main St Flushing, NY 11367 (718)263-6754 Forest Hills - 11375 Kornblatt, Martin 4202 Main St Flushing, NY 11355 (347)826-3127 Kakzanov, Michael 6677 Selfridge St Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)268-4040 Ma, Diana 14008 Sanford Ave Flushing, NY 11355 (718)353-3211 Kapelnik, Boris 6373 108th St Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)896-2020 Wheelchair Accessible Page 66 Levy, Steve 21411 73rd Ave Bayside, NY 11364 (718)225-5533 Yip, Melissa 14008 Sanford Ave Flushing, NY 11355 (718)353-3211 Bayside - 11364 Kim, Donald 13620 38th Ave Ste 6H Flushing, NY 11354 (718)762-3790 Specialists New York State - Queens County Malakova, Natalya 6405 Yellowstone Blvd Apt 103 Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)520-6500 Vayner, Arthur 6373 108th St Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)896-2020 Glen Oaks - 11004 Levine, Flora 25923B Union Turnpike Glen Oaks, NY 11004 (718)347-7470 Poley, Vladimir 25923 Union Turnpike Glen Oaks, NY 11004 (718)347-7470 Glendale - 11385 Jackson Heights 11372 Lam, on 7517 37th Ave Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)779-1222 Dong, Stephen 8002 Kew Gardens Rd Ste C 108 Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-2222 Schrier, Kenneth 8028 37th Ave Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)639-2020 Jung, Lily 8002 Kew Gardens Rd Ste C 108 Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-2222 Won, Jorge 8407 Roosevelt Ave Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)651-2020 Kirkland, Lisa 17805 Hillside Ave Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)657-0050 Little Neck - 11362 Wallach, David 16820 Jamaica Ave Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)739-5454 Sarason, David 7809 Myrtle Ave Glendale, NY 11385 (718)386-1818 Jamaica - 11434 Howard Beach 11414 Nieder, Mark 15614 Crossbay Blvd Howard Beach, NY 11414 (718)738-2020 Malakova, Natalya 11827 Metropolitan Ave Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)850-0050 Jamaica - 11432 Haiimpour, Farshad 8028 Cooper Ave Ste 6116 Glendale, NY 11385 (718)416-3937 Kew Gardens - 11415 Kirkland, Lisa 12221A Guy R Brewer Blvd Jamaica, NY 11434 (718)527-0550 Jamaica - 11435 Haiimpour, Farshad 8914 Sutphin Blvd Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)739-8939 Nejatheim, Allon 24812 Northern Blvd #1 Little Neck, NY 11362 (718)229-6780 Maspeth - 11378 Gaudio, James 6911 Grand Ave Maspeth, NY 11378 (718)458-5055 Middle Village - 11379 Gaudio, James 7514 Metropolitan Ave Middle Village, NY 11379 (718)894-9040 Queens Village 11427 Alami, Lara 8787 Francis Lewis Blvd Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)465-4999 Ip, Timothy 8787 Francis Lewis Blvd Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)395-4176 Rego Park - 11374 Retkinski, Sheldon 9309 63rd Dr Ste A Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)402-0388 Richmond Hill - 11418 Epstein, Marc 13303 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Ridgewood - 11385 Stein, Steven 5905 71st Ave Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718)386-8900 Rockaway Park 11694 Feinstein, Marvin 11310 Beach Channel Dr Rockaway Park, NY 11694 (718)474-1234 Wheelchair Accessible Page 67 Specialists New York State - Queens County Friedman, Masha Michelle 11310 Beach Channel Dr Rockaway Park, NY 11694 (718)474-1234 Stelmach Lankamer, Kinga 11310 Beach Channel Dr Rockaway Park, NY 11694 (718)474-1234 South Richmond Hill 11419 Kandel, George 12015 Liberty Ave South Richmond Hill, NY 11419 (718)843-2156 Woodhaven - 11421 Price, Ira 9301 Jamaica Ave Woodhaven, NY 11421 (718)847-8877 Female Pelvic Medicine and Rec Rego Park - 11374 Dara, Shalom 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Gastroenterology Elmhurst - 11373 Astoria - 11106 Guillaume, Carl 87-08 Justice Avenue, Suite CS Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)779-9599 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Saurabh, Mehandru 31-60 21st Street Astoria, NY 11106 (718)267-4265 Hospital Affiliation(s): MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL Bayside - 11361 Rand, James 200-12 44th Avenue Bayside, NY 11361 (718)224-7454 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Sohn, Won 213-33 39th Ave. Suite 248 Bayside, NY 11361 (718)428-5333 Hospital Affiliation(s): Won Sohn, MD, PC Briarwood - 11435 Mahajan, Deepak 85-15 Main Street, Suite#B Briarwood, NY 11435 (718)523-2178 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wang, Chuansheng 87-08 Justice Ave. Suite C6 Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)507-8866 Hospital Affiliation(s): Elmhurst Queens Gastroenterology and Hepatology Medical Consultant Mehlman, Jay 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Twersky, Yitzhak 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Far Rockaway - 11691 Flushing - 11354 Aja-Onu, Iheanyichukwu 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Fenster, Jay 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Jing, Tong 142-10 Roosevelt Ave. Suite P24 Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-9819 Hospital Affiliation(s): Tong Jing, MD, PC Lee, Tai-Ping 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Li, Michael 136-20 38th Ave. Suite 6F Flushing, NY 11354 (718)888-9700 Hospital Affiliation(s): Flushing Medical Service, PLLC Wheelchair Accessible Page 68 Specialists New York State - Queens County Mo, Myung Joon 154-08 Northern Blvd. Suite 2K Flushing, NY 11354 (718)445-0200 Hospital Affiliation(s): Myung Gastroenterology, PC Flushing - 11355 Alan, Lesman 4500 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Chan, Sing 142-41 41st Ave. Suite P10 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)886-6292 Hospital Affiliation(s): Sing Chan, MD, PC Hon, King-Chen 42-60 Main St. Suite 7 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)359-2827 Hospital Affiliation(s): KingChen Hon Office Based Endoscopy, PLLC Hon, King-Chen 42-60 Main St. Suite 8 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)359-2827 Hospital Affiliation(s): King Chen Hon, MD, PC John, Kim 4500 Parsons Blvd, ACC Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Chuang, Chenan 133-47 Sanford Ave. Suite 1C Flushing, NY 11355 (718)461-9779 Hospital Affiliation(s): Chenan Chuang, MD, PC Jun, Li Jian 42-35 Main St. Suite 3E Flushing, NY 11355 (718)886-8510 Hospital Affiliation(s): Jianjun Li, GI Medical, PC Hing, Tin Hui 42-35 Main St. Suite 3E Flushing, NY 11355 (718)886-8510 Hospital Affiliation(s): Jianjun Li, GI Medical, PC Kuan, Jackson 132-59 41st Rd. Suite 1A, 1B Flushing, NY 11355 (718)358-3535 Hospital Affiliation(s): Jackson H. Kuan, MD, LLC Nilesh, Mehta 4500 Parsons Blvd., ACC Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Pan, Calvin 132-21 41st Ave. Suite 1A Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-7728 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medical Procare, PLLC Rand, James 55-16 Main Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)461-0017 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA SOMNAY, KAUMUDI 5514 MAIN STREET Flushing, NY 11355 (718)321-0670 Hospital Affiliation(s): KAUMUDI SOMNAY MD Xie, Jianlin 41-60 Main St. Suite 201A Flushing, NY 11355 (718)321-8840 Hospital Affiliation(s): Xie Jianlin Gastoenterology & Hepatology, PLLC Yao, Alan 132-52 41st Ave. Suite M1 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)321-3262 Hospital Affiliation(s): AE & LY Medical Associates, PLLC Yio, Xianyang 136-19 41st Ave. 2nd Floor Flushing, NY 11355 (718)886-6330 Hospital Affiliation(s): Doctor Yio Medical Service, PC Zhao, Xinyu 133-02 41st Ave. 1st Floor Flushing, NY 11355 (718)886-2488 Hospital Affiliation(s): Zhao Gastroenterology & Hepatology PC Flushing - 11358 Cho, Samuel 150-11 Northern Blvd Flushing, NY 11358 (718)460-9640 Forest Hills - 11375 Jagroop, Sophia 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-1631 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 69 Specialists New York State - Queens County Jessica, Widmer 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-1631 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Larry, Miller 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Rand, James 110-45 Queens Boulevard, Suite 103 Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)425-3300 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Schnall, H. 110-45 Queens Boulevard, Suite 103 Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)520-0600 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Fresh Meadows 11366 Rand, James 176-60 Union Tpke Fresh Meadows, NY 11366 (718)425-3300 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Jamaica - 11432 Rego Park - 11373 Richmond Hill - 11418 Mahajan, Deepak 86-75 Midland Parkway Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)523-2177 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Jing, Tong 59-15 94th St. Suite D6 Rego Park, NY 11373 (718)271-3747 Hospital Affiliation(s): Tong Jing, MD, PC Asit, Mehta 134-20 Jamaica Avenue, 1st Floor, Axel Building Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6742 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Maspeth - 11378 Rego Park - 11374 Arya, Vijaypal 69-71 Grand Avenue Maspeth, NY 11378 (718)507-4400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Duddempudi, Anupama 9525 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (516)562-4281 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Middle Village - 11379 Arya, Vijaypal 75-54 Metropolitan Avenue Middle Village, NY 11379 (718)326-0400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Jagroop, Sophia 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6214 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Neponsit - 11694 Guy, Matthew 144-04 Rockaway Beach Blvd Neponsit, NY 11694 (718)945-2714 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Jessica, Widmer 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)830-1631 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Avani, Patel 134-20 Jamaica Avenue, 1st Floor, Axel Building Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6742 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Nausheer, Khan 8900 Van Wyck Expressway, Suite 2 Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Satish, Chawla 134-20 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6742 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Rosedale - 11422 Durzieh,, MD Joseph 235-20 147th Ave Rosedale, NY 11422 (718)339-0391 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Wheelchair Accessible Page 70 Specialists New York State - Queens County South Richmond Hill 11419 Jagroop, Sophia 12508 Liberty Avenue South Richmond Hill, NY 11419 (718)738-2614 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC General Dentistry Arverne - 11692 Astoria - 11102 Termechi, Omid 3012 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)956-7800 Soi, Poonam 3156 Steinway Street Astoria, NY 11103 (718)721-4700 Astoria - 11103 Astoria - 11105 Arabzadeh Kashani, Maryam 3156 Steinway Street Astoria, NY 11103 (718)721-4700 BenedictoYu, Maria T. 6200 Beach Channel Drive Arverne, NY 11692 (718)474-4733 Byrd, Tara E. 3156 Steinway Street Astoria, NY 11103 (718)421-4700 Gamboa, Pilar M. 6200 Beach Channel Drive Arverne, NY 11692 (718)474-4733 Chen, Tony 3156 Steinway Street Astoria, NY 11103 (718)721-4700 Kelly, Wayne G. 342 Beach 54th Street Arverne, NY 11692 (718)474-0801 Constantin, Christina 3156 Steinway Street Astoria, NY 11103 (718)421-4700 Mashkabova, Lyubov 6200 Beach Channel Drive Arverne, NY 11692 (718)945-7150 Gandler, Rachel 3156 Steinway Street Astoria, NY 11103 (718)421-4700 Powers, Veronica 6200 Beach Channel Drive Arverne, NY 11692 (718)945-7150 Hertz, Morton J. 3156 Steinway Street Astoria, NY 11103 (718)721-4700 Caiafa, Jr., Gene F. 2914 Ditmars Boulevard Astoria, NY 11105 (718)274-1515 Caiafa, Sr., Gene F. 2914 Ditmars Boulevard Astoria, NY 11105 (718)274-1515 Seid, Wayne 2914 Ditmars Boulevard Astoria, NY 11105 (718)274-1515 Bayside - 11361 Katechis, Tassos S. 4021 Bell Boulevard Bayside, NY 11361 (718)352-5582 Kokolis, Michael 40-21 Bell Blvd 2nd Floor Bayside, NY 11361 (718)352-5582 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lupo, Jennie 4021 Bell Boulevard Bayside, NY 11361 (718)352-5582 Won, Sun 4021 Bell Boulevard Bayside, NY 11361 (718)352-5582 Corona - 11368 Khalili, Faramarz 10310 Roosevelt Avenue Corona, NY 11368 (718)779-2626 Pesantes, Juan 4104 102nd Street Corona, NY 11368 (718)651-3939 Sklarin, Jeffrey C. 3731 103rd Street Corona, NY 11368 (718)507-1500 Snyder, Richard A. 9825 Horace Harding Expwy Corona, NY 11368 (718)592-2330 Tsomo, Losang 10310 Roosevelt Avenue Corona, NY 11368 (718)779-2626 Kokolis, Michael 4021 Bell Boulevard Bayside, NY 11361 (718)352-5582 Wheelchair Accessible Page 71 Specialists New York State - Queens County East Elmhurst - 11369 Johnson, Curtis 9401 Astoria Boulevard East Elmhurst, NY 11369 (718)639-6550 Elmhurst - 11373 Abrams, Elizabeth 9438 59th Avenue Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)699-1200 Azan, Sarah 8616 Queens Boulevard Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)457-8787 Chang, YuChien E. 8616 Queens Boulevard Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)457-8787 Fridman, Tatyana 9015 Queens Boulevard Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)760-1616 Khaitov, Arkadiy 9015 Queens Boulevard Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)760-1616 Maksumova, Irina 9015 Queens Boulevard Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)760-1616 Mullakandova, Yelena 9015 Queens Boulevard Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)760-1616 Musheyev, Alexander N. 9015 Queens Boulevard Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)760-1616 Zharnitsky, Mark 4010 82nd Street Elmhurst, NY 11373 ( 71)842-6333 Far Rockaway - 11691 BenedictoYu, Maria T. 1288 Central Avenue Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)945-7150 Flushing - 11354 Hong, Chi Yung S. 14210B Roosevelt Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-5474 Gamboa, Pilar M. 1288 Central Avenue Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)945-7150 Kahng, Joyce J. 3708 Main Street Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-7222 Lalani, Naushir 216 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)327-8435 Kimon, Alexander D. 3708 Main Street Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-7222 Pai, Savira 9015 Queens Boulevard Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)760-1616 Mashkabova, Lyubov 1288 Central Avenue Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)945-7150 Ganga, Mysore S. 7517 41st Avenue Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)803-6300 Sangiray, Engin 9015 Queens Boulevard Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)760-1616 Gavlin, David S. 9438 59th Avenue Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)699-1100 Satter, Quazi 8630 Broadway Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)760-5500 Soberano, Consolacion G. 1288 Central Avenue Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)945-7150 Parikh, Atul 2050 Seagirt Boulevard Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)327-2147 Samet, Irwin 719 Empire Avenue Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)327-7440 Lo, Angela 3708 Main Street Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-7222 Lu, Charles C. 3708 Main Street Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-7222 Santana, Jose 13688 Roosevelt Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)359-4700 Tarasenko, Illya 3708 Main Street Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-7222 Wheelchair Accessible Page 72 Specialists New York State - Queens County Zhou, Yu Ye 13681 Roosevelt Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)353-4777 Tam, Anna T. 4370 Kissena Blvd Flushing, NY 11355 (718)539-4465 Flushing - 11358 Flushing - 11355 Adler, Melton 4606 Utopia Parkway Flushing, NY 11358 (718)353-8967 Chen, Wanda C. 13443 Maple Avenue Flushing, NY 11355 (718)886-2661 Forest Hills - 11375 Arabzadeh Kashani, Maryam 10510 62nd Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)721-4700 Fresh Meadows 11365 Fattakhov, Ezro I. 10510 62nd Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)760-8400 Wasserman, Burton S. 17411 Horace Harding Expressway Fresh Meadows, NY 11365 (718)670-1060 Jhaveri, Sharmila V. 4370 Kissena Blvd Flushing, NY 11355 (718)539-4465 Jhaveri, Virendra L. 4370 Kissena Blvd Flushing, NY 11355 (718)539-4465 Koppikar, Prabhakar M. 13847 Horace Harding Expressway Flushing, NY 11355 (718)353-7885 Schaefer, Mark 4500 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5521 Kent, Thomas Z. 16911 Union Turnpike Flushing, NY 11366 (718)969-8514 Flushing - 11367 Adler, Mitchell 14402 76th Road Flushing, NY 11367 (718)261-3500 Maksumova, Irina 15705 72nd Avenue Flushing, NY 11367 (718)591-5450 Fattakhov, Ruben 10510 62nd Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)760-8400 Kim, Kwang H. 10510 62nd Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)760-8400 Maksumova, Irina 11406 Queens Boulevard Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)544-5414 Maksumova, Yuliya 15705 72nd Avenue Flushing, NY 11367 (718)591-5450 Maksumova, Yuliya 11406 Queens Boulevard Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)544-5414 Solomon, Samson 15705 72nd Avenue Flushing, NY 11367 (718)591-5450 Solomon, Samson 11406 Queens Boulevard Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)544-5414 Flushing - 11366 Hsu, Howard M. 13847 Horace Harding Expressway Flushing, NY 11355 (718)460-4030 Solomon, Simkha 11406 Queens Boulevard Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)544-5414 Solomon, Simkha 15705 72nd Avenue Flushing, NY 11367 (718)591-5450 Hollis - 11423 Katayev, Benjamin V. 19002 Jamaica Avenue Hollis, NY 11423 (718)454-7418 Sunshine, Edward 19002 Jamaica Avenue Hollis, NY 11423 (718)454-7418 Holliswood - 11423 Albeck, Stephen 19517 Hillside Avenue Holliswood, NY 11423 (718)465-4343 Howard Beach 11414 Kurilenko, Yakov 15636A Crossbay Boulevard Howard Beach, NY 11414 (718)323-5132 Wheelchair Accessible Page 73 Specialists New York State - Queens County Mantel, Andrew 15009 89th Street Howard Beach, NY 11414 (718)641-1333 Jackson Heights 11372 Berookhim, Gilbert 8509 37th Avenue Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)458-0229 Chu, Alexander 3733 77th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)478-6100 Gothelf, Craig 3730 83rd Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)639-6966 Imani, Rosette 8418 37th Avenue Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)426-3000 Khan, Wali 3733 77th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)478-6100 Rahman, Sheikh M. M. 7207 35th Avenue Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)476-3666 Jamaica - 11418 Burstein, Michael S. 13420 Jamaica Avenue Jamaica, NY 11418 (718)647-0240 Leider, Michael 13420 Jamaica Avenue Jamaica, NY 11418 (718)206-6980 Jamaica - 11432 Balamurugan, Geetha 8801 Parsons Boulevard Jamaica, NY 11432 (631)264-2610 Bernheim, Paul E. 16814 Jamaica Avenue Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)776-0137 Cohen, Paul I. 8801 Parsons Boulevard Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)526-3400 Garczynski, Douglas 16814 Jamaica Avenue Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)658-0123 Korori, Emil Y. 8902 165th Street Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)657-4838 Rahman, Siddiqur 17012 Highland Avenue Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)526-0700 Sales, Maria S. 11811 Guy Brewer Boulevard Jamaica, NY 11434 (718)945-7150 Rappoport, Samuel 8801 Parsons Boulevard Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)526-3400 Jamaica - 11435 Stachel, Sheldon D. 8902 165th Street Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)657-4838 Jamaica - 11434 BenedictoYu, Maria T. 11811 Guy Brewer Boulevard Jamaica, NY 11434 (718)868-8230 Bernstein, Eric G. 13704 Guy R Brewer Blvd Jamaica, NY 11434 (718)723-5630 Gamboa, Pilar M. 11811 Guy Brewer Boulevard Jamaica, NY 11434 (718)868-8230 Nadler, Gary 13704 Guy R Brewer Blvd Jamaica, NY 11434 (718)723-5630 Taddeo, Gregory R. 9704 Sutphin Blvd Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)657-7088 Jamaica Estates 11432 Blum, Howard 8268 164th Street Jamaica Estates, NY 11432 (718)883-3225 Chiarenza, Angelo 8268 164th Street Jamaica Estates, NY 11432 (718)990-2425 Falciano, Anthony 8268 164th Street Jamaica Estates, NY 11432 (718)883-3000 Friedman, Robert B. 17561 Hillside Avenue Jamaica Estates, NY 11432 (718)297-3303 Wheelchair Accessible Page 74 ManchandaGera, Akanksha 9704 Sutphin Blvd Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)657-7088 Specialists New York State - Queens County Kashani, Payam A. 8268 164th Street Jamaica Estates, NY 11432 (718)883-3000 Lehane, Ronald 8268 164th Street Jamaica Estates, NY 11432 (718)883-3000 Miller, Monte 8268 164th Street Jamaica Estates, NY 11432 (718)883-3000 Ruderman, Howard 8268 164th Street Jamaica Estates, NY 11432 (718)883-3225 SahinlerLynch, Pelin 8268 164th Street Jamaica Estates, NY 11432 (718)883-3225 Shah, Sejal U. 8820 169th Street Jamaica Estates, NY 11432 (718)739-6961 Shakter, Bernard 8268 164th Street Jamaica Estates, NY 11432 (718)883-3225 Sommer, Lawrence D. 17561 Hillside Avenue Jamaica Estates, NY 11432 (718)297-3303 Willner, Leonard 8268 164th Street Jamaica Estates, NY 11432 (718)883-3225 Kew Gardens - 11415 Bitton, Marina 12360 83rd Avenue Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (917)710-4845 Kandinov, Miryem 12360 83rd Avenue Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)261-6310 Kandinov, Yelena D. 12360 83rd Avenue Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)261-6310 Kew Gardens - 11418 Pinsky, Irina 11525 Metropolitan Avenue Kew Gardens, NY 11418 (718)441-2660 Long Island City 11103 Costelloe, Luisa 4016 Astoria Boulevard Long Island City, NY 11103 (718)937-3836 Long Island City 11105 AriasMunoz, Ileana 4140 27th Street Long Island City, NY 11105 (718)784-2240 Hercules, Ila M. 4140 27th Street Long Island City, NY 11105 (718)784-2240 Middle Village - 11379 Barak, Anatoliy 6626 Metropolitan Avenue Middle Village, NY 11379 (718)821-6464 Halpert, Nandor 6626 Metropolitan Avenue Middle Village, NY 11379 (718)502-8809 Isaacs, Susanna 6626 Metropolitan Avenue Middle Village, NY 11379 (718)502-8809 Ozone Park - 11416 Hecht, Barry J. 7721 101st Avenue Ozone Park, NY 11416 (718)845-7730 Sabzanov, Elionara 9120 Atlantic Avenue Ozone Park, NY 11416 (718)641-8207 Schreiner, Roberta H. 9120 Atlantic Avenue Ozone Park, NY 11416 (718)641-8207 Waghela, Rachana 9120 Atlantic Avenue Ozone Park, NY 11416 (718)641-8207 Queens Village 11428 Mahase, Terence T. 22005 94th Drive Queens Village, NY 11428 (516)328-1600 Queens Village 11429 Saint Paul, L. Joanne 21820 Hempstead Avenue Queens Village, NY 11429 (718)217-8701 Wheelchair Accessible Page 75 Specialists New York State - Queens County Rego Park - 11374 Richmond Hill - 11418 Avezbadalov, Iosif A. 9424 63rd Drive Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)997-7762 Pesantes, Juan 11109 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)850-1011 Ganjian, Shahrokh 9737 63rd Road Rego Park, NY 11374 (866)992-6891 Gold, Steven H. 9737 63rd Road Rego Park, NY 11374 (866)992-6891 Hirsch, Lawrence H. 8504 63rd Drive Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)459-0872 Nektalov, Yuriy 9424 63rd Drive Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)997-7762 Zavulunova, Olga 9876 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)459-0591 Richmond Hill - 11419 South Ozone Park 11420 Caiafa, Jr., Gene F. 12419 101st Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11419 (718)274-1515 Bernstein, Eric G. 13111 Rockaway Blvd South Ozone Park, NY 11420 (718)322-9607 Seid, Wayne 12419 101st Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11419 (718)847-3800 Kaufman, Robert J. 13114 Rockaway Boulevard South Ozone Park, NY 11420 (718)322-9022 Ridgewood - 11385 Behmanesh, Babak 6354 Fresh Pond Road Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718)418-5555 Louis, Rufina 321 Wyckoff Avenue Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718)386-3288 Rego Park - 11375 Tamma, Ariel 9424 63rd Drive Rego Park, NY 11375 (718)997-7762 Rockaway Beach 11693 Stein, Tzvi 9008 Rockaway Beach Boulevard Rockaway Beach, NY 11693 (718)634-8200 Stein, Hillel 9008 Rockaway Beach Boulevard Rockaway Beach, NY 11693 (718)634-8200 Nadler, Gary 13111 Rockaway Blvd South Ozone Park, NY 11420 (718)322-9607 Trivedi, Jayesh H. 13404 Rockaway Boulevard South Ozone Park, NY 11420 (718)529-3300 Yeh, Peggy 13114 Rockaway Boulevard South Ozone Park, NY 11420 (718)322-9022 Wheelchair Accessible Page 76 St. Albans - 11412 Moskowitz, Leo 20016 Hollis Avenue St. Albans, NY 11412 (718)736-8204 St. Albans - 11433 Arevalo, Caroline V. 11120 Merrick Boulevard St. Albans, NY 11433 (718)206-9888 Yang, Hyosol 11120 Merrick Boulevard St. Albans, NY 11433 (718)297-1698 Sunnyside - 11104 Khakhar, Kaushik P. 4321 Greenpoint Avenue Sunnyside, NY 11104 (718)786-4175 Woodside - 11377 Chu, Amber T. 5903 Roosevelt Avenue Woodside, NY 11377 (718)651-7700 Gothelf, Eric P. 3759 61st Street Woodside, NY 11377 (718)458-0940 Specialists New York State - Queens County General Surgery Astoria - 11102 Dawar, Mahmood 23-22 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)274-6208 Hospital Affiliation(s): MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL George, Bock 27-15 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)932-0007 Hospital Affiliation(s): MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL Michael, Cioroiu 27-15 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)932-0007 Hospital Affiliation(s): MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL Rodrigo, Sequeira 27-15 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)932-0007 Hospital Affiliation(s): MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL Astoria - 11106 George, Bock 31-60 21st Street Astoria, NY 11106 (718)267-4265 Hospital Affiliation(s): MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL John, Thomas 31-60 21st Street Astoria, NY 11106 (718)267-4265 Hospital Affiliation(s): MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL Michael, Cioroiu 31-60 21st Street Astoria, NY 11106 (718)267-4265 Hospital Affiliation(s): MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL Elmhurst - 11373 Caldera, Franklin 94-07 60th Avenue, Suite D3 Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)271-6106 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Far Rockaway - 11691 Andrade, Javier 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Battista, Jackie 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Te, Jaime 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Dupiton, Rulx 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Young, Jun Moo 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Kim, Stanley 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Flushing - 11354 Makabali, Gilbert 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Choy, Charles 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Hong, Andrew 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Hong, Andrew 147-48 Roosevelt Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)470-3636 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 77 Specialists New York State - Queens County Lee, Jung 143-25A Roosevelt Ave Flushing, NY 11354 (718)353-0505 S., Chen Yi 136-20 38th Ave. Suite 6A Flushing, NY 11354 (718)961-4636 Hospital Affiliation(s): Yi S. Chen, DO, PLLC Sasan, Roayaie 136-17 39th Avenue 4th Floor Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3601 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Flushing - 11355 Conte, Charles 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-4550 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Hong, Andrew 45-00 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC John, Susan Saint 146-01 45th Avenue - Room 211 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5775 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Zaidi, Nasir 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Conte, Charles 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)487-9488 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Kadison, Alan 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (516)487-9488 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Zaidi, Raza 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-4550 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Del, Pin Christina 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Christina A. Del Pin, MD Mario, Bortolussi 4500 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Flushing - 11358 Martine, Louis 4500 Parsons Blvd Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Roberto, Cantu 146-01 45th Avenue, Room 211 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5775 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Zaidi, Nasir 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Kim, Stanley 158-06 Northern Blvd Flushing, NY 11358 (718)445-3700 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Forest Hills - 11375 Ametrano, Jospeh 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Beg, Mansoor 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)487-9488 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Drew, Michael 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)575-9595 Hospital Affiliation(s): Michael Drew, MD Ernesto, Molmenti 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Filardi, Dominic 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)482-8692 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Galvin, Daniel 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (631)351-2000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Huntington Hospital Wheelchair Accessible Page 78 Specialists New York State - Queens County Gellman, Larry 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)482-8692 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Moises, Tenembaum 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)575-9595 Hospital Affiliation(s): Moises Tenembaum, MD Jeffrey, Nicastro 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)470-7323 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Moises, Tenembaum 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)575-9595 Hospital Affiliation(s): Moises Tenembaum, MD John, Wang 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)487-9488 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Ricci, John 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)487-9488 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Kadison, Alan 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)487-9488 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Shivnathan, Pillai 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Lugo, Joanelle 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Zaidi, Raza 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)487-9488 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Michael, Drew 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4770 Hospital Affiliation(s): Michael Drew, MD Fresh Meadows 11366 Asadourian, Armand 176-60 Union Tpke, Ground floor Fresh Meadows, NY 11366 (718)425-3300 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Glendale - 11385 R., Sebastiano Wayne Glendale Family Medicine Glendale, NY 11385 (718)386-8300 Hospital Affiliation(s): Glendale Family Medicine Jackson Heights 11372 Rau, Anjan 93-17 Roosevelt Avenue Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-4843 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Zaidi, Nasir 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Kew Gardens - 11415 Zaidi, Nasir 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Little Neck - 11363 Dawar, Mahmood 82-01 37th Avenue Little Neck, NY 11363 (212)879-0719 Hospital Affiliation(s): MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL Manhasset - 11355 Kadison, Alan 300 Community Drive Manhasset, NY 11355 (516)487-9488 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Maspeth - 11378 Asadourian, Armand 69-46 Grand Avenue Maspeth, NY 11378 (718)476-2900 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 79 Specialists New York State - Queens County Middle Village - 11379 Benedicto, Ramon 75-54 Metropolitan Avenue Middle Village, NY 11379 (718)894-4200 Hospital Affiliation(s): Family Health Center of Middle Village Genelus-Dominique, Elvita 75-54 Metropolitan Avenue Middle Village, NY 11379 (718)894-4200 Hospital Affiliation(s): Family Health Center of Middle Village Rego Park - 11374 Angelo, Procaccino 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (516)482-8692 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Del, Pin Christina 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)575-9595 Hospital Affiliation(s): Christina A. Del Pin, MD Dimitra, Theodoropoulos 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (516)482-8657 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Filardi, Dominic 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (516)482-8692 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Gadaleta, Dominick 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (516)482-8692 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Gellman, Larry 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (516)482-8692 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Greenwald, Marc 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (516)482-8692 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Howard, Nadjari 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (516)482-8657 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Moises, Tenembaum 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)575-9595 Hospital Affiliation(s): Moises Tenembaum, MD Katz, Paul 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (516)482-8692 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Richmond Hill - 11418 Kurtz, Lewis 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (516)482-8692 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Michael, Drew 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)575-9595 Hospital Affiliation(s): Michael S. Drew, MD Michael, Drew 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)975-5200 Hospital Affiliation(s): Michael S. Drew, MD Elaine, Schiesel 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Hong, Andrew 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jeffrey, Chan 89-06 135th Street, Suite 2T Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-7110 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Wheelchair Accessible Page 80 Alfredo, Wong 89-06 135th Street Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)998-3038 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Specialists New York State - Queens County Kenneth, Fretwell 89-06 135th Street, Suite 2T Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-7110 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Vanessa, Ho 89-06 135th St. Ste. 2T Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)998-3038 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Manuel, Fajardo 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)291-3276 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Rockaway Beach 11694 Natalie, Hubbard 89-06 135th Street, Suite 2T Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-7110 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Sebastian, Schubl 89-06 135th Street Suite 2T Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)998-3038 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Syed, Ahmed 89-06 135th Street, Suite 2T Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-7110 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Andrade, Javier 114-12 Beach Channel Drive Rockaway Beach, NY 11694 (718)869-7256 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Gynecologic Oncology Hematology/Oncology Forest Hills - 11375 Bayside - 11361 Lovecchio, John 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Liaw, Jenny 42-23 212 St. Suite 1A Bayside, NY 11361 (914)813-8021 Hospital Affiliation(s): Jenny Liaw, MD, PC Hand Surgery Jamaica - 11418 Paksima,, DO Nader 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Jamaica, NY 11418 (718)206-6923 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Battista, Jackie 114-12 Beach Channel Drive Rockaway Beach, NY 11694 (718)869-7256 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Hematology Rego Park - 11374 Kobrinsky,, MD Boris 97-77 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)261-8686 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Whitestone - 11357 Ricci, John 17-52 Francis Lewis Boulevard Whitestone, NY 11357 (516)730-2100 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Kobrinsky,, MD Boris 97-85 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)261-9100 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Flushing - 11354 Xu, Richard 39-07 Prince St. Suite 3C Flushing, NY 11354 (718)888-7903 Hospital Affiliation(s): Queens-Long Island Oncology & Hematology, PC Y., Lau Pauline 36-09 Main St. Suite 6B Flushing, NY 11354 (718)353-1688 Hospital Affiliation(s): Dr. Lau Medical Oncology, PC Flushing - 11355 Chin, Wang Jen 41-28 Haight St. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)539-2288 Hospital Affiliation(s): Jen Chin Wang, MD, PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 81 Specialists New York State - Queens County He, Zili 42-35 Main St. Suite 3H Flushing, NY 11355 (718)321-0381 Hospital Affiliation(s): Advanced Hematology Oncology, PLLC JASACARE/SERVIC ES FOR THE AGED 3636 33rd Street Suite 305 Astoria, NY 11106 (718)707-9696 Able Healthcare Services Inc. (LHCSA) 91-31 Queens Blvd Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)779-7000 Douglaston - 11362 Far Rockaway - 11691 Handy Helping Services 24650 57th Drive Douglaston, NY 11362 (718)224-3758 Rockaway Home Atendant Services Inc. 1603 Central Ave. Ste. 100 Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)471-5800 Wang, Jyming 133-36 41st Rd. Suite 2M Flushing, NY 11355 (718)463-0093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Jyming Wang, MD, PC Yee, Shum Kee 136-25 Maple Ave. Suite 205 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)463-2245 Hospital Affiliation(s): Kee Y. Shum, MD, PC Rego Park - 11374 Handy Helping Services 246-50 57th Drive Douglaston, NY 11362 (718)224-3758 East Elmhurst - 11369 Aliah Home Care 9804 Astoria Blvd. East Elmhurst, NY 11369 (718)205-5283 Cheng, Kit 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Aliah Home Care 98-04 Astoria Blvd. East Elmhurst, NY 11369 (718)205-5283 Elmhurst - 11373 Home Health Able Healthcare Services Inc. (LHCSA) 9131 Queens Blvd Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)779-7000 Astoria - 11106 JASACARE/SERVIC ES FOR THE AGED 3636 33RD ST STE 305 Astoria, NY 11106 (718)707-9696 Rockaway Home Atendant Services Inc. 16-03 Central Ave. Ste. 100 Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)471-5800 Flushing - 11354 Flushing Manor LTHHCP 36-25 Parsons Blvd. Suite LL-1 Flushing, NY 11354 (718)461-9115 X-TREME Care LLC 3519 150th Street Flushing, NY 11354 (718)461-9602 X-TREME Care LLC 35-19 150th Street Flushing, NY 11354 (718)461-9602 Wheelchair Accessible Page 82 Flushing - 11355 ABC Health Service Registry Inc. 4278 Main Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)359-2284 ABC Health Service Registry Inc. 42-78 Main Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)359-2284 American Business Institute Corp. 4160 Main Street Ste. 305 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)661-3303 American Business Institute Corp. 41-60 Main Street Ste. 305 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)661-3303 Flushing Hospital 4500 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Y Evergreen Care 42.07 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)353-4553 Y Evergreen Care 4207 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)353-4553 Specialists New York State - Queens County Flushing - 11358 Del's Comprehensive Health Care Registry Agency 4566 162nd Street Ste. 1 Flushing, NY 11358 (718)225-3044 Del's Comprehensive Health Care Registry Agency 45-66 162nd Street Ste. 1 Flushing, NY 11358 (718)225-3044 Forest Hills - 11375 Allen Health Care Services 7000 Austin Street Suite 201 Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)657-2966 Allen Health Care Services 70-00 Austin Street Suite 201 Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)657-2966 Attentive Home Care 11325 Queens Blvd Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)943-0900 Attentive Home Care 113-25 Queens Blvd Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)943-0900 Caring Professionals 7020 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)897-2273 Caring Professionals 70-20 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)897-2273 Continental Home Care 11655 Queens Boulevard Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)544-4488 Continental Home Care 116-55 Queens Boulevard Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)544-4488 Fresh Meadows 11365 Pomonok Home Services 6134 188th Street Suite 219 Fresh Meadows, NY 11365 (718)454-2630 Hollis - 11423 Lynn Agency 18811 Hillside Avenue Hollis, NY 11423 (718)261-6400 Jamaica - 11415 Kris Agency & Home Care 169-14 Hillside Avenue Jamaica, NY 11415 (718)262-9009 Jamaica - 11423 Lynn Agency 188-11 Hillside Avenue Jamaica, NY 11423 (718)261-6400 Jamaica - 11432 Kris Agency & Home Care 16914 Hillside Avenue Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)262-9009 Personal Touch Home Care of NY 18618 Hillside Avenue Jamaica, NY 11432 (212)725-5521 Pomonok Home Services 61-34 188th Street Suite 219 Fresh Meadows, NY 11365 (718)454-2630 Personal Touch Home Care of NY 186-18 Hillside Avenue Jamaica, NY 11432 (212)725-5521 Region Care Nursing Agency 8811 165th Street Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)776-9870 Region Care Nursing Agency 88-11 165th Street Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)776-9870 Jamaica - 11435 Concern Home Care Inc. 14511 Jamaica Ave Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)206-1054 Concern Home Care Inc. 145-11 Jamaica Ave Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)206-1054 Laurelton - 11413 Social Concern Community Development Corp. 22618 Merrick Blvd. Laurelton, NY 11413 (718)978-7776 Social Concern Community Development Corp. 226-18 Merrick Blvd. Laurelton, NY 11413 (718)978-7776 Wheelchair Accessible Page 83 Specialists New York State - Queens County Little Neck - 11362 Silvertown Adult Day Care 25021 Northern Blvd Little Neck, NY 11362 (718)631-7979 Caring Home Care 105-05 Cross Bay Boulevard Ozone Park, NY 11417 (718)925-2181 Long Island City 11104 Rego Park - 11374 Sunnyside Citywide 43-31 39th Street LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11104 (718)784-6160 LONG ISLAND CITY - 11106 JASACARE/SERVIC ES FOR THE AGED 36-36 33RD ST STE 305 LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11106 (718)707-9696 JASACARE/SERVIC ES FOR THE AGED 36-36 33rd Street Suite 305 LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11106 (718)707-9696 BNV Home Care Agency Inc 9660 Queen Blvd Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)585-5511 BNV Home Care Agency Inc 96-60 Queen Blvd Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)585-5511 BNV Homecare Services 9660 Queens Blvd Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)585-5511 BNV Homecare Services 96-60 Queens Blvd Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)585-5511 Ozone Park - 11417 International Home Care Services 9777 Queens Blvd. Suite 1107 Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)459-4699 At Home Solutions 11102 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)441-6802 At Home Solutions 111-02 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)441-6802 Caring Home Care 10505 Cross Bay Boulevard Ozone Park, NY 11417 (718)925-2181 Richmond Hill - 11418 International Home Care Services 97-77 Queens Blvd. Suite 1107 Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)459-4699 Jamaica Hospital Medical Center 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 VIP Health Care Services 11612 Myrtle Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)849-2300 VIP Health Care Services 116-12 Myrtle Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)849-2300 Sunnyside - 11104 Sunnyside Citywide 4331 39th Street Sunnyside, NY 11104 (718)784-6160 Wheelchair Accessible Page 84 Sunnyside Home Care Project Inc. 4331 39th Street Sunnyside, NY 11104 (718)784-6160 Sunnyside Home Care Project Inc. 43-31 39th Street Sunnyside, NY 11104 (718)784-6160 Whitestone - 11357 Flushing Manor LTHHCP 36-25 Parsons Blvd. Suite LL-1 Whitestone, NY 11357 (718)461-9115 Woodside - 11377 Advanced Health Pro Inc. 6707 Roosevelt Avenue Woodside, NY 11377 (718)476-2010 Infectious Diseases Far Rockaway - 11691 Bou, Harb Fouad 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Specialists New York State - Queens County Canario, Daniel 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Flushing - 11355 Lin, Wang Wen 142-22 Booth Memorial Ave. 1st Floor Flushing, NY 11355 (718)358-1728 Hospital Affiliation(s): Wen Lin Wang, DO, PC Interventional Cardiology Astoria - 11102 Jaffar, Raza 30-16 30th Drive Astoria, NY 11102 (347)527-2805 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Forest Hills - 11375 Horowitz, Scott 529 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)327-7307 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Miriam, Smith 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4002 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Roistacher, Kenneth 327 Beach 19 Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Richmond Hill - 11418 Conrad, Fischer 134-20 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6742 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Lasic, Zoran 30-16 30th Drive Astoria, NY 11102 (347)827-2805 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Flushing - 11354 Lin, Wang Wen 42-65 Kissena Blvd. Suite L3 Flushing, NY 11354 (718)358-1728 Hospital Affiliation(s): Wen Lin Wang, DO, PC Farshad, Bagheri 134-20 Jamaica Avenue, 1st Floor, Axel Building Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6742 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Kyriaki, Poumpouridis 30-16 30th Drive, Suite 1B Astoria, NY 11102 (347)527-2805 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Astoria - 11105 Donna, Marchant 22-31 33rd Street Astoria, NY 11105 (718)278-6595 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Md., Islam 8900 Van Wyck Expressway, Suite 2 Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Flushing - 11354 Kim, Michael 147-48 Roosevelt Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)961-5109 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Kim, Michael 150-15 41St Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)888-0502 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Kim, Michael 154-08 Northern Boulevard Flushing, NY 11354 (718)358-3151 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Kim, Michael 38-34 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11354 (718)762-1710 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Mitchell, Weinberg 136-17 39th Ave, Suite CF-E Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 85 Specialists New York State - Queens County Flushing - 11355 Kew Gardens - 11415 Shohat, Ephron 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Shohat, Ephron 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Shohat, Ephron 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Jackson Heights 11372 Shohat, Ephron 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Jamaica - 11432 Jain, Suresh 168-32 Highland Avenue Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)657-8525 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Perwaiz, Meraj 180-16 Wexford Terrace Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)657-6434 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Queens Village 11428 Mitchell, Weinberg 92-04 Springfield Boulevard Queens Village, NY 11428 (718)465-3040 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Rego Park - 11374 Jauhar, Rajiv 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)975-5220 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Lee, Alexander 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)975-5220 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Mitchell, Weinberg 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)975-5220 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Perwaiz, Meraj 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)975-5220 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Mammography Astoria - 11102 The Mount Sinai Hospital of Queens 2510 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)932-1000 Richmond Hill - 11418 Jain, Suresh 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-7100 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Flushing - 11355 Flushing Hospital 4500 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Richmond Hill - 11418 Rosedale - 11422 Jamaica Hospital Medical Center 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Donna, Marchant 241-08 140th Avenue Rosedale, NY 11422 (718)949-0146 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Maternal Fetal Medicine Whitestone - 11357 Forest Hills - 11375 Donna, Marchant 150-55 14th Avenue Whitestone, NY 11357 (718)559-3300 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Brown, Kelecia 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 86 Mitchell, Weinberg 150-55 14th Avenue, 2nd Floor Whitestone, NY 11357 (718)559-3300 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Specialists New York State - Queens County Brown, Kelecia 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)562-4458 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Lisa, Simmonds 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)562-4458 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Burton, Rochelson 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Michelle, SmithLevitin 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)562-4458 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Burton, Rochelson 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)562-4458 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Fleischer, Adiel 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jalpa, Shah 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)562-4458 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Katarzyna, Suffecool 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)470-5492 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Natalie, Meirowitz 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Natalie, Meirowitz 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)562-4458 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Victor, Rosenberg 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)562-4458 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Victor, Rosenberg 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)562-4458 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Rego Park - 11374 Burton, Rochelson 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Caroline, Pessel 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Victor, Rosenberg 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Medical Genetics Flushing - 11354 Bialer, Martin 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Lisa, Simmonds 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Fox, Joyce 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Michelle, SmithLevitin 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Nidhi, Vohra 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Medical Oncology Howard Beach 11414 P., Uppal, MD Nikhil 157-02 Cross Bay Boulevard Howard Beach, NY 11414 (516)466-6611 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Wheelchair Accessible Page 87 Specialists New York State - Queens County S., Stark, MD Richard 157-02 Cross Bay Boulevard Howard Beach, NY 11414 (516)466-6611 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Rego Park - 11374 Mahmood, Gondal, MD Nasir 97-77 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)261-8686 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Mahmood, Gondal, MD Nasir 97-85 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)261-9100 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center P., Uppal, MD Nikhil 97-77 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)261-8686 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center S., Stark, MD Richard 97-77 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)261-8686 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Ridgewood - 11385 Flushing - 11354 Mahmood, Gondal, MD Nasir 66-55 Fresh Pond Road Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718)497-1919 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center E., Lee Edward 136-36 39th Ave. 7th Floor Flushing, NY 11354 (718)321-8333 Hospital Affiliation(s): Edward E. Lee, MD, PC Nephrology Astoria - 11106 Tsega, Denneke 31-60 21st Street Astoria, NY 11106 (718)267-4265 Hospital Affiliation(s): MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL Far Rockaway - 11691 Anto, Heino 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Chopra, Rajbir 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Su, Amy 36-09 Main St. Suite 8C Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-2877 Hospital Affiliation(s): HS Medical Care, LLP Flushing - 11355 Choy, Lawrence 142-20 Franklin Ave. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)539-6611 Hospital Affiliation(s): Lawrence T. Choy, MD, PC Liang, Elizabeth 132-37B 41st Rd. Suite C03 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)886-6882 Hospital Affiliation(s): Chinatown Kidney Care, PLLC Siamack, Nemazie 146-01 45th Avenue, Suite 302 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)240-5615 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Wheelchair Accessible Page 88 Yue, Sun Wei 132-37 41st Rd. Suite C03 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)886-6882 Hospital Affiliation(s): Chinatown Kidney Care, PLLC Queens Village 11427 Hazzan, Azzour 220-22 Hillside Avenue Queens Village, NY 11427 (516)465-8200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jhaveri, Kenar 220-22 Hillside Avenue Queens Village, NY 11427 (516)465-8200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Koncicki, Holly 220-22 Hillside Avenue Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)975-1300 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Specialists New York State - Queens County Mala, Sachdeva 220-22 Hillside Avenue Queens Village, NY 11427 (516)465-8200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Emmanuel, Masih 134-20 Jamaica Avenue, 1st Floor, Axel Building Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6742 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Rimda, Wanchoo 220-22 Hillside Avenue Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)975-1300 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Neurology Astoria - 11102 Aaron, Tansy 27-15 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)932-0007 Hospital Affiliation(s): MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL Rego Park - 11373 Chaplia, Larissa 94-11 59th Avenue, Suite A10 Rego Park, NY 11373 (718)271-2227 Hospital Affiliation(s): L. Chaplia Physicians, LLPC Mandip, Dhamoon 27-15 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)932-0007 Hospital Affiliation(s): MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL Richmond Hill - 11418 Far Rockaway - 11691 Bryan, Falk 134-20 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6742 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Hausknecht, Allan 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Hausknecht, Kerin 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Flushing - 11354 Ding, Lei 136-20 38th Ave. Suite 7A Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-0066 Hospital Affiliation(s): Lei Ding Medical, PC Lu, Jyh-Haur 136-20 38th Ave. Suite 5A Flushing, NY 11354 (646)409-4402 Hospital Affiliation(s): Neuro Health, PC Wang, Xing-Jie 132-59 41st Rd. Suite CC Flushing, NY 11355 (718)886-6748 Hospital Affiliation(s): Dr. Xing-Jie Wang's Clinic Flushing - 11367 Elfiky, Ahmed 153-19 Union Turnpike Flushing, NY 11367 (718)380-8200 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Forest Hills - 11375 Guy, Schwartz 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Glen Oaks - 11004 Su, Shidong 136-21 Roosevelt Ave. Suite 305 Flushing, NY 11354 (718)888-1803 Hospital Affiliation(s): Shidong Su, MD, PC Marc, Gordon 75-59 263rd Street Glen Oaks, NY 11004 (718)470-8450 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Flushing - 11355 Jamaica - 11435 Taufiq, Azamy 4500 Parsons Blvd Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Cohen, Igor 80-15 Main Street Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)701-0536 Hospital Affiliation(s): Global Medical Testing & Svcs Wheelchair Accessible Page 89 Specialists New York State - Queens County Rego Park - 11374 Cohen, Igor 96-14 63rd Drive Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)896-0111 Hospital Affiliation(s): Crystal Ray Medical Lyubov, Rubin 98-30 67 Avenue Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)896-7777 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Richmond Hill - 11418 Hasit, Thakore 134-20 Jamaica Avenue, 1st Floor, Axel Building Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6742 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Krishna, Ranga 121-02 Hillside Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)850-1673 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Osafradu, Opam 8900 Van Wyck Expressway, Suite 2 Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Thambirajah, Nandakumar 134-20 Jamaica Avenue, 1st Floor, Axel Building Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6742 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Neuroradiology Nuclear Medicine Forest Hills - 11375 Flushing - 11355 Craig, Warshall 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Almeida, Orlandino 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA South Richmond Hill 11419 Evans, Adam 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Almeida, Orlandino 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Filippi, Christopher 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4747 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Lin, Henry 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Vinh, Nguyen 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Lin, Henry 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Neurosurgery Weinstein, Gilbert 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Elfiky, Ahmed 111-12 Liberty Ave South Richmond Hill, NY 11419 (631)654-9400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Elfiky, Ahmed 111-12 Liberty Ave South Richmond Hill, NY 11419 (718)641-1212 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Woodhaven - 11421 Cohen, Igor 95-25 Jamaica Ave Woodhaven, NY 11421 (718)441-4070 Hospital Affiliation(s): Englinton Medical Forest Hills - 11375 A., Grant John 112-03 Queens Blvd, Ste 200 Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)939-0111 Hospital Affiliation(s): Neurological Surgery, P.C. Wheelchair Accessible Page 90 Specialists New York State - Queens County Weinstein, Gilbert 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Weng, Lijun 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Weng, Lijun 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wosnitzer, Brian 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wosnitzer, Brian 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Flushing - 11358 Rosenthal, David 164-25 Northern Blvd Flushing, NY 11358 (718)358-4075 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Forest Hills - 11375 Christopher, Palestro 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Josephine, Rini 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)803-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Maria, Tomas 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Kew Gardens - 11415 Almeida, Orlandino 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Almeida, Orlandino 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lin, Henry 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lin, Henry 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Gene, Tronco 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jackson Heights 11372 Weinstein, Gilbert 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Weng, Lijun 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wosnitzer, Brian 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Weinstein, Gilbert 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Weng, Lijun 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 91 Specialists New York State - Queens County Wosnitzer, Brian 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Nurse Midwife Flushing - 11355 Hughes, Joan 4500 Parsons Blvd., ACC Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hollis - 11423 FilsAime, Marsha 18803 Jamaica Avenue Hollis, NY 11423 (718)206-6000 Long Island City 11106 HANDSCHUH, CAROLINE 3160 21st Street Long Island City, NY 11106 (718)808-7300 Ozone Park - 11416 Slade , Stella 9120 Atlantic Avenue Ozone Park, NY 11416 (718)641-8207 Richmond Hill - 11418 Alba, Amanda 13303 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)740-2060 Arikupurathu, Nisha 13303 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6808 Dabovich, Ivonne 13303 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6808 LaCroix, Charleane 13303 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Pattett, Kathreen 13303 Jamaica Ave. Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Price, Lindsay 13303 Jamaica Ave. Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Torres, Diana 13303 Jamaica Ave. Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 St. Albans - 11433 DeGannes, Rhonda 11120 Merrick Blvd St. Albans, NY 11433 (718)206-6000 RosenbaumRoller, Shira 11120 Merrick Blvd. St. Albans, NY 11433 (718)206-7510 SchwartzMoser, Laurie 11120 Merrick Blvd. St. Albans, NY 11433 (718)206-9888 Watts, Rakiya 11120 Merrick Blvd. St. Albans, NY 11433 (718)206-9888 Occupational Medicine Forest Hills - 11375 Jacqueline, Moline 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Occupational Therapy Astoria - 11102 Pfeiffer, Michael 21-14 Newtown Avenue, Ground Floor Astoria, NY 11102 (516)317-8572 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA The Mount Sinai Hospital of Queens 2510 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)932-1000 The Mount Sinai Hospital of Queens 2715 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)932-1000 Astoria - 11106 Johnson, James 32-70 31st Street Astoria, NY 11106 (718)707-6970 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Bayside - 11361 Johnson, James 208-01 Northern Boulevard Bayside, NY 11361 (718)707-6970 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 92 Specialists New York State - Queens County Flushing - 11355 Woodhaven - 11421 Ridgewood - 11385 Oncology/Hematology Flushing Hospital 4500 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Delos, Santos Jennifer 88-11 Jamaica Ave Woodhaven, NY 11421 (718)846-2300 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wu, Li-Teh 60-11 Catalpa Ave. Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718)417-7542 Hospital Affiliation(s): ParkWu Oncology Associates Far Rockaway - 11693 Markhasin, Yuriy 88-11 Jamaica Ave Woodhaven, NY 11421 (718)758-4520 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Oncology - Medical, Surgical Flushing - 11366 Delos, Santos Jennifer 16040 78th Rd, Suite 101 Flushing, NY 11366 (347)443-6524 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Forest Hills - 11375 Elena, Gonzales Ma 111-29 Queens Blvd Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)275-8900 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medex Diagnostic & Treatment Center Kariyev, Zlata 88-11 Jamaica Ave Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)846-2300 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Richmond Hill - 11418 Jamaica Hospital Medical Center 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Oncology Elmhurst - 11373 Wu, Li-Teh 87-14 57th Rd. Suite BA Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)651-9398 Hospital Affiliation(s): ParkWu Oncology Associates Pastore, Raymond 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11693 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Astoria - 11106 Ophthalmology Caroline, Handschuh 31-60 21st Street Astoria, NY 11106 (718)267-4265 Hospital Affiliation(s): MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL Belle Harbor - 11694 Flushing - 11355 Nasir, Gondal 4500 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Far Rockaway - 11691 Richmond Hill - 11418 Warshawsky, Mendel 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Jose, Cervantes 134-20 Jamaica Avenue, 1st Floor, Axel Building Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6742 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Gelwan, Mark 122-18 Rockaway Beach Blvd Belle Harbor, NY 11694 (718)634-3300 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Far Rockaway - 11691 Demidenko, Alexander 20-04 Seagrit Blvd, Basement Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)868-8668 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Hamlet, Yonah 220 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)327-3200 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 93 Specialists New York State - Queens County Sherman, Steven 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Flushing - 11354 Fong, Raymond 136-81 Roosevelt Ave. 2nd Floor Flushing, NY 11354 (718)762-3790 Hospital Affiliation(s): Raymond Fong, MD, PC Hing-Yeung, Chan Ian 136-21 Roosevelt Ave. Suite 307 Flushing, NY 11354 (631)213-1668 Hospital Affiliation(s): Ian Chan, MD, PC T., Du Ted 136-20 38th Ave. Suite 7G Flushing, NY 11354 (718)395-8080 Hospital Affiliation(s): Best Ophthalmology, PC Wong, Samuel 136-20 38th Ave. Suite 6H Flushing, NY 11354 (718)762-3790 Hospital Affiliation(s): Raymond Fong, MD, PC Yamani, Maryam 136-20 38th Ave. Suite 6H Flushing, NY 11354 (718)762-3790 Hospital Affiliation(s): Raymond Fong, MD, PC Flushing - 11355 Jannet, Ung 4500 Parsons Blvd., ACC Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Tammy, Chu Tung 134-43 Maple Ave. Suite 1C Flushing, NY 11355 (718)886-8830 Hospital Affiliation(s): Ophthalmic Consultants, PLLC Wu, Alexander 133-47 Sanford Ave. Suite 2B Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-2113 Hospital Affiliation(s): Chia Der Wu, MD, PC Jennifer, Liao Wei 132-59 41st Rd. Suite CA Flushing, NY 11355 (347)438-1609 Hospital Affiliation(s): Wei Liao, MD, PC Wu, Chia-Der 133-47 Sanford Ave. Suite 2B Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-2113 Hospital Affiliation(s): Chia Der Wu, MD, PC K., Moskowitz Bruce 136-25 Maple Ave. Suite 202 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)358-5900 Hospital Affiliation(s): Bruce K. Moskowitz, MD, PC Tammy, Chu Tung 133-60 41st Ave. 3rd Floor Flushing, NY 11355 (718)886-8830 Hospital Affiliation(s): Eyecare by Ophthalmologist, PLLC Yuan, Rumei 133-36 41st Rd. Suite 2A Flushing, NY 11355 (718)886-8318 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medical and Surgical Eye Specialist, PLLC Fresh Meadows 11366 Ellenberg, Gilad 176-60 Union Tpke, Suite 330 Fresh Meadows, NY 11366 (718)739-0355 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Hollis - 11423 Demidenko, Alexander 205-04 Hillside Avenue Hollis, NY 11423 (718)464-2020 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Jamaica - 11432 Alexander, Caroline 88-49 163rd Street Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)658-2787 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Cotlier, Edward 168-20 Jamaica Avenue Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)739-5405 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Morcos, Marcelle 88-49 163rd Street Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)658-2787 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 94 Specialists New York State - Queens County Jonathan, Kruh 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Raphael, Castillo 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Vu, Laurie 3117 23rd Ave Astoria, NY 11105 (718)626-9400 Richmond Hill - 11418 Joseph, Crapotta 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Sanjay, Smith 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys McKinney, John 34 18 Broadway Astoria, NY 11106 (718)204-5037 Laurence, Weissman 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Optometry Jamaica - 11433 Edward, Wood 111-20 Merrick Blvd. Jamaica, NY 11433 (718)206-9888 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Cono, Grasso 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Diane, Romsaitong 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Douglas, Freeley 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Jane, Myung 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Stadlen, Mark 38 03 Broadway Astoria, NY 11103 (718)956-3000 Astoria - 11105 Panus, Romsaitong 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Rachel, Ellis 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Astoria - 11103 Fokas, Anastasios 2318 31st St Astoria, NY 11105 (718)626-3944 Lee, Susana 2238 31st St Astoria, NY 11105 (718)278-3600 Muller McGovern, Hope 2238 31st St Astoria, NY 11105 (718)278-3600 Astoria - 11106 Bayside - 11361 Lim, Seul 4101 Bell Blvd Bayside, NY 11361 (718)428-6700 Teran, Elyse 4101 Bell Blvd Bayside, NY 11361 (718)428-6700 Bayside - 11364 Lee, Seung 21411 73rd Ave Bayside, NY 11364 (866)587-7270 Levy, Steve 21411 73rd Ave Bayside, NY 11364 (718)225-5533 College Point - 11356 Fokas, Anastasios 1826 College Point Blvd College Point, NY 11356 (718)626-3944 Wheelchair Accessible Page 95 Specialists New York State - Queens County Corona - 11368 Hourizadeh, Pezhman 10306 Roosevelt Ave Corona, NY 11368 (718)242-1333 Elmhurst - 11373 Goldstein, Leonard 5910 Junction Blvd Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)721-6883 Patino, Lucia 4007 82nd St Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)505-9401 Kim, Donald 13620 38th Ave Ste 6H Flushing, NY 11354 (718)762-3790 Yip, Melissa 14008 Sanford Ave Flushing, NY 11355 (718)353-3211 Flushing - 11358 Wai, Kai Wing 13620 38th Ave Ste 5B Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-0088 Chan, Jose 2537A Francis Lewis Blvd Flushing, NY 11358 (718)281-2273 Yin, John 4034 Union St Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-8858 Orenstein, David 3603 162nd St Flushing, NY 11358 (718)353-1220 Flushing - 11355 Flushing - 11367 Tsai, David 8529 Broadway Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)393-1889 Cai, Leon 4125 Kissena Blvd Ste 104 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)358-5888 Hourizadeh, Pezhman 7259 Kissena Blvd Flushing, NY 11367 (718)263-2020 Far Rockaway - 11691 Schorr, Nathan 308 Beach 9th St Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)327-0048 Far Rockaway - 11694 Mirkin, Daniel 253 Beach 116th St Far Rockaway, NY 11694 (718)634-0005 Flushing - 11354 Ip, Timothy 13620 38th Ave Ste 6H Flushing, NY 11354 (718)762-3790 Chen, Amy 14020 Sanford Ave Ste 1C Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-3838 Schrier, Kenneth 7263 Main St Flushing, NY 11367 (718)263-6754 Forest Hills - 11375 Kornblatt, Martin 4202 Main St Flushing, NY 11355 (347)826-3127 Kakzanov, Michael 6677 Selfridge St Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)268-4040 Ma, Diana 14008 Sanford Ave Flushing, NY 11355 (718)353-3211 Kapelnik, Boris 6373 108th St Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)896-2020 Vayner, Arthur 6373 108th St Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)896-2020 Glen Oaks - 11004 Levine, Flora 25923B Union Turnpike Glen Oaks, NY 11004 (718)347-7470 Poley, Vladimir 25923B Union Turnpike Glen Oaks, NY 11004 (718)347-7470 Glendale - 11385 Haiimpour, Farshad 8028 Cooper Ave Ste 6116 Glendale, NY 11385 (718)416-3937 Sarason, David 7809 Myrtle Ave Glendale, NY 11385 (718)386-1818 Howard Beach 11414 Nieder, Mark 15614 Crossbay Blvd Howard Beach, NY 11414 (718)738-2020 Wheelchair Accessible Page 96 Malakova, Natalya 6405 Yellowstone Blvd Apt 103 Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)520-6500 Specialists New York State - Queens County Jackson Heights 11372 Kew Gardens - 11415 Lam, on 7517 37th Ave Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)779-1222 Dong, Stephen 8002 Kew Gardens Rd Ste C 108 Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-2222 Schrier, Kenneth 8028 37th Ave Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)639-2020 Jung, Lily 8002 Kew Gardens Rd Ste C 108 Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-2222 Won, Jorge 8407 Roosevelt Ave Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)651-2020 Malakova, Natalya 11827 Metropolitan Ave Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)850-0050 Kirkland, Lisa 17805 Hillside Ave Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)657-0050 Little Neck - 11362 Jamaica - 11434 Kirkland, Lisa 12221A Guy R Brewer Blvd Jamaica, NY 11434 (718)527-0550 Jamaica - 11435 Haiimpour, Farshad 8914 Sutphin Blvd Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)739-8939 Rego Park - 11374 Retkinski, Sheldon 9309 63rd Dr Ste A Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)402-0388 Nejatheim, Allon 24812 Northern Blvd #1 Little Neck, NY 11362 (718)229-6780 Maspeth - 11378 Gaudio, James 6911 Grand Ave Maspeth, NY 11378 (718)458-5055 Middle Village - 11379 Gaudio, James 7514 Metropolitan Ave Middle Village, NY 11379 (718)894-9040 Ip, Timothy 8787 Francis Lewis Blvd Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)395-4176 Wallach, David 16820 Jamaica Ave Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)739-5454 Alami, Lara 8787 Francis Lewis Blvd Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)465-4999 Jamaica - 11432 Queens Village 11427 Richmond Hill - 11418 Epstein, Marc 13303 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Ridgewood - 11385 Stein, Steven 5905 71st Ave Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718)386-8900 Rockaway Park 11694 Feinstein, Marvin 11310 Beach Channel Dr Rockaway Park, NY 11694 (718)474-1234 Friedman, Masha Michelle 11310 Beach Channel Dr Rockaway Park, NY 11694 (718)474-1234 Stelmach Lankamer, Kinga 11310 Beach Channel Dr Rockaway Park, NY 11694 (718)474-1234 South Richmond Hill 11419 Kandel, George 12015 Liberty Ave South Richmond Hill, NY 11419 (718)843-2156 Woodhaven - 11421 Price, Ira 9301 Jamaica Ave Woodhaven, NY 11421 (718)847-8877 Oral Surgery Astoria - 11103 Soleymani, Shahab 4105 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11103 (718)932-6212 Bayside - 11361 Laor, Victoria A. 4021 Bell Boulevard Bayside, NY 11361 (718)352-5582 Wheelchair Accessible Page 97 Specialists New York State - Queens County Corona - 11368 Sadeghi, Arian 10308 Roosevelt Avenue Corona, NY 11368 (718)397-9000 Elmhurst - 11373 Abend, Julia 9438 59th Avenue Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)699-1100 Anastassov, George E. 7901 Broadway Elmhurst, NY 11373 (212)751-0001 Ciancimino, Anthony 7901 Broadway Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)334-5970 Do, Dutran 7901 Broadway Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)334-4000 Dwivedi, Nira 7901 Broadway Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)334-4000 Kopp, William K. 7901 Broadway Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)334-4000 Montazem, Andre H. 7901 Broadway Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)334-4000 Su, James Y. 7901 Broadway Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)334-5970 Sunwoo, James S. 9438 59th Avenue Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)699-1100 Far Rockaway - 11691 Ezra, Neal 1301 Cornaga Avenue Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)327-6592 Goldmann, Ernest S. 1301 Cornaga Avenue Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)327-6592 Forest Hills - 11375 Glied, Allen N. 6863 108th Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)575-1010 Tokar, Dmitriy 6863 108th Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)575-1010 Zats, Boris 6863 108th Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)575-1010 Hollis - 11423 Lorenzo, Dorothy R. 19711 Hillside Avenue Hollis, NY 11423 (718)740-6000 Patwardhan, Mugdha 19711 Hillside Avenue Hollis, NY 11423 (718)740-6000 Reyes, Magnon I. 19711 Hillside Avenue Hollis, NY 11423 (718)740-6000 Sadeghi, Arian 19711 Hillside Avenue Hollis, NY 11423 (718)740-6000 Shapiro, Slava 7009 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)261-2790 Tabaroki, David 10210 Queens Boulevard Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)544-4440 Howard Beach 11414 Sadeghi, Arian 15636 Crossbay Boulevard #A Howard Beach, NY 11414 (718)323-5132 Wheelchair Accessible Page 98 Jackson Heights 11372 De Fex, Juan Carlos 7410 35th Avenue Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)476-6750 Del Valle, Antonio L. 3353 82nd Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)899-7811 Shahgoli, Shahin 3353 82nd Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)899-7811 Jackson Heights 11385 Izzo, Steven R. 6853 Fresh Pond Road Jackson Heights, NY 11385 (718)821-2545 Jamaica - 11432 Chung, David P. 18230 Wexford Terrace Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)739-1300 Green, Anthony T.R. 18230 Wexford Terrace Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)739-1300 Specialists New York State - Queens County Jamaica - 11434 Wieder, Kenneth 13704 Guy R Brewer Blvd Jamaica, NY 11434 (718)723-5630 Ozone Park - 11417 Sadeghi, Arian 10504 Crossbay Boulevard Ozone Park, NY 11417 (718)843-4444 Richmond Hill - 11419 Yusupov, Yuriy 11901 Liberty Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11419 (718)843-1616 Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Fitzsimmons, Sean 30-16 30th Drive Astoria, NY 11102 (212)434-6880 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Giannaris, Theodore 27-47 Crescent Street Astoria, NY 11102 (718)278-1855 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Theodore, Giannaris 27-15 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)932-0007 Hospital Affiliation(s): MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL Flushing - 11355 Astoria - 11105 S., Pereira, MD David 41-61 Kissena Blvd Flushing, NY 11355 (718)353-7900 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Ahmed, Mohamed 42-07 Astoria Boulevard Astoria, NY 11105 (718)661-2222 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Orthopedic Surgery Astoria - 11102 Ahmed, Mohamed 3060 Crescent Street, Suite B Astoria, NY 11102 (718)502-6161 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Elmhurst - 11373 Khaimov, Aleksandr 4035 95th Street Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)803-8463 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Far Rockaway - 11691 Henry, James 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Horvath, Anthony 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Flushing - 11354 Bernstein, Robert 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Bernstein, Robert 147-48 Roosevelt Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)470-3636 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Laplaza, Francisco 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Q., Sun Yan 38-30 Parsons Blvd. Suite 1B Flushing, NY 11354 (718)321-0205 Hospital Affiliation(s): Sun Orthopaedic Surgery, PC Selina, Poon 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Selina, Poon 147-48 Roosevelt Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)470-3636 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Flushing - 11355 Dante, Trovato 4500 Parsons Blvd., ACC Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Eli, Razi, MD Afshin 41-61 Kissena Blvd Flushing, NY 11355 (718)353-7900 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Wheelchair Accessible Page 99 Specialists New York State - Queens County H, Sherman, MD Orrin 41-61 Kissena Blvd Flushing, NY 11355 (718)353-7900 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center H., Kim, MD Yong 41-61 Kissena Blvd Flushing, NY 11355 (718)353-7900 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Kenan, Samuel 56-45 Main Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-1575 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC M., Adler, MD Edward 41-61 Kissena Blvd Flushing, NY 11355 (718)353-7900 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center S., Goldstein, MD Robert 41-61 Kissena Blvd Flushing, NY 11355 (718)353-7900 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Forest Hills - 11375 Andrew, Miller 111-29 Queens Boulevard Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medex Diagnostic and Treatment Center Jackson Heights 11372 Ahmed, Mohamed 33-53 82nd Street, Suite B 01 Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)502-6161 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Jeff, Silber 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)393-8970 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Khaimov, Aleksandr 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Khaimov, Aleksandr 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Steven, Rokito 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jamaica - 11418 A, Egol, MD Kenneth 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Jamaica, NY 11418 (718)206-6923 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center A, Egol, MD Kenneth 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Jamaica, NY 11418 (212)598-6290 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Alaia,, MD Michael 89-06 135th St., Ste 7C Jamaica, NY 11418 (718)206-6957 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center I, Davidovitch, MD Roy 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Jamaica, NY 11418 (718)206-6923 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center R., Konda, MD Sanjit 89-06 135th St., Ste 7C Jamaica, NY 11418 (718)206-6957 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center S., Protopsaltis, MD Themistocles 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Jamaica, NY 11418 (718)206-6923 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Little Neck - 11363 Ajoy, Sinha 82-01 37th Avenue Little Neck, NY 11363 (212)879-0719 Hospital Affiliation(s): MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL Maspeth - 11378 Evan, Schwartz 72-41 Grand Avenue Maspeth, NY 11378 (718)558-1975 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 100 Specialists New York State - Queens County Middle Village - 11379 Richmond Hill - 11418 Alvin, Bregman 79-07 Metropolitan Avenue Middle Village, NY 11379 (718)326-8484 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Claudette, Lajam 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Rego Park - 11374 Frank, Liporace 133-03 Jamaica Avenue, Suite 101 Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Khaimov, Aleksandr 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC M, Lajam, MD Claudette 97-85 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)261-9100 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center M, Lajam, MD Claudette 97-85 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)544-1543 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Tress,, MD Vladimir 97-85 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)261-9100 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Joseph, Bosco 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)291-3276 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Kenneth, Egol 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)291-3276 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Michael, Alaia 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)291-3276 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Nader, Paksima 8900 Van Wyck Expressway, ACC Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Robert, Donadt 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Robert, Pick 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Roy, Davidovitch 133-03 Jamaica Avenue, Suite 7C Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)291-3276 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Sanjit, Konda 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Otolaryngology Rego Park - 11374 Lee,, MD Judy 97-85 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)261-9100 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Saint Albans - 11412 Rollins, Dwayne 187 Linden Blvd Saint Albans, NY 11412 (718)978-5447 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Pain Management Flushing - 11372 Carrero, Nidia 110-34 70th Road Flushing, NY 11372 (718)672-1100 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Pathology Bayside - 11361 Hua, Chen Qiang 45-34 Bell Blvd Bayside, NY 11361 (718)279-1271 Hospital Affiliation(s): East Path Diagnostic Wheelchair Accessible Page 101 Specialists New York State - Queens County Li, Zujin 45-34 Bell Blvd Bayside, NY 11361 (718)279-1271 Hospital Affiliation(s): East Path Diagnostic Alex, Williamson 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Breining, Dwayne 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4048 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Chhibber, Vishesh 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Qui, Libo 45-34 Bell Blvd Bayside, NY 11361 (718)279-1271 Hospital Affiliation(s): East Path Diagnostic Arvind, Rishi 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Breuer, Frank-Uwe 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Crawford, James 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)803-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Xu, Ruliang 45-34 Bell Blvd Bayside, NY 11361 (718)279-1271 Hospital Affiliation(s): East Path Diagnostic Aziz, Mohamed 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4048 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Brody, Judith 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4048 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Das, Kasturi 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Zhang, David 45-34 Bell Blvd Bayside, NY 11361 (718)279-1271 Hospital Affiliation(s): East Path Diagnostic Bandovic, Jela 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4048 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Carlos, Torres 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Deborah, Schron 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)304-7284 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Forest Hills - 11375 Barry, Pearson 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4048 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Chang, Tylis 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Duong, Scott 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Bhuiya, Tawfiqul 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Chen, Sheng 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4048 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Edelman, Morris 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4048 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Al-Atassi, Shaza 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4048 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 102 Specialists New York State - Queens County Eisenberg, Rachel 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Gheewala, Parul 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4241 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Hua, Chen Qiang 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4048 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Koifman, Larisa 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4048 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Gimenez, Cecilia 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Ionescu, Marina 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Kothari, Tarush 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Esposito, Michael 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Glodan, Florin 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4048 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Janusz, Sawicki 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)803-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Kraus, James 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Fan, Cathy 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4048 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Heaton, William 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4048 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jhaveri, Vandana 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4048 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Laser, Jordan 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4048 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Farmer, Peter 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4048 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Horowitz, Laurie 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jormark, Susan 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)304-7284 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Li, Jian Yi 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Farnaz, Tahmasebi 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4048 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Hsu, Peihong 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4048 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Kahn, Leonard 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4048 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Logdberg, Lennart 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Elana, OpherIosifescu 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)304-7284 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 103 Specialists New York State - Queens County Yaskiv, Oksana 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Elizabeth, Mathew 247-39 Jericho Tpke Bellerose, NY 11426 (347)732-3220 Hospital Affiliation(s): MFHAIPA Corporation Yurovitsky, Alyssa 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4048 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Briarwood - 11435 Mansoor, Nasim 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4048 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Sadaf, Sheikh 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4048 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Maria, Navarro 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Samuel, Wahl 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)304-7284 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Nicos, Nicolaou 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Shimon, Oami 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Oana, Vele 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4048 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Silvat, Sheikh-Fayyaz 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Pamela, Unger 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Sofia, Taboada 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Rachel, Robbins 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)803-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Xiaoqing, O'Leary 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)304-7261 Elizabeth, Mathew 238-09 Braddock Ave Bellerose, NY 11426 (347)732-3220 Hospital Affiliation(s): MFHAIPA Corporation Zhang, Xinmin 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4048 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Astoria - 11106 Richard, Dauhajre 31-60 21st Street Astoria, NY 11106 (718)267-4265 Hospital Affiliation(s): MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL Elmhurst - 11373 Chi, Chuanxiang 87-08 Justice Ave. Suite LA Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)651-5713 Hospital Affiliation(s): C&W Medical, LLC Liang, Zhang Xiao 45-02 82nd St. 1st Floor Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)803-3555 Hospital Affiliation(s): Elmhurst United Medical, PC Bellerose - 11426 Wheelchair Accessible Page 104 R., Flanagan, MD Steven 144-45 87th St Briarwood, NY 11435 (212)263-6037 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Specialists New York State - Queens County Far Rockaway - 11691 Lippman, Eric 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital McGee, John 520 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)327-5011 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Salomon, Vladimir 529 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)327-7307 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Flushing - 11354 H.J., Chen Jean 136-20 38th Ave. Suite 7A Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-0066 Hospital Affiliation(s): Jean Chen Medical, LLP Lu, Heyi 142-10 B Roosevelt Ave. Suite 22 Flushing, NY 11354 (718)888-0162 Hospital Affiliation(s): LV Medical Associate, PC D., Lai Huikang 41-25 Kissena Blvd. Suite 115 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)539-8868 Hospital Affiliation(s): Welcome Pain Care & Rehabilitation Medicine, PLLC Ma, Keyan 136-20 38th Avenue, Suite 6M Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-1513 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Szepok, Kong Jason 39-01 Main St. Suite 301 Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-2906 Hospital Affiliation(s): Jason S. Kong, DO, PC David, Avakian 4500 Parsons Blvd, CDU Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys S., Zheng Peter 4235 Main Street, Ste 238 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)358-1801 Hospital Affiliation(s): Comprehensive Pain Mgmt, PC Xu, Mingxu 142-29 37th Avenue, M1 Flushing, NY 11354 (718)463-1133 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Tian, Fang 41-61 Kissena Blvd. Suite E Flushing, NY 11355 (347)438-1534 Hospital Affiliation(s): Titan Medical Office, PC Fu, Chenzhong 137-10 Franklin Ave. Suite L2 Flushing, NY 11355 (347)732-4297 Hospital Affiliation(s): Dr. Fu Rehabilitation Medical, P.C. Zheng, Ronglan 39-07 Prince St. Suite 4J Flushing, NY 11354 (718)961-9618 Hospital Affiliation(s): Li Rehabilitation Medicine, PC He, Jinghua 42-35 Main Street, Suite 3A Flushing, NY 11355 (718)229-6638 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Ye, Hao 133-38 41st Rd. Suite CS8 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)321-0886 Hospital Affiliation(s): Zycare Medical Associate, PLLC Flushing - 11355 Liang, Zhang Xiao 4160 Main St. Suite 201B Flushing, NY 11355 (718)886-6696 Hospital Affiliation(s): Elmhurst United Medical, PC Flushing - 11367 Chi, Chuanxiang 132-35 41st Rd. Suite 1D Flushing, NY 11355 (917)563-1500 Hospital Affiliation(s): C&W Medical, LLC Adler, Michael 144-02 76th Road Flushing, NY 11367 (718)261-3500 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 105 Specialists New York State - Queens County Elemam, Ahmed 153-19 Union Turnpike Flushing, NY 11367 (718)380-8200 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Fahmy, Magda 153-19 Union Turnpike Flushing, NY 11367 (718)380-8200 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Zahava, Traeger 138-06 Jewel Ave Flushing, NY 11367 (914)632-9600 Hospital Affiliation(s): MFHAIPA Corporation GIMPELEVICH, ALEXANDER 111-29 QUEENS BOULEVARD Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)275-8900 Hospital Affiliation(s): MEDEX DIAGNOSTIC & TREATMENT CENTER Matthew, Shatzer 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Shaheda, Quraishi 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Forest Hills - 11375 Anthony, Oreste 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)627-8470 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jackson Heights 11372 Anthony, Oreste 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Teyibo, Thomas 37-44 75th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)672-5529 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Jamaica - 11423 Rego Park - 11374 McGee, John 65-55 Woodhaven Blvd Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)997-9696 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Onefater,, MD Vladimir 97-85 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)261-9100 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Vadim, Goldshteyn 8900 Van Wyck Expressway, 1st Floor C Building Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Richmond Hill - 11418 Ridgewood - 11385 Lisa, Hu 8900 Van Wyck Expressway, 1st Floor, C Building Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Peng, Zhao 8900 Van Wyck Expressway, 1st Floor C Building. Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Harhash, Sawey 195-50 Jamaica Ave Jamaica, NY 11423 (718)776-9899 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 106 Svetlana, Gavrilova 8900 Van Wyck Expressway, 1st Floor, C Building Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys McGee, John 918 Cypress Avenue Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718)366-7510 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Woodside - 11377 Teyibo, Thomas 49-02 Queens Blvd. Woodside, NY 11377 (718)762-5529 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Specialists New York State - Queens County Physical Therapy Astoria - 11102 Khan, Khurram 21-24 30th Avenue, C-1 Astoria, NY 11102 (718)545-0999 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Ramirez, Rodney 29-23 24th ave Astoria, NY 11102 (718)606-9513 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Sayed, Nazia 25-40 30th Road, Suite A1 Astoria, NY 11102 (347)396-5612 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Stec, Marzena 21-14 Newtown Avenue, Ground Floor Astoria, NY 11102 (516)317-8572 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA The Mount Sinai Hospital of Queens 2510 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)932-1000 The Mount Sinai Hospital of Queens 2715 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)932-1000 Astoria - 11103 Kostopoulos, Dimitrios 32-44 31st Street Astoria, NY 11106 (718)626-2699 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Neamonitis, Theodosios 30-63 38th Street, Floor B Astoria, NY 11103 (718)932-1269 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Kostopoulos, Dimitrios 32-44 31st Street Astoria, NY 11106 (718)707-6970 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Tan, Liza 43-01 Broadway Astoria, NY 11103 (718)274-4200 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Preeth, George 32-44 31st St Astoria, NY 11106 (718)707-6970 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Astoria - 11106 Rachh, Beenal 32-44 31st St Astoria, NY 11106 (718)707-6970 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Dhareshwar, Sneha 32-44 31st St Astoria, NY 11106 (718)707-6970 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Kostopoulos, Dimitrios 32-44 31st St Astoria, NY 11106 (718)707-6970 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Rawat, Mohini 32-44 31st Street Astoria, NY 11106 (718)626-2699 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Szachtel, Miriam 32-44 31st St Astoria, NY 11106 (718)707-6970 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Belle Harbor - 11694 Sivaraman, Venkatesan 431 Beach 129 th Street Belle Harbor, NY 11694 (855)635-6565 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Breezy Point - 11697 Mahmoud, Ahmed 204-08 Rockaway Point Blvd, North Breezy Point, NY 11697 (347)414-7108 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Mahmoud, Ahmed 204-08 Rockaway Pt Blvd Breezy Point, NY 11697 (718)945-7878 Brooklyn - 11385 Dorotan, Vincent 714 Seneca Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11385 (718)418-5320 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 107 Specialists New York State - Queens County Elmhurst - 11373 Flushing - 11354 Flushing - 11355 Elsaidy, Mohamed 40-25 74th Street Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)280-1137 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Chi, Changyong 38-30 Parsons Blvd. Suite 1B Flushing, NY 11354 (718)321-0205 Hospital Affiliation(s): Changyong Chi Physical Therapy Flushing Hospital 4500 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Bai, Alice 194-13 Northern Blvd Flushing, NY 11358 (718)428-3500 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Ko, Steve 87-09 Justice Ave. Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)699-5070 Hospital Affiliation(s): Stellar Physical & Occupational Therapy & Acupuncture, PLLC Zhang, Gang 92-31 57th Ave. Suite L-A Elmhurst, NY 11373 (917)455-2172 Hospital Affiliation(s): All Well PT & Acupuncture, PC Far Rockaway - 11691 Greenspan, Louis 833 Central Avenue, Suite # cc Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)327-7670 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Kim, Minsuk 37-31 149th St. Flushing, NY 11354 (718)321-2511 Hospital Affiliation(s): Grace Physical Therapy, PC Kisuk, Yom 143-51 Roosevelt Avenue, Suite 1F Flushing, NY 11354 (718)661-4130 Hospital Affiliation(s): Kisuk Yom Seung, Woon Lee 34-09 Murray Street, 2nd Floor Flushing, NY 11354 (718)939-7999 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Shin, Eunseong 136-18 35th Avenue, St # 1B Flushing, NY 11354 (718)463-8883 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Flushing - 11358 Kim, Soon 164-10 Northern Blvd Suite 201 Flushing, NY 11358 (718)463-2700 Hospital Affiliation(s): koam Physical Therapy PC Neamonitis, Theodosios 194-13 Northern Blvd Flushing, NY 11358 (718)428-3500 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Saltas, Andreas 194-13 Northern Blvd Flushing, NY 11358 (718)428-3500 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Forest Hills - 11375 Aryeh, Daniel 110-20 71st Road, Suite 101 Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)263-9011 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Cheng, Huang Yu 116-21 Queens Blvd. Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)414-2777 Hospital Affiliation(s): Chung Ying Physical Therapy, PC Kassab, Ron 107-40 Queens Blvd, Ste 207 Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)261-3100 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Magbag, Allan 99-10 Metropolitan Ave Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)263-2273 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 108 Seong, Sik Kim 42-14 162nd Street, 1st Floor Flushing, NY 11358 (718)939-7999 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Specialists New York State - Queens County Simkhayev, Yakov 73-24 Yellowstone Blvd Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)262-8888 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Tsai, Chung-Ying 116-21 Queens Blvd. Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)414-2777 Hospital Affiliation(s): Chung Ying Physical Therapy, PC Howard Beach 11414 Costiera, Robert 158-03 91st Street Howard Beach, NY 11414 (718)848-9400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Jackson Height 11372 Jackson Heights 11372 Mangubat, Michael 7909 B Northern Blvd Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)507-1438 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Orodio, Alvin 37-49 91st Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)457-4801 Hospital Affiliation(s): Euro Physical Therapy, PT Jamaica - 11435 Dvorin, Stella 148-43 Hillside Avenue Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)880-2409 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Suarez, Fernando 144-31 Jamaica Avenue Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)206-9839 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Kew Gardens - 11415 Sayed, Nazia 33-53 82nd Street, Suite B01 Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (347)396-5612 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Abitona, Racquel 80-46 Kew Gardens Rd. Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)261-1000 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Perez, Cynthia 97-01 101st Ave Ozone Park, NY 11416 (718)835-4199 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Queens Village 11429 Aaga, Khaled 21808 - Hempstead Avenue, 2nd Floor Queens Village, NY 11429 (718)749-5307 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Rego Park - 11374 Maati, Ahmed 9614 63rd Drive, Suite 200 Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)896-0111 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Jamaica - 11432 Maspeth - 11378 Kim, Minsuk 37-29 72nd St. Jackson Height, NY 11372 (718)424-9899 Hospital Affiliation(s): Grace Physical Therapy, PC Tupaz, Alvin 9050 Parsons Blvd, Suite 410 Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)687-2474 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Suarez, Fernando 72-15 Grand Avenue Maspeth, NY 11378 (718)206-9839 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Richmond Hill - 11418 Ozone Park - 11416 Jamaica Hospital Medical Center 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Kim, Minsuk 97-11 101 Ave. Ozone Park, NY 11416 (718)321-2511 Hospital Affiliation(s): Grace Physical Therapy, PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 109 Specialists New York State - Queens County Ridgewood - 11385 Sunnyside - 11104 Tan, Liza 68-05 Fresh Pond Road, Suite 1 Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718)456-2545 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Neamonitis, Theodosios 43-48 48 Street Sunnyside, NY 11104 (718)707-0627 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA South Ozone Park 11420 Dianalan, Asnodin 133-55 Leffert Blvd South Ozone Park, NY 11420 (718)659-5344 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA South Richmond Hill 11419 Aranda-Gabuna, Jeanette 111-12 Liberty Avenue South Richmond Hill, NY 11419 (718)641-1212 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Tanlioco, Michael 111-12 Liberty Avenue South Richmond Hill, NY 11419 (718)641-1212 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Penaflorida, Alexis 88-11 Jamaica Avenue Woodhaven, NY 11421 (718)846-2300 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Woodhaven - 11421 Physician Assistant Cartabio, Maria 88-13 Jamaica Avenue Woodhaven, NY 11421 (718)846-2300 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Green, Lonnie 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-8306 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Castro, Nazly 88-11 Jamaica Ave Woodhaven, NY 11421 (718)846-2300 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Evaristo, Shiarree 95-25 Jamaica Ave Woodhaven, NY 11421 (718)441-4070 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Forest Hills - 11375 Alayev, Marina 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-1030 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Amy, Metzen 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Malakov, Gavril 88-11 Jamaica Avenue Woodhaven, NY 11421 (718)846-2300 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Far Rockaway - 11691 Antoinette, Tinapunan 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-1030 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 110 Babayev, Khaim 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Bagley, Megan 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-1030 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Cadan, Adam 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Cambi, Carter 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical Christina, Karimi 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4135 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Cruz, Andrew 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4775 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Specialists New York State - Queens County Cuvi, Dave 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Dana, Paternoster 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Davydov, David 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Diane, Marchiafava 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-1954 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Fayzulayev, Sadyk 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Funfgeld, Christopher 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Gutman, Alison 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4212 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jungra, Nishell 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Timothy, Ramos 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Haidatov, Oded 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4097 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Khaimov, Boris 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Yana, Normatov 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4215 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Iris, Swiderski 102-02 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)328-8900 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Leonardo, Joshua 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC You, Mee 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4212 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jackson, Melanie 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Lind, Richard 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Middle Village - 11379 Janet, Tutuyan 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Marina, Rubinov 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-1030 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jose, Naranjo 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Martin, Yu 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Kabul, Valerie 75-54 Metropolitan Avenue Middle Village, NY 11379 (718)326-0400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Plastic Surgery Far Rockaway - 11691 Paley, Deana 328 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Wheelchair Accessible Page 111 Specialists New York State - Queens County Flushing - 11355 Bortolussi, Mario 146-01 45th Avenue, Suite 211 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)321-7040 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Richmond Hill - 11418 Dominick, Golio 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)291-3276 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Gary, Bromley 8900 Van Wyck Expressway, Suite 2 Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Podiatric Surgery Breezy Point - 11697 Murphy, Elizabeth 204-08 Rockaway Point Blvd. Breezy Point, NY 11697 (718)318-5531 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Middle Village - 11379 Paula, DeJesus Lady 75-54 Metropolitan Avenue Middle Village, NY 11379 (718)894-4200 Hospital Affiliation(s): Family Health Center of Middle Village Podiatry Arverne - 11692 Odinsky, Wayne 392 Beach 59th Street Arverne, NY 11692 (718)643-1741 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Astoria - 11102 Efkarpides, Teddy 23-22 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)274-5427 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Astoria - 11105 Abousamra, Mamdou 2044 Crescent Street, Apt A3 Astoria, NY 11105 (646)421-9356 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Ahmed, Khaled 42-07 Astoria Blvd. Astoria, NY 11105 (347)324-2441 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Astoria - 11106 Wayne, Axman 31-60 21st Street Astoria, NY 11106 (718)267-4265 Hospital Affiliation(s): MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL Far Rockaway - 11691 Bayside - 11360 Blatt, Neil 23-83 Bell Boulevard Bayside, NY 11360 (718)423-3535 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Bayside - 11364 Berg, Gordon 214-09 73rd Avenue Bayside, NY 11364 (718)224-9000 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Elmhurst - 11373 Bustos, Emmanuel 40-08 Forley Street Elmhurst, NY 11373 (516)292-0023 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 112 Chan, Collier 87-08 Justice Ave. Suite CX Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)446-4230 Hospital Affiliation(s): Elmhurst Podiatry Group Gordon, David 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Hertz, Arnold 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Horl, Lawrence 228 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)471-5554 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Specialists New York State - Queens County Kass, Jeffrey 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Floral Park - 11004 Norman, Steven 76-51 263rd Street Floral Park, NY 11004 (718)343-9235 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Floral Park - 11005 Ting, Zhang Ting 140-22 Beech Ave Suite 1A Flushing, NY 11355 (718)445-3338 Hospital Affiliation(s): Pretty Feet Podiatry, PC Yim, Ho 42-31 Colden St. Suite 205 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)961-9593 Hospital Affiliation(s): Yim Ho, DPM, PC Schulman, Aryeh 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Schwartz, Lauren 269-10 Grand Central Parkway Floral Park, NY 11005 (718)229-1144 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Flushing - 11379 Flushing - 11355 Larry, Silver 4500 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Moharan, Michael 63-118 Woodhaven Blvd Flushing, NY 11379 (718)406-0330 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lester, Dennis 4500 Parsons Blvd Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Glen Oaks - 11004 Simon, David 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Tarantino, Joseph 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Steven, Norman 146-01 45th Avenue Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5562 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Berg, Gordon 260-73 Union Tpke Glen Oaks, NY 11004 (718)347-3447 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Howard Beach 11414 Chionis, Anthony 149-30 88th Street, Suite 1 Howard Beach, NY 11414 (718)323-0079 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Tarantino, Joseph 94-07 156th Ave Howard Beach, NY 11414 (718)641-7180 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Jackson Heights 11372 Carter-Robin, Stephanie 8428 Roosevelt Avenue Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-4989 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Goldman, Gershon 87-10 37th Avenue, Suite D Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)457-7443 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Shah, Sadia 87-10 37th Avenue, Suite C Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)507-8675 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 113 Specialists New York State - Queens County Jamaica - 11432 Kew Gardens - 11415 Middle Village - 11379 Efkarpides, Teddy 151-13 84th Drive Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)262-9808 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Schikman, Lana 119-60 Metropolitan Ave Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)441-0908 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Norman, Steven 78-44 Metropolitan Avenue Middle Village, NY 11379 (718)326-4789 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Seecharan, Vishnu 8002 Kew Gardens Rd Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)962-0489 Ozone Park - 11416 Lee, Rachel 8931 161st Street Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)291-6161 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Prince, Steven 89-31 161 Street, Main Floor Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)291-6161 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Jamaica - 11433 Isak, Badalov 111-20 Merrick Blvd Jamaica, NY 11433 (718)206-9888 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Jamaica - 11435 Joseph, Micallef 90-16 Sutphin Blvd Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)523-5500 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Long Island City 11103 Andrea, Mary 46-04 31st Avenue Long Island City, NY 11103 (718)482-0010 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Micallef, Joseph 102-14 101st Avenue Ozone Park, NY 11416 (718)641-2100 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Maspeth - 11378 Della, Corte Michael 59-01 69th Street Maspeth, NY 11378 (718)639-3338 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Rego Park - 11374 Gudeon, Arthur 64-06 Fleet Street Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)896-3080 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Tarantino, Joseph 55-36 69th Place, Suite C2 Maspeth, NY 11378 (718)446-0500 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Andrew, Rubin 91-20 Atlantic Avenue Ozone Park, NY 11416 (718)529-6241 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Richmond Hill - 11418 Archer, Jean 87-78 111 Street Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)850-1714 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 114 Barry, Kelvin 86-41 Lefferts Blvd Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)849-3338 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Debra, Marcelonis 8900 Van Wyck Expressway, ACC Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Ghuman, Nemaan 86-41 Lefferts Blvd Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (347)272-9209 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Spyros, Tsoumpariotis 8900 Van Wyck Expressway, ACC Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Steven, Prince 133-03 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Specialists New York State - Queens County Ridgewood - 11385 Saint Albans - 11412 Psychiatric Neurology Pulmonology D'Orazi, Stephen 60-83 Myrtle Avenue Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718)381-8402 Jean, Archer 200-16 Hollis Avenue Saint Albans, NY 11412 (718)736-8204 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Woodside - 11377 Astoria - 11102 Suh, Jungman 6417 Broadway Woodside, NY 11377 (718)424-0309 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Kassapidis, Sotirios 25-10 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)274-7457 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Pulmonary Disease Astoria - 11105 Flushing - 11355 Iakovou, Christos 23-18 31st Street Astoria, NY 11105 (718)545-4450 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Guberman, Ronald 60-83 Myrtle Avenue Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718)381-8402 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Rockaway Park 11694 Schilling, John 120-20 Rockaway Beach Boulevard Rockaway Park, NY 11694 (718)474-6600 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Rosedale - 11422 Shehada, Almutasemb 234-36 Merrick Blvd Rosedale, NY 11422 (718)949-9400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Tarantino, Joseph 234-36 Merrick Blvd Rosedale, NY 11422 (718)949-9400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA South Richmond Hill 11419 Shechter, David 104-17 Lefferts Blvd South Richmond Hill, NY 11419 (718)843-3268 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Shechter, Stuart 104-17 Lefferts Blvd South Richmond Hill, NY 11419 (718)843-3268 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Woodside - 11377 Belli, Richard 50-10 Skillman Avenue Woodside, NY 11377 (718)672-3421 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Blatt, Neil 57-18 Woodside Avenue Woodside, NY 11377 (718)639-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Gumpeni, Rammohan 56-45 Main Street, Suite M216 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-1405 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Nath, Sunil 55-14 Main Street, Suite 2A Flushing, NY 11355 (718)359-3131 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Astoria - 11106 Aruna, Timmireddy 31-60 21st Street Astoria, NY 11106 (718)267-4265 Hospital Affiliation(s): MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL Corona - 11368 Forest Hills - 11375 Conetta, Rick 111-26 Corona Avenue Corona, NY 11368 (718)224-8900 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Donath, Joseph 112-41 Queens Blvd Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)569-6966 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Haralambou, George 111-26 Corona Avenue Corona, NY 11368 (718)224-8900 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 115 Specialists New York State - Queens County Iakovou, Christos 111-26 Corona Avenue Corona, NY 11368 (718)224-8900 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Far Rockaway - 11691 Rothman, Nathan 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Tarras, Marc 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Flushing - 11354 Conetta, Rick 139-66 35th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)224-8900 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Conetta, Rick 35-15 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11354 (718)224-8900 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Conetta, Rick 36-17 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11354 (718)224-8900 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Iakovou, Christos 139-66 35th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)224-8900 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Conetta, Rick 56-45 Main Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)224-8900 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Iakovou, Christos 35-15 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11354 (718)224-8900 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Douglas, Prisco 56-45 Main Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-2712 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Haralambou, George 139-66 35th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)224-8900 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Iakovou, Christos 36-17 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11354 (718)224-8900 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Haralambou, George 35-15 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11354 (718)224-8900 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Sha, Kenneth 136-20 38th Ave. Suite CF-B Flushing, NY 11354 (718)358-8889 Hospital Affiliation(s): Flushing Chest Medical Associates, PC Haralambou, George 36-17 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11354 (718)224-8900 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Flushing - 11355 Conetta, Rick 4500 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11355 (718)224-8900 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 116 Haralambou, George 4500 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11355 (718)224-8900 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Haralambou, George 56-45 Main Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)224-8900 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Iakovou, Christos 4500 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11355 (718)224-8900 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Specialists New York State - Queens County Iakovou, Christos 56-45 Main Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)224-8900 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Kim, Kyungmee 137-10 Franklin Ave Flushing, NY 11355 (718)359-0005 T., Chuang Ming 133-36 41st Rd. Suite 1C Flushing, NY 11355 (718)358-1251 Hospital Affiliation(s): Ming T. Chuang, MD, PC Forest Hills - 11375 Chua, Walter 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4359 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Oleg, Epelbaum 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4359 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Teekaram, Persaud 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-1420 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jamaica - 11432 Conetta, Rick 165-01 Chapin Parkway Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)224-8900 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Haralambou, George 165-01 Chapin Parkway Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)224-8900 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Haralambou, George 58-06 Francis Lewis Boulevard Oakland Gardens, NY 11364 (718)224-8900 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Craig, Thurm 134-20 Jamaica Avenue, 1st Floor, Axel Building Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6742 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Iakovou, Christos 58-06 Francis Lewis Boulevard Oakland Gardens, NY 11364 (718)224-8900 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Mayank, Shukla 89-06 135th St, Suite 5S Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)998-3038 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Iakovou, Christos 165-01 Chapin Parkway Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)224-8900 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Oakland Gardens 11364 Rego Park - 11374 Kassapidis, Sotirios 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)975-5220 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Richmond Hill - 11418 Conetta, Rick 58-06 Francis Lewis Boulevard Oakland Gardens, NY 11364 (718)224-8900 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Alan, Fein 8900 Van Wyck Expressway, ACC Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Artur, Shalonov 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Mohammad, Babury 134-20 Jamaica Avenue, 1st Floor, Axel Building Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6742 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Samir, Sarkar 134-20 Jamaica Avenue, 1st Floor, Axel Building Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6742 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Whitestone - 11357 Kassapidis, Sotirios 150-55 14th Avenue Whitestone, NY 11357 (718)559-3300 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 117 Specialists New York State - Queens County Radiation Oncology Flushing - 11354 Kang, Josephine 40-22 Main St. 4th Floor Flushing, NY 11354 (718)216-1987 Hospital Affiliation(s): Flushing Radiation Oncology Service, PLLC Yeung, Vincent 136-40 39th Ave. Flushing, NY 11354 (347)532-2888 Hospital Affiliation(s): Flushing Radiation Oncology Service, PLLC Yeung, Vincent 40-22 Main St. 4th Floor Flushing, NY 11354 (718)216-1987 Hospital Affiliation(s): Flushing Radiation Oncology Service, PLLC Gliedman, Paul 158-06 Northern Blvd Flushing, NY 11358 (718)445-3700 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lim, May 158-06 Northern Blvd Flushing, NY 11358 (718)445-3700 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Flushing - 11355 Lodespoto, Mark 2601 Corp. Kennedy Street Bayside, NY 11360 (718)423-4091 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Bakst, Stewart 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Radiology Schwartz, Jonathan 2601 Corp. Kennedy Street Bayside, NY 11360 (718)423-4091 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Astoria - 11103 Lodespoto, Mark 3501 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11103 (718)726-7000 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Teslic, Kornelia 2601 Corp. Kennedy Street Bayside, NY 11360 (718)423-4091 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Schwartz, Jonathan 3501 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11103 (718)726-7000 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Flushing - 11358 Bayshtok, Anella 158-06 Northern Blvd Flushing, NY 11358 (718)445-3700 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Teslic, Kornelia 3501 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11103 (718)726-7000 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Bayside - 11360 Corona - 11368 Corrente, Lisa 10005 Roosevelt Avenue, Ste 203 Corona, NY 11368 (718)533-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Flushing - 11354 Hu, Mary 137-10 Northern Blvd Flushing, NY 11354 (718)888-9180 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 118 Bakst, Stewart 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Bottizer, Walter 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Bottizer, Walter 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Doshi, Leena 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Specialists New York State - Queens County Doshi, Leena 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Ham, Steven 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lastig, Stephen 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Schwartz, Jonathan 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Fox, Fabius 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Khan, Arbab 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lodespoto, Mark 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Schwartz, Jonathan 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Fox, Fabius 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Khan, Arbab 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lodespoto, Mark 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Schwartz, Jonathan 55-28 Main Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)445-5100 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Gupta, Payal 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Khokhar, Farooq 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lodespoto, Mark 55-28 Main Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)445-5100 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Shapiro, Mark 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Gupta, Payal 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Khokhar, Farooq 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Owens, David 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Shapiro, Mark 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Ham, Steven 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lastig, Stephen 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Owens, David 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Sharma, Mahendra 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 119 Specialists New York State - Queens County Sharma, Mahendra 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Teslic, Kornelia 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Teslic, Kornelia 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Teslic, Kornelia 55-28 Main Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)445-5100 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Williams, Farah 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Williams, Farah 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Flushing - 11358 Lodespoto, Mark 3530 Francis Lewis Blvd Flushing, NY 11358 (718)661-4866 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Schwartz, Jonathan 3530 Francis Lewis Blvd Flushing, NY 11358 (718)661-4866 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Teslic, Kornelia 3530 Francis Lewis Blvd Flushing, NY 11358 (718)661-4866 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Forest Hills - 11375 Bakst, Stewart 101-18 Queens Blvd Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)554-5400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lodespoto, Mark 107-21 Queens Blvd. Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)575-3322 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Malhotra, Vidya 102-02 Queens Blvd Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)896-7600 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Malhotra, Vidya 69-15 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)544-5100 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Payne, David 102-02 Queens Blvd Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)896-7600 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Payne, David 69-15 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)544-5100 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Prufer, Steven 61-20 Grand Central Parkway, Apt C306 Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)386-8137 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Schwartz, Jonathan 107-21 Queens Blvd. Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)575-3322 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 120 Teslic, Kornelia 107-21 Queens Blvd. Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)575-3322 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Howard Beach 11414 Lodespoto, Mark 160-55 Cross Bay Blvd. Howard Beach, NY 11414 (718)228-1199 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Schwartz, Jonathan 160-55 Cross Bay Blvd. Howard Beach, NY 11414 (718)228-1199 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Teslic, Kornelia 160-55 Cross Bay Blvd. Howard Beach, NY 11414 (718)228-1199 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Specialists New York State - Queens County Jackson Heights 11372 Bakst, Stewart 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Bottizer, Walter 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Doshi, Leena 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Fox, Fabius 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Gupta, Payal 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Ham, Steven 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lodespoto, Mark 7411 37th Avenue Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-6100 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Sharma, Mahendra 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Khan, Arbab 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Owens, David 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Teslic, Kornelia 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Khokhar, Farooq 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Schwartz, Jonathan 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Teslic, Kornelia 7411 37th Avenue Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-6100 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lastig, Stephen 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Schwartz, Jonathan 7411 37th Avenue Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-6100 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Williams, Farah 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lodespoto, Mark 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Shapiro, Mark 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Jamaica - 11432 Selim, Hosny 152-11 89th Avenue Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)558-2050 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 121 Specialists New York State - Queens County Kew Gardens - 11415 Bakst, Stewart 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Bottizer, Walter 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Doshi, Leena 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Fox, Fabius 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Gupta, Payal 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lodespoto, Mark 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Teslic, Kornelia 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Ham, Steven 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Owens, David 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Williams, Farah 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Khan, Arbab 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Schwartz, Jonathan 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Rego Park - 11374 Khokhar, Farooq 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Shapiro, Mark 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lastig, Stephen 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Sharma, Mahendra 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Wheelchair Accessible Page 122 Lodespoto, Mark 9811 Queens Blvd Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)228-1850 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Schwartz, Jonathan 9811 Queens Blvd Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)228-1850 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Teslic, Kornelia 9811 Queens Blvd Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)228-1850 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Specialists New York State - Queens County Ridgewood - 11385 Lodespoto, Mark 345 St. Nicholas Avenue Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718)408-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Lodespoto, Mark 66-55 Fresh Pond Road Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718)497-1919 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Schwartz, Jonathan 345 St. Nicholas Avenue Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718)408-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Schwartz, Jonathan 66-55 Fresh Pond Road Ridgewood, NY 11385 (516)931-5353 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Teslic, Kornelia 345 St. Nicholas Avenue Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718)408-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Teslic, Kornelia 66-55 Fresh Pond Road Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718)228-1199 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA South Ozone Park 11420 Shapiro, Mark 127-19 Rockaway Blvd South Ozone Park, NY 11420 (718)529-6900 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Reproductive Endo/Infertility Flushing - 11354 Chu, Micheline 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Cohen, Matthew 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (516)562-2229 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Cohen, Matthew 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)925-6265 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Gerald, Scholl 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (516)562-2229 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Gerald, Scholl 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4204 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Hershlag, Avner 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (516)562-2229 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Mary, Rausch 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)925-6265 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Mary, Rausch 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (516)562-2229 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Rego Park - 11374 Forest Hills - 11375 Cohen, Matthew 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Chu, Micheline 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (516)562-2229 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Cohen, Matthew 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (516)562-2229 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 123 Specialists New York State - Queens County Gerald, Scholl 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (516)562-2229 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Hershlag, Avner 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (516)562-2229 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Mary, Rausch 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Respiratory Therapy Elmhurst - 11373 Able Health Care Services Inc. 9131 Queens Blvd Elmhurst, NY 11373 (516)546-8000 Rheumatology Far Rockaway - 11691 Chung, T. Serina 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Kaplan, Stuart 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Levine, Benjamin 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Flushing - 11355 Dimitrios, Asters 4500 Parsons Blvd Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Forest Hills - 11375 Katzap, Elena 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (516)708-2550 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Rego Park - 11374 Little Neck - 11362 Katzap, Elena 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6214 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Tipperman, Beth 58-20 Little Neck Parkway Little Neck, NY 11362 (718)224-0566 Hospital Affiliation(s): Samuel Field YM, YWHA Katzap, Elena 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)975-5200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Astoria - 11102 The Mount Sinai Hospital of Queens 2510 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)932-1000 Richmond Hill - 11418 Katerina, Teller 134-20 Jamaica Avenue, 1st Floor, Axel Building Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6742 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Social Worker Bayside - 11360 Burstein, June 216-14 17th Avenue Bayside, NY 11360 (239)822-6450 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Jamaica - 11433 Cynthia, Aranow 111-20 Merrick Blvd Jamaica, NY 11433 (718)206-9888 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Wheelchair Accessible Page 124 Speech Therapy The Mount Sinai Hospital of Queens 2715 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)932-1000 Flushing - 11355 Flushing Hospital 4500 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Richmond Hill - 11418 Jamaica Hospital Medical Center 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Specialists New York State - Queens County Surgery Rego Park - 11374 Flushing - 11355 A., Kundel, MD Anna 97-85 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)261-9100 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Dharia, Kirit 133-54 41st Aveune Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-8887 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Dharia, Kirit 43-55 147th Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)762-7132 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Jackson Heights 11372 Dharia, Kirit 37-17 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)424-1400 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Kew Gardens - 11415 Dharia, Kirit 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)544-5151 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Surgical Services (Outpatient or ASC) Astoria - 11102 The Mount Sinai Hospital of Queens 2510 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)932-1000 Flushing - 11355 Flushing Hospital 4500 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Bizekis,, MD Costas 35-03 31st Ave Astoria, NY 11106 (212)263-5969 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Flushing - 11354 Kwon, Sean 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jamaica Hospital Medical Center 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Thoracic Surgery Astoria - 11106 A, Zias, MD Elias 35-03 31st Ave Astoria, NY 11106 (212)263-5969 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Elizabeth, Marshall 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6214 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Lee, Winnie 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6214 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Forest Hills - 11375 Elizabeth, Marshall 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Urogynecology Richmond Hill - 11418 Rego Park - 11374 Hartman, Alan 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Zeltsman, Vadim 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Rego Park - 11374 Lind, Lawrency 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Winkler, Harvey 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 125 Specialists New York State - Queens County Urologic Surgery Flushing - 11355 Subbareddy, Madireddy 41-61 Kissena Blvd., Suite A Room C Flushing, NY 11355 (718)353-5656 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Forest Hills - 11375 Ehrenpreis, Mark 112-03 Queens Boulevard, Suite 200 Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)805-8534 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Howard Beach 11414 Dourmashkin, Michael 82-12 151 Avenue Howard Beach, NY 11414 (718)843-6300 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Mandel, Edmund 157-02 Cross Bay Boulevard Howard Beach, NY 11414 (718)848-8158 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Rottenberg, Mario 157-02 Cross Bay Boulevard Howard Beach, NY 11414 (718)848-8158 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Queens Village 11427 Schnapp, David 208-11 Hillside Avenue Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)479-5017 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Urology Astoria - 11102 Hall, Simon 3119 Newtown Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (516)734-8500 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Rotman, Michael 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Vine, Mark 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Flushing - 11354 Far Rockaway - 11691 Hochsztein, Paul 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Pike, Sheldon 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Chan, David 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Chan, David 136-20 38th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)396-8888 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 126 Han, Justin 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3604 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC P.H., Young George 136-20 38th Ave. Suite 7F Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-3522 Hospital Affiliation(s): Urological Care at Flushing, PC Flushing - 11355 Cheung, Wellman 136-30 Maple Ave. Suite 2H Flushing, NY 11355 (718)853-2828 Hospital Affiliation(s): CTU Medical, PC Rodney, Becher 4500 Parsons BlvdACC Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Zafar, Khan 4500 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Specialists New York State - Queens County Forest Hills - 11375 Chan, David 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Joseph, Taff 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Zeph, Okeke 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Jackson Heights 11372 Rodriguez, Jose 87-15 37th Ave, Ste B Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)419-3340 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Maspeth - 11378 Khashu, Bushan 65-19 Borden Avenue Maspeth, NY 11378 (718)899-0060 Hospital Affiliation(s): Wyckoff Anesthesia and Medical Services, PC Queens Village 11427 Marean, Michael 208-11 Hillside Avenue Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)479-5017 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Rego Park - 11374 F, Borin, MD James 97-85 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)261-9100 Hospital Affiliation(s): NYU Medical Center Hoenig, David 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6226 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Joseph, Taff 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Mishail, Alek 99-52 66th Road, Lobby D Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)606-0909 Hospital Affiliation(s): Stony Brook Urology, U.F.P.C. Thomas, Rechtschaffen 89-06 135th Street, Suite 2T Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-7110 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Richmond Hill - 11418 Whitestone - 11357 Farshad, Shafizadeh 89-06 135th Street, Suite 2T Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-7110 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Jay, Motola 150-55 14th Avenue Whitestone, NY 11357 (718)559-3300 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Mykola, Alyskewycz 89-06 135th Street #2T Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)998-3038 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Vascular & Interventional Radiology Payam, Hakimian 89-06 135th Street, 2T Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)998-3038 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Riccardo, Ricciardi 89-06 135th Street, Suite 2T Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-7110 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Forest Hills - 11375 Axelrod, David 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Caplin, Drew 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Daniel, Putterman 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Wheelchair Accessible Page 127 Specialists New York State - Queens County David, Siegel 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Lobko, Igor 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Omid, Rahmani 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Floyd, Alicia 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Vascular Surgery Richard, Schutzer 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Gandras, Eric 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Greben, Craig 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC James, Naidich 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Kwak, No 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4747 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Flushing - 11354 Yang, Paul 136-17 39th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)559-3600 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Flushing - 11355 Robert, Solomon 4500 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Forest Hills - 11375 Frankini, Larry 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Richard, Schutzer 70-10 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4093 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Rego Park - 11374 Richard, Schutzer 95-25 Queens Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Richmond Hill - 11418 Kissin, Mark 68-60 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)925-6200 Hospital Affiliation(s): North Shore-LIJ Medical PC Ahmed, Khalil 89-06 135th Street, Suite 2T Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-7110 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Wheelchair Accessible Page 128 Hospitals New York State - Queens County Hospitals Astoria - 11102 The Mount Sinai Hospital of Queens 2510 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)932-1000 The Mount Sinai Hospital of Queens 2715 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)932-1000 Flushing - 11355 Flushing Hospital 4500 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Forest Hills - 11375 Forest Hills Hospital 102-01 66th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-4000 Richmond Hill - 11418 Jamaica Hospital Medical Center 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Wheelchair Accessible Page 129 Skilled Nursing Facilities New York State - Queens County Skilled Nursing Facilities Arverne - 11692 Horizon Care Center 6411 Beach Channel Drive Arverne, NY 11692 (718)945-0700 Forest Hills - 11375 Forest View Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing 71-20 110th Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)793-3200 JAMAICA HOSPITAL NURSING HOME 89-40 135TH STREET Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-135thAve Hollis - 11423 Whitestone - 11357 Horizon Care Center 64-11 Beach Channel Drive Arverne, NY 11692 (718)945-0700 Hillside Manor Rehabilitation & Extended Care Ctr 188-11 Hillside Avenue Hollis, NY 11423 (718)454-1244 Resort Nursing Home 430 Beach 68th Street Arverne, NY 11692 (718)474-5200 Corona - 11368 Rego Park Nursing Home 111-26 Corona Avenue Corona, NY 11368 (718)592-6400 Flushing - 11354 Flushing Manor Care Center Inc. 139-66 35th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)961-5300 Union Plaza Care Center 33-23 Union Street Flushing, NY 11354 (718)670-0700 Dr. William O. Benenson Rehabilitation Pavilion 36-17 Parsons Blvd. Whitestone, NY 11357 (718)961-4300 Holliswood Care Center 19-44 Woodhull Ave Hollis, NY 11423 (718)740-3500 Jackson Heights 11372 Regal Heights Rehabilitation and Health Care Cente 70-05 35th Avenue Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)662-5100 Richmond Hill - 11418 Jamaica Hospital Medical Center 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Flushing Manor Nursing Home 35-15 Parsons Blvd. Whitestone, NY 11357 (718)961-3500 Queens Center for Rehabilitation and Residential Center 157-15 19th Avenue Whitestone, NY 11357 (718)746-0400 QUEENS CTR FOR REHAB & RESIDENTIAL CARE 157-15 19TH AVENUE Whitestone, NY 11357 (718)746-0400 Wheelchair Accessible Page 130 Woodside - 11377 Queens Boulevard Extended Care Facility 61-11 Queens Blvd Woodside, NY 11377 (718)205-0287 Nursing Facilities New York State - Queens County Nursing Facility (Medicaid) Arverne - 11692 Horizon Care Center 6411 Beach Channel Drive Arverne, NY 11692 (718)945-0700 Flushing - 11355 Whitestone - 11357 Franklin Center for Nursing and Rehab 14227 Franklin Avenue Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-3400 Queens Center for Rehabilitation and Residential Center 15715 19th Avenue Whitestone, NY 11357 (718)746-0400 Forest Hills - 11375 Resort Nursing Home 430 Beach 68th Street Arverne, NY 11692 (718)474-5200 Forest View Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing 7120 110th Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)793-3200 Corona - 11368 Hollis - 11423 Rego Park Nursing Home 11126 Corona Avenue Corona, NY 11368 (718)592-6400 Holliswood Care Center 1944 Woodhull Ave Hollis, NY 11423 (718)740-3500 Flushing - 11354 Dr. William O. Benenson Rehabilitation Pavilion 3617 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11354 (718)961-4300 Regal Heights Rehabilitation and Health Care Cente 7005 35th Avenue Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)662-5100 Flushing Manor Nursing Home 3515 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11354 (718)961-3500 Union Plaza Care Center 3323 Union Street Flushing, NY 11354 (718)670-0700 Woodside - 11377 Queens Boulevard Extended Care Facility 6111 Queens Blvd Woodside, NY 11377 (718)205-0287 Jackson Heights 11372 JAMAICA - 11418 JAMAICA HOSPITAL NURSING HOME 8940 135TH STREET JAMAICA, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Wheelchair Accessible Page 131 Behavorial Health Providers New York State - Queens County Community Behavioral Health Astoria - 11103 Steinway Community Services 3811 Broadway Astoria, NY 11103 (718)726-5953 College Point - 11356 PSCH Inc. 1321 College Point Boulevard, 1st Floor College Point, NY 11356 (718)460-7120 Elmhurst - 11373 Queens Adult Home Clinic 80-20 45th Avenue Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)478-2900 Far Rockaway - 11691 PSCH Inc. 2964 Beach Channel Drive Far Rockaway, NY 11691 Seaview Manor 210 Beach 47th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)471-1311 Far Rockaway - 11694 Jamaica - 11432 Park Inn Adult Home 11502 Ocean Promenade Far Rockaway, NY 11694 (718)634-3400 Catholic Charities Behavioral Health Center 16110 Jamaica Avenue, 2nd Floor Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)657-2580 Flushing - 11355 Sanford Home For Adults Clinic 140-40 Sanford Avenue Flushing, NY 11355 (718)939-7160 Glendale - 11385 Glendale Mental Health Clinic 6729 Myrtle Avenue Glendale, NY 11385 (718)456-7001 Jackson Heights 11372 Catholic Charities Behavioral Health Center 9114 37th ave Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)979-1600 PSCH Inc. 15317 Jamaica Avenue, 3rd Floor Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)297-1718 Queens Village 11427 Jamaica Community Services 8045 Winchester Boulevard, Building 21 Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)464-7500 PSCH Inc. 8045 Winchester Boulevard, Building 62 Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)740-5212 Corona Behavioral Health Clinic 9114 37th Avenue Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)979-1600 Queens Village Clinic 8045 Winchester Boulevard, Building 73 Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)264-3950 Wavecrest Home for Adults 242 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)471-5500 Corona PROS 9114 37th Avenue Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)979-1600 Wheelchair Accessible Page 132 Inpatient Psychiatric Center Far Rockaway - 11691 St. John's Episcopal Hospital 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7000 Flushing - 11355 Flushing Hospital 4500 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Queens Village 11427 Creedmoor Psychiatric Center 7925 Winchester Boulevard Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)464-7500 Richmond Hill - 11418 Jamaica Hospital Medical Center 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Inpatient Psychiatric Facility Services Flushing - 11355 Flushing Hospital 4500 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Behavorial Health Providers New York State - Queens County Richmond Hill - 11418 Jamaica Hospital Medical Center 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Intensive Psychiatric Rehabilitation Treatment Programs Astoria - 11103 Steinway Community Services 3811 Broadway Astoria, NY 11103 (718)726-5953 College Point - 11356 PSCH Inc. 1321 College Point Boulevard, 1st Floor College Point, NY 11356 (718)460-7120 Far Rockaway - 11691 PSCH Inc. 2964 Beach Channel Drive Far Rockaway, NY 11691 Seaview Manor 210 Beach 47th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)471-1311 Wavecrest Home for Adults 242 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)471-5500 Far Rockaway - 11694 Park Inn Adult Home 11502 Ocean Promenade Far Rockaway, NY 11694 (718)634-3400 Glendale - 11385 Glendale Mental Health Clinic 6729 Myrtle Avenue Glendale, NY 11385 (718)456-7001 Jackson Heights 11372 Catholic Charities Behavioral Health Center 9114 37th ave Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)979-1600 Jamaica - 11432 Catholic Charities Behavioral Health Center 16110 Jamaica Avenue, 2nd Floor Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)657-2580 PSCH Inc. 15317 Jamaica Avenue, 3rd Floor Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)297-1718 Queens Village 11427 Creedmoor Addiction Treatment Center 8045 Winchester Boulevard, Building 19 Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)264-3470 Jamaica Community Services 8045 Winchester Boulevard, Building 21 Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)464-7500 Corona Behavioral Health Clinic 9114 37th Avenue Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)979-1600 Corona PROS 9114 37th Avenue Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)979-1600 PSCH Inc. 8045 Winchester Boulevard, Building 62 Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)740-5212 Queens Village Clinic 8045 Winchester Boulevard, Building 73 Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)264-3950 Outpatient Mental Health Douglaston - 11362 Pride of Judea Counseling Center 243-02 Northern Boulevard Douglaston, NY 11362 (212)582-9100 Outpatient Mental Health Licensed CR Far Rockaway - 11691 Far Rockaway Intensive Housing 20-08 Seagirt Boulevard, Apartment 1F Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (212)582-9100 PSCH Inc. 2964 Beach Channel Drive Far Rockaway, NY 11691 Wheelchair Accessible Page 133 Behavorial Health Providers New York State - Queens County Jackson Heights 11372 Queens Community Living Apartment Treatment 3524 83rd Street, 3rd Floor Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)639-0700 Jamaica - 11432 Monica House 16101 89th Avenue Jamaica, NY 11432 Rockaway PROS Program 1847 Mott Avenue Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)337-6850 Jackson Heights 11372 Corona Behavioral Health Clinic 9114 37th Avenue Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)979-1600 Queens Village 11427 Jamaica - 11432 PSCH Inc. 8045 Winchester Boulevard, Building 62 Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)740-5212 Positive Behavioral Intervention College Point - 11356 PSCH Inc. 1321 College Point Boulevard, 1st Floor College Point, NY 11356 (718)460-7120 Far Rockaway - 11691 PSCH Inc. 2964 Beach Channel Drive Far Rockaway, NY 11691 Catholic Charities Behavioral Health Center 16110 Jamaica Avenue, 2nd Floor Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)657-2580 PSCH Inc. 15317 Jamaica Avenue, 3rd Floor Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)297-1718 Psychiatry Far Rockaway - 11691 Adler, David 521 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-8822 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Azam, Anjum 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Bartha, Griselda 521 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-8822 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Queens Village 11427 PSCH Inc. 8045 Winchester Boulevard, Building 62 Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)740-5212 Florio, William 521 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)474-2035 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Wheelchair Accessible Page 134 Ghani, Javed 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Glauberson, Vladimir 521 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-8822 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Odiah, Nnamdi 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Reddy, Harsha 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Behavorial Health Providers New York State - Queens County Reddy, Lokesh 521 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-8822 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Valmiki, Rajasekhar 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7690 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Singer, Andrew 521 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-8822 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Flushing - 11354 Spitzer, Margo 521 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)474-2035 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Tsynman, Alexander 521 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-8822 Hospital Affiliation(s): St. Johns Episcopal Hospital Wang, Da 133-36 41st Rd. Suite 1B Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-3528 Hospital Affiliation(s): Dr. Da Wang Psychiatric Consultation, PC Flushing - 11355 Adam, Chester 4500 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Alexis, Bisangwa 4500 Parsons Blvd Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Daniel, Chen 4500 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Eva, Altobelli 4500 Parsons Blvd Reflections Unit Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Los, Angeles-Perez Margarita De 146-01 45th Avenue, Suite 310 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5562 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Pervez, Akhter 4500 Parsons Blvd Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Peter, Chu 4500 Parsons Blvd Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Pierre, Joseph 4500 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Sreenivasa, Sanikam 4500 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Vasantha, Badhey 4500 Parsons Blvd Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Forest Hills - 11375 Blair, Skolnick 103-26 68th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)261-3330 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Dinshaw, Bamji 103-26 68th Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)261-3330 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Weinstein, Gary 107-21 Queens Blvd Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)830-0724 Hospital Affiliation(s): Gary Weinstein Jamaica - 11432 Deepak, Sankholkar 178-10 Wexford Terrace Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)658-1132 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Rekha, Mehta 178-10 Wexford Terrace Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)658-1132 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Wheelchair Accessible Page 135 Behavorial Health Providers New York State - Queens County Sachidanand, Peteru 178-10 Wexford Terrace Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)658-1132 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Saloni, Wadia 178-10 Wexford Terrace Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)658-1123 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Jamaica - 11435 Fermin, Gonzalez 90-09 Van Wyck Expressway State Road Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)206-5594 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Grisco, Blanco 90-09 Van Wyck Expressway State Rd. East, Room 20 Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)206-5594 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Joseph, Georges 90-09 Van Wyck Expressway State Road Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)206-5594 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Lober, Cervantes 90-09 Van Wyck Expressway State Rd. East Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)206-5594 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Shagufta, Paya 90-09 Van Wyck Expressway State Rd East, Room 2 Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)206-5585 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Sharmeen, Sultana 90-09 Van Wyck Expressway Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)206-5585 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Tatyana, Semenova 90-09 Van Wyck Epressway Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)206-5585 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Teresita, Ruiz 90-09 Van Wyck Expressway State Rd East, Room 12 Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)206-5585 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Richmond Hill - 11418 Daniel, Khaimov 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Elisabeth, Mashinic 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Franck, Paul 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Glenn, Kalash 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Kalash, Glenn 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): CHSLI SFH - Psychiatry Wheelchair Accessible Page 136 Kusum, Kathpalia 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Lillian, AldanaBernier 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Madhu, Malhotra 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Madhu, Rajanna 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Manuel, Mosquera 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Behavorial Health Providers New York State - Queens County Marie, Lourdes FilsAime 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Seeth, Vivek 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Vinod, Dhar 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Martha, Edelman 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Shabnamzehra, Bhojani 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Yasmeen, Kirmani 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Meri, Nisimova 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Shushan, Hovanesian 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Bilick, Herbert 216 14 17th Avenue Bayside, NY 11360 (212)595-3643 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Thulasi, Reddy 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Weksler, Moses 216-14 17th Avenue Bayside, NY 11360 (718)428-1037 Hospital Affiliation(s): New York Network IPA Richard, Deucher 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Sandip, Sheth 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys Psychology Bayside - 11360 Far Rockaway - 11691 PSCH Inc. 2964 Beach Channel Drive Far Rockaway, NY 11691 Jamaica - 11432 PSCH Inc. 15317 Jamaica Avenue, 3rd Floor Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)297-1718 Queens Village 11427 PSCH Inc. 8045 Winchester Boulevard, Building 62 Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)740-5212 College Point - 11356 Vasundhara, Kalasapudi 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Hospital Affiliation(s): Medisys PSCH Inc. 1321 College Point Boulevard, 1st Floor College Point, NY 11356 (718)460-7120 Wheelchair Accessible Page 137 Long-Term Services and Supports New York State - Queens County Adult Day Healthcare Services Flushing - 11354 Rego Park ADHC 14518 34th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (718)463-4455 Jackson Heights 11372 Regal Heights Rehabilitation and Health Care Cente 7005 35th Avenue Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)662-5100 Home and Community Support Services Douglaston - 11362 Handy Helping Services 24650 57th Drive Douglaston, NY 11362 (718)224-3758 East Elmhurst - 11369 Aliah Home Care 9804 Astoria Blvd. East Elmhurst, NY 11369 (718)205-5283 Middle Village - 11379 Elmhurst - 11373 Dry Harbor ADHC 6135 Dry Harbor Road Middle Village, NY 11379 (718)424-3169 Able Healthcare Services Inc. (LHCSA) 9131 Queens Blvd Elmhurst, NY 11373 (516)546-8000 AIDS Adult Day Healthcare Utopia Home Care Inc. 9131 Queens Blvd Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)429-5221 Jamaica - 11435 Help/PSI 10504 Sutphin Boulevard Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)947-9100 Environmental Modifications Cambria Heights 11411 EMC Cleaning Services 22408 Linden Blvd Cambria Heights, NY 11411 (718)949-3100 Forest Hills - 11375 Flushing Manor LTHHCP 3625 Parsons Blvd. Suite LL1 Flushing, NY 11354 (718)461-9115 Allen Health Care Services 7000 Austin Street Suite 201 Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)657-2966 XTREME Care LLC 3519 150th Street Flushing, NY 11354 (718)461-9602 Attentive Home Care 11325 Queens Blvd Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)943-0900 Flushing - 11355 Caring Professionals 7020 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)897-2273 ABC Health Service Registry Inc. 4278 Main Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)359-2284 American Business Institute Corp. 4160 Main Street Ste. 305 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)661-3303 Rockaway Home Attendant Services Inc. 1603 Central Ave. Ste. 100 Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)471-5800 Continental Home Care 11655 Queens Boulevard Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)544-4488 Fresh Meadows 11365 Y Evergreen Care 42-07 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)353-4553 Pomonok Home Services 6134 188th Street Suite 219 Fresh Meadows, NY 11365 (718)454-2630 Flushing - 11358 Del's Comprehensive Health Care Registry Agency 4566 162nd Street Ste. 1 Flushing, NY 11358 (718)539-8044 Wheelchair Accessible Page 138 Far Rockaway - 11691 Flushing - 11354 Hollis - 11423 Global Care of New York Inc. 19002 Jamaica Ave. Ste. 202 Hollis, NY 11423 (718)776-2200 Long-Term Services and Supports New York State - Queens County Hillside Manor Rehabilitation & Extended Care Ctr 18811 Hillside Avenue Hollis, NY 11423 (718)454-1244 Crown of Life Care Inc. 14644 Lakewood Ave Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)526-8921 Sunnyside Home Care Project Inc. 4331 39th Street Long Island City, NY 11104 (718)784-6160 Jamaica - 11415 Kew Gardens - 11415 Kris Agency & Home Care 16914 Hillside Avenue Jamaica, NY 11415 (718)262-9009 Premier Home Health Care Services Inc. 8002 Kew Gardens Road 6th Floor Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)520-0763 Long Island City 11106 JASACARE/Services for the Aged 3636 33rd Street Suite 305 Long Island City, NY 11106 (718)707-9696 Laurelton - 11413 Ozone Park - 11417 Social Concern Community Development Corp. 22618 Merrick Blvd. Laurelton, NY 11413 (718)978-7776 Caring Home Care 10505 Cross Bay Boulevard Ozone Park, NY 11417 (718)925-2181 Interim Health Care 6707 Roosevelt Avenue Woodside, NY 11377 (800)550-6946 Long Island City 11101 Rego Park - 11374 Jamaica - 11423 Lynn Agency 18811 Hillside Avenue Jamaica, NY 11423 (718)454-1244 Jamaica - 11432 Personal Touch Home Care of NY 18618 Hillside Avenue Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)468-2500 Region Care Nursing Agency 8811 165th Street Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)776-9870 Unlimited Care Inc. 3310 Queens Boulevard Long Island City, NY 11101 (718)786-4139 Jamaica - 11435 Long Island City 11104 Concern Home Care Inc. 14511 Jamaica Ave Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)206-1054 Sunnyside Citywide 4331 39th Street Long Island City, NY 11104 (718)784-6160 BNV Homecare Services 9660 Queens Blvd Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)459-1900 International Home Care Services 9777 Queens Blvd. Suite 1107 Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)459-4663 Richmond Hill - 11418 At Home Solutions 11102 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)441-6802 VIP Health Care Services 11612 Myrtle Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)849-2300 Independent Living Skills and Training Long Island City 11101 Unlimited Care Inc. 3310 Queens Boulevard Long Island City, NY 11101 (718)786-4139 Woodside - 11377 Medical Social Services Astoria - 11103 Steinway Community Services 3811 Broadway Astoria, NY 11103 (718)726-5953 Steinway Community Services 38-11 Broadway Astoria, NY 11103 (718)726-5953 Wheelchair Accessible Page 139 Long-Term Services and Supports New York State - Queens County College Point - 11356 PSCH Inc. 1321 College Point Boulevard, 1st Floor College Point, NY 11356 (718)460-7120 PSCH Inc. 13-21 College Point Boulevard, 1st Floor College Point, NY 11356 (718)460-7120 Seaview Manor 210 Beach 47th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)471-1311 Wavecrest Home for Adults 242 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)471-5500 Elmhurst - 11373 Far Rockaway - 11694 Utopia Home Care Inc. 9131 Queens Blvd Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)429-5221 Far Rockaway - 11691 Park Inn Adult Home 11502 Ocean Promenade Far Rockaway, NY 11694 (718)634-3400 PSCH Inc. 2964 Beach Channel Drive Far Rockaway, NY 11691 Park Inn Adult Home 115-02 Ocean Promenade Far Rockaway, NY 11694 (718)634-3400 PSCH Inc. 29-64 Beach Channel Drive Far Rockaway, NY 11691 Flushing - 11354 Rockaway Home Attendant Services Inc. 1603 Central Ave. Ste. 100 Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)471-5800 XTREME Care LLC 3519 150th Street Flushing, NY 11354 (718)461-9602 Flushing - 11355 Y Evergreen Care 42-07 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)353-4553 Fresh Meadows 11365 Pomonok Home Services 6134 188th Street Suite 219 Fresh Meadows, NY 11365 (718)454-2630 Hollis - 11423 Global Care of New York Inc. 19002 Jamaica Ave. Ste. 202 Hollis, NY 11423 (718)776-2200 Hillside Manor Rehabilitation & Extended Care Ctr 18811 Hillside Avenue Hollis, NY 11423 (718)454-1244 Jamaica - 11415 Kris Agency & Home Care 16914 Hillside Avenue Jamaica, NY 11415 (718)262-9009 PSCH Inc. 153-17 Jamaica Avenue, 3rd Floor Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)297-1718 Region Care Nursing Agency 8811 165th Street Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)776-9870 Kew Gardens - 11415 Premier Home Health Care Services Inc. 8002 Kew Gardens Road 6th Floor Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)520-0763 Laurelton - 11413 Social Concern Community Development Corp. 22618 Merrick Blvd. Laurelton, NY 11413 (718)978-7776 Long Island City 11101 Jamaica - 11432 Unlimited Care Inc. 3310 Queens Boulevard Long Island City, NY 11101 (718)786-4139 Personal Touch Home Care of NY 18618 Hillside Avenue Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)468-2500 PSCH Inc. 15317 Jamaica Avenue, 3rd Floor Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)297-1718 Long Island City 11104 Sunnyside Citywide 4331 39th Street Long Island City, NY 11104 (718)784-6160 Wheelchair Accessible Page 140 Long-Term Services and Supports New York State - Queens County Sunnyside Home Care Project Inc. 4331 39th Street Long Island City, NY 11104 (718)784-6160 Long Island City 11106 JASACARE/Services for the Aged 3636 33rd Street Suite 305 Long Island City, NY 11106 (718)707-9696 Queens Village 11427 Jamaica Community Services 8045 Winchester Boulevard, Building 21 Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)464-7500 Jamaica Community Services 80-45 Winchester Boulevard, Building 21 Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)464-7500 PSCH Inc. 8045 Winchester Boulevard, Building 62 Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)740-5212 PSCH Inc. 80-45 Winchester Boulevard, Building 62 Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)740-5212 Able Healthcare Services Inc. (LHCSA) 9131 Queens Blvd Elmhurst, NY 11373 (516)546-8000 Queens Village Clinic 8045 Winchester Boulevard, Building 73 Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)264-3950 Utopia Home Care Inc. 9131 Queens Blvd Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)429-5221 Far Rockaway - 11691 Queens Village Clinic 80-45 Winchester Boulevard, Building 73 Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)264-3950 Rockaway Home Attendant Services Inc. 1603 Central Ave. Ste. 100 Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)471-5800 Richmond Hill - 11418 VIP Health Care Services 11612 Myrtle Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)849-2300 Flushing - 11354 Flushing Manor LTHHCP 3625 Parsons Blvd. Suite LL1 Flushing, NY 11354 (718)461-9115 Personal Care Services East Elmhurst - 11369 Aliah Home Care 9804 Astoria Blvd. East Elmhurst, NY 11369 (718)205-5283 Elmhurst - 11373 XTREME Care LLC 3519 150th Street Flushing, NY 11354 (718)461-9602 Flushing - 11355 ABC Health Service Registry Inc. 4278 Main Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)359-2284 American Business Institute Corp. 4160 Main Street Ste. 305 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)661-3303 Y Evergreen Care 42-07 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)353-4553 Flushing - 11358 Del's Comprehensive Health Care Registry Agency 4566 162nd Street Ste. 1 Flushing, NY 11358 (718)539-8044 Forest Hills - 11375 Allen Health Care Services 7000 Austin Street Suite 201 Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)657-2966 Attentive Home Care 11325 Queens Blvd Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)943-0900 Caring Professionals 7020 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)897-2273 Wheelchair Accessible Page 141 Long-Term Services and Supports New York State - Queens County Continental Home Care 11655 Queens Boulevard Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)544-4488 Fresh Meadows 11365 Pomonok Home Services 6134 188th Street Suite 219 Fresh Meadows, NY 11365 (718)454-2630 Hollis - 11423 Global Care of New York Inc. 19002 Jamaica Ave. Ste. 202 Hollis, NY 11423 (718)776-2200 Hillside Manor Rehabilitation & Extended Care Ctr 18811 Hillside Avenue Hollis, NY 11423 (718)454-1244 Jamaica - 11415 Kris Agency & Home Care 16914 Hillside Avenue Jamaica, NY 11415 (718)262-9009 Jamaica - 11423 Lynn Agency 18811 Hillside Avenue Jamaica, NY 11423 (718)454-1244 Jamaica - 11432 Personal Touch Home Care of NY 18618 Hillside Avenue Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)468-2500 Long Island City 11101 Unlimited Care Inc. 3310 Queens Boulevard Long Island City, NY 11101 (718)786-4139 Jamaica - 11435 Concern Home Care Inc. 14511 Jamaica Ave Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)206-1054 Long Island City 11104 Crown of Life Care Inc. 14644 Lakewood Ave Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)526-8921 Kew Gardens - 11415 Premier Home Health Care Services Inc. 8002 Kew Gardens Road 6th Floor Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)520-0763 Laurelton - 11413 Social Concern Community Development Corp. 22618 Merrick Blvd. Laurelton, NY 11413 (718)978-7776 Sunnyside Citywide 4331 39th Street Long Island City, NY 11104 (718)784-6160 Sunnyside Home Care Project Inc. 4331 39th Street Long Island City, NY 11104 (718)784-6160 Long Island City 11106 JASACARE/Services for the Aged 3636 33rd Street Suite 305 Long Island City, NY 11106 (718)707-9696 Ozone Park - 11417 Caring Home Care 10505 Cross Bay Boulevard Ozone Park, NY 11417 (718)925-2181 Wheelchair Accessible Page 142 Rego Park - 11374 BNV Homecare Services 9660 Queens Blvd Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)459-1900 International Home Care Services 9777 Queens Blvd. Suite 1107 Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)459-4663 Richmond Hill - 11418 At Home Solutions 11102 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)441-6802 VIP Health Care Services 11612 Myrtle Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)849-2300 Personal Emergency Response Services (PERS) Long Island City 11106 American Medical Alert Corp. 3636 33rd Street Long Island City, NY 11106 (800)286-2622 Long-Term Services and Supports New York State - Queens County Long Island City 11355 American Medical Alert Corp. 3636 33rd Street Long Island City, NY 11355 (800)286-2622 Private Duty Nursing Elmhurst - 11373 Attentive Home Care 8506 Queens Boulevard Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)943-0900 Utopia Home Care Inc. Elmhurst Location 9131 Queens Blvd Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718)429-5221 Forest Hills - 11375 Allen Health Care Services 7000 Austin Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)657-2966 Respite Providers Flushing - 11355 JAMAICA - 11418 Arverne - 11692 Franklin Center for Nursing and Rehab 14227 Franklin Avenue Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-3400 JAMAICA HOSPITAL NURSING HOME 8940 135TH STREET JAMAICA, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Forest Hills - 11375 Richmond Hill - 11418 Forest View Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing 7120 110th Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)793-3200 Jamaica Hospital Medical Center 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Horizon Care Center 6411 Beach Channel Drive Arverne, NY 11692 (718)945-0700 Resort Nursing Home 430 Beach 68th Street Arverne, NY 11692 (718)474-5200 Corona - 11368 Rego Park Nursing Home 11126 Corona Avenue Corona, NY 11368 (718)592-6400 Hollis - 11423 Hillside Manor Rehabilitation & Extended Care Ctr 18811 Hillside Avenue Hollis, NY 11423 (718)454-1244 Flushing - 11354 Dr. William O. Benenson Rehabilitation Pavilion 3617 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11354 (718)961-4300 Continental Home Care 11655 Queens Boulevard Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)544-4488 Flushing Manor Nursing Home 3515 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11354 (718)961-3500 Union Plaza Care Center 3323 Union Street Flushing, NY 11354 (718)670-0700 Holliswood Care Center 1944 Woodhull Ave Hollis, NY 11423 (718)740-3500 Jackson Heights 11372 Regal Heights Rehabilitation and Health Care Cente 7005 35th Avenue Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)662-5100 Whitestone - 11357 Queens Center for Rehabilitation and Residential Center 15715 19th Avenue Whitestone, NY 11357 (718)746-0400 Woodside - 11377 Queens Boulevard Extended Care Facility 6111 Queens Blvd Woodside, NY 11377 (718)205-0287 Social Day Care College Point - 11356 Hallelujah Adult Day Care Inc. 1523 132nd Street College Point, NY 11356 (718)886-1261 Wheelchair Accessible Page 143 Long-Term Services and Supports New York State - Queens County Far Rockaway - 11691 Seagirt Adult Day Care Center 2028 Seagirt Blvd Ste. 100 Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)471-3906 Flushing - 11354 New York Golden Eagle 3712 Prince Street Flushing, NY 11354 (718)460-1888 Queens Borough Day Care LLC 13510 35th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (347)732-0907 Pine Care LLC 15311 Barclay Avenue Flushing, NY 11355 (917)838-0252 Sunny Adult Day Care Center 14627 Beech Avenue #C1 Flushing, NY 11355 (347)368-4963 Little Neck - 11362 Silvertown Adult Day Care 25021 Northern Blvd Little Neck, NY 11362 (718)631-7979 Social Day Care Transportation College Point - 11356 American Social Adult Day Care 13241 41st Road Flushing, NY 11355 (718)463-8889 Hallelujah Adult Day Care Inc. 1523 132nd Street College Point, NY 11356 (718)886-1261 American Social Adult Day Care 4211 College Point Blvd Flushing, NY 11355 (718)463-8889 Boulevard Adult Day Care of Flushing LLC 4234 Saull Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)353-4689 Flushing - 11355 American Social Adult Day Care 13241 41st Road Flushing, NY 11355 (718)463-8889 American Social Adult Day Care 4211 College Point Blvd Flushing, NY 11355 (718)463-8889 Flushing - 11355 Little Neck - 11362 Queens Borough Day Care LLC 13510 35th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 (347)732-0907 Far Rockaway - 11691 Seagirt Adult Day Care Center 2028 Seagirt Blvd Ste. 100 Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)471-3906 Boulevard Adult Day Care of Flushing LLC 4234 Saull Street Flushing, NY 11355 (718)353-4689 Pine Care LLC 15311 Barclay Avenue Flushing, NY 11355 (917)838-0252 Sunny Adult Day Care Center 14627 Beech Avenue #C1 Flushing, NY 11355 (347)368-4963 Flushing - 11354 New York Golden Eagle 3712 Prince Street Flushing, NY 11354 (718)460-1888 Wheelchair Accessible Page 144 Silvertown Adult Day Care 25021 Northern Blvd Little Neck, NY 11362 (718)631-7979 Ancillary Providers New York State - Queens County Ambulance Flushing - 11368 Corona - 11368 Madison York Assisted Living Community, LLC 11214 Corona Avenue Flushing, NY 11368 (718)899-8126 North Shore Ambulance and Oxygen Service, Inc 11018 Corona Ave Corona, NY 11368 (718)458-9300 Assertive Community Treatment Jamaica - 11432 PSCH Inc. 15317 Jamaica Avenue, 3rd Floor Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)297-1718 Queens Village 11427 Creedmoor Psychiatric Center 7925 Winchester Boulevard, Building 40 Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)464-7500 Assisted Living Programs East Elmhurst - 11369 Elm York, LLC 10030 Ditmars Boulevard East Elmhurst, NY 11369 (718)446-6100 Flushing - 11365 Boulevard ALP 7161 159th Street Flushing, NY 11365 (718)969-7500 Queens Community Living Apartment Treatment 3524 83rd Street, 3rd Floor Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)639-0700 Rego Park - 11374 Jamaica - 11432 Madison York Rego Park, LLC 6180 Woodhaven Boulevard Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)446-4300 Community Integration Counseling College Point - 11356 PSCH Inc. 1321 College Point Boulevard, 1st Floor College Point, NY 11356 (718)460-7120 PSCH Inc. 15317 Jamaica Avenue, 3rd Floor Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)297-1718 Queens Village 11427 PSCH Inc. 8045 Winchester Boulevard, Building 62 Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)740-5212 Richmond Hill - 11418 Far Rockaway - 11691 VIP Health Care Services 11612 Myrtle Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)849-2300 PSCH Inc. 2964 Beach Channel Drive Far Rockaway, NY 11691 Woodside - 11377 Jackson Heights 11372 Corona Behavioral Health Clinic 9114 37th Avenue Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)979-1600 Interim Health Care 6707 Roosevelt Avenue Woodside, NY 11377 (800)550-6946 Community Transitional Service Jackson Heights 11372 Queens Community Living Apartment Treatment 3524 83rd Street, 3rd Floor Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)639-0700 Day Treatment & Continuing Day College Point - 11356 PSCH Inc. 2244 119th Street College Point, NY 11356 (718)445-4700 Far Rockaway - 11691 St. John's Continuing Day Treatment Program 1908 Brookhaven Avenue Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-8400 St. John's Episcopal Hospital 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)869-7000 Wheelchair Accessible Page 145 Ancillary Providers New York State - Queens County Queens Village 11428 Queens Village Continuing Day Treatment Center 220-05 Jamaica Avenue Queens Village, NY 11428 (718)740-5000 College Point - 11356 Medstar Surgical and Breathing Equipment Inc. 1540 128th Street College Point, NY 11356 (718)460-2900 Corona - 11368 Springfield Gardens 11434 BIG APPLE PHARMACY 3771 103RD STREET Corona, NY 11368 (718)779-4450 Adult Home Continuing Day Treatment Center 130-30 180th Street Springfield Gardens, NY 11434 (718)527-2200 Durable Medical Equipment METROCARE PHARMACY 21-12 36TH AVENUE Astoria, NY 11106 (718)606-0068 BRIARWOOD - 11435 MANSON PHARMACY 137-69 QUEENS BOULEVARD BRIARWOOD, NY 11435 (718)297-4424 RAINBOW SUPPLY OF NY 237 BEACH 20TH STREET FAR ROCKAWAY, NY 11691 (718)375-5875 Flushing - 11354 BIG APPLE PHARMACY 37-71 103RD STREET Corona, NY 11368 (718)779-4450 AC NORTHERN PHARMACY 15416 NORTHERN BLVD Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-0060 Astoria - 11106 METROCARE PHARMACY 2112 36TH AVENUE Astoria, NY 11106 (718)606-0068 OCEAN PARK DRUGS 529 BEACH 20TH STREET FAR ROCKAWAY, NY 11691 (718)471-2500 SUPERRX PHARMACY 5908 99TH STREET Corona, NY 11368 (718)271-9500 SUPERRX PHARMACY 59-08 99TH STREET Corona, NY 11368 (718)271-9500 AC NORTHERN PHARMACY 154-16 NORTHERN BLVD Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-0060 H2 PHARMACY CORP 3809 MAIN STREET Flushing, NY 11354 (718)762-1168 FAR ROCKAWAY 11691 OCEAN PARK DRUGS 1727 SEAGRIT BOULEVARD FAR ROCKAWAY, NY 11691 (718)471-2500 H2 PHARMACY CORP 38-09 MAIN STREET Flushing, NY 11354 (718)762-1168 Wheelchair Accessible Page 146 HAPPY CARE PHARMACY INC 13689 37TH AVENUE Flushing, NY 11354 (718)321-2526 SILVERCARE 15005 NORTHERN BLVD Flushing, NY 11354 (718)359-5600 SILVERCARE 150-05 NORTHERN BLVD Flushing, NY 11354 (718)359-5600 TOP CARE PHARMACY CORP. 13604 NORTHERN BLVD. Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-8833 TOP CARE PHARMACY CORP. 136-04 NORTHERN BLVD. Flushing, NY 11354 (718)886-8833 Flushing - 11355 PROMEDEX INC 13671 41ST AVENUE Flushing, NY 11355 (718)939-4008 PROMEDEX INC 136-71 41ST AVENUE Flushing, NY 11355 (718)939-4008 Ancillary Providers New York State - Queens County Forest Hills - 11375 HEALTHY CORNER PHARMACY INC 11665 QUEENS BLVD Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)261-6699 HEALTHY CORNER PHARMACY INC 116-65 QUEENS BLVD Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)261-6699 OCEAN PARK DRUGS 10104 QUEENS BLVD Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)997-8080 OCEAN PARK DRUGS 101-04 QUEENS BLVD Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)997-8080 Fresh Meadows 11366 NATIONAL MEDICAL & SURGICAL SUPPLY INC 18014 UNION TURNPIKE Fresh Meadows, NY 11366 (718)696-0006 NATIONAL MEDICAL & SURGICAL SUPPLY INC 180-14 UNION TURNPIKE Fresh Meadows, NY 11366 (718)696-0006 Hollis - 11423 OCEAN PARK DRUGS 20419 HILLSIDE AVE Hollis, NY 11423 (718)465-2121 HOWARD BEACH MEDICAL EQUIPMENT 100-20 159TH AVENUE Howard Beach, NY 11414 (718)835-6666 Jackson Heights 11372 J & M PHARMACY CORP 8507 ROOSEVELT AVENUE Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (917)396-4794 J & M PHARMACY CORP 85-07 ROOSEVELT AVENUE Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (917)396-4794 Jamaica - 11433 OCEAN PARK DRUGS 204-19 HILLSIDE AVE Hollis, NY 11423 (718)465-2121 BCR MEDICAL GROUP LLC 11227 GUY BREWER BOULEVARD Jamaica, NY 11433 (718)206-1308 Howard Beach 11414 RESTORATION MEDICAL SUPPLIES 73-24 YELLOWSTONE BOULEVARD Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)268-5505 HOWARD BEACH MEDICAL EQUIPMENT 10020 159TH AVENUE Howard Beach, NY 11414 (718)835-6666 BCR MEDICAL GROUP LLC 112-27 GUY BREWER BOULEVARD Jamaica, NY 11433 (718)206-1308 RESTORATION MEDICAL SUPPLIES 7324 YELLOWSTONE BOULEVARD Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718)268-5505 Jamaica - 11434 GUY BREWER PHARMACY 11717 GUY R. BREWER BOULVEARD Jamaica, NY 11434 (718)525-5005 GUY BREWER PHARMACY 117-17 GUY R. BREWER BOULVEARD Jamaica, NY 11434 (718)525-5005 Jamaica - 11435 GLOBE SURGICAL SUPPLY 14916 JAMAICA AVNUE Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)880-3209 GLOBE SURGICAL SUPPLY 149-16 JAMAICA AVNUE Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)880-3209 MANSON PHARMACY 13769 QUEENS BOULEVARD Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)297-4424 Kew Gardens - 11415 AAA IP PHARMACY 12510 QUEENS BOULEVARD Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)520-3460 Wheelchair Accessible Page 147 Ancillary Providers New York State - Queens County AAA IP PHARMACY 125-10 QUEENS BOULEVARD Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)520-3460 Middle Village - 11379 SKY MEDICAL SUPPLY INC 6827 78TH STREET Middle Village, NY 11379 (718)326-3888 SKY MEDICAL SUPPLY INC 68-27 78TH STREET Middle Village, NY 11379 (718)326-3888 Rego Park - 11374 ARCOLA PHARMACY 6545 99TH STREET Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)275-5838 ARCOLA PHARMACY 65-45 99TH STREET Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)275-5838 ORTHO SHOES CORPORATION 9836 QUEENS BLVD Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)275-0018 ORTHO SHOES CORPORATION 98-36 QUEENS BLVD Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)275-0018 BASMA MEDICAL SUPPLY CO., INC. 4307 48TH AVENUE Woodside, NY 11377 (718)898-6882 Chun Hajoon 14601 45th Avenue, Room 404 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-3143 RAINBOW SUPPLY OF NY 6233 AUSTIN ST Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)326-2822 BASMA MEDICAL SUPPLY CO., INC. 43-07 48TH AVENUE Woodside, NY 11377 (718)898-6882 FloresFreeth Ingrid 14601 45th Avenue Room 208 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-4581 RAINBOW SUPPLY OF NY 62-33 AUSTIN ST Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)326-2822 Family Planning Services RIDGEWOOD - 11385 ALL IN ONE DME SUPPLIER INC 451 GRANDVIEW AVENUE RIDGEWOOD, NY 11385 (718)381-2290 Flushing - 11354 Ryu Jae 13347 Sanford Avenue Unit C1A Flushing, NY 11354 (718)888-0179 Flushing - 11355 Jacobs Allan 14601 45th Avenue, Suite 203 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5792 Kim David 4500 Parsons Blvd Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Cadet Normil 4500 Parsons Blvd., L&D, 5th Floor Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Woodside - 11377 Lam Henry 13347 Sanford Avenue Suite C1A Flushing, NY 11355 (718)888-0179 ADVANCED HEALTH PRO 6706 ROOSEVELT AVE Woodside, NY 11377 (718)476-2010 Cherenfant Lucot 4500 Parsons Blvd., ACC Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Olanescu Andrea 4500 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 ADVANCED HEALTH PRO 67-06 ROOSEVELT AVE Woodside, NY 11377 (718)476-2010 Chowdhury Rabeya 4500 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Sekar Surya 4500 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5090 Wang Xiao 14601 45th Avenue 203 Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5792 Wheelchair Accessible Page 148 Ancillary Providers New York State - Queens County Yan Weihong 4500 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5780 Jamaica - 11418 Dolen Suleyman 8906 135th Street, Suite 6S Jamaica, NY 11418 (718)206-6708 Gupta Meenu 8906 135th Street, Suite 6S Jamaica, NY 11418 (718)740-2060 Sangeorzan Adrian 8906 135th Street Suite 6S Jamaica, NY 11418 (718)206-7001 Sylvestre Georges 8906 135th Street Suite 2B Jamaica, NY 11418 (718)206-7642 Jamaica - 11435 Choices Women's Medical Center, Inc. 14732 Jamaica Avenue Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)786-5000 Lai Amy 8906 135th Street, Suite 6S Jamaica, NY 11418 (718)740-2060 Louis Martha 12901 Liberty Ave. Jamaica, NY 11418 (718)738-8800 Meikle Angela 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Jamaica, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Pili Manuel 8906 135th Street Suite 6S Jamaica, NY 11418 (718)206-7001 Kew Gardens - 11415 KnightDebrady Alicia 11940 Metropolitan Avenue Kew Gardens, NY 11415 (718)849-0839 LIC - 11106 DzanicCemalovic Naida 3160 21st Street LIC, NY 11106 (212)241-6500 Safro Bradley 3160 21st Street LIC, NY 11106 (718)808-7317 Tsin Daniel 3160 21st Street LIC, NY 11106 (718)808-7317 Ozone Park - 11416 N'Gouamba Rashida 9120 Atlantic Avenue Ozone Park, NY 11416 (718)641-8207 Shukla Hemangi 13303 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Richmond Hill - 11418 St. Albans - 11433 Goltyapina Natalya 13303 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)291-3276 James Denise 11120 Merrick Blvd. St. Albans, NY 11433 (718)206-6000 Mobile Health Provider Jamaica - 11432 Holman Anita 13303 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Kayaalp Emre 13303 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Catholic Charities Behavioral Health Center 16110 Jamaica Avenue, 2nd Floor Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)657-2580 Queens Village 11427 Creedmoor Psychiatric Center 7925 Winchester Boulevard, Building 40 Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)464-7500 Kiouranakis Nikolaos 13303 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Nutritionist Flushing - 11355 Magloire Tamara 13303 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Flushing Hospital 4500 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Wheelchair Accessible Page 149 Ancillary Providers New York State - Queens County Richmond Hill - 11418 Flushing - 11355 Jamaica - 11433 Jamaica Hospital Medical Center 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Flushing Hospital 4500 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 BCR MEDICAL GROUP LLC 112-27 GUY BREWER BOULEVARD Jamaica, NY 11433 (718)206-1308 Orthotics and Prosthetics Bayside - 11360 HARRISON ORTHOTIC SERVICES 29-01 216TH STREET Bayside, NY 11360 (718)225-6517 Far Rockaway - 11693 SMK Pharmacy 8702 Rockaway Beach Blvd Far Rockaway, NY 11693 (718)474-1600 Flushing - 11354 HAPPY CARE PHARMACY INC 13689 37TH AVENUE Flushing, NY 11354 (718)321-2526 SILVERCARE 150-05 NORTHERN BLVD Flushing, NY 11354 (718)359-5600 PROMEDEX INC 136-71 41ST AVENUE Flushing, NY 11355 (718)939-4008 SHOE PRO CORP 144 -31 41 AVENUE Flushing, NY 11355 (718)359-3348 Fresh Meadows 11366 ORTHOPEDIC ALTERNATIVES, LTD. 185-15 UNION TPKE. Fresh Meadows, NY 11366 (718)264-9800 Jackson Heights 11372 MONROE ORTHOTICS AND PROSTHETICS 37-51A 90TH STREET Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (888)435-6382 Jamaica - 11435 GLOBE SURGICAL SUPPLY 149-16 JAMAICA AVNUE Jamaica, NY 11435 (718)880-3209 Little Neck - 11363 NATIONAL PROSTHETIC ORTHOTIC ASSOC 214-41 42ND AVENUE Little Neck, NY 11363 (718)423-8700 Maspeth - 11378 BERGMAN ORTHOTICS & PROSTHETICS, LLC 59-01 69TH STREET Maspeth, NY 11378 (718)693-6771 Rego Park - 11374 ORTHO SHOES CORPORATION 98-36 QUEENS BLVD Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)275-0018 South Ozone Park 11420 ORTHO-BIONICS LABORATORY, INC 114-42 ROCKAWAY BLVD South Ozone Park, NY 11420 (718)845-5572 Whitestone - 11357 MARK GOLDBERG PROSTHETIC & ORTHOTIC LABS 38-30 PARSON BLVD Whitestone, NY 11357 (631)689-6606 Woodside - 11377 ORTHOPEDIC TREATMENT FACILITY 49-06 QUEENS BOULEVARD Woodside, NY 11377 (718)898-7326 Outpatient Dialysis Flushing - 11355 Flushing Hospital 4500 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Jamaica - 11434 QUEENS DIALYSIS CENTER 11801 GUY R BREWER BLVD Jamaica, NY 11434 (866)544-6741 Wheelchair Accessible Page 150 Ancillary Providers New York State - Queens County Queens Village 11429 QUEENS VILLAGE DIALYSIS 22202 HEMPSTEAD AVE Queens Village, NY 11429 (866)544-6741 Outpatient Infusion/Chemotherapy Astoria - 11102 The Mount Sinai Hospital of Queens 2510 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)932-1000 The Mount Sinai Hospital of Queens 2715 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 (718)932-1000 Palliative Care College Point - 11356 Jamaica - 11418 PSCH Inc. 1321 College Point Boulevard, 1st Floor College Point, NY 11356 (718)460-7120 Moreno, Fernando 8900 Van Wyck Expressway, Suite 2 Jamaica, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Richmond Hill - 11418 Tahir, Aamira 13303 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)657-7093 Partial Hospitalization Flushing - 11355 Flushing Hospital 4500 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Flushing - 11355 Richmond Hill - 11418 Flushing Hospital 4500 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Jamaica Hospital Medical Center 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Richmond Hill - 11418 Jamaica Hospital Medical Center 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Peer Delivered Services Astoria - 11103 Steinway Community Services 3811 Broadway Astoria, NY 11103 (718)726-5953 Far Rockaway - 11691 PSCH Inc. 2964 Beach Channel Drive Far Rockaway, NY 11691 Seaview Manor 210 Beach 47th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)471-1311 Wavecrest Home for Adults 242 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)471-5500 Queens Village 11427 Jamaica Community Services 8045 Winchester Boulevard, Building 21 Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)464-7500 PSCH Inc. 8045 Winchester Boulevard, Building 62 Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)740-5212 Queens Village Clinic 8045 Winchester Boulevard, Building 73 Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)264-3950 Rego Park - 11374 FEGS 9745 Queens Blvd Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)896-9090 Far Rockaway - 11694 Park Inn Adult Home 11502 Ocean Promenade Far Rockaway, NY 11694 (718)634-3400 FEGS 9777 Queens Blvd Ph Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)896-9090 Jamaica - 11432 PSCH Inc. 15317 Jamaica Avenue, 3rd Floor Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)297-1718 Peer Mentoring Providers Astoria - 11103 Steinway Community Services 3811 Broadway Astoria, NY 11103 (718)726-5953 Wheelchair Accessible Page 151 Ancillary Providers New York State - Queens County College Point - 11356 PSCH Inc. 1321 College Point Boulevard, 1st Floor College Point, NY 11356 (718)460-7120 Far Rockaway - 11691 PSCH Inc. 2964 Beach Channel Drive Far Rockaway, NY 11691 Seaview Manor 210 Beach 47th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)471-1311 Wavecrest Home for Adults 242 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)471-5500 Queens Village 11427 Jamaica Community Services 8045 Winchester Boulevard, Building 21 Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)464-7500 PSCH Inc. 8045 Winchester Boulevard, Building 62 Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)740-5212 Queens Village Clinic 8045 Winchester Boulevard, Building 73 Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)264-3950 Rego Park - 11374 FEGS 9745 Queens Blvd Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)896-9090 Far Rockaway - 11694 Park Inn Adult Home 11502 Ocean Promenade Far Rockaway, NY 11694 (718)634-3400 FEGS 9777 Queens Blvd Ph Rego Park, NY 11374 (718)896-9090 Jamaica - 11432 PSCH Inc. 15317 Jamaica Avenue, 3rd Floor Jamaica, NY 11432 (718)297-1718 Personalized Recovery Oriented Services Far Rockaway - 11691 Rockaway PROS Program 1847 Mott Avenue Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718)337-6850 Smoking & Tobacco Cessation Jamaica - 11418 CallisteScott Susan 8900 Van Wyck Expressway, ACC Jamaica, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Chauhan Sudheer 13420 Jamaica Avenue, 1st Floor, Axel Building Jamaica, NY 11418 (718)206-6000 Patel Nilesh 13420 Jamaica Avenue, 1st Floor, Axel Building Jamaica, NY 11418 (718)206-6980 Richmond Hill - 11418 Basello Gina 13303 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)430-2000 Wheelchair Accessible Page 152 McDonald Annmarie 12901 Liberty Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718)738-8800 Social & Environmental Supports Cambria Heights 11411 EMC Cleaning Services 22408 Linden Blvd Cambria Heights, NY 11411 (718)949-3100 Structured Day Programs College Point - 11356 PSCH Inc. 2244 119th Street College Point, NY 11356 (718)445-4700 Jackson Heights 11372 Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc. 9114 37th Avenue Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718)979-1600 Ancillary Providers New York State - Queens County Substance Abuse Programs Flushing - 11355 Flushing Hospital 4500 Parsons Boulevard Flushing, NY 11355 (718)670-5000 Long Island City 11101 Narco Freedom Inc. 3719 33th Street Long Island City, NY 11101 (718)786-3476 Queens Village 11427 Creedmoor Addiction Treatment Center 8045 Winchester Boulevard, Building 19 Queens Village, NY 11427 (718)264-3470 Telehealth Long Island City 11355 American Medical Alert Corp. 3636 33rd Street Long Island City, NY 11355 (800)286-2622 Wheelchair Accessible Page 153 2016 Part D Model Pharmacy Directory AgeWell New York, LLC AgeWell New York, LLC LiveWell (HMO) BeWell (HMO SNP) FeelWell (HMO SNP) CareWell (HMO SNP) 2016 Pharmacy Directory This pharmacy directory was updated on 7/1/2015 . For more recent information or other questions, please contact us, AgeWell New York, LLC Member Services, at 1-866-586-8044 or, for TTY users, 1-800-6621220, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., or visit Introduction This booklet provides a list of AgeWell New York, LLC’s network pharmacies. To get a complete description of your prescription coverage, including how to fill your prescriptions, please review the Evidence of Coverage and AgeWell New York, LLC’s formulary. When this pharmacy directory refers to “we,” “us”, or “our,” it means AgeWell New York, LLC. When it refers to “plan” or “our plan,” it means AgeWell New York, LLC. We call the pharmacies on this list our “network pharmacies” because we have made arrangements with them to provide prescription drugs to Plan members. In most cases, your prescriptions are covered under AgeWell New York, LLC only if they are filled at a network pharmacy or through our mail order pharmacy service. Once you go to one pharmacy, you are not required to continue going to the same pharmacy to fill your prescription but can switch to any other of our network pharmacies. We will fill prescriptions at nonnetwork pharmacies under certain circumstances as described in your Evidence of Coverage. All network pharmacies may not be listed in this directory. Pharmacies may have been added or removed from the list after this directory was printed. This means the pharmacies listed here may no longer be in our network, or there may be newer pharmacies in our network that are not listed. This list is current as of 7/1/2015. For the most current list, please contact us. Our contact information appears on the front and back cover pages. You can get prescription drugs shipped to your home through our network mail order delivery services For more information, please contact us or see the mail order section of this pharmacy directory. If you have questions about any of the above, including for instructions on how to submit claims for prescriptions that you had to fill at a non-network pharmacy, please see the first and last cover pages of this directory for information on how to contact AgeWell New York. 154 2016 Part D Model Pharmacy Directory AgeWell New York has been approved by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) to operate as a Special Needs Plan (SNP) until 12/31/2017 based on a review of AgeWell New York's Model of Care. The provider directory lists the following types of pharmacies; Retail, Long Term Care, Mail Order. Types of pharmacies can be identified and located according to the table of contents. Enrollees can get prescription drugs shipped to their homes through the network mail order delivery services. Typically a mail order will get to an enrollee within 10 calendar days after the pharmacy receives an order. • Please call 1-866-909-5170 when mail order drugs do not arrive within the estimated time frame. • Enrollees have the choice to sign up for automated mail order delivery. AgeWell New York LLC is an HMO plan with a Medicare contract. Please call our Member Service Department at 1-866-586-8044, from October 1 to February 14, you can call us 7 days a week from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern time. From February 15 to September 30, you can call us Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern time. TTY users should call 1-800-662-1220. This document may be available in an alternate format such as Braille, larger print, or audio. <Material ID> <XX/XX/XXXX> 155 Pharmacies New York State - QUEENS County Home Infusion Pharmacies ASTORIA - 11103 WELLNESS CENTER PHARMACY 4015 BROADWAY ASTORIA, NY 11103 (718)956-0060 COLLEGE POINT 11356 TRINITY HOMECARE LLC 114 02 15TH AVE COLLEGE POINT, NY 11356 (718)961-1634 ELMHURST - 11373 JACKSON HEIGHTS - 11372 WOODHAVEN 11421 FARMACIA LATINA - JAC PHARMACY, INC. 93-15 ROOSEVELT AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)478-6863 HEALTH MAX PHARMACY 80 07 JAMAICA AVE WOODHAVEN, NY 11421 (718)296-0400 JACKSON HEIGHTS PHARMACY AND SURGICALS 71 34 ROOSEVELT AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)779-1444 LONG ISLAND CITY - 11106 LONG ISLAND CITY CHEMISTS 30 12 36TH AVE LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11106 (718)392-8049 FLUSHING - 11355 HORIZON PHARMACY IV 4146 MAIN ST 1E 1E FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)359-8881 Long-Term Care Pharmacies ASTORIA - 11102 ASTORIA PHARMACY 29-36 30TH AVE ASTORIA, NY 11102 (718)278-3772 ELMHURST PHARMACY & HOME INFUSION INC. 81-06 BAXTER AVENUE ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)507-2299 HORIZON PHARMACY III 8114 BROADWAY ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)803-1188 REGO PARK - 11374 ALL-SOURCE PHARMACY & SURGICAL 9109 63RD DR REGO PARK, NY 11374 (718)255-6100 ASTORIA - 11105 HARPELL DITMARS PHARMACY 33 08 DITMARS BLVD ASTORIA, NY 11105 (718)278-5454 BRONX - 11373 CONCOURSE PHARMACY 1850 GRAND CONCOURSE BRONX, NY 11373 (718)299-2200 CORONA - 11368 RIDGEWOOD - 11385 CORONA FARMACIA INC 111 19 A ROSEVELT AVE CORONA, NY 11368 (718)476-5660 CHOPIN CHEMISTS 66-19 FRESH POND ROAD RIDGEWOOD, NY 11385 (718)416-3200 ELMHURST - 11373 FRANKLIN PHARMACY 94 31 59TH AVE ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)592-7200 QUEENS DRUGS AND SURGICAL 80 04 BAXTER AVE ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)457-0099 FLORAL PARK 11005 TOWER DRUGS 272 68 GRAND CENTRAL PKWY FLORAL PARK, NY 11005 (718)631-9300 FLUSHING - 11354 EVERS LTC INC 3050 WHITESTONE EXPY STE 107 SUITE 107 FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)762-7400 FLUSHING - 11355 VICTORIA PHARMACY 44 45A KISSENA BLVD FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)886-6200 WORLDSFAIR PHARMACY 5737 MAIN ST FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)358-1300 Wheelchair Accessible Page 156 Pharmacies New York State - QUEENS County FLUSHING - 11367 JAMAICA - 11432 COMMUNITY CARE RX 150-36 UNION TURNPIKE FLUSHING, NY 11367 (347)561-3806 ALY MARC PHARMACY 179 41 HILLSIDE AVE JAMAICA, NY 11432 (718)291-1845 FOREST HILLS 11375 JAMAICA - 11436 FOREST DRUGS 11253 QUEENS BLVD FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 (718)575-9482 FRESH MEADOWS 11366 MY RX PHARMACY 17815 UNION TPKE FRESH MEADOWS, NY 11366 (718)969-6979 EVERS PHARMACY 14202 ROCKAWAY BLVD JAMAICA, NY 11436 (718)323-8377 LONG ISLAND CITY - 11106 LONG ISLAND CITY CHEMISTS 30 12 36TH AVE LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11106 (718)392-8049 GLENDALE - 11385 RICHMOND HILL 11418 KRAUPNER PHARMACY 66 86 FRESH POND RD GLENDALE, NY 11385 (718)381-1298 DALE PHARMACY & SURGICAL INC 108-13 JAMAICA AVE RICHMOND HILL, NY 11418 (718)847-5997 JAMAICA - 11418 WHITESTONE 11357 JAMAICA HOSPITAL PHARMACY 8900 VAN WYCK EXPRESSWAY JAMAICA, NY 11418 (718)206-6051 HARPELL CHEMISTS INC 12 65 150TH ST WHITESTONE, NY 11357 (718)767-7868 Retail and Chain Pharmacies ARVERNE - 11692 HEALTH CENTER PHARMACY INC 6200 BEACH CHANNEL DRIVE ARVERNE, NY 11692 (718)945-2400 R AND I RX CENTER INC 342 BEACH 54 ST ARVERNE, NY 11692 (718)634-5890 STOP & SHOP PHARMACY 7020 ROCKAWAY BEACH BLVD ARVERNE, NY 11692 (718)318-6285 ASTORIA - 11102 ASTORIA CHEMISTS 25 01 30TH AVE ASTORIA, NY 11102 (718)278-8300 ASTORIA PHARMACY 29-36 30TH AVE ASTORIA, NY 11102 (718)278-3772 CITY VIEW PHARMACY 23-07 ASTORIA BLVD ASTORIA, NY 11102 (718)545-2550 E-Z PHARMACY&SURGI CAL 803 ASTORIA BLVD ASTORIA, NY 11102 (718)777-1100 HYATT PHARMACY 2321 30TH AVE ASTORIA, NY 11102 (347)808-7726 NY PHARMACY 29-14 CRESCENT ST ASTORIA, NY 11102 (718)777-2266 PHARMACHOICE PHARMACY INC 2509 30TH AVE ASTORIA, NY 11102 (347)639-0007 PHARMAKOLOJIE INC 30 91 31ST ST ASTORIA, NY 11102 (718)626-4600 UNIQUE CHEMISTS INC 25 24 30TH AVE ASTORIA, NY 11102 (718)726-6774 ASTORIA - 11103 ASTORIA FAMILY PHARMACY 2590 STEINWAY ST ASTORIA, NY 11103 (718)777-1155 Wheelchair Accessible Page 157 Pharmacies New York State - QUEENS County ATHENAS PHARMACY 32 24 STEINWAY ST ASTORIA, NY 11103 (718)204-7867 AVENUE CHEMISTS INC 4501 30TH AVE ASTORIA, NY 11103 (718)545-1010 RITE AID PHARMACY 01707 4707 BROADWAY ASTORIA, NY 11103 (718)726-0801 RITE AID PHARMACY 01805 33 01 30TH AVENUE ASTORIA, NY 11103 (718)721-3475 CVS PHARMACY 30-97 STEINWAY STREET ASTORIA, NY 11103 (718)626-2712 RITE AID PHARMACY 04865 32-87 STEINWAY STREET ASTORIA, NY 11103 (718)278-2100 DUANE READE #14325 2856-2860 STEINWAY STREET ASTORIA, NY 11103 (718)278-1402 DUANE READE #14428 40-02 BROADWAY ASTORIA, NY 11103 (718)932-6950 GRAND PHARMACY CORP 3506 30TH AVE ASTORIA, NY 11103 (718)777-8500 ORGANIC CHEMISTS 2815 STEINWAY ST ASTORIA, NY 11103 (718)585-3095 STEINWAY PHARMACY 2576 STEINWAY ST ASTORIA, NY 11103 (718)728-6070 VITAHEALTH PHARMACY 4116 30TH AVE ASTORIA, NY 11103 (718)777-8482 WALGREENS #12006 3099 STEINWAY ST ASTORIA, NY 11103 (217)554-8924 WELLNESS CENTER PHARMACY 4015 BROADWAY ASTORIA, NY 11103 (718)956-0060 ASTORIA - 11105 ASTOR PHARMACY CORP 35 18 DITMARS BLVD ASTORIA, NY 11105 (718)932-9800 CROWN CHEMISTS LTD 33 20 DITMARS BLVD ASTORIA, NY 11105 (718)278-6777 CVS PHARMACY 22-08 31ST STREET ASTORIA, NY 11105 (718)204-5511 CVS PHARMACY 31-01 DITMARS BLVD ASTORIA, NY 11105 (718)545-0128 DOUBLE G PHARMACY 22 82 31ST ST ASTORIA, NY 11105 (718)728-3127 PHARMACARE PLUS INC 21-09A 31ST STREET ASTORIA, NY 11105 (347)848-0455 RITE AID PHARMACY 10567 43 02 DITMARS BOULEVARD ASTORIA, NY 11105 (718)267-6766 TRIBORO PHARMACY 3720 DITMARS BLVD ASTORIA, NY 11105 (718)777-7033 ASTORIA - 11106 BONUS DRUG 31 04 BROADWAY ASTORIA, NY 11106 (718)274-9200 HARPELL DITMARS PHARMACY 33 08 DITMARS BLVD ASTORIA, NY 11105 (718)278-5454 BROADWAY DRUGS INC. 34-08 BROADWAY ASTORIA, NY 11106 (718)728-0350 NATURES CHEMISTS 23 92 21ST STREET STORE 4 ASTORIA, NY 11105 (718)728-3300 CHRIS DRUG INC 2535 31ST AVE ASTORIA, NY 11106 (718)545-6666 Wheelchair Accessible Page 158 OLYMPIA CHEMIST INC 23 18 31ST STREET ASTORIA, NY 11105 (718)267-2766 Pharmacies New York State - QUEENS County CHRONOS PHARMACY 3104 35TH ST ASTORIA, NY 11106 (718)932-8700 DUANE READE #14423 3506 BROADWAY ASTORIA, NY 11106 (718)204-5253 HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN OF GREATER NY 31 75 23RD ST ASTORIA, NY 11106 (718)626-6597 RITE AID PHARMACY 10569 32 14 31ST STREET ASTORIA, NY 11106 (718)728-9081 RITE AID PHARMACY 10570 36 01 BROADWAY 36TH ST AND BROADWAY ASTORIA, NY 11106 (718)721-3486 STRAND PHARMACY 25-01 BROADWAY ASTORIA, NY 11106 (718)721-3650 XIP PHARMACY INC 21 34 BROADWAY ASTORIA, NY 11106 (718)204-6565 AUBURNDALE 11358 CVS PHARMACY 35-26 FRANCIS LEWIS BOULEVARD AUBURNDALE, NY 11358 (718)353-2678 DUANE READE #14268 24-26/ 28 BELL BLVD BAYSIDE, NY 11360 (718)747-0291 BAYSIDE - 11361 RITE AID PHARMACY 10591 193 01 NORTHERN BOULEVARD AUBURNDALE, NY 11358 (718)357-2050 BAYSIDE - 11358 RAINDEW PHARMACY 35 15 FRANCIS LEWIS BLVD BAYSIDE, NY 11358 (718)539-7752 RITE AID PHARMACY 03881 27 07 FRANCIS LEWIS BOULEVARD BAYSIDE, NY 11358 (718)352-7378 TOWN TOTAL HEALTH, LLC 26-19 FRANCIS LEWIS BLVD LOWER LEVEL BAYSIDE, NY 11358 (718)971-1344 BAYSIDE - 11360 BAYSIDE EMS PHARMACY CORP. 4015 BELL BLVD BAYSIDE, NY 11361 (718)225-0411 BELL BOULEVARD PHARMACY 47-48 BELL BLVD BAYSIDE, NY 11361 (718)229-2344 CVS PHARMACY 212-20 NORTHERN BOULEVARD BAYSIDE, NY 11361 (718)281-3223 RITE AID PHARMACY 04848 39 20 BELL BOULEVARD BAYSIDE, NY 11361 (718)224-2606 RITE AID PHARMACY 10592 43 20 BELL BOULEVARD BAYSIDE, NY 11361 (718)631-8200 STERLING PHARMACY INC. 3801 BELL BLVD BAYSIDE, NY 11361 (718)224-7300 WOORI PHARMACY 219-15B NORTHERN BLVD BAYSIDE, NY 11361 (718)229-2001 BAYSIDE - 11364 CVS PHARMACY 215-08 73RD AVENUE WINDSOR PARK S C WINDSOR PARK S/C BAYSIDE, NY 11364 (718)479-2782 MJ88 PHARMACY INC 6136 SPRINGFIELD BLVD BAYSIDE, NY 11364 (718)819-0881 WINDSOR PHARMACY AND SURGICALS 215 19 73RD AVE BAYSIDE, NY 11364 (718)428-8200 BELLEROSE - 11426 BRADDOCK PHARMACY LLC. 23601A BRADDOCK AVE BELLEROSE, NY 11426 (718)347-1516 Wheelchair Accessible Page 159 Pharmacies New York State - QUEENS County CVS PHARMACY 251-21 JAMAICA AVE BELLEROSE, NY 11426 (516)488-3998 BRIARWOOD - 11435 BEST CHOICE PHARMACY 138 38 86TH AVE BRIARWOOD, NY 11435 (718)558-0008 MANSON PHARMACY 137 69 QUEENS BLVD BRIARWOOD, NY 11435 (718)297-4424 MAKKI PHARMACY & SURGICALS INC 224-04 LINDEN BLVD CAMBRIA HEIGHTS, NY 11411 (347)548-5250 RITE AID PHARMACY 01809 222 14 LINDEN BOULEVARD CAMBRIA HEIGHTS, NY 11411 (718)949-3000 WALGREENS 119 07 SPRINGFIELD BLVD CAMBRIA HEIGHTS, NY 11411 (718)749-0400 BRONX - 11373 COLLEGE POINT 11356 CONCOURSE PHARMACY 1850 GRAND CONCOURSE BRONX, NY 11373 (718)299-2200 CAMBRIA HEIGHTS - 11411 CVS PHARMACY 206-09 LINDEN BOULEVARD CAMBRIA HEIGHTS, NY 11411 (718)276-2631 CVS PHARMACY 132-22 14TH AVENUE COLLEGE POINT, NY 11356 (718)747-1827 PREMIER HEALTH PHARMACY 2007 127TH ST COLLEGE POINT, NY 11356 (718)661-0872 RITE AID PHARMACY 10588 1508 COLLEGE POINT BOULEVARD COLLEGE POINT, NY 11356 (718)445-5800 TARGET PHARMACY 13505 20TH AVE COLLEGE POINT, NY 11356 (718)661-2303 TRINITY HOMECARE LLC 114 02 15TH AVE COLLEGE POINT, NY 11356 (718)961-1634 WALDBAUMS PHARMACY 133 11 20TH AVE COLLEGE POINT, NY 11356 (718)460-8259 WALGREENS #7367 1401 COLLEGE POINT BLVD COLLEGE POINT, NY 11356 (718)353-4270 CORONA - 11368 21ST CENTURY PHARMACY INC. 9605 57TH AVE CORONA, NY 11368 (718)699-8899 BEST FIVE STAR PHARMACY LLC 10308 ROOSEVELT AVE CORONA, NY 11368 (718)476-6000 Wheelchair Accessible Page 160 BIG APPLE PHARMACY 37-71 103 ST CORONA, NY 11368 (718)779-4450 CANAAN PHARMACY INC 37 09 JUNCTION BLVD CORONA, NY 11368 (718)775-4523 CORONA FARMACIA INC 111 19 A ROSEVELT AVE CORONA, NY 11368 (718)476-5660 CORONA HEIGHTS PHCY 10607 CORONA AVE CORONA, NY 11368 (718)699-5099 DUANE READE 3780 JUNCTION BLVD CORONA, NY 11368 (718)476-8704 FARMACIA CENTRAL 3911 104TH ST CORONA, NY 11368 (718)478-3908 FREYA PHARMACY INC 10119 39TH AVE CORONA, NY 11368 (347)649-2525 Pharmacies New York State - QUEENS County GALUVI PHARMACY 40 23 JUNCTION BLVD CORONA, NY 11368 (718)898-9833 MGR FARMACIA LATINA INC 37 63 103RD ST CORONA, NY 11368 (718)205-3633 NATIONAL PHARMACY 4015 NATIONAL ST CORONA, NY 11368 (718)779-9080 SARAH PHARMACY INC 40 18A JUNCTION BLVD STE A CORONA, NY 11368 (718)397-9510 SHERWOOD PHARMACY 97 21 57TH AVE CORONA, NY 11368 (718)699-7700 SOL'S PHARMACY 37-12 108TH STREET CORONA, NY 11368 (718)639-4107 NATIONAL RX CORP. 10111 ROOSEVELT AVE CORONA, NY 11368 (718)779-6600 SQUARE PHARMACY 4004 104TH ST CORONA, NY 11368 (718)639-3800 PROGRESSIVE PHARMACY & MEDICAL SUPPLY INC 103-22 CORONA AVE FIRST FLOOR CORONA, NY 11368 (718)271-7486 SUPER RX PHARMACY 59 08 99TH ST CORONA, NY 11368 (718)271-9500 RITE AID PHARMACY 04192 40 16 NATIONAL STREET CORONA, NY 11368 (718)507-0442 WALGREENS #7294 10314 ROOSEVELT AVE CORONA, NY 11368 (718)426-4162 DOUGLASTON 11362 CVS PHARMACY 242-24 NORTHERN BOULEVARD DOUGLASTON, NY 11362 (718)225-0864 DUANE READE #14256 249-46 HORACE HARDING EXPRESSWAY DOUGLASTON, NY 11362 (718)747-0180 WALDBAUMS PHARMACY 242-02 61ST AVE DOUGLASTON, NY 11362 (718)423-6734 EAST ELMHURST 11369 LAGUARDIA 10122 ASTORIA BLVD EAST ELMHURST, NY 11369 (718)478-2576 ELMHURST - 11372 ELMCARE PHARMACY, INC. 8624 QUEENS BLVD ELMHURST, NY 11372 (718)672-9670 ELMHURST - 11373 AV PHARMACY 9461 CORONA AVE ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)271-1262 BROADWAY CORNER 4026 75TH ST ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)426-4727 E ELMHURST - 11369 VALUE PHARMACY INC 59 17 JUNCTION BLVD CORONA, NY 11368 (718)271-1997 WALGREENS #4058 9304 ASTORIA BLVD E ELMHURST, NY 11369 (718)426-3445 VIP PHARMACY CORP. 10005 ROOSEVELT AVE CORONA, NY 11368 (718)898-1100 BROADWAY PHARMACY 88 08 55TH AVE ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)803-3005 CARE FIRST PHARMACY 8330 BROADWAY ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)205-0588 Wheelchair Accessible Page 161 Pharmacies New York State - QUEENS County CEDARS PHARMACY 95-19 57TH AVE ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)271-9429 CHEMIST PHARMACY 93 30 43RD AVE ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)779-1700 CROWN PHARMACY 40 20 82ND STREET ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)334-0800 DUANE READE #14163 81-01 BROADWAY ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)507-0572 ELMHURST DRUGS 84 04 BROADWAY ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)457-7884 ELMHURST PHARMACY 75 23 BROADWAY ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)565-8667 ELMHURST PHARMACY & HOME INFUSION INC. 81-06 BAXTER AVENUE ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)507-2299 ELMWAY PHARMACY INC 82-45 BROADWAY ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)803-2288 EMBLEMHEALTH PHARMACY 86 15 QUEENS BLVD ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)446-2100 EVERGREEN DRUG CO 87 08 JUSTICE AVE ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)429-4411 FOUR B'S PHARMACY INC 40-35 95TH ST ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)205-2411 FRANKLIN PHARMACY 94 31 59TH AVE ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)592-7200 FROST PHARMACY 86 52 QUEENS BLVD ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)457-3192 GRACE PHARMACY 91-01 43RD AVE ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)426-1073 GRAND STATION PHARMACY 8601 JUSTICE AVE ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)271-6180 HALLMARK PHARMACY 8285 BROADWAY ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)426-0300 HORIZON PHARMACY III 8114 BROADWAY ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)803-1188 LAVIDA PHARMACY 4034 82ND ST ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)426-2525 NEWTOWN PHARMACY 86-15 JUSTICE AVE ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)760-2600 Wheelchair Accessible Page 162 QUEENS DRUGS AND SURGICAL 80 04 BAXTER AVE ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)457-0099 QUEENS HEALTH PHARMACY 76 11A BROADWAY ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)507-9277 RUBEX PHARMACY 81 19 41ST AVE ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)397-0776 SWEET SPOT PHARMACY 8655 BROADWAY ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)505-8999 TARGET PHARMACY 8801 QUEENS BLVD ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)760-5655 WALGREENS #1616 8277 BROADWAY ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)672-7711 WALGREENS #4319 8420 BROADWAY ELMHURST, NY 11373 (718)424-7546 Pharmacies New York State - QUEENS County FAR ROCKAWAY 11691 CENTRAL PHARMACY INC 1338 CENTRAL AVE FAR ROCKAWAY, NY 11691 (718)327-2293 CVS PHARMACY 271 BEACH 20TH ST FAR ROCKAWAY, NY 11691 (718)327-2121 DAWN PHARMACY 1288 CENTRAL AVE FAR ROCKAWAY, NY 11691 (718)327-1700 MOTT PHARMACY & SURGICAL 2119 MOTT AVE FAR ROCKAWAY, NY 11691 (718)327-2511 OCEAN PARK DRUGS 17 27 SEAGIRT BLVD FAR ROCKAWAY, NY 11691 (718)471-2500 PRESCRIPTION WORLD 711B SEAGIRT AVE FAR ROCKAWAY, NY 11691 (718)327-4300 FRIENDLY PHARMACY 495 BEACH 20TH ST FAR ROCKAWAY, NY 11691 (718)337-1900 REDFERN DRUGS 1485 BEACH CHANNEL DRIVE FAR ROCKAWAY, NY 11691 (718)471-3090 IDEAL DRUG 1901 MOTT AVE FAR ROCKAWAY, NY 11691 (718)868-4860 IDEAL DRUGS 1901 MOTT AVE FAR ROCKAWAY, NY 11691 (718)868-4860 THRIFTWAY FARROCKAWAY DRUG CORP 2102 MOTT AVE FAR ROCKAWAY, NY 11691 (718)327-2559 RUSSO'S PHARMACY 1909 CORNAGA AVE FAR ROCKAWAY, NY 11691 (718)327-7027 SMART SHOP PHARMACY 32 17A BEACH CHANNEL DR FAR ROCKAWAY, NY 11691 (718)868-2200 VISTA PHARMACY 529 BEACH 20 ST FAR ROCKAWAY, NY 11691 (718)327-0600 FAR ROCKAWAY 11694 BELLE HARBOR CHEMIST 449 BEACH 129TH ST FAR ROCKAWAY, NY 11694 (718)634-0001 DUANE READE #14206 116-02 BEACH CHANNEL DR FAR ROCKAWAY, NY 11694 (718)945-7781 FLORAL PARK 11004 A & M PHARMACY AND SURGICAL 25617 HILLSIDE AVE FLORAL PARK, NY 11004 (718)343-5900 FLORAL PARK 11005 TOWER DRUGS 272 68 GRAND CENTRAL PKWY FLORAL PARK, NY 11005 (718)631-9300 FLUSHING - 11354 AC NORTHERN PHARMACY 154 16 NORTHERN BLVD FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)886-0060 ALL RX PHARMACY INC. 4022 MAIN ST FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)460-0666 ALLSTAR PHARMACY INC 14241 ROOSEVELT AVE FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)886-6618 BIO PLUS PHARMACY INC 135 02 ROOSEVELT AVE 1234 STE 1234 FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)359-6333 BUY-RITE PHARMACY 136-10 38TH AVE FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)353-5737 Wheelchair Accessible Page 163 Pharmacies New York State - QUEENS County COMFORT DRUGS 135 23 ROOSEVELT AVE FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)762-6119 CONFUCIUS MANNINGS PHARMACY 36-22 MAIN STREET FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)886-9080 HAPPY CARE PHARMACY INC. 136-89 37TH AVENUE FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)321-2526 MORAMI PHARMACY INC 144 73 NORTHERN BLVD FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)886-9100 PRINCE PHARMACY INC. 39-07 PRINCE ST SUITE 1E FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)888-9596 HK PHARMACY INC. 3711 MAIN ST UNIT A10 UNIT A10 FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)886-0866 QUEENS CROSSING PHARMACY INC 136-20 38TH AVE STE 3A FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)460-1180 NY FAMILY PHARMACY 142 46 ROOSEVELT AVE FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)888-0808 DUANE READE #14438 13602 ROOSEVELT AVE FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)886-3212 HORIZON PHARMACY 136-11 38TH AVENUE FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)939-8787 OK PHARMACY & SURGICAL LLC 3404 UNION ST FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)886-2227 RAINDEW PHARMACY 25 39 PARSONS BLVD FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)762-8041 DUANE READE #14454 156 44 NORTHERN BLVD FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)886-7744 JW PHARMACY LLC 141 02 NORTHERN BLVD FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)762-3784 PARSONS PHARMACY INC. 14414 NORTHERN BLVD FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)888-7817 EQUAL CARE III LLC 4059 COLLEGE POINT BLVD FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)888-9338 LEWIS PHARMACY 136 98 ROOSEVELT AVE FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)461-5500 EQUAL CARE US INC 141 14 NORTHERN BLVD FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)321-7117 LUCKY CARE PHARMACY 37-20 PRINCE STREET #1A 1A FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)358-7000 PHD PHARMACY 135 32 ROOSEVELT AVE FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)359-5605 H2 PHARMACY CORP. 3809 MAIN ST FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)762-1168 PATHMARK PHARMACY 31 06 FARRINGTON ST FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)886-6262 MAIN CARE PHARMACY INC 37-14/18 MAIN STREET FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)886-0205 PRIMACARE PLUS PHARMACY INC. 3703 MAIN ST FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)886-5683 Wheelchair Accessible Page 164 RITE AID PHARMACY 04863 144 29 NORTHERN BOULEVARD FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)886-1515 SMILE PHARMACY INC 150-07 NORTHERN BLVD GROUND FLOOR FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)358-3800 STARSIDE DRUGS 136 36 39TH AVE FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)321-1716 Pharmacies New York State - QUEENS County STARSIDE DRUGS 136 85 ROOSEVELT AVE FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)358-8801 SUPER VALUE DRUGS 29 26 UNION ST FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)359-3373 TARGET PHARMACY 40-24 COLLEGE PT BLVD STE F600 STE F600 FLUSHING, NY 11354 (347)532-9943 TOP CARE PHARMACY CORP 13604 NORTHERN BLVD UNIT CU2 FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)886-8833 UNION PHARMACY 36 32 UNION STREET GROUND FLOOR FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)961-6010 UNION ST. PHARMACY 41-70 MAIN STREET #A2 #A2 FLUSHING, NY 11354 (718)321-8830 FLUSHING - 11355 41 AVENUE PHARMACY LLC 13302 41ST AVE FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)353-8600 APPLE PHARMACY 132-21 41ST AVE 1B FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)939-3335 ARCADIA PHARMACY 4235 MAIN ST UNIT 1L FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)878-6999 BOLING PHARMACY INC. 133-37 41 ROAD FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)321-9876 BOOTH MEMORIAL PHARMACY 13528 BOOTH MEMORIAL AVE FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)445-9070 C K PHARMACY INC 42 13 MAIN ST FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)539-8999 CORNER PHARMACY 4103 UNION ST FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)460-3825 DUANE READE # 14463 42 28 MAIN STREET FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)886-7789 HORIZON PHARMACY 4630 KISSENA BLVD FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)888-1918 DUANE READE #14439 41-61 KISSENA BLVD FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)961-9393 HORIZON PHARMACY IV 4146 MAIN ST 1E 1E FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)359-8881 ELIZABETH PHARMACY INC 132- 31 41ST AVE FLOOR 1 FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)353-5948 HORIZON PHARMACY V 4404 KISSENA BLVD FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)539-8989 EVEREST DRUGS 144 10 45TH AVE FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)461-4452 KANEDA PHARMACY 40-32 UNION ST FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)888-1489 FIRST PHARMACY 41 67 BOWNE ST FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)463-0333 FLUSHING FAMILY PHARMACY 4367 147TH ST FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)888-1108 FLUSHING RX 146-01 45TH AVE FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)353-3160 KIOSK PHARMACY 41-01 KISSENA BLVD FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)463-2261 MEDI-SPACE DRUGS 41 39 MAIN ST FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)961-3373 MERLIN DRUG INC 13338 41ST RD STE CS2 FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)762-2883 Wheelchair Accessible Page 165 Pharmacies New York State - QUEENS County NEW FLUSHING PHARMACY INC 4207 KISSENA BLVD FLUSHING, NY 11355 (347)368-6681 SUPER STAR PHARMACY INC. 4173B BOWNE ST FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)888-0551 WELLMING PHARMACY 133 43 41 RD FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)321-3978 PREMIUM PHARMACY 4110A MAIN ST FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)886-7128 SUPERIOR PHARMACY 6010A KISSENA BLVD FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)445-8450 WORLDSFAIR PHARMACY 5737 MAIN ST FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)358-1300 PRIMACARE PHARMACY INC 41 28 MAIN ST SUITE 5 FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)886-8968 VICTORIA PHARMACY 44 45A KISSENA BLVD FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)886-6200 RX & BEYOND INC. 139-15 FRANKLIN AVE FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)353-0060 SANFORD PHARMACY INC 133 47 SANFORD AVE STE C1D FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)460-8329 STARSIDE DRUGS 41 15 KISSENA BLVD FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)888-0893 STARSIDE DRUGS 41 16 MAIN ST FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)886-1031 FLUSHING - 11358 VITAL DRUGS INC 147 10 45 AVE FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)460-7777 AUBURNDALE PHARMACY INC. 19215 47TH AVE FLUSHING, NY 11358 (718)352-3200 BOWNE CHEMISTS LLC 16103 29TH AVE FLUSHING, NY 11358 (718)767-2400 WALGREENS #1572 4415 KISSENA FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)461-7870 WATSONS PHARMACY LLC 4243 MAIN ST FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)359-1188 WELL CARE PHARMACY 4283 MAIN STREET FLUSHING, NY 11355 (718)353-1350 FRANCONIA PHARMACY 4502 162ND ST FLUSHING, NY 11358 (718)359-7780 JANGSU PHARMACY 4223 162ND ST 1ST FL FLUSHING, NY 11358 (718)886-1121 NORTHERN PHARMACY 164 16 NORTHERN BLVD FLUSHING, NY 11358 (718)445-2470 Wheelchair Accessible Page 166 UTOPIA PHARMACY 172-24 46TH AVE FLUSHING, NY 11358 (718)463-5590 FLUSHING - 11365 JEWEL PHARMACY 70-35 ARSONS BLVD FLUSHING, NY 11365 (718)591-1040 FLUSHING - 11366 HILLTOP PHARMACY 75 95 UTOPIA PKWY FLUSHING, NY 11366 (718)969-1880 NYC DRUG STORE INC. 15916 UNION TPKE FLUSHING, NY 11366 (718)380-0999 RITE AID PHARMACY 03626 158 02 UNION TURNKPIKE FLUSHING, NY 11366 (718)380-8259 RITE AID PHARMACY 04428 186 16 UNION TURNPIKE FLUSHING, NY 11366 (718)264-0319 Pharmacies New York State - QUEENS County FLUSHING - 11367 ART PHARMACY CORP 7060 KISSENA BLVD FLUSHING, NY 11367 (718)263-9400 ELITE PHARMACY 75 37 MAIN ST FLUSHING, NY 11367 (718)263-8100 KISSENA DRUGS 72 63 KISSENA BLVD FLUSHING, NY 11367 (718)793-7658 MAIN PHARMACY 7271 MAIN ST FLUSHING, NY 11367 (718)261-5608 NORDEN DRUGS 79 01 MAIN ST FLUSHING, NY 11367 (718)969-3314 RITE AID PHARMACY 04868 71 18 KISSENA BOULEVARD FLUSHING, NY 11367 (718)793-3400 S AND M PHARMACY INC 6850 MAIN ST FLUSHING, NY 11367 (718)544-4656 SALZMAN CHEMISTS 149-19 UNION TPKE FLUSHING, NY 11367 (718)380-5440 SHALOM PHARMACY 72 48 MAIN ST FLUSHING, NY 11367 (718)544-8500 VITAL MED PHARMACY 6942 MAIN ST FLUSHING, NY 11367 (718)544-0700 WALGREENS #11126 7321 KISSENA BLVD FLUSHING, NY 11367 (718)263-2918 FLUSHING - 11368 RITE AID PHARMACY 03870 3700 06 JUNCTION BOULEVARD FLUSHING, NY 11368 (718)639-2647 RITE AID PHARMACY 04499 57 16 99TH STREET FLUSHING, NY 11368 (718)592-0738 FLUSHING - 11385 RITE AID PHARMACY 03809 66 54 FRESH POND ROAD FLUSHING, NY 11385 (718)821-2222 FOREST HILLS 11374 LEVINS DRUGS INC 98 90A QUEENS BLVD FOREST HILLS, NY 11374 (718)459-1500 FOREST HILLS 11375 ASCAN PHARMACY INC 10121 METROPOLITAN AVE FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 (718)793-6747 AUSTIN COMMUNITY COMPOUNDING PHARMA 67 01 AUSTIN ST FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 (718)459-0090 AUSTIN WELLNESS PHARMACY 6902 AUSTIN ST FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 (718)263-6688 BJ S DRUGS INC 68-60 AUSTIN ST FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 (718)793-1616 CAROL RX PHARMACY 6428 108TH ST FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 (718)459-7711 COLONY DRUGS AND SURGICALS 103 19 QUEENS BLVD FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 (718)897-4888 CONTINENTAL PHARMACY INC 7117 AUSTIN ST FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 (718)544-7300 CORT PHARMACY INC 6425 108TH ST FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 (718)897-2569 CVS PHARMACY #05830 10811 QUEENS BLVD FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 (718)544-4585 CVS PHARMACY 100-02 QUEENS BOULEVARD FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 (718)520-2334 Wheelchair Accessible Page 167 Pharmacies New York State - QUEENS County CVS PHARMACY 118-10 QUEENS BOULEVARD FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 (718)520-4530 CVS PHARMACY 97-15 METROPOLITAN AVENUE FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 (718)261-1647 DJ DRUG CORP 6414 108TH ST FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 (718)275-6555 DUANE READE #14199 107 16 CONTINENTAL AVENUE FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 (718)793-2905 EMBLEMHEALTH PHARMACY 96 10 METROPOLITAN AVE FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 (718)544-3671 FOREST DRUGS 11253 QUEENS BLVD FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 (718)575-9482 HEALTHY CORNER PHARMACY INC 116 65 QUEENS BLVD FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 (718)261-6699 QUEENS CENTRAL PHARMACY, INC 116-08 QUEENS BLVD FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 (718)268-8060 J&D PHARMACY NY INC 7168 YELLOWSTONE BLVD FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 (718)544-7182 RITE AID PHARMACY 03385 63 37 108TH STREET FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 (718)459-7777 L & M PHARMACY AND SURGICAL SUPPLIE 11062 QUEENS BLVD FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 (718)374-3251 MB PHARMACY LLC 111 01 QUEENS BLVD FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 (718)268-1900 METRO PHARMACY II 103 11 METROPOLITAN AVE FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 (718)263-6151 RITE AID PHARMACY 04852 71 14 AUSTIN STREET FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 (718)575-1012 RITE AID PHARMACY 10599 110 88 QUEENS BOULEVARD FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 (718)275-5252 SIMON'S PHARMACY 10117 QUEENS BLVD FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 (718)997-7333 TRAYMORE CHEMISTS 110-80 QUEENS BLVD FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 (718)261-8440 Wheelchair Accessible Page 168 WALGREENS #1487 10425 QUEENS BLVD STE 34 FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 (718)896-7701 FOREST HILLS 11385 STOP & SHOP PHARMACY 8989 UNION TURNPIKE FOREST HILLS, NY 11385 (718)846-3949 FOREST HILLS 11735 NEIGHBORHOOD RX CORP. 100-23 QUEENS BLVD FOREST HILLS, NY 11735 (718)997-6700 FRESH MEADOWS 11365 CVS PHARMACY 6126 188TH STREET FRESH MEADOWS, NY 11365 (718)454-4433 DUANE READE #14475 198 15 HORACE HARDING EXP FRESH MEADOWS, NY 11365 (718)224-4184 Pharmacies New York State - QUEENS County RITE AID PHARMACY 10595 69 62 188TH STREET FRESH MEADOWS, NY 11365 (718)969-2890 TURNPIKE PHARMACY INC 180 30 UNION TURNPIKE FRESH MEADOWS, NY 11366 (718)969-9500 TRUE CARE PHARMACY 164 06 69TH AVE FRESH MEADOWS, NY 11365 (718)380-3330 GLEN OAKS - 11004 FRESH MEADOWS 11366 ALL IN ONE PHARMACY LLC 75-68 187TH ST 1ST FLOOR FRESH MEADOWS, NY 11366 (718)487-4939 CVS PHARMACY 254-03 HILLSIDE AVENUE GLEN OAKS, NY 11004 (718)347-7313 DUANE READE # 14473 257 09 UNION TPKE GLEN OAKS, NY 11004 (718)962-6207 GLENDALE - 11385 CVS PHARMACY 68-02 MYRTLE AVE GLENDALE, NY 11385 (718)456-1165 FAMILY PHARMACY INC 67 02 MYRTLE AVE GLENDALE, NY 11385 (718)821-3330 KRAUPNER PHARMACY 66 86 FRESH POND RD GLENDALE, NY 11385 (718)381-1298 MYRTLE DRUGMART 65-62 MYRTLE AVE GLENDALE, NY 11385 (347)227-8188 MY RX PHARMACY 17815 UNION TPKE FRESH MEADOWS, NY 11366 (718)969-6979 RITE AID PHARMACY 10557 255 01 UNION TURNPIKE GLEN OAKS, NY 11004 (718)470-6100 QUEENS MEDICAL ASSOCIATES P C 176-60 UNION TPKE STE 360 STE 360 FRESH MEADOWS, NY 11366 (718)312-3445 VITALITY DRUG 257 07 UNION TPK GLEN OAKS, NY 11004 (718)343-0070 WALDBAUMS PHARMACY 258 17 UNION TPKE GLEN OAKS, NY 11004 (718)831-6229 TOP CHOICE PHARMACY CORP. 65-05 MYRTLE AVENUE GLENDALE, NY 11385 (718)381-5100 THRIFTWAY UNION TURNPIKE PHCY LLC 176-60 UNION TPKE FRESH MEADOWS, NY 11366 (718)380-3600 RX PLUS PHARMACY 71 30 MYRTLE AVE GLENDALE, NY 11385 (718)456-0100 HAWTHORNE 11375 ACARIAHEALTH PHARMACY #12 5 SKYLINE DR STE 240 HAWTHORNE, NY 11375 (718)997-8200 HOLLIS - 11423 FRANHILL PHARMACY & SURGICAL 204 19 HILLSIDE AVE HOLLIS, NY 11423 (718)465-2121 HOLLIS PHARMACY 188 06A JAMAICA AVE HOLLIS, NY 11423 (718)776-8505 HOLLIS PRESCRIPTION CENTER, INC. 20511 JAMAICA AVE HOLLIS, NY 11423 (718)776-2329 ISAK PHARMACY INC 195 07 JAMAICA AVE HOLLIS, NY 11423 (718)465-8739 PRESCRIPTION WAREHOUSE INC 197 18 HILLSIDE AVE HOLLIS, NY 11423 (718)464-2400 Wheelchair Accessible Page 169 Pharmacies New York State - QUEENS County ROBINS PHARMACY 204-14 HILLSIDE AVE HOLLIS, NY 11423 (718)464-4066 HOWARD BEACH 11414 CROSS BAY CHEMISTS CORP 157-02 CROSS BAY BLVD HOWARD BEACH, NY 11414 (718)659-9500 CVS PHARMACY 157-05 CROSS BAY BLVD HOWARD BEACH, NY 11414 (718)848-4507 DUANE READE #14416 163-30 CROSSBAY BLVD HOWARD BEACH, NY 11414 (718)659-7880 HOWARD BEACH APOTHECARY 158-40 CROSS BAY BLVD HOWARD BEACH, NY 11414 (718)738-4343 LINDEN PARK PHARMACY 82-43 153RD AVE HOWARD BEACH, NY 11414 (718)848-7778 RITE AID PHARMACY 04693 78 14 LINDEN BOULEVARD HOWARD BEACH, NY 11414 (718)296-2581 RITE AID PHARMACY 10606 160 10 CROSS BAY BOULEVARD HOWARD BEACH, NY 11414 (718)845-1066 37TH AVE. PHARMACY INC. 9507 37TH AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)424-8684 AL KOSTO PHARMACY INC 37 65 90TH ST JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)446-2068 WALDBAUMS PHARMACY 156 01 CROSS BAY BLVD HOWARD BEACH, NY 11414 (718)641-9853 JACKSON HEIGHTS - 11370 DRUG RITE PHARMACY 77 02 21ST AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11370 (718)728-6878 RITE AID PHARMACY 10596 75 75 31ST AVENUE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11370 (718)446-0300 JACKSON HEIGHTS - 11372 APNA PHARMACY INC 7106 37TH AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)779-4694 B AND B PHARMACY INC 80 09 37TH AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)533-6623 BANGLADESH FARMACIA 7526 37TH AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)406-9393 CVS PHARMACY 72-09 NORTHERN BOULEVARD JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)533-8436 Wheelchair Accessible Page 170 CVS PHARMACY 89-11 NORTHERN BLVD JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)426-2508 DUANE READE 37-66 82ND ST JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)507-8056 DUANE READE #14449 73-01 37TH AVENUE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)672-8038 FARMACIA LATINA - JAC PHARMACY, INC. 93-15 ROOSEVELT AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)478-6863 FRANKS PHARMACY 74 21 37TH AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)899-2600 GEMINI PHARMACY 86-12 37TH AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)803-3888 Pharmacies New York State - QUEENS County GUARDIOLA PHARMACY INC 93-12 ROOSEVELT AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)672-9700 JUNCTION BLVD PHARMACY 95 53 ROOSEVELT AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)396-4030 HEALTH GUARD PHARMACY 3313 JUNCTION BLVD JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)507-6800 IMAGE HEIGHTS PHARMACY, INC. 7501 37TH AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)424-0100 J&M PHARMACY 8507 ROOSEVELT AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)247-9752 JACKSON HEIGHTS PHARMACY AND SURGICALS 71 34 ROOSEVELT AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)779-1444 JANNAT PHARMACY INC. 7203 35TH AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)732-4288 JUNCTION PHARMACY LLC 9508 35TH AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)651-5232 K DRUGS INC 76 17 37TH AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)651-1400 LAS AMERICAS PHARMACY 92 05 ROOSEVELT AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)457-9205 NUEVA VIDA PHARMACY 81-25 37TH AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)899-0500 OPTIMA DRUGS 91-01, 37TH AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)424-9275 PRO HEALTH PHARMACY 84-12 37TH AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)507-7775 QUEENS EXPRESS PHARMACY CORP 34 54 JUNCTION BLVD JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)565-1005 MI FARMACIA 90-15 ROOSEVELT AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)429-7666 RITE AID PHARMACY 03581 85 10 NORTHERN BOULEVARD JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)476-3087 NAIMA PHARMACY 82-10 37AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)205-5001 RITE AID PHARMACY 03984 82 13 37TH AVENUE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)565-1473 RITE AID PHARMACY 07903 9108 ROOSEVELT AVENUE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)478-6078 ROOSEVELT DRUGS &SURGICAL SUPPLIES 74 19 ROOSEVELT AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)424-1291 SANTA FE PHARMACY 88 31 37TH AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)651-7400 STANDARD PHARMACY 37-51 73RD ST JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)899-8900 SUPERIOR PHARMACY 80 05 ROOSEVELT AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)478-1135 THREE JS PHARMACY INC 9012 ELMHURST AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)424-0533 Wheelchair Accessible Page 171 Pharmacies New York State - QUEENS County TRISTATE PHARMACY INC. 8924 37TH AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)565-1900 TU FARMACIA LATINA 90-09 37TH AVENUE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)424-8799 VICTORY PHARMACY 90 20 ELMHURST AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)651-1177 VITALSCRIPT 83 17 19 37TH AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)424-1101 WALGREENS #9936 7815 NORTHERN BLVD JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)429-2042 WESTERN DRUGS INC 81-20 ROOSEVELT AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 11372 (718)899-6520 JAMAICA - 11412 WALGREENS 11255 FARMERS BLVD JAMAICA, NY 11412 (718)465-1650 JAMAICA - 11413 PATHMARK PHARMACY 134 40 SPRINGFIELD BLVD JAMAICA, NY 11413 (718)525-2422 JAMAICA - 11417 RITE AID PHARMACY 1242 LIBERTY AVE JAMAICA, NY 11417 (718)235-7040 JAMAICA - 11418 JAMAICA RX INC 89 36 VAN WYCK EXPRESSWAY JAMAICA, NY 11418 (718)240-5200 JAMAICA - 11419 RITE AID PHARMACY 04991 109 07 101ST AVENUE JAMAICA, NY 11419 (718)441-9311 JAMAICA - 11432 ALY MARC PHARMACY 179 41 HILLSIDE AVE JAMAICA, NY 11432 (718)291-1845 ESTATES PHARMACY 169 01 HILLSIDE AVE JAMAICA, NY 11432 (718)739-0311 APL PHARMACY INC 87 50 PARSONS BLVD JAMAICA, NY 11432 (718)206-1776 GLOBAL UNITED PHARMACY 179 42 HILLSIDE AVE JAMAICA, NY 11432 (718)206-4290 BENGAL PHARMACY INC. 8781 PARSONS BLVD JAMAICA, NY 11432 (718)291-0740 COMMUNITY PHCY SERVICES INC 152 11 89TH AVE JAMAICA, NY 11432 (718)739-6500 CVS PHARMACY 170-25 HILLSIDE AVENUE JAMAICA, NY 11432 (718)291-7375 DUANE READE #14252 160-04 JAMAICA AVE JAMAICA, NY 11432 (718)558-3987 AL-MAMOOR PHARMACY INC. 169-18 HILLSIDE AVE JAMAICA, NY 11432 (718)374-3406 EMBLEMHEALTH PHARMACY 180 05 HILLSIDE AVE JAMAICA, NY 11432 (718)291-5223 Wheelchair Accessible Page 172 HEALTHY CHOICE PHARMACY 163-06 HILLSIDE AVE JAMAICA, NY 11432 (347)454-9032 HILLSIDE PHARMACY 184 20 HILLSIDE AVE JAMAICA, NY 11432 (718)658-7800 JAMAICA PHARMACY 16843 HILLSIDE AVE JAMAICA, NY 11432 (718)206-9333 JAMAICA PHARMACY GROUP LLC 17217 JAMAICA AVE JAMAICA, NY 11432 (718)523-5800 Pharmacies New York State - QUEENS County MED SCRIPT PHARMACY 83-42 PARSONS BLVD JAMAICA, NY 11432 (718)658-9300 ROSVOLOS PHARMACY 16901 JAMAICA AVE JAMAICA, NY 11432 (718)297-6620 MEDIC MASTERS PHARMACY AND SURGICAL SUPPLIES INC 180 09 JAMAICA AVE 1ST FLOOR JAMAICA, NY 11432 (718)206-4121 SAFA PHARMACY INC 16523 HILLSIDE AVENUE JAMAICA, NY 11432 (718)739-0940 MEDICINE CABINET PHARMACY 88 28 PARSONS BLVD JAMAICA, NY 11432 (718)297-1345 NEW PARSONS PHARMACY LLC 88 01 PARSONS BLVD JAMAICA, NY 11432 (718)291-1114 QUEENS COMMUNITY EXPRESS PHARMACY INC 168 12 HILLSIDE AVE JAMAICA, NY 11432 (718)206-9096 RITE AID PHARMACY 03677 162 19 HILLSIDE AVENUE JAMAICA, NY 11432 (718)739-3451 SHANKAR PHARMACY 82 35 164TH ST JAMAICA, NY 11432 (718)380-1261 TOWER PHARMACY AND SURGICAL 185 12 HILLSIDE AVE ADD CHC JAMAICA, NY 11432 (718)526-1121 VALUECARE PHARMACY 8269 PARSONS BLVD JAMAICA, NY 11432 (718)380-2600 WALGREENS 17506 HILLSIDE AVE JAMAICA, NY 11432 (347)566-6349 WALGREENS #4564 15930 JAMAICA AVE JAMAICA, NY 11432 (718)658-6013 JAMAICA - 11433 NEW YORK BOULEVARD PHARMACY 107 45 NEW YORK BLVD JAMAICA, NY 11433 (718)297-6500 JAMAICA - 11434 APEX PHARMACY 114-49 SUTPHIN BLVD JAMAICA, NY 11434 (718)848-4900 BAISLEY PHARMACY 165 70 BAISLEY BLVD JAMAICA, NY 11434 (718)528-2246 COMMUNITY PHARMACY 114-34 SUTPHIN BLVD JAMAICA, NY 11434 (718)925-9259 GBB WELLNESS INC 13742 GUY R BREWER BLVD STE 6 JAMAICA, NY 11434 (718)978-0001 GUY BREWER PHARMACY INC 11717 GUY R BREWER BLVD JAMAICA, NY 11434 (718)525-5005 HEAL THE WORLD PHARMACY, INC 161-45 BAISLEY BLVD JAMAICA, NY 11434 (718)276-4325 MERRICK BLVD PHARMACY 126-13 MERRICK BLVD. JAMAICA, NY 11434 (718)528-0505 RITE AID PHARMACY 02771 165 02 BAISLEY BOULEVARD ROCHDALE VILLAGE JAMAICA, NY 11434 (718)525-7642 RITE AID PHARMACY 04277 115 10 MERRICK BOULEVARD JAMAICA, NY 11434 (718)297-8350 VARIETY DRUGS 169 33 137TH AVE JAMAICA, NY 11434 (718)723-2100 WALGREENS # 12157 14580 FARMERS BLVD JAMAICA, NY 11434 (718)481-6206 Wheelchair Accessible Page 173 Pharmacies New York State - QUEENS County WALGREENS #4565 12704 GUY R BREWER BLVD JAMAICA, NY 11434 (718)978-4450 JAMAICA - 11435 A & T PHARMACY 144 01 JAMAICA AVE JAMAICA, NY 11435 (718)530-9022 AS-SALAM PHARMACY INC 14726 HILLSIDE AVE JAMAICA, NY 11435 (718)291-0717 BRIARWOOD PHARMACY 143-03 HILLSIDE AVE JAMAICA, NY 11435 (718)526-0310 CONCORD DRUG 138 50 84TH DRIVE JAMAICA, NY 11435 (718)739-9099 DUANE READE #14188 93-01 SUTPHIN BLVD JAMAICA, NY 11435 (718)558-0028 PRIMARY CARE PHARMACY INC 9020 SUTPHIN BLVD JAMAICA, NY 11435 (718)291-4747 QUEENS DRUGS AND SURGICAL 146 14 JAMAICA AVE JAMAICA, NY 11435 (718)297-0099 RITE AID PHARMACY 04274 90 01 SUTPHIN BOULEVARD JAMAICA, NY 11435 (718)526-3824 SUTPHIN PHARMACY 87 80A SUTPHIN BLVD JAMAICA, NY 11435 (718)291-9500 TRIUMPH PHARMACY LLC 11112 SUTPHIN BLVD STORE # 2 JAMAICA, NY 11435 (718)529-0300 JAMAICA - 11436 EVERS PHARMACY 14202 ROCKAWAY BLVD JAMAICA, NY 11436 (718)323-8377 KATONAH - 10536 WEINSTEIN PHARMACY CORP 101 KATONAH AVE KATONAH, NY 10536 (914)232-5166 KEW GARDENS 11415 CVS PHARMACY 85-29 126TH STREET KEW GARDENS, NY 11415 (718)850-5811 DUANE READE #14337 80-02 KEW GARDENS RD KEW GARDENS, NY 11415 (718)275-2130 HEALTH SOURCE PLUS PHARMACY, LLC. 118-07 METROPOLITAN AVE KEW GARDENS, NY 11415 (718)849-6700 IDEAL PHARMACY 8548 118TH ST KEW GARDENS, NY 11415 (718)441-5474 KEW GARDENS DRUG CORP 118-07 METROPOLITAN AVE KEW GARDENS, NY 11415 (718)849-6700 Wheelchair Accessible Page 174 KEW GARDENS PHARMACY INC 81-57 LEFFERTS BLVD KEW GARDENS, NY 11415 (718)850-5220 N AND B PHARMACY INC 118 29A METROPOLITAN AVE KEW GARDENS, NY 11415 (718)487-8100 REO CHEMISTS INC 81 12 LEFFERTS BLVD KEW GARDENS, NY 11415 (718)849-4661 KEW GARDENS 11418 METROPOLITAN PHARMACY 116 07 METROPOLITAN AVE KEW GARDENS, NY 11418 (718)441-2345 LAURELTON - 11413 DUANE READE #14251 230-01 MERRICK BLVD LAURELTON, NY 11413 (718)528-8585 Pharmacies New York State - QUEENS County LAURELTON PHARMACY 22412 MERRICK BLVD LAURELTON, NY 11413 (718)977-0700 LITTLE NECK - 11362 LITTLE NECK DRUG STORE INC 254 23 HORACE HARDING BLVD LITTLE NECK, NY 11362 (718)631-8787 LONG ISLAND CITY - 11101 AGUSTIN PHARMACY INC 39 20 29TH ST LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11101 (718)937-8159 THE CHEMIST SHOP 3015 38TH AVE LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11101 (718)472-0900 VERNON BOULEVARD PHARMACY INC. 4815 VERNON BLVD LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11101 (718)361-7390 LONG ISLAND CITY - 11102 RITE AID PHARMACY 10563 31 14 30TH AVENUE LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11102 (718)278-1901 LONG ISLAND CITY - 11103 ECHO DRUGS 39 50 CRESCENT ST 2ND FLR SUITE D LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11101 (718)391-0303 RITE AID PHARMACY 30-99 STEINWAY ST LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11103 (718)274-6600 ECHO PHARMACY 39 50 CRESCENT ST STE A LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11101 (718)391-0400 LONG ISLAND CITY - 11104 QUEENSBRIDGE PLAZA PHARMACY 10 37 41ST AVE LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11101 (718)707-0705 GREENPOINT PHARMACY 4026 GREENPOINT AVE LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11104 (718)937-1750 LONG ISLAND CITY - 11105 RITE AID PHARMACY 31-09 DITMARS BLVD LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11105 (718)721-8666 LONG ISLAND CITY - 11106 AMIN PHARMACY INC 29 03 36TH AVE LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11106 (718)786-6611 COSTCO PHARMACY 32 50 VERNON BLVD LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11106 (718)267-5516 CRESCENT CHEMIST INC 24 12 34TH AVE LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11106 (718)383-3882 LONG ISLAND CITY CHEMISTS 30 12 36TH AVE LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11106 (718)392-8049 MERLIN CHEMISTS INC 31 64 21ST ST LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11106 (718)267-8900 METROCARE PHARMACY INC 21 12B 36TH AVE LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11106 (718)606-0068 NORWOOD REXALL DRUGS 31 12 BROADWAY LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11106 (718)728-1212 RAVENSVIEW PHARMACY INC 34 49 21ST ST LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11106 (718)729-5199 RITE AID PHARMACY 10568 21 25 BROADWAY LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11106 (718)932-9200 WALGREENS #1180 335567 CRESCENT LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11106 (718)932-8100 Wheelchair Accessible Page 175 Pharmacies New York State - QUEENS County MASPETH - 11378 CVS PHARMACY 69-80 GRAND AVENUE MASPETH, NY 11378 (718)424-2846 DUANE READE # 14466 66 56 GRAND AVENUE MASPETH, NY 11378 (718)672-9465 EAGLE PHARMACY 64 02 FLUSHING AVE MASPETH, NY 11378 (718)416-1749 GRAND AVENUE PHARMACY INC 69 29 GRAND AVE MASPETH, NY 11378 (718)898-6882 HILL PHARMACY 53-01 65TH PL MASPETH, NY 11378 (718)429-4646 RITE AID PHARMACY 69-10 GRAND AVE MASPETH, NY 11378 (718)457-2020 STOP & SHOP PHARMACY 7417 GRAND AVENUE MASPETH, NY 11378 (718)803-3025 ZEBA DRUGS INC 63-02 FLUSHING AVE MASPETH, NY 11378 (718)894-0428 MIDDLE VILLAGE 11379 AJ'S VILLAGE CHEMIST 74-05 METROPOLITAN AVE. MIDDLE VILLAGE, NY 11379 (718)894-9000 MIDDLE VILLAGE PHARMACY CORP 7404 METROPOLITAN AVE MIDDLE VILLAGE, NY 11379 (718)326-3072 RITE AID PHARMACY 10603 73 26 METROPOLITAN AVENUE MIDDLE VILLAGE, NY 11379 (718)894-0234 ARTIS DRUG CORPORATION 80 02 ELIOT AVE MIDDLE VILLAGE, NY 11379 (718)429-6611 COLOMBOS PHARMACY LLC 75 51 METROPOLITAN AVE MIDDLE VILLAGE, NY 11379 (718)418-9700 WALGREENS #9869 8001 ELIOT AVE MIDDLE VILLAGE, NY 11379 (718)505-8192 NEW YORK - 10040 MILENA PHARMACY 4407 BROADWAY NEW YORK, NY 10040 (212)543-2333 NEW YORK - 11102 CVS PHARMACY 7960 METROPOLITAN AVENUE MIDDLE VILLAGE, NY 11379 (718)326-4910 ESKAYS PHARMACY INC 2101 FIRST AVE NEW YORK, NY 11102 (212)423-2910 PARK HEALTH PHARMACY INC 13124 ROCKAWAY BLVD 1P NEW YORK, NY 11420 (718)322-3261 OAKLAND GARDENS - 11364 PRIME DRUGS 22417A UNION TPKE OAKLAND GARDENS, NY 11364 (718)749-5021 RITE AID PHARMACY 10594 61 29/35 SPRINGFIELD BOULEVARD OAKLAND GARDENS, NY 11364 (718)428-8888 OZONE PARK 11416 AL-HAQQ PHARMACY INC. 75-07 101ST AVE OZONE PARK, NY 11416 (718)738-3333 CROSS BAY CHEMIST 9605 101ST AVE OZONE PARK, NY 11416 (718)880-1644 Wheelchair Accessible Page 176 NEW YORK - 11420 Pharmacies New York State - QUEENS County CVS PHARMACY 83-02 ATLANTIC AVENUE OZONE PARK, NY 11416 (718)296-2153 OZONE PHARMACY 10210 101ST AVE OZONE PARK, NY 11416 (718)805-4300 PATHMARK PHARMACY 92 10 ATLANTIC AVE OZONE PARK, NY 11416 (718)835-7903 RITE AID PHARMACY 10607 102 30 ATLANTIC AVENUE OZONE PARK, NY 11416 (718)441-1120 CVS PHARMACY 97-01 LIBERTY AVE OZONE PARK, NY 11417 (718)835-8383 DUANE READE # 14360 103-09 LIBERTY AVE OZONE PARK, NY 11417 (718)659-9621 KALISH PHARMACY 93 20 LIBERTY AVE OZONE PARK, NY 11417 (718)641-5648 RITE AID PHARMACY 10608 96 02 ROCKAWAY BOULEVARD OZONE PARK, NY 11417 (718)848-2334 S AND I RIGHT CHOICE PHARMACY 8401 101ST AVE OZONE PARK, NY 11416 (718)845-0042 S J PHARMACY & SURGICAL, INC. 10532 ROCKAWAY BLVD OZONE PARK, NY 11417 (718)322-7200 OZONE PARK 11417 QUEENS - 11373 CARE SCRIPT PHARMACY 9605 ROCKAWAY BLVD OZONE PARK, NY 11417 (718)487-3677 DUANE READE #14385 9121 QUEENS BLVD QUEENS, NY 11373 (718)898-3970 QUEENS - 11420 WALGREENS #4445 11902 ROCKAWAY BLVD QUEENS, NY 11420 (718)529-9500 QUEENS VILLAGE 11427 CVS PHARMACY 219-39 89TH AVENUE QUEENS VILLAGE, NY 11427 (718)479-3774 NUTRACARE PHARMACY 22036 HILLSIDE AVE QUEENS VILLAGE, NY 11427 (718)264-2222 QUEENS VILLAGE 11428 ECONOMY DRUG AND SURGICAL 221 21 JAMAICA AVE QUEENS VILLAGE, NY 11428 (718)465-5196 KASSEL PHARMACY LTD 218-11 JAMAICA AVE QUEENS VILLAGE, NY 11428 (718)464-0200 VILLAGE PHARMACY 90 37 SPRINGFIELD BLVD QUEENS VILLAGE, NY 11428 (718)464-4844 QUEENS VILLAGE 11429 CASSON PHARMACY 112-10 SPRINGFIELD BLVD QUEENS VILLAGE, NY 11429 (718)464-7777 COUNTY PHARMACY 220 08 HEMPSTED AVE QUEENS VILLAGE, NY 11429 (718)776-2300 GVG PHARMACY 206 08 HOLLIS AVE QUEENS VILLAGE, NY 11429 (718)464-1556 RITE AID PHARMACY 03865 218 35 HEMPSTEAD AVENUE QUEENS VILLAGE, NY 11429 (718)465-8046 SPRING PHARMACY 11150 SPRINGFIELD BLVD QUEENS VILLAGE, NY 11429 (718)740-1237 Wheelchair Accessible Page 177 Pharmacies New York State - QUEENS County WALGREENS 21851 HEMPSTEAD AVE QUEENS VILLAGE, NY 11429 (718)740-2497 WALGREENS #2055 10962 FRANCIS LEWIS BLVD QUEENS VILLAGE, NY 11429 (718)740-4988 REGO PARK - 11374 ALL-SOURCE PHARMACY & SURGICAL 9109 63RD DR REGO PARK, NY 11374 (718)255-6100 ARCOLA PHARMACY 65-45 99TH ST REGO PARK, NY 11374 (718)275-5838 B AND E PHARMACY 63 52 WOODHAVEN BLVD REGO PARK, NY 11374 (718)651-1000 CITY RX PHARMACY 95-25 QUEENS BOULEVARD REGO PARK, NY 11374 (718)459-4880 COSTCO PHARMACY 6135 JUNCTION BLVD REGO PARK, NY 11374 (718)760-6479 CVS PHARMACY 61-01 WOODHAVEN BLVD REGO PARK, NY 11374 (718)424-7222 PARK CITY DRUGS 63 20 99TH ST REGO PARK, NY 11374 (718)459-0911 RITE AID PHARMACY 04866 95 14 63RD DRIVE REGO PARK, NY 11374 (718)896-5084 CVS PHARMACY 97-10 63RD ROAD REGO PARK, NY 11374 (718)896-2484 RITE AID PHARMACY 10598 65 35 WOODHAVEN BOULEVARD REGO PARK, NY 11374 (718)520-6744 DUANE READE # 14477 95 11 63RD DRIVE REGO PARK, NY 11374 (718)897-0803 VERA I PHARMACY 9806 QUEENS BLVD REGO PARK, NY 11374 (718)997-1777 EXPRESS PHARMACY 9914 63RD RD REGO PARK, NY 11374 (718)997-7444 MED RX PHARMACY INC 97 27 QUEENS BLVD REGO PARK, NY 11374 (718)897-8500 VNS PHARMACY 9305 63RD DR REGO PARK, NY 11374 (718)997-6900 WOODHAVEN RX, INC. 6206A WOODHAVEN BLVD REGO PARK, NY 11374 (718)478-4600 2R DRUG CORP 111 21 JAMAICA AVE RICHMOND HILL, NY 11418 (718)441-1426 A & P PHARMACY 11709 JAMAICA AVE RICHMOND HILL, NY 11418 (718)880-1008 DALE CHEMISTS INC 108-13 JAMAICA AVE RICHMOND HILL, NY 11418 (718)847-5997 DALE PHARMACY & SURGICAL INC 108-13 JAMAICA AVE RICHMOND HILL, NY 11418 (718)847-5997 METRO DRUGS 13402 JAMAICA AVE RICHMOND HILL, NY 11418 (718)206-4653 RDS PHARMACY 121-17 JAMAICA AVE RICHMOND HILL, NY 11418 (718)849-9800 Wheelchair Accessible Page 178 RICHMOND HILL 11418 Pharmacies New York State - QUEENS County SHARONAS PHARMACY 102-05 JAMAICA AVE RICHMOND HILL, NY 11418 (718)441-4693 SUPER SCRIPT PHARMACY 13506 JAMAICA AVE RICHMOND HILL, NY 11418 (718)374-3939 TRIANGLE PHARMACY 119 01 JAMAICA AVE RICHMOND HILL, NY 11418 (718)847-9850 VAN WYCK PRESCRIPTION CENTER 88-20B VAN WYCK EXPWY RICHMOND HILL, NY 11418 (718)658-0012 WALGREENS 13250 METROPOLITAN AVE RICHMOND HILL, NY 11418 (718)297-3745 WISE DRUGS 111 05 JAMAICA AVE RICHMOND HILL, NY 11418 (718)441-3222 RICHMOND HILL 11419 CPW PHARMACY 121-16 LIBERTY AVE RICHMOND HILL, NY 11419 (718)322-4900 DREAM PHARMACY AND SURGICAL SUPPLY INC 112 04 101ST AVE RICHMOND HILL, NY 11419 (718)441-3800 DUANE READE #14328 115-02 LIBERTY AVE RICHMOND HILL, NY 11419 (718)835-9500 GEORGETOWN PHARMACY 134 07 LIBERTY AVE RICHMOND HILL, NY 11419 (718)206-0716 L FERNANDEZ PHARMACY 123 23 LIBERTY AVE RICHMOND HILL, NY 11419 (718)738-0500 LIBERTY PHARMACY 124-02 A LIBERTY AVE. RICHMOND HILL, NY 11419 (718)738-1500 RICHMOND HILL PHARMACY 125 01 101ST AVE RICHMOND HILL, NY 11419 (718)849-7300 RICHMOND RX CENTER 112 12 LIBERTY AVE RICHMOND HILL, NY 11419 (718)845-3540 RITE AID PHARMACY 00900 119 04 LIBERTY AVENUE RICHMOND HILL, NY 11419 (718)835-2542 RX SPRESS PHARMACY 123 07 LIBERTY AVE RICHMOND HILL, NY 11419 (718)322-7158 RIDGEWOOD - 11385 AJ'S RIDGEWOOD CHEMIST 68-19 FRESH POND ROAD RIDGEWOOD, NY 11385 (718)456-4400 ARD PHARMACY 6061 MYRTLE AVE RIDGEWOOD, NY 11385 (718)417-4154 CHOPIN CHEMISTS 66-19 FRESH POND ROAD RIDGEWOOD, NY 11385 (718)416-3200 CVS PHARMACY 329-339 WYCKOFF AVE RIDGEWOOD, NY 11385 (718)628-3971 CVS PHARMACY 61-15 METROPOLITAN AVENUE RIDGEWOOD, NY 11385 (718)497-9197 DUANE READE #14179 57-11 MYRTLE AVE RIDGEWOOD, NY 11385 (718)456-2602 DUANE READE #14314 54-13 MYRTLE AVE RIDGEWOOD, NY 11385 (718)386-6692 Wheelchair Accessible Page 179 Pharmacies New York State - QUEENS County GRANDVIEW PHARMACY 590 GRANDVIEW AVE RIDGEWOOD, NY 11385 (718)456-2200 RIDGEWOOD PHARMACY 389 ONDERDONK AVE RIDGEWOOD, NY 11385 (718)381-3622 WALGREENS 5802 METROPOLITAN AVE RIDGEWOOD, NY 11385 (718)386-4319 J RX PHARMACY 65 15 FRESH POND RD RIDGEWOOD, NY 11385 (718)366-0626 RITE AID PHARMACY 04873 55 60 MYRTLE AVENUE RIDGEWOOD, NY 11385 (718)456-8555 ROCKAWAY BEACH - 11693 METROHEALTH PHARMACY LLC 5543 MYRTLE AVE RIDGEWOOD, NY 11385 (347)889-7086 MIL RUE CHEMISTS INC 66-87 FRESH POND RD RIDGEWOOD, NY 11385 (718)821-3271 MYRTLE DRUGS INC 5518 MYRTLE AVE RIDGEWOOD, NY 11385 (718)366-6171 RIDGEWOOD CITY PHARMACY 775 SENECA AVE RIDGEWOOD, NY 11385 (718)381-7766 RITE AID PHARMACY 10604 6036 MYRTLE AVENUE RIDGEWOOD, NY 11385 (718)497-5190 CVS PHARMACY 88-07 ROCKAWAY BEACH BLVD ROCKAWAY BEACH, NY 11693 (718)318-2802 ROCK DRUGS 88 18 ROCKAWAY BEACH BLVD ROCKAWAY BEACH, NY 11693 (718)945-4300 RITE AID PHARMACY 10605 583 GRANDVIEW AVENUE RIDGEWOOD, NY 11385 (718)326-4752 SMK PHARMACY CORP 87-02 ROCKAWAY BEACH BLVD ROCKAWAY BEACH, NY 11693 (718)474-1600 RITE MED PHARMACY 311 ST. NICHOLAS AVE. RIDGEWOOD, NY 11385 (718)366-2268 SHAWN PHARMACY 321 WYCKOFF AVE RIDGEWOOD, NY 11385 (718)417-0200 ROCKAWAY PARK 11694 BELLE HARBOR DRUGS 11514 BEACH CHANNEL DR ROCKAWAY PARK, NY 11694 (718)318-5000 Wheelchair Accessible Page 180 KINGS PHARMACY 194 BEACH 116TH ST ROCKAWAY PARK, NY 11694 (718)318-0300 RITE AID PHARMACY 07930 10640 ROCKAWAY BEACH BOULEVARD ROCKAWAY PARK, NY 11694 (717)975-5937 ROCKAWAY POINT 11697 HANNAS MARKET PHARMACY 202 20 ROCKAWAY POINT BLVD ROCKAWAY POINT, NY 11697 (718)634-0273 ROSEDALE - 11422 MERRICK PHARMACY 23428 MERRICK BLVD ROSEDALE, NY 11422 (718)997-8700 RITE AID PHARMACY 04836 245 14 FRANCIS LEWIS BOULEVARD ROSEDALE, NY 11422 (718)949-7555 Pharmacies New York State - QUEENS County WALGREENS 14360 243RD ST ROSEDALE, NY 11422 (718)276-0274 S OZONE PARK 11420 R AND C PHARM CORP 131-13 ROCKAWAY BLVD S OZONE PARK, NY 11420 (718)529-1130 WAKEFIELD PHARMACY 135 25 LEFFERTS BLVD S OZONE PARK, NY 11420 (718)843-3900 SAINT ALBANS 11412 PHARMACY WORLD INC 19803 HOLLIS AVE SAINT ALBANS, NY 11412 (718)217-8230 SAINT ALBANS 11433 CVS PHARMACY 170-05 LINDEN BLVD SAINT ALBANS, NY 11433 (718)262-9533 SOUTH OZONE PARK - 11420 REX PHARMACY 119-01 ROCKAWAY BLVD SOUTH OZONE PARK, NY 11420 (718)843-8000 SOUTH OZONE PK 11420 CPW PHARMACY 131 07 ROCKAWAY BLVD SOUTH OZONE PK, NY 11420 (718)322-5000 SOUTH RICHMOND HILL - 11419 101 FIRST CARE PHARMACY INC 126-14 101 AVE SOUTH RICHMOND HILL, NY 11419 (718)880-2346 SUREDRUGS PHARMACY 11806 101ST AVE SOUTH RICHMOND HILL, NY 11419 (718)880-2500 SOUTH RICHMOND HILL - 11429 A & J PHARMACY & SURGICAL SUPPLIES INC 131-08 LIBERTY AVE SOUTH RICHMOND HILL, NY 11429 (718)323-3700 SOUTH RICHMOND HILLS - 11419 CHOICE PHARMACY 12401 LIBERTY AVE STE C SOUTH RICHMOND HILL, NY 11419 (718)845-0200 MEERAJ PHARMACY INC 11517 LIBERTY AVE SOUTH RICHMOND HILL, NY 11419 (718)641-4400 NEW MOON PHARMACY INC. 109-14 LIBERTY AVE SOUTH RICHMOND HILL, NY 11419 (718)738-0302 RITE AID PHARMACY 04856 122 02 LIBERTY AVENUE SOUTH RICHMOND HILLS, NY 11419 (718)843-7001 SPRINGFIELD GARDENS - 11413 RAPID PHARMACY 21617 MERRICK BLVD SPRINGFIELD GARDENS, NY 11413 (718)276-6090 WALGREENS #5051 21914 MERRICK BLVD SPRINGFIELD GARDENS, NY 11413 (718)712-7853 SUNNYSIDE - 11104 AMAZON PHARMACY INC 4310 QUEENS BOULEVARD SUNNYSIDE, NY 11104 (718)786-0707 BLISS DRUGS INC 4701 QUEENS BLVD STE C SUNNYSIDE, NY 11104 (718)482-8900 CVS PHARMACY 41-08 QUEENS BLVD SUNNYSIDE, NY 11104 (718)361-6014 FAMILY PHARMACY 45-60 43RD ST SUNNYSIDE, NY 11104 (718)349-6767 RITE AID PHARMACY 46-02 GREENPOINT AVE SUNNYSIDE, NY 11104 (718)784-0070 Wheelchair Accessible Page 181 Pharmacies New York State - QUEENS County RITE AID PHARMACY 03962 45 02 43RD AVENUE SUNNYSIDE, NY 11104 (718)433-0941 RITE AID PHARMACY 04858 46 12 GREENPOINT AVENUE SUNNYSIDE, NY 11104 (718)392-8474 ROCKWAY COMMUNITY PHARMACY INC 43-20 43RD AVE SUNNYSIDE, NY 11104 (718)937-0890 SUNNY PHARMACY 42-02B GREENPOINT AVE SUNNYSIDE, NY 11104 (718)433-3091 SUNNYSIDE DRUGS 39-51 QUEENS BLVD SUNNYSIDE, NY 11104 (718)482-0003 WHITESTONE 11357 CVS PHARMACY 2021 FRANCIS LEWIS BLVD WHITESTONE, NY 11357 (718)225-2653 HARPELL CHEMISTS INC 12 65 150TH ST WHITESTONE, NY 11357 (718)767-7868 RITE AID PHARMACY 10589 153 65 CROSS ISLAND PARKWAY WHITESTONE, NY 11357 (718)767-6000 RITE AID PHARMACY 10590 19 23 UTOPIA PARKWAY WHITESTONE, NY 11357 (718)767-4854 WALDBAUMS PHARMACY 153 01 10TH AVE WHITESTONE, NY 11357 (718)767-0052 WALGREENS #4688 14928 14TH AVE WHITESTONE, NY 11357 (718)746-9860 WHITESTONE PHARMACY 150 43 14TH AVE WHITESTONE, NY 11357 (718)767-0618 WOODHAVEN 11421 ATLAS PHARMACY LLC 92-13 JAMAICA AVE WOODHAVEN, NY 11421 (718)577-0200 GOOD HEALTH PHARMACY INC. 7928 JAMAICA AVE WOODHAVEN, NY 11421 (718)296-7000 HEALTH MAX PHARMACY 80 07 JAMAICA AVE WOODHAVEN, NY 11421 (718)296-0400 MEDEX PHARMACY 96 02 JAMAICA AVE WOODHAVEN, NY 11421 (718)805-7000 PRIME RX PHARMACY INC. 7517 JAMAICA AVE WOODHAVEN, NY 11421 (718)296-0202 QUEENSCARE PHARMACY CORP 8446 JAMAICA AVE WOODHAVEN, NY 11421 (718)480-6597 Wheelchair Accessible Page 182 RITE AID PHARMACY 04610 89 10 JAMAICA AVENUE WOODHAVEN, NY 11421 (718)849-7777 WOODHAVEN PHARMACY 86 22 JAMAICA AVE WOODHAVEN, NY 11421 (718)846-7777 WOODHAVEN AVENUE - 11421 DUANE READE #14271 84-32 JAMAICA AVE WOODHAVEN AVENUE, NY 11421 (718)277-5814 WOODSIDE - 11375 AUSTIN CHEMISTS INC 5123B QUEENS BLVD WOODSIDE, NY 11375 (718)806-1237 WOODSIDE - 11377 ALL CARE PHARMACY AND SURGICAL 35-26/35-30 64TH ST WOODSIDE, NY 11377 (718)424-8825 Pharmacies New York State - QUEENS County CVS PHARMACY 54-06 31ST AVENUE WOODSIDE, NY 11377 (718)204-7385 DUANE READE #14171 48-01 QUEENS BLVD WOODSIDE, NY 11377 (718)476-8655 DUANE READE #14187 60-02 ROOSEVELT AVE WOODSIDE, NY 11377 (718)476-8379 RITE AID PHARMACY 10600 50 15 ROOSEVELT AVENUE WOODSIDE, NY 11377 (718)426-7572 RITE AID PHARMACY 10601 60 26 WOODSIDE AVENUE WOODSIDE, NY 11377 (718)639-3234 SKILLMAN AVENUE PHARMACY CORP 5006 SKILLMAN AVE WOODSIDE, NY 11377 (718)565-5454 HOPKINS DRUG COMPANY 63 19 ROOSEVELT AVE WOODSIDE, NY 11377 (718)429-2140 TAZMI PHARMACY 5905 ROOSEVELT AVE WOODSIDE, NY 11377 (718)205-8880 MIND & BODY 5311 ROOSEVELT AVE WOODSIDE, NY 11377 (718)255-6355 WOODSIDE PHARMACY 4902 QUEENS BLVD WOODSIDE, NY 11377 (718)205-0550 RITE AID PHARMACY 04992 58 01 QUEENS BOULEVARD WOODSIDE, NY 11377 (718)779-6431 ZARCHY PHARMACY 57 21 ROOSEVELT AVE WOODSIDE, NY 11377 (718)424-3286 Wheelchair Accessible Page 183 ALPHABETICAL INDEX # , Jebun Nahar ......................15 , Jung Anthony .......................6 , Kim Taegyun ........................6 , Maria Skamagas ................63 , Stella Slade ........................18 , Stephen Rand ....................26 101 FIRST CARE PHARMACY INC ................181 21ST CENTURY PHARMACY INC. ...............160 2R DRUG CORP ................178 37TH AVE. PHARMACY INC. ... 170 41 AVENUE PHARMACY LLC ....................................165 A A & J PHARMACY & SURGICAL SUPPLIES INC ... 181 A & M PHARMACY AND SURGICAL .........................163 A & P PHARMACY .............178 A & T PHARMACY .............174 A, Egol, MD Kenneth ..........100 A, Zias, MD Elias ................125 A., Chen Jennifer ...................6 A., Grant John ......................90 A., Kundel, MD Anna ..........125 A., Pisciotto Salvatore ..........13 AAA IP PHARMACY ..147, 148 Aaga, Khaled .....................109 Aamira, Tahir ........................15 Aaron, Tansy ........................89 ABC Health Service Registry Inc. .......................82, 138, 141 Abend, Julia .........................98 Aberger, Brian ......................39 Abitona, Racquel ................109 Able Health Care Services Inc. .....................................124 Able Healthcare Services Inc. (LHCSA) ...............82, 138, 141 Abousamra, Mamdou .........112 Abraham, Saji ....33, 34, 35, 36 Abraham, Zimm ....................65 Abramovich, Galina ..............11 Abrams, Elizabeth ................72 Page 184 AC NORTHERN PHARMACY ...............146, 163 ACARIAHEALTH PHARMACY #12 ................169 Acerra, John .........................57 Adam, Chester ...................135 Adebukola, Adeniran ............19 Aditya, Mangla .....................32 Adler, David ........................134 Adler, Melton ........................73 Adler, Michael ....................105 Adler, Mitchell .......................73 Adlerstein, Andrew ...............39 Adrian, Sangeorzan .............24 Adult Home Continuing Day Treatment Center ...............146 ADVANCED HEALTH PRO 148 Advanced Health Pro Inc. ....84 AGUSTIN PHARMACY INC ... 175 Ahamed, Moideen ................33 Ahmed, Abdul-Aziz ...............57 Ahmed, Khaled ...................112 Ahmed, Khalil .....................128 Ahmed, Mohamed ........99, 100 Aja-Onu, Iheanyichukwu ......68 Ajoy, Sinha .........................100 AJ'S RIDGEWOOD CHEMIST ...........................179 AJ'S VILLAGE CHEMIST ...176 AL KOSTO PHARMACY INC ... 170 Alaia,, MD Michael .............100 Alam, Hamid .........................53 Alami, Lara .....................67, 97 Alan, Fein ...........................117 Alan, Lesman .......................69 Alan, Roth ............................15 Alapati, Prameela ...........20, 25 Al-Atassi, Shaza .................102 Alayev, Marina ....................110 Alba, Amanda .......................92 Albeck, Stephen ...................73 Albert, Pradeep ....................42 Albert, Warren ......................37 Albert, Winyard ......................3 Alessandro, Solinas ...............8 Alex, Williamson .................102 Alexander, Caroline ..............94 Alexis, Bisangwa ................135 Alfredo, Wong ......................80 AL-HAQQ PHARMACY INC. ... 176 Ali, Noor ...............................46 Aliah Home Care ..82, 138, 141 Alicia, Knight-Debrady ..........23 Alicia, Tate ............................20 Alison, Suarez ......................57 ALL CARE PHARMACY AND SURGICAL .........................182 ALL IN ONE DME SUPPLIER INC ..................148 ALL IN ONE PHARMACY LLC ....................................169 ALL RX PHARMACY INC. .163 Alla, Sabzanova ...............4, 17 Allan, Jacobs ........................22 Allen Health Care Services ..83 138, 141, 143 ALL-SOURCE PHARMACY & SURGICAL .............156, 178 ALLSTAR PHARMACY INC ... 163 AL-MAMOOR PHARMACY INC. ....................................172 Almeida, Orlandino .........90, 91 Alper, Huntley .......................46 Alpert, Bruce ........................38 Alvin, Bregman ...................101 ALY MARC PHARMACY ....157 172 Aman, Mukhtarzad .................8 Amanda, Alba .......................19 Amarjit, Singh .......................15 Amato, Teresa ......................61 AMAZON PHARMACY INC ... 181 American Business Institute Corp. ....................82, 138, 141 American Medical Alert Corp. ... 142, 143, 153 American Social Adult Day Care ...................................144 Ametrano, Jospeh ................78 Amgad, Makaryus ................37 AMIN PHARMACY INC ......175 Amy, Lai ...............................24 Amy, Metzen .......................110 Anastassov, George E. ........98 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Ancona, Salvatore ................23 Andrade, Javier ..............77, 81 Andrea, Mary ......................114 Andrea, Olanescu ..........22, 23 Andrew, Miller ....................100 Andrew, Rubin ....................114 Andrews, Shari ...............57, 61 Angela, Meikle .....................24 Angelo, Procaccino ..............80 Anita, Holman ......................24 Ankur, Parikh ........................46 Anna, Mathew ......................14 Annmarie, McDonald ............15 Anthony, Oreste .................106 Anthony, Vela .........................8 Anto, Heino ..........................88 Antoine, Jean .........................5 Antoinette, Sakaris ...............23 Antoinette, Tinapunan ........110 Antoldi, Christine ..................38 Antonios, Vlantis ...............8, 11 APEX PHARMACY ............173 APL PHARMACY INC ........172 APNA PHARMACY INC .....170 APPLE PHARMACY ..........165 Applewhite, Liat ..............23, 24 Arabzadeh Kashani, Maryam ... 71, 73 Aranda-Gabuna, Jeanette ..110 ARCADIA PHARMACY ......165 Archer, Jean .......................114 ARCOLA PHARMACY .......148 178 ARD PHARMACY ..............179 Arevalo, Caroline V. .............76 AriasMunoz, Ileana ..............75 Arikupurathu, Nisha .............92 Arkonac, Burak ....................35 Arlene, Perkins .....................13 Armstrong, Mark .......43, 51, 54 Aronbayev, Jonathan ...........14 Arshad, Faizan .....................57 ART PHARMACY CORP ...167 ARTIS DRUG CORPORATION .................176 Artur, Shalonov ...................117 Arun, Palkhiwala ..................28 Aruna, Timmireddy .............115 Arvind, Rishi .......................102 Arya, Vijaypal .......................70 Aryeh, Daniel ......................108 Asadourian, Armand .............79 ASCAN PHARMACY INC ..167 Ash, Adam ......................57, 61 Asit, Mehta ...........................70 AS-SALAM PHARMACY INC ... 174 ASTOR PHARMACY CORP ... 158 ASTORIA CHEMISTS ........157 ASTORIA FAMILY PHARMACY .......................157 ASTORIA PHARMACY ......156 157 Asvinkumar, Patel ................14 At Home Solutions .......84, 139 142 ATHENAS PHARMACY .....158 ATLAS PHARMACY LLC ...182 Attentive Home Care ....83, 138 141, 143 AUBURNDALE PHARMACY INC. ....................................166 Audrey, Rochester ................57 Aung, Khin .............................5 AUSTIN CHEMISTS INC ...182 AUSTIN COMMUNITY COMPOUNDING PHARMA ... 167 AUSTIN WELLNESS PHARMACY .......................167 AV PHARMACY .................161 Avani, Patel ..........................70 Avcioglu, Ayse ......................57 Avedissian, Haroutiun ..........17 AVENUE CHEMISTS INC ..158 Avezbadalov, Iosif A. ............76 Awan, Khurram ......................1 Axelrod, David ....................127 Azam, Anjum ......................134 Azan, Sarah .........................72 Aziz, Mohamed ..................102 B B AND B PHARMACY INC 170 B AND E PHARMACY ........178 B., Cao Kent ...........................6 Babayev, Khaim .................110 Bacchus, Leon ...............42, 46 Bae, Kunil ...............................6 Bae, Stewart ...........................6 Bagley, Megan ....................110 Bai, Alice ............................108 BAISLEY PHARMACY .......173 Bakst, Stewart ....118, 120, 121 122 Balamurugan, Geetha ..........74 Baldeo, Philip .........................3 Bandovic, Jela ....................102 BANGLADESH FARMACIA ... 170 Bangy, Isabella .....................11 Bania, Merita ............43, 51, 54 Barak, Anatoliy .....................75 Barbara, Podwall ..................46 Barna, Kelly ..........................46 Barrett, Allison ......................27 Barry, Kelvin .......................114 Barry, Pearson ...................102 Barry, Shpizner .....................46 Bartha, Griselda .................134 Basello Gina .......................152 BASMA MEDICAL SUPPLY CO., INC. ............................148 Basra, Gurbhushan ..............46 Battista, Jackie ...............77, 81 Bavli, Samuel .......................63 Bayshtok, Anella .................118 Bayshtok, Valery ..................14 BAYSIDE EMS PHARMACY CORP. ................................159 BCR MEDICAL GROUP LLC ... 147, 150 Beckhardt, Russell ...............64 Beer, Daniel ...........................5 Beg, Mansoor .......................78 Behmanesh, Babak ..............76 Bejarano, Elkin ...................1, 3 Belding, Michele ...8, 11, 13, 14 BELL BOULEVARD PHARMACY .......................159 BELLE HARBOR CHEMIST ... 163 BELLE HARBOR DRUGS ..180 Belli, Richard ......................115 Belliappa, Ajit ...........43, 51, 54 Ben, Ari Zina ........................15 Benedicto, Ramon ................80 Page 185 ALPHABETICAL INDEX BenedictoYu, Maria T. ....71, 72 74 BENGAL PHARMACY INC. ... 172 Benjamin, Metzger .................4 Ben-Levi, Eran ...............42, 46 Bentley, Bernard ...................43 Beppy, Edasery ....................32 Berg, Gordon ..............112, 113 BERGMAN ORTHOTICS & PROSTHETICS, LLC .........150 Berkowitz, Israel ...................37 Berman, Adam ...............57, 61 Berman, Sofya ......................11 Bernard, Yolanda ...................5 Bernheim, Paul E. ................74 Bernstein, Eric G. ...........74, 76 Bernstein, Evan ....................38 Bernstein, Robert .................99 Berookhim, Gilbert ...............74 BEST CHOICE PHARMACY ... 160 BEST FIVE STAR PHARMACY LLC ...............160 Beyer, Jeanette ....................18 Bhuiya, Tawfiqul .................102 Bialer, Martin ........................87 Biana, Trost ..........................31 BIG APPLE PHARMACY ...146 160 Bilick, Herbert .....................137 Binu, Kuriakose ....................25 BIO PLUS PHARMACY INC ... 163 Bittman, Mark .................42, 47 Bitton, Marina .......................75 Bizekis,, MD Costas ...........125 BJ S DRUGS INC ..............167 Black, Karen .........................47 Blair, Skolnick .....................135 Blank, Andrew ......................65 Blatt, Neil ....................112, 115 Bleau, Hallie .........................19 Blessy, Kuriyan .....................19 BLISS DRUGS INC ............181 Blum, Howard .......................74 Blumenthal, Brianne .............47 Blumstein, Cliff .....................25 Page 186 BNV Home Care Agency Inc ... 84 BNV Homecare Services .....84 139, 142 BOLING PHARMACY INC. 165 Bolon, David .........................33 BONUS DRUG ...................158 BOOTH MEMORIAL PHARMACY .......................165 Borawski, Dorota ..................22 Bortolussi, Mario .................112 Bottizer, Walter ...118, 121, 122 Bou, Harb Fouad ..................84 Boulevard Adult Day Care of Flushing LLC ......................144 Boulevard ALP ...................145 Bow, Shirley .........................47 BOWNE CHEMISTS LLC ..166 Boyadjian, Kevork ..........13, 14 BRADDOCK PHARMACY LLC. ...................................159 Bradley, Safro .......................20 Breining, Dwayne ...............102 Brett, Wu Zhenqing ..............65 Breuer, Frank-Uwe .............102 BRIARWOOD PHARMACY ... 174 Brittany, Marcello ..................57 BROADWAY CORNER ......161 BROADWAY DRUGS INC. 158 BROADWAY PHARMACY .161 Brody, Judith ......................102 Brogan, Gerard ....................57 Brostowin, Richard ...............38 Brown, Kelecia ...............86, 87 Brown, Michael ...............42, 47 Bruinings, Yeahseon ..............1 Bryan, Falk ...........................89 Bryan, McCarty ....................57 Burak, Jarett ...................42, 47 Burke, Brian ...................42, 47 Burstein, June ....................124 Burstein, Michael S. .............74 Burte, Wayne .......................37 Burton, Rochelson ...............87 Bustos, Emmanuel .............112 BUY-RITE PHARMACY .....163 Byrd, Tara E. ........................71 C C K PHARMACY INC .........165 C., Chang Steve .....................6 C., Reed Michele ....................3 C.C., Kuo Daniel ..................22 C.K., Liu George ..................64 Cadan, Adam ......................110 Cadet Normil ......................148 Cai, Leon ........................66, 96 Cai, Min ..................................8 Caiafa, Jr., Gene F. ........71, 76 Caiafa, Sr., Gene F. ..............71 Caldera, Franklin ..................77 Caliendo, Frank ....................39 Calleja, Gregorio ....................3 CallisteScott Susan ............152 Camacho, Alicia ...................17 Cambi, Carter .....................110 Cameron, Nienaber ..............15 Campeas, Susan ..................47 CANAAN PHARMACY INC 160 Canario, Daniel ....................85 Cantos, Eric .........................47 Cao, Ning .............................11 Caplin, Drew .......................127 Capobianco, Luigi ..................1 CARE FIRST PHARMACY 161 CARE SCRIPT PHARMACY ... 177 Caring Home Care .......84, 139 142 Caring Professionals ....83, 138 141 Carlin, Michael ...41, 43, 46, 47 51, 52, 54, 55, 56 Carlos, Torres .....................102 CAROL RX PHARMACY ....167 Carolina, Murray ...................14 Caroline, Handschuh ...........93 Caroline, Pessel ...................87 Carrero, Nidia .....................101 Cartabio, Maria ...................110 Carter-Robin, Stephanie .....113 CASSON PHARMACY .......177 Castro, Nazly ......................110 Catholic Charities Behavioral Health Center .....132, 133, 134 149 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Chin, Wang Jen ....................81 Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc. ... Ching, Tang Shiu ....................3 152 Chionis, Anthony ................113 Cavanagh, Lovleen ..............47 Cho, Samuel ........................69 CEDARS PHARMACY .......162 Choi, Alexander ......................7 CENTRAL PHARMACY INC ... Choi, Edward ........................58 163 CHOICE PHARMACY ........181 Chaim, Esther ........................2 Choices Women's Medical Chan, Anna ............................2 Center, Inc. .........................149 Chan, Collier .......................112 Chong, Hong ........................58 Chan, David ...............126, 127 CHOPIN CHEMISTS ..156, 179 Chan, Jacqueline ...........29, 30 Chopra, Rajbir ......................88 Chan, Jose .....................66, 96 Chopra, Rajpal .....................64 Chan, Sing ...........................69 Chowdhry, Mohammed ..63, 64 Chan, Tak ...............................8 Chowdhury Rabeya ............148 Chan, Wallace ......................11 Choy, Charles .......................77 Chang, Jerry .........................47 Choy, Lawrence ...............8, 88 Chang, Nan-Ning ...........34, 37 CHRIS DRUG INC .............158 Chang, Tylis .......................102 Chris, Sung ..........................47 Chang, YuChien E. ...............72 Chrisomalis, Lorraine ...........25 Chaplia, Larissa ...................89 Christina, Karimi .................110 Charleane, LaCroix ..............19 Christina, McPherson ...........18 Chaudhry, Khyzar ...........57, 61 Christine, Mullin .............21, 24 Chauhan Sudheer ..............152 Christopher, Palestro ...........91 Chavira, Vicente ...................37 Christopher, Punzalan ....58, 61 CHEMIST PHARMACY ......162 Christopher, Raio .................61 Chen, Amy ......................66, 96 Christos, Vavasis ............34, 37 Chen, Haifan ..........................1 CHRONOS PHARMACY ...159 Chen, Helen ...........................1 Chu, Alexander .....................74 Chen, Sheng ......................102 Chu, Amber T. ......................76 Chen, Tony ...........................71 Chu, Micheline ...................123 Chen, Wanda C. ...................73 Chu, Philippe ........................47 Chen, Yuchun .........................6 Chua, Walter ......................117 Chen, Yuping ..........................7 Chuang, Chenan ..................69 Chen, Zong ..........................57 Chudner, Margarita ........20, 25 Cheng, Huang Yu ...............108 Chun Hajoon ......................148 Cheng, Kit ............................82 Chung, David P. ...................98 Cherenfant Lucot ...............148 Chung, T. Serina ................124 Cheung, Cindy .....................22 Chusid, Jesse ................42, 47 Cheung, Ming .........................8 Ciancimino, Anthony ............98 Cheung, Wellman ...............126 Cindy, Usher .........................58 Chhibber, Vishesh ..............102 Cioe, Eric .............................58 Chi, Changyong .................108 CITY RX PHARMACY ........178 Chi, Chuanxiang .........104, 105 CITY VIEW PHARMACY ...157 Chi, Nguyen .........................57 Claudette, Lajam ................101 Chiang, David ......................22 Cocker, Rubina ....................26 Chiang, Jih-Lih .....................26 Cohen, Igor ....................89, 90 Chiarenza, Angelo ................74 Cohen, Matthew .................123 Chih, Yang Hui .......................8 Cohen, Paul I. ......................74 COLOMBOS PHARMACY LLC ....................................176 COLONY DRUGS AND SURGICALS ......................167 COMFORT DRUGS ...........164 COMMUNITY CARE RX ....157 COMMUNITY PHARMACY 173 COMMUNITY PHCY SERVICES INC ..................172 Concern Home Care Inc. .....83 139, 142 CONCORD DRUG .............174 CONCOURSE PHARMACY ... 156, 160 Conetta, Rick ......115, 116, 117 CONFUCIUS MANNINGS PHARMACY .......................164 Cono, Grasso .......................95 Conrad, Fischer ...................85 Constantin, Christina ............71 Conte, Charles .....................78 Continental Home Care 83, 138 142, 143 CONTINENTAL PHARMACY INC .....................................167 Coopersmith, Helise .......42, 47 Corinne, Tobin ......................47 CORNER PHARMACY ......165 Corona Behavioral Health Clinic ..........132, 133, 134, 145 CORONA FARMACIA INC .156 160 CORONA HEIGHTS PHCY 160 Corona PROS ............132, 133 Corrente, Lisa .....................118 CORT PHARMACY INC .....167 Corujo, Omar ........................58 COSTCO PHARMACY ......175 178 Costelloe, Luisa ...................75 Costiera, Robert .................109 Cotlier, Edward .....................94 COUNTY PHARMACY .......177 Cowan, Aimee ......................29 CPW PHARMACY .....179, 181 Craig, Thurm ......................117 Craig, Warshall .....................90 Crawford, James ................102 Creedmoor Addiction Treatment Center .......133, 153 Page 187 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Creedmoor Psychiatric Center ................132, 145, 149 CRESCENT CHEMIST INC ... 175 Crisari, Flavio .......................17 CROSS BAY CHEMIST .....176 CROSS BAY CHEMISTS CORP .................................170 CROWN CHEMISTS LTD ..158 Crown of Life Care Inc. ......139 142 CROWN PHARMACY ........162 Cruz, Andrew ......................110 Csillag, Kenneth ...................39 Cui, Jian ...............................40 Cuvi, Dave ..........................111 CVS PHARMACY #05830 167 CVS PHARMACY ......158, 159 160, 161, 163, 167, 168, 169, 170, 172, 174, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183 Cynthia, Aranow .................124 D D., Lai Huikang ..................105 D., Zheng Diana ...................11 Dabovich, Ivonne .................92 D'Agostino, Catherine ..........47 DALE CHEMISTS INC .......178 DALE PHARMACY & SURGICAL INC ..........157, 178 D'Amore, Joseph ..................26 Dana, Paternoster ..............111 D'Angelo, John .....................58 Daniel, Chen ......................135 Daniel, Khaimov .................136 Daniel, Putterman ..............127 Daniel, Tsin ...........................20 Daniel, Walz ...................42, 47 Dante, Trovato ......................99 Dara, Shalom .......................68 Das, Kasturi .......................102 Dave, Ritu ............................40 David, Avakian ...................105 David, Dovnarsky .................15 David, Kim ............................22 David, Revere ......................31 David, Rosenthal ..................26 David, Seidman ....................65 David, Siegel ......................128 Page 188 David, Silver ...................58, 61 David, Tran ...........................58 Davis, Lawrence ...................47 Davydov, David ...................111 Dawar, Mahmood ...........77, 79 DAWN PHARMACY ...........163 Dayen, Nina .........................15 De Fex, Juan Carlos ............98 Deborah, Schron ................102 Debra, Marcelonis ..............114 Decker, Mark ............43, 52, 54 Deepak, Nanda ....................23 Deepak, Sankholkar ...........135 DeGannes, Rhonda .............92 Del Valle, Antonio L. .............98 Del, Pin Christina ...........78, 80 Della, Corte Michael ...........114 Delos, Santos Jennifer .........93 Del's Comprehensive Health Care Registry Agency ..83, 138 141 DeMarco, Charles ....41, 42, 53 55, 57 Demidenko, Alexander ...93, 94 Deng, Juliang .........................8 Deng, Ju-Liang .......................8 Denise, James .....................23 Depetrillo, John ....................40 Depetris, Gustavo ............4, 17 DeRosa, Frank .....................39 Derreck, Raimo ....................58 Derzie, Alan ..........................58 Desroches, Lionel ................17 Devang, Dave ........................4 Devlin, Melissa .....................40 Dexeus, Daniel .....................58 Dhareshwar, Sneha ............107 Dharia, Kirit ........................125 Dhital, Pradeep ....................26 Di, Lorenzo William ..............34 Diana, Torres ........................19 Diana, Valcich ................58, 61 Dianalan, Asnodin ..............110 Diane, Marchiafava .............111 Diane, Romsaitong ...............95 Dimitra, Theodoropoulos ......80 Dimitrios, Asters .................124 Dineen, Timothy .......43, 52, 54 Ding, Hua ...............................7 Ding, Lei ...............................89 Dinshaw, Bamji ...................135 Dintnfass, Nancy ..................47 Diwan, Ravi ....................34, 35 DJ DRUG CORP ................168 Do, Dutran ............................98 Dolen Suleyman .................149 Dominick, Golio ..................112 Donath, Joseph ..................115 Dong, Stephen ...............67, 97 Doni, Segerivas ....................58 Donna, Losco .......................15 Donna, Marchant ............85, 86 D'Orazi, Stephen ................115 Dorotan, Vincent ................107 Doshi, Leena ......118, 119, 121 122 DOUBLE G PHARMACY ...158 Douglas, Freeley ..................95 Douglas, Prisco ..................116 Dourmashkin, Michael ........126 Dowuona, Orakwao ........20, 25 Dr. William O. Benenson Rehabilitation Pavilion 130, 131 143 DREAM PHARMACY AND SURGICAL SUPPLY INC ...179 Drew, Michael ......................78 Dring, Robert ........................39 DRUG RITE PHARMACY ..170 Dry Harbor ADHC ...............138 DUANE READE .........160, 170 DUANE READE # 14360 ...177 DUANE READE # 14463 ...165 DUANE READE # 14466 ...176 DUANE READE # 14473 ...169 DUANE READE # 14477 ...178 DUANE READE #14163 ....162 DUANE READE #14171 ....183 DUANE READE #14179 ....179 DUANE READE #14187 ....183 DUANE READE #14188 ....174 DUANE READE #14199 ....168 DUANE READE #14206 ....163 DUANE READE #14251 ....174 DUANE READE #14252 ....172 DUANE READE #14256 ....161 DUANE READE #14268 ....159 DUANE READE #14271 ....182 ALPHABETICAL INDEX DUANE READE #14314 ....179 DUANE READE #14325 ....158 DUANE READE #14328 ....179 DUANE READE #14337 ....174 DUANE READE #14385 ....177 DUANE READE #14416 ....170 DUANE READE #14423 ....159 DUANE READE #14428 ....158 DUANE READE #14438 ....164 DUANE READE #14439 ....165 DUANE READE #14449 ....170 DUANE READE #14454 ....164 DUANE READE #14475 ....168 Duddempudi, Anupama ........70 Duong, Scott ......................102 Dupiton, Rulx ........................77 Duroseau, Yves ....................61 Durzieh,, MD Joseph ............70 Dvorin, Stella ......................109 Dwivedi, Nira ........................98 Dy-Guillaume, Marie ..............5 DzanicCemalovic Naida .....149 E E., Lee Edward .....................88 EAGLE PHARMACY ..........176 ECHO DRUGS ...................175 ECHO PHARMACY ...........175 Eckstein, Jonathan .................1 ECONOMY DRUG AND SURGICAL .........................177 Edelman, Morris .................102 Edgar, Vanegas ......................4 Edward, Wood ......................95 Efkarpides, Teddy .......112, 114 Ehrenpreis, Mark ................126 Eisenberg, Rachel .............103 Elaine, Brown .......................19 Elaine, Schiesel ...................80 Elana, Opher-Iosifescu ......103 Elemam, Ahmed .................106 Elena, Gonzales Ma .............93 Elfiky, Ahmed ..................89, 90 Eli, Razi, MD Afshin ..............99 Elisabeth, Mashinic ............136 ELITE PHARMACY ............167 Eliza, Pile-Spellman .............47 ELIZABETH PHARMACY INC .....................................165 Elizabeth, Marshall .............125 Elizabeth, Mathew ..............104 Elkin, Dmitriy ..........................5 Ellenberg, Gilad ...................94 Elm York, LLC ....................145 ELMCARE PHARMACY, INC. ....................................161 ELMHURST DRUGS .........162 ELMHURST PHARMACY ..162 ELMHURST PHARMACY & HOME INFUSION INC. ......156 162 ELMWAY PHARMACY INC 162 Elsaidy, Mohamed ..............108 EMBLEMHEALTH PHARMACY .......162, 168, 172 EMC Cleaning Services .....138 152 Emmanuel, Masih ................89 Emre, Kayaalp ......................24 Ephram, Weingarten ............47 Epstein, Marc .................67, 97 EQUAL CARE III LLC ........164 EQUAL CARE US INC .......164 Erin, Marra ...........................58 Ernesto, Molmenti ................78 ESKAYS PHARMACY INC .176 Esposito, Michael ...............103 ESTATES PHARMACY ......172 Eva, Altobelli ......................135 Evan, Schwartz ..................100 Evans, Adam ........................90 Evaristo, Shiarree ...............110 EVEREST DRUGS ............165 EVERGREEN DRUG CO ...162 EVERS LTC INC ................156 EVERS PHARMACY ..157, 174 EXPRESS PHARMACY .....178 E-Z PHARMACY&SURGICAL ..157 Ezra, Neal ............................98 F F, Borin, MD James ............127 Fagelman, Donald ...............47 Fahmy, Magda ...................106 Falciano, Anthony ................74 Familusi, Abiola ......................6 FAMILY PHARMACY .........181 FAMILY PHARMACY INC ..169 Fan, Cathy ..........................103 Fanny, Mantilla .....................62 Far Rockaway Intensive Housing ..............................133 FARMACIA CENTRAL .......160 FARMACIA LATINA - JAC PHARMACY, INC. ......156, 170 Farmer, Peter .....................103 Farnaz, Tahmasebi .............103 Farshad, Bagheri .................85 Farshad, Shafizadeh ..........127 Farzin, Rahmanou ................11 Fattakhov, Ezro I. .................73 Fattakhov, Ruben .................73 Fayzulayev, Sadyk ..............111 Fazio, Frank ...................58, 62 Febles, Anthony ...................48 FEGS .........................151, 152 Feinstein, Marvin ............67, 97 Feit, Jerrold ..........................48 Feit, Sheldon 41, 43, 46, 48, 51 52, 55, 56 Feldman, Herbert ...................2 Fenster, Jay .........................68 Ferid, Osmanovic ...................4 Fermin, Gonzalez ...............136 Fernando, Moreno ................15 Filardi, Dominic ..............78, 80 Filippi, Christopher ...............90 FilsAime, Marsha .................92 FIRST PHARMACY ...........165 Fish, Bilha ..........43, 52, 54, 56 Fishbane, Steven .................14 Fitzsimmons, Sean ...............99 Fleischer, Adiel ...............20, 87 FloresFreeth Ingrid .............148 Florio, William ....................134 Floyd, Alicia ........................128 FLUSHING FAMILY PHARMACY .......................165 Flushing Hospital .....27, 40, 43 82, 86, 93, 108, 124, 125, 129, 132, 149, 150, 151, 153 Flushing Manor Care Center Inc. .....................................130 Flushing Manor LTHHCP .....82 84, 138, 141 Flushing Manor Nursing Home ..................130, 131, 143 FLUSHING RX ...................165 Page 189 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Fokas, Anastasios ....65, 66, 95 Fong, Raymond ....................94 FOREST DRUGS .......157, 168 Forest Hills Hospital ...........129 Forest View Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing .130 131, 143 Fougner, Arthur ....................24 FOUR B'S PHARMACY INC ... 162 Fox, Fabius .........119, 121, 122 Fox, Joyce ............................87 Francis, Sabatino .................58 Franck, Paul .......................136 FRANCONIA PHARMACY .166 FRANHILL PHARMACY & SURGICAL .........................169 Frank, Liporace ..................101 Frankini, Larry ....................128 Franklin Center for Nursing and Rehab .................131, 143 FRANKLIN PHARMACY ....156 162 FRANKS PHARMACY .......170 Fred, Clarke .........................17 Freed, Harris ............43, 52, 54 Freeman, Israel ....................34 FREYA PHARMACY INC ...160 Fridman, Tatyana .................72 Friedlander, Richard .......35, 36 Friedman, Barak ...................48 Friedman, Jeffrey .................39 Friedman, Masha Michelle ...68 97 Friedman, Matt .....................58 Friedman, Robert B. .............74 FRIENDLY PHARMACY ....163 FROST PHARMACY ..........162 Fu, Chenzhong ..................105 Funfgeld, Christopher .........111 Fuzaylov, Gavriel ..................15 G G., Chusid Boris ...................11 G., Hall George ......................8 Gadaleta, Dominick ..............80 Gafur, Amir ...........................58 GALUVI PHARMACY .........161 Galvin, Daniel .......................78 Galvin, Peter ........................16 Page 190 Gamboa, Pilar M. .....71, 72, 74 Gan, Jiangping .......................8 Gandelman, Glenn ...............34 Gandler, Rachel ...................71 Gandras, Eric .....................128 Ganga, Mysore S. ................72 Ganjian, Shahrokh ...............76 Gao, Pei .................................4 Garcia, Anthony ................4, 14 Garczynski, Douglas ............74 Garra, Gregory ...............58, 62 Gary, Bromley .....................112 Gaudio, James ...............67, 97 Gaurav, Patel .......................58 Gavlin, David S. ...................72 Gazi, Farhad ........................58 GBB WELLNESS INC ........173 Geevarghese, John ..............11 Gehres, Paschal ..................58 Gellman, Larry ................79, 80 Gelwan, Mark .......................93 GEMINI PHARMACY .........170 Genack, Sheldon .................65 Gene, Tronco .......................91 Genelus-Dominique, Elvita ...80 George, Bock .......................77 Georges, Sylvestre ...............24 GEORGETOWN PHARMACY .......................179 Gerald, Scholl ............123, 124 Gerald, Schulze ...................48 Geraldine, Vaz ......................15 Ghani, Javed ......................134 Gheewala, Parul .................103 Ghuman, Nemaan ..............114 Giannaris, Theodore ............99 Gilbert, Arie ..........................38 Gillego, Azucena ..................13 Gillespie, Eileen ...................18 Gillman, Martin .....................39 Gimenez, Cecilia ................103 GIMPELEVICH, ALEXANDER .....................106 Gina, Basello ........................15 Ginny, Mantello ....................48 Glauberson, Vladimir ..........134 Glendale Mental Health Clinic ..........................132, 133 Glenn, Kalash ....................136 Glick, HC ..............................31 Glied, Allen N. ......................98 Gliedman, Paul ...................118 Global Care of New York Inc. ... 138, 140, 142 GLOBAL UNITED PHARMACY .......................172 GLOBE SURGICAL SUPPLY ... 147, 150 Glodan, Florin ....................103 Glodowski, Luis ....................17 Gluszkiewicz, Edyta .............18 Goebel, Jennifer ...................58 Gold, Steven H. ....................76 Goldberg, Gary .....................38 Goldie, Schwarzbard ......59, 62 Goldman, Gershon .............113 Goldmann, Ernest S. ............98 Goldstein, Leonard .........66, 96 Golkow, Russell .......43, 52, 54 Goltyapina Natalya .............149 Goncharov, Dimitry ...............24 GOOD HEALTH PHARMACY INC. ....................................182 Gopal, Sukhraj .....................25 Gordon, David ....................112 Gorman, Kieran ....................39 Gothelf, Craig .......................74 Gothelf, Eric P. .....................76 Gottesman, Brent .................59 GRACE PHARMACY .........162 Grace, Geevarghese ............19 GRAND AVENUE PHARMACY INC ................176 GRAND PHARMACY CORP ... 158 GRAND STATION PHARMACY .......................162 GRANDVIEW PHARMACY 180 Grayver, Evelina .............11, 15 Greben, Craig ....................128 Green, Adam ............44, 52, 54 Green, Anthony T.R. .............98 Green, Lonnie .....................110 Greenblatt, Benjamin .....59, 62 Greene, Michael .......44, 52, 54 GREENPOINT PHARMACY ... 175 Greenspan, Louis ...............108 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Greenwald, Marc ..................80 Griffith-Reece, Wendy ............3 Grimaldi, Gregory ...........42, 48 Grisco, Blanco ....................136 Grossman, Joseph ...............32 Grzegorz, Petryk ..................16 GUARDIOLA PHARMACY INC .....................................171 Guberman, Ronald .............115 Gudeon, Arthur ...................114 Guillaume, Carl ....................68 Gumpeni, Rammohan ........115 Gupta Meenu .....................149 Gupta, Anura ........................59 Gupta, Ekta ..........................48 Gupta, Payal .......119, 121, 122 Gupta, Rom ............4, 6, 12, 17 Gupta, Sadhana .....................3 Gutman, Alison ...................111 Guttenberg, Michael .............59 GUY BREWER PHARMACY ... 147 GUY BREWER PHARMACY INC .....................................173 Guy, Matthew .......................70 Guy, Schwartz ......................89 GVG PHARMACY ..............177 H H, Sherman, MD Orrin .......100 H., Kim, MD Yong ...............100 H., Lau David .......................29 H., Shen Kuan ........................8 H.J., Chen Jean .................105 H2 PHARMACY CORP ......146 H2 PHARMACY CORP. .....164 Habib, Salma ..................59, 62 Haidatov, Oded ...................111 Haider, Qazi ...........................8 Haiimpour, Farshad ..67, 96, 97 Hajoon, Chun .......................22 Hakshouri, Shimon ...............12 Hall, Simon .........................126 Hallelujah Adult Day Care Inc. .............................143, 144 HALLMARK PHARMACY ..162 Halpert, Nandor ....................75 Ham, Steven .......119, 121, 122 Hamlet, Yonah ......................93 Han, Justin .........................126 HANDSCHUH, CAROLINE ..92 Handy Helping Services .......82 138 HANNAS MARKET PHARMACY .......................180 HAPPY CARE PHARMACY INC .............................146, 150 HAPPY CARE PHARMACY INC. ....................................164 Haralambou, George ..115, 116 117 Harhash, Sawey .................106 Harisiadis, Spyros ................48 HARPELL CHEMISTS INC 157 182 HARPELL DITMARS PHARMACY ...............156, 158 HARRISON ORTHOTIC SERVICES .........................150 Hartman, Alan ....................125 Hasan, Zeeshan ...................14 Hasit, Thakore ......................90 Hassanain, Ehab ..................17 Hassid, Babak ..................7, 13 Hausknecht, Allan ................89 Hausknecht, Kerin ................89 Hazzan, Azzour ....................88 He, Cong ..............................26 He, Jinghua ........................105 He, Xiaorong ..........................5 He, Zili ..................................82 HEAL THE WORLD PHARMACY, INC ...............173 HEALTH CENTER PHARMACY INC ................157 HEALTH GUARD PHARMACY .......................171 HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN OF GREATER NY ..............159 HEALTH MAX PHARMACY ... 156, 182 HEALTH SOURCE PLUS PHARMACY, LLC. ..............174 HEALTHY CHOICE PHARMACY .......................172 HEALTHY CORNER PHARMACY INC ........147, 168 Heaton, William ..................103 Hecht, Barry J. .....................75 Hecker, Lawrence ................33 Heimowitz, Howard ..............48 Help/PSI .............................138 Hemangi, Shukla ..................24 Henry, James .......................99 Henry, Lam ...........................22 Henry, Pek ............................48 Henry, Sonia .........................33 Herbstman, Martin ....44, 52, 54 Hercules, Ila M. ....................75 Hersh, David ........................37 Hershlag, Avner ..........123, 124 Herskovits, Mark ..................48 Hertz, Arnold .......................112 Hertz, Craig ..........................59 Hertz, Morton J. ....................71 Hertz-Shargel, Michal ..........48 HILL PHARMACY ..............176 Hillside Manor Rehabilitation & Extended Care Ctr ..130, 139 140, 142, 143 HILLSIDE PHARMACY ......172 HILLTOP PHARMACY .......166 Hines, John ..........................48 Hing, Tin Hui ........................69 Hing-Yeung, Chan Ian ..........94 Hirsch, Howard .........44, 52, 54 Hirsch, Lawrence H. .............76 Hita, Sharma ..........................9 Hitti, Ibrahim .........................40 HK PHARMACY INC. .........164 Hoang, Ngoc ........................59 Hochsztein, Paul ................126 Hoenig, David ....................127 Hoffman, Janet ...............42, 48 Hofman, Joshua .............42, 48 HOLLIS PHARMACY .........169 HOLLIS PRESCRIPTION CENTER, INC. ...................169 Holliswood Care Center .....130 131, 143 Holman Anita ......................149 Hon, King-Chen ....................69 Hong, Andrew ..........77, 78, 80 Hong, Chi Yung S. ................72 Hong, Jia ................................2 Hong, Shong Dong .................9 HOPKINS DRUG COMPANY ... 183 Horenstein, Craig .................48 Page 191 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Horizon Care Center ..130, 131 143 HORIZON PHARMACY .....164 165 HORIZON PHARMACY III .156 162 HORIZON PHARMACY IV .156 165 HORIZON PHARMACY V ..165 Horl, Lawrence ...................112 Horowitz, Laurie .................103 Horowitz, Scott .....................85 Horvath, Anthony ..................99 Horwitz, Jeffrey ..............59, 62 Hou, Steve .............................7 Hourizadeh, Pezhman ....66, 96 HOWARD BEACH MEDICAL EQUIPMENT ......................147 HOWARD BEACH APOTHECARY ..................170 Howard, Nadjari ...................80 Hsu, Howard M. ...................73 Hsu, Peihong .....................103 Hsu, Wen-Ray ........................7 Hsueh, John .........................35 Htay-Sha, Pamela ..................7 Hu, Jiong-Ming .......................7 Hu, Mary .............................118 Hua, Chen Qiang .......101, 103 Huang, Carol ........................40 Huang, Hua ............................9 Huang, Qinghong ...................5 Huang, Yili ............................29 Huang, Yiling ..........................5 Hughes, Joan .......................92 Hung, Lingpin .........................9 Huo, Jerry ............................65 Husain, Abbas ......................59 Hwu, Charles ........................30 HYATT PHARMACY ...........157 Hyun, Chung Sea ...................7 I I, Davidovitch, MD Roy .......100 Iakovou, Christos 115, 116, 117 IDEAL DRUG .....................163 IDEAL DRUGS ...................163 IDEAL PHARMACY ............174 Ilan, Reder ...........................40 Page 192 IMAGE HEIGHTS PHARMACY, INC. ..............171 Imani, Rosette ......................74 Ingrid, Flores-Freeth ............22 Interim Health Care ....139, 145 International Home Care Services ...............84, 139, 142 Ionescu, Marina .................103 Ip, Timothy ..........66, 67, 96, 97 Iris, Swiderski .....................111 Isaacs, Susanna ..................75 ISAK PHARMACY INC ......169 Isak, Badalov ......................114 Isakharov, Margarita .............59 Isgro, Julie ............................18 Islam, Md. Monirul ................40 Islam, Nayyer ...........44, 52, 54 Israel, Igor ............................12 Israel, Roza ..........................12 Ivonne, Dabovich .................19 Izeogu, Chinwake ................27 Izzo, Joseph .........................55 Izzo, Steven R. .....................98 J J & M PHARMACY CORP .147 J RX PHARMACY ..............180 J&D PHARMACY NY INC ..168 J&M PHARMACY ...............171 J., Yan Henry ..........................9 JACKSON HEIGHTS PHARMACY AND SURGICALS ..............156, 171 Jackson, Melanie ................111 Jacobs Allan .......................148 Jacqueline, Moline ...............92 Jae, Ryu ...............................21 Jaffar, Raza ....................32, 85 Jafri, Farrukh ........................59 Jagroop, Sophia .......69, 70, 71 Jagruti, Patel ..................32, 59 Jain, Suresh .........................86 Jalpa, Shah ..........................87 Jamaica Community Services .....132, 133, 141, 151 152 Jamaica Hospital Medical Center ....27, 40, 56, 84, 86, 93 109, 124, 125, 129, 130, 132, 133, 143, 150, 151 JAMAICA HOSPITAL NURSING HOME .......130, 131 143 JAMAICA HOSPITAL PHARMACY .......................157 JAMAICA PHARMACY ......172 JAMAICA PHARMACY GROUP LLC ......................172 JAMAICA RX INC ...............172 James Denise ....................149 James, Naidich ..................128 James, Reichert .....................9 Jamina, John ........................18 Jane, Myung .........................95 Janet, Tutuyan ....................111 JANGSU PHARMACY .......166 JANNAT PHARMACY INC. 171 Jannet, Ung ..........................94 Janusz, Sawicki .................103 JASACARE/SERVICES FOR THE AGED .....82, 84, 139, 141 142 Jason, Naidich ...............42, 48 Jason, Song .........................35 Jatinder, Singh .....................59 Jauhar, Rajiv ........................86 Jauhar, Sandeep ..................31 Jay, Motola .........................127 Jayman-Aristide, Razia ........12 Jean, Archer .......................115 Jeff, Silber ..........................100 Jeffrey, Chan ........................80 Jeffrey, Nicastro ...................79 Jeffrey, Weinberg .................41 Jen, Albert ............................65 Jeng, Dai-Yun ......................22 Jeng, Ing-Yann .....................22 Jennifer, Liao Wei .................94 Jermyn, Rita .............29, 32, 33 Jessica, Ozsvath ..................48 Jessica, Widmer ...................70 JEWEL PHARMACY ..........166 Jhaveri, Kenar ......................88 Jhaveri, Sharmila V. .............73 Jhaveri, Vandana ...............103 Jhaveri, Virendra L. ..............73 Jing, Tong .......................68, 70 Joan, Hughes .......................18 Jocelyn, Park .......................48 ALPHABETICAL INDEX John, Kim .............................69 John, Makaryus ........29, 32, 33 John, Minutillo ......................33 John, Munyak .......................62 John, O'Donnell ....................48 John, Pellerito ......................48 John, Pizzolla .......................17 John, Susan Saint ................78 John, Thomas ......................77 John, Wang ..........................79 Johnson, Alan ......................48 Johnson, Curtis ....................72 Johnson, James ...................92 Johnson, William ..................17 Jonathan, Kruh .....................95 Joni, Mazza-McCrann ..........41 Jormark, Susan ..................103 Jose, Cervantes ...................93 Jose, Naranjo .....................111 Joseph, Bosco ...................101 Joseph, Colasacco ...............32 Joseph, Crapotta ..................95 Joseph, Georges ................136 Joseph, Micallef ..................114 Joseph, Pisciotto Sr. A. ..........2 Joseph, Savasta ..................62 Joseph, Taff ........................127 Joseph, Tibaldi .....................63 Josephine, Rini ....................91 Joshua, Moskovitz ...............59 Joshua, Nogar ......................59 Joyner, Narissa ..............59, 62 Jugal, Agrawal ......................30 Julio, Rimarachin .................23 Jun, Li Jian ...........................69 JUNCTION BLVD PHARMACY .......................171 JUNCTION PHARMACY LLC ... 171 Jung, Lily ........................67, 97 Jungra, Nishell ....................111 JW PHARMACY LLC .........164 K K DRUGS INC ....................171 K., Chan Edwin ....................65 K., Lee Alice ...........................9 K., Moskowitz Bruce .............94 Kabul, Valerie ......................111 Kadianakis, Kiki ..................1, 3 Kadison, Alan .................78, 79 Kahn, Leonard ...................103 Kahng, Joyce J. ...................72 Kakzanov, Michael .........66, 96 Kalash, Glenn ....................136 KALISH PHARMACY .........177 Kamica, Lewis ......................16 Kan, Sang ..............................7 Kandel, George ..............68, 97 Kandinov, Miryem .................75 Kandinov, Yelena D. .............75 KANEDA PHARMACY .......165 Kang, Baik ................44, 52, 54 Kang, Josephine .................118 Kanzer, Barry .......................48 Kapelnik, Boris ...............66, 96 Kaplan, Blanka .....................26 Kaplan, Stuart ....................124 Karen, Beekman ....................9 Karen, Kuo Mu-I .....................9 Karin, Shih .....................21, 24 Kariyev, Zlata .......................93 Kashani, Payam A. ...............75 Kass, Jeffrey .......................113 Kassab, Ron ......................108 Kassapidis, Sotirios ....115, 117 KASSEL PHARMACY LTD 177 Katarzyna, Suffecool ............87 Katayev, Benjamin V. ...........73 Katechis, Tassos S. ..............71 Katerina, Teller ...................124 Kathreen, Pattett ..................19 Katz, Paul .............................80 Katzap, Elena .....................124 Kaufman, Robert J. ..............76 Kaur, Harkirat .........................1 Kaushik, Doshi .....................16 Kay, Martin ...............28, 31, 32 Kayaalp Emre .....................149 Kazos, Alexander ..........59, 62 Keller, Seth ...........................27 Kellie, Barone .......................19 Kelly, Wayne G. ....................71 Kenan, Samuel ...................100 Kennedy, Omonuwa .............40 Kenneth, Egol ....................101 Kenneth, Fretwell .................81 Kent, Thomas Z. ...................73 Kern, Joshua ........................49 Kessler, Benjamin ................59 Kesten, Stacy .......................59 KEW GARDENS DRUG CORP .................................174 KEW GARDENS PHARMACY INC ................174 Khaimov, Aleksandr ......99, 100 101 Khaimov, Boris ....................111 Khaimov, Daniel ...................27 Khaitov, Arkadiy ....................72 Khakhar, Kaushik P. .............76 Khaled, Zeitoun ....................64 Khalili, Faramarz ..................71 Khan, Arbab ........119, 121, 122 Khan, Arfa ............................49 Khan, Khurram ...................107 Khan, Wali ............................74 Khanina, Polina ......................6 Khariton, Aleksandr ..............12 Khashu, Bushan .................127 Khasidy, David .....................12 Khilnani, Gita ........................49 Khokhar, Farooq .119, 121, 122 Kim David ...........................148 Kim, Andrew ...........................2 Kim, Donald ....................66, 96 Kim, JoonHyuk ...28, 29, 30, 31 Kim, Kwang H. .....................73 Kim, Kyungmee ..................117 Kim, MD Woo ......................14 Kim, Michael .........................85 Kim, Minsuk ................108, 109 Kim, Samuel .........................49 Kim, Soon ..........................108 Kim, Stanley ...................77, 78 Kimon, Alexander D. ............72 Kin, Yuen Hak ........................7 KINGS PHARMACY ...........180 KIOSK PHARMACY ...........165 Kiouranakis Nikolaos .........149 Kirkland, Lisa .................67, 97 Kirtane, Sanjay .........33, 36, 37 Kirtane, Yashodhara .............17 KISSENA DRUGS ..............167 Kissin, Esther .......................64 Kissin, Mark .......................128 Page 193 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Kisuk, Yom .........................108 Kittisarapong, Natwalee .59, 62 Klapper, David ......................38 Klein, Pamela .......................59 KnightDebrady Alicia ..........149 Ko, Steve ............................108 Kobrinsky,, MD Boris ............81 Kogan,, MD Faina ................15 Koifman, Larisa ..................103 Kokolis, Michael ...................71 Koncicki, Holly ......................88 Kopp, William K. ...................98 Koppikar, Prabhakar M. ........73 Korn, Robert .........................59 Kornblatt, Martin .............66, 96 Korogluyev, Mikhail ................2 Korori, Emil Y. .......................74 Korszun, Tadeusz .................62 Kostopoulos, Dimitrios .......107 Kothari, Tarush ...................103 Kozhin, Nodar ......................23 KRAUPNER PHARMACY ..157 169 Kraus, James .....................103 Kris Agency & Home Care ...83 139, 140, 142 Krishna, Ranga ....................90 Kuan, Jackson .....................69 Kukar, Atul ............................37 Kulkarni, Shashikant 44, 52, 54 Kurilenko, Yakov ..................73 Kurtz, Lewis .........................80 Kurzyna-Solinas,, MD Anna ... 13, 15 Kusum, Kathpalia ...............136 Kwai, Andrew .................42, 57 Kwak, No ............................128 Kwon, Sean ........................125 Kyriaki, Poumpouridis ..........85 L L & M PHARMACY AND SURGICAL SUPPLIE .........168 L FERNANDEZ PHARMACY ... 179 Labaze, Georges .................17 LaCroix, Charleane ..............92 LAGUARDIA ......................161 Lai Amy ..............................149 Lai, Pamela ..........................59 Page 194 Lajam, Fouad .......................33 Lalaji, Anand ............44, 52, 54 Lalaji, Tejal ...............44, 52, 54 Lalani, Naushir .....................72 Lam Henry ..........................148 Lam, on ..........................67, 97 LaMarca, Anthony ................49 Laor, Victoria A. ....................97 Lap, Koon Wong ....................9 Lap, Leung Wai ..............30, 31 Laplaza, Francisco ...............99 Larry, Miller ...........................70 Larry, Silver ........................113 LAS AMERICAS PHARMACY .......................171 Laser, Alice ...........................40 Laser, Jordan .....................103 Lashley, Eustace ..................60 Lasic, Zoran .........................85 Lastig, Stephen ..119, 121, 122 Lau, Christine .......................60 Lau, Joe ...................29, 31, 32 LAURELTON PHARMACY .175 Laurence, Weissman ...........95 Laurie, Schwartz-Moser .......18 LAVIDA PHARMACY .........162 Lawler, Gregory ........44, 52, 54 Lawrence, Loretta ................49 Lawrence, Marino ................13 Lawrence, Milner ..................49 Leadon, Joseph ...................57 Leber, Mark ..........................60 Lee, Alexander .....................86 Lee, David ......................60, 62 Lee, Erich .............................49 Lee, Hung-Sam ....................30 Lee, Hwayoung ....................49 Lee, Jennifer ........................26 Lee, Jung .............................78 Lee, Norman ..........................5 Lee, Paul ..............................49 Lee, Rachel ........................114 Lee, Seung .....................66, 95 Lee, Sophia ............................1 Lee, Susana ...................65, 95 Lee, Tai-Ping ........................68 Lee, Tracy ......................42, 49 Lee, Winnie ........................125 Lee, Yating .............................3 Lee,, MD Judy ....................101 Lehane, Ronald ....................75 Lei, Jun ..................................9 Leider, Michael .....................74 Lennon, Kyle ........................62 Leno, Anthony ................60, 62 Leonardo, Joshua ...............111 Leong, Mary .........................21 Leonora, Mui ........................49 Lester, Dennis ....................113 Levenbrown, Jack ................49 Levine, Benjamin ................124 Levine, Flora ..................67, 96 Levine, Marla ........................49 LEVINS DRUGS INC .........167 Levy, Steve .....................66, 95 LEWIS PHARMACY ...........164 Li, Jian Yi ...........................103 Li, Jim .....................................2 Li, Jun ..................................26 Li, Lin Ya ................................9 Li, Michael ............................68 Li, Qili ...................................21 Li, Sherry ..............................40 Li, Wensong .........................27 Li, Zujin ..............................102 Liang, Elizabeth ...................88 Liang, Weining .......................9 Liang, Zhang Xiao ......104, 105 Liaw, Jenny ..........................81 LIBERTY PHARMACY .......179 Lillian, Aldana-Bernier ........136 Lim, May .............................118 Lim, Seul ........................66, 95 Lim, Vivien ............................30 Lin, Henry .......................90, 91 Lin, Wang Wen .....................85 Lind, Lawrency ...................125 Lind, Richard ......................111 LINDEN PARK PHARMACY ... 170 Lindsay, Price .......................19 Liou, Michael ..................29, 30 Lippman, Eric .....................105 Lisa, Hu ..............................106 Lisa, Simmonds ....................87 Lisker, Jay ............................36 LITTLE NECK DRUG STORE INC ........................175 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Liu, Lisen ..............................63 Lo, Angela ............................72 Lo, Wei-Hsiu ...........................9 Lober, Cervantes ................136 Lobko, Igor .........................128 Lodespoto, Mark .118, 119, 120 121, 122, 123 Logdberg, Lennart ..............103 LONG ISLAND CITY CHEMISTS .........156, 157, 175 Lorenzo, Dorothy R. .............98 Los, Angeles-Perez Margarita De ......................135 Louie, James ........................27 Louis Martha ......................149 Louis, Rufina ........................76 Louisa, Viola .........................49 Lovecchio, John ...................81 Lu, Charles C. ......................72 Lu, Heyi ..............................105 Lu, Jyh-Haur .........................89 Lu, Li ......................................9 Lubitz, Alan ..............44, 52, 55 LUCKY CARE PHARMACY ... 164 Lucot, Cherenfant ................22 Ludwig, David ......................55 Lugo, Joanelle ......................79 Luigi, Tullo ............................16 Lukas, Shutler ................60, 62 Lum, George ..........................9 Lupo, Jennie ........................71 Lynn Agency .........83, 139, 142 Lynn, Slitzan .........................18 Lyubov, Rubin .......................90 M M, Lajam, MD Claudette ....101 M., Adler, MD Edward ........100 M., Rawal Jagat ...............5, 17 Ma, Diana .......................66, 96 Ma, Keyan ..........................105 Ma, Yanqing ...........................9 Maati, Ahmed .....................109 Madhu, Malhotra ................136 Madhu, Rajanna .................136 Madison York Assisted Living Community, LLC .................145 Madison York Rego Park, LLC ....................................145 Magbag, Allan ....................108 Magloire Tamara ................149 Mahajan, Deepak ...........68, 70 Mahase, Terence T. ..............75 Mahmood, Gondal, MD Nasir ... 88 Mahmoud, Ahmed ..............107 Mailian-Oganova, Lilia ..........12 MAIN CARE PHARMACY INC .....................................164 MAIN PHARMACY .............167 Majeed, Sayeed ...................30 Makabali, Gilbert ..................77 MAKKI PHARMACY & SURGICALS INC ...............160 Maksumova, Irina ...........72, 73 Maksumova, Yuliya ..............73 Mala, Sachdeva ...................89 Malakov, Gavril ...................110 Malakova, Natalya ....67, 96, 97 Malhotra, Vidya ..................120 Malia, Myers .........................60 ManchandaGera, Akanksha ... 74 Mandel, Edmund ................126 Mandell, Menachem .41, 44, 46 49, 51, 52, 56 Mandip, Dhamoon ................89 Mangubat, Michael .............109 Maniar, Rajen .................35, 36 Manju, Rentala ...............60, 62 MANSON PHARMACY ......146 147, 160 Mansoor, Nasim .................104 Mantel, Andrew ....................74 Manuel, Fajardo ...................81 Manuel, Lopez .....................30 Manuel, Mosquera .............136 Manuel, Pili ..........................24 Marc, Gordon .......................89 Marc, Gottlieb .......................65 Marc, Nolan ..........................33 Marchese, Robert ................39 Marciano, Giovanni ........1, 2, 3 Marean, Michael .................127 Maria, Hernandez ................19 Maria, Navarro ...................104 Maria, Perfetto-Tullo .............14 Maria, Tomas ........................91 Marie, Lourdes Fils-Aime ...137 Marina, Rubinov .................111 Mario, Bortolussi ..................78 MARK GOLDBERG PROSTHETIC & ORTHOTIC LABS ..................................150 Mark, Su ...............................60 Mark, Tang ...........................62 Markhasin, Yuriy ...................93 Markowitz, Sheldon ..............63 Marrero,, MD Daniel .33, 34, 36 Marsha, Fils-Aime ................18 Martha, Edelman ................137 Martha, Louis .......................24 Martin, Elsant .......................49 Martin, Yu ............................111 Martine, Louis ......................78 Mary, Rausch .............123, 124 Mashkabova, Lyubov .....71, 72 Maslavi, Saul .........................1 Matassa, Andrew ..................38 Matteo, Richard ....................38 Matthew, Projansky ..............60 Matthew, Shatzer ...............106 Maung, Maung .......................7 Max, Yu Yong .........................7 Mayank, Shukla ..................117 Mazza, Ronald .....................38 MB PHARMACY LLC .........168 McDonald Annmarie ...........152 Mcdonnell, Andrew ...............49 McGee, John ..............105, 106 McKinney, John ..............66, 95 Md., Islam ............................85 MED RX PHARMACY INC .178 MED SCRIPT PHARMACY 173 MEDEX PHARMACY .........182 MEDIC MASTERS PHARMACY AND SURGICAL SUPPLIES INC ... 173 MEDICINE CABINET PHARMACY .......................173 Medina, Barone ....................19 MEDI-SPACE DRUGS .......165 Medstar Surgical and Breathing Equipment Inc. ...146 Meenu, Gupta ......................24 MEERAJ PHARMACY INC 181 Page 195 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Mehlman, Jay .......................68 Meikle Angela .....................149 Melissa, Sapan ....................49 Mellos, Adrianne ......34, 35, 36 Mendoza, Gerson ................39 Meri, Nisimova ...................137 MERLIN CHEMISTS INC ...175 MERLIN DRUG INC ...........165 MERRICK BLVD PHARMACY .......................173 MERRICK PHARMACY .....180 Messineo, Frank ......28, 31, 32 METRO DRUGS ................178 METRO PHARMACY II ......168 METROCARE PHARMACY ... 146 METROCARE PHARMACY INC .....................................175 METROHEALTH PHARMACY LLC ...............180 METROPOLITAN PHARMACY .......................174 Meyerovich, Naum ...............15 MGR FARMACIA LATINA INC .....................................161 MI FARMACIA ....................171 Micallef, Joseph ..................114 Michael, Alaia .....................101 Michael, Cioroiu ...................77 Michael, Drew ................79, 80 Michael, Shapiro ..................49 Michelle, Jones ....................18 Michelle, Multz .....................49 Michelle, Smith-Levitin .........87 MIDDLE VILLAGE PHARMACY CORP ...........176 MIL RUE CHEMISTS INC ..180 MILENA PHARMACY .........176 Miller, Monte .........................75 Min, Gao Ling .........................9 MIND & BODY ...................183 Ming, Chen Chun .................26 Ming, Lin Fan .......................65 Miriam, Smith .......................85 Mirkin, Daniel .................66, 96 Mirsakov, Nina ................35, 36 Mishail, Alek .......................127 Mitchell, Weinberg ..........85, 86 Mityanand, Ramnarine .........60 Page 196 MJ88 PHARMACY INC ......159 Mo, Myung Joon ...................69 Mohammad, Babury ...........117 Moharan, Michael ...............113 Moises, Tenembaum ......79, 80 Moisey, Delman ....................16 Molnar, Thomas .....................1 Monica House ....................134 Monica, Parraga-Marquez ....60 62 Monica, Sheth ......................49 MONROE ORTHOTICS AND PROSTHETICS ..................150 Montazem, Andre H. ............98 MORAMI PHARMACY INC 164 Morcos, Marcelle ..................94 Morden, Alexander ...............37 Moreno, Fernando ..............151 Morrish, Donald ..............20, 25 Moskowitz, Leo ....................76 MOTT PHARMACY & SURGICAL .........................163 Mullakandova, Yelena ..........72 Muller McGovern, Hope .65, 95 Muraca, Glenn ................1, 2, 3 Murphy, Elizabeth ...............112 Musheyev, Alexander N. ......72 Mushiyev, Savi .....................32 Musso, Joseph .....................13 Musso, Maria ..........................2 MY RX PHARMACY ..157, 169 Myers, Byron ..................21, 25 Mykola, Alyskewycz ...........127 MYRTLE DRUGMART .......169 MYRTLE DRUGS INC .......180 Myung, Ahn ..........................18 N N AND B PHARMACY INC 174 Naciye, Turan .......................49 Nader, Paksima ..................101 Nadler, Gary ...................74, 76 Naida, Dzanic-Cemalovic .....20 NAIMA PHARMACY ...........171 Narco Freedom Inc. ...........153 Narinder, Kukar ....................64 Nasir, Gondal .......................93 Natalie, Hubbard ..................81 Natalie, Meirowitz .................87 Nataliya, Shaforost ...............18 Natalya, Goltyapina ..............25 Natalya, Urovish ...................63 Natelenko, Irina ......................6 Nath, Sunil ..........................115 NATIONAL MEDICAL & SURGICAL SUPPLY INC ...147 NATIONAL PHARMACY ....161 NATIONAL PROSTHETIC ORTHOTIC ASSOC ...........150 NATIONAL RX CORP. ........161 NATURES CHEMISTS .......158 Nausheer, Khan ...................70 Naveen, Pathak ....................16 Navid, Rahmani ..............42, 49 Nayankumar, Patel ...............16 Neamonitis, Theodosios .....107 108, 110 NEIGHBORHOOD RX CORP. ................................168 Nejatheim, Allon .............67, 97 Nektalov, Boris .....................38 Nektalov, Yuriy .....................76 NEW FLUSHING PHARMACY INC ................166 NEW MOON PHARMACY INC. ....................................181 NEW PARSONS PHARMACY LLC ...............173 NEW YORK BOULEVARD PHARMACY .......................173 New York Golden Eagle .....144 NEWTOWN PHARMACY ..162 Ng, Kaman ...............28, 31, 32 N'Gouamba Rashida ..........149 Niaz, Mohammad ...................4 Nicholas, Skipitaris ...............27 Nicole, Moulin ......................65 Nicos, Nicolaou ..................104 Nidhi, Vohra .........................87 Nieder, Mark ...................67, 96 Nihamin, Fira ........................17 Nija, Mathew ........................50 Nikolaos, Kiouranakis ..........25 Nilesh, Mehta .......................69 Nilesh, Patel .........................16 Nisha, Arikupurathu ..............19 Nissenbaum, Steven ............39 Nora, Morgenstern ...............40 NORDEN DRUGS ..............167 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Norman, Steven ..........113, 114 Normil, Cadet .......................22 North Shore Ambulance and Oxygen Service, Inc ...........145 NORTHERN PHARMACY .166 NORWOOD REXALL DRUGS ..............................175 NUEVA VIDA PHARMACY .171 NUTRACARE PHARMACY ... 177 NY FAMILY PHARMACY ...164 NY PHARMACY .................157 NYC DRUG STORE INC. ..166 O Oana, Vele .........................104 OCEAN PARK DRUGS ......146 147, 163 Odiah, Nnamdi ...................134 Odinsky, Wayne ..................112 Ogunfowora, Olusegun ..........6 OK PHARMACY & SURGICAL LLC .................164 Olanescu Andrea ...............148 Oleg, Epelbaum ..................117 Oltean, Ion .............................4 OLYMPIA CHEMIST INC ...158 Omid, Rahmani ..................128 Onefater,, MD Vladimir .......106 Ong, Pedro ...........................14 Onyeike, Godwin ............21, 25 OPTIMA DRUGS ................171 Orenstein, David ............66, 96 ORGANIC CHEMISTS .......158 Orlando, Santandreu 20, 22, 23 24 Orlovskiy, Aleksandr ...............1 Orodio, Alvin .......................109 ORTHO SHOES CORPORATION .........148, 150 ORTHO-BIONICS LABORATORY, INC ...........150 ORTHOPEDIC TREATMENT FACILITY ............................150 ORTHOPEDIC ALTERNATIVES, LTD. .......150 Osafradu, Opam ...................90 Oscar, Fernandez ................30 Owens, David .....119, 121, 122 OZONE PHARMACY .........177 P P., Arena, MD Francis ....13, 15 P., Chua Vincent .....................9 P., K. Lin Paul .....................5, 9 P., Uppal, MD Nikhil .......87, 88 P.H., Young George ............126 Pai, Savira ............................72 Paksima,, DO Nader ............81 Paley, Deana ......................111 Palma, Scott .........................27 Pamela, Unger ...................104 Pan, Calvin ...........................69 Panhani, Ramkumar ............14 Pantig, Emidio ......................16 Panus, Romsaitong ..............95 Papadakos, Stylianos ....28, 31 32 Parikh, Atul ...........................72 PARK CITY DRUGS ...........178 PARK HEALTH PHARMACY INC .....................................176 Park Inn Adult Home ..132, 133 140, 151, 152 PARSONS PHARMACY INC. ... 164 Paruchuri, Narayan ..44, 45, 53 55 Pastore, Raymond ...............93 Patel Nilesh ........................152 PATHMARK PHARMACY ..164 172, 177 Patino, Lucia ..................66, 96 Patricia, Burris-Warmoth ......10 Pattett, Kathreen ..................92 Patwardhan, Mugdha ...........98 Paula, DeJesus Lady .........112 Pawha, Jasjit ........................13 Payal, Sud ......................60, 63 Payam, Hakimian ...............127 Payne, David ......................120 Pazos, Dennis ......................39 Pedro, Kourtesis ..................27 Pedro, Ong ...........................16 Penaflorida, Alexis ..............110 Peng, Zhao ........................106 Pereira, Frederick ................10 Perez, Cynthia ....................109 Perlmutter, Robert ..........35, 36 Perlov, Marina ................56, 57 Perrin, Richard .....................13 Personal Touch Home Care of NY ............83, 139, 140, 142 Pervez, Akhter ....................135 Perwaiz, Meraj .....................86 Pesantes, Juan ..............71, 76 Peter, Chu ..........................135 Peter, Harvey .......................16 Petre, Manu ..........................12 Petru, Nemes .......................60 Pfeiffer, Michael ....................92 PHARMACARE PLUS INC 158 PHARMACHOICE PHARMACY INC ................157 PHARMACY WORLD INC .181 PHARMAKOLOJIE INC .....157 PHD PHARMACY ..............164 Philip, Cruz ...........................16 Philip, Miu ............................60 Philipp, Underwood ..............63 Photangtham, Punyadech ......5 Pierre, Joseph ....................135 Pike, Sheldon .....................126 Pili Manuel .........................149 Pine Care LLC ....................144 Pinhas, Stella .......................15 Pinkhasov, Mikhail ..................4 Pinsky, Irina ..........................75 Pisciotto, Joseph ....................2 Pisciotto, Salvatore ..............13 Piyali, Ray-Sen .....................14 Plokamakis, Michael ..............4 PODOLNICK, KIM ...............53 Podval, Marina .....................10 Poley, Vladimir ...............67, 96 Polsani, Aruna ..........45, 53, 55 Pomonok Home Services .....83 138, 140, 142 Poulos, George ....................64 Powers, Veronica .................71 Prakash, Siddharth ..............42 Prakashkumar, Patel ............16 Preeth, George ...................107 PREMIER HEALTH PHARMACY .......................160 Premier Home Health Care Services Inc. ......139, 140, 142 PREMIUM PHARMACY .....166 PRESCRIPTION WORLD ..163 Page 197 ALPHABETICAL INDEX PRESCRIPTION WAREHOUSE INC ............169 Price, Ira .........................68, 97 Price, Lindsay ......................92 Pride of Judea Counseling Center ................................133 PRIMACARE PHARMACY INC .....................................166 PRIMACARE PLUS PHARMACY INC. ...............164 PRIMARY CARE PHARMACY INC ................174 PRIME DRUGS ..................176 PRIME RX PHARMACY INC. ... 182 PRINCE PHARMACY INC. 164 Prince, Steven ....................114 Priya, Shah ...........................50 PRO HEALTH PHARMACY ... 171 Proffman, Mitchell ................38 PROGRESSIVE PHARMACY & MEDICAL SUPPLY INC ......................161 PROMEDEX INC .......146, 150 Prufer, Steven ....................120 PSCH Inc. ..132, 133, 134, 137 140, 141, 145, 151, 152 Puccia, Vincent .....................11 PUMA, JOSEPH ..................12 Punita, Ponda ......................26 Pyatigorskaya, Svetlana .......18 Q Q., Sun Yan ..........................99 Qu, Weimin ..........................22 Queens Adult Home Clinic .132 Queens Borough Day Care LLC ....................................144 Queens Boulevard Extended Care Facility .......130, 131, 143 Queens Center for Rehabilitation and Residential Center .....130, 131 143 QUEENS CENTRAL PHARMACY, INC ...............168 Queens Community Living Apartment Treatment .134, 145 QUEENS COMMUNITY EXPRESS PHARMACY INC ... 173 Page 198 QUEENS CROSSING PHARMACY INC ................164 QUEENS CTR FOR REHAB & RESIDENTIAL CARE .....130 QUEENS DIALYSIS CENTER ............................150 QUEENS DRUGS AND SURGICAL .........156, 162, 174 QUEENS EXPRESS PHARMACY CORP ...........171 QUEENS HEALTH PHARMACY .......................162 QUEENS MEDICAL ASSOCIATES P C .............169 Queens Village Clinic .132, 133 141, 151, 152 Queens Village Continuing Day Treatment Center ........146 QUEENS VILLAGE DIALYSIS ...........................151 QUEENSBRIDGE PLAZA PHARMACY .......................175 QUEENSCARE PHARMACY CORP .................................182 Qui, Libo .............................102 Qurat-ul-Ain, Syedain ...........13 R R AND C PHARM CORP ...181 R AND I RX CENTER INC .157 R., Flanagan, MD Steven ...104 R., Konda, MD Sanjit ..........100 R., Sebastiano Wayne .........79 R., Tanenbaum Harold ...45, 56 Rabeya, Chowdhury .............22 Rachel, Ellis .........................95 Rachel, Morris ......................60 Rachel, Robbins .................104 Rachh, Beenal ...................107 Radha, Voleti ..................34, 36 Raghid, Samina ..............21, 25 Rahman, Sheikh M. M. .........74 Rahman, Siddiqur ................74 Raina, Rajesh ......................12 RAINBOW SUPPLY OF NY ... 146, 148 RAINDEW PHARMACY .....159 164 Raisa, Priyeva ......................19 Rajeevi, Madankumar ..........23 Rajen, Maniar .......................30 Rajendra, Bhayani ................65 Rajmane, Kiran ........45, 53, 55 Rakesh, Shah ................42, 50 Rakiya, Watts .......................18 Ralph, Milillo .........................50 Ramirez, Rodney ...............107 Rand, James ............68, 69, 70 Ranjit, Suri ...........................27 Raphael, Castillo ..................95 RAPID PHARMACY ...........181 Rappoport, Samuel ..............74 Rashida, N'Gouamba ...........23 Rashida, White-McCrimmon ... 60 Ratilal, Patel .........................16 RATNER, SANFORD ..........14 Rau, Anjan ...........................79 Ravella, Jainarain ................19 RAVENSVIEW PHARMACY INC .....................................175 Rawat, Mohini ....................107 RDS PHARMACY ..............178 Reddy, Harsha ...................134 Reddy, Lokesh ...................135 REDFERN DRUGS ............163 Reena, Malhotra ...................50 Reena, Patel ........................10 Regal Heights Rehabilitation and Health Care Cente ......130 131, 138, 143 Reginald, Hughes ................16 Region Care Nursing Agency ... 83, 139, 140 Rego Park ADHC ...............138 Rego Park Nursing Home ..130 131, 143 Rekha, Mehta .....................135 Ren, Lili ................................10 REO CHEMISTS INC .........174 Resort Nursing Home .130, 131 143 RESTORATION MEDICAL SUPPLIES ..........................147 Retkinski, Sheldon .........67, 97 REX PHARMACY ..............181 Reyes, Magnon I. .................98 Reynaldo, Punsal ...........60, 63 Rhonda, DeGannes .............18 Riccardo, Ricciardi .............127 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Ricci, John .....................79, 81 Richard, Dauhajre ..............104 Richard, Deucher ...............137 Richard, Pinsker ...................64 Richard, Schutzer ..............128 Richard, Siegmann ...............50 RICHMOND HILL PHARMACY .......................179 RICHMOND RX CENTER ..179 RIDGEWOOD CITY PHARMACY .......................180 RIDGEWOOD PHARMACY ... 180 Rimda, Wanchoo ..................89 Rimler, Bernard ....................11 Rimler, Deborah ...................11 RITE AID PHARMACY .......172 175, 176, 181 RITE AID PHARMACY 00900 .................................179 RITE AID PHARMACY 01707 .................................158 RITE AID PHARMACY 01805 .................................158 RITE AID PHARMACY 01809 .................................160 RITE AID PHARMACY 02771 .................................173 RITE AID PHARMACY 03385 .................................168 RITE AID PHARMACY 03581 .................................171 RITE AID PHARMACY 03626 .................................166 RITE AID PHARMACY 03677 .................................173 RITE AID PHARMACY 03809 .................................167 RITE AID PHARMACY 03865 .................................177 RITE AID PHARMACY 03870 .................................167 RITE AID PHARMACY 03881 .................................159 RITE AID PHARMACY 03962 .................................182 RITE AID PHARMACY 03984 .................................171 RITE AID PHARMACY 04192 .................................161 RITE AID PHARMACY 04274 .................................174 RITE AID PHARMACY 04277 .................................173 RITE AID PHARMACY 04428 .................................166 RITE AID PHARMACY 04499 .................................167 RITE AID PHARMACY 04610 .................................182 RITE AID PHARMACY 04693 .................................170 RITE AID PHARMACY 04836 .................................180 RITE AID PHARMACY 04848 .................................159 RITE AID PHARMACY 04852 .................................168 RITE AID PHARMACY 04856 .................................181 RITE AID PHARMACY 04858 .................................182 RITE AID PHARMACY 04863 .................................164 RITE AID PHARMACY 04865 .................................158 RITE AID PHARMACY 04866 .................................178 RITE AID PHARMACY 04868 .................................167 RITE AID PHARMACY 04873 .................................180 RITE AID PHARMACY 04991 .................................172 RITE AID PHARMACY 04992 .................................183 RITE AID PHARMACY 07903 .................................171 RITE AID PHARMACY 07930 .................................180 RITE AID PHARMACY 10557 .................................169 RITE AID PHARMACY 10563 .................................175 RITE AID PHARMACY 10567 .................................158 RITE AID PHARMACY 10568 .................................175 RITE AID PHARMACY 10569 .................................159 RITE AID PHARMACY 10570 .................................159 RITE AID PHARMACY 10588 .................................160 RITE AID PHARMACY 10589 .................................182 RITE AID PHARMACY 10590 .................................182 RITE AID PHARMACY 10591 .................................159 RITE AID PHARMACY 10592 .................................159 RITE AID PHARMACY 10594 .................................176 RITE AID PHARMACY 10595 .................................169 RITE AID PHARMACY 10596 .................................170 RITE AID PHARMACY 10598 .................................178 RITE AID PHARMACY 10599 .................................168 RITE AID PHARMACY 10600 .................................183 RITE AID PHARMACY 10601 .................................183 RITE AID PHARMACY 10603 .................................176 RITE AID PHARMACY 10604 .................................180 RITE AID PHARMACY 10605 .................................180 RITE AID PHARMACY 10606 .................................170 RITE AID PHARMACY 10607 .................................177 RITE AID PHARMACY 10608 .................................177 RITE MED PHARMACY .....180 Robert, Donadt ...................101 Robert, Ellspermann ............60 Robert, Mendelson ...............33 Robert, Pick .......................101 Robert, Silverman ..........60, 63 Robert, Solomon ................128 Robert, Sperber ....................50 Robert, Villani .................42, 50 Robert, Wighton .............60, 63 Roberto, Cantu .....................78 Robin, Warshawsky .......42, 50 ROBINS PHARMACY ........170 ROCK DRUGS ...................180 Page 199 ALPHABETICAL INDEX S J PHARMACY & SURGICAL, INC. ................177 S., Chen Yi ...........................78 S., Gabay Vladimir ...............12 S., Goldstein, MD Robert ...100 S., Pereira, MD David ..........99 S., Protopsaltis, MD Themistocles ......................100 S., Stark, MD Richard ..........88 S., Zheng Peter ..................105 Sabzanov, Elionara ..............75 Sachdev, Karina .......45, 53, 55 Sachidanand, Peteru .........136 Sadaf, Sheikh .....................104 Sadeghi, Arian ................98, 99 Sadhwani, Shankar ................5 SAFA PHARMACY INC ......173 Safavi, Ali .............................33 Safier, Brian .........................26 Safro Bradley .....................149 SahinlerLynch, Pelin ............75 Sailaja, Damineni .................13 Saint Paul, L. Joanne ...........75 Sales, Maria S. .....................74 Salomon, Vladimir ..............105 Saloni, Wadia .....................136 Saltas, Andreas ..................108 Salvatore, Pardo ..................60 SALZMAN CHEMISTS .......167 Samet, Irwin .........................72 Samir, Sarkar ......................117 Samuel, Wahl .....................104 Sanchez, Janet ......................5 Sandeep, Patel ..............61, 63 Sandip, Sheth ....................137 SANDLER, BELLA ..............12 Sandler, Bella .......................12 Sanford Home For Adults Clinic ..................................132 SANFORD PHARMACY INC ... 166 Sangeorzan Adrian ............149 Sangeorzan, Adrian .......23, 24 Sangiray, Engin ....................72 S Sanjay, Smith .......................95 S AND I RIGHT CHOICE Sanjit, Konda ......................101 PHARMACY .......................177 SANTA FE PHARMACY .....171 S AND M PHARMACY INC 167 Santana, Jose ......................72 SARAH PHARMACY INC ..161 Rockaway Home Atendant Services Inc. ........................82 Rockaway Home Attendant Services Inc. ......138, 140, 141 Rockaway PROS Program .134 152 ROCKWAY COMMUNITY PHARMACY INC ................182 Rodney, Becher ..................126 Rodrigo, Sequeira ................77 Rodriguez, Jose .................127 Rogers, Michael ...................38 Rohit, Reejsinghani ..............12 Roistacher, Kenneth .............85 Rollins, Dwayne .................101 Roman, Gabriel San .......21, 24 Roman, Rolando ..................13 ROOSEVELT DRUGS &SURGICAL SUPPLIES ....171 Rosanne, Martone ................19 RosenbaumRoller, Shira ......92 ROSENBERG, LISA ...........23 Rosenberg, Peter ...................4 Rosenthal, David ..................91 Rosenzweig, Steven ............38 Rosie, Lyo ..............................7 Ross, Wank ..........................50 Ross, Zeltser ........................41 ROSVOLOS PHARMACY ..173 Rothman, Nathan ...............116 Rothpearl, Allen ....................50 Rotman, Michael ................126 Rottenberg, Mario ..............126 Roy, Davidovitch ................101 Roychoudhury, Debasish .....29 30 RUBEX PHARMACY .........162 Rubinsteyn, Yanina ................2 Ruderman, Howard ..............75 RUSSO'S PHARMACY ......163 RX & BEYOND INC. ..........166 RX PLUS PHARMACY ......169 RX SPRESS PHARMACY .179 Ryu Jae ..............................148 Page 200 Sarah, Prager .......................18 Sarah, Schwitzer ..................50 Sarason, David ...............67, 96 Saroja, Yarramreddy ............13 Sasan, Roayaie ....................78 Satish, Chawla .....................70 Satter, Quazi ........................72 Saurabh, Mehandru .............68 Savescu, Napoleon ................4 Sayed, Nazia ..............107, 109 Schaefer, Mark .....................73 Schechter, David ..................10 Schikman, Lana ..................114 Schilling, John ....................115 Schlusselberg, Daniel ..........41 Schnall, H. ............................70 Schnapp, David ..................126 Schorr, Nathan ...............66, 96 Schreiner, Roberta H. ..........75 Schrier, Kenneth 66, 67, 96, 97 Schulman, Aryeh ................113 Schwartz, Jonathan ....118, 119 120, 121, 122, 123 Schwartz, Lauren ...............113 Schwartz, Natalie .................63 SchwartzMoser, Laurie .........92 Schwinger, Ronald ...............50 Seagirt Adult Day Care Center ................................144 Seaview Manor ..132, 133, 140 151, 152 Sebastian, Schubl ................81 Seecharan, Vishnu .............114 Seeth, Vivek .......................137 Segal, Suzanne ..41, 45, 46, 50 51, 53, 55, 56 Sehati, Farzan ......................12 Seid, Wayne ...................71, 76 Sekar Surya .......................148 Selim, Hosny ......................121 Selina, Poon .........................99 Seong, Sik Kim ...................108 Seung, Woon Lee ..............108 Sha, Kenneth ......................116 Shabnamzehra, Bhojani .....137 Shagufta, Paya ...................136 Shah, Jalpa ..........................21 Shah, Sadia ........................113 Shah, Sejal U. ......................75 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Shaheda, Quraishi .............106 Shahgoli, Shahin ..................98 Shahryar, Saba ........30, 32, 33 Shakter, Bernard ..................75 SHALOM PHARMACY .......167 SHANKAR PHARMACY ....173 Shapiro, Mark .....119, 121, 122 123 Shapiro, Slava ......................98 Sharma, Mahendra .....119, 120 121, 122 Sharmeen, Sultana ............136 SHARONAS PHARMACY ..179 SHAWN PHARMACY .........180 Shechter, David ..................115 Shechter, Stuart ..................115 Shehada, Almutasemb .......115 Sherman, Klein .....................10 Sherman, Scott ........45, 53, 55 Sherman, Steven .................94 Sherwin, Batoon ...................10 SHERWOOD PHARMACY 161 Shi, Xiandong .......................10 Shimon, Oami ....................104 Shin, Eunseong ..................108 Shira, Rosenbaum-Roller .....18 Shivnathan, Pillai .................79 Shnaydman, Eduard ............13 SHOE PRO CORP .............150 Shohat, Ephron ....................86 Shteynman, Svetlana .....41, 45 46, 50, 51, 53, 56 Shukla Hemangi .................149 Shushan, Hovanesian ........137 Shusterman, Arkadiy ............17 Shyambhai, Rao .............61, 63 Siamack, Nemazie ...............88 Siddiqui, Saeed ................5, 14 Silvat, Sheikh-Fayyaz .........104 SILVERCARE .............146, 150 Silvertown Adult Day Care ...84 144 Simkhayev, Yakov ..............109 Simon, David ......................113 SIMON'S PHARMACY .......168 Singer, Andrew ...................135 Sinha, Subodh .......................6 Siram, Satyanath ..................50 Sirota-Rozenberg, Suzanne ... 40 Siskind, Steven ..28, 29, 31, 32 Sivaraman, Venkatesan .....107 SKILLMAN AVENUE PHARMACY CORP ...........183 Sklarin, Jeffrey C. .................71 SKY MEDICAL SUPPLY INC ... 148 Slade , Stella ........................92 SMART SHOP PHARMACY ... 163 SMILE PHARMACY INC ....164 SMK Pharmacy ..................150 SMK PHARMACY CORP ...180 Snyder, Richard A. ...............71 So, Young Kim ......................20 Soberano, Consolacion G. ...72 Social Concern Community Development Corp. ......83, 139 140, 142 Sofia, Taboada ...................104 Sohn, Won ...........................68 Soi, Poonam .........................71 Soleymani, Shahab ..............97 Solomon, Samson ................73 Solomon, Simkha .................73 SOL'S PHARMACY ...........161 Sommer, Lawrence D. ..........75 SOMNAY, KAUMUDI ...........69 Somogyi, Anthony ..................4 Song, Xiaoyan ........................7 Spinelli, Michael .......34, 35, 36 Spitzer, Margo ....................135 SPRING PHARMACY ........177 Spyros, Tsoumpariotis ........114 SQUARE PHARMACY .......161 Sreenivasa, Sanikam .........135 St. John's Continuing Day Treatment Program ............145 St. John's Episcopal Hospital ... 132, 145 Stachel, Sheldon D. .............74 Stadlen, Mark .................65, 95 STANDARD PHARMACY ..171 STARSIDE DRUGS ...164, 165 166 Stavros, Mountantonakis ..4, 17 Stec, Marzena ....................107 Stein, Hillel ...........................76 Stein, Steven ..................67, 97 Stein, Tzvi ............................76 Steiner, Ari ............................50 Steinway Community Services .....132, 133, 139, 151 STEINWAY PHARMACY ...158 Stelmach Lankamer, Kinga ..68 97 Stephanie, Ambrose-Flaherty ... 19 Stephanie, Soohoo ..............50 STERLING PHARMACY INC. ....................................159 Steven, Norman .................113 Steven, Prince ....................114 Steven, Rokito ....................100 Steven, Strauss ....................14 Steven, Weck .......................50 Steven, Wengrover ..............50 Stevenson, Robert .........21, 25 STOP & SHOP PHARMACY ... 157, 168, 176 STRAND PHARMACY .......159 Strojan, Albert ........................1 Su, Amy ................................88 Su, James Y. ........................98 Su, Shidong .........................89 Suarez, Fernando ..............109 Subbareddy, Madireddy .....126 Sudheer, Chauhan ...............16 Suh, Gerald ..........................65 Suh, Jungman ....................115 Suleyman, Dolen ..................25 Sun, Derek ...........................11 Sun, Yanliang .......................10 Sunil, Patel ...........................12 Sunita, Trikha .......................50 Sunny Adult Day Care Center ... 144 SUNNY PHARMACY .........182 Sunnyside Citywide ......84, 139 140, 142 SUNNYSIDE DRUGS ........182 Sunnyside Home Care Project Inc. ...84, 139, 141, 142 Sunshine, Edward ................73 Sunwoo, James S. ...............98 SUPER RX PHARMACY ...161 SUPER SCRIPT PHARMACY .......................179 Page 201 ALPHABETICAL INDEX SUPER STAR PHARMACY INC. ....................................166 SUPER VALUE DRUGS ....165 SUPERIOR PHARMACY ...166 171 SUPERRX PHARMACY ....146 Sure, Hertzel ..........................5 SUREDRUGS PHARMACY ... 181 Suresh, Jain .........................33 Surujpaul, Ragnauth ......12, 15 Surya, Sekar ........................22 Susan, Abraham ...................13 Susan, Calliste-Scott ............16 Susan, Milhausen ................61 SUTPHIN PHARMACY ......174 Suzanne, McElligott .............50 Suzanne, Segal ....................51 Svetlana, Gavrilova ............106 Swapna, Purohit .............12, 15 SWEET SPOT PHARMACY ... 162 Syed, Ahmed ........................81 Sylvestre Georges ..............149 Szachtel, Miriam .................107 Szepok, Kong Jason ..........105 T T., Chen Thomas ..................30 T., Chuang Ming .................117 T., Du Ted .............................94 T., Vo Tracy ..........................22 Tabaroki, David ....................98 Taddeo, Gregory R. ..............74 Tahir, Aamira ......................151 Tam, Anna T. ........................73 Tam, Cynthia ........................10 Tam, Hima Tam ....................23 Tamar, Toronjadze ................10 Tamara, Magloire .................25 Tamara, Mohuchy .................51 Tamma, Ariel ........................76 Tammy, Chu Tung ................94 Tan, Liza .....................107, 110 Tan, Xin ................................10 Tanlioco, Michael ................110 Tarantino, Joseph ..............113 Tarantino, Joseph .......113, 114 115 Tarasenko, Illya ....................72 Page 202 TARGET PHARMACY 160, 162 165 Tarras, Marc .......................116 Tate, Perla ............................21 Tatyana, Semenova ...........136 Taufiq, Azamy .......................89 Tawadrous, Mounir .................6 Tawana, Hill ..........................13 TAZMI PHARMACY ...........183 Te, Jaime ..............................77 Teekaram, Persaud ............117 Teitelman, Dima ...................32 Tenet, William .....28, 29, 31, 32 Teran, Elyse ...................66, 95 Teresita, Ruiz .....................136 Termechi, Omid ....................71 Teslic, Kornelia ...118, 120, 121 122, 123 Teyibo, Thomas ..................106 Thambirajah, Nandakumar ...90 Thandar, Aung Kyawt .............5 THE CHEMIST SHOP ........175 The Mount Sinai Hospital of Queens ......39, 41, 86, 92, 107 124, 125, 129, 151 Theodore, Giannaris ............99 Thet, Zeyar .......................6, 10 Thomas, Anncy ..................1, 3 Thomas, Bizzaro ..................33 Thomas, Lyo ..........................7 Thomas, Mannino ................51 Thomas, Rechtschaffen .....127 THREE JS PHARMACY INC ... 171 THRIFTWAY UNION TURNPIKE PHCY LLC ......169 THRIFTWAY FARROCKAWAY DRUG CORP .................................163 Thulasi, Reddy ...................137 Tian, Fang ..........................105 Timothy, Ramos ..................111 Ting, Zhang Ting ................113 Tipperman, Beth .................124 Tokar, Dmitriy .......................98 Tom, Vivian ...............45, 53, 55 Tomer, Singer .................22, 24 Toni, Ann Tomanelli ..............12 TOP CARE PHARMACY CORP .................................165 TOP CARE PHARMACY CORP. ................................146 TOP CHOICE PHARMACY CORP. ................................169 Tornatore, Andrea ................27 Torres, Diana ........................92 TOWER DRUGS ........156, 163 TOWER PHARMACY AND SURGICAL .........................173 TOWN TOTAL HEALTH, LLC ... 159 Travers, Concannon Eileen ..45 53, 55 TRAYMORE CHEMISTS ...168 Tress,, MD Vladimir ............101 TRIANGLE PHARMACY ....179 TRIBORO PHARMACY .....158 TRINITY HOMECARE LLC 156 160 TRISTATE PHARMACY INC. ... 172 TRIUMPH PHARMACY LLC ... 174 Trivedi, Jayesh H. ................76 TRUE CARE PHARMACY .169 Tsai, Chung-Ying ................109 Tsai, David .....................66, 96 Tsega, Denneke ...................88 Tsin Daniel .........................149 Tsomo, Losang .....................71 Tsourounakis, Emanuel ........38 Tsynman, Alexander ...........135 TU FARMACIA LATINA ......172 Tung, Frank ..........................30 Tupaz, Alvin ........................109 Turner, Deborah ...................38 TURNPIKE PHARMACY INC ... 169 Twersky, Yitzhak ...................68 U UNION PHARMACY ..........165 Union Plaza Care Center ...130 131, 143 UNION ST. PHARMACY ....165 UNIQUE CHEMISTS INC ..157 Unlimited Care Inc. .....139, 140 142 Uthman, Adeola ....................29 Utopia Home Care Inc. .......138 140, 141 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Utopia Home Care Inc. Elmhurst Location ..............143 UTOPIA PHARMACY .........166 Uzor, Robert .............45, 53, 55 V Vadim, Goldshteyn .............106 Valmiki, Rajasekhar ............135 VALUE PHARMACY INC ...161 VALUECARE PHARMACY 173 VAN WYCK PRESCRIPTION CENTER ............................179 Vanessa, Ho .........................81 VARIETY DRUGS ..............173 Vartolomei, Roxana ..34, 35, 36 Vasantha, Badhey ..............135 Vasundhara, Kalasapudi ....137 Vayner, Arthur .................67, 96 Vendittelli, William ................39 Ventimiglia, Thomas .............39 VERA I PHARMACY ..........178 VERNON BOULEVARD PHARMACY INC. ...............175 Victor, Rosenberg .................87 VICTORIA PHARMACY .....156 166 VICTORY PHARMACY ......172 VILLAGE PHARMACY .......177 Vinay, Kapoor .......................63 Vine, Mark ..........................126 Vinh, Nguyen ........................90 Vinod, Dhar ........................137 VIP Health Care Services ....84 139, 141, 142, 145 VIP PHARMACY CORP. ....161 VISTA PHARMACY ............163 Viswanath, Banad ....30, 31, 32 VITAHEALTH PHARMACY 158 VITAL DRUGS INC ............166 VITAL MED PHARMACY ...167 VITALITY DRUG ................169 VITALSCRIPT ....................172 Vivian, Lata ..........................20 VNS PHARMACY ..............178 Voorhees, Jessica Van ...61, 63 Vu, Laurie .......................66, 95 Vyacheslav, Galibov .............16 W W., Hon John .........................1 W., Kwan Tak .......................30 Waghela, Rachana ...............75 Wai, Kai Wing .................66, 96 WAKEFIELD PHARMACY .181 Wakefield, Tamekia ........64, 65 WALDBAUMS PHARMACY ... 160, 161, 169, 170, 182 Waldman, Michael ....46, 53, 55 WALGREENS ....160, 172, 173 178, 179, 180, 181 WALGREENS # 12157 ......173 WALGREENS #11126 ........167 WALGREENS #1180 ..........175 WALGREENS #12006 .......158 WALGREENS #1487 .........168 WALGREENS #1572 .........166 WALGREENS #1616 .........162 WALGREENS #2055 .........178 WALGREENS #4058 .........161 WALGREENS #4319 .........162 WALGREENS #4445 .........177 WALGREENS #4564 .........173 WALGREENS #4565 .........174 WALGREENS #4688 .........182 WALGREENS #5051 .........181 WALGREENS #7294 .........161 WALGREENS #7367 .........160 WALGREENS #9869 .........176 WALGREENS #9936 .........172 Wallach, David ...............67, 97 Walters, Guillermo ....41, 46, 51 53, 56, 57 Wang Xiao ..........................148 Wang, Chuansheng .............68 Wang, Da ...........................135 Wang, Jyming ......................82 Wang, Richard .....................10 Wang, Xing-Jie .....................89 Wang, Yan ............................10 Warshawsky, Mendel ...........93 Waseem, Faisal ...................16 Wasserman, Burton S. .........73 Watsky, Marvin .....................40 WATSONS PHARMACY LLC ... 166 Watts, Rakiya .......................92 Wavecrest Home for Adults 132 133, 140, 151, 152 Wayne, Axman ...................112 Webbe, Shirley .....................21 Wei, Zhang Jian ...................10 Weihong, Yan .......................23 WEINSTEIN PHARMACY CORP .................................174 Weinstein, Gary ..................135 Weinstein, Gilbert ...........90, 91 Weinstein, Leon ...................12 Weiwen, Liang Ellen .............10 Weksler, Moses ..................137 WELL CARE PHARMACY .166 WELLMING PHARMACY ...166 WELLNESS CENTER PHARMACY ...............156, 158 Weng, Lijun ..........................91 WESTERN DRUGS INC ....172 WHITESTONE PHARMACY ... 182 Wieder, Kenneth ..................99 Wiesel, Joseph ...28, 29, 31, 32 Williams, Farah ..120, 121, 122 Williams, Howard .................53 Willner, Leonard ...................75 WINDSOR PHARMACY AND SURGICALS ......................159 Winkler, Harvey ..................125 Winn, Michael ..........46, 53, 55 WISE DRUGS ....................179 Woldenberg, Rona ...............51 Won, Jorge .....................67, 97 Won, Sun .............................71 Wong, Alexander ..................51 Wong, Ken ...........................61 Wong, Marilyn ......................51 Wong, Samuel ......................94 WOODHAVEN PHARMACY ... 182 WOODHAVEN RX, INC. ....178 WOODSIDE PHARMACY ..183 Woong, Paik .........................10 WOORI PHARMACY .........159 WORLDSFAIR PHARMACY ... 156, 166 Wosnitzer, Brian .............91, 92 Wu, Alexander ......................94 Wu, Chia-Der .......................94 Wu, Li-Teh ............................93 Wu, Qiong ..............................7 X Xiao, Huifang ........................23 Page 203 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Xiao, Wang ...........................23 Xiaoqing, O'Leary ...............104 Xie, Jianlin ............................69 XIP PHARMACY INC .........159 XTREME Care LLC ....138, 140 141 X-TREME Care LLC .............82 Xu, Min ...................................5 Xu, Mingxu .........................105 Xu, Richard ..........................81 Xu, Ruliang .........................102 Y Y Evergreen Care 82, 138, 140 141 Y., Burshteyn Ilya ...................2 Y., Kim Kee ...........................11 Y., Lau Pauline .....................81 Yablok, Svetlana ..................51 Yagudayeva, Negkadam ......51 Yair, Rahmani .......................23 Yamani, Maryam ..................94 Yan Weihong ......................149 Yana, Normatov ..................111 Yang, Hyosol ........................76 Yang, John ...............46, 53, 55 Yang, Paul ..........................128 Yang, Tianyu ........................26 Yao, Alan ..............................69 Yaskiv, Oksana ...................104 Yasmeen, Kirmani ..............137 Yasser, Mir ...........................51 Ye, Hao ..............................105 Ye, Wei ...................................2 Yee, Shum Kee ....................82 Yee, Vivian ...........................40 Yeh, Peggy ...........................76 Yelena, Sorokina-Ruffini .......61 Yeung, Vincent ...................118 Yi, Li Yuan ............................11 Yi, Wang Wen ................55, 56 Yim, Ho ...............................113 Yin, John ........................66, 96 Yin, Xuebin ...........................22 Yio, Xianyang .......................69 Yip, Melissa ....................66, 96 Yoneda, Nao ........................61 You, Mee .............................111 Young, Jun Moo ...................77 Page 204 Young, Lisa ..........................37 Yu, Sammy ...........................61 Yuan, Rumei .........................94 Yuancong, Wang Vincent .....11 Yue, Sun Wei .......................88 Yuen, Hak ..............................7 Yuen, Leung Mee .................41 Yung, Raymond ....................65 Yurovitsky, Alyssa ...............104 Yusupov, Yuriy ......................99 Z Z, Lyo Thomas .......................8 Zabar, Benjamin ...................61 Zafar, Khan ........................126 Zahava, Traeger .................106 Zaidi, Nasir .....................78, 79 Zaidi, Raza .....................78, 79 Zambito, Peter ......................34 ZARCHY PHARMACY .......183 Zarrin, Salimi ........................51 Zats, Boris ............................98 Zavulunova, Olga .................76 Zaza, Aivazi ..........................28 ZEBA DRUGS INC .............176 Zeidman, Daniel .....................6 Zeitlin, Adam ..........................2 Zeltser, Roman .....................31 Zeltsman, Vadim ................125 Zeph, Okeke ......................127 Zhang, Xinmin ...................104 Zhang, David ......................102 Zhang, Gang ......................108 Zhang, Xiaoxia .......................2 Zhang, Xueshu .....................11 Zhao, Jiansheng ....................8 Zhao, Jingbo ..........................4 Zhao, Qian .....................29, 31 Zhao, Xinyu ..........................69 Zharnitsky, Mark ...................72 Zheng, Li ................................2 Zheng, Ronglan .................105 Zheng, Yixiu ...........................8 Zhou, Dalai .............................2 Zhou, Qiuping ......................63 Zhou, Wenhong ....................40 Zhou, Yu Ye ..........................73 Zhou, Zhu-Ping ......................8 Zimmerman, Jason ..............61 Ziprkowski, Micha ..........43, 51 Zito, Joseph ...................61, 63 Zong-Xun, Lyo Thomas ..........8 Zoran, Lasic .........................33 We’re here for your call. Toll Free 1.866.586.8044 | TTY/TDD 1.800.662.1220 | AgeWell New York LLC is an HMO plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in AgeWell New York LLC depends on contract renewal. The benefit information provided is a brief summary, not a complete description of benefits. For more information contact the plan. Limitations, copayments, and restrictions may apply. Benefits, formulary, pharmacy network, premium and/or co-payments/ coinsurance may change on January 1 of each year. You must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium unless paid for by the state medical assistance program. This information is available for free in other languages. Please call our customer service number at (866) 5868044 TTY users should call 1-800-662-1220 7 days a week from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. eastern time.
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