The Refugee Voice - Jesuit Refugee Service | USA
The Refugee Voice - Jesuit Refugee Service | USA
The Refugee Voice Jesuit Refugee Ser vice/USA May 2010 — Vol 4, Issue 2 Haiti Chérie – Dear Haiti L ong before the crippling earthquake of January 12, 2010, Jesuit Refugee Service had a grassroots presence in Haiti, providing humanitarian assistance to displaced Haitians both in the town of Ouanaminthe on the northeastern border with the Dominican Republic, and in the Dominican Republic itself. JRS responded to the needs of Haitians during a decade of political upheaval, successive natural disasters, and a food crisis, which devastated the Haitian economy. We knew Haiti in both her pain and her laughter – as a country where many children under the age of twelve in the countryside have no clothes to wear; a country where people spontaneously gather in community during frequent black-outs to sing songs, play dominos, and keep the night at bay. Haiti is also a country with a rich artistic and political tradition, inhabited by a deeply faithful people who have continued to hope for a better life despite devastation and adversity. JRS–Haiti has accompanied the people of Ouanaminthe, a town of 100,000 inhabitants, through a series of challenges by offering schooling for the children, helping to organize sustainable farming cooperatives, organizing well-digging projects and engaging in human rights monitoring. Through these efforts, JRS has strived to create creating an environment in Haiti that would offer impoverished Haitians an alternative to migration by enabling them to sustain a dignified and secure life within their country. The Automeca camp in Port-au-Prince is home to 11,000 displaced people living in close quarters. (Christian Fuchs - JRS/USA) In addition to its work within Haiti, JRS has served the needs of Haitian refugees, continued on page 2 A Note from the National Director Dear Friends of JRS/USA: Because JRS has worked in Haiti since 1999, we were able to begin providing emergency aid to victims within hours of the earthquake. This effort was soon supplemented by an outpouring of aid from our highly organized JRS office in the Dominican Republic, which quickly ferried food, water and medical supplies across the border for distribution to survivors. Thousands of other Jesuit friends, associates and institutions also instantly responded to this crisis. The outpouring of generosity from young schoolchildren, college students, parishioners, as well as Jesuit provinces and communities, was overwhelming. To date we have received $1.6 million, which we are using to bring comfort to the suffering in seven camps, to provide education to children, and to assure that the rights and needs of the most vulnerable in Haiti are not forgotten. JRS has built strong partnerships to help address problems that surely will not be solved overnight. Though many aid agencies will move on when the current crisis abates, JRS and the Jesuit community will remain in Haiti for the long haul in a long term commitment to contribute to the reconstruction and rebirth of a new Haiti. Thank you for your generosity to the struggling people of Haiti and for your letters and notes of prayerful support. Together, we have made, and will continue to make a real difference in the lives of our Haitian brothers and sisters. Fr. Ken Gavin, S.J. J e s u i t R e f u g e e S e r v i c e / US A | 1 0 1 6 1 6 t h S t r e e t , N W, S t e 5 0 0 | W a s h i n g t o n , D C 2 0 0 3 6 | ( 2 0 2 ) 4 6 2 - 0 4 0 0 | www . jr s u s a . o r g forced migrants, and stateless people in the neighboring Dominican Republic for more than 15 years, expanding upon the migration and refugee work carried out by the Jesuits of the Dominican Republic and Haiti for the last 70 years. meet longer-term needs as well, for example by starting schools in displaced persons camps and in planning for the construction of 17 new schools in the countryside. Now, the earthquake has brought a drastic change in the focus of JRS’s work. While continuing its existing programs, JRS–Haiti is focusing on new relief efforts in Port-au-Prince, working in seven camps that serve the needs of more than 23,000 displaced persons. Altogether JRS and its Jesuit partners offered a wide range of emergency assistance to the people of Haiti in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake, including emergency food relief to more than 50,000 people throughout Port-auJRS and the Jesuits of Haiti Prince; medical treatment to Supermarkets, banks, trade houses, more than 4,500 people injured radio and television stations, hospitals by the earthquake; and camp ... all have collapsed. General Hospital, management services and the largest health institution in the psychosocial support to more than capital, collapsed with many patients 23,000 people living in seven already inside and while many wounded No motivation other than her surroundings are needed camps throughout Port-au-Prince. for this child to study at Automeca camp in Port-auwere being brought in. ~ Fr. Perard In partnership with the Jesuit Prince. (Christian Fuchs - JRS/USA) Monestime, S.J., director of the JRSFe y Alegria school system and Ouanaminthe. January 13, 2010. volunteer engineers from the University of Detroit Mercy The longstanding presence of JRS in both Haiti and the School of Architecture in the U.S. JRS also evaluated the Dominican Republic allowed JRS to respond rapidly to structural integrity of 400 schools throughout the stricken the earthquake. The quake crippled the capital, leveling area in the month after the earthquake. government buildings, the National Palace, the UN mission “Only through providing universal education to all headquarters, and the Catholic Cathedral. Streets filled children in Haiti, and through a massive literacy campaign with rubble from the collapsed buildings, and the cement from those buildings powdered into a fine dust, choking the for adults, can we ensure that Haiti will have the tools it needs to build back stronger,” Fr. Wismith Lazard, S.J. air. Even four months later, the air above the city remains sandy, obscuring the mountains nearby. Only the heavy JRS Work in the Camps evening rains clear the air, but they bring a new misery as The scale of the disaster is such that despite efforts by waters cascade through the streets carrying trash and dirt, a plethora of organizations, many vital needs still go hammering the tents of the homeless and soaking what unmet. JRS is urgently advocating to bring these needs possessions they may still have. to the attention of the Haitian government and other “Our national symbols are all gone, destroyed by the earthquake. We have lost a piece of our history and are at risk of losing our sense of nationhood.” ~ Fr. Wismith Lazard, S.J. – Director of JRS–Haiti All three million inhabitants of Port-au-Prince were directly affected by the magnitude 7.2 earthquake. With 25% of government officials dead within minutes, public services and communications disrupted, and soon inundated by the exodus of some 600,000 stunned survivors from the capital into the countryside, the rest of the country suffered as well. Even four months after the disaster a staggering 1.3 million survivors remain displaced, most still without adequate shelter, employment, or the other necessities of life. Donations for Haiti have been used both to meet immediate emergency needs in the camps and to begin to 2 institutions with the power to address them. Meanwhile, JRS is working with the people of the camps to do all we can to mitigate human suffering through accompaniment, psychosocial intervention and linking camp leadership committees with UN and U.S. organized aid delivery bodies to address the rising needs. JRS is the official camp manager in three camps: Henfrasa, Palais de l’art, and Parc Colofer. In these camps we employ a participative management approach to ensure that all voices are heard and that the most vulnerable camp residents receive the care they require. As in other camps where JRS works, JRS insists that women be included on the committee of residents who represent the camp’s inhabitants. “Is this any place for human beings to live? … often we have little or nothing to eat during the day.” Haitian mother living with her young daughter in Automeca camp In camps that JRS does not manage, such as Automeca – a camp of 11,000 residents living in tents only inches apart from one another – JRS provides vital services such as psychosocial support and assistance to the camp committees which are a sort of camp council. JRS offers management training sessions and regular meetings aimed at building the capacity for the displaced Haitians to develop their own emergency assistance, recovery and reconstruction initiatives. On a visit to our staff in Automeca in May, Fr. Ken noted that the camp is in a crisis situation. “I have visited camps of refugees and IDPs throughout the world in my role as JRS/USA’s national director. I was shocked at the conditions in which people are being forced to live in Automeca camp. The camp is a national and international disgrace. Of the many people we spoke to, nearly all complained of lack of food.” ~ Fr. Kenneth J. Gavin, S.J. Jesuit Refugee Service/USA a mango tree offers the promise of a cooling breeze that the tents shut out. While the situation at Automeca is alarming, it is not exceptional within the current Port-au-Prince landscape. In fact, it should be noted that 80% of all officially sanctioned camps, which amount to a little under 600 camps in all, have no camp managers. While some in the international community have claimed that 99.6% of all earthquake victims have been reached, we have noted that many have only received one, two, or three aid deliveries. The international coordination seems to have failed many of the residents in the camps until now, and we fear that with malaria, typhoid, and tetanus on the rise, the death toll in the coming months will climb precipitously. JRS also works in the “unofficial” camps of the Manresa district of Port-au-Prince (Bas Georges, Au Georges, and La Grotte), where the humanitarian needs are even more acute than in most officially sanctioned camps like Automeca. Because the Haitian government and The president the international of the Automeca coordinating bodies camp, elected by the do not sanction community to represent these unofficial their interests, reports camps, JRS is the that only three food only NGO present. distributions had been The people in all made by the World unofficial camps Food Program in the throughout the city past three months and receive little to no none since February. care from large JRS continues to aid organizations advocate for increased or international food delivery throughout Automeca JRS–Haiti’s Fr. Wismith Lazard, S.J., left, talks with members of Electricians Without Borders coordinating bodies; about installing electricity at a camp for displaced people as the camp leadership committee many have been and other camps with listens. (Christian Fuchs - JRS/USA) asked to move from World Food Progamme the camps but have not been provided alternative space in leaders in both Washington, D.C. and Rome. Automeca camp residents live in shacks made of tarps and which to live. JRS calls on the Haitian Government and the international community to address the needs of those rags so close to one another that you can almost mistake in official and unofficial camps alike, and to continue to the multiple dwellings as one tent held aloft by acres distribute aid to those in unofficial camps until such time of tent poles; there is little or no privacy. There are no as these camp residents are offered a safe and tenable place schools or electricity, sanitation is poor; the water is barely where they might settle during the emergency phase. potable and often brings on diarrhea in children and adults. Drainage at Automeca consists of shallow ditches running between rows of tents, a hazard even when dry; when it rains they flood and a cascade of garbage and muck rushes through the camp toward the lower sections. “We are afraid of the rains. We need different tents, more solid tents to withstand the rain. These tents get wet inside during the rains.” ~ Resident of Parc Colofer, a soccer field turned into a camp for 1,200 displaced people. The atmosphere in Automeca ripens throughout the day as the heat rises, and the dank humidity embeds itself onto clothing and tarps, adding an unhealthy sheen to everything it touches, collecting dust and attracting insects. The few trees are preferred as meeting areas to tents, as the shade of JRS notes that all camps where we work continue to suffer from the same overarching basic needs, infrastructure and security concerns. The lack of electricity and lighting at night has meant women and children are vulnerable to sexual assault and abuse. Other concerns range from lack of 3 access to potable water, to the spreading of infections such as typhoid, tetanus, and malaria, to poor drainage in many camps, to too little food and water distribution and assaults on women, the elderly, children and the disabled during aid delivery. Helping the people in the camps survive the rainy season has become an additional challenge for our humanitarian team. Recommendations for Action “Haitian civil society is still weak. But we have a lot to offer, we understand our country and the situation on the ground. We can be a support to strengthened Haitian government, and help to hold our leaders accountable to the people of Haiti. The Haitian people must be tapped as the real resource for reforming our nation.” Fr. Kawas Francois, S.J., president of the Jesuit Interprovincial Committee for the Reconstruction of Haiti • There must be better coordination of food aid, sanitation, water so that all camps are receiving appropriate aid on a regular basis. • The Cash for Food and Cash for Work programs need to be strengthened and expanded. These address important psychosocial needs to reduce idleness and the sense of dependency, as well as meeting food needs. • Unofficial camps should not be neglected, nor disconnected from aid efforts until appropriate living alternatives have been offered for camp residents. The Haitian Government should be asked to use its eminent domain authority to claim appropriate tracks of empty land for camp residents under threat of forced displacement. • Women must be fully integrated into all camp leadership committees. • The International community and the Haitian government must immediately address drainage, sanitation, and security needs for vulnerable populations. • Camp management and aid delivery structures should always include consultation and cooperation with the displaced people who are swiftly forming their own organizations to advocate for their own particular needs. More attention must be placed on supporting the food and relief needs for IDP recipient communities and people not living in camps so that moving to a camp is not the only way for people to receive minimal food, water, and livelihood assistance. • To avert future disasters, cities and towns outside of the capital must be armed with the resources to build the infrastructure necessary to sustain their current populations and allow for natural growth. A governance plan based on decentralization of emergency assistance, services and resources, strengthening the capacities of local governments and the establishment of mechanisms to ensure the direct participation of civil society actors outside of the capital must be ensured. • Despite an established need for continued foreign support, the long–term development of the country must be led and carried on by Haitians for Haitians. For more information – including many more photos and several videos – please visit Jesuit Refugee Service/USA Nonprofit Org. US Postage PAID Permit #178 Manassas, VA 1016 16th Street, NW, Ste 500 Washington, DC 20036 (202) 462-0400 | ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED I WANT TO HELP I would like to help JRS/USA in its mission to serve, accompany and defend the rights of refugees. I am enclosing a contribution of $_________. Simply clip this label and send to: JRS/USA, 1016 16th Street, NW, Suite 500, Washington, D.C. 20036 To charge your gift to MasterCard, Visa or American Express, please visit to make a secure online gift.
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