2016 Spring/Summer recreation Guide
2016 Spring/Summer recreation Guide
Spring/Summer 2016 Recreational Activity Guide Table of Contents Fairs 1 Farmers' Market 4 Libraries 6 Museums 8 Parks 11 Services and Leisure 17 Events Separate by County Albany 21 Fulton- Mongometry 25 Rensselaer 27 Saratoga 30 Schenectady 32 Warren 35 Out of Town 39 Coding Index Event May Be Noisy Wheelchair Accessible $ $$ $$$ $$$$ $1-5 $6-10 $11-15 $16+ 2 Fairs Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Admission: Altamont Faire Mid- August 129 Grand St. Altamont Ave. NY 12009 http://altamontfair.com (518) 861-6671 $$$ Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Admission: Albany Region Fairs Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Admission: Cambridge Balloon Festival Early June, check website Cambridge Central School Rt.22 Cambridge, NY Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Admission: Name: Dates: Address: Website: Admission: Various Dates Various locations http://www.albany.com/events/festivals/ Most are free to go. https://balloonfest.wordpress.com/ 518-677-0887 $-$$$ + Fonda Fair 8/30-9/5/2016 21 South Bridge Street, Fonda, NY 12068 http://www.fondafair.com/ 518-853-3313 Check Site Glenville Oktoberfest September, check website for dates Maalwyck Park, Glenville www.glenvilleoktoberfest.com Free 3 Fairs Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Admission: Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Admission: Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Admission: Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact: Admission: Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Admission: New York State’s Food Festival Not Disclosed currently Empire State Plaza - 240 STATE ST. ALBANY, NY www.albany.com/event/esp-food-festival-36224 Free: Purchase food $-$$ Saratoga County Fair 7/19-7/24/2016 162 Prospect St., Ballston Spa NY 12020 www.saratogacountyfair.org (518) 885-9701 General admission $12 Saratoga Festivals Varying throughout spring/summer! www.saratoga.com/events Check out the website for multiple events Check site Schenectady County Festivals Vary throughout spring/summer Vary-Check website for more details! www.schenectadycounty.com Go to Living-->Special Events Free Warren County Balloon Festival Mid-September 2016 600 Glen St., Glens Falls, NY www.lakegeorge.com/fall/balloon-fest.cfm 518-222-4293 Check Website for dates and prices 4 Fairs Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Admission: Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Admission: Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact: Admission: Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Admission: Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Admission: Washington County Fair July 26th-31st 2016 392 Old Schuylerville Rd., Greenwich, NY 12834 www.washingtoncountyfair.com 518-692-2464 Parking Free, General Admission $$ Renaissance Faire Aug. 6th-Oct 2nd 2016 600 Route 17A, Tuxedo NY 10987 http://www.renfair.com/ny/ (845) 351-5171 Adults-$25, Children 5-12- $12, 4 and under are free Coupons are found on the website for discounted pricing Rhinebeck Car Show May 7th and 8th, 8a-5p Dutchess County Fairgrounds, Route 9 http://rhinebeckcarshow.com/ $12 Adults, 12 and under free, Seniors $10 Events at Saratoga County Fair Various dates, check website 162 Prospect St., Ballston Spa NY 12020 www.saratogacountyfair.org (518) 885-9701 Prices vary per event Schaghticoke Fair 8/31-9/5/2016 69 Stillwater Bridge Rd., Schaghticoke NY http://www.schaghticokefair.com/ (518) 753-4411 TBD- Check website for other events at the fairgrounds!! 5 Farmer's Markets Name: Dates: Address: Website: Various www.albany.com/guide/shopping_farmmarkets.cfm Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Brunswick Farmer's Market Tuesdays: June- Aug 18 Keyes Lane, Troy, NY 12180 http://www.townofbrunswick.org/services/farmersmarket/ (518) 279-3461 x 108 Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Buhrmaster Fruit/Produce Daily, May-Oct. 189 Saratoga Rd, Scotia Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Albany County Farmer’s Markets Check out Website for dates and times http://www.buhrmasterfarms.com/ (518) 399-5931 GLENS FALLS Check website South St. Pavilion www.Glensfallsfarmersmarket.com webmaster@glensfallsfarmersmarket.com Ryan's Farmer's Market Mon. - Sat. 9:00AM- 5:30pm Sun. 11A-4P 114 Railroad Avenue, Albany, NY http://www.ryansproduce.com/ 518.459.5775 6 Farmer's Markets Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Schenectady Farmer's Market Tuesdays or Thursdays from 9a-1:30p St. Luke's Church, (Tues), 105 Jay St., Schenectady (Thurs) http://schenectadygreenmarket.org/ (518) 386-2225, ext 226 Menands Farmer's Market Check website 381 Broadway, Menands NY 12204 http://www.capitaldistrictfarmersmarket.org/contact.php (518) 465-1023 Hours 9a-1p Delmar Farmer's Market Saturdays, 9a-1p beginning 5/7 332 Kenwood Ave, Delmar NY http://delmarmarket.org/ Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Hoosick Falls Artisan Exchange and Farmers Market Wed's 4-6:30pm 80 Church St., Hoosick Falls NY 12090 Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Saratoga Farmer's Market Various dates/times, see website See website for various locations 518-686-9050 http://www.saratogafarmersmarket.org/ 7 Libraries Name: Address: Website: Albany Public Library 161 Washington Ave., Albany NY 12210 http://www.albanypubliclibrary.org Name: Address: Website: Amsterdam Free Library Name: Address: Website: Ballston Spa Public Library 21 Milton Ave., Ballston Spa NY 12020 http://www.ballston.sals.edu Name: Address: Website: Clifton Park-Half-moon Library 475 Moe Rd., Clifton Park NY 12065 http://www.cphlibrary.org Name: Address: Website: Corinth Free Library 89 Main St., Corinth NY 12822 http://www.corinth.sals.edu Name: Address: Website: Crandell Library 251 Glen St. Glens Falls, NY 12801 www.crandelllibrary.org Name: Address: Website: Gloversville Public Library Name: Address: Website: Mohawk Valley Library 858 Duanesburg Rd., Schenectady NY 12306 http://www.mvls.info Name: Address: Website: Rotterdam Branch Library 1100 N Westcott Rd., Schenectady NY 12306 http://www.scpl.org/ Name: Address: Website: Saratoga Springs Public Library 49 Henry St., Saratoga NY 12866 http://www.sspl.org Name: Address: Website: Schenectady County Public Library 99 Clinton St., Schenectady NY 12305 http://www.scpl.org/ Name: Address: Website: Pember Library and Museum 33 West Main St, Granville Ny 12832 http://thepember.com/ 28 Church St, Amsterdam, NY 12010 http://www.amsterdamlibrary.com/index.html 58 E Fulton St, Gloversville, NY 12078 http://gloversvillelibrary.org/ 8 Name: Address: Website: Guilderland Public Library 2228 Western Ave, Guilderland, NY 12084 http://www.guilpl.org/ Name: Address: Website: Bethlehem Public Library 451 Delaware Ave., Delmar NY 12054 www.bethlehempubliclibrary.org 9 Museums Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Admission: Empire State Aeroscience Museum Daily, year round, hours vary 250 Rudy Chase Dr., Glenville http://www.esam.org/ (518) 377-2191, ext 10 $$ Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Admission: Grant Cottage-Historic home where Ulysses S Grant fought final battles Memorial Day-Labor Day Wed-Sun 10a-4p, Labor Day-Columbus Day, weekends 10-4p 28 Mt. McGregor Rd., Gansevoort, NY 12831 www.grantcottage.org (518) 584-4353 $ Call ahead for accessibility Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Admission: Hyde Museum T-Sa:10a-5pm, Su:12-5p 161 Warren St., Glens Falls, NY www.hydecollection.org/ 518-792-1761 $$$ Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Maybee Farm Historic Site All year, Tues-Sat 1100 Main St., Rotterdam Junction http://visitschenectady.com/content/mabee-farm-historic-site (518) 887-5073 $-$$ Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Admission: Misi: Schenectady Science Museum Daily, Closed Holidays 15 Nott Terrace Heights, Schenectady http://www.schenectadymuseum.org/ (518) 382-7890 $$ 10 Museums Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Admission: National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame Year Round-see website for times of operation 191 Union Ave, Saratoga NY 12866 https://www.racingmuseum.org/ 1-800-Jockey4 $$ Children under 5 free Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Admission: New York State Military Museum Appointments are required; Tues-Fri 10a-4p 61 Lake Ave., Saratoga NY 12866 http://dmna.ny.gov/historic/mil-hist.htm (518) 581-5100 Free Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Admission: New York State Museum Tues. - Sun., 9:30 A - 5:00 P Closed Mon.'s and National Holidays 222 Madison Ave, Albany, NY 12230 http://www.nysm.nysed.gov/ 518-474-5877 Free Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Admission: Saratoga Auto Museum April-June, Tues-Sun 10a-5p, July-August Daily 10a-5p 110 Avenue of the Pines, Saratoga NY 12866 www.saratogaautomuseum.org (518) 587-1935 Free Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Admission: Schenectady History Museum Daily, hours vary 32 Washington Ave., Schenectady http://schenectadyhistorical.org/ (518) 374-0263 $ 11 Museums Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Admission: Tang Museum Tues-Sun 12p-5p, Fri open until 7 during summer months 815 North Broadway, Saratoga NY 12866 www.tang.skidmore.edu (518) 580-8080 Suggested $ Visit the Frances Young Tang museum and art gallery and check out the art exhibits! Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Admission: BRUCE MUSEUM Tues.-Sun. 10am-4:30pm 1 Museum Dr. Greenwich, CT 06830 https://brucemuseum.org/ 203.869.0376 Free Tuesday;$$ Adults/Students/Seniors, Children free Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Admission: STAMFORD MUSEUM AND NATURE CENTER Mon.-Sat., 9 am - 5 pm; Sun.,11 am - 5pm 39 Scofieldtown Rd, Stamford, CT 06903 http://stamfordmuseum.org/ 203.322.1646 $$ Admission, Members free Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact Admission: Adirondack Museum Name: Dates: Address: Website: Contact: Admission: May 20 to October 10, 7 days a week, 10a to 5p Rt. 28N & 30, Blue Mountain Lake, NY 12812 http://www.adkmuseum.org/ (518) 352-7311 Adults 18+ $18, Seniors 62+ $16, Youth 6-12 $6 Teens 13-17 $12 Slate Valley Museum Tues-Fri 1p-4p, Sat 10-a-4p 17 Water St., Granville Ny 12832 http://www.slatevalleymuseum.org/ 518) 642-1417 Check website for pricing! 12 Parks Name: Address: Website: Contact Albany Pine Bush 195 New Karner Road, Albany NY http://www.albanypinebush.org/contact (518) 456-0655 Free Name: Address: Website: Contact Central Park and Rose Gardens 500 Iroquois Way, Schenectady http://www.schenectadyrose.com/ (518) 382-5151 Free Name: Address: Website: Contact Cherry Plain State Park 10 State Park Road, Petersburg, NY 12138 www.nysparks.com/parks/173/details.aspx (518) 733-5400 Free Name: Address: Website: Contact Congress Park Broadway, Saratoga Springs, NY http://www.saratogacommunitycourt.com/ N/A Free Name: Address: Website: Contact Five Rivers Environmental Education Center 56 Game Farm Rd, Delmar, NY 12054 http://www.dec.ny.gov/education/1835.html (518) 475-0291 Free NYS Parks charge $10 per vehicle or you can get an Access Pass that permits residents of NYS with Disabilities free or discounted use of state parks, historic sites, and recreational facilities. Go to the website and click on the link for the access pass http://parks.ny.gov 13 Parks Name: Address: Website: Contact Name: Address: Website: Contact Frear Park and Golf Course Corner of Park Blvd and Lavin Ct. Troy NY 12180 www.troyny.gov/Departments/Parks_Recreation/GolfCourse (518) 270-4553 Freedom Park Schonowee Ave, Scotia www.freedomparkscotia.com Check website for summer concerts and events! Free Name: Address: Website: Contact Grafton Lakes State Park 100 Grafton Lakes State Park Way, Cropseyvile, NY 12052 www.graftonparks.com/ (518) 279-1155 Free Name: Address: Website: Contact Name: Address: Website: Contact Great Flats Nature Trail Schenectady http://alltrails.com/trail/us/new-york/great-flats-nature-trail N/A Indian Meadow Park Droms Rd., Glenville www.townofglenville.org/Public_Documents/GlenvilleNY_Parks/index (518) 688-1200, ext 321 NYS Parks charge $10 per vehicle or you can get an Access Pass that permits residents of NYS with Disabilities free or discounted use of state parks, historic sites, and recreational facilities. Go to the website and click on the link for the access pass http://parks.ny.gov 14 Parks Name: Address: Website: Contact Lions Park 3439 Rosendale Rd., Niskayuna www.niskayuna.org/Public_Documents/NiskayunaNY_Rec/lions_park (518) 386-4592 Free Name: Address: Website: Contact Lock 7 Boat Launch Lock 7 Park, River Rd Niskayuna http://www.niskayuna.org/Public_Documents/NiskayunaNY_Rec/lock_7_boat_launch (518) 386-4592 Free Name: Website: Milton Playground http://www.maltamama.com/home/parks-playgrounds-burgess-kimball-memorial-park-milton Free Name: Address: Website: Contact Peerless Pool 19 Roosevelt Dr. Saratoga, NY 12866 www.nysparks.com (518) 584-2535 Open from 6/28-9/1, 10a-6p $ Name: Address: Website: Contact Plotter Kill Preserve Rotterdam, see website http://www.schenectadycounty.com/FullStory.aspx?m=194&amid=769 N/A Free NYS Parks charge $10 per vehicle or you can get an Access Pass that permits residents of NYS with Disabilities free or discounted use of state parks, historic sites, and recreational facilities. Go to the website and click on the link for the access pass http://parks.ny.gov 15 Parks Name: Address: Website: Contact River Rd Park 2555 River Rd., Niskayuna http://www.niskayuna.org/Public_Documents/NiskayunaNY_Rec/river_road (518) 386-4592 Free Name: Address: Website: Contact Saratoga Spa State Park 19 Roosevelt Ln., Saratoga Springs, NY http://nysparks.com/parks/saratogaspa/details.aspx Free Name: Address: Website: Contact Schdack Island State Park 1 Schodack Way, Schodack Landing, NY 12156 www.schodack.org/park.htm (518) 732-0187 Free Name: Address: Website: Contact Thatcher State Park 1 Hales Cave Rd, Voorheesville, NY 12186 http://nysparks.com/parks/128/ (518) 872-1237 Free Name: Address: Website: Contact Molly Stark St. Park 705 Rt 9 East, Wilmington, VT www.vtstateparks.com/htm/mollystark.htm 802-464-5460 Open 10a-Sunset, free admission NYS Parks charge $10 per vehicle or you can get an Access Pass that permits residents of NYS with Disabilities free or discounted use of state parks, historic sites, and recreational facilities. Go to the website and click on the link for the access pass http://parks.ny.gov 16 Parks Name: Address: Website: Contact Bear Mountain State Park 55 Hessian Dr. Bear Mountain, NY www.visitbearmountain.com/bear-mountain-state-park.htm 845-786-2701 Free Name: Address: Website: Contact Crandall Park 576-600 Glen St, Glens Falls, NY 12801 http://www.crandallpark.com/ No admission-Check site for events*** New for 2015, Outdoor Exercise Equipment! Free Name: Pack Forest Address: 276 Pack Forest Rd Warrensburg NY 12885 Website: http://www.dec.ny.gov/education/1875.html Contact Free Name: Address: Website: Contact Northville Village Beach 283 State Highway 30 Amsterdam NY http://www.44lakes.com/things-to-do/northville-village-beach/ (518) 863-4040 May have fees for parking, check website Name: Address: Website: Contact Riverlink Park Main St., Amsterdam NY http://www.amsterdamny.gov/visitors/parks.php Check website for fun summer events! NYS Parks charge $10 per vehicle or you can get an Access Pass that permits residents of NYS with Disabilities free or discounted use of state parks, historic sites, and recreational facilities. Go to the website and click on the link for the access pass http://parks.ny.gov 17 Parks Name: Normanskill Preserve Address: Mill Rd., Albany NY Website: http://mohawkhudson.org/our-preserves/normans-kill-preserves/ Contact Free Name: Prospect Park Address: 65 Prospect Rd. Troy, NY Website: http://www.troyny.gov/Departments/Parks_Recreation/prospectpark.aspx Contact Free Name: Ballston Veterans Bike Path Address: see website Contact Free Website: http://www.traillink.com/trail/ballston-veterans-bike-path.aspx 18 Services and Leisure Name: Address: Website: Contact Boulevard Bowl 1315 Erie Blvd., Schenectady http://www.eboulevardbowl.com/ (518) 374-4171 $$-$$$ Name: Address: Website: Contact Del Lanes 4 Bethlehem Ct., Delmar http://bowldel.com (518) 439-2224 Check website for specials and pricing! Name: Address: Website: Contact The Candle Collective 20 Prospect St., Ballston Spa, NY 12020, Building 2, Suite http://www.candle-collective.com/ (518) 288-3695 See website for hours, $$ Create your own candle! Name: Address: Website: Contact Comedy Works 500 Northern Blvd, Albany, NY 12204 http://www.thecomedyworks.com/ (518) 512-4075 Also-location in Saratoga! 388 Broadway, Saratoga NY 12866 Name: Address: Website: Contact Dutch Apple Cruises 141 Broadway, Albany, NY 12202 www.dutchapplecruises.com (518) 463-0220 Check Website for prices Name: Address: Contact Fantastic Sam's 4874 State Highway 30 Amsterdam, 12010 518-843-5863 $$$-$$$$ 19 Services and Leisure Name: Address: Website: Contact Glenville SportsPlex 104 Freemans Bridge Rd., Scotia www.glenvillesportplex.com (518) 393-4140 Check website for pricing! Name: Address: Website: Contact Jay Allen Studios 1839 Central Ave, Albany, NY 12205 www.jayallenbarberstudio.com (518) 869-5858 $$$-$$$$ Name: Address: Website: Contact JP Morgan cruises 278 River St, Troy, NY 12180 www.captainjpcruise.com (518) 270-1901 $$$-$$$$ Name: Address: Website: Contact: Jumping Jacks 5 Schonowee Ave. Scotia, NY 12302 www.jumpinjacksdriveininc.com/ 518-393-6101 Name: Address: Website: Contact LG Bowl 2211 Canada St., Lake George, NY www.lakegeorgebowl.com 518-668-5741 Check Website for prices Name: Address: Website: Contact Rollarama Skating Center 2710 Hamburg St., Schenectady NY http://www.rollarama.com (518) 355-2140 Check website for hours and schedule $$-$$$ 20 Services and Leisure Name: Address: Website: Contact Saratoga Casino and Raceway 342 Jefferson St., Saratoga NY 12866 http://www.saratogacasino.com (518) 584-2110 Open Daily, 8a-4a Must be 18 years or older Name: Address: Website: Contact Saratoga Lake Equestrian Center 467 County Route 75, Mechanicville NY 12118 http://www.saratoga.com/business/saratoga-lake-equestrian-center-11804/ (518) 788-1905 Camp offered during the summer! Call for appointments and costs. Name: Address: Website: Contact Saratoga Paint & Sip Studio 80 Henry St., Saratoga NY 12866 http://www.saratogapaintandsip.com (518) 584-5244 Check websites for dates! $$$$ Name: Address: Website: Contact Saratoga Race Track 267 Union Ave, Saratoga NY 12866 http://www.saratogaracetrack.com (518) 584-6200 Dates: July 24th-Sept. 7th, Not open Tuesdays $$ Name: Address: Website: Contact Schenectady Ice Rink 5 Tower Rd., Scotia NY http://www.rinktime.com (518) 384-2445 Call for schedule. $-$$ Name: Address: Website: Contact Sparetime Bowling 1668 Rt 9 Clifton Park, NY 12065 www.sparetimeentertainment.com 371-4000 $$ "search Schenectady" 21 Services and Leisure Name: Address: Website: Contact Yankee Trails 569 3rd Avenue Extension, Rensselaer, NY 12144 www.yankeetrails.com (518) 286-2400 Check Website for prices Name: Address: Website: Contact Strawberry Ridge, Pick your own starwberries! 66 Middleton Rd, Granville Ny 12832 http://www.strawberryridge.org/ 518-642-1385 Check website for pricing! Name: Address: Website: Contact Great Escape 89 Six Flags Dr., Queensbury NY 12804 https://www.sixflags.com/greatescape/store/tickets Name: Address: Website: Contact Playdium Bowling Center 363 Ontario St., Albany NY 12208 Name: Address: Website: Contact Name: Address: Website: Contact Staff get in free w/ ID! Check website for hours of operation http://playdiumbowlingcenter.com (518) 438-0300 Check website for hours & pricing Sunset Lanes 1160 Central Ave., Albany NY http://www.sunsetrecreation.com (518) 545-4385 Check website for hours & pricing Shelly's Cut & Style 204 Remsen St., Cohoes NY 12047 N/A (518) 238-0325 22 Albany County County Website of Events: http://www.albany.org/events/ Name: Address: Website: Contact: Albany Capital Pride Washington Park, Albany NY www.albany.com/event/capital-pride-58748/ 518-462-6138 Description: See Website for more information Name: Address: Website: Contact: Description: Albany Therapeutic Riding Center 182 Martin Rd, Voorheesville, NY 12186 http://www.justhorses.com/ind/C660.html (518)765-2764 Therapeutic riding programs. Name: Address: Website: Contact: Alive at 5 Jennings Landing www.albanyevents.org/events/Alive_at_Five__3_event_main.htm Check Website Description: Music, Food and little shops! Name: Address: Website: Contact: Capital Repertory Theater 111 NORTH PEARL STREET ALBANY, NY 12207 http://capitalrep.org/ (518) 445-7469 Description: Puts on various performances Name: Address: Website: Contact: Coccadotts Bakery 584 New Loudon Road Loudonville, NY 12110 www.coccadotts.com/loudonville 518.713.4712 Description: A bakery that will by appointment do cupcake tutorials or “girls night out” events with small groups. Quiet location and environment 23 Albany County County Website of Events: Name: Address: Website: Contact: Description: Name: Address: Website: Contact: Description: http://www.albany.org/events/ Dave and Busters 1 Crossgates Mall Rd. Albany NY www.daveandbusters.com (518) 313-4500 Video arcade and restaurant. Joannes Fabric 1440 Central Ave, Albany, NY 12205 www.joann.com (518) 459-5026 A tutorial or “how-to” session for many arts and crafts Name: Address: Website: Contact: Madison Theater 1036 Madison Ave, Albany, NY 12208 http://www.themadisontheater.com/ (518) 438-2094 Description: Different plays, movies and activities Name: Address: Website: Contact: Old songs Festival Altamont Fair Grounds http://festival.oldsongs.org/ (518) 765-2815 Description: Price: $$ See website for dates Name: Address: Website: Contact: Pottery Place 1475 Western Ave #55, Albany, NY 12203 www.potteryplace.com (518) 446-0870 Description: This is a sensory place using your hands to make ceramics. A quiet location and good for one on one outings 24 Albany County County Website of Events: http://www.albany.org/events/ Funny Bone Comedy and Restaurant Crossgates Mall, Albany Name: Address: Website: Contact: http://albany.funnybone.com/ (518) 313-7484 Description: Check website for calendar & pricing! Name: Albany Pinebush Discovery Center Address: 195 New Karner Rd, Albany NY 12205 Website: http://www.albanypinebush.org/discovery-center/admission-and-hours Contact: Descriptio Hours 9a-4p daily, 10a-4p weekends and holidays, Free admission! Name: Rudy A. Ciccotti Family Recreation Center Address: 30 Aviation Rd, Albany, NY 12205 Website: http://www.ciccotticenter.org/ Contact: 518-867-8920 Descriptio See website for hours $15 for a day pass! Indoor Water Slides! Name: Guptill's Skate Arena Address: 1085 New Loudon Rd., Cohoes Ny 12047 Website: www.guptillsarena.com Contact: (518) 785-0660 Descriptio Roller skate rink, arcade, & more! Name: Address: Website: Contact: Palace Theater 19 Clinton Ave., Albany NY 12207 http://palacealbany.com/ (518) 465-3334 Descriptio Many shows, check website for details, pricing 25 Albany County http://www.albany.org/events/ Spectrum Theater 290 Delaware Ave., Albany Ny 12209 Name: Address: Website: Contact: https://www.landmarktheatres.com/albany-ny/spectrum-8-theatres (518) 449-8995 Description: Movie theater, see schedule on website Indian Ladder Farms 342 Altamont RD., Route 156, Altamont Name: Address: Website: http://www.indianladderfarms.com/ Contact: (518) 765-2956 Descriptio Starts 5/4, many events, check website Name: Address: Website: Contact: Altamont Orchards Strawberry Picking Pick your Descriptio own starts 6654 Dunnsville Rd., Altamont NY http://altamontorchards.com/ (518) 861-6515 Mon-Fri 8a-12:30p, Sat 8a-3p Bring your own containers!! 26 Fulton- Montgomery County Name: Address: Website: Contact: Adirondack Animal Land 3554 State Highway 30, Gloversville, NY 12078 http://www.adirondackanimalland.com/ Name: Address: Website: Contact: Description: Bellinger's Orchard 685 Argersinger Rd., Fultonville, NY 12072 http://bellingersorchard.com/ (518) 922-8558 Mazes, Tours, Hayride, Pick Your Own… $$-$$$ Name: Address: Website: Buck Moon Arts Festival 2805 State Hwy 67 Johnstown, New York 12095http://buckmoonartsfestival.com/ Description: Mid-Summer Creative Celebration Free Name: Address: Website: Contact: Description: High Rollers Skate and Fun Park 4313 NY-30, Amsterdam, NY 12010 http://www.highrollersfun.com/ (518) 843-0783 Roller skating, Batting Cages, Go Karts $$-$$$$ Name: Address: Website: Contact: Description: Howe Caverns 255 Discovery Drive, Howes Cave, NY 12092 http://howecaverns.com/ 518- 296-8900 Tour natural caves, sip lining, rock wall, and more $$$$ $$$$ Cash Only 27 Fulton- Montgomery County Name: Website: Contact: Description: Maple Open House http://www.44lakes.com/maple-open-house-weekends-in-fulton-county/ Mary Jeanne Packer: 518-854-7386 Tour of Sugar Houses Free Name: Address: Website: Contact: Description: Sands Flat Orchard 371 Martin Road, Fonda, NY 12068 http://sandflatsorchard.com/ (518) 853-4999 Pick your own fruits, tours $-$$ Name: Address: Website: Contact: Walter Elwood Museum 10 Church St. Amsterdam, NY 12010 http://www.walterelwoodmuseum.org/ (518) 843-5151 $ Name: Address: Website: Contact: Description: Name: Address: Website: Contact: Description: Fulton County Sports Hall of Fame 237 Kingsboro Ave., Gloversville NY 12078 http://emerydesigns.net/Hall_of_Fame/index.html 518-725-5565 See website for more information Wildlife Sports and Educational Museum 3747 Route 30 Amsterdam NY 12010 http://www.wildlifesportsmuseum.com/ 518-883-4933 Open daily 10a-5p, check website for pricing and more information 28 29 Rensselear County Name: Brunswick Golf Course Address: 1004 Brunswick Rd. Troy, NY Website: http://www.brunswickgreens.net Contact: (518) 279-3848 Name: 4-M's Farm Address: 2537 Phillips Rd., Castleton NY 12032 Website: http://www.4msfarm.net/ Contact: 518 477-5470 Description: Come & learn about horses Must make an appt. Name: Lebanon Valley Speedway Address: 1746 US Rt. 20, West Lebanon, NY Website: http://www.lebanonvalley.com/ Contact: (518) 794-9606 Description: Race track and Concession Stand $$-$$$ Name: Troy Saving Bank Music Hall Address: 30 Second St. Troy, NY Website: http://www.troymusichall.org/ Contact: (518) 273-0038 Description: Music Concerts $$$-$$$$ 30 Name: Capital Roots Address: 594 River St., Troy Ny 12180 Website: http://www.capitalroots.org Contact: (518) 274-8685 Community Gardens, check website for more info Name: Engelke Farms Address: 463 Garfield Rd., Troy Ny 12180 Website: www.engelkefarm.com Contact: (518) 275-8433 Description: Many activities & events, Check website for pricing, hours Name: Children's Museum Address: 250 Jordan Rd., Troy Ny Website: http://www.cmost.org/ Contact: (518) 235-2120 Description: Interactive exhibits, planetarium $5 per person Name: Tri-City Valley Cats Address: HVCC, 80 Vandenburgh Ave., Troy NY 12180 Website: www.Tcvalleycats.com Contact: (518) 629-2287 Description: Baseball games, check website for special event nights! 31 Name: Uncle Sam's Lanes Address: 600 Fulton St., Troy Ny 12180 Website: http://www.walshbowlingcenters.com/Uncle_Sam_Lanes.html Contact: (518) 271-7800 Name: Liberty Ridge Farms Address: 29 Bevis Rd, Schaghticoke NY Website: www.libertyridgefarmny.com Contact: (518) 664-1515 Description: Sells fresh fruits, vegetables, other events activities. Check website Name: Dyken Pond Environmental Education Center Address: 475 Dyken Pond, Grafton NY 12028 Website: http://dykenpond.org/ Contact: 518-658-2055 Description: Activities and workshops dedicated to environmental education. Name: Goold's Orchard Address: 1297 Brookview Station Rd., Castleton NY 12033 Website: www.goold.com Contact: 518-732-7317 Description: Pick your own vegetables/berries in season 32 Saratoga County County Website of Events: http://www.lakegeorge.com/events Name: Eagle Mills Cider Mill & Family Fun Address: 383 County Rd. 138, Broadalbin NY 12025 Website: http://www.eaglemillsfun.com Contact: (518) 883-8700 Description: Ice Cream & Activities! See website for more info Name: Ellms Family Farm Address: 448 Charlton Rd., Ballston Spa NY 12020 Website: http://www.ellmsfarms.com Contact: (518) 884-8168 Description: See website for events! Name: Lakeside Farms Address: 336 Schauber Rd., Ballston Lake NY 12019 Website: http://www.lakesidefarmscidermill.com/ Contact: (518) 899-8359 Description: Mini fresh market with breakfast or lunch menus, apple cider donuts Name: Saratoga Performing Arts Center Address: 108 Avenue of the Pines, Saratoga NY 12866 Website: http://www.spac.org Contact: (518) 584-9330 Description: Many Events and Concerts, Check website for details Name: Saratoga & North Creek Railway Address: 26 Station Ln. Saratoga, Née 12866 Website: http://www.sncrr.com/ Contact: 1-877-726-7245 Description: Train Ride, Scenic lunch and dinner rides 33 Saratoga County County Website of Events: http://www.lakegeorge.com/events Name: Yaddo Gardens Address: 312 Union Ave., Saratoga NY 12866 Website: http://www.yaddo.org/yaddo/Yghome.asp Contact: (518) 584-0746 Description: Tranquil rose gardens Name: Malta Drive-Ins Address: 2785 Route 9 Malta Ny 12020 Website: http://www.maltadrivein.com/ Contact: (518) 587-6077 Description: Drive In movies 12 and over $9, under 12 $5 Name: Saratoga City Center Address: 522 Broadway, Saratoga, NY 12866 Website: http://www.saratogacitycenter.org/ Contact: (518) 584-0027 Description: Many events, check website! 34 Schenectady County County Website of Events: http://www.albany.com/schenectady/ Name: Animal Protective Foundation, Animal Shelter Address: 53 Maple Ave., Scotia Website: www.animalprotective.org Contact: (518) 374-3944 Description: Visit animals Free Name: Bumpy's Polar Freeze Address: 2013 State St., Schenectady Website: www.bumpyspolarfreeze.com Contact: (518) 395-3314 Description: Ice cream and bumper cars Open Daily 11a-9p Name: Jazz on Jay Address: Jay St., Schenectady Website: www.albanyjazz.com Contact: See website Description: $-$$$ Free concert series, every Thursday 12p-1:30p, free Name: Proctor's Theater Address: 432 State St., Schenectady Website: www.proctors.org Contact: (518) 346-6204 Description: Many Events…check the website! Name: Schenectady Bingo Palace Address: 1866 State St., Schenectady Website: N/A Contact: (518) 374-2262 Description: Call for more information 35 Schenectady County County Website of Events: http://www.albany.com/schenectady/ Name: Schenectady Community College Address: 78 Washington Ave., Schenectady Website: http://www.sunysccc.edu/news/calendar.html Description: Many events/concerts, check site Name: Schenectady Opera Company Address: 427 Franklin St., Schenectady Website: http://www.sloctheater.org/ Contact: 1-877-350-7378 Description: Plays, shows…check website Name: Scotia Cinemas Address: 117 Mohawk Ave., Scotia Website: www.scotiacinema.net Contact: (518) 346-5055 Description: Movies Name: Stockade Village Outdoor art Show Address: Check website Website: www.stockadeartshow.com/ Contact: (518) 952-0946 Description: $ Happening in Sept! Free Name: VIA Entertainment Address: Rotterdam Mall Website: Contact: http://www.viaportrotterdam.com/viaport-entertaintment-now-open/ (518) 357-3025 Description: Arcade similar to Dave & Buster's, Restaurant Inside! Bowling alley & Aquarium to soon come 36 Schenectady County County Website of Events: http://www.albany.com/schenectady/ Name: Puzzles Café Address: 515 State St. Schenectady Ny Website: http://www.puzzlesbakerycafe.com/ (518) 2980-2620 Description: Check website for happening events! Name: Art In Mind Creative Wellness Address: 272 Saratoga Rd., Schenectady NY 12302 Website: https://www.artinmindstudio.com/ Contact: (518) 477-3798 Description: $15 per hours session Art Classes of all kinds, Check website for hours Name: Canvas, Corks, & Forks (Paint & Sip) Address: 402 Union St., Schenectady 12302 Website: http://www.canvascorksandforks.com/index.html Contact: (518) 332-6854 Description: Name: 7p-10p, $28-$28 sessions STEP (Saratoga Therapeutic Equestrian Program) Address: Glenville, NY Website: www.stepup-nfec.org Contact: (518) 374-5116 Description: Karen Stanley White Therapeutic riding program for children and adults with special needs. Typically $38/lesson, early Spring-Nov., Tues & Sat 37 Warren County County Website of Events: http://www.americantowns.com/ny/warren-county/events Name: 190 Grill and Cinema Address: 190 Glen St. Glens Falls, NY 12801 Website: http://www.the190grille.com/ Contact: (518) 743-9622 Description: Prices vary, check website Name: Glens Falls Civic Center Address: 1 Civic Center Plaza, Glens Falls, NY Website: www.glensfallscc.com/ Contact: 518-798-0366 Description: $10 Yr walking pass. Check out Website Name: Glens Falls YMCA Address: 100 Glens St., Glens Falls NY Website: www.glensfallsymca.org Contact: 518-793-3878 Description: M-F: 5a-10p, Weekend: 6a-&p Name: The Great Escape Address: 89 Six Flags Dr. Queensbury NY Website: www.sixflags.com/greatescape Contact: 518-824-6000 Description: Opens in May! Name: Lake George Address: Various Locations in Lake George Website: www.visitlakegeorge.com/things-to-do/nature-parks/parks-trails Contact: 800-958-4748 x143 Description: Trails and parks all in one great location. 38 Warren County County Website of Events: http://www.americantowns.com/ny/warren-county/events Name: LARAC Art Address: 7 Laphem Place, Glens Falls, NY Website: www.larac.org/ Contact: 518-798-1144 Description: Tons of Art events throughout year! Name: LG Youth Theater Address: 10 Windy Hill Rd.Glens Falls NY Website: www.lgyoutheatre.com/ Contact: 793-3521 Description: Different performances throughout year! Check website! Name: Lowes and Home Depot Address: Different locations Description: Contact your local store to see when classes are offered. Name: Sip and Canvas Address: 21 Bay St., Glens Falls, NY Website: www.sipandcanvas.com/home/ Contact: 518-791-4888/Email- trevor@sipandcanvas.com Description: Paint and sip different paintings. Prices $35 Name: Taste of North Country Address: Glens Falls City Park Website: www.lakegeorge.com Contact: (518) 744-7470 Description: Amazing food venues all in once place, pay for what you eat! 39 Warren County County Website of Events: http://www.americantowns.com/ny/warren-county/events Name: Tubby Tubes Address: 1289 Lake Ave., Lake Luzerne NY 12846 Website: www.tubbytubestubing.com/ Contact: 518-696-7222 Description: Tube on Water or on Land Depending on the weather! Check website for prices and dates. Name: Warren County Fish Hatchery Address: 145 Echo Lake Rd., Warrensburg NY 12885 Website: www.visitadirondacks.com/recreation/warren-county-fish-hatchery Contact: 518-623-2877 Description: Interpretive film, visitor center. Staff guided and self guided tours, birding canoe access, fishing, picnic; pavilion rental available. Name: The Wood Theatre Address: 207 Glen St. Glans Falls, NY Website: www.woodtheater.org Contact: 518-798-9633 Description: Theater events $ Name: Up Yonda Farm Address: 5239 Lake Shore Dr., Bolton Landing, NY Website: www.upyondafarm.com/ Contact: 518-644-9767 Description: Experience Nature and Fun activities in nature. Name: Lake GEORGE Steamboat Company Address: 57 Beach Road, Lake George Website: http://lakegeorgesteamboat.com/ Contact: (518) 668-5777 Description: See website for hours and admission prices., have many different options! 40 Warren County County Website of Events: http://www.americantowns.com/ny/warren-county/events Name: Bon’s Ice Cream and Mini Golf Address: #530 Lake Ave (9N), Lake Luzurne NY 12846 Website: http://bonsicecream.com/ Contact: (518) 696-2436 Description: Open 11a-10p 7 days a week! Wheelchair accessible! Name: Chapman Historical Museum Address: 384 Glen St. Glens Falls, NY 12801 Website: http://chapmanmuseum.org/ Contact: (518) 793-2826 Description: Admission $5 Hours: Tues-Sat 10a-4p, Sundays 12p-4p Open Year Round Name: Glens Falls Co-Op Address: 11 South St. Glens Falls NY 12801 Website: http://glensfallscoop.com/shop/ Contact: (518) 683-2769 Description: Open Tuesday to Saturday-9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Shop local products and organic, check website for more information Name: The Fun Spot Address: 1035 US Route 9, Queensbury NY 12804 Website: http://thefunspot.net/ Contact: 518-792-8989 Description: Roller Skating, Laser Tag, Go-Carts, Indoor Playground! Check website for pricing Open daily 11a-10p ******* Websites for more information on Warren County Events ******* http://cityofglensfalls.com/ http://www.lakegeorge.com/ http://townofwarrensburg.org/ http://www.washingtoncounty.org/ 41 Out of Town County Website of Events: www.washingtoncounty.com/calender Name: ANIMAGIC MUSEUM OF ANIMATION (Distance) Dates: Call, Open all year Address: 77 Main St., Lee MA 01238 Website: http://www.mambor.com/animagic/ Contact 413-841-6679 Admission: Free-20 min tour!, Animated movie-2hr $$$$ Name: The Wild Center Address: 45 Museum Dr, Tupper Lake, NY 12986 Website: http://www.wildcenter.org/ Contact: Description: (518) 359-7800 Opens May 6th, hours vary check website Natural History Center with many fun activities and displays! Name: Bronx Zoo Address: Website: 2300 Southern Blvd., Bronx NY 10460 www.bronxzoo.com Contact: 718-367-1010 Description: Wed. is free all day. Call for Summer hours. Name: Utica Zoo Dates: Address: Year Round-10a-4:45pm 1 Utica Zoo Way, Utica NY 13501 Website: http://uticazoo.org/ Contact Admission: (315) 738-0472 Check website-pricing is different during Summer hours. Concession stand only accepts Cash Are able to bring in outside coolers, food, drink 42 Out of Town County Website of Events: www.washingtoncounty.com/calender Name: Faneuil Hall Market Place Address: 1 Faneuil Hall Sq., Boston, MA 02109 Website: www.faneuilhallmarketplace.com/ Contact: 617-635-4500 Description: Market place and entertainment free. Go to website to look at hours. Name: Medieval Times Address: 149 Polito Ave, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 Website: http://www.medievaltimes.com/ Contact: (888) 935-6878 Description: Jousting, horsemanship & falconry plus a 4-course, utensil-free meal served in a castle-like place. Pricing depends, check the website for specials Name: Muscoot Farm Address: 51 Rt. 100, Katonah NY 10536 Website: www.muscootfarm.org/ Contact: 914-864-7282 Description: Free, 10a-4p Closed Major Holidays Name: Natural Bridge State Park Address: Website: 1 McCauley Road, North Adams, MA 01247 Contact: 413-663-6392 Description: Free, Parking $2. Get in touch with nature. Name: New England Aquarium Dates: Address: Open every day year round-Mon-Fri 9a-5p, Sat & Sun 9a-6p 1 Central Wharf, Boston, MA 02110 Website: Contact Admission: http://www.neaq.org/index.php (617) 973-5200 Adults 26.95, Kids 3-11 17.95 Combo tickets also available, check website www.berkshireweb.com/mohawktrail/natbridge.html 43 Out of Town County Website of Events: www.washingtoncounty.com/calender Name: STERLING HILL MINING MUSEUM (Distance) Dates: Store open Daily, Tours 10am-1pm (Monthly) Address: 30 Plant Street, Ogdensburg, NJ 07439 Website: http://sterlinghillminingmuseum.org/ Contact 973-209-7212 info@sterlinghillminingmuseum.org Admission: $5 admission plus $1.50/lb all material taken Name: Vanderbilt Mansion and Historic Site Address: 4097 Albany Post Rd.Hyde Park, NY Website: www.nps.gov/vama/index.htm Contact: Description: 845-229-9115 Name: Walkway over Hudson Address: Website: 61 Parker Ave. Poughkeepsie, NY www.walkway.org Contact: 845-454-9649 Description: Walkway spanning the Hudson River. Name: Yankee Candle Village Address: Website: 25 Greenfield Rd. South, Deerfield MA 01373 www.yankeecandle.com/ Contact: 877-636-7707 Description: Free but some activities cost $. Open 10a-6pm Late 19th century mansion on expansive grounds and beautiful views. 44 Out of Town County Website of Events: www.washingtoncounty.com/calender Name: Turning Stone Resort & Casino Address: 5218 Patrick Rd, Verona, NY 13478 Website: https://www.turningstone.com/ Contact: (800) 771-7711 Description: Casino, many games including Bingo Check website for details Name: People and Places Address: 76 Riley St., East Aurora NY Website: http://www.people-and-places.org/ Contact: (716) 937-1813 Description: Sets up vacations for people with disabilities. See website for trips Name: Erie Canal Cruise Address: 800 Mohawk St. Herkimer, NY Website: http://www.eriecanalcruises.com/ Contact: (315) 866-5989 Description: Cruises of all kinds! Check website for details and pricing 45
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