MOACS Overview-final
MOACS Overview-final
DES CHAMPS PRODUCTS MODULAR OUTSIDE AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS A Complete Family of Standard Models for Heat Recovery & Humidity Control MOACS Models 1,000 – 10,000 SCFM MODEL MBB MODULAR OUTSIDE AIR CONDITIONER MODEL MWB MODULAR WRINGER ® MODELS MBS/MBT MODULAR HEAT RECOVERY MODELS MWS/MWT MODULAR WRINGER® PLUS INTRODUCTION The Modular Outside Air Conditioning System (MOACS) is a family of six pre-engineered models for heat recovery and humidity control. These modular-type packaged units range from 1,000 through 10,000 SCFM, and are suited for all climates, applications, and budgets. Each of the six models offers the flexibility of several module configurations with options. Modules and options include: fans; heat pipe heat exchangers; rotary heat exchangers (wheels); DX or chilled water coil sections; anti-microbial filters with 30% or 90% efficiency rating; integral or remote condensing units; gas, electric, hot gas, or hydronic heating modules; and utility modules for field-installed components. The condensing section, which can be ordered integral to the units, features an 11.0 EER and mixmatched multiple compressors to ensure optimum capacity control without the need for energywasting hot-gas bypass. All units are equipped with a programmable microprocessor-based digital controller. H UM I D I T Y C O NT R OL MODULAR OUTSIDE AIR CONDITIONER Basic air conditioning Model MBB consists of dehumidifying cooling coils, along with heating, cooling, refrigeration, and filtration options. MODULAR WRINGER Humidity control with free precool and reheat Model MWB utilizes a heat pipe heat exchanger for free precooling and reheat, along with heating, cooling, refrigeration, and filtration options. H E AT RE C O V E RY MODULAR SENSIBLE HEAT RECOVERY Sensible heat recovery Model MBS utilizes a heat pipe heat exchanger for sensible heat recovery, along with heating, cooling, refrigeration, and filtration options. MODULAR TOTAL HEAT RECOVERY Sensible and latent heat recovery Model MBT utilizes a rotary heat exchanger for total (sensible and latent) heat recovery, along with heating, cooling, refrigeration, and filtration options. H UM I D I T Y C O NT R OL P L US HEAT RECOVERY MODULAR SENSIBLE WRINGER PLUS Humidity control plus sensible heat recovery Model MWS consists of two heat pipe heat exchangers, along with heating, cooling, refrigeration, and filtration options. In summer, one heat pipe heat exchanger provides free sensible precooling, and the other heat pipe provides reheat by recovering energy from the exhaust air. In winter, both heat pipes provide sensible heat recovery. MODULAR TOTAL WRINGER PLUS Humidity control plus sensible and latent heat recovery Model MWT consists of a heat pipe heat exchanger and a rotary heat exchanger, along with heating, cooling, refrigeration, and filtration options. In summer, the rotary heat exchanger provides free total (sensible and latent) precooling, and the heat pipe heat exchanger provides reheat by recovering energy from the exhaust air. In winter, the rotary heat exchanger provides total heat recovery and the heat pipe provides additional sensible heat recovery. MODULAR OUTSIDE AIR CONDITIONER MODEL MBB The Modular Outside Air Conditioner is a packaged ventilation air system that provides basic mechanical cooling. It controls space humidity at full and part-load conditions with the addition of optional reheat. FE ATURES Supplies 100% outside air Efficient low-cost cooling Low ambient conditions 11.0 EER condensing unit 1,000 –10,000 SCFM ETL listed Cooling coil (DX or chilled water) Reheat coil (hot water, steam, indirect gas, or hot-gas) Preheat coil (hot water or steam) Integral or remote air-cooled condensing section Single-point electrical connection Roof curb Down discharge Dampers SC H E M ATI C O F A I R F L O W T3 OPTIONAL REHEAT T2 COOLING/ DEHUMIDIFICATION COIL % T1 50 % 70 % 90 % PS YC H R O M E T R I C S • T1 is outdoor air at design conditions. • T2 is the condition of the supply air off the dehumidification coil. • T3 is supply air after it has been reheated. 30 O P E R A T I O N STANDARD OPTIONS OUTDOOR AIR ON TI A IC IF ID M HU DE T2 AD LO T1 OPTIONAL REHEAT T3 ITY UMID IVE H T A L RE 10% 35 45 55 65 75 85 DRY BULB TEMPERATURE (DEGREES F) 95 105 115 1 DES CHAMPS PRODUCTS MODULAR WRINGER® MODEL MWB The Modular Wringer is a packaged humidity control system with free precool and reheat, supplied with an integral heat pipe heat exchanger. It efficiently controls space humidity at full and part-load conditions. FEATURES Supplies 100% outside air Efficient humidity control Energy saving heat pipe Wringer® loop Improves indoor air quality (IAQ) Meets ASHRAE 62-1989 requirements 11.0 EER condensing unit 1,000 –10,000 SCFM ETL listed Dehumidification coil (DX or chilled water) Reheat coil (hot water, steam, and indirect gas) Preheat coil (hot water or steam) Integral or remote air-cooled condensing section Single-point electrical connection Summer drybulb temperature control Roof curb Down discharge Dampers S C H E M AT I C O F A I R F LO W T4 T3 COOLING/ DEHUMIDIFICATION COIL HEAT PIPE T2 50 % 70 % T1 90 % P S Y C H R O M E T R IC S 30 % O P E R A T I O N STANDARD OPTIONS • T1 is outside air at design conditions. • T2 is the condition of air after precooling in the heat exchanger. • T3 is the condition of the supply air off the dehumidification coil. • T4 is supply air after it has been reheated by the heat exchanger. ON TI A IC IF ID M HU DE T3 AD LO PRECOOLING T2 FREE REHEAT OUTSIDE AIR T1 T4 Y MIDIT E HU LATIV E R 10% 35 2 45 55 65 75 85 DRY BULB TEMPERATURE (DEGREES F) 95 105 115 DES CHAMPS PRODUCTS M O D U L A R H E AT R E C O V E R Y S Y S T E M S MODEL MBS–SENSIBLE HEAT RECOVERY MODEL MBT–TOTAL HEAT RECOVERY The Modular Heat Recovery packaged systems provide sensible and total heat recovery. FE ATURES Supplies 100% outside air Efficient humidity control Sensible or total heat recovery MBS: Efficient heat recovery in winter-dominant climates MBT: Sensible and latent heat transfer in summerdominant climates Meets ASHRAE 62-1989 requirements 11.0 EER condensing unit 1,000–10,000 SCFM ETL listed STANDARD OPTIONS Auxiliary cooling (DX or chilled water) Auxiliary heating (hot water, steam, and indirect gas) Preheat coil (hot water or steam) Integral or remote air-cooled condensing section Single-point electrical connection Roof curb Down discharge Dampers O P E R A T I O N SC H E M ATI C O F A I R F L O W T6 T5 T1 T4 T2 T3 ROTARY WHEEL OR COOLING HEAT PIPE COIL REHEAT COIL PSYCHROMETRICS A LO ON I AT IC IF D I M HU DE T3 REHEAT D PRECOOLING OUTDOOR AIR T4,T5 N IO AT C I IF ID M U H DE T3 REHEAT T1 T2 EXHAUST T6 L 45 55 65 75 85 95 DRY BULB TEMPERATURE (DEGREES F) 105 % 50 % 70 % 90 % G IN OL O C T6 RE T2 P T S U HA EX OUTDOOR AIR T1 T4, T5 ITY HUMID TIVE RELA 10% Y MIDIT E HU LATIV E R 10% 35 MODEL MBT 30 30 % 50 % 70 % 90 % M OD E L MBS • T1 is outdoor air at design conditions. • T2 is the condition of the supply air after precooling in the heat exchanger. • T3 is the condition of the supply air off the cooling coil. • T4 is supply air after it has been reheated. • T5 is return air at space design conditions. • T6 is the return air condition exiting the D heat exchanger. OA 115 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 DRY BULB TEMPERATURE (DEGREES F) 105 115 3 MODULAR WRINGER PLUS MODEL MWS–SENSIBLE WRINGER PLUS MODEL MWT–TOTAL WRINGER PLUS The Modular Wringer Plus systems are packaged humidity control systems with sensible or total heat recovery. These systems efficiently control space humidity at full and part-load conditions. FEATURES Supplies 100% outside air Efficient humidity control Sensible and total heat recovery 85% efficient winter heat recovery Building pressurization control Improves indoor air quality (IAQ) Meets ASHRAE 62-1989 requirements 11.0 EER condensing unit 1,000–10,000 SCFM ETL listed STANDARD OPTIONS SC H E M ATI C O F A I R F L O W Auxiliary cooling (DX or chilled water) Auxiliary heating (hot water, steam, and indirect gas) Preheat coil (hot water or steam) Integral or remote air-cooled condensing section Single-point electrical connection Summer drybulb temperature control Roof curb Down discharge Dampers COOLING COIL T4 T2 T3 T5 T1 T8 T7 HEAT PIPE ROTARY WHEEL OR HEAT PIPE PSYCHROMETRICS 90 % MO D EL MWS 70 % 30 % 50 % 50 % 70 % A LO ON I AT IC IF D I M T7 HU E D T3 REHEAT T4 D PRECOOLING T2 • T1 is outdoor air at design conditions. • T2 is the condition of the supply air after precooling in the heat recovery heat exchanger. • T3 is the condition of the supply air off the cooling coil. • T4 is the condition after it has been reheated through the heat pipe heat exchanger. • T5 is the supply air after it has been MODEL MWT reheated. • T6 is return air at space design conditions. • T7 is the return air condition in between heat exchangers. • T8 is the return air condition exiting the OUTDOOR AIR AD T1 LO heat exchanger. G N OUTDOOR AIR T1 30 % T6 90 % O P E R A T I O N REHEAT COIL O TI CA FI I ID UM T7 H DET3 REHEAT T8 T5,6 EXHAUST T2 T4 LIN OO T8 EC R P EXHAUST T5,6 Y MIDIT E HU LATIV E R 10% ITY UMID IVE H ELAT R % 10 35 4 45 55 65 75 85 95 DRY BULB TEMPERATURE (DEGREES F) 105 115 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 DRY BULB TEMPERATURE (DEGREES F) 105 115 DES CHAMPS PRODUCTS MOACS MODULES & MODULE OPTIONS / DU AIR MO E R ID T AI TS OU AUS H EX AIR ULE IDE MOD S T OU PPLY SU N FA G F AS UR N E AC M I /CO U OD O LM DU LE E G PIP AN AT EXCH E H AT HE LE N FA LE /RE AIR E Y L L PP DU SU MO AIR TU D MO UL E O RM DU E CO I O LM LE DU T EA L H ULE E HE OD Y W ER M R G TA RO HAN C EX LE RN IL UT ITY M U OD G LE SIN ODU N E ND N M CO TIO C SE LE AVAI L A B L E M O D UL E S BY UNIT MODULE Outside Air Supply Outside Air/ Exhaust Air Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger Rotary Wheel Heat Exchanger Fan/Coil MBB MWB • • • MBS MBT MWS MWT • • • • •(2) • • • • • • Fan • • • • Coil • • • • • • • • • • • • Gas Furnace • • Supply Air/ Return Air Utility • • • • • • Condensing Section • • • • • • 5 DES CHAMPS PRODUCTS C O N S T R U C T I O N F E AT U R E S D E S IG N ED F O R E A S Y IN S TALLATION • Steel Base • Single-Point Electrical Connection • Simplified Rigging S I MP L E M A I N T E N A N C E • Easily Serviced • Ready Access T R O UB L E -F R E E P E R F O R MANCE • • • • • • • Commercial-Quality Condensing Section IAQ Compatible Construction All-Welded Aluminized Steel Floor Stainless Steel Drain Pans Heavy-Duty Fans High-Density Insulation Rigid Casing A P P L I C AT I O N F E AT U R E S SOLVES DESIGN PROBLEMS • Meets Codes • Solves Existing Indoor Air Quality Problems • Solves Part-Load Performance Problems EASY TO SELECT AND APPLY • Modular Design • Simple Selection • Compact FAST TURNAROUND • Standard Product simple to install • Quick, Easy Installation • Flexible INEXPENSIVE TO OWN • Reduced Energy Cost • Reduces Loads on Air Conditioning Equipment • Permits Effective Use of High-Efficiency Air Conditioning Equipment • Low Maintenance DES CHAMPS PRODUCTS 225 South Magnolia Avenue • Buena Vista, VA • 24416 540.291.1111 • Fax 540.291.2222 • • MOACS 10-27-07/PDF © 2007 Des Champs Technologies